08/01/1961 - 00023866��o CD�iN'rTL �SPdiJ'Cr,S - +�ri��i�T 1, 1�62 9 re�ular meetina of the C2ty Co�snc�l was called to ordar by N_a,yor Grei� at 8:00 P. M. I�OLL CHLL: Memb�rs F'resent: A7�mbers Absent APPR0ITAL OF N1INi1'PES: �sreip, Joha�son, Nee� Sheridan (arrived at 8:10), ?dolke (arrived at 8:50)« Tlane h;otion by Nee to approve the minutes of the July 18� 1961 meetin�. Seconded �y .Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there heing no navs, the motion carried unani- mauGly. OLD RUSINFSS: S�C01AD �F�1DIN� OF ORDSAIAIVC'�' N0� 18 RE?ONTUG LOTS API➢ 11�Ai?I7ITOR'S SiTH- -�---° ---��, — - DS�,SICIV P�F�_ �(�API➢ S,0`PS 1 TiiROUG�y_AiTDITOR!� S?`BDIJISIDN N0�15�: 7'he C�t;� ManaPer read the abov� ordinance. �Iotion h,y Johanson to accept this as the seconc� readin� of" the above ordinsnce, and to have it published. Se- condeei by �Iee. [?pon a voice vote, there being no na,ys� the motion carried u�ani- mously. BUILDZNC. PGRi�1 [T FOR D�?i'ARTMT�.NT STORF_ ON LO_S �_�ND 11,� ATJDITOR' 5 Si1BDIVISION vo � 54� � Mr. Sheldon '4ox�tenson presented plans for a department store to be built on Lots 9 znd 11, Au�litor's Subdivlsion No. 94. T�is store w�ill have '78�9�0 square feet. Sherzdrzn arrived at 5:10 P. M, 1'here was discussion on the street acoess, and on the storm sewer run-o£f, and uihether the storm sewer plans w2re ade�,uate in that particular area. Motion by Johanson to approve the buiLdin� permit. Seconded by Nee. T_ipon a voice vote, there being n� nays, the motion carried un�nimously. SRCON� .'�L,ADIAN^ OF ORD111� Vl;E N0, 1��6 ??+_'_OP�IA'C_ LOT.^� 1 TIIROITGH 4,. .riND LOT i 27 THROIIGI� 30s BTOC�_�HP."�9IL'fOIi'S ADDITIODI_TO NIFCHADIICSVILLE: The City Mana�er read the above ordlnance. Tlotion by Johanson to accept this as the secon�7 readin� of *he abovn ordinance� and to have it published. Seconded by Nee. �TPon a voice vote, there beinp no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,y. CDid�IDFRATTON OF' �rARI4NCE RF�.i1RST _ LOTS 12 AND 131 BLO�;K 4�,LOLIF7,i.�S 4DDI;IOPi: Mr. Eldon Hedtke had re�uested permission to build a residence on a 54 foot lot� havin� an area of Sy72L, sqnare feet. The Aoard of ApFea�s had recommended that the variance be �ranted, providin�? that the front of the house faces Mississippi Street Northeast, There was a discussion on the above matter, and whether or not the prop�rt� coulc3 possibl,y be used as a parkin� lot for the clinic, or some ather 6usiness ir LFP arcr.. The Git,y Manr��er stated that the party makir�� the reqt�est had nr,�, �ontected him dur�n� thP week, Motion b,y Johanson that this m�tSer be continued uat,il the Cou�r�l hears from the oi,mer. Seconded b5r Nee. Upon G voire va?e, there beinp r.o nays, the mn+ion carried unanSmously. CQ@1S_T17£Fi�ATIOP! OF R}�, ?UF�ST TO SUZI�D A RFTA1n1ING WALL IIY 'dII,FRls'Li THl?E'FP>NT 760 � 5 _ _ � __ __ _._. _ ____r_ _ _ _�_____.� _.. _._ � __ __ __ �__._w_�.-�� HACKM0.P]N �.�TN'i1F DfORTFE.4ST: T��; �st,y Nana{-�r recommen�ed tha� this pernit he denied. Motian hy Nee tn d�ny th� re�ue�t to ba;]� t,he retaininp wall on c�t5� propert,y. Secondec3 b,y Johanson. IInon a voice �ot^, there '�e�n� rio na5rs, the mc+ian carried unanimously. T1r. Diee sttii,e�i that the City M��aeer shou)_d tell tho perscn Niha� can be done on City rl�hi.-cf-wa_3. � 1 � � ' � � COPItiIDFR�T70A1_OF_COni,",TRIICITON FT ANS, BRZDG�: f 3?l_ AND PASSAGli OF RESOLirTICN �_ _� _m__ - — - 91�1�5]: .uir. Eeck anc Mr. McCubrey from the Hi�hwa}' Jepartment �aere pres�ni., an�7 explzit�eci the plans. hr. Beck explainecl tnat the dlrT ���oii]o he talcen f?•om th� exist,in�- right-of-�,a_y. The City Mana,a,c�r read the resolutzon. Nlotio�� L�9 Sheridan to adont the resolution in reference to th� approach c�f Prir`pe {,�q3?7, Secended b7r Al�e. iJpon a voice vote, there be:ng no nays, the motian c�trriec, unanimou;:ly. RESGLUTIGII_N0._42-�1°51 RFGARDIIiC FNCROl�CHNFI� T_ OF 1fi,tiNK_Hi�H�-JnY_ni0_ n91,: Mr. Iiohlan asked what the existing encroachments were. r''r. °�'cCubre}� statcd �ha� he did n�t kno�� tnat there were an,y. PQotion b,yr Jchanson �,o adopt th� resclu�,�cn in re�ard to proh?t�itlne encroachmrnt on H��hwav f#691,r Seconded by Nee, iT�on a voioe vote� there be�n�! no na�Ts$ the motion carried un€�nimously. ?rFl;! ffiIEINF55: OPENIMG OF BSP5 F0� SCHOOL ST�NALS: The L'ity t•iana�er opened the bids �ahich� were� rec�e�ved, as follows: Lee F`lectr�c - Robbinsda]ex I2lnnesot� - Bid Bond 5F - St. Pau1 Firp and 1�Iarine Bic� oi °61,��'�0.00 Lehn Electric - Ano�ra� M�nnescts Pid Boric' 5m - S{.. Paii] F;re and I�ar�ne Bid ot' ''F1,G58,0� Nr, Lehn from Lehn E]ectric, was pre�ent� anrl statcd that the t�.ro-cclnr s��nal would not be accFntebie in bi1nrrPSOta soon, but this s��nal couid be chan�er9 ann made into a tFreP-color sipnal �n the future. �'Iot,ion bv �her,dan to acaard tFi� bi�l for the Schcol Crosslr,� Sienal to �ehn E1PC�ric Ga�pany, Anoka, Minnesota in the amount of 1�1,/�5�.00. Secr,nded by Nee. iTnon a�mce vote, there be!n� no r.a,ys, the motian carried un�nimouslJ. CODISIDER'�TION OF BTDS 07>FN�.D AT 12 NOON JTTLY_"?l, 1961 FOR'nI_31iF,_Nl�D FASSA(;E CF RESOTTiTIOiv A0._93-1961_A��I9RDID'�_THE B1D: _� T� --�- The City l�ianaper anr.runced that the bic+s were o�aened on aul,y 31, }�f�1 ati l2 roan in the presence of Mr, �n�a�ner� Csty Mana�er; P%x•. Comst,ock} C�nsultx��? PnPineer; Mr, Brown, C�ty ��,r_�inee*; and Mr. �xrei�*� Ma,yor. ihe bzds which were rc�ce;ven are as follows; ST�DFft5 Frank Morettini g52 Glestmir_ister St. Paul, Minnesata Austin P. He]ler 2Q67 N. Alber{� St. Paul ]3, N,innesota Pet,Fr Lametti Const. 615 Drake Street St. Pau] 22, Minn, Herbst Con ,t. Co. 1550 H; �a�.ray J,'10 Minnea,rolis 2]_, Minz?. BTD SFCTTRITY Seaboard 5� Ohio Farmer 5� SPabUard 5� rlaryl a n d Casualty 5� LPMP SiII4 BI➢ _ �170, 216, C�0 �]15,712.�0 ?�113,59ti.95 "5117, 270 . DO Nodland Const. Go. St, Pa�ll Alexandr�a� Minnesota FirP R N.�rine 5� �S1C�4:OOD.�O Barberossa R. Sons, Inc. St. Faul 402 - 33rd Ave. No, Fire 8� St, Gloudx h4innesnta Marane 5f� '�11%,06Q,�� Randal] Bros. 3i�ro Silver Lake �td. Minnea�alis 18a Minu. S+„ Fau] Fire 8� Marine 5J i14r,61?.5Q Ai�TF',RNATF,_ �'(]_ � z,,00.00 1h 3,508.50 "� 2��88.£SO '�� 23353,�0 �S ?_,18�3,£tC7 � 3,t�31.00 y5 ',>'25.�0 C0;•1PLFTIOh �_T1�F___ 9D Ca7. lla9s Spe r , 9�' Ca1. Da�rs SF�°C. Snecr 40 Cal. D��re 90 Cal. P�ys �22 t�.Tri�Fr; Horha7 Const, 534� Penn �ve. N. T-��nneaFolis 17_, Minn BID �F C�iRI'1"i No c�id Mont,comery Con�t. Go. St. Crozx Fa?7s, �'is No �id LU1�P SUN� _B1D i�Ia3bon Excavst9n� Co, F4del�t�y R� 324r Ai�hu:�y #8 3�epc,slt, Ninneapclis, Mlnr�. Mar,yland 5� � 97,9g0.0� Orfe� & Snns ll56 Eiomer St. Paizl, M9_nnesota Lamctti & Sans 2?J n. P�scal Str �'aul �x Minn. Northern C�ntract Co Fopkins, M�nnesota Seaboarr3 ",ux•Pty SM Seaboar� S urr; t,y 5% Marp2and Casualty 5� �h' 19,43�.05 � 95,G'79.42 �;llz,COO.00 ALTE?iN4'LF; r�/1 � 2,300.D0 '� 2,1.53.40 '� 3,2oo.c?0 � 2,23'7.56 COT?I'LF,T i C�n --TIN:�� __ 90 Cal. Da,ys Spec. Spec. Spec. Mr„ Hnutson stated that +he firr� of Zametti and Sons �s a resF�onsible company, an� the vnit prices balance aut, Mr. Y,nutson explained that the alternate bid a1ln�rs the use cF ,,lio-on jo�nts, and he recommended that the Counr,il accept the alt,ernate tid. Motian 6�,� Johar,son to adopt the resolutian awarding the bid far l�/-3�+F to T,ametti and Sons, in i,he net amount of �92,z79.00. Seconded by Ne�, iipon a vo�ce vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimous7q. Cout�cilman Johanson introduced the follawin� resolution and moved its adopi,ion. �FSO1,uTZOrr �,�i�61Y, �� �ESOrTmzor� �iFra;�DlNr; corr�r��cr oN l�,zo,�c� �v�. r,r-34F. BF. I'T' HESOLiTc,T� BY TNE COII�iCII, CF '['IiP; CITY OF FRIDLI�;Y, h;SI�TiE50'"A as fcl7ow�� l. The Counci] Finds that the lowest responsible b�dder for construction rf thP improvemPnt work des�pnated �s: Proj�r,t No. W-3t,F (�laterl is Lametti and Sons, 2l1 NW P�scal� :,'t. Paui C„ Minne.sata; whose bid is in the amount c�f '�92�279.�0, That said bid ss herebp ac�ceptec3, and the Cit,y Maea�er and Mayor in office on date of executir�n of the cantr��ct arP hereby autnorized ar.d d?rected to enter into a contract with sazd bidder f'or and in beha]f of the Cit,y of Fridley. ADOPTED BY THT; COi�NCIL 0� `t'H£ CITY OF F�tiDL1CY THIS 1ST DAY OE�' AUGU°T, 1;61. � �; � � ; � �> _._._._ y� r'�_ ,�,_L 4 �..�. �,:- � hiAYaR - T. F. Gre'i� —� � � � f' /I � � 1_:_G G�__.J�! m��— C���? yi�._ CSTY P�ANltGER - Farl, �: �da�ner �r' Thc maticn b�> Sohanson Fer the adopt7on of +he above cesolution was dul,y seconded 6j Counc,ilman niee, and upon a vote bein� taken tnereon} the followin� members votec7 in favor theraof: Gre��?� Joh�r,son, Nee� Sheridan� tdolke. ari<3 the ioll��nnp members voted ar+ainst the samP• None WfdERF,UPON SAID RF;SOI,TTTION �d��' DECLARED DTTI,Y f'ASSF,D AND ADOPTF,�, > ^ ,} � � ' � ��� . CONSIDFN,'�TIQN OF T3ID i OPF;NEJ AT 12 NQON JDT Y 3Z� 1�61_ FCP._6J-3�G,AAD_ PASSAC-L_OF R�SOI,LTTSON N�.�9 -d 1961_4�dAI�DIA�G THF BI�: � The Cit,y Manager stated that the hids were operred at 1'1 novn on July 31, 1�r5�_ in the prese,nce cf Mr. Grei�, P4ayor; N1r. Gomstock, Consu�tine nn�zneer; Mr. iJa�ner� Cit.y Manager, and Mr. Prowr., City Er�lneer, Tf�e bids which were rece?veci are ae follows; BSDDERS Peter Lametti Const. 61S DrakF St, St. Pau2 22, Minn. BID SECUFtITY Seaboard Surety 5 i� LUMP ST7M _ B7D __ `� �4,817.55 AIT�'E°PdA7'F��1 � 1,565,50 Northern Con. Ca. Mar,yland Hopkins, i�9innesata Gasualty 5� �k 59,�0(1.(`0 '�`� 1,30D,�0 nodlancl Const, Co, St. Pau1 Alexandria, Ninn, Fire & Marir_e >� �k 65,OOO.np �i�, 1,569.20 B�rbarassa & Sons 4�2'= 3�rd Ave. � St. Cloucl, M1nr. Horba7 Const, Co, 53�+1 Penn Ave. N. M�nneapolis 12, P�iinn. Morettini Const. Co. g52 T�Pestminister St. Yaui, Minrescta Austin P, Reller � 2L,b7 N, 9lbert St. Pau1 13� P4inn. Herbst Const, Co. 155o aiehway Zo Mianeapolis 21} Minn � ftandall Bros. 34�� �llver Lake Rd. MirmeapQlis 18� Minn. Minn. SPVrer & "r7ater 1204 t'�errivale Ave. Minneapolis 26� Minn. Mont�omery Const. Co. St. Croix Falls, G(is. blaJbon Tlxcavatin� Co. 32L2 Hi�hway ��3 Minneapo7is, Minn, Cr£e� & Sons 1156 Homer St. Paul, Minnesota I�ametti & Sons, Inc 7_11 N. Pasca] St, Paul 4, M�nn. St, Paul Fire & llarine 5�� � 71, 301.00 -0� 1, 7t, �.00 Cantinental Casualty 5� 5eaboard Suret,y 5� Qhio Farmer 5°� Mar,yland Casualty 5� St. Paul Fire &� Marine 5°� No Bid Ohic Farmer 5� �S 59,37g.o0 `� 78,738.00 Cc7n1P].ETi OA1 �_DATF ___ 90 Cal. Days Saec, S�ec. 9� Pays �ro 2,027.20 Speo. n 1a500.�0 �k 68,883.SC� '� 2,t,04.75 � 61,955.oG � 65,6Q1.00 � �,zzz.rro '� 2,891.OD '� 74,475.�0 `� 1,222,7� Fidelit,y & �epo�it 5� S� 62,64?,50 No Bid "f 3,500.0� Seaboard Skrety 5� � 56,6[�3.0�� �2 z,000,c�o Jo ea�. ���s g0 Cel. Days Spec. 90 Cal. Dez>s Sp Days 90 Cal. Days ��pe c . Jianconi Const. Co, Oh_o 9�6 Bayard Farmer St. Paul� Minnesota 5� SE 65a955.90 `� 1,225.OU 9D Ce7. Tlays Mr, Knutsc�n stated that the low bid on thls project was Lame+ti and Sons, The bids have been tahulated, and the;� balance. Nat�on 1��� Johanson ta acl�o{, the b� i1 +.1 reso7utirrn awarr3inp the bid tc L.metti and Sons fer ��J-31G� in the net amount of '�52,6Q3.00. ;econded b,y r]ee. ilpon a voire vate, there bei_np no nay�r tFie mot,ian carried unan�mousiy. Cauncilman Johanson irtroduce�i the f�llewin� rP�olution and moved its adontion. _ RESOLUT7DN �/�-1961 A RESOLtiTION A'FfARt7TN�' COi�TRACT OIV YROJ�'CT NG. W-3l�G. BE IT PF;SOLVED BY THF, COiINCS1 OF THF. CITY OF FkIDLE�, MIAiNF1SOTA as � f o7 ] ows : 1= The Ccunci7 finds that the lowest responsible bidder for construction �£ the impro.r�ment work desipnated as: Project TIo. 47-3✓FG ('dater) is Lametti anc7 Sons� 211 td. Pascal, St. Paul /�, Ninnesnt�: �ahose bid is in the am�unt of �52�643.00. That sa�_d bid ts her�b,y- accepted, and the City Mana�er and Ma��or in office on date of' execation of the contr�ct are herehy authorized and directed ta enter into a co*�t�raot with said bidder for and in behalf of the City of Fr�d]ear. ADGPTLU BY TAli CUUNCIL OF TH?' CITY OF FT2IDLPY THI5 1ST DAY OF AIIGUST, 196i. � �1 _ �t" � � --°---- "'MI�'�'OR - T. F. LCrye1g�-- "? � 1 ��/��( (� •��_ ii? �"�2.�=�!1.�_ CSTY MA1dAFF,9 - Tarl P. �,1��?ner L�� The motion by ,Tohanson for the adootion of the abooe reso2ution was du]y se- conded b,� Cauncilman D�ee, and upon a vote being taken th4reen� the fol]_owin� membo^s voted in favor thereat': Grei�, Johanson, Nee, Sheridan� '�lolke. and the follolainp members voted a�ainst the same: none ' i�lH�;R�7IPOP' SATD RFSOrTt��T�ni W�45 DECLARRD DiILY YASSFL' AIVD ADaP'PED. CONSTDERATI��' OF_CHAN�F ORDF?t FOR STIASO�' }3017I,FVARDy,_SW�jlSB: The City P4ana�?er explai_nec7 that this line on ntinson Bou.levarc� south of Carc�ena, had been delete.d from the rroject, but that the Health Officer had made further checks ln the area, and determ�ned there was a health hazard. P4r. Haro]d Cohen� 5�90 Stinson Boulevard, was present� and stated that there is a serious health problem on b�th sides of the Countv line. Ae asked iF the two counties could �et to�ether on this mattnr, as �t would do little �?ood tc correct the condition on �ne side of the street anc7 not on the other. He statecl that the New Br��hton s�de has more of a probl�m actuall,y than the Fridley side. Mr, Hensley� the Health Of'Ficer, stated that people in the New Bri�hton side had expressed a de- sire to be included in the sewer system, and su��ested that the Cit,y of P2ew Bright,on should �et to�ethEr with the City of Fridley on this matter, The CitV Mane�e�• statecl that he couid contact new Pri�hton, and tr}r to wnrk someth�n� out on this= Mr. 'v7olke arrived at �3c 5Q P. M. Mr. Les Ynutson, ConsultinF Eneineer with Cumstock and Davis, Inc.� state�l that th�_s coiild be adc�ed to the c,ontract. The cost of the a�sessment ior tne sewFr unll be �"10.00 or �12.00 per foot, and if the water line were addedr it would ' he �n addition�,l '�l,.50 per foot. One of the residents in the area statec� that they had a 1S0 foot we11� anc3 ttiey were not interested in the water. Mr. Kahlan sLatec� that tnc CitV would have to clear thP matter up of the New Bri�hten resi- dents connectin� to the sewer, with the Clty oi AtinneaPOlis� UeforP they would be abJe to connect, One of the resident.s stated that he had just put in a drain fi�ld, and does not want i,o throw this cr�st a�,ray. T�r, Johanson sup,�ested that the Csty ManaEer• contact the New BripPton Cit.Y Cour�cil� and also to have Mr. Hemsley c�nt,�ct the Pfa}%or of new Rrighton, anr3 �o over the matter with ihem. hioti�n by Johanson to approve the chanpe order adding Stir.son Boulevard to Pro- ject 1,8B on the sewer only. S�corded b,v �1ee. Upon a voice vote, there be?ng no nays, the motion carri_ed un�nimously. ��� CH4_v(:r 04DF'.R FOR 6GTH AUE;1�i?F� OIV ,�d- 8S IA 0�?l�INAI� HiARI`G): — - - -- — �---- -__.__—____v,__------ The City P�ianager stater� that a petition had been recesveci irom the pecp]e on 61,th Avenue requ�sting that they be includec3 in the projecL. Mr�tion by Johar.son to approve the change order for S�d-4�1�, addin� 64th Auenue to the preject. Seoonded by Nee. IIpon a voice vote, t;here bein� no na�rs, th� moi,ion carrleci unanimously. CpPISYDRRATION OF GHAPE�E 09DR;B FOR FUA _RSCYSOPd�1llDITICJN -��,�-L�£iC: � Mr. Rnutson explained the propased alia�mFVt oT the tirater line, and staten that �here had been a problem in securing the e�sement alon� the rast h�ver Ro�d, and he now prop�sed that the linE he put on the route of the Futui•e sti•eet, near� the Mississlpp9 ?tiver. TF�ere was a d�scuss�on on thi� matter. Mr. :lohnson, who owne tne property which this would go thraumh, iaas presen{,, and state�i that he would like to have his attorney advise him o7 ot�is matter befor� st �oes further. Notian by Johanson that steps be taken to ac�uire the aecPSS�ry rlpht,- af-way for the alip,nment of this water line for the route nearest the r�ver, Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motian carried unanimousl�. COI�ISID%TtATIOTI OF CHANGF;O�DEFt OI� CHA}?LTS 5TRFH'T SFr�;l� _ SI��-L�C: Mr, Iinutson exola�ned that the reasor_ for this ckan�� ordex� was that the se�.er ccnstruction, as oripinally desi�ned, would be hampFred by the telenhone conduit whlch the Te]ephone Company w�_s installin�. Ae sf,ated thaL there would 3�e z problem in buildinp the 1ine, as well as in maintain�ne it, if it were to be in close proximity to the teiephone conduit, He stai.ed i,hat thers would l�e ahout three feet between the telephone conduit� and the �ewer ]ine, He staied that this chan�e order would mak_e the crossing fartP!er ta the nc�rth. UoLion by �Johanscn to approve the chan�e order on Charles �'treet seurer - 51�I-/,4C. ;ecor�deci bp `�hFridan. Upon a vo�ce vote, there being no nays, the mot�on oarx•ied unan�mousl,y. CONSIVERATIOPI OF�H1�T�('.Z ORDF� C�1�� S7'2�,'F�T1_1�61� GTH_!��9D_ 5'�'H STRr�TS_FRCN� SBTH TO �97'�fi: � The Clty rianaper ex.plained the lor.ation oP the �ro���se�7 add�tion to the sl,reet. contract. 1✓r. Sheridan stated that there is no neerl 1,o pu� the sLorm sevEr catch basins in at this t�me, that they could be nut �_n later•, rzs only � portiion ef tk:�e intersection would have to he disturbed, and in th�l, wa,y the whoie storm sewer proiect, later, could be put in as one nro�ec�,. Photion by Sohanson i,o approve the chan�e nrder add9ng L�th and 5th Str�eets frem 58th to 59th to the 19�1 Streei. Prcaram, Seconded b,y Nee. IIpon a vo�ce tro±e� there beinp no nays, tihe motion carr�ed un�nimously. - STG�tF�f S�'',,TF�R - RI CKARD The Cit,y Manager re�d the above rFSOluUion, T�otian ry��olkF to adopt the �bove resolution. Secnnded 6y Plee. �Ipon a voice uof.e, I,here helnK n� nays, tkie mocion carried unanimous7y. k£:iOLUTTON N0,�6-�61 RH�CF,IVING FIA�4L 1'I�A_CdS Ap�� _�FtiCIP1r;ATTOr�S!!FID ORDE�TN�� BIDu - STOk�f SEWFR PRO�TFCT NO_���ISSTS�IPYS STr{F,F�_i�PlI1�RSI'PY 4i�FNTT=`�'0 D101VROr: Mr. Itnutser� explained the location o? the linF�s, and Lhe otfier deta�ls of the plans in this �roject, Motioe by �rJolke to aclopl, the aoovc resoliat�on. Seconded by Sherldan, IJnon a vaice vote, there bein� no navs, th� m�i,zon carried Lmani- mous7��. � � LFTT�? IN REFE3�t�Ci�, TO DOG LICFiJuING P4r. Sohn Jsnsen had �rr:tten to the Counci7 urginp i.hem i,o talce from Lhe ta7�1e, the motion wh�ch would rer�u9r� all do�s to have r�b1PS shots, anc1 I.o '�e l�censed. Motion by Dlee to receive the letter From Mr. J���sen, and placc iL on file. Seconded by �,��lke, Upon a vaace vote, the;re beina no nays, Lhe motior, carried unanimousls. COP151DERATION �F N�F1D FQR LOTS ] TH��O�J�H 8�4r�D ].�'P� 2��PH40UGH_�O�Ei?OCx_36, MOOP�' L+1KF ADUITIOP!: � There was a disouss�c�n on this matter, and r,��ia:���e� tihe Czc�r shoul�7 h���� an ��pTa'a's=" Ea�prai�e t,he prop�rt��, or• +,�r m�ka an of£er on it. Nlot,ion b5� ShPr��ar� to direct s �� the �'ity ��na?�x• to malce az� offer o*" '?3,n��.�0 to the County far +he abo*�p lots, *tia the C�unt7 �ommiss�oner, from Fr•idley. Secottded b,�T Nee. IIpon a vo]�e vote, t,'�ere hetnp no nays, tne mo�.=on ra�r?ed unanim�usl,y. CONS]"rJ�,RN'PION OF RFVf�ED STRr,k'i' liIGH'P1NU PROFRAi�[: mtle Ci ty l�1ana,�er expl�3ne�3 the two proposa.ls which the potaer campan�r had s�ih- miLisr-,d 1'or sLre�t ii?htin� Sn the C�ly of rrid7�y. He stated tl�at the eve:�tna] UudaeL on this woL�3d L�c �r2�,�Oq,C`0 p�r ,ve�a_r. Mr, aheridan statrd that a lot of' penple had askerl him about str�et li�hts in res:�dent�a] areas. The Council stzg�!ested th2t the C�;y Manaprr t�^y to worx. the first two „tep� into thc� J9b2 bud�et. Tdotion b}r Sdolke to arr,ept the reporG from the Northern States Pcwer Company, and to �ppro've ;'ronosal �2. Ser,onde� by Sheridan. TJpon a voioe vote, there Leinn no na�rs, th�� mot_on c,��•ried unanimausly. CLP_TMS: Nation by �nCtaJ_ke ta ar��roae �:eneral Claims G932 thro��gh 4487. ;;ecoxided by Nee. U�on a voice vor,e, i,here be'�np nu na9sj the motian carriad unanimously. Motian Up uher�dan to aPpr�ve I_iquor Claims 32L,y throu�h 3291_. Seconded by Johanson. Upon ��roi^e votn: there bein� no nays, tne moti�n carried unan�mouG]vv. Nic+zon b,y .7ohanson to approve �ub7ic IIti_l�t� Claims 1Q?_6 throunh 14/,/i. Se- conded by 'IolkP. ilpon a vair,e vote, therP bein� no na,ys� the motion carried ur,an�mausly. Motion by �r]o3_ke to approve tl�e c]a1�� of Rud�r Pauison in the amount o3' '�69.90, �econcled 6y Vee� Upon a vaice votP, tiiere bein� no na;�*s, th� motion oarrizci unsnimous _,�. T�ICGI�I:�EU: The Csi,,�r P�'�na�?er askec� the �3ea� th Dificer it' he was sat�_sfier� U1th the machine for the mllk autam-at for which Pf*_•. Dahlheimer ha� rec�ueste;�l a 1i�e+�se. The Heaith 0`,'fiaer, �r, i�en;ley, stated that this partictxlar t,ype of machine �:�s acceptaY�l� to tkie ue�lth Depar{;rn�nt, althou�h sev�ral other t�=pes are nnt, P9otion by �doiica to appro�re the f'ol]ov�in� licenses: FLFCTi�T.^,AL General Ouic3oor 4dvertisinp Go. 2020 Ulashin�tan Ave. Sout:� A4innea�olir l,, "�innesota I=AS Sr;R71 C�5 Leo h. St. r9ari�e 7�I,0 Sniin� Lake Road �inneaT�clis 21, MznnPSC�t� GEbI�RAL COiVT�AO'COftS 13ar1and E. B�rry 6321 Hickary St. Id. F. Minr,eapalis 21r ^�innesnl,a M. Capp P'lanuf'actizrinp Co. 11/�3 P�zpont 4venue North Minneapaltis 11, Minnesota P�e�rnoolst�� �^ard�e ?ldrs. �6�0 G�ve11 A�renue Oss�o, Mz�nesoi,a ��FLL DRTLLSNG 1'hillip rnn7er 311�, Lzb�ur�y y� SL. Pau] 13� 1v�n*�esota b;�. D. W, May b,y: Leo St. P4arie b,y: H. F,. Berry tay: b�-: J. Sieberman Hobert I7. 1�Ialty by: Phi]_lip rn�+,ler Netir New Reneuial �enewal New Renewa7 � 1 � � � �1 SERV�CE STAT]��)N LICEP]9� The P�sx•e tlil Cc,mpan,y 1�G6 Sou�h First Street Minneanolis, Minnasota L'AF� LZCEIlJ5�; Kenneth Dal�l'neimer 1932 C*ess7 4venue Anoka, Minnesota dba: ht=: C��3: h5� : 3oma7's Pure Oil ,�erv�ce $695 Ha�i;mann Pvenue iQori,neast II_ F. P!elson Dahlheiiner MSIk Aul,omat 5695 Hackmann :lvc:nue Nc,r=uheast Kei�ne�h Dahlheimer � �� � Seconded by Johanson. �1pon a voice votea there be�n� no na�ls, the motice ca'��ri�d un��imrau�ly. BOi�t�D OF APP�ITS_P,iS13UTE�S_a_SjJL`i 19y_7_�61: RFl UES'" BY P�iJI, S�FiNSON TQ PI�;RN�TT C�NSTZiTGTSCT] OF 0.2d A'P'CAGAF,D �=A�I�C�F� '�'H�EE �Ek�1 T �_______r__�_____�____.___________,�___�a__._________ _ FROM I�HE,STDF LGT LINR_IT�� LOTS ]!,_ E1ND 15> BLDC};_3�_FLQ�2i��i�GE_Pi1�iK_ADLI`CLOP�_- hL�OQ ABLE STR��T I�ORTI{NP,Sf: The Board of Appea]s had re�ommended denial af i,his reGuest. The Cit� Nai�age�� stated that a neinhbor of Mr. Sohnson had also been denied a requ�st a� a s�milar situation. t9ot�on b5* Sohanson to concur witri +,ne �3oard oF �ppeals, and deny the renuest of Mr, Johnson. Secot�ded bJ Sheridan, iJpon a vo9ce �rotU� therc being no nays, the motion carried un�nimous�,y. RF' UEST FOR VARIA�vCF F3v P404RI5 C, CDOF TO i?F�MI�' CODISTRTiCTIQn OF � L�F7'ACH�,D �---- GARAC'N�_'I",_70 FFFT FRCM TH� SI1;F LOT_LTNE OI��LO"' 12y_PLOCk_l�_DONN?Y'�_I:AliEVTFoI P�1NOR�_57�1 '�_T 1fDOR�_I,AAI DRI'�F NORTFiFAST: The Git�� Atanaper explained that this was about Lh,e onlj �ra� Mr. Gaok cou]�i bu�l�i a garape on the propert}r, 3nd if the Council did n�t, ��ant this rerauest, Nr, Cook could not build a�ara�e. The Bo3rd nf �lppeals had reramm�nded that this variance be oranted. Metion by Pdee to concur wi�h th� Board o; A}Peals, ar.d recommenc7 approval of the varianoe i•eyuest by �lr. Cook. Seconded b�* ;�Iolke, Upon a vo9.ce vo+e, there bein� no nays, the mot,ion carried unaaimau5ly, H�� UEST B`I IdALTER S. Eki FOR VATiI4NCF� TO ldl�I�' THF, RP.�R YARD R�_�aiT1R[T'I?1SlT OE' _i__----------------- - -_._____ _ � ____ __ _______ __--- - THE P4IP;SMUM OF 27 FL'ET TO PPRMIT G01�'STRiiCTTO�T 6 FFEL FR01� `LHE RS�4R LOT LIn�� 0� LOTS_8�9�_10� 11�_BLOCK_/*� RI'sF,S �`�DDITIOPI_�635°YUNIVT'RSITY �'TEPiIIH; iJC!N?,HEA,S�r: The Board of Appeals had recommended aPprovaJ or tV�zs varianr.e request. Thzs addition was located in the rear of the marine sto^c. Motion by Nee to c�iaur laith the recommendation of the Baard of ApbeaTs. an�7 �rant t'r�is va-zance reqizest. Seconded b,y Wol�e. ilpon a vozre v�te, +here 6ein� no nay�, the mot�_on carrlerl unanimously. RPqi7EST FOR S�H,CIA�, iJ�F Y,kNIT BY }'ETFR BROOh TG GON_.iTHiTf;T A 7'�ftIT,F'r� COTTR`P Ott THP Pr�OFF��['y DFSCRI3��D AS TIi �+, WFS`P 60 F�1'+.T OF ''FI�, SO�ITFI 3°6 FFET OF PdF DiOTt'�H —� ------- 7�6 FF�PT ;.���YT 'PHE NURTH FrET F0�? STHFE`P ''45FP��'1�" �_OF THP_SC)i1T'�?�kST_'kit��_`�1Ft -� - __ _--- _ __ _ `�� �—_ ___---- - _.___. � __. a__ ) OF THE D]ORTHSJFST_�r,S�iRTF,R_Or SFCTION_l. 2,_T_�D,�_R ?1�: The Hnard of Appeals had recommended a�proval. �tot�or. bv l�lolke to concnr ln the recommendation of the Board of Appeals, anc3 ❑_i°a?�t this reoi�est. Secan�e�� by Sherir7a,, LTpon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the mot�on carried unanti- mQUSly, MZVi1TE° OF A SPECIAL MFETINC_OF TH��PLAAININC� COi� T�SIDN -�TULY 2]_ �961: � __ � �____ TYE CTTIZEN'S C(?MMI^�'F��R]sL'QN��9Pp,DATICN,OF_OFF-STRi_R1 ,PARI�IIV�� LO'P A4�:,2 RPi)[iIR}:r1ENTS NND STR�ICTURES IN YARDS At�D COURTS: � The Cit,� Mana�er explalned tlle proposed chan�es in the znnin� ordinance in area requirements as recom^�ended by the Plannin� Comm,_ssian'� Cit�zens Ccmmittee. Thas recommendation Peraerall� increased the ar�a reqv�irements foc the �if'f"erenL tgpes oC dwellin� unats, Mr. Kohlan asked what the defintitinn of" the parkin� stall was. Mr. Segner stated that it would have to be hard surfaca area of 200 square feet, Mr. �Se�ner also explair,ed the other proposed r.han�es 1n the ordinance. h7r, d�hanson ask_ed if the ord�nance wou]_d requ�_re h�rd surface c�rive�.ra;r. Mr, ;;e�ner stated "yes". Mr. Johanson stated that, he wou7d nnt b� in fa�ror of' th�s. There was furthe.^ d�scussion on the other pronnsed chan�es to the ordinance made by the �'lanninP- �ommission. Motion by Nee to rece�ve tie renort, ar_d Lo have the Cit;� Attorney draw an amendment to the zonin� orr3inance. Seconded by Sheridan. Cipon a voice vote, there bein� no na;��s, the mot�on carried unanimoustv. v��, �Z'7ti�'_�,'�,�nTI_v�. GF 1T1 O�DI�1F�PdC1�,RF�LAT7��,_TO LIS?�iORS,�IIiT�XICATI�;!'. ANII_rdQi_-IITOXICATISvG: A1r. Llolke asked if th�s ardinance was valid. 1✓�r. Nohlan stateci Lhat the Pdina ardinance had heen found to be inva7_id, but this one has several changes made in at. N1r. gohlan explained tht, ordinance to the Council. Mat��n bT� Johanson to accept this as the t"irst re�din� of the above ordinance, Seconded b,y Sh�r�dan. iJpon � voice voGe, tF�are beinp n� nays� the motlon ca�ried unanimously. LE'T�TER FR(lP/ THF INTERNATICPIAi, CI`IY �fAN';GL'_R'�_P.SSOCIATI'�N RFC?UFSTITIG THF ATTEN➢AT1CF�_, OF Tk3F CITY .^1ANAr,r,R AT I'Ar AllNiTAT, COPdFF,RFI�Cr: The Czt,y i�9ana�er exp'ained tha` tne conferenae thls qear woald be held in Miami � Beach, Florida, Novem6er 26 +hrouflh 30. He felt that he would _vain much of value from this meetz��. T4otion by �Sheridan to accept the invitat�_on to allow the Cit}r i�iana�*er to a�tend the conference, Seconded by plee. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no na7s, the mation carried unanimously. RFz50L[1TI�JN N0� i-1961 R�CI�,IiTTN(: PR�T,IMINARY RPPO'tT A'JD ORDERING YtIBLIC H�A�ING- �_..._�___ _ ___ _.—.___...__�__���� _-�---------- --------- STCR!� tiEW;;4_�R7CKA'�� ROA➢ AtID_�1LDrN �,J4Y �SS,�: The City Mana�er explained the two alternate methads oF construction of this storm seweri and the cost difference between the two. Motion by Wolke tq adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee, iipon a vuice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimously, P.PPU7NTMN�NTS • Mr, Johanson asked if the Gitq ��naner hac9 interviewed these people. The City Nana�er stated that he had interviewed the �eople who were beir�� appointed to permanent posit�r�ns, N`otion by Nee to approve the aupointment of the followin� people: NAM[: MichaFl Maid 185? �unnyside Terrace Plew BripLt.on, t�i�nnesota E�'ward Na�le 2110 nupont '�venue Piorth Minnea� olis, T7innesota PSRT TIifE HEL° Douplas Lo�e 610 - 67tfi nvenue N. P. �Iin�aeapolis, '�Iinnesv+a Patricia l�odecl< 35g Pierce St. �. Fa N'inneapoils� Nrinnesota Eevrr]y Lamb 10932 - 7th st. r�. F. Caon Rapids, Minnesota Martin BisLrom lF20 - o7th Avenue n�. F, tafnneapolis, Minr.esota PO5ITIOiV Bartender (Shorewood} Bartender (Fridle,y Lounpe) Clerk (/�J� Uff Sa1e) �daitress (F/2 or #/3 Bar} � r3itress (�ridley Loun�e) Clerk �#3 Off Sale) S3L4T�Y ?�2.16 per Hr 4� hr, week 4�2.16 per Hr 4� hr, week �1.50 per Hr �L l,7 per Hr `�l.l+'7 per Hr. �1.50 per Hr REYLACFS I,loyd Sullivan � John Prondzinski New Help New Help Patricia St, Clair Hrnrsrd Manthei Seconded by blolke. Upon a voice vote, t,here beinp_ na nays, the motion carr�ed un�n?mously. R1sSQLUTION N0,_�_1961 Pk0?09rNr AP;D INITI�iTISuG TFL CREATSON Or A SIUV�TARY SE��7I:R DISTRICT: Tnd C:.tp Mana�er read the above resoluti�n, tdot,ion by Nee to adopt the above resolution. Sec�nded b�� SFi�r�dan. I7non a vaice vote, there bein�? no nays� the motion carr�ed unanimouslv. Rr^.SOLIITION NO.��-1�61 APPOINTiNG Mi',MBFR OF S9i�ITAR� DISTRSCT_IN`PF]RTN� L�OE�RD, The C�t,y hfana?er read the above resolution� appointing T. F;. Greig as the member of the In`.erim Board. A9oti�n h�r Wolke to adont the above resolution. Seconded by D;ee. IIpon a vozce vote, there be�n�? no nays, the motion carrled unanimously. � � � ' � � RE.",QLUTIQN NQ._10�-�95z DIREC�TI@G PRFP2R�TIQN Qi_GSSF,:>S'�DIT_ROLL_FQR _5�r���s Motion b,y Sheridan to adopt the above resolu+aotZ, �econded by Nee, rlpon � volce votex there bein� na nays, the m�tion carried ar�a'�imo?tsly. RF,SOLiJ'P10N NG�] Ol-1 01 ATJTHORI7,?NG THP SALE OF 27� _FE" T OF 2� INCH FI?iE HOSF: �--__�,.�_..----___�_r � _ The City Manager read the resolution. Motion by',lolke to ac3opt the above re- solution. �econded 6y Sher�dan. IJpan a vo�ce vote, there bein� no na;/sa the mot�on ca_rried unanimously. BUCLDING PERMITS: R7;� IJ�5T BY" THE ATJDiJBON PARK CH[7RCH OF Cfi?iIST TO BUILP A rHL?'�L'FI AT_137� H iGHI�J�Y ��,-la0 ON_LOT� AUDITDR! S SUBDIZtISTON NO=�: Representatives of the church w�re present, and sho�t�d Lkie Counril a modei of the church they proposed to build. Ttie cnurch would h� bui_Lt in steps. N1ot�on by Johanson to approve the build�n� permit i`or the, r.hurah at _l3`75 Ki�hway f110(�. ;;econded by Sheridan, Upon a voioe vote, there beina no nays, the motian carried unanimousl,y. giTILDING PRRT_IIT FON Fi0U5F 9T_l�l _��RD_AV�IVtIE NO?1H u'1�'": Mr. Roh]an explained that this is located to the rear, anrf on the next stre�.t from the property on which the City had found that the houses were imnroperl�> placed an the lots. There was further discussion on th_�s. Notion b�r �dolke t❑ appr�ve the buildin� permit at 1371 - 53rd Avenve idartheast. Seconded b;� Jo- hanson, Upon a voice vote, there bein^ na nays, I,he motzon carr?ed urianimousiy. prTITIONS���ls61: Tne City Manager stated the first petition was a petztion for aspn3lti curli on 58th Avenue from Sackson 5treet to Madison. N:o�ion b;v J�hansen to receive the pet�tZOn, and place it on file. Secbn�7ed by Sheradan. iipan a vo�ce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION DN COIVCfta,`"E OR ASP&9�T CUHB: Mr, Sheridtan asked the City Fngineer the differe�ce in cost, and the �z£� ex- pectanr,y of the asnhalt and conecete curb. Tl�e Ci+y En�?ineer sLatecl that the asphalt r,urh +dould 1a^,t fron 5 to 10 years, and i.he concrete Fr,�m 20 to 30 ,years, aad in the long rixn, the c�ncrete woizld be the c4eaP�r method, as i� would huid the street ina or tie the street in bet+,er. Mr, ;herldan requesterl that th� Cit;� Engineer �repare a reoor� for the Council on curb a�d �utt,ar c�nstruetton, and the difference in cost. This would be done beFore this contra^t nuald be let for „treet or curb construction. PETITTON Oi3d�OTIAfG TO MF,TiiOD GF STDRt� �ES�IEA CONSTRUCTiUN NOR^H OF 66T�3 4V�;NIIF� BET'r1FFN JACASON AND ABLF STREET$:��-------______��.----------_______.______ The people in the area had oh�ected to a portion of th?s con�tr,;ction, beinp open ditch constraction, and requested that �netead of o�en ditch constru.;tian, conduit be laid� and covered. The len2th would be approximately 100 to 150 t'eet. Mr. Iinutson stated that this coald be done, ar:d �rould co,t about h7,00 per fooc, Motion b,V Pdee to �ive approval to the extension of the cu]vert, to be added ura the present storm sewer aontract. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a vuice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl�r. F$TSTSOPI FROM R�'SI➢�'NTS ON 66TH AVrUUF EASi OF CFNTR4L A��IvTTF,: The City Mana�rer stated that the petitzon had been r�celvea, and thAt 10 �eopl_e were in favor of the old type street� and 5 people U�ere in favor of Lhe ne;.f speaifications and concrete curb and �utter. There was discussien on this mai,ter. ;�Iotion by Sneridar. to receive the petition, and to vaai+: fo_r the Enpine�r°s i°spos�� on curb and gutter before proceeding further. ��conded by Johanson, Upot� a vozce vote, there bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimously, RESOT:U'PION N0� 702�1901 DIR��CTING_PLTBIICATIDtd_OL' H��RSNC NOTIC� Old �9SSFS�MN,N1 Rl7LL FOR S;Jii; Plotion bq Sheridan to adopt the abov� resolutiotl. �conded by Johanson. Uron a voice vote, there beinp no nays, the motion cari^i�� unai��mu!ts�tr. 230" MINUTES OF THE BULLDING BOARD -.TULY 27, 1961: APPLICATION BY WAYNE SIEGFRIED TO MOVE A GARAGE FROM 4104 - 4TH STREET NORTHEAST TO 5923 - SECOND STREET NORTHEAST: The Building Board had recommended approval of this permit. Motion by Sheridan to grant permission to move the garage to 5923 - Second Street Northeast. Seconded by Wolke, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUDGET: � Tha City Manager explained that this is the meeting at which the budget must be brought up and considered for the first time. Motion by Johanson to defer action on the budget at this meeting, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the moCion carried unanimously. PROPOSAL OF AUTOMATIC ALARM COMPANY: The City Manager stated that the Automatic AZarm Company had a proposal for installing additional alarm equipment in Liquor Store �k3. Znstallation cost would be $439.50, plus a monthly charge of $12.50, There was no action taken on this. RECOMMENDATION BY THE PARK GOMMITTEE THAT CERTAIN LOTS IN RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS, AND OTHER AREAS BE RED-TAGGED: Motion by Sohanson to approve the red-tagging of the following 1ots; Lots 32-39, Block W, Riverview Heights Lots 1-8, S? of Section 3, T-30, R-24 Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, Section 12, T-30, R-24 Lot 3�, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, Section 12, T-30, R-24 Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, Section 12, T-30, R-24 Lot 32, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, Section 12, T-30, R-24 A11 of Lots 1, 2, 3, 17, 18, and 19, Block 1, Spring Lake Park 1 LakeSide lying north of the present Osborne Road Easement, N� of Section 12, T-30, R-24. Seconded by Wolke, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wolke stated that if someone comes to the City, and requests a permit on a 1ot which is red-tagged, it should be brought to the attention of the Council at once, so a decisfon can be made on the particular lot, and the party would not be held up indefinitely. The City Manager stated that this is the present practice. EASEMENT OF DONAT.D HOWARD - 6424 ASHTON AVENUE NORTHEAST: Mr. Howard explained that he lives on Ashton Avenue, and has lots on Ashton Avenue, and also, has lots to the rear of fiis propertq which fronted on a street which has been vacated. The City is requesting an easement over his property, and this vacated street, and he would like assurance that his property will not be assessed for sewer, if the sewer line is put down this street, Motion 6y Sheridan that the property of Mr, Howard, which is Lots 20, 21, 22, &lock 12, Fridley Park will not be assessed Eor water and sewer unless use is made of the water and sewer on this property, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion cartied unanimously. ItESOLUTION N0. 103-196I COMMENDTNG DR. SAY, AND RESOLUTION N0. 104-1961 � COMMENDING THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY; Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolutlons commending Dr. �ay and the Police and Fire Departments for theix work in connection with the emergency which occurred on July 19, 1961. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ' � , ��� WATER RATES - MILTON OUIMETTE; Mr. Ouimette stated that they are drilling a 16 inch we11 in the trailer park property, and they have a 10 inch well. He stated L-hat they would rather buy water from the City, if the City's rates were low enough, or if they could buy water from the City as c.zeaply as they could produce the water. He stated that if the Council would guarantee him that the rates would be reasonable, he would stop construction of the we11 he is now drilling. He stated Chat his use was about 200 gallons per minute for 12 hours during the day. He stated that several oCher trailer parks in the area were getting much lower rates than Fridley's water rates. He said that he has to know at this meeting, whether or not the Council wi11 ad�ust the rates, as the well diggers are at his property, and he will have to keep digging if he can be given no assurance Chat the Council can adjust the rates. It was explained that the rates could not be reduced at this time, as the City is sti11 buying water from Minneapolis, and after the Gity goes on to its own operation, ehe rates probably can be reduced, but not until such time as the City has some experience with the cost of its water. REQUEST FOR BUILDING PERMIT ON LOT 11, BLOCK 1, GARDENA MELOLAND GARDENS PLAT Mr. Templin was in, and requested permission to build a house on Lot 11, Block 1, Gardena Meloland Gaxdens Plat. This plat has been accepted in its preliminary form but not its final form. Motion by Wolke to grant this build- ing permit request. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PARK DEPOSIT: Mr. Sheridan asked the City Manager to bring the matter of park deposits and lot splits to the Councll's attention at a future meeting. Mr. Sheridan stated that Section 6 of the Zoning Ordinance concerning non- conforming use having a time 1imiY of twelve months, should be changed to 90 ar 120 days, and svggested that the City Attorney draw up an amendment to this effect for the Council's consideration, ADJOURNMENT: Thexe being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Re tfully submitted: � 1 �I/"'� _ � " _�... ( - ,r'-,...� Marvin C. runsell N,AYOR — T� E. Greig , Secretary to the Council COUNCIL MIN[7TES - AUGUST 15, 1961 A regular meeting of the City Council was called Co order by Mayor Greig at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Members Ahsent: Greig, Sohanson, Sheridan, Nee, Wolke. None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vate, carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS; of the August 1, 1961 meeting. there being no nays, the motion SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE REGULATING LIQUORS, AND TABLING ACTION ON SAME: