09/12/1961 - 00023843SPECIAL COUNCII. MEETING - SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: � Members Present Member Absent: OLD BU5INESS� Greig, Johanson, Wolke, Nee Sheridan CONSIDERATION OF CREATION OF NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY DISTRICT. Councilman Johanson suggested that this be tabled until Councilman Sheridan is present, as this is a very important item, Nee stated that he would 11ke to study this further. Motion by Wolke that this matter be tabled until the next meeting of September 19, 1961. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice voYe, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSZDERATION OF PURCHASE OF LOT 6, BLOCK 26, HYDE PARK• The City Manager read the letter from Mr. Skolte, in which he asked $1,200.00 for 17 feet of Lot 6, Block 26, Hyde Park. The matter was deferred until later in the meeting so that the amount of the special assessments on the property could be determined, CONSIDERATION OF WHETHER TO OBTAIN CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ONLY, STREET AND C�NSTRUCTION EASEMENT, OR TO DELETE FROM CONTRACT - SEWER AND WATER ON BACOIQ DRIVE: � Tom Flannery, 1455 Onandago, was present and stated the petition against gutting in a street, which had been turned in the previous week, had five signatures on it, and one of these people lived on Onandago, but the balance lived on Bacon Drive. There was further discussion on this petition. Mr, dohanson stated that the petition xepresented three people on Bacon Drive, and there are seven property owners. Mr, Wolke asked whaC the Planning Conmission's recommendation was on the Bacon Drive street, The City Manager stated that they had not had time to sCudy this matter as yet. The Mayor stated thaC if the people do not want water and sewer, he would not vote tor it. Mr. .7ohanson stated that he did not feel that water and sewer should be put in if there was to be no street dedication. Mr, Flannery stated that the sm rm sewer is acting as a drainField, as it is 22 feet deep, and is draining the water from the we11s. Motion by Sohanson that tihe sewer and water on Bacon Drive be deleted from the SW�f48 contract, and the street not be opened at tha.s time. Seconded by'WoZke, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. � CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS IN W-34-F AND W-34-G: The Mayor stated that LametYi and Sons had asked izim ahout the easements on theW-34 contract, and Lametti and Sons had inquired whether the City was going to extend the time limit on the contract inasmuch as the easements had not heen ohtained as yet. Mr. Kohlan stated that the railroad company wished to give a permit only for the crossing of the tracks. This permit would be subject Co revocation by the railroad company on 90 days notice. Mr. Wo1ke asked how long after condenm.ation proceedings are started, can work be started, Mr, Kohlan stated about 3Q days, Mr. Wolke asked iP one person in the pro�ect does not give an easement, can the cost of this easement be assessed against him, rather than against all of the people. Mr. Kohlan stated that he has made an effort to see that a11 of the people are treated the same, Motion by Johattson to okay the permit for the crossing of the railroad property for the time being, but to proceed with getting a permanent easement. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouslp. 1 � CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE OF LOT 6, BLOCK 26, HYDE PARK ADDI�'ION - RESOI,UTION N0. 135-1961: There was further discussion on the purchase of this lot, and the amount of the special assessments which would be approximately $265.00. Motion by Johanson to adopt the resolution purchasing 17 £eet of Lot 6, Block 26, Hyde Park Addition, for $1,200.00. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, theze being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: PUBLIC HEARING ON 1962 BUDGET: The Mayor opened the hearing on the budget. There was no one present ob�ect- ing to the proposed budget. After some discussion by the Council, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION N0. 136-1961 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL - ST. 1-1959: The City Manager read the above resolution, Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 137-196Z DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL - ST. 1-1959: The City,Manager read the above resolution. Motion by Johanson to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Nee. Upon a volce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REOPENING DF THE HEARING ON BACON DRIVE: Mr. Johanson stated that he did not want the sewer and water in on Bacon Drive unless a 50 foot street is put in, Mr. Cavin, who lives on Bacon Drive, stated that he wquld not like to be charged for the main assessment, if he does not have lateral service. Mr. Johanson explained that mains are on an area basis, and that everyone is assessed for them. The�e was a question on [he cost of the storm sewer. The question was asked, what is to be done for the people who run out of water. Th� Mayor asked those in the audience who were in favor of putting water and sewer in Bacon Drive to raise their hand. One person raised h�s hand. Mr. Sohanson explained the purpose of putting in the storm sewe� now, that is to lower the water table, etc. Motion by Wolke that the hearing on Bacon Drive be closed. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice' vote, there being no n�ys, the motion carried unanimously. FURTHER DISCUSSION ON 1962 BUD6ET: The Mayor asked if there were �ny questions or comments on the 1962 Budget, before the meeting adjourned, �Io one made any comment. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Greig declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted; �f'�����( '`` �� 4a* °"�'_' \'i�/� `—'�.' 7 r Ma vin . Brunsell , �y ��[,� Secretary to the Council M YOR —.. I'eig � r ,