11/22/1961 - 00024046�� the banks for this property. Andy Kohlan explained the ordinance on roads. There was considerahle discussion on this matter. Mr. Kohlan made some recormendations, but no action was taken. The City Manager suggested that the matter be tabled unt�l December 6� 1960, for more information fsom Mr. Chesney. SEWER �.idD 4dATEk P�IRMITS: Mr, William Sandin� the Plumbing Inspector, was present and presented some problems he was havin� issuing permits on water and sewer on certain jobs. CIVIL SLRVICE F'OR 2I3E C1VIL DEFENSE DIREC'1QZ A4ot i on Ly l�agel by LJo7ke, Upon unanimously. to exclude the Director from Civil Service. Seconded a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried ESTABLISHI�NT OF LIaUOR OUTLZTS: Councilman Sheridan moved that an On-Sale Outlet be established at 3�10 East River Road� and that an Oi'f-Sale Outlet be established at 64�,1 University Avenue N,E.� by the City of Fridley� said outlets to be opened for business upon receipt of the necessary approval from the Siate Liquor Control Commission. Seconded by Courtcilman Nagel. Upon a vnice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOUHNMGNT: The meetin� was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: �/ ��-�i/�,*%�� ... �2,.�.�ee-�2e�—r� Gw ndo—ly M. �amuelson Acting Secretary to the Council SPECIAL COUNCII� MEETING OF NOVEMSER 22� 1960 ... � � Thomas E. Grei � Mayor A Special Meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at %:35 P. M. Members Present: Members Absent: OLD BUSINESS: -Tohanson� Greig� Nagel Sheridan� Wo1ke (arrjved at ']:45 P, M.) RE�!UEST FOR AN2EIdNA SIZE BY WAYL-FM: Mr. Larson, and Mr. Moore, representing Radio Station WAYL were present to ansu�er questions concerning the height of the tower� and other questions concerning the tower. They stated the tr�wer would be from 140 to 200 feet from ground to top. Motion by Johanson to grant the reauest to install the radio antenna at �,he water reservoir site� with the lease agreement� and other details� to be taken care of before construction starts. Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimously. NrW F�L�SINESS: CONSIDE�Hi1TI0N OF BIDS FOR S&SS�{�+3 - MARIAN HILLS: The City Manager announced the followin� bids had been received: �.,, �: C, S, McCrossan� Inc. �+800 Osseo Road Minneapolis 1�� Minn. Johnson Bros. Highway and Heavy Contractors 6480 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis� Minnesota Lametti & 6ons� Inc. 211 N. Pascal St, Paul 4� Minnesota Ashbach Const, Co. i9io w, c�unty Roaa c. St. Paul 13� Minnesota Trinity Universal 5t, Paul F'ire & Marine 5% ��eaboard Surety 5� Federal Ins. Co 5� �71,5z2.o� �92,2�3.00 �79,z5o.00 �89,400.00 As Specified June 1� 1961 As Speclfied 210 Days The City Manager asked Les Knutson� of Comstock and Davis� how the bids compared with the estimate. Mr, Knutson stated that the bids exceeded the estimate� part of the reason being that Filln,ore Street was added to the project after the estimates had been made. The question was brought up as to the quality of the ti�ork done by the McCrossan Company in the past, Mr, Knutson stated he thought the engineers could work with P�IcCrossan� if they put plenty of' pressure on him to make sure all the work was done according to the speci- fications. The Mayor asked Mr. Knutson if he thought it was a good bid. Les Knutson said he thou�ht it was a good bid. Wolke arrived at �:45 F. M. Motion by Johanson to accept the in the amount of �71�522.0'J� and seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF BID5 FOR SW`�r44: bid of the C, 5. McCrossan Company award the contract to them. Motion vote� there being no nays, the moi;ion The followin� bids ��ere received for Pro�ect 5W#�44: Lametti & Sons Seaboard �6�200.00 211 No. Pascal Ave. 5i� St. Paul 4� Minn. Barbarossa & 5ons 402 33rd Avenue No. St. Cloud� Minn. Clement J. Schm�tz �+�4 Collins 5t, Paul� Minn. Minnkota Levelopers 6332 Lakeland Ave. No. Minneapolis� Minn. Petrow§ki & Ross 3b13 53rd Place N. Minneapolis 22� Minn. kandall and Berglln 6soi Plaza Curve Fridley� Minnesota ; t . Paul iire & Marine 5� Certified Che�k� (�389.00) a Anchor Casualty 5� St. Paul Fire & Marine 5� St. Paul Fire & Marine 5� As �pecified 9G7,329.00 180 IDays �7,763.yo 190 ilays �9�044.50 �5��00.00 �5,526.00 60 Days Specified Time Mr, Nagel asked if Johnson still wanted the water and sewer put in. The consensus seemed to be that he did. Motion b,y Wolke to accept the bid of Randall and Berglin in the amount of �5,5z6.00, and award the contract to them for SW¢�44. Motion seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motian carried unaninously. Zhe above resolution was read. Motion by �r`olke to adopt the above resolution. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there bein@ 6�.,� no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Evert Carlson was presPnt� and explained that the State Highway Department had taken part �f their land, and this was the reason the lots had to be re-arranged. He stated they wished to have permits for four Uvildings at this time. The�Mayor asked if it wouldn't be better to act on the wYiole row of seven building sites rather than just the four at this time. Mr. Carlson stated he did not wish to proceed on the balance �' them at this time. Motion by Wo1ke� that permission be granted for the re-arrang�ment of lots at the above addresses� and permits be granted for apartment buildings� providin� the Cit,y Manager receives from the City Ai,torney� his opinion that this procedure is proPer and legal without gning through the Planning Conmission, r4otion seconded Y�y Johanson. Upon a voice vote� those votin@ "yes"� Johanson� Na�el� Wolke� voting "no" Greig. TIME Of�'F DURING CIIFtISTMAS SEASON FOR CITY LMFLOYEES: Glen Johanson asked it it wouldn't be all right to let the City Enployees off at noon on I'riday before Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, '1'he Council agrFed that it was all righty and decided a motion was n�t necessary. ALJOURNP�NT : Motion by Nagel to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by lvolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully subr�itted: t Marvin C, Brunsell Secretary Lo the Council COUNGIL I�IINUZ'L5 - DECEMbER 6� 1960 � ` homas E, Greig Mayor A Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at '7:30 P.M.� Decemher 6� 1960. Members Fresent: Members Absent: APFHOVAL OF MINU2ES: Johanson� Greig� Na�el, Sheridan� Wolke None Motion b,y Sheridan to approve the Minutes of the November 10� 1960 meetin�. Sfconded t�y Nagel. Upon a voice vote� there be3ng no nays� �he motion carried unanimously. Motion �y Sheridan to approve the Minutes of November 15� 19b0 mseting. - Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice ti-ote� there teing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion b,y "Jagel toapprove the Minutes of the November 22� 1960 meeting. Seconded Uy Johanson. Upon a voice �ote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS� SECONP READING OP' ORDINAVCE AN�NDING ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 8,SC2: P4otion by Sheridan that this second rea�7ing be tabled until the next regular meeting. Seconded k�y Nagel, Upon a voice vote� there be3ng no nays, the mntion carried unaninously.