01/15/1962 - 00023734y� Motion by Johanson to approve the agreement as shown on page 42 of the agenda between E and M Development Company and the City of Fridley, and to accept the surfacing and curb on Lyric Lane between 73rd and 75th Avenue in the Melody Manor Addition for maintenance. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, those voting in favor, Greig, Johanson, Sheridan and Nee. Abstaining, Wolke. Motion carried. MTNLITES OF TIIE FRIDLEY RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF D�CEMBER 14, 196L: Motion by Sheridan to receive L-he Recreation Commission minutes of December 14, 1961 and to place them on file. Seconded by ,7ohanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FOR NEW CITY EMPLOYEES: The Mayor suggested that a7.1 future city employees hired by the City be required to get a physical exammnation. Mr. Kohlan also sugqested that in the employment application, there be included all pertinent questions regarding the health and past health history of the person. Motion by Johanson that a7.1 future employees hired by the City of Fridley be s�e- quired to have a physical examination, with the City to designate the doctor and the City pay the fee. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, � there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. HIRING OF PUBLIC SANITARIAN: 2'he City Manager stated that $3,250.00 had been budgeted foa a sanitarian, and he would suggest that this sum be divided into 26 equal E�arts and paid to the sanitarian every other weekton a retaiher basis, rather than having the sanitarian submit a bi11 each month. Motion by Johanson to approve the above recommendation. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LETTER FROM SQi00L BOARD GRAN'PING PERMISSTON TO USE SCHOOL FACILTTIES: Motion by Nee to receive the letter and place it on file. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. IMPROVEMENT AND BID SPECIFICATIONS: Mr. Johanson stated that some improvements could be made in bid specifi- cations, and enForecment,of same, particularly in relation to penalties, Mr. Kohlan stated that the amount of the liquidated damagea could be withheld from the check, and the contractor could be made to prove that he is entitled to this amount. AllJOURNMENT• �here being no fuLrther business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted: i1n rtn.�:�. Cty� Mar- —�'Z'.. run Secretary to the Council c��� YOR - T. E. Gre g COUNCIL MINU`PES - JANUARY 15, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greig at 8:00 P.M. Members Present: Greig, Johanson, Sheridan, Wolke,y� Nee Members Absent; None APPROVAL OP MINUTES: Motion by Johanson to approve Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice carried unanimously, OLD BUSINESS- None NEW BUSIN�SS- 93 the minutes of the January 2, 1962 meeting. vote, there being no nays, the mbtion PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING PORTION OF SFll/4 OF SECTION 11 - CRABTR.�E PETITION: The City Manager read the notice of hearing. There was'a question from the audience as to where the area to be rezoned was located. The City Manager pointed out the area on the wa11 map. There were no other persons appearing ior or against the proposed rezoning. Seconded'by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Sue Miskowic, Secretary of the Fridley Chamber of Commerce, was present and stated that the Chamber of Commerce whole-heartedly endorsed the action which the Council had taken on this matter. PUI3LIC HEARING - AI,LEY VACATION, BLOCK 3, BENNETT PALMER ADDITION: �`he City Manager read the notice of hearing. No one appeared for or against the proposed alley bacation. Motion by Johanson to close the hearing. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimou�ly. � PUBLIC HEARIIVG - DON ADDITION - FINAL PLAT: The City Mana�er read the notice of hearing. Mr. Johanson asked �f there would be a problem on the storm sewer, and stated �hat he would not accept the plat if lEt were going to create a storm drainage problem for the surrounding neiqhborhood for which the neighborhood would have to pay. Mr. Brawn City Engine�r, stated that the existing drainage ditch is sufficient to provide drainage for the lots as would nav be platted, but when the outlot was platted into smaller 1ots, additional drainage facilities would be necessary. Mr. Sheridan stated that the City Council should have availal�le the report from the ConsuTting Engineers with �eference to storm drainage before the balance of'this area is platted, so that the Council could be made aware of the storm sewer needs. Motion by Nee to close the hearing on the final plat of Don's Addition. SeC�ndedyb�c�io$taeclo�pohha i¢o�.c�n�qotie, t�he=@,��incp4�no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ACCEPTb1NCE OF FINAL PLAT - DON ADDITION: Motion by Sheridan to accept the plat as presented to the Council as the final plat of Don Addii:ion. Seconded by Nee. Upon'a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING PART OP AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION'NO. 39 - ARVID IIANSEN REQiT�ST- 2`he City Manager read the notice of hearing and pointed out the area to be rezoned, and explained the zoning of the surrounding area. Mr. Iiarry olson, 4229 Main Street was present, and stated that he had a petition with 42 signatures on it of owners of property wYthin 500 feet oi the proposed rezoning who were opposed to the rezoning. Most of the people on the petition lived in Colusnbia Heights. Mr. Wolke stated that it �4= would be difficult to visualize building anything in this particular area except commercial ox industrial. 7.'he question was asked, why a narrow strip like the'one in question was left R-1 in the fixst place. Mr. Wolke stated tha� at the time the City was first zoned, the owners of property often times were given the choice of which zoning they wanted. Mr. Wo1ke asked who was requesting the rezoming, and the answer was Arvid Hansen. Mr. Kocur, 4201 Main Street, Columbia Heights, was present and stated that he had called the County Engineer's office, and the County Engineer plans tq make Main street a 66 foot street, and therefore, would be taking additional property, and there would not be enough setback for the proposed buildinq. Mrs. John Gemperle, 4213 Main Street, Columbia l Iieights,,was present and stated that when she built she had to have the proper area and setback, and why can someone else build without it. Mr. i Robert Turnquist,,4207 Main street, Columbia Heights, stated that if the building were ta go in, it would be too close to the road. Mr. Stewart Kvalheim, attorney;representing Mr. Hansen was prasent, and presented the Council with a drawing of �he type of building that Mr. Hansen proposed to erect on the p'roperty. He stated that the property in question is 132 feet deep and 300.63 fe�t long. He stated that there would be a 66 foot stx@gt separating the building from the residents, plus a total of about 70 feet of setback. Mr. Kvalheim stated'that the building would be the same type of building as Acme Metal Spinning has, and would be the same general type of construction. The elevation of property drops off on the west side of the property, and therefore, the level of the building would actually be below M�.in Street. A person trom the audience,stated that the property presently is not entirely surrounded by M-2, but only has M-2 on two sides, and the people would have no guarantee that this type of building as proposed, would go in. Mr. stated�that his client woulti have not gone through all of the trouble of getting this �roperty rezoned, etc., if they had not intenede to put up a good type of building. The Mayor stated that he believed a build- ing of this type would be good for the City of Fridley, Mr, Johanson pointed out that although the people present were generally from Columbia Heights,',the greatest percentage of taxes would go to the Columbia Heights School District which would benefit them. The question was asked if there was anaagreement with the Citg of Columbia Heights in regards to matters such as this, so that the people o£ Columb'ia Heights could be represented at the Fridley Council Meeting. Mr'. Wolke asked mf'the building would face Main Street. Mr. Kvalheim sta�ed that it would. Mr. Wolke asked what the setback woulcl be. Mr. Kvalheim stated that the setback would"be 51 feet from the Main Street ra.ght-of-way. The building would be 70 x 110, and would be closer to the northerly lane of the property, th�n to the southerly line. Mr. Wolke pointed,out t�hat if the property were to be built on as residential construction, that only four houses could go on this property, and most likely they would be the lower pric�"of house. Mr. Sheridan stated"'that it has been the policy on certain rezoning in the past, that if the property is not used, or the building is not statted within a one-year period, the zoning would revert back to the previous zoning. Mr, Kohlan, city Attorney, stated that the Council is privileged to make certain stipulations in the rezoning, or the building permit. Mr. Hansen stated that light industrial zoning would handle anything that would propose the building for, and heavy industrial would not be necessary. The Mayor declared the hearing closed. CONSIDERATION OF GASOLINE BIDS OPENED AT NOON JANUARY 15 1962: Mr. Sheridan statecl that he, the City Engineer, the City Manager, and the Street Superin�endent were present at the bid opening at 12:00 noon on January 1S, 1962, and the bids which were received are as ' £ollows: " BIDDER'S NAME UNIT DIS- NET PRICE 15,000 gal-P. AND ADDRESS PRIC� COUNT P�R GALLON 20 000 al-E (Sch. ]3 Madland Coop., Inc. $0.276 $0.10102 $0.17498 Regular-9�2 739 Johnson St. N.E. $0.301 $0.10602 $0.19498 Ethyl - 98 Mp15. 13, Minn. Certified G'heck - $330.00 Total Bid - $2624.70 (Reg.) - $3899.60 (�th.) sinclair Refininy Co. P.O, Box 241� ICari'sas City, 42, Mo. CertiEied Checks - $75.00 and $275.00 $0.276 $0.0911 $0,316 $0.1061 Total Bid � $2773.50 'I.'otal Bid - $4198.00 $0.1849 $0.2099 (Reg) (Eth) 95 ' Regular - 92 Ethyl - 98 Pure oil Company $0.261 $0.0755 $0.1855 Regular-92 1306 - lst Street No. $0.269 $0.0755 $0.2205 Ethyl - 98 Mfin1��3��Jo�Ti�!�Ay]:Mian. , Total Bid - $2782.50 (Reg) - $4410.00 (Eth) Certified C'heck - $359.62 Skelly Oil Company $0.276 $0.0799 $0.1961 Regular-92 1717 University Ave. $0.316 $0.0899 $0.2261 Ethyl - 98 - St, Paul 4, Minnesota 5/ Proposal Bond Total Bid -$2941.50 (Reg) -$4522.00 (Eth) C ont inenta7. O i l 4010 West 65th Minneapolis 24, 5; Bid Bond Co. $0.276 $0.0903 $0.1857 >treet $0.316 $0.1003 $0.2157 Minn. Total Bid - $2785.50 (Reg) - Proposal "C" - $0.1857 (92) - Regular-92 � Ethyl - 98 $4314.00 (Eth) $0.2157 (98) Motion by Sheridan to award the bid for gasoline to Mid].and Coop., Inc. ior the year of 1962. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERFITION OF CHLORINE BIDS OPENED AT NOON JANUARY 15, 1962: Mr. Sheridan stated that he, the City Engineer, the City Manager, and the Street Superintendent were present at the bid opening at 12:00 noon on January 15, 1962. Mr. Sheridan stated that in view of the bids which were received, which were altHentical, he would recommend that the Council receive the bids and turn them over to the City Attorney for further study, and that the City continue with the present supplier on the present basis. This motion was seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kohlan stated that these bids which were received are within the scope of th'e recent direct- ive of the Attorney General's offic� with re£erence to the City receiving identical bids, Motion by Wolke that the previous motion by Sheridan be re-considered, and that all bids be rejected, and the City Attorney be authorized to communicate with the Attorney General's office with reference to these identical bids, and the City continue to purchase chlorine from.the present supplier. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PIRST READING OP ORDINANCE REZONING PORTION OF SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11 - CFtABTREE PETITION: The City Manager read the above ordinance. Motion by Johanson to accept this as the first reading of the above ordinance. Seconded by Nee, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carri+ed unanimously. The question was asked if the present zoning would prohibit a spur track from crossing University Avenue and entering onto the property in question. The City Manager stated that it was his understanding that the Railroad Company could not get a permit from the State for the crossing o£ Highway #b6. I'IRST READING OF ORDINANCE VACATING ALLEY IN BLOCK 3, BEI3L3ETT PALMER ADDITION: The City Manager read the-above ordinanee. Motion by Johanson to accept this as the first reading of the above ordiaance. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �u FIRST READING OF ORD7„DiANCE REZONING PART OF AUDITOR'S SUEDIVISION NO. 39 - ARVID S�IANSEN�iRE4UEST: -, The City Manager read the above ordinance. The changes made in the ordinance as the City Manager read it were changing the designation to M-1, instead of M-2, and that a one-year stipulation be put on the rezoning otherwise the property would revert back to the present zoning. Motion by Nee tb accept this as first reading of the above ordinance as amended. Seconded ]�y Wolke. upon a voice vate, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. EXCERPTS FROM MINUTES IN REFERENCE TO REZONING LOT 15, AUDITOR'S SUB- DIVISION NO. 88- This was continued until later in the me�ting at the request of Mayor Greig. BUIT,DING PERMIT REQLTEST BY JOHN SKOLTE FOR APARTMENT SUILDING AT 5770 2� STREET• There was discussion on the 17 foot street de@icatibn which would be necessary in the future immediately adjacent to this property. Mr. Kohlan suggested that no permit be issued until all stipulations are agreed upon by the Council. Mr. Skolte said that he had five lotg or 168 x 136 feet in all, and he would donate 17 feet for street if he could build a 12yunit apartment building on this property. There was discussion on the parking requirements. Mr. Wolke asked what type of housing was in the rest of�the area. Mr. Kohlan stated that before . the Council commits itself, the Council should see the overall area. Iytr. Skolte atated that there are seven apartments within a one or Qne and . one-haZf block area. Mr. Kohlan stat;ed that the best use to the whol� area should be considered on this matter, and not one piece considered separately from the rest of the area, Mr. Johanson state8 that the, Building,Board wanted the plans dressed up from the original proposed plans. R'he Mayor,stated that Mr. Skolte could get a ten un�.t apartment approved at the present time on this property. Motion by Nee that this matter be tabled. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a�voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING BOARD MINUTES - J.�NIIARY 11, 1962: , BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - DR. TREZONA PROPERTY - LOT 16, EXCEPT THE SOUTH 7.3 FEET SLOCK 5 RICE CREEK PLAZA SOUTH ADDITION FOR A FOUR UNIT APARTMENT SUILDING: The Building Board recommended that the perm&t be granted. Motiodrby��I�ee �Yt��ethis permit be granted. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MSNUTES - JANUARY 11, 1962: ALLEY VACATION - BLOCK 5, REES ADDITION: The Planning Commission had recommended approval of thc�s alley vacation. There was considerable discussion on this as to whethex or not the alleys should be vacated unless there was a good reason. Mr. Nee suggested that the a11ey be closed to txaffic, instead of actually vacating the alley. Mr. Wolke recommended that the next time an alley Qacation is before the Council fox co'nsideration, the houses on the property involved be shown or located on a map, and presented to the Council, so the Council will have an idea as to where the garages, etc., are located. Mr. Kohlan stated that h'e would recommend that the alley not be vacated unless the�e is a specific reason for vacating the a11ey. �i�he City Manager stated that the policy of the City has been to vacate alleys in the past, wherever possible, and if the policy ms to be changed, he would suggest that this matter be put on another agenda so the Council would have more time to consider it. SeGonded by Wolke. carried unanimously. � 7� Motion by Nee to table this matter for the present. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion S'PREET^CURB SPECIPICATIONS REVISION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission had recommended that Portland Cement curb and gutter be adopted as standard specificata.ons for City°streets, as presented in the City Engineer's report of December 27, 1961. Motion by Nee to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and adopt the Portland Cement curb and gutter. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. R�QUEST BY MRS, SAM DALBERG AND J. A. SELVIG TO REZONE LOTS 5 THROUGH 12 25 THROUGH 29 AND 13 AI3D 14 BLOCK 8 At3D LOTS 28 THROUGH 31 BLOCK 7, SPRING BROOK PARK ADDITION FOR A NURSING HOME: The Planning Commia$ion had recommended that enabling legislation be drawn up to permit nursing homes in the City of Fridley. Motion by Nee to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and to have proper legislation drawn up. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. L�T SPLIT REQLTEST - PAUL J. SCHWARTZ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - LOTS 18, 19, HLOCK 2, M0012E LAKE HIGHLANDS ADbITION: � The Planning Commission had recommended denial of this lot split, and had recommended replatting of Lots 18 and 19, Block 2, Moore'Lake High- lands. Motion by Sheridan to concur in the recommendation oE the Planning Commission to deny the lot split, and to order a replat. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ' 'I'he Planning Coicunission had recommended by Nee to concur in the recommendation deny the lot split request. Seconded by there being no nays, the motion carried CLAIMS: denial of this lot split. Motion of the Planning Commission and Johaneon. Upon a voice vote, unanimously. Motion by Wolke to approve General Claims 5695 through 5819. Seconded by Nee. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Nee to approve Liquor Claims 3769 through 3823. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � Motion by Sh�ridan to Seconded by Nee. Upon carried unanimously. LICENSES• approve Public Utilities Claims 1682 through 1713. a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion , � , Motion by Wolke to approve L-he follawing licenses: ELECTRICAL Egan-McKay Electrical Contractors, Inc. 2400 West Broadway " �linneapolis 1]_, Minnesota by: Electric Service Company 1609 Chicago Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Thomas J. McKay`� 'N�w Donald W, Peterson New y �3� Gombold Electric, Inc. 725 West seventh Street St. Paul, Minnesota GAS SERVICES Marvin F. Moore Plumbing Co. 2127 Forast Dr3.ve �T.E. Minneapolis'21, M�nnesota 7 , � , Peterson Heating and Sheet Metal 2820 Frefnont Aven�te North Minneapblis, Minnesota HEATING Marvin F. Moore Plumbing Co. 2127 Forest Drive N.E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota by: by: by: W.E. GombOld Marvin Moore New New William Peterson Renewal by: Marvin Moore New peterson Heating and Sheet Metal 2820 Fremont Avenue NoYth Minneapolis, Minnasota by: William Peterson Renewal SeconSed by Johansnn. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ' CONSIDERATION OF REDECORATING SHOREWOOD LOUNGE: There was a discussion on this as to whether the lounge should be re- decorated, and as 'to what the Liquor Store Manager's recommendation was. Mr. Wolke stated'that at the present time, there are no sPecifications set up, so the quotations do not mean much the way they are. The City Manager stated that he had received quotations from the Gordon Austin company, Sigurd Gull�ickson Colnpany and Maton, Inc. £or redecorating, but no specifications had been formally set up. Sf the City Council wishes to do this, he will set up such specificatians, and get quotations. '1*he Mayor stated that the work should be done during the winter months, and not delayed until spring when the business is heavier. 7'he Council stated that there`also should be a recommendation �rom the Liquor Store Manager as to what was needed, and the City Manager is to proceed to get quotations. CHI�TGE ORDER NO. 6- ST. 1-1961; Mr. Knutson, Comstock and'Davis, Snc. explained that Main Street from Mississippi to Rice Creek Terrace was no�. included in the original specifications. 7'his was originally planned as a divided street, but the Gouncil had ciecided that �t should now be a two-lane street, and therefore, would necessita�e the moving of hydrants from the center�of the street to the west side of the street, and this was the purpose of this change order, The Mayor asked Mr. Brown if he had checked this change order, and �• Brown said that he had checked it. Moti,on by Wolke to approve`this change order. Seconded by Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF LENNY COCHRFIA7 PROPERTY - LOT 15 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISI�N N0. 88: Mr. Johanson stated that he had asked that a letter be sent bo Mr, Cochran asking him to be at tonight's meeting. The qpayor stated that a letter had been written, but he had asked that the letter not be mailed, as the debzis did not belong to Mr. Cochran, but belonged to the V.E.W., and therefore, Mr. Cochran should not be asked to remove it. The Mayor w�nt to call Mr. Cochran. Gave1 to Nee. '� 9� t,sT zr�r.mss • Tht City Manager recommended that if the estimates be approved, that they be approved subject to the City ManageY and City Engineer's offices cheching them out and okaying them. Mr. Brown recommd�ded on the Estimate os 1961-1 Street Project, to Dunlcley Surfaciny, that at least 5 to 6 thousand do].lars should be withheld. Motion by Wolke to approve the claim of sandstrom and Hafner, Inc. - Storm Sewer and Sanitary Sewer Praject No. 24 in the amount of $38,087.55, and the claim of Sandstrom and Hafner, Inc., Sewes and Water Project No. 48-A in the amount of $25,785.09, subject to the City Engineer and the City Manager checking these estimates out to make sure that they are in order. Seconded'by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carr,ied unanimously. CLAIM OF DUNKLEY SURFACING COMC�IINY - 1961-1 STREET SURFACTNG PROJECT: . , , � � Mr. Knutson oF Comstock�and Davis, Inc. suggested that the City get together with the contractor and agree upon an amount t'o be withheld for payment from this final estimate to cover the work,which would be done in the spring o£ 1962. The question was asked on the paying of this as the final payment as there was more work to be'done. Mr. Knutson stated that this could be done. Motion by Wolke to approve the claim of Dunkley Surfacing Company for 1961-1 Street Project, suliject to the City Engineer, City Manager, City Attorney and Consulting Engineer agreeing on the amount to be withheld, and the money which is withheld would be deposited as an escrow account, and the contractor will earn interest on it until such time as it is paid to him. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLAIM - RZ�NDALL BROS. - SEWER AND WATER PROJCCT 48-C: Mr. Brown stated that he would like to check out the hydrants and valves on this-pro,7ect before the payment is given to Randall Bros. Motion by Wolke to approve this claim subject to the okay of the City Manager, City Engineer, and the City Attorney for the release of'frt. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Greig returned to the meetiny. Gavel to Greig. LICENSES AT TERRY'S CLUB: The applicants for the licenses at Terry's Club, Mr. Kand and Mr. Dittmar, were present. Mr. Dittmas stated that he will change the type of music at �Perry's Club in order to attract an older crowd. Mr. Kand stated that he had turned in a complaint to the Clerk of Court with're£erence to the recent disturbance which had occurred at the club, and,'that he wi11 ' prosecute the persons causing the disturbance. He stated that the person involved in the fight was a friend af a member of the band. Mr. Sheridan asked if°the owners would consider putting a large window in the front of the huilding, as this has helped in other communities to control dis- turbances. Mr. Dittmar stated that they would like to,try a different type of music at the establishment and if this did not work, they would put in the window. Mr. Wolke stated that the owner should file a com- plaint again�t all persons creating disturbances at the property. The Mayor stated that there had been three serious fights in Fridley, and they all have occurred at Terry's Club, and the club cannot continue to operate under these conditions. Mr. Dittmar stated that he had run a club which was the largest in the state o£ Colorado, ahd had had no trouble. Mr. Dittmar stated that he would be willing to give to the Chief of Police the key to the back door, so that he could come in and check the premises. Mr. Sheridan stated that the proprietors can try to correct, but they could not guarantee that there would�not be any more disturbances, but if they would do what they say they are going to do, they would eliminate a lot of the trouble, and he would be in favor of issuing the licenses, if they take the measures which they stated they would. If there are more disturbances at the premises between now and lUu April 30, 1962, he would not vote for renewal of the licenses at that time. Mr. Wolke stated that he agreed with Mr. Sheridan, but the full burden should not be on the owner. If the owner files complaints against the people creating the disturbance, he should be able to continue to operate. Mr, Bob Pearson was present, and stated the Council should require persons to carry sufficient liability insurance and liquor liability insurance. Mr.`Wolke asked haw about fi,he other places where they se11 beer, would they be required to have insurance also. Mr. Kohlan stated that in taverns such as this, there should be some form � of police officer, but not a City policeman, on a night in which the owners have�live music. Mr. Dittmar stated that he does have liability coverage'on the„property, ana wa.11 put it in force'tomorrow morning. fl7r.,Frank Yetri was present, and stated that his client would be damaged by continued operation of the premises, and he would rather k�ave the premises„closed, he stated that Mr. Dittmar had told him that upori red�mpt'ion by Terry, of the property, fihat Mr. Dittmar would voluntarily'�surrender the license to the Council, and asked if Mr, Dittmar could commit himself at this time on this matter. Mr. Kohlan stated that�when he is satisiied that change of ownership has taken place, $e will so advise the Councim. Motion by Wolke to move that the following licenses be granted subject to condition that license show prooE of adequate insurance in favor oi the public, with prov�sion that should,the licensee fail to maintain proper order on the premises , including filing complaints against persons causing disturbances on the premises, or the owner otherwise demonstrates inability to maintain order, the licenses be revoked: ON-SALE, TAVERN, CAFE AND CIGAI2E'PTE LICENSSu - Ralph Kand Arnold J. Dittmar 15800 Highwood Drive & Route 4, Box 79 I3opkins, Minnesota Excelsior, Minnesota dba: Terry's Club 6061 Univ, N.E, Mpls., Minn., Seconded by Johanson. Upon a roll call vote, those voting,in favor, Johanson, Wolke, Nee; those voting against, Greig and Sheridan, The Mayor declared the motion carried. Sheridan stated that the reason he voted against, was the fact that he does not £eel that these people should have to provide liability insurance when the other establishments in the City do not have to do the same. Mr. Sheridan aslced what is zdequate public liability insurance? Mr. Nagel stated that it is hard for an operation such as this to obtain liability insurance. Mr. Dittmar stated that he will voluntarily provide the liability insurance, MR. COCFIRAN'S PROPERTY - LOT 15, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 8k3: � Mr. Johanson sta�ed that he felt that Mr. Cochran had not lived up to his promises to the Council. Mr. Cochran si:ated that he feels tl�at his property is just as clean as a lot of property including the Ca.ty properiy. There was considerable discussion on tlte material Mr. Cochran had on his property, and a truck wtlich as parked there. One of the residents in the'area stated that they wanted a fence around the property to protect the cliildren. Nlr. Johanson asked Mr. Cochran ii he will go ahead with the trees and the Lence when the double bungalows are put in along Pierce Street. Mr. Cochran stated that he would. Mr. Sheridan stated that the City cannot limit entirely what Mr. Cochran can do on his premises so,lang as he �s within the zoninq ordinance. t+Lr. Johanson stated that if Mr. Cochran puts in the fence on the north side of his property running east and west, and will start construction by this spring, that everything would be fine. Mr. Sheridan stated that there has been a delay,in the erection of this Eence, and he was not aware ot the fact at the time the original request was made, that six Loot oL- fill is necessary in some places before the fence could be put in. The Mayor asked iP this matter could be resolved. Mr. Johanson stated that if Mr. Cochran does what he says he will do, the problem will be solved. Mr. Cochran stated that he will start planting the trees in the spring. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER: � r��_ Mr. Sheridan �taL-ed thaL- the City wi11 have to notify existing developers or,malce some arrangements for plats now in the process on this matter. The City Manager stated that he will Have to draw up,same sort of an ordinance or resolution covering the property, or developments, in process now, and bring it t�� the City Council for consideration. SUBUE2BAN Gb1S AGENCY MEETING: Mr. Sheridan stated that he could not make the meeting of Ja�uary 25th, and aslced if Mr. Nee could make it for him. Mr. Nee said th�t he would advise the City Manager. ADJOURNMENT: 'F`here being no further business, the Mayor declased the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted: �M r� :,�13i�,� Ma vin , runselZ—""-! Secretary to the Council COUNCIL MINUTE5 - FEBRUARY 5, 1962 � , , MAYOR - T, E, Greig A regular meeting of the City Council was called to oxder by Mayor Pro-tem Nee at 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL• Members Present: Members Absent: Johanson, Sheridan, Nee, Wollce(arrived at 9:20 P.M.) Greig APPROVAL OP MINUTES; Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes ol the January 15, 1962 meeting. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. NEW IlUSINESS; OPENING OP BIDS ON TWO POLIC� CARS: n i The City Manager opened the bid5 on the police cars, which were received as listed below: BIDD�R P.DiD BID SECURITY BroadF�ay Plymouth-De5oto 1527 W. IIroadway, Mp],s. CeYt. Check $210.00 CAR 1 $2,485.00 CAR ' 2 $2,475.00 Midway L'ord Company I 1850 University Ave, St. Paul, Minnesota � 5/ Bid Bond - Ag. Ins. Co. $2,361.40 $2,361.40 Rive�s Mo�ors 656 East Main, Anoka, Minn. IIank M.o. $333.18 No Bid Hopkins Motor Sales Eiopkins, Minnesota 5% Bid Bond - St. Paul Pire and Marine Ins. Co. $2,679.11 0 $6,183.40 (Por Both Cars) $2,679,11 TRADE TOTAL IN BID $855.00 $4,105.00 $635.00 $4,087.80 $1,587.38$4.,596.02 $985.00 $4,373.22