02/14/1962 - 0002372211U , COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUAP.Y 14, 1962 I� special meeting of the City Council was called to order by Nlayor Pro-tern Nee at_8:10 P.M. Members Present: Nee, Johanson, ;;heridan, Wolke 1�iembers �bsent: Mayor Greiy CONSIDERATION OF ACCE55 TO PROP�I:TY IMP�DIATELY NOR'CH OF TILUDTI: L3IGI�7AY ti100 ON THE EAST SzDE OF EAST PIV�R ROAD: Mr. Godward, Consulting Engineer to Northern Pump, eacplained i.Yie ieelin�l of Northern Pump officials, that the minimum access provided by the Si:ate Highway Department to their property on the northeast corner oi T_ H. #�100 and East River Road would greatly,interfere with the development of this property. He explained thaL- the oificials would prePer to obtain better access to the property, rather than a large condemnation settlement, feeling that the tax revenue from i.he property would be greatly beneficial to the City and School District. Mr. 'Paylor from the law Pirm representing Northern Pump, added some comments L-o the statement by Mr. Godward. Mr. McCUbrey of the State Highway Department said that the State absolutely would not permit a crossover on �ast River 12oad at�y closer to the inter- change at intersection of �.H. �i-100 and East,River Road, than was,present].y provided. The State also, would not provide a service roacl Prom the one access point southerly into th� NorL-hern Pum� property, Mr. F7ax�ren Puelston from Franklin Manuiacturing Company also discussect access �o the property owned by Pranklin Manuiacturing Company, which is immediately east o� the i3orthern Pump property, and north of T,H. #100, and asked the staL-e if some additional access could be provided onto University Avenue near the northern edge of the�r property. Mr. McCubrey stated that L-he state could not permit any access from 57th Street Northeast, southerly to T.FI. #k100. The Council too]c no action in L-his matter, and Mr. McCubrey stated that shortly the Sta�e FIighway Department would present plans tor a temporary road system during construction oL- the bridges and inter- change roads at this intersection. CONSIDEFATION OF CROSSOVER AT STIITION 232+00 ON T,H. #�65: The City Council's request r.o have the crossover constructed at Station 232+00 on T.H. {#65, as original7_y approved by the City Council, was clis- cussed with NLr. McCubrey. Mr. McCuhrey stated that the State would provide a crossover at 73rd Avenue Northeast, and remove the crossover at 732 Avenue Northeast, and that they would be willing to place the cross- over at Station 232-F00, and remove the crossover immediately north oi° the Minnesota Transfer Railway tracks, provided the property owners on boL-h sides oF T.H. #65, north oC the crossover at the railroad traclts, were willing to agree to the removal of said crossover. Mr. McCUbrey asked that the consent of the property owners be put in writing, and submitted to the State Highway Department, and the Council asked the Chty Manager to obtain said letters. CONSIDERATION OF 53RD AVENiJ� NORTI3EAST BETWEliN UNIVERSITY AND T.HfI ��}65: There was a discussion relative to what the Council had agreed upon when the resolution agreeiny to have the State construct 53rd Avenue IQortheast had been passed. The Council's understanding at the time o£ passage of the resolution, m�as that the State would put in 53td Avenue Northeast from University to T.H. k�65, at a 44 roor width. The present planning of the State appeared to be to construct this road only from 7th Street to T.H. #65. The City Manager stated that a revised resolution, as revised by the State Highway Department, covering this situation would be presented to the Council at the Council meeting on Pebruary 19th ior their consideration. Mr. McCubrey stated that the construction of 53rd Avenue NortheasL- from University Avenue to T.H. #65 at a 44 foot width probably would be aqreed to by the � SL-ate IIighway Department. 1�i Councilman Woilce lef_t the meet�ng. COIQSID�RATSOnT OP ISSU7INCE OP PET2M11IV�NT BONDS POR CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: Nir. Ehlers of Ehlers-Mann and Associates, Inc., Fiscal Agents for the City of Fridley, was present and presented a letter to the City Council suggesting that the interest rates in the present bond market were most Savorable, and would undoubtedly rise,� and suggesting that the Council authorizc i.he sale oE bonds Por all improvements completed that haye � ]�een finznced on temporary bonds purchased by the City itsej.f. There was also a discussion relative to selling the $150,000 park acquisition bonds voted by the citizens at the elections in November 1959. Council- man SheriQan stated that he ielt the Council could concur in this suggestion by the Fiscal Ayent. Councilman Nee stated that he: agreed wii�h Councalman Sheridan, and that such recommendations were the reason ior engaginq the services ot a Eiscal zgent. Councilman Johanson also agreed wtith Councilman Nee and Sheridan that the resolution authorizing the sale oc ;;uch bonds should be prepared by Ehlers-Mann, to be submiL-ted to the Council at i.he regular meeting on February 19, 1962 fox- the Council's L-urL-her consideration. I�DJOUCtNMLNT - There being no further business, Mayor Pro'tem Nee declared the cneeL-ing ad�ourned. Respectfully su7uniL-ted: ���/(� W w.,.�. �-v�+ " Marvin C.- 73runse7l Secretary to the Council � 1'OR - T. E. Greig „OUNCI7, ML:FsTING - February 19, 1962 A regular meeting of the City Council sras called to order by Ma,yor �ro�.�em Nee at 8s00 P.M. ROLL CAId, : Members Pre�ent: Johanson� Sheridan� Nee� Wolke� Greig (arrived at 8:20 P.M.) Membars Absents None APPRWAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Sheridan to approve the minutes of the February 5� 1962 meeting, and the minutes of the February 11�� 1962 meeting. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no na,ys, the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: BOARD OF AYPEALS RECOMMENDATION IN REFERENGE TO LOT 6� AUDIIYIR�S SUBDIVISIDN N0. 39- Tha Board of Appeals had reco�mnended granting approval of thie variance request provided the City Counail requires a reasonable maintenance of the building. Mr. Hansen xas present, and stated that he would lika to build an 80 foot stide building, and would like a lt8 foot waiver of the setback requirements. Mr. Nee asked about parking in Sront. Mr. Hansen eaid that the oal,y parking Which would be allawed in front would Ue transients� or peoole on the business, Mr. Nee asked about future plans for widening Main Street, Mr. Brown stated that there xas nothing definite on this at the present time for this area. Motion by Wolke to grant the request £or waiver� and sllow a minimum aetback of 52 £eet on Lot 6, puditor�s Subdivision No. 39� Secondad by Johanson. Upott a voice wte� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. - Mr. Wolke suggested that the Couttcil be on the alert as to the type of construction o£ the building xhen the permit comes up for consideration.