03/05/1962 - 00023706��� ROLL CAZL: Members presents Greig� Johanson� Wolke Members absent: Sheridan� 1Vee ftF,QirFST FOR PARTTAL PAYNiE1VT OF TfiE RFTAII�ED 10� OF 5&SS{�2�-A� AND ALTERNATE 21�-A: Motion b,y Johanson to authorize payment of $�1t0,000.00 0£ the retained 10� of Estimate �g of S&SS#24-A� ana Alternate #2!�-As pa,yment to be made only upon £inal approval by the Citg Attorney oi the legzlit,y of said pa,yment. Seconded by Wolke, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motian carried unanimouslyo CQNSIDERATION OF IRON REMCVAL PLAIVT ➢ESIGN: The design oi' the 3ran remo�al plant was �resented to the Council by res Knutson of Comstoak and Davis, Inc,� for the Council�s eomments and suggestions. The Conncil took no action, but the consensns was t.hat there would be no additional storage space prcr- vi�3ed 3n the buildings and t�hati the proposed rest room for park purposes would be in- cluded in the rles �.gn, FASII1�'iJT TD PUP✓�,P HOUSE F`ROM 63R.D AVi^NUE NO$7HuAST ACROSS YRIvkTE tROP�RTY: 'Phe City Engine�r e;cpia%ned ;hat the C.as Company had not wanied to pag any mone�r for this ease.�ent, and had been attempbing to obtai.n a private easement for themselveso S,ince there has been a great dea] o�` delay in obtai.nzng the easement� the Gas Compan,y now had told Mr. Bro�s�n that they would Iike to have the Gity obtain a public atility easement� and they would Lhen inscall unmediate service to the pump house, Motion b,y Johanson to authorize pa;�nent £or this easement, and also' to pay the owner on the mext piece of propert�* for the porti_on of the �a�emeat that he had donate3. Seconded by Wo1ke. Upon a vaice vote, there bei.ng no nays� the moti�n carried unanimously. ADJDiJF1V[�Pd T: There being no further lausiness� Mayor Greig declared the meeting adjourned. Respec�Pully submitted: ,�'�'�jti,�,��'j�� '/�' � � r�.r'%� ���� Ac�,ing Secrctary to�'the Cotuzci1. �'OUNCIL MI2dUTE5 - MARCH i�, 1962 � � . r� . !/� �, } �� y� � J MAYOR - T, i. Greig ' ' A regular meet3.ng o£ thp Cit,y Counc:�l was lealled to order by Mayor Pro-tem Nee at 8:00 P,M. �oL� cr�,: Members Present. Greig, Johanson„ 5heridan� Wolke, Idee Members Absent: None A:°?ROVAL OF MIPNTEB: Motion bv Johanson La approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 19� 1962� and of the speci�l meeting� Februar,y 20y 1962. 5econded by Greigo Unon a voice vote� there be2ng no na,ys� the mc�tion r_arri�d unanimo�zsly. �JI,D BUSSNr55: APP(7INT;KP�idT 7'0 BUILDZVG STA1aDARDS SUB-CONTi�I1TTBE: Moroion b}� Grei� to a�poini. Ra,y Carlson +,o the Building Standards Sub-committee� provided he will accept tkte posi.tir�no Seconded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no naysy the motion carried unanimously. CONSlIIERATION OF COD17�'ICATION GF ORDINA�UCEB: Mr. Wae,ner rea3 a proposal from Andrew Kohlan� for codi£ying the ordinances. Base cost would be �3�700000� which would incl.ude 200 cpoies oi not over 200 pages. Cost of binders� and additional cop9_es would be exl,ra. Mr. Kohlan stated that Mr, Smith would 'oe helping him with this, and the,y would be ab].e to get started on it at once. Motion by Greig to accep� the oroposal of Andrew Kohlan for codi£ication of the ordinances� and Mr. Kohlan is to szart on the pro,7ect imr,le3iatel,yo Secc�nded b� Johanson. Upon a voiee vote� there beiz� no naysy the mation ca.z�ried unanimously. L 1 i�y NE�n� BUS�INESS: PUBLIC HEARING - FINAi, PLAT - LAKELAND HFIGHTS ADnITI�JN: No action was taken on this item at this time, BIDS, FOR SHOREWO�D L�i7PdGE REllECQRATING - OPENGD AT 1VOO�v� MeLRCH 1, 1y62: The City Manager announced the following bids were received at 12:(5G noana March 1? 1962a and were opened in the presence of Mr, Wolke� the Cit,y Pdanager, and Mr, Brunsell; HIDDFR 'De�elco Decoratorsa Inc. 8�8 1�Oth Avenue N.E. Minneapolis 21� Minn. Gordon�s Decorating 5895 Tennison Drive N,E. Minneapolis 21' Minn. Sigurd Gulliekson Co. 7800 Qui.ncy Stre�t N.E, Minneapoli.s 21� Minn. Maton, Inc. 1177 East Highwa-r J�3C St� Pau1 9� Minnesota John Haaen 6210 Trinity Drive N.E. Minneapol3s 21� Mirui. Schumazu7 Bros. B�v 99 Whi�e Bear Lake� Minn. Buildeo� Inc. 819 Locrry Avenue North ea�olis� M�.tui. Myron P. Nelson Co. 621 - 9th Avenue S.F. Minneapolis 1lt, Minn. American Painting Co. 291�0 - 12th Avenue So. Minneapolis 7} Minn, BID 513CURITY Certified Check �65.�0 �75.00 Cash Bondi£ied Money Order °61�4.00 Certified Check �59.75 No Bid Certified Check �35.00 No Hid St. Pat�l Fire & Marine 5� Certified Check f�110.�0 AMCU2dT °�1,299.00 ��la �180.00 � SBO,�aC/ .'��1�195.00 :� 655.00 �.DZ�f18VS�� �$ 7°�.00 Mr. Johanson stated that he had checked on the work of Sclramann Bros,� and they are a reputable firr�, Motion lay Johanson to award the bid £or redecorating Shorevroad Lounge to Schumann Bros,' Box 993 White Bear Lake� Minnesotaa in the am�ant oi y"b�5.00. Secondod by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the mot�_an carried ur�ni mously. Mr. Johanson suggested that the success£ul b3dder be gisen close superviszon on r,he job, PUBLIC H�ARING - FINAL PLAT - LRKELAND HEIGHTS ADDITIQi�i: The City Manager read the notice of hearing. No one appeared for or against the accepi,ane� of the proposed plat. Mr. Sheridan asked if the City has easements for Regis Lane, Mra Brown stated ��yes� the City does by condemnat.ion for easement� and alsoa ii, is dedicated as part oi the plat." Motion by Wolke that the hearino be closed on th� fina.l plst of �akeland Heightis Add9.tion' and this be accegted as t;�e fiz�.l plat of Lakeland Aeitihts ddition. Seconded b,Y Sherician. Upon a vci_ce voie� t,here being no naysa the mni._on he motion carried unani.zno�asl,y. Ma,yor Greig left the meeting t.emporarily. BIDS FOR CARRY-dLL-TRUCK - OPENED AT NW1V, MARCH S, 1962: The City Manager stated that the bids *aere opened in the presence ot Mr, Shea^i3aL1� Mr, Brown� Mr. Clark� an3 the City Manager, The bids whicii ti,rere received are as follows: �vU NAME OF BI]]DER Astleford Eguip. Co. 1t00 West 78th Stre�t Minneapolas 23� Minn. � Snte rnational ) McGee Tru¢lcs, �nc, 88 Glemaood Avenue Minn�apolis 3, Mi.nn. 8uburban Chevro].et Co. 7.106 Excelsir�r Avenue Ho�kins, Minn. (Ghevrolet) Hain Motc�r 5'ales Co. 222 Main Street East, �noka,, Minnesota (Chevrolet) Parnn Motors New �righton� Minn. {Interna+ional) Osseo Motar Co, 208 Centra.l. Ave, �sseoy Minnesota Jay Iiline Chevrole t Corapany 11D1 West, L3ke Street Minnesnolis S' Minn. Hartzell Motor Coo 1�93b Franc� Azre, So. Minneapolis {Edina) Minnesota DID BASE DELo SECURSTY LUMi' SUt4 DA7� Certified �t5 Chec?c Cal. ;�Y30 000 Da,ys �2�60�000 No Sid Certif=ed Cher,k �&11�,62 Certifiad Check �115.00 N3tl. Sec. Bsd Bonri 5� No Bid Certified Checlt ,5'�? 25.OU No Bid Aoprox. 3o ra1. Days �2�312.2a 30 Days �2,799.3I 35 Da,y� �2�528a2U �?,370.00 �0 tc� 1�0 Days ALTERNATPS (A) ��) (C) (D) h3d ;�3U.50 Add �50.00 Add "��6a00 No Bid (A) Add �47.88 (B) Add $3�.�C1 (C) Add �4�.60 {D) No Bid (A) Add �95.0� (B) Add �60.00 (C) Add �65�.� (D) No Bid ��) �g) ��%) (ll} (A) ia) (C) (D) Add �15.20 Add �3$.00 nda ��l�.96 DC �97.65 AC f�127.00 Afld �$J�7.88 Ada 9638.00 Add �4�.60 naa�255.00 ylr, Brown suggested that the 60 amp. alternator be purehased since the !�2 amp, would not be su£ficient if a racLio were installed in the truck at some later date. Motion b;r Johanson to award the bid for the carry-a11 truck to Suburban Chevrolet Company� 1106 Excelsior Avenue West9 Hopkinsy Minnesota� in the amount of �2� 1�0�0 76s which included Alternates A and Co Seconded b,y Wolke„ Upon a voice vote� there being no na;�s� the motion car�ed unanimo�a�lyo BIDS FOIi PORTAI�LE GENERt1TOR - OPEIVED AT NOON� MARCH 5y 1962: The City Manager stated that the following bids were received and opened in the presence o£ Mrp Sheri3an9 Mr, Brown9 Mr. Claric� and the City Manager. The Cit,y Manager stated that only nne bid had been received irom Hnmelite Canpan,y� and suggestied thau the Cocmcil w.ghL asir the City Attorne�* fur somP advice be£vre the;� proceed £urther on this. The bids are as fo]_lows: BI➢llER Homelite Go„ 81� No, Prior St. Paul �� Minn. Ceri.ified Cneck �zio.00 Mplso Equip. Co. �20 - 2xrd St. S.E. Ninneapolis 11�, A7irni. No. S,tates 5ugply 320 Wo 3rd Street Willmar, Minn, BID IT��i 1 ? 3 i� [, U 7 � No Bi 3 No Bid Q UA1v TT' CY Z 2 5 2 L 2 2 2 Total UNIT PRICE �617.5p �662.50 � 4.35 � i5.35 $ 17.70 ffi 9.75 $ 20,15 � 35.05 EATENSION TOTAL P�ICE �617.50 �7-� 325.OD ?$ 21.75 � 30.70 $ 35. �+0 � 19.50 � lt0.30 � 7o.io 2�1 0.2� ' � � � �? � PT�ANNING CDMI4ISSION MINU�S - MARCH 1� 1962: WELCH AiJD TIIE V.F.W. FRTDLEY POST 1V0. 363 FOR 7'fIE EAST '� BLO K� SPRSNG VALLI;Y ADD3'L'ION: � '� The Planning Commission had reaommende3 that this rezoning request be granted. Motiion by Johanson to concur in the recommenda.tion of the ?1a.+uZing Coamr.ission� an�3 to sei; a public hearing on the above rezoning, Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voire vo�ea tnere being no naysa the motion carried unasiimously. PUBLIC HEARING - YRELIMINARY PLAT - 5YLVAN HILLS PLAT m6z The Planning Commission recor�unended a�proval of tne preliminary plat subject to the Ca.ty Attorney obtaining th� proper legal docurtent providing for a 50 foot road easement in the rema�.ning unplatte�� property to the west� and apnrnve the re-laration o�' the drainage easement as propose@. Mr. Brown explained the lorabion of the drainage easemen�a and the road, Motion by Johanson to accept this as the preliminary p3.ai. a.f Sylvan Hills Plat #6� subject to the City getting the proner ],ega'_1 documents for the roads and tihe drainage sasement as pronosed bzT ihe Planning Commission. Seaonded b,y UTolke, T1pon a voiee vote� there being no nays' the motion carried unanimousl�. REaLTEST BY WORDEIV L. COOPEH (CARL FOt�SBEFG) TO SPLIT '9RT OP' LOIS 12 AND 13a BLOCK 1� SYLVAN HILLS A➢DITION:� � The Planning Commission had recommended that th3.s request be denied. Mr. Kohlan explained that there would be man,y problems involved if the propert,y were split, sueh as obtaining proper surveys� and proper app*aisal of the propertp �'c+r tax pux-poses� and spreading of the ta�ces, the assessments? and the 1ike. Motion b,y Sheridan *o concur in the rer,omnendation of the Planning Commission and den,y the request. Seconde3 by Wolke. Upon a volce voce� there being no na,ys� the motion carried unanimousl,y. BUILDING PERMIT Er0iiE5T BY B& B INVES`�fEivT COMPANY. 1NC. FOR THREE FDUR.�PLEXES QN LOTS The Planning Co�nni.ssion had recnirmiended approval of these permits subj=.=,ct -to getting a certiiicate of survey for each building site� with pro�er parking area with a suggested mi.ni.mum of 1�800 square feet' and in addition to proper d*iveway areas, The City Manager stated that the B& B Investment Company� Inc, had brought in a sur�rey with the �arkiru; areas as requested bj the ?lanning Commission. There was a discussion on the �cterior a�pearance of fi'rne buildings. Motion Uy Joh�nson to r�fer these permits to he Building Hoard for stud,y o£ the exterior appearance, Secon3�d b,y Sheridan. CTgon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried un�nimously„ p�RMIT RE�UEST BY BERn1ARll JULAOWSKI TO ERECT A WAREHOUSE OId LO'PS 6, 7, ANll 8, The Planning Coimnission had recommended that no action be t3ken until Mr. Julkowski presents a certificate of surve;sr for the building sii.e, There was n�7 act�.ora taken b,y the Cauncil. Ma,yor Greig returned to th�: meeti_ng. PETITIOIVS: Motion by Sohanson that the following peti�ions be received and placed on £ile and processed with the other petitions: Pet� �1_1962 - Sewer lateral and Street sur£acing - 2� Street Northeast from 57� Street N.E« to 58th Street N.E. Pet. #2-]962 - Streets� Curbs, Sanitary Sevrer, Water, Storm Sewer, and Street Si�a� - Steiger Terraca„ �et. #3-1962 _ Storm Sewer - Don Addition, econded bv sreig. Upon a vpice vote} there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR PAYME1dT rOH CLF�II�ING PLIIGGED SE4�ER BY MRS, DEAPI - SQ9 67Tfi A4ENiTL 1VOi3THEAST: Mrs. Dean was presenta and stated that she ha3 had Rot�a-Rooter Co, clean aut ner servirw line several times} but t�ie last time they would not guarantee the work an,,� morea as f:nere was apparently something wrong in the line itse]_f. Shc: Lhen callad the Cit,y� and 'che City instructed her to get her own private contractor �o do i,h� reoair ,aqr'r„ Zne ol�struct�.on in the tile apparc.ntily was in the first tile off £rom the main line in the center of the street� and she felt that this was the City�s respon,ibility, and she should be ruimhursed for her claim. Mr. Sheridan and Mr. Johanson stated that if it was in the Cit,y ribht-of-zaay, the City should probably oay. Mr. Bob Pearsona Insurance Gounselor' stated Lhat he haa �m� talked to Mr, �`reeman� the prrivat.e contractor' an3 it was not a briken tile that had caused the obstrurtiono 1�Sr. Jonanson suggested that Mrs. Dean get a letter from Freeman stating just what condit3on the tile was in when ne e�avated ita Mr. Kohlan stated that ii it is somethzng that is attributed to action o£ the City� it wou7.3 be quite different than if it were something attributed to action of the individixal. Motion b,y Johanson to have Mrs. Dean contact Mr„ Freeman� and to have Mro Fresman give the City a letter stating what th? cause of the trouble was� and all the particulars� an3 Mrs. Dean is to gei a carbon copy of' the letter. 5econded hy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there bein�; no nays� the motion carried unanimously, RESOLU'�iON N0. 13-196?_ - OR➢ERING PRELI�fI:VARY PLANS RND SPECIFICaTIONS SW#5�: Mro Johanson stated that he would like to add that easement,s be obtaine3 before contract is leto Motion by Greig to adopt the resolution ordering preliminary plans and speci£ications' ior SW,�55. Seconded by Wolkeo Upon a voice vote� there being no nays' the motion carried unanimouslyo t�LAIMB: Moi:ion by Sheridan to approve General C.laims 5974 through 6031. Seconded by Greig. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanunously. Motion by Greig to approve Liquor C�2ims 3911� through 3953. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being na na,�ss tne motion carried unanimouslyo Motion b� Sheridan to a�proce Public Utility Claims 175$ through 1775. Seconded b,y Greig. Upon a voice vo1 e' tkiere being no na,ysy the motipn carried uma,raimously. LICEUSES: Moticsn by Tnlolke to approve the fo3_lot.ring licenses; Gu1dERAL George F, Cook Construction Coo 2833 L�mdale Avenue 5'onth Minneapolis� Minn�sat,� by: AP:'I�ICATION FOR CA?'E LICEIVSE: Keith D. R� Barbara J. Johnson 11315 Snail Lake Bou7.evard Mi.nneapolis� Minnesota Georee F. Cook New db�: Dairy Queen 298 Mississippi ?,iav Nar. T'fisL*�eapolie 21� M�nn. New SAeonde3 b,y Sheridan, iJpon a voice �ote� there be��ng no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RESOL'UTION 1V0, 1�-1902 - S�TTTNG LOAll LIMITS OD? STRuN�`P": Mcrtion by Greig to adopt the above resolution. Seconded b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carx•ied unarumously. CONBTDERETIOId CJI' PUNCIiASF OP' LO'P I13� BLOCK A� RIVERVIENI HEIGHTS ADDITION: The City Manaaer e�lained that the Cit,y wished to purchase Lot,1��� and Mr. George Granger wished to have Lc7ti 39� Block KS Riverview Heights Addition� as he had property on both sa.des oP it. 7'he �'.ity would facilitate his acquiring Lot 39� and in turn the City would acquire L�t 43 f'rom him. Mr. Grea.g su��ested that tnere are other properties �n tha imriediate area that are in a dilapidated conditiony and owned by Mrs. Wilson alsoy and sug�ested that the City do somethin� Fo try to upgrade this property at the same time. ' Motion by ,�onanson to purchase Lot lt39 Bloek K' Ptiverview Aeigh+,s Addition. Seconded b,y Wa1ke. Upon a voiee vote, there being no na,ys' the motion carried unanimously. BY LYAIDALE BU7L➢ERS 'Ib MOVE A HGUS:; NOW LOCA'1'E;U AT UNIVERSITY AVEt�iTr. i�lotion lrp Sheridan that this m�tter be turned over to the Building Board. Seconded by Creigo L'pon a voice vote, there baing no na,ys� the motion carried unanimously. LETTER PROT4 Y,?�i.C.A. RE(aUESTING PERMISSIOT3 TO USE THE I,OCKE PROPERTY: The City Manager exolained that the City dars nrrt have tit].e to this property as yet� bnt since it is conte_nplating the purchase of it� the Y.M.C.A, wisned to have th= City�s permi.ssion to use 7.t in case the Ci t,y did acqui re title to it between now and the time they intended Lo rnake use of it. Motion b,y Greig to akay this request permi.tti.ng them Lo use the property providing the Park Board approves� and the matter is to be f�eferred to th� Park Aoard, Seconded by Wolke, lipon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carx�.ed unanimously. , ' 12 �� " CONSI➢EkATION OF PURCiikSE OF EASII�P1uT FOR YROJECT 3�tF - LQT 1� BLOCK 2� AIIDITOR�S SUSD V�S ON�' 1V�. �'�a —� � �—` ?ir. Brown ea�plained the location oi the easement. Mr, �onarxson mov�d tha � i,hr Cius� purchase the 33 foot easement on Lo� l� Slock 2a P_uditior�� Subd3.�risar�n Pda, ?_2 fo^ 9�l�61«�1. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice zrote� thst�e being na i?a,ysa the moticn� carr2ed unanimously. APPOIly`1MFiVT OF ELSIE HAPdSCOM - CLEP�I{-TYY7Si FnR THL CIVIL DEFBNSE D:CRLCEOR AIdD TI� CITY ASSESSOR: � � Mo�ior, by Johanson to apps•ove the above a�nointment, Secaa����r� by Sheridari. Upon A VO].CP vote' there Ueing no nays� the motion carried unanimously„ �HIRING OF FUL7.-TIMC EMPLOYEE TO DO THE I,IQUOR INVEiVT�IiY trJORIi: Motion by Grei� to approve this position. Seeonded by SHeridan, Upon a uaicP v�tea there beinn no naps� the motion carried unanimously. RECREA'1�DAI COMMISSTON ME&^1ING MINUTES - F�E�RUARY 1S, Z96L: Moi.ion hy Greig to receive and place on file the Re�reation Commissian Minutes o£ Februar,y 1�� 1y62, Secondefl b,� Sheridan. Upon a voice votea there being na nopsa the mo�ion carried unanimously. RESOLUTICiV �'ERMiTTING PA°nTSAI, CONSTRUCTIGN ON i.N. �{69Ct {393)z The City NIana�er reaa the above resolution. There was considerable discus>ior. cii tkis as to whether this would be part of the permanent construct�_on, or tem�orar,y. Mr, Brawn out�lined the proposed canstruction on the map, Mr. Johanser� suggested that the rc:sc7.t.tior� be rF{.urned withouL approval. Mr. Kohlan suggested that bhe C�vnci_] �_rect the City P4anager to conwact the Highway Department outlining the Counc�l�s posii,�cn on tl-�e matter. Motion t�y Juhanson to returai the resolution without ap„�7^oral, �n k�h i,he e;cpianatlon vhat Council arproval oi this segment of the h.ighwa;,r ru.ght prejucLic� treir poaition on the remainder of the highwa,y construciion in the area. and t.her�farP, no acC•,_on is being taken on�it. Seconded by Greig. LTpon � voice voter f.hose vot� '�yes" Greigp JohanSOn� Nee; �liose. ubiirig ���no" Sheridan and Wolke. Motion cdrx•7ed. Mr, Greig staLed t�2ati a11 this highway work is related� and shou].d all be tied together ir one package, t4r„ Sherician �tated that the H�.ghway 1�r4�i�tment �cu'_d go ahead in 9�� day,, a.n,ywa,,�. Mr. �dolke s�,a�,ed hr�t the bridge is an impori,ant piece of construction far the res�.dcni.e izi the area? s it is a bottle-neek at the present tine. LETTER FROM ANOKA COiNTY ?N FEF`EREl�!CE TO CLASSIFICATi01V OF Tt1Y F^vRF�`IT �ROPERTY: Motion by Sheridan to table this matter until the nea-'� meetin�, sa that the City cra� eheck ont the location of all the lots on i�he lisi' and determin� whether or not the Gity has any u;,e £or these lots. Seconded by Greig. Upon a voice votea thei°e being no na,ys� the motion carried unaninzously. BILS' ON ELEC'��C FL�NiI�R: There was a disoussion on purcY;ase of each item separately� or awardir_g the bid as submitted, Motion by Johanson to authorize the City ta purcbas� the atems ior Lhe �peration o£ the electric haimner with the prico not to exceed the price aizoted L,v the supplier� but to buy them on the best terms availablE. Ser,unded by Sh�ridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no naysa the me�i.ion carried unar.imous],y. SNOW PL04JTNG: Mr. Bob ,Pearson asked what t,he spe.ed of the s�ow plovr on the side streets �,as. Tt�e City Manager stai.ed l� to 2U miles per hour. ADJOURNN�IVT: �here being no further business� Mayor Pro-tem Nee declared tne meetir.g adjourned, Respectfully submitted= Secretary to �he Counc9l 1 <i 1 �, ;, ,�`�+-� �-',� , YOR - T. E'.