05/14/1962 - 00023652� I� � �I i�� ?'i3'_iL'HA�SIIJG �F C�iY 11UL�N10�3L7�F E1ATi1]^lA `CIIAIV Pf,ti'TVC MT_L��i1"-l+',: The Cit,y Manager was askerl to check ina�o the m�tter �f M Clty auticr�inbile. GIA.'CR A1dD SE�'WER LIPIE SLUSTALL�?'�IOATS OIVT CLN'PkAL �V1�ViTR PAiD ADJFlC7�IdT ARr�P_5 .� PFS�LiiTION NO,. 9-�°b's - SW&S'S�$; _______._____------- ------ _ -__ _ Mr. Les Knutsan explained that cextain water anr se�aer and st�rm se�,�ei� crossing lane� sheila be put in befare Central kluenue is restiri'aced. �1,�i,i_on by �cl�arisor_ tc adopt the resolution arihori_zing tne Consult,3ng Eng,�eert to maYe a prelunLnary renort. and order a ptialic hearing, Se�.n7�c�Pd 'o-; 1�!e�, Lipen a voice vote� t:�ere bein� no nays� the mot�on c��°ried unan�inously� T1TSCiiSSI01v` WSTH LAI'N�-NSNl`i�SO`CP IN ?iN,C�FDS 'IO 1N9+,LZ tiIORK ��THICH THEY HAD DOD1E � OI? TfI� CSTY_.._.__._.---_-__.__,..._ ____, - -.--_�. �___._ ____________. __�._.,��___.��. There �aae � disccssion on i.k�e ar;ount that La,yne-Nlinnesoi;a shavld be pa?_c' ior rrorl� che,y had dorie aver and abave Vrhat was inc3.uded �_n the concract, The -represen�,at;ve from La,yne-Minr_enoi,a did not give � defina_te ii�u?^� as to wlia', he Fc1t L-]iey shcLiL� be p�.i�?. Mr. ICohlan suffgested that 9i tiie,y did not feel L-he sUttlemerit was satis- iactory� the matter co�tld be settled by a court, P�I?°, iQee stat�d tkiat he �acuid £ee1 be�, Ler abcut it if the matter were sett7_ed b,y a courL, rai,her than b� i:he Cirt-s There was further discus°.LOn an th�_s mal,tere i�7o acLion �ras taken, ADJOURN24Et�d T: TherF beirg no fuz��.her busires., thr i�lavor dec3_�r�a tlze �neetsn� ad�curxied„ Respeci,fully su�rniti,ed: J�^, ` ��, Marvxn C.Q73hrur�llC� j Secr�tary t.o the Cais�ctil L F '-r�' IQYOR T. E. SPECIAT� COU14C �L NL���TI1+IG TKTTdITTiS - N'.AY _l�la 19��2 The me�t;ing was ca17_ed to or�ler b,y M�.yer Grei.g ai flm�C P.P�, i�?embers Present: P�'embEr•s Absent: CTreig� Joh�,nsnr.. ShEriddn, in7cal[�e, Ple� IJone A�tSI,TS'��I.L vtn1�+LI,TNG LTCEt1STNG �RP.IN�,UC� (FTR6i' REF.1IIl��G): Mr„ Johanson asked what action zaas needea tonighl: ai. thtis meetzng, Th� C, t,-y Marage�� explaineri wh3t had happened in thn past in ref�rerce to i;'�e mu3 tiple cbrellin� per,nvt mor�torivm! and chat this ordirtance coulcl �e read and accep�a�i on readir.�, *.,�.th an,y changes desi^ed made for the secoi?d reading oi' the o�°c��_nance� Mr, Jahansc,n a��kcd 3f this ordinance was read as a fsrsc reading? and accepLed� what regulatians Urauln the Couneil use for issuir.g building perm�_ts. `i'he Ci'r,y T�1ar,a�;er ste.tecl that tihe c,1d reg- ulat�ons woala have tio be usecl a� the new ordinauce waulc not be e£fective until about June 22� 1)b2, Nr. WoJke stated that he belietred that tt�� Gannci� ••*as goin� ai, th�_s lri j:}�E wron� W�',.;G• 'rTiE �2]_12�7C-'d '�,'R8� TLn GS1P kT2.5 T'�'21].J f=!�^�_1132' n�itll 1"t�4� �71UCi1 area 1S zaned mrzltsplea oi' how marl,y muli�iple dorellin� ui�ics l�ave been bu_t7 t, c� how man,y coul_o b° bui7_t an FridlEy� �id it _s har�u tc draw up an erdinanc� vntil Lh��� Paets are lmo-vme T!�e oT�*ners ot lands that are �aned properl,y snovld be allowed +,o bu9 � d, i�Zr, tn�o;'<< _Ce� �_ '.hati the C�unAi2 sh�u�_d noc si.op triem, as the lac.d was purchascd wher, svctl thin�5 as half basements were allowed� and Lhe builcier was unde- ch�� ��sumPticn tha� tihi, COUZC� i�e done when h� pixrchased the propert�T. Mr, ,Tnhanson �tated that St, Anchcn,y- ins�sts on ful] baseme�zl�G e,nd �ara�r-s £or their apartmeni; bui_ldirigs. I"Ir. Grei� sl.ated i,h�{, Fr9cile,y coi.ld not he comnared with SL. Ancrion,y and rlriolca, N�r„ �r�o1'.��f, si,ated that t�e Council should not den,y a perrn;.t ��o people who ha�r� alread,v pa;ct fer tl�e land, and hava m�de tkxPir plars accorclin� to the prc�ent �rcli_nances, The City i�'Iasiager 5�ated that the Englneer � s af£lce has cemputed i.he � n�a � ��r?�•�' rul t=p � e dv�elling, aaxd a= of' last iall, there .��rn )�00 units of mu1+,;.ul� dwel7 �n� nrene�ty bt,llr.. M��,. A}ieridan asked wtia� mu1��_ple dwe]_ling gronerLy is worth pEr i a' , M�°,� Tr1c,llte st.ai.ed aoa��, d'�%�20C1, Mr, Wolk� si,a+ed LhaL- the who1� baseme�7� ts not needed far st�rage area, and su�gesteci one apari.ment be elim�nal,ea and used £or sl,orac�. 1nerP wrs discussiora on apartmenc� atrailab=e a t the nresent time. Mr. Gre9_, s ta ted t.haL iL- �NOU] d be better i.a Yiave real gocd apari,ment buil�in�s tt-an some oi l,he sing,�e �'an�ly houses ��Te h2ve� and sLated tiia� the Council. should have stoppecl the zoninE? requests wheia thc�- came througli during th� last year' ii they were interzs'r,e� in s1e���9n� doV-n tLe muli;ipir� dwellinFe, I'1r. Woll�e .,u�gesteci that a73 rezoninE r�f mult�ple dweliing nruperty be utG�jlP.Cl until this is r,hecked out, Mx•, 4tTOlkre si-zi,�d Lhat, apartment b�t�ldi_pF« ��� �E, �7`� �� asset La c c�n�rnan�t,y if t1�e,y �re bu�_lt right� and stated tnati mosi, ni' the develo�ers who hiiild Lhese dtiaellings ha�r� i�o barrnrT the mone,y arid the,y ar� payin; interesL on the money� anrl if the;� c.nnot Uuild as they had planned to build� �� woitld cost I,hem � grEaL deal of inLeresto Mro Nee asked� ii the Cauncil lifts the mzoratorit�m and allows an apari,ment bui.lding to be built' wha�, the other Council- men woud lik� changed in Lhe ordinance, Iflx^o [dolke state� tha1. he thinks lioer.sana �,aou�P� be a3]_ r9_ghiy hut he wuuln be agalnst a fu11 basement� and would net vai,e £or �hiso Tner•e was d�_scu�sion ori tP�e fire res�_stant type of mat,erials used in the biu.ld.ing, Mr, Nee stated 1,hai, the tiwo a�proaches tc tre problem wculd be tc use �.he psesent ordinaiace� and license i.he bull�ings and have fire and health inspect- irms� and the other approach wou]_cl be to Y�oosr, the standards for the bullding re- qwsements� 7?aere was furtber d�scnssion cn the multiple dwel7ingso Motion by Johanson to aecepL thzs as i,he Sirst reading oi ttie orcl�nance o� multir,�_e dVre11- in�-s. Secor.ded by Dieryo iJpon a vo�_ce vote5 there being no na;�ts� the motion carr5.ed un2n�rr�au„1y� R�NIOVAT OF' MOR(�TOkSUM. Mr. d�har?scn stated that this ordin�rce should be brought back to the Counc�_1 for the second readin� on June ��� 1°62, Motion ��r Wollie that the Counr,il remove the mnratori�m� on apartment, bua_ldin�s until t.he oa•d�nance is finalized� that aL mult- �p1e Ltuldin� z�:s�mits are to go to the '�uild;ng Board ior considcration� that no action need be taken by the Cauncil on multiple dwellin� permitca and the Building }3oard i5 tia meet regularl}� twioe a montho Seaonded b,y Nee� iipon a voice vote� there heing no nays� the motzon carried unanimousl,y. N1r, ,lohansnn snggestecl Lha1, al3 five memlae±•s of tha Bui.].ding Boar� be present at t,he meet�ings„ APPOSid`'viEl�i OF 9C^L1NG CI1Y ATTO�`1dEY: Mrstion b,y Sher7 dan to approve t?arl Isensee' Jr. as the �cting C�_t,y Attorne�r until the regular City Attorne�� relurns to the Cityo Seconaed by Wolke. Upon a voice vc�te' there being nc� naysy tl�e motion carried �znan�.�nously. FIRE CHIP;r - FiC: FIIL7 BASII�id7'S ZN Mi],T,TiPLF llWELLINGS; Mr. Rober•i, Hughes� Fire ChieS'g staied that he wcu7.d like a cooy o£ the ordinance the Counoil proposed to pass or. :nultiple d�rellingso He stated that he is 9r favor nf Publ-r �nd firn saf�t,y, but he sees na need for a fu11 basement� as apart:ner.t house basements cause clifFicult fire fighting pmblems. He alsc� suggested tnat the Council go througr. seme of i,he present builclings� pick out one of the gaod �r.es� one oP L-he bad anes� and one of the intermediate buil�ings� and theJ would have a better idea of w_hat is in F?^�dley , o�v�� MOVZNG 'r'F'id°IT Ri;OiJE�T BY DOII I 5"Rlir'T TO StIAT'i�'�R'S 4DDITT�,� j TO P�f04E A BUILUING FROM = Moticn by Sheridar. to concur v��_th the Building Boaru Ninutes of Ma,y 10� 19629 ari�l approv� the t.exm, t. Secon�leci by Nee. Upon a voice vo�ej -chere being no naysg th�, nrt.ion �ar7°ied ur°anir.o>>s]you BIIILDIN� PEFi'h1I �'c• Mr. Jo?�i<�nson st.g�ested LY�ai the perniits be appraved subject to the rer,ommendation uf the 13uildinc Baa?°d� Mr, Wolk_e suggested that the Bu�ldin� Bpard meet to con- slder these pei^mits, P4r. Nee stated that the per.n�.ts are not on the agenda� and it, take� four members of the Council to put it on the agencia. The Council tcok no action cn the ��erm�tso 73RD AV?!�1VUF P�ORTHEIIST itIGI-IT-dP �rdAY: ' 1 Mro Wo1ke stat,ed �hat the r,xty should get a record�r and use ic on cor_troversial items such as 73rd Avenue, �nd some of the public hearings on the plats and assess- ' ments� ei,e.y so the Co��n�il ktiows eacaccly iahat the,y statecl at the me�t��n,rs, Mr, ��io].ke sLrggest�d th� Cau*�cil take no aczien k,o praceed in making 73rd Avenue NortheaGt a S"tate Aid Ro�d, Mra Wc�1ke then reac3 a Ietter frcm Mr. Madsen eutlin,ng the 1a:�vt�ry of �he development of Melod,y Nlancry and making several suggestions. The Cit,y P4ana�er state� that h� �*ould 1-,ave a cop,y of thie letter made up for each of the Council to- �et,her Nr_�th excernts oi the m�nUtes on i,he acceptance of the plat oi Melody i�Ianor� and havc- it in the agenda fer the ne::t meeting. Motion by T�Iolke to resc�nd the motion accepting street layouh plan '�A" f�r %3rd Avenue Nor�;heast as antide at the M�Y 79 1962 meeting9 designating this as a State Aid Road between Universit,y Avenue and IIighv�a,y {E65, ,�ecrrnded by Johansen. IIp�n a voice votey there being no na,ys� the motic,n carrled Linanimousl,y. P4r, Grei� stazed that there already is a p�r,nit �pplic�tion in for an Fl��tronzrvs ?lant on 73x•d �venue Northeasto N�r. Nagel stated that easements were obtain�d as � �� early as 19�7 for the exi,ension oS 73rd Pvenue Norl,heast, fram 9ble Stireet to HighUaay 765. The City Attorney had these easemeritsa buL the„r were not al1 recoz�ded, CENTRAL ATITO PAR`PS: Mr. Johanson stated that the property next to Central Aut.o Yari,s is sti7.l b�ing u�ed ss a junk ,yarda and asked s,lnat is being done to elosF tnnxn up. The CYty Manager stated that the Cit,y Attorney is to brin� thera �n�o court eri tt-�-s matter. DISCUSSTON DF TifE ?'AYPiE1dT OF ?ART OF 73RD AVEI�T3r�: Mr, Nee stated that ne would like to d?_scnss tne m;�,tf,or cf pa;��mezit ier the rPs-� idential portian of 73rd Avenue Narthea�tj �nd £e�ls thati th'_s sireet is far the ' development oP tne prcjecta and it should not L�e p^id ior out. of oeneral tax lc�ry. Mr. Sheridan stated that the p? at was or� gi.na7 ly 1a? d oui wi.th 10 Ls backing un Lo the industrial tircr�ert,y, Mr. Wo1kP aske.d T.r�ai i,hc Council ar_d Plarm�.r,g Corrmu_ssior. agreed to, He stated that the Council must h2ve �greed cn somr,l,hing in re�arcas tc, Lhis. NTS. Nee suggested that part of the stree� cest be assessed back against the pro�;rty� and the other• part put in under the esri°eh deposit pLtt up by Mr. Madsen. � � NIr. Sheridan su�gested that the Cit,y hlanager ren� �t�e bc-st aGuipmen_ �railak��e i'r�;� rec�rcLtng Council meetings, and the Council can try it ouGA inerc was fi�rther discussion on State Aid Streets, AD JGiTRP1MElv `l : There being no iurther busine.ser Mayor Grei� dec Q�r�rl I h� m��' inp ;rd�ourtaccl. Rerpect�`ully s�zbmitt�d; � ��� r��3ri �.��'`�ia. Secretary to the Counoil CC�LiNGIL MINUTES - MAY 2Za 1962 �-� , � � '��—�. "� �, — MAYOR - T. E. Grei A regular meeting of the City Council was called 1.n order bc Ma,yor Ureig a�, 8;C�1 p.P�t. Members Present: Greig, Sheridan� Nee� Wolke{c,�-?��_ved at 8:35 �,M,� Members Absent; Johanson APPROi�AL OF MINUTES: Councilman Nee moved that the minutes of the re�izlar meecing af �Iay 7, L9o2 be apprcved. Seconced by Sheridnn, ?Jpon a voice vote, Lhere be�_ng no na,yai r,he motion carried r.na.nimously. Motion by Sher3dan io approve the min�ztes of the Sp�cial I�Ieeting of Mav 11�� 1962. Seconded b;J Alee. Upon a voiee vote' therP beir.g ric naysa the motion carried uranimoasly, NE�rI BU�INE55: PIIBT.IC I�ARING - FIIQr'1L PLAT - SYL9AIv HILLS �%6•. Ph�s was cor.tinued until latex �n �he meeting. BTD� F(lR FIP,E 'PRIICK - OPENED AT I�ODI�T, MAY 18� 146c: Tne City Manager• annciuiced that the F,re Departmenti 'rt<�d not finzshed tabula�zng the bids� and was not prepared Lo recommend whicYi hid to award. Bid�. £or i'ire rl�paratus and Appurtenances o�ened at noes.a May '�`�, 1962 are as i'ollc��: BIDDER ft. C, Bradle�= LaCrosse, Wisc. Bid Bond ��,5oo.oa reneral Fire Equipment Co. North Brancha Minresota Bid Bond ,�1a�00.00 BASE BID AI,T_F,r�NP.TE A AT,T��'P1�lTL �3 �l A,ry.dd Addp (7�1:630r�� �v�..�7���QU .,��Z�V��.eQC �22,t�i2.00 �20,Ob7,Q0 Add Ad� �1�6sa.co �3,8�_,.00 Nat Add Available $C3�FSi!�sOQ DEI,IVER"I 6 to 7 months 250 Cal„ Doys 1ti0 Ca? ,. Day,>