05/21/1962 - 00023638�9 � � evrIy as 7,y�7 for the e�,-tnnsion o? 73rd l+venue id�rUheast Crom AY+Ie Street to H?ghway m65. The Ci�-,.,y Attorney had these easemer.ts� but they were r2�L aL recerded. CEIJTI�AL AIITO PARTS: i4r. Johanson stated that the propert,y next to Geni,i°a1 Artu Parts is �ti11 beir.g used �s a;junk ,yard# and asked what is being dnne to close th�m up. The City Manager stated that the City Attorney is to bring them irsto court on this m2titer. ➢ISCUS�IGN OF 1iIE PAYNiENT OF ?RRT OF 73R� AVEI��JB: i�Ir. Nee, stated that he would like to d�+_scuss the m::tt�r of payment ior the res- identiml portion of 73rd Avenue NortheasG, and t'eels that th�� st�rcet is for the � development of the preject� ar.d it shoizld not �e pa,id for aut of �eneral G�x lerry. T�r. Sheridan stated thwt t,hE pl at w�s originally laid oiz�. �rri_th 1oi,s n�cki.ng un 1,� the industrial prr�erty. hir, Wo1ka asked what I,�ae Gomaci.l ar_d P13nnir,g Comniss�_on agreed to. He stated that the Couneil must havc agreed to s�mF Lhirg _�n reg°arcj;a 9,c, this. Mx. Nee sug�ested that part of the street cost be asse;,s�c� baek a�a�.nst the pro�.rt,y� and the other part gut in vnder the esc�•r,�; deNOSit put u� by Mr, �Iadsen. � � Mr. She?�idan suggested that the Git,y Manager reat i,l;e ��^t �quzpm�nr �vei]_al;�e xo� recorda.ng Council meetings, and the Council can try it oul., There was "nrther discussion on State Aid Streets� ADJDURI+IMEIV T: There }aPing no further business, Mayor Grei.g der.V.sr°�al F.he mesatin� ��d,7auriac-d. RerpFCtfully submitted: Marvin' .. HC�" runsell �� Secretary to the Counczl COUNCTT, NIIN�iTES - MAY 21x 19b�". . � �,� � � i �/ ,�_�, - MAYGR - T. E� Urel A regular meeting of the City Coixncil was callec� i,r, order b,y N�sycr Greig at 8;G!) P,p�, P4em�ere Present: Crreig, Slaeridan� Nee, Wolke(a.rrlved at 8;;5 P.M.) Mem�ers Absent: Johanson APPRO�TAZ OF IdI?�1TS`i'`�^�S: Counoilman Nee moved that the m�nutes of t.he regular meeting of May 7� 1962 be appraved. Seconded b,y Sheri dzr, iJpon a voice c� �ea there bein� no nay s, chc; motian carrie,d itnanimousl,y. Mota.on by Sheridan to approve +he m�nntes of the Sp�r�.al I�Ieeting oi May �1t� ly£�r, �econaed by Idee. ilpon a voice vote' there bezng no naysa the mation carried unar.lmous_l,y. NEW BUSZNESS: PUBLIC HEARING -�'SVAL i'LAT - SYI,�IAN HILLS �}6: Thss was cor.tinued unzil later in t,he meeting. BID� FOR FIRE 'PRJCK - OPF1QE➢ AT NODN, MAY 18� 1°52: Tne City Manager annaunced that the £,_re DepartmEnt hs�d not iinished tabulatsrg the bids� an� was no� prepared to reaommend which bid tc awa-rd. B3d;. for F�re �ltiparatus and Appurtenances opened at noon� May ?`3� 1962 are as follaws: BII3DER R. C. Bradle3> LaCrosse, Wisc. Bid Bonct $�1�500.00 General Fire Equiprnent Co. North Brancha Minriesota Bid Bond �1�l�00.00 BAS� BID AZ,TUF7NATE A 6T�TP}7J�!�T� R Ay�dd '� �u2a.��30.�� v��1�..��n�:aQl� Add �22,l,i2.00 �i,65o.00 Not �20?Obr.QO Available Adcl ?E2' �31„00 Add �3,al5.co Add �3,81�;,C�� ➢ELNrRY 6 to 7 month:, 25� cal� Days 180 Ca2. Dav ; �_(� Public l�lorks Equi�a. Coo St. P�L�_]. 1fa Minr�esota Bid Bond ���6oa.oa Pet�r Pirch � Sons Kenoshaj Udzscm Bid IIond S�� y 7So ��so ���s770o00 9,23y3a3.00 ��21� 960 000 lncluded in L��se Bid No Bid L7cluded in Base Bid Not Included in Hase Bid Nc A�.d No Bid 150 Days 240 Working �a,ys 1�0 Working Days Gouncilmz�a Sheridan mov�d i;hat ine awarding of the b3ds far the Fire Truck be tabled ' ur.til the nest regular meet�ngo S�conded b,y Nee. Upon a voice vote� there bei_ng nc na,ysy the motior, c�rri�d unanimously. PUt3LI0 �;iLARING - VACATlNG EASEMCtuT ,- LOT 11�BLOCK 3, MARSAN HIL7,5 AI�DTTIONs The City Man��er read the notice of hear�ing. Mr. R, W. Andersan, owner of Lot 10 was present„ He stated tt� t he would have no rea7_ ab�ection to the vacating of the ea.se�rent �n Lot i] � but thought �he easement should a7.so be vacated on T ot s 9 and 10 a� the same i.imeo The Citi,y Mar�ager eacplained that if the easement were cacated and the City Yiau� tc repair the sewer line that goes across Lot 11� that sneeting would have to bc �z�ed� arid this would be more costl,y than if an open trench oauld be used. Mr. Nike 0'Bannon was present and st=�ted that there would not be muc:h charire that this sewer Z�ne woul�� have to be dug up. There were no nther per•snns �;,pearing far ar against the proposed vacation. Councilman Sheridan mo�rerl thak, i,he h,ar�_ng be clased, Secondcd by Nee. iJpon a voi.ce votey there bein�� no nazrs' tha, mctiori carri�n unammously t4ro Urollre arE��ced �i. ¢:35 P,M. PUBLIG H�'ARTivG - B4LTIVDARY SUUVEY - PROSEGT i�0. 57: The Cit,y Manager read the no�ice of hearingo i�ro Hailey Tiller stated that years ago he and Ntro Brooks haa a survet�or sLrvey the area, and that the mistake was nat in l�uditor�s Subdiv�sion Noo 42s b�i� in Iselmland Gardcns� and stated that he would rather drop his proposed plat thaxi have the neonle pay for the boundary survey, Mr. Ritter asked wYzat, the pro�ect c�nsisted ofq The Cit,y Manager explained the three c.ejner� which would be loc�,ted i�y the surveyy tMe i'ourth corner bein� an exis�.ing 6ection manumeni„ Fs questian was asked i£ a surveyor was not liable for his work. Mr. Brewn explained that a number of tlie pedple in the area have inquired into the c:est of gett,ir.g land platteds and it is too costl,y far each person to proceed on F.is crv,�r? witr� Lhe present situatzcn� as there is no close point for these surveyors to use as � tie noint,. � question was aske� as to what �uarantee they woulc3 have that there would be na furi,her Uounclary dispute. P4r� Brohn eYplaaned that this matter could wind un in ecurt even orith a boUndar^� surve,y if there was non-acceptance by surce,ycrs or property owners. Mr, Tillor stated that the road is on his land7 and asked hc*� the people coitld build houses if {:he,y did not knr,k* where the lot lines were, He al.so stated that he had a survey from Cartwri_�ht and 0_lson� and asked zf that isn't any �ood, Rallie Anderson, tl�e Anoka Gounty 9urveyor� was preGenl.� and exp].�sned that where a surveyor gaes in to surve,y a lot for a price of $�60.Q0� for exampiny he has to do the job in a hurry and thus sacrifice accura,ey if he is goin� to c�me out on it� and� if t,his pro,ject ��rere doney the i�eaple in che area wnuld re�liae a mor� precise surveyo A auestlon was asked wh,y the corners were not put zn righti in the f3.rsi, plareo One oi' the nrople in the audience stated that t.rhen kie uought proPert?,* he had it sarve,yed� and tnis was several �rears ago, and he '_nad it checked ���5cent7py and the stakes did not var�f over 2 inches. Mr. Rollie AxLde rson�, �noka Count.}r Surve,y-or, expiained that the ori.ginaZ surcre,y- was made 115 years ago, but many of the cerners in �'rid'1ey are located properlp. The County has a progrzsn for ra-mc,numentation� and �n the last fonr years� the County has set 2�0 r,�rner�� and at the present time there are 675 corners kno�rm. When thP �ob is complete, ther•e will be 1,525 corners in all which wall be located. Mr. Brown e��laaned tha� Lhe ani,ire cost af thls uroject aould run fram �75D.00 to �1�50Q.00. Nfro Tiller asked why the Gounty line wc�uld have to be surveyed� and what if there *.Jas an action aga2nst the Cii.yo Mr. Nee expla�ned that the City had had a case in 4,he pasr �aher� h�uses were built on a new plat,, and some of the nouses were built overlapping other peopless propert,y. I�Lr, Tiller stated� why not start sameplace e3_se5 rather th,�n ai; the Ccunt,y line. Mr. Nee explained that if the peonle in the area did noi, want this� that they will nct get it. Mr. Rodnev J��rson stated that he Ls not ccrnvinced tYeat this should be done� and what would happen to the surve,ys that would be i'uund in erT�or, Mr� GSolke also stated that �f the people do not w�nt ;his sur�rey� tner. it will nr,t. be doneo One of the propert,y owners said that the 7.ines on his pr�oerty are •sr�on�� and tihat he hooee the survey goes in. A question -ra°� asltec2 why- the Count,y Surve,yor could not do tnts, Mr. Rollie And��°son ezplaiszed l_i�� t uhe Co��ni.,y Boarc? deLermines wha� work will -be donn by the Cauntv ,Sarve�rors and � ' , 175 that the Coun�y ;urvA,yor cannot do nr•iva�,e work, as they are engrossed in sett?_�-ig .he seetion cornecs, Mr. Bacon asked what corners are proposed tn be �ui, in, It was e�cpla3nec� +.haL three corners of Auditor�s Subdivis,on iQo, 92 would ��e locai.ed rnder this pro�ect, Mr. Bacon stated t,hat there is an error �n the survey cn i,he rear af }zis property. The l�fayor a;aked Tor a snc3�r c3�' thcse x+eap3a }�resarzt who wsre frr or against this proposed survey involv�z�g ].07 N�ree]_s. Ydane nEOp1e razsad ��heis� :�nds as bezng in favor, and il raised tihe9r h�nds as �einK oppo9��1, Thei�e zazre no oL-her persone who spoke for or a�ainst the imnravemeni:, 7'he Ma,yor decla�ed t'r_e hearing cl�sed, 33IJ�S FOR DP�EL11�IivG OF M(X��'F� LAK� - OT'FiSE➢ AT 1d0014. PriAV 21a 1962: The C�t,y Planager exnla;ne.d that these bids have not Ueen tab,ala*.�d as 7F�t, `1'1ie _°ull.oyrang bads for the dred�ing of Moora Lake {pragl�.rie and Duelce� kenta� B�cts) wete received: Park Construct�_on Gompany Veit snd Company, [T1C w OSSEO� Minnesota Cert,ified Ch��.k �150.00 B9 ci Bond �� Move in �° 1� aut �"�60,�J0 `Lons Move in & 2[ out :�100,f?0 Tons - - 2fl � _ lo�is 1 `,�'? 3.7�%hr. Yd. �; �t�.25�/t,s•. yds, 1 Yd, ^�18,OO�hc. Councilman Sneridan mcved that the �warainp oi �hes� bids be l,abl�d un�i� t4ie rtext meeting� June �� 19b2, Seconde3 b,y 1�1ee. Up�n a v�ica v�te� i,he�°a being no nays� the motion carr�el unanimousl,y. PUBLIC HE4PING ON II+IPROV .'�iIE1VT - SE�4dER �1Vn W�T�'R ?7'OTLCT N0. 3J (COPit�F,CTL�D) : The Citv Mana�;er read the notice of nearing. No one appeared tor oi• a�ainsi: i,he proposed improvement, Councilman She�•.�3an moved that tihe near�ng be elosed. Sec�nded of Nee. Upon a vaicF vol,ea there being no na,ys? the motion oarriad ux.ariimo�asi,y, ?UBLTC HEARIiJC', - FI�vP.L PLAT - SYT;JAN ASI,LS i'I�IT ,F6: � The City t�fananer read the notice o� nearinz�. Pau' KZazrercamp, atr„�znc,j tor nr�ject �52� and Mr, F:ed Levy� wer� presenl,r and stated thar� the,y ielt that tlaeu hac compiiel with all'oi tne r�quirenents of tne plattiag or�j_in�nce up ta Lhis time, and would like tihe Council to watve the require*aents o? denosi�in� esa-roa manezl 'or f�iture isnprovements tie£ore �,he t�tle to the property is iransierrn3r as there Gaould U� an immed5.a:e �ransf�r oF propert;l in this cases and i.tie prnpert;,r *,�as eommercisl, anci theref�rea there would be no re�idr�nt cot2i�n� to the �oilincil a�� a laier date aski.n� why the ass°ssments we-re not paid. Th� City S4anagsr st�ted that ;n ayew of the Cacr. r,ha� this is commercial, that he fe1t. that therE Taauld be no ob,7ectian to do�.n� th,s, Mr« Sherlda,n asked what trould be done with tne locs to the west of the -�rono;;ed n1at. Mation b,y Nee ta accept t'�is as thz iinal p7_�� oS S;y3_c*an H?_lls Pla{. -`,'6� and tn Uaaive i.he req�tirement for depos�.� of escrow mone,y �or �_mpre�vemen�s. Secon3ed by ud�Ik�;. Upox� �° oice YOt2� there being no na}*s, the motinn carr•ied unanimo�.e_�r. � �'U3ZIC H��?1ZZIdC O�v II�[?ROVi�,M�'PiT - Sigt3Ei 1g61-3 (CORRECT�D): Tht City P'l�nager read the noEice nt' riearing, Mr. OStie7unc�, 1!�00 - 66t,h Aveno� D,or•th- eas'a asl:ed what the purpose of tha raeeting was' and ir i,he purpose w�as for the accentance of the StreeL, The City Manager stated "nc��,�' that s; wa5 nct, and the hearing k*as h�ld because of the fact that all of �he required notices had faol; been published in uhe paper preciously. No on° else sp�k:e for or against the i�r,nra�re?nent,,, Ti�ie I�Iayor dacl�red the hearing r� ose�1. '�ANIVSNU COMNiISSI01\ l�ffNUS'ES - MAti' 70s 1962: pI'ir�L1_�iINARY Pi,PT - Ti0?��➢�AY HTLLS N0. 61-09R: Mr„ Brown presen,ed tne preliminar,� r,lat, Mr. Shsridan askea if there were a?zy problems in connect�on zrith the plai, Mr. Broym explaineci tihat the Plann�n� Cartm- ission was in�erestzd in the location arid w�.dtn �f 59tL Avenue Northeasti Pntering from Universit,y Avenue :�orthe2.st (T,�1. #!�7)' othersaise there �rc-re none, i�ir„ 5N'o�_kP moved that this Ue acceptied as the prelim�.nary plat„ Sevonued Ly Sheri�3an. Upon a voice POi.P,� tnere bein� r,o na,ys} the mot�on carr�_ed una:i]inoislJ, 'Rr."'T�IPtINARY PTAT - AIIS ADDITI�N - 1a0, b1-19: Mr. Brown e�cplained the area to he piatted. Mr, IJee ma�rea thac this be accenLed as �he prelimlciar,y plas of the Aus Addi.tion. SecEandE� I�J SherLdan. U*�a.� a voiue vot,e, there being no na;rs? the mot�on carried unani_�nously. ROAD EASEMEi�7T - SANDY TE�tRACE ADDT.TTON - RE�[JE�ST P,� Dr�GIDT[_� TO HP�; THE CI'PY �i'S`T]`.?i�l� A TH�E FOOT STitEEi E115L'1 t�,Pl_T D';±�SGFL�i�',D Afi ^1H1; ti1�cT T'.'PiEr FEET 6F THE i7s g4�T 'i'�iIR^1Y FLF;T OF LOT 2y AUDI'PO_?�S SIIE➢?VISION 1V0, 59: The Ylanning i:omm-ssion had recormnended that this vacation ^equest be granted Qn �he three foo� right-of-way. Sheridzn m�v�d that a publir, hearing be set on �his mai.tero Seconded by Neeo Upon a voice vot�� there being no nays� the mo�ion r,arri�d ��a�animous7}ro S TRiiF'P �I(�ME PROBLF��t"4 - 7;y-Tri AUE?dUli AND A? BANY S TREE T: Tne Cit;� :;sna�;er exp'lained tnat pari oi thi� sLree� is cal?eci 79th Avenue and part oi it is calJ.ed A1ban,y S�reeto The Planning Cormnission had recommended that this ant�re sLreet be ca7.1e1 79Lh Avenuao Mro Wolke moved to cuncur wi�h the Planning �am-ras�iany and the necessaiy st,eps be talcen to rename the entire street 79th Avenue. Seconded by Nee� Upotx ti �*oice vote, there Ueing na naysy i,he motion carr�ed ' nnan3m�uslya PI niVNSVG �'0�'IIKISSIUDi ,Ct�EDrr��: The Glt,� Niann�er explainPd �he schedule o� the Planni.ng Cotruru ssion in wh�_ch there wotLld be riu meetings itz August and one meeting in Ju1,y. Motion by Wolke to appro�*e �t�e meeto_ng sr,h�;dal e a� set up hy the Planning Comm9_ssion. Secunded k�y Nee. Upon a. vaice vote, thera be9_no no na,ysy the motion carried unanimously. BULLDING BUAPu� M]1VUTES - MfiY 1�y 1q62: - C«uncilman Nee moved that the :ru_nu`es be recei�ed and plac��3 on f�l eo SPconded k�y Sher=� dan, lJpon a voioe vot,e� there being nc� naysy the m�tion carried unanimousl,y. B�JAIZt? 0� fipYE4LS MEETTiVG I�?NUPf?S - NAY 36, 1962: FOh' l� 4dANER OF S�T3?_CK RE�U�REl�9+`NT� ON THE NORTH SIDE OF I.pT" 5 AMS RI �LSkVlt�tv HBT(��HTS AD➢IT101� - RE�1 �3�T BY GORUOIQ SWG�vSON: The Aoard af Ap�eGils had recoirunended that this variance request be �ranted. Mr. Swensan e��lained thab at som� future tame he would like to build ontfl the store� and this �aould fit inLo his planso Motion by tidalke to concur in the recommendatzon ai' the Board of Anpeals and grynt this variance requesto Secondec3 by Nee. Upon a voice �ote, thei^e being na na,ysy tne motion ca�ried unanimously. C01'�1NICATIONSs IyF'PTER FROI�I NORTHL+RIV STATFS POTn�R COlKPADi'I - REFFR�IVCF TO STREE^1 I,ICi�TING: Ceianri]man i,volkP muved thut this lEtter be received and p]aced on file. Seconded by Sherid���. IIpon a voire vote, thPrz b�ing no nays� the motion ca,-xiPd unat7imnusly. S'L�ITE HSC}I-I4�T�Y D���nRT7'�ivT LF,T'LER - S,P. 0207 {T.H. ;�6�1, M?SST,5S1P�'I STP,EET TO OSPO.�idC ROAD: `__.___..�_.�_e__.,�_ _ _ _ Caunc�.lr�an Sherir�an moved that Lhi� 1etLer be rece�.ved and placed on file. Secon3ed bv W07iIS2o IIpc�n a vo�ce vor,e, there being no na,y�s� the motion C3Y'T'18C� unanimous)_y. Mro Rc,y Yeterr,an was presenti and stated thah, h� would put in the necessary frontia�e roady aazd Lhat he has donated th� easement fur the street. He would 1�.ke to put in the crassiri�; to the highiaay and woi�ld do I,he worl; Lf the Cii,y would fu�nl5h the culJertso It Taas explained that the State would most likely take care o£ the cross- in� of Lhe h?;;hway r�ght-o£-wa,y. PETITSONS: Mr�i,ion b,y N�ee to r�ceive the follat,ring petitions and place them on filet ,#�G-7-9�? - SLreet s��rracing - Concrete Curb and Gutter� Sanitary Sewer� Watermains� Street Si�ns� Bail_e=rards, Sodding� Storm Sewer in the plat of Lakelnnd Hei�h ts. �1K-19�� - Watcr arxd Sewer Laterals - Hzckory Drive Northeasc Secc�nded by Sh�ridano Upon �. c*oice vo Wea there l�eing no na,ysi the mo tion carried unan.unousi,y, �TIS`TTORS: Mrp Chies iaas presenti and stated that he had been before the Building r3oard on Apri1 20, 1962y and r�quested permission to move a bui]ding to Loi,l�� Central View � ' � � � �(i Manor fram the Pole yards on Central Av�nue, He sLated that th�s as a me�a1 Sutier t,ype building. He stated that he has five lots in a11 on 732 �venue, �ri_tn a total area of 300 % 198 ieeb, He *.�nuld L_ke to puG in a permai:ent build�ng as soon as 1,he determination is made as to whether 73rd Avenue is go�ng �s� go thioubh or nci„ Ttxe question of the draina�e ditch, and whe woii__d ts)ce care of i t was Q� SCliSSP.Ce 'Tr. Chies said that, he would *,ake care of the drainage ditic��, Mr„ Chies stated ,hat he erould like a le�.ter one waf or i,he other as +Q whethe_^ Y�e could mrTre this building onta the property. It was sugges+ed that Mr. Chies get the appro3ral oi the Buildin�; Board on this mati,er. Councilman Sheridan moved tha{� upon the meeting oF the Build- ing 3oard on Ma,y 23, 1902} that if i,he Buildin^ B�ard r�ecommends approval_? a moving petmit be oranted permittin� Mr. Cnies to move this meral builaina �n�o Loi 1�a in Central View 1�?anor, and the Council wi_71 affirm this perrmit zt, kh: ner.t rerular meet�n�, Seconded b,�* Nee. Upon a voice vo�e� thnre beinf7 no na}rs, the motion carri_ed unanimously. Mr„ Sherician pointad out, tha+ the Ca.t�* zaill prababl,y need an additiona]_ 33 feet from this pronerty when 73rd Avenue goes through. DE'�3RIS AR061V� APARTi"fE!vT HUSLDIfdGS ISV HNEFVI�w HESGHTS Ap�A: Steve Hawrsch stated that he is puttin� in an ?�8�50�70 a11 bricx apartment buildin�; in the vicinity of A1ban,y Stre�t and there are a 101: af shaolcs i� chis area that need to be cleaned up� and there is a lot of �un�c lying around, and the ronditiois o; the whole area would be imprc�ved aonsiderably if �.hese punpl� �rere m.zda to c? � zn up the�.� debris anci junk. M?^. Nee su�gesteri thai, t."i�= Nealt:� ?ns,�ect�r check into L'nis matter. CLAIIKS: C�ancilman Nee moved that General Claims (348 throu�h b1�21 be approved. Seconded lay Y7olke, iTpon a voice vote? th�re being no nays� the *�otiorn carried unan�mola�l„v. Ccuncilman 'adolke r�oved tnat �iq�zor Claims 2�161 chx•ough l�^_?1 he apgrov�d. Secunde�l by Nee. Up,on a voice votea there being no nays, �he mata.on carrie3 unanimousl,y. Coiulailm��uz Sheridan moved that ?�iblic TJtility Claimr> 1f350 tizrou�h 1f36� be appro�rtd� Secnnded lay Nee. Upon a vo?ce vote� there being no navs, i.>>e mc+i,ion carried n���,nimouslJ, ESTI'i�IATEc OI' PEI�Y A, ��+��,SOi1 CDi�1?A1VY ANP JACK FISCHER WELL ANU P(JI4P CDT4�Alv1 W-3��: Mr. Les Knutson oi Comstock �nd Davis� Snc, recammend�d that the estimate ior T�e?�_� Swenson Company be approved ac, this t�.me� and the estimaLe of Jac?t Fischer tnrel�l and ?�unn Compan,y be held up temporarily. MoLion by �nlo3ke to an�r•ove bhe c7_aim of P�rr,y A. Swenson Company in the amount o£ ib17,7.00,r10 ar�d to table aci,ion tempararily c+n th,^- claim of Jack �ischer rnTel.l and Pump Company in the amount af :�3, i i9,?Q, Seco7ided by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no ria,�s, the motion car-r�ed u:�an;_mo�>>Iy. FINAL FSTINL4TE FOR C. S. I�IC CROSSAN� TNC. FUR a1t�F1�,T PROJI�CT 1960-1; Mr. Knutson explained the location of the work wt�ic;� had been dori� under this oontracl, C�ancilman Wol�te move�� thati the final est�_m�te tor the C. S, McCrossan Compan,p in t?�e amount o£ �'�13a573.19 be ap�aroved, subject tn i:h� onA-year mainLenanc� guar�r.Lee starr� in� as of this date. �econded hy Nee, T?�on a�rrice vote, Lhere being no n�,ys� the notion carried unanimouslf. G1iANCL ORIIER 1V'0. 1- S'iC?�41�I S�w�:R ANB ST1iEET PRGJ�CT iVO. 43c Mr, ch�ridan asked if the buckshoc or the wearing course liad �ean apnlied fbr Fro��at 3��+3. Mr, I;nui.son stated that �_t had. Mr. �herlden moved that ah2n e ordFr �'? C�r �torm Sewer and Street 'mProvement ?ro,7=ci N�. !i3 6e approvel. Seconded bTF Nee. Upon a voiee vote, there being no na;,*sa tha motic� cari°z�c� ���r�mousl,ry-. PIIVAL ESTINIATF OF C. S. I�C CROSSAPI COMPg1dY FOR STOA1� SEW�R AND 5'_r,*�T T'4�1�GV-���L-"IdT ?RCJFC'P idCl. �Z�3: � �- -_ ._ ______� __ � ____�___.—_.._ Councilr�an Wotke moved that tne Final estimate in the amount ui ,9�,lj,i,7b.�3° ior C. S. NIcCrossan an3 Com�an„y fur lro,�ect ��1�3 be a[�prov�d on thi. one-yeax° maintenance bond start as of this date. Se�onde3 Uy Sherida.n, UF�n a vo�c� vol-,z, there Ue�nb no nays, the notion carried unan�.mausly. ESTIMAI�S - COMST�CK Alull IJAi�TS, _TNC.; Coun�i�nan NP� mo�-�d t�:,,t �he Follo,,;�ng esti.mates re oa-d: iylanning: W-3l�-J = Sch, ;`1 -�sti.mate fbl 90 6,30o,2U w-3tF_a - scn. �1? _ gstimate n'1 5.3`.'�.�3 ia-3�-H - Sch. ,i2 - �stimate �1 1,980,OQ W-3��-H - Sch. �3 - ]sstimate �1 ?_,12?_,L�3 :��� 803.� ,_�� Insp�ction and Supervision; T�i-31t-'r' - Estimate �8 Ui-3Z� �3 - Sch, #� - Estimate �7 GTe].l Esti.*n,st� ,�7 Tcwer and 1'ank Estimate #1 W-3lG-D Estima.te #, 9 N7�3a `� - 5�=�0 #, 2 - Estimate �j j�-3� -E Est-i.ma+e ;�8 SW,�1�8-A Estimatie #11 W-3Li-,7 - Sch, ��1 - Estimate ;�1 s�s�/¢2�-A EStimatn �21 S��SS�2ti-B Estimate �19 �J-31�-G Estimate �8 St�I/�LB-B Estim3te r'#4 Td-'�1�-H - Scho #3 - Esi,imate �6 TOTAL � 202.75 2°.2s 69.75 21�.75 27.0� 26g.ao 27.00 2y231.75 8)�2on0 6.75 z5.75 4S.�o 2Z��75 la.5o ��1 , _3. 7 Seconded by Wo1ke� Upon a*roice vote� there being no nays� the motion c�rried unani�nousl,y, LICENS�S: The Cit�y� :�Ianagar e�lained thaL i.he Polir,e rhief had pointed out that there had hEen a preblem ��i F,Yx ixLSi7ranr,a co�.rerag� on +.he taaci cab for the Fridle,y Cab Companyy and su�;festud that �.h1s matter be cleared up to the satistaction of the City� an3 l,here a] sc�� had been a question of whether the proper rate schedule iaae betnp used. Mr, i�inike ^tated thai. th� cab campany could use three or f�ur vehicles and no one would know tha dzfCerence and these vehiales sno�ala be marked. There are three applications for� Teray's Club� so the Cit,y Attorne,y will have to determinE to whom the licenses sho�ilcl be ��ssued� Conncil,nan Nee moved to table th� approval o£ the liaenaes iar the Fri_dley Cab Gompany until_ the next meeting. Secon3ed b,y Sheridan. iJpon a vo2ce votej tnere Y�eing no nays� the motion carried ananimously. L1C�IVSES I'OR TERRY�S C7�iiB: � Coiasicllman ��Tolne moved tha{, cYxe licenses for Terry�s Cl�zb be a�provad subjert to the upiri5on o_f` the Czt},r Attorney as to how zhese li_censes sho�zld be issued. Seconded � bj Ne�, ti��n a voi_ce vote� there bEing no na,ysy the motion carriecl unanirsousl��. T?�ese licenses are f�r Ca.I'ey Cig�r�tte3 On-Sale Beers and 'Pavern Licenseso LICENSES: (:ounc2'lntan Sneridari moved that the following licenses be appro-aed: �LECTRICAT Lol1?ns E]_eci,ric Campan�* 1L2', Sauth ln�ashinpLor. 4venue Minneapclis 4g Nunnesota EnLerprise EZer,�rtc C;o „ Inc, 51% E„ 2�t,h Streec M�.r�neapol3s� Minnes�ta Generr�' 11,��,doe�^ Ad�ertising Cc�� 2020 �Iash�n�ton Avenue Scuth M9nneanalis L�� P�llnnesoL�� �i��Y�,J Eleci,rir. C:�m�anyy Inc, 3��i7 -� 1�th Rtienue, ,South i�Iin��eapc�Lis d9 P�linnesota Reliab`!_a Flects•i.e; Como�n,y 31b Dr� r�nt �lvenue �Vori:a i�fitzneapoZ-i s, NrinncsoLa EaCl13Tl�. TIIVG Walter FreemEn 895 I�S�,��ss?pPi Sl-,o N�Po M__ru�ea,�r�li:� ?�y M�naesot� C,ilhertson � Suri:3ce uh0)a Center Dri.ve 1V,�� ntinnear,olis �ly Mz�nesoi,a by: Oscar f3. Leppa b,y: Maurice 0. Qstman byc Harr;� S. Flann bv� 5tanley H. Libk�y b;�; Al S arson b,y: Wal�t Freemr.n by: Maurice Surface Renewal Renawal Renew�l Neu P�enew�t Renewal Renewal � � 1 � Mart � s Excavat�_ng 3909 Dou�las Dr.�ve Grn;sta7_a M��nnesal,a GaS' SFRVIC�S Et,Yn.er-Stol�e-Paara Inc. 51l tiJ. 7th Sta•eet S�„ ?aul 2, P4�nn�sct� Gr�iclnxa E3r�ai hers Cc+, F�r i�iorth i'r_r�r nver.u�s �t,, P�ul �? N�_nncsot� D. F�. Hicice,y & Compan,ya Inc, 18�1 Universitl 4crsn�:e St, Paul �;� Minnesc�a Idea1 P_l_umbing & Heating Cu, �Q7 - �tth Street S.r, Mirneal�a3_i� 1}�� I�S�r�riesota Hom.� Gas Compan;,�, Inc, 1L�,3U Highwav 8 NetM B��ighton, Minneso+,a Jarnig�s P].umbing & Heat�ng 539 Uierce Street Anokaa rfinnesota Fred VogU & Company 6y30 Wes ; Lake ctreet. i�finr_e�olis ?_6, t�qiruiesota HEA`LSNG Ethier-Stolne-Paar� Inc. �ll_ tr�`est 7th St*_•eet St, Paul 2� MinnescUa Grtzdem Brothe?�s Cnmpan•j 635 Pdorth Pri.or Avenue St. Pau] �, Minnesota D. W, Hiake,y � Compan�r 18}:l Uniserszty Aver.ue St. Pa�i1 1�� I�linnesc�3 T:3ea1 Plumb� na & HeatirAg Co. 807 - l�th Street S.E. Nunneapolis 1L,, Minnese�a Ja_*nrg�� Plumbing & Heai.ing Co. �39 ?'ierce Street Anoka' Minnesota r�.�alana r��g. � x��. cfl. 51GL2 Penn Avenue Sout1� M;nneapolis 23a i�Lirixiesata Fred Vogt � Company 5530 West Lake Streeti I°linneapolis 26a Minllesnl,� TIE'T1 DRILT1i11r Phi'll_ip Rn�l_cr 3Z?!e illght�a� r'+�8 St. Paul 13a 1Iinnesota GE:V�R,AL CUNTHl�GTOi+S Belrnont Enterprise�, Snc. Su�_�e SOy�, 600 North Lilac Drive S4�nneapolis 22, Minnesota El-flub Buii_c'Prs, Tnc. �tJ.�tl� Thomas Avenue ldorth I�Lirmeapolis� NLzr�iesota bV: Wal�er H. McClees by^. J. E, Ethier by: Lec 1��R Breu by: O+�ta Swoboda b�r: Ch�r3es F,. 4datsc,n b y; C�. T,. R�,yc� by: ISernetl�� �erghors L b,y: Fred Vog,t bp: J. E. Etltier by: C. ?r Grudan by: 0��0 {�iob�da b,y: Char1 e s E„ kza c,ycn h}� : K.enn� t�h Berghors t b,y: Wal LEr Wehmever b,y: Fre� Vogt b,y: Pl�i1l�_� En�1e� b� : l^7iIJ_i3,-n Pe�rsor� bp: E. E. Dia+,r�_ah Rene�aal R�nezv�l Renew�4l_ New R�nezag R REne�aal Rerewal Renewa7_ Re ne E�*al Rene*ar=3 IVeta kerewai R�new�I Renewa3 Ren� ��ra7_ Renel,ral_ Rene:aa? Rer eza c 1 i �� ��� J�-xen, 7nco 391u Central Avenue N,E, M�nneauo7is �3y Niinnesota Charlee E� Johanson� Inr, 12'1 Hartman Ci�cle Frid].ey 32d Nzru�esr,F„ K��;��^q�aK��ersc�n, Ii�r.. 701 South f31,h StreeL t'1171Tteanol,�� j�f,Xanesota Miiane ,� ta Triarzsi,��iaJ 1'arks, Inc � 1ti5i� Ceunty _R.oa�3 1.8 �Jorth Nl�.nne�apol� s 2 i� P4?nr.escta Jahn L. Skolte l�ll - 1�L,th Avr�nue Nr�x�th Nii.r,nFZpclrs 12� M:�nnesot,a Ni(iSOTVRY rlrt Hag�ra Con�tr�ctian 3ii�5 Jacks�n Sts�eet iJ.F. Ms.n_neapolls, Minnesota Industrial Cencrete Flocrs� Inc, 5937 Coliunbus Avenue Seuth Mir�rieapolis, Minnesotia I & L Cor.crer.z Constrvctinr 685II - 7th �treet ll�o�. Fr�dle,y ?1, Nlznr.esota Park Cement Comoany Y339 - 56th hven,xe V.B. rri�ley� Minnesota Tti Rc A Consl,rurt�oi� Gompan,y 633) iortlanri Avenue South Niinsleap�lis, P1lnnescr ca GiL HEATIIVG Gruciem Brothers Cco 635 1Lorth I'r'? o�' Atrenue Sto Paul 1�, 1linnesoLa �7arnlgda �'7wnbinp e, Heat„�:g Co. 539 -'larce Str•eet. Anoka, Minnesol,a MOVING Dale I�Iovers, inco 7816 Ce�tral Avenue t�oE. rrid�ey ?7_; iLin?;esota PL!1S'?"�'RIldC. �larenCE Lo Lana �I��4 West �C?i,n �iree� P',�nnEap��is. Minne,cta PLUl�LTSIl'dC Grudem I3rothErs Co. 635 idort,h Pria`• ntrernie St. Pau? t,, N,in�esat� U. W. Ha�ckey C�o 18141 Un�.ver�sii�z� Avemle Sto Pau1 �y Pi�_nnesota Idea7_ ?lumb3ng & Heating Co. 80'� -� l�th S I;reet S, t�. Ma.nneapelis 11�, Minnescta by: T�Enne�1-i 73r�/anb b,y: Charles Joh3nson bya W. L. Hart hy: LeRoy ,J. Pei,erson b,y: John L, Skolte �v: Arthur 0. Hagen by: Eric E. Williams b,y: Ro� D, Willman by: Harold Jamison by: Char7es Hestness b;r: Leo�W. Brean by: Kennetl-i Berghorst by: D� e Peterson by: Clarerce Lane bys Mo Grudem by: Otto Swaboda by: Charles Eo Watson Renez�ral Renet�r� 1 Netir Ne*a Renetiaal. RAneUrat Renewal Renewal Fier?eU.�al_ RPnewal F.ene�ra]. Reneto��1 Renec,ral Penewal �enewa7. NeH* Renewal � ' , L�.�I Jarrlg P1ianUing & Hea+,in5 Co, 539 ?ierce Street, Anolca� Minnes�ta I�:eore Plumbirg & AEating Co, 2127 Forast Drsve i�l,��. Mirmeapolis 21� MinnesoLa S7Clv EREC�ION Schuhert Outdoor F��vertisinr Co, 2�DG �ast 2�th Stree� i�iir�ieapolis? T�linnesota CAFE Mss. Sessie �Vorth 6710 - 2nd 6treet N.�,. I�ipls. 2]. Kanneth Hannemaxi 151L� - 77th Av�. N�. Mp1s„ Nli.nii, Kenneth G. Dakil_heimer 1y32 Cressy Ave. F.noka� Minnesata Sar.?1�ary Faxm Dairies �1K Grove Street �t. Pziil, i�Iuu�. P4ike T, Baszua�re �1756 N. F', 7th St, Mp1s, 2I, M,_nn, She,ddrick & LaBeau Ameri�an Legion iost 303 � 7325 Central Ave, I�'.L'. !�Ipls. 21, NL_nn. CIUkRf�TTE Joseph I. NIorris �llt - 22nd Ave. t�.E. Mp1s.� Minn. Cordon G. Swenscn 68pQ Channel Road M�ls. 27, Outdoor Theater Caterers 119 Na. 9th St. Mpls„ Minn, Miice T. Baeavage 4�5F �r.E. 7tn s�, r�9p�s. 21,, Minn. Shaddri¢k � Layeau .�mericata Te�;ion Post 303' 732 i Certral Ave. ��f.P'. Pip1s, 21x �Iirsz. � Jack T. Rose 391C France Ave. South Mp].s., t�linn. Summ�t Gear Campany 5360 I�_ain Street i+l.�. Mpl s. 21� M�s,n. Amerioan Ozl Co, Box 629 NIpls, 40� Minr�. byz ltPmi�th Ber-,hox•,s_ l�,t,t: Max�v3.i� Moare by: Lawrence Ii, Schuberb ➢B�: �ridle,y Mrs. Jayaees tJniv. & Hwy. 100 Mnls. ?_1 Dine-O-RairGa oC Mirs3,, Inc. 5351 Central �ve, rl.T. Mpls. 21a i�inr?, (5psrtan Storej Dahlheimer M,ik ALttcmit 5333 iTniversitj� Ave. N,F., Mp1s, 2l, Nlir,n, Sarce - Vendin� Machinc at 7�;O0 Gentral t1 �re, N, F', i�Inls, 21# I°Siruz. Golden Cnicl<�n r�estauranU 631�; University Ave� N.B, Mnls. 21, i�7inn. Same Frentler C1ub 736� Central Ave, N.�. Mpls. 21, A'i� nn. Fridleu Food Market 815Z Fast �izrer Ru3d Mpls. 21� M-x�s�. Same 100 �ain ➢�-ive In D1pl s. 21a Mi_ru1, Golder. Chicl�en Restanrant 631�9 IIniversit,y Ave, N.T�'� Mn7 s. 21, M;_xLn, S2II1P Ronel r s I�farke t SoC], Universzt,y Av�, AI,i�. Mp1s. 21, i�f�rn7. 5ame Stanaard Se�-vice Center 5311 Unicersz+,7r �vE, 1J.E. Mpls. 21, Minn, Rer_ewal Reneual Renewal Ple;r Net�° 1Tew Renewal .��,Ei7PTd�i ftertr �rd1 ReneVrai_ Reriewa�. N�w Renewal .�I1'.3W3]. Rene �aal Rer.ewal Rerielval � � �_ ��2 C1ii'ford J. Thoe 887�'; L��kezat�oc� Dr�ve N,E., Mp"1s.9 M3rno Kexuieth Hanneman �-5?� - 77th Avenue N.�,. Mpls.� i4-�??'un. M;�la W� 1'arks lilil Miss�ssippi St. Ad.Fo T+[pls�o �ly A1inr!, Icena Schunr L�PI Nt,issics�ppi Sto N.I'. Mpls,. '?l j liinno Lleano^ Tarnowski n2�39 I�1 ghr.ray o� Mplsa �7, Ntir�rt� IJOr,a1d R„ Nlan� 1,nY 5��10 - Kth St„ N,F. �ip]_so ?l� Mirtno �Ii�rl a NTr,Nl�rrax� ',528 Van i.uren S�o tlioF.. 1�Tp1s. ?_l, Minn, James h. RocheSox•d 6220 ?iainbow DrzirE N.E� PS�.ls. �I, Nii_nn. Roger Christensan 6503_ Main Stroat Dio�l. Mp7_so 21� Mum. Teonarc' Gertzen 6l�85 �a�b Rtver Road MpTs. 2l j Ni-� nn. CAN E I�. Ca Mabei•g Hote'� Tallmadge 1217 NIa^qiiet te Av-r_. Mplso 2; N[i�tr3� GARBAGE Lucille Ntarsc�3ek 35s i�?�ssissipni Sto iQaE. Mpls, 215 Miru�. Howard S. i.rr•Gte1z 2C�b5 B� rynson Ilrt�r� l�ipls. 21, Nznr�. OFI' SAl,� (}c�rdon G. Sf��enscn 6800 Channel Road P4pls. 21� Ma.nno Jack 'P. Rose 3910 France Aveo So. PQn1 s o � t�iinr.. Nlylo W. Parks �3i,? Misslssippi st. lv. r,. l�ip]_s. 21� Minn, Icena Schuu�• 1!Ol I�ti�ssicsi�n3 St, N.r-0 N�J s, 213 T�T� ns�� Eleanor Tarnowski 6?69 Highwa,� 65 ?�pls. 21y Minn. DB�: 5pring Lake Park Oil Co, 7250 Central Ave, N.��. P1pls. 21y Mirn. Renet�aal Pire-O-Rama of Minn.� Inc. Sdew 53�1 Central Ave, N.F. Mpls, 21, Minn, (Spartan Store) p�rks Corner Dairy Store 6501 Cenf,ral Asre. N.E. P4inneapolis ?_li �Iinno Peb�s Crocery 5669 Unicersity Ave. N.E. NInls, 21� I�Ilnn. Vincers Ba�t Sh�p 62 �9 Hi ;hwa,y 65 MpJ.s» 7_l y M�.nn. i�Iantl�ey �ro�. Ter.a.cr� 6071 Universit,y- Ave, iQ. n',. Mpls. 21, i�Iinno Central Food 7373 Central Ave. N.r. . M��^� 21� Mi±�r. Jim�s Dairy Stcre 53'79 TJniverslty Ave, N.L'. Mnlso 21, M9_nn. Roger's Conoca 63�i� Universit,p Ave. N,F. Nlpls. 21� Minn� Certzen Service 6l�85 East � ver Paad Mpls. 27_� Ntinn. Renewal ReneUral 1 Rer.ewal Renewal Renewal Henewal New Rene�,a]. , Uutdoar iheater Caterers� Snr„ Tdew iG0 Twin Drive-In Mpls. 21, Minno Tri-County Sanitation 35C Miss�.ssippi St. N.L. Mpls. 2.1y Minn. Kersten Rubbish Rernoval 2045 Branson ➢rice Mpls. 21, M�.nno F r•i d] �y Food Market Eil��� East iZLVer Road Mpls. 21, Minn. Rcmel�s Market 5061 Uruversit,y Ave. 1V. L;, Mpls. ?l, Minn. Parks Corner Dair,y Store 6501 Central Ave, 1V. r. Mpls. 21, Minn, DeU�s Grc�cery 5669 Universit,y 4ve. N.E. Mp1s� 21, Minno Vince�s 3ait Shop 62b9 High�ray 65 Mpls. 21� Minn. Renewll Renek*al ?�enewsl Renewa? 1 ?�enew� 1 Rene�ral Renewa7. � Vicla McMorran 75?8 Van Buren St. N,E. r�pls. 21, i�linn. James A. Roeheford 5220 Rainoou; Drive N.L. Nipls. 21a PSinn. Leonard Gertzen bl_E8� Fasi. �iver Road Mpls 21a Minn. OIQ S�',LE Sha�dri'ck fc �aBeau 9meric�:n Legion Past 303 7325 Central Ave, iv,L'. I�4p15. 21, �+f��nn„ Jose�h ?, Morris ii7.L, - 22nd Ave. N.L. Mpls.� NLi.nn. LNESTOC?i Clas�ence R, Olson 1668 iIississippi �t. N��, P�p1s, 21 , rainn. DE�IVERY TRUCK Saritary Farm Da=ries� Inc, 1�15 Grove St, Sw. Paul, Minn, SCATah,DiGER Lawrence Gilbertison & Maurice Surface 752 ts. L. Adams anc' � �34i z�. �. coo��a�� Mpls.? Minn. B. H, Shepard Ronnd Lake Road Anoka� I�Iinneseta �� SOLI�ITOR Elmer A. Anderson fi9��t Cornelia Dr. Mple. 21i, Minn. 573RViCE STATIOld Americ�ui Oil Co. Box 629 T�ipls. 1�Oa Minn, Roger Christensan 6501 Ma9n St. N,�,. Mpls. 27, Minn. C1iSiord J„ Thoe .�iJ�..S T�aliPWOOC� 1�T'• !Q.�''�• 1��]_5�p M71111e ArLhur J. Campbp.11 351� - z'- st. 1u.E. i4nls. 21a N;inn. P�oman Trautt 6859 — 7th St. Td.�. N?pls. 21} Minn. Otto A. Gaupp 1501� Ferndal e M71s, 21, Mi.nn. DBA: Salesman for; Central Food 7�73 Ger.±;ra1 .�ve. 1d.T:. P4pls, 21 , Mar.n. Jim�s Dair� Store 63%9 ilniversit,y Atre. N.E, Mp15. 21, Mznn, Ge,rtzerA Serrtrice btt85 Ea�t River Raad Mpls. 21, Minn. Same Front?cr Clt�b 736� Cetitral Ave, N.T� Mpls. 21, i�lir�n. Same Gilber�,san � 8urlac� 81�0� Ceni.er Dr. Mo1s. 21� M1rin, �heparcl Cesspoo2 SetRr�ce Round Lake Road Az�okaa Minnesota Mational Soft �,�aic;r Co.# Inc, 6106 Exce�sior B1vd. Minneapelis�, M9nnesota Standard S�rvice CenLer �311 University Aire, N.F. Mp1s. 21, M�.nn, �o�;er's Coroco G3i9 t?n�zrerei�y P-vc. Dl.E. Mpls. 21, Niinn, Spring Lak� Park Qil Co. 7250 Cenlxal 2ve. N,P,. :�Ipls. 21x 1Li.nn. P.rt"s S�nclair Seivice 5290 Highway o5 Mpls. 21, I'Zinn„ Roman'� Pure Oi1 �69� Haaknann Ave. 1Q,E. I�pls, 21, Minn, Otto�s Standard r^ OSLDI'T1E' R03.Q. c°� HiN�. 6J tZpls. 27., Mazir�. 1�3 Renewal Renewa3 Renewa� Ren� wal Ren� wa1 Rei_ekra2 F.e�wt;21 Nnw IQew Tde1�r Re�ewal Renevral Renewal Net� Re :ewn1 R�newal 184 Dc+nald Ro Manthe,,� 5sto - >tn ci�� i�T.F. Mp'_s. zl, M�nn„ i,eanard Cerr.zen 61�f3S Eas:, Riuer Road i�S�Jso 21, Minno Joseph Io Morris 1�1l� - 22nci Aveo 11.L. M�ls., Mint1, TA �SCAB 1�Iarv f.� b ^r�3 �ilc �i923 - 3rd S�o 11.Eo Mp3so 21, Minn„ i15ED C1?� LOT rran'� Cabrelo�_k 59"�3 - 3r�3 SL-a N.�so I�l�ls. ^c7_, M1t�na VhiJD1T1G 'iRiJC3� J. G. Ft�lston LQii3 Zyrda"le Ave. So� I�1pls., Minno DBA: Manthey Droso mexaco b071 IInivzrsit,y Aveo N.F. AZplso 21� Ninn. Certzen's .Service 6L485 East River Road Mpls, 21a Minr_� Frontier Club ?365 Central Ave, 1J.E. Mpls. 21� NLinn. Fridley Cab Co. �7�0 Uriiversit,y Ave. Ir.E, Mpls, 215 Minr. Franl��s Used Gars y77�0 University Ave. N.E. Np1sm �1� M9.nn� N1e7.1-0-Dee Ice Crea.n± Co. H�ilman Fie]_d 5t. Paul l, Minna Reneiaal Renewa] Renewal Renewal Renewal_ kenewal Seconded by Nee. Zi�on a vo�re vote� t,here being no raays� the motion carried un� nimous!_,yo � T�ITLER LIC�IJSE APPLICA`L'ION OF DI!'.Y TGRGSSON: M��. Wo1ke asked if' the inten� of the L'railer permit Ordinanr.e ;��3� was not to lindt i;he amount of time tt,at a trailer �en1d be parked in a residential area� and the p�xrpose of havin�, � trailer park was so that the trailers oould be parked there. I�Ir, W�7.ke suggestecl that these trailer per�itis be checker". out. After f�•ther discussion, N,r� �nls�"lke moved that L-he tr�iler parkin� Lcense be grantecl �r Dic�n Tor�eson £c��^ [71�i1 Tlni�ersity �venue. Seconded b,y Nee. Upon a voice vote' there being no na;r5y the motion carri ed unanimousl,yo The Cit,y Mac�s�;er is to ahec[c ou� the +railer app.lication of LeRoy �lson - 6600 rridle,y Sireet i�orLheasr., and a7so the CoLincilman in the ward is to check it out. Councilmas� Wolke moved that i.he l�.cense ici° LeRoy Olson - 6600 Fridley Street Nort,heast� he taUled� and the rea�on for the tabling being that the City had passed an ordiiaance designed to eli.�nate living in trailer houses autside of Lrailer cauits� and untzl all the facts are checked out in ronneci,ion �:ith this i�cer�se� that it sP.o��ld nct be grantedo Seconded by Sheridano Upon a voice votey Lhcre bein� no Liays3 the rneti_on c�rriec ux�animausl,y. LIG�,NSE OF MIDT1vETONKA ELLC`t':R1C COr+ip}�Uy; Ttse Ci+,}r Mz�7ager read a letter from the attorne�- for the I�4innetonka E].ec+Nla Cmm�any an wh�cn �,hey s,ated i,hat they i`elt the '!icensing of eleetrical contractors bzT a cit� was ilingalo (;ounr,ilmart Nee moved to granti the license +,o Minnetonka Ts'lecWrir Company. Seconded b�r Wolke. IIpart a voice vote� there being,no nays� the motion carriel unanimousl,y. PARK YRO�ERTY Il 'pPAISliL: The Citiy i�ana��r presente�l an apnra3.�;a1 frcm I�Ir. Shaifer on the park propert,y in the Z��cinit,y uf (3rd �venue. Mrr Nee sug�e,si,ed that the Park Board lonk this appraisal over ana re1a�� sti to the cost of development, and the price af the �ropert�. t;ounci7man irl�lke moved to receive tYiis appraisal and submzt it to {.he Park Sub-r,omrm� ttee for their study� and rec�imnendations to i,he C�_�;� Council. Sec�nden by Nee, Upon a vcice v�te� there oeing no na;�sy the moticn carried unaninzousl y, GONSTD�RATION Ot' S`l'GRM DRLINlGE - SgTH 9D'aD 7T,I STPF,ET: Tlieie was no actian taken on this meeting. `I� OF ROARTJ OF EOUALIZATSOti: The Consuli.�ng Engineers �rill report at the next �'Phe Cit,y I�!anaFer explained tkie rl�•te� �Na.+ T�rere o�en. 1�Tr. Wolke moved �hat the date 1 1 1 � � � �_ 4� s� for �he Board of Equalizatl�n be set for � to 5 P,M,a July 3b� 196�, Secondecl�a5r Sheridan. iJpon a voice vote' there bein� no nays, the notien carried unanimcusl�r. CONSSDL+'�ATICIN OF i3?� A�1ENU`�� 1dOHTHEASi tiTGHT-OF-?�,'i'iv: Mr. Wolke sugt;ested tihat a special couneil meeting he set up ta dir;cues ti-iis '%3rd �venue right-ef-wa;�* question, Wo7.ke moved thaL a special counci_l mec tinF be set up to discuss the 73rd 1!venue right-o£-x�ra,p, Seconded 'o,y Nee, Upvn a vcice vot,a, there bei nn no n�5� �r the mation carri ec? unanimousl,l. RESOLIITICIQ 1v0, �0-.l°62 pZDERIIQG YIiELINff1vAYY PL.1�5 �ivll SPECiTLGl1TIOPdS - STRFL'TS 1962-2: Gcuncilrnan Sheridan maz;ed that the above resolut�on be adonLed, Secarded bv Nee, Upon a voice vote� there being no na5-s� tne mo�icn cas°ried ii�aniznouslv„ i4r, Brown asked �.f an alternate pro �osal should '�e aria�e "oi concrete curb and gr�tt�r. �e Council stated �r,yes." The P4a,yor ;,izggested i,nat 3�th �ver_ue Liquor• ,Store Parkin� Lot should be k�lacktop�eda when the olacktorpirxg an th� streets ?s done �his ,year� RE50LUTTON �v0, 1.�1-1962 AiJ^LHORIZIIVC All�RTS���1Et�'P �'OR I�1DS OiV b T1uCH CE1vTFIFT�GAZ PUI�I�': The Gity Mana�er read the above resolubion. Cocrcilman t�o?ke moved i,o ad�pt the above resolution. Seconded bg Nee, Upon a voire voi.e, cri�re bei_ng ne, n3�=sa L�.e motion carried unar.isr�ously, ORllINAATCE �ACA^1ING U1^TLIT�' EASII�iENT. The City Mana�er exFla�n°c: that it rLi�ht be a lan�; time b�Pore the sewrr �roulcl Yiave to be repaised on this Lot 11a Marian Hills Addition� buL en the ether hand i� mihht not. Mr. Sheridan stated that he �elt Uhar, ii t,hr Council puts a xestric+..ion on the propart��, that the owners would not be al�le to g�t a clear tztle �o the p-ropErcq, and get the necessarq financii�g. S�Ss•, Wolke su�;gest.ed chat Lhe Caunei? geL- a s��.e plan £rom I4r. 01Bannon� and st�,dy this tc s�e what he pr000se� te buzld there� to sr-e if something casi be warkecl out w-ithout �aac�.:,ing tl:c e�asemenv, Gous�ci7man �heridan noved that i:n2s r„atter Ue tabled euitil ��:F; next meeting, and the Cit77 i�ianager is to ac3trise Mr. 0"P�annon� in the mF��timc;, to h?°ing his s? �° plan to ih;: �ua.c- �;L¢ir 19�2 me����_n�^„ 3eroaced'oy A7se. Upon �=%�»ee vote� thare being r�o nay�s ch� nzo�i�r� c�rried unanuno»si �T. RBSl7LUli01V ^I0. �t2-1962' P�CE�OI_JG PF177TMZjQ0.R5F P�fl,dS AND SNEC�FICAT�piT,� A1VD OftDFI?i1dG ?iIBG?C �Fi�p_13II�IG - STC;PN SE`���R A LI11�S�6IEP� APIIJ 1^7A`PLF� - . �ROJLCT l�Q, .�t� "�� �' � ' Cotmeilrn�n G7�'!1te zno,•od tha�, tih�_s MP�^�,�Hon he �dnnhed, Secondad b�r tye��s ���on �, vaicz vate, those votir� in fav�7-a Wo].ke� Nees Gr�i�� v��zr�y3u�, S�erid�n. 1Io+-!on carried. N,s•. Sheridan s�.ated .hat he was op�osed t,v ttLis as i�; is adclizig additional bu��ien Lo tha peopla in thc: area' atid u:�ey have verv high c Hxes ai, the px°escnt t!me, i��°. She:-;.dan also recommenfted that t1�P number of �arcels invo`�-�ed irx an impl�o�resne*2r, be shown tne nex+ ta.me the hearing is heLd. Mr, Knut,son e��ainad �ne locah,�on or �he services wA�Soh wotxl3 be put in tmder 'Pro�ect ;58, �ONSII�E��.ATS01�] OF GHAiJGF ORDEr� �1 - W-31�-J - SC;�DALE 7}2: Mr. Knutson eypla�ned the nature of the cha�voe o�°d���j which �n*as a deduci; ior Ghe thickness o£ the metal used. C�unai�man Ide� mozn;d to a�pro2-�� the Chan�e Order {�7. Seconded b�r Sherie�ln, TJpon a voi_oe vote� thPre beinK no n�?1sf the moi,i.on carried unanimousls. CONSIDFF�lI011 Gr CIiANGE ORDEP � 1- U?-31E-J - Si;H�DUI L' Nr. KrnaLson axnlainecl the nature oz" tne chan�e orde�, Nrrtion oy� Sherilsn to ap�rove tne a�ove chan�e or3er. Seco:�ded Ly Nee, ?ipom a��r�ice vol;e, th�re be�n� na na,ys, Lh�; rnotion rarra.ed unaniraouslp, ORi)I1dA1VCE ES`CAI3LIS��IIVG PA?ihiNC REGULl�'�'L�1VS �T N1TJ1�iTC1PAT_ �P�CIi_ �ha Gity Max�ger r�ad the above ocdi_nance, Ther� u�as �xiscu�si�n on 1.he pas•��in� re- quiremeni,s� Mr, i�ee sugPested thac the permits be oLaced in a conspieuo;z� and unifoi�n Alace an each vehicle so thai. the proulem nf enforce.nc-nt �aould not becom:� too great„ Coune�lmasi 6hersdan moved Lo accepi, this as tihe tir�t raadtng of the a}�ove ordinan�E, Seconded la,y Nee. TJ�on a voice vote� there bein� no nays, the mot,=on carri�d unanimou�l,y. F'iE�SOLUTIOrd 1v0. L3-19� FOP SA1�Ar�Y SE6�1GR - O�iDisRING PRF�YnR.;_T1 OF PR]s1,Ii9Tidnit?' PI,ANS ANll Si'ECIF?CA7'70NS i,F STItGE'rT,,IORI�iE��ST, ____.�w_.____�.�__.____ . Mr, Shez•idan pointe3 out +hai, the lift statinn wrnil_d be ne�Qed io en�Ule the *�2a�le in r,he vicinit,y oi Fillmore Street ;�nd H�_�hwa,y �?OC ta use �:tza=_ sai�itailr secJer faciLties, ��s Mr, Les KnuLson presented a�reliminary estiimate of ."��,9�100>00 for a li£t station. Seconded by Nee. Upon a vnice vatey there oeina no nays� the motion carried unanim�nsl,y. n?Si;U5STnTV C�N THE BOiIPI9nRy STIRVEY: �r9-lere iaas in� �her discussion nn the bounda?�y surve,y� and whefiher or nr�t t,he pe�{�le wanl,ed it, Mr� ��,i�+71;e Dointed nuL thati in a survey� tne surve,,�or has to start froin s�}*re ben�h ma.rlc� and Mr. Knutsoa s�aL-ed i,ha�, was ri,ght. Mro Nea pointied r�ut +h�� he fel t that i,nis uaas beyo:zd the scope o£ responszb7�it,y of the Citp� but ir the peonie t�rant�d �_L� he k�ould be in favur �F ii,. Mr, Na�e3 sl;ated that setreral of the people in �;ne area want to plat„ ��;r, Wolke suggested that tho ma,�ter be ta'aled until the ��reet in t_l�r� area be pn+, �n, or some n£ the other improvementsj and cosL of s�trvey spread at that time. P9SSStdG OUT �i' HAT�iD1;ILLS; i2r, �lol i�e s;tggested that an orcl�nance be draUm up prohib�.ting the passir� out nf ha:�dbi3ls� �-r hangsng of har�bills on the doors of the residences, There was a d;scussion on Lni� mattero pne tif the Cauaxcilmen statecl th„t tne people cauld put a small sign an theis• huildir�g requesting that rio haudballs Le leit there, The Cit�T t��nager s�xgErested that the CiLf Attnrne� dra�a a suggest�d ordznance. �t 17J�)Ut'cNiv1F'id T: There bein� na further busines.�y the Ma,;�or decl�.red the meeti_ng ad�ourned. Respect£u11y subm� ttelm /1 f'1M"'�. LyC/� t�Iaa^vi ��%, runse Secretary to {,he Council COi�1dCIL S7SNU1'� S- JUl�]E !ly 196?_ 1 ' �" � . % � f �x rJ � ' Nif1Y0R - T, E, Greig � A regular meeiing ui the Ci�� Cot,�eil was called to order by Ma,yor Greip a{. 8s00 P.M.' �!embers aresenc; GreiR, Jahanson� Nez' Wo1ke (arrived 8:20 P.14.) Members Aoseni,: Sherid�n A?'1'PUVAT, 0?' P:I1di7TESt �� Cuuncil�v�a Johanson movad i,nai: I.he minutes of the regular meeting of I�Ia,y 21� 1962 be approve3o S��onded by Neeo Upon a voica vote� there beix�g no na;,�s� the motion Warrind una.�mousiyo OLD LUSIIVG�S: F1'}?F TRUSii BIDB � OPEiVED 1V0(�N Ni,4Y 18� 1°62: ��.__..� _...�_.____ —_._t._..._._. ��e C�t,y I�?ana�ec announced thst tihe Pir•e Department wisaed additional time to study the t;ir�s, Coimr,�]man ivee moved that act,ion be deferred on awarding the bids for a £ire trucli Lmtil a report is receitred from the Fi_re Department�o Seconded by Joh��nsan. Unan � vo�ce vote, there b�ing no navsy the motion carried unanim�usly. D��DGSVG �SDS - MOORE LA?� - OP � 1��.0 NOON. MAY 'Ihe Cit,� i7ana7er anno�mcad that the bid� *Nh�ch were receiJed were as £a�_lows: ➢RAGLIlVE BIICKET 0?'ERATING REil�TAZ BTDDEFt CAPACITY ST�j,' PEft I�DUR�_ �Tei.� �nd Campanys Inco O55ro� M1tin�sota 5/ Bi.d Lan� P2rk Goxls�iactiori Co. z�ridle�ry Mimlesota Ge��tiCied Cller,'c - t15�50000 20 1 tons yd„ 18 1 tons ;�d„ (Move i_n and oui. 9p60o00) 2 � 1�, tnns yds. (Move in and oui. �100.00) �18.00/hr. �18.75/h�. $�19.?5/hr. ,