10/21/1963 - 6046• � n �J • �'' • H: f�' • •i: :i' .�` j�M M. L111 �i: I . �i� `t � �n Regula�c Meet#�ug. Octobe�c 7, 1963, ,� � ,: � � . /� .. I � �� � i � � 8�e� � 1�-+e PubiiC He�ariag — V+aC8tiG41 of Str�ets s�d Al1�ys ` �' Block 32, Hyde Par7c �Cc�tiaued 10/7/63j• irst R�di�g of Oacdlfaance Vaeating St��sts a� �( All�y's, Blo�k 32. $y�le Park, .� �e�d Readi�g c�� A�di�ce Rezt�i�g Pc�ti� n of Q���' Peairao� ° s F3�st Additioa, �;� � y U� 3Sa �. o �l� C�.�Bj.O�Y �� �1it@8 ♦ �Ob6iL' J.0 � 196�� �� Pa�ges 1 — 29. Pag�e 3�0 0 P�go 31e Paage 32 0 Pa�ges 33 — 43 0 '� �,2 � Boaaed of Appeals M�e�eting Miautos, Octod�er 16, 1963, Page 44. `` , @�,�3,� Sd£ety Coa�.�ttee l�eti�g' Mit��tes: Octd�c 9, 1963, Paqes 45 & 46m \ f _,���`.,� yWi/NN,B�I,,d�frFLM�i.Vii�� . �Y V �' � G��� �' M1�8A880�..8 Iild1�S��t�. Pe�'1C8, IAC � f BLt�,ll�.2�tJ at 7230 G�txal Ave�ue Northeast ��"x,. � To ��tan R�aa.ty: B�tildi�g at 6441 intive�sity r� ^-�, �,,� �,�s �r �'"'- �`"0.��Arr�e PloaCtheas't "�r��w; (C P�sont Pa�k �os1t Fd �k s of Lo�s i-- 25, Block 12, Pl�� �` `�'`�'���'� . __�. Ad�iitic�s All+�y if�tio� �-a t�� s�: A,pprmciatio� 4 '�c� �(!Py/ �6� n �aasic%ara�3� of Ac�ree�t wit3u Ofi�Sale tT�is�a, ����'�r�ns�.darstioa oi M�ship in N.S,SoS.Do, .�—,' —_�,��, c��., �� h�-�r � of r� detat E�ioa� of Fire Statioa. `---,--, o C�lsims g � l��ti�te�, . io_... ��e , � -�'��t.�d A�rdm�►t to C��pt�c 49, � .�,� �o�"�; Pages 47 — 55a Paq�s 56 & 57m Pa�ges 58 — 60. Pag� fil a Page 62. Pag� 63d P�� 64 & b5 e � co�eu. Ac�r� - ocra� 2�. i96a tcantix�uea) � ���'� � 12 v Consideratiaa of .Agse�nts with St e Paul v�ateac Wo�ks o �`1_ , �ecreation Coar�iasio� Maetiag Miautes, saptember �( 1,8 ar� t7cta� 5, 1963, __ i_ � �'�� of Urdin�ee to Am�end S�etia� 81 e 11 e 4 3.5. .�.R�solutia� Disectia�g Issuance of Temgorary Bo�is - . Q _ _____��3 ° 16 0 �solutiara Dir�ting 3ale ancl Pvre:hase of Te9m�oacary J�a�d� -- SW#63 , _._ ��...�__._...�-�_.._� l�'. R�solut�oxi Directi�ag Issttanee of Temporazy BaadB - S$x+eets 196�-1 a ___- ....-a-----�, 18 a sa]tt�ttic�a Disectis�q Sale and Purc�aase of Tempo�carY '\^�y`,� Sond� -� streets 1963-1 � G:- . . � V..,. ,�"'�.'�a . l90 �sol.ution Approvin�g Final Plans aad Speci�icat�o�s � � Order�.ng Bids - S�61, t? esolutions spiittiag speeial Aasessm�ea�ts, 10� ,�Resolution Ahati�g Cettsia� Specj.al Assessme�ata, ox�l� #1 - Stt�ts 1962-4, �� P�itios►e _ �.9'� �. �� o ������ g c►1� - � � � ��,��y ���Q �,�.- � ��� � j� � �n�ro_�.� �� � Pages 66 - 69 Paq� 700 Panqes ?1 - 77 Paqes ?8 & 79 Paq�s 80 - 86 PaqeB 87 & 88 Pages 89 - 31 Paqes 92 - 35 Pages 95 & 97 Page 98m Page 99 0 P�ge 100e �� l° �� • A�B1IDA CO�S�N'�S - OGT(�ER Zl, 19b3 4LD SUS'�833 a 1 a PUBLIC �ISARII�G � VACATI�T OF STRFSTS AND ALI�3YS - B�OCIC 32, HYD� PARK (C0�ITINU�D 10/?/631 a Because o£ th� action take�� by the Pisuniag Coaa�aia�aiox� in Item #4, vaa Pagea 33 and 34 of this ageada, I wauid swgges� that. uni�as t�e Cauacil disa�grees with the reco�- n�ndatio� of t�e Plananing Caasais�io�s, this pub►lic h�aring be closod wi.ttia no action talce�n. 2� FIRST READ3Nt� OF ORD3NA8TCCs VA�TINt3 STbtESTS AD1D ALLTYS - SI�O4'IC 3Z, 83i°DE PARKa �his ordi�e ots Page _ 31 a�plie+s to the mstt.aac dis- c�tssed 3n atem #�i, ab�oove, ao that s wo�u].d assu�me tbat - the Cow�cii wculd not w1�1ti to havo thi�s os�din�aace raad m 3� Si3C0�TD itBADING OF ORDINA�ft� R�ZO�QING PO�tTION OF P'SAR30l�? ° S FIRST A�DITa0�1'a Z'his os'divance fo� seco�ol r�adiUg is oun Page 32 d �w BUS�ss � — 1� PI�Aa21NING CO�iI33a0�t I�STIIQG MINITiS - OCTG�BR 10, 1963 s Z'b�se � mianutes are oa Pages 33 through 43. T'l�e�e► is no a�ct�.on requir�d ltiy the COtu1C� O"1� Itd�s #1 �#2 s#3 � Osri PBqIB 33 � Snd It+�09� #11 01z Pa�y14 35 o I laave a�].xea�ly refersed to Item #4 on Pages 33 aad 34, in whit�c tl�� Cnsmt�ssl0� S�ec tha� th� pl�� not be 8ecepted. Itm�a #5. Page 34, �he Cc�3.saia�a �ceco�ds approval ot this plat, aad the dra�w3.ng will be available at the Council meelting o Ite� #6, Parge 34, �Tae Cosq�ission xecaaame�ds appxaval. of this plat, and the �raw�sig wi1,1 be avai.labl� at ti� mee�tirlg� I�t�s #7 aAd #8, Paqs 34, the Planxa3a� Coao�aissio� reco�mio�nd app�roval oi these lot splite, drawlx�g� c►f �ka�� are+ oa P�ges 37 aa�d 38o Iu Item�► #9, Pag� 34 and 35, tbe Com�nissio�n resco�ds approval af tha lc� split, a c9rawing af �thi�ls ia on Page 3�d an�d the lett�cs r�fe�rred to are on P�ge�s 4U aad 41e I� Itma #10, Page 35, the Co�omiasian geco�ds tisat the apiita be apP�c�ved, a draw�.x�g o£ w�hicl� is arl PagO 42, and the Plats sad Snb- divisions Sv�-Cc�i.tt�e of �he� Pla�aainq Comomission reca�ame�dmtfaai is oaz Page 43o Ite,n #4e The a�ecvm�ue�cl�tioa� of the Plaaning Comnisaj ia lt+ea�t #12 s Paga� 35 aad 3b, is 8e].f-eaq�lanato�y, and thie couclud! tbe Planaiag Coa�misaioa Me�tin� Minute�o 2e �O�ARD OF APPEALS �BTING MINUTES - OCTO�R 16, 1963s �heee miautes are oaa Page 44, witta a reco�naae�dation t�at the variancs be granted o 'Z�he origina�. appiicatio� t�iil be avsil�tble at the Co�ucil �irx�. , 3 0 �TY C�T� M�STI�16 MINtTPBS - a�CT��SIt 9. 1963 s �hese miautea a�re on Pa�qes 45 aa�d 46 aad are iaclud�d 1n tbe age�da sityce the C�a�cil aub�mti�ted th� Midlaud CoaP' � PrpPosec] amcvice atatio� psab- 1� to the Ca�mitteev Yau will rlate, ha�rav�r, at the battaa oi Paqe +4�, thatt t�as Co�ama.t�ee is meetir�q t�o�iqht wit�► the g4ople f,too� that � �C S - OCT�tsR 21, 1953 (Caa�tiawsd} a�ea� axul M�.c�,7.a�nd, so that theace n�y i'e no�hing to r�part at t'hs Couaicil u�ee�fng ou M�day nig�t. 4 a C0�9�IYCATI�TS a ' (,a) Mizan+�sart8 Zndtts�kxial Park�e Inc. s Buildi.ng 8t 7230 Ceatral !�, �ive�wte Noartheasts Z'he lett�C %G'om �C. P�t�eosao� o�a Paqe 47 e I, i.s s�7.�-e�plaaato�cye At this wsit3x�g, I hav� nat bae�n a1�le'I to cc�,alete an investigatfon of t2ie proposal, althau�gh I '�, �aav� la�aked at tite buiidi�g and I have receiv�ci a heating ''�, es�3z�te fc�r saicl ba�ilding of a,pproxima�el.y $5 , O00 to �'� $8, OQQ per yea►r o�he heating sst�.mate plus the builditiq `s '�, distan� locatic� a�d its greater aawunt of sp�ce th�au the I City wauld aeed, wot�].d seeaa to iadicate that thi8 offer ', uc�t be co�sidered f�r�hear o 8ow�uer, if the Co�sa�cil wishea I a fu�i�r co�pl�te tliarc�uc�h inve�t��i�a and r�c�momea�atio� froa� tb,i.� office, I wculd nc�v have more time to do so since, the budqet is finally caa�l�teda ', • tb� M,adae�t Re�].tya Building at 6441 University Aventut NoaCtheast� Qa Pag�s 48 a�d 49 are t�vo letterrs fsom Madsmn Realty, one '� aff�ring to ee12 tt� buildis�g to � City, t�s secoad to � lea�te it e Z received t�he le��r on Paqe 49 soa�e f� minute� �4r t3o �:h�.�G I i�tv� not 13�I the GppOst'ttmity to �ilalyZB th� I of�o �e is a possib�ility tia�t th�re would be ac�ame mer�t i�i tasi�g this 'buildi�g fa� city offic�ss but I would sugqest fihat t,Ya� also be inve�t�.g�fi.ed at �eatdc lan�th, a�d 2 aisb iiave a r�est fxa�a�t ott� C1ty' 8 p�esea� la�►dloa�d thst they bb givea�► at� opporrtuait� to discuss �he City's I�se for n�xt I, yea� at tbe i�ime �that �se uae cf t�e Mada�n Building mi�i�t �, %e s�ioa�sly consides�lo P+�`haps the purrliaae of the d�man�'�, Prope�tY to the rear �ould be ivaestigsted. alsoe '',, (c} peatsons Faack Depc�sits 3�� lette�r oa Pag� 50 is s�lf- �la��atc�Y a jdj L�ners oi Lots 7-- 25, �l�:k 12 � Plymouth Aedditiana Alley �lacatioas T'he leatter 3.s � Pages 51 atLd 52, with the perao agr�e�i:�g with the letter ].i�ted a�'i Page 53 B and the locatio of thos+� pa�ctiea listed on Page 53 iri Slock 12 t is illustra � an Pag� 54e �his _le�tter was se�eived saaa��ime ago, so that I hav� � written a]Lettex ta these g�ople ask3,rig the�n to d�dicate #�his pr�e�ty back to the City, since I believa � �heir xeply to sucb lette�s would be abvio�se �'hese p�ople rep�ces�� all the ao�me�s of the lats abuttinq the portiaa of the alley t.bat was aac�,ted, • � .�C�'+,ii�i1 ' i, `- �, y t�.� . �•� r -.e � �ej kla�dsena A�pteciatioas 7.'�i►8 letter on Page� 55 is ael% e�latiatoaY a�d ca� be re�ivtd and filedo 5 m CflS�S�RP►T��PT UF A�"RS�'1++�IT� WITS OFF—SAI� til�TgONs T'!ie ta j �a �e o��,giaal res�lutic�n p;ssed last yea� wil.l be foumd o� Paqss , 56 �i 57 � I m�.g�t point oaat tha� tiie a�rigins�l. r�sest by tbe Unio� was far � 9.�reas0 t� $2.19 pec�c hawc, an�d a seductio� ot the woack i �,€€� to foscty {�3j hatiuea� Aftecr �v►eaCal nego�iatiox�►s, I igel. that �'�,, � c�n s�om�d �iae ixicr+�se to $2.1� per h+�, re�t.ainiag tbe fo�ty!- ;��Lig ��j $l0'� WE�i �$C�B t3V@1't� � �l�.C�e � fi�1e �ji�'��O1181 '�, fact� t�t this p�y iner!�ase would go t�caugl� to Deee�e� 31, 19�4, �a�� �h�n S�p 1, 1964, at w'hiCti time. of ec�.ucse, they �roulc�, c�a�at a� ac�li�iva�al �ease s�his a�sP��s to �me to be th� bes� deaql fi�at tla�r ��.t� �an make, unl� yau wish �o hald fast to tb� presea� ags t � 'I f� a CO�S�RAT�N OP' �+�RSHIP IDi � q S. S, S. D, a'i�e 60 daya within which �b�+ Co�sacill. agx�d to co�sid� �hhig�a ia� the �oS�SoS.D. expfr� o� �a1�� 19, 196�e v�lhie� was Satut+d�yp so that I piacad this autai- ma.tic�llg o�t �a agen�da £or O�ct�c �i , 196� D�Oh�er o� not the '' Co�c�.l wis3ie� to cons3�d�r this mait� at tl�is ti� ar wait for the Advisc�{ Vot�, is t�p to �ie �o�ac�.l o ', ? a C+��SID�RA`�4�d t�F �+`XPANSYO�t OF F$R�' STA'�QNB On �►�ages _58 a� 59 is a s � P�c. Smil�y o� �iis �eeti.r� with � Eire Dep�t i�xi�.caici� ��c "h� �aill be at �he m�atit�g l�cuuiay nic�ht to discuss fi.�e 3.t�nas a� �h� I��t�o�t af Pag;� 5� a TT� ].�tter fro� the Ftidley Fi�� ��e t o�a Page 6� � s�].f—expla��a�, snd I tho�t catl be addesl to �he ag�ada at ti�is gointo � o : Z'!se c].a3m �wu�acs are on page 61 d D�tail of tho cl�im� �.s includ�d with the age�ccia e g, SS��3�T�S: R�te $1�,577OAti as S��zo3.z�d on Page 62 is £or e�gineer ��ic�s lt� e L=C�NS�ss �he li�enses £or your roanaides�tion axe c�n P�ge 63 e II,Q St7�SST'ED A1+�iD1�'� TO Q'3APTER 49s A�C the last mest�g th� Couacil'� �+e��.v� a r�a�da� �ro� th� �r�s�t Cf.ty Attv�cn�y ra�ative ,, �a tY�e �t�.g1e c�wellir�g oxdinance that was defeated �.n covuct, aad '� � the �o�r�ci1 askmd t�at 1� e Ko�+il�n ° s reco�adations he aan this agenlda o ax�d th� wil.]. be fc�u�,d ox� P�ges b4 and 65 e 12 v �DiSID�iATIO�T QF A�3RR88�L3TS WITS STo PAUI. WATF.R WORKS s I hsvs diseussed this w�.th L�r o Smith today, a�,d ii�xd th�t we do xwt y�at �t,�►v� ali the irn�wc�ta�kioa� that 1ne ne�dsa but �� is h�ful that s • s- oClea�sR 21, 1963 tContinueaj `vi1.1 be avail�lo at t�e n�ti�g o� Ma�day s�i.c�ht e=�n soacsy. iico�raver e t�t I cs�t give you Copies of the.se ags�ts in the ag�dat b!�ca�a th�' ha� �� recae�ived by Mr e Smith �ooa� Mr o Rahla� as y�te 13 � RSC�ATgO�iT �SSSIQN �STING �fl'SS - SSP�i'fa�R 18 AND OCTO�SR 5, 1�63 a Z`hese m#xui�ea are ft�and c�n Pageat 6b thraugh b9 � If the� as� any it� in these miu�tes upon �ic'�i yau wish to tak� action. it can �e doa� a� this t3me, otheswise th�y can be m�t�ly reeeiv�d a�d f�.led as has b� done� in t�►e past . 14o COl�BSI�TIaIt aF �7LNADTC6 To �btD S�CTION 81.11s C�i.e� McCarthy !, poin�ed out �o m�e that the S�te La�+�r r+�i�es that � sale oi liqu�ar is to b� made b�twe�a �he ho;e�s of 1 o°clock AeM. and 8 o'�a.tock Ae1M�. � a�cl tha� the G�.ty Codo said froan l o°elack AeM. until. 6 o°claak A.1�, �li� City Att�arar�y has drawa this co�r+qeticxi� to t�►e Cod�e fooc yaur '� cansi,cle�atjbn on P�e 70e j • 15 o RESOLUTiO�aT D�R$GT7t�tG ISSI�TCB OF �OIiAA'�C BO�IDS — SW#63 s �'ba � +�alaia#�ng this matteac �s on Pag� 7�. �nd the saesW.utitan will be fotuu�d oa Pa�es �2 tlirough 77. l�i o RTSOLUT]CON DIREL'�'iBId3 SAI� AI� l�t1R� OF T�(�ARY BE�11DS -- S'9�b3: �1� r�solut3a�a oxt Pag�es ?8 a�d �9 is s+�l%�lanatary e �.7 � RES�T�ZOl� DIRi�N�IN'G ISStJ�'C3y OF TEMPOAARY BANDS — STREETS 1963-1: 7�a ax� Page 8Q �p�ains tt�►is re��►luticss, T'he resalution� will be four� on I�g�s 81 tisrovtgh 86 e �8s BtI��'�Li��0�7' DiitBC'%�G SALS A�D PiiR� tiB' TSMPG�1i BOIQD�S — 3T� 19�3-1s �i� �l�lutio� � self—�e�]la�attt�g �3 is � Pa�gss 87 �Q b� O iY�A7OLV i i�A.� r�Sii4VN � F.3Ji0t'Sia Pdi3i�L7 A� SrJi\►JrS I�ri:i�Ol7�7 � VAi�L�� $�S � �SA1#62$ �718 1"@SO�.Lt$�.OYi �.S O� �3CJlIS 89 s3� �s c3Tl� '�+@ N�j.� to 8 i.dde�rs i� asi Page 91. � Co�sulti�g 8ngi�cs �ill have tt�e �a2�s a�rafl�ble �ox your i�spectioa a�t the �eting. 2di ���OI,UT�ONS SPLITT3I�G SPBCIAL ASSSSS�DITS: 7.'hese r�solutio�s are an Pages 92 tl�rvug� 95, an�d are the s� routiae resolutiox�s that • you �iave ha,d ia the paat. 21 a PtESOLUTION AB�ATING C'BRTAIN SPZ:CIAL ASS`�SS�S a T'ha sn�sro vu Page 9b �lains the s�►solutian on Page 97a 22 a C�A�1G� OBD�R #�. - ST�TS i962-�4a �Rie diange ooc+c]�r on Pag'e 98 has disc�a��� w�.t�s the Co�zm�ii ,previously. � A� CO S- QCTt�R 21e 1963 {Continued) � � 23 Q 1�TITYO�is T�ie petitioai on Page 99 is self-explanatosy and ean be receiv�i amd �urn�d ove�r to tl�e City Nl�a�geac far p�ocessiag as #35-1963� �4 o AP�ti�IT�S a TRe;� agpoin��nts � P age 1t10 w�ce sui�nitt.�d to the Police ��past�tz� by the Poliee Civil S�evice Co�missicu�v Both axe ve�rans a aa+d fiheref.o�e, mcrved to the tap of tiut list o�hs Bertra�n �tv Smi.th is ]cnawn also as Staa �G'Yus�►er" Kvwalski, a �estl� o Iie h�s r haw�ve�. assured m� that h$ is thrcnu�h with t+v�re�tlir�g, aad will aot "�aoau�.ight" asmso � ��• :,,.,- «.. � ,� Follo�wi�g Pa�� ].�Q aLs a letter to #�,e City Cauzeil v�hich briefly discusse� t,� Edi#.aa�ial Page of t1a�s F�cidl�y N�s of O�cto'�e� 9, 1963 0�� Fsc3�dl,ey Dt�ws w�..11 r�caeiv� a eopy of this also, b�ut I advised the �c�teoc tha� this is aat a le�tte�r in whic� S am aski�+g fa� a re�aca�ctic� v� a�e, so that I eacFect tbat th� Fridle�Y N�vs wi171 na� c t s� it. If I ha�te �ime befooce the age�da gc�as out e T hop� ta w�cite a i�cite� �:o t2�e Cc�cil ��].ativr+e to tis+� C�arte� Requ3m�ts for t'lze preparat�.o� aad proce�s�3arrg of th� budg�et. �� Za � :;iE�� �C3UNC�i P�ETTNG - �C`I'O�:R 7, �9h3 �� r��gta3.�r, aJeeting o� the City Canncil of the Ci�y of Fridley wa� c�ia�a to order ��, r�.;�os° t��� at �3> 15 P>Y•�o F;�I,�, C�1S.T�,: �,�z�b��s Pre3ent: TJee, Sheridan, Wolk�, JoY.�n��n, Brook arxived at 8:�+5 P.Mo �i��b�r� ���ent: I�one ��a�vt�:� ��° rg:��s - RECVi,a�a �TnvG, SE��ER 16, Zgb3: r:�1a��ian %y Johgnsc� to approve the m3.nutea oa the Regu3,a�°° T�Zeeti.n� oP September r'.�B �.�3 �� p�e�.red �n� r�ce3ved< Secanded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, �;h�xs� 'de�.ng no n�ys, th� motion carried unan�.�,ousiy. �?'F'Rfl�IA�, ��' 1'�I1iL�IES -- S�'ECS�AL I�IEEETIPlG� SF '�P�9ER 23,_ �.�� °da���.mn i�;� �v'ol.ke fio approve the minutes o� the Speci,a2 Meeti�g o�' Sepfember � �'3y 1�b� �s p��rare� and received. Secorsded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vo�e� Llse�� 3�c.�.�� �o neys, the mo�ion carried ua�n3.ffioualy. �,I�g'�i+?v�:��, dF' Rt:�SJC�`I'�w -� �,C� NI�ETI%T�� sE�I�F;R 30, �.963_: �ac��ao� by Johenson to spprov� the minut�s o�' th� Spec3al R���t;�.�a� oY Septe�nber ''0� �.gE3 �.s p���aared �nd rec�3.ved. Seeon�ed by Sheridan. Upon a vo3ce vote, ��;Iz�re beir�g no �aays, the motion carried un�nir�ously. �������� �� ��s - s�cxAZ ��nvc� oc�o� 3m iR�3= :�3vti��u +u� �r�cr:�.c�a�o to �pprov� t�.e minutes of tlxe Speeial �Seet3n� oP Oetober �, a�� y�s pr��ir�d �ncl �°eeeived. Seeonc?ed by JohansQn. Upon � voice vote' tihex�� F:?eir�g no x.�ys, tne motion caxpiec� ur�enimously. �.�P'RLV�i� OF F�'Y1NtJ�S - 8EC4ND SPECIAIt P�ETTNG, OCTOB�R 3, 1963• .,Ioti�,n by Johanson to €approve the m3mutes of the Second Special Meeting of fl�to'�ex 3, 1963 ss pre�,red and reeeiveda Seconded by 5herid�n. Upo� a voice °�o�e, �here l�eing no n�ys, �he motion carried unanimously. fl�,D `BiJS1'�SS s � SLCOTSD READ��tG OF ORDINANCE #2�+7 ADOPTING 1964 BUDGET: � Page 20 • :''�yo:� NeE annouaced the it,em in qtiest3on was the second reading oP the ordinance �;;cr.,�g�in� the x964 8udget and it wa6 no� a�ublic hearing unless the Counail �aished �o overrvle the chair. Couneilme.n Jolaanson explained tY.�re were some � xe�:�.de�ats who had wanf.ed some t3me to study the Budg+e� and m�ke com�ents on same, andp i� fairness, the C�.ty Counci7. should hear these coae�nents. This was so �gre�c� by the members of the Ci�y Council. Mayor Nee snnoe�ced the City Cfluncil �ou�d �eceiee �ny comments on the Budg�t %or 1964 Prom those residents who wished �o makE then. Rax. Gax�l Paulson sta�:d thet� as he recalled, thia p�rticulsr hearing was a e�n�inued 'neas�ing, P�S�+.yor iVee replied the hearin� had been closed at the pre- vious me�f;ing aac� the ard3nanee ha� l�d 3ts firet read3ngo Mr. Paulson in- qv3.��d i£ the Coun.cil were aware they were ��tempting to adopt the 8udget in les� �han thixty d�ys end it was s 1egs.]. paint that should be strai�tened out. A�yor Nee s�ated iF' tfiere were anyone present who w3shed to challe�tge the adop- �inn� they could. Nlr. Paulson replied they did not but they wanted to know if �hi� vras a 1e�a1 procedure. C3ty Attorney Smith stated the pror,edtu�e w�a legel, tt�,s� �,z� ord3nance is not 3n ePfect untii 3o aays aPter its pas�age and 15 asys r�i�er publica�ion and the question Mr. Paulson had in mind was i� this Budget w�ss mdog�tea �.nd certi�i�d, whether 3.t could Ie�aliy be certiYied. C3.ty Attorney S�ith fuf thar expl.ained the Bndget 3s r�ot legs].1y eP�'ective but it doesn °t �ean �;he Coux►c31 can'� act on it. Nfr. Paulson further 3nqu�lred of the City Manag�er 3.� it were correct th�.� the C3ty oP Fridley had e tota�l valuation of over twelve m�.113on do�.]..�.rs. The City Manag�er r�plied �h3s was the ffgure the Cnunty hnd :;�ric� them 3.t would be. M�r. Paulson Yurther st�ted the management was in excess • c�f' �i00,Obfl nP th� monies they expected to colZect. TYie City Msnager z�eplied �he ��ration of the City i?epsrtmen�s is oniy 3Z mills, actually. Pdre Pa.ulBOn exp1�.�.ned thie w�.s sh���n under the estima�c�d buc�get �'igure �nd one could assume �cY�a� �his wes �ahere t�ey wnuld be �e�tin� �the money. ��r. P�ulson fur�her 3nqu�r�d regardin� the En�3neering De,p�xtment, i:het the amou�t for regu].�.a� empl.oyees had been reduced �nd. stated ther� was s real need �i� f;his area �o� a good City Engineer and wl�at kind o�` personne]� would the C�.ty �^�ve of �i�at, ty� with the other regular employeea being paid out o� that kind of s budg�te The City Mana�er replied �he $10,6&8.00 figure uncier Engineerin� E���.oye�s w�s a n�t f3gure and there wm.a � cert�in amount of enginee�ing aervices th�.:� sre chaxged �o tFie various funetions they perPoro� and thoae are deducteda He �rtY±er expl.ain�d this does not totel up to the salsries of �hese men but �e� o�her projects that are self �upport3ng that9 aetuslly� the �ngineer3n� saZaries come to about $�+5,000. P�.r. Paulson inquired of Mayor tdee if the Counc3l� �3i� �tny time, he.d requested any more detsiled report �xx°om the �dminis�ra�tion �f °'che city with respect �o what they were receiving for their maney, �hat when i,l��re 3.s naaney gsid out Por certain �erv�ieee an8 cez�f�xin merchand3se 3s bought, ���.� �he C3ty Cauncil cogn3zant with wha� they were receiv3.ng. He i'�xtheP steted •�:,hat in o�her coa�umities there is more economy. I+qayor Nee repl3ed the C3ty �flunc�l did watch �h3ngs closely� thst they do �et a report oP �the checks� etc., ��n.-� •�i�h every agenda. NJr. Paulson inquired if these would be 8vail.s.ble for h�.m to e���.n�. P�yar Nee replied thet Mr. PauZson or anyone in the City of I� r�cl1��J w�s wel.conce to look these over at any t3me v � C3ty At�orney Smith stated he wished to expl,a3n he hsd ma.de an error when he agreed wit� l�ir� Paul�on thst it wovld take some t3me for the budg+�t to be f3na1. �n explsnation he stated that in Section 3.08 oP the City Cherter of'F'ridley� it provides that the ordinance adopting the budget becomes ePYective on passa�e. P�r,- �u3son inquired iP this would preclude etate law. City Attoz�ey Saitb Page 30 • ��:�S13�d this was what the City Charter �e,3d. I�yor Nec inqu3red if �here were , t�..�vo:ne �resent who t•�ished to make any rea�rks or ask any questians regarding the �.;�::>� :b;�as7�;.:�-�... ����� -:.,e:�-�:�,- �rs�:� c�x���"�ioffis a� remay°ks fram �nyone a��es�nt. The �ity i�a��.;�x � tivp i�z�• s��a�rca r:�e�din� a� the 1�61+ Budgetcompl.ete. P�o�i�r� by ��.�r3.��Yg �s� ��opt, �s read, Ordin�nce #2�+7 sdopting 1964 Budget �or t�i� �i"��r os :��c�.��.�y �.nci �umlish same„ Seeondz�d by Wo1ke, Upan � ro12 eall �c.� G� ;;�:r��e vo�i�� a��, Y�ee, JoYcanson, Sheridar�„ Wolke .`�hose opgaeed, none . RS�titir� c��°r�,ec� �znanimouc�3.y, �71U.^5. V_~e.� �i 1 iK1..t+{L 61Lllai\t'I�S�S� ���� i P�9��►oY ide�g �u�ao�anced the can�3dera�Zs�r� a� ��nd was �he per�i� fox a�avel pit Jl�.nd a�x��ian and expl.�ined �hi� ite� u�ms tabled at the �,est me�t3ng with a reguest P-rom the councilman oY tiYe waxd and ir�quired of Co�a�cilman Sh�ridan, as he k�d �d a�eting oi the reeidenta, i� he l�ad a repoxt. Counc3�.ma.n She�idan expZaia�ed he had had a meeting w3�h the app3ica.at Por the Spec3al Use �'�rr�it a�d h�d w�.ikad over the terra.in to ge� a v�iew of whst was beis�g proposed enci he g�ac1 a1.so be�n inv3ted to a m�etin� of tFae resfdents who were on the �r�.m�t;er o� th3s p3�ce of �roperty o� the �evious �iday even3ng in which %hex°� �ae�e soa�e twenty psrcels represented. He fur�cher expl.ained he had hear8 t3.�e�r cc�mments �ach way and it was hie unde�a�anding from �he a�eeting they w�ul.d I���e a c��ie�,.tioa �iere �this e�reuin�g th�a.t he did reslize alon� with the c��l�.er ��b�ra o�P the City ��uncil �h�t what was be3ng �arops�s�rl hepe was a�ravel � ��i� ixi �. resideniial area, �het as the property now st�ndst it cannot be utilized t��.th��,��c extex�sive ear�th moving and the reaidents in the a�rea realize thia a1so. f°c�r�a��i.%an aherid�sn st�.t�d' hotiiever, he could understand the ab jections oY the x°�s3.�3�nvs �a�d he dici not feel the ;,►rau�:1 altera.tioa was the ultimate solution ��c�. ft was his z°ecom�nd��ion io tlie Ci�y CounciZ tha� tne permit be denied. (;�ux�cilr�e.n �ohanson inqu3red 3f Councilman Sheridaa had a copy of the plat aad '�I�e ori�;3.na�. a�r�ement �a show �he residents o Councilman Sherid�en replied all gas°t�es ��e:�°�e aware o� �he tentat3ve agreement be3.z�� �rorkecl out but the biggest c�ncern of the �eaple was �hat without a ci�y en�i�eer on our st,a,ff, it was Y�.x°c1 tm eontrad3�� any a€;reement and the residents don't persanally feel that �n� additione.l mt��er3.al. can be remaved and put this lsnd into a su3t�ble resi- �':en�t:ial area o i�otion by iher3ci�,n to deny the Land Alteration Fermit �ander cons3.derat3on by l�lexandex Conatpuction Comp�ny �or a permit to �perate the gravel pi.t on the ta311.iam Johnson property south of Rice Creek Road and East of 01d Central Avenuee Seco�ded by Jo3sanson. Upon e, vo3.ce vote, there bein� no nays, the motion car- � iPC� ur�a�l�.mously. GOl�'IiJT.�D �'UBLIC HEARIIIIG o1V ASSESSY�lENT - PORTION OF SS�53� - -- -....... -- -- -- � ....�._.,._�.. P�.y6r Nee �nnounced this was a continued public hear3ng on assesaments for S-�orm Sewer Zmprovement i'raject �y3. The City Mana�er explained they hed met �ai�h �ir. Rat�ne� of� Lyndale Bu3lders and had been unable to work out an agree- • rnent t�.t would be sstisfactory to anybody�, ths.t there wss a possibility th�,t some �igure could be arrived at but it w�s not possible in the inter.ei:�.. The City �3axxa.ger su�gested to the City Counc3l �his item could be Zaid over and work�d out early enou�h so that it,would be assesaed next year. The Finance Page 4. • D?�ector reco�ended to the City Council the assessment on Sha�fer Addition be •�auled unt�1 a�t�r the first of the year and unt31 his department could get the asses�:�ce�zt caorl>ed for the street surfacing. P�iro Rattner explained that it wae umders��,c�od �he�e was to be a letter subm3tted regarding his portion from the consultin� engineering firmo The City Me.na�er replied they we�e waitin� for ��iae gece3�t of �].etter Fram Lyndale �uildEers and sugg�ested to the City Council -�,hey tr�b].e the twn items in question. �iotio�n by 3ohanson to �able the assessment spread on the Shaff'e�c Add3t3on Area �c�r fur.ther processing. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, �here being no n,�yep the mot3.om carried unanimously. l�otion by Wolke to table the assessment spread on the Polk 5tree�, I,ynde Drive Ar�a for further proceseing. Seconded by Jo}�.nson. Upon a voice vote, there �eing no naye, the motion carried unanimously. I�F ��TSIP�SS: FUBLIC �EAFiING - ASSESS�NT ROI�L - sw ,�55 � r��.yor rre� anno�nced the item in question wae a public hearing on the asseesment roll, for Sewer an� Ws�er Improvement Project No, 55 aad requeated the City P�ana.ger xead the Notice of He�r3ng, and stated there were copies oP the ro].]. • for �nyone to examine. The Cfty Mana�er resd �he Notice ef Hearing. T�e �inane� D3rector 3eacribecl areas on a me.p to residents present e„d expl�ined. P�aayor Nee ste.t�:d �ha� in order to clariPy metters, the City NYanrger wouid dis- cuss ���n�t the zights of the citi2ens were and wbat the City Council`s obliga- �ious ���ere. �he C�i�y F�nager expla3ned the ab;�ect �as �or the City Coune3l to �ceceive �.ny ob�ections to the asseasmen� ane� e�a1.u��e �h€� ix� po.sa3n� the Assessmezst Rollp that these objection� ax�e limited �o whe�her t1�e resident though�t he llad received a bens�'3.t and what tass �co be diac�ssed �aas whether or not the res3de��s taere benePi�ed� further, that if �y resident did r�ot feel �hey hs� received �hese benePits, they shouid �ve theiY name and adrlress so ��at srame Loaald b� recorded. Mayor Nee a�anounced the Citg► Cauncil �1ou1d t�ke the as�essment ro�.l by item: 66�th Avenue - Central to Arthurs t�'.�yor iJee inquired i� there were anyone who wished to be heard regard3ng �?�th Avenu� - Central to Arthur S�reets. Mayor Ne� stated the City Council �d received a letter i`rcom W, L. Gardnep of 150 M3ss3ss3ppi Street North�ast in opposit-�on an.d wished this letter of object3on to be made a matter oi record. Gouncil�n Sher3dan stated he had been told there was a lot split forthcoming in the S�rin� Va11ey A�dition and if the Council di.d adopt thie roll� it mi�ht �e wEll to wait until iche lo� sglit is in and get i.t in this year. The Finance O�ficer repl3ed that bis department would like to compl.ete the ro11 and split the �.e�e�sttent when tlhe lot split comes �.n. • Arthur S�reet - R3.ce Creek Road to P�iissisaipp3 Street: P�9ayor Nee inquired iP there were anyone present who wished to be heard re- gsr8in� Arthur Street - Rice Creek Rosd to Miseiss3ppi Street. There wss no one greseat in favor of or in oppasitioa to proposed assessment gol].. • � • � 1%2 S�t�eet -� 1/2 to 58th Street; l�yc��^ Nee inquired if there were anyone present who �ardin� 2 1�2 Sireet - 5'j 1�2 to 5$th Street. There favor oP or 3n opposition to the proposed assessmen Counci3a�n Brc�ol� a.rrived at 8:�+5 P.M. Ga�da�a Sra.ne, Woody L�.ne and Central Avenue Area; Page 5. wished ta be heard re- was no ane pxesent in t roll. �var l�ie� inquired if there �aere anyone pr�sent wbo wished to be heard regerd•. in� G�.rdena I�ne, Woody Lane and Central Avenue Area� P�. Sam Templin was pz��- sent in o�posi�ion and explained the assessments had run considerably more than wh�.t �?e hac� expected and thet with all the other problems they had had in the are� as +'ax as trying to develop it, it was d3.Yficult ta pay the asees8ments in a. lum� sum. He further expla.ined to the City Council this was the area whe.°e the streets hsd to all be relawered this pa,st summer because of the water pipes, tha�; �e had had a mddeL home that no one could even �et in to see and the etreei, �as suppased to be gaved by Ju1y I.st anc� s°till taasn't paved. Mx. Temp].in statetl t�� 3ue to the cond3.�f¢�ns they had Yz��.d to put up with, he was requesting that th �,�sses��ents coul.d na� � spreadu E�myor Nee i�qufr�d hflw much land Mr, Templin e�wn��i anc� ��as �o3.d �bout t�eivre lr���, which would be mpproximately halY of tlae �reao IK�. T�mplin �'ur�her asser°tc�c� t;he� had bee� s atree� pro8�e� in the area �*h9.�h he h�.d requested thc former city en�ineer ta work out and it waa impossible to �rork �t t ou'� and had put quite a burden on him and required a consic��ra.ble �.mr�t7n� ox" dixt raoving. A�.r. Templin stated he was asking for e lon,g term spread bu� e�ren a t�ao year sp�ead would h�lp him �'inan�ially� The Finance QP:ficer ex- gsla3.ned i;a the C�.ty Ce��x�cil tha�t re�a.�d�.n� t:i.n�neixa{� �hey hadn Pt sold �:ermanent �orr�s �.nc� the�� coulc� aei, u� bond pt�y�:�nt fbr wha�ever geriod the Assessmeat Ro21 wa� ��ss�ed.� Cu�aa�cil.mm�,ra �'oha.r�son -�nqiatred i�' �hA �i�y �saulci be getting tnto a �3r�.n�ia�. bi.zd and th� �'imanee Officer �eplied �h�y �rr���.c� not. City At•i;orney Sm3th ex�l,ained �o the Clty Coun.c�l v1ie;� cau2d �.dc�pi� a�esolutior� insertin� the y�ar� �i the as,�ssme�t spreado Caunci3mmn �herid�n ea:plained to Mre Templ.in th.e C3ty Cour�cil hac� ma.d� it a policy some yeaxs �.go �ha� �.s �'ar as a developer �a.s cancern�c�p the e.ssESS ments wnuld be spr�a,d on e oa�e year bas:ts, the theory behir�d this bein� that the City could not be financing any larg$development. I�e fur��he� expla'�ned to Mr. Templ�.ltha.'i because oP the pxoblem he had had in the ar�a to i�e asses�ed and because of' the street ,problem, the City Council could �x�nd the ��sessment for two years. fiay�.or Stree�; �iayor i�es� inquirect 3.f there were anyone present who wished to be heard regarding �'�,3��.��° S�r�:tt� ��k:e�� ��.s no one present in favor af or in opposition to the �r�auased a �ses;�r.�r� �n.�_3> :�i�a;;p�'� nTe� �;�c..�.2b ��� ���� �'u'+�li� H�carin� on the Assess:ne�3Y- i �� �_;. fc,r Sewer and Water ���Y�C�irewG'Yi"'; �'Y''J�ii:';'i, �fj�? ��.��E.'C�. `�'�`�i° � �±t� i'� r ��� l;�:`� � ��i _��i-�.�e:a:,:";� t�\�..i,.i, �' �..7V� a�.�iEi{�1tiL' L'S�i��:;:.1_,' ���:�..1_:.`: ;4t� ;�;:�� i;�� �:��>.�,.��c; =�� i�he i���: zn �ue���.iUn wa:� a�subi �.c i F>�:� �.N� e�r. ��ae AGaessr�ent • Page 6 . '�::=1i fax Zg63 Se�v3.ce Connections . The City Ma,nager re�d t'he Not3ce of Hea.ring. ?"a.3rc�r 2��e stat�d that before they ��lo�uld �et into ,the hearing, he wished to have �h� k°3.nance Officer explain what �the�r ha.d done, ichat, initia.].ly it 3s those people wha axe �ervic�d o�f ot' a main who Ya�ve �aeen charged for �hat service on the baeis o�' what �he seavice costs e.nc1 �he y�ar i L wa.s connected . The Finance OfPicer ex- plained -�hr�t, ac�ually, the people h�.d been given the benefit oi the doubt on the assessment at �he time the improvement was put 3n plus int.�rest, tha.t most oP t�.e residen�s have been charged the average assesement �� all Assessment Roils adopt�d in the c�.ty for the year on wh3ch i�hey tapped ot� the line to. the main. He furthpr exp�aine� the exception 3s the area known as I�iverview H�.ights and, ir� �th�t are�.p e�.ch bu�,Idin� site was char�ed a lamp sum as tb,ere are 25 Poot lots n�d there a.s �.1�o an equivalent lateral cYiarge. P�°, �'ec�.n w�,s �resent and stated he wa� the owner aP �he South halP of Lot �wer�ty-�n3ne (�9j of Brookviewy tha.t it had been two lots to begin with and his ��,th.ermin-�la�r he.d been peyin� the assessments on the fuLl acre before it was di��icicda Couneilm�a,n Sheridan �.nquired if there were �wo connectiane ta this pra�e�ty az° jus� one. Mr� Wedan replied �here have beet� two aonnections put 3.n and the person who put them in stated it didn't matter as there wouldn't be srs ��stra charge. �'he Fin�a.nce O�Picer exp�..ained ta the City Council these resi- dents have been cha.rged ior one conraectian im this case, that they had never been r�s�es��d �or the second connectionp Mr. Wedan Purther aaserted he was being �sse�sed a� the current rate for somethi.ng that was gut in seven or ei�ht years ago � sn� w�,s p�id f�ox, that he had contacfced the contractor that built his house and City A�torney Smith who was not the city attorney e� tha�t time and he had been ad•�:ised on th�.s s3.tuation. Mayor Nee sta%e,e8 the only question pending was whether th� sESe;�sr�e�t x�as scs lar�,e and had 1��exi �id previously« Mr. Wed�n sta.ted his oz�1.y ques�i3an �as �ahy �he asses�ment ��a�.g so �r3r� and vut of pxopr�rtion to the ent.ire aere of groun8 . 2'he Financ� Of�lcer �xp�.ained tc, P�Ir s k'edan the charge �aaul�i be �ha.� it wo�a�.d be oxi tiae en�i�c pi�ce and 3t is �'or a seco�d service and shauld bn �bou� the same; further, the way the assessments used to be levied was a lulrp su� charge �or each buiAding site and hed no relstion ta the cost for the x3.np. Mayor Nes s3.so expla3ned to Mr. Wedan that on fig'uxing these, they didn't figur� vn a front foot basis, �that when you made two buildin� sites, you pa3d the s�.�� �or tlle s�cond site. Mre Wedan inqui.red what would naw happen to the money his father-in-law ha.d pa.id on this property. Mayor Nee replied he had gai8 it �n the bz�ilding si�e he now occupies and it wasn't �pread on an axea or foot �asis �ut on s connec�tion bais� tha�c3�is father-in-law had not paid on the land, he h�d pa.id aa the cannection to his house. The E�'inance O��icer explained there ha� been one ch�.xg�e levied and �here were now two houses on the line. Council- roan �rook inqu�.red if the assessments had been divi8ed and wa.s told they had notp that �he 1ot had been one piece o� ground until recently. �ir. Charles Joh�nson, contractor of ?aome in question, stated the only question l�s hsd was the way the assesement figure had been arrived at. The Finance Officer explained the Wedans ha.d been given the ben�fit in this case as hie de- �aa.rtment had us�dc the origingl cost as i� had been less. Mr. Johanson inq uired further and sta.ted the entire question was the consideratfan � of and what �aas a�air share of the cost, the time this was put in or ten years l.�ter, that the money the city g�ets from this a.ssessment ia pnt into a General Fund and was something the Counc3l should clarify. Mr. 3ohsnson stated there were a nua�ber of residents this affected directly and they were concerned in 1'� LJ Pa�e 7. z:rris r�g�.x�d. The Fin.ance OP�icer explained they had nat pe.i@ a,ny interest, th�-� i� the ss�es�m+erat to the �dedans hs�,d been Ievied, the city wou�.d have been e�.�°�3ng intex���t. I+�x. Johanson stated �.t the time the service was originally put in the cost per lo�c woua.d have been smal2er and it was not poss3.ble to ex- p��t �nyone �o p�.y the difference in price �ram sevan or eight yeara previoue, �hat he did n�t feel the eity was in businese to make money from ind:tvidual tazc ps.yr�rs n H� i'ur�her s#.s,ted �r. Wedan would aot ob,�eet ta a reasox►able amount but tlterp had be�� twQ stm.�ements sent and these reaidents were unawere 8t the time of �:he transf�r of the 2and. Councilman Johanssan stated it eeemE�d to he a �'�,i� aseessmen�t� N�r. Johanson rep7.3ed he was unaware of the amount of the assees- me�.�. Council�an Wo3ke explained this eZiminates the proble� af putt3u� in ser- vices when a resiclent doesn`t know exactly where they want them and thev 8on't �.s�eE� 100'�6 M.g, Johanson stated he had been told that on this project they had. �e Finance 9Pf:�.cer exp].sined that in i954, �955 at�d ].956, al.l the assees�t proj�c�s were in oae 8inking Fund and it was h�rd to say if this one pro��eet wa.s assessed 1E10°� or no�, thst they did k�aw the area in f,he North pe.rt oP the ci�,y was �.ssessed a�5 cent assessmento He t'urther �x�lained thst all it a.m�,unf,ed io was tZ�st it �JC�u�.d have bee� ees3er to levy the assessment then rather �hFSn now and ].e�r3ed �.ess o� th.c Nc�rth end oP the city. Mayor 1Qee itt-� qu3r�d :L� �his zvere ca]1ed �. con�ectian charge if it woui.d c]�ear the prvb`Lemo ��Yx � J�]n�n�oa� replied i�' it had been a. cor�nec�lon charge the peogle �roul.d Uave b��n advisec� hefo�re they entered 3nto the 'buying of a piece of property. Me,yor � Ttte� s�.atec� ichst t�a this was a home that �aas eonneetin� into a pieee oP l.aad tha.t he.s o�en �id fnr i�.r� ase�essments, thst what it receives is a connect3on cflarg�e. Ci.ty �.ttox�zi�� ��i�h �t�te�. k�e w�she�3 %o ciaxify his s'�and on the matter; •l;hat Mr. Wedan had cz�ll.ed ox� kaim px�vio�aaly �nd ��e l�d taid hia� to empioy another a.ttorney �trd da �rhs ;:, he cou�.d tca �ax•ot,ec� himsel�� �i�y Atto�crtey Su�ith f'urther stat.ed �his �aas � pxvb�.em �ha�t �r�as �. carryov�x of �n o�.d practice that could have �p�slic�.tion �o crthes° p�:op�.� wh��ce there t�re some old parcels and you do have a 1e�7. prc�b%r� i� the �ofi.�1 cos� o� th� project w�.s �,eses�ed ouic. He explained i� i� �n z�zxe� �the.t is difFicult �o deter�nine on ho�w ths City esn cal3ec� more mona�,y an� i:a�� care o� the pr�b3em, that he had t8lked with the Finanye OP�icer a�d ask�cl tY�at k�e arrive at e fair connectio�n charp,�e that would be in between a f�1�. as�sssment and have this parcei share a part of it becau�e when tb.e original s.ss�ss��t w�.s levied, a�.i of the peop].e around absorbed the tota2, on].y there ��ere soa� 3.arger parcels that didn't pay �he £ull amaunt and the ques�ion is whether ��au car� char�e them the Yu11 e.�roun-�. CounCilman Sheridan ata�ed the poi�cy had �een set �ut by �he City Council ingiving the Finsnce Director the dixecti�n �o pu� th3s on the Asseasment Roll, that i�t was the Counci2 who h�.d sEv te�e policy Por means that resider�ts would pay a connection cha.r�e plus the eq�:avalent o�' a l.e,teral anfl to determine the ].a�teral' they had used the current atinstruc�3on costs and inasmuch as i:he City Council had had th3s policy they ao�l� ��o�i delete �rom it. Councilma� Sheridan f'urther sfi,ated that it was tlae prer�gative of a hame owner to chs.11enge this policy but as a member oP the Ceun�il, he wouYd nct a-ttempt to ehange it. • ��ty A�ttozney 3�ith sta�ed the City Council had been uniform 3n applying this po�.icy to simia..�..� si'tu�t9.ans. Mr. Rattner oi Zyndale Bui2ders inquired ii �hesA chaxges tr�ke 3nio consideration any connections fram the middle of the stre�et to the property Iine. The Finance Of'f'3ce�texplained that when an ev�erage � Psge 8 < 1.�.���exa1 a�sess�ent is rePerx�ed te� they are not couating �he service connection fxom �he cen,ter af the stre�t �ca �lze p�operty lineo M�e Rattner inquired iP th� costs o�' �hes� jobs were avai3.able ai this time and stated the reason �or �he ques�i�n was an ePfort to detes�mine wk�a.t the assessmen� would have been then anrl �z�terest and what it would be tod�y because of the aurrent costs, that he wished to re?,�.te those costs �o the ye8r 1955 $s it becames a legal matter on ��he�her the Cauncil could chargtie more todsy. Mr� Rat�ner stated l�e uished ithe n�ar�e o� Lyczzdale Bu�.lde�s entered as ob�ecting �o th� Asse�ement Roil an Lo'iQ ten �;10) through eighfi,een (28), Block two (2) Lyndale Build�rs, 7th Additiono Mayo� I�e� dec�.ared the public heaxi.ng on the Asseeamen� Roll for 1963 Service Conneciions c].osed. �sc��.�rr�ar� �x.��.-��63 ccm�az�� ass�ss�n� RoLt - i963 s�vicE cor�c�rzoxs: �...�...- - - ,.. Mo��ion '�y Sherids.n to adopt Resolution #1�+1•1963 confirmin� the Assesament Roll for 1q63 Service Connections� Secs�nded by `�Tolkee Upon a voice vote, there being �o nays, the motian ca�ried un.a.rcimousl.y. �soL��or� �1�+2-z96� corr�n�rrG �ss�ssr�r�r xor�, - sw #55 � • C��Yncilma� �herida.n r�:queste8 th�,t the above nazQed resolution be spelled out � �tc� c�es�gnate vne �nd two yea.r ass�ss�en�� �.nctiv�i.dualiy, as the resolution was i'ox� t� tweeaty g��e.r spYea�. A Nfo�i o� t�y .7o�nson �o adapt Rescalui�on �142-1963 conPirming the Asaesement Rol� fos Sanitary Sewer ��ad W�.ti�er Impro�rer�en� Pxo ject 1Vfl . 55 with a one year sp�ad �n the Moore :Lake Iiills 2nd Additio�z, a two year spree.d in the Gardena Me:io�sr�c� �ardez�s Addi�ion, a one ye�.r spread in the Marian Hills 2nd Addition and a twent�r y�ar spread on the balance of the assessa�nt rali. Seconded by S�nx�c��n. U�ora � voice vot�, vl�ere be3ng no nays, the anoicion carried unanimously. BJII,DI�IG BOARU MEET�I+TG NLiNU`PES j tt�'SOLiER 2 t 19&3: BY EUGE;I�E 30HIRSEN -�871 - 2ND STREET 1�.E . Td MOVE A GARAC� FROM t3i3OCK 3 � YL`LMQti'i'H P�DllZT10N : A�ayar rIe� anx�auac�d this was a request by Eugene Jo�Ben of 1�871 2ad Street Nr Em, to move a gara.ge f7nm Minn�apoiis to his residenoeo The City Manager read to the Cii�y Co�ncil the recom�nda�tion c�P the B�ilding Bard, Moti�n �+y Sher�.dan to eoncur with th� reco�enda'tion o� the Build3.ng Board and deny the req,uest by Eugene Johnsen of �+871 �nd Street Ne E. to move a � gara�e �'rom M�.nneapolis ta his residence at 4871 2nd Street 1Vq E. Seconded b� �rc�l�, Upon a voice voLe� there being no nsysj the motion carried unaninously� � �� 9- F�R A BI3�LD71UG PERMIT BY �P.�'ARD JUI�KOWSKI FOiR A 3H4PPING CENTER '�� � 5 UN ITY AVENt� PdmE. LOT AUDITQR S SUBDIVISION IS �NSTRUCTED 4F CEMENT AND S L, ADD ION TO BE ' x 1�0 �. AT AN TSTI- Mayor Nee �.nnounced the item �,n ques�ion was a request for s building permit by Berx�a�d Jul2cawski for a shapping center addition at 6255 University Avenue N,Ea The City �Ian�gep x��ead �to the City Couneil the recommendation a'� the Build3n� Baard. Pl�.a.ns were presented to the City Council. Mr, Julkowaki was pxesent and st�.ted they ha.d agre�d to a basket weave feace. Mo�ion by Bpook to csmaur with the recommendatian of the Bu3lding Boa.rd and approve th� request for a shopping center addition at 6255 Univer�ity Avenue N� Eo (Lot 4, Anditor's Subdiviaion #259) to be canstructed of cement and steel, a�d3tion t� l7e 94�' x 130' with the prov3.�ion that a baeketweave woed �enc;e be bUilt along the esat side of the groperty upon completion of buildings appxoved. Secon�ed by Johan�on. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimousiy� F0� A BUII,DING PERNCIT BY DOI� BABIt�1SKI T4 CONS`litUCT A�+$ UNIT APARTMENT � Afi 7S2 H-G�IAY 5�.E. I,AT , AUDITQR S SUBDIVISIQN 1�0a 1 1 x • A4ayor iVee annaunced this item was �. request .�or a bu3lding permit by Don Bebiaeki to cans�ruct a 1+8 un�t agartm�nt bulNing at 6?51 Highway �65 PJ. E. The City Ma�,�er read to the C3ty Council the reco�maendat3.on of the Building Board. Pleng w��e sub�ritte3 �o the Council £or inspectian. Ma�ian by Wa].ke to cancur w3th the Bu3ldin� Bcsard and approve the request for a buil��.ng germit by Do�s Bt�b3.nski to construct a�48 unit apertment bu3lding at b75i Highw�.y �65 Ida E., (Lot 6, Auditor'e Subdlvision l�o. 21) 183' x 127' of �ram� azed �rick canstruction sttb ject to the ba,ek �►ard af plflt be3ng compiet8iy �inished as �oon as build3ng �s completed. Secanded by Bpoak. Upon a voice vote, ther� be�.n� no nays, the �o�ion carried unanimously. �EST FUR BUIJ.DING PERMITS BY �RNARD JULKOWSKI FOR TAE CONS�tUCTION OF TAREE 'EN UNIT APA�TMEI�IT B GS A 350 - 7 A N. . LOT BLOCK ] ►DY MANO� 7 11 i7lU SITY VENUE N,E . LOT 11 BLOCK 1 ME DY P�FiNOR 35z - 7 T1fi AVENt1E Nm E, 10 BLOCK ]. MELdDY MANOR EACH BUILDING x ' OF Fl?A1� WITH BRICK VENEER, AT AN ESTIMA'I'ED COST 4F 92,000 EACH: The City Managex� rea� to the City Council the recoma�ende�ion of the Bu�lding Boardo l�totion by Wol�ce to concur with the recommenda.tian of the Building Board�and approve the request Por building permi�s by Bernard Julkowski Por the construc- � �ion of three eleven unit ape.rtment buildin� at 350-75th Avenue No E., 7411 University Avenue No E., and 351 - 74th Avenue N. E., subject to public ease- ment f�om 7�+th to 75th Avenue thraugh centez of parking lots with a minimum of 20' �ntrance on 74th and 75th Avenues. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, tnere being no naye,, the motion carried unanimously. � • � �EQ,i�ST FO£t R B:JiJLD:Ci'G PERM� x Pa.ge 10 . Y BERt�'Aa3D JULKOWSKS TO CONSTRUCT ONE - SIX -�'IB AL�I3UE N. E. LOT = K% LO �COST QF �� 000: The City Msnager read to the City Co�ncil the recommended approve.l by the '�uil.din� Board . Mc��ion ?oy Wolke to concur wfth the reco�ends.tion of the Building Boatd and g��n� th� reque�t fo�c a buf3.din� permit by BerAerd Julkrnaski to construct one siac unit apar�ment builcTing et 371 - 7�th Avenue N o E., 6�+' x�C9' . Seconded by �roak. Upan a va3.ce vofi.e, th�ze being no nays, the motion carried u�aanimous ly , I�EQIJEST FO�R A Dt3I'LDING PERMIT BY A�� JIJI.KOW�KI TO COI�SSTRUCT OI�JE - Ag'Ai�T�'�N�F BU ING AT LK STREET N a E. LO�S 3 AND 5 A A�SIUP 0 25 122 x 127' AT Al� ESTSI�IAR�D C�T OF 2,OOOs Ma.yar Nee announced the item in question was a request for a building permit bsr �3exa�ard Julkowski to construct one 32 unit apaz�tment building at 5650 Polk S�tpeet l�o Ea The City Mans�e:� explained to the City Council the Buildir� Board htid sut�itted the application to the City CounciZ with no setion taken. Mayor Nee sta�ed �:hst as it was p]atted, the Cauncil could not issue a permit. Mr. Julkowsk� was present snd esplained �his �.and wae already zoned �o� mul.tipl.e c�v�eilin� units and it will aot inf,erPe�e with new plat and streets in frant of it, �that all he �ra.s askin� �'or was the permit. A discu�sion period was held regarding street layout, p2at, zoni�� and lot sizes. Mot;.on by Sheridan that thE request �or a bui3ding permit by Bernard Julkowsk3. �o construct on� - 32 unit ape.rtn�nt bui�.di� �t 565a po�x stre�t �a. E., 112' x�2'j" be �xa�ated. Secanded by Joh�nsan. upo�. a voice vote, there bsing no nays 9 ti�e motion cez�ried une��imaus2y. REQt]EST FOR BUI]LDING PERMITa BY RANDQM RF�I.LTY FOR '1'8E CONSTRUCTION OF TWO EA: Mayar Nee announced the item in question was a request for buiiding permits by Random �ealty for th� construction o�' two ofPice buildings Por trailer park3ng to be located at 6210 ana 6230 $�.�way �65 N. E. The City Manager read to the City Council the app�oval Por the request by the Bui�ding Board, exp3.aining the two requests, one being fbr a tra3.:ter sales and the other bein� Por camper sales and tha� there was no aetuaX builda.ng application. Cauricilman Sheridan stated he had zeceived several phone calls in this regard, �lao, �hs,t he had been presented a pet3.tion with the signatur�s of 15 additional peaple voicing ob�ections. Counci].a�an Shexida� read aloud the petition received f'ram �he residents and requeated that the pe�ition be made a matter of record. He fUrther explained that 3t had been indicated the piece of property in question was zoned properly Yor this type of busineee and he believed thie was correct. Mayar Nee st,ated the City Cauncil hed received a letter from City Attorney Smith in this regs.rd and, �ollawin� reflection, there might be so�me question on the i Page lI. pxoper zpnings that ii uses contemple.t4d were thorou�h].y studiedp �his tiras a comp7,etely different type of business, that most o� the other businese�es are conduc'ted under � roof. Mayor Nee sta�ted he thought this was something a court should decide ra'ther tl�an the City Counci]. or the City Attorneya Co:�n- cil.�n Johansa��x sta��d �he type of business conside�red wa.s not a great asset to the C�ty oi Fridley. Mayo� Nee P�ar�her expi.ain�d a used car Iot requires a special uee permit a��d this is not under a roaf usually, that he did not Yeel tPnat as it was aot necessa.rily indicated that because th3.s business was not fn- dic�ted as aa exclus�.ora tla�t it can be canducted there. Mayor Nee stated th:i� was not incansisten� with the other kinds of busineas in a C2S D3strict. Councilman Brook inquired c�f iKr. Iisndrick�an what he wishec3 to use the buildin� fo�c. Mx. Hendr3.ckson replied otte bu3lding would be for Mobil.e H tne Sales and �the other for Camper Sales and it wsa his 3.mpression fram the op�nion they had rece3ved that �h3.s zoning was proper and, therefore, they were requesting per- mission to gro a.heada iKr, Wright nf the �a�ety Committe� interjected to state thia was one item the Ssfet�r Comm�.ttee had been concerned with. Counci].men Brook replied this wes not a iast traff3c problem a:�d this business weuld be below the intersecti��n and there would be no problem in the way of saPety. Counci�.man Brook further explained one problem to be considered was that per- hapa they were uain� v�luable property Yor a sales o�'fice that waa not bringing revenue to th� City af Fridley. Mayor Nee request�d an opinion of the City Attorney� City Attorney Smith stated � thia was all a part of the basis for the ruling he haa made, tha.t as he uader- stood it, this lanc] was zoned C2S and prov3des s.ay use permitted in C1S District and -�n that use there is listed auto dis,play' salesrooma, gtas stationsr etc. He �u�°ther �tatec� it was his opinian tlzat 3f these peaple had a building in conriec�ion with this bus3nes� it seemeci �Co him s3.nce it �aas not exc2uded! it was perm3.tted, that Y�e was qu3te sure wh,oever draPted this sect3on of the usee per�itted didn't have in mind tr8iler salese City Attorney S�tith explained to t�Ze City Counc3l �ha.t basicall.y they had a Pundamental rule, that the pereon can us� �I�e property anyway they want to, gubjeet to the :zaning� and they had to be qui-te specific �o Enforce the use. He �'urther explained the r,mbiguity would r�� s�a3nst the City oP Frid3ey end t�ot the property owner, thgt this may be undesfrable at f:hSs part3cul.ar pl�ce and it ian't 1fl0�, defin3.te but it was the Pf'�.6Qt1 fo� his v3ew o Mayor 16es inquired if most oi C2 was not ins ide displays > �ity A��torney S�ith replied the used permitted stated au�o displayr and �ales- roa�s, pa.rking lota �nd structure�j �as and sex°vice �atations and ��e retail sale o� ga��, oil, aacessories, etc. but ichere is under excluded uses� u3ed csr lots and pe�^h�ps this fit in the terms of used car Zots. Mayor Nee stated he �elt the in�ent of the c].assification would be the question and whether or not one nor�e.�.1y construes trailer s�Ies in a comm�rcial district. Meyor Nee further sta�ed h� wonl� prefer that a court decide the matter rather than the City Counnil as people should have same ri.�hts to proteci their church and the neighboxhood. Motion by Johanson to deny the reques� for buildin� permits by Random Realty for the ronstruction of two office buildings for trailer parking to be located at � 621U �ud 6230 Highway �65 Na Eo (Outl��t �3, Moore Lake Highlands, 4th Addition). Seconaled by Sheridazt. Upon a voice vote� motion carried with Counc�Ztnan Wolke abs�taining, • Page I2o B0�1FD _�F APPEAIS lu��^ING NIIIdiJ7�S �SEPTEI�ER 18 19b3: TION OF A HEEIRIlVG ON A REQtJEST FOR A VARIANCE - SECTION E.1. 1. OF � .. Mayor Nee announced the item in question was the continUation of a hearing on a request for m vari.ance of �ran� yard setback requirements by Mi�i3��d Cooper- atives� Inco fih� Ci�y i�nag�r re�.d ta the City Counc�,l the diacussions of the Boaxd oi Appea�� snd ac�ion upon tk�eir xecomurenc2a�ion. �he Gity Ma.nager ex- p2ained the reasot� Y�ar Mx°. �urz°is aP �h� coammi�sion vot3n� "no", an the recom- mende�ioz�, �xp].�Y.n1ng Mr. Burria had fe2t aa a.lteruate �ropogal was acceptable. Mr, Torrey oi' T�idlanc� Cooperatives was present and expla�.ned to the C3�ty Council the plens, ex3sting building an�9 th� addition they are presently adding o� 82,004 squ+�.=�e f�et, slso, they will b� putting in Buiid3ng �s within a few years. A4r, Tox°z�y furthe.r ea�pla�ned th�.s was the only space they t�d lePt as they w�ere planning on an aPPice buil.dix�g to ta.ke up the balance of �Che ares, that they are in the �rocess af a merger which will be� efiective on December lst. Mr, Laurence Solbexg of lQ2 Crowri Road stated to the City Council they he�d beYore thetc � p�etition isy 52 pe�ple in the �.�e�, that they were protesting a�inat this ordinance chra.ngi�tg the se�back. He Pt��cth�r stated they knew they could not stop �Iidl.and buildin� a�t:a'tion at lt� feet but �chose Iegal,Iy involved are proteet- � 3n� the setback, tha� M�.d7.and hsd bo�aght their land in 19�6' bui2t a w�r�ehouse in 3.g5? and agr�ed to set buildings back at Z00 feet, tha,t thie srea could be revamped wiihout ch�.ngin� �he ci-ty ordinance. Mr. So2berg, as apokesm8n Por s group„ s'tated they were present to f3.gnt the propos�.l of Mid].ax�d Cooperatives to chan�e ca�es,, tht�,t �'ew peaple wauld like to see a 9ervice statioa ia the area �.nd. �h� traffic prab].em is bad and children have a time takin� a nap; f�rther, that �Y:e s'tatian �,�au3.fl brin� traP�ic hazarsi� . Mr. 8olber� stated the residents of the area have compla3ned but received no satisfaction to their problems from th� �'olice Foxce and this service sta�fon would bring more heavy trafiic. iie stat�c� diAYeren�t traPiic hazards. �t was expla�.ned to the City Council Mr. Sol- �ierg had ta�,i�e3 to �lve realtors and had hie hotas appraised by two, that F. H e A, would aot fi�.ance s]name there and he would suffer a depreciation of some $3Q0.00. Ne furthex campla3ned tha'� once the 8exvice station would be eonstxucted they woulc� put in a hsrdware display� etc., and it doesn't take long for Midland to pi:te �hings outside, etc. Mr. Solberg requested the City Coit�cil put them- selyes in the place of the residents and be just. Mr. Carl Paulson s'te.ted he had so3d re�al es�ate �ar years in thfs area snd recalled having three new homes at �7tb. and 2nd Streete and I�.ad difficulty getting loans even at thei.t time� thet peogle did ask aboui the area to the West and he hed told them it was zoned he�.vy induatrial bu�: there were p�ople who were told by another esleamen of a rea2 esta.�Ge comgany trlst anoti�r con�raetor was to come in and purchase the land ar.d bu31d homee in th�t area. Mr. PauZson i'1�rther stated the ordinance had been set and it would be hoped the City Council would benefit the residents there and it would be abjectionable to � allaw this �ine com�ny to build a eervice station there. Council�a� JohanBOn stated he cauld not see a nesd for a Pillin� station on the site and it would be s det�iment to tne area. LJ Page 13v �Io�;�on by Jahaiison that the request Por a, variance of Section E o 1.1 of Ordinance �Teo 16� by zaaiv�r of front yar� setback requiremen� irom 100 feet to 56 feet to perm3t canstruction of' a serv3ce station on the eoutYzeast corner of the property at High�aay �1t30 and �Sain 5treet by M�.Bl.anc�i Cooperatives, Inc., be deriied. Sec- onded by �roak �or purpoeee oP discus�ien. Counci].man Brook stated he felt thia pxo��er�y variance sh�uld be turned over to the Safety Cammittee Yor f�rther study a�d this wa� a traf�a.c problem. Upon � roli ca1.l vote, those voting ay�, Johaneon, B�°�Ir� �hos� oppos�c�, Idee, She�'idsnr Wo1k�. Motion fa�.led. l�otio�a b3� Broak to r�fer to the Sa�'ety Co�onrittee �'or fvrther study the requ�st fox° a�varianee of Section E, l. 1 of Ordiaance No. 152 by waiver of front yax�d setbac� requirement from 100 feet to 56 feet to perm3t construction of a serv�.ce st,ati�n Qn the sautheast carner oi' the property �,t Highway #100 and Main Stree� b� 2�id�..and Coa:peratzv�s, Inc. Seconded by Wolke. Mayor Nee inquired where the prabl.e�: axea was . Council.man Wo�.ke stat�d thes°e was a posaibility to move the stat3o� back �u�-E�:er 8nd st3I1 be ab1,e to construct it and he considered it worth loakir�� ir�too A�4x. Harry Nawrocki o�' the Board oi Appeals was present and ex- piaia�e�. h3.� aommiss3.on had gone ta �h� area in question and spent considerable timc� there, that �he_y h�d tried to f�.nd a serxi�ce atation that was set back 100 P�e� Lut caulfln'� gr.nd �ny� He �'urtla�eg �XF�,inea t�y nad attempted to make so� kind of an axea far a shorter s�tback and did come to an az�,ngement and l�fx°. B�zrris brought i� up but Mr. �cibsrg was absolutely against it, that some oP th� a�he� residnnts h�.d thought 75 fee� was a pretty �ood thing for a setback. . He e�:pl.s.in�d the Poard oi App�als had thought they would rec�mmend this request to the Coi?n��I as p�°ea�nted, �hat he personally thou�ht the City Council wou2d be wron� in flenying this pexmit,, that �nothe� statior� iza nat �oin� to �ke any- thing wo:rse in �the d�ea and it i�:��'t tilat bad now. Mr. 1`Tawroc}�i stated that w���� �I3.dl�nd Coe�perat;�.vea gets thx�ou�lra builda.ng and gives tax relief, they are a t�7��e�z� to th� Ci�y and the City Council should cozasider getting some industry ita end nc;t makir�� ia; hard for them to do busin�ss wi'�h. F�x. Da� Rob�rg of ].UG Hc�rizon Circle stated he �uld not re�lize why Mr. Nawrocki w�.� sp��ing up ia� l�:tdla�d Cooperatives, that as fer as the 75 foot setbs.ck di�cus�ion w�,s„ th� voice lzad Beer� taken by members of the Baard of Appeals be- �'are 3.� tiras nro�ghi �r� th� floc�r, that they, es r��idents, were not ob jecti�ng f:c ih� s�s�viee �ta$ion as sueh� the� wer� objec'tiax� to the 56 foot setback. Mr. So3�e��; of 101. �ra4� Road ef.�.t�d �h�re were only t���.'� people that were not le�.11y noi3��.�d of riiic�lanci's proposa.l to revamp the city o.rdinance that agreed with the ;5 �oot setback and there was no o�her service station on Main Street, that ��.is aydinance s�.ou3d stand. Mayc� IVee ��plair�ed �che 1aw provides For a ��aiver procedure, Mr. Torrey of Mid- l�..nd Ccga�er�tiv�s s�cated he 3oubte+d thst this compa�y qauld proceec� wi �h the b�.��1�1ir�� of thE ser�vice sta.tion back i00 �'eet es it would be im�rrs�ctical. He �urtl��r stated �i?e� �ound it diff3.cult to believe in all ihe opposition, their bu:i.Iciing pei^�ni� which �th�y haa juet received for the addition they were pr�sently cor.s �rtzc�in� h�� cos� �hhem �2,�tS0.00, �hat they were enticipating the3� tax lor�d aa s resul�t oi �he additian wAUld be in the neighbprhood o� $I05,000.00 • p�� ye�r �,nc� i�t d3.d aeem as though this ahould be taken into consideration and no� be penalized Par doing t�usiness in Fridley, tt:a.t his company would be sx- -�x�emely dis�p.pointed if th3.a request were turned dok�n. Mayar Nee stated he wished to �iake issue with Mr. Solber�'s remarks, that PAid],and Coaperativea had b�erv � g�oad citize� and thst Fridley had been most fortunate in having them in t�e cnmmunity. I�Ir. Torrey inquired if it were not carrect that service stations s�ic� come under 3 coxnmercial zoning and in the even� this had been zoned commer- � • Page 1k e c3a1, z,ifty f�;e�t �ould have heen all that was rec�uired. Coi�nc3lmsn Wolke statea th�r� �.a�- be�n much diseuss3on about �Y�3� ordinance, that if the flrdinanc� i�ad raa�t �ec�n ch�ngec, Midl,and Cooperstives wouid have ba�n allowed �o builfl under ihe s�1.d ard3nanc� e�d tYiis �aas oae of' the reasons Mi8land Coopera.tives had bought their lancl an� they shou�.d be en�tit3ed ta use this land as it is not :�a�eth�.ng diff�rent i'rom the3r busineas' i�: ie incidentale Gouncilman Wolke ex�l.ained �h� C�.�:y G4uncil co�ld w�.;Lve po�ti�ns oi ordinances 3f they so wisbed, that iaa �ii�lane� °s jnoxtion, they wauld be able �to do exaet2y what other eo�aua- itips havP done �nd they car� ffiake use o� the3r 3.�.r�d. .'.�.yor �'�e expl�ane8 ta resicien�:s the classi�'ication in the zaning ordinance tb�t res�uir�s l00 f�et se'tb�.ek imr�lves aIl kinds of` undesirab2e things and ii they �aere �1�. quie�t i.nd�ustries the 100 f'�et might nat lzave beea too relevant, that �h� �i�.l ar..d Ma� z�ning rea2.].y does permit nuisance induatries az�d this was what the ordin�.�ce �aas tc protect the citiz�as irom and there is a teehnicality here z�e s P3lli�g s��tioxa �.0 normally Pif'ty �eet. I�Iayor Nee iz�quir�cl if there gere any use i� refe�'rin� ��is to the Safety Co�itte�. Coune3lman ��alke rep].ied he �'elt ��liere wa.s, that �.f residents were worr3.ed about campex sales, they would b� w�rried a�ou� this. Upe�n a rall cA3.I vat� �ixase voting aye to re�er �tca th� Sa�'ety Co�nitt,�e the Mid- I.and Cr�ape�tives r�q�s�:,, Wolke� Sheridang Jahax��on, Bro�k, Nee. Those oppoaed, no�ze. Ms�tion carri�d ut�aaitomusly. Bt3ARD G�F APFr"ALS N�TI�iTG MINU�S, OCTQBER 2, 2�63: Fitl�Nf �'EF'I'EM�i: i8. �.9�i�i 4� P� �Qt7EST FOR A VARIANCE �iot�on Toy Johan�aa to aoncur w�.th the recommen8at�on o� �the Bos.rd. of Appeals and ga�ant ihe request for a�v�.r3ance farm Section �3.3A o� Ordinance No. 70 by waiv�er of i'ront ya.rd se�tback requigement Prom 35 Peet ta 30 �'eet to permit coastruction af an ac�di�ion ¢a �uh� preseat structure on Lots 21 and 22, Block 11, Plymouth .�ddition, AnQk�+. Con�y� Minnesota, same being k623 2nd 5treet Northeaet. Seconded by W�1ke. i��on a va3ce vo�e, there being no nay�, �he motion carried unanimously. �UBLTC HEARIi�?G 4;'i � REQUEST Ft7R A SPECIAL USE P�4IT UNDER SECTION �+g.1.9 OF T� Ma.qor P�ee annou�cec� this w�s a reqvest far a special uss permit for a meeting plae� far Alcoholics Anonymous, The City N9ana�r read to �he City Council the • recomnsendations of �he Boa,rd oP AppeaI.s. Mr. Clarence Mcen was present and ste.ted he owned propert,y ad�oining lote and would be relieved if tr,e City Council would agprave the permit. Councf�n Sheridan inquixed of City Attorney Smith if on Pa.ge 15 . . a: Staeci�3 USe A�ermit i�t c�uld be gramt�a yeariy and could be withdrawn at any -��.s�y� �ity Atfiorney Smith repli�d the Council oould put a one year tfine Iimit on •�s�e �ermit o ' P��c�tiv.� by Brook to concur wi-th the Boa.rd of Appeals and grsat the Special U�e p�ran�.t under S�etian �5.19 of the City Code of the City oP Fric�ley for a meet- 3.z�g u� �.r.e Por A.3.coholics Anonymous on Lots 13 through i6, Bloak 6, Spring B�ook Pr�r�, �,no1c� Caunty, I�inaesota for the period of one year. Seconded by� SYieridan. 2�x� �nb�rt Hugkres was preeeat and stated he represented the rea2tors selling �the �.,�•�a�ex�ty and it w�auld be unfair to �ui tbe permit on a year to year basi�. �ou�:3��-?J.�an �3ro�als exp�.a.ined it wou3.d be dii'fi.cult to issue it fbr a longer time. 1�re ;3v�a�e� �-ep�.ies3 there was a problem in d�a.ling with the United States Gov- ern;.u�:�t arcd if there were some clsuse inaZuded, the deal would fsll through. Cou�a+:i:l��:�s.n �rao1� inquired if it could be writt,en in as an option or cauld a 1ca ]e be z�ritt�n ��itY� an option and a 3o aay notice a.nd it would renew it :self �ve � y,y�;ar autd�na.�:ica3ly . YKr . Moen stat,�d he had never eeen an A. A o A d�eting i�a :3 di�ord�rly fashion, that �;h�.s organization he.d to have this for a long�er v�.�a.s�c� �P timeo City Attorney Smith suggested 3eaving the one year period out �na nra�icliz�g �chat any t3me duriag �che 13f� oi the Speeial Use Permit, upon 30 +�a�;� a�n'c�ce, the City oi' �`rfdley eould 3nform the metter be back bePore the C i�:y Cc�i�x�ci�. fas� termix�eiion and this «ould �i.ve the permit a�.onger term. �:o�.:i�� �a�.th�rati�n by Counc3lma.n Brook. Mr. Hughes stated he didn't feel the per- • �nl� ������� c3 inc�.ude any clauses as the U� S. Govern�nt were st3cklers about ', the c�ix-��ac� . � i'��� Attorney Smith 3nquired wha.t the diPference would be to the ' gov- e���x�� �.i -�he Ci.ty� oP Fridley could terminate the permit at �.ny 'timeo Mr. !Hughes re�:? ied that �.f' thcy shou].d invest soa� mo�ey and if within 30 c2ays they could �o#;�:�e �ts it wauld void the purpose and th3s was the case. C3ty Attorney'S�i�h ivra�a:i���. i� ii wcaul.d be better iP the Speciel Use Permit should terminate at i;rz� �:�s�ress3�n of the City Council and tlas told tt wou].d not. The City Manager ir�q��:�aer if inst�ad of say3ng the Council would give 30 days notice that it mfght be -���.�ni��t�d' co�nld �hey state that i�P at e.nytime the Council would wish ta re- �on��s��:r �r renew it, they caul.c2 give 30 days not3.ce. Mr. George Norton etated h� :��uh�d te,�zxge �he Ci�y Council to pass this without any stxin�s attached y:�a�'���a�R�er, tk�.,�>t he did �aork with these peop�.�e an8 did fee1. it would be an in- �us ��.�� �o �`,,ac� �.nything onto their pe�mit, �Chat th�y could alWays be brougbt �a c�tar� and. in ot�er pJlacea where these meetin�s a.r� held, �here 3.s no ca.uae � �'�� �'"a.��s�, He fur�her explained it was no� a matter of having parties, theae g�o�;�:l.� �re �°ehabilitating human lives. r',r ,. I`riik� t�'3�annon�, County Commissioner, was present and stated the A.A oA � group }��d �o�� ;o h:l.rr� for a=:ite anci he had taken them to this area and it was a good ;�.1��.�, t�at t�esP people. are a great a.sset to the county as wel2 ss to the aity. Co�a:icil�nu i�jo].ke i�quired if this were a larg�e organization and wha,t the park- i;.z� si�u�'ci�n *�aso This was exp].�.ined in detail. ' �fo�:=±�;� t��; �r�c�lti to eoncur with the Baard of Appeals and �rant the request far � 5���:ei�.:�. i;v� �'ermit undsr Section 45•19 of the City Codr� of the City o� 1�'rid- • �_: ,� �s��-v .� x.€:?c°e :�'��r. A2roYz4lias Anc+nymous on Lots i3 th.�cugh 16, B1eck , y .a°.�izz�, li_�,� ;�'�.;.�, �n�ks. �ounty, Minnesota, same beir� 3�1 7�ng�el,l.otia Street a. �:_°�:::;�v,:;.v �.::. ;;'.,�,,,:-� �i�aii�ication� Seconded by Joha.nson� U�aa a vr�i�e vote, -cae�� oeix�� t,� �.;;s, �the motifla carried unanimous2y� ' C. J Page 16, PtJBLIC iiEARTNG - FINAL PI�AT - ALZCE ADDITION : M�.yor iVee announced this was a public he�ring on the Pinal plat of Alice Add3tfon. The Ci�y Mana�er read the Notice oY Hearing. 1Kayor Nee 3nquired if there weare anyone who ��ished to be heard. Mac. FasJ.i�n was present in Pavor o� the �ina1 p�a.�.. TherE was no one present in opposit3on. Mayor Ptee declared the publi�c hes.ring o� the f3na� plat c�P Alice Addition elosed. Motion by Johanson tn approve the firml p7.s.t of Alice Addition and suthorf2e the mayar and city clerk to s3�n eame. Secanded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there be3ng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ; Pt3BZI� IiEARING - FINAL PZAT - GU41DER50'�T �RRACE : Niayor Nee announced ichis was a public hear�.ag on the ffnal plat of Gunderson Ter�sce. Tb.� City PRe.na.gex read the Notice oY Hearing. Pdayar I3e� inquired i�' there were anyone present who wish�d to be heard. There was no one present �n favor oP or in o�position to the finsl pla.t. Mayor Nee declarec� the public he�.ring on �he f3na�. p3.at of Gunderson Terrace cloaedo Caun.cilman Sheridan in» qui�ed i� tre C3ty hsd the ded�.cativn tor the streets in the p2a.t. Mr. Cl.ark, o� the Qity Eng�neering Department, steted they wers a part of the plat. i�otian by Broak ta approve the f inal piat of Gunderson 7Cerrace and authorize' • the mayor and aity clerk to sign asme. Seconded by Johaneon. Upon a vofce ' vote, there being no na.ys, the motion caxr3ed unanimoualy. FtTBL�C HE�1�II�TG -- F'INAI, �T - WAYI�E'S 1tI)Di°.�'Tt71V: Mayar Wee annouraced this was a publ3c hearing on the fin�.l plat of hTayne's Aae1i*issi�. The City Ma.nager read the �atice of Hearing. Mayor Nee inquired ii t�ier� �..°�re anyane present who wished to be h�ard. There wa.s no one present in �avar c�f or in c��apasition to the finel p].a�i. Meyor 1Vee decl.ared the public ' hemrlx�� on the �ina3 plat of Wayne's Addition closed. Moii�n by �oha.nson to apprnve the final the mayor and c:ity c3erk to si�n same. th�r� bein� no nays, the motion carx3ed plat of Wayne's Addi:Lion and authori�e Seconded by Brook. Upon e. voice note, unanimously. PUBLIC f�EARING - F�P�AL PLAT - PEARSON'S laST ADDITIO�: P4a.yos° Nee annour�ced this wa.s a public hearing on the f3nal plat oi Pearson's ' lst �Addition. The City Ma.nager resd the Notice of Hearin�. Mayor Nee inquiz"ed if there were anyone present who wished ta be heard. Mr. Pearson �aas present in favar of the finai plat. 2'here was no one present in opposition. Ma.y�r Nee decl.�red the hearin� closed. • 2dotion by Sheridan �o approve the final p1.at of Pearson's lst Addition and author- ize the mayor ar�d the city c].erk to aign same. Seconded by Brook. Upon e. vaice votE, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. • 1'a.ge 17. , �'Ii2;��' R�;�4llI)l'�G CDF �itD�CNANCE REZ4NiNG FCDi�TIflN OF PEARSON `S FIRST ADl}ITION: . 1�ayor Riee artnounce� �he item ir� ques�3an was the �'irst reading of an ordinance rezon3n� a gc►rtioa of' Fearson's Firs� Add:t�ion. The City Manager g�ve the i�iret r��ding o� said ordina�ace. ' Moicion by S�ieric3an f.c� accept as the �Piret rea8ing an ordinaace to amend the city �c>d�3 of �he City af Frid2ey, M3nn.esota by me.king a change in zoning distric'�s. Seccynded �y Johanson. Upon � voice votep there being nQ nays, the motion carried unau33.�ously, �Li� HEARTNG -'��1CA'1'ION OF STR'E�TS AP�D Aa.LEYS� B�Lf�K�32 FiY� PARK: &1�.yox� N�e aupaounced th3s was a public he�xixig crn the vacation oi s-treete and a1.3.�;ys in B3.ock 32 of Hyde P�.rk. The Ci�ty lManager read 'che Notice oP �eari�g. Th� Ci�y A�ana�er su�g�sted the City Council conld approve the proceeding af the procedur�e aud before �he second readin,� any matters in question could be clsared u� a ri4a.yor I�ee inquixed if thexe wer� �nyan� pre �ent wha wished �to be heard ' on LY�i� o��stian. 2`hes°� was ao Qne �eex�t 3.n �'n�ror of or in oppos�.�iion to th� p�opos�c �nar�;ation af' st�eE-ts and al%ys 3n B3ock 32 �� Hyd� Park. Mayor l�ee declareci the public �earing closed. • 24ot:�c�n by W��71ie to c�r_iinue the putolic hearing on th� v�cation oi atreets ar�d a1.1ev� :In B�ocl� 32 of Hyde Fark. Seconded by Braok. Upon a voi�e vote, there beix�g no nays, the motion cex�ried unanimousl�►. F���ING COF�SSi01V �w�ETIN� M�S� SEF'iEI�E� �6, �.9b3: F'i3`S'rJRE i�6AS STf3EE� P,�t�3Z�A� 1� R�Z,�iTSQN T� HC?USE �,7� 7301 EA3T RIVER ROAD - I,ES,�1`1U �iU�KS: �he City Aqa�ger read to the City Couaci3 the reco�ends�iox� a� the Plaaning Com�iss�.an �nd ste.ted th� road had been �pprov�d by the State H3ghway Dep�rt- m�n�t and he did Rssume i� �the City allowed Mr. Ruske to �uild they would h�ve '�a pay hi� f'ar i�t at a. futur� time uni�ss they s�arted condemnation praceed- in�r� now> �Ir. Rusks wae present to stat,� hia position. CounciZm�an Wolke sug,���t,�d n�go�ia�ing be�az�e condemsza�3on procesdings as it �aas impract�:cai to �dc� to the ��eseat home. 1�. Rusks ag�reed. Cit� A�torney Smith explained Mr. Hu�'�s ��u] d l:�ve in th� hame rent f`�ee azad the City oP Fridley could give him a b�tt,er �rice and he would be reimbursed. He exp].s.ined to Mr. Rusks the City �ouncil cou�.d not �e�"case him s permit but they had decided to sequire the house. Motion by Wo1.ke ta in�truct the City Manager and City Attarney to negotiate;with 1�o R�s�� in re�ards to purchasing h3s hnme at 7301 East River Road. Seconded by �3ra�csk a Upan a voice vote, there being no nay�, the a�otion carried unanimously. • 73R� AVEIdtJE - CROSS SECTTON OF RIGST OF WAY AND STREETS AS PRCPt7.SED BY TAE STR� ETS AND ZPi"ILITIES SUB-C : � Page i8. �`�3e t;ity Ma�la.ger r�ad to the City Council the recommendation of tYie Pl,anning �omnis�ic�n c:oncerning the realignmen� o� 73xd Avenuea R4otion by Jflh�nson to concur with the recommendatlon of the Planning Canmmis�ion and appr.ove th� re�lignment o�' ?3rd Avenue, Univers3.ty Avenue to Able Stre�t, threp and one h�l� feet south, Seconded by Sheridan. Uymn a voice vote, there bein� no �.ays, the m��tion cerried unanimousiy. ' COIVS:�EI�ATION OF VACAT'ION OF SOU'�S 360 FEET OF ALLEY: Mayc�r �Jee announced the item for conaideratian wa.a the vacat3on of the 3outh 36� �Eet oP an a11ey �nd inr�uired i� Counci3�n Wolke h�d any commen�s. Co�an- c37.m�,n Wo7ke inquired if the r�siden�s in the area �sf'fee�ed were notiPisd tk�at th�.� wauld ��e on the agend�. this �venf.n�. Z"r,� City Manager repli�d they had mailed �ome sixte�n notices. I�syor Nee 3nc�uire8 iP there were anyone pa�ese�t who �rished '�o be heard in thia regard, tha,t a.s he undex�tood the p�oblem the City o�' Fridley was 3n an 3rrepr3evabie posi�ion. Mr. Edgar Milseith of 46�j6 �nd Street IJos°theast sta.ted he had just bou�hi � hom� and w�s unable to use'his ga.ra,;e �nle�s he backed a21 the way down the alley. Mr. Rogna.s of 4680 2nd', S�r��'� i�ort?zeast was e,lso presen�t in favax oP the q��in� of the a11ey. Mr. , Ged��e Gorz;ycki. of �668 2nd Strest l�ortheast wa� present in Pavar of the open- ing o� tne al3ey. M€ayro Idee exp].a,ined to the r�siden'Cs preseat that he had no au�hor:%ty t� change the ac�ion of the Counci3. st this time. The C3ty Manager • sta.��d �l�t;, at one time, the entire alley �wa.s un �ar vacaiion and it was de- cid�r� agains� 3.-� and then it had come up ag a pn.rt of an alley var.�,tion. Cpua- ci].r��ar� i�tolks� ����ed tYt�� he felt an� oi the x�essone tkxe City oP Fria�ey did; this was 'a�ca�ase �h�y don't care to h�sve a1.3eys �.�d i� th.e people petition Yar v�cat- ing �ame, tjze Counci2 does apprave. T'he question ���.s xaised by a resident iP an easement could be used. It was ex- g�.a�i'.ned the Cifiy does reta.in �n easement but the Ci�y can't use it except for pu'��.ic: F.�-t3.1z-�.ies . Cout�cilman Wolke inquired i�' the aeti�n previousiy taken wa,s a a���a�n�aer�dation of the Streets nnd Utilitiee Co�mnitt.�e and was tcal8 it was. �ou�c:��nan ',�o7Lke sts.ted this area wss a prablem as tlae City Council genera.11y ts.kt� theix r�co�ndations becau�e they check these things quite thorou�hly. Mayo:� Ne� exp3.ained the problem at the maa�nt was th�t� apparent3.y� what t�e City ��torney �ays is the City does have to $o in and buy the property back'to r�fl�en the aLleye The residents asked what they would do for driving if th3s w�,s no� done . City Attornvy Smith explai�ed there wea a technical.ity here on the way of eat- ab�.islaing aiJ.eys, that there would be lega�. expenses, etc., and qui:Le a lot' of pr�bleius «:�e :'uurther stated it was his op3nion t2�at not much could t�e done at a he��ing, the Council could deeide to �.ss a resolution to condemn the alley or -thy cotald cic�cide to do nothing. A�eneral discussion was held r�ga.rding all �. aspecUs in thP case. City Attorney Smith inquired i� all the abutting owne�s tiaer� no�ii'3�d. He was told they were and that a petitivn in this reg�ard wa.e � pres�nted. Councilman Sheridaa inquired of the City Manager if all of tl�,e ownPr� aYFected by the alley had not asked for a vacation but actually come back ia3.ih a part section. He wae told this wes true. Councila�n Wolke sta.+ted . � r1 U Page 19. -�:�a'c mo matter where �z resident lived o� �his block� they had as rauch righ� to ��z�t portion, t�1at I.�: wa� e, two �way ���reet and 3f any resident d3dn't g�t a notice, ��ie�1 �.t taas a Hii�e�°ent thing. CounciZman Johansan suggested findin� out how �nuc� of the proper-ty� �hey couid �et '�ack. City Attorney Smfth stat�d he feZt it was I.e�.I1;� su#`f'ie3.en� te+ Pctilow the �tatute and chartex pro�viefons. �Sotion by Jql:�ns�n tha� th� C3.ty t�san��,ex a�zd City A�:torney be instructed tn ue��ti�i:e wi�h �lae �ropertv owners in �he affected alley to ae� how much of �h�.s �rnperty fihey couid get back. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote,' thex�e being no naysA the mation carriPd unanimously, , CdP�3t7l��ICATTONS : EXCA�dATORS : I,�C'ENSING OF WA'I'ER AT� SEWER EXCAVATORS : �'he City Managex st�.ted he had di�cusaecl the lieena:ing caf water ar_d sewer �xca- v�tor� with th� C3.�y Attorney and would suggest the City Couneil re�er thi� item over to him �'vr hia coz�eideration, Matia�a �a� �xc�k t� re�er to the Ci�y At��rney the liaensing aY water and ae�wer exca�.tors fox the cirawing oif a� ordina�ace> Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vo�e, th.er� be3n� no na.ys, i;he motion carried n�.n�.movsay. ' �G�:KI,Y.CJ ��?�'�'-•It: SEWER S7'UDY A(�ENCY: �Itxycr i��ee �nn�un�es� tYzis Fr�,s a ac�mmun3catic�n �'rom Braoklya Center on the sewer study S�ez�cy. Motl.an b� �ol�.us�,n to kec�ive �,h� ca�munica.tion �rom the Village o�' �rcaol��.�ra C�nte� �nd f��.�. Seconde� t�y Broal�. Upon a voice vote, there 'be- :�n�� n� na�e, �he ma�3.on caar��ed un�nir�ausl�. P3i�Tgi SL�U�.BA�T �if3�S�'ITAL DxSTRt�T: ELE�ION C06TS: May�r l�e� s.nnou��c�c� this was a comm�ar�ica.tion Prom th$ North Suburban Hoapital I1is�r�.ct rega�ding elect�on GOe'�S o Z`�e Cit� P�x�ger expl8incd e decr�ase in el�c�icr*� csas�s wm� �sked for by the iiospital District� that Fridley h�d or3;gin- �11�t �a�.1�.�c�. the hospi�.l district for abaui $�83.00 and the new ppice wouldl be �17G.o0. Mo�cac�� oy �'ohanson 'co authorize the City Atianager to reduce Iiospi�i Disi;rict eiection cos� to the figure of 1C� of the Se�amc�e�1 b�l BroaY. Upo:� a voice �rote, there bein� no �a.ys, uraani�ousl�� o ��'.��.R�'P�i�1`.P 4F k�kLT:I: RICE CREEK: the North Suburban tota.I. election bill. the mation car�3ed Ma3r���° �tee annaunced �h� com�unication 3n queation was from the State of Mirtne- so�F� xe�rciing Ric� C:eek. The City Manager explained �o the City Council 'tlaat � Pa:tge 20. i,ze St���;e o� Pg:i��esota De�r�tmen� a� He�.3.th reco�mended cexteia things be done ���1 �t�!�y �r� taikir_g abwa�t an ex�nsive set up, that he had a letter Prom the r�a;��n Ins�x�c�:ti�"' in �.�hich he felt this pxo'plem was not serious. N1�ypr Nee ' inqizi�re� :�f �thi.s cauld be studiecl and the City Council a8vised. The City MM�..nager sug��•t�ci tiie �ity Council might wish a repart from the Health OYPicer in this �e�rca �:nd �ie �ould. w�ni to canstalt with the Board of Health. �Yot�.�f�a Y�y J��hs.nson +o receive the lettex P�com the State of Minneeota., Dep�ri�ment ot' ���.i�,h a;id r�i°�r sar�e to the IIeaZtYi Inspeator, Rgr. Hensley Por his study and eo�a��-t�. �;econ3�:d by �heridano t3pon a voiee vote, th�re being no nays, t�e raot:Lon ca:.�r � Fd un�.� 3.�au�� y. c��r ��r+��x: �o���D ��nr��r � c�i� �9: M.ay��° �te� announced. th3.s was a commut�ic�tfon Pram the City Att.orney regarding s p�opo��d �.mend•mcr.,t to Chapter �+9 pf the l�unicipal Code. The City Manager ex- pla-InPCi tlle reasor for �chi� letter w�,e that the City Councii had referr�d this �ca-t��er '�ac:k to f;he City Attorne,y af�ter �he court case in the sa�e r�gard. City A��cox�ney ;��n� �h �fa.�te� �che let�e�° from prev3aus City Attorney Kohla.n should be d:t w �r�'�a�a�,ed . N�ot-t�az �y Ssler3c3an to rece3ve �he letter fpom Cit� At�orney Smith regarding'th,� �.ro�os�vr� a�end�en� to chap�er 49 of th� Nlunicipal Ccade. Seconded by Brpok. � U�n �. r�nice Rra�te, there being no nayss the mo�Son carried aananimonsly�. G�Il'N�.'X' EiIGIfJ�t: NC�i'1'H iL'�4ii�' flF OZ,3J CENTRA�,: R�SO�i1T%flN �Ik3�19�3» YAayo� k�i�e e::ano�nLe�. �he it,em in �ue�tion was a propcgaed atreet improvemen� job orn o2r1 Cent.:�.�. Av��iae between P�3ssissippi Street and Osborne Road. NIr. Nlik� 0'Ba;��on, Cg�un�y Car��iseioner, wta,s presen�t and exp7.ain��. they �aere going to' ti�aide� -�he s�Ls�ee-t �.rr�c extend it so the �•�a�d w311 go aLl. the wsy out and as s4on rzs -�r�e� �ify va" Fric�iey �ives the Co�axity per��ssion they *.�i13. �+egia� work. Mr. Q°�:��z��n ex:�ala�.n�c� th� ere� i� qtaes�i�n to th.� City Cou�.�ii a�d what was �ing ta �e dcane � Tra� City �kzx���er inquix�ed 3� the �ity Counci2 eould not accept' -��i� le���x and oraer a�ublic hear�u�. He wa.s told they could. Mot:io� by J�hans�ti to adopt Resoluti�.on ��.43-1963 recetving the preliminary �e- !, por ���c� flrdering � gub�ic hearing r,n a s�reet improvement pro�ect an C.S vA.E o ! 35 �fl_�,si Cen�vraZ Avenu�} between �tississippi Stree� and Osbarne Road. Seconded li t�y Sher�.cl�no �pon � eaic� vo�e, tY�ere being no nays� the motion carr3ed unanimonsl�. Councii��.n >hexid�xi st�.ted the,t in a conversat3on with Mr. 0'Bannon regardi�g tsis �.:caa, '�e I�.d told P�lr. 0'Ba.nnon he thou�;ht the City oP Fridley ahould pro- ���d �;?��Yl 'GI1P. �.eLti�g of io3.ds e.nd t�ey aou18 aall ior cu�rb and gu�tter an@ t�,ke eit��e� �;Qnc�ete or bituminoias b3ds . M�.yor Nee inqa3red if the City couldn't :�.I�� �t;z� co�uuai��ent ar�d then �ake it out of genere.l funda; thi.s would be e�- �eri��; �.r��:o an agreement with the Coun�ty be�'ore the procc±edings and would show � that F?^i�.lev ���.s �ailliag tU undertake ha2i of the p�'vject. He wa.s i:old thi� could '�e cion� . • Page 21. 1����io� '�y Johanson to instruct the City Ma.nag�er and Ma.yor tY�at the City of �'r3d- ley ei�4�r into a coutract w3th the County of Anoka to split the cost o� the con- c�eete cu�b and gtatter on parts of Centa�al Avenue between �Iisaissippi Street and OsbArr�e Roado Secanded by Wolk�o iIpvn a voice vote, there being no nsys, the �otiozs carz°3.ed unaaz3�eously. VISIT03t� : ?uayor Ne� 3nquired i:P there were any v3sitors present who wished to be heard at t�is �Nir�e. Mr. Sob Hughes� Fridley Fire Chief, stated that at the last meeting w3.th •�:�� Fire �epertment end the City Council� they had authorized the F3re'De- pa.rtn�nt to go ahead and hire A�r. Bud Heu% to draw plan� for the addition "to :he F�.re Statian� IKr. Heule ha.d �elt it would be in the best 3nterest of the �i�y o� �rial�y to have a registered arahitect draw the p],ans. Mr, Hughes stated he wa� �ust bringin� the Council up to date on what had happened. He further statec3 i�ir. Smiler, who had done the original preliminary wark, would perhap� take •:;�e job as the � are simple pleas. Thexe were no o�ther visitors. �.L�� : . ?��otion �y Wo1ke to approve payment of General Claime #10�8 through #11�+2. Seconded�', by �oia��son. 3Jpon a voice vote, there befng no nays, the motion carried cmanimoueljy. M�tio� �y Johaason to approve p�..ymen� of Liquor Cla3.ms �5685 thxoug� #5712•' �eco��ed isy Braok, Upo�. a voice vote, t,her� being no x�aysP the motion carr3ed u�.�imo�as ly o Niotio� i��� Broo� ta apg�rove payment o� Public Utilities Cla.ims #2820 througYi .�8'�3, Secomded by Johanson. i7pon a, voice �of;e, there bein� no r�sys, the mo- �tion, ��a:�°xied una.nimously➢ d�catiot� b� �ahs�xison �o approve paymen� o� General Claim �9Ei8 previously tabled. �FC�nc�ed b.y Braok.. Upon a voice vote, the�ce b�eing no n�.ys, the �t3oa earried un��3t�ously . ES�'IP�?.'IE5 : ��.yor IVee a�:no��ea tney haa an additional c2aim from Comstock & Davis, Iac. Consu�.�in� engineePS on Estimate No. �+ which was the fina.I estimate for Bar'- baxr�ssa and Sons, Inc. in the amount of $:.3,�+52.68 for �he construction of ' San�t�;.ry Sewe� and Water Improvement Project No. 55- ' I�atio�� by Johanson to approve payment o�' $13,�+52•68, final estima.te No. k, �or consts:uction of Sanitary Sewer snd Water Improvement Project Pto. 55 �o Barber- . ousa and Sans, Inc. Seconded by Wolke. Upoa e voice vote� there befig ao nsys, tY�e mot3.ox� ea.rr3ed unan3mously. • • P€�.ge 22. A�v�ion by Wolke to approve �.ysent of Esti�.te No.3�► final es�imate, to D.W, �iic:ke�r �.r�d Con;pany� Inc. in the amount of $6,745.40. Seconded by Sheriden. ' Lr�:�vn a voice vo�te, there b�ing no nays, the motion carried vnanimousl.y. l�.yor Nee stated th� aext eatfa�.te was in the sum of $7,7�+8.00 to Sandstrom and Hs.inc�r. i<io�ion by �roak to approve �yment of $7,71�$.00, Esti�.te No. l� the final estime� to Sandstrom and H�a,fher for the eonstruation af Storm Sewer I�- garove�nt Proj�ct Na. 6�t. Second�d by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there be- i�� r�o rtaysx ti�.e tnotion carried unanimously. •• l�yor �"e� sf;ate� �here w�.s a lettex QP o�inian from the consulting engineer�, rc.�ard�.nd tr.e iina.l estimates for the Perry Sweneon Company an8 D. W. Hickey s�c� Ca��p�.�iy and i�c was tk�e opinion of the eonsulting engineers that there we�re r�a ��� �;�as incu:red by the City o �ia'�3.en �� 3ahansan �o approve payment oY Finai Estimate No. 14 ta the P�rry ��*er��o�; �o�pany �'ar �he construction of Water Improvenent Project 3�-J, Sched- ule I i� �he �unt of $15,965•39• Seaoaded by Walke. Uppn a voice vote� tbere ��:i:ag �o nays, the mot3.on carried unanimously. N.�c`:.,�ytCrB° ��e� a,nntit�z��ed i;here was a iinal �s�iima.te f'tar �he D� W. Hickey and Comp�ny '��:�'c�e ��he coun,��.l ln �c� sum o� �14,623,i�ao Motiar� by .Tohanaoa to approve pay- �et�t o:�' � in�,l ��ti�.�e Noo 8 to the D, W, Hlckey and Compa.ny for the constru�t- i�t� oi �atey� Imp�ov�men� Pro3ect 34-d� 3chedule 2 3n the sa�ount of $14,623.2�. �E:(:G�lCl�c. by �xoak� Upon a voice vote� there be3ng no nays, th� �otion cmmrri�8 t,�xt�� i���� ly. N���it�r: ��� iheri��.n to ap}�rove �Ghe Yollow3r�g estiu�te: ��L`Sv'�i,E`i �tTR��"AC�� COMPANY 3 l `� ���d Stxes� �Toxiche�.at l�i.��es.�.ao7.is �, R�iz�nes4ta Estima� �7 (Pa,rtial) 1962-2A Streets Estimate #7 (Fa.r�ial) 1g62.-28 S�treets Estimate �3 (Partial) 1962-4 Streets �oTAI. $ 7,18'�. 31 � �+,029•79 � 2, �7.65 $i�,lo�.75 S�cbor�e� by Broo�. Upon a v�oiae vote, ther� being ao nays� the motion earried u�.�.r_imc��y �.y « �,IC'.Ei�S�s� : Mc��3.r�n Toy ��alke to approve the fo3.lowiag lieenses: EIEE:CTP,I�.�1L �,.,r. Ra�rids ��.2C'�IC�.0 365 gi�n�ay #io Minneapolis 33, Minnesota By: Owen Hyland ''a ,' � � � • CA5 SERVI!CES Dixon Plumbin & Heating Co. 13�0 Highway �8 New Brighton, �iinnesota Laundry Insta.11era �$00 D�e�r Avenue Sau�h Minneapolis 10, Minne9ots St,andard �eatin� Compa.ny �+1� West Lake 5�treet M3.nne�pa].is, Miun�so� C�I�RAI, CaNTRACTaRS �... A. Gunder�on Gonstrnction Co. Roui:e y Anok.�, Ninnesata Se:�ter Realty 36Q0 Fra.nce Avenue 5outh Minneapolis 22� Minnesota Yokang �Construction Company 5832 Ncrrgan At�enue South MiMneapolis, Minnesota HE�1�'IN'G Jexx�y 3aer Heating $c Vent . Co . 3Q21� .� ��kz Ave�ue South T4bnnesprs�is,� Mtnnesot�a pr D3xon r:�umbin & He�ting Co. i3Co iil�mray �8 P1ew Br�.�hton, Minnesota. MASONRY Leo Ho hua� 7?23 Groveland Road Mlnnee,�lis, Minnesota Suburban Cenent Gonstruction 7.07�+3 Zen�th Avenue South B1tad�ingtmnD Minnesota by: George Dixon by: Wi2liam R. Clark by: Tony Ferrara by: G. Ao Gunderson Pa�e 23. NEW � RENEWAL .+� �� � bys Dona.ld F, S�xter NEW by: Carl Bergstrom REI�WAL by: Raymond F. Hir8lex 11�W by: George 1�3xon by: Leo Hp Huot 1�W �-� �j h , by: Bernard J o Ri�mnac NEW • � U . 1'i���'�B:II�'G Huchman Plu�bin,� Co�, Inca 3�023 Lynasi� �.�ex�ue soutn M�zanee.pa�l�s �i, N�ir�ne�o� 6+�%� l?R�,IYdG Hadden WelX Comge.ny �+�j Ma3i�. Street Nor.theas�t Calumbia ge�ghts, Ms.nn�so�e. by s Wa�.tex BucY�r�tzn by: Robert B> Hadden Pag� 24. E��i RENEWAL Seconde8 Y��y �ok�anson. Upon �. voi.ce vof�, there being no nay�t the motion ea�ried u�za�i�aou�i�. ' �'ETITIC�N . �3�+-I. � Ma�tion by Wa].ke to �ece3ve Petit3on �31+-1.9Fi3 �'or an a.11ey vacation, file and �xocess. Seeondec� 1�y Sh�rician. U�oa a voice rrote, �Chere beiu� no nays, the , mat,ir�n carri�d unanimou3ly� �.�s�r�x� ��ox� « w_3�-ra �sozu�rrn� i��+-i963: ritayar �d�e e.nn�unc�d the +��ty Counc�l �,�3 r�ceived ��'e�.�ibiZity Report combin- xng ��oj�et 3�-�Z wii�;h re�.�.nde�° mf hi�l� �.ev�I. ����,e� ba�st.er pump3.ng �acilityo �ix°. Co�s�oc�.� cnnsw��tiry� �a�gine�r, st�.�t:�r3 t�Zex� �a��� ��r�� sept�cate reporte a;nd tch�s ��po�� tie� �h�:� �,ll to�;e'c�aer� ,� �����a�. ��.ficuss;iou .period was held and a��tte� �xplained �o th� City �aur�ci�.a ' M�+tion by Wo1k� to �.dapt R�soZu�3on �1�+-1�F3 o�dering final plans and speci- �'ic�i:ions r�n ��-A� which is tYte cQmbi�irig o� Pra�ect 3�F M with reme,i.nder of high level �yste�m }��astes• pumging fecil3,ty. Seconc��d by J'ohsnsone C�uncil.�ae.n Sl�ri- d�,n inc�uired v�hat ax�ea th�s would include. This wes �plained by Mr. Cometo�k. Upon � vo�.ce vo�t�, ther� being no na,ys, th� motion carried unanimously. REPqRi' OF BCARD OF i�LTH ACTIVITIES: Mav�r N�� arz�z�unced this was a meffivrand�um from Mr, James H. Hensley, Board o� H�a:ith i��,pector regarctin� th� Rice Creek Survey and ather miscelZaneous items. Pda'cian b� J'ohanso� to receive the report from �he Board of Health and ple.ce �t on ff.lt.. Secoa�d�r� t�y ��ierida.n. Up�n a vo�.ce vote, there bein� no nays, the ' Tmo�ciar� carxied unanimoualy� A1�I ' s I+I'� : � � r��t3an by Wo1ke �o appxove the Pallowing �.ppointment; �'AI� Elenor 3a Thoennes ��?8t) d 2 1�2 Street Na Eo ��id3.�y9 Minneso�ia 5542I POSITZON Secretary - Civil Defense & Assessor`s Of�'ice SALARY $262.00 per Month Pa�e 25. itE� c.�s Elsie Hanscom Secondeci b,y Johanson. Upon a voice vote' thexe being na na.ys} the motion r.�rri�d un�..ni�nausly. ��NSIii�RA,TZON t}F AC)DITC�R FOR 1 �AIiDZT: —.�.�.�..._w.. -�.�......_._..___. ��iyor Nee announced this was the consideration of an auditor for the City af Fr�.dle�,�. �he City Manager �xplained Mr. iiansan would 2ike to get started an tne r�.ew audit Por �.�h3. �ia�c�.an by Johsnson to reappQint the firm �f G�orge Hanson Company as Audito�r. ��e�n�.�d by Braott. Upon a�roice ves-?-,sg �her� being no r�aye, the motion carr�.ed u�zanimo�asly. C(?I�'SIi?E�AT�ON Q�'_ CF,AIMS : Mayor N�e ax�nounce�l this was the conside�ei:ion af misc�ei.laneous c2aims with' f,lze recamm�nda:tion to �ay satne , Motion by� Wn�e to approve payn�ent of c]�.ims to A9r � Clsxence Ol �on in the amaun� nf ���� pOC? �r�d P�x°. Ray C o Price for shrubs �.r�d �ushes o Se.conded by BYterir��n. iTgon a vo3c� �rn-�e, �here being no nays,' 1�he �ofion car�ied ►�nanimtiusiv. C0136�ERAT�L�N OF AC�MENTS WITH ST, P�1U� W.��? WORftS : ..�...�..�.�...�.. Mayaz° Nse ar�uncec� �he item in quest3on w�s �he considera.tion af a�reement� with �i?e Si.. PaaY CJater Works. City Att�rn�y Smith stated he had rec�ived � I.��4�.er �rora Mre Comstock, conaulting engineers, with comments on the propoa�d con���.c� the Water Cammissia�ers had sent, Mr. Comstock explained the comm�nts wpre rr�ee:e].y che.nges in words, etc. and could be taken care oP. City Attorn�y Smit3�: s�ated that St. Pau1 had 'neen w�iting Por Fridley to si�n this contraet and Y��a.ve b�en thre�,tenin� t;o tak� the matter to court and, also, thet there is anc►th�r pendi�g a�eement that has something �o do with settiing assessment,� e�n th.e Water �torks praperty and St. �.ul wants to eettle thst item,also. City t�torn�y Smith f'�rther explained he had tol.d the representative f`rom St. Pa�tl h� �rou3a d� everything he could do to facil3tate gettin� these matters settlede r�soa,�r�oN �1�+5-1g63 �ovmn�� FoR a Tax �vr: • N�.yor �tee �.nnounced this waa �he coneideration of a resolution providing for a i;ax Iet�y. The City Mana�r read to the City Council the above deacribed re- solu�i�n. • Page 26. P�otion �y S�e�i.dan to adopt Resali��t�.on �1�+5-1963 providin@; fex a Tax Levy in t�.e �1�y oY Fridleym Second�d Toy Jol�n�an. Upon a voice vate, there bein� no nays, the motion carried uuya�n�.�o�aalyo �SOi,UTTON �1�+6-1 CFRTJ.�'XING TAX 7�EVY FOR 1.96�+ 2'0 COUNTY OF ANQKA: l�:zs.ytix lre� a�noranced tlie item in �uestion was the eonaidere.tion af a resolution cexL•ifying �he �ax levy for 196� to the County of Anoka� The Citut Manager �ead t�� abave d�sc��bed reso2ution. Mo�ion �iy Johen�on to adogt Resolution �1?�6�-i963 certiPying th� t�x ievy fox lgci� �o the Covnty aP An�ka. Secoraded by 5heridan. Upan a vaice oote, th�s�e bei�� nc� na.ys, the s�ation carr�.sd u��an�.mousiy. �soztrr���1�+7a19fi3 c�rz�tx� �zrn�t��c wa�t cs�c�s: Motion �y J�hmnson to adopt ResoJlutian �1�+7-1963 cert3fy3x�g certa3n deling,uent t�ate� �nd ��we� charg�s to the Co�nty Au��tor for collection with the 1963 t�ese Secrsnded by Braok. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the �otion c�r�i�d unanimcrusly. • �S��,t��:QNS Si'LITTII`TTG C�RTAiN SP�CIAL ASS�SSNIENTS: I�yor P1�^e �nnatan��d the i+��ns iu qu�r�f;ifln �aexe ��ia� �eso3u'�ions �plitttng cer- �a.i� �p�cial e.sses��en�s. ' z�:otian k,y �'�b�,nso� to �dopt i�50LUTI0N �1�8��.963 authorizin� and directing the spl:i.t�:��c�; o�° Sp�cia.l .Assessmente o#' I.ots 1 snd �, Block 1, Hez°rig Addition. ' Secar�cieit. '�,y Wolke. Upon a voice vote, :th�re being no nays, the motion carri�ed ���.��r+��e 13� ;, �s��tion by �7�hha.n�on �co adopt R�SOLUTION #I.�9«19�3 authorizing snd directing �h�e s�slit�ir�g o� �pecial assessments on Lots i a.nd 2, Block 3, Shaffer's Subdivis- i�n Ido. 1. Seec�nc�ed by Wolke. Upon a vaiee vote, th�re bein� no nays, the m�t�t3on �°arr�ed una.nimouely. , Moti�� '�hy �ohs�.n�on �o ado�t RESOLUTION #150-1qb3 autborizing and directing the s���.it�i�� o� sp�cisl assessments on Outlet 3, �Pascel 1000), Moore Lake High- 1��a�ds, ��h Add3.�iars. 8ecomded by G7olke. Upon a voice vote, there being no 'nays� tl�.e motian carried unaniinously. , M�atiora t,y J�Yianson to adopt RESOLUTIOI� #151-1.963 authorizing and 8irecting �he s�alitclz��� o:° s�;cial �ssessm�nts on Lot 27, (P�.rcel 1200), Auditor's Subdivis- i.on �lo. 103. Seconded by Wvlkeo Upon a volce vote� there beiug no nays, tbie a�atio� c�.rried unanimously. • Mot�.oxi by Js�hanson to adopi RESOLUT30N �152-1963 suthoaizing and directing the �� �.� �. sgl�.t�:i�� af sp�cial ase�ss�n�s or� P�rcela �4�50s53�' and 5�0, Auditor's Sub- ; di�i� �.��n Pdfl e 92 a��cor8ed by 's�Fo�.ke � Up�n a�roice vote, there bein� no n,ays, t�� ���.dn carrieci �aninroez�l,y w �c�tion 'uy Ja'�raso� to adbp� I�S�i,U�'�t�x"a ,�1�3�2963 author3.zin� ar.d �irectin,� �the spli�fi�.o�i� t��' spec3�1 ��s�ssm��atv r��. La� �ls (Fareel 11�0} � Auditor °a Subdiv�s- �.on No. �. Second�d by Wo�e � i��aa� a v�ice vot�, the�°e being no nays, the �tion �arx°ied e�ns.rz�.�,a�asS.y. sho�iQa b,� �7oh�z�son tc� adop�E RES�a.��3'I'IOPf �15�-1963 �.u�ho�°3.zittg and directing �he ��r�.ittiz3 ; c�:f specA�.l assessa:ents vn Lot� �.q �t�d 11A Bi.ack I� �pring ]Lake Pa.�k �.kes�.d<� � Sc�conded by Wolk.�. U�SOn a vQ� �e va�, there being na nay8, the mo- t�mn c�.�i��3 unanlma�sly. A;otion �y �'c�hh�„nson ta aclopt RES(?LtJTION -#355-1963 ��athorizing and directix��,`the s�2it�ci�:�g of speci�al a�sessmen�s on c�r�ta.in paxceZs �.n Auditor's Subd.ivision iic�� 7'j. Seconded ��y 4�o1.ke. Upon a voice wnte, there being no na.ye, the motion r;�.rriea u�nanimous�y. ' Fd�SOI,I%1°.��JisT #�.�E�-�.q�� D]E�ZGNATII�ta PCLLTPI� F7.�A.CE5 AND JUDC"'�S : M�yor 1��:� a�nnounr.ed tihe i�:m �.n questi�r� �ras tlie x�nolta�ian deeignating polling . gsl�4e� �nd �judp,�a �nd per3��,ps sam� ��nb�r� a�' the Cif,y Coura.c:Il would care tp ��.�te so;.�e �hs�n�As or a8di��.ons. 'Tt�.e �'inance Of'f'icer s�ta.ted the list ps�eeented �� �lae� Cz�y �aun�3.� w�.s made u� �a� t:t�� p��'v3ous axac� the City Counc�.l might �r�.nt �c� m�.l�.e s+�me �hat���, o�ounCi�.m�,n T��11�� inqui�ed i.� anqone who si��d �, �tit3.�� r.�.rx s�.r�e as � juc:�o �'� w�� ;�1.c� '�Yar�,y �m�alc� no�. The �inance ��'ficer i'u:��th�:x ��cgfl�.i��c� t�Ze�r �ae�e ,�ai�,, -�cs s���ii �a� ��e �.�x°sc�n in each district �n ����t�.�:� tc� t�irz�e �;�ae ���;� C�unc�.�. r:n�.�;�t ��a��a� �o €���°3k� ou�t ts� rep�.ce. Coun- c� �ms.� ':�'t��tk� a��:�r� �o �.�re �;k�e ��� ^'�" a�.�'.:��..L�S'�G'CC� .�'`i3,"��.(7 PI�,G�(� �.Yi Ward 3 in �IBce e�f° H�ue.L H�.rtm�n a�c� to p�c� t�Yze name o�' �Irs, Dora �ald�'tas oi 271 �ice Creek ie:�re�� ��a �h� li� �, Cous�c3.l.r��a ��ex�.d�n r�ques-ted -tc> t�ve the name af Mse m �t:�s�l� s fiiedron p3�j,ced tn Ward �2 . �i�,�tf�ir �ay ��a���r�son to adopt Resolu�io� �Z56�-1963 designPtin� polling plaees �r��i ���+.fiic�az �jUd�e ��'or the Gi�g� oi Fa id��;�. ;�econd�d �iy Brouk. Upon e voice �-cc�te� t':7cx�� b�3.n;� ��a rsays, •t;he ms�tic�� c�rri�r3 unar�imously. 1�"�4L4Jr�co1V �15'�-�.�.s3 TR4N�F'�RR�NG �S : 'I'l:e C�.ty k�k.na�er explai��d the tra.nsferring ox' cert�.in �znds .�io�;ion by Sh�ri- c�.� tc� �.�o� L Re�o�.ution �157-1�63 r�aking the �tranafers af certain i'unds . S�- r:c,rd�ed ?�y �3'aha,x��ari. U.�on r� v4ice vate, there be3.n� nc� nays' the �Qtivn carried u�a.an ir��t��as ly , � O��R �",ATn3ESS: Cca�r�c3��na.n Braok siated to the City Caun�il h� had Rn item to bring �o the floor; �_ ! � � Pa� �Bo t-.hat he had a quesifon re�rd3ng the N�SoSoS.Dm and as there wou].d be an elect- ie�n co�3n� up and this question �onc�rned the people of Fridley, he felt the q�.esti�n oF wh�ther the Ci�y of Fridley should joia the N.S�S.S.Dm on an adlvis- ory b�.11ot shoulcl he placed befaxe the people. He ftirther $tated this ballpt w�u1d not be binr�ing upor► the City Councii. . Mc�tion by Brook th��t the City Council ot' Fridley have an advisary election ' bailot 3n the Ptovembex Sth, 1g63 electior� �sking the ci�izens whether or not �he City o� �`a°�dZey should rema�n in the N.S .S .S oD, Pdrs . Tho�ss Greig inqu�r�d if' Councilman Brao� thought the people vf Fridley were qualified to �ke that eecisiaa�. �o�aac�.lgasx� Br�ok stated he eauld be corrected if he were wron� on tTais it�m but he �elt thie was a. pxablem and the peopie wou2d take a little' more in-cerest in this and get a clearer un.derstanding. He �urther statf the C�.ty Councii should ha.ve a publ3c heering and t�ll the �oeople what this ��bout a�d it �ao�2d be ecoa�a�ical io do that a�t this time. Mrs. Greig inqnired i�' Councilm�n �3roc�k thou�h� the peopl� wou�.d understa.nd f.t and �'urther atated the an�n who sit nn the Board a� the NaS.S�S�D, should decfde. CounciZman Brook ex- pia3r�ed he fel� �he people on �the �oard of the IQ.S .S .S .D o were g,us.lified and this was mere�.y an adeisory ballot to get the fe�ling o� the people. C�ur�ciL*�a.n Joh�,.nson inquire electi�na �;our�ci�.r�t�.xz Bxaok get a bett�r umdeAstm�din� ��r:t3oaa seccsnded by Johanson. d if Couaci7�an Brook wished a hearing beYore the s�ateri i� �he City Council had a hearing, they might on the su��re��. ' �c���;ci1�.n Wo].lce s�ated he could not perso�2ly see any point to thia ballot b�cause o� tihe �'�.c% that this is a ve�y technieal sui��ject and has bean much' m�.li��d, tha� thP on�y remark you would 'tx�.ve io mak� is that ifi would coet �aa�y a;�d the res�.c�exat� would be agains� 3t 1f30� w3th�u� bothering to study �� a Caur.cilman Wa�e ftzrth�r stated it wa,s somet�ing icha.t might prejudice the fs.tur� ec�uncil a,nd Councilman 8rook was �.�kin� the peapie to vt�te on somethin� tk�ey �r� nci ready ta vote an an� he �z�,s a�ainst the motion. Counc�.].�an �'flh�.nsoxi suggested hoZdin� twQ g�ubiic hearin�s begore the el�c�ion an.d h��re repre�en �atives expl.sin 3n deta3,2 to the peop�e what the proposal ',is a�d a� �the same tYms have Mr. Bab Minder give his v3.ews on his repert also. C�u�c:il,�.n Johanson st�ted there were those of the Council who were quite f'sr a�a.rt Qa� t�.sir thinkir�g o�' �he reports. l�s. Greig inquired if Councilanan Jca3�anso� e�p�cL-ed �th� people f.o know what was r3�ht or wrong, that he had a dc�ubt in his nind and yet he wanted �h3s brought beioxe the people. Councilman Jah�.nson re:pliea he was very sure how he would vote ancl there was no question in hi� �inc. in icha•t area, that he sti3.A felt the City of Fridley would be �aetter o�'� ne����i�t�ng with Minn�apolis � l�.yor l��,e �:xp�.a3ned h.ia id�as on �he �o€ution to the problem and stateS ei�her T��.y k�ii1 �cYst mon�:y and all they were putting to the test is how to apend the �ncsney, tha� it is `coo eomplex and Fridley is evadin� their responsibility.' Cc��:nci�r,a.n Shexida�n explained he had �iven the sub jeci much thought aad it ha.s • � � Fage 2a. scsme �.dvantages and disadvanta.�g, this ballot thst Councilma�n Broak had su$- ges �ed wpu�.d r.:o� be binding tc� the Cit� Council although it would be direction to the m�m�ers o� the councii �hfl w�.11 'be on this B�.rc� a�er the Pirst of the year> Co�ne3'lm�.n Woik� stat�d tkae g,u�s�,ion was to be bxou�ht before the City Counci], on 'the 2].st of pctober o� t��e•tne� Fridle� wa.s goi�g to get into the :��5.>SBS,T3� �r au� of it and the Couttcil would h�ve to make up its mind one wa.y or �he �ther . ', �:oux�cilma� She� ieTan s�at;ed tha�t �n Purthe� answeria� Mrs . Gre3g, that the t3me �leraexlt 1oe�ween �ow ar�d the General Elec�io� w3ll �sot �3�ve the cvuncil ample tit� to prc��r�.y �.dvise �he people v�ti�� on it on �oth sides, that he could ags�es w:��h her that th� peaple didn't ut�d�rstand the problem and i�here are ' �as°ta ��' it each �ember o� the council doesn't u�dsrst�a.x�d as thoroughly as ' �hey wn�a�.d iikL to . R4rs . G��ig inquire� o� Councilman St�eridan if he thought Ia� would e�er be sble �o e��cierstaza@ th� No5v9.S.D. �ouncilman Sherida.0 xep�.ied that �very�3m� t�le Ciicy Council pu�� a question befare �che N:S.S.S.Do Bosrd. vl?�y co� b�,c� �rith � d�ffer�nt pro�oaa'� �nd i�' the pro�as8ls ketp coming, per- h�:ps they would cxt� up witlz giv3n� Fridley a11 of the sea�r3.ces %r noth3n�.' He i°ur�her �x�3a.�n�ci there wae quite a di.��erence in each p�roposal and this cGUld go s�n �or q�iite sorae tim�, �th�� the distriat has o�ligafi.ed itselP now Por iin��I g:t�ns arsd sg�eci�icatioas ar�d wo�ld like to get under construction unless �hey heve anot��e� paoposal.. Councilman Sheri.dan sta�d thet as a Council, the Dis�xic� Y� s never spelled these propcsal.s out and they �re pseswnedly not 'try- in� to s2a1 Fri�l�y this latest pxaposa.l� they hsd oniy atte�pted to se]1 F�rid- �ey an vhe o�i�irsa3 proposal. [lgs�n ��°011 ca1� vafi�� thQSe vo�in� ay�� Brook' Jcaha�asnn� Sheric�an. Opposed, �te�, �To:F.ke . RR�a�t�.on c�� 3.e�d . ', AID3�UR�N'I": Th�re be3n� tio �u��her bus�ness„ Ma.yor Ne� �ecl+�red the me�ting adjourned. �es�ct3'tally subm� ��edA �tae �li��>awi� Secr�t�r.y �o the �aunc��. �� oF�Y���� ��r�� ���r �� ���� Pc����� x�a��� a��o� �x� ci�r c�urre:c� �� �� ��� �� ��x�� � �rstic� is h�r�by giv�n th�t th�r� wi��. b� a Public H�a�i.n� ��f the �ity Coun�ii a� the �f�y of Frid��y !.n �he City Ha�:� �t b�3�1 Univ�r�ity Av��su� I���o �n ��ober 7, b963 in the ��r�cib �h�mb�r �t 80 00 PaMo for the �e�.sid�ration o£ th� fo7��.�w3ng rns�te�r: �or the v�c�tion mf the fa�Lloc�ing Stxe�te and A� 1,�y� d�scrib�d �� f��,l��ws o Q1�'� A�i i� �ha� ��rt c�� S�tt� �.v�nea� Pyiug I�arth �f �nd �dj���nt �� ����k �29 Hyd� Parlk Additioa, �nd �.�r�t+�d i��ew��x� th� �ast ��d W�s� 13]�ock �inee �xt�nd�� l��rtherity. � �2� A�� of th� ��,��y b�c�t�d in B]lo�k 32, Hydes �ark �ddition th�t P�i�� betta��n �h� �Fox°th �nd South R.in�ss �f �aid �B�iesck 32. QUti�l ity draiaa�g�e ����m�x�t rigi�ts ta b� r�t�in�d�j e �3� A��1 �f th� ��S��y�� �esc�t�� b�tw�en th� S�uth right �f r�ay �,i�� �f 58�h Av�nu� �a�d th� YQaa°th riCght �1in� of !��th Av��a�� �nd �����d in ��1�� �, throu�h � #���u�iv�, Ad� St���t Additi�no �Util�ity �n�t c���iaag� ��s�nt� �ight� to b� ��t�fn�d�,: �,�,R. af th� �bove �ts��t� and a���y� ara �,ee��t�d in ,��tion 23Q T�30n ��2�+� �ity of I�rid��y� Cr�unty oi� �ca��n St�t� �f Minn��otao �ay�n� d��iris�g to be heard with x+�farenc� to th� �bove ma�tt�x �k9. tsr� heard at thi� u��tiag, WS:��l�AM �T o 1�� MA7(OR . �sab�i�h� Sept�mb�� 25g �963 ��t�b�r 2fl �1963 �__ 3 � • � � r r . . � : , • . ALI ORD� UN�R SECTIO�t 12.07 OF T� CITY CEi�1R'l�R 1'O VACATS SZ�BT3 ADID ALLSYS 1�1�7�? TO A� APPSDiDIX �? OF TBB CITY CODT � �►e �ounc�.]. o£ the Ci�y of Fr3dl.ey do oacda3st as follawsa S�CTZ�N lo Fo� the vacai�ica�o£ �&a atre�ts a�d alleys described �s follv�►sa All that past oi 5�th Aveau� lyinq Noarth of aad adjac�nt to Bloc7c 32, Ayde Park A�ditio�, ar�d ; located ba�.w�en �.a� Esst aad West Baock liaes �i� �Vi Wi�.i��P � All of th�e all�y locat�d in Block 32, Hysle Park Adciiti�t tha� lios betw�en the Ato�th aad 8auth li.azes of said Block 320 (IItility drain�aq� easem�ut rie�bts to b� ratain�d) . All of tb� alieya locatod b�vre�n tke South =ig�tt of way lix� of 58th �v�uu� and ti� D�oacth right lius of 57t1a Avenus amd locat�cl it� Bloak� 1 t�r� 4 �clusiv�a Ad�ams Sts's�et Adc�itio�n. (Utility and' �raixiage ��s rights to b� retait�sdj o A�,1 iyix�g in S�icia 23. T-3Q e R-24, City og Ftid�l.�ye Couaty of Aiaokaa S�ats af Mlnneao�a, SE�T�O�' 2 a 7�h� said vaca�ica 'has been imad� a£ter Natice of Pu�lie �iea�:t�g iti canfo�mance �rith MLfnneso�a Statutes anal FurBeaant �o Soetio� 12.07 oi tb� Ci.ty Cha►rtsr �,d Agpen�dix D o� City Cod� shall be so amaadeci . PAS�i? BY �i8 C�'�3t CAtA�tCIL � Tfd$ CITY 01� FRIDLSY', TSI3 �! pF , i963o — Wi113.am J. � ATTBSTa C3:TY CL�fiRIt -� Ma�tvin C. Brunsell • Pt�b1.3.c Pdes�einga • Fitst Raadinqs S�coond Readi�ags Peablis�odo . � . e: 1 � s. _ • - ► Mc .� �r�, ; 'r ,:�: r ; y . , . s�. r., � ; � �.�� �i.�� . � M �: � w .�` . � +1 M► J �' 1 � � +is, r.z f. � � , ,. � - -. . . +' #� � � �. " ��.. �� - . • .� ��- .. . _r: •� • • ,< , ; , �K� , • s ,Y �, . � � , .: s .► a': •. . . � ;-i.:Ai�� • ,�a _ s _ �. .. . �f ` �� :�, w :� � „- . .. ` `... �i . ' .: .:.a�:. � . .. i ���,�.. :.. �r .�;� • ' ;'_ ♦ : �.•� ♦- � • � • • :.� � H�. � •..�.♦ Ai1. of Lot� i otatgl� 6 6 8io�k 2 a Fearsoat' 8 lst A�Id�,ta.oxt � P o S o#62-22 j l�'�ag iai tha Saeat�a ��.i.� (S�aj a� �eectioaa 3o T�30o R�24B ��� � �o �����a �� ���o Is l�er� desigaa�ted �o b� in the Zoan�d Di.stri� 3s�ia�a a� R�3A (t�,��,,�1� dw�ll�� o � � �� 3�, °i°fiat t�� Zox�� �is�arato�e ia dis�ed to ch�g� tl�o o�E��.c�.a�. �aaaiaig� mag �to sha�r said t��e� o� �� �� �c�d dis�ict C�2S c� �. �o�� ��8} �a �� ��.��t �u8���. ���� �� R�� t�.��p�� ����� o :!► ic:J:; • t' t" eE !' M► r �. � - �1���' � D�i�01't — Willia�a JQ Bie� ��T�� s ���' �7�RX� � Aiarv3� B 11 �, /7,-�d Pta�li.c ��Cia�gg �°iss� R�a� ��..�.? .%.�._ s�COnd at+�diA�qa�t`r�111.a���. 3�..--- � P6�s1j.�0000000S PLI�INTNG CC�SISSION �ST�TG - OCTOBB[t 1Q, 1963 Page 1 � 1, Th� �ting was callad to c�cdez at 7:30 P.Mo lo RflL� �.f T�,embers presen�� Jahansoa, Bandel, Rr�vik, Nagel, So Swaneon M�ube�c aias+extt a Thomgsau � others presen�; �igy 'Ms�ager Wagnex, Eagineezin,� AsBista�t Clark. 2a � 40 • 0 I�0'iION by .7ahaneon, se�condsd by Baadel, to approve tha Planniqg �o�issiva MiautCes of S�p�Y►ea 26, 19(3o Ugon� a voic� vate, a11 vo�in.g aye, the nnation c�rxiedo �8C8iV� I�ZNUTL�S OF PLATS A�TD SUBDNISIONS SUB T�LS 1�8TII�TG OR? ' t3CTf� 9 �, 1963 s ' I�iIQN by 3�asiel, a�ca�d�d by Johenson, to recsive� the P�.ats &' SUbdt�isfone Sub-Camiitte� M3nubee �f Qctabeir 9, 19&3e upon a voice vot��, all vo�iag aye, Ch� motic�n sar�i�le ' �IdBI,T� �TG o PRffi�NARY �AT ,�63-10 + 8& I�! il�l: o: Prese�t to discuss probl�ans in ccnnectian wi�h the �rali3nia$ry Plat �i:��iQ by 8& M�a�o�porat�d, were �tobe�?�`�i�i�cd, Mto & M�so Cecii Maal�m N�fl tx Mrso Llayd �xdiin, �ge� T3ass �d ��i Ao P$uisaao �o B3.rd st��,ted ]ais piaas �nd e�cglaaine�a� th� way h� a�rived at th� ee�lutiaaso Uttd�x b3.s p7.an, th� 40B IaC� aaa��d b� c�ivid�d into 14 60° ]lo�a, 2�nl.y 808 Iots} 2 c�n1y 76 � lot�, � a�nly 67 ° Io�, � oaly 78 � �o�a �nd �h� b�lance 6S°o Be�.e thi.s laad w�$ platted b�face the' �onin� sr.rdinanct, he falt this �rcauld meet P�,.e City requirements aad �i� ��� ge�aerai pa�t,arn of the ae�i�lnbc�rhoodo H� assur�d �he City of �he d�dica�ioas fog 7th Street b�twwe� 57th Avenue and S8th Aveuu� zvhi,�h zaau].d mak� a iEu11 wid�h streato A� thie gai.x�t, lqto aad 1Ktso ' r7a�la� �aud Mro aud Mre, Gudim exp�assed dieEava►z with tb� varr�satioa ' glam�d on S�th Av�nus bacauee 17° s�ould havs to be� va�ated at ans �ad mf �ha bloek se the �cpeae� of �he grop,�ty awnsY �lia wculd bear �he fiall burde�o �� � 1� o Paulsr� atated, in 'his api�aian, �othiug s�ops with tbe P���Y � With 608 late these haus�s are aat gaing to be of a ataa�dard that will uggrade the areao l�o A�ass exgre�sed apprwal af Tth Stzeet being op��d ug v ' The Plazmis� Ca�cmoieaian felt Che major problem +�ae lat sizeso ' �cx�riag the disaussion regardiu,g the plattiag ordinaace �laich stipulates 75° lo�s, I�iro Johanson stated that the� Plaaaiag Cammi.eaion shauld • acequire a 75' lot wherever there ie saough laad to xml� it ieaaible to d� soa � �lanniag �a�nission Meeting - October 10, 1963 Page 2 • It was suggested that no action be takea at this time sud carry' the prohlem aver to the ae�ct meetingo Mra Bird stated that he wouid' pr+�fer the Planaing Comniasiaa to eithea accept or reject the sub- mitted plate �� I� So 1�QTION by Jai�anson� s�s��d by_ Bar�i_d�t� t�.�Iose tt�e Puhlic H�arin� on Preliminas� PZat �b3�10 bv B��iSacnr�orated aad recammeud to eh� ouncil that this plat net be_acceptedo Upon a vaice vate, tlie m�tion -�� _.----- � .,_ _ . �� ..� -�- 1N5r, Bird asked for a r�ll ca11 vota whiCh was granted, xoil call: Johansoaa, �andel a�nd Rravik voted aye; 3wansan and Nagel voted asya M9eo Paulsasi expreseed his appraval of the actioao P�iBLI� iI�A1tING: PItELII+�INARY' PLAT �63-08 MABKAY ADDITION, I�:N N08D�7,�TG: 1�3�eo Kravik sead the �cerpt fro�an the Piats ancl SubdiLvislona Sub� Ccm�►ft�ee Miautes of October 9th pertaining to this ptelimiaary plat'' rahich st�ted Chat th�y etid not �ecammend appraval unl+xse rezoain,� is , ob�aim�d fims� so �ha� �e whol� p1�t is �crae� �h� sameo Aft�r s disaussioa� x�gaxding rezoning of th� land, the Pi�mi.ng Coc�issiaa felt they cduld ci�epensea wit�i rezoniasg at this tiraea If Mro Nordling, in ' th� fut:urep �requested a bu�ldiag permit which would require a differeut zoni�,g, h�: aould 8�k fo� rezoaing at that tim�sa ' 1�'�LON by Johan�oa, saconded 1 Ch�t th� Plenm�.ing �c�macissian a�cep�edo _Upon a vaice eo�e, , that tht Pub to the tooun�il �hat ths g aye, the a�tio� caxri 6o PUBL� �iEABYNG: PRELIi�INARY PLAT �i3�09, ADET.� FTBST ADDi7'ION, WAYNS WSZTBHILL: Mro Whit�hill was prsseuto 2�T�N Na el, s�arn.ded by Baadel that the Publi� Heariug be �� t�e Pl.an�n:ing� ssion recommead Ca ths Co4incil accep�an h�rel,�.miaar� 1P at ����Adeia Firs� Add�tiaao votiag aye, the �otiaa caar�ie a �� � ,� _a a 7o L0� SPLIT BBqUBSTe LaS. �`63w33 BD CHIES: Lot 2, Block 5, O�kk Grate Additioae 8, s LeSe W BD CHIESsLot 14, Block 6, Oak Grave Ad�ditiano MOTZaN hy Baadel, sacanded by Swanson, that t.ba Plsaain� Commissiaa _� �$ descrihed ia Yteaae 7 end $ an the P�ana��am 10, 1963o Upoa a voice vote, all vo�iug sye, the caxrieda -�___---- 9, LOT SFL�T RSQURSTo L,Sa �63w32, 1�S, BpBEF�T GLASSo Lot 7 and N'� of Lot $, Blacic 4, Sliaifer°s Fiset Additiano � � • �� � _ Plaaaing C�nissica itieeting • Octabar 10, 1963 Page 3 �..�...�. . It�n 9 Con�:inued: �� was the opinion of iche Cammissiaa that Chare ehcruld not be a waiver an the eide ya�rd x�quir�to the Plats and SuBdivisiona Sub-�ammittee and t Lot p it 3a32, Mrs a Itobsrt Gl�sa-��, �-� axid re 1 the at�araey a i�s o�%ss�,�`arT�Oe We e�r dated ` tobgr IOp 1963 statin� there wer� ao s�estrict ve cavs�asats whicY� __ wau7:d prabibit tlaa �r8usie�r of 50 o pr ses. � �- -- _ _.—.._ _ _ Up� a voic� vat�, the m�tiou caztiedo I�dxo Nagel abstaiued. l00 ?.OT S�'LIT �EQUEST: TR�1� C�IE'ANY INGORPORA�De I�TTON by Joha��n� sacand�d by_��d:l ta cc�naur with th+� P1�Ls aad sliviaians_S b-Co�ittee �eca�meadati+�n af �ber 9tho ��omp� sh..��uid��__c__]_.a__r_� the _1€►ts ere hous�s e�ist aad pay the . .�300�0 lot splitt fe� fox twc,.Yotso _Ugan a vaice vats, all votiug aya, n ca�cac e o _ — ii o �o�ixc xNg,u�r z zo� �63�ao �,Jffi� �CaZrrsKi s i�ts 1 throv,gh 4, Block D, �iv�risw Heigh�e, �x�e fro� Ral to R-2Ao • ,��� I.achi.nski and Buxc3et�e Wo B�, who represented Mro Iac�inakt, were presente Mro B�sgman et��ed �hat Mro Lachiuski wish�d �o bu3.ld fe�ur�pl�xes on th�s l�xtda It waa pointed out th� land arw+a was o�1.y larg� e�ugh ��r a dc�ble buvgal�ro Mt� Bergman th�n statad he fe�� �t du� �o the a �°cisl and �l�iple dwellis►g d�eioping ', r�].aug th� Bas� Ri�sr itnad ��his ase$, �t wo�sld juet��y thia type of �ra��i�o II � � N� acti�n was t�ak�ad Th� n�sssazy spplicat3.ca� for a Public ' kiea�ciu� on the matter ie yet ta be reubmi�ted by I+�ro Lachinskio ' i.2, RLZON�NG I1�QUTHYs ZOA �63��Is Rabe,rt Ho Schroer¢ Lote 33 thrcugh 42, Bis�ck 6, F�idi�cy Parlco 8exoae rsam 8-1 to Cpx, P�e�sent to d3s�uss this inqui.xy were Robert Schroer amd John Pa�rryo Mr. Sahxoer said that he talked to th� neighbors and so�no are againa� �h�s r+:zoning and some far ifie ' 2�o Rravik passed the gavel to Mre Bandela 1��OTI4N by Mxo Kravik, s�onded by Mra_Johanson, that the Plannit� Caaaiissioa xequest the Caunc o o n in a Joiat Meeting or a�eet s g __. � _�_�.. _ - �- - �Y.___..�__ __-_ - ��° e er eZ`�iC "�r, City Attora and--o�Fie-�r-in ereste C pers� or Lhe purpoae o�'s �I� more clear dsfining what constitiutes 1�_.a�s� zania�_ under th� e�ci,eting zon or inance; {2 iseusa�ng --= - - - �hose reasons �hat should be �onsidered in..�a._kia�reco�en t one to_the - - --- — Counc3.1 to change �UUe �_stiag °rdinance; 3 an consi rat on matte�s that may be of caacern in regard to glamling and saning. -----�---- -- - - . r � P9.anniag Cam�+issioa Mee�iag w V{�`��Y �0� 1963 P�e �'1' II i �i:�ITi I% (�'Oi1t�AU@Cl Y tiaae �ae xeca�d to ouncil. that final action ori existing zoning matte�s be tabled,_ zon �--aoa ers nv e considered until -- -- �ie abwe meet s have bec:n he _ and the polic es aud procedures ��+�* _ will zesult fram thes emee t�ii0.gs a�e ado�do Upon a voice vate, all _ _ _ _ _ �. voting aye, th� motion caxried, �9J'OU�4i'�NT o ' There being zio further business, Chaixman Kravik adjourned the �eti�,g �t 9 e50 P.Mp ' Respectful�y s�bm teed, � Hsz OeBrien. � 8ecozding 5ecretary � C� � � ��; � Z � • � �' I � � ' �� � `� � � � � ' I I S�.I�Z�+� ��� : � v i � � ��� ������ � ��� � � � � e �..�.•,�.w�. � ��� � ��� 4 � �� �� P�� �a � �. Ivot �plit ��3�►33 �d �i�$ � � � � � b � ��NG l03 — dU% IV/S/G3 p�Awrv r3 � 'O ��a�GKGl� iY" � � 1 / �' � y io �� 0 � � �/ i� _..__._� • S ,� � / '� �S ` .l �i �v �� � s {� ____I � � � � v � � , � � � � , r J ) _ _ �L ^ _ � 1� � ! E � � .K.G�I`t : d��= �0� • I+�+� Split �63-34 �+d L'�i�a � w V c: ?- r o v', f��181/,� �RAUJh/ ��( (,L� C1�h �K � L' �. � . _ _ _ _ � � �'� ___ 3� '�-j( . �; �OCU.G'� �.�d. �� �;t;� ir` ( f i � ���;. � � C��. Telephone 421-6340 �• C• V� �' q� � � G3 - LAND SllRVL��;� ��RS � . � � Anoko, ,�innescia CERTIFICATE O� SURVEY: , q(,7_12c,_34 MR3. ROBERT GLA3S � `, � _ �� '' -- .- -18i.58- � } ,� J � J � Q � .r �. O Z N � .� ; , � i N � � � � I-S-F W�uC- � 44.55 ; �� — ��,, ou T� 74 Z2 2• +� _ - - --- - — – 24 ---- – � 0 � .� N 4�.0 � -- -- - � . I ti� � a . ,` � `v � C) -181.25- -' i � N � � H W � � W� J " � Q LOT ? AND THE NORTH i�2 O� LOT J, BLOCK i� SHAFFER�S IST SUQUIVtSION ANOKA COUNTY� (NIINNf.SOTA � THIS IS A PLAT $HOWING TME BOUNDAR!ES OF THE LAND AHOVE DESrRieED AND OF THE IO:ATION Of All EVIID���GS, 1F A'4Y, TN`.i _°ON, AND ALL VISiBLE ENCROACHV�ENTS, IF ANY, FRCM OR CN SniD InND. NO li�EluTY i5 45SUMED FX..°PT TO IME HOIDER OF A MORTGAGE LOAN NOW BEING PLACED ON iM: PRGPERTY OR :.NY OTHER INTEREST nCOU'RED DY THE kEA50N OF SUCH A!ORTGAGE. R IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED NO M.ONUN,ENTS 4nv' BEEN PLACED FOR TME PURPOSE CF ESTABLISHING LOT UNES OR BOUNDARY CORNERS. DATE�J TH:S ( I TH . DAY OF ... _ tJU1.Y _. _....... A.D. 19� �_._. N. C. HOIUM ANJ A550 IATE5,�1NC. — � SURVEYORS � ./ / � . _ i . a_il�; } � _ _ _ ' �_ _ ._._ .... __ _ ... . _ �,,., 1�"••,, „ • ..;- ..t� �~, 4a NALL. •MITM. HEDLUND, JU8TER, FOROiERti AND M[RLIN ATTORNl�• AT LAW � oouau� ►�w�� /� p� a > > •IIOOYC[ �ANK �UilO1N• MMMAN �MITM �t�r y� �'v� •�O�i M�NYNO MINNlAPOII� J. M1MN[/OTA L.M�MAM�tMN�7T � f[D[RAL�•1��1 �s�»wwe�.rufs�w orFiat� �N: TM01M�� �. I011NlR� o��ta' W1lL1AlM MtAUN � COON I!A/ID■ I t��MA�Y M. �.AL�MAITM � � ,� e ta[l Wagrr, Ci.ty Maaa,ger Ct�l,� of 1►ridlsy ii� 1h�i�r�ersity Avenue X. E. lhridleT, Mi�sota R�: Lot Split llo. 63 - 32 Mr t �,�„ Coacernias Lot 7 and of Lot 8, E ock 4, `''- �- , ` Shaffer'e First Sutidivisian �.or s�rl; � I talk�d to Mra. Glass iy telephaoe an�d have su88eated that i� �et iafarmstiva fro� her pers�al attorney as to vhether or not Mi1[iaia�, on a 50 foot lot Mould be in violatioa of coveaants for t�s St�idiviaiaa. If tbe p�operty has no covanants or restrictioas, it;�a tp o�iaion that ths city after aa appzopriate heariag could al�r tba lvt�aflit asd s building permit for a dwelling an a !G ivot lot•. �� I of couree do aot knwr the physical circiastances, 6et t�w�uld � think tha't if it is cleaar to the iosrd or Che Caaanisaion, Lt�at tbs •plit ii not��ractical, they should mak,e such a pre- itl�as�uatica. 118ssj � , :. r�;a .�a Yours truly, � Y7r�a tl� + s. L i �� . 0 �� �,�' 41 ./ t, .f� N'{�✓~� ,'!. V r G�IK O. Wt�M�R JOMM SANft[ WEC3NER AnrD SANTEE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 2337 G[NTRAL AVlNUC MINNEAPOLI8 18, MINNESOTA sT�RUNO o-eaoa October 10, 1y63 In ree Rob L e St. ti.E. Fridley This is to certify that I have examined the abstr�,ct of title to the praaiees situated at the above address. That in addition thereto I called the abstr�.ct office of Anoka County and the register of deeds of Anoka County and made inquiry as to whether or not the sub-divided plat contained ar�y restrictive covenants other than for utilities, and was informed that there no such reatrictive covenanta. 11�y exam:ination reveals that there are no reatrictive covenanta which would prohibit the transfer of 50 feet of the premises. Cils jw , `�� �� � 0. Wegner � � � � �`_ - 42 �__ , � _°-- �`� ."""� �'i �� .N,�� .� ....._.�._: --- °..,,.' - - , t� c ''o a�'�; ( 7- � � � ` r.... ' � � � � � � � r� --�- �,� � � �� �- � , � �9 , � �- �: o �' �, � � ° .�.. � � a.q _ � a� d �._.�._....., --- �...... :,����._�,� - --��m�a.r�s �'ur � O i1°j �" � ' �` �t Sn� "�;;�:1 i \' � �� ����V �' ..- � }.. . ��j S t� .i �` � `� � � � � �� �Q��W �y �.� �� � C� � � �l �. t� � � � � � �._.._�.. _�.__ ��•��r< ��; 4 -- — , ,� � . �. w �,� � �� _ � � .� ..uv+.s.�*+mnm�-wn-.�.�rc. .,..,....._.,,.. ._...�..�......,.:...,..�,.. o..,e.._.w.�x�iaxsw*..w+xi�rimsc F � ...X.,.�.�...�r6 ,, t� j � � ('•. � +rj� i �. � r..� : ,,.:„�..�a..��..��...+.,v....�.,,..M..�.w.,.s....,,....� ,...,- ,..,.�Ka...�....� r�v_,:�,g'�....,......�..�...�.•� ..y 4�t�Sar . i� 9 � �.� � ,._ ..�.. ...� _.�.. , .__��___.� -- �� ;�" �v� . .�� � c < __.. � � �,.�,-�-�,_ .m.�.�. • -- � . ��..,�� - � i�y ti` .-ti ��.� , �� �ra � � ��� � �..J .._ w......_ .:...�.., ._ ...__._ _ _----ft � �..�_.....�..�Y.. � 4 j � ��" _ � ;�,� �, ��� C�1 � �c `,� C:i i � ,,,_ � r i--� =` .}. � ��....��....�....�.�� �-.- � --�"� ��� 9;;� ' .�...�...�.�.�„�..v.-_.��m_..�..�.,..�..� G `r w „� ,A�..x...� ,.��..,.,,..a......,...�.,�..�...s.... T_.���:.. �..� ;��..��._���.s �..T. _���. _�. ��...,. _�a�, ,� � � _.._� ....a.v._ � - � � � � � S1 ,+: � � `ti.{ f3 � �'� _ � `:�... �,�;�� ��a c � � �° Ui � G � �� . � � �,. .� � y� � t�i � � . . . . ., 6 � � ' , ' � ��, �,� �.__.______._..____.��� ---_ � �s � :-�'�--. . ,,, 91�` N i�: i � _ r �� � � � �-; 43 PLAMS ADtD 3LtBD1�I8IODt3 Si�-C�Q�TSS - Octab� 9, 1963 �'dae P�ee�iaa� was ealled to ardez at 9a 15 P.�i. IIO�L CALLa e ps�s�n�s Ra�a3�,%D Daai�3lson, Albr�t �?ar�rs pr�s�nta C�.�g� Maaage�c �vatgnaoc, Et�it�i�g Assis�k�t Cla�ko 10 ,�t3T sg �,?�.Q�� s� L��S. �3,�... �� t�2E� a Lot 2, S�.c�s 5 � tk'�k C�ov�a �s�,.tic�,. � : ,,�..-. _ -�`:c: ,r .-^. a ' .:-....r.': . .: ':. � �r.:'..• �.�,�a � .ti C. 6. �i. ' s:l� • ._�w..f�,�. i,.�.�. ♦ :ls s.� •�. :.♦:. ��.- 7�• •�� •�- ��� •.. �.} •. ° s. i�� � Y�' -�. ♦ • A �L 2 0 .�T� s.�.�.,��.._�T.��.�-.� ���°�� � E�.���= Lot 14, 81odk 6;, O� Ggove 1�icidifiiommo �Iti14 by A11�°e�t, s�o�c%d bg D�ielB+oiptzp �o =eaomme�d agPs�v�l. of �� lo� �plit o� Lat 14, Blc�ak b� _O� Gtov� Addi.'t.�.0i�o �i'�f�ci p�S��p - �!O dAlS � �MVi7�7i'g._ i�r��w. ����� �w �a �� w�l�irVt 1��16��r �4 �1'IO �A1�iq�i�l�i YeOt 7� N�$ O� LO� $. S�OCk 4s S�13f�!A�'08 18� 40 �$f?� by lD���I,8623te s@COY�Qd by ASbIC�C�Itv �O ]ClC�+d o£ �� l.�c s�l�.t o� I.ot 7��ax�th �s1f Oi Lo� 8, Bioc� �„ Sh����' � isi� 5t�d�.vis3.o�a m�1c�g �te �r lot fifty �e� is3 i�idt�L e.°oa�ir�g�i� u�p033 Mc8 A itc�b�st Le c�7.$$8 � S �tt . giv� t%�s C�.�y as�tax�ea 3m w��ti�g tha� tbe��e a�lr na p��.vat,e �ov��s aga�sist �aid �plit � Moti� passedq r , :�,, ily � � �- . �1, . t sj� ; • �e.1,t. . `.!_ i�I�t by Daia�.s7.8s,u�g s�co�ded by Albr�hfi, to recas�+d appsoval of sp].itti�g Lo-ta 4 stad 6� Bloek 1, SPzisS vall�y Addf�ioa3 into itise foll�tir�g �tlaat�ee lotsa 41� �'!�e Wes� 75' of tho sa��h i�a.i.f oi lot 6� �2) �tt Weat 25 ° of �-1i� aou�a �iaJlf o£ ],ot � �og��r with t'�� Sast 50 ° of fi�ae �aut�ii laal.f af lot 6= f 3, �li� Nasti� h�i.f o� lo� 6�rsq� �ri�i t� weist 25' oi �a� Nostth �.a1. � o� lo�t �4 �p� i�c Ncaac'th 2S " f.o� sts'�et �o • � Tred �c�aaa�y an�at s�PP�,Y � noac�h �5 •-� sts�t a�ud utility ��se�ut, aa.�o must sv�pply a� �act�,�i�at� of at�tv+ery �caoc � ne�+r ls�t � A�atio� pa+�sed„ �.�� �� � 44 BQA,�tD OF APPEALS I�SRTINQ MIIiUT�B - OCTO�'3BR, 16, 1963 �1+� IYIl91@'�'.� W2t$ C�.l� 't•0 0�13L' b]�' 2iCt.� Qla.��:l wfK�16Y' 8t. �l3� pa�o t�mnbe�s Frest�ts Me,�exs Abaeut: 3, � � weogl�c, Bvrsis, t3abacick Nawrocki, Gooc�cic+h •1� � � r � . • , • • • � �� r� i,i� - . �:. :� y: , , _. _ , � , � t • :. ��. M � � • i 4 � i �_�+ . �1.!' � _: __ : ai' • t�1:i LI : �..i,���.� 3:!,.�• �y. ►li�'�� 1� • :�.=.� Mrm Ro�enbowex aa�d Mrm and Mra. Joseph S. Riek�nbae�i weare psys�nt at t'�e meetitig . Mr a Rickenbaeh stat�d that be was p�eaomt to f3x� aut what was going ouv �ro Rosenbower stated that the garage would bs 22 by 2� feeta i�r. Gabrick stat�ed tb�t he thought 20 fo�t wid� wou18 3ae en�oucfhm N3ro Rickeanbac� aeked if this would devaluate hie property. T'he�ce was saae diecuseion on this v Motion by Gabrick to grant a o�e foot waive� of tha eide ya�rd sequia��mm�_ on Lo� l. -Clove� Leai S�co�d A�ttt� per��ing 1� o Rosenbowaar tto build his qaucag� wit�iir►`� ��io'�`�- f o ti�e 1,ot T�rov�.ding �at the saa�� fixa�ltlie eavea og tb� garage is not �xaed to run a� tYa� nei�bc�ar°s yard. S�c � Burr _ a vpon a vcics vote, -ther� b�ingr no nays, Acting c�a3rman �egler drelased �he �otion carri�d� � ��_i_::.� Z�ie�e beinq no f.-u�ther bus3�ness, Act3x�g Chairman Wegier decLsr�d the m��ting ad,�ourn�d, Respeatfully �ubmitteds t��rin C. Erunaell Actiryg serxetary to �he Board I',� � � �, 45 M(INUTSS OF T�IE FRID�.SY SAFE'1'Y CO�MITT&B ME�TING 0� OCTOBER 9, 1963 � Th� �eetin,g wae called Co order by �hai�man Wegler �t 8010 PoM, Memabers Pxes�nta Wegler, Bandel, �.�st�n, K�m, Szeg� Othea Px�set�.� � Ci.ty Ma.nage�t Wag�� �VAL OF MINUT'�S � S�P'1°EN��:it l� 1563 �o The minut�.s o:� r_he ��a�irag 0� Sept�mb�x if�, ].953 we�e app�oved as receivedo S+�AOOL PAI2KIN� � iT�GHTS a T'i�e �iCy T�anage� r�por�ed tha� the sr.h�a�. i� a�ti�pting �a mals� axx��ea�ts with No�the�n Stat�s Paw�r �ampany £or inst.allz�Cian of �ig.hta �Ln the higz.� school parkiag lotm P�SSIBI�B POLLtJTION OF RI�E �RIs�Ks A raate� s�1� �ras b�a�ght ta th� m��tin,g �o show the dis�olAxaticm and odt�r ia . R�.�� �zeeko �he ��l�y Mana��r advisecl tha� �ix� ��.ty h�d arec�:iv�d a l.etter froaa the S�ata Heal� Depa�rtmen� wh�.cb h�d been tuy:n� rnrer ta tlae �i�y Heal�h iaspector fo� a arep�r� o • TRAF�'I� CDNFUSIOPi AT INTSKSE�TiQLd t� iIA.�V�RSiTY AV�li3L� AND MISSIS3IPPI ST88E'r: Sev�a1 eompl�.�n�e have b��aa �e��i�r�ci ��i �e ie�.ctxtrl a� �tae ed�� o� t�e shoPP�B can�e� pa�°i�t�g la� ax► �%� �wzt%���a� ��r�:�; a� U��.V�;�°ei�:y �nd Misais�ippi Strtet �ara.�use�s s�rax�e�s f,:�z �.� �ey �;��,rntc ��� �h�.� �� � �3�vi�d highca�ya Ttiis �mstt�c w�as zef�z�rsd by �,h� �i� to �,�Z� 5�.���; �,�.g��r�y �d �ota��yr Brsade Sub-cc�amLtteas of this ��uanit�t��., 3IGN3 t?N b1AIN S2R�3"LT A�` �i0$.I�UN �ii�.'� : It wae ��ortc�d by M�so Sz�gda that the s3.gn st thie imt�xsectian was �aost offective. AYI'f?iN'�1�'S ; �liairmt�.i Wegle� �ppaiuted William S� Lintsm a� Chairman ai the �ity �t��et� Sube cvmm�.ttee, and Grac� S�cegda as G"ixaira�su af the Fubliaity Sub-c�oamait�@eo DT,S�i1SSTQN 4B MCDLl�iD �WPI�ATIV}3S �'BQPOSED SF.RVIGE STATT4N: 'Ti�e �o�.ttee discussed with the r�sidera�� the xeasaas for their ab,�ec:�iaas and th� residents slid voic� the fact that tiiey thought it wauld increase tTae traffic hszurd. �hairman Wegler appoin�ed M�anbere Kam, Sx�da, and Lintan to a co�ttee to rlrv►iew �.he plans aud report back to Che �a�itte� of the w�hole, anly on the esfety fsatos. Mro 8ober�, i2ro Snlbarg, aad �a Rnsae advised the �aomnittee �ha� theq wauld �ut with thesn at the M:Ld1aY►d afficea �►f Mxo Torrey a� �i.daq, Octabe:r 18, 1963 at 5:30 P.M. � i�lINU'1'�:S aF Tii� FBI�LEY SAFSZ3C �C[�fl�RTl'SS MBBTING OF O�TOBSR 9, 1963 {Continued) • iV.�Ylil 4:�1iWCrJ.A.LYV °e rr�am.�r�r:�.x Ch�ixxaax� Wegl��c a�nx�.oun,ced Chat• the x�xt mee�ing wauld be held at the PYidlay City Hsil ae 8 P,Mo am W�esdey� October 23, 1953a [.1iA7�iVS+L`LL.A3iL�l�i e° T'n�r� b�:i.n� no fv.��ittx i�usiness, Chaixman Weg�.�r declaxed the me�tiag adjaurnede ��s��ctfully s�tnnitted: Da.�.�xi„s �a�del Se�re�aary �o �h� �ansniCtee • • . � �� �� � . u�►��a�I �a� I � �W � 4556 NORTH COUNTY ROAD 18, MINNEIIPOL�S 27, MINN. MA/N OFFICf: 533-2222 FfELD OfF/CE: 784•O%O u u �_....-.� .__.,...__ October l, 1963 Honorable�`l�yor and City Council 6431 University Avenue A. E. Fridley, Minneaota Attention: Mr. Earl Nagner City Mana.ger Dear Sirs: �:. _ 4'7 TOP LOCATION$ BUILT TO SU1T LEASEBACKS I i3ave an industrial building located at 7230 Old Central Avenue �hich I am offering for sale or leaee to the City of Fridley. The building, located on three acres, has 13,000 �quare feet of floor space on the firet Ploor and there can be another 6�+00 feet on the second fioor. The price of the building for sale� sa is, is �88000.00. If the village vould like the building finished and would like to leaee it, We uould lease it Por 80 cents a Bquare foot on a net net basis. I have a coup�� of contractors that would lease portions of the building if the village wouldn't require all the space. Mike Haftier vould lease pa.rt oP it. I alao talked to Montgomery, he shoWed interest in leasiag a small portion. The reason the building has not been completed, is we didn't know the requirements that a leasee might vant. Feel free to call me if there ie additional information you would like. Sincerely, � �..%�� Roy �erson Minneaota Industriel Parks, Inc. SPECIALISTS !N INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES � t� �'� f� , � 1 r I �. ;1 . Ootober 8, 1963 Nr . Esrl l�agner City 1(anager City of Fridley Fridley 21, Yinneaota Dosr 1[r. Nagners Pnrausnt to your requeat st our conver�atioa at October 7, 1963, I snb�it th�e following proposal ior the pnrchsa� oi onr property at 8441 Univer$ity Avenue N. E. by the Cit� oi Fridley. Pnrchsae price of �50,000.00 to be e=ercised ia the iollowia� aanner: �b00 se option �oney by October 31, 1988, wonld give the City an tzclnsive rirht to bq7 natil Deceaber 31, 1983. The balance oi �79,500 to be payabl• at the rat� of � on or before January 1, 1984, and the laat � in not �ore thsn two eqnsl psysanta paysble by Dece'ber 31, 1964. The =b00 wonld be forfeited ii the sele ie not ezerei��d b� Decenber 31, 1963. ?here could be ilezibility in th� t�r,s. For ezanple we hwve a balance oi about �19;000 lelt on the firet aort�age with nonthly pay�eats of ;209. Yon ti�ht asswde that nortaa�e. It is also po�sible that a nesthl� contract could be worked ont if there is a•niiicient do�rn paysent io tbat .r� will hs�e •qnity aoney to build uot}rr buildina. If it is dssiron� of �ad� oi the subject the City oi Fridley to ha�e property th�y ar welcome at 9i ely, I,�on 1[adaen, Prea 1[ad�en Realty, Ii�c — -�- � I • [XOUJSIVt 1�ll�f/�MTATIVt r'OII MADSEN REALTY. INC. E. � M. DEVELOPMENT CO. M41 UNIV[MITY AVt. N. t. ���M�. A� �� I FRI DL[Y 21. M INNOOTA ��,T� -�w�� T��O�'� w'� ��A� rwOratTY � • • � October 18, 1963 Mr . E=rl Wagner C i ty Nlanage r City of FridleT Fridley 21, Mianeaota Mr. Wagner; I a■ �rriting t�is letter as an alternate prop��al to tl�e lstter outlini� teros of an outriabt �il• et our building to the aity. After co�►sidering the posaibilities I ba�� co�� up Mith follo�riag altsraati�es. 1. The citp could lease, for not less thaa 2 yeara, t�e S officea aAd receptioi ar�a i� aouth end cf the buildin� at a rats of ;s00.00 per nro�th includi�� �rater, heat, el�ctriaity� air corditioei�6 and janitor � saitt�tase�. (or) 2. Laase the entire upstairs area on th• aa�� ter�a aa above far �700.00. In either case Z Mould rrant to saiCaia aa offiee t� carry on a ho�e plannin6 and liaitsd real tatat� bn�— ineaa in the longest r�+�at room ia th• baa��eat. I wo uld uas the lower r�ar eitranc• to thia eftie• acceaaable by a stair�r to be c�satrnsL�d oa tY� Nnti end of the b�ildin�. The kitchea facilitiea rronld be a�ailabl• to tb� included ia the abo�s �eetiozed proposals. Also are two roo�s ia aorth end o� the basaant tha� be a�ailible to the cit� at a reat fi6ur� to be upor� need. Yo t�u1Y /� •ot Madse• MAD�EN REALTY. INC. iMl NNWtIMITr AVt. N. t. RRIDLLY !1. MINlIdOTA T/Lt���OMt M�f�M Qit� t��r� Msnld � �a��tiat�d snaa�.ws �.�..r..w.ivs .rw E. � M. DEVtLArMENT CO. 0�1/Li0/� AI� �1� M I�I�M'TM►L - AMMI�ML 1DIOI�:w1�L /�Tr 4g R . M�raM�� • i '� �N f �.� : � � � �, �.. IN [OMMYMII� 0,+,` ��r; 50 PEARSCJN HOMES, INC. 801 SECOND AVENUE NORTH - MINNEAPOLIS. MINNE90TA SS40S p�IOtlC: 3%%-55Z0 October 9� 1963 City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N. E. Fridley� Minnesota ATTENTION: MR. EARL WAGNER, MANAGER Dear Mr. Wagner: Enclosed is our check in the amount of �500.00 as eacrar money for the engineering of improvements on ?9th We,q N. E. We understand this $500.00 will be refunded when final i.mprove— ments are made and the property is taxed for same. • Also enclosed is owr check in the amount of �105.00 which is for park purposes at the rate of �15.00 per lot. As you will recall We deeded over Outlot Z� xith a total area of 7.1 acres� and this is valuable land on the river� also� Outlot 2, with an area of 2.I� acres for park purposes. It was our understanding at that time that this would take care of the entire addition. However� in order to ezpedite the recording of the new plat I�m sending the $105.00 check and if this meets with favorable Council action to waive this amount you can return this �105.00 check to us. � SGP f sba Enc. 2 Yours very trul,y r S. G. PEARSON C, INC. c/� S. G. Pearson� Chairman � � OCT i n 1463 CITY OF FRtDLEY BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS - INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL �, �. � �� � ALLEY VAC ATION — South 360 feet block 12 Plymouth addition Fridley 21, Minnesota October g, 1963 Earl Wagner, Manager Mayor William Nee Fridley City Councilman Gentlemen: This letter is bein� sent in th� hope considerable time and effort might 'be saved by all concerned with this matter:, We,the undersfgnad residents of the block involved, would li.ke to bring to your attention our reasons and feelings for the alley location remaining in 3ts present state. Please note attached plat of block 12. T Main Street is a County Road designa.ted and designed as a tr�k route to serve the industries along Main Street. A. As such 3t carriee considerably more traffic than do norma� residential streets. B. We realize chiidren shauld not play in or near any �treets, but especially one like this. C. With our large 80 foot by 130 �oat lots conneoted on the rear without any danger of thru traffic to the children, a safe place to play is assured. D. The closest playground to this area is approxi.mately two blxks north. With the namber of pre-school children invo2tred it is not rea8onable to expect them to play there tirithout the constant supervisivn they require on their own blxk from all pa.rents inac�lved. II Please note the number of garages already ezisting on this block. A. At the time their buildings were placed the allep was not vacated. By choiee these persons declined to plan a rear entrance thru aa alley to their proy�erty, knowing fuily the City does not develop alleys nor maintain them in an�► manner. B. Just as a matter of informatian, in the years past during the winter the snow is so deep where the alley was, the gaxba.ge truck could not driv�e thru� mucfl less a passenger vehicle. Also in the spring when tb.e frost is going out, you know what happens when yon drive on dirt. Ruts result that stay there ha].f oP the summer to make mt�i pu�dles every time it rains� to say nothing o� the nusiance and dirt, that we already hav�e an abundance of. It was only a pa.rt-tia� a11ey at best. �.. �. _. "�� III We feel the vacation proceedings by this council when the alley was partially vacated followed the due course of law. With 3ustice being shown to the ma o t of the persons involved personally with it. , A. We sympathize with the inconvenienc� o v that this action iihia�* have caused two familiee on the north end of the block. There need not be any more hazards involned in gaitting entrance and exit to these garages than others elsewhere. There is ample room in both c ases to turn a car around on their own garage approaeh and the part of the alley not vacated without hazard to anyone. (Ret�oving yotir car from a parking space on City lot on covncil meetiag night is far more difficult.) IV Several times during the eourse of Oetober 7, couneil meeting regarding this subject, the thon.ght was expressed, "Maybe we made a mistake in taking this actfon." Gent2emen let us assure you that no mistake was made on your action! On the original petition about two years ago, the request was denied on the grounds;it would be unfair to the two families who had buflt garages on the alley�to be denied aecess to them. When we inquired as to what recourse those of us who did not wish an a11ey had, we were advised by the Planning Commission and concurred by the City Council to staxt proceeding for partisl nacation if we so desired. This we did. The Planning Commission fanored this, and so advi8gd t,hg council. As elected representatie�s of the citizens of Fridley, you did �ihat was in the best interests of the majority of those immediately concernsd. Th3s t�as taken place by dus process of law. Upon recommendaticn of tha planning coamnisaion, petitfon, publie hearings, publication, elapsed time, recording etc . We previously mentioned th3s actfon probable does cause some inconvenience, altho nothing more, no hardship8 have been imposed upon anyone. It is felt by this group, the safety of our children comes prior to the needs of �i ,mifio�►3ty, for a convenience that is rapidly being eliminated in modern day plsanin�. We wish to thanfcyou all for your time and effort regarding �his. The only mistake that would result in this ma.tter would be revexsing your previous good work. Yours truly, CC . Ra,y Sherida.n ( see a#tach�nt ) _Ben Walke Glen Johnaen Peter Brooks � �� 53 _ �'��. � i �63 ��. o c � � �. �.� �,�aE�r r � �' �o�'�u,P�P��1/� u/ L�j���2 Tia C'��� �f��c�q/s � / � .���,����.���� �' �C `��, ; �, �� �0��y-� r�. � v/� ' �ik.c�i YLL�— � �� �� d �ii��. �� . � � ��-.,���i��� . , , ,� f �l".�� �� r.�� ,- v�.� j��-� ' /�G�'�i ixG,��• � �-rc.��/u �%�i�_ �'i%�-�i2.: /��v�ru:�il� �' C��o-t�c� �� � %� c�dr�SS ��'�o ,�`�' � �- ��,� ��� ����=,� ��. y��.� �r,� ��� � �� � �,�.� .� �. � �6�'3 .�i�i� .,� �- � ���-) ���� ��� � �(�' ._`_, ( i�cc.,�„� `_� �� ���� ��a�� � �� �}60� -� ;�5�. �?E. l.o r I/ �$ � 7 f� � �� �� l3 � �� �� /� � /% �-/ as �� I y- _ ,,_. _1 � � �J � � _� � �. � � �'". 4�, . �.;' - C, ' � � (� !. � _. �. . � i l 'K �; � ' �w; �. i \ fj '`�. i � �` -� ; e ��,, ` �t � . 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C,�,5.��2t� � �F'o+t"35.,$d'C� 6'7:L`0.3J �D�'i,p.Y.t.ne .:.�:`P`*na+2S. .LbB'8� � S �:a�{,ttV3?'� 53.1 � � � s� �������� ��� n������ ; ;e��.r� � s��^��; y ,� �, '��� o��� �����L�,��,c+n �����d �y, t�� Cit� Coe�ci9. on tha 5th day � < .' :�'��'�°����e�° � 1 �6�; � �� �� Reso�.u�;ton �To � 1� 7��9f�2 cva�cerning __ �`���:�., �. ��.a�.�+� ��r:�,� ��.�.t�a� a w��� �ad ha�s �� e�►lc�y�see en�lpyed � � ��1�� ���.�.�.e���� �'�i.c��a��a� ���� (t����S�.�.�s� � �.� �a x�e�d o� a��aczclm,�nt and ex-� :��.�; �;i�:�� �':k,t,r;� � �� �,�-a�.�:��.�.on r���� ga�a��%%d �v� �r���i�.�y ixs Arti�le �LV . ��,<���� :�°�� ���.t?���.�t�:s�w, �i��` � �'��?�F�i� o��T I�.�LV�A ��r tlie C3.�:y C�ouncil �t Resolution ."vi��� ��7��1���� ���.�►,�,.,���3.xAg w�ki� eoa��1���,o�sQ wagass and hau�s foac �loyeer� ��a�? �+«�� �a�r �,ka:� �������.�a3 Liquo� Stes�� �agf�Sale) b� i�er�b� amended as �:�a�:lc��t�� ������: A�t�I� V��� �f:i�� �c�r� � o1E �To�ks �x��� a� i�o those En�l�ees w�ase � e�����.4� ��� as A��is�at �o �hhe Mana�e� c� Sv�rvisc�r �°�� P��=,a���+ '��.� � e�� ��,e�t �� aau3 mas� b� �$ �e�cl upou and �a�.;���y��y� Z��r �.�::�,� c`���.��r ��x� J���,a�� �.'�� x��x�� �o:�k �re�k of a11 �°�����a.����� �����.� �°.���,��:� �u:�������+��a� �'���.�, �� � �x �, ��.r�, ��: f��o� :4�4 ��:,;:��.� °� ��• �����:.. vB.Y� �. � �.�� � ��. bac� �TT�. ���, .� �, �:ia�n �'k�d i.a� �_ �r�a Ya��� c�� ,��� �`:�'w°�'��� _:�:+�� �.��a��� ��...� �t�� ����.:� 3�� ��3c� :f.o� at t�e �ti��, �N P. .� �,�.�.�°� � ,� �:.� �,��� ���.:� � �.?�� � ���>��a� �:�� ���,�°�°�.'L��,�; ��ax� i��:�7�y ���tea ���.�s:�.��;'� � �b:��,��;. r;:��..at��.�s.s�� �� ��;�ta:at�:i.� ,�,� ��,���- ���°��� ���.: .��e �r�s �%al�: 1�� � ..���� �a ;�a��� r,��;�. �=��� � � �,3��� �,��� �..,:�:t�� ���a� ���,� -�;c� �::��a�,� .�.�� i?,�:�°:1 ��d� #:�� r. ���.<� ��_:.�;;u:�� ���,,r�s; �a��.c� a� �� �����si Q�:� ����r � .�a�x ����y���: ratao p��- ��,��:��� ���:��.; :��°$: ,�.���:;��d�r.r��� ��.°� ��� �;�a��x� r��� �+�.�a�u1.� r�� �,ax�: �ix:;}�� 'wi��°t °a �.:�r�;�'���`�,;�' ��°�;:a,'��.���a�cx �aca?����. ,���.�� �� �e'?!�^�� a ��eal� �'�.°:t�. � w� ��� .�;�h�;,:�,�}��e:�� �:�-a�� �� ����a.� �,>��.�a �.� ��1.�a��°�s� ��e� ��fc�m we�:�k ��;�::� � ._ . u�-�� ,.� ��:�' ����,�� ,:,��,.� a► �����.�'� �.���.�� �����:° � s:�c�a�: ��c �.sa,�a��°�i �>> j.�,'�tihx %''�f;.' �,.;' ar$�.=��.• f�1'2 .�.±:�c�V�?" �?� �+,��k''k�:,°f� C?'�' l'.D�£:r�'.:�'i�k�'�>.�31«� O�" �� �',�b �1� �,,.�< s�m �� T�� �xT,� �:���a�>:a �i�:� � �c� ��":�,� ���' �scs�:�� �.� ���s� -�o bs� '� :r �� �.. x ,��. � ��,=:���:�����, �'� �ae,�M����.��,r� �� :���.-���� k������ ��a� ��.�� ,���r�� x. r . ,� ..,.� ` ���, � �a;��r.€4 � �a�s� �a.�'�' :�F..�� ��..�.���� �a��,�.. �:� ���1,c���a �°.. � �. �. °�°� •;�x��� � ����a�� 3: ��* ��a .•�.�t� ��.�°a ��A�.�� c��;� �.�.�.�� ���o�.:�:�� � 'n��a� ��c��o� �;•::,s � � = m F a�u �.�. �. ��:�x� ��s� ��c� ��� i��a.�,��� °'��� �.� �� t° �.���: �o ���a �i� �: ����� ,� ,_ . �bi:: �.�3:�� �st�'�t�.;�'����:. � � � �a�����:��� �aa �c�� . p� ��f�cm � a �le��s ���s & stc��n �.�� ART=� �� RA�ES mF �'13�1 « +�i� S�gfi.�ab� I, 1563 44 8o�ax's �.�. � � � �.Q/�a�c � 2 m �t�,,,�►_a� � 1 a831h�u� :� _ � 5`7 • ��.s �����tae� s�l�. � ef��.� as �f s� R, I963" amfl ���.�. � 3� i.a� ��. ��c�s �l ��f�� ����.3. � 310 29�4 Q � sha1.1 ��'r� i�a �`a��� fc�"�� ��� �c� ��� �� ��� �t�a�� t� i�.�.+�� ��:���� �ra�a��� �.� ���r�� �� ��.�.� ,��� ���.�• ���� ��s ���e� �cr c�r :��, � �.��� _ c� �..� �,� ��� �������° � - � �._�:.��a.��-_� _�. • `'', -.;.. '�:..' f .:.�;F: i1:?P .�:. r ,t": ��;"_.. s 1!.:i ��� , �. �z..� , ♦� d",# ,. " +.;♦ y.y'� ; r " �' �'' .. �'r� ,. $7: '.. 'K . �! ��_. .. i ;kt rf �.# t '� � � i :" � , � :1' �, � �.. - �. . "' 1►���Y 1 1: �. ir ' i,3i. !' 1 ,�S�S <�.9.�L Fr a AO�a��J. a �e.b i i ji1�W�' i�i1 C�TY' 4)�' �'R�LSY, �SOTA B : �....,,. �.� "ra�.11�.z�nD Jo i�ie�, �it'OR • S, C. SMILEY & ASSOCIATES ^ R c" /1. I. /1. 3Utit 1! • 17f0 MENNE►IN AVENUE . MINNEA►OLIS �, MINNEfOTA D�fi . Conrn. Na : h�oj�a1 • M«no �r . �r�nf . MEMORANDUM 11 October 1963 G:: �. V LJ I T E C T S M. R A. L G • fE •.�1f7 Fridley Fire Station Program -$50,000.00 Budget Meeting with Chief Hughes & Fire Dept. Representativea 10/10/63 S. C. Smiley Chief Hughes, Fire Department Representatives, S. C. Smil�y (Future) �'uture) (Could be by the City) (Future Budget) � - Add 3 bays. - Add Hose tower. - Add 10= to rear of the buildiag at least in the new buildinq if we can�t make it in the old building on the Budqet. New addition would then be 70� deep ±. - Would like new rewiring of the old building. - Would like new floor in the old building. - Need new 2" water line to be brought in. - Would lilce fluorescent lightinq throughout. Preaent lightinq incandescent and inadequate. - Wiring needs complete recircuiting when possible for the entir� station. - Provide foot entrance door to the east whereY esent hoae tower is. - Provide foot entrance in south wall. - Brick face building if possible. '�i 14 1�i - New height to be about 14' in the clear. f��_� �� ! 4 � --.. -.,, . . .� - Unit heaters as necessary. - Plan to get the maximum�shell $pace possible naw and finish it out in future building budgets, such as offices, toilet rooms, tiling, interior, etc. �.; �, 59 � Page #2 - Fridley Fire Station - ll October 1963 - Must have drains under trucks now. (Future - Motor operated doors bptional. Budget) - All doors to match if possible. - Windows to be casements or crank out type, probably al�ac►intan, but an inexpensive unit. - Concrete apron to match the present - roughly 30' nbw. - New hose tower to contain present alarm system. - Provide hook up for hose washer across the back of the new building. Request of Mr. Earl Wagner as per meeting with him and Chief Hughes on Tuesday, October 8th. Present at the Council meeting Monday evening, October 21st the following informations 1. The Fire Department program. � 2. A program for work within a$50,000.00 budget. 3. The entire program and what it would cane to if over the $50,000.00 budget. 4. Our fees for doing the work. �1 i j�s F+re Phone SU. 4-4242 � Fridley Fire Department "�{onu of �nEssnatlona�' �Lntfovn d�/(at�ln9 of �nva�td's �{orrui � 6431 University Avenue N. E., Fridley IMINNEAPOLIS 21, MiNN. Oc�ober 18, 1963 Honorable Mayor and City Council Cit� of Fridley 6�+31 IIaiversitp Ave. A.$. Fridley, Minnesot• Gentlsnen: ��...rt � VO s�. w,«,. su. aaa�o T�e Board of Trustees or the F�idley Volnnte�r Fir�a�na Relief Associatioa at a apecial sseting o� Octoberl5, 1963 l�ac�� instrncted me to ieform �c�n ef the villingness om the part o! the Reliet' da�ociation to meka a laan fros the 3p�cial l�a�d ot � this Association for the purpose of constrncting additi�nal spao� to the present Fire Depart�ent qneirters. At the co�renieace of the Conncil the Board of Trast�ea t►ill be happy to meet with yonr body and set up tha aecessar� proceedia� s to accomplish this laan. �c Earl P. W�gner, Citq Manager � Respectfully Taars� R ert D. Alari h� Pr�sidea� Qolunte�r Firemens Reliei 1ssc. � c�,A��s � � G�mm�ral Liquo� Public �Tt�.li�i�s 1143 �ough 5?l3 t�acotx�h � 61 1253 { � 5780 Q�' � 2874 through 290� (��-}� �0 • � � � �:� �.� �2 �°:.�"�`�C..�'�,.�,.�� ��€� � �'���'3 ��J' '� �.�:'.�°X' �C�Ti��+G`�Ta w^ ��1��: ��.p �.363 ��s�;c�� �xxaa� �7aY�.�e Y�� �' ��t�1.�,��,� �.�s�z�.:.��t;�'� `�,�r� ��tt�.'��' l��i�.� x��p. �����sa�.�.�u �i�.��o�a a5�3� �3��'��3 �� � S�'�.� S�n7�" +'�3t� ��i�� ����v��a� ����t #55 ��t��e #�o— water a�rov�nt �o,�a�c� �s4--x Estim�i�� �3 — san�.ta.� �� � W�►�� �ravm�xx� P��,��t #63 �s��aai�a #1 �- S�oxm S� Im�xav�n� pga,� � �� ���� ��s� c�n� � $ 393025 3�4025 661e25 128.25 $1,577000 P�ca��� � s���� � �.��� � �a ����° Fr���� � w���� � gv�.�� ��.��x�u��,�� z��� ��o j�— s�#��� ���� �,�v�ac 120�►� � 5��a �,ve��� se�ra� B Pure Aiu Reat 8czme �►�°��� �� S��� � ���c'� � �c�d�i.�.c��� (d�a�a�� � C���.) �, !� � s3 S ��ST (� �ON'�RA(o`T�Ra' ��C�ATS�S �3 �� APP`fiKD�1� �`X �OL?i4���.� ��3�R 2� � �,96� BXCA��ATiD�GG Pu�cc��l. (�cra�tx�u�tion �do 603X Pi�Y,�bu�ey Avenur� Y�+dinnaapoi.is9 Minn��at� %y� l���d Pur��:�.1 I�W �� I • �AS S�R��S �ruce P�.umhin� �a�mg�nq �7�►7 �win ��lt� Av�nu� �Iinn�apo�.is 29a Minn��nt� GEP�RAI� �1�IiA�bR �fl.=Hub �uii�d�rffi � Yn� o �►�.34 Z°ho�m��s Av�nu� ����h Mi�a�ago�. i� � 2 8�qinn�� ot� �ieh�rd C�st�u�ticm �a�� 80 W��t 8oad �i,rc%� Pi�� w Mina�sest� H�AT�IQG 5t�ndazd i���ting �exapsny 4�10 W��t �,�k�: Str��� 2�nn�rA�s�l�is � Minn����� M�1SO�lt� �ame� �o �ouv� 18524 C�nvingtcm I�exd flopki��a Minnesot� iS�EiS��I14� C��rrg� W, Y�ea�vgre�a �c Se>ns 5900 Wi��onsin �i�e�e Mima��go�.is 28a P�iinn�sot8 1'�,UI+�It1�GG Doy�+� � O'�ri�n Pllumbiag, �nc . 28�7 �a°��n Av�nue Scuth Aiinaze�p¢�llie � Minn�at� bys D�ib�rt �ru�� byo �� �� �i�tri�h tsY a Ri�ha�d P�t�r� on. byo �'�ay �'r��g��ra bY o James `�a�uve byo G�orge Wo Lovgr�n bqe Ch�r�.�� P. Dcsy'�e N�W I�I�WAY. R�NEWAY, , �;� ? �W I�W �WAL �� � � ��J � v \' ANDREW G. KOHLAN Attorne� and Coun�eloe st Lw 72d MIDLAND BANK BiJILDINa MINNGrOLI• 1, MINN[iOTA FIDtRAL �•467D s•ptem�er 3, 1963 1 � � � Y TOs I�r. Earl P. Yap�er, City I�asger, City of �'ridl.ey aafsrenc� copiee to CITI COI�CIL: Dear Sirs SEP 6 196� ■ flL���„D �plw� lT Lsw Nith rmsp�at to the proaNdins of ,lr�rid E. Carlson & sons, Ino. ��s. City of 1r'ridl�y, atteating to tbe �alidiiy af �he provisi.o�s c►t Q�dia�a� lTo. 213 and O�tii�nce No. 22�, rslatiat to ayl:tiple dMSllings, a ooP7 at t� �� ia att�ched hereto. IIpon r�aaling the Order it ahon].d be not.�d fi�t thi aart d�terntn�d that th� Licanss iw aa prarid�d i+�as on� 1a�alid l�arae� i*w�a low�d�d npoa a a�thod ot ia�p�etioa ti�at �u its�lf ie�nalid, au�'1 tist tM inap�oticna as allorrsd �+�sre an imnaion of privacy aad s�ainat the oo�astit- ntioaal righta of th� owner aad oacsupant of the prssi�ee. lccozdiat7.�, it the CitT Conacil d�sirs� to ,alce � charge for ihs lice�as r►ad iaap�etiav pro�idsd for in the Ordinsace� then the inapsetioas to b� �ad� ot tb� p�enisM ar� and suat be aad� in s manner that i• aonatitntianal. Lfter atuc�ytng the cases cited by ths Court in ita a�oraodmt, aod • upon t�lllch the deciaion of the Cc�urt tias msde, and other deoisions rslatias to the satter, I am �p►eelf satiafied that inspections cannot b� a�sa� at �mar�uoo- abl• parioda of tia�, arbitrari�� uarsasonabiy, or aapricio�a�� aar is an� My► as invadea the prirscy of the o�+ner or ths ocoupe�at ot the pr�aiau ud 1�ia riahta age�inat melf-iacrimination aad thet the information to b� r�osi�ed aod the inap�ctiona to be msde ahould bs obtained ♦olnmtari�j flraa the o�r oe xaup��t or oaly upoa an ord•r of the Court obtainsd atier h�sria� ther�fae. I ha�•, sccvrdinaly, r�drsft�d for �rovr posaible use snd ien�tit ths tMo sff•ated sectiee�a of th� Ordine►nce. I votald certsial,y sug�sat tlaat t.ha� b� sut�mitted for conrnent to the pr�sent Cit7 ,L�o�iiT. Ia u� reat� it ia • mntter for the Coancil to determina rrhether or not ar� turth�r as�Lsata ahould be aade to thia Ordinance. 1Y Thia memorandm� a� ��pamsihte aa�ss�wcta are sniasitt�d as a part of t� ca�l�tioa of thia iatta�. Th� atat�■isnt for th� e�r�lees r� relati�s to the Coart prxeedings ia this me�ttsr do�e not iaclnd� ths t�a� apeat on this n�e�aorandwa or theae possible amen�snta aad the ws ar� oi'fered �ol�antaril,' snd xithout char�. _ Youra trn�p, � �. . . • �� � 65 �� _. _ 3IIGQ,EgTEp 1�T9 s lti t�iDIN1NCE 3F�CTICl13 49.01.5 1ND JI�iDII� T� 49.052 l�BOlr • as�r�c To �rnrs �t.n�s, arn �IP,I. C� OF THS CITt �' 1�'RIbLE�, ��? �t'OlI11SD BY THL� C TT7f OF FRIDI.II ,/3 �I.0�9 s S�C. ls TiNt Chapter 49 of ths ldnnicipal Code of 1�Yidley be a�snded �� that 8�atioa /►9.�45 thereof hereafter read as follen+st "8eo. 49.Q45. The �►nneaal fse to b� paid lr� �he applicant fo� tb� cost ot the licsna� and t.he issne thereof and tiN administration of the th�dinance� including ths coat ot inspeation rsqnired and prc�►ided thereto i� in the sinimurn of � for snch mu1.t3:pl� d�+ell.ing for tithich ya s Iicense application 1� anae. In ad3lticn thereto� tor �ach dwslling uait ia e�co�as o� aoted in se�id ap�pl:iisa�ian a furthar aad additional fee of ie rsquirsd to �s psid.. Th� !�s i� pz�- rated (for �aah saatb or �ajor part therbof) for an�r licenas p�riod �hoa� duration ia leaa tMan ons (1) �rsar." ��s That the Miaicipal Code of the City ot PMdl�y shall bs a�snd�d ae tbat 9sction 49•052 ���oi' shall rsad aa Pollows "9e�. 49.�52. 1'he owner eha11 �davc�la vith hi� applieaiioa for license furniah thereon �uch intormstioa as rrill snable ths Cit� to d•tersine ca�nplisnce xith thia Chapter. Ths City aia� r�qos�t further informRtion frcm tias to tiae r�Ltir� to anch oo�pli��� and ahall� to asaure suah ca�liance o� the preaiaw� saYs u inspection of tiie preaises. 8uch inapection shall b� psri�dic at leaat once a�ear iu accorduics xith e schednle thereof paro- vided thereto b1r the City; o� upoa 600d cauae therefeu' at stuai different timesr as msy bs found by the CitT aecsese�ry to aswr� co�li�noe. Zntrg iato the pre�mie�s fcrr the pnrpoaea of inap�etian to determine aoatplisnce ehall be made onl.y aftsr aotice thereot to the otimer of tha prenises 'und the conaent obtaigad thereto � tir� owner and aa vell of any oocnpant� if th� c�cou�at be dittsrsmt l�ra� the ovnmr; or in f�ilure thereof nnder snd upon an orda� ot a Court a�de aftsr a hearina reletiv thereto held attar aotice gi��t as required b7 lav upon an application therefor b�r the CitT. sntsT cmder an order of Court shall b� aad� only in aoaordsnce xith th� t,�rse of eaid Ord�r and �t th� tiara prorid�d tharsia. ?i� failare and refusal xithout good caus• aho�+n therefore uQon the part ot � o�vner to Purniah inforsntion rslati�re to the preaaiaas so far a� compliance rrith thie ordine�nce is aonaerned or to fsil oa� rstus� to aonsent �dt to an inapection o� the pre�iaes without good cauas ie arounda for disappronal and denial of a liaenae aa vell a� suspenaion or revocation of the same. No euch failure or ratuael xithoui �008 aauae shown therefor ehall hrnrever be foand to eaciat by th� City te the pre judice of the licenae of any ovner, aa� aqT oacape►nt� �cas�pt after a hearinP by the Council of tha City hsld r.alative thereto aft�r et lea�t five (5� daYs notica in uriting thereof aailei to ths owi�er st the re6iatared addreas o� ths owner snd as w�ll to an7 oecttpaat oY the premises affeated thereby� an8 a aapy of tha notice of hs�►rina �tt�c��i delivered au�d poated upon tbe pre�oiees in a ao�apicnou�s place.� ��� � F� �C;�,�i.�`��� ���i:�CSS�ON �fEET7CNG MINITxES �- S�i'T��3� 1�, �.463 • � a<..�>�.,.� �.�.�. � - - .._...�.m._. �ii� :n�e; f,� w�s cali.�ci �o €�rdes at ?';00 P�MA at �he ��.ty 1��11 with Mr� Bughes pres �.din� a T+�mbers Pacesent ; Sughes, Mss o Nel�on, M�s A�acoai, P�relb, ���nphy, Graeff Oth�zs Y��s�nt o H��y Meas iak, I3�xn i������ MINU'i'�S OF TFiL AUGUST 1S, 1963 �Y�1G_ Mo�ion b� 1�i�aa 13aconA secouded by Gxaeff, �hat �he minut�s be appraved, I�SNUTL�S OF THE SP�IAL 1�+ '7CING Q�' AII�i��`� 29 ��„963 I�ti.an by M�s, Bacan, seconded by M�eo Ns1�on, ta approue the miautes as cQrrected. TR�ASI3RER ° S �EP�.tT , A su�anaxy of th� �inancial �tandiaig oi r.he Funds e�f the Commiesiaa as of August 29, I963 ie in Treasur��es File, AON 1�ffiYER ° S REPORT � Beaek� Oxdivaace w MA�iou by Grae£f, sece�a�ded by Mra, Ba�n, that the Recreation • Co�nissi�n appro�ved marked up Be�ch Ordi�aance da��d 9�-18a63 be presented by Bm Wolke ta �z� ��r�.dl�y City �ouncil for t�air considex�tioa and ad�ptian as a�ity Ordinancea Beach L�f� Guaxds v Requi�e�ntt is that �h�y be W,�t�r Safety Instructoxs, I�re ef�icient u�e.. €�f �h� L�.:�e Gu�ard� wa� �.�iErea���c�, 3.nc3.ur�ix� s�a$geria� af their startiag �in�sz 8�d gta��an��aec3 �sa�sx� �r��}�.� ��s�, sz�l.m�y �,s a�� $�.p7,5 pe�c Dauuaro Salari�s wi11 be ii�,8CtYR. f3�'L� '�*�1 i��t�a�€�r ����z�g � Bea�h D�,�g�aan � t-7�.11 b��re r�pa�cC �a�. Sa�gc�s�ed Diag�~� of Aeach �ar October meetingo AARRY I�SSICK �PORTa Information e� �olumbia Heights �thletcic Pro$�s�n: (1� �d a Daytims program ia 19�i3 (2) Z'h�ix Ass�o �areation Dir�c�t�x �kes ro�ds af �he Parkso (�� Br�ys names are record�d and the boys are assigned to teams at epecified Bal�. Paxks and �ecreation Ar�aso (4� Us� 18 man teams with a regula� schedul�o (�� I�ir� boys ae umpiree at $2000 per gameo �6) Na co�cheao (7� F'urnish T shirte fox esch boyo Hug��a x��quested Sarry Mesaick ta malce a prapoaal on the Baseball Proga� for 1964e �aming Even�s9 S�pt�mbe� 27, 1963 � Firat Dance se �*es School fox ith and $L-h gradee, 7s30 � �aMo to 9�30 PaMo � 25G per persono Mo�tic�n by Graeff, secoaaded by Dunpby, that HBrry iSessick hi�ce D�ace Supervieor at $15000 ger �aace for Program through Spring af 19640 �_�.. Oc�flber 12, 1963 - Punt, Pass & Kick CanCea� fmr 8, 9, 10, & il. year boyso No c�st to th� boys m 1 m 2030 PoMa �� �., J � � � ;��, ,,r �ov ;�a�� ti�.�:��a!s.�:�ai�;i3:N 'i:��'�,"�;rT� �`aa i�I(T�"�i 4. �.�..'�'` .,$�R�iTf�F��Z l�y 1.I6`� �'+GPt��'t��.�«.�ti� ,..�,�.,,��,.,�:�..�...�..>�..,�._r.,� �.�. - -- ,.,�..�..�.�.�,. � i���r�b�11 Cl�ta.ic by �i�gh Sc.�caal �nach�s � 2;30 �o .��30 P„2�h �.o�r�.x t����s r.�o�.� �tt� �� _�n �x��ou� sus:-��r��x� ; i.s���e�: ��a�k Sh�1���° -� �� t�� �SD X 70 f���� 13�i.ck fecr�d �x�.�x c.o�nc�r�te �1cc►rg with �°�� w°�r�cx�s � 1'1�.� fuc�t�„�,gs a�� im �nd ��� ��.11s sC���i�4 P��.xz�s €�x�d S�.�u�s ��h� Park ��a n� nam� tagged 1ik� � axboxstuma Ax�a ��coc�zzd �ti�� C'reek Schaol has b�� grad�do Wymax�. Smiti�. has drawn up agre�nt b��.��+�n Pa�l�, S��o�l B�axd aad �i�gr aance�rnin,� p�.aygcound �uipweaC and usege, �s� �.siand � L}etai.ls e�f access be9Lng w�rked au� w�ith 3chool lioard and 4Ytyo Ice Ska�ing �.�ks � 10 acres �o be provide�d, 6 warmiag hous�s o Copy of tb�ir progceed 1964 Budgst in aur Fila� � 8C1B8RT SUGHES LETI'SB s � Copy of letter ta �iCy Maaager Bar1 Wa�►ex requesting +�dditional funds ta► continue ' ou�c E�o$�am tA �d of 19b3 ie ia �ur fiie, SUB��Z`TL�� BEPOxT e '� Maticrn tsy Dunphy, eecvnded by Pawell ta scc�pt the Bepoz� sad ta� actiaa au smneo �opy is in �ta� fil.�m Actian as Eo1lcr�re > � (I� Set up actual dull.sr L�im:iC � uaapprersrerl peischaeee� Mu�ioa by Dunphy, �ecoa�d�d by �zae�f, �at expend�.Curea iu exa�es , of $25uQ� be unappxov�si e�cp�di�iazeeo l+�atiou passedo (2) EstabYish pracedur� for makiz� purr.hae�esa Metion by D�nghy, �e�d�� by Mx�a Baaor� tk��t Re�cr+�atian Directar ia authorizQd ta c%legat� puxcl�ases of wnd�r $25 0 00 with t�im �eumin�g the resp�nsibilityo Mntion passedo M�ntion by Pawefl, �econded by Graeff, that purchaaes of wer $25a00 be apprenred by majori.ty of Ca�iesian in aes�ioa, a�c if not iu a�essioa, then with Che appz�avai of the Tr�aeurez or Ghairm�no M�atian p�ssed, (3) Estsblieh meAns o£ carryf.ng �ontim�ia� Iavento�y of Prog�rtpo Mo�ion by Dunphy, eecanded t,y Graeff �ia� the difference bet7weea eupendable aad norn4e�cpeadable items is o 8xpeudai,le ftems - less than 1 qesr lif�o Roamexpeadable �t�mce - mor� th�a 1 y�ar ].ifeo �4) Make i�hysical Inventory of pre�s�nt prc►pertyo Tnvantoary time eet far 9 A,Mo, Satuarday, Sepxemb�r 21, 196� at �ity Sa1Z • D3s�uasi�n Lhar 1�ecreatioa� D3x�ector make a prese�t�ation for epproval �f purchase of those iLtems n�eeesary fax future opsratio� of tha pmgramo COdM�tISSION I�'LO�YEE AaT.ARTRQ; Submcammittee of P�well aad Dunphy wag appoiatec� ta preaent a pracedu�e to Sahedule � � --_-- �� ��'.�'I,'���+T �.Q�a��S�il�iv Nl��NG �Iv�S � S�P�'.��Ii 1E�, `19b� (�.��►��.nuc�ti'� �1vsi �ortt�a�t1 P�7rsrr�x�t�1 ia�. th� itec.��a�ioa� �oas�nissiano NEW BU�II�IESS e Mo�ion by 1N[rs � Bacon, ��caaded by Dunphy, tliat a co�m�asaication be sent by the Se�a�etary �� ea�h �inister af the Churches a£ Fridley reques�ing a lise af the nam�s aa� addr�sses �f peo�l.� in th�ir c�xag�egation wha a�� av�r 65 and who would b� �n.tex�s�ed in � Go1d�u Age �Iubd I�tit�n ��ss�d wiCh a 1°z�y"' by Graeff, N&`�`�' MELTiNG QF THE �QNIMISSION o Ths next meeCi�,g of the Coa�issi.o� w�.12 be an October 17, 1963 st City Ball at 7 i1�o r olle LfiAloVi�L`1�i�i7i i Ti�ace b�ing no £�rther businees, the meeting adjaurAed at 12 midaighta ReepectfulJ.y submi�teds 8raes� Po P�w�ll • Se��retaxy to �he t�ammissi�n • d. ..- � � F9 �:���.��� ���Rx °���r.h.� �����.�z, ��°���� �r � r�.��x a�cr��r:�.ir�caz� ����,ss�,��a -� ��,�ra��, s, �.,�b� • �.,__n,�,._�,.��.�,��...,�.�-_ e.,�..�.�.�..�..�. - ��,��� '�'�� �x,€;�#��f,��; �r�� ��l�+�d �a �rd�� a� 2:�f� �'r�i< a� �lie iz� e�� t�so Nelspm �ai�� I�co iI!,��;�t�s ��x'��s�d;i�2.g� �Oh��s P����� �iugb.�s, �aFr�1�, �so Ra��n9 Mrso Nei.san, Gruf� � t l s �' !3� �Ti.�;1'�! �;Tij c+� � ,Aa►ciy R�ri�'� a�� Explarers Post �3 made a x�quea� �o Distzic� �14 Schocl Board fo� uss of �yes S�r�l Gym foz a Daac+� on Oc�c�bex 19, or 26, at 7 PaM, to 11 PoMo Ths School Boa�d �cnsid�ss this �G�ivity ccYmp��iti�e with the dance progrsm of the R+��r�tian� d pti�.icy was adap��d by tbe School Boa�rd th�t danees i.n ehe school buf�.dings wiZZ be sptrnsored by �he School as a s�hocsl acCi.vity oar th� Recreati.�n ��a�ai.ssio�� Ttzex�fare, th�. Essp�.ax�er Post r�qu�at �ras r�fex�red Co the Itecraatioa �.om�nisaioa� fax t�aeir eonsidsration as spons�3ngo t�i�N �.' �BJf�YON �(�?�IISS7AN o Mo��.ox� by Gras��p S��a �y Mxev aac�n, �hhat the Recreation �a�i.ssion appreciates th� �o�.sidera�iaxn $i.v�n them by �ae S�hQO1 ���d in this ma�ter, snd while they have �t d�fiai�e ixg�s�rest ian all c�n�ni�y aciiv�ti.es, they feal tha� they cannot accept �e�ponsibilii�* faac activities vutaide of �eir � pgogr�mo Mro P�weil to uQti�y 2�T�� Ruanriat� a�f t�� d�aisia°ao ! NEXT 1�S.CII�TG : Th� n�s�: meetin� of th� �a�aeira� s��� s�t £cex 2'u�sday, Octaber 8, 1963, 7;30 PoMo at Cil:y Ha1.I a ADJOZT&t�'.0 s The.re h�is►g no £urtlser busix�es$, �he ��ti.ng vr�.s adjournedo Aespsctfully submi..�t�d: Brn�st P, i�a�well Secretary to Ch� Cammission NOTgo Na�ificatian was given by Mrao Bacon �hat the October 8, 1963 meeting will be held �t he� hos� at 7m30 PoMa • � �;-�, `70 cm��.�� z�o � �-- - -- --,� �cr a��t�� �o �� ��o� 8io�.1 0� � car.�r co� �at�rRrrc � a� o� A �i�'�IS� TO �ffi� �ION�aCN��I�T�TG P�.T LIQZT(� , '�h� ++��il �i� �� ��,�r �f ��ic1��y �sa:d�ius � '�� S��:ic�� 8� � Ti �� ���idl� �f,�r �d� b� � t� ��d �s foila�o� s ���i�n 81 o I1 �� t� pL��s ?.i��ed � a�:li such �adiaitc�zf�atiag malt 1�c�u�rs g n� �a1� af suciz 2iqv�ra ��11 'b� aoed� b�twesa the h�u�� �� 1���1� ��m� �nd 8��cla�k �om� ��+ d�g+so Th�ga ah,sll bas ��� ��al� 'b��+�a �,� �u�s �,� I � � �1� � oa�� �d. 12 � `' �7.��c �aaa �so. 8w�►day o 'Cl�.�; bu���ss �h�°�f.aa st�1�. b� �.��u�tac3 �.xz � �uie� �nci �dr��iy � Sad ���; %i���ena�a �.d g�E� �.��a�g� sha11 b� ts�i�s�t�c�� • �'.�SED B3� � �� �IL Q� � �iT3� aF FB�a MYDIlZSS02A T�IS � �.7C QF O�OBF.�s �,9630 �'��5� o �_-_ - ---�-- — m M��r� � o B��an.�� � C�t C%ER�C F3.�a� �te,�cfli:�.g> ���t f'� °i�i,�o S �cond �c�atdi.� , , i'ciblis � : , • W3. I� �3� T.T�a MAYO�t i 1'Os City M�as�er at�d City Couxicig. FRO�is Marvizt C, Bruaseii Fiaance Director octob�r 28 1.963 �� 3UBJ�T s Te�porazy Bamde 8snitary Se�rer arxi Water Improeemen� Pro�e�t Noo 63 The contrac� %r Saait$�r Se�wer and W�te:r� In��ovemeat Pro,ject ATdo 63 Has a�rded cfn Ju9�y 5.9 1.963a Na fin�auc3�ag has • beez^i praeided for thi.s pro�ect up ta this timeo The attached reso].ut3.�n �1.�. authc�ri�e t,�e is�uan,ce o� � 25900000o ia ternpora�y To�r�3� to b� pu�ehase� b� ich� Re�ular Specisi A��essrnent F�td o The Regul.�r ��ci� A�ses�nea'� �d s�i].�„ have �uf�ic�.a�at r�oneg c� 2�nd tr� inv�st �n t�asse bond s of Se��r �nd W�ter Na� 63n � a 7Chis pro3ect caver� �he ins��a�.�.atio� o�' �n�ter �rxi sgwer 1.3nes in �,he pure air r�st home areao �� �_ `71 �� � `72 xES��.�rrm� �t�o � � � �sa�,t�x��v �zR�c�n� � zss�.�NC� �a� ����~-�.�.� ��o� � ; �o�as �r � �cca��� i�� ���s cr� ��5`�9 c��r� 3�� BE iT Ii.�d�VID ��he C�ptmc�.� �i' tY�� Gity of �i^a.d�zys A,no�ss Countg9 Minnea�ta� �s �"03�.o�rs $ S� The to�a7. e��3ma�ecl c�st of �.�axy Sec�er� I�apra�veineat Pro3 ec� No 0 63 o iias been eat3.r�tc ed �t � 2� �(�0 000 0 ����am�d SDC ,�2 o I� i� na�r est3ma�� �t the sum o� � 2�' QOUa 00 �.s cua�re�ly necesaary to grrnrlde fir�aaeing of �he projects sbove aotede ar�d it is hereby detea�ained to be aecessary to bo:�ro� sai�d s�aoun� faa� �he payment o� obligat3r�ns nc�r i�urred ax�i for expen�ea necessarily incurred 3n aarmection with the aoortstruction o� said imgro�ve�nt pr�ojectso S� There i.a hsrsby created Sanitar�r Se�c�e. r.a,nd Wat� �rove�aent �63 �ind (� )�hi.eh aha�.3. c�rxt�3.n a canstructiora account as �rt thereo� into which �hsll be p�i.d a1]. prace�is o� �en�o�°sry bonds is�ned � c� pur�uant t,o this resolution ar�d �im3.l.ar su�sequeat resa�.irt%ns9 and o�t of' tirl�.ch shal.i be paid s5.�. amoun�ts due a�l gay�ble gs casts or expe�nses inc�dent to or in�urred i�. conneCti.�n w.S.�ih the mak3.ng oi said improvemento S177C o l� o There is also hereb�r creat� Sani�Cary 3e�er and Wate� Improvement ..�,.�..� ..��.,_..:�m�� ...�� Pro3��6 Fu�nd �yt�n�a� a s;n� Fuad �caount9 vbich �ec�uat in �a��� and��_.._.b�e t� as�e Sinking �, 3ato srhich shall ba gaid the proceeds of all apeciaY assesentents ] e�ied ags3.nat beaefited pr�per�p by reagon of the ��ak3� o� $aid Ympro�vsments a:3 we11. as a�]. other m�ies theria t�o be pa�i,d as prav3.ded by 1aFr and out of which shal]. be paid the pr3x�cipal and irrterast on sil temporar'3r inq�ra�neirt bonda issued to finance sa�Ld pro�ecta S�, It i� hsreby deter�iaed that the sum of �259�70000 sha7.]. be b�rraEred to finsr�e sa3a sat�i.tarsr se�ne� and water Improven� Pro ect Noa63 r .r.�_ �;: _ _ _ `73 ��h ����c°� �� c�� e�� c�ta u�ti�r� �d axpe�sses zaec�ss�.�.� �:��� • �e�s��.�� ����� t� �i�.t� c���e9 � �Ya� i��x�:a €��` ���� ����r�e�� b��� e�� ��a� C�.t�. �r�3.� � �ta�h���3 �.r� P�3�����a ��tu°s�:�g ,�o �.29oi39.� �u'b��.�►i.�3� 3y �� �€end� �y �.�,r� i���� �����°�;�� ��'�� S�C � 6 0 ��id b�i� s},�.1. be p�g�bl.e �c�.a ��e 53�..� �is� c�f �h� �� ���o�s �it Ser�r ��d i�a'�er I x°�re�� �ro ese� �#63 Fund bu� the Ci�y �ther xeca�a i�Gs au�g �dar �he �9 �s pr�ed by S�co �290()9�.� snsi cov�ts ar�d �ee� s�.th the pwrcr�s�r s�ad �3. ha5.der� fa�m t3me to time� of said tempor�' iTnPr�remant bonds� at or prior �� �a rr��twrity thereaf that it �wi3]. pay aza� reti.rs s�ch box� s an�d t;k,he i�terest thereo� out of the procesds o.f defiait3.ve �uprav�ema�nt borrJs �rhia�h tl�e c��c3]. sh�. ia�ue anci se�. at �r pr�3.or to the maturitg of the tempor�rg 3.mpra�sne�t bou�s to the e�ent tbat tbe s� carmot be paid out of f'+�ds available in t� Sinkix� Fund oY Sanit�Se��rer a, nd �r..m�.r.,�r • water Impravsm� Pro9ect #b3 �u�a or out of o'ther nnmicipal ft�ds wh%h _�.� ars praperly avsi].able a�d �re app��i.�ted b�r i�•hs eour�i.]. �or su�h pUTpoaeo s'�`io i o T'ti � 1'I6Y'I�i?� C�A�'iEliiii,�.i18C7 'i'i0 �.6'i� €�i�C� LR$�AS$1ll6Yiki8 Sg�i18'fi � benefited proper�y by reason of t� m� �� Ss�.tar� Se�rsr � Water ..,�..�� � Ia2proQemeat Prv 8ct #63 aYUi t0 le�vp ad va�lOrem �ax6s9 if n�e88axy9 ...��� �.r. to prr�duce �s at l�east 5� i.a enceas of the amaunte suft'iaierrt to pay principal. arid i.ntearest t�hen dne or said teinporary improvement ba� s aad �s any de�initive booacls to be issu� as herein p�ed� such speciai a�se�sme�s �o be placed on the tax ro]Lis at such �3me xhe� s�33.d impravem �aan� pra�ec�s hgve beea comple�ed or �,h,he tota7. cost thereo:i' has bee� d etarr;rined a . S1JllO UG � t"'�Y� �� Wj�S � 4Lle �L[1W1�i11Y O� �GSgV\J�lAW .a�sass. �.w�.�o� � shali be dei�ominated S�ni.tar�S�sr and Water Impravw�e� PPOject #63 r_..... .�...,_._,�...,��.�.�..`....._.�.�� Bond Sar�ie� "A" ite�oa'arp'i sh�sll be t�renty fiee (2�) in nt�mber and ��, r � `74 ��:.i����� ��:��.�x �:�� �� 2�' 3�.cJ�x��.^��� ��ch �.n ��se da�caa�.na��.c�x� �� ��.�O�aOf�� • �1��,?�_ `ka��.~� 3��c���� �f, ��� �°��a df �� p�� ;����as 1����b:�e� s�i���xsu��.� � � ;r'_� �5�.-----�� �� �ds'Gt�Ia�Y° �. tr�i �:P �s��i2 ��° � s3.�i. �o°�i'!I�°i� i�:ih t�r:�i� �,.�.9659 ��a€�� `�e ��.b�c-s�� �� r��de���.�n �� prs�p��nen� on � %���s€�t p�grraen� ds�a,� �#t �r a� ��:c�,ac�d �u�,ea°e�uQ N�� �.e�� ur�� 3� a�� ���t�re ��e aa�e �p��3.��,od f`�a° �d���.�n csf �sid �r�.ds� �Y�e Cztg Tre�s�r �a�51. r�iR ne��xce �i �he c�.7. �her�F �o �h� ho�.dar9 � kr�rrwn, �a3.d �easu�er �h�ll m�3.n��s � r���x�i �� �h� n�me� ;�nd addrassQ� r� the I�€��,dar� o� ��id bond� 3��fa� �� s�el� :uaf'arm��ic�n �� �n�de g�aiiabie to �n �p �1� ho�.dars tl�ere��'� ��r the pm�pose o� mai�ing �aid not3.ceao The pr.tnc3.pa1. a�d �]1 in�ere��t oa� �aid twnds s?� be pa�b�.e at Fridle�r C3.tg Hally 6➢�.35. Univer= w.iuewora oses� �it� Avenue NpEo� M3nne�2�Mfune��ta 5+� 0 9 o S� $BfipOPBY'9' �PO'78irieIIt bOT�I ��h3�. b9 ID�.211@O�raphBLl 8YIfi WZ1AII � .,..� .��. so �aeo�p� s&�3..7. I�aee sic�t�ched �here�o an in�erest C�n whi,ch Bond • �nci Coupon sha3.� he stzbs�antia�.iy 3.n �he fol�.awing form � Noo �F�rm af Qotapc�n� � �U�.ea� �he 'boaad des�ibed be�..c� �s cs�.ed ��►r s�].�.er redemptiaa) an �he� dag of�,5t9 9�he c�f _,______ Count�*e M3.ruie��t�9 w3.Z1 p� to bearer at � g Mi.nnes6tas the sum af do].]rars laWfnZ money of �the United Sta�es a� America for intsre�st then due on its m D�tsd • �ITY �iANA(}ER MAYOR �;� _ � . %Jr �IJG ,�L�� ���.�1 ba�ds � ca��}a�ns att�.c�sd ���I3..�. 4� pr�ga�rad �andex� �e �-�:_-:-:....�:., • d�ec�°��a� a� �2�� �ity Man�ge�° �nd �I��A �e sxe�u�ecl e�n bah�� e�� t�e ���;g � �t�e �3.�r���tu°e�s of vi�e ?�I��r �3 i��x���r� a�3 ��e c�rpflr��e ���9. r�� �e Cii�p sh�3. be a�fixed �Chor�°�o� and �i�e appurte�n� 3xrtere�t coupon �ha�.�. be �m,et�a�hed �nd au�G����.'�ic���d � b� ��ia prixtted � e�raved g �ithographedg or f���l� signa�t�r�� �s� �a�d M���^ �cY ero Whea �a3.d bo�xi� have been �e�u�c�d aa� authenti.c�ted they �h�17. b� de5�.i�res°ed • bar the Tre�,sur�r �� �the p�x�h�er �thereof 9 uP�n Fa�ms.n,'t of �he purchase pri�a her�tofa�� agreed upon and accraed 3nterest to d�te of de9.i.very � a�d purchaser shsll nat be ob].iged t� sea to the spplicgtion thereoio SDGo9.�.a The Citp Mansger 3.s harsbg authoriz�,i aa�d d3rea�ed t� Yi].e a � certif�.ed c�pg of thi� re�c��utien �ith Cour�y Aud3.tor og Anoka County9 to�ethar° �.�h such other i�ormati�n �s he �hall. r�uire aud to obta3.n fa�m ��id Gounty� Audit,or a aer�Eif3.cate ttrat said boad� l��e been entered • on �h3.� bond registero S� 0 12 n The bozxis issu�d hereunder sha�. be payable from San3.tary Se�tter � and Water Imp�remen� P�v e�t �63 �°v�d �rl�3ch is hsa�bq �reated o The �� � � � Tre�eurer sha:� causo ail mean3.es receiveci �m the proceeds o� said bond�� a`i1. men3.es appropr3.�ted and transierred from oti�ar t�nd atici a5.]. specia� asse�ar�eaet� for �he 3m�arovmnents prav�ded that if any payment of principal or interest sh�l� become due �en �re 3.s uaib suf'ficient �near in s�id fm�3 to pay ths satnee �he T�resswcer► sha11 pay such pri�c3pa1 or 3anterest �m �the geseral i'�d of �he Citg arxl sntch f"mzd ebali be re�na?aur�ed Por snch adea�cea ou� of mo�.i.e� ta be creditad to sa3.d fur�d wher� a�i.d n�on:iss are coll�sted o A11. proceed� for �sid b�ds eoccept ace�� intexe�� �hali be credit�d to the fund a�ct u��i to pay the co�t • of �aid impxbvemerrts. S�JC� I� is �'tirther provlded that sh�t�9.d it appear st a�r t3.me that th� mo�s3.es ared3.�ed �to said fwzd and provided Ya�r the p�ymeat of principal �u � �� y�� �:��.r����� �n �he b�ds �eaz ��!e �ur�a� bee�me due �e �.o� ��23�i�� • °�a ��* t�s� �+��� �ias� ��ZO� th�: C3�g �h� issue ��er de�iai�i.�s :��►�r�vem�z�� �c1� as �utha�i�ed €�nd prc�v3.ded 3n accos�ia�cice w�th Mi�nesot� �,��ute�� S�ca 42900918 Ch�p�er &�759 and t�at the proc�ss of said f'urther de�'3.ni.�ive �sxl� sha�I, be �irst used t� �ay the pr�.i.pa7. �nd interest �� is �hen due a�ci to redeem th� tempo�rary bonds issued f�ereundera SF�C, �o The C3ty Courr�ii h�s determined that not lesa than eighty �� per aent ($0�� of' the total. co�t of �sid impravememta txi3.1 be paid by �pecial. 8ssessme�s to be 1evi� against every I�ot9 piece or par+cel. o� 1,and benefited by the sai�d impraver�entae The Citg hereby cavenants ar�d 8grees that 3t �ail1. do a� perPorm, as aoan as they can be done, all act� an1 t�ings nece�ssary for the fina�. and valid l�ry oY such special �sse�smente9 �d in ti�e ervent that any �wch assessrnents be at ar�r time held inva�id �Lth respec� to a� I.ot, piece or pe,r�cel a� ].�d 9 due to • any errore defect or irregvlarity9 or in m1y action or proce�ir� taken or tn be fi,�ken b� f.he Couac3.1. or a� o� the City Of�P`icers or employes�9 e3ther 3n ths mak.tx�g of such ssses�nsnt or' in �he performaace of. a�y �ondition pre�eden� f.herets�9 the City aad this Conncil will forthwith do al.l such f�ar�'ther pr�eedings as m�y be requ3r� �r I�aa� to make snch assessment� v�id and bincling 1ien� against such property9 and also sha17. take such further praceedirags as may be required by ].a�r to provi.de manies for �� payme�'� of principa]. and intm�eet as the same fali due on the borid s iasued here�ur�d er and to pz�ovid e for the red emption of the s�mea SHCo 1.5, It i.� hereby determined that the collectioa of specia]. aesess= � meAts ar� the proceeds o� monies apprc�priated and �t�an�farred from � other i"�nds is and �7. be iri an amotmt of at least five per ce� (5�) I �n excess o� the amaunt required to pa3r the pri�eipal. oY ar�l the intereat on said ba�ds �aheu dne and that no ad val.erem tax lc�vy is according]q raqnireda S�o �,bG �h� ��`�'�.ce� �:� �,h� Ci�� �ra�l �h� C�uat3� Auditor c9f .�uu�k�. . �� C��an°��° ��e �aerebv ��at,�a�riaed a�ad di.recte�d t� preg�re ar�d 3''urnisu ��he pt����e� �f sa� bc�ds aar� �� �I�.� ��vorrt� ��� �he leg�:lity a� �Yse i€z�u��� thsr�o�� �er�i:�`i.ed c�pi8s o� a�.i. praee�dir�s sud rscox�t3s r��.a�.ng �� �a:�.d bc�d� � to th� �`anancia�. a:�`f'�irs o� ,�aid City� arr� �uah �th�r �ffi�avi�sg ce�tifi.catea ar�d int'orm�tion �s may be requ:ired9 to �ha�w �h� fac't� rsis'�ing to �he �.egal�.ty anci rnarketab3��.�y of' �aa:tc� 7�ncis as the ��mma appear �rom the Uook� snd recoz'ds �er their cus�ta3y ax� cont,ro9. �r as otherw3.se knm�ra to them9 arxi such certif'icates9 cert3.Yied c�pies ar�d affidav�t�9 inc�.t�a�i.ng any heretofare Furnished9 �4v�1.7. be decmac3 repre�entatiana of the C�ty a� to �ae correetne�s of ai3. s�atemars.ts conteined thereino rY � C✓�J` P�,,SS� BY Z�iE GITY C�UNCIL THIS DAY QF y��r��, 5.9,�„� � A'i'7,'�.ST 8 � -- . . . . __ _ _ . _ . . _ _ rz .� M8II8gBY' �s, _ . �� � _.__. 1�y a:: _ _ / O R,F�C)I,CITION N0, • � A R�S4LUT'IOIG DiR�'PINC'# THE SALE ADID P11RCAl�SE OP' TFT�?PORARY SMi'RdtTII�tl�lT ao� xN �cco�cE wrz�x r�ws o� �.957$ c�� 3�5 BE iT IiuSOI,VID By the City Councii of the City of Fridleq�e �oka Countys Mina�BO�aq as fai�is s THAT HiHIs�F�,g �.t 2xa� heretofar�e been detarmfned hy thi� Covncil to issue ��Po�'�9 �Praveme�t bo�de in ordez� �a �rovi�d� the neeesa�aary ft�s for the �onatruction �nd p�yme� of �xpen�e� re7.a�iv�e to the folla�Lng impravement prajects to�rits San�. Sewer �au3 Ws�er ovem�t Pro ect Noo 6 8s er laae �d arpeaifiaati.°.ns.�.a�ra�e�d � the Cit�r Cauna�g a� WHEREAS it h� ba�on dstar�d.aed th�t there ig a� the prasent ti.me an 82R�91LTYti j.21 60CL' @88 Oi� �'�5g �� o �Q �.I1 t'i�'18 i0�� �II1K� 9 j'iO�G�.i'i Y �� � S�T�'L'�.Cb 81IIq fnf�.�. I10'�', be 1"@C]Uj.I'8G� for a�her pvrposes prior tc� actober 1�� i965, IT IS TYiEREFORE dete�Ln�i to be in the interest o� the City of Fr:tdl�r that �the r�um o� �2 OQ0,00 0�' S ec isl As essmeut �ad S9.n Accour�t BE i1W'ESTED � authori�ed by l.a� and in accordanae there�r�.th it ie hereby determ3.ned to ptu�ahsse t,�ia sum oY � 25,OODo00 of' t.he aPore�eati�i Sanitary SeFrer and Watea� Impravement Proiect #63 Bo�da SSeriea nA") .. .�.�...�...�.�....cs... n- ...i i.�.�...�..�.e.+r� ..�..ir...� tempor�ryr iasned wader date of Oatober 15, 1963 orr��a ri��.�.w�e� e�...���.r�rr���w UPON thei.r in%tial 3ear.�ca in acaordsnce xith the p�onrisiooas oY Mirinesota Statntea, sec. li29e091, ltTie�6 and �75.o6b, out ot the #timds in Regnlar' 9p�cial Aa�es�_,ts,.F u�d� (3ink�Aaaau�ut), and oa� behalP of � eaid t't�xi st par and acxrned i�rtearest a� oP the date of delivery of said bonda srx3 completia� of snch sale; 3t being ft�her determined to be reasot�ble ar�d �c]vantageoua to Sinking Accoimct aY the Regular �ecial � ......,..�.._..._...__. .�d�_ i�;T.�� � ��J ��e��n�� �"u�d to �s� iia ��3.d t�r�* ir�prcgvem�+t 'b�.ds �.r�� �� be � z°e���ra�b:�.� �� ��ft�geents t� '�he C��� �� �c��. ��.� t�r:r�to�^,�g �.an�ara�wem men�t Tb�d �c� �tha 5:�� Ac��urrt �f' �h� �see:i�:i. �sse:��r�a� ��r� � � -�. � ,..� �cc��d�nc� �.tYa �h� �rs�.�3.ar� o�' �hi� x�c�sa�.u�iano S'�7Co io The Ci�g M�es�° ��°easu�sr �e hexa'� �u�rs+ari�ed �nd directed � to t�ke � arx� �i�. �tep� n�ce�sasry tc� a�'fe��G �� p���.caz� caf t,�e af�regoing resol.utiaras s�1 �o mr�ke sea.ch tran�tar� o� f'u�s �� map be nece��ary fram time �o �t.m� �,� give eYi'�c� �a thc� px�r3.sion� riereaf o PASSID A�ID ADOPTID BY THE CITY COUN+CIL 0�' FRII)LEY THYS �I AAY 0�' � _...�..m 9 ����.,.° � � n 7' r �� ?:: _��. 80 � October 29 1963 MEMQ __—_ TOg City Maaa�er City Cour�oil FROMs MarviA C, Brtuisell �'inaace Direct�r SUBJF�Tg Temporary Bo�cia fbr Street Improvement Project Noo i963m].9 3n the smo,�t �f �52,000nooa This projeat cover� �he ��treet surf'�c3� cantract let Ju9.y �.� �963, �'or .Able 8to� T�y�.�r Sto t3�ar�den� Y�ane snd Te�ison Dro • No b�d� have been i�aued for this constrn�tian preeious�re 1'lse Re�►ula� Spec3.a7. Asse�ament Fund does hsve► 8vailabl.e temporari�r �urp�,us mon�y fa� iav��tment wl�ich art9.�. not be needed �or other pnrm p�s�es pr�i�rx� �� ��5� c�cp3.x���i�n d�te of �hese bor�dao Pex�manent Bsnda �r3.�51 n�t b� necas�ry dux��ng �.963 0 • x: _._ _.. ��- RF,SOL'UrIOAT 1V0, .�.�.e. � A RE50LUTIt?lY DIRF�CTII� THE ISSIIANCE OF TII�ORARY �IPROt►'�I�iT 801�7S ITd �UGC4RflANCE WITH ]':�iWS OF �.957s CAAP�ER 3$� BE IT RESOLY� H3r the Counci.l �f the Ci�t o� F� 1�k� Cotultp, Minnesota„ ss �oll�ws: ��7C_ 1_ The tatal estfmat�l coat of Street Impr�ve�neat Proi�ect #�__, 963 1 h�s b�eea e�t3matea in e�ccea� of �52,cX�o.000 S�� It ie� n�t. estimated that the sum o�P �,K�2=OOf3� �_ is current]y neceasary to prov3.de iinaacing af the project� abo�ve noted, aud it is hereby detern�fa�1 to be neceseary to bo�raw aaid amount Yor the paymertt o� obligati.ona no�r i�aurred and �or expen�tes aeaesearily inaur�'ed in conne�ctiaaz sri#h the aonstruation af eaid improvement pro�ectao S� There is hereb�r created Street Imp�o�veanez�t #1963�1 Fund ��.r....�. .. (t o ) tthich eirall o�ta3n a a�nstruotion accouat gs a t�hereaP � into which shall be paid a1.1. proceeds o� te�porary b�1s issued pursusnt ta this resolution ar�d s3milar subsequent resolutions, �ud out of Which sha11 be paid all araoimt$ due az�d p�rabls ss coets or expenaea incident t,o or 3ncurred in connset3.�n �ri.th the mak3.ng aY �aid i.m�rovem m�lYt e S�, �; There i.s also hereby oreated in Strest Improv�emeat #1963=1 ...-.,�. ...� Pwad item�orarsr) a Sinkir� I�ubd Aaaount, �ich aaoouztt �.n said t'und ---m.-.. ....�s...�..��.,... ma3► atbd ahall. be termed as tbs Siriking Fuaa�d, into �rh9.ah f�d sha]1 be paf.d the proaeeda aY all speaisi aeaesmnsnta le�vied �gai,nst benefitsd tu'o'Perty' b�' reaaon oi the mak3.ng of t�a3.d iii�u�ove�am�cts a8 �rell ae all other moniea there3a to be paid as provided by la`r atd out a� s�hiah shall be pa3�d the pri�o�pal aad :Lntsreast on s11 tempva�arY i�ra'v"eme�at � bonds i�eaued to finaa�ce Ba3,d projecte s�co o It iaa hezeby� aetermiaea th,at t,he s,un o� �52,0000ao ahau be borro�red to fir�aa�ae esica Street, �� _ement Pro i ect #19b3 �1 x3.th ....--_ .........�.,.�..,,..,.._...,._. ����e� to cos�� of oon�rueti�a �nd expeasaa aece��ily incl�rred • �lat�.v� �he�reto icv this d�teq bp the �.��u�ce of �emperary im�;rov�ea ��.. _. �:2 m�� b�d� o�' the Ci�y o�', Fr3.d�� as �uthor3aed in M�.nneso�a Si�tutes, Seco 42�,0�., subd3v�a3oa 3, a� amen�sd by 3,as� 1957, Chapter 38�, S�C o 6, Sa3,�l T�os�cls shal'!, be pa�U1.s from �hQ Sir3Idng I�d of the .....� fol:towing s Street In�provemant P�ro j ec�3 �1� F�x1 but the City fuY°ther recQgrx3ses its du�y wader the ].�,ra as prrn�ded bp 3�0 �.290091, anid co�r�nnar�s �acl agrees w3th the purchaser +�d all hoiders f`ibm time to timeR o�' sa3d te�wrary impravement bonds, at or pr3or to ti�s matmrity thereof tl�t it ta31�. pay a�ci retire euah bon�ds and the iriterest thareon out of the praceeds of definitive imprrnremen� bo�ds �3.ah the Couucil shall isaue an�d selt at or prior t,o the matnr3ty oF the temporatg impret`vem�ent bonds' to the e,xt�t tl�t the same csnnat be pa3.d out of i�nde �vailable �.a the sinidng Fuad of Stree�t Imp,rov�e�nent #1963-1 • .. . ���..rs+r���riw��.w.�ms F�u�c] or ont of ather immici.pal funds s�hich a�e properlp avail.able aad are appro�pri.ated by the Co�mcil for suah parposeo S� 7� It is heraby determ�.ned to le�r sp�cia�. assessmeats �ainet beni�'it�d propea�ty bp reason of the maktng aP Sf,reet ?.mprrnremer:t �.�.� . ..�... P�o� #�.963� I and to levy ad valorem taxes, 3.f' necessary, to prodnce �as at least 5� in excesa of the amouats �suffic3eat to pay principal s�d interest t�hen due oa aaid tem�orarY 3.�rdvmnent bo�nds atxi on ar�r dePinitive box�is to be is�ued as herein pravided, su�h �cisl asmass- �nents to be plsced c� the tax ro11s at suah t3me whea �+aid in�rov+eme�t pra,�ect� haee beea oo�].eted or the total cc�t thereof has been do�termined o �� Said te�mporarY imPro�vement bonds in the amrnmt of � 2 000.00 • sha11 be aenoalinated Strest Impravement Pro�eat #1963•1 Bona Series +..ra�r��sr u�w.�r.� �� �� "A "�t�.� ehall be �ift�-two (s2i in mm►ber a�d mm�bered t'rom 1 to 52 inclusitre, e�ch ia the denomination af �1�000.�OOy sha71 bear �a�rest at the rate oP 5� per arua,umy payable 8ero�l.�annually on A�ril 15th �:: _ � � at�d Oa��b� l�th �of' e�h pesr �ri �Iia]1 ma�ure on Oc�ober ls�th �:� 19b5g �-.,� .... • ��.�. bc� �ub,��t �ci rQdeonpt3on �nd ps��p��nt on ar� 3xite=°�st pay�neat date� �t �r �ci a�aaz�v,e�l intere�to �d� les� t�aa 30 d� b�ere th�� 8�t� spe��.�'ie�1 �'or r�de�tion of ���d bonds9 �he Ci��► Treeeurer �h�a17. .�.,....�...��..._ �i�. r��t3ae o� �I�e oali ther�f' to the ho]der, 3..i" kaaamy said Tre� sh�i n�3�"s�%e a sqe�ora of �Che names snd addres�es of �he bolder� of seid ban�ds 3,a�of�r as such infarmat3on 3� �ade acva,ilable to h�m by the ho3d�� thereof 9 for the purpo�e of a�a�.l.ix�g �.d notices o The principa7. sad a17. interest on sa3�d b�nds shal]. be ps�y�able �t P�dle�'..Cit�r H�a.'�l 61t31 Universit3r A4e�ta.� e..R°.E°.�.���21�Mi�neesats 8�� �aid te�arporar�' im�rovemeont boryds shsll hatre att,a�hea thereto �n 3nteres� aonpon t�iiah Bond �nnd Coupoai shall be snlmtantial],y in the iollo�tir�g �'orn�� (Form of Caupon) - � Roo � (Un].es� the boud desar�.bed bslatir i� ca�.7.� for� earlier redem�ption) On the day o� , 19�,, f,be �_ of ��, g Minnesot�, the �nan o� nOS.,�A,R,4 ].at�'ul n�n�eq oi' the Un#.ted States of America �Qr intereat the� due on its Dated er 0 SF7Co 1Q, 5aid beinds as�d coupa�e attached ehsll be p�ep�red t�mder the ...._..�.. d3rec�i�n ot the City Ma�ager and sh�l7. be eccecuted can behalf of the Citg by► the siga�ttnres of the Meyor sad Mat�agers at�d tke corporate aesl � of the Citp shsll b� a�fixed thereto, ax�d the apptu�tena�tt fnterest ao�on �hall. be nai�eogzaph�3 sud suthenticatede b�r tl�e pr3rYted, ��}� lithographed9 or �acsimile sigaatures of saf,d M�ypr and Mansgero Wheu . ---� 84 ; said b��.d� h�ve been �cecuted a�d authenticated �he� sh�.7. be de3.i.vered • b3r �he Trea�ur�x° ir� tha purch�ser thereof s�� P�3+�e�t of �the purchase pr�.ce h�re�o�nre �e� upon �nd �ce�ed in'terest to date of delitierg and s�a9.d �a�ra��e�r sb�23. mm�t be obl�.ged to �ee to �he app�icatioa thereaYo �F7C� T�ze C3.�g Mar�ger 3.� hr�reb�r author32ed �nd d3rect�] to file a c�r�tified cc�p�► o� taiis resolutic4n �a3th the Cotmty Auditor of Aaoka County9 tr�ge�th�r �ith snch c�her infos�nat�oa a� he sha7.�. require and to obts3n �"rom ssid Co�anty .�udi'to� a certific��e that said baa�ds heme been entcired an hia bo�sd registero SS�� The Boo�s issu�d hare�nd � shall be payable frr�m �,� ?�aroveraen� #3�4. 63-1 P�d whieh 3.s hereby ereated o The Tressurer shall. m�,..�.�. .� �...�........._ cause all �aon3.es reaei4ed fs�an the psrocesa o� said bot�de, all mo�aties BPP�'oP�is�d snd tt�a,nsferred from other f'wads �ad s11 Speoisl asseee— meat� for the i.mpro�neat� provided tY�at if ar�y paymen� af prinaipal. • or int erea� �'ha11 become dn.e when the�se is n�ot �uffiaieat mon�y in sa3.d fu�ci ta pagr the asme9 the Trea�urer ai�g�.7. pay such princ3pal or intere�� f.ram the gea�ra�. f�zd �f the City and �uceh f�d aha11 be . reimbnr�ed for such edv�nce� out c�f �r�.es �o be credi�ed to esid i"uz�d �aa 8atd monie� ax�e collected, AI1 proce0da far said boads eaccept accrued 9.ntea�est sh�all. be credited t,o f,he f`c�d �d used fi,o pay ths coat of �ai�d #m�o!nement�o S�� It is fbrther provided t,hat shou]s] it ap�pear at a�qy time that the n�oni.es credited to said fund ar�d provided foz� tha p�prrnent ot . pt'incipal or interes't on the bonds tahen the 8u� beco�ne due are not sufficf.ent to pay the �aame, tha� then the City shall issue f�rther ` defiaitive impraveanent bcor�s as anthorisea and pra�rided in accorria�ce • wi.th M3zmesots Stattttes, sea. �t29o091, Ohapter �t75, �d that �ha procaeda of said f�her de�fin�l.tive bonds shall ba Y3sgt vsed to p�y the princip�l. an�l 3ntere�t as is thea. due and to redaem the �e�qpoa�azy bonds iseued herew�dera _,. W. �5 s�c o a.� o�� c�t� cou��. r,�� detes�min� tP�9t n�� 1e�$ than eig�ttp :�� . per cc�� ($t3�) c�iP �ite ta�� cos� af said 3.mpro�emeata yr].1� ber paid bq spec3�. �sses�nenta �CO be levied again�t s�very lot, pieee or paresl tiY iar�d benafit� by the aaid improv�enienica. The City hereby covenaats and a�rse� t�at it �i11, do a�ad perform9 aa so�an ss they ean be done, a71 acts snd �hin�� neceeearyh for the final. arxi valid le�vy of' snch sp�c�s1 s�seasments, amd 3n the eveut thaC �r snch sasessme�ta be �t a�gr tim�a ho1c1 3.n�3.id with respect to a�r lots p3ece ar par�cel ot larut9 due to a�r e�r�oar� defect or irregu3.arity�� oa in a� �ctiOn or proceeding takea oz to ba taken by the Counail or aay o� ti� City 0�'ficers or em�oyees� either 3n the � of such as8es� or in the perf'ormance o� a�r conditian precsede� thereto, t�he C�ty and tbds Gontboil �r1.I1 fart�ii.th do a]1 auab fmrther prr,�aeed�s aa ma�q be required bar 1s�r to ffiake such aseeesments vali,a �p�d biridlr�g lisas � �gsiast such Pi'cP�9s at�d slso shall take s�ch f'nrther, .proceedings as ms,y be required b�r laia to provide moaies for the payment of principal. ar�d 3.ntere� as the same fall due on �he baQxis i�aued herem v�der and to pra�rl�le �or the redemptian ot the �ame, S�C� Tt is hex�eb�r detexmin.ed that the colleatioa o� epeaisl asaeea- me$t� and the procsered� aY monies ap�roprfaated atbd tr�stferrsd �'ratn other s'�nds i� �a rr�.I1. be in an am�onat o� at 2east �iv+e per ae�tt (5�j ia e�ese� of the amrnmt�t requir�l to pay ths prinaips�. af and t�he 3sitereat on said bc�nd$ xhea dne a�d that na ad valarem t�ac levy is aecordinB�Y ��� �HC, 16o The ofi'3.c�` of the Ciicy arui the Comzt�r au�iitar o� Anoka � County are hereby aa�thnr3.$ed anci d3recte� to prspare and tarnia� to the • pmrahaser af ss3d barids arad to the atta�ney� approroing the legality oP the isananQe thereo�, certified copies a� al�. proceediagg ar�d recorda re].atin� to said ba�is and to the financisl atpairs af said City, and such other afY3davitss certif3.cates and infc�s�matiau as may be requis�ed, te �h�w the �act� relating �o �he �e�a13.��r at�d marketabil.i��r c�f asia • bor�ds aa the sa2ne �ppear t'rom �he boeks �d z��i^ds �de� �thc�ir ��s��dy �i con�arral or as c�ther��rlse kn�wn '�o �c�iem$ �d s��h ce�3.fic�te�, cert�.t'ir�2 eopios asad a�fida�r.i.ts, �c�ud3.x� aay hercata�ors fu�i�hed � shall be deernned r�prc�sentstions oi` �he Ci�r as to �'ha correc�ne�s af a�.]. stateme� Qarr�airted there3no PASSID BY TIiE CiI`3C COUPA�IL T�iIS DA.Y aF l�� i9 � � g � ATTEST t � u -�-� �s ^ �� RI+�Oi,,U��QN RTfl, �-�-� � A�ZESO�ADTZON AIRFCTIl� T&iE �AA�..� & PtiIi�iiASE OF T�['OR�iRY �'R(iVIl�iENr �O1�S IN ACCtiRD.ANCE WITH I.�AW" OF �.9�1(s CH�FTII� 38�'0 BE �fi R��,VID By 'the City° C�vresefi.�. c�i� �h� Ci�y at� F�r�.d�.e�� An�k� Ceunty9 I�3r�es�' as fa19..� s THA,T WHFREAS It h�s here���are be� determined by thia c�un�i}. t� is�ue ten�orat°y impro�veme�t b�r�d;� in c�rdeac to prrrsrq.de the n�ce�sary f'nnda for the coa�truation and payment �f expense$ relative to the fo19.�ring i�aprov�aent pro�ectsa to�ri�s street Impr�v�em�ct Pro�ect # 1.963=1 as per pians and apec:LYication� apQr�ved by the Cit�r Covncig.$ and .... e. WIiF�EAS I� hs� been determined that t.here i8 at ths present tSme �n amovnt in exaess of �52,OOOo00 3n the fo9.7.a�r1.r� Yur�, to �r9.ts RFI�tiLAR SP�IAL A�SSESSMF�PIT FUND (3in�i.ng A,ecotmt) � .......,.a�.e,�.. whic� sum tirlli nct be required for other purposes prior to Octo 15�a IT IS THFREH'ORE detez�mined t� be ir� �he 3.u�ereat �� the city of Fridley that the �n of _�52,OOUo00 of Speci.�7. At�€�e�€�meat Fut�d �. �.�..�.�. (S Aa�om�t� �E IAP7E�TFA �� �uth�ri�ed t�y 9.�wt and �n m o sr� mo�era -mews - ace�rd�nce there�r3.th 3.t ia hereby determiaat to pnrcha�e the aum of ��2 0000� of the aforem�nti.�ned Str��rovement �'roiect #�963=�. B�a Series nA" te�orary i�aued �der date � Ootober i5, �963a �. �.e..�..�.��... tTPON $heir iai.tial isausnce in aaaordsnce wl't,h the provisic�n� �Y PRinnesata Statu�es, seco �t2go0919 �t7�.o56 a�1 �.71obb, out �f the ftu�ci� 3.n R� _S��ia1 �seasment Fund (Sinking Accoua�� aa�d �a beha5.f' of ssid fund at par atid accrued interest as of the date of de].i.very of �aid boixl� atxl comp%tion oi such Sa9.e; it being further determined • to be reasor�aab7.e and advantage�u� to S_i� Accou�t af the �ar �peaia�. A$sesslneat ihmd to inveat in said tmaporary impr�re�meat b�ds �..._�. a�ad �co �se rea,�ana�le a�d adv�n��ge�us to �c�.e Ci�y �o se�.Y �a3.d � '�ompara� i.m�rmre�en'c bo�ds �o �`,he �inlcirr�l�ccc�uxa�C af �he Re�u.lar .��. �.��.���e-.�. �, S�ec3ag. A�sesss�ea�t Fut�d.s 3n aacord�n�e �.�Ch �hc p�i��ras? �n� o� �this� rasolution� S� 1, The C��y l�age� ,�nd Tre��� �e b:�re'f� �zaZ;Lh�r3.zed sr�i d�.rsr�ted to take as�r a�id ���ieps �.eee�s� to e�:��c� i;he pra�i.sions of the a:�oregoing resoluic�.on arnc] �� make suah �Cr�Yer of fuTrds as m�y be neceasary �rom time to t�.me to g3.ve e.�Pfeet �o tha p2°�i.siaas hereo�o P.1�SSffi AND A970PTm �Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF FIi7DI,E1C TBIS �, DAY C3F 1�U / s ���+11^ • ►���'��i�.�;►; _. _ _. _ _ � ,. . ... .. ..._ _._. ..... __._ ... y j, -c' O . ,i:l�l�rr ai� - - _.__ - �� _ _. �9 ��°� Ok' �,7Ci3IT��a t>I' k��TY�iiG 4�' 2� CI�i' aC3URiCIL 4lE' Ti3� ��iY OF FR�X3i�'�' �� � ..�,.� . ���c ��n a 196�3 e �� �:� �9 � 6��°a, ��.,�„ n�� a�,�3'�' � C�'�' k1.i�F..�. a(�'�'.�''.i �P` E''RJ[flT� . a A�TCiI� �Qt7Jhi'�X 8 I�L�°° • ������ T'h� ��e� of 9t'�a� constxuc:t�.on o£ ae��f.xa 3.u�axc�veme�n�, and the h�]:'�s h�l� 2��'�u�oA"� ot3� �h� S� vy�'e di�+CU88�do and C2ot�riC11 beit�g �a,� ].� �dv3.s� 3.r� °�a� �tatt� � Couaaci:l�a �En�rodueed �� ��a].�.c�� ���o�.�at�.a� � �rovecl �.�s �dop�ian4 ��4L�i�3N �i0a o A RSSOI,U�'IO� QI31�'I�FtYL►tG ig:Pi�E.�"` ' a APPRCJVA�, 4F PLANS, AND O�RYPtG AI7Vl�RT�S$�L�T O�' BTDSm WH1ER$AS o the s�salutioa of the City Coutycil adcpted t�a the lat d�y �f �y, 1963, set tha� date fa� hearinq oan the proposed inprav�e�as�sts, as 8p�ifically not�d i.n the natiee of hearing �t�ae�ed h�ceto faac re£- 437CE�t1Ce a9 E�IT "A" s� e WH�RBAS � al,l the pxop�a: ty owuears w+hose prca�pexty is 1�.abie to be as�eas�d wi�i�► %.'fc�� m�►Iciag of �7h+�se i�ov�ta tas� nated in said notice� • w�se given ten t�.Oj days publisia�d no�iee nf the Co�u�cil heat�i�g through t�rc� �2} wesk3� publications o� �he r+�uire8 no�ice, and the hesriag was �►�ld �ndl fi�a� pr�,pe�ty ava�s heasd t3�ereon at �� '�easis�g, as noted in ��idl not%� o N�, 2�FE�R�, � IT R830L'�'SD, i�y t'�e C�il of th� City of F�3�11.�a �tia�ns�otaa as► foll.aw�s �. o Z�at the �ol�.o�3r�g i,�cov�er�ts herstoio�e proposed by Cou�cil ��solutiwn ar� �e�c�y arde��ci to be +�f%t�d and cc�pleet+�i aa �oon as r�asor�ably gossiblea to-�rits (�) All og the 3mprovements as noted ia the notice of heariaq on t�i� same as ar� not� � i,x� 8�iibit "A" in said not3ace� e�ccept (xbo�ae�) T�ha� the work involved in said imprav�aaents a� listee3 above shata here�fter be de�igna�ed asa S1�IITARY �RWffit Ai� WATER IMP1tONE�L3T PROJLCT NO. 61-1963 2 o T�h� pl�ans and apecifications prep�red b�► Coaastock and Davis, 7x�c o �onsult�irbg Sagine�rs, for such ia�soveaneats a�n�d eac� o� them, p�ur- �c�t to t2ae Couacil reaolutions i�eacetoia�e aa�opted, a copy of wbic� �1� and specificatious a�� i�reto attac�ed and mac�e a part her�of, �, � are h�reb� approv�d and s�ali be fileci with the City Clezkd 3 o Z'iae wwek �o be perfo�med under SANITARY SBWSit A1�0D WATSR ZMPRaVBMBNT F�t�TECT Noo 61-1963e ahall be performed unde�r o�e cantracto r � �o �so��r�:c�a �eo � ccox��►u�a� � The �it� Manaqerr shall accoacding1Y P���'� a�d �use to b� iaserted iai �he official ne�vspsp�r adverti��ts for bida upon the making of suc� i�rave�n�s un,der sucb► appxov�ed plaaa and specif jLo�tior�a o�he adv�ar�is�� sha1R I�e pub�.islued fca� txise�► �3) w�ks (at least 21 days�,. and sha�.i s;�cif�r �he work to be done and will state that bide will be a�ed axgd eons3.da��d at 12 m 00 Noona an �:he 4�s day of Nove�e�r, 1963 a �i t1a�a �oa�a.�, C�aa��s of t�� City F�all a a�d �hat no bid8 will be ca�- s�de�ed ��.es� �ea��d a�d f�.l�d s�ai�a �e City Cl�cka and seec�pa�a� by � cash r��posito b� bondR vr a�xti£�.ed �'heck g�able to �e City for f�.v� ,��c��� (5,6) of the a�a�ani� of su+�h bido �hat th� advestisegnent f�� ��,c3s �er�^ S��TARX S�R ALJU WA� iMPROVE� PR+D�SCT NO, 61�1963 �c'k�a�.l. bc� �ub�t�tia�..ay i.n �oac� as �ha� no�� i�a E�ibit "B" attaChed �a���o :�or ��r�r�ez��e and mad� a pag� 2a�reofa �P'T�� �Y T,F3E �:OUDTC%Ir OF` THB CITY OF FRID7.EY TSTS �Y , r.__..__,___ � DAY OF ,,,,� „�, 1963 0 . W111.�.8n1 J s DtQ� s MAY'CJ� EaaCl P o Wsgne=, CITY D�ANAGBR T'he motion iar the adoption of the fareqoiag resolutio� was duly s�econded by Cauaciiman , aad upo�e vote baiaq t�n theuc� gh±e follawing voted in favar ichereof s sn,d tiie �ollow3ag m�a voted aqaiast the sames �RBUPODT SAID RESOI�UTIO�T �JAS D�C7�D DiA.Y PASSED AND ADOPTSD� • � n �J � No�zcF T� c�r��°�ac��Rs Sealed bids wi�l be received and publicly opene� by t.�e City of FridleyA �noka County, Minnesotas at ihe office of the City Manager, on the 4th day of Novembor, 1963 at 12a00 Noon, and w111 be considered by the City +Council Qf the City of Fridley, at a regular CounciZ Me�tin�„ �.t 8.00 P�M„ on tYae 4th day of November for the furnisi�3ng ai' w4rk and materials for the 3nstallatian of Sewer and Water Improvement Pro�ect No� 61� The praject consists o� the following approxim�te quantities: 2�850 Lin�Ftm 8" and 6" Sanitary Sewer Lines with Appurtenances 2,300 LinoFto 12", 6" & 1" Water Lines with Appurtenances All in accordance with plans and specifications prepared for the City of Frid�.ey, Minnesota, by Comstock � Davis, inc�, Consulting Engineers, 1446 County Road "J", Minneapolis 32, Minnesota, Telephonet SUnset 4-93�Sa Plans and specifications may be examined at the o.ffice of the City Manager, and copies may be abtained for the Contractor°s ind�vidual use by applyinp� to the En�ineers and depositing with the Engineers $25,00 for each set� �'he depasit will be refunded to each bidder submittin� a bonafide b�.d upon return of the documents in good condition within ien (10) days from the date of opening bids and to non-bidders u�on return of the documents in �ood condition prior to the bid openin�a Bids must be made on �he basis of ca�h payment for the work, and accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check (on a responsible bank in the State of Minneso�ta), or a bidder's bond and made payable without condition to the City of Fr3dley, Minnesota, in an amount of not less �han 5$ of the total amount of the bido The City �ouncil reserves �he rigP�t �o rejeet anv and all bids and to waive any informalit3.es in an,y bids reeeived without explanation� No bid may be withdrawn for a period of th3�ty (30) days� By arder oP the City Council of the City of Frid ley, Minnesotan Dated this 21st day of October , 1963� ., Earl Pa Wa�ner, City Manager �. , �1 • � � _ - �2 RESOI�t�TION NO a �.9b3 A�E�O�[FTI�N ��€ORIZII�G � DIRE�TIIVG THE S�L��Z'TI.�E� 0�' S�'�C�AI�, ASSE5SPiENTS �N I�0'.� 6 A A►��9�ITOit ° S S�TBDIViS�vI� N� 0 92 �D '�I� E o 16' �F F�4'�S �, �ID 4�, �K � e�tE�&i�G ADD�TIOI3 UIHEREASs �extai�i s�ecial a�s�ssmen�� ha�e �een le�.ted w�th �res�rect �a ce��ai� l�nd and �a�.a i$na na� suivseque��ly taeen subdiu��,ded� NOW, THEREF�IRE BE IT RESOI��TED, as f�llowe a That the assessment le�ied against fihe foilow�,ng descr�,bed pa�s�els, l.oQ�ait; Lot 6, Audit�x°s Su�di�ision AToo 92 �nd �he Fo lb' of Lmts 1 and 4,� Bl�ck 1, Herrig Additiona �8y aad shall be appor�ianed and diwided as fol7.ows: Origival Parcel Lot 6, Aurlitar's Subo �92 E� 16' of Lots 1 aad 4, Block 1, Herrig Addition Division of Parcei Appre�ed Larrp`s First Addition Fund Re�o Sq A, Fund SW�48� Seuaer La�eral SWm48S See��rres Lateral SWm48B Wa�er Lateral SW=48B Wa�er Ta�eral Reg, S, A o Fua�d SW�48B Sewer Iateral SW��er8B Water Latesal Fu�nd Reg; o S o 1! o Fund SW=�S$B Sewer Lateral SW=�8B WaCer Lateral ADOPT�D BY I�E C�,TY COIJNCIL 0�' THE G�`TY OF FRiDLEY THZS DAY OF �- ;:. �°; � i 963 0 ATTESTt CITY CLERR � Marvin Ca Bzunsell Oasi,�inal Amoua�t $ 325,'�0 1a247,1.b i,o4s oar� 582, 2:' 46�f o 98 44,32 249028 �11a04 Oxlgina�� $ 370022 2aS40o30 1,158027 ��:5� MAYOR m William Jo Nee CITY MANAGBR m Earl Po WagAer i � �' �� �ESm�i�T��i� r�0 0 � 9b3 €� �ESO�ION AI�TI�OP����G �Tt3 DIREG`T�NG T'HE SPI,�T'���JG OF s��.c� Ass����,Nrs �� ��.���, z�o� sE��zo� r� �',.�iEI�Sa cer��:in s}secia3 �ssess�en�� ha�e �neen le�ied �it�h �esp��� �a cear�a�,� l��a aaad gaid 1a�nd tu�s su�sequengl� �een su�s�3i�ided b Nfi&Ts TIiEREFORE �E IT RESO]LnJ°EDa as follv�ts: Tha� �i�e assessr�aeat �e�ied against �he foilowing descrii�ed garcel, to�wits Paxc�2 150, Sec�ian 119 �nay and siw,ll �e appvrgias►ed and di�ided �s fvllaws: (�ri�inai Pa�cel Par�e� 15�8 Sec�ian Il Dit�fs�on of Parcel Apprated Parcel 150n Section 11 (Ex, part �v� ��ngelfcal Free Churct� of America) Fund Rego 3o Ao Fund W�34 t�ates Main SlxSS=24 Sewes Main S&SSm24A Storm Secaer Fund Reg, So Ao Fund W�34 W�a�er Main S&SSm24 Sewex Mai� S&SS=2�aA S�orm Sewer �xxigiaal Amouat $ 3,397004 11,34io86 8,205e53 41,939o3S 0�'igival Amotmt $ 30133009 10,460060 3,567 0 9fi 38s580obb • Evangelicai Fxee Church af America ('Pha� pastt of �he �T� of E� of NF.� of Seco 9.1m30-24: Ce�ao a� a p�, on the Sa liae of said W'� of E� af NF..�s eaid p�a ��iag 29U' Wn af the S� �mxo of said W'� of E� of I�' A tho N, alang a�.i�e �saraliel ca��h t�he �0 2fxae of s�id W� of � of NW� a d�sto of 60' �o th� acg, gi�o of beg, of �he Iand �c� be descxiiaed; tho con�, No al�ag �he las� �esa line a dis�4 of 44�0'; aho Wo pa.ra2Ze1 uri�� �he So liae of the said W� of �?� of �IE� a di�� � of 30a' ;�h, S o paxa�.lel. c�i�Iz �he- � � iine af the W� of E?� of IdE3x a d�sto �� �a�o-0° �� a��, �0' �d, of smid So li�a�; ��o E; ta �Ise p�, of beg, j Re�, S o A, �aad W�34 Wa�e�c Main S&SSm24 3ewer Main S&SS-2kA S�arm Sewes AImPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE GITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY oF ���C� e I963 0 � ,AT7'EST a CIiY CLERR � M�r�sia Co Bruaseli $ $ 263095 8$la2b �,3� 057 3a258o69 �% 1 MAYOR m W�lliam Ja Nee CITY MANAGER,� Earl Po Wagner • • ---- �� ��.?:����s;'�,'t_:C�I� k��„ � ���:� <'� i�AS .J�::...' f 3l�p`':i ;�..iYy�s$,?..S$1.4 � �!,►`+CF b�1V�s� �AY,'',.i.>ft�.�� �i"�17 r$,Sllj �.�� . l.. �L�.M, a ....'4X d`IDtE .>i:a.4t i .." ��.'Csdy �,ts%,...f 'f3.:' "��";, E„ �'a<.�_ °...�F�i'�,1T'rC C'eN ?•,�i'S `;l P±�'�J �i,, �3� .�'.��,s $, a�.'� .:�,s`��' '�?�i�r. a��;,:x' '�:,�� �',�±: � ; ,La_;: �'�`��.:'A�"S�:'8� ; S°��"°�;��,�, i3�G.'4.":.�,,�� £���'ts'��u'S�s.E:���S ry_hq�t'� �:..c��?�}: .�� .+ �� !"� -�'� Y"t��3(3C��f; E,r) � ��i��.�n �$�ar �a�d ���,� ����r� ��s ���a�c�uex��;�:�N '����? �����°;�d �,�° � � � �� I3�+1 � °�'I���.EPQfifibE �F � F.E sQ�,��"�,D n �s �� � �.�tas o ��a�; �I�� �s��ssa���t �,�r�.ed ��;a�:a �s� �;�a� �o�,�,r��a�,n� c�� �:��`�;�d ����el,s a �o-�,��o L,c�a°� °; a�►ci 8s 8�.��k i.,. �pr��.n� L�b�� Pa�k ����s�de,> ao.�Tr- ��ad s�,�l i�e ���e�r����ea� ��?.d u�.�"i�de�3 as f���,��s� aa�d �h�� �kae s�axm s��;Ln�� �,�3�es�r�c:��° ���-�ed o�a �ac��� �;� �����k� �„ S�S��r�g %;ake P��°k �,���s�den �x��rt�i,ra�s��y- E�.������o,au�, '���aam �o� c������� �d �c� �: i�� C�K,,�a.�.���- s, i,g k�e�°et��>� c;ex�°� ���d a�c� ��.���ded ��,� �` � �,1-:�E�� ; �i��-�i�. ± �'���e: ��', Ia��-, ? ;, � � rsc�c :� , �g�°���� :�vake P��.��: ��:���i_c�E�. �o� i3� �2��4� � � S��°�,n� L�I�e P��k 5�,�,I�eside D;��,°��a�c�xa �� P,�:�=���_�Q..���_�d i����. er� ����so� T3��a��v��c� �.�c�.> Fuxad iteg o S.: A o Fund t�'-3�a t�la��� �isa �CS��:`�� aec�re�e 2�a��. i��-=3"� T,�a€.��� I,��e��� �u�.� ��x ;�r��m 5�u3e� ;`� ;? SW�,�F S�s,r�� �a���:�<�� � `: S�CsS -�4-•B s�'o� s����� E� i��� „ S u ��. , �a��+� F�=�3�+ 4d��;e� ��a�a��°z�� S�SS�-�� 5���� �;t�?�� t�=3� Wa�e�° ������.� S&SS>��� S��� Se�se�e 3W<.48 S�ae�' T��e�°ai ��D�'ED f��' , G� �f�i�N��b OF T� ���,' �J� �'A ���E'� '��.�5 D.�,it C).�' z� - _ - - ` ;,t'' �__-- -- - s, � 9Ci� „ • �„g� P. �e H�a� 4� .:, C�� �%E�.K �- I�a��iaa � � B�ruaisell � f3���n� :._ A��u�a�; � ����� 24� oE�i �.�9 ='" omd 52f� � �'�G ;'l�I,���? � ,�;i3���. �6�3��E ��i��ina� .A�mou�1� � �� 1 �':� 4 2�+���r ��9.,�3 52��80 1;329<31 �,,� �3 �60 _! 4-_=— - --� �-_ -_�___=_ _�_���:=t.�— M�AXO�i �� WS�,I��.r.� �T ��� ___ - - — __.-- -._ .: _=� - � -_ --__ r,__ C Y �`�' �.��d���� k:�, F.i .w `.•,��.e� �- ---- �.� RESOLU`TION N(�a 1963 � 1� ItES0I�i3TI�N AUTHQtIZING AND DIRE�TZNG TIi� SPLIT'��NG 0� SPECIAI, �SSESSMENTS ON PARCELS 910� 930„ 940� 9�'On AND 1010% MELOI�� G�E�1S �REAS, certaiu special assessment� h�tae �een le�ied wi�h respect to cer��in land r�nd said laad has su�aequently i�een suk�d�.�id�d, PIOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, as fo2lo�s: That the assessmenC le�sied against the following described parcels, to-wit: Parcels 910m 930r 940� 9�0, and 10105 Melolaud Gardens, may and shall be appor�ioned and div�ided as follows t O�riginal Parcel s�c+a 'k Parcel 910A Melolaad Gazdens Parcel 930� Meloland G�rdens Pascel 940� Meloland Gardens Parcel 9�0, Meloland Gatdens Ptuid Rega So Ao Fund Reg, S, Ao Fund Reg � S o A.> Fund RP.gu �7o Aa .S�p.� Orf gina 1� $ 290,90 34e11 298a43 311a�2 Parcel 101On Meloland Gardens Rego S. Ao Fund 311,72 . Divisian of Parcel Appraved Fund Original Amount Plat of Meloland Lak�iew Reg, So Ao Fuad $1,246088 ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL OF THE CZTi" OF �'RIALEY THIS � DAY OF � „ -1 ; , 1963 ,> JI�-�..��, ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Mansia Co Bzunaell • MAYOR � Williem Jo Nee CITY MANAGEA - Barl Po Wagaer , • tt��oca�r 15, 19b� riEMO T{7 s �ig� Max�ager a�d G���S Councf 1 FRO�IY: riax�in C, B�unsell� Finance Director S(JBJECTs Water Lageral Assessaneat � Impr�we�nen� Proje�� Noa W�3/3/,s I�ot 208 Audi�or's Subdi�ision Noo 92 Lo� 20, Auditor's Suladi�nision Noo 92 is a COYI1Qi loto T���s lot was assessed on Gardena A�enue for wa�er ia�eral charges under Imprr,�remen� P�oject Aloo W�3�+ and on the east si�e b� �granteme�at Projec� Noo a(d`�48a T� ghexeiEare, recomimend �ha� the lateral charge a�ade t.�nder the wa�er �in pro�ec� �tJm34) tae a�a�ed o • r1 U _^.!. �� � � .�. �% R���I�tia'��i� NOo �9�3 �. R.�S�I�LBT��1� ABATIt�G CEIt��Ii� SPE�IAL, AS��S���"i3T� ON ��"T 2�n ,��IDIT€�R`� 5'L�IID��3'�S��I� �i�o 9� Wi�EItEt�39 � w��er mai�. ��,�� cs�� �err�s�����:d crn ��dezza A�aenue by Iab�roR►em�nt P�°o�ec� Idt�� W�3�aa �et�d„ WHEi�EAS, it is �the pol��� �f �ka� �i�y �o �ssess gxopes� abu�ting on a�ai� line for lat�ral cia�rg,es �nd Le�C 20� Auditor'a Suind�.visio� Noo 92, was �herefore assess�d �ar a c,v��p� la�era7. ��.de;r i�sraga���� Pgojec� Noa W��ia ande WHER�AS, a wa�er 2ine was a2so ins�allecl undez ][�p�a�euea� P�oject Noo SWm48 which also a�ug�ed ghe a�cxse progesct�y �.nd ghe ab�e pxoper� w�s �herefore aasessed for a�ater la�eral charge on 7xnpra�emeng P�oject N�a SfnTT�48& NOW, THEREFORE, BE ZT RESOL9rD, � tite Ci��r Council of the Cit�► of Fr�dle�p tha� the caatex lateral ehasge made axncte� �mpr�e�e�� �ojeeg Noo W�3k in �he �aount of $�02 a40 be aba�ed aa�c� aa�� ��aen�s mae�e ��r date oa the abo�►e sss�ss�aaeat �e ac�funded, PASSEA AND ADpPTE Y THE CITY C�TCI� OF TH� CITX OF FRIDLEi,' THIS � DAY OF �_�[�� .�� �a 1963 0 • A�ST : CYTY CLERK - Mart�i.n C o Brunse2l C� �3.YOR � W�llisrn Jo Nee CI�Y MANA�R � Earl Pa Wagaear �� r1 U • ."�c°Gi�.��'�:�a:r4;�?�'� F��'�.�:�.'�'!1_'t�V� C'��7'�ll� (�� �F�,��.�f���'�i:.'y ��.�`��SQ'`�'� Octob�r 2ig 196� �.�ni�l� Su.����� �r�aa�y �� �G G��x�.d 5����G �3 0� � ;'1.���Q�i�A�..^> ��' J:IA.�io it�� Strae�e Pra�ect Sto 19G2�4 change a�a��c I�o 0 1 G�n�:1.�u�a o `�c�� �� heaeeby e�rd�x�d, �u�horiz�d aud ins�xu��ed �o add to y�s�.�° �a�:�:�ac:� �'c�r St�e�� Ts��a�ovem�:nt i'�oj��� S�� 19fi2�4 �he fallosaing s���y�� .;.a�g�c�v�u� b�s�d mra �%� �o1law�.x�g �s�ima��d qu�tn�iiy �ax a �,��r�1� €�a��i��.o�n�i Lum�p Sum Pxic� of �"��uea�d ,s:ad �I�a/0�� Hundx�d�h �<�-1.ffi�qoouoc�oa0000c.00nr�n�oocc.u000000000cn000000000n000�2�dOQo��o '.�h� ab�sr� L'ur�p 5um k'�f�� ehal�. be adjusL�ci b� any ac3ditic�me �� �� d��l.+���n� f�n �hc ,�gp�i�t� qua���.�f�s byr �� �a�t�eg�� un:�t �?�"A.C'�19 �1Ci��[�� �i(YC��,��,E7X1� �`3 l%al� ��,�� li�t��ts imaC�alZed t�ri�h g�a��s �.i7�J �:�.x�n :�'�<. 12�' �.a���.�'a @��50 a 0D � � �� 8000 Li�„ft, �� ��,`?.�r E����r�h ?3.���� °�� ��.� �r�?�d ����°���:�,��c��y�� � 2o�?a04 �a�iy � ae�'��.t�t��d �.�xci �.�pa°�a�r�.d t�y �0 9a 6.C�ZIi�E.u�iC.°A4.y i�,�� �aaa �is d�ty af � :�b��, �,�Jr>� �i��°�ea-ae�i �ii rs��epted �:b.�s � �i€a�� a�i �c���, 1963 b� Ikenlcic3y �3�s � a E, Vo �am��tock, PaBo App�cnred and �.ccepted �1�ie � day a� Octob�ac 1963 by �.h� �itp �osax��,l of F�lcll�y, Min•:,z�ca�a �'y _ i�Jayc�r �y . ��L�y �ian��er • Nateo �'h� �bwe AADITIONS relate to 73rd Avenue, fra�n Universitq Aveaue �o Able Stresto � � � r�� � SUB�IVII�RtS P'ETITI(7N FOR ZMPROUPMENTS � � AG�iEffi�SENT CF MET�OD �' PAY�1! CF II�IPROVF1sEItIT3 s �. _ �� Thia a�rse�nsr�t, entered into thie •��� dqy o� .r..� , 19+j� bet�rsen tihs City ad Fridley, Minnssota, hsreattsr relert�d to ae t,hs City, aad ��.�t_ O: �� ��fl._._.. '. o�wn�er(a), birsaftar retst�s�d to as ths eia�nsloper(s) to� tho pnrpos� of pstittoo- ing for 3mprov�emante in the plat knaxn as _ ���.�+: �s� ��r�rm� .,� and a�reenent oa t�e methad ot P4ymeat t'aa� t�txe ab�v�s impativ�em�saba. Ths dsvelopar( e) lareby petit3.ans t�hs Cit,y to iaatall tbe f olla�l.ng impmv�e-� mantsa *(a) at�reet ,eurlaci� (b? (o) ��� a�d coaneoti�e. (d) (e) j�••�•t ��� �•- i=i boli�i0tiii'L�I�� � and ( 8) abc�n ss�w�er ia a�ad t a�z� eai.d plat� aud apxses to �scrar monepr �dth the City to oav�sr the coat ot all suoh impravmnen�s o� all lots to� �hioh tl.t.1,e is �ransfes�r�ed bet�een t.he tima the lina7. plat i e saospted aad t�e t3ma tha� t.he aeaesament for s�uah improvemerrt� appeare on ti�e t�c rolls� aad agreee to plsa� iu escraar �i ,�,�______ to arnrer parelimiaary engir�esring coe�e� to be rsturned upon petitSar�ed xork bein� p]aced uader coutraat� lesa smouate �,ot a�d�ded to ueese- ment aoata. E�oceptiona ar ctie2etione apgro�ed by the City to above 3mpra►eaenta are: The amaunt af land being doaated for park purposee ia �� aares; or cash p�,yment in lieu thersof in the amouat of $ lOS•A� ia attached. (Aarsag�s based on 5� of land s�itiiir� bouridax�y ot' aubdiv3.siao4f or i.n lisu therso�f'� 5� ot $I,000 per acre� or �I$.00 per lat aad outlat� whiohever is lsss. P7.ata w�d�r three acrea are s�npt from all park land or mo�ep pe�rn►snt rsquit�eo�ents•� l� � �. ,�� �,. :.. � % � �� � ,.�r �..,,..,-�. . � neae #Crosa out words not apnti.cablee • �3�s=/9�.� �� � � C 100 �F���'S FCD1Z C011?SSNT AL►�D APPRf3�iAL BY � C�TY COUNC%L - OCTOBSR .r.a�.. �,: �7� 7 J � ���m R. Smi�h 3139 Dt�ap �?� Brighton, l�tinnesota Dteil 13a�nea� il�l - 83rd Av�ue North Brookl�►n pa�ke l�iasaeaota FOSYT� Patrolman Patsolmati W� A�S $459000 Peac Month $459000 Pe]C Moath �� Daatald B�naetbuaot Du�tne I�edian • _ � � �.���.,�. i .. • Cl;i ♦ ' ) 4 1*. \. st' �;' :i� a�t ' '#': t! it 1' ` • ' 11 1� ` • • ;IC M `: f < .r.. �; _ • i * _ .[ Y� • � � �a� Cau�ac3.]> of �e Ci�y o� Fr3,d7.ey do� o�cl�i�a ����i 1 p �at 'tya� Ca�cil ��adB �t i� i.s neces�y to sepair s�ja� bY� �.ffa i:la� s� 1ia� o� f3rd A�eam�ue NosoB �:.� �ae� �o��,o�a �y� we�e�l.y oi �� 3.a���s�cctf,o� w3.�h 8ag� #65 a �'`��� ���aa���a wi� �u�a ��3� o ca�h� �po�3.� o� �a� 13ac�e i.a the �� ��xa��. �� �� �� ��e���cip �aa� �:he C�.�� �tt��xe� Seco�da '�I'��� �,a4�. ���:�d�.��.�'�e �Com ���c� �a���ffi ��� tnp�.� �t� �iQ�lt fOIC a� �a� �� ��a� �s� �� e�Q� o�'� 9"��t �h� c�a�og detafes xe�pss�si� �a�,��.�,� �� �� �►��� c�� .���.d �.�� b�t �i�.�. �� 5tr,� of #ai� �aia �� o �4i� � �� � ��� ��e�rl��.� � c���y �s�s ����� i.�� g�t'ov�.sior�s �� ���.�a � Q��i �� �� ����' ��t� � � ��'��3 � �_ �at '�� Cit�,r �o��� �rtd ��s�aa�� SiaC�a �e�888�tsy �.�c�c aa��`�i��.s ����o �ri�o� adve�isi.�q :t��," �3�.c�.�a� fQ� °r�� �. , i�:� �+C-��� �� �.:�5� a� '���E� !'�ii�a'�� �1eF'sop a't 'tll�; �t ����,�a��,� ����� �� �s� ��.�.�' n , � ����� � e � °�,� �d3.a�+�� ��,p�l �ia� Ci�y Cvde aa ���diac ��2 0 ��D `�IS �1�T DAS� 0�' OCTO�R B 1963 BY T�iE CITY CO�CZL OF TAS C��' OF TaR�I�Yo ...� - - -- W3�.1� Jo IdNo i�AYtt?1t R�ST !�� C � B�saasee].1 a CITY �RK Re�,da �to��oc 2],g 1963 Et�b1f��Ya a Oetoi��x 30 � 1963 . � � � � RESQLUTION �159-1963 FtES�LUTIQN AUTHORIZING THE PREPAR,ATI9N OF FINAI, PI�ANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FdR EXP�N- SION OF FIRE STATIE3N. WHEREAS, a memorandum prepared by S. C. Smiley and Assaciates, daated October 11, 1963, for the Fridley Firemen`s Volunte�r Relief Association was presented to the City Council by Mr. Smiley and by Fire Chief Hu,�,hea, and W1iEREAS, S. C. Smiley proposed that if t�ee City of �ridley would supervise the work that his fee would be set at four and one-half (4�70) per cent, N04J THEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED �Y THE CT1'Y COtINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESQTA: 1. Thnt the project for the expansion of the Fire Station be approved. 2. That the City Attorney be �uthorized an�d directed to work out a su�table plan of financin� *.vith -[he Attozney far the Relief Asaociation. 3. Thm� S. C. Smiley and Associates b� authorixed and directed to prepare the necessary final plans and specific�tions. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Fridley this 21st day of October, 1963. ATTEST: Clerk Mayor � +�a3�eg I� b i�63 i3onoa�abl� rqa�o�r Ken��rs of the Ci�y Council Frid]L�ya �3innesa�ta Re: Editorial Paqe of the Fridley Newa of October 9, 1963 �ntl�'tx When a t�ewspap�rr ptin�s m�,eleadi r�g infc�acmatioai ox misinfarmstian, I da �ot �ri�e ietteac� to th� editor �n proteate � do no� feel that I s�ovt3.d d�.c�raif.y su�a n�ater�.a]. by t�lt3.xtg issu� witla it n There are eaaugh e�a�1 �s d Y�aa�v�r Q of suc� �aist�fasma���a in �se �d itorial p�ge of- the ��id1� �T�s oF Oetob�r 9, 1963 o tha� i f�l 9-laat you, as sa�► �plcyyers o a�e �t�.��.ed to a s�at�t af �h� actaxal facts, i.aa cas� aray of you might �o� have b� present at any of the ��cings � discussions to �i.c� these �d�.tc��.a� 3.te�as p�taino •By th� �� you xead this in, the agasada far the October 2l, 1963 rneet3.�d � ass� t�iat you will hav� s�en fihe varioue itmna in their �ra.�isety� although, I wil�., b�cause o£ a lack of spnce, quote only s�e c�� �s �xe �aagrant mi5��at�ta fc�r ��gxas�s a� discuseiano T�be fixst �Or� .F S':48a�aii. 6A���Q��4i.R.Gi 61 G8i►K �a� AA�r�IY� E'S i dL��� J7�Q� �. S�.�t� O J�YQ •i��%A�VW� �M/��+GrWHd� (-0dsF3 i�&.VII�1 d+Nid.F. �ar �fow�i� �!iiib��ifi��� �ri` �ii7 �lyr ��.6 a C��i�r�� �i��� i.68 tdie! ��.1�"..�J��aC�.i. o 0 0 0 a°�.ea� moxe �3i�n �e g�sid�ut pxo��steci tli� ap�arent swifto unaoticed cl�v�.opa�� an�l �Zropcas�d passage of tt�� 196�4 budqet, City Man�ager �ax�. i�agn� ��tzaat�d in favor o£ a scapegoato Tri-County N�wspaper �il� �c3 t�ae b�.�.l o�Taqr►er accvased this i�gal pu�licatiom of not run�- �irac,� a?r�gal noti.e� on the budq�st heariY�g o A aotice W�gne�r �aid was seait 2�e�e azi Sept�++e� 16 a�e le�al a�otic� eall ing fo�r the buciget �aear�g was r�ceiv+�l Itiere sateardax � August 31 and gan an Sep�omber Qr a�.�. Q c°si1� �$ o�r �e actu��. g�c�s are th�..ss In the Avgust 5, 1963 agendao on Page 59a is � r�solut�.on provld3.ng foor a public hear3ng x�lative to tl�� mill levy, t�n Pas�e 6p i� �h� notice of hea�i�ag o arr�rk�d a� the bottoan to be published ����a�� 19� o A�u�at 2�, �d August 2�, 1963 a 7l'"his aso�ice �eta the publ ic �a��au� o� �e �3.A1 1� �td �� l�udg�t fc:� Sept�ae� 16s Y963, and refu�tes �.lae ��� ��d� i� t�Ia�r above �axagr�ph �at I said at the m�ting that • �ia� ���ic� ��� ��t t� �1ae pap�x om S�pte�e� A6o �e �'rirdl� News, the ���' ��.��1, ��.p�c e ueceives a cc+�og� s�f the age�a:da which 3.� mailecl to •�a� ��a ��� �'aciri� ���+� f�te Councii ��iru�, at tiie �a� tine the agendas a�s� d���.'&�+�.�� �b '�l6�3 P��.�.'�: D@p�$ gtls� t���.V81'� '�fl �1� �OL1IIC�.ZfisY3¢ �� ��.���� 5 � 1�9�'a� ��n+� was �mailed �o �� �wspa�aear on ]r'�fc��y a�qust 2 B � � � ���� ��,aooaoeo �:963o w3i�.c'�S was i2 days pri.or to the requasted fix�� 8ate of publicationo �Yae a�a�em�nt in �e pas� h� be+en fihat tho ne�►sp�per will chock with �7ri� Ci�y �+isn�ger a folla�ia�g a Co�ncil ana�tia�g o�o de��cmi�e tiLat the t�mvnnci� �aad oad+e�ed publicatior� of �e �ao�tic� tha�t are iu the aqeAda ��eu��.o Ae'ta�itic�n�i,].yn hc�r�ver, my secreta�ry mailed thia notice to the �asp��� ico ins�� tii�►at � woulcl pu%iish s�o 3ubseque�ntlye we +�is���� �.at �ic� �iici nvt publis7� �a� natice on August 14, or on �'iugt�� 23., �a ��� �t tls� ��tiag oi� S�pt�oabe� 4, 1963 a a�r aotice was �a �� ac�a�� t� Page S8 for pubiicatio� on Se,pte�� 4, 3eptember 11, �e1 ��t 1�� 1963, settiaig th� ra� he�r�xsg da�e� as Ssptem�e�c 3Q, 1963. �ais �xot�.�� v��s �i�.eed. f.a the News priar to seadiaq tho ag�da to tb� €��c�.7. ���a�s� �a� ��r fisst p�abli�atian date coi�cidecl w�.�h the Council ��� a�d ����ax��, %��.d no� w�3.� fo� ac:tion by #�� Co�aa�il o�his �.�t3.�� w�� p�.��l.�.�� or� sept�+� 4e as requestedo A r�po�ter irom the �io��,�` ri�as r�as a� t'i� Sep�ez�be� 4th Coua�cil n�et�.ng as I secall o and ��cl Ya�a�x ��� c3�.�ca�s�►�.om w�ena tb�: Cauncil re8� �a� �aeari.nge Te �here�or�, � sa�'a�iaa� �ur�zi��d a� th.i.s� sta��o�a,nt �.ait�x on i.a� �h�e ed�toriai o e� o a ��e �s�oa �.�.d n�t � Mo�daya Sep�e�da+e�r 3Q wa� a budget megting a���3. �� �g�n�ta �or �i�e me�ti�g arrived l��e l�tionday mornim,� o" Tn tYi� fe�ta�e� gsa:�.g��pht abave, you reotice the�y do admit r�ceivirig the ��c�� 1���1 ma�i��� �l#�arsg� �e� ca�,�, it �a� oaa.t� on�Q o� Saturday. �ugu�� 3�, o �� �.s ����'s �o � �a� � x�aspa�ac w�.13. not �ake enougi� :�at��st in ��i� �.�g�7! �3.cc� fa� �a�.r� �a+� �x� �:�d to puhlis�i to read �� o��ci � i��y s�t�ie� a�aou� �L� o a�a�� �a� �2ais clea�cs up the �atte� �� t�t� C��g� ��g� x���at3x�g 3.xa �avc�: �� a ec�p�c�t o Z-��� �g�:�aao �e �c� quotes �ic � w��Lc� 1� �o eo�e�t an aiace �ey �el��e �.c� a�r p�l��y.. a � n "1�la��► Ci�.y �qeaca r�lea8e th�3r proposed budgeta to �e ,pzess at �he �am� tinc� thay gi�� �a� to the City Councila Despite �a►� ��e� �liat Wagr� was asked far Bo�roe p�^eliminary iafo�tion, �t w�s a; ei�ed o p � fee�, tia�� the £3rat draft of the budget gresen#.�d ta tha Council is at �hat ,poi�� �� City �ge�' 8 budget � Zu�d thatt tbe bud�g�'t as f iA.al ly ` acio�,a�t�d �.s m�x1 s�ould 9�, the budqet of the C3ty Co�ancil. I feel very s�osagl� t,��t if �h� buc'lget I am prasen�iug to tlie Council ahould be �taaly� �.zs t,�e pr�a� before t� City C�il hag had a deeent oppartunity te r�r�.� 3.� and cha�g� it, aaiy c�atrove,��sia1 issuea that mig'ht a�riae �nr�ul+� �+a b�ses3 u�o� the City Maaager's btac�g�t �d would put the City �ound � � t2�� u���ae�:ax�m�� p4siGti+oa� of d�fendiag ti�eir judgm�nt on what city service �oul� kr� �ar�av�.d�, ag�ire�st propasals ;o�ade by one af ti�oir �pla!�ees o I �oel �� �t� C�.�y �Co�il as the policy�askinq body of the City should �ve �aE ��.g�a� �ca d�t�,rmiri� their polici+as oaa such a c=itical phas� of ��.�� �cav�;.��n� �� ��au�1��t, and pa�e�e�t fih�e Sudg�rt to �� �ublic a�s �,�� p�,°�_��as�l ����.�e.c��b. �►�.vir�g ou�side �ces�su�ees �acested u�on t&� b���s'� C � .:�cL'�'�:' �$���"w u c� t+ n i> s�.� �r►� wras �xa �Trae C1tx Mariaqe�e ° S budg�t o� not �.xz the C3ty Manag�c ° 8 3����e� w�,�a wh�a �+ca� paicticular groug mi.cj4t �a3� i.�su�. Thi� final s�ta.c�'t�.stioa�� o m o 0 "Repeatsd cal.ls �o Wagmmer 'I�axl rosulted ean3.y ia� tiie aa$wer that �h� Ca�c�.l w�s coaa��.u3t�g to dis�s� thm budg�t infoxmally anc� fi��+� wag �v� aaa i�adi��tion �t t1�� bttdget heariag would �� � �.ac� �nda� Q S�gic 34 , " also is �a�h�t puzz].i.�g tn r� 8ince I do no�� ra�call m�ce thar� two calls f�oa� the Fr�3,ey ��ars ar�d one fro� ths l�iiaueapolis Star r�].ative to tb� �au�lget o'.t�+� reps��r �ror� the Star s� to u�clerstand th� reaso� w�hy � did saot wish ta g�.ve au� �for�ti� �liat had auu�tt been given to the �;ounc�.]L Q a�ad i di:� � get t.he impr�ssiaa� in �alk�ng to the repar~ter froan �e News e�a� he �ook particul�r uum�b�ag� at my reply o Th�r+� �e �.wo oth�r ��a co�aat bo� �.n �,e .n a suub�h��d:�g ca£ �'�3d8 itema on tl�� �di�o�risl. page upon w'hich I wish column hea�ded "Cl.ips and QutipB" � atzd fou�nd undmr axid Eaxi�" a']Che fixst quote ie as follows e. o o, "Ea�i �T�g�x Q k�ris�, ey � s C�.ty Manag� e�►as xefuaed to provide • aopi� o� �th� Cou�il's ag�a►da to �.�te Fxidl�y Tax�syex�s Study �OLS�: �'lP..I�:c�13L4�'3 �:�� � S �IDV lYlllCal W011"�L 811L� COB�S �OC� �Illt�'lp o p �ixis c,�uofi�t�.a�a is dsf�..nit�ely �nte�ded �o d�.scac�dat tt►e City Ma�ageac since t'�xe cclun�a wri�er �auld kaow �ta� �h:Ls is �t�t �xactly wha� g sa3,8 arLd a].soB t'l�aat r� reaaoan.s �e� �efus� �a ,�crvic% t�x+� agenda to the Study ��c►up �� xeas�l.� o T�e ca�.u�n�.st ° s��ticipa�ian camaa� about ��aus� a of �r,e 5��.�► G��,p h�c1 ask� � Qar].iar, im ny officea �.:� he ��.al� ia�.v� � �G,�y' of �e� age�ia ��.�� a� '�&� �eetit3q or ,�ubsequent �t� $�� ��$�d Bt? '�l�ct Wl1�lt �31: �'6gjJtlr'�� 1�0 i1�.8 CJIAM1�Ij�e �1 tA�lll.� hiVO �1e ��.�t ��� ������ 0 3�v�s�ci h� �ia�� I pxe,p�ce �4 of these ages�da� ��.�� t�►�� a �r�� da�al. �s� tiea� and �hic�a at�e �easive �o �ar�pare �n �a th�� ����.�� �d Yha� if �t psepa�� o� oa� a regulas basfs fa�c his °��'��. ���1d �a�a �,i� ��,igat�ci to p��,�e tti2m for the Jaycees, League s�� W� i�cr���s a�� n whia� s o£ caurs�►e would resul� i.n taking all of ti�e ��� o.� a� e��£..�ce �us� to �aaep�� a� ag��dao I advised h� �ha� +aa�h news�- ����� c�e�� z� ��;b� o£ �� ag�dao and �a� th�y have at ti.mes l�ft t'he ��c:,�.�� ��, �°,�se ���y I�a�.�. af�� iche �tia�ge and perhaps, one oi the zepo�cters �,���.c� ���.�c� �:aa �.�� �'��v� t�e ageaa+da a��r �e s�e�ing was ov�r. o ,�.;��a����,�.�„ �� �m� ��:�a� �t S�g���� ��f�a� 1a� asic�►d tY�.+� wxit�r of 4:he �����a� ��� �:��.� ��t�a �i �.� was ��� tia�i� � w�� �s�� by �ae colum�ist •���,� � a��ti�.�.d ����. c�;��� �� ��a � gra�t�o �.ud n�,r r�pl.y wag pni�qu.�ted as abov�. •'�'�c:�� ��:�i� �.�s pt,��iy� ar� �3aai��cra��.v¢� �.xa��t�.o�a�l bos�lc9.� for t�e ��>�.�"��<�.G� i�,4r� <,:s� 1;.a�i� (:63�?��.�. aC1��iC�C�Tg +'�f� �t 3t�ii�(� $�1�'� �t,.' pt�$ C�1� �i3C1 �;e;� ��,a� �3a,�p ar-�°� �ax�. o��U �.� �t�i�g� z� �us��asm in ��� wordso this �,;: r��� a �a��.�.r� r�..e�u��� ��i �,s �Ya� �� � ��r iza�+exo£fic� �ao 3.� any '���s�ae�� ca�� g���r���. e�a�:�tyn »�:`� �M��� d: ����. c> v a � c+ � �� �oll��.�g c,�ao�tic� actually invc�lves th� Cc�tieil mc�xe thaa� it ��-'� °��� ��.�y° �� v bufi sinc� t'�� aff�Ldavi�s w�eare a�ig�.a111r deliveaced �� z�Q ���� ��� I ar�v�u].d co�� on �khis paragr�ph alsoo o m�, •�Fr�dl� a s Co�cil M�adsy niqht l�ept�ber 30th r�eived copies �� �.�w� Af��.�avi�a f�;ca�a citiz�ris stat� t�as� �aa.l2ota seceived da�r� la�� �a].3. °� g�e�a1 e7l+�ctioa w+e�s pre—maxked o T'he � ccan�,��i.� � s��t�'s dismissed �e 1e�t+�acs a� beirug too °'ex— ��,s���•��eR p �°toa� �mfu). for Fsi�diery°' 0 8an�rrev� � Fr3.dlay �:.�3�;� a� Caaa��g� Attoa�a�r ��� �o�a�t� �e� i.�ivestigate �c��:� c��� �a� Coaauei�. �.�arrae�d t2aia a a���rxg �ras held a�. ���olt���c�r� ,�asa�d askix�g Jo'�tu�►so� to "caieekou�" the matter o° �� �.s '�c`ue '�a�. o� �la� afternooa of Sepk�er 30th, I received copies of �� o a�f �'��3.ts re].ative to the a,ll�g�l marking o£ ballats o Follawing the ���c�.�l. 1��3�►� o� Se�,a��ex 3A�he I pres+�n�ed th�+se two eopies to the �����.�.o ��a� t�ae Co�xc�,l d3s��d �aat �,he affic3avits b� placed on file. `���� �i��' A���� � ie at � ntsetingg we�res aot p�repared to advise the ���u�i�. :�,��ae��° a<s �o �he di�pc,sitian c►f �ae sffidavits selative to in— ������.����3 '�€;� ��„�di�y o� saar�„ W�►et�i,� ar not an� of the Counei�.�n �.���:..�,°L�s�ci �;,�� :���•; ��� as bein� �os� ��,cAS�.v� o� too 1r►axmfula I do not fe�l ���.�� ���.�� �e� r�ay a: 9�s ��his parag�a�ph � s ince i� wo�t�.d be abvious �����'h ��� ������ �oul.d b+�i �eplosi��e arLd alsoe cou7�d be harmful for �;��.�A� �,�.�;r o�a� �,tr�ta�.s� �� ����8�a�11.� ube�ra: �1aat i.x� a�y Couu�ilman ° 8 judgment s ���a.��a:ia� ��a c�:t�� � ��x�� �b+c�� �.� �. ��n '���� � �o�� �. 0 3.96� , I di�cussed �.�:�� ���.�s���,��.�s w�� �,� ���:�r �i�����r, �:c� �a� ����� m� ��t� th� only g�{..��.c�a� �c� ��� ����.��.�., ����.d �� �s� ��� ���� ���f,����.�� �o �Ya� County .���.�.c�:���s ��a� �.,�.��*��A ���;���f�:�.oxa '�s� �,g�� ���.�x �a �� af th�mo 7."he Ci.ty �.��s�=c'�'��' �+���.��;;� ��s ���� �� c,��t;�,d ,t� :�°�� � t� �� Cca�acil. o since tth� e.��ro ����'� ;�a� �� rt��� �rr�.�Ya; ��^ae F�� Deyraat� � o� Uc��2a�r a a 1963 8 I vaaited ����°��.�. ����� ��a� �$f �-.,��� ���q �d g'�e�n �.h� �o�cil �t�s ae�v�.s�d by ttie ;� � �� .�•�-��&g�.'� �� �s�l.� �Yaa�c �e �s:o,�es d��pcx�i�ion of �i�s� affid�vits ����<�� �p� ��,� �:c,r,�ra�� ,�,��a���p A s��,�a� ���g was i.mm�d�ately aoav�edo ,�::��:�;.� �c� ;�c�3�.��:=s i�m��I� �t� ��:l.o�x1 �e �o�Iar'e3 �� �ffi+d3V3.t8 t0 th� Courity ::..'`v�����', ::' �,vraat�+� b� ��;e���i �ta s�a� ura��' osth �tlat � w� a�ot a��aare �.'::, �y' 'c;��°� °�:�4;� f�°y'a�s ,����s iaad �a3t� �2ae a�£�.davits to t�� County Att� r��`=Y"��p� �¢;�:� ��n�;�:�°�'��� �a�s ���ta�a�i.�t� to tb►� Cout�cit by m� on Oc�c�ber 3 a °�`�<�E ���'�°�.��; �"��.�_���:�3.c�a� ��=�.t?�. �h+s C��� .���oa�x��►� and �o� %�ca�xs� ao�� �ifi3�,� �:�:�::��.{; 3�.�.:�. ��a���. ��r� �°c��a�:�+° ��c��n� �t� �v�sgigat�m �e �°�a�c�n �oEr �1�c�aYc� ::��,� 4�u�%'�,��:.�� �"�'���a �o�s� �� �uc�d "ek���ls.�u�" p�zlc�s ua� so��what�: sin�� ��.•�; �s������s �;�� �;� x.►�, ���e�afi� �cs d3.se��ci�.� t�a,� Cca�cil, als��. �� Co�c�]. ..:�s�.�;. ����t;:'s,.� �,��;��r�+�; .� s�a�.��� ���e a���.r�avit� �o �� C�ty A�torns�r � s� �tc� ���� � � �� � � �a� ��. � a s�.�a�e �.� ����.X would �o� b�: ta�. �a � �a� ���,t�^���,���°�;�: �i: �.��ca���s :�. ��� ��.� of F��.�1�.�y �o d3.r�ct th� Gaun�.y ���.ogney � ���� �oc� �¢�,�►=�.� ��.������a �� ��i���d �a]c�� fi�a���ca��� �.� wou].d s� �c� � �at ��,;:�A.��bLe��a� ��°�r�lima�3l��.e:����E ,1�.d ��-4�t�6.VSSW 5+.7 d�7�S.�.4�$s0 ReC �peC�fEt�._].y► St�bl�Li.tted! .�", % 1,.� /- , :.�fx�L.� (7 �iC./c ��7.yG.tic_.. ��1 P a iai,atc,��C o C�R'7�' �iAi�AGk�li . � � CTTY OF FRTDLEY POLTCE DEPARTP�TdT T�IONTHI,Y REPORT -� SEPTF..NIBER, 1963 Thi��MO ° MILEAGE trnj.t 1.7 69]. Un�. t 21 3, 227 tTn9.t 22 5, 362 Un�.t 23 3, 902 TRAFF�;C ARRESTS .�r.__._. Speed D.v�, x, Ct�reless Driv3.ng Recklesa Dri�Y�ing ��/L Susp. or Rev. Stop Sign D/L Parking G�ther OTHE:R ARREST3 AllULT ._...._..�. Robbery Bur�x.ar� Larcen� over 50 Und�r 5Q A�s$ult Drtulk Disorderly Conduct C�r The�'t Liquor Laws Firea.rms Law Non-Suppor� Resisting Arrest 0 th.er Jvv� Burglary Larceny over 50 Under 50 Car 'T'heft Liquor Laws Other 62 3� 5 2 ZO � ll 0 2 1 0 Q 0 0 0 0 3 ❑r � � • � Thi� 8s539 2?,� 13,999 6I�0 218 51 2I 3 6!� 45 1?2 a3� 5 II � 23 3� 5 25 � 1 Z 0 2 This Mo, Last Year 1,114 85 35 8 2 9 16 i3 �� 2 1 1 1 0 b C�7 � � � • � To Date La$t Year 10,069 678 25 69 2 3 30 128 101 ?8 5 0 � 1 20 ll 5 0 ll 5 0 l 3 0 I • � • 1'QLICE DEPARTMENT REl'ORT = SEPT.i:T�BER� 1963 RA�IO �ALLS ASSIST�iNCE TO Mo�orist� c�ther Po Da Fire Depto Medica3. �,�c zDENTs �'eraona7. In,�ury Proper�y D�,maga Fata�l COMPLAINTS Domestic Robbery I3urglary Larceny Juvenile Vandalism Ca?� Thef �C Expo�ure DRUNR� OmME�'E�t Qttt� Dept o Other Depto JAIL .�.� rn,� Prisonera Noo Dags durs Other Prisoner� Noo Days Other� Thi� 26i� 25 17. 8 13 25 ��t- 0 l69 i4 9 4� �.9 0 1 2 2Q 21 35 This Mo� To Date This Yro Last Year Last Year � 2� 3� 266 132 75 �.? 252 121 �.29 2 ]. g 252 ?7 1�9 2 0 � 8 � li 287 33 16 3 19 28 14 13 1 11�.6 ? 4 29 � 0 20 1 29 8 265 2i �4Y 33 155 35 2g250 221 116 63 161 258 i45 2 l➢ 3.t�6 66 !�b 25� 11�.0 4 22 56 18I� 231 188 218 C� • • ci�r oF ��t.�t, Mx�sarA oFFxcB oF s�iLnixc a�s�croR TOPYC: MONTHI.Y REPORT TO Clti'�f MANAGER SBPT$l�BSR, 1963 ,i�t�E� 01� �'BR1��TS �SSITED l963 1962 THIS YSAR LA3T YBAR 1°�fPB OF COi0ST8U�I0N SBP�EMBEB SEE�BMBL�B TO DATB TO DASE Besidential lb �.8 17T 200 �esidential Garages 2� 2� L43 133 Alters�ions & Addit3c�as 5 �o- 48 38 MulCiple Dra�lZings 3 4 31 54 Commercial 1 0 8 5 Iaduserial �. 0 7 2 Muaicipal 1 0 i 1 Chuxches � 5chools 0 0 � 0 Aospitsls 0 0 1 0 Signs Z 0 12 12 Moviag 0 0 1 4 53 47 �29 9 OTHBRS ��� BeaCing 53 23 299 305 Pl�mbing 42 45 355 4►09 Electrical 62 53 k78 S72 1S7 &21 X.132 1,286 �. , Residaatial Beaidential Garages Alteraticrna t� Additiass MuFtiple Dwellings Cammercial Industrial Muuicipai Cburahas 6 Schaola Hoepitals Signs Movi�a8 SSTIMATBD VALUATIO�S OF BtiII.DI�QG PBRMITS ISSOBD $ 271,500 $ 282,300 $2,885,600 $3,309,300 32,266 30,846 206,60�. 192,602 55,600 5,275 lb9,rs68 80,220 260,OQ0 46L,000 987,500 2,327,000 39,500 -0- 131�200 305,000 45s000 -0- 821,000 115,000 15,000 -0- 15,000 A609000 -0- -0- -0• -0° -0� -0- 270,000 -0- 250 -0� 3,33a 3,865 -0� -0� ZSO 18 000 719, 1 79. 21 5, 89,9 9 6,g 0,9 � • � � `\+ REI�OBT T4 CI1"Y 1�AGER SEP`�EMBBR, 1963 i°YPE EY�EG°PBICAL ERCAVATI1dG twAS G�NEBlIL fl�ATING H�USB MO�VIIQG MASOP�RiC OIL HE�IZ'Il+� P�ASTERYr1� P�ITi�I�G Ft00FI1�G SYGNS WEYe& DBII�IIQG PAGE 2 AtUMBER OF I.IC�IdSES �'tJRREY9T�'Y IP� EFFECT AND LIC1�I�SS FE�S ��L,ECTED TO DATB P�I3M�T �S ii[PL #6724—#bi?6 Bti�DY1QG �3970-4031 BLSCTRi� �248�-2533 HEATI1�iG #294t►-2985 PIat�I1�G SIG`pS �tI�ER P'EES CO�LI.BCTSD 49 � 735 22 330 39 5&S 85 2,125 4I. 635 0 4 3a 465 5 75 7 I05 46 69� 1 15 14 210 �. 15 3�a1 @ $5, 965 PERMIT I�EBS 3EPTffi�8R SBPTBMBER TflI3 YBAR LAST YBAS 1963 1962 TO DATB TO DATS $ 1,137 � 763 �11,860 $10,086 994 880 7,3i3 8,427 918 336 4,779 5,700 709 811 6,359 6,891 8 0 S7 76 $ 3,765 $2,?90 $30,428 $31,180 � NSp N O R T N t R N i T A T t S P O W E R C O M P A N Y M 1 N N[ A r O L I S 2 M I N N E 5 O T A September 30, 1963 Mr. Earl P. Wagner, City Manager Cit� of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Minneapoli' 21, Minneaot4 Daar Sir: 1-6,000 Lumen Overhead Lamp Installed 9-23-63 573 Rice Creek Terraae � LEJM JER/PMCA:mb '�# � Youra very tru ly, NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY L.E.J. Mabbott, 3alee Manager �� � � '�i�o�'f1� ��;�".�� � �. . o p Supervisor oP Municipal Servio�a � - . �..�►�-�11 � � � � � � �,r� '. �� � 0