11/18/1963 - 6049� At� — �0�81t 18, 1963 a � _ .; �;,;,,_ _ . E';�i� i� f�_�3i _ .,�: �o�►s ���� �r li�ee�i�g, Nov� 4, 1963, „� � p�eial �ting, �iav� 7, 1963, ��ia.t �9�ating, Nov� 11. 1963 , ec�o�d Sp�cia]. l�ti�aq: Noveaab�eqe 11, 1963, � ��S SS ` y' y � G�'n�i�-� 1 � � ;� �y�,t, , �� !�^ � � � '� lo Public Hearf.�g ou In ;rov�t — Sfixeeta 1963-2, q' � . � � �vblic 1�e�uring — Fina3. Plat — �la�ckey Addition, �d �� 3 a Fubli�c Hrar3s�g — Fi�a1. Piat — Adsla � �� -� a ,� %'x'"� . on� d�rati� of Resolutians — Res � (Fixial Plaasj , 3 �����"'° x lst A�idiLioa�, T.Be #694 � 5 o Acc�tanae of Fina]. Pla� -- Spr�ug Brook park �tad A�ddltiotie --- -�_.i � G a Fisst Rea�ling of t�cr8laat�co Vacating Servica l�,�� Driv�, — spri�g Broak Park Pia� 2, �• $1i11d3rig BOS1Rd M9m't1Aiq �131ci��t8 o D?4V�' 13 e 1363, 8 o Pla�iz�g Caaamf.ssioa� Meetimg Minute�B � Nava�ear 14, 1963, ��� � w Lro7 • �`ages 26 — 29. P�tges 30 � 31. Pag� 32 - 390 Pag�s 40 -� �Q4. Page 45. Paq� 46 — 480 Pag�49-52. Pag� 530 Paqs 540 Pag�s 55 & 560 PagBe 77 — 820 o� Co�rurticatica�, Pages 57 — 61, u� `� �a� Da1b�g Builclsr8 Inc. t Dalb�rg Terraee Plat 75 & 76, ' o �,�� F�cidley Saads t�iifo�ms , i�_ � c E& M D�velap�t�t Coa�as�y: Trail�+r Court �ti,�.,�, �Sj"�Fred Vye: Fi1lir�g S�atio� � � lia Star: Carr�.ear station � —`�0 ,�J �r�. . �r�a�.s: "����� � , f ��D ,. . � � �'""►,.,,,,-yy�,� ��`� � y � !�a �� (�t.�_. , L,'°-�'° o C�,�It18 � 0 8st�mat�s� � Page 6Zo Paqt 63� jr � AC�A, — �a�8�it 18, 1963 (Coatinut�d) U''�'� R2 o Lic�nssso 3 a Petitioac►►a���q�' o a �'�` 4, Cansid�acatian of Pvz�aao of ProQ�ty, ac G��, � o Coacisiderstia� of �ttual Aid Agr�t, �� 1G Co�nsldaratioa of Str�et Lic�hting Program, � � ---- �7. R�+creation Cvetimis8lon �ting Minutose Octo� _ r� 8 a 1963 B nn� ,, 18 � Fsidley 3afe�t:y Co�a�ittoo M�t3Ag 1Siaut�s o \`� a �,�,� �tov��ac 13, 1963, �(v�'`� � o R�ssolut ion R�11.�ir�g M. S.A e F1�17�d8 e i �0 m R�olution 1�pparovi�g Ac�e�n�eut �ar Reloeatioa �� of Utilities -- T e8. #�694, n U Pago 640 Pags 65e Page 660 Pasg�s 67 & 68 e Page 690 Pagea 70 — 72e Pages ?3 & 740 , L �a.�� �.�,�, ���► �'r�,�'�ir�� (,�.��.. �� � c� �e�•�� �- � � � I.?"G -`''`�,'''yG � %��.;--�-�-fi—���f�, �r.�-...t- c.��wT �...�,;.. O�'�' � �VlNi 1� i• � ' . y. CJ►�� ��•� �a�i'�%��-� `r'' � �� y3, ,.... .... , �l I � �fi4iL�� ( /YL..Y�C-f-�L:�'N.�D U � ,�,� �� .�."Q� a� 76 �Ct.� �! � . •--------� � � ;.�..0 �� - �_ / � , t^ �-�+-'f-�t c.f � ` ( �'�.G-• � �-'-, � Ac��A t.o�+�pTS - �cyV�lBB� 18, 1963 � BIISIDi�SSs i o ��ac �c� a� ��ov�s�rs -� STRS8T8 1963-z: �► b.s�cs� ao+Gics £o� tbo c aac�rte au�b aad gutt.�ac fo�r old �itral avacth of �iissi.$a�ppi t�4x�: is ,o�a► Pages 4C a�ad 41. A tra�iic �o�t of the o28 �al poortio�u south oi i�issisa�,ppi ie oa Pmga 42, s�d the p�eli,wf.raacy aseosemeat roll i.8 an Paq� 43 and 440 � 4 PL�3TeIC HSAR� — FI�tAL PLAT — MARTCi�Y AY�ITIi�s T�he ��OfiiCe Of hearing ie aa� PBgs 45. z'he hards�h�l.l will bia availabl� at th� na�tit�g o � 3„ FUSLaC HBA�RII�G - Ft�TA,T� PI.AT - AD�IS FxR81' ADi)ITIOLTs T!� ncyti� of heayritag is oai Pags 4b, a�raarir�g of � locatioa� og tbe piat is aaa� Page� 47, a�9 a�.vtt+� �kaa t1�e p�aesou platt:tn�g i�w psop�acty is ou Page 48o T'ho City Clesk eaa eaq�laia �he asseasme�t pacablem rslativs �o �he letteac oan Page 48 st the mee�ti�g. 4 o Cq�iSID�RATIO�T OtF RBSOI�I�S s RS s T.S o#694 � FIDIAL PI+A1�8 ) t T'b� r�solufi.io�ss ooa Paq�a 49 tbsough 51 at• fc.� T o8 a#694 fro�a fib� � D93.ssies3,pp1 Riv� to ths City lim9.ta, asLd tbe r�solutiar► cts P�ge 5Z ia faac 53sd Av�tiu Mvartheast fram T.Bo 4k4? to T.B. �65. iRro � Brawn p�r�v3ously b�ci t1�ta� plat�s f�cama Fe'bzuaty o�, aYUl n� u�o co�ts aitical og $a3d pians. D�r. Qu�ce�i b►s� gaua ave� tha� plat�s, briefly, with �r. M�cFa�Bdea of the Stat� 81�y Der�tt�a�nt, al�ou�h i doubt ii he caa make any particulsr s�camm�datioo�. I u�ereta�d that both l�c. �fcFadd�a �d D�Dcc o�eCubac�y will bs at tha n�tir�g to discusa fi.ltQ plana with yau o 5 e AC�PTANCB OF FIn3AL PY.AT - SPitIL�t3 SR�OO�C PLAT SS0010D ADDITIO�Ts At3 e�ce�tpt of th� mitiut�ea of ths meetix� iA wbic3� tb� Ccyu�cil a�ec�pt�8 the �irial plat et�, j ee� to a�► agr�t, is on page 53 .�tvw tbat t�h� Cowacil has a�pprav�d tt►e agrs�aamaat, it would see�n in arde�c fo� th� Couacil to rQaffirm t%is appraval of the fival plat. 6 4 �'xRST RSADI�t3 oF OfRD2�iAD� vA�CAT38�'a �VICS D�tIVB � SPRI�3 B�tOO�C PARK PLAT 2� 'R'bis oo�'�i�cs foo� first readi�g i8 o�i► Page 54„ You wilt t�at� t2sat t�t� ptthlie bsarLt�g was held A,psi�. 16, 19620 � o BU'tLDINCi BW�RD i+IeSTI�lG l�INVl'83. 1TOVS�l88R l3, 1963: Z'hese miautes are o�c� Pages 55 s�d 56. I w�.11l hav� ti�e pla�e available fa� your ir�sp�ction r�I.ativs to tb� i� ia whia�i ti� �oard rYCa�ds � aPFravale • 8. PLA�i�TI�G C�O�tIS8I01D11 19�STI�G �S - DTOiVS�BR 14, 1963: �� minut�s w�ll aot be available to ms ia time to incl�e cam�aerats rnn thom iri thia aga�da, but th+�y will b0 %wad at tl�s rear of tb� ag�aada on Pages ?? ti�oug� 8ao � �� � C�f�TB � D3t�V� 18,. 1963 Et'�tt�ttvi�d) 9. �ICA�t: � . 4a� �i►l�� ��s�rs �ua:: D�t1�i1�g T�ta� Pl$t: R'�i 11b�Ct� . o� Pae� 57 is a iola.o�'i�p to Mc. n�'b�iarg'�t osai r�qvi�est at th� couneil t�tin�g � I� p].a�t wae �prav�d o T�he Cit�► CtaTk's �amo an g�go 76 p=ov3�i�a th� infa�a�iooa you will �d to adsk�s yip�nc de+�isia�a► cn DaJ.b�orq' a riqu�`e A1ao, �e p�etiti,oaa on Pa�g� 65 � Cb) Fridl:t�; Saad: U�.tgos�B: T�� 1�tt� on riag�aa 58 atid 59 , i� eelf-�q�laaa,tcocy o W�i�aa �Che �ii it�3�g�inally biidgeted �pparaxitqst�,y $3,'700 �car th4 bat�d; th� Couur►cil advissd the bs�d nis�iora t�iat you, i� uat . wi�hh to com�a9.t the City Bu�igie� to poseibli gr�afiia� 6xpl�3.tLUeB . f O� s City SAnd �: It �pp�i.'B �]�d�V� r th�tt if , t'!�y ca�a stay withiu i�ir budg�et: aiad , pwrchas� t�ie uaifarme, tb►�y would ,bi caao�l3t�St Wii�i yaur s�eqweto (e) $&�i Dvvil�t Coai�a�ap�: Trailaac �ourt:. 1'he l;afite�r , Ou : Px�gt 60 i6 eOlf�i�lSt�►t0�,`y o PeoehapB t�i,. City Atto�tay c�at� qive t3�. Cou�il aaa�e gui�e lisi�a in tbis matteoc at tli�e 'n�tin�g o (di ��. vYvi Fillirig Static�: T�� lstter o� $i�qo 61 �ro�.d appa�ea= ta need mcu�� eocpls�tion. �lt. Vye, +�ill be iisvit� �k.o th� i�t�g to dtsc�tss this mat� t�rith you. ��) �e�o11s Star: Carri.eac �tiatio�: 1'his iai►t#� d3+d not g� to ti�e Suiidi�g Soa , but it ca� b� coaaeii�ered - . ae t�araty. at:d it is� iaot a largq stttsatuse. I. aill hav� pic�uses of the prapcfe�Y atatio�► fo� yau at t�e m�etingo Lst� o�u Pag� 750 3.0 0+G'GAZIYls s T'hs ala3a► n�s ar� o� pa�g� 62. �taii of th� alaima is incivsed witi.ii the agetbdae 110 �STIMATSs: �ho eatiinattes on Pags 63 are partisls for �itteerlx�g 8�v'iCSS o 12. LIt�N3SS: �he licAOases are on P�ge 64 for yowc c:o�eidaratiaa� aad approvsl. �3a PETITIO�TS: T'he petitio� o� Page 65 can be roceived and tus�id ov�ac to thie of�ice far proco�si�g, depe��t v�po� yout adtioa iu Itema � 9. A, above,, b�o �sEDFRAT=O�i OF Pt��iABS OF P'RO�Y: On Page� 66 ie a sn�y of th� appraia�'s valustio�i of th� Omati p�cvpt�ty to tbe re�tt of tbe City �all o I hav� �ot, at thi� �iti.u�, =�ived a quotat3.oa� faco�a 1►� e anan, himslal. f o � A�A ta0�@�3 — 80►V$I�BR 18, 1963 �t�ooat:tauted) ;15 e C�Dt3I�ATIOl� 08 JIR�1't�1L AID Ac�Ft81'i�Y�IA'P.� 1'be mntual sie3 Aq7c�t oa� Pag+�a 67 .and 68 is th0 sa�e ae t1Y+e City carries tegulaxly witb �haait e'towaaunitil�8, �i 2 w�ovld assv�ae that ths Cou�cs�til Can autbo�- ia� eoas�utiag '�h�r ��to �.6o C0�3=D�R�,TIO� OF STRS�BT LIC�TYL�a �Ot�: On Pag� 69 ,is a n� of ��Q� �Yi�i� �.�:��i9 Z �� 5��� YLiaY � �� �►Vff/piiiiYRfi Q�4'1:C 't� �.i%-e��i a.11t�1 �.i�1P6 BiL� �O�,u� fi��%� 3.1�1 1:811�1� id j�1';O" posed on fi� m�p a�d in8ieate oxt �th�a ma� whi�th ona�t yo�o wovld lik�t �ko r•soer put �;i, �n�d I will aeake e caoa�peitrs ar►8 av�it a r�qa�t to �he �tc�oart� st,at�a pc�a�ea� �at�y be�fo�s 17� l, 1963,. The D�oac and t�oa�eilaaa�r-at�Largs t�aa piCk tbirty 10, 000 lvu�e: and �hirty-s�wen 6,� 400 lu� 1aa�pe aud mar`k sam� ozt tba�s m�ps. �.i � RBe�ATIO�t � t70���3SI0�t �IBETI1ftCi �U3'88 — t�d"O�Sit 8, i96�: '�so minutea ar� o� �a�es 7� �� �a, �1 cau be reeeivad and fil�d w�l.ess o�e o� th� �il� wi�es to d�.ecua� �oa�e a�t�ac io� it� 't�htlA� 3'�e o : . � � • 18. FRTDLSY &'�1F8TY E�O�T'1'SS �TiD�i �S - NG� t3,� 1963: These mim�tss �ra o� �agre� �3 aad Ta, a�a eaa ve s�ea��a.a a�a fsl.a u�ss the Cc►wacil wi�u to di.�+erccues so� parkiaular itvat in tbe mintate� o . 3.9 � xBSOLUTZO�i RS��S� �i. S.A. �ND3 s I do aot bave t'lkis r�ildluti.oa� fos ti�e Couticil ag'enda beCmmuge �h� City Ati�oact�y' adv3�s m! t�st al�laoug�i hs dictat�d �e �esolutiv�, soa�hia�g want w5roaq ait.�r i�is dietatit�g maChi�o, ar�d it di� r�t �a�d. He h�►s advieed m�, ho�r- �• that hta w�ill l�►ave the re�solutiwa res�y faor� tho Cowaail at tbe m�ti.�g on M�a� ni.g�t. 1'hia eonce�rsss the� $5Q, 000 plus go� th� it07Cllt 6�L. 20 o It7�SOLUT201�T APPROFVIt�O AQ�i88A�S�A'1' � RSIAG�ITION OF iTrILIT$8 � T.H. #694: �� eam� pacobiem aros� relativs to thie r�soluti.00a with th� Ci�y At�oacnay `s diat�ati�ag �aac+hiae, so thie reaolutio� will alao be svailable MotLd�,y nic,�ht at the m�eting. Dir o Camstoc+lc l�as w+aoCk� on this relocatio� with th0 il.H.D., if you have any guestio�s about it, � i �� • Page l. ��ULAR COiINCIZ MEETII4G - NOVEI�,ER �+, 1963 3� reguler raee�3n� of ihe Council of the C�ty o� Fridley was ca11Pd �o orc��r by ���yor Nee at 8:0�+ P. Aie � �Y r�e�nbers 1°�cesent: P��mbers Absent ; 1Vee, Johanson, Wo1ke, 5heri8an arrived a� $:15 F. M., Brook �rrived at 8:30 P. M. None ��'�iiQ�VAL QI�' P?�5 - REGULP,R A+�E_TING�, OC`?'�JHER 21, i963: i�fca�ion by Jabanson to ap�rove the minUtes of the Regular Meeting of Octob�r 21, 7.963 as prepared and received. Seconded by Wolke. Upoa� a voice vote� th�re be- az�g no neys, the motion carried unanimouslyo "J?� AL1S3iVE�S : 'TC-�IANCE REQt3EST AT 65$5 M�Nti4E STREET IQO�iTiiEAST - RosEN�owER ( Tt�LED 10 �1 63) : z�.yo� Nee anaounced the at�m in que�tion TJ�.� a variance request �� 6585 �.vnroe �•tre�t �tortheast by M�. Rosenbaw�� w}�ich I�aa.d been �bled p�°evious�.y and s�ne �.auncil mem�srs �were �o laok at propsr�Cy �s i�t was � rather extx�me vari�x�ae. '��he City i�anage�r exp2�i��ai �l.ro Rosenbowe� had requ��ted s one foa�lc setb�.c3c in- s�ead of a three �'aat se�back and %he Boa�d o� Appea].s had reco�nended ��two �oot :��$i��ck. �aunci�an Jahsnson s�ted he h�zd req�est�d �kta�t this :item be cantin- uec3 and t�.� bu3lding wduZd be �o c�.ose, aft�r examix�.tio�, that Lhe eav�s ��aould �x�,p wate� unto o�her p��pe�ty. Mayor Ne� �.nquire@ if Mr.. Rosexabower wer� pre- ��:��;. N`�� , Ro�enbawer was no� prssent. ���fl�:i,on by Joha.nson that �he request Por a vara.ance at 6585 Monrc�� Sfiree� �a�nrth- ��.st by 1'�. Rosenbo{ae� Por a garage be denied. Seconded by Wolke, Nlsyar Nee vug�sted there were other ways this prob�em could be worked ou�,. Counci�r� 3fl:�a.nsan a2�o suggested ano�her varisnce could be used and gara�e pushed "�sak �~�ro feet. The engineepin� depar�tment agr�ed �o contact P�ir. Rosenboyler. `Jpan a �n�ce vote, there being no nays, the motion carr3ed unanimously. °�ai��zcilm�n Sheridan arrlved. a'� 8:15 P. Ma L`t3N�IDI�tATION OF AGREEMEAI'1.'S WITS ST. PAUL �7A�R k10RKS A1�D RESOLtJ'I'ION 0 A • Page 2� �fi.�;�a� lUee announced this was �ke cor�s���ration oP certein a�re�merats �t:.th the St. Paul Water Works Aep�rt�nt with a resolution authorizin� an agree��entj and inquired if City A�torney SmiL•h h�d any commentsa City A�torney s��aith expl.aineci this vass � praposed agreemenf� tYiat Wes a��rkec3 out by the pr�vious city �ttor�eey and the St. Paul k3ater �+�'raarks but h�ci n�ver been executed„ that he had checked tai'cla tk�e Financ� O�Picep ��� �he A,mAlltl'G stated in the agr�e�ment was a ss.tis�actory fi�ure i�c Zi+eu of as�e�sments, t}aat the S�a Paul Wa•`;er Works was ready to pey th3s previously and he had prepared a resolution to �.�ecute 'che agreemente H� further explmined that $t. Paul, being a municipali`:.y, is �.ti: normally asse�sed. The City Man$�er ,atated �his agresment ��a.s sat:isPactory �x�viously and �.s �e1ng reco�nmended b� administxation to the C3.ty Cc��nc31. P.�tot�,on by Johansox� ta adapt RESOLUTION �170-1963 authorizing the execu��ia�a of an agr�e�nt with the Board of Water Cammfseioners af the City of St., Yau1 by the City af Fr3dley coacerning a�e.yment in 13eu o�' water and sewer esoesaments, exeaut.e the cantract and author32e �the Nlayor end City Msnager to sigi� �.�ame. S�conded by �heridan. Upon a noice vate, there being no naysp the mot�i.on car- r�ed uxianimoualy. SECOND READIlJG OF ORD�IANCE �250 AMENDING SECTIOIti 81.11 OF CI�Y COI7�: ��t�yor. Nee annauneed the item in qussticn wa.s the second reading of an cardina.nce ��et�din� Section 81.11 oP the City Code concerning the hours a� a 1ic=�xaes to • se�,� non-intox�.cating ma3.t liquars. TYie C3ty Mariager gave t?�e secoa� Neadfag of said oxdinance. Motioa by Sher�dan to accep�� s.s secand �eading Oz��d�.nnnce �250, an orc�Izisnce to a�mez�d Sect:ion 81.11 oP th� City Cad� cr�nc�rnir�� the hours a� a 13ce<xses to sel1. no�t-intoxicai�.�g m�lt �,iquors, adop�t ax�d publleh sa.me. >��cox�de�. �7y Wo�.ke. s.r�an �. vo3.ce va�te, there t�ein�; na aa�ys, the r��cian carriea ut�enim�us�.� ; �w ��s�t�ss : �t}BLIC AEARZTJa - F�Nl�L i'LAT - bAL'f�3tG 3'E�RRAGE : ?�::yor Nee ann�►unced th3s was a publ�.c Y�earin� on the Pinal pY.r�.t of D�,l�a�rg T�rra�e. The Ci�y 1Kanager xead the No�:ice oP Hearin�, also px�sente� ;o the C:s.ty Council � lettex� received this day from Mr. Dalberg. F�.�a�r 16ee i.•�q�ired if' thexe were a.nyone p�esen� ��ho raishec� to be he4rd on �che Fi�al Pla.-t; �� Dal- berg Terrace . Mr. Dalberg was present in favor c�f the �ina.l plat e�r.e:re was rafl on� pres�nt appoaed to the p1a�E. � n�ineering �ee�ietant Cl�rk iaPc�x*xd th� �ity Council that before the plat could be signec: a letter hac� to be p:�^e�ented s9king fbr va.r3ances or compliances, tY�at in the Ieticer recezved from k�r. De.l- ��r� he Taaa rePerred �o sssessments ana what he ti1a.s a.ctz.ially z•eferrir�.g to was E�crowao Mr, Dalberg replied tha� was correct but it was mainly on �Y:�-: lots i�a the pla� �hst d�n't be%n� �to h3.m, �T�t they had had to fncorporra..i.s > Tt was expiained by Engineering Assf�ant C�ark that �he P).snning ::oanmis�ic�n, had • requeated on this item tlaat Lots five (5} and thi.rteen (13)� Block twv (2), be re d-� ta,��ed because of an exieting gara�+e on � 1ot line as it strad��l�e � ��� �e v�:L �.�� �.it�w .��unci�.m�� Wolke stai:ed �his shov�.d t�ot si�o� the City Co� �n�:32 f°��s�s �e���a•ii�g this €�� a�'�:na�. �1�..�c. T�Iay�r �Ye� �ee?mre� tY�� �ie�r:In�; cl:,seci� �i�,��.c�r� �y i�o2k� �o &ecep�c the firaa3 plat o�' �3ait��rg Texr�ce �nd muthori.;:e, Mayor an�. Cl.e�k t� sag�. sameo Secoxs�ed by Sher�.d�.a�. Caur�ci3man .Soha�gon rai,:ed �he q.ae:��io� a�' ��.e �n�ditions on L�ts � th�o�qh ? 3' alsca ��e lette� of ini: �n� re- �� i�reri f��m � . �?�.liaer� . �4r . C �irk exp��.i.xxed �ha� wc�uld be a s�:parate : .tem < T��u �ity ��5axs�gex sta�ed i�' �he �ity Ct�unc�.7. did �o� ch�t�sE �o �.�st c�n th .s i�em �h�.� ev�x�i�fl, �� could be si,grie�i l�.ter �.t t�e �o�*embe� �£3�ih ���3r�g. C�:unc�.l- mf.��. �t��.�.rtso�. sf,�.-�ed it ���.s �ne �hing to �cc��t t'�s pla.ts lcut �oyald •tf!ea:: ite�s �� �:az���h� -io �Y�e a��Q�tion s�f �:he C�.ty t^��xac�3.. �'he Ciiy Y�ax�.,:;er stat� �d �h� �.�;,��r� w�ru�r� �e a�t �n� A�es�d�. i`ar �hs foi3.owing ��ti�g. �� CLs4nk expl,a .ned t�$���z red ta��;u� lc�ts ar� gt�t ors �:i�� ha�.� s�c�tioiz raa.p ia the b�a� lding i� �spect- ��: °� a�'�ics �.xa�. �he�e will i�� no build�n� pes�a�iiu issu�d ��.t12 t�e w�uld kno�� �hp �°��.sQn �'or ��i� red t��G3t�. Upon a v$:ic� vc���, the�e be3;ng �ao �►sys �he �a��.on c�iect u�animou�l.yo :��; x?�s ex�l.ai�ed the �ity Co�c�.l couJLd make a�otion ta red tet; Lo'ts 5�cbxougn �.�;� B���k 2 in Daibei•g Terrace. 2�ation by 5her�d�n to red ta� rdots fiv�: (5j ��Y���u�� tl�:ir���� { 13) e�? o�k °�r�ao (2) � I�a1�rg Te�crace p7 at. Ses:onded b,:. Joha.n- �crz? 9 Ugors � v�a�.�� vvte, th��e �ein� az� ra�.y� ��he moi;i.oz� caxrieL3 ur�ni�: sus�.y. ��s�ior� b�€ Joha.n�r�� tca rece��re anci place cn �'il� �:%� Ie�t���� of i�'ten� f7r; �m Da.I- Y�e�� Bu3lders tor a waiver aP �:�gix�ee�ix�� escrmws��nd����ore an�, bui}.di��g pex-. � �� �a a�� iss�ae€i tc� this g�.ai$ t�a.� thes� c:oa��3�.�ic��s��� the sa�i:�Pactio�a af �he ��.�t;� �1.�:�k, ��u��ilma�n W�13>e sia.t�d ii: r.�.�: t�.�Cen Nir. I�al�ex� �caur yQa�: to �?��rf.:�.op � �1�t az�d �ost �i� ��.�y a�� �i�� �nc� i� �Jas � i�eaefit; �to the {:�ity �.n�. �t��,rs �.�:��n �l��a��.c1 "�� ltxsk�c� :���� ���rarv b�i�� d�x��.��w �ia°. Da�l.b�:r� exp�.::ix���3 �ca �:�e �i�v �ov���.�. �h� �c��a�� °�h.c��r c�e:�°e �ra��3r�; �'�r we�e �uxfa�.�s �`or i: �em �c� �et s�����n ��c� •��?e�� g�ex� i`i�r� �.��� -�ha'z ka��.c��.��1 �� �vi�ex g�c��a'�e. Ct��;��i�naan %'��ye �'�a��d i�� �'��`� th:Es �iac�u�c� 'o� ��v�v�ig�.��d ��aci �.exy� �ex�zai :;e to p�=��le ���� h��� �.cs�ts �l��s-� ��°e e�m� �u:Z�,� ca�, Itii�s'c�.r�� �:i��aci�awr� �g� Cmea�r..�n S�rhan�an. �'tJJ�':���IC �A�2Iit� w �'INAT� ;�A�' -� f��"a'A� �iliT}.�`.�'��:x�': �;a�a,�r�r Nee sn��ta�c�d th3.s ��:s �. public hearir�� on �h,� i'ina3. p3a� o�' Aax�s�;$d �!dditl ��:a�. °iYae �ity ��.a�ager �°ead �I�e I�otic� e�' F.earin�, t�yc�� �tee -°.ngu�r�d :i� �;llere �r�:�c� a�aya�e p��senti �3Yaa �ai�Y�e� �o bP heard xegar�in� the i2na7. �].�.�c o�' ;�� �ar- �t��I A�c�i�ion� E�ginee��.��,; A�s3stau$c C�.axk expl�.ined the �oeatsc�n of t'ze pzc�- r�s���� ��.&� �o '�he City C�tat�cil a�d grese�t�ed a pl�t of ti�e arez�. �er� �as a �;cr�x�3. �iscussic�n prriod �.n which i� �•?as �xp�.ai�ed a rezoning _�'�e of ��;4.00 ��d i�e�:�. ju�.ived. t�r. �?ars"�a�1 w�s pr�seni i�. �avar n�' the �inal plat of hfs �cz��.��.�t�. ih� Ci�� P�'�nage� expl.�anec� �o tln� �ity Cou�ci.l Mr. F.�rs�ad Y�: �d b��t� a��.�d f�r an e�as��ent. Pjir> �rs�ad state� finere �ere otnes prc�Zem.s 3� °o1v�d �:t�c:� a� �. �ervv:i�e �rive nee�r his Zand, tha.t he ��c�u�.dn "t be abie �a buil.� ; on c°�a� ����� �� laud according to tlle setbscY�} tha'� he �aou�d t�ave on�.� o�:� Poot �c�s '��i�u o�. P�r. ��rsta�. �'isrther stated he wouic� be ffiare than ���.11ing :o ha�ve a����ti�a� ��rith a�.y �epresentr�.-��.�es i"ro� -��e ci�y, and �lro Petersan to s�:r�.i,;h�-�,en • e�a� anv prc3alsms, �ia.yor Nee inguired if �here were �nyone else presenu �ho �f:i.�heci �o b� heard with re�ard to the �inal p�.a.t of the Harstcad Additiai. � • • ��ge �4 , ��au::°e Y,a�,� r•:o c�ne pr�seni o�po�ed to the �i�al pl�.�tv Th� City Ni�nager s���ed it =a�� Paz, unc�er��anfling tha� �°Ir. �arsta.c� �a�s waiving a�y enginee�°in�r ur e,7cro�� �e�v v I��i;�c�x I��e dec3.a.�ed -i�h� �v'��ic r.e�r3ng on �?�ie fin�R �+1�� ca:� t�e ��.rstad Ad�iii�a� cioz,e�. ��o�;ica� by F�a�se �o �ccep� �I�e �ina�. pl.�t oi' �ths iiarstad Ad�ition an� a� �horize P�.��rsr �nc� C3.e�� tfl sign sa�e. SecQnderi by Sheridan.t3paz� a voic� vote, �here �ei�� no n�yN, �tYze mation ca�3.e�. ur�an3.mauslyo ��s _ sc�Z co��� r�aaN, �avEr� 4s �.963� : ��•�g'�r Pae� �rsr_otx���r3 �he o��a3n� c�� '�ids th�s day a� nocan �or Se*aer snd `�!ater �tr�a�°o�re�n� Proje.ct I�o. 6�., �;he City l�nagcx s�at�d bir�� had been opened in ��fie ��esez�ce af t,1�e �ox�sulti� engir�eer' Y�r. Comstock, Er��ineering Ass�.�tan�t ��.��k aad Sug�. ai' Pu��.�c Z1orl�s �,es Chesr��� as Poilc��ws: �P1HOT� BID B4ND I,� SiJ�g BiD C�P�iP3�ETIQPI TIN� �imr�.ce �igni:gamexm7 �t. CxQ:vc Fta3.1s t�i�cons3.a �,a�°ba�s�ssr� & S�ns� Tnc. �r��a �.e �3 �u;;co� P�inx�e�o�a �2�,r�r��I.l Brotlle�s ��t�1 Sz lver g ake Rc��d c� �i��.n���o�3.G 18y ��:i�. ��°� 33ts�.i�r Ca�st��uc��.o� Ccs o 56� Cra�+a�.3ds :��n_�eape�3i.� 22� �in�a�es��a Ohio �a�cmers 5� �t. P�ul F & Pd 5� St. �'�uI F & �� 5� �'ae�.fic Na� °� c�� C�.].. 5� �o �3A Gilap�sa�� ���siruc�ion ��. �ci�'ic ��49 A.:�st���nn Pd�. t' J. ta� �., r�ne���a�.i� 3.Gp i�1�.n�esa�s Ga�. m 5� i�ax�•�her� Con�r�ci:in� Cfl., Inc. A�. Siarety �o� 308 Ca. of Ho.�ntins, �a.r�nesofi�a N�Y� �� ��3, 5�.0. �o $�a3, 25� . 82 ���, 75�.. �t� ��lg$�.�t.CK3 �>3�s;�75. 5� ��+,3&0.25 60 Cai. days � Ctz1. days �OU Cale days e112�.y �.e �� �10 Caao days 90 Cal. days. �a� o C��s�or.k � t�.�d �t�e �.o��r bid was I�iox-�hex�rs Contrac�ing Ca�a:�y, Znc . irn ��e �.u��� s�u� L�::.d s�f' �3�s36�o25; tna.t �he origix�l �°a;jecL 61. as th.r ,pre3im��ary .��,��.�_r_ � 5;�;�� �sa.de �as�d �n ����ti-�ions �a�.s approximately �385,�.r��; the �djus�;,ec� �n:�•� ��,.,:� d`��<7,t�0�,Q�D an� �°� :eni�ly ar� ad jus�ra�n�c tyas �fa�.e 'becaus� n� �he woak �x� '�"�-:•_? �'a�;���u� �a a�proxiz�����.y ��7.,�?0.00. i�. Ca�st�ek st�.�te�A �r�'� '�ascd o�a -�;?z:.0 :,n�-� Ys�d is 5� ov�r �h� arigil.�a1 ���cimate cl�.�rges vrh:�,ci� �s r.e�,s�n��l.e ars�i ::xi 7 com�any was Yeco�nding 4ne a�.�a.rd �e made �t� Northes�; Con�r��y�.ng �o. g Ir�� vo�nai�an Joh�.nson inquir�d i�' this inel.uded a.1.1. the p�#;��ior�s the,� h�s3 pi�ked �p inc�.�diug Bacon Drive and wa� told 3.� ��ss o �� 5a � ��p•�ion by Johanson that the awa�d for Sewer and �datex Improve�ent Projee:t No. 61. be ���c�e �a a�I�r'�hern Cantrsct3ng Ca e, inc .� Box 3a8, Hopl�ins, Mi�esat,s �.n �ihe lux�� s��s bid price af $3�,360e2� wi�h a aompletion ti�e oi niner,y calendaP days �n �che reco�mend��ion oF consu].ting engineers: Corastock and Dav-?•, Inc. Sec- oz�d�d by Sheridan v A3�yo� N�e sta�ed he d3ci not unders�.nd clearly the prabl��a referred ta �n a me�o �'r�a� t�� Fina�?ee z7ir�etar regar�.ing the water and s�wer latera.ls on 76th Ave- r��.i� �oa� Ceu�era? �venue to �r�Y!ta� S�reeic �.ad ibquireci i� �his was a sf,a�ce aid street where the City was h�a.ving a prob3em. TYze F3.naace 13irector explained �his was Eas�C of Cer�tral Avenu�. F�ayor Nee stated �here were so�e rather lar�e �igtPres beiag #.alt��d abou� in �h� neighbor�ood o� $S,Q04�E?0 end Council wished to be z�.de aaox°e a��re of th� ifiem. �'he Fin�nce D3rector exp3.ained �his was the �aa�ter axid sewer l�.ne on 76th Avenue which would be inc3.uded as pa.rt of Pro�ec� 61� '�ra� at tt�e os ��ina7. hearing it was assumed hal�' o� �he cos� wou].d '�e ��sesse� �to �he property on either side ancl now ther� is a progosed pla� fbr ihe ��mg�xty on ttne Pt�,rth side �n3 there wi]li be �0 3ots on the �ther s�de, �aa� t�.e property �o the 1Voxth wi11 bear no cost to the lo�s on 76th Avenue. �'h� �+'3.rsance Direc�os° sta.�ec� tha� orig�nall�+ E� A�S De�relo�nt Compar�y h�d re- �,u�s��ed this li�¢e 1�u� because oi' the �•aay �he lot: ar� p7.atted �,n�. Paced� if the ei�y wo�ld �'o�3�w �11e sit�.ncit�d groced�ax°e o� asseus�nt, they wou�d actt�a�ay bear xio c;ost to �chfs ��rse0 i� was i'9�rther exp�.a.ined t;he devel�pexs wouZd have to run �he l��es �hemselves or th�re wou�.d be anothEr peti'�ion to �ut thas� li�aes 3�a Th� �snance Direct.ar st�tad he h�.d thnugh� this matteg shoul8 be clarified • at �his t�� �eeause if the Iots in ih� plat a-r2 gaing to bear �a.rt oP this eost, the�' shota�.d kno�a about it to be able to i�clude �these in �ssessment seas�ches o �n�ineer�n,� As�is�a�s� �2a�2� e�s�a3.�ir��aa �o t�le �i��}° �nta�ci�. that E& M Deyelop_ �exit Company w��e p���tixa� th3s �.a�a�. a�d ��+e� dia�n °t £�e3. they �houid x3an this �.��.� an� g�ti�3o�.�d �he ci�y �a c�o i� �s�� :�esidex��s had �.�reed. Couaci�.men �o�...n.'°e s�a�d vb.e d�velop�rs �o�a�c� ��r te �CS� �y this �x� a s��e ye�a basis irre�,rd- '? e�� sisd su��sted ��i� sps��s��.ng c��' �he enti�°e �a:���� a'�.'iae �'in��ce Director ��a�ed �.�' �Y�� �ss��sra�n� �x� �dd�s-��d be�c��e �h� ��� wa� �'�.na�.p it �ao�ld be on '�h� ��ti�e �Siece s�.�d it �haaa�.� %e c3€�c:Lded �•snethe� to s��.�.t �.�i half and ?�a1f> 1�L�~o C1.e�k e�tp�a.i�e� to �hs ���a� Ca►�nc�.1 �h�: f3�a� hear�n� on the propos�d p1.a.t �'or the are� had �aa� be�n h�ld v Cou�ei].ma� 3oha�asvn �.sse� ted tha� i� a coun� o� a11 th� lots �rer� ffiade iII the are�' they �aoulc� ali ds��1z� in�o the lixie. Co��ca�&n �'��ii� ge�lied tlaat had no oearYrag csa� �k�is m�ttere Councilma� Johanson � ua��d 'th�y �aere �aking 50 or 6(� ].o�s a�d dividing the cast o� the entire p3at nn �tast �, few and this �ra3 not �air. I+ir. Clark exp�..aiued they would ha�re to �a�; �heiP owxa laterals xn the develop�ent. Council.mats Johansor,. inquired if a].1 saf' ih� io�s we�e goin� �a use �he 76" .13.ne, P�po Cla.rk replied the 50 hflmes ��on't have setti��� �s ye�. Council.man i�io].ke sta-ted, %ha.t otherwxse, they �aould t3a.ve 'ca puf� ix� late�als. Mayor Ne� s�ate� �his �i�ht n�t aI.I be pelevent to l�t'�.in� icAz� b�.�3s #'or ses�aer �nd wate� 1Vo. 61. '1'P!� Fa.nanee D3r�e�tir sta.ted he d�.��.'� �hirik i� �aas but he had wanted to get Courcfl. c3.ari�'fcation on the a�.tter. :sayo�r I�e� stat�d i� would not be �a dete�i��.ng ouestion on whe vL�S.Br or not �o do �;he ��o�°�o Mr. C].ark stated i� mi�t�t be. Counci?.man �r7olke replied that in ihe peiition i� is on a fifty-�ifty basis. • �.3pc�Y� a vo:�.ce vote, there bein� no nays,, the motion earried una�iimously. • • � LJ Fa�e C. �'..',o��:�pes by W�3.ke �:hat the City Cotanci7l go can recc�rd �that t�.e asse�s�cnts for this �.F�,�:�? ��het� �c�anpl�t�d, be spz�esd ��.,��.�.iy on the I�orth anc� So�ath ��.de a� iEt�i Ave- ��;c I�p2'$hL�3�e Seconded by Sh�s�adan. U�on a voice vote, �IZasE vot3n� �zye, Wo1k�, Sn�ridar�� I}5e�, B�ook, Those op�sed, Johe��son. Nlotion c�.rried. Councalman Jo- h��son s�a�ed �e had �roted agains� th� uro�i3om because it �.s no� clear in hi� �i�d> �v�:;�3�IJ� ���1 D�TING �dti'lE�, t3CTOBER 23, 1963: 1�1�'T�ICA�IOP� FOR ��UiY,D�.t�G k�fllT F�R AT�i ADD1"i�I��3 Tl3 AN T�tDt3S7�IAZ i�`n ��:v ��t���� ,� 't,�m"�:'��7' �flUt�� . B �CK 12« 8�2i[�G �,.RQUK PARiC - x F��.��s�� �1� annouraeed th� it�m in quest3nn was an -�oa ra�a �.dd3�ion ta en indus�riel building at � ��k�.. The �i�y ��sr�a�e� r��z� to the Gity Counc�l �.n� Board a � AT appZica�a.on iox � building per�it 60 ��.y �treet by �rn�ra �ruu�a�- �the r�cor+m�adat•ian o� t�e Build- �iaiiflr. �;� �o�nson to cs�ncu� �a.�th th� reccs�er�datio�n o� th� Buii@ing Bo�rd and €�p,�xQVe �the apglication for a buil�ing �rm�� %� an additior� 4a an in��strial �ui3.d3.ng a�t 1.bt} Ely Street� I.�ts 37 �hrou�h �0, Block 7.2, Spt�i�� Brook �srr� o� ce���s'c ��d a��eel es�ns�ruc�3om �7 x 70 rzt �.� es�3ma.ted co��C oY �15,OQOe�. Se- r�„r�r���d '��r Ba��sk. €�pQn �. va3.c� votes t�iere b�ing no nays, the �o�iat� c�.rried 3a��M3mous�.�r e 1�P��CAT'Z4�3 Ft?R CONS'I�?€IG�i���' b�` t�� �ii��%�T. BU�ING A�' 'T?35 :FxR S�T I,AS'I' -� LC� ?� Ai'��i 2,�L� '� 4��.S��iY �1T3�`I'I�N ���NT A.� S'� CON;�`�t' � �e 70 » �;5�'ri� .,_ fii ���' t3F�'�0 . (�OQ . Ki� A . iC�s�`I�il� �Y � ��2i OWSK� : ?;�.y�r Nee �.zsnou��ed ih� �.����a :?.� q,ae���.ca� ���.� �� �.ppticatica� �'o� �nstrt�ctfon o� <ar �.n�us :,ri.a3. �u:�Zd��� €��t '�"t3� %'ia ���e�� I3��•��e�.st �y� �exna� ��l.�ows?�i. The ,��a-�y Ms.r�z��r reac� �ta �he �i�y C��.a�cil '��a.� recc��aendatian of the Buildiug Boe.rd an�. ���s�.a���d �h� pa,r�in� in �c�� €�:rea 33 i;o �� �et�s+��t t�a�a lot� off�-st2eet. :°�.���;�a� T��� �.r�qt�3,��� �.f th��� w�re ��cc�� ��.i��.�� �.n 'ch� �.�°�a. �'he City F�ie.nager ����.i�e�3 '�her� �•.��� no ��wer and w�.i;e� a '��. 5uli���rs�i ��as gresent and ex�O�,ainec� tt3 th�e City Couszcil th :s was t+� be aa or.�.�en-tal. isoa shop. i+�ayar Nee lnqui?~ed ix" t�is�e were �.ny .poss�bilfty o� pev- 3r�� -�he psrkimg area.. Mr� Julkoz3ski replied �h�� he was �oix� to pave it. �o�acx�.�a�a Wc�Ike s�ated he had been in the 3.ast �;ach3ne shop Mr. Jullso�rski had bea� it ��.� �e���:d and it w�.� a�o�d shop. ��ss��.o� T�y I�o�.ke ts� concur wi�h th� r�ra�ndatia:� o�' the �uild��ag Boars� an� �-�a�� ��� �.gp�.icatioa Por nans�ruc�ion o#' an inclustrial buildir�g at ?735 Fir S-�re�i Nor�-.heast, Lots 23 �.nd 2�, Block 7, C�na�aay Addi�tioa of eement an� steel cflr�s�z-�action, 63 x 70' �t an es�i�ated cost of �30,000.00 with the sti.pulation �hst the p�rkirag spaces be removed #°rom in �'ront af the existing building im- r�ec�:i�.t�Iy �to �che South. Seconded by Joahson. tTpon a voice vo�e, �here being no na.y�, the mo�ion carried una.x�3r�ously. • � a.�iII3G C�}M�IiSSION A�E�ING MIl�UT�S, OCTQBER 2�+, 1g63: �z.zc a��nv�: �z��63-a8 z,crr 22, BvocFC io F`R{3Ni R-lg SIidGLE FA�tILY Dk�I,L7NG, TO R-3A MULTIPZ Pa� 70 �r �s �vz�w P�qayor Ne� annaunced this waa a rezon3ng request an Lot 22, Block 14, Don�zay"s I�akevie*�a Addit�on from R-1, single family d�elling to R-3A multiple dwellia�. �'h� C3.ty N:�.nag�r read ta the Cfty Council the recom�endation of the Pi€�nning C;o�mission, tt�a� in view of a�equest for a decision at this ti�s on tk�e re- :aonin�, the �!a�ion had been ta deny the �°equest. Th� City Manager f'ur�her st��ed a l�ti�er had be�n wri�tten �a the City asking for the w3.�hdra�al Prom the ��euda oi �:he Counc3l Meetin� �f'iVovemrer �th this item from Vern Donnay Homes saying they were not proceeding with the rezani�g at this time. The Ci�y Mana- gex exg]:a.ined ithe City Co�ancil could concur or deny the item. �Iotion by �Tohanson to conGUr with the reco�end�tion oP �he plannin� Coammiseion and de�iy the applic�ii�n i'a� xe2anin� �f3p18, Lcts 22, Blrsc3� 10, Donna��'s Lake- view Add�.�tian f'rom R-1, siagle fami�.y �we3.xzaa� to R-3A a�ultiple dwel3ing. Coun� �i].man SheriBan inquired i� Coun�ilruan Joha.nson would amend his motion to in- eorpara.�e �he Ze�tter fro�n �'ern Doru�ay Hc�sp by concurrit€g w3th �them and n�ak- �ir�g this a a�a.ri: of the rEeorda Councilma.n Joha�son ag�°eed. • �iot�on t�y JohansQn tn ame�sd previous motian to r�ad: coacur with the r€com�endd ,stion of the Plarining Co�3ssian and de�y the appZication for rezoning �63-38, :Lot 2G, B1ock �Q, Donnay"s La,k�v3e�� Addition f�°om R-lp single family dwelling �co �-� �3.tip1� dwelli�ag, a�c�3v�e aa�r� f'ile �he 1.etter from Vern Donna� Hoa�es ack3n� �or �rse vri�chdz�s.w� � fro� ihe a�enda of �h� November �t, 1�63 Council Nfeet- i�a� wka.3c% s�ta��� �hey ��exe a�o� prm��ecTing �'u�th�� w�,th t�e rezoning at this ti�e . �e�o�c?�d �y Sh�rid.�n. U��s a vo3c� vo�e, the�e beir�g �sa naysf tiie mat•�on car- r�.��l �nanims��s3yo • V�'�C�TIE3N SAV OAK GROVE AI3DIT��1�1� E� J�IUSEN�ET AI.: AL�.�Y BE- M��°r�r �t�e ��non�aced the item �.n �,uestioza �a�.s s. �v�aca�3on requea�; of an �.11ey be- te��n �'ric2l�y and Anoka Stxeets Pro� &6�h to Mississippi Street�. The City �Isxaager read to the City �ouncil �the recom�ndation fli the Pla.�ning Co�amission, a�� explaiaed if they wished to eencur, theg° �o�ld do so by di�etin� his of- f`�ce tcs c��.i �'or a public hearing at th� eax�,iest regula.r mee�iing. Councilman .Tol�a�s�n s�tated ��.ey would wish to hear irom eeery propert.y owner 3n the area r�a�c� cau�iar�ed �h� aflminis'ura.tion to �ake ee�tair.. notices were d�*livered by han3e �Ic�-�ian by Joh�.xason to concur wiich �the recomme�.d�.�ion o �.�d order a public hear3ng on the vacation requ�st, SA di-cion� Ed Jensen, et al, the ail�y bgtween Fr3�ley and to �Iiss�.ssippi S�cre�ts. Seconded by Sher3dax�. Upon a no �ays' the raQtion esrried unanimausly. 51��'ET�f COMMIT'l�EE MEETING MINUTES= OCTOHER 2�, 1963 t f the Pi�nn3ng Caa¢aissior� V �63-08, OAK Grove Ad- Anoka Streets from 66th voice vnt,e' there bein� � P� ge �3 � �Y<�PC�E?J �.F�iTiC.� S1A�IbN AT ARiDLAND C(�s3�Rt�T1i�ES iNC.: �€�y�ar �ee �n�.fl�anced to the City Co�snci:t tYse receiving of the S�gety Cammit�ep �T€�eting Minu��s o� Qctobc�r 23, 1g63o 7'he �3ty I�anagex �xplained the reason �c�,ese wex� g�.aced an the Agez�da w�s for �CounciJ. i.n:formation, tYzat previonsly, �G��ey ��d rEie�:�ec� t� +he �s.i'ety Cou�nit;�e� the �ar�.anc� Lt�c�ues� by Midland Co- a�era�t?.�res ��r. a p�oposed sergrice s�tat3os�, �hat th� proposed setback was re- coar,�r���. For mpprove�. by ihe Board flf Appeals ancl the Safety Commftt,�e ��ys ul.�re �.� no s���ty pxobl�m ix�volved provided tha�t stap signs are ixts��lled at e�ch ��de of' ci���.grzr�t�d rosr?s. It was explain�d the motion by the Sa�'ety Co�i��e� hac�.. p�ssed wi'�ta Wright opposed to �aid tn�t3.on. I�s> �os•s°��r vf' �=iidland Caapea��tives �aas pxesent sad �s�esented �o the City Coun- c�:I, a m�re rec�n� drawing of the 25 acres owr�ec� by his campany showin� buila- :�.r..g�g ��xv3.c� drives� future build3rags, ete.;� and stated the Safety Come�ittee k��.ci su��es�teci °t�a� stap s3�ns unto I�Is3n Stz�et. He £urther s�iaf,ed a r�present- �';ive c�:£ th� Ch.�mnbe� o� �omm��°ce ��aould be present to 4pA�k ir� �avar ox" the �rax°ianc� a:ad th� Chamber T.aa.S 3,nteres��d in �thia as all ix�du$try w�.s tnat was 1.ocate� �a ��ai� �treet; �h�t Kuxt M�nufac�urin� had i.zadicatec� �chis se.rvic� s s:ation wou2d be we3.come as had Electror.ote Manufacturing, Ful�.erto�t ��ietais �a�d many o�h�r including F�eserve S�zpply� T�ir. �.'orrey explain�d the d��sel Pield �ac��aid. b� a�ay �rom the frant entrri.�ce �.nd sta�ced he was certain the Ci-�y �oun- ci.1 was ��a�rp cs� al� o� �h�: proee��zres t;�ey hac� �one through axid th� �ecommenc�- • a�;ions '�� �hc c'sifferent �oax�s, that ��ey a?so had approval i'rom the State Fire I�re�.al� `s �f�ice o P�ayo� T�ee st���d ��at ever� �oms�i-i���� th�+�i had ha� th3� vari�nc� bxnu�ht be�ore ���r� Y�a ��pro�red it �'�r cogs�ructi�or�. -. Councilman Joa �zz�nsoxa �.axquxrec� i�' t�.c��� ���aos�� �E;� tlae �r�x°ianc;e a�aould wis�a �to speak. N�.�^ < I.su��neF Srri�es°g ea� 101 ��c�t.�rs �oa.d s-F,�.t�d �laat at �l�e tia�e the v�xiance fo� tl�:e f33.1.�ng s���i.on was ref'e�r�cY �'�� �he Sa���;y Co�3�t�e, �hs xesiden�ts ciidn'�C ��.c�w �rha-� ���y cou1�? c�c� �nd inqu3��a whv �i23� �7�riar�ce had ncst be�n brought be _ aa�e �Y�� F'3a�ax��.�� � as�iono �1a��a� N�e �e��.�.��3 t��� a�di�,z�ces s�ci�'y the �A•s��ec��s�� ��hi��. 3� th� Bca�rd oi A�a�es�s e��. ��olberg i'�rth�:� sta�ed he was tize c,�l�s �rsr�r� p���en�t thi� e��nin� b�� ihe r�sici�rs�s cou�.d s�iZl see im the near �'��c�zr�: �u�€��x iirz�.v�rsi�y A�r�nue wa�1,c� �: e��F��.ra:; c��st��ction and th�re watale i�e � t�e��i��sr.t� aa���e�.�e 3� �:r��i ac; �'ux�:ba��° U�z�€� :�to�s v� �h�s sh��ald be p�it up. �.3s �°�r�the� �ta�,e� t�at ia�.dus�cry is :�ii�� �.�e? �r� �. bi.� he3�p as t�°��y da pa;y tsxes �ii,t -there w�,sn'� one pereen°c os �the peop2e i� Y;l�is 3ndustry who work �nd l�.ve in �r�.d.ley a�d ti�e resioie�x$s just don `t wrant this P312ing sta�ion. He explait�ed fi�I��: n�a.�t�r ca�' �3mes couid be a mat#,er o� '�ligh�; �o the area9 that industry acr�Gs f�r�m ���eir I�t��es is i3ne an:d they do aece�t i�t;. but the service statien would n�� be� an a�a��; ior ih� �eo��.e livin� ira the aa�e�� ��.r. So�berg stat,�� th�-� �°��a.dent� be7.s�T�7 �9th :�venue tVere not��zed o� ��,e situ�tioa on 53xd, C�own �os�. �nd �s��iz�n ar��r all these resid�n�s �a�re a.gainr�� this sexvice stat;ion� that if ane cc��any c�kald vary t�e ord3nance� ot�er cor_ap€�mies �aouid cio tne s�r�e. �'!r. '�c�lber� �sser�ed that it had been brflugh-� to h:�s atte�t�3on th� : sotne raembers ai' -�`Ze �a.�y Cauncil had made remarks about �he re�iden�s i:ho liv�d below Highway �j=�.� �nd thi� tiras not goad� tha� when ��ie overpass is aoa�pleted �his «ould in- • c:�°�as� ��.e traf�ic and stop si�ns might remedy the situation but �here wouid s-�31i be tx°�f�ic. He expl�.ined the Board of A.ppeals had brought up a proposed ��3.€�n �f set-�in� �he service �tation back on the land �nd this would set the building • Pa,�e g. ba�a� and it �ouldn't stop Midl�nd Coog�rr3.tives f'rom pu��3ng the pumps �� closer and tYiey wou3ci stili have the s��i�ack. i€e asserted the reaidents in his area aid not w�nt ta s�ap the buildin� af industry and they did nat want the ordi- �.anwe chanaed, tl�at �hey did ltke the 100 Poot buP�ero AZ1 52 petitioners, it �raa state�, hr�.d said they would not go to this Pi.Zlin� static�n. Mr. Solberg f'urihez° �ta.ted �%at Fr3.d3.ey had been growin� ste�dily bet he hmdn't seen too �iuch improv�er�:nt lx► the C�.ty itself, that there dici seem ta be some kind of con- f'I.�.�^t in �'ririley� Mr. Solberg asked th� City Caunail of Fridley as a last re- �o�t ta d.eny -�his ardir.�,nce ta Nffd].and �boperati��es and d�eep on setting a more ��et�utiP�ed pati�er�► in xouin� as other subux�bs �hatc surxaund Fridley. Council- u,an Johar�son exp].r��ned th�.t M3dlan8 Cooperatives was merely asking �oz a waiver E,nc1 �h3.s had not gc�ne to the i'?�,�.nning Cosamission. NIr4 Tox�r�y of Midland Gooperativea explained to the City Council that a� th� g�reseat �iffie his com�eny had appraaeimately one hundreH empZoyees oP vhi�h sbout 32 ;Live� in Frid3.ey, that �,g wae cextain all of the C3ty Couaci2 recognized the k��c� that Midlan� C:oopera�ives was p�.�nnixt� the bu3idi�g of an ofPice building �ad ii the same r�te of employees raou�d cantiraue they wou].d ha.ve about 100 em- �aloyees that would 'be xe��.d�nts o�` F�idley and �I�et w�.s can:siderably more than t.he ane �r cent th.at had be�� xef�rred ta; further, ther� wer� no hous�s near Y�is company tha-� iaced Ma.�.a St��t, I�io��.ora b� Jahansmn to concur ra3th the r�co�enda�ion af �he Safety Co�ittee and • �;r$nt tiae reques� Yor a variax�ce �» Sectian Eel.l oP Ordinsnce No. 162 by wsiver �P �"ron� yard setback requirem�nt fYom 1t?(� feet to 56 fe�t to p�rmit canatruct- � ox� c�f s service station n� t;ae sou �ze�.st corner af the pxoperty at Highway �100 ��rad RSain Siree�t by Aiidla.nd Caog�z�at�vss, inc. S�eonded by Walke4 Upon a roll c:g�.�. vot�, thase t�atin� ay�, Nee, �7s���.r�sn�., �he�:ida�' �la��k�. 'i'l�oae op�osed, �3ra�k a P�iatia� c�r�ied . (:ON3II�I� �`IGI�i OF .AG:t�E�9E�iT�,' - R'E : SF'�XNG �kit�K P��.RK �LAT 2: t�y�r riiee annuun�ed t3ae 3-t�m in qeaes�ion was �hc c�nsideration o� an agreement ::°e�rardin� Spr3n,� Brook Fark F�.at 2. The Gi�y M���ager explained the agreement in s�ef;��.lq �.�a�s �hut were red ta��ed, ��.so monies o� deposit; further, that City ��t��rn�y Sm3�th had g3vea appraw�l. on leg�.1 �orms, C�ty Attoxn�y Smith explained '�� insd d�swn o�.e agreement and the �SCPOZJ I�c�d bee�n toa hi�h but he eaw no prob- l.em�.�ith this a�reement and the community was ge�tting an oversized stor� sewera i'�iay�r Nee inqu3r�ec� if City Attprney Smith had re�,d the contract and was told he ':�d an� it iaas iiz good i'orm. The City Manager s-�a.ted i�t wou2d just be a matter �af puttix�g this item on the ag�nda Por the �oi3o��ing meeting, j�Yotion by Johanson to authorize th� execution of the Contract on Spring Brook :�a.rk PZa u 2, Anal�a County, Minnesota between Wi27.iam Ho Sippe]. and Shir].ey E. 5i�pel, his wife; Robert Co Johnson and Lucia H> Johnsan, his wiPe; and Ma,ynard �C. °�asmussen and the City of Fridley. Seconded ��y Sheridan. U�101� & Vb�CC YO�� �here bsin� ao nays� the motion earried uxianimau�lya • �CC?P�StJrIZCATiONS : � Pa g�e i0 0 • ���,�SZ;EY: RICE G`z�EK: _ --- ---�--r---- i�:�yor �1e� az�autac�d this ��ss a co�munica�tion fram James Iio He��1ey9 of �he FP�.CZ�Ej► i�oapd �,� FeaZth �n rePer�tzce ta Designware Indus�tries e�g$yirng �:�.stes into Rice C�re�k a�d I,oe�.e iake o The Ci�y Manager sta�ed the ad�ir�ia�tra�t�an had received a 1.e�tter from t��e N�innesata Depa.rtment of Health S.n wh�c� they s�s�ted they haa ma�e a s�udy a�' waste fro�ri %he named industa�y in FridleJ� tha� they Pelt ihe �►1•.�n� process �sts should be �eutralized and the Ci'ty �ouncil h.ad referred this 3.t�m to ��ir. Fier!sley who had st�ted in his repori tha'� he recot�rnended that the pl�.nt diseharge �11 wastes ix�to th� mun3.c�.pa1 sa.nitary sewep to elim3nate any �ossi'�1� poli#.a'��.c��-a of Rice Creelsn Caunci].man �ahanson inquired r�ow many gaTlons �� �ey were bein� x'e�er�a�� ta 3.n d3scYs�s��3�� iato the ss.nitary sewer systeme En- �;irae�rirg Assistamt �l.s.rk replied it wms tremenc3�us an8 it was bein� p�oposed to ��u� a�,3�. �:tne ti��s te iro� th3.s compaay into the sanitary sewer. Tt was inquired �:�hs.� type of in8ustry f.his was snd the City Man�ger repl.ied they did anodizing, �9ayox Nee intguired if this coul� not be checked into as the wa�te that ge�ms to l�e caus3.ng �rouble is Iaw volumeo l�r. Cl�rk repiied �the State of Minneso�a had said tr.ey didn't want anythin� �oin� in t�.e cre�x> Councilman Johanson sug�ested tY�E �ngineerin� depar�ment �ind ou� how r�uch th� pl�nt wss dursrg�ing into the sewer ,sy��emo A�x. Clark stated the company had their own we11. The City Manager ex- •pl�.inec� �to �tYae ��.t� Cc�°a�cil �this �rasn't a case ��here tY�e city says something shoul.d be dor��, �.'� 3.� a c�?se a�' �Lhe Healt� D�pa���ex��t teZling �he City of Frid�.ey t�±ey skaor.a�d c�s�c3er it �io�se b�at that :�� �o�ald. b� �ery cos�ly �io *he City and he could n�� �e� haw �I�e C3�:y cou�� av�id �.e'��i�.g i�si�nr��are �ndustries do th3s. • '.�fa,yor Ne� iaquired if more inf`oraiat� on cauld be obtain�d on th �s item and re- �uxned °�o the ���oor for a�scussioa. Cs�tanciia��r� �Jc�h�..z+s�sn i.nq�sire�i a.�' �?es:��;n�a�.r� I�,c?e���ries were awa=�� o�' the sex�.ous� �ze�s of t�ieiz• g�oblem. `i'�.e �it.y Tv�ffia;em x��lie�; th�y wPre not a E�gineerin� As�is�ara-t Cl.��'1� s�a�ed a�et-��� 1��c3 b�e� �en�t tc �he� �ro� �the S�ate m� Minne- sow�o �c�u�c9.Ianan �nY.�s�s�o� su�g�:st�d. �Y�a� re�a�e��r�'�atives �x°o� Designw€�re In- d�stries '�e c��.�.ed I.ra, 't�sat a�'i,�u�� shc�u:ic� b� c����a�.ry�d of �ahha°;-� �hey were talk- in� a�r��� in �r�ies as ���.1 as �a�.�.c��as i�c� i�:: 8i�posed of and a letter �i�cected °�c� �he ����e o� ��i��esa�� a �h� Ci�� �1�mn.��er st� �ed -t&�a� if �hP Ci-�y C�Unc:.l �ui�h�� tc� di�ec� Y�i� to �a �head, �� wouid ar ;a:,s�t ord�r i3esa��aare Inc�us-�ries to ha�2i �a�p to �h� sana'k���= s��r�:r .�c�ua�ca��.n �'c>�a�x�son s�ated yh�y sho�ald not b� orde�ee� to ,�nc�k u�i. �4ayQr �Te� ex�r�ai�ec� ��h�gr as h� k�.d unt��rstood. �the prob� ie�a, it w�.s �jus� ��ame co�or t�aterx�l tnat ;a�� :�nto the creek at times, The Ci�y T•h�r.ager state3 he coul� advis� D�sig'�ware :9:ndusts°�.�s the �ity w�,s lookin� �nto �.he t�a�i;er anc3 have a me�ting with the engi.neers t� see what they could wrsgk cut, that :�� was prit�arily a matter of wha�, the G3ty of Fx�.diey ���s going t� cha°�e Desi�.ware Industries, �io�ion i�y Johanson to instruc�t the City Manager to contcact and have a ffieeting iaiih �lesi�wmxe Industries and di�cuss problen *.•�ith th��i and further i�astr�cl: tl��: �:ng�?.neeriflg Department to return �rith the r�.tes of discha.r;e aad alI ix�for- ms�t;ior� t:��t �i�ht be pertinent to the matter be�ore the City C�eancil makes a �.eeisit�n nn the mattero Secor�ded by Brooko Upcin a voice vote, �chere being no na��, the �o�ion carried unanimouslyo C� • Page 1�. w��r�x �oLZ�iari cot�s�oz co�ss�or�: RE�U�ST FOR COi3NECTIONS: A��yor l�Iee anr�ounced the com�unication fro� the Water Polln�ian Control rommissian o� the S�a�e oY �iinnesota and s�ated it cbulci be received. P�otion by Joh��son to rec�ive �he letter Prom the Wa�er 4'ollution Cont�ol Com- missian o� tb.e �tate of M3n�esot�, place oa file and instruet the City Men�.ger to �ake a regort of same �to the City Councilo S�conded by Brook. Upon a r��oice �rote, there bei�� x�o nays, the motion carjried unanimousl.y. WA'I�Yi P4LLUTIOYd CONRROL CO�IS3TON: �RIM REPO�RT. l�aayor l�ee announeed the item in question �aas a cotmnunica.tion from the �later Pol� lution Contxoi Go�issio� regardiag thr� Interim Report. Mo�ion by Sherician to seeeive the let�er from the Weter Pollution Control Cam- mfssion on the Interim Report and place an �P31eo Secanded by Brook. Upo� a voice vate, there being no nays, the motion carri+ed unanimously. N�'I'H SU�UitBAN SA1VtTARY SEWER DISTRiCTs CONTRACi': • Me.yor Nee annout�ced the item in question wae a communicatioa �rom the North Sub- urban Sani�t,ary Sewer D3strict concerning comments on the propo$ed coatract, that Cou�cil.r��an Brook, City I�anager Wagaier and City At�orney Smi�h as well as him- self had attendec�. st� of the discussioas. MQ-��,o� by Jphans��a �hat the consideration of the eonts�act wit� the North Suburb- am Sanita.ry ewer D3strict be coat3�ued un�3i a�'ter the November 5tha 1963 elect- ion, same �o be received and f3.led. Sec�nded b;,� Braok. Upon a voice vote, there being x�a nays, the motion carried unanimo�.sly. KVALHEIIM� HiiTCHII�SON REZdNII�iG: Mayar Nee annour�ced �th3s was a coa�maunics.tian frc:m Stewart K�►s�:heim concerning the Hutchinsan property. �ir. Kvalheim was pres�nt and sddreseed the C3ty Couna cil 2xplaining this �atter was be�o�e f�hem beca�:se the P3atting aad Zoning Com- mi�tee %ad said there �aas a trai'�3c prab7.em, �h�.t in the interim there had been a propoea]. befare the County Boa.rd for a� stop l�.ght at �he des��nated interaect- ion and it was au�horized by �he County Board tc be insfi.a�leda Mr. Kvalheim at�tsd that, based on that� it was suggested that the only problem they he�d was �he traffie problem within the proposed develo�anent and they ha.ci appeared before the Safe�y Coamaittee in this regard and this co�fttee had approved unanfmously a propose�. development which they had put on fi]_e with certain changese He iur� �her sta�ed that in tslking with the City Attorney' it cass his understanding that the City Council could authorize the rezot�ing at this time. Mayor Nee in- quireS if it were necessary to hold he8r3n�s age.in. Cfty Attorney Smith replied • it was nv�. The City Manager ir�terposed to explain the City Council had not held a public hearing on this item and a hearin� would have to be held, that the • • � Fage 12 0 P:L�r�n�n�; Coaumission ha.d said a� �he time �he traific solution �:as reacY�ed, they =�r�u�.d liice �c� he�r 3t agai� but thi� �.aas up to C�uncil discre+�.o�, tha� they l��,el just concuz�red in the de�iale Councia.man Jo'�anson str�teci he reca].�ed be3ag a�t meetin�s when �hese sa.�e }�cp1e were hereo N�.:ro �vali�ei.m stated thi� item was b�f`oie the City Council as far as the Plannin� C�a�mission mint�tese City Attarney 5�;�:t.t?? sta�ec� tk�a•t if tiae ��.fy �aaan.r,i�. ku�c3 ncat he1.d a hearing they would Yzave to ��� a€�,� ��r� C4r��s.:���.�n �?nr��Yr,��i �.r ��xs ����:�cz �;s � �'1c� .wa -�1��� �r��°;i ��s�� go��+ibl.e �:�:,�_,.,:;� ar:.��i ��.�: ��t�� }.i�,� -.:u�.:��r��i:� '��d a�T�ea.�:ezi i��z�..�� '„'�w u�,t-.= G:c�u�aci:1 f��r a��i.��c'•. caf' ���.a� -���az°�,, t:cs�a�,�i3��� ��aA��4snn �.nqui��d �f` 1��., ICva�.�:��.m �aP�e aw�re that i�.`� in ar�e ����:�� F� ti�� tI1�.� ��°�����?��;y was �ot buiZt o:�� i� �ou�.d revex� to ?.ts arim �i.;,13�. ���.a�Y3go g���s�;�c;� b� WQIk� �a ��t ��s�ub13� hear�i�g on �he r�oning o�' IIutchins�n'. Plat �'o�:° �ere�t�ar 2ndg ��3o Seconsiea by Br�o�. Upan a voice �o�e, there being ao nay�; �k�� tac��ion carr�.ed u�ani�ous3.yo iT�UBn �'ENCE P�:�IiT: �:a,yom �Ve� announced �chere �as � co��a�alcation fr�m Wa B� Strub of 78g4 �roa.d �i.tisenue Nar�:la�*3s�: requedti�� ��'m�.�s�.s�n �o keep g bax°bed ��3re %nce surrouar2in� �i� g����rty, al��a a cc���r��.c��ien �xc��n A3.�.e� G� Jense�� B�ai7ld�.ng Inspecto�a x��g,a�es�ia�g ��e �'crub Pamiiy '�� �.Z1�ow�d vo ��icai� �he �'�:nce > T`r!e Gity Y�ana�e� Ex�1a3�eG to the �i�y Cou�cii tY�.ere is a lf:F�al r3ght to se�c a permit fox a barbed �e�.r� -�ea�e pxovided it is ���re(5) feet a�ove the groundn Co�iacil,man Wolk.e stated �e '¢aa.�. �a2.k�c� �o t1a� �tail�i�� I�.Spe��L�r' a�d �.� t�.as sta�:�t�e�t� were �true he would ��'�e t��.�h hima ��r�tio�x �� i�o7�� to rece�.v� -��ie �car����a�.�€e��a� �c� W� �3, ��rub �equesti�g ger- �rzssion to ke�g ;he b�x�b�d �ix�� ��n�e surra�:����n� I�3� p�°opert�r �� 789Q �3road �ivenue i� �� � �e�nncied by �!�h�.�z�c�� a TJpa�z ��fc�i� � vQ�e ��here �e�n� no asys' -i,�s� ���.�� c�r��.ed u��ra���u�.�.ya 1iI���'0�� : �d�e Aax�ry He�d���k�on, p�esident oi ��� Ch��be� ��' Co�rceg �a�.s preser.t, intro- c3��Led himself and state� he wish�d to re3�era�ce :??�rre �orrey's r�maxks, �hat the t;�i�e� of Commexce wouid like �o l�,ve the C3�y vouncii give as much cs�nsidera- �t:toa� as pos�ib'?e on �t�e S1Si�.8YiCE Mr. Torz�ey had requested, that he rea�ized ihe t;�.t,y Counci�. h�.d �ran�ted variaace but he �aished to have mad� a part of the re- d th it�cn the Cha�aber of Comm�rce had teken or� the mat�er. cor e pos j�so Ch�se� repxes�nta�ive af the LEague af Wosnen Voters was present as e. guest ,�nd. obse�vero �41Y9.d.1"LJ i . :Mo�tior� by Sher�dan �o approve payment of General C3aims �125�+ through �].323.. C� 'urt?COLi�'t,.'Cf. �j► �"`.9�:'�.; uximnirsaus ly a I�ig� 13. Upon a�ra�ce vw�e, there bei�ag �o nays, the mc�ta.an carried Motic�n by �rook to eppr�re }�yn�ent oP 7Giq�or Cl�zims ��7$1 through �580�.. Se- co�ded by Joha�son. Upon a vaice vo�el there TaE:fng n�a nays9 t�e matian csrried vnrxn3mour3�,y, I�a�iQU l�y �oha.xa�on ta approvc payme�a� of Public U�t�.l��ies Claims �2903 thr�ugh �2�;0� Secon��d by Sherldan. iTpan a vo3.ce va�:, there being �o neye, the mo- t�.nn cr3arx�a.�d unan3a�usly� �S�':�TES : ���or Nee smr�ounced �the i�em ia q�estion rae.s the payin� af certsin eati�t:ee. �'he �1.ty Pda.nag�r �xple3ned �to th� City Council -�hat on ��timate � to Dun��.ey �u+��'ecing Com�any fn tne �taoun� o�' $13,?_26.37, chey had be�tt g�ven the figure �id ta date, ineiead it should �v� been �16,OCi5.7�. P�is�.�or Nee etated the f.�em �n order �hen �rouid 'be estimates t�ith th� rev3se8 �ig�ure just given. Mc��tit�a� by Jol�ansoz� tQ ap�rovs the follawing est:imat,es: • �t�:rbs � Constr�ct3on Company 3.��0 H•�.�hway �].0 1��.�n�apcal�.e, Miz��ae�a�a 55��i � �st�mate •� - Sani.tar,,r Se�ex & �la�er i��ov�an�z�t Pra,�ect �3 �FaN�iL} $1�pS$5a�3 ,�a��•2;r�m � ��.�'�aerF Inc. 7�9 Fa�e�� Dale �a�d I�� 9� B� 3.�h��n. Z2, �Iir�nes� �a: , �st�.mat� �� � � Wa��r JLs �prnve�en� Pxo��ct �r�3�+ x ( �A:��si�:�j �31� 350 0 �+1 4��n� i o�k c�� Davis, Inc a 7.���+6 Cvu�a�y �rsac� "s„ 1�:i�a�a���:a�3.s � P��.unesr� ua �s�n�ti��.��.�.�; En;�i���rs SS�+�2 Engine�ering in Cunnsc y�on with St�eet improvement g'z°ajects :Lg62-2A, 1�62-2Bj 1g62-1� and x963..1 $ 7g5 � 5�+� A��.�x�.�der Constauction Company ��]. :��.��atha �lvenue Sou �h M�nne�palis, M3Anesotg Esti�te �3 - Streets 1g63-1 (PARTIAL) � 8,906v13 � Dt�nlsl�y� Surfacing Company �75� G�gnd 3tree� Northeast l��inneapc9lis, Minnesota � C� • Eet�.mate �4 - Streets Est�ate �8 .. St�eet�e Estimate �$ - Streets Fa,�e l�C . 1962-4 (PA�TI�L} $16,405.76 iq62-2A (PARTIAL) $ a,22�e38 1962..2� (P�Tr.�) $io, 523.66 Seconded by Sheridan, Upor� a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrfec� unanimously. Mayor Nee announced the next item in quest3on �ra 'be pa►id was the invoice from Soil Solid.ifiers Inc. in the amauat a� $2,152.�8 and explained this had come before the Ci�:� Counci� withaut recommendation from the administration and is ane estimm�.e that the City Cou�cil had agreed to Qa�, Th,e City Marla,ger eta.ted �his wa� the estima�e he Y�.d rtot personally suthorized. Councilman Jahanson inquixed of City Attorney Smith i�' he ba$ not at a prlor meeting with t3ae City P�ianager and consulting engiaeers ask�d the consulting eag3neers Por two �.ett,er� and had he ever received these letters regardir�g 73rd Avenue. City Attorney S�ith replisd he had note Councilman Jokanson 3nquired of City Atterney Smith �he natnre of �he lettera he had asked for. City Attorney Sa�3th stated they had had a coufez�nce and a record taas kept oP ,.tH �that �hey had asked Par a letter from �he consu�.tin� eng3neexs conoernin�; �he performance of the contra.ct a.s to the x�espoa�sibility oi' sarae and �01.3.owix�� that ��he soil solidiiiers h�d came in and had a meetia� a].so. He further st�ted he was still of the opinion the City of Fridley should he.ve a le�ter f'xz•o� �;he co��ulting engineer indfcetin� his v�ew o� the reaponstibi,lity an this job or �.f �here ia any re�poneibility at all and 3n order for him ta evaleaate the foree of the contract he wou�.d have to know wha� the consult3.n� en�3ne�r ��hinks. Cour.cilman Johsnson inquir�d oP Mr. Corasto�ck, consu2tin� eng3,neer, �.�' ��ere wer�: ar,y reasan why he couldn �t deliver a leti�er of �t�� fbrm to �he Ci�cy Co�ancil. Mr. Coaestocls repl.ied it would de- pend on the ext�nt of it9 �b�t � zoas �ami�iar onl.y of the ia�'ormatio� that had been turned over to him gxad 3�' t�ie let�er w�� xea�ricte8 to that, he wovld wriie same bu� concerning the i�em, he ccauldn 4�: v��w it an.d can °t �r�.�w it unti2 the spil sfll�di�'icr� taould pu�t in a comara a�d ti�sast. ra�her tha� �r.rite a letter, he h�d. �el� th�y co��.d hav� a d�scus��.on and su�;rize 3te Msyox Nee sts.ted it seemed �o him tl�ere shoul.d be a questian o�' r�r�overy an the m�ini;enance bond. Caunc3l�n t^lolke stated this was a bi3.1 to Svi�: Sol38if3ers Imc. that they had agresd �o pay and i� �as his opin3on tha�t the C`ity Couuc3l should pe�y ito Mayor l���e �gr�ed �:ha�t the question of' recove� y wa.s af�3cle f�om that and he wasn't cer- 'G�±in tahether -they should �xpect Sv:�l Solidi�ies�s Inc. to f9.nance th3s amount and inc�uired of City Attorney 3m3th if the acc�.pt3ng o� this bi].I would relie�re �Yie Niain�ena.nce Bond oP any obl.igation and cou� d they still have a. ca,se in court to co32ect it. C3ty Attorney Smith repl:ed that he di8n't thiak it would relieve the maintenance bond, that that nr�.tter only reflected. the meeting they h� d hnd. Mayor Nee e�lained this wgg ttae worl: that w�s dane on the emergency basis� The City Manager stated this e;�timats rad nothing tfl do with solidify3ng the jolnts enc2 there wae ao s,greement to his lu;awledgee Councilmen Walke in- �uixed 3�' the work referred to in the estimate was the work t'�ey had ordered done. Cc�unciZman Joh�nson replfed it was the work Mr� Camstock, consulting engineer� �ad ordered done. Councila�e.n Wolke stated the;,° were a11 presen� at tYzat meet- ing 3nd they had sIi been in agreement that th:�.s biZl shoul.d be paid. C3tq At- torney Smith su�gested to the City Council if �h�y were going to pay the bi.11 they ti�ould &sve to adapt an emergency ardinance flrst as 3t was beyotui the • Page 15� C�s.rter a�:lownce and �urther suggested �lasy mig�t have a letter Yrom the con- sulting engineer stating that it is something t�ey should �y even though the decision �aad been raade to p�,y it a Mayor Nee stated h3.� on2y paint was tha.t he didn't want to prejudice a point for recovery oa the mainfi.ena.nce bond. Conncil- man ti•�o3ke s�ate�i that point should have been ms3e at the meeting when they had �de the agreemeat and he f'uricher Pelt the City Council shoulc� have a meetin8 ifl g+�t so�eane to assume soase responsib3lity in this eity� that this work was oxdered done by Agr. Comstock with the position :�e had to take in order to be able tfl in�pec� thege lineso Couacilman Johans�n stated this was pro�ab2y the iirst ti�e the C3ty Counai]. hadn't seen eny kind af li�erature ca7ling for a Change araer estima�e ana� he wished to see a letter from the consuiting engi- neers recomm�ading 3t. Asr� Cr,�stock repiied thv contract was c2osed out so� ei�hteen months prev3ous and there was no Chan�° Order �o issue on a conira.ct that had bee� close�l out, that he would be hap�sy to wra.te a].etier but it was nc►t possib3.e 't.o vie�a this projeCt. Councilman �Johanson replied they had a bfll and the consultix�g eng3neer knew what hsd been done and he still was not recom- mending approval of itb Mr, Comstock replied rxa aouldn't eee whetY�r it was h�s prerogat3ve to do so. �r�x�rrcY oRnzr�vcE #25z x� : so� s��rnrF�s : M�t3on by Wo3.ke that the City Cou�cil au�hor3z� City Attorney Smith ta draw • E�erg�z�cy �rd�.nance �25i �.��iate�.y au�horizin� the payment of the b311 to Soil So%idif'i.ers, Inc> 3.n the affiount oP �2,152058. Secvnded by Shezidan. City Ai:tas°ne�r S��th �ta�teci he would dx�a�, s8.me and re�d to the City Council this eve�� irnge Cot�nci].�an Brook stated h� f�2� th3.s bi13. should be �pproved by ihe con- sulting engineerin� firr�, Go�stock anc� Dsvis$ I�c. Mx� Coms�ock reglied he wouid ncat mat�e a staternent con�ernin� t�hethea° �c�se Ci9�y is respo�sib�,e or noic, that h� had no authority on �cl�e �ob w'nai;sae�r�ra Aia.ya� Nee inquis�d o�' the City Gounci3 3f tihis was sat� si'actory . Upcsn a z�c�ll c�3.�. vo�te, tnose voting sye, Nee, Wolkee SYaerxcian.p Braok. �'hos� cappased, Joh�enscn. Mo��oa� car�°ied. N4ayor Nee annc�unced the next es�i�n��e �co be �or�ide�°�d was a closed c�rcuit televis�.c�n in�pec�.on o�' sewer linev on 73xd Av��zue l�n��hesst b�r Soil Solidifiers Inc d in �he a.maa�n�t o£ ��£�7. 50 and Yse �a�.s nc�� �� �.re wkao hsd ord�red this done . The Ci��► hla.na�r �eplied it raigh�c have been paz t o� th� telev�.sin� that had been ordered. P�otiora by `TOhanson. to approve the invaice to Sci2 Soli�iii'fers, �ac. i� the a- �unt o� �187.5Q for television inspeciton of ��wer lines. Seconded by Brooke Upan a voice vote, there be3hg no nays, the moiion carried unanlmouslyo P�e.yor Nee announced there was a communicstion i'rom the County o� Anoka wi�h a voucher a.�ainst the City af Fridley in the amoL,nt af $i1,264.15 for curbing 3n accorda�ce with an agree�ent between the C�tty �ounciZ gnd the Anoka County Baard on the pro�ect along Old Central Avenue NortheCst between Trunk Highway �65 and Mis�issippi Street. Couneilman Sheridan iri.quired i� this were the figt�re • �they r.ad been looking for. Mayor Net replied this was the sectioa that was in at the presen�t timee Counci7.m�n �ohanson inqui.red if this had been asseeaed against the property owners. The Finance Dire�tor replied that it had and had s.iso been �inancedo J Pag� 16a Motion by Sheridaa �o approve the pay►a��nt of $1i�26�.15 �o the County �f And�ka in accordance w3th an agreement �ecuted by the City Council aad the Anoka. Cuunty Board Por a propor�ionate cost oY concr�te curb and gutter on (?ld Centxal Ave-� neu Nox•thea$t be�ween Trunk Highway �65 and Mis3isaippi Street N'oartheast. Se- conded by Brooka Upon s voice vate, there being nv nsys, the motion carried unaaimously. TJTC�NSES i ._-,___._,..._ Motion by Johanson to epprove the following license; DEZIVERY 'I�UCK 7?ederson Deiry, Tr�c. 747 South Washington Avenue I+�inueapolis, Minneeo�a by: A. Ee Peder;�on I�W' �econ8ed by Brook. Uprrn a vcice vote, �here beiag no neys, the motion carried �nanimousl.y. • �ONSID�ERATTOl� 0�' WAIVER OF 7�N FOOT DTSTt�NCE FR�M UTILITIES - fiAS CO�P.ANY: Mayor Nee announced the 3tem in questior� was th� consideration flf a waiver of t�n �e�t i�or tY�e MSnneapalis Ga.s Campany f'rom u�ilities . En�ineer�ng Assistant C].�rk exp2ai.rse8 to �he City Cot�nci.l th3,s was a�ex�it r��,uested fro� the Minn�- eapol3.s G�s Comgany az�d was s�nt �o the Str�e-�s a.nd t3-tilities Cau�aittea who did ao� r�pprove the permit on the hasi� oi' �Yee poli�y tha� utilitiss be na closer thaiu ten Peet, tha.t in this pax°�iaulax c�a.se �he I�ir�ne��polis G�.s Compe.ny says there 3s na p].a.ce Por them ico go �.rad they d� pr;�psase to go tws� #'eet f`rom the line and this pipe wo�ald be put �.n with :foux� �'eet oi cQVer. Mr. C].erk Yurt,her ass- er�ted there way nothing serious �or cous3.deratian in this matier. Councilman Brook s�ated the M3nneapolis (�e.� Ccsm�p�.ny would �cover +his ut3lity in any regard and wo��.d t,�ike care of any em�xgencya �o�nc�.3.r�;sn Joh�nson stated he hs.d heard from serv�ral r�eigY�bors an. the are� a�d w3shed to kr�ow if the Minneapalie Gas Compaz�y would back up their work. R°he C�ty Man��er r�plisd i;hey would, that �the proposed gae line on old Cen�ral was eight �eet 8TJg3/ and that was sat3sfact- ory, that he had overruied the councils den3�l �nd signe8 the permit end 8idn't wan� to �o a,g�.ir�s� the CounciJ.es denial a,nd asl��d the Nfinneaps�Iis Gae Company if they could wait until this meeting for apprcval and they h� said they wouldD that iP the Council would wish to concur in this recommendetion sad gran� the p�rmit wit� the waiver, they Could also okay his policy on o1d Centss].. P�Iotian by Brook to authorize the construction �y the M3nr�apo3.is Gas Company o� a propased gas main located on Stinson Boulevaz3 between 75th Avenue Northeest and Osborne Road �nd va].idate the City Msnager`s action on the construct3on o�' • the gas �in on old Centra]. Avenue. Seconded by Sheriden. Upon a voice �rote, �here being no nays, the motion carr3e@ nnanimously. • i�age 17. Cc�uncilman �'ahan�on sta�Ced th�re were a few bloaks on Stinson Boulevard where �'1�.� �esi.d�nts �a�re complaining �hat the street is qu3te clarlc �,nd even thou;h �here �aere so�e stree� lights o� corrners} he wished �o know wha.t cou38 be done to ge� s�ree� Iights in betwe�a. The City Manager replied they had author3.2ed b5 more street lights $nd the City Council wou].d be getting a map on the sub- �ec�t snd cou�.d put in the 3igh�s they wished. CHA�1t� ORDER�3 - ST. 1952-28: R3myor N�e annaunced this �aa a Chaag� Ord�' on Street Zmprover�ent Project 1.962 and reques�d Engineering Assis�an�i Cia�k to discnss same. Mr. Clark exp3.ained ta �he City C�uncil this was work that had to �� don�e to prepere the sub base an: S3rd A'venues tha.t the �aork had been compZet,Ed. The City M�nager also ex- p3.a.ix�d it was raot part of the op3ginal bid. Mcation by Sheridan to approve Cha.age �rder #3, Stree� I�provement Project St. 1Qb2, Schedul.� 2B to Dunkle�r SurPacing Company in the a�ount of $5b3.00. Se- conc3ed �y Broaka Ugor� a araice vote, there being no �nays, the motion carried ut�au3mously. c�t� � #3 - sT. �g63-�: • M�.yox Ne� ara�ounced this was a�hange Order on 3treet �mprove�ent Projec� Z963�1. En�3t2ee�i�� Ass�.sta.�t Clari� exp].�.i�aed to �he C�.ty Council this change order w�.s siffiila.r �a �Yu one pxevi�u�l.�► �n��oned. F�tatio� l�� J'oY�nss�n 'to �.g��ov� C�n�.�.�e Ord�r �3, S�tr�et Improvement Project 19b3-�, t� A��xr�r�dex �a�as�rrtact�.on Cm�any �n �ch� a�oun�. oi �382e7oa Seconded by ShExi- d�no t7�s�� a vo�ice a�ote � the�e beit�� no r�ays, ��,he �aotion carried unanimously. l,��EP�I�Ti� Ci�+' S�T COi�S'Iia�IOl�i �- �EIAI3X �TCFt : 2I� AD�I'TZd�I : ��a.yor iiee annt��nced �he 3tem ita qta�s�ion w�.s t��.� acceptance o� sicree� con��ruct- ion i� �Ic.l�dy �no�, 2n�. i�dc3i�d�n and th�t se,m�: had bees► appraved by En�ineering Assist�n� C1.a�ek, Superin�Cendent af P'ubiie Work€.� Les Cheaney and t3onsulting Engineer, Mr. Comstock. P���3�n b�r eT23Y!'p1Y'a60Y1 to appx�orve street construct�.on and aoceptaa�ce tY�ereof o� P�e].n85� �I��or, 2nd Additian subject to a letter rece�ved from Suburban E:�in- e�rin�, Tnc., and approved by Enginee�ing Assistant C1ark� Superinte�.c3�ni oY Fh:,bJLic Works Les Chesney and consul.'cing engineer, Mr. Comstock. Seeond�d by Sherici�ne Upo�► a voice vote, ther� being no n«ys, the motion carried unaaimous�y. �ity A�t��ney Smith inquired 3f apProva7. shou3c� be subject to a year's maintez�- ax�ce> Enganeering Ass3s$t�.nt Clark replied it =Fas s�a�ed in �:h� letter receivec� f'�om Sub�rban Eagineerin�, Inc., bu�C what guarF.dntee there was other thaa the . Zet�ea= he didn°t know. City Attorney Smith s'�ated ii shoulc? be subject to a year's �minte�a.nce. • P�.�e x8 e �►CGFaPT�CE 0�' STORM SEWEF CONSTRUCTIQN: I��AD�.AI�I1�5 2ND ADDITI(3N: l��.yor N�e a�nouaced the item in question �aas �the acceptance oi storm sewer car.� :=truction in Meadowlands 2na �aa�.t�on 8na t�at same had been appron�ed by Sub- tirban Eu��neering, Tnc., Engineexing Aas3stsnt Clark, Superin�endent o� Pnblic Works �,es Chesn�y and consui�ing engineer, Mr. Comstocka Pdotion by Sheridan to approrre stro� s�wer const�uction �nd eccepteace thereof af Meadow�.a.nds 2nd Additiau �ubject to � ietter x�ceive3 from Suburbgu Engin- eeri�, Inco, �nd approved by En�ineerin� Assis�:�.nt Clark, Sup�rintendent af I'ub�ic 4�orks L�� Chesney and consul�ing enginee�� Mr. Crnmstock. Seconded by Johansano Upon a voice vate, there be3.ng no nsvs, t.he �ot3on carried unanimouelye ]e�TxmiON �37.'�.96�x F. �. FvsZI�N� �iotion by 8heridan to receive P�tition �37-1963 From Fo F. Foslien snd refer to the �ity Manager for pre�es�ing. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voiee vote� there ?�eing sa xisys, �he mot3on c�.�ri.ed unanimausly. CQ�VSII�:t�ATZON OF LZQU47R �TO�E OUTI,�TS: � M�yo� ISee announced the iten� in questioxi was thc: consideration of liquor store �u�tletsa The C3ty Max�ager explained t�a the City Cauncal he had placed thia item a�u �H.� �.�n�� b�can�e 9.t hsci b�e� ��ea�.orasly �ii�•�CL1S8��.y ti1e.� if they wished to �order the leas� termin�t�d a,ic liquca�° st�r� locA�';�d at 7361 Ce�txal Avenue N� E e �c�:ioxa nota would be nece�s�.ry €�.mr� i� wo�lci s�33:�. not be i;exmina�ed unt31 Aqarch lst, Ceuncilu�.n We�il�e �nquis�eri hta�a �ch �on�y ���� City o�' Fr3.dley was losing� 'Phe Finance OYficer expiais��d the cai.es have be�.n g�oing down each yeax since 1�0 s�nd the p�oi'its have �.l�o b�en gflaiz� dc�wn, that �he fixs� n3ne months oP �.st year �h� Ci�y �ze.d m��ie m 1i�t1� p3°��'�.� but the £irst nirse months aP this yeax �hey z�ould luse appa�m�3ma�elY �1�9Cf�.00, r°he cahie�' reasan �or th3s� he �e�:�lair�cc�, w�.s �hat the �ag�s a�s� t�e �,nstarax���� had risen, the insuranee hav- in�; �tze up �a �bott� :p$G1A a40 0 . �Cau�ci�man ���ridan �tat�d they hsd d3.acuseed �t'ais pxeeiously a�d it w�.s his op3nion tl�a-� iP th.is were a prl.vate o�e�°at�ou, �vt wouiitn't have been in exist- snce as long as it Mad, �that they h�,d ���temp�a�:ed this previausly and ha.d asked the businese people if �hey wauZd let it ;yo fbr a period of time, that they t�ou�;ht i-t would recover beeause they t}�ought ii: would nurt the ousiness communi�ya Courzci].me.n Sheridan aeserted it cer�„a3.nly hadn't 3.mpxoved �xrom the le.st �.iqubr stc3xe r�port and in view pf ti�st he ws.s in aceord with any me�bers of the City Council who would desire to close the store as of t3�s firs�� af the y�ar, tha•� they could sti11 give �iheix notice and �ay rent ti�°ough the first of N1e.rch �nd wouldn `t necessarily 3zave �o have °;,he st,�:�Te open the first three months of the year as these would bQ the poox mr�nths, Councila�n Wolke sug- �ested l��ving the store open unti�.I+�rch lat and talk to Mr. Car3.son, owner, a- bou� goin� on a munth to month basie, tY�at the City cen a�Pord to �take a loss on the location. Council.ma.n Brook atated ff th� sign aver the store were liti • Pa ge 19 � '.z� �he s�s��� wo�al�. c�o a bi��er bus��es�, that fihere were pxeviousl�r f�c+od Zigh�s o C��ncilm�.n Z��o].k� iraauired. �.f the C�.ty r�n the .ame hrau�s a�t �his store as at �k:e ��thex s�as�e� a�d rans taic� they did nat. He furthe�~ sta�ed he woulci li�Ce tc� see ihis s uoz°e stay in aperatiian �ust a little lon�r� tha� the fact that �c�e Ci�iy is lo�ing money dae�n't r�e�n 3.�t isn't helping the ar�a, The �'inance E;�i�.c�r exp�aan�ci tha� al�. a� the �_oss i�n't a cash lo�s, bec�.�use �h�y �-a�ae cha��3�� depre�iatinn, etc. Couz�c37.�a�.n �aolzansan s�ate� that eeeil wit� �h��� �hey we�e �.� the busincs�s tio �e mone3►. Cnunci.3.ms.n Wo�ke stated he ��d �cat like �0 1�°�r� the sttire 3n que�'Gio� closed �g, ti�a.-t whether th,ey wes�e gaing tr �.o�e a�on�y c��° no�c was not the ��estiot�, �hat with the businesses ir� iche as��s, �.he Ci��� sho�zJ.d maint�..in th� stoxe until it woi�ld rea3ly go �.n the red, The C, ty ��nag�r s�g��+ed if �he City Couneil woul.d wish to heve a negotir��fon po���t r�s of PRx�.a�ch 3.st, they would have tv give a nots,ce by mi@night on November 30th aa�d ir that per�.od, they could reta�gotia�e, th�.t they did have to �ive �. 90 day �ati�e b�� cou3.d x�egotiate ixz the sn�r3m. Coz:ncilman Wo1k� inc�uired if the C3ty ctaulc3n`t��o �he own�x and operate on a morth to month basisv The City I��.r�.�:� x�ep�i�� in order 'co get oaa� of the lee�e ihe�y �r�ould have to giv�e a 90 d��y not�.c� o M�•. V�. M„ %a�ei, resi�ent, s�ta.ted hs wa.s concerrzed about the 3n- �urr�,n�e P���sy �&��.�� �� s�ac�u3.c� be s�n a sales �asa.s. The Finance D3rectnr ex- �la3x�ed �l��y hmd ps.ici uic3lit3.es, �°ent anc? inst�ance in the a�s�un� of about ��.,?7�Qt�0 a�d the insur�nc^ xeate taas �iven to h3s ofPice by Mr. Pearson of t�� Ins�a�a�ace �omm3ssion who h�.d been repl.aced as agent by Mr. Schillinger� • i�TtYG�0T3 by� Johanson -�o ser�e notice on P�Lr. �arl€�on, �361 Central Avenue AIe E � th�.t �s �� Novembea 30� �§.�G3, �he C�.�y oi Frid�ey would -t,ake action orx the ��tio� �ca re�.e�se �h� Cit�• Qf T�'��.s�3eJ� �rom the:�x 1.easeand further discuss �heir le�cse �s c�� i�s°��Z �.� I;�€a�„ ��conded by �hsr3dan r Upon � voice vote g �there being no nays � th� mc��tio�. c�.��ied u�anx�z�� u�l� � �C3�1�T����O�i ��' �'i"�E CAS��: PA.�1': �i�.y�r �'e�: attnca��a�er� °���� ite� in c���s��.c�� �r�s ���.e cans�.c�exatia� of Ya r� c�11 pay o ��?�se �;�.�� i�.nr�.��� s�;�t�d 'che c������r�a%a� ��s �h�s..; ��°esently the C3ty employees �Y�ta� g�°� �� �. �'ca�.1 �;i�e 'c�€asis i��s�� '����, ,�Aven t;h� �3,00 per flire cal�. pa.y and uc�e City ��,�an�:3�. 1n��. ��.sc�:ssed th� ��asi��.1�.�Ly a�?d tl�e ides a�' nat paying them t��.e ���Oi� d�:r�xag th� da,y� but a��te� � P., A�� th��- w�u1d i�e na.�d trce sa� as any valunteer. Counci��an Johansan st����d i�e h�..d Y.een the member ta bring this �r�tter �� the ��.00�, that he �e�t :�,t �z�.s a bad policy tl�a.t the City p�.y a man �a s�.].�.ry by the hour to wo�k for tlze �i�y of F?�idley and, then ne gets paid ��ai�s �'ox a�ire . Go�nc�.xman t•Jflikc� state� the only �d�a tha'i would come to h:'.s r��.z��? �7���.� t�� a.�' �. m�.rs answers a cal�, the� e is a t�atter o�' cZothing, etc a c����ac�i?��s�.� �;�i�.�nsan st�.ted k�ae fel� i� was a ma��ter o� ciouble pmy4 Co�nail�na.n �hc�°sa�_� s��a�;ec� he �idn't knota why �he City Cot,nci.l shou�d �a:ke pxecee��nt a�- �,=-�.ins ;: di�y en�aio;�ees, ih�.-t all. th� g�ople �chai� answer �"�.re c�:�ls ase not �i1. ci�y enployee� and a.f t�?e�e i� a ma�z working �r.r 3nclus�ry in +.he Fire Departa �Ent� in�us-Fry doe�n't dock him ior the time tY�at he is on a Pire efz13; t�at • tizey �'ec�I. it i5 a privilege to have s anan assoc°iated �aith the �'ire Departmeut. Ct�unciZman Sheridan further sta�ed hE ciidn "t kr..ow wha� the legal3.ty o�' th:is Pa�e 2t?. • was but he d3.c2 recall discussion with the previaus City Attox�ney and he was con- ces:aned �h�..� act3.on o� �his k3.n� might @e�riora¢e the Volunteer Fire De�,rtment �s far as mc�be�s ofi the F3.re Depa��raen� who are actively engaged in theic° 13ve- lihond with the City of Fridley were concerned. Councilman Johanson sug�sted �hat if Councilman Sher3dan were to talk ta some of the oPficers o� the Fire Depar�tment, �hey have been trying to get away f�om �.�ing the full time em- p�.oyees dEuring �.he olay Por the past three or four years, that the men �t�tat �hey hav� in the depsr�ment are ans�erin� fire calls to t�.ke a dollar. Cot�nc�3- �r,n She�ician inquirec] if the Fire Dep�rtment hacl made such a request to the Ci�cy Coexnc�.].. Councila�an Johanson replied they had not but he had had members of �he F�.re Department co�e to h3m w3.th the discussion. Councilman Wolke sta.ted he ha.d ha.d no o�e come to him and �ti1 �hey we:.°e told they 1e�ally aould not pay ichese i.ndividuals, tla�.s $3 •� P�P iPire call should continue. Councilma.n Sheridaa sta.-ted 3� �he�e were a recoa��datian :�rom the Fire Degartment they would be ob�.i��.�ed f.o cortsider 3t. Mot3on by Brook to �able the cons3dera.�ion of �'.�.re Call Pay Yor the Fr3dley Fire Department. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voic� vote, there bein� no x�ays, the motioa carr3ed unanim�usly. I:��.�i���1P4v ��I+�A l�a.yor �ee a�nounced the appo3n�anenit in question was the approval of a eity en- • gix�eer fo� the Gity of F'xidl.ey. The City i�a.�er expia.3ned tfl the City Coun- ci�. they had approximate�y five f3na1 a�pplications tney hsd considered, that he had set u� interviews wi�h �Che �it�r Caux�ail. �'o� thres of the app23cants withou� ��ecauma�nc�tion a'c the �ine .�e f�arther explained P+Sayor Nee and Coun- cilman �x��o� �xad Joizansa� w�re ps�went �;o �inte�r3.ew two of the �pp].icaats and subseq,ue�tly �. �third was 3.n�erv3ew�d by �Iayor N�e and Cvwncilman Johanson� that bo�h M��or Tdee and Coumcilsr�n Johan�on had sugg�s�ed Mar. Qure�hi be r�eommended to succeeci �a%ir� Browno The C3ty Manag�r sta.te:d he aoncurx�ed with Their sug- �estion a�d Mr. Qure�hi ws� the person I�c was ���g�estia�g. Mre Quresh3' it was explai�ed, is �� en�3.�.e+�r ��ith To�.tz� Kin�, Du�4�I7.s Ande�son � Aseociates, Inco, and had work�d with E3lerbe & Assc�ci�tes, has a Bachelor of Se:ience Degre� £rom '�he Ltniveacsi�y c�Y P�jab, P��Sistan and � I���ter oP Sc3enee I�gree f'rom ��.e Ur�ive�sity o� Minnes9ta and in reg�.s��ered �.d:� botia a�truc�u�cal and civfl e�sgine�x� in �lhe S�a�� of Minneso�a.s tha.-i �lr. Q�:,°eshi cvuld be available shortly _ upon �ir�ishing a�a �s�ignment. Mayor Ne� �taiec� his impressfon ot' Mr. Qureshi ��•?as that he was iamrinently qua.l- 3�ied and di�ni�'3ed. Counc32maa Brook inquired if the Ci-ty Cauncil �elt ihey shou3d 3ntexwi�w anyoae eise. iRe.yor Nee replied th�,t he was ve�°°y much impressed w3�th this person an8 the City of Fridley woul.d �e extre�ely fortunate to be ab3.e ta ob�ain h3s serviees. Counc3Zman Brook s�ated the other person who had be�n co�sidered should have a chance to coase in and be interviewed. Councilman �oh�ns�n inquired of the City Manager if he did write this person a].e�Cter. The City Manager replied he had no�, tY�a.t he had never prom3sed to wr3te him a. lette� or any of �the applicanta a let��re CoE.mcilman Johanson stated he • �elt 1wIIr. Qureshi wa.s �rery outstanding, that perl�aps a person of a BiP�erent race presented a certa3n reluctance but Mr. Qureghi woul.d be most outstandiag in pub3ic re].ations and the crew and staff would not be relucta.nt to wor� with • Pag� 2I. h�m, Councilman Jvhanson i�.ir�her stated he wou:Ld agree with �3s.yor PT�e that he d„.dn't �eel they should continue �ith ox hold interv3ewso Matian by 3ohanson that the City Council re�in the servic�s af and approve the foU.ow�z�g �,ppoin�ment coucurring wit�x �hs recrz�.�en8a.tion of' the C3ty Manager: NE1N� F03ZTION �AL�tY REPl�ACES �. . .�.._.�....,.._. Ma Naeim Qux�e�h3, Ci���Eng3neer- .�800.00 Calvin Go Brown Easi River Terrace Court Dix�ecior af per M3nneapolis 1�, Minneso�Ca Public Worlsa month Seconded by Sheridame Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanim��asly. � ti7 !: o RECE�VING PREL�'SN.ARY REPO�T AND ORDERING P(�LIC AEARIAt# � ,—°'�^y""'n"T:tir c.� _ � cr � . Mayor Nee announeed the resolutian in qtnestion �aas receiving the preliminsry repoxt and orcler�n� a public hea�rin� on curb an� gut�er eonstructiou. The C�ty N,sna�ex� explai��ed t�o the City Counc3.]. this wa� �he curb for North oP Mies- is�ippi S�reet and 1Vor�h o� old �e�t��l Ave�ue, �hfit at the time this �as dis- • cussed previously he wasn't certain when the pu�lic h�aring could be, that the F3nance tl�ficer had s�a'ted he couZd have the se�essment rol.� �'ar the Z$th of N�vember. Mot3o�a b�► S%ex�id�n to ads�p� RE50LU�'�0� �3.71°��3 ��ceivi�ag =`he prelim�.naxy re- pe�rt �aad ca3.�.3.ng a��tb�.ic hearin� c�n the �rjict�r 4f' t�e construction oi' cer�ain i�graveanent�, ernacr�te curi� a�a� gut��r - CSAII �3� �ST i963-�.')„ for the 18�h dr�y of �da�v��mber, 1963, Secox�eied by B�ook. Upo°� a voice vote, �here being no n�.y�, �;he mvat•ion �arr3.e� unan�.mou��.y « R�aOLUTI�N �1?'�'-�.�3 �'•U�FYE?RxZ�ING S�.LE Q:� L'�RTAI'� CT�1'�' PROP�Rm'Y: __r__.a_..�. -.—. 1M�ayo� N�� axanou�ced th�; resolu�t�on in qu�sta.on ��r�s th� authorizin� of the sale o�' cer�tai� ci�y property. Mation by dQ]h�nson to adopt 1�50I,UTIt?N �1L72-1�63 �u�ihorizing the aale of certain city ��°operty. Secanded by Wqlkea Upon a�sro3c� vot�, �here being no nays� the motion carr3ed. utnan3mously. ' RESOLUTTffN �173-19b3 AUTHO�IZING AOQUISITION O�F' E1�1SEMEI�TS: __r._....�. .. M�yor �Tee announced the resolution in quest3on was the authorizing oY acquisit- ion of cez�tain wasements. The City Manager stated that %his included tiLe �or- • tions o� 7th Street they would have obtained with the plat. City Attor�tey S�ith exp].ained �h3s was the Caxl Sorenson prvg�rty. • Psge 22. Motian by Sh�rida�s to a8opt RES4LUTZON #1T3-i963 ordering condemx�a�ion on Pro- ��cts �s-2 �nd �I�.SASO�-312-020. S�conded by Br�ok. Upon a v'oice vote, there being na na�s, the motion ca�cried unanimously. RESOLtI'�I�IV �17�-1g63 Ai3THORIZIPIG ISSUAN� OF Z'Ei�g'ORARY BONDS - 5S�&�b: Ma.yor Nee ��na�ced �he reso�.ut�.c�n in question ��as the authorizia� oP �he issu- an.�;e a� tc�pax°��y bonds . �iotion �y Wo3k� to adopt RESOLIiTI01� �17�-1963 directing the iseusace of temp- orary Iarpz�ovement Bonds in sc�ordance �aith laws o�' zg57, ��P'��' 3�5� Storm S�4�aer i�p�ovem�nt Project Noe 6�+. Seconded by Sherida.n. Upon a voice vote� there 3���ng x�o �ys � the motion carrisd unanimo�ss2y. �soLVm��� #��.7�-ig63 �u�r�xz�v� sa� �rm �xcg��s� oF ��FY sorms - ss�: A�,yor �Yee ar�naunced ihe resolution 3n questian �:�.s authoriain� the s�1e ax�d purchase of -te���a�� bo��s iPox 55�6�t . r�a��.on �y woa.�� �o aaopt �sc�LUrzoN �i75-1963 d:�.reetin� ihe sai o�' �e�rar�y i���eovement :Sonds 3n accort�ance w3.��h 2aws o� 1957, • S�s�rm Seta�r I�p�ovement Ps•oject No. �+. 5econd�.d by Johanaon. vote� the�e 'b��.ng so ne.ys, the saotion caa�ried. u�an3mous].y. LJ e and ptarcYis.se Chapter 385, Upan a voice x�so�.����a �a.���-196��i�`iH�DI2���G I��UATdG�' c�� ���z�o�� avrms .. sw�6�: Mayor Ne�e anx�oilneed the �e�o�.u�ian im qaaestiab ��as autlaarizing tY�e issuance of �e�po�a�°y bax�d� �or Sez��e� amc� �+la'���° PxQ,�ect �65„ �g�t�.o� �y �sa�ia����. t� �.ci�pt i�8(3��Z(�l� �i7�-��6� ciir�ct3.� th� isat�ance of temp- o��y �����v�m�r�� B�xads an �cco�d�.nc� �3.th �.�ws ot' z957, Chap�er 385, Wat�r �.nd Sanif,a.�y �ewe� �mpr�a�em�zat Pro ject �Vo. 65 � Sec��zded by Braok o Upon a voice vc►t.e9 ��e�e beis�g no nays� the �v��.�n ca�ied �a°�zanimtiusly. �soLV���o� 1'�;,•i963 �t�rgoR�z�� s�� a�n �cx.:� oF �r�Y Borms - sw�65: �I�,yor N�e a�vux�ced the r�solutioa in question �:aas suthopizing the sale and p�rchase o�' temgarar�r bonds �'or �e��er �d Waicer Pro j�c� �65. Mc��iau '�y Sheridan to ado�� RESOLUTION �1"�7-1963 di�-ecting tiie sa].e and purchase r�� te�rp�s�argo I�p�ove�aent Bonds in accorasnce wi�:.h l,azas oP 1957� ��Pter 345, kT�.�,er and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 65. Secoudted by Brook. Upon a va3ce vote, �here ioeing no na.ys, the motion eGirried una.nimously. 1�SOLiJ�°IEf%T �178-3963 SPLITiING SPECIAI� ASuESSMEI�L'S: Page 230 • Mayor Nee announced the resolu�tion be�ore the Cnuncil was with regard f.o the splitting of certain spee3.a3 assessments< Mation by �tohans�n tc adogt R�SOT�TION �178-1963 authorizing a.nd d3.recting the splitt3ag oi' special aesesaments on �the South 551' of IJ��1 1/4 of 1� l� {II�. Id. ].b3v6�+') (EXv PTo P]atted as G�.deo's First Add.�, Paxcel g00� Section 12. Se- conded by Brook. Upan a voiee vote, there being no nays, the motion carrie8 u�ariimouslya Oi°�iER BUSINES�: The City Nianager stated he wished to re�ort tha.�: at �he Zast meeting there was a Zist o� o��iinquent aceounts prese�ted to the CiLy Council and the Iaundramat at $3rd and East River Road was Iisted, althflugh t3ze party at the laundromat had asked tY�.�C 3t be put o�. The City Ma.na�er furt�aer stated he wished to c].ear the record th�.t part of �he prabi.em there was that ';here was a misreading of inetera �nd the �-texs h€�d been read wrang several timer that some paym�nts had been ma.de bu� not regula�rl.y and the owner rlas concer�ied and had asked �hat he mention this to �the Ci�iy Cou�cil and state iic zaas not ent3.reiy delinquent. R�iayor Nee statecl �o "�ht Ci�y Council that he hac"t requested them 3n a separate a�emo to eonsider �the desirabil3.ty in asking the administration to prepaxe some p�eocedure on the 73rd Aveuue Northeast liae and he wfshed to know if there • r�lauld be some i�structions from the Council on �::his sub�eat, that with the in- Poxmation they ha.d he feZt some action woutd be i.n ordara Counailman Joha.nsan anqe�ix�ed if the Per�or�a.nce Bond Y�d been relea�ed. Mayor Nee replied it was h�� undeys�.nding �kae Pe��°c�rmance �onfl Yia.d noi; ',een reieased �nd he Peit at w�.� be't"�:r �c� eollect �he in�'ox�.'�ion in ord�r �;:o knvw what they were dealing w�,�th, �Ys�.� � x�pc�r� vhoul� be pre�are�. fa� the �"�.ty Council. Nlotion b� Ja�a.�sor� '�v au�hori2e the Ci�y A�ana�e:� to prepa.re a report and compile a�.l the c1a.t,a tha. v might be p�rtia�n� to �he 73�=1 Avenue sewer line and reicurn to t�e Cou�cil flos�r �or ac�io� at �he �arliest pa;��ib3e tno�ent. Seconded by Brrn'k. tT°po� a voice �c,�te, �here being xao nays, the mo�ian ca.rried una�.imously. Cou�cilm�.n She�idan inquired iP a s�ect�.l repor°'� cauld i�e �iven in this regard trs Coffis°�a�k and I3av3s, c���ultin� en�ineers. I'': was generally agreed �lr. Com- stt�ck wo�a�d woxk in conjuriction with �the C3-�y R�«3na�er an this report. Niayox Nee ar�nou�ced to th� C3�y Council. iche x�eciaipt of a letter irom City At�or» ne;� Sa�.�th and requested an explanation oP samee City Attorney Smith expla3ned to the C�.ty Councii it had 'neen ca?led to his a�vtent3an that the Fridley News a� oP someiime �n June was no longer a lega.l pu�Zication in that the paper is being pr�nted in another county and a11 his Iet��er to the City Council reflects is �hat he did eheck and review the sta.�utes an�i an attorney generale oginion that invAlved �he purchase o� the South St. Paul paper and it was ruled tha.t i� came t�ithin the Grandfather`s Clsuse and so �.t would continue legal but so fa.�r as �the Fridley News is concerned it did not exist at the time the statutes • we�e passed. He fvrther explafned the Columbia Heights Record qualffied under the Grand�ather°s Clause and that he did assume the newspaper would be getting out a regort on this; that it seemed to him that for the time being the minutes C� i�ge 2�+. s��suld show the �'ridl.ey Ne�as is �aot �he �sfficia:y paper, tha�i �the ordinances, etc., �nd nublic hearings s3nce June lst have nat been in a 3ega.1 newspa,per. Ci�y At�orney Smith st,s.ted the C�.�y CounciZ had a number of altern�.tiv�s, they could make some other newspapex who can properl-.r quali�'y a legal newspaper and unlese this �aere controverted they couldn °� con��,inue ico cleim the FricZley Newa a�e�al n�:wspa.per, that up until the present it hadn`t been cal�.ed to anyone'e at�entiony a3thougk �tYie City o�' Frid].ey ffiight h�:ve some problems. He suggest,ed that th3.s evenin� the Ci�y Counc3l des�.�nate soaoe o�hsr ne�aspaper other tYian thc� Frid2ey News the oFP3cia1 newspaper �or the ba].ance of the year. Mr. Les Chacey was present �,nd �.ntroducer3 h3mse:.�.P as a r�:presentative of the Anoka �erald ane� Coan Rapids newspaper a,nd sta't��8 they wished to be �.med the oY�icial u�ws�per and they would atte�pt to make every e�fart to do everything tv �the satis�'a.c�ion of �'r�.dley cfficials o City Attox�ney Smith sugge�•�ed th� Anoka. Unian would be the better officiel publ3cr�tion. A representatiYe Prom the Frid].ey News explained to �he Ct3y �auncil ��:hat only the mechanieal printing is done in Hopkins and a1.1 the edittirial work 1�3 done in Anoka County. City Attorney Sa�ith expiained tY�at hf� d3scussi��ar� on this 3tem had been with foxmer C3�ty A'ctorney Kohla�a and he har3 called t':ais to his $ttention and told him the company had agrsed with h�m, th�t ize ha+i anticipated a report Prom the �r�.ai�y �ews this evenin:�, �ha.t this tti�a.s someth:'.xtg the newspapers thems�lve8 have deieg�-t�;d over the yeaxs, 'co p�n�et the l�acal. n�wspapers. • City �ttorney Smith su�gested to the City Counc:l they have the �egals printed in both papers until �ihe f3rst of the year� Cotincilman Johanson suggested they ca��ld raalce r�. mot;ion that as o�' ti�is evenin� ths.�: either �the Fridley Ne�as or the Anaka Union �.s the legal newepape�a 2� wa� sta���d by the repr�sentetive oi the Fridley News that n�i�her the Anc�k� Uni�n or th�> Cocan Rapids newspaper had eny cixculat3on. Gaunci.la�an S�her�.dan �ta.i;ed th� on:'.y 8ifference be�t�een the Frid- ie� 1Vews a�c� �he Columbi� i�e�ght.a wss nothing ms>re �hr�n a le�d s�heet. Niaticm l�� �r1ol�ke tlzat �he Anoks Union is immed3�a�!:e1y appai.ntec� as the 3.ega1 news- paper �f �he City o� Fridley and notices an�. or�linareces 1ae puhiished :tn the Anok�a Unican az�d in �he Fri.dl�y News far th� hs2�ance oP tt�e yesr at which time the City of Fridley r.�n 3esigc�ate the c�fi'iciai :�egal newspsper. Seconded by JU:�nson o Upon a v�ice vate, ichere bein� no na; �s, the motion carried una.n3mously o C�.ty At�iox�ney S�ni-�h read aloud to the �3ty Coux�:�il Emer;ency Ordir�ance �251 - re�arding paymei�t to Soi� Solidification on 73rc't avenue whlch had been pre- viously passed and suggested it be posted in th:�ee pls.ces. Mayor �Iee annou�zced the IC�CC'�.p't i2'O� the State �iighway Department oY a new pro- posa2 on the Outfall line on H3�hway #lOQ. '1'h� City Pdana.g+�r was directed to send cop3es of �the proposal to each member of t;ie City Council at the earlieet po�sible �oment� Counc3lman Sheridan stated that prev3ously they hsd been talking about Stinson Baulevard and i�e had also been talking to a res.�dent in the a.rea, that inasmuch • as Stinson Bovlevard is a county line atreet anrl borders the East extremeties oi Anaka County and Ramsey, perhaps the City Ca1incil should �ive some consider- C� P�.ge 2�. a-tion to taking over i:he dev�lopment of th3.s st::eet, that as 3.t is noja �he resi- dents of Fr3dle� bav� no stre�t �nc� i� is becau�e two cotmties are invc�l�red. He iLirther s�tated there is a 66 ���t ri�ht-of way :�nd ia tt x�q�x3.���nent o� a cou�ty street. �"he se�ond item Cour�cilm�.n 5heridan wi;3hed �n bring to the �1oor, he stafi,eti, w�s tne sign on G�trciena and S�inson Bot�l�tiaxt�� He st�ted thi� sigri was misapellede Mr. Chesney af' the Depsx'�m�nt o�' F'u'�l�.a Works e�cated a new sign h�d b�en insta].ledo Cout�ci��za JohAnsQr� s�tated 1z� m�reed with Couaci3.man Sherm idau, that �tinsoa Bouleva.rcl shauld. be complete:lo '1'}�.e C1.ty Manager ex.pla3ned he had spoken tc County Com�issioner 0'Aannon in t�is z�gsrd and p�rhape the mayore of the af�ec�ted suburbs and County repreesentatives cc�uld have a meetia� axvd discuss thi� problem. Councilmen Sheridan statAd his comments were nat a sug- ge�-tio� to elim3na�te th� assesst�:nts 3.n the ar�� beca�se the resideats �xpect to pay but he fe�,t ichey should have a me�ttng s�ad ciiseus8 the mattsr. Cs�unci].rna.n Sheridan r�tated t�sat w3.�i;�i �e�ard to the 13quor operation on oid Cent- ral tha� perhaps tk�� County t�*ould ho..�re trsfP3c �ount records regarding this area Prom High.ws.y �65 to Miss3s�ippi Street prior i:o th�e co�pletion oP their wor� and now tk� � theix wprk is completedD t�rat it mi.gh� be intergs�ing to see the tren8 au th��t s�tr�tch in evaluatin� th� ? iquor �pera'�ion by MA.rch let to see 3f it has increese:� �the tra��i.c �'1ow �.iong the ave�ue and, ii eo, they eoul.d give it so� coz�sid�ra�:�r�rs� The C�.�y A�ans.ges agreed to a�tempt to g�t reeords on �this item. • A�3�Ot��' : ��.ere bei�� nta �"urt,he� b�5ine4�, �'�.�yor �Qc�� dee�.�rec� '�Yse meet�.'�ag t�djourned. Respec�fiialiy s�abr�itted,� Sue �I3.sl��a��ic S�cre��.ry �� the Couneil • • • • SPEC7Ai. CO�CIL MEETa1G - NOVID�SS 7, 1963 Paqe 26 0 ��n.`..��i �Y ��i��i�r � �i��i���� r..r�� r�+.���. xO�CATS s M�mbers Presentn Nee, Bxaok, Sheridan M�mbers Ab�ent: .Tohauson, Wolke G��d'.ASS,_ � C�F�'�7� i�.�T]C(�1 OF rdOVBM6]3R 5, �.963: �. w �....,....._.....,.. _. , .........� ..-» _ .._ _ . ., . _. .-.._..... , ... -w.�r.�r wr..�r.orr. ai�r s:���i:�� i�y :'ai�:�3.i'� :�.z 3�ry a.c�o�:�3a�.c� c,��.t�� ca,.F;rg.. [�.,(}�3 u:� t:�° C°�2@r'Y.°� cf h�e �� w� �f �'�id2. �,�hc Git�� �ouncil� �eclares �he �esu��s o� �he 19b3 G�er�sl .EleFti�n to l�e ae follows: A� The to�a1 nimu�ex of ballots c�.aC wast 28�2 Ward 1•y Pacec�nc� I 6�i Ward l. � Precincc; 2 47b vJa�d 2 ��9 Ward 3 9�1 TOTAL: 2�32 Bo The s��a�e fax each candid�a�e, �d�risox�r %al�lo�e and numbex of de#ecti�e ancl aot tsoted taallo�s ia as �r�} laws : Ward � �� P � �. W�r� � � Po 2 War� 7 �Tard 3 T(i���S : Ward 1 � P� 1 War� � �= P o 2 �Ia�c� 2 �7ard 3 �rc�r�s : r. Warc� 1 m P a Y %�axc� 1 = P o 2 �'OT�S � ����s��l�a .�,ri�. t�:�?.Z�'� Fi3�iFR 1"Io ,TC1I�I��4:� i�Oi�ARD t�1„ �RA�'.�,'T3�� I�T D��`�����E N0� VOiE�? �POILED - --_ _____...o.��:.� - -- - -- z�_.�....��„..�-,�:��._:�;--- s,_�.___ � �...�....._p:�Y_ �.�- _..- ----�a- I���i�laaa 32i 280 z 2 1 3 246 22a 3 �+3�i 33G �Ko�al.an l��lolid 1) 3 4 54� wl� 6 .�- _ .�,� ,RK_ �, .v„:.,.,�. �.a. � 15�, �]_2�i1 - � 5 14 5�'��� JI3�1GE --- T�RXTE '�iRG7CI� � o I�:iZRICK GEOR�E B o NOR���i IPi DEFE�TZVE NOT VOTBD SPOII,ED �. ...-;�,r� - - - �. - - - - -.a. ��. - — 2g3 262 412 4b2 1428 3ACK 0 e KIRKI�AM 3I6 300 616 29d 2C�0 354 3 �4s4 �;T�ai�l�a�, - .._ 1318 �� � COUNCILi�'IArT m_1ST_ WARD DONALD E o G�GLER 285 3.�4 459 .,.m..�.w.� 1 3 � �� 23 14 I1 �,. � � 82 �� .� 3 DEFECT�V� N8T VOTED SPOILEA 5 2 ,..� ' ST�T�NIENT �F C�NVASS �a�;� 2 G�caeac�l E1e��ion « Na�a 5, 1963 • 6l�rd 3 �6FT�ALS : ttard 1� P o 1 �3ar�d 1 =� P � ? Ward Z '�a��d 3 'TtD`.�t�S s � War� I� P o 1 w8ra�.wPo � Ward � Wsrd '•3 �ar.�,s : V�ItN G o BANDF.Io �a2 4�2 YES 357 2S� 4b3 526 1603 CiaY1l�lVlo�{al'ai$lr� .�i� �Hl��a W��1 `io YVlii,rtli1 �9� 444 ��?�'��63�,''Y .�3�:i�3�iJi' a YdSS�l3 NO 742 i16 i8� 25i b93 page 27. DSFEG`I��� A�4�`� Jt�T�l� SPOi�ED 5 5 DEF�T�'t1E AiOT V�TED � 103 5 98 132 6 i88 15 521 SPOII,ED F� NSSS� �(3t�S�.D C2�' z'RUa�IE?:S N�M$I�IZ A1� L�,RGE -- - �-- i�RI'�� LEE D, STAtTFFEB RENNETH �o KRADIK 7N y_DEFECT�43E NOT VOTED SPO�ED � 234 264 5� 4 99 175 2t�3 s 9a �. 32]. 3� � ��� 23� 403 ���.? 1� 1 Z49__ 1139 �2Q�. 5 8 475 ..�. - ....� �. -- - _ �:_-��. xwr��� ��� �o��s � �a�.�� i��� o�. r s��o�s��. �. J � «�3 �h� �. Fd � kT�.11s 1 T � Hec�as� 1 D o �:ootc 1 s���a 2 � �u x�r��Cx C � ;B��nn Po Bxuoys �1ard 3 � kg o Nee C, The fol2owiag officers ar� declaxed el�:c�ed; ►1:;nicipaS. Jucige; E1mer P�io Johnson Speci8l Jud�e: Virgil Co Her�ick Cauezciiraa, .ist :Jard; Jack 0� Ki.rkham Councilman� 3rd Ward: Jolzn CQ ��ri�ht • � a 1 1 • • • STAT�A'IENT OF �ANVASS Pa�e 7 �eneral Electian - �avo 5, 1963 I;n =h� �-��es o� the yudges of a�eca:�.o�a are as fa�.lows: i3a�d 1 � �?'z:c^i�ct � i�ixs N .� e�n Conor M�s� �kaaden �ss o �,si�ne �t��c�c�n 3��s o Wa3�er Nelsora ��s � �on� Larso�a zvE�s o C��ll��.�e }����d�.ux ,��s o Ve:�a Hit�an �3�s o Doxaz:a Johnson ��s o Lois �lu11i�. Wa�.d 1 m Prec�.nc� Z Mxs a Elaine Nie�naan. M�s � Eva M�a.tzek �ixs a �lizabeth Joeinsrud i�s , Sas�aara Swart, Nlrs � Dav�.d Pink Ward 2 Mss� Jeanne Pe�ran�;elo Msso �arvei Pe�erson Mrsa Gloria Good M$sa Doris Nyline Mrsa Rot�ld Randall �irso EvelyA Selenski M�sa Glori� Vye M�se Therese Go�d�us 6�a� d � Atxs o Geo�ge i�anie�son M�cs �. �e���� Heule Mrs � E�°�7.� S�one �� � K�-t��h McC�e�.1a�. P�s o Gr&�ce M��a1e� M�s 4 It�a�hlene J�mi�csn Y��s o 2�mm��l�n .iohuson P�i�s o Ka�h� I.eah�sen ��� � M�.�r Giblxs COUNC ILt�3AId COUNCILMAN COtINC ZLMA�T� �a --a., —=_--- -- �_-- - - ._.,.�-.� y�f eyYSi'ts aia}.':ii'J Y � s o Donna Ma�rcussi M�s . �lazne �Ie1m Nigso Be�ty Alfredson M�cs a Betverly K�nsa�nan Mrso Maggaret Knudson M�so George Bacaa Mrsa How�rd Schultz Mrso Ramona. Ziegier Mrso Maxine Mondloh Mrsa Ma�ie Hughes I��s e Za�Jern.e Ho�finan �Z�s o �:�ace Lud�r�.g ��s. L�� R�ondloh I��u o Dta�a Ma�hews �i�so �i�Zli� ��eig AirsG i7av� �a:�is I�,�,s� �lox�.a S��nsan ri�� s IBc��!� Sht�Iaex�� °ri�s , Ccs����e K�� ��a MAYOR � Williain Ja Nee Page 28.. Paga+ 29 0 � Secan.ded Lry Braako U�ou a voiae eaCe, there b�iag nn neye, ths motioa carrisd e�a�anit�sly. enroroa�r: Ti��re being no iurther busiaess, Mayar �ae declarad the meetin�g adjonsa�do 8aapecttvlly eulunitteds Barl Po Wt;gner Actiag secretary to the City Camcil. • • � Page 300 ::,PECT.A.L �QUi3CZL ME�TING » NOt�A'ID�R 1�.' 1963 A, ��c3.z�� meet:ing �f the Council o� �he City aP Fr3dley w�� c�12�d to order by .�da.yo� Na� at ): �G F o M � F�OIaI, C�1?.�L: �iembers F"x°eseaat: Nee, �3soc�1�, Je�t�anson, 5izeridan, Wolke A"4enobers �,�s�zct: None 1��W BUSiNEa : �y �iv p�' �ROP�SED AGItEER�N"i° idTTII � RE : i�4ayc�r N�� anno�zncad t,he item �.n question �s�as the proposal �nd considerativn of � pr.�ppos�d agre�m�r�t with t�e ��tate H:Lghw�,y D�part�:e�st £or the aut�all line oa �. H. ���a � 3�0) €�nc� acces�ory �.in� +�n �3rd Ave�ue Nor��east, which wa.s the sa� �sra�ca��zl �.� �l�e c�r3�,�i.n��. ��opr���.� �Tith the exceptic�m a% th� price and it � cou"lc2 ft�x�tiz�r be i'�.r�anc�d aut ca� �h� �s tax ft�uds 3�° it were so wished. He �urthe� st��ed that Frid.iey could partic��ate in the a�nount of $50,991.00 and this it�� r�qu3red. a resalu�3o�s wha.ch h�d been dra.wn. �ou�t:�c�.3.�� w SLer3r��z� i�€�u�.�°�� s�f ?�a.y�x T��� •a �' c:l�ri:� iaation aauld be obtained out, of Sn x', C?�8�.03 as�� �o �'y ���i�.��, �11�� �he s�.rce��4 �n P�.xt 2 states the sutt� �pgy�a�nt �f $>Os:a9:Z..�i3 :i�s �:n� C:��� °� .�aa�.3. �k��r� i�zc�.�adia�� em�ineegin� cost iu -�h� �u�u��tzc�3.o� c��' -���.� ��.i� s��x:� s����:x° ta �� ciat�� 1a �.ecardaz�ce with said plons and �.t g�vES 5. F� C��f35.t3;; �nd �, i�� t�2�3�.Ci9m C�aa�r�cil�nan Sheridan re- qu�stec� en ��:pl�.z:�t:icane P��~� ��cCub�e;� ��'° th� ��.n����t��a S�;�te "siighcaay Department, �x�:�'��.inv� �Y�e p�cs,�e�c� i� m,�:�e1�;� a.n ��.1�� �an�+.s tir�d %his is ��� �raic��e sgr�ement and �°u��:r��� �x�ata��ec? �t�:e �,�.�ni�� car' �a '�� i32F3�a(3� �.x�� fram uh� �fie�is�ip�i �tiver to �.�� :���•� �;r�u-t o:�" ?�±�i:r� a���°ee� �znc� So '?v 2t��5.f�3 }a���ts �ai; A�.in �t�c��� snd g�oes to �as� t���.���.�y 3.in� 4 FI� s't�i�r� thi� �a�;:� �iv�.�3��. in �;wo �aa.rte and it was �de 3;a1�c� otsc� �S�r�j�c�� Cou�c:i3.u�.n She�zcl�� iA���3re� if a�.i a� �he str�rm sewer was �rith�.n t��:� Ci-�.57 ?�.mi�s n�'Ir. �ieC�hr�� ��p] �ec� there a.� �aa �ewer on the S. P. Q?85.03 ��ct'��r, �haL �� icY�e C�.t�� C��a��i�. wou�d �.oa�. ;�t �he sketch on the back a:f �Y:� ���°��m��n-t� f�Y�,e�e �re �Y.��� ����e:�� �v�:�• �L�.� li�e :Ln Sv °. 0?85.03. C�,uncil�ri�r� GY��r����, ssca��ra f�ar c�rifi�s'�.�c�n �ha�: �. P� 028�.09 i.s from the P�,is�isB��P�t �tiv�r �ta Y�Sein 5treet on� �'x°utak Pl�.ghway �694 and 8v P. 0285.03 is frs�t� Matn SLxeet �oing �ast picking up •�he 3ntereection of �+7 and proceeding S:�a���:h P�a�: �hP �nter:ec'cion an �{�47 to 53rd �ivenu� and go�.ng �ast on 53rd to 7�t�i Street, Couz�ciltnan Johanson st.a.ted he w�s quite satxs�ied with the latest pro�osal �� �l�e ��inn�sa�a St�te Highwa.y Degartmemt and �he �2ty of Fridley ha.c� 3��z�e by x'ar as �uch as they could do. • �Intion by Johan�on that ihe Ci�y Council of �'ridley adopt RE50LUTION #179-1963 � ��a,� 310 avthorizing the execuZion of a cooperative Agrees�ni 53575 x'e: S. P, 0285 (Tv H. �6g4) with tl�e �.ts o� Miz�nesc�ta as present�d. Seconded by She�°idan. Upon a voice vo�e, the�e be3ng nfl n�,ys, the �ot�.on carx�I.eB un�nimously. Me.yar Pie� �.nq�ired if �hey could ha�re � resoZut�.ax� drawing funds f'rom the gas tax reserves if tha.t were the wish o�' �he CI�Cy Counc�l, that it wae his Peel- ing this wgs th� best way to Pinanc� �.'�. Counc�.lman Shex°3dan replied it would be � defin�te l�ene�'it. Motiaa by �her:�dan ta �c1�pt a resaZutfon authori�ing a claim af �50,9g1.00 on �es tax 1°Yaan_ds . The City Mana.ger stated thi� r�solution could, i�' Couacil wished, be hand�.ed �t t%e next re�ular meetin�. I�r. Knut�on of �he consulting engin- eeri� fi�m 4f COtttB'�OCIi and Drav3s, Inc. stated they b.ad one request of the Cxty Coune�7. an�i �that was tY�a� the �hr�� a�nc�.ea i�volveci 8gree dePinit�ly on the dra3nag� �r�se �a be sertireci. Yv1rr. MeCubrey o� the Minnesota Sta.te Highway Department sta�ed R+Ir. Knut�on ahould Con-�act ihe hydrau2ic people snd they could f�gnre it ou� wi�h the consultin� engfneere a3Z the we�r through the pro- j�ct, that Coltamb3a Hei�hts had been �old the same pracedure would follow. �our�cil.z�an Sherida.n withdrew his �not3c�n iram the f�flor. Mayor N�� th�nked Nir. MeCubrey �rar at�endi�t� tY�.e meetin� and presenting the pro- po3aZ i'ro� �the Minneso�a State HigYiway Depa.rtr.�ent, • Ai3�TOLiRA1: ___._.___.�,. 3'here ia�ix� no �ux°��er busines�s Imia3ro� 3��e decla��d �he �eeti�.g ad�aurmed. Re�p�c�:i��.2y submit�e�d, Sue R3i�tio�r3.c Secr��a�°y -�a the Counca.]. • � Page 32v SP�CL4L COiJNCIL N�ETING - NOVEi�R 13., 1QC3 .. . - ........__ - A special me�tin� aY the Cou�cii oP the City vP Fr�.dley w�.s called to order by Mayor �a�� at 9. $5 �. h1a �or� car.,i,: Members Preaen�t� Ne�, Hrvok, Johansoay 3her�dan� Wo7LIce Mes�bers A�aent: No�e . N�W BUSIlaES5: COiVSl'�iA.TI01� p�' WITHDRAWAL FRONI NG�RT� SUBUS�BAN SANITARY SEWE� DISTRICT: — .r Mayor l�ee expla�.nsd ta �th� City Co�xnc3�. �ha� he had called this apee3s3. mee�- ing �to consider the proposal 04 Council�n Johanson that the City of Fridley peti�cion fox detaahaieat ou� o� the North Snbvrban Sanitary Sewer District� nat becaus� he �'evor�d tYae motion but b�cause he f�lt tha.t out of �airness �o Counc3lmen Johanson, they had an obl3gation �a cor�eider his propoeal prior • to the time canetruct�.on awa�ds ar� :le�t by the Distr3�te Mayor Nee sta.ted he did not h�ve Pirs� h�ndkntiti�%dge th�.t t�s District's Board o�° Trustees doea coa�templ�,►.f.e awa.rd�n� constru�tion cantxa.ets in the immediat,e fature, other th�a what had Been �ceported i�n a Mia�ne�poiis Newa�ag�r xecentiy; that, how- ever, the Board naw stands i.n a pasitio�a ta let tT�ese e9x�tracts at �he3r regu- �.ar a�:�ti�g on Move�mber 12th� hav�tn� re��3vsd ti�e�a on November �, 1963. Mayor Nec� �ra�th�r sta�ed tht�.t s�.nce ��ie px�evioua mo�t:ion had b��n ta�led t�.o a frature d�t�, i�ovemi�er �.$th, hc bel�.eved $�:at ��+�her o� -�he �o�lowim� motiana wauld be in ord��: ��o�iox� to �ake fgo� �h� �bl� Caur�ailn�an �oha;�so»'s previous matian, wh�.ch �aould requiae a, sua�arity �ate oi' the Coun�cil ico prevail �a� a n�w mo�ics� to �onsider a p�roceed�.n� f o� deta�hmt�n�, w�iich wouid ot�1.y require a�ecar��I �a be plac�d for�al�.y befar� t�ie C��y Council #'or cox►siderati�s�a, t2�aat h; s anly res�on �s �;h�� the Y3is�c�3.et dc�s have �he pcywel � the following dr�y, to �.w�,rd a contract �n the a�aun� of approxima�eiy �4t�d ,000.00 and if triis co�ntr�c� is awaxded, Fridley would be coa�itted #°o� the r share of it. Mayor Nee expl.ainezi that he hadn`t reslized this would be c sic3ere8 this saon �.nd when he had discovered it, he �elt �he City Couna3 hould consider Councilraan JoYianson's mot3on. . �lotion by Sheridan to withdraw from the t,able the motian �the City Cauncil wae to aet on the 1$th oP November to detach from th� 14. S. S. S. D., and aet on this i�em this evening. Seconded by Hroak. Mayor Ne� sta�ec� thia was a aro- t�on to procee8 w3th detachment sad would requixe three votes �.o bring l�fore tlze iable. Upon a roll csll vote, thoae vating eye on the arot3.on, Nee, Johan- scsn, Sheridan, Wolke Hrook. None oppoaed. �Io�3on earried una.nimously. � a�.yor rr� s�ated the followin� motioa �ould be to �.n3tiate Setacbment from the Na S. S. S. D. if this wae the Council desire, thst he Y�d requeated City u Page 33. Attorney Smith to research the problem of 8�tachmen� 3n the event �he City Cpuncil decided to da it and it wculd be appropriate �or discuse3ox�. City Attorney 5mith expleined to the City Counci7. the� he l�ad bxou�t with h3�a this evening the bas3c ect aud this Rct is Chaptex 90 oP Minuesota extra ses�iott �.aws of 1963., that it has a provision in Sec�tion 8, Subdivision 2, which st.ates 'that the srea �y be detachea theref'rom as the d3ssolution of the district. He furthesc explain�d that if an area is detached a13, taxable prapert3► wi�hln the di�etr�.et remains sn��j�c� to tax�tion for �.r�y exiat3ng bo;aded indebiedzaese, aiso any �ndebtedneas 3ne�rred which is �rovisional� and if a»y caa�mo3t�a1 is made on idovcmber 12th, i'or instance, tha.t contre�cte would be let, tha.t an arran�gement th�.t had no� 'been dstac}aed eauld be liabl,e Por that ki�d o�' en abli��ion. City Attorney Smith aeserted the act eays in de- t�ching the saan� pracedus°e is Po3lowed as was followed �or the creation oP the distric�t, tha� they have �o loek at �.he provision that deals with the creation which is Section 4 of iche ac�c and it ba�icaliy pruvides that a goves�ning body did pass� a xesolu�tion stating that it wishes to be detached and setting forth the gro�na1s � and f'urtherF th3.e unit did set up a t3.me a�nd place for �t� .public hearing before the existing boe.rd and that hearing must be held not lese than te�a days nor more then 30 days after serviae oP the notice. The act provides that �the noi�ice �aus� 'be serve8 upmn �ach oi' the units involvec3, and any unit t�za.t ha,s proper�y within the area. R`he act also provides for serv3ce on the secret�.ry o� �the di.strict. City At�orney Smith ��tated it isn't clear but the • Anoka County Board should be served �e i�t owns properiy w�.thin the District, e.rxd there are legs]. considerat3.ons that m3ght warr�nt the making of such a deciaiou either flox if the Counc3l is most serious a.bout wanting to be detached an3 se�o�xdJ.y to protect th� Ci-�y's pos�.�3�an u�ati�. eor�e workable contract can be worked out with �che NSS�BD. He Pur�h�r stated the present plan is to con- struct certaiaa l�.nes �nd ta se11 �ev�nue bp�@s ��at 2asve �. ger�eral obligation feat�are, that a t�aen�y-ei�ht page propo�ed a�reement haa been written up by th� dietr3at end distributed �o the anem�er camnrunities, and there have been at least tYire� �eetings o#' the a��orneys involved, that �he original proposed a.�reer��at has been revised and there hsve be�n snme changes. Co�nci�an�n: ,�ohanson stated in the even�t �the City oi Fx�iflley dc+es succesafully get aut nf �he NSSSD, how does the NSSSD s�and as �'ar as runn�.ng a line and would t�ey hav� ri�ht of condemnat3on. Ci�ty Attorn�ey Smith e�ated they had►e the rigi�t of coz�demr�tion; that the atto�°neys for the district had edeised him that tize proposed �,greement, ii Fridley were �o so s3gn,would not interfere w3�th th� Ci�y's right to coatinue itcs existin� sewer system operated in its own fasb3an, tha� basica2ly iP the reveaue bond isaue were made as proposed and ell a�reed to the existin� agreement, that it would not Yoreclose Fridley's aewer system to its Yull capacity. The agreement that the D3strict fiss entered into with Minneapolis doea spec�.fically pro��i.de thst the City of Minneapalis cannot 3ncrease and �ive any output capacity to a. private aoncern or to a city without F3rst giving notice to the board of the dietrict. City Attorney Sm3.th e�rpl.ained that the torie of the agreement wonld be that they would be the exc].usive eaquirers of this and with the propoesls thst are being mede, Fri8ley • would r�ot have �he oppartunity if they wanted to, in the f�ur; to increa�e �cheir capacity with Minneapolig. Pngs 34 0 • Councilman Johe.uson inqu�tred c��' Ci�y Atta�ey S�i�h if it would al],ow Fridley to contin�ae their pressen•� com�i�t�en� wi�th Minneapolis. City Attoz�ey Smith re�3.ied �'r�cl].�y canld cantinue ta o�ea�z.�� their os�m ayBteID bUt �,h�y COt2].di1 �f, expe.nd it a�+d as it ag�ears �o h3m= now flor P�idley to ei�n the exieting agreement, they would b� doin� it under ihe gun becauae the agreements with the otYaer communities have t�ot bc-sen mu�tta�lly agre�d upon and without having Pacilities, t}aat woul.d enable Fridley to expe.nd their eystem Fr3dZey would want by getting eny im�medi.ate sdvantag+e= that �bout what they t�r� doitag is lending their asse�sed vaiva�ioa that Frid3ey has and it is a signlYicant por- � tion of the tofi.e.l. He ftrrther exp3,ained tba.t he 3�.d explored g�enerally the passibility a� a separate agrees�n� for the primsry reason tha� Fzidley was the only p�rt3cipatin� com�aunity that h�s existing sewer fecilitiea and it seemed �o him there shou3.d be saaoe d3.fPereace in �restment and tbi� is some- th3ng �ha.t hras yet to iae expl.a�d, and Prom what he had been able to evaluate of a1Z prapasals F'rir�iey does z�a� have suPficient eapacity eontracted Por now to serve totai needs for �he futur�:, thst ss e minimum, Fric!].ey should protect their right and tbeir future to be able to make some decieion Por the best eCOnomic iaterest of Fridley wh�en this time comes. City Attorney Smith sts�ted it was possSble that such sn ag�eement �an be worked out with the N$88D and he cou�..dn`� see how it could be wcrksd oaat unt31 they have committments with other communities tha.t a.re comple��ly without sewer facilities., Ci'cy Attorney Stnith stated, in his opiaian, there are a autaber qY potential le�al defects in the structure af' the NSSSD, that whether or not theee ar� • aevere enaugh to dierupt the or�an3�ation, h� was not certain but theze is a co�cern of the ra�ed of the cammuniti�s �a the Nbrth of Frid].ey and he was aon- ce�nefl :•aith �og� �.on� a perlor3 they cou2c3 qp��°at� �a3thou�t a contxaCt partici- pa�iu� �n tiae �oa:cd wi�ho�t wa�vin� sr�me of these defects or �taking tYbe pro- ceedin� of det€3chix�� and do�n� �t b�for� the c�3.str3c� incure �n,y greater in- debted�,�ss, tl�t i� eeezr�d �a him �i�.t �ne eou�,d su�rport the p�tit3on i'or det�,cl�at. He �'ux°�ther atated �h� C�.�ty Cot�aci3. eouZd do this ta saf'eguarcl 3�ned�.��:e inf,�r�s� unt�,], somethi�g �� fa.varabl�e tca I��idley could be worked ont. P�syar 14e:e s�ted thst he �rid w�i�te:n someti� pr�viaus a mezgo that he was con- vi�ae3 �h�� th� dis�iric't �aould hoe�ar a��i�ic�a fax detachment ax�d he had done sc� in his best �udgeneen.t a� th.e mam�nt. &Ie furthe� �tated that 1� was noi as can�`3.dent of tha� nnw es he had t�ee�� th�� ttt the sa�e time he had investi- F;s�;ed wl�at could be don� and �te was �onv:t�c�c1 tha� ane wsy or �nother' Fr3dley co�ld �chi�t�e ciet�ehm�n�t, �I�lwugh i� mighi be �n ugly �ort o� �lning; tk�at he tir�,�hed fc, m�di�'y t�hst he had �a].d tx�a� C*�unci3. on th3s sub jeat a�sd he still felt th��`�ridley tliou�ht were dei'ect� :in �thc� basSc s�tt�te that if F'ridley w�nted �o fi�ht about th�m, thPy cau�d get out oP the 8istrict and his ow� Yeeling; wae �hha.t eventqa2ly the problea would be solved via the NSS$D bu� it d�.3 cor�cern him that the Board of the ATSSSD had not been prudent 1n the order and rec�uesting of bids before some of the fina.ncial problems �rer� resolved and h� didn't kno�a how he wotild vots on thi4 mntion an the floor. A�s,yor Nee �Pur- ther stated that hs agreed with City At�iorney Smith tha.t i� Fridley 8idn't move fbr detacYunent �onigYit, they prnbably were committed to tYve entire pattern th�t Yiae deeeloped on that boa.rd but still �felt and agreed with Counci]�aan • Wolke that this has to be done by samebody but also agreed with Councilman Johanaon it t�a� not equitable. � Paqe 35 a Councilmari Sheridan inquired og �ity Attori�ey Smith �f he believed Fridley aoul.d operate their owm system under this cantract with the 1�S5D aad it waa his belief tba� by aigning the present can�ract with the N�85D Fridley Would be giving up their present contract wit� the City of A4anneapol3s and the capecity Fridley no�a hes wou2d bc a3.located to the NS5�5D o�e Pur�ther stated that what made h3m beZiege tha.t was that the ciis�;rict'� cor��rac� Frith �he City oi �i.�neapolia 3.s oril.y va.]lid upan �he approvai a� the City af Fr�dl�y 6eaause it encc►mpRSSes otar pxesent eonicxaa$. i�ayar P1ee s�af.�ci 4:hc�t part of thc atatement wa� not ao�ct. City At�oraey 8z�ith expl.e,ined the grapaaed agree�ent the district �as c:ircu- �.ated ta].ked abc�nic l�. � cF� do�s not incivae �r3aiey 5•6 c�s, that botY� Mr. Whit�aey and Mre Kohlan, a�c �, r�eeting� have been very plai.n in te1Z3t�g him this is �he3.�r ia�erpreta.tion, �het Frid]rey's c�';s is something ia addit3oo to this and they tas�e not grestly conc�rried sad tZaey do �ot 3ntend tha.t Fridleq'a a�ee- m�nt woulcl require that �his be tur�ned over. Mayor 1Qee atated the IDe�o wbiah wes attache8 tb the eampJe contract sta.��d the staY�' doe8 anticipate that in thie contx�a,ct �hea°� is include8 �the en�ire city. The City Manager stated the cantract provides Par the �ahinery �or �che cit;y tre�s�'err�Cng its capacity to the dis�r3at w�ich impliecl to h�m that contrac�c daeg not do it. City Attorney S�ith st,�.�ed there was some coniusion oz� this ihat Fridley does have to have a cantrac� if they sta.y ir� the distriet and it has to be teilore8 to ite man circumavanees wi�h the righ�c to have a� aption o� the governing baly of this • city ta determ�.�e, �t �ome �"ut�re ti�, w2�,en Fr3dley is in want oP aome eapa- aity to dec3de, tha� this could be con�t�s.ctuall.y �rue; if Fridley would 2end th�m �he�r cx�di'� fox PuI�. ��ith,� �they are m�.king s eigr�ificant contributioa a�ad �.bout a].1 w� need to do at tIzi� wime 'because w� a�� g�ett3ag in trsde a system �thh�..t he.s �at t�een const�cf,�ed: 3s a boaxd �hs�t i� not vali8 by a court. City At�orney �mith s�at�d thati a� so� �i� 3n the f'�aturer �.� m�.y be wise to put some o� Frid].ey's sys�e� inta �heir l�nes or to turn over the3r opera�fon but A�t this sta�e �4 �reat Fri8ley al�mas�t �xae�ly like the ax'e8s tn the North with no capa.c3�y and lean on Fridle�'s ass�ssed traie���3.on, th�n Fridl.ey was not gef,�3�g an equi�a.bi.e Sareak on i 4., Couz��3�,x� Sher3dan stated �he$e wex�e scYme of the question� he had Lad in m3nd atarl they laad bc�� answer�:d. Fie fuxther s�tated tY�e Minneapolis Contract with �the D3s�rict �]neas ie only �or �h� �.�,&� or approximately �Ghat. He f`ur- �her 3uqu3.red �.bout the e].a.use 3n the ea.traGt ��izat 3s sub jeat ta approval oP the City af irridley and would ih3s lead him �o believe Fri8ley ia gl,ving up th�ir capacity that they now have with the G3ty of Minneapol3s so tt�at the D3stric�t can ga on. C3ty Attorney 8mith explafned that he ha.d 3.00ked through the agreement and d3d�i't �ind s�ciYical7.y that it st�tes that �he City of Fridley muet con- tract an8 agree to the contract �hat exists betweea th� district and M3.n�le- apolis and it was his op3nion that a contrsct pres�ntly exists between Fridley and Minneapolis end tha.t the City of Minneapolis cannot enter lnto another con- t�rac� w3th another party, whfch is the district� and dissipete and tht�ow • away i�ts obligatfons to Fridley. He f'nrther stated in order for this to be E�'fective to Fx3dley, it would have to be consented to by Fridley, tha�c in the Qaqe 36, � agrceffient with Minneapolis i� hss �. preamble which says before �he distr3ct shali �e�.7. revenue bonds it shall en�te� into an agreement ia3th co�mounities . C3ty Attorney Sm3th wen� on to exp].sin icY�a�t 3.n the �.greeu�ent itself 3t does provide specifically that the dis��ict shall ha.ve thQ exclusive ri�t to any additional capacit,y that -th�e C��y of' M�.�neapalis has ava.3lavle but as t,� s.ny pr3va�e �axt3es and bei`or� any sueh ca.�acity w�ld be �3ven, notic� wfluld be �sade to iche district whieh ffis.de h3.m thinls this is an exc2usi�re afYa3.r as to the �cight of Frid%y to expand the�,r system. Covnci]�omn Sheridaxa inquired if �rha� syst,em Fridley ha.d i� �hey had bc�ught sa�e frd�r Cvl.tarab�.a. Eeighi;s . Cit3t iat�t+�ney Smi�h repl�.ed that was correc� and the baI€�r�ce w�,s the �r� �Yaat wa.s �.adepend�nt that Minneapoli�s had availa�le at �he t3�a�. Couacilman Johsrison siGated that Fridley had been told M3nneapolis hes ao more eapae3ty �'or anyone, ye�t iche NSSSD civesn't seem to have any i�rouble et all pickir� up any cfs .�ayar Ne� replied t,lxi� was diminishin� capsc3ty wY�ere the projection fl� closeout occus�s in abaut ten or twe3ve years and there will be eome cspac� �y there zn �che e�renic the d3striet abandons the3r �orce 3.ine in 12 years, and of wYrat is com�itted an� the projections, there wi11 be a deY- ic3t withaut th� l�s cubic ieet mea�ioned. Counc�3man Johar�sfln ing.uired 3.f �hexe ti�:re any reason tm beli�ve Fridl�y cauld contract with �he YdSBSD. Y4i�yoar Ne� rep�.ied he thou�ht i� was possi6le . C3ty • Attorney Sm�Cth explained tq the Ci�y Council. there wasn't rea?ly a.nything proPi�a.ble or unique �.bout rt�nning a sewer systemD that thia was just a utility �hs.t �tr�des do3.3.�rs for iche cos� �f maix�tenar�ce or ooeratioa and if Fridley had a�o3n� cancer� -th�a,4 was in opex�.�ion, �hen �heir al'�ernatives �'or aial�ing an agreet�cea� wouafln't be ouv oP liae bu� v.a�h Fr3dley havin,g a s;ys'iem th�a.t has been Pi�.aa�3 *a�� asses�ffien�s �r�d oa�e �Y�ai: 3s i� oper�.�iora, Fr�.d�.ey is 3n a u�aique �itu�tion �s c�apared wi-�h atl��� co�xiivies i�vo3.vsd. City Attorney S�i�h sta-r.e� h.e ha� heape� �he dis�z�ic� �aauld zx�t move �antil s�3r�eemeats }�d be�n wc�rked o�t with aIl of the e�r�ani�3ss a.nd iic �'a,� not ces�.i� that they w�r� bu ��he �ae�asp�.�oers dic� x�epor� i� d 1►R�yor Ne� stated he agr�ed with Ci��y At��orne�r Smith that i� -�xie 83atricic ��as not no�+ in � pasi�E�.on to �zaard tlle bic�� �here �r�,��a'� �ny ques�ion that �he motxon shoul.d be de%ated, �hat he ha.d s�o1e an apges.I that the district not cail �'Qr bids for this reasan arnd sfnce they did, he ha�d been in a dimin3sh- iug position as far as any a�.x�vers we�� on �he d3str3c� boa.rd. R�r. Carl Paulsonf resident, stated his interes� in thia subje�t was of caurse, monetaxy and Cit� Attorney Smith ha.d pointed up the �acts clearly, ihere is an inecguity, tYfat geop].e won't sit hack on 'thie item and in cases where the g�opie i�a.ve to have prot.eetion, they ga be�'ore the Ci4y Counail. Mr. Paulson f`artl2es� staf,ed the people don't have any guapanty oP the lack of inequ3�ties in t?�e NSSSD and if ii would be possib].e to attach at some 1ate�° date, it might be �easible; that Fr�dley should not enter into an agreement �.aith the district and s�e.ke the residents liable. • Counci]snan tdolke inqu3red whet would ha.ppen if Fridley did as�� �or detachment and were allo�d to de�ech and some other communities wauld get the capacity P�tcare 3? , • Fridley ��a.s ap�lying for. He ftirthex� 3nguired what guaranty there was that F�idle,y could get back inio the D3strlct. Mr. Paulson rep�.isd -�he Sta�-.,e of Nl�.nne�c��. would grovide 'tha� r�.�h�: fa� �ewage caps.city, �hat any court in the Iand wo�a7.d �rotect Frid3e� on thato R�ayor Nee stats� Cour��ilman Wc�llte's poi�at w�.s w�11 �aken bec�use tn�s is certainly a risk in the pet3tion �'or withdrawal. Councilman Walke replied he felt it was a b3g risk, that the City Council. had iadie�ted to the peopl� they wauld �i.ve them capa�city and the Ci�y Cat�ncil knojas t��y esn't put sr:wer in the who% City of Fridley, that the entire papulation �sanot be se�r3eed and inquired if tb.�y would close the door and rely o� M3nneapolis or �h� �TSSSD that they w3].]. save some c$pa- citya �ha.t r°igh� now -�hey can tt buy capacity. Councilma.n Johmnson steted it was his opininn they had never at�empte8 to p�ick it up. • Counc3.3.�rax� �heridaa stated t.hat f5rom a� the Yi�ures �ihat they had beea told from repart, the C3ty oP Fridley wauld �eed apgrax3�.te1y 15 to 16 c�s to �zav�e a ao�plete sys�em aaa� �stimaf�s vf s�.tu�a-�ion, ye� the d3strict only has a capac3ty presently that would. oniy tak� care oP the City oP F�i�ley. Council- man Wo3ke replied the conte�glstian is Pvr building a plant. Councilman Johanson inquired.if Council�maa Wolke �chought the 1�SSSD would turn down the City oY Fridley at �he t3me they wou3d build tlzeir p3ant. Mayor Nee steted he didn't think �he�r wouid but �that �hey might ve�°y wei.l inels�c F`ridley make the capitol pa.ymen� tiiat Frid�ey would have �.de i� �hey had sta.yed 3n the district but he didn'� se� how they could ask more. He �u�thex sta�ed that if Frid2ey � would sta�t building the balence o�' �he intercep�or sysf,em on the pr�nis� 3� goea intv Mittne�.polis and make construction in� the North that fs requ3red and then co�nect up to the NSSSD, they w�u�d have spent too many dollars on an internal �ystemo C�ut�cilm�n Sher3.da�i ststed i�' Cauncil�an Johanson would witk�d�a.w iYom �he table h�s �'ev3ous mation, he wau3d make a mo�;ia�n �o w9.thdraw from �he d3strict, �chat he believed the priarary c�ncern of i;h3.s Counc3i shou2d be tha� until auch time as � contract is wa�ked out �e�t�eer� �he City of Fridl.ey and th� district which wouid be to the� advantage o� Friciiey! t�.t the City Cauncil s�ould ask to be withdrawn i'�osa �th3s dist�3e� in v�ew of th� poss�b�.e action tl�..at will be taken TLaesday, �dovem�e� 22�h and iP such ac-�i*axi c�oesn't cc�� about and i� such a con�ra.c°� can tse wor3�eci ou� ta �he sa�cis:�ac�3.on of' this bady, they could al- ways withdraw their �t'i��'i�LOT! �O 47.�,�"iYIl�.28td • r� Ma�tion by Joha.nsors to withdraw grevious RESOLUTION �+�3-1963,�t1�e North Subur- ban San3�as��r Sewer 113s�rict on Ap�ri1 1., 1.953, reqvesting dets.ePlment from same. Secandsa by Sherid�n. carried unanimously. RESOLU�In�i Upon a vo3ce vote, there being no neys, the motion PROVZDING FOR DETACfIME1�T OF T� I�ANDS AND AREA WITSIN Motion by Sher.idan to adopt RESOLUTIOIQ �180-1963 providing for detacbment of the lands and area with�n the City oP Fridley from the IJorth Suburban Sanitary • Sewer District. The City Manager read the iaamed resolution in full. Seconded by Johanson. Mayor Nee inquired if Mr. Jack Kirkham and Mr. John Wright, • . • Page� 3i3 e newly el�cted Cauncilman ms of Janua�ry 3, 196� wou].d wish to anake a statement. Nir . Kirkhaffi rep�.ied if he �aere in �he �sition of a Councii m�mber this e�en- ing9 h� ��u1d have voted in �Pavo� oP �he resolvtion. Mr. Wri,�ht expls3ned it was his feeling about the ba�el.�'rid%y was ov�r centering around the tim3.ng �nd i�guired i� it cau3.d 'be �.x�rs.z��eci �to have a sessior� of the board o� cha��e 3.t has u�.cie �ha� �his withc�a�.�a�.l is �he aalgr thing s ridley could do in �'�ce oP �che �s�sibili�y of $�fl0,400 .00 or more an bids . He �wrther sta�ed this did�'t raea� the City of P'ridley wouldn't requ3re or request capa- �ity #'rom t�e 1�SSSD and if iche in�ent Cc�uncilman Sheridan ha� that this aiay no� be �Ina2 �ction sa�d that �'ridley w�u3d i3ke clariflica�ion o� the c�'s with �tinneapolis and i,� he thou�ht �this �rere the �a�aing af thie mation, �e would vQte �ar 3t, o�herwi�e he would vote aga.�mst 3�c. lN�. V. M. Nag�el, res3dent and member of the District Board oi' the N53SD, sta�d hp �}�ought that at a previous me�tYng they had eome indication of rahat �aight Ysa.�spe�a to �r3dley and �ch�t waa �he Heal�h Dep�.rtment d�xectory o� putting sewage 3nto tI� sanit.�� sewe�, tha� at �he �sil.fl�s pe�c3ay Fr3dley was using, �hey were taki�g care ofi a1i the c�.paci�y they h�d ri�3�t now an�. inqui�ed w}�at F'ridley was go3sa� to do if they were able to �et some industry. He i'�arther s�a�ed they had kno�m s3nce 1954 th�.t F�idl.e�r's syst�r� was dei'icient and Fridley was the �am�ua�ity that }a�.d star�ed �Ch� ��SSSD a,nd now is not t�e time to withdraw, now �s �the 'cim� Fric�ley shtauid be �osk3.�g wi�h �hese o�iher eom�ni-�i�s s t�a.t F�i 3d1.e� is just mai�irt� it mcare di�Picul.t. Counc3lmsn Broak s-��,fi,ed this r�2so1- v�i�t� �.��'t F�ic�Iey ogen fdr ttegoti�.�i�n » PRayor Nee s�egl3.ed i�c did not as it was no� prov3sional. Nr. Nagel st.�.te8 af FrfdZey went back into the district iaterD �i��y caauld 1c.a.ve �o �ey more, tk�av �he rate �hey hed �e�o'tiated w�,'ch M°'snnea�aa��.is is co�side�r.bly %ss t'l�a�a wh�� Fr�.d�.ey �.s �y3n� �.nd there is no� goix� �o be �xa�r r��gt�tis�tin� un�i1. aIl ca�us�i�ti�� ha� agree�. ��ha� thi� may n�ver �c� about �.r�d he ��at�d he Pe1� r�rer trae lang �+ar� tYze �iSSSA would k�ave e la�se� r�.�� than �h��� is �ow avai�.^b�.e. �ounca�.n Jo�nson ���.ted th�.� would be m��.�� y�8rs in the f'�Atur�. Nf�3.yor Sd�� s�at�d th�t �he fa�.lowiffi� d�y �he znr�$ion SaAUid be �� order �o award th� cox�atascts �'or �he d�st�ict for ��O��OO�.QO aa�d �to cio so �:��d sulost�ntially decrea�� the �ego�iab�liic3� of aa�y a�t��3.o� Fri�.ley wb�ld put ���'ore �h� di.str3c�t baard �.x�d Frid]L�y wou].d '�e 1�.ab1� �'or �he $���,On4.Qt7 wlaeihe� o� not they s�sed i�. H� :�'ur'�her s�t��ed h� had og�pcs�ed a�d si�sted a�ui�e elesr�.y his posftion b�°ore �tra.e Board �nc? the Baard chose ta call for bids �nyway, tha.t the posit3on a�' Fridley 3s detex~`.��rizing �nd he �idn °t w�.nt �o do �his because of �che con� trsa-� �h�i hac� be�� g�rogosed to �'r3.dle� as i� w�.s �the b�st pr�positior� �hat they kza� h�z� but ��.is aa�.� not �ai� ta c�13. far bids. Mr. Ns�;+�i replied he Pelt 'th.� di�t�ic� 'board r€al.ized many things have ne� been 'tsken �nte consici�rs,'tion ir� b'xi�Zey°a situation and they have tp�.ed �o design a coatr�ct that is goad far all of �hea�. Nlayor Plee stated this did uo� alter anythir_o, Fridley was still �.iabl.e for the monies spen�. MP. Nagel repiied th�.s made no difPe�cnce. 0�. the origina:l motion by Co�anciiman Sheridan adopting RESOLI3TION #180-1963 and secos�ded by Johanson; upon a ro1Z ca11 vo�e, those vot3ng aye, ATee, Sheri- dan� Johsnson� Brook. Those opposed, Wolkeo Mot3on carried. Page 33 n � r-.�.rov�rl: `.�here beir�g no f4zrther business, P�.yor Ne� declared the ��:Ing adjourned� Respec�tiil�lly submitted, �ue M3.akowic �eare�i�.ry �to the �ounc3.3 � • � r." 44 � _. .. o�a�c� Pve��c.�YO� �t�. � • �:� (8x'�ibit Aj `-��.� - �'_ � +t'..i.i �� •:,� _.it1' i �,i__`1,liiy_{1 W�3BRE:AS e th� C9.ty Coupc�Ll of fi3�� City of Fr�dl�ry B Anoka Co�nntX e �so�o 2,�►S i� rt6►ce�a$aL�y amd 6t�ediiarlt �h�tt'�t th8 1tu�7rC:►lms�nts ������� c�escsi�+e� b� �+�, N�6�f B�BRE� � NOTIC� IS ii�R�BY GIVB�t TBAT ou the 18th day o¢ ��►� 0 1963 at 8,�„ __ 04 � o° clock P.Mo e t'he City CouACil will �t at the Ci�y H�ll in �sir� City, a�d will a� s�id ti.me►, aad place h� a1.1 par�i�es itr��test�d it� aaid i�aprov�sa�t.s in w�hole aoc in part e 'I�! CJ��CS.L 8'�.iC'6�,T@ O� �l� ��V�qQa't8 �.fi '�'h@1 COAS'l'.Z1i��3.0A { 111 t�e l�ds aaad str�ets n�a�d be3.vw) of the iollo�wwit�g imprav�anea��i:s, to- wi.�g s: y�, � '� 5�!1 } r:�: �an �..Q�Ro'A:��`.� �� 6�f4w. ��s�.� �.�'k.� � �.&�. �i� �� �o.�a.�� $�Q�1}`"..i � S�Y�.ffiA� e�.�» O� �'ll� l]C� C3��� r39 �A�.I�rl'8$ �.o o�d� �@��. A'�T ��i��l$'� ��°r�� 'YT'3�'� ��a �.s�issippi St.�� N�h�� ;:S1�i �Fi� �� Ci�ac�� R�ei No�°��t (CSAA #+8) m '� T�A�, ����, �� �� i�a�r!' iS s $$, 50A o0Q .1!Z � f !.'t. R: N1 '� s • P iti. ♦ r; �; �� , t,: Faac Canstxuetion Ite�at 1�, �e7aove .. _ .. .. .. _ .. _ .. �- _ .. .. A�.1 of �he land abutting v,pon said atseets named a�S.;►�e a�d al�. ��ds. �ja►�e�t at�ri abut�iug ��x�ston �,1 of said laa�d to i�e as�essed pro�vortioa�ately accoarding to the ��its x�iv�d by suc� i�rov�ts o � �i: the Coau�cil paeogoBes to praceed with ead� of said i�qprav�ts �s s�ssa�te� 3mFrov�zts, �ou�pt s,a� he�'eaft� othexwis�s poro�vided b� �i,� �o�tiascil all w�d�r the follvari�g au�oo�ity, to wit: Mi�sota T�aws a�96J1 o C�ap�� 429 sxyd SawB am�dat�o�cy thezeof, a�ad ia con;Eosmity with �7:t� �ity Ch�c't�oc o �;�_ 41 8�F V�.l.bdb ��' A�:.i�Q� � iCi��l��%i6YJi� i aS °" � 0 19�'��. �a�� a.00°o � IL�A�� 7l'�I5 �� C►F Na�� 0 1963 o HY 4RD�RR � ` :�c �' a� �� R .t. • _ . r� 0 ��� ° 1R��� V O iY� � .' �f+�.,�.; yiY7� C� � '"°' �iV��$ �' 6 �$."1���.+i4 �iov�mbe�r 6, 1963 (g'ridley N�ws) Pt�l��ts(ha Novembar 13, 1963 (Fridl�y Diaws) �ts�.�..�d.....e 9�s.3�U�3 �oai;��._,... � CJ � . • a • �� �.-,--.--. - -�-------�-------�' ( �- O 'J' Q � l� �: v ,� � � 61 ti' �.51 � � � � h i • �-� '��' � 0 42 ����� ��m���. , Jt0 �01•. � - W 3��� �J 2�tW��„ �V QC�U� � � � 0 � • • � PRELIMINARY ASSESSP�ILP:T ROLL 19 3m2 STREEI' Curb & (�tter) N� of Central Avenue � ront Lo� Black Foot$�e SECTION 12 Parcel 900 Parcel 9�a Pa�ce1 95� �as�cs2 &.bk0 Paa�cel �.7�d AUDiTOR°S SUBo #:10 , Parce� 620 Pareel 1540 Parcel 1.580 (Lo� 6) Parcel 1$00 (Lut 7) Parcel 2Q00 (Lot 10) Parc��. 2060 �Lot 1.7.) Parcel 208Q �I�t 12) AUDITOR � S SUL� o ,���1 � G.E ��t k� P�rce� b3Q P�rC�l 7�a.o P�rcel Sbt3 Pa�el 880 Parcel 9Qa P��°ce1. 920 AUDITOR°S SUB� #12g 13 Pr�rcel 900 ].,4 Parcel 920 Parcel 101�� �'arcel 1050 (side) 17 Parcel 1220 Parcel ].300 Parcel. 1310 C�NTFcAL Vl��ni MA[JOR lf3 � �s�.de� lf3 �Parce1900) R ��i�iae� 2$5 100 lb3 367 140 325 205 33 190 102 12� 50 80 160 �� �0 �� �c3 �3p t30 80 �0 199 132 120 58 150 120 182 bk 6k Amount of Assessment � k81o65 169�00 275047 b20o23 236ob0 549a25 346045 55a77 321�10 172�38 2�2 ,. HO �4�50 13� �2.0 2?0� 40 135020 �35��a 4�5�bo 135 �2t� 135 , 2t� �35 a �c� 135 � 2C� 13502� 336031 223008 2fl2 0 $0 98002 253�50 202�$0 3o7�5g 108�16 108o1b � � " 43 2:. �.. .. � � � � PR�LIMINARY ASS�SNIItiT ROLI.. 1963m2 STREET Curb & Gutter Continued I.ot Block AEIti��IS MLITION Soo 75° of Lots 9& lo (Parcel 400) T't o of iot s 9& 10 (Parcel 380) Ft, of �ots 9 & IO �Parcel 3b0) ERC�i a S lst ADDITIQN :1 1 2 1 3 i 4 l 5 1 Front Foota�e 75 75 210 $5 �'5 $3 g3 84 Amount of Assessment � 12bo75 126075 35ko9a 1t+3 a 65 11+3 0 65 140027 14ohz7 141a9b 1�'ALI�+"UT ADDTTIC�I ]. 1 S� 81�050 TOTAL 5039 � �s5iSo91 �89500000 div3.ded by 58039 feet equals �1069 per �ront aoat� �-��� 44 �:: _.. _ Page 2 • t�'I�'�CT.� N�C� �I7.°X �� �'.��I.'EY i'fJB7.�i� �i$ARING B��S THS C� Gl'�T�� 9 TO i�0�1 lET MAY ��PT : I�tic� �.s hc,��i,ry g�ve� �ha� �there w�.11 b� a Fublic i,3r��ar9�a� of �a� GS�r C�suaai2 af �tie �ii.jt af P'�idl�y in tli� Ciicy ki��.�. �t 6431 T�.v�x�iCy Avenue 810�o aa l�a�ve�nb�r 18, �.963 ir� �h� �uncil Ctiamber at 8 0 40 P,�io for the puxpose of o • 7Che fiaal p1a�C �i'�,So #&3��U8j Markscy Additl.ana a zeplati o� Lat Z, ,Auditor°s Suhdivisicra #9�a, �cep� �hat part taken by �he S�t� o£ �nn�srsta far �ighwav Fu�p+��es, �%1 lc����� � 3eati� 2�, �'m3{?, R«�4, Ci�g e� ��,cil�, �oun�r a� Anok�, ���e of �i�znt�a�atav �ryrn� de�s3,r�u� �c► b� �x�ard or�t�th x��Esz�e tn �che �1�+�ve m����r �..11 �� Fi�asd ��: �3s �entf�o P+u�bli�hs Nav�� 6, 1963 Nove�aber 13, 1963 CJ 6�I�GL�AM � o T�E P2�iY�R G� �� � � � � o�:tcsAt. rso�z�$ cx�rsr oF �anr�r �c �c s$�wns �e cr.� �o�c� TO WHO� IT MAY CQ�1C�t s Natice i.s hereby given that thexe will be a Publia H�ariag of the City Cautacii a� th�e Citp of �'ridlep in the City �iall ar 6431 Ux�tvesaiLy Avenue NarLheasC an November 18, 1963 in tho Ca�uncil Ch�mber at 8s00 P.M. for ths purpose o�: Tt�� ��.nal pl.a� tPoSo �63•09� Ade].e ��rsC Aaairioa�, � r�spl8t a� 3�ot 5, slocic a, M��ose LakQ H3Ils, aIl locatsd iu SecCian 24, �»30. R-24, ��.ty o� Fridley, Cwatq of Aaoka, State of Minaesotaa Anyone desiaciu$ ta be heaxd with rsfe�r�nR:a to the aiavave m�ttsr wi1l be h�d a� �hi� maetii,ngo Publish: Nwe�uber 6, 1963 Novembez 13, 1963 :;�' WiLLIAM J a IJ� P�YOA ��: F ; 46 . . ^ 4`7 �l�e ddditlAa P.S.i3.•r9 .Lot .5.� ;�:; . �oose Li. a ` , , �%� 1A� 8s�et#a. . � , � . . : �,Q� . . . - �i S T � . I � oR� .. "�R� �� _ , . , �� � i,,1• � � � �` �6, Lq �� � v �� ¢ �"� � 1J°r°t' a6 Wfd q �.fF3 � �( ^� �.s�'. j, '� 5w� Na�6• LaY "o�t �.uf g � �" ` � a. 7 � ��v ��� ; �+� E�. � , _ � � J $;'AD%�. 2 , 35 •r+ ��� � �g.�e o � � � . � C' � � DE�y,q C� /,��,� �� , �q� �O � L. � � .��' ?G� Gp�� /'� �' � 8 �� �,, iv � q�� 5 9 � � r < 9 LP �� �� � R�''� � $ �a -. /`� � �' � � �� , ' � ���� RR�o' � +�5 . , 6 R z�p ' . . f�ao ,o�A ww y� � 3-! r4 �pPR v+to �DY 1� µ•� . ��� �..,� /a0' No�.•a� �9�'-�' . . City Co�,incil City of Bridley �idley, Minnesota G?ntlemen: November 12, 19b3 _. _. _ �c� The City of Fridley h�s assessed the follow�.ng property, Lot � 5 B1. ' Moore Lake Hills: for s�rer, water, clirbing, �nd street. Now � with the nex plat I azn submitting to you I find that ,you Would be adding ad-aitional sewer a.nd water assessment,s. I also find that ,you have no easb- ment for an existin� serer line on the propert,y. I woul.d like to give the Citv of Mridle,y and easPment for the existi_ng seWer line on the property in exchange for the City of Fridley not adding the additional • sewer and ►+ater �ssessments to Lot K Bl. 1 Moore Lake Hills. RespectFUlly, � � � � � �� �cz�-,t � c Wayne R. Whitehill 31�37 Ulen Ardea Road St. Paul 12, Minnesota �n1RW!bod • � �II N01/ 12 i988 cmr oF �ro�r _.,+ � . �. � � � �soLO�ox xo, ,� Re�olution Approving Cor�struction Plans s.Po 0285-09 (69lta393) E. end Miss. River Br, 6l�.0 to Main Sta NE WHEREAS the Commi.ssio�er of Highw�ys has prepared plans for t,2�e improvement of a part of Trur�k Highw�y Noo 393 renumbered as Tru�ntc Hi.ght�ay Number 69lt within ths corporate limits of t2�e City of Fri.cttey� froaa eaa'L end of Mississippi Bridge Noo 61t�.0 to Main Street Northeasb; and UTI�REAS said plans are on file in the office of the Department of High�i�ys' Saint Pau],� Minnesota� bei� marked� labe].ed' and identified as S,P. 0285-09 iToHo 69b=393) and dated February 1, 1963, WHEREAS copies of said plan$ as so dated, marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS t,he term "sa3.d plans" as hereinafter used in the bo�}r af this x�asolut.i.on shall be deemed and intended to �an� refer toi and incorporate the plans 3xi the f oregoing recitals particular].y identified and dsscribed; NOW, THEN, BE IT R�SOLVED that said plans for tY�s imprav�ement of Trunk Hi.ghway Number 393 renvmber�ed as �ivnk Ni�hway Nu�er 69I� �rithin the limita of the City of Fridley be and the same hereby are approvedo BE IT FURTHER R�SOLFED that the elevations snd grades as shawn in said plans be and they are hereby approved and consent is hereby give�a to ar�y and a11 ahanges in grade occasioned by the construation of said 3'runk xi�hway Number 393 I'oenumbered as Trunk Highway Number 69l� i.a acc�rdasice with �aid plansa ���� 1f/�''���,3 i r Attestt ,_, Cit3r Clerk .• � RESOLUTION �Op �r � Resolution Approving.Construc�tion Pians ►S o Pw 0285-03 ( 691�s�9� / From Ma.in St., NE to Eo Anoka Cos L3ne �;_ w 50 �ni'T�EREAS the Commi.ssa.on�r of Highways has prepared p�.ans for the � �np�ovement of a part of Trunk Hi.ghway N��, _ 3g� renuml�4r�d as Trunk �3i.�hway Nurr�er 69� �ai.tiain tkae corporate limi.ts � ths City af Fridley � �'�om Main Street� Nartheast ta .,.. � .� . � � . �+....... East Anoka County lirle ; and r�rri r r��. �r .�.+ - iriHERE,AS said plans are on file in the offiae of the De�a,rtment af Highways, Sa�.rit Paul� riix�sota� b�ing m�rk�dg iabeled.� and identified gs S.�'. 028�-.03�,69�a�393) �r.r r �..wm �.sresr��s ■ ��� r+� w� �.��.�.����� and'datsd February lt 19b3 0 . .� � .�. . . W�EREA3 copi.es of' said �Iana as so dated, marksd9 iabeled and ider�ti�iied are al�o on file in t,he o��'3,ce p� th� � Ci�t� Clerk; ��� h"l3�REA� �Y� tern� "�aid p�.�" a�c h�r�:�.ziafter useri in the body of th�a resolu�ion shall ?a� deem�d and int.�ndsd �o meass� refer to� and incorporate the pl.an� �.ai the iaregoan� reaitale parta.aularly identifisd and d�sarib�d; i�QW's 2HF1J, BE Ifi R�SQLVEll th.at said p1an� �ar the 3mpz�trve�en� oP Trunk H3.ghxay Number 393 renumbered aa Truak High�way Numl�r 69 �_. within the lim2ts of the Cit�� oi w Fricll�_�� � �_ . be and the same hereby ars appa�c'ved, �E IT FURTF�R RE30LVED that the elevations and �rades as shc�ra in said glans be and thsy are hsreby apps�ave@ and consent i.at hereby �iv�n • ta azay and all changea ia grad�e occasior�d by the conatruct�.oa of said Z'runk High�ray Nwnber �3 renumbered as Trunk Highwey Number _ 691� • ir�, acaordaxlce with said glat�ao ;`��� ,���/� � } • • . .. R�t,ests Cit r� Clerk .. _...�.�. '� ` 51 • � � , 52 RESOI,UTIOId N0. � Resolution Approving Construction Plans So�o 0285�12 (69�.�393) On 53rd Ave. NE from TH i�7 to TH 65 WI�EREAS the Commi.ssioner of Highways has prepared pl.ane far the improvement af a part of Trunk Highway Noa 393 �numbered as Trunlc Highway Nun�ber b91� within the corporate limits of the City of Fridle�9 on 53rd Stz�eet from T.H. 47 to Trunk Highw�r No. b5; and ini'EiERF�AS ��i.d p7.ans are on fiZe in the office of the Department of Highways� Saint Pau18 Minnesata' be marked� labeled' and isier�tified as SoPo 0285�12 (T.Ho 691��39�3 Minne I Ic� 69ic-s (28) 223 and dsted Febru3ry ls 1963, WHEREAS copies of sai.d plans as so dat.ed, marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the affice of the City Clerk; and WHERE�S the tsrm "said pians" as hereinafter used in the body of -�his resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean9 refer to9 and incorporate the plans in the foregoing recitals particularly identified ax�d described; . N(?W� THEN� BE IT RESOLVED that said plans for the improvement � of �runk Highway ATumber 393 renumbered as �unk Highway Number 69l� u►ithin the 13mits of the City of Fridley be and the same h�reby are app�ovedo BE IT F'iTRTHER RESOLVED �hat the elevations a.nd �rades as shown in said plans bE and they are hereby �pnroved and cansent is hez�eby given to any and �L1, changes in grade oacasioned. by the construGtion of sa3.d Trunk Highway Number 393 renumbered as Trunk Hi�hway Number 691� in accordance �sith said planso , ,, Attest: � U J� ���� �/(v� � � City Clerk � ---- - � . 53 � __ _ ��RPT - CAUNCII. Nl�TING �!IINt7TES - IMAY 20, 1963 0 • �:,� r.� r_� e� u n�v►� i�.y�or Nee �aounc�d this wa�s a public �iear�g � a final plat fo� spri�g �oa1c Pa�k Secos�d A,dditiox�o T'he City Maaa�ger read the r�o�t�Lce of hearing �xpla�d t�� ty,�e of pl�t. Mayor Nee askai if a�yane wiehed to be I��ard rega�d�.ng' th�a above d�scr.�bed public h�aringm City �r�gir�eac Brown ��esenited a m�p �o th� Cc�u�acil and �xplaitaed the replat o No o�e appssred �a �svo� ofc or �.ai oppositioa to tY►e described pu�lic be�i�. Mayor N� c�.�cla�ced the h�uriag eios�l o T'he City I�ta�nage�r suggested the aPPY'�� c�f �a r�2at subje� to City Attorn�y Ko�tl�n wo�rkin�g atat details with �e vwn�r o P�t� by into�.k� tha�. �e final plat of Spxing Brook Park Secoa�d Addition b� ac�aapted as �e ��nal p�.at stiabj� to aa agree�sen� betw+eeA City A�'�o�a�,t Kc�2alasn �d ac�ne� � M�r o Rasmus � 0 3eCO�ded by JohaASOn o Upon a voice vote, the�e ba#�g a�n nayso the m�otiarr casried unaaia�o�sly. i • • C� �: __ _ 54 oxnn�axcs rro . AN ORDINAN�L �TD�. ��T`I(DN 12 a 07 OF T�E CITX Ci�ABTSR TO VA�AT�E S'Y�`�EE� Al� AiLEYS AND TO �ND APPBNDIR � f� T�'# CI1Y �Ol:� ".�e �i7. �£ t�ae City of Frid�.ey dn ordain as fallexas; .;�'i°i�OI�TT 1m Fox the vaca�io�. �af the s��:��ts and a11.e�s d�scx3bed as foli�:s s All that part srf the Service Urive ly�x� adjaae�� to aad Wes�erly o� Black 10, Sp�3.ng Bxar,k Paxk, as p�.atted; and North of the Td�r�h I�.ue o� �ibe�cty St�eet, also be3�a.g Che Scauih line af Biack I0, 5gariag Brook Pa�lc g�aduc:$d Wes�; a�s.d South +�f the I�ax�th 1� of Spx3.ng B�ca��C P�rk ns pi�tted; and lyi�, East of the �bandon�d �g�at�of-Way a� �he MiYUaeapalis, Anaka �tc� Cttywna �iange Rail�� �li �hat part o� Libe��tp Stgeet lying B�st of 8ast R::vet 84�d �d Sr�uth of 131a�k 10, 3p�ing �rook JPark desaribed �s follows a (�os�ncing at �hs intersea�i�a of �he I+tox� li.n,e of Liberty Star�t and �he Naz�hess�er�y liae of E$st �3.ver Rs��ed; th�►c� Sc�uthsasteac�Y: alaag �h,e NortheasCerly liae ti�re�F a dis�aace ai 53.01 feet; �ce Nar�heasterly at tight aa�g�.es ta �aid Northe�sterly lfae r�f E�t B�ver B+aad a d;s�.ancE� af 13.46 feet �o th� ts�ginmixa� o� a c�x�e to �e righim ss3.d �u:rve Tnaving a �,adiu.c a� 155 f���; �ce �nn s�.iei c�trve �o �he right a distax�ce of 103.5 fe�t ta �he ead of �aid cu�ve� aad i+Y�, intersectiax� w�.th the North Yi.a�e �£ said Liborty Avsuue �� s paf.nt on eh� Sou�h line of Biaclt Z0, Spring B�roolc Park, distant i55 fee� West of Che SauthBast �oxaQr of said B1ock �Q; �h.�a�+ West aloag the Nozth i�nne af LibsrLy S�Yeet, {al�a bein,� th� S�exT� iiue o£ said Block 10� S��i�g �ro�k P�'�� m d�.a�er�ae �� 139o3`I f�e� m��e os lesa to �kla� poi�� a�� ��,��.x�g o Al�. Iy3.�sg �x Sc����ssn 3, ��30, R�24, ���y f�� F�ridley, County r�f $%1pk�.9 5�8�:e o� 1��sES��3o F,�'�:[(7�t 2 a �b.i� s��.d vs.ca��.��. h�s '�a�u ra�d� a��e� ��r�f.ce Qf Public Seari� in cozifarnaa�,�e ti,r�,th Mi..�so�a Sta�a�es ax�d pursuan� ta Sectiou 12a07 o� sche �ity �haxte� �nd Appendi�� � oi C�.ty �ode shall be sa ameac�edo �'�.SSED B7C 'L� �'�`�°Y �OtS1�iL 4F � t���Y �� �R�LEX, TS�► D�AY OF _ , 19fi3 0 ME,YO� � William Jo Nee ��.{r 6 ti'isr � � a�V � �I0 ++iYLfFi��i r�:�i�� x�ax�s At��il 16 a.96� • ���s� �a�s,,� e�,�.i� — S�ca�� Iteading s Publish0000aooe � � . �► k t ., • . . � ;� . • t r � ~��.. .� r • � �a..e T�x� a��3.a�g w�s called �o o�c� by Qaa�man K��v��.Ic a� 7z45 P�Mo s Pres�t: e�r� Abs�n�� 0��8 �r&l�f�"� & �� 20 30 tiY q +� 6 K�avi1�9 S�i�lda � Haac�3�ea ai�Q�18Z18v;1s A�,�.$no Mc1Yb�3� B�ildinc� ��nsg�etor �ex�sen .. 55 Mo�ion lay I�ugl��a� s s�ca�dled by Shat�lds, to appsov� �lt� applicatic��� � rsco�nd iss�a� af a b�ail.a� p�acm�l,t o Upoa a voic� vot.�, �er�+ rsr� xaaya � �ais�i :t�ac�v��.3c �ecls�°�i �e �ation eassiea o ` APP C.�LY �' '�O H LD A st�IOpL BiTILi31i1iG AT 755 -?3RD A'V�3`3i1� NO�tT�ST s Mo�i ou ]�y Hughts o second�d b� SIi iel$s e to and recoa� isauarice of + he uilding � nc� raa�rs 6 � prode j th� a4Pplication �o U�on a voic� vot�, d t�ae neotirnn carri�d. _x. v saa wev a� r�.av a�vY�"srw ♦ A.' i. d'�i.�iit��3� /� v �� t �tion �ay klugi�e� a :�a�eo��+� �y 51��.��.c� s �;ta ��le �he �p�iication til th� n� �g �� ��, Huildi�g �o�c� �► ord�r to cl�acify the pla�ti�ag arad zon�g �£ i�� a�� axui �a �11ca� �1�� ��cd to i.aspect the area. Upoa� a vaic� vo��s ��r� 'b�3.�g r�o a�s�a C�ha� Iixav3k deelar"ed the �tion �ar=ie�do Mot1WC1 bg Hu�h88 a seconded by Shi�ic'ts Q t'bat t�e ap�lie�tion be tabi � uugil such time� as the applicsai� �all su'i�mit co�alets elevatioai drawiz�gs ot tha prapo�ed buildingo (Paricial �leva'tio�a 3.n skotc� f rna �se submittod with th� a7ppl�.ea�fau) o Upon a voice vote, th�c� being no riayse t�airman Kravik declared th� u��ion carried. �� �d%RT�:i� i l\O � � i �3�3�ING BO�ItD Y�ffiTID�G MIDti�TBS -�t�FR 13, 1963 (Cont3.nu�dj . ! 56 b4otion Iiu es s�et�aded � +�� d issuaace� of t.iie ; b�i�g no nays, Chairman K�'avik da � to aranr�v� licatio ,t o, Upon a vo,i c� vo�t, �-�- ax�d �h� motion carriad. �---� ��,��_��3. ��s i�eai.rrg no furth�r busin�ss� Chairman Kravik d�clared ths t�e�.ia�g ad j outnad at 9 a OS P e I�� R�sp�tiu�ly su��titted: A�:�.i�.�t �T� I3ug1'��� A�ting s��as.'y to fi�e �oard � i � • ►__J �� �� � t \�;�` SAMUEL C. DALBER�3, Pros. City Council City of Fridlay Dear Sira: Dalberg Builders, Inc. 8605 FAIRVIEW DRIYE MINNEAPOLIS 21, MINNESOTA "Builder of Dapendable Homes" November Lt, 1963 �.: _. _ .5h� SUnsM 4-417i SUnsM 4-2T�0 In regard to the proposed plat oY Dalberg Terrace, and our obligations as develapers in the pa,yffient of a portion of the future impro�ement aaa�aaasnta� xe are writing thts letter. The development of Dalberg Terrace has been a lengthy one Yor ua aa th� engineerinb department is Rell aRare. ife are naw in the fourth year ainc• our f irst attempts r►ere made for an agreement with ad jacent property ownere for necessary street dedications, etc. In order to develop thi� plat rre trer� forced to purchase additional propertiea which �e really were not in the position to do. Y�e realize that this is in the im�rests of the area thatt additional land is no�r platted but this has proved a heavy incorYVeni�nce upon us. Therefore, �e are asking some special consideration in the apportionment of this fee. In regards to the �treet surfacing aesessmeats on 7ltth Avenue N.�., I,akeside Rd., and 75th Anenue N.E., �e feel that because the atreet surtacing coats are jointly absorbed Rith a number of property oKnera and in view of the above picture, We requeGt this advanced payment be �►aived. 11so, in view of other property rnmers joining .n the plat �rith their residences being located upon some of the�lots, �e feel it not quits justifiable that this full park deposit be required ot all the lota. lfe are of the same conviction in regards to the s9uare footage charge for the atorn� serrer laterals. �e do not feel it justifiable that we pay that portion belongin� to the three resideribes located in this plat. It is our desire to fulfill our rightful obligation, but in lieu of the above statements xe are requeating �ome leniency in the oferall pictur�. Thank you for your kind consideration. s• , ALBER.G BUILDERS, INC. Samuel C. Dalberg, Pres. . SCD/jjd : , ,. : . . ._. .. . � 3 . . ,.. .. ... . � . . ..� . ::GC ._ !. V� �.., � � , . � � , . . . � � . . � . . � .. � � , . . ,., ii�p. .� . � . � . . � - . . . . .�\�:. . . . ...\ + �/ , . . . - , , . . November 11, 1963 � ;' Fridley City Council Fridley, Minnesota Attn; Earl Wagner, City Manager - Gentlemen: It appears that the Fridley City Band will have approximately $400 to $500 left in their budget at the end of this calendar year. It has been our intent from the very beginning to decrease our budget rather than request any increases. � The balance remaining in the budget for this year in reality means that the budget could be decreased. Instead of . decreasing the budget this year, however, we would like . approval to apply this money towards the purchase of some uniforms. . It is my understanding that our budget for next year has " also been approved, and it is anticipated that if the same amount of money could be applied towards uniforms out of our ' next year's budget by next spring the city band could be about 90 per cent in uniform. From time to time the band has participated in events outside . of the city of Fridley such as in the Minneapolis Aquatennial band contests, We feel. it would be good advertising for the city of Fridley for the band to be in uniform;with some marking identifying us as the Fridley City Band. � _ R ^,�. - � �� x N��� � � ,a�g � . R: . �, ` � � �� � � � � � � � � � � CiTY�:� 0E FRID�EY. ���� �z �� . �: .� .. ....u. i... •:� #, .1'..... '��,: ! �. 59 � Fridley City Council - 2- November 11, 1963 Therefore, it is our sincere hope that the Council will approve our spending the remaining portion of this year's budget and part of next years to purchase these band coats. If you have any questions, T would be real happy to discuss this matter with you or the Council. Yours truly, ,� � , � ,, r �, � .� �" � � + ', �,�ti��,. � � � � �- � ( i �' ./, �' ` � � ,l � C i •' � � � � � � R. B. Kin'sman President Fridley City Band RBK: jk � , , � � ,' � 4, � , � � �� � �u:: ��,::r�,;:tt��it^iN.��'. -� so . . � .. � LAW OFFICES , . . ' .� � � . � � � � . .. � I .. . . . . .. . . .. '.�, .' WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK � � � � . , CHAt7�LES� R. WEAVER . � . �� � � . .. . � 318 EAST MAIN STR�HET '� � . . � . i HeannAN L.rc.��e ANOKA�MINNESQTA . . ' yIRGIL C. HERRICK . . . .. . � . � . � . � � � . .. � .�421'5R13 , � .. � p � . . � �` ROBERr MU�NNB��. . � � . � . .. � ' El`i-tl ��� � � . • . � ' . . . . , . . . . ... . � tr11�R UNIVER3ITY AV6NU! N.E, S � � . � .. . � .. � . . . � � . . � � . _ � ' �. . FRIDLEV„�MINNESOTA ` � ' � . � � . . . � .. � . . . . . . . . . . , . , : 580'-3950 � . . .. . ., . . _ . . . . . . . _. . " , � � �� � I. � . . . . . . . . . , . . . � ,. . . . . .. , � . . � �. . , . . � .. � : ". . � . , . . .. � � � � , . .. �. . _ � , � , . .� ....�,' , . � .`� .;�:� �: ' ,-.-... : November 12, 19fi;1 . , , T .+ I � � , , . ;, : -` ,:. ,,.' . ; ' � _ �:. . , ._ _ : Mr. EArI lVagner ' • . City �,4�na.ger � .. . �'ridley Ciiy ��fill Fridley 21, hlinnesota _ , ,. .- : . pear !14r. �Yagr�er; :, � � ' , Rk'.: E. & ?�3, UEVELOI'1iI��NT Cr`. . ilse Per�nit for establisliment of !�lotar `Prailer Yark � , . un part oP tiie W; of. t]ie I�ryV� of Section 11, T 30, R 24. - Qn hcl►ctif of the E. &'tf. Development Co. I ta.ke thia `. ' , ' � � �onportianity to� renew �oiir re��uest xor an i4,nmeridm�nt��c> Seotiori ���' � �- � - � � > , , 5.7 A-13 oP tf�e `L�►nin� �rdinr�i�c� 1;o perrni t ihe e�tt�blistimerit uf � � � mobile trailer cuurt in the abovc� described .+rea, tLis a.rex ; , being wh.+t is uyu�illy referred to ;�s Corsmerce Yarlc. L.'& ll4, - Developmc�nt Co, has runde extenaive effbrt over the pFist t�vo ;� yeairs to interest indu�try iti t�e <trea, ` itowever ttiis effort � ' tlas nut beeu succes�ful, It ie uur conteiitiou tiiat bectiuse of ",� � ` - tlie hih?i rate o£ real e�tate taxes, :��►eciK1 a�5e�3meuts ana. `, , ' interest tiiat a failure to zinunend tlie 7.onin Ordinance to �� ��- , , � , , , , . percnit .►d�litional uses Uf t}1P, lan+l� 1T1CIllt.illl�tT, tl1@ 8:it�1}J11�3;1illf!Ilti nf a tnotor tr�iler �ark, will result in confiscatioii Uy zonin� _ , . _ ' t►ut h o r:i t , y, ; � , . � , �s�► nt , 0 our a end t a . lac d n t`at his item be e ' 1Y c, s �i t e r ue t P Y � . - �i , � � � � � �� �- �tin cr _ � o ncil mec � � o nex u . it ma be rec.iisidered at ur t c v � . Y � , . . .� , . ; , _ ° � _ • / �< � , . . , - i c • 1 ., Sin e � / Y � �,� ,- , .; I . �j t , -= / � � :� _ � ,.� . /� , 6 -�. � �' .-F. � � � I, �` -.�-�--r r . >-.� . . . . I Vir�,iF'(,, Uerrick' I � . Wexver, Talle t� tlerri ' � � � ; i ' � � VCH�kg "� � NCN � ; , �r �l���� . �OF : "C1l t � c . , , � _ � � � _ -- -- - r.W �_� 61 �/v, Q.c�'�, �Z �, � �,c� /�� 3 , . -�-� �� �.: z-� ;, � ��� � ������� �'-� / i��.� .�-�-� � �-c� �,��..�-�.� .� ,��.� � �u m� � �� �� � -� c�0�c.�o -�.C_ —� •3 0� �j � � � �G. -f �.,l�L �-�-1.--c� � ,�--� -�.r�- � � DYv�- /�.«'�ti/ c' -� . n�',�„� G�-�d a �z� `7; �•�c.� �"�-�--���.�. v�--�,� , � ���A � /�� a E �� ��� _ u�-z-� /-- rr� ���-�C / G���c. e-- �� ���.� � � , �.�.� � cx���g�s � � r � 62 c,��ra�. 1322 through 1468 �i�o� 5802 th�ouc�h 58fi5 Public �'�i.�,�ti�s 2931 throuc�h 2949 � � � �� ��T��S TO Hl� A��'�O�A BX `� »�`��' C��T�1� �- I����;:� �.a� 1��3 �w�ms�oc}c and D�viB, Inc o �A�asia].tixmg Eng�.n�rs �!.��446 Coun�y Roa�d "3" �"..��apal�.�e �so�ta 55432 ��ti�a�� �].�. Wat�r �rove�ent P�oject I�oa 34-K �stimate # � s�i.t�y s�e�r amd �tater Yrcg,arov�� Proj� L�o� �3 Es�i�aa�e # 2 Storm Sewex Improv�t Proj � No � 64r �s�ia�►t� #13 3arai,�stt� Se�aor �t�d Wat�' %mpSOVement Pso�ect No 0 55 ���,�,� ��St�Ei�F�T`S��'s . � ���� � � :tt-�o j �:t �o m ���� t�7a��s� :���o,� a�Ct �To o �i� � S61�' j �.A���: o� � �o o �� � s�p ::��oj�e�t �io� �5 (ssir�) . � Wa��r F�i.���butiwra ]�ine $ 454.50 182025 � 13,50 .,�_ l� $ 6630?5 ;' E�►s� R�,�a� R�tds �$t�h Av�uvtt� Bouth, Pts�e �� A�.x' R+�� �ic� �+etaaowmoo� �Addit�oan► (Osbor�.ts ax►d �ntr�tl.) 1962 s�ma�r & Wat�x � ��ST OF CO�,BACT08S' LICEIQ3ES Ta BE APPR4'�'i3D BY COU1�CiL 1ttD�T�MSER A �, 1963 G�Y+tERAL COI�'iRlICTOR Lynwood Mauor, �nc. 5505 Inter�.achen Blvd . Edina, Mix�esots Qi�lage Eui�ders 3900 = 36th Aveaue Harth Minneapo�is 22, Mfaaesota P�ASTERIi�G Ben Ruf€�c�ach Plasterix� Co. 3bi�fl, 7tork �venue tdorth Robbinsda�.e, Minnesata � • by: W�lllace B . Keaneth by: Edwia B. Rauffmsnn by: Bea Ruffenach � 1�t8W IiEW i� �4 � � SZJ BUTVIUER � S PETITION FOR. IMPRWPZ4ENTS AG ZEP3�'.�1T (F MBT�OD t&' P�2MRNT tF IMPRO�VH�SNT3 Thia agrsemer�� entered into thie . 24 da� p� october .],y 63 _..._�.. �.....�.. ..r.. bet�ean the City a�' FridLey� �sof.a� bers4tter raterred to aa t,h� City� �ud _ Dalbezg Builders, Inc. (Samuel C. Dalberg, pres.) � .�..�r.. ...����.�..... o�mer(e), hereafter rstet�red to aa tha derelaper(s) !o� ths purposs ot pstiti.00- ing for itnprov+e�Nnte in the plat known as _ Dalbex� Terrace ��`��� and agreemeat oa th�e m�sthod at pqrm�ent toar t.�» abaw imp�ovsmat�a. _... _ � � The developsr(a) t�reby p�t3t3ona tt�s City to inatai,l the tol],o+dng isprov�•• m�ante: *(s►} et,rest eurtaci�, ib) aonoreL� ourb �tsr, ia� �at�.tar� �r ._.�.�...�.�...... .� and co�sot,iaae, id) xwatsrmain and e�, (e) �� a+ i�rj (!) banlervard a�sd.� iag aud ( 6) ato�a► e�er in �d to� said plat� and ap�ssa to •sorar maneQ► �dtii the City to oaver the ooat ot sll euoh impravamsnte o� all lots ior which tSt1,e is truieterrsd bet,�sen the time bhs final plat is aeospted end t,t�e time t,hac6, t.h� aaeeae�aent for euah improvea�ente appears o� the tatx rolls! a�d ag:*see to pLae 3.a eserow :'3 1380.00 to ernrer p�el3minsry englaieering caata� to be returt�sd upon petitior�sd York bsing placed uad�er aoa�tr�rot, lssa amouate not added to aaeeee- ment aoata. F+x�cspt�iona or delet�iona appsoved by ti�e City to abov+e impz�oaeasuts are: . The sawunt od' ].and being doaated for park purpoaea ia �� aarea; or osah payment in lieu thereof ia the amouat of $ 420.0o ie attached. (Aorsage based on 5� of land �ithin boundary ot subdiviaia�f or in lieu theraaf� 5� o! �1,000 per aare, or $�7�.00 per lot arid outlo�E� �rhiohever is lsea. F1ata undsr three acrea ars s�oecnp� 2`twm all parlc land or mo�sT pyrment r�quir�eassnta.) sa �sn �Crosa out w�orda not applicablee � r. � �:.. �r��r ���,• • � � ..;/• :M. -��-/��3 . . _, : . w Ss . � � SUMMATION House - 1,520 square feet @ $11.00 . " Depreciated 10/ ------------------------- $15,0�8.00 _ Garage and shop - 720 square feet @$6,00 Deprecia�ed 257 -------------------------- 3,2�0.00 � La.nd or lots - 16, 6g5 square feet @�. 27 ---_�--- �, 5p7.00 � � Estimated total value of the property � as of November 7� 19e3 is --------------- 22,795.00 Less - �5g7,00 s;�ecial assessments or ---------_- ;�22,198.00 . . . . � � - � ' .. � � .! , , �j, i b y �f . �� ,.�� �' � ,_ r . . a a er Realtor-Appraiser f � J I, , �� f V•F � • �5• :d: ,� • 't ti� f • • � TSiS 1�GRSSMBNT, mads a�d ent�r�d i�to this �, da� of s 19_,_,_,,, by axid betw�en �he follawing munici,pal co�poratia�s; .�laoka, Columbia Heightss Slk Ri.v�a osseo, RW�bi.nsdal�� Goldeu Valleye Brooklyu C�t� s t�ys�aa]. e Fridlsy o Coon Rapicls, N�a Hope � 8rooklyn Park, aad Fl�mcufil� m �hai in coaside�cation of th� n�atusl cove�aasts o agac�nts as�d undertakia�gs h�eir�aft� s�� £orth esch of 9:he pa�ies heseto agz� to Scwrniah fire figh��g ass�s�nc� tv� at�y of �he others va'hheu called upon �y the �i,r� �hie£ or fir� depax�mea�t office� in charge of a�y of the otlt►�r par�i�s he�ceto, st�bj�cct to �the fo].lawing canditions to-�wit: 14 �hat road aa�d weather cao�di�ions n�ust be such fi�at the fire rnn can ?ie �ade with r�aso�bl� s�£ety �o ��d equipm�rits 8�d thA clAC38iOt1 af th� fire c2�i.e£ or oth�c fire depa�ricment offic� in chargs, shall b� £i�asl 3� such n��t�rs o 2 0 �'hat i.ai ths event �21 0� the fire a�ppasa�us aa�d all o�c nast of the r�subers o� t�� �ir� d��staae�nt of anty co�ai��r so cailed upon far f3ace a�sis�tance � ome of the ather parties h�eto are ia uee in said • ��aity at th� timm� the ca�l cca�es in fraa� the atia� PartY• c�r in i:he discretioan of the fise rhi�£ c�c ath�s fire departm�nt may be a�sd�d in said coa�a,uti�y, �ls� said � ity sl�ail be held ��e aad rblic�ved fran �a].i lf�ili�i �o �ke sa�d sctu�, c� to re��or�d to said callo 3 m �"k�►a� i� �h�s �v0nt ��' a,ppaga�tit� z� e�s o� the f ire degartme�t of aa�y c ty so �a118d upata foae as�sls�� i� enqagod i.n f3re fight3ac� fc� f1a�: ber��fi�k og �a� p c�li3,�ig fc� ass�.stance os � re�- panse to a ea1Jl f�om� sa3.d �aacty@ s11�a1.1 b� r��d�d �o fight fir� ar far any o�Iaer purp��e in 3.�g �^a �ammuni�y � tha�c said appasatus a�sd th� meo�s �� ssid ��,.r� �par t neay �d shal.l b� s�call�d to i�:s o�n ec�mo�uai�ky lsefose coa�l�iru� the fir� fi�tir�g for th� ot�iaac patty a�ud said assiat- 3.ng �fiy shall be held �see f�caa any li.ability to continue fighting S�� ♦�6d�@p � 4, Z'hat in tY�� case of either co�i�g�ncy m�aaticaRed iri the last two �aragraphs abave, wc foac any a�.he�r reasoar th� fi�c� c�ivf aac ather �ire department o�fic�r in charqe sl�.il clecide t11at ao equi,p�t or fire ��Lg�it�rs can be spa�red, �iat ti�e decision ard disc�etian oi the said �ire chief or ot;l�i�ac fise d�artrn�nt o€ficer 3.n cbatge sgsall be fi�aal in �u�h s�a►tteg a�d Ao party h�r�to sha11 be liable in any way to any o�thes pa�ty or to a�y mt%er pstsons firm o� co�po�stic�on fo� failure of the � depastment of said party to atte�d a fis� o� to �xtinguisi� a fire or ioac � y c 3, a m a g� to as loss of goods os fos a�y act o omnissiou. or far aAy oth�r re�asoa. •� �R�A9�31Q'P - DBORTS Si�tA�lN IYQ3TU�1►L AID A33�OCIATI� ��E3 `j°WO. e o 0 � �� �e coaa�unity aekiisg �nd rec�ivix�g ass�staACe €rora ax�y otb�ar party h�e�o sho�d x�ot b� 1�eld liable for aa� �e ta the p�cpes'ty of the asais���.z�g pasty while auswaaci�+g �he c�►I.1 far asaiatance oac v�hile in �-�� f 9r� s�rvic�s of t�t� coQama�nity r�qu�ssti�ng assistan�ces � P�Y shail carsy ita o�m liability iasurarics �r t1=� bes�eii� of itself. its �quiPme�t at�d its fiac� while in tt�►e a�vic�e of a�y othe�r par�y aa�d �ac1a party s�t�13. carry i3�ility insurance sav3u� laotls itseli aa+d the cr�her party beiasg asaist�l hazml�ss ,so far as aay n�gligmit aR:ts of the ��..s� in the �lo� of said pas�y are co�eeocned o �a while eat� p�rt.y i.n a�aw�ring a call fsan so�e oth�ac pasty hereto shall att�apt to fur�ish a re�satsable numbe� o� fix�t oa e�cb �i�e of equipmas�t aasw�cing sucis call, the discre�ion of thw fire c�ie4 �c c�her �ir� depa�fiment offfcar in c��arge of the Bquipm�ct aad clepart- t ai said party shal.l be final �s �o the aw�m� oi fir�► that ca�n '�e s�ced o , �o R7caat i.n the �t of firm ca�.ls fraan two cac mo�e com�iti� o�r p:�r�i�s here'�ot �he fi�cst cali shali have prio��ty aad t�e e�d � ��3.1 sYi�.t]. be answ�xeEi as sao=� aa possibl�, it being unda�cstood bet+ween a�..l f�e parti�s he�eto that grop�acty withiu the limits of �s�i ce�mm�ity �, i�av� firs� ca11 can tYa� �ervices o� its vwn fire depari�it. i� �, �aeY� c�i� a��w��g a ca�l fc+�r assistan�c� froma a� othes party il�;��ea shall. �� paid fi.�� �uaa vf $25�.00 ge� houx, or f�aetion thaceofB , �r�� �ae u�� of �u�� � com�a�sat�oa �+o� th� fir� mak�g th0 rwae a-� g��.�� fi.�a� �ost ca� all ��� ��uis�i3.n►g �at�cials used in aaid �1.1, �he �c�st of tlae gasolit�� cans by �he fi�� apparatus, ��the cost of r� � fca� fi� g�he �im� t+o b� co�u�ed �xom tla+� t�ee the fire appara- ��� l��v� ti�e �i�ce statio� a� s�id co�nity until i.ts rgturn to sa�.wice. �ubj� �o �1 0� �� �c�� e�aidj.�io�sQ e�ch of �� parties hereto �s tr� n�ake �ve�y re�wr�bl� �ff� to a�t+�aci fites f.n a�y oi the ot� +� it%s meatio�ed heaceia v�&en such assistaiace is requ�ted as abav� �a�ovided. �? TS3TIM4�Y WASRSOFe the pattieS he�Ato h8ve CaL1S@d th@Se pY�B@�D' �0 3�e executmd in ita corpo�ate nam� by its mayc� anrd its cle�tk awd 3' coac�soacat+� seal to be heoreunto af£i�oed the day arid year first above � � CITY OF FRIDi+BY � � �13fi.:��8s�s ; I Sy, �� � � • `. `_ %� :�` ♦. «♦ ti •':, ;ti: �; c Mt, 1 • �::t'�• wv�or � - n�w�r�r�.��r.�aa+.r��+rw�� ��e meeting was eallad �o o�c'i� at ? s 30 P oH. at tha h�aa�e of �#rs o eaco� wi� i+9r e 8ughes p�c�s �dir�g . �ers Prea�: �u�ea e Mrs p B acc�a @�rs Q N�1 �o�, Pawel l. Da�hY. Gras:E� �hers Pr�saeat: �a�y Ol�ssick, nan Mayers �-�_`� • :f' '1L Ci' �ti� 1��'i.� Mot�eac� hy lyre� 8'a�, a�rcoac�ed by �ri�0 �tea.sa�a� �V spZarave th� minut�s as evacr�cted o y-ti141�:;�4� • ' 4:IL � :i-.`! _i r ;�:.� •, c • ' !.!1�4.�y� _._i � •� ,l�t� by I�rae Bacc�, seeoacxled by Gsa+�eff tlsat tt►e minutes bs app�tav�A 8s CQTS�Ct.6d c E. �;. �.!l�r��' -�,•�� No s�part fraa �mrka and Play�gro�ua�ds Sub�ca�ma�itt.e�. :.; i._i_ W ��i. P�t, P8�8 ��[I�d K1Ck C�ri�6Bt at iiigi� Sc�tool � OCtQb!►r 12 a 1 P oMo EaR�i ��.cipant wili g�cei�e a pictur� rimg. xh� rin�ga aana ths footbalis ta b� ueed for the coxit�� were donat�id by �a+� Fo�d D�ot.oar Cam�any. Fo�nc j�cs�� w�ia �e �rocur.a �ar a.st ��.ze�. �r. r�ssi�x ws�,i coa�taet r�c. Beeucye Pr�si�eart of Fri�clley St:a� Bar�, fax danatioai of four footbalia as �i Pri.aes ��c o��:�k will pur+�se fa�c kicking t+� foor 3r8 Pris�s. �i.caxt by Mss o Nelsoaz� secoatded b� Du�phy' tlim� Me$si�ck ace�t do�atio�s or p��is�se t'�.�a �pr�izsa �s ��gsary o 2:30 �0 3:30 F.Mo , Octofies 12. 1963 . �oat?a�aEll C1in�.c 3�y l�. O°1Stiel .'T'!�►� High 3c�sool �'ootball Tesm will be 1u ua�i.f� and will illuettate foatball tec�niqu� o IC� 3KATING: a �eoes�errr��r� Ne�w =c0 skating Znataructo� -�ts, Jamea See will holl� 45 mitutte c].ass�s �].5 girls per claae. Registratio� - Dec� 7 a�nd neea�ooc 14, 1963. Girls ag� 8 t�roa��h 16 » 9 to 12 Aelri. Psagri� begisis Dea�� 21, 1963 at 9 AeMo Ea�h p�euctiCi,pant will reosiV� a�h�t of 1Aetruatio�s. ►•.�.� '�.•H�L..Y.. D1sw Dax�ce sv,pe�vieos — Miss Ann�rtta 9wes�saaa, a t� in..8.�h $c'hvol 8�.�lfi.8�jt $C:�100�.. Fil'B't D�Cf Wa8 86�t� Zi ��.g0 111 8tt�C!• � � _�� '�1 ��Tiorr co�ass=a� �r�xa r�vrss - oCrae�a a, �.9b� (co�ttnuea� . . . .. . . . - �a ��+=.�._.__ .. .�!.�?L�.�. .:�! � •.� ���c��a by Dtar�pl�y, sa+ecoru�d by �Irs � No].so�i, that discutssian on this item ���able� uAtil next meetiAgo ,� �� .. ,+I::�-- t�x� Cliaie for girla age 14 throug3� 13� Sp�soqrsd by S.R.Ao will be � S�tutday mc��ni.t�g iu mid��aveamb� o ►.,� 'Y"=�,tr='�.� ` � .�+.�� � D�r�aa of pso�crss�+d bsa�h gacilities at Moor. Lake Baada is i» our file. �la�► stagg�acod doc]c po�itiaue �acili.ta��► inetructioo ia wat,�z a�ctivities. Gua�d giace�ts - oa�e ia oae�h towet a�d at psak time�, a gtsa�d in boat wauld be patrolliAq aiaag the � barr�.s o �ob �gh�e wi.11 �r�nsent aopy of t.�►e pragosc�d diagram to Patks at�d Plary- gsoa�.s�s Sub-caaa�.�kte�. i�il]� �ecams�nd that � b�ac9� be e�c�e�ed an �c�.tion�l 3l00 fec�t no�t'h of tbe presemt b�ach limit, a�nd that the n�c�- +e$ss�' equ3+Pmeocit be fur�i�fh�1 by thdt �t�b�*cc�o�nitt�osa T�i�te Reoroatiou • Ce�issian to provide oa1.y �0achi�g or irs�atruetian aidso i or� �vsxrTSSS: __. �'h� R�+�at�Lor� s��c�ittee s�bmi,tt�d ra�oa�t inclu�lag Jo�►► Con�i:rol Q ��b �nci C� She�t. A�km�r dieauss�Lc�,, it wss d�encided ith�a S�-co�ittee �ic�ald cc�nt�iu� fi.�,�a study aAd adc� i:wo ite�s - Cantrol of Ft�ds and C��rs�� caf P�so�l tts t�atr r�post a th�'t submit it at �ae No�v�aes mvst#nq o Msr��.c� by t�c� o F3aC�n, s�oayd+� by Gx�fl�, the►� th�3 R,�x'�stiOA Co�m�issio� a��acc�ic�+s � c�+� �h� s�qu�t mads� iF.o �ac m Wagaeac b� 2�taac o£ �1t�ely 26, 196� io� C�s�icut stax�si ap�r�atio� at M�c�oc+� Lak� Boaeh o Mat%m carri�l. s'_:3 �� ., � �.96� 8udge� � o� reciuctio�n �36720 Paaaeoii by F'uidl+sy City Cot�ncil a8 pz�ted Mtith eaoeepti�t in xecroat� Di�rectar� eal.as'y ftan $700� {Fu11-t3me� to i�rna i+�yess gave s�post ra�garding Head i.ife t�u,ard Tas Han►so�►'s re�u�t for �al.aty adjustmeatQ 8is agreed salary £ar 1962 Nas $350 p�r m�aath. �� w�as paid eac�1 tv�o we�ks, theoa �d jus�m�eat ma�de to make v�p the $3so per �n�Y► toi:alo His agt�d salsry far 1963 ��as $35G p�ar mo�tb far two moatb�. �+� vaas paid eadi two �, theu �cijua�tma�t � at ea�d of the two mo�c�th� �o tatal $ 704 . 8+a wa�k� two cal�ndar moutba plus sane num�irac of days . �e is �atitl�d to pay foaic tbe au� of cYa,ye a�ctra ove� the two calsadsr �th� o r ..- . :�.: _� �. `72 ��ATIODI C�0�4IS3IO�t N�BTING MI�1�3 — OG`�SR 8e 1963 (CODti�3u�d' � �3�� was discu8gi+oa� of co�sfdaratioa� og me�tliod oi e�tt.�g fo�ms of e�:� �aymssit atyd wag� a►r salary infotmatione �is�efou o£ m�ans of sgacosding publicity of Rs+ac�atinr�l activity ia ail at�as og Fridlt�y ti�rc�gh uss of Sulletia Boards e�c m [;� ;t.��'� »� . � - 4_i�v •.,!�!. ' �.,1 �1� 1�,eact m�tiAg o� thA Co�eaals8ioa�t wi].1 bs o0�1 '1"hwCeday„ NOV�i�." 21e 1963 �� i�e City gall at 7 PoM, ' w �i-y!x'_i�l± �eac� b�ir�g no fwctheac bus iness s tbe m�et ing wss ad j ous�tud e Raas��etfull.y submitted: � 1��� P o Pcrwsll ���ary to �h+a �C�isaio�n � � • � �,�[DLSY S�TY Cc�lYT'1,'SS l�BTING �RS � b1f�N►RMBSg 13 s 1'�63 �. �*.�e t+n�ting waa ea3.3.ed ta o►rder by t�ai�aar� W+egl�ar at � s 15 P.l� s P=�e�tt a ��ieoca Pres�n�: �;: � � �3 W�gla4rqc, ��rso�a, Band�l, 1'�ritsc, Roe�9x�g, 8sagda, Kam, Linto�s C�.�y l�ageqc Wagne�r, City ���r S2'�'e�ii � a•:► � y. � ��L...��L �= �:a� C�airman dsclar�d the mf.riutes of thv m�eti�g of Oato�a� 23. 1963 ��;�rov�d as writta�nn ��;,i �r;�� g� wa� x�t�d that �� tree &ad beea r�aov�cl at the co�r�s of Ja�ckson ��i M�.saiss�,ppi Stx�B that the mou� at the noacthwesit co�ns� og 63�cd �� 7�h Sta�et i�aas �a�a eut da�� andt that the �ehool bus�e att loadir�g �� aa�h p�rkirig Zc� o� �� �iox and �o� HigPh sc'hools. PLb�LICi'i'Ys '�'ia�� was a dl.sau�cs�.on fia�.� r��c�u,p sa�1.��iv+� �o makia�g �ar+r a�aar� a►f �a� �uttetions �d activi��,�s af � �ag�y �u� ac�p� of ir�a� coa�t3.ttee'� �ctivi�� al�..�c� tu�a� c�i�tas�d� e����►ix�ear� Sa+�gt�a s�i� t.iiat �sh� wr��,�.d r�v heqr a�f�ozt� tio ��t.+�: g�&alic�,��r fc�c the� activi����s o� ��+ cr�n,it�� p ��� thie publie Cc�nitt�e�es, Publieity abtain m�s�e a�. ��is���n w�gla�r ask�c3 th� Ci�� �a�r to l�avm tl�►� �ity ]��gitser�r maic� � ms�e of �klaa� Ci%y �f FridA�y w�.th� t�c� stat� ax�d C�t� Hi�hw�►ys cl�arl�r �k+�d, a�+d asked tiaa� �.� co�i�$ :�� p��gmr�do .� .���.� p G �s�� g � e � �g . �,� C�aamittes discusaed the �cits of havii�g a a� an the lan�p►irig ���niai.ss��ono Mati.� by K�t. that the Safety Ccmm9.ttes �k the Cou�,cil �o co�esider the poesibility of mnk�nq the C�a#,r��n of ths sat.ety Comamittes �a o€ the PlaYUiiz�g Comn�is8ion. l�otlaai wae s�coaade� by Larsaao �g�n � voic�e vc�t�e th�are being Ao n�ye, ChRirmnn �v�gle� decla�r��d the ��3rora carried. 4 1 • . � � � • ti: . . - • . � _y. �: * ., � :i� . . y . , .r _4�.. _ _�1�.�.i:�_'u�'. _. .�. � __._l:_ k...� 4.___ - :)` :�.i_ _ .: 1= i� wa� r�go�ted that tha�ee had b�n a seriotta aeci8ea�t at the i�t�rseetion a#: 53rd Avenue Dlarthe�ast a�ad Ho�izoaa D�ive, aud the m�rfta o�' yield ox� ��:.�p sS.gns at this int�seetioa� weoce diacu�s�do T'hs Co�mm�ittee decic3ed �� take �e aetion at p�reae�t. `�. �� '74 �.�ULBY �AP'�Z'Y C��91lIZ'�8S KSSTIMG M�TSS — D10�VSNIBBR 13, 1963 (C�iiti.nuod) • , r t�+:u �� ' _� =i�_ � � 7C�e �loct 1�IOOtlsLg will hl�t �►t th� C1ty $a17. o0c� Wedri+�et7ay a i)6�:Mqb�Y $� 1963 e a� 8:40 P.DIp ,�..%•11: .^',!.x.�'11 I�tio�n by Szegda. socoaad�d by icew, �ha� the �etinq adjourno Upots a vcaica vate, fi��ce b�i�g no� nays, �airmari �vegle� deciared tt►� m�erti�ig ac�jaurn�db Resp�ctfully subm�.tt�d: �loocis Bazximl S�criataxy to the Co�ntnittae � � . `� THE MINNEAPOLIS STAR �oeniny AND THE MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE Morniny and Sunday �ToTexbsr $� 1963 Pillagr ot Fri,dlaT (�ntlesen: !� � r. . �J� '-- _ � �e Ki:meapolis S't�ar sai Tribaas CoapatQ ianld lib to a�sct a e�all carrisr distribution ata�ion on prap�y oMrd b� t� gt,andas,d pi1 �o�� �� �t9� IIidtsrait� �rsau A.E. ii� ha�e lesa�d a saall a�ctioa ot thie prc�pertT t�aa t� opsnt,ar on xhich �s �o�n1d lib to ptitt aar etation. S'hia at�stion rrl]1 bs nsx and it ia pa�rtable to lacilitats �aa�r rw�nral in csae circnaetanoma warr4nt it. Th� statioa �rill be 12� z 16�, a� bondsd enamel on aetal �ith han%►ood tloa�ing, ids would deli�sr oor• � nenepapsre to this station ,►ad onr carri,er salearrn woul,d t�hea pi,Q,l� �p tbeir reqnirsd nnab�r ot papax�a and delinr thew to th�ir r�apsatiti cnata�ea�s in the anrronnding arss. Tha atation irould be nesd on7,y trice a da�� ono� ia th� aoa�ttias !or about iialt an ho�ar and t,hea again in the atterncoa !o� abcat !S ninntea. There xill bs a pe�saon ia charge at all timea to sv�rrip oar carri�ra and loeep ths area cls�n. At the present time �e ars deli�sring our ns�rapapera to ditlsrs�ct locatione in tbe O`illage of F7r3dlsy. Thie hae n�ot proTea to bs �sr� aatiat'actor�► iaas�ach ae ws do not ba�+s sntticisnt aup�rr3�ion tor diapoeal ot �rrappere or other proble�s in tl�ese lo�tions. Thia station rill gi�e oar carrier aalsa�n a pLcs in whieh to aet dr� n�xspap�ra in inclesrnt �satbsr ard I b�li�e�e it xtll b� af b�zrtit to tbe carriers and the coMnmit� �a wr11 in h�lping to bsp the 7111ap clean and free fro� �iaeellansvus xir�s arxi wrappaa�. Thenk Ton ior yaur coneid�rati.on. � RSPshk oery tru1T 7osct'a /� . /� l/ / ' � l./ 8. B. Pa� Zrnas �Operri,ao� �� • I . - �6 ' • Noi�e�ber 13, 1963 �` ` � . M�LM� TOs Cit� Managet and Citty Councii � FROM: Mar�iu Co Bxunsell, Finance Director SUB38C'1': Plat of Dahiberg Terrace m Engiueerin,g Escroa a�nd Par& Deposit L�sted below is the follaasing ia£ormation on the plat of �ahli�erg Tex�ace, . Storm Sewear m 324,000 Squaxe Feet Stree� Su�c£�cinge Lakeaide � 330 Lino Fto $ 82�50 McKinley � bfa4 Lino Pto 165000 a5th Ave,� 330 I.ino Ft, 82050 Onond�ga m 330 I,ino Fto $2050 Sewer and Wa�eso � Lakeside -= .�30 I,in o B� a McKinl� =- 660 Lin o F't o �o�al �£ 1En��tneexiag Eacxow: 21k�50 429.,0 Q ' Engiueexi,n� 1�acrow pex lo�t $k9�28 �'sxk Deposit @ $15000 per �mt: 28 I�o� s Ih Bngineering Eearow $324s00 412o5p �+4.�. �:;�:�? �ir3$� Park Deposit 20a00 �,_.._....� Mxo bahlt�erg does not o�m Lots 8, 9, 10, Block l, and Lots 5 snd 13s B1oCk 2a Also Lot 11, Block 1, has ea euistis�g house oa ito Xf the 8�agineering Saczoa a�eace exempt on these s1x lots, �he �ca�a2 Er��iaeering Escroa �ould be $1,084032 rather than $1,380�OOo Ii the park Depoait wexe exe�mpt on the six lots the'total Fark Depoait would be $330000 rather than $4200400 � � • 1'I��NG C�SSION E��SITNG � NO�ER 14, 1963 Th�; me��ia� wae called �o order at i s�a0 �,M, bp �ha�Lx�zran Ksc�vilc, N',�rab�rs pses�nt o�Je�?a,�nsous Baad�Z, Rrav:tk, Nagel M�mbQar absea�n Th�mp�on C��h�ac� ggesan�: City Manag�r Wa�na�, �' :�.y Eagin�ax Qure,shi C. ! . f I Pag� 1 AP�OVS �Ni�'�S OF PLANNxNG �Q�IISSiO�t MI:E"�'IING 4F Q��OBIIt 24 1963: � NG M N �1 ��v Af�rt.i�a by N�gel, secottd�d by l3andel, �m �pprave tlie miau�e,� a� the Plaaai�g Gam� m�..���� �e��ing eaf Oc�ob�ur 24, 1963o T�psz� a voice vo�e, tliere bei.ng a�o says, �h��C� K�ca�rik aeclared �h.�s mc��ion �az7ra.edo �'ETSIB MINUTSS OF PIATS Ai3D SUBDYVLSI�N� 5118-C�+i'YT1B8 �� N��FS 13, 1g63o —._�� . _ Motiaa by Bandel, BeCOnded by N8ga1' to �eceive ths miautes cf th� Plats ead Subdivisiane Sub-Cammitta�e m�etiag of Naveember 13� I963o iJpaa a voics vote, �h�rc� bei,a,g zw naye, �haixmQa Kra�rik dec2ared the mQtion csrri�d, ► 1 10 C�tTINiT�D PUBLIC I3EARITiG: BS2t)NING ?AA �63-17 LOT 1 Bf,QGR bs JITLI�-AAN1J ADDp, BI�N W�s Fxom �•i (single femi�y ciwrelling) Co R•ZA double bun�gslo�t�, �a Wolk� shawad a pictu�e of the typ�� of cAwellin,g h� garopoeed to build on this ].o�o A discussi� �o�.lawed cam�c��ning tihe traffic prablam, apinion of �h� n�ighb�re g ths p��s�n� txc�nd �aw��•d cirnsble tnsngalawa � proble� oE the laxad lyfn� ve�sn�, di�fe���zs in �aa��xu�tion of d�ubl� bungalcrws and ti%at , �� n�{ghb�shoad, aou�p�3.��n cri Chc� chz;.ngs� �ai n�eds �d �*pes a£ hc�mea betwsen ��.�c1y P'��ckley bui�.di�g, px���r,:�� ,�d :�aa�u�ce bu�.ldix�a aa�c1 th� p�:ablm�c of Lhe '�l�a�.3.� ��a.t�s�.on G� d���xm�.i� g cra.�eria �a %al�.a� at tt►ia preseat timeo � �ti�ri. by� Nag�1 �ha� �h� pub1�� 'hc�arix�.� b� ��.�s+�d fox �i.� rezanin�g (ZOA �63�� _�. t�,, �; ., .�uli��A�n Add�C�ia��n ��am E�X e�.u�Ie f�ni.1 3w�e11 ) to Bm2 �da�ubl� bu �a esw- �cz� t t c� �xia��-.�g ��3.�s%u re�d grautis�g this ar�2`ia� ,a Y+�o Joha�usan se+r� c� Q r��.�� s�n, aa atated e ea ecause ha� % Mxo Wo11c� would x�t cun��ru.a�. �s build�rag that would dep$eciate th� valeae �f the h�m�s arvund ito gpaa a voice vate, fihere being � tie, Chairmna Rravi� �ll�d f�� � rali call voteo Ba�c1�Za nn; Ssaviky uc�s; Nagal, yes; Jvhex�aoa,�/ y�eo I�tiaa �ailedo Z, €8l�Z�liDBD PtDB�.LC HSAB;NG e YtSZONING ZQA �63�-19 DIAVID I�NNQX s That part of Tsots 1 aad 2, Block 3, Shaffes a Subd3vision �1 lqiug east af the west 90° thereof to ba resoned fre�m $�i (singl� fmaiiy dweiling� to 8�2A (doubls bum�gad la�t3 , Mra Kravik �xplain�ed �b.� problam isnrolved hsre is �he s�aa,e as the previ.ous oaeo It was pointed out that the lot, as it atands now, ie n�t a desi.3�ble lot • t�ith�►ut a lot of �ork be.in� done oa itp I� has bee� used� as e catch basin until this s�r when a storcn �swer �as iastalled, The fact �t a iavosable petition was eigned by the neighbose was mentionede • ;� --�. `78 � �.,<?€�.�,a:�; �n�_s��C� ������z�g v� �d�v�nbe� 7a4� i�36� �?s�� Z �t�t;�„a�� �y rTag�l„ ��nc%d � & ,��sh�ns��� �haC �:a�, p�ubl�.� %.�ar3,r�� b� a�z� �'�m� i�h� i'3.�n s� �:��.�,���-�,a� �e��u��n � �:h� ��n��!. � �r��� =,� �1��:�.p��� �:� T.Q�s 1 �a ' $ .���� 36 St�����r s Su ��.�:��r��� �Z :.� t=?�.� #;IIP.. t�&� 9(7 �: `��'£'xt �hE��.�o� 3�xs�TM� R'�1 ���Ylgl12 �a91*t:� �,':,' i[i�t�ll'.i�) t±� , u�g�lr�r � Y �v��a�4 �� ��,�.;:��e�c�n L�go�n a . 8.--�.�. �';c���b s � b � •�,��.e� ���� ��; � a � �, a �m�xx .��v �xc � � ,��a� �, �st�. �11 ve��eo �J�}��n.�s�x�.� y�s; �a�ndel� ��; �avi�e,, �,�� ��iag�l, �e��� ���:,��n �ai2�do �:, ��U?'3�°T:t�tl�l7 �i.i�f�.��` I�'�%�NGo ��:�`�N�Y �3�.� i~��P7.29 ��.A�E� �'�'�WBi�' �x �. ,� ���.�5�: T���n �'���. c�� �� E4 �iu�i����a ��bd�visic�u �390 �on�i�u�d f�°�m �c:��b� 24� �.��� m���i�;.� �'�°„ ��v:�.d �R.� �an��sz�, 4�0(i Main ��.�:��t, � was p����nt,� �`� `" ����,�xb �y� �a�r,!u�� g ���anci�d. by ���,�.x��ny �h� �7'r�� ��.sx�xi:tr;:� �c�nieeian �aut��.arue �%.� pzx°���.�:c� ���aa��,xxg �� pa:e�i�,ru�� p1�,� ��12, �a�t�r���s�.�. rdnsl Sh�ques�, b��� ��� �f �� 8a �1zxc3..i�s��'e 3ubaivi���n �.�9b ci.n�i�, th� n�r ��gul� m��ing �f �����° 12 � 19�i� o t�g+�n a vc+i�� �r��� ����� ia�ir� � x��ys � G�e�.�m�n Kxav�� �i.�+�r� �1�€� �t�.t�aa a�i�d� �. � ���� �?, � �s.ad�v�.��,,; � � i�Ea� ��f��<� �4.°� ��+m1I, idAT: s, ��������au�d f�m ���� ��z�� ikr�l��� �w�� �a�ese�a.�, �.rtc� x�s�ecl aisaut tt�ie pxdp�� p��ecluar� far • �r���:��1�.� ��Z� �c�p�x���� �as�nt �s�� �i� �u�x��,��es�und� ��_;� �aas d�icied th�� �;�� ��ar�a°�� �u��=��ret�r�rl �1����� �� '�� si��ran �� �i� f���l plg�� but ��5� � cl�+�d s�z��.�i b�. �:�v�s �iy �:�� ���.a� �na ���uld ��:�a�� ���� �i�a� I.and woul@� �F�r��� �;� �i1� ��,r��� ca���� t��, ����ca� ��s �h�uu��� � � 5 <, "��a����a ..t�� ��h��.,��.� a�+����d�c� ay ���c��, �,� ��.a�'; �zz9 . . �=� �� � g$;K w�� A: .:,� ,:�:�� p �s� � . �a ��.� � � . £ :� �. �'�z�d�s � �--� « �Q,�� ��.�'�2 . .. �t�f5: ���� �� z3:'�:T:; 'e �"+i3'.;z:� ��' aP.i.? :�'�i,�;" �.�a� =��:��sc��.n� �3' rt an�,a*x��s.a� �3i? ��:;��: ���:�. ,��=��i� �c'�� �� ���s p�;��� �.c��:�.s��,�,�� �� �:k�c;�.��s� �� t��.� �' .���� �,�P. ,�a�st�a: 31�Cf38���'V �l�C �f�� :� dl�l�'� y ��C-°:�'t?Ta► ��EB <, !°�C� �1� TII��� 0 a � � � �r�.1_ � 32 � �.L�.�ii�o� � s �'kt� �:�°:�C L'�? �8Y5�6'. �ilb�� RN � k�.'�� � ���iF�V� �' ������t pu�oa�� a �� �a� ��a� r�zi� mr�uu�h, �t , �:.,. k.�,y.��,-� .�� ...s� poxx ".:�i ;rx�i�°� �rate„ t�l�i'� t:'+� �,RlGo ^"�_. �c� '��� �rp1�Ia�,�ci �hiCs raa� an �:�x��i�n r�gu�s�� ��ceuse� �f existi� ���c�� �w.�nd�.�is�as� �ir� �T.i�� ne.�ds �c� �.xpaacio Aias� ���+�ssn� w�r� Dtiea 1i�b�;�� St���,te �ci I�o �7�t�cy �o Pa�a�san, �s� ��� ��r buflci� r+a�uid c��ss :�r+�r in.�� �3a� ��st le�t, w�i3.�h is �wn�cl lb�r �� �;�.��a�.�� �nd w�uld rf� �ni� i:h� +���.s�in,g buildin� s� C�t 1��, D�co I • '�5�� �a�k+�� if �hie c�uld �� �.�a�i��� �esn.�o 'i'�� �u�t��a o� s�lvtag th� ���ks1��n I��r z��� ��>1Q �� ��3 wi� Sp�ci��, i�s� ���nit� ��s ci��ecaas�do �t�u b� Nag�1� ,���nd�ct b� Bana�is ���� �h� �f�y T���� b� ����t� �;'��x°�ry�r� �.a�.ssi�n Pi���ing of I�av�nb�� i4s 1963 Pa�e 3 _ ,... � `79 • �u ��� �h� �i.ty AtLo�cn.c�y°s a�a�m�,�.a� �a ��a� 1egalf.t-� o� �h� Additf.�� tca the � �3irai� �u�.iding bec�.us� a� �h� �xos�i� �v�x o��o th� adja3.ning lu�,, �d �r �~A� ����� pxo�ecbure in fi.�.�,s �ase r�a�dia,� zoai�, and ��1c �he� �.� be �� �e�,ac3y f�� �::n� �oa�nissi��. z���� of ���mber I29 �.9b3o U��n a vo�ce vate, ��ic��� b�� ao nay�, �z��an I�av�,.� d��ia��d �iie mo�ion c�axr��do • • � � �.AI�D�.£�� �'�G�� a OS°� ° S �RD �;0�� tON, � �.�3NZ s �...e.�...��.�....�.,. ��s,�ue� �:�� i��an 9.s s�i11. :�i $uba�e,c�i.•�tee, x� actioa was takeno n� � (" � � S� ,A�LI,LY VL�.�r"��QN �UES� m= N�BWQQD A�3�'i'ION TO FRIDLBY �'ABKB G'�iu��i:, �� ���� Will�o �r.���saa '�� ��sn�I, s�ucL�s� by �e,g�el, �t t�i� Pl�nni� �ommisaion re£ex �h � 5��� �c� Ali.�.� ��acatiaxa ��qu:��t, �ts�rw�d A,ddi�ion � Pr�dley Pa�k by the ���c?� �af �in� Will.i�i �hx�ugh A�a�i.d �o Savelk�us, attcrrney, to �b,� s������ sr�� 1�t�,I.3�i�s Sub�o�nit��� i�� s voic� vat�, �h�re bein,g ao r��ss t�i� Krsvik d�cla��d �h�: €r�st�r� carri�do $<. � Sk�ZT� $�t�TI�ST o L o S o�b3�.37, �L�D J � SYBBANT e Lat 35 s Au�ii�toz ° a ��.tbdivisi.�x� �k92 a � �����s€�d u.��,31 z��r� ���i oiE 8���: � ' " �S , 19630 � <> ���:� � �t,��X' � �t3 �'.�`��IG ��CSSiOH �iiN�S o �7t��� iay 2�g�1� a of �hc� z�a vear� Jt izid�u�dc�z��. �tt�e �nrl��. ry �ths�t C� s���ct a���.xxg �� �.�h �a��� d�rc�t ���e��°� �rn�. w�.�fx ��� fa���� ���.:� �i��a €�� s����. :��� ��ad������ ��.�,�:��� �:��;�v�:�� �`p�� � �r;��,�� vs�t��,� ������ ���� ��i�n ����.�c�� �,,;�� • � :s. �:� ,, : , witl� �Ah� s�caasi mee� sa .0 wi11 aat cons �� sp . t�, et�o Oa t �i�a x�+�ti�g to pl�.i �x�vi�. �� a� ����� 1��::Cr� � �'u��� �s �r�� �����z� i��v�. �c�a��d �� ��t�g adj�ua�n�s�l �� � e4�5 ���,> �s���t�x�2y �ubwit��de ' I Gs°.'`>��� � P����re✓"✓ �CC�t.� ��£iZ�Zi.i9 � $�'$ ffii iC'�i� �'a�C���1"j�' • • � • � � s' ���� € � PI ! :.?�i"���i . { ' ��)� r3so � ���� � �.._ ``� �� 1 � � -� �<�. i -.. 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A�.� � � t � � � �..._u.:,�.�.�,.Y_����.�..�....-.�,�„�,. ���_e._.�axs�,.���.»ne,.,__6n.��... � � � ?� �s C. ;�., G, �- ' ��'�� � p 9-> �; i', i.� R' '.� " 4'".• („ t:� �. ?�' r_ E. �< t' !, �' ��, �%"'" 13p�����l,'C: ✓'. i.- (' � � u � > _� � I i; . gi F. r� � � 1 (V + . .e) �� �.L' �,t'�`,y: � '� �,�. ,�_ 3 ¢t ;� G,,. . ' . ¢t�_. ! +2 gac.r�t wcv� %e� �?I� 3 �r� (fr-.` �` � ! �r,�.>�d ��r�^�F� � Z+ � �", 6 G / ��:;� ° � P.� � \ � "� � ::.�,���s� : V •�.r�'y !�� 9 �� �t. �J �.�....� � �. !:r � ;to �`� �� � ��x ��._._ ,...c.. �.�s ` ,;J ..�..f �J � � � `�°o. �'-�-.�•_^- i�;��. a �� � �� � �-- � � t.,�,,,! `� � i,.9..L � � � S At�Dl� , 4 TC) R S aN �3 t� N 1� A�� S T �t�.s. �, z�. �eplat L. 32, A.S. #1Z9 P. S. #63-21 ;: ^ 82 �� �� � 73 RD AV�. - �}w�. No, C 3 — l/o �� i'Jtawn By G, J. N. C}�k. Qy • �p�p� 184-1963 Wi�RF�A.S, thie municipality is included vithia t2�e Naart�h Suburban Hospital District, a district organiud and existing purauaat to Minaesota 8tatut�a, Sectiar 41+7.31 to 4�7.37, inclusiv�e, and including the aresa of the Cities of Calu�bia Heights aad I�idley, aad tha Villages ot B1.aine, CircZe Piaes, Eilltop, I�z3a�too, Abunds Vi,.cir ar�d Spring l�et��e Park, etad • �AB, b�r Lan 1963, Ci�►pter 30o tbe Legi�lature oi t0� 8bs� at Iflao�- sota naa authorsz.a tbe a�rc.cn�at oi aa�r citar or villase rra. tb. asst�rlat eor t� procedure pa�avid�sd for disanlution or for o�aaisation ot t.be diat►siat, trdl,ch p�o- cedure require8 approval b�r resolutian of the �nrnin6 bodY of Na11 e� tbr a�tl�e1- palitiea caio�isiag tbe Di�trict, and Wffi�'�iiEAB, thia Camcil has received and ex�sined caples of r�tit=+oes d.e�ted April 22, 1963 aad JulY 2, 1963, sdapted by tbe Citr Camcil of t� Ci1y ot Col�bis Beights and tbe Yil? oe Council ot the Villsge of Circl� Pia�s, �p�- tively, requesting thst ssid City aad Village be d.etached t'rom the Ddstrict, POFI, T�REP+�RS, ffi IT RSSOLVED by tt�e Ceuaeil ot the Ci� ot ��j� , Minnesots, that th�e detsc�meat of tbe City of Col�nmbia Hti�tts �t t�t Village of Circle Piaes h�am ti�e Porth Suburbaa Ho�pital Diatrict, p�u�sv�o�t to ti1� provieiv�s of Lax� 1963, Chapter 300 is sppz�av�d by tbe o! . • Passed this 18th d$y oi Novea�bar , 1963. Approv+ed: ��r Attest: Clerk STATE OF MLNNffiO�PA) � sa. COUNTY OF I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and seting Cl,erh o! tbs of Fridley , Minnesota, hereb3r certi�► thst the attacbed aod ibx�- going is a f�all, true and correct copy o! a resolution duly �d,aptsd b�r t� Ce�ctil of said City 8t a meeting thereof duly called aad held eai Move�et 18 , 1963, a quorim► being preaent at said meeting; and that upon vot� being talcen upoo t� adoption of said resolution, the reaolutioa t�+ss appra�re3 by the vote ot 5 �h' bers of the Cauncil, xith 0 members voting eigainet the s�e. FIITI�SS mpr head aind the seal of asid City this 2nd day of D�Oii� 1g63. C ���) � �� RESOLUTION N0. 185 , 1963 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE USE OR RELEASE OF MINNESOTA STATE AIA F[JNDS FOR PAYMENT OF CITIES EXPEh3E IN REGARD TO TRU13K HIGHWAYS 694 ANA 47 DRAINAGE. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Fridley use $50,591.00 of its reserve of Minnesota State Aid Funds for its share of street improvement in connection with Trunk Highways 694 and 47, including the construction of storm sewer facilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution serve as a request for the release of and payment of $50,591.00 of the said Minnesota State Aid Funds, now held in reserve by the Minnesota State Department of Highways - to the Treasurer of the City of Fridley. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Fridley this 18th day of November, 1963. ' 0 ATTEST: City Clerk, Marvin C. Brunsell CITY OF FRII?LEY, MINNESOTA BY Mayor, William J. Nee BY City Manager, Earl P. Wagner CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) • COUNTY OF ANOKA ) ss. CITY OF FRIALEY ) I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution presented to and adopted by the Council of the City of Fridley at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 18th day of November, 1963, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. City Clerk, Marvin C. Brunsell (Seal) � � XERO� XERO� QXERO��: � :t"qCOPY � . . COPY� +,COPY�. � .. ... ...._'_"_'_'.'__..-.�...�._�..""_. . .... . _. . .. __. .._ _ __'___".-__. � . � . . . 1!.�""'......_,. . - -._. . .. _"_... �XGRO � COPV ._.... . �„ . � � • �,iESO�I��Q�„�,O= 186-1963 __..a..� A RESOLUT=ON AUTHORIZ�TG TH8 S�CUTYOIN OF AN A�NT BTR4IEEN Tii� CITY OF FRIDLSY RND THS BQARD OF WATSR COMIKISSIODI�RS OF TH8 CITY Ol�' ST. PAULo BE IT R�SSOLVBD. �hat �the I��ayor and the Manager of the City of Fsc idley be au�tYaorized and direEked to execute an aqree�nt in be- half of the City of Fridley wit1� the Board of Water Co�issiaaers of the Ci�y oi Sico Paul fo= j�uiat use of the easement of the said Hoard of Water Comatiasionera of the City of St. Paul as eat fo�th �.n the proposed twslve �12) page agree�nt. ADOPTED �Y TBE CI� C4UDICIL 4F TH8 CITY OF E'RIDLSY TBIS 18TH DrAY OF DT�SR, 1963. ATTESTs CITY CLFRgC - Marvin C. Brur�sell �4AYOR - William Je Nee � � C�T1f Ol� 1►PR3II�.LiCa M�Ii�QB30TA �DP'1�3C$ 0� B1J���1� �SP8C�0� TOP��: MONT�Y Y�$I��T TO C8'1'7f I�lAIiAGE� OCT���1�: R9b� 111J!ffi� Ql� PL�1�i3T3 I38UBU .19b3 ��62 T�YS l�J1R TaA$T THAR 1'YPa OiF OqIS1°1��1C�3� OC'Pt�KR �CTi�B'1� '1°� YD/lTS �'0 D�1T8 �idaatial �0 27 1$7 227 Reoideatial Garage� 23 34 I66 167 A�taratioas � Additiaoa 7 9 55 47 1�iflCipAe �e'��ings �. A 32 Si Cam�arcia�. 0 2 8 7 �nduetsisX 0 2 7 4 Muuicipal 0 0 1 1 Churchea i 8choala 0 0 0 0 flospitaBa 0 0 1 0 g� /n 0 4 12 16 �s� o � � s "'�.� ` sa � z9 crr�s ____b.. �ea�t it4g 36 36 335 3�I Plun�it�g �S �8 400 �Si E�ec�rical 55 �� 533 649 h �.61 �, 268 . 7 l���s identiaA �t,esldentia�. C�tsag�s A�taratiads b A�dditiaos Mu�ltipY,e Dwalli�gs Caomercia� Induatsia� l�mic �,�tl Chutchai 6 Sehool,� aoapita�� Signs l�ovii►g BSTYtMATBD �FAT.UAT��iB Ol► �lT�.DI�iG PBRt+L[?8 ISS1�D $ 173,200 � 430,OOQ �3.Q58,80� $3,739,300 3�,563 49,429 243,164 242,031 �g,550 36,745 191,018 1�6,965 22,000 18,000 g,009,500 2,34i5,000 0 359500 �3�.,200 340,500 0 90, 000 821, 000 2�.000 ,, 0 0 15,OOp 160,000 0 0 0 O 0 0 270, 0� 0 � 0 2.350 3,330 6,215 0 500 2S0 18 300 �3�� �S $ o a2 � r 9 ss � i �i RBPO�T a0 CIT9C 1�IA1�AG8$ OCT'48L�R,, �963 x'9fPE .........� BY.BC'iR][C�l�& $7DCAVDATILIG GAS HSAT�i1G SO118ffi � 1sAS0l�9f 0�. iiillTilNG PE.A,SZ'BRI�IG PP�,U!l�6�11G �� sac�s w�. �a��� PBRM�? liUMbE�B �16777��068'�7 �4Q32��4►086 #ZS34-f2S69 �2986-�3030 PlUGB 2 liiil�� 0!� Y.�CP.liSEB CURR�TY.Y Ili BFFBCT AIfD H.�CRNS� �1�8 C�.BC�D TO DrAATB �SB �83 CdLLBCTBD SO $ 750 z3 �s 43 64S 90 29250 �44 660 0 0 34 5�,0 S 75 8 120 4a �zo � is �.� Zao z 30 32 $,3 TYYE .._�.. �BUl�Y.DI1�6 E&BCTRIC/1L ARATIIiG Px.t11�I1Ki 8$ta18 ����t�T ���s A963 I962 T838 YBAE l�.•AST YSAi� OCTOi3B� OC1'�BBR TO DAT1� TO D�!!TE � x04 $1,�64 �Y2,364 ;1l,SSO 90S 8�3 8,�78 9,240 522 649 Se30I 6,149 628 936 8,987 7,8?7 0 20 S7 96 a 59 � 2 � � 2 • � � � CITY OF FRIDLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT �IONTHLY FtEPORT .• OCTOBER, 19b3 MTL� Uni� 17 tTn i'� 21 Uni� 22 IIni� 23 TRAFr'IC ARRESTs Speed D.U.T. Careless �rivin� Recklesa Driving D�L 3usp. or Fieve D/Lp Sign Parking Other OTHER ARRESTS ADULT .__.�.... Robbery Burglar� Lareen�r Over ��"O IInder 50 Assault Drunk Dis�rderlg Conduat Gar T2zef t Liquor Lawa F�rea�as Las�t Non—Support Reaisting Arrest Other JUVENILE __._..�_........ Burglary Larceny over $50 Under $50 Car Thef t Liquor Laws OtY1$T` 7.'his Mo. ..� 825 5, 7�2 2,s49 59 27 5 6 0 3 3 6 12 �• i 1 8 0 2 0 0 � 0 � � � � i • Thi� 9 � 364 35, 389 33,226 16,848 699 2�.5 �.5 57 i 25 29 71 178 15� 5 j!- i5 i4 31 1 32 0 5 25 1 1 2 0 2 Th�s Mo. LQSt Year 1,160 75 27 7 11 0 2 6 17 8 L: � 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 C � � � • � To Date Last Yeetr 11, 229 753 2�!} 52 80 � 23 32 �59 118 86 5 11 9 1 20 0 11 5 0 � 5 0 1 3 0 • * � POLiC� DEPARTMENT REPORT - �CTOB�R, 1963 RAD�'.� ASSISTAidCE TO _._�.._...__.��:.:� Motnrists Otrer P. D. Fi:�e Dept. Medical ACC]:DENTS F�,rsonal In jury Property Damage F gital Cor�RPLA iNTS _._o_.� D!�mestic Rabber.�y 3ur�3.�ry Larceny Juvenile 'fandalism Car Theft I:xposure DRITNR-0_MET�;R. ._.a. Our Dep�t. Other Dept, JATL _..r.... Our Prisoners No. Da�s Ours Other Prisoners No. Days �thers This Mo. _....._._..._.. �i 26 16 � io 34 16 18 0 182 10 � 31 Sl 24 1 0 I �4 2$ Tizia Yr. � 2,633 292 �79 �5? 286 1477 2 1,�.3t�. 8? 53 271 i68 �1 21 30 289 183 2'his Mo. 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