12/23/1963 - 6053� � SP��� COU�ZCZL 1�3ETING AC�A ��� �� B 1963 ��: W P O�o � _ ROLL C1�1LLs NSW �USIHSSSa 1 o Cn�nsideratioa of Bfde foa� Fire Statioaa Bxpansion ( ppened Noc�a,, D�ccemb,er 23 , 1963 ) a Pages 1& 2 m : ► r ;T, T'hi�a apec,�a1 meetinq oi Dece�e�c 23, 1963 ia aslled � by t.he 1�a�yar�, pwcsuant to seatioa 3 001 a c�ap�t�c 3 of tbe t�aurt� af the City of Fridl�y. � � OFFYCIAL PtiBLICATION ADVSRTISSl1B�T'i FOR BIDS �iOTICB TO t:0�"!'1tACTOFW RS1�K)D�LIDT6 A�iD ADDITION TO F]R� STATIQN FRIDLSY• �SOTA BID8 C7,OB$ D�CB�iBRR 23, 19b3 i �; " � Sealei proposals #at the remod�lix�g of a�d additiaai to the Fridley FSre Station, 6431 Uanivera�,ty Avenus D1�ooCtheast, 8ridley, Minn�sota will be receiv�d at the Fridle�y City Hall, %�tr. 8arl Y�. wag�er, City 1+1�anagear, Fridle°y, Mi�osota, uot lat�r thast 12:00 o'clock Noan, CeS.T.� Dece�ober 23, 1963 at w'hic'h time thay will be publicly opexied and read aloctd. Propoaals will be receivad foac c3ea�eral Cvaaettuatiau Wark ir►- cludir� Electrieal Work an�d �anical W�rk iacluding plumbing anci h�a�.�rycj . All propasale will be fa exact aacordance with dra�inge aad specifications as prepare�d by 8p C. 3miley and Aesociat�s, Arc'hi- tecta, 7�750 Iieanepia Avenue. Misuiea4Polie, Minnaso�a, 55403. � Plaas and spacificatiwas may be roview�ed at the offiaee of the Architect or Owner, and Buildsrs Txchanges in both 1�I�n�polis ax�d Sto Paul, and aleo at F. We Doc'1ge Plan Roo�a, �iinneapolia on or befwce Dece�er 11, 1963. Contract Doeumer�ta (Plans and Specific:atioasj may be abtained at th� o�f�.ee of se C. 3miley and Aaeociates, Arc�sitacte by ea� griaas coatract bidder upon deposit ot Twenty-five Dollats ($?5.00) for each com�lete set. �his cAaposit wiil b� r0ivaded to bi6ders who su]amit bona iide p�roposals aund r�turn plans ancl speei�icatioar►s in good ordes with3.ra sevea (7j days after openi�g of praposals. Bidders are encouragad to seturn pla�ns and speeificatlena at the place and time of opeaiag propo�sals. Dapoait c.�ecka will b� cashed if drawiangs ancl apecificatiaas have not bemn returned with- ia� aevea ( 7) rlaya after opat�i�g o� proposals. Proposals must be accour�at�i�d by a Bicldes's Soaaci oac Cea�tifi�d Check in the amounfi of 596 of the proposal aa� payable to tbe owner. Txais bid security will be fweteited aa liquidateei demaqes in the event the praposal is accept0d a�d the bidder fails to e�ater iuto • a coantract witb tbe Owne�r and fi�ucni�tt the requised Sutcoty Sond. C+e�cti�iad Cheak bid securitiss of the three law�est bi�dars far tbe prime contract will be retain�d until the coAtract has been a�arded and exacuted but not lo�ger than thitty t3�j da�ys. Otius cesti- fied c�ieek bid aecurities will be returned within seve� �7j daye. ^ � 2 AAVERTY9�P FOR BZDS - NO'TIC�B TO CANi'RA�:T4RS gENypDgyyt�tQ, AND ADDITIO� TO FIItL� STATIO�i 23 � 1963 + FRIDLSY'• MID�S30►�A. BZDS CZOS$ �� " Page twO...oe.. Bidd�r' � bonds a�c1 propoea]. farm�o ida a�aftaYrpr��l� a�� f s bo�ds will be des�xayed t-'�'aittY i3 � y op�ned unlesa aacompanied by a retque8t far sroturn at the tims oi bldding • No propoaal may be withdraa�m witlzi.n thirty (30) days after opening a�,proposals. �he o+�mer reserves ths right to r�ject an,Y or ail biae and to waive aAy i�aformaliti�s in bidding. By ardeac of th� City Cowacil of the City of Fridla►y. Mlz�sBOta. Datsd ti�is 3rd day of Dec�emo��c. 1963. � Eax'1 P . Wa9�C ca�c ��� publishs D�cs�' 6. 1963 D�ce�er 1.3, 1963 aoka U�niwn Decembe� 11. 19b3 Dec��aC 18, 1963 F�cid3.�ay Nea�s � � G � � � � � _� � � � � i� 0 �0 O � , i� 0 - �� W' '� � y a � ' � A Z '� \ N � � 0 � � � 4 � A � � � . � � S � � n A � � ti 0 �` � �I A � !� � � � U� � o �\ � � � �.o ..� �� ..� i � � o � 1 O � o +q. �O W � � � J � .�� �' I o � � A o � � � ���� �g�.io��o �� � A oa o A � °e � � O O � � � �0 aa io �� o � � A � A ����� 8 �0 lo �� (o � � �o � � � I � � � 1 ' � � o� � � � '� - 4n � �� � � A� � �' �' A ti � � r K 7a H ti H � ►�1 H � N H H H � � � � �� -� � .� � � �, � H � � t7 t� � O H f) � • � � � � ______ � o� �� g •� �� �� � �� �A �y �� . te � � � �, `$ . � ' � � O H g � ,� H `� _ �� � �d H � �� � . � p rH � � � x r � �� � o � � BBSOLUTIDDI NOo�,_ 19b3 A btSSOLp'TiON TBANSFERKiNG 0� CE�tTAIN FtTNDB 'W�BEAS, the City Cc�uacil has previously authorf�ed cesCain expeodid�rq beqond the budgeted amaunts allocated to the various deparCmettta og thR Cil,��! t�►eral Gavera�,eat not previonsly anticipated in the 1963 Btidgeto NOW, THSRBFORE BE xT RB9aLiBD, By the Ci�y Cou�ciLl of the City of Fsidlq, meeting at a special session ou �he 23rd day af Dece.�uber, 1963, as fallars= lo That appropriae£oas for the follaving sctivities be reducad as follo� : Polfce $1,SOOo00 2o That appropriati�s for the fo�looviag activfties be in�creased as follaws: Park $1,490000. Street 1,igtiting 10,00 TO�AL: $1,500.Q0 ADOPTBD BY THE CITY COUBICIL OF TS8 CITY OF FRYI?L6Y THZ3 2�D D�!►Y 0� DBCEMBBB, 19630 A�'TEST : CITY CLERR - Matrvin C, Bruasell � T�'YOR � Wil liam Jo iio� CITY MANA� • 8srl P. Wa�tc