02/18/1963 - 00023384��� COUNCIL MIP1UrCES - 1�L'BFUl1RY 18� 1963: A regular meeting ef tne Citi,y Cauncil of 1,he City of Frldley was called to order by Mayor Nee ai; °:02 P.P�!. P.OLi C9I,L i�embers Presc-ntc 73rook, Johanson, Nee, Sheridan, i�7ollce Member: libsenh� None APPP,OVl1L OF NIInSU'1'PS - REGULPI3 b'10ETINC�_P'EBRUARY �+, 1963_ Mo�tioi� oy Johanson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February �+y �9�3 �G Prepzred and received. Seconded by Brook. Those voting aye, Lrook� Johanson, PTee and Sheridan. Abstaining, rr�olke. Motion carried, APF�i OV4L OF MTnZTTES -�P�rr�� P;ELTING� F'r,BRUARY 11, 1963� Mo�ion b,y� Johanson to approve the minutes of the special meeting of February 11, 196j as prepared and received. Seconded by ]3rook, Those voting aye� BrooY.� So- hanaon, Nee and Sheridan. Abst3ining� Wollie. r�otion carried. OLD DUSIPII�SS: COPTSIDEPEITIO�i OF PURCHASE OF P.la, AND RECOftDING SYS^1E?�1S (TABLED 1/2i/63, 2/�/63): Ma�or Dfee expla�ned this ��as the same item as prevyously consldered but had been taaled due to Councilman G7o11ce's abeence, �4ayor Nee lei� the Council Table, gavel to acting Mayor Joh�nson. Coanczlm�n Wolke stated he h�d ?e1� foY some time that the purchase of' the abovv equipmei�t would be � help to the Council. He raised the auestion to the City Manager ask�ng if thls �aas the s�me unit that had been recommended 6y him and is it a Good product. The City Man�ger explained the �ixer box Fahich was to be used in con,7unetion ���ith the preseut transistorized dictaphone dictatin� machine� tihat it would be o�e rnike for t�ao operatiions but would not include a transcriber for the secret�ry. The Udditional coeti, iL was stated� for the trar,scriber v�ould be �3(5.00. Paotion by Wolke to autnorize f,he purchase of a Mixer Box� Pax•t ��4320 to be used in con7unction .nth �hc present transistorized D4ode1 P-6 Ilictaphone Time Nastor Dictating M�chine at �130.00. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice voi,e, there beiig ��o nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mo�:ior-� by r�ollie i.o authorize purchase of equipment listed below from Northweat Sound Service, Inc, at the bid price of �Sg33•�+�� 1 3L2-B A1Lec LanSing Portable Amplif_er 6 683-A a���c Lanszn� Microphone 4 4722 Transformers ior Nicrophone li Des� Stai2ds 2 Floor Stands 1 511-B Eiltec Lansing Horn 1 304-I1 Altec Lansing Driver (ior 511-B Horn) 1 Capac�tor io�� Fre4uency Netvaork 2 55 foot M�crophone Cables 2 Microphone Cable Y's Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unarimously. Mayor �Vee returned to the Council Table� gavel to Mayor Nee. Mot�_on by tidolke to authorize purchase of dictaphone and L-rai2scriber at b:d prlce �= �375-00. Seconded by Sheridai2. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Tao�.ke stated th�t he felt the Council should have public hearings, discussions ar.d points of vlea of citizens on tape for reFerei�ce , ' � 1 � � � CONP4ITTE��E APPOINTMEtdT = BUILDING BOAP,� ('v7ARD �3 ) : iJ� Ma�+or PSee in"orr,ed the C�ty Council that Gordon Naxstad Yi�d decli�ed an appoint- meni, to the above bo�rd. Motion b} Tiiolke to taUle until the i�ext regular meeting the appointment to the Build�ng Board. Seconded by Johanson. Upoii a voice vote, chere bein,� no nays� zhe motion carried unanimously. NETd BUSINESS: FI�ST PE�IDING OF ORDINANCL f1DOPTIVG G11S_�,l\rCHISL': Nayor RTee explazned that �hzs was not a public hearing tiiath regard to the adoption of the G�s Fraiichise 6ut triat he had promised Mr. I. J. Oakes thaL- he could speak 471't�l. consent o� the City Council. P4r. Oakes stated thaL Le F:as in favor oF the ndoption oi the francnise. He ielz their service iaas very good. Mr. Oa}.es also sr,ated that he was opposed to the franchise being put u��de�° any othex author�ty other ahan the Citiy Cour¢il such as the State of P,4innesota or th� Railroad and 4iarehouse Commission. The Council was told th.it it would be well advised to go ulona �7ith the Franchise. The City ffianager gave iiret read�ng, Motion by Wolke that the first readin� of the Minneapolis Gae Franchise enti�led "An ordlnance granting to the Minneapolzs Csas Company, a corporation organized under tiie lavie of the State of Deleware, its successors and assigns permisszon to use tihe streets and public places in the City oi Fridley i'or the construcLlon, malntenance and operataon of a system of mali�s, papelines and other facilitiies for the manufacture� distrtibutior_ and aale of gas sub�ect to certain terms and conditions and prescribirg the rates to be chargecl therefoxe and repealing nll ordirances of parts of ordinances incorsistert hex•ewith", be adopted by re=er- ence and considerad as ;irst reading. Counciln�n Johanson reques�ed permission to epeak �nd stated that at tihe starti hc hadn't been to concerned� but hadn't tihough� iz would become ❑uite as impor�,anl, an lssue. There had been some points raised, he stated, whereby this Franchise aould be detrimental Uut that Fridley� as a City, could not alone cure any proL- lems in this Gas rranchise. Seconded by Johanson, Councilman Sheridan stated that he had been Council's appointcd represent�tive For said agency for two ,years and v�ould recommend it's approval. IIe st�ted that �ridle5� wae one o£ the original 13 members aed also felt this franchise had be- come a possible polztical issue. Councilman Sheridar stated that, irre�ardless oi' all aoints raised� he £elt the i'ranchiae would be good and a beneFit to the City of Fridley. On the question thoee voting aye� Brook, Johanson, Sherldan, Wollce, Opposed� Plee. Aiotion carried. COPTSIDERATIOid OF OhDIIVT9SdCE ADOPTIIdG COOPL�RATLV-L+ AGREGT�NT: It was explained tihere w�s no need for the �oinc and cooperative Agr�ement to be an ordinar.ce� thati a resolution would be fur.zished by �he Mlnneapolls Gas Com- pany aed read ac a later date. PUBLIC HEARIAiG - FINAL PLAT - CARISON'S SUMMIT MAl`SOP,: The Czty blanager read the Notice oi Hearing. NIr. Evert Carlson� olaner� was pre- sent. Mr. Carlson explained to the Clty Council that there had Ueen restrictilve covenants on the area and they had been norlcing on same For o�%er zwo year�. No one �ppeared against the above 1lsted final plat. Motion b,y Sdolke to clase hear- ing and approvc- �s final plst. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vota, there �eing no nays� the motion carried unanimou�ly. BiJSLDING BOARD PdINU`�S� FEIiRUARY 13; 19e3� The City Manager expla_ned that Item ��i from the Buil�ing Board A4lnutes, regard- ing the Frostop Drive-In, �aas the oi71y item to be considered, He told the C�ty Council there had 6een a discusstion on che area and the ��u;a1 motion �aa, tl_zai: the Building Board ins�ruct che Council that the Board doee not have the author- ity to paee �udgment on th�s problem since i.he ob,7ection appe�rs +o be noti an o6,7ectior_ to the structure itself, but tihai the problem appears to be one oi' pub- llc welfare, and possible impairment oi the en�oyment� use, and value of ad,jacent 1_ 5 � properr,y. Mayor DTee reque�L-ed zhe trafFlc coui�t for the area and �aas �old that on o'3rd bettaeen Hi�hway and Service Drlve on a 2� hour count from a ud°dnesday to :�onday the counts were: j53� 625� 765� 'n53a and 428. On Pierce Street from a`I'hursday to Monday on a 24 hou-r ccunt the figures ��ere: 210� 250� 195� �nd 150. On Dellwood Drive betveen 63rd sncl Plissiseippi Street on a 2�d hour count from a Thursday to P4onday the fie re� lvere: 165, 180, �+90, amd 27�+. Pngineer Srown enplainecl tnat one was a police lnstrur�ent and the other was a count of every quarter hour. It was also explained that the 490 figure w�s out of order as a count and taas incorrecti, Councilman Jonan�on stateo that the act.ion of the Council at the previous meetin� � was to withdraw the permit and send ltem to Buildin� B�ard. Councilman Sheridan e.cplained the pei;ition oP appror,im�tely 80 people in are^ and the comments of the buyer. He stated it had been suggesL-ed that possibly 6?r� or a portiotl of said stree�,, should be made a one-way street. That is going throu�h a resl- dentzal area due to the number of automoUiles that are avoiding Mississlppi Street tir�Cfic signals. Councilman Sheridan suggested 'i.hat item be turned over to the Traifsc and Safety Department to obtain their ideas oi a one-�aay street because tl,e tiraific count showed that traffic in area wa� far in excese for a resic7eiltial area. The City Na�ager informed the City Council that the �r�ffic and SaFety Department would be mee�ing A4arch lst. Motion by Johaneon to authorize the Engineering Department and Street Department to place a s�op sign on servtice road onto 63rd Avenue. Secoisded b3� Sheridan. Counczlman Johanson stated the bullding perm�t had been aithdrawn and it wae h�s opn�ion lt should be left in that manner. Councilman Sheriden raised the ques- tion of the buildin� permit denti�l to City Attorney Kohlan and �a�s ansi�ered th2t the Supreme Courz had upset a ruliii� tihat the City of Minneapolis had made, which denled a permit where they �ac-re using the same grounds for denial oP the permlt and that be couldn't honestly say what che results u�ouln be, th�t the facts could change depending, on highia�y �nd other problems in ease, Councilman Wolke stated he felt the only th�ng the Council could do was to move and take action they thought necessary and �llow courts to determine what w�s to be done, Upon a volee vote, there being no nays, the motion carrzed unanimously. � PI�tiNIl�G COMMISSION MINUTES� FEBRUARY 14, 1g63: CON`PTNUED PUI3LIC HL'AR_iiVG: REZO�iING RE�UEST (%OA �6303) S. G. PFAfiSON & CO.� IPIC.: REZONE' FRCM P4-1 TO bi-2, PI�RCEL OF LF,ND A10RTH OF 77TH WAY N.F. BOITidDLD BY EAST AND -- - --- -- --- ----- - - — ------ --- ----- --- -- --- - ---- — WEST R W OF GREAT iVORTHERAi AAILROAD CdMPASdY� APPROXIMATLLY j.S'�_ACRES_ The City Manager explained tne Planning Commissior. has recommended the approval of this s•ezoning x•equesty that this was an industrial concern which would be built� and they didn't need the rezonZng� but telt with the t;�pe o2' work they did� it was better to have area zoned M-2. City Engineer Bro+m explained on questlon raised by Nla,yor IQee that this company w�s very at�ciou� to start construction� that the reason the,y wanted to rezone was for future needs� not present neefls. Pdo one appeared for or aga�net tihe above described rezoning request. The sale of the property, iti was explained, is contangei2t on land being rezoned. Motion by Jo- hunson to conctar with the recor�mendation of the Planning Commission� and approce this rezoning request and call for a public hzaring. Secondecl by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the rootion carried unanimously. PUBLIC i�ARING: PROPOSE�D PRELIMIP�ARY PLAT (P.s. �61-35) g� �p�s. �`62-33) SAKARIASON'S ADDITION: The City Dlanager read the rzotice oF hearin� on above proposed preliminary plat. , Ci�y L'ng�ncer Broo�n presented sketch and explained. blotaon by Wolke to concur ;aith che recommendatloi� oz the Planning Commission and accept above described as preliminary plat. 1�TO one appeared °or or againet the above describe3 rezoning request. Secoi2ded by Sheridan. Upon a voace vote} there being no nays, the mo- tion carried unanimousl��. PUBLIC I1�11RIPIG: PROPOSPD PRELIMITdP.RY PI�`T (P.S. 7�63-?2) DWELLIAiGSy ItiC.: TY?e City .�fana�er read the noL-ice of hearlr.g on above proposed preliminar,y p1at. C�ty Engieeei Bro��L7 explained this was next ta b4r. Tiller`s Lot� th�t Mr, and i�y Pdrs. G.S. Llllemoen were ob�ecting on this proposal prlm�rily b�c�{t,ee o� the street propased. NLr. Brown ii�dlcated i,he Planning Commission hGd felt they coulda't �et trie street cooperatively ar.d, Sor future cl�y needs, it ti,ould have to be prov_ded, AIr. and Mrs. Li1len�ocn �aere preeen:. ��.d ob,7ected because of street. P4otiou by Jo?7anson �o co�cur with the recommendatlon ot �ne Planning Comm�sslon� �ccept, sketch as presented, as � preliminar� i�lati. Sec�nded hy Sheridar.. Upon a voice vote� there being no .�a�e; t;he moLioii carried uaa,umously. � PIJBLIC E7�ARTNG� F.MENIJITQG OR➢LNANCL N0. 70 AIVD PROt7IDING NLW '�ONINC. C�SSIPZCATION zoA ;��30��-?�_2 r�iv�_zoA ;'�3o7-R���_----- --- -- --- - -- - - — - - ----- The Cit,y Man2ger read the notice oF �earing on above amendment of ox�dinance and explained in detail. fie stated ii Council tirished to nave this read then aeasing could be he1c1 oa P�Iarch �+th� that tihe Planninn ^om7ulss�on had roade no commen� at tiheir Teeting regarding the number of units ln dwellin�s, C�ty Attorney Kohlan stated hzs impression i�as that tnr�se d�rellin�,s �vould have rour or more u�its, Tne Ci�y I�fana�er stated that the R-j 3istrlcti now pzsrnitted oLher uses, and the P'_a*in�n� Co�missiori �a�n�,ed a zoning arac, that w� s �ust multiple d�aeLing and R-2_A would �e pu�ely double btm�alows. Di�tricts iaere then expl�ined ir detail. Motion by Johanson to concur tialth the recommendation oi the Plannli��, Commissio�, accept this as �he first read�ng oC the above describecl ordinance aa� eet date for hearing. Mayor IQee raised the quc-stlon ro Cit�✓ AtL-oruey iiol.l��i on Dietrzct 3-A� dld it c�rry ihc restrict�ons of R-3 or the rG�;sirtlon� oF R-2 City Attorney Ko'n13n s�ated D�strirt j-�1 carr�ed the restis�ct?on of R-3 because it was in th� rame category, A4ayor ?'dee then raised the question of perhaps it should be R-2B and carry reetrictions ol R-2. City Atton:ey ICohlan stated that R-3l: is gener2l multlple dwe�lii�g bu'� restricted to multip]e a��ellli�g unit� only and this would be �ctually excluding other uses. In R-3, it was expl�ined, this wa: true. Mayar• Nee explaiaed thaz he couldn't imagine thut R-3 wouid eve-r be used er,eept as a maximum �iultiple. City Attorney Kohlan suggested th�t i,l.e o-r- dinance could be ameaded. He hadn't �s yci ?uled completely on � type of one si;ory court area �attere units zaould all be p�rc o° a unit �n a comb�nation of Stive or six structures, This quest�on had been raised b}� Couac�lman Joharson. , The CitS� NSana�er stated the P]ann,ng Commisslori U»ehed an ansiaer to thie s.�•ne o,uestion by the 2uth of Pebruary. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice voze, there being no nays� the motion carried unenimoUSl�. Councilm�n Sheridan statied that restrictions �aould have to be set up ou the zo-i- �ng ord�nance and nothin� was set up °or areas, etc. ?Ie was answered by City F�ttorney ICohlan that thls merely set up cate�or�es, f� per.eral dlscussion �o].- lowed in which City Attorney Kohlran expLil�ed ln detail reetrict?ons for two famlly dti�elling units� hoi� the� �npl-�ed to disLrlets� etic. Councilmar_ �r?olke raised the question as to whether this t��a, al1 on a iequeet For rezoning ancl �aaG �old it was. The Citiy P�Iana�er announc�� the publlc hearing �aould be set for A'Iarch 4th. PROPOSED MULTIPLE DWFLLIPIG GROUP (HAY�S R7VER LOTS F,I�TD h]ISSI�SIPPI RIVLR) B'1�RETT ----- ------- -- -- — -- ------- --- --- --- -- -- - - — - — - - — — - APTD F�ANZ DLVELOPn^EPdT CO.: The Plannir_�; Commission had recommended the vacation of Charles SL-reet sub�ect tio relocation of storm sewer in i2eu� streec and provis�oa for �;ew street along north edge of i;his proper�;y; cot�currei�ce b�� School Dis trtct �71f oP �otal 50 ` indth etreet A�G? along east edge of pronerty. The City Manager suggested the C�t� Council would noti be in a position to make �ny concurx•ence �itYi tihe Planning Com- missiorl at thi s time uutil all m�a �ters in t371� proposecl rnuli;lple d�aell� ng grou� han beez resolved. Councilman Johanso� rnised the questiw� or who was goiag to bear the cost of the relocation oi' the storm set�er and Clty Manager replied zhls � an3 othcr mstters would have to "�e worked out. Mayor PTee re�ue�ted an explan=�- tion of �rea, Ci�y E-ig�neer Bro�an erplained the locations on map and related to the City Council the thlnliing o� the Planning Commission regarding streete, re- locatiions� etc. fIe stated there tuas a problera of access to zhe i�land, streets, park committees and school ideas that have to be seL-tled, b4oL-io❑ by Johanson tio recezve the above report and recommendations from tYie Planning Commission. Seco-�ded by t�Ioll�e. Upon a volce vote� �here being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl�. WACHTLER OSL COMPE�NYa �T AL = STREET ACCESS PROBLEM; The Clty P4anager gave the City Councll a full ehplan�tiion oi the abo'vc streeti ��� access problcni. He also related thie was the proper�y iahere the City-Couneil had rene�aed nermit wh�ch iaould exp�re A4arch 31st uf i,hls year and t�hich would be up tor renewal. The Planning Commission h�d recommended a 30 foot publ3c 3edication and �mp-roved service ro�d from 73rd Avenue N.E, and Osborne Road alon� the east side of East River Road, a 20 foot suriaced private drive-way to Osboxne Road ad- jacenL- to the Ralli�oad R�W and e:�tending along the rear oi commercial zoned pro- nerty and construction of required storm sewer pipe at oi�rner's expense. Mayor 1See raised the question of road and i�;s need by the railroad tracks. City En- gzneer Brown =tated t�ls would be a private drive to relieve the trafile problem. Mr. V.M. Nagel of the Planning Commiss�on reqixe.ted �he floor and statEd that a � restaurant is plarmed for chat particular corner in the future and ai7other fill- ing �tation North of existing station is also planned. There .�ould have been tratilc to feed back �nto Paet R�ver Road and it was the opinion of the Commission that zf a pr�vate drive viere const,ructed, trafflc could be ied back to Osborne Road and create less of a �;raf'i'lc hazard. The rezoning for the other property had been deferred because 1;he people aeking for it� P�Sr. Nagel said, haci not �ppeared at tihe Planning Commis�ion meeting. Upon auestioning by Ma,yor Plee with regard to tne burdenin� of present owners with a road, Mr, ila�el explained City should� in any event, have at least a �ervice road in the Front. The City Manager stated that t,7acnzler Oil Company had said they v�ould make any changes necess�ry. Maynr P7ee stated he would l�ke to have matter retur��ed to the Plannlxig Commisslon, Council- man Johansoti euggested receiving report from Planning Commission ar.c3 holdin� in abeyance. The Clty NSanager explained the County had agreed to do the rignt amount of blacktopping. City En�ineer Brown explained area� drivetray, etc., znd owner being granted permit fo�° a?illing station on the North lot. He sald a service road along Cas-� River Road is to be attemp�ed and zf this area ls completely re- zoned, the rear drzveway would go all the way along the commerclal zoning. Tt would sL-ill bc advisable, he stated� tc have a eervlce road up to Oeborne Road. tifayor Dee etated this was �11 extraneous to giving tdachtler Oil Co. a llcense. Motion by Johanson to xeceive the recommendations from the Plannang Commisclon oa strecL access problem of 6dachtler Oil Company. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the mption carrled unanimously. PROPOSEID IIlTTLR�_EPTOR SL[�R LI��TE OF rJ,S.S.S.D. IN FRIDI�EY. The Ci�.y Mananer stated the Plantiing Commission had recommended the City request alternate cost of relocating the above outside Lhe park area compared with co�t of tignt �heeting through the park. Cout�c�Iman Johanson stated the City Council should �3ke a more Gtern st�nd, �hey should recommend they don't want the N.S,6.S,D. run through the park regardless of where tihey would locate it� �nd could eee no reason for obi,alning figures. Councilman Flolke raisec� the question o£ what was better, a par�R th3t is a picnic ground or somethin� that iaould benefit �11 the people, L-h�t, eezaage was needed. He stated the Planning Commission must have had rcasons ior wishing theee f'iguree. Motlon by Wolke to concur with the request oF the Planning Commission and obtain alternate costs oi' relocation outslde of park compared with cost� of tlght sheeting through the parl�. Motion died for lack of a eecond. PROPOS�D Ab4SN➢MENT LAT SECTION 5.8 OF ORDIPiANCE �70: The Clty Nfanager read the proposed a�endment to ordinance and Rxplained exclusions under IJ-1 r�zoning and M-2 rezoning. He informed the City Council if they con- curred in the idea, a public hearing could be held. Councilman Wolke raised the question to City Attorney Kohl�n on whether railro�d yards and rourdhouse could be eliminated from N-2. He uas L-old they could. Motion by Wo1ke to concur with the recommendat�on of the Plam7ing Commission that the exclusloi� found in 5.759 be lncluded zn Section 5.8 of Ordinance �70 and hold a public hearing on same. Seconder] by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrzed unanimously. PARK AC�UISI^1IQAT RECOM�NDATION: �iSP OGII�D ISLPPID: The City Manager stated that the Planning Commissio❑ had recommet?ded purchase oi the above deecribed property ai, the lo�aest possi�le ftgure. It was further ex- plained these f:�gures are not for publication but the land had been �ppraised. Mo- tion by Johan�on to authorize negotiai.ions with PTorthern 8tates Poc�er Company for th� purchase of the above described 3sland. Seconded by Sheridan. i7pon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrled unanimously. � � � � � � 61_ IAiQUIRY = LOT SPLIT (L. S. �6302) F. FOSLIEN: The City Manager explained the above descrlbed lot split. Notion 'oy Johanson to concur wath the recommennation of the Planning Commiss�_on to continue road plan of 66th Street. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a vo�ce vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimousl}�. COA'1M[JPIICATIONS : U1�STLRN LIFE: F[OSPITALI7ATIOTd IPdSUfiANCL^'_ The City P7anager explained to the Clty Council that em�loyees 1�ad all voted for the items that Council had previously agreed to. He state3 the City Council could auihorize the City Clerk to proceed to add these coverages to the preGent ho^pital- �zation coverage, that he had wanted confirmatior� rrom k'estern L�ie on this matter. Motior, by Sherldan to approve the higher benefits for the city employees. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl�r, AHLSTP,OM� i^JAIVER Or ENGINEERING FgCROLI. St was explained to the City Council this ls the f'orm whlch is standard that is given to the sU6divider and these cltizens are requesting that this be z,a�ved at this ti�ne� that Lhey need t� have the plat recorded, City Lngineer rrown, said and hearings had been held on future er,reets but these lots �aoulcl not be soid ofi at this time. He further explained that the Ahlstroms �re sigriing a petition For the approval of streets but becauee of personal ha-rdsnip are asking for a walve�°. Es- crow money was explained in deta�l to Council. Mayor Nee stated that ii tihe Coun- cil could relieve the burden of the Ahlstroms� this should be done. Moticn by Jo- hansan i,o gra�t the waiver of eizgineerzng escrow mouies to Ahlstrome. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voiae vote� there being no nays, the motion carried una_;imously. CONSIDFRATIOPd OF PROVIBIONS OF ORDNAN�F y�205_AAID AT�OPTION OF Re^,SOLliTiODi n20-1963_ The City Maaager stated that on February 5th oF 1962 the above ordiaance had Ueen given its second reading and published on the 15th of Pebruary� 1962, Mr, Ilauson, owner of the property� had been advised of tihe fact tihati this would be bro�ght �;o the �ttention of the Council and the year referred to in orclinance laoulc end the 2r.d of March. Mr. Aaeson wae present and stated it still was his iatention to bui].d but explained tha1, the owner o� Lhe building ad,7acent had given hlm an op- portunity to purchase his building. He further explained Chat a11 the financ_ng had been pnt into said buildi�g but would llke to keep the rezoiiing because he sti11 Zntend�d L-o build as soon as he was finanq�ally able to do so. Mayor Nee suggested to Mr. Hanson tihat the land be a11o��ed'Oxevert and he could reapply and be falrly we11 assured that it would be rezoned again. Ci�y Attoraey sLi�geszed that a resolutlon be passed to extend zhc tlme period. Nlotion by G7ollce to aui;hor- ize the passing of and ,�dopt resolutlon �2G-19e3 to exr,erd �'or one year seid or- dinr,nce unde7• the sane provisions. Seconded b� Jahanson Upon a voice vote, triere being no naye, the motilon carried ananimously. VISITOR;: Mr:. Hedman of 60-70th Lday N. F., Pridley wae l�resert to reglster a conplaint wzth re�srd to aater problem. She stated the City Niana�e,° had requested tkiat she ite�nize llnens, etc. to plece an insurance clalm but rouldn'i, poss�bly include everV�hing because all of her llnens, etc. n�d been ruined, Mrs. iiedman stated chey had a fam- �ly of five children and tit was impossible to even drinL the water, -ahicn had to Ue brought irom tne nei�hbors. A�ample ,7ar oi the *,aater was produced to give the Cit;, Councll some ldea oz her problem. I� was also stated that they h�d installer7 a water softiener �nd �iater was „till rusty. City Conncil requ�sted th�t Mrs. Hedman attempt to make a list oi clothing ru�ned anci li' matter couldn't, be taken care of in a short perlod oi time, a claim could then be ,7ust2f�ed, P4rs. Granger of 3971 Vau Buren Street N.�., oH�ner of a replat of Meloland Gardens was present with an alterrate proposal on her 1aud, pqr, & p�rs. Ar'_Llove Juhnson ot 597.1 Central Avenue N,L.� were pre;_erlt, A�eneral disct�vs�on vas held on ❑hether house in area should be moved, cost oi' movin� hoL�Ge �nd i�s value. Clty Pngieeer Brotm stated L-hat when he had last mez with Mrs. Gran�er it had �eee his int�rpx•e- tation that Mrs. Granger *aould h2ve i:o remove the house to sell the lots bu'i, Fhaz ��z t'ne last tiime he had tz]_'red with _f�ir�. Grai.Qer she ha� sald the house would be left uatil shc= k»e ready to move it. He informed the City Cour.cii the plat could be flnal�zed Ur. the present time. P4rs. Granger wished Council confirmatio7 of whe=,ner she would have to move this house. There ��as no action taken on the above described problem. PETITIONS: �otlon by Johanson to recelve petition from Precision Sheet Metal Company and scnd through proper channels. �econded 'o,y Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no � nays� the motion carried uaanirnously. CL4IP9S : Motion by 47olke Lo app�rove payment of General Cla�ms �9108 through #3197. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a vo�ce vote, chere being r_�o nays� the motioti carried unanlmously. N?otion by Sheridan 1,o approve payment of L�q_uor Claims �5029 through �50E5. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there bezng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Brooli to approve paymenti oi Public Utilities Claims f�23�g through �;'2381. Seconded by Gloll<e. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unarimously. FSTTMA`PES' ESTINSA'IT OP NOWAR➢, PETERSOiV, LEF`EVEH� LEFLER APTD HP.MILTON, AlTORNliYS_ All legal services in connection witih the foloowing: �yl �i990,000 Improvemeut BondG oe 1963 �2 .5�150,000 Park Bond� or 1963 ,'r3 �295,000 Improvemer.L Bonds of 1962� F'lrst Series ¥j4 $150,000 Park BondG of 1962 Total . . . . � 675.00 250.00 1F00 . 00 250.00 �1575.00 The Cii:y Mana�er ex.plained to Council these are bond attorneys for the City of k'r�dley. City /lttorney I�ohlan etated the above h3d not been paid prevlously be- cause of an oversight and he had felt the estimate should be held up until the bonds had come through. Notlon by Johanson i,o approve payment of the above listed Tmprovemeiii, and Park Bonds ln the amounL or �1�575.00. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon � vo;ce vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. �STIMATES (MONTHLY) FOR COMSTOCY AND DAVIS� INC.y POR PARTI.�1L PAYD�NT OF RESIDENT -- -- - - -- — -- - ------- — — ---- - - ----- -- - — IIdSP�CTIOn �PTD RESIDENT SUPERVISI0IS: � Fscimatie �5 - Storm and San�_tary Seiaer Improvement Pro�ect �5�i Estlmate �j7 - Sanitary Sewer and t��ater Improvement Project r55 Estimate �3 - Water Improvement 7'ro,7ect ��7'--34J Schedule �2 �ctim�te #9 - idater Improvement Pro,7ecti i�3�J Schedulc �l Estimate #{3 - Watier Improvementi Pro,7ect �{34L $ 47-25 � 136•75 $ 2o.a5 � 436.50 s� 1g3.5o Estimate ;�!j - Water 7mpro�%er�ent Froject �jj�+It � 19�+.50 Total . . . . . . . . $1028.75 The City Manager explained the above estimates and their ]ocations. Motion by Wo1ke to approve payment of above estimates in the amount oi' �1,028.75, to Com- stock and Davis� Inc. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� tihe motioi� carrled unanimou�ly. � 1 E6TII�fATES (MISCELLAnTLOUS): �s �imate #6 - Gi-3�+-J� Schedule (Equipmenl;) D.ld. Hicke,y & Company, Inc. (Partial) Estlmate �10 - W-3�i-J, Schedule 1 {Structure) Perr,y A. Swensor. Comgany. (Partial) �stimate �E1 - ti^1-34-L {Equipment=dell �3) D.W. Hlckey & Company� Inc, (Partial� � f� � � Estimate �3 - ut. 1962-2A (All Special Aseessment Surfacing and asphalt curb pro�ects for 1962 construction) Dui,kle}� Surfacin� Company. (Partial) � Escimatie j�3 - sT. 1962-28 (All Special Assessment 5urfacing and concrete curb pro�ects for 1962 construction� Dunkley Surfacing Company. (P�rtial) Lstlmate 7�1 - SC 62-�F (TelevlsZng Sewer) American Pipe Cleaning Company, (Partia]) Estimate �3 - ST. ]961-2 (A11 Special Assessment eurfacing and curb pro,7ects for 19'0l coustix�uctlou) (Final Estima�e) Barton Contrac�ing Compan,y) � 4,855.50 � 2,360,65 :�18,002,7� � 726-30 � 3,270•37 � 1,747.25 � 2,207.70 Tot�l . . . . �33,564.47 ^ihe City Pdanager explained tne above llsted e�tlmares to the C�iy Counc�l �nd stated that City Ergtneer Broian suggested the �2�207.70 to the Barton Contr�cting Ccmpan}� be approved sub�ect �o prep�ration of an agreement and execution by the Barton Con- tracting Company, Counc�lman rr7olke requested an expLanation ot the agreement. City ?lttorne�� Kohlan stated the Barton Co�tracting Company wanted to bc relieved of the withholdin�; balanec- of the conl;ract se that they could do sor�e other ��orl;. The Com- pai�y is willing t,o leave an escrow c�lth the CiL�i i'or any reasonable repair work, ctc., and Mr, Kohlan stated there �a�s no practical reason i�hy �!zey should noti U� relieved, They will still have � me�ni,enance bond and wi11 pre=ent a certiPied cl�eck if the �2�207.70 is released. City Engineer Brown stated there is no �uaranty a11 the t�ork �his company had dorie o�ill stand up, but t,hes� are a reliable firm and he telt a-rea- sonable amount of �one,y should be held up, that be��ig i;he amoun'i. oi money Cox� the c�ork that had iailed - about ene-third of the �acrk, Motior_ by Ldollre to approve paymen�; oi' above listed eet�m�tes �n the amounts oF S1i,855• 50� �2,860.65, �18�002.70a �i726.30� �3�2?0.37� and �1�741.25. Seco�ded by Sheridan. Upoe a volce vote� r,here beieg no na�,�s, thE motion carsied unaa�raously, NioL-ion by LJOlke that the City of Prldtey make payment of °inal balance due Barton Con- trec�ing Compa,�y with the provislon th�t said comp2ny deposit the sum oi �,2�000 w�th i,he City as paymeni. or wecurity for the repair nt ��v wox�L= rhat has showi� some defect and �hat the Barton Contrzct�ng Company also give the the City oi Fridley z�s mainten- ance Bond as prov�ded under the contract. Seconded by Brook, Upo❑ a voice v�L-e, tihere bein� �o na5�;, tihe motion carried uaanimou�]_y. LIC�NS�S: Motion by Wolke tio 8Oj]Y'OVP a11 contract�ng licen.ee listed belo�a• GAS SLRVICPS � �iurn�ece's Inc. 4432 Chic�go Avenue Minneapc�l�. 7, Minecsota Lv: Stuart L, Burniece New GENL^RAL COPTTRACI^OR Pemtom, Inc. Savage� i�innesota Ii�A'I'TNG Bur�;iece's Iuc. 4�+32 Cricago AVenue A4inneapolls 7r Mlnnesotia 'oy: Donald �. Biandvold NeU� b�� Sbuart L. Burniece �lew ��� PLUMSIPdG IIenry E. Welburg 1620 Gettysbur� Avenue North Minneapolis 27, Min�esota by• Henry E'. Tdalburg TdeF� Heights Plumbing Coz7pany �+21rri Central Avenue N.E. Nri?ineapolza, Miunesota by: .!1berL P. Althaus Tvew Seconded by Sheridan. Unon a voice voL-e� there being uo naye� the motion carried ui2animouely. DTHER LICisPISES Motion by tiiolYe to approve i,he following licenses: CIGAPF TTC r ICEPISF : Ted Delkel dba: Kzng Vending Services 2i212 Vi�ginia C�rcle TJOrth 6308 Lakelznd 1lTOrth P9�nneaPol�e, Minnesota Minneapolis� Mlnneeota {To be installed at 6500 East River Road - Mob�le Statlon) SEBVICF STATTON LICENSE: Prnest A. rlock g764 - 97th Lane PLi^1. Cooa hap�de� P�4lnnesota Secunded by Sheridan unanlmously. dba: Ernie's Standard Service 3100 Past River Road Fridley 32� NYinnesota Upon a voice vo�e, there k�eing no nays� the motion carried RF�SOLUTIOIH �21-1903 AUTHORI?ING ADTD DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF CERTAIIVT SPECSAL ASSE6SMENTS: — — -- — — -- — -- -- -- --- - - - -- -- City Clerk Brunsell explained i.o the City Councll the above described split of �ssessr�ents and stated it was actually the manner the plet was recorded, Motion by Johaneoii to adopt Resolution #21-1963 authorizing and d�recting the splitting of certain Special Aesessnents. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being nc nays, L-he motion c�rried unanimously. �SOL[7'I'lOPf �22-1963 ^10 1V.S.S.�.D, - R�: I1��TCRCEPTOR NEAR RICE CBEEK: mhe City Manage�° explazned to the C1L-y Council the Parks Sub-Committee and the Pl�nnivg Commission ags•ee tio the opposition to any construction through the Locke Property and reauested that the Counc�l pass a resolution indicating such opposi- tion to the N.S.S.S.D. Ee stated the Coune�l had requested this be placed on the Agenda and thc drawing oC a resolution �lus a letter from the Park Consultant, Motion by Johanson to edopt Resolutlon „�22-1963 with reg�rd ta the 2d.S.S.S.D. Se- conded by BrooY. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays� the motaon carried unan- lrr�ously, RESOLU'I'IOA? #23-1963 AUPIIOHIZlidG BIDS FOR THRFE TRUCKS: � � The City A4an�ger stated the Council could purchase these three trucks at7d etay althln the budget. M4yor TTee stated �t was up to the direction of �he rlty Council iF they o�ished to approve this ltem but trusted they ��ou1d. Motzon by Johanson to adopt ' Resolutior ��23-1963 authorizing bids ior three trucks and to authorize transfer of funds irom i+Iater Utility to Pub_lic Wor1;G Capital outlay. Seconded tay Brook. IIpon � voice vote, there bein� no nzys, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATIOAT OI' RPSOLUTIOl`T fr2l�-1963 - RE• ROUSE FILE 7�`1c�5� Mayor PIee stated ]�e had request,ed this item be pl�ced before the Council �or their consideration. �Ie explan�ed the bill beiore the Ninnesota House of Represental,ives � �a � � z k 1 ,��' cloe5 ❑oz �ugges� L-har, 5 n�i11e wi11 '�e char��d bi�t ne ��ra: �n ['avor of �t� L�i�p amended so the�� noulc, �1so be ab,le to spend som� monev on cap� to1 in�m°oae,i�er�ts ln zhe area tha t Bhc moaey oi°iginat.d from. Mozion �:� dohar_son to ado��� RF=olu— cion �j24-1�63 v�_th �°Pg�,rd to Free Cou�tj� i �bra-°ieF. Seconded b, She-�dcn. Upoc a vo�ce vote, there beiiig no nay�, zhe �ot�on catr-ieQ unael�uously. CON9T�E'�ATIODI OF RPSOLU^LOId �¢25-.1963 - RE: SLINA'l9� r ILL fC1� i4ayor biae eLatied that Tte�u �f2 oi Rcsoluli�n e.�ot�ll b� de]etecl �� tir�tis �aoul�l permit � t17s expans�oa oF llq�,or �u��ds and it m2ghi, h� usr-ful to Pr�dley. L'he Ci �p i�la�:as�-r �tatcd iF Ztem ;r2 T�cre deleted� then thz �Ith 6P��ere�s in re�ol.�tio_� ��iovld also bF deleted. MoL�on by S'herldan �o acic'�t Pesol��Lion �"5-1�63 .�z�n reFard tio 1�Iun,��p�1 Llquor Sr,oi°e proPiis icr consi,ruct,�on, opera�ion, iepa�r, a2d maintFna� re o"' ��uh]�c biiildings as �m�ndefl. Seconded'oy Broo1_. D��on a t�o�ce vo�P, there be1n�, no ,��ys, the xnoztioo cas2ied unan�rdousl��. t�-�SOT�II'�'IOPi ��26-1963 �LAPIIVG 70 T�?�GIST��'SOSd FOR NiU1J�C7Pl�L i�I�JUOP, STOR�S The C�ty Nianage; read �bove resolnC�oti� ancl c,�t�l�lncd, 1���ot�on b5� Ylollce to ado��t Resola�io�2 ��2E-1�63 relaL�i7g tio l_eg�slation i'or mun�c�p�1 liquor store°. `_;ecoaded hy Shertidan. CZ�Ly At�;ori�e�� Kol11�n �tated theie c�as �cme ±nerti� in Tn� abpve 3ee— cilbed b,ll bui; �;]ie Councll shou'd-i `t �tur�n ro cc�aclus�oi2s as the�� are cerr�i��;; 'oo�.d=_ o�a liquc�r s�o�°e� �ad L-hcy m1gLt be res'crzcT�d I o an ofF eale op°rati� or The� e a� c provi3ioi2�� he �ald; �n the bonde t,hieh sa� ��ou uould continoe your lic�uor oper— �tioa. P4ayor ni�e sta�ed �k�i, ��ea pro�al�l,� �irst s�,ep ,n �om��,ninF, �hat �iou1�'� 7�iobabl� talce Ce=1 ;ear�s. A general c�tiscuseien wzs �^c1d on ti�hether tre bond�s eouln he pald o1�i if p��ouerr� �7ere eold a�tid i�' � vo-e ot th° ?�eople U�oulc� be ��e�e°saiy. Tl�e Citi�r L1an� 6er st�ted the re�olution mezel,� asl s �he L�,q� �1a Lt�ze to pro•r� de n7 som� _nanner T�1�et�ei �ti is reaszble cr ,�o'c. Upon a vo�ec vo�e, �here �,ei�1� ��o nave, the mo�ioi� carri�c� u*�an�mouslp. VESOLUTIOIV RE�Cz�LP,DI]�TG PI7BLTC EN�LOi'rES P,PTIR1sNF,TI'S 2SSOCIATi0P1 � The CiCy �laoa2c-r ez.n7�inecl to the City Counc�l tlne oiaa a reeol��tion zo re lnt�odaecd to '�l�e S'c��e T_agisl�ture ia1t1� re��rd to retizenien� be,��i� L� ior emplo}�ees. '21oom- ingLon, Coon 12a��d�� and other commvnit!e� h�cl ���seed s��cL �� resoll�Lion a�zd he iad a p�zi'tlon o� the enrplo;�ee�s oi the CiY,�> oS" Friala-� ,� t�le ret;ord. P��aeial c�is- eussa.oi Eollo�aed ii2 ialtiicL C1ti5� C1�xk 3run�ell. e,tpla-ned �rra1, had been done �n otl�cr communitie�, iina��cla.L �spnrts �avo�ued, '_'ER'� preecnF 1i�ibili�ie�, �ts ine�Pr��� ��ith P.S.l., cc»tmibu�ion 1��7 emalo�•ees. Tti t�»r ST,ai,cci tlte c�r�loyce: oi°e payia� ��°o %�ncl �ch� i,Zt�� � s paj�2ng c� 7_�2�� b�it tlle defic� L i� ��0 12r�,2 :Y��r, iti is not 12en c r_�i ���a upon. �Phe C� Cy Nianager c-x�lain�d that a_f 6Ye ]aT� ie ci^�ngad, tFe ��a��loti�ees votl l o�ant zc� ha-se a.�,�+ one �ta� or tihe othei. 1L �aas esplained th�r reacher= nave �ot�,d t�a co�bine n1�,h eoc�.s1 securitv ai�d �Ll�ic �,��� .�°iar �re e�aployees 4�a �Srd� �h=1, Lre C,ty ancl �Ll�e �� ��p7 �, �=e ��oulci pa ;� no �r,m^e thyn the y are pa„rn� pr��s�-,°il�, . C� t} At t ozne ;� ':o'hlan =tated �he -�EBA program T�e.s or��lna17 � Se��gnPd sor per� �nPnz c�v�l �arrice ern�loyees� etic. � porsoa tirho ��orl�s �o� the Cit-� _or a shoic ,�n�e =e�Le no seal rone- i�zs *a1-�atso��ei. Tltiz �ti�1+eti peol�le have 1.es° li=_eliboc�d of Fe�ti���, hcncfi�,c ano zhelr -am�l.�cs cler! ve tloti7yi�� ati 211. Council�-�,�� 'io11 P=ta�ed he FcJt iLF.� �iere asl �ng Por a double b��1ei'iL, L'r+aL the erap�oyees ��cre °��Fplemen�,,i,� eocial °ecuiiL- -�itl� PE'12C1 2�d a]�ey arc- t,eLn� �uio sys�eme� an�l -ivl in� Fu��.�nteed �er,iren�e�t, lr, tia� st�ted by Citiy P4ana�e�� c1��t the pr_�nc�pal ��iF,�Lion i' '�,h.�; soc�al scrtiir2�}� Y_a- n��tv�vor beneFir,�, Pda=ror 1Ve� iaisad '�17� yn<.�1ion zo Ci�r, MannSer o� tr�c �1c��iE�� and neecl ior a reporc, Cnuncilrran Johanson 2Pque�te� rL�t �h� C� �, ��ana.�c� �ri a s�o�°t nc��e oP e.,plan�t�c�n so chat Couneil eonl;� �Ludy nn� p�s� on rhis zzem l�zer. � RLSOLUTIOiS R17GSil;DIrJ(;' C�i�TSUS tUayor Dfee siaLe�' i�e �,�Fher1 �he Cit�� Coti�nc�1 �o con�tivar , re�ulti�ciot� i���:��_ar�, _ �.�-, censu�. SLa e�.pl��?tied Bhat; Coan PapZds had ���i11 � ri �,�uc� � lo iiati� a nr � c��reus taLen. 'Tz a?'�a�rs" 1tie s`caLed, � LhaL i{' v� corll li �'� a aF�, aei�-;.� �r -aou1�7 �_o--.. �bout, �,5;000 and iaould ��odtilce aboti�l. �10,000 „ lice�tic . ��c. an<< <ouar, �p?„OOC c ye�;r in o2c1 j,��_ee.' T1e �tated tie C� Lp 1`�i�>>� �rr �'elt �hcie ��ou1�L �� =o��ie qu� �� �on i�_ :,h1s :eFatd 2ne infb��ned tiYze Cot�ncil zhc lae� cei,sn� i.a� ti.�l<e�� i�i ���5°. I.. ��os ?�.- ��-iaineu' thatt residci°ts nu��be2 approv2ma�i,ely �2,000� ?��il,h clo:P 50 �F;00� hoinAs and a��pco�:�n�atcly 1,OGG apartmenti ti�nits. lt ra� ^oti�,o rhe T�, ri-,,�c�te�°u BNll T�-ol�hon� Comp�ny Fel'� z,he lig�i�•e oi 22�000 wa� cc�rrec.. Ci �,p I', �Lorocti L'o�7an .r�teG �a lm�� ae tl�ex2 ���s Eo�a� qoe�t�o�� about; iL�s being p��so1 tlt.ou�l� thr T,�-ivlal.urE� t�mn 1 �� f� po�siLJy �ti ='�oti�]� Y�e �ct�d oi� �hrou�hou+ �ll of �Snol�a �ovnti,y. Co�ncll,�an [7o17,e cL��e�l 1�e ielr Fri31c;� ��ovld bcnei�t �i i� s��ent Covnty xride_ '+?ayor P�ee �'eque�teQ that C'zty Mana�Er obtain morc inior7a��on in ell respects to cei��us, al�o eu�;UOrt of �he C;ountti• B��rcl. t�;gOLU`PIOIv -E27-19E,3 DIPL.CTIS�� i�SSUAl`iCL; OF' ']�LiPOh�SRv BONDS - NIoLioii L�, �ol�sn��o� to �do�t ]tasolutian ��2'7-l�j��3 aoz]�o-_rizn�g oi�d di-'eci-1,z� zl�e isstiance o� Temporar,� Eonds 53��5j Seco�dEd b�� �dolJre. U�on a voice votie, there be1n,, no 7='�; � I,re raot�on ca?r2ed unanin�ou�ly. ���os�umroP� ,�2P-1�63 �rrzrcml,ic�, sn� nTi� YuRCl�gs�, o� T�t�rnot�r�� r�crms - ssy�53� Motic�z� b;� �lo1k� bo ��tiopz Resolut�a� i�2(3-1963, dlrec�,li�g the sale end pw chase oP Temporaiy Bo^d< 6�S,i53• ��ec�onded by ;;her-dan. Upon a vo_ce uotie, thEre beln� nc nay.�, ti�e mo�.ion c2rricd unan�r,�ously. CFI111VGe� ORD�R ,�4 (i�`-31F-J, SCI�UULE 1): & CTL4iJCxL� ORDEP, irt2(Fi-3Z�-�T. $CHEDTTLL�' �,'=21' , Nia,or 1�iee �1,aLEd it �,�as l�is nnderstandin�; �:hat ti�1th rEg�rd zo these proj�c��s, it m��'�L �esolve z�2 a�,atver o� ��oseible dacoa�es. Counc�l_man Sherldan �a�d he i'�lt tlie in::urance cc�rparzy mi�h�L rei�ise the City on damage claims and as Counc�l felt the clai�s ere �uet��tied, tl�cy ��ould liav� to p�v L-]tem. Pootion l�y Jo�nson tiaL the abo-ve descr�b�d C1�an�e Orde-r: be denled. Seconded by St,erlclan. Uppn a vo2ce vote, thoee Z�ol�n�; a��e� Brooi�� Jol�ansoa, A1ee ar,cl °herzdan. F�lbstal��ing� Tn�ol'c�. llotion c�rrted. Counc�l�oan �'o1l>e �tatEd he w2� zbsta �n�ng b�cause he did no� vnder- stzl;d i,he prohlem. �olmcilr�an �51� �ridan eYplained the coniractinQ com�a�ly mu�t hzve 1-i�o'�r� tre,y� a�erPn'L gozn� to coinp�ete rhe ,�ob anc� should L^ave not?fied r,he City- Counc�l at +h�t time. P�iayor I�1ee ea�d zhle could alvias�s be rene�ot�ated. N��, Co�r°toek of Comszocl_ anci 7��vi�� Ine., eon.suZci�7g engineer,_og 1ri�n etazed i.hese Chan�,e Orde� s wPre ,subi^�iti;ed to che Cotin�cil upo�� the reauest oF the col�trac�or ����� �,cre ziPr° e°�L�nitted ln tY�e i'orir, of the pas�r� ��ho w2she� �he Cha��e Orrler. � 7e statc� It did not nec�esartily mean th�t t7�e cot�sulting eng�i�!eer egreed. He eng��e�;�ed LLa� iP the Council tii�re concerned €,bout the eiisting 1.�abili�y and ineurance elaims, th.t so;ie propos�l bc� �ac1e on � Change Order �o see i�" tihe eon- cr�etox i�ouL1 �'reeute th� Chan�e Order. Ee aleo staLec� there ti���s sone au�stlon �i� �.is ia�nd r�'ootiit 'che actual pos2tion oi tihe coi�txacLor. Conncilrnan Wo1Ye razaed th�� question ',o Mr. Coms�ock rP�z�lc��n� the time a.tens�on anc7 dsd Mr. Com�i,ock :h�nL- thab insu-°�nce 1,aoilitle� voulo also be ertiended and Mr. Coc�stocl� titated zli��� ���ou1cL The City �an�ger stii�ges',.ed zhe Ci�y Council svbrnlz a CLange �Jrdar zo contrector in �al,ich term� �aould bc spellee out. btayor NFe ael�ed �i +,hey were su„gcatin� tiha� Covncil relinquish any righta becauee tbe conzract ���en'c ovee� the;_r eom�lel;tioi� clat,ee. Clty Attcrney KoY�1an s�ared Ca�znei� shoulc� communicae� ��i1,72 eac� con�ractor td-at t:�ey ha�ic rer_eiv�d ehe reque�L- ior zhc CY��t��e 0!c�e-r aad thP Cow2cil �s not inclieied, at this tl�»e, zo �raat svch re- q:iesl, tl�at it diieci,� ��,cn oi tLe conzrzr,tors involved to eFfeet the completio�i i�7 t',hE in�med �a t� Putuse and notiFy them tha t the City tia �11. ]_oda to their f'or re- c�ver-,• oP an�� of its ]oes�s by the �ac� traL �hey l.ave Pei]ed to complete t7?e tvor7< �ccnrdinF zo Lre orz�,�na1 Fchedule. fie P��i�cber stai,ec� th�t Lhe coatractor� *auul.d la��c no Guesr,lon in zhe-ir mii2ds �Lati the Coonctl Zs iralvlri� ang� r��1,ti� zn- c]uc7in�r cl�i!n- n[' cover��-e by ineuxance a.?d sua�estcd thaL these lettier° snould also L� s�.�t to t1�e bond2n2 co�npanies. The Czz;� D'Ian�Qer s�a�ed he �aoulc' cr-raca a lc,rrci cccor�l�nr zo CiLV Attorne,}' K_o�71a�',s �nscrt�c��?ons. CI3.1b�G1,� ORL��R �� (ST. 19c2-3) � CIi" I'a7einFer Fro��ri explaincd to the City Councll �h�s vae a.!'! �rror a�d should h�•re b°er_ nn pl���� aad �pac�Pication�. P@o:,ion b5� Soilsnson in auLl�orize Lhe ��hov� de�c� �bed Cha.n� P Ord�r. fi°eor_ded by BrooL. Upo?^ � volcc �roce� there he�n� no ��a��us tnc �ncion ce�_�ied iinarilmousl•�. ?� P PO 7'_VTI ll i�IT P7�tzon l� p"lier� da,2 �o a�prov� tre FoLo,a� ng appoint»enti' M�i� T,ou �nlcl�r Pari,-ti��e 210f 1ii�Y�7�nd �lace 'slaitreeo N,irinPapolis 21� Li�n°s��-a ,Stoie ry`1. ;a1ax�1 51.50 �zr honr � 167 Sc�cc�nde�l hy Brool�. U��oa a voice vore, therc le�❑ �o nn�s, -�.,.E no-ion r,�_��ie�7 L722,711�1G1:LS�_ �>. CTI�Lr' BU;_Lnrg;;' Th� Ctity 1vi����_E� �r-��_latned the need to �h,� "��� Connci2 tor rnF Ln�c]a�ir ��� ,., No�t7i ��a.Ll of che SiLj, 1�-�a11 �c� etat�r� 7ie r,•,,-� 9 l�lcc =�>>rh�_�_-, ir-� -�o piacee � �it� P,re? in� o�"� s�� 1,�a71. P/oti���� by> �7 oliai�,on '_0 3„-'� o,� � �P -rc � i�a-� ei �' �o? �� -F i- ing oe �1�e Ploi��, nall �t, tihP C�l,�, Fia11_ S-ca,l�r{ 1- >'-r�,�r��n Tl�,on � votc� �,c'��, � chere be �n� no ue y e� the rnotiion carri�d �_iiia,�, ��„�1 . - P4�yo_^ -Ve� steLed l,ha'� cher^ =hovlc7 be rev-,�_ , of b'°. D'1<gu 2�� �l�i_-, 1��� pei^on�a� Ic�l-� �� ,+as that '�e �^hot�lc� l�e gra,��P�3 � r�ii��c� rn^ r�^�1,,,^r Tol�° -« � ea�c '�e n�s not gttestionin� tno ag-_r���enr. r�r;an��l hal � �U I�4r i��-�„� �„� r_, �,ot��rl apa�°a�c2�,� �,o�nr ou�i lio2,c�r iel�ort ril�� rli, P�ni�r�� �nJ ;rsi,� �� � l� � ��icre2�e 2+ Hi�t Y,ir��e. Cot,t2c�lr�an 812e2�oa; =+�'�d �r ,-�uld �� �n inr,�,c�_ ,.��- report to e11 oi �l�E Cooncil �nd selar-, coi���� �a� disci�a°�� -I rhe e�me �,cet��� , TC „�..�� �u��a�tcd rhat liqti�rn repori and �a1�r-� ,f�r� l� 7�o]cl on �,,�,l,,.s,�,-- e���m i� r,cvt,.,�q co l,e helo. Coa�tic,��uan ��o1Le reque�r,ed an espl>a�uo�� e- �L� �,��F�eme„tie -� ihe Oe.,m°�� Gr�li �ioa� „]t-� T12eT� haci'hecn snl,t on a Len ��c��y 1 sie ^nd statrd t��� o�-�>=s,v°,�{° .�.re i�ore �'z2n tLe 'e�1=�s. Gi�y G]�i�le brL�usell °-� h=�� -��nr C� l,-, a�,�oi - harl �21' e�3 Lo che County lltii3� �or �n� ?�° liacl atl;x°���co hn-�� prnvidir� i,hi� �-e�a� '� p� ��-n°-t r�- �talncd nc� same� che 1�al�nce oS i7�e ae�P�°rr� ,�,� r�ul�l -� ,�pre�cl o�or tl � �'rl L��,�_ �n� n2,^eceen years. Covi°ci.un�r, T1o7�7-e re�n��..���� _ speci7ir i�.;u-°� or ❑ii, r�"�e�� lot. C,ti�� �tr,o?��,� TColil=!n �-e2ssured tih� C�ty Cotice,l Ll��i, >>icy ����e ,qo�^n to �,��rl someching ou-a Soc the 're;ic�o��r,s �n r,1^e eiPecTed =!°e?s Co�mci_1�nan Jol�ansoii st2ced t��� ie h2d drto�,�, p��tit �i�:i N�1op��e��'° �tinY -aii ,�1d heQ cotn�t�d i��zccu ���al-erS oi,t,y��1e oF �he i'Pace a���' � C C�oncil crn�ld�-'I �,l c zec�o�1 0�, tJ7�s, o2cllnai2ees s+ere oL no avail. P4o,�or ^� [�o11c� t,r,�l the Gil,-� At�,or�7eY be �titl�or•i��ed zo '�ars��E and ta1=� ❑;,.,,,,�e�r 1P�,,1 cction ,s n-��r��_i_r�- to dti�contZnue the nuia�i2ce loca ;ed at T,�t ]� , TiocL 1, CPntial_ Vi�T� l�`�nc� , 1 �1ece oi l;ii��_ness i� �he �iar�e oti' John �'�alupt�d�. ��econded b�- Jo1�°neoa Upo�� ❑ voice ,roLe� there bein� oo t1ag�, t'_ne motion c�rr�cd ta����imo�el;. Co�mc�l�ea�� °heiida�� 5tatieo th2t on P,=�e 70 ^�C i'ne P7t_�.n1r�, Co.rtnisei��� �ar�u'�,e_, Coti�nci 1 aan 1To:L.� `e mo tion nad a� ed Foi lac�° o f �. r ecord bv r� � � r,nis t� mc , l�e ho� iccoi2�ida2ed it �r.r7 iaaF in Cavor. P�IoLion b-> �,lo_tie to co�,eur z�-�h tLa tla�nia� �'oi�- miesiox7 0� Iceto ]3 oF p1�rn�nr Comt���s�o� �y�._ntF� ^;�lch iec�veste ao�npar�ti��a costs Uetncar� run,2in.; P�.S.,�.°.D, �nterce�j.r,oi 1<<or�l� oP P��°'� enJ so�^e elt�rnctzve tiL�li� „ncet�n,5 throu,�b the ��r1-. DSotioZ �econded L� Slicridar. Connc�l�'���� .'h�r�c�°� cT� ��d Phc Plas�n�n� Comm,_ti, ion mti,sc have 7��d i1.eC1n2Le rea=ons �or tri� rern�es�. 'I'12�,sc vozing e�,e, Broov, P�ee, �liecidan and '�oi7�e. Op�o.ed, Jnh�inson. l✓��tioi� co�_xte�l. TYie C� LS� I�ianager repoitied eo t,l�e Ci�S> Cpu�2c�1 1�=-, =�i(,h re�a�d zo 1�o;ecz Il_3�F-I' ��1��c1i i� 'che �a�t2i �lansrai�ss,ot� line, 1,12e+� ��eic h,avti�in � d�ificul�, t��ne or r,h� ne�oti2'tZOns oi easFtvent;. 'Ph� S'catie Highti�2�,� P�partirne�t is MaLzl�g ��a sti.c,*e�-�ente c1 ��'n�re �,hey wi11 con�L-ruct h�gli�a���. Cic� f�ttorre�� Fohlan =i,��ed properl,}' o^�ec° were jn a br�x �s tio T�he�c they nould h�vs �� ,,,�.te� 1�"i^ a��'I tbe hi��,l��ay ci?p2rarent hr�J beer_ �vttiil� evez�one QiF. Hc: ���ted t,he prop_iL� ovn�ce ��ould nave �o r�al nb�ec- Btion a� to llnes be�n� put nea� tc cbe highna}� �'i�hc-oi'-ra;� bur Ll,.ep Qon t 1-no�, -��13e_�e th�iL ��il_1 be snd don`t t�t�nL the l�ne �0 t,o 4(� rePr �netide th�-ir propc�°r,��. 1� �,as stiated tLE daa�aeesy iE '�h�y crore ro be potd; ;�ot�lo oP m�c�2 more i° tl�c l!,= z�ere 30 '�o �IG .Eeei, ir,�tid� pP p2'ope�•ty then 'oe�id� th� h�{�hvey dep�,rtmeni nropert��. The C� ty r�4�naget sug�es+ed th�.t perhaj�s tha ect�o� TnP C�tiy C�uncil ehoul.�� tz_-c- � ��o�ala be to ceaae and dea9et on th°� contiracti o� t'�= basis in v]vcl� �Y r�a; ��sueri. He s�atecl 'c]1e C,L-y -h,ad 21ie2c�p I�a�d for t]ie pZpe tli�-,� 7�ve aequuea �tird pi�� coi7s be s�ocL p11ed. 'P>>e probleme t�ex^2 geuer��l� di°cnesPd a�d �Jounc�lm2� ��lolk_e ^vu1 1�e h�d tiecleretoocl ck+at �art cC the b1d *�ae m�dc unc�er tile aesrn�prion t]i�t iti ,ae io re co��� weaL72er ��or'� �nd thaL e?sement: T�ovlcl be ��. 1�ir. t�2u�eor_ o� ComaLocic � Do�as, Si�c. st�ted �]tie� had uet n7.th the I-��17��ay Depa?^Lmc�it �no +he o�t.l� �n{'orn�2tioa t1�P- could obta�ns �� that tii�ae� T,as tLat til�e Hti;'"^'sti Depai�'a�,�ti ;eiu°ed Lo �cop�rdlze tl�en° position, O�t�j Attoriaey Koh1a�7 sald he had talY_ed co �t�orney fbr cl�Far -�t th� �tieigltibo_rbood 2ncl h� ��as tryia� tio gez Lhem io mal.e � ca��m�tment ?� �o ��;er�� the� intei�de� r,o ;p�°e�cl the�r li,7e �� Par as Un_vcreity lltienue i�as concerned. tir. ICnui�, oa sta ted the Ctty cotitl_c�n' L entei � �� an-� ne�oi;i� � or_s �r tiroua l�avin�; '.l�c -ri�ht- oi-way dePitlec�. N[a��or PTee ral�ed the q�ze�sti�on o� ��1�� ���on1n bappen �P Lbe CLt;� o° ���idley d�^etia �he 1�n2. J � ti�as Expl=�ined zhat -_� Pridle-� d2d t'_zi: aad put 1� n�uF, tihe� ��oald have tc pa�� compc��s�tlpn to tbe properc- o'�nF-r_, F�^id1e�- ��ov1� -�avc to � �)� E?ap inr tl�e mov2n; oi tiPe ��pe and ���ulc� cot be re�mbursec� by L-he State 73a�h*a:�v Depal�lm�n�. St tiaas evnl_a�ned b� P4r, nnutson that tit t�ould be costly to i.1�P City zo in°t�ll �npe, aLong ,�,th other problcrn�y seven Ieeti below 1.1�e otizca cracle �nd l�ck�n,� �n�t, �� noald r°qi�,�e a move h�� thc ITaghcaay Dcp�xrmEnt. P4aycr Plee ask� �l ir Lhe ��orlr �,�ere hsld up, �iould zt then na�e to i�aiz unL3'? nE<;t ��i�ter. Mr. Ynuzson � �a ted �ha r oi� Lhe assurnption tha l tne Hl�htia�y De�arL-raen� eoa7d a�aLe a decti��on vn tLe I�phway ls�e� it ;,�oti1.d. !'homas E. G7�eig� c�t��en� raiecd tre que°1.zoi� �.1,2t thls contracti 1�e� becn let �ast llugtisc anu T�hy ��et°� �i�ere �lo e��cr�PnFs; tn�i i,he Council har. 1,cti ;,1'��s co�2tr�ez �n g000 f�iLh. Counc�li�a� Johanson saz�1 1�c lelt tl^e Courc�l �hottic� zrz� tio relicve ti,e co�ziac- tor and see wlia', covld bc- done. C7ty Attori�c-y I=ohlai� staced zbe Ctizy coLtld conr��inn a;zrip of 1>roUCltYi r, �ht a1on�, side i.he �p�'esent exist� ng higl?wa�� rieht- oi-r.s�>. 7f �t �ere put bacl< outi ��here thP htg711a�y ���c?icated r,�eir r�gbt-ot-wa;� wou�c7 ex��7�1 aa�l r;�ca don'L-, the CZty *aould ]�az�e the lii�e �nd H�ghtii�y Depart- menL ,>>oulcl cl2�m clama�cs J'or ri,12t-o�-tiay. PQot-on ry Jo}�anson i;o �uthor�ze the Ci�p Attorney and consulting e����neers to inee�, �nt12 the contractin�; Pirm oi Sanclhtro�t, aad H�Pner rela,tive to mocllCic�tlon ofi i.:�a cor�sz�°vcY!o2 tnne o" the cnntract. Seconrled ry �Jo1ke. TJpoi- a vo7ce vote, therP bein,� no ��T��a ti�`e mot�on c2r_r�ed unan�mov.sly. Mayo� �I�e i�Fo�tri�rl Cotinctl )°�e 7^,�d tall�ed to Diel- Eha ecne�rning zhe S3zce Cr�elr �nteice�tor �nd he ]�nd pointed out tiha� �1�e lnierce�,toi did noL clo as n�ch dam- a�e a� a sto�^n �eve,° otir�let. P4a��o� Nee said 1�e Pel.t t1�e Council ehovlcl constide� the po�slbiliz,� �f malri�2� a ponding a-rea 1s�et oi' Old Cen�,ra1, �°iclle}� coulc�, i,� co-operaLion ��it1� �h� Countiy� bt�y �hc 1o�a land a,id access and put in a cla�n and thUS, nrd��ct tl-c na�t�1°� ot Rice Crealr. St ^�.;e e�t'pla�ned thaL t1�e stort� wat;er �us-o±p d�ll 2uu� the creel?� �n �n; e��ent� LJ' pxec�u�;�ons aie not ia7cen an di- rectzng ttie P1o��� tnat F'°idley eLould zry aucl control, w:�at coraes in iro�v zl�� �re2 P'or�h. ��>>or fTee �ald he Fe1t the Cottne�l. ehould tl^�nk abouL �sliinh �he en�Zneei� tin i��d rn�L �vhezher th�s ie des�rable �nd Seasible. '1'homae G. Gr�ig, c2zlzen� sv��esl,Fd t��;�ti �omeone cont2acti N�'. Tea Kubu iP�arding the ❑azural. drn�na�e oe ,,,�Lne ar�a, h�s addr�ss bell2g the �i�ttilr�l History uocieti}' �c 3�-5 Me�l�c�1 Ar's Br�lrllns, i7innea�ol�s, N[z���7ceoi�. Tbe C�ty S9a�rg�r svg�e�terl the Cot�nc21 c�v13 at��hm°-�e �,1�e Paxl=E suUc�mn��tzee Lo lool� into t�i„ uepecL �nQ �vasP �°co��m°nclationc oP n7�6 L-he Cotiinc2i rilgl�t v�ant co pvt it� tLis area. �ar. ComstocL �avo �� ea,e tr� F ot�tJ e L Led in1 0�� ce Cz eel�. Ci�z� ?.ttorney Irohla� �rci;ed, at LLie tu^ey tihati Le woulfl li' e �o b�ve authoci- za�aor lo r�ismi�s the conlernnation �rocecdtn„� ��ainst tl�e �nrk prop2rGy. PaoL�on b�� $'1cr;.dan ro �v�hc���i�P t'��e Citiy �Ltorney �o dysc��ise thc conc'l�a�m,aLion p,�ocee�l,•io� on thc Loc1<c I'��op.:rt� Cor parl. purpose�. Seco�ded by Soba�ieo.�. Opon a vn�cP -�o c, '�1i�-re bF1,i� no nnv.°; z'�e moLio� car'r2ed uns�2i�;ously, Tlier� l�c�rn� no I2a�°th:r bus�rese, Mayor �iee �leclarer3 �1tic n�ee��ag ad�uurnecl. P�sp�c�LLil1, ��ib7iLted ��'�_���._%�z:��- ,�u: P'r sl u�i ic ,`_S�c1���i�� Ln 'Lc Ccvnctl ���1,�.� �'2�� MaSor - i^�_ _ism J, Nee f 1 1 �