02/20/1963 - 00023380L� � � �6� SPECIAL COUNCII,A'�E1ITdG - FEBRUARY 20� 1963 - S:00 P.N, A Special 1Zeeti�:�g oi the Ci�y Cow�czl of i.he City of Fr�dley was called to order by acting P�iavor Johanson ai 8:12 P.M. AOLL CALL: Membexs Present: 13^001�, Johanson, Sherl�an, G?o11=� blembers Absent: SVee NE',�d BUSIlV�SS: R�VIEGT OF ARCIiT�'CT'S SI�TCI3�S AtdD FSTIMP.TES OF CITIZrPSS COP�1I`S"I'EE RECONI�PID!�TIONS: �1 general discussion on ovcr-a11 plan and sl�c-tches w��s held ��ith Mr. Smlley of Sm�ley a��d Assoc�azes explaining all deteils reg�arding floor space, changes in architecture, price per� snuare foot, e�c. Councilman Joh�iison suggeste3 that as lt would be a minimum of two �reelis before the archiLectural review commr�tee .�ould be able co meei_� thati the secretary be instxucted, zt tihe firsti poss�ble dnte, zo set un a meeting of the commit,tee Talzh D1r. Smiley c.nd deparz����t head� of the Citiy of Fridley and attempL tio rinalize the setting o� a plan. Notio-� by Broolc that eecretary of coordinating committee and C9ty Counc�l Ue irist-ructiecl, at the first poesible date� to sct up a mee�ing o£ the Architectur�l committee wizh Mr, Srailey and department heans of the City of' Fr�dley and attempt to fis�alize tihe setting oi' a plan. Seeonded by Sheridar�. Mr. Smiley askecl �i' ic would be helpful iz the eon�- miti;ee or Council had a perspective and Cou��cilman 4iolk.e stated it �ould be help- ful. Motion carried unanimouslti�. A4ayor PTee arrlved at 9:15 P.M, RL+;PORT ON SEti7ER CONS`IRUCTICPI: Present to report on the above item were NIr. Comstocl� �F Comstock and Davls, Inc. and e represen�;ative of the fi-rm of Lamei:ti & Soi7s, 1nc. There follotaed a gen- eral discussion on tihe problems lndica�:ed. Alotion b�� Johanson zhat thc Clty Coun- cil receive the cor'respondelce Freir, Lametti & Soi7s, Inc. and from Com�tocli and Dav�s� Inc., ret�in tbese For refex�ence and hold �� abev�nce for zh� resulLe oF tests on Mie=. Street and� if at all poss�ble, to have a i•eport at next re�,ula? meeting. Seconled by Sneridan. Upon a voice vo�e� there being �o nay, the rnot�o❑ carried Linanimoasly. P4otion by Sherida that Special Council A'ieet�ng cchedulcd For the ?_6th oi I'eLru_3r}� be chznged to the 2dt� of February �t 7 P.P�. Seconded Uy Johanson. Upoi �� voice vote� tihere b°in� no nays� the motion carried unai,imouely. Nlotion by Joh�nson tha� specl2l meeting be ad�our��zd. Seconded by 9herldan. Upon a voice vote, there bein�; no nays, the motion carrled uaauzmou�ly. ;�iayor Piee declared �he meeting ad7oui�ned. P,ewpec�fully submitted� � � � ` � ✓���_���� , ����� Sue P1tis]co��3c Secretary tio the Council ��"'(�1i�w. �' - / �--�,�`� Mayor - Wi17_�arry'J Diee �/ i