03/18/1963 - 00023343� � ' 1�� mocloa carried un��,imously. '1'he s�ec7.al �eeting of �he Fridley Clty Council vae declered a�3�ourr_ecl hv �etir+g i�iayor Johanson. Mayor SSee sTated he had hoped �hat perhaps tl�e *nemberG of the Council u�ould : �ay fer a ahort per?od o1' tlme to lisien to nembers oi' zhc T�i.S.�,S.D.� rn�unly becaoee the Board Yiad developed a much tighi,er and much mo-re cou�ervative p-ropoeal �hu7 l,he one tbat had been considered beFore, Mayor P�ee sald the �e+� proposal rret some oS �he ob�ections that some o= the members had. Councllman Vdolke requested that aotes be iaken nnd sent to Counc�l inemUers. Revpecl,full,y suamitteda % �t.�__ �������� Sue Miekoz�yc Secretary to the Coui2cil I',�GU1�1Tt COUPTCIL P�L'PIDTG - u'dRCIl 1c3, _96j ��� � � _ '� ���-� ��4. � N;�yor - G7iiliaryr . T��ee � I, A regular rne�ting of ti�e Citiy Council oi �:he Cizy oP F'ridley ��as c�llecl to o�dcr by Niayor PTee at 8.03 P,M. ROLL CALL: Nembers Present: Brook, dohaneon� Nee, Shersdau, Wollce P�iembers Absei�i, lione APPROVAL OF MINU`PPS - SPECI�L �F'ETING� P�1RCH �a, 19�3; Mo�.ion by Johanson to <aprove the mi�utes o= tl�e �peci�l iaeeting oi '_�`arch �i, 1g63 es prepared and received. Seconded Uy Sheridan. Upou a voice vote, tih�re Le2r.F, ac n�ys; �:he motion earried u;�animously. APPROTTAL OE MINU�S - Rr�GUI,IIR NL�ETIDiG, P7ARCH 1+, 19�3� D4otion by JoYianson to upprove the mtnutes oi tl�e reqular nieezine ol M�rch 1i, 19u3 as piepared and rec�ivecl. Second�cl by Brooli. iJpo� a voicc- votic, zher� beir.� no nuys; �he moLia7 carx��ed ui�an�mousl��. AP1rOVIli, OF' NSI�TUPI�S - SPLCIAI� NIEETIP�C;, N;AS3CH 11, 7g63 Nlotion b3� �onanson to approve the mznutes oC �he spFCi�l nieetin� oi 19a��ch 11, 19b3 ;s preparefl and reee2vecl, Seeondecl by Wolke. Upon a voice vo1;e� tne're bea�g �o nU�s� tihe *�otion carxled unanimoLisly. l�c th�s poit�t Covncilm�n �7oLan,��on raisen a ques�ior_ as to Council pxocecluie. Ne -��ted tha� ii1 the �as� fez, meetiings li, seemed that �ach tiime l�e ]tiad m�de a moLio�, tih��i ��oti2_ld norn�all}� be duly seconded ancl turncd L-o the floor ior discuestio�i, Counc�l h�d been 211owing thc aa��ience bo take part ln the que�ti�onting of these motione. Cow ci�mar� �7onanson �ti�tied he Ce1t th2s taas out oi order, ,h�� o°� his otan bEh.21� �he cou.,cilme iiere ���oeti wc-leome to guesz2oe� �ut ti,oulcl pre�er t'�e z��dienee nid i.oc. He �urtl�ei stiated z1�,6 should pert�in co a11 cou�cilmen. D7ayor Nee �tated if this U��e �he con- censae oP Lhe encire Council� they �aould oper�te -!� this ma�iner. The e�tire Council agreed. � l� � oz,n �uszP�ss SE'COPID RB:�DITiG OF 01;11IntANCE AMEI�InTG ORDTr1ANCL N0. 70 - R-2;� AiVD R-3A; The Ci�y Manage�_ explained tne abovE mencioned ordlnanee had beei� put or� 1�'�e Agc-nda on an inFos�m�l bas�s and suggeGted �hat li' Councll �vai�ted it read agaln they should do so, l,hat � sccor,d x�e2cl�rih ar, Lhe previous meetiiig had had a 3 to 1 vete. Cicy Ati.oxriey �iohlar explained the hearlrg �i�s held on P�9arch �Fth� tne first tea�ing dicl p�ss, 1,1�e second read�ng wa�s deieated aid thie ordlnance ��as sub�ecti to c�allenge� Bhat iti would h2ve to 'oe �a�sed o�� ti�ice. E4ayor Nee r�lsed the ques�ion ii' this � orQina>>ce shoul.d have � z2e*a Tirst readin� �his et>enir2g. Couacilinaa Wo17=c raised the �ue�ti�on that Zr an �r�linat�ce h�d l�eec glven 2 second seading �nd deiealed, you could l�ave ti�ao men agairieti iB and deny the orc�inance and after � little conver�s�i,ion� lt �aoulcl Ue c�ua �e co�venient to briii� it up at ai�other aneeting, have anothe�° teading and pass an ordin�nce that zs contr�ry. City Attorney Ko'�lan el-sted it is subject io �tt�ek if �roc�dure i,z�'t followed, that the Charter doesn't prohibit the Couacil i'rom bringzng up any ord�_nance. Iie �umgeeted the,t a� anyl�oly �,��ntecl to b�`ing iti up� thE., should 1-iold a public heariu� and h2gin �he pro- cecluse ���in. Ma;ior Nee sv�gee�ecl thet ii Couricil �iere to begtin ovei aga�n, pe�°hapc �he Clt}� At- torney could write ltt the changes. He �nnounced a mot,on �aould be in order to cs1- for ,� redr3Ct of the os�din:rce amc-ndzng Ordir.ance No. 70 -f'�2l and R-3F Fror� City �?zto�°»ey Kohlari or 1'rom the City P4aileger. Co�z7c�lr��n r^1oil�e raised the auesLio�> >f xi�yoae else coul.d ar'F for thls ord�na2ce. Moti�� by Joha��o� to r�tu-rr thze ordinance i,o the Council iloor for conaicler�tion beCore the Councll. Seconded by r�oo};, Upon a votce vote, there t,eing �!o a�ys� zhe rac��ion c2rx'ie3 unanimously. C�DTSIDER�1TSOn� OF 1G YL+'�:R SPREAD - S & 1n� SUMP�IZT N�1COR I1D�NEX: RGSOLUTTOPi f�37-1963 The City Mana�el explained �n de*a71 the abr,ve deacrzbed conslder�txoi7. FIe st�zed � this ti�as the c�ee �ihe-re �L r2s � water aad se��er �ransmieslon line and because tih2s �ras a rzplet, che one ;re�l sltuatzon �n2nt i�;to efiect. `The Fina��ce D�rector n�d �dvieed �t u�oulc� Ue zn zhe interest oP the City to have a tec year spread, thac most oi LLis u�ould be 1�ald up as each lo� was so.ld. Plnai7ce Director �3runsell explained Lurtrer that i� zaould be 3 matin line and are ]ateral asse�smen�s and thls v�as not �e�7 const�°ucLion. P"otion by w'olke to adopt Re4olution �`37-1963 authoriziag and d�recting � ten year spread in Carleoi�'s �umtuit Manor Annex, 2nd lddition. Councilman Sherid�n ra�sed '.he question if �he rezonin�; didn't take p]_ace first, Councilman Wo1ke answered .,l.,t rl�ie ��as not goin� into L-he �;-round, it c�as �usc tacking into a lii�e. Seco�ded Ly Sberldan. Upo.� a voice vote� there Uelrg no i�ays� t17e motlo❑ carr�ed unanymnuely. [QE��7 RUSIPiPSS. PUBLIC rIPAR1P�G - RP�OT�TIi�TG ?2-2 ^0 P.-1 - PORTIOPI Cl1Ri,SON'S SUMI`�iIT MAAiOR APTNEx: SUa3,ox� Nee announced this was a public hear�ng, The City M�nager read the Sdotice oi Hearin� beior� zhe City Cou�zcil. P4ayor Pfee �sked if anyone wished to be rieard. Pdo one appe�red for or a,gzin�t the �bove descrlbed 1'ublic He�,ring. t�layor DTee declared the nearing cloeed. Motiion by 4Io11ce thet this be coi.eidered the first xeading of an ord�nance i;o amencl the eonirg ordinance o? the Cit� oF Pr�dley es deeeribc-d a6ove. Seconded by ]3rook. � Upon a voice voi,e� chere bei�;g no naya, the raotion c�rried ia�ianimously. R1r. Evert Carlson raiGed the question if there f�ere a�y reason y�hy the plat on the above d�- ecr�Ued pxoperty couldn`t be signed by the Mayor and Clerk. P2ayor Nee st�ted a= City l�ttorne,y Kohlan, on reflectiic��� eaid it wae sat�c_actory� he would si�n sa�r� plati �his �ame evening PUBLIC FIEARI�TG - RE`LOMING M-1 TO N-2 - S.G. PPARS01i AN➢ COMPAPfY� Mayor Nee ai7�!ounced �h1G s�as a public nearing. The City Planager read the ftTOtice cf �93 Hea-ring be-'ore the City Council. P�layor ATee eaplained the propos�l -�ae �o rezone a 300 foot, strip alo��g the tracks from M_1 tio M-2. Cit,y �'ngiiieer Bro-�» lrtrocluceo maps ancl expla�ned same ro Council. Mayor Piee zsked tif =n�+one ,a�she�3 to be heard. Mr. �S. G. Peerson v�as pre�eiit tin �avor of thc �bove re�onin��. P9oc�ot_ by Ylolke to close che zbove described public liearing. Seco���1e�' by dohanwo�.. Upon a vo�ce voLe, thzx•e b�lr.g iio i2ays� ihe moiion c�rried unanimouslv. i,4o�zoi� b,y Joh�nso�� that th�s be considered i,7e iirsl, re���lzcg of an oldin�i�cc- to ameed I;he zonine os�in�nce oF the C�i,S� o� Fridley �s de�crib�d �bov�. fiecor_�3ed by � i+lolke. Uncn z volce vote, Lhere being �o nays, tl�e rrotion c:rrlcd u���uimous7,y. PiPLSC I�P_RIDTG - PTPiPL PLAT - S�f{AR��SON'S ADDTTIOD' �q�yor 1'eo �nnouaced th�s tiaas a pu'�lzc heartin�. T1�e C,{ry Nanaget read '�he 1Vocice of Hearing bePore tltie City Co�t2ci1. l�a��ox Nee aehed ll auyone ��2shed �e be herrd. P4r� Stanle;� T,illemoen oi' 15g3 Gardena appeared ii� o�posti�ior� au�1 etiated tihe3 h�d r�ceived notice i,hat tl2i� plati wae�'t meetiing �he amov��tis oF foo°_ae;e� eic. ^,Y,e stnte3 th�r, �F til�is �rete ti-rue, e�rer�c�ne had a r�ght to ��ati chc�r la��d eve,� zhou�h �t did,'t �eec req?��rei�Fnte a�d i'urther seid sLe had bee❑ L'olcl evervone ��.d to ivee� ebecifica+io�s, Cou�zc2l�an 7ohansoi� explained t?�at ui2der o1d pl,�tis �hc Connezl co>>ld �a�ve z,]�ee� re- qtinremenL-5 ii ti'� was impos�ible ;,o meeL requlrc�ne��s �,c; not caus� Lardship�-. F. ;en- eral. dtscussioit period �aas held vatit'h Plrs. Lti1ler�oe❑ a, tli -eoard to �1• tis� sizes o- Z.OT�Ei� S'i.i�C�LS� c'ZC. Pdocio�i by FIo11=e to close rhe nvblic hea.°�ng o�d �ecept tlie f�iial pl�t oC :`aYa�i.�soa'� Ad3ii.ion. Secoxided -oy Jolti�neon. Jpon a Joice �ro�e� the:e beiug �o ��ys� �,he moL�on carraeU wianimously. �TJBLIC TILARTITC, - FIPT!�L PL�n� -�ny,��i'� I'IP,S�i ADDPPION P��ayor �iee annouizced thtis aas a ptilbllc heartirs, �^n�� r�ty Pea�ia�ei- rcad tb� :lotice oi ilear�.ng beto're tne Ci c� Cou�ticll. Mayor Nee asked �f a7�o�e witil2ed cc be heaid. Pns. � Sta,tiley Tilleinoeii oi` 15�'�3 Gardcua a�pea-red in oppoe�tio�� �rd 1ccl�,a�t��l to see �he p1a�;s. She �°�is°d tlie qu°st�o� ii Coui�cil ki�e�� 1�ho �he o°a�ie-rs nerc 3nd ti' piol�er ;}� had che�2ged La Zd�. Clt,y iingineex Browu expl� � ned ;h� ��s he h�d u��rverstool iti, �1�tc k��s a co2po�2c�on, tli�t so,�e peo�le had 2emazn�d ac c�one�°s and some h d ��en 2F��oved jron� p1at. H� .[t�ri:he� �tia�efl he d�d�'ti L=now ��ho �he �et»31 ovaer� .aeru� but �,hat L�rry �ndereon T�a� ona oP the oi�ners. He a1�o expin n�cd i_ba -��1. ; ha�l co be ei�oed ?or tha CountiS� �ud iti wasn'ti necese�xy to �no,� ooncr�_. I�'oLion by Jol'ian�on to clo,_e 'c12e pub] �c hearl�!�. ind accep: the �i ;;7 nl,t of Larry'� N �r�t Additi�on. Secondecl bv �heiid�i2. iTpo�7 a voice aoLe, the2e bein� ��o ����s, rh� notion carrled cnar�mousl-y�. PUSLIC T�',q-'hrlrCG - FTIqqL PT_�t1'T' -��P,nY'S SYCOIV� �_D�I'PTON Ma9o-r �iee an?�ounced tbls Taae a public hearti�€�, Tli� CitS� Ma�agex re�?� t�e idozice oP TIesr?i�� beioi•e tY�e C�ty Councll. N�vor PTee a°kerl ii' anyone atis��e� ;,o Ue l�e�,rc7. Mis. Stonley Lille��oen oP 15�3 ��idena appe�red in oppo�ti�ion �n3 r=_fied to be hecrd. 3he :��ated �Y�e�� had 2n ob�ecZtior� Lo the road easement ii� �airy's Ee�o�-d .^rldibior;, �ia, ely the Hl_l1. Dr�ti-c L'aseme�t Por all tLe eame reaeo is tba± they had appeared before whE i �h�s h2d come ap sever�l yeare ago, She statcd �lle znd he�� husb3� d d�d i�o� �+a�t t1�c easementi ex±eac7ed oa �o tuelt property, Lhey ,�aiiti tlle properi,y 1EZ c Cor co��lour plar�- n�,io �nd don't �a2nt Lheir propexty spoiled TNlth i ro�d. She further st�l,�d thc� io� every reaeon th�t they ob,�e¢ted �ecre a�{o� �ePy� �er� ob�ecLt�� �or tl�ese saine re,-o_�� aQain. She also szaten i,h��t she w1�Y�er1 lt be made a part oi r,he recorct i,he;� doa'� � wa�it s re�d no�� o-c ac as'?y �tinie ln Lhe �'uture. Cou;�cilman �ohanao�_ explciae� that n�os-c peopl2 Qon`t have the ��io��e� to pay the ���se�sr�e.ts, :.n1 this perso� h2d coire up to the requ�rement� and h��d evEry ri�ht �o plaz tha land P1rs. Lillemoen ez,pl�i�e? to �:he Cou7cil tihac ee*�ier and iaater nad bee�� pat zn ner_L to treir property and ruined it� that iL 72ad waehed do,+n Prom the road as Ll�erc ��a,=_�2'ti much oi a shouldex lett. P?ayor �lee _rzcueeted chz � NSrs. Lil le,�oc n n i �E .� letier in �hiG re�ard. Mo'tioiti by Sher�da�i to cl.ose the pub=ic hea�ing vnd accept tihe i'lnel plat oi Larr-.'e Sc-cond Addit?on. Seconded by wollee. Upoa a voice vote, there bein� no nava, �he moL-ion c�rried uu�nimouely. �94 I'�LSURAPSCE COP�S�AITTEE Pt�,POR^• A repor+ t,�� g1ven f'rom V M. Dfagel, member or tne Insurance Commzttee for Pr�dley. He explained tihat R. Peareon n�d tuovecl out o� Fridle5> and he had missed the r�eet- inge on sewage cl�ims but had r�et iiil,h the committee, He further expiat-ied that I�4r. Pale ftadti�ath, a n�mbei oi the In�urance Committee, had contacted the �nsurancc compan�es ancl ohtained permiss�_on to settle the claims. It t�as explai��d the 11,- eurance eompaitiy ��eiu�ed to acc2pt tLe Lundin clalm. Mr. RTagel. rcaucs'te�1 -ch2t �12e Couz7cil consider tris parzicular claim tieparately. 'Phe Cit� N�.��ager su�,�>ested che xeecinding of +hc- act,on ol paying the three claime prev�ously lxsted a�zd author- ize paymen* oi' �he I,unr�i^� cla�m. � Pnor,ion by 'n�o]ke that the Cl+y Council move to resc�i2d and withdraw action author- �zing p��menl oi l,he follotai�,g i�amen cl�lms for the reason that che insuranc° com- paiiy h3s •1ov ui�der�atcer to make paymei2t: M-r. R. Zigla�ln y50.00 ���Fl Mi�siesi�pi �tzeet �i.�G. Nlr. C. D_ Plezs�ue $25�E.0.� 621 D4�aslesippi Str2et 1J.�. further, tihat Lhe payment of the clair� {,o P6r. Carl Zundin of 85i _M,lssisaippi Street N. E, ln the a�nount oF y�65.00 �ahich has been denied� neverthelees, �e c_firMed, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice voter thcre beti,zg no eays� the motion carried unanimously. Mr. V, n;. 1�'agel �`�ar�;l�er euc�gested to the City Councll that Mr. ➢ick Schlll�nger be appo2nted actiing aenerel �geat i'or the Insuiance Commisszon. Motion by Johaason +o appo�nt Dicic 6chilllr.ger as l�cting General Agenti for the In- surance Commlesion. Secoizded by Sher�dan. Unon a voice voLe, there being no naysr tl�e motilou carriecl un2nlmously. P4r. �iagel evpl��eed w�zh rEg�rcti to innuz•ance claims, that the iasurai-ce epmpanlee �rere changzc to a de�ree aftex• the fi-rst of the year� durang the previou,s year they � had l�ad one ser�ous cr�e, ahat beii!g the r.ase oC the pollce oiticers and they had lzad a great many cleime and volume. nUi�Tr,a no�Pn r,zzr�a�s, nrnRCx l;, 1963• APPTICATIOA! F'OR BUILDTDTG iERMIT BY BPS3RY BLOGTLR COD4PhNYy 3100 CALIFORTTI.4 STR�FT TiORTITEAST, MIPm�APOLTB, MIN�TBSOTA FOR A BUILDING AT 99 - 77`-�I �niPY PdORTI3GA6m� T1iE HUIi,DII�G TO BE P. FACTORY 19�E FEFT DY 230 I�'P�^i WImH 39,9�0 S�,UARL I'ET'T� The Cil,y D9�,nager explalneci co �hc City Council thai: thle bulld�_ng would be satis- iactor� for M-1 but this co-npGny �uished to p-rotect themseives For 10 ye�rs fro:a Lhie time ��d rnaYe i L- M-�. Motion by ti•?olke to concur wi�h tr,e Building Board and gra-�t the approval of the buildii;�' p°e•M�� t,o Barry Blower Com��ny. Seco��de�� b� Sherld.�n. Upon a voice vote� {,here beinu �o na�s� i:he motio�i c�rried titnanimoutily. �AFPLICATION I'OP BUIL�DING PERTIIT BY BERnTAR➢ R. JULK_OidSKI F0� 2 FACTOPY BUILDi11TCr A°I' 151 LONGF�LLO�ri UT?;ET:T �i0R7'I�AST - L015 10� 11� 12, 13, OF BLOCK 5, SP_nT�iG T3ROOK P�?I{ ADDITION_ �'HE BU7LDING TO BE 5�5 FEET BX�4+ _F'EET� WITH _3�7�+0'S�UARE_,?EF_T•y �lotlon b� G'olke to co,�cur Ua�_th th� recomme�c?ation oi' the Building �oard ai�d grant the al�proval of the d'oove desc;ibed bulld���g pei�mit, w�th the stipulatlot; Lhat con- � stYUCtion be all of coner�te Ulock o�ith tace brick on the front east lj ieet oY t'ne buildi-��'. Seconded by Soharso�. U�on a zroice vote� tihere bei��g na nagw� the mo- �ion cairtied unanimously PLANNSNG CCP�iMISSIO�T MII�'JTFE'y MARCH 14� 1�J63: — -- -- — - -- - -r � � -- LOT SPI�I'P REQIJESTS (�.5. �6306 AlV� �6310) MAAIAId NSLLS 1�?�TD MARIAN HSiLS 2ND ADDITION �fEFALD & ASSOClA1��'�,} - - - - - -- — - - ------ - - - The City Man�ger sead '�l�e co�tcurrai�ce witih the Plats ai�d Subd�visions Sub-CommiLtee i�� a�zd recon�met�datiei� oi' approval of P1ann�n� Con�m�tiszoi�. �Ie er,plaiicd that tihe City PttorneV w�s aeked to dr�w an op2nion anci clescrlption�. City Pr_�ineer Brc�wn Curthe�° explarzed that at the t,imc tk.is 1�ad nas plat� d, iz wa� neceeti.ary th�t � ded� c� tioa be f'ura2shed for 52nd and zt u�a�s agreed but nevei do�e unzil receri.ly. A dedzcatlon had been subml �ted *�hieh the Clty �elt i�as i�i corPortu°rce wit'_z tihe oidin� ica. The Ci�y had Ueen advised tihe ownere tiaerc conslderc�,�� othei� spllts; that t111e had bee�-i revlewad and p�-rrnission had been rec;veszec to spliz a11 parcals by loti split� an�i had m�t ti�� th Clt� Atzorney Y>o�?1a.� T�ho fe=t 5pl�rs s�ere ade�uate, A di�cuss_oc �er�od T�as held lii ��h�ch Cii,y Attiori^ey I�ohlan ansTaeied qveat2one i,o Couoetil regard��.g lotF, s�yes� e�c. � No�ion by Johanscn Lo cuncur wi�h rhe recomme-idatioi, oi che Planutiiig Corrm�ies�on and gr�nt �ppro2=a1 oF these reqvests in accorda�2ce �ai�h the op2nion ai�d dc�ci�p;�ore �s l�ere submltted b;� the C2ty f�ttorney. Seco�cled b� Sheiiclau. Upoi� � voice vo�e, �here L-e�ng nc nays, the motion carried nnaaimously. LOT S?LTT RE�iUE�S i L. S. �-'T�63�8 P, 7I. �IIRKSTRAPTD: 10- 12, UUDIT013'ti � Ua-DISII� LO��T i�r;9' `1'he Ctity S4anager read the recoramendation oi zhe Plannin,�, Com�mssio» in coucurrence witn the Plats and Subdlviszons Sub-Comm�ttiez. Councilmari[i�olke r��sed zhe pues- tion iP reqtaesr, *�as icr a 1cti o� 130 r, 134 with a balance oi' 300 i'eeb oi� another l_ot ana 4�as onlyone picce �eing spllt. Ee zlso r3�sed the cauPCi;ion of' such a larhe 1ot split. City Enginecr Brolin expla�ned ;;hz� other lots in the area are about thc =�me elze. t�fonaon by Broolc to concur zv�tih tihe reco�mende�ion oi +,he Plamm�g Co���nnssioi and grant the waiver oP ordinance requiring plaLting and approval of �he above deecribed lot spli� and approve said 1oi, eplit. Secanded by Johanton. Upon 3 vozce =*ote, zhere beii�g no n�ye, the motion carried unaninously, LO'P SPL?T P,E�i�ST L.S. *630� LFO�YIRD D!1ILEY: ?0'SS ? AT�fD 9, 1i67 1�� 0�' S�CTIOT 3, -- -- -- - -- -- -- --- - - - - - -- - auoT�ro� �s s��zvlsTOiv y 103: � The City Manager read the recomnencla�,ion pf Lhe Plannzng Commissio�� an:, cxi�l�+ined thls property T�as on Irontion �Street. City ALLoraey 1Conlan s�atac� this T��s orzgin- elly on the half sectizon �aps it loaked as thou�h it were 125 feet deep ecd ia ordei to str�ighten ou�: Iror_�i;on S�reet, it had been a�reed chat if res���e� te ia areo �rould �rauti easemen�s, they c��otla not be peiall7ea. Motion by Johaneon to conctitr w�t12 L-he recommendatio,� oT the Plaaniag Cwamis�ion �nd grant approvel o- th2e l.ot split as both lpts reeultt°g appear to eo�ply i❑ etiery respect to ordinance requiremenLs oi new multiple cli�Ell�ng �egulotions. Secoided by Wollie. Upon a voice �rote, there beix,� no aays, Lhe mocion carried u;�animouslv. L�OT SPLI'I' T�,QULS'I' L,S. ;r630i �RPTO;�D D. A1`�DF'RSCI�T LOTS 1.�nT� 2, BLOC:i 3; SIL�.FI'�P, `S nDDITION: --- --- -- -- ----------- -- - - ----- — - - ^Lc City Manager reaa the recommer�dation oF tihe Plann2-�� Co?nniiesion �nd e:�lairecl now _ots had been chauged t.o iace (6t1�. t�lotlo_2 by Sheridan �o concur with the recomnie�dation of thc- Planning Comnns��on aed gran� approval of tihe above descr�hed lo� split. Seco�deca �� Brooli Upon a voice vote� there Leing no nags, the moti,�on csx•ried ui�an�mouel,v. RECONIP�DIDIITIO�V 01�1 STRE��P ➢ESSGTDfL1T70N A� 1�1i SEC�I'IOiV 12, I�4I�SIDE, LT AI�: � The City PRan�ger read tihe recommendal,ion oP tt�e Plauning Comn�ission _�nd Joiut Plats and Subdivisio� Sub-Commlttee and Szree�e aLd UL�l1t�_e� 9ub-Conin�ltitiee. City ynhineer Broy�n esplained the itera in aeta-1, tl-at pulilie hearings haci beei2 1^eld crea bt� �re�. He Furt7tier e.�pleinecl �_hat a hearing was held w_th al1 proper�Lp owne? e,,o'ttfiecL and tha �� L �'�e het�ring ! t was agreed th�t thesc two stree*,s were a 000d tl2it�q to isave aod one etrect ti�aen `ti eeceesa?-�, It ,�as noted that, tis . N� 11ex, omter, �; negotia t� u� T�ith Mr. Dalber� a��d i_ he zac�uld �o1�a �a tre pl�ti nnived �ie �aould be in ��reemenL, tihe plaL ��otild be xeturned 1r he can'� agx'ee wlt_ Nlz. Dalberg. CiLy ti��gireei Bro���n at��ca ti,his �ctio,l �aou]d des,�aa�e tihl.� us che ove_�_��11 t�l�*� fer i,hc- aiea� it �,utc3 noi. ap- '�rove it but this 1� the �^ecommended p1a�, an� de°ti�,nati�ig Lh�s t��ou�a tie tihc [uture s1;r2et �lan. Coi,ncilmaa S'_1e'ridon raisecl the qties�io�i iS Gonncil's posi�»n �aou]d be to cancei tia�_tr the plan �u�l recom�nenclation of �he Plannii�g Comm_s��on. C�t-� tiiaragcr statec7 the plat laculd m�ke it pe_r-����eri �o7ri r,h_�E �o1i7d g�ve rhe Cit• tl�e �o-�hF�d to uroceed on one plat. � �� Motion bv �91�trid�n �� coacizr nit.h i,he Piam2,ro Commlu4io� u��d approve �ne estiaU1is12- in� of L3�ee,de Poad �ad N[cI.inley ScreeL {'�°on� 751,h t,o Onand�go =�s ehor,a on pro�osed plat Por ,,;e �ie�, .�icn the sL-ipulation thsi� �o devPlop�nent of proposed LoL's 1i, 12, �nd S be perm�tiic-d without evider,ce oi agreem�°L �i�_tL Mi. Mtiller. Second°r by Bror�k. Uaon a volce vote, there b�in�� no naye, th� �;ot�on cariied wzaniraously RECOMN�'NDA7'IOD� OF FTP,EFT i�T;�ZGI�ATTON, Nl�R�Si11D VLA'P P.S, y;62-2>: 67 1�2 AV�PIUF �AST --- — -- -- - -- - --- ---- - - - ----- - -- - OF HIGK��AY ;, 65 • -- -- - - She �zty PYa!^� �er resd �Lhe reco»me�idatlon oP L'he Plarnaing Gouzml5s �on and �x'pla ��en � ai°e� to the Cooncil l�� :� d i scuss2on pez°lod. ntr. �on Haretad� o�iner of zhe Proi�ert,y, was pzesent. Coui^c!lman 13'o1L=e r2lsed tre qu^e�lou �i' tihe proposed aextrlce roa� was dedicatcl or 2n ��nd i,he Clt�� D?anager expla�ned it �aaa o.� the p12� and iruuld cross � t �ii�tih. P�iotio�� b� Scha�eoa tie conccr ��lth tbe Recommend2�ion of the Plannlne Commigsio�� �nd set, a ptiib]ic he�rio�, d�ice o Aprtil 11t7� for ihe rezor_ii�� irom P-1 to R-j oL balance cr pro�o�e��3 °,Z�� ooa pieseni,l�� P,-�� �^d e-rai�t zhe ti�aive`c oE the zon?n� Fee of' �;�-0 00. Seco�ded by Broo'n. '�»or �� �aotice votie, there Ueing no nays, the motlon carr�ed �zr�ai�imously. STftLL+`T MIPTI?�Zi�4 h1Gk'I' 91+ 6761Y PF(;p�vp ii'�ATSOPT RPIEPVSELT �;7GFi'L'S: P4otion by �7ohai�son to concur �az�;h Lh� recomm�ndation oF tr�e ?lanniiig Ccmrnissio�� and estiablish �;0' rinht of ��ay a= t72e mr�imum tiii�9th sza �darcl im• t,he above r�etirribed area. Secor�ded L-v SnPiidan. Upou ��YOtce vof.e, i,l2ere beino no t�ayti, -che n�oziqn carrieo unani-�auelo. PU1�L+ OI1� aA,1 �S�CPZIOP� BUTLDIIUG FLP,�IT P�PPROVrL NS CGR1V�3 OF D4T,SSSSSTp1I SZ'RFrm ;�1� -- - - - -- ---- --- - ------- -- --- — - - - -- -- - T. FI��7 (UNItTER�I7"1 !',Vl,�]UF Sl. L'.)_T�A�ISEP', IT 1?L: The Clt� Mana�er read the iinclluge ot' the P13u�in� Comm2s�slon an� ex�l�ined 11ti '�et�-�1 that thzs ,tem ��a� been rci'crred tio �he Councll Por tlzeir cone�deratio�2 ragardting zhe engineeri�g �spects being check�c Y.+y CitV ZngiheEr Brpuni and c�rawi�2g Council attenLlon� Lo mim��ee oP JanuGry 22, 1�59 page 15� ard raquesting a recomrner_datio� �nd clecislon bv the C�ty attoiney. Coune2lvan �ohanson si,ated th�t City ALtorney shovld �,lso checl{ ordi�once on till�ng s'r.�i.�on ��d pu^�ps. P�fayor Nee �Ulied if ther� wei•e an;�o � preeent Untin re�a�•�J �.o this permit a�proval. Mr. V. B. �du�ards oL Pu�e Oil Compan,y tiaas pre�ent, aleo Nlr. 3ohn lue�een, Sr. Mayor 11ee stated he felt they ��eeded �n oninion Srom the City Aj,torne}' in this rer;ard. C�ty P.ttorney Kohl%�n =L�ted thie provision tah_ch had been referred to hirn i�� L'ne minu�es oC J�nuar;� ?2� ]�5� ��as L-o pruvide ihdt thE area to tkie North wa� L-o be reetriczec �nd used for parliing purPoee� onl� and r�leasEd onl,� by the City Council. and it 1nFErred LLat other p��king area :ah,_ch th�t land noui provldes as to be �ubstJ_�uted for tihe ex- tention o° Lhe buildLng. Ivr. Thetisen �slied the Couac�l tiho put the resiriczio��s on �his l�s^o�ert�� �nd how could they pti�t resrricbionU on his lai�ci� Mayo� Nee razsed the queetion il ati t�ould be sata,�i'aczoxy �o a11 i� �he legal side of this quesz,�,n were clariiied e.�d brou�,hL Ue£oi� the Council ez the nex1, meeting� Cou�eLlmaz Joha�son etaticd ihat �a1-e�i Council �_r�nted approval oi' tne bul]d�ng permiti ior L-hia bullding, at a&s �llowed in the name of Art Chrlsieneon and �hat he had put Zti the reyuesh� ior this parl<�ng, P7r. TLieisen Jurth�z° e�at,ed tha� ?Rr. Christienson still oi�rs the bwidir�g but noz the propert� l�rorth in qucetio�i. Councilman do2ianeon stated he w�s a*rnre that Mr. Christie�son �tii_1 o��ned Lhe bu�ldia� a»d owners oi proper;.y couJd prohabl,y build a f,lling statioi� oi- che preperry �n queetion but Council could close tihe grocerv sL-ore foz ins�ilfic�ent parl.��ig. P'!r. Theisei� ta?sed ihe aues��oe how �t z�as possible for auy bocl�� �o gu,�raatiEe his proper�z� and i�as ans*aered that he must have beeii aware of' �ti aL �hc- t�me, Mr�. Ed�i�rd�5 re�rese��r,ln� the Pure Otil ComPai�p, stzted chey uould like to poJnt ouL-, , �r: zh�� erea, �h�t �here still u+oulrl be room to paxli at least 100 c�rs and they were i�ot �otin� to utP are� next to it other than Por � parkii�g area. St aa� expiaiiied b3> Mr. Edw�rds that ;te doilbtied there are mo�e i,han 100 cars ixti the loL at aoy tirie. Mr. Theieen �tated it didn`t �alce pa_�king Por 100 cars °or his utore, City ?ttorney {ohla❑ si,a�:ed he was unable, at the pre�enti time, tio give an opinion; i,hat the mir_�utes in questlon seerr, to inr�icate that Mr. Christenson and P9x°. Tneisen were actiau �ogether and an in�i.rumen� prep�ied by these toao mzn is rererred tio. Mx. Edwards a��ked i1 this inst-rumeuti wae evei recorded �nd Mr. lhe���en replied thati iti �ppsrentl_y had not. Coun- cllman Johanson su��ested thzt City Attorney i�ohl_a�� check on Filli�zg st�l.io�� orclina�ce and aivc- to Safety� Committee for checking. Mr. �'d�asrds stated his compan,y could jhow dozens oS Gtatione u�ith more +refiic, 1.his szation corner ha� a traffic count oi only 1'97 3300. He Purtiher explai��ed th�s area is c�esi�ned �'or a futuxe seivice road Uy ti',�e Hieh- way �ep�rt�ae�i�. Cit�� Altori.ey rep�_zed �hcre was mor� th��ii a questiori o,- access to the highway. Mayor Nee axplained 3t tiras PZr. Theisen's stateme�,� that Mr. Christeneo�� cai�- not put a reatriction osi h1s land unless he ag�,eed to iL. Coti�nc�lman �rio]�e szsted tk�e Council :rhould he mo�t carezul oi� items tb�p agree Lo, tha�_ �t was theix �ob to �'ollow thron�h and no1. be lax on such titer�s� 3�id, it Tr�s a�na°ter of Lhe administrat�oa iollou�- ing up aud seeing that it was dorie. Niayor i�Tee recrueetcd i,t�;,, th�s i1�en be �ei'erred tio tne Cit�� �lttiorney. N:oLi�n by Brooli r,o refer the aopve descr�bed permit approval to the Cizy A{,i�ornFy and �rct�:rn s�r�e at the nexc regular meeting on the iegal ques�ion �nvolved. Seconded b� Johanson. Upnn a voice vote, thcre bezng i7o �az�s, zhe motion carried L�n�niznousl�. PF�OPOSSL TO A1�1V� ORDSATAPICL 70 BY AMLN➢SNG SECTIOT� 5.10 (2) P�Y �1DD1NG P(�TLO�JT�TG `S�ti_F UlORD6, �� -------�r------;r---- ----- -.--- -- - - -- —r------- �-- -- -_— COn�T�ALESCENT FIOI�� TEiE WQRDS: P�LTRSLl�TG HOD'�S, tIOP�S FOR 2'IiE �ISERL,Y The City I�ianager ree�d the above proposal and explained by addii�g "nursing hor,�e� � nd l�orr�es ;or the elderly," the Council coulo permit these homee in any district provided L-here were hearings held before �;he roard of Appea_s and City Cou"ci1 He s��ied tihis �ppeare�l to Y�e a xauch ;�tro�ti�er control over �tiux•sing hon�es �nd ,P Ccm�cil wishc-d �o clirect �,he Plan- n�ng Commissiun to hold �;he First l�ear�_i�, Lhey could do so 2e soon as possible. Mor,lon by ,7oh�nson th�ti C�ty G`ouncil ipprove the propos�l oP tihe Planai�ig Comr�iseiou to amertd �,he ord�nance by ac�d!ng the follotiiiug �aord� �Luggestieu� "nuivinr, homes; ��omes for the elderly"a and have Planning Comm�s��on liold a hearing �i. {,heii earllest co�venleucE. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vo�,e, there rEir.� no na;�s, Lhe mozion carr7ed u�ianirnousl�,. COPY Gr LETTF'R FROP2 COiJi�iTY �PGII�ZL'�R LUT7JHIPII�S FiE StdFORP1,4^TODT ON C.D. ItUTCLI�TSO'�i ADDImr�i� AAID EAST RIV�R ROAD FR03LEPr,--------- --- -- -- --- 'Ihe City Manager ex�7_alned to the City Couac�l l'7zat the Planoing Comm�ssior had �equested 1,he Council to reira? ❑ ir�r �:a"_�lne, any action on the above mentioned oroblerr on the re- zoniag a��plica+ior, unLil �Y!e Commiss�on had received and reviewed c tr��filc en��neering �study and Covnty En��neer's latter to �he St2eet: and U�;li�.iee �Sub-Comim �Lee. Mr. St�w- ari, Ivalhelm 5aae present o� the aoove dascrlbed r�ropei•t}�. Co�a��c�ln�an dohaaso❑ r��se�7 t1�e queEtion of t�he» che Planmre CommiFSioc meeLing tool� place and taas told �i, hed �aken place on the Thur,sday previous. He et�tec� it see�ned to h�r �hai, ai. the time Lhe Commltsion would a,pprove tL_s rFZOnin� sub�ect �o a 30 foot ser�1cc ioad and no�a they had ie�rerwed l;heic declsion. FSe �"izrt.ier �rar.ed tiha1, his m�tion �L th° tii,>>e �aae �o tioble �htis ui�t21 Council had looked at this pro�ertiy a��d also thr�i �hey -,o�ild taL'<_ to the membc-rs of the Flanuln�' Commle=lan on Lhl,, the Izel i,�g bei�ig tL� 1� �hey v�ovld approve of thts ie��on112p ,ri�1� a 30 Poot serviec ro�7 �lou� the side and ari��cer�c Lo F�'ast R�aer Road. Councllman Johaneo❑ reques�ed an exolanaLion. Char]es Johauson, �ember of tihe Y1�nc�ng Comm2ssiou present, st�ted Lhat, a.*, tne t�rne it s,�as �lenied there taere consi�eral�le �eople opposed ro i�, r,he lc-rgc ob�eetion be�ug the �ra�tic La_�rc� that s�ould be there and PlannZn� Comml�sion i'elti �11 of r,as� Ri�rer Road. s'�ou�d be stuc�iefl. Nr. ScL�nson explalned the Ci�� �a�e �oir�� to h�ve a real piobiem �n that nrea ix•ozri 73rd to Cr� �g's�a5� 2i1� thai. �atire ere� should be cone�dered and e1,.td�ed, The ?laiinting Com*nlUsion Lad sent tor sore eurvez�s from the County. Cout�cilmcn �n'o11ve etiated t�e County was more 1n�eles�ed n2 tl�e deaccelera�.tiai laue on Osbor�2e Road. Su�. P1?k_e Cl'Baznon, County Commi"sioner prescnL, =tated he l��d �titet called PRr. Lundheim and aeked him �L �t u�as rezoned� would this area crea�e a hazard and he had persoually looked at property. I1; ias �xpl�ioed tne C9ty T�'a�ager hed leLtcr 1n th,s r�- garc7 and had been �dva_sed �o gei, acld�tiox2al e�,tip for rlg��t oP ,»y and chis e�eement ��ould 'turn rrom th� corner a c�is�ance oP 200 ieet ano 10 Ptet in with tape�in�' r,o 150 feeL. �This w��� su��;ested ae an el�mina�Lion oF the pz'obJem. Lt vias furi,her �i,ated th^ CottnLy i� interestecl �n a tarn off on Osborne Read. Councilman �riollse epol�e �n re]ation�hip tio �his service ro�d �nd stated rather than a de�eceleration� the�t ,ae�'e Lalki�� �bout a serv}ce ro�d a�d tha� z�ould oe more acceptal�l�, He su�ge�ted tihat Coti�rcil �nould be more con- sti�erate oF a servire -road along East Piver Road rarher than a de�cceieration. Mr. G'Baanou sa�d� he felt� the Couniy i�ould be saL2ef,ed *aiLh � scrvlce r�oad- P4r. K_valheim etated th� or��oinal propos2l ��as f'r�r � 30 i'ooz etrlp along �his road and hls custo�er �aould ded�cate th�s, iIowevera the proposl�lon o�° continuinn on dotm �;o 73rd, ne felt� wa� *ae]1 and good ard they l�ad i.o control over what happe�s South of the��° nroperty, Councilr,^❑ irlolke ra�eed the questicr ?i conside-ration �aould 'oe �izrcn tc tl�e zoning of this property, che use oi' �;h�v properit� �s it �s ��ow doeGr t re�uire � serv,ce x•oad uet�1 such tiirae zs �t is commerc2aL P�iayor P(re ❑s1:ed iP there wexe e�y enex�e7cy 198 thati should be cone�_deiecl� P?r. Kvalheim explained �hi� ls the construction se2eon and h�s cuetiorner wlshzd to build sa?th,❑ thc �i80�000,00 to �100�000.00 bracket and it Zs imperative L-Y�ai; they h�tre some sort oi' indication �s to whethcr or not i�ey s,ould be able to g� sheacl. Councilman Johanson iaised the auesr,ion of ar island. It v�as eaplalned thet or_e oi the large problems i•�as g�ti�zng �he tiaffYC oFf' the road and that any�ime a motorlst Lral;es or 7n�r,es ano�her tiurny he �oould have tc turn-instead pf drlfting. A discussion period saa�. hcld re�ardinp a service roac� on Past River Road that 5�ould con�lnue North on Fa�L Rlver Road. Coua�czlman Johanson czazed they �r�n�ed a 3G foot service road in Fx•ont oi the describecl prope-rty completely free of East R�ver Road. bSr. Kvalhein� said th�t as lo�i�, as rNere was accees to tiheir propertya there ��as no problem. Coun- c-_lr��an ido]ke star,ed he thougl�t they had he2rd this cluestion nften enougn� that Cou�etl, shorld u�zke � decielon on it ;nd sr,ated that ii enough properey w�xe given for a service ioad, permit should �e granted_ Zhe City I�Sanager etated the Planniag Com- miseion had spei,z a�-reat deal oL' time on th�s prablem, and �hai. they dld feel that �L ehoul�] be cela/ed for tihem to have aa opportiunity to loo'_c �t some draraznge th�t they have reques�ed the EnPlneer to dr��a and Streets and Utilltse� Committee and sug- gested a dead liiie for April l�th if zhey are npt prepared to ac�. Niotion by Johanson that the C�ty Cou�,cil concur vith the _recommendation o�' �i,he Plaa- iiin� Commiesloi� ae set ioith �i Item 26 ot Plani�ing Comm�ssion bleeting, R?arch l�, 1963 and dtan attention to the Plam7i�ig Commission that on occas�on u�� �il a-re sab- �cet to prereLU-� Prom d�Pferent groups but off-tlr�es act2on is necessary, trre�ard- lees. Secoi�ded by H�°ook. Cow�cilman ldollie reyueG�Ed that Coun¢ilr�an Joharson rephras2 his n�ol;ion zo zhe �uggestion Uy the City Manager that Plan�in� Commissioi� try to worL thls out by ;,he Seconcl trieet� ng tin Apri1� �ha �� being r'lpril lj, as the construct-�ou �eas�n ls here and sorr,e action ehould ke �aken one way or the other. MoL-ion by Jonanson to revlee his moti�on r,o re�d '�hat the City Counca.l cor?cur i�ith l,he rec�inmead�tlon oL thc Pla�2uia� Commisslon �,s set forth ln Item 26 of Planning Com- mission Neetln3, Plarch l�F, 19�3 a�d d�aza attentiLOn �o the Plannia� Comn�iss�on tihati on occas�on >>E 211 are sub�ecc to presstire rrom diPferent groups but ofS-time actlor. zs necees�ry, iri°e�ardles�, and t,hat Cizy� Covncil urgei2tl� recues� the Plan.zii�g Corn- �ni�syoi�, liave a reporL for Citz� Council i�o lates Bh�n the seconcl ra�et;�_ng in I1pr11� 1g63. Seconded by Brool_. Uoon a vo�ce vote, there be�ng co na�e� the �notion carried unanin�oue]_y. COPiNUPIICA7I0; f�9 . � DALB£;RG BUI�ERS - OAr�^'COD Nf�iiOR STRFIEi_ Lhc City �+fan��er re�rs 1Ett�x re�ardinn, tl�e above da�cri'oed street. Couuci7man �chan- son r�ouested ni� eaplanatio-i. i7�e City P,ttor�ley explazned this ti�ae �longeida Bailey Tiller°s propert� �nd aeked li t1Ze posLs ��eie i�� tihe street or on p?-ivate �rop�rty. C� ty E�gl•ieer Biuzan �tated the noetia zaere located on iY1e esser�ent�� buti �aere put there to protect wk,ru',s, e�c�, a�id s�,atecl rha� bir. D�lberg was �•�11Zing to c7ean and regr�de property� titl�i l;�t� coLtld le���re one �o=t ai�d iB vrould be no pioblem 2�io Ci�y z�oa3d he _���tii�°e3 �P noti t�°espassi� � on pxoper�:y at snova removal t2�e, etc. ?t ti�ae Curtiher ex- p]ained ti�„1 po���P;- co�rn�.�?y h�d xen�oved a pole. Cotu�cilrn�n Sheridan ra7sed t]�e qtitestion if �Jn•. Dalbera; h�d propo�ec� blpc1�'copping a��d rae cold h� praposed only reo edixag. Councili��a� .3hexzda� statied that eve� thougL the pos�s may lool- ridiculouc ic docs give tl�e oT� ier �sor;r, protect�on and asi;ecl t � there �aas some way �:r l�eep public of£ of Lot 20. C�_tiy Eng�neer �3iow� expl�lned the1: ou�ner oi LoL 20 has been no�°ried abuut the c�ty or� Jtis prope7°Ly, �ot the public, thai- this 1. a public road easement. Mayor Piec sLatiecl 2,haz �� thlr_ i�e�n previouely i��� not dorE by Council actioin, �1�ey could go �lonP. �oi���cllina� Joha��o�1 said h� ��lt they �Y�otiilc' �ermit the xemovnl ot the poei;s. Coun- cil�r�i� �her,dan su��esiec� the l.e�vi-�g of' i;he ���7 �.nd DTW coa^ner posts a� Clty Ea�g�neer B�°o�an had sL���esre�, rPmo•re tl�e balz��ce and re�xode stree�:. N�otion bv Sheri�l3r� zo take ou� cenLer �our �ost� and allo�� Mr, Daloer� nf Dalbe?^g Bu,lder,°, Ii°c. to do stree� co�2stiuction on �ublic pioperty, Secoi�ded by }3roolc. � Upon a�roice voLe, ther� be�n�; no n�ys� tihe m�tion carrie�� unanlmously. Ir]NSBRUCIL - PL?'1`i'iONS OPPO�,TA�G S'FREC'� LIC��ITS Tha Cltv N1an�gei e;plain:;d zhe �etitiions opposing 9treet ligl�ts in Lhe a_iected 2sea �nd st2�ed he h3d'reouested th�t No��cheri� Sta„es Po�aer ��-��hholcl any conetrucLlon oP eame ti�n�i1. Cou��cs1 woulcl �so dileet, Couuc�lmai� Sheridan eti�Led �hat bec�use of' the �12ture ci t-kie deve3op�nent of r,he ar�a <�i7d {�IZ�c zvery 1ot ��as to hst�e ite ozin prtivate light� e�:c.� t72at Counc�l s1_zould hati� consideied cont�cl,ii,g these people. Councilm�t� Sheridan sugoe�sted Lhat Coaec:�l hoi�or � � LJ 19�� tihe rec�uest, oi the resident� � n Sn�sl�rucL� and de iete the i i�hts *aii,liiil t1�e Z�,��ebrucl� area, turLher L-nese lights that �re bc2ng rernoved Prom this progcdm be usEd on ol°t be�Taeen 7th Stree-c runntng East Lo and i��cluai���, the curb 3xound �he Jr. 7Ii;;h Schoo=� ano along what ��oulcl be tre exrension of it,� Moore Zake Dnive �u i'xo �� of thF 12��h ,chool. i�lotion by Sitieryda» th�t becau�e o- t1�e natur� of ihe developmert oi r,he 1ri�_eb-rucL ��ie= ai�d because eve�°y l��t will h3ve ite o��n pri�%�te l��rt, th��ti Czty Cou��cil ho>>or 1re reaue�t or zhe �•e�idents �a said area� delete the 1i�h7;s �iitrin the Innsbiuci- arer, ar�d place th�se lzghts bein� remosed fx•orn thtis pxo�;r�m oi� 61st be�ti�een 7t.h Strcet ru���,�� Pas� tc snd inciudi�e �he curk� around zhe �7r. ii1�L School �nd alonp wh�t woula be thz eate���ion ot �t, Moor� lake Drive in Pro.ti� oi tihe h�gL school. Seconded by �rlolic. Upon a voice vote� tihere '�eing no nays� tLe n�otio�i c�rried un: r,lnioizely. GOLiJ��L? 7�;TGI3mS - ��ZTTI �!VPINUE Pi0t2�H�n_ST• �S�'-,'� �e�a'1�1 to trie ebo-�e comxt�»r�ca'c�oii� tl2e C_t, ��-�F, °1,�1;��T1 L�ze ler,ier x�cu�= L_Ps I,he facti �hat Colvmbi� T?eihhta o�ms ll�+t77 q�-e��i���. li *�� su��e=-F�� 11°�nt ��°:�,d oC .�- ca ting cbc s�rccti s�d rledlc� b> >�, it b�cl�� t'_i� U�tv oi Coluni�_, � D; i„htie -,x� ��-.'r�° tit]e to Fi°;d]cy and two City Cow�cil� ��otitic7 m�l.e rhe �eclslon Citti '� n�,�� � c1 i�ro,� • h�3cl researched the records a-cl fou ul that o,�e poi r?oii �,,�e r � co�n,�>>n�ti�� , ot,l�er -a- rl�ni - ca�eJ ��d Colur,bin Hai�hts doe,� o�o> tlie st�°eeL. Cotiricilne� �do]�re et�'�c� ri° n-.1 tLouqht � t tiia� � Coucty road a�d ���� told � � �aas but only ro i�T�. �n Gtice 1. Cou :c� L�°� ��7oll-e �ugge;�;,ed the co�t,inua�c� oi thlu as a Gourit,y �o��l = d��pnr�ed tL.iL �o n�� 1it�^_ �k�cr:. Councilm=❑ �1o17ee requeaLed th�t Mr, 0��rn�oa, Cou-L, Commiss�o°�e�°, ��i the Cou��L}° Co���- antistitiott°i� �o tiake tihis -ro�d over as a Coun�;p I'os�l ahe�� 1�'rirlle}, i,� a�le -o oL1,�ti �� l,. h,atio�� b�7 ido'_Le to 11ave C-i f,y ',�t>>oine�- itoht:�n re,-oi,i!te ��tl� Co�tn�hi� �]eihrL= Co�° tl'= acc�uisizion oL �1litL- l�venue. Seco���led by Sheri7,�; � Upoa a voice vot�; c'-�r�re heLn� no nay�,, tl�e motion car?�ed tilnauimously. C�1� CONPl�Pi�� - tmk7�CS1'AL 1�1'PRO�iAL Oa PPI�S1CHiSP I�dotaon b� Joh?��o� to ceceive abovc descr-�7�e? letzc� � ci ol�ce o�z �ilc� ;econd2d by She-ricl�n. Upon n vo�cE vote, tl2ere bcin� n� t��ys, *,}�e �aotio� c�rrleu t�n���z �auelv. ]�NaO - 1V0`l'IC� OP T�V'PL.i1^ `I'0 F�'C'ST?OI�T POP i.El�RrP�DiJ��� TZotion by Sbcr�d�n i;o recezve colnrnunica�aoa i'ro�� zl�e F'iria�re D�iecio�° re��;rdi�,; tl�c inti�az oC t12e co�vmlttee Fo2 a relereadum wotia, Uecor�,�ed b�� '7017 e, iJnon a tioice vote. 1;7�ere bc,i�,� no �zysa the raot,on c��P-ied uuanl+rioas7i�. COLUSBIA 1�TGIITS - 53RD �11�1VCJE IIOR L=�I�ST: 'I'he City P'�a�ager ersplsi��ed the above commu»� c��-_o�_. .n�}�or :'��e �°eru�'• Ted ihe se t Li = 01' a reeetin� date fbr this Lce�,�_ Notior� by;JOl�e t'��ti Ctty Cou-�cil rreet, u+ith Co7umh�� I1e��,}�t� C�u'�eLi un 213�°ch 2�tn� 1J6°� an zY?e atal��ect or 53RD Ave�.ue. Seccr�ded b,� Jo1 an�o,i. Upca =�r�i�� vo�c, bY�e�c being �o �a�j�, �he motion csrried u>>s�^lmously. Ai�RICA1� T�GTOP� POST j03 RL�i7�ST POR Cll?NIV�.L CALII�ID °FFIDLEt I�'BOR D�.rS' C��i'ic�.l_man Tiol.k� eta�ed tih3t iS �; T,ere leaal, ror the ezt�� Lo �°�na :!zi�, ;hc Le;sne h°d c3o�.e n gre2t dc�l of 000d �aorL +�nd thls shculd �e oi�nted. Motlon b} Ldoll.e tic grant tLe abo�re permlt su��PCt Lo leg� 1 co�,ditiovs. �ceo^r�e�l 1��� Brool�. Upon a voacP vo�e, ther� being no ��nye, �h� moriou c��rried une��,»ousl5°. 7�Sr. Pecersoa oP -che Frinley ameiie�n Legion Po�1, fi�m]�cd '_he Citv Cc�ur_�i] Coz° ohc permiti 2»d an��ot+zcec �t nould be held o� tl�e 30tih -m�' °1el o- flue��et -rd le�, .»d �n� oF Se�tc-ml�ei� �he loc�tiio�i of said ca_iti�val bet��i [Iti�r�ary 65 on tl� grrni�iG- i�o�°,b of 1'I1�1nPSOi,c DOp?'. �.'li:: il i : P4otlon by b�ollre to ap�rov� p�ymcr'� oi' Ganersil C� � r �° s� �C» trrcLr«1� ��[�3�3 7ec�nded ��o by Jo1^an°oa. [Tpor a vo�ce voze, L-here b�in� no nays, t2ie rao�,zor ca�ried ti�n�?imaLiel3�. I�,o�ion by L'��ool< co �pprove payivent of PubLc Utillt�es C1a2rns �2�!Ol ehrov�l^ i�?_Li30. Secondefl b� ,St�ei?r��n. Upon � voice vote, ti1�ex°e being rio iiaye, Lhe mo��on carried una��imo�i�1��. MoZlon bV G'o11zP -�o �pprove paymei�t o�' Liqtiior Clalra�s �511.0 'chrough j�7]'7(• Seconded l�y �oaaneon. Upo^ n�oice vote, �hexe asin�, no i�ays� Lhe mol,ion carr,ecl unan��ously. I1,S'T1111E1Tfi' 3 • � Counc_]man Jo}�-�ns�r� ,eke�� ii C�LyLr�rineeY h2d chec,�ed the ectlmal,ea. The City 1✓�nage� sl,ated these loere ,7ust eatim4te� a d stirveys and tihat the co�°�u1�;-ii°,g Eneineer, �Ir. Ice Cometocl=� �a�E piescnt i,o aae��2r �iny quee��on�s. i�lotion by 'dol]_e t� pay tre :'oll.otazng estlmflzes: Fstiwate �- 6'oter Improveraent Pro,7eet No. 3�+-Y , L+'st�mate 7�� - �torm a.id venitary Seu�er I�vprov�n,ent Pro�ecl, :Vo. j'� Pe'Ll�r�te 1��10 - nlater Im�ioverent Fro�ect No. 3�aJ Schedule l. Est2mate ��I -�7ater Tmpiovemc�� Pro�ecb AIo. 3�r-I� Letim�te 7r4 - Glater Improv�ment Projecc No. 3!'-J Schedule 2 � 65L 50 � 50.00 a 5��.00 � 63.00 `yi 162.00 �ra�;�l �� 9z;o.5o Secoucled L� Sherida��. Upo� a voice vote, �here beltiag no nay,s, tihe motlon carr,ed an�r �moL��s1y. ?Motion Uy Sohr.n�oa �o co;icur ��;ith r,h� recommendatian oi City En�� neei• Btown and , pay Sy'S„70.00 on the steel �tuldi�,;, Confrac� Pv7 62-j, z�nal es'cimatie. Seconded by Shertidan. LTpo� � voice zrote, tiher� bsii�� no o�ys, tihe mottion carx �cd un�r_imousl5°. Tne Ci�;� M^.r�gei �sp1.�i�,ec the i1e�:t estiim�te ci ��1�2�0.�2 c�ue Perry A, S��e7son Compan�. Councllm�n Johanson �tiated he ielt there eltould Ua rio I�icie let ln Pr,c- 1ev vnti] bide .nd wpecl�ications Taere claiiii�cl, Notioo b� S:crid�i�° to pay r,'_ie claim in the amount of y`�'�J,290.�2 �o Perry �. Stiae�ason Con�pnny. SFCOi�decl by �dollce. Upou a voiee vote, there being no r,ays, the cnotiion cai�i��el tinnnimouely. L ICL+'�DTS 4�';3 Mot1o� by �lolke to �r�n� zhe follo���iag license; nLUNiBI1�G Weer�,00d Pl_t�mbz�;� Com��n;/ 9321 L��iid2le Aventite South Ml,zneapoil�s� NILUne°ot� by: 'Pa i. Ida3sPly Ren�,,,el Secoa�ded l�y �her?c.�n. Upo» 3 voice vo�;e, i,rer� besng no nz�ye, the tnotio�� c�rrie�l unanimouel;. FIR�'T RTCADITFG OF OR�PVAIiCS AI�PTDTNG ORDIS�ANC� ID0. 70 - S�CTlOPT S•�3: Mayor Piee s�aieed t��e question if � t ��ae thF Cou1�c�1 in�eni: to h�ve ti��tis �c-�d. The City lUk�na�,er �ove the Ciret xe�d�ne OE saad oxdina?7ce an�. ex'platined t,ha� coald sei; cl�e pur7ir heatlnr� f'o� april lec. City l��tiori�ey Yohlan stated th2t vnder M-2 ii� ti,"ils ordina� ce there zs nokh�i�� excltiv��ccl. Cotzncil�r2ri Sheridran stated tl�e penalBS on thi� .�ould _iot be more i;ha,� .p100 or 1mpr�soumenL ot �0 d�yv. Niot�on b,� Joh�n�o.� l,o acce��c th�s as Ll�e Cirst re�dine of sald ordzi�ance and set liear�ng ��te �or L1�r11 1°t, 19.`_3. Secon�icd by Sher�dan. U�o12 a vo�ce uot2, tihere be2ng no z���s, the motlon carrie�l Unaaittiously. 1 � O1. ?layor ATee �nterpo�ecl �o state 17e h�d i�acl�rertcn���/ go�2e pact someon? ,aho sl�otiild have b�en in V,s��oc's eec�ioi� �nd� zai�h Council pe-rmi�sion, h�^ ��tiehed +o �el_ Zf _,°��o»c *���ehe!� to bo =_ s_rd. Thsre va� iio one �leeent. CO1dSIDFt�1TLOD1 0, ,'���'SOLU7'7-ON PLQUT"STT➢�G ��'P6C�INd'DiT t�RO�i 1V.�.�.°.D.: Coune�lman �ohauson ?s?ced fox° tiLe tloor �ud; n��n�°e�r>i��� ch� chairr���n, e��Led tl��� *��� i� ,^p��rd r.o 'the resolution he n�d se���L; the� C;oli'�e21 1^�r s?ceiced coe,ip_ehe �zve report ixom r17� C?ty Pn2in�er ,hey 12�c1 rec�tite°'.?71 m°�ec� the Counell to s�ao,� ,.his � ��d req��estecl L]��ti ti,he 2e�oluti-�or bE co�tinued ti�nt71 r,�o „ue�e hence. '_1o�;�on 1�y Joha�eo� to del°}i thi� ieeolu-cioii a��d t ble tt j,il i.l1e iiext, re�ul_<<2 n,eaT��n,. Seconcled by 73roo7�. Upoii e vmce vole� ihexo 1�ein�, no ��ys, tbe motioi� r�rricd tu����mousl� PL"PT`�IOcT'S : 1`4ot2on by 9herid2c to receive P2tiBio� ]�o. �-1�63 �and 'eler I,o e �in�cr to �or'� la ��ith che StxEet Program. Seco�ded bp Johanso�, i7pon a�oice ,ro�e, thera be�n� no �,,�ys� rhe mocior_ carrled t�na:�imovsly. T112 =ollowing l�eti1'�?o7_, -10,� Che �,,�ne7^s of ;.1��° Puee l�ir idur=�ng Hone; zeat,e��cd t�e cYCe��sion oP :.he pie:ent ���aFr �ed ��ater 1ir_c� ��on; tle �-�d P�st Ri1�er.,oar� to rcacka the �roper�y of thc p�titioncrs. Counc�l�naii Jol�aneon er�ted rk��e p°t_t�on �,�as uice��t anr �,�,�'ied t� h�oe � -r°n�Pt iaade, a, sc�on a� po�s�h1�� to serviec this re I horre. �Ic r:�ee�l L;�e quc�r�o�- ��' �here ,,�ere aay *aay oS servir�� thi� etlier tihan Ea�i P.itiet R�a�l. Gitiy Lnrl,zccr Bro�au e:�pl�2red the 3eslgn of the 1ine. Mr. Ik.rry Dil��ortl� oi �L 1Z52 ]cT Pvarto�al 3�nls Butlo��ieJ St. Paul wai� p?°esent repre�entin� the Pu-;e A�r n�ureii�, Slo�r,e� Inc. Re stal;cd they �+ishcd tQ builc and �o �ervice tihc 1�o�e ±L2cy �iou1� r�eccl _,e"�2 ^n�i T�,ater, �h.ati the;y saele already u�2��g � se�t�c -,��r�� syel,em. }1c c�;pl�ircd thi� T��old be verVi cecasea7}� i'oi tihe �r�opei maiate,�anec o` a.��rsi�g I�omc, tral the,� .ishel to e'�pa�id frn,u n 20 becl to a 50 bed mirsin� homc. Tl-c co��rsc�, 'ie ��l�l. Yi d bee» � signed and �;hey would go rlght �h�ad �r2�h co»c�rucc�o� but. �eou�d ��ed ee�e,° �_ �i ��a1.ex^ anc uere tai111i�� �o coop�rate Lr� en� ti�� t_��j covld to �,e± ,�„ C,t;, L'a�,�acer B2o��in e�-plait�d che oa1� problern nas tne r��lt cC �aay, tl_at 1��,�� �.�e�°e �Jcs7gnel to e;'i,encl 8o�n� L�e-� Rlver Road. Councilman Jo]�a��son -t-i;cd Lhe Coa�icil 21���}� �,a� ihe r���t� �P t`ae� desire, to go �hz�fl ou cer�aiu � Le�,�� Cou^_ci�m� u l,`011 � �l �ed rhe;� c�2alc1 orr7cr �n�p�o-veme��L bvt �n-��ht have tio co acnn� i�� r,rder c �o so. Cit7 Tn��neer P1onn e�:p]ni�zed he nouid get a re�art �rom Cor �bou ��d naatis, ?��c., Co»� �ltirg F� �gi��eei a , Tf7e City A'a����r asl�ed �f j;re Pure I12r 1`harslnET Horne� Ine. could ;:��Zrti �vrih � �pccial Ur'e Pern2�. Ib ��a� �ti�ge�ted to tiIi. D�l.woitl� .h;t he rague=L � spect.�l use perru�r i�nmedi� Lely For i;�e ne�a rti�rsln� home. '_'�F'SOLIPrIODi �°�`2i-19h° I�U'PHOPS=SPTG PRLLINIT11fAP,Y PLAid� FSdD SPli^IF'SG'ATTO�J;, Motion ��i Sol2anson to �dopt Rasolu�io�z ;�38-1°63 . ut,horiz_n� ?ud d�rectln� thc co,- sulti n� c.i�� neers to drati� prc>> mi�ary pLai2s .�d speci Ficet� o-�e I or �e�,��r �� �d �+ai,Ex 12nes doti*n tio and iaeludting the Pu're 1-!i1 P,esT 3ome Secp �ded by ti'o11�c. Jp�❑ a iroice �rotea th°re be�ng no aays� the motion ca_r,ed u����in�ousl.y. RF:SOLi1r'TONS SPLITTZAIG SPCCS�i� AoSES5P�I+ITS Coui�c� linai� Sher� d2� ra.��ecl t;he question 1' each o; bhe6e s�llt� v�ere �h��e, caL}� clzeci ed � oucs thaL Gouucil ma� be spllctisng thee� iito r,�o ��o�.s �•^�l one oi' Ll�e lotc ii�.-� noL b? oP an3� tial�e. City mreesu�er Brun�el_J_ statecl they �aere a11 check�ed 2nd e_�plained. 1�'fotiou by ;iol.l5e zo ndo�t RESOLUTSOP� p�3a-1g63 �u�hori�� °�, anc c�ii�ecttn�, ti.ie cpli�i,in�„ oi certaia special aesPvsme��cs i�� Parcel 7�J(0 �nd P�rec] :2Q0, P]yaouria ��;dz�io�i. ��eeo„ded b� 3Y�E�idan. Upon � votiee vobe, there Lc�r�g „o ^s��, �,1ie motiiou c��rza�3 una��, mous.L-y. Niotion b� Soli�ne�i� bo ac�np� 1�SOLU�ION jf��0-1��3 �ui,nori;_�2, ���7 dirccrti�r, che com- Y�iaing oI c�rtu�n ,spccia] aesessn�ence in Lct 22 ���� 23, Bloc-- R. ?ivervie�� �Ici�l.te 1!ddiLion. Secorded by 3rook. Upon a zroice vote, �he�°e 1_�eir.� -�o .�_ye, che iuotio, c2ri �ed ixnam�aousl�. M � �� kflotio7 by broo}� to a'.opt F.LSOLUTION �j41-1963 anzhorizi�ig �nd d�_recring the splztitzng of eerta�n spec,�7 ae°easiac�t= �n Lot l, Block l� Sprii�g L�ke P�r'sc Lal�esicle. Seeoncled by Sberidan. Upon e vo�ce voLe, thEre bein;, �o naya, the mo-clon carrled tii��animously, 1✓oL-�o� b7 Joi-�.�con r,o �dopt 1�I:SOLI7TION ��%+2-l�J6j au�horizing and di�eci;tiag �,he ��lztt- ir_g oi c�r�,e�n �pecz�7 �.ecee�r�c it� in P�i�cel 360� PQelol2nd Cardius. Seco�;dcd 7�y b�ollre, Upon � vozce v�te; there bei�g ,�o na��s, the motion carx'ied una�slmously. Nlct?or_ by �•Io11=_e �o �dopt RF.OLU"PZ�1'� ���3-lquj autihoriz-���g and direczing the spli��ing � oi ceitai, epeci�l �sses�s�ne�:e ,� Sot 3� E1�c'c ��� Ly�dale �u�lderG, 6th 9d��ttiio�, Seco�t�eci 1-,� S'_Zeri�n!�. Upo�° a voice vote� ther� U�y2� �,� n�ys� 'tL�e motloi c�rrled u�iUnit'aou�sl5,. S�intzon b� �iol�e �c e�]opi T�e,SOLUTION m4�F-1963 Yuthorz;_ieig 2��1 c'irectxrg t12e sp!tititi�tig oC certa�n �pec�nl a°°P�sme�,�- in the 1fE l��l oi N�i 1��F� Sectio�ti 12� i'arcel Pio, 2400. Saconded by °1�e�^� dc i. Upo� � voice vote; tihere be ��g no n�ys, tY,e motlo❑ caY'rled v ,.,aimovsl;+. D10-ion by dohaneo^ to �clo}��- �.SOT,UTION ��j-1.963 auLrorizzn� 2�u directl��g the �pi2tt- ti��g o� cerr,t�� vpec2�l �sr_essme�zt� in Lo�e 1`_� cnd l�, D1ock 2, Sprlr^� V�11e,y Addition. Secorid�d b� Droo. . Upor_ u�roice votir; i,hare bezng no �1ay�� the n.ot2on carr�ed u7animously. P1ot,�on b3 '3�001. 1;0 �dopL �,L+',��OLUTI0IV �1i6-1���� autLoz•iz�i�e end dziictaiag zhe ��;_l_�t'cl,�g oI certa�� cpeelal �r�eesi,�ent� pa�t oI io� 1, Parcel �00, Audtitor'� Subd2vis�on i�lo. c9. `3eco�n9Ed 'oy zlzer�dai�. Ul�o�l s vo2ce Jo-ce, t,72c-re beinx no iaaye, 'cke matiion c�rrled tiu2aai�n�u�l�. APPLl_CnTZOPSC POR l�G'P�FIti��nL Of� TP,f11T�,h' P`�,R�Im� Councilm^n „1°en � �� ^L,zec tihat both o�' {.Y�e�e h,r2ilere �rere -�n ltii, w�rd ard they ���ete i=�aF����ls, He Curhhur e,rplr2�cr'� tliot Zn both c2sev �hey ��are i� che rE2� y�ras and �ayol�� ��ould 1-,,re ���_rc1 �,iiae f_��1�n? t?�a�a ttom �'�h° stizet; Curtihe;r� cl�ere itad be°n �o ob�PCt�o�s Irom tihe ,,bat�2i�� nro�e-�,�ac. P�ie,e appl2canT� ha; s;gnazu-ree �al�icl_� � ere rec�ucale�� P_°or� �he Flr�oii �n,= propert� o>>>eis. 1.�oti�on b" �herlr,� � �1r� spplic��tions i'or re�ewa� o� �r.i-iler permzt� �e �,��rtied to Jo�eph H. t��er �o�� ��i ;�570 Pridlev �treeti �lorthe�at, Fx�dl��� and C1eLus �ve�, 1�b5 l�i_eeissippi �ti_eet;�iorl;hcosl, 1�ridley. °eccnded by i�roo'�. Upor� � vo?ce vote� tihere 1,c2��� ❑o �,_�,s, rY�e aiot�o» c�,°r�ed u�.rinion.s]v. Gounci]ir��. ='-�er2c_�� sr,a�ec� t.^ere h��l bee� ano�l�er ap�l�cet�.on. PZczlon b9'��o11:e tiY�st rrci2ler ��er�nit ��� �r�i tec7 t'o Rodne� 6d�hl�ieiT oP 6001 2nd Stree� PTOr�heast� �'cidlcy �o be pl_c�, on tli� co�°nei of �,Oth ���°�9 Seccc�� S��ee�. Secoi°.ded by St�etid�a. Upon � voice t-ote, i'�eYe bei �; no ��ys. ±h� ti�o�,o� c�rried un�i�imonely. Com�cilnei� 3rPric� n fi�rther reporzecl there iae � tr�il2r oa L6'ch and �'ridley StY•eet _��u s'��t�r� �-� ��A�,,:t l��p, �f l,3io C�ty h�d a p�rmti� on thtis traile,- but �a�gct�ted 7� b� ehee'. c �� LS�IDLE;`�` ; P'CP�AI'10��T CON1MTSaIOIT L�IdD F_�;IrS �iD PI,�YGI20iJnfL1S SiTB-0011NtITTBG JOSNT NLrSTT�I� ^�iIP�U'7'PS� �;BRrJI�FY 7"� 1,���3— - -- ---- -- -- - - -- P�otlon by ;�her�c�n I;o -�ecelvc- a,�� p,Lace o�� iil� the min�:tes o� 'the Fridley P,ecxeat�oi° Con�m1°.io� ^nu P^l _, �nd Pl�r"ro�trd� �ti1'�-Com*�l�tzce �olnc Meet�nr� oF ,aebruar5� 181 �.g6;, Feconn�rl b, L'rool�, U��on �� vc2ce voce, there b��i_F rio eay�, the �no�ion c2''ziea itnan���ot��ly. t�,TPy__� P}�1CR�P._TTC�a CO_,iinISSIOA? i"IZP;[Pl'ES5 PEBRUAP,Y 21, 1�L3: Dicoio7 b-, Jol�a ,so1 Lo recaire �nd �lace on �a1e �ne mina�ite, oP tlle P'ricley B?cle�t�oz Comrl:��_oi� oi :r�ru�i•t� 21, l��C;. �econded n� 13rooli U�o�i a voiee vote, trare be- irlg �o n�ys, r"P motion c�rr�ed unan�mousl��. Goti���clln��i �'ol!-e ii�terr,o�en to �t,�t� tihe?°e had beer � reque�ti irota the ]�ecrectiio� Commis°lor_ ',b-t l,Le insura�ce �6e�,.: `or Pridley iae presc-nt at l,he ,'�e°t n�eetin� and Cou��cil�a_.- �dolke rentiaesticd tl,r�t, he be pr�sent. GOniSZU�RlIIL�T- OF CON��U'�IICA2IOP�u 1�Oi1 ENGLVE'I�IP�TPTCS DGP1�R1^D�'�IvT: LJ � � � �a�'�`. Cz'cy En�2neer Bra��n e��'platioe�l tl2e: c�mmun.a�eti�one �;,eT�m ��oole allotii lu� dep-,1�Lrne �t to �ave ��ateicorimtinir�i2o�� betl�eea Lhe oJ'iice, t�c ��°i71P,� 13u���ee� �� pro'_�s�on_] Buil.ding ai�id al.l r]_e t,iuclsa t�+ould a]so have .� �°s�l�c, �r, �.oul�l ,�11�.� te.11- Let,Ee � 'tLD Oii'7 C25 8�1C� ci1S0 be ��7EP7'1 'GL7C �"tUCl S 1'1 t'lE' = I'1�1. P4o�ior by Johaason �,o au�;horz�e tihe Exrand��.u-P� o" ,hc °��o� .c�_ n�cessn; °oi i'-e �arch�se oP i��dlo e�uip��a�ti fc�r the eng2neer�n� rep�rt�ic;,t. ^�ce�ced b,� �rci �d, �. Upo�� a vo3ce �=cBe, Iliere be,n� no naye, the not�o�z car,^zed v�ar�irrousl}. COxiST�P�P,r�^1IOJ�f OP C.PP07?fTN�NTS �PO FPIDI�:Y SAFE'i'Y_CC�;`��I'�"I`�:E_ Covncil.�n2n Joha�son ecar,ed tl�ere �,�eia t,,o o� t}�rc� m°nk��i= li,�i �Yie Cii�� G`ouncll liad �grend tio anc� hc did not .:°e the�i ��,amev oe Llc Ls . Tltc C�ty N,�n2gei cxr]�ii�rd �he,e �7embets �aere �--oFfac_o �^d 2re en 12ti-., to bc oti°icr� o(' s11 �eeetia;,=. i��otion by JoLan�so� to appo�nt t,i�e io1lo��lr� to ��c P, �dlc}� �,�ie�,, Co��nitticc Gcneial Chai=�2n. Vace General_ Cha�r�nan °2C7'CLBS'��: School Tra_°.Ca.c Ch��rman C��y S�;reet� Chai�•man Ccu��ty Rosds Ch�lrr�a�,: SLahe IiigJ?��ave Chair��^n: Faat Fi�:d�ne Ch��r�van Public�ty Chairn;an ,�econdec� bz� B_roo'_- unan �n�o�as1�. Do��a1.d �,. ivegicr Robe?z F. Sl�a�v Nss. Jud�ti� Fr��er V11�71 ti�BY'T1PY' L. 3. Pi•it,z T. RocN,.1s Gene Sutton Dr. j.S. Sta�t � _. La�-r-on RO1�eY'i. CN1'1S'`�''n50 �irs. Max�y Lou Iio]"� R-icha-rr� �,iclr]°or � iIa�la_2d Berry Stat�ley J. P'.�roch. RaTr. �. A1. SLo,e Cl��,'rles Jcr�nso°� 7L�1i�r 9�ord.l Ray Fon�- C . t�l . Ka�n T�r. John 3'��i� n � Sonn 01ea Fra;:lc Cre�ninx�` P,ober'c Sa�2grene DPlI(115 E. CiOpp M�s. G=ace iT. 5=e;�i� P,a�l_nay S�fet� P��^�nco_�o7_i� �Ini,c;,�ve71 :;8�@t�r �1T'rC„O-r L6flt;i]C OF ?'0�9e� VO�,Ci, H�}�e^ Sc�oo] P.T.I,. P� id1� j Pr�lice �cl�ool Driv�_�� I �� truci.o� J�°. - �Sc°. Sc�ool P.�L'.l1a Friclle,� =ler�ltl� OPf LcPr Midlenr7 CoopPi =tzzre Cham'�c�� o � Co� �io�rce �lti`-. J�)�G�P� Pridle�� Ja,�ceee Home Con+ti-ctos Do�r,�n� B�n Co�p^��y i`r7�11ey T21�»creri�l ��sn. Plrnm��g Co��niss io P�vei��oo�' �chool F L. A. !lccovut°�t T,or�7°cra 0�°d�rance Psri:p � vl Pla ✓ e,= `�� ' �G COrnIDli,t�e Prtdlev Po1�_cF :;ehool D� zver I-�_'suctior Co�nm2rcial Pr� ni � ��„ Rlce C�Pel- Ochool P.T_F„ Prid]_ey WorrFC�- Club Uaor_ a vo� ce vo�te� cl7erc bci �, �o ��eye, tP�e mo1,� o� c:�rric-� �SOLUmIO'tS ��li (-1963 ORDER7PTG PF�LILIP4IGQ�RY P,L'POR2' - STOP,NI SL'�LS T?ie C�tiy Ma,�a�er explazned 1;hi= �e �ueccl� to set up nrocedcre, �nd �oulc� �1�0 ��� up the iorn th�c the Couneil eovlcl �eti vpor�. 1�e �r�ter�r he belieired� i1 is �e� up so ti1a1; che C�Lq Cicrll ti�o��i1d prov,de prelimina,;� c°s�esmc�t i,_enre� and �it-a� the consul;.�ng engineer ��n oppor�;v��z�5� �o oet cupple�nerrar,� reports. de iurther e�- pla�i�ed i,his rr�bht talie Coureil as far as a�iuol.ic hea��in� a�d iti 4�oulc3 t1� <<11 the studiP� �Lo�eeher that hhoialcl have been made over Lre ��ei foLir �care ind p�ti �� ��reemeat ii2 ti�i�L the Scute oS' Ivli��nesota o2 Columbt= Itei�hL_. _�e �tzted th��t tio� e �nFox,n3�Ll�u �s �eariz7 completie. C! ty A L l;orneti ICoh7 a o st� cad tha t pa�°t or tltie � e�l pu�°po: e� r tae �'orm � w to eli- tn���be �he �2eeess�ty oI' hsvin� co go �acL �%hrou�'_2 tih� rni��n�c� for ir=o1L�t�one an^ �notio�i� a?�d in c�se /ou �et into I'i�-«nciu�, iL ��ou1d slmplr'S� m� �ter= to r�le-^ Le t;7�� resolucio�. Ctity L?tto�°ne�� Itol�l�� �°��cl ^_'i°o�a ucc�,�o� � o� proposed -e�o7ur,tio� i�1�m^e Coitac�l re�e� �c� tY�e c'xeter�min�ti�on o° co istrvctio i u���l amt a«�emenCG �ro madc �inc� c:cecL'i,ed. Cooac2=m�u Johanson stated they �,�ere st,arc�ng Lo c�l]= cbouL ? grPSt cleal of sto_r�i eewer ��ork. I�e �tated zhe Covecll'r_2c� �ought �11 C�e b>>°�,a��� tL�y could b�a-� ��o h� d?c7i`t ieel cbare ti�ae a y ivouey 1eCz Co gc Li�o. fie expl�� �ed ths�r, 3� �=x a° �soi�� c�eti�er line on U»Ztiersit,;', the C�ty oF Fridle�� did�'z ra�te t,o ��o �ti, C'.�rther� �hat ����� N'ridley ��oL�1d ha've to let the SLdte of NlnnesoLa �ZO ahead &�ncl �ut in vh�t they �eec�ecl �cd -�oulc� have to qui'„ tLe iei'lt�i.ed e��r.d�ng. IIe iv�°t,he�r s�Laced z:ati as faz° ae outf��ll �,1to the r� vcr� F-°Zdle}� ��oul�? be pa�i�.g 1'or in�n� ye�re oa thl� ytem *�ut he d�n��'t Peel �h�t l+ridleq sFOU1d have ai�y part ir at. Council�,ayi Johar,so� eaid .� T,�ould tiur°° do��n <�p� sto2r� �c iei iro�1� and T�ouZd V��e ro �o a��� more cone+,rL�ction fo� the nast ie�� �eax°s. Ccu°ic2lr�nn �lolke ra� sed z�e que� �� on oi taLat not�ld be cloue w� th the n� te'c ai 4`�tL 9vPnue. Cou2czlr�ni� 7ohan�on �csted he di�n't feel They �ltiould s�e�d monies without pe-^m�ss�n�� of che res_oents ir the �rea and Colnici�roan Ilo7lse ��,s��ie'red tihese people *aaa� i�. ti7r. Ericl-�o� oF 1�70 - 17�.h 9ve°iue PT. �. �t;,ted he ob,7ec,.ed to the sesaer and ��ter :,� reaueste�l th�'� rci��uces �a� rPacl o whoe-ver �vas 'co con��ct zhem in thelr �z�ea. Coune�lma�� Frol're e_cplo!^Pr� �o P4r. Ericl°son zhis �torr� ee*ier �aa° �iot �i- ��ct,ne htm in ms ,:ie� an� �,l�at Councll was ,�oti in Oieagie��-�EnL Ta2th hin; oi� �eeetisi�i�n�s oz ti,�ves, Cotiane�lmni Joh��son stated he ciid�'t v�.nti to do co 2notiher p�icel o-° F'i°�a'llry „1�� L nad hoppP�ecl ::o -chE�e .lfreeted residents. P"r. 1'eil Ouir��_tLc oE 7L3� L�1_es2�le Dr�'ve r-�i,^_ec1 tn� quesi,,o,i thai.� as the tre�.s- ti�rex ctazecl �he22 �;se^,me ti� had beer co�vetted �0 20 year�, wae i,lier� no�h��ig i�l��t coL�l:� he c�one aboL�t the tirs� year° Tle �.-p].�ined th�t ]Zy, tases ��ere �1300.00 :�ad he cotil3Qi�`t r�", L� thze i��°e�, ye��r �s a� �ndi�iidnal. 1Ie Furthez sL�ted 77e h�d �`all;ed ���ti� ,, 1.a�rye� ❑�d vas �o1d �� t�ae hi� ol�,nion �hat it could be contertecl cvea °or ct� i� ��e� ?°, t�I7yor Pvee st�ted he �a�s cer f;a? n this Corno� 1 nou]d �lo d�y-- �lu �g �� a71ev_ c�te chic pzoblem. Councilinan Joha��son sbatecl � f 1;hie could be er�ecd, Cov7c?1 �hovld t�l_e soi�e �ctio.�. C�',v A�i;orney I�oh1�a erpl��ned �,he aur�i- Lo-r i d t�•ecsti�ier oi 4noY� Covrty ha� tiolc h-rr a�ooc� deal oP the �aoxh *aas done n�d cl�ere �oul�� bc e�uit� � rAupl�ca�son o" -�oik buz that it ini,�ht bc Lher� are som� re=li I2ard�h_pe, zhey ��ou7cl fi�Y,e caie oi' the�e. CiLy Af,torney tioh7aa itiii Lh�-c sug- �e�tc�r_1 '�'�� L�.he County �rould �' L be p7e�sed� tl�a1. an arr���gP.,���t ior thc iollo'�ang �ears h=a b?e�i obtaiaed, bir. OuiriettP r��ised �,he que�tior ii' �he entiz°e pro�ect couldn'ti be done. Cou_icil- m �n Johr,�so� e+aicu Ln�ti eJeryboay '_�ad the Neme 'ci�hts a�d i? zti coulc� be do��e, he ��as �� f-zrc,r oi' zhe revor'_r�� oI' �:ne e��tiire pro�ect. Cou�iciltn�n D2'oo1- ctuLed he al�o was zi� ��zvor '_r �t ��as possible tl��t �onething eoulci be cic�ne tihis qear o� tbeee osse�si�^e��te, C� �,y Attorne� I£ohlan s+a�ed rhati he ltneti� trom tall,�ng Lo �he people a� �Le Cou�t� tlley> vc��°e T�z11�r�g '�o cooperatE in 1�h�t.ever !s reaso,e�ble or fe��sibl_, 1L v�s e;.�lan�ed tt�a'� a_ Countiy �ooks �r� p��etty nc'_1 made up �or t12is •�Par, h'�e� -�oold I�ave to talce �hose ta7c stir.terce»ts� �`Edo them Tnd that� perhaps� tne CiL�� t,�oul, 1�ove ,o p'�y tliem Por Lhe ti�orli. Se*der ond ilatar co,�-L2itct2on �as diecue�ed ancl 2fplained ii�! detiail� also piinci- p�l arnl (-��;; iutercr-r. 1�Zayor iiae r�lsed the gtie5tiiou �o the Ci��> CoLl»c11 �i tl�ey �,i?he� Lo .�uzhori�e tie Gity Tre��surer and Czty Aztor�ne,� �,1 the above regard, Nlo�ioa by L°oo�� oo instri�ct Frn3nce Ditiector Bmuns�l� �nd City P.ttorney Lohlan Lo at�e,al�t to geti �n�s ye��r`,� aese��smente spread over a peri_od o�' L-�ae,icy ya�x5a ln Schecltille � oL' ;e-�er ��zd iiaticr 1'ro�ect {��13-1��2. Seconded by in?o7]_c. Upon � voice vote, +here being �o neyc� the motion c�rried LII12191L7011 P� Z y . Those uppeari�°� au� prol,e�tzn,� n�ere Larl H�n?b]_°z, Jr, 1b46 0=borne �oad Don�ld BourLe 76�15 LaYe�ide �,oad De1be°t McLa�n 162k O�barne Road Lorne C�. ZioodS 165�5 771,n hvenue ii.E. i�lvir F�r�.ckeon 16j0 (7th Anenu� PT.C. Dle�l Ouime-�,te (ojj Lalccsid�� Dr1ue Cotiaacil;�an Slier�daii st„t,ed hr� l,ad o�e reservaLio�� �ilth regard to Resoluzlon �rG7- 1g�=3 encl �ha� �as in Facc�on �i ol" so,d resolu6lon; �f C�unc� 1_ dlc� �ot elect, f�e?° �,his repol°t �o pr�ceed the�e °�rould be no neecl �o have the Cicy C1aik pro- ceed *utr �he icr ,�ti2ve �_�_c_eme��L rolle �'or �he heari,�g. It ti�as explaii�ed z�erc ��ou7c� oe eoine e,ti�c�tio.�e i;h�t ��,�otal� h�ve to be a�s�°ered �_,� any regarcl, Cou�cilin2n ,Sheridar sta�,ed `.12�t 1,,� i,�expietsl.ioi! waE thar nh2n re'���rt ,�a� rEtuired the City C1erl� *�bu1�1 L�mrnedl� tely �s tart �aorkln� 0�2 th� ��ssess��e� t rolls. 11 g��era1 discu�s�on i�2° t�eld c�n Secl,lo� 5- � ' � � � � 2n� l�otion by� iToll�e to adopt RESOLUTIOTd j��E7-196j rel�ti±�� to a�d �u+hori��_r�� nrclu�- inaxy plane, speczzica�,ions ai7d est�rna�ee oi co�l,s of ceiL.aln �torm se��cr ��prove- nier�tis ��ith Serc?on 4 awendee� zo -ead as �'011o�,s- °rhat upo» rccelpl, oi ��c_� r"pozc and f;zrthex dixectiion o' Lhe Counal-� the C!ty Clerli s2-ll ac� to ,s�.e.�t-1�". Seconded by Sheti�daa. Playor Vee stzied �e a�u: in a�ieemeat �,a�h Cou-�ci�r,r��� Johan- sor�� chare ��e�s qw�e �❑ �mounc ol construct�on that cou1�9 be po��,poned �nd =ti�r,•- geated �he deleiioa oi' 2ti.ems P a�ia B �n resolutioi. C�-�.y ��titior��ey �'oh1�n aL��ed rhat r��t� zc�,�rd co the cor_fc-rence ize h�d had �a� llz tre Coun_c.l, tihe� ��anted �he lltigkzTaay DeparLnent to lr,�o�� t]tiat ra7�ile they ,,ere co��si�leri.� 1,liese ��,em�; PridJe}° w�s ��ot nov,�d to �hc�v. Upon a yo11 ca_L1 vote, 2Y�ose vc�tin� �ve� `inc, Shcr�d,an� '�?o1L-e, �ho=e opposed, I3roo1�, Johar_son. I��fotlo" cnc�°ied. CIIANG-� ORD�R ; 5- til-3L-J - SCI�;DTJLE �- CIU!.7'rGl�' Or PPI�fT SPPCIFICAT-O`f°�. IIr. ComFtioch of Cometocli & D�oi�s, Zse.� consul�r��, �ng��ee'cs e�%plaincd tr�� C�tp oi' Pr20]ey hec' requested the above de�cribec� r�ei� be cte]cte� ald �ti ��,. �L � po�rz *�here �t d�c,sloa had co bc made. He sr��ecl ti�P onl; ques'cton ��a; �le ,c�ori�c�oi oi the �rlce; the ilgz�re ti�es �hSC.00 b�at iw rot �,ti:f�eto�°�, t12�t i,1ie-°e ,�a° .oi�e ra�if�eaz�o,. 2�id th_e C�iy P4a�ager �i.cl othezr cou�� co�,ti�ue to �egc��i ,E °or �71oee C3gares, Ee �Liggested C,o1n�e11 h���e =o,�e oiiicul �ciio, ti� tlus re��iid. N107�10P U� tiht'r1C2fl� �}l.,]'; 1�1 0�7C�.E1 GO gQ ^��L�' Y11;1- Fi°P TCC01i'ff+lEllC'�21s10�1� �='15 °LLO�?la Ls oegotzated �ud �c�u�.l_ chae�e ordFi ,ntlti r2;nr�� reznrnec Lo Coti-c�L S=co���lcd b�° `,��0710�. tipon ,� votice �ote� tl�ere bein� ao ��-p^, �.li� ruoti��on c�xr��d ui�����aous7��. OiF�R L�UST1�i�iSS' N�•o:° vee ,�iqtiured oi' Co,ancil Me,�berti iP T'�ere •;�,A r�i � F�irFne� itc��;�= t�i�y ,islie3 to co����ler ��5= eve�ing. CouaciL-na�� Joh�reoa �.]�ed �i]lr L disposit�oa lv�l bce � in�oe oi �,ne JoLr Palupi;� o1c p-°ope-_t� probletn. CitS� Atto�nej �orizn =n;*-:erc1 th1� '-c n�� r�c�����1 �o re�po���e to ].ette�s bvt action ;�ould be {'oi°�hcomiag. tiiitili reg��^d to il-�e Co2rad l�ro�eiL,y, Coul�ciln��,� dohr�cca ���,_cri hc l��rl <<�]L��� �� N1rs. Cavi��; the-! ai'e not co�icetned 2�2a tl��s pioblcm ,��1] bc ��'-ei c?rc o-. ',�r�tb �°e�?id tio tl�e i�,°�Lei ol' �a2te�° t°otes� tl�� C_t�� 1����� �ex =trterl he h^� rcccive�l �'iguree ;.tioiv var�ovs comr�na�_ties� zh�r, a poe°z;�;e '���i,e �c�2cclule ta�nlfl 1,� o�-I.. r ouz anua w_ �oon as 7e�oestiblea he Taould ge� t"o� b�]��ee nf the ,°r;c�°rr_, �r�e� �-C1- coesul t� ,8 �n���ee_' � c7 c2ry angtir_r2r «nd repoz�l o� E.pr�l l_ �. Co��nc2im�r Jo�enso�� �ta�ed til�at o i the 2nd oF �r� ,� ^-°y, ] 1� he ]i°��l �,le ,, �ti�o �°elaczve to the GZCy 11tto�^ney and 1�is ?�ostit�o � o i Loe i1.S. ;,��,D. .,�, ,�enuary �(�h be etiatod 'n_e hnd ,°eetai.ed sald moti!a� and h^_ ��i7��„ ti,orne,l LO r°�y� lo ,���;. Covne�J,a�a Jol�anson uaid �:hcre liad bee� no i�d�c�'��� t�� n»Y P�rt�e� con��ern�n e�d �,e .equested ti3e rl�ai� to hc��ior hie orl�ln�1 �oi�o�, �h�t oc��i� -'T`ono� Y; Johane�n �,he L the J!t� o_-ncy Po- the C� cy of F�°� r�l�} �°^° ��� k�- pos� eio � t1 � �ttorne�7 for zbe T�,5.8.S.D. and eetiar e'?l tiir-� nc�� he h,� �vit;, t1°,c T�.`S.U.�.T), D i s rz � c r on c� �;ou1d no 1 o��e�° be rat'�^ neu ❑ � t be r�orno-� Fnt -;,i�e C n.^ of P i�� m 1ey. Fe statiecl Lhese had bee�� � 60 1a,� 1sp�e ��rl �le �n,-�icr ��a� ��u� �� P�rch ] � ,. liayo,� Nee auitornced tih2s �.as �� �uotio❑ l�elo� e �hc C-�J �, Onu cl1 co� � �� � eo ���� �-'. �,hn� �1�� City lsttor�ey ;tve tr,e C�t,i Co��nc�l �,� ��ci:lo:. Cow�cia����� Jcl-,��^o, s�ated cl�e rhozloii na� ez�Ler�o�. Coer�ellnian �I�er�a� r-��ee� i,he qu°�+ior t�" . , Purzhe:.� co-�z�no��_c. ticn 1�nc be2n ?•°ce�z-ed o2 E��� �ub �eeL' Cou�r �-�iT�<<- T���n�o� ��i� t;�c�e �i�d �ioi. 1�4a3or 7Tee �B:�ted the zution rc iLh� .�- �, �,r�� rh� C�'�i d�'�tcr .- zhc opc�on o� be�a� zl�e Attior,�e� I'or �1ze CiZ, ,�1' 1�iid1�� 02° Ll�e 1".;. ,.��,�. l�ti�� 1^D t iJOT,i1. S2co„dec� l�y Brool�. CovncLlma � Proo�'. � �ated i � „�� � i � to -I�r; t�r,��� �' � t].e �, << ; �a2ei,�n� �n Sanuerv th�- th�s 1Lem had necn voru�� upo� . Council��a, l01�2_;0, � iol 1^e 1i��d �.eked iG�° � conti�zxa�ce of ��0 doys ard ���vi,�, �i I,h�_ Co�a� c;1 �.L� � ne -�oul�� re Gui � r,l�e m�cter �o �-1e C1_oor acd l i�� . K_ohlai� ��e ' � r��r° c�� ci�� o, `+1 �; T�-,� . Cou�c!1�a�� S1�ei��dan iazsed i;he queetio� to �1r I'o.Li� iP }�e h-� a�T� couxi o-1 .fo2� thc d�,scrict. 1n'. _=c�lii�u° et�tc�7 iis ti,a; �r�11 i�i nc� ,�n_drlle �i ,� 1a�� eoic �nd rhe on1,y tl^z�,� yml�or�ai�ti in the cl��!,r,cT ,° „l�tJ�er nc� �itiei r� be ����n Thi� ��� t4,e r��so�� Co� �;l�e c�elay oha� Cbt��ic�l��i2 � Jo'_�� .oa h�rl ��l cn =or, Le ,,�tie�l, r,htinlc i�,6 �hzt possl'�ly he �aovld ��e out oi co: r�, b, tl�.� t tiini� _ Cou �czl �,i ni Dr.�ck ��2secl tne qu��°�ior� ol �i�e lengtl� oi bhe triel ��d Mr, I;o121, r, sti_TC � 5c ttiou,tn, _hP ZU6 -_-�7 -�a� o��e_r, iL T;�s ,7u: t a c�ue�Lio ef' tne hear�ng. Couocilm��� Wo1L� s��'cecl 1'c �aae '�.t� o��^�on Lherr_ �i�s o refl�ct�o�� oi' a^_,�, l,i,i� u��tll tL-�e courts decisioii or tl�,� case. 1�ir. h'o-ii�^ :toted Lh�r h� dicln'-„ fi�3nkly th�nl� That vp co the prese��t Li,ae T�e1^a h,id bce � �n-� sembla�,e� oF � re('1ccr�o� oi i�2cFreet becattee a11 these co��inu�ai�las h�� so �anch ,'c �eri:�, LTe �u,°blie2 expl�anz�1 �k��t l�c h�d aot becn d�acu�si�., ���Lr l,he E�oard �^ c�e iT.�.c.S.D, ah�� the coet �-ppo�cionmeat would be to thE�e com�un- itiec 3,� thc� h�da'c r?ae__P? Thqt decl=�o��, IIe st^ted ih.�t he had ❑eveT volunTeered i'ot ti�e voi�lc o� l,he 1i.5,4.C�,D. �nrl hnd �ot bcen tihe orig�ual e,tiornay hut i;i,at re hzn bec� ael�er� zo beeoi�e t_t��� �ictoriey aFtEr l�io othere t�ad ezthes° reszh�ied or a�s?�ed to bF r�]e; eed. Ee ti�LoxiaEd tne Counc�l that i1�E Com�cil repz°eEer�tiat2ve on �his Cou icil P�e� �boul �rl� �,2, �he ;�me. ?Zr. isol�la� stat�d he �voalcl �tevez° �aa1L out o�? � a �lienr in LhP �r,iddl� o� a l:^ °v� t�nd e�nbc�rr��a the c12Er�t beSoie a�ti�ry or �u�lge, zi�at re ��o°i7d nall_ e��ay a"rom P,-�d1e� b„L- he nould i2ot eir,barrass the c�i�- sr�ch at T?»s tcine vy� ���]l;rig out o� tli� d�,°t�°rcti t,ntil ti�te c�se �_i� qucstian wa�s properly di��otied of one ;�y or tLe otiher. Coti�nc,lr�an ,7ohaason s'ca�;ed 12e �,ould have To1J l�fz�, tio�tl.,n noc Lo t�ke �-,he po�iL,on w,�th the PT.S.S.S.D, tiS i,e had 1�rotim he 7^ad '�een r;:k��d, a�,�l if Ye �aantied legal opznions n�lth rega^d to t,h� ^1.S.�.S.D. ir ooialri be dif"Leu1i to f'rE� ti�a� p� co�ald hat, them Cron� Nf�. Ito�l�n. n'fayo7° IT�e ❑�s irY_ec� Cor ,��i oPinion a�,cl c�azed ti1�2t h° 1�acla't Lhou�ht aboLiL- rt��s piob]em �oa c_�tencivelv �iu� had fe1�, there ��ould be some a��cuss�on ot� i t a��d woulo rainer �h^- r,i�e ;ropo�al 1�ac bec� a� 1,he Agead�. H2 z2mthei °tated tltier2 m�� be eo,ne ;ititL on both �ir!��^ of '�lne. problem m�d ,stnted that P�Ir. I�olzl�n hzQ do�e �v �o��d �ob foi the �J�°.S.�.D. an�l had g±ven t1�en� sound advice, at i;he same tinie �c}�,io� iec7�ing 1,he pos��b,litiy thai Cou� eilma�� Johanso��i spoke oi. 'sIe fur�hEr ava�ed tih-', �," +has =���re p�°e�ec�3 tio a vote, re ruighti poss2bly vote ��� L-he �if1x'm�- r,tve �iut su�,�2stiarl r�1,!�es ti�e ir,tc�,;,ion o� t�bl2ng �1�is item to ❑rother ,r,ee'ti7p. Counciinia� Bioolc ��ked ti it �-�ere poscible to me°t �,itil� I4r. I�oh1a� �z anotner ftate, h]�yor Nec- fi�ated �t Taoiilc7 ba a� order to r��ove �o zab]e it tio e speci�l a�eeting oi� � certal�� date� if tihi:, tdere Lle �i2ss. D+fot�or, ��y Broo1 Lo table tii �,ti1 a spec��l rrcEtin� on tihe 26th ot P�arch, 19�3 at 7 p.m. a aeci�io� *aith C�ty A'�toiney Ko��l<n ior h1s at�s�,�er on el�hsr retaiiing tl2e Cz.,� of Fi��ley> nr ��he PS.S S.:.D. �v a cusion,er. �eco��ied b;y �doll.c. Upo� a roll call vo�e, thove votiri� ayey �Lrool:, 1��e, S�erid���; � idolke. Opposed, J�han�oa. Motiion carried. Coiu2cilma� Jchar��i �tated tL�at nhatever Cou»c�l T�oti21d pu�stae th2y coul.d do or_ tihelr o�in, he ooul_c1 noti support Zt,. �Ia�ci l�Tee sz�t2d he tnoughc Councilman �o- L��rieo��'s mo�ion �+ould c�-rry 'otii( £.icre T�aas no ieason w1�� they erau3r�n't �;ecti on tntis� tha t_ speczal ,neetino ee t fbr the folloo�in� week wuuld t�ke care o? the i�em arid he e��pected to vote on the l�eir w, th Gouncllma�i Jol:ansoi�. 1'he City� Marai eti s I� ccd, -�it,]2 Council �ermi�sia�2, he nas mai=_ing arrangementis to ea2�e leaae For ti io oi �hree c1�3�. ci�c7 ��ov1c7 �ave Ci�y C1ar� �innsell �n etiasge, C�urcilm.m ;Shericl�n etaTed '_1e cad rad a sara�l° or ��ate'r g; rei2 �Lo hir�i tl�at ;�y dr��.�r_ Crn�n � ror,�t i�1 tl�e Donn�y Add� Lion tha� 1�2 �»shed Covncsl i,o vleTa, 7� wau eratFd tLeie h=d been some i1u s`iin� 01' 1ire� and l�c wti�nccl tio suogasti and direcL �he wdrni= �etie �ion i.o ernrti th2 fluEhin« of the�� liu°� at midnigh� €.cd ll Zt t�oL tn�ne or uime �n�1 oaF-1,�1r i,� .�a�ee, it ellould �� clo�tie in thls �aanne'r. ie sr,��ed �t �»s his bFli�C tih=t c�t� shoL�11 i�ush the lznes seven or eight h�ure pr,or io use so tnati � certi^i�� �mouu� oF °edl»ertbt�on -roulcl sect7_e for a perioc7 0l tdme as 1,here �sn'c ,ry ��ater �lrawu oPf in l`,1�at ��er�od, I{e stated 1h2t -iron reinoval �l�tt�, �� �hey h ir� b�e�� tol�, votirld remo,•� r,hZ. aroblem. Nr. Co�nszocl, r�i con�till�:���� ent,,�eeri���? ?'1�°n� o= Cometocl, & Davis� Suc., �tated tt ��ould ta'_-e Foiro t9m2 nefore rveti cor 'oe rer�oved fror� the dysL-em� zi,a�, there Tiould he ^ome grov�+tic o� lto� bacterl� a^1 �t ie usu�lly recorr�mer_ded th�t � gooc� Chlor- ,ne cu��c i� uce^ per�od�c�ll�- ���i� �uszher ��ior�vec� tbe City Cozmezl Zc nroulcl 'pi^ob- � �bly <<k.e r_�x l,o �eve�� monchs tio clear t11e e,ysLem« Counczl�nan Sherldaii �i,�ted zf t,hati �cre the c%�^e he ie)L the flush��g oi' linee ,houl.d be do�^e in hours �dhe, the d-r=�i of tihe T�ac�r is t1�e le=�t a��c' hlti 2sTimr�%ion t�ould be someLiiae between 1 P.NI. anc7 6 Il.]'". C,Ly �:r��iuee-r Bro,,i� Ft�terl he T�ould put on a�nan iti111 'Llrr,e �mxnedi��;e1� ai�n get -o�re t%rpor�ry help. I�otion by "hei��dan to tutnori?e %he Cicy Ma�a�er to obt��tin tihe zecessary i��lp to c10 �he flvshl��=, oF la �e� piim�ril� bezwee� ahe '�otn°s oi ]1 P.�L ana 6 P.12, 2�z the morniu�. v'econded by Joh�nsa�. U��on a vo�ec vo1.e, 1,here beinc no ❑a��s� tLe a�o- �,ion c��°r, c d un� r�moUCl}'. '�here beti �� no rur+her hu�ineas, Mayor T�ee �3eclared ti2e me°tin� �d�ournea. Re�pect�t�l1„ �ub���dtte^: Stie P9i���o,;ic -�ec ;� �_o tl�e Cotincll Majox° -�7�7_12�ia J. PI�e