04/01/1963 - 00023332��� r�GrTid1R CoUNCIL P���TI�i'Il G-�PR1T, 1, 1963 A regular mc=�1,�n�; 01 th� C�cv Cou��c,1 of i.h� C�ty oi Yr�d1°y o�as r_alled to orde-e Ly A4a>>o�° 'Vee � t c' 04 P.D4. ROT,i, C�ILT : tiember� Prese�t �rpolt, �oha�so��, flee� 9he7-�dan, U'olke B1e�nbcr� ?b�e�z Pbie �1PPROVAL 6F M1.Nl?�N - PLG�J�u� ��Z7ETIPIG, MARCH 18, 1963_ P4ot�or� by Johaneon to s�pprove tl�e trinuties oi the regular meeti��g oi' M2rch 18� 1963 �s pxep�red and rPCP2ve�l. Seco�deQ b� Brook. Upon a voic2 vote� there being no n; ys, bh� iaotion c:rrierl >>�urlmo�_is1��. �_PRO�r�:i OP TfTI�rU`iE� - SPFCI?.L P�ETiPiG, hiAP,CH 2G, 1963_ Notion l�y ,7oha�°soi� to upproJe the rr2nutes of the �peoial meeting of Merch 26� 1963 �� prep�rcc -,nn receiti�el. Seco�,r�ec1 by Broot,. Upon a vo=cE vot�, kbere being no �7ayv; i,hc notior� carx•ied unan�motiisly. OLD BU51��� S, • COPiSJ�ER4^1SOP� Ot ORDII�A1iCF AD�VDING ORDI_N/11VC� NDW 70 (�,-2n ATTD R-3�1): � Nl�.yoi Piee e�p1 ined tiZ�c 2bove rieocxibeG orcla� ance had been deSeated i_2 �seco-�c read- ir�g and Coune,l Yt�d recaves�c-c� tha1; it be tieturned �or eons�deratzon. The City iaa�ager �iated �ha{. Ci�y At�,ornEy Iiohlai2 had c�ictated Lh�t aPternoon 2 revistou � of Sectio�� b oI �said o°diaai�ce. Mayor P�ee requesied ,�n er.7�lanatlon. The City Nai:ager re�d mvision to ��ect�ou b. N;o .ioi� b5� Johari�on �hat tl"° be +ec�p�ed as firat ?�eadii�g oi orrll�aace anenfl� ig Ordti���ce iSo. 7� (R-2E� a�i3 R-3Fi) ,ai�h revis,on. Seconded by Sheridr�n, St ��as er- p]�inecl i,_nc purpose of th,s ordi�a�ice is i-o establi�h certain municipal ;onin� caiegories tY��1 cinilot be used for aryL-iaing bttt multiple. Upon a voice vote, there heing �°o r�;�s� i,he motzon car,�y^d uii2niirously, `:�COPT7i RPiaDT�;G 0�� ORDI��ATTCF Y1E;ZO�iTPfG POP,'L'I01i OF C1IRLSObT'S °U1�Q?T P'I�SVOR A1UDlIt �-2 mo x-i�-=-oFDl,TE„tc'r-r,ro� a3�-: - - -- - -- --- - --- — - - - b=�yo2 Iiee .�r�no>> �cec+ lhie �i�� Lhc co��2dcra�-,on oF a seco�d reading oF an arcllna�r_e rPzo�i i� Po�°+io i�f Garlsoc�'� ;SUmii�,�t Nla�°or Annex� R-2 to P.-l. `P'he Cit}r NIanaget^ �ave eeco�,d ie. �i�; oi' ��ld orr'i��ance. NIot,on b�+ �rolke to accept ti,is n� the se- conn ie�di^r� oz' s;�cl ord��anee� thoi_ sal�l orc�ina��c� be �6opted and publ��he0. °eco.�ded b=� Joh^n�on, ilpon a vo?ce �Tote� there Ueing ��o nays� 'the mottion carried v�a��lnio-�^ly. SECGf�D P,T�I�`DING OF ORIJINAf1CT ��2j2 hL'ZOSd77dG PO_P,TION OF S. C. PE�IP.SON CON1PATdX L'F'G- PERTY �� -1 ^_0 r���-2� --- -- - - -- -- - — — ----- — --- — -- ----- -- ]`�ayoi^ J�c ����nourec�G �,his �ioe t,11� co: sl�eration oF a eecoi�d xeadtng oF ar_ ordiiti.i�ce � �^e�o,in�; a�or,�cn of t��e S.C. Ye�rsou Com'p.an5� Pioperty from A9-1 �L� M-2 Tha C2t� 1`���o,�ei r�ve ;ecrn2,3 'rearti�r,� oF �.:n�d o�°dira �ce. �ayor 1\Tee �sked For Notion; �i �t Taas so �:�.° treo, Cot nc�lm��� 4;o1Ve ineui.ed t7�e orca �ahere Bar°y Blow°r voulc� be ord location oi �h�ti property. The City N'_an��gEi ex�l.�inecl thi�5 soniii� �+a� �or ^i°ticip��Lcd „arcrc u�_A. D'o��on b�� blolle to �eeepc bhis �° i�hc- seeonl x�eacllrg of Ordin=,�ee ��232� and '�h.-� �c�i�l oru�n.i�c� re ��,I�,p�ed ind publiehecl. Seco���l��l by Sherldan. Ul�on a��o.�ce vote, �ae�°e be,n� „o n^�°, �he ri�otio� carned iti-ailr�oti,sl.y. R��SOLUTT�JPf l��'-l;'C^� R?,nUIISTLiG DETP.CI�IPPI hi;OM ]IT.S.S.S.D. (Tl1HI,L'D 3�1��/63�. � �);r Nfayox� =�ieF tii�c�u2reci �r Council �riember� ;�lshed io r;cl^y t'��c =t_ri oeer to ^ J; �e� pa�°t ot �ti� i�aetic�. Cnunc�lman �,dol�te s�atF.� 1 �'�a r� ��� C�t� il ,, �eer `� P,e,�ort 2Tid I.�,OVYIC1.�.t'�87�i cT011�i1507'��5 725G� 1t101ti �317(i rr)UZ"� ]1lF +� ��p Fti1' ��^°�CI O rn� a s�ecial i�eetz,��- b21�� �atbh C�t�� E,z;rnee�, E_o�,� „^�� con^ti�_ti�•„ '",�n�c�� 1�ter. MoFio,; b� iaolko �;c -�sb��e Reeolution Peques.,n� r,iilidr� �a7_ ,�on, ��'�.�'.�,._.D. L„ thc Clty of 3'x•_dley. t2ot�oi2 Pailed 'o° 1�c1 0' ,-��r„1. r! clti;cuN�lor� �ia� hcld ou cor,°ectioi��° nnc� ic-��c�nrc lo .. - ra^oJ,iLio��, Cr,��_c�l:�•„ Johai��so� askefl ior one e`�ange o�, ,°eec�liacio �, ,b^i 1��_� "l. �, th�r „� �°.�'.��.0 '�. � �-ot 3titl�oi��c- const�^t�ctilo,� �J' �ny u��tur2 io-° �hc pe�i��i o" o^e yc�r o°, iP in: 221�}�ed� the„ r7�e Cit,y Counc2l oi' rhe City �- �'�,c1e� p��i�io� �he PT' � Z ��� aetar� t'_7� Ciz� of P1i�11e;° �'ro�a tae D��tric�'�. tf° Pvi°t�ier =i^le� iYi.�t -°�� �_� r,- ,»rh Bo drop �LOm '�he D�sti�2et bttt �P l,he D_�Ls�eti rc!'rae� to l�o �cr th_�; l�c ��or1� =a1- T,'�.�t Lhe City oi �'r�dle;,i drop out oC �Le Di�tr c�,. PIot_on bv Sol�a�aor to adopz P,c,�olt�tio�i �ll�_]o. � T-'�c*uc� I ir- y;i�1��i ��,�1 Pro❑ 'T'he �i.SS.�9.D, By The City oi Prid`1�y vairr c�11°eciio��s ���� re��i�io�,°, ^�r,o d�-d n9 Sher�Ja�. bTayo� P�ee srated the �cn4e oL' i:��° rerolutio�� i° til�,t �'_ic Coti� �_l �- conFide-i�g ree^aluat� oi� oi scner proble�e � 1 � � �sLir� rLP �i „ E_: _�. I o Ior�- ,T�11 �ny actzoi� dur� ag t'7e� period to �i vc 1 h� Cot� �r_11 �� opport,t, i l}= io c�, �n i ��e t'he�r �o�ltlo,,, Upon a ro1.1 ca11 tiotie, thosr vr�-„i._;� ; ���� T3rook, Jn��� ,;� ; Sic2�d- � �1ee. O�posed, Llollie. N�oti�on carr�ed. 1'��'n1 �USS"�L'SS RES07uTSODT i''1��'-1gG3 AUTIIGkS�I'�1G BIDS FOR L�UI13Gi�'�' }'Go �ID`r TRIICL - ��IP,NI DTi'P�I.'il�����T- The Cit�� Man��er ei�nounced Lhis ��a� e� authm��at�on 'oc Lidv u,� the ��re L�pr���- ment, I_L�t he h�cl been una�aa_e or this iten u� �ti1 t��o „�acl-5 pre�ricv� °�'�� �ir,h Gounc�l assent ha�l .�d�tertl;,e� -oi hid� nu Chere i�.a-'L ti�ae i,o �� thsouvti �c t�,s�t,�l ��ocedura at�cl had eotabined eame. Corne-] nd ��'oll e-�sl�ed � na �;�inr� cf equlp�renL tiYiis 7^aE'erred to anc� Ci;.S� Mn.a2ger' _1:Pl��ned. C���nc�7.�,°i, S1.e*iJ�., a�ie�� � i£ this equ�l�me>>t *,as noi, �ncluded n�tib the purcl��s� of Pz� e`rruck_ ��d C�r,�- ;`ana- �er aiie,�,cred th�t it ��2s i:ot, Moti�on Ly Sheric�n to �clop� Pe=o�ut,�on ���I4-l�`_� =t�thor�sz,n b,�lc Po� �n� ee11� eons Ptire e�v�o�ne,7t. SECOeded vy B°ool�. U�on � voicc� ��ote; iocr° bei�if� no *�.��c� L"�e motion carz�ed i.n�nimousl_y. PUBLiC TTE[IPPiC - ORD11��AlVC� P1�IEbiDIATG OP,llInTAS1C'L+` P�O. 70 - S�CT�Oi� 5,' A4a�or lcee rec�ues�ed th�t ordinaoce be rea]. 'Phc Cit; P;n�a�er te�r� tlie P�otiice ol Z-Iear2��� dnd erabed th2 "lan��ing Co�nm�sion ra� �e]d ; Pu1�1=c ITr�rirT o�i r},�; �z�,�, t� requiY'ed b;7 tne oxclinance. There ,aas a noi,zr t'�,t {,12e �v�-_i^ lic�ri-�� bP eloeed ��cl Planning Coimnlssi��n ]��d ieeoomen�lcd p-��sa�,� of s�v�F. �'a�o_ '°e :cl ^�l if anjron° ��Z�hecl to be hearrl �,ith re�atcl zo �'i� a'cove orda nnee. i�1r E-i°�iec ��l'er ot j�'�61 -�!L7� Scr�et 21ox�hees�� a��pe�a'ed l�i oppo�-�°.,,o� ,,i`l st�ten 'zP did��`t repze_ sen t>>dt�_ E�T� oi �ny 1.� ud , L7�ati 1^_� br r7 o�nl 1��t �, , r�side t o- Pr� dle; - n s. i ter of a Pe�� moaths, P2r. ]3al-er read �n exce�pf: iion I,12e P�it-,P^polis Pl�a�nicr Con���s- sio� a»d �-��lai>>ed tihls doee clF've1o� d tre�7d. i�1r. b�l_er r'urtLcr �r°ted �,h t o the notise or sir�°aLior_ 1;1�is orc>>�2at�ce is �,�c�,tP�° oP n;�_e�°prezetito ai_d � �ct �1'�a;s i'o^ r.h� �ood oC the commtiimty. P4r, �ti�� T_ir�n�er o�' 7�1 iI�lcne Place appe�re� � otipo�?itiio� sncl sia;erl hc h�l seen L-ae �rticic mth re�ard to zhe �bove descrti�ec o�dzn�mcP ir tl°c .�"��z�� a id �elt iL ��a.s o izvor�1�le. N_e ��tatec� he a�reed t�2ti72 P�°. �ol�_-'e �2P�,�, th�t =oine of —�,l���e � 'ch i���s ms;7 aot be L�orrtiul a t a17 , Eha t thi � orr1= �a icE� �� 1oo,^e] 5� u e� tite❑ ano he iras oppoSed tio t;ne ordinanec- �n it� 1�reseat -�rn, 1�1x. Csi7 Psulso�, reci�le��t; li�quired iT the ord_nances� ��os,� �i-�ttee� d��n't n�ve such prov�cion �� ^.he Coniicll ��as no�� tr,rii�g �Lo i��c].vde. Mayor l`�ee declarod �he 1�iblic �earit°g c]osent SECON7J R1,ADIfaG OF ORDII�LAi�� �2„ �A��ITDTPTC ORDIJ1�.nrC1� 1�0. 70 - SEC'II01° 5�� Tl�ie C1ty PZ��ia6er �a-ae seconcl reacing ot the �bovc ord�n-�rce. S�Iot_c�- bv [do1��e to aceep� this �s t,he secoti�d reao� �? o� 02dii�o��ce f�233 amF •diiiR Oid��i�cce �Io. (0- ��� aeczion ,.� , th3ti e�id ord-���nec be �do��.er; �n�� published. Secoitided by 1�soolz. O�o� � vm ce vol,e, Lhere belr�, ro �;�ts, the motion earr�eo ur�a�lmousl�� COPTSIDE� ATIOP� Oi BIDS FOR F�P L'QUSPMC�rT (OPFIGPD n�00V APZIi 1 1963) --- --- — -- -- - -- - ---� -- = -'— --- - The Cit�- 1���ntti�ci r�a�� b�ds received tih:L dny o�� rire °quip,,.ent �s follo�as: uar�e-ancti f�r�dre5s c. F, coyc-�� 2011 - jrd ,���eni�e ;o,, P�pls, 73id �Secvr�ty � ?_00.00 Total Bid � 3�99!+.3a Nl, n°,. Fire �'q•�, �in�� � Cc $ 25G.00 � 5y 508•37 2�+0� I(er�,7e�,ln Avsnue, Mpls. discoun� �;�38.�2 :� 5,020.05 I� receive b�d, price ��ould bE . . . . $ � �50.00 � M�nitie_ota Fsr� P_li. Co.a 1°�c. 2�1a0 Univcr�i�y ,vv=nuey �'1,. �avl Poliec St�PPly Cp��p.�ny 191z - 1Et��, r.�e �u.��,., Ma1c $ 275.00 �, c^j0.G0 Rlternate �1d� �%7- Alternatc B�de � � 5,282.�0 fj; ��05i�.0� . . . 4,�60,0(3 . . . Lj?_52.C� Ch�e�' Robeit Flugl-ee st�ted that h,s rommitcee had babulated the bids and C,F. Coyet� had been lo�� i❑ pr� r_e bu � did not havc breath� ng eqtnpment. PoI� ce � f��.pp1y Coi p�>>y wa s J oti�, Mr. Hughee st� ted� o❑ l�lzer�Z�� te 7F2 but coinmtt�cee ie- cornr�cnd�d A1t�2•��ze B,9 ;jl ��Q�icl� hn�l 600 1b, tesL lanse. Dlo�ion b} �o.anso�� to accepti and atiiard the b�d f'rom c;�o Pollce Supply Comp�n�• brsccl on Plterri�te ��l �n ti1�e �mouriL ot a��,360 08� Scconded b3� I+io1Le. Upon a voice vo�e, Lhere b°in�, no na�-�y lhe motion c�rrti2d u��a�iimously. I30'1RD OP�.4PFI1(1LE P�T'PIl'G. �LAFCH 20, 1963_ PUF3I�IC IIlsl�,TT�G OP L� ziL�UTST P'OR A VAPyL�NCE I�'RONl S�CTZOIC �.3A A'_`iD SLCTIODi c�.1D OF OR�TI�Tfl'JC� �i0. f0 BY�idATVE.? OF �'F01Ai'P y'�FD ^➢TRACIS REaUIP,EME�TT FROM 35 F't,ET TO 3G FEJET� 11dCI��'; ATaD ',�AIVI?R OF 6IDE YAP.7 PEC?U11�iE,P�NT L'RGAI 5 I'�ET �0 j?'EE�T TO COD"BTRUC`I' ATi A'1"rAG`IIT�'D GIlIt4GF� OAi LOT 10, HI,OCI' S, �R(JOI�(TIliiT iLRRACP THSRD !iDD7�i'iOT;, �^P1L' P,�,T:TC 7i�0 PPiiDO�:!l DPNE �`iORT�s�ST - RL+'�,U"E�T $Y E. GUST�I'SOPf: 'I'he City A4�r,agE�r rEad �he P�a��ce or Hea�ing rnd explal!7ed tlie requesti had beeii u�de oy PSr. L�, G��°r,zfso . Motio� b�� Johz�son zo concur lmith �he Board oi Appe�ls a�id gia�t LY�e -bo��e ��,ri�+,ce Secoaded 4�� Sh�rid���. Playor ]`1e2 in�eeted �:o s�atie he l,hou�ht Zt aoul_d be � eood idep to l�ave ��neeting with the Board oi ,�ppeals, °�hat on �hie p�u°Licul.�n �ieu� ��, 1e�et o�e ,neraber oi the Bo�rn oP App�als had apl�ioache�l hln � d,L� iec they hacl to have e� si.artYng o� stopping p7_aee. Coui�-- e!lmais tido11-e ststied elevtaoi�s �hozil_d be e���.b,lashe�. by t,n2 Cit� ai�c� f'�rnxl;� cooma by ,ra-rao � ��iscuus«�d amon� otrei problems. P�iayor NEe sta t�c� Le rc-lti tihe Cot,ucil s1�ou11 �o ^lo�� �„�irin T-ah�tever the board o? Appe�ls recon�ma�i��e but LLe Cou��c�1 ��aou]r have such � discuss�on �rd meeting ra�th tl�e Tio�rd oF Appe,�1�. 1lperi �� voice tioee, bLere bei���; nn ��ys, 'the ootio� c�rrled tzaanlmously. PUE3LTC T�E��R1ftQ 01i F REG,UP��T FOI3 A VlR7k17CE F'ROP2 Su'C,'Pi01�f F.3� 0� ORDSP�9DiCL N0. 70 liY ',�n rVLP, ��� I7�Olij iPRD ;�ETBF_CK P.EC�iUIR1:MEITT r'F{OD_ �: �liL^�T TO �0 l�N'7�T TO COliS`PRUr'T 0?L F!lb'��T� P�,T',?,iIITU= OYI LO^1S 1 1'YIl�OUGH 11, l.PID L�OT,S lI� F�ND lj, �LOCK'7�, RICP CREF',K Pi�'1�la t''0?,T➢ FDLI��IOi,S uF:ID LOTS ��IlVC LdCAT'iD OI\ P,ICP C�L'K ,�OUT,E' V/1RD U'L,S'P Or lIl�11�]E;1i�TTY P.V1sidUL i]ORTli+ ±,1' - P,li��,UESi DY L, & D1 DEV-ELOPI�TL�T1'P COliFAI�fY _A�1D b'EPT TOLIfls, BUS"LDLIP, -- - - - ----- -- -- - ------- - - -- - -- - Thc Cit�� I�fmia�er ce�.c� th_ TTO��ce of 7Iear�le� �nd explaiiied �he px�obletn �aas t�zai; a m�in �se��cr rrr�L- li��e �l�ce1 th� co�structlon coo c]oee Lo ma�or trunL sener. Co�ancllman ��ol}�• �t�ted ;hi� sequesi ,a�s bv h,�;sel1' as � builder and ��.I�� De�relol�- men� Com��ny a,�d he ti�i�hect �he public to be so iniormed, ile iurther �tatacl �he1, l�e va� bttlal�i� a1on� the Creeti_ �nn i;12e ePwer main i:ruaL 71ne is to tltie re�r o.: Lh!� prol�erty ir queetion; tnst thFre iv dange?° oL dz�turb�n� tltizs ��ne 1!' co�- t�°acti,ors come L-oo clos� tio it a�tid '�e pe� aonally carried a11 the notzcee io the re�identr- �n �1e ,�ea co be ��'iec�zd. Cou�cil.ma?� �Toll:e s��Led that 1�e T�zshec� �;h�e to be rr�de c��rG o1 t'_�e record. � � I� � � � 21� Th� City Id�l�a�ez ree,d ��ecommer,dat�oa o�' Boa2d �i t�ppeals. N�,vor �d�c �nqi�i-red i� thie would be e�rariance along the bolalevard beeauee oP the sanitary sewer l�_itie a�;d Councilm2n 6Jolke e<;plztiined wzrei is �n i,li� str�et and se��e�� l�ne �s �n tre re�r oi' tY�s lot;, Counci�man Shera.da,n sticzte� �nar,� �nasmuch 2s theti�e ��ere no ho�tess -�Lerc c�o�t.ld be no h��°ds1�i� to ar•�+one. ]�lottio� hj� B�°ool; to co[icur ��2Lb tl�e recomm��7a�ioi of �1�� ��o,�rl oF Ppp-,�1� �� Riu!'t �,11e -,-_2z�ice� G� 1is+,cd aro��. Seco��r�l 1,,, �-r5�-�� U�o�° � zroice �o-e, troee vol;�n5 �yc� PTCe; r7rools� Johanso��; �he2i�1- . nh�-„�ii�v�_� "ol7�e. :ioz�c, cai^_ led . PLP,_ � lt1G COP'L+IItJGTO'T A�-,ETII'SG, M!?RCFI ?_i;, 1�6= T14C[?'PIOPI S��ASP,I✓fEINT �SAV r�630'_� P.^Ri�T�r�°r 0�',I:° FIP,ST AD'JS`I'�0'' - i�OP�.1RD JU����P, COn�TIVULD PR01� i�L4RCH 11�, 1�63 D�ETZNC:� Th� C���, tii2na�,Er i2ad c7�° iec�rilmendeLtion c�' the Fl�n�ln� Co:�mi°s,o- �n� renu���e,i t]L�t C,ty �sag,�,ecr Hro*m ex�]ati,� i�eM. Ma or ree r°n��cs�c� Ci�� II"inPFr P�o ��pla�n �n�l 1oc�te ea�seme�� on m_=p Po2 Covnc�l h� c�,t. Coa� �l.a� � i*ol�� �=L_-" �P ea���n-�:rL ��ere oc rear o� the 1c�t a�d a�e -011 �- �� Loc,tie�l o� {rP i i� . Prt��or Piee uir�ti,-.°e�l �� t��°e *iere a hou�e lo��,��� � �l,e to'� U-'��_ ,r,ic��F z-, �_ a��d I��ti Leoa�rd �occer et�te�9 tl-ere `�a= .� hn�=� _ d-.��-rc �aei�- pr-opl° ��v� �� i� �,he �ot�se �-d, ai�pe^ent1.5>; buildu�� inspec or i��i �-r�u2� oe-�niti. Cotncal���n T•�o�.Le el,eteo thi: i� r°a;l} tihE '�roble�a of t�.�e c�� ti•�cio� �0 1oc�>>e thc l�ov�c on Lhe lor. il.', Jtt^Ler :tozed tr2 conTr��c�_nr r],mP�� �_�e �:_-c,sator b^.it rh�� -���-� ��ou1d sL�1l ,"_ot>e 9` �'' f�»� stiir�'ucc di^in�ec. f��r�r Lc� ,i T^d z1�ci, „ I�ov, c �. already e��ect¢d� Councll acr,io�2 *��ou1d be cl��fict��z. C��nc�l-,°" El,e1��1.�� sti.tad 1�e li� d r_be�ked t72e p_roperty and l�otise tha r� i'tcr oo� ��{ � l, �n: 1>> s op � lo; � rl' �t ihcxe nc� a hi�'� l;e��l- and lelt iL *toa pro;�iL1-� �r-i�;>>�-17,� 1�3i�� oa-, Y�ec-� « r�t til�� co�to��c o= L1�e la�d hccau��e o1 tihe t��o or 1_ir�c 10�, �%ircc{.1� e�i�- o�" �r. lt z�as eYplained �he lozs eas� of it happe�, l,o Uo on �� -,vr° iro�n��l i=,�9 1] c� t7ze�� Loxnes taould p2abeY�1 � be ���o ti1.o�i�� o�i T,h� }��c, �, d� bec,ul. � �i' -_, co�,zour �,_ r,1ae I,nd, Cou2c�_lm�ii T�ol'.-e ,stai,ed zhe o�1; °oLl^��,, 1_e fcl.z, ._ �,har r��,�_ scocv �nc De�v�s, 1��c., con�ulting engineer� �,°�� zha� ti�.c ��ari'vcc '��ti no� beP�; cl�ecl:��� �uc, Cou;ic�lman i1o71_e srated lie fc]; tihc Co�incil could r,=i� �c,;_o n�i -ch�r v��_=��er easex�enc svb�eet Lo City P,�_�l��ec2 b�o��r �ppro-ai-�. 'Pl��e Ci t� tiT�u_��er inlo�°�,�ed the Cou�ic,l cheq nould haue To 12o1i r'_,e�rin-. '�?ot�o,1 l�� Sl�eric�a� th�� paUlic hear�,�� be � t on thc v�c�Lion o- -ne rhrEe ��oe J-�^ain2Pe easemc��t in 2a,-l=tiie>> 0��-� n,rsti 11dc7r,io�� oud �,v�rorize teporr =�w7� tihe e��i�7eerin� c'eparcivent as eoon ae ��ossible. ."eco��,e�� b;� 1�o17,c. Upon i vmre �rote� the�"c be��,g ❑o naye; the m,oLlon c��i�ie�l v�a��i`,iue�'�, PiJBiSC F3�AR=NC-, PRli1Ti�iTI�i1LT2Y ?'L11^ P. �. �,61-G� -:I�7PIRTI�OD L9'i]�IOli- _he C_t� N�z���der rP��, Lhe nocice of �carii�� �d �ecorcune��o tio�� oP til.e Planni�� Gomlvi�s�_�,�. He t'u-ether e�p]aincc7 that P2x'. H,i,co, �„t�pt,. oz Se1�oo7ss li°d � 1��_ t°ne;°e ��a� no problem or r,he �choo]_ �tv�no tiYc �le�°ic�L�o�� �nd zl�e�� ��ou1d r,�l�e thhe t11�rt� Peet neces°ocp. CiL�> Li2��rear aro*�i °-�pl: ner� �^ei tio tlic Cec�cil. Mot�on by �i�oll<e to concur �,�2t7� ti�e reconi�nei_d°i.zo � ol 'ne P_La�nir�3 Co�mn�e�io ai�d �rant �rot��°ozral of chis P2all;,nn�?°y Plat pros!�ed t�� ��FVe1o�P^ �er_ure -re d�rl_- eation ol' 3G' o� tne ��orzh ,alc{e oi' 71�� l�av n-o�, che Di�i,r�r; rl� "�12oo1 Bp�°�l an� de'�oe_t, the uece�s��°y ecgt�2c-ering escio'� iuc� � �d ee' a publ�c hc�2ti�>>. °eco�l:;ec1 1�y °.uerld;,�. Upor a',cice vote� Iherr_ beint no ,��ys; �i�e :,�ozlo� c�r�°�i�d Unan2�rl�u51'J. P;,�L1C iII�Rl?"G--IRPTIPh1N�n�'+ P�T L'.-=-"��l-j? -PYI1iG L3h0UiC P'r'.RIC 2LTD ":DDT�ClO_I- 'I'he City n=�aager r��c� the recou�icendations oi til,e Pl�:rnl��g Cormn��ezo� � 0° _ � aesYed that L1tie Coti�cll eoulc7 e�p?�ove i,he �bovc- ce�cr-be� itie�a ���ir �o��d�tio�� rathei ch,i❑ cl�la;r �t. �iorlo� 1�V Jol�anso2 to r_o,�cur T�x�:h the recom�aerd.irionc �- �I�e Plani��,�� Com�zsa�� ancl �ppros�e �,he 1�tesr, _rev�eiou oP t;2e ?s°eaSn,i���r;,� Pla�, providcd ;h,ti thc dcve- loper e7ecute e pro?�er a�ree��ei2t concern�n6 ��L�r,i�,� �-11 cnste o� t7ie =inin,�e ;'acil.2tties rPqvtiied o�d BL�t ae t��11 T�u°n2sr� ec�retiienr P��� �tze Cor�i�v ����,� ��e�° ;�l�p�^ovin�; dra�cage zrran�en�ents oC1' L'�st 3�c�^r �o��', azd no appro�re -��io���1 oP �he easen�ent on i;ltie no�6h azce ol' L-he nla� n�o� co��ru,°reace 1r� thc PI.S.y.�.D. Secoi�@ed l�y nioolc. Upo�i a zroica Trois, ti'cier� beia�, ,20 ���,��, t�_e n�oi,ion c�,r�ied UY]c1f171rCUSl� . 2 i_2 PPTITIOP? -;T�Tz'Y �7�C4TIOi (`��V ;r6302) G, R. FE'T�,RSO1V, LT hE: I3LOCF_ 16, LO`IS _ `�'�]ROUGE j0; PSY1+40UTFi 1'DDI'1'IO'�I. — -- — ---- `Plze Cz�y n�[a�n�er ra.id the recomme�detilo� oi the Y1�mlin,r, Commies�oi. Co��nci3man Sher�d7a �nquiied o� th� p��,°t oY tl�e lo+ that the Sta,Le H�gltiwa� aoesa't oTan, who axe ,1°e peC-tioner�. CLty bl����eer Bro��" Pvpl�lned '�hese are the famil.les �h�+, o�+i� t7ie pYOpart��W C��inctiJU�an Gio11.e szated this 1� the 1�nd thati, was reque=_ted �o be �onccl ati o��P tiiae ��� � com�a�rcial bLiildi��. Cov�ciL*na� Sherzdan �urther in�luired if Council -�ese ���eatt��g 3�� elley, t1v� u�oulc7 ne on3y oY v�?ti1� to Lots l� �.hroug1� 30 m,lers t7�e�e �i°e t1�e oY�ners �slrlcg for the 'vacaLloi^. Cetincil�an � l;olke F�pl�ined tl�erc are onl�� 2 coup]e o° houses in that siea. Ttao meiabers oz t,t�e Peter°on fc�mly .aea-e ore�e��t eiid ezaL-ec7 they Nere the o*�ners of all of t}a� pxol�erty. N�otioa bT� tdoll;e to eo��cur witli the reconmendation oP the Ila�v2i�g Com�ni��sion �ad ^ppiove �er_at;io� cf "he nlle�� 2u B7oc}� 16, 1�otis 1 throu�h 30 �n Plymou�h Llcldit�on ��d ee� ;���tblic hezrir�. u�conded by Sheridsn. Upon a voice votiey there bezn�' no naysy Cre r,otio^ carri�d uua�iimo���ely. PU-RE OlL STAT_SOAT DUTZ�PP_'JG FEP,�ST AP�LICATION• A�a��or PTCe an�ounced t7i�s titem vae concerning a butilding pex�mit for a Pure Oi1 Station pr_� zl�e co-rncr of P4issieairp, Strcet TdorL-heasi, �ud University Avenue Aiorth- ea; �. The CiLy i��n���;cr pwEeen-��d � dra�iing ';,liat h�d beer, preparecl shovaing park- ing e�ace° oie hard to get 1�� -��d ovi, oi vut thep az� su.�Picient in nunbe�' aed Ctitiy Ma��aCei eYplain�d ti1��t ar, tihe tilme tl�e perralt ��as iseued the questlot- �aas 'oec�use there �ias in�afficlent pa'rking. Covi;cilman Johaason inc�ulre�l �� thi�s rnet -��it1i requ�rc-me��t� oi ardinance perzainin� to �,�s puinps. The �it�� Mzr��gEr anet�ered tni� decie=or �aoula Ue for t7e C�tS° Co�ncll to decide. C;ou�icilma� <<o1}-r requesi,ed t,o eee t�ze layoat o` bhis s�ataon and lnqutired 1� th�s p�ope7°ty line we�,L down to o6th Avenue. He wa: acsviexed z?��t lz c1�d; that 20U feet 2s zo7ec� convnercial and 1T� �'ee� ie zoi2ed resideLitiial; th�ti there i9 300 i'eet � o❑ �ddi�aics�ppi :irrect ,nd �z is zo�ed commercial. P�iayor 71ec inqL�ired regarding the draina�a oi t]�is �rce, Counrilman I•1o11_e r�ques tcd zhe rcco,vmencia bion ot the P�anni7g Co�na��iss,on �nd ��as tio]u tiLey h�d only bee� cc�i�ceznec3 wltih the n��i�utee of meeiin� �etd *incri Nfr. !�heise�� t��s �e�aed ori�inal pe�ml� ror store, Gou?�ci]rncn '�^�ollie ri� L�d the�e ow; Pr, h�n ati,empted, for a long Lir�e, to develop their �rop- ert,y ;.r,d thour�1� lie -aa� rot in f�voi of thia station, th� perniyti should be ��etiiec�. Mot�o� b� [1o1.L:e �h.�t �f �Lhe Build�ns' Board aparoves the etrneture oi Lhe Pure 0�1 �°,�ation rhat the Co��icil Zs�°��e � pernit for a ��llin� et2tion, Second°d by Sheri- da�. Uprn� � voice vo1.�=� there Yaei��z� no ia�s� the mo�i�n ca�rled ui�erimouel5�. `P'�e Citi�• Ma��agex �n�cuac?d that on April. lOtl^ Lhe buildin� Board wouid �teet and �f o-�re�°° h�r; p��ne �; t'icl, maeti��; t},ey ��ould be cons�dered. C OP'�tUf1ICIlT1011�r : t��ir�T�011D 9PID ���AR�ziOU�P COti��SION_ COId",I1�[7!�`170N OF TRAJU'S�T HE'IiRIiVC'. A�ot�o_ by Wo11_� ti� rece�ve �ncl p1�ce o�� i�le �.he commtiulcattion Piom the P,�ilr�ad and Tiarehou�e C�mmi°sion. Seco��der' by 3iook. Upo'� a voice vote, 'th°re being ac nays, 1he ir,oLlor c���ied iana��i�nou�ly. Dli'�ti0 Pi,TITTOTr OtPOSLdG OPDI�IAPSC� I�'0. 230 P'i�yoi "de� �a��o�mced tliis coimm�n�catiion nas �� u��tno Srom Yinance Diiector, P4arvi�� � Brua�^cll co.c�°z���o; � teCerend-aia. T�e C��y 19an�ger re�C Tnesqo P�o� DZr. Br���°ell conce-• ��,i�� a PeT�uon Oppo�_inp pdoption of O�dinai�ce No. 2j0� reJatino to the UmCorm ;;tiharbrn G�e Franchi°� Por tbe Ctiiy oL Pridley. Nlaj�or iiee Lurl,het e�nouttcecl �'�,iti � memo h, �1 1 �er receiv°d I'-rom CiL� Attoi �ey Itohlait but tba`c h2 h3dr "� h�8 ^�� 0�2o?°rv���t�� Uo =Fu�� ��ine. C�tv Fttorne� ]Co�lan zaac ��ked Por en e';p12-az�oa, r��l sz� ;ec �7,� 7,�� p��it�oi� i�e� {h�C the petltaon ie ,�ot va1�d For d�e �^2seor tih�� �� �ae il�c-d tata aa�1 �fLer t'�e ordlnaoce becar�e eC�'ecti�re, th�ti under ��her nrovlaionc of th= Chari;er it r,�ue, >>e filed prlor_ 1��7or �Tre ��1ed iC tiherc +�e-e «ny�n^ preaen� �iho wls'zed tio be heard -��- thie re�ard. bii . Joh� S%,�i�t,;,, lil -�3 1� 2.��y ircrthEZ=t zec�u° � Ced to be hrazda and s ta ced �7sat 2��� he nas o��e oF ti'_�e e�reula�o-cs c�P bhe pettitao�� r�n^ thP ctrc��7a,or° t'cl- ihr�t N�e Givy Connczl sh�uld z�L� „co accoti��t L'_ie a�-�, ���e ,T��+,<,.,ru�1�� oi �h� �oh, Ihc �e2�.-�ng of tl�.: Com���;,cee �i�a ti1�� anib,��t�a-�� �� to ��I°c i Lhc oxrline��r c�oL c�l'ee�,. `te et�ted tihe C1.�.�te_° c7�2�= ^a� chet 'r,'l�s tiY�c�i�l ��� iecei��r�l przor to ,,]ir 1•��r_ hc ordn�� ic2 f,a'__ee etCect, ;a�2cl� �: 1j daye r,zr�r publ �c � I10 � �iP ,;, �� •r�, i� uoi,� . I�e �nshed to c�:ll Cot�iicil �ti+e,��.on to r17ie ar��u;c� L. ;uppos��, ii � �- .�,dj �� snoul� s�y e,_e do�� �1 te�' pti�bl.i c�,tiot�. C'� �y [,-cor ie-, I`o.tla i��c ;ei e�� ;1 °� -, _ l� , P doeuri �t tia1�e coor�� sance of hotirs; 1L r�1ce� co�r,_� ��»c� 01 c�� e ��or �_y: . I; � a= aeac�d i2��c a 7as�;e �un,�ier oL peo�7e m�su»r��r�ion�l i. �,� ,hF in+ci�� e:,�°r_��1} � u°� Zr�ry clecr. Cotiinc2l's �°tte�t;io� ��as c�'1c�1 '�� rLe f;ci -h� �`v� .e� ; �ttia° T�a5 nol;�r�zecl on P42rch 21� 1�03. ?�ll. Wi��h� srate3 're L-�d per�or �11; caP �t il!� sveai��� oP �he rlat s_ruPl.� P,eGtai2� tihe�� l�,tio e.�r �;-,_I-� P=; Ll�et �+ �°° +ric, hc E�roh�blj° cou1.3 r��7e Cot�nd NLr. B-°ua�e11 tioi�e ��-�ere Fe �urrrier �r, h�� 11�:` 1s v'idi�'c tl�!ni- t]tiis `�a. �i 1.egal �ody� th�t Cot� ic�7 „�: noL � court ;,lr� could '�e-- cidc i;hle; i.he C��;y Ctz��°ter of I':�dley �,a_ c-rl=���l,, v��ue �� �i- ,;a; clo�r iL�' -nc tn�en� a�,d eiic spi?�it of ehe 1�,11 peopla �i,�.- ior on� t1�inE v2d �JiF� r� ^11 � - ;�ay�rE. P4�. Td�°ight 2,p�eu�e�1 tlle cs�°cul2tolc l�ea 14t� «i�7d petiUio2c�= i� �; d a11, bee� tio1u�l�axy belp 3�d Ehe m�°cul,atiors � cportierl ,li.-� )j�� oi z!ze voLers �°�re, �atill.�ng zo etiea 2�id +h�� Council_ cot�l l not i�-�rri ,o ov��loo1 l�ci��e�,- ]��,� �.,��� � 0��, oi �he �ro�_�ls. Nxs. Jwclwtie StLaussy 6300 R�verirl°z� 'Pe�°r�cc; eiic�al:tor, �pnaar��l .��d e{ �er _t ��a� �nsB a mactex� if srie h°d �one '�o eve_y '�ou�c = � Lo����, �he � oolc� r�ve ]i�"� ��j°, to °Oj� os' t3e peo�_le -chc� had al��ro�clze�i �ti,�-,n '_lie pel�l;lo��� i�r. Tboreon c��" 1?31 Zi��elest D��i�re staLel �e �iot�l�� lnti� to a�ree ,Lti. t1ic� othFr circul�tors, 'che rc�eponNe *,,�s ozre'r��rell�,n�� rn'�✓or ot' .}�e pe,,l,�o�� rt�e1-, th�l eacl� pareon ���uted to ey»teee an opi�ZO1, a��r'� he 1'cl"-� i� ,�as �omerha �p� -d�c�c sl7ovld be ie�t to tilze �eople �-o decide. r i2'r. John B�etolich of 5 07 N.�ln S'�reei N��rr,Y:^ •_i ct�,i,Prl =,e s�aa c,rcniator �or Ine petiieio» and co,ctt�red ti�1e77 �he rem�rlrs oi ine a�,l�c7r� -,i��ti til�e �°e��.o-cr r,o �his� titiey l.ad Fottnd, zaati ovet,�helinlr�g. D1r EGetol�ch st,��ed Lbe Council ehotild �,�sc �h�s �n�o accnw7ti i'he peo�1� ��e're e��Er zo e_,c_ iti. peuiioo .��d .,ere c r�r io � r�ryn,q this to � �otie so tihot th��> covlo hav° `Yi�lr op1� �on `e1� �.�d 'r�vP ; ch����ce to trote on =1.. t�Ir. Ricna;�d Jo_�nFOn oC 590g 7Iac]�n�m� �r�ve, cl�cii]�to� o- a�P,.� �lo . co�c,�c�ci wil;li oi,heti� ,rho liad spolren. Tl� stated tLat i h�. e�<pe�°ie,ce o��l�� -bour, 10)� re- iusec� to s�;A� oncl of �.liose three Y�m�=�ies �aerc� �'ireetly i�,vol.ved ��irh �o1�s � ch�s �°eg��d. P4�r�� 51r:aner of 6�51 �a1r1e�� ��°Z�-e� ci:cculakpi, �?��c�1 tl�e people tih�; d;�l oti s�gn -,ere either npnreg�stered �o'Le�^s� cltjr cm�1o3��e: or "�ves t1^ar d��l-�'�. _-,�� beoaUae t,Yie t�tit�band ��a,n't at �oc�e. tihat gome =. Eaz• tl°E r�tidi �a��cc ruti � ��te� i;o bx�ng bot12 side� titp to � pul�l�e ��attet sn i_�.�- �,he,� cou1� decl�ae io� Lbcm-Fl*�c� They Ce1t ir ,.,as muc� too i»nortiaar an issue -� be p�ascd eo cu� �lcl.� �n�J 1,��1 �`t hao 2� op�m°buniiy i;o za11. 1;o the�i counc.ilm��i �000z �i. Mr. 7obu Tn�rzgh� o� 171 - 63 1�2 tiia5� st�a ted v'-e �-os- im7 oi ,�r�i 'c.li �� ,lo�.t �� � i� �� th� � evei� 1�eople °�l,o l�a��e ca�e Ctiilly ��erused �1�e Isnnchise ,�,ny th�ti iti �e �oo coli�- 7�1e?., Tieie �c- Lhe ma-c�er al�o, he st�iad, o' tiLe ��aiv�-r oF a second �e�i�nn, PRr, �v'r��;htt :-ta'Led lle u�idersi;ood tltiati it ��25 nece^e�ry �1, ��mes '.,o �°�uv� toe =ccoid r�adl�g of an or�ina��ce �iac7 �x2��.zed thet a secw�d ieadaa� i: of'ten *��it'PJ to �av� tiime; vut p�eciael�� because 1 � 1s sc� elabo-�� ��P1y 10�� a 2d cont„ins i_Cere�ce_ � l�e .Ce1t� Lh2 Cou1^cil had t�i�d¢ aa eiros in to�,�v12,� �,he ;ecor�� re2dLn,;. hi�°. �I, �.1�;, e���ed he dir3 ieel �.n� t �here vas a� over-�helmi�o�ly etroa� ptib]ic �eel�ng Lh �t �Chi,q �roiaance sLotitl:] +�oti „o through as it tiL��n�ls �n�I flc uiged �he Covn�il tio �ccept �Ln� s pe �l'tlo_1 �,�hP ther o� ne � 1eoa1 eouncil e-; ti! � i� zoo l�� to by t°�, or � �levec'�euis. � _ n4a�or 19ee tiuquired tiz C�t}° Attorne�� Kohlaii h�a ❑� o;�i ��o,� �= to ol�e�hei thc Coun- ci� c�n ti��ative a provisiou. He ��»s aizs;�ered th,�L Co�rcil r�,i2ot v�a�tic 2�x�v�sioi� oL t�nv C�zy C'_nar�et. p2�2yor ��TEe asked Ci ;� At7orney i�.o1�1��1 �o se3d tl�e scetio � nh��h vculd apply and Clty lltilorn°�j Iichlen eoi�plied_ P^ayor l��ee ���no,ied �k' �Lzts ord�aa�7ce ;`ian �,al:c❑ efFect a��c� CiL� �toortiey rohl�r sti�rec; he ie1t, i-, �rot�1�� e�d up la a lat� suit. Czty Aztoiney 7iohlzi- 1'ti,rtl.ex e_���7=�ned Lr_ul a1l roembers l�Pi� had the ordinalce an front oP zher�� zh; U111�, i the le�islacnxe �re ❑oL �lraye read ��ord by �ao�d �nd tnex� �� au�Lority to tl�c effeci, tn°�L ❑}�re�eiLstion �° �hc x��lztg� E-1e fu?�l1er e^;p].a2ncc7 t7sa`c �ahethe'r o� »oti - d2�'_'sie2z xesul_F �,iil7 cake b1�ce he�e or nol;, h� d�d� `ti 7-co��, but� so t�n�, i,lie Cou cl] t�on1�1 =�ou� izi poei- tio^ �e reqtiies�ed pe�°rn�ssio» to re�d a»cmo hP h�d pr�n�re�l �❑ i'�all ml ther, he st�tei9� ��hatetrer zoo1; p]ace lie z�oiald be ��il]_i i� to zb_3e o� i'�, C� �.v Gttor��cy I�oh1o�� t72e�� read the me�no ta tl�e Ci ty Council c7�ted L1�ri] 1s p�°ep�xPr+ 'o�� 1ii�T�e�f zi� co�-n�n°ln� h�� zindlnF�e a�c �°ec��nme��dzL-otls ar�d preparad iesolutions. P4ayoi D�°e �i�r,ui,^ed lf +1�is �a� b�sed on th� assumpt�ou �:hac �.he oraa��a�ce z��v pro- �elly p�sced a»d Citiy ALLorney Yohiaa si:��ed th_t he mt7s� assume thftt it ��as� tihat 1�e haQ ,o r,�1ii. �,o r��eagree 2� th�s zime. P"�voi Nee Ftctied 2t sliowed �n che ,�in- ti�Les tY.�� rhe ord�iance .�a� not �^e,ir3 ncd Councilina�, Sheri�a� inqutired reo�rda�g viat i���v re?d �K� d trae Lo]d the Tztle C1TUSe down tio and including the °iVOtdy TI�RL'FOP,�°. C� ty 1`.tto� n2y Koh1��� �tatPd �,hat u�1es� �he ordinance can be elallenged ou other aroui7ne. �t ��oul�7 �'r�n,J. 1�`2. C�ar1 Pa�a1°on o- �i30 - S�hh P1ace �Sorchez°c stat��i J�e dadn't want �,o e�2���r into � {.he �lteetassio� o� the petti�cioi2 but �hati h� cild w�.N11 to a_peak €�gainat zi�e poi�2ti itl que�tioa ii�d �,�quired �P ;his were a legal aczio� oa the p�rt oP the Co�inr21 iii �cceplirg tihic petitio�,. �P furthe_r sLateci LL2s boc1� �s �bligec� �o f"ollota t'2e 1��� ���d �hould ial,e the advzcc of til2eir �t;orney and ii' Corncll raere �o �ccept bhas r�ciitio��, lhen tlie Cou�c21 �,�o� ld Uring it to a Folnt tltiat otner eitlzens wou1� Drl�g suit ���i�st Tt�is �oLn�c?L The r_o��munity chould u�anti lat* a��� oxder �r_c� thls ia iahe�. t1iey shotiaLx pe'c. _ Dir. Joi��� ����ght stat�d h� d!dn`t rdink laW ard order is def�ned by i'oti+r oi ±'�ve peo�le to ouer_rule rhe wiEhec o" zhe people r. i7 l�e stiated he �ashe�' to �me*zd hie pr_cr rem�r'-c, t1.� hi� pNLition �,as fi��o a;2d one-12a1f lzotiir� 1atc, tiL2ardly, that. City Ac�oruev t�oula� d�d noc belie�re the vote of this Council P2ile� m represanT, t�e �a211 0l �hc c�_rizen° oI ti_e City of Fzidlcy. O�i tlie basls oP co+2tact�i2g a criall �[�moer ot oeo�l�_, the;p peop�e �_de ��rt,h 20;� ol the Ceuacll. aac Z1_' tha iatao ti�ere mlilttul�cd� tLe Co�r�ci1 did fati2 to repreeent z,he c,Ti��,�s of t12e C� l:y of �'rirlley. I.e E'w°trei �T�1,ed Lta t�he Calltme to bav� a secoud readu�g of tne ora�- '���ZCe ui ques �_o�, , � � deiim l,e vzol: � ior - P.-r. C�rl Pau]so,� s� �Led -it appe�red the ,�fo Lement titi� t un•. I�lrti�ht n7s sayiag Tias z1�.1L tihzs Cou �cil hae ��ot pzoperl. st�rveyer tl�2s ,eatter and the �eople ',lho s, �t,ed F��tii-?o�_s �re zn s bn�ter poeitZOa to °ay whetihei �h�s �s ��rot�g or i7ghL. P:Ir. Paulso- �'urc;,Pr ata�zPd tl�-;t Peoj�le ��ho rl�i petlt�oas c!°e not alway� at��,re c�f ti�hac is i��tiolved �nd iC Qeei��ed to }zim Lhe Cowlc�l l��cl ruade � study of" t71is a��d req�dei�t� li�v� �0 1�;ve zc°pect for the�r �*ove�°�,.�nt, body ch�.t legislaties for everyo��e in che commuia�,�,. Counc,l�a� i Ldoli�e 2sl:ed iC chair -aeee i°eac7� for a-iotioii. � Motzon by �iolkt to ���lopt �',�?l=,CJLUTIO?d ,�50-1y63 th��; tihe petztio❑ ror �eterenclL�n rela- �ive to Oe<<ir�,re �iu�aoex 2?0, e,.1ir,led °U��iiorrn Sut�ux�ban F'ranchzee ios M���r_eul�olie GG� Cor2�r, y' -��s i'.le�l �fter the ord�2�rice beca�na �Cfectine ����d the peti�,ion is there i��r Soti� �d � rv_ l�,d �nd Lha � Cotn �cil tit�a11. taU e no e ct� o,� rela Live tilacre to. ��ecorrl2d by Johan�on. Ninyoi 1�ee stated 1ie i'el� there is reaSOri to bel�eVe i,h�Z the o�oi �aace ��.s cot pz°oper7, oa�°ed �a�7, ther�ioxe, it is �2ot ii� eP-ect an�� tlie peri- r,io» �aa� recait�e� before zi, `,00L c-CPece ai�d zor titzat ,s�mE r�eson, he iurornied tlie Cilr Cou-cil, ��e ��ou�d vo1.e �.�;c� ��� t titi. Upo i� roll call vaze, i,hose votl,ig �ya, Joha�2aort, �her��.an, `Jollie, Eroo" . Tho:e opposed, 1Vee. Pho�ion carrzed. POLICr'� �ErRF,1i��1`!' P71CIrA COUldmy P,�PSO �TET(�'ORK '1'he C�t� 1���z�ager re2d tihe coom�inication x•el�tive to the descr�bed rac�io net���vr1r, 9 �iscliss�_o�� period T��s held an�1 �c ��ae 6ene��lly deciQed to de1�� any zczion Lu2Li7 the 1'��h o�, ap*!1 �,o olve Councll en opl�ortul�2Ly to c'lscuss t1�i� �nat,c,er witiii the Policn Chiei. 5�2I= AVL�'i�`JL VORm��A°T' PE`��TTI�N AGAIPi°�T STRL�T LIGFIT� Tl�e Ctt}� J`s���a�er espla,��Ed i;he t=b�zre dewc:[�bec7 commvi2icatton, 1�1o��nn by Wo11�e to recelve peLitio Crom re�i�7er_t� in �ffecr,ed �rea apd cortcur by deleting the p;o- �c,�ed st�°ee� ligl�t. Seconded by So��a��son. Upon ��roice votey thc-re be� ig no � mye, t�ie moca.o� ca-rried unaniu�outily. L'�TZ^IOP' rP0i4 PiTr2F oTt �iUF.°lliG LrODZ• p pPtizt2o� Crom tbe Pure F3r Tdur����g �Iome v�a� presented b�� t'ir. Ha?°ry Dii;�o�°tL oi lt. 1252 l.�t �i�tior�l Ban1- Bui]di� g, 8'c. Paul� T7innesota and SaaF re�d L� che CiCy 91�a3ger. Couee�]�,�a�1 Sehaz�so�° ia�sed cl�e qu�stao�i thc�� he tiueted. �chey c�id^ `ti ;�Fa�� �o n�Cer by thie leT,ter iLal thle wo�l� be the o�ti�y ,��rrei.�d home allo��ed �� Fr�clley; tih�t �he araendmer� to Lhe oa�ol�ance �s be,ng heard or� I�pri1 11�h a�^d z�, covlrl com� ,�°dPr th�r ca�e,�ory. Cnu,�c,1,n2- Jol�nsni� stieted thi3 �_tiem should cqme vnrler �12e Roar�� �" Appea]s a�d it should be �dveitls�cl �G soori as poss2ble. Couri- c�lmat� T�o14�e sti%��ed the Council �?arl al�eedy directied tI;21, thls be d�ne. � � zi� 1�1a�oa- i�l<;e 1ei't t'�e i'loor, �avel *aas �zvc�� tio ^c-,�_n, A�a;°or Jon�nso,�. Plocion by ti�o�Le �o race�ve ti'_ie perit2�n �nd dlrect tne C� L� P9o��a�ei r,o ��L° �.ra�- eve� eneps are r_ecessar� to proce�s this zi,eia. Sccocr�ed u• B�oo1�. Upo,� , voic� vote� t�e're betiag �;a p3ye, c�e mo�ion carr7_e�1 unoaimousl; . CLlaIP45 Dlot-�oi� by Sher,dau to r,pp�•o�;e pa�n��nt o�' r�eneiel Cleiins ��t8;51+ zhroti�gL �rr�3au. �e- condea b�� [��o11�e. UF�on n voice Jcte, t'�Ere ba,rg i2o n��;, zhe mo��o« carrtied unaaimou_l,. PZoz�oa b,y broolr t;o applovc payme�� o� LZqiaer Clai�,s j�517� c�1ou�1�, j1�.�. Seco��dPd Y�y ��,�1Le. tipot� � vo�_ce vote, r,herc betng �o ��iyr, tilt� ,noL�o, c=?iled u, tr ��❑oac,ly, 1Seyo^ ;lee aeturned to j;1�e �'1oor; Q2.vel na� �°ei-ttx�ned b;/ ,actirk i�la9or JoLanso��. tiiotior� by JokGnsoi� to �.ppzove pa���nent oS' Ptablic Util1 � Lie° C�air e(�2��31 Eh�ouEr� n„ ,t��ij�. 9eco��deci b� Shexidan. Up�n n vu�c� sote, thcxc �ctin� no ❑�ye; t.hc �iotion C2Pr72C� ULD'171i70UEl�'. VI�S7mOP,S : ?�irs. Fe�7m�a, reoreseutative oi �;he Leagve o� 1�ome � VotFr�, �,�c- pre�: rt �n�i e��t�a she h�d aot Lnd rttSL Z�� nate_ �L h�2 home ior �pp�°o_.imate7�� h,o ��eeka. LIC�;PiST S' Counc�lm�a Johaoso�i raised tl�e aaeetioi� or >>nac �L;: Cou_�cil tihi-h of' tii� 1ice�ee fee on the ordinance in mtilt�ple dTre=Ll�r�g. The Ci�y ila ager etaic� i -�a� roo 1�Ge tp do a�yLhi��, li7 that r�da ��. i�layp�° ?;ce �L,it�rl )i? tun L°l�_e�l to �o-�c pe�ple from t�e `�.II.lI.� on7y �n �ene�°�i7 te�.it�� and 1.hcy �lirJi�' icel it ��as un�ei�on b1e 2�ad� he pe�'eonaLy� voulo ].lkc Lo see tll�s tosheo ti�i cou�'�. I�4czaon by T7oll�� �o gren� 11�e�see �a pa�es ���` �'�i�u�17 ��� oI �t�e ��1a,^ch 7�', 1��3 ��e2ticg on f;le an the G'�ti/ Cler1�-'� oi1'�ce ���;mueh ^� rhere �� �oi.;�rn� ��verse co theii i�P� �o granted. 6eco�ded by <7obanaon. tipon = 5�oiee -�o�e� ihcr� bei_�� no °�ays� rLe not;�o� carr2ecl u-�ai�i�io�isly. R}]�SOLLTLQATS SPLLTTI1dG SPL'CIl?L ASSIiSSMLb�TS: 1�lct2on by Johsnso�� L-o ado�t RLSOLUTiOPd ii5l-��1c ;,>>Lhori�ln,_ �nd dir�c�� � �,he splltl;i�g o� Sgccia111�ssssmente cn Lot 5, -'1o�L �, ?;,,,�LrucP, 1_- di:=tiw�i ��xl I�oLs ll �nd 12� Elocic 3� 1ni�,sl���uc1-� 2�d!Sdd�.,�o-. S�conded b�� SrErid�r, Upon 2 tioir_e voces c�ere be�r� no na�s, LhP �aocion c�-�i�ad un �i�moaely. P'lorion oy She�ti ��,i zo e�op-, RCSOGUIIOP� �5�-]�C� 3ui,io�°i�ir� �.nd Jar�cl,i��;; r,�c _�li �_ tia� oi ; nec�a� esw�semente o:_ Out1cL A(�DZ'ccFl �_�0�, F,���rl� Hill.s £�dr_io�, S�ror�ded by �3rool. 1��.oa e volce �rote; Y,l�ei^ I�c�ir�a m �r_.c, �he raotio�7 a�rricd ucatnwovsly. T��c�� �o�i by Jol�a�,so.� co �dopt i3ES0I�UTTOP- �53-1c�t�5 iu±ho� ��in� oi�3 �'ircc�,� �, t'i� 8017Lt1i"i^ Oi ��7CG�1 i1�S2°5412RT�S OI' LO�F V'I'A �� P_p�t '�� IP_L'� Ldl'c _� C� �� _ �11� l�ddiz�o� ..`�ecoa�lc�9 b�, �'ol7�e. Up�e a �o-_cc -,o{e� �,,e-� b=i. �, �o '-„ .�,',_ mob2o�i car�led ta�°er-moL�sly. ,'��otion by, ghc,_�c��� co ?ctopt _iEl�'OLUTTOP' ii5��-1�);'_ ,,��ho-�°�_=ir �n�� :�,�-cc�� -�h� � 5�-� tlan;, oC epeci�l as;..eseme�cr_ on pa-r-, ��' ioi- ?(Parce.'� ;C�) c�-��I Lct �, E1oc�: 1, 1Soore Z�l=e Li'_1s ll�dltion. `�,��c�nded L-y r,rooi•. Upo ��-oicc ooti�� tirers cF_ ii� rio „�y�s, the �ro{.,_o+° cari2�d �v�e���rausl5 Mo��_on by 7oh2r��oi° to �dopc R�SOLUPIOTi f55-],, ;,�t'r�o°°i��n� ��,:�°�t,i ^ � �piit�,n� o� sl��c�a1 assessme,ts or Parcele ��;0, (�7C ^nG 1500, "ectioa ])�. Seconder_1 b} 1io11e TJpon =� volce ,,o1,e; t,her= hPi - re ��ye, t��e ��o-,in� c���-�Ed unan_� �otilely. Mo�io�� '�; Tloll-e l0 2dop� P,sSOT�UPfO'd �°; -I-:- ,,��il�c� �� �� , 3 ir�c�= � �h� ��,11t- o . ti���,� ot epcc�o� ���eqsaen�e on Pa�'� oP Lot � ��� ��_, (P�rce1 -�CO) �o�Lto�°'s �J�+b- d1v,�io� 1\�0 �l7. veco irlerl 1�y �rnol'. Ul�oi , vo�c� ,nl,� � ti}-ei-e 1;��� ,�, ro �� ,-,_ moc�or, cari'ied u,a�2ir�ou^1y- �t� Lo �n � 1-„ �Le�z�l��i i,o �dop, i�1�;50LU"'IOPT ���_l�� 3;;utho��>>,ng �nd di�°ect»; �he c��l.irt�_�r ��� -pec> ;1 �cpo,a�s�,�-t oa P=rcel �OC� Section 13� Pa� ce]_ 137G� l-.ud�- tnr's °ub�ltiv�°io i'o JO cno Parcel^ j30 �n�l 750, Oa1� Cri•ove Addlvio'!. S?coaded hy Brool„ U�o �, ��_e�� voz�,, L; cr� hFtia, _o �-2�s, f.he �o��or, cairiec'L uno»i� ovsl; . t'1ot,�, b; ';r,T�c lo ;��'op� F7'�OLU'110��T ,;;�-7-9G3 �uthm°,�in�, ❑�cl 2,x�ectlr�� t:�e sp1�t- ti,�-� oi �r�ci-1 �e����.2c �t� o^ Pa�z oF tot ��P�rcel 3�i0), Sylvan Iii�1s, P�_at 5, �Pco�cioc7 Y,1� �oh3��o,. Upon •� �roice vote; rhere bein� no n�-��sy tl�e ��ot,io2 c�trri�d u,���,ltno i--y. Cou-eti]r���� �ol� �so� , �qti�iied � F ;be resolvl ion -�ere -re�c7y *.�2th regard to thc- re- �ee�s,n� ovP� ^ perio�l oL -;s,�anL� �e�r= �lie properties in Schedule A �i Se*aer �erl li�tet ?ro�eci ,',�)F� _1a�2. T!-e Ci I� Ma��a�'ai etate� Lhe Fin�ince Dzrector �_s ill ���� _{; �ou.�l re prc�°ented �oc=lbl-i �ti ;h� r_e..�, ie�ul.��^ tve�tint. C`LP:TCL ORD�R '5 _ i7..jLi-J (LGfL'�IDLiT�➢ 1) - CTIPISCII OP Pl�SNT SF�CSFTCATTOPiS 1�1ot�n�z h; "'hPYid�^ to =p�rovc il�e f'rnen�,a Pro�cc} ��i -J, Jch°�uZe 1 to Lhe Pe��r7 '� iJ�o,- - voic° t�o�c, thc;�°F be�n�� 'o ��Y`, i'�I' °I`LIOPTS • 0,-�icr tivr�bnr I�'ive t�n i'ater Z�aprove�ae�a�; STae�Qo�, Conp.�ny. S�co,�ed by �rook. Lh� uotion r�r�•ied u��a�1'��ouslg, Plotio`i b;� J�n.�nso: ,o receztie Sob�lJ�der's pat�tion £or Tm�rove�r�,na:,� anc� A�rce- ��enti o-1 llet1-or� o° 1'c�?nent oS T�narovemcrr,s Lror� davES IlI, recgu�on, DevElope-t �nd process. Sc:c�ndeci nV �Sheridrn. Upon .� vo?e� votey tl_�ere L�eir� �_o nay�, �h2 rro- ,�o c�,,'r�e0 ur ,uniouel,�. C'0�"SI�S1P.��TTOPr OF I,1rZU0P. STO� �dORit SCNLDULE P-`ayos� 77ee �nqai�en' if �bF Cit}� Couz^.l ae�°e saCisitca witi� tiie �bove rei»ri, thaL th�� i- cor�aiaer��,i morP eco�orle. Cou, ciln�ar, B�ool� etiated the m�n arE ,�ori;��g 40 loure per ec�� �,ur �,°e r,���_-��T o��c-rt,n�e �ay, so tihey are really iol, �iorlisa� ioi .�nychi7�, the�y jo�t ti.�rLed �Le o��ertiti��e. P;r. Magvire� ioanagex�� staLecl �.-,1�2y h�d ±bourht ehe� til�l�i; cut bic- to LO'�ovrs ���ce1c, that they hnd �,hree �arti tiime r,�er i!o*a a�d aerF on l,°jipur� ai�tl i` the.� �,enL to 40 hours tlie�_�»��ld relieve �Y'e pGrL' time ,aei oP �°0�1-. F{e ttirtY�er e�tnlei�leci Lh�t tLe �ven ��ou1d prefez t17� �l� houie oez �eel°. �;��scuee�o�� �ertiod i'o11o��ect ��Lc;-, re ard co 77aure, Lime oC >>�17 �oxk�ng, eLc, Counelliec°_ Si2�e��1�.� st�tec7 he �,otilc� 1�e oJ' zhe w�der�tand��g �1��� even m_tL tihe hcid b�Tfo�deis, ihzE the :n�i�e�ci° oi aiss=etan� ,u�nagetr �aovld be eyrculat�ng �rou�c�, hhat eti����rvic�on �aas ��eeess��rti. P4i°. t�far�iire �t�tied L�2erP wae n hi11 heFole the Iegislature on liqvor vlol2tion �ales at l}�e l�re�-e^t ii�e. 'Phere ie no lunit�ti,or, prc�seni,ly, oi the �mount o?' d=�aa;e a� c l�aoior ntol�tio� e�le ^n� L-1�ere ic no lnnzt���on of thc time a� eo�z c. � be fzl.e�� �nd eti�ticd chey T�ere zryi>>� to �ei, a bi71 tlzrou�2 and tl�ere n2� a possibiliZy t� ^�t, til�l� hi11 �a�eed ���i�Lh a 1zmiLation �bf,ached, The C�'Gy I'Qai�a�,er stiigjesLe3 ro zhP �Joune�l ti�P� cor]� direct him tia var`!ze sveh a 1eLter to the I�e��el,tiure. bSotio� by Joha�so� to cl��ect CLe C1Ly Mat2ager tu ���r,i,e e le�ter to che ctare Leg- �tiloburc ��1�L i°e�ard Lo lim�ta�ion on i,12e 3°e<ir �nd e�movnc peop7.e c�r su� for. Nlayor ilce irau�red �i °�25,000 00 �c rhe l�nnt �.nd �f they put a l_�,:i?t on t'als5 rt mi_r,ht be �o�r�r 1,0o flar �he o�her way. Mr. A4aguire stia�ed thE tir^e lamit �aould be ,.i bi�� rhi�;, L r�leoussion pec�iod fo11o°�ed. Mr. V. i�l. 2iagel� iusura�ce ahenc, ��tatied it --oald r�� c'!if�cvl.t tic �eti �his k�ill pae�eed. Amoun�c oi' i�isura�ice covet- �;e ti�ere d� ccusseci � d Ciz�J S�San��er eta,�ed *,hE City o� Fridley has ovei° U�ha t tis rcmzirel bv °ts�e La � Feco�dP� b9 Brool�. Upo» a ro11 c�.11 vote� those yn iavor� 1ir�lke� Brool�, Jo��-�uon, Sherid���. Fbsi,si��n��, �iee. Mot�on carrlecl. COD�SIDL^�P�CIOTi OP PIRLI-BUSLDITrG i'`iSPI'CiOR P05TTi01� Gocrca lr�a � Jobanson sr��ted he had met T�ith � membPS oi t��o o C tl�e Firc Depart�ae �t �_�d „_sY�ed tio eug�e°z, at tn�s time, t'_'AaT cl�e Cou�icil and the entire L^'�r� DE�arL- meut hol�� �� spcclal ti�form:�l meet�ng some evening; t1�at tihe �erabeis oL tihc de�ert- nien� Ceel tlZ�ti, foi� eome reesoa� they ca�'� �,ez near che Council. Ap,-i1 3th a� 7.30 P.I��i. w�� set _ed �enerall� a�r�ed upon cs tlle date z'or zP�e inro;r,�l meeting. lp�°1l 1.O�h� 1�6� ��c-s ,senerallv a�i•eed upon �� the date i'or :.he inPo�n�el meezzn� ��izh c7�c- Boarn o�° A��e,^le. � LJI 1 � � �r� � SEWAGE ➢ISPOSAl RESEARCH DISPOSAL: Mayor Nee stated he had asked to have a finance report from N.S.S.S.D. but iinal figures had not been received in time £rom Minneapolis until this past Thursday and the report is available but he had not seen it, He stated that apparently, the service connection cost under this new plan can be decreased to approximately $4.75. Mayor Nee inquired if the Council had read the City Engineer'e proposal to evaluate the alternatives available to Fridley for seaage disposal. Council- man Johanson stated he would like to see the City of Pridley enter into this proposal and authorize the City Engineer to proceed along these lines. Councilman Wolke =tated he would like to go over this proposal and have tLe con- sulting engineer go over this, too� and hold an in£�rmal meeting because there were parts of this that he was not in approval oi'. The City Man�ger stated 1z the Council wished to hold an informal meeting, they could do so nn April lOth, It was so agreed by members of the Council. Covncilman Wolke inquired regarding the easements for the water transmis.,ion line on University Avenue Northesst and Cit,y Ai.torney Kohlan etated the prope?•ty owners along University stated if they go along whereby easements will be acquired, the assessments ior lateral charges could possibl,y be held up f'or a reasonable length oY time. He furtner explained the thing that usually happens is that as lznes are put in these properties would also receive lateral assessmente and the StaL-e Highway Department ie not going to allow aecesc to the highway except at £33rd and 79th. City Attorney Kohlan stated he would get entry permits with i.he un- derstanding that no lateral assessments will be made, City Engineer Broi�n sug- gested the possibility of a main going down through the affected px�oper�y and thus� both sides of this property could be assessed, There being na further qusiness� Mayor Nee declared the meetang ad,7ourned. Respectfully submitted: �'' :��� � Sue�Miskowic Secretary to the Council ' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 10� 1963 � � � � V �� , ln,�� h YpR - William�- . Nee l A special meeting of the Council of the City of Frid'ley was called to order by Ma,yor Nee. Mayor Nee announced that by answering the roll, membere iaould wa�ve notice of special meeting. ROLL CAI,L: Members Present: Brook� Johanson� Idee, Sheridan, Wolke Members Absent: None CDNSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING FRIDLEY SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Motaon by Johanson that the City Council receive the report and autho-r;ze the City Engineer to commence a study alon� the direct lines �;Zth hls recommendations entitled "Recommendations, Procedure Basis Por S+udy oi' and Negotiations for Fridley Sewage Dzsposal�" and also authorize the Citiy Engineer to send a letter to the suburlas of Bloomington� Brooklyn Center, Crystal. Golden Valle,y, Neia Eope and Richfield indacating a desire on the part of the City oP Fridley to take part in their report. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, Mayor Nee dec�ared the meeting ad�7ourned. Respectfully submitted: ��,� , r ��ct_ ���- � �� c� � Sue Misliowic Secretary to the Counci7 REGUL.4R COUNCIL MEETIPTG - APftIL 15, 19�3 ��',��e�,`� - MAYOR - W' iam J. Nee A regular meeting of thc City Councal of the City of Fridley was called to order 6y Mayor Nee at 8:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present� Braok, Johanson, Nee Members Absent; Shera@an, Wollce APPROVAL OF MIIQUTES - REGUI�AR MEETING� APRIL 1� 1963: Mayor Nee requested that item labeled °Communication from N.S,S.S.D." be corrected to read "Sewage Disposal Research Disposal" and under same to insert "Mayor Nee inquired if the Council had read the City Engineer`s proposal to evaluate the alternatives avallable to Fridley for sewage disposal." Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting oi April 1� 1963 as prepared, received and corrected. Seconded by Brook. Upan a voice vo�e� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPR0I�AL OF MzNUTLS - SFECIAL �TTNG, APRIL 10, 1g63: Councilman Johaxison requested that minutes be corrected to read "Motion by Johanson that the City Council recelve the report," etc.� under ConsidEration oi' Recommendations regarding Fridley Sewage Disposal. Motaon by Brook to approve the minutes of the spec�al meeting of Apri1 10� 1963 as prepared, received aad corrected. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice votea there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. OLD EUSINESS: C�NSIDERATION OF ANOKA COUNTY RADIO NETG]ORI{ (TABLED �+�1�63): :__J L_ _J Mayor Nee requested that Police Ch�ef McCarthy explain this item. Chief McCarth,y explained this proposed Anoka County Radio Network was something the Anoka Count;� Chiefs had been working on for four years through representatives of the County of Anoka; that the police chiefs had been meeting informally for four to five months with the feeling being that all Anoka County suburbs should break away from Hennepin County. He further explained the Sheriff's office of Anoka had �one befor� the County Commissioners and the Col�issioners had accepted this proposal; that all police chiefs are in iavor of going into their own radio net- work to cover all of AnoYa County i£ a network can be set up that will be as good or better than the present system with Hennepin County at no greater cost -Eo each subur7�, At the present time, he stated� the cost lrom Hennepin Count,y is $100.00 per unit per year. Thi� cost to F'ridley is $�+00.00 with fbur units operating. Councilman Jonanaon ra�sed the question if the department would completely isolate , �tseli and Chief McCarthy stated they would but would still monitor all calls locally and az Anoka County. He further explained that Anoka County would buy all the radio equipment and Fridley wonld take out Hennepin County radio system and install these in Lheir places; that the Sheriff had proposed a iigure of �320GO.OG to w3�000.00 initially but the radio technicians say it should have been �60000.00. Councilman Johanson raised the question if this would be pald over a per�od of time and was told this ��ould be paid immediately if the County would put in this system and would be put throu�h the tax rolls. Councilman Brook asked if these radios iaould be leased from Anoka County just as they were