04/15/1963 - 00023318��� � r ��� �J�.�,�z--�� � Sue Miskowic Secretary to the Council RFGUL.4R COUNCIL MEETING - AFftIL 15, 1963 MAYOR - 'v7 iam J. Nee � A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:30 P,M, ROLL CALL: Members Present: Srook, Johanson� Nee Members Absent: Sheridan� Wolke APPROVAL OF MSi��,S - REGULC�R MEETING� APRIL ly 1963: Mayor Nee requested that item labeled "Communication from N.S.S.S.D." be correct�d to read "Sewage ll�sposal Research Disposal" and under same to insert "Mayor Nee inq_uired ii' the Council had read the City Engineer's proposal to evaluate the alternatives available to Fridley for sewage disposal." Motion by Johanson to approve tihe minu�es of the regular meeting oi April 1� i963 as prepared, received and corrected. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL Or MiVL12'ES - SPECIAL MEETING� APRIL 10, 1963: Couneilman �7ohanson requested thai minutes be corrected to read "Motion by Johan�on that the City Councll receive the report," etc.} under Consideration of Recommendations regarding Fridley Sewage Disposal. Motion by Brook to approve the minutes of the special meeting of April 10, 1963 as prepared, received and corrected. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a volce voter there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSNESS: CONSIDERATIOPI OP ANOKA COUNTY RADIO NETFIORK (TABLED 4�1�63): ' � Mayor Nee requested that Police Chief McCarthy explain this item. Chief MeCarthy explained this propoeed Anoka County Radlo Network was something the Anoka County Chiefs had been �rorking on for four years through representatives of the County of Anoka; that i;he police chiefs had been meeting lnformally for four to five months with the feeling being that all Anoka County suburbs should break away from Hennepin County. He further explained the Sheriff's office oi Anoka had gpne before the County Commissioners and the Commissioners had accepted this pruposal; that all police chiefs are in favor of going into their own radio net- work to cover all of Anoka County lf a network can be set up that will be as goad or better than the present system with Hennepin County at no greater cost to each sUburb, At the present tzme, he stated� the cost from Hennepin County is �i100.00 per unit per year. Thie eost to Fridley is $400,00 with four units operating. Councilman Johanson ralsed the question if the department would completely isolate � itself and Chief McCarthy stated the,y would but would still monitor all calls locally and at Anoka County. FIe further explaaned that AnOka County �rould buy a11 the radio equipment and Fridley would take ont Hennepin County radio system and instnll these �n tiheir places; that the Sherlff had proposed a i'sgure of �32000.00 to y�'i33000.00 initially but the radio technicians say it should have been $60000.00. Councilman Johan�on raised the question ii this would be paid over a period of time and was told this uiould be paid immediately if the County would put in th�s system and would be put through the tax xolls. Councilman Brook asked if these radias would be leased from Anoka Coanty ,7ust as �hey were � �_� from Hennepin County and was told they would be� that at the present time the Sheriff has seven radios but there wauld be twenty-t�ao additional radios pur- chased for this system. Councilman Johanson stated that he had 3ttenc3ed sonie meetings iaith different representatives i,hroughout the city and the f�nc�l�a Counti� Radio Network had been well recieved. Cnuncilman Broolc rai�ed the queecion if they wauld be able to helg neighY�or_ng suburbs as they were nota doing and Chief NtcCarthy answered that at the present time everything comes through Hennepin County, that all Anoka suburbs ��ould go under this new network or no one G�ould� and that they would still help otk.er suburbs as they were now doing, � Mayor Nee raised the question of the nature of the service the police department now received from Hennepin County, Chief McCarthy stated that Hem7epin County owns the units, but dispatches the service, auto license checks� does tl-�e rep�ir worka etc. Councilman Brook requested to know lf nnolca Couni,y =r�ould da the s�me and was told it would be equal or betiter. Mayor Nee asked when they used dis patch service and Chief McCarthy stated they used it after midnight �nd until such tZme as they could have thelr own dispatch service, they would have to have such a service; that if i;he police need an,ything at night by radzo, they have to go through Hennepin County. The communicat�on system would be the same now in force with the difference that Fridley, for example, would have a central station out of the City of Anoka. Councilman Brook raised the qvestion if iti taas felt zhere was an adv�ntage to going into this radio network other than *ahat had been discussed. Chlef MeCarthy stated that Hennep�n County is getting overcroi�ded� that thereare 75 to 80 units using their radio at the present time and i,hey would give preference to their oorn people because they are getting too busy and it was felt that Anolia County is ready to go �nto this. Chief McCarth,y further stai,ed the chiePs of all Anolia County suburbs are unanimousl,y' in favor of this s}�stem and all the,y z�ere reques�,ing from their cauncils was an expression to the County Commissionere that they c�ould be ln favor of this network under the conditions that they give proper SCl"V1C2 or no service at a11. Councilman Brook stGted he fe]t the City of Pricley should go into �his network. Councilman Johanson stated he was favorable to the netiwork for the Cit,y of Fridley but would like to withhold iinal action until financial reports had been presented and completely investigated, , Motion by Johaneon that the City Manager be authorized to send a letter of approval for the preliminary study ps tne Anoka County Radio Nei,work i;p the Countv Commi- ssioners. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, tihere being no nays� tne motion carried unanimously. PIEW BUSIPTESS: PUBLIC I�ARING - FINAL PLAT - MELOLAN'D LAY,�VZEid: Mayor Nee announced this was a public hearing on the final plat oi Melol�nd Lalic- view, The F�nance Ofiicer read the notice o£ hearing. Ma,yor Nee asked if anyone wished to pe heard regarding �he above descrlbed public hearing. Mr, and Mrs. Joh�nson and Mrs. Granger were present in this regard. Mrs. Cranger wished to know if it was necessary to have the buildings moved ln regard to the new lot lines. City Attorney Koh1�n stated it was not, that it would imp7y a waiver if the Council would approve the plat. City Engineer BroUin explained the building referred to was the building overlanping and lt would 'nave to be remotTed but the other bullding in question would 6e satisfactory. A discusslon was held on how much remodel2ng the building in question 4�ould take, setback_s required, permit for same and the waiving of setback requirements for an existing utility building. It was stated the minutes should shovr that, Lots tzao, three, and nine are� at the present time, in the name of Johnsor. and Mrs. Granger owns Lots oue, eleven, and ten. ' Mayor Nee declared �.he hearing closed. Motion by Johanson that this be accepted as the final plat of Meloland Lakevlew and authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Seconded by BrooY.. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HE9RING - ALLEY VACATIOV - BLOCK 16, PLYMOUTH ADDITTON: Mayor Nee announced this was � public hearing on the alley vacation of B1ock 16� Plymauth Addition. The Finance Officer read the notice of hear�ng, Mayor Nee asked if anyone wlshed to be heard ,�ith re�ard to L-he above described alley )�� vacation. The property owners in question were present in favor of and to answer �ny questions. City Attorney Kohlan asked if the utility easements z�ere bein� reserved or ,7uet the service rights. Ci�y Engineer Brown stated that the City of Fridley reserves an easement for drainage end utility purposes over the alley herein described and vacated and this was included in the ordinance. Mayor Nee raised the question if this enabled the splittsng of this property by changing the alley location or exactl,y what z,ould happen. City Attorney ILohlan stated they eould run fences back of the property with the undarstanding that if the cit� has to put ln utility lines� they can be moved; that it stops a person irom claiming a public thoraughfare through this property. Mayor Nee declared the hearing closed. It was explained that this ordanance ' takes a 4�5's ma�ority voUe of the Council. Action on this item was deferred unt11 a majority of the Council was present. Motion by Jahanson to continue consideration of the ordinance. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion earried unanlmotasly. PUBLIC fIEARING - VACATING PORTION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENP - LOT 18� SLOCK 2, PARK_VIEW OAKS FIRST 11DDITION: Mayor Nee announced this was a public hearing vacating a portion of drainage easement in Lot 18, Slock 2� Parkview Oaks First Addition. The Finance Officer read the notiee oi' hearing. Mayor Nee asked if there were anyone present who wished tio be he�rd with regard to the abnve described drainage easement. Mr. Leonard Juster appeared in lavor. No one appeared in opposition. Mayor Nee declared the hearing closed. b4otion by Johanson to continue conszderation of the ordinance. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried un�nimously. Mr. Juster inquired if a iaaiver could be ineorporated with regard to the five foot variance. Cicy AtY,orney Aohlan stated it could be given to him separately� by resolution, BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING, APRIL 10, 1°63: � PUBLIC HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION �i;3A AND SECTIOID 8.1D OF Mayor Nee announced this was a public hearing and explained the above described request. Motion by Johanson to concur wiL-h the Board of Appeals and grant the atrove described variance. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the mation carrled unanimously. BUTLD1iVG BOARD MECTIIVG, APRIL 10, 1963� FOR A BUILDING 1'ERY+iIT FOR � PUP�E OIL STATION TO BE ERECTED ON I,OTS 10 Mayor Nee stated this was a req_uest for a filling station and the only reason it nad been retained for Council approval at this time was the fence. City Attarne,y Kohlan su�gested that it be �n approv.ed fence. The Finance Officer read to the Council the City Manager's recommendation of hzs report to the building inspector.� City Engineer Brou�n stai,ed there i�as yet to be considered the problem of the two approaches at the corner of tYils stiaLion and that plan had not been resubmitted. l�iot�on Uy Johanson that in no eventi should a bualding permit be issued ontil the driveway and aparoaches are �pproved to the satisfaction of the C�ty �ngineer and a satisfaciory fence ap�,roved. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there bein,�, no nays, the motion carried unanlmously. Councilman Glolke arrived. � PI�NNTNG CONAiISSION AGENDA� APRIL 11, 1g63: HEARING: RELONING FRONS R-1 Y DWELLING) TO R-3 (GENEHAL STAD CO., LOiS 1. and 17_ :� "�' � Mayor Nee read to the Council the recommendat�on o° the P1anning Cammission, City �ngineer Bruwn expla�ned that a portion of this property is zoned ?t-3 and another portaon is zoned R-1 and o�oner had agreed to dedicate 50 feet if this was passed. Motion 6y Johanson to concur ��ith the recommendaL-ion oP the Plann?ng Commission in the rezoning from R-1 to R-3 and set a publ�c hearing. S�conded by Bropk. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unani- mously. PARK PROFERTY PURCHASE: Mayor Tv`ee explained the Planning Commission, in its recommendatlona did move and second tnat this property purchase be approved in the sum of �4200.00. Councilman Johanson inquired if anyone had ever been on this island and did these committees understand th�t every year thls island �ets swept clean ,aith ice. City Engineer Broiin stated it k�as being discussed with the school as an adjunct piece of property. Cotancilman kiolke stated lf tre committees thought it was eatisfactory� they must have some use for it. Motion by Br�ok to concur with the Parks and Playground Subcommittee and authorize the purchase of Government Lot 5 for the sum of �420p.00. Seconded by Johanson, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motlo�i carried unanimously, C. ➢, HUTCHIPiSON ADDTTION - SZREET PROBI.�M RELFITING TO ftE'LONING: City �'ngineer Brown etated the Plannir_g Comm�ssion had had a considerable amount of discussion on the above described item and they felt there i�as an over-all problem along Gast River Road, traffic wlse particularly, �nd they had agreed � that any rezoning would increase the probler� and should be investigated and re- commended partacularly that a graphic espert be rei;ained, if posstible, to analyze the overall problem oi East River Road. IIe further explazned the Planning Commission had attempted to confirm the reasons for Ehe recommended denial and pointed up this traffic problem and recommended an action by the Council that ��ould involve this and any proposed rezoning along East River Road. Councilman Brook raised the question to CZty Lngineer Brotan if a service road were put in� *aould it release the tra�'fic problem. City Eln�ineer Brown replied -chat it would be a temporary device, I� Councilman Johanson stated the suggestion of a traPfic expert m�gLt be Fzne but the City of Fradley shouldn`t be obligated f�nancially for it and the Counzy pro��bly �rouldn't go along taith it, Councilman Droolc asked about the thirty toot eervice road and stated it should give the tra�fic some reliei' paralleling the East River Road, A discuss�on perlod ,`'ollowed in whlch all phases of service roads� entering and exiting were dlscussed. Councilman L7o11ce raised the question of who was the owner of this property. City Engineer Brown explained C, D. Hutichinson was and Mr. knd Nxs. Ca1v�n Gould and service station oan the total parcel involved. Councilman Wclke inqu�red when tne transfer of the nroperty took place and C�ty Engineer Bro�m ansy�ered that� to his knowledge� it was under option. Counez3man Johanson stated '_ne could understand why this had beco*�e such a problem, that anytime owners had come in with a parcel of land and �t was pl�tted property, the Council had uo choice but to �rant their requests� but ihe Counc�l was not supposed to engineer traffic problems. He further stated he would have no part in any rezonii2g until the attorney for the owners of the above described property and his engineers could get together and bring to the Councll something to act on. Councilman Brook stated he believed these people were trying to do this. Councilman ?aolke stated he felt the problem vas to make the best of the land in questlon. The request� he further stated, had been made to the Cow�cil to rezpne thls land and to look at it in the proper l�ght and the only use for the land taas to get commercial or l�ght industirial use fram it. Mr. Jim Beal of 150 Talmadge Zd�y appeared in opposition and statied he and his neighbors taished to bring to the attention of the Council a letter sent �o them which supported the position of the Planning Commisslon and spelled ouc the rezsons �e�� why home oti�ners did not approve of the rezoningy that traffic ieas only one of several reasons. Councilman Brook raised the question to Mr. Beal zf he felti that ii' this property wasn't rezoned, would it ease zhe traffic problem. Mr. Bea1 ans��erecl he wasn't saying it would ease it but it would compound it and it would attract- +rai'fic� that the East River Road left a great deal to be desired and it ��as, basieally, a residential street. Mr. Beal further stated the Couneil was considering ti�o parcels oP land which are residential property and that additional commerciul land in ihis residential area might tend to depreciate the attract3veness of the area. It was also stated that nc one could be assured if this property t�as rezoned� exactly what would be erected on land, Councilman Brook stated he ielt the Council should put this property to the � best use £or everyone 6ut u�hat could 6e put in alongside a railroad track. Mr. Beal ansirered there uere homes there at the present and these back up to the railroad traclis and are z�ell l�ept� and the same had applied until the present time with these two lots. Mayor Nee stated the Council had the unanimous re- commendatian oi' the Planning Commisszon to deny further procedures on the re- zoning. Councilman Wolke x•aised the question of the status oi' Lot 39 across the iraq and Citiy Engineer Bronn stated it �aas undeveloped. Councilman Wolke stated there were tao old housec but he doubted that they would stay and ralsed the auestion to Mr, Beal if he owned the house that looked like log siding� ��ould he spend a great amount of money to improve it. Mr. Beal 3nswered that every6od,y had their oun personal tastes� that he didn't live right on East Rzver Road but that a great many people do. Councilman Wolke a,sked if anyone present� in opposition to this rezoning, lived east of East River Road and above Osborne. There was no one present but lt was mentaone@ that a Mr, Olson had appeared at the Planning Commission meeting to express his dissatisfaction. Councilman idolke stated the reason he ;aas asking these questions was that the Planning Comm�sslon as a group� had agreed that it was the rzght thing to do at the beginning but the rainutes only shoia the action. Mr. Ted Erck of 115 Glen Creek Road raised the question of the request to zone the property to C-2 which would mean t]�ey could put �nything on the �roperty and if the filling station Zs there� how are they going to be limited. He further stated that directly across the East River Road there is a sma11 piece of property end at the Northwest corner a large section of property. The osmer of this land had informed the res�dents that if the above described property iuere rezoned commercial, she � ��ould apply to have her property rezoned also and that another party on East Rive-r Road had already been appro�ched to make theirs cotmnerezal. Mr. Erck stated he felt the serv�ce road in questioe ��ould not help a great deal. The quest�on •aas asked if on that same piece oP pro�erty a four plex could be erected rather than a restaurant and a fillin� station and zahy should it be rezoned where anything could be put an. Ccuncilman Johanson stated his approach was from a dii7erent line, that he looked at the problem as a traffic hazard and at the present tzme it was a big factor. Motion by Johanson� because of the tr�ffic hazard that exists at the present time in thls area, because it would increa;e the traffic hazard by iezonir_g tihis parcel oP land� beeause this is a County road and the City of Fridley cannot ir. any event spend an�� monies on and until such time as the County of Anoka can correct these hazards, the City Council concur with the recommeiidation of the Plamm�g Cammission and deny the request, Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no naysy the motion carried unanimously. COA�1[JNICATIONS : I'IRE DPPARTMGNT: HILLTOP COPdTRACT: Mayor iVee stated it would be in order to receive a letter iro:� the Village of Iiilltop. Motion by Johanson to receive letter f�om the Village of Hilltop and place on fi1e. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, � the motion carrie3 unanimously. It was stated that a letter had been received from Robert S. Hughes, Fridley Fire Chief, which eapressed the £ire department's desire to sever service to Flilltop Village. Councilman Johanson asked Chief Robert S. Hughes iah�t the attendance of inembers uras at tPre fire mee�in�s. Chief Hughes stated the attend- �nce �aas good and further stated he would like to suggest a meeting with the Village Council of Hi2ltap with the officers of the Fridley Fire Department, that there had been some misunderstandings and he would appreciate a meeting. He further stiated the City oi' Fridley had accepted a check i'rom Hilltop Village wzth services startin�' as of September ��h� that contracts had been drawn and i dP�� � �� never signed. Chief Hughes said that if agreement was not reached, the Fire Department taould terminate service as of the comin� September 4th, He explained that misunderstandings had arisen with people from Hilltop o�hen the rr�dley Fire Department ans�aered calls. Councilman Broolc raised the question to Ch�ef Hu�hes �f he felt Fridley had enough equlpment t,o take care of Fridley and Eilltop, a1so� and Chief Hu�hes replied the,y did. Councilman Johanson sta�ed they might work out something between themselves but he didn't f'eel they �aere satisSying the firemen that had to �o to Hilltop to fight Fires and suggested that Hilltop should adopt the existing codes as far as burning� etc., that Fridley has. � Motion by Sohanson to receive and place on iile the letter from Robert S. Hughesr Fridley Fire Chief with regard to the contract witn the Village of Hilltop. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried - unanimously. Mayor Nee su�gested the sending of a notice to I�illtop Village announc�ng the intention oe Fridley to sever relations and then discvss it witih them and possibly reopen neQotiations. He fUrther stated rridley owed Hilltop Village some notice, Motion by Johanson to authorize secre�ary to dra�� a letter to the Villa�e Council of f�llltop� along with the letter the City Council of Fridley has received from their Fire Department that because of misunderstandings, Chat we, the Ccuncil, honor this letter but we are available to these persons for a �eneral meer,ing and perhaps these problems could be cleared� Seconded by Brook, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the notion carried unanimously, Couneilman Brook stated he had t:ao letters he wlshed to present at this time. The first letter had been mailed and delivered April llth to Robert Carlson, owner of a filling station. The second letter �ias dated April 15th also to Mr. Carlson. Councilman Brook stated at was not a matter of problems, it ��as � matter of public relations. Mr. Carlson had stated he was noti �y�are oi any problem� that punips zaere emptied at night and the fello�aing morning he received a letter. Mr. Carlson had further stated that this day he had received zhe second letter, that he still didn't '_inow where he V�as at. Councilman Brooli said he didn't feel that �rhoever delivered these letters should treat people � in such a manner� that if tank� are going to be pumped out� owner should �e notified, that it was the duty of the Fire Department and they dzd locate the leak but this man wasn't notlfied. City E�g�neer Brown explained that he didn't realize the owner ha.d not been notified� that he asked tihe men on the �ob and they stated he had been no�ified� that perhaps Mr, Carlson didn't understand. Chief Hughes stated he didn"t knori how the report had come in, that he did knoza the men attempted to locate leaks of gas as £ast �s pos�ible; they check into it and try to find cause and correct it. FIe stated the owner or operatox sliould be notif�ed and tihe tanks should be emptied and the leak iound and repaired. He further explained he had been given a ca11 informing him oi the leak in the storm seioer in the area. City Engineer Brown xead a letter which had been sent to Mr. Carlson explaining vapors in the dangerous quantitiies at his property on Central and Onandago� that tianks were so old they ��ere unable to be repaired. Councilman Johanson stated there had been considerable feeling and di�cussion on the appointment of a Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Chief and Council was con- cerned ir_ tihis regard. Motion by Johanson that the Ci�y Council dlrect the Chief of the Fire Department to conduct a secret ballot at �he next general meeting; question to be "what do firemen feel tliey want first in the way oz a iltlltime man - Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Chief. Seconcied by Brook, Chief Hughes stated the next meeting was the first Thursday in N�ay. Councilman Wollie stated the Council� that night, would like to be present at the rneeting to know the results oi' this immediai,ely so they could be aware of what is going oe, thati tihey .�ould llke to be invzted to that particular meeting. Chief Aughes stated th�t nritten �nvitations would be mailed to everyone, that the only members tihat � do not attend the regular meetings are those who �7or'_c nights, Councili��an Wo1k_e stated he felt these men, unable t� at�end because of 4rork, should be given au _ opportunity to vote on this in the manner of absentee ballots. Councilman Brooli raised the question of an ordinance that had been orig�nated sume time previou� regarding the h�rang of a Fire Chief or Pire Prevention Chiei'. Chief Hu�hes stated that an ordznance in this regard had been orzginated at one time but it had had only one reading. Mayor Nee explained it required an amend- ment to the pre�ent ordinance but it had never passed. Councilman Broob_ sutrgested this ordinance be checked pending the coming meetin,n�, ChieP Hughes sa�d that in order to properly inlciate a paid Fire Department� a nei7 ord�nance �hoUl.d be drawa or the present ordanance should be amended. Upon a voice vote� ther e being no nays the motion carried unanimously. .!g� s � � CONiSTOCY. �ND DAVIS, INC.. STORM SLLdER REPORT. Nr. Comstock of Comstock �nd Davis� Inc., was present and explained the communi- cation was part oi the 1962 improvement and in order to expedite this� the de- veloper had requested that it be removed and separated and he w�s merely passing on the req_uest. A'fayor Nee raised the questaon oi ti7ho would this be assessed a�ainst and �aho zs the principal owner. Mr. Comstock stated it i�volves assees- ment on other owners� that there are other atems on Project 62 and this is simply a requesti to bret,k it out, Motion by Wolke to separate this pro,7ect out of Pro,ject 62 and handle separately. , Seconded b;y Johaneon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanlmously. STATE HIGH4dAY D�'PARTMENT - STORM S�WER - HWY 100 AND iJNIVERSITY AVENUE EYTENSION: Mayor Nee stated he was in receipt of a letter from Mr. A4cCubrey of �he State Highway Department urging the City Council to act on the Storm Sewer development on Hlghway �100 and University Avenue �xtenslon. Mot7on by Johanson to recelve a letter from Mr. MeCubrey and place on file. Mr. Comstock stated there had been a meeting primarily for the discussion of the joint outlet ±'or South Univerclty �nd this problem had entered into the discussion, He stated the Highway Department h�d b�en under the assumption that this �ras t�ken c�re of and had baen in£ormed there would be a public hearin�. The Pinance Director stiatefl the City Council dld order a prelim�nary report to tie in all reporte. Councilman Wolke stated the Council should hold pvblzc hearinge before thas bid t•ras let. Mr. Comstoek stated that during the discuesion ln talking about Nor�h University Storm Sewer� they had posed the problem if Highway Department con- si,ructed their storm sewer what would happen and had been told the Highway De- partment,ti�ould not develop IIi�hw�y #47 at this time in that event. A discussion followed regarding problems of storm sewer in Sylvan FIil1s and outfall line. The F,nance OiPicer stated that Council had ordered preliminary report but before any- thing couid be done or erork started on an assessment ro11� there aere a couple of items i,o be decided. One was the agreement with Columbia Heights and what portion ' oz the pro,7ect is Council willing to ao ahead with� the total or ,7ust part of it- one pro�ect or several pro�ects. He stated these items had to be clarified be£ore the assessment roll was begun. Councilman Wol'_:e stated he thought the Council had these problems deeided. Mr. Comstae)c ccated the basle problem lies with getting the tnree pzrties together, that it F�ould be better if the district high�aay dep�rt- ment s�a-rted the meetings. Councilm�n Wolke raised the question to Mr. Comstock that he hud suggested this to the State and uere they receptive. Mr. Comstock answered the Stai,e had been receptive. Mayar Nee su�gested a�neeting to go over the entire pro,7ect. Mot�on by Johanson �,o recelve letter from Mx. McCubrey and authorize the City Manager to send a i2otice to the State Highway Department askin� them to set up a_ meeting between Coltzmbia Heights, Fradley, and the State Highway Department at the earliest moment of convenience. Seconded by lJolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nayst the mol;ion carr�ed unanimously. Cou�SCilman GTolke stated the Couecil should get to�ether ��ith consulting engineers and set up a public hear�ng. Tt tiaas explained the Council would have to decide �ahick� areas they ti�ere going to assess. Mayor Nee suggested the holding of a special meei.- ing to hear the entire story to �et sn idea of =ahat Council :aould wish to do. Coun- cilman TrTolke r�isc-d the question if officlal not�ces had to be sent out within so many weeks of one another. The Fznanez Officer stated it taould take about a month to d.n Lhis raorlc bePorc they could start. There should be a specz�l meeting. Motion by Wolke that C�ty Council hold a special meetin� on Aprll 22nd vith con- � sulting engineers and city engineer on storm sezaer report. Seconded by Johanson. Upon ? voice vote, there being no nays� the r�otion carrled unan�mously. A4ayor Nee requesi;ed that Council refer to Pages 22 3nd 19, respectively, of Agenda, as there was nota � majority of i;he Councll preser_ti. AtJ ORDIfVANCE UiUDER Si�CTiON 12.07 OF THE; CITY CI3Ai2TEA TO Vf1CATE TFiREE IBET (3') OF A DRAT[VAG� AND UTII�ITY EASED7ENT: LO-T 1��LOCK 2, PARKYIEW DAKS FIRST ADDITIOPT: NIot2on by Sohanson that thls be accepted as first reading of an ordinance under Section 12.07 of trie City Charter to vacGte three feet (3') of a drainage and ut�lity easement, Lot 18, Block 2y Parkviet7 Oaks First Addition. Seconded by Brook. Upon a vo�ce �rote, there being ro nays, Lhe motion carried unanimously. w�FaEg :, .� c. � ATi ORDINAIdCE UNDEP, SECTIOD? 12.07 OF T$E CITY CHAR'I�R TO VI1CA^E �N ALLL'Y: BLOCK 1�, PLYMOUTIi FDDITI01`d: , Mbtion by Woll:e that t,llis be accepted'as First readine cP �n ordinance undc: fae�4.�c�� ]�.�� �i ihe C1t�� i.1ia-rLer 1,o tiucat� an a11ey in Block 16, Plymuuth �dctitlon. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimous 1 y. Councilman Wolke retired from the meeting. � COMMUNICATIONS: Ntayor Nee announced that the Fridley City Band had taon sec�nd place in the Aqua- tennial Band Contest. Motion by Johanson that C�ty Council recelve plaque and authorize City Manager to send a letter to the Frldley City Eand congratulating them on behalf of the Council and move this plaque be placed among the plaques on displ�y at the City Ha1L Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no naysa the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: There were no visitors. Mr. Harry Dilworth, representing the Pure Air Nursing HomeJ was present and stated he had a photo of the rest home in question and copies of plans for same, 1� general discussion was held on installation of and methods oF assessment on water lines to serve nursing home. It was explained that whichever side of the nighway the lines would be put� that would be the si3e assessed. The question was raised of how are these owners assesaed. The Finance Officer explained the� had altirays ' assessed the total width of a lot even though it didn't go acrpss the width. Mr. Comstock stated there were some definite problems involved ln this pro�ect. Cii,,y Enganeer Brown stated there taas at least one problem with owners oi' other property in q_uestion, they want to negotiate for all of water easements and they had said they would not negotiate for any individual easements. City Engineer Ero�,m Further explalned hiG denartment had never received any slgned easement to locate ar,y water mains here. DSr. Comstock stated his concexn had contacted no property owners in this connection. Councilman Johanson raised tne question of the Fin�nce Officer z£ he could work out an assessment cost on this pY•ojeci. so that assessment iigures could be available. City Engineer Brown requected to know the clearance on the ciater main that would go down East River Road. He stated that when he had looked at it previousl,y� it appeared so crowded that they would be unable to get a water main or anything e]se in without additional space requirements. MaS�or Nee inquired if the Pure Air Nuraing Home would be willing to accept more than their present fair sh?y-u on thls land. Mr. Dilworth stated he felt they would� that the State Health DeF�rt- ment is going to continue their pressure, that he would have to talk to the corportion which would be 6uilding. Mr. Dilworth further stated this taould be a health faaality which woulfl be a great advantiage for the Clty of Fridley ar_d, as a health facility, should be worthy of thought by the City Council. Motion by Johanson to adopt RESOLUTION #59-1963� reca ive preliminary plans and speci- fications and order hearing to be held May 6, 1963 with a71 pertinent data to be available at this time. Seconded by Brook. Mr. Dilworth stated he was in need of a letter from the City of Fridley with reg�rd i�o the sprinkler system� that if they were £orced 6y the Healt�h Department to buy one their cost would double and lf they � could have a letter of intent i'rom the Council tha1, the matter has been heard and intend to go further, that would be sufficient. Mayor Nee informed Mr. ➢ilworth this would be published. Mr. Dilworth stated he could then use the clipping and taould have no need for lettex. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unan�mously. CLAIMS: Motion by Johanson to approve payment of General Claims ;�l through �75. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� tne motion carried unanimously. � `� �� Mot�on by Brook to approve pa,yment of Liquor Claims �5199 through �5264. Seconded bY�Toh�nson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanir.�ously. Motion by Johanson Seconded by Brook. mously, LICENSES: to approve payment of Public Util3ties Claims #2455 through #2484. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unani- Motion by Johanson to grant all licenses on pages 33 through 39 of the April 15, 1963 ' meeting on file in the City Clerk's offlce with the exception of the service station license to Central Hardware �nd Feed Store. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: City Engineer Brown explained that with regard to the claim of Sandstrom and ?i,sfner, Inc. in the amount of �17,147.85, this had been discussed by the Council with City Attorney Kohlan, who had the estimaL-e previously and City Manager had asked him t� write a motion to cover the points involved. Mr. Comstock explained that after the Council took action to negotiate some type of ta�ms concernin�* termination of the contract, they were instructed not to purchase any more materials. They had some special fittings and Eiy3rants on hand but that the items on this estimate were already completed. Mayor Nee announced that Mr. Comstock had stated this estimate zn the amount of $17,147.85 should be paid and the Czty Manager had reeommended it be paid sub�ect to Clty Attorney Kohlan's approval. Motion by Johanson that estimates listed below be approved but Sandstrom and Hafner, Inc, estimate be approved subjec+ to the approval of the Citiy Attorne;�. Seconded _ by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, the notion carried unanimously. Sandstirom and Hafner� Inc. 749 Forest Dal� Road IVev� Brighton 12, Minnesota Amerzcan Pipe Cleaning Co 2231 Edgewood Avenue Minneapolis 26, Minnesota Sml Solldifzers, Inc. 10601 Olson Memorial Hwy Minneapolis� Minnesota APPLICATIONS FOR TRAILER PERMITS: Estimate #3 (Partial) W-3�+-K - Transmission Line Estimate �2 (T.V. of Cheri Lane) Estimate #1 (Final) (Repair break on Cheri Zane) $17,147.85 $ 253•50 $ 3,3�+1.6�+ Councilman Jnhanson stated that usually the Council gives trailer permxts in cases that are hardships or when residents inc�icate they are going to build� that the City of Fridley does have trailer parks for others. Motion by Johanson to approve trailer perr�it to Riehard Torgeson of 278 - 58th Acenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota. Seconded hy Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl��. Motian ny dohanson to table until the next regular meeting and request partles be present with regard to trailer permit applied for by LeRoy and Mary Olson, 6600 Frrdley Stree� Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota, Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no na,ys� the motion caxried unanimously. PETITION: Motion by Johanson thaL- Petition No. 12-1963 be received and given to the proper persons for processing. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RESOLU`i'ION �60-1963 COMBINING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT5: � ' ��� D1ot�on 't�,y BrooL to �idopt Resolution ��60-1963 authoriz�ng ar_d directing the com- bining of special assessmen�G on Lots 12 and ]3, L�lock 11, Hamlli.on's Add!tiioa to Mechanicsvi7.le. 5econded by Johansar.. Upon a volce vote, i,he�e be�ng no na;�s, -,he motion c�rried unanlmously. APSOI�UTTOidS SPET�TIPIG ASSESSMPSITS: i�4otior. Uy Johanson to adopL RESOLUTIOIT �63-1�63 �uthorizina and dii�ecting the spl�t�ing oi' certa�n special assessments - Parecls lu0 ard 3�'�, !?udltor's Sub- � divis�on tio, lOj. Scconded by Brook. Upori � voice vote� thcrc being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl��. P�ioLion b;� ]3roo1, tio adopt PzESOLUTSODi �!�62-1963 authorizing ai2d direct�ng the epliti- ting of certa�n special assessment= - Lots l, 2, 3, 1F� Bloc'�c 3� Bennett-P�lmer Add�tion and Lo�s 12� 13� and 14� Blocl- 13� N�de Park. Adnit�on. Seconded b�� Jahanson. Upon a vozce vote� �here being no n�ye� the rrotion c�rrled unarnmousl��. T4ation by Johanson to adop� R�SOLL1TTON ��63-1°6� al�thorizing and oirecLing the splitting oi certain special assessmen�;s Parcele l,55�, !'S60, and Z570, Aud,tor's Subdiv�sion T�o. 77. Seconcled by Brook, Upon a voice vo�e, �.l�e-re being no na�-s, the mot�o� carriccl ur��n_mously. Mayor ➢1ee rellnqutshed gavel t,� Gouncilman Johaason, APPOLQT,'NCDTT. A4ntion b� �3roolc that Councilman Johanson be appointed ae Council Represen�ac�ve in the selection oF a Fire Prevention Eureau Inspector. Seconded b5� Nee, Upon a voace vote, there being no nays, the mottion carri�d unan�mouslzj�. Counczlman Johanson returned the gavel to Mayor Nee. � FTRST R�ADIATG QF ORDINANCL' VACATiNU FORTION OF �LI.EY - BLOCK 12, YLYMOUTN ADDI1^lODi There was r,o action taken on Lhe above described item, SIIPPLL�METd'PAI, STORM To1A`1�R DtZ4INAGF RCPORT - 75TFI i�tAY• Mr. Cor!stock explained the Council had ordered the iinal plans and L-hat another public hearing <<rould be conducted af�er receipt of b�ds. lhere was, he steted, � discussion oi coets or othei types oi co7ution. Iie ststed there ls aao�ne-r proposal i�hich ha_s been added no*a mal.ing use oi the natural draina�e vays across p-rivate properties bu� tt�ere were problems w��h eiL-her solution. Mayor Nee st��ed that ��e people *�ra w�11 bear the burden oi the �ssessmenti didn't th�nk i,herc �aas an5� �ustiiication �:he cra5� the l�ne ��as drawi�� th�± this entiie pra- �ec� ��aw precipitated by scnebody's dESire to oave tl�e street rat]Zer than a water problem. A�eneral di�cussion iolloT,,ed tin t�hich it was expiained the proposal was �ust an open ditch type and t,1�e onl-y reason ror the iine .�us to draln tbe streeL. City P�ngineer Brown statc3 tnaL- one of tl-�e ob�ections was trat sone peonle i,hough� they �aeren't �rr che s�me drainage axea and Lc s��gPe�r,ed the best alternative �;as to table icem un�il the �°esident= requested a paved sLreEt. 1?r. Coms�ock also stated that ne had m�derstood there F�as considera'�le ob,�ect�or_ to the pronosal wh�n it was nresented prevlously, Lhat it ,�as quite expenstvc- tor the arca. I�Iotlen b�� Johanson to accept �upplemenzal report and place it on file on sterm � drainage for 75�_� Z1ay and dele�e same From current streei� pro�ects. Seconded by Brook. UFOn a vo�ce vote� there being no i�ays, Lhe mot�on carr�ed unanimousl�. PREZIMINARY R�;PORT ON PIDCESSARY UTIZITY CAOSSING� - OLD CENTRAL (NISSISSIPPI Nayor PTee �nquired iz i;his proposal concempla�ed puti,ln� in plpe along the liae. It iaas expla�ned it didn`t� �haL en�;lneers werc- �ue1� callii7g the attent�on oi' the Council tio the areas that, are de�icient and iL is the Councll direc�,�ve in ahat they nlsh to prov�de, The arca b�b��een the pole ya-rd and Rice Creel; �_s un- decided For s�nitiar3� sew,�r servicea it ,,�as explair_ed iurBher and P�I-�. Comstocl� 22� statc-c? he c�3du'L hno�� �ahat eould be plann°d, �c th�s timey lar future plann�ng� but thaL- iz *;ou1d merit inveGt�gatin� areas th��: do not have serv�ces. �l'his would entail a searclti of �ne asbu3lt �lans �nd public works depar�n,a_n_t recorrls. P�avor idee ra,sed the quesl;:on, that in preparation for the ioad ir_ ques��on, theYe ���asn`t anyi.i7zng in particular i;h�t needed to be done aiid T,s. Comsi,ock re�lied chat was correct. iKotion b� Johanson to accept prcllminary report on i�ecessary u�tility c?-ossan;;s - Old Ceutral, Nlississlopi za Osl7orne and place on f?le. Seconded by Brook. Jpon c� tiaice v�te, therc� be�ue no na3rs, the mot�on carrzed un�n�nouslq. lvayor D�ee �nquiied �P rner� �;e-c°e ar?yone pr•esenL- that had any further business to diGcuss. Pi . F.� eLard i�onlln taas present a«d reques LEd� iu the name of the Parlv Departmei,t, per„�ission to secure bids for a lit7ited soitiball i'ield ar, Pr�dley Commons. Iie stated tney =�ou1d prov�de poles, light- t�stures, clo the fr�min� and h�n;ing of li6hLs but tli�L- he needed the actual �airzn� done. $e explained there are thrae types oP lights �nd he proposecl tr, eet up a recreational parli this year a��d add to the 11ghLe i,Le ner L year. FIe t_'uri:her etai.ed that lt might r�ean they ��ould hav? to ta1-e �1,000 or .o out of thc bond zssue. In e.;pl�i�ing his plan he tiold tne Cit; Couticil tihe�c lightG *�ould be ofF at 1D P.M., that he had ordered residen�i�l �ar2cin� only eigns anc� no parkiiag sagns to be plaeed properl,y, that he laas reque�tinE the pollce to t.ag people t,ho violatec3 the signG thtis year. S3e �lso slsted zhey �vere fenciug Frldley Commons and �+ould bc- able to control balls, cro��ds� etc. P+totion by Johanson I;o autiao�°lze the �nst�llacion of li�hts for softbe�ll and the appronriatlon oF some boud monies, �F neceseary, Seconded by f3rootr, Upon a volce vo�e, there being uo nays, tha motion carried unanimouwly. ^lhere bein� no furcl�ex• l�usinees, Mayor Tdee declared the mee�ing ad�ourned. hespecttull,� suUriletel� i �� `� . ,. , � �-� r-�� ��_ � � �_� ue i�lisY_o?nc Secretary to the CoL�nc _l R13GiTLAP, COITilTCIL P�fEETIPiG - M�'C 5� 1g63: � ��� �- ��''�� � P�Sayo�• � liam J, Piee A regulas raeeLin� of the CiLy Councll of the City oi Frldley c�as called to order by n2ayor D;ee at �:03 P•T�. ROT,L CALI,: Membel°s PiESeut: Johanson, 1��ee, Sheridan, tiJolke arrived at 8:20 P.PZ. hSembers Absent: Broo1� APPRGV4L OF PfIl�iU'I'�'S - rjF�UZPy n�;�TIAiG, APnIL 15, 1963• Piot�on by Johanson to approtre tihe minutes of the regular meet�n�; ni' Apri1 15, i963 as prepared and s��eivcd. Seconded bf Sh2rician. Upon a vo�ce vote, there be�ng i�o nay., the motion cai�z�ied un�nimous].,y'. OLD ➢USI1�rSS� �PPi,TCATioV roP ttEr�tanL or m�nzzrx ���z� (�rar��D 4/i5/63) � P4ayor Nee annow7cEd tnis was an applica �ior_ for renec�al of a trailer perm, t i,hat 1