06/17/1963 - 00023250� , '�� ��' � ., , �� , � � � � � REGULAR+COUNCIL MEETING - JiJN� 17� i963: A r,e$u19�'mee`�ing of bhe Cii�y Council of the City of Fridley was ca7led to order by;Mayqr'Nee at f3:10 P. M. � ,. � �, � � � , `ROLL CAZL:; '�'� �, ,� ,,� , ..�� ��i ME�YJe'r9''Pie9�e�t': Nee� Johanson� Shexidan, Wolke� Brook arrived at 0:27 P. M. Membersl�'Abseht:',', None i � �� I � , APPROYAL,�IF��INUR�S - REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 3, 1963: � ' . � i�� � � � � Motioh,h� JohaASOn to epprove the minutes of the regular mFeLing of June 3� 196�'�s'a�iep'ared'and received. Secanded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, trhere�,b���gl'nof heys� the motion carried unanimously. � APPROVAI;,OF�MTIdU'I�$ - SPECIAL MEETING, JUNE 4, 1963• � Motion by';Jphanson to approve the minutes o£ the specinl meet�ng of June 4, 1963 as prapared and rec�ived. Councilman WolLe raised the quPSLton �f the hixing,of'Earl Iseneee as prosecuting attorney was to be by Counctil dtrection. Cout�cilman �ohaneon enewered Zt wss his undersi,anding that he was hired 6,y the City Council. Seconded by Wolke. ilpon a voice vote, ih�re bc�ln� no nays, the motion cexried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING, JUNLI 10, 1963• Motion by Wolke to approve the minutes of tlie =pecial meetino of Jiane 10, 1963 ea prepared and received. Seconded by Sohanson. Upon a voice voie, there be- irlg no nays�',the motion carried unanimously. i � , ��� oLD BusT�ss:l�; � , Bms _ sw#63' (mas�D 6/3/63) � Mayor Nee ennPUnced this was the matter of sei�er and water bids, tabled Frorn June 3�"1963 �'�garding the area north of Highway 100 and on eitYiex� side of Eaet River Ro�d,rec�uested hy the Pure Air Rest Home and involving three pert- ies; namely�,�the Pure Air Rest Home, Studebaker Corporation and Northern Ord- nance: 'The'City Manager informed ihe City Cauncil he had forwarded 1eLl,ers to the thre'e;panties involved, that he had received no correspondence i'rom the Pure A1r Reat"Home, that he had rec@ived a call from Northern Ordnance and was told tk�ey would not ob,7ect to this improvement. He further stoted he had re- ceived�'vth�.`s'day� a letter from the atborneys for the Studebaker Corpor3tion and read'same,�to,the City Council. The lei,ter advised the City ot Fr�dley that with respect to sw#63 the Stiadebaker Corporetion objected i,o the lettin�, of bids'in view of the fact they were in excess oi the e�timate oF tl�e consult- ing engineerq,'end bhe need for tkie improvement was not warranted at i,his time. � �� �,,� The City Mana,ger,etated that previously when he had cont¢eted the Studebaker �--,� Corpora�ion�they had not objected. Councilman Wo1ke raieed the question to City Attorney SmitYi, �f' 6ecause of i.he 18� in,excees'of the estimated totol cost, would the Council hsve to readver- tiee for�new�bide in lieu of the letter received from tkie Studebsker Corpore- �ion. C1ty Attorney Smith steted the Council ahould poasibly rec3dvertiee for � biae. ' ; „ , Mr. Ice'Comstock� consulting engineer� stated he hadn't had an opportuniLy to diseues thi� matter but there had been eome changes since i,he preliminary plans. In the prell�pinary,plans� it hed been planned to run the service in the exist- ing right-of=way' and'now i� will be taken over by the State and �pproaches are being,plannEd�iwi'th a fence to be included and, for that reason� o new design would be requlred. Mr. Comstock explained there was still a question on the part of the Highway Department as to whethPr t,hey would el]oia t,he fronLage roa3 and suggested;tk�ia plan be deeigned outside the frontage road. Mr. Comstock � V � ' i stated iL seemed thet sewer �nd water Facilities should,be �,DCated,'oh"the frontage road and the two matters to be resolved were the matter'of +the bid over the �stlmate and the matter of the exaci, alignment'in „the'hi'gYlway right- of-wa,y. i� Counci]man Sheridan raised Lhe question if the bids as previously taken were for the a].ipnm�nt as it is now and was told they were.' The;�,City�Mati'ager Qx- plained that in the report to the Council there was an alterna�e as,see'sment method vherFby the cost on i,he crosaings could be charged to'the Pure Air Rest Homc an�3 {,Yicre would he on]y �$500.00 cost on Studebaker� for example� and the oLhors would be less; the onl,y increase would be to the Pux'e.Ai,r RBet�Home. � Mayor Nc�e �tated the cost ot the improvement would still be„18�iio,ver the pro- �I �ect and wae it possible i,o go 20`�r�over an estimate:.', Oiby.AttoanBy'6mith� � etrated it wa:; possible� but technically it should be,'�w�.'thin��the'!,estima'�e.��, He further st,ated it was a question of some fact,ors that enterefllirito the problem, Cii,y Flttorney Smlth r¢ised the question es i.o the urgency of�the improvement. Mr. Cometor.k� consulting engineer� explained the State Board;of,Health wae de- sirous of having i,he Pure flsr Rest FIome straighten out�their'water facilities, and the State Fire Marshal wanted a sprinkling syatem 3neta7.led�;aleo'�the Pure Air Resi, Home wanted to build a new Rest Home on the��eite'.�'�jCi�y',Attox,ney Smith st�ted that� perhaps, with some di�cussion� it woUld {b�,�paseible,to're- call the objection oi' the 5tudebaker Corporatlon. ���`�i��� � � ri ;' �, i� � i� ', Councilman Sheridan etated that ii a satisfactory a�reemep��i�`was''impoesible, he would su�;gest the readvertis�ng for bids which would'be opet�.on�July 8th and wou]c7 hesir new estimates os oS July lst. Mayor'Ne�e �tatedr�;tha;t 1il,bi��s werP readveri.ised� they would still be on Lh� same improveIDent.,' ,Mr. C'omstock stated Lhis was correet but there was a 30 day prople3on-sorr,thC, Couc}c�;l would have i,he opl.3on of holdin� this bid for 30 days unleea they`„c,Qqld work;��out an extention. Councilman 4Jo1ke raised the question if they se'edYert3«ae,for hids, would the previouc bids be automatically voided. City Akto,�ney',Sm�'th,suggested that, hc be allowed to attempt a phane contact with the atto�iney £rom the Stu- deh�Yer Corporat�on. ' i'I � � Counc�lman 13rook arrived at 5•?_7 P. M, � � � r Ci+,ti At I,oi-n��,� �mith raiGCd the qiaretion iF tbe attorneys ,for �,the Studebaker Corl�orai,ion had appeared �t the ho�r�ng and were told by �hB��C��.t'y'�,Mahager they had noi, appeared but hn� called on the phone end stated',ithey,woulcl not ob�eci,. Mr. Cometock stat�d th� onl,y ii.em which hadn't beeit'!,computed on the improvement woa the coet o� an easemenj, and i:hat should be added ;�to, th@' cOSt; that i,hF i�i;�; w�,s on tHe toi��l cost of the improvement,rathei��'thaiS�`,the,'��cOn- ei,rur_tion. `I'hP item on Sew�r nnd Wai,er Pso�ect No. 63"Was d'Alayed��to,g' Tatter �ari; oF the meetin�. " ' ' � ' ' , � � , ��' � ' ; � 'i � �', � i '' � � �" it „ � , i �� COLiJMEClf AT,lGA7'S CONNECTSON TO STORM 6EWER AT 53E2➢ AVENiTE' NISi{IPHEAST: I, d� ' Moyor N�e announced �his i�,em was with re�ard �o �he,'COlumb�i'a�l$eigh�,s aannect- lon to the �t,orm sewer at 53rd Avenue Northeast and aeked for,�y�a�r,cpo2't'�,Prom Mr. Comerock, conaulting eYi�;ineer.� Mr. Comctock releted�h4'I'�h'ed,��apeive;t� no imformat9on relative to �he etorm sewer connecrion Prom Co1�v�qAi�a He,i�ghtle: Councilman ;heridan stated the Council should have the City,�Me,nager direct some coxreepondence to the Ctty Manager from Columbia Heigh�s,; that the City Council of Fridley had probabl,y left Columhis Heights�Counci'1 wi,th the'impres- sion th�,y wFre not responeive to their ideas. The City MBna�er'explained t;o the City Counc�l the Calumhia Heights Council had stated"they would,�et,the �nformation t,o Mr. Comstock. There was no action taken'and ,the!item'we� laid d over to the next regular mFetinp3. � +� , I� �v'� �` �� � ' � � TEMPORARY SURFACING FOR 73RD AVPNUE NORTHEABT (ABLE '�0 T.�$.,6$)',��(�TABI�D , 3 3 h ,, �,, p;' � ;h i ,', �, �,r � Mayox Nee �nnounced this was the temporsry surfacin� reques'�dd�'�,�0� i$z'¢IAve- nue Nortb�asL and asked the City Manager Por a recommendati4t��.;'� ��e� Gity+Mana- ��r explained that one of the things the Council hsd reques�ed'G3ry Englneer Biown to do was investigate the purchase of a televi9lqn;�yB,teY�k',�'or,; Usg„in all sewer line ��rablems� �hat apparently�there is only 9YIe;���oomp�ny�th�t�ipake5 them for sale and thie company is willing to demonstrate�pYOVidi,�g,3�,;tk��,�'L�e�„Gity will purchaae the equipment ii equipment is satisiactp�ny:���;^'`�hu,g�;�r� Y�r7this i � 'i r' i �'� ' I �� y� ''I, ' i � , . i I , , iIIP'�� ii i , ��'� �iPi , � � ' '�r',� , ' , � , ., ��''��� � ' °j l � equipment';�.sjiiabout $6�500.00. Councilman Wolke requested to ]inow i�ho would ope'rate tlie machine and would it be uaed enough to warrant the purchase. He further requeete$ the Council spend the $300.Oq it would take for the one �tee�:'in �qties�ion') 'thst the idea oi buying machines for problems the Cit,y Coun- ci1 ,wg,sn!.t 'ee;,'�ain �exiated was ridiculous. The City Menager eteted he would like tp'pre'se�tlt' a program for the use of and expenditures of tHis machine, that the t3me}'was late for this on �he road �n question and suggested to the City Covncil'll�the $300.00 expenditure for 73rd Avenue Northeast and then work out a pxogra�;on the feasibility of purchase of the machine. Counc�lman Wolke stated the c'tas^t of $6�500.00 wos not the greatest amount but what would be the ; coet�of npkeep��operation, ete. � i,'� �� �' Mayor<IPeq`!at�at@d�the immediate qveetion was the temporary surFacing of this �pe��rt oP�°.73rd��"'fCvenue Northeast. i, , Councilmari Jo�ianson suggeeted pvtting in a temporary surfece. Counc�lman Wolke etate'd�`he'felt� it was more impozi,ant to get the industry end sotisfy them with"e good raad. The City Manaaer suggested to the City Council that if they wieheflj$o taks action on the item, the,y could dlrect the televising of t13e road. � � � ' � �, Motion by Bro,ok to televise the sewer in 73rd Avenue Nor�,heast i'rom Ih �hway #65 tp Ab'le,S�reet Northeast, and put a atabilizer an the road surface. Seconded by JohansOn;°i�Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. „��{'� „ i �i���� � CONSIDERATION'OF INTERSECTION AT MISSISSIPYI AND FAST RIVER ROAD: � — - -- Mayor Nee'announeed this item was the consideration of an intersection at Misu- issippi Street gnd Eaet River Road, Mobil Oi1 Stat�an at interseci,�on and bui]d- ing direCtTy'laehind same: The City Manager stated he had contacted Mr. Mark ��r-JOnes and'Mbb'il Oil Station people, owners of station and ]and, also Mr. Carl �JolrcShson� owci�r of building being erected stating he would mail them a print bu� ttle�print,iwQS too late f'or them to �{ive an opinion and Mr. Jones and Mobil �, Oil S�ation ownera had promised to get together on the problem eind state whst coste they would have to recover. The City M�nager further explained tl�ai, Mr. �� Cati�l`�JbhF�leson� eodld be helped w3bhout waiting for this as hie building would �inot=in�erfere;�with Pv�ure plans for �he intersection. � � ��r , � � � � � Motion,�by Wolke�thet building permit be issued for the etructure at 117 M�ss- iseippi;IStreet by Carl Johncon and that any land forfeited by Mr. Jol�nson i.o 'the City or d'edicated to the City for r�gh1.-of-way� if necessar•y tYiat the Ciiy of'Fridley,pay iOx it�,shall be at the equivalent prorated on the square foot- age; cost of eame originally being $4�500.00. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice votp� there being no nays� the moi.ion carried unanimausly. , A genexe,l di'ecueeion was he]d regarding L}le p]�nnin� for tl�e Intersecl,ion ai. Mississippi'i�treet and East River Road and the semaphores for same. 'Phe Clty Managex'expla�ned that he had advised Mr. Lundheim� Anoka Couni,y Lngineer, that Letin'Electric could put in the cable and all the City would have to do would'be to ppur new concrete bases for the si�nals. Lehn Zlectric had ad- vised they cpuld do this �o that if this ini.ersection becnme a realty, es planned� they could hook it up. Councilmen Wolke advised the City Manager thai, if the Anoka;County Engineer didn't put in proper cable they should Ue stopped. ' Mxe.'Zaurie,Sohneon'was present and asked Council if it was possible that at leaet the��&you� of.buildings and streets in Fx•idley Park weet of raet River � Road�covld'be agreed to this evening so they could get Lhe!r mc�ster plan re- ' vieed. Mrs:IJohneon stated they had several ideas as to how it should Ue done. Mayor N�e,ata'ted herwould dislike to see the City Council malce a conimitment th'at woUld leav'e MYS,. Johnson to proceed and fail to settle on the gr�s station. Mr's.'Johneotl;said,they were attempting to bu�ld a 36 unit r�partment Uuildino, on'the Nortkie9st corner of the tracki now and to do the balance in the future; ' fu'rther�'the'y'had had a petition in to vacc�te �ome streei,e iril3lock 21, 22, ' ahd 23 and it seemed that special consideration they had beeri reierring to was tHe trafYic oi' East River Road and eould thle petition be correctf�d so that tH3s petit3on could go forward. She further explained that part of the thixty foot street'as far as Riverview Terrace tzould not be vacat�ed huL �11 of the balance of it would do. ; �� V Mr. V. M. N��rel� member of the Planning Commission stated t'hey WOU1d"have to see the over �11 plan. Mrs. Johnson replied they had had,;e,,,joinY.�,meeting and brougYi� �n I,lieir mesi,er plen and had �iven ¢n additional�, 2�+�°i'ee�'j0i ae�,rvice road along 1,11e fxont so that there would be o 50 foOt�s�Y',eet''lonitl%�iE$ 't iand Soutl� eide nnd this service road would run across the PTum�,�p#`,opert,y,8n� con- nec� along the curb. Mayox Nee requested to know if„�t�3d hali b�em'pxoaessed throu�;h the S1,reetc and Utilities Committee. Mrs�:,Johnson xeplied+�tHat�,'she couldn't get throu�h the Streets and Utilities Comml�t;�@et�andi�i�Pi�he CoUUCil. would act they could put a direc�ive back to the Street9�an,d���'Utlli�iee^'be- c�use she was unable to �et this situation solved.� Mrg,i'dtlhti�tlR'l'expl�ined �o �� Lhe City Cotiincil she had consulted wi�h Mr. Comstock� � eopsui'�i[�g �oY'�� �engineer� by d�rPCt�on oi �he City Manager and it was possible tti pu��3,n�any�emOUnt of hydrants, tliai, i,heir streete were so erranged to �sake,care,of�£ire`equipment. 6he furLher explained the strae� �hrough the middle ha& beep'her�Tnain,"�bbject- ion, tl�a�t the,y were giving not only 30 feet for a street but''an eddltional 20 feet and an additional 24 feet. Mr. Nagel si,ated that He',£elt,what,th�y were doing wae vtacat-ing a 50 foot street for a 20 and a 30 foot ��,reet; Council- man Woll;e ^ta ted the big question the Council had was, �the ;ab'cges to 'th� land alone; tlie rClrer. Mayor Nee eta�ed ii' this land was�develog�,'d�,ias.a�oo�ora�te unit,� t,hi� would be the problem of �he owners and reised'.�the'!��que8tion,�ttl�Mre. Johncon iF it taa� going to be devflloped as one corporatio�{ ,��,nd �+as, +�old� it was. Mayor Nee si,ated if it is a unified development� he'didh''t ���1 '�he City�should impoGe thc•ir i,houghts on sarne. Mrs. Johnson explained the dedicatedlstreets would be on I;ast boundary and the entire South boundary doWn;to R3verv,ieW Ter- roc�. Counc�lm�n Wolke stated then� the ent7re interior of tli�fis project would belong i,o tlie project. i'i �,� ,, a�., �. i ,�, The City Man�ger su�gested to �Y�e Cit,y Council that since� t1ie�,5,treets ��a�nd II1,i1- ities had not, met� it coul� be referred hacY, to them regaPding the,questioned ini,ersection� that this could be part of the answer and by �tha�;time he would h�ve a portion of the answer from the Mob31 Station owner9: ,Couneilmau,Johan- son requested that the Streets and Utilities be made'cOgniZant 0�'°;ttte'ifeelings of the Cit,y C.ouncil and asked for an early meeting.; Mra. Jaltpson'.etated ,that she could h�ve a new drawing ready for the Streeta and�Ut,1�11�ti�s�COmm3ttee pursu�ni, to �he Council's desire. �� � �' . �,,�' �, , , , ��' ',a9 �i 'Ih� , �--- Mrs. Jotmson reguested to 7cnow when she could approseh�� tk�e C3t�y� CQ�aric�,0.„4n the vacatin� of {,he s�reete since they had been told it �+ould��te,ke�,',��daye���.and it was expedient, to get the procees begun elon� with the other"taTkiAg.,,,Mayor Nee etai.ed hi s personal view wes to process thA vaca'�ing �OY,�jithe, �s�Cregts,:� � � Codn- cilman �roir.e suggested the beginnin�5 of the vacation at the'; pi'e8�ent�, ti�pe � with the intention that if the pro�ect isn't right� it won't,be p$cated., `i'�e C3ty Manager suggested the City Counc3l could have the publ,3n he9x'ing., .J;�"'���, � , � h�� �� ,, , � ���. Motaon by Woll�e to initiate the public hesrings on'the vaca�t'�.onsr''bY'�a9t River- lands Terrnce� same being Block 21� 22� and 23 oP Fridleq�p�,rk.,,, Mre.,�dohneon Ftated ehe tiiished Go reserve the �ta�ement the Council �coul,d,��keep'��'a11J„the rest of the 6treet for a year unless they vacate Olive Street,' Cbuncilrlian WDI.ke etated he didn't think there wes any pant to tbis because„�th�e'y;�cot113•ipaoate a particular straet ai, any�ime. 6econded by Johanaon.� Upon����voice°''VOte� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ������'�pl,;', ���'�i,�� �' PRT'LIM7n'ARY F'LAT - AERWAL SECOND ADDITION -(TABLED C�3�6j}�r��, ���`�,� ���� Mayor Nee announced this wes a preliminary plat and requested the,opipion of the consult�ng eitgineer on same. Mr. Comstock explained,the;i�rea,to the�City Council; fux•ther� it was explained they had three things,'the'y'�had°�iBCUSaed� the two altPrnate temporary solutions for storm sewer condq�t,and tjiew,�pgrad- � 3n� of t}1e service drive. Flsi,imated costa would be sl3ghtl%�ryi"�oven,, $B��OQ0:00 and the other plan in question would be �1�400.00 atid these�Iw'ouldNbe depend- an�t on i,he Minnesota Highway Department approving same. He furth�#� e�cplained to the City Council that any one of three methods used for t�his impxoVe�p�ent would require approval by the Minnesota State Highway Depar'�roenb.,�,�Councilman Sherldan asked if the approftch sho�ald be approved 3n Lot9�,1�,�����2� epd $ or any� por�Ion of those lots and would they be eliminated Y'x'om �apy'�,�p�ex ,pyl �d�'$inage program. Mr. Comstock stated �his wae only a temporary�,meae,�uie.;��'IIt wa� ex- plairied the Planning CommiGsion felt there Nhould be some �,ind'oS'!drainage• „ ' , P9ayor Nee etnted thet eventually this would be a�State Aid Road�;�nd ii���should li � "4 � i'� i �. � i I i � I I �i Ili be'��the�next,projeet. Idr. Walquist� owner of property in question to be devel- oped� state�llthey hsd waited three years and they would go along w�th pay�ng � the asa�eament on it� epproximately $1�400.00 or $1,500.00, Utzt the moxn pro- blem was' tbeyi�were,being held up on the over a11 plat and they were paying ta.Rea�'.+Dn,it,'t�t�thou� being able to use it. The City Manager raised the question to''Citrjr+Eng3rn�e8r Brown if th3s was awaiting Council action on the prellminsry plat and"was"told that th3s is correct. The City Maneger su�r�;ested to the Cit,y Council''3f they wiehed to proceed they could approve the preltiminary plat sub- � . ject t'o''the State Highway Department epproving the drainage plon. I i4r Motion�by Wo1ke to approve the prel3minary pla� of �he ilerwal Second Addi�ion subject to'S'tate Highway Department providing the dreinage outlet for this plat and subj'e'et!�to the subdivider accepting i.he cost of the particul�ar temporary �drainage; im�x�qvemept, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being = no��nayaa'��'�he���,mo�ion carried unanimausly. � � i di, ' ii'Ic � L�T SPI,IT REQ.LIEST - RQMP.NO & �QHL � TABLED 6 /3 /�i3 ) : City Eriginee� Brown presented certiiieates received from both Mr. Fomano and Mr. , Polil and'' eXpla�.ned these were 25 foot lots in question. � � � ry�7�� �,;,,i; . . Mb�ion;b'y^Wolke,to approve�the Lot�Split Request by Gerald RoTneno and IIerry ;Polil -;L.5.�'�6$�0� RivervieW Heighte� Blmck J� Lot 7 except et3si,erly 20 feei,� LQts 8�and 9i�iSiLot 10 esaterly 10 ieet; Lot� 5 and 6-and Lot 7 except easterly 20�feet; �SeCOnded by Sohanson. Upon a voice vote� there beiug no na,ys, the motion carrled'unanimouslgt. PURCHASE.OF BU2LDING FROM SCOiJTS (�PABLED 6�3��>)' � Mayor Nee arinbunced this was the item tabl�d Pnom the June 3rd me�i,ing a�l�e�•eUy thE Scou�s wiShed $300.00 for the improaemeni,s they had put 1u1.o t.he build�n�= j� •in,`question'�'OY its purchase. Counci].man Sli�ridan atated he ]iad rais��l thu � question be£pxe 'the Council and it ��as the bu�lding t,hat l�ad 7�een donai,ed b� the Lions�,Clt1l�?. He further stated l�e had been under the impreeflaon the Lions C1ub had giveq the buildinP to tha C�t,y oC Fr�d]ey ,a number �_ yenrG �ip,o, b1r, Leon Mad�sem WaB preeent re,presenting the Scouts and �tated h� didn't Im ow where �the build7lns ki�,d;cvme from but it had been given to t;he 3cout�, by tlie L�ono Club aitCr they had put some work into it and as they have no furf.her use 1'or � the�buildi�'�y,itY�ey.would iike to se11 i1,. The City Man��er �esplained Mr. ➢on- liri� P6rk Diz'aCtor� would like to uae this building ior rep�irs. Counc�lman Sheridan aeked if'the reimbursement was ��h�t Lhe Scoiits had spent on L-hc buzld- ih'g and'^�was' tq�d' tHis was all the,y were esking. It was eaplr� u�e�l t,U� huild�ng wes givep�because it was on city property, and �t was imposs�ble !o obt�in Yee oi�qership'�-o£�� �;'�'�becauae the C2i,y qlready has ownership. May�r D�r�e etn Lrd iho t what,'it'amounted to'was the City was donatin� $,3�0.00 to the ]3ny t,coul,s. Cii,y Ati�orney Smith eXplained the Boy Scouts taant to se11 the right of possession i'or $�OO.dO'."�„Mr. Madsen stated to the City Council he dzdn't feel it was the positiori'�of �the $oy Scouts to he donatin� thie buildin�. Council�uan Johan�on stated that as the Park Director had use fox the building, ]ocatefl on c1t,y pro- perty� "the $300.00 saking price i'rom the Boy Scoute ��as not out of ]ine. Conii- cilman Brook raised the question to City ALt,orney Smith afi' th�s ��ris le�;ally possi,'ble and was told the Cii.y Council coulrl pnrchase the RighU of Posse:sion. Motion by,Broak to purchase from the Boy Scouts i,he Right of Possc�sion on Lhe gaxage lOCated' on eity property for �300.OG. Seconded by Shexiden. Upon a voiae vote� thera being no nays� the motion carried unan3�mou.]y. � P1EW BUSI,NESS':',II; i,v', PUBLICiHEARI�NG'J RL''ZONING �C-26 TO R-3) PEARSON RP�ZONING RPQOI;ST• Mayor Nee announced this was a pul�lic hearing on Lhe rezoning request Uy S. G. Pearson Compacly� Inc. The Ctity ManaRer reed the Notice of PIeering. Council- man Wolke e,ek�d for an explanation of a conherupl¢ted lower use oi Lhe land. The City,Manager read uses irom the Ordinancc Book. Ms.yor Nee asked if tl�ere were anyone"pres�pt who wished to be heard on t,he above described public ]iear- ing. City EngYtleer Brown presented a revlsed plat submitted hy Mr. Sie Pearson �llowing a 60 foot right-of-way �alon�; the railroad tracka right-�f-t�ay �nd it was explained there wou]d be six lots instead io comply with rev�eed apartrrient regulations. � �, L , � � �� � � �,�,i �� � � ,� �'gP�i'���".', i , Mr. Sig Peare�on was present �n favon oP the rezon�.ng `reqY�est�ri"� May�or,�Nee ��re- questecl to 1�now if M�. Pearcon would ob ject to an R=3A�`zoni,ngf r�tiher �,t�rfllli R�3 and �xp7a�ned tha R-3 permite a number oi other uses: �No'orie�'�app�arefl�in op- posil,ion io t,tie Pearson Rczonin� Request. Councilman� Wo11teG�r,ai,se'c}! the�.question if tkus was cons3dered e preliminary plat and was tol�3 by,�the City Manager this would be a public hearing only on the rezoning and if Couhci�,a'greed'W'ith it, they could r.loee the hearing and order the ordinance dnaWtl:�, j,� " tiw � . � �',��' �,'� '�'i4, Mot�on by Wolke to close the public hearing on the rezoning reque�8t;by S. G, Pearson Compeny. Seconded by Brook, Upon a voice vote� ,ther6 being no nays� the mot� on cerried ananimously. � =i'„ I'' , i ', .� � i � �� '�'lil�,� � � ,' � �� � � � Motion by Wo1ke that ordinance be drawn to rezone,to R-3A;t�ie,�,ey�ee«kn0wn�as part of the SW 1�4 of SE 1�4 of Section 3, Township 30�,Ran�e'i24� Aqoka„4oun- ty l,yin� 6outl� of 79th Wa,y N. E. and East of East RiveT $pad�'ireqUest by S. G. Pe�rson Company� Inc. SFCOnded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote'� there be- in� no na,y9� the motion carried unanitrrously. SOARD OP APl'l;ALS MEF]T7NG - JUNEI 5� 1963: PiTI3S�IC REQ,iIEST FOR A VARIANCE FFOM SECTTON �8: � i ��; �a I; • „ �'i )Fd ORDINANG`E� �aERMl4'� CONS`�1 ZOT,"2 BZ;OGi � '��� � DRTVE �: ; �" I'��,p,�,: ,�, �,���,� Mayc�r Plee an�ounced this iaaa a public hearing on a request; i`ox�,a variance to permlt consta-uction of an addition to the kitchen of an exiqting bUilding. The C ity Manager read the recommendat3on of the Board'o3',Ap�Jy�el�s�. t9,, �.r d�,., ,, , Motion by Sheridan to concur with the recommenda'tlon of the^j,'�oardl�of Appeals and grant the, reque�t to permit construction of an.addition'i�o the'kitchen on the existing 6uilding on Lot 2, Block 1� Donnay's Lakeview Manor'Add�,t3an� Anoka Connt,y� Minnesota� same being 58j1 West Moore,iake,Dx���.ve: � Sgapnded� by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion:�ca�ried,unanimously. � �, . PIIRLIC }1�ARfNG ON A REQUEST FOH A VARIANCE FROM 9ECTION 8.1Air'OF��;ORDSNANCE �0 BY WAIVI'sR OP STDE YARD REOUIREMENT FROM 10 FEET TO FEET'TO�rPEI�MIT CONSSPRUCT- �.Z.t.� �"�?67ys'i l�l�l:�:n� me�,� a� rl:a R�IJl� � ,' 7��° JII �i� �j�d, � �, Mayor Nee announced this was a public hearing on a request �'ox a variance to permit construction of an addition to the kitched_on the eX3,6tiTig build�.ng. The C ity Man�a�rer read the reommendation of thc Board, of Appeal9.�p; '+"' nl,ii �i��'i ,, �� MotLon by Walke tp concur with the recommendation oi�the,�oaxd,of��,Appeels and F�rant the request to permit construction of an addition to't�1� k$.rtChen on the existin�; building on Lot 3, nlockl, Donnay`s Lakeview Manor,Additlon� Anoka County, Mim�esota, same bein� 5f3b1 We:�t Moore Lake Drive., Seconded'by Sheri- dan. U�on a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ' ° „ � � "' ' '' � �iUiISJING IlOARD MGETITiG - JL7n1E 12, ]963: I� '� � � ,'��: , ����' � � , � CONSIDERATION DF A DAAWIPIG OI' A PROPOSED FENCE FOR THS NOR'CHEAS`C CORNER OF MISSISSIPPI STREET AND UNI' � ' The Cii,y ManEager informecl +he City Council that originally'�theq h9d approved the bm ]din� permit for this corner and stated the perm3�t',qould,hot be'isaued unti7_ the fence and the acce,s were approved. This considergt'10n'�of a'�dxaw- inp ol s praposed fence� it was explained to the City�C,ounc'iilr��,iejrecommended for approval by the BUilding ➢oard. The aecees has a2ao be�r���revieised��in line with suggestions and it was felt there should be no entratt'ael �O'.near, ,�,k�e �in- terseci.lon as previously described•and it waa�suggested it.���c,puld,be,mq,ved beek �5 i'eet. The Pure Oil Company had agreed to. mbve i� beck',2�J���feet:, ;Tkie' City Manager explained this wasn't the best way bui� i�t 3s '�b�tt`ex��,'and the �PU{'e� 011 Company is eni.i�led to some entrance legally. ��,'�� I���' '•;�� � � �;i '� i�' I i,�,' � � � �, , ,�� , i, eo ,' ' ^�u�����i '�S�'IO{S�OT3 � Dq ��5�1�,,P,; gi�ant °'aPPx,ov�3?" , tY�e Nar�heas���,� Ir,iH"e-aada�es� ��y� nays� tHe,',w'o�tii , .��f�s in to concur with the recommendation oi the BuildLn�, Board and ° the pY'oposed �'ence for the Pure Oil Company to �°rect same on ^ner of,Mississippi Street and University Avenuue and approve t:', Beconded by .7ohanson. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no carried unanimously. � k'dtIDLEY LPJhIDER COMPANX FOR I'ERMIT A kRAMF STOPAG� BUIT,D- _..,. ..--. _ _ __--.. _._.�--- ----- �� �� ___.��__— -------- --- _ , — ' ��'i�i � � � , Mr: Ramon Caz�lson of the Fridley Lumber Company was present �and presenl,Pd plans for the proposed etorage buildin� to the City Council. Motion,by„SHeridan to concur with the Building I3oard and gra��t tLe permit to ^ erect a�fFame storage building, 36 x 14o feet at 7600 T,H. �55 [�oc•t.heast. Se- conded by Bxook. Upon a voZCe vote, there beina no nays, the motion carried unanimous7.y.' OLD BUSSPIF,��: �� � � ,'„ �„ � � �� � � • �B2�s - sw ,#6��'�i(TABZ�n 6/3/�3) : �soiuTro�r �ZO�a-i963: MayoP Nee,�reqUested that City Council return to �he above it,em delayed irom be- ginning'�of'the,lmeeting. Iie �tated that it was the recommeridatson of City Attox�— ney Smi�h not to advertise for bids but to set a puhlic hearing. City Attorriey_ Smith eXplained that a regvlar resolution should be paesed and the engineer will have a fesaibility report� also, �nd �he estim�te dated this night in epproxi- mate P3gures'I,�oY $26�000.00. He Yurther anformed the City Council the notice woUld have to be prepared and given to the newspaper with two publications zn mind. The heaT3ng for this improvement is 1.o he held on July ]st and �fter the hearing Council could decide to proceed if they so wished. u��„ ' ',i ., � Upon e motio�l�i,of'Councilman Sheridan� the following resolution was introduced: �pf�.l-'lti,��"��u',����,°ur ��m�, , �� ' �" WAEREAS��'��'th�;�''��is0uricil has by previoua reeolukion conduc�ed a public t�earing, re- -'ceived a fe6$ibilty report end an estimete of cost� h�d edvertised for bids �n ireferenee,'to"�the improvement by the lnetallation and construrtion oC sewer and wa�er 11h'es and fecilities to the area north of Highway 100 +and on either side '03' E�aet;Rive`� �toad, and � Wfi�REAS� bid�s fqr the construction oi saifl sewer and water f�ci]ities were opened by'the, Council on the tlaird day of June� 1963, and WF�REAS� the properties to be assessed for said improvement inclucle the £ollouiing: � I i �, • � I� ��� �i,� PARCEL 4700, Auditror's �Subdivision No. 78; �{,IC P,QRCEL 4750� Auditor's Subdivision No. 7£?; {''i, PARCEL 2580� Auditor's Subdiviston No. 7F3� ��� �I��,�;��, PARCEL 2900� Auditor's Subdivislon No. 78; y, i�r';1 y�i�i: � e�.l,bei�ng par�e of Lots 13 and 1�3� Auditor's Subdivis�on No. 7£i� AnokK County, M�.nneso�a'�� tand ' " i� ��i ,,�, i Wi�REAB��,}th�„i''OOneulting engineere�,Camstock and Devis� have reported ihaL the bide �or �onetruction of said project are running approximately 1�9N in excees of,the eat'imated to�el cost of the improvement, and ��.�( �� ' ,��,.,���� � s'wtiP]REA3�,�y��.et�ex dated dune`17� 1963� from tbe law office of Dorsey� Owen, Marquart"},'WindhoTSt� & West, representing the Studebaker Corporetion, protest is made and Pb�ection has been made to the letting of the conetruction bids� and Wf�REAS� Comatoek and Davis have submitted a report to the Council dat.ed June 17�"19i9'� indi�edtCng that eaid project is feasible and that it should t�e made as'propD,se,d 4�d that the estimated coat of the improvement is the sum of $26000. � �i�, NOW� `1`I�REFOR�� HE IT RESOLVED AY THE CITY COjRdCIL OP FRIDLS�Y, MINN�SOTA: �I. �� ,i', ,I�' ; C,i � � ,' ' l. The Council will consider the improvelnerit of e&id'"p2'o.pex,ty by the insi;ellation and construction of sewer and Wat'8r„'��erVlce',in acc;ord- ancEe with the report of the Consulting EngineeY�'��,i�4�d° thq� aeseasment of �butting property £or a17. or o portion°a% t�ie_;i�vpr,oyemerit�pur- siz��nt �o T,nws of 1953, Chapter 398, at� an'� ee,t�mat;���il totel �qos,t'.�oi the improvement, of $26�000.00. � � ��,l,���',`�' ��' `^;�o, �� �' ��' ���^ �. A public hearin�3 shall be held on such,propoaed�imBrovemen���on the firet day of July, 1963, , in the council chamber,s'jo#', '�he,' �City .Hall at Pridley� Minneeota� at 8 o'clocic P. M,�'and;,th'ejµQlerk ehall'�'�ive � published notice of such hearing and improvement'jas�required�by,]aw, I i' , ; �„. , i J The reeolutton was seconded by Councilman Brook. �i'I�i'� ,��,'�� �, The matLer was then suhmitted for vote and the following Councilmen voted"aye": Nee� ShPridan� Johanson� Rrooks� and Wolke. The following,VOted '!nay":•,None. � ,,,i ° � Adopted by 1,he Council th�s 17th day oP June� 1963, i;' � l/�.�.�1 , , ��, - MAYOR , 7�.� m��,,J':'��Nee ��� � ,� �„ � ATTEST: ���,"h�" � � � i��� � �� �� C I i , �� c�R " � � ,�� �°, �' � � ��� � ,�, � � , � � '�, C�, � , NF,W BUSIPTESS: � ' � , �,� � � RRCEIVE MINUTES OP PARKS AND PLAYGAOU[QDS SUB-COh4MTTTEE ZIEETIPI(3 OF; Ji1NE10, 1963: „rl..;"7 Ii � _� Sj ''f � Motion by Johr�n4on to receive minutee oi' Baxks and Playgro�izi�s'$Ub-OoIDmit�ee Meeting of June 10, 1963; sleo, to concur with the reCqma�esjd�tio,ti� o�'"��he� P1an- ning Commission in the appointment oi Rol�ert Hughes,to,''�heiP�arks,snd�PSay- grouncle Sub-Committee. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a�,,�voic�'�I�ivote����thexe being no nays, tl�e motaon earried unan�mously. � u��; �`„ �,; , � ' ,��� ��„ ,;'�%+"���, ��i „ � , � � �, � " ;i�ii i PUIlLIC iTFARING: JAMISON BROS. - ZOA #6313� LOTS 8-].1, iiT,OCK',��.���MURbTX PARK, R�7,ONP P'ROM R-] TO C-1: � � ��, ,a, ,� �, ' I'r. ; � �i� �"�, �i � ,�i � ' � 9'he C� i,y Manager expl�ined to tl�e City Counr_il tihe ob,jeetioris ��f'8�i8ed;,�� ,the Meeting of the Planning Commission and the recommendetiotl oS�'the,"�'1&nning Com- m�selrm th�it i,his request be denied. The C�ty.Manager°ad'ylsed;the'Cou'ncil i,hev <l�c�uld concur c�n the denial or order a public heaTi�ng:,,'„' �! �' � � �I' � p1rrt �or, by Jnh�nson to conrur wz th tYie r�commenda�3on of.��th� ��Alailning Commission and rl�ny ihe request by Joriison Bros. Seconded by Brook. �`,Upon & Voice vote� �here b�ing no nays� the mot2on carried unanimously,. "'�,��I��'�� �"�i'��'� �,�i�� � �I ��.�� �ig r �' '�i���'� i �� � � �I�� � � i PTJRI,CC HFARTTSG: PEtFLIMINARY PI,A'P (P.S. �62-33� nALBERG TEF3RAG'E:('7�0`$S ��1'�''2� F�PrD 3,�/1i111STOR'8 SLIBDIVIBTON 10�: ', 1�����y ;Iy',r"!' I, _ i ,' '� � � „ � �a�ql,'��c � �� "�,'i ' Cotmcilmnn Sheridan req�aes�ed to know tkxe reaeon Sox�red'te(�gltl�gy�ots�,�,13� end S of �ropo��d prel3minary pint. The City Council wag�,a$vi,��d',t�h�re.ya��,;no ex- � isLing =treet anfl so, two ]ots were red tagged and Plant�tll'�pQo�tlli�siq[�,rrecom- men�led aceP}�tence oC �hie as a preliminary plat. � I'i;y��ir� ���; �ji„ t'1�� �;� s ! I � .; � Mayor free left the floor, �avel to acting Mayor Johansou.'�' �� � ' , .,���'�lii� , `,a�,�a'lil,�,n Mo1.ion by Sheridau to concur w�th the recommendatio�} qf,'t�t�y„Pl$AQ�,n�",��9ID!niss- ioil and accept th3s as the prelimiaary pla�, o� Aalbek'g,'3}e�,�aC4y;5�tlt�,,,T� �2� and 3� Aud�tor's Stabdiv2eion �103. Seconded by Erook., `Upt�t�,,� °;*Ld�:ce ,,vote� there baing no nays� the mo�ion ca,rrietl'unanimously.�' ��''��'1=�.sh,l�����'' I 3. , ��i �% � F �,,� Mayoi Alee.�°aturned �o thc Cloor, gavel returnod by-acting'��bi�yor Johanson. : i'I �+� � s � � � � �I,"�' , � � . � � � r-� ; � � ���; ' ��',I��,''„ i �i� ���i� � .:�a- ' '��vn,�a''��., . .., - P & M i w'r, �;, ��I ��he,,Clty Mana�geY'Ilre�.d,the repoxt and recommendation af the 1'lanninQ Commiss�on. City �ngineer Brown,a�vised the City Council this was a revised plan. Council- 'mau,9Leriflan reqpested to knovi t,he number bf lots in the plat and was Lold ap- prox3'maiel,Y„ 77• � � Mot�ox��bq rohan�0�,to ooricur wi�h the recoi�mendation oi the Plannin� Commission and accept thie',�n`s,�t� preliminary plat of Meadowmoor Terrace. Seconded by Droolc. IIpon.a volce yote,�"theYeibeing no nays� the mot�oe carried unanimously. LO`T'$PLIT REQ,UEST - L. 5. #6322 - WILLIAM A. SORP�NSON: IdP;P�T 2S PFPT OF LOT The City Manager'�Fead the recommende�tion oi' L-h� Plannln� to th�� C�ty Council. Motion by Sheridan to concur w9th the recommenciat,ion of the Planning Commission and grant,approva�,',of'the lot split request by William A. Sorenso❑ on Lots 17� West 25 fe6t,of,'L`o`t 1$� Block 17, Iridley Park. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote�'tlieTe', bein'g',no qays� the motion carried unanimouoly. � T�ie;City MaYis�e�. Counci'1. Co+inc to six'1ot� and PLAT (P. S. #63-02) RONAI.D ENGESE`PHE]R: LOTS 7 AND 8 d the recommendation pf the Plannin� Commis:sion i,o the City .Shexidan asked ii the plan hadn't been chtsu�ed from two lots told it had. Motion by Sheridan �o concur with the reco�nendaCion of �he Plrztmsn� Commission and acoept,this �s,the preliminary plat on Lots 7 and 8, Block �t, Spxing Lake Park I,akeside„by,�,�onald Engesether. Seconded by nrook. Upon a voice vote, there bei'ng',�o pay,e�� �the tAOtion carr2ed unanimously. � �,, _ , - ROBERT CARLSON� LOT 33, AUDITOFI'S SLiBU1V1SI0N The C�ty Manager,^read the recommendation of the Planning Commi>>eion io the City Council. City Engineer Brown presented surveys of eame. Motion by;,Brook��tb coricur with �he recommendation of the Plann�n�r Commission and approve,the{ loti�;sp�Yt'request by Robert Carlson on I,ot 33, Auditor's Subdivicion #129. �eco,rided;,,b'y Sheridan. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, the motion carr�ed uhanimo��sly. � �� , �i' , �, VAGATSON H. I'RANCPN, SR.: SIX �N: , NORTI[ ; II)I; QF LOT � j�'' i, ,i � r�i. �,', `' The City I�snage�r�resd„the recommendation oP the Planning Commission to the City Council end adv3'eed''they could concur but would have to set up.a publ3c hearing and they could;',so order. City Engineer Brown explained that it, was a�eneral ease- ment Qn�' 1't,wae�''euggested for the one aide of Lhe named lot as owner wauts to bulld a garage. . �� ,' , � �,�„ � i ^ � t,,. ; , i' „ Motion'by Wq1k'�1�tio concur with,the recammendation of the Plannin�r Commission and orc�eT,�,e pulili¢,k���riIIg on the vacation request 6,y Russell H. �'rancen� Sr. for a s3x fqot,easem@nt"on the north side oi Lot 1� Block l� Dan's 3rd Addition, ue- conded by Sher{i�ai1, Upon a voice vote� there Ueing no nays� the motion carried unanimously•i , r,p II°„ �� � �sx PARKS AND , Pj�AYGROUNDS 3UB-COMMI7TMi'�E MEETING MINUT�S - JLIPIE 10, 1963: Mr��D14k p��iY�t��jPark Director� was pxesent and stated the one item he wished the City Coungil'to�act on wse the aquatic wheat control on Moore Lake. It was ex- plained that;many oi the residents that have property adjacent t,o the park pro- per�y end the,�thei"ereas being sprayed arawondering i£ this pro- � i ��� � i' � � .� ll � �� �� �,� , � �� I perty will be sprayed. Mr. Donlin explained that his'�conG�r}}rwas whether the, City of Fridley should epray the entire lalte or asaeea the pr,Qper� 4y�eTS'on the lake �nd sta�ed he wished to have this item reaolved�� s�,'�h9��•�.�tr��doebn �t' come up every year. Mr. Dohlin rsised the questfon if it waq pos�i�ile Co'asseqs pro- perty on thiE type o£ basis and wae told by the FinanCe Director„the Ci,ty Council would have to hold a public hearin�, 'The C31.y Manage� su�ges�i d,the�ctle�:'of same � i ,� be determined �nd an aflvanced payment be sought i'rom t�h� prop��x�x'o�aner�„ ,� � ;'��,� � ' i Mr, Donlin advieed the City Council that by his doing it tln, could do the sprayin� much cheaper� that by spraying tht �r� longer had the swamp. Councilman Johanson stated the EaebF°� he felt, the obligation of the CSty of Fridley. Mr, Donlin most of the residents have controlled the weeds themeel.ves} in� left in the lake for spawning beds and his concern,wae;� He alao advised the City Council that'Moore Lake was�cles�,�t previous year. Cauncilman Sheridan atated the question'�wa9 zng property owners on the lake are benefiting more and �lasi Council•s determination it was the city's lake and they shot Motion by Johanson to authorize the Psrks and Playgrounds,'gy'b��= ceed with thE wheat control oF a11 of Moore Lake as 9ud"ge+�ed:a'0, iJpon a voice vote there being no na s the motion carried u4a erY�bCre i�eais he �g� �yeea� ,�i I��heyi �no 4bf,� the `L�ake was, ther'9ts�'ed that t qp0�s,lwere be- ear� it;was the Ite,ke ,"3t,;��aom �here. � ��„«,, �pTO' �rook. i Y r � I k, i.W.. �.�,, . Mr. Donl�n requested Council permission i'or another item.,,;He,'sta�ed he wished authori zat,ion for the City F'ngineer to draw up final ��specifi�aa�Cione� snd�� &ret�, � plans for shFlter for i�ocke Paxk. � -� � ��:`,f�' ��� ��� ', .`'LL ..r �_ , IIe furl.her stated it would be a steel type s�ructure and tlie'bui�ding pjana were presented and explained in detail by Mr. Donlin. The estim�t�d cost iiguTes were approxtimately $10�000.00 and it was axplained this�moriey;'�,wou];d c0�he out'�o�' tYi� Bpnd money. YI"'ti'�', ' � r � � f'�' � i, Motion by Wolke to authorize the dra,wing of f�nal plans a,nd��e�pecii'ioatio,ne for the building of Locke Park building and proceed with the adV�2�tis'ing for bidP. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being'no�naye;'���'the'';moti'an car- ried unanimously. ��i',;, " CON1�1[TNTCATIOPI� : � � � i �� �I� , _ , . � � �' CITIZENB COMMTTTTGE: CIV7C CFNTIDR RLPORT: � , �'� ' � �Ii;��n(r�">'' � � Mr. Zng Siverts and Mr'. Bob Minder were present to speak oti`����,'tvi�c ��i�ent����R�port. Mr. Siverts flsked the City Council if they were plann�ing on takin'glatiy.�c�ion. Mayar Nee si,�ted that they would want'to give the item moFe.cOn9ideTa`tion. Mr. Siverts stated the purpose of the Coordinating Commitiee aht�'tY'ecapped brleily the working of the committees� including �he iorma"tion�oP,�a!�N����t'��gt3n�a'�he1.d, etc. He further iqformed the City Council the Architecturg'�.'±IAev�.e5{,"Committee had been �rPmendously active and worked haa'd to achieve the'f�,naL,r�port g3ven to the Cit,y Council. Mayor Nee raised the question if i� m&de`�aeA�e��to�i,cor}vene and etart a�ain, The Ctty Manager axpledned i;nere�were%two�d�,P%��en'C.-q�ta„qf plans. b9r. Siverte explained that baeically they were' �heo•�eame'�vY3th '�he�'��oep�k- ion �hat the maintenance building is being separated and off�iae�b�uildin�;�ll .r��� ;,i v � �, ,•�,1�,� � �, .,� , P� � noi, be f� nisheB ior, ,future �ire stat3,on use . „'� , � �'( ���� i;ly,,, �i �� �� � �' , k�;ti,,ir�,a'i;�,�� -p`lF�.-n�`y��i��,� � m„ p&r,r��,,, Councilman Wolke raised the question oP the cost o�" tlie��n�W �2an. �,Mr.`M1�n$er asked the prLce of the last xevision by the archi'tects aqd't�e�C�ity Mariagex��� stated he had seen no bill on iL as yet. Councilman Wolke'6t�ted 'they klad spent approximately �7�000.00 bePore the Coordinating,Commit��ee,kia�,done �ny work. Mr. Siverts stated the Committee had had very 1��,��5,e�,��[� ��� d�� ure,,ti'i,''th,'' �he exception of the development of a�f31m tHat'ua�e s;ta�ed, }��pre','���6���C�oa��'t�ee r was oaganized and if �7erry I.ee Studios hafl not beer} pa'id�'�lieP'�614ou�ld„�b��" MeYms,�a bursed ai, i.hie t3me. �i''� ' � � , �,� � �' Fi� Mayor Nee �nquixed if thie new theory abandonned the�Co�Omunit �'Ce� Minder s�a�ed i� included the same number oi �hings, th8,'C �7� y�'�T,q� fore� that a11 his� committee had le�ft� oa�' wae eome�i of�'i"r�e���l�'16'•�1 hallways� that as far ae changing the concept� they hed no'� "I;','1�7�., ther expla�ned there is sti11 room in the basement of th@'�m�ip,bui other thinga i,hat' can be ueed at a later date; fur,thex'� thfl�il ther,E r tain amount, in the original report to remodel, in the amounty;q� ,$6� � � �p+��,.�, � � i , �i;,'�� � � i , i��r�lq� � � r � � �'ti��ib.i� � ,er. ,Mr. dt, t in .,beI_� -'��Bdi�6Lip; Ltnder� � iizr�,h- �ding,',f ior � � �, •. � wae ,a�,oer- OOO:dO. � i J � � � � � � �� .,i;. �, '� � � ��, �,'� � � � , ,� , Ther� wou�$ be'A minor amoun� used bu� no� to put in dd2+mitory� �L.� �n gett�ng it ready Ppk fl�7.l,oa'cUpancy because it was not being put to use at i.his time. He �e�a�ed h�s'�;YioamilttGe were told to get 9n i.he necessities £irs�. ��,' � � � „ � � i` It wag agre�ed�`to, s`et a meeting date for June 26 at 8P. M. witY� all meniUers oP all c0�nitteee �xesent'and interested citizens previously invited to be sent notificat�o'n.' The City �7anager was directed to send notification to all inter- ested'pereons.��,�1�� ; " . ,i' %fayoT'�Nee a'�ate,d they were talking aUout proceeding without a vote and he w�'shed to he.ve �he cOnsensus af a number of people Uefore proceedinE;. VISITORS: �`� � Mr.�V: M. Na�e�'y"mamber�o£ the Planning Comm2ssion was present and introduced to the City CoUnci�.�Mr. t�T. R. Sohnson who owns land for gravel plt and lives at 1448 Rice'Creek,�!'Road. Mr. Nage1 advised the City Council that since owning i.he property� Mr, Johneon had fixed it up and now has an opportunit� to sell ten acree and�,another portion to the Alexander Construction Company pis i.o talce out the gravel:,� MY'. Nagel iniormed the City Council that $f Mr. Johnson is not al- lowed tol,sell�'�he'�'�and�. he will have to let it go tax delinquant and if the Alex- ander Comps,ny;buys it and takes out the grovel, the City could pui. in regulations and th�s compat7y will level this ground off and put it in shape, Lhat in zts pre- sent condi�ion��the land cannot ever be developed. �i Mr, Wm. C. G'rit�e� of the Alexander Construction Company was present and stated his 'company woi�a.d be willing to furnish a t�ond. Councilman Johsneon raised the question to, Mr.',I'Gr�.mme of the length of the program and wae i.old ttiat wuuld probably be fiye or six seasons. The City Manager stated this item had come befOre the Council prediously as a non-conforming use and suggesi.ed the thing to do would be'to 9ee what kind of an agreement City At�orney Smith, the City Engineer,and Yiimse].f could reach with the Alexander Construction Company and then approach;�}ielCity�Council. City Attorney Smith stated that Ordinance �72 of the City oi�FTidley'covered the above item. Councilman Sherid�n raised the question oi the balance of the pit and was there any way these parties could get together atYd develop the area completely. ,It was agreed Mr. Grimme saould meet'with'the,C3ty Manager� Rlty En�;ineer and Gity Attorney to form an agreement, � . CLAINIS : Motion by Johanson to approve payment of General Claims J�345 through ��1i57. Seconded by,Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ' „ ,i�r . Mo�tion by Sheri�den�,to approve payment o£ Liquor Claims �53�9 ��rough �5442. Seconded by`JoliB,heoni Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mation carried unanimously: , � , Motion by Brook to approve payment of Public Utilities Claims f�2577 through �2604. Seconded by Johsnson. Upon a vpice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimoue'ly. ESTSMATES': �, !I ' • �i '�� � „�" . � , � �P?otian by Johe.ti6on to approve the iinal estimate for Bacon Electric, 6525 Central Avenue'N. E.� Minneapolis 21, Minnesota iox• the construciion of lighting for Bae�ball�Diemond No. 1� Park Improvement Pro,7ect #63-01 dated May 10, 1�63 in �the amount' oi �,2�040.00.'CSeconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� ther•e being no nayea the mot'�;on'carried unanimously. �i�;�;� I � Motion by Shexi�an to approve the approximate expenditures through May 91, 1963 for Sewage Study'(FIRS) as listed below; � � � � �`� � ���'����� -, City Force Account �l 900.00 � „ Suburban Engineering Co. 766.00 ' 1 .00 Seconded'by Bro¢k. unanimously. ',��, � Upon a vpice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried �� �� LICFNSFS: Motiou by Johan�on to approve the following licenses: PI�}�;CTI CAL John M. Christianson Electric Co. 1315 Ilast Ia�ke 9treet Minneapolis 7� Minnesoi,a EXCAVATING Sch2ebe Rrothers� Inc. fil i A Cottonwood Lane Minncapolis 27� Minnesota GPN�lil11� CONTRACTOR L. W, Samuelson Construction 7�00 Fast RiYer Road Prid]ey 32� Minnesota MASONRY Victor IL Loeffler fl.13 - LH7at Avenue Nortti MznneapoliA� Minnesota CAI'E Fridley Peach Conceseion 57(°, Central Avenue N. T. Pridle,y 21, Minneaota CIGARP'�TE LICENS� Nuc]-ols "Spur" 5;3j University Avenue N. E. ,' 'I � �� ', . � � � � � '�'�� � ����'��. �'� � � � � , . � � � �� , � �r By: Donald P, We�.seeT Renewal �� ' � Sy� Arthur H. Schiebe , ftsw . _ . � . � , , � � By: L. W., Samuel�on, ' ' , ,'���'i � i ,' i, , � � �I� i;li �� ' �:��"�¢�;��,',4;m � � �� , By: Victor H. �ae�'�'lerl' New , I i� New ,,, � � � i����i'� � � i il I i 7, , � � By: Eugene Sutton' � � ', ;j�' ' � ; ,, , .., Renewal ,� Fridley 21, Minnesota I3y: D. Bryce Nuckols i New {i � SERVICF ;TATION � � � ���,������,��� � ��' �� � � � i NucY.ols "Spur" _, � i�i �333 University Avenue N. E. � ��� Fridley 21 Minnesota By: D. Bryee Nuckols��I New � �, � � , ,r iA�'i., . , .,�,� ���� , � � Seconded by Sh�ridsn. Upon a voice vote, Lhere bein�,tl0�naqs'�� 'Che�motion aarried unanimouely. � �v�� !° ��, r• � �, i � ���� i'���il� � TRAILFR PERMIT APPLICATION: ""k�'�,I',`,^ � �� �� i �� ,� i�� lij i The City Mana�er advised the City Council the Plumhing Inapew�d���had,au'�ggeeted that thie permil. not be issued until the Plumbing and ElectxlC�1'Woxk �+as done as 1t miE3ht be expensive. Cc�uncilman Shexidan asked Mre:,,A1�±in,iS'c�r,ammr�owner of property� 1f this were �oinu to be used onl� ae a sleepitig7rooth,and had'iit been planned ta hook up to sewer and water as a permanent iLi6ta�l�t�.,Qn.,"M1's. Schramm stated tkist it was to be a sleeping,room ior�,b�x rno�her,�$C1d,��th��3�,x�ere planning a haok up �o sewer and water. Councilman 6tie�i�lan,lappra3,�eyd,�i�Q.l,�� Schramm of the fact that the permit is for a one qea� pgr�,od qttly`a,nd i'� will have to ha renewed ever,y Apr�l and it is possible ,t'or�it no�;fCo be Tenewed. Councalnian Johanson st�ted that sewer and waLer were not neceesary if,it were only �;o�np; t� be a sleep�ng roam. � "' , � ' � , � �';' ii� �f4i',`��� ' �' �, ' i � Motion b,y WoUte to �rant the permit to occupy a houie trailer'tO HUl$a Hexmanson 2�, 75�7 Van Bu�-en Street Nor+hea9t. Seconded by Sheridan,•�',',UpOn"a �oihe Vote� t}��rc bcing n�� naye� the mol,ion carried vn�nimously. '-, ,' ,''' `�'' �' � � � � � RESOLIITTODi TO THF Y AUDI�'b�t'�: � � , � °"�''•�,� �� , ���. , , , �'� .� � , ����I � � � ,� � J �� „� �,, r' �' �' � i � �,�� �"i,��� �� j , Motion by Joh�rison to'adopt Resolution #105-1�63 certifying cliarges Lo thc County Auddtor'to tie �.e�'vied againat certain properties For collection with the 1g63 taxes, Seconded,by�Brook. Upon a voice vote� there beine no naye, the motian carried � �un�n3inou8ly. �+,�' �� � � � � � � � � � �4�;n � �r ' i� �' � �� i �, � , � �. p LpWERING'WATER� �AIN ON BALANCE OF RIVERS �DGE WAY: EMERGENCY ORDINANCI' �2�+0• i The C�.�ty�Meba��r��informed �he City Council this item would have to come o�t of the U�i'lity Fund'c City,'Engineer Brown explalned to the City Council the prob- lems iri t�}e,erea'3n question: Councilman Wolke stated thiE had to be corrected. The City Manager'xaiaed the question if this item could be an an emc�r;ency basis. City Attorne3� Smith asked if work had been done. The City Mana„er et:ated the street shoUld liaVe'been paved a lon� time a�o and bhey wished to get �t f�ni�hed. City Engdne;ei� �i0wn stated this was �imiler to the bid they had let l�st fall on the other,aectiori of the same improvemer�t and tY,e approx�mate amount is $28f�0,00 Yor �he improvenient. , Motiori by Wolke 'to adopt Hmer�ency Ordinance �21E0 and to outhorize vork Lo be done �ubject�td'the approval of the consulting City Attorney, City Pt,torney Smith raieed the',question of t,he fixm unit price. City Engincer $ro�in etated this was a neg4'��ated price and they had firm unit prices of tuo contractore and this stated,'gmourit Was the best price his ofilce h�d �received. Seconded by Shcri- dan. Upo�1�s'.�voi�ee vote� there being no neys� the motion carried unr�nimously. RESOLUTION #10(-1963 DELETING SPECIAL AS5ESSMENTS (PARCLL 740): Mayor Nee announCed thia was taith regard to a resolution delet,ing spe�ci�] assess- ments and asked'the Finance Director Cor an Pxplanation. The FZnanc._ Direc�.or ex- plained this w9s en erxor and parcel had been included in tYie fin+�l �r�sc�ssrnent roll and should have been �leleted. Motion by Wolke to adopt Resolution j�l0a-1963 ��e7etzng ecri,oin eper_i� L �c�e�sroen6: ( on Pareel 71+0� Audi�or's Subclivicion Pdo. 129, foi ldatiex and eSc��ex 1'ro�cet No. 4t3. I� Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vute� F,here l,eing izo naysy the rno��on c�irrird unanimously. � � � � CONSIDERATION OF'POSSIBI� CHANGLI ORDER _ Sg'. 1962-2A: Clty Engineer Brqwn explained ko Lhe City Coune�l this iaas a �ubcui•I �c�, �'r�Lnag� problem in the Bprdeaux Addition. A discussian pExiac� �ias hel�l �n i�hich th� feasibili�y of repairing was diecuesed, involv;��_, the ute of dr�in til� cover�c�- with paper and 'ame,ll rock. � p Motion by�Johanson to approve the Cl�ange Order /f� on Si.. 1962-2A, Schedule 2A. Seconded by Broqk. Upon a voice vote, thcre be:n,, no noys, the mot�on c�xxied unani�nously: " , 0'PHER BUSINESS:"p',� CovncilmapiJohaneon atated he wlshed to move i.h�i the application by Fs & M Deve7- opment;Com��ny';ior e Special U�c Permit for � moLile home pax•lc Le Lurnvd oves to the Pleptfing Cpm{niselon for a public heax•ing on an amendment t,o t.he Goui?iE3 Ord�n- ance,' C1ty Attorney Smith euggestied a hearin� on n varlation of thr 'Z,onin�; Or- dinance. C3ty Attorney Smith �ugge;;t,eQ a hearin�; on a varietton oi tkie %oning � and a special use permit to i,he Board of Appeal�. Iie further slnted tiL ��os Yiis Iopinion that it should be proceased and a hear�nF, held. I � � Motion by JohansOn to init�ate proceedinge on the request by E�. & M llevelopme»� Company on the change of zoning necessary £or a;�,FCia] Use Permil Yor n moMle home'park. ,Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voicc voie, thexe be�n� no nays, thc- motion carried unanimously. • Councilman Shexid'a,n Informed the Cit�� l�ianager he t�ould be availeble For the zn- spection at'9'A.'',M. On Wedneeday for the iron removal plont. � Counc3lman Sheriden informed the City Council hF had been named Lo th� Eclection Committee for the personnel for the Suburban Rate Authority and the Conimittee vas now working on seme. He furthex informed the Council thexe were iour cowmitteemen � � �. . ��1 .' I;I';il; �, i'�, and they hoped to heve the posiLions filled to be approved,by',the Poard of the Suburban Rr�i,e Authority by the firet of September� l}63.�� � i�!,�, � , ' .4jii'fi���' 5�����';r',. � Councilm�n doNanson advised the City Council that on Wedtiee�ay���'at'7�;�'30��'�.� M���, fthe Pix•e Preveni,ion Committee would t�e meetin� at the City Ha11'and',','wou�d'have offic- ers ihere �.o give oral examination�. He �nformed the Council,,there'Were six sppli- cants For 1.t�e po�ttion oi Clnei of Fire Prevention. �','�,,� Mayor Nee rnieed the question to the City Council if Stete Ait��icoult� be ,d�i�scussed on 61et AvPnur Northeast, City �ngineer Brown stated his de,p��tlpent epuLd go� phead on part of it but they would need a storm �ewer re,port.��°,�I;CoUncYlmen Wo1ke stated he was oi' Lhe imprese�on the report had already'been reoeivedt",Cit,y En- �inEer 6r�wn replied �hi9 was the Sec�ion East of the flrain9�e,�are�.;��,Mgy,br Ne,e stated the Cily Council had a report from Ehlers and Mann� i1aCb1 BgOnt'ey that {.he C�L�; of Pr�dley could genernte Revenue Sonds up to about ��FO�'��00':00,., The Ciby Man��er expl+�ined they iaould have to cleclde the prior�itf�'�;�. �'' �, � � " j;l',r� �'y ,4� Councilman Wo11te s�ated he hed list,ed 71st Avenue and 61st�, AV�tlue��`as top� prior- iV,ies and 7th Street� also tkie extFnsion of Main Street, "�yos�^N,e@'rgise„d t�e' question tiI' there were enou�Yi manles to finance a11 of tl�eae"snd,' Cit'y, Engineer, Broian replied i,here was. Councilman Wollce suggested making the study and put- ting the strects in, City Fn�;ineer Brown stated tha� all hie��department rieeded was thP approval of the City Council to �o ahead. CounqilID¢q'iW,olke,aUggested doing �.he improvement normally and ordering public hea�iugs�. t��6't�gets�named.Por top pi��orll,y were: t ` (jz�9 from UniverstiLy Avenue N. E. to Hi�hway �65 " �,'��rt, Moore L�ke Driv� from �kES to Ruincy Street N. E. approXimately Glst, Avenue Tt. E. irom 7t,h Street N. �, to West MooTe Lake� Drive , ii � i il Motion b;y WoZke to authorize Lhe Czty Engineer to proce�d w,ith,the,c�eae8s&xy stepe to neconiplish the�e improvemenl.s. Seconded by Sheridan:r ,Upori a voice vote� ihcrc being nn nays, i,he mot�on ce�rrzed unanimously. ' Councilman Wolke etated he had an item he had previously ra�.ae,d;.,,Tk�exe,was a', � party who appeared be�ore the City Council who lzved `�t �S�11s.��e;s7i3`te, B1,}�£1�•. N:�•, with a frozen water line in tbe street. This party �had 'paid���"���r �i1}�i�'s-,r�@�aiT�,rsnd should be reimbursed, his neme being Thorstad. Counc3Zmah,Wo�}Se',PUrther','stqted it ha�3 been deLermine3 the freezing was in the street and eitl�Blr' ��He'1.ine �is too low or the �i,op k�ox is toa low but the problem should be�`�4oTt'&ate3=���d``�he y�a�ter ��� � of the bi11 could be de�ermined later. ���,ii���;� yj,; , d5���,�!�� ,��.��aB�h� �I�i Pnayor Nee advised the City Coune�l thet City Engineer �rqwri� w3��hed �to�di,scuae ilthe interim srwer report following the regular meeting. I�;y i,,�',',,,� �, � „ ',�'�;' � � ADJOURN: �i:�l,ll p„. � — � i It dirli r i' ;;� , �� . u � ii Motion L�y Johan9on to ad,jouan Lhe regular Council Mee�tng,oi"���uIIe, 1'�jj�,1�1�i$��� ��e- conded by 4lolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays�'tHe�'��thbti,oa caxried un- �nimouely and Mayor Nee declared the meeting �d�7ourned. ,`'v�'�� � RespecLiUlly eubmltteu; � / i� ./.!-C'% ,//� � , SYae'Misl;o�aic SerreLary to i,he Council � � � � ���;� ,��,� I� , Mayor ��-,i W J. ' Nee � i i � I�� �ii�v� ! �� �I � � , � ��II�° � , '+, i ii,��li �P, �, � � � � �I'i ' Jii I i ��i � ii i � �� � � I � li'� i � ��,li � � ; i i i �I ��� . � �" � i ���� .. �� � I i �� , � I�� �' . n �.I � i i ` �,� '�' " . �I�'� , ��� ���� � I �� �i���l"' �.ai f��yi ' .� �i� i r��� y�� �