06/20/1963 - 00023288� � � s�t�"�as�ec� 'che C!tiy ma'�e �2o refunds, anQr also, t�,-� do�l,=c'� ri�l_��� eroa�d not be appeoled ati t.i�s c�me. N1c�t �on bq Joh�neon r,o co1� �� rm �Le election he]d b}• t're Fr ullcv FirP D� pa c;,n�c��s; Blieir tiot2 beii��' �5 22 ln favoi' o� einplo��ing �� rul7tiir�e rire P�eventi�on 7��- spect,m� aric7 U votes in Lavor oI' emplovin� a 1't�7ltime rirc Chie1'� I was erpl��ned the vc,te 1�ad be�a 11e1d oa �:he prevzoue Tl�rnsda��. �eeor_ded b}� FTo71-c. Cot,incll,nan GIOL:c �rplalned ti]�e Ntiro De;aa�°�tz7enF. had su;�Se^ted puttin�, Lhe Fi�� Chie�' o� a nornal tolcen salar}�, pz2r�ps y500.00 ��.FOi or an appro�in�<<e su��. lil�on a voice vote� the�°e b�in� no naj�s, zhE r�otio� cairied uncn�rriousl�. AD� OUP,P; : There ucing r_o Purtl7ei business� N�ajor Nee decl2red tLP rneetin� acl,7ourned. Re��ec�i'ull)� _ub,riit�c-d. � , , /,/ �%' � � �_��L rH`c, �� Sue�' _,t�lc Secrcta?�t� �o Lhc Council h�,Crvr�x cou��C?z n�L�rr�ac, - ���Y 20, ]963 2�� P , '� fG�}�,��,�.`�� = ��� _ NlAYOR - W�l'I sm J. Pf�e I%� lL -cegula2 r�ee�i�g oC the C�ta Counc�l oS tihe C��� ol' P"r�dley �+as c�lled Lo o�de2' by iia-,or S']e� at �.U� P.P2. �'�OLL CPTL: I-emoe2s Pieeent: Drc�olc, Johansoa, i\[ee, jloll-e biemoers Absei��: S1�Frid�� APPRGVl�L� OF rTiNZ��ES - 31�GUI�� vP�T11VG, MA'� 6, 1;� Czty En�ineer Eiotiin addresscd the C�ty Co�;ncil �nd exp�esscd tihe ,iisl� tio malc� �evera7 comme�TC� Ln reg�rd to zhe minutiea oL I�1a,- �_, 1��03 ,'ith recai�l �o �,iic pay- ment ni ee_�cunates. He statiEd L��at 2t ��as h�e 1'eelinR rhat �P trc m�intE�a ic° bonc�s �o �hc D. W. Hicleey a-�d C,omp��y, Tne.a m° Per•t-, A. S��en°on Compa�.�� �o �iico ci'fecL �»_ih a'..no�au deizciencl�� clie bonds �iould noti cover �r;� kno i�� dEficienc-,�. 1Ie rtG��c� Pu�°ther chat he 1���sYieQ a 1cg�l optinlon on t�is matter as ,_c didn'L �grce ��riLk� the ,o�ymant or estimates. N,ayoi idee r��sed ��e anescion to Lhe Counc�'_ ii' �ny member z�ould ��7.sh to ��iodlfy t1�e m�nvten. Cii,v Ln�TinEer IIroti�n stated he I'e1t tlie 1v�a^l qutat2on should be cleareft on ilie rualnten��ce boncte; or ��hcther 'the City o_° PrZd]ey would uutoma`�ic�,l1} acceot 1,hc pro�ec�. He farL4cr ex'p1a!nec� it ��ae a.Cact that� ov�i the tz�e Eapir�d, l�e k,ad made xequest; toi lniorm�l,�on oi test dci,a, tkiat �'�is r,esi. dat� ��a,G nece.sary to co��Ulc-te '.�v�c; of +71e system. Ci�S� L�'ng�necr l3xoUm presented tio ch� Counc�l a docunent �vlvci_ et�r,ed chG iilter �ane� �an�plzs del,vered to T,.��,� Cit,; Tc-<_ti�i� Corrp���v on �� OctoLer 11, 190�, t'_ne �zc� of 'ene 'repor� beinR iSoti�;nr�r �l, 1?L2 acd cop�e,s ���;°e eent to Comw�oclz �nd Dav�s, Soc., D. Tr. Hic ey and Coiapaii� ond PerrS� A. �aeneo�� Compauy�; th�� Lhis t,as a �ESt.L«g of the S'i}.t;°a��on ple7z filter�i���, �nrd ��,}�,stem Ze iurrher e;�la�ned thor he and 1i�s stiiperiatic�ident, had ��Lcd Cor tinese 3n�1 other simllar �epo2ts anc7 up unTil +,y��s tim2 {,his te-t report had l�eeu Y,idcle�; t,hat a bi11 ior eame Lu�d been sent to tl�e consnl;.in� e��i,�eerire ilrr� ratlier than Lo the City Ha11 and h2d been �l�ced on hi� de�lc onl� thie cla;� �t 4 P.1�1. Ci�y Pn�,ine2r� 13'rotian stai,�d .�i�.c� Lee�use l�e ha,cl bee� �i�able to geti ;eszs madc t;�ar, he hac7 reyue�szec� ov�r t,he p�.s� sia tio ��aelve montns, rc had bcen unable t.o ��� give tLP Covnczl �urect ai�evErs. Mayo'r l�ee ra2sed the qtieetion to tbe Czty L.n�ineer 73totan anr� wa�� ci^�*aered �n the afCirmattve it wae the C�ty Eag2n,eex�'s conLen�lon tl�-�t az �hc time, �i he had been {�l�en Ll�e correct �ni'or�natloct, Y�e would have �iven a po�s_t1�e ��ateinea� C�t� rngzneei Biown s+��ed he woti�ld 1-�l�e Lo hatie �:he mintiires reti�sed on Pr�e 12 utider �ss ;imate� o�' P�,a,� 6y 1�6j Regular Coor.czl MeEting to read "Ci�y �ngineer Brown �Lated Lic had recommei�ded tc� the City Nlarager �ha� i�o��e of �he esti�,ia�ee to D. 1�T. Hicl�ey and Comp�ny, Iize., or Perry A•rvee��on Compa��g be p�id, that he � �aa; noti cer�ain, a� thi� pcii�t T-rhether or r,ot an},, add2ti�onal work_ t�ould havP zo be done 1,ec�uae var=oti�e t��t dar,a and othei �1aLa which he rad as;sed lor has no� been made availaUle by L7�c co�sult_ng engineers", Motlon by Johenson th�t tb2 mintiiLes ol' the May �, 1GE3 re�i�lui° Cou��c�l �cer,zng be modi*yed to inc]2�d� t}�E �'r�ove quoted iLem. Sc-conded by Brool;. Upon a voice �%ote, there being no na�s, tsc mccioe cariied un�nlmo^aslv. S�Iotion by Johanecn to approve tic minutes o� the regular meetin� of S1a� 6, 1963 as orepa,Fd aiz3 revise�{. Secoi_ded b� Brook. Upon a vo�ce vote, tY�ere being no na;ds, t,l�e mol:ioi2 c�rrizd unat�imouslz�. Cour,c�lm3n �o iai eon ra��ed the qucction to Czty Atcorney Kohl�n on ihe I'erfor- mance f�ond on the �aaLer ey�si,e�n zn thP iron re�oval plan�: ii there are k�own diecrep�incie°; would zhe Ciz� be covered 'o,y the z�erf'orre�nce bond, Ci�}� Aczoiney kolil,�n ��l;ed ii zhes� di�_crepancies T�erc: part of �he spec�flcatlons, Clty F'n�,�,eer Bro-�n sr,ated Lhesz �tc-ms I7ad been U_�°ougLc to the atteiition oi' the coi-,- sultln; enginee?°� ^i�:.� ,-t wa� a clli'i�rence oF op?n�on. Tne quc-ei.lon t�as ra2�ed ii' Lhese con�nanies ��ese paid "�nal ���omas and tlic performance boi�d� z�er.t �_ni.o eifect �aicn ]<�2oan def'icieac�es, woti�ld tihe Citg be abl_e �:o correc� the condittone at �he e_�pc-n..e o�' t,ne co»tractor. Cit; Al-,to'rney Kohlen sta�;ed the real queec,on Taas *�hether or r_ot the.e ltem� �uere covered by the s�ecificacions� th�,ti Zp ic taas co�.er�d ihz �r,sw�r �aould be ,�e�, particularly iz attentzon was called {;o t��e l'�cti th;t tire C�r�� �das not aai�tin� ary ci�hts. OLD EUSIIVES � PUBL,TC k�E'PY,I:dI". - P'INAL �Ll1T -,�PRIAiG nP,00K PAR1S STJCGP�D (COI�rT, rROATi 5 N�avox �dee aui�o�ai�ced chi� vas a�t�b1� c henring on ❑ 1ina1 plat Por Sprin�, BtooL Pa-rk Eerond A�ld� �io�. 7'1�e C i Ly Managez reqd the not-�ce or hearin� vnd e�- �l�iii�c�. the t- �c oF p]� t. N[aVOr 1�'ee :�sked zf an�one wlshed Lo be heurn re- E,���I�n� LhP �hov� 3�scri�'ed ptibl�c he�rznP. Ct�y� P�17gineer Erowt� preeented the �ri�p to lh�� C-ic,� Co��ncil �nd e; pl��ned tne i°eplu�. Dlo one a��peai�ed in Favor oC or �n ot�poeiti�n �Lo �,1�E ^c�=c2i��ed ptiblic l�c�rin�. Meyor I��ee decl�rad th° hear- �nE, c]��=ed T�ir City n9anaEer °u��,ested tne a;proving oP t1�e repl.at ,�ub�ect to City /lttornc� Iiohlail ��o^Pia�; ort 3et2ilti i�itih �he ownel. Piotion by �TOlY� ��-�- Clic P�nal plat oC Sa-�in� BzooL Pailr Second liddltion be occepted as thc PZna1 plat evb,�c-c+ i;o an dg�°eeme7z bct�aeen CZtV 9�to'rney Rohla� �iz� o���ei, P4r. R�,�masse�i. Saconded bT� Johansc��2. Upon a zrotice vote, there be- in,' i�o ea��e, the moi�o� carriPft un�niiaet�sly. �`?1'ORmlO�T°4LI,i`l' OF �t,;,LRS7`4EPTSS (P11RCiL 200) Tl-��SED 5�5/63: ' P4avc�r 1`ce nm�otii�ccd t'»� ��cai G���s ��ith r��a_r� cc Lre apportior�meat of a�se��- m�nLe rni �i �lonblP '�m°a,alo� anrti �n ooin�on hacl been rcceived £rom thE C�L�� At�,orn��, i_� r-'„�, P��n���i �e�d ihe optin�on nnicl, sLated Lha� co chPn�'e �n � r�h� no�m�l �e���ai���i2t �1�oul�l bF varlP. ft was e_rplaa.�2ed the Couni.� nad ase2esed �� er�nal 2ssF�s�rFnr, ,��2to ��ch na�1 oI ,.he dovb7.e i�ti�ngalo.�, r,ra� the �esessme��l. iecor�l � or r;�i�� p�i cal �f proper t�° h<c� bee�� �oub7�ecJ Coti�ncll,ua�7 �Io1.ke et�ted h� �. h�,d tio ' no�� i� Co�a�c� "� 31] oi,Prl �,� ��, z�ha� s�ould h�ppen � f o�2e p�rty �old rhe�r h�1f o� tlie propP�i�' Ci�;� At�oii��- Y_o111a,� s�ated that rart� k�ad not ree�� ���E�:.�d. Cot�ac!],n�n tiiol.l;e r��xsed rhe quecti2on o� {:he cti�tt272r� oPf oI' �°r�nca for h�li of th2 r��n��lo�.� b}� an�i �;�ven pe!'�on. Cit,-� A�torney iCohlan s�ate� ther^ .ho�alJ Lc �, �o e�p�tiatie eeYVice� avd tl�at ii thc��� ��as a11y o�ae r. evic�; cbe�c peoule °hot�lcl 3rr�nge 1'or ��ao eeparate s�1�>;ceb, th�t� once the p, op�r t,,� =ol�l , Lh� re �l�on7 �� oP c�io ,�ennr�t,e serv� cee . It T�,as r�entione� b v Counc � lrr�,>>� ;JolYP thsti �r t2�is p�� r, �cula �° ca�� the on° s��v� ce �ao�ild bc sa tis- �ac�o�; b��c�u.e �Lhe o�arn? ';a° v�l]ing t,o �oa= tlie tiotal �sses�ment. I` _.J �� � �� � �_ M�� P2r. LEOOarcl `Ii�oi�uei^, o-�xici of c7oublc bui2e�lo,�, - ae p�-e:-ent, -incl eti� ted ne i� rec�ueti �i�i�; f77�t tihe L'-tiy oi' ?�'ridleV advlsc. �C'nr 1'�iol�:� Couat�° ofY�ccs Lh.t tie specl�l ar�ses;�me:�Le ve �ssesecd i,o Pai^cel 290. Co�-�oil.a.�n 'i�oll��• st�ticr� i-,c i�ielie�7 �o var� i y the itetn t�ith regr,rd �o p��1� cv. Ct L�, /1 ;torne�, I��,lilr�n �t:t,e,.', the i�Id�2neeof.a Statiutes piovadecl io-r zh,.� imil�iple .,»c d°��ell�n_= ,rd �pl�rL���� 1`7ol,ion hj- T�ol1�e to iat�nova tihe apl�or�:�onmei2i, of �per�nl �;se��ment� nn P�rce1 ?_80, S��'LJa� �lllls !�dditio�� and 2c�quasT %i,.i�ls� Cai»��� '_o p� 3ce tl�c s,s�„ssr�znt agatiest Parcel 290. Secot�ded b� Joraneon. Lllon ��*o�cc �rorF, thPre ba1��,, ro a�y�, tlie mot�on ca2rLeci ui��r�m��usly. Council,n�n 6'07_1=.� etaterl i,his r,ype oP }�ioblew o��° eome�hz�u �l��r, s1o�a1�� be ��itiei� a�-ceat dea� of '(;hcugl�ti �n3 �, r��oi�menclat2on tTiven. P';a-,'o;° '7Pe �ti� ;,ed }ie Fe�t C� ti� � �to��ne� �iol�lan slaould be invol.ved i � t;-2� i°ea ��r h, pziti� ctil�x] � �i cLi re- Pa�°d to tie t�e�a P41i2aesoLa �tattite i,a chie same re��rd. R�PORT Ol`I S�Sf��l� L�Y COr'�STGCI- �1�iD DAVIS, 11dC.. (CO3"I'. �'ROh. `, �b �63) T1�e Ci i.-r pl�aaag�r ete �ed t-ie above 1 tem ��aw' a i P2�_ie�t L,� � he �7 �y Counc, 1 �o Com- stoek a�ci Davis, Ire., eo��ti�ltizg en�zaeers, o obza9r� -nore uiformatiw� �„L�ec� had baen s��brrizctcd to tlle Counctl i� tlle i'or�� o� __ 1e1, er ��Zt ���r���i�� F� iur- th�s etiatcd the �!nanec D�recto2 would �rObably -aa�it to �n�-ce a �tr_ten�ent �c�_ai�l- �ng ^��essn�ei2ts. 14ayor Nee reauested �;o kno�w ri t1i° Nin.nce Dzrectior ,�d � raconime.datitio� o,� tl��_s �aatter. Jhc Finan¢e D�rr_ctor s�.a�e� �t �;as �. ��iai-,e�^ o° �a]�e ther this taas or nas no � iu tihe drain� ge � �s t-rict, ti�� � i_ it .�� in ���e dra�t�a�° clist'riec and the City Couxae�l a�i^_ted co „r��n1 3n aba�Fnienti hec.�u�e oi' o�her ti+a�e� pt�oble�a, he wou-d �LVe no reco�'�m�nda ;ion on tl,i� i�em hat r1i� orber srea in question ti.-� s��o�, uncie-r watier as it �ais e La ;cd, btctloai by Tvoll.e tio ieraove zhe assessmenz oa L,o{, Orn= (1j� Blocl. Or�e (7) P�Lrdi,c Paxk c�ed Lct etigt�t (i�� AuctLor's 5ub. �io. 155• 2�22yOT i��E2 Ta7gC,'Cl Li1B p17B6�1.001 'GG -V1T. LO1�StiGC�' . �O�'1eLlitlPl�; E'Tlin].nC2]"� 1- 7 C w�.:ll � � � i�? s or_� �in�1 contei�tion �ha L if � c��ere b�oL��h L-u qr�dF � t cotii� d b� �ss� ��e�3. Couneilrnon '.�7olLe stacecl he asst�ined th2� �f thi�s p�; cel oC lsnd �,�e �3�1�Leci � �oin �L1'tle uist�°icti� �t �aoulcl b° t�ed into e�otl�er }�ort_o�i ��he❑ � i, a�o com.- in. fir. Di-o�� contended, a� thtis potint, ne was given all thP .�ai,er Prom oL,��=r ui;Lr�ct�. Conr_ci7ina�� IiolL� ,ta..cd he nisheo to add to Li�� moiion �h�t �❑ tl�e 'utu�c, �f � '�hu_�e i� em, �Lr��i�� dra7ie�e, ln zhe a�°ea� �o'c e,�h- h�, Pu�itor'� Subd�J��,.�n P�o. 155 sY�o�1d be added to same. Secondea b� P^ool:. Upon � voicc vote, �lxie being no naycy the motiZOe carstied unar,ir�ousl�. PSi�;2' RP��liT1G OF O�DST�1�ICf�' I{EZOJ�TC�iG Z�OLS 16 la°`D 17, DPOOItVI�'�J PDllITT�d (P,-1 2'0 �-3j ��— --- - — SqG.�or �1�e 2nno��nced chle v�2� the Fii�ti r2adir.� o` a❑ or�l_na�cc ie�o� in�' Lot: 1'u �nd 17, Broolivicti� A[,dzt2on, �'rom R-1 tio R-3. T�°e C.t� �'�'�rager �aoe thc f�reti re�din� oP �;'ne abo�%c clescr�oed ordin�nce �nd °�pl��ned �1 �Lir�ic 7iea�°�n� n-�6 7�een held o,s 1�ic�) G 19r�• 1�c� ,tcn b�� rJoL� tihan 'cbie I�e accep�ed 3e lii° , rEeQiu� o` �n ordz� irc�� z� oni�g I��i,° 16� �nd 17, Btioolcviav Bdditioe. Seeonefed 'c� �ob�_ueon. Upoi2 a voice �roi,e, ihers being ao i�az�sy the motion cairied u�ian�n�ousl;; SECCPID P,�DIlGG OF ORDTD1AiVC,_ �237 'T2Cl'�SOPr POF^I01, OL ��LT_r�,", i3LOCK 12. P�YP40IITE � - _—.---------------�, � � � , �rDZi��a°r � 1�Iayo7� J,ae announced til��,° �,�a:r o Feeocd re�c�2n� n_ ,- ord�ri�n�e �-2cr�i,�r� port�o� o- e�ley� Bloe1�; 12� Plyrr,puth 1�c7ixt�ot7. The Cit;, f�iac�eE;e_ -�vve �eaon�9 xeul�n, oi sald or<<�a�nce. Mot�on by �aoll�e to aceepL th�s Rv tihe �sccond rec�l�nr of Ordin�rcP �'�3j �^c,��iv� e pm^t1o❑ of �Zle} 2,z Blocl- 32, Pl,-ivouth !`dd_t��?2� rdopt 2��� pL�bl�cn s�rrs. Seeonde�7 0� Johaneon, Upo�7 a�roice �o�e, 1;hcr-, Y,^�u< <�o r�a�v�, -chc ,r,o1,!0� c �,°- tiEd iznan�iroti�sly. SL1COIdi� R�ADTI\C OF OLcD1DTAP�C? ;E23�; 1�P�N➢T�JG ORD' ir1lP`CF i'0 �0 (�EGT1�P' 5.10 ��� N'���o� l+ce .ii1°�otince� tlne i,a�_ � ���co��d re���no oP �n ��r0it'?�nce aiaeuding Zon�ng 0�°riznz�c_ °fo. 70 -<< 1 � ti� � to cPrt�ia type sttuctures. The CZ �y Nla�agei �'� ve ^eco�d ie���ln�> uJ' =�2- oz�1_n���-c°. I'�oi�on b; T,h.�_or t� acc�p':. i,h�=_ �;- rt�� a�coi�d re��'�n� oC Or��n�i�ce �r2�� amead- sn;� ',or>>�„ ��,�'i--.i��ee iio. �C r-�l�.i_i�-,; �Lo ctrza�n t}�pe �L'rvcG_iies, adopt nnd P2�'°- I iel, � une, " cnn�l �' i, Proo' . i��on e ooice tiote, the�°e bc�ng no noss, Lh� no-- rio__ �.:�i-•� ,�.,ni��o�,�],. C�1i'Ipr_C'PTT��l� 0� 1�,E_'Oillir,RLCi.T-T-B" - G_Y�?,i�RS01`i_ Ma��or dfce � no,nc��� ti���_ ,�- lu�- coi2si�l�i �tiioo oi' � rezonin� reouest bv ;;, C�. t'�° i^�� L'��n� �� � � �ic. i"�e C-�� y Pda� ��r-�� s ��1;Ed a public u�ai i �t� h�� Lzzn 'ic�l�l L; _lr I'1- ,-,- ro,�m,ti .,�� rc��a fl,r_} h�d reeommencicd _p��iovGl o�' this racuesi,. 11��. Pl.�nn_,, Cor,7�1r570V, lt ,_,_ F,-pl����s��, ha�l ieconanended irs approval Pro, C�- I,n n_�� c 11i ;_ ��tE�tio�� -�o tlie ^a �; �-r,, eev�r pioblem. P_a�t �e'c�on by zl��° Co �nc. I o�� P��ce�ah,--� �r'� , l'�(? �m� Z��l � Lec1. 1 °da� Ct'rt��2�° 2v�la uicd tih�T ��;�Iin-i��� , i �u�� _�_r*„_�� �,� been p�i��ed c��c� tlnt as fa� as tiLe c�p�city ct � � �_��cr�c�, lr li��l no`_ b^ea �m�1,�ved unoa but th=s �tei� 7���d been delayFd �oz �o � l,rne. :1 �,, rrn�ncil aae lrf�rr��rl tiha� ii ano .,hea Lhc 1Vortih Subu�°b�ti� San1- �, r�, ,;,�i �L•r� ct �-�r,t ,�10 cf'['ecL _ti eould l�e vsed by Lhe City Thc eSLti- �n.�Lec o� u�r��° i�, thP orrU ar� tl�F �ar�e �s �.�tey L2ve beEt2. The C7t�� P7an�ger i:Eoii,�=�l L��� ('1.; V"oti`cil 'r-�� ��li�tevPr ^o�.nci1 `�ou7d deczcl�� on thiti itein ti�oold h�vP �o I�n,s � o�cltc bt�rr�n� tl��t th� ,�nly ��ctio� raquirPd at th� preaenc blr�c :2s �h� or1���°int� o' � puh]�c 1�eGr�ng. Ma��o-r Nee statecl hie r�ersonal t'�oc�l�� an zhe �bo,�� de�cr_pEQ � terr -,otzl� l�^ to c1F�.� the multiple d��e�lin,� old�nancc be- io2c �ri� Counc�� ac�e�o7 aoula bF� L,^ken on ir. '��. S, C`. F�a��°o»� or.ier ot tL�e �?x�opeity �n aae°tio_n, appeared 1��1o�°e tl�e City Couac-l. H�, �-���������I to the Co�inc�l tili.�L tn i,he ti1acL oF 1,�n�1 �n c{ues�.�on, i.a h��� �oo m7ac� ln2�i, .,bouti e�gr�ren acre�; Fot a comr�erc�al shop��a�, ce�tei, bh2c more Ta;=d��nc= �ie �iee�]P�l Z�i tilie ne_�hborhood �o sup��ort the sl2opping cetiLe�. Hc �t�tFd t�e lud beea �_nf'o�med L� 1.lie eu�,ineer: t7iat tl��rc was ampL2 capzc�ty ?i� r'2� ;?e� I'o� t12F eana-�rv �c��ez, �'haa ,�paczt�eni;e taece beZi2g ex•ected in the imme�liicc are<^ and �e1i it ��ould b� i�o n�o�°e tr2� Sair to be alloued tio erecti camc. FP _�•a �etr�d 1,LP Cooi�cil .^,et a public heoring fex' earae. NIot-cn ��� ���11� zo conctir ���tir llze r�co�me�tid�tion o� tiNe 1_l_ann�ng Cotnrrlss�ol� �riri =et �"11= -or - publ�c 1i,��r�n�; on �lie re^oning i?oLlest b,j 5. C,. PeatGOt� Cor�Na�;, Inr_. .��ec�ndcd r� Joha���on, Upoa a voice vor,cy there bcing t�o uays� trP ��,ot�o❑ c^�sri�cl un�c��uo_�sty. P/la�,'or lroe rii,°�d tihF 7tira�lw� to Ms'. Pe2�°tion chat �t h��9 been h�s unclers�a»d�n; P1r. Fe�rron �aas ro ��ve �omP xiver i'�on'r,��e io�^ l�asL propert5, i�1r, Pca�soi°� .;s���re�� Ma��o�° Prce �1ie,� ��onl�l bave tihis propert" in questaon. �1l�GJ Br; , iPl� �'�; PUDLIG :lE�^Rl1d� _ ST. 1�63_',. P.� }'oi 'ie2 �n-�ounecr7 t1� � � *,a,� o �ublic nearzi2� �i2 Stx•eet J_rnpresrevien ts� � nc7 ud i a; �,�°2c��r�, e �bilice�l 'o�se� b�zu�o.tnotii: suxf_citlg� concrete curb and �u�tei� an? aapu�cen^ar ;^et�itles. T7i� Ciiy PlanagPr read t17e no'ticP oP he�iing. �lapor l�ee reqL� �;te� Lhar, Cit-� '�o,�iceel Bio��a expl�in e�reaF ori cl�y ma��. P4ayor P1ee askeo prev=oti�c �o cli,acae^ion; na� the Co�u2cil �oing �o foil.ovi trz sa�ne Pro�act lltis�ss- ��en �, �,n,t I in 1'�� �? tl^ev �.�d of �ered a ��n year spread on concti e Le curb 2nd �'at- tci and e I'� ve ��ear sp're��d on �eE�hclt c�rb, Covnc�.l.man Johansc�t7 st�tted th2� ,»s cctisC-�ctor�, btii� -r���^�l � 7ueet�on on difPe:eEnt �stree�;� and the difr2rence in thc�r costs. C�L�� F�ng�neer Bro�an vt€tA�J tib�ir, becanse eL L1�a zy�e of 'pla�c- i,g, z�,�l r��c ol 10.� i}�e assesement p�r �'oot �aa� noL �1�.�ays ihe same� Lha� e2ch a�°e�� hrc �o be h� o1�er do'�n The Pii?-anre pirec�nx i'arther erplazned c?�ere m_�L� b� �iore or lese �s:essible Soot�ge ; ccoYding i.o i,he Lersaia, tih2t ,.he co�L pci Poot �an�� idei7tic�l� it <�as ,�tit�°z when as�ca�ing il, was di£i'eren't. �t �'as e-cp1=�j�cd to ���Gldenr- th� problem is i,c pti've the people invclv�d ,^.n e.p- t,on �a'_zet��r 'n�� pxafe�° coi�cre�e aurb an�� guzter or as�holti cvrb and gutte�^. 'PY� C-t�� of ri �dle}, it -,a� Fxpla2ne�J, h�� iou�7d the coi�crete tis betroez aiad to m�_e �t e��iei �or �he rr�,dei�t° to liaaace conci�te curl� �nd gu�ie;•, t;1ze Co�;n- cil h�s �p�e��i conacte evrU ❑nd c;nt�Pr over i,en years bec�tise iz rei'1cet5 u Lo»�ex ?iic .;i�c� sFr�ad a�splia]t cLivb and gutt,e-r aseaesmeute over a S'ti�re ,year ' � 1 � periocl. Citiy Fi�gineer Ilrozan st: r,e�7 th�c vac rea7�=��c �ccoi°�li,,, �n�ti�llat�on aad �l�o oi�e�°= �n xcduccmcitit +o ��o-i� oa���rs zo bn} mhe pajiaents on concrete cur� aad Putter ��0��7�1 he JP°� ,7i.heo��� ye�'rs, Ma,�o1 Pdee �nnouieec Colai2eil ��oti�1c� t�� c thc �a�pra�e�ne-�t� Z�� � L�, �he 1_i r, n� in {,h, � ���,��n°r °��i°e�d ov�r ^��rc b7 i t,e��s �l � Anr�a l,�E»�ae - Cl�a:rles co 59 ]�2 TJa-p - Tt vas str t�d Rcn��ar ti� Cons ci ucLion Co�pany eapressed op��eicion Lo any ti���nro�e�n2nc� ne �roposed on Pet�;,ion ,�20- 196j. b4'r. P.oberl, 1Riadei �r�e p�°esent avd reques�c.d i,o P-�oTi I,ow n�n; feet ��� ,�oln; to be a�sessed on L-hts �rol�e'rty an3 ��° 1;0 ,�] ❑um1�Fi of aesess,blF f��z. I-Te naE Lol�. j71� teet an3 CL�rtiher sTaTed ��e uidn't tFel t�i1s nas q>>�re i��;, tira� he Lad not pecitloned for �his Zm��°ov-erneiat r�z1�a didn' � fcel ie ellol�Jd pay thc bi��e,ac cc��t. City �n�ii�Fer Bro�m erplainFCi bhc� Gcli�s � Construc�ion Co �;��,�v l��as rcc�t�itecl �Lo pet�+ion� I�y ozdina_iee for lhi� .,.,r�et. P9r Plindcx an,°�Erc�n t'_�ati iL *��ae hzs uaderwrai�dinF thys was �usti ['oi° 1?7n� avunt� �ah�ch 1;les to��e hr�,° �}iE ��,n ��raetis �n P�ont oC a��rtraentc u� are��. He �Laiel I,hat hr o��2� thc ZclT�,'?S�: pOT'ZJO�l OL' �211f1 cIIC1 POU�d D8V �11L b]r,f�F'SF 5�'1��G'� i,ri9t 80 Lc3r I�� r'���riR�� even ge� �t7p°oval �.o put bailciing� on Lhe ln�� za qt,r�tion cli&r h� o�iicd <�nd 1�e c����l.dn`t see puti't�a; �n 2ny thin� t�atil 1�F Yne � dh^,t lie ���3�tea to <to �itJz 1,Y�c �ropert-�. IIa e,zplained he oiQn'b 1=now wl,ere bc ,�ani��l drive,�U�s, crrt�-ins, ete. �e 1'urther Esplainecl �o tha Gity Conne,7 r,ial he nidn'L �u�l� to 1-01�1 z�rcr.= else an �= there .�as rcaeo�� ior zhis 2u�p�°ovema�i;. ifotio» by Johanson �l�st Anna Avenue - CLarl�s -,0 59 1;� �I�v con�trac�ion fbr streei, ii�prove�en� be deleted tro�n iuri,her con�iler�r_»ri. C� ty P.;�oxn��� I�oli- 1��� sug�efi�ecl r,o th� City C�tinctil �hat 3atlier �_��2n ma_e r,nis �v�otio�, they �ic�a- 19 rnove that oblcctlon,s be no�ea re���cli�� � ce�ss, ancl unle�e it be reco��r�Q- e-ieds i L be ot�e o I' til1P � ter�s that L�e dropped. P4ot_on l�} dohanson tc ��1zh�iav above n�otion, Nio�,oii'rt Joh��nsoa th�C ob�e�,�_c�. be i�oced 1�e��rclino- aecesS on Anna Avenve - Cl�a�°'Lc�- to j� 1�2 �ia� conctruc'��on ror �treeti im��� o�rei^e«z; th� c tiYiis izem be cons i�,crc� .�s onc of Lr� izems .o b� de�eL-ec� u�on fii�al de�;c,°iniu� t�oa oF the pro�ecL. S�coadecl b�� D�ool�. Upon a 'voice vote, th�re be�na; no nay�� tLe c�ot�oi� c�T��cd unani�o�i�1y. � (2) ^taylor Stleeti - j2��d PTcitl, to Ci�] ctie 5a _- mtle C, c�� �ia �a�,er �ti� i,ed � 1F � �cr 1�ad 'oeen receiT�ed C_om tl�te ivf�riat° A�11s Dev�l.opim,�nl, Coril�ei�y dn�l rl�c. o°��2er l �u stated zLey �aFre in fa5ror o_ ti�e iioproveinen� bu� a,^a,�iet concretic cu�b ^n' gar�et�. IQayor DTee asked i° there were ai�yonF ua�veri T�ho a�c intcccsred �; tbc� i�ylor Strcet coi_struc�zon and wiehed to h� lie�r�l. Plr. V. �1. i��el �ci�l tir sha�ald be ��-nlaiiied tihe cost of asphalti ��rlu�]ee L�e 7����-�u,-, n�' fhe �i,r�ei, a2d tl,e 9��a� i� {;tue oi eoecrECe etirb �i1c� gt��t�� ,l.�c}, np„l,� inclu9e the �c- p]ia1L � treet The P'inance Diaector ecalec� t�ia �,en1l he ����� �°ear aeee:smr�,r '�nless the Cottneil ��otiild ,u�ve iti. I4ayo? 1V�e l�c]axed �7�e 7ie^iin;� c7osed cn� T�ylo?° SLieet ��ith ths note L1i21; t�Ze pr�,7ctp,�l E��opr-�•t � o��!�i e,:pr��se= � pre- Cerenc2 Cox^ asp12a1L etiub a�rd gn�,t�'. (�} Ab1e ��ieet - 73i�d P_vcnue to (��h L!t;cnuc 3 Va�� TSu�^e47 Street 7'��Osbosne Poad - C_tt, Pnc,n°er 3io��n �cpl,�ic��d ,,o i.hc- C_ly Cou:c,1 �hav on '(3zd �e�-�� Tta>> Bure., "�',r�ei. Llr Ciiv ,oul�l �os��blv l��ve zo tear tin l,he e�reets b�c�use t1�e se�,�i plpr; �re _ or, levcl -rd 1,t�c T le�,e t ti1i�°e� leal-a Playo? Nee �_ ;�� L-ed �,he o��1- nu°st ��,� �,c c:�d v� --�nLl�1 tn� r�ol�la� i�2 zhe l�Et�t of tbe assccsa��az pZCt��� �.i�� ,�-��� r,c ii�t�rA�i,ed -,_ rl�� sol� ot i� ��iotr�am�nti et th2s po1nL. The C� I,, P_, ,�_, �tc���' � i, wou�� co.r, fl�e �eF; �dants a1�ct.t �1?_0.00 a��e�i for tien °�eac, ;,h,= .� 1°0 00 !'�r,w�� ur i n, t� �= i u� � 5°�ai oaca tlie suu� l�eeo���ng lcaer each ye�i. �;c ��ci� �.-i �oli�nFC�i a�� ���a, G, �.1�-^ po� ��:, �;h; L� C tce Cti �p Cov�c � 7 ;�er2 �,oii�E, `o h �;r_ �,t �c�. �n= , i r � 0�,1�1 sn _c•= l c�ace�lu�� che Stireet Piogsa_a 1'or �:�is ��e��°. l� �zce-^�1 c�iseussicn pe�°iod follo��ed �egarci� �� tria'-^ �n�" 7,Frv; �-rn��ia�nl u_�n� � recice�7eia1. �t1°ee��= nnd t]°e tem�oi�iy �ep�n � orl_ �FC.trr' or 1jz11`�enuc C�o�- c�lman ilolk� �t���d ne def'�u,tel� Peli, �;he n�� 'ou]�l n� �epn�-���� l�r�n�� trucLs t�i2ich 1�^ve to 70 �ntc� t,1�e area �oulcl �rh�°c- ��' r� ��oir� o+re- °c�i� �l � treet� co,tittinti�ot�el��. Cou,icilnian Brool- El,al.c<1 ',e ,�1F� - 11 �,h�� 1�e •,••, �l�at,�, s�? eat �shoti,l� Uc -�e��-n^,�d rem�ox � r� 1 v uli to N u „ Tnr tu - re3 , r', i1 s� r� 1��, c, Fro�iu crplaine� cho-�t at ;he -��tuc th� 2t2eet �� ncee�z,rc� �Yere �� a�I;�raL- t,o�� ,t t�ou7d be eom�nlare�=� cl�ecl_ec� bePorP ,��e 1�iit�,�°i�cc Bo��d �zo-re� �,il th�ro �nore -�0_1- roul.d po�ss�blq h���e to �oe oo�r P'2a V. 11. J�,el er����u � 11 -�� �°esideut� ���nted ,,2.: tio brin�, tte sc�°�eti �t� I� -���� on 7ir1 {o th� �i�lti,ti°�^l planzs. Counexliran i1o]l;,e ��ated �h�t he ��_eLa�' „o coi��r ✓z�h tL� con�i�_n °� eog!ncerr �n th�e �rn�ce;°�i� tih�ti F'tidle-, shoul�' �o �na� �s nece�s��,- to obti.�n sttieeLs c� inciusti_v 1s r,o �mpo�tar,t. Ahayo�� ��ce a�lnr,n2crc� lhr C��y '�rc���i 1�� ��6 ra�io,�,o-3 °� �ver2q� Yoi°ic si'rr ti�ould cos-, an'proxlmacely y;120.00 �et ,>ear as �.z�r�ent fbti� strea`. �nd conci�eLc cur�b ��d €vti,er tin the a�^ea and inqulred oI' the C� ev Co�mcil �" �hz� felt t1�i- T��as »e�otiable in th� arEa. P!a�o� Ler ��l-�rl ii �he�°P �aei°e ai�vonc �ieaent rno w�ehed l,o b2 he�rcl �ii opposi- tion to the con���,rvet�on. �he q��estio❑ -a�s �sYed tii any or Bhls ��ork Taoulcl �ie clonP �arit�l l.l.c xe��cleni.� G�oulrl i'ind out al,out zhe tiemporaxy ro�d ❑ork w^ 7jl�d Llvea�ze or wcu1�' Cocnc�l *�rair.. C�+y Cap'ineer 3ioti�>> erplained ch�t as thtis w�s �°r�^J1 con'_s�ct c�reeb pro�r��m am� if t'_2e contract taere senL in� it coulc7 be doi�^ �s �oo?� �s J»ly. ReE�dente in t1�e �rea sca�ed tlie}� didi�`ti wat�y any street u�ti1 �o�el.Lii�� �ra� done �vi�h 73rd Av�nu� and ra2�ed 'che qttestio❑ oi 11o1c3�ag off er��?et co�rttncl,ion in T,his area For oce y�a�^. N'ayoi 1Qee �'cated this w�� F,�e peror�a��vr� of the res�0en�°; zhat L'oui�czl did noti want to press �ny pre�am on re�id�n�ti Zi t72ey dtdn'i, ,va�.t the szreeti. 1�11 0� �'as�_dai�l^ w1�o z,�ehed to be heard �n the Van Buren an�l Ab1e StirEe1; 22�ea wEre hr_s��°d, TL T.,�s tl�e op�n�ori oi residents they �oul�z 1.i1�� r,oncre�a cuib �nd Putter ��h� � o,n; in. Costs ofi concrete and aspha]i street� nere d-scv�sed. P�iay- o_r Dfrz �;�.ied �h2t concietF ��es "ound �o be mue}2 more desirable �s a curo th��2 asphaJ t. Tho°e re�ident° eupc�tin;� �iere Mr. Charles Knsicis o�' (656 V�n nuren Str.-e;, P4r. ��'es Uivuder� 76bC� V�n BUreu� 1Ki. �d Hitzc�aan� 73%38 �ble Str�et. 1_�?a��or Nee deci�x_d tihe Y.e;ryng clo�sed on tiT�n Bu1e�ti aud Aole Stit°eet. 'Ten�2��en D�°�t�c � Gasden� to ��cl�mam� Ave�7ue - N�a;�or Piee aeked i� the�'e °aere any- one presenc �r1,o W��,hed to be he,�rd on tne constiuc��on c�r t,12e ab�ve n�med ,ti��eti. Ii, va� annour�ced i�h�L ^n;luces sLould eho�� no o7tie was present on the Tennition ��1v� con�txvction �i�c1 Ci�,y Council �s in ��vos oi eor_crete curbs a�d g�it�exs. i'9avo�� P�ae ciccl��°ed the nearin; cloeFd on �er_ni�on Dr�ve. Cardena L,czne - C'�ardenu Cir�cle - Nlavor Nc� asked ii there �,iese e��5>one pr�senL ���bo wlshed 1,o be heard o�� the conatxuct�on oi the above named street. N1r. Sam 'Pe�pl�n al�peared �,nc1 sce�ted hc �iould lilc� 'to havE as'�hslt eL1rY, aad pav�nh as soon �s possible �n�l �roiced hi� ob�ectiota to roncrate c�irb 3nd �utteti . Ea eYpressed the *�ish to the Cit� Counc�l oF be�nm z�l�lr L�� eu� ��e stleet I;p subgrade. Ma;�oi liee de- clnr�d the heaxin� closed or Gardena Lane anc Gar'dena l�ircle. �4th Cvenue - U7ivE�r°,� y zo 5t.h Stree° - �vrayor liee announced there t�as a pctz- cion presentie� ?�°oin several c�t_zen� ol�poein� tihe pro�ect oL 64tih Avenue. No onE appPare�l for o�' a^ainst �lh� »ro�ecL. Motiion b,y Johan�otz to deleti° ��H�,h i� Ave=�ue, UmversiZy to 5tt^ �t'tceti fioa� t�e r-trcet �mpxozremc�ni, piogren Por 190�. S�couded b� B;ool;. Upon � vo�ce vota, t:,ere bc�ng no nays, th� r�otion ceiried unanimousl/. (Etn t+ventii�� -�7�ii ?�ii=�i� Streez to Able °tieel; - It ���.� a�nounced i;h�t 76th �?Zre- �t� 1vc h-en coi,��ied in ��ove items. 1�ia;oi lfc2 dFC]ared zne e��ti�re he�r�n�; closed Por �h� 1963 S�rce+ �mprove�iei�z Progr�v�, I'.�SOLIi�LT01U 1�.�-)��i3 ORDF'P,IDiG TP4PR�VEAr°�DlT �1VD lINAL PLAZVS 2NP SPliCT1�SC11T1021,5 (,ST . 19:.3-� � --- Ctii.y E�1e,i�eer �3r�;�n i�,q�a�iPd i£ tihe City Counc�l. would tak2 zhE resoltitao�z itiem 'oy ,,,oiq i� orde� to p�ss the re�olutzoi2 aE priaes �aoulcl �Zirer a bit. C �ty A �tor �i� 1 Ifr�nla�- st � t�d Coti�ueil ehoi�7d �u;'t ao Le �re items . P1ot�oi2 >>-� Jc}�anson �o �cJopt R2�ol�.tt�on 7�-1��� otder��,� ill�prove7,eiro ai�d fln�1 plan� �u�3 ep=cifia�r�ons �nd es�inaLe; o- cosc�s LheceoF; ,�{,t�ei, T���rooF�^�n� 1ro�ec� `�t, i���Wl °vb�ecc �,o �hP ch�a„cs made and ae �m°�ided. Fecoi�dad hy u'ol}_a. Lipou _ vozcP �rqte� �l�exe LFZnr no nay�� �he bvo�ioi� carrled unan�m;,1�s�� Pi7BLT�;) 1L�'l�F?I1��G -�'T]'iAL PL�'1' - AH?�S'PRONI ATJDTTTOl� : 1v�o,�r Lf� F a°i7oa��c�_�I f1r_s �u�e �� nul°lic hc�=rin�' on tihe i�u_1 plat oi t1�2 P_2LS�°o�� Aar1r„iot�. 'Ph° C-�ti, D"�^r�i�,e� i��d tLe P�ot�c° of 1T^aiinp, i�4ayor I��ee �sl�ec' i_° tre-_e ,�^re ��oa= p��e-cnt nlic ��ishe�l �o be 1°eUid regard�r�g t�ze 1'iial plai oC �1�,= �;�1- . i n� ,�',d� L�o�i. _^2 (�?�]_�� �r�,r _ppe�a°��d ; ad sr,^Led �o the C'ity Cauncil rhss �° �-�-r �_� pl� o' C��c ,,-�o�rr�.ti. 11� one -ipp�ai��� ln oopositioi7. I�Zayoi I1ve �_lc- c.1 --�I �.r I�cci , �- cl-,, �d ,,,'- _ �no��nr�c� -��ot�o�; >>ould h- �; o�c'e2. ' � ' � � 47 Cnu:c�7�ncc_ ���oS- �I�ti�J I�i?°. nhl�scro,,.n��cccl � �,., s�� �_�;�� .l�u � � ti- -- meuLs zi_d ii ti i� y coul�l ,�� s�c�a�l out oacc �,� r, � l n ,, �- I'1�,, Fin� ,c- i`i_ rccLor s�a�ed thc c^��St�ag =„_ ; mcnLs v,aul _. . ��o ,. 1� r�i -i' l�< <� QGdCc1IIP_�l o�"JCL� �11E C05C� .11909 � Ci,�;tri t�11.71�,9 "_ � C111'I`�' ���.,_ - c0 � _ l0_7' � �' -. ��L1.s�,�on tl-� oaly lh,n� le�z �i�u1l b� -c'�c ,. __- -i_'��i�i, r10t�on i^y �do1,-c- th�it th2s be �cce��icc1 ��s �,h- � �^l o' '� ,,! , � 1 t�1 � -��„ .'_�i �r oa �n�rl ir_<<a�>>ch ._ �„ i.s a i ea]� ti Il,ei, -a� Lu-��i�_ °- �_ n�.- >>, 1< < �r � ,��� i��- mal �nwL�illmen;v. E�conr�ed o;� Bro�1�. Upon ,o�c.� -»i.� U7�re b� �i; � ii , thc �aozion ca�r,ed unantrorsl�> _IDS =Or�D�LL LIG'_"1'! (Oi-E�`1LD P�Grr I;'_aY rp,-1—=)— A4a�oelSce ��naotucc,7 �l»�^ i�Fm na: ti�i;h,-eg�� i Lc bi��= o� eofrbnl-_ �ir.��. .'�� �'2�ebail_ Diar�oud Pfo. 1 ati Pndir � coi-mo.�s. T_� CLL; P�a i� -= sz^ �� ri�,� �_ n'penecl �� �oo>> .°�,o ; c��c cl�c Pollo��� n-; blc1� �c � n_ Ci ,- ;o� cc._,, �9a�aE r�nd Add2°ces I'F�cOr� JLC'CLryC GD. 6j25 Ccntr_1 �1�r� . rT. i�. 111i�n��p�i15 j'c'� P'I1C1�7�SOtO �1�11iar�y FLccLr�� 2']?_ Con�i�l I�sre. bi. �. N1�nncap�l�s; P-_i ���esot� Lern L1e<'�r� c Anoi�u, �mianeso�a Bid Secnr�� Pacillc liaL'1 . oF t;� li i arnic -' � Cerztii'� �o Ch�e�- 7 i� �;112.50 Sc. Pcul P�ce ° P�I�r�_�c� Sns irsi��-_ Co ���n� li �l ron,�l, I�o� re. ` �:`�at�,r�� � 'h���[l.t'v if0�7�` h�U i v0 lU De, C i �y F�ngi�°eer P„ o��n ezp.La� ned tlta L tihe bl�� �-,� .,�10 �-�,]�e mcrics r_ adp� t� � l uti ll���t, �iext yc-�°, ,� tra,�sPorv�er ��ou1d be ncel��� l , , e=pi. _,ed �r�: ,e ',e- � -_,�� btnl� I'oi che n�>>�ae�° oi 1ig;�ts evcr.�tiiall- �ice'��3, ��_' ��� t�s b�ln-_, �lo'� to� ch� enl,�re pro�ect• lhe nnly item °or zh� Io_l���i��a -�c-r ,�oul, co�ti �pp�o. in�aeel�� €s1;000.00. N�otiior L�� `ioll�e z,h2'� thc 1�ids be ccce7�t�� a^_�i :, e co��lx cc ��,a�ae� �o li�con L,1ecL-r�c Co,��r�an��, 7o����f, b1dc�Q,°, iri �hF �um o� $2�rLG.��O, �Je,�nae�l L; Joh���- soi.. Upon a volce .rote; tltieze beia� �2o na;,e, +l � �^o`io�i c,rraed � n. �iiTo�,�l T3JILDILQG BO�PD, i�L4Y �. 1�L� COidS71)E2I1T101�� OF RC�T-c�OIV Ii� 7'FL U'iJLL� 1A�G _�.P�4Lm t��Li^F.1101 DY D.'r. Y��1'"'�`T? �'O��AI�1 ���0 COTGS'i�UCi �]30Dv SFO? PDDTTIGDf r04 TAl� 1�FID[]�IY PODY ;�sOP A-' S(�; Un1TVEPSIT`' A2rEPi� i40P,TIiFfa3T - LGT� 1 AN� 2, ]>LnCR 3, C7�`r �rTF��I PPDST_rOt� - COi�- SPRUC�T_0�T `LO BP OP CONCIt�TE AlVD S`PEEZ r.1 �SI -STIb��S'iL1D G08'P O��S4���� 00 'I''�e C'it�� M�nagcr sta�,ad t,b�e �aas s�Prely a i�o��c-:t, L1���t ori,^_ii�al, plans c=_l�cd lc�r a jti io�t �c7d,tion en3 orae� 'hac] dec,de�7 ro ouild 1]-z� batil�ia- ,�[����tion �� dee� �� thr, o��gi��1 b�ailc�lnE so t��e ent�ie 1�u=1�in s�i71 no� bo j Feei, �roa� t'ie l�ne. It ��a� st;.�ed the Builc��n� l�oar�l recorninP�ids zhis coa� rt�otloii, P�otloa 1��7 Johan�on ro coneur �aith ilic Bui18,n� Bo�rd �nd er�.��t the application, �econderl L-+� 73tool.. Upon a voice vote� tboi^e l�Fli�^ no n�y;, Ll-° �rot!o» r-� � ��7 ti�t1a n� u�o u� 1y . � BOfRD OF �t'FFpLS, P�i-^.Y c, 196j 61!�I�7 t�iA`� l j, ]_����3 Tl�e C2i,t- �-�aeG�ei i^qne=I;�c the Clty Couac�7 �eceivc �,he �,��r�ite=_ of ti�e 1�ia-� 19�� Bo��^c. oT App°a:Le me2tting. 1`4at2o�� b� Jo��i�°on La r^ceivc tihe ��rur,PC os ti1�e TMIa�* °�, 1963 Eoard oP �p�.ieals meetirg ari�� P le -�-ne. ;>_condr� b_,-,00 upo,i a vo�ce tiote, t�er> beni�; �io ��a},s, the -�ct�on �;_ri «a ri2a.7inou,�1'�. 1'U�ii.1C 111s6��ZivG OTI n ��UL3T FG� A V.91:1L11\CE i�I;OM � rC'^l�P h�) OL' Op,r�I�iqi��^� rir�. '/0 BT ',dPTVLZ OF °ID� Y��:?D RI, �1LiI�'i�,TA-T FP,Or:I 5�iLL;^ '1C) 3 P� rl`1' IO �11;1'I7 C'ON Tl,� �CTTO T ?�8 OF AiT PiT2/1CIIr:D CA1�AC=L' ODl 10�P ]� BLOC'�C 2�_1 51AI'LT `?'ISN�h'Al7E L1D1�T�TION �SAD7L+� �>T'_L2TG 57h - 53 1;`� l'.ii;TiUP iTOR'�L�'�;T (R7Pq.UFST L'�v n�iNiC S1Z�S'IFRy 5�53 1 2 A1Tli, l�f.P.: T}�e ri>>� Ma��a�e_r re�d ti�e r�car�mendatzori of the Boaxcl oi' Ap�eals. N�ot»n b-� Jol�anson to conen�� -�icl� �;he Bo�rd of Aopeals aad gr�n� ti,Le regu2Et t� permiL consti���rior oi �n �ztzchr�d �-a�a�E c�n Lol, l, Elocl� 2, `I'enp]2 Terrace Sdd�tzoa. ,Seconc�c�l ��! �'o1k_e. Uaoi� « voiee voLe, Lhe-^e bein; no na��s� the motlo❑ cax�'led un�ni��oo°1`� - � ���IC Il�7AR�TC� nT� A P,l�1RUP:�T rOR P VARI�NCIs' rROM SFC�PIOTT u.1D OP' OPDID�APdCL i�0,70 � PY �?117��R OF SID�' 1L�liD REIQUINFINrP,?�T PPOM S FEE�i TG 3 T'EET TO PLP,��T COTSSZRUC`PIOTT OP' APl PTTACFiF'D G4P,PGfI OrT I,OT 2, ESLOCIZ l, �OPrPT!�Y'S Spu�V��l N�1�r0R �D'DTmTO�iy Sl1D4C BE7D�C} ;;ol ?�E�'i' MOOFE ��S�T. DRiV� (—REI�U78� BY DAVlll �OF1T-5891 1d. I�?OORL; 1AI.'� DR.�: Tl,e C2ty Na�2a�,r re�d tibe �°ecorr�l�ead�tion of tnc �o�,r� oC Appeal� relatltizs ��2at con�����s��z�o� bc ;zve� L-o perrn,ssion tio �at �_n Cootings for a E'uture enlargE- n�en� 01' la l,c,,ci� in homP xt thr, ssrr,e Llme as garage �'ootiugs. Z+�r. Pohl, ovner� �����s pre�ei.L ai�d ez.p�ain°d co 1,1F Clc�• Counc�l *�hrr, l�e tiatished 'co do. P�otion by Wn11�e to conciu° aith t1�e �ecommeadatson of the Board o" Appe�ls ��2d nr3nz ;he =cauesc co psi^���ti construction of an ai,t,echecl gar�Qe on Lot 2y Block ]� Do�ina,�'s Lakev�es�� ]�[anor Adcl�tic�n. ;eeonded by Sohanson. Upon a vo,ee vo1;e� tYierP bein� no ��atie� �:he �iotion cerried ur_ani�aou5ly. CO1��11i1UATI0IV 0�' A PIIP�LIC AEARIPT� Ol� 11 RFqUCrT FOR A SF'�CIAL U,SP' PEP�4IT TO CON- :�'lRUC'i� _A D1U;�3INr, EOi� C�P' �O�fRm_y?-PpRTIOP OP AtTDITOR'S SUBDIVISIOIV DiO. 7�� ALSO� YT�O[J?�i AS 5700 ��'r19T RIVEi3 ROI17 NORT�AS^1 �RE�iJLS'P BY PURE AZP, NTJRSSP�r H�P� Tne Cic�r Mana7ei° xe�d to the C�ty Counc�l �hE iecorrrme�idatiori oP �l�e 3oarcl oF P_ppeels n: �. thetiT cL scussion� rPga�°d�_t�h aame. TAoLzon �,y J��anso� zo concur T,�tY� ihe _P,oa�•d o� A_apeale anc� gx•ant the reqU°st L;+ t�se oi a Special Use Perrui� fb� t.1�e con�trucLlon oF � ntiirs?ng home at 5700 i,asti R�trer Road PTO�°�heosb, thst reoue�L b}� Pure L1�r Arti�rsing F[ome. 6eco�cled by f�ol'_�e Upon a sJe�ce vote� tliP-re bcina no na�°i tre mo�:ion c�rried ui�•�niriously. C�PiTIl�I`Jl�TTOP1 0�' A PUiLTC f]];ARI?�IG OTS A FLQUPFl PCR ri SYGCIAL US� P1sP,MIT TO CO?d-- �'1�'I7C"' l, NURSnTG HO�� OPT P!\RT OF LOm,S 2 AA�D 3, AUDITOR'S SUEDTVISIOPT D10. 9 `I'he Ciiy �4�t�ager re�d to t1�e Citq Council tl_e i°ecomn�end�tion o° tltie Board of l�ppc-�1 , and expl�2ned �4r. I�Torton has some rezontin� requests �r_ for multiple d��Plling� in the orea. Mr. Ceor�e Norton, owner oP �he properk�, was present and °,n�la�t�ed h2� �l.t�n� zo tihe Cou�2ci_l� �,lso ac2ted that h�e requ�st on the nL�re�n� homE l�ac� nothiag to do �ai�h tine rc�qtie.�� For �he -rezon�_ag. He Purthei e�t�lained l�e ��otild h�ve all iet�iement ticueing �r_ the �rea. P^otion h}� Giol_kc to concm v2th the Doa�°d oI �pp�als and gr�,ni, the r�quest for a s-ncc�al aee permir, to eone crti�et n nursting ho�e on part, r,P Lots 2 and 3, Aud� - to� `e 5ubdiv2°ion rr�,, �'9 ��2� rescincl after a per�ad oP one ye�r ii consi;r��ci�oa ie no� beP;�,�, Seconced by Ecod1. Upon a voice �rote� there l�e�i�g no naye, the r�aLio� c�iriezt unanlroo,�sly. Pzn�rNrP��; co���m�7s�zo�t� Nv�i> �, 19F;3— I,0'P ,SPLIT P,FPiP„ST L.S. 6312 - CLAP,�NCF MO�PT ILnTD PIARVIPT L[��SO➢i� L0�'S 1, 2, APTD 3, �i,pCP:� 5PRi9iG BROOl� PAP,Ii P17DITI0IS• The C, L�� P1�nu2e� rean tl�e r�co��mend�r,�on of the P1a�nzng Coi�m2ssion. Motion by 'IO7�e to concui �rith �ne recommendation of �lie Plaan�ng Co�mi��ion and grart _ot epl� i, reau��t Co1 tiTao etinhle fa�^ily d*aelling �i�es tiaitL �7alver o�' 1ot �e7�zhy a�°ea and sezrac�n reqvirements. Seco�zaed by Brooh. Upo� a vo�ce vote, there nain�; �o n2YS, lhc ruoi,lon carried voan�inouely. T�OT "PLI� TIS4UIR7 - P�;S_ liA; 0. COLLZPTS (L.�S. �jo318): 1_VOP.`I�H O�TE �'HL4D P�S�m OF I�OT �-AiJD7^1014'S S'i➢;DNTSION �10 �2t�0 �➢ET �Y c00 FLE'P � -�— —� C� Ly F��ineer Bio�m Etaze�l zhat, M-r���. �bllins had c�lled aud asked ior a con- tinuanc2. D1o„�on b,� Joha��°on tio coiiL�nue tne �.bove 1oc split inquiry until the � 1 neri, regolG?° mee�L�n�. Secon�ed by I3roo1=. �i��o� a vo�cc v�i,c� thexc- b_ii� nn ❑ays, �;he i��otzo❑ cairled w�a,z�inouslq. LOT SPT�ri IPT�ULRe• BC�! RF�!!7,2"i (L•S• �631O' T�T4 3, li, 5, A��ID T,0'L'g 7� �� T�LOCii li, iI"7�'3 P.�iFK: ---- �� -- - ' -`— City tL2a�g�z read uhe reco�nrnenclaciori oF �7�� Pl�iilrng Go�ri��i��lon .o f'�� '",�+,� Councll. CiF;� }�h��ireer L-ro�au er_l�lait�ed �r�a. ��or��r b� �o7an�on to concu° ,ail,h the rPCOriTaenc�at2oi� o.f the �1.�iinii�g Conm�ssior ni�c1 �r��rr, �t�L�r�vel of i�e � abo�zc d�scrlbPd 7_ot spllt� coutingenl; upon i,.i� �ec�ivl���= of �ee�. �eoonded b-, rdol'�e U�on a volce vn�e� t1-o1e �ei7� no i��-°�; tl,� rorion cari�ed nnanimoo°7- LoT �PLi`P I7�r�'IDZt�i� L.6. i��313 - SIG��L'R �niF�'C11D LOT ?;�7�ROOI�VTLI�;' ;�DDI2'IOTv, SECTIOi 13'� —�— T�'� — -_~ ��— — � � ��� T�tie C�ty Duan�e�r reacl the recornmei�dattion of the P73r;n�n� Con�r�e�ion tio the C�1,1- Council, Clty Eng�neer F7rotc� eaplaiucd t;h� �rPa_ NioF�on hv Jor�rson �o eoi�rt�� *ali,l� tihe recoxnmend�tto� oC the Pla�nli�g Co�7mi�ti�on �r_c ;r=�nt tihP requE�r nz +7zF above desc7°ibed ]o� sp1L� slb�ecti m the pa=�nenr oi fee°. ��=condec' ;y Bzool: Ilpon a vo.�ce vote; zhere i�e�ng ❑o nGys� tl�e �nor�on carriel onai�imov°li, VAC�IT=OPT -(SA[' �030�1) EAST RZV�RLP_N➢ COURTE - 10'�P,IP .'GI1`��ON: I�RiDLPY P_ARI� aLOChS 21. ??_, 23� �. � — � _ Council.�na�! �r�ollee stiaLec� ihat �aitin re�,�rd to thc zbo're der_cr��ed i�e�; Nx�, Lorri Jo�neon hacl conLacLed 17ira �.qc1 v�tild lil_e t� naaA ; mcei �n� t,�i;h „1�� Citi-,� �oin- eil ancl CouaL� and Uoard P_embcr� ai�d Fiould l�l�e � � tLe fol lc���ii r Ta-°ua y n� y 1-t � lt tires e.rpinired cl�ere i� a prohlem oF �cc^��. Tl-P C�1;� P:i��,e'- ^_-r�ted t're ,Stree�:a anc Util�tiiee Coln�issioa Ieel they Taan`, Lo �IOtid� so�ie ��cea�° tir�°ou�l� t1�1s area and *�ia�t to be aY�le Co �aalce G t,5�i�� noz�. �;�uncilr�2n �^�oJke ��i� -�e '�ad Leen told t12c East R�trcrL�nd Con_t� Zn�reeLor� -al fin��ci�� �nd �iez� r� ia�, 1,0 bu�ld. Covacilm�n I�ioll�e d�iected the City �4an�^_c2 i,o »otiif°, 1`7re. don iso�� a ��l ali neo�le concernecl i,o h�tic a meet�ng wi1,1� �l�u� ea Tu��.� l'a�' 2�i, ��t � P_ i. COb�i���i7PiIGATI01'S StiDiS1;1�A1Q R�`i`�' AO'!1�ORIir APPOTDiTDCFAr^ OF AL'PEHPi.47"� P,�SOLU7IGP� Tj;-1�o3 !l�e C�ty ,�Z�n�ger e:�pl_alna� to the C!ty Cot�nc�l i1' Lhey as�l�ed "u ,P>irnarP �n a1ti�r�^cir,� to che S�ibutiban hste Anthor,tYa tn°re aoul.l re a�°asolu'�or 1�� p=�� 1�lo��on o�� Broo7� to adc�p� P�,SOGIJ'1'IO➢i -%�(�-1�E' les�p,cFl in; a� alcerttiLe dirccr�i 1,o el�e Suhurb�n Rate Ltu�llorlc� end in^err �1�� nam_ ot Council.nat, �r7en�� 7�h€�n�on r,o �c�: aa an a]tiPriia�, d,lecto-r. Seco��ded L; �,*�71�. Opon ��ro�cc vo�r� ti,erc b��n; �^_o as�Js, the �not�o� carr�ecl utian�mou^l;. SILVEI;S�.r�ITI`1. AS�SL'SSA4f;P�'P SPRT�'AD �'.ESQLLP?'IDr1 '775-1�,r Thc Ciz�, P4aila�ez� ailnouaced ��o zl�e C�t,, Cot�iir_�l L�n=7 I�� . =�vP�° ,e�n va� r,�� c- ei�L ;o aes��er si��> �uehtionc. ^he F'ia2��ce D� �-c��n ,�,l ;,e�d t��.r, Coonr � 1 ]_�r; ��ot �ot2e ovei iive �enis on �n �.�sessraanti r��P��� �f Tl� _ i��re. h'I, 1�1vr_°- fl�te�n scatied i� pcese7tec � Pz����2c��1 h�!��ltir�p ;; h� ,�,nn� niocF ti �r nr,_ 1,�. Conarilm�_� Jo]^aasaa c�plante� ehe� don`c �� -� a»-�,h�n�� °uch �s � i°i� ,��a �p,°ead c�_ceri L°or eonere l,e cuz•bs and ,7� c �el � �`10t1on 1,}� =�JhursOn t� ��]np-G R��,SOLU'PI��I Y�'��5'1 "�, -;,�-� n � �l -�hC g r�°Ce"- : cc5. �ur- n r oa T,o�e �sev2n�eer� e,�r.tccu, n��Eleen� L;d,��,��lci �"v�:^,-, Plo:.�� m�. �i�1o�c� Cnu�il�, L,lia�a�ona o�cr U per�o�l ��'_ i_��e �,ears. ,5cr�n7��1 1, -i�,o� . �J�on . ,�»�° ,•�,�� LL°s� ce_1,�, �o n2}s� the irotlo�ti ca�z�el tmo°�,���io�;l; 11z t1^za �;oiac C��•1 4zi.o�acy I�ohl;,i�1 an,,er�r� -- �r � p�.i�n io ,1�„ Ctt; �'�a�i^�1 LLdL o2 -o ;e�,,ater r,ac�ens he ��d met "ir}� ll7zs�an "� alt- �,- �I'tei �Fr-J��ia7��- t�� � c appca� Fd tner2 *,a;.- al�oat ����;OQ.00 �� ,_11 1u�� o� �liia 73 -d. Ir -� ,��- - 250 t�es �- r]-iineJ - rle i� some otiher ���ope�i,ie� i'Ir. Gl�san 1ti�s to close �a2d ha�s n�-��lr aii�"=er�Prrs enil pt�L on deposiz z�tich the Cir,,r nP C'ri��ley i'our pn,t cla��ed ch�cl« 7:�nni�^ � rom �1az� :'7 Foi `�°00.00 �nr,l a lilze s�_�m °very t��o ti�eel�s �here- �i„ _. C,1- q�,bx�2�„ I"oLl��i s2��1 l�rb in�stead ol 1�1r. Glisa❑ comiai� �i2 aarl 5c- Li��F� i i„ 'rl�� r,r rl-s, �hP-� h��rl dPC�d2d on Lhtis �E�,hoo. He rartl�ei e�plalned zh�s �ioiilrl cic�i° iln �he tie��en �cd in�Lall�ac�ta ead he �,,ould rElease noth�n� unci� evor,tl-�_�i ,�a, �� oc_az. J�YCP�E�'� R� �UE�'S'P r�; ?c ��ae ��-�l�in�d to 1�1�r C� rv Council 'L'�,r, Jayceev Z��Zeh to Lave ih�tr annu�l eaxn- � � v� l Ju_�-� �'1� rurou,�l� t�e lOth on t'rio e��nie �ite as �he previooe yeal . It ��as fur+hF�c e-�p;aLned �nat � lel.tcr �s or LL° �iay and apqro�r�l ]iad bee❑ cc>>-�rn�ed L} ��e ;'��,n�lchal-ex C�7rpo2az�_o�� L1iat 'ch� Stiate High��ay Del�art:nen'� Ceel� tl cre 4�11]. be no eonstirvcrloi� ..'_�er� ;ni F �avmi�Pr. Conces�io�tis, �� cnic �;rou��ds al2d f��Ee ��e-re chscutis�d. P�o: �on b�, ',loL�c til�a �-1,c rena��t be �ranted for a Ca�niv2.l_ to th� Fi�_dle9 Ja-�- cPe� and ��1°0 oI'ier the ��s2,�i,�nce o1 il�e �'�^Zd1ey Polzce Dep�rcment, Seconcled ti•� 13rook. Upon ? voice note, i;here bein� itio n���e, �he r�otLOt� carricd vnan7mously. CNP�"]3FR 6F COMI�ERCE S`10Ri�i SEG�;P, POR_'P. IT, �100� P:i. Pe�.Fr ,�.s preser, �nd an�ou�ced to tii�e L'ity Coti,ncil th�t 17e was r'eprceep-c�n� Parl- Cc��;tirucz�on in the name oF ��ialtc�� Caxlson f'o�° the Frzdley CY�mi�ar oi' Co��- marc� _`I, �tiar�d ie had son�e Piqules ,�hicn he w�shed Lo caL �o Lhe atcenLlon ofi' r,LF �ou�icil; 1.t1at, hc had Y�een , r_ Pormecl �1�a L the cos c ua� i,1t rer��rc� to the �, �orm s���er io�° T,1�� ,�,�700 to rotL F�ic1eW and Columb�a Hc�ghtv wii.h the �resent ,�la� Cox i��1P 72 u2c� ]_�re �utfoll is appro,cln�ai,elv �i13��000.00. Sie iurther stated �t covi�9 bP cnlar��ed bui tihere U�ou.lc be addit�orsal co�t�. Hc erpla?ncd t�ia� i,he M�n��F sor� 3taie iligh�iay Dep�rtment eoUlcl cieeic{e L-o �o ahead and take ca�°e of t�c r� ;'�;-of- �ay oi_l-� and i� �ao�ild 7�ave both Friclley and Columbla Aei,�hti� �nLhonz r�� oti,�lez. Tze ,�econd �tEm .4r, B�ker stated 1�e ���iehed to mAi,e Cotiincil ��ra��e of �,��s th�t tihe MZnnFSOta Hi�1�wa� I�ej��,rLmenz rai�hL hc abl_° zc �"�inanc� the � ourf�l]_ lire ���npora,^ily iF tine;/ cou7d �owe to an a�ree�riea� to reimbti+xse tiLe�n ,aL�n che�- aould ^ake usP of the lutic. He explain�d zhls �,a� so�vething that �vouLn l�e madc po�s�bl.e onl�� if i.he �tir,orney Genersl's oi'f�ce sa�a thai �t tdas leESl h�2�� zhe F��_qhT��ay DF�,arr;n°*%'t, aas amcnable iP the Attorney Genora].'s ofI'1cP ea�d �1, ��a^ lF-BI_. Coti�ncilr^an Johan��o� s'alsecl the au�stion to Mr. Pakcr Ti�s l�� awaie rha'� 'r,e exi�ting 72 ?nch ouiFall 7i1�e v�ae �upposed to be a deal hai,-acen I�'x1�11��y ar,d ColcnU�a Ne��hts. Ha st�tir�d thai, ]iis ��2��sei_ti Gtzztuc�e i�as tl�ai� 2t ��he pte=cnz t?�ne� z7ie 72 l��ch oui;Fa11 Lne F�^ic�lcy otans and tF +l�ce ��2e tn ^r � eoi�panio�� linP co be l�t�� tn� then ths SL-2te a�d Crlumb�a H�l�t�te ehoiil�l pay "01 � t. It T�a: �zplain�cti t,ca � the prFeenz problem is il Uomething i sn't dc�ne wi�12 thts �ewer reasoncl�ly .�on e�ther tl�c H=�;h,�aV Dea�r�ment �acn't clo anyth2ne, bec�us° r-�e�, -.ill dzv�rt mone} to otaci pro�cc�LF o?^ will put in tiihat zhey �aant for �he�� oTNn dr�inet;e an,l let Frilley �nd ColaLabia llei�r�,hts ��ke c2i'e oF ,�ai,er `n °,aLatPVex ��,,y +l�e-,� cei�. Cou�cil*na" Jo�a�soa �tated �� �•�as h_s opznzon thac li Cou��c�l �,ent rin9 r�u°tl�er on t'siis �lan� �hey �aovlc� i2o� be iep=esentin7 �12e Cii,y of rriQlc-; Cocur�ln�a�� �,7olle ratiaed the questiion to ��1�°. B���=e�° ��l�ere the Chem- cer o" Comrncrce liad r�Nard c�C til�i, p�^oblEm a��d �aa� `l,ol.d M�. Carlso� oi P�i'L Con�t�°i ctaon had tound ov� about i t aad broL�SYzt iz the �tte�tson of inembers. 'Pt�� C' i r� ivf3na,�ei �,-plained hc had been cnlled by ��I�•. C�rlsoit �aho t�l� l�i�� �;he Sta�e Hz�l���a� �ea�rl*ion� had cal.lea hiru ancl aeked 1�im ��he� Le conld do abovti Zz. Tt i,as it�rtk_er e;n1a?aECl th�s iti a proble*a Gs Par ar constrvct�on ls concrrned :�icl even ��a1�cr pioblem iz lii�anci��' Mr. E�ker exp]_aii2Pd i'v_tL^er he h�d � UPe� e���F�t�d'r,�� hri,^_� the� zo t1e atitei�i.�on of Lhe CoL�-�c�1.y i;7�at 'the Li�'1�T�ia-, Departmen� 3id s�y tiie�� ���iqhL be Gble tio ti21fe care of tihe F�naacii�G aad i�o�i7d Lr ��itLn�� �o tiatie ,� z,o r,h� Fttorn��> General iP Fr�d1Py �nd Ccl�,���bia He��h�� shorc ��-; int� re _�. � r, � r, Lic i,o].d t�e Cou�tictl L1�t tihe Plamm �� Depas�tmenz i�� a>> r,ne {�ze�enti t���ic, -,�or_���a on aoo`chcr 7?1�n to r�ee hot�; �nuch la�c,�r tha� n_p� -+il 1�; v� i,o b�, „ha i Zz � s a possZ�il ity Lha t only �� cer te,i� s� ze pipe nl�k t b� pt '�indn° irF� i;itier l,�ad underpass. IL i�as esplatined � cer��in a'�oni� •�' c1ae��^nec -e ��ceeaa�^,� ��nd �•il�czher Lher� is en�uch co�er L'o u'crease L7��:r �i,� so mnc1� i^ =�i,er i���� rh2 F��^vi�,2y D��artment i�il1 hGve to Fo in�u � �� � , The Ci,ty ManageF„stated he had been called by the Columbia Heights City M�nager t ori th'e Working Agreement and apparently since the engineering firm is presently r engaged hy Columbia Heights� they would be not eble to give full time to any � project for abou� three weeks. It was explained the State Highway Department had hee�f�eontacted'tp do the legal work in calculatione, ete.� on larger outfr�ll. ,� The C3ty,IdanageT��read a letter to the C3�ty Council from Thoma�� ��,nd Associatee � givit�g tli�' px1+�c�;;�of,,$2�500.00 on a preliminary report. Since the receipt of this,letter thei$ighway Department decided to do the preliminar,y deslgn for the � entire length oflUnivereity as well as Highway #100 and it was decided that, ; very poesibly� the'State Highway Department would go to a larger companion line. � The,City Manager';Yurther stated this had been a change in planning. It was ex- t ' pla�.ne'd'this ;item would lie on the Agenda for the next regular meetinE;. � � ., , -,� � l� � '' Motion by Johanaon to rec�ive letter from the Chamber of Commerce and iile same. Seconded by Wolke. 'Upon s voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousYy. � VISITORS:' ;' Mr�" Mike'0'Bant]'ori� County Commissioner� wae present and stated he woizld like to have'�the dity'Council,pase a resolution regarding the Mein Street Ri�ht-of-way. Th6+City�Manag9i' etated that negotiations'hed been started with Studebaker Cor- pora�ion�and ekplained the situation. A letter had been received in which it was"stated it'had heen impossible to get the Board of Directore together to get epprdval'to grant�th'e right-of-way and th�� couldn't donate it this ,year. It ihad Been auggea�ed:in this letter that the City of Fridley condemn for the right- of=*aay end'�drop''�he condemnatiori �Sroceed/Ings when they will give the land to the Ci�y.l Motion by Johanson to adopt RESOLUTION �77-1963 authorising the reimbursement of coeta to the Coun�by of Anoka on Main Street right-of-way. Seconded by Brook. Upqn s voice vote, there•being no neys, the motlon carried unantmously. � Judge Elmer'Johneon wae preeent and announced to t,he City Council his; purpoee �n coming waelto'ra�se the neme of �arT Isensee� Jr. for t,heir cons�deration as a prosecutor 'for the Municipal Court �n Fridle,y. He stated there �ias some consid- •era�ion'being gY.ven to the matter o�' a City Attorney and this m�n had been eelected by City Attorney'Kohlan as an associtate some years ego and liis services ax•e oC ' the type where few men are aware of it as an officer of the Court. Ju3ge Johnson stated he wished Council to know that Mr. Isensee was exceptionally cooperative and his demesnor is en adjunct to Fridley. He zxpla�ned his salary, es a guide- line� ih matching with other areas is �the mo�t conservet�ve he had come up with and that was �1�J.00 per hour. Judge Johnson told the City Council their case loads were between 700 and SO6 case'loads for_�u�t half a year �nd referred to hours o£ work� jury cases� type of work� witneeses and tnteririe�as. i Motion by Johanson to receive the letter from Jud�e Elmer ,Tohnson, place it on file�and take action in the very nesr future on his rer.ommendations �nd course of actipn. "Seco�ded by Brook. Upon � voice vote, there bein� no na;ys, the mo- �tion carried•unenimously. �i �a. , CI�IMS: Motion by Wolke to approve payment of General Claims �160 throu€r,h rf260. Seconded by'Johanson. Upon a�voice vote, there beang no nays, the motion carr�ed unanimousl,y. � � Motion by Brqok to approve payment of Liquor Claims �5310 through j�5363. Seconded i� by 4Tolke. Upon a Voice vote� there being no nays� the motion rtirried unariimousl,y. �,l i � t Motion by Johanson to approve pe,yment of Public Ut,ilities Cl¢imr #2511 thron�;h i #25�+7• Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, tt�ere being no n�3ys, tl�e mo�ion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Councilman Johanson inquired of City Enginesr Brown if he had any corrimenis on the 1963'projects. �City Engineer Brown stated the first item was in error as there was �o work euthorized for the project as described� but that it might be work referred to was for a different project,. The first item might rc�fer i.o another street project for which work was authorized� he stated, and he suggeeted the second item be brvken down into t,wo seperate cor�tracts - 211 r�nd 2P. The third � �� „ � � � ,�, � � � � , , � �� , item sliould, City �n6ineer Brown steted, rea8 $2,799.62 ratk��r„than,�2�959�6�• I�c furt}��r explained that on Pu�nl Estima{.es he would like to have 'timelto'',�' ' check these over, that he had found several projects where, the�a,sbU;ilte,;ware ' � not in satiei'actory conditio❑ and containe�i many errora and hi's departmentl�,' ehould have the tsacings and field notes; that they had neVer requestedibri-�{' ginal tracings r�nd field notes bePore because they had no vault and'ax'rangA-'', ments have been made for satisfactory storage now and space was available,' ^ Councilman Johanson requested the abave conditions be noted in'the,minutea. Mr. Comstack, cc�nsulting engineer� stated theee estimetea,�hatiwese mentioned heve been in the city offices eince March 14� that hia eompatly'eubm�tt�d these estimate� to the city offices on a memo written May 14'. Mr.yCoIDStmek Yt'kt��llerr i e�ated these estimates were submitted in order �and to date his��oPfi�ce had re- ceived no commente either orr�l or written and he felt there,should,be sotqe;,,' � procednrea settled. City Engineer Brown requeated the returp���of ,the,l�seme,l ' couri,esy from his office to the office of the consulting engineer�0f',Fridley � for information he had made over the paet year. �W . Counci]man Johanson etated to the City Maneger he felt it wae',his �e6ponsibility to take care of these items. Covnci7.man Wolke stated�ss, �ar;las�he cou�d��see�� the Cit,y of Fridley has had the same problem a long ti�pe and,�hese peop�e were ` entitled to be paid when the monies were due� tha� �thieliprobleYO,nhsd;iieep" c�r-dpl "�`�" ;' ried thraugh with ell contractors. Mayor Nee�raisad the��qUe�,t�qn"to�;Ci�yCHn1;��- gineer Brown what his request was ior and was told the sabUil,te�'`£ield ats, � with original tracings and field data being submitted. MayoT''Nee raieed',the „" queation to Mr. Comstock if there were any reason why t2�is,'•could�not be,do�e.' Mr. Cometock stated there was and it was fairly well written�,put.ip�his�eon- � tract with the City of Fridley that eo,fer a's the plane and'Ei'e1d,,noteB wexe conccrned, the,y were h1s compan,y'e property unlesa the City would"wiah to „ duplicate thPm. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Conetock what kind of money they were Lalking about in duplicating and Mr. Comstock replied they,were t�lking about, $R.00 each for the regular sheets. Councilmen Wolke etated Counci].�shoUldn�t give a green light to go ahead and epend theee monies. ""��' � i Motian by Jol�anson that the estimatea� ae corrected� be approved Om pagea 55 and 56 of the May 20, 1963 meeting on file in the City Clerk'��office entitled � "Estimai,es to be approved by the City Council May 20� 1963,';, �,Seconded;by , Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, ,the motion'ca�ried unanimouely,. � � � ,� .�v, � I } LICENSES: , ;', Motion by Johan�on to grant all licenses on pages 57 through 60 pf the hfay 20� 1963 meeting on file in the City Clerk's of£ice. ,Seconded'by;Brook., Upon a, voice vote, there being no nays, the motion cerrYed nnanimously. ''�"�„ ' �� � �� �� �� RESOI�iPPI0N5 uPLiTTING SPECTAL ASSESSMENTS: �, — ', Motion by Wolke to adopt RCSOLUTION #78-1963 authorizing andl,directin� the splitting of special assessments on Lots 1 and 2� Block 26� Hyde PBrk Addition. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays�'the motion c¢rried unanimously. Motion by Wolke to adopt RFSOLi1TI0N �79-1963 authorizing and,directing the' splittin� of special assessmeni;s on Parcel 1680, Auditor's Subdiv�sion No.�23. Seconded Uy Drook. Upon a voice vote� there being no,nay9�''the motion,garxied unanimously. � � ��� � ��, � � ' , �� Motion by Wolke to adopt RESOLDTION �80-1963 euthorizing�a,nd��d�,rgeting the� � splitting of special assessments on Parcels 600 and 680� Auditor's 3pbd3viaion I No. 92. >�condr-.d by Brook. Upon e voice vote, there being no,na�ys; the'„mo; 1;� tion carried unr�nimously. � `,; � ,' , ��p'i�� �� Motion by Wolke to adopt RESOLLITION #51-19�i3 euthorizing end�'�$ixeeting the splitt�nq of special assessments on Lot 6� (Yarcel 400)� Aud3tor!'s Subdivisian No. 129. ,�conded by Brook. Vpon a voice'vote, there being,no naye� tHe ^' mo�ion carriEd unanimously. � � � � .�'� �� -' �� Mo�ion by Wo1ke to edopt RESOLUTION �$2-1963 authorizing'and��c��recting�the� � splittin� oi special asse3sments on Lot 5, Block 26� H�yde Pa,rk�Addition.�i�,,� Secanded Uy Iix•ook. Upon a voice vote, there being no qaye� tih�';motion e9r-, ried unanimously. � �� � , � I Wy � � ` ^; � CONSIDERATION OF�'�'�ONTRACT WITH DOGCATCHER: �, i ,,i i , The City Menagex,;�'tated to the City Council they had budgeted $3,OOO.DO the first of the year ior'tltiis item. Motion by Johc�nson that the City of Fridley enter in- to a epntract with Albert W. Paulson as dogcetcher. Seconded by Broolc. Upon a voice vote, therelbeing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � � � � i RESOLUTION #83-1963 RE-QERTIFYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - SW�48-B: The Finance Direbtor explained to the City Council thi� resolution was on oversite as Council,had previously approved it end it should be changed to ten years. Mo- - tion by Sohaneon;to adopt Resolution #83-1963 withdrawing assessment roll for a p'ortion of Impro'vement Project No. SW-48B sewer lateral and re-certif,ying the , assessments on a'^'�en year bas3s. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice bote� 1,here being no naye, the motion carried unanimously. _ , � � RESOLUTION #84-1963 CERTIFYING CHARGES TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR: Motion'by Brook 'to adopt Resolution #84-1963 certlfying charges to the County Auditor to be levi,ed against certain properties f'or collection srith the 19�3 taxes. Seconded by Johaneon. Upon a Voice vote, there being no nays, the motd,on . carried unanimously. Fi. R. �4ti79 (PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVIC�S AND CONSTRUCT- 1V1V �p1AlU1.CV/`: ' Meyor Nee stated to the Council thie was an item he would request to ,ixpport on and'favored: Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolution #85-1963 in support of H.R. #4f379� Public Li6rary Services and Construction Statu�e. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a'voice vote} there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,. �� CL7NSIDERATION OFr�i�(iREEMENT - RE: TRAFFTC SIGNAIS - RFS4LUTION �86-1963: ,The Cit�r Mansger stated'this wes the consid�retion of an agreement between the City of Fridley'end Anoka Coun�y Department of Highways, and installation of' sig- . nals'end coet of, signals was $4�000.00 and Fridley had a�reed to pay 25�`0. Motion by Wolke�tp adopt Resolution ��86-1963 and authorize a cooperative agreement between the City of Fridley and Anoka County Department of Highways ragarding in- stallation of, Yully actuated traffic control signals at junction of C. S. A.H.l (East River'Road),and C.'S. A. H. 6�(Miseissippi Street). Seconded by Johanson. Upon a'voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF�STORM SEWER FOR 53RD AV�NUE N. E. : Mayor Nee stated he had b'een approached by Mr. McCubrey of the State Hi�hway De- partment'pn this etorm sewer. He expleined it had been the Council's opinion that they should have the �tate do this but there wae no evidence on �t so he hud asked the City Manager to bring this item back to the floor. The proposal was initially that Fridley would do the work and char�;e it back to the Higl�way De- partment and Columb3a Heights end� thereby� have the right to essess on a side of th� street so that,Fridl�y could recover some monies. The City Mona�er stated the State Highway Department went on the premise that the Council wou]d approve and apparently asked Mayor Nee what Council wanted to do. It was explained they � could design,it and put it in wath the construcLlon oF the road but it i�ould do two things�'tho�e being Fridley wouldn't be able to essess it and some c�ngineer- � ing work Fri&ley;tuould not be reimbursed for. I� Mayor Nee raised the question to Mr. Comstock, consult�ng engineer, oF how much of this would be charged to Columtaia Heights. Mr. Comstock s1.E�ted i,his would de- pend on the Columbie Heights Council� that from the interchan�e 10 z.lie river 1,h�s water will also participate in the matter. Mayox• Nee ae,ked lf thes•e were l,wo possibilities heae ond wasn't it still �oing to be chr�rged to sonieone in Fridley. Couneilmah Johe�ysvn raised the question if the utaie wesn't �so�ng t,o p�,y tl�e cost of this etorm 6ewer., Mr. Comstock stated it does provide �ome lateral drainage for Frd�dley as,we�l�as Columbia lieights and if the S�ate does this theri wnuld be no essessmente ¢gainst the nbutting property bii�, there would he one section wh�ch would not xeceive a lai:eral assessmeni.. � Councilm�n Aroolc r�ised the ouestion of who was going to payifor the engin�ering wor]c. Mr. Com�Lock explained the State Department had withdrew plane from their inform�tion and he was mere]y attemptin� to bring these problems';io t�e,l8tten- tion af the Cit,y Council. Ae further stated the only real problem was �trg�in� to equalize {,he assessmente in the area. ,' ;� �� � � � y Motion b-,� Johanson to authoriz� i,he St�te Hi�hway Department t,o proceed with Storrn Se�i�r coi�struction on 53rd Avenue Nartheast. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voic� voLe, there being no nays, the motion carried unandmously. — — - - 4 ,� PAYMh7SdT OF SPPCIAL ASSESSI�NTS ON L'OCKE PARK: �' , - The City Mr�nager expl�ined to L-he City Council there was approx�imately��31�000 due nnd owin� on epecial aesessment on Locke Park. The Firiance Directon stated he wished to know if t,he Council wanted to pay this assessm�nC,in'full or as they came due out oi the bond monies. Mr. Richard Donlin�,�erka and Playgrounds Cnmm�ti,ee� had recommended these a�sessments be paid in fUll',' .- ' � �� Motion by Johan;on to authoria.e the payment of special assesamente in full{on Locke Park out of the bond money, Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voiCe Vot�� there beang no nays, the mo�ion carried unanimously. j,i � � �' i i � �6 � � i rP.� RESOLIJT70N �C7-1963 ORDERING PRELIMINARY REPORT - SW #E5: � ,'� The City Manager stoted thiG preliminary re�ori; wae for'the Darry',BlowerVCompany, and in order to hasten this along, suggested it be pulled out bf large,''projemt and set up �G a special pro,7ect. FIe explained it was an estima�ed'�9,$�j0.00 project. City At.torney Kohlan raised the question if the Cit�y had,the equip- ment i.o do the urork. City Engineer Brown stated that it'couldn,'t be properly handled from hi� department. �" , , , MoLlon by Johan,^_on to adopt }iesolution #87-1963 ordering preliminary plans, speciFications, and estimate= of the costs thereo£, Sanitary,Sewer and Water� I Project SIo, 65 along 77th Way from Eaet River Road to G, N. ,R. R., ' Secoilded � I by ldo]]ce. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the motion c��rried' ungnimously. J , �f; �� 'dN �� � � �.��� I i ��� . RPSOLUTION ��f3F�-Lg63 RECEIVSNG PREI,IMSNARY RPPORT A1VD 5ETTING PUBLIC .HEARING SW�E>5: — � Motion by Wollce to adopt Re�olut3on �88-1963 recei,ving the,preliminary report and callinp a�public hearing on the mstter of the cons,�yruction of Gertaitl im- proverneni,s� Sanitary Sewer and Water� Project No. �5� 77th Ylay"if�om,F�aet R�,ver Road to G.N.R.R. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a v.oice vpte� there being no naye, the motion earried unanimously. ' � ��,��,�' � � RESOLUTION �f�9-1963 ORDERING E'ftF'LIMTNARY R�PORT SW #6�: � � , ; �„ �' � � ',�r ; ' -- , Motion by Johanson to adopt Resolutian �E�9-1963 ordering preliminSry plans� specifications� end estimates of the costs thereof: (Storm Sewer�,- Project �/64, Meadotamoor Terrace). Seconded by Brook. Upon a vo,ice vote, there,be- , ing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. rl „ , ,�'� ��; ,� il'�' I RESOLUTION i�°0-196� RECEIVING PRIILIMINARY REPORT AND SETi'ING'PUBLIC HEARING - SJ " : „ e The City Manager expleined �he above item to �he City Counail. Mpt�.on by�Wolke � to adopt Resolution �90-1963 xeceiving prellminary r,eport �,nd setti,ng a�p,ublic � hearing on the matter of the construction of certain improVemetltsi (Sta7^m Sewer, Pro�ect No. 6�+ - Meado�amoor Terrace.) Seconded,by Brook. IUpon a' voice vote� thcre being no nays� the motion carried unanimouely. ; � �, � � � � ;� � � � � RESOLUTTON �91-1963 ABATING CERTAIIV SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: ����� �,,,I; , ' ,' � �' "��a Motion by Sohanson �o adopt Resolution #91-19�$3 abat3ng°ce��tei�n,spec3'al,'�as`s�ess- ments on Parcels �+64o and 47�0 Section 11, Lot 1, B1oCk �1� Wa'lqut„Additi,on and Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivisian �129. $econdediby�Brook., ,,Upon��,a��'voioe;vote, � there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. i �, �� � � i������ �I ,r � � �� °�,� ° � ' ,� co . NSIDERA�ION� bF 3AT.ARIES IN POLTCE DEPARTMENT. ahe City Managei���explained�to the City Council that in attempting to work out the steps and pay i�creases� they had inadvertently missed a step in this particular department.; Mo'tion by Johanson to approve the salary increases in the Police Depaxtment.' Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mo- tion cerried une,nimously. � APPOINTMEPIT: � Name ''v Gertrude L.,Fr,i''ta 4457 Van Buren Street N. E Minneapolis 21, M�.hr�esoto Position Clerk-Stenographer Civil Defense - Assessor Salary $270.00 per Month Rep]aces Llsie Hanscom Mo�ion by Johanson to approve the above listed appointment. Seconded Uy f�rook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � OTI�R BUSINESS: The Cd�ty Manager,presented a letter to the City Council from Mr. Rasmussen and stated thie wes„';a new subdivision referred to but Mr. Rasmuaeeri h�a� actua7� been working on,an'�lagreement with City Attorney Koh18n and he will pay for oversized lots and he feel'e he should have a spread of assessments over five years. City Attorney Kohlan stated Mr. Raemussen doesn't intend to develop t,he entire area at one time. City Engineer Arown explained that it was a 20 acx•e deal and Mr. Rsamussen wants;to begin work. Motion by Johanao��to approve a five year spread on the storm sewer. Motion withdrawn by�Johanaon. ' City Attorney Kohlan etated Mr. Rasmussen was willing to go ahead with improve- mente but dYd hot want to have to extend improvements into other pm�tion where he wr+s not going to extend. Motion by,Johe.neon to receive the letter from Mr. Raemussen and process accord- ingly.' Seconded by Wolke. Upon e voice vote, there being no nays� tk�e motion carried unanir�ously. Councilmen Joh�nson stated he had been approached by the people in the Holly Shopping Cente'r snd they would like to know if the City of Fridley could get them the service road and they would immediately petition to have it, black- topped and they would pay for it. City Attorne,y U:ohl�n stated Lkie High��ey De- partmetit would not releeae it if it �aas on their ri�hi.-of-way. It i�as �c ner- elly decided to have the City Manager contact the State Highway Dpt. �n this matter � �i Councilmap Wolke stated he had been contacted in re�ard ta Waody Lane. The City Mana�er anewered thet he hed been contacted in this regerd and the residents in question were coming in the following day and he would contact engiueer•s to con- . sult on the matter. The.City Counpil,Wae aeked if they wented to consider the question of Lhe im- provement�s on,73rd Avenue Northeast. Councilman 49olke stated he would like to ask Mr. Cometock� conaulting en�ineer� some quest�ons in this matter. Mayor Nee stated, hp ieTt'y Cpuncil would want to make some improvements eo that i,rucics could get through and the question had been raised on the sewer. Councilman Wolke raised,the question to Mr. Cometock that the sewer is supposedly all out of line and lie' wanted to know if this was true. Mr. Cometock replied that he hadn't seen tfie pictures. Councilman Wolke aslced if some fill couldn't be put on top to,make�street paesable. Mr, Cpmstock stiai,ed it was possib]e if they taould put'a base in there. Mr. V, bi. Nagel stated that� at the Presen�, time, there wae a lake juat before }3aker Street. Mr. Comstocic stat,er3 t.hey t�ad received a memo through the City Manager's office concerning that line �nd ir. ��r�s a general statement and„it wasn't specific crhere the ]ine needed the repalr, that he h�d underetood'it had been �elevieed and asked the c�ty that his of'f�ce be f'urnlshed Taith any information. The City Manager raised I,he question zf Lt �aas satisfact- ory to get a guesstimate on how much it will cost. Councilman ldolke ;;tated that �- c� if iL vas somei,hing thst isn't �oing tr5 cos� i.00 much��k�e,��coUld� see ,no, re�ao�ri! to hold it up because the area had to be serviced. The Ci'Cy Mapa�er�isa3d �kie�W,ou1d �, have Tiguree at the next rewlar meeting on the above�item: , "„ � i�'�� ,i�,�� � . � � � The City M�nager etsted he had a Proclamation From the oifiaefof���Civil.U�e�fGnae and Governor Rolvaag, of the State of Minnesota, which-it was'r,equeated''�tha�'; the City Council permi�. their employees 1,o spend 12 hour in J'une each on�'sUr- vival i,rainin�; during worlcing hours. The City Msnsger explained 3f'the CoUncil wishes to folloc� throu�h on thi� there is close to 350 employees alread�'auth- orized from other communities. He further explained the City,o#' Fridle�y'i�could do this from 3 P.M. to 5 P• M. on Wednesdays,and Fridaye in June'if the'Council wishee to donate 12 hours of each employees ti_me in the month' of Tune: ' Motion l�y Johaneon to receive and file tkie above desexibed letter.. Seconded by Ylollce. Upon a voice vote, tliere being no nays, the motion carried�,ixnan�mously. � Mayor Nee announced to the Cit,y Council i,here wa., a notification froID the County Attorriey's o£fir,e concerning a difference of opinion with Minneso't�,and;'Ontiario Company r�garding taxes. ,', i � � Motion by Johan�on to receive eaid letter from the office of the County Attorney. \ Seronded b,y Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the,motion'.cusried unanimously. � � � � ADJOiJRN: ��, There being no Further business� Mayor Nee declared the Meeting adjbuxned. 1 , Respectfu]l,y eubmitted; �� ,-� � � �i_��� i%LG e�t�-G' Sue Miskowzc Searetary ta the Councll IiF'GUL�AR CO[7�dCTL MEETING - JUNE 3� 1963: � � � � ���� i , i . a or - �Wi �am ,J . eJ e Y ' � , � '' � � ` � ; — � � , ^', i � ' I � , A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Fridley was called to oxder bq Mayor Nee at 8:06 P.M, i � ��, �' , ��� � �,� � , I� ROLL CALL: , .� a Members Present: Johanson, ATee, Sheridan� Wolke, Brook,arrived at,9:28 P.M. Members Absent: None . . � i � i � � , APPROVAL OF MINLITES - REGULAR MEETING� MAY 20� 1963: i � I� „ � ' G,I �� 'r � � Councilman Sheridan addressed the City Council and stated he,�aiahed�Y,o°c18ri£y for the records and for the party involved under item labelecl �jRepor� on�SS#�9 b,y Comstock and Davis� Inc.�" on page 3 of May 20� 1963 mestin�r,th§t'the'motion was to include the legal deecr3ption� Lot one (1) B1oCk�'one,�l)'�',�'IUrdix',Park and Lot eight, {f3) Auditor's Subdivision No. 155; and slso ahovld be repe8te@� belo�� in the fui,ure asaessment on drainage. � j� ,' � {� ,���� �,i , �,� � � � Motion by Sheridan to correct the minutes as stated above of^'�t$e May 20� 1963 meetin�. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being'no nay��,the,mo- tion c�rried unan3mouely. � �� ��a� � � City Attorney I{ohlan addressed the City Council and stated he w3she'd'to,,clarify tor the rncords regarding the Edg�water Gardens property tha� in the�item where � , � �