10/21/1963 - 00023064�� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - DCTOBER 21� i963 � � � � ,, �di �� �. . , � ,� � ' ' ' ' , I �, , i�^', �t, � A regular meeting o£ the Council of the City of Fridley was call'ed to order by Mayor Nee at 8:41 P. M. ROLL CA7��: Members Present: Nee, Johanson, Brook� Sheridan Members Absent: Wolke ' , , , �� , � �� ��, � ��� � , � . _� APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING� OCTOBER 7, 1963:, � Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting.oE Qetober. 7, 1963 as prepared and received. Seconded by Brook. Upon a'.'voice vote, there bein�; no ney�� the mot�on carried unanimously. " , OLD DUSINESS: PLTBLIC AEARTNG - VACATION OF 10 7 � : �`� �� �,, ' „� '�'H� ;�` < ��iHYDE� PARK'(CONT. i � � � I,' � �� - - � � � ��� Mayor Nee announced this was a continued puhlic hearing on the;vacation'oi streets and alleys in Block 32, $yde Park Addition and'there was advice from the Planning Commisaion with regard to this *zacation, their e�lggeation ,b,eing that the hearing be closed. Mayor Nee inquired if there;were�,anyone pre�aen� who wished Lo be heard on this question, There was�no'one present in favor of or in opposition to the proposed vacation of streete and alleye in B1ock 32, Hyde Park. Mayor Nee declared the public hearing cloBed,^ � , �' �' �� i , � ,u �� FIRST READING OF' ORDINANCE VACATIA�S BTREETB AND ALLEY9 SLOCI� �32�� �$YbE PARK: �� Mayor Nee announced the item in question was the firat reading,oi"an ordi- nence vacating streets and alleys in Block 32 of Hyde Park ari'd' the�Planning Commiseion had advised the tahling of this i�em. ""�` � � � 'in, Motion by Sohanson to concur with the reco�endation of the'Planning Cwqmis- sion and table the ordinance vacating streets and alleys 3n B1ock 32 of'Hyde Park. 8econded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being'no,�nsys���the motion carried unanimously. �, ' �� ��� , � � i NEW BUSIIJ�SS' PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, OCTOBER 10, 1963: PUBLIC HEARING• PRELIMTNARY PLAT #63-10 B& M INC • � ���,,� ��� , Mayor Nee announced this item was a public hearing on the,preliminary Plat #63-10 by B& M Inc. The City Manager read to the City Counei�l the recom- mendation of the Planning Comm35sion that this plat not be accepted.' En- gineering Assistant Clark explained the reason they didn't like,ih3a plat was that the lots were not the required width and the Planning Commission had felt the developer should enlarge the lots on the�plat.'"iCounciJ,man Ja- hanson inquired if this were a hardship case. Mr. Clark ets'�ed '�he lote could be enlarged with a �oes of a total of three to Pour��lo�+'��. �Mayor'Nee stated he personally wished to commend the Planning Co�leaion�,P,or'the , posttion they had taken on this matter. ' � �, �'i, '°� '� � „ Motion by Johanson to concur vith the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the Prellminary Plat �63-10 to B& M Snc. Seconded^kiy,Brook. Up- on a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC FIEARING: PRELIMINARY PLAT #63-48, MARKAY ADDITSON, I4EN Mayor Nee ennounced thia was a�ublic Hearing on prelim3nary plat #63-08� _J �� � , ,'� , Markay�Additi'ori;by Ken Nordling. The City Manager read to the City Council .the reco�le'hdq.�ion of the Plats and Subdiuisions Sub-Coffinittee to the Plann- ing'Coimniesion�;,that th.is prel3minary plat not be recommended for approvel unlese xezon�ng'requested is obtained Yirst so that entire plat is zaned the same. Tkte Planning Commisaion� it was furi.her explained� felt they could diepense with the rezoning at thie time and had recotmnended tl�e plat be accepted. Engineeriag Aseistant Clark pointed out Mr. Nordling had agreed to go to e smaller building in the area and use the land now zoned for two huildinge i'n question, that he would ask for rezoning later or leave the land the'way it wae"end put on ji�st the building that would fit properly. The City Manager explained to the City Council, City Attorney Smith had given the opinion bhat'tkie R-1 area in the plat could be used for parking but not for any structure:',City Attorney Smith replied that was hie view on the matter. CouncSlme�n Jo1��naon stated that Under the existing zoning� Mr. Nordling can put`two�foRr vriit apartment bUildinge on has property. Councilman Sheridan stated th'st by�'doing tha't he would also have the required lot size for the present building. A diecuasion period was held on aizes of average lats, depth,' etc, ' i ;I Motion by Bhe'ridan to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commiesion anfl 'acce�3!t the�,preliminary plat #63-OS� the Markay Addition by Hen Norflling. Secdnde&'by� JOhanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion car- ried'unanimously. PUBLIC TiEARING: PRELIMINARY PLAT �E3-09� ADELE FIRST ADDITION, WAYNE WHITEHILL: The City Managex read to the City Council the recommendation of the Plannin� Co�ission'and'explained the reason for the plat in question was thet it was too large,Por ri 1ot eplit and had to be platted. Sketches were presented to the City Couneil of the preliminary plat. Engineering Assistant Clark ex- plai,ned there were private covenants against one lot and this was the way they protected the owner. Mayor Nee inquired if the lot on the East would have"the use of Woody Lane and was told it would. Motion by Sheridan'to concur w3th the recommendation of the Planning Commis- sion�and accept Preliminary Plat �63-0�� Adele First Addition, by Wayne Whitehill: Seconded by Brook. Upon a'voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. I�i: OAK GROVE ADDITION: OAK GROVL ADDITION: The City Manager read to the City Council the recommendation of' the Plannin�r CD�ieaion:„IYxaWin��,were presented ipr Council viewing. Engineering Assist- ant C1ark explained approval should be made upon preeentation of CertiFicates of Survey:, Motion by Brook to concur with the rexoum�endation of the Planning Commission and approve lo� split request L.S. #63-33 by Ed Chles on Lot 2, Rlock 5, Oak Grove Addi�3on�and'Lot"Split request L.S. �63-34 by Ed Chiea on Lot 14, Block 6� Oak (3rovelAddition�svbject to the presentation of Certificates of Surbey, Seconded'Sy Jolianson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mation fearried unanl�qously. LOT SPLiT REQUEST: I,.S. #63-32, MRS. ROBERT GLASS: LOT 7, AND N 1�2 OF LOT The Citp,Maneger read the recommendation to the City Council of the Planning Commission� al'eo the Plats and Subdivisions Sub-Committee and stated there was included ,in the Agenda a letter in this regard which says there are no re- strictive covenanta. Councilman Johanson inquired if this were a hardehzp case. Mr. Charle9 Ffohanson of the Planning Commission wae present and stated it was a hardshi,�i;,case� that it was a very d�ep lot with extremely high assessments and it waLq,A't',a,matter of splitting the 1ot� it was a matter of splitting the asaesaments. He ilxrther expleined the lot is so deep it could still be used as a minimum lot, Engineering Assistant Clark explained there is no more land availe.bSe`in this area� just two feet fram the lot to the North. ��� �rt� Motion t�y Johenson to coneur with the recommendation oP,the Planning Co,mmiseion and grant the lot eplit request, L. 3. �63-32 by Mre. R'obestlGleae on L'ot 7� and N 1/2 of Lot 8� Block 4, Shaffer's Firet Addition. Secohded by-Srqok. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, � LOT SPLIT RER,ITEST: TRED COMPANY INCORPORATED: , The City Manager reed to the City Council the reco�eAdation'�,of,the Planning Carmniesion, slso the Plats and Subd3visions Sub-Committee recoffiqendat3on end i explained a letter had been received this day with a check,Por $30.00 on the 'j lot split fee for two lots and easement being set aside�ior etreeta;andputili- � ties is being iurnished by Mr. Hermann. Engineering Aeaietant Qlank explained they had a survey �or two home aites but not for the back,hali and have�,re- queated a waiver of the one certificate as it covera vacant,land. The„City Msnager sug�eoted to the City Council iP they did want to,�,appr,ove',the Lot Split that thQy could approve it subject to the obtaining Of,a,survey,,that, there are four ownerR in the area. Councilman Sher3dan inquired,i.f tl�e,lpre- aent owner of Lot 7+ realized this would have to be platted Sf'thi¢ would be returned to the Council floor. The City Menager replied the�l',ownex flidn,'t,seem intexested and further expla3ned theae thinge vere done. ;befo ��'�I,I thr,re,.t�sa �any lot splitting and one home owner ia being ta�ced for both ,proper,t'Y,ee. • Cpun- cilman Sheridan atated the object of the ordinance to begip`wtth �+se that Council would get eome plats rather than meets and bovnds deeQriptione. The City Man�ger replied theee were simple deecriptiona and'in aome inetsn¢es a replat is no more difficult to handle than a aplit and'th3e Would come under the terme of the ordinance in 196L � , � ' d Mr. Clark explained the houses were built in this area either two ,px three years previous and taxes and assessments are mixed up. , � , , Motion by Sheridan to concnr with the recotmuendation of the Planning Commis- sion end approve the Lot Sp13t requeat by Tred Comgany� SncOrpor,ated. Se- conded by Srook. Mr. Clark inquired if the C3ty Couaeil warited,to'waive,,the � CertificAtes of Survey on the rear lot� that there is no building on t�e one � lot� nor e permit application for it. The City Managex,etated ttiey,uould have to produce a Certificate of Suritrey if and when they viahed �'�o build. --' Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion canried unan3mouel$., r�; �y;lv� � � _^ ,� , Motion b,y Shexidan Co waive the requ�rement of the Cet�tificate oE 9VSYey on the North half of Lot 6 and West 25 feet of Lot 4, Block'1�'5pring Ve�ley Addition. Seconded by Broak. Upon a voice vote, there heing°,no nays�� the motion carried unanimouely. � � `i",,;'e�„ � , � � it� .,�...� �� ��-, -{�� �'P � ` '6�ri ` �'+ ��;;� �, �� REZONING INRUIRY: ZOA #63-21: ROBERT H, SCHROER, LoTS 39 T�tooGB 42;�BLocx , FRIDLE:Y PARIC: REZONE I�`itOM R-1, TO C-1: � ,�'li' ' iI l t' i„� � � The Cit,y Manager read to the City Council the reco�endation'and action taken by the Planning Commiseion in requesting the Planning Comnis�,�on and City „ Council have a,joint meeting to diecues planning and zoning„iip�thg-City oi'„ Fridley, its definition and all otheT mattere in this�'concerri; 81ep�,that,�, action on such itema be delayed until meeting or me�etinge,bsve�beea held and policies and procedures are adopted. Mayor Nee stated,hehwae,in 3,siror',of, this reco�endat3on� that since he had been a member oY''the�P;lanning Commi�- eion he had felt thia Nas needed and also suggested obtaining oUtside bpih- ions as they were available. He gave examples of this includ3ng,help the State provides and profeesipnal people �'rom theiT di�"Fgrent-'�dgpartments',whose opinions are available at no charge. The City Manager sugg`e�ted'to the C,ity ,� Council the Mayor and Chairman of the Planning Commiseion could arrange'e ' � meeting. It was ao agreed by the members of the City Council„and Mayor N,ee ✓ stated he would attempt to arrange a meeting at the earlies't,poasible date.-, � �,� � , � , � . �I OT,D BUSINESS: � �, ', � � � I,�, : � � � � PORTION OF PEIRRSON;�B � � �� � � i , � , ,, � Mayor Nee announaefl this was the second read3ng o�', Ordlneri,ae;;���2�4,8 ��rez0�ing e portion oi Pearaon's Firat Addition. The City Maneger,gave;'�he�e�co�}d;mee$- ing of said ordinance. �� i1 �„ Moti,on by Hrook ',to ddopt� ae' read, ORDIPiA$ICE #248 rezon3ng a portion of Pearaon's Fire'i Additioi�'�an�,publieh'Bame.� Second`ed by Johangon.� Upon e voice vote, there being no nays'�'"�I,ttie�� motion carried vnanlmously. � �;�^ � � � Councilman 5heridan 3nterjected at this point to state the City Council had had, on ocaasion� timea when reeidents coming in who had said they hadn't been na- tified on'hear,inge., He etated he had Pound such a notice for a hearing he was to have atteqded,u'nder aome shrubs by hia home some daye aiter the hearing� that he merely"wanted�'�o pasa this lnformatidn onto the City adminiatration and per- r haps these',notices could be either peraonally delivered or put in mail boxes. I, The City Manager replied that noticee would be properly delivered in the future. I NEW BUSINES3: ' BOARD OF APYEAIS MEETINa MINU`PES, OCTOSER 16, 1963: . � PUBLIC HEAR�IIQG ON A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 8.8 - D,1 OF ORDINANCE V• 1\VNG1Y1]VnL'31'T�4JVJ 14V1Y11V31 1111{+'+1]1 1YVlly{L:vAV1• Mayor Nee�'`ennouneetl the item at haead was a public hearing on a request iar a vsriance tb conetruct a detached garage. The City Manager read to the City Council the'reco�endation of the Board of Appeals and explained this wae e publie hearing'conducted before the Board. Councilman Sohanson inqu2red if anyone,had an idea of what this setback requirement would look like� that it was his opinion the garage could be a different size and atill have a side yard. Ttte City Manager explained a member of the Boaxd of Appeals had made the motion only aYter it had been diecussed. Councilman Johaneon stated that if there were�a garage on the other lot� there would be just about enough room to'walk and d� didn�t seem to be enough. Engineering Aseistant Clark explained a compromiae' ha$ been made, that the original request had been for three feet and 'they"had gtanted one foot. Mayor Nee inquired iY Mr. Roeenbower who had rAquested ttle'variarice,wae present. Mr. Rosenbower was n� present. Mayor Nee inquir�d if the City Council wished to return this to the Committee for fur- ther information. Councilman Sheridan ateted they could either refer it back to the Co�mittee or table the item to the next regular meeting,. Motion by Johaneon to teble the request Por a variance irom Section F3,8 - D.1 of Ordinance No. 70 by waiver of setback requirement from three feet to one ioot from lot lineti;�permit conatruction oi a detached garage on Lot l, Clover I,eaf Addition� Anoka County� Minnesota to the next regular meeting. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unsn�mously. � SAFETY CONINLLTTEE'MEETING MINUTES, OCTOHER 9, 1963: Mayor Nee announced the item in question was the receiving and any action ne- ceseary regarding the minutes of the Safety Committee Meeting. The City Mana- ger expLaified'to the City Council that normally these minutes are not placed on the"Agenda,�'or Council•act3on but they had submitted the Midland Coopera- �ives 9erviEe Ste.tion request to the Co�ittee and their action was to eet a meeting forlFriday��0etober 18� at 5:3o with representativee from the company� cou�ittee,and zeeidente preaent and that� to date, no action had been taken by the 8afety Committee. „ , Motion by�Sharidan to receive the minutes oP the Safety Committee Meeting held October 9, ig63. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. COMMiJNICATIONS : MINNESOTA INDUSTRIAL PARKS, INC.: BUILDING AT 7230 CENTRAL AVENUE NORTHEAST: The City Manager read aloud the co�¢nunication from Minnesota Industrial Parks, Inc.� regarding the purchase of a building at 7230 Central Avenue Northeast. i l)ti Motion by Sheridan to receive the letter from Minneaota Induetriel Parka� Inc., refer same to City ad�inistration for a report and ahould the-City of Fridley need addttional epflce for equipment� same could be coneidered''; Se¢onded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motionr_cerxied unanimously. � ��� < < � ;i MADSFN RI:ALTY: BUILDING AT 6�+41 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTf�AST: , � � Mayor Nee announced there were two letters f�om Madaen Reelty�in queation. The City Mana�er read aloud the two letters received from Medeen'iReaLty�;one;be- ing in regard to �he aele o£ the huildin� at 64�1 Univ�raitgll�w�nue'�Nox�heea�t � and the other regardin� the leasing of same. � Motion b,y Johaneon to refer the two lettere received from Madsen RAalty re- , garding the building at 6�41 Univeraity Avenue Northeaet to'the City Manager for a recommendation to the City Couneil. Seconded by,BrOOk.'I�;Upon e.,voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimoixaly. �'' ,� '1 �1"? , ,� � ' ' , The City Manager suggeated to the C3'ty Council if they wiehed�;ito"i�eXtend''tbe City property� it would be appropriat� to authorize negotiati0ne'ox'looking� into a building that might be available adjacent to City pxoperty„�o �ave r, rental monies of approximately $4�300.00 per year. � �� �;,��,�'�' ` Motion by Johanson to authorize tha C3ty Manager to negot3ate�S'or�the aequii-� sition of or checkin�5 into the poeaihility of obtaining'the,Oman'pr,opert,y � adjacent to City property. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice�vote� there,be- ing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. � ,;i"" p; � f, PEARSON: PARK DEPOSIT; <<h` � ,' , � n, ,,( i,�, �, ' ; Mayor Nee announced the 1'tem in question was a coffinunicetion�from�Peareon Homes, Inc. The City Manager read aloud the communiaation and expl.aiqed it was with regard to a piece of property along Eaet River�Road„khiGh'wee;juet replatted to permit multiple dwelling sites and part of Pe�r,son`s� C,raigKay�i I Development, tirat Mr. Pearaon had felt they had contr�,buted-itheir„5�, or,more for park purposes end though they had sent a,check of,$105,OO,�to;cov�r�park,, I purposes, they wished Council consideration on eame. Engin6ering,Asaietanti Clark stated the entire acreage of the plat was ninety some aarea,e,nd th� Pearson land� so far� does meet the ordinance requirement. The City Mana�er explained the $105.00 wouldn't to any good. � p� ',`'i I, I'°� ��,; , �� i „ �, `, , � � � > Motion by Johanson to authorize the Oi�y Manager to, retUrn;th�����checlC �fvr�, ,;', $105.00 for park purposes to Pearaon Homes� Inc. SecoYtded.bjrj$rool�. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nays� the motion,carried unanimously,. i� � � � � r, � OWNERS OF LOTS 7-25, RLOCK 12, PLYMOUTH ADDITION: AISEY VACATION:' ' � The City Manager explained this was a communication�from the��r,eaidents�in , the area regarding the alley vacation on tt�e South 360 feet oiwSlockLLl2� ; Plymouth Addition, that he had been directed by the,City CounoiL to�write to the people abuttin� the same alley to vacate same but�this„,letter hac�, come 3n and each piece of property that abatte the erea in�question�signed the letter and these residenta don't helieve in giving al],ey,back. He,Epr- ther explained this Was the alley that had been vacatediby ordinance,and,the City Attorney has advised the only way to do anything,about�3,t,wouj.d be,to; seacquire by dedication or condemnation. - �i,�� . � �, „n � � Motian by Johanson to receive and place on file the letter reaeived,from the owners of Lots 7 through �5, Block 12� Plymouth Addition and conflTul the = I action previously taken by the City Councll. Seconded by Sh�riidan�, 'UpOn,a `l 1�oice vate, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouely.� r,,, � �P � MADSEN: AFPRECIATION: ;, i;,, ., ' � i � ° - �, - � The City Managex read eloud the letter oi apgreci�tion Yrom,MYe.;Betty Madeen. Mot3on by Brook to receive and place on file the`letter`"o#' a�i�ireciation,'from Mrs. Betty Madsen. Seconded by Sheridan.- Upon a-VOice,vote�'i,there being.no � ��, nays� the motion carried unanimouely. , � ,.,,, ',�; ;� � �J li VISITORS:, , . , . � Mr,.,May�qard`Ra��AUdeQn�was pxesent regarcling his plat in Spxing Brook Park. Counellman Joli�:neon dnqu3red if there were eome reason Mr. Raemussen couldn't be placed on th'e Agenda. Mr. Rasmuseen replied he had hired an attorney and 1� eeemed,as though everyone was always�busy and he wea having trouble gettin� the j'ob dpne�' that'City Attorney Smith had cooperated but they had lost eight- een monthe in�get�ing their plat recorded and it wss impossible for him to correspond wi�h'bhree people at the same time. Councilman Johanson explained he�was not bb'je'ating'to Mr. Raemussen bei.ng preeent, only that he had been won- dering if he'Wae having �rouble being placed on the Agenda. The City Manager explainedaa me�qb had been received from Mr. Rasmussen's attorney on the pre- vioue 5aturday'snd'it Was too late to be placed on this everling's Agenda. He furtner eSplain�ed he had'received thie day a cotmnnnicstion from City Attorney Smitt� in thia'�zegard'end he wae acceptable to what Mr. Rasmussen was aeking for and that was rather t1Tan place any money in eacrow or the performance bond for �the fUll coet oP the storm eewer in question, that-they p]ace enough to pay half and the balance they would escrow whenever the City desired to complete it� �City Attorney Smith explained there was a provision that there wouldn't be build- ing permi�t'e� that theae would be held up� that the.storm sewer in the area is somewkiat overeized and Mr. Rasmussen needs the vacation of some street and final e.pproval of the �lat. City Attorney Smith further explained Mr. Raemussen's attorney had'talked to him about the plat and had presented the City with a pro- posal and in v3ew of the long period of time, tk�is wae a practical way for get� i ting thie problem aecomplished. He atated.there was a little risk that the City,of Fridley,might have an unfinished storm sewer on.part of ihis area but withiMr:`Rasmt{asea'•paying half of it, it ie a calculated risk. The City Manager e�cpldined^P`the City'Council had held the hearings on the vacation and the final plat;'3e depeud�IIt on'this agreement� that they could place tkie flrst reading of the'ordinance on the Agenda for the 4th of NovemUer and if tYiere were any ab- jectione,,Council could atop the ordinanee. Councilman Sheridan stated that Mr'.'Rasmueseri�,he.d been bePore the.Council many times but he could not act on thie,-'documen�'','tOnight until he had had an opportunity to study it and if it was agreeable��with°Mr. Raeiauseen� the item could be placed on the Agenda for the next.regular me�ting at which time the City Council could act on same. Mr. Rasmusaen"�inquired'the length of time involved for vacating etree�a. The City Manager explaiped this wonld take two readings of the ordinance and ance 2t ie paaeed on Mr. Raemussen covld move ahead� that 3f the City Council approved the agreement in �u�stion� the plat Mr. Raemusaen had presented would be accepted. There were no aihher vieitors. CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT WITfI OFF-SALE UNION: RESOLUTION {�150-1963: � Mayor Nee �nnounced the item in question was the consideration of an agreement with Off-eale�union and it was explained in a resolution presented to the City Council. The CityManager explained the resolution for fourteen articles but the�only on�s Under consideration were the work week and the hourly rete and the extent of time'of tate increase� that the original resolution had been set up on a'1}0 hour�work week. He iurther explained they were correcting Article 8 oP'the sgrepinent to change it to a 44 hour, 5 day week, that the request had been made for,a salary increase from $i.95 to $2.19 per hour. The agreement� the City Council) wsa told� would run from September 1� 1963 to December 31, 1964. The C3ty Manager stated he had had several conversatians with the union repreaentative arid wae told they had reached the same agreemeni, with St. Antli- any Village',Store of an incnease to $2.10 an hour and a retention of a 44 hour week and that thie would extend from September 1963 to December 31. ].964. The City'Nlanager repvrted if the City Council wished to meet with the imion repre- sentativea'snd"eonduet negotiationay they could do so, that this was the best � the City adm�nistration had been able to do with the union. ' i Motion by Johanson to adopt RESOLUTIOrr #15H-1963 amending Reeolution (�i87-i962 entitled: '$stabl3eh'ing working conditione, wages end houra far employees em- ployed by the Flutsici'pal'Liquor Store (OfP�Sale)". Seconded hy 6heridan. Coun- cilman Sheridah"'1'nquired how these�salaries comyared with pr3vate induetry. The City Manager ieplied they hadn't had an opportunity to compare but had been given to understand one of the reasons the union wae late in bringing this up was that they had to work it e,11 out with private industry f'irst and did aesume thie wae the same salary they had asked for. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, �{_ ( �7 d�ul CONSIDERATION OF MEMBERSHIP IN N. 5. S. S. D. : Mayor Nee announced the consideration of the memberahip in the N. S. S. S. D. was being brought to the floor from a motion that hsd beem m�de two mohthe previous. Councilman Brook stated he felt this item should be,,carried oYer until after the elect3on in November. Mayor Nee replied thie �was,satls�act- ory wi th him. ��� J � y �� I The City Manager stated he had included this item on �he Agen,da because of„ the motion made two months previous� that he had xeceived a' le�ter i'rom�,the State of Minnesota this day with regard to the Interim,Repor'�,eaging'they� I would gave an opinion soon in th3s regard but did not know;when.� The-City � Menager further stated that according to the reoo�mnendation'oP the,Ci�y,doun- `---� cil he had asked the Water Pollution Control Commiseion'to review ;the in�erim , report and in the letter he had received they eay the City,ofv�'r,idley c�.n'heve 1600 connections which is good far 2- 1�2 to 3 years and,�tHey,'will} in;'reep- arate correspondence� repart on their review of the report aent frOm Fridley. i Motion by Sohaneon to continue the action on the eonaidere�ion oE,�the�Memb�r- ah3p in tl�e N, S. S, S. D, until after the regular election,and p].e6ee,this item on the a�enda for the November 18th meeting. Seconded�by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, tfie motion carried unanimously. � � � i �,�� � � � Mayor Nee explained to members of the City Council that he had�not officially, as a member of the Board of the N. S. S. S. D„ requested-s public i�earing of the N. S. 5. S. D, before the people but had talked unoff�cislly and ,�, found no wi113ngneas on the part of the Board af the N:'S. 3: S.�D. to engage in this sort of debate. He further explained the Board wiehed tq,"imee�,with the City Cauncil the following evening and other councila,inqolved to get , their views on the contract which they propose, that none of,;lthe'individuels would have supporteQ any request to eagage in a debata.^,-i Mayor,Nee,,,�xplained the members of the board of the N. S. 8. S. D, were will�hg,+'�o,lsppesr, befpre the Couttcil but that wae all. CaunciJ.man Bxook inquired13f MB.yor,Nee d3$n,';t think this was a good idea to have a public meeting. Mayor Nee xeplied that it probably would be but none of the Board Membera of the N:;,'S�: S,•, 6.,D. feel I this ie a decision that can be mede properly,by the publ;ia anc�,thqr� were e, I certain amount of emphatic 3ndiv1dusls who did not iavox 1'�imainly�,beeeuae ,, � they felt nothing would be �ained by it and they did not want°'to 'get, iavq�.ved in a campaign. Mayor Nee explained that in view of the expr�seione of they,, board members of the N. 5. S. S. D. he did not make any reqUest. Councilman Brook stated the City Council should �t leset have one meeting on thisiitem to explain this to the people and he felt it could do no harm. Mayor Nee replied hie only explanation was that the board of the N. S. 3: S.,D.',�would not engage in thie discusaion. Councilman Johanson inquired iF euclY,a uteeting wer��held, who would they be able to get to defend the N. S. S. 8.� b. 'Couneilman�8rook replied he thought Midland Consultsnte.shoUld be glad to coWe';to this me6ting. Mayor Nee replied it wae a question of the attitude of the board membeFe; in giving Midland Consultants permission. Councilman Srook inquired hoy�,,the board members would i'eel if the people didn't want to be a,pa+Tt of„the;;,N. S. S. S. D. Mayor Nee replied he did not know. Councilman Brook etated that when the people of Fridley are mortgaging themselvea it shquld,;be expla�ned to them how the money will be spent and the City Council ehould have Midlpnd Consultents come to this meeting and tell the people th01r aide.' Mayo� Nee replied that Midland Consultants can't go out unleae they aFe,�;authorized by '� the board of the N. S. S. S. D, and the board ielt it�didn'ts��erve�;a�gopd ° purpose, Councilman Brook stated it might not serve a ptarpose�°',�bo,r,the board� but it might eerve a purpose to the people in Fridley. ,Maya;��,�Tee;e�ated the board had already eaid they would meet with the City Conac3i,lsnd�he oould make the motion for a puhlic meeting but wouldn't get e seco���t0�lit.�,�oun- cilman Brook requeeted that Mayor Nee make the motion to meet,with the City � Councll and invite the public to the meeting. Mayor NBe',�.nqpired if the City I Council could meet the following nite at Coon Rapids CitylHa�1L'to $o oves the _J contract and get Council reaction to the contract that is��proposed and they, could mnke thie requeet at the same time. Councilman Brook T,ePlied thie,would be too late to �et in the newspaper and the pnblic would not'°,be aware oi, it. Councilman Johaneon and Sheridan atated they were unable to,s,'ttend,,the meet- ing the following evening. � Councilman Srook stated his feeling was that Fridley ehould stay independent� that the N. S. S. S. D. ia taking land to install services and it,will ber}efit - � �� �. . �, � � t 3. V 4y' � �, li � � ��i�P the�people No���� of Fridley and they do nead this service. Councilman Brook Pusthes Btated,�he^felt Fridley ehould uae up the c.Y.s, they now have and if more services axe,nee$ed� Fridley could negotiate a contract with the N. S. S. S. D, but stay�independent „ that the City of Fridley earried the biggest part oY valua'tion� about 1�3 of it and thia should be thought over carefully before entering into,an agreement, Mayor P1ee explained the item had already been tabled. , � ���"��i�i i� I I � , CounMlmea Sheridan etated that inasmuch as there were two of the Councilman who would be,Unab�e�lto attend the meeting the following evening would it be advis- able to have the Secretary to the City Council attend the meet3ng and have a � reeord made for the City Council so that they would know what happened, that some oP the minUtea that have come from these meetin�e are quite va�ue and don't show the;lA'tent°'oi some oi the proceedings. Mayor $ee replied this was not a firm propoeal yet� thie meeting wae juet an informative meeting to see if the propoeal,wae acceptable to the various counc3ls, but if ik were so desired to have the eecxetax'y present to take muntes this would be acceptable. Councilman Sheridan etated that as it was an informal meeting there might not be an ad- vantage to the taking of minutes for the following evening's meeting. I' `�,�' Mayox Nee announced the item before the City Council wae the conaideratian of' the expansion oi the Fire Station. The City Manager stated the City Council had directed a local drafteman be contacted for the drawing of the proposed plane. F3re Chiei' Hughee had contacted him and this person didn't feel he should do the'work�and he had then contacted Mr. Smiley of S, C. Smi]ey and Aseociates� e4�ohitecte.' The City Manager further stated he had requested cer- ta3m Yacts fpr,thia meeti.ng and Mr. Smiley was p�esent to answer same. Dra�inge were presented by Fire Chief Hughes with the explanation thls is the amount of,spaee',the Fire Department felt they would need for their equipment. It wae explained'to the City Couneil Mr. Smiley had had a meeting with the mem- bers oi the;Fi,'re Department and what the firemen are requesting is the present � building plus an addition of three bays and an addition�l ten feet of depth greater than what they have at the preaent. It was eteted they need a new hose tawer� are requsabing new wiring of the old building as well as wiring of the new building�,s,,aew two inch water line to be brought in, flourescent lighting throughout�,a fpot entrance door to the'east where the preeent hose tower ie, a Yoot entrance in eouth wall, brick facing on the building if at all possihle, new height oP fourteen feet in the clear� unit heaters, want meximum shell space possible now providing for future bu3lding budgets, drains under trucks, would like to have motor operated doors es an option� windows on the South wall� con- crete apron, provieion for a hose washer� matching doors. Mr. Smiley stated it would be prePerable to replace two old doors in order to matah them. It was mentione8 �here was a requeet by the City Manager that the program be worked out within a$50�000.00 budget, Mr. Smiley stated if the new Civic Center is completed� this�building would set the pace. Lines to be excavated to the new addition� excavating� the removal and addition of walls� roof, etc., were discussad. Couneilman Sherldan explained to Mr. Smiley the City of Fridley wiahed to stay under the $50 000.00 fi�ure for the addition to the Fire Station because of Yinancial reasona. Mr. Smiley stated if the City of Fridley would supervise the wor7�� h3s firm would charge 4-1f296 and inquired if it was agreeable to the City Council to permit thie budget and allow the Fire Department to get everything by way oP etructiure� lighting� drains� etc. and if they couldn't put the brick on the frontfor the�figure, they would leave it off, that they would buy as much ae they could £or the budget. Mr. Smiley ilirther inquired if the contracte for the iire etation would be let on a bid basis and was told they would. The City Manager snggested to the City Council iY they wished to finalize final plans and specifications� �they would have to do it by resolution. Motion by Johaneon to adopt RESOLUTION #159-1963 authorizing the preparation of final plana and,apeeifications for the expansion of the Fire Station by S. C, Smiley and Aseooiates. 8econded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nsys,_the mot3bn carried unanimouely. Councilman Johanson retired from the meeting at 10:�0 P. M. CLAIMS: ��� n Motion b Sheridan to a rove � �,� ��I�� y pp payment of General Clsime #1143''throygh �1��3a Se.conded hy Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,�the motion �sr- ried unanimously. �� , � �;�� �� „ , , Motion by Brook to approve payment of L3quor Claims �5713 thxough #57�,. Secanded by Sheridan. Upon�a voice vote� there being no riays�'the motion carried unanimously. „ , Motion by Sheridan to approve payment of Pulhlic Utilities C1e1me.���Bq�F through #2902. 6econded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no�ne.ye�.the,,motion carried unanimously. �� �J,,, k ' . � � ESTIMATES: I Motion by I�rook to approve the fo�llowing eatimate: , Comstock and Davis� Inc. Consulting Engineere 1446 County Ro�d "J" M3nneapolis� Minnesota 55k32 Eetimate #2 - Sanitary Sewer,& Water $ �93�25 Improvement+Proj. #55 , � �'���,,�,� Estimate �10-'„id��erJ ��rpa�$v@th�'nt' ' 'n � � � � �� Proi�eet #3�+�K �'�I' � �,.' �� , 394.25 ,i ;I �"�,�� �.•��t,; , Estimate #3 - Ssnitary 8'ewe����&',,Wa'ter, � �,�1'�� - � Tmprovement-,proy�e�et,�3 661.25 � �� ;� � � '- Estimate #1 - Storro Sewea,Improvement , Project �61+�s'�' � 128.25 � Tota�, �,',' $1577.oa Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice yote, there being no naye� the motioz carried unanimously. ,� ' I,i,; „ , � , �, i � LICENSES: � �i� Motion by uheridan to approve the followin� licenses: E7{CAUATING Purcell ConstructiOn Co. 6031 Pillsbury Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota GAS SERVICES $ruce Plumbing Company 4747 Twin Lake Avenue Minneapolis 29� Minnesota GENFRAL CONTRACTOR E1-HuU Build@rs, Inc. 413�+ Thomas Avenue North Minnea�nlis 12, Minnesota Richard Conetruction Company 80 wast Road Ciicle Pinee� Minnesota I3�ATING Standard Heatin� Gompany 410 West Lake Street Minneapolis� Minneaota � � „ �� , � i' ,I ' �� ,r,� � � � I� �, �� , by: Fred Purcell � �� „, � ; NEW � ' ' 'nj '��. ' � � . , �, � � � � by: Delbert Bruce � ,,, � ,; � � � � NEW � by: E, E. DietriQk �;' � RENEWAL � , � � , i i� �� � , by: Riehard PetersOn ; � � L3ENEWPS, � i° ,�, , I �., � , � � � � , � � y}�, � I � by; Tony Ferrara RENEWAL � �_� I J � -- � � �' �� � � � i � I r�.sEir�Y �� � , � ' i," 'rd'�, ti i r„�S � , � i �+ � Jama�s I. -�onvq";',!I,;,' , '�� 18624 Coving�o;niRoad ' Hopkins,�Minneaota � � � i � ' PLASTERING ' George W, Lovgren & Sons 5900 Wisconain^Circle Minneapolis 28� Minnesota by: Sames Touve by: George W. Lovgren PLUMBING Doyle' & 0'Brie'��'Plumbing� Inc. 2817 Efaex�son 'Avenue South Minneapolis� Mipnesota by: Charles P. Doyle PI�W NEW RLNEWAL Seeonded by Brook. Upon a voace vot�� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ; � � ?+' SUGGESTED A�IEND7y1ENT TO CHAPTER 49: Mayor Nee�snhounced thie was the consideration of a auggested amendment to Chapter 49 ofi�t�,he Municipal Code of Fridley and stated he would 13ke to hava the item tsbled�'."' Councilman 5heridan euggested referring eald item to the City Attorney fOx' kii'e viewe. City Attorney Smith replied he had already given his viewe in a'le�ter previovsly. Motion by�,'Sheri,'dan to table for a period of eixty (60) days the euggested amendment'to'Chapter 1+9 of the Municipal Code of Fridley. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voioe;vote�'there being no nays, the motion chrried unanimously. i n , �— CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENTS WITH ST. PAUL WATER WORKS: Mayor Nee announced thie was the consideration of a�reements with the St Paul Wate'r Worke. The City Manager explained they were not prepared for this item and requeated"item be tabled until November 4th Meeting. Motion by Sheridan to table until the regular meeting on November 4th, 1963 the consideration of agreements with S�. Paul Water Works. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RECREAT�iON COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, SEPTEMBER 18, AND OCTOBI:R 5, 1963: Motion by Brook�to receive and place on file the Recreation Commission Meeting Minutee of'September 18 and Detober 5, 1963. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion corr-Led unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 81.11• , , ; Mayor IQee announced the item in question was the consideration of an ordinance to amend Sec�iori,81.11 of the City Code concerning tY�e hours of a licensee to sell'non-intox3cating malt liquors. The City Manager explained to the City Council thia was merely to bring the code into line with the State Law and gave the 'firet'reading of said ordinance. Motion by Sheridan to accept as the first reading an ordinance to amend Section 81.11 of the City Code concerning the hours of a liceneee to sell non-in�oxi- cating malt ],iquore. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice v�ate� tliere being no nays� the�motion carried unanimously. It was explained the City Code had read between the houra,of 1 A.M. ta 6 A.M. and should heve read lA.M. to BA.M. RESOLUTION #160-1963 DIRECTTNG ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY AONDS-SW {�63• Mayor Nee,requeated the City Manager to explain the directing the issu�nce and .1L il Y � �� � � r�,�, sale of bonds. The Cit,y Manager explained in the past the City Council ha'd financed for twu years small projects and did thie by pasaing temporary im-, provement bonds end subsequently directed the sale out of the,'Revolving '�' Fund� that it eaved everybody concerned a great amount of money and eyent- uAlly they compi,le all of theae in a general bond iesue.' Mayor Nee'announced these were reso]utioas to issue and then directed the manager to pUrehasej , bonds from anothPr fund. .' " Mayor Nee announced the resolution in question was directing the ipsuance'of temporr�ry bonde for sewer and water project Number 63, The City,Manager ex- plained areas involved. �' I I i � � Motion by Sheridnn to adopt RH90LUTION #160-1963 directing�the,;iseuance of tem- '�' porary improvement bonds in accordance with laws of 1957�' chapter 385 fox San- itary Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 63. Seconded by,8rook. Upon,- � voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously,,, � i RF,SOLOTSON �161-1963 DIRECTING SAL� AND PURCAAS� OF TEMPORARY�'HONIZS-SW �3: MQyor Nee annoanr.ed the item in queetion was a resolation dlrectin�gi�the sale and purchase of temporery bonde for SW #63. `' d�1y'�P,�S � Motion by Broak L-o adopt RESOLUTION �161-1963 directing thE 'sele'and,purchase of temporary improvement bonds in accordance w3th lawa qfr;1957�;'chapter 385 for Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvement Project #63, Second�d„by'Sher3dan. Upon a voice vote� there Ueing no nays� the motion carried unanimouely. ,' !n RPSOLUTION �1�2-1963 DIRECTING ISSUANCE oF m�r�iPOxAxY Borms- sTREET 1963-1: � � s� � Mayor Nee announced the item in question wae e resolu�3on,d�reeting^the ,iaeu- ance of temporar,y bonds for Street Improvement Praject #1963-1 in the amount of :�52,0OO.OD, Motion by Sheridan to adopt $�soLUTION �162-1g63 directing the ieauance af j temporary improvement bonds in accordance wi�th laws oP 1957�,chapter 385��'or' � Street Improvement Project �1963-1 in the amount of $52,000.00:� Seconde$ by Brook. Upon r� voice vote, there being no nays, the mot3on carried unanimoualy. RESOLUTION �163-1963 DIRECTSNG SALE AND PURCAASB OF TEMPORARY BOND9 - STREEZ'S lyb3-1: � �'ii ' � Mayar Nee announced this wae a resolut3on directing the s�1e,'and purchaae�oi � ��rb., } temporary bonds for Street Improvement Project #1963-1. '� ijr;p'.'' � �'�;�y ,�.,;+,.- Motion by Brook to adopt RESOLUTION #163-1963 directing the;s�le,and purchase of temporary improvement bonds in accordance with lawa of 1957,r,chapter 3b5„ ior Street Improvement Project No. 1963-1. Seconded by Bhericjan.',Upon Q; ,�, voice vote, there being no na,ys, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION �164-1963 APPROVING FINAL PLANS AND S� lilll� - 5W pfbl: , ' ' . , , � , �� � �� Mayor Plee announced this was a resolution agproving iinal' plan��and epeci-� £ications r�nd ordering bids for Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvemerit PI'oject No. 6i-i963. Mr. Comstock� consulting engineer� expla3ned to'the C"ity Coun- cil some items that had been deleted. I��� " �, Motion by 3heridan to aaopt xESOLVTroN #164-ig63 approving Yina1 plans and , _ I' specifications and ardering bids for Sanitary Sewer and Water Tmproveme�t , Project No. 61-1963. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ,, „' "i RESOLUTIONS SPLITTING SPFCIAL ASSESSMENTS: i �i����, ,. �, � Mayor Nee announced the items in question were resolutions apl3tting certain special assessmente. � Motion by�Brookh���oiadOpt RESOLUTTON �165-1963 authorizing and flirecting the splitting oP;�Spe'cial,'Aeseeaments,on Lot'6, Auditor's Subdivieion No. 92 and the East 16 �es��,'oE Lote'1 and 4� Block 1, Herrig Addition. Seconded Uy Sheri- dan. Vpon'a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � ,' � Motion by Sheridap to ado}�t RESOLUTION #166-1963 authorizing ar�d directing the splltting of,Special Aesessments of Parcel 150, Section 11. Seconded by Brook. Upon`a voice�vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanirnausly. � . . �;� Ir�, i, �� , �„ ,s Motiort by Brook';�,to�adopt RESOLUTION �167-1963 suthorizing and directing the splitting and certification of apecial assessments of Lots 7 and S, Elock l, Spring Lake'Park,,Lakeaide. Secanded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there be- ing no nays,�the motion carried unanimouely. � .. � , Motion by Sher'idan to adopt RESOLUTIbN # 168-1963 authorizing and directing the splitting ofispe'ciel assesements on Parcele 910, 930, 940, 970, and 1010, Melo- land Gardens'. "S'econded by Brook. Upon a,voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOL[TPION #1E9-19E3 �TING CERTATN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: Mayor Nee announced the item in;queation was a resolution for the abating of certain special aeseesments. Motion by Sherician to adopt RESOLUTION �169-1g63 abating certain special assesa- ments on Lot 20�';Auditor;s Subdivision No. 92. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote,�there being�no nay�� the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER #1 - STREETS 1962-4: Mayor Nee announced this was a change order for Street Project St. 1962-1+. The City Manage'r exp�ained to the City Council these were the cetch basins they had discuesed with the City Council �t a previous meettng. Motion by Sheridan to approve Change Order Number One �or Street, Project St. i962-4 to Dunkley Surfacing Company of 3756 Grand Street Northeast, Minneapoljs, Minneeota,in the�sum oi $2,000.00. Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye� the motion carried unanimously. PETZTZOrt #35-1g63, S. G. PEARSON COMPANY, INC.: Motion by Sheriden,to receive Petition #35-1g63 from S. G. Pearson Company, Inc and refer to the,City Manager for processing, ''Seconded by Brools. Upon a voice vote, there being no neys, the motion carried unanimouslq. APPOINTMENTS : ,,, Motion by Sheridan to approve the following appointments: Name Bertram R. Smith 9139 Dunlap New Brighton� Minneeota F _ Neil Auncan 7101 83rd Avenue Noxth Brooklyn Park� Minnesota Posit3on Yatrolman P�trolman Wages $�+59 • o0 per month $�+59•00 per month Replaces Donald Bennethum Duane Zedin Seconded by Hrook. Upon a voice vote� there being ❑o nays� the motion carried unanimously. ' OTHER BUSINESS;' EMERGENCY ORDINANCE f�249: MayoT Nee announced the City Council had an Emergency Ordinance i,o en�ict on the R:i� . sewer line on 73rd Avenue Northeast. City Attorney 5mith explai'ned to the' City Council this was a ratification of their action previbUSly'taken, The C1t,y Mana�er stated that was the agreement that each one offi'the jointe ,in the area of 73x�d F�venue would be soil solidified. Councilman Brook�9tated he had stopped by the area in question and workman hed told��im a pipe„had'dropp�d and razced the question if that would have any effect on the seWer,,line��gett3ng the proper flowage. Mr. Comstack� consulting eng7.neer� sugge9ted,to°the'City Council they emit into the sewer and check it out at the design,eepacity., Coun- cilman Sheridan stated he had also stopped at the area in ques,tion"and,itheeemed as though the work wae progressing quite we11. " '�",,�'' "' i" Motion Uy Sheridan to approve EMERGENCY ORDINANCE �249 au�hor,izing the financial cost split between the City of Fridley ¢nd contractor� Sandetrom and Hafner Comstruction Company. „ "' � ; � � � �' � Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote, �here being no naye���Ch�'mation carried � unanimously. - � " City Ati,orney Sm�th sugaested to the City Council they have e�separate motion for the contrect specifications they wished. Motion by Brook thst�before�eoil solidifiers be paid on the are� involved on 73rd Avenue Northeast that it be authorized b,y the coneulting engineers and that each joint aha1.1'�;be eo31 solid- ified. Mr. Comstock� consulting en�ineer� stated they had no',way°bY cheeking the above problem of work� that the City of Fridley has had a,man woxking there and that is a better way to check it. �" '`i ��i� - , � � � �,,�,i Motion by Brook to revise previoue motion to include .�that eachij'oint be salid- ified aud checked by engineerin� department of the City'of Fridley� also con- aultinp, engineer. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� t1'iere being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. �'�' ° � � ���%;� �THER BUSINCSS• ,��,' , d , „ Mayor Nee announced there was a communication from Sake Lundheim oi Anoka County which covers a cooperative agreement on the fifty - Yifty bssis the i City Council had authorized verbally and haven't approved the,,,final figUr�. It was agreed this was to be procesaed through administratiye, ¢harinelq,and to be in the amount of $11,264.50. ,°i `` ^ � J; A short discussion was held regarding the number oi applleants��Who had ap�lied for the positimn of City Englneer. The City Manager'stated he'ihad tenta- ' � tively eet up October 24th at 7130 P. M. to meet with two or three of the ap- plicants. Councilman Sheridan explained he would he unabZe�;�'CO?be'��,Ip�resent�i���� until the regular meeting of November the 4th. The City,Manage� stated he , would make his recommendation to the City Council but would�ll'ke,�to;�have the City Council meet with at least two or three of the applicants:''iit was so ogreed. . i 'I ADJOUfiN . There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted: /� � ��=�-��� ���r-C�-t-rf�c°/ Miskowic Secretary to the Council ' , i ;, �`� Mayor - Wil� J. Nee ' ;� r '�I . �i � I � i;�; � ' , � � � , „ „i � J I -_J