11/11/1963 - 00023040� I �„ , �' Seconded by Brook. Upon a voice vote� there heing no nays� the motion carried unanimouely. � �� �,� � � �; ADJOURNMEN`1': ' , � There�being'�no';furthei buainess� Mayor Nee declared - ' ,,i� , , , , „ � , . � t � S�� ' �� ,iu,n � � Res ee�full 'eubmitted• the meeting adjourned. � y • ��� r � Ear1 ,P. sgneP � M r- il iam S ee Acting Secret�ry,� to the .City Council. SPECIhL COUNCII. MEETING - NOVEMBER 11� 1g63 A epecial Meetirig of the Council oP the City of Fridley w�s called to order by Mayon Nee st 9:40 P. M. ROLL CALI,'[ , � i Members Preeent: Membera Abeent:3 NEW BUSINE6S: Nee� Brook� Johanson� Sheridan� Sdolke None �� � �r �.-- i� -� i i--���� i ii, Mayor Nee announced�the item in queation was the proposal and consideration oi a, propoeed agrAement with the State Highway Department for the outfall line on T. H. #69?+ (loo) and accessory line on 53rd Avenue Northeasta which was the same proposal as the original proposal with the exception of the price and it could iur�her be financed out oi the gas tax funds i£ it were so wished. He �urther etated,that Fridley could partieipate in the amount of $50�991.00 and this �.tem'xequired a resolution which�.had been drawn. Counc'ilman'Sheridan inquired of Mayor Nee if clariiication cou]d be obtained out of S. p. 0285.03 and S, P. 0285.09� that the agreement in Part 2 states the sum payment oP;$5o,991.00 is the City's iull ehare including engineering cost in the conetTUetion of the said storm sewer to be done in accordance with said plane and it��ives 5. P. 0285.03 and S. P. 0285.09, Councilman Sheridan re- quested!an ei�,il;anat�otl: Mr. McCubrey of the Minnesota State Highway Department� explained,the''project is merely in two parts and this is the entire agreement and �ur�her explaiqed the limits on S. P. 0285.09 are from the Misaiseippi River to 125 feet Ea9^� o£:Main Street and S. P, f�285.03 starts at Main Street and goes to Ea�t'�"Cdunty��line.r,He stated this wae divided in two parts and it was made into one projeet'.,"Councilman Sheridan inquired if all of the storm sewer was wi'bhYn �he�C,ity 11m1ts. Mr. McCubrey replied there as no sewer on the S. P. 028$',03 eection'�j;that �.f'the City Cou�}cil would look at the sketch on the back of thA agre8mex��'� there exe'three feeders over the line in S. P. 02E35.03'. Counoilman;'�Sh�'ridan e'tated for clari3'ication that S. P. 0285.09 is irom the Mlesiasippl�RlVdr to Main Street on Trunk Highway #694 and S. P. 0285,03 is from Ma3n 5tr�e�"�'going Eaet picking up the intersection oi �t�+7 snd proceeding South Yrom"''the'7.a�ereection on �47 to 53rd Avemie and going ISast on 53rd to 7th Stzeet', Coiutcilman Johanson stated he was quite satiefied with the latest propoeal of,'the'Minnesota Stste Highway Department and the City of Pridley had done �by �ar ks "nntieh ae they� could flo. �� �i��� � Motion by J;ohan�on that the City Counc3l of Fridley adopt ftESOLVTiorr �f17g-i963 authorizing'the�execution of a cooperative Agreement 53575 re: S. P. 0285 (T.H: #6g4) with+the State of Minnesota ae presented. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice uobe� there being no nays� the motion carried unnnimously. v.,. W�� '�'� � � � , '�'''� � Mayor Nee inquired ii they could have a resolution drawing funda from the�gas' taac reserves if that were the wish 8F the City Council� that it was his'�'eel- ing this was the best way to finance it. Councilman Sheriden'replied it Would be a deTinite benefit. � ��'��� � � �� �� �I', � �p'r�� �'.� i � ,;,�;�i ��_ i,� '�.. Mot3on by Sheriden to adop� a resolution authorizing a-elaim,o�,,$�0�9�1:00 on � gas i,a�c funds. The City Manager stated this resolu�ion` couldrli',,if Co�anedl wished� be handled at the next regular meeting, Mr. Anutson of the cal�eulting engin- eering firm of Comstock and Davis, Inc. sta�ed they had,�e�re'queet"of the City Council an3 that was that the three e�gencies invo].Yed agrge deYin3tely on the drainage r�reas to be served, Mr. McCuhrey of the t�i'nne9o�a`rfBtsCC�� Hig}}way Depe.rtment stated Mr. Knutson should contact the hydraalic peoplei,8�1d'they' cauld figure it, out with the consulting en�ineers a]1 the way,,,,�through the,,pro- ject� that Columbia Heights had been told the same proce$ure wouic� �'ollqw.' Councilman �heridan withdrew his motion from the floor. , ,"''•, � Mayor Piee thanked Mr. McCubrey for attending the meeting and preeenting the pro- posal from the Minnesota State Htghway Department. � 4 `�'- ' �lDJOiJRN: i � There being no further business� Mayor Nee declared the.meeting.adj0urned: Respectfully submitted� ` s� i ' ue Miskowic Secretary to the Council „ � �� ' ��--.�'°"'-,�,�>'r'�' w.��� �'�� � f1G„ � ��� � �� ,, s � SI'�CSAL COiINCIL MEETSNG - NOVEh'[BER 11� 1963�� _� _ . _ , .� �,.r � � .T , --- -_ _ .!.i'„_ ,__.....�.._ CL/V�Wt�'� � � � ,._ � —���, Mayor - Wil J.tNee�°� � ' �'I�� y,�ti7li,iiwi�q,.� a, A special meeting of the Counoil of the City o£ Fridley�wae�called���tta'order, by Mayor Nee at 9:55 P. M. , ��'"�'� I �,�• �� ,� RO7�, CA�,S,: Members Present: Nee� Brook� Johanson� Sheridan, Wolke Members Absent : None NFW BUSING;S: OF ,, �� ��� � �, i� i il � i � � � � rv, l�'�� i ���i i �� I�I a� ' �i � �1,�' ��i�� ��,���,� 'I� i i ",' ���,'� , � . . � ,'����,,�,,,��^�'1 p��V�,� �. ��f"�iii; '�Id'.i� ��:�N � r�, Mayor Nee explained to the City Council that he had a811e� � ing to consider the propoeal of Councilman Johanson that the� petition for detachment out of the North 8uburban 3anS�aTy : not because he favored the motion but because he Pelt that',io� to Cotznc3lman Johanson� they had an obligation'to conaideY''�h' to the time conetruction awards are let by the Dietrict.",,M�; did not have first handknowledge that the D3strict's Board 6: contemplai,e awardin� construction contracta in the 3uude8ia�e than what had-been reported in a Minneapolis Newapapex r;ecen� ever� the Bo�rd now atande in a position,to,let these 'coutr�� lsr meet3ng on November 12th� havigg received them on No�YOmb Nee iurther stated that since the previous motion he.d�beenF;t date� November 18tk� he believed that either of th0 follbw3 be in order: a motion to take from the table Councilman'h'Joh motion� which would require a majority vote of the Counall�it new motion to cons3dek a proceeding for'detachment� whieh tao a second to be placed �6rmally�before the City Council for',e that his only reaeon wr�s �hat the District does Yiave,thC povY day� to-award a contract in the amount oi approximately $�F00 this con�trract ie awarded� Fr3dley would be committed for the k�,�C��i I �k'rs��eya, , r lgtriCt� , , �,�,rneaer ^, . oeg]. pripr, � e�ste¢� he� � eee;,doea ` ��Ot�{'rD—t P,�, �t, �ow- „ �;��!8���'.,7.96$.I �,Me.ypr a1�,led� t0'�e glature ng'r�motiaris '�1ouJ,d��,� r e��on'el°prev3ovs � o1Fl�eva�.1' or„a v�','d'„�toi�,7i� „re9�ire�,t � ori;e�,dera�tiou,-�� F er,���,the^� 2'ollo�ingl ,0„00'.OU�.qnd if � i�','��ahaxe �oY, it. "� I ° ' , Il:i' i � � ', �, � �_ � i �J i i �