01/02/1964 - 00022966� �� � Respectfully submltted: Earl P. Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council 1964 C�' �����--'', ��-� Mayor - tidllllam Plee i ✓ ORGANTZATIONAL MCETING — CITY COUNCIL — SANUAItY 2a 1g64 Th� Organizational Meeting of the Councrl of the City of Fr�dley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:11 P.M. ROLI, C�1LL: Members Present Nee� Wolke� Sheridan� Brook Members Absent: Johanson APPROVAL OF MINUT�S - REGULAR MEETING, DECEMSER 16, i°63: Motion by Wo1ke to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 16� 1963 as prepared and received. Seconded by BrooY. Upon a voice vote�there heing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL MErTING� ➢ECEMBER 23, 1963: Motion by Sheridan to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of December 23a 1963 as prepared and received. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote, there be- ing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSIN�SS• CONSIDERATION OF AM8'NDING SECTION 45.14 - TRAILI�R COURTS: Mayor Nee announced the consideration of amending Section �i5.11� with reference to Trailer Courts ar_d explained there iaas an ordinance for Council consideration. The City Manager �ave the reading of said ordinance and stated this was the first reading. Mayor Nee announced to members of the City Council that before they would undertake a motion the,y had received communications in Favor of said or- dinance from Mr. Virgil fIerrick and in opposition from Mr. Popovicn, attorney from School Distrzet �16 and he wished to enter irta the record the letters re- ceived. Mayor Nee requested a motion to receive and include the correspondence into the records. Motion by Sheridan to receive the letter from Mr, Herrick in behalf of r& M Development Company and that such letter be made � part oi the public record and receive the letter from Mr. Popovich in behali' of' the School District �l6 and that such letter also be made a part of the public record; letters to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion cerried unanimously. �� �� Mayor Nee inquired lf there were anyone present who yrished to speak� explaining that the public hearing had been held but understood Mr. Popov3ch had rome to speak. Mr. Frank Watts of 7574 - 4th Street Sdor�heast was present in opposition to the 'Prailer Court proposed, stating he lived about three blocks £rom the area and when other propert� in area eaas requested for rezoning he had been notified but hadn`t been informed and their school board was never notified. The City Manager c-xplained those homes nearest the area had been notified. Mayor Nee announced this could not be a continuation of the public hearing but the City Council would hear any c�tizens' remarks although it could not be a part of the record of hearing but it would be in order to hear anyone who wished to be hearfl, Mr. Popovich, representing School District �16� stated the position of the school , district should be made clear to the City Council� they did not know anything abouti the trailer court until about Christmas ti�e and the letter he had presen- ted to the City Council was something they had px�epared in a few days time with a holiday problem. Mr. Popovich stated thatsome years ago� thie problem was before this city council and 3t was turned down because of the school pro- blem and requested �he records be checked back to 1957 because there are many things that are applicable here. Mr. Popovich explained details of the letter he had presentcd to the City Council� that School District �16 is a distressed school distric� ana anything that is added would mean funds would have to be gotten locally� tihat tkrey can`t build another buildin� bz� issuing public bonds because they were at present over their bonded debt limit and the only possible way is through capitol loans, Mr. Popovich further explained the district would not be able to take care of their students� that with this tax lncrease they were going to have split shifts, etc. It was stated the superintendent and others from the school were present to speax if it was so wished� that �dequate notice had not been served and if a close look at �doodcrest School were taken� th�s iaould be the school� noY� overcrowdefl, that o�ould have to take care of all the problem. Mr. Popovich stated the proceedings of the City Coun- cil were defective if the people ad�oining the property and the school district were not notzfied. It was explained the school now lacks sufficient buildings and through L-he good i•till of the government is using the Arsenal Administra- tion Building in �Tew Brighton and children are bussed theire dsily. Mr. Popo- vich analized rar the City Council the trailer loss, monies in personal pro- perty taxes being obtained and discussed taates in general� stating that in ' Fridley Terrace, another trailer park� there are 123 pre-school students and 3� elementary students and no additional tax monies will be obtained from the trailer courts because they are taxed for their ultimate at this time, Mr, Popovich stated he w�s not �oiare hoia many trailers are in tke process oi being planned bu�, the City Council had heard the proponents and they should compare it to Fridley Terrace and see ��hat the school problem will be in their school distrlct, that tne Council should consider� most strenuously� what should be done and this is not a profitable industry to entice into the area, Mr. Popovich explained in deta�l t� the City Council the situation they would create� �n his opinion, if they were to amend the ordinance 3nd allow this trailer coust to move into the area esplaining their present enrol2ment, also that there are 5�000 pre-school students and they �aere now overcrotaded, Mr. Popovicn stated the school district would like the help of the City Council to get oizt of the distressed school district class but they would compound the problem if they allowed the trailer court to happen. A petition was presented �y Mr. Popovieh with 125 names of residents from Melody Manor Lane which� it taas explained� was right across from Highway �47 and the proposed trailer court� and he requested that the mentioned petition be incorporated into the records to show how many people are against this trailer court on such a short notice. Mayor Nee announced the City Council would hear Mr. Virgil FIerrick� proponent of the proposed trailer court. Mr. HerridK stated this trailer court had been dlscussed for quite some time� that the first request on this proposal � was several months previous when it was heard before the Planning Commission� that the City Council had complied with the requirements of the Statutes by published notice and he dldn't feel there was any problem regarding the legal- ity of the notice. He Purther stated thaty basically� this was a problem that was iaider thzL �ust a consideration of this problem� that �is client was pay- ing approxlmately �60,000.00 a year in interest and taxes and special assess- ments and he had niade every effort to get industry into the area; that on a recent survey of Fridley they discovered that over 87 parcels of land zone� industrial was for sale and very little has been sold in the last two years. He explained '�hat unless his client was able to put thiG property to some use� they taould lose l� to tax forfeiture. Mr. Herrick explained that he had �� argued thst the rezoning at hand was unconstitutional and at the last meeting they had submitted figures on income regarding trailer conrts and he �lso had figures regarding the school situation. Mr. Herrick stated he h�d analized the license fees, return avail�ble, etc., from this piece of property and it appeared to be slightly different in the figure of the number of stud- ents that he had indicated were going to Fridley Terrace. I3e further stated that in the trailer business it was fairly common to have pre-scHool students in a trailer court but not many that went to school from these at the present time and the large number of pre-school students are not likely to be living � there when they reach school age. It was explained the income from the area in terms of the total income available to Fr�dley and the amount that would be spent in the community in a conaect*ative estimate was ov�r �100,000,Op a raonth and Fridley was in need of additaonal developmenL and additional income to be spent. Mr. Herrick urged the City Council tc consider the fact this land is unoccupied and the present owners are pa��ing at a tremendous rate to hold the property and a high quality trailer court k�ould be an advantage to the community, Motion by Sheridan to receive the petition supplled by Mr. Popovlch wlth the names of approximately 125 Yesidents in oppositlon to the rezoning of the abave described land to a trailer court. Seconded by Wolke. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. A diagram of the proposed layout oi the area for the trailer court was pre- sented by Mr. Herrick. Motion by Brook to receive a diagram of thc� proposed layout of the trailer court. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays} the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Popovich requested the floor and stated there �aas one statement Mr. Herrick had made that he wished to challenge} and that was regarding pre- school students. He explained that the records of School District �{lo show they have 52 students from Fridley Terrace and it is increasing every year. � Mayor Nee announced that statements had been neard i'rom both sides. Cowzcil- man Brook stai,ed he felt the itiem snould be table3 until the 6th of January. Motion by Brook to table the consideration of ameuding Section 45.14 regard- ing trailer courts to the 6th of January� 1904. Seeonded by Sheridan. Council- man Sheridan stated that in view of the letters received� this �hould be mviewed by the City Couneil. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Popovich inquired of the City Cauncil that as the item had been tabled, and tne item would be heard by a new City Council what the legal status would be� that technically� could they be entitled to a fu11 fledged public hearing as this really was not a hearin�. City Attorne5� Smith replied he thought it would be sppropriate to act on �he ltem January 6th. Mayor Nee announce3 tlze City Council would hear any reasonable amount of discussion on the item at the following meeting and at the disgression of the City Council. COiVSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM R-1 TO R-2A - L�Z' 1, BLGCK l, JULI-ASd�I ADDITION: Mayor Nee announced +,he item under conslderation was the rezoning from P,-1 to R-2A} Lot la B1ock 1� Juli-Ann Addition. Councilman Wolke requested thls item be tabled as it concerned him and there was not a fu11 body of the City Council to act on same. � Motion by Wolke to table the consideration oF rezoning from R-1 to R-2A, Lot 1, B1oek l� Juli-Ann Addition to the meeting of t7e 6th of January, 196�, Seeonded by Sheridan� Upon a voica vote� there being no nays, the motion earried unanimously, CONSIDEl�P.TION OF REZONING FI;OM R-1 TO R-2A - PART OF LOTS 1 ATdD 2 nrrnr.�r.�nn n nnrrmTnm. Motion by Wolke to table the consideration of rezoning from R-1 tc R-2A - Part of Lots 1 and 2� Block 3� Shaffer's Addition to the meeting of the 6th of Janu- ary, 1964. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � 6� OAI'H OF OPFIC� TO NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS: Mayor Plee announced there were two members at the Counc3l table present this evening who had completed their tenure in office and he wished to pay his personal hi�h regard For both of them� that both had had a catalytic effect in some instances. Mayor Nee stated there had been some disagreements but these had been with sincerity and he personally valued the service both of these councilmen had given to the City of Fridley. He further stated Council- man Bernard Wo1ke had been in office six years and Councilman Peter Brook had served one year and, according to custom� the City of Fridley wished to present a momento of thls service. Mayor Nee preGente3 gavels inecribed to Councilman Wolke and Brook. Councilman Wolke stated that in the six years time he had spent at the cauncil table, there had been a great deal of agreement and dis- agreement but he had enjoyed every minute of it and it was an experience everyone should have as it makes one aware of what is going on and makes a person enjoy their life in the co�unity. Counc3lman Wolke expressed his thanks, Councilman Brook stated it had been a pleasure to serue the City of Fridley during the past year, that the city did have a fine council and a fine mayor to work with. Councilman Brook expressed his regards and congratulations to the new members of the City Council. Mayor Nee announced the administering of the oath of office to the newly elected officials. The City Clerk administered the oath of office to the following elected offieials: Elmer M. Johnson - Municipal Judge Jack D. Kirkham, Councilman - First Ward John C. Wrighty Councilman --Third tidard Mayor Nee announced the new City Council was in sess3on and welcomed the new me�obers. PiEW B�J��SS: 1�ESOLUTION #1-1961} DESIGNATING LEGAL NEWSPAPER (CHARTER 12.01): Mayor Nee announced the first item of business was a resolution designating the legal newspaper for the City of Fridley. The City Manager read the above deseribed resolution. Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution {�i-1963 designatin� and certafying the Fridley Edition of the Record as the legal newspaper� Charter 12.01. Seconded by Kirkham. tdayor Nee announced that bef'ore the vote� Mr. Chacey of the Anoka ilerald wished to speak. Mr. Chacey stated his newspaper appreciated that thea� were able to step in and help Fridley when they were needed� that they had not submitted a bid at this time because they were not able to give leadership but wished to have the City Council continae tio read their newspaper and they would submit a bit at another time, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, DESIGNA�ION OF DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS (CHARTER 7.13): Mayor Nee announced the item under consideration was the designation of depositor�es for citiy funds and the City Council could undertake each deposi- tory individually or all depositories at one time. Motion by 4dright to cantinue the following listed depositories for city funds� Charter 7.13 as listed; Page t32) Fridley State Bank 6315 Umversity Avenue Nprtheast Fridley� Minnesot� 55421 All Funds- except Public Utility and Municipal Liquor ' � � � � 6 C�° Camden Northwestern State Bank of Minneapolis �+141 Lyndale Avenue North Minneapolis� Minnesota 55422 �Iunicipal Liquor Dispensary Fund F2delity State Bank of Minneapolis Central Avenue at 24Eh Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 Public Utility Fur.ds Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� therebeing no naya, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #2-196�} SETTING COUNCIL MEETING NIGHTS AND TIME (CHARTER ne nucxmc�r . Mayor Nee announced the resoluicion at hsnd was the setting of counczl meeting nights and time of same, The City Manager read resolution designating time and number of regular council meetings, Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution �2-1963 de:ignating time and number oP regular council meetings. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no naysa the motion oarried unanimopsly, APPOINTMENTS AND RESOLUTION #3-1961� DESIGNATING N.S.S.S,D. BOARD MENiBER• Mayor Nee announced the committee and other appointments by the City Council would be taken individually� that Councllman Wright had requested that those appointments on wards to the Building Board incumbents �e tabled to January 15th. hlayor Nee announced the first appointment under consideration was the appointment to the Plats and Subdivisions Sub-commlttee, chairman� tPie incumbent being Vern Bandel and requested nominees. Mo�ion by Kirkham to re-appoint Vern Bandel to the Plats and Subdivisions Sub-committee, chairman, length of term to be three years. Seconded by Wright, Upon avoice vate� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously, Mayor Nee announced the next office to be filled was the appointment tra the Building Standards� Suo-committee� the incumbeut being Ray Carlson and requested nominees. Motion by Sheridan to reappoint Ray Carlson to the Building Standardsa Sub-committee� length of term to be three years, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being xgo nay�, the motion carr3ed unanimously. Mayor Nee announced the next office to he filled G�as the appointment to the Streets and Utilities Sub-committee, chairman, the lncumbent being V. M. PSagel. Motion by Sheridan to appoint Mr. Herman Bergman, 5503 Regis Trail to the Streets and Utilities Sub-committee� length oi' term to be three years. Seconded by Wright. Upon a volce vote� there being no uay�� the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee announced the next office tc he filled w� the appointment to the Parks and Playgrounds Sub-coirmiittee� stating the positi�on was vacant. � Motion by 4Jright to appoint Mr. Christian Skjervold� 541g 4th Street Northeast to the Parks and Playgrounds Sub-committee. Seconded by Kirkham. Upnn a voice vote� there being no nays� the motlon carried unanimously. Mayor Nee announced the next office to be filled was the appointment to the Parks and Playgrounds Sub-committee� the incumbent being Robert J. Hughes. Motion by ti'right to reappoint Robert J. Hughes to the Parks and Playgrounds Sub-committee� length of term to be three years, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried uranimously. Mayor Nee announced the next office to be filled was the appointment to the Recreation Commission of � council representative to replace Bernard Wolke. �� Motion by Sheridan to appoint Councilman WRight as the Counc3l Representative � on the recreation Comm�ssion. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a volce vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimou�ly. P�ayor Nee announced the next office to be filled was the appointment to the ftecreation Commission of a representative from the Park Board. Motion by Sheridan to reappoint Robert J, Hughes as �he Park Board representative to the Recreation Commission. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee announced the next offiee to be filled rias an appointment to the ' Recreation Commission, t�e incumbent bein� John F. Aunphy, Motion by Wright to reappoint John F. Dunphy to the Recreation Commission, length of term to be two years. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carrled unanimously, Mayor Nee announced the next office to be filled was an appointment to the Board of Appeals, the incumbent being Harry Nawrocki. Motion by Sheridan to reappoint Earry Nawrocki to the Board of Appeals, length of term to be three years, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voiee vote� there being no nays� the mdtion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee announced the next ofiice to be filled was an appau.ntment to the Police Commission. Motion by Sheridan to table the consideration of the appointmant to the Police Commission untilJanuary 20� 1964. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unani- mously. Mayor Nee announced there had been a request to tafile the entire group of appointments to the Building Board to the 6th of January. Motion by Wright to table a11 appointments to the Bnilding Board in question to the meeting of the 6th of January� 1964. Secondefl by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee announeed the next office to be filled was an appointment to the � Board of Health, the incumbent being Dr. H. So Strait, Motion by Kirkham to reappoint Dr. H. S. Strait to the Board of Health� length of term to be three years. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, Mayor Nee announced the next oifice to be filled was an appointment to the Board of Health� the incumbent being Lawrence Wilke. He stated he had checked r�ith Dr. Donald L. Wright and he was amenable to the position� �otion by Kirkham to appoint Dr. Donald L. Wright to the Board of Health, length of term to be three years. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no naysy 1;he motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee announced the next offace to be filled was an appozntment to the Soard of Health� the incumbent being James Hensley. Motion by Sheridan to reappolni James Hensley to the Board of I�ealth� length of term to be three 5�ears. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there be3ng no nays� tihe motion carried unanimously, The City Manager informed the City Council that as they now had two doctors on the Board of Healthy the city health officer should be a doctor and suggested he be designated, Motion by Sheridan to reappoint Dr. H, S. Strait as the Health Officer oP the City of Fridley, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no naysy the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee announced the next ofFice to be filled was an appointment to the � Suburban Rate Au�ho*ity, the incumbent being Councilman Ray Sheridan. Motion by Wright to reapppint Councilman Ray Sheridan to the Suburban Rate Authority with an indefinite term. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motian carried unanimously. Mayor nTee announced the next office to be filled was an alternate appointment to the Suburban Rate Authority� the incumbent being Councilman Glen Johanson. Motion b�� Kzrk�am to reappoint Councilman Glen Sohanson to be the alternate to the Su�urban Rate �uthority with an indefinite term. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unammously. � � �� r ..,a - � Mayor Nee announced the next office to be filled was an appointment to the NSSSD. Motion by Sheridan to reappoint Mayor Ld. J. Nee to the N.S,S,S.D. and adopt Resolution �3-195Jy designating and appolnting a representative For the Yaoard of trustees of the Narth Suburban Sanitary Sewer District ior the year 1964. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice rote, the-re being no nays, the Motion carxied unanimously. Mayor Nee announce3 the next office to be filled was an appointment to the Industrial llevelopmeni, Committee. Motion by Wright tio appoint Coiancilman � Kirkham to the Industrial Development Committee with an indefinite term, Seconded by Sherid�n. Upon a voice vote� there being no xiays� tne motion carried unanimously. � Motion by Sirkham to reappoint Councilman Glen Johanson as Mayor-Pro-tem, 6econded by Wright. Upon a voice votea there being no naysa i�he motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERPTTON OF POSSIBLE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMCATT - �I.S.S.S,D.: Mayor ATee announced the consideration of a possible supplemental agreement with the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District, Mot�or by Sherldan to table the consideration of a possible supplementa] agreement with the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District wntil the rugular meetin� oF January 6th� 1964, Seconded by �r7rignt. Upon a voice vot.ea there i�eing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF LETTER FROId BOND CONSU�,TANTS: Mayor Nee announced the consideration of a letter from the bond consultiants� Ehlers-Mann & Associates� for the City of Fr�dley and stated theonl,y thing that modified the letter was that they had been advised the bond sale should be held in abeyance for a couple of weeks. The City Manager stated it wae to be on the January oth Agenda and nov� would be on the February 17th agenda. Mayor Nee explained the reason was there were many bonds bein� put on the market at the present time and the trip reFerred to in the correspondence iaould be about two Taeek� from this date: that he and the City Manager had met on this item and the problem appears the bon� rating peop]e ancl the underwriters don't seem to understand Fridley's system of assessed valuation and don't give Fridley credit for the nature of the community. It w�s explained it is the intentaon of the bond representaL-lves to go out and meet wlth the bond rating peopler Moody� Inc., plus some bond syndicates and they feel thie would be useful. He furth°r explained that sometime previous they had brought some bond buyers out to Fridley and mos+ of them had really been surprised, that many financial people in the `Pwin Cities were surprieed at �ihat Fridley has. Mayor Nee stated he f'e1t it was a gocd idea if the City Council would authorize the City Mana�er or himseli' or iroth of them to go and make some kind of' a presentation} that he ,�as not satisfied the presentation they would make *aould be big enough but it aeemed an effort in saving 1�10 of a per cent vould be enough� that he could take the tlme off and the City Manag�r cnuld take the time at Council disgreseaon. Councilman Sheridan stated the,� should think about it and make a decision on the 6th of Sanuary. Motion by Sheridan to table the consideration of � letter £rom the bond consultants to the 6th of Januarya 19h4. Seconded Uy i;lrkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mation carried unanlmously, � A➢JOURN: There being no further business� Mayor Nee deci�red the meeting ad,7ournPd. Respeetfully submitted� .��Gc,QJ I , �,�1,/�/�` 'C.�(.ti-Cbw'�- , ,%��2�� Sue' M�iskowic MAYOR - Wm. J.�y Secretary to the Council f��