03/02/1964 - 00022882y� r include i.he word "agreement" rather than "contract". Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� those voting aye, Nee� Johsnsott� Sheridan� Wright�. Those oppoeed� Airkham. Motion carried. � � CHANGL ORDFI? �] - W-34-K; Mayor Nee announced the consideration of Change Order No. One for��Watermain Tmprovement Pro�ject Number 34-K. �, ^, Motion b,y Johanson to approve Change Order No. 1 on Watermain Improvement Project Number 34-K in the amouttt of �i2,lF09.45, Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays� the motion carried unanimously. � � � � FINAL ESTIMATE OI3 W-3�+-K: Mayor Nee announced the item under consideration was a final estime,te on Watermain Improvement Project Number 34-K. Motion by Johanson to approve Final Est3mate on W-34-K for Sandstrom & Aafner� Inc. and authorize the final payment of $24�143.75. Seconded by;ICirkhem.. Upon a voice vote� there l�eing no nays, the motion earried unanimously. ADJOURN: , There being no further business� Mayor Nee declsred the meeting adjourned. i RespectFully subm3tted� � s� ° �i S�e iekow� � � Secretaky to the Council 2� � William J. Nee' 4eyor , i REGLTLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MARCA 2� 196li i � � ` ,' -i � � A regular meeting of theCouncil of the Ci�y oP Fridley Wae ca�led,to,order,at � 8:05 P.M, by Mayor Nee. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Nee� Wright, Sheridan� Kirkham� Johanaon Members Ab�ent: None - I 'v �� APPROVAL'pF IYIILQUTES - RE(3i7LAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, i964: ;,� � � , Mation by Johaneon to approve the minutes oi the Regulax Meeting of February 17, i964 ea,prepared and received. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimausly. � APPROVAL OF HffNUTES - ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 18, 1964: Motion hy Wright ,to„approve the minutes qf the Adjourned Regular Meeting oY February 17� 1964 held February 18� i964, Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MIlQUTES - SPECIAL MEETING� FEBRUARY 25, i964: Motion by Kirkham to approve_ the minutes of the Special Meeting oY February 25, 1964 ae prepared and received. Seconded,by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no naye� the mo�ion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF REALIGNING CITY WARDS AND PRECINCTS (TABL�D 2 �� ,., .. �: RESOLUTION Mayor Nee announced the consideration,oY the reali�ning of City wards end pre- cincts. The areae to be realigned were explained by the City Maneger. Council- man Wright stated the only item he was conaerned with wae that the City Council di�H not� as yet� have a report on v6ting_,machines. The Finance Director replied they had all the report they would be getting from the voting machine company and - the dividing of,the prec�ncts would not depend on voting machines. Councilman Wright explained it would, nevertheless� mean an increase in the cost of judges which would be offset by the service of machines. The Finance Officer stated they had been using under the now required law 100 jud�es in all but if they would uee the 50 or two ehifts of 50� he felt that whether they did it in two precinete or three� they could get by with the required number. He explained the City is requlred to have one judge for every 150 voters� thai, the Automatic Vot- ing Machine Company had given #'igurea and they would like to show some machines, etc. to the City Council. The City Manager stated, he felt, the objective would be to get the preeincta set up and then it would give them tYie opportunity to evaluate the coste more accurately and the City Council could decide the best way to handle it. He further stated there was a definite need fox• mo�°e of a split in the warda and the voting machines do not epeed up tYie voting, only the counting, Councilman Wright inquired iY a resolution were needed to edopt the pre- cinct reallgnment. The City Manager replied a resolution would be satisfactory. Councilman 3heridan aeaerted they could incorporate the map, as presented� in the reeolut3on. A discueaion was held regarding i.he location of Precinct ��3 in Ward #3 et #2 Liquor Store. C ouncilman Sheridan stated that the pactn�ge stores would- not be open and,there would be no interference in that regard. Councilman Wright explained the average dietance from the residente in the proposed Ward 3� Pre- cinet 2 wae leae or equal to what it presently was and the people �aould have to go no further for voting� also it is in the same direction they commute. Counc�l- man Wright atated he wos in favor of the adoptian of the resolution. Motion by Wright to adopt RESOLUTION #35-1964 authorizing the Realigning of City 4lards and Precinot Boundaries and including the realignment map presented on Page 32 oi the minutes of the regular meeting of March 2� ig64 on record in the office of the City Clerk. It was explained by Councilman Wright the resolution would divide the preeent Ward �1 into three precincts, the present Ward #2 which has only one pxecinct into two and the present Ward �3 into three precincts; that this gave Friflley a total of eight precincte in three warde where there is now only e total of,four, 'The motion was seconded by Councilman 9heridan. The City Manager inquired'of the City Council if the precinet� numbers were satisfactory. It wae so agreed. Ma,yor Nee etated the only thing that disturbed him was the package liquor store polling place. Councilman Sheridan replied they could find something more suitable, It was explained by Mayor Nee they were talking alignment rather than polling places. Upon a voice vote� there being no neys, the motion carried unanimously. ,1 1� r APPOINTN�PIT TO POLICE COMhffSSIDN (TABLED 1�2, 1�6, 1�20, 2�3� 2/i7/64): Mayor Nee announced the item in question was an appointment to the Police Commission ti�hich h¢d been previously tabled. Couneilman Kirkham atated he wished to present for appointment Mrs. Edith Evans of 5501 Regis Drive to the Pollce Civil Service Commission� that Mrs. Evane ie a graduatC�of the Univer�ity af Minnesota Law School of the cless of 1929, has',2� 1�� years of experience as a plain clothes detective and also three'yeare'�'on the staYf of the Univercity oF Minnesota Police Department. Councilman Kirkham f�rther stated he felt these were out3tanding qualifications. Motion by Kirkham that Mrs. Editg Evana of 5501 Regia Drive be appointed to the Police Civil 8ervice Commiesion. Seconded by Wr3ght. Upon a voice.vote, there being no nays, �he motion carsied unanimously. . RESOLUTION #36-1964 ORDERING PREI.IMINARY REPORT FOR 1964 S7REET CONSTRUCTION em in i_� mnnrcn o i� �. � Mayor Nee announced the consideration of a resolution ordering preliminary report for 1964 street construction. The City Manager presented add3tional reports �o the City Council attd stated the photo copiea enc2bsed xere the petitions and co�ents. Mayor Nee inquired if the additional report would modify the resolution presented and was told i� did not and the memo was from the City Engineer's office and merely advises what was taken df of the orig- inal resolution and why. Motion b,y Johanson to aaoPt �soLtrrloN ��36-ig64 ordering preliminary plans� specifications� and estimates of the costs thereof� Street Improvement Pro- ject St. 1964-1, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote� those voting aye� Nee� Johanson� Kirkham, Sheridan� Wright. Those voting nay� none. The motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION i�37-1964 ORDERING PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR SEWER AND WATER IMPROVE- MENT PROJFCT 7 TABLED 2 17 Mayor Nee announced the consideration of a resolution ordering a preliminary report for sewer and water improvements. The City Manager stated this was the same principle ae the former resolution and all itema had petitiona. City Engineer Qureshi aeserted all 3tems had more than 51�, petitions. It was ex- plained that all other petitions had been arbitrarily cut out, A discuaeion period was held in which the improvement was explained to the City Council. Motion by Johanson to aaopt xESOLVmION #37-1964 ctrdering preliminary plana� specificai,3offi, and estimates of the coeta thereoY� Water and Sewer Project No. 67, 1.he completian of the resolution to be at the diecretion of the C3ty Manager and City Engineer in paragraph two of said resolution. Seconded by Wright. Upon a roll call vote, those votin� aye, Nee, Wright� Sheridan� Kirk- ham and Johanson. Thoee votin� nay� none, The motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #38-1964 ORDERING PRELINIIPTARY REPORT Mayor Nee announced the item under consideration was a reeolution ordering a preliminary report for Storm Sewer Improvement Project #68. Councilman Wright inquired if thie would predate the requirement for park land. The City Manager explained to the City Council it had already been on the replata.' Motion by Wright to odopt �soLUTioN #38-1964 ordering preliminary plans� specifications, and estimates of the costs thereof; Storm Sewer Pro�ect #68� with Lhe City Manager and City Engineer's judgement to control the completion of Item #2 of said resolution. Mayor Nee etated if there'were any doubt on any project, the City Council should not epend any moniea on them. Seconded Uy Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote, those voting eye, Nee� Kirkham, Johanson� Sheridan, Wright. Those voting nay, none. The motion carried unanimously. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE �258 DELETING CONTRACTORS" BONDS -.SEC�'ION 1$.03: � � Mayor Nee'annovnoed the item far Council consideration was the eecond reading of an ordinance deleting contractors' bonde. ,The City Manager gave the second read- ing of said ordinance. Motion by,Johans'on'to adopt ORDINANCE �`258 amending Section 18.03 of the City Code of the City oi Fridley by deleting the requirement of iiling a bond by variove liceneedreontractore and publieh eame. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee's�ated for $i�� information oi the public present this ordinance does not really'change the relationa between tke City oP Fridley and the Contractor� that they are etill under obligat3on under liceneing and procedure. He further explained that in the City's experience� this wae just burdensome and the bonding provisione with the contractor have been relinquished and are no longer in eYfeci.. NEW BUSINESS: , slDS�- sW �66 (oPENED 1QOOx, MARCx 2, 1964): Mayor Nee announced that bids for Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Projeet No. 66 were und"er conaideration. The City Manager stated the bide for this dm- provement hsd been opened by himself with the City Engineer, Engineering Assis- tant;'and Mr. Comatock� conaulting engineer� present. The Bids as follows were read aloud: � WATER AND SANITARY SEWER II�TPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 66 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BIDS OPEN MARCH 2� 1964 12:00 NOON — PLANHOLDER i , � CryataLs�xcavating� 2nc. 5272 Wes't Bradwsy Minneapolie 2, Minn. White Construction Co, 1809 Welland Ave. 50. Minneapolie,26, M3nn. Troup'& Berzinaki, Inc. 2074 Eae� Celifornia St. Paul� Minnesota Barbaroesa & Sons� Tnc. Route #� � - Oaseo� Minnesota F. D. C�apman Const. Co. 2809 Alabama Avenue Minneapolie 16�� Minn. James D. Woli'e Company 400 Whitall�Street St. Psul 1� Minneaota i- — , I MeDonald - Lpben & Aseoc., 211 North'�Paecal Ine. 5t. Pgu1, M�.nnepota Randall Broe. 3�F00 Silver Lake Road Minneapolie 18� Minneaota � � Erickaon Sroe.. 600 Sumter Avenue So. Minneapolie 26� Minneaots BID DEPOSIT St. Paul Fire and Marine 59� St. Paul Fire and Nlarine 5� Certified Check $630.00 St. Paul Fire and Marine 5� Transsmerican Ins. Company 5� Ohio Farmere Ins. Company 5$ Seaboard Surety Company 5� $t. Paul Fire and Marine 5� Transamerica Ins. Company 5� LUI� SUM BID $12, 859 • 5�+ #1 None �2 + $200.00 $ 9,920.00 #1 - $148.00 �2 + $4,500.00 $12, 59a.25 �1 + $ 50.00 #2 + $1,000.00 $14�417.00 #1 No Bid #2 No Bid $11,437.00 #1 No Bid �2 No Bid �13,234.00 #1 Same #2 No Did $i6,52o.00 #1 - $50.00 #2 None $17,664.00 �1 No Bid �2 No Bid 12�130.00 1 - $400.00 f�2 - $1,500.00 � COMPLETION TIME 20 Calendar Days 60 Calendar Days 75 Calendar Days 90 Calendar Days 105 Calendar Days June 15, 1964 90 Calendar Days , 75 Calendar D¢ys 30 Calendar Days al i .� G � The Cit,y Manager quoted from a letter received from the Coneulting Engineer- ing firm, Comstock and Davis, Inc., which stated they hed examined the bids and listed White Construction Co, as the low bidder with F, D. Chapman C�- struci,ion Company the second low bidder and Eriekson Brothere as third low Lidder. Mr. Cometoak had explained in his letter that Wh3te Conatruction Company 1� a new company and thie ts their firat job� that their bonding had been checked r�nd it wae satisfactory and they have aufficient �quipment and Mr. Comatock had affirmed they would recorr�end the contract be awarded to'tlzem. Councilman Wright inquired of Mr. Comstock if he �+ouia explain the;alternatives specified in the bids. Mr, Comstock replied Alternate #1 we.s a connection to a water main and Alternate #2 was in lieu of jacking a pipe undar Highway � ��47� that there had been considerable op3nion on the contraat'or's part on ; how this should be bid and he felt the alternative ahould not be executed� 'i that the ,7acking was a much better operation.' "` Motion by Jahanson to concur with the recommendation of the coneqlting eng�- neers, Comstoek and Davis, Inc., and eward the contract on the reco�ended basis to White Conatruction Compeny of 1809 Welland A�enue South� Minneapolie 26, Minnesota, in the amount oF $9�920.00 w3th no alternatee. $econded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no neys� the motion',�carried unanimofisly. PUSLIC HEARINC - ALLEY VACATION - SPRING BROOIC PARKy BLOCK lOt . � � �� Mayor Nee announced a public hearing on an alley vacation in Spring Broold Park� Block 10. The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing. Mayor Nee inquired if City Engineer Qureahl would define the vaaation. City Engineer Qureshi� for the benefit of those present, explained the alley vacation in question. Mayor Nee inquired i£ there were anyone preeen�C who wished to be heard on the deecr3bed alley vacation. There �was no one present in favor of or in oppos3,tion to the proposed alley vacatian in Spring Brook Park� Block 10. Acting City Attorney Jueter explained to membere of the City Coun- cil this action would require at least four votes of the Council. Mayor Nee declared the pablic hearing on the elley vacation in Spring Brook Park� Eloek 10 closed. �� Motion by Wright to accept ac first reading an ordinanea under Seetian 12.07 of the City Charter to vacate streets and alleys and�to.amend,Ap¢�andix C of the City Code in the area described as Spring $ook Park� Block 10: Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a roll cell vote� �hose voting aye, Nee� Joh'anaon� Kirk- ham, Sheridan� Wright. Those voting nay, none. The motion�carried unanimously. I �I , P[JBLIC HEARING - FINAL PLAT - MEADOWMOOR TERRACE: Mayor Nee nnnounced a public hearing on the final plat of MeadqWmoox' Terrace. The City Manages read the Notice of Hearing. Mayor Nee,inquire� i£ ,there were anyone present who w3shed to be heard on the iinal plat OPl�feadowmoox Terrace and explained the plat was bounded by Central Avenue on,the West� Osborne Road on the-North, 76th Avenue on the South.and Arthur Street on the East. Mr. Bernard Julkowski� owner� was present in favor oi the plat,' Coun- c�lman Sheridan inquired where the drainage problem was in the grea. The problem area was explained by Mr. Julkowski who stated'they would be putting in a storm drainqge� al�o. Councilman Wright inquired,regarding�i�'t Sizqe that did not �ppear to be adequate. Mr. Julkou�ski eSCplsined lOta in queation. Mayor Nee declared the public hearing on the final p1St of MeadOwmoor Terrace closed. Motion by Johanson to accept the fital plat of Meadowmoor Terrae� and author- ize the Mayor and City Manager to si�n same. Seconded by Sirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimouely. Mayor Nee inqulred if the monies had been received in lieu o£ park,property on thie plat. City Engineer Qureshi stated he did not knOw. The Finance Director stoted no moniea had been received, as yet, on this plat for thts,purpo8e. BUILDING BOARD MCETING MINUTES� FEBRUARY �6� 1964t � �„ � , Mayor Nee announced action to be considered by the City Council with regard to the minutes of the Building Board held February 26� 1964. � . �� � <�a3 i i T1N iVt�T\TT � BAPTIST CHURCH FOR A CHURCH AT �nr.mav ATT.TR annTmrnu _ � �F The.City Manager reed to the City Council the recommendation of the Building Board regarding the app�,ication by Woodcrest Baptist Church. � � Motion by Kirkham to concur c�ith the reco�endation vi,the Euilding Board and grant approval of the b'pilding permit to Woodcreat Baptist Church for a church at 6875 Univer,sity A1�enue Northeaet� Outlot 1, Holiday Hi11s Addition, 76 feet 8 inches by 95 ?eet'to be of cement and wood with an eetimated cost of $100,000.00. Seconded by Wr3ght� Upon a voice vote� there being no neys� the motion carried unanimously. � � e�. APPLICATION�FOR A BUTLDING PERMIT BY HERNARD TULKOWSKI FOR A FACZ'ORY BUILDING AT The City Manager read to the City Council the recommendation of the Building Board regarding the application by Bernard Sulkowski for a faetory bualding. Motion by Sheridan to concur with the reco�nendation oY the Huilding Board and grant approval,o3 the building permit to Bernard Sulkowski for a f�ctory 6uilding at 200 ead 210 Ironton Street Northeast� 140 feet by 150 16eet, to be of cement and steel with an eetimated cost of $50�000.00 subject to compliance by the build�n� with e ohange in plana to have brick veneer on the right half of the front of the building up to t$e window eills end a minimum of three columne of brick veneer on the remaindes of'the front wall oa the left side, and that the remainder of the ea- poaed walls be painted. Seconded by Rirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motlon earried unanimausly. BY DR. RICHARD TREZONA FOR AN ADDITION TO Tf3� The City Manager read to the City Council the recommendation of the Building Board and etated'there wae eome question about the off-street parking and that, although he did not have i� in writing the City Attorney had advised that according to the oxd3nanee the people requeating the permit did comply with the ordinance. He iur- ther atatad it was a m3nimum amount of ��rking and this wae the reason the Build- ing Board did not put their action on thia item. Motion by Kirkham to concur with the recommendation of the Building Board and grant the permit for the expaneion of the Fridley Medical Center at 203 �lississippi Street on Lots 16 and 17� Block 5� Rice Creek Plaza Addition by Dr. Richerd Trezona. Se- conded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no neys� the motion cerried unan- imoualy. sAr��rx Co�m� r��ara r�uriu�s, r�BxUaxY 26, 1964: i, Mayor Nee announced the receiving of the minutes of the Safety Committee meeting held February 26� 196�F and stated there was no action necessary pther thsn their being received. Motion by Jqhanson to receive the minutes of the Safety Committee Meeting Minutes held FebruaXy 26� 1964. Seconded by 9heridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried Unanimously. COMM[]NICATIONS : i MULDENEY:CLAIM: Mayor Nee annouaGed the receipt of a communication £rom Lawrenr.e �. Muldeney of 6366 Pierce Stxeet'Northeast regarding a sewer back-up, with a memo f'rom City En- gineeT Qureehi in the same regard. The City Manager stated that the sewer had backed up into Mr� Muldeney's basement and that he had acq�ired an expense of a- bout $16.00,�that ,the Superintendent of Public Worke felt if the City ha� been noti- fied�'they could have taken care of it. The City Manager fl�rther stated the claim was Yorwarded to the insurance company by the City Administration and Mr. Muldeney r.� �� [� aleo had said he had contacted them and that they turned him down., It was ex- plained by the C3ty Managar that he belleved from'some discuasYone'they, hsd had in the past it hnd been recommended that in essee of th�s kind, both'the insur- ance company and i,he city people do not feel they should� overr3fle 'the�,'ineuxance company's decision. It waa suggested �y the City Manager'the City CoUncil ehould not give authorization to pay this claim unleas they knew of soIDething else or felt differentiy about it. Mayor Nee stated that from reading the letter, it was his impression and feel3ng they shoUld pay the claim� that thie pereon had attemptAd to take care of eomething himaelf and the damage was cauaed by the City sewer backing up. The City Manager explained to the City Counc3l the City had a regular sewer maintenance program and they kept theee sewers' open and so I long as the City does what is necessary they could not be described ae ne�ligent. + An incident was explained ragarding a sewer back up in a basement about three or four months previoua and it was proved by the City records-that 3t had been , checked out just two days before and eomeone had plugged it that'eoon., The City Manager stated they could not check every manhole and sewer.l.ine„�tha�'frequent��r and the insurance company and Superintendent of Utilitiea turned this dovn be- cause there was no neg].igence. Councilman Johanaon atated if 'the Gity'did start to pay this kind of claim there would he no end to them. �It,wea ment3oned thia type of insurance was difficult to obtain. Mayor Nee stated he Yelt the question would be whether or not they were 13able. Acting City Attorney Jvater informed the City Council the City Attorney was of the opinion tHe City Of Fridley was not liable, ' ' Motion by Johanson to receive the letter from Mr. Lawrence J� Mnldeney o�' 6366 P�rce Street Northeast and place it on file, Councilman Sheridan inquired 3f an answer to Mr. Muldeney ehould not be incorporated in the motion'; The City Msna- ger replied he would send him a copy. of the City Council ac'tion, Councilman Jo- hanson rephrased hie motion to include that Mr, Muldeney be notified that the City oF Fridley had denied the claim. Seconded by Wright. Upoh a voice vote� there being no n�ys� the motion carried unanimously. ANOKA COUNTY: �+4TH AVENUE NORTf�AST (MAIN TO 43RD) : Mayor Nee announced a covmunication from the County of Anoka ex�plaYning the off- I icial act3on by the Covnty Board whereby they assUmed maintenance oE �Fkth AVenue _, Northeast. The City Manager atated there was a aubaequemt action byiCdnnty Com- miesioner 0'Bannon which atated they had taken over thst portion paet Minneeota Linseed Oil Company. , �� � i Motion Uy Wright to accept and receive the cottmiunicatione thereon by the County Board dated February 19th and 28th, i964. ueconded by Sheridan. Upon a,voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ; I, , REVEREND KENDALL: YOUTH ADTNITIES: Mayor Nee announced a eo�unication received concerning the Youth Activitiea Council. Cauncilman Wright explained the appropriste action by the City Cot�ncil would be to refer this item to the Recreation Commiseion� that he had taken'µit upon himself to call it to their attention and ReVerend Kendall did appear be- Yore them. ' ' , Motion by Wright to refer the communication irom Reverend Robert Kendall to the Recreation Commiesion with regard to the Youth Activitiea Council., Seconded by Shen9an. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion caTrled unanimoUsly. PETITION : DOG CONTROL: ° � I Motion Uy Johenson to receive communication and petition from the residenta on 63rd and 63 1�2 Way and requeaL that Mr. A1 Paulcon� City oY Fridley Dogcatcher be at the nexi. meeting to diecuss this item. Councilman Wright stated that a number of residents who had a3gned this petition were preeent and'it might be useful to hear their commenta so that the Couneil. would know wkla,t�they��Were,re- ferring to� that� as he had peen given to understand� Mr,. Panlson di'd want to change the ordinance in this regard. The City Mana�er explsin�d to,the City Council that approximately a year previoue there wae an ordiriance'�orked up based on Mr. Paulson's reco�endations and he could H�ve the City Attorney,'cheek this and return it to the floor. Mayor Nee replied the'ordinance whiCh'had been presented ' , , , <l tN was a mpdel ahd wae a very far and comprehensive ordinance. N�i�hbors from the affected area were preeent in opposition and stated they would like to see the ordinance tak� eaxe of the dog situation. Councilman Wright asserted to those present there wae an ordinance but also mentioned copies ahould be made avail- able� that there 18 a voluntary dog regietration by ordinance end at the same time it protects thA residents from other people's doge. �ouncilman Johanson asseited this woUld be changed under the new ordinance proposed. Mr, D3�t^tes� of;t8e'affected area, explained that moet people are not consciou� of � what actually happened� that this is.a nn� woman war against one dog,and the dog that 9.ives next�door to her is blamed. ,Mr. Dittes further explained that since he als'o lived ne�t dooi'to this dog� he bore the brunt of ell his lnfractions and it wean't quite aa bad as some people thought it was. He stated he lcept two dogs h�Amself, bbth outdoora and cont3nually,penned, that he did feel a dog was an in- vestment end sho�ild be controlled if inerely from a standpoint of preventin� a loss and keeping',decent relations with the neighbors. Mr, Dittes stated he felt Mr. Paulson should 'justiiy how compulsory licensin� of animals which says dogs must be confined to the tlwner's property by pennin�� chainin� or t�eining, and if this part of the oxdizlance was observed there wouldn't be any problem. Councilman Wrigh� replied'�'Mr, Paulson's position was that no man can enforce this witho�at regietration:' Mayor Nee inquired if it were possible to appoint comeone to worlj out this problem�� that he did suspect Mr. Paulson feele the licensing would pro- duce enough re4enues to take care of it and the real problem is that Mr. Paulson is unable to go 'on prd�vate property to pick up dags. Councilman Wr�ght replied he could on the request of the person whose property he hes heen on. Mr. Dittes stated he could see nothin� against compulsory registration. Councilman Wiight stated he wovld contact Mr. Paulson to see if something could be presented to the Council. A resident in the area steted to the City Council many people in the affected area were sincere when the petition was signed and didn't feel it was just a one woman war. Mayor Nee replied no City Council had as yet ever found the solution. Mrs. 7ackie Strausa aeserted she would be opposed to an ordinence that meant they $ad to renew a licenae after a year� that the fee was a tax on dogs and if they were going to tex doge� they should tax cats also. Councilman Wright stated he wished to make 3t'cl,ear that a non-recurring fee would increase the revenue. The City Manager explalned the fees that were auggested would just cover the administration even on a reaurring baeis. Councilman Sheridan stated he was in agreement with the person who had mentioned if a person has an nnimal he cares about he would see it is under control� penned or chained. Msyor Nee said it wae his �rnpression that Mr. Paulson keepa the City elmoet clear of strays end the problem is the dag that belonga to a youngster and it follows him around and eny person would tend to think thie youngater should be able to have a dog. Councilman Wright explained the•residents felt that if a procedure were effective� for example, a notif3cation of the owner and whether or not it was succeasfully followed up by the dogcatcher should be iollow�d. Mrs. Strauss replied the dogcatcher does alreedy do thie. Mayor Nee inquired of the residents what they thought the etatus of the dog was t hat belonged to a youngeter. The residents replied this dog should also be under control: 'Origina.L motion by Sohanson to receive co�nunicetion and petition was dropped. '' � ' Motion by Wright to receive the petition and letter regarding the City ordinance on the control of dogs and send a copy oi the present ordinance to eech of the addresaes indicated in the mentioned letter and refer the matter to Mr. A1 Paulson� dogcatcher. Seednfled by Sher�dan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carr3ed unanimously. MINNESOTA HIGIiWAY DEPRRTMENT: CROSSOVER A1C FIRE STATION:� Mayor Nee anaounced a eo�unication from the Minnesota Highway ➢epartment regard- ing a croesover at the site of the fire station. Motion by Sheridan to rec�ive the co�unication f'rom the Minnesote Iii�hway Dep¢rt- ment regarding the crQSeover et i3re station. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. AUTOMATIC AI.ARM: REVISION OF SYSTEM: Mayor Nee announced the rece3pt of a communication Yrom the Automatic Alarm Corp- oration reg@,��g�ng a revision of the present system. The City Manager, in explain- � ;� t� � tnq the syetem, stated that the bella on the syatem have been dlacontinued and�. `'� � there ehould be a time when the alarm wouldn't elert the hurglar and the police aomld arrive at the place being burglarized. It was stated,the department felt , that by bugging the safe and discontinuing the be33s, they could wait ott'the proposed system unless the City Coun�i,l were concerned about having the revision. Councilman Sheridan inqu3red if it were correct that they were changing the en- trance balte and exit bolta. THe City Manager replied thia wa8 correc't, that any burglar would }e✓e to go out the way he had come in. Councilman Sheridan con- aunred with the City Manager's comments and stated he didn't fe31 thie.type,of expenditure was neceasary for the operation. Councilman Wrigh�t inquired what the tvtal losseE were for the laet four yeara, The City Manager replied the onl$ major loas was $1,500.00 in cash. Councilman Johanson inquired what the City of Fridley paid to Automatia Alarm Corporation. 'I`he City Manager,replied that-he "`�' didn't know but they wovld still be paying them regaxdleee and'the propoaed eystem would be addiii�xial, thet they do have to have a central office'controlling this but had given their permiseion for the disconnection of the bells. ,St wae further explained by the City Manager that what had brought this to mind �as that ,the police car, on the last burglary, had just gone down the highway and had to come all the way around the other slde of the highway and if the alarm had,come into the hall, two of the police cars would have been alerted. Couriallman Wright , stated it was his opinlon the system they presently had has beeA,put,to a test and passed it. �,� � Motion by Johanson to receive and file the co�unication from Automatic Alarm Corporai;ion. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, t�e motion carried unanimously. CITY A7TpRNEY: CHASE'S ISLAND: Mayor Nee announced a cotmounication from City Attorney Smith withlregard to Chase's Island. Counc3lman Wright inquired if thie item required a motion for the tax expenditure of $61.55• The City Manager replied it would be well to have ane. ', , .,� � Motion by Wright to authorize the payment of the additional texes,dUle,on'Chase's Island as per the agreement with Northern States Power CompapY. Saconded�by � Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the, mot3on carried,unanimoualy. � � � � I � � �� i � JOHIV F. BONNER: JOHNSON GRAVEL PIT: � � , � i,� � Mayor Nee announced the receipt of a copy of a communicstion irom Johu F. Bonner� Jr.� addressed to Rev. Hendereon of Fridley regard3ng the pxoposed px�ae if cer- tain Fridle,y residenta wiahed to purchaee the W. 7lohnson propert��." Councilman Sheridan explained to the City Council this wa3 forwexded to ehow action which had been iaken. � � Motion by Sheridan to s�ceive and place on file the copy of a co�unication from John F. Sonner, Sr., addreesed to Reverend Henderson of Fridley regarding the W. Johnson property. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. I CITY ENGINE�R: DRAINAGE SUMY: Mayor Nee announced the receipt of a memo regarding a proposed drainage eump £rom City Engineer Qureshi. The City Manager suggested the City Council sUthorize the investigation of this�item and perhaps an ofPicial,act3on by the C,3ty Council to red-tag the two lota in question to either eondemn or negotiateji.�nd,ge't ait'ep- praieal to see if condemnation ip warranted. c3ty Engineer Qureshi expleined the vacant lots were used ¢s sump holes now and the owner� Mr. Engeeether� has asked for permits to build. The City Manager etated the administration would like to have formal ection not to issue the permits and be avthorized to have two ap-,, praieals of the area and return same to the Council floor,,by the 16th,of March for action. � � � � Motion by Johanson to authorize two appraisals on the lote in qvestion located at the Southeast corner of 46th Avenue and 2 1�2 Streets described as Lots 13� 11F, 15, Block 1, Rearrangement oi Blocks 13, 14, 15� Plymouth Add'n. and redtag these lots in that no permita be 3;asued. Seconded by Wright. Upon a'�,v,oice, vote� there being no nays, the motfon carried unan3mously. i;' � li VISITORS: Mayor Nee 3nquired' Council on businesa present who wiahed CT�AIMS : if there were anyone present who wished to address the City that was not listed on the Agenda. There were no persons to address the City Council. Motion,by Johane�on to approve the payment of General Claims �2073 through #2130. � Seconded by Wright. Upon a vpice vote, there being no pays, the motion carried unanimously. ' Motion by Sheridan to approve the payment of Liquor Claims #6111 through #6130. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. . , � Motion by Wright to approve the payment of Public Utilities Cl�ims �3144 throu�h #3163. Seconded by Kirkhum. Upon a voice vote, there being no neys, the motion carried unsaimously. LICENSES: Mayor Nee announced the licenses to be eoneidered for Council action and inquired if they w8re eatiefied With the operation of Smitty's Motora. The City Manager etated he'eould have this,company come in on a renewal,for a u3e permit. The Finance Direetor�suggeeted the City Council could hold the �eed car lot license even though they had all been checked out but he was not setisfied with the sani- tary facilit3ea.' He fuTther explained the owner had come in and listed on address �here sanitary facilities were evailable but it should be checked end held until the next regular meeting. Mayor Nee inquired of the Finance Director who checked a matter pf thia kind and wae told the Realth Officer., Motion by Johanson to approve the issuance of the following licenses with the ex- ception'of Smitty'e Motor Company� same to be returr}ed to the Council floor fol- lowing inepection of ea�itary facilities: ELECTRICAL Hoffmann Electric Company 239 West 7th Street'� St. Paul 2� M3nneeota GAS SERVICES Havde Plumbing & Hea�ing 2222 Edgewood Avenue �St. Louia Park� Minnesota GENERAi CONTfiACTOR Robert E� Norberg 3924 Uteh Avenue North Minneapd.ie 27, Minneaota MASONRY Robert Compton 114p0 Leona Drive Hopkina� Minnesota T & J Conetruc�ion Co. 8732 Polk Street Northeaet M3nneapolie 33, Mianesota . i. � T. J. Reilly Plumbing & Heating� Inc. 908 Edmund Avenue St. Paul 4� Minneeota by: Edward M. Hoff7nann by: Burton R. Hovde by: Rolrert E. Norberg by: Robert Compton by: Jamee B. Jackeon by• James P. Reilly rl NEW I�1�7J NEW RENEWAL LPIJN C�I � r� :i� � Zahler Plumbing & Heating 5211 France Avenue North Brooklyn Center� Minnesota CAFE LICENSE Fridley Drug 6475 University Avenue N. E. Snyder's Drug Store 6582 University Avenue N. E. OFF-5ALE Ronel's Market 5661 University Avenue N. E. Highway #65 Kwik Shop xigh�ay #65 - �319 Snyder's Drug Store 6582 University Avenue N. E. CIGARETTE Ronel's Max•ket 5661 University Avenue N. E. Highway #65 Kwik Shop �319 xighway #G5 Fridley Drug 6475 University Avenue N. E. Snyder's Dru� Store 6582 University Avenue N. E. DEI�IVERY TRUCK Suvmiit Farm Inc. 1491 East County Road E. St. Paul 10, Minnesota Franklin Creamery Co.� Ine. 210i3 Washington Avenue North Minneapolis� Minnesota Clover Leaf Creamery Company 420 West Broadway Minneapolis� Minnesota American Ltnen Supply Company 47 South 9th Street Minneapolis 2, Minnesota MINING LIC�NSE Minnesota �ilica Sand Company 43rd Avenue N. E. & N. P. Tracks Minneapolis 21� Minnesota GARBAGE AND RIIBASSH PICKUP Fridley Sawitation 1473 Onondago Street N. E. DRY CLEANING G & K Oagporation 6544 University Avenue N. E. by: LeRoy M, Zahler by: Suliva Manosevitz by: 0. G. McDonald by: Louis S. Overbach by: Marvin Brown by: 0. G. McDonald by: ]Louis J. Overbach' by: Marvin Brown byt Julius Manoaevitz�',, RENEWAL RENEWAL „ RENEWAL � I� . RENEWAL � RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL � � � �I� ' $ENEWAL �,,���� � , � , RENEWAL by: 0. G. McDonald ' RENEWAL , , , two trucke by: Allen R. Hansen, � by: Conrad Knudaon two trucke by: David R. Nelson four trucks by: George Amundeon one truck . by: B. K. Borden by: Ben H. Shu4op two trucka � , RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAI, � ����, , �RENEWAL � I RENEWAL RENEWAL �� ' � Couneilman Wrigh� reqvested information regarding the opexation of Minnesota SiliCa;Sattd'Compaay and the type of work done there. The operation and work were explained. �Seoonded by Sheridan. Upon a voice �rote, there being no nays, the motion carried,,unanimouslyr�r �TlTiorr:� #7-lg6k: Mayor Nee announced the receiving af a petition from Bernard R. Julkowski for sewer � and water for Terry's Addition. � �� I Motion by Sheriden to reaeive r�TITZON #7-i964 and refer to edministration for pro- ceaeing. Councilmsn Sheridan stated the addition was not completed as yet, The City Manager replied theae petitions oiten came in in advance. Seconded by Wright. Upon a vo3ce votie�° there being no nays� the motion carried unanimou�ly. � APPOINTME�'1'3: M�yor Nee aanounced there were two appointments under considcration and inquired what conetr,uct3on maintenance meant. The City Manager explained the different work categoriee. Mayor Nee explained these appointments kiad been recommended by the C3ty Manager ahd City Engineer. ,; � � Mqtion byiWright tq appa+ove the following appointments: NAME Donald Charlea Carrigan 123 Chesney Way N. E. Fridley� Minneeota 55�+32 Chester Csleatine Swaneon 226 - 69th Aveaae N. E. Fridley, Minneaote 55�+32 POSITION Canstruction Maintenance I Construction Maintenance I SALARY $447.00 $447.00 REPLACES New Position Arliss Oren Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the moi,ion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 45.07: Mayor�Nee announe�d the coneid�eration oP an ordinance to emend Section 45,07 of the_City Code and concerning the usea permitted in an R-2 ➢istrict. The City Man- ager gave the firat reading of said ordinance. i , Motion by Sheridan to accept as first reading an ordinance amending Section 45.07 oi �he City Code and concerning the uses pe�mitted in an R-2 Dietrict. Councilmen Wright»inquired if the,eeaence oi the ordinance was the remov�l of multiple dwe11- inge and multiple dwelling groups, Mayor Nee replied the problem was that it did not remove the''former R-2 classiYicetion. The City Manager explained it did and that it was heing passed according to the Council's original intention. Seconded by Johanaon. Councilman Sheridan stated it had been his contention as a member of the City Counc3l tha� 3n the adoption of the present zoning in 1955 it stas general knm�Z�dge and explained to the public that R-1 districts were for single family daellings�- R-2 was for multiples of two family units and R-3 was for anything larger than two femily units. He flarther stated that when the ordinance was wri�ten� a- dopted� and puhliehed it did allow in R-2� multiple units more than two family dwellinge and there were different reetrictions from what it did do in R-2 but it could be done in R-3. Councilman Sheridan atated they had operated in this man- ner for the last five or six years. He further stated it had been his contention because of the orig3nal interpretation that it should be designated as R-1� R-2� R-3 ae he had indicated and this had been the reason for the amendment. Upon a roll'call vote� �hose voting aye, Nee� Sheridan, Wright, Johanson, Kirkham. Those voting nay, none. The motion carried unenimously. , ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 32 - FIRST READING: Mayor Nee'ennounced the firat reading oY an ordinance amendin� Chapter 32 concern- ing the maintenance of fire extinguishers. The City Manager �ave the first read- �' �uu � ing oi s�id ordinsnce. Councllman Sheridan inquired if thie ordinance was re-' commended by the Fire Department. The City Manager replied that it was in a letter from them sometime ago and the City Attorney had drawn th3e'osd�.nance. Gouncllman Wright inquired if the ordinance made provision for the type of ex- tinguisher which can be tested but not recharged. Couneilman Johaneon felt� �n his opinion, the ordinance did not make it compulsory to recharge exting- u�shers tut it�would be at the discretion of the inspector. Councilman Wright explained the anly question was that eome extinguishers can be ahecked by their own meter and felt the City might be imposing a hardship. A disousaion period followed regard3ng extinguishers, their use� maini,enance and typea. The Gi'�y � Menager suggeeted to the City Council they could table the item until the next I neeting and he would consult with the City Attorney and Fire Chief''in this re- � �ard. Motion by Wright, to t4ble the ordinance amending Chapter 32 of�the'City Code of the City of Fridley by requiring approved fire extinguishera and the recharging of same by competent persons i.o the next regular meeting. Seconded by 3heridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. ' -1964 ORD�RTNG FINAL PLANS AND SP�CIFTCATIONS - W-34-Q„ W- Mayor Nee announced a reaolution ordering final plans and specifiaationa on an additional well and the lowering of snme pumps. City Eng3neer Qureshi expleined the wells that were not operatimg in the proper manner and the set�ing of the pump deeper in the well. Councilman Johanaon and Sheridan inquirad regarding' the lowering of the pump capacity and the output of the questioned pump. C�ty Engineer Qureshi replied the head basically would remain'the eame.` Councilman Sheridan inquired if they would be lowering the pump £er enough'to increase the depth of the pump. It was explained that no matterrhere the pump would be it has to work agalnst the head and it is only the suction that was necessary to be re- duced and it was better to lower the pump. C3ty Engineer Qureshi itiirther ex- plained that at the beginning the assumptions made did not work out atld they did not have enough data and there is addit�pnal Work to be done on these we1].s� too, I because they are getting more �and than they should and there ie the, matter of I further development� also. The degrees of water haxdnees were explained and J dlscussed. Mayor Nee stated this resolution calls for a preliminary plan on a drift well. City Engineer Rureshi replied they were going to have the,eame �ituation in that they did not have any data to back yp their assumptiona and thi�s Would be the same, that lt does look good but it ie 3mpossible to tell if it'w1LL be the eeme. Mayor Nee inquired of Mr. Comstock, coneulting engineer�`if he wouZd make'a aecom- mendation es to whether they wanted to make a test. Mr. Comstock replied the re- port doesn't cover the details but it was discuesed and City Engineer Qureehi's memo covered this item, t1Uat their est3mate of a test hole would-be approximately $8,000.00: He Surther etated they were proposing a test well up�to a certain point and it might be abandonned but if it worka satisfactorily, $16',000.00 would be completely recoverable. Mayor Nee inquired of Mr. Comstock'the d'epth'oF the well and wes told it would depend on the location and it varies from 122 to 150 fect deep. Mr, Comstock further explained they felt the well Would suffice and be adequate for a peak su�er demand in that the original driller's.logs showed there was basically a clay layer at 70 feet and an artesian area belov that and iumiediately below tha gravel on this hole is the St. Peter'and Sandetone'strain. Councilman Johanson inqntred if they would be allowed to uae those beceuse at one time they could not, Mr. Comatock replied this was correct�'a$ one,time, this was looked on wit,h disfavor on the drift well but the standarde had been.changed and a drift we11 is aviceptable for this installation on the Shakopee Dolomite and exteneive etudies have been made oi nitrates and detergente.'' Mayor Nee in- quired what percentage of au�er tlme output would be produced by tki3s installa- tion. Mr. Comstock replied they didn't know but New Brighton flad a drift well and it was working well and on Fridley's they wouldn't know until Che test hole portion was completed. City Engineer q,ureshi stated if they'put,,in�a driPt well, the only big problem was that�if there is any contaminatiori, they'would have to have a retention for it but unlesa they go into it� they could not really tell. It was further stated by City Engineer Qureshi if these wells sre auccessflil, the seving would be really twice and they could put in two or three drift wells for the price oi one wel7. He explained the hardness should not be'mor� than what they now have in the water. Mr. Comstock replied it would be greater than the Hinckley area, something more like the Dolomite. Councilman Bheridan etated the question �hou�Ld ge one of quantity of water, not quality. Mr. Cometock replied �L �'v . _ , , n n •I ' it would be eome of both and chlorination was available, He further explained there wae'e�baeteTlologicaL problem and it would require stornge; that this atorage,wo�ild be,�aeceesary at the Fridl'ey 0ovm�ons area eite 1n the near future an& it'wouZd not"be a' case of adding eomething which won't be required as it would be,ne''cesa�ry anyalay. Hr. Comstock etated the worae condition would be chlorination and diainfection, It wae irquired by Councilman Sheridan if eome private lettera�were not"avallaHe that had been used over a period of time that would give the right quality of the water. Mr. Cometock replled they hadn't found one ,that would give them thia information. City Engineer Qureshi explained � the quality varies and it ia poasible to get a different quality in different placee. Mr. Cometoak'e�plained to the City Cauncil the State Board of Health was looking fevorably on thie project and are knowledgeable the area has been serviced by sanitary aewer for a long time, Motivn by Johaneon to aaopt xESOLtrrzoN #39-196�+ ordering final plans ond specifi- cations on W-3�-Q� W-3k-R, additional well and lowerin� pumps. Seconded by Sher- idan. Upott a voice vote� there being no nays, the �lotion cerried unanimously. i I FINAL Mayor Nee annou�iced a reaolution receiving final plane end specificatd�ons and ordering bids ior'a booeter station. City Engineer @ureshi stated that his de- partment had the''�aeoeasary plane. Mayor Nee inquired if this were ordered, i�hen the booaten station would be in operation. Mr. Cometock� consultin�;.engineer� replied that late last summer a temporary booster was going to be installed and this would be'incorporated and that phase of it could be added so there would be no d�lay but itiwould be up to the contractor when it would be finished althou�h it could possibly be up by June. . Motion hy Wright to adopt RESOLUTION #40-1964 receiving final plans and speeifi- �atione� a'nd ordering bida, Booster Station and T. H, �694 Crossing for W-31+-M. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried i� - unan3monsly. �'' RESOLUTION RECENIN6 FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING SIDS - W-34-N: IRON REMOVAL PLANT 1: Mayor Nee aanounced a resolution receiving final plans and specifications and ordering bide for an iron'removal plant and explained the issue was whether the iron content was'bad enough ta warrant this expenditure. The City Mana�er re- plied it was not too bad a problem and the cost was quite high. Mayor Nee stated his feeling wae that unlesa they were willing to give the residents affected a rate diiferential they should �ive them the water. City Engineer Qureshi stated the syatem ie' deeigned for thsee paris per million and they were getting lower than tha.t, Mr.'Cometoek� consulting engineer, stated thia was the guarranty but it was a tenth or leas. City Engineer Qureshi explained that he h�d put in his report they:had.'two tests thet showed one and five parte permillion and there is five timea ae'much iron in the high level system, Councilman Sheridan st�ated it had Ueen throughout the City during the peak of water consumption during the su�er where there is agit�tion in the lines and this was �trhere the complain�s had come from but with a normal operation there had been no complaints to his knoWledge. City Engineer Qureshi replied they rarely had complaints and these only when they Yluehed out a line. It was explained by Councilman Sheridan that one of the'reasone they had had so many complaints was that in many cases they had revereed the ilow of the linee plus the great demand or draw on the system and this caused the agit�tion and at�.rring up of eome of the loose particles in the water syetem but after a year of operation there probably woGldn't be ae much of that. Mr. Cometock stated that originally they were adding polyphosphate to hold the 3ron content in suspension and that when Fridley Commons tied in� it did not have this suspenaion butr there were aome pretty good iron deposits in the mains being ilushed through. Councilman Sheridan inquired, if in the further davelopment of'the complete water system, if there would be any,additional areas in the area of �Iell #'1. Mr. Comstock replied it was not enticipated, that it w�s jus� eized for Well #1. Councilman Johanson suggested to members of the City Couneil thie item be held in abeyance until they had received aome complaint:,. Councilman Sheridan etsted that aptually he had felt the complaints were coming from within the area be3ng served by the Commons Syatem. Mr. Comatock replied the City Council should remember that originally everything was serviced by this � L��� � well and the orig3n�a1 complaints and the original thought on the Conncil to have iron removal came from Well #1 exper3ence. Mayor Nee inquired'if ,the City did still put something in to keep the iron in suepension and was toldithey did not. Councilman Sheridan asserted it would be good to hold the,item in abey- �nce a�,though Mayor Nee had a good point in the payment to ouatomere"that were affected. The City Manager cuggested to the City.CoUncil they eouYd�;det'er action on the i�em and it would be just e matter of two weeks to get the bide in if 6hey so decided. Motion by Zdright to receive the final plans and specifications of W-34-N on Iron Removal Flant �fl but not order the bids on the said project.' Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there be�n� no nays� the motion cerried,unanimouely. . , � -- It�SOLGITION ���+1-1964 AUTHORIZING BIDS FOR RADAR EG�,UIPMENT: i Mayor Nee announced a resblution authoxizing blds for radar eqtti^;pment and stated this was somewhF�t, at his initiation wlth the Chief of Poliee in tliat'they are unable to use the present timer unless it is a major effoxt and the xadar unit the Chief of Police would like is a one man unit and invo�ves ona e�r.' He flar- ther stated the judge felt it would be more ueef�all also and i't wae a hudgeted item which had been approved. Councilman Wri�ht inquired what had happened to the unit they had had previously. Mayor Nee replied this was the,;timer he had referred to dhd 1't �a� �lmoafcitansa�.eable and the problem was that it'was,ld3ffi- cult to use. Mayor Nee explaRned that the radar unit with a pUb1i¢ity effart, signs� etc., would br3n� some help to the East River Rogd as an,axample., „ � Motion by Johanson to adopt RESOLUTION #41-1964 ¢uthorizing bids fox' radar equ3p- ment. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanzmously. AESOLU7'ION ��42-1�64 ]T4P08Ii�G LOAD LIMITS: Mayor Nee announced a reeolution under con�ideration imposing load ].im3ts in the City of Fridley. The City Manager explained to the City Counoil this was a routine resolution that was passed every year which sets up load limits and it _ is in force during the frost leaving period of the year, �;;, Motion by WrighL to adopt RESOLUTION #42-1964 imposing load limita on public streets and h3gh*�ays in the City of Fridley. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon e voice vote� therP bein�; no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION {��+3-196� ORDERING FP�ASIBILITY REPORT - SS#5: ,, � � , � Mayor Nee announced a proposed resolution ordering a fesaibility report on �orm Sewer #5. The City Manager presented reports to the City Council. . . ' � � ' � Motion by Wright to aaopt xESOLtrrrorr #43-i964 orderin� Feasibi�.ity Rep,Ort� on , Storm Sewer Project #5 and order3ng a public hee��ng. Seconded,'by,Johanson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimoualy. � RESOLUTION ���E4-1964 R�CE NZNG FEASIBILITY REPORT - SS #5: M�yor A'ee announced a resolution receiving a feasibility report oniS�torm Sewer #5• Motion 6y Wr.tght to adopt RESOLUTION �'�+4-1964 receiving Feaqibility Report on Storm Sewer �f5 and set a public hearin�. Seconded by Kirkham:, Cbunci].man Sheridan raised i.he question of holding th3s public heering the�,�ss�e night as a regular Counctl meeting, etating they aould have quite a few,peo�le �in for this hearin� and thought, perhaps, a special meet3ng ahould,be'vheld., Mayor Nee suggested the public hearing be held on the night oi the,regular,,mee,tiag. Coun- cil�an Johanson stated he didn't recall that they had had maAy regidents in for the last public heering. Councilman Sheridan inquired of�the Ffnanee,;D3rector if he could have the proper notices ready and was told he'could.� Mayor Nee in- quired if the City Council would wish to hold the public hearing at Hayes Sehool on the night of April 13th. � � ���e� Motion by Wright to adopt RESOLUTION #4�F-1964 receiving Feasibility Report on Storm Sewer #5 and amending the motion to set the public hearing for April 13th, i964 at Heyee Sohool. SecOnded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nayer�,the mption carried 'unanimously. ,,�i i,., � � � lpa � RESOLUTIONS,#�F5+1964 AND #4C-196�+ SPLITTING SPECIAL ASSESBMENTS: � � Motion,by Sheridan to adopt RESOLUTION #45-1964 avthorizing and directing the eplitting'of Speoial Aaqessments on Lot �F3� Block K� Riverview Heights, Seconded by K3rkham.' Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion c�rried unenimouely. Motion by Wright to edopt xESOLV�rzox #46-1964 authorizing and directing the splitting of Special Aasessments on South 1�2 of Lot 29� Brookview Addition. Seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote� there heing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURN: There being no further business, Mayor Nee 4 , Reapecti�lly 3ubmitted; ��� � �� �i �.� �, ��iid��w S7ue Miskowic � Secretary to the Council , REGULAR COUNCIL MEET]NG - MARCH 16� 1964 declared the meeting adjourned. 1/l��iil�tA.A�lv� " I ,�"� William J. Nee - Mayor A regular mestiag of the Conncil of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:04 P. M. ROLL CAIS.: Members Present:' Nee� Johanson� Kirkham� Wright Members Absent: Sheridsn APPROVAL OF MCNUTES - REGi7LAR MEETING, MARCH 2, 1g64: Motion by Johanson to approve the minutes of the Re�ular Meeting of March 2, i964 as prepared and reeeived. Seconded by Itirkham. Upon a voice vcte, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION: Mayor Nee announced the American Legion Post of Fridley wished to present to the Fridley Police Department� through Chief MeCarthy� a respiretor. Commander Clarence LeBeau,'stated that three,weeka previous there had been a tragedy where a peraon had suffered a etroke; the police had been called end the first car to arrive at the ecene did not have a respirator. The American Legion members had diacusaed this and talked to Chief McCarthy about it and he had told them there was a need Yor a respirator. The American Legion had voted to purchase the res- pirator and present it to the Pol�ce Department. Commander C]arence LeBeau an- nounce8,it gave him �reat pleasure to present this respirator to the Police De- partment of Fridley, Mayor Nee thanked the members of the American Legion Po�t for their contribution and extended Council gratitude to them. �