04/20/1964 - 00022803JL � t� r, re]ate i,o tYie reccipt of the pl�ns and speci£ication� and refer ta the meet- ing oi'ftpr�l 20t,h for determination on whether or not to proceed with Project S£>-5• ,econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there bein� no nsye� the moi;ion cari ied un�7nimously. ADJOURN: Them being no further Uusiness� Mayor Nee declared the Spec3al Couneil Meet;inp of �ipr�l 13� 1964 adjourned. Respectfull}� euUmitt?d� J S�L O �, � Sue Lckowic ��` C Secx'etary to the Council R�,GUT�R COUNCTL i�IPTINC: - APRII� 20� 1964: '� V �Jl�` Mayor, William Nee i A regular meetin�; of the Council oi' the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee ai. �:22 P.M. ROLL CALL: � Members Presenl,: Nee� Kirkham, Sheridan� Wright Members Absent Johanson APPROVflL OP' MTNUTES - RLGUId1R ��ETING� APRZZ 6, 1964: Motion by Wrighi, to approve the minutes of tihe Regular Meeting oP April 6� 1964 as prepared �nd received. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL QT' MTNIITES - SPECrAL ML�ETING� FlPRIL 13, 1964: Councilman i,irlclisani referred to p¢�e 34 of the minutes of the Special Meeting of Apri7 13, 1964 and stated the revised resolution should read� approving the f�nal plans and specifications and ratiiying.the call for bids. Couhcil- man 4lright repl�v� the motion rr�ade 4�as the adoption of the resolution omitting point numbeT on� of said numbered three points. The City Manager eXplained the only li.em nr_cessary to correct tras the title and the words,"ordering improvement" shrna]d be deleted. . ' Moi,ion by iTrlght to approve the minute� of the Special Meeting of April 13� 1964 as prepr:red� corrected and received. Seconded 1'�v KiY'kham: Upon a, voice vote� there being no nays�the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINF:S APFOIN'i'MGNTS (T�LI3TTD 3/23/64 aNn 4�6/54): � - -1 � �� e Mayor Nes announced two appointments for council consideration, those be�ng to the Poli� Commieeion and•Parks & P1ayg�0unds Sub-Committee. Motion by Sheridan to appont Arthur Walker, 1113 �nandago� Fridley tothe Police Comm3ssion to replace Murray A. Straus with term expiring December 31, ig6�c: Seconded'by Kirkhsm. Upon e voice vote, there being no neys, the motion carried,vnanimously. � Ma,yor Nee inquired if there were any nominations for the Paxks & Pl�iy�*rounds Sub-Committee appointment. Motion by Wright to table to the regular meeting of hfay 4� 19Fj4 theyeppo�ritment to the Parks & Playgrounds Sub-committee. Seconded by Sher3dan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion rarried unani- mously.� � � "� � AMENDMENT TO CAAPTER 6b (TABLEn 12/16/6J): Mayor Nee announeed for Council consideration an ordinance amendin�; tRe City Code dealing with water and sewer adm3nistration and si:ated it was w�th rcference to changing the ordinence somewhat to permit a 12censed excavator i,o tal�e out cerLain permite. Mr. I. J. Oakes requested to be heard and stated this ord�nance does permit now the telcing'out of a permit under Lhe State Code but thi� eaas not es simple as it appeaied to be without fixing the responsibility on any one person� that this ordinance should be given further consideration and suggesLed i,o the City Counc�,l that the City Attorney� the City Manager or whoever they would choose should mee� with e representat�ve of the Plumbin� Contractor� and he wnuld also meet with,thia group representing the Journeymen P1umUer� to see what they could arrive at. Mr': Oakes atated there were certain dangers to the ordivance� as wxitten� that,the ordinance could very readily be torn down �zith t,he end result that responsiL-ility would be with no party. Motion by Kirkham that the ordinance tio amend Chapter 66 of the L`ity Code Ue tabled to the regular meeting of May 1F� 196tt and the City Menn�er Y�e directed to consult with thel'parties involved. ueconded^b;; Wright, Upon a voice vote� tkiere bein� no nays� the'motion carried unan3mously. SECOND READING�OF ORDINANCE #26S AMENDING SECTION 1t5,23• Mayor Nee anaounced the second reeding of an ordinance amending tlie C�ty Code with reference to side yard requirements far residential dwellirigs. The L'ity Manager gdve the second readin� of the above described ordinance. Counc�lroan 4lright stated he was unclear regarding the uee of the �aord "�houlct" in Items a and b as it Usually lmplies � piece oP advice and it was noL in nrder; thfit he ��ou]d propose the C3ty Council substitute the vord "sh¢11" in these i.wo itemr�. City Attorney Smith replied this had been the Yntention of the cornmittee tliai, suggested it, that this be mandatory but it was logical. Motion by Sher$dan to accept as second reading, adopt and publ�sh Ordinance {�2�5 ��hich is an ordi�ance to amend Section �F5•23 of theCity Code uf the City of Fridley regard'ing side yard requirements ior residential dwellinGs. Seconded by Wright. Mayor Nee announced the ord3nance was suUject to amendment. Motion by Wright that Ordinance �265 be amended substituting the word "shall" ior the word "should° in Items a and b of said ordinance. Seconded Uy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carxied unanimuusly. Mr, Carl Paulson�'resident� raised the question in the case where there ��as an i— alley or etreet if a plan where the gara�e would be closer to the 1�ne than r�s prescribed� if this would be properly taken r.are of in the eveni. this or- dinance were passed. Councilman Sheridan explained that actually the lnter- pretation would be that a garage would then be in the rear yard out],et iahei,her he would exit to the front or rear. Mr. Paulson inquired if a residei7t would thenneed extra 7.and. Couneilman Sheridan rep]iecl the purpose of tlie ordinance was to leave the extra land Por driveway purposes. Mayor PTee statcd that zn a matter of this kind� a waiver could be obtained, Upon a voice vote� for the adoption and publication of Ordinance {f265, those voting aye� Nee� Kirkham� Sherician� Wright. Those voting nay� none. The motion carriedunanimously. �I J� � SFCOND RPATITNG OP ORDTNANCE ��266 d�MENDING SECTION �+5•26: Mayos� Nee announced the second reading of an ordinance amending the,Zoning Code of tlie City of I'ridley requiring elevation standards for all new struc- tures. The C�'ty Mnn��er gave the seconci reading of t�e above described ordinance. Motian by Wrigkit to accept as second raading, adopt �nd publish Ordinance �266 to ¢mend the Zoning Code of the City of Fridley by requiring elevation standards 1'ot a]_1 new structures. Seconded by Kirkham., Upon e ro11 call „ vote� for tlie arloption and public�tson oi Ordinance �266, those votipg aye� Nee, Tdr2�rh1,, ]�irlcham� Sheridan, Thoec voting nay, none, The motinn carried unanimotuly. CONSIPI;RATION Of' PURCfiASE OF ;.�UMP IdIND (TABI,ED 4�F�64) : Mayor Nee ruinounced i.he c�nsiderat,ton of the purchase o£ sump land to the City Coun��l. '19�c City Manager explained to the C�ty Council the drawing they had UePore them on this matter showing the surface drain�ge_regardirig zahich way t�iP �rater flow�d and the type of culvert dreina�e the,State High- way Departmeni, had been proposing and designing. Councilman Sheridan stated in vietia of the needs of the area ior a completed etorm sewer usage which they Hoped wou]d be �n the very near ;uture� he would su�gest they remove the red t3gs from thr= l,�io loi,a in quest2on and �llou t,hc ocrner to continue with the building of liis structures. Coimcilman Wri6ht replied he was not certain of city Pnnin��r ��iire�hi's x•eaction but he had L-alked tr� the local reside�ts nho cla Lru l,lie�� �re very much in favor of the storni sewer bein� constructed, thai, i.he m�,�oraty Cavor �;oing �head with the storm sewer and do not favor nnyi,liin;�, th,it u�uld Ue tempor�ry aud have mone,y ln e:�cro fmr the storm se�rer. 'I']�c� C��,y Mnir��ci rxplalued to Lhe City Council they were not urgLng �the purchaee oi these 7�1., ?,ut this hc�d been i,he only way to r�solve this problem i,empor- '� aril,y unl,il the storm sewer went in. Councilman Flright inquired'o�' City Fln�]neer �,izr�chi if he proposed to put moxe drainage in this area than at present. Czt,y Pngineer Qureshi replied that at present there are three lots in queGLion nnrl if a per�on were to build on one, there woUld be more water and the samc 1�€�Ler would be standin� on two lots instead of three,. ,Councilman Wright inquired �f City En�ineer Qureehi was i•ecommending that"'the City Council i,alce oL'l thr; recl ta� on the most nori.herly lot� and if� as a sblution� this �aould chan�c the drainage as to ti�hat areas would drain. CityyEngineer Qureshi, repl�ed the watcr would remain in the same area. It wac explained by the City Manager that if the Cit� purch�sed these lots �hey would make them work better than they rere nov. City Engineer Rureshi replied they could n4� make them much retter than now Uecause it,�zae nnly a temporary solution but if the City Council were i,o authorize a storm eeY�er� it would takecare of the problem. Mot�on b�� ;;��c�radan that the CiLy Council atiithorzze i,he removal of the red tags from i,Yie loi,s in question� Lots 13 and 11F� Block 1� Rearrangement of Blocks 13 and 114, Plymout,h Addition and allow the Building Inspection Department ie issue a perr�it for construction. Seconded b,y Kirkham. Upon,a voice vote� i,hrre beipp; no nr�ys� the motion carried unanimously. ,� , CONSIDPR�TIQf; OF TOGTN FIOUSF Mayor Nee announced f'or council cons�deration a resolution for a 7b�� House Pl�n and innu�red if Mr. B111man or hlr. Johnson were present, There,was no one preGent. Motiion by Wriglit to table indefinitel,y the consideration of the T�;House Plan for Rodne,y I3illman� Inc. Secodded by Sheridan. Upon a voice,vote� there bein� no nay�� tlie motion carried unanimously. NEF1 BU�SNTS�^: PUBLTC 73�AI�ITdG ON IMPROVEMCNT - 1�SA: r I Mayor Nee announced a Public Hearing on Minnesota State Aid Improvement �27-302-01'and �27-315-01. The City Manager read the Notice of TTear�ng. Mayor Nee requested that the City Manager explain the &reas on i;he map. The City Manager a�eplained the portions described in the Notice of Hearin�. Mayor Nee inqu3red if there were anyone present vho wiskied to be Yieard on tl�e improvement.' There was no one present in favor or ob3ecting to i,he tniprove- ment, Mayar Nee�explained ior those present this was 1,he pavinF; through the Fridley Coffinons'area and'in front of the Senior IIigh School. The Cii,y Mana�er explained't$e�School officials had no objeotion to the impravement. Mr�yor Nee Ntated there was"&pparently only one party involved, namely Mr. Iloyne. Mayor Nee declared the public hearing on Minnesota Sta+�e Aid Improvement,r�27-302-01 and f�27-315-01 closed. . RESOLUTION �9-1j64 ORDERING IMPROVEMBNT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIPICATIONS - Mayor Nee announced a resolut.ion ordering irnprovc�ment and fin�1 plao, and specificatdons on Minnesota State Aid projecl: �27-30�-01 and �f27-315-�>1 would be in order. . Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution �69-1962� ordering improvement and E'�nal plans and specifications snd estimates of eosts LYiereof': Municipal 'Jtaie .1id Improvement Project 27-302-01 and Pro,ject 27-j15-Ol. Scconded by L�tier�.d�n. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimousl,}�. PiTRLIC HEARING'- FINAL PLAT - SEXTER A➢DITTON• Mayor Nee announced e Public Hearing on the Fina] Plat of the Uexter Pddii.ion, The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing. City Engineer GJ.ureshi present�d the final plat for City Council reviewal. Mayor Nee inquixed a£ there i�ere anyone present who;wiehed to be heard on the f�nal plai, of the Sexter Addztion. There was no one present in favor of or opposed to the final plat oi Lhe Sexter Addition. Mayor Nee declared the public hearinF; on the f�nel plaL nC tlie Bextcr Addition closed. Motion by K3rkham� to epprove the fsnal plat oi' the Sexter Addil,ion, and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign same. Seconded Uy Wri;,lit. Upon . a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. BIbS - DRIFT WELL� W-34-Q (OPFI�D NOON� �PRIL 2oZ 1964). Mayor Nee announced to the City Council the bids for Drift Well� ld-;11-Ci opened at noon this day. The City Manager read aloud t,he bids as foll�w, cirvi pre�enLed a letter to the City Council from Coms�ock and Davis, Ine., consulting engineers, relative to the;pTOject bids stating the lo�a bzd of McCarthy ldell Com�any z❑ the amount o� $10,398.00 is considerabl�y below the � tirnate as the pro�ect, with contingencies� was estimaced at �pproximately $13,0OO.OD: PLANHOLDER Bergerson-Caswell� Inc. 13120 Wayzata �lvd. Minneapolis, Minn. 55�26 McCarthy Well Company 670 Eustis Street St. Paul, Minnesota x_ab<< COMPLETION BID DEPOSIT LIII�IP SUM BID AL4TRP1A7'E %Il TIMG St. Paul Fire and Marine 5� B.B. Agricultural Zns. of Water- town 5`�� R.B. .�11,930.00 :�s1o,39B.00 No Lid No Ilid 30 Days 3� DfljrS Layne-Minnesota Company Trinity , 3147 California Street N.E. Universal �15,685.0o No Sid 75 Days Minneapolis} Minnesota 55�+�a 5°�o B.B. ' Motion by Wright to award the bid on Drift idell, W-3�+-�, to McCarthy ��ell Company of 670 �ustis Street� St. Paul� Minnesota in i�he lump sum b�d ot' �10,39°.00 with a completion �ime of thirty days. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motion carried unanirciously. +!' LbU r BIDi - A10DTPYING WELLS 2,3,���5�W-31F-R (OYPNED NOONr d14RIZ 30� -1964): The City Pdana�,er read aloud the following bids opened at noon� this day and stated tlie con�ulting engineers, Cornstock and Davis� Inc., after �abulating the bids had �dvised the loia bid was by Bergerson-Caswell� Inc.� in the amount of $0',453.00��nd this, compared with the construction cost of apprws3mately �9,300.00 was 1n order and they recommended same awarded to Bergerson-Caswsll� Tnc, for a]unip sum byd of �6,1�53.00: COMPL}�]TION PIAM�OLDI�',I2 BID D�POSTT LUMP SUM HI➢ TIMP Bergerson-Caswell� lnc. 1312o ta����z;�ta �1va. Minneapolis� Minn. 551426 D4cCcrt}�y lael7 Compan,y 670 L+'u�+ls Street Si,. Peul� P9inn. J,ayne-Nicme,ota Co. 3147 California St. N.C. Minneapol�s� Minn. 55l+ifl Trl-Siate Urilling and F�lquipniertL Company 169��0 Hin,hw�,y 55 Flest 4layzata� Minnesota Keys G1e11 Drtll.in� Co. 413 No. Lexingj.�n Parkway St. Paul� M�nne,^,of,a E. II. Renn�r & ;ons� Inc 51+65-n C,ount,y Ro�ri 18 No Minncapol�,� Minn. 55�128 St, Paul Pire and Marine 5`� B.H. I�gricultrual Tns Co. J� B.B. Trin�ty Univ�rsal 5�a B.Ii. �eaboard Surety Co. 5r� B.B. �eaUoard Surcty Co, . 5rv s.n. Trinity Universal 5� $6,�53.00 �a, 35�+. o0 �7,968.00 . $7�600.00 ��,959.00 �n,ii5.00 40 bays �+0-60 Days 60 Days Not sPeci£ied 45 Days 75 Days Motion by Sheridan to award tkie bid for Mod3fying Wells� 2�3��F�5� W-��+-R to Bergerson-Cac�w�ll� Inc. of 131?_0 Wayz�ta Soulevard� Minneapolis.y;Minnesota in the lump sum bid of �fi,453•0o with r� completion t3me of,�+0 daya. 8ecanded�by l�lri�hi;. Upon n voice vote� therc being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Afee ���nom�ced for those �resent that botY, of the construcGion items men- tioned i�ere clevoted to increasing the water production capability of the taell field so thni, next summer Fridley ,�ould.have a better output.'u I LIDS -�S��S/# (f)PF,NED NOON, A'PF(IL 13� 1964): Mayor P;ee announced for Council consideration bids opened on April 13� 19�i4 for Storm Sewer Smprovement Project No. 5A. The City Ma73agex read the bida as Lol]ows opene�l on April 13� 1964; �� � � COMPLETION PLANHOLD}�II� B1D DEPOSIT LiJMP SUM BID TIME Sdodland Const�riaci,ion Co, Sk. Paul Fire �197,767.45 150 Cal. ciays 5421 Vlrpiuia TdorLl� and P[arane . _ - M�nne�polis 28� Minnesoi.a 5�� . '�'' � W�lhon Elx�av�,t�n�, 3242 IlighwaY �t�i MinneopoLr, ]fJ� Niun. Szaanson Lxc�vatin� Co. 47�F5 Sliad,y Oalt Po�d Ilox 36�, tiopkine� Minn. i�cDona]d� T,uben u Assoc. 211 North Pasca] St. Paul� bTinnesoi,a Pidelity Deposit and Ins. Co. 5% - Trans Flmer�.ca Ins, Co. j;�o Seaboarcl Ins, Company 5i� �26j�00�.OQ �1�0,8�3.9$ $207,200.00 As specified 120 Cal. Days As specified I i I _� � J � I � C. S. McCrossan� Tnc. Route #2, Box 322 Osseo, Minnesota Johnson Bros. Highway & Heavy Constructors, Inc. 6480 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis� Minneaota Lametti'& Sons),Inc. 2560 Cleveland Avenue No St. Pau1 13, Minnesota Peter Lametti Const. Ca 615 Drake Street St. Paul?���Minnesota Abbott� Arne� uchwlndt� Moorhead, Minnesota , Barbarossa & Sons� Inc Route #3 Osseo�.Minneaota Tx•ans Americ� Ins. Co. 5� Travelers Ins. Company 5� Seaboard Ins. Company 5°� SeaUoard Ins. Company 5� Inc.�Plranet Ins. Co. 5;� Petrowske & Ross 3613 - 53rd klace North Minneapolis� Minnesota Hurley Conetruction Co. 49 Signal Hills West St. Paul, Minneeota Morettini Construction Co 852 Westminster St, Paul, Minnesota Herbst Construction Co. 155o Hi�hway ��lo Minneapolis� Minnesota Hur Con� Inc. ' 403 South Robert Street St. Paul� Minnesota Orfei & Sons� Inc. 1156 Homer Street St. Paul 16, Minnesota Caburn & Meek� Inc. 500 Oaklawn Road Rosemount� Minnesota St. Paul Fare & Marine Ine, Co 5� Trans America `>r� Travelers Ins. Company 5�> Seaboard Ins. Company 50 Trans America Ins. Ca. 5� United States Fidelity & Guar. Co. 5� Seaboerd Ins. Company 5� St. Paul Fire � Marine Ins. Co. 5�u �244,649.95 �205,000.00 $2i6,3i6,00 �222,26�F.g4 $2o'8,q16.6o �,208 � 000 . 00 $194,�72.97 $270,575.00 �262,475.00 $221�509.52 $272�000.00 �2G7�941.�3� �253,81�1.60 150 Cal Days 1'�0 Cal Dtzys 150 Cal llays As Spec�fied 160 Ca1 Daye Dlank 160 Cyl Days As ;peciFie3 150 C�1 D�ys �. `�Pecif'ied 11;0 Cal Days 230 Cal Days ]50 Cal Days The City Manager explained the consult3ng ?irm o£ Comstock end Davis, Inc., had advi'eed they had examined the bids and found the lowest bidder i.o be Swanson Excavatin� Company in the lump,sum bid of $190�893.9F3 aud �,heir tabulation did show this bid was well within the estimetes and did recornmend the contract be awarded to Swanson Excavating rompany if the City Council so wished. Mayor Nee announced that as there were a number of people concerned with this item pres'ent, the City Council wousd consider next the xesolution ordering the improvement on thio stIDrm sewer pro,7ect. Motion by Sheridan to receive the bids as listed above regardzn� Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 5A. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voic� vote� i,here being no nays� the motion carried unanimausly. RESOL�ITION #70-1964 ORDERING 7'fl� IMPROVEMCNT -�S{f 5A: Mayor Nee announced for Council consideration a resolution orderin�; the lm- provement on S'�orm Sewer Improvement Project Number 5A and stated it vas in the amount of $190,893.9a• �I! � � <> �_ d t�'L r, Mof,ion by Wry;ht to adopt RE�OLIITION #70-196�E ordering the improvement on S{,orm Seti7rr Improvement Pro,7eci, Number 5-A. Seconded by Sheridan, .Upon a roll c,�ll vote� those vot�ng �ayc� Nee� Sheridan, Wright� Rirkham. Those voting na,y� none. The resolution carried unanimously. Motion hy Wri�;ht to award the bid for the improvement on Storm'Sewer Im- provemeui, Pro,lE'ct Number 5-A to Swanson �xcavating Company of 47�+9 Shady Onli ]�oad� Rox 3Gfl, fIopkin�� Minnesotc� in the lump sum bid o� $190,�93•98 iatith con�i,rurtion to be completed �n 120 calendar days contingent upon a coaper�tive a�reement with the Stai,e of Minnesota Highway Department and the Str�I,e', appxoval of the bids themselves. Seconded by She'ridan. I Upon a roll cal] vote, those voting aye� Nee� Sheridan� Wright� Kirleham. Those vatin€; nay� none. The motion carried unanimously. . "' Counri]man C�heridan stated he had understood there were some people who had circul�i,er1 petitions in £avor of this pro,7ect the night of the public heartng a wee}c previous� that he had been approached by a reaident this c�ventng and hr had iridicated they h�d been circulating the petition to show L-hey werc in favor of �nd ask for the improvement. . Mr. Serry Tli�;gtns of 5924 - 7th Street North�ast stated he had contacted eome �0 resideni,s and 78 of these were in favor of the 3mprovement and had signed pet�i,ions wl�ich Mr. iliggins presented to the City CounCil.,, Mr. Hi�gins pre:,ented a map for Council reviewal showing the streets he had covered, A�,yor Nee �tated he h�d understood Mr. FIiggins wished to re- tain Possrssion of the peti�bion in order to continue the circulation of samE�, tAr. Carl Paulson nlso presented a petition in favor of the said im- �rovement to Lhe Ctity Council. Councilman [dright inquired if Mr. Paulson had completed hi� petition. Mr. Paulson replied it should be atteched to the other petition presented. Councilmon Sheridan reouested the secre- l,ary m�l=e a mr�tter of record that Lhere were two circulators in favor of the pro,7ert who had pre3ented petitions for viewing of the City Council rn�l rrt�inod �ame for further circulation. ]3i7ILDING 130ARD 1�1C�TING MINUT�>, APRIZ B, 19C�a : M�yor Nee announceEi for Council consideration the Minutes of the Building Board t4eeLlrig held April 8, 1964. i�Y n. J. KRANl. 1NC. POR TAEIuFN'S MARI� T TO BUILD A SUP�R- 10 .] 1. ATdD 12. BLOCK 2 The Cit.y Man�ger re�d to the City Council tihc recommendation ,of the Build- ing Board and presented plans for the supermarket. Mr. Serry Kranz� Build- er� was present as well as Mr. Thetisen� and stated they wiehed� through rezonln�� Lo move the building and also build a drwg store. Ma.yor Nee� �tated thc iLem before the City Cauncil was the concurrence with the 8uild- in� Board for i,Yie approval of ttie plans for Theisen's Market. Mot�ori b,y Wright to concur F�tith the recommendation of the Building Board and grant �pproval of the permit by D. J. Kranz� Inc, to build a supermarket for Theisen's Market on the Pdnrtheast corner of University Aveade ahd Miss- issippi Street on Lots 10� 11� and 12� Blocl: 2, Rice Creek Terrae0 Addit3on� stri�rture to Ue 85 feet by 135 feet of masonry and ateeL construction with an est2mat,ed cost of :G112,000.00. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no n�ys, the motion carried unanimousl.y. APPLICATION BY PR1l�LF'sY LUMBPR TO BU7'LD A CONZRACTOR�S OFFICE .9ND WAREHDUSE' A7' lOjO O;;E��RNJs R�AD NORTFIEA"T LOTS 2�ND 3� BLOCK � 9 � TO P�}3 BiJII�T B'f T70NC0 BUILDPRS� 0��,ET }3Y 100 FEET FRONT WITFi Afd Sf�T7MATLD COST OI' S0� . 0: Mayor Pde� announced for Council consideration an application to bu11d an office and warehouse at 1050 Osborne Road Northeast. `i'he C3t'y Manager read to the C�ty Council the recommendation of the Luilding Board. , � � e. Motion by Wri'ght to concur with the recommendation of the nuild�ng Boax•d and grant the build'ing permit for the constructlon of a Contractor's Of'fice and Warehouse by'Fridley Lumber at 1050 Osborne Road Northeast, Lots 2 and 3, Block 1� Lampert's Addition� to be buil% by Donco Builders, FO feet by 100 feet oY lumber with,s brick front with an estimated cos� af �50,OU0.00 subject to the waiver of the setback required. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there beirig no �ays� the mot3on carried unanimously. BOARD OF AF'PEAIS MEETING MINUTES, APRIL 8, 1964: � Mayor Nee announced the City Council could receive the MinuteE; of' i:he Board of Appeals Meeting held April 8, 1964. Motion by Sheridan to receive and file the minutes of the Board oC App�a75 Meeting held April 8� 1964. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a vojce vote� there be�ng no nays� the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMI�ffSSION MEETING MINUTES, APRIL Mayor Nee announced for Council consideration the acLion takeri by i,Pie Plann- ing Commission at their meeting held April 9� 1964. REZONING RE@UEST: ZOA �64-05 - THEISEN'S MARKBT. INC.: LOTS 13 THROUGII 16 The City Manager expla3ned to the City Council the Pl�nning Commission had set a pub].ic hearing date of May 14� 1964 for the rez.oning request by Theisen's Market� Inc. and read aloud the motion by the Plann3ng Commi;;sion requesting the C3ty Council ppprove an appr�isal on the homes on Lots 13� 14� 15, Block 2� and Lot 12� $lock 3� Rice Creek Terrace Plat �f2. It was explainPd the motion only epproved the appraisal. The City Manager stated P�ir. Chnrles Jo- I hanson� member of the Planning Commiasion had enlled him relzative i.o Lhis suhject and stated the object was to determine an appraisal of these Lomes abutting so that by the time they had the rezoning hearing� they would know tahat effect� dollar wise� this would have on the taomes and this was uhat the Commission was recommending. Mayor Piee raised a question on Mr. (31enn `I'homp- sons being opposed to this motion. It was expl¢ined by Mr. Vez•ri I�andelt member of the Planning Commission present, that Mr. Thompson had f'elt t,he economics didn't ent�n into this rezoning and had in mind this apprais�l would r�et a pxecedent. Councilman Sherad�n stated the City Council taould proUably be putting themselves in that po�it,ion every time a rezoning requesi, came up and they would be requested i.o have appra�sals of all ad�o�nin�; properties. Mayor Nee indicated his first reaction had Ueen that the apprv�sal ��zs a good idea but there would be some problems �aii,h it. Councilm�an .iheri�lan stated if the property owners involved felt ii, Taas somethin�; tha L cotald l�e iaorked ou� wjth the owner requesting the rezoning� it would be vise. Councll- man Wright aeserted no motion wauld then bc needed until thc Pl�nuing Commis- sion Minutes of May 14� i964. There was no actlon talcen by i;Lr_ C�i,y Council. PUBLIC iIEARTNG: PRELIMINARY PI,AT P. S. �fGk-OG, D. NEZL OUIbIBTTL. LOT 1 The City Manager read i,o i,h� CitV Council the �actlon tiaLen b�� Ll��_ Yl«nnm�, Commission relative �o the �risllminary p1aL P. �. f�64-OG. OiLy l��u�,ineer Qureshi preseri�ed the preliminary plat to Tl�e City Couucil arn3 e.;plazned tl;�s � was what they had been talkin� about and a road wou1R be �lven in �he area by one property owner, The City Manager polnted uut to the C�ty Cciincil the loL widths were satisfactory but not the depths and eince the ol�ner �,� �ivinG up a 50 foot street� the Plannin� Commas�ion Ytad felt he should b� t;iven L-Lc� f'ive foot minimum depth lacic� that he ��as glving a big street oiit of ❑ small ptiECz of land. Motion by Sheridan to accept the Preliminary P]at P. :. �f61i-0(, 1��� 1). Pdr.�1 Ouimette on Loi, 15� and 16� Block 1} Spr�ng Lal:e Parli Lalceeide ,�n�l ��L � date for the public hearing. Seconded by FIr�gLL. Upon e voice voLe, tt�ere being no nays� the motion c�rried unan3mously, A l b� r PiJ13LIC Ill,f,l�]-iV(:: PRELZM1Nt1RY PLAT P. S. �j`611-0�+, MCADOWMOOR TERRACE.2ND ADDI- Mayor PTer- -,nnonnced the pub]ic hear�ng on the preliminary p1at,P.'S. ��64-04 of Meadowmoor Terr�ce 2nd Add�i,ion. The City Manr�ger read tb the City Coun- c�l th� rccommended approval of the Pl�nnin� Commi�sion. City Engineer �ute=;hi prr�scnt,ecl the prelimtnary plaL to the City Council. A discussion period £o].love�I re�2rding all items on the plat and unplatted land edjt�cent. Motion by �;heridan to return the p2eliruii7ary p7n{, P. S. �64-04� �ieadow- moor Terr�ce� 2nd Addition to the Planning Commission and request they re- view i,h�c plai, �,ith regard t,o how Lt irill coincide with the ppplatted area `--' to the Soui,}� 1� <;ted as C,arf'icld ui,reet on the proposed plat. Seconded by IC2rl.h�m. Upon r voice vote, I;here being no nays, the motion carried unani- mously. VLITT'fi i1DDITTOTI POSSI7iIS' S`L'P,F1L;T Lf1Y0LPI': The Cii,y D9ana€;er explained to the City Council there h¢d been many meetin�;s on this addition� and there is one item that sl�ould be checked with the Cit,y �lttorne,-�, Ll�ai, he teas �u�gesting if they ehould approve the 7ayout� r�� propo, crl� by tl,e Plamm�; Camm�_ssion at tliis point� they would be� to a certa in ��,.i.�ii1,, comm�_tting another plat �ahich had been withdrar�n. The C3ty Manaper rca�� oloud the recoirvnend�tion of the Plannin� Commission recommend- in� i;he : trcei; plan� Drawd.ng f�61F-3. It wac �tated the City Council did have a 1�I,Ler �f inten6 from the otrners oF the land� who have,a stipulation th�t LhF,y w�nL a?_0 foot easement Uacli so they will be able to retain a lot. The quest�on� the City Manager� stated in this instance would'�'6e ii the City Cottncil :nid thi� would be the layout� what effect it would have on flature condemnat�on or platting requzrements. He further explained the Planning CommiGSion wa> recammPnding the acceptance of the street'plan and acquiring oi' the nctual deeds so that they could proceed taith water and�sewer and streets and ii' it were necess�ry to go through� the City of Fridley could then condemn because Mr, Veit of the aree had stated he would never plat'h3s property. C�1.y 1lttorney Smith indicated the City did have an'agreement for a portion of eectione and only one section would heve to be chenged. He,' further expinined if the Planning Commission decided this wae s ailitable road the �itliation would not be affected at all-one way or the otller as to what damo�e; i,he L'itiy laould have to pay� that however the land is,developed it W1�1 L10VC to fit into the tatal plan. The City Manager euggested the Ci.t,y Council could concur in the recommendation and direct ,the City Admini- strat�on to proceed� that it had been gener�lly agreed the'settling oF an,ad3, ,jacent estate y�ould take core of the property. The City Manager Sug�ested to memhers oF the Clty Counctl if they concurred they would approVe this etreet layout, Drawing �64-� and authorize the City Manager to engage someone to survey this route so that they caul@ draw the proper deeds and ithey would return to i,he floor whatever they would need in the way of an easement. Motion by Wri�ht that ihe City Council concur with the recotwnendation of the Plannin�; Commirsion acid approve the etreet pz�an� Drawing #64-3 ae presented For the Northerl,y extension of Rivervie�a Terrace to M3ssissippi Plane and authorize the City Atlorney and City Manager to survey the pro�er route and draw the prc�pex• deeds. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� thexe being no nays� i,hc motion c�rried unanimously. LOT SPLST RE2iiF;;T: L, S. �}6�i-07 - DON HOSTE`l'rER: BLOCK K, RSVERV�7�W HETGH`PS ADDITION: � , The City Manager read to the City Council the approval of the lot'split re- que�t by i;he Ylonning Commission. � Motion by Kirktiam to concur with t,he recommendation of the Planning Coffinis- s�on and f�rant the lot split requcst� L. S. f�64-07 b,y Don Hoetettex`� on, Block K, Rivezview Heights I�ddition. Seconded by E�ex�dan. TJpon a voice vote� there bein� no naye� the motion cerried unanimouely. ' _S l� F� - STREET VACATION - EDWAR➢ LANCELLO� ET AI,: 66TH AVE The City ManageY read to the City Council the recommended den�a] b,y the Planxi- ing Commiesion'and explained the item, Mation by Wright that the City Council concUr with the Planning Commiss�on and Stxeete and Utilities 9ub-Coimn3ttee and deny the street vacation,request� SAV �64-02 by'Edwerd Isncello� et al on 66�h Avenue between Lucie Lane and r— Pierce Street. Seeonded by Sheridan. Mr. Don. L. Anderson� contr�ctor, re- I quested to be heard and stated at, the time he had platted this lanci he had a deed which he had preaented to the City� that he had bought and removed the house on a lot'in queetion; further� that when h� had platted the land the street was,in aad it was a,greed that �his street would be vacat,e3 lf not at thai, time and"this w8e why he had had to obtain a special d�ed. Mr. Anclerson furth- er stateci' thatlae it atood� the City wanted to keep the street and there are no homea that face it and it �aould he worthle�s to any of the peipLe in the ax•ea.' The City Manager explained the argtament had been t,hat if an� of tlie streets were closed for'repair� this street would �ve tYie Fire Department permission to go through.. Mayor Nee suggested tY�e City Manager be given an oppostiunity to check the i'ormer minutes in this regard to cler�r the situ�tion. `Che City Mana- ger indicated the City Council could go 8]OIIg iJltYl tY12 CIP.Rl�l and �,he matter could be retnrned to the floor. Mr. Anderson stated he would prodi�ce i.he dates and me,terial necessary i'or the checking o±' the records. Motion by Sheridan to table the request for a street v�cation, �AV ��6�i-02 b,y �dward Lancello� et al on 66th Avenue between Lucia Lance and I'�erce Street. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, the motiou cerried unanimously. " - COMMUNICATIONS: HAWRYSH: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION: FOR 1�3 UNTT 4PARTMCNT BUILllII'IG: Nayor Nee announced a communzcation from Mr. Steve Hawrysh of 26o Mercury Drive Northeaet with�regax'd to a building permit application. Mr. Hr�wxysh was pres- ent in favor of the building permit. Ma.yor Nee explained to Mr. [I��tirysh Cliat when i:he plan had been previously presented there was no site plan presented w�.th it. Mr.'Hawrysh preeented plans regardln�; the building pernni, rapplicatlon. A d�scuasion peTiod iollowed regarding the parking area� space per car� npmber of stalls� se�Ctiacks and.area to be sodded. Mayor Nee stated thc pointc P+Ir. �Iawrysh had made were well t�ken� that he had not understoo�l hu��li� could meei. the other requirements of the ordinance. Nir, fIawrysh explained 11:e Unilding would be hetter than the other duplexes in the ax•ea wii,h satisCactory parlcing,� grass and recreation erea plr�nned. Motion by Kirkham that the City Council reverse their previous action and grent the build3ng permit i'or a multiple dwelling on Outlot d, �y].v�n Illlls Addi�tion in respect to the rationale that the ordinance was chan�ed afLer P4r.= Hawrysh applied.- Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, tl�rre bein� no nays� the motion earried unanimously. MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMEN`i': SP 0205-12 (T.II. 47) SS (3�7'11 - 51,�1'): Mayor Nee announced for Council consideration a commuincation Frow tLe Minnesota State Hi�hway Department relative to the l�roposed cocaperai,ive storm sewer tn FY�idley and Columbia Heights and requested an explana�ion of' the CLt� i9anager. � The City Manager etated he was not certain what i;he Minnesota Hi�Yraay Depart- I ment zaanted�except they wanted the City Council to say they ��ere �Lil] desir- � ous of the plan for the highway and are designing a sewer system to turn over to the City of Fiidley for suggestion� that� apparently� al] they �aant to know is ii the City'Council still is interested in arriving at a cooperative agree- ment South of Highway �100 on University. Councilman Wright reouested an ex- planation of the word "layout". @ity Engzneex• Qureshi explalned tLat the bas�c layout and presented same for reviewal and stated it had been clianged. He also presented proposals to date� explained the Columbia FIeights bor3erlLne and stated they fe7t that the final design should be obtained end delivered and then they could figure out i.hat Fxidley would be paying. He stated that rihat they were prpposing was that they were goin� to check the plans� aetters� etc.� and he did wish the Minnesota State Highway Departmenl: to go into t,he desi�n and it would be more feasible to figure out the cost. � � �) �, u � Motion b,y Ylright to instruct the City Manager to write a letter��o�Mr, E. J. McCubrey, D3si,rict En�ineer� State of Minnesota� Department of Aighwaya con- firming the interest of the Cityof Fridley in the cooperative agreeIDent �e- garding S, P, 0205-12 (T.fI.47) 38th AvP,nue to 51st Avenue� propoeed cooper�- tive storm sewer in Fridley and Coltmibia Heights and state the City Council iaill coopera�e on the basis oi' cih�t is considered in the bestf interest of Pridley. �econded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there laeing no nays� the motion carried un�nimously. DISTRTCT COURT: D�CI570N - R�: 'IR/�ILER SALES: Ma,yor N�e announced the decision from the District Court regarding txailer sales in which the City of Fridley was urged to �rant a building permit to the firm Ln question, Midway Mobile Home Mart� Inc, for the conetruation oi a build�ng for the sale of trailer homes. Motion Uy Wri�hl, to receive the Notice from the Diatrict Court relative to decision r��arding trailer sales by Mtdway Mobile Home Msrt� Ine.�arid direct the City I�ttorney to file an appeal of the decision of the Dietrict Court in this matter to i,he next high court� the State Supreme Court and authorize the appropriate persons to sign the necessary bond. Seconded by 5$exidan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimous].'y. �i'fIORPP BRbS: AFPdTIF�TT BU]'LDCNG: Mayor PTee announced a communication From Thvrpe Ilros.� regarding.the Bennett Buildin_p, locaLed at 6420 - 5th Street Northeast and requested aa ecplanation of the City Mana�;er. The City Mranager explained the real eatate fiTm of Thorpe Bros.� harl said they wanted 1,o make an offer of the building to'the City ior :�19,500.00 �nd he had replied they could make the offer and he would submit same to the City Council. It was explained the property was adjacent -Co the property the Ctit,y Council had been interested in and it cvuld�'handle the public � works offires and equipment. Councilman Wright raised the queation that this �aas not lnnd that wou�d be required for the ultimate City Hall plan. It was explained b,y the City Manager this bu3lding is next to the Telephone Building -"' and if thr_ City Council were interested in the whole site� it would be an advi3- ab].e adjuxict and something to keep in mind. The qt�ation was r&iaed_if there were a n]+vn for the present gsrages and City Engineer'Qureahi replied the way tH� plan is� the space-w0usd°be used for police cars. Mayor Nee suggeated the City Mana�;er figure out the fcasibility of puttin� the Public Worke Department in thc proposed building. The -City Manager replied the area,',;and building could cerl;ainly be looked over provided the City Council had decided ,what'to do and if this should be a part of the whole program and if they wished,to direct him� he would look into the matter further. Motion by Kirkham to instruct the City Manager to investig�,te the ieasibility of the use of the space locat�d at n420 - 5th 6treet Northeast� Fridley, Ser.onded U,y WriE;ht, Upon a voice vote� there being no�'nays�,,'the motion carried unanimousl,y. isNGIN1;ER'S OFPICE: GAS LINE LOCATION: P4ayor Nee announced a communication From the City Engineer!s officerelative to a�;as line location. The Czty Manager explained to the City Council he was presentin� ttiis item to them although there was a ten foot pol3cy on �a.s line locations and this line was less offensive then the line prev�oualy'waived� that i it had hcen looked 4nto �nd he could recommend the waiver be,gran�ed. _1 Motion bp WrighL to concur with the recommendation oi,the Citg Manager and grant the waiver for a�a3 line location on Stinson �oulevard between Gardena Avenue and Rice Creek Road to the Minneapolis Qas Company. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote� there being no naysa the'motiot� carried unanimously. � � , CONSIDEP�ITIONS OF AMENDMENT TO SECTION �+5.19 {2); _._ �� � Mayor Nee inquired if the two considerations amending Section 45.19 were the same. The City„ Manager explained they were not the same� that one amendment directs"�hat�the epecial use permit shall be constdered by the Plnnnine Commiesion' be'fore submission to the City Council and the first amendnient would be the submiseion•only to the Board of Appeals. Mayor Nee stated he could not see any diffexence in the amendments and they both should not Ue adopted. The City Manager replied this had been the request of the Cit,y Council tliat when they amend Section 45,19 of one amendment, they merely add double butigalowe and the City Council, by directaon� has asked it �o i,hrough � the Planning Commiss3on on the other amendment. Mayor Nee inquireQ if the City Couricil ha$ a choice between the two amendments aa presented. Clty Attorney Sm3th replied this was correct� that the Planning Cotmnission had li.ked the idea„that the double bungalows be in R-1 ➢istricts and special use be conaidered by them. There was no action hy the City Council taken on the cona3deration of an amendment to Section 45.19 omitting tkie referral to the'Planning Co�ission. The City Managex gave the first reading of an ordinance amending Sectlon 45,19 of the City Code to allow double bungalows in an R-1 District b� a Use Permit. Motion 6y Wright to accept as £3rst reading an ordinance amendin�, Section 45,19 of the City Code to allow double bungalows in an R-1 Dietrict by a Use Permit, antl with reierral to the Planning Commission. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a xoll ca11 yote� thoae voting aye� Nee� Sheridan, Ki�k�am, Wrzght, Those voting nay, none. The motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTTpN AUTHORIZING CALL FOR BIDS - BEACH fIOiJSE: Mayor Nee announced For Cauncil consideration a resolution authorizing the call ior bide on a Beach House for Moore Lake. Councilman Wright stat,ed the Parks and Playground Coffinission had wanted to do this constx•uction for some time and'he had been present at their meetings when this had been discussed. The City Manager explained the City Council had seriously considered budgeting money for this' Beach House and on the possibility they mighi, consider it under the Sond Fund'� it could be set qp £or 1965 as there is nothing in the budget fox i'� at the present time. Mayor Nee indicated he would like to see the building but there were other factors involved. Councilman Sherldan� stated'that everyone that ha.d been for the Park Bond was for the developement if this would be an asset and if there were no further place. P discussion ' period followed regarding parks�lots for same, beaches, etc, Mayox� Plee stated that before the Beach House would be authoriz�d the Recreation Commission shoul.d tel.l the City Council which of the red tagged lota in �he City of Fridley.they.wish: Councilman Sheridan inquired if i,his ii,em could be held 3n a6eyance and ask the Parks and Playgrounds Co�oission for a list of the red tagged lots they have wanted acquieitian on. The City Managex• replied their proposal hae been uaually when they remove the red tags f'rom any given lots� they havAn't had the money to buy them. Mayor Nee stated they certainly needed something on Locke Lake� that they had a�ood piece of property and it was highly saleable and if theCity of Fridley wasn't going to buy the land� they should let the owners know. Councilman Sheridan inquired if a report would be in order. The City Manager eta{:ed he was to meet shortly with the chairmen of th'e Park Board. • Mot3on by SHeridan that the resolution authorizing call for bids on a Beach House be tsbled and request the Parks and Playgrounds CoTmnis;,ion to review all red tagged lots within the commun3ty i'or their purpose and give a report to the City Council as to what they feel they need in order t,o make acquisi- tion of same. Seconded by I{irkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� i the motion carried unanimously. ORDERING A PftELIMINAFY REPORT� ADD�PTDUM TO Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. �llefson pflr 5705 Washington Street N�rtheast were present and inquired what was being done in this regard. Mr. George Tyler of 5707 Washington Street Nortt�ast was also present in ?avor of the petit�on for water latexals, The City Manager suggested the City Councal could receive the Pet3tion �14-1964 and pass a resolution ordering the preliminary report. Mr, Ice Cometock� conaulting en�ineer� stated the 67th Avenue Pro�ect o�as in a bound form and would be presented the following day for revtew a� the next meet3ng bnt it would be possible to add an addendum and include thic item as part oY the projeat. Mayor Nee inquired if the are�,could be served ' � l t � "� r quick]y anr7 wa:, told 3t could. Motion by Flrip,ht that the City Council receive Petit3on #i4-i96�+ a.nd reYBr to �.dministration Far proce,sing. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a,voice vote, there being mn nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Ldri�ht to adopt Resolution #71-1964 orderin� a pre].iminasywreport as an addendum to Sewer and FJater Project #67, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a roll ca].l vote� those voting aye� Nee� Kirkheuy Sheridan� Wr��ht'� ,Those I votit7g nay� none. The Resolution carried unanimausly, I � RESOLUTiON %f72-1964 AUTI30RI7ING CALL FOR IlIDS - LIQUOR STORE ��4 FIXTURES: i Mayor Nee �announced for Council consideration a resolution author,izing the call fior bids on f3xtures for �4 Liquor Store, The City Manager,explained to {,he City Council he had been unable to get more plans and,specifications but they would be ready in time for the bidders to look at and Councilman Joh�nson had worked on this item a1so. It was further explained they had to order thaae �tems mentioned six , to eight weeks 3n advance and this would be necessary in order to have everyth3ng ready for the firat week,in July. Motioxi b,y Sheridan to adopt Resolution ��72-1961+ L-o advertise,fox bids for fixtures and �quipment for off-sale liquor si,ore. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the mot3on carried unanimously., RP;30LUTTOTd II73-�9��+ CORRF'CTTNG ORDIPIANC� AMf�NDMENT: Mayor Nee announced for those present this was resolution to correct e.n error Ln r� previous publication. The City Manager atated the,pirm in question wa� petitioning to have this done by Ordinance also, City Attorney Smith explained ii, vas an obvious error in the description and he had gone over the item careftil_ly and sUggested the proposed resolution. � Motion by ICirkham to adopt Resolution #73-1964 to correct the errora in �� descriptions iu Appendix D-11 of the City Code of the City�of Fx3dley. Seconded b,y 47ri�;ht. Upon a roll call vote, those voting aye� Nee� Wright� Sheridan� Kirkhr�m. Those voting nays� no� The motion carried unanimously. RESOLU7'ION �'7�E-1964 SPLITTING (,"CRTAIlV SPECIAL ASSESSMENTy�� ELECTi�OCO`i`E COMPANY: Mayor Ydee announced a resolution splitting certain special asaessments,for Council consideration. The City Manager explained to the Qity Council the Electro Coi,e Company had wanted to split this piece of property and the problem y�as tney couldn't have a straight line split because',they had to jog off to h9t n ru3lroad spur on Electro Cote property and if the City,Council �aished to �plit this on the basis of the descrzption they could do so and it ��ould never formally split the property. He Turther explained�they had worked th�s over wath the former City Attorney and it had never materialized. He stated thxs reolution would permit the splittin� of the assessment by legal de�rryption if the City Council wished to deviate irom their formal policy. City Ai,torney Smith stated this area in quest3on was s�lii at Anoka but the �ssessments are not and the City Clerk did need authOrity to do it. The City Mana�;er �vnther stated this was not acceptable without a Council resolution. ' • Motion b,y ��Iri�hi, to adopt Resolution #7�+-19G4 authorizing and directing the splitting o£ special assessments on Parcels 1850 and 1900,,'Audito;'s Subi __"� d3vision �E79, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a vo3ce vote� there be�ng no nays� the motion carried unanimously. OTl�R DUSSNTSS: City Attorney >mith stated he had another matter for Council�cons3deration� that they had previously taken a d�ed and easement for public utility from Mr. W, J. Shields prior to the construction of Highway #65 and back some'3�+5 feet, that a11 that happened was they had given aa a legal description that distance on Lot 6 in question and they didn`t say "this pert of Lot 3"� that all of Lot 3 had been implied in the leg�al descripti6n. He explained Mr. Shields wa, c�bout to close a deal with Mr. Sheldon Mortenaon and this item � ty e� would correct the'„legal description� that the owner had approved the idea of a resolution to elear the matter. City Attorney Smith suggested the resolution should authorize'��he release of and conveyance of a quit Claim Deed. Motion by Sheri'd'an to adopt RESOLUTION �75-1964 authorizing the relea�e of and the conveyance hy a Quit Claim Deed oi an easement acquired U,y the City of Fridley for Lot 3� Auditor's Subdivi�ion �153• Seconded by h�rkham. Councilman Sheridan stated he wished the minutes of the meeting to show tYiat C3ty Attorney Smith had �xplained the reason for thia Q,uit Claim Deed so thz3L any future peraon cov�d underatand what it was abovt. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion'carried unanimously. VZSITORS: • Mayor Nee 3nquired if there wexe anyone present, not listed on the Agenda� who wished to be h'eard. Mr. Robert'Hughes� Chie� of the Fridley Fire Department� was pre�ent, and spoke in regard to the iire station. He atated his department had not put in for a wash-up a,nd clean-up area for the firemen and lavatories� that lie did lmow they had apent a great deel of money and funds are not available 6ut su�gested i.hey could dispense wdth �he hose washer until the following year li' they could have a scrub and washroom� that this would require a hot water heaLer and the sewer iine is not to0 Par away and the cost would not be excessive. He stated they did have enough hose on the trucks and by talcing that money out oi' the budget they could pUt,the hose in the following year. It was explained, lF this were authorized� the pipe would have to go in before the concrete floor was poured. The City Manager explained to the City Council the Fire Department had some proposal ior utling the present building later on but this ii,em �hould be checked into. Mr. Hughea explained that at the present time the entire cit,y £orce is using the same facilities and it wasn't good� i.hat his department had this item all workefl out ae to where the iacilities would be constructed. Councilman Sheridan inquired what the rough-in work would cost. Mr. FIughes replied it ', wouldn't be mucli',and it would not be elaborate. Coun cilman Sheridan suggested roughing 1Y� the plumbing and discussing the item c�t a later date. Mr. fIughes repeated hie department could cut down on some il;ems of the budgec until the fallowin� yeSx. �Councilman Sheridan indicated to the City Council members the roughing'in of the wash and scrub room shauld be done whether they would author- ize the balance oi the work now or two or three years from now, Motion by Sheridan to authorize the rough in plumbing for a mud and wash room for the Fire�Station. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there Uezng no nays� the,motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bob Balch of Balco Building Systems� Inc, was present and exp]ained to the City Council he had applied for a land alteration permit. City Engineer Qureshi suggested to the City Council they could authorize the permit contingent on some future drainage. xt was aleo stated that Iialco Suilding Systems� Ii7c. had their building permit resdy for approval. The City Manager inquired of Nlr. BalcYi if the 22nd of April would be soon enough to be convenient for him as this was the regular mee�ing of,the Buildin� Board. He was told this was satisf�etory. May- or Nee aeaerted that in order to expedite the matter� he could ca11 a special meeting. The City Manager su�gested the City Council could approve the land alteration permit contingent on the city en�ineer's working the mattei out with Balco Building Systems� Inc. and approve the bullding permit contingent on the �pproval of the'Building Board and a special meeting would not Ue necessary. Motion by Wright to approve the land alteration permit of Balco I3u�ldin� Systems� Inc. contingent on the iinal approval of the Ciiy Pngineer. Seconded t�y Sheri- il dan. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by'Sheridan to approve the building permit For Viron, which is a part of Geophysics to be located at 7585 fIighway {�65 Northeast of.cement and steel con- struction� 100'6" by 396' �39�798%squsre feet) with an extimated cost of $310�000.00 by Balco Building Systems� Inc. of 123 ]3ryant Avenur North� Mim�ea.- polis 3� Minnesota contingent on the approval of the Buildin� Board. Seconded by Kirkham:' Upon a voice vote� there heing no nays� the rootion carried un�.ni- mously. � '( v � Mr. Ral_ch st�ted he had been talking to Mr. Roy Peterson� owner of the land 3n question, regardin� the sewer and wat,er� also Mr.. Pete Brooke ad'jacent owners� an�3 he h�d been told a�etition had been presented for sewer arid�water and�was held up, that the partie, in question are now in Pavor of hav3ng sec�er and water insta]led. Mr. Canstock, ronsuli,ing engineer� explained'to�,the City Council that as hP recalled this was to be a service on the East side of IIzghwa,y ��65 from 73rd Avenue Northeast to Os�orne Road bu'� at the time there was no development in the area �o it would Le according to City Council dis- cret�on if thzs would require petitianing. Mr, Brook atated he had�circu7ated the origina]. petii;ion and it was from OsLorne Road to 72 1�2 Auenue,Northeast and everyone had a;� �,med but ii, vias onl,y run to Fireside Drive bec�use there was no consl,ructiori beyond that. Mr. F3ook further stated if Geophysics were to bui]d they should have sewex•� water ¢nd storm sewer. Mr. Comstock explained to the L"i� Council the Petition Mr. Brook was referrin� to was for storm sewer and saniLar}� �ewer as there was no petiicion for water. NLr. Balch stated�they wexe running �ti ten lnch line off of a six inch line and it ie e loop and will do �ud {,1��=,y had Ln mand oi' running it up on Lhe �ast aide but ,With a service road going iu and being peved� it would seemthat eventually water will go an and it, rrould he Uetter to have lt all done at once, hir. Come�ock agreed the. water l�ne �hould go in if Fox• no oLher reason� i{, should be put 1n for fire proteci,ion. Thr� City Manager su�rgested to the City Council a r,esOlution could Ue added to the other prel3minary report ordered and thi8 would be as fast as thi, could be expedited. Mr. Comstock asserted they Wtluld liave'to issue an adQendum. Mr. Brook inqured of Mr. Coms{,ock if his firrti,didn',t, have the £inal draw�ng on the pro�ect. Mr. Comstock replied they,only,had tYte preliminary mporit. Mayor Nee inquired of Mr. Comstock if^his firm had drazan the prel3minary plans on the area in question. Mr. Ca�atock replied ttiey had a portion of the work done but not all of it. The City, Manager � su�gested the City Council could d3rect the consulting engineer��,v prepare the necessary addendum and pass a resolution on s�me, Mr. Coma,tock etate$ tbere werr_ two prelim3nary reports which the City Council had ciisected, his, concern to complete� {�67 and �bt3 and they might w�nt to coVer the storm sewer pori,ion of this project �68 aud the sewer and water portion tp �roject �67� _ � . RI�SOI�UTIO� �%7C-1961E ADDING TO PRIELIMINARY REPORTS SW#67 AND SS # 68i Motion by Sheridan to adopt Fesolution �76-1964 ordering'prelimivaTy reports added to SW f�C7 and SS �6�3 which adds the sewer and water and storm sewer canstruction nec�ssary for the area bounded hy Highway #65� Oaborne Road� 01d Central Avenue and Fireside ➢rive. Seconded by Wright, Upon a roll call vote, those voting in favor of the resolution, Nee� Sheridan�',Wright� Kirkham. Those opposed� none. The resolution carried unaUimouely. C I.A Ih9S • Motion by Wrighl, t,o a,pprove Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a carried unanimously. the paymeni of General Claims �22Eiq through �2379. voice vote, there being no nays� the motion Motion by Kirkhaan to approve the payment of Liquor Cleims �f��2 through #62g�+. Seconded Uy Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye� the motion car- ried unanimously. . ,;� Motion by Wright to approve the payment of Public U�ilities Claime �3242 through ��3264. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� th�re being no'nays, the motion carried unan3mously. ESTIMATtiS: Mayor Nee announr_ed estimates for Counr,31 consideration� the amount oL :�1G�128,00 to Northern Contraci,3ng Company� witb 10% withheld. � the firet item,heing a partial amount , Motion by W,right to approve payment of estimate to Northern Contractin� Comp- any� Box 308� Iiopldns� Minnesoi,a for work completed and materie.ls ot�,hadd�ffior the construe�ion of Sewer and Water Improvement Project #61. in the amoqnt of �16,128,00. Seconded b,y Kirltham. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� tYie motion carried una.nimously. � Mayor Nee announCed an,estimat� from Howard R. Green Company for services rel- ative to sanitary sewe; investigation on 73rd Avenu� Nprtheast. Motion by K3rkham to approve payment of estima,te to Howard R. Creen Company, consulting engineere o#' Cedar Rapids, Iowa for services relative to sanitary sewer investigation� 73rd Avenue Northeast, F'ridley as per contract of Peb- raary 18�1964 in the totsl amount of $2,211.36. Seconded by Wrfght. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager presented to the,City Council an estimate received from Sail � Solidifiers� Inq.,in,the amount of �6�222.67 relative to work done on 73rd Avenue Northeaet Satitary Sewer. Mayor Nee inquired if City Attorney f3mith had counsel regarding the position of the City of Fridley on this item. City At,torney Smith replied the City Engineer had gjven a report to the City Manag�r and copies of' this report had hee� c�rculated on th3s item this eyen}ng. Th� City P9anager asserted that eome of the items on the estimate l�y Soil Solidifiers liad actually been ordered by,Mr. Hafner and not by the City of Fridley. Mr, lIerU l�anum of So31 Solififiers was present and st�te$ that l�e wished bo olear one point, i,hai, being that none, of the work was ordered by NLr. IIafner� hi�pself� i,hat it had been agreed Mr. $afneT would pay but the orders hnd come throu�,h the Cii,,y oS I'ridley and he had',nevex ordered anything done unless it had to be done and he had agreed to pay for'sll of these bills until the resclnding of the agreement. Mr. Ranum furtiher stated Mr. Hafner had been �;oing to pay �3oi1 SolidiFiers up until the time there was �o releese given. 77�e City Manager repltied that somr of the wark wa� not direct]y'� ordered by the City. City �]ttorn�y Smith su�,�,ested to the City Council they autnqrize the City Manager to �ssue a letter to Mr, b9Ll�e HaFner iri this regard and eoffinent on the amount being outstandin� with Soil Sulidifier� and state ii it'1s not paid� the City of Fridley will hold him responslUle for at� that the City of Fridley could make a demand for payment and pa,y t,he amount due to Soil Sol�difiers. City �ttorney Smith furi,her stated Lhc�t even i,hou�}i Soil Soli�Hifie�s had,wsited a long time for thelx money� before the Clty oi' Fridley would pay them they should make the dematid of the contractor. Mayor Slee inguired of the representative of Soil Solidiliers whai. ei'f'ort ;;hc,y had made to collect from Mr: �afner� the contractor, lt Fias mentioned there liad been �ev- eral long distance phone calls� the contaciing of Mr. IIafner's son vho stated �-- there vas riothing he could do and they had �lso trritten seves•al letLers and had 6een told the bi11 would not Ue paid. The City Alanager sµgg��Led Lo memhers of � the C3ty Council they direct the City Attorney and hlmself to wrii,e a letter. City Attorney Smith stated they would get tLe letter out this particular weelc so that the demsnd would have been made and Lhe bill�could pooslL]y Y�r pald to Soil Solidifie'rs soon after th�t. The City Manager asserted the item zaould be placed on the Agenda for the meetin� of D7ay 4th. There wa3 no actian on the ii.em. — I LIC�NSES: blayor Nee announced thg licenses to be considered fpr City Couacil rxct,ion, and stated the City Clerk had recommended den�al of t,he excav�tor'a license to Mr. Robert Wilson of 4020 Main Stree+, Northeast as ]i�� had an outst;zndin�; bill 1,�ith the City. Motion by Wr��ht to approve the issuance of tLe following llcenses: CAF'E Outdoor Theatre Caterers� Inc. 100 Twin Drive-In 5600 Central Avenue N. E. Fr3dley� Minnesota 55421 Phoeni7c Chow Mein 242 Mississippi Street N. �. Fridley� Minnesota 55�F21 CIGARETTE' Barry Blower Company 99-77th Way N. E. Pridley, Minnesota 55�+3� Burke'e Texaco 6301 fIighway �65 N. �. Pridley� Minnesota 55421 by� P,uy E. Dennir� Jr. 20�i2-51,h Street 1d.�1. New Prighton� M�nu. by• J,yn P. IIom ��101 Tdicollet Aveniie D4inneapolis� Miru7. by: IIerman rreidson by: Larl Burke � � Hene�ial Renetael Renewal RPnewal �l� IG � xaiiy "��„ 6500 Univcr:i{.y Avenue iV. L'. I'radley� P41nnc:�otn �5�13?_ Outdoox TheaLrc Cer�rers� Inc lU0 T,71ri Dl'ZVe-In 5�00 Gettkral Avenue N. P. Fridley� D4iune'soi,z 55421 Park's Corner Dairy Store 6501 Gentral Avenue N. I�,. Pridle}�� M�nnesota 55�+32 �tandard Oi] �tatlon 5311 Universlty Avenue N. E. Fridley� Minnesota Sumrnit Gea� Co. � Cnc. j�j50 Maix� �i;reet, ni, L, Pridley, hlinnesota 55421 GARBAGE COI�Li;CTTON Tri-County SanitaLion 355 Miss�ssippi SLreei. N. E. Prydley� Minneeot� OPF SALI � Park's Corncr Dairy Store �j01 Central Avenue PI, E. P'ridley� P�Ttinnesota 5543� SCAVI�NGPR ��A" Cesspool Servir.e 771F0 Central Avem�e N. r. Mtnneapolis� Minnesota j5�+32 SrRVICP S7'�TION Biarke's Te�a co 6301 zri�n�,ay �fG5 P7. �. I'ridley� Dlinnesota 55421 xolly "C5" 650o Univer;��ty Avenue N. P., rridley� Minnesota 55432 TAX ICAB I'ridley Cab Comp�n,y 5740 Unlver�ity Avenue N. ]s. Pridley� Minnrso�,ati 55421 by: Richard P. Gilbert y6g-68th Avenue N.I�:. Friclley� Mlnnesota Renewal l�y: Ro,y B. Dennir, Jr. Renewal ?_O1E2-5th Street N. W. ' New Brighton� Minn. Uy: Mylo W. Farks Renewal - 13111 Mississippi St, N.E. Fridley� D7innesota by: Edmund J. Tacheny Renewal 9�2-19tn Avenue N. E. Minneapolis� Minnesota ' by: M. E. DeeChaine Renewal 3D2q Silver Lake Road � by: Lucille ?7�rsolek Renewal hy: Mylo Parks • Renewal 131+1 Mississippi St. N, E. , � b,y: Homer L, Sheppe�rd Renewal by: E�rl Burke by: Richard P. Gilbert 969-68th Avenue N.E. Fridley, blinnesota Itenewal Renewa]. b,y: Frrank Gabrelcik' ' ReneWal 59�3-3rd Street N. E. Fridley� Minnesota _ Seconded by Kirlclism, Upon• a voice vote� there being no 'ttoysa the� mbtion carried un�nimous]y. - Mot,ion by WrighL to approve the �ssuance of the following contractors' licenses with the excepl.ion of the excavator license for Robert Wilson 4020 Main Street Northeast� I�'ridle,y� Minnesoi,a, PLFCTRICAL Datzli 771ectric Company 1�07 Soutb lst Street Minneapolis� Minnesota Clinton Electric Company 3(�?_5 E�st Lal:e Street MinneapolZe� Minnesota by: R. 0. P,atzli by: Clinton Wilson New � Renewal . �' � ` � , Cy Cou�ture Electrical Contractor 2928 Pleasant Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota Ed3na Electric Compsny 5145 Eden-Avenue MinneepolYs 2�F� Minnesota She�don Flom Electric Contractor 427 South 9th Street Minneapolis 4� Minnesota H��B's Electric 1�+20 Highws,y #8 rrew Brighton� Minnesota Sterling Electric Company 4�+ South 12th Street Minneapolis�'Minnesota EXCAVATORS Lenny Cochran Excavatin� 6400 Central Avenue N. E. Minneapolle 21'� Minnesota A. E. Lindshl 6114 Exceleior Boulevard Minneapalis 16� Minnesota by: Cy Courture by: Johan Otterlei by: Sheldon T'lom by: IIerbert IIacon� �r, by: W. W. Alward by: Lenny Cochran hy: A. E. Lindahl Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Aenewal Renetiral R,enewal Seconded by Ki'rkham. Upon a voice vote� i.here being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. , Motion by Wright to approve the issuance of the Pollowin6 conL-raci,ors' licenees: GAS SERV�CES Advanced Heating & Air Conditioning Co. 3968 Central Avenue N. E. Minneapolis 21� Minnesota by: Donald C. Hodsdon Cronetrom's Heating & Air Conditioning Co. �410 Excelsior'Boulevard M�.nneapolis'16� Minnesota by: D: S. Strandberg Louis De�idio Oi1�Gas Burner Co, 3106 Firidley Place Minneapolie 8� Minnesota Economy Gas Iristalling 3623,Lyndsle Avenue South Minneapolis 9�,Minnesota Suburban Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 8419 Cen�er Drive . Minneapolis 32� Minnesota Ray N. WeTter Heating Company 4637 Chicago Avenue Minneapolis� Minnesota 55407 IfEN1�;RAI, CONTRACTOR Carl E. Bennett Construction Co. 6k20-5th Street N. �. Fridley 21� Minnesota Rodney Billman� Inc. 3000-36t1i Avenue N. E. Minneapolie 18y Minnesota by: Louis DeGidio by: Ldward J. Toohey 6y: 1C. W. Chinander by: Ray N. Welter by: Carl Bennett by: Rodney Bil]mari t � Renewal Renewal Rei�ewal Idew Renewal Renewal Renewal Reneuial 3 � e. _(� r , Edq�rd Chics j2-lst : treet S. I's. New Bri�hton� Minnesota by: Edward Chies Steve II���ry�h ?_66 Merciary Drive Pd. E. Fridley 21� Minne�ota by: Steve Iiawrysh Inter City Garage Builders 35 xi�nwa�� /�lo Minne�poli� 33� Minnesota by: Joseph F. Shum Lumber IClrig Compsny 1EOiF'T Vinceni, Avenue South Minneapolie� 10� Minnesota by: Jerome I,orberhaum Drew L. Scherer 6525 - 2nd :,trect N. E. Pridley 32� Minneuota , by: D. L. Scherer S. �. Templin Con�truction Co. 1251 Gardena Avenue Pridley 21� Minnecota by: Sam �, Templin Valp Construction Compnay 775 Colorp�io Avenue South Mtnneapol�s ]�� Minnesotr� Uy: Clarencc R, Volp III �ATING Advance�l FIeating �� Air Conditioning Co. _ 3963 Central Avenue N. B. Minneapo]ie, bS2ime�ota by: Donald C, IIodsdon Suburban IIearing �°w Shect Metal Co. 87+19 Ceni;cr Urivc Minneapol�s 32� Minnesota by: D. W. Chinander Ray N. We7ter Fieating Company ' 4637 Chicago Avenue - � Minneapol�s, Minnesota by: Ray N. idelter MP.SOPIRY Wayne Gol��enstein Company 28�0 - 13?n<i Avcrtuc P1. W. . llnolca� Minnesota by: Tdayne Goldenstein Jamison 13rothers� Inc. 8427 Ceni,ei• Dxive Mitmeapolie 32� M�_nnesota by: Duane B. Jamison Milfred R. Jornson New . New . Renewal � , _ _1 Renewal , REnewal Renewal � � � Renewal , . Renewal R�newal � Renewal ; � '� � � � Renewal $enewal 91�1 East 3uth 9i�reet � � � Hlinneapolis 7� Minnesot� by: hiilfred R. Johnson �, Repewal 1/ictor TT. i�ffler Contractor 818 - l+lst Avenue North Minneapol�s� Minnecota Uy: Victor FI. Loeffler Minnehaha Terrazzao & Cement Co. 5?_1 47est �Oth Street Minnespolis 20� Minnesota by: A. Favero Wallace Ro3es and �ons , , 4?_50 Vera Cruz l�venue North Minneapol�s, PAinnesota by: Wallace Aoles �ames Schm�nkey & Son . . 4630 Jackson Street N. E. IIilltop Village� Minnesota Uy: James Schminkey r Renewal ' � �� Renewal � _ . New Renewal --� i —J I I I � � ; � „ Valley Me.sonry�� Inc. 61+25 Cloverdale'Avenue North Minneapolia 28� Minnesota by: Robert J.,Schiferli C. L. Wilson Cement Construction Co. 2633 - 35th Avenue South Minneapolis� Minneaota by: C1 7,. Wilson OIL BURNER Cron��rom'a,ge`ating Fa Air Cond�tioning Co. 4410'Excelaior Boulevard Mj.nneapolia 16� Minnesota by: D, S, Strandberg PLASTERING Soe Pielson Stucco Company� Inc. 1150 - 98th Lane N. W. Coon Rap3da 33, Minnespta by: �'oe Plelsdcc � Plastering,Sexv3ce Company� 4607 Lyndale Avenue Noxth Minneapalie� Minneaota PbUNIDING � � Frank P. Surma Route �f2 , Osseo� Minnea�ta Secanded by�Kiikham.��Upon a ried unanimously. PCTITION5: Inc. by: Boyer Palmer by: Pranlc P. Surma Rex�ewa7. Renerr� l Renewr�l Renewal Renewal Renewal voice vote, i.here being no nays� tl�e motion car- � r �y � Mayor Nee announced for Council consideration petitions to vacaLe certain a]leys. Motion by W�$�ht to recelve and refer to adm�nzstration for proce�s�n� Pet�- tions Jflo-1g64 and �15-196�+. Seconded by KirLham. Upon a voice voLe, Lliere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. TRAILFR PERMIT APPLICATIDN: Mayor Nee announced an appllcal,ion for a permif, to occupy a home i,railer. The C3ty Manager indicated the 7�erson applying� D7r. LeRoy Olson� tiad been at the meeting earlieribut was unaiale to stay. Mayor ldee inquired if it waa't true, they had ha8 these permits in the past. The City Manager replied i.hey had and Mr. Olson had said he wished to continue living 3n thesame place that he had made application at,Fridley Terrace Trailer Park but was on a vaiting lisL- and would comply with all the requzrements of the Ctity of Fridlcy. Motion by Kirkham'to grant the Trailer Permit to Mr, LeRoy Olsan oP 6600 Fridley Street Northeast��Fridley contin�ent on the correction of e]ectrical hookup and fuel oil st&nd according to the advice of the Plwnbing Inspector� also� the �n- stalling of a Yire extinguisher. Councilman Wri�ht inquired if there would be any problem with new construction across the street and would Ms•, Olson connect to the sewer ae well. Mayor Nee replied he would only comp].y c�ith the requests of the Plumbing.Inepector. Seconded by Wrighi.. Upon a voice vote� there be- ing no.hay�� the motion cariied unanimously, �soLV�rION #77-1964�S�TTING F'E� FOR VACATING P�TITIONS:� , Idayor Nee announced ior Council consideration a resolution providin� fqr a flat rate charge to;cover vacations of alleys or streets. Motion by Kirkham to adopt RI;SOLUTION f�77-19fj4 providing fox• a flat rate charge � _ 1 t� r, to cover publCcation fees 1n connection with the v�catlons.oP alleye and�ox s�reeL-:. Seconded by Wx•1ght. Upon a voice vote� there being no'nays� the mobion rarried unanimously.- RESOLLIT fON f�7�`��] 9G4 AUTFIORIZING 3AIT OF SAFE: Mayor I�Tee announced for �'ouncil consideration fl resolution authorizing sale of a safe for wlu ch the Liquor Store operation has no further t1se. Motion by Wright to adopt AGSOLUTION•�78-1�64 authorizing the 9ale Of cextain property. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there'being no najre, the motion carr�ed unanimouely, - . )64 P.BATING SI'PC]AL ASSESSMLN'1' - YP.RCEI, 240, AUDITOR'u Mayor Nee announced a re�olution abating certain special aesessmente for Council co�eiderat,ion. Motion by Wright to adopt RESOI.UTZOrr �79-1961+ abating the 1961,9tree't �ssess- ment on Lots 2 and 3� North 100 feet af South 259 feet of North,1�507.5 feet' of East 1�2 of West l�?_ of East 1�2 of Southwest 1�4� Section l�+-30-2�F� being part of Lots ?_ and 3� except Bast 165.6 feet plai,ted as Sandy TeTrace� Auuii- tor's :;ubdivision PIo. 59. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice Vote� there be- ing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. . � RPSOLUTION Mayor Plce antzounced for Counc�l con�ideration a resolution comb3.n�ng cer'tain specia7. asc�ssments. Motion by Kirkh�m to adopt RESOLUTION �SO-1964 �,uthor3zing and direeting the combinin� of certain special assessments on Lots 51 and 52� Block S� River- view Heigl�te. 8econded by Wri�ht. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays� Lhe motion c�rried unanitnously. D]-1964 SPLI'ITING CERTAIN SPECIAL ASS�SSMENTS SPRII+IG VALLEY Myaor Nee annaunced a resolution splitting cex•tayn special asaessments in Spring Va11eJ Addition For Coiancil consideration. , , „ Motion b,y I:�rkl�am to �. dopt RESOLUTION.�81-1964 authorizing and direct3n� the splittu7�; or spccirjl assessments on Paxcel 240, ti�est 25� of Lot 4'and all of Lot 6� ]3locli 1, Spring Valley Addition. Seconded by Wri�ht.� Upon'a'voice. vote� there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Lt�SOLiJ`i'IOI'd ���32-1�j64 1)ELPTING �PLCTAL ASSESSMGNT^u - PARCEL 3Qq0: Mayor Pdee nnnounc�=d Cor Councyl consideration a resolution dei.eting�spec3al assessmeni,s from a parcel oz land. , - � , Moi,ion by ilr��rt i;o adopt RESOLUTION �/fi2-1961F deleting special asaesaments from Parcel 3000 -�. 4h acre, of 47 1�2 oi' NW l��d oi'� (ex. Pt,'tb Hrook) (Ex. Yt, for lilghciay) (fs's. one acre i,o-Pda�el) (Ex, Pt. to Sorenson���(Ex, Pt. #'or sLreet) (_r,Y, pt. t.o F'rid_ley Tcrrace), Sect3on 12� and reposting special ass- essmeutsto Parcel 3030� that parL of the C. 46 acres of the W 1�2 of NW 1��F oF �ection 1?-30-24� lyiri� Td, of State Highway /�65� and S, oi a line which is 73j.13 fecl, R, of and para]lel to PI. line of said Section 12� as measured a- lon�; YT, linc oC ls. 46 acres (subjeci, t,o ea�e, over S'ly 30 feet �'or'road pur- poscc), ��conded by Kirl:liam. Upon a voice vote� there being no„nays� the' mot3an cai°r�ed �ananimously. � � I i _� � o�� sus�ss: Mayor Nee announeed there had been a meeting wi1,h representat�ves oF severa] suburbs on the'poasibility of having Anoka County take over Stinson Boulevard for maintenance and indicated he felt the City of Pridley should send a letter requesting that somethin� Ue done about Stlnson Boulevard� t,hat a letter to the County,asking,,them to consider the feasibil.ity of accepting Stinson Boulevard couldbe done,by'�mot3on. Motion by Wright to authorize the L'ity hlant�ger to send a letter to the County of Anoka requestin� they conslder the feasibllity of accepting Stinson Boulevard for ma3ntenance purposes. Secunded by ICirldiarn. Upon a,vo�ce vote� there being no nays, the mol.�.on carried unanim�uely. The City Mariager announced to the City Council some worlc hed been done on the Sylvan,Hil7.s Lift Station and he wished to advise the members of the Council there would be'an expenditure of approxim7tely 1�s2,000 to properly put this lift station in operating eondition, that this was the kind of tYun; that could not be bid out., Cj.ty Engineer Rureshi explained to the ,City Council single phase moters had been inetalled at the time the lift station was put in Uecuuse the other wae expenaive and they had been having i;rouble w3th them ond Lhe main- tenance had run quite hiah� that it wt�s advisab7� that the Clty Svitch to thi� new sys�em. The City Manr�ger stated this item had been discus�ed sonie six or eight mpn'ths previous and Lhis was City Lngineer C�ureshl's recommenda- tion� tha�t it would not require an ordinance but it trould be� a maini.enance ii.em end it woulfl be approximately �2�000. There �ras no action riecessery. ADJOURN: There being no further business� Mayor Nee declared the Regular Pdcet�rig oP April 20� 196�+ adjourned. , Respectfully oubmitted� 3u iakowici, - , Secretary to the Counc3l � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - M�1Y 4, 196�1 G��-� �� Ll� l lzam J. Nee � P7ci yor A regular meet3ng o£ the Counc2l af the City of Pridley wa� calle�3 t,o �rder by Mayor Nee at 8:10 P.M. ROI,L CALL: i Members�Present: MemUers Absent: Nee� :Johanaoi�� I>irkham, ShPridan, Wright None APPROVAL OP MTPIIUTES - f1�GUI.FlR iMEl'sTIPdG, !�i'P,IL 20, 19C�F: Motion by Johattson to approve the minute� of i,he Re;;ular Mectln� oC Apr�1 20� 196�+ as pr�pared and recesved, Seconded L;,� S7right, Upon a voice voLe� there bein� no nc�ys� the moi:�on carried un�nlmoiisl;�, � W _� �i `�