05/04/1964 - 00022779f � I � OTAER BUSINESS: Mayor Nee,announeed there had been a meetin� wii;h representat�.ves of' sever�] suburbs on the possibility of having Anoka County take over :;tinson Poulevard for maintenancB and 3ndicated he felt the City oF Pridley sl-�ould �end � letter xeques�ing,that something be done about Sttnson Boulevard, that a letter to the County,asking them to consider the feasihility of accepting Stinson Boulevard couldbe done by motion. Motion by Wri�ht to authorize the L'ity D1an�ger to send a le,tter to the County of Anolca requesting tl�ey consider the f'ea�iUllity of' accepting Stinson Boulevard i'or maintenance �urposes. Seconded by KislcLarn. Upon e volce vote� thexe being no nays� the mot�on carried unanimously. The City Mariager announced to the City Councll some worl; had bcen done on the Sylvan Hi71e,Lfift�Station and he wished to advise the members of' the Council there wpuld be,pn expenditure of approximstely t1,2,000 to properly pu1, this llft station in operating cond3tion� that this was tl�e kind of thin� tliat could not be bid�out.i Cj.ty Engineer Qureshi explaiued to the ,City Cotmcil single phase moters hsd„been;inetalled at the time the lift str�,tion was put in because ttie other wae e�cpeti'sive and they had been having trouble �rith them ancl Lhe main- tenence�had run,quite hiah� that it was advisable that the City S�nl;ch to thiN new system. The City Manea�er stated this item had been �liecu���ed some six or eight months previous aud this r�as City Lngineer F�ux•eshi's recommenda- tion� that it Would not require an ordinance but it vould be .� mainLenance item nnd it would be approximately :p2,000. Tl:ere iras no actiou riecess �ry. ADTOURPi; ' There l�eing no iurther business� Mayor Nee declared the Re�;ular i�cet�rig of' April 20�'1961} adjourned. , Respectfu�.ly,submitted� Su � ekowic,, � �Secre,tary to the Council i ,� R�GULAR COUNCIL MEFTING - hIAY 4� 196�F G��-�-� ' �--��- 41�lltiam J. Nee ^ Nla yor A regular meeting of the Council oF the Cit,y of Pridley �vas cal]ed to order by Mayor Nee at 8:10 P.M. ROI,L CALL; Members Present: Nee�;Johanson� I<_irkham, Sheric�an, Wright Members Absent: None APYFtOVAL OP MINUTES - RTGTTLAP, MLLTIlQG, Ai'PIL 20, 19G�i; Motion by Johansvn to approve (:hc minutec of t,Pte Re�;u]ar MeeLln� oP April 20� i964 as prepared and received. Seconcle�l by ldr��ht. Upon � voice votc, there being no n�ys� th� moi;ion carried unanimously. � � I.�. �.' _� i � 1� r, or,� i3t�;rrrF,�r��• �xcnvaTO�r �F,r��� (maBrr� i�/i6;��; & �+/eo/5�+): � � � ���; � � � � Ma,yor Pdee announcFd an ordiiu�nce for Council consideration dealing with wa,ter and sc�wer �3<1mini�trattion and specifyjng thot a.l3censed eXCavatoY� may take out c�rl,ain perm�ts and sequesLed nn explanotion of the City Managex. The City M�na€rer explaix�ed to �Le C�ty Counca�l they had met' this' day,w3th Mr. I. J, O��l;�s oC i,he Plumbcrs Union� Mr, Charles Johanson of the�Building Standards , Commli,L-ee� CiLy Attorney Smit}i and h2mself and 6he consensus''w�s'that it was j a�rc�d t,l�c� U�; {, T��,y to hand.le the matter wauld be to table. the ordi�iance and� I inete2d, �»ve t}�c, City 4Ltorn�y dra=a a resolution tahich the G'ity Council iaould — consl�lcr �nd whLrh waid sei; a pol�cy on this t,ype of permit'and it would be clrai°ed thir�ui;l� the Bui]Aing SLandards Comni�Ltee� tlie plumbers� and'all otliers conccrne�9. IIe �i�ri,her eaplained �t iras felt i,his did need a firm policy set b,� ti�e CZLy C:ouncil and woialcl be Uetter �n not o�ening r� door through t�n ordananc� Lut b,y polic,y. Counc�lman Johanson lnqu3red which'person',�preserited the rccomm��id��tion had come 1,hraugh at the mectin�, The City Manager replied a]1 pres�nl, a6 tYie me�ting� includin�; i,he Plumbing Inspector"'of the City of P'ridley, h�d a�reed �L- c�ae ielt better to have a policy rela�ive �a the work to bc done Frum a house to the :,treet. The City Ma,nager,statdd the permit woLild have to be taY,en out by the plumber or a home owner woixld have to take i.he permit out. Councilman Johanson asserted this was not w�at he'had been attempting to do, that the zde� behind.thi� �uas i,o let a licepaed excavator t�l�e uut n p�rmSt so th�t h� cou]�l E;o in and mcice a connect3on. Mayor Nee �nnuirc�rl aF tr�� City Mancit,�r iah,y � lieensec] e;:cavator had not besn represeute�l at LRr mcetin�. The Cit, M�nager replied he h�d informed one excavator to be �rerciit r+n�l hr�d hzd tLe �iu�ldin�; Inspection Depar�ment try to call him but P�Ir. Johaneon liFid Ueen preseni; and represented the point of view that� he felt� CouncClmen Joha�i�on had on the matter. Mayor Nee stated he,wished to h�Ye the mal,tcr pursued further �nd vould rather hav� eome kind oP,a discussion from C}ie C�t;v b4nnager and inquired �ahat wouldh�ppen tif the City of Fridley permithed on er.cavator to do tt�e connectiug of the line. Couneilmaa Johanson rep]i��d 'akiey ��ere licensed i.o c10 it but the plumber takes out the permit and , actually has noi.hing tn do with the worlc done in the trenches. He ,�1�ther I expl�ianed tl�e;;e peoplo should be able to come into the City Hall and take out � the permii, �nd do the worlc, thaL all they do is bring a line ].nto the house. Mayor Nce a� erted he �lished to see the argwnents and more discussion on the ma�ter rnd inquired if the City Council could have the xesolul;3on returned to the floor nlong with the arguments. `Phe Ciby Manager Y'eplied'the arguments seeme�i {,o be logical aud requested further statement frnm Ci�y Flttorney Smith. Cii,y ,lttornay ti;mith explained to the City Council that one problem wti.s the Plumber'e Uulon reflecte the Si,ate Lnw wh3ch �aye "any commun3ty of 5�000 or more are Lound by the State Plumbin� Code" and it states that there is i.o be no plumb�nt, except by M�ster Plumbers and theordinance of the City of Fridle5� l�ac incorpornted 1.hzs by reference. He further explained that� prin�arily, if thi� orrliIlanee *,�ere pas�ed, i;he Cit,y Council �aould be violat3t�g State Law and the second proposition was that� ��dmittedly� even thou�h this was not enforced� that iu lJ�e situai.ion at t�and z�here the excavator does the outside work that Yie ]ay� t,he pi�e an3 doea contr.ct it but it is argued and contended that Fridley shouldn'�,�lo anyi.hing that violates Sta1.e Law and this was trUe. The City Council �ould b� doing somett�in,q contrary to what they had adop�ed� City Attorney SmitH explained, and he wae certain the arrangement sug�ested was the best and sat�sP�cd the pr�ctical �roblem oi' no duplication and allows the present prac- tice to contiuue and the plumber to take care of the permit both Yor inside and out>>rle plumbing. Councilman Johanson replied the present orflinance also says the lior�e otrner can talie out the permit, C�ty Attorney Smith`explained the Statut�s on malting iti exclus�ve has an exception for a property owner who oy�ns � and occupic�� i.hr. premie�s� tl-.ai. i.here isn't, any prob]em with the home o�rner, � it �c i,lie genernl contractor Lhat o��ns a lot and house but isn't g0ing to __I occup,y �t„ It, zias further esplairied the re�o.lut�on is not completely satis- C3cLory hni leavc, th� ordinance as it is. . � � � Motiou by Jol��nsmi to table to the next regular meeting an ordinance amending Cha�it�r G6 oi the City Code dealing iaith water and sewe� administration and specifyim; 1.liat a licensed excavator may take out certs3n'permits. Seconded Uy Klrlchmn. Upon a voice vote� there being no n�tys� the mot�on caxried un- an�.moua7y. � � ' � � � � � SOII, SOLIDIFIERS ESTIMATE (TAELED iF�20�64): Mayor Nee announced for Council, oohsidera��on i.he estimate i'a-am :So�] Solidl- fiers and inqu3red of managemeut lf it wa� ��i]1 cnrrect tlu Cli� h��cl not received &cknowled�ment� that the item had been tabled prev�oucly m�d i,t�ey had requested the attempt to collect f^rom Mr. FIa Cner. P�L�. He�°b Iia»um o£ Soil Solidifiers was present and stated hc tiad mailecl a lef.tes to I�_i°. MiLe Iiafner and had heard nothin�, tYiat he had understood the C�i,y ol k�s��iley wa;i also �o�ng to send Mr. Hafner a demand. Thc Ci'�,y Manager rcp7.�Fd L'ney had rece'ived no adewer to their dematzcl either. M.ayor Plee ei.ate�l Ll�r_t, il, =z��s agreed.by all generally 1:hat i1�is work las� dot�e for tr_e bencl�t ol' 1r�clley but 'the'; question was whel,hcr or not it t�a� Lhe contsacior's re, E�on.�Lil�ty and,inquixed 1�;the City Attorney iaould e:presc an opinion on tLe ,,osii;ion oP 'tHe,Citj� of,Fridley legally. Cii.y I1t�orney ;�mith esplained from the letter the City Mana�er had sent out to tl•�e contractor eind 60 �}re eut,ineet, he had sta�ed that this matter of payment to ro�l Sol�dii'iers s�au c�ntinued to this night and the City Counci] could ���a.,e p��ymcnt to �0�7 fto7z�3�ftiers nnd hold I�. He,iYier responsable. IIe fnrther erpinsned in vicv �� IL�L, the"paymen� eould be made aiid may not be eonc�c9ered the re.�ponsiU�lzty oI' Fridley. Mayor'Nee replied this vas liis only concern� that hLcy iou]d not prejudice their position. P�Iotion by �dright to approve ��yment to Soil �oliiliCier's in tlie -iu�ount oI' �6�222.27',as listed beloz�: MEMO Ntmm�: #64-35 MCMO DATE: npr31 20, 1964 Soil Solidiiier's Lor 1'io,7ecL „S ,'_�il? �,��� 2�P. ,Sewer line) i Date , Octaber 10� Octob'er 37.� October 31, Octoher 31� December 23, Deeember �23, Aecember 23� December 23, December 23, 19�3 1y63 19C3 19G; 1963 1963 1963 1961F 196�i Invoice Numbex 3� 3� h337 �>>37—� E337—� 034�� —1 6344-2 �341ti-3 �34�+—h �3���a — 5 'Pot,nl Less amount paid by City of P'ridley on Inyoice �6337 io,ze Half of $s3,95o) „Total Amount Due to uoil 5olidil'ier's �7jTC� .i il�l�,il.l }f Amount w1.�001.5) j,')50.00 .,,� . �°�. � �,ri �,,j 262.E9 �211.J� �, ?57.2„ iq0. `il 300.00 �,'3�19"(.�7 a�7 97>.00 ,222.27 �econded by Johanson. Councllman Sheridea !�ioulTed of the aiue ii�vm ues , listed� t�hat portion of these were ordered by ti�e City and uhaL portiou by the contractor. Mr. Ranum re�lzed they ��ere �11 actuelly ordered Ly 1;1�e City but Mr: Hat'ner had agreed to pay the caL u�th some excepi,iw,�, Cowicil- man Sheridan steted it appe�red that mosi, of ihe bills thc cnntreeto'r i�as supposed to be p�ying all hnd vc�rbal a�recmenls r�nd there we�•e �io let,ters� that ir. some instances the Clty h�cl ordered tb� work and in sou�c Ihe contracL-nr had. IIpon a voiee vote� there Ucin� no na,ys, Lhe moi,ion c<a,ri�.�l tm;mimously. S�COND READING OF ORDINAnCP {f267 AMENDING S�C'I'IOPi �Fj.19 (2) Niayor Nee announced the second reading of �n oldinance� Sect�on �a5.1� to a11ow double bungalovre in au R-1 DietricL bf a Use Permit. 'I'1�� ('�ty Mana�er �;ave the aecp�ld reading oF said ord3nt�nce. Mot3on by Jo}�anson to accept as second read�n�� adopt and puUlioii OrQinance {�267 amendi�g'Section �+5.19 oF the City Code ro a�]_ow 3ouble banr�,t.]ow: tin rjn R-1 Diatrict by a Use Perm�t. ueconded 1»� Ilri�ht. Counciltir,u2 kCu�lrLaw reque�ted to know �ahat had happened previous�,y to brinr; aUnut, t;u o-r�7inance. Mayor Nee replied it had or��inated in tPie 1],ai�ninE{ Commisslon. Cit,y l,ri�;inees• �ure�hi explsined that for ati example on L<<:;L P,iver Ro�d on a���rLicti]ar re- i �l �Y++ �l� r zonin;, iL h�ri been i'olt that the renidents mi�ht Qo along with a'rezonin� lt' Lhe}� �cttaolly l�ad ,een a Plan� ths�t the id�a was to do it', by speci�l use perm�i, no p�ople could octua]l,y �ce �izy �iven p7t�n and'then�WOU7.d�be mor� apt, to E;o �ic,n�; i�ith i.he adea. The City Mauager stated they had had three o�° moxe rec�ue<_�ts for re�,oning onc loi, in an R-1 area, for a dqnbl�e bungalow an� ec�rpral hf' these t;ould never had lended Lhemselves for siagle fa,mily dae_lL nr,�s; �n oLher words� he e�plained they ��ould have a lot becoming � developed thaL �,ould ottaeruiee rernaiu tmdeveloped. He further stated the Pl�nniii�; Commi���on dtidn`t i�ant to spot zone and there-was a provi�ion in �hc ',"�oiiJn�; Orrlfnance t�liieli ^nVs i,l��t cexLain Lkungs ean be put �i�n any distr�et �� :�ud t,hio nrd9nEince would add double bungnlow� Lo that sect3on. The ordinance � ��as expl:�aiic�d Uv '�he City Mana�er in that a person could come, 3n'snd apply� - the app]�c.�i,iot7 would go to thc Board of F�ppe�ls and this ordinance would xe- qnire t'urbh�r thab i;he Planning Commission wauld consider it and then� £inzll,y� Lhe Cii,,y Cnunc�l and thcre would be a public hearing held als'o and if the �loiaY�lc hlm�nlo��7 tmre rioL bui]t on that lot, it riotzld �ti11 be a single iamily dr{�ell�n�;. '�'t�c� ordinance� Zt �ias explain�d� only sets this up for.,7ust that do�xble hlangnl�r.r requested �nd the Cii,y Counc�l could put any kind'of condi- tions on ii, and modify L-he Zoning Ordinance for a particular SpeciaL Use Permit� tl�ai� i!, had been i'eli. this was a safety factor. . N�iyor Nee inquired how many votes it tool: to i�sue a Special Use'iPermit. The City Manager rey]_ied three vote� or a majority only. Councilman Sheridan e.tate�t hr_ he�d the same thin� in mixid that Mayor Nee had� that' wHetiier. it was a t3p�c�21 Use permit to alloi. a double pun�alow or not� they would be rezoning 3nd it should taY,e Pour vote�, as, in essence, they were rezoning a''particular loL. Couuclln�nn Sheridan a�serted one other item was that if such an amend- ment to �Le orrlinance was going to be passed ond put into effect� he ielt they �houlrl add a seci.ion similar t,o th�t of the Zoning Ordinance so that all affec6c�1 partics in t}ie �enera.l area would have a nvtificatiqn'"at, the time of the ptiblic heryr�ng as the Charter calls for thnb and this� 3n essence� was rezonang to his mind. FIe stated it could be referred to by reference on this emendmerat. M,�yor Nee replied tlie basic thought was sound but it mlght be desiraL]_e Lo increase the proi,eci;ion� that i-c had been.poin�ed out Minneapolis � deve]oped v�th no R-1 as such. fIe further stated the intent,was to give con- siderable �rot�ction to the status quo snd if it could be amended to include four voLE�s and tYie notice, tli-�� would be proper hut inc}uired' if this was possible ,ni:hout having to start over again. City Attorney Smi'�h'replied it could be done, i.Y�at it did seem to him ariy action under this amendment would require Cow� vot,es� th�t at the time the,y would Ue doing the' rezoning� this wou]d reqniro natice to ad,joinin� property ormers and a�+�5"s Vota by the Ctty Cot�ncil� Lliat it waU moie important 1,o have the four voteS then tha.t a{; thtie occasion. Ma,yor Nee etated that according to the Zoning Ordinance, it �a�e hi, �ntea�preta�,ion thaL it would pass with three votes and for the benefit of �uture councils� inquired if it waspossible to put in another plirasc i,hat i'a ��ould provide notices and a 4�5's vote. City',At'toTney Smith su�gected l,lie ordinance could be amended i,o read that owners`of abutting property be notified of the hearing before the City Council and 'tl�at a 4�5's votr be required of the City Council to 1s�ue such S�¢ig1� Use Permit. Motion by idrif;ht bhat Ordlnance fjt267 which is an ordinance amendin� Sectio�l 45.19 of Lhe City Code to nllo�i double hungalo��s in an R-1 District by a Use Permit be amended to re:�cl as £ollows in Section 261: "That owners of abuttin� properl.y be notified oi the heartn� before the City^Council and that the concurring voLe of 4�5's of the City Coune3l shall l�e required, for Lhe Cuunc�l to iseuc such Speczal Uee Permit." ConncilmaT�,Wright ��sertc�? tliis a��s not just fiction or a way and it was very importa.nt that -chc� .oning map would relleet long range planning and if there existed somethln�, it ;l�ouldnoi. show up �n the map 6ut in the Spec3al Use�Permits nnd it ;rar mes�n.�ngful �o have Lwo different �aa,ys oi' doing this. 5econded by Shcri�l��1, Tiie City Mana�er explained that i7hen they re�erred to abuttin� _- proper�y ovmers, thi� was irh�t rhey had been notifying on all�,,Eoard of Appeals hcar�ngc but tnat, was jusL for property owners and inquired �f the City Council taished i,o �o fur�her than th �. . Councilu�an Johanson stated �that some time ' previouc Mr. 73en Wolke had come in on sucL a rezoning and peqple had come to voice op�nione and in tl�ai; case they were not abutting property owners. Council- man tir�t;lit replied he felt abutting implied iiot fotar but six property o�iners, meauint; tlior,e on the dta�onal. Upon a voice vote� there being-,no nays� the mot�on carried iarlanimously. ��� Upon a roll eall vote� for the adoption and publication oF Ord�n�uce ;�267, those voting aye Nee� Kirlih�m� Y7right� Johanson� Sheridan. �i'1°�ose votin�, nay� none. The moti'on carried unanimousl�. APPOINTME;NT (TABI�A 4�E��6�F & 4�20�64) : — � Mayor Nee annnunced for Council consideration an appointment i,o i,hc Pari�r, �nd Playgrounds Sub-committee of' the Ylannin� Connn�ssion and s1,at�°d Llirre haft been this even3ng a recommendation given i'rom tihe Chalrman n f tY�at, cornnu s: ion. Motion by Wrigkit� Vpbn recommendat3on of the Parks and Playgrounds Sut�-committee of the Planning Co�ission� to appoint NIx•s. 4layne Sempsou� 110 Hartman Circle� Fridley� �ta replsce M�rdene �ichhorn� term to expire December 31� 1965. Seconded by Johanson. Upona voice vote� there. Uein� no nays� �ha niot�on � carried unanimously. � HURNING PLRbTIT: BOB'S AUTO PARTS: Pdayor Nee announced the request for a burnin� permit by IIob's �uti�� Part,s for Council eonsideration and stated this item l�ad becn x•eturned to the P1oor because a queption had been raised. The City Manager explained Lo Lhe City Council',tHe' previous request; for a Uurn uig permit was refez•rc�d to the City Attorney'some t3me previous and his report was that this auto parts lot �aith no license and one which was granted to Central I�ut� Pas6s are both operatin� on the lengtl2 oi time they have Ueen nperaL�i7� �nd ,ppare�iLly� it is a case p� iesuing one 1P the other is issued. Counetlman I;lsr��ian asserted there was only one au�o disassembling organization in tl�e communit; and inquired if this vas correct. The City M.�nager replied t]-�ere ❑as an� 3t was not licensed hut operating under a^pec�al Use Perrriit. Counctil�nniz Sheridan $tated that inasmuch as they are operating illegally without prop�r authorization'by the City oC Pridley by lssuing a burning perm�t, �.lie L'ity i Council'was �.cknowledgin� the type of bu�,in�cn they uere in, it T�a� men- tioned by Councilman Johanson this person had come i,o the Cii;S� Coiuicll and asked for a pgrmit to start a Uusiness and l,a�l heen turned dozan rnd l�e started his business �nyway. Mayor Nee �taled he assuniecl �he ounei of tliys Firm would take the City of Pr�dley to court and woull have i;o prove he �s legally�, in business. City Attorney Smi�h Lxplained to member; oS' the Cit� Council tha� years ago at the time the villa�e was formed ancl Mr. Joliri Haluptzok rented this place� he recalled they liad required lilm i,o Uuard and fence the area; thet the area in question is tlie one applyin;; Cor i.kie permii now and as he understood� over a period oi time, this business Lad er.panded and spread acxosa the streFt into the nrea i�here there is now the place that has the licensed burning permit and the pl�ce that is heine, occupied became a bus gara�e. He further explained there �rys an interval tihere at least�the prime use was not ��as they presently claim and �i, nas his opinion, in looking this over� tkiat more than iikely Lhey mould be able to �staUlish continuous use of this kind of bueiness and it wou�s br d�_scriminatory not to �;lve them a burning permit. City At1•orney SmiLh further lnformed the Cit,y Counc�l they were not on sound gx'ound so far as supporting t_iis item. Councilman Rheridan asserted the'o'riginal person who asked for a hurning permlt and ha�l i,lie establishment'�at the tlme of v�llege incorporatlon hed sold thi❑ Uusiuess and the rights to the locatrion or. 73rd Pvenue but not on CF�ni,ra], tkiat t,he 730o address wesused as a bus maintenance t;rira�e and s�,oi-z��e oC buse=s �3nd when that opere,tion went defunct somebod,y elee came in ind start�d an auto i— salvage yard. City Attorney Smith replied, to this exi,enl,� thc Council had some right but the di�tinetion was narrow and it zaould seem to l�im the charaeteristias would be the same. Councilman SY�erldan a�reed Utii1, stated there had been no burniug oF cars for the p��t ten years and stox.,Pe for t]ie last two and one-half to three years, hl�yor Nee indicated tLe C�ty lttorney seemed to be aaying that it was within the powe-r oF the Cii,y Counr_i] *zot i,o issue the burriing permit. Councilman Johan�on inauired iF �n�tone liad seen the ordinance'�',of the City oF Minneapolis in this regard and statc3 anyone in that-bu�iness h9d to haul tLeir autos out of town ta Uurn I,re�n. Cit;� ��ttorney Smith state'd if the City Council were going to allow one person „o hurn� the- court would look on any_other lcindly as I;hc Judge looking at tit Proir i,he out- side taould say there isn't enough difference �nd they would bz d�Ur,riminatin�. Ma.yor Nee inquired ii the other auCo parts company was reque�t�ri� a permit. � V �G � '['he Ci ty Cl�rl� r�plied he ��av noL r:er6ain, MoL-�on t�y Joh�ueon to revolce the vurniug; permai� now held by Central {iuto l'a,rts r..�th buruu�g to ciiscont,inue b,; I;he i'irst oi' June� this revocal.ion to include Bob's I�u�� P-�rts. Seconded Ly i-]raght. Upon � voice vote� there beingraio nays� the iuot�oi� c�3'rric�d unanimousl-y. � I , lV�W DiT,`_;IPiL'Cf': PLTDLTC T��IAP,IIVC -�INAL PI�AT - OUIMICT`[ti: TBP,P�CC: Mayor ldee announced a Publ�c IIear�n� on a P'iri�l Plat� P.S. {�6lF-o6, Ouimette Terrace, T},e City Mana�er read a] oud the Ofi'lcla7. Notice o�l He�.ring. , City rn�in�cr �:�ire�hi presented thc plat ot the area to the City Council.� The Cit-y Managcr local;c�3 Lhe arca on �l�c c�ty map for the City Council., Mayofi Nee in- quired if l,liere ��ere �ryonr �reserit who lriehed to be heard regarding the flncil plat of Oinrn��tt� Tcrrace. Sh-. i�tell OuimeLi;e waa present in'lavor oF the pro- po;e�3 pl��i:. Couiic2lman Joh,�nson lnqulrec3 reg�rrlin�; the corners of tlie street inter��ecj,ions o� the proposed pl�L. City lingineer �,ureshi ex�lained,the streei. �ni,errerj,ons for i;he City Cou�ic�l. Ther� t�as no orie present','in oppOSition'to the propo^e�ti pla�6. Mayor Nee �leclnred tRe public heatirin� on �,h� ��.nal. plat of Oulmci.Ge '1'^2r,�ce cloaed, Mol,�on liy Joh,�ncr�� to upprove L7ic fin�l p1aL of Ouimet�e Terrt�ce eontingetLt on tlie e;��,nh7 i�,Unenf, oi' tl�e corrc_ct ?arlius of corners and authori^.e the Mayor :and C�'r,,; itnn�g�r to sign same. Scconded by Kir]cham. Upon a voice vote� 1,}�ere bcm��, no i�ayc� t,1ie mot�nn c.�rrtcd �ananimously. � T3TD" - i�lnnO'i �;7'OR1�7 FLYTU;1sG (OITINPIJ NOON� MA`l 4, 19�i1+): � I�laynr 17ec n�v�oi�nred Por Counc�l couci3e2aL�on tl�e bidN �'or liquor store fix I,�i2"- ����rno�l ,� L iioon on Dt� � li, 1'�G�I. '7'he C i ty M�nager expl�2ned to the C� cy Co�me�l �1^,/ l���l „�ven out l���l; i,o the fo1lo��in�, l�ot,ed b3dders: FIaivey P��i �rsoe 203 P4i�:�i�°tFPi ;�L. N. P�. F'ridle;! i�'� �inn�•,o�a Curl �on-Lc V i i�e, Inc. ?i�j1l Colur�l�2�� ��1>cnue PHinncapo]�s� Minnesota ➢i�pla;� 1'„-lur��e 1�� IS. I;��llo��g I�oulPVZi3 Gt. Paul 7, MLnn��roi;a T�1otUon Store Planner� Parmin�ton� Minnesota ut. P��ul IIar & Re�taurant Equiptnent Co. ��55 P�S�nc Avenue St. Paul, Mlnnecota 55101 , I � . , � and 'n;�cl rerc�vcd one bid sahir_h ,�as op�ued at noo�7 this day� that beiti� the bid oi Dispin�� PixLures� lc`�9 P. ](ello�� Boulevord� "t. Paul� Minnesota,wi'th a b�d :cruri.i_y i'ro;n Ii�Rl�irultru�l Sizrurance Company � l; j`}'o and a lump ,sum bid of t�;13„1^0.��0 -��th ^ rompletion f,imc or 30 �tnye and rurther expl3ined they had rc,i,�m��terl it uou]r1 Ue c]osr to [h1j,000 for th��particular h�orY. Couneilman ,Tol�3n_or c�totpd he dic� e�end cotilsiderablc time z�ith these people and they had s� L up U�c� fn-st specificai;�_on:, fbr the Cit�r oF Pridley. ___� Motion bti� ;h°i�ht to a��ard �he b2d for tlze cont��act on Liquor��Store '�ixtures anc� Pquipment, t,o Display ffirtur�s, 1&9 li. ICellog� Eoulevr�rdy St. Paul 1� PAinn���ota T��t;� � 5� bid secur�ty iu tl�e lump �um bid of :�1��9�Q�00 �nd a complet�on time of 30 days, reconded by Johansoi�. Upon a voice vote� there be31z� iio �i-�,,�c�, 1,ile motion c��°r�ec� unanimouely. �� �� — BOAP,D OF LIP�;L1Ir ML�E`L'INCr, .�IRiL 2�, l��i�l: �� i�l11;TP:G 017 P. FROM FOR L1 VAIiTAP7Ci PROM S7SCTIONS O�Pl1 1904. BY 4IAI�TER OF FRONT ND 45:362, BACK �QFFSCE �', 1V, ' ANOKA Cbr — i ,� ��`s�, The G'i'�y'Maqager stt3ted the Board of Appeals had held a publ�c l�e�rint�, and re- cotemiended the gxanting of the varinnce xequested. Motion b�y Kirkham to coneur wlth the recommendatlon of the Boar3 of Appcals and �rant the request for a v�riance from Sections l�j.361 and 45.36?_� City Code of F'ridley� MinnesOta 1g63, by waiver of front yard setbacl: requirement f'rom 100 feet to 60 feet to permit construction o2 an off�ce building and warehouse on ]Lots 2 and,,,3� �lock 1� Lamperts Addition� nnoka County� Minnesota,-sam� being 1050 Osbarne Road Northeast� by Donco Builders - 31a00 Center Drive Cdori,heast. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voZCe voi.e� th�re being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. , ' BUILDING BOAItD MEETING, APftIT 22, 1g64: Meyor Nee announced ior Council considerat�on tY�e minutes Meeting held April 22, 1964. I�PPLICATION FOR�BUILIIING PERMIT BY BALCO BUILDING SYSTEMS 6T 7S F�,T_ H_� S N_ F_ _ PARI:FT. 9 nCl nF RT+'.CTT(1N l?_ RI1TT: oi' the Btailding Bonxd IPTC . FOP, A PACTORY PIC{ TO BP ]� The Ci,ty Manager read to the City Council the recammendation oF tl�e i3uilding Soard spprov3nglthe issuance of the building pFrmit but expleiined i,l�ey actua]ly had granted thib',permit subject to the Buildin� ]3oard approv]ng it. There was no ection neceseary by the City Council. „� APPLICATTON FOR A BUILDING PERMIT BY GUNDERSON CpNSTRUCTION FOR A?2 iTfJTT APART- The City Msnager'read to the City Council the recommendation oF the Ilullding Hoard. Motion by Johanson to concur w�th the recommendation o£ the Ilw lding Board and grant the btaildin� permit by Gunderson Construction for a?2 unzi, apartment building in,Ward one at 7411 Central Avenue NorLl�east on Lot: 1 and 2, B7aok �a, Gunderson �'erraee� the building to be 16� x 4£3 feet of frame conetruci,lon at on estimated cpst pP �175�OOO.DO. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� there being no naysy the motion carried unani,mously. FOR A BUILDING PERMIT BY FkED L�VY FOR A STRUCTUF;E AT t x QO AN UNNER- ST1�;�L The City Menager read tp the City Council the recommendation of the Building Doard and expla�.ned even tl�ough they had not had a quorun� preseni,� they had stated this was satisfactory and further explained this would requ�re a waiver and a setback,; Councilmei� Wright stated he had had ��ard recommendation from b1r. >ilverstein that he intended to resign from the Buildin� Board. The Cit,y A1ana�er replled in this�regard they had not heard from Mr. Silverstein but he could enter an appointment on the Agenda for the City Council. Councilman 1dri��,hL requesLed the City Manager list the appo�ntn�ent Pnd stated he y�ould r��7Li�st �i lc�ter oi' resi�nation from Mr. Silverstezn. Motion by Johanson to concur wrth the recommend�tion of the membexs of thc Building Board and grant the application for a buildin� permii, b,y Pred Levy for a structure at 6590 Univer,it,y Avenue NortLie�st (Llard 1.2iree)� ],ot lt�, Rlocl; 5, Fiee Creek Plazrs South Addition for s mun�cipal llquor store� t,he l,tn]dln�; to be 30 x 90 feet of steel and cement construction at an esLtimateci cosi, oF $1f;,000.00; elso to grant the rraiver of tihe setbacic required reducing it 1;� j0 feet. �e- conded by Wright. Upon a voice vote� there Ue�n�; no nays, tile� mot�on carz•sPd unanimously. ik' �� � ,lCAmI�N i�R A RU7LDING PE�RMIT IIY DAVID SCFIMG'DrI4�' FOR A GARAGE AIdD AT The CiL-�� P7anager read to the Ctii,y Council tYie recammendation of the Building T3�;��d anci er.��lainc�l LYint ��ith n� quorum eflch of the membexs preeent �ta,ted the,y vou]d nnprbvr� thr� strucLure as pz•oposed but couldn't do it formally. Motion by Jol�ansoii to concur w�tli the recommendat,ion of the mambers o£ the }�uildinp Boord �n�l gr�nt t,he permiL b,y David Schmedeke for a gaY�age and office - n F 56�F9 iJni v��r� � lsy Avenue Northeri� t on Lots 21 t}lrou�h 25, R].ock' �F� � Hamilton's AQdation to P7ochnn3nsvil]e (Ward i,liree)� i,he Bu�lding to be 38 x 2B Yee� of cement anrl l�oo�l construction at an estimated cost of �i�+�000.00. Seconded by — Sdright. Upon n voice votea ther� being no nays, the motion ca,rried unanimously. Councalmnn Jol�an�on ind3c�ted thaL before the C1ty Council.went"on to �he next� itr_m he �ai;;hcd to d��cuss the m,�i,ter of' buildinp permits� that he Was not quite eure but it s�eined to him anybody could get a building permit and not use it for a year and iu many cases they don't use them at all. .He.further expl¢ined i,hai; mosi; of the members of the City Council don't know what is going on in constructyon �nd inquired if there were�i't some way they eould am�nd the or- dinance so tl�a t any person with a perniit would have to act ,on it or, StaY't con- sLruction r�ithin a period of 30 to 60 days. Councilman Wright ipq'u2�ed'wHat Counc�lman Johr�nGon thought ��ere i;Yie motives for acting onthis�,'�hat sOme people get perm�ts vaLl� �'ull inteni,ions and find they are unable to build. Council- man Slicric3vn stal,cd i,hc� City Counril could probaUly insure oonatruction if they a:Y.ed the prrcozi �tipplyin�� to post � Lond at the time they took out the permit which t�ould prove Lhey were going to satisfactorily construet the building t6 the Cade of i:he City of Fridley. Councilman Joh�nson replied he:wouldn't want to p�o alon� �rith the bond bec¢use they would be penalizing Che Smalle� contract- ors. CoLmci]ni�n Wri�;ht stated he feli. the idea of starting and,completion ' times w�s �ood. Councilman Johr�nson inquired of City Attorney Smith'if he cauld nurlc somei;h�ng out in the wa,y �f an ordin�nce so that when permits are talcen out the persons applying have to act within a certain peri;od oi txme.' City Attorne,y Smxi,h replied he had just prepared something on thiA order for : someone� that th�s taas on a building permit that is not acted on'and he had told the Ruilding ins��cetor there was some provision and he had wanted to'establish the policy. Cotmcilman Sheridan inquired if i,he City Council did require a'bond at {.he 1,ime t}iey a�k for a permit� how much would it cost. Mr. V. M. Nagel�� insurance r�presentative� present� rep7ied it would be diPficult^tp f3gure;but that they �iould be forcing these people to do Gomething they ;should'have the right to change i,heir minds on.� Counciltnan Sheridan stated this wes'true but construction shou]d not be startPd and left unflnished so that it becomes an eyesore. Mr, nTagel �ndicated such a Uand would be approximately 7`� oflthe cost of any constsur.i,ion. Councilman Sheridan asserted these people,WOUld have ,to bond themselves far what would 0e the amount over and above the commitmAnt. Mr. Nagel rPplied it N�ould be the cost of tY,e building for figuring the percentage. Councilman Joh�ancon stated he thought the ord3nance could be written up whereby c� cotoplei.ion date� or 90 d�ys time could Ue incorporated. City A�torney,Smith explained to i.he City Council th� ordinance could be �arit�en so'�that they'could condemn a three qimrter Pinished building but wou13 return something to the council Ploor �nd further stated he cauld well see they could provide;the permit •aould automnti�•jl]y be cancelled if constructzon was not begun in ninety days Uut coLtlr� i�ot. 7�� sLax•e they coulc9 do much if a persan only finishes three quart- er'c of a bnil�7in�; except if it becomes a property hazard ox health hazard� that �nst Lecaus� �t, va� an eycsore r�on't make the court allow the City vf Fridley to do anytlnun,. Councllman lohnnson ase�:rted a11 he waa s�ying wae thatia per- son ;liould �cL in 90 days on a buildin� permit and i£ not he should have to return for �notber pex•mit and whatever fees he had paid would Ue,iorfeited. P�ix. L�o Cavin, resident presenl,, stated he was in conetruction 8nd knew of dif- ferent c�;sc� �ahere the bu�ldin�; permit was held for a year and it'took'that long to tT,ci: conul ruction started, thai, nn s lar,ae building it s.ometimes� took � __ tl�at lonn. Counc�lman Johanson replied that as long as the persoris applying Sor tlie permit could shotir they F�ere doing something they could renew tkle permit. Mayor P1ee s�.ated i,he ordinance could provide for � continuance upon rec�ueptlat no co�t. Mr. Cavtn replied that t�ould he s4tisfsctory.',Mayor„Nee�iridicated „ i.here uas no nrotion neces�ary. ", ' , �� PLJIPTATING COP9P47S;iI0Td MGPTING� Al'RSL 23, 1964: � � Mayor Piee annow�cea for Council consideration tl�e rece2p� of the�°mitlutes of the Planinng Cormniseion Mee�,in� held Ap�il 23,, 1961F. ��� �� .i� �i .. �I ' � `t CONTTNUED: PROPQ9ED PRELIMINARY PLAT P. S. ��61F-OiJ, E�NNND BL+Il,G� I�UT 'sI�;RG �DDTTION: The City,Manager read to the City Council i,7ze recommetx�ei.ton ot the S'J��nnlno Comm�.ssibn: City Eng3neer (c!ureshi presented a eketch' of thc uroper;ecl plai, to t,he CYty' Cpunei7.: Followin� a diccussion 7]eriod on L-he proposrd p]n t,, Lhe man- ner�iOP presen�t'ion �y the o�rner and other matters, Mayor NEe [n�lica�ed Lo the City CounCil ''�he,� oply thing they could do sf they so �aished ti,ould he noi, to accept th3s �as,the' prelim2nary plat..'The Cii,y Man�ger st¢tecf t,he C�ty Council could� if they'�Wished� say Mr. Ber�; had to comply �nth Sect;on j^.�7' oP the ordinance: � � ��, ��' �� �'�,j�'� Mot3'on'by �7ohanson to return the alleged preliminary plat oz IIuL- ]ier�; �drlition to the Planning Commission, stating it is not sufPicient and does rol, n,eet the conditions of the ordinance as set forth. �econded by Sheridan. Dpon � voic� Vote� there being no nays� the motion carried ur�animou�ly. � �AFETY COMMITl'EE MEETING, �lPRIL 15, 19E1F: Mayor Nee�anrioUnced ior Counc�l conhiderahion i:l�e rece�ving uC t��� mi��utes of Lhe Safety�Commi,ttee Meetinr, held Apri1 15, ]964 and sta�;ed Lhc onty �tem nec- essary for action'was the houce n�atberinm ordin��ice discuss�un. 'Pt�c� C�ty D4ana- ger explained to the City Council i,he Po1�ce s*�d Pix•e Departnieiit� had xequested that all residerits be sent a t�otice of the ordinc3nce concernin„ lions� numbers� their size and type. Mayor Nee stated he a�sunied the Duildn�,��, T�iG7»cic�i did cheek out th3s type oi thing bei'ore he i�sne� � Certi£ic�t�� oF Ocovp.�nr�. b4otion by Wright�to recAive ancl File 1,he nnnutes of uafeLy Comm�ttE�� Mectiu� held Apri7, 15� 19��+. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon e3 voice voLr�� t}�ere being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. CpMMUIQICATIONS: , CITY CLERK: 'PAYMENT FOR PARK PI;OPEP,`PY: ' Mayor Nee �iO.Anoizll�ced the receipt oi a memo from tlie City C]erl; relative to the payment of.parkipTOperty. The CZty M�nager e;tplained to the Cii.�� Councll they clid h�ve before them the I3eech Ffousc Proposition thnt they br�9 1,ahlod �ci.ion on Pendin(; moxe iriPoz'motion trc�m blio Pax9�G ;h�b-Cum�rilttee nn�7 l�iL„ �l,oui �rnu]d =save them some,Tponey and it would t�c ❑�ood tidea to pay for 1.liis parl: propert,y in full but they might want to 4�ait for information i'rom thc Fark sub-Commiti,ee 6efore they did'so. Councilman Wri�;ht inqulred *ahat tY�e appror.�mate balance was on the Flari�ry property. D4ayor Nee replied abouti �2�E,000.00, `Che City C1@rk reported to the City Counctil Mr, tlndrew I,-ohlan, al;torn�•y lor Lhc P'.l�nexy; hnd s'�oppe�l in this d¢yand ne(fl tYic Fl�neryr, Tirrr inl,ereet;c�l lu ��,��t,i,�i�; i,h< Sull amount due. City Attoxne,y SmiY,h iriqui�•ed �F it titas po.,s11�1c Lo �;et � d��- count� that perhaps they could �et c� 5� discount. P�ayor 1Vee ciaic�l he ui�hed to see the purchasing plan the Parks Sub-Comnnttee uas operc�Li>>� mi3r�r bef'ore ii, t�as depleted by more money. Councilman Sher�dan asserted th�s i�ioney l,+as all probably in estate and this migl�t be why i.h� faraily wani,.� �i ]utup �um set- tlement� that� actually� Mr. Planery himself, kiacl suggested i,hese trrrn:• beFore hr died to taks adva,ntage of e tax standpoint. M�yor Nee inquired i f th� metl,er enuld be referred to the Parlc S3oard for recommendation. Motion by Sheridan to refer the payment of balance of Lots 5 and 6J I�u��ltor's Subdivision No.^�].29 between William L, Planery and the City of' Pxsdley to the Park Hoard azld et��nlate the reason ior rei'erral is to see if it, fits into their overall p'1an and for their recommendation. Seconded bv iJright. Upon a voice vote� there be3ng no nays, the motion carried unanimouc]y. �— LYNDAI,E BUILDERS: PARK DEPOSIT� LYPIDALE i3UILDE;RS, 6'PH ADDITIOP7. Mayor Nee announced Por Council consideration the x�eceipt oF a coimvunicai;ion from Lyndale Bu3lders regarding a park deposit. Tt!e Cit,y Mann�,er r_Yplained to the City Couneil he had given them a letter �n �rhlch Lyndrale L'ui]c�er�, cl�lm the City Council did grent a ��aiver of the parl; deposit r�t t]�e t�me tiiey �ave up several lots because of the School District, that trey had Ueen �-,iven ex- cerpts of ineeting5 of April 19th nnd May 3rd� 1960� thai. all he coulcl give i,hem was the m3nutes end their letter and the C�ty Council cou]d declde i�l�at they wished to d0. It was mentiqned that Lyndale Builders did mal:e somc adju:;tmente � �b � i, . � at the ti���e �ind whether or not it warrants the waiver of the p�rk,'deposi� was up to C;ouncil ciiscretion. Cuuncalman Wright, atated he was noti"certe,in if'� this woul�l relieve them of the payment ancl inqu�red wYiat would b� tlie paytnent �n ]ieu of park properl,y. Thr Finance D3rectox• ea:plained that' orie of the poini.s th�il, Lyndnle Builders wanted to malce clear was that they apparently sold a loi, or t�ro to the school at a reduced price. Counqilmgri'SheT,idan , replieri tln s rra� true, it was an access to the school property''to us� as a fooi, p�th. 7'hc City Manager stated he had been told they had loat two lots beside� wh�i, they had done for the scliool. City Attorney Smith a,dvised the City Council 'i,hai; ��hen they had taken the ari.ion they had ori Me,y 3rd� of 1960 -� the� weren'1; particularly waivin�; anything. It was mentioned t�e builder had I not pai�l fnr i,he pnrk properi,y, The Finance Director indic¢tecllthe City had Ueen b�llinp, t]�Fm for $625.00 and there was no deposit made but ,they'woulfl '�' li]ce to �r=1, tho matter settled, Councilman Sheridan stated that as,he �' rec�lled� ihr_ p�rlc deposit wa; l��ived on the 7th Addition South,of a school in thc area, Councilman Joh.arison asserted the Cii,y Counc3l should'waive the poil; depo ; i l I,Y�ey fiad already commltteCi themeelves to. C1�y E�dineer Rure�ha preseni,Fd ca s1cc � cl� for City Council reviewal re�arding the pl�at in question. Couneilm�t�:;hci•acl�n �sserted lf the lots �n quc�eLlou had been graded properly, nuth�n�; ti�nuld 1°�+ve hapgened. Ti; was s�ated by Mayox Nee that',there seemed to be mucl� conoern witll �;etting i,hi, ini,ter ofi t.he bqolcs and suggested the Uuilc�er �n�,)�l ��rovide under�;roun�l �iraina�;e and ruther than'put the' matter in rrr� tinr;, a moc t,� n,} could be ni°ranged *aith t,he bu� lder. � PQot,ion t�y 4'a-i�;l�L to i,at�le 3ctnan on tY�e L��ndale Dui]ders� Park Deposit� I�yn- �la1c Eia�l����r, E,l.h Addi�tion unt�l the meeting oE May 18th� 1�6�4; � Seconded by ;heridan. U�,oii a vo�ca vote, tl�ere being no nays� the motlon carrled',unanimously. NOR'PllT;Tt 7;�'I'A`[I;� � P01Jr�R COMP�1PdY. 1;4TI�;0 P9�iyor Pl�r nnouri�ed the receivn� of a commui�scation from Noxthern Stotes Po�ror Coml� n,y� f��i Cotim�.il cons•���ernt�on, ; fho�,ton hy 1�1•i,ql�i, to receive :+nd S'?10 t1�e communica�2on from,ll�ort�aern 6�tates Power Con�p n��� r�F;�rdin�; �he mcluclri� oF rat,es. Seconded hy Kirkham: Upon � vo1c� voL��� I,},o1e be2np no naye� the moi,ion carriefl unanimo1u91y.'� � i �[{ ;;i1RimBAPf ^AitlTTARY SrWP�R DT�STRICT• HIGIlWA`C ?'ERMIT: May��i PiFn ;i��i�i>ianced a crammuiair-�tioii f�r Courie�l co�isidexation I'el&�ive to a htiphway pe�mtii,. `Phe City Maraf,F�r explalned to �.l�c C2ty Counci�l. this��tem,re- nuimd C� L}� Cuu�icLl �pprov�l o�i ihe permit and Czty �ngineer 6,ureshi h¢d ,tu�iir��l it ,ni9 �.tat,o�1 tl�at noitr o£ the Uttilit�e�s of the City O,i Fridley i•�ere �-('j'�r1,rr� li � I}i76. , � , � , Notinn hy Jr�b�n=oi� to author�z,r� th� Mayor and C�ty ManaQer to�BXecute the permit r�qia ��c�,cd by t.tie North ;uburt�an Sanitary Se2uer Distriet�� relative to Proj��t ]-P,, F�nokn CoLmty Ili;;hva�� Yermit. �cconded by Wright.� Upo� e voice vote� tliex�� be7n; no rir�y3� tlie mot3on carz°�ed uranimously,. � �i , IIOWARU ,:T',R�l('TI CFL4RGPS: M�y�r iic� �imonnccd the receipL oF a]et�l.cr from the firm�qi' Fj,qwex'd��Peterson� i,eF'cve2e, J^fl�r and I3r�m�l.ton regardxng proposed adcii�ional, ee�pio,e ��har�e�s ar �ss��:m�,nt,e. 'Phe City N�n�p,er e.<plained t� i,he City Counc,il th� Finance UfFicer .�n�l lnni�clf had been �liecusoing this item and i,hought the legislatiori ^houl�3 l�� rl�rm ;er1 �nd tt�e ordtixances should b�; be�ter. There was, no ��ction tal�en on tl�c� •�bov� itetn. � � �. � � � � ���� � VT3IT�R;• " � , tsr. Rohert Cliri,l,en^on wae pre�_ent, represcnting the Bo�rd of D3rector5 oi' i,hc Fr�d1�t� Ch��mber of Commerce and atmounce3 the Cham6er oi Cottm�erce wished i,o ext�utl ,�n invitation �o the C�ty of Faidley ro becouemembexs `of�� the I C]iamber of Commerce, Lhr� t; Fridlcy ]2ad had a Ckt�mber of Commer,oe fax �'a number nf year� n�1ri �t v-is orly recently they had Uegun an active program. ,He�ex- pl�ined tl�ey 1i��d hired a yexl-t,ime executive s�cretary and had� an,Idea Meetixig ��bouL i.ii� m�>ntl�r previous whic}i I,he Ci�.y Counc�t had heard Nboqt and whic}� the Dlayor hril �ti,endF�d and th�s ps•ovtided the Chamber with idees on what � Chamber ��: l I of Commerce,could do in order to improve condii,tions and prot,l�m:, rn the Ctty, He stated they�had,now undertaken an aggressive campai„n to enit�l t2,e �erv�ce of businesses not'before in the Chamber and i Full time ExecutxvP ^ecretar,y, that in thia pTOgratA an Executive Secretary would lielp o�ith nc,a b,i����P,ses in t}�e ,City bf',�'ridley. Mr. Chri�ten�on aseertcd the Chomber oC Comi��ecce w3shed the City, of Fridley to be represented within bhe CYiarnber to �ive their support in thie'.pr,ogr�m� that there had been many occasions where membPre h�d been present where problems had come up end Lad no one prec-ec�L i;o �;ive co�nents or help. He stated the Chamber oS Commerce also had cllscus�ions that did take place that would gsv� the City ,s better underei;anding of i,he � businesses in'Fridley; that the IIoard oF Dzrectors had in m�n�9 Cor r� ur�mber- ship that would give the City af Fridley repx•esentation and ten v�te; a� members and'ten'members de�ignated by the City Council themselvee � rost of $250.00 or'$25.00 per membership. It was further explained tY�e Ch.imber oC Commerce was not't]gy3ng to set a precedent as tbere are many eitie;: �aho do belong ,to Chambers �of Commerce throughout M�nnesota. Mayor Tdee inc�uix•ed �f this Were tx'uel�'tin Minnesota and w�� tald this w�s so. Mayor PSee e;�;erted the question would be wh8ther �t w2s legal. Counc�lman Johanson ,at�l,e�] Lhe idea �aas good. City Attorney Smith advised the City Conncil if they voted i.o have a member5hip in t}�e,Fridley Ch�mber of Commerce� he would like to h�3vc it subject to the,le�slity oi it� thot he did not question it but tihere was no way for hym tp; determine the lega]Zty this n�gLt. Mayar Nee sn�d J�e T,liought all members of ,the Ci�y Council were in favor of this. Couucil�rein Kirlcharn stated he w3shed to join himself and would iF any of the meetings tirexe held in the enening:' i Motion by Kirkifam to authorize the City oi Fri�lley to particip��Le a�t members in the Fridley Chamber of Commerce in the pmowii, of �250.00 continger1t upon the decision of the City Attorney regarding tlic� le�al�ty. Secoede�i hy Wr��ht. Upon`a voice vote� there being no nays� the motlon carried �m,an�mously, Mr. Harold Han�ley wae present �nd explained to the City CouncLl he had con- tected the Ciby re�arding hIs place of business and it was oka,yed ,is f�r as zoning and'thex had contacted i:he Building Insp2ctor who had e�id 1t was aleo -- o&ay to build w3�hout a permli, because the builQ�ng was a movable t��use for the dairy equipment but that uoii he didn't knov if it �s �,egal. lt lac,s fux- � ther eXplained�',�this was a se]f-service busines:� and houees reFrigeention equipment. The C3ty Manager stated he had discovered this day th�l, tt�e reason for thie was thet originally it had been understood it w�s foe ttie refr�f>er- etion equipmerit of milk only but they are also sellin� ai,her Pood stuff's. It wae further sbated by the City Mana�er the Standard Oil people �aYio,�e groucid thie was situated on'were to be here thie evenin�. The City Clerk explaitied to the City Coqncil there is no separate license Yor this type oP Uusiness and in this case�; they woulcl need a service staLion license and tLe servlce station has a�icenee. Mr. Handley stated they Yiad contacted 1;he ; tate I3e�ltti people and switched over to stainless eteel refrigeration units anrl they had cleared this: ;Mayor Nee asserted that� appareni.ly� the item would be pro- ceased by the dity Maneger. Mr. Handley stated Lhat Standard O11 �s con- cerned because'�their licenee is being held up Ueceuse of it, that }1F had thought he'had a11 matters properly cleared bec�ause he was assured �i, was okay. The City Manager stated he would checic tl�e matter ovt. Mr. Charles E. Johanson of 10'0 Hari.man Circle inquired if' he c�ul<l l�e g,iven a copy of the letter the City Council had z•eceived regarding i,he �dedan prop- er�y„ that he was 3nterested in this case as it r�t�s with regard Lo � home he had built. Meyor Nee replied they had no copy to give him but the mai;ter 2iad rather seveYe implications, � RE90LUTION ��F33 - 196�+ APPROVIfIG ALIGNMENT - ANOIiA (SAII 02-60?-0_'�• �i'. Mayor Nee anriounced ior Council consideration a resolution approving allgnment for State Aid Project ��02-602-02. The City Manager expleined that according to the resolut�on they had notified the people �iho llve in P'Y•�dley that ]ive in this affected srea� that it ls �oing to be improved and they rtnast ni��lre arrengements t'o hook up or 8hey *aon't be able t� dp so for five�years. He fi'tirn�hexlexplained that� unfortunately� this is the case where people �et per- misslon to,hook up with Columbia lIeights r�n�1 if the Ci{;y Council ahreed that the pavement was not to be bxolcen up for a peraod of fiv� years� tliey r.ould perhaps �ive these people some type of blan}<_et approval. City Iro�,�neer (�ureshi explaitted to the City Counc�l iY they agproved i,hese plans� iL �aoul�3 Le ex- tremely expensive for some people to hook up, tliai, as r�n example, Pdr, and Mrs, �mmett are on the West side of Columbia ileights and it would be beLter ior �' �� , � ; them i,o Yioo}: up Lhere than tl�rou�h F�ridle;/ �➢.ines. A discuasion period fol- loqed regnr�3 �n� taater �nd sewer serviaes with Co.LUmbia Heights b,ecause � th3e.� is on bordcrt�ne street�� that in the case of the rmmetts;, Fridley Would give tt�em T�e�rmi ^� i on 1 o extend the ^�rvice by Columbia Hei�hts which would be tin open ciii, t n Lhex i,l�r�n Lui�ne7_Lnp, Y,ui, tnere wouJ.d be an expense 3n �extendin� the line. The �7���.ti_on was raised why the City Council eould not��i4e blanket permis��oia to� an,yUody. The Ilmmett properl,y was described as plus fbur acres on th� rdgc� ��f P'rldley. The Citg Clerk atated �here was'ario�her problem as there �� � E�r opl� in Columbi� IIei�;hts that ti�i7 ] be asking to cotlhect onto I�'r•idlev o,��i �n��uired if ther� i.��s n Fridley line they could connect onto. C�i,y Faginecr ^ur��shi zepliPCl 1;here ��as no ]iiic on �43rd Avenu�. `"The City A9an�gc�° c,.p� jir�ed Lo tlze C]ty Cout�ril the proflles and line� of the pro�ect are corx�e��t acrordinb to the, City �nF,ineer. City �ngineer Qur,er�hi inquired -�' if on i;l�e clr�i_r1e+;e this i�ould tie onto the 45th Avenue outfa],Z. ' Mr', Comstock, ronsi.�ltinp; Fngi�iecr� repl�er� there wt�s onc plece af storm sewer on the • �]ans iihYrh �,;r�,� ��onneci,�d to noi;h�n� and it is basically o£f wllere the con- si;ruci�ion ic, I,h�{, it rwis a block furtber North to tie in�o 1+3rd Avenue. City Fn�_=,in��r �Zux•esbi explainec� this would then eventually tie into the 45i,h Avenur� Oui, I'a] l. � , Moi,i�n h}� ioh�nsa� to adopt R]C;;CLUTION y��n3-19F,1F 3pproving alignment and p,rade approv�l f'm°m, Artoka� for St�Le Aid Pro�ect ��0?_-602-02. Seconded by Kirkham. iipon � vo�c�� col,��, i;here hein� no nays� the motion r.arried unanimoUSly. 1✓�oi��n hy F}ierzd;in tr� auihori�e tf�e City Man��rcx to petition Columb3a IIeights, Cox- acuer eerv� ce, t.o issue a talr�nl:c�t autl�oriz�tion For those people involved in the coir-1,ruct�on oi SLaLe l�irl Yro�ect Aio. 02-G02-02. Seconded by Kirkham. rlpon a vo;ce voi;r�� f,Yiere L�eing no na,ye� i.he motion carried unanimously. �t��oLU�rTOP� l��'�li-l�Gii RFI�ASIni� L�XINGTON VZLLAGi+� rROM PdORTH SUEURBAN HOSPITAL D7S'PP,7r,T� Rlayor TJec ❑nn�wioed a�°eGolution for Council consideration�releasing Lexington Villa�,e iaom i,l�e Noxtki auburbt�n Hospit,al District and stated the Yepresenta�3ve £rom i'r�d]�y, P�r. Ch�r]es Johanson� was presFnt and requested him to speak on the sub,�ert, I�-. Sohanson explained to t,he City Council the Vi].lage of Lex- ingLon h�d asked to be released i'rom the disLrict� that they do no� have a real rer�son foi �;ei,ti ng out but bezn; a sma11 vill�ge �t was thought it would be bei t�r to allow them to det�.cYi� thet 'th9s doee require a four,-fiYth's vote by the C�ty Counczl. Ma,yor ATee inqu�red what obligation the distri.ct now kiad. P/r. Joha�a�on replicd that, �t the present, thore ues no obli�ation. Couneil- man Kirl.li-�m i�iq�aZred of bfr. Joh�zison what the difPerence was in valuation attd w3s {,01�� T,��cin�ton hau very l�ttle valuation but, i,hey would have to pay last ,year'c t��coe. The question t�as raised by a resident present'that it seemed to h�m rv�ryouF ��anted to get out of this district but Fridley��`thet every- body could drop out of a11 of the d�stricts and yet Pridley's taxes still go up and thi�: hocpital districi, could be tased up to three mills and as there are aUout ^�Of10 ta:cab]e properties in Lexin�ton� it was a sizeable piece and they woul�� use the hospitol when ii, was b�ailt and they should pay the toll. Mayor Nee. repJ_ied if they were obstructiom�ts, the hospital had leas chance of opera L� n� properly. Mr. Norman Iiau��n� Village Clerk oF Leszn�ton� uas present and explained to 4,he Cit�� C;ouncj] they had felt Lhat, snitiall,y� when the hospi�al was�",diPea;ted t� Sprin�, L�1;� Farlc it would bc in close proximity but the fec� �thet P'ridley will bc tl�e ;it.e of the hospita] -�nd they are out.aways� the,�routes that are present]y u�ed for emergency use wou]d still bc St. Paul or to North Memorial Hospltal. Ee iurther expla�ned thati in numbers involving propeTty�. they had ;�bout ���0 homes in their village wlth a popalation of about 1600 and their preeent reaeon: for thi� was U��ed on the Fact they i'elt distances involved iiere imp�ri,�nt �nd if the hospital had been closer� they caould'have^stayed __ in the di�tr�cl.� th�t they c9id not. feel this hospital would benefitl,them for emergPncy cases or standard patient care. �: � MoL-ion by Johrinson to adopt Resolution {�84-1964 releas3,ng Lexington�,Village from the I1orL-h Suburban FIospital nistrict. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon''a roll c�11 vot�>, those voting a;�e, tdee} Johanson� Sheridan, Wright. Those votinr� na�� Kirl:l�am. The iriotion carried. � �. cLnrn�s : Mot2ot7 by Johanson to approve the payment, of G nexal Claims ��?3i',0 tlis°ou�,li ��2475 Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, these hcing no nay�, tY,c� ainttion carrieQ un�nimously. Motion by Wright to approve the payment of Io r�uor Claims ��6295 1,}is•oug�i {�b32i. Seco�ded by Shar�.dan, Upon a voice vote� therc= bein� no nave, thc n,otion carried'unanimously. � Motion by S�eridan to approve th� payment of Public Uii]iL1es Clc>>rns ,�32F5 � through #3291• Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voace vote� tht=rE� be�nE; »o ❑ays, the mot3on earried unanimously. � � � �,� LICRNSES: Ma�or Nee' announced the licenses to be conside�°ed for City C'ot�uc�l e�ction. The City htanag'er presented i,o the City Council memo� from Llic ChiFf' oF Police regtirding the' Frontier Club. Mayor Nee st�tcd tkie ordinance re.c3ii�ree that the licensea'ibe iseued to the o�aner of the prcmi,�c. City Attorney ;;m, 1; explained the proprie�tQr didn't mean the Qwner of a bui1�91ng. Mayr�r Plee stat�d thai. �ccording to the ordinance� it xequires that the license of Lhe Pxoiii.ier Club be revoked. City Attorney Smith �,nquirud if tkiere taere any conx•� con- vietions on�this club� that compl.pints from the Police Depart,rnent, ar�- riot necessarily Co[�s�.dered to be violation� undr.r tl�e ord�nance. Tl�e CJty Manager asserted that on Terry's C1uU� thcr� ���as an oLay f'rom thc, Chiet ol Police. Councilman Sheridan eaid lt was his ol�tnion tl�at, it' Ll�r� Ilealth Officer �oes out and iinds deplorable corid2L�rn,:� he shoul�l �;�ve Ihc o�inP1° a period o#' time and then cloce up any buslne�s:. The C1ty Manager rep]�E-d Lhat, normally� he would but it 4aae close to licensiu„ time and t}us „ave i,l°ern unL,l May lst' to clear mattere: Councilman Soh�nr.un � tated tlna otancr oP t,li� Prontiei� Club had said'�he'woulci have a Let�er in ilc mail becanee h� �i�i�l m��f ,ri�li l�nn � and Mr. Hensley� the Health 0:'ficer� on t1�� lai��vlous �atur�fay ❑�t��uoou. Cotrr cilm2n Wright 'sta�ed he ciLel��ft Lo lxnve a rc�,r, L 1�acL< lrom t�Ii, li<�r� l�y 7 ct�,x� � action by bhe City Counci 1. Ttie Ci�,y Man�get : u�ges ted the,y ��,illd autl ��� i cr adminis'�ration 'tp,allow the Pron�2�r Club to operate tintil efter tlie City Council considQrs their licen�e �.nd give i,hem until the .l�il� ct' M,.y �in�l re- quest a x'eport in the meantimc. It was elso sugg2sted by the City PAena�;er 1.Le UiLy Co�me�l cuti]d , io�• t},� owner of tBe Faontier L'lub n coud�tional �ppiovil to 1�1�e Pu��t w<< �nr; �n June and �hey would have reports from t,l�e Ilea7lh OPi'1cer� t]�zd I,li�� motion c0uld include �that the licen�e will not be �r��n�ed unt,il th�� ol�ncr �p�e�r�. C1ty A�'torney 5mith st¢ted �f they were go�i��; 10 revoke thtis lir,�°no� or not 2ssue it� the pwner was eni,�tled to �on�e �lue pr�cesa o� the ]�.�,�, 1r�1, hP 1�as ❑ prop�xty �3ght and 1� eni,ltled to lcno�� tli� :p<°cif�c` end �i' thc CiL;r C;�tinci] saere going to handle it wdth the IIea1�h Oflicer ond �rlminisLl�ril,�v l�r Lticg ��ou1Q have to',be� qui;te epecific end show caus�� �4�y �.l�ey shoulcln't, levo]•r tilie license beoause of'violations and ]zet them �nd �f 6he n�7ner rlldn't �c�mpl�, t�r�g conld deny the 11'oense. Councilman Johaneon et-t� rt I,he Coui�c�l �arnilrl l,avr_ to uake �,p theix mands that they Gionld h�ve to do I1�: tn every ope�°aior �0 1;1�� C�ty and it should inclucle everyborl;,�. Ci�y ACL�rn�v Smit}� ti�enL on lo �a�� �ur1; police comments without conv�cL�on were l�cr��a�.p an�l not suei�lnod. P9�ayor IVre inquired why prosecution was noi, undertakken r�p;�irding i,he P'ront�r_r Club �nd whose responsibility it �aas i,o initiate i�,. City �lttorney Smatti ;t�l�c1 t,L1s should lie pursued. The City M�nager indlcaL;c� it was polic� res��onsiL-il�ty to initiate proeecvtion if they saw anythin� h+ppen and �nquired �1' Llie C�ty Counrll would eare to g3ve a condi�ional license until ,?une anrl then 7i ti1 oy ��aui,erl �o, the Ci'ty Counc�l eoUld go i'urt;her on a lr F,,a1 basaa and 3]: o�� ir LLe own"er to appear b��0�"e the C�ty Council. Ciiy Attorncy Smi'�h rc���lied ih�s eould be done but the only problem zaas they uonld not have bc�E=n ,�;ivcn a full notice and there might be�some lit�gation in tl�e City's being ablr i,o espre�s itself and they might feel they hadn't been spacifir_ Pnou�;]i �n tl�Fir not�cP. The City Man�ger stated the City Council doo,, i�ot havo to i s� rns 1� rc�n^� 1 0 anybody if �hey did not ��ysh to dc� so, L1i�L r� ]� tLer na: �F�iif t^ l}�F 1tc,lLli Officer to the owner of the Fron�ler Club. C� ty Ati;orne5- ; m1 Fh -u,,, r�-t��r1 to members oi the Ci'ty Couneil �Hey miglit �alhoxi��e the Cii,y Mena�Fr Lo contact the awner of the Fron�zer Clut�� i,hai� the� can operate unt17 �,he P�xet �r�ecting in June and have all matters rectiFied and sf,ate action is I�e,�1�� rontinued until that Gime. �p �U �, b7otion 1,� Vr��;Lt tu apProve Lhe �r;nance of the fo]lowing licenses: CAFT Golden Ch �cl�en P.est,�ia� nn{. (,i�l�l iin�vorsily Avenu�� N. �. Lridlry� p'11nnc°,nt,�a j51F21 MapJ� I,�n�c CnI'� �30�I 11ighsz��� ��f�5 N. P. T'r�d1F,y�� I•`rnnrs��t2 551+21 Sh:�d�lr i cl- � L�Ilcau /lmer ��an T,��* �on Pos t{{-303 7325 C^i�� rnl AvF�rnae N. E. Fridley� P•Yii�n���ota Sj4�2 Terry'e Cl�ah 6061 Un�v�°rsity �veaue Fi°idley, P.[inneroi,a 55421 CZGARE;7'TT? Central Pnod 7?73 Conlral Av�iitiie N. E. Prid]oy, P9rnnr^o'�� 55432 Pr�dley 1�'oo�i [Ier}ce� �915�I Jtinsi River Ro�d 1'ridlc�y, P4inne�ota 55432 Prontier f�]iir (3�5 Centr�] I!v�=nuc N. P. P'rt�l]�,y, Miav�ceota 55��3� Geri,zen :;�rvzr_e &, Dairy Stare (1+�95 Past, P,�ver Road l�ric�lcy� M�nnesota 55�+21 Jim'� Do>>°y "1�ore �37� Univrrsil,y Avenue N. E. Frtidley� Plinn�:ota 55�F21 Map7e L�n�° Ca�c 6304 ilig1r��i�, /fC5 I'ridley, b7� nne ���ta 55�F21 uh�ddrir]c °� TaIIeau American Le�,[on Post {f303 7�2j Cen1.r�1 Av�nue N. L. f'ridl�,y, 14�nnes�ta 55432 Terry's Club 6061 Univ�reiLy Avenue N. C. Prid]ey, Mtinne,ot3 55�i21 OI'P SflLEI Cen{.ral i'oorl 737g Cen�r•�1 Aveuue N. E. Fridlcy, M�_nnceota 55432 Frtclley f'ood Marke t 815� Ca=i, T;rver Road P'ridley, Minncrota Gertzen �'c�rvir� & Datry Store 6485 Pa�t Rivet Roarl Prldley, AZinnesota 55�F21 by: Pelbc;rt L. Melberg �20 Kcnnaston Drive F'ridley, Minnesota New by: P,aymond L. Anderson Renec�al 542�'� D�llwood Drive ', ,�''� T'ridl�y, hlinnesota by. R. J. Vandexvest ' Renewa7 , by: Clarenc� P. FIentmaker Renewal 3707 Glendale Terraae Minneapolis, Minnesota Uy: Viola McMorran Renewal 7528 Van Fiuren S. N.'�: , Fridley� Minrie�ota ' by: Gordon G. Swenson Renewal C3�9 Channel Roafl , , � F'ridley, b7innesota by� by: by• by: by: by: by: by: b,y: Marlene A. Povlitzki 7516 Ar{,hur St. N. �E. Pridley� Minnesota' Leonard Gertzen Renewal 64b5 Clast River Roed I'ridley� Minnesota � „ L�.11ian Rocheford Renewal 6220 Raanbow Dr3ve i Fridley, Minnesota "' Raymond L. Anderson', Renewal E�F28 Dellwood Drive' Fridley� Minnesota fi. J. Vandervest Renewal � �d. � � � � �� Clarence P. Heutmaker, � Renewal 3707 G7.endale Terrace Minneapolis, Mihneaota - I, �� � � 4 Viola McMoxran ��� Renewal 7528 Van Buren St. N.' E. :�- �- - Pridley� Minnesota� , C.ordon G.,SWensqn ��`� �Renewal i 6889 Channel Rood � � Fridley� Minnesota���" � �i Leonard Gertzen - Renewal G4&5 East river Road'', F'ridley, Minnesota „ , , �,� � _� �_i �I _�J � � , OFF SALE (cont.) i Jim'e Dqiry'Store 6379 Univers�,ty Avenue N. E. Fridley,,Minnesb6a by: Lil]ian Rochefard �220 P,ainb�w Drive I'r�dley� MinnesoLa Renewal Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there beinh no nays, tlic niotlon carried unanimously. Mayor'Nee announced the renewal of the On Sa7e license ol the Fr•ontier Club loc¢ted at 73�5 Central flvenue Northeast, Fridley. Motion by Joh�nson to euthorize the City Menager ta notify the owner of the Pront.ier CluU at 7365 Central Avenue Northeast� P'ridley that tihere will be a conditional approvel of an On Sale operat�on until the first meetln�! of the City Council in June at which time management is requested to eppet�r before the C1L-y Council for the further consideration of' the license. ;,ecnnded by Wri�;ht. Llpon � voice vote, there bein� no neys, the motlon carried Linanimously. Motion by Wright to approve the 3ssuance nf the On Sale License Lo the fo1]osi- ing: Shaddrick & LaHeau American Legi'on Poat #303 7325 Central Avenue Northeast Fr3dley, Minqesota 55�+32 by: ]i. J. Vandervest Rene�ial 5econded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, theie bein� no nays� the motion carried unanimously. Motion by SOhanson to authorize the City Manager to notify the owner o? Terry's Cluli a� 60E1 Universzty Avenue Northc��st� F'ridley thnt Lhere vill be a conditional',approval of an On Sale operation until the first rneetin� of the City Coun'cil in June at slhich time� manageroent is requested i,o appear before the.CiCy Council for the further consideration of the license. Se- conded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote� i,here being ua nays� thc mot�on carried unanimously. Motion hy Wright to approve the issuance oP t:Le follow�n�; t��xvic� �LdL�on Licensea: SERVICE STATION� Art's Sinclair Service 6290 aignway #65 Fridley, Minnesota 55�+21 Jerry's StanBard 5311 Universi�ty Avenue N. r. Fridley; Minnesota 55�+21 Gertzen Sexvice & Dairy Store 6485 Eaet IIiv'er Road Fridleyi Minnesota 55�+27 Fr3dley Standard Service 7680 Fiighway �5 N. E. Fridley� Minnesota 551�32 by• ArLl�ur J. Campbell l;erie*�a1 3519 - 2 1/2 SLreet Mumeapolis� Minn�°eoi,a by: Jerorne A. S1,xejt,L ,enci�al �310 Logon Avenue Pio. M�nnP�palis, Minn���c�i,�� by; Leonrrd Gertzen i;er�P�dal 5�i�;5 Plas�. Rtivex• I?ond Pridlry� Miiinesotra by; FIenry J. Doroogsma Ne�� �f300 [7ayznta Blvd. American OLl Compnriy Mimie��nolis, Tlinnerot❑ Seconded by Sheridan. Upou a voice vote� tberc Ue1n� no nays, the �aoi,ion carried,unbnimously. Motion by Johanson to author� ze the City M3na�,er to notify i,l�e oi�ner of the �'xontier Club, at 7365 Centra] Avenue 1`Sortheast� Fr?dley tli�i, l,hcre ��i11 be � condit�,onal approval of a Tavern Li cense operat� on unt.11 ilie [>> : I; iuce t� n��, of the City Cquncil in June at which time� management is requested to a�peer before the City Council far the further consirlerat2on of the licenr�e. Seconderl by Wxight. Upon a voice voi,e� there being no na��o� t1�e moLion c��rried unanimously. it ' ��� �� �; � �� , , � „ a''i'^„s, t;�������4:.. g'f�,' 'l ,' , "'���n`'t, ;. , ' "r' ��' ' ,;� ' 7 �„ � �' ��i6;����r � �6' ' �' ' � Motion by Wri�;Yat t0 aPBr,ove the i,sSUan�� oi I�he,'��v��1�;d�S�e�i;���',�,^�o;,�,i}'C,t�t';� �'1,�� follow ° � � i"� ��, ing• �� � , M ��9�i�n�,9�a�r�,t�`+a+ "' ''l, iil � � � ' ..{�_ :i y�} r a tl �F,�n.,,.,'i�.,l , � i , ^� �� •, , y � 7a"h;:; ���;' �np�,, � �' �, , ',f � S2xndclrick & I.a�eau . ����i �p�, bx: R� J. Van3�Qr�Te tr;����'��,"�":�����'�{`�enema�: �" 'i, � American Leg'Lon PoNt �h�3b3^, �' ii° ''.'�u������'�t�'����v����}'���`Pd�l°, �6, '� �h 7325 Cctttral flvenue N �F. � �?a���:,#.p����;�rt�u'`'a_=�,P,l;'��pD�, `,� !,� ' � Fridley, Mirin�sota 5543� � � ,�; ° � ? � I � i+ IL I ' "� ��, , '�,L ��'"�v..''�7'�'�' i�i,'��M,��91��u4'. ��' �,, ' , �'I' i , �,� ' S�conded by Kirkham:�' i�pon a voice uqte, there b,ei,`ng' "Y�es� n�ji��"�t��kqotio�l'; �� `y • corried unanimon�s],y. �� ,i� � �„�" -,�ta„�9��,,rs��..�a,as•S� i°',,,',��r�� �a ��t 1 i a, ^ i ' �i: ' �� ' �,�� Sal''�,�. ,a.��vSfS�F 'k�4w,��1„',;�d��d ` � � i � I ^,i ?��xI�N��'ti�"k �r;,� �_ti� ' Motion h,y JohanSOn'�to authorize the Pbity Managex 'tp;`}�tt��ii`y;�`y��.�,�GWG��1���o�'��w,�y� ' Terry'� Club a-� 606] UniberstityAvenue Northeasta'�����'�id��,''ey';�+�"��°�ie�e'`wi�l1�`�,� � I " be a oonditional approval of a taVern 13cen�e�� opesati�iti*���r�t �"��h��'�1�rst, 4���' �,, , mee�in� oi' the CitY,iCouncil in June a'�� which��ime� it�.�����l��s�,�^s�i�ue�tQd�i�,�, � � � to appear beforE the�Cib�* Council for-the 'further aOn,�i�e ���t���,����he��F,r ��;��� '� � licerlse. �econderl�by Itirkham, Upon',� voice, t11e�e4ir�1������"�, �'j�Vr�ie�'�i�i�� motion carr•ied unc�ni,mously. � � , ���,^'�,},� f�; "��a },. �; "v� � '�' � � � , �y �"y' i-� ° �i � � , , � , �� � r , ^ 1-� ,,;;, � : ,. Motion by Joli�nson to approvc the iasuance of the �ioLlow3�a�T�,��ee7,,�ptie;r,�;L�q�. � License • � ,� �u �� � � � �� �„ , . ,�,i'� „`.f����� ��,",, Frank'e Ueed Cars by: Fxank aabrelcik '- �;,�;�7 �, ,��-s;R�newB1 � �, 5740 Uitiivess5 �y Avenue N� E. 59�3 3rd Str,eCb I4�.��@���. ��ti''„�f 't ��, � I'r9dley� Minnesota 551+21 E'ridley�'�M1��Fieg,ota�4yi,hK� ��4.�; �� � �f 7�;r" �;� ��,�r,���� �',��� � � �� J� . �,, , � , Seconded by l371E�ridanti IIpon a voice vo�e� �here bein�'do' n9�y�s'r �itk�e���motian �� carr�ed unar.tmously. � . ' "''e^�i ^ 'i' x I,; : , ' iI `i , , ' , - J�,' ,iq� ; i , Mayor Nec announced �he remainder of the licenses 'to� l�e �opt'�s�3�dermd� �'eY' �' �� Cit Counc�l �ac�34n. , ' � `',` �,x"� ' " ,� � Y � ��r � ,s� ' `' �',l�'i�;j � �� � � � �� � �t � � � � �' ��a�`',}'� �.t��� � ���,�,��„ �, Motion b,y Jo����neon'to approve the'issnanee �o� tlte,l3o''�AA�s�I' �i�, �kqs�;,pa$es�, , � 58 throu�h 6:L of the� �Agenda Por the,-Regular Council I��ti "!����`''�, '196�i � on fi 1e in the offiqe oP the C1ty Cle�1t. Seaonded,' 1?y;�k�e7�9,��,�:� �T�p'on �� ' i' N� ��� voice vote� +,here being �no neys� th�, �motion oaTFiedzutlail�.m4i�au1^�, �'� �; F,�,,', � ; ��'�' i%9 � � i �}i � , i.� ' � � � � t�nt,. . tq„���; � PETITIONn: � ��s, �Rw��a�;u�v�ro,�,iq���'II� � ���� ' �i ,�,, '� � � � �'a�S;',�al���J,��id�'R'�irtai�s'�'��i,l��,� ;��i'(�,,�,���7�� � � � R v,l ��� t �.p '+�, Mayor Nce annaunc�d'for���ouncil consideretion pe�itibtlH=�f���Yd�,texe'��89we1�,.�'��,�i�� �, ,�� � lsterals �nd si;rQ�t suriacing. Z'he Ciiy Managex ind`��s'tigd��,�P�;�}a;ei,�C'�.,�yfCouuci7 � � wished to take 3etion on these, they could proceed at��e,`'�a�,��r���CB' Yi� ��r,, Mo��on by Sheridan �o recelve and auihorize adminiatretion'�o��x,0cess Pe�itions ft1F,-1�>>i nnd {{ L%-196�E. Seconc�ed by Kirkham. IIpon a voice voie� "�here being no n�y�� the mntaon cerried un�nimously. �� � COi9SSDTsP,(1TT0] f Ol� CAANGE ORIIFR N0. ? FOR PLUML3ING - F7R� STATION: �' NIa}ror Plec� announced for Couecil acLion a Ch�n�e Order xegarding the F3re ;;{;at�on. C�ty Lingineer qureshi presented the plan for the'plumbing re�arding th� Ch�n�;e Order. The City Mana€;er explained to the Citq Cduncil,this had been Llir_ l�st clr�win�? presented and explaiiied Lo them the rangh,in pJ.umbing p]nnne�i and the corridor connecting �he area above ground. Moticm hp Johanson to adopt Change Order Number 2 tor the Fz�idley Municipal Fire S1„-�I,ion Improvement Project. Seconded by K�rkham� Upon a,voice �rote� therc� h�ing nr� nays, the not�w� cti�°ried un�nimously. I ORDINANCP F;`i'ABL�rSI�] PTG REGiTLATIONS FOR R�ACFI: , � M�yar Nec arinounced an orrlinance for Counci] coi�sideration establishing regu- _ latlon� for thc municipr�l batliinr, beaches� this to benome a part Of the City Code, Councilman Wrzght st�ted the Recreatlon Commission in eollaboration with the Parks and Pl�yground� Sub-Committee had drafted an ordinance and subm�tted iL to the City Attorney who had returned same and it he,d been approv- ed� thai, t1i7r na� tt2e ordinance re�dy for Council aa�ion. ,� � � � , � � � �� �' � - �' � . . � � � �� �'zi ° : e, e� iM; ;i �' , � , , i �;,'� �� � � � I " . , i �, i,�,. ��� ' I � „ 'tk��`i` i Wri� I ~�DL1C8 `ae.7'ea �i He f `EQ�C , , ., . r.t+vt � �� `��� i'„ .� �. �I� I .°«'�Y. "' � �'^ ��. ��MC � �,; p!} mc RF. o��l _! pI� 1�8Q� � �� I pe � t•!V Yi I and bY , K11 , Ir , � ��^�'}yGpQW, •i,�oaln , , i .� S'� M� #� � . �� �< � � i ��.7 •��.. i�,� i i ' � �14�•,�_�'iiA`�IsJ'a'H � ' "'�,,�'t,t�i"3n�>,k�'r'�, . I� he a��� �� � L� Zw ��`� , ' ;#�< � I :;`i. �'�, ' I �� � '���+P���; � � , I I � ' ; I � , �,� �e �oh,�pctled� to �tem� 2 oP �he 'ord,it�'a,nce �r�qerding artii'icial'' �'i9�s,tated it 'se��ped'to him eve2ythingt�n the ordinance � �t���o� other 'pepp},e� �and was � qu�'�t�r'� �overe �. Couneilman' � ,��s��he recomme�3c�s�ion of ttie;rRe�',�ross, that in public I s � . ��t't1�,ici�al', flpat�tion device�,lbe�',btinncd. Mayor Ne� � ���SP'th'e"ordin'anc�e��was devoted�to p�otea� one persor� ixom n;"�right Irepli.ed ,�his was consistent w�,th all the think- b'�o tkie ordinatrc�;`that mos�"of the�,oxdinances are des3gned, 3'a 'from �;i�tseli: ,,,,Councilman Sheridan � b�it;ed he questioned p�rvised'Swimming Section" and the Life Guard being able ;�"ihe Leach erea. Cpnncilman Johanson indir,ated he did not top�enyone from sw�;mm3ng without pxpper Quarclians. Coun- 1glned'that during swimming instruction pro�raras they �u,t �during open swifiming t}�ey wou7,d' not be. The City ,'�o,the City Council they had e l�ability r�roblem when they 9aeh=;and this ordihance only oovered ,�he ��art of the 6each i^�apervise. ,, I i���- �� �� ' F � �!!,� s�eif someone�did�comeeinaand viol�te�l.herrulingfthey� lTOperly, for instanGe an age of 12 yearr; ai, ]east the "1�hdePcna,e that �He„ rulee and reguJ,ationa ,hasd been v�o� kieri'dan �inquirg�i�iif they �etually'eo�ala tAl,e �, lake �tliat � ��¢hb�`6ta�e �nd��;�taI�e�, a�"poxtiarl�� oP't��'s�'publio proper�y r�nd �;1i��set4ch���,as� thie�,ordin�nre refexs �to. , Councilman Wright �,y,Fs�i�dl�ey pwtys the'�wa�ter Tron�� and�.�j,t vra� not public bo 11nen �her�Adan asserted that whethez;thCs laou]ra eliminatP �k�,�.��-+�hey� did�'nq%}knom. It wasi, eac�lr�lned ry Counci].man ��4 P1"er�nde�bf'havin'�"publdc lat�d�,�k�a6�,l�efore you anuouzlae ,,�rLa theie is l�p',need �o do thi� typt: of thin� but �'ris'�a paxk���$is'says�it beeomes��a� oPficia] recreation o�f Frldley becomes lioble ior the people who come to fit. ed'this ordYnance �ives the City af Fridley tlie �trength N�.,��� �� � , � , � iLiii��sta'LE�d the City ,Counc3l *�ould t?atre'tp est�blish rules �t� �tontxol the beach� ,;�hat he did no-t th3nk ihMia intei�fered 4'70}i8nson"s statement ithat anynne�is free to strtn� anytime as �"thi% w�' i;rue. Counetlman Johanpon �inc�u;t�^ecl tii1��c� o�7ued the ��& �ra�e�.line ten f6et la�ck. O�,ty,p��oxney umith inquired �`�bh�rison� was'ref,ert'�ng �o zras �Yi'a��,^no�nebody ��11c� liv�s on dI�"y�"t�R+dm on C�eira ow� land. Coun,ci7Ultir� WriESht exPlained �61+�of tWO�ordtnan¢e���the C3ty Council wou�.d ba recejving ordtnanc'e would govern parlcs ❑nd the conduct of people using iatil�rl,q ithe rules that these were taild lar�de Gnd arter �#� ,'y�.would now Yi�ve to ktava an ordinance an pnr};;; on the � ing bOa�H� ;bhat he did,feel �hin was nece�sary mkien Co�}�o11ed ,erea. , , � i �` `�'�,�, �� � � � � � 3odb�q,tahle the ordinance establishing�regulations for be�eh �,byeKir�Chram. Upon a voice vote, there bein�, no i�ays, the z[ianimously. ' , << � r.�.� '_,S'ua. . � � . � i e � P�P,Iai7:��10�L� i+ ,,� � Yor Council co�s�,der,atton � re„olutaon rece�.v�n� preli_minary iona,''end ordering a hearin� and informed the Council i.hey reppx� sepaxately, ,S �;,�p',.a, � � , �:., sori,to edopt Resolution ;�85-1404 recei�l3ng pre]i��nnary plans On9�and calling a public hearing on the mat.ter of' the con- rta�.Tt lmpxavements; Water and ;ewer Projept No. 57. Seconderl pon a roll call vote� those troi;in� r�ye� Ne�� Wx•i�;ht� Sheridr�n� on: ;Those op,po�ed� none� The motion earried unnnimously. �� � � , � � 19��R'�IVING PRELIMTNAEtY PLANS ANA SP�CIFICP.TIONS A1� OFDER- ��S �f f 4 �, � � �,� � �!�, ; ,,,� � �� � � Ma;�o�� ade. .�niio�iilced ror Coiinctl con9idero�:ion � reaolution xe'ceiuing �x•el�mu�azy pLans and �pec�fications and ordcrang a'he�Fi:b�"�,on,Storm Sewei� ��G`3. '1')�e CtLy I�`,�na�,er asscrte�i to the City Council the Fit�an�e Of�icer; wSshed to ]��ve cllscu.�ic�n re].ab�ve to the a�sessment proCedAY'es,'oR'�hib item. The P�nance 0Ci'tcer e::p�ained to members oi' the City,Counc3i� they ehould dzscue� ,71'a�°o,�, at'I'eeted �o L-l�at hF• could dPterm�ne�rwhen or if,he should prep��re � rnll . IIe furl,I�er r;;plsinPd ttiat I(;em 1 on Ely >tree� wa,s first fi�u°ed :�1, �3,�7 per lOD snunre teet, i;h�t on �nother wh3ch was Hillcre,t Dr�ve tYi�rr. �„�r �� her+ring ticlrl beiore �nd it laas turned down ior cpn�truct5on � re�son�. b1T•. Sce Comstocic� coneulLin� �n��neer, explained�there was a petition for �1 FLreet iTnprovement in thzs area. The C3ty Manugex repl3ed they � conldn't T�ut �n the street �a�i,hout the st.orm sewer and the residents in `� Lhe aren hn�9 �anr�eretood thnl;, The Fin�nce Oi'f�.cer nlso 3nquired x'egardin�; the ]ii�e ou Ir�tr}iw�y ��65 and tlie fact it vros a 21F inch line. Mr. Comstork repli�d �.hcy verc not pr�par•ed to make a firm recommendation to the,City Counci] a� to vl�ether this storn� sewer 1ine.was necessa�y`tb''bg eonstructed at this t�me as they sti11 h�d not reccived l;he grades from,'the developers' entrin^rr rmd ti�Yien tl�ry had rer�ived thls and i1; was proces9ed� they Wou1d malm ��1�t�rminaf,ion or recomm�n�ation zs to 4�hether it wae necessary at tivs t�mE�, ile er.plained Ide othea• problem associated with this �ine was tlie �aci; i,l��t the construction contemp]ated is mos�ly 24,inch pip� &nd in the �f21+ Pro,�eci, so that iL wou]d take council polacy estabZishment,bx oonsiderotion �nd a9nce i,he property cias not �eveloped at the time�'�the° e�ristruGtion�did rioL i,�ke �lace. Mavor Nee �nqtzire��l of Mr. Coms�ook the d�i'i�rence,in „ �ervice 1.etiaeFn a 21� inch T»pe nnd � 2.1 incli pipe, Mr. Comstock repl3ed that �i]1 i,?»y ltad on the propert}� now �ia� th� r,nnLemplated zoning and �f it wa�, actu�lly �3eveloped in accor�lance wlth the pre�en�1_zpaing and usin� a b0�i rLm-off fact,or� the,y had to conuider a 24 inch 1ine. �'he C3ty,Matiager' inq�iirc�rl ir the City Counci.l coulrl pass the resolution 3n question'subject to a}�relimrnary assesament roll. '1'he PiL7ance Offic2r Stat�d ano��er guestion uas if t,h� ]ine under Stem K c1i�i �;o in, he t�as not certain'who would benefit b�� i l nn�i ,nm�ired if thcr� vould be a draina�3e distrdet. Mr. Comstock rep.l_�e�9 �t 3�cquired some 1;k�ou�;ht on LY�e part of the City CoUncil concerni_n� paet� �rocc�rit an�t Pnture policies on the matt�r. Councilman Sheridan i state�7 r, ;,i�cat deal of ii �ould depend on hov this la�d in question develope. b1r. Com�l.ocl; replied� at this point, the,y were not certain hoW th3s J Land i,o�_i] d bc developed, tliat lt Vtas previously considered 'ti ,gre'ater percent��;e oP the area would �;o to 75�h �venue and if the properby 8id' develop in a manner uhere it eotiild go to Old Cen�ral� the��d�pe��size cou2d be rerluc�ed. h?r. Comstock su��estrd to members oP the City'C�outt'c'il if they could d�]z,y i.t�is ma�ter unL-�7, they rec�ived tbe final. `�rades, in the service road �1'i ectr�rl� i�, ��ould be �a2se. �`� „!' � � �� Cou�icilin�r� SJiie�°id�n inquirerl re��rding Itiem 4 of -�he Notice,�oY. $earing on Moore I,�ke T(tills 2nd Addition if the asees�ment would ba spread dVer 'the cnt�r� nre� and 3f at o�ould t�lce care of all o£ Mom�e'Lake��il,1s." Tha P'�nanc� OfFicer replied he �9id �ssume the arc�'asseased_wouTd ,b,e'only the ere� sl�ovri on tk?e m2p� Mr. Comstock expl�ined, �ha� pbesently; mo�t of the roiates f��om LUe area drain� into a present facility [�nd in the heavy run-ofS it �roes La Old Centra7., th�t, � t would mal:e no diPferance in the �de5lgm o� {,1�c facil�ty tind the coet 7s basically tbere. �t"� � Motinn by Sohrrnson to �delete from the �fficisl� Pu�i�.'i�at3otiy��No'�i�e' �o�' Hearing on ImprpV�m�nts, :�torm 8ewer ,1'roject �68 ItedA'�j.8i4d��c,prlrec� �the coet in �rcordflnce therewitti, Seconded p,y Sh�ridaeaz,t',UpQ"t�,;a-,,'voiee�vot'e, theie bPin�; no riaye,, the nioi,ion carried unat��.mously,; � �' , � , Motion b,y Johz3nson to adopt Resnlution ��36-1�6tF receiving preliminary plans and epecifieations and calling a public hearin� on the matter of tj�e i constritction of certain lmpravemints, Storm Sewer �68 with„c�ates to be ' I insPrtr�3 b,v I,l�e City Man�ger. Seconded b,y Wri�ht. Upon e',�roll call I _,_; vote� 1liose wting a,ye� Nee� Jol��nson, K�rkham, Sheridan� Wxight. Those opposPd, nnna. The motiur7 carx•zerl un.�nimously. � � �, ;; �°' �ol�� � � � �� � � � °I � � , � � �.��� ORbERING PRELIMINAP,Y PI�PTu AND SPLCIP]CA�P10D10 - �., „� ., . � Mayor Nee'einnounced a resolution ordering preliminary plan, and specifica- tipns on Me�dowmoor Terrace for Council conszderat�on. Motion'hy Sheridan to adopt Resolutian (�87-1464 arder�ng prel�rninary pla�e� specifications� cnd estimetes of the costs thereof; l•ial,er� Nani6ary � Sewex,and'Sd�onm"8ewer No. 6g� Meadowmoor Terrace. Secondad by J�l�c�nson. Upon a voice yote� there being no nnys� the moi.ion c�rr�ecl un��iiimousl,y. � RESOLUTION �#88-196�+ RECEIVING PRF,LIMTNARY RT;PORT AND ORnI�,HII�TC, ]lEInRTNiT - ecr et n . " Mayor Nee aAnounced a resoluttion receiving �� prellm�i�ax•y anc] or�lrring � publ3c heeSing on certain improvements. The Cii.y Manager explairie�l to the City Couneil the est�mated cost of the project ��as �f;n�000,n0 �ind the ossessment roll had been prepared. Mot3on by Johenson to e�iapt Resolution ��38-19G4 receivinz; the pre.l�minax�y repoxt and'ce113ng,a publir hearang on the m�tter of tYie conetruct�on of certain impxovements; Weter� uenitery Sewer �nd Storm Ses�er 11ro. 69, Seconded hy Kirkham. Upon � roll call vole� those votin� �n�e� 1Jrc� Wright� Sheriden� Kirkhara� Johanson. TlioGe voLing, n�ay, nrmr. 9'ue motion carried unanimously. '�� �u�. -1964 RECEIVIPTG PRELIMINARY P7�ANS ATT➢ SYECIPICAT70DiS AND - ;.i'1' 1`-)biF-l: Mayor Nee nnnounced a resolutlon receivin� pie]iminary plaus anrl :_peciFi- cations and ordering a public hearing an the constxuct�on of �mprovemenl.� for Street project No. ST.-1964-1. Motion by Wxight to c�dopt Resolut,ion ��9-lyGli recelvin�, 1.7�� Pi�c•1_iruinary report and oalling � puU1�c heorJn�; on tlie mULLer of' i;lie� cunst,ruri,�uzi of nertaiA'impz'QVements� �'trE•eL Praject Wo. ,1L. 14G1a-1. �lrcandc�l Ly uheridan. U�on e ro1]. cell vote� tt�ose voLinF; �n favor of i.li�- iesuluiion, Nee� Johanson� Kirkham� Sheridan� Wright. 9'hase o�posed, Pdoiie. 7'he: motion'carr3ed unanimouely. � RPs�OLlTPTON ,�90�1961{ DIF�CTI]VG I�SUANCE OP 'PI�IMPORARY BOND;; - �1-?11 _ Mayor Nee announced for Counc�l coneidFrat�on a resolutlon �li�cctii�� �,1�� issuance of temporary bonde on W1ter Impx�ovrwent P1o, 3!F. Motion by Johanson to Adopt Resolution /�90-19�4 directing th� issuance of Temporary Improvement Bonds in accordance ��� tli Laws of ]957, Clie�pi,er 3�5� Water Improvement No. 314. Seconded 6y Z7riglit. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrted unanim�us]y. RESOLUTION'�1-1964 DIRECTING SALE APID PURCBASE OF TEMPORAftY I�OND� - W-3�+: Mayor Nee e2�nounced for Council con�ideration a resolut3on directin� the sale'end purchase of temporrary bonds on Water Improvemeni, Pzo7ect No. 31i. i Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolutian �f91-]9E4 directing the �ale arid purehaee o#"'Temporary Improvement Bond in accordance with La��s oi 1957, i Chapter 38$�� Water Improvement Pro}ject PIo. 31+. 6econded Uy ICirkham. Upon a vo3ce vote� there be�n� no nays, thr-_ motion carried unnru�r�ously. RESOLUTION #92-1�64 APPROVING COQP�FtATIVII AGitIlEMEN'l 534`�`� {'PlI h'(^,,;): Mayor Nee ennounced a resolution to approve � cooperative a,xecmcnt wii,h the State of Minnesota and stated �his ofiers the splil. �n p��yiriec�t Mx•. Comstock� consulting engineer� had referr��l „o previously. 9'Yie Cit;� Maneger explained to �he City Council the r'igure i,he Stale oF M�nneeota would prov3de according i,o tlze communic�Lioii i�as �29,2b8.�� an�l thE � �� b �� r �� , � portlon oF thc City af I'ridley on the named pro,7ect woUld be $141,998.143. Ci{,,y P,n� ine�r q,ur��hi expla ined to the City Council the mat}1�eT �j�e� State oi M9nn�ent�v h3d arrived at, 1,}ie CiQure. Mayor Nee asserte�`'��le's�S13t in cosi on i,lic� construction would i,hen be appro>:imately 16`� f,oT'the StBte and (i4�o Fm° I^'r;d]�y, The CLty M¢nnger sta�,ed Ehere �was a communication lrom t1�� contultinp, engin�eiE and the City Lngineer regarding ttie egrePment anii Lhey feel this ls the beet 3ca1 the C3ty of Fridley caq makc. p, Motion b,� Jotzanson to adopt Resolutian ��92-1�6l� authorizing, theexecution of � Coaper�ilve Abreemeni, 53�+95 regarding S.P. 0205-12 (Trunk Highway ���F7). �Seconded by Wright, Upon a volce vote� there be3.n��na nays� the _ rootion r�rr�e<1 unan�mously. � � RESOLUITO� /I93-19C4 PIRF;(.'4'TNG PREPARATION OF SUPPLEMENTARY A$SESSMEN7' ROI,L - �,S �'x S -2+: � � � �; � M�yor ilPe announced a reso]ui,ion Por Council considerat3on directing the prepai°aL-ion oC a supplement�Ty assessment roll on Storm and Sanitary : euer 7mprnvPment Pro,7ect Pio. 24. Mr. CharleN �, Johansony co�ttractor, tnnuire�7 ti�hn�. was m�ant by �,�',upplemenLary I?oll. The City��Man�gCr � rerlt�d the area had nr�i, b�en assessed fu]ly. The Finr�hce,Offi'cer'stated 1,1ie Hn1 i�lay Ilills �rea �n quc�si,ion had no �esessment fior Projeat 24� Lh�l Lhr i�ho12 PTort]7 end of' Lhe City oa� givcn � pari,ial se�er, mein a�^�s°m�nt; also� th-�t 20c'� f�et, of Iiola�lr3y lJiJ_1„ wa� ¢seeesed and had no Furthei- ��r,e�sm�nt pl.aeecl on i� since l�jt;. It was explained tbat� , �pp��reni,]y, �1, uaa contemplaLed i�o ptck up that arc0 at some��'utUr,e tim�, Ccr,mcn7man Johanson ^e�erted thai� �ahat i,he Finance OfficAr� was say- in� ihc�n �,�r, Llii�t to begni ���tlt t12e fSc�liday Pil7s area was not a5sessed bec��is� it hcaln't l�een pl�t�nec� to use Lhe UutverslLy AYenUe inain line. P�lr, Cl,rrt�, �lohnneon �tal�r� l�i�, que?1.�o3z ��ow tias why had it taken two ,yoar,, of lih�cL the F:olielr,y� T'1a1. was in er.ictence� to assess tta�.s pro- perLv ; n�l n,:;n't il; conci-tentl;,� the pr�licy ot' the City at the time a �le�elo�,mcni. ��onr_ into 'ao asGess the malns at th�t time, The Finanee 01': � ��� � ep7 ied that nortn�ll;� � t tlte �ccep�ance of a pla� they have never l�vi��l a^�c°rments i�h�th�r p7�l,ted or unpl�.tLed� :�t ie WhGther it,is �- b�ucC��c�1 Ly tlie districi,. Councilnian Sl�eridan etated that probably th�� r��nson tlus aren �,aas overloul:ed �aas thot the facility wt�e put in bti� b'�� Q�v��luper �nd noi, tho C3ty oi PYidley. N�. �ohanson replied I]��.rr• ,��meQ to �save be�n some a7r.�n� rinents m�de ln Holiday Hill.s not m��7� e�lc-i�ll�re� i,hat a= tl�� ori�inel c'EV�loper �aas deceased he had no ��ay o�' ]:nrn�tng what had te}cen pl�ce and tber� was nOth$,ngk;,it� writin�� i,h�t� l�o I��d ��nt hecn �.o]�l ond �aanted tu lci2cm if this was �Y1 the sto�m ��we� �7zrrizc� �rev�ous]� ���cussed. Thc Pinnnce Oi�ieer°�replied it :�- n��i. P9r . r,���-�i,�n,� i�icataired iP � t woul� be ie�eonahle for the City park pro- �z�r�+,�� �i^-• kr� rtreet Ptiom 1io]�day Iiil)s I,o pny i;he storm sewer cost� r,��n. C�,nn� i1�ri.n� Joliau�on rep7�ed �bnrni se*�r�rs sre a�sessed on a� � 1��� Pnoi� Yo• 1� nn�l t7�o �;�i•,y c�f Pridlc,y sl.ould pay tbeir Shax'e. Ntr. �fol� �n�n�1 �t�ied i,l�ere v�:��� a 1�tetal in tl�c es•e❑ also ahd inqUired iE ti�o �-n•i� propei^Ey ��otiild pay � po'r�ion oY the cost in �he same m&nner, T�-r P uze�ii� c Oi'tice2 rep1� eci +be etorm a etaer was �u't in by &, �riYa,te c1�v�,]c�,cr. r�Ir. ,7ohhnson Curther in�tinred iF �he City oi Ff'id].ey �ron1d li�,� �°or the curb on the s�de oi' Llic pork propexty.,, Mayor Nee r��,���ri {,Y,F� Ctf,y �t�ould pt�y For zt. St taae mentioned by,.Mr. Johanson tin I,h� e,mc ar,a hc had tvo lot= thaL wonld not, be able to'be served� b�� th� ,s��omr- znd inquired tif these lot� waizld be assessed�,ior main � ���•v�c��. C�iancilro�n Toh�i�eoei rep]ied iI' ttley cou7,d not b�e serv�.ced} ttiey r_rn�1�1 not b�� aee�ssed. _ Co�me�lman Sheridan etated he had been untier the� �mprec�ion the City h3d gone acroee the board on main assessmente. Mr. Soh�n�on exp7.�ined tYiat on� of �LF nininU that wenL across�the park p�°op�i°ty �,ro�ild have becn deep enotz�;h so Lhat these lots ctruld haae been iieecl 54���,�or Nce iisquixe� l�o�� far t,elow level these lots, in, qtYe'st�on were. Tt�� F,n�nce OfCicer explaine�7 tu i,he Cit,,y Council'there were a�Pew parcels alonf= the Mississippi Ri�>ex° that �aerc below Lhe bank anyl,��hey;wexe not a^.«,^^Pr7 ?'or sewer only u'ater. ihe City M_�nager inquir2d if'9ov�e of the propFrtS� along tlie riv�r vra,n'� assessec�. The Finance O�Pioer r,ePlied � � � , �,�:•. , F;>k �s �,�,��� � � ' I' ,'�, �����'�k,��3 3��" �, ��},�y � i d I , i��o'�'� i , �� I � i' ��i � � � ;I�� a �� � ' � � � � , � N, "" � 'y 'i` � , i , i 4h^ e 1 ' I"r���� "4 ��h�y�t����� �s��d wup tio the� edge , of° Che, bank. �, 'F,'. _ri-.„.,,.,,d,�. s,.+�,«..„.xn,� wa r �i a i � i � ,� ' i .�i�iti`.5iv`vI"�`l'"�e}� � I , ���� NJs o,r'�1�e4��' "�ed�, tha'�� NIr. ��Charles Joh�nspn was not, arguin�; tihat fIoliday '`°;';��d'�+>�i�� ��',�y���a�ri� �ntereeptar' 8ssesement and'�i inqutrc�d if i,his was � =��;4���v�«�� s,ti �' oa{2}eplied',he �,was �iot, tha� the argument was Why it hadn't � ""`'�"�-beeri`���i,1e�`� i� �ier. `� Tk1e �'3�na�ce' Ofi3cer explained �he� o�her prc�,7ect k�ae �',� ,;�,"no'k,'�8'pi�e"9ki'=a�'on the bapisl of,�cos�� ,thiat if the construct.ion index �oere used � � ixp iitit?.`�,a,����5'a`; 3t mou7.d� pome'to .47�rather i,han the ,25 fit;urc u�ed. Mr. �I "� Jo14'8��dt��`s'�a�ed he had �� t�, s�atement th�t rePerrec� to a s�orm s°i�er �,'K e�s�L��B���%�`"•City �ttor�ey Smith explained the; constructlnn cos{,❑ would "` h�d9��F^i'���� f3gured�,at the construction date of when the 7a�:era]s went � int0�`the,'�i�'� �e'rdeptor and �he faci thet the City didn't do ,i� r�hou7dn't inCTease��t�e conetruction rate; that h� did think the loi, that the qity engl�er certifies are 'not serviceable at all� he didn't see Yioi� the ci'ty'o�p,T1"1ci��3Claim they benefit but' it wa,� necessary, to p��e>;i on it. b4x•. � �'Jo�18il9dri� �i���UitCed that as , the me in�� was put in two years px•ev� ous end se�vice9"i�ej.d�y Manor Additfion� would the City Counei� use a rliffcrent "�nTa�te�k�eTe'�$en in�Melody Manor. A;discuesion nf diifereni. raL-ec was held with,Mr: Comstock e�ating the water portiqn of the area z�a� on #3�+ PrpjeCt. 'Councilman Sheridan inquired ii the Pinance Officer wanted „ dixeo'�ion'��'rom-tho ,City Council relative on how to preparc� the �ssessmer� .�����'�a7.b�S�°Ea�.d��,`�`$311�6 at �he time of the construc�i;on date and �he same " "I"price a�,,��e',a9ge8ament on Melody,Menor. � � � , �j, �s,';' ��� �i�i,'"MotdO�"x����h�rldaii��tHat the C3tyTre�sures ie c�u�horized 6o prept�re an ', ,A;s'p'��i�tQ1i'�',, �'1.�;:Ffo'I�' Holiday Hi11s Using the Figure of .45 per 100 square � � � ", r fe�t�� �l9 F.�. � � .�d3're,a^� ^ Satii�laz' park,s�pr , � rep�ie,d 'Mx'. `Oon i�,om Tx Mi�hnes,a '� � con�eh� I, � me in' wA eid'epti , tek� ca Wrigh�; 3optnent wae alr ��l �a's��esment on the sewer malns�and'adpp� Resolution �93-l�E�li �3 ���'�arat�dn of °a Supplementary Assessment Holl ior Storm and 's�w�r�Improvement Froject No. 24. Mr, Johanson inqu�red if the a�ty would pay their share on this rol]. The Flnance Officer de'alnount asse�sed did not make up the cost of the s�nitary se4rer. bCksstB�ed �here was a strip about 200 feet �o�de runnin� East f�:$,1$hway ��+7 which applied to the erea Soixth oF the Old 'T,��n��er Tracks and if that Eovers the locice ProperLy, it was ���+��t�, stri�p �be assessed. Mr. �7ohat�s'on aaserte:d �ha� particulr�r ��1sYgtited b3g enough to take care� of that if it Yrae used as re- ` Mr.,Comstock explained 'the conduit �:� oi suffir,ient size to •�'Of the proposed intercepter over to ftighway {�65. Councilrr�r�n c�uired 3P that same,main were going to serve edditionol deve- a,[1d �+as told it �iould serve only Melody Manor and that service 3� 3n. � : �., The mot10� authoriz�ng the City Treasurer to prepare an Assessment Roll .� Yor HQ11�d�'�,$ille and adopting�Reaolution �f93-1964 was seeonded by `, CoUt�ci3.ma i;rkha�l. Upon a voice 'vote � there being no na,ys, the motion `" � 8srr��d��1��imotaelg• • ' '' .�`J_ ,��^ �����' , � . � i � , Mot'1'on � � � � he�r�isi� � .�r � 8��;�2�� ';. � f%� �Xpl�"'�� an3�'�b'i�, Memdi3'a �i. �'ll i flay �1�;� " Tegular ,I , �Mqtion heas�.Ag SeW�x' I. ,, 19C,4.� � � � � � � �' �i%'��,�;' . IIFARING ON SUPPLEMENTAftY ASSliSSi�;NT ROLL- , `tlounc�dl'a'resolutioq d3recting a hearin�3 pn a supp]ementary o1L for,aouncil approval.. ; , � hanaon to adopt Resolution #94-1964 diroctin� publirction of ropoaed,Supplementary Aesessment Roll for Storm �nd Sanitary em�nt Project No: 24.�Secanded by Sher3dan. The City Manager th'e City Council he h9d not inserted the d¢te for the hearing gge'ist that as June ls� is a le�a1 holiday taking th= place of � that it would sppear iT they took Council action on th�t be', questioned and June 2nd could be set as the date of the ing and the date of this hearing. , u' i haYtsOn to adopt Resolution �9�E-1961+ directing publication of xopbsed"Supplementary Assessment Roll for Stox�n and 6anitary emexxt,;Project,,No. 24 with date af,hearing to be June 2nd, ded'by Kirkhom.' Upon a voice vote� there being no nays �,he �d�uYsanimously.� i � ����' � � � � �i� -. i� � ,'�, ;;n,, .� � � I � , �� � �' � �'� �� �� RPSOI,UT7bN D7:RECTSNG PREPARATION OI" � � ��� � , , ��� � � �i� �� , i . ' " � ' '" in � � �� ��� _��� � '', i � ��QRt�4F:A7T�:A'�fi]T.T. _ ST_ �1CYFi".?'��ll� 2A 2B; � �,,, .�� �i, r i � , � � � �C'„" „s ��r���,, , � ' � �', ��� ���'��� a., v� � ,m " I I' �, � i Mayor Nee announced For Council�consider��ion a�resolt1t1'8n-t9ireet�'ng the pre�araticn oi' Aesessment Roll £or street pro�eete �an`d'��H'����a i��t.�Wae � �ssiamed t,lle Finance OfFicer wanted��direction on bh3,s �i;tem:� �tiThe �Finance Of ficer �explained �o the City Counci�. they had � 8epe,T&ted��lt�iet �Te�s`��� I�hat aome have e�ecial problems and ,�h,ese were kept, ap6rit. �,�'1'kle���b'��S''ariti � xeesons �'or separating the areas.were explaihed�by;,th�l„�'�,�at1o�'�,OiEicer,' , and he furt�her expla3nefl the reason'h3e departmentliWanYedid�,��ctiqri on hou to ��x�epare the roll wa�, as an example, the Miiirie§0't�,^.Oti'taxio Company prc�party. � „�b�lE;i,l'� � , � � , ��"1, � � � ���r,�'I'S,�ddt�,l �.,��� � �� � �� Motyon h•,� JohanEOn to adopt Reso7.ution �{94-1964 d�rectittg'ppr@pera�3,'on, �, �� oC Aa�eesment roll for 19C�2-1, 5962-2A �nd 1962-2B� S'trea�Ilm��'�ovemetit �; acr,ordin€; to the outline sul�mi�tefl �on pagea llly�"�,S12y' 3��GO�"���:iie,�Agend9 of Lhe M�y 4� 19C4 meeting on fil,e in the oYf3ce oF'�li�,'�C��.tiy Cyl�exk:� Seconded b,y Kixkham. Upc�n a voice �votr� the're, bejng nD'j�h6ys� �,tY}e ^�totion corr�ed tmanimously. � ' � „ `, �� ,� p��� ��� ,; � "'� � � � �,�, R]�;E;OLO'1'T.ON �f ��-1964 DIRECTING S�ARING ON AS�iE9SMEN'�'��� �n` 5T': ��`;�1g�2-1,��, 2A, 2T3: � ' � ' , °r,f , ` � ,� , „ „, i „�,,�, ;,, h"ot�on b,y Johanson to adapt Resolution i�96-1961+ dlxectin�li�ubl'iCSt3on � of hr or�ng on propoaed Aesessment Roll for Stree�� ImpxoveMe��;fl'�'o;j��0,t ', 19C�2-1 and ]962-2 with JunP 2nd as date oi hearistg.' Sec�o�d@d,'b'y,�5her3dan. Irpon s voir_e vate� there being no nays� the motton•;¢arr3'sd'°unan�7Ylously. � ,i,K�j� �' � � � . 1� ,�i,; � . � ,� � Tlie ➢'�n�eice pSficer explainer� to the City Couneil that ,le�,t� i'��11�'�they � �aere ��,o2n� i,o adopl, a sLOrm sewer assessment and it ha.d'b�eLl held off on tliat ah�essmen� because thera wes some storm draina,ge�,�wor$�,do,ne'„ and �t waf� to h�ve been combined. � ��� ', ^` � r �i Motion by Wri�ht that the _co9t.of s�orm drainage ,woz�k idone�,'�it1,19C2 atreeta of :�1,�55.00 be transPerred from 1962 Street SmprdvAm9n��E'�'ndjto�th� �� r'f53 Project. �, , r .^�econded by Stler3dan. Ul�on a voice vote�� there' b,2in�';t]d�rxlayye�,�,'��the' � � � nti �� �� � mot�nn aF)rried ullanimouely. � ' ' ' • `;';�7',�","`^1�`",;, i „ i z,�2zn�n7�; J�2 _ Fr�� s�TZOm� �� � ��G � �'��'°�,I , � „ ,l t 'te I'N� ddition 1 b ohaneon to a rove Partial� Pa ent Es �ma Q���I��u.�tx�, P�o ,a on ,y J p� Y� � �} �o tlie PLre Si�ai:�.on 1n Lhe amount of $11 784.52•t 1i6�;3����E��dxa"C� �i , Q '� �� � �'3 Compz3ny. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vqtey;t�'} 'i�b���iggnq''I �ys� � � �� i,}ie moi,inu carried unaniroously. � �+� , � � ',�� � ,��,.�i ' ' � i ��'" , � r ' 07'iLC�d BU.�T.PTE55: � , � ' �tih •w �'����.;�.^r� � .�ti `'�'n> x'„w I � � � Motion b,7ot�r�nson that June �?_nd ].96�+ be dosigtie�ted 8a;��,t�qg,p�'�.�'�t'��r�,�ular ', Y r n,eet�nq in the montli oF Swie.. Seconded b'y 9herid;an: VpOApa�''yQice vo�e� �, � therc l>eln€; no na,ys� i,bc motion carraed unanimously.� ; ���� „'��,' ��� i " °.I' ' r, � r�,,�, ; Councilman Wright announced that af�er careful co�sideT�j'tion,,�,�.Adi�hqugl�� xe�;crc7n�,� t,he amoun� of monios i,o be spent on�tYte',,Ent2rgeTa'Cy,iy��,'d��napce I for il�e Taork to be done on the �'9cing of��dthe Qitry'HG.11�',,It��p'Ci�re�lection l�e �9�d au��tion�that tl�ey should do �:his a'� a11 and �,id'=�iq,Pr�1.-.y'�h��t,'the �ii.,y or I'ridley has no ,7ust,ifiention on�apending.,abou#�;���400�QO���qr, t,lLr facin�3 of �h1s k�uilding. Councilman Kirkh&mista�ed��e CcSt�9urfiad vii,h Colane�lman Wright. The Cit'y Manager, irifoTm�(l;�kl@.���y°-�4Wn���'�`;��ey ti,�ou]�l nc�t match '�he brick to tbe.,�F�re 6tation, &nd"bh38 �5�18.�d��;'b�2n,,thg'° "' i„ rea7on Counci7.'S1leridan had rt�ised this Ytem 't'o'It����"���t�l"J "��`oucicii�'lman � Wright inquired, as they did paes the Emergenc�'Oxding.ncey' tit�re'�'t�ey' liable. Ci�y Attorney Smi6h replied theq� we�re'� no��:' ''�'�'�fi�"'�o-� "���' �'q; � � .�+ ��'„�d , , .� i � � "'��� S�� p,�i'�� � � Motaoi� by Wright �o,repeal the ac�ion pas's�d�,ae,�me���n�y'Q7'�3�aen'c,e.#2fi4', extencltnE, the a0n�raet with the D,. W. Haretaci Com�,'�iy'��'� �` ��C1hg�+the' I' � � I ' , n,*,s�, �`w.���,'���e�� �. �' �i� i �� , � , i���s�',I,i9 �'I i� I� � i. � n �, i N "'i J-0�i. }ey n J,ii�� ' ' � �Ir�����'� �; sl>��' , �` i, � ' ;er�i � � �i �,i � i � i ' �,�"^ �,+ 'i I � ' � `i�t n � � i' ' , �, ,� `r�� ' +� , i � , .�'. � i i�'� � � ��� i ��i �i � I ____i �� � f�i��'hnx��f�„�. �. i � � j� ��4 x' ` ( ICx ti�."��' 'a�1i;�j �,,� �ii�' �iF � -C�.ty,Ha;����M�mSe�couded b'y �Ki,rkhem. City Attoxney 5mith expla2aied 1Y2� ^ ' Cournk hg.v� . .rof„,,bk � ���' '�b� ,�;'��t� � � �,uc���,cne' Mayox°N� ' i�,tax�y,b � � t174y��.b' _ �� � , �' Uhd�� x?�a , reYa'c$n; Athe;k�� 'rhsjY �,1iai ; ��'as,.l�t'n� aeh'�oed� eee"s:"d; . ' � aeee�ite� �i � � � , ana'�'qTra, 1Qqk�%�'�1 �d`id ��"s��is; �i whe,t�er , `�there' hf �, i#' it ;vYe ox aa i e> s'mitl�'ra � � �o' �ay .j " � �PPn �.� " ord,i;�n�,�if '1'11'De�" 0� MaY4r��IQe the; worb b�.d�, ae ����5� ;� I� ykfo�itan,�t �3eCode� aY��E i�Cfl�e,al1,A�'�'�he eviergency.ordinance� that they Jidn't have fto pub- '�Ierg'�cy brdinaqce and thi� orould not have to be published. �'�4't`fg21�t' s�bt�ted I�h',i,s wa� �� ra�her la� use af the powers of �'�,,,`a,me't'gency ordipance. Counc3lm�n Sheridah �t�ted, in explanation �2'g¢Aa�";'ordinance� tb�at .he� had not , thought it would run ae �',monie��"otherwie� rie,w0u�d not have 6rought it up. Council- bori aQsez�ed,they'would hsve �o'do the refecinE; sooner or �]e�Ci,`j�y Manager expleined� the� reFacing 'equlfl he done any time �+oUldGaot be able to mateh the brick to,the Pire St�tion. �'9,tated it wes �ruaa, tha.t the Civic Center' wa�� a pr2orii.y laut y;,t+oyi'a ioox et t�e Citjr,Ha7.1 end the way it was developing� d,be asham�d',of th� 'cont'rast between it and the Fire Station 1yL meke Fridley lo,ok pretty sad and possiUly iucompetent to �"�he construction'of a Civic Center it they did not do the x, He f1u��her stated he was not convinced �t wa:; an abuse of @ACy, Ot�dinance and fGlt,they should proceed witki the manner 6d'gaay+.that he cpuld hot envision the City Ha11 bein�3 le£t �',ie. Councilman Wright replled he wished to add he was also f�the�City Hall,i� its present st�te but not to� ashamed to L'eTence ,in brick c'onsidering the price, Councilman Sheridan l�e'had been the eouncilman to bring this,item ta the floor ��he wlshed to see"the facing completed so that it would "one`building� that the expense would be here whether they G''or at the time of the development of the Civic Center and r, not'�the Civic C�nter were located here crould still mean �:to be'continuity. Zt was inquired by Councilman Sheridan "aontemplated these mo�ies would come out of ,the city revenue �nsion'oP tha contract w�.th the Fire Department. City Attorney Lied it'was contempleted by the ordi,nance that the city was Ls amount. �11'call Vote,for the repealing of the action passed as Fmergency '�,�26� thoee �oting in favor of' tkie motion� Kirlcham, Wright. �pUed�'aNee� Johansot7� SHeridan. The 'motiott iailed. ��r�,, ;, � � � � � 9ainquired oP �ity Engineer Qureshi if he had an estimate of `�to be done. City �ngineer Qureshi replied this uas �, Uase yreeented, end did not include i,he bricic. ^�'4Tohaneoq to enter intp' a contract with �the'D. 6d. Harsted ��#'�he`bseis of the base iSid in the amount oF $6,2Gf3.00. b`y�S�terY'dar�. ', Councilman Wright asserted tY�e emer�ency ordinance d"the amount should be only $5,000,00: City Attornry Smi�h 'to the City Couneil this could be amended in the emergr-nc,y �aad pBSSed by a majority vote. Upon a voice vate, those votzng ;�JphansOn� 5hexidan� Wright. Those votin� nay, ICirlcham. The ,��w,,WU;,;arried. � • � Mayor Nee inquired of City Attorney Smibh the content of the Lmergency OrdiTtai]aewyassed. City A`�torney Smith rep].ied Ct spelleci ouL the amergenCy"conetruction under,prqgress and compleLion, st�Led Lhe Qoiltxaetox �as available and gave a figure not i;o exeeed ;�5,000.00, � $e'� ex�i7:�!`ig&$�f� �he mation would be to amend �the qrdinance they should eay,�"not���to exceed �6,500.00": ' � �'��� �� �� � � � ��� t+�oti�bn "tSy, �Johanson to amend �mergeney Ordinance fr26�+ i�hich ic an ' Emexgeric� Ordinance declaring an emergency under City Cha�rter ;;eci,ion 3•,06"8T1$ �$eeti0n 6.06 a1loWing the ctty to contr¢ct for bricl, facin� of �� the Cit;y'��a�l au'thmrizing the appropriation of �^j,p00,0�, an�l p7ace �� $n��li�u��Hereof tt�e increased maximum of f�6,500.00. � d , ` �� SecoAdqd�,tiy 9heridan. City Attorney Smitli expla2ned to t,i�e C, ty Council t�t'el i"igt1�'e of ���5�000.00 he had tt�ou�,ht w�ulfl eaver the cor�cetivable cost q�thGly�,�'iiad�.a'� t}�at t�iue. City Engineer Qureshi stated t�hey� h��l .ome roudh � ea',ti2Gab�s',but the axchiL-ects Yiad changed to neu� �iindo��s and oL7ier 2ten�e ,�,�, ��and� this had �raised the coat.� Idpon s roll call vote f'oz° Ll�e sme�7din,� i ot� Emergency Ordinance �r264 thoae vot�ng in i'avor of the niotiun 1Vee� ° Sheridan} Johanson. 2'hose opposed, Wr�gbt, K�rl;ham. The mut,ion carried. �, 1l} g�} UU � �-� � � � �, � � � � �' ' � � „ � ,� p�ir�r' „ar k " , ',, I''� � i i� ' �i; �; � n � �tP1r� � � �n , � �� � °� �" � � Th� C�ty P9r�nnacr` explz�,3ned to t21u-i Ci�y �oundil �they� had� b���� �'us3,�l�',�a�� ° Fu � I I i� phot,o copy machine whiel� was usefl ex�eueivelya'tY�at', �he�,,�,1��,e,�;'�'h�d�� to � bt�,y � L or reLUrn, it or make � d�al'�u3,�h$tkle �er',Iox�r�min�;�pc,�P�����'�iY��r, rxpla�nc� tl�cy hnd bud�eted m�ney i`0�' t11is, pie�c�lp�',r@qtt�'�ipu�`�'dityt��°'i�ii^�"����r,' '� hrad n��, ba�u �xact.ly �e���n�cEd a�i� �he amotznt�Was'�8,pP7CO�Gi ��,.'te,�"'3'p"' �I,�i � �930.0�. 'Phc m�chlne vac de�c.a�be8�as being the'SCM�,�e���ne,�S�m�,o�i,ne' witla ❑ut�n�r�ttia c.bllection and automatii��' £eedj% etc. � The �C�'ty��M�nager,,ateted �� � he Too; �wa�t,t�7g a���ropo�dtion from the �er ox Company hu���h�ou�.z�'`13ke to h��� autl�nriza�ion�to purcha�e thie mach3ne,o� hr�tYe, enr��t,a]:',oY1ei I � ��a th 2.e�° oa.. Zt wps mentioued there was no n�ed to. cal3',�'01' �bid's,"on• � 1,7��,� �t�m, that the priae would be,$1,D00.001�ut�b�csuae d'fT,,��eY'�'ain��,'�� r_onece;ions, it would cbme to :b930.00 as there �are'� Certa.in`�t$iA���"�" th �e anmpaoy aould be giving �o the City. Councilman� S�a�,``i!da}2� @tated 1 t aa �a h� s o�9 nion thf� t w9 tl� tkie rapid chan�es � ih this � type, o�" �B$u3 p= nent, if ihey cou]rl lease tl�e machine or rent ona� i'C mi'gkitlbe;better to do �o. t7�e City Mrm�ger rep].ied the po'teni. pxoblem0 i'�',thie; regard had been resu7ved in i,he courts, �hat the ��r�ox C�ltnpany�„ip&chine��is expen:�ve whPr�as they coiald purchase th3� part�cular maeliiri2.', , � i i I, Not2on by i�xi�h� to authorize the City Mana�er��o acqui��e`,�a�pho`Go.' � co�y mncri»e by whatever meene he deems fi�. Seoonded�'by,�K�rkham:��'� LJpon ❑ volee vote� there being no n�ys� the rnotipn� a�aK'Y'ie�i,JLt�1'gp3moUd1Y• � � '�j'"v,b<<s,^� ' d y,'' � � , , � �. 'i r,, " 'r; 'i'� AD�70URN' � � ':�'enr�`'�,p��;��is � ���' � �u,n;�«�ntiq•',� ,. , There l�e�ng no further 6ueinesa� Mayor Nee declaxed, �j�e Regi]la�''Meet- �n� of May �I� 1964 c�d,jousued. �� '';�, � � r_ ,. ; �' PPspec�,Ful1y submit{.ed� � ��,�''i�� � ��" . i � �,�, � � ����';� � , "i' , a ' • �� �Q �,�;�,� ., � �� �' r .�""` S_ Siskow5_c William d. Nd� � ,,,.,i�� � � � 5ecret�ry to the Council Mayor �� ', i �, , i � I,i � ;';Ai , , , ,� � , i��l' I , � �� �� � �� , ,'�,ii,� �, '� ; ° � j,io I�'"��.' � 5. ��i, � �� ��� � i � I� �� �° ' ' , � ��r�� , � � �' � ,d' ��nV� �ii RL;CUL�1l; COiJDfCSL MF'ETING - MAY lEi� 1964 �°�,; 1`' �,� � � , � � ��� �� _ �,, ,;�� � � � � P. re�ti�]ai m�et3ng of the Cotiancil of the Ci%y o� �'ridley wa8 Ca'17.�edi,,t�o � � order by Mayor�Nee �t 8:15 P•M• �� �I,', ' r,,r„�' ; �r. � �; � ���, ROT,L CAL1,: �' � �.� '� �� � bers '° t� Nee Johanson Ixirkham Sheriflan Wrigh� � i � �I;` � k�I°m Iie�on . n > > �_ , i �I � �ii�� Members Abs�nt: None �„ ��i i ����� ��J � • �i { Mayor Nce ext�nded a rrelcome to membexs oi the�,9th'gtade,"an�'thej,r�' ��� instrucl,ar� Nu�. Pde��ers� who �aere present to 6bserve�. �"'�;'; ETIN6 MAY'4 1964� ''�',��I � I APPROVAL 0�� T/iII�IUTES - ItEG[TL�AR ME y-- f •��t �;� �,h���;..�> , ;� � i, �� � ,'� P � � i , �, � ',' I ,� � � i, � �r� , � r�� �� � �,'i��°' � � i � � � �,� � �