12/14/1964 - 00022330P>r► i bc 1��I f7�om ��l�i cli thc r,pl i L vas bein�; made and it was his understandin�? 1,lic�; ;�ppliecl for a Uuilftin�, permit and want to build the gara�e right np Ln l,hc line. City Pn�;ineer A,ureshi expinined the area in question. Mavor PTee inquir�d if i,his could not be resolved by the follow3ng Monday. CnLnio�lmr3n ^her�A�n explained i,o iho contract,or flnd owner preseni, the �r,�=,n i},�. pin�,or hnd aalcrri wn:: Lhai. Lhc Cii,y Council would be havin�; a ��v���i,il mroLiri,q l,}���, ni�;ht, anft iP thcy liad all tl�e proUlems resolved I,hi< c���nlrl Ue Lalcen care of ai, tl�at i,ime. A discussion was held relativc io *�l�at, 5�ou]d have to be preeented for the building permit and lot spl�t. Cowic�ilm:�n Kirlcham added Lhey irould have to have a survey of the loi, lhnl, ir �,oin€ splzi,. The qucsLion was raised if the contractor could r7�F( L}i� foolnngs on the same Ua„is as Mr. Saliterman had and be give❑ i�crm���^ic�ii in 6his m�nnrr. Councilmnn ;herid�n ieplied they could noL h�c�urr Uiry �rou]d have to go bed�ore t}ie 13oard of Appeale on {.he side yard requ�rements and ih, would take lon�;er than thie pxocedure. It wae t;eriern7l;� ��;reed to hold nction on this item until tlie follow3ng Monday PVOTl � il� ,. �nJOrn;rs� 'i'hrr�• heinp, no further business Mayor Nee declared the Special Council MFeLinr, nf 9'hursda5�r Drcember 1�� 1964 ad,7ourned. Rr^p�ci,fiilly submitt.r_d� . (�CI�/ �� ' Cf�'�C� � - f,�.'M�sl�owic � jdm. J. Nee �;r,crrLarv i.o {,he Counci] Mayor ;3P�,C7AL CQI�NCIL T1G'ETING - DDCrMBER 14� 1961i T}�F n�rei,ing was called f,o order by Mayor Nee at 10:04 P.M. M��mi,PrG 7'1°eeeni� tlemb�rs P.bsent: cc�n�zn��nmmra o Nee� Klrkham Sheridan� Wri�ht None LOT SP1,ZT - LS 64-01 - CITFlRLTs'S CROON - INVOLVING LOTS nnunrnr�� nnnrmTnm. hir. Cro�n slto�aed the Council that he had i,l�e deed for the east five feet of Lot, 3, Moi,ian by Wrigh�� Seconded by Sheridan� that the lot split be approvcA. Irpon � voice vote, there bein� no nays, Mayor Nee declared ihc moLi��i carriccl. �� i WAIVER OF NOTICS OF MEETING: Motion by Sheridan� seconded by Kirkham, that the Council �aazve the _ twelve-hour meeting riotice to consider an additional ii,em to tliose ]�stcd on the agenda. Upon a roll c$11 vote� i.hose voting aye, Nee, Kirl�ham, Sheridan� Wri�ht. Nays� none. Mayor Nee declared the motion carrieil. ESTABLIS1iMENT pP HUMAN RL'IATIONS COMMSTTL,�:: Mr. Richard Herder presented a written proposal by a�roup of cit��en:� proposing establishmenl, of a Human Relations Committee� an3 also� a not,icr• from the Chairman of the Republican Porty to the P'ridley PepuUlican Party stating that the party approves this proposul. Mr. IIerder stated this proposal had the approval of both major political partie� and also the Fridley Ministerial Asaociation. Motion 6y Wright, seconded by Sheridan, to receive the proposal on a Iluman Relai.ions Cotrmittee comprised of Leu points and dealing with a proposed Committee on Human RFlattons� and i,o request the City Attornyy to prepare a resolution eettirig up suc}i a cownittee for the next regular meeting. Upon a voice vote, there beinEr no nays, ffiayor Nee declared the motion carried. • •� S�II_ ui 1Y This item was tabled to the next regular Council MeetinQ on December 21, 1964. r �-.�l:�,lui�]�YI� There bein� no further business� Mayor P1ce decl�red the meet�ng ad,7ourne�i at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted� Parl P. Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council (/v ��I!,� , Wm. J. Nee� Mayor RTCULAR COUNCIL MEETING -➢F.CEPIIiCR 21, 1964 A re,n,ular me eting o£ the Council of the City of I'ridley was ca11eA to order by Mayor Nee at 8:00 P,M. ROLL CALL• Members Present: Nee Kirkham, Slierrdan, Wctgllt MemUers Absent: None