01/04/1965 - 00022308`� i RBSOLIIIZON NO. 287-1964 CSRTLFYING CI�ARGB9 'DD TkIS CU1RiTY AUDI'1C)B 2+0 BB Motion by Kirkham to adapt the above resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, tlie motion carried unanimously. Motion by &irkham to adopt the above reaolution, 3econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there baiag no naya, tha motion carried unanimously. The City Sngineer explained that the water line which ie located where the propoeed ahopping canter is to ba built will have to be oncased. Mr. Saliterman aaked iC the City could proceed oa thia. Mr. Wyman Smith, City Attorneq, auggeated that Mr, Saliterman could proceed on his own ae far as the contract ie concerned, and the City could do the engineering. Motion by Sheridan to authoriae and direct the City Sngineer to prepare the de- tailed plana for the encaeement of tha pipe for the ehopping center building with Mr. S�litsrmaa to perform the work with a privatn contractor, and to raimburse tha City for the enginesring ezpenae. 3ecoaded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AOLIDAY CIASING �+ CITY NALL: Motiott by Rirkham that the City Hall be closed at Noon on December 24, 1964 and December 31, 1964. Seconded by Wright. IIpon a voice vote, there baing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CON180L DAM AT LONG LAI� IN NSW SEIGH1bN: Councilman 9heridea atated that tUere haa been a requeat by reaidenta of Long I.eke in New Srighton to tiave a eont=ol dam put in at the lake outlat, and aamd eE tde residenta aloog 8ice Creek were concerned viih thia as it may msaa dryieg np tha creek in drq yeare. Council directed the City Managar to w+rite a letter to the.proper authority in St, Ysul ezpreesing CiCy'a coacern avnr tha propossd dam, and alao alact the Parks and Play- grounde 9ub-committee to this Cact. ADJOUAI1t�NT: There beiag no further busineea, Mayor Nee declered the regular maeting oE Decembar 21, 1984 adjournad. Respectfully aubmitted, Marv��i�/c.� � . runeell William J, Nea Acting Secretary t• the Council Mayor E . � cs_, ESGULAB CO[k1CII. M6SITNG PIINUTSS - JANIInRY 4, 1965 A regular meetimg of the Council of the City of Fridley was celled to � �� order by Mnyor Nea at 8:00 P,M. ROLL CALL: Membera Present: Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan, Wright Membera Abeeot: None OPSNING CBREMONY: + Councilman Kirkham introduced Troop N20 of the Fridley Boy Scouta, who conducted an opening ceremony consiaLing of preeenCation of tin flag and pledge of allegianca. Hayor Nee extended his thanke to Troop 1I20 fmr conductin� the opening ceremony. APPROVAL OF MIND'TBS - RSGULAR MBSTiNG. DSCBMBSS 21, 1964: Motion by Kirkham to approve the minutea of the Decembar 21, 1964 maet- ing aa received. Saconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, ttiera beiag no nays, tha motion carried unauimoualy. PUItLIC NEABINGS: PUBLIC HBARING ON I[�BOVBM6NT - SKYWOOD MALL WAT� LIIiS: The City Maneger read the notice of ttie hearing. Mayor Nse requa�ted that the benafits reeulting from the proposed improvament to the property ownera be explained to them. Mr, Coustock axplained that tha vaLer line that was contemplated would bring aervice from the intat�diate preeeure syetem to the commercial propnity ownere of the Skyaood Mall and the area adjoining the 3kywood Mall. Mr. Comatock explained that this croasing had to ba perEormed before the apring of 1965, and on a permit bq the Minnasota Highway Department to crosa Highway N65 at the bq-pase before construction of the same. Mayor Nee asked whether thie improvement was bning performed undar City initiative, or upon petiLioa oi tha property owners. Mr. Comstock anewered that there was no patiEioa For thie improve- ment, but that it Was done under a requset meda in the peet by Bobert liall, that thia improvement vould caoplete the wiork whieh hae already begua in the ares, that it would aa ha explained befora, put the area into the in- tarmediate preaeure ayatea, and thaL 3kywood Mall had conetructed a part oE this syatem at their own expense. Mayor Nea asked whatMr pravioue plane exieted which showed that thie project had been plannad befora thia time. Mr. Cooetock repliad that there Were none. l�Teyor Nee then aeked iE Spartan Depariweat 3tore was involved. Mr. CoQetoak a�ewered that Spartan was woL involved in thie improvement. Mayor Nee askad tl�e nature oE the bnnelit accruing to the properLq oWnere as a raeult of thie improve- ment. Mr. Conatock anawered that thin impravement w�uld provide water ser- vice to aome plata in the area, tliat all plats wuld beneiit to the extent tnat theq aould be able to profit Frou being connecEsd itith ttie interme- diate preasura eyatem of the water utility. A property ocmer, Chet He*ringer, said that he could aee no beneEit froa this project to his property. TAat his building Wae going to be loceted on thie property, such that the Smbars srould be cloaer to anottier exieting water line, and that he u+ould hava no beneFit of con- nectin� to this proposed water line, Mr. Cometock coomaated that there baing no davelopmeat plan Por ihe area, it wae diPCicult to see juat how the area ahould be served bq vater. Mr. Wargo, asked what was the advantage of having an ezita aix-inch line croaeing Highway N65, when there ie in exietance a t�+nlva-inch line croesing Highway t165, 300 to 400 feet away fraa it. Ht. Comatock anewared that connection could ba made to the twelve-iach line, that it would require approval by the Minneeota Highwaq Dapartment and the Contractor working on the project Eor the Minnaeota High�,raq Department, eince the road was under conatruction at this pceeant time. Mr. Coa- etock further mentionsd that thie was an altetaate'whiChihad,besn pro- posad, and had beea atudied, bui tha present plan �t�d bee� fouxd Eo be appnrently more feaeible. Mr. Herringer asked if betCer servica could not be provlded from the twelve-inch water line. Mr. �omstock anewer- ed that ttie aix-inch water lina was near enough to provide aervice at the same preeaure aiace cloee connection to the twalve-inch water line would not raeult in a great deal oE presaura drop through the six-inch water line for servica. Mr. Herringer maintained, however, that the eix-inch water line would not provide sufficient capacity for his neade. Mayor Nee aeked if there were any other benefits to the City, or other benefita to tha proparty ownars that could reeult from tha inatallation of this improvement. The City Bngineer enawered that benefit Erom the ai:-inch line would be the equalization of preaeure from the preeaure reducing atation on the high preesure syetem. The six-inch line vould provide additional source oE water to the intermediatn presaure syatem, which could maintain the required laval of water preseure in the iater- mediate preeaure eyatem. Mayor Nee asked whether the plans for the area originally includad the 3kywood Mell and eurrounding plate in the inter- mediate preasure eyatam. The City Sngineer showed the Council a aet of plans in a report datad July 1963, which ahowed that the plate of land were not included in the high preeaure syatem. Sheldon Morteneon, owner of the 3kywood Mell and Spartan property, sug- geeted that conatruction of a liae on Lhe east aide oP Highway p65 past the 3partan Department Store vould provide fire protection for the Spar- tan Department Stora, and provida a loop aystem on the east sLde. Mayor Nee anssrered that the City hed inveatigated the Eeasibility of this pro- poeal. Mr. Comatock commented that approval oF Che Minnasota Highway DepartmenG wae not aufPicisnt to enable the City to construct the line propoeed by Mr. Mortenaon on the eaat side of Aighway //65. Mr. Comstack aaid 'that the City would need approval of Johnson Bros., the Contractor for the Mipnesota Highway Department performing the work on the High- way /f65 by-pasa, and that the sign for the Spartan Department Store would ba in the way of the propoaed line, and the line would have to by- pase the location of the aign. Mr. Comstock atatad further, that it would be necessary for the City to buy an easement on the Spactan proper- ty in order to conetruct the lina through the parking lot oP the Spartan Department Stote. Sheldon Morteneoa was of the opinion tlwt an easement could ba ohtained from ttie 3partan Dapartment Store at the coet of re- placing the pavament reaulting from the consttuction of the line. Councilman Wright aeked if either of ihe alternatea which had been pro- posed would be cheaper than the loop syatem �rhich the City proposed at the start of the hearing. Mr. Cometock answered that it might posaibly ba ctieaper if a daad-end line were inetalled inatead of the propoaed loop. Mayor Nee aeked iP such a dead-end line on the east side of tligh- way p65 vould be auEficient. ltie City Sngineer ansaered thaE a dead- end lina rrould not be entirely eufPicient if it Were on the eaet aide of Highaay �Y65 only. It would not eerve all of the property contem- plated by tt�a propoeal of the City. Mayor Nee commented that the Spar- tan Depart�ent Stora would not gei any benefita from this propoeal, He aeked if the coaetruction oP the loop, ea prqpoeed by the City, wae important to the City. The City Sngineer anawered that conatruction of a loop wuld provide an orderly e}ratem. Mayor Nee asked iE the City Engineer thought that the City shauld pay Por the conatruction of the major'par��of tiie loop from City Utility Funde. The City Engineer answered that ha Would not wieh to uae utility funda. Mayor Nee asked i! thare was�`representativee of the Spartan Departmant Store preeant at the Council meeting. Ttiere were none preaent. Mayor Nee esid that iF the Council would order the improvemant, thie action would permit the ezamination on khe part of the City Engineer of the Lw propoeals, Che money iavolved, and the ease ot obtaining an easement from 3parten required by ona oF the propoeals aubmitted. The Mayor eiated further that thB Council could order the croeaing of High- aay �65, but t6is would n� necasearily mean that the croeaing would be inatalled. Councilman Sheriden atated that tha City would invesiigate the propoeale before getting to the point of calling Por bide. Chet Herringer asked for the aubmiasion of aeveral other tentative plane for the pqrpoee oE�bringing water to the Skywood Mell, and to the other plats involved. Councilman Sheridan answered that other plans would be examined bq the City Bngineer, that property owners concerned would be notified by the City Sngineer and by the City Manager, of all future proposals thet would be mada concerning thia improvement. Mayor Nee aeked for any other commenta, and closed the he.aring. �� �5 0 RESOLUTION N0, 7-1965 ORD6RING IMPROV6MLPT - SKYWOOD MALL WATSR LIN6: Mayor Nee asked for a motion on the Resolution ordaring t4e �Fpposed im- provement. Motion by Sheridan Lhat the City adopt Beaolution No. 1-1965 ordering the improvement, and [he Council direct tha Citq Manager to notify the property osmera involvad of all plans ooqcerning extending water aervic� to Skywood Mall, and the property around it. The motion was seconded by Wright. Upon a roll cal] note, the motion carried. S6COND RSADING OF ORDINANC6 VACATLNG 64� AVENUE NOR141EAST: Mr, Fitch and Mr. Nymark wera present at the Council meeting. Mayor Nee asked if Mr. Fitch ia interested in obtaining an agreement� either an easement or a purchase, from Carlaon-LaVina providing acceea to the rear of the property owned by Mr. Fitch. The City Manager axplainad that no diacuaeion has been held wLth Mr. LaVine concerning easemenL to the rear of the property of Mr. Fitch. Mr. Fitch agreed that he would talk to Mr. LaVine concarning the obtaining of an sasemant or aome agreemant pro- tecting his property. Mr. Fitch atated that he neaded accesa to the back of his pzopecty, in ordar to obtain delivery of goode by semi-trailar truck. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Fitch if he was willing to pay the cost of Piling a deed for the purchase of the property from Mr. LaVine. Mr. Fitch eaid that he would be willing io pay the cost of the deed, Counetlman Wright eiated that tha Council mLght wish to widan Missiesippi 3treet in the Future. The saidaning oC Misaieaippi Street would meke it necea- eary Eor the Council to eetabliah a greatar astback of the buildinge from Mi seiseippi Straet. The aetback caould require Mr, $itch to move the building at the time that Mfsaisetppi Street ie to be nri.dened. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Fitch if he would be williag to move hie building beck to provide a uniform eatback at thaL time.,'Mr. Fitch ananered that he did not know whethar he would be wllliag to do so at this time or not. Mayor Nee atated that Mr. Fitch's agcaemeat to move hie building baek wae not a patt of the preaent diacuaeion. Councflman Wright moved that the second reading of the ordinance be tabled un[il the nezt regular maeting of the Council oa January lBth. The motion �+ea eeconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, thare being no naye, the moGion carried unanimously. 3BCOND REA�ING OF ORDINANC@ N0. 245 PAOViDING Fd6 CHAPTSR 39: The ordinance was read by the City Manager. Mr. Wagner atated that the ordinance would go into efEect 15 days after publication, which c�n uld probablp not be before January 20th. Councilman 3heridan moved to adopt the ordinance upon aecond reading and have it publiehed. The motion vas saconded by &irkham. Upon a voice vota, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimously. 36CON� RSADING OF ORDINANCB N0. 296 PEOVIDING FOR S$CTi�1 46.k: The ordinance was read by the City Manager.. Coqncilmaa�,Wright movad the edoption of tt� ordinance upon second reading and publicatioa of sa�. 3heridan seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, there Daing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 3BCOND READING OF 0&DINANCS N0. 297 AM6NOING CHAPTBfl 46: The ordinanca was read by the Ciiy Manager. Councilman Wright moved the adoption of the ordinance upon second reading and publication of same, The motion was secondad by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, tdere being no nays, the motion carried uaanimouely. , , FIRST REnDING OF OBDINANLTi AI�NDING 3ECTi(]!1 3.04 AND 3.05 (TABI,BD 12/21/64): Mr. McLelian, Bueineea Repreeantative for Locel Unioa A�49, was present at the Council meeting. Mayor Nea asked if MeLellaa ha9 had the opportunity to examine the proposed ordinance. The Citq Manager anewerad thai he had aent a copy of the propoeed ordinanca to MeLellan. Mr. MeLallan atated that he had time to examine the ordinanca, attd that the Union aas in Cavor �1 of the ordinance. The City Manager summarized the eEfecta of the ordinance as providing an iticrease of 8 vacation days over a 20 year period above ehe present plan, providing 120 daye of cumulative eick leave over the 90 deys provided for bgyths present plan, providing an option Eor the employee to chooae 1'vaeation day for each 3 daqs oE sick leava accumulated above 90 days bC sick laave, and providing eeverance pay of 1'� days pay for each year o! aervica after 24 moathe of continuous employmea[. The City Manager statad that the Council could limit the number oF daye of eick leave, or change tha number of months of continuous employment providad by the ordi- nanae bePore the payment oF eaverante pay, or change the ordinance in any othec way tha Couacil saw fit. Gouttcilman Kirkham atated that he could aee no a�vantaga in providing_�an e�pl0yee wikh severanoe pay. Mt. Kirkham fucther atated tk�at he did not fesl that 1'� days oE pay was 9uffi�ient to induce an amployee [o remain in the City employ in order to obtain such pay. Mayor Nee asked iE it was the preaent policy of the City to provida the amploqeea vfth aeverance pay. The City Manager anawered that it Was not tha preeant policy of the City to do so, but that other cities are ba- ginning to do so. Conncilmen Rirkham pointed out that a diacharged employ- ee would gat aeverance pay alao under the provieions oE the ordinance. Councilman Sheridan moved the accepCance of the ordinance on the firet reading. The motion was aecondad by Wright. Councilman Wright moved to amend the ordinance by changing line N4 of Section 3, the aentenee to read, "an employee with 48 or more coneacutiva monttis of employment will receive severance pay in cash based on 1� days for each 12 consecutive montha work- ed, not to exceed 30 daye of same". The motion was seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimously. The Mayor called for a vote on the firat motion. Upon a voice vota, there being no naya, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Brunasll', City Clark, adminieterad the oath oE oPEice to &aymond 8. Sheridan and Glann W. Thompson. COMPfUNICATIONS: (ai I.STISB FBOMT$NNE30TA HIGHWAY DSPA&1TffiNT DISIRICT 115: SSRVICS SOAD 967TH '1C) BICS CRESK 18RRSC6): Mr. Wagner explaiaed ttiat tde letter danied the request of the City for construction of frontage road aloag T.A, �147 betwean 67th Avenue Northeast and &ice Creek 1lnrrace. Mr. Wagner statad that thare might be some conPu- sion by tha Minnesota Highway Department concerning plana of ttie City. The City Manager aaked t6at the Council Calk to Mr. Walch of the Minneaota High- aay Departmnnt. Councilman Sharidan euggeated that the mattar ba put on the next aganda of the Council meating for January 18, 1965, Councilma� Kirlc- ham auggested that �apreaentativea of the Minnesota Highway Department be invited to attend the next Council meeting. Councilman Kirkham moved to raceive the letter and place it on file, and to invite repreaentatives of tha Minnesota Highway DeparUnent to attend the next meeting of the City Council. Motian wae sacondad by Wright. Upon a voice vote, tliere being no nays, the motion carried unanimoualy. (b) CITY A1T0$NBY: 73BD AVSNOE NORTHBA3T SANITARY S&WGR PBOIBCT: Motion by 3haridan to table the matter for additonal information. Second- ed by Wright. Dpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. , (c) NSW BSIGATON: BSSOLDTION 64-47 - RE: WATEB CONNBCTIONS: Motion by Wright to receive and file, and to diatribute copiea of the reaolution to the intereated property owners. Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no naya, the motion carried unanimously. CI.AIMS: Motion by Wright, eeconded by Sharidan, to approve General Claime 4175 through 4292. Upon a voice vota, thare being no nays, the motion carried unanimouslq. )� Motion by 3harLdan, eaconded by Kirkham, to apprave Liquor Claims 7034 through 7�58. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Lhe motion carried unAnimously, Motion by Wright, 3838 through 3859. ried unanimouely. LICSNSBS: 1 seconded by Thompaon, to approve Public ULilitiea Claime Upon a voice vote, there baing no nays, the motion car- Motion by Wright to appcove the following licenaee: GENBBAL CONIRACTO& C. C. Carlson Company 1412 South Sth 3treet Minneapolia, Minneaota Mahar & Sergrsn, Inc. 1 West Boad Circle Pinea, Minnesota PLII[�ING: Metropolitan Mechanical Con., 5000 Weat 78th 3treet. Bloomingtai, Minnesota by: Carl C. Carleon by: Roy Bergren Inc. NSW NEW by: K. H. Gilbert NBA RBSOLUTION N0. 2-1965 DSSIGNATIN(i A LSGAL NSWSPAP&B (CNAflTSB 12.01): Motion by Sherfdan to adopt Eeaolntioa No. 2-1965 deeignatlag the Fridley Sdition o£ the Record as the legal newspaper. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouelp. DSSTGNATION OP DSPOSITQRISS FO& CITIC�FUNDS (CHA$TSB 7.13): Councilman Kirkham asked why ell funds were not dapoaited in instiiutions located in the�City of Fridley, Mr. Brunse3l etatad thai the bonde for tUe Municipal Liquor Funda epeciEically name tha Camden Northtaestera State Bank of Minneapolie as a depoaitory for Municipal Liquor Funds. Mr. Brun- sell eaid further that the interaet rate on invastmenGe of,the Fridlay 3tate B�nk haa not alvaye been competitive with Chat of the other banke, and he wiehed to uea more than ons bank as depoeitory for funda to obtain a more favorable intereat rate. Counci2man Hirkham aaid that tha Fridley State Bank hae euccaeded in getting the ramovel of the etatute limita- tion on intereet rate whfch they could furnieh depoai.tors, and would now meet the competition from other baoke. The Citp Managar said that the No. 2 Liquor Store had a ehort tun to Camden State Senk, and was required to dapoait funds to tt�e Camden 3tate Sank several timea during the week. The City Manager auggeeted tt�at the public utility funds could be moved to the Fridley Steta Bank. Mayor Nea eaid that the Fi- delity State Bank of Minneapolie, the prasent dapoaitory for Public Utility Funde, waa at oae time the onlq bank willing to make invest- ments in the City oP Fridley, and for thia reaeon, he might Eavor re- taining the Pidality 8tate Bank of Minneapolis ae tha depoaitory for Public Utility Funda. Motion by Thompsan to dasigaata ths Fridley State Bank and the Camden Northr�eatern State Bank of Miaaeapolia aa depoai- toriea for City funda. The motion �.ras seconded by'&irkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimonaly. RTSOLUTION N0. 3-1965 SSTTLNG CODNCIL MB&TING NLC�IT3 AI�ID TIH6: Motion by Wright io adopt Reaolution No. 3-1965. Seconded by Sheridan. Opon a voice vota, there being no nays, the motion carriad unanimously. I ! -J 3 a� e) Motion by Wright deeignating and appointing William J. Nae, representative fo� the Board of Trustees of tha North Suburbaa Sanitary Sewer Diatrict for the year of 1965, and adopting Reaolution No. 4-1965, end expressing appreciation far tha eervicea of William Nee in that capacity during the past year. 3econdad by 3heridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. DBSIGNATING DIRBCTOR AND ALIERNAIB DIRECTOB DO Tf� Motion by Wri$ht deaignating Raymond 6. Sheridan to be the Diractor of the Suburban Bate Authority and Sack 0. Kirkham as Alteraata Director to the Suburban &ate Authoritp and adoption of Reaolution No. 5-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Dpon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimously. COtgIITfSE ALID COTAffS3I0N APPOINIMENTS: Pi.nNNING COI�ufI53I0N CHAIRMAN: Motion by Thompaon to reappoint 1Cenneth L. Kravik, Chairman of the Planning Commiseion for a term of 3 years beginning Senuary 1, 1965. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unani- mously. PLATS AND SUBDIVISION SUB-CO[Mff11E8: Motion by 9heridan to re-appoint Harold Albrecht to the Plate and Subdivi- aione Sub-Committee for a term of 3 yeare commencing January 1, 1965. Se- conded by &irkham. Dpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouslp. BUILDING STANDARDS 3IIB-001�f[1IT18S: Motion by Wright ce-appointing Robert Sanborn to the Building Standarda Sub-Committae Por a term oE 3 yeare commencing January 1, 1965. Second- ed by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Ltie motion carried unanimouely. S18S6T3 AND UTiLITiS3 SUB-003R�fITTSS: Motion by Wright ta-appointing Gerald Dbben to the Streete and Utilitiae 3ub-Committen Eor a term of 3 years commencing January 1, 1965. Saconded by Thompeon. Upon a voice vota, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimously, PARK3 AND PLAYGROUND3 SUB-(:OPII�fITTSS CHAIBMAN: Motion by Sheridan appointing Bobert J. Hughea Por a term of thrae yeara ae Chairman of tha Parka and Playgrounde Sub-Committee commencing January 1, 1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, tha motion carried unanimously. PARRS AND PLA7CGHOUNDS S11B-COIMffT186: Motion by Thompeon to re-appoint John A. Swaneon to the Parks and Play- grounde 3ub-Committee Eor a term of 3 years commencing January 1, 1965. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. JOIOT CITY-SCH!OOL RECREATION C01�4fI3SI0N: Motion by Sheridan re-appointing John Wright to a term of 1 year to the Joint City-School &ecreatfon Commiaeion commencing January 1, 1965. Second- ed by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, ti�e.re being no naye, the motion carried unanimously. �4 The Council atated that they would like to have the Psrka Sub-Committee recommend their rapreaentative. PARK BOARD: (PABRS AND PIAYGROUNDS SUB-COMPII TTSS): Motion by Thompson to appoint Richard Donlin to fill the unexpired term to 12/31/66, of Robert .7. Hughes. Saconded by [CirkE�am. Upon a voica vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimouely. JOINT CITY-SCHOOL RSCR$ATION C�TfISSION (COUNCIL APYOINT66): The Council tablad action on thie appointment. BOARD OF APPBAL3: Motion Dy Wright to appoint Sdward Fitzpatrick to the Board of Appeals for a 3 year term co�encing January 1, 1965, Secondad by Thompaon. Upon a voice vote, ttiere being no nays, the motion carried unanimoualy. BOABD OF APPSALS: The Council tabled action on thie appointment. POLICS CO[ASISSION: Motion by Wright to appoint John Bastolich to the Police Commiasion Eor a 3 qear term commencing January 1, 1965, Secondad�by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there baing no nays, the motion carried unsnimonaly. BUILDING BOARD: Motion by Wright to re-appoint Jack 0. Kirkham to the Building Board for a term of 1 year commencing January 15, 1965. Sacond�ed by Thompeon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sherida� to re-appoint Jeeee T. Wallaca to tt�e Building Hoard for e term of 1 year commencing January 15, 1965. Saconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, thare being no nays, tha motion carrLed unanimouely. Ward No. 1: Motion by Sheridan to re-appoint Carrol K. Hauga [o the Building Hoard repreaenting Ward No. 1 for a term of 1 year commencing January 15, 1965. Seconded by Wright. Opon a voice vote, thera being ao nays, tha motion carried unanimouely. Ward No. 2: Motion by Sheridan appointiag William R. Tonco to the Building Board representing Werd No. 2 for a term o£ 1 year cammeacing January 15, 1965. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no naqa, ttie motion carried unanimously. Ward No. 3: Motion by Wright to re-appoint Mrs. Richard Herder to tt�e Building Board repreaenting Ward No. 3 for a term oF 1 year commancing 7anaary 15, 1965. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being�no nays, the motion - carried unanimously. �J asmvslaini. nevsuorr�Nr oor�u�rtes: Motion 6y Thompeon to re-appoint Jack 0. Kirkham to the induetrial De- velopment Committee for a tarm of 1 year commencing January 1, 1965. Seconded bq 3heridan. Upon a voice vote, thera being no nays, the motion carried unanimouely. MAYOR PEO-18M: Motion by Wright to re-appoint 8aymond E. Sheridan as Mayor Pro-tem Por 1 qear commancing January 4, 1965. Seaonded by Rirkham. Upon a voice vote, there�being no nays, the motion carried unanimoualy. COONCIL 3&CRSTARY: Motion by Wright to appoint &aymond E. Bade as SecraCary to the Council for an indePinite term commencing immediately. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimously. CNAATSR COPAfISSION: The Council tabled action on theae appointmenta. Motion hq 3heridan to terminate the eervices of Earl Ieensae, Jr. and authorise tha CLty Manager to write a letter advieing Sarl Iseneee, Jr. oF the termination of his aervicas. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, tt�ere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. The City Attorney was diracted to propoeg a person as proaecutor. itUMr1N RSLA'iTOP3 Cb2Tff3SI0N: Motion by Wright to concur vith tlie following appointmenta made by Mayor Nee. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voica vote, there being no naye, the motion carrisd unanimously. Ward No. 1 Jordia Mittlestadt - 12/31/65 Mre. Ratherine Mose - 12/31/66 Andraw Rohlan - 12/31/67 Ward No. 2 Mrs. Linda Boseman - 12/31/65 Mrs. Cletua Nai - 12/31/66 Tom Myhra - 12J31/67 Ward No. 3 AT LARGB Judge Slmer Johnson - 12I31/65 William Milbrath - 12/31/65 Reverend Gerald &eePe - 12/31/66 Reverend Robert Kendall - 12/31/66 William Stukae - 12/31/67 &ichard Herder - 12/31/67 Charlea North - 12/31/65 Eussell Henderson - 12/31/66 Mre. Helan Treueniele - 12/31/67 TBRMINATLON'OF SBBVICBS OF Tk� COIINQL SECRBTARY: Motion by Wright to terminate the servicee oP the Council Secretary oF the past qear of 1964, eCEective .7aniiary 31, 1965, and directing the City Manager to infox� the 9ecretary and thank her for her aeivices per- Eormed in the paet. Seconded by S4eridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. &&SOLDTLON N0. 6-1965 1RANSFEBRING OF CBBTAIN FUNDS: Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. b-1965, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, tt�ere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ;i Ei R6SOLUITQN N0. 7-1965 AUTHORIZING THS SALS OF CBRTAIN PBOPERTY: Motion bp Birkham to adopt RQSOlution No. 7-1965, Seconded by Sharidan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrisd uaanimously. 8-1965 The City Sngineer axplained that the plata involved were unoccupied, that the renaming xas a auggeetion of the Post Office, and that the re- naming would eliminate confusion vith atreets ao named in adjoining municipalitiea. Motion bq Sheridan to adopt Resolution No. 8-1965. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice votn, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimoualy. RESOLUTiON NO, 9-1965 &6LATING 'DD RTsTIRTMENT COVSRAG6 FOR CITY ffi�LOYEES: The City Menager ezplained that thia resolution wuld esk the tegiela- ture to giva tha employees of the City the option to chooae between Social Security and P.T.R.A. Retirement Funds. Motion by Kirkham to adopt Resolution No. 9-1965. Seconded by Thompeon. Dpon a voice vote, there being no nays, tha motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTiON N0. 10-1965 DIREC7ZNG I35UANCS OF '1SI+�ORARY BOND3 - 3& SS t171: Motion by Sheridan to adopt Reaolution No. 10-1965. Seconded by Kirk- ham. Opon a voice vote, there beiag no naps, the motion carried unani- mously. -5&33 N7 Motion by Kirkham to adopt Reaolution No. 11-1965. 3econded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carriad unanimously. -1965 ORDBRING,PRSLIMINABY PLAN3 A[tD 3P&CIFICATION3 - _ a�n.nnmo • ntc � _ The City Bngineer explained the resolution, and the project to the City Council. Motion by Wright to adopt &eaolution No. 12-1965. 3econded by Kirkham. Upon a roll call vote, there being no nays, the moti;on car- ried unanimoualy. RHSOLUTLON N0, 13-1965 RSCBIVING PRBLIMLIiARY PI.AN Motion by Rirkham to adopt Reaolqtion No. 13-1965 and to oet the date for the hearing ior January 18, 1965 at 8:00 P.M. Seconded by 1'hampaon. Upon a voice vote, tliere being no nays, the motion carried unanimoualy. APPOINIM$NT OF ROBSRT S. HOGFIE3 AS FIES CHIfiF FO& TN6 CITY OF FBIDLSY: The City Manager explained ttiat Robert S. Hughes wae a Charter Member oE the Volueteer Fire Department for the City of Fridley, ha is the preaent Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department, and has held tliet position Eor the past 5 yeare, that he ie the Presidnnt of tt�e 9tate Firemen's Aseociation, and has held other officee in the State Asaociation. that he hae aervad on the 3tate Training Program for Firemen, and hae bnsn involved in Fira service eince 1940. The City Manager saLd �tia[ o[tier very good applicante rvere Robert Aldrich, ArGhur Olaon and Sdwacd Hllis. Motion by Wright to consent to and approva the appoinGment o! Bobert S. Hughea ab Fire Chief of the City of Fridley effactive Jaauary 1, 1965. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no aaye, the motion carried unanimously. , ADJOURNM6NT: Ttiere being no fuithar business, Mayor Nee daclard the regular meet- ing of January 4, 1965 adjourned. �r Respectfully aubmitted: � ���s`, -�� � Eaym d S. Bada William J. Nee Seccetary to the Countil Mayoc HHGUI.AB COIJNCIL I�BTING MINOTS3 - JANUARY 18, 1965 A regillar mnnting,oF the Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 6:20 P.M, OPSTTING CSREMpNY: Councilman &irkham introduced 1�oop 20 of the Fridley Boy Scouts who conducted an opening cecemony coneiating of preaentation oP Chx Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Nee estended his thanks to the Troop for conducting the opaning ceremony. BOLL CnLL: Membera Preaant: Nae, Rirkham, Sheridan, Wright, Thaupaon Membera Abaent: None APPBOVAL OF MINUTES - BEGULAR MSSTiNG - JANUABY 4, 1965: Councilman Wright made a correction to the minutee of the .7anuary 4, 1965 meeting changing tha motion by 3heridan under Ward ql of the Building Board on page 9 to motion by Kirkham to re-appoint Carrol K. Hauge to the Building Board repreeenting Ward No. 1 for a term of 1 year commencing January 15, 1965, Motion by Wright to approve tha minutee ot the Begular Council Mee[ing of Jenuery 4, 1965, ae corrected. Seconded by Airkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. - EB: 56RVI� BOnD C67Lh 'Dp Mr, Biaun and Mr. Manley of the Minneaota Highway Department, were present at,tha council mesting. Mayor Nee aeked the City Manager to explain the purpoeea oC the diecusaion with Ghe Mianatota Aighway Department. The City Manager eGated Chat tt+e City requ�eted the Minneaota Highaay Department to conetruct a aervice road on the Baat eide oP T,H. N47 from 67th Avenue td Bice Creek Terrace. He explained that two garagea presently have driveways which enter onto the preaent T. H, p47. The City had a dedicaied right-ot-tray along ttie Saat sida oF the eseement o� tha HighWay Department on T.A. #47. Apparently the combinetion of the dedicated eaaement which the City owna and thA outlet from the two driveways of the geragee onto T.H. N47 complicated the communicetions betuaen the City and the Highvqy DapartmenC, reaulting in a misunderstanding with the Minnesota Highway Department. The City Manager etated that he felt it waa impoctant to ttie City to get a service road along the fiast aide of T.H. J/47 from 67th Avenue to Bice Creek Terrace.