02/01/1965 - 00022282AUTHORIZATIAN TO BHGAGS S$BVIBS OP CONSULTANT ON A CALL HASIS: Moiion by 3haridan to approve the schadule of Per Diem Feea providad by the Planning Consultant, Hodna Aseociatea, as given in the schedule furnishad to the City, and to appoint the Pirm of Hodne Aeaociatea ae plaaning conaultanta to aesiat the Planning Commisaion upon request of the Planning Commiesion, the appointment to be aPfactive immndiately for an indefinite time. Saconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motinn carried unanimously, NOTIC6 OF CLAIM POB INJURY BY LARBY NSISON: Motion by Sharidan to receive the Notice of Claim For Injury filed by Larry Nelsoa againet the City. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, thare being tto nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNI�ffiNT: 'I4�arn being no Purther bueiueas, Mayor Nee daclared tha regular Council maeting of January 18, 1965 adjourned. Respactlully eubmitted: �.�,.�,.ne � �. _�, Baym d B. Bade Secrelary to tha Council ���-� � ���� William T. Nee Mayor 8&iDLnB CUIINCIL MEBTING MINUTS3 - FEBRUhRY 1, 1965 A regular meating of the Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee et 8:05 P.H. OPSNiNG CBBSMf1NY: Councilmatt &irkham introduced Troop 157 oE the Fridley Boy Scouts who conducted an opening ceremony coneiating of preaentation of ttie Flag and tha Pledge of Allegianca to tlu Flag. Meyor Nee extended hie thanka to the Troop fi or conducting the opaning ceremony. ROLL CALL: Membere Ptasant: Nae} Kirkham, Wright, Thompaon Membare Abaeat: Sheridaa APPBOVAL OF MINTIY'S3 - RSGULAR MB$TiNG - JANUARY 18, 1965: Motion by &irkham to approve the mioutes of the ragulat Cauncil Mneting of January 28, 1965, Seconded by Thompaon. Upon a vofce vote, there baing no t►ays, the motion carried unanimously. - CONA�RCS PARK (TABLED 1/18/65) P.S. N62-10 ai �� Motion by Wrfght, aeconded by Kirkham, to teble coneidaration of Che Preliminary Plet oE Commerce Park to the ragular Council Meeting of Februarq 15, 1965, Dpon a voice vots, there being no nay9, the motion carried unanimouslq. PUBLIC HIiARINGS: EINAL PLAT - ODP4�RC6 PARK P.S. /f62-10, MIKE HAFNSR: AfGer diacussion, Councilman Wright moved to continue tha haaring on the Einal plat of Commerca Park to the regular Couacil Maeting of February 15, 1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there be3ng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SMPId)YCP HSALTH AND HOSPITALIZATION INSUBANCS: Dick 3chillinger, Chairman of tha City Insurance Advieocy Committes, and Mr. Scherer oP the Aetna LiEe Ineurance Company were psaeeat at the Counr_il Meating. Dick 3chillinger explained tliat iha City Insurence Advieory Committee epent the paat three and one halE montha studying plana of v�rious ineurance companiea for health and hoapitalisation coverage for the City employess. He explained that the preeent plan ie under contract to the Weetern Lffe Ineurance Company. �The ineuranca committee inve�tigated five npreaentative Eirms of the lifa ineuranca induetry; The Aetna Life Insuranca Company, tha liart£ord LiEa Ineuranca Company, Travelara Inaurance Company, Westnrn Inaurance Company, and tlie Connecticut Gennral Insurance Company. The Inaurance Advisory Committee coneidered three factora in choosing among the varioue plana offered by thase inaurance companies. Tha moat importaat consideration waa that of the Coat of ttie premium to the Citq. The sacond consideration waa the organization and etafP of the campany in thia lxality for the proceseing of claima. The third coneideration xas obtainiog quotee an the same basie from ail companie�. The Ineurance Advieory Committee Connd there ware soma emall diffarencea among the plana of all five of the insurance companiea. The recommendation of tt�e Inauranca Advieory Committee was that the City enter into an agreement viGh tha Aatna Life Insuranca Company Eor health and hospitaliaation ineurance benefita for City employeea. The City Manager aeked if tM propoaed health and hoapitalization inaurance Qrogram offered by tha Aetna Life Insuranca Company will cover the full cost of hoapital aervicea in a two bed room. Mr. Scherer vf the Aetna Lffe Ineurance Company ana�rered that claime for hoapital coata would ba paid at the rate of 520,00 per daq for up to 70 days. The chargee above thia amount s�ould be covered by the proviaione oE the Major Medical Sxpansa program of the Aetna Lifs Inauranen Company which charges are bas�d on a eyatem of $100.00 daductibla cUargea plue 80% of tha ezceae. The �100.00 deductible charge is accumulated for each peraon covnred by the insuranca during tha period of one calandar year. Dick Schillinger etated that the experfance of the Weetern Life Inaurance Company, uada n�riter of health and hoepiialization inaurance for City employens during tt�e past year, had been paqwant of :44,000 in claims, and the collaction of $42,D00 in premiums for a net loas to the insurance company. Western Life Ineuranca Company had thnreEore incceased the pcemiume for health and hoapitaliaaiion 'insuiance to tha City. Dick Schillinger etated that Aetna Life Inauraacn Company would not have to raiea tha rates on health and hoepitalisation inaurance this year, The City Manager noted that the plan proposed bq the City Ineurance Advisory Co�aittee included an inereasa of $1.18 per month ia tha dependent coet of ineurance, He aeked Mr. Scharar, oP AeLna Lifs Ineurancn Company, whether the ratea vould be iocreaeed to tha rast of the employees if eome of the smployeea were to dtop ttiair depnndent insurance because oF the increaaed cosY, Mr. Scharer stated that ha did not aeaums many amployees would drop the ineuraace and the number would probably be small enough to enable the ineuranca compeny to continue the coet oE the insurance premiuma at the ratea atated in the plan. r �i Mayor Nea asked Mr. Scherer iE under the preaent plen the underwriter would donor elaime for pregnanciea in progreaa. Mr. Scherer answered that tha insurance company would cover claims for pregnancies in progress if Ehe present insurance did not covnr them after the Eermination date ot the prasant plan. Dick 9chillinger etated that tha preaent insurance plan did not cover pregnanciea in progrese aft�r termination of tha plan, and tdat the Aetna Life Ineurance Company would cover the coet of thase claims. Mayor Nee asked if t�e City paid Eor any oP tha smployeea coeta for hnalth and hoapitalization ineurance. The City Managar anewered that the City nos� pays 512.00 par employee, The Manager stated Further t4at laat year tha depandent coete paid by the employeea were �13.20. Weetern Life'Ineurance Company had aekad Eor an increase in dependent coat paymnnte'to �16.65. Uader the plan oF the Aatna Life Insuranca Company the coet would now be$17.83. Couocilman Wright aslced iP the City ahould pick up the differance betwaen the increaaed cost o£Pered by Weatern Life Inaurance Company and that asked for and aubmitted by ihe plan xith the Aetaa Life Ineurance Company, thia cost baing 51.18. The City Manager adviaed that thie wrould not accrua to all employene, aad could aot proparly be done, Mayor Nee aaked Mr. Scherer wt�ether he would ba aveilable for telks with the nmployeee to explain the proviaiona of the naw inaurance plan to them. Mr. 3cheier answered that he crould be willing to meet with the employee��for thie purposa. Motion bq Wright to accept the report of the Inaurance Adviaory Committea, aoacur with and act upon ttie recommeodation of the Ineurance advisory Committea and authorisn the tranafnr.of the health and hoepitalization ineucance covarage to the Aetna Life Inaurance Company. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, tt�ere being no nays, t6e motion carried unanimously. BIDS FO& GA30LIN6: The City Manager explained that tha City received ihrea bide Eor the purchase oE gasollna. Gasoline bide as followss CUR$SNT ].BSS POS'ISD FIXED WHGON DISCOUNT IINIT I1NIT CUR$CsAT PRIC& P8IC6 N$T 6STIMh'P6D (ST. & FED. (INCLUDBS YSIC& Z+OTeL BIDDSR (GALIDNS) TSfPS TA7C INCL.) FSD.TAX) PBB GAL. BID Standard Oil Co. 2288 W. County Boad C St. Paul, Minn. Seaboard Surety #448.13 Sinclair Rnlining Company- 1901 Grand Strent North Baei . Minneapolia, Minn. Certif ied Check s s500.00 � Midland Co-Op. Inc. 739 North &aet Johnson Minneapolia, Minn. CertiEied Chack $495.00 20,000 25,000 20,000 25,000 20,000 25,000 Beg. 43 Sth. 99 Reg. 91 Sth. 98 Beg. 91 Bth. 99 $0,285 $0.1025 �0.1825 30.325 $0,1125 $0.2125 'IUTAL $0,285 $0.1002 a0.1848 $0,325 $0.1165 $0.2015 DOTAL 40.285 �0.095 sD.19 $0.315 $0.095 $0.22 TOTAL $3fi50.00 $5312.50 8962.50 $3696.00 f5037.50 $8733.50 g3soo.00 $5500.00 $9300.00 �� The adminiatration recommendad that the bid ba awarded to the Sinclair Refining Company, 1901 draad Street North Sast of Minneapolis, Mianasota as the loweat and basE bfd. Motion by ltiompaon to award the bide for gaaoline to the 3inelair Refining Company aod raturn the amount of the bid security to tha biddere. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voica vote, there being no nays, tha motion carried unanimoualy. BIDS FOR LI(�UID ClIIARIN6: The City Manager read the bida to tha Council. Liquid Chlorina bide ae followa: SSITMATS 3IZ8 BSTIMATS 3UB &STLMAIE CON- QUANTiTY UN7.T BID ,DpTAL BIDDfiR TAINSB (LB3.) PBIC6 SID 'inTAL Hawkina Chemical 3100 8, Hennepin Minneapolis, Minn. Certified Check $150.00 Lyon Chemical, Inc. 2305 Hampden Avenue St. Paul, Minn. Certifiad Check $103.25 McKeason & Robhina 111 22nd Ave. N.S. Minneapolis, Minn. Certified Check $147.25 Monarch Chemic�la 3801-09 Sth St. N.T. Minneapolie, Minn. Sep-Ro Chemicals, Inc. Certified Check $141.75 15D lbe. 3,000 1-Ton 22,000 150 lba 3,000 1-Ton 22,000 150 lbs. 3,000 1-Ton 22,000 150 lbs. 3,000 1-Ton 22,000 $20,75 pnr cyl. 511.25 par ecat g2o.�s per cyl. $7.50 per cwt szo.�s per cyl. s11,50 per cvt $20.75 per cyl. $22D.00 per cyl. $415.00 $2475.00 $289D.�0 30 days nat $415.00 51650.00 s2065.00 30 days net 5415.00 �2530,00_ j2945.00 2°X�-30 days $415.00 i � �2420.00 s2835.DD The adminietration recommended tAe awarding of the bid to Lyon Chemical, Inc. Lyon Chemical, Inc. hae been the supplier of liquid chlorine to the City in the past and has provided good setvica to the City. Motion by Kirkham to award the bids for liquid chlorina to Lyon Chemical, Inc. Seconded by Thompeon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrfed unanimously. IX� OF Tfin TRAFFIC CONDITiONS AT TH6 Councilman Wright etated [hat tie had received a phone call from Mr. Barrow, of the DoF+ning 8ox Company, informing hfm that trucka owned bq the Dorming Hox Company had troubla making left turns onto T.H, N100. Mr. Rarrov aeked whether the City could take action to improve conditiona at the interaection of Bast River Boad and T.H. N100. The City Manager atated that the adminietration has been working with the Minneaota iiighway Department oFficiale to improve the conditions nf tiaffic particularly by obtainfng a chenga of aigna at the interaection. Councilman 7ltompson atated that traPfic eigna at the intersection �aara amoug tha least directive he�,had seen and that ttie situation there aould be deeceibed ae extremely haaardoue. Councilman Wright etated that if the MinttesoCa Highway Dapa2tment will not taka action to correct the conditione at the intersection, tha City Manager ehould ask the 3tate Highway Depart- ment to allow the City to do so. The City Manager replied that the adminiatration will follow through on the request. Coancilmaa 'lhompaon commended the 3afety Committee for pointing out the hazardoua conditiona at Lhe intersection oP Saet River Road and T.H. #100. �� PA@RS AND Moiion by Wright to receive and accept the letter oF John A. Swanaon that he could not accept re-appointment to the Parke and Playgrounda Sub-CommitYse, and direct the City Manager to aend a latter of appreciation to JoM A. 3qaneon for his eerviceq�on the Perks and Playgrounds Sub- Committee. 3acondad by Thompeon. Upon a voice voee, there being no naye, the motion�carried unanimously. TERMINATION OF THB PAY[�NT OF THB BOUNTY ON GOPNSBS: The City Manager explained that the adminiatration auapected moat oP the gopher feet preseihted for paymeaC of the gopher bounty were obtained Prom gophers caught outeide the city limits of the City of Fridley. Councilman iJright aeked whether it Would be poeeible for the animal control officer to take reaponaibility for the eradication of the gopher nuiaance in tha City. Councilman Thompaon asked, if tM arrangement for the pnyment oF gophar bountiea ware diecontinued, would it atill be poesible to get gopher bait at wholesale prieea from the county? The Manager eaid yae. Motion by Wright to disconLinue payment of bpuaties on gophera and inEorm tha County Auditor of samn. Seconded by Thompeon. Upon a roll call vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ODM�16BC6 YARK A3SSSSNI6NT: Motion by Wright to receive the communication vf tha Finance Director. Secoaded by Rirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being ao nays, the motion carriad uaanimouely. $ASSI�NT FOR TNE CONSTBUCTION OF A 3ANiTABY SSWB& MAIN BY N.S.S,S,D.: ', Mr,�Cometock stated that the CiLy could make cortnectiona to the mein proposed bq N.S.S.S.D. in place of connecting to an Lnterceptor eonetructad by tha City and that chere ara no engineering problems involvad in making connectione to the propoaed main, Councilman Wright asY�ed what the width of the proposad aaanment would bn. The City Sngineer answered that the width o! the eaaement would ba 40 Peet with 30 feet additional requited for conetruction. Councilman Wright aeked how many treee would be removed fram the eaaament Eor conetruction of the aanitary seuer main. The City Sngineer aaswerad that many wuld be romoved but that moet of the trees were on the property oE the Minnaeota Tranafer &ailWay Co, right-oP-way. Meyor Nee esked if it would ba poaeible to build a road over th� easemant given�to the N.9.9.S.D, Mr. Comstock aneWered that it would be possible tv build a road over the eaaement if provision wnra made for the maintenance oF the main. Thc City Attorney auggeated that en agraement be written into the dned providing the easement to the N.S.S.S.D., allowing the City to conatruct a road on the eaaement. Motion by Wright to authorize the City Attorney to drasa up the deed containing the restriction that Che City be alloved to build a road on ihe eaeemant provided to the N.S.S.S,D„ authorize the Mayor and City Manager to aign the deed, and the Cfty Attorney to convey the dned to the N.S.S.S.D. Saconded by Kirkham. Upon a voica vote, there being no neya, the motion carried unanimously. SKYWOOD MALL WAIERLINS: The City Manager etated thet the City now has en agreement with the properiy ovnnra and the contractor for the construction of a water line to provide earvice to,Skywood Mall. The City Engineer atated that the City checked thrae posaible alternativee for Chs construction oE the watar liqe to Skywood Mall. Each oP thaee alternativea required approval by the Contractor. The Contractor would not approve any oP the alternetivea. The Contractor did agree to a chaage of 35,200 for the inetallation oC the watar main eroeeing ttie right-of-way of T.H. Jf65, The City Spgineer etated lurther that ia aCCOrdanan with the inetructiona of the Council, the City Administration had wtitten latters to the property ownera affected by the conatruction of the water line to inform Lhem of the reaulte of the inveetigation. �� Mayor Nee asksd Mr. Cometock whether it would be poeaible to build the proposed water line through the parking lot oF the Spartan Department Store. Mr. Comatock anawered that the Contractor would not permit conetruction of the water line beyond ttie parking lot of the 3partan Department Store, Gerry Herringer, speaking on behalf of one of the propertq ow�re, eaid that the property owner realize that it ia aeceasary to conatruct the water main et thie time, thst conatruction of tt� main is azpenaive and thia property oWnar caould bear all ttie. expenae for the conetruction of the main along Central Avenue aad Lhat, whareas, the propertq owner did not oppoae the conatruction oP the main, he did aot like to bear the expense oE tha conetruction oF the main. Tha City Manager etated that the cost of conaLructing the main acroes the T.H. N65 righL-o£- way would be assessad, and that an aeeeasment hearing af.11 be held to decide the ellocation of coeta oE constructioc► of the main. , Tlie. Mayor aeked whather assneeing the land for the conetruction of this main would foreclosa the poeaibility of tha City asesesing costa of further improvemente against the eame property. The City Attomey stated that the City would ba abla to aaseae tha costs oF furitier ioaprovemeahs to the property ownere. The Mayor atated that chargne for the�conetruction will be datermined at an aasesament hearing to be held in the future. Councilman Wright etated that water sarvica may still bs provided to eome of the proparty Prom the 12 inch Water line running along 53rd Avenue wherm that is more Eeasibla. The City Sngineer aeked if the conatruction mP the water line could be added to Project W-34-0 by a change order. The City Attornep asked if the unit caets for the conatruction of the water line and Project W-34-0 were the same. The City Sngineer anawered that.part of tiie Projact W-34-0 vae under contract at the rate of cost plue 15% and [Re conetructia� oE the Water line could be done at the aame rata. Thn City Maaagar stated that the change order would come to the Council for approval and the Council could take action on it at that tima. Motion by WrighC to authorize the Eaginnering Department to continue �rork on the plaqa for tha conetruction of the watar line for Skywood Mall. Sncosded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no naya, the motia� carried unanimously. CI.AIMS: Motion by Kirkham to approve General and Public Dtilitias Claima /t4401 through N4504. Seconded bq Wright. Upon a voice vota, there being no naye, the motion carriad unanimouslq. Motion by Wright to approve Liquor Claima i17111 thtough �J7150, Secondnd by Thompson. Upon a voice vota, there baing no aaya, ttie motion carried unanimouely. BSIZMA1TsS: Motion by Thompson to approva the following eatimatee:� F, D. Chapman Construction Company ._._. 2804 Alabama Avenue Minneapoli�, Minneeota 55416 &stimata No. 1(Partial) - Sanitacy Sewer and Watar Improic+ement Project No. 70 (Biverview Terraca, aovth of Misaiaeippi Place; Lincoln (Aehton) Street, south of Ironton Straet; Sth Street, south of T.H, k100 $ 8,979.61 �� JoMson Bros. Highaay 8e Heavy Constructore, Inc. P. 0. Hox 1002 Litchfield, Min�sota Bstimata No. 3 CPartial) - Storm Sewer Improvemant Project No. 5-B (North of T.H, N100, east of T.H, q47) Setimate No. 2(ParLial) - Watar Improvement Projact No. 34-0 (Croasing - T.H. It694 - Johneoa Straet, 7th Straet) 1'OTAI. $ 2,390.94 S 4,032,90 $ 15,403.45 Seconded bq Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, thare being no nays, the motion carried unanimo� ly. LICENSSS: Motion by Kirkham to approve the following contractora licenaes: SLECTRICAL RauFinan Outdoor Advertiaing Co. 315 North Washington Avenue Minneapolim, Minneaota 55401 GAS 3SRVIC&S Domeetic Hnating Company, Inc. 9110 Cirand Auanue South Minneapolis, Minnesota HBATiNG Domeatic Aeating Company, Inc. 9110 Grand Avenue 3outh Minneapolie, Minne�ota PLUMBING 8. C, Olson Plumbing Compaay 5102 - 49th Avenue North Ctyatal, Minneaota SIGN NANG$RS by: John F. Millard by: Hartley Bruder by: Hartley Srudar by: Hohart Oleon NEW $BNEWAL &ENEWAL NEW Kaufman Outdoor Advertieing Co. 315 North Washington Aveaue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 by: Gerald RauPman R6NBWAL Secondnd by Thompeon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MAYOBS AHI�O[RiCEMBNT �' TE� OPSlIING OF TkilS COIAliIAL RBSTAURANT: Mayor Nae announced Ehat the Coloaial Reataurant has opened for businesa ia Moon Plasa aa of this day. He atated that tha new restaurant ia a real aeaet to the City of Fridley and the ownars og the reatausant ought to be cammanded Eor their action and the good earvica the reataurant providea to tl� residents of Fridleq. AGBSBl�NT - 73RD AVSNQ6 NO&TH &nST: The Mayor explained the provieione oP the agreement. Motion by Kirkham to euthorise the execuL3on oE the agreament. Seconded by Wright. Upon s voice vota, thec�e being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. r� DBLIVERY OP DRED TO BCHOOL DISTRI CP X13: r � ii � Motion by Wright to authorisa tha Mayor and the City Manager to executn the daed for the proparty and deliver the epms to School Dlatri¢t /123, aftet ths City Attoraey has cheeleed ths dead and approved it as to all legal queetiona. , CORRBCITON TO PLAT - OOCL�AN'S ADDIITOPI P,S.�N64-11.,LSONABO COCNRAN: Motion bq Rirkhao io epprove the correctiun to�Ehn plat oE�.,�ochran'a � Addition. Seconded by Wright. Opon a voice vote, there baing no � nays, the motion carriad unanimously. R690LU1TON N0. 23-1965 SBITING LIQUOB 31URS WAGB$�� ON 3AT8: , � � �� ' � , The City Manager aummariznd tha tarma of the eetGlement beteieen tha City and tha rapresentativea of thn on-eale liquor etore employaea. Motion by Thoupaon to adopt Besolution No. 23-1965. 3nconded by ' &irkham. Dpon a voice vot¢, there being no naye, Lhe motion carried unanimously. N0. 24-1965 ORDSRING IMPROOEI�NT AND FINAL PLANS ANI nwia om i ac e•. . The City Managar explained that conatruction of tha„pavement on Polk Street between Hackmann Avenue and Lqnde Drive haa baan changed to a 30 Eoot width upon requeat of the property owner. Councilman Kirkham asked il it had bean finally detarmined tliai the Citq could not pava tlie portion of Ruth 3treet from Liberty atrset to Buth Ci�cle at this time. The City Menagmr anasaered that it wae not•feas�t�ln to conatruct a storm aawer lina for this poriion of the project at,this tfma. Councilman Wcight aeksd, if Aahton Avenue from Ironton to 79th Way, and Ironton Street fran the Seat edge of Herroall Addition to the railroad tracks �oere paved, c.rould trucks use the pave.d etreata inatead of the other atreeta. The City Engineer answerad that it would ba possible to install atop aigns and reduced aptsd limit aigne to induca the truckera to use this s[reat. Mayor Nee asked if it `rere posaible to obtain State Aid for the conntructioa oP pavement oa 79th Way. The City Manager answnred that Stata Aid would not ba available for this parpoae until 1966. The Mayor atated that the people needed tha paved rord and asked that the Bngineering Departmant prapare plans Eor the paving of one block of 79th Way, Motion by Thompson to approve Reeolution No. 24-1965. Seconded by Kirkhem. Upon a roll call vote, there being no nays, the moiion carriad unanimously. RfiSOLU'TION R6LATING TO JUNIOR COLLEGG: Motion by Thompeon to table action to Pebruary 15, 1965 on the Resolutton relating to the Junior Collega in Aaoka County. Secoaded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimously. :..� � . , 4��`Cty4-��'1`3�Y�Y4�(:CH A Motion by Wrighi to approve Reaolution No. 25-1965. 3econded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there bsing no nays, the motion carried unanimoualy. Motion by Wright to approve Resolution No. 26-1965. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, .� I Motion by 4lright.tb'approve Eeeolutlon No. 27-1965. 9eaonded by $irkham. Upon"e voica vote. thnre baing no nays, tha motion carried unanimouslq. • , � ., � $SSOLUTlOI�^Iip,^28-2965'AUTti08IZING'AND�DIBSCTING THS,SPLITLTNG OF $ABK ADDITLONs � , , � , �, Motion by Wright to approve Batolution No. 28-1965. Seconded Dq &irkham:� •Uppn a voiCa vote, thera.being no nays, the mation carrind unanimousl"y:°', ' ' � , � � �� . I; Bobert Molinaro, Civil Dafensa Direaeor. deacribed the advantagea oE installiog"an'IDmergnncy Operating�Center in the propoesd addition to City Hell. �The'Bmergancy Operating CenGer will provide a fallout shelter for.the operatiag personnal for the City Gov�rnment, tha Police Dapartmeni'end tY�e Pire Department. Thia Fmergency Operating Center will bs self=sufFicient for a period of 14 days. The Bmergency Operating Cantnr will',bs made up�of dual purpose roome ttiat could be used for the eama purpoas as roome prmaentlq Qlannnd for Ln the construction of City Hall aad�a amergency operatiag control roome during ewnrgenciea. Thera were some dieadvantages, however, in that some roome could not be ueed as dual putpoae roome. In ordar to make the Havergency Operating Center aelf-�nfficient Por 14 dayn�, �500,00 K-Ratione would have to be stored in the S�ergency Operating Ghnter. The coaC oE conatruction of tha Smergeacy Opetating Center could be ehared with tha Federel Gov�ernment,,the Pederal Governmant provided 50% o£ the cost, including 50% ot tha-Architact Eesa, SD96 oP the coste of excavation end conatruction oE ths baeement undar the Aaw City Hali. � ,. � �,_ � , ti Couneilmam Wrfght etated ia the Puturo the City might �rish to construct an auditorium.for.Civic;purposns, and that the inetellation o! a fallout aheltsr,in the":baaemnnt of such�a public auditorium weuld provida aheltar�for a great many people, vhereae an Emergnnoy Operating Center aould provide'stulter only forx�the �Adminiatration of the City. Councilman WrighE aaked wAethar the Fednral Governmeat �uld ahara the coet oF �construction b! a Eallout ehalter in,tha�auditorium. Bobert Molinaro anownred that at the preaent time the Faderal Govarnment would not provide fuadt !or'the coaetructfoa oP a pablic fallont ehelter, but that it might bn poaeible the Fadaral Govermm�nt wuld do so in the Future. Jerry MuAdt azplaitud�ttiat at the la�t meetittg with,the Council, ihe Couneil'asked•the-�'Arahitect',to atudy the feasibiliCy of consttucting an iergnacy Oparaiing Center in the City Hell. Jerry Mundt, Robert Molinaro and'Dr: lianlaqdiaeu�eed'thn tectu�ical feasibilitiea oF construction of an Smergency Operating Center. The conatructLOn of the 8mergency Opnrating Center �aould require an additional 4 inches of coacrets'on Eha slab for the firat floor, aa a reault tha columna in the basement and tha^lootinga for the building would need to be 4eavier to euppoeCttAe'weight of tlie ficat,floor. The windows in,the baaement, °which had been eoAtemplated bq the Architact for inetallation on one , wl11'ofaths Librarq, would have,to'bs eliminated, and Lhe deaiga vould bn chan�ad to provide for nonetruction oE a 12 inch re-inCorced concrete wall abova grade. Councilman Rirkhas aslced why tha deaign of the emergency fallovt ohelter tsae as heavy as Jarry Mundt wae describing it �ince thia'was plenaed to bn a falloat ehelter. Jerry Mundt anewered that plarts aeTe contemplated makiag the fallout sheltar strong enough �to withetand'a shock'wav�e oE S,P3I.; Councilman Wright asked iE kemporery wells'could bs in�talled �ie part oE tRa hasemeat Eor contempleted Cuture expaasioa 'in tha' baeament. Jarry Mundt anewered that thie would be feasible. � , � � , �U Jarry Mundt stated that eaparate plumbing ayatams woul� be requirsd for the basemant to be in uee at al L timea. Thie nould',includa, ., construction�ot a eaparate well aod;separate'aeter systen;,Por,"the , barement. Tba wastn syetem in tha basement �rcald bn ceuttnectad to the regular eanitary waete.eqstem ot the City,,excapE that a aump pump would have to be installad to provide Eor Plyehing oE tM sanitary waste eystem during tha emergency operationa. An emergency generator and a separate electrical ayatem to oparate on a eiand-bq baeia vauld aleo have to be�install�d to servs, �ha„$masgancy�Oparating Center. Tha boLlers providing heat to�the City`�al�l'�QOUTA,;ba'uaed,�, both during ordinary times and alaa�during emergencies. �Hoioever,�, construction �,+ould have to be planned eo that if Lha chimnay,were damaged, an inducad draCt fan could be used to provide draft Eor —� the boilers. Slectrical conduit inetalled in thn buildittg would aleo have to be dasigned to withetand,shock conditions, Jerr�y,�Mupdt ,i concluded by aaying that the dasign vae quite Eeasible and ¢ould easily be includad in the contemplated addition to City ilall. Mayor Nee asked if it Would be neceaeary to provide apacial,filtaration for the venGillation syetem. 7erry Mundt anew�rad Ehat iL �aould and thaL the basement, furthermore, would havs to ba totally air couditioned. The City Manager aeked iP it would be nscseeary to inetall,bnfElae at,Lhe doorways, or epacial doorways Ln'order to meet the seqUiremante,of ttie Emergency Operating Center deaign. Jersy MundE anewar.sd that apecial deaigna of doorwaye were availeble which vare deaigned to vithatand tha shock s�ave of 5 PSI, and special bafEling around thn doorways srae noi asceeeary. Councilman Wright aeked iP Lt would be necessary to inetall dacontamination rooma for•Ithe Smsrgsneq Operating Center. Jerry Mundt anewerad that ii would be;pece�sary, to inatall ehos+era for thia purpoee in the basamant, prefarably near tha entry to tha baeament. i ,A � � Jerry Mundt etated that the cost of tha Smargency�Operatiag Ceater could be detarnined aa Pollowe: � The baee bid for the conatruction of ttie propoaed Gity,Hall is eatimated to be $400,000 without an Bmergancy Operating Centar. With en Emergency Operatiag Center Che coat fa esEimated ,to ba $500,000. The Federal Governmant requirea eeparatn bida for construc- tion of a City Hall without a baaemant, and eoostraction of,a Citq Hall vith an Snergencq Operating Centar in o�dsr to detatmina the propet� coate of the $margency Oparating Cantsr.- Sstioatae'oE tha cost of construction oE City Hall wiChout a basemsnt,are �250,000, Since the Federal GovsYnmant wuuld paR for half tha�coeC,'pf copetruc- tion of the &margency Opereiing C�nLer, or $125,000 „ ths,-City would then pay the sum. of g125,000 plue �250,000 for,a to�al oR $375,000. l M I Councilman Wright aelced what the City vauld'ineur ip diaadvantagsa by tha conatruction of an Bmergency Operating Canter in ths'baeament of the City Aall. Jerry Mundt anawered that the area of the basement which could be uaed for the oCher purpoass would ba'ieducad, that wall locationa would be aubjset to the deaiga oE the Smargancy Oparatiag Center, there would ba no windows ia the basement, and Lhe 1ocaEiona of rest rooma and the kitehen srould bn determined by ihs,,requiremnnta oP the Smergancy Oparating Center. � � ��� Councilman Thanpaon asked, iE tha Fedaral Governmeni provided halE the costa of conetruction of the Bmergenay Operatiag Centar. could,the Federal Governmant also talce over operatfon of ttin,Smergancy Operating Center at will. Hobert Molinaro ataLad Lhat he did-not�bslieve this to ba the caee. Councilman Wrighc asked what�re.quiremenks,.the�Faderal Govermm�nt placad upon the grantiag of;funda for�,ths aonetruation of the Emergancy OperaEing Centnr. 8obart Molinaro sLatad',that as Par as __ he knew the atipuletiona og tha Fedaral�Governmeat, nquira final inapection of the 8mergency Operating Center by sn,approved,archite¢L before accepLanca of the building.� Bobart Molinaro stated thet it, Would be cheaper for-tha City to inetall an Smargency Op,erating Csnter in the City Hall at this iime. �quncilmen WrighL,asked how much time would be lost in the preparation of the plana for;tpe conatrucCion oE the City Hall by including in tha conatruction an Smsrgency Operating Center. Jercy Mundt anawered that the tima loss i+ould ba ons and one half montha. The Meyor asksd Lhe Architact if it spuld ba poeaible for the Architnnt to preeant preliminary plana for tha consLructioa of the Emergency Oparating Center at tt�e next regular mneting oE the Council. Jerrq Mundt anawered thet this waa poeaible. �� that what he said about mandatory revocakion ia a poaition of the Council. Ne atated that he faels that it's not typical that a buainesa run in a normal £ashion has a series of fighte. He said Chat he did not know what the individual Councilmen felt about their deciaion. Councilman Wright stated [hat Mr. Martell aeemed to imply that the Cauncil ahould not have the right to auspend. Martell said that_ha is arguing an the premiae that ttie 3tate Law requirea notice and hearing for suepeneion. Councilman We1ghL etated that it's hie opinion, ae a Councilman, that eimply having shosm a piece of paper that he's 21 to the,ManagemenC doea not relieve the Managemant of reeponaibility not to serve a minor, even iE he haa shown them a piece of paper. Mayor Nee atated that he has the eenae that there ia an unueual amount of disordex' at this par- ticular place, He's had coneiderable experience on the,liceneing eide of thia eituation. Councilman Wright etated that he feels�that it ia up to the Council to decide what kin8 of placae the paople want,in Fridley. Councilman'Sharidan stated that he has relativea in this type of busineee and he aleo feale that it ia tl�e reeponeibility of the owner concarning the earving of minors, MBETING RSCBSSGD: Mayor Nee declared a receas at 10:07 P.M. Mayor Nee reconvened the meeting at 10:20 P.M, and atated that the Council had wanted the City ALtorney's evaluation of the pointe mada by the Attorney foe the licenaee. I OF LICENSC AND AMENDING A Councilman Wright etated that, baoad upon facte preaented at thie Special Council Meeting of February 11, 1965, he moved to ratify end confirm the aetion of the 3pecial Meeting of Wndneeday, Pebruary 10, 1965 but amend- ing that actfon to read "through Sunday, February 28, 1965." Motion was eeconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT• There being no furthnr buainess, Mayor Nee declared the�meating adjourned at 10:22 P,M. . Respectfully aubmitted: Barl P, Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council ����^-- �L�� William J. Nae �`,� Mayot COUNCIL SPECIAL MSSTING - FEBRUARY 10, 1965 � Mayor Nee eCated that upon anewering the roll call the�COUncilman would be acknowledging waiver of ttie 12 hour written notice af Lhe Special Meeting. ., , ROLL CnLL: Membera Preaent: Nee, Rirkham, Sheridan, Thompson, Wright Membera Absent: None � �