02/10/1965 - 00022272� that what he said about mandatory revocation ia a poeition oE tha Council. He atated that he feels that it's not typical that a buaineee run in a normal f.ashion has a series of fighte. He said that he did noL knori what the individual Councilmen felt abont their deciaion. Councilmen Wright stated that Mr. Martell aeemed to imply that the Council ahould not have the right to auapend. Martell said thet ha is;arguiag on the premise that tha 3tate Law requirea notice and hearing for auapenaion. Councilman Wright atated that it'a hia opinion, as a Councilman, that aimply having ehown a piece of paper that he's 21 to ttue,Managament dcea not relieve tha Management of responmibility not to serve a minor, even iE he hae ehown them a piece of peper. Meyor,Nse etated that,he has the senae that there La an unueuel amount of,disotd�i at thie par- ticular place. He's had considerable experience on the,licenaing aide of thfe aituation. Councilman Wright etated that ha feela tNat it is up to the Council to dacide what kind of placae the' people want,,in Fridley. Councflman Sheridan atated that he has relativee in thie type of busineae and Re also feele that it ie ide reeponsibility oP the owner concarning the earving of minors. , MEBTING REC6S36D: Mayor Nee declated a tecese at 10:07 P,M. MESTING RSCONVSNED: Mayor Nee reconvened the meeting at 10;20 P.M, and stated'tt�st the Council had wanted tha City Attorney's evaluation of the p0int8 made by the Attorney for the licenaee. ., . �, � , RATiFYING SUSPSNSION OF LICSNSS AND AMENDING ACTLON "LO ST A'SD8P6NSIQN TNROUGfl 3UNDwSC , FSBRUAItY 28 ,� 1965 s � � i � �. , �, �� Councilman Wright atated that, baeed upon fact8,preeeRted at this Special Council Meeting of February 11, 1965, ha moved to ratify�end conEirm the action of the Special Meeting of Wednesday, Febxuary 10, 1965 but amend- ing that action io read "through 3unday, February 26-, 19¢5." -Motion was seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, thare being no nays, Mayor Nee declated the motion carried. ADSpURNMENT: � � I There befng no Eurtt�ar bueiness, Mayor Nee declared.ihe�masti.ng adjourned at 10:22 P.M. ,, „i � i, Respectfully submitted: Earl P, Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council ��� William J. Nee f .� Mayor � � � COUNCIL SPSCZAL I�ETING - FEBRUARY 10, 1965 �, � �� Mayor Nee etated that upon anevering the�roll,eall the�,CouttcLlman would be acknowledging waiver of the 12 hour Written notica of the,5peeial Meeking. � • „ , ROLL CnLI,: Members Present: Nee, Kirkham, Shecidan, Thompaon,,Wright Membera Absent: None � �_ J POLICE RSPO&TS BBLATlV& 1�D FRONTISB CLUB: b� Mayor Neg iprqaented;for Council Coneideration Polica Reporta on tha Frontiec Club on February,b, 1965 by 3ergeant Cook, one also on February 6, 1465 by Patrolman Siickeon and Sergeant Cook, a letter from the City Manager to the Council, and also a memo from the Chi6P of Police to the City Manager. Motion by 3HerfdAn, seconded byr Wr,ight that tM above documents be raceived. Upon a voice vote;'there bein� no'nays, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried. ChieC„MeCa�rthq and,3ergeant Cook caere called to the Council Meeting, and diacuangd with the Council the aforeo�ntioned reporta in more detail. The Council aleo exemined the Police Department's Case file on the Frontier Club I dating from 1963. SUSP6NSION OF FRONTIfiR CL1SB LICBNSBS: Motion by [Cirkham, seconded by Wright, that, in view of wliat has been learned Erom the,mem6ere,of the Polica Departmant, from the Police reports and Eran tha'lile relaYiva to the Frontier Club, the licensea fpr the Frontier Club be suapended,immediately. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the moGion carried, AD.TOURNF�NT: There being no further businesa, Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned at 10:27 P.M. RespecGPully submitted: Earl P. Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council � Will am J. Nee Mayor RSGULAR COUNCIL M6$TING MIN[JTES - FSSRUARY 15, 1965 A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was culled to order by Mayor Nee at 8:03 P.M, OPEMNG CE&BMONi: Councilm�n�Kirkham introduced Troop 157 of the Fridley Boy Scouts who conducted an opening ceremony consiating of presentation oE the Flag and the Pledge oE Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Nee extended hie thanks to the Troop for conducting the opening ceremony. ROLL CALLt Members Preeent: Nae, Kirkham, Thompson, Sherida❑ Membera Abaent: Wright � � �,i APP&OVAL OF MLNU'ffiS - RSGULAR M6ETiNG - PSBRUARX 1, 1965: , � t Motion by Kirkham to approve the minutee of the Regular Council MeetLng oP February 1, 1965. 3econdad by 3heridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the moCion carried unanimously, AYPBOVAL �+ MINUTSS - SPECIAL M13ETlNG - F8B&UARY 4,,1965: Motion by Thompson to approve the minutes of the Special Council Meeting of February 4, 1965. Seconded by Kirkham, dpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.