02/15/1965 - 00022262�. _ � �� POLICE REPOBIS BBLATiVS 'PO FRONTiSR CLUB: Mayor Naeypr0sented for Council consideration Polica Reports on the Frontier Club on February 6, 1965 by Sergeant Cook, one also on February 6, 1965 by Patrolman Erickaon and Sergeant Cook, a,letter from tlie City Manager to the Council, and also a memo from the Chief oF Police to the City Manager. Motion by Stieridan� eeconded,by Wright that the above documents be raceived. 9pon 'a voice vote, there being no nays', Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. ° ;, , � � Chief„MeCarthq and 9ergeant Caok wera called to the,Council Meeting, and discusagd,with the Council the aEorementioned reporta in more detail. The Council aleo examined the Police Department's Case file on the Frontier Club dating from 1963. SUSPENSION �',FRONTi&R CLUS LICBNSBS: Moiion by lCirkham, eeconded by Wright, that, in view of wliat has been learned Erom the,mem6nre�of the Police Department, from the Police reporta and from tha file relative to the Frontier Club, the licenses fnr the Frontier Club be suspend�d,,iomediately. Upon a voice vote, thare being no nays, Mayor Nee declared tha motion carried, f ADJOUSIVMENT: ,tr , � , � i tl i� n There being�no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned at 10:27 P.M. Reapectfvl�ly eubmitted: Earl P. Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council � Will am J. Nee Mayor RBGULAR CAUNCIL MBSITNG MINUTES - FEBRUARY 15, 1965 A regular meeting of the Council oF the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:03 P.M. OYfiPIINCa CS&EMONi: , � CouncilmpniKirkham introduced Troop 157 of the Fridley Boy Scouts who conducted an opening ceremony consisting of presentation oE the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Nee extended his thanka to Che Troop for conducting the opening ceremony. ROLL CALL: , Members Present: Nee, Rirkham, Thompson, Sheridan Membera Abaent: Wright AYPROVAL OF MINO'LES - REGULAR MBETING - FEBRUARY 1, 1965: � �, Motion by Kirkham to approve the minutes of ttie Regular Council Meeting oP February 1, 1965. 3econded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion narried unenimously. i AYPBOVAL OF MINUTSS - SPECIAL M�FTING - FEB&UARY 4, 1965: Motion by Thompaon to approve the minutes of the Special Council Meeting oE February 4, 1965. Seconded by Kirkham. ilpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. <i u APPROVAL OF MINUTBS - SPECIAL M1iETING - FEBRUARY 10, 1965: Mption by Kirkham to approve the minutes of the Special Couttcil Maeting of Febru�ry 1�, 1965. Secondad by Sheridan. Upon a voica vote;"tt�re being no nays, the motion casried unanimously. ` '� � PRELIMINARY PLAT - COtM�RCS PARK (TABIED 2/1/65) P.S. #62-10.'MI[� HAFNSR: Motion by Klrkham to table eonsideration of tha Preliminary Plat of Commerne Park to the Regular Counail Meeting of March'1, 1965, Seaonded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ,,, � , PUBLIC HEARINGS: FINAL PLAT - COMM�sRCE PARK P.S, i162-10 MII� HAFNLR (CONTINITPD' 4Ll MARCH 1 1965): The representative of Mike Hafner was not present at Che Council Meeting. Motion by Sheridan to continue the henring on the Final'Plht oE'Commerca Park ta the Regular Council Meeting oE March' 1, 1965. Seconded'by Ki.rkham: Upon a voice vote, tl�eres being no nays, the motion'carried unanimously. ' BIDS - ST. 1965-2• - _, , , ; i - The City Manager read the following li�t of bids and the report oE the City 5ngineer on the bids: � " � �� �" �� � �' � . ,� �1' .� �., COMPL&TION BIDDBR BID DBPOSIT LUMP SUM BID ' TIME Alexander Conatcuctioa Company 4641 Hiawatha Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota Barton Contracting Compatty 10300 89th Avenue North Osseo, Minnesota Slack Top Service Co. 7400 Cambridge Avenue St. Louis Park, Minn. Dunkley SUrfacing Company 3756 Grand Street N.B. Minneapolis, Minn. Seaboaid Surety 5% Travelere Indemnity 5% Seaboard Surety S% United PaciFic Ihe, Co. 5% $166,031,13 $188,489.62 $159,625.11 $156,855.67 On or before Sept. 15, 1965 On or beEore Sept. 15, 1965 As specified As apecified C. S. MeCrossan, Transamerica $135,W4.74 Sept. 15, 1965 incorporated Ina. Co. or 9ox 322, Route ff2 5% ��120"daye Oaseo, Minneaote � Motion by Sheridan to award the bid to C. S. McCrosaan, Inc., Hox 322, Route tf2, Oaseo, Minneaota, for the amount of $135,074.74. Seconded by Thompeon. llpon a voica vote, there being no nays, the motion earried unanimouely.' �, BIDS - WATSR I[�ROVE[�NT PROJI3CT 75-A: The City Manager read the following list of bids, and a leLtet from Keya Well �rilling Company etating thet completion time for the projeet would be within 200 days, and a review of tha bids by the Consulting 8ngineer: � (70MPLETiON BIDDGR BID SURETY LUL� SUM BID TIMB � � Keys Well Drilling Co. 413 No. Lexington St. Paul, Minn. 55104 Layne-Minneaota Co. 3147 California St., N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 Seaboard Surety 5% Trinity Universal 5% $160,960,00 3i�s,eoo.00 zeo �ai. aByB � �� Young Conetruction Co. , U.S.F.�G. $162,000.00 200 Cal. days 360 W. Larpentsur Ave. , 5% St. Paul, Minn. 55117 D, W. Hickey dc Son., Inc. Seaboard $172,220.00 270 cal. days 1841 Univereity;Ave. Surety , St. Paul. Minn. 5% a � Councilman Sharidari,aeked how the bide compared with the costa oe the lst drift r— well which was�completed for the City. Mr. Comatock answered that thie project j includas the pump houee and interconnecting,piping which was not included i in the projecti�or the laet drift well,. Councilman Kirkham aeked if theae drift,walla will',providerthe,City with a,eource of water which is essentially the eame ae the �water.provide� fram the last driPt �aell furniahed to Che City. Mr. Comstock,anewared that�further teete would be required including checking the quality oE the�watet befare it would be known how much filtering if any will be requirad,but it wae reaeonable to expect aome iron content in the water of Lhe wella. ,�TRa Mayor asked if a sufficient number of the welle would be completed to,enable the City to uee the water from these wells to eatiafy peak demanda in the eummeriiae. Mr. Comatock anawered that the contract specified that�two wells muat be, completed by June 15 or the Contractor would have to pay a penalty�and furnish temporary pumping of water to the City until such ,time as,theae ipatallatione are completed. The laet date Por completion of all threa drift,wells wae Decembar I5, which was within the 200 day limit stated by tha Contractor. Motion by 9heridan to award ttie bids to Keys Well Drilling Company, 413 North I,exington, St. Paul, Minnesota for the amount of $160,960.00, ,Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrisd unanimously. PLAN24ING ODNAfISSION MBETLNG MINU'lES� - EEBRUARY 4, 1965: Motion by Sheridan to receive and file ttie minutes of the Planning Commiesion MeeGing oP Fabruary 4� 1965. Saconded by Kirkham. IIpo� a voice vote, there being no nays,,the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING BOARD MBSTING MINUT65 - FEBBUARY 10, 1965: BUILDING PBRMIT FOR GRACS CATHOLIC SCHOOL: The City Manager explained that one question cancerning the Huilding Permit for Grace Catholic School was the location of Matterhorn llrive between the achool buildinga and the athletic fields for the school. The achool ie eatimated to coat �1.2 million. Councilman Kirkham stated that it would be a good idea for the Council to etipulate construction of a fence along the West line of the property of the echool ae required of the Public Schools. The Mayor asked whether or not Gerdena Street which runa along one aide of the School pronerty was a,3tata Aid Street., The City Sngineer anawered that it wes. Motion by Sheridan to approve the application for a Building Permit Eor Grace Catholic School`and the plana as eubmitted, subject to construction of a chain link fence along the Weat line of tha property. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there,being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING PBRI�II T- FOH CONSIRUCITON OF A 1EMPORARY ADDITiON AT BOB'S PRODUCS RANCH: The City Manager explained that the application £or the Building Permit was being ra£erred,to the Council eince one part of Lhe additon would be built upon the road easement and would requirs Council approval. The Property owner, Robert Schroer, vae preeent�at the Council meeting. Motion by Thompson to approve the application for a Building Permit as submitted to the Couttcil noting �f the encroachment of the proposed addition onto the road easement. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BOARD OF APPSALS MSSTLNG MINUZES - FSBEi]AItY 10, 1965: FEST A BHOUSST FOB A VARIANCB FROM SECTION 45.281. CITY CODS OF G� iL7 [�14 MINNBSOTA, SAMF: BSING 221 - �9Tk1 WAY NO$TNBnST, FRIDLEY, L�NNSSOTA TO PEl2MIT CONSTFtUC'1TON OF A DOIIBLS BUNGAIqW. (RBQUS9T BY ISABIE H, HAF89&L - 525 RUSSE' AVENUE NOR1H. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA. 55405) �� � Mr. and Mrs. Ilammel were present at the Council meeting. There were no others present for or a�ainat the variances. The City Manager explained the request was for construction of a two family dwelling'upon�a�60 foot�lot; that zoning was not a question since the area in which the owners propoae to huild the two family dwelling ie already zoned, R-3, The size of the eide yarda on eithar side of the two fanily dwelling, speciffed in the zoning ordinance, dces not allow sufficient room f.or the conatruction of a garage alongeide the two'Pamily dwellLng. Nence, the Appeels Board etipulated that off atreet�parking Eor four cars be proviaeu Ln back ot the two famfly dwelling, which reyuirea running'a driveway acroes the aide yard along one aide of the two family dwelling. Mayor Nee aslc�d Mr. Hammel if there ia a multiple dc�elling on the'Sast aide of the proposed lots. Mr. Hammel eaid, "Yes, there is." Mayor Nee ask¢d if there'is' ' a parking lot for the multiple dwelling, on the east aide, in the bdck of tha multiple dwelling. Mc. Hammel anawered, "7Ces." MayoruNee asked'iE Mr. Lester, the property owner to the Weat of the lot of the propo'sed two f8mily''dwelling," was interested in aelling some of the land to the Weat. Mr. Hammel anssazred thet he was noc. Mayor Nae asked iE Mr. Leater had received'notice of th� � hearing f.or variance for �he construction of a Cwo Eamily dwelling. "The'City Manager stated that Mr. Lester did have notice oE hearing. Councilman Kirkham atated that this property wae a rather emall lot, but'eince al L the aureounding buildinge were multiple dwellings, he could see no reaeon why the requeat £or' variance shouId not be granted. Motion by Kirkharo to concur with the'action oE the Appeals Board and grant the variance with a stipulation that a parkingrlot for four cars be provided in back of the two family dwelling.' Seconded'by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RECBEATION COMMiSSION MESTING MINU7Ts5 - JANUARY 25, 1965: Motion by Thompson to recefve and file the minutes of the Recreation Co�ission Meeting of January 25, 1965. Seconded by Kirkhem. Upon a voica vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FRIDLSY SAEETY COt�PfITTES METTiNG MINUTES - FSBRUARY 3, 1965: Motion by Sheridan to receive and Eile the minutes of the Fridley Safety Commtttee Meeting of February 3, 1965. Seconded by 'Lhompsan. Upon a voice vote, there being no neys, the motion carried unanimously. COF4�fUNI CA1Z ONS : SALVAGE DCsAI�ERS ASSOCIATION: MEETING Tha City Manager stated that the Cfty of Fridley had juat paseed an Ordinance regulating the atorage oE junked autos and jupked auto parts. Ha explained' that the meeting of the 3alvage Dealera Aesociation raould discusa�Legislation evch as the Ordinance pasaed by the City. Regietration to attend the'meeting of the Salvage Dealers Association is not required. The City Manager asked the Council to inform him before March 8, 1465, if any'of them could attend the meeting. The Mayor asked the Manager to tell the memb�ra of the Plantting Commiasion about the meeting. " Motfon by Kirkham to receive and file the caomunication of the Salvaga Dealers Asaociation. Seconded by Thompeon. Upon a voice vote, there being ho nays, the motion carried unanimouely. FRIDLBY MINIS'C6RIAL ASSOCIATION: NNIOR COLLEGE The City Manager read the letter irom the Fridley Diiniaterial Aeaociation aupporting location of the Junior College in Fridley. Motion by Sheridan to receive and file the letter from ttie Fridley Miniaterial Association. Seconded by Rirkham. Upon's'voice vote, there being no'nays, the I motian carried unanimously. ^ I � UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA: CIVIL DEFENSB GONFTsRfiNCE The Mayor asked the City Manager iP he knaw whethar, or not Sob Molinaro will attend the Civil Defense ConEerence. The�Clty Manager'etated tfiat'he'did no'E know. The Mayor asked fhe City Manager if tUe City'Manager'wae�plannfhg to attend the Civil Defense Con£erence. The`City Managzr enew�sred th'ax he will attend the Conference, Motion by Sheridan'Co recaiye the�communication fiom the University oE Minneaota-regarding the Civil Defenee Conferenca' and direct the City Manager to auttiorize any etaff inembers'who tha City Manager feels ahould attend the Conference to do so. Sac6nded by Kirkham. Upon a voice voYe, there 6eing no nays, the motion carried unanimouely. d �� ACRES, INC.: INNSBRUCK STfi ADDITION IMPBOVEMENTS Mr, Johneon, repreaentative of Acrea, Inc., was preaent at the Council Meeting, Councilman Sheridan asked if it were posaible ta spread the asseasments for the construction of the Lift Station over a greater area and over the period of time requested by Acres, Inc. Mr. Johnaon atated that Acres, Inc. has planned good developmant which will he an aseet to the City of Fridley and the City of Columbia Neighte. He atated that Acres Inc. Eelt that the spreading oE the asseasment acrosa all the lots of the homaowners in the area will make it poasible for the homeownera to pgy these aeaesamente more easily, Mayor Nee asked if the asaesamente for the Lift Station were asaeased againat Chia area. Mr. Comstock i-- etated that dra�nage of the lots aoutheast of the property of Acres, Inc, requires conatruction of tha Lift Station to provide for pumping of the aewaffe from the , low elevatio�s, 'He etated further that catch basine for the atorm sewer had been inatalled, but that no outlets to the sump for this drainage have been installed. The outlota are unplatted. The preaent plans are to spread the assessments Eor the conatruction of the Lift Station over 27 lots. Mr. Johnson atated that Acres, Inc. could enlarge the plat to spread the assessments £urther if it was possible to do so. The City Manager stated that the property ownara must agree to spreading the assessments further for the construction of the Lift Stakfon. The Mayor stated that the City is inclined to co-operate with requeats of this nahure whenever possible. He stated further that ,r,ranting such a requr.st coUld set a precedent., Councilman Thompson asked if platting of the land will be required in order to epread the assesament over a larger area. The Mayor asked whether the plat of the land of Actes, Inc, had been recorded. The City Manager answered tllat it had not been recordad, but that the Council had approved the plat. The City Manager suggeated that the Council hold over the petition to March lst. He stateci that action on the petition would require Acres, Inc. to furnish money in escrow to the City. Motion by Sheridan to receive the communication from Acres, Inc. as Pe[i.tion ft2-1965 and turn the petition over to the Administration for processing. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR A PBR[�ffT FOR THB CONSIRUCTION OF A SIGN: The property ownere, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hasten, were preaent at the Council Meeting. Mr. Nasten told the Council that he wished to request permiesion for the construction of a temporary aign, to be visible from T.H. It47 advertiaing apartmence Eor rent on 7th Straet. Mr. Hasten stated that hia request for the conatruction of the sign to be visible from T.H. #47 was due to the fact that 7tti Street is not completed at this time. Mr. Nasten will place the sign on the corner of tlle property at 5612 - 7th Street Nottheast on steel poate extending 14 feet above the ground and five feet into the ground. The sign to be 4 feet high by 10 feet long, to be made of two by fours and 1/2 inch plywood, Mr, Hasten stated that his apartment buildings are not vieible Erom T.H. M47 and that he felt the sign was required to enable him tn advertiae the location of the apartment buildings adequately. CounciZman Sheridan stnted tliat he aeaumed it was the intent of Mr. Hasten to keep the sign in place only until September or October. He stated further thet construction of 'T,H. N47 underpass wfll be completed by Novermber 1965. Councilman Thompson asked Mc. Hasten how Ear above the ground the sign would extend. Mr. Hesten answered that the sign would extend 14 feet above the ground, wou].d be red and white and would be placed 3 feet inaide the property line of the lot at 5612 - 7th StrePt Northeast. Couttcilintin Sheridan asked Mr. Hasten if he were willing to make and present drawings of the sign to the Building Inapector. Mr. Hasten answered that he would do so. MotLOn by Sheridan to gx'ant the request for the conatruction of the sign on a temporary 6asis until the construction of 7th Street is completed. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unaniroously. CLAIMS: Motion by Kirkham to approve the General and Public Utilities Claims t14505 through M4617. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve Liquor Claime #7151 through fi717S, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. y4 CSTIMATGS: Motion Uy Sheridan to epprove payment of Ehe following estimates: Rergerson-Ca�wPll, Inc. 13120 Wayzata Bottlevard Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 Estimate 1l3 (Partial) Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 34-R (Pumping Eiqufpment - Existing kTells 2, 3, 4, 3c 5. ) Randall-)3P.rglin end Petrotaske & Rose, Inc., Joint Venture 6801 Plaza Curve Northeest Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Fstimnte #2 (Partial) Storm Sewer Improvement Prnject No. 71 and Sanitery Sewer Improvement Pro�ect No. 72 ('I'.H. Ii47, North of Mississippi Stteet) Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road "J" Min�eapolis, Minnesota 55432 Furnishing of resident inspection and resident supervision for the staking out of construction work, Estimate q7 - S,nitary Sewer and Water Improve- ment Pro�ect No. 67 (1965 Sanitary Sewer and and Water Improvement Pro,7ect) Estimate N6 - Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 68 (1964 Storm Sewer Improvement Project) Estimate N4 - Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. SB (North of T.H. A�100, East of T.H, It47 ) Estimate ti3 - S�nitary Sewer and Water Improve- ment Project No. 70 (Riverview Terrace, south of Mississippi Place; Lincoln (Ashton) Street, south of Ironton Street; Sth Street, south of T,P, q100) l:stimate N4 - Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 72 (T.H. N47, North of Mississippi Street) Estimate ll4 - Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 71 (T.H. 1t46, North of Missiseippi Street) Estimate #3 - Water Improvement Project No. 34Q-T (Pvmping Inetallation and Pumphouse - Well It6 (600 - 63rd Avenne Northeast) TOTAL $.'4,665.33 $14,861.17 $19,526,50 $ 15.Q0 $ 35.00 � 40.00 $ 346.50 $ 15.00 $ 45.00 $ 285.00 781.50 20,308,00 Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. i.ICEDISES • Motion by Kirkham to approve the Eollowing licenses: }1rATTNG Hall Canopy Company 2010 - llth Avenue SauLh Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Calvin C. Hall NSW � I I ,� � SIGN NANGING Huber 5ign Company 700 W. Co. Rd. B St. Paul, Minneaoga OTNER LICENSE3: � , �� ' SERVICB STATION LICBNSS Charles Hess by: Leona C, Huber RENEWAL dba: Hess Mobile 6500 East River Road Fridley 21, Minnesota Paid $12.00 License Fee $3.00 per Pump Seconded by Sharidan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CONSTRUCTiON OF 79TH AVBNUE�NORTHEAST - BAST RIVER ROAD TO A3HTON (LINCOLN): The City Manager explained that construction of a 9torm Sewer Line is neceesacy to provide drainage needed for the conatruction oP the pavement on 79th Avenue f_rom Eeat River Road to Aahton Street. The City Engineer perEerred to complete construct3on oE a Storm Sewer Line in Area A at this time, also. A etorm Sewer Line�in area B is necessary if the rest of the Storm Sec.er Line ie conatructed or not. Conetruction of the Storm Sewer Line in area B would make it posaible por'the City to receive State Aid Funda for the construction and reduce the specfal aeseesments to the property�ownera accordingly. Mayor Nee asked whether it w8a 'poaeible to drain the water from the area into the ditch on the east side of &ast Rivei Road. The City Engineer replied that khe Engineerin� sY.aff had checked thie possibility firat and found that it wae not feasible to drain the water to the ditch on ttie East aide of Tiaet River Road since the ditch Ls of insuffieient depth, that it would be necee9ary to deepen the ditch, that this pro�ect would only work temporarily, and would coet the City money. liie Mayor asked why the Storm Sewer Line as shown on the map was not deeigned to run more directly to the Creek. The City Engineer replied that the Storm Sewer Line foZlowed the ditch, only because this had been deaigned under a preliminary study, and could probably be changed bePore final design. Councilman Sheridan asked if it were poasLble to replace the Storm Sewer Line in area B,with an open ditch. The City N1�gineer replied that there is en open ditch now in existence. The City Manager stated that part of the open ditch in erea A has been Eilled in by the property owners. Councilman Sheridan asked�iP use of an open ditch would require installation of a culvert under the street.- The City Sngineer answered, "Yes." The City Attorney asked if the ditch had been used for drainage over a long period oE time in the past, and stated that if this had been done, the City might have the right to improve the ditch. Mayor Nee asked�if use of ttie ditch would not couse flooding in the surrounding area. The City Sngineet atated that the property owners apparently caere satisfied with the use of the ditch to this time. The City Attorney instructed the City Engineer to find people who have lived in the area for many years in the past, to question them concerning how long the ditch had been in existence, and to find khe names and addres�es of'these people so that bhe City Attorney could oUtain statements from these people with regard to the use of the ditch in the past. Motion by Sheridan to table consideration of the construction of Storm Searers at 79th Avenue Northeast - East River Road to Ashton (Lincoln) to the Regular Council Meeting of March 1, 1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPOIN'IMENTS: PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS SUB-COtA1IZTEE: Councilman Kirkham sug;eated that the�(',ouncil appoint Tom Cor_hran of 1171 Lynde Drive to the Parka and'Playgrounda Sub-Committee. Ne stated that 'fom Cochran has been active in yauth work for the past several years, has been active in the Junior Achievement Program, and hae been active in the Footligliters. Dlayor C1ee asked if Tom Cochran was willing to aerve on the Parks and Playgrounds Sub-Committee. Councilman Kirkham answered thdt he was. Motion by Kirkham to appoint Tom Cochran to the Parks and Playgrounds Sub-Committee for a term of 3 years, commencing on January ], 1965. Seconded Uy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, yh PARItS AND PLAYGROUf1DS RECREATION Di[tGCTOR: The City Mana�er etatE�d that he and Robert S. Hughes, the Chairman of the Parks and Playground9 Sub-Committee, and Mr. Dunphy, Chairman oE the Recreation Cocumission, hnd spent tlie past two weeks interviewing applicants for the post of Parks and Recreata.on Directar. Nine people were interviewed for this job and there was unanimous consent to the recommendation by the City Munager that Paul Brown, of 5711 �Jashburn Avenue South, Minneapolie, Minnesota, be appointed Parke'and R�creation DLCector. Mr. Brown is a graduate of the Univeraity of Minneaota and hns completed 3G hours towards a Masters ➢egree in recreation work. Mr. Brown has worked as A Community Center Director for the City of Minneapolis. Hia age is 3D years, he is married and has one cliild. Councilmen Thompaon aeked whether Mr. Brown woul�l be willing to become a resident of the City of Fridl¢y. The City Mana;er answered that Paul Brawn had agreed to become a resident of the City of Fridley and woulfl preFer to move to the City oE Fridley whenever he could diapose of his home at no loss to him. Motion by Thompson to concur with the reeo�mnendation of the City Msnager, to confirm and order the appointment o£ Paul Srown as Parks and Playgrounds Recreation Director of the City o£ Fridley. Seconded by Stierfdan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the [Oqt10II carried unanimously. RUS S�RVICE - (RRTA(:ATION OF ROUTE): Councilman Kirkham �tated that he and the City Mana�er had met with the Fepreaent- atives oF tlle 'Ibrin Cities Rapid Transit Company and Fridley Methodist Church. The Au� Company is willing to extend transportation Enst on Miseisaf,ppi Street to the intersection of Mississippi and Monrce Street. The I�thodist Church has agreed to a]low the Bus Company to drive the busses into the pasking lot of,the,Methodist Church, and tn park in the lot Eor the pnriod of time required £or,the bus at the end of the run. IF it is not possible for the bus to park in the pasking lot, there is room on Monroe Street for the bus to park for the and of the;run stop. � The Bus Company asked that the City Administration send a letter tq,tha,Bus Company requesting the route change as agreed to by the City Officials. The Bus Company nerds this letter in oxder to apply for approval of the route change with the Stete Railroad and Warehouse Commission. , ,I . Motion by Kirkham to direct tha City Mana�er to request the,SUS Company to cliange the route to that as agreed upon with tha Bua Company Officials and as,outlined to the Council. SeconciPd by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, r.he motion r_arried unanimously. Motion bv Kirkham to recognia.e the service to the Community hy the Methodiat Churr_h in providing the use of their parking lot for turn-acound,and en� of the line wait for tlie Rus Company and authorize the Administration to provide Eor snow removc�l acrording to the scheduZed time required for use by the Bus Company. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays,,the motion carried unanimouely. CkiANGF ORDGR N0. ] - W-34-0: Motion by Sheridan to approve Change Order No. 1- W-34-0 and authorize the Mayor end City Manager to execute same. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CIIANG� pRD�A NO. 2- W-34-Q-2: Mot,ion by Sheridan to approve Change Order No. 2- W-34-Q-2 and authorize the Mayor �nd Cit� Manager to execute same. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CIIMIGE ORDCR N0. 2- S&SS 71 & 72. ', C9otion by Kirkham to approve Change Order No. 2- S&SS 71 & 72,and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute same. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � R650LUTION N0. 29-1965 - Ali'CHORIZING BIDS - ONE POLIC6 CAR: pfotion by 'Phompson to epprove Resolution No. 29-1965 and the speciEications accompanying the Resolution. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote„ there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. _� I �T_ �� RESOLUTION N0. 30-1965 - APPROVING THE FINAL P Councilman Sheridan asked whethen it would be possible for the Council to delete portions oE the Project after the Project had once been approved. The CiCV 1�lanager replied that the effect o£ deletions oE portions of the Pro�ect depend upon how large a portion of the total Project the deletions a�e, Councilman Sheridan stated that the City did not own part of Fillmore Street which wes ittcluded in the Project and did not have all of the right-oE-way on Fillmore Street, He stated further that the price of land which the present owners have paid for the land would make it expensive for the City to obtain the right-of-way by co�xtemnation, although, the City could posaibly clear with the property owners the right to conetruct the street within 30 days. The CiCy Engineer asked if it would be poasible to clear ttw right-of-way matter by March 15, Councilman Sheridan anawered that he thougt thia would be possible. The City Manager suggeated that the contract specifications could state that the Pro�ect on Fillmora streat might be deleted or delayed, that in hie opinion this was a small part of the total Pro�ect and would not affeck the cost to the Cjty materially. Mayor Nee stated that the Cnuncil could do the same for con.struction of pavement along Ashton Street. The City Manager stated that paving AshY,on Street might require Che poating of Ironton Street for load 1Lmits to keep the trucks off Ironton and Aahton Streets during part of the year and that deletion of so large a portion of the contract might result in the imposition of adverae expenses upon the City. Motion by Thompaon to adopt Reaolution No, 30-1965 as corrected. Seronded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to approve Resolution No. 31-1965, Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 32-1965 RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION OF A JUNIOR COS,LGGL: Councilman Thompson asked if it would be possible for the Council to adopt a Resolution effecting the wishes of the Council. The City Manager answered that it would be posaible to preaent a Resolution to the County which would reflect the wiehea oE the Council. The Mayor state8 that the City ought to provide data to the County Commisaionera and to the Junior College Board to show that the land which is propoaed for the construction of the Junior College will aupport the buildings, The Mayor asked Mr, Comstock if the City had reports or data which would ehow that the land was capable of vupporYing conatruction oP these buildings. Mr. Comstock anewered that test holes had been made in the land to a depth of 7 feet. The City Engineer stated that additLOnal test holes would be required for the conatruction of the building at the locations of the footinga of the buildings, and that it would be necessary to have a plot plan to know the location of the footings of the buildings before any worthwhile data couId be gathered on the feasibility of construction of the buildings. The Mayor stated that it would be useful to have a letter from the Cpnsulting Engineer including data showing that it is feasible to construct these buildings on this proposed aite. Motion by Thompeon to adopt Resolution No. 32-1965, Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, RBSOLUTiON N0. 33-1965 - AUTNORI2ING AND DIItL'CTING T1iG SPLITTINC OP CERTA7N SPECIAL ASS85SMENTS ON PARCEL 50, AUDI'DOR'S SUB, p25• Motion by Sheridan to apprave Resolution Nn. 33-1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 34-1965 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRLCTING Tf� Motion by sheridan to adopt Resolution No. 34-1965. Seconded Uy Kirkliam. Upon a voice vate, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimously. 1.2.3. BIACK 1 AND LOTS 1.2.3 AND DIRECTLNG CRGEK SP1IT'TTNG OP PLAT 2: Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution No. 35-1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. y8 RPAFFIRM7NG,[tGSOLUTION N0. 24-1965 PASSED PEBRUARY 1, 1965: Motinn by Kirkl�am to table action ReafCirming Resolution No. 24-1965 to the Regular Council Pleetinp, of. March 1, 1965. Seconded by Thompaon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � ADSpURNMFNT: There being no further buainess, Mayor Nee declared the Regular Council Meeting oE FPbruary 15, 1465 adjourned. Respectfully submitted: ?� ] /�( a�ti�J�2A'�z7� C�n �i Rey+ nd fi. Bac3e� Secretary to Che Council .� Wi liam J. Idee Mayor RT'GULAR COUNCIL ME�TING MINU'TT3S - MnRCH 1, 1965 A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8� 1�1 P,M. �PENING CERFMONY: Councilman Kirkham introduced troop 480 of the Fridley Roy Scouts who conducted an opening ceremony cansLSting of presentah on of the Flag and the Pledge,of Allegiance to the Plag. Mayor Nee extended hLS thanka to the Troop for conducting the opening ceremony. ROLL CALL: Membere Present: Nee, Kirkham, Wright, Thompson Members Absent: Sheridan APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SP&CIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 11, 1965: Motion by Wright to apptove the minutes of the Special Meeting of February 11, 1465. Seconded by Kirkham, ilpon a voice vote, thera being no nays, tha motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OP MINU1'GS - R6GULAa MF.ETING - FFBRUARY 15, 1965: Motion by Kirkham to approve ttie minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 15, 1965. Seconded Uy Tltompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrxed unanimonsly. � � SECOND RFADING OF - STH 8c 'The Mayor stated that ths petitioner had not objected to having the 2nd reading of this Or�linance tabled. The Planning Commission wished to discusa this mattet with the Plc�nning Consultant at its meeting on Thursday, Mareh k. Motion by Wright to table tho second reading of tlie Ordinance, Rezoning R-1 to C-1 the Southeast corner o£ Sth and Misai.saippi, to the next regttlar meetipg of ithe Council on March 15, 1965. Secvnded by Thompson. Upon a voice vate, there beino no nays, taie motlon carried unanimously. ,