05/08/1965 - 00022159193 N0. 79-1965 - Councilman Wright passed copies to each of the Council members Councilman wright read the Resolution No. 74Y1965 for the benefit of the visitors attending the Council meeting Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No 79-1965 Seconded Uy Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there bei�g no nays the motion carried unanimously � The City Manager stated that $e wished to thank the Council for nominating him for the distinguished service award � RESOLUTION N0, 81-1965 - TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER AND WATER SERVICE LINES FOR THE MOOR� LAI� BP�ACH HOUSE: Councilman kTright asked whe[her the City administration has an estimate for the cost of sewex and water service lines to the Beach House. The City Engineer answered that the amount of the estimate is $47,000 00 Council- man Sheridan asked what amount of this cost would be used fox' plumbing in the Beach House. The City Engineer answered 50% The City �ngineer stated that the cost of connecting these services to the Beach House depends on how the connectlon is made across Central Avenue if it is possible to install the line under Central Avenue without digging a trench across Central Avenue the cost will be a great deal less Motion by Kirkham to adopt Resolution No. 81-1965 Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously ADJOURNr�NT: There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned at 12:50 A,M Respectfully submitted; � ���'`d'n�� ���L �(�������L'�d/lNt ���'�� l" Raymond E. Bade William J Ne Secretary to the Council rlayor MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY - MAY 8 1965 A special Council meeting of the City Council of Fridley was held at the City Ha11 on May 8 1965 at 12:00 o'clock noon RO�,L CALL • Members Pre&ant: Nee, Sheridan Kirkham Z'hompson After the commencement of the meeting Councilman idright was present. Meeting with the Council members were the City Engineer, Nasim Qureshi, the Chairman of the Planning Commission, Ken Kravik, the City Planner Tom Hodne, Wyman Smith, City Attorney, and Elmer Binford, the field � xepresentative for Minnesota Urban Renewal Mr. Binford said the initial question is whether the City is ready to dcclare that there is a need of rehabLlitation and redevelopment because of the catastrophe, The Council by unanimous agreement indicated that they were ready to so cextify Mr Binford then discussed generally the procedure for developing an urban renewal program He stated that the City would need concurrence from the Regional Director in Chicago in order to proceed wrth planning The name and phone number of the Regional Director is A➢ Swartzel 828-5900. Mr. Binford further pointed out that James T Hart of the St Paul Urban Authority would be most helpful in the legal procedures involved On moCion duly anade, seconded and unanimous vote, Tom Hodne was authorized to contact Hurd Aerial Photo Company and take aerial photos of the damaged area for the cost not to exceed $500 00 �94 On motion of Thompson and second of Wright it was proposed that the City purchase necessary Polaroid film and take pictures of individual properties that are involved with ma�or tornado damage That one copy of the pictures should be made for the City and one copy of the pictures made available to the property owner. This motion was unanimously &dopted PROCLAI�It1TI0N: bY WILLIAM J NEE, MAYOR, FRIDLEY, MINN�SOTA, PURSUANT TO SECTION 30.061 OF FRIDLEY CITY CODE: WHL�REAS, tornadoes and storms of wlnd hail and rain have caused in�ury to human life and damage to property within the City of Fridley in the early evening of Thursday, May 6 1965, and WHEREAS, power and telephone wires are scattered ove the City of Pridley and WHEREAS, debris o£ every kind and description has littered the yards streets, public property, and private property within the City of Fridley,and, WI-IEREAS, many homes, commereial businesses and industrial buildings have Ueen demolished or seriously damaged, and WHERCAS, it is necessary that an emergency be declared and the City of Fridley exercise its police power to protect and safeguaxd the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens and property owners of the City of Fridley pursuant to Section 3D.061 of the Fridley City Code NOW THEREFORE, I, William J. Nee, the Mayor of the C1ty of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, do hereby proclaim that an emergency exists in the City of Fridley, that a11 citizens and property ownet-s are called upon to assist one another in giving emergency first aid, rescuing and shelteriig disaster victims, and the safeguarding of property; that all departments and employees of the city are to immediately report for duty; that the city administration shall do whatever is necessary to get assistance from the public, the ad7oining municipalities, the State of Minnesota and the United States Government, that a security system be instituted to keep unauthorized persons looters, and sightseers out of the disaster areas, that the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army be authorized to establish facilities and provide food, clothing and shelter for disaster victims and workers; that the Civil Defense Authority of the City of Fridley shall immediately take such measures as may be necessary to coordinate and direct the other departments of the City of Fridley in disaster rel�ef; And I ca11 upon the members of the City Council of Ftidley to med in emergency session and to meet at frequent intervals during the disaster crisis. A copy of this proclamation shall be filed with the City Clerk and a copp posted at the City Ha11. DONE AT FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, on the 6th day of May 1965 at 9•00 o'clock P M. ATTEST: ,, ����� �.s.-�.�..-�,��/1,��'�".r't( arvin C Brunse 1, City C1erk Respectfully submitted; Wyman Smith Acting Secretary to the Council J' (/�1������ � ) J V l, William J Nee Mayor of City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota. � � i