05/17/1965 - 00022140� 1 1 II ! 2U1 THE bIINUTES OI' THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 17, 1965 A regular meeting of Yhe Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:20 P.M. ROZL CALL: Members Present: Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan, Wright, Thompson Members Absent• None APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - MAY 3, 1965: Councilman Thompson stated that a visitor had called his attention to an error on Page 22 of the minutes. When Resolution No. 81-1965 was passed, the amount of the estimated cost of construction was incorrectly listed as $47,000 00 It should be $7,000.00 Motion by Thompson to amend the minu� s on Page 22, to read, "The City Engineer answered that the amount of the estimate is $7,000 00." Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanim:ously Motion by Kirkham to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of May 3, 1965, as amended. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimo�tsly. APPROVAL OF MINIITES - SPECIAI. MEETING - MAY 8, 1965: Motion by Sheridan to amend the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 8, 1$5, to include the proclamation of the State of L�mergency by Mayor William Nee Seconded by Thompson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanim3usly. Motion by Sheridan to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 8, 1965 as amended. Seconded by Ldright. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no n� s, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINIITES - SPECIAL MEETING - MAY 10. =y.765^ Motion by Sheridan to amend the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 10, 1965, by adding the following: There was a duscussion about the removal of debris, from all areas within the City, at public expense. The Mayor pointed out that Federal Disaster Funds should be available to reimburse the City for this expense. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous vote, the Cicy Attorney Ya�.s directed to prepare a suitable resolution, and present it to the Council for formal action as soon as possible. Seconded by Wright Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrxed uaanimously. Motion by Sheridan to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 10, 1965 as amended. Seconded by Wnght. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING - MAY 11, 1965: Motion by Wright to amend the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 11, 1965 to include the statement that Councilman Thompson waives notice of the meeting. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 11, 1965 as amended. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING - MAY 12, 1965: Motion hy Kirkham to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 12, D 65 Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously `?02 APPROVAL OF MINUT�S - SPECIAL MEETING - MAY 13, 1965: Motion by Kirkham to amend the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 13, 1965, to the effect that the vote adopting Resolution No, 82-1965 was adppted by ro11 ca1L vote, Councilman Sheridan, Councilman Wright, Councilman Thompsox� and NIayor Nee voting aye; Councilman Kirkham voting nay. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to accept the minutes of the Special Counr.il Meeting of May 13, 1965 as amended. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PU�LIC IIEAAINGS: ON REZONING R-1 TO R-3A (LOTS 80 to 83, SLOCK A, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS): Mayor Nee explained the reasons for holding the Public Hearing on Rezoning Lots 80 to 83, Block A, Riverview fIeights, and asked if anyone wished to have the notice of hearing read at the Council meeting No. one replied to this question. William Tonco was present at the Council meeting and asked the Mayor if he could have an explanation of the requirements for R-3A Zoning. The City Manager explained the A-3A Zone is limited to multiple dwellings, with setback requirements and other requirements the same as R-2 zoning requirements. The Mayor asked if anyone present at the Council meeting was for or against the proposal to rezone these lots from R-1 to R-3A. Mr, Bourdeaux was present at the Council meeting and stated that it is her request to have the lots rezoned to R-5A. Mayor Nee declared the hearing closed. Motion by IZirkham to request the administration to bring an ordinance to the following Council meeting for the rezoning of Lots 80 to 83, Block A, Riverview Heights, from R-1 to R-3A. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanunously. S�COND READING OF ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTEA 77: Motion by Sheridan to adopt upon second reading the Ordinance adding Cha}�ter 77 to the City Code. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Wright stated that Section 1 and Section 77.01, defining motor vehicles, ruled out 90% of the motor vehicles as they are commonly defined. He asked whether it would be possible to change these two sectioia of Ordinance No. 77. The City Attorney suggested that this Ordinance could be written to apply to motorized vehicles rather than motor vehicles. The Mayor stated that the Ordinance as written applied to motor vehicle rentals and not to motor vehicles alone Cou ncilman Wright stated that someone going into the auto renting buisness might assume that this Ordinance applied to him, whereas it actually did not. Councilman Wright stated that he wished the Council to direct the City At�torney to change the titles of the Ordinance and paragraphs Section 1 and 77.01 to conform to the definition of vehicles which the Council actually wishes to regulate Councilman Thompson stated that he believes it is a good idea to have this Ordinance passed now and have amendments to that effect brought in later, so that an Ordinance will be in effect hefore the middle�, of the summer. The City Manager stated that the second reading of the Ordinance could Ue taUled until the City Attorney prepares suitable amendments. Motion by Wright to reconsider the motion to adopt upon second reading the Ordinance adding Chapter 77 to the City Code. Seconded by Kirkg'am. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by jaright to table second reading of the Ordinance adding Chapter 77 until the City Attorney can prepare suitable amendments to the Or@inance changing the titles and paragraphs to describe the vehicles actually defined. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �J � � � � L�d BIDS - LIQIIOR STORE FIXTIIRES (OPENED NOON MAY 7, 1965): The City Manager read the following bids as received: BIDDER BI➢ SECURITY LiR�SP SUM BID TIME Display Fixtures, Inc. Agricultural 189 East Kellogg Blvd. Insurance Co St. Paul 1, Minn. 10% South Town Cashier's Check Refrigeration $341.20 4555 Grand Avenue So. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55409 Streater Store Certified Check Fixtures, Inc, $1,650 00 26 North Sth Street Minneapolis, Minn. 55403 $11,590.00 Cooler only $6,$23 75 $12,435 00 Alt A $11,r.75.00 Alt B $11,881 00 30 cal days 30 days 30 to 45 days 203 A Mr. John Wright, representative of Streater S�ore Fixtures Company, was present at the Council meeting. He asked if he might speak on behalf of the Streater Store Fixture Company. He was given permission by the Mayor Mx. Wright stated that the Streater Store Fixture Company submitted a bid based upon their own specifications using their own fixtures Ide stated that the Streater Store Fixtures Company is one of the largest companies supplying store fixtures in the country and is a division of Litton Industries The City Manager stated that the specifications for the liquor store fixtures had been prepared upon the advice of the salesman of Display Fixtures, who had helped to design the layout for the liquor store. Mr Wright stated that he believed the merchandising ideas incorporated in the design of the fixtures made by the Streater Store Fixture Company are more Ueneficial to selling merchandise. He stated the other differences in the specifications offered by the Streater Store Fixture Company are of a technical nature and most of them pertain to the construction of the refrigerator He stated that the Streater Store Fixture Company would welcome an opportunity to show the Council, or any committee designated by the Councll, the advantages of using Streater Store Fixtures. He stated that he had several samples with him and the Streater Store Fixture Company maintains a show room at 26 North Sth, in downtown Minneapolis. He invited the Council, or any committee dQSignated by the Council, to view the fixtures of the Streater Store Fixture Company in their showroom. He stated that people from all over the the country come to Minneapolis to see the fixtute display at 26 North Sth Street Dtr, Wright stated further that he believed the bid offered by the Streater Store Fixture Company is a lower price for quality fixtures, and is a competitive bid. Councilman Sheridan asked Mr. Ldright whether part of his bid, submitted as alternate A, offers only the fixtures of the Streater Store Fixture Company Mr. Wright answered that all of the fixtures offered in the bid are sold by the Streater Store Fixture Company and no two fixtures are alike Councilman Sheridan asked Mr Wright whether the base bid of $12,000.00 made by the Streater Store Fixture Company is in accord with the specifications submitted with the bid notice. Mr Wright answered, "Yes, with minor changes " Councilman Sheridan stated that it appears the liquor store will not be ready for business for another 30 days and the Council could receive the Uids and view the display in the showroom of the Streater Store Eixture Company before awarding a hid. The Mayor asked Councilman Thompson whether he would be interested in viewing the fixtures Councilman Thompson answered that Midland Co-Op uses Streater Store Fixtures in their business, and that he would be happy to view another display of the Streater Store Eixture Company. Councilman Wright asked whether alternate A submitted by the Streater Store Fixture Company offers ifxtures with identical functions to thos specified in the request for bids. Mr Wright answered, "Yes." Mr, Wright Stated that there is one exception in the alternate bids in that ponies can be shown in the counter windows offered by the Streater Store Fixture Company, whereas they cannot be shown in the counter windows of the fixtures described in the specificaYions given in the xequest for bids. 5 rl �`/ � Motion by Kirkham to receive the bids and appoint Councilman Sheridan and Councilman Thompson to act as a committee to view the fixtures of the Streater Store Fixture Company and report to the Council at its next meeting Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously BIDS - ONE HALF TON TRUCK (OPENED NOON, MAY 17, 1965): The City Manager read the following bids as received; BIDDER BID SECURITY BASE BID AtTERNATE DELIVERY � "A" DATE Ma�or Ford Federal $1,399,00 $1,524.00 45 cal. 2905 East Lake St, Insurance Co, days Minneapolis, Minnesota 5% Minar Ford Company Certified $1,303.14 $1,609.14 30 cal. 1708 Central Avenue N E. Check days Minneapolis, rYinnesota $80.50 The City Manager also read a letter from the City Engineer recommending the award of the contract to Minar Ford, with the trade-in in the amount of' $1,309.14. Motion by Wright to award the bid to Ma.nar Ford Company for the purchase of a one-half ton truck with trade-in for the amount of $1,309.14. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BIDS-WAT�R AND SEWER �OR MOORE LAKE BEAC�I HOUSE (OPENED NOON, MAY, 17, 1965): The City Manager stated that the City administration received only one bid for water and sewer construction for the Moore Lake Beach House and had not opened the bid. '�he City Engineer stated that he believed it is necessary to do this work now since construction of the Beach House wi11 be completed within 4 weeks. Sending out the request for additional bids will delay construction of the Beach House by two weeks. He stated that all the contractors have work at this time of the year, that this is a small �ob, and he does not believe it is likely the City will obtain additional bids for the Beach House. DeWayne Olson, consul�ting engineer, was present at the Council meeting. He stated that the �ob involved boring under Central Ave. for the sewer and water services and he estimated the cost of construction `aould be $6,500.00. Councilman Sheridan asked whether the bidder of his representative was present when the bids were opened. The City Manager answered, "No." The City Attorney suggested the bidder be asked if he has any ob�ection to hav=ng his bid opened since he is the only bidder on the aob. Councilm� Thompson asked the City Engineer what he thought were the chances of receiving additonal bids on the �ob. The City Engineer answered that he did not think the chances were very good. Councilman Thompson asked the City Attorney whether it is possible to award the bid when only one bid was received The City Attorney asnwered that it is possible to award the contract even though only one bid was received. Mayor Nee asked the Consulting Engineer whether it would be po ssible to a�d the construction work for sewer and water service of the Beach House to another construction pro�ect. The Consulting Engineer answered that there are no comparable unit costs between the sewer and water services for the Seach House and other construction work. He stated, however, that it might be a possibility that Johnson Bros. Construction Co, would be willing to give a quotation on the construction of the sewer and water services and include it with one of the pro,7ects of sewer and water construction which they presently have contracted with the City. Councilman Wright stated that he is in favor of opening the bid. Councilman ICirkham stated that he also Uelieved the Council should open the bid and read it Councilman Sheridan stated that he favors sending the bid back to the original bidder. Upon direction from the Mayor, the City Manager opened the bid. The bid was received fram Erwin Montgomery, of 2160 West County Road D in St Paul, It was accompanied by a 5% bid bond purchased from the Ohio Farmers Insurance Company. '1'he bid was for a lump sum in the amount of $8,418.00 and cal�ed for 30 calendar days for completion. The City Engineer suggested to the Council that a quote be obtained from Harley and From Johnson Bros. Construction Co. ' ' 205 Motion by Sheridan to receive the bid and refer it to the City Engineer and the Consulting Engineer for review and recommendations Seconded Uy Kirkham. IIpon a voice vote, Councilman Wright being tempoiarily absent, the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: M.H.D.: DITCH IMPROVEMENT; Mayor Nee asked the Consulting Engineer whether he knows the plans oL the � Minnesota Highway Department in regard to improv7�ng the ditches. The Consult= ing Engineer answered that most of the dLtch improvement involves construction in Ramsey County and might affect Rice Creek since the water flowing from the ditches flows into a chain of lakes and eventually into Ru e Creek He stated that the purpose of the ditch improvement is to improve the drainage system and the rate of runoff in Ramsey County Councilman Sheridan asked the Consulting Engineer Whete ,Tones Zake is located. The Consulting Engineer stated that it is in the neighborhood of 39th Avenue Northeast. The Consulting Engineer stated further that he believes construction of the drainage improvement does not involve Fridley except in a very minor way. The City Manager asked the Consulting Engineer what approving the request of the Minnesota Highway Department wonld commit the City tc do The Consulting Engineer stated that he does not believe it wi11 commit the City to do anything, but the Minnesota Highway Department wishes to have the concurrence of the City in construction of the drainage improvemerxt. Council- man Wright asked whether construction of the drainage improvement will improve control of Rice Creek. The Consulting Engineer answered, "Not necessarily." The City Manager asked whether approving the Resolution written by the Minnesota Highway Department will incur any engineering costs to the City. The Consulting Engineer stated that he believes the engineering costs which might be incurred by the City wi11 be very sma11 Motion by Wright that the Consulting Engineering firm of Comstock and Davis be authotized to represent the City to the Minnesota Highway Department � concerning work involving the improvement of County Ditch No. 2 Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLi1TI0N N0. 84-1965 - EXPRESSING THE WILLINGNESS OF THE CITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE COUNTY DITCH NO 2 PR07ECT IN A COOPERATIVE APPROACH WITH OTHER AGENCIES WITHIN THE WATERSHED: Motion by Wright to adopt Resoluti.on No. 84-1965, as presented Uy the Minnesota Aighway Department. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AYER: COMMENDATION ON FLOOD WORK: Motion by Thompson to receive the communication of David H Ayer to the Crty employees and direct the administration to post the letter for the employees of the City to read. Seconded by Wright Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MORIN: COMMENDATTON ON FLOOD WORK: Motion by Thompson to receive the communication of Mrs. R. J Morin and direct the administration to post copies of the letter for the employees of the water and street department, the police department, and the fire department to read, Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the � motion carried unanimously. AMERICAN LEGION POST i�303: REFERRING TO FL00D WORK: blotion by Thompson to receive the communication from Mr. Ronald Kinkel of the Fridley American Legion Post and direct the administration to post copies of the letter for the City employees to read. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously A.P.W.A,: SCHOOL COMPLETTON: The City Manager stated that he has already given the certificates to Darrel G Clark and Curtis L. Dahlberg for completion of course work �� 0 6 offered by the Minnesota State Chapter of *_he American Public Works Assoc. Nfotion by Sheridan to receive and file the lettez from the State Chapter of the American Public Tdorks Association. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CITY ATTORNEY: ZONING AZONG SERVICE DRIVE T.H -0k65 NORTE�OF RICE CREEK:----- (see amendment Council Meeting June 7, 1965) The City Attorney suggested that the property could be rezoned when the Planning Consultant reports to the Council. He stated that there is a pending application for a rezoning permit for construction of a funeral parlor. The City Attorney stated that covenants restricting-all of these lots in the subdivision to single family dwellings will have to be removed before rezoning-can be approved. He stated that it is necessary for the applicants requesting rezoning for the construction of the funeral parlor and double bungalows to serve notice on the City and on the neighboring property owners of the intent to take action to have the convenants removed. Motion by Sheridan to receive the communication from the City Attorney and direct the administration to give copies of the City Attorney's letter to all interested parties. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. M.H.D.: REFERRING TD CITY RESOLUTION N0. 39=1965: Nlotion by Wright to receive the letter of Ms. Welch, Distrut Engineer of the Minnesota Department of Highways. Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. M.H,D.: LAND IISE MAPSa Motion by Wright to receive the communication of Mr. Jamieson, Commissioner of the Department uf Highways, concerning the land use maps. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unani- mously. BOARD OF HEALTH: REPORT: Councilman Thompson stated that the Health Officer is to be commended for hls persistence in investigating th�health problems-that exist in the City of Fridley. He stated further that he wished to have the Council direct the City Manager to commend the Health Officer for his fine work for the City. Motion by Thompson to direct the City Manager to commend the Health Officer for his fine work in the City of Fridley. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to receive the report of the Health Officer. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ST OF MR. SCHUUR TO OPERATE A TOWING BUSINESS AT 5755 Councilman Wright asked Mr Schuur, who was present at the Council meeting, to explain his communication to the Council. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Schuut whether his request to operate a towing Uusiness at 5755 University Avenue is to conduct the same type of operation as Mr. Schuur had previously discussed with the Council. Mr Schuur answered, "Yes," He stated that he wished to have the Council clarify their position on the operation of his towing business. Motion by Wright to reconfirm the action taken by the Council on March 15, 1965 in regard to the operation of a towing business by Mr. Schuur at 5755 University Avenue. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS• Motion by Wright to approve the General and Public Utilities Claims ��5175 through �65Z51. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. i I_� � � � � � MotLOn by Wright to approve the Liquor Claims ��7421 by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays unanimously. ESTIMATES• through �k7484. Seconded , Che motion carried� Gouncilman Wright asked Mr. Comstock whether the Keys We11 Drilling Company will continue work on their contract in spite of the damage done to thes equipment on the site. Mr, Comstock answered, "Yes," and stated that Keys Well Drilling Company has moved anoCher rig onto the site and is continuing woxk. Councilman Wright asked whether completion of the pro�ect wi11 be delayed. Mr. Comstock answered that he believes the construction wi11 l�� completed on time. Motion by Sheridan to approve the estimate of Keys Well Drilling Co inthe amount of $8,288.33. Seconded by Wright Upon a voice vote, there beisg no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESPIPfATES: SMILEY AND ASSOCIATES; The City Manager stated that he received a letter from Mr Smiley containing two estimates, one for the amount in question and another for the work of phase two of the pro�ect. Councilman Sheridan asked whether it would be possible to pay Smiley & Associates for the estimate of work on phase t,a�3 of the design. The City Manager replied that he would prefer to ask Yhe City Attorney whether it would be alright to pay Mr Smiley for this work The City Attorney stated that in his opinion it would be a11 righ[ Co pay Mr. Smiley for phase two work as long as the Council does not pay him for the amount in question. Councilman Wright stated that he believed it would be a good idea to pay Smiley & Associates for phase two woxk zn order to insure their continued good work on the remainder of the pro�ect APPOINTMENTS: Motion by Wright to approve the following appointments; NAME Positian SALARY REPLACES Robert James Blosky Public Works $447.00 305 76th Avenue N.E. Department per Fridley, Minnesota CMI month Caryn Gay Lundquist Aeceptionist $272,00 6409 Willow Lane Cashier per Brooklyn Center, Tlinnesota month Seconded by Thompson carried unanimously. PETITION N0. 8-1965: New Position Marilyn Johnson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion Motion by Kirkham to receive Petition No. 8-1965 and refer it to the Admini- stration for processing. Seconded by Wright Upon a voice vote, the�e Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER N0. 1- W-75-A: The City Engineer stated that this Change Order is for work previously autharized by the Council. Motion by Wright to reconfirm the previous action of the Council and approve Change Order No 1- W-75 A. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER N0. 2- W-75-A: The City Engineer explaines that the purpose of this Change Order is to xemove the equipment £xam well holes �k7 & 8 in accordance with the pxevious authorization of the Council. Motion by Wright to adopt Change Order No. 2- W-75-A Seconded by Sheridan llpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion. carried unanimously. 2�7 d����� PETITION N0. 10-1965: The City Manager explained that Petition No, 1D-1965 is a Petition from Rodney Bil],man, to waive hearing on improvements in Innsbruck Sth Addition. Motion' by Wright to receive Petition No. 10-1965 and refer it to the administration for processing, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. DAMAGE CI,AIM - UNDERHILL: Motion by Wright to receive the damage claim oF Russell S. Underhill. � Secnnded Sy Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL FLDOD AND TORNADO DISASTER FUNDS; The City Manager stated that he received a memo from the Fi.nance Director explaining that none of the City's FunrYs could handle the amou�tt of the disaster expense and asking authorization to establish special funds to handle money and claims for the tornado dlsaster and the flood disaste� until Federal Funds are received for this purpose. Councilman Wright asked the City Attorney whether it would be proper to issue temporary bonds to provide monies to these funds The City Attorney answered that this would be alright, The Finance Director requested the Council to pass a Aesolution authorizing the Finance Director to establish a separate fund and sell temporary bonds to pzovide monies for the funds in order to establish a definxte procedure Councilman Sheridan stated that he believed it would be permiss�ble for the Finance Director to establish separate funds for the tornado disaster and the flood disaster and finance these funds by the sale of temporary bonds, RESOLUTION NO 85-1965 - PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL REGULAR MEETING OE THE COUNCIL OF FRIDLEY, MINIVCSOTA: Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution No. 85-1965. Seconded by Kirkham. � Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unan.tmously, BUILDING PERMIT: FROST TOP bRIVE-IN: Motion by Sheridan to grant the request of the Frost Top Drive-In and issue a Building Permit for reconstruction of the Drive-In to its original state at 7699 T.H. �k65. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � Councilman Wright asked whether it is necessary to refer permits for reconstruction to the Building Board for action. The Mayor answered that this depends upon whether there is any need for the Building Board Yo take action on any of these Buxlding Permits. Counczlman Sheridan, Councilman Rirkham, and Councilman Thompson stated that they did not believe there is any need to refer Building Permits for reconstruction to the Bu�,lding Board. Councilman Sheridan stated Eurther that if the Building Inspector wished to refer applications for Building Permits to the Building Board he could do so BUILDING PERMIT - A& H SERVICE - 6001 UNIVERSITY AVENUE: The City Manager stated that he recaeved a request from Mr. J. Marchiafava for a Building Permit to reconstruct his property at 6001 University Ave Motion by Wright to receive the request of Mr. Marchiafava for a Building � Permit. Seconded by Thompson. ilpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to authorise the Building Inspectot to issue a Building Permit for construction at 6001 University Avenue to make minimum and necessary temporary repairs to cover and protect equipment, supplies, and inventories, Seconded by Thompson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrred unanimously. TRAILER PERMITS� The City Manager stated that he received several applications for temporary occupancy of trailer houses, pending reconstruction of homes. � �� u � 2U9 Motion by Wright to approve the folloWing applications for trailer permits: Gerald W, Adams - 6301 Monroe Street N.E Richard E. He1m - 621 67th Ave, N.E. Leonard G. Hoffmann - 5900 N.E Sth SC John L Jensen - 6070 6th St. N E. Ralph Sommer - 6101 bth St. N.E. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. COMM[JNICATION; CIZ'Y ATTORNEX: RE: WINDORSIZI'S: The City Manager stated that he received a letter from the City AtCOrney stating that the Windorski's had accepted the offer of $9,500.00 for their property and had delivered a deed for the same. The Windorski's wished to purchase fixtures and personal effects on the property from the City for the price of $1.00. Motion by Wright to authorize the sale of fixtures and personal effects on the property which had previously been owned by the Windorskis to the Windorskis for the price of $1.00. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ANNUAL REPORT: The City Manager stated that he received several quoCes for publishing the annual report, the lowest for the amount of $996.80 Councilmazi Thompson stated that he wished to encourage the City Manager to provide additional copies to be put in the hands of al1 citizens in the City oL- Fridley. He stated that he believed the annual report will create more interest in City Governm�nt in 1966. Motion by Kirkham to authorize publication of 5,000 copies of the annual report Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. F.H.A. HOUSES; EMERGENCY RENTAL: The Finance Director stated that he received an estimated rental prlce from the Fire Chief who examined the properties owned by the F.H.A. He stated that the Fire Chief told him most of the houses are pretty �dirty and that the Fire Chief made up a schedule of rents varying from $65 tl+ to $11D 00. Councilman Wright asked whether it will be necessary for the City to return the homes to the F H.A. in perfect condition Cour�cilman Sheridan asked whether it will be necessary to carry insurance on the hames, The City Attorney answered that the F.H.A. carries insurance on the homes Councilman Wright sCated that he believes it is not wlse to charge residents who wish to rent these homes the regular market price and, if the City were to do so, the City would be going lnto the real estate business The City Attorney stated that the rental o£ these homes would be on a month to month basis, probably not extending beyond June 30, 1965 Motion by Wright to rent the homes owned Uy the Federal Housing Administration ta disaster victims at the rate of $85.00 per month making no distinction Zn the amount o£ rent between any of the homes. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously AD JOURNMENT • 'Phere being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted: �U�(/',Pub'r.EG�_, .�.4�,G�K� RaymoiYd E . Bade Secretary to the Council � j � �/�������-�. ti `��L-�.�_ William J Nee Mayor