06/07/1965 - 00022095`'`�6 RESOLUTION NO 91A-1965 - CREATING A SPECIAL TORNADO DISASTER FUND AND A SP�CIAL FLOOD DISASTER FUND; Mation by Wright, seconded by Thompson (SEE CORRECTION SUNE 21, 1965, MINUTES) that the Resolution No, 91A-1965 be adopted. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried. AD SOURNMEN T : There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned at 1i:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted; Earl P. Wagner Acting Secretary to the Council j�%���� ��L�-� William S. ee Mayor THE MINUTES OF THE REGUI,AR COUN�'IL MEETINGOF JUNE 7, 1965 The regular meeting oE the Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8;20 P.M, ROLL CALL: Members Present; Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan Members Absen�: Wrxght, Thompson '�PPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - MAY ll 1965: Motion by Sheridan to amend the heading on page 7, of the minutes reading, "City Attorney; Zoning Along Service ➢rive T.H.�f65 North of Rice Creek" to read, City Attorney: Zoning Along Rrwkview Drive South of Rice Creek. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanunously. Motion by Sheridan to approve the minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 17, 1965 as amended. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carrled unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGUT.AR MEETING - NIAY 19, 1965; Mot�on by Kiskham to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 19,865 as submitted. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousLy. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - PLAY 21, 1965: Motion by Sheridan to approve the minutes of the regular Council meeting o f May 21, 1965 as submitted. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimo4sly. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - MAY 24, 1965: Motion by Kirkham to approve the minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 24, 1965 as submitted. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. S6dEARING-IN OF NIEMBERS OF FRIDLEY HOUSING AND AEDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: Mayor Nee administered the oath of office to Paul Barrow, Richard Herder, Robert Kendall, Lois Mullin as members of the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authorxty John Nleyer was absent. � � ' � 2�1 PUBLIC HEARINGS: ON ASSESSMENT ROLL - ST 1964-2: The Mayor explained the reasons for holding the hearing on Street project 1964-2. He asked if anyone present wished Lo be heard concerning the matter of the hearing There was no one present who spoke for or against the assessment ro11 for Street 1964-2. Mayor Nee declared the hearing closed, PASSAGE OF RESOT.UTION N0. 92-1965 - CONPIRMLNG ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT � PROJECT NO 1964-2 (STATE AID 302 & 315): Y N,[otion by Kirkham to adopt Resolution No 92-1965 confirming assessment for pro�ect St. 1964-2. Seconded 6y Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ON ASSESSMENT ROLL - SS & SW i�69: Mayor Nee explained the purpose of the hearing and asked if any present were interested in speaking for or against the assessment ro11. Mr. P�ernard Julkowski was present at the Council meeting FIe stated that he and Mr. Sd Chies, who was also present at the Gouncil meeting, wi11 Ue chatged approximately $740.00 per lot for 90 lots. He stated that they had built lA houses on Bacon Drive and that even though the sterm s2wer had been installed, the bascments o� the houses are flooded The City Manyg2r stated that this part of the City has the highest water table in the area The City Engineer sYated that he believed a grading problem existed in the area and that some houses were built lower than the storm sewer, Mr. Julkowski stated that the area has been flooded periodically during the the past month, The City Engineer stated that the streets in the area are not paved and that conditions should improve when the street paving is completed. He stated, however, that the storm cewer did have open drains which would lower the level of the water in the area even though the streets are not paved. The Mayor stated that a ma�or interceptor to carry away the storm sewer water is located on 73rd Avenue which is four blocks away from � this area. Mr. Comstock sCated there is a 24 inch line, with open �oints in it, running up to 75th Avenue which should drain the area quite well, except that the storm sewer did not seem to be capable of carryiag away all the water due to the hLgh water table. Mr. Sulkowski asked the Council whether the assessments Eor Storm Sewer and Water Pr�ject No 69 would Se due in one year. Councilman Sheridan answ�red that present plans are to collect the assessments in one year Mr Julkowski stated that 10 houses are undex water and �aill be difficult to se11 immediately As a result it is necessary to slow down construction in the rest of the area He asked Che Council whether it would ne possiUle to spread the�e assessment� over a longer period of time. The Mayor asked Mr Julkowski whether it would be satisfactory to spread the assessmznts over two years. Mr Sulkowski answered it would be better to spread the assessments over three years. The i�4ayor said that if the assessments are spread over three years it wi11 be necessary for the City to sell bonds in order to finance the cost oE the Street Project when the cost becomes due, The Mayox askzd if there were any other comments on the Storm and Sanitary Sewer and Water Pro�ect No 69. 'i'here were no replies. Niayor Nee declared the heanng closed & 5TH Mayor Nee stated that the property which is rezoned under the terms oi this � ordinance is the property purchased by Dr Trezona, He stated that there is no new a�nformation to give to the Council at this time concerning the zezoning of this property and suggested that the rezoning ordinance be tabled rlotion by Sheridan to table to the regular Council meetingof Suly 19, 1965 consideration of the second readLng of Ordinance Rezoning R-1 to C-1 (Southeast corner - Mississippi & Sth Street). Seconded by Kirkham. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously IISE PERM2T APPLICATION - NURSING HOME (TABLED 11/2/64, 12/7/64, 3/15/65 e Mayor Nee stated that the Councal and the Planning Commission had not received any recommendations from the Planning Consultant concerning this property He c� c} p �7 asked whether it would be possible for the administration to arrange with Mr. Camp and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority concerning develop- ments on this property, Motion by Kirkham, to refer the Special Use Application to the Housing and Redevelopement Aurthority and direct the City Manager to arrange a meeting between N1r. Camp and the Housing and RedeveLopment Authority. Seconded Uy Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried una¢i- mously. SECOND R�ADING OF ORDSNANCE NO 303 PERTAINING TO MOTORIZED VEI�ICLES: The City Manager read the Ordinance as amended. Motlon by Kirkham to amend the ordinance adding Chapter 79 to the City Code as read by the City Manager Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a volce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to adopt the amended Ordinance adding Chapter 79 to the City Code upon second reading and publish same. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUIT�DING PPRMIT APPLICATION - 359 - 57TH PLACE NORTHEAST (TABLED 5/19/65): The Mayar asked whether it would be possible to refer the matter of the Building Permit Applzcation to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The City Manager answered that this would be possible. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - 349/353 - 57TH PLACE NORTHEAST (TA&LE➢ 5/19/65): The Mayor asked whether the consideration of this Building Permit could also be referred to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The City Manager replied that the administration will refer this matter to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. REPORT ON USED CARS AT FILLING STATIONS (TABLE➢ 5/3/65): Motion by Sheridan to receive the report from the Building Inspector concerning used cars at filling stations and direct the Building Inspector to proceed with the plans outlined in his letter to the Council as time permits him to do so. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 26, I965: CONSIDERATION QF GAS STATION, STORE c'�ND RESSAURANT ON SOLiTHEASS CORNER OF OSEORNE ROAD AN➢ P�AST RIVER ROAD - FRI➢LEY SAFETY COMMTTTEE MINUTLS - JUNE4, 1965: The City Manager explained that this request had been referred to the Safety Committee and the Safety Committee has made recommendations thereon in their minutes of June 4, 1965, which the Council noted at this time Mr Larson, the applicant for the Building Permit was present at the Council Meeting He stated that the plat and layout and design had been cons�dered by the Building Board and by the Safety Committee. The Safety Committee had offered recommendations to relieve the hazard of traffic moving out of the gas statiun onto Osborne Road and that he agreed with the recommendations Councilman Kirkham asked Mr Larson whether or not the recommendations were acceptable to him Mr. Larson answered, "Yes." The Safety Committee recommended that Mr. Larson deliver a deed to Anoka County for the land on which a deceleration lane will be built to take traffic from the gas station. The Mayor asked Mr. Larson whether it would be possible for the Council to pass the recommendation that Mr. Larson deliver a deed for land for the deceleration lane to the Anoka County Board and whether Mr Larson will deliver the deed to the Anoka County Board. Mr. Larson answered, "Yes." Motion by Kirkham to grant the request fot a Building Pea�cnit for the corner of East River Road and Osborne Road with the cundition that Mr. Larson deliver a deed for the property for a deceleration lane to the Anoka County Board. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a vozce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � � � ��� CONSIDERATION OF ADDITION TO REAR OFi SHOREW00D SHOPPING CENTT,R ON HIGHWAY -0k65. The City Manager explained that this Building PermiC is a request to construct an addition to the rear of the Shorewood Shopping Center made by Mr Saliterman The City Eng�neer stated that a drainage problem exists in the area and that the CiCy Admanistration should consider whether the construction will help to alleviate the drainage problem. Motion by Kirkham to approve the request fot a Building Permit for an addition to the rear of the Shorewood Shopping Center upon approval of the City � Engineer of plans to provide for drainage in the area, Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motZOn carried unanimously SOARB OF APPEALS MEETING MINIITES - APRIL 28. 1965: � i� Motion by Sheridan to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of April 28, 1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BOAR➢ OF APPEALS MEETING MINUTES - MAY 26, 1965• PUBLIC HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 45.23, SECTION 45.29 YARD REQUIREMENT FROM TO ON LOT SqRn _ MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA: f•7:�id;� 7 FEET 6 INCHES. BY OF MINN�SOTA SANIE BEING Mr. Ferguson was present at the Council meeting. He stated that a demolition notice had been placed upon the property at 5980 - Sth Street Northeast, Mr Ferguson said it was his initial intension to rebuild the property. However, since the tornado he has been having difficulty with the insurance company settling costs of damages to the property. The Mayor stated that if the property is rebuilt� fit will be necessary for Mr. Ferguson to rebuild it according to City Code. Mr. Ferguson asked whether he could rebuild the property when he rece�ved payment of insurance claims. The Mayor asked rlr. Ferguson how wide is the lot on which the structure is located, Councilman Sheridan answered that the width of the lot is 41 feet 6 inches. The Mayor asked Mr Ferguson how he could profitably build upon the lot. He told Mr. Ferguson to provide enough fill on the lot in order ta bring the level of the lot to the same grade as the houses on either side of the lot Mr. Ferguson replied that he believed this is possible and that he could profitably build upon the 1ot. He asked the Council to provide him with a waiver which would permit him to rebuild upon the property immediately. The Mayor stated that it is his own opinion that the Council should not provide waivers to rebuild properties until the Council has seen the plans for rebuilding. Councilman SherLdan stated that the Council wants to see the site plans and the building plans of Mr. Ferguson in order to be assured that the 6uilding on the lot will blend in with the neighborhood Mr Ferguson stated that he would like to build a new home on the property if he can obtain enough money to do so. He stated further that the insurance company had asked him to appeal the notice of demoli�ion upon the property and rebuild without demolishing the building. Motion by Sheridan to table the request of Mr Ferguson for a sideyard variance and a Building Permit until Mr. Ferguson requests the Council to consider the matCer again. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FOR A VARIANCS FROM FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 1963, BY TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A1 NOR ADDTTION, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNES FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA. fREOUEST BY RO STftEET 26 SAME BEING 5705 L GORDIER. 5705 STREET The City Manager explained the request for waiver of the front yard setUask from 35 feet Co 31 feet 6 inches on the property at 57D5 Quincy Street N� � .�� �, b Motion by Kirkham to concur with the action of the Board of Appeals and grant the request for a variance. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC 1� PARIZ ADDITION. ANOKA MINN�APOLIS, MINNE 1 BY .:� • 45.216. CITY CODE T NO PARKING STALLS 6019 MAIN STREET N.E. The City Manager explained that this item is a request for a var:ance from the City Code requiring that no parking lots be located in the front yards 'Lhe property owners own an apartment on Lots 22 and 23, Block 8, of Hyde Park Addition and since other residents in the other apartment buildings in the vicinity park in the front yards the Board of Appeals recommended that the request be granted and the variance be given permitting the owners of this apartment building to build a parking lot in front of the aparhnent building. The Mayor stated that the plat plans and the construction of the apartments here resulted in some rather poor design and construction of all these buildings. He stated that he wondered why the Council originally �ranted the property owners authority to build upon these lots without approving the site plans for the construction. He stated that it would be possible to construct parking lots in the area without having parking lots if front of the apartment buildings. The City Engineer stated there is an a11ey running behind the apartment buildings, that the a11ey hasa-low hole in it which will need filling and draining. He stated the alley has not been used because the land on either side of the alley is too steep_ to build driveways off the alley. The Mayor stated that he wished the City Manager would suggest to the owners of the apartment buildings that they purchase property in the area and build a parking lot upon it, The City Manager stated that he believes the property is too far from some of the apartment buildings for the convenient use of the residents. The Mayor stated that he believes the residents in the apartment buildings can endure this slight inconvenience Motion by Sheridan, to deny the request for a variance from Section 45.216 requiring that no parking stalls can be located in the front yard. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously SAF�TY COMMITTE� MEETING MINUTES - SUNE 2, 1965: Motion by Sheridan to receive the minutes of the Fxidley Safety Committee Meeting of June 2, 1965 Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING CO�IISSION MEETING MINUTES - MAY 20, 1965: STR�ET VACATION REQUEST• SAV �k65-01 Lffit0Y INNMON: JEFFERSON STREET FROM 53RD AVENUL NORTHEAST, NORTH 135 FEET: The City L,ngineer stated that one of the property owners bordering on the street planned to buy an additional lot and build upon the lots on either side of the street as well as upon the lot which would be created by the Street Vacation. He stated that there is a question whether the City should have an easement for utilities. The City Manager stated there is room for a utility easement along one of the property lines bordering the present street and whereas, no utilities are located there at present, it would be wise to obLain the utility easement at this time in case the City finds it necessary to construct utility lines there in the future. The City Manager stated further that as a result of the Street Vacation the parties will have three lots. Councilman Sheridan stated that since the street easement is 60 feet wide the party wi11 ohtain a 60 foot lot on which he will want to build. He asked if there is any advantage to the City in providing him with a 60 foot lot. The City Manager stated that there would be an extra property to tax if the City were to allow the vacation. Motion by Sheridan to set the date from the hearing for a Street Vacation Request for vacating Sefferson Street from 53rd Avenue Northeast, north 135 feet. Seconded by kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �� LJ , � ��� LOT SPLIT REQUEST: I. S. 9k65-O5, NIItS FRANIZ HLAVINIZA: LOT 22, BLOCK 2, SPRING LAKE PARK LAKESIDE: Motion by Sheridan to set a date for a hearing concerning the Lot Split Request L.S. ��65-05. Seconded by Kirkham Upon a volce vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 24, 19b5c Motion by Kirkham to receive the minutes of the Recreation Commission Meeting of April 24, 1965. Secottded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carriee� unanimou's1y. COMNNNICATIONS; FINANCE DTRECTOR: ACCOITNTS RECEIVABLE: Mayor Nee stated that he favors leaving the account receivable on the City hooks, Motion by Kirkham to direct the Finance Director to continue to carry the account receivable upon the City books Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: STORM SEWER ON T. I-I. ��47: Motion by Sheridan to receive the Minnesota Department of Highways T.H �k47. Seconded by Kirkham. the motion carried unanimously. MEDLO: USE OF LOCKE PAAK: communication from Mr Welch oE the concerning storm sewer consCrcution on Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Motion by Kirkham to receive the communication of Soseph Medlo concerning the request of the St Cyril and Methodius Society for a permit to serve � beer at Locke Park during a picnic planned for August 8, 1965 Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. n L� CHIES BROTHERS REQUEST FOR A GRADING PERMIT; The Mayor asked whether any visitors to the Coincil meetinghad any business to bring before the Council which was not on the agenda . Les Chies, representing the Chies Brothers, stated that Chies Brothers would like to develop the property along Rice Creek Road. Councilman Sheridan stated that this is the property formerly owned by Mr Paulson. Les Chies stated that Chies Brothers wished to remove the earth upon a large hill in the area and spread it into some of the low spots in the area in order to develop the propexty. He stated that it was the plan of the Chies Brothers to re- grade the land in the area to an elevation of 910 feet at the south end to 920 feet on the north end He stated further that the Chies Brothezs plan to extend Arthur Street from Rice Creek Road, loop it and extend it back to Rice Creek Road in order to provide access into the area. The Chies Brothers plan to build houses with walkout basements along this extension of Arthur Street. He stated that he would like to receive a permit from the Council waiving consideration of the plans by the mmmissions in order to facilitate the work He stated that Chies Brothers would like to begin grading the land immediately and install storm sewer, sanztary sewer, and water mains in the area this Fall and build hames in the area next Spring. He stated that Chies Brothers has made a considerable investment in the property and needs to build and sell ho�s immediately to make a reasonable prof7.t upon the investment. He stated that the hill which Chies proposes to regrade is quite high, having an elevation at the top of 960 feet The Chies Brothers proposes to remove this hill to an elevation oP 910 feet Councilman Sheridan stated that the regrading of this land wi11 affect property owned by Mike O�Bannon and Mr. Johnson. Councilman Sheridan stated further that it is necessary for the Chies Brothers to work with these property+owners to develop this area so that the redevelopment of the area does not adversely affect the property of the other property owners Mr Chies stated that in conversation with these property owners they agreed Yhat the grading planned by the Chies &rothers will benefit their property and that they are in favor of the pro�ect. He stated that if the Council gives him immediate permission the Chies Brothers wi11 install sewer and water mains this Fall in order to have the land ready for construction by next spring. Councilman Sheridai asked how drainage from this property affects the 1eve1 ��2 of Moore Lake and asked the City Engineer what the elevation of Moore Lake is The City Eugineer answered that the elevation of the overflow from Moore i,ake is 876 feet. The Mayor stated that development of this property should be coordinated with the development of surrounding properties. The City Manager stated that it is necessary for Mr. Chies to go through the regular planning procedures in order to have his request approved. Mr. Chies stated that he wished to have the approval of the Council before he spent any money and t�me upon further development of the property and that he wanted the Council to cooperate with him in facilitating development of this property. The City Manager stated that Mr Chies should take his request throu� regular channels. Mr. Chies stated that if the Council would � waive the regular procedures for approving the development of the plats the Chies Brothers would agree to furnish a performance bond for developing this property. He stated that he wished to receive a permit from the Council this evening to begin woxk on grading the property inmtediately, He stated further that he had duscussed development of this property with Mike 0'Bannon, one of the ad�oining property owners, that Mike O�Bannon wanted to come to the Council meeting with him this evening but was unable to do so. The City Engineer stated that Mr Chies would need a land alteration permit before he could begin grading work in the area Councilman Kirkham stated that he believed Mr, O�Bannon and Mr. Chies should arrange a conference to work out a plan for development of this area, Mr. Ch�es should draw a map of the plat plan indicating the exact plan of the Chies Brothers for this area. Councilman Sheridan told Mr. Chies that he should draw a plat plan and a grading plan of the area detailing what he planned to do and furnish the Council with exact plans whith Mr. Chies could sign rather than furnishing only oral descriptions of hisplans and Mr. Chies should bring Mr O�Bannon to the Council meeting to discuss the plans. The Council could then consider granting Mr. Chies a permit for grading the land in the area. He stated that the Council needs a preliminary plat plan including the layout of the street. The plat plan and the street layout should satisfy the Engineering Department and shouid include the grades of the street and the plans for installation of the storm sewer. Councilman Sheridan stated further that as far as furnishing � a performance bond is concerned the Council would consider it when Mr. Chies brought in the maps showing the planned grades of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer Councilman Sheridan stated further that the property owners south of the property which Mr. Chies is proposing to develop had wanted to grade and develop that property in approximately four years, The Mayor informed Mr. Chies that the Council would definitely want to see a map showing the prop� ed street layout. Coixncilman Sheridan stated that he would call the property owners in Moore Lake Hills, show them the plan and ask them if they had any ob�ection to development of the land by Chies Brathers in this manner. Mr. Chies stated thathe would work with the Engineering Department, made a set of drawings and work with Mr. 0`Bannon to get the drawings approved. He informed the City Engineer that he would return in the morning to be�in wo�k. DRAINAGE DITCH AT 78th AVENUE THROUGH PLAT N0. 8400: A visitor the the Council meeting stated that the property which he owns in plat 8400 is being flooded as a result of silt filling a ditch, and culverts, ad�oining his property He stated that he talked to the officials of the Minnesota Highway Department and they agreed to clean the ditehes, He stated that two road czassings are washing out as a result of sand filling the culverts. The visitor stated further that the village of Spring Lake Park plans to run storm sewer water to a creek crossing this property and as a result the creek would he draining a great deal more water than it would carry under normal conditions. The City Manager stated that he had talked to the � officials of the Minnesota Highway Department regarding construction of drainage ditches in the area and that it will be necessary for the Minnesota Highway Department, the City of Fridley, and the Village of Spring Lake Park to cooperate in running a storm drain line thru this area and into the river. The visitor stated that the water runs across hi,s property and that the ditches on his property are not adequate for handling this amount of water. The City Engineer stated the Minnesota Highway Department will clean out these culverts and the City will pay for it, The Mayor asked the City �ngineer what the Minnesota Highway Depaxtment will chage the City for cleaning the ditches. The City Engineer answered $250.00. Councilman Sheridan asked whether this ditch had been built and been in use for a considerable number of years in the past. The visitor stated that he did not know. The visitor stated that he Uelieved that Spring Lake Park should provide for storm drainage if they are going to drain their storm waters into this creek. `�;�4 I� � � The City Engineer stated that he had discussed the matter wieh the officials of the Minnesota Highway Department and it would be, in his opinion, correcL for the City to pay the Minnesota Highway Department to clean these culverts. RIVER RLOODING 79TH AVENUE NEAR APEX STR��T: Another Vistitor to the Council meeting, Mr Hollenbeck, stated that he wished to request the Council to issue a Building Permit for him to build an aCtached garage. He stated, however, that before he built the garage he would Like to find out from the Council whether or not he should build a garage or whether the coming Urban Renewal Pro�ect would make it uneconmical Councilman Kirkham asked Mr. Hollenbeck how badly his property was flooded Mr. Hollenbeck asked the Council what plans there were for his property, that only his basement was flooded, The Mayor answered that the City plans to s tudy possibility of an Urban Renewal Pro�ect and include his property in the pro�ect. Mr Hollenback asked whether it would take two or three years for the C�ty to complete Che IIrban Renewal Pro�ect and stated that if this were the case it would not be worthwhile from an economic standpoint for him to invest money and make repairs upon the property. The Mayor told Mr_ Hollenbeck that the Urban Renewal Authority will pay the property owners the appraised value of their properCy and thae the value of the repairs would be included in the appraised value of the property. Mr Ho1lenUeck stated thathe wanted to buy a lot above the flood piain in the City of F'ridley, buy back the house from the Urban Renewal Authority and then move his house onto this lot. Councilman Kirkham informed Mr. Hollenbeck that he saould be willing to make a motion granting Mx. Hollenbeck the Suilding Permit for his gaxage Mayor Nee asked Mr Hollenbeck whether it would be possible for Mr Hollenbeck to call a meeting among his neighbors living in the flood plain. Mayor Nee stated the Council would have a man talk to the neighbor5 at this meeting and ask them if he can inspect their property to determine the amount of damage to their property in order for the Citg to obtain Federal Uz'ban Renewal Funds for this pro�ect. The Mayor suggested that this meeting beheld at City Hall. Mr. Hollenbeck said thathe would be willing to invite his neighbors to attend such a meeting The Mayor asked Mr. Hollenbeck whether it would be possible to hold this meeting on Monday, Sune 14, 1965. Mr. Hollenbeck said that he would discuss this matter wieh his neighbors. NIotion by Kirkham to grant a Building Permit to Robert Hollenbeck for con- struction of a garage at 571 79th Way, Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR BUILDING PERMIT: NIl2. TOMCZAK, 999 OVERTON DRIVE: The City Manager stated that this was a raquest Por a Building Permit for a garage, and waiver of side yard requirement for construction of the garage Motion. by Kirkham to grant a Building Permit to Mr. Tomczak for construction of a garage, wrth a waiver of the side yard requirement at 999 Overton Dxive. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR d BUILDING PERMIT 620 - 63RD AVENUE NORTHEAST - STUBBS: The City Manager explained that the request had been made fox construction of a garage at 620 63rd Avenue Northeast The request included a drawin� showing a three foot side yard, which would require the appro�>al of the Council for the variance. Councilman Sheridan asked whether the Board of Appeals had acted upon this request. The City Manager stated that it had not Gouncilman Sheridan suggested that Mr. Stubbs obtaLn approval oi neighbors and re-apply. BUILDING PERMIT; TRED Gi71HPANY; Sb3, 569 JANESUILLE STREET; The City Manager stated that a request was received from the Tred Company for 2 Building permits to construct two homes on two 50 foot lots There is only one seweX and water connection on these two 50 foot 1ots, and more 18nd is available on either side of the lots to combine the lots and build the homes on larger lots � � � � �3-3- � �,-� - Nlotion by Kirkham to deny the request of the Tred Company for a Building Permit at 563, 569 Janesville Street. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ORDINA�ICE AMENDING CITY CODE - REZONE LOTS 80 - 83, BLOCK A, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION - (FIRST READING): The City Manager explained this was the request of Mrs, Hazel Bordeaux to rezone these lots in order to build double bungalows Mayor Nee asked whether the request required the votes of four Councilmen. The City Manager replied that he did not believe this to be the case on first r�ading, but if rt did the action could be reaffirmed by the Council later. Motion by Kirkham to adopt the Ordinance amending the City Code, to rezone lots 80 to 83, Block A, Riverview Heights, upon first reading. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: Motion by Sheridan to approve General and Public Utilities Claims �F5252 through ��5521. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to approve the Liquor Claims �k7485 through ik7530. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. - Motion by Sheridan, seconded by Kirkham to approve claim by Truck Crane Company, payment 9k1, for $12,301.13 for debris clearance up to May 21, 1965. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES• Mayor Nee stated that in looking over the license applicatons he noticed that � there is an application by the Romens Construction Company. He stated that he had heard complaints that the Romens Construction Company was proposing, to property owners, building alterations which are in violation of the code of the City of Fridley and was proposing to make these alterations after the Building Inspector had informed them that these proposals are in violation of the City Code. Councilman Sheridan asked whether the license applications had been checked with the Better Susiness Bureau to determine the reputation of the firms applying for licenses. The City Manager replied that it is the policy of the Inspection Department to check with the Better Business Bureau concerning new license applications hut that there have been so many new applications for licenses in the past month that he couldn't guarantee that the Inspection Department had been able to check a11 of them. Councilman Izirkham stated that he believes the City should check the applications for licenses with the Better Business Bureau and with other Cities where these firms are licensed before granting licenses. Mayor Nee suggested that the Council deny the application of the Romens Construction Company for a license, since the Romens Construction Company has not cooperated with the Building Inspector and has not followed their orders as well as would be expected of a construction company. He suggested that the Council issue licenses for renewal applications, first and then consider the new license applications Motion by Sheridan to approve the following licenses for electrical contractors ELECTRICAL � Bredde, Incorporated 2211 Broadway N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Brite Lite Electric Company 1091 Payne Avenue St. Paul. Minnesota ,Tohn M. Christianson Elec. Co. 1315 East Lake Street Minneapolis 7, Minnesota by: Robert A. Duggan by• William A. Blank by: Donald P. Weisser NEW NEW NEW � � � � , � Dymanyk �lectric, Inc 607 - 22nd Avenue N.E. Minr.eapolis, Minnesota Egan-McKay Electrical Contr. 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota Globe Electric Company 5720 Excelsior Blv d Minneapolis, Minnesota GOPHER ELECTRIC COMPANY 1410 Coon Rapids Blvd Minneapolis, Alinnesota Gro-Ko Sales Company 3753 Cedar Minneapolis, Minnesota Knuth Electirc 2107 71st Avenue North Minneapolis, Minne� ta Libby Electric Co., Inc. 3047 - 4th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Bi11 Richmond Electric Co 916 llth Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Ry: William ➢ymanyk by; Thomas J, McKay by; Arvo Koponen by; Car1 Gause, Jr by� Herbert A Kohn by: Lyle Knuth by: S. H. Libby by: Bill D. Richmond 235 R�NEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL 1VCW RENEWAL RENEWLiL Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously Motion by Sheridan to approve the follow�.ng excavators Licenses: EXCAVATING Lenny Cochran Excavating, Inc. 6537 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis 32, Minnesota Frank�s Excavating Company 3924 Douglas Drive Crystal, Minnesota Walter Freeman 895 Douglas Drive Crystal, Minnesota Lloyd's Excavating 8065 Groveland Road Minneapolis 32, Minnesota Mart's Excavating 3909 Douglas Drive Crystal, Minnesota . Robarge Sewer & Water 716 North Sunlcist Parkway Minneapolis 30, Minnesota 0 & H EXCAVATION, INC. 670 Stockdale Road St. Paul 10, Minnesota Waalen & Sabby, Inc. 9082 Polk Street N.� Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Leonard Cochran by: Frank W Gaulke by: Walter Freeman by: L1oyd Remmers by; Walter McClees by: Dale P Robarge by: C LaVern Owen by; James Waalen RENEWAL N�W RENEWAL RE\EWAL RENEWAL N�W NEW NEW .� � b + ��y� J. R. Walker & Sons 300 Larch St. St. Paul, hIinnesota By• Warren Walker NEW Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to approve the following licenses of Gas Seroice; GAS SERVICES New Brighton Plbg. & Heating 427 lOth Street N.W, New Brighton, Minnesota Nygard Plumbing & Heating 7318 Taylor St. N.E. by; Robert M. Tornell RENEWAL Minneapolis 32, Nlinnesota by• Nils Nygards RENEWAL Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to approve the licenses of the following General Contractors: G�NERAL CONTRACTORS {SEE NOTL AT BOTTOM OF PAGE) American Associates, Inc. 340 N.E. Sth Street Minneapolis 13, Minnesota by; R. A. Knox NEW 0. R. Anderberg Company 2923 Oakland Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota by; 0. R. Anderberg NEW Andersen-Smitley Constr Co. 735 Ke11e•r Parkway St. Pau1, Mlnnesota Al. G. Anderson Constr. Co. 998 Transit Avenue St. Paul 13, Minnesota Chet Anderson Construction Co. 401 97th Avenue N.W. Coon Aapids, Minnesota B & V Construction Company 2608 Georgia Avenue South St. Louis Park, Minnesota Belair Corporation 2925 Pentagon Drive N.L�. N?inneapolis, Minnesota Marv Benson, Suilder 22065 Eidelweiss St. N.W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota Berry Home Builders 6963 Hickory Circle Fridley 32, Minnesota Benco Insurance Contractors 3032 Minnehaha Minneapolis, Minnesota Bird Brothers 5245 University Avenue N.E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota by� Richard J. Andersen by: Alvin G. Anderson by: Chester I. Anderson by• Vernon R. Isham by: Henry A. Murlowski by: Marvin Benson by: Harland E. Berry by: Wayne R. Benson 6y: Henry F. Bird ' NEW � NEW RENEWAL NEW RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL � NEW RENEWAL Six of the preceeding companies applying for new licenses were not approved by the Council They are; American Associates, Inc. 0, R. Anderberg Co. Andersen-Smitley Const. Co. A. G. Anderson Const. Co. B& V Construction Co, Benco Insurance Contractors � � � Blanske Construction Co,, Inc 108 Patton Road New Brighton 12, Minnesota Brandt's Construction Company 2994 Raymond Avenue North St. Paul, Minnesota Chuck's Construction Company 3800 Hayes Street N.E. Columbia Heights, Minnesota Dalberg Builders, Inc. 1121 80th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Derksen Builders, Inc. 5231 Buchanan St. N.E, Fridley 21, Minnesota Donce Builders, Inc. 1052 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley 32, Minnes�ta Fa1k Construction Company 5900 Main Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota Frigaard & Helm Constxuction 621 67th Avenue N E Fridley, Minnesota Andrew P. Gawel Contractors 2407 Wa shington St, N E. Minneapolis, Minnesota G. A. Gunderson Constiuction Route 5 Anoka, Minnesota Imperial Garage Builders 12483 73rd Avenue North Rt. 2, Osseo, Mzniesota Inter City Garage Builders 2500 Murray Avenue N.E. E�Iinneapolis, Minnesota Ja-Ken, Inc 4119 Central Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, Minnesota G. Russell 7ohnson 3855 Thomas Avenue North Minneapolls, Pfinnesota Lakeland Brick & Stone Co. 147 Craigway N.E, Fridley 32, Minnes�ta Libbey & Libby Company 2812 Dupont Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Lumber KLng Company 4047 Vincent Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Maher & Bergren, Inc. 1 West Road Circle Pines, Minnesota hy: Bernard Blanske by: Norman Brandt by: Charles J. Ne_son by: Samuel Dalberg by; A1vin L Derksen by; Roger W, Larson by; Lawrence E. Falk hy; Richard E Helm by: Andrew P. Gawel by; G. A. Gunderson by; Gordon M. Olson by: Soseph Shun by: Ken Bryant by: G Russell Sohnson by; Kirylo Czichray by• Alvah Libbey by: Jerome Lorberbaum by; Bernard Maher 237 R�NEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL R�NEWAL RENEWAL F�NEWAL R�NEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RCNEWAL RBNEWAL RENEWAZ RENEZ�]AZ �, � !Q� � R��J Mill City Builders 3404 Louisiana South Golden Valley, Minnesota Modern Garage Builders 9240 Lyndale Avenue Sotrth Bloomington 20, Minnesota Robert P. Norberg Construction 3924 Utah Avenue North Minneapolis, NIinnesota 0'BANNON CONSTRUCTION, INC 8720 - 45th Avenue North New Hope, Minnesota Stuart D. Pengelly, Builder 7836 Alden Way N.E. Pridley 32, Minnesota Harvey Peterson Company 151 Glen Creek Road Fridley 32, Minnesota Random, Inc. 9201 North Lexington Ave. Circle Pines, Minnesota West- Rich Builders 10051 Grouse Street Minneapolis 33, Minnesota by: S. M. Tremblatt by• Sohn A. Rowland by: Robert F. Norberg by: C. S. 0'Bannon Uy: Stuart D. Pengelly by: Harvey Peterson by; Fred E. Rehbein by: Lorraine H. Johnson RENEWAL RENEWAL - RENEWAL , RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL REN�WAL RENEWAL Young Contruction Company 5832 Morgan Avenue South Minneapolis, Minneso�a by: Car1 Bergstrom RENEG?AL Se onde b She ida Ugon a ic te th re bein n na s the motior. carried unanimously. � 1�io�ion �y �h�r�anD�ylePHea�ing�C�o�m°p�a�nyWing �ieating �ongract�ors: 2830 16th Avenue South �ATING CONTRACTORS Minneapolis, Mimzesota by: Richard Doyle RENEWAF, Midland Mfg & Heating Co. 6442 Penn Avenue Sou�h Richfield, Minnesota New Brighton Plbg. & Heating 427 lOth St. N.W. New Brighton, Minnesota Nygard Plumbing & Heating 73181Taylor St. N.E. Mimieapolis 32, Minnesota Standard Heating Company 410 Zdest Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Climate Engineering Company 4332 Shady Oak Aoad Hopkins, Minnesota by: Walter H. Wehmeyer by� Robert M. Tornell by; Nils Nygards by: Tony Ferrara by: Arthur Griffith RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL NEW Osseo Plumbing & Heating 239 Central Avenue Osseo, Minnesota by: Marvin Vollrath NEW Seconded by Izirkham Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve the following licenses of general contractors applying for new licenses; GENERAL CONTRACTORS: Boyce Builders 1366 Highway dk100 N.E. Fridley, Minnesota by• Charles D. Boyce NEW � � � � 2�� GENERAL CONZ'RACTORS (CONT.) Don Brandvold Construction Co. 6246 Bryant Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Dailey Homes, Inc. 8510 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis 33, Minnesota Dan�s Construction Co. Route 5 Anoka, Minnesota Finnish Sauna Bldrs., Inc. 5738 Zane Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota General Home RePair 1415 - 16th St, N.W. New BrighCon, Minnesota Hilla Construction Company 13200 Irving Avenue South Burnsville, Minnesota William Kranz, Inc. 4038 Lake Road Robbinsdale, Minnesota Leier Construction 519 - 3rd Avenue N W. New Brighton, NIinnesota Donald K. Peterson Construction 614 3rd Street White Beax Lake, Minnesota C. Elden Petex�son Construction Co 2908 - 3rd Street White &ear Lake, Minnesota Quality Homes, Inc. 3701 Fremont Avenue idorth Minneapolis, Minnesota Sheehy Co� truction Company 36� W. Larpenteur Ave St. Pau1, Minnesota by Donald E, Brandvold by• Clyde N. I'eather by: Donald &ostrom by: Arnold E. Hillukka by; L1oyd Schouweiler by• Donald S Hil1a by; Willlam A. Kranz by: Donald M. Leier by: Donald K, Peterson by; Donald K Peterson by: Ken Westrand by� N�W AiEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEGd NEW NEW Caxl Voight Construction Co, by: NL,W 11120 Hanson S1vd. Minneapolis 33, Minnesota Zeuhlke Gonstructian Co. 6495 Pierce Street N E. Fridley, Minnesota by: Robert B, Zuehlke NEW Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �Iotion BY Kirkham to approve the following Licenses for masonry contractors MASONRY CONTRACTORS G�erstad-Vikingson, Inc. 8709 Utah Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Virgil Vikingson N�W Art Hagen Construction Co, Route �kl Osseo. Minnesota Bert T. Hanson Concrete Co. 4627 Johnson Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Arthux O. Hagen by: Sert T. Hanson RENEWAI. RCNEWAL ��� L & L Concrete Construction 6858 7th St N.E. Fridley 32, Minnesota Axel H. Ohmau Construction Co 307 West 592 Street Minneapolis, Minnesota C. J. Smude; ??asonry Contr 4260 Tyler St. N.�. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota by: Roy D. Williams by: Howard Bauer hy: Clarence J. Smuder Superiot Concrete Construct. Co. 6321 Jackson St. N.E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota by: Glynda K. Brue T & J Construction Company ' 8732 Polk St. N.E. RENEWAL NEW RENEWAL � RENEWAL Blaine, Minnesota by: .Tames B. 7ackson RENEWAL Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve the following moving contractor licenses; MOVING CONTRACTOR Doepke Engineers, Inc. 2212 Mary Hills Drive Minneapolis 22, Minnesota by: Henry A. Doepke RENEWAL Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve the license of the Berghorst Plumbing and Heating Company for an Oil Burner Secvice License. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve the licenses for the following plastering contractors; PLASTERING Bob Johnson Plastering & Stucco Co. 1151 - 132nd Lane N.E Artoka, Minnesota by: Robert C. Johnson NEid � Modern Wa11, Inc. 5425 Lakeland Avenue Crystal, Minnesota by: D. A. Matuseski NEW John P. Steffens & Co., Inc. 3033 - 3rd Street North Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Sohn P. Steffens NEW Seconded by Izirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. L?otion by Kirkham to approve the following licenses of the pZumbing contractors• PLIIMBING � The Bahneman Company 3740 Ch�r ago avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota by• Robert M. Bahneman NELd Bill Fignar Plumbing Companq 3639 A7d rich Avenue North Mlnneapolis, Minnesota by: Stephen W. Fignar NEW General Plumbing Company, Inc. 7719 West 22nd Street by• Paul W. Stein �W I"Iinneapolis 26, Minnesota 1 � C� Harris Brothers Plumbing Co. 217 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota New Brighton Plumbing & Htg. 427 lOth St. N.W. New Brighton, Minnesota Nygard Plumbing & Heating Co, 7318 Taylor St. N E. Fridley 32, Minnesota Osseo Plumbing & Heating Co. 239 Central Avaiue Osseo, Minnesota A. 0. Soderlin, Inc. 3731 Chicago Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota by: L11oyd A. Harris by: Robert M. Tornell by: Nils Nygards by; Marvin Vollrath by: Karl F Nystrom �4� NEW RENEWAL REN�WAL NEW NBW Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motlon carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan Co approve the following license for roofing contractor Walter Ausland Walter Ausland 520 - 123rd Avenue N W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota bq: Walter Ausland RENEWAL SECONDED by Kirkham Upon a voice vote, there being n.o nays, Lhe motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve the license for sign erection L-or Orrin Thompson Homes. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve the license of the well drilling company, Hadden Well Company. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan to approve the following service station 12censes; i SERVICE STATION Burke�s Texaco, Inc, 1695 Mississippi St N.E 6301 Highway i�65 N.E, Eridley, Minnesota 55432 Fridley, Minnesota 55421 by: Earl Burke RENEWAL Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there Ueing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to approve the following licenses of cigarette Vendors: CIGARETTE Booth's Texaco Station 6071 University Ave, N E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Burkes Texaco, Inc. 6301 Highway ,�k65 1V.E. Pridley, Minnesota 55421 Central Sinclair Station 6290 Highway ;�65 Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Central Food' 7373 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 by; Bertrum Booth 7301 University Ave N E. Fridley, Minnesotia 55432 by: Ear1 Burke 1695 Mississippi St. N E. Fridley, Minnesota RCNEWAL RENEWAL by; Cedar Lake VendZng Company 3a"L'W 322 North Cedar Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota Va�o1a T4. T4cMorran RENEWAL 7528 Van Buren St N.E. by: Pridley, Minnesota 55432 u��� Fridley North Star Station 4040 Marshall Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Park�s Dairy Store 6501 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesoat 55432 SERVIC� STATION Art�s Sinclair Service 6290 Aighway ;k65 Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Booth's Texaco Station 6071 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Favzes Spur Service 8255 �ast River Road Fridjey, Mznnesota 55432 Fridley North Star Station �040 Marshall Street N.E,' Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Ryan - Harlan Conoco Station 6389 University Ave. N E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Uy: Oskey Brothers Petr, Corp 2250 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota by: Mylo W. Parks 1341 Mississippi St, N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 by; Arthur J. Campbell 3519 22 Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Bertrum Booth 7301 University A�•e. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 by: Dennis Favre 673 81st Ave. N E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 by; Oskey Brothers PetrT Corp 2250 University Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota by: Boyd P. Harlan 930 79th Aveneue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL Motion by Kirkham to approve a taxicab license for Cliff's Taxi. Seconded by IZirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanxmously. Motion by Sheridan to grant a cafe license to the Frontier Club. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, Motion by Sheridan to grant a tavexn license to the Fireside Night C1ub, Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to approve the following off-sale licenses: OFF SALE LICENSE Central Food 7373 Central Ave. N E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 NaCional Food Stores, Inc 6440 University Ave N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 by; Viola McMorran 7528 Van Buren St. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota by; Carl F. Monk Division Accountant :_���I RENEWAL Parks Dair� Store by: Mylo W. Parks RENEWAL 6501 Central Ave, N.E. 1341 NIississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan Co approve the rubbish and gaxbage license of the R. W. Nixon, Rubbish Removal Company. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl.y. P�TITION N0. 11-1965: The City Engineer stated that since the City Received several petitions for street improvement, curb and gutter construction and storm sewer construction in one area of the City that perhaps the City should carry out a street and � � ' ' I � __ � � ��� storm sewer construction pro�ect in this ent�re area. Councilman Sheridan stated that he felt the City should plan a construction and storm sewer construction �� p:o�ect for the area, hold a hearing on it, and get the views of the property owners in the area for the street improvement and storm sewer construction, Mayor Nee asked whether the property owneis presenting the petitions asked for cheaper construction than the City normally instalZs or if the property owners had made any stipulation For construction. The City Manager answered that the pzoperty owners petitioned for the normal construction of street and storm sewers Motion by Sheridan to receive Petition No 11-1965 and refer it to the administiation for processing, Seconded by IZiKkham, IIpon a voice vote, thare being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PETITION N0. 12-1965: Motion by Sheridan to recieve Petition No. 12-1965 Administration for processing. Seconded by ILirkham there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously PETITION NO 13-1965: and refer it to the . Upon a voice vote, The City Manager stated thls Petition had been brought to him by WalYer I,ukow, for sewer, water and street conStruction. Motion by Sheridan to recieve Petition No, 13-1965 and re£er to the administration for processing. Seconded by Kiikham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT: Motion by Sher7.dan to concur with the recommendation of the City Manager and appoint Leona Sean McGuire to the position of Cashier-Receptionist at a salary of $272 00 per month to replace Marilyn Johnson Seconded Uy Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES• Motion by Sheridan to approve the estimates oY Comstock and Dav1s Inc., 6hapman Construction Company and Johnson Bros. Highway & Heavy Constructors, Inc, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried un�nimously. Comstock & Davis, Ina. for resident inspection and Consulting Engineers resident supervision for the 1446 County Road "J" staking out of the construction Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 work for the following- Estimate��6 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No 34Q=2 (Pumping Installation and Pu�use- Well i�6 (600 - 63rd Avenue Northeast) $ 392 50 EsYimate 4610 - Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvement Pro�ect No 67 (1964 Sanitary Sewer and Water Program) Estimate ,��3 - Water Improvement Pro�ect No 75-A (Three additional drift we11s) Estimate ��6 - Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect No. 71 (T.H ii47, north of Mississippi Street) Estimate �'%2 - Modification of Existing SJe11s Improvement Project No 34-R (Pumping equipment- Existing Wells 2,3�4, & 5 Estimate �k7 - Stonn Sewer Improvement Pro�ect No 5-B (North of T.H. ��100, east of T.H. ik47 10 DO 311.25 15 00 5.00 535.50 :'44 Estimate ��5 - Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 70 (Riverview Terrace, south of Mississippi Py.ace, Lincoln (Ashton} Street, south of Ironton Street; Sth Street, South of T.H. 9k100) $ 29 50 TOTAL $1,298.75 Chapman Construction Company 2809 Alabama Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 Estimate �k2 - Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 70 (See above description) Johnson Bros, Highway & Heavy Constructors, Inc. P.D. Box 1002 Litchfield, NIinnesota Estimate i�4 - Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect No. 5-B (North of T.H. i'�100, east of S,H. i�47) $7,910.33 $32,046.04 COMMiINICATIO� PROM THE ANOKA COUNTY BOARD CONCERNING FORFEITED LANDS: The City Manager stated that he received a communication from the Anoka County Board certifying the location and 1ega1 descriptions of forfeited lands within the City of Fridley. Motion by Kirkham to receive the communication from the Anoka County Board concerning the forfeited lands. SecQnded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 93-1965 CERTIFYING TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THC AREAS THAT ARE IN NEED OF REDEVELOPMENT OR REHABILITATION AS A RESULT OF DTSASTER: The City Attorney explained to the Council that it is required that the Council pass this resolution in order to obtain funds. Motion by Sheridan to adopt Resolution No 93-1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PURCHAS� OF FIXTURES IN THE MiTNICIPAL LIQIIOR STORE; The City Manager stated that Councilman 6Yieri$8ri att8 Councilman Thompson examined the Streator I'ixtures offered by the Streator Store Fixture Company for the Liquor store. Councilman Sheridan stated that he believed the Streator Store Fixtures were equally good for use in the Liquor Store and since Alternate A of the bid of the Streator Store Fixture Company is below the bid of Display Pixtures Inc., he recommends to the Council the purchase of the Streator Store Fzxtures as describe@ zn thexr bid under AZternate A. Motion by Kirkham to award the bid for store fixtures to the Streator Store Fixture Co. as described in their bid under Alternate A in the amount of $11,475.00. Seconded Uy Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. DEMOLISHING TORNADO DAMAGED HOMES: � � The Czty Manager stated that he had a list ot homes made by the inspection team which were damaged beyond repair and asked the Council for authorization to proceed with plans for demolishing these homes. He stated that the equipment , which the City rented would not be put to use the following day unless the Council authorized the administration to demoiish these homes. If the equipment is not ptrt to use it will be released. He stated that the City would demolish the homes which suffered the most damage first, The City will not demolish those homes immediately on which delays have been requested by the property owners and possibly would not demolish some other homes where there is a possibility that some of the structure might be saved, He stated that his office had received many requests to chlay demolishing homes. Councilman Sheridan asked whether or not the City Attorney believed that the City is sufficiently protected to proceed with the demolishing of these homes. He stated that some people wished to have the City demolish their homes in the belief that they could 245 sue the City for doing so and obtain some additional money over and above that furnished to them from their insurance claims. The City NIanager stated that Che City Attorney informed him that the property holders would not be aU1e to press such suits successfully. He stated that he had a liSt of S3 properties which had been declared totallosses and asked the Council if they wished to proceed with demolishing. The City Manager asked the Council whether the City should proceed to demolish commercial structures as well. The Mayor asked whether the City would receive Federal �unds for demolishing commercial structures The City Manager answered that the commercial structures had not been inspected by the Inspectors from the office of Emergency Planning but that he bel�eves the C2t� would receive Federal Funds for demolishing these structures Motion by Sheridan to adoise the admimstration to proceed with demolishing structures destroyed by the storm, which are listed by the inspection team, and for which no request for delay has been received by the City Administration Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a vozce vote, there being no nays, the motion caxried unanimously. WATER LINE INTEftCEPT0R5 ALONG T,H. ��47: The City Manager stated that it had been brought to his attention by the City Engineer that new grading for T.H, ��47 uncovered some water mains on the easement for T,H. ��'47. He stated that according to informaCion available to the City, these water mains were constructed in Yhe past and were not as deep as shown on the as-bui1C drawings. The City Engineer stated that it is the policy of the Minnesota Hlghway DepartmenC to require the owner to lower his uEility services when they are made too shallow by grade construction done by the Minnesota Highway Department and that in this case the City is the owner of the utiliCles, He staCed that he helieved the cost would be beCween $10,000 and $12,000, The City Engineer was asked to report in more detail on June 14th. COI3STRIICTION OF DRIFT WELLS: The City Engineer stated that the contractor working for the City had drilled and found one good well which it appears will furnish 1,150 gallons per minute � of water. He stated that it is necessary to probe the well further in order to verify Chis result. Since this well has been found and is a fairly good well, the City found another well which wi11 furnish about 450 gallons per minute, The City Engineer stated that this volume of water is too low to make the well worth construct�on. He stated that he would like to request the Council to authorize construction of two more test we11s He stated that action by the Council is not necessary at this time buC that the administration wi11 present the Council with a change order for the search of two more drift we11s. He would like to have the CouncLl approve the change order when it is hrought before the Council or to direct the Adminstration to draw the change order at this meeting. REQUEST FOR TRAILER PERMITS FOR TEMPORARY OCCIIPANCY; Motion by Sheridan to grant the requests for temporary occupancy of trailer houses t�o�tkle.fcsllvwing; Sames R, Holmes, 6700 Kennaston Drive, Fridley, Minnesota Chester R Dorf, 5901 4th St. N.E , P'ridley, Minnesota Maril L,rilliams, 6874 Ldashington Street N E, Fridley, Minnesota Forrest D. Sundy, 576 Rice Creek Terrace PrLdley, Minnesota Paul K. Yag}ru, 617 Rice Creek Terrace, Fridley, Minnesota Vernon D, Nygaard 5957 Sth Street N.E , Pridley Minnesota HiLee Schreiner, 6851 Oakley, Fridley Minnesota Milton E. Reiten, 6701 Jackson Streel N E, Pridley Minnesota Seconded by Kirkham Upon a voice vote, Lhere being no nays the motion � carried unanimously SEWER AND WATER CONNECTION CHARGE FOR SUBURBAN ENGINEERING: The City Manager stated that he received a request from Robert Minder oF the Suburban Engineering Inc., stating Chat SuburUan Engineering is building an addition to theiz offices The firm does not wish to cut up the floor in the existing building and run a trench under the floor for connection of sewer facilities from the addition to he existing sewer line, but finds it more feasible to dig a new trench outside the building and make an outside cannection xnto the existing sewer Yrunk for the addition to the building The SuburUan �ngineering Inc , would like to make this connection without an assessment for a new conn.ecCion for sewer and water charges The Council �dvised the City Manager that the direct connection would be acceptable ��s A➢JOURNNfENT • There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the meeting ad�ourned at 11:27 P M, Respectfully submitted, �J �' . ,� ��' .2,�,rv.r�-- z,.f0� Raymond E Bade Secretary to the Council ���,�.�:�r . 2�- William S. N e Mayor THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF JULVE 9, 1965 A special meeting of the Council�of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:15 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present; Nee, Kirkham, Thompson Members Absent; Wright Sheridan CONTINUED HEARING ON DEMOLITION - 584 RICE CREEK TERRACE (TABLED 6/4/65): 1 Mayor Nee asked who is concerned with the demolition hearing on the property of Leo S B*_edron. Leo S. Biedron was present at the Council meeting Phillip J. Stern, attorney for Leo S. Biedron was present. Dean Sohnson attorney for the Utah Home Fire Insurance Company, stated that he was interest�d in the demolition oi the Biedron home and wished to speak to the Council concerning thss matter. � Mayor Nee inquired of the parties whether there have been any new developments since the last Council action on demolition of the home. Mr Johnson said that there had been no settlement, but that he had a contractor�s estimate whicl� he wished to transmit to Mr Biedron and to his attorney. Mayor Nee asked Dean Sohnson whether he wished to bring any witnesses before the Council. Dean Johnson said, °No," he only w�.shed to pro�ide Mr. Biedron with an estimate for rebuilding his home, and wished to have the Council infoxmed of the amount of the estimate as we11 as Mr Biedron's attorney. The City Attorney inquired whether the home had been reinspected since the last Council meeting. M�yor Nee answered "Yes" Mayor Nee asked the City Building Inspector to give the Council the History of the inspections of the home Allen ,Tensen informed the Councrl that the home had been inspected on May 28, 1965. He outlined the damage tu the home as a result of the tornado On June 9, 1965, Mr. Jense�, Mr, Flynn and Mr G�isen, structural engineer, reinspected the home and found the damage to be sufficient to require total demolition of the home to the deck and repair of the foundation before the home could be rebuilt to comply with the City Codes. Mayor Nee asked Mr Geisen to give his report of the inspection Mr Geisen � reported on the inspection made on June 9th. He listed additionel items to the report of Mr Jensen of damages to the property, namely, that the house has been shiFted north and west, a floor �oist over the �urnace is fractured and the house has sustained substantial damage to the floor and the structure, The north- west bedroom wall is pulled from the floor and extensive damage has been done to the inside of the house Mayor Nee Asked Geisen whether he found the strucuture � unsafe for habiatition and Mr Geisen answered, °Yes." Mayor Nee asked Mr G?isen whether he is L-amiliar with the City Codes or the BOC requirements, Mr Gexsen answered, "Yes " Mayor Nee asked Mr. Geisen to state his qualifications Mr Geisen replied that he is licensed, structur2l engineer with considerable experience in the home construction field. Mayor Dlee asked Mr. Geisen whether the home could be repaired. Mr. Geisen answered that the home cuuld not be repaired without demolishing the structure to the deck and rebuilding it from the deck upward, Mayor Nee asked Dean Sohnson and Mr. Stern whether they had any questions of the witnesses Dean Johnson said that he would like to question Mr. Geisen, ➢ean Johnson asked Mr Geisen what demolition procedures he would recommend for