06/14/1965 JOINT - 27248i._�.l � � FRIDLEY HOUSINC AND RE;D�ifEiAi'MENT AUT[iORITY ciTY CoUNCIL MEETINC - JUNE ].l�, 1965 Present: riayor William Nee, Councilmen John 1•,right and Jack Kirkhamp City Attorney 4;yman Smith' City t�'.anager Earl Siagner, the City Eng3neer, N;embera of bhe Planning Coaonission and Mem- bera af tha r^ridley Houaing and Redevelo�nt Authority Absent: Counci]msn liaymand Sheridan and Connci�man-a�L-Iarge, Glenu Thompnon 1he Council meeting was callod to order at B:JO P„ria, by t�layor Nee, CONSTDE$ATIOk 4F RIYERVIE�: HEIGHTS AREAs a6eyor Nee axpla3ned that the firat item on the agenda was an in- fo�mel hearing of the Iiivervlew Heights residente to get their viex- points on Ba�me possible sclution to thi,e tloaded area, and the poasai- bi].ity of widertaking a redeveloFment projact4 Ha stated that one poss3bili�y might ba for the City and County to purchase the land for park purpoaea, He further explained that iha Citp Council hed atarted t.o 3nveetigate the llood problsm, and had invited a repr�aaentative af the Federal Houairig and Home Pinance Agettcy Yrom Chicago to studp the Riverviex Haighte area. This authori.ty haa informed the Couna3l that in order to be eligible for Faderal Aid, it is neceseary lor 51.'� of eny area to be damaged, ao as to warrant aondemnationo Thus9 uader s�ch a reneWal p].�n, the Federal Govers�ment would absorb 75� of the coat� while the Ci�ir would be re�aponnible Por 25,� ot sa�. Msyor Nee f'urther �plained that if thie area could aat qualityr uader the above terme for eligibility, thie undertaking would be impract3cal for the Cityt. AS�qor Nee then as$ed for suggeations or coamrents from the peop% ot` the area. The follow�ng peogle were heard: 1 iEca� 8ruc§ Hoch, 7g15 Apex Lane and N�r. Eobmrt Jaegar, Broad Avemia 8i6eted tkat they wmre xflling ia ael]. their properties. Mr„ Belis]a stated that he thought the eolubion wou7d be Lo build up the roe.d ap�ax3mat�ely tour leeto He ihzrther stated that the floode in the year 1952 had l,ett ei�teen inches of water in his baaement9 v�3ia Lhis yeer9a t'l,nod had brought lorty txa inchea of vater. I�nberi Hollenbeck, 5'il � 79th Kay atated that he uouid like a deaieiom me�de as sooa as poesible, so that plans tor the future could be mad�< Aoward Heermans 7875 I�ir►rvod D;ay inqulred about the fair valae of the prapertiea if the City xere to la�yt it, Haylocnd Wafer, 640 �over StraeL iaquired aUout tha posaibility of in- oreaeed fl,00ding in the i�tura because ot mnre dams being 6uilt. � � ]✓a�s. Hay�mond b,aYer inquired ebout detesmina�f.ion of btrundaries ta be takett intn conaideration. F�rry Tyeki 620 Do�rnr 3treety Mra. k'i713s 3m2th, 615 Cheryl Street end Aichard 3torla� 79l►1 Riverviex Terrace, stated that they xers in favor of aelling their propert3ea. R�bert Krstlax, 7�5 �ad nvenue inquired if inspectora would take into oonsideratlon atqr precautions or impravemeats a]reacly made to px�event baaementa from cavls�g i.YSd David Aqer, 661 Cheryl 5treet atated that consbructional damage di.d mt ahorr from the outsidea of theae hamea; slao, that footinga a+ere st.il]. und�br water. MCee �'aeTB� LBK1B� G47. Chery*1 Street agreed with Mrm Ay9D�8 et8t9� msrite Mre. W. B. Strub, 7B9Q Broad Avenue explained that water was xaiat deep, and that their ratainisig xall wae rora.ehed awe�}r, �hose preaent from this area were: Mra. Gerald Lawisa 6y.1 Cheryl Street Mr. I.�arry lystc, b20 Dover street Mr. Richard Miller, b18 Dover Street Nlra. W. B. Strub, 7g90 Hroad Avemie Rober� Krat].oiw, 76B$ Broad Avetrue rrrs. h'illis smtt.�, 6i5 chery7. street Nm. Jim Anderaon, 6Q9 Cheryl Street N!r. Robart Hollenbeck� 571 — 74th t,r�Y Mr. Robert Aioriu, 7g7'� �ad StrsOt Mr. Robert Jaeger� Broad Avenue lota itobert E. hafert 640 Dover Y'e�Y Atr. Vlilliam 1:ataon, 79b5 Riverviex Terrace Mr. David Ayer, 661 Cheryl Street In anexer to aome of theae inquir3ea, Mayor Nea expl�i,ned that the area to be considered xould depead on damege. '1'he estimated figure, i+hich in�luded the entira plat� Sor tha redeveio�mment projeci vaa ap- �aad.mete]y one million dollere. t�r. S:�agner explained that the eati- me�ted coat Juet ko hOld the bank np in Riverv3e►r �errane was $9i0,Q00v00a M�yor �ee further axplained that the Fridleoy Houeing and &adevslapwaztL Authority wuld a�udy the area, and that if they Ye1t a redevelopment plan xas reaeonable, they might be able tq mach a deciaion in the aear Sttture�, Ii this piaa derrelopsd, the residents in the are9 would lmox the CitT �rould purchase the�.r properties at a iair price. It was stated t3�at it would taks appz�admabely txo yeara Sor such a plan to develope Metiyor Nee introduced ftichard Herder, Chairmea oi the Frid3.ey Houaing and R+�develo�anant Authority, who sietod t6at his co�ocibtoe would atudy the area and mske a deaision. hxo PauI. Earrox of this coa�i.ttee � explsined that a brief etudp ►rould be mada by said Housing and Redevelop- aient authorit�; and thoy, in turn, arould app]�* for a flouaing redavaloper or cityr planner to study sau�e, �2m � � � Niayor Nee auggeated to the psogle that they keep a written record of all loasea; also, that thay �erudt tha inspectors ta come into thair homee tv deterndne damagese He felt that the prelimi- naiy etudy could poasibly be oomF:leted in appra�d.mate7,y two rveeka or by mifl-July, He explained thai buil�in� permits i.t� the area were temporarSly being he].d upF but that if the Houaing and R.edave- ln�etzt Authority determiaee thia rrill be a renewal area� said per- �ts will be releaaed, Mayor Nee asked that all residenta from thia area si� their namea end addres$es on a pad before leaving� and posaib],y note a�y suggeatians they* might have, This in4'ormsl diacusaioa wae over at 9:30 P.N,o The Frl.dleq Housing and Redevelo�snt Authority retired to 2✓,r. k'agnsrea office to continue their meet,ing, 3-