06/21/1965 - 00022032�� problems with back up of the sanitary sewer into the other apartment buildings which he has built and that he does not see why he should have any problem With construction of this apartment building since the sanitary sewex stub is more than five feet below ground and the floor of the basment in the apartment building will be substantially above this elevation. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Hawrysch to wait for one month and study the construction of the sanitary sewer with the CZty Engineer to determine the ef£ect o£ this construction upon the sanitary sewer mains. Mr. Hawrysch stated that he would do this rather reluctantly. The Council took no action upon the request of Mz. Hawrysch. AD30URNMCNT• There being no further husiness, Mayor Nee declared the spec�al Council meeting of June 14, 1965 ad�ourned at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submittedc �� '� �, y�.� v�r ���,�������� , Raymond E. Bade William J. Nee Secretary to the Council Mayor THC MINUTES OF THC REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SUNE 21, 1965 The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:25 P.M. ROLL GALL: Members Present: Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan, Wright, Thompson Members Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - MAY 28, 1965: Motion by Wright to approve the minutes of the regular Council meeting of NIay 28, 1965 as submitted, Seconded by SherLdan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPP.OVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING - SUNE 1, 1965-1- Motion by Thompson to approve the minutes of the special meeting of Sune 1, 1965 as submitted. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrZed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - R�GULAR_MEP�TING - NNE 2, 1965; Motion by Wright to adopt the minutes of the xegular Council meeting of June 2, 1965 as submitted. Seconded by Thompson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING - SUNE 3, 1965: Motion by Kirkham to adopt the minutes o£ the special Council meeting of June 3, 1965 as submitted. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - NNE 4. 1965: Councilman Wright staCed that the minutes show on page 12 he was absent fxom the meeting of June 4, 1965, however, on page 13, the motion for the adoption of Resolution No. 91A-1965 reads motion by Wright which should read motion by Kirkham. Motion by Wxight for adoption of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of June 4, 1965 as corrected reading mot�on by Kirkham to adopt Resolution No. 91A-1965 in place of the name of Wright. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, � � � � � 25 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - RLGIILAR COUNCIL MEETING - JIINE 7, 1965: Councilman Wright said that on page 22 under the heading, "Drainage Ditch at 78th Avenue through plat No. 8400," the name of the visitor shocld be inserted in place of the words "a visitor," this name being AL Sohnson. Motion by Wright to adopt the minutes of the regular Council meeting of Sune 7, 1965 with the correction replacing the words "a visitor° with the name of A1 Johnson on page 22. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - NNE 9, 1965: Motion by Wright for the adoption of the minutes of L-he sgecial Council meeting of June 9, 1965. Seconded by Thompson. Motion by Wright to aznend the minutes of the special Council meeting of June 9, 1965 by changing the words "insurance company" on page 35 in the sentence which reads, "That should the home be demolished by the insurance company the insurance company might we11 avoid the policy," to read, "He stated that should the home be demolished by the City the insurance company might we11 void the policy." Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously Notion for the adoption: Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RECONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION N0. 95-1965: Motion by Wright to reconsider Resolution No. 95-1965. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, Councilman Thompson voting nay, the motion carried. Mayor Nee announced that a representative of the Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Company met with the Council and would like to address the Council at this meeting. Mayor Nee introduced Tom Foster. Tom Foster said that he would like to request a reconsideration of the Aesolution passed by the Council on June 9, 1965, and delay of the final passage of this Resolution for a period of two weeks to enable Farmers Hame Mutual Insuran¢e Company to review the cases which led the Council to include Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Company in the Resolution to demonstrate to the Council that the policy of the company is not that shown by the cases. Thomas Mi11er of 280 - 57th Place Northeast, a visitor to the Covncil meeting, said that his claim with the Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Company was settled this morning and that as far as he is concerned everything is satsifactory. He said that the insurance company allowed him to take bids from two contractors instead of sending out their own claims ad�usters and settled on the basis of the bids he received from the two contractors. He stated that the insurance company had first informed him that they would send out a contractor to Uid on repair of his home, but that he informed the insurance company that he wished to obtain bids from two contractors and they allowed him to obtain his own bids and settled the claim on that basis, instead. Mayor Nee asked whether anyone else at the Council meeting wished to say anything in regard to Resolution No, 95-1965. There were no other comments. Mayor Nee stated that the Council discussed reaming several insurance companies in the Resolution and finally decided on only three companies concerning whom the Council received a great man}y complaints and a great deal of correspondence. � Mayor Nee stated further that the press when it published the Resolution inadvertertently included the names of insurance companies which the Council was considering and which were mentioned in the discussion of the Resolution, and the Council had no intention of including a11 the names in the final Resolution, of the insurance companies which were discussed. Motion by Kirkham to table consideration of Resolution No. 95-1965 to the regular Council meeting of July 6, 1965. Seconded by Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FEE SCHEDULE FOR BUILDING PERMITS � TORNADO: Mayor Nee said that the Council had passed a revised schedule for Building Permits at a prior meeting. The revised schedule provided a substantial reduction in the 26 fees for Building Permits and was made for the purpose of granting people who suffered tornado damage a reduction of costs to rebnild. The City Manager said that quite a few people have not made final arrangements, and have not as yet, obtained Building Permits to rebuild their homes. He suggested that the revised fee schedule be extended for a period of another month oi six weeks. Councilman Sheridan suggested that the revised fee schedule be in effect until September 7, 1965. Motion by Sheridan to continue the use of tt� reduced fee schedule for the fees of Building Permits to repair damaged homes as adopted by the Council on May 17, 1965 to September 7, 1965. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOI:UTION CONFIRbt�NG ASSESSMEN?' ROLL - SS & SW -0�69 (TABLED 6/7/65) No. 96-1965: � The City Manager stated that the ma�or question concerning the assessment ro11 for SS 7 SW �F�69 is whether it is possible for the City to extend the payments of assessments for this pro�ect over a period of three years, He stated that he wished to ask the Finance Director whether thfs is feasible. Mayor Nee stated that the question is whether any of the City's accounts will be in trouble if the assessments are not paid within one or two years. The Finance Director stated that he does not believe it would make much difference whether the assessments are spread over one, two or three years. He stated that the result would be eitkter to stretch payment of the temporary bonds over the entire period resulting in an � increased inT.erest rare or including these funds in another bond issue, Mayor Nee asked what is the amount of the assessments for SS & SW r'k69. The City Manager stated that the cost of 55 & SW ��69 will be approximately $77,000.00. The Mayor asked the Finance Director whether any funds would be in trouble if the City were not to obtain prompt payment of this sum of money. The Finance Director answered, "No," Councilman Sheridan asked the Finance Director whether the first payment of the assessment will be made in January 1966, The Finance Director answered, "Yes." Councilman Wright stated that the Resolution could be amended by replacing the words in paragraph 9 on page 57 of the agenda reading "one or 20 annual installments," to read, "3 annual installments." Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 96-1965 confirming the assessment roll for SS & SW �k69 and amending the Resolution in paragraph 9 6y substituting the word "3 annual installments" for the words "one or 20 annual installemtns." Seconded by IZirkham. Upon a rolIl call vote, there being no nays, the motion carried, SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE ik305 AMENDING CITY CODE - REZONE LOTS 80 - Mayor Nee explained that the purpose of the ordinance is to rezone Lots 80 - 83, B1ock A, Aiverview Heights Addition, to adopt the ordinance and publish same. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a roll ca11 vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. DEMOLITION - 129 HORIZON CIRCLE (TABLED 6/4/65, 6/9/65, 6/14/65): Mayor Nee explained that a final decision concerning the demolition of 129 Horizon Circle had been eabled previously upon the request of the attorneys representing the parties involved. The Mayor asked whether anyone was present at the Council meeting who wished to speak concerning demolition of the structure at 129 Horizon Circle. The City Attorney said that he believes this case has been resolved. The City Manager said that this case had been tabled only to a11ow the Council time to receive more information concerning the structure of the home and that it is the Council's decision whether to table this action or conclude consideration of demolition of the home. Councilman Wright stated that he would like to know whether documents such as the one describing exactly what contractors said they would do to reconstruct the home to comply with the City Code would be useful to the Building Inspectox in working with the contractors in the future, and to the homeowner in negotiating with his insurance company. The City Manager stated that the Building Inspector was present at the Council meeting when the home at 129 Horizon Circle was under consideration and the Building Inspector has a copy of the statements made by the contractors for the insurance companies. Motion by Kirkham to table consideration of a delay of demolition of the home at 129 Horizon Circle to the next regular Council meeting, Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � � � � REAFFIRMIIV� ORDINANCE N0. 304 - PREVIOUSLY PASSED SUNE 9, 1965• The City Manager read the Ordinance to the Council meeting. Motion by Wright to reaffirm Emergency Crdinance No, 304 as adopted by the Council during the meeting of June 9, 1965• Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REAFFIAMING RESOLUTION N0. 94-1965 - PREVIOUSLY PASSED SUNE 9, 1965: Motion by Wright to reaffirm Resolution No. 94-1965 as passed by the Council during the meeting on June 9, 1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, Councilman Kirkham voting nay, the motion carried, x�SULUrluiv NU. y/-17b� - STORM SEWER - T.H. i�47 S OF SPEIC 27 Mayor Nee informed the Council that the City of Fridley xeceived the goodnews that Columbia Heights will participate in the storm sewer pro�ect necessary to build a new Trunk Highway �k47 southof Trunk Highway �F100 to St. Anthony Boulevard He stated that the City of Pridley wi11 shortly enter into an agreement with the City of Columbia Heights and the Minnesota Highway Department to provide for the costs of the storm sewer necessary to construction of the pro�ect. Councilman Wright stated that he would like to say publicly that he wishes to take back all the . uncomplimentary things he said about the City of Columbia Heights, provided that Columbia Heights goes through with their intention to enter Znto the pro�ect to extend Trunk Highway ��47 and complete the storm sewer south of Trunk highway 1F100 along Highway �'k47. A visltor to the Council meeting asked whether construction of the storm sewer wi11 alleviate sanitary sewer problems in the City of Fridley. He stated that he installed a gate valve in the runout of the sanitary sewer connection to his home to enable him to shut off the back flow from the sewer and prevent flooding of his home. Mayor Nee replied that construction of the storm sewer along T.lI,�f47 would probably improve conditions of the sanitary sewer norL-h of Highway ��100 but the City cannot promise that it wi11 completely alleviate the problem. Another visitor stated that he lives on 57th Place in the City of Fridiey and asked whether the City will continue to pump out the sewage from the sanitary sewer main. Mayor Nee replied that the visitor is asking the City to perform an illegal act, Councilman Wright stated that the question under consideration by the Council will primarily affect the area south of University Avenue. Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 97-1965. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. OF SEWER ON T The Ntayor LnfoYmed the Council that the Council had �ust ordered preliminary plans and specifications for construction of a storm sewer along T. H. �f47 south of T,H. ii100. The iIayor said that the plans have now been prepared and a7:e ready for the Council's inspection. The plans were submitted along with the letter describing the feasibility of the pro�ect from the consulting engineecing firm, Comstock and Davis. T�otion by Wright to receive the letter from Comstock and Davis describing the feasibility of the storm sewer construction pro�ect on T. H. 1�47 s outh of T.H. ;�100. Seconded by Thompson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously RESOtUTION N0. 98-1965 - RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT AND ORDEAING HEARING - STORM SEWER - T.H. ��47 SOIITH OF T.H7,m- SS �k12; The City Manager stated that Resolution No. 98-1965 provides for notice of hearing for the construction of a storm sewer on T, H. �k47 south of T,H, jk100. The Resolution needs to be completed for the place of the hearing The Ciey Manager suggested that the date for the hearing be 7uly 12, 1965 at 8:00 P. M, A visitor to the Council meeting asked whetherthe storm sewer pro�ect will include the area from 48th Avenue South or if it will extend from Slst Avenue South. The Mayor answered that the storm sewer project will extend from Panorama Avenue _ �� . - z� in Plymouth Addition south. Another visitor to the Council meeting asked whether construction of the storm sewer pro�ect will include construction of storm sewer laterals and whether the property owners wi11 have to pay for construction of the storm sewer laterals. Mr. Comstock and the City Attorney both informed the property owner that the stotm sewer project wi11 include construction of the laterals and the property owners will have to pay for same. The Mayor asked the City Manager to read the portion of Resolution No. 98-1965 describing the area to he drained by the storm sewer pro�ect, The City Manager read this portion. Mr. Comstock explained that the area included � between the streets as read from the Resolution will be the boundaries of the area served by the storm sewer construction. A visitor to the Council meeting asked whet�er the City will guarantee that construction of the storm sewer project on University Avenue will prevent any further drainage problems in the South University area. The Mayor stated that the City cannot guarantee that construction of the storm sewer pro�ect wi11 solve or eliminate all drainage problems in the part of Fridley which it will serve but the Council believes it will alleviate most of the problems. He stated that the Minnesota FIighway Department is designing the storm sewer pro�ect and is using design criteria based on data allowing for heavier than normal rain and snow every five years. He stated thatthis does not mean that every five years there will be a flooded area a1Qng the Southern part of University Avenue but that he does not believe conditions wiYl be as bad as they have been in the past. He stated that if the storm sewer does not work the City will blame the Minnesota Highway Depaxtment fox poor design. Motion by Wright to adopt Re� iution No, 98-1965, setting the date for the hearing as Ju1y 12, 1965, the time for 8;00 P.M. and the place at the Riverwood School gymnasium. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 3, 1965: Motion by Kirkham to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of � June 3, 1965. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 10, 1965: SPLIT REQUEST; LS.-0�65-02, WILLIAM H COSTELLO, LOT 24, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION The City Manager read the motion of the Planning Commission recommending approval of the Lot Sp1it L.S. �k65-02. The City Lingineer stated that he wrote a letter to Mr. Costello asking him to bring a certificate of survey describing the Lot Sp1it for filing. He stated that he has not received the certificate of survey. Motion by Wright to concur with the action of the Planning Cou¢nission and grant the request of William H. Costello for a Lot Split of Lot 24, Auditor's Subdivision ��92, contingent upon receipt of a certificate of survey in accord with the plans Mr. Costello presented to the City. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L. S. The City NIanager read the motion of the Planning Commission recommending approval of the Lot Split L. 5. ��65-D3. The City Engineer showed a plan of the Lot � Split to the Council. Councilman Sheridan asked why the lot was split in such an odd way. He inquired if any thought was given to whether Mr. Tiller is perhaps making an attempt to get around the pl�tting ordinance. The City Manager answered that whereas the Lot Split is unusual it is not detrimental to the City nor opposed to the principal of the ordinance. Motion by Sheridan to concur with the �tion of the Planning Commission and grant the request of Bailey Tiller for a split of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision ik92 contingent upon receipt of the necessary certificate of survey in compliance with the ordinances of the City of Fridley and with the plan Mr. Tiller presented to the City, Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 29 BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING MINUTES - SUNE 16, 1965: REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 45.24, CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 1963, RY WAIVER OF SIDE YARD REOUIREMENT FROM 5 FEET TO 2 FEET TO PERMIT CONSTRIICTION BEING 6820 - 7TH STREET NORTHEAST. FP.IDLEY, MINNESOT BY DONALD F, POWERS. 6820 - The City Manager explained to the Council that the Board of Appeals held a public hearing on the request of Donald F. Powers for a variance of the � side yard requirement from 5 feet to 2 feet to permit construction of an attached garage upon his property. The Board of Appeals recommends that the variance be granted to Mr. Pawers. Councilman Wright pointed out that he wished the Council to note that ittstead of the concurrence of the neighbors to Mr. Powers' request for a variance the minutes of the Board of Appeals Hearing show that no ane ob�ected to the vara.ance. The City Manager replied that when a request for a variance is submitted to the Board of Appeals it is not required that concurrence of the neighbors to the variance be provided in writing. The Board of Appeals holds a hearing on a request for a variance and the neighbors have this opportunity to ob�ect if they wish to do so. � Motion by Kirkham to concur with the Board of Appeals and grant the request of Donald F. Powers for a variance from side yard requirement of 5 feet to 2 feet to permit construction of an attached garage on Lot 4, B1ock 3, Rice Creek Terrace Plat 4. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. T EOR A VARIANCE FROM BY WAIVER OF SIDE YAR ECTION 45.26. CITY CO ON LOT COUNTY 45.24_ CITY C OF FRID]:.EY, MINN P�SOTA 1963, BY WAIVER OF 5 FEET TO 32 FEET TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF SLOCK 3. RICE CREEK TERRACS PLAT 4_ ANOKA Ob]U � l�iri Jl:1tISC;-L iVUK1k1�A�'1'� N�itiSlS,liY� J, OLMSTED, JR.. 6850 - 7TH STREET. PRIDZEY The City Manager read the motion of the Board of Appeals recommending that the request of Mr. Olmstead, Jr. for a variance be granted to permit construction of an attached garage upon his property. Motion by Thompson to concur with the action of the Board of Appeals and grant the xequest of Mr: Olmstead, Jr., for a variance of the side yard requirement from 5 feet to 3 feet and of the front yard requirement from 35 feet to 32 feet to permit construction of an attached garage upon his property, the same being Lot 1, Block 3, Rice Creek Terrace Plat 4. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. �:l�l L'.���`. _� MINNESOTA MINNESOTA A SINGLE F ECTION 45.25 CITY CODE OF PRI➢LEY, MINN�SO�. EQUIREMENT TO 10 FEET EROM THE BOULEVARD FEET PROM THE ADJOINING PROPERTY, TO PERMIT LY DWELLING ON LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, B;.00K 14, - STH STREET NORTHEAST, ANOKA COiT[VTY, Qi750N_ 5980 - STH STREET NORTHEAST. FRIDLEY Councilman Wright stated that he received a request from ➢ean Ferguson for a waiver of the zoning requirements to permit him to build a single family dwelling facing 60th Avenue rather than Sth Street He stated that in order � to build this home facing 60th Avenue upon this property a variance must be received by the property owner to build the home with 10 feet of the f-ront boulevard and within 7 feet of the rear yard leaving large side yards on either side of the home. He presented a plat plan of the proposed construction to the Council. Councilman Wright stated that the proposal provides for a decent looking home and he said that the neighbors do not ob�ect to Mr. Ferguson�s plan of construction, The City Manager stated that the Council considered the request of Dean Ferguson at the regular Council meeting of .Tune 7, 1965 and the minuCes on page 17 and 18 show that the Council tabled action upon Dean Ferguson's request for side yard variances. Councilman Wright stated that this home was damaged by the tornado, that the property owner will demolish and reUuild the residence and that he has encouraged the property owner to do so. �� Mayor Nee asked whether the Board of Appeals reco�ended granting the request of Nlr. Ferguson for a variance. The City Tlanager answered that the Board of Appeals recommended that the request for a variance be granted, provided Mr. Ferguson provides the City with a set of plans showing how he xntends to rebuild the home. Councilman Wright stated that the plans show Mr. Ferguson intends to build a home 36 feet long by 24 feet wide with an attached garage. He stated that the home is rather snall. Mayor Nee asked whether the plan of construction of the home meets the requirements for the minimum size of a home with an attached garage considering the area of the 1ot. Councilman Wright said that he believes the plans show the home meets the requirements of the minimum size of a residence. � Motion by Wright to concur with the Board of Appeals and grant the request of Dean Ferguson for a variance from front yard and rear yard requirements in conformance with the plot plan submitted to the Council provided the plot plan be reversed with the garage built to the north side o£ the residence. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING BOAAD MEETING MINi1TE5, JUNE 9, 1965: CONSID�RATZON OF CONSTRUCSION OF A NETa ENII3ERS RESTAURANT, WESS OF EXISTING EMBERS RESTAURANT, AT 5400 CENTRAL AVENUE NORTHEAST: The City Manager read the minutes of the Building Board meet1ng of June 9, 19b5 under the above heading to the Council. Chet Herringer was present at the Council meeting. Mr. fIerringer stated that the new Embers Restaurant will be the same as an Embers Restaurant under construction on +�.H, i6100. He presented a set of plans for the restaurant to the Council and explained the plans to the Council. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Herringer whether the entrance to the new Embers Restaurant wi11 be from 53rd Avenue Northeast. Mr. Herringer answered, "Yes." Councilman Thompson asked Mr, Herringer whether the plans for the restaurant include furnishing a large meeting room with large dining room in the restaurant, Mr. Herringer answered, "No," but he stated that such rooms wi11 be provided in another restaurant which he plans to build. The City Engineer asked Mr. Herringer whether he discussed his plans for � construction of the new Embers Restaurant with the Minnesota Highway Departmet in order to assure that there will Ue reasonable access to this property from T. H. ��65. Mr. Herringer answered, "Yes." Motion by Sheridan to concur with the Building Board and grant the request of Mr. Herringer for a Building Permit for construction of a new Embers Restaurant at 5400 Central Avenue Northeast. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FRIDLEY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPEMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 7, 1965: Motion by Sheridan to receive the minutes of the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority areeting of June 7, 1965. Seconded by Thorapson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FRIDLEY HOIISING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MINiITES - SUNE 14, 1965: Motion by Thompson to receive the minutes of the June 14, 1965 meeting of the I'ridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FRIDLEY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MINI7TE5 - JUNE 15, Z965: Motion by Wright to receive the minutes of the meeting of the Fridley Housing and Aedeveiopment Authority of June 15, 1965. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a � voice vote, there being no nays, the motian carried unanimously. HUt°;�:� RE:�ATIONS COMMITT$E MEETING MINUTES, APRIL 28, 1965: Motion by Kirkham to receive the minutes of the Human Relations Committee meeting ot April 28, 1965. Seconded by Wright. Ilpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. COMMiTNICATION : MINNEAPOLIS WATER DEPARTMENT - RE: CONTRACT: The City Manager explained that he received a letter from the Minneapolis Water Department requesting the City of Fridley to enter into negotiations for a formal CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 BOARD OE APPEALS MEETING MINIITES CONTINiTED FROM PAGE 29 RP�QUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 45,26, CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 19 3, BY WAIVER OE FRONT YARD REQUIREMENT OF 35 FEET TO 31 FEET TO PERMIT . MINNES SEING 785 B�NNETT ➢AIVE NORTHEAST. FRIDLEY ��� a � The City Manager read the motion of the Board of Appeals recommending that a variance be granted Mr. Coverston for waiver of the front yard requirement � from 35 feet to 31 feet to permit construction of an attached garage Motion by Sheridan to concur with the action of the Board of Appeals and grant the request of Mr. Coverston for a variance of the front yard requirement from 35 feet to 31 feet to permit cunstruction of an attached garage upun his property, the same being Lot 11, Block 1, Christie Addition. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 45.25, CLTY COD� OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 1963, BY WAIVER OF REAR YARD REQUIREMGNT FROM 25 FEET TO 14 FEET TO P�RMIT COP75TRUCTION OE A FAMILY RODM ON I,OT 24. BLOCK 2, CARLSON' S SiTMP4IT MANOR SOUTH r.� V FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA. (REQUEST The City Manager read from the minutes of the Board of Appeals the motion reconmiending that a variance he granted to Mr. V. E. Lambert for waiver oF the rear yard requirement from 25 feet to 14 feet to permit construction of a family room. Motion by Kirkham to concur with the action of the Board of Appeals and grant the request of Mr, V. E. Lambert for a waiver of rear yard requirement from 25 feet to 14 feet to permit construction of a family room upon his property, the same being Lot 24, Block 2, Carlson's Summit Manor South Addition. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, � the motion carried unanimously. � J �"� � � ' 1 � 31 contract with the City of Minneapolis for the purchase of water. The City Manager stated that he scheduled a meeting with the representative of the Minneapolis Tdater Department for Sune 15, 1965. Councilman Wright asked the City Manager wh�ther he can make the case L-o the representative of the Minneapolis Water Department, that the present rates at which Minneapolis is selling water to the City of Fridley are rates fo-r the sale of water on an emergency basis and these rates should be lowered if the City of Fridley enters into a formal agreement with the City of Minneapolis. The City Manager replied that the City of Minneapolis will probably want to establish an agreement along the same terms as the contract the City of Minneapolis has.with the City of � Bloomington. He stated that the City of Minneapolis considers the terms of its agreement with the City of Bloomington for the sale of water to the City of Bloomington quite favorable. Councilman Thompson asked Mayox Nee wheiher it would be possible to direct the City Manger to file a report with the Council including recommendations concerning the contract with the City of Minneapolis for the next regular Council meeting on Suly 6, 1965. The Mayor referred the question to the City Manager. The City Manager stated that he would try to make recommendations to the Council by July 6, but that he does not know whether he can do so. Motion by Wright to receive the communication from the Minneapolis Water Department requesting a contract between the City of Fridley and the City of Minneapolis for the purchase of water. Seconded by Shezidan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. THIESEN: REZONING: Mr. Wellman was present at the Council meeting representing the property owner Mr. Thiesen. He stated that the property owner is renewing his reques*_ for rezoning of his property at the northeast intersection of Mississippi Street and IIniversity Avenue with the question of how he should proceed to obtain rezoning of his property, Mr. Wellman stated that the Planning Consultant whom the City retained in 1963 and 1964 studied the c�nditions existing at the intersection of University Avenue and Mississippi Street. In March, 1964, Mr. Thiesen was informed that the Council would meet with him to discuss I rezoning his property. Mr. Wellman stated that he was unable to attend the Council meeting held on that date. Mr. Wellman said that to the best of his — recollection consideration of xezoning this property was tabled. Mr. Wellman said that his client recognizes the problems attendant upon the losses due to tornado damage. He stated that he believes the City will feel more kindly towards renewing consideration of his proposed plan for construction on this property and will view favorably his request to rezone the property. Mr. Wellman stated that he believes theplans of Mr. Thiesen for construction upon the property wi11 fit in with the plans of the Fridley Housing azzd Rede�ralopement Authority, and will be a good development for the City of Fridley. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Wellman whether he intedds to discuss construction of the new Red Ow1 Store. Mr. Wellman answered that he wi11 not discuss the construction of the Red Ow1 Store but that Mr. Kranz is present at the Council meeting and would discuss construction of the Red Owl Store. Mr. Wellman stated that he asks the Council to rezone Lots 13 through 16, and stated that he will pxovide the Council with a new set of plans much to the Council's satisfaction and also to the satisfaction of the company whom he represents. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Wellman whether the Red Owl Company requests rezoning the property on which they propose to build the Red Ow1 Store Mr. Wellman answered that a portion of the property of M�. Thiesen is commercial property now. He stated that his client owns all oE the property between Mississippi Street and 66th Avenue Northeast and from University Avenue almost a block � east. Mr. Kranz stated that plans for construction of the Red Owl Store include only property which is presently zoned commercially, ' Mr. Wellman stated that he proposed a plan for construction of a commercial shopping center upon all of this property including sma11 shops one year ago He �tated that since that time the plans have been updated andnow include larger stores more to the liking of the City Council. Mr. Wellman stated further that the plans will be dovetailed with plans for construction of the Red Owl Store. Mayor Nee asked Mr, Wellman whether it is economically feasible for him to buy the ad�oining properties containing residences in the same Ulock as his property. Mr. Wellman stated that the company which he represents would like to do so and entered into negotiations with the property owners for this purpose but the property owners made the purchase too costly. He stated that �Z if the company could purchase these homes it would resolve the pxoblems of rezoning this property and ptovide a nice area for the location of the shopping center. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Wellman who is responsible for drawing the plans of the new shopping center. Mayor Nee said that the City Council has seen the plans of the Housing Authority and the Housing Authority contemplates developing the area across Mississippi Street from the shopping center which development should be coordinated with plans for the shopping center. Mayor Nee said that he believes it wauld be a good idea for Mr, Wellman and the planner for the company he represents to discuss plans for � construction of the shopping center with the Fridley Hausing and Redevelopment Authority and with the City Planning Consultant, Mr. Hodne, Mr. Wellman asked Mayor Nee whether it is necessary for the application to go through the Planning Commission, and other commissions of the City of Fridley as was done the previous year. Mayor Nee replied that Ordinances for rezoning property in the City of Fridley require applicants to submit their plans to these commissions. The Mayor stated further that it will be to the benefit oF Mr. Thiesen and the company concerned with the construction of the shopping center to coordinate their plans with those of the Fridley, Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Mr. Wellman stated that he does not wish to spend a great deal of time viewing the plans of the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority, that the company he represents is ready to build upon this property qesterday," and that he doesnot wlsh to delay consideration of possible Yezoning. Mr. Wellman said that he would discuss,theplans with the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority and with the Planning Consultant with reluctance but that he does not wish to delay this pro�ect by redrawing the plans. Mayor Nee stated that the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority wi11 do everything possible to coordinate plans for constructinn of the shopping center with their oCan plans, that plans of the City Planning Consultant are in the preliminary stage and could be coordinated insofar as is feasible with the plans of Mr. Wellman. He stated that plans for the Red Owl Store would be affected by the plans of the Planning Consultant since the plans include automobile and pedestrian traffic layouts. Mr. Wellman Agreed to discuss plans for construction of the shopping center with �he Fridley Housing and Redevelop- � ment Authority and with the City Planning Consultant. Motion by Wright to receive and file the request of Mr. Thiesen to rezone his property on the northeast corner of Mississippi Street and University Avenue. Seconded by Sheridan. IIpan a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. D. J. I�2A11TZ COMP�rldY, INC: Mr. Kranz stated that one year ago his firm, D.J. Kranz Company, Inc, went the full route through a11 the eommissions of the City in order to obtain a Building Permit for the construction of a Red Dwl Store. The City granted permission to build upon this property but under the circumstances the firm, was unable to do so at that time and did not take out a Building Permit. ' Now the firm would like to take out a Building Permit and have the Council confirm its action of the previous year granting a Building Permit. The City Manager said that a Building Permit had been granted for construction of a Theison store and not to Red Owl stores, Inc. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Kranz whether he has seen the preliminary plans of the City Planning Consultant for the area at University Avenue and Mississippi Street. Mr. ILranz answered, "No." Mr. Kranz stated that he is a contractor for Aed Ow1 Stores and he did not draw the plans for construction of the Red Ow1 Store. Red Owl Stores told him to attend the Council meeting in order to , obtain a Building Permit. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Kranz whether plans for the Red Owl Store were drawn by Red Owl Stores, Inc, Mr, Kranz answered, "Yes." Councilman Wright asked Mr. Kranz whether he could ask the Red Owl Compan� to examine the preliminary plans of the City Planning Consultant, Mr. Kxanz answered that he believes he could do so but he informed the Council that the lease for the property was signed hy the Red Owl Company in the belief that a Building Permit is avaalable. The Red Ow1 Company plans to begin construction on Suly 5 and open the store October lst. Councilman Sheridan asked Mr. Kranz whether theplans�for construction of the Aed Ow1 Store are the same as presented to the Council last year. Mr. Kranz answered, "Yes," except that plans for the decor and for the outside of the store have been changed. Councilman Sheridan hold Mr, Kranz that the question of zoning the north half of the Thiesen property wi1l affect the construction of the Red Owl Store. He stated that rezoning raises the question whether the 33 Red Ow1 Store has sufficient property for parking customers' cars Mr. Wellman said that the original plans for construction of the Red Ow1 Store show that there was more parking for the store than actually needed. Councilman Tdright stated that the plans of the City Plann�ng Consultant and of the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority are in a state of flux, are subject to change and could accommodate other plans such as those of the Red Owl Store and those of Mr. Wellman. Coun�ilman Wright said that he hopes the Red Ow1 Company will consider the ovexall plans of the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The City has invested in pLamiing in the area and would � like to ask the Red Owl Store to consider thoroughly, the plans being made by the City. Mr. Kranz stated that the Red Ow1 Store has its construction program and opening of the store scheduled and does not favor changing the schedule. Mayor Nee stated that the new pians o£ the Red Owl Store provide for a bigger store, and whereas, the City has no ob�ections to construction of a bigger store, in fact would favor construction of a bigger store, the construction of the Red Owl Stare should be mutually supporting with plans of the Redevelopment Authority for the area across Mississippi Street from the Red Ow1 Store. Mayor Nee stated that the Red Owl Store could be adversely affected by designs for the property across Mississippi Street from the site of the store if these plans are not coordinated with those of the Red Owl Store. He stated that when the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority, the City Planning Consultant and the Red Owl Store know the plans of each other thep can proceed with construction to their advantage. He stated that he believes it would be to the advantage of the Red Owl Store to look at the plans of the City Planning Consultant Mr. Kranz asked Mayor Nee, aftez the Red Dw1 Company looks at the plans of Mr, Hodne how should the Red Owl Company proceed7 Mayor Nee answered that it is his wish that the Red Owl Store express their ideas to the City Planning Consultant and to the Fridlep fIousing and Redevelopment Authority in order to protect their own intr�rests and coordinate their plans with those of the City Planning Consultant. Councilman Wright stated that plans of Yhe Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority and of the City Planning Consultant are not sufficiently complete to show to the public. He stated that he belzeves the Red Owl Stores will appreciate the chance to vieea these plans before beglnning construction. The City Manager pointed out to Mr. Kranz that his plans show an access to the service road of T.H. i�47. He said that the only way the Aed Owl Store can obtain access to the east service road of T.II. ��47 is for the City to buy back the right of access to the east service road. Mayor Nee informed Mr. Kranz that he can be sure the City wants the Red Owl Stores to build in Fridley. He stated further that if a hitch develops in the plans of the Pndley Housing and Aedevelopment Authority, the Red Ow1 Stores will obtain their Building Permit immediately. He asked Mr. ICZanz to talk to the City Planning Consultant, Mr. Hodne, on the following day and to the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority on Wednesday. He stated that the City Planning Consultant has done much plamiin g already and that it would be to the advantage of the Red Owl Stores and the City Planning Consultant to view each others plans. Mr. Kranz agreed Co discuss the plans for the construction of the Red Owl Store with Mr. Hodne. Mr. Wellman suggested that Mr. Kranz, himself, and Mr. Hodne could discuss the plans for the area in the northeast cork�er of the intersection of University Avenue and Mississippi Street the following day. Motion by Wright to receive and file the communication of D. S. Kranz referring to the construction of a Red Ow1 Store at the northeast corner of IIniversity Avenue and Missis�ippi Street. Seconded by Sheridai�. Upon a voice Wote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. EASTM[1N: REQUEST TO MOVE A GARAGE: � Mr. Eastman was present at the Council meeting. Councilman Wright staced that this request has not been submitted to the Building Bon�d. The City Manager - said that normal procedure would bring this reqnest before the Building Board. The Building Board meets on June 23, and if the request should be made to the Building Board, Mr. Eastman would not have an answer from the Council until July 6. Councilman Thompson asked Mr, Eastman whether he could wait unr.il Jaly 6 before receiving an answer. Mr. Eastman replied that he could not, Councilman Wright asked whether the matter could be turned over to the Administration since the movers of the garage will need a license to operate 34 in Fridley. Mr. Eastman replied that he was attending the Council meeting in order to obtain a permit for the movers to move the garage into Fridley, Councilman Zdright stated that Mr. Eastman will need a variance in order to locate the garage within 5 feet of the property line. The City Manager stated that Mr. Eastman does not plan to attach the garage to his home and does not need a variance, . The City Manager asked Mr. Eastman if he could put up a c�sh bond. Mr. Eastman answered, "Yes." Mr. Eastman inquired how soon he could get the bond hack. The City Manager replied that the bond would be returned to him as soon as he satisfactorily completed work on the garage, Mr. Eastman stated that perhaps � he could not afford to put up a cash bond. The City Manager informed Mr. �astman that he could provide the City with a check and that the City would not cash the check unless Mr. �astman failed to perform as required by the plans he submitted to the Council. Mr. Eastman stated that furnishing a check to the City will be all right with him. Mdtion by Kirkham to grant the request of Mr. Eastman for a permit to move a garage onto his property at 641 Glencoe Street Northeast contingent upon,appro,fal by the BuiYding Board of the plans of Mr. Eastman to remodel the garage. Seconded by Thompson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. VARIANCE: ➢AII�Y CONSTRUCTION C0: Mayor Nee asked whether the request for a variance was made by a party owning a damaged house. The City Manager said, "No." The City Manager said that the plans provide for building an attached garage with living quarters over the garage. The Ordinance requires that such a structure-Be provided with a 10 foot side Yard. Councilman Wright asked whether this matter should be referred to the Building Board. The City Manager replied that the matter should be referred to the Board of Appeals. Motion by Sheridan to receive the application of the Daily Construction Company to build an attached garage with living quarters upori the properfy at 1326 Skywood Lane Northeast and turn same over to the Administration to refer to the Board of Appeals for processing. Seconded by WrLght. Upon a voice vote, � there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. VAP�IANCE: REYNOLDS; The City Manager informed the Council that this request for a variance does not concern property damaged by the tornado. The neighbor of Mr. Reynolds sent the Council a letter stating that he approves granting a variance to Mr. Reynolds waiving the side yard requirement from 10 to 7 feet. Mr. Reynolds was present at the Council meeting and described plans for con- struction to the Council. Councilman Sheridan asked Mr. Reynolds whefher he obtained the approval of the property owner to the west side of his property. Mr. Reynolds answered, "No," and said that he purchased this property from the property owner to the west, who is a Mr. Berg. Mr. Reynolds stated that presuma�ly Mr. Berg would agree to the variance since he sold the property to him. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Reynolds whether he would be unduly huxt by a delay in order to process his request for a variancein the usual way. Mr. Aeynolds replied that he preferred to begin construction immediately. The City Manager stated that publication of the notice of hearing requires 10 days and would delay the request of Mr. Reynolds to at least ,Tuly 19. The Mayor informed Mr. Reynolds that the procedure fox obtaining a variance is descnbed in the City Ordinances and the City wants to abide by its own Ordinances. Councilman Wright informed Mr. Reynolds that it would be helpful if he were to obtai.n a letter from Mr. Berg stating that Mr. Berg approves the variance. � Mayor Nee informed Mr. Reynolds that the Council wants Mr. Reynolds to build his home and does not wish to hamper him but the Ordinance requires that he follow the usual procedures. � Motion by Wright to receive the communication from Mr. Reynolds requasting a variance of a side yard requirement from 10 feet to 7 feet; and turn it over to the Administration for processing and referral to the Board of Appeals. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. VARIANCE: DRD�NL4N: Mrs. Ordeman was present at the Council meeting. The City Manager informed Mrs. Ordeman sne wi11 have to obtain a Building Permit for the const_ruction L _1 � � �5 the home. Mrs. Ordeman replied that she understood that she would have to obtain a building Permit and wished to obtain a waiver from the Council for Che side yard requirement. Motion by Kirkham to grant approval of the petition of Mrs. Ordeman for a waiver of a side yard requirement from 10 feet to 5 feet to permit the construc- tion of a combination dinette-family room to the home of Mr, & Mrs Ordeman at 540 - 67th Avenue Northeast, Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. VARIANCE: SHOBERG: Mr. Shoberg was present at the Council meeting. D4otion by Kirkham to grant approval of the request of Mr. Shoberg for variance fxom a side yaxd requirement of 10 feet to 7 feet to permit construction of a family room behind the attached garage on his property at 600 - 67th Avenue Northeast. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ZIERMAN: 6321 MADISON - LIVE IN BASEMENT; Mr. Zierman was not present at the Council meeting. Councilman Sheridan stated that Mr. Zierman called him concerning his request to live in the basement of his home at 6321 Madison Street Northeast while the superstructure of his home is beingebuilt, Councilman Sheridan asked Mr. Zierman to wriL-e a letter to the Council asking permission to move into the basanent for 120 days and told Mr. Ziexman to discuss this matter with the Health Inspector, Mr. Zierman did so. The Health Inspector informed Mr. Zierman what sanitary Facilities he would have to provide in his basement before he could 11ve in it temporarily. Councilman Sheridai stated that he told Nir. Zierman that the City is granting permits for the temporary occupancy of trailer houses pending completion oi the reconstruction of homes. Mr. Zierman told Councilman Sheridan that he has a large family and would have to renC a txailer at the rate of $20�.00 per month in oxder to provide one large enough for his family and he can not afford to rent sucha trailer. Councilman Sheridan stated Further that repairs will have to be made to the deck of the home befrore Mr. Zierman can move into the basement of the home and build the superstructure upon this deck. Council- man Sheridan said that if the Council has any questions to ask of Mr. Zierman that he wi11 call Mr. Zierman and ask him for whatever further informat�.on the Council desires to have. Mayor Ivee asked whethex Mr. Hensley found L'he basement suitable for living quarters. Councilman Sheridan answered that Mr. Hensley found that living quarters in the basement would Ue suitable prov�ding a lavatory� a water closet, a sCool, and a shower are installed. Mr. Zierman plans to install these in the basment, anyway. Motion by Sheridan to gzant permission to Mr. Zierman to occupy the basement of his home at 6321 Madison Street Northeast during reconstruction of his home for a period not to exceed 120 days, provided the home is furnished to the satis- faction of the City Health Inspector, seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, Councilman Wright left the CouncLl meeting. APPLICATION FOR GENERAL CONTRACTORS LTCENSE; KILGORE ALUMINUM SUPPLIES; Mr. Gil Budnick was present at the Council meeting representing the ICilgore Aluminum Supplies Company. Mr. Budnick stated that Kilgore Aluminum Supplies wished to obtain a general contractors license in order to se11 and install aluminum siding for residences. Councilman Sheridau stated that he had knowledge of reports from the Better Business Bureau which are not favorable to the application for a general contracCors license by the Kilgore Aluminum Supplies Company, He stated that the Better Business Bureau has knowledge of complaints from one suburhan community, from the ifiity of Minneapolis, and from the State of Minnesota concexning the actions of Kilgore Aluminum Supplies. Mr. Budnick stated that he works in the office of Kilgore Aluminum Supplies and does not know sales people who work in the field, }Ie stated that Kilgore Aluminum Supplies is not involved in sales negot;ations and does not exchange any money until Che work is completed and the signature of the property owner is zeceived indicating that he is satisfied with the work. 36 Mayor Nee asked Mr. Budick whether the Kilgore Aluminum Supplies does not have a lien upon the home until the property owner pays for the construction. Mr. Budnick said, "No." He stated that Rilgore Aluminum Supplies works with associates, and whereas the associates might have a lien against the property Kilgore Aluminum Supplies does not. Mr. Budnick stated that he has not heard of any complaints which have been made against the company by anyone, and that he knows of no action in which Rilgore Aluminum Supplies has enforced a lien against any of the property owners. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Budnick whether perhaps the complaints which he received are of such a routine nature that the company does not consider them to be complaints. Mr, Bndnick answered that this is a possiUility. , _ � Councilman Sheridan stated that he had knowledge of a complaint from a resident in the City of Fridley. The salesman misrepresented the product which was to be installed upon this home and Kilgore Aluminum Supplies installed a different product from the one which the salesrnan had informed the property owner would be installed on the home. He stated that the Inspection Department had knowledge of other complaints concerning Kilgare Aluminum Supplies. Mr. Budnick stated that Kilgore Aluminum Supplies has licenses to operate in'other suburban cities, has been in business for 20 years and in the City of Minneapolis since 1947. Councilman Sheridan stated that he has explicit faith in the staff of the administration and believes the reports of the Inspection Department. Mr. Budnick asked the Council what Kilgore Aluminum Supplies could do in order to obtain a general contractors license from the City of Fridley. Councilman Sheridan answered that Kilgore Aluminum Supplies should impxove the image of the firm with the public but that he is certain that Kilgore Aluminum Supplies wi11 not be able to do so in a short time. He stated that it would be helpful if Kilgore Aluminum Supplies could prove to the various investigating bu=eaus that the policies of the firm have been changed and that complaints will be alleviated. Mayor Nee stated that Mr. Kilgore called him and told him that the Iuspection Department had recommended that his applicatinn not be granted, He stated that Mr. Kilgore informed him that he believes the personnel of the Inspection Department are pre�udiced against Kilgore Aluminum Supplies. The Mayor said he did not have the time to investigate this complaint but that he believes the Inspection Department tends to act fairly in all cases. Mr. Budnick stated that � he is sure when Mr, Kilgore is aware that complaints are being received con- cerning the actions of inen in the field Mr: Kilgore will want to change the company policies in order to improve the image of Kilgore Aluminum Supplies. The City Manager informed Mr. Budnick that the Inspection Staff is part of the staff of the City administration and that Mr. Kilgore could discuss his charge of pre�udice concerning the Inspection Department with the City Manager if he wishes to do so. Mayor Nee informed Mr. Budnick that the Better Business Rureau is a standard reference of the City Inspection Department concerning applications for licenses. Councilman Sheridan asked Mr. Budnick how long he has lived at 6391 Northeast Monroe Street in rridley. Mr. Budnick answered that Gi1@ore Aluminum Supplies has maintained an of£ice there for approximately 1 year. The Mayor inEormed Mr. Budnick that the City Administration will check the reports of the Better Business Bureau and if the reports are found to be correct the Council will be inclined not to issue a license to Ki�gore Aluminum Supplies discuss their policies with the Council in order to iron out any differenees which might pre�udice their application for a license with the people concerned. Coixncilman Sheridan suggested that the Council table the matter and investigate it further and discuss it again in the future. T-he City Manager asked Mr. Bixdnick whether Kilgore Aluminum Supplies has any specific �ob orders in the City of Fridley. Mr. Budnick said, "Yes," that � a property owner whose house is stripped of siding ordered siding from Kilgore Aluminum Supplies. The Mayor asked Mr. Budnick why Kilgore Aluminum 8upplies proceeded to do business in the City of Fridley without a license, Mr, Sudnick replied that the Mayor's question is a good one, that Kilgore Aluminum Supplies obtained the �ob and is now applying Por a license. The P4ayor stated that he is willing to allow the administration to check out matters concerning Kilgore Aluminum Supplies, but since he heard the reports of Councilman Sheridan he �oes not see much hope that Kilgore Aluminnm Supplies will be granted a license. He suggested that Mr. Kilgore come to City Hall and discuss his complaint concerning pre�udice of the Inspection Department with the City Manager. Mr. Budnick replied that Mr. Kilgore will do so. Motion by Kirkham to table consideration of the request of Kilgore Aluminum Supplies For a general contxactors license to the next regular Council Meeting �� and grant Kilgore Aluminum Supplies a temporary permit for completion oF their contract £or installation and furnishing of siding to the home at 401 Mississippi Street Northeast. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Wright returned to the Councxl meeting. Councilman Sheridan left the Council meeting. CHIES BROTHERS REQiTEST EOR A GRADING PERMCT: � Larry Chies, of Chies Brothers, was present at the Council meeting. He explained to the Council that his proposed plan is not what the City Engineer wants. IIe stated, however, that he helieves his plan is the only way this area of the City can be developed, The Crty Engineer said that he reviewed the plans of the Chies Brothers but the plans are not sufficient. lIe stated that the pla�is need to show the grades which the Chies Brothers plan to make upon this pxoperty in order for the City to determine whether regrading wi11 be detrimer.tal to the neighboring property owners. Larxy Chies asked the Council why he should consider the interests of the neighboring property owners. He stated that he has purchased this property, that it is his own and he sLes no reason why the neighUors should have anything to say concerning what he does with his property Mayor Nee informed Mr. Chies that the Council discussed this matter with him at some length previously. He stated that the Council has reviewed many differenL plat plans and individual plans and wishes to review the plans of Mr. Chies before these plans are put into effect. Mayor Nee said that individual developers tend to develop their property independent of other developers and the results are mis-aligned streets, property grades which inaure the interests of other property owners and plat plans which do� not further the interests of the City of Fridley. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Chies whether heplans to sell gravel from the property, Mr. Chies answered, that he plans to sell the excess material From the grading pro�ect. Mayor Nee asked Mr, Chies whether his plans are not more concerned with selling gravel from the area and building a gravel pit than they are with � grading the property to the advantage of �f�nture property owners. Mr, Chies answered that hisplans are to produce a good plat and sell the excess material. Mayor Nee informed Mr. Chies that ad�oining property owners axe against developmenl of another gravel pit in the City of Fridley. Mr. Chies asked the Mayor whether he wanted this piece of land developed. Councilman Wright answered that if tl� property is developed in the correct way the City wants this property developed but if rt is not developed in the correct way the City of Fridley does not want the property developed. Councilman Wright told Mr. Chies thathe is trying to buy out of standard procedure. The City Manager asked P1r. Chies whetherhe discussed the matter with Councilman Sheridan since 'C�uncilman Sheridan said that he has heard a number of complainLs concerning the plans of various developers in the area where Mr Chies proposes to regrade the land. Mr. Chies said, "No." The City Manager advised Mr. Chies to discuss the matter with Councilman Sheridan and the property owners to whom Counc?lman Sheridan referred, The City Manager informed Mr. Chies that the City Plznning Consultant wi11 want more of a record and a better drawing of the plat plan showing all the grades and contoua's which Mr, Chies proposes to develop upon Lhis property. Mayor Nee informed Mr. Chies that the City Code implies that the City should take consideration for the adjoining property owners. Mr. Chies stated that he wished to begin work immediately. The City Manager informed Mx. Chies that as soon as he would be�in work the City Administration � would receive 50 phone calls asking by what right Mr. Chies was regrading this property and that if Mr. Chies did not have a permit the City administration would be obliged to stop the grading work, immediately Couucilman Kirkham informed Mr. Chies that he is in favor of the grading pro�ect but that he does not believe the Council would okay a permit for regrading the property until Mr. Chies discusses the matter with Mr. Sheridan and with the ad�mning properCy owners and presents a gaod plat plan to the Council. Couneilman Wright informed Mr. Chies that he will have to present a good land contour plan to the City and obtain the apprt�val of the neighboring property owners before he wi11 obvain a grading permit, that he will have to submit his plan to the City commissions laefore the plan will be approved by the Council. Councilman Wright informed Mr. Chies that the Council wants the assurance that plans wi11 be properly drawn and executed. The Council took no fuxther action �� COMPLAINT OF SANITARY SEWER BACK FLOODING - SUNRISEiDRIVE AND STAR LANE: Mr. Ernest Powell was present at the Council meeting. He stated that the City �ngineer and Mr. Comstock discussed several alternatives to removing the problems of sanitary sewer back flooding from their neighborhood' and he asked the Council to discuss the matter with some of the neighbors in the area, Mrs. Gordon E1lingson was present at the Council meeting. She stated that she believes the City received a memo �rom the State Board of Health concerning the conditions created by the Sanitary Sewer back flooding and asked the � Mayor to read the memo to the Council, Mrs E'1lingson stated that she does not think that she and her neighbors have to put up with the sanitary sewer °- - back flooding. She asked what wi11 happen when the T. H. i�47 has been finished and there is no place for the City to pump out the sanitary sewer main. She stated that she has a toilet stool in her home on the first floor which is naw backing up and was not backing up previously. She stated that the problem of sanitary sewer Uack flooding is continuously getting worse, not improving. She stated that i� previous months while her basement iaas flooded by the Sanitary sewer she had no problem flushing the stool on the first floor but now the stool on the first floor will no longer flush and the water barely siphons out of the stool. She stated that her basement has a continuous odor of sewage and she is getting disgusted with it. - , Mrs. Burns, a resident of 6230 Sunrise Drive, was present at the Council meeting. She stated that water bugs and other little animals ase coming out of the sewage into her first floor sinks since the sanitary sewer flooding, especially during the last month. She stated that she saw these bugs in the basement before but that they bother her a great deal. Now her basement is Continuously flooded from the sanitary sewer back up, the plumbing fixtures on the first floor are apparently being flooded since the sewage will not drain - from the plumbing fixtures at the rate it would in the past and these 6ugs are caming into her first floor plumbing fixtures in increasing numbers. She stated that she did not like the pxesence of these animals in her home and believes that they might carry diseases detrimental to the health of her family. Mrs. Ellingson stated that she "thinks the property owners should petition the � State Board of Health to examine the conditions of their property and determine whether the City should take action to alleviate the problem immediately. Councilman Wright informed Mrs. Ellingson that if the Health Department examines her home the Health Department will condemn her home and order her to move out of it. Mrs. Ellingson asked why property owners should be required to move out of their homes when the sanitary sewer back flooding is obviously the fault oi the City. Mayor Nee read the memo from the City Health Inspector, 7ames Hensley, The memo stated that conditions in the homes could create a possible outbreak of disease and the conditions of the residences are pathetic. He stated that he would advise the City to order immediate cleaning of the sanitary sewer system. The City Manager stated that he requested the memo to expedite the application of the City for Federal Funds to clean debris from the City seWers. He stated that he is asking the Federal authorities for approval to clean debris from the sanitary sewage system immediately without obtaining the grant beforehand, Mrs. Ellingson asked why the City did not take iu¢nediate drastic action to end the problem of sanitary sewer back flooding. Couricilman TJrfght stated that zf the City were to take iu¢nediate drastic action the City would be gambling with the tax payers money. Mayor Nee said that the City asked Lyle Smith, Engineer for the State Board of � Health, to examine conditions in these homes. Mayor Nee stated that the reason the application has not been processed further is that the City has not found it possible to accurately delineate all the areas ot the City which should be excluded from debris removal in the sanitary sewer system. Mr. Harvey Day, of 6221 Sunrise Drive, stated that he believes the City may be on the right track in its attempt to obtain Federal funds in order to clean the sanitary sewer system. Mayor Nee informed Mr. Day that the City is having some :roubles in other places with sanitary sewer lines. Mrs. E1lingson asked the Council whether when the stools in her home don�t flush at a11 and since the sanitary sewer back flooding seem to be becoming increasingly worse, this seems likely the property owners should build out houses on their propery. Mayor Nee replied that it is not permissible for the property owners to build out houses upon theix property. �9 Mr. Harvey Day asked the Council whether Che City is pumping out sanitary sewer mains at this time. The City Engineer answered,"No.^ He said that the pump cannot run unless there is water in the sanitary sewer manhole and when there is no water in the manhole the pump will automatical�y stop. Mrs. Walker Burns stated that her house is at the lowest elevation of all the houses in the area. She stated that she has had a great deal of Crouhle, not only during the past four months, but in otheryeazs, She said that5n past years she had trouble with saniCary Sewer back flooding so the City dug up the sewer, installed a Y-connection to the sanitary se�oer and told her that her sewer � problems were gone and her basement was okay. She stated that previous flooding damaged clothing which she had stored in the basement and that when she was informed that their basement was all right for use she had purchased new clothes, stbred them in the basement and gone on vacation. When she returned from vacation she found the basement flooded with sanitary sewage and the clothers covered with tissue paper and solids. She stated that last week she hired a contractor to pump out the basement since it was full of sanitary sewage, She said that she had asked the City officials why theydid not pump out the sanitary sewer mains and they had informed her they cannot do so, She asked whether the sewer connection to her house should have been xun in another direction to connect with a different main. The City Engineer stated tha[ the City Explored the possibility of installing a lift station to pump the sewage from this main into another interceptor. Mr. Powell asked whether Che consultLng engineer, Mr. Comstock, could brief him and his neighbors concerning the various alternatives which the City is examining to alleviate this prohlem. Mr. Comtock �ated that he studied two alternaeives The first alternative is lifting the sewage by mQUns of an e�ector, severing the piesent connection to the sanitary sewer interceptor and pumping the sanitary sewage into a differenC: interceptor. He stated thathe estimated the cost of this solution and found that it is high. The second alternative is revamping the lateral system, connecting all the sewer laterals to an existing lift station and force pumping the sewage into the interceptor. A third alternative is to connect much of the existing sanitary sewer system into the sewer mains of the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District when tho� sewer mains � are complete. The City Engin�er asked whether the property owners would give permission to examine the levels of flooding in their homes so the City can accurately determine what elevations and pitch should be used to design new sewer laterals. Councilman Wright stated that cleaning the sanitary sewer mains will h elp to alleviate the problem and the construction of any oE the alternates described by the Consulting Engineer is expensive. He stated that the Council wants to save the Gity money and it is for this purpose that citizens elected the Council. Councilman Wright stated further that the Council is resisting any panic action which would cost the City an undue amount of expense. Mr. Powe11 asked Councilman Wright whether the sanitary sewer serving their homes has been paid for, and if it is why he is saying that there wi11 Ue additional expense to the propertyowners, Councilman Wright answered that the City can only charge property owners benefiting by an improvement for the cost of the improvement or obtain the monies from Federal Funds. Mr. Powell asked Councilman Wright whether his is the procedure the City uses when the sanitary sewe� system is worn out. Councilman Wright answered that only the property benefiting by an improvement may be charged`for the cost of the improvement Mayor Nee stated that the Council realizes that the property owners understand that the present sanitary sewer system is inadequate. He stated that it is necessary for the City to make connect�ons to the mains of the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District, Mayor Nee informed the property owners that the sanitary sewer in their area was built 10 years ago and is of cheaper design than systems installed today. The requirements for the pitch of the sewer � lines installed 10 years ago are less than the requirements in force today and the sanitary sewer back flooding is the result of the use of o1d requirements He stated that the property owners paid for the sanitary sewer construction wlten they baught the property. He stated that the property owners wi11 be assessed for any new construction after a period of 10 years. Mr. Powell stated that it looks as though the property owners wi11 have to bear the problem but the situation is urgent and it is necessary to find an immediaCe solution to the problem. Mr. Day asked the Mayor whether he is saying that construction of the sanitary sewer main was poor. Councilman Wright answered that perh�gs the construction of the sanitary sewer main is not up to standards which are in use today and the sanitary main will h�ve to be updated to the standards of construction used at the present time. Mss. Ellingson asked why property owners should pap for the cost of updating the sanitary sewer system when the poor construction was not the Fault of the 40 property owners. Mayor Nee answered that it is not correct to blame the City Engineer for the construction of the sanitary sewer�system when the poor construction was not the fault of the property owners. Mayor Nee answered that it is not correct to blame the City Engineer Eor the construction of the sanitary sewer system . He stated that construction of the sanitary sewer sqstem was the decision of the Council, the property developer, and the man who was City Engineer at the time the sanitary sewer was designed. He stated that the CLty not only has improperly constructed sanitary sewer systems but also has inferior streets and inferior storm sewers based on earlier standards. Mayor Nee stated that a vindictive attitude on the part of the property owners wi11 not solve thezr problems and doesnot pay. Mayor Nee said that at the � time the preliminary plans for the sanitary sewer system were drawn it was anticipated that the total future population of the City of Fridley would be no more than 18,000 people. The present population of the City is 25,000 people, Mayor Nee stated that some mistakes have been made in the past but that the people presently running the City Engineering Depattment can not be 6lamed for these mistakes. Mrs. Ellingson stated that if mistakes were made the City should pay for thase mistakes not the property owners. Mr, Powell thanked the Council for listening to the complaints of the propertyowners and stated that he appreciated the polite hearing which the Council granted to the property owners. The Council took no further action, PERMIT TO MOVE HOME: MISTELSKE: Mr. and Mrs. Mistelske were present at the Council meeting, Councilman Wright asked Mr. Mistelske where the home is presently located. Mr. Mistelske answered that the home is located in Spring Lake Park. Councilman Wright asked Mr. MisteLske whether the home was damaged by the tornado. Mr, Mistelsek answered that there was slight damage to the home and he outlined the work described by the City Building Inspector which must be done to the home to bring it into compliance with the codes of the City of Fridley. Mr. Mistelske showed a plot plan of the location of the home and pictures of the home to the Council. The City Manager asked Mr. Mistelske Whether he wi11 perform the work of repairing the home himself. Mr. Mistelske answered, "No," � Mayor Nee informed Mr. Mistelske that the Building Board wi11 meet on Wednesday, June 23, 1965 and asked Mr, Mistelski whether he could present his request to the Building Board. Mr. Mistelske replied that the Building Inspector examined his house and said that it would be allright for him to move the house into the City of Fridley and repair it. Councilman Wright stated that moving the home will require Mr. Mistelslce to apply for a moving permit. CoummciLman Wright stated tfiat moving the home will require Mr. Mistelske to apply for a moving permit. Councilman Wright informed Mr. Mistelske that the City will want a proper plot plan drawn to scale. The City Manager asked Mr. Mistelske to make a plot plan drawn to scale showing the exact location of the foundaton and where he plans to locate the house, and bring it to the Building Inspector. After the Building Inspector has examined the plot plan, Mr. Mistelske should come to the Building Board meeting and the Building Inspector would present the plot plan to the Building Board and discuss the p'ro�ect. � Mayor Nee informed Mr. Mistelske that the City will require him to furnish a cash bond to guarantee that he will repair the home in the manner in which he described. Mr. Mistelske asked the amount of the cash bond. Mayor Nee informed Mr. Mistelske that the Building Board will decide the amount of the bond. He informed Mr. Mistelske that the bond will be returned when he completes restoration of the house, Councilman Wright asked Mr, Mistelske whether he understood all the requirements � of the Building Inspector. Mr. Mzstelske answered, "Yes." Motion by Thompson to grant a moving permit to Mr. Mistelske to move the house located in Spring Lake Park which has been examined by the City Building Inspector, onto his property at 5801 - 6th Street, subject to meeting all the requirements of- the Building board making repairs to the house to bring it into conformance with the City Code and furnishing a caah bond. Seconded by Kxrkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously.' BUILDING PERMIT AND VARIANCE: SCARCELLA: Mr. Scarcella was present at the Council meeting. He informed the Council that he wishes to obtain a permit to rebuild a garage damaged by the tornado. He 41 showed the Council a plot plan and described his proposal to rebuild the garage. The City Manager stated that the plot plan shows the garage is not a detached garage nor is it generally considered an attached garage. Councilman Wright stated that it is a semi-attached garage, The City Manager asked Mr. Scarcella whether he could move the garage to make it an attached garage. Mr. Scarcella stated that the garage slab is in place, if he moves the �arage, he wi11 have to break up the patio and install a new slab where the patio presently exists. Motion by Wright to approve the waiver of side yard xequirements requested by , Mr. Scaxcella and grant a Building Permit to Mr. Scazcella to rebuild a garage upon his property at 6051 - SCh Street Northeast, Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � � CLAINLS : Motion by Wright to approve General and Public Claims �F5522 through ��5643. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried uannLmously. Motion by Kixkham to approve Liquor Claims ��7531 through i67589. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ESITMATES• Motion by Wright to approve the following estimates: Drew L. Scherer 6525 Second Street NorYheast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Estimate No. 1(Partial) Moore Lake Beach House building according to contract Keys Wel1 Drilling Company G13 North Lexington Parkway St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Estimate No. 3(Partial Water Improvement Project No. 75-A, according to contract (Three additional dsi.ft we11s) itandall-BerglLn and Petrowski & Ross, Inc, Joint Venture 6801 P1aza Curve Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Estimate No. 3(Final) Storm Sewer ImprovemenC Pro�ect No. 71 and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 72, accordiug to contract (T.H. -0�47, north of Mlssissippi Street) $12,106 80 $9,369.12 $4,984.52 Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to approve the claims of contractors for debris clean up. Contractor Chies Bros. Contractors Chies Bros. Contractoxs Ridahl Construction Inc. AmounC $z,ozs.aa 1,Oi0.00 2,548.00 TOTAL $5,626.44 Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to approve the claims for debris clean up, INVOICE N0. CONTRACTOR AMOIINT BRISCOE TRANSFER C0: $2,260.00 42 INVOICE NUMSER CONTRACTOR -0�1807 �627648 Erickson Tree Service Fridley Bus Service, Inc. Fridley Trucking Co. Quickie Transport Co. AMOUNT $ 51.00 315.00 2,643.75 720.00 TOTAL $5,989.75 Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Thompson to approve the claims for debris clean up. INVOICE NUMBER CONTRACTOR ik20202 ik2016 9 Carl Bolander & Sons Co. Carl Bolander & Sons Co. Ralph S. Franke Walter R. Freeman Lavander & Quist Walter Leimgauber AMOUNT $ 981.20 245.30 255.00 2,380.00 150.00 396.00 TOTAL $4,407.50 Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES• The City Manager stated that he has one additional application for a license for a vending truck requested by Roman L. Trautt. Mayor Nee asked where the vending truck will be located. The City Manager replied that the vending truck will be located at Romens Pure�bil at 5695 Hackman Avenue Northeast. Wilbur Whitmore asked whether there is a vending truck presently in operation in the City of Fridley. Councilman Wright answered, "Yes." Wilbur Whitmore asked whether it is against the ordinance of the City of Fridley for the vending truck to operate on Sunday. Councilman Wright answered, �'No." The City Manager read the portion of the ordinance stipulating times when goods may be sold from a vending tr�uck. I L� � The City Manager stated that license applications have been checked with the Better Business Bureau and the Inspection Department has completed a check of a11 license applications with the Better Business Bureau including the applications for new general contractor licenses brought for Council consideration at the previous Council meeting. Motion by Wright to approve the vending license for Roman L. Trautt. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, Motion by ILirkham to approve the licenses of electrical contractors following: ELECTRICAL J. S. Moore �lectric Company 1672 Grand Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota by: James J. Moore NEW Weber E�ctric, Inc. 2562 East 7th Avenue by: Leo Weber NEW North St, Paul, Minnesota Seconded by Ttiompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to approve the licenses of the following heating contractors: � � � � �� HEATINr; Harris Brothers Plumbing Co, 217 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota � Axel Newman Heating & P1bg. Co. 1608 Como Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota by: L1oyd� Harris NEW by: Richard A. Newman RENEWAL Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to approve Yhe licenses of the following Masonry and Plastering conrractors: MASONRY• Harmon Luedke & Gary Aufderhar 500 - 126th Ave. N.W. Anokar, Minnesota PLASTERING: George W. Lovgren & Sons 5900 Wisconsin Cxrcle Minne apolis 28, Minnesota Frank Puxnick Stucco Company 3447 Halifax Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota ben Ruffenach Plastering Co. 3611 York Avenue North Minneapolis 22, Minnesota by: Harmon Luedke by: George Lovgren by• Frank Purnick by: Ben Ruffenach NEW RENEWIIL N�W RENEWAL Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to approve the licenses of the plumbing contractors f�llowing: PLiTMB ING : Consolidated Plumbing & Htg. Route ��2 Savage, Minnesota Dixon Plumbing & Heating 1360 Highway d�8 New Brighton, Minnesota Herr's Plumbing & Heating Co, 4705 - 103xd Avenue N.E. Circle Pines, Minnesota Londer Plumbing Company 2909 Nicol7e c Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesoa Stef£ens Plumbing Company 4014 Queen Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota by: C. J. Nybo by; George Dixon by; John G. Herr by� Robert Londer by: Richard P. Steffens NEW RL',NEWAL RENEWAL NEW rrEw Seconded by Ki'rkham. Upon a uoice vote, there being no nays, the motion carxied unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to approve, the licenese of the Northeast Roofing contractor; ROOFING• Northeast Roofing 4128 - 6th Street N.E Minneapolis, Minnesota by: John Satterstrom NEW Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motian carried unanimously. �� Motion by Thompson to approve the licenses of the following general contractors: GINLRAL CONTRACTORS: Adolfson & Peterson, Inc. 6701 West 23rd Street Minneapolis, Minnesota by: A. M. Hawkin�on^� RENEWAL Cambell�s A-1 Construction 3457 Snelling Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota by; Sidney C, CampUell NEW Carlson & King, Builders � 742 River Lane Anoka, Minnesota by; E1lwood Carlson NEW T. Ao Church Construction 10108 W. Lakeview Drive Minnetonka, Minnes�ta City Wide Builders 648 Lowry N.�. Minneapolis, Minnesota DeMars Builders 5208 North Lexington St. Pau1, Minnesota S. E. Duoos Construction 1909 Rice Creek Road New Brighton, Minnesota E. V. Builders, Inc. Lakeview Terrace Anoka, Minnesota Empire Sales, Inc 2213 Johnston Street N.E. Minneapolis 18, Minnesota Ender Erickson 4517 - 7th Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota J. II. Franzen, Contractors Rt, ;�1, Box 615 G Excelsior, MLnnesota Garden City Construction Co. 208 - 2nd Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota David S. Gates Contracting Rt. 1, Box 174 Hame1, Minnesota General Improvement 606 Rice Street St. Paul, Minnesota Haug Construction Co. 2709 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Hill Construction 3932 Hampshire North Minneapolis, Minnesota M. P. Holum Construction Co. 7561 Van Buren St, N.E. Fridley, Minnesota by: Thomas 4 Church by: Rodney L. Gasler Claude Thacker by: Cy DeMars by: John E. Duoos by: Wilfrid L. Beaudry by: Merwin Barth by: Ed Erickson by: Jack H. Franzen by: Sames E. Pearson by: David S. Gates by• Ben�aznin Dixon by: L. H. Haug by: Kermit A. Hill by• Myron P. Holum �w NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW N�W renewal NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW �� � � � � Home Repair & Service Company 4471 Highway ��10 New Brighton, Minnesota Hoyer Construction Company 5213 West 61st Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Claus H. Johnson & Sons 4550 France Avenue North Robbinsdale, Minnesota Kinghorn Construction Company 316 - 7th Street Osseo, Minnesota Lawrence Construction Company Route S Anokta, Minnesota Lindwall Construction Company 1120 West Minnehaha Parkway Minneapolis, Minnesota 01af Lundgren 2355 Regent Avenue No. Minneapolis 22, Minnesota Lundy Construction Company Lakeview Terrace, Route �r`8 Anoka, Minneeota Midland Construction Company Box 8010 St. Pau1 13, Minnesota Midwest Construction Company 313 - 18th Avenue North Hopkins, Minnesota Moen Builders, Inc. 7940 - 59z Avenue North Minneapolis 28, Minnesota E. 0. Mortenson Canstruction Co. 598 South Smith St. Paul, Minnesota Mr. PaCch 4708 Nine Mile Creek Parkway Bloomington, Minnesota Pemtom, Incorporated 2617 River Hi11s Drive Burnsville, Minnesota Elmer Peterson Construction Co. 3435 Buchanan Street N.E, Minneapolis 18, Minnesota LeRoy C. Pederson Construction Co. 4D58 Nevada North Minneapolis, MinnesoCa Smith & Hook Bethel Minnesota Strom Construction Company 8101 Winnetka Heights Drive Minneapolis 27, Minnesota by: George Bana by� Lloyd W. Hoyer by: Claus H. Johnson by: Loren iLinghorn by• Art Lawrence, 7r by; G. H, Lindwall by: Olof Lundgren by: Eugene Lundey by: Paul L, Videen by• T, R. Larsen by: Duane Moen bg: L. E, Mortenson by: Wallace �. Johnson by; Bruce A. Thomson b�: �lmer Peterson by: LeRoy C. Pederson by; brian Hook by: Richard K. Strom NEW N�W NEW NEW NE&� NEW RENCWAL NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NFW NEW � �b John Thompson Construction Co, 661 Ione Avenue N.E. Spring Lake Park, Minnesota Uptown Builders & Remodelers 3241 Girard Avenue South Minneapolis 8, Minneaota II. S. Roofing & Siding 200 Sycamore Street West St. Pau1, MinnesoLa Car1 M. Pedersen 3927 Coliax Avenue North Minneapolis 12, Minnesota by• Sohn A. Thompson by: Paul E. Meuwissen by: A. J. Ward- by: Carl M. Pedersen NEW NEW NEW LiF�SI Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to approve the licenses of the general contractors applying for new licenses in the City of Fridley which were not approved at the Council meeting of Juue 7, 1965. They are as follows: American Associates, Inc. 340 N� E. Sth Street Minneapolis 13, Minnesota 0. R. Anderberg Company 2923 Oakland Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Anderson-Smitley Constr. Co. 735 Ke11er Parkway St. Pau1, Minnesota A. G. Anderson Constz-. Co, 998 Transit Avenue St, Pau1 13, Minnesota B & V Construction Company 2608 Georgia Avenue South St, Louis Park, Minnesota Benco Insurance Contractors 3032 Minnehaha Minneapolis, Minnesota Bryan �onstructionCo,, Inc, 7601 Wayzata B1vd. Minneapolis, Minnesota Blaine's Construction Co. 10152 Butternut St. N.W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota C & M Builders 4552 7efferson St. N.E. Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Carlson & Carlson 4416 3rd St. N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Harlan M. Caton 6311 Tdest 33rd Street Minneapolis, Minneosta Chalmers lIome Improvement 801 E. 101st Street Bloomington, Minnesota Cobb, Inc. Box 2647 New Brighton, Minnesota by: R. A. Knox by; 0. R. Anderberg by; Richard J. Andersen by: Alvin G. Anderson by; Vernon R. Isham by; Wayne R. Benson by; by: Blaine Edmundson by: Alvin B. Melcher by; paul W. Carlson by: Harlan M. Caton by; Thomas N. Kerr by; James P. Cobb NEW NEW NEW NEW IRl�lnl NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NF.W � � ' � � � Cooper Construction Company 837 -89th Avenue N.W. Minneapolis 33, Minnesota Corlen Construction Company 6631 A1cKinley Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Leonard Cramer Company 5243 Girard Avenue South Minneapolas, Minnesota Don C. Crandall 1613 W. Minnehaha St. Pau1, Minnesota Custom Construction Co. 11720 County Road 15 Minneapolis 27, Minnesota Dukinfield ConsYruction 4725 Excelsior Blvd. Minneapolis, Minnesota Emerson Construction Co. 6046 Blaisdell Minneapolis, Minnesota Emerson Home Repair 6528 Humboldt Avenue Suuth Richfield� Minnesota Carsten E, Emerson 2538 - 37th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minneeota Ernster Construction 6342 Girard Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Fossum Construction RR ik2 Lakeville, Minnesota Freund & Patnode 14105`- 40th Avenue North Minneapolis 27, Minnesota Fridholm Construction Company 1795 St. Clair Avenue St, Paul, Minnesota Fro�Lee Cpnstruction 7538- 4th Avenbse N.E. Miruk�apolis, Minnesota Gar-7ac Construction Company $727 Polk St. N.E. Blaine, Minnesota G & M Construction, Inc. 4326 C�irard Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Gibbs Constxuction Company Route ik4 Chippewa Falls, Ldisc. Glad & Miller Construction Co. 3984 Alabama Ave, So. Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Thomas E. Cooper by: Ellroy J. Lund by: Leonard Cramer by• Don C. Crandall by: Donald W. Sones by: Peter Dukinfield by: Irwin E, Emerson by� C. Wa1do Emerson NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW by: Carsten E. Emerson NEW by: Derrald �rnster by; E1don Fossum by: Anthony Fruend by: Ed Eridholm NEW NEW NEW NEW by': Francis L. Schneider NEW by: Gary DLAigle by: John Gihbs by; Reid L. Gibbs by; Malcolm W. Glad NEW NEW NET�7 NEW �7 �� Grevco Construction, Inc. 3124 Kyle Avenue North Minneapolis 22, Minnesota George A. Gross, Construction 2077 Giesman Street St, Paul, Minnesota 55117 Ernie �Iendrickson Construction 12805 Lone Oak Drive HIopkins, Minnesota Home Service Company 1148 Arcade Street St. Paul, Minnesota Bruce A. Johnson 12841 Taylor Street Anoka, Minnesota Kemp Construction Company 312 Van Buren Street Anoka, Minnesota A1 Keesler & Sons Constr. Co. 1036 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota Kleman Construction Company 4003 Hull Road Hopl;.ins, Minnesota Kuch Construction Company 7816 - 45z Avenue North Minneapolis 28, Minnesota Kyllo Construction Company 5824 Oakland Avenue Sonth Minneapolis, Minnesota Lindstrom & Anderson 924 Aaymond Avenue St. Pau1, Minnesota NlcCall & Company 1618 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota McNeil Broihers 3888 Lovell Road New Brighton, Minnesota t¢eidan �i�ilders 6333 Georgia Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Metro Builders, Inc. 2909 Nicollet Avenue Mznneapolis, Minnesota Mobile Home Ad�usting Servzce Rt. 4, Box 13 Alexandria, Minnesota Mork_ Builders 2621 Ky�e Avenuc No�tH Minneapolis 22, Minnesota Ted Murr, General Contractor 2001 Wentworth Avenue South St, Paul, Minnesota N, D, Neff Company, Inc. 5837 West 25', Street Minneapolis I6, Minnesota by: Mel Grevich by: George A. Gross by: Ernest Hendrickson By: E. P. Jester by: Bruce A. Johnson by: Sohn E. Kemp by: A1 Kessler by: Donald C. Kleman by: Glen L. Kuch by: Sigurd M. Kyllo NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW by: John H. Lindstrom ' NEW by: Donald Donahue by: Sohn McNeil by: M. K. Pearson by: Robert M. Londer by: Vern S, Bisson by: R. Mork by: Ted bfurr by: Nathan W. Neff � � NEW NELd NEW NEW NEW ' bTEW NETd NEW Norberg Construction 5501 Logan Avenue NorCh Minneapolis, Minnesota George Norton & Company 6072 Rhode Island Avenue North Minneapolis 28, Minnesota Nilson-Erickson, Inc. 7639 W. 14th Street � Minneapolis, Minnesota D. M. Noyes Construction Co. 100 West Franklin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota ' ' Olson Concrete Company= 4004 - 4th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota A. G. Olson Constxuction Co. 126 Caro1 Lane Ldest St. Paul, Minnesota R, F. Panek Construction_tCo. 530 - 12th Avenue IaT.W. New Brighton, Minnesota Peterson Home Improvement Co. 1985 Green Brier Street St. Paul, Minnesota Property Improvement Company 2353 Jansen Avenue White Bear Lake, Minnesota P. D.Q. Claim Service 6305 Bryant Avenue South Richfield, Minnesota Quality Installations & Constr. 522 Rice Street St, Pau1, Minnesota The Quimby Company 2173 Kasota Avenue St, Paul 8, Minnesota Reco Construction 1311 South Sth Street Minneapolis 4, Minnesota E. Rehbein & Son, Inc. 797 Main Street Circle Pines, Minnesota Rindahls Roofing & Remodeling 7440 Ab1e Stxeet N.E. Fridley� Minnesota R. A. Aomens Constructlon Co. 33Db West 44th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Bob Rosenthal Construction Co. 2162 Midlothian Road St. Pau1, Minnesota James M. Sands, Bldr. 400 Maple Street Savage, Minnesota John P, Sappa 1919 - 4th Street N.E. Minneapolis, MinnesoT.a by• E1crf Norbetg by; Lowe11 T, Norton NEW NEW by: Orwe11 A, Erickson NEW by: Paul 7. Noyes by: Stan3ey Olson by: Arnold Olson by: �toman F. Pa�iek NEW NEW NEW NEW by: Rohert J. Peterson NEW by• Richard L. Barnhart NEW by: by: Dick Sohnson by� P. E. Quimby by: Frank Aekucki by: Kenneth Rehbein by: Gene Rindahl by: R, A. Romens by; Robert Rosenthal Uy: Aartlld D. Walters by: Sohn P. Sappa NEW NmW NEW �w NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW �� � 50 Silver=Lamb Aluminum 1797 St. Clair St. Paul, Minnesota Thomas S. Silvis 6020 Wynnwood Road NIinneapolis, Minnesota G. Ralph Skinner 3350 Stevens Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Skycroft Development Corp. 3208 Skycroft Drive N.E. Minneapolis, Minneeota Stuart Construction Company 109 Lowry Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Suburban Realty Company Box 450 Anoka, Minnesota Unique Home Construction 11901 Crooked Lake Blvd, Coon Rapids, Minnesota George H. Vanderhoff 1208 Grand Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Car1 Voight Construction Co, 11120 Hanson B1vd, Minneapolis 33, Minnesota by: Frank G. Lamb by: Thomas S. Silvis by: G. Ralph Skinner by: Robert M. Weber by: by; Ernie Honebrink by: Jack 0. Dorhelt NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW by: George H. Vanderhoff NEW by: Carl Voight iZEW Arthur Von Busch 2841 - 41st Aveune South Minneapolis, Minnesota 6y: Arthur Von Busch NEW Ward Real Estate - - 648 Lowry Avenue N.E. _ Minneapolis, NIinnesota by: Don Ward NEW Seconded by Thompson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion b Wri ht to a rove the �fe y g pp /�icense of the Fireside Night Club: � 1 CAFE Pireside Night Club by• .Toann C. Pastuszak NEW 7440 Central Avnue N.E. 3848 Jackson St. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Minneapolis, Minnesota Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to approve the service station license of Cliff's Service Center: SERVICE STATION Cliff's Service Center Clifford J. Thoe RENEWAL ' 7250 Central Avenue N.E. 847 -109 Lane N.W. I'ridley, Minnesota 55432 by: Coon Aapids, Minnesota Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PIotion by Wright to approve the vending truck license of Mell-O-Dee: VCNDING TRUCK Me11-0-Dee by: Robert W. Tauring RENEWAL 975 Frost Avenue 975 Frost Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota 51 Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice oote, there beir.g no nays, the mot�on carried unanimously. Motion by Wright to appxove the combination on and off sale license of the Fireside Night Club: COMBTNA'PION ON AND OFF SALE Fireside Night Club by; Joann C. Pastuszak NEW 7440 Central Avenue N.E. 3848 Jackson Street N.E. � Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Minneapolis, Minnesota Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, Chere being nonays, the motion carried unanimously. � Motion by Thompson to approve the tavein license of the Pireside NighC Club TAVERN Fireside Night Club 7440 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 by: Joann C. Pastauszak NEW 3848 Jackson St, N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote; there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PETITION N0. 14-1965: Motion by Wright to receive Petition No. 14-1965 and refer it to the administration for processing. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PETITION N0. 15-1965: Motion by Wxight to receive petition No. 15-1965 and refer it to the Administrataon for processing Seconded by Rirkham. Upon a voice vote, there bei�no nays, the motion carrLed unanimously. PETITION N0, 17-1965: Motion by Wright to receive Petition No. 17-1965 and refer it to the administration for processing. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT� The City Manager explained that the administration finds it necessary to hire three dispatchers. He stated that under previous p7ans it was nece- ssary for one dispatcher to work three day weekends, and alternate in turn wiCh the other dispatcher, With the addition of a third dispatcher it is not necessary for any of them to work for more than two days in a row. He stated further that the administration hopes next year to have fu11 time dispatchers. The increased cost for hir ing a third dispatcher wi11 increase the police budget during 1965 by $1,500.00. Councilman Thompson asked the City Manager whether there is a real need for the thard dispatcher. The City Manager answered, °Yes." Councilman Thompson asked whether this is the only solution to the prohlem. The City Manager answered, "Yes." bTotion by Kirkham to concur with the City Manager and appoint Edward Leroy � Zy1ka, 5948 Woody Lane, Fridley, Minnesota to the position of dispatcher, a new position, Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 99-1965 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMI3INING OF SPEC7AL ASS�SSPIENTS ON LOTS 9, 10 & 11, BLOCK 3, CTTY ViEW; Mot�on by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 99-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLIITION N0. 100-1965 - AIITHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOTS 12, AND 13, BLOCK 6, CITY VIEW: Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No, lOD-1965. Seconded by Thompson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, �� ���jasi:s� BLOCK 6, CITY VIEW: Motion bq Wright to adopt Resolution IQo. 101-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion car�-i��' unanimously. fi4P.L'!.' � BLOCK 1, LOT 7, BLOCK 1 BLOCK 1, INCLUDING z OF MECHANICSVILLE: LOT 9, BLOCK 1. LOT 6 Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 102-1965. Seconded by Thompson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLIITION N0. 103-1965 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS dN S_ 24' OF LOT 10_ LOT 1i. LOT 12. LOT 13. LOT 24' rlotion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 1Q�-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. INC.. BLOCIZ 9, IIAMILTON'S ADDITION TO MECHANICSVILLE: Motion hy Wright to adopt Resolution No, 104-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion caxried unanimously. Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 105-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 106-1965 - AIITHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMSINING OF Sp�CIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 1, BLOCK 10 AND LOT 2, BLOCK 10, HYDE PARK: Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 106-1965. 3econded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTlON N0. 107-1965 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASS�SSMENTS OV LOT 7, BI.00K 24, LOT 8, BLOCK 24, LOT 9, BLOCK 24, HYDE PARK: Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 107-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, tfiere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. R�SOLUTION N0. 105-1965 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 10, BLOCK 24, AND LCiT 11, SLOCK 24, HYDE PARK: Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 108-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. N0. 109-1965 - 3 DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL i]Tl�/�T7 �IG TT[111L� TAl]T>. Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 109-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. OF SPEEIAL ASS�SSMENTS ON LOT 3 Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No./I�65. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carr�ed unanimously. No. 111-1965 - VAN CLEAVE'S ADDITION: Motion by Wright to adopt Resolution No. 111-1965. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 1 , ' u � H _v � x o � y x � u m �+ T H N W � o � m � er� o C H � � P� C! p o m H s+ w a� � C t� 0 ,�+ � � � m ,� U O 'i 7 � �� U ri 0 0 u > v m � +� G 0 v c4 > a a m u� � �s, .n o x � �+ .� �x 0 � T a .n 6 o ro ,� m H b >, o R U N ❑ �n � o .� � � � m a �IV � u � � �� � O N x G H � a � � � a� w � � � v � • E o zx� H m N l+ C O � 7 x � v V W .�I H ,4 W G �N Z G u O H C v� N o O G +-� � f�-0 U '�C RESOLUTION NO 112-1965 - TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS- 2 NEW 3/4 TON TRIICKS: Motion by Thompson to adopt Resolution No. 112-1965, Seconded by Kirkham. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUII,DING PERMIT - 7 UNIT - 251 - 57TH PLACE, ➢AVID SODERHOLM: The City Manager stated that the Suilding Permit application of David Soderfiolm is to rebuild a haate damaged by the tornado and the home is not located in the Urban Renewal Area. Motion by Wright to grant the request of David Sodezholm for a Building Permit to rebuild Itis home to the original specifications and in compliance with the City Code, upon condition that the basic design of the exterzor be Yhe same as the original building. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONAL COMMUNICATIDN: SAYCEES: PAYMENT FOR PAAK C3,EAN UP: Motion by Kirkham to approve the claYm for the Saycees for clean up. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SAFETY INC: FARMERS HOrIE MUTUAL: Motion by Kirkham to receive the communicat�on from Safety Inc. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no n�ys, the motion carried unanimously. KELLY: FAAMERS HOME MUTUAL: Motion by Kxrkham to receive the communication from Ke11y concerning the Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Company. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SMITH-ABRAMS AGENCIES: FARMERS HDME NNTUAL: Motion by Thompson to Xeceive the communication from the Smith-Abrams Agency concerning the Farmers Home Mutual Insurance Company. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote,there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. :s (SEE SIDE MARGIN, THAT ITEM BELONGS HERE) RALPH L. BERMAN: 5980 - 3rd Street NorEheast: Motion by Thompson to receive the communication from Ra1ph L, Berman. Seconded by Kirkham, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. SPRING LAKE PARK: STORM SEWER STUDY: Mayor Nee explained that the communication from Spiing Lake Park concerns a discussion with Council members of Spring Lake Park to run overflow water from Spring Lake into the storm sewer system of the City oi �ridley, Plans are to run overflow into the s+orm sewer system only when the storm sewer line is not overloaded, providing off peak drainage of Spring Lake. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Comstock wh�t]�eY he could inform the Council of the feasibllity of this pro�ect. M'c. Comstock said that he could do so the following morning. The City Manager suggested that the Council direct Mr. Comstock to estimate the cost of the study. Mr. Comstock asked whether, assuming the pro�ect is not feasible he should examine alternatives to the proposed pro�ect. Councilman Wright asked who will control the flow into the Fridley storm sewer. Mayor Nee stated that it would be possible for the City of F`ridley to install a valve in the storm sewer system and operate the valve as necessary Motion by Kirkham to receive the communieation irom Spring Lake Park and reFer it to the administration for appropriate action. Seconded by Wright Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. RE-AFFIRMATTON OF APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT: INNSBRUCK STH ADDITION: The Crty Manager stated that the Council formerly approved the final plat of Innsbruck Sth Addition. He stated that now the City received a new plat from �� 5� Acres Inc, which includes additional areas around the original final plat as approved by the Council. He asked whether the Council would wish to reaffirm the approval of the final plat and include in it the areas on the new plat plan. He stated that in addition to reaffirmation of the final plat there are two other questions for the Council to consider. One question is whether the Council wishes to a11ow Acres� Inc. to do their own improvement work for utilrties and streets in which case the Council normally requires one percent of the cost as escrow, have the City do the improvement work and requires one percent of the cost as escrow, have the City do the improvement work and require a 5% escrow, or whether the Council wishes to waive the escrow fees. The second question is whether Acres, Inc, should be required to dedicate land for a park in accordance with the ord�nance, provide the City with cash in 1�eu thereof or the Council waive the requirement for a park dedication of land or cash . The City Manager stated that since the area on the new plat plan is more than the original area, the Council could well acquire from Acres, Inc. some additional land according to the formula in the ordinance requiring dedication of parks to the City. Councilman Thompson stated that he opposed the dedication by Acres, Inc. to the City of park land in the form of Outlot 1 in Innsbruck Sth Addition. He stated that outlot one is under water most of the year. He stated that he favors cash in l�eu of the park land. Motion by Wright to reaffirm the approval of the final plat of Innsbruck Sth Additon, to direct the administration to charge Acres, Inc. for a cash payment to the City in lieu of dedication of park property and to charge Innsbruck Sth to the City in lieu of dedication of park property and to charge Innsburck Sth Addition a 5% escrow for engineering and design fees for utilities and street improvements in Innsbruck Sth Addition. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUIL➢ING PERMIT AND VARIANCE: ROSSING - 6021 - 6TH STREET NORTHEAST: The City Manager stated that he received a reqaest for a Building Permit and a variance from a Mr. Rossing to rebuild his property at 6021 -6th Street Northeast. Motion by Wright to grant the request of Mr. Rossing for a variance and a Suilding Permit to reconstruct his propertq at 6021 - 6th Street Northeast Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. FIREWORKS DISPLAY 100 TWIN DRIVE IN - JULY 4, 1965: The City Manager stated that he received a request for a permit from the 1Q0 ltain Drive-In to conduct a display of fireworks in the evening of July 4, 1965. Motion by Kirkham to grant the request for a permit to display fireworks at the 100 Twin Drive-In during the evening of Ju1y 4, 1965. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voTe vote, there being no nays, the motion carxied unanimously. S�T ➢ATE FOR NEXT COU[VCIL MEETING: Mayor Nee inquired whether the Council wished to meet on Monday, Sune 28, 1965, at 8:00 P.M. The Mayor stated that the large agenda for this meeting indicated that it would probably be necessary for the Council to hdld another meeting on Monday, ,Tune 28, 1965. The Council agreed to meet on Monday, ,Tune 28, 1965. ADJORNMENT: There being no further husiness, Mayor Nee declared the regular Council Meeting of Sune 21,1965 ad�ourned at 1:00 A.M. Respectfully submitted: ��(G'�vji�..-c �-t��G'f_J�z'��'`✓ 9 Raymond E. Bade Secretary to the Council J/i/ , � vV � Wil�m . Nee Mayor THE MINUTCS OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF NNE 28, 1965 � � '