11/15/1965 - 00021767281 THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 1965 A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Nee at 8:15 P.M. ROLL CALL Members Present; Nee, Kirkham, Sheridan, Wright, Thompson Memhers Absent; None � APPROVAL OF MINUTES, SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, CANVASS OF VOTES, NOVEMBER 5, 1965_ Motion by Thompson to adopt the minutes of the Special Council Meeting for the Canvass of Votes of November 5, 1965 as submitted Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING IMPROVBMENT - ST. 1966-1: The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing. Mayor Nee stated that it is the general position of the Council �hat no street improvements wi11 be ordered unless the ma�ority of the citizens wish to have the street impxoved. Mayox Nee stated that most of the streets proposed Por improvement in 1966 are included in the program as a result of a petition signed by over 50% of the property owners Mayor Nee stated that where the City has received a petition signed by more than 50% of the property owners, the vote of at least three council members is necessary to order the improvement, and if a petition signed Uy less than 501 of the pxoperty owners has been received, or no petition has been received, at least four voees of the Council are required to order in the impravement � KIMBALL STREET, JANESVILI.E 51REET, IRONTON STREET, HUGO STRE�T, GLENCO� STREET - RIVERVIEW TERRACE TO EAST RIVER ROAD, RIVERVIEW TERRAC� - GZL�NCOE STREET TO KIMSALL STREET; BROAD AVENUE - GLENCOE 51REET TO HUGO STRE�T: Mayor Nee stated that, in this list of streets, only two of the streets were petitianed for improvement to the extent that more than 50% of the property owners signed the petition. He stated that the cost of improving these streets is estimated at $9.40 per front foot for the street Mayor Nee stated that improvement of the street will requixe construction of a storm sewer system. The r_ost of the storm sewer system is estimated at $2.65 per hundred square feet, amounting to $72,80 for a 25 foot by 110 foot lot. Mayor Nee stated that construction of the storm sewer system is not necessarily a part of the project and could be deleted depending upon which streets are included in the project, Mayor Nee asked the visitors whether anyone wished to comment upon the street improvement. A visitor asked which streets could be improved without the construction oE the storm sewer. Mayor Nee answered that in general the storm sewer system would provide drainage for the entire area, but that all of Che streets could be improved with the except�on of Riverview Terrace without construction of the stoxm seWer, Mayox Nee stated that, if th�s wexe done, watex dxainage fxom these streets would be on the surface of the street instead of underground, Mayor Nee asked the visitors present how m-iny of the property owners on Kimball Street favored construction of the improvement on Kimball Street None of the � visitors present favored this construction. Mayor Nee asked how many opposed improvement of Kimball Street. 7.tao visitors present opposed construction of Kimball Street. Mayor Nee asked how many visitors favored construction of the improvement on Glencoe Street, and how many opposed this improvement. One visitor favored the improvement and one visitor opposed the improvement Mayor Nee asked how many favored construction of the improvement on Hugo Street and how many opposed it. Six favored the construction and two opposed it, Mayor Nee a;so asked the visitors how many opposed and how many Favored the improvement of Janesville Street and Irontun S[reet. A visitor to the Council Meeting stated that he favored improvement of Glencoe Street since the :treet 28`� washes every time it rains. He stated that the gravel street creates a dirty condition in the homes of the residents, aud makes hazardous driving in the wintertime. The visitor stated that the cost of the improvement is rising each year, and the mst to the City of maintenance of the street is great. He stated that, regardless of weather conditions at the time, the street is generally in miserable condition for d=;�vi-ng. Another visitor stated that there is no need for the improvement of- Hugo Street. IIe stated that there is too much traffic on Hugo Street now, and paving it will increase the amount of traffic on the street. He stated, further, that persons favoring this improvemettt need drivers training, because they favor the improvement only so they could [ravel up the hlll on Hugo Street. This visitor stated thathe lived on Hugo Street for IS years and could stand living there for another 18 years without seeing the improvement�made, The visitor asked if tite City has any figures on the cost of fi11 and grading for these streets. Councilman Sheridan answered that the Engineering Department and Street Department do not break down the cost of enaintenance for each street, but keep records of the costs and maintenance for the entire City, Councilman Sheridan pointed out that maintenance of dirt streets used up most of the street maintenance budget last year, and that the greatest share of these costs was for grading them. Mayor Nee stated that zt is in the best interests of the City to have all these streets paved. Another visitor to the Council Meeting asked if there were any petitions for fl7e improvement of Glencoe, Hugo, and Longfellow Streets. The City Manager answered that there were no petitions for Longfellow Street. Mayor Nee stated that the City Engineer added three streets to the street improvement pro�ect, since these three streets would be included in the storm sewer district necessary for the construction of streets for which the City received pet�tions for improvement. Another visrtor to the Council Meeting asked when the water hole on Longfellow Street will be filled. He stated that this water hole is a continual nuisance to his property, and makes it difficult for people to travel on Longfellow � Street. He stated that there is one foot of water in the hole now. The visitor stated further that this condition has caused Breaks in his seWer twice, that the breaks occur�ed at the connection of hxs runout to the City lateral, and cost him $40 each time the connection was'broken. Mayor Nee informed the visitor that if he could obtain a petition signed by the majority of the property owners on Longfellow Street, the City would include it in the improvement program. Another visitor asked what improvements are contemplated for Riverview Terrace. The City Engineer answered that the City plans to construct a 24 foot roadway on Riverview Terrace if it can obtain help from the Federal Government to protect the riverbank, Mayor Nee stated that it would be necessary to provide riprap and fill along Riverview Terrace in order to make paving of Riverview Terrace worthwhile. He stated that the City has reviewed costs for riprapping to support the riverbank along all of Riverview Terrace, and the City's share of these costs would amount to approximately $350,000. Mayor Nee stated that the City could not afford to carry on this pro�ect without Federal help, A visitor to the Council Meeting asked what will be the width of the streets. The City Engineer answered that the width would be 31 feet. The City Enginepr stated that if Riverview Terrace and Broad Street are not included in this improvement, the cost of the improvement would be reduced to approxi- mately $8 per front foot. Mayor Nee stated that the reason for this reductian in cost is that the costs of improvement on Riverview Terrace are assessed ' ia�ainst the property on only one side of the street. A visitor to the Council Meeting asked whether the property on the east-west streets connecting with Riverview Terrace will be assessed again when Riverview Terrace is improved. Mayor Nee stated that normally cross streets are assessed one-half block back from the intersection for the improvement of side streets alang the 1/3 the front footage of side pard lot lines along the side street. Mayor Nee stated, however, that some of these pro�erties face Riverview Terrace and this would camplicate the assessment for construction of Riverview Terrace. A visitor to the Councxl Meeting asked if two or three of the streets in this area were paved, what would be done with the storm sewer construction in the future, Mayor Nee stated that no mially the City tries to avoid the use of valley gutters to carry water across street intersections. Mayor Nee stated, however, � � � ��� that if the construction of stotm sewer to carry the water away from the street intersections is too expensive, the City wou7d use valley gutters for this purpose, Mayor Nee stated that if any portion of this sto� sewer system is constructed, then assessments would be levied agalnst the entire staxm sewez district whether the paving was done or not. Councilman Wright stated that the visitors present should talk to their neighbors, taking note of the facts given at this hearing, and submit revised petitions for the xmprovements, Councilman Wright stated that, if the Council receives a petition by November 30th, the petition can be processed by December 6th, and the Council could act on the improvement at that time. A visitor asked whether these petitions wonld be acCed on by the Council by street or by axea. Mayor Nee stated that the Counc�l will cottsider the �mpzovement of one street at a time. Mayor Nee stated that the Administration will draw a res�lution ordering in the improvement for the Council Meeting of December 6th, and the Council will advise the City Manager crhat streets to include in this improvement before that time. He stated that the citizens should bring in revised petitions so Zt will be possible for the Councilmen to dete�ine what streets should be improved. 75TH AVENUE - OLD CENTRAL AVENUE TO Bt1CON DRIVE: Mayor Nee stated that it is necessary to construct some sewer and water connections before it wi11 be possible to pave 75th Avenue from Central to Bacon Dra.ve. He stated that the cost of paving the street does not include the cost of these connections, and was estimated at $8170 pet fxont Eoot, Mayor Nee asked whether any of the visitors at the Council Meeting favored or opposed this improvement. No one commented upon this improvement. UNIVERSITY AVENUE EAST SERVICE DRIVE - 73RD AVENiTE TO 75TH AVENiJ� NORTFIEAST: Mayor Nee staYed that costs for this improvement are considerably higher than cosCs of other improvements, since the property on one side of the street must bear the entire cost of the improvement. He stated that the costs of the improvement are estimated to be $16 per front foot Mayor Nee asked whether anyone present at the Council Meeting favors or ob�ects to construction of this improvement. There were no comments upon this improvement PROPOSED STI�EET, MADISON STREET - LYRIC ZANE TO OSBORNE ROA➢: Mayor Nee asked whether any visitors at the Council Meeting wished to comment upon the improvement and consCruction of proposed Madison Street There were no comments on this improvement. 69TH AVENUE - [ WAY TO 70TH WAY; HICRORY PI,ACE - HICKORY DRIVE TO 70TH WAY� Mayor Nee stated that construction of these improvements includes construction of a necessary storm sewer estimated to cost $2.90 per hundred square feet. Mayor Nee stated that the cost of street improvement is estimated at $10.78 per f�ront foot. Mayor Nee stated that the petition for this improvement was signed by 53% of the property owners, and that a petition against the improve- ment was also submitted to the City. A visitor to the Council Meeting asked whether the City received a petrtion for the improvement of 69th Way from East River Road to Hickory ➢rive Mayor Nee answered that the City has not xeceived such a petition, but included 69th Avenue in this construction since the Council believes it would be beneficial to the City to have this street improved. The visitor stated thae he believes the property owners on 69th Avenue are opposed to this improvement Another visitor asked why they were informed that it would be necessary to 6ui1d concrete streets because the water table is fairly high in this area, and the City is now proposing constructl,on of blacktop streets. Mayor Nee answered that construction of the storm sewer system would relieve the condition caused by the high water table and not make it necessary to build concrete streets_ Another r�isitor asked why cost estimates are higher than the costs quoted for constructlon of the stxeet before. Mayor Nee answered that the previous costs given to these property owners were based on a favorable contract which the City obtained for street construction He stated that costs of street con- struction generally rise each year and this estimate reflects the increased cost, 2�� Another visitor stated that he signed the petition for construction of the street improvement in the belief the storm sewer wa�not included in the construction of the street, but if it would be necessary to construct a storm sewer system he did not know whether he would favor construction of these streets or not. Councilman Wright stated that there was a delay between the time the petition was given to the City for the improvement and the time the estimates were made for improvement of the street, He stated that if the signers of the petition find the cost of the improvement is too great, the City will allow anyone to remove his name from the petition. Mrs, George Kelly, SD - 70th Place, stated that she ob�ects to construction of the improvement, and signed a petit�on against the improvement. Mrs. Kelly stated that she is the owner of Lots 2,3,and 4, Block 14, Ostman's Third Addition Daniel F. kile, 6957 Hickory Drive Northeast, stated that he questions why his entire 1ot should be assessed at the rate of $2.90 per hundred square feet for construction of the storm sewer. Mayor Nee stated that the front of this lot would be assessed for the construetion of the storm sewer, but that the rear of the lot drains into Locke Lake and would not be assessed for construction of the storm sewer. He stated that the estimated assessment for construction of the storm sewer system to this lot is $261.15. EAST - in�ST EASEMENT SOUTH OF MISSISSIPPI PLACE - RIVERVIEW TEARACE TO EAST RIVER ROAD: Mayor Nee stated that it is necessary to construct a stozm sewer system in this area, and the cost to property owners in the area is estimated at $4.05 per hundred square feet. He stated that the cost of paving the east-west easement is estima[ed at $7.07 per front foot for a paving width of 30 feet. A vzsitor to the Councxl Meetzng stated that he ob�ects to including his property in the sto� sewer assessment because the water on his property drains onto his property £rom East River Road, The City Engineer stated that when this improvement is completed, the water from East River Road will not drain onto his property. Mayor Nee asked the City Engineer where the catch basin will be located. The City Engineer answered that he does not know where the catch basin wi11 Ue placed at this time. Councilman Wright stated that construction of the storm sewer system wi11 collect water from East River Aoad and not a11ow the water from East River Road to drain onto this property. Mayor Nee asked whether there were any ob�ections to construction of th�s improvement. There were no ob�ections to this proposal. PIERC� STREET - STARTING 700 FEET SOUTH OF MISSISSIPPI STREET TO 63RD AVEN[TE: Mayor Nee stated that the estimated cost of this construction is $10.65 per front foot. He stated that the Crty received a petition signed by 65% oP the property owners favoring this improvement. Mr. Gwizadon, 6350 Pierce Street Northeast, was present at the Council Meeting and spoke in favor of this improv�nent. He stated that there is a water hole in front of his house, and that cars cannot drive through this waterhole without getting stuck, so people drive over his property instead of the street. He stated that he called the police and asked them to stop people from driving across his yard but the police were unable to find someone in the act of driving across his yard and did not stop them. He stated he did not wish to sign a complaint against his neighbors who find it necessary to drive through his yard instead of using the City street. Councilman Sheridan stated that the improvement will raise the 1eve1 of the street at this point and that the depth of the hole at the present time is only 19" above Moore Lake. He stated that if the street is resurfaced, this water could drain into Moore Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Clark, 1128 - 63rd L�venue Northeast, stated that they would be the only persons paying for construction of the improvement on 63rd Avenue Northeast � Two persons favored this improvement and one opposed the improvement, _ 290_EEET SOUTH OF 68TH PLACE TO 68TA PLACE_ 68TH PLACE _ LIICIA Mayor Nee stated that the cost of street construction for this pro�ect is estimated at $11,95 per front foot. He stated that the City Admznzstration received a letter from the Knights of Columbus protesting the extension of Lucia Lane to the service drive of T.H. 4�65. He stated that the letter was dated November 15, 1965. Robert Minder stated that he would like to see the City extend the improvement to include constru�ction of a part of Channel Road, He stated that he wished ' � � za� to have the entire improvement, iricluding a part of Channel Road, compleked at one time. Mayor Nee stated that he does not believe inclusion of Channel Road would change the rate of assessment for the �ro�ect. Mr. Don Harstad, representing the Knights of Columbus, asked the width of the proposed construction of T.H. ��65 East Servlce ➢rive. The City�ngineer answered that the width would be 28 feet, Mr Harstad stated that'the Rnights of columbus are not anxious for conseruction of a connection between Lucia Lane and the East Service Drive. He stated that the Knights of Columbus do not wa�t construction of curb and gutter on the side of the service drive ' nearest the Knights of ColumUus huilding, they are only interested in having the street paved. He stated that the parking lo_ for the Knights of Columbus building is not completely laid out, and that he believes it would be better if automobiles would be able to drive from T.H, ��65 East Service Drive into the park�ng lot at any point, rather than having to use definite driveways . Counc�lman Sheridan asked the City Engineer whether construction of the EasC Service Drive includes concrete curb and gutter on both sides of the service drive, The City Engineer answered that this is correct and matches standards which the City follows in street construction. Councilman Sheridan stated that the Minnesota Highway Department does not provide curb and gutter on both sides of the service drives, but only on the side nearest Che highway The City Engineer stated that yf concxete curb and gutter are ommitted on one side of the sexvice drive, the cost for construction of ehe street impxovemene wi11 be lower by approximately $2.15 per front foot, Mr. Harstad stated that if the City eliminates construction of concrete curb and gutters from this improvement, the Knights of Colum6us may favor improvement of the cross street. Mr, Minder stated that he would prefer that half the empty lot which he owns on the T.H. ��65 EasY Sexvice Drive not have concrete curb and gutter He stated that the concrete curb and gutter, if it is installed, may have to be removed to make provision for driveways or parking lots depending upon what use is made of this lot in the future, Mayor Nee asked Mr. Minder whether he would suggest that the City drain the water fro��he street inta the highway ditch rather than into a storm sewer system. Mr. Minder said, "Yes °1 � Mayor Nee asked the City Engineer whether such a p�an would be workable. The CiCy Engineer said "Yes." Mr. Minder stated that he would favor construction of an asphalt rolled curb along th�s street, A visitor to the Council Meeting stated that he owns property across the street from an apartment house. He seated that no one used this road until the constxuction of the apartment house, He stated that the construction of this road is for the use of apartment building residents and does not benefit his own property. He stated that he owns 247 feet of street frontage and has paid for construction of street along 160 feet of the frontage, He stated that the road was never repaired after the apartment was Uuilt He stated that when the apartment building was built, Yhe conCractor brought in heavy equipment which broke up the road. Mayor Nee stated that this he� zng is not an assessment hearing, the actual assessments wi11 be determined at a separate assessment hearing and the property owners would receive credit for the part of the constxuction which can be used to make the new construction, such as, any useable base on the present street. He stated that this would reduce the cost to approximately $11 per foot. Mr, Gibbs was present at the Council Meeting representing the apartment house owner and he stated the apartment house owner favors construction of this street improvement, A visitor asked how Lucia Lane will be drained once the improvement is made. � The City Engineer answered that the water will run down the street into a hole where the water is xunning now. Mayor Nee asked the City Engineer whether he would consider draining water from the hole at the end oi Zucia Lane as part of this construction pro�ect. The CityEngineer answered, "No." Mr. Harstad stated that the Knights favor construction of the improvement of T.H. ��65 East Service Drive, SERVICE DRIVE EAST OF T.H. �k65 - SHOREWOOD LOUNGE TO 63RD AVENUP,: Mayor Nee stated that the cost of this construction is $16.81 per fronti foot. He asked if there are any ob�ections to the proposed construction Mr. Gibson a property owner owning property along T.H. ��65 East Service Drive, was present at the Council Meeting, and stated that he has no ola�ecCions to th�.s improvement. There were no ob�ections to the improvement. 28� MCKINLEY STREET - 66TH AVENUE TO FRIDLEY STREET AND MCKINLEY STREE MISSISSIPPI STREET TO 67TH AVENUE 67TH AVENUE; 66TH AVENUE - MCKIN AVR.NITF. - ARTHiiR RTRI+'.F.T T(1 MCRTNT.F. : ON ROULEVARD - STREET - MISSISSIPPI STREET TO Mayor Nee stated that no storm sewer construction is planned with this improve- ment. He stated that the cost of the street imptovement is estimated to be $9.99 per front foot. Mr. Raymond Carlson stated that he believes the Counc"sl has a petition signed by 18 property owners of the 22 living in this area. He stated that the condition of the streets at the present time is sand, that sand is blown around by the wind creating a condition for residents similar to living on the Saraha Desert. A visitor to the Council Meeting stated that he liked the desert and that 99% of the problem concerns construction on McKinely Street, He stated that he believes the improvement should be extended on McKinley Street between Mississippi Street and 66th Avenue Northeast He stated that there is a big waterhole on this street making it difficult for persons to drive down McKinley Street to Mississippi Street, and he opppses construction of McKinley Street unless this portion of McKinley Street also is drained and impr w ed. He stated that there is little traffic on this portion of McKinley Street, that it is a two block long, dead end street thich is generally flooded with water for at least one block, and this condition will continue after improvement of the street. The visitor asked whether construction of Stinson Boulevard includes curb and gutter on both sides of Stinson Boulevard, Mayor Nee answered, "No." H�� stated that it includes construction of z of Stinson Boulevard With curb and gutter on one s�de. M&yoa Nee asked visitors to the Council meeting if tha City paves z of Stinson Boulevard and puts curb and gutter on one side, whether the people would be willing to pay for construction of the street. One visitor answered that if the cost if $10 per foot, he would te willing to see Stinson Boulevard paved and improved. Councilman Wright stated that the City favors construction of McKinley Street taetween 66th Avenue and 66z Avenue now, but that construction of a storm sewer to drain the hole in McKinley Street between 66th Avenue and Miss�,ssippi Street will be completed at a later date to make �onstruction of a portion of the street feasible at the present time. The v�sitor answered that paving will wash at the intersection of McKinley and 66th Avenue Northeast if the improvement does not extend to Mississippi Street. He stated that water will undermine the paving and the paving wi11 break up. A visitor stated that this is the third time he has circulated a petition in this area for improvement of these streets. He stated that the main reason people do not wish to sign a petition for improvement between 66th Avenue and Mississippi Street on McKinley Street is that they do�not wish to pay for draining this portion of the street Mayor Nee asked how many of the visitors favored construction of this pro�ect. Fourteen visitors favored construction of the pro�ect and four opposed it. LONGFELLOW -�AST RIVER ROAD TO RAILROAD TRACKS; ELY STREET - RUTH STREET TO RAILROAD 'iRACKS; RUTH STREET - LTBERTY STREET TO RUTH CIRCLE; LIBERTY STREET - EAST RIVER ROAD TO RAILROAD TRACKS: Mayor Nee stated that construction of a storm sewer is required as part of this improvement pro�ect. He stated that construction cost of this storm sewer pro�ect is estimated to be $3.96 per hundred square feet. Construction of the street improvement pro�ect is estimated to cost $7.33 per front foot Mr. Harold Schroeder, 8066 Ruth Street Northeast, stated thathe Uelieves all three streets are in dire tteed of paving, especially Liberty Street where the fill washes into the bottom lands along Liberty Street. Mr. Schroeder stated that Ruth Street is impassable when it rains, He stated that the appearance of the neighborhood isn't helped by the condition of the streets. He stated that wind blows the dust around creating a bad condition for the neighborhood, and improvement of the streets will lower the cost, to the City, of maintaining these streets. He stated that costs of the improvement will be more in the future, and the only reason for opposing this constrixction,as far as he was concerned, is the cost of the construction at the present time. He stated that he favors construction of the improvement as do the other property owners. One visitor stated that he opposes construction of Liberty Street, and he � , � 28� stated he does not believe there is a petition for the improvement of Liberty Street. Another visrtor stated that he opposes the construction of Liherty StreeC because construction of the improvement requires construction of a stor[n sewer system. Another visitox asked if there was a petiCion for the construction of Longfellow. Mayor Nee answered, "Yes," and stated that there is much rental property on Longfellow Street and, for this reason, many of the petitioners were unable to obtain the signatures of a ma�ority of the property owners. � A visitor asked why proposals for improvement of streets in this area were changed from the ;�st proposal made the previous year, Councilman Sheridan answered that the only change made in the proposal is that Ashton Street be improved with MSA funds, He stated that construction of Ashton Street with MSA funds will not add additional cost to the resLdents for this imprw ement The visitor asked why the City does not move Ashton Street elsewhere in order to place the full cost of construction of Ashton Street upon the industrial property owners. Councilman Sheridan stated that the easement ior Ashton Street has been dedicated to the City and the City would have to abandon this easement and a�quire another easement With good cause for doing so in order to move Ashton StTeet. Another visitor stated that he ob7ected to the improvement sznce construction of the street will include construction along undeveloped property, and futuxe connections ot sewer and water will ruin the street. He stated also that it will be impossible to te11 where driveways for these houses wi11 be located. Councilman Sheridan answered that connections to the sewer and water services could be made 5 feet from the curb line of the slireet and such construction should not damage the street. He stated that curbing will be shaped such that a driveway can run to the end of the curbing and it will not he necessary to build special drive aprons on the curbing in order to build driveways to the street. EAST RTVER ROAD EAST SERVICE DRIVE - 79TH AV�NUE TO LIBERTY STREETc � Mayor Nee stated that the cost of street paving, cuxb and gutter will be $10.03 per front foot to p�rta.es fronting on East River Road and $6 73 per front foot to properties on side streets connecting eo �ast River Road East Service Drive, He stated that construction of the improvement includes consL-ruction of a storm sewer at an estimated cost of $3.Ob per hundred square feet, A visiCor to the Council Meeting stated that he lives at 79th Avenue Northeast on EasC River Road, and he sees no reason for having a service drive along East River Road. He stated that he doesnot believe therejwas a patition for this improvement, that he owns four lots' on East River Road and is the only prr2erty owner w�.th a driveway entering onto �ast River Road, Mayor Nee stated that a petrtion was given to the City for the improvement of East River Road East Servlce Drive signed by 30% of the property owners Mayor Nee asked the City Engineer why iC was proposed to construct a service drive along this partof �ast River Road. The City Engineer answered that a petition vas received last yeax for construction o£ this portion of the service drive, and that construction will allow the City to close one access road to East River Road. The City Manager stated that the Safety committee recommended construction of a service drive on East River Road in order to _reduce the number of driveways entering onto East River Road He stated that when traffic is heacry on East River Road, it wi11 be difficult for automobile drivers to back onto East River Road. He stated that a service drive would allow property owners to back out of their driveways easily, and a11 such traffic would be funnelled to one intersection onto L�ast River Road � Mayor Nee stated that he is pexsuaded construction of this improvement should be removed from the street improvement pro�ect. Councilman Wright stated that construetion of East River Road East Service�Drive was proposed for safety zeasons to reduce the number of driveways entering onto East River Road. He stated that these driveways are a hazard to traffic. RUTH STREET - LIBERTY STREET TO RUTH CIRCLE: Mayor Nee stated that the estimated cost of construction of the street improvement pro�ect ott Ruth Street was $10,70 per front foot for prnperty owners in Block 10 of Springbrook Park and $3.89 per front foot for lots in S1ock 11 and Block 14 of Springbrook Park. 28� Mr. Harold Schroeder stated that he favors construction of Ruth Street. He stated that the Christians' residence suffered damage from a washout of the street earlier in the year and he believes construction of Ruth Street is necessary. P4ayor Nee asked the City Engineer whether it xs possible to install sufficient storm sewer drainage far Ruth Street w�thout Building the rest of the �orm sewer system, The City Engzneer answered that this was not possiUle, and that it would be necessary to drain both Ely Street and Ruth Street. Mayor Nee asked whether anyone is opposed to construction of Ruth Street, Four visitors at the Council Meeting stated that they favored the construction of Ruth Street and none opposed this construction. ALLEY BETWEEN 4tP.�I STREET AND STH STREET NOATHEAST - 53RD AVENUE TO 54TH AVENUE � NORTHEAST: Mayor Nee stated that the estimated cost is $2.14 per foot for construction of a blacktop alley and $4.40 per foot for construction of a concrete alley, Councilman Wright stated that this was discussed by the Council at a previous meeting. He stated that he does not believe construction of the alley would set a precedent for construction of all the other alleys in the City of Fridley, but he stated that he believes it would be worthwhile to build this alley as a pilot pro�ect to dete�ine whether construction of the a11ey was wotthwhile. He stated that the City Engineer strongly recommends construction of a concrete alley rather than an asphalt alley based on information concerning the maintenance of asphalt alleys in the rest of the country. He stated that construction of an asphalt alley wrthout curbs and fixm edges wi11 generaly cause an aspha7t alley to break up and the cost of maintaining such an alley is not worth the cost of constructing it. Visitors stated that they favor construction of an asphalt alley rather than a concrete alley since the alley wi11 have very little traffic, Maqor Nee stated that the choice is strictly up to the propexty oWners, but the City Engineer recommends construction of a concrete alley. A nother visitor asked cahether the alley would be built in a straight line or , whether rt would offset around existing garages and telephone poles. Council- man Wright stated that the right of way is a straight line in the alley. The City L,ngineer stated that the alley is a 12' right of way and paving wi11 be 10 feet wide, A visitor asked whether assessments for construction of the a11ey could be spread. Mayor Nee answered that construction oE an asphalt alley might be spread over a 10 year period. Co�ncilman tidright stated that the proposal does not contain plans for drainage. He explained that it would be expensive to drain the alley to the street, and the a11ey would have to drain to the side propetties. A visitor suggested that the a11ey be made to drain down the middle and that the a11ey be cupped rather than crowned, Councilman Wright stated that cupp�.ng the alley would create a depression in the a11ey, and the water would stand in it ruzning the pavement. He stated that the City Engineer considered raising the eleva- t ion of the depression in the alley. He stated that there are garages along the alley and filling the low spot to provide drainage with a cupped construction requires that the alley be raised one foot above the level of some of t6e garages built along the alley. He stated that these garages are built too near the alley to enable the property owners to drive from their garages onto the alley if the a11ey were raised this one foot. He stated that the alley wi11 be highez than back yards along the alley, if the alley �s raised one foot, and will trap water in the yard. He stated that in order to drain the alley onto 53rd Avenue Northea$, it would be necessary to raise � the construction of the alley one foot. Mayor Nee stated that the only other alternative is building the a11ey with a crown. Councilman Wright stated that another consideration is whether the unpaved road on the north end of the a11ey should be paved toz z block. Councilman Sheridan stated that property owners have figures of the construction costs now and should discuss them with their neigh6ors, circulate a petition among the neighbors and bring it to the City. Mayor Nee asked the property owners present whether they wished to have construction of the alley with these costs. The property owners answered, "Yes," No one opposed this con- struction. Mayor Nee declared the Public Hearing for Street Improvement Project i�1966-1 closed. 2�y PUBLIC HEARING IMPROVEMENT - ST. 1966-2; The City Manager read the Notice of Hearing. Mayor Nee said that as a general rule, the assessments levied against residential property for ehe cost of construction of State Aid Streets are the same as the costs of building ordinary re�idential streets and thexemaining costs are paid from State Funds. He said that where the road abuts commercial , and industrial property the costs of building an industrial road are assessed against these properties. WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE - CAROL DRIVE TO BAKER AVENUE: Mayor Nee stated that the City proposes to build a 9 ton, MSAS road from Carol Drive on West Moore Lake Drive to Rice Creek Aoad aC the intersection with 01d Central Avenue. Mayor Nee stated that the Council knows that some property owners in the neighborhood of St, Philip�s Lutheran Church, as we11 as the church, favor this construction, and other property owners think the existing construction is adequate. He said the possiUllity exists that property owners along the existing street would receive credit of $1.50 per front foot for the existing construction. It is estimated that new construction costs of $8.47 per front foot wi11 be assessed against residential property Mayor Nee stated that West Moore Zake Drive is int�d to be part of a system of through streets to provide necessary thoroughfares in the City Councilman Wright stated that construction of this street will provide a traffic route between 4 schools. Mr. Don Savelkoul stated that property owners on West Moore Lake Drive purchased their homes in this area because it was a quiet residential neighborhood wiChout through streets. He stated that West Moore Lake Drive is not intese�d Co be a 9 ton road as it is now built and although the existing road is not as good as it might be due to construction of sewer and water services to sexve an area to the southwest, the residents are satisfied with , the road He sCated that heavy traffic is a hazard to school children, and the chuck holes in the road slow down the traffic making it safer to drive He stated that the property owners ob�ecC to making a contriUution to a system of through streets and ob�ect to this construction. Mayor Nee asked if any of the visitors favored or opposed the construction of West Moore Lake Drive to MSAS standards. Eleven vLSitors opposed the construcrion and none favored it. WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE - BAKER DRIVE TO TRUNK HIGHWAY dF65: Mr. Virgil Herrick stated Chat he was representing St. Phillips Church, and that a petition has bee❑ circulated favoring construction of West Moore Zake Dr�ve from Baker to T.H, �P65, that while St. Phillips Lutheran Church does not care whether this consCruction is made to MSAS standards or not, St Phillips Lutheran Church favors early construction of a new street in order L-hal- the future level of the road may be known and the church can plan construction of a parking lot with drainage from the parking lot. Mayor Nee asked whether anyone else wlshed to comment on construction of thLS improvement. There were no other statements for or against the improvement. RICE CREEK ROAD - T.H. 9�65 TO CENTRAI. AVENUE: Mayor Nee stated that the cost of this construction wi11 Ue approximately $15.79 ' per front foot on each side of the road. He stated that the total cost of Lhe construction would be assessed a�a7.nst property owned by Mr. Saliterman in the amount of approximately $55,294. Mr. Saliterman stated that he would favor construction of this road if ldest Moore Lake Drive is extended from T.A. ik65 to Carol Avenue at MSAS standards. He sYated that construction of the road from T.H. �f65 to Rice Creek Road would not accomplish a greaC deal unless a crossover is built at T.H. �F'65 and an MSAS road constructed to Carol Drive on West Moore Lake Drive. Councilman Sheridan stated that without a crossover at T.H. d�65, the Gouncil would not contemplate conrtruction of the street, Mayor Nee asked Mr. Salrterman if the City gets the crossover, whether Mr. Saliterman would favor construction of the road. Mr. Salitennan �nswered, "Yes." The ob�ector to the construction of West Moore Lake Drive from Baker Co Carol asked whether there will be another Council Hearing to determine wheL-hrr the City wi11 obtain a crossover of T.H. ii65, Mayor Nee stated that such a hearing is not required, but that it could be arxanged. The visitor stated that residents in the area are not aware of the City's request for a crossover at T.A. �665 and � �) � would probably like to give the�r views on such a crossover. The City Manager stated that a hearing concerning a crossover of T.H. �'k65 was held when a hearing was held on the design of a State Aid road system in the City of Fridley. The visitor stated that he was not infarmed of this hearing. The City Manager answered tfiat it was not necessary for the City to mail notices to everyone in the City for this hearing. $e stated that notice of the hearing was published in the Legal paper, The visitor asked whether the construction of this road is made in order to take traffic of£ Mississippi Street. Councilman Wright answered, "No." The visitor stated that traffic will be worse if a crossover of T.H. �E65 is made, � and this will increase the safety hazard to children living along West Moore Lake Road. Councilman Wright stated that it is necessary for the City to have a system of State AYd roads, that the City does not expect that these MSAS roads will have a great deal of traffic, but t[�at they will rather act as collector streets for traffic to travel to schools in the City of Fridley. He stated that construction of this MSAS road would provide connections between four sthools in the City of Fridley. Councilman Wright stated that the City wished to have-a system of roads in the City of Fridley which would make it possible for residents to travel from one part of Fridley to anotfier without using the ma�or highways or freeways in the City. Mayor Nee stated that there will be a traffic load along West Moore Lake Drive whether the City improves it to State Aid standards or not. The visxtor stated that the traffic load would be reduced if there were no crossing of T.H. -0k65. He asked whether construction of a storm sewer is proposed for this street. Mayor Nee answered that there are no plans for additional storm sewer systems in this area. Leonard Cochran, 6537 Central Avenue Northeast, asked how far this street will extend straight west of Rice Creek Road before turning southwest. Councilman Wright answered that the street starts to curve immediately. Leonard Cochran stated that he wants the street to continue west for a greater distance in order to provide more frontage to his property. Councilman Kirkham asked whether the construction costs given for building this part of the road are for building the road to MSAS standards. Mayor Nee answered, "Yes." ASHTON AVENUE - 79TH TdAY TO IRONTON STREET; � Mayor Nee stated that construction of Ashton Avenue is estimated to cost the residential property owners $4.87 per front foot. He stated that this cost wi11 be spread along 1/3 frhe side lot lines of property along Ashton Avenue and 1/2 blocic along each of the streets intersecting Ashton Avenue, A visitor asked why sewer and water construction was not put into Ashton Avenue before the street was built. The City Engineer answered that there is no need for sewer and water on Ashton Avenue since connections to properties are made on the main streets rather than on the side streets. A visitor asked why the City should construct this road, Mayor Nee answered that construction of this road to MSAS standards wi11 take the truck traffic off the other streets. Mrs. Robert Swanson stated that she owns property along Ashton Avenue and would like to develop this property or sell it. She stated that when she approached the Planning Commission with a request for zoning this property , she was told that zoning her property alone would constitute spot zoning and she must get together with the neighboring property owner in arder to obtain rezoning of the entire area. She stated that the neighboring property owner was not interesced in rezoning this area. Mrs. Robert Swanson stated that she represents the Fahrendorfs who own property along this land, and she and the Fahrendorfs ob�ect to the construction of Ashton Avenue. Mayox Nee asked whether any of the visitors to the Council Meeting favor construction of Ashton Avenue, None of the vis�tors favored this construction. ' Mayor Nee declared the Public FIearing of Street Improvement Pro�ect 1966-2 closed. ABATEMENT OF SEWER AND WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS - LOTS 10 AND 11, BLOCK A, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS - KING: Councilman Kirkham stated that he looked over the building site of Mr. King on Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, and is convinced that Mr. King does not have a building site on Lots 1D and 11, Councilman Sheridan stated that he also looked at this prope�` and agrees that there is not a building site on Lots 10 and 11. Councilman Wright stated that he believes the Ci�y will have to determine in each case whether a given property is a building site, make it clear to the public that each case must be detexmined on its merits, and that assessments wi11 not be abated unZess it is clearly shown that the property for which a connection charge is made 291 is definitely not a building site. He seated that he does not believe this sets a precedent detrLmental to the interests of the City. Councilman Thompson asked how it would be possible to apply a fonnula which would provide ar. equitable abatement to Mr. King. He stated that the charges were made with 75% of the costs assessed against each building site and 25% against the front footage of the property, and many of the assessments have already been paid. Councilman Wright stated that Mr. King has already agreed not to ask for a refund of the assessments which have been paid. He stated that he would suggest that the assessments against Lots 12 and 13 Ue continued, but that L-he assessments against Lots 10 and 11 be abated, Motion by Wright that Lots 10 and 11, Block A in Riverview Heights not be � regarded as a building site, and that assessments against the property of Mr. KLng he ad�usted accordingly. Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the moCicm carried unanimously, ADDITIONAL BILL FOR LOCKE PARK CLEAN IIP - SAYCEES (TABLED 11/8/65): Roger Sandau, President of the Sunior ChamUer of Commerce, was present at the Council Meeting, and asked the Council whether they had any questions con- cerning the itemization of the bi11 presented to the Council Councilman Sheridan stated that the Jaycees put the City in an odd position. He stated that generally when the City 7ets a contract, it is awarded for a given amount of money_ The contractoz completes the work and is paid The City treated the Jaycees in this manner, and now the Saycees submit an additional hi11. Councilman Sheridan stated Chat the City does not have funds to pay this bill unless it can obtain funds from Federal payments for disaster work Councilman Sheridan stated that he did not know whether it would be possible for the Citp to obtain Federal funds to pay this bi11. Councilman Kirkham stated that the City had a contracl- for buildi:g the Moore Lake Beachhouse and has passed a change order to effect an add � on Co the contract after the beach house was dedicated. He stated that in a similar fashion, the City could pass a change order to accommodate the Jaycees. Councilman Kirkham sald that the Jaycees have done additional work over and above the contract, and he believes zt would only be fair to pass a change order and re�mburse them for the additional work � Councilman Thompson stated that originally there was a contract agreement fa� a specified number of dollars. He stated that the Jaycees did the work properly and he believes that the additional work was also done properly He asked whether there was an additional grant for the trees and stumps which the Jaycees xemoved. The City Manager stated that the City wanted to clean out the area in order to create a larger p�.cnic area in Locke Park He stated that he believes this pro�ect could be paid with Federal disaster funds, since the work was caused by the tornado. Mr. Sandau stated that the additional work done by the contractor was supervised by Yhe Jaycees. Mayor Nee asked why it was supervised by the Saycees and not by City employees. The City Manager answered that the Jaycees were doing the work in Locke Park and since the Adm�nistration believed that Federal funds would cover the pick-up of debrzs from the tornado, he believed the Jaycees may as well have the responsibilrty for cleaning up the additional debris and supervising the work of the contractor doing so. The City Manager stated that the City is asking for a supplemental payment for tornado disaster debris funds, and there might be a possibility that Lhe City could add the additional bi11 of the Jaycees to that amount, Councilman Kirkham asked the City Manager how soon he would know whether these funds could be reimbursed from Federal disaster payments. The City Manager answered Chat he would know in two to four weeks. He stated that obta�ning the additional ' Federal funds would require another inspection by an inspecCion team after the supplemental request was made. Councilman Kirkham stated that rhe Jaycees are amateurs and not professional contractors. He stated that the Jaycees did more work than they contracted, that the work the 7aycees do benefits the City in that it develops the park property for a11 of the City, and the payment made to the Jaycees is expended in other public projects also of benefit to the City. Mayor Nee asked whether the C�ty requested the Saycees to do this additional work. Mr. Sandau stated that the parks department asked them to perform the additional work. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Sandau whether this request of the Parks Department expanded upon the work done by the Jaycees under the original contract. 19� Mr. Sandau answered, ^Yes." The City Manager stated that this is the first disaster pro�ect which the City has handled. He stated that the City has never before required Federal funds for disaster work, and does not know a11 the details and red tape required to obtain these Federal funds. $e stated that he did not know whether this additional work would be covered by Federal funds or not, and he would have to talk to the Adjutant General`s oEfice to find out whether it would be possible to get these supplements approved. Mayor Nee asked Paul Brown whether he had anything to do with the additional work done by the Jaqcees. Paul Ilrown stated that Item A as glven in the Saycees supplemental report was in the contract. Councilman Wright asked � whether only Ztem A was in the contract. Mr. Sandau stated that Item A was in the contract, but not all of Item A was in the contract. Councilman Wright asked whether Items B through � then were not the additional work, but were in the cnntract. Mr. Sandau answered, "Yes." Councilman Kirkham asked Mr. Sandau whether the contract called for cutting out the stumps and whether the Jaycees removed them. Mr. San3au answered that the Jaycees removed the stumps in the picnic area. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Sandau whether it was correct then, that before performing worlc listed in Items A through �, the Jaycees should have oUtained a change order, but the additional bi11 only covers the additional cost in Ttem A. Roger Sandau answered that this is correct, Pau1 Brown stated that the Jaycees took these logs out of the area and cut them into chips. He stated that 80 loads of chips were taken out of the area, over the ridge, and put in crevices, caused by erosion, to fill these crevices. He stated that trucks hired by the Jaycees did this work. Paul Brown stated that he believes this was part of the disastez cleanup and would be covered by these funds. He stated that the City would have to hire a truck to do this same work if tfie City were to do it instead o£ the Jaycees. Councilman Wright asked Paul Brown whether he gave his verbal okay to the Jaycees to do this vork, Paul brown answered, "Yes." Councilman Wright asked Paul Brown what discussion he had with the Saycees to reimburse them for doing the extra work and paying the contractor's costs. Paul Brown saLd that there was no discussion o£ this item. Councilman Wright asked Roger Sandau whether this was correct, Mr. Sandau answered, "Yes." The City Manager stated that it was a shorter haul ' to dump this debris into the crevises in Locke Park than it was to haul it to a dump and get rid of it. Pau1 Brown stated that ofEicials from the Forestry ;�epartment recommended that the City use chips to £ill the crevices, and stated that the Jaycees made a log bed in the crevices, put in the chips and put dirt on top to prevent erosion. Paul Brman stated that more work needs to be done to prevent further erosion in other places in Locke Park, He stated that he belives the Jaycees did a fine �ob. Harold Calender, a member of the Saycees, stated that he believes tfie erosion resulted from rains accompanying the tornado. Councilman Wright stated that he recognizes that the Jaycees is an amateur organization a nd that the Saycees have contri6uted a great deal to the City. He stated, however, that he must criticize the Jaycees £or not handling the contract zn the same way a professional contractor would do xt. He stated that if the Jaycees were going to enter bids and ask for a contract, they should handle their affairs so that it xs not necessary for them to come with hat in hand to the City for additional funds. Mr. Sandau stated that the 7aycees are citizens of Fridley and want to help the City build a good park. He said that they were not �oncerned at the time they carried out this extra work with receiving extra payment far the same. Councilman Wright stated that the City follows an orderly procedure in dealzng with contractors, and would like to have done the same wi�h the Jaycees. Councilman Wright stated that he believes the Jaycees were given rights to � the firewood. He asked how much money the Saycees made from the sale of the firewood. Mr. Sandau answered that the Jaycees have sold $5 worth of firewood Ae stated that people do not want to buy the firewood until it is put in a conditlon such that it is immediately useable; namely, the logs cut up and the wood split. Councilman Wright stated that if the Jaycees were to put the firewood into saleable condition, they would have an income from the fixewood. Mr. Sandau answered that it is difficult to split this wood before it is dry, and also it is difficult to sell the wood before it is dry. Mayor Nee stated that the Public Examiner will be in the City of Fridley shortly and wi11 be looking at the uses of funds by non-public agencies, and that he � � i � � would not like to see a bi11 for work that should have been done under a ehange order, done without proper authorization by the City Council He stated, however, that as long as a member of the Administration directed the Jaycees or allowed the 7aycees to do this extra work, the City should accept responsi- bility for it. He stated that he believes the change order should be brought before the Council, with the proper documentation, in order to bring everything into legal foxm for the Public Examiner. Councilman Thompson asked how the City will pay for the change order if the Federal Govexnment does not approve the application for additional funds. The City Manager stated that he Uelieves it would be possible to find the funds to pay for the change order somewhere, � Motion by Kirkham to direct the City Administration to prepare a Change Order encompassing the additional work performed by the Suniar Chamber of Commerce in Locke Park, instruct the City Manager to attempt to obta ui Federal reim- bursement for the costs of the change order and d�rect the Administration to pay the bill presented by the 3unior Chamber of Commerce. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AWARDING OF BIDS - SS9�12 (TABLED 10/18/65): The City Manager stated that he talked to the City Manager of Columoia Heights and the City Manager of Columbia Heights told him that he was go�ng to try to deliver the documents before a special meeting on November 17, 1965. He suggested that the Council establish a special meeting for November 17, 1965 for this purpose. Moti�n by Kirkham to table consideration of awarding bids for construcCion pro�ect �f12 to a special Council meeting to he held on November 17, 1965 at 8;0� P.M. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AGREEMENTS WITH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS AND MHD - SS��12; Motion by Kirkham to table consideration of the agreements with Columbia Heights and the Minnesota HighWay Department fox construction of storm sewer pro�ect � ��12 to the special Council Meeting of November 17, 1965. Seconded by Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, the motion carried unanimously SIGN PERMIT - BURGER KING: The City Manager stated that he had not received any add7tional information concerning the sign permit application of Rurger King Company He stated that the Council asked Burger King to bxing in an application for construction of a smaller sign, but Burger King has not submitted any additional information concerning their sign application since that time. Mntion by Shezidan to table consideration of the applicatian of- Burger King Company for a sign permit until such time as the City receives additional information cuncerning the sign permit application of Burger King Company Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously FRIDI.EY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MINUT�S - NOVEMBER 3, 1965: Motion bp Wright to receive and file the minutes of the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting of November 3, 1965 Seconded by Sheridan IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously COMMUNICATIONS , PUBLIC EXAMINER: STUDY Motion by Sheridan to receive and file the communication from the Public Examiner. Seconded by Kirkham Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the irotion carried unanimously. CHIEF OF POLICE: DISPATCHERS The City Manager stated that this py�oposal was reviewed by the Police Commission, and the Police Commission recommends the proposal, He stated that the changes wete planned for several years as recommended by the Chief of Police and he Ly4 would ask the Council to put the change into effect. Councilman Sheridan asked how the dispatchers are employed, The City Manager stated that the dlspatchers are temporary employees, paid 1/2 from the Fire Department budget and 1/2 from the Police Department budget. Mayor Nee asked how it would be possible to replace th�ee dispatchers with two policemen and obtain more dispatching work Councilman Kirkfiam answered that the dispatchers work part time. The City Manager stated that the plan is to have the secretar� of the police department continue �o serve as daytime dispatcher, and have the other policemen on at night. He stated that in this way there would be additional trained policemen as dispatchers on the �ob able to do the �ob of police dispatching better. � Robert Hughes was pxesent at the Council Meeting representing the volunteer firemen, He stated that the volunteer firemen questioned why the dispatchers should be policemen and not firemen. The City Manager answered that 99-9/10% of the dispatchers work is police work rather than work for the Fire Department, Mr. Hughes stated that Mr. Blosky, who was a member of the Volunteer Fire Department, was in�ured during a fire and would need some foxm of employment. He stated that he would qualify as dispatcher, but he would not be qualified to act as a policeman. He stated that Mr. Blonsky was interested in having this position, but that he would not qualify under the age limit of the Police Department sznce he xs 37 and the Police Departmen's age limit is 35. He stated that there are two men who could act as dispatchers but they are both above the age limzt for recruitment by the Police Department. Mr. Hughes stated, further, that the dispatcher would be working forty hours� a week as a dispatcher even though he were to work the rest of the time as a policeman. The City Manager stated that the Chief of Police spent considerable time planning this change. He stated that the Chief of Police also found that he needs a man trained in police work to act as a dispatcher. Councilman Sheridan asked the City Manager whether this memo is complete in a11 of its fiscal details. He stated that when the budget was discussed he was told that in order to hire two additional policemen, the City must spend closer to $20,000 because of the need to provide additional equipment, uniforms and so on. The Citq Manager stated that with the addition of $100 for a � uniForm to the salary of the dispatcher, the dispatchers salary would be $6,012 plus the $100 uniforra which would be $6,112 and twice that is $12,224 as given in the memo from the Police Chief. Councilman Sheridan stated that there are additional costs such as retirement payments for the employees, health insurance, and other payments. He stated he believes these should be added to this figure. The City Manager stated that he could bring in an exact figure. Mayor Nee asked why a police officer would make a better dispatcher. Council- man Kirkham answered that a police officer as a dispatcher would have more authority than a dispatcher would have himself. The City Manager stated that the dispatchers possibly would be rotated with police work in order to maintain training as pollcemen. The Mayor stated that in that event the policemen would not be specialized dispatchers Mr. Hughes stated that it would be possible for the City to obtain three dispatchers full t�me at the cost of $450 per month each, starting wages. He stated these dispatchers could serve as police officers. Mr. Hughes stated also that the secretary of the Police Department does a good �ob of dispatching, and he sees no reason why the change should be made. He stated that in the City of Robbinsdale, the dispatcher is a member of the Fire Depaxtment and he believes this could also be done in the City of Fridley. The City Manager stated that a part time dispatcher is not as dependable as a full time employee. He stated that it is neeessarp for the dzspatchers to sleep at some time during � the night, and during this time the City has no dispatcher on duty, He stated that a fnll time dispatcher would be an asset and a benefit to the City, and the cost would not differ much from those given by the Police Chief, Mayor Nee stated that he believes there is more information concerning this change that could be given to the Council than was presented in the agenda. Motion by Thompson to receive the memo from the Chief of Police, to concur wxth the recommendation of the Police Chief and the City Manager and to hire two additional policemen to act a:� full time paid dispatchers Seconded by Kirkham, for purposes of discussion. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 295 BEAIITY SALONS - REGULATIONS: Mr. Bud was present at the Council Meeting and sLated that he is half owner of a home beauty salon and representing four other home beauty salon owners He asked that the letter from the beauty salons be read The Mayor read the letter. Mr. Bud stated that he is half owner of Bud�s Aouse of Beauty He stated that he is in business as a professional person, his wife operates the beauty salon, and he sells products and equipmenC to beauty salons. He staeed that he is in business as a professional person, his wife operates the � beauty salon, and he se11s products and equipment to beauty salons. He staeed that the beauty salon owners are agreed that the Council should have some control of the operation of beauty salons He stated that these salons are not licensed by the State, even though the State does inspect the salons to ascertain that they comply with hea1L-h requirements He stated that it would not be necessary for the City to do any additional work other than to grant licenses since the State does make health inspections. Mr. Bud stated that everyone knows the professiona� shops which are in existence in the City of Fridley. He stated rhat anyone wishing to start a new beauCy salon in the City of Fridley should be forced to present a petition signed by the neighboring beauty shops and the property owners in the area asking the Council to establish an additional beauty salon Mr. Bud stated thdt the Councll should know whenever an additional beauty salon is established in the City of Fridley He stated that L-he beauty shop operator should be a psofessional person licensed by the State Aealth Inspector He stated that the Council should check the signatures on the petition to make sure the signatures are valid in order that the Council may know how many beauty shops there are in the City of Fridley. Councilman Wright stated that this matter is similar to the zoning problem that occurs when a property owner wants to lease a room in his house He stated that this pxoposal could be referxed to the Planning Gommission for recommendations such as requirement of a special use permit to set up an additional beauty salon. � Mr. Bud stated'that when he set up his shop, he was told by the former City Manager, Mr. Madsen, that a home shop in a residential area was allowed as long as it does not appear to be a shop and does not create a nuisance lIe stated that at that time there weze one half Lozen shops 1n the City of Fridley. Mr. Bud stated that he and the other beauty shop operators would be against the Council legislating beauty shops out of existance in the City of Fridley. He stated that he has added a parking lot to his beauLy shop in order to make it more convenient for the patrons. He stated that the primary interest of the beauty shop owners is that the CouncLl does not restrict the operati�n of the present beauty shops in the City of Fridley Motion by Thompson to receive and file the communication from the beauty salon opsrators. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. GIBbS; REFUND OF ESCROW; The City Manager stated that this should have been called a cash bond and not an escrow He said that since this money was put in escrow to require the pzoperty owner to install a curbing, he has notified the property owner year by year to construct the curbing, and the property owner has failed to do so Councilman Sheridan asked the Gity Engineer whether the State Highway DeQart- � ment wi11 construct curb and gutter on the east side of University Avenue East Service Drive. The City Engineer stated that the Minnesota Highway Department will construct curb on both sides of the East Service Drive,and the City will assess the property owners for part of the cost. Councilman Wright stated that, since the property owner wi11 be assessed for part ol the cost, this money should remain in escrow for that assessment Motion by Wright to receive and file the cammunication from Mr. Gibbs and direct the Administra�ion to inform the propexty owners that the escrow will be held for the purpose of future assessments for construction of curb and gutter Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously 29b MINNBSOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: MATTERHOIZN DIZIVE: Motion by Sheridan to receive and file the communication from the Minnesota Highway Department concerning construction of Matterhorn Drive. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unammously. CITY P�NGINE�R: MAINTENANCE BOND (RIVERSEDGE WAY): Motion by Wright to concur wrth the recommendation of the City Engineer and release the maintenance bond of Street Pro�ect ��1962-2B to Crown Sidewalk. Seconded by Kiy_kham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motian � carried unanimously PATCH AND ERICRSON: SCHOOL SWIMNIING PUOL: Councilman Sheridan asked why an unmetered water main is being installed to serve the school swimming pool. The City Engineer stated that the cost for the meter comes to more than $1200 and the water main wi11 only be used once or twice each year to fi11 �he swimming pool He stated that the City knows the size of the swimming pool, and the City could charge the school district for the water needed to fill the swimming pool ance each year. Mayor Nee stated that he believes the City should put a lock on the gate valve at the un-metered water main, and direct the Department of Public Works to unlock the valve when the school district needs to change the water in the swimming pools so the City wi11 know when the school district is using the un-metered water and the approximate quantities of water used each period. Motion by Sheridan to receive and file the communication from Patch and Erickson regarding the school swimming pool. Saconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously AMERICAN PIPE SERVICES: SEWER SURV�Y: Mr. Leland Gottstein was present representing American Pipe Survey Company and stated that American pipe has completed a survey oE the sanitary sewer systems in the City of Fridley and found that 50% of the sanitary sewer systems wi11 � require some kind of repair work. He stated that he submitted a plan for inspection of the lines prior to performance of this work, and that the estimated cost of the work is $44D,000, P1r. Goctstein stated that three weeks ago this plan was reviewed at a meeting attettded by the Minnesota Director of Public Health, the Federal Health Officer, the City Manager, the City Engineer, and the City Consulting Engineer. He stated that the following day three inspection teams lifted 450 manholes in the City of Fridley to verify the report of American Pipe Services. He stated that the inspectors detexmined that the amount of �l�gible work should be cut 28% from the 50% of the work originally propo�ed by American Pipe Sexvices and which the Federal inspecYors had accepted prior to the inspection, He stated that this leaves 17 miles of sewer in the City of Fridley to be cleaned. He said that the inspectors took the position that some of the sewer cleaning work which needs to be dona is not eligible for raimbursement under the requirements af the Office of Emergency Planning He stated that the inspectors decided that sealing the sanrtary sewers and TV inspection of the sanitary sewers is not el�gible for reimbursement with OEP funds. He sta[ed that if sealing does become necessary, then TV inspection may be used to find the exact places where it is necessary to seal the sanitary sewers, and the cost then would be borne by the Federal Government. He stated that some of the TV inspection might be conducted by the City, paid by City funds, and the detennination made later based upon the use of the TV inspection whether some of these funds are eligible for reimbursement Yrom OEP disaster fun,ds. Mr. Gottstein stated that the Federal Government approved $166,875.65 for � sewer cleaning work. He stated tfiat two miles of the sanitary sewer system could not be inspected because the lines were full of water. He stated that of these lines he estimated 75% need sonie kxnd of repair work. He stated that the amount of Federal funds authorized could be varied by 10% and with- out requiring additional inspection or authorization. He stated th� this brings the approved Federal funds to $183,565. CounNman Wright asked whether lt would be necessary for the City to conduct TV inspection of the lines before getting approval and Federal funds for the same. Mr. Gottstein stated that surveys show that sand is constantly coming into the sanitary sewers. He stated that it would be possible to inspect these lines in key areas and ask the Office of Emergency Planning for authori- zation to spend funds when it is found that the TV inspection demonstrates thafi an actual break exists in the City sewers. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Gottstein 297 whether the City would be expected to start this pro�ect not knowing whether the City would be reimbursed with Fedexal funds. Mr, Gottstein answered, "No," He stated that his proposal is to start cleaning the lines, and that the lines must be cleaned before it will be possible to use TV inspection of the lines. Mr. Gottstein stated that it will be necessary to coordinate the work of his forces with City forces in order to clean the laterals as well as the interceptors, He stated that City forces must clean the laterals, whereas, the American Pipe Services cleans the interceptors, but that it would do no good to clean one without cleaning the other, that cleaning one before ehe other would only push � debris from one into the other. Councilman Wright asked whether it is necessary for the City to spend some funds for TV inspection of the lines. Mr. Gottstein answered that he would propose Chat TV inspection be used only where there is suspected disaster related damage. He stated that he expects the Federal Government would authorize spending funds when TV inspectim does show actual damage. Mx. Gottstein stated that this work must be done befote April lOth of 1966, He stated that it can't be done very rapdily in cold weather, and there is not much tzme for doing the work. He stated that work should begin immediately. Mr. Gottstein said that it was necessary to re-evaluate the inspection of s to� sewers and reWrite the report in order to dntain Federal funds for cleaning storm sewers. He stated th � the City Engineer found more things in the City sewer systems which should be inspected. Mr. Gottstein stated that further procrastination on the program wi11 comp- licate the work of cleaning the sewers. He stated that it will take 7 to 10 days Lo have maps made of areas which should be inspected and prepare schedules to coordinate the work of City forces with the work of American Pipe Serv�ces. He stated that he would like to have the consulting engineer of the City coordinate work with American Pipe Services and the City forces and insure that the work is acceptable to the Federal OEP such that the City will be eligible to receive Fede�r,il funds. � Councilman Wright stated that Mr. Gottstein is asking the City to undertake this work without knowing the fu11 cost of the work. '�e City Manager stated that the contract limits ihe amount of work done by Mr. Gottstein to the funds provided by the Federal Government. Councilman Wrights stated that the proposal does,not say that evexything Mr. Gottstein undertakes will be recoverable by Federal funds. He stated that Mr. Gottstein has mentioned there will be some TV inspection which the City will have to do without Federal funds. Mayor Nee asked Mr, GottsCein whether he is convinced that the Federal Government will approve his use of TV inspecticn, Mr. Gottstein stated that he believes it would be accepted. Mr. Gottstein stated that the Federal authorities accepted the use of TV lnspection in Che City of South St. Paul. Councilman Wright stated that the Council could give the Administration the Authority to enCer into a contract on behalf of the City with American Pipe Services, subject to approval of the Federal Governmenr of funds necessary to undertake this pro�ect, The Mayor stated that he would like to have the opinion of the City Attorney on this action. The City Attorney stated that he drafted the emergency ordinance presented to th��Council which allows the City to enter into a contract with the American Pipe Sexvices. He stated that he did not write the contract with American Pipe Services, but the contract was written by the American Pipe Services Company. The City Attorney stated that when the initial survey,was made, there were many unknowns 1n the pro�ect including how the pro�ect should be carr�ed out. He stated that he does not understand the figures in the contract drawn by American Pipe Services, but , that apparently the Federal Government has okayed the figures included in the report of American Pipe Services. Motion by Wright to read.Ordinance�6317 authorizing the expenditure of public funds to restore and repair the sanitary sewer and storm sewer lines as an aftermath o£ the tornado and flood disasters. Seconded by Sheridan. The Mayor read the Qrdinance, The CiYy Attorney stated that the Administration can hold the contract and not sign it until a final determination has been made by the Federal Government of- the funds available. The City Engineer stated that the City wi11 need a dump ��� for the sand brought out of the sanitary sewer. He stated that there is no dump in the City of Fridle y. The City Attorney asked whether the sand could be dumped in Golden Va11ey. Councilman Wright asked whether there is a bad odor associated with the sand cleaned Prom the sanitary sewers. Mr. Gottsteitt said there possibly would be, He stated that if the said is covered with other materials the odor is not bad. The City Engineer asked whether the City is going to enter into this contract, The Mayor said, °Yes." The City Engineer stated that he wished to sugg�st changes in the contract. He stated that he obtained different total prices and different unit work prices with different working arrangements than the contract provides. Mayor Nee asked whether changing the contract would invalidate the ordinance. The City Attorney stated, ^No." He stated that he thinks the contract should be studied and arrangements should be made for supervising the work. He stated that the contract was drawn by American Pipe Services, and it may be necessary to make several modifications in the contract to obtain a contract suitable to the City. Mr. Gottstein stated that he knows Lhat there might be some modifications which the City would wish to make in the contract. Motion by Wright to adopt Ordinance 4�317. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a ro11 call vote, there bezng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING PERMIT - 339 - 57TH PLACE NORTHEAST - RICHAILD MILLER: Mr. Miller stated that he rece�.ved a permit to rebuild his home to the original, provided the structure was brought up to code. He stated that his home was only slightly damaged by the tornado, and was not damaged more than 50% of any kind of value. $e stated that it is not feasible for him to bring his home up to code. Mr. M�ller stated that he has been waiting since June lOth to obtain a permit to repair his home. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Mi11er whether he has any definite plans for the home. Mr. Miller stated that after making his first application for a bu�7ding permit, the Council refer�ed the application to the Eridley H�using and Redevelopment Authority. He stated that after one month he obtained no satisfaction from the Redevelopment Authority so he was advised to try to get a permit to build several different structures, one of which might fit in witl� the Redevelopment Authority plans, and let the Council choose which structure he should build. He stated that this permit was not immediately approved either. Couttcilman Wrighe stated that he examined the home together with Mr. Miiler, and he stated that he believes the home is definitely sub-standard. He stated that Mr. Miller wants to wait and see how the area developes before putting a good strixcture on the 1and. Councilman Wright stated that one half the basement is unexcavated, He stated that the �oists are 2x6�s located 24" on center, the roof is built of 2x4's located 24" on center. He stated that the wiring is romex stapled to the wooden frame. He stated that the lead-in wire to the house touches against the siding, that there is no pY'pe for the lead-in wire into the ho�se, and the lead-ar, wire zs frayed. He stated that the house was not condemned before the tornado, nor condemned during ins�ection following the tornado, He stated that the house could not be rebuilt to meet any kind of standards without demolxshing the whole home. He stated that Mr. Miller wished to hold the property until it could be developed for commercial property although it is not zoned as such at the time. Mr, Miller stated that he wished to repaint the home at this time and made a few alterations to relieve some of the hazards which might exist in the home. Councilman Sheridan asked whether the Inspection Depaxtment examined the home. �'he City Manager answered that he dzd not know. Councilman Wright stated that the tornado damage to the home was minor. The City Manager stated that the Building Inspector informed him that the home was not badly damaged but that it should be brought up to code. Councilman Wright stated that there is trash on the land which could be cleaned up, and an open grease pit which had been covered before the tornado, but the tornado removed the covering. He stated that Mr. Mi11er was disinclined to clean the property until he knows what will �ieppen to it. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Mi11er whether he rents out the property. Mr. M111er, that he does. He s8id that he urought sewer and water into the house and remodeled the plumbing to meet codes. He stated that the structure doesn�t meet the current code, but he does not believe the building is unsafe since span of the floor �oists is only 8 feet. He stated that the floor appears level and the walls are plumb. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Mi11er whether he plans said the to be to use � ' ' � I � I_ J 299 the home for awhile and then replace it. Mr. Miller stated that he plans to hold the property for a higher use at a later date. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Miller how much he plans to invest. Mr. Mi11er stated that he does not wish to invest more than $1,000 at this time. Councilman Kirkham asked Mr, Mi11er whether �1,000 is sufficient to restore the house to the condition it was in before the tornado. Mr. Mi11ex said, "Yes." Mr. Mi11er stated, also, that at the time he repairs the house he wi11 fi11 in the grease pit and remove an old shed on the property. Counalman Wright stated that the electrical wiring o❑ the house and the structural condition of the house is in had shape. He stated that the plumbing is not in such bad shape. Councilman Wright stated that if the Building Inspector wi11 say that the loading on the house is okay, it might be allright to repair the home, but he believes the Electrical Inspector and the Building Inspector should find what repairs are requixed to make the home safe For use even thoug� the home is not brought up to code. Councilman Sheridan stated that the home should also he brought up to health standards, such as, completing the basement to make it rodent proof. Councilman Wright stated that he believes Mr. Mi11er could seal off the basement. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Mi11er whether he would be willing to izx the wiring hazard. Mr. Mi11er stated that he Uelieves romex wiring is a cceptable. Councilman Wright stated that he believes it will be necessary for Mr. Mi11er to fix the wiring. Motion by Wright that the Administration direct the Building Inspector, the Electrical Inspector, and the-Health Inspector to make a written report concerning the repairs needed to iaake this home safe for habitation, but not mcluding repairs needed to bring the home up to code, and present the report to Mr. Miller and the Council. Seconded by leirkham. Upon a voice oote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS; Motion by Sheridan to approve General and Pub11c Utilties Claims -0�689+� through �'�7016 for payment. Seconded by Wright, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Kirkham to appro�e Liquor Claims �k7990 through -0k8011 for payment Seconded by Thompson. The motion carried unanimously ESTIMATES• Motion by Sheridan to approve the following Estimates for payment: C.S. McCrossan Company, Inc. Route 2, Box ��322 Osseo, Minnesota Estimate �r�5 (Partial) Street Improvement Pro�ect No. St. 1965-1 accordzng to contract (1965 Municipal Program) $ 17,057.03 Estimate ��5 (Partial) Street Improvement Project No. St. 1965-2 according to contxact (1465 State Aid Program) $ 24,844.9� `Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 Councty Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 For the furnishing of resident inspection and resadent supervision for the staking out of the construction work for the following: Estimatie ��7 - Water Improvement Pro,ect No, 34-o from SeptemUer 7, 1965 through October 30, 1965 (Crossing T.H. �k694 - Johnson Street, 7th Street) $ EstimaCe ��16 - Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 67 from September 27, 1965 through October 30, 1965 (1964 Sanitary Sewer and Water Program) 87.50 $ 15.00 Estimate �'�11 - Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 70 fram September 27, 1965 through October 30, 1965 (River- view Terrace, south of Mississippi Place, Lincoln (Ashton) Street, south of Ironton Street; Sth Street, south of T.H. iF100) $ 30.00 Estimate �r�3 - Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect from September 27, "'I965 thtough OctoUer 30, 1965 (54th 3� Innsbruck Sth Addition) $ 1,971.25 $stimate ��3 - Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect No. 73 from September 27, 1965 through October 30, 1965 (54th Ave. N.E.j $ 541.50 �uu e �stimate �k8 - Water Impzovement Pro�ect No. 75-A from September 27, 1965 through October 30, 1965 (Three additxonal drift we1Zs) $ Z14.50 Estimate ��6 - Water Impxovement Project No. 75-B from 5eptember 27,1965 chrough October 30, 1965 (Booster Station - b3rd Avenue Northeast & T.H. �k100) $ 100.00 Industries Services, Inc, 3159 Dean Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Estimate ��1 (Par�al) payment to Debris Cleai iIp Contractor for Str�t Cleaning. Street clean up to date 35 Curb Miles @$57.50 = $2,012.50 Less 10% Withholding = 201.25 PAYMENT THIS ESTIMATE _ $1,811.25 Seconded by Thompson. Upon a voice vote, there being no naqs, the motion carried unanimously. , I.IBREIRY LEASE: Mrs. NIiskowic was present at the Counczl Meeting, and the Clty Manager asked Mss Miskowic whether it is satisfactozy to extend-the lease at the same rent as the current lease. NLr. Mxskowic answered, "`�Ies." Motion by Sheridan to authorize the Administration to execute the lease with Mr. and Mrs. Miskowic Eor rental of library space. Seconded by Wright. Upon a vu�ce vote, thare being nu nays, the motion carried unanimously. IC� MACHINE FOR SHOREWODD LOUNGE: The City Manager stated that he wished to ask ti�e Council whether they would like to purchase a particular ice machine for the Shorewood Lounge or advertise for bids. Motion by Kirkham that the City advertise for bids £or the purchase of an ice machine for the Shorewood Lounge. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, the motion cazried unanimously. BIDS FOR PICK-UP TRUCK - PARKS: , I 1 � The City Manager described the condition of the two vehicles now owned by the Parks Department, He stated that, whereas, the puxchase of a new truck was not budgeted, there are sufficient funds in the Parks budget accruing from contracts which the Parks Department was unable to let this year, to purchase a txuck, He stated that he assumes the cost of the truck wi11 be between $2500 and $2700. Councilman Wright asked whether the City hlanager has considered the expenditures of Hodne's planning for site work in Locke Park. The �ity Manager answered, "Yes.!' Motion by Wright to advertise for bids for the purchase of a three-quarter ton truck in accordance with the specifications present to the Council. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the matzon carried nnanimously. Motion by Kirkham to adopt Resolution �i198-1965. Seconded by Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATION CITY ATTORN�Y: STREETS 1965-2 PARCEL 6 AND 7, REIDEL PROPERTY: The Caty Attorney stated that Mrs. Rzedel hired a new attorney who is generally cons�dered an expert in the matter of making appraisals of properties. He stated that the attorney agreed not to charge the City for 30 feet of the easement necessary tor the construction of 7th Street Nartheast. He stated that the City already owned a sewer and water easement on this property, that the Riedel's must dedicate a 30 foot easement for a street when the property is platted, and hence, Mrs. Riedel's attorney did not feel tlzat 30 feet of the easement from 7th Street was worth any additional payment to the prQpertq owner. He stated, however, that the City is taking a 40 foot easement on the property, and the � � I� �= 3U� attorney is asking for payment of the remaining 1� ieet of the easement, Mayor Nee asked the City Attorney whether he believes the amount which Mrs. Riedel's attorney is asking for these parcels is a fair amount. The City Attorney stated that the City is taking 1� feet of valuable property which otherwxse could contribuYe to the area needed for a building siCe. Motion by Wright to authoxize the City Attorney to negotia� with the progerty owner for the settlement of the claim in the amount of $3500 for the purchasa of parcel 6 and up to $3000 for the purchase of parcel 7. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATION CITY ATTORNEY: PARCEL 1 AND PARCEL 2- ST. �k1965-1: The City Attorney stated that the court awarded a payment of $850 on Parcel 2 to Mr. Osborne, that Mr. Osborne originally asked for $3000 or 54000 and Mr. Osborne may appeal the decision. He stated that the award of $2200 was made for Parcel 1 since the property owner argued that this land talcen behind his 4-plexes was the yard space for the �+-plexes and it wi11 be necessary for him to buy additional 1and. Councilman Sheridan asked wheeher purchase of this property would a11ow the City to put in a street, The City Attorney asked the CiCy Engin��er whether the street has been constructed. The City Engineer ansWered, "Yes." Motion by Wright that the City accept the recommendations of the referee cottcerning Condemnation Order ��249$0 on Parcels 1 and 2, and authorize payment of $2200 and $850 on each of these Parcels respectively. Seconded by ILirkham Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Che motion carr�ed unanimously. CONSMUNICATION CITY ENGINEER: SEWER BRP,AK: The City Manager asked the City Engineer what would be Che cost oi repairing the sewer break, The City Engineer stated Che cost would be $4,000, but that he believes the cost would be reimbursed by Federal funds. Councilman Wright asked the City Engineer whether he has taken this into account and included iC in the estimate made by the Office of Emergency Planning. The City �ngineer stated it is possible that funds paid by the Federal Government would cover 2/3 of the cost. He stated that an emergency has occured since the sanitary sewer line has collapsed and it is necessarq to provide sanitary sewer service to these properties. Councilman Kirkham stated that he did not know what else the City could do since it is necessary to fix the lines. Motion by Sheridan to authorize the Administrat�on to proceed with the inanediate repair of the sanitary sewer line on Able Street between West Moore Lake Drive and Carol Drive. Seconded by Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATION CITY ENGINEER: REPAIR STREET SIGNS DAMAGED BY TORNA➢0: The City Engineer stated that the C�ty receLVed approval of Federal funds in the amount of $5,209.40 for the repair of damage to streee signs. The City Manager stated that the City is getting complaints from residents who wanC street signs replaced. Councilman Kirkham seated Chat he believes the replacement of the street signs could be consxdered a matter of health and safety for residenes enabl�,ng outside Fire Departments to find addresses in the City of Fridley to provide mutual aid. Motion by Wn ght authorizing the umnediate repair of street sign damage done ' by the tornado for which the City will receive reimbursement from Federal iunds. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried inanimously. JUNIOR C&9NLBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL BALL: Councilman Sheridan stated that a representative of the Jaycees talked to him concerning the Annual Ball to be held by the Sunior Chamber of Commerce. He stated that instead oP holding this ba11 in Minneapolisy the Saycees wished to hold it in Skywood Mall on a Saturday night, and the Jaycees would like to have a one-night permit for the sale of liquor. He stated that he informed the ,Taycees that it would be impossible to obtain a permit to se11 liquor for � 302 one night, but that it would be possible for them to obtain a permit to sell 3.Z beer. He stated that the ,Taycees agreed to sell 3.2 6eer and no alcoholic beverages, but would also sell set-;sps. He stated that since the Jaycees agreed to do this, no permit was necessary. ACTION ON THE RESIDENCE AT 1275 T.I3. 9k100 UNDER THE HAZARDOUS BUILDING STATUTE: Councilman Sheridan stated that he wished to have the Administration prepare the necessary resolution and reports such that the City could take action under the Hazardous Building Statute to demolish the structure at 1275 T.H. i�100. He stated that the Health Inspector has condemned the building, the building needs a basement, it is unoccupied, and there are no windows or doors in the building. The City Manager stated that he would have tfie necessary papers prepared for the Council to take action on this matter. POLICE REPORT ON RED'S CLUB: Councilman Thompson asked whether there would be any further report on Red's C1ub or anq further Council action to be taken concertting Red's Club. Council- man Kirkham asked why the Council was not notified at the time that the owner had been serving ;,uveniles in Red's Club, The City Manager stated that before the Council could take any action, it would be necessary that the owner be prosecuted and be found guilty. He stated that if the ownex is found guilty of serving minors, it will be mandatory that his license be revoked. The City Attorney stated that the report does not show that the Police Department has filed any charges against the owner of Red�s C1ub. He stated that he does not haroe any information that the City Prosecuter is prosecuting charges against Red's Club, e ither. Motion by Wright to receive the report from the Police Department on Red's CZub and take no further actzon concernzng the same. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a vo�ce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. AD JOURNMENT : There being no further business, Mayor Nee declared the Regular Council Meeting o£ November 15, 1965 ad�ourned at 1;32 A.M. Respectfully submitted, �� i= s a , '�.'i� .�tL�• tiri �' , ;"`s--^,.,��-' Rayinond E. Bade Secretary to the Council I 1(/_ ( C�'�I i�LiGtm; ��,�u�__- William J. { e Mayor ' � '