07/05/1966 - 00021420L-1 �� b/2���� Council ;tart action, and if the xork is completed within twenty days� the Council c�uld drop the aotion, Counci].nnan Wright ��id it would be very unlikely the Council xould go all the wa,y to �;ourt, Fie said the mther acti�sn had been drepped because the owner had substantial insuranae and it got to a point where tt;ey had to go to court @r settle. 'Ckae Cit� Attorney asked if it was the Council�s desixs to staz-k, a new action te use as a lever. Mayor Airkham said he did not think a lever was needed. Tha City Att,orney said that the people 3re still living in the d�znl_ex, and hP cc+�7d �*et a court to order them out� but that would take at, least 3U da�rs, and he h�ned that it will be done by then. LIQU�IF. STUDY COMMITTEE: Councilman Harrzs said he had talked to the Cha'?s�man o£ the Liauor St,ucly Committee and they have had two meetings and will meet again prlar to thr. next Cc�arr,il,a4ee�ing� and will report at th-t tim� on the work the,p have done. STAT[,'S OF 701 PkQGRAM: Councilman Harris said that a number of questions have heen raised about the status of the %O1 Program an� Frondering what ia ?��ppenina_ The City 15anager said that he had talked to Mr. Hodne and he is working on the elaboration of tlx� outline, Councilman Harr3s said that it sPemed incon� ceivable that it could be taking so long. Ae said that perhaps the Councal should entertain the idea of reviewing this program £rom its inception. The City Manager said he woul�, talk to Mr. Hodne, Counc�lman Harris suggested the Council direct the Administration to contact Mr, Hodne to eet some �dea where the progratn is now situated, and the Counr.il should„ in his opinion, take a second look at the overall program, ADJOUHNMENT: There heing no further busineas� Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Meeting of June 20, 1966 adjourned at 2sl�� A.M, , Respectfully submitted, L/�� L./ � % :' _. � / riv� I%� C � .�' ^ v C � Mary Lu Strom Acting Secretary to the Council � � !///', L L�� l ` � l� ��-������ �Jack t1. Karkham MA YOR THE MINCT'I'ES OF THE RFGULAR COi7A1CIL MEETING DF JULY r„ 19b6 The Regular Meeting of the City Cfluncil was called ta order b,y Mayor Kirkham at 8:10 P.M. �OLL CALL MEhLREB.S PRESENT: Kirkham, Harrisa Shes�dan, Wright, Sam��elson MEMBERS AHSENT; Nonc APPRO'TAL DF MINUT:'S, REGULAR CntrNCIL M�STSNG �F 3UN�, 20�19t,6� M�TION by Councilman Wrighb to apprr�re tha Minutes ca}^ +hF Tune 2�p 1�E�6 "�iPet�,i� as subnitted. Seconded b;� Samuelson. IIpon a vnce votP, there being no na�s, the motion carried unanimously, DISCUSSION OF AMF,NDMENT OF GHAPTEF 56,02 (2} pP THE CITY CDDE REZATING TO SIGNu: The �ity Manager stated that Mr. :truz of Twin Citg Outdr�r Advertising Association was supposed to be at the meeting, The Mayor aske�i af anyone was present representing the Outdoor Advertising Association. No ane was present, There was some diacussion on the matt.er �f the size of signs tha�; would be allowed in the differant areae, �_ � 7/�J66 MCTION hy Wright to receive the comm�uzicati�n from the Outdoor Advertising Asseciation. Seconded by Harris� and ii�on a voice vote� there beina no na,ys� the mntion carr�ed unanimously. Counrilrnan Har*is suggested i.hat the propo�ed ordinance on Aage 28 af the agenda be ret,�xrned to the Gity =��t�rney for redrafting with the new figures to be in�erta�. MOTION by Wr�ght �;o instruct the Csty Attorne� to prepare revieec� language for fihe secon�l r�arling o£ the ordznance to indicate that automobi7e service sigras, a„ �eiine�, la� limited to 150 sq_u�re feet �?f the 5ign is adjacen+ tc � a iour-lane diva.ded h-ic�h�y, 100 squ�xP feet if the sign if ad�acent to a County, 1?tm3cipal or �tate Aifl arterial street� and 60 square £eet elsewhere. Secoaded by Harr�s and up�7n a voice vot,e, there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. RE70NING RE�VEST ZO!l 66F-� GER.t�L➢ JOfiNSON FOR I.C)T 5, BI�OCK 5, DONNAY� S LAKEVSFW MAN�R ADDITION: �'. `_ .�_ _ �.� � ., ___�.,,.� �m. r__� Seve�al pPO�1e �ere present concerning thas reaonin� item. Mr. K�11� 567� Jackson Street, stated that +his matter had been dieorxsssd with the neighbors� :,n.l �hat, they hacl discnssed the matter-of getting together with Mr. Johnson� +.he_own�r of the propertyy relativP t.o the rezoning and that the people in the area had r3cc�dPd that they want #he ^oning to stay as it is. Councilman Wright e��lakned the lecat�an of the pr�perty and the surrnundir�? acea, and the ootential that the pre�pert�r �n question and the surrouneli.n� prmperty has. :iA p�inted out that the c]evetoper of the Donnay Addition �id not put modP1 hraases �n the proc�erLvj as he felt at that time that it would eventuall,y be c��mnercial, 'P�ere was some dis�ussion of a buf£er strip between the property an!1 residential area. Mr, He,ll stated that he was in full accord a5 £ar as �n� b12£fer z+�ne that, mi�ht go �n, but aslced what guarantee they have that the ta�££er wo:zl� ge in� and what guax3ntee do they havp +,hat the traf£ic problem would n�± be worsened. �ne of the residsnts stated that they £eel the best Y�uffer wo�;ld be a ridne of larC with a redwood fence on top of ito Vern Hal�lersos�, 565� Ja�:kson Stree�-, stated he waG o�posed to R-3 zoning, and felt that cammercial zaning would be bettpr witk� a proper huffer provided. There �tas � sc,me discuss�cn on the mattpr of the clrive-in property� which is adjacent, and the fact� that som� day samething ot'�nr than the drive-in wouZd be going in on th?, property. A questian wa;, ?^k=3, what guarzntee the, people wou].d ha+rP th�t the r�rie*���� wz�l wv�ntu�3?�,r b� taken r�ut. A question was a�ked� why cannot the drive=in prur�erty and the property in quest3on be developed at the aame t3me. 7t was e?cro]ained th�t the*�e are dif£erent azmers for the property. Caunc3lman Sl�eridan state�i that he ielt the best way to go a?�out this was with a Special Use Permit rather than out±-_ight zoning, a� +here would tae mort �^^et,?ction £or the homeeweaPrs. Cr���rr9lman Shcridan then explained h�w a SpPCia1 rxs�- Pezmit is �abtained. ASa��oz� Kirlcham suggested the peaple get �ouether wath the developer. Mrs. GYtnders�xaj whn liv�s ar,ross the street, asked wh�t would hapgen te their px�perty. One o£ the reaiden�.� st.ated that thev cannot get off T.H, #b5 now, and it is a real problem. MOTT_�ni �,y Samuelson ta +.sF]? *his matter until the group brings back a prapc�sal to the Caunc�l. Secamded by �Yright� and upon a voice vote, there Lein� no nays, the motin., carried, R�'�ESS 4 The T�as•or declared a one�hov* re�nss berause oP torn�do warninge� � m),a r,ounail Meeting was reconuened. ?'2:4FFSC ON PIERC;" AND DELTln1qOD (TABLEID b/20/bbl: Ther� waq a ei�sc�»,,�+?n on tha problem in the area. It seems that the maia gro;�lem at the present time is peoFl� t�Lbrning o£f on De11wo4i Brive to avaid the traffir_ ligket at Mississipp3 and T,H. ��as. M6TI(7Fd by Hasris to tab]e ��tion on this ma+.ter. Secondgd by Satmzelson, and �����n a vo�_ce votP, therP bei.ng no na;*s, the motion carried unanimouslx. ��CFMFIV'P �F GOMMl121IC4TI0PIS ON THE AG$NDA: ?'he_*e was SamP cliscrission bv the Council nr� the placement of communications on *_he agenda, � BIDS - VAN TRUCK {OPENED NOON, JIILv 5� 1966)e The City Manager read the £oLlowing bids as received: 5s000 G.V.W, VAN TRUCA BSDDER Hopkins Motor Sales Co, 701 Excelsior Ave. W, H�pkins� Minn, Srookdale Ford 2500 County Roa� 10 Brnd�clyn Center, NLinn. Anderson Motor Co� 1201 E. Lake Street Minneapolisr Minn. McGee Tru.cks, Ince 88 Glenwood Avenue Minneapolis�, Minnesota TRUCK MODEL Dodge A-1�0 BID PRICF $2,�189,2Q S}iTpPSNG WEIGHT 3,148� t'G.U.W. 1�600{� � Ford Econo- $?�?25.09 ?�86C�1{ line Van E 11y0 {r,,?,W. ' �, 93�;�? Dodge R-100 �.'-.Z`ie�n G1001 �z,z5s�Q� $?,299s00 3,? eo{i (�,�n4J� Sa2no�) 2,895# �ri'��ursj'rc ��QO�� i �� 7.�5/� �ELIVERY DATE 30-50 Cal, Days 30 Ca�, Days �+5r60 Cal� Da,ys 90 C�+;., Day� Anoka Int'1 Harvester Int"1. $2A'a8r,2� �,t)7«;�� b�-9�J Cal, Days Hwy. #10 West 1�OA (�ABG�J Anoka, MinnesotA r.�i„G7�) The Manager reported that the Hopkins Motcr Sales Company has the law bid, but their vehicle is rated at 1y600 GVW rather than the KQ90GVW as the specifi�ation4 require. It was also pointed out that the l�est any of the o+,har compan?!es c�uld do would tae to meet this price, and the next best bid was for the larger model Dodge truck. � ;�nml�N by Wright to auard the bid to Hopkins Mo�or Sales for � Dodge A100 with a gross vehicle weight of 1�600 pounds in the amount of $2�039a20, Seconded by Samuelson, and nnon a voice vote, there be�ng no nays� thP mot�n�n carried unanimously. � BIDS - 3EALCQATING - ST. 1966-10 (OPENID NOOP?� JUI,Y 5, 1966); The City Manager read the iollowing bids as received; ALTERNATE #1 ALTERNATE #2 EITJDER W/SGJEEPING W/0 SI+�EPING Allied Black Top Co. 2900-14th Arema* So. Minneapoli�s� Minn. Northern Asphalt Const. 1631 - 66th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis� Minn. $1�,427,50 $18z1s0.Op $li.� � 21? . �0 ��'=t, 520,00 �OMPLr,'TION D!�TE A,zgvc�t� 2D? 19�� Not Spe�if7ed Jay W, Craig Co, $1+3,7SS�OQ �;!'S20.�0 Sen+, ls, 1966 6$0 North Emerson Cambri,dge, Minn. P�i0TI0N by Harris to award the bids to Allied Alacktoppin� ^rnmpan�* �`or alterz�at� TIt�, 1� with the s*ipul€�ti�n �.hat a performance bon�l m��st rp faler�. SQCanded by 'rlriRht. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ��1ARD OF APPEALS NIEETING MINUTES - JUNE 22� 1965: FROM SFCTIO?I ,26, CITY G?DE OF FRIDLEY, MIA�NEFi�TA '�n�� The Board o£ Appeals had recommen3ed the xaivar be grant�d. is 7/5/66 MOTION by Ha�riS to concur wi�,h the recommendation of the Hoard oi Appeals an� vran� the varianea. The motion �as seconded �n� upon a voice vote3 th�re �ei�g n_n ❑ays� t�e motinn carried xznanimously. T�e Boar� of Appesls re�ommended to the Council that this variance he d�n�.ed. Ceunci]inar� Wright explained some oF the problems in developing th� prca�Pri,y. $e stateti that� amon� other thin�;s, the property is vex�r narrow and thw Gtn�neil sho�l�� �ake scme �n°�tiat3ce in a matter such as this. Councilman I-t,i��*°- � �iated that he has Y�rs� a numhar o�` calls irom �cople� and they woald 1�.kP tn s�i� .3oHn with the Erickson Petral�eun CF+r+patty and discv�e the matter. txe sai� he ���'R� they should deny the requett at this time until it can re devel�?ned in a wa,y that 1:= compatible with the residential property in the ax�a, and M*^a i•�-^^=� E^c� mo�,ed„ �SProndeci by Wr3ght� and u��n a voi.ee vote3 `h�re b«�ix�� no tsays� the 111Dt1027 carried unanzm�usly. PLANNINr GOMM1�S53CN MRFTJPIG MiNUTE: - JUNE 23, 1966: f�ZONING RE�UFST �?OA j�66-03}, ERICKSON k'ETROLEUM CORPOF 9A7�OUGH 1G� BL.�CiC 7: IX�TS 2�x7, 10 THROUGH la, PLOCK ( Tp`RE70?dBWF'RUM R-� Tn C-2 OR C-1: ��� � : LOTS 11 2y 6 LF'W ADDSTSOi1. ThP Plannang �z�nuc'�ss� �� har� rPCOmmended that th�s proposal be denied. M;. RQii'� rIr].ranst�+�.� af Erickson petralei�-i Corporation, was preaent and stateri that t�e rronld like, tc ask at thiG time� that the City Council set a °ubl�r I3eaa'in�� ran this m�s+.d�er„ M�JT?�+sl t�r Wright to set ��+1^lic Searing for At+eust 8, 7�6fi. SPCOnded by Raxras ar�c3 u��n a vo�ce vote, there beir±�� no nays, the motion carriwd� txnanimnnsl�ro Councilm�n Wx��;ht si,ated that the Plannin� Commi.ssian should be a1.bY�ed as to t,h� F'��r3�c �I�a*_°irng whach will be r,omix�g up on th3s matter. Iir. rran!: �S���iin�^ki wras presen+, and asked i� this matiter was gaing back to tYAe Planninv Comm3.ssaon. The Mayor Po3ntecl out that Erickson Petroleum Cc+m�7an� is enta.t�ed to a nubl�.r hearing on this matter� There was can�iderablP G7�wcus��_nn on the t�,me limit, for the Publie Hearing. Councilman SherSdan e�lained th3t; thi:� is & COt?t:'1I1118�10TA of the proceedings whi.ch wer� started some time ago. RE70NING V p �_t... � The P�anning Connniss3�:n k�a�# recommended th�t this rezoning be alloxed. MOT7DI� bv Hart�i.s to cancur with the r�commendation of the Plannirg Cotmnission ant� s�;� e Yub13e Heaering for the xe�on�ng. 5er,on3e�1 hy- Samuel�on. Upon a vcics �ote, there bein� no nay�, the motinn carxied unanimouslq. NORTHP.RN STATES ?OWER RF�C�R'S ON PROPQSED TRANSMISSIC)IV LSNES: The Plannia�� Ccmmass�.��n had re£erred the prc�Fosal to the City Council c�ith n�a ob�crtians� The r,��� Mana�er e�lained the propossl cf t�Y�e Northern St,ates ?ower �om�axz� to the City Coun^5�. Counr,i?man Flrigh'�, p�snter_1 out that lthe Co�incil �as some things t.o discuss wat.h Plortherza Sta+�s and St,��F^teci that the �i.{Zr Manaper� Gity Attorney, and Gat�nc9l_man Harris ar,t a� a com�ttee te meet rrith Northern S#,ateu Porier �'�anc,anv, c��ith tria.g mat.t�r and et,her matters to be discussed, and so moved. �ec�nded by Harr��. Ugon 8 B4?��' vot,e, there being no nays� the motion carried �nanimnu5ly. PI�Pf7SEn PREL7?�7NARY PLAT (P.S. #66-C1) GARDPIF,R'3 PLAT #1s S,E. '1'�!�IPL1N CRNS7'FUC'TION C�?�IT'P.N?� �"`. i ____.�_,.._._____�__,___�___�__._.__�_�. The Plannir+� �omm�sGinn ha� +�commen�ted approval n� the prepoaed �lat of Lot, 1 throii�;t� 6� wi_ti, the nr�rth*�st corner of this area an exception to the plat and tkie rema3.nin�,� area as x,n eutlet, and with this approval strt�ngly recommended � , �--, J L�I � � that Arthur Street go through to Miseissippi Street, and the outlot. not be considered for platting without the,necessary right-ofsway width provided off the property noted as an exception. The City Manager stated that the owner had asked that action be dela,yed until the next meeting. MOTSON by Wright to table this until the next regular meetireg of July 18r 1_966, Seconded bv Harris and upon a voice vote� therF being no nays, the motion car*ied ianan3mously. PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, FROID'S ADDITION, ('.FORGE FROID: The Planning Commi�sion had recommended appraval of the propnsed p]at. MOTION by Wright ta set a Public Hearing for the agproval of thQ plat. and arespt this as approval of the preliminary plat, Seconded b}r Harrist and ugon a vo9ce vote� there being no nays, the motion carridd unanimously. YACATION REQUEST {SAV #66-01 GEORGE E. WOJA�K � NOFTH SIX�FOOT DRAINAGE APiD UTILITY EASEMENT AIANG LOT 1��' PARKVIB'Sd HEIGHTSFADDITIONz���'� The Planning Co�rmiission had recammended that the a��x#,h 3 fee+ af the e�stzng 12 foot easement on the north boundary line pl Lafi 8a Bloak 2, Parkti�iew He�ghts Addi_i.ion be appreved for vacation, There was a discussion of whether a Public I-iearing was necessarg to vacate this. The City Attornev asked if a11 the land owners withir� 300 feet had signed the petit,ion apprauine �1,� Th� City Manager stated he thou,a,ht they had. MdTION by Harris tm concur wLth the Plannin� �ammi5sion 3n this mattex�, The motion was seconded and upon a vaice vot.e, Lhere taein� no nRS�s� the mc�±i+ar, carried unanimously. LAKE PARK FRANK HLAVINKA The Planning Commisaion had recommended apprieval af the lot split, Fi0TI0N by Wright to concur with the recommendation of the F�annin� Comm3s�imn ar,d grant the lot spltt snbject to the 25 iee�t easemant. being obtaired for street purposes. The motion was seconded by Samuelsc�n and npor� a�raice vete: there being na nays� the mntion ccrried unanimourly, ALIGNM�,NT; 83RI1 AVENUE NORTHEAST AND ITS _�.��"" ...___�___ The Planning Commiasion had recommanded that $�rd Itvenue Northeast l�e considered as part of the logical street pattern and that the City of Fr3dley take the necessary s�eps to carxy out that pattern as the need arises, and '�.he right-of�way z+hich zs needed be acqUired before an,y addition9 �o the Favre Gasc+line Station are made. The City Manager e�laiaed that the request for a Auilc�ing Permat has been be£ore the Counril, but it was tabled uniil i� wae decided xhat tn �o wit}� 8�rd Avenue. Councilman Harris stated that when he wa� on tha Strsets anci IIt3Zities 5ub-Committee� it was decided by the Cotiu73ttee that there was some need for 83rci Avanue. Cauncilman Wri�ht asked Mr, Kravik, Chairman of the Planning Cowr,ission� if the Planning Commiseion would ha��� any ob,je�tiQna to curvzng 83rd Avenue slightly to the narth, so that 83r�3 Avenue r,o,ald go threugh witheut mov�ng the atation, Mr. Krairik stxted he thoughi, there would be no objections� *?C`TION by Har�is to concur xith the recommendataon of the Planninb Commission and instruct the administration to proceed with the neceesary ste�+s to obtain an easement for 83rd Avenue which lies in the City af Coon Rap3ds, S►c�nde�' t�y Samuelson, Upon a vaice vate, there b�+ing n� na,ys, the motion �:arried unanimously. LOT 3a BLOCK ]., MISSISSIPpr VIB'W AD The Planning Comm3asion had rec�mmended that the roarl �a�,ement be held to a total uf !�0 feet and that the City of Fridle,y- request an add�.tional 1(� foot right-of-way off Lot 3, Block la Missiasi.np9 View Addit�on. n iw� �d 7/5/66 �_ +� 7�51C� I��TION by Wri�ht to authorize the Adma.nistration and City Attorney to negotic,#e for the acquisitioa of the added r-ight-of-way in the south part o£ Lot 3S Blnck 1, Missi��ip�i View Addiiion. Seconded by Samuelson. itp�r. a voice v��t�, there being no nays� the mation carried unanim�usly. COMMUNICATT'JPdS: NOR11Ql1SST: DRAINAGE P^.SEMM�;N?' 7N �E INNSBRU(:R ADDSTFONa Mr. Nordquist was present and outlaned the problem they are having in the area with a draina�e pond in thp Snr�sk�ruck 3rd Ad�iition. 1°ir. Nordcquist � present,ed th� Council w-bth a drawing whiah was made up by the City of Golumbsa Heights Engineering Department. Mr. Nordquist stated that, he felt a aoQnera+�e�c venture ghould be s#.ar#,ed to take care of the problem in tki. area. There was a discxa�sion oi what would be done with ihe peat material i£ �_t were dt�g ont o° the pQr��, 'd'he City Eng:ineer stated that the City eloes have the drainage easement. Councilman Wright stated that he c3id not fe•l that the Caty is abli�n�Fd to take care n£ the mainl;enance of this pond. The Cit,4 Attorne� stated that all the City of Fridley h�s done is to help the pQQple get the watPr into the pondin� area. Cauncilman rT.arria asked Mr. Nardquist �f thP City -rculd hnld the water lecel, would the pPOp]e in the area dig it aut. He stated they would. MOTSON by Samuel�on to have the Cii.y Engineer meet with the Fngineering ➢egartment oi Cclumbia Heights and the �roperty owners in the area and come �tt� wath a recommen�atic�n for the City Gouncil. The motion was seronded an� upon a vcire vot,e, thPre bein� r.o nays� the moticm carried unanimously. FSh"ES FOR AL'SF.;v'T�T"I� FRON TH� CSTY COUNCI�, MEETINGS: Th�re was considerable discuasion on thi� matter. Councalman Sheridan stated �he Co�azaril holdq 21s re���ar meet3ngs, and that in 196E Hearings have been held on a s�parate night from the re€*ular meetings� so tAat an additional 12 meetings a year are held. Ceuncilman Sheridan stated that 3£ the Council is to clo someth3ng� he Selt the Council should be able to miss a sperific number �i' meetings withou�, hav�ng to obtain an excuse from the rest of the Council, � and that +his shotald be made known now� being that filing for election i.s coming uo. Th� Mayor stated that he £elt that all should be present at specials as well as, regular meetings. There was a discussiar. on the matter of terminolog�* of Special Neetings and the Special Hearing Meetings that were bein� held. �'c�uncilman 'Si�eri�rn s�,a#.Ar� tha�t he would agsee to fines an the srco�id Nlonday of the month aneetingsa a, they are hear3ng meetings an� are very i?nportant. 'i� ��atP.; th�`; k,fie finFa;> caxld Y�e aatomati.ea�lv deducted from the nerson�s check a�ter they laaue massed a speGi�_� number of inee+,in�9, and that he dSd nat agree with t1a� Mhec�xy df hacing to obta�n excnses. He siated that probabl5r thz maximum numbar of ineetings that rotzld be missed £or the special hearin� nights would be t,wo rather than the £oiar or £ive £or the regular CounciA MAg±,i.ngs� �ir� Ha_>•ris gta'�d that he did £eel that these fines ,�onld be �tarted nr�w� Goxuirilman Sher�dan siated that it would be all right with him to ha.ve the fines ±'or the regalar meetings� and the k�earina night meetin�s. iKOTION by Harwia that. fines begi.n irith the £cfur+l� meetar�g n�ght missed 1'c�r regularlJ scheda:te3 meet.ings for the balalnce of 19bb, and a su�gestion be mad� to the new Cauncil that £ines �hould be set also for the Fublir, H�;arzn� night�, and that no excuses would be required. Seconded 'oy Sheridan, Upon a voir,e v�te, the�e being no nays, the Motion carried unanirriously. PARK5 AND REGRI3ATION MP,ETTNG I�?±NUTES � JUNE 27, 1966: NO`PI�N by Samuelsnn tea rece7ve the minutes of the Parks and Recrea�ton Cor�m� s�a.en Mee�irsg oi Jtane 27, 1966 and fi1e. Councilman Iiarris s+ated that there � are monies avail:�ble fo±- open lan�-? acquls�tion and that he feel� there is properi.y in Fr:;dley tha+, c;oniti probably �uali£y for th�s program, and he s=,zggested that this be looked into zn the near fut,�xre as costs are going up evpry da,y, and h� would liYe to re£er this •nat,ter to tha Parks anr� 3ecrention Commi.ssion and the Admm!..a��strat.ion� ane3 ?�quest them to look �nto this, The rnoti�n was seronded and upon a voicP vote, therP betng no nays, the motion carried unanimonsZy. MATn' S'�''�,�;F1' NORTHEAST � DISPOSIT70N DEADLINE: The Cit� Mana�er St.ated that the Counr,il had given until. duly lr 196h for the �wnNr to de�n,�e what n? �rould do with the house. The City Attorney stated that the owner hac� requested an exten3ion to August l, 19b6� and Nnuld r�moue the house by then. n � � � �� 71y1'o� MOTION by Wright to grant an extension to August 1} 196C�, fc,i� tha demo?_iti�+n oi the property� bf which time he shall eithsr r•emave or dPmnlish or otherwase r�:move the entirs house and foundation from the premises. Secon�e�i bg She�ri3an, IIpon a roll ca11 vote, those votzng in favor, K�rk}?am� Sheridan, �dright� Samuelson. Opposed: Harris. The motson carri=cY, FLA?�'NIYSG CUMMISSIObI RFORGANIZATION - COIINICIId�AN I�ARF.IS : Councilman Aarz'is stated that this matter had been 3inc!�ssed Uy all members of the Gouncil and tha Planning Commi,ssion and su?�ested that some a£ the ideas o£ his be inaaxq�orated into an ardinance that rou13 be brozxght back to ihe City Council so that some type af actian could �et started �-�� th�s matter. MOTIOV by Harris to reque4t +,hat at the nex} regnzlaP meeting? a�re7_imina�r ordinance be prepared incorporating some of the ideas ea�ressed bl him an3 some of the other Councilmen relative ta Lhe rr�rganizatior of th� P'�annxn� Co,nm9 ssion. Secanded by Samuelson. UFnn a voice vota, ther� b«��.ng no n3ys, the motion carried unani.mously. Councilman Harris stateci that if any oF the rat.A�er Coun�ilmen hav? any ide3s on this matter? they co�i7 �1 refer them to tha City Attoa^ne,y. Th� C� #p !�anager „�.ated that the Planning Commission is new ava�lable to meet with thP C+ouz��ril on this matter, and that this matter is on thP3r ag�nda far Thursday night, Councilman Wright stated that there have been several oPinions submi_tted� and it Would be hard tn know whir,h a£ thesP Rhould be put in�o the ord�.nancP� Councilman Harris stated that something concrete is needed to get 4ome action star#,ed on th1s. Mr. Ken Kravik, Chairman of the Planning Commissinn„ stated that he £eels �t 9.s difficult to get the tim�� to act,ually do pl��ning £or the �zty1 a� s� m�ich t.i.me is taken up with other things� such as lQt spli+.s and the actual mechanics of operating the Planning Coimnission, and he Feels that #,his z� one area that needs improvement� that is� ta all��r the Plan*�i.n� i�emmisvion members to have more time to work on some of the plannina problems. rOMMU!�TICATION - RED QY1L - VARIANCE: Mr. Vernon Houima representing Red Owl Companya was preseni and e�lazned the variance reqnest as set £orth in the ]et.ter frc�m his off�.ce= dated June 27a 196b, They are asking for a rariance from the huil�ling re�u�rement oi a 15 fovt planting strip on the east side o£ the Ra� Ow1 property Councilman T?�x�ris s�ked what th�y� would be wi�llia� to da ir lie�t af thc lS foot planting strip. Mr. Hoium stated that 1:hey xould pnt up a six Foot redwoa� fence on top of the retaining wall� so tha� the fencQ xoulrl actually be 8 to 9 feet high. The Mayor s#.ated +hat he x�.s o�a the $uild�nd Board When this matter had come up previrn�slgt and the Ruilding Board wa� iu agreemenL with the redxood fencem Counr.11m.an wright stated that �h� £eels ihis was irnplied when the Building Pen2�t was granted, MOTION by Councilman Wright that, based on past act,ion o£ t1:e �uilding Board and the Board of Appeals� the waivar of the 15 faot plan�,ing strlp is hexeby granted to Red Owl Storr on th� east sida of their nrc�par�y providing that a six foot redwood £ence i� put up and maintaaned. Secc�nr?ed bT Samuelson and upon a voice vota, there be2ng no nays� the ��-�tion carried �t*aani�no��sl,y, BUTLDING P�RMIT AND WAIVER - 6867 - 7TH 9TR7?,F�T NORTH�',ASm _ LQT s, BIAC� This was a request to build a garage one foot b inches £rom the property line on the sZab oY a garage that was destroyed by the tomad�a„ MOTION by Samue? son t,n grant the r�:quest, 1The nntior wa� secondQr3 anc� ��pon a ur�ic� vote, there bein� no nays, the motion rarrisd unanimouslyR REPORT ON NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWF,R DISTftIQT CONNECTIODIS - SYLVAN HTLLS; The City Manager stated that he has spent a�oad deal o±' time �ettin� information together for this� and at present time there are Kil connec+ions in the areas that could possibly be connecte�� t,o the North Stiii�urban Sanit.ary Sewer line to relieve the problem in the Sylvn� Hills area. Th��re w�s discussion on the cost of these connertiona an�3 th� ^ast af the F�r^�ec# itsel£, �Ir. Comstock statad that the estimated cost nf the line on 61st Avenue z�uzning from University t.o the North Suburban 9anitary Sewer l�np wcai��,d be approsimate'_�r �Q ?-5-6� �27s62$, Sf this xas done, the approximatnly $18y000 would n4t have to he a�ent in LhP S�.�san H±11s area, h�weser, It was pointed out that the RECa •r Res3dential �r�u9valent Connertions would also cost $150 each in addition ta t.he cost of ih9 linea Mr, Ernest �owell was present, as xell as severs�l othex residents of the area, ancl asked the Counci7, to eamlain the prop¢+sa1 wh3ch tk�Py were disc�zseina. `S�� ��uncil tTMen expla3ned the prain�a7 wh3ch }12.5 to t�k� pasts oi Fridle�� and connect to the NSSSP and to run a l.ine on bl�t a����e from 1Jniversa+y wes+, +o th� PISSSD 13.ne an3 discharges ,?Pwa�r� into t,he NSS3�1 line at th�t, poir�t, C!+unciLman Harris 9t,�t.�+d that thP Cowtcil has been looking at other ways to solve the �robla?n, �n addit�on to tha way which was firat considered.. It was ;��?nted out that there are variaus desi�ns under cons?derati.on for solving the problem in the Syluan Hil�� �xea, MCT��N hy Sa�uPl.soa� to rpc�ive ±he cs��nect�on data and refer to Cc+mstock and Pa�r�ia :for thez� eva.luat.ion. The mot;on was secc�nded and upon a voite vote, !�'�=re �?Ping n� navsy the mation carrled unanimously. Councilman Wright asked a�f any c�iscussion 1t�a br�e,n held �*ith North Snburhan 5anita*;v ,�P�rer Pist�i�;t w�t�h re£erence t.o what the City is goina to have to pay fo�° ronnections. Counc3�ma� �her?dan stated that none has been he1d� and #,Y�,�t they have been wat�ino for more anformation. T'1�ANS F'OR SUP?P � SL'LVATT HSLS,S A_ t� - STORM SEWEB. PROBT,EM 1?I 'PHE PARK AREA; M�-, Comstock shr�wp� t�he plans to the City Council for ways to solve the problem o�' wat�r standin� a*� the park an the S}=lvan Hille area. Mr. Comstock stated that the,y n�eded approximately 281y�000 GL1L73.0 foot c^f storage to make the stcorm sewer system operat� as was intended. The proposal that Mr. Comstock vhewed the Counc3l provided storage £or approximately 1lt0�000 cubic faet. T•ir. Cometock stated that thas prn�osal would eost somewh�^� in the neighm bnrhoead ±�£ $2i900�J. ?�n�pN b,y Ca+�nrilman Harr3s tc instruci Mr. Comstock to come back to the City Council w�#,h the minimum site preparation plan_for solving the problem in the Sylc�an N�1�g por_d3n� area. Ser,onled by Samuelson. Upon a vo3r,e vote, there be�n? nc� nay�, the mntian carr�ed unanimously, CONSIDrI�T��N DF DEED �i� STRFET EASEMF'NT� NEAR THE SNOREId00D CFNTER: Councilman �hrridan suagested that the deeds be returned to Mr. Saliterrnan as b� tak�s except3�n to the last paragraph whi�h stat.es that� '�The considerati.on £o�r this �*ast.�ment is the ,�°�ns+,,�uction and opening of a crossoner dn Moore iu��ke Dr��*e t�hrocluh T,H, �Gs,^ Mr. Sheridan £urther stated that the street easement was a c�nsiderat3on of gettinp the Building Petm��. M(JTT�N b5 Sherirlan that t,he de�*? *�e return�d to Mr. SalitPrman. Seeonded by Samue7�soni and uptm a voice votey there heing no nays, the motien carried unanimoi�sly. ftESOLUTI(�AI LINES STO QALLING A PTJBLIC HFARI�IG ON THE SIILiSVAN LAICE OU`�FALI, Mr. Comstock e��lained the proposed maantenance agreement with the City o£ Go7.umhia ileights and th� City of Fridley ragardina the proposed c.onstruction oF an oubFall line that wi�1 s��rvP Cnlumbia Hei�hts� Fridley and the State Iiaghw�,y Llepartment. Mr, Gamuelsor� a.nquired i£ a hearing chould be helci on this matter, as the C�ty would be obl�aate�3 for approxi^�atel� $11�OCu� to fi12�0002 Tkie City A±to�ne,y s�aggested that the City go through the Public Hearin� ,r�r�c.=,SS. �!G�TTON kry �amuelson to adopt Resolutian #9�3-19�E calling a Public Hearing orr the Fridley partion of the Sullivan I�ake starm sewer system f�r August 8� 1466, and ta i:�dicate to the Czt�= c�f Co�:imbia Heights that +he ^� ty has ta'�ten the nece4sax�r lagal stepg, Seconded by Sherid�n and upon a vo��-e vote� there hesng �n na,ys, the mot3on carried :�i�animously, RES�� �"�_r[�D� {��S°l,'66 - LOCATI4)N OF CSTv HaLL. ?he C�t,y Mana�er rea� the pr�posed �ie.�n�ntion. There was some disc�is�ien nn t,hF xrr+���a���e�l P.esalutien and whether it was adeqvate o� corr�ct. C�17nci1� m�n Harris srg�e�t�!� that the fo1'fex+3n� sentencc conld be adde�i to the f�._r�t para^m^�a}r �"�TGervin�, t,he Fi,ita? decision until detai7. n].ans are a=�a�i- at�1E�''. Thera was cens?.derabl,y- more discussion on th?s. � , � _l 1� 7E'`S.JE,6 MOTI(]N by Samuel�on to a�i�gt Rea�l�itioai #99-�96G as amended. The adc�pt,zon of the Resalntic+n xas seconded by Harris. Council*r�.n YJri�ht stated that he was going io vote aga�nst thE Re�nl.utirm partially because o£ wording, partially because Lhe PFS�_lution makes assusnptinns which ax•e false, and does not feel they are keep�*_�g faith +�ri+.h the p»Ulaa ii they meve the C,ity Hall� and the public should be given a chance #�r make thfs decacicn, Councilman Sheri_�an stated he feels the Citk� c^rner+ bui�d the City- Ha7] with � tha oresent £aznds, and in riew of the pr�sentation m�cie #,r� t,he publze t� raise maney £or the Gity Ha11, he feels that tha Coiaxirw� sheu].d go ���ck tc the people for �n expression of the;_r will rel_a�a��; ta the lcacatar,n af th� City Hall. Counciiman Sh�r:idan stated that h�� £eelz thet if the Caunui� r�c�es not go back to the people witYi this questior,, that an�� Tuture: bond ������ �eUld 1ae jeopardized. The Mayor stated that he d3_d not feel that tiie Ca�uauii ever pramised anythln� as far as tYie lacat,ioxt was conc�rred, and that he never fav�?-yd the� pres�nt Iocation, and the presen#, location was only an inxi�cation �f what could be done. Councilman 5heridan stated ihat. he was the on].y memb�s of the City Coor!ri3 to vote against, the additional three stalls on the fire stat.ion at the present location. He also stated that on the brochure that was sen�: �ut +„G the peop7e, the site was stated as being at 63�h and University Axenue. Zhe k`�yor hael stated that he was ire7��ned to work against the band issu�: for ihe City Hall, but he haci svpported it �.rhen he ha:i bPer. assUred by Gouncilman Wri�ht that the present site T.rould nat necessara]y be the sitr for the building. Counczlman 'n�r�ght et.ated that #hie allega#.ion is without basis� and the only conversatinn that he had with the Mayor was x�i.h re£erence tc the architect'e drawing, as to the desi�n af the builcing, Mr. Robert C2mistenron stated that ±hi_� contravers,y ras been gaia�g r,�n for 1 five or six year^ and a Zct �f work has been done re�arding the prnposed City Hall and where to build it, and a recon�rnendatiora has bsen made for thr present site. He neinted out that a City Center Commi.ttre had recommen�l�c� tha+ thie loaatian be chosen, and that the memt�ers �rerE not in agreer�e�� a+ first that this shoulci be the lacation, b�tt tha± �ater all di3 decide �mantmousl„� that this was to be the locati.an, an�l that� �h� brochure that was sent ont to the psogle did sta�e that trsi;, wa� wherr; the Gity Hall �r����d be bw lt. He stated that the fire insurance rat�s would be much higher �£ the City Ha11 was moved to another site. Mr. Chrigl�*nYon �tated that the Canncil had indicated that they xould prefrr to ss� uxhan renewal b3T private means rather than FederaZ, and had had ccnfidence in thP b�sinessmen �n tkxe area, but now this con£idsnce does not s�em ta b� #h!�x�:� HF sa�� t.he City is divided by many majox roads� and t.hert is no real d�xm�,awn �^�z 2n Fridley, and nnne ever will bes bui].t 9f zt �_� nnt don� naw. Mre Christ�n.�cn stated that tk:ere wiJl be a Downtown Assoc�ati�n fromed to promote the doHmtcrwn area of Fridleya and invited the C�uncil tcr ttiink five, ter. or fifteen vea+_�e ahead to provide the people with the best choire. Mr� Ghrisi,c�nscn :tat�a�3 that if they do not have the money to h�iild tha Ciiy H�l.l in the present locatian� they should go back La the voters for additianal money. He felt the peogle would support the bond issue. The Mayor stated that he d5d not feel moving the City ?icyll would move the center of the City necessarily. Mr, Herrick painted oat ths+, the City Manager of Bloomin�ton sa9d that it was imposuible to have a dow-rftaFin area in their suburb. � Counr.ilman Harris thanked Mre Ohristenson for hi. talk, P gentleman frem *is audience stated that he votcd for the boncF issue to bu�ld the City Ha7.�_, and said that the Cit,y Council should go ahead, Mr, Hax•ris stated that it ia really a two gart rerolut3on, and stated that he thinks it spelled out the question very wel]., Caunciiman Wright st�atad that he would like the record to show t.hat he +,akes except`�on to the statements of fact set forth in the reso3ution and cannot suFport the resc�lutian, Go»:��ilman Harris �_nvited Councilman Wright to spell out what he fPels i� erroneaus. Coun_r,il- ` iean Wright stated that he defied anyone to shnza any act�on wh�mF an anno�znced act3on was taken £or choosing the Locke Park Site� Counc�lman �heridan stated that he did not £eel he could v�te fox• th�� resolution w�i�t}aout goinF; rack to the people, MOTION by Harris to table the resolutioh, 'r'!°ere s;as r.n seccn�3 t,n tlz� mat,ioxi� �� 7; >/F�E� VOT� rn? t,h� ora p,�nal metien to adopt, Resalutic�n #99-i966; TJpon a ro11 ca11 *�rt�� #.hoe� vn#,��^� ayez Kia�khan, F?arri5, Samuelshn, Oppc�eeda Sheridans ar_d Wr_�1'�t: M(?TIC��d �y, G!hFr;dan t�, �iirec# the City Clerk to prepare a ballot for the 5eptem�ier 1�, 1966 p�amarv elect,ion by which the peep7.e ceuld make a choice bettdeem the two discnsse� locatrynns £or the City Ha11. Second�cl by Wri�ht. Mr� Samuelson sa�ci t,hat this enuld t+e hanciled at a Publ�.� Fiearing rather than �n a v�te busis. Co�ncilman Harris stated that the Geuncil nv2y nc�1� `�� tira �z+y pasition to d�igci�ss both a�tes at a PubZic Hearinp„ and the Coimcil is only three o� £our wee.ks away £rom getting information frrn�? ��h� Ai'chitpr,#. VOTE ixpon #h� mc+t.3era: Ai�+nr a so11 call v�te, tht�se POt1T3n aye: Sher�dan� Wrigh±. Onneseci: Kirkham� Harris, Samuelson. The motion did not oarry. Mr, Walbi�r Flhitm�re wa� present at the Coiu.cil Meeting and stated that he ielt that the businessm�n in the area hari come eip w3.th tob little too late� and sta�ed that some businessnen seemed interested in something onl,y when !,1-eir pocketbooks are hurC' and th�t he woulcl cha7len�e the businessmen in the are�! to comP up �ui t,h plan� #,o sizpplement what the Ci#y is trying to dca to help abt�.in addi�,ion�l lani or get addit,ional financin�. Most people .it not seem too int�rest,ed i,n the problem and Mr. kJhitmc+re further challenged t.he busane�smen in tr° area to come up with something oonstruct.ive. �466 � AUTHORIZINC, PREPARATION -G: 1+4so Com�to�k e�].ai.r�e�l the project. MOTSQN by Ldri�ht� tc adapt Resc�lution �100-1966. SecondPd by Sheridan and upon a volae votei there. being no nays, the motion carr9ed unanimousl,y, C1.0.TMS : M�'!'103+1 �y Shericien to agprave General and Public Utilitir,s C],aimg #E39S3 thmugh #9n,7�„ SAcmn�ed ?�;,� Ha��°i.s. IIpna� s vai�e vote, there bei±��- no nays� the mAtion c�,rri�d unanimoucl3�, MOTIn?d b,r Wri�ht ta apprace Liauro Claams '�1lt6 throu�h �171. Seconded by Harr� s. TJpcn a vc+�_ce aotP, there be�ng no nays, the motion carried unani- mousl�sr . ESTIMATESs MOTIQDT bv Wr�ght +a ap�rove the f�llowang esLimAtes: Pr�ter��n�Temnlan, Inc. b!k[12 - �6th AvenuP Norfih NI-innespol�s, MinnPSata, K5L�28 Estamate !��(Partzal) Water Improvement Project No. 7[-Cy Schedu7.e ly accorci�n�; tc+ cc�ntract (3Million G�)l:?a°s Rese��e�ir? Keys We17 Dri3.la�:� Gompan�= la13 *Iorth Lexin�;� a!n Parkway �tm Paul, Mannescta, 5510� Estimate #�5 (Partial) T?ater Improvement Project New 74�t?, aacnrdin� to cc,ntract fthree a3�i?tio*�nl ��'ft we��s) L;o W, K�cke�r ComPany, Inc. 1FSL�7 tlnivers�ty A�aenu�s �t,. Paul, Minne�c�+,a, 55101t Estimate /€3 (Partial) FJater Improvement Pr�ier,t Idc, ?5-C, 5chetlule ?(High Stirface pumps and thr�e �dditinnal fi�ter= _ Cnmmons Par�} ��^t��daF�a to contract,. �4S,i5a .l�o $1C,l�03.65 $ 9,081.00 The mati�n w�= seoonc#ed by SnP,�1dan an� �zron a vo�.ce �rote, there being no nay9; th€� motion rarried ixnan�ni��, �, ` y. � l_ � � � , �� LICENSES E'()R RED'S CLUB, 6p6� UNIVERSITY AVEI�fJE NORTHE�ST: Mr, Robert �, Anderson had applied for the on s��P and tavern licensf at �ced's Club. Mr. Harris and several other Councilmen auesti4ned Mr. Anderson at lengtha about his proposed operation. MOTIOr b�r Harx�is ta grant a license to Robert E, Ander;;en on the pTMovlsion that the owner come up with a �ualified appli�:�nt by the first regular CouncfiZ Meeting of 1967, Secended by 9hersdan. Upan a roll ca11 vote, th�se vot�n� aye: Harris, Sheridan, Wright. 4pposed: Kirkhamr Samuelsen. The Piafor statad tha� he objected to the apolicant ber.ause of tle fact that he +ao�zl�l nat be on the premises mnch of the time. LICENSES; MOTION by Wright ta approve the following licenses: CI(',ARETTE LIGENSE: Mr. Outdoors (Sportin� Goods) 5229 Cent.ral Avenue N. E. Fridle,y� Minnesota fted's Club 6061 University �venue N. E, Fridley, Minnesota DRIPL�I*d THEATRE LICENSE: Cr_e Hundreci Twin Drive-In 5600 Central 9venue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota TAVERN LICENSE; Red�s Club 6061 University Avemie N. E, Fridleya ?finnesc;ta C9rE LICENSE: Red�s Club 6p61 University Avenue N, E. Fridley, Minnesota ON SALE LICENSE: Red�s Clut� 6061 Univers9ty Avenue N, E, Fx3'dley, Minnesota EXCAVATING: Kadlec Excavating 721� Main Street N. W. Anckaa Minr.esota CAS SERVICES: Bruce Plumbin� Co. �t71�7 iwin Lake Avenue Nor+h Yinneanelis ?9, Mir.nesota Gr,�TERAL CONTRACTORS: G, M� ^arlso: Construction ��o. l8(1"� W�*;t l�4th Street I�finneapolzs, Minnes:+ta G, & M„ Contructior., Inc. 31t52 Fremont Avenue North ;✓inneapolis, Minnesota by: Neale Haskell by: Rnber� E, Anderson by: Chet Haz�ring�r by: RoUert E. 9ndersor_ by: Rob�ri. E, Anderson by: Rol�ES•i E � Asadcrsc�r by: Don�ld A, I�adlec by: Delbert P. Bru�e by: C. M. Carlson by; J�hn Cr�r,ias REPTEGdliL '_3INEFdn.L NEW R�NL^'�nTAI� �y ly R� �� �A 7-�F�b 24 ���s�G D��lrerg T�u�.�.�3er�, Inc. 71U� - �Oth tivemee N� E. Sprir�s; Lake Par1c, MinnesUta "�1-�_1�es �ar,s+�a�u�Gion Company Pt`;t10 Lyr.dale e'lvenue N+�rth Mlrzr_aanoli�, Aiinnesots� r51�12 Fnyal Al�unint�m °rod�ci,s, Snr, ] 1yJ�3 ?'��yr.ia�ath 4venuc� Nori,h Minm��po�iss �!i7�nesata HE 2TSNG : Bx7rc� ?lum��in� Compamr �t7�;7 'Cia�n T��k�; Avamle Noz�t,h Minneanoli.s ?9, i�innss�t�. West Ett3 Aiz� Go�ae�itio��.ng Co, b��08 Cambrid�e Street I�:Jnneapolis 2f�a Minnesota ?4AS't°�iVRY : S�eo �3� Hi�ct ?7'� 3 Grnvel an�9 Re�a � 2�tinnea�l.ts� Minnes�it,a (7IL Di3i?NER 3BRVIGESs West �nd Air Cend'Gtic�ning Co, 6iy�u C�mhridge S��eet Mi�neanolis 2�i, Minnesot� .`�Ii.N H�1DT�E,R"-,: Mace�� S�gns, ?�c. ��57. ldi_l�on St,. N� �, Minnaapr�lis, Minne.sota, �yl�l3 Nat,���n�al A@v?rt�_sing 685Q �ea,b*h Tiarl�m 4veniaA Bed£ord Fark, Ar�o� P. 0� 711�neL°� 5��t�? bys Samuel C, Ualberg by: Omar 5, B°ntha�en U�*: A1e^'� Ostrow by: Delbert P. 5ruce by: F. C. Graham by: Le�s i?uot by: E. C. Graha4m by: dohn 0, FI+�1Gter by: Mo C. Boehmke RFNEWAI, ;?.ENEGdAI, ATFW , R� P1�WAL :dL�7 RF:N�TAL VEW RENEGTAI, REiV H7n]AL Si�cr�ftprs �riatdnor D�spl,ay fi3G - UQth �1•r�nue P7. E. Miv�neapolis� Minnssota by: dack Lawrence RENEG�T?T �;^nn�lerJ t�,y Sheridan, and ngon a vnice erote, there being no na;�s, tha mr�ti�n o�rraed unanimo�isl�r, nuT1TS�N5 �`21-1966 anc� ;�22�1°65: MI�T?�nT b�* She �ida7 to recei*reb iile and procsss Petitlon �2.1-1956 and Petitian #2?�7196�. Secon�led by Samuelson, Upon a voice vo#,b, there being _xir� r�a,ys, the m�tion carried unammousl;�, C'iMMTTA?ICAT_ 70W8: ;{nr��HTS OI' CNI�3TP'AUS - L��KE pARK USE ON 4IIGUST 1L^. 1966e MQTZDAI hy Harras to receive and file the COIfII71lL'17^.3t3Ot1� Seconded by S��mi�elscm and �sp�n a voiae wote, thare beirig no nays� the moti�n carried un 3a� i mously. , (;n*+iMtrnTICATIO;+Is FR?DLEY SD�1'BALL A�SnrTbTION - TOIIRT1AN,ri�,YT: MCYCSCAi b;r H�rr�s �to receiv� and ±'i� ° the cois,netn�.cat.ic�n. Serqnde•a oy Sameulsen. Tipon a*ra� cE �rote, t�here being no nays� the mot+_on n�.rried unanimously . ;;'JMh+[[Tp1TCA'?'.fON: CITY F'N(}IAiF�ER - RIGHT -nF bdAY ACaIIISITTON, STREh'1 PROJN�,G'T 19E�E�-�� P?CTIOn1 by Ulrrght, +o authorix� the City Manager and City Attorney to negoti,�te or proceed �rsth c�nr]emna��_era for 1he necessary righE-of-xay. F�,^�nded �+�• Haxr�s �nc? 7�pon a v�aic� vt�tP, there beino no nays, the mntion carried. � � CONII�iUN1CdTI0AT: PARiC nIRECT(1R � PARKING AT F'RIDLEY COMMONS: MOTI�N by Samaeelaan Seconded by Harrisa carried unanimously. to concur *.rith the recommendat3nn of the Park Dire�tor, and upon a voice vote, there beinJ no nays, the moticn COMMUI3ICA`i'IOI3; 'Pr1TN CITY I�INES, IP]C„ � BUS SERVI^�'' MOTION by Harris tp rcceive the communication and to dirert the CS�v Administration to r_ontact Mr. Gerber and s�e what can �n arrangeai witlh ^efarPnce to servi ce io the northern part of ti!e C�_#��, and to also contac�, � the hospital with refex�nce to the service to the nQrthersx part of the Caty :°la�ing to the letter from Twin C-ty Linesp �ncr dated JunR 22� 1966, 5econded by Sanu�leona and upon a voice vote, there being no na,ys, the motion carried uxianimou9ly, �OMMON?CAT?ON: FRTDI,F'Y FRF:E PRE55 � LEGAT. N�,�`SPAPEP.: MOTION by Harris to receive and file the co�nnntca�ion, Seconde�3 by �herid�n r=nd npon a voice vote� there bei_ng no naVsa the mation r��nied w�animously, GOMMUPIIICATION: MR5. MItdNESQTA, SHERYL ANY FR�T7.: MOTION by Harris to rer,eive and £ile #he c�nmfanicata�ne Seconded by Sheridan and upon a voice vote, there baing no raya, the mc�ion carrled unanimo�ssly, LETTER TO SALUTATORIAN AND OAI�EDICTORIAN: Mr. Samu�lson stated he felt the City Council sh�uld svnd a con�!ratulatory letter to the Salutatorian an� Valedictoriac ior all four sshooJ, �iis�rir±�, ?f they live in Fridley. Seconded by Wr�ght and upon a voice vote, there hein� no naysa the motion carried unanzmously. TOM GREIG �UESTIONS ON CITY HALL PARK BOND 'C5."�U�; Mr. Tom Greig was pre�ent and �tated t.ha#, he had several questions that h� � woa.Ld like answered with reference to the b�nd iwsue Par the City Hall� �Io. ]I. idhai are the costs £or architect fee;, since 1960 ac �962, Nn. 2 Doas the City have �n writing the crossover ar bumpover aacess acr�ss Univeraity Avenue in fron+ o£ the present City Hal1. Na, �, N± stated that it has cost 4lG5�000 to $�0'QOQ to delay bua��3�n�; on an;v sit� due t�a thc increase in construetion costs. No� 4. How �an,y acr��� ane availahla on the present Qity Hall site. It was stated that t�aare arp ?�7. IVo,s� With re°erence to the egress and ingress to the proposed site at La�.k� ?arkr he felt that it is good in an mu�k� a� it is on i3n:%versitv Avsa�ue and close to %3rd Avenue which will go from one s�d�; of the Cit.Y to the. other, �IAPIDALISM IN IACKE PARK: MOTIDN by Samuelson to have the Cit,y Attorney dire�i� a leGter t� the Park and itecreation Commission wzth referenc�+ to v�rzdalze3n i.n T��Ake Park, Seconr�ad by Sheridan. Upon a vo9�e ■�o,*,e, therP h�ir_g nn nays� thn molt;.on carried unanimously. APPLICATION EnR OPEN LAND AC�IIIISITION: Mr. Harris stated that he woixld be w3lZzng to maet with the City Mansger and the Park and Rer,reation Dlrect�r with r�fpranc:� to an anp�ication for open land aaquisztion. � M(}TION by Harris to authorize the app]?�at3on be e-r.ecute�l and sent �n as annroved, 9econded by Sher,�sdan and nnon 2 voice vote, there �eing no na;,rs. +,i�e motiox� �arried unanimously, (i�30URNMIIdT : There being no further business� Mayor Kirkham decl�rAd the regu'lar Cr�unci� Meetin� af July 5' 19bb� adjourned at 2;30 A,ASR Respectfully submztted, Marvin C, Brunsell Actin� ieca�etary to the Council /l /� / �'�! G��%A ` �.�`�-� �cc ��ti � „.��ck 0, Kirkham ?�AYOR �; �u ; �5-6�