10/03/1966 - 00021284� �r, � .��� 9/19/66 did not want a certain pro�ect and in the end tne Council has not gone through with the pro�ect Mr. Paulson said that if the Council were to be bound by a vote at a Public Hearing� there would be a big propaganda program and not democratic government. He said that this is going on in this community right now which is the reason he is going to sCaxt what is called a^Townhall Meeting", NARR�nT BOULEVARDS ON MISSISSIPPI STREET; Councilmaa Harris said that Bloomington is presently filling in their narrow � boulevards, as we have on Mississippi Street, with either blacktop or concrete He said that they have found that the salt used in the winter adheres and the sod never grows. He had talked to the contractor who had done this work and he had indicated in Che future he would recommend the same in Fridley as it would have been cheaper for him to put in concrete to the curb line rather than come back with the backfill and sod The City Manager mentioned the safety hazard of inviting children to walk that close to the curb, especially on a high speed road. Councilman Harris said that if it had been done in blacktop, the children probably would stay on the cement, and suggested the Council take this under consideration the next time they have a pro�ect of this kind. Councilman Wright said thar this was a good point to raise, and another possibzlity would be to have plantings every so many feet which would discourage people and bike riders close to the curb L_J � DRIVE-IN ON EAST RIVER ROAD: Councilman Wright said that no action has been taken against this drive-in because the Council has been waiting for the report from the HeaLth Inspector, but now that they have received the report, he fe1L it would be appropriate to ynstitute dangerous building litigation against it. MOTZON by Councilman Wright to direct the City Attoxney to consult with the Health Inspector to determine at what point dangerous building actio❑ should begin, and if it should begin at once, to prepare the appro,�riate resolution for the next Council Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried ADJOURNMENT: There being no furthex business, Mayor Kirkham declaxed the Regular Council Meeting of September 19, 1966 ad�ourned at 12;15 P M. Respecttully submitted, '� � � � � / �' ��C'J�' �i�� � / �-a-�- �J Mary Lul Strom Acting Secretary to the Council ,l�<<-f(�f �z:��� �_ ; � ,tTACIL 0 KIRK - MAYOR �� THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL 1K�ETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1966 The Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Fr�dley was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8;05 P.M. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Wright,Samuelson MEMBERS A$SENT; None APPROVAL OF MINUTES, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMB�R 19, 1966: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt the Minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, thexe being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REPRESENTATIVE FOR STRITE-ANDERSON CORPORATION - ZONING INFORMATION: � p� � 10/3/66 Mayor Kirkham said that there was a gentleman that would like to be heard by the Council, and as he had a plaae to catch, the Council would hear him now. Mr. Thomas Greig introduced Mr. Walter Richey, a representative of the Strite-Anderson Corporation, and explained that this company would like to locate in Fridley in the Viron building. He explained that the company employs approximately 130 people, the largest part that they manufacture weighs about a pound, and that they would like to locate in Fridley after having been burned out at their previous location. He said that the building owner in Bedford, Massachusetts would like more information on the zoning, as there seems to be some discrepancy on whether they can locate in the , Viron building Mr. Ritchey addressed the Council and said that their problem was the building, as it is zoned light industrial and one of the uses excluded is foundry and metal fabrication. He said that his company is a die caster, doing mostly ordnance work. He said that he felt they were neither a foundry nor metal fah�ricator, but on the other hand, both. Mr. Ritchey said that they have reached a tentative agreement on the lease with the condition that they satisfy the owner that the building is properly zoned for their use. Mr. Ritchey said he was here to ask the Council's interpretation of the zoning, and would try to answer any questions they may have. Councilman Samuelson asked what kind of inetals they use. Mr. Ritchey said they were ferrous metals. Councilman Harris asked if they would need to make modifications to the building. Mr. Ritchey said that the building was very adaptable to their business. He explained that there were a 1ot of temporary walls which wi11 be moved or torn down. He said the building is adequately ventilated with a good sprinkler system, and there will be no ma�or structural changes. Councilman Harris asked if they would have smoke stacks. Mr. Ritchey said no they would not, that all the furnaces used to melt metals were gas. Mayor Kirkham asked if they melted already prepared alloys, and Mr. Ritchey said this was correct. Councilman Samuelson asked if there was any unusual odor Mr. Greig said that he had been down at the plant and cou7d answer that there is not. Mr. Ritchey said that their metals heat � to 1200 degrees and he would not say there were no fumes. Councilman Wright asked where their plant was. Mr. Ritchey said that their old plant had been on Washington Avenue, west of the River and that the University was taking the property. Councilman Wright asked if they were a division of Scheldahl Company. Mr Ritchey said that there was no connection at all, that thCs company is owned b� the Anderson family. Councilman Wright asked if they have room for storage for a11 their equipment and products. Mr. Ritchey said that they did, and in fact, anticipated leasing out some of their space to another company. Councilman Samuelson asked if they would have any outside storage of bulk products, and Mr. Ritchey said, none at all. Mr. Greig said there was another company that would be locating in this area that would tie in with Strite-Anderson Company. He also pointed out that the lease has to be signed within this week. Mr. Ritchey said that die-casting machines are very hard to get and they have acquired several and three of these are sitting on a loading dock in St. Pau1, so they would like to know one way or another. Councilman Wright asked if there would be enough parking, and Mr. Ritchey said yes. Couacilman Harris said that the Council was interested in bringing business to our community and his understanding was that as long as they have inside storage, and do not have furnaces that would emit smoke, noise or"discomfort to the surrounding area, he would interpret the ordinance to read such that , their business would fall into that area. The City Manager said that he had written GCA saying that the zoning is proper for this type of industry. Mr. Ritchey said the requirement to the closing of the transaction would be an opinion from the Dorsey Firm (who are representing GCA) that the building is properly zoned He said he would like something from the Council saying they have considered the matter and based on their understanding of the business of Strite-Anderson, it is properly zoned for Cheir use. MOTION by Councilman Harris that it is the Council's understanding that, based on the discussion that they have had, the Strlte-Anderson Company is within the ordinance and the business will fall within the restrictions given by the ordinance. Councilman Wright suggested the revised wording � S�, � _�� � 10/3/66 with Councilman Harris' consent: That Che Council, in response to the request by Mr. Ritchey, representing Strite-Anderson, does hereby find that the operation described in the proposed use of the GCA Viron property is properly classified as M-1 (light industrial) and is a proper use for the parcel oF land in question. Seconded by Councilman Wright Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 'sY CITY PLANT SECTIONS 40.0 � The City Attorney drew the Council's attention to the blank zn the ordinance to be filled in, as he did not know the wishes of the Council. Councilman Sheridan said he had no concern against the consolidation of this, but in reviewing this ordinance and the ordinance xegarding the T3uilding Board, Zt seemed thaC in some instances they will be spending many hours at commlttee meetings, especially the Chairmen of the Sub-Committees, and he wondered if this had been thought out enough. The City Manager said that this had been discussed and the Building Standards Committee wi11 have to meet only once or twice a year� the Building Board twice a month, and each sub-committee once a month, with two meetings a month for the Planning Commission. He said it would be the Building Board Chairman that would get the extsa meeCing, so he would have 4 a month, the rest of the Planning Commission 7ust three. Councilman Wr�ghC satd the most acid test of whether this was too much for the members was that every member was present �ahen this topic was discussed, and they did not feel it was excessive, but was as much as could be asked. He said the feeling was that they could meet this schedule. Councilman Sheridan said he was not against streamlining the Commxssion, but he recalled when they used to have trouble finding someone to serve, and wanted to mention this. Councilman Sheridan pointed out a typographical error in the ordinance which was changed. MOTION by Councilman Harzis to insert the words "Streets and Utilities" in � the blank on the ordinance, and adopt Ordinance �k348 upon Second Reading, waiving the reading, and publish,. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote: Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Wright, Samuelson, voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � n SION TO SERVE AS A BUILDING I30ARD AND PF.P�SCRIBING THE To CounciLman Wright saLd that under No, 3 of the Ordinance, three members, one from each of the three wards shall continue to serve as members of the Building Board. He said that pxesently they axe only called for a quorum on something pertaining to their Ward, and he felt this was an improvement MOTION by Councilman Wright to amend the wording under 48.011 so that after the words, °Members of the Building Board except the Chairman of the Building Stiandards and Design Control Sub-Committea of the Planning Commisa?on, are appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council," the ordinance sha11 say, °except that the three ward representatives will each be appointed by theLr respectLVe ward Councilman with the approval of the City Council." Seconded by Councilman Harxis. Upon a voice vote, there beiag no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carrled. � MOTION by Councllman Harris to adopt the proposed ordLnance on first reading and waLVe the reading. Seconded by Councllman Wright Upon a ro11 ca11 vote; Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Ldright, Samuelson voting aye, t6e motior� carried unanimously. Councilman Wright said that Yhe reorganization of the Planning Commission is not complete wieh respect to the Soard of Appeals, but the Attorney has not been able to get a completely clear statement from the Council as to what the language should contain. The City Manager pointed out that the Planning Co�nission recommended leaving it as iC is. Councilman Wright said that 90% of the Board of Appeal's duties are either small waivers such as set backs which are minor and could be handled by the Administration and Sgecial Use Permits on which either the PlanningCommission or Council could act as Board of Appeals. He said he felt Chey have a crowded agenda, and the Council Y � � 10/3/66 has to hear them anyway, so he felt the Council could act as the Board of Appeals. The City Attorney asked if the waivers and set 6acks would 6e sub�ect to the Council's approval, and if the Special Use Permits and appeals from the decisions of the zoning administrator would be handled by the Council, and Councilman Wright answered yes. The City Manager mentioned the Public Hearings of set backs, and if the Council were going to keep having the Public Hearings, they would be taking on quite a pro�ect Councilman Wright said that perhaps it would be better to listen to the advice of the Planning Commission for now. MOTION by Councilman Wright that the Council reaffirm the existing status of ' the Board of Appeals and its duties, and if the Council wishes they can consider further changes, as the wording will apparently divide the functions which may require another opinion. Councilman Harris said he would like to see this back on the agenda again. MOTION by Councilman Harris that theAttorney draw up as proposed, a division of the powers regulating the Board of Appeals based on the discussion the Council has had this evening, and have it back on the agenda. Seconded by Samuelson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. I:�`i7 AND PROVIDING RE Councilman Harris said that it was his understanding that the City Attorney had talked to the �+ttorney in Edina, and he felt it would stand up in court. The City Attorney said he had researched this, and as it is a rather new concept, there are no cases in point, but the ob�ectives are the same as those tLiat have been upheld in numerous zoning cases. His opinion was that this was a reasonable approach, but that the Council and Administration would have to be diligent in its findings and in the applications used under it. He said that the Edina Attorney felt it was an improvement over the o1d way. Councilman Samuelson suggested that on the top of page 12, after the wording, � drainage, erosion control, visual screening and landscaping - they add the words, "including sodding". The Council agreed. MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Ordinance �k349 upon second readzng, waiving the reading, and publish. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Councilman Wright said that for the public's information, because the City has an Ordinance called Planned Development does not imply that the rest of the zoning is unplanned. Upon a Roll Ca11 Vote: Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Wright and Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEP� APPOINTMENTS (TABLED 9/19/66): STREETS & UTILITIES SUB-COMMITTEE OF THE PLANNING COffMISSION: The City Manager read the names of the members already on the Committee which makes five members including Mr. Daryl Nagel whose appointment had been an interim appointment. Councilman Harris said that this would mean that there is no vacancy to fill then. Councilman Wright suggested formalizing the interim appointment of Mr. Daryl Nagel. MOTION by Councilman Wright that the Council affirm that the members of the Streets and Utilities, P1ats and Sub-Divisions consist of the present � incumbents in that position at the present term of office including the interim appointment of ➢aryl Nagel. Seconded By Councilman Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Rirkham declared the motion carried. BOARD OF APPEALS: Councilman Harris said he was convinced the Council should follow the path they were on, and not reappoint anyone to this committee, MOTION by Councilman Sheridaa to table the Board of Appeals appointment until the first of the year. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, � �� 10/3/66 HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Mayor Kirkham said he would again submit the name of Mr Robert I3uck1_ey, 54 Locke Lake Road, and ask for the C+�une71's concurrence. MOTION by Councilman Har'cis to concur with the Mayor and appoint Mr. Robert BuckLey to the Human Relations Committee Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Councilman Wright said that for the reasons cited previously, and having � reconsidered and reached the same conclusions, he did not feel this man is acceptable and does not have the qualificattons for a member of the Human Relations Committee, and he will have to vote nay, Upon a roll call vote: Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan and Samuelson voting aye, Wrlght voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried BOARD OF APPEALS TVIEETING MINUTES, SEPTEMBER 28, 1966: CODE OF F f�� 45.24, CITY SECTION 45 26, CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 1963, REVISED BER 31_ 1964 BY WATVF.R OF FRONT YAR➢ SF.TRACK RROTiTRFMRNT (1F AN ATTACHED GARAGE ON LOT 16, BLOCR The City Manager z'ead the motion of the Board of Appeals recommending that the variances be granted Mr. and Mrs Brimer and Mr S. H. Doyle, a neighbor, were present at the Council Meeting. The Council looked at the survey � Answering questions of the Council, Mr. and Mrs Srimer said they thought all the houses on their side of the block were 312 feet Uack from the street as they were a11 lined up, although theirs sat back a little as - they are on Che curve. They said there were houses across the street and down the street that have garages protruding in front which is what they would like. I-Ie said they would like to build it 4 feet in iront of the house. Mr. Doyle, 921 Overton Drive, said that, of the other houses in the block with the garages set forward, only one had needed a variance He had taken a picture from his bedroom window which he showed the Council. I-Ie had placed a piece of paper over part of it to show how the:r view would be obstructed. Mr. Brimer said that when the picture was taken, the camera had been held out the window. He said that aesthetically he felt the garage set forward would do more for his home and the neighborhood He said that six letters had been sent out for the Public Hearing and Mr. Doyle was the only one with an ob�ection. Mr. DoyLe said it would block the view from the window his wife uses to check on the children. Councilman Wright said he felt they should be cLear, that regardless of the Eoard of Appeals recommendation, which has an advisory capacity to the Council, 1aw is 1aw and the City is on the side of Mr poyle, and he wouLd like ta draw thelr attention to the fact that the Council has not granted a side yard variance without a Letter from Yhe immedialeLy affected neighbor. Mr. Doyle said he dad not feel enhancing the aesthetics was � enough reason to grant a variance Mr. Carl Paulson, a visitor to the Council Meeting, suggested the garage could be put at an angle, w�ich would add a lot to the house and would be very modern. Councilman Harris asked if there were any other variances in the block. Mrs, Brimer said that one had been issued last year after the cornado Councilman Wright said that this might have gotten through on the relaxed rules after the tornado Mayor Kirkham said that he would like to see the two parties work out a compromise, as the 1aw favors Mr poyle at present, and Che Council would be glad to hear it again if and when they reached an agreement. Mrs. Brimer asked if they could be stopped from attaching a garage flush as they are not 35 L-eet back from the street. � �� � 10/3/66 Councilman Harris said that the 35 feet would not be material if a11 the houses are 31z feet back. Councilman Wright read the ordinance covering the granting of variances. Councilman Wright suggested they look at some homes that have the garage set back 2 feet from the house Mayor Kirkham asked Mr. Doyle if he had a compromise to offer, or if he would be agreeable to a garage set 2 feet back, or even with the house. Mr poyle said he would ob�ect Fo the side yard request also Council- man Sheridan said that if they built a 20 foot garage within the side yard requirement and 31z feet from the street, he for one felt there would be no problem. Councilman Wright said that he agreed. The Council looked at the survey and did not think a 3 foot variance was necessary. Mr. Brimer said that he would compromise with two feet behind the front of the house, �f he could get the side yard variance. Councilman Wright asked Mr. Doyle if he would agree with a side yard variance from 5 feet to 4 feet and 2 feet back from the house� Mr poyle said he would have no compl�int if it was one foot maximum. MOTION by Councilman Wright that the Council deny the variance as approved by the Board of Appeals and approve the subsequently requested variance for an attached garage to be no closer than 31z feet to the street and a side yard variance from 5 feet to 4 feet at the closest point to the lot line Seconded by Councilman HarTis. Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 45.26, CITY CODE OF FRIDL�Y, MINNESOTA 1963, REVISED DECEMBER 31, 1964, BY WAIVER ADDITION, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, SAME BEING 1604 BERNE ROAD, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY RODNEY BILLMAN, INC., 3000 - 36TH AVENUE NOATH- EAST, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55418): The City Manager read the Board of Appeals recotmnendation to grant the variance. The Council looked at the Certificate of Survey. MOTIDN by Councilman Wright to concur with the Board of Appeals and grant the variance Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, SEPTEMBER 22, 1966; SAV The City Manager read the motion of the planning Cocmnission recommending approval of the vacation sub�ect to necessary land dedications The City Manager said he had received a letter from the Erackson Petroleum Corp- oration asking the Councll to table this vacation pending further study. MOTION by Councilman HarYis to receive the letter from Erickson Petroleum Corporation Seconded by Councilman Samuelson Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declaxed the motion carried. Councilman Harris said that this vacation has been denied continuously as it was felt some mode of ttansportation was needed Yrom tfie north and south. He said there must have been a half dozen denials, and wondered why approval was recommended this time Councilman Wright said that it seemed an impossible thing for Mr. Zizak to do, as he must buy quarter circles from different owners. He said that the way the Planning Cuimuission has left it, he cannot do it without the approval of Erickson and the other property owners. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table the request 6y Mr, .7oe Zizak for a vacation (SAV ��64-08) Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a vozce vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carn ed REORGANIZATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Councilman Wright pointed out that the P1annYng Co�ission has indicated some changes in the reorganizing ordinance, some of which are minor, and , , ' � � � ;a �; �. ;� e�i n �' 10/3/66 he hopes the City Attorney has taken note oE these The City Manager said that these had been incorporated in the ordinance MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive and file the M�.nuCes of the Planning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried MINUTES OF THE SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1966• MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive and file the minutes of the Safety Gommittee Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Harris Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried OF THE PARKS AN➢ RECREATION CQMNiISSION MEETING. 5EPTEMSER 19, 1466: MOTION by Councilman Hart'is to receive and file the minutes of the Parks andRecreation Meeting. Seconded byCouncilman Sheridan Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Rirkham declared the moCion carried. Councilman Samuelson left the Council table. PROPOSED OE2DINANCE REZONING R-1 TO R-3A - LOT 3, BLOCK 1, FROID'S ADDITION The City Manager reminded the Council that they have held a Public llearing. He said that the Council's decision had been to wait until the plat was approved, and that had been done at the prevlous meeting. MOTION by Councilman kIarris to adopt Che Rezoning Ordinance on lst Reading, waiving the hearing. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a Roll Ca11 Vote, Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan and Wright voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Samuelson returned to the Council table. DANGEROUS BUILDING AT 6881 CENTRAL AVENIIE NORTHEAST: The City Manager said that the City Attorney has advised Mr. Sauer that if he has not started removing the building by October 15th, the City will hire someone to do it. MOSION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Administration's decision that the City will start pxoceedings on or after October 15, 1466. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote, Chere being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. DANGEROUS BUILDING AT 6001 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST: The City Attorney said that he had gotten a call from Mr Marchiafava, and Mr. Marchiafava had indicated to him that he was going to rebuild the building to the o nginal size and original plans The Crty Atkorney said he told him that in order to do this, the plans shoUld be sent to the Building Inspector. The City Managex asked the Council about setting a deadline date. MOTION by Councllman Haxris thaC Mr. Marchiafava submit plans for rebuilding his building up to code by November 1, 1966, and if he does nol, the CiCy will proceed with the Dangerous Building action. Secondad by Co�incilman Wright Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor ILirkham decLared the motion carried WEED PROSLEM- Mayor Kirkham said 'he had this put on Che agenda as there are many vacant lots in Fridley that aze overgrown with weeds, and there is a problem gettin.g them mowed. Councilman Samuelson said that Ls comes up al1 the time and he wondered if it behooves the Council to advertise for someone to do it and assess it against the property The City Manager sald that in the early Spring 5 or 6 people will come in and want to do it, but quit after a couple of lots because of the �unk on the property He said that there had been no applicants this year He said he was having Che Weed Inspector make a list of a11 the tax forfeit property and the City will see how many they can get mowed this year, although ie is too late '� �3 t� 1D/3/66 to help those with hay fever. The City Manager said that the Mayor had suggested burning off these lots, but the Fire Department does not issue burning permrts to non-owners. He said if the Council wanted to aufhor- ize the Fire Department to do this, they could, although he did not know the legal aspects of it. Councilman Harris asked if the people that came in at the beginning of the year came in unsolici[ed? The City Managex said that they used to, or the City would call the County for a list The City Manager said he had one other thought for next year, and that would he to have a part- time employee, perhaps a teacher looking for summer work, to use the � list of every weed ca11 in 1966, and send out ttotices on these 1ega1 descriptions on the premise there wi11 be weeds again this year. Council- man Wright suggested the City routinely maintain a list of chronic lots and during clean up week send out notices, then by the lst week in 7une, the City will have the legal power and can hire someone to do it. Councilman Harris suggested they advertise contractually to have this done. Councilman Samuelson said he would like to see this on a contractual basis. The City Manager pointed out again that nobody cared to keep on doing it because of the rough 1ots. Councilman Wx'ight said perhaps they could go to a company that specializes in manicured lots, as it is assessed anyway, the Clty would get the cost back. MOTION by Councilman Harris that after the first of the year, the Administration advertise for contractual services for weed mowing with an individual bonded to carry out these services. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried Mayor IZirkham said that was good for next year, but what about this year. Councilman Samuelson asked for a legal opinion on burning. The Citq Attorney did not recoamiend it as, if the City authorized it, the person could be considered an agent o£ theCity, and if they should burn a tree or something of a neighbor's, there would probably be claims against the City. � ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE DISPOSAL OE LOST PROPERTY TURNED INTO THE FRIDLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT AND STOLEN PROPERTY RECO�EREID BY THE FRIDLEY POLICE DEPAATM�NT: MOTION by Councilman Wright to adopt the proposed Drdinance upon first reading and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Maqor Kirkham declared the motion carxied. AUTHORIZING BIDS FOR FIRE TRUCK: Fire Chief Hughes was present at the meeting and said the Department would be happy to get the bids going as the costs keep rising, and delivery wi11 not be guaranteed for a year. Councilman Samuelson asked if he had set up the specifications. Chief Hughes said that the officers of the Department had done them, and Councilman Samuelson said that he thought they were very good. Councilman Harris asked about the meeting to be set up with the Board of the Relief Association to discuss financing Fire Prevention Chief Aldrich, President of the Relief Association, said that no formal contact has been made as yet, they should get something formal to discuss as it takes a 2/3 majority of the Board. He said he did not anticipate any problems, but that he could not speak for the other 35 members He said they would be interested in knowing what kind of £inancing the Council was interested in Counc�.lman Samuelson suggested there be two motions, one letting the bids, and on setting , the meeting. The City Manager said that November 7th would be the earliest date they could receive bids legally. Chxef Aldrich said that the bids will have to be mailed out, but they are ready to go so they should not need more time. The Council discussed opening the bids on the 7th and considering them on tne 2lst of November, as some time will be needed to study them. The City Manager said the Notice can say this. MOTION by Councilmaxi Wright to adverrise for bids for a new Pumper Fire Truck according to the specifications Secon�.e3 by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared tne motion carried _�d 10/3(66 MOTION by Councilman Harris to direct the Administration to contact the Fire Relief Association to set up a �oint meeting with the Council re- garding financing of the new pumper. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carxied. CLAIMS• MOTION by Councilman Wright to approve the payment of General and Public Utilities Claims iF9633 through ��9960 and Liquor Claims ik387 through �'436. � Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no neys, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ESTIMt1TES : Councilman Samuelson said that he had not been present at the last meeting and wondered if the Bachman-Anderson Insurance survey had been received. The City Manager said that the surcrey has been forwarded to the Insurance Committee and that each Council member has received a copy, Mayox Kirkham said he felt they should delay payment on this estimate until the Council hears from the Insurance Co�ittee, Councilman Samuelson suggested they have the first verbal review from Bachman-Anderson also, The City Manager said that Bachman-Anderson was ready for the first verbal review at any time, and asked if the Council would like them to come to a meeting at the same time the Znsurance Committee reported. MOTION by Councilman Wright to request Bachman-Anderson Company and the Insurance Committee to be at the October 17, 1966 Councal Meeting, and request that the Insurance Committee complete their review and be ready to discuss Che report. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Samuelson asked about the $23,529.10 estimate to the State of Minnesota Department of Highways, and the City Engineer said that this was Fxidley's share of the storm sewer the State is putting in on � University Avenue south of I-694, and it must be paid when the contract is 1et. MOTION by Councilman Wright to approve the following estimates for pay- ment, but that Bachman-Anderson, Inc., estimate of $797.50 is to be deleted until after the review: , Sandstrom & Hafner, Inc. 7400 Highway No. 65 Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Estimate ��1 (FINAL) for work completed on the emergency repairs to the force main at the sanitary sewage lift station at Rice Creek and T.H. �{47 D. W. Hickey & Co., Inc. 1841 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Estimate �'6 (PARTIAL) for work completed this date for Water Improvement Pro�ect No. 75-C, Schedule 2, according to contract (9-26-66) (High Surface Pumps and Three Additional Filters - Crmmons Park) Petersen-Templin, Inc. 6402 - 56th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Estimate y�5 (PARTIAL) for work completed this date for construction of Water Im- provement Px'oject No. 75-C, ScYiedule 1, According to contract (9-26-66) (Three Million Ga11on Reservoir) $ 3,262.90 $ 3,960.00 $16,503.30 � �� � io/s/66 State of Minnesota Department of Highways St. Pau1, Minnesota 55101 Work to be performed under Cooperative Agreement No. 54803 on S.P. 0205-18 TH 47 F 081-1 (33) Barton Contracting Company - �k12229 $23,529.1D Seconded by Councilman Samuelson, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. LICENSES• MOTION by Councilman Wright to approve the following licenses: CAFE LICENSE: Holiday Village North 250 - 57th Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota by: Erickson Brothers OFF SALE LICENSE: Holiday Village North 250 - 57th Avenue N.E. Pridley, Minnesota by. Erickson Brothers TAVERN LICENSE: Canterbury Inne, Inc. 6479-81 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota GAS SERVICES: Aix Comfort, Inc. 3300 Gorham Avenue Minneapolis, MinnesoT.a GENERAL CONTRACTORS: 0. R. Anderberg Company 2923 Oakland Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota Inter City Builders 35 Highway �'k10 Minneapolis 33, Minnesota Strand Construction Company 8125 Ensign Road Hopkins, Minnesota Dwighr Swanson Constxuctxon Co, 3710 North Zenith Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422 Capp lIomes, Incorporated 1143 Dupont Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota HEATING: Air Comfort, Inc. 3300 Gorham Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota OIL BIIRNER SERVICE: �xr Comfort, Inc. 3300 Gorham Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota by: Robert Christenson by: Dona1 G. Ruden by• Roy F. Nelson by: ,Toseph F. Shun by• S. F. Rowland by: Dwight Swanson by: Max Zamansky by: Donal G. Ruden by: Dona1 G. Ruden NEW AENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL NEW NEW , � �� ��� 10/3/66 NNLTIPLE DW�LLING LICENSES: OWNEI2 ADDRESS UNITS FEE James R. Olson 3419 Brunswick Avenue N. Minneapolis, Minn. 5866 - 2nd. St. N.E. 4 $10.00 Action Investment Corp. 1623 Plymouth Ave. N. � Minneapolis, Minnesota 5980 - 2nd.St. N. E. Clayton H. Eticson 2325 Winnetka North Minneapolis, Minnesota 6008 - 2nd. St. N. E Donald & Gordon Christenson 5231 Fillmore St. N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 6541 - 2nd. St, N. E � Mr. Virgil Takinen 7635 Phoenix Street Minneapolis, Minn. 55427 5820 - 2z St. N. E. F1oyd C. Bradley 5861 W. Moore Lake Dr. MinneapoLis, Minn. 55421 5900 - 2i St. N. E. William S. Reiling 1866 Yorkshire 5t. Pau1, Minn. 55116 5901 - 2z St. N. �. F1oyd C. Bradley 5861 W. Moore Lake Drive Fridley, Minn. 55421 5908 - 2? St. N. E. Floyd G. Bradley 5861 W. Moore Lake Drive Fridley, Minn. 55421 5416 - 22 St. N. �. Jon M. Nesseth 4949 - 3rd St. N. E. Fridley,Minn. 55421 4949- 3rd Street N.E. John D. Mi11ex 47 Rice Creek Way N.E. Eridley, Minn. 55432 4465 - 3rd. St. N, E. Morris Ov�.ck 81 Rice Creek Way N. E. Fxidley, Minn. 55432 5419 - Gth St. N. E. Ra1ph J. White 588 - 49th Ave. N. E. Columbia Heights, Minn. 5644 - 4th St. N. E. RoberC A. Skogrand & Thomas A. Buesing � 1344 Pennsylvania Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota 5800 - 4th St. N. E. David W. Adams 3101 West 44th St. Minneapolis, Minnesota 5384 - 5th St. N. E, Lester Mayo 5460 - 7th St. N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 5460 - 7th St. N. E 4 $1D.00 4 $10.00 5 $10.00 4 $10.00 7 4 7 7 7 11 4 � 4 4 34 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $11.Ot} $10.Q0 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $34.00 � � � 10/3/66 Owner Address Units Fee Mxs. L. A. Torgeson 278 - 58th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 6065 - 3rd. St, N. E, 3 $10.00 Sernard Julkowski 1420 Mo1an Terrace N,E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55421 1050 - 52nd Ave. N. E. 16 $16.00 Sernard Julkowski 1420 Mo1an Terrace N.�. Minneapolis, Minn. 55421 1090 - 52nd Ave. N. E. 16 $16.00 Sernard Julkowski X420 Molan Terrace N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55421 1Y20 - 52nd Ave. N. E. 16 $16.00 Bernard Sulkowski 1420 Molan Terrace N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55421 1170 - 52nd Ave. N. E. 16 $16.00 Leonard Weigel 6000 - 6th St. N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 359 - 57hh P1ace N.E. - 8 $10.00 Eldon Greenwood 506 E. 6th Avenue Shakopee, Minnesota 380 - 57th Place N. E. . 4 $10.00 David J. Lyntinen 218 Gramercy Ave. North Minneapolis, Minnesota 390 - 57th Place N. E. 4 $10.00 C1if£ord T. Bakko 9119 - 13th A-c�enue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 151 - 592 Way N. E. Sheldon A. Mortenson 1289 Skywood Lane N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 1200 Highway �k100 N.E. Sheldon A. Mortenson 1289 Skywood Lane N.E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 1230 Highway 4k100 N,E. Sheldon A. Mortenson 1289 Skywood Lane N.E. Pridley, Minn. 55421 1260 Highway �r`I00 N.E. Sheldon A. Mortenson 1289 Skywood Lane N.E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 1290 Highway-�k100 N.P�. Bernard Julkowski 1420 Molan Terrace N.�. Columbia FIeights, Minn. 7400 Lyric Lane N. E. L1oyd C. Mavis 601I Main St. N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 6011 Main St. N. E. Marlon 0. Haugen & Allan T. quello Wayzata Bank Building Wayzata, tilinnesota 6021 Main Street N. E. RoUert Lecy 14D Mississippi P1ace N.E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 140 Mississippi Place 12 18 18 18 18 8 4 4 4 $12.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $10.00 $10.00 $I0.00 $10.00 � 1 � � 10/3/66 OWNER ADDRESS UNITS I'EE 01af Lundgren 2355 Regent Avenue North Minneapolis, Minn. 55422 Brooklyn Land Company Carl A. Swenson Route 1, Box 59 Osseo, Minnesota 160 Mississippi Place 201 Satellite Lane N.E. 4 $10.00 11 $11.00 The motion was seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION �k148-1966 CERTIFYING CERTAIN D�LINQUENT WATER AND SLWER CHARGES TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR COLLECTION WITH THE 1967 TAXES: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution ��14$-1966. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there heing no naqs, Mapor Kirkham declared the motion carried. E149-1966 CERTIFYING CHARGES TO TII THE TAXES PAYABLE IN i S MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution i�149-1966. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the moCion carried. e (A) FOOTLIGHTERS• USE OF CITY HALL The City Manager said that the Footlighters have used the City Iiall twice already, and the Council should decide wha*_ reasonable charge they wi11 � make. Mayor Kirkham asked if there was any additional expense involved with clean up, and the City Manager said no. The Council discussed a charge of $1.00 per use. MOTION by Councilman Wright to grant the request to have used the City Ha11 on two occasions by the Footlighters, and to inform them that the Use Charge covering these last two times and in the future wi11 be $1.D0 per evening. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 1 (B) WYMAN SMTTH: CONDEMNATION AWARD The City Manager said he had received Chis letter from the previous City Attorney recommending that the City seCtle for the $3,000 figure, and that ie seemed reasonable to him. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to acknowledge the recotmnendation to settle for $3,000 per the Afitorney's review. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declarefl the motion carried. (C) CITY ENGINEER: REPORT ON WATER LINE ON BAGON DRIVE The City Manager said this was Yhe case where two parties needed to run a service line, and the Council had requested an idea of the cost. The Ci�y Engineer said that this would service three lots. MOTION by Councilman Harris that the Administration pass this on to the owners and get their reaction to the cost. Councilman Sheridan said that at most there will be 150 feet to 175 feet frontage, and the assessment can be no greater than the benefits, and this would be almost $2,000 a lot. Councilman Harris said he thought the discussion was to find the cost and let the owner decide if they were agreeable to pay it. The City Manager said there was a discussion of whether the City would want to pick up the balance. Councilman Sheridan � �� � � �''� 10/3/66 said it probably would be best to pass it on and see if they come back with it as it is. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sheridan, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. (D) NORTH SUBURBAAT SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT: MEETING MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the communication and accept the NSSSD's choice of ineeting place. Seconded by-Cou»cilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. - Councilman Wright said that lte will not be able to attend this meeting, but felt the Coureil should have some independent notes of the proceed- ings and suggested the Council authorize the Arlministration to take any steps necessary to see that the Council gets their own notes. (�} CITY ENGINEER: 73RD AV�NUE NORTH�AST The City Engineer pointed the area out on a map and explained that Mr. Mike fIafner would like to have curb put on his side of 73rd Avenue so that his plat wi11 look finished. Councilman Harris said that Mx. Hafner has sold Lot 5 and has an option on Lot 4 so construction will be starting in that area soon and there is nothing on 73rd Avenue so that Commerce I.ane itself does not serve anything, so he thought tne City should put in at least the City-owned side of the street temporarily. The City Engineer said that fie understood he only wanted the curbing, but this could be done if the City does not want to use State Aid Funds. Councilman Harris felt that the Ciiy wants to see some industry come in, and if there is no access for them the chances of developzng and broadening the City's tax base are limited by that street. The City Engineer said that this could be added to an existing contract early in the spring. Councilman Harris suggested that if they do not have approval from the County and do not have the dedication of the South side of the street by next spring, that it be added to the first pro�ect next spring. The City Engineer asked if they felt the curbing could be put in, and the Council agreed. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson that the Council authorize the Engineering Department to install the curb on the north one-ha].f ot 73rd Avenue Northeast from University Avenue to Cocmnerce Lane. Seconded by Council- man Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Harris suggested the City Engineer follow this up and get some response to get it on the books for next Spring. CouncilmanWright said perhaps the next letter could say something about starting condemnation proceedings if necessary to get Yt going for an early Spriz�g start. (I') LIQUOR STORE MANAGER: SHOREWOOD OFF-SALE The City Manager showed the ficu�ncil a sketch of a proposed center island and said the Liquor Store Manager feels the City would have better control and could cut down on some part time help, Councilman Harris questioned whether the City shouYd continue to increase the inventory. Mayor-Kirkham said he would like to know how long it wi11 take to pay off such an investment. He said if the Manager is expecting to sav� some money, he should have some idea of how much. The City Manager said he would get more information on this for the Council. MOTION by Councilman Wright to table this item until the next Regular Council Meeting of October 17, 1966 when the Council will have further information. Seconded by Councilman Samuelso�. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Samuelson mentioned an irate lady that had called him about some very poor service she had recea�ved, and asked the City Nianager to straighten it out. (G) CITY ENGINEER: POLICY ON CURB CUTS Mayor Kirkham suggested the Administration notify the people that the property owner must pay the charges involved, as it seems the cost will � � � � L� � 10/3/66 be fluctuating all the time. The City Manager said there was the question of whether the City wants to pick up any of the cost. The City �,ngineer pointed out that the existing surface has to be replaced which makes the cost $5 a foot. Councilman Samuelson said he did not feel the Caty should bear any of the cost. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson tltat the curb cuts be charged back to the property owners at a cost basis to the City. Seconded by Councilman lIarris Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carrled. � �H) CITY ENGINEER; LAND ALTERATION PERMITS The City Engineer showed the Council, on a map, the area Land Alteration Permit ��66-01 and �{66-02 are requested for. Councilman Samuelson asked if these grades would be set prior to excavation. The City Engin.eer said that the petitioners are supposed to grade according to the grades shown on the map. Mr. Richard Carlson., one of the applicants, was present at the Council Meeting and came forward to the Council Tab1e. Councilman Sheridan said he had reviewed a11 of the property and talked to the people in the area He said that Mr. Carlson and Mr. Cochraa had decided to get together on one overall plan for the area, and that Suburban Engineering had laid this p�an out for them. Councilman Harris asked if this would be subdivided for house building. Mr. Carlson said that this was correct. Councilman Harris asked if the analysis gave them some idea of the amount of dirt to be re- moved. Mr. Carlson said that there was about 130,000 yards of which 30,000 yards must remain to use as fi11. Councilman Harris asked how soon this will be moved. Mr. Carlson said that they had asked for two years in the permit. He said they had talked to Mr. Chies about getting together, but Mr. Chies plans to prepare his for sale He said Suburban Engineering did draw up some grades which Chies`, Cochran's, and their's will a11 tie in with when completed. � Councilman SamueLson c,ked how one sexvice road could be put in7 Mr Carlson said that Chies has given them permission to come out on his property. Councilman Samuelson said this feelings were that the property owners must be protected during the hauling, and asked if they would pay for the City spreading calcium chloride7 Mr. Carlson said they would prefer to undertake it themselves as Ctzey have watering trucks, He said they have had telephone calls and have watered, and he had given out his card to these people. Councilman Wright asked, assuming these elevations were approved, if the Chies property would match it without much more hauling tay Chies. The City Engineer said that this was relaCed already to what Chies proposed to do, he sasd that 2 feet more or less would not make much difference in the grade. The City Attorney said he had talked to Chies' bondsman and they said ehey would put pressure on Mr. Chies, and Mr. Chies had called and said he would get at it next week Mr. Carlson said they were very much aware that the property owners ad�acent to the area need their rights protected, and he assured the CQUnci1 they would see that Chey were. MOTION by Councilman Wright that the Council approve Laad fllteration Permits y'�66-OL and ir�66-02 for a period of two years, for Mr. Cochran and Mr. Carlson respectively, according to the survey of elevations shown � and request the ordinary bonding of $1,000 an acre, provided the mainten- ance of the street, including dusC control, clean up and any flag men, il necessary, be pxovided by the petitioners. Seconded by Councilmaa Samuelson John Meyer, a visrtor to the Council Meeting, said that there are two things that come to mind when issuing Zaad Alteration Use Permits, and they were compaction and removal af debris. He said that these can plague future home owners. Mr. Carlson said there was no vegetable matter other than weeds, and he thought there were only two areas that would need considexation when filling. Councilman Samuelson suggested that one way was for the Engineer�to see the proposed grades and the pot holes and red tag the lots for a soil survey before construction. � � � 10/3/66 Mr. Carlson asked if at the end of the two year period of time, he could renew the permit if necessary. The Council told him he could with the renewal of the bond. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. SANNCLSON: ELY STR�ET STORM SEWER MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to refer this matter to the City Attorney for a legal opinion. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, , there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. (J} ST PHILIPS CHUACH: STORM SEWER The City �ngineer explained that this storm sewer could be added to part of the construction the City is doing on 1966-2, and they are sure they could get the storm sewer in the ground in enough time, but there may not be enough time to pave the road and it may not be in the best condition. Councilman Samuelson wondered if it would be better to delay it until Spring. The City �ngineer said that was the original plan. The City Attorney said that whether the street is in the Spring or Fall does not make much difference, but they would like to be able to fill the ditch. The City �ngineer said that if it is the consensus of the Council to do this, all the work on the storm sewer can be done this Fall. MDTION by Councilman Harris to receive the communication from the St. Philip's Lutheran Church Seconded by Councilman Samuelsoa Upon a vozce vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motioa carried. PARK DIRECTOR: PRELIMINAitY PLANS - MELODY MANOR - PARK: The City Manager explained that the Engineering Department is too busy at present to lay out the topography, and the Park Department would like the � Council to authorize Comstock and Davis to lay out the grades, staking and so forth. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to authorize the Park Department to engage Comstock and Davis to lay out the grades and elevations as required for the park in Melody Manor, Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION r'k150-1966 COMBINING STORM SEWER DISTRICTS FOR SSORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NIJMBER FIVE, STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NUMBER TWELVE, AND STORM SP�WER IMPROVEMENT PROSECT NUMBER SEVENTY-THREE• Councilman Wright asked if the City did go ahead and assess this xmprove- ment, would there be eaough leeway to equalize rt afterwards? The Finance Director said they would use what they would consider high figures to arrive at the assessment, and there would be enough State fund money to equalize it The Finance Director explained that if they let this go for one more year, the people will have to pay another year's interest. The Council discussed assessing 5, 12, and 73 this year and holding SC and 82 until next year The Einance Director said that there would be only one contract for SS yk5, but two assessment rolls. MOTION by Councilman Wright to adopt Resolution 4k150-1966. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays; Mayor ' Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION ;k151-1966 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO 5: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution �k151-1966. Seconded by Councilman Wright Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion cartied. 1�(3/�6� e� 1966 MOTION by Councilman Wright adopting Resolution ;k152-1966 setting the Public Hearing on SS�FS on the 19th day of October, 1966. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MUNIGIPAL LEAGUE BILL: MOTION by Councilman Harris to authorize the payment of Fridley's share of � the Metropolitan section of the League of Municipalities in the amount of $462,00. Seconded by Counc�lman Wright. Upon a voice vote, there be2ng no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried VISITORS• Mr. Carl Paulson asked the staCUS of the automatic traffic lights on 57th Avenue and IIniversity Avenue. Mayor Kirkham said the State Highway Depart- ment will put these in when they decide they are necessary, Councilman Wright said that there wi11 have to be a traffic count first, and they do not want that yet until the traf£ic is up from ehe opening of the Holiday Store, Mr. Paulson also requested a street light at 57th P1ace where 6th Street would intersect, as this is a dark area. The Council said that it would be taken care of. Two Ministers from the Church of Christ who have recently moved to 2z Streee and East River Road were at the Council Meeting and said they were having troubLe procura�ng a place to meet as the schools and various halls were too expensive for the u ability to pay. They inquired about fixing up one of the men's two car garage unt11 they could build a regular meeting place, and they would like a permit to make it sound enough for winter He explained there are four adults and two children that meet Councilman Wright suggested the City could lease them the quonset building � behind City Hal1 at $1 a year or Caty Ha11 at a$1 Use Charge, and both are heated. MOTION by Councilman Wrlght to author2ze the Manager to work out terms of an agreement for Che use of Che City Ha11 building Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, thexe beLng no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. COMMENDATION TO POLICE OFFICERS: Councilman Wright said he would like to take note of a commendation by the Chief of Police to the officers involved in a homicide in this CiCy which was exceedingLy we11 handLed by officers Richard Kausler, Bennhard Hedland and also for the investigator, Ronald A11ard. MOTION by Councilman Wright that the City Manager write, on behalf of the Council, a letter of commendation to these individuals and make copies availahle to the press. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried SANNELSON: VALUATION STUDY: Councilman Samuelson handed out to the Council copies of a study he had had made bp the CiYy Assessor compariag commercial, industrial and apartment valuations in the City. He pointed out that apartments generally exceed , various commercials on a per acre basis. SEXTER REALTY AGREEMENT; The City ACtorney said he had a copy of an agreement with the Sexter Realty which �oas similar in nature to the Lametti agreement. He saLd it covers a stretch of road between Hackman and Lynde Drive, oa which the work is done but is questionable as to the quality. He said the realtor would put $1,000 in escrow plus another $1,000 if repair work needs to be done ��� 10/3/66 MOTION by Councilman Tdright to authorize the execution of the agreement with Sexter Realty by the Nlayor and City Manager. Secoaded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried ADJOURNMCNT: There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Council Meeting of October 3, 1966 ad�ourned at 11;22 P,M Respectfully submitted, i � 1� �� _� � _ � l� c � ���(zU4-»-� Ma y L Str�✓ Acting Secretary to the Council ;� ,� �_��� � � /��� 1������, ��_ JACK 0. KIRK , MAYOR � T1I� MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 17, 1966 The Regular Meeting of the Council of�:.the City of Eridley was called to order by Mayor Rirkham at 8:D0 P,M. ROLL CALL• � MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, flarris, Wright, Samuelson, Sheridan (arrived at $;55 P.M ) MCMSERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES, REGIILAR COUNCSL MCETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1966; MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Counc�.lman Samuelson. Upon a voice declared the motion carried. INSURANCE REPORT (TABLED 9/19/66)• the minutes as submitted Seconded by vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham Councxlman Wright introduced Mr Dick Schillinger, the Chairman of the Fridley Insurance Committee, to the three representatives of the Bachman-Anderson Company, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Madison and Mr. Douglas. Mayor Rirkham asked Mr. Schillinger iE he had some comments to make on the insurance report. Mr. Schillinger said that he did have some specific comments to make. He said that he did not want to go tltrough the entire report, but that before he began he would like to say that he thought this was a good report. He thought they had covered quite thoroughly the insurance program for the Citq of Fridley, both in terms of the present program and in terms of the suggested program. Mr. SchiLlinger went through the condition of the present insuraace policies. CASUALTY: (1} Workmen's Com;�ensation: 14ao comments were made in the report (a) Increase Coverage B, Employers Liability limit. (b) Add "A11 States" endorsement Mr. Schillinger said that under the $25,000 limit, which is the limit prov�ded for direct suit against the City, he had done some additionnl checking to determine whether this was absolutely necessary. In checking this out, the insurance companies suggested that there is little need for increasing this limit. He explained to the Council an employee's two avenues of redress against the City should he be in�ured on his �oh, and in the area where the employee could bring suit against the City, does not seem to be an area where the City should be increasing their limits. As far as adding the "A11 States" eadorsement was concerned, Mr. Schillinger said that the report suggests that this is not too important, but it costs nothing to add it and it may be in order to do so. (2) General Liability: Mr. SchLllinger said there are several areas where the City does not have coverage One is in the area of false arrest, slander, 1ibe1, etc, which could be added at approximately 5% of the bodily in7ury premium. He said that both liability policies now include coverage on an occurrence basis rather than on an accident basis, An endorsement has been � � J