10/09/1967 - 5869� COUNCIL SECRETARY - MF1�tY LU STROM SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARIl�TG MEETING - AGENDA - OCTOBER 9, 1967 � � , ' ' ' t 1 , ' � � � , , � � I 1 1 �7 �� 4. ��SJ L V '� 1J.E.� 1 �%,:t ��Li.�.l`7S7 L"' �.� �.�_� ..�,.l;v �7 .�... �,,�4, .L' �.i�:.j f� i S"� :l � .!_ J C.5 � �°° CJ L" o j'+o. P1)?S..Ji?�}I� �ri __�1 j�F;l 11�,`�l�`§•`d�� � ti+.l,Iildi..-�.'�a I�TVG���TT��% �'� rc�:i.�!�a.fi�,�:� RCJL7� CZ'r�T,: 2 m7 ��avi-.cs ADOPT:�O�� ��° 11.0 ;1:v��X�,� 2 rt?2.I�Li��a PIi�3LR� S�'���'�:CT.�IC �yy �. O�a A a���src���a:-c Ptoi `� -° S'1' e 1��6�-G F ��J rr:1 n�t�.�s Pages 1— 4 e 2. On A�s�ssm��n-�. Rol.:� � STa l�G��2B 3C� r�ji�au�ev Pages 5� B. 3. On 7:rnp?� av��r��� �>T o l96?-��. (Z�ddw����r:� ,s.:i_ � , Pages 9 �: 10. (I�l��j0 S�:Y"�4'�,) 0 3i� �tis�_s�.L7't.c��s f,3F.l,.SY�;1 L7 CTi.? ��,�.�� �� A7DO._ 4. � s-ta.m.� �.� �° �' o D e �hapr2zn G�r�p:�x��r �- Prc,� �.r,t �?o 0 57, 1.0 mit�.Li�ive� Pag�:� 1�� & l� m ADJGU�IT o (�.ClaOCf �mS�m) 0 Sl�r;��C�1L" PtJ�3T�:�� I::a1�:i��:.l�„�G �t'<,�:�3T:���;�:* °m' CJ�"1�Ci�3i�;�.'� 9� 1967 -°- £3 P�%1� PLlZi7J:CC N�A.��I�G�: 1. ON AS���a55I�•��=.a�:.��` �'.�L:[� °° S�'a a 96b��: �h� LYo��ce a£ H�ar�_xxg will be founa on P�?c� l. `I'�s.a.s �.s t?�i� •i:i�:�? a�s�:�s��z3�raf: zo7.l fa� th� 1966�6 str�et: �,�rc?j��'cd 2he d�t�,i.l��r� ;.��.Co�~���.�.ion o� tris xa11 �aill be £o�.nd �.n a scpaa:�t� bac�v�.e#: �.rs t��� �r�vela�a� with the ag�nda, The resoZuta.an c:o�zi'i:cnca.r?g tk�� xo�� �v�_l1 be fc�ui�d or Pages 2 through a. 2. ON ASS:���Fb:.�i�TT R�LL -� 5Ta �.9G6��2: Th� �?o�.��c� of �Ie�ring for thas ass�asm�nf; ro�.J, w:s�lt be �ov��.ca o�� ?�a�� 5 o T1�e �°�salut; an cora�xrrn�t.�=� the roll wi�.�. b� �aund o� ��.ges C tk�..�°a�.g� �a Tha,s project consists of th� State Aa.d St�c�:i: projec-i.a �ox� l9G�ie T1ae d�tail.ed in�ormatian. on the proj�ct will be faund :i.��. the s�p: rate booklet in the envelope W�.�xi �Ot�Y' 3g�`X1C��.. Z11 �'�S�,.t�G�11"f;.�.�.(. �.1:@s�.a 'C.�1E.' COS� O� c� t��1.Cci]. 5t��'G'`�. Yxas b�e�, ass�sseag zr� ;.nc�u��:.��.�`i� ��-e�.s t�.� �o'ca�. cost of the stre�t r�ga�dl�ss a.� cos�L h�.s be�n assess�do The resolution on thi.s p?-ajec� and the pr�ved�z�g p�n j�:c'c sh.c�ulc3 �� paas��l �� this m�eting if at al�. possible. s, o� zr��F.ov�h�z�1�r � sT. ��� �mx (�r�r� ����u��� ��) {xuGO sTR��T) : Tn� raota.�e o£ H�arir�c; �.s o� Page g� Ti �.s 1:���.���.az�� �,rivc�lves jusi: o�.e s-�reet,. mh� c1�i��a.�.eca :i.nn�orz�=}t�Q� on t1�.�: p,°ojec-i w�t? J. be found in a s�p����te book� ��. in ir�e er.v��.c�p� wi�.Yz the age�c��., �,�l�a� resa�.uta.o�� orderir�c� the i.m�a:�ovemd^Ya�. i� c� P�.g� l�� N�L7 }3U�:�:Lv. �;�5 v 4. ESTiNL�T�; -� F. D. G�APif.�? CO�L'IaNY. � P�O��CT �5�. 87: This esti.m�te was be�o�e th� Ci�.y CoL�nc� Z on, S��t�rn.�er 1.�, 19�7. �he E��.tX �n��ne�r and i.he Ci�y Attt�t,ney pQ:�hai s wa.].1 have ����ther com�n�nt on t��.s estirnat� at uhe m��ta.zxg e Trae es�im�te i� on P�.ges Z1 and 12 e ';J �1 CITY OF FRIDLEY ANOKA COUNTY, MINNES4TA NOTICE OF HEARING OF ASSE5SMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENr PROJECT N0. I966-6 Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the 9th day of October, 1967, at 8:00 a'clock P.M., to hear and pass upan a11. objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the following improvanent, to-witz STREET IMPROVEI�NT PROJECT N0. 1966-6 The proposed assessment roll for each of said imprc�vements is now on file and open to public inspection by all persons interested, in the office of the Clerk of said City. At said hearing the Council will consider written or oral objections to the proQosed assessments for each of said improvements. The general nature af the impravements and each of them is the construction of street improvements, including grading, sCabilized base, b itumfnous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter, etorm sewer systeaa, water and sewer service� and other facilities lacated as follows: Cammerce Laae ; 73rd Avenue to Osborne Road University Avenue West Service Drive; 73rd Avenue to Osboxne l�oad Arthur Street: 75th Avenue to Osborae gAad Onondaga Street: Lakeside Road to Stinson Blvd. Servfce Drive, East T.H. �b5: Shorewood Lounge to 63rd Avenue The area proposed to be assessed for safd improvements and each of them is all that land benefited by said improvements oz each of them and lying within the general area of the above noted sCreets. Said improvements will be assessed agafnst the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. UATED THIS 15TH DiAY OF SE�EN�ER, 1967 BY QRDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY MAYOR - Jaak 0. Kirkham ATTE ST : CITY CLERR - Marvin C. Brunsell Publish; Aaoka County Unioa and Fridley Free Press September 22 & 29, 1967 1 1 i � � � � � a � ' � i , � I� �� ����t�scrr c�k� r�1�u�ij�s o�R ru�r,�i�G �� �Sx�, elr� ct�iii�ci�. aii A:s��,~ci�p�, r��,�°r��.�� ���,p 4C'T(���a'l: 9, 1.967 , A.1 E; 00 J� �1,i3�`� �;T�1 f j A"1 'I.IIJa �.1:'.CY 1IE?�,1,; C.I�Y �1� I`i�I:ULI,� j Mi�vN�� so�� Pursuant to duG ca1.1. ai�.ci notice tl�.c.reof, a. s��cr,i��1. meeii.�� o�: the City Cou��cil o� the City o� rridley, Minnesota., Gias du7.y hc.1.d a'r� the City Ha7.l in saic3 Citq on Monday, the 9th day of Octaber, 1.967, at 8;Q0 o'c:J.ock P�M< The �011o��aing meinb��-s we.�-e pxes�nt:; and the fol�,o�ai.ng �ae�-e absezit; � :; .; ,. The Clexlc announced that th� proposed assessme�it for STREET 7.MPKOV�MENT PROJEC 1 NO a ST . 1.966- 6 had been �i."�.ed in his o£fice on the 15th d�y o� September, 1967, and that notice o£ a hearing on said assessment to be he�.d at the special meeti.ng of the Council on the 9th day of October, 1967, had been gi.ven in ttie form and m�nner as provided by 1.aw. The Cierk presented an af£idavit showing publ.ication of such notice in trie official. n�wapaper, which af�idavit ca�.s exarnined and found satis�actory and ordexed placed on file< The Mayor announced that the meeting was open �or consider.ati.on of objections to the assessment heretofoxe filed wi.th the •City C7.e,.k for STREEl INIPROVEMENT PROJ�CT NUe ST, 1�66-6 The Clerk reported that written objectio:� had Leen fil.ed by the following persons affecting the fol.lowing described lots, pi_eces or parcels of J.and, to•�wit: I, NAME OF OBJECTOR I� I� I' DE SCKI_PTION OBJECTION 2� 1?a�e 2 �esol.0 tioi� � The �0]_1o��ri_ng ���rsons ��7ere tt�en heaxa arA;l p7-esented their objections to said assessmeni.: NAME OI' OBJLCZ'OR DE SC�RI�TTON After due cozlsi_der.ation of a7.1. said objections, Counci.lman introdticed t}.ze fol.lo�vi.ng resoluti.on and mot�ed i.ts adoptiol.. RE SOLU'1 ION NO . OBJECTTON RE SOLUTION CONF1 P�1�iIPdG A SSE SSi�1ENT FOR S`T'REET I:P�}'�C��lEP�iENT PP.OJ�'CT NO o ST o 7.966- 6 BE TT RESOLV�i� by the City Council of the City of_ Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Czty C1erk has w5_th tY�e assistance of. the engineers heretofore se7.ected by this Council for such purpose, cal.culated the proper amounts to be specially assess for t.he . STREET IMPROVEMEIvl P�:OJrC7' N0. S'1', 1966-6 in said City a.gainst every assessable ?ot, piece or paz�eJ. o£ l.and in accordance ��aith the prov�_sions of laca, and has grepax�ed and fi.l.ed with the City Clerk tabulated staten��ents in duplicat showi_rg the proper description of each and every l.ot, piece or parcel of land to be specially assessed and th� amount calculated again.st the same. 2. Notice has �een duly publisl�ed as requi.red by 1a.w that tl�is Counci7. would me�t in special session at this time and pl.ace to pass an the pro�osed as52ssmE.rit, 3. Said proposeci assessment has at a7.1 �in�es since its f:i.ling been open to inspection and copyi_ng by al1 per�ons i.nteresed, ancl �xn oppartuni.ty has been given to all interested �ersons to'present their objections, i£ any, to such proposed assessment, or to any item thereof, anu no obi�'ctxozls have been fiJ.ed: except 4. The amounts specified in the proposed assessment are changed and al.tered as follo�4Ts : � I , �age 3 ]�.e s o lti t i. c�r�. � 5. `."iliis Ceur:ci.l �i.rds that each o� t%ze �.ot.s, pifscc:s or. p��7:cel.s of land enum- , er�ted in said ��rol�osed ass�ssm>e��t �s L4ltexed and mcdiii.ed ia�s and is special.ly bene � itc:d by t.}�i� � � � STI�EET IT���ROV'I;?�SENT P�:OJ�C7' �y0o ST. 1.966-6 in the amount i.ii sai.d I��o�csec� �ss�ssn?i,ni as altcrec� �nc] moc+ified by the correctil�L rol]. i_�� the amo�?nt set ok�x>esit.e th�� d°se�r.i.��t�?on o� each such J.ot, pa_e..ce ox p�tr'ce7. of 7,and, an<a tha.i. sa�_ci amouizt sa se:i: out is hereby levi_ed ag�.inst e�ucii o£ the r.espective 1_ots, ��i�ces or parcels oF land th.erei.n descrihed � 6, Such pro��osed assessmez�.i_ as alter� �3, rrxc,:�ifi.eci �.nd correcied is affirmed, adc���ted �.,d con.�irmed, a.nci t.h� s�ns ��_x��d and nalred i.n sai.d pr.opo,sed assessrnent hs al.tered, modi.�iec? ai�:? co7°t'ected, ��::i.th i=lie c?�ianges and a].terati��ns here.i.n above m� de, a.re affi �me�, �.::'or ted and conf�_rmed as the pro�er special, assessment_s f.�x each oi s<<id 7.ots, pieces or pa-rceles of land respectively. 7. Said assessn�ent so a�fir.m.ed, adopted ai;.d conf.i��aed sh•a.11. be cerf:ified too by the City Clerk and fil,ed in his o�£ice and shal'l. thezeupon be and COriStltllr@ the s�ecia7. assessm�nt for STREET IMvP.O�MENT t'ROJ�CT IlT� e ST . 3.966- 6 8, The amounts assessed agairst each 1ot, p3_ece or. pa�cel. o£ �.and shall bear interest �rom the date hereof uxzti.l. tr��� same have been pa�.cl at the xate os six p�r cent (6%) per annum, 9. Such assessttien+� shal.]. be payable i.n ten annL�al, ir�sta� 1.m��:its payable on the ],st d4y of Janu2..ry �.n �ach y�az , beQizinir�g in thc, yca.r. 1968, and con- tinuing unti.l. a.l,l. oi sai.d insta7.].mei�ts sr�a1.1. have been p�.id, each i.nstall- ment be co1.7.ected �aitti taxes collectibl.e duxi.ng sai.d year by the Couni�y Auditor, 10, The Ca.ty C1ex°k i.s hereby dixecteci to make up and �ile in the o�f.i.ce of the County Auditor of Finoka County a cer.ta_fied st.atement oi the �mount o� al1 such uxtpaid assessments and the amotint �ahi.�h �ai7.1 be due thereon on the lst day o� J�nuar.y i.n each yeax. The motion for the adoption of_ the foregoing reso7.ution was duly seconded by Council.man , an.d upan vote being t�ken thereoi� the f�l,lowing vote�l in favor thereo£: and the fol.lowi.ng voted a;ainst the sam�: PASSED AND ?.DOPTED BY THE CT.TY COUNCIL 0� THE CITY OF FRIDT,rY THIS DAY OF , 1967. ATTE S`.0 : C:LlY CIaF.RK - Marvi.n C, Brtlnsel.l M.�Y01? - J2 ck 0. Kir.lctian� _� � � ' � x:: , CITY OF FRIDLEY APTOKA COUNTY , MINNE SOTA NOTICE OF HEARING OF ASSESS'N�NT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 1966-2 Natice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the 9th day ot October, 1967, at 8;00 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposEd assessment in respect to the following improvement, to-wit: STREET Il�PROVEMBNT PROJECT N0. 1966-2 The proposed assessment roll for each of said improvPments i.s n�ow °n file and open to public inspection by all persons interested, ia the office of the Clerk of said City. At said hearing the Council will coneider written or oral objections to the proposed assessments for each of said impravements. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construction of street imprc�vemente, including grading, stabilized base, bituuuinous surfacing, cvncrete curb and gutter, storm sewer system, sidewalk and other facilities located as follows: West Moore Lake Drive: 61st Avenue to Carol Drive West Moore Lake Drive: South property line of school to 61st Avenue 7th Street: 59th Avenue to 61st Avenue 61st Avenue: University Avenue to West Moore Lake Drive West Moore Lake Drive: Baker Street to Highway �65 Rice Creek Road: T.H. #65 Co Central Avenue 73rd Avenue; Cammerce Lane to Highway #47 The area propoaed to be assesaed for said impravem�ats and each ' of thean is all that laud benefited by said i.u►provements or each of them and lying within the general area of the above noted streets. � 1 , ' � , ' Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in pare proportionately to each of the lands therein conCained accordinp� to the benefits reaeived. DATED THIS 18TIi UAY OF SEPTEMSER, 1967 BY ORDER OF THE CI'!'3i CO[TNCII, OF THE CITY OF FRiDLEY MAyOR - Jack 0. Kirkatm� ATT'E ST : CiTY CLERR - Marvin C. Brunsell publish: Anoka Couaty Union and Fridley Free Press September 22 � 29, 1967 si i � , � ' ���i�AC�1` Ol' Ni1:N"U'L�S o�' ��:Lrr1_�G 0�� "1'ii� C1''I`Y c4�N�:LL �� A SZSEC;YA� ��rrlN� �i�`T,TS ��ri���;� 9, I.967, A�' 8:00 0`CTOCIZ PeMo, A7' 7'HE CITY. HALL, ��'��-' 0� �'RIAL�Y, MTNN�SOTA ' Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a speci_a1 nieeting of the City Gouncil of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on Monday, the 9th day o� October, 1957, at �:00 o'clocic P.M. The following members were present: and the following were absent: � i The Clerk announced that the pr�posed assessment fox STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1966-2 had been filed in his o�fice on the 18th day of September, ],967, ancl that notice of a hearing on said assessment to be held at the special meeting of the Council on the 9th day of October, 1967, had been given in the form and manner as provided by law, The Clerk presented an affidavit sho�oing pub7.ication of such notice in the official news�a.per, which affidavit was exami_ned and found satisfactory and ordered pl.aced on fil.e. The Mayor announced that the meeting was open for consideration of objections to the assessment heretofore filed with the Ci.ty Cl.erk for STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJEGT NOo ST. 1y66-2 The Clerk reported that written ot�j�ction had been fil.�d by the fol.lowing persons affecting the follocving described lots, pieces or parcels of land, t0-471.t; NAME OF OBJECTOR DESC�TPTI4N osJEC�rzorr � � r�J LJ � , � }�' <k t i? '� p,eso7.utiori � 1 The �01.7.0���.��g persons were then heard and �resented their objections to said assessment; NAME OF dBJECTOR DE SC IiT:P'r 7 ON After due consi.der�.�ion oC a7_1 sai.d oUjections, Cov.n�i_lrnan introduced the fo1_lo�•ring reso.lution aiid moved i:ts ado��tio.i: RESOLUTIGN NO6 OBJECTION RESOLUTION CONI°IR21I=1�?G ASSESSt-SEN"!' F0: STRI�ET IP1�1'f�O�r�I1EI�7' PROJECT N0, STo 1966-2 B� IT R�SOL��D by the City Council of the City a� Fridley, Minnesota, as follows; 1. The City C1erk has ti�i.th the assi_stance o� the engineers heretofore sel.ected by this Council. for. such pu�°pose, cal.cul.ated th� pxopex' amounts to be speciaJ.ly asse.�sed for the � STI:EET T.P�IPROVEMENT PROJI:CT N0. STo 1966-2. in said Ci_ty agai_nst every assessabl.e 7.ot, piece or par�el of �.and in accordance wi.th the provisions of law, ar�d has prepared and filed with the City C1erk tabulated stat�nents in duplicate sho�ving the proper descriptian of_ each and every lot, piece or parcel o� land to be-special7.y assessed and the �niount calcul,ated against th� sa�ne, 2, Notice has been du7,y publis�e�] �.s requir�d by law that this Council would meet in special session at this time and place to pass on the proposed assessment. " 3. Said progosed assessment has at all t�mes since its fil.ing been open to inspecti�n and copying by a17. persons intezested, an� an opportunity has been given to all �_ntex.ested persons to present their objecrions, if any, to such progosed assessment, or to any item thereoi, and no objections have been filed; except 4. The amounts specified i.n the proposed assessment are cl:anged and altered as follo�r�s : � I ' ' I� I, I � I � '� I, " �'Et�,c� .5 �esol.ut:ion F 5. This Council f..inds that each of t?1e 3.ats, pieces or parcels of I.and enum-- erated in said pro�osed assessi�ieiit s altered and modified was and is speci.ally bena�ited by the . � STREE`I' Il`IPROVI,��N'1' PR03�CT NUe STo 1-)66-2 in the anount in said pro��osec� assessmei�t as al.tere and modified by t}xe corrective ro11. in the amoL�nt sei o���os:'tte the descripti_on of each such lot, piece or parc�l of lar,d,an.c1 th�t said amoLnt so set out is hereby levied against ea.ch of the respective l.ots, pieces or parceJ.s of l�.nc3 therei.n described . 6, Such pro��osed assessmez�t as al.tere.d, mod�_£i_ed and corxected is affirm�d, adopted and confirmed, and the sums fixed �nd named in said proposed assessment as �x.ltered, modified and corr.ected, w3_th tl�e changes and alter_atioi�s herein above made, ar.0 af:�irmed, adopted and conl:irmed as the proper speczal assessments for. each of said lots, pieces or parcel.s of land respectively. 7. Said assessment � aifirmed, adogted and con£irmed sha11 be certi.fied too by the City C1e-rk and filed in his office and sh.a1.1 thereupon be and cunstitute the s�ecial. assessment for . STRE�T T_MPRO�trF'MENT PROJECT N0. ST. 19b6-2 $, The amoLnts assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land shall bear interest from the date hereot until the same have been paid at the rate of si.x per cent (6%) per annum, 9. Such assessrnent shall be payab?e i.n ten annual i_nst.allments payable on the lst day of January in each year, beginning in the year J.968, and con- tinuing until a11, of said installments shal,l have been paid, each install- ment be coll.ected with taxes col7.ectible duxing said yeax by the Gounty Auditox. - 10. The City Cl.erk is hereby directed to make up an�] file in the office of the County Puditor of Anoka County a certi�ied statement of the amount of al1 such unpaid assessments and the amount �ti�hich wi].1 be 2ue thereon on the lst day of January in each year. - The motion for the adoption of the �OXE-'g07.Ilo reso7.uti_on was duly seconded by � Councilman , and u�2rsn vote being taken thereon the following v oted in favox thereoi: � and the followi.ng voted agai.nst the same: ' PASSEll AND ADdPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIT OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1967. 1 ATTE S'I' : � , CTTY C�ERI: - Marvin C. BrunseXl. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham �I 1 , 1' ' I , ' , ' � � , �- , � pl�'1�' I:ClAI, P[I}.;1, �C ^�-L'_[ �!��: � - �. ` C:C`l'Y 0�? �i5? IllL��;Y � ~ �}��yh:i.b�.�: �� � . No���_�c��=°��� _�1,����}��_�_'c__o�`�_ lr��:t��?o�������_i�.,�_�.� . ����ii}�I'Y�� �_��1��--il���i!_�}..!Jll }:��_��i�,��-L,�l� _��}�. I,�C1�__l. �_C11���h�l� I/U1°I (%�_l j�'fl};fiE��S, t:�e Ca_ty Counci.l of t�ie Cit;r c,�' }��riclley, �ltio%a Cotulty, T'11.2121:'SOi:£1, �lc'1.: C�i:::i1:�C� lt; 27:?CcS�£i!'y�` �if1_il E'.?':I��'.CIl�YIi; t;�?�ll; t�lE,' IiP.PtOVF'u?,�'•7]�:i herei_ri��ftei� d::sc7�i'r.�ec;. b� r!iad° . � � NOt', �J'�f�4,:t��;�'0`,���, �:U'i'):C�,' ]S iiE;t��;�3Y G7.�;.i;i? '1'�1A�1' on �;he 9t`� cia.y of. October, 1�6'j at �:00 0' c?.oc�c Y.i�!. , th,� Cii;y Counc.; ]_ �;ri_1� IIi��t at the City FI�1.1 � � ,�-t�J �r� S��ia c� ty . ,:, , , ��_1 ���1� �_�� -�� � ��nci t�r� ] l��t s� i_d. �;ic � a Ic?- � J-ace hea;� � � in e-_ �� 1.I1 S�LI.Cl J.Tnj�_rpVc;r(:":� �S ] 21 4;[lO�.E` 07-' 7.I? ��F;;�' �. The g�eiieral n��.t,ur.��. oi th;; a_rrps�o�r�i:l'?7�ts in t'ne constrv_::tiori �i.n ttic lands and s`ur. ets no �ed bel or,�� of +.�,e fo].7.o}:r:i_n�; �Tr,pro`rer�lents, to-�•r�_t: coir���� � � «,-.,,; , �ic; � ro�, ? � r:-. .�t-�^ec t; 11�1T�JI'OVc^;II:: 1?i,� 1.Y1CI.t1C�1.?„ �,lc C3.i.?�� � gf�L;i:!_�.1`L���. 'D�t5� ��O1.i.LiC11I10L3.S . ' � ;. 1 1 � 1. SU2'18,C1_Ii�i � COr?C1'E?t;F' Cll1'�) ��.P_CL �U � t;E'r ��•;cL! E'.7' c'l.T?Cl SE.''vi�7_' Sc^,X'V1_C� :� � 1_21C1CjE'.='11..� 1. C�T'c`l,lIicl�;�'. � 8.?ll`� Ot'�1�T' icl,C111i;1�:S ! GC�ii,cJ. �.S i-U�.104iS: Hu�;o Stx�eet: F'r_om E�LSti ���.ver' F.oad to East F`nd of S �r.ee �, : Conrz�c tiri� �rli.th Ironto.l Str�::� �• ES`I'T1�1A�i'���D COS`� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �21.,?_00_00 `�'HAT Tt�=�l r'L�Zk�l P°OPOS��ID �i'0 Bi� �SSFISS�'::) k�OFt St1:i.D IT�1�'RG�Ir�_�iJii`r IS AS i'OLI;O��TS : For Construction Item ��oove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j. All of �he 1_a.nd �.'ou�tinU upon said stree �s n�-��eu �.boJ� and a1_1 1ar�ds wit'ni.ri, a.dja.c;:��� ��.r�ci ao�L��i_n�� t'r_�r��o. . All OI S�i?.� 18,Y1C1 �O 0� B,SS�S5"1 Ti?Y'O�OT'Li,lOI?c�°if ?CCq^:in� i.,0 �:12 bennfi.ts rec-�i.v::d. bf suc� im�rover��n�c, • That tn� Co�_trcil propcses �c� proc�ed �r:it;,� �ach o� sa�d. in_r,r�.r���,en�s C�.J �J'�cl', �_��Cl.l � � u�'L)`!�Ci V�.r:� ��'��.0 � �:�1.:: �:J l. =? J n. 7'°'c'L: t,°,_• � �ii�..:.•.vr:.' � y i�Ci :�� .�i.�i�l.y 'J f ��(?c. L'Otl?1CPi �.i.L U.T1.l�L' +�C!° i011041iti�' �L'.�nJ'_'1L� LrJ-':Ilt. i�>inn�:��tl. 5`r�.l:T:°3 � - -' ' r �gEil ��: G'(?�:��=.�r ',23 8_iC1 12.�;IS 3[it�P:���i.Qi'Jr i,:!°�1'�G-� 3.iL�j. 1?l COL1?p�"�Sl? �f �:ri�'1 �C?° vlt.f l.ra� ��'_'. ��'1'��V ���!?5 tp� T}�Y U� 5�;�'�!'�:i':�_i"_'�{, ?967 �Y �/:LT��.i1' �i :'L'i"; CiI�.'i C�UiICl�. . - _-_._1 t) t i�l�' . . An�I� ti,�ri : i�.' - �ilr1 lil ����'j — :� ,_ .. li . - - �sr i_::c�.__ �,;il � l il f`rl: Ll:�S _.' " Rtblis,t: Sept�r�c���� 2'i � �907 october � o, 1967 T'I.a i�'r�. - � 2.C�C � . �=i :ti.l;a,;,� � � � RESOLU�'ZOTd N0. RESOLi3TI0N ORDERING I�IPROVEi�IvT ANA FTNI�L PLANS AT3A SPECIFIC�TIONS AND ESTIt�TES OF COSTS TH�I:�OF: STREET IN�'ROVEMEIVT PF:OJEGT ST. 1967-1, (�DDENDUM ��1) �..� WHERF��S, Resoluti.c:�� i;o.173--�-967 of the City Council adopted the ' 18th day of Sept., 1967, set the date fox hearii�g on the proposed improve- ments, as specifically not:�d �_n the Notice of Hearing att�ched hereto for reference as Exhibit "A", an� � ' I ' I , I � WHEREAS, all of the property otaners whose property is liable to be assessed taith the malcing of these impxovements (as noted in said Notice) were given ten (10) daqs notice by m�.il aizd published notice of the Council Hearing thxough two (2) weekly publications of the required notice, and the hearing was held and the propert; o�ane:cs heard thereon at the hearing, as noted in said notice. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: l. That the following improvements proposed by Council Resolution No.173-1967 are hereb}T ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, to-wit: a) The impxovements as noted under the Construction Item in the Notice of Hearing (in Exhibit "A") for the foll�wing street: hugo Street: East Rivex F.oad to East End of Street ' C�nnecting With Iranton Street That the caork ahove m�y be cor_salid.ated with other areas as one improvement. I ' I� I � ' , ' , 2. That woxk to be performed under this pxoject n�ay be performed uncier one or more �ontxacts as may be deemed advisable upon receipt of bids. 3. The City Engineer is hereby designated as the Engineer fox this im�rovement. He shall prepar.e final plans ancl specifications for the making of such improvement. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CI7'�' OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATTEST: CTTY CLEFK - �iarvin C. Brunsell 1967. MAYOR - Jack 0, Kirkham , r ~ s LI ' � ' �_ J � ' Fv�i`'.vh�1�"�}:x. a"�3 .�^j.��.�..�fl 1.A�7.+n amC23:�'d�i°ti`.ad..�?�, �L9�'y:f$,'L`3�rn',�^a3'�;�,`�, .��;4tr� '�ti 'i�° �}�' 9t�CP�t� es �-ne .a" I�'i��.��:�a��.�� 9 1���.��m�s 55'�:32 ���se��,�� a� 9 :���5 ;� �x��a���a:i.e �yo� �m� �i.�� C�s��.�il �/r� �£�� M+�r�r3.n. Co F��.exra�i�, �.���.�� y:��� Ma��e� �ii�� oa �i+��.e� a�r33. �xc���x�s���� �!�:��.�a� ��.�<�, :i�u�a�g�:ti�� Z�,��.M�a�� �� �;�� G�raic�.��� o t�k�`�T�`���`�'� 4s= ?'� I���P�ER �e ����3�� ata�ffi�.t ������� �2 �crA a�o �d :��p�=.� �:z����a��das� Cc�a ��d Aesoca �����c��� �A �'o�.�.� �ien��a��, "x�3li �'�.q:�� ���.��� ��a�s�a� Ido., Mixaxa�agcs�.is� ��ss���. 55�r2 a �c�� ���� ���,� �� �a�� ��zi�� e�s��, <:�r u�oa� S��r�� Impx�e�.e�t �'roj��� ��7, �e:cm��:�sag �s c����:���., ' �c�m ].��d��,+��k �� �a�o 2�s ��.m I± F��i' �1--�.�� � ��9�.5 �7 L„F. 2�°f �Ie Y'� ��E' �0��.�s @ �8.1� �� .l�o€s G�fr�� NZa di.� �i,.I 16'°'��� C�v+a�1� .. , �16 I,.�o '�S"���,e �s� FtGP ����,2' L ���95 7 ��.. a �'* � ��c�:� � $�9 � t�!� � 1��,� ��s`' �1.���� ����k �����.�� � ��5m�� ' �. F�a 5��:�. �el�v C3�.rS3� ; .�,�`�.'�`s�i��p 2 ��. S��o R�4�� i.2•��,�r�Q � �;���r4� �.7A T�� F'ia.��� ���.� � �� � �� ' �S �m�`a ��a" ��m �� g ���������� ���� 4�-�8�� � ����,� �� �o�e ��°� ��.o a�� ���������� �� �.���:�° C ����i3� �a5 i�n�, 2�a" Cl� ��: i ���f����y�� �� �.��-�.�� � �� �€�� ; , ����� ���+� � ���� ��-s�� ' , ' ' , , ` �g��3..�+�.� es� �c� : ��� �.%t�$ �.a�a 1�'II �;:'_. g� I�e.'�� . � 357� 3auls �d-'� 6r.:'«c. �� �1�� � .. � �. ��2d Eow S' o ��'�y �ss;, ss �.� ���; �e Sa.4eS i'�2r �mFm 1�P4 e:� o °s�� ��e��� �� - .. � . ���C �O�A �K.'" 61.?bC �� It`payj� $ 5b�,35 7�9.05 4b�.75 3a723.20 3�3 0 �30 55 e �!3 �8Q,�0 �60.06 �.,02U,00 1�2.25 3b6,i?5 1�32 e 25 � 8,45i.90 6�6 Cio�a ��9fs� � �.ba id,3 ��iJ, a �O�L ���P �o$�a �.�g� '`.�+�.a ���. .�$.��e �.� �:� �.oF`o �€��° �s���� � �.�.��� aa/�s�� �tep� S� �o �'g ��'" ���: � Rin�� ��Step� �FD�.�9 �"s�IBF,i �'��:��� �'��Q��$ °A'8>�i !�$�'�'Y$.�1� E5� �Sl¢� ��&a�l �l���z �d��k & P�%;����.�.� r�� H�,axa� �� ; 20� �`�+��� ��d n ��t ��x�s� ta ��te y�'�.�,�1�i'f,,,�:r $199619,92 I�9�1.99 5�7,657,�3 11 r �� v�u� f� fi�S� ���± #'����? f �"+' $'�. � .l � ^- � 4.`a3i:'r�? �� �?�t7r1 �'�i 3 .... � �. �������� 69 Zgbi 1'�k��F?r ���£�� �� �4��� $i�,�S7�y� ��s� � �����t� ���' i3,9].b.46 �itrT'�:' N�� :��� �< e r �, �.> � � a � � A � A � �� 3���1 A 4 i o a a a o i�€E���:',e�i����� f�eP�3�l�t��.�l, �`�i3��a�eJ�4�� aSS �:id��SY' 6.+7 a �if t� a n �� �,,,..� � � �g� Sea �o a�s��+g�C�6:8tiy L n L' n ������ �ca �'� D. €:'ea�pra�.�a ��sr�����i�� Cao � l�sa�e ����.����i�g