03/06/1967 - 00021067REGUL�R GOU�lCIL MEETiNG, FtBRUARY 20, ]967 Mr. Schill�rger a�d oam Greig, but he did not know the outcome of thts meeting. Mr, �;hitm�re sa�d that there had been a Councii mecting after it had (aeen sent to the Pa1ice Commission, and at that time the Council was d�scussing hiring an insurance consultant, and was going to have all tha 3hsurance checked a± the same time. The City Manager said he would check on thi=_ and could have �t back on the agenda, ADJOURNMFNT; There he�ng no Purther business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Reguiar Council Meeting of Fet�ruary 20, 1967 adjourned at 12;15 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Mary Lu Strom Secretary to the Councii i� {i / /�� i � C�L=�� L � �.� �-- i ' F 2�. �sc �_ � AY�JR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM THE MINUTES DF THE REGUL:IR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 6, 1967 The Recular Counn 1 Meetin� of the City af Fridley was called to order by Mayoc K�rkham at 8;18 p�Mo f�OLL C/lLL MEF+L�FRS PP.FSENT� MEPIBE;�S �DSEAIT: OPENIi�G CERcMf3NY: Kirkham, Harris, Lieb1, Samuelson, Sheridan None Mayor Kirkham asked that the audience stand and say the Pledge of A1legiance to the Flag, APPRDUAL DF MTNIITES, REGULAR COUNCIL I�EE7ING OF FEE3RUARY 20, 1967: MGTIOU by Councilrc�an She n dan to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Counctl Meeting or �ebruary 2C�, 79G7 as submitted. Seconde.d k�y Councilman Liebl. Upan a voice vote, there beinyr no nays, Mayor Kirkham detlared the motion carried. a➢OPTION OF AGEN�'lA: Cnuncilmain She n dan sa�d that it it was agreea6le with the rest of the Counci7, he suygested they delete Item 30, "Resolution Concerning a County Cour± System", and Item 31, "Resolution Concerning Metropolitan Government", from this agenda, ��10TIOW by Coucrci]mar Sheric�ar to adopt ihe agenda wtth the deletion of Items 3� �nd 31� Seconded 6y Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, tF�ere heing no nays, Mayar K9rkham declared the motion carried, Ca�ncilman Liebl said that he would like to see these two items thoraughly � �� � LJ � � REGULNR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1g67 discussed at the next Council Meeking, with at te�st a half h�ui• (15 minutes for each Item} delegated for disa�ss�or.. APPDINTMENT - S4FETY COMMITTEE: MOTIQIJ by Councilman Liebl to appoint Mr. Claydon Poizin, 6220 Jupiter ldoacd Northeast, Fridley, Minnesata, to the Safety C�mmittee. Seconded by Counczl- man Samueison. Upon a voice vote, there aeing no nays, May�r Kirk€�am declared the motion carried, OR�INANCE �#3i7 - AN ORDIHAPJCE T^u A�M1END 1HE CITY COC�E OF THE CITY OF FRIOLLY, MINNESOTA BY M�4KING A CNAIJGE IN ZONING� DTST�;ICTS - TARGEC�e '�����'�� Councilman Shertdan asked if the Cit/ has rec°���ed the deed con�reyiny th%� prooerty for park as had 6een agreed, The C�ty Fngineer said that he had not received the deed. Mr. Crowley, repre�entotive for Cayton Target, said that they are moving towarcl the acyuisitior of the property, and whPn they� have perfected the ownership� then they can d�ed #he �ark landm He said that he dicJ have an exhibit that could 6e attacheJ tn the ordirtance. Ht showed the exhibit to the Council, The Cizy Managei suggested that thcy include this in the motion and the headinq can be chanyed, MOTI(1N by Councilman Samuelson to receive frpm the Target Oayton siore the description of the park 1and ihat ihey wi11 dedicate to the City of Fridtey resulting from the rezoning and the consummation af the 1ancl purchase in the new Target `�ayton store area. Cauncilm�n Harris said that he woulr� second the motion with the change, if it wes ayreeable to Councilman Samuelsnn. with "Llescription of the p�rk tand from Farget �aytan kr� the City �f Frldley," as the headrng on the exhibit. This was aareeabl�. Mr. Crowley said that they are stating this land wiil be for park purroses, but there is also the possibtlity there wi11 be a cul-de-sac, and they woia1d lrke to reserve the right for an easement zhrougl-i the park fc�r util�ties �f necessary, Councilman Sheridan said that he would make an amendment to the motion tc, attach to this description a possib1e cul-de-sae Hrithin the desceibec property and giv�ng Dayton Target Gorpor�tion an easement f-or City utiS�ties below grouncf over this praperty. The Ciky Attorney suqgested ehat wher �ayton Target became aware of what was needed, a �imrted easement cocld be granted rather than a floating easement cavering the entire �zece of property. He suggested also that they cou7d receive this exhibit anu' pass a resolutio� to the effect that if a CUI-dE-SdC �s to be built at t;l7eri Lane and a nortion ot this park land is needed; ihfs �s within the understanc��ng and agreement of the Council, and then asl< Oayton Targel to com� bacl� when and if an easement is needed. Councilmar S.2ea1 said khat he wcauld rather see Target �ayton use their own land for utilities and not use power pales. Councilman Sheridan po�nted out that it was the recommendation of the Ciky Engineer and Consulting Engineer to serv3ce this property mith sewer anci water, and it would be serviced fran Cheri Lane, sa eventually LhE CTiy Wou1d want to give them a utility easement for Crty serv�ces. Counciiman Sheridan withdrew his amendment to the motian� VDTE upon the motion was a vo� ce vote anu� there hei n5 no nays, Nlayor ICi richan7 declared the motion carried. MOTION by Counc�lman Harris to direct the Liky 4ttorraey T� draw up a resolution based on the use of Che n Lane, regarded as park property, as a cui-de-sac, and a stipulation regarding rhe easement ii necessary. Thr_ REGULAR COUN�IL MEETING, MA�C� 6, 1°67 !'ounc3l discussad further that thas waulc! be hard to draw up untdl there ;s someth�ng concrete, Co�ncilman Hzrris pointed aut that the Council �nll be cons�dering � resalutian orderinq plans and specifications for the sewer and then tY7ey wi11 I<naw where the easement wifT go, Mr, Crowley said that he wauld I�kF included with the dedication some language with regard to the fence �n the boundary of tt�e ded�cation in lieu of any set backs. Council- man Harr9s said that when they come back to the Building Standards - �esign Coritrol Su�cnmmittee wit'h the final plans, the sub-committee w�ll request the fnnce locatian as �art oF the site preparation for the property, and �t wauld not have to F]e �art oF a resolution, as it wauld be part of their �roperty anrl not �zrt of the c�edicatton. The rity Attorney auggestad that an sgreryrnent be drai•;ri where�n the City would spectfy what they have a�reed �a a= to th� chang3ng oP zoning, and Oayton 7arget wouid specify what they have aoreec� to including the fence at the 391 line, �ledication of the park pro�erty, and an easement �nto the��;lover property, and it would be sighed by both, [hen this will not encumber their dedication w�th unnecessary l�nguage, Mr. Cra�,�rbey said that he assumed they would dedicate Yhe fe�ce to L'he �ity. PIQIIUi�( by i:ouncilm�n Narris to adopt Orcinance #3S7 upon second reading, wra�viny the reading and holding the puL-�licatian uhtil ihe receipt of the dESCUSSe� agr�ernent s�gnad by payton Target. Seconded lay C.ouncilman Sairue7son, Upon a roll call vote, Kirl<ham, Harris, Liebl, Samuelson and Shen dan vot�ng aye, �layar Kirkham declared the motion carried, REQU�ST FdF k�UtLC�IPlG f'Ef�MIi - �AYTON TIiRGETt h4r. Cravrley said thzt they had sut�mitted a f3uilding Permit request last week, and thaught rt would be on tl7is agenda, The City Manager said that the Counc�l cauld consider this toniqht if they liked and give it to fihe 3uildiny Stanclards - 6esign Control Subcom�mittee the naxt evenina. P9fJT?ON by Cour�ci7-�an Samt�el^>on to amend zhe agenda f�r ihis even7ng to i7c�u�n the r_�ar�=ideratioi7 �f t�;e Ta;get Building Permit re.��est, an�� to rece�v2 the uuild�ny Perr=�t: req�est. S�conded b}� Councilman Harris, Upon a voice vote, there being no nayJ, Maynr I<irkham deciarec{ the moL-ion carriec�. T��e Courtc�l studied the olans with thU represenC;.tives a� the Dayton iarget store. M1.-. Crowi�, sald that the only �tem that he had been *.old had been questioner,'�vas one mar� ex�t. dhe City Manayer read a list of considerat�ons ±�e ha�, y-eca,v��i �-;o�n the 6uile'ing Inspector th�t had to b� resolved. Mr. Crow��y sa��1 thu� thay foilotia Thr lJniforrn 3u�lding Code, Councilman Harrtis poi�te:� out that they wit? hav� to hava the iandscape plan for the 5u6- Cnnrnittec meet�ng thP nexi' ever�i�iy, The Consultiiig Enginear said that ,_i�ere t�ao:fld l�e nne proaiem in coordinaasng L-he dra�naqe wori. along the southvrest leg a�it�r the Highaiay Depart�nent, laut a resolutzon was on the a��ncia requcst�ng apprava? to �vark on the�r right-of-way and participation an their part, Counc�lman Samuelsan quastioned the ]ighLing they would i.asn in re�at,on te the residents, h;r4 ;�elson said that there wouod be soitie 7igliL- on the huilcfing, �iut that it would not shine aut, and thaY the parl.rng rot ��ii7l 'ae 1�gF�led, but the horries are on a h�gher level. P1GTI�� t�y Counc,lman Samu�lson to accept the nlans of tne Daytan Target st�re suf�j�ct to t�e ;7otatiorrs of the L�i�iiding Inspeckor and the 9uilding Standar�s Design Con u-ol Sub-Commiteve, and grant the Ciuitding permtt upon �-�re,entat��n ni tnese itens. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vo`e, there be'ng r,a nays, Mayor Kirkhanr declared the motion carried. � � � � � R�aULA2 �OUNCIL MEcTTNGr h1A�CH o� 196] BIDS - GASOLINE (OPENED NOOA7, MARCF! 6, t9o7jz The City Manager read the followin, bids: �I�Jllalt7 COOP. INC.: �C-SCRIPTIOIJ � Proposal A, Regular 6asaline �Jctane Rat�ng �1 Ethy1 Gasoline Octane Rati.�r, �3 SifJCLAIR REFI�TNG COMPANY: Pronosal fi °e�u1ar Gasoline Octane 2ating 91 ExM�1 Gaso1inz Octan� �3ting 93 Pro o� sal r Regular Gasoiine Octane Rating �1 Ethyl Gasoline Octane Rati ng yr� ESTS�`1��TED QUP,TII°1T`f 20,00o aa�. ?5,000 Gal. 20,000 Gals. 25,DOD Gals. 7_p,000 Ga1s. 25,000 Ga1s, CIJ�ZRENI NCT f�OiCE PEE2 G�1L3.C3N t Sa.1,5S �p,?ts� �0. iq9 $�• %a4 10.204Q $0.22�p r STIts�?,Tl= L7 TqTAL I?IG 53,913_0� t7�,'9i.pG y,,g8o,no ;>,�oo.00 ;4,Q>i0.i10 )5,7Z5r�0 The City Hanager read the recorrnnendat�on rf the City �ngine�r :hat lPie h2d bc awarded to the lotvest b��der, the ilidtand Couperaiives, Snc, MOTTOM by Councilman Lieb1 to cancur with i�ne Adm� m str�tion ar7d award tne i�id ta the 4awest uidder, the ��1idland Coo�e�atives, 3nct, far the e:timacerJ �otal of $4,315.5�. Seconded by Councilmar Sam�elsen. Upc�n a va5ce voL-e, Counci lman Sheri dan abstat ni ng, Mayor Ki i-kPra�n decl ared the mori nn ca�°i i e'. '3IDS - CHLORI�lE (QPENED NODNa i�fC+4rN e, lyo7): Tne City Manager said that these bids usualdy cair:e in eh� sar,e. bs�� in�s tan� thare i s one 6id that i s d3 fferent from ',ie rest, The Ci ty I�harrager ; eaci �ne follawing bids and the recanmendation oi ihe City Engine?r L-�raC �he brd b� awarded to the Lyon Chemicals, Inc „ as Lhay nav� oe�.n a gocd ssap��iier �n tht past and are the lowest 6idder: ESTIMATE UNIT BID �S�IN'AT'c ESTTi�iATE NAhi� (1UANT1rY PRi::F SUC TOT^L TDT;'L Anderson Chem. Co. Hawkins Chemzcals Thompson-Hayward McK�ssun v RoSbins Lyon Chemicals, Inc. 3,OQ0 Lbs, $ 20.75 /15C,`-` cyl, $ �FiS.O(t 72,��0 L6s. $tB�.R�J/2�QQ,%� �yl, i,980.Ot7 3,��0 Lbs. 22,OOD Lbs, 3,000 Lbs. 22,000 Lbs, � 20.?5/1�0/t cyl. No �id $ 19.5�/1i0,+ cyl» ?, s0,�cwt, $ 415.00 $ 39Q.0o 1,650.00 >i,395.00 �2, 040, f)0 REGULA2 CUIJN�IL M�_ET11dG, M,ARCFI 6, 196] 110TIOfJ by Councilinan Sheridan xo avaard the Liquid Chlorine bid to the Lyon Ghe�ical, Inc., in th� esiimated amount of 52,o4o,OD. Seconded by Counc;lmarr Sanr�els�n. Upon a voicP vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirl<harn eieclared the motion rarrind. 3IDS - TRCE ac,4Uix=ICRiI�ld (OPtNC� ��IOQ�PJ, !�azcH 6, 1967): ihe City ��ta�ager r�a� the fotlowing bids; 3I�]DER Each�nan's, Tnc, Nalia Nursery �o. Gn,S4 HO1�EY LINDEfI ASN LOCUST No 3id $40.00 $67.p0 � RLTERNATE HOPlFY LINDEN �FlSH LOCUSf Plo Bid $19.40 $45.64 N�TE: Bachmans stated that staking of the trees would cost an addttiona] $3�50 Far one stake an� $11.00 for two stakes per tree. They rec�rnmended two stakes, �5o.?y $�o.00 $,a.00 rao �;d �ra.ao $3o.oa P10TE: Ha11a addecl an alternate ,qsh called the Pqarshall seedless, Price for this tree F3ase: $32.00 - Alterna�e: $i1,50 per tree, Very acceptable substitute. 3ob"s Produca $3rF.5� $23.5� $39.Sd $25,00 $15�00 $34.� OOIi The City r1anager read the recommendation of th� Parks and Recreat�on 'Jirector that the overal3 1ow bid was submitt�d by 3ob's Produce Ranch. MOTIOiV by Councilmart Harris to award the Tree Bid, on tne base bid, to 3o�'s Pro�iuce Ranch For Ftsti trees at $23.5� each, planted. Seconded by Councilman Samuelsnno Counc;lman Liehl asked for a clarif�cation of the tree size. Councilman Samuelson said that they will be 7" mim mum, and quarenteed one year. �+ renresentative of '3ob's Produce itanch said that alt the trees will be ta ed. !`ouncilman Sner=dan sai�i that he has �ot disapproved of the beautification prayrarn, but ±his is set up as a prugram for the boulevards and not the parks� an�i he did nat feal the City wes ready to move down the boulevards evith trees. iie sa�d Lhat he atso thought ine prices �r�ere high and that they may be able tc� da better than thts on the open mark�t, He said he would like to table the enoLi�n and h� m�auld imi�stigate this Further. Councilman Samuelsan said that he had i�een d�s[urbei aL the price also, but that they were adding at least S5 by increa:,ing the size from 12" to ?_", and oF the trees specified, Linden and Floney Lorust are extremely expensive trees. He said that the wrap�ing and tying alsa made then much higher, but they will get a year's guarantee. '-le said he hac! hoped that they would 6e much less, Councilman Harr9s pointerJ o.�t that Lhe Counc�l h�d des�gnate�i $0 trees for the parks, and the rest for the boialeva;cis, Council�ian Sheridan said he thought the trees were to renlace tnose damaged 6y the torna�o �n the °arks, 11e said he disagreed with outting trees on Snulevards, and questioned why one qiven area shou�d have th� C9ty put trees on the boule��arcl. rla pointed out that some owners have already replac�u trees an their boulevar:l, an� ii they had waited the City would do it. Councilman Harris said that he did not feel Counc{lrnan Samuelsan's � REGULAR CaUNCIL IIEETING, N,ARC?-1 6, i9o7 idea was based jusC on tornado destroyed rrees, but that ik was to be a � contini�ing program, and th�s had the firs; priorzty. fle satd i�� felk Chi� would go on for perhaps five years, cavering a11 tha Ciry, Mr. t`au7son, a v�sitor to the Counci1 Meeting, asked w},�t the ahj=ction tvou1d be to assess7 ng For the trees. He ,aid he waul d h� �vi I 1� r,a to pay i f i L' tia:.re �n his stre�t. Cou�cilman Samuelsan saici that th�s would :re hard to keep nn the assessment roll, and the people taoulci e.�ant to >ae as'r.ed ,=;rst. hlayci- rCi rl<�iam sai d that the Ci ty cannoi do i t ai 1 at once, hu± eventual 1 y eve�-yoi�e wouTd get a tree and v�ou1cl pay. Coe�nc�1maPi L9eS1 sa�d Lha�. i�e ha� q4xesr��ned this when it was first on the agenda, as he t€i�i�gl7t they sh�rald be :J�vid�rl equal1y for all three Wards, but he had heen told ihat they were for the tornado damaged areas, � The City p4anager asked if they aropose to plant a kree in earh boulev��c! aventually. Councilman Samue1son said yes ��rentually on a continuinu proqram. Mayor Kirkh�m said that hs felt tnis was the initia? intent of the motion. Councilman Liebl said that he thau�ht ihat it should �e decided by the Cauncil tvho will get the trees a�d not by lhe FarlcS aneE Recreation Commission, as they shouid be fairly distr�6uted, MOTIOId ay Counci1man Shcridan to tablc the motaon on the floar un?il the next regular meeting of March 20, 1°67 at ivhich i�me he will iroaS<n a rena-T on tfie trees as to p n ces. Seconded by Cvunc�lman L9ebi, Upan a ueece vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham derlared L1�� motic,n c�rried, 6UILOING STAlVOARllS - t]ESIGN CONTR�L SU$CQf�hMTTCE� h1EETING i�flW)TL'S, FE6P,U,3P,Y 21, l° 7: -------___.��.�_ APARTML`hT PRQJECT Ft7R THE MOQN CORPORATIOiV PROPDSEJ TERftY' S,1U�IT?�;J Counci1man Narris said that this was not an ad�quate legal desc�ipitan, anJ there sha�ld be a survey on th� property xsefore the 3ui1d4ng Ferrm t is 3ranted, and he would like to add one mora skipulatio� to Se numL-erec� {7}, that the hole u�ill be f�lled before a CertiFieate oF Occupanr_y is aiven for tha bui1ding, Councilman Sheri�an asl<erJ if ihis pl�t had ever been filed. The City Manager said that Mr. Julkaws)ci had ���ver c�me hack to the Council with it. The City Attorney said that Mr, Jull<owska is a�� roui°r now getting signatures, fha City Manager pointed ouk that this is just a request for a rough preiiminary approvai. MD7IOiJ by Councilman Harris to receive th? Minutes of the �3uild�n,c Stanclarc!s - Design Control Suh-Committee Meetinr� of Fe6�-uary 21, :967 as amended. Seco�ded ay Counc�Iman Sheridan, 'fhe City Attarney questaoned whsethar $7_ units +Nere within tha density requirement a',1owed by the Code, The Ci:y Manager sa�d that this is one thing that should he made clear by the 3��arc1 of Appea1s. Uoon a voice vote, there being n�� nays, hlayor Kirl<ham c�ecPere� the motion carried. BOARO OF APPEIILS MEETING MINUTES OF FE3RUNRY 22, 196�: � 1, PUBLIC HE�aRING ON A REQIJEST FOi2 � VAR?A�JCr eROPI SrCTiOhd 45.?4 CipY Ct�DE OF FRI�LEY, P1INN��OTA, 1�� REUIStO 7EC�M�cP 31� 19�1+, f3Y WAIVER Q� Sj]E YARD P.EQUIZEMENT DF 17.$ FEET DP! A CO2P]ER LDT TO 1�t.5 FccT TO PER7tTT C�7N-- STRUCTION OF Il HOUSE ON EXISTIhJG FOUNL'4TIDiJ ',JiTH TH� AfJDITION Di- A T�JO-c:NR GARAGE OhJ LOT 5, �LOCK , Br200KVIE�.1 TERRACE, SECOMD�,qDDITI0IJ, 1aN01(A COUiVTY„ MI�JNESOTA, SAI�1� BEING 9��� n TH Al1ENUE NO2THEAST, (REQU=ST 3Y L. �J, � SAMUELSG�1 COIdSTRl1CTI0iV. INC,. 7 DO EAST RIU=R �O��J. F'1�LEY, Y�1IiJN�SOT1\�� The City Manager read the motion oF the 9aa;d of Ap�eals recu�mme�id9ng that the setback varianr_� he granted. REGULAR COUPdCIL hiEETrNG, ht:lltCli 6, 1967 h10TIJ�" by Councilman Harris to concur with the recarnnendation of the Board of Appeals and grant the setuack variance as requested. Seconded 6y �ouncilman Siieridan. U�on a voice vote, Councilman Samuelson ahstaining, Meyor Kirkhan dec]ared the motion carried, PLANNiNG COf�Id�hISSS(71l' MEE7ING MTNUTES, FEB!@UARY 23, 1967: 1, PU9LIC NEARIMG, P,EZONIPJG REQUEST� ZOFl •`166-01, HAROL�J F. SCHROCDER, JR.: The Cily Manayer read the motion b,� the Planning Comm�ssion recommending ap�+roval or thA rezon�ng request. Th� Tity Manager said that because af the time �i tai;es L'o �et this matter before the Planning Cammis�ion and r_ouncil, a Public tiearin� has been set for this rezoning for Plarch 13, 19�7. The City iianager poinked this area out cn the map. MGTION by Cauncilman Narris to receive the recotmnendatioh of the Planning Commiss�on. S�conded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vota, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the molion carried, 7_. STU�Y: ZOy ff66-1q, PETFR J. LINDDERG (SCHltOER): The City I�ianager re�d the motion oi the Planning Commission recomme�ding T:ia7 I]rawing ;/} dated February 21, 1967 as the street pattern for the int�-section oi Mississi�pi Street and East River Road. He said that the Comm�sszon is saying that they do not recommend zny action on the rezoning untsl th� Couhcal sees if it can acq�ire the Mohi1 Station. Councilman Harris asl<ed if this item has gone tn the County, and if they have done anythin� [o acquire th� Mohil Station� The City Engineer said that the map vaas a comi�ined effort of the City and County, The C�ty Manager said t��l Lhe Courity has not done anything about the Mobil Station to his knowledge. The �ouncil studied th�� map an+� discussed the left turn lane. MOTTON by Counrq3man Harris to concur with the Planning Commission on the recumme�dation for the street pattern at Mississipoi Street and East Civer itoacl 3s drao-m i�y the City Enyineering Department and the i,aunty H7ghway Departmettt. 5econrled !�y Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vo*e, there 6eing no na��s, Mayor Kirkham dec�ared the motion carried, 3. �ISCUSSiOP! 0�= SE ; QF SFC'sION 13, P1IKE 0'BANN�N, PRQPOSFa ?LAT ,�ND STU The City Mana�er read the motion by the Planning Commission requesting the C�ty Council to hire htr. Hodne to do a schematic plan for the South Haif of the Soutneast `uarker oF Section 13. The City Manager pointed out Yhrs area on the �nap. He exptained that there have 6een five requests for sub-divisions in this area, and the Plannin� Commission felt the City shou�d take th� lead an�� ta;r put a nra;aased road plan from Old Centrai ta Stinson, tal<ing into cansideration such th�nr�s as the utilities. lie said that they have an estimalerl cost of =rom $300 to $700 for the schematic plan with the stipulation that if the costs start to exceed $70�, the City has the option to proceed or tn use the �a�ork as it is at that point. He said that the plan will not b� sii�±aUle for tne �roperty owners to use as a plat. Councilman !larr�s said that this r?quested olan lends credence to prior dis�ussions of having a resident olanner to do some of this work for the Cauncil. rouncilnan Samuelson said he agreed, put he fett that the work has to be don� by sameone that knows what thep are dorng. Councilman Harris said that the Council cannok wait for this at this time, 6ut it is something to keec i n m-i n�d. � � � .°.EGl1L�1R COUPdCIL riEETING, M;1RCH 6, 19�7 � Mayor Kirkham asked if the property owners co��ld not com� u;� with san�thing and as4; Mr. Hodne to approve i t, The Ci t/ f°tanager said ihat tl�nre are multiple awn�rs and they cannot get toget�ier so that each is com�n� in lvith his awn plah. Councilman Sheridan named th,, �ollowing people as o�vners of the larger parcels: Lenny Cpchran, Park Constr��;t�an, Chies 6rothers, Mike D'Eiannon, Reverend Hender,on. The City Nlana�er said t;�at Mrm Clyde Scherer woulci Tike to plat a narraw �iece �o th� ��a+-th of this area. Councilman Sheridan said he would like ta see the nrice of this siay ��nder $$00. �qayor Kirl<ham said that usually tl�e land owner �ays Ihe 6i13, and why shoulci khe City have to do it because t;�er� �re ? or 6 owners. Th� City Maneger said that the owners w�ll still haue ihe sarne costs toi° platting, but this witl giva the Cit/ a gu��ie ��rhen accei>t;ng the inczvi_ival plats, Mayor Kirkham asl<ed if it taouid be legat tu assess tye propert;� owner. Counci1man Liebl s��id that if this �Nere the CBS° the po•cperty owr�er should be advisecl becaus� than he may not wanc to change. He said hc under- stooci th� Planning Commission wanted to knnw �,�hel� tha ulility a��d >treet plans tvill be. The City Manac�er said that cl7;s +vas correcl, �anc the;r could noc tet7 without a study. Mayor Kirkham sugg��sted thny ga ahead w�th ihn idea hut designal,e it as a street pZ.1n and �Nl�en lhe wnaie area is ccxnptejec�, charge it ka the properiy awners as the cost c+f preliminary p1ans f��r a propesed street, Councilman Sharidan suggest�d �k c�uld 'ue �art of the platting fee. The City AttarnAy satd that this sorandzci s•ea;onable �nd he woul� checlt it out. � h10TI0V by Councilman Samuelsan tta proreed mrith the overall p1anning c�� the area, as requested, with the Administrati�n i-eFerring the costs to the engineering Pees and charging them to the p1at plai.ting charges t-s1�en �he plats are presented foe fina1 acceptance. Secotufed by Cauncilman Harri>, Upon a voice vote, th�re being no nays, F1ayor Kirkham deciared �4-�e inotion carried. 4. PROFOSrD PP,FLIMStJARY PLE1T: P.S, ;i67-03, �1AP,L0.ND E„ CERRY; The Ci tv hlana�er said th:t � t„� �G hi s unc�ei°sland; ny th� t a f:egi sk.er�e�l � arid Survey cou1d be accepted by the City of Fri�liey, but lhat Lhe County c�nnot accept it, and it may take action tay Mr. �crry �n cuurt fo net ;r acc�ptec.. Ne said that the Plannir�g Ccxnmissian had asked tl�e CiLy �'�ttoirie}� La ci�ec� on this. The C�ty �4ttorney said thal the ord�r�ance says Lhat a rr_g�sterec lan� survey can He accegteel, so ihe Caunci 1 coul rJ a���ar nve i t, '��ut he understc�ocJ that it is tnrrens pror�erty and would have to be araproved by ihe T�arF�ens Examiner or Oistrict Judge, The Council a3scuss�d �f 61re 3err�� choc,£ !he �egistereci Land Survey� whether it wou1d bz ad�•isa::ie tn holc a Puniic Ne�ring or run it through like a lot split, The Cit;� Aitorricy pointed au*_ that it t�toufc! 6e almost the equi��alent of a lat solit as the t�Na �arce?s will be three larger lots, Councilman Harris �s!�ec; hhr, Srrry if I-,e could get letters irom the abutii�g �ro�erty ownFis lhai they nad no ofl�ect�nns, and then the Counc�l �nould not need a Publ�c �-iear*nc� an� cauld tre�t ii �s a lot split. Mr. 3erry said he could do this. Counri1rnan Flarr�s su��ested � that if he brinps i� the leticrs there 6e na hearirig, b�,�t i� there arc n�� letters, that a public hearing be hetd. THE hITNUTE$ DF THF PARKS AND RECRE�;TTOPI COM�'11SS7pN f��E�TiNG, F�FRIr'11,2'/ 27,_i96l: PARK PL'a�JhING 11M+7 PiATflTEyF1NCE SUFcZUiSOR PD�S17I�hl: ��� Coilncilman Liebi n�ted that the Parks and Recreat�nn Commi=sior+��ras reryue4iin� a meeting with the Council to discuss the parl< �lanr7cr positian. Cc�uncilrriarr REGUL�IR f.OUNCTL '�1�_ETIF�EG, MIIRCH 6, 19�7 F"arn s sugges[eci that since the Council is meeting March 13, 1967, at � �S:OD far �: Public Nea n ny, that they mee� with the Parks and Recreation Commis5ion at 7:00 the same e��eninq. The Council agreed� l�tOTTOP�; by Counc�lman ilarris to set the maeting with the Parks and Recreation Corr�nissinn at 7:OQ P.ht�, Iharr.h 13, 1967, Seconded 6y Councilman Liebl. linor� a woice vete, ther� Feing no nays, Mayor Kirkham decfared the motion carrie�W d14Tr0A! by Counci�man Shericlan to rece�ve and file the 1�lihutes of the parks and Recreatian Comr�i�ssron Nlee*_ing of February ?7, 1967, Seconcled hy CnuncllmarEllarris. U�on a voice vote, Chere being no nays, Mayor Kirkham c'eclared the motaon c:rried. fI1Y H;ILL REM�DELING: Councilmar Samtielson said that this item was on the agenda at his request. `ie s�gc�ested that in the anticipated cam�letion and moving into the new City Hall, thev sha.alcl r3z=cuss o-�ith the Fire and Police �Jepartments what they u�ou1 r1 17 ke lo dr� i�ri tli thi s prese:nt k,ui 1 ding wi th respect to safetp aspects as there wili have L-o bP same remocfeling done to bring it up to code. H? sai� tiiai th� 4ounc�l shou3d look ahead as to what wrll-happen to this building, perhaps with Sm31ey end ��ssociates, so that eve will have a coh- r�rsi��us plan. PtOTIOP; t�+y Counciiman Samuetsan that the ;�dministratton bring an itemizecl list � �f necessiry char�ges to this present building before the �ounc�l at the next regular Co�mci] MeeCing af March 20, 1)67, Seconded by Councilrnan Harris, llr,o� a vo�ce vote, ihere Ueing no nays. Mayar Kirkham declared the motion carried, FP.I9LEY IP:�L'ST^IAL D�VELOPMEPlT CQMMISSION P4�ETING MIPIUTES OF M.4RCH 2, 1967: MOTIOPd Ly Councilman Harr�s to receive �nd file the Minutes. Seconded by Courrcilman Shericlan� Councilman Harris read the motion �irectrng the City ,4ttorney to draw a proposed resolution fevo n ng the hir�ng of a futltime City Planner. Countilman Liebi asl<e�, how much the City couid afford to �ay a fulltime rilanrter, fourtcilman Harris said that the/ had discussed a part time planner for the P�r1t C7epartment, and tha City budgets about $3,000 for cohsulting f�es, we useci to have an ?idministrative Assistant budgeted at $7,?_�D, ancl !�e su�yested these could 6e t�ed together undar one man. He said that Golden Valley and afnomington �ay in the range of j11,000 to j1Z,000. f,ouncilman Lieb1 said that ha had quesiioned this because he Felt the City cauld not 4�ire � nlanner for $7,200. Upon a voice vate, there being no nays, tFr� mot�ah to receive and file carried. GHARTiR COMMISSIQlJ Vr^CAN!'IES: � Councilman Sheridan said that tfie list of names in the agenda is for the Cour,cil's information so they I:now who is on the Commission. Playor Kirl<ham saie; that it is �ust a rnatter of suqgesting names for the vacancies. The fit,� (\tiarney said that there is a�arovisioh ih the State Statutes that the entire Commission he reappointed ever;i four years, This is a matter of fc rrr�a 1 t ty. � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1967 E rr.r��rrzn��� A EMPLOYEES AND MOTION by Councilman Lie61 to adopt the ordinance upon first reading, waiving the reading. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Harris, Liebl, Samuelson, and Sheridan voting aye, the motion carried. 15T READING OF AN DRDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SUB-COMMITTEE OF THE PLANNING MOTION by Councilman Harn s to adopt this ordinance upon first reading, waiving the reading, Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Harris, Liebl, Samuelson, Sheridan votrng aye, the motion carried. Councilman Samuelson suggested that at the passing of this ordinance, it would be appropriate to have the list of vacancies in the agenda. CHANGE ORDER �2 - W-75-C, SCHEDULE 2: MOTION by Councilma� Harris to approve Change Order #Z. Seconded by Council- man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CHANGE ORDER #fl - STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1966-6; Councilman Harris asked if this was fully assessable. The City Engineer said that not all of it is. He explained that they are completing Gardena Lane and Gardena Circle w�th an overlay which is assessable, and the 7th Street overlay is already in and will be paid out of State Aid Funds, MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Change Order #/l, ST. 1966-6. Seconded 6y Counci1man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, CHANGE ORDER - CITY HALL: The City Manager said that this involved a wall to give space for the new alarm system, but they had been unable to have it completed for ihis evening's meeting, but it would be ready for the next meeting, and perhaps for the meeting with Smiley & Associates on Wednesday. ESCROW OF MEA�OWLAND PARK: The City Manager said that Che Administration recommended in 1964 and now again that this be returned. He said that the City has no way to use the $1,000, and Erco, Inc. has complied with the agreement as well as could be expected. Gouncilman Harris questioned wheiher the Cil-y had received a quit claim deed for the land dedicated as park, The City Manager said that the City has the deed. MDTION by Councilman Samuelson to refund the escrow in the amount of $1,000 to Erco, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a vo�ce vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REGULAR CDUNCIL MEETING, MARCN 6, 1967 FIRST READING OF OR�INANCE ESTABLISHING A BUILDING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE AND � AMENDING SECTION 46.2 OF THE CITY CODE OF 7HE CITY OF FRIDLEY: The City Manager said that he had a copy of the new fee ordinance adopted by the City o( Minneapolis it anyone wanted to see it. Tha City Engineer explained that Minneapolis had adopted this on the lst of January and with this ordinance, F n dley would adopt it by reference with the exception of the modification of two sections, and the deletion of another part. He explained the upgrading of the fee schedule, listing the old fee and what it will be after the increase. Councilman Harris asked if the NSSSD fees are listed in this schedule. The City Engineer said �o, that this basically is the 8uilding Code. MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the ordinance upon first reading, waiving the reading. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Councilman Liebl asked how much additional revenue this will mean to the City. The City Engineer said approxiinately $8,000 to $10,00D. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Harris, Liebl, Samuelson and Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried� BUILDING PERMIT - KURT MANUFACTURING COMPANY: The City Manager explained that this has been redesigned since it went through the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee. The General Supervisor, Mr. Holle, was present at the Council Meetrng and went over � the plans wit� the Council. Mr. Holle explained how room had been gained, and the building costs dropped $1 per square foot. Councilman Harris said that he had reviewed this in the afternoon with Mr. Holle and the Building Inspector and they had requested some changes of which Mr. Holle had a letter. Mr. Ho11e said that part of these requested changes were already incorporated in the electrical permit requirement such as 3 exit signs. Another was a one-hour fire rating on doors, and an exit from the second floor doorway, which Mr. Holle said he would not argue with. Mr. Holle asked �f the Coun u 1 would accept a wall constructed of tempered hardboard for a firewall. The Council agreed. MOTION by Councilman Harris to grant the requested Building Permit to Kurt Manufactun ng Company, 5Z8� Main Street Northeast, with the additions as outli�ed, Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Couocilman Harn s pornted out that this will go to the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee the next evening. MOTION 6y Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution �35�1967• Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared ihe motion carried. ��KS��: � ��y��rr:■�:�� T '81): MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution �36-1967. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. IJ � L�..I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1g67 P, MINARY REPDRT AND CALLING A ON OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMFNTS. I� The City Manager explained that it had not been possible to get this hear�ng set for the Public Hearing Meeting of March 13, 1g67, and so it was set for the 20th of March if this was satisfacCOry Lo the Council. Councilman Lie61 asked a6out Rainbow Rrive, 61st Avenue to Comet Lane, wh�ch is in his Ward, and asked if the people were being kept informed. The City Engineer pointed out that this resolution would set a public hearing to hear the re- action of Yhe people. Gouncilman Samuelson asked about Arthur Street, and the City Engineer said that the City can acquire an easement from the school along their property, put in a perma�ent street improvement now, and put the storm sewer into the easement later. Mayor Kirkham suggested that this pro�ect geL- on the agenda as soon as possi6le because the bidding will be better now. MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution �37-1967 setting the Public Hearing for March 20, 1967. Seconded by Councilman Liebl Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. SULUIIUN ir3d'lyb/ ^ KtI.tIUINU IYIt YKtLIMIIVHKY KtYU ARING ON THE MATTER OF THE C�NSTRUCTIQN OF CERTAIN ATF AID IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST_ 1967-2 (ADDENDUM �i The City Engineer said that this is separated f-rom the last resolution because this is a State Aid Street and the oChers were not. MOTION 6y Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #3$-1967 setting the Public Hearing for March 20, 1967. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, Mayor K+rkham declared ihe motion carried. �7:7]�:�[N ANS, SPECIFICATIDNS, AN AND STORM SEWER PROJECT MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #39-1967. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The City Engineer said that this improvement can be ordered through, as there will be 100% petition. He said that the owner will send a letter to the City waiv�ng the hearing if this is sat�sFactory. MDTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution ,¢40-1967 sub�ect to the receipt of a letter from Dayton Target. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. fII I ISI�Ccs9�■�I17�I�i41��1�4'1d@L MOTION by Councilman Narris to adopt Resolution ,�41-7967. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham REGULAR COUNCIL MEFTING, MARCH 6, 1g67 deciared the motion carried. RESOLUTION #42-1967 REGARDING PARTICIPATION IN STORM SEWER PROJECT BY MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #4Z-1g67. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The City Engineer explained that this �ncludes three items. The storm sewer, the sanitary sewer, and water, and also the proposed work on Cheri Lane and Target. MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #43-1967. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Liebl asked for information on how the Admrnistration proceeds wrth splitting special assessments. The C rty Manager proceeds with splitting special assessments. The City Manager explained that the assessments are split on the same 6asis that the lots are split whether square footage, front footage, or per connection. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolut�on �44-1967. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, fihere being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. LUTION #45-1967 A�THORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF S SSMFNTS ON PARCFL 270. LOTS 8. 9. 10. AND I1. BLOf,K 2. OAK G MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution n45-1967. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there be�ng no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. LUTION #46-196 �1 �RIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL 0_ PART OF LOTS 26-30. BLOCK 4. FLORFNCE PARK MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution �46-1967, Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there be rng no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION �47-1967 AUTHORIZING AN� DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 31, BLOCK l, PARCEL 2230, AN� LOT 32, BLOCK l, PARCEL 2235, RIVERVIEW H[IGHTS AD�ITION: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #47-1967. Seconded by Counciiman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there be mg no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � � � � REGULAR GOUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1967 MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution fr48-1967. Seconded by Cou�cilman Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. APPOINTMENT: MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Administration and approve the following appointment: NAME Perry Douglas Damon 3801 Van Buren St. N. E. Columbia Heights, Minnesota POSITIQN Junior Engineering Aide REPLAGES James Angelo The motion was seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the molion carried. CLAIMS: MOTIDN by Councilman Harris to approve for payment General and Public Utilities � Claims #11221 through #�11305 and Liquor Claims ;�884 through '�894. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. lJpon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ESTIMATES: � Councilman Harris asked how often the architect inspects the new City Hall structure. The City E�gineer said that it is inspected at least once a week. He said that there are two inspectors, the structural engineer and Jim Richards from Smiley & Associaties. He said that eiiher he or the 8uilding Inspector goes with them on their inspection. The Gity Manager said that the City receives all the test reports. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve for payment the following estimates C. S. McCrossan Gompany, Inc. Route �2, Box 322 Osseo, Minnesota Estimate ,¢2 (Partial) Street Improvement Pro�ect ST. 1966-6 (Commerce Park) according to contract Estimate ;�2 (Partial) Street Improvement Pro�ect ST. 19�6-2 (West Moore Lake Drive & Rice Creek Road from Central Avenue to Baker Avenue) according to contract Hoffman Electric Compa�y, Inc. Anoka, Mi�nesota Fridley Givic Genter - Certificate No. 1 (1-31-67) January 1, 1967 through January 31, 1967 $ZS>689.9b $ 7,717.41 g 3,z2z.00 REGULAR COUNCI! MEETING, MARCH 6, 1967 �. M. Noyes Construct�on Company, Inc. General Contractors 100 West Franklin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota Fridley Civic Center Certificate No, 3(March 2, 1967) for Period January 30, 1967 to February 28, 1967 S. C. Smiley & Associates, Architects 175� Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 Supervisory services to dafie. March 1, 1967 - Fridley Civic Center $25,839.00 $ 6�9.42 Councilman Samuelson pointed out that the estimate from Hoffman Electric Company has not been signed by the architect. The City Manager said that this must have been an oversight and that he would get it signed before it was paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sheridan, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the mot�on carried. LICENSES: Mayor Kirkham said that there was a new license application to be added to the list for a General Contractor License requested by Spencer F. Holle for Allied Building Products, Inc., 707 Oak Ridge Road, Knollwood, Hopkins, Minnesota, 55343• MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to �rant the following licenses, includrng the General Contractor License for Allied Building Products, Inc.; GAS SERVICES: Domestic Heating & Cooling, Inc. 9110 Grand Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420 HEATING- Domestic Heating & Cooling Co., Inc. y110 Grand Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesoea 55420 GENERAL: Allied Building Products, Inc. 707 Oak Ridge Road Knollwood Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 CIGARETTE: Sunny's d/b/a Hayden Corporation 6265 Highway '�65 N. E. Fridley, Minnesota by: by ; Earl H. Bruder Earl H. Bruder by; Spencer F. Holle by: Ralph Klein Renewal Renewal New 1967-68 � � � L� � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1g67 CIGARETTE LICENSES (CONTINUED): The Kroger Company 5251 Central Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota Sandee's Cafe 6490 Central Avenue N. E. Fridley, M mnesota Superior Music Company Holly "66" Service Statio� Fridley, Minnesota Burke's Texaco 6301 Highway �65 N. E. Fridley, Minnesota DELIVERY TRUCK: Ewald Brothers, Inc. z919 Golden Valley Road Minneapolis, Minnesota SERUICE STATION: by: Donald J. Blaz by by: William F. Weiss G. L. MacKenzie by: Earl F. Burke by• GraydonR. Ewald 1967-68 1g67-68 1g66-67 1g67-68 1967-b8 Wilfred Oil Company 37og N. E. Marshall Fridley, Minnesota by. Fred B. Vye 1g67-68 The motion to grant the above captioned licenses was seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. PETlTI0N5: Councilman Harris said that people have approached him about sidewalks un the residential area. He said we should make the people aware that the Counu 1 would receive a petition on any street. Councilman Sheridan said he agreed with this, but they should indicate that they would consider sidewalks for only those streets with curb and gutters. Councilman Lie61 said that the newspapers should include that the whole pro�ect is fully assessable and the people will be paying for them. PETITION #1-196 MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive Petition �=1-1967 and refer it to the Administration for processinq. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. PETITION #5-1967 REQUEST BY THE RESIDENTS OF THE OLD CENTRAL - RICE CREEK AREA THAT THE LAND BORDERING THE CREEK BECOME A C1TY PARK: MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive Petition #5-1967 and refer it to the Administration for processing. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1967 COMMUNICATIONS: (A) CITY ATTDRNEY: WATERSHED ACT � The City Attorney explained that sometime ago he had met with the Attorneys representing Municipalities in the watershed area, and the last meeting had been with the Municipalities in Anoka County. The changes in the letter foltow the generai consensus, and Mr. Johnson was sendinq them to Ramsey County who had agreed to coordinate the pro�ect. The City Manager said that he thought Item 3 required further discussion, and questioned the $20,000 in Ilem 4, The City Attorney explained that because of the size of the watershed area and the population, the $20,000 figure would not be sufficient, so this proposal would strike the $20,000 and retain the 1 mill figure. He said that presently the property can be assessed for any benefit, but it must be done in line with the drainage act, and it will be hard to administer. He said it was suggested that the Councils decide whether the amount is to be assessed or spread after the Managers decide the assessments to the municipalities based on the benefits received. Councilman Harris poinfied out that the greater portion of the creek property is owned by the City. The City Manager said the MS Chapter 429 would allow the Council to float bonds up to 80% based on a public hearing and 20% to be assessed. Counci]man Liebl said he felt that those that get the benefit should be the ones to pay for it. The City Attorney said he would suggest that the assessing be left in the hands of the Council after the Managers decide how �t is to be div+ded between the rndividual municipalities. Mayor Kirkham said that this will have to be acted on by the Legislature. Council- , man Harris said that the City Attorney could be directed to draw a resolution covering the suggested changes. The Ciey Attorney said that this will probably come to the legislature from other sources also, Mayor Kirkham suggested that copies of the proposed resolution be sent to the other interested communities so they could send similar solutions to the legislature. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive and file the letter regarding the Watershed Act. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upoh a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, MOTION by Councilman Harn s that the City Attorney draw up a resolution conveying the proposed changes to the Anoka County Legislators. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Mayor Kirkham stated that Mr. Jensen, a member of the Rice Creek Association was present and asked him if there was anything he would like to say from the organization. Mr. Jensen said that there was going to be a Public Meeting on March 1�, 1g67 at the City Hall, and Mr. Weiberg, Executive Secretary of the Water Resources Board was to 6e the speaker to discuss aspects of the Water- shed Act and the changes proposed Mayor ICirkham said that time was getting short and there was a need to act fast, and it might delay action too long to wait for the group's recommendation. The City Attorney said he would try to be at the meeting, or if not the Association could ask Mr. Weiberg to add , the suggestions to his bilt if they are not already in it. Counu Iman Samuelson asked if the resolution would be ready by March 14, 1967. The City Attorney said he would have it ready for Council action for the meeting of March 13� 1967. Mr. Jensen �ntroduced the President of the Rice Creek Association, Mr. Howard Grivna. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1967 � REQUESTED LOT SPLIT: LOT 8, AU�ITOR'S SUBDIVISION �23: RICHARD A. BENZ: An Attorney, representing Mr. Richard A. Benz, explained the requested lot split to the Council and showed them the lots o� a map. He said that originally th�e mother had owned the property and sold one piece to her son who sold it to a third party, but had reserved a sma11 strip of it because of a windbreak, and had given it back to nis mother. He said that they had received a letter that this was against the lot split ordinance and that they needed Council approval to accomplish the proper splitting of assessments and taxes.� Councilman Harris asked if there was a survey and what the deed read when it was sold to the third party. The Attorney said that there was a survey, but it had not been made after the second split, and that there are two deeds, one to the mother and one to the third party. The City Manager explained that the County will accept the deeds. The City Attorney asked if there were any problems with roads or access. The attorney said that it was all private easements. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the requested Lot Splii. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CARL PAULSON, IMPROVEMENT IN PUBLIC TRANSPQRTATION SERVICE: Mr, Carl Paulson, a visitor to the Council Meeting, said he would like to suggest that a public meetinq be called, with the Council designating a � representative to attend as the representative of the City, to try and upgrade and improve the serv�ca we have with the Twin City Rapid Transit Company, Mayor Kirkham said that he appreciated Mr. Paulson's concern, and told him that if he would like to, he could spearhead the pro�ect. Mr. Paulson suggested that the schools should be used for such a meeting as he did not think City Hall would be large enough. Councilman Lie61 asked if he was interested in transportation as a whole, or the safeb� factor, traffic service, bus service, or the safety of the pedestrian� Mr. Paulson said that he was concerned with upgrading the bus service that we have, He said that other communitaes purchase land for use as a bus terminal, and rent space for parkrng 6y the month or year as a collection point for people to utilize the 6us service. Councilman Lie61 asked Mr. Paulson if he would like the Council to institute such a program in Fridley. Mr. Paulson said that this would �ust 6e a feeler, as it might be better if private business handled this, but if the City were to furnish land for the commuters Co come in and park, the bus company should be wil1ing to reduce the rates. Councilman Lie61 said he believed this had been brough2 up several years ago, but had been found financially unfeasible Mr. Paulson said that if more people were usrng Yhe 6us, it would be a means for a reduction of rates. Mayor Kirkham said this was a good �dea to brain- storm at the meeting, COMMUNICATIONS: � (A) SMITH: BIANCONI SETTLEMENT The City Attorney said that he had advised Mr. Smith that he felt the City should ob�ect to the proposed settlement, and if ihey sett1e at all to save the cost of an appeal, $1,750.00 to $2,000.00 would be a reasonable settlement. MOTION by Councilman Harris to direct the Attorney to make an off-er with a $1,750.00 m�nimum. Seconded by Councilman 5amuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared Che motion carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1967 (B) SPRING LAKE PARK: TRAFFIC SIGNALS The City Manager said that Spring Lake Park would like to share the maintenance cost for the traffic signal at Osborne Road and Hi9hway �65 on a 50/50 basis with Fridley taking responsibility and billing Spring Lake Park for their half. The Counu 1 discussed the fact that it only meant changing a bulh once in a while and that it was a minimum of cost. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with Spring Lake Park and bill them for their share of the cost, Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. (C) WARNER: STORM SEWER MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication from Lila J. and Roy E. Warner, 736D Stinson Boulevard, and make it part of the appropriate hearing. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Councilman Liebl asked if there were ma�y people in this situation, as it was something he never thought could happen. Councilman Harris said that there had been a hearing on the storm sewer and there had not been many ob�ectors The City Manager explained that someone could have a home on a couple acres of land that would have assessments higher than the value of the home itself. Counu Iman Sheridan said that in 1959, $z50 an acre was a big price and you could get two lots out of it, now you cannot buy a lot for less than $3,000, so the property has appreciated and one of the reasons has been because of water and sewer. The City Manager pointed out that some of the people have split lots. Councilman L�ebl said that people are very conscious of their taxes and the Council has to be careful that they only do what the people can afford. He said that he had talked to this lady and she had told him the whole story, and the Council must face facts and be more careful with the people's money to see that something like this never happens again. Mr. Carl Paulson said that he would like to agree with Mr. Liebl and that he appreciated such strong feeling on the matter, as sometimes it �s easy to slough these things off because they do not affect us. VOTE upon the motion was a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. (D) BLUE KNIGHTS: MUSIC GROUP MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive and file this communication. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. (E) MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: SIGNA�S AT T.H, �65 AND 53RD AVENUE NORTHEAST: The City Manager said that he was sure the Council will be informed if there is any variation, this is �ust a request to have it put off until the next year's budget. MOTION by Councilman Sher�dan to recei�e and file this communication. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. (F) ARCHITECT: CDNNECTING CORRIDOR MOTION by Councilman Harris to table this item u�til the meeting with the � � ' � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1g67 Architect March 8, 1967. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 1WIN CITY TAXI: LICENSES The City Manager said that the Taxi Company requested that he recons�der terminating their licenses, but he did not believe this could be considered an application. The City Attorney said that ehe City Manager could advise Mr Chase that under the ordinance the license has been terminated and that it cannot 6e reconsidered, but that if he wants to make a �ew application, then rt could be considered. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive and File the communications. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. (H) G.S,A, LEASE The City Manager said that the Navy would like to renew their lease for office space until the end of the year. He pointed out that there is a 30 day termination clause by either party. Councilman Harris asked if space were being provided for,them i� the new bu�lding. The City Manager said that there was a room in the plans if the City wanted to rent to them, 6ui they only wanted to pay $40 a month rent. Mayor Kirkham said he thought this office space had been left out with the connect rng corridor. MOTION by Councilman Harris that the Administration enter into the lease for office space for the rest of this year with the General Services Administration. Seconded 6y Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. (I) CITY CLERK: ASSESSED VALUE MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive and file the memorandum and request that the Administration prepare a copy of it for each member oF the Industr�al Development Commission. Seconded by Gouncilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. PHILLIPS: LIOUOR PURCHASES MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive and file the communication. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, �ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. (K) FIRE CHIEF. APPOINTMENT MOTION 6y Councilman Samuelson to concur with the recommendation of the Fire Department and appornt Mr. Richard Standal, 5850 - 2z Streel North- , east, a member of the Fn dley Volunteer Fire Department. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor K�rkham declared the motion carried, (L) OLSON: DRAINAGE MOTION 6y Councilman Harr�s to receive and file th�s communicat�on. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirk- ham declared the mot�on carried, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1y67 CITY GARAGE: Councilman Harris asked if the Planning Commission had acted on a site for � the City garage. The City Manager said that it had been an item on their agenda, but it had been tabled to their next meeting and he did �ot know if they had looked at any sites. Councilman Harris said that it was important that we can show we are making arrangements and that the present situation is temporary, so that improvements do not need to be made. Mr. Jensen, member of the Planning Commission, said that they were not aware of the urgent nature. Councilman Liebl asked if there was any idea how much it would cost to provide an adequate City garage which will take care of all the vehicles we have, and how long it will take to arrange for it if it has to be fi�anced. The City Manager said that they estimate between $60,000 and $70,000 for the structure of 10,000 square feet, and $10,000 to $20,000 for the 2Z to 3 acres of land that the C�ty would need. Councilman Liebl asked if th�s price would include heated space for the mechanic. The City Manager said it would. Councilman Liebl said he was concerned that we build an adequate garage. Councilman Harr�s said that the Planning Commission is �ust looking for the site, the Administra- tion will draw up the plans. TRAFFIC SAFETY ENGINEER TO MAKE STUDY: � Mayor Kirkham said he had talked to the Chairman of the Safety Committee, the Police Chief and the Police Commission regarding the survey the Safety Committee had been requested to make on the possible traffic hazard potential , on the traffic arteries. He said he had also talked to the Traffic Safety Department in Minneapolis and the State Highway Department and they suggested that prof-essional advice from a traffic safety engineer would be advisable. Both of these organizations recommended Mr, Ed Bather of,E. C. Bather & Associates who has done work in this. He said that he had talked to Mr. Bather and he would be wiiling to come out for a preiiminary look and tell what the charge would be to come up with some recommehdations. He said that the preliminary visit would cost nothing. Councilman Harris said he thought this was a good idea and hoped part of the cost eould be charged to ihe County as it is their road. Mayor Kirkham said he would like to make arrangements to have Mr. Bather come out and neet with a Safety Comm�ttee representative, the City Engineer, and a representative of the Police Commission, all suggesting what it is they would like him to look at. MOTION by Councilman Harris that Bather & Associates be contacted to meet with City representatives and make a preliminary inspection of any potential trafP�c hazard. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. FHRA DISBANDING: Councilman Harris said that he would like to get the Cowncil�s feelings on disbanding the FHRA. He said that the State Statute does not state � that new appointinents have to be made for vacancies. It �ust required a 10 day notice of hearing aFter the books were closed Mayor Kirkham said he had been advised earlier by the legal staff that appointments m�ould have to be made, Councilman L�ebl asked Councilman Harris what the reason was for disbanding it so fast. Councilman Harris said that the Authority is not serving any function at present and there did not saem any reason to keep them on the books. Counu lman Liebl said that this was something for the whole Council to decide. Councilman Harris said he was not asking the Council to disband it, he was asking for a hearing so the public could give their expression as the Statute provides. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 6, 1967 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE BIDS: _ Mayor Kirkham asked if the City Manager had received bids on hospitalization insurance. The City Manager said that he was in the process of getting these bids, and it will take about 2 or 3 weeks. He said that the results of the employee survey had been that 39 employees had been in favor of an increase and of these 39, 35 had voted for $30 a day coverage. He said that this is being done as of March l, but he will still get the other bids. Councilman Liebl said he had been told that Blue Cross would be cheaper than our present insurance. The C�ty Manager said that this had been checked a year ago and they had not been cheaper, but he has contacted them again. MR. JAMES SHEA - RECOGNITION FOR HEROISM: Mayor Kirkham said that he felt that Mr. James Shea should be recognized in some way for his heroism in capturing an armed 6andit He said he believed the Police Pension Association intends to recognize his heroism also. Mr. Johnston, mem6er of the Police Commission, said that they also had discussed honoring him in someway as an example for the rest of the citizens. MOTION by Councilman Harris that the Administraeion direct a letter of commendation to Mr. James Shea based on the report received from the Police Commission and the Police Chief on his heroics, Councilman Sheridan suggested that if this is to be a public thing, it be presented at the same time. Mayor Kirkham said that the officers of the Police Pension Association had indicated that they would let him know when they are ready with their program, and the Council could coordinate whatever they want to do with them. He suggested that the Police Commission do the same thing so that possi6ly it could be done at a Council Meeting. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham deciared the Regular Council Meeting of March 6, 1967 adjourned at 11:25 P.M, Respectfully submitted, � 1G_ } t , ,,� ' ����-� Mary Lu St/rom Secretary to the Council ' / . ( /� �-- c�v [ � 2 �s�...� �� AYOR - JACK 0, KIRKHAM {�