01/08/1968 - 5876COUNCIL SECRETARY - M�iRY LU STROM SPECIAL PiTBLIC HEARING MEETING - AGENDA - JANUARY 8• 1968 ' ' � 1 � ' , ' L� ' ' SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARIVG MEETING ° J1�,i.vU[�Y 8, 1968 - 8 P.�7. PLEDG� OF ALL�GIANCE • INVOCAI^.TON - ROLL CALL• ADOPTxON OF Z�,GET�?D.�: PUBLIC HEAP�:Li�GS : l. Final •�1at - Andrew P. Ga�aeZ - Shady Oak Adclition, OLD FUSI�?E�S • 2. Committee ancl Commission Appointments, 3. Resolution Setting Council Pfleeting Nights and Time (Charter 3.01 as amendec�) 4•. Resolution Des�c�nating Counc�l Representative on Nort'n Su�ur�an Sanitary Se��er D�strict �oard, 5o Resolut�on Designat�ng D?-rector and Alternate Direc4o:�: - Sui�vrban Rate Au�chority, rrEV�l susT�ss: 5. Considexation o� Waivir,y Perrni t h'�a for Remodel� ng or Repairing Roger P1c��hearson pro�erty at 5808 Tennison Drive, Page l. Pages 2 & 3. Page �. Page 5. Page 6. 6o Receive ir�g�neer - Attorney �epo-rt on Zoning 3ack- ground on �1_cion Schn:ede7>e p-ro� ert�r, Lots 16, 17, anc� i 8, Bloek I2, Hycze �a�k ��dcl; t; on, Pages 7- 10. 7. Receive Eny.inee-r -�tto�l.ey Report on Pro�erty - parcel ;�2550 iJortheasL co�ne-r o� OsY�orne Road and University avenue Nor�cheast as ner�cains to previotts Zonin� - Zoning Cizan�e, etc. Americar_ Oil Corl��any, pages 11 - 20 , ADJOlit:!.�: : OF`FICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDI,EY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL �TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Cit,y Council of the Cit,y of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue N.E. on Januar.y 8, 1968 in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of the proposed final plat Shady Oak Addition, P.S. #66-03, Andrew P. Gawel ' Contracti.n;;, Incorporated of Lot 2, Auditor°s Subdivision �2 lying in the Northeast Quarter (NE4) of Section 2�., T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to tn.e above a�atter will be heard at this meeting. JACK 0. KIRKHAM MAYOR Fublish: December 22, 1967 December 29, 1967 � CONSIAERATION OI�' COI�ZMITTEE AND O'1_'HER APQOINTMENTS BY 1^HE CTTy COUNCIL ' TE RNI LENGTH COMMITTEE 31�TCUIy1BENT EXP�T�ES OF TERM Plats & Subdivis;ons - Streets & U�tilities Sub-conunit�ee of the Planning Coi�ti-7issa.on B��,? �=.��: :� Stanaards - Design Control Sub- committee oi the Planning Col�iraission m m � � � �� Parks & Recreation Commiss?on Board oi Appe��ls Police Con�;�ission Human Rela-�i ons Cor��uttee Harold Albrecizt 12-31-67 ( Ni�mber ) Oliver Erickson (Chairman) 1-15-68 Earl E. Biermann (Member) 1-15-65 Carrol K. Hauge (Nen�e-r-�st Ward) 1-15-68 iniil� iam R. Tonca (Niember-2nd Ward) 1-15-68 Ricizard E . Dittes (Member-3rc1 ��7ardj 1-15-G8 James S�ence 12-31-67 " lnarn:;�.s Cochran 12-3I-67 Vacant 12-31-6? David W. Larson 12-31-07 �ndrew Kohlan (n?er,u�er-].st ti;7ard) 12-31-67 Tom Myhra (Member-2nc� ��7ard) 12-31-67 rselen 2�-reuen�els (r�ier�i�er-3-rd tivard) 12-3� =57 4Ji].li�-n Stu}>as (Mem'�e-r at Largel 12-31-07 Ro�er �. L, Euckley (1�+M�m�er at Large) 12-31-67 3 years 1 year l year 1 yeax: 1 year 1 yeax 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 yea-rs 3 years 3 years 3 years . � CO,TSIDERAT.i.ON O� �'OPf.��IITTEE �TD OTI-�R APPOINTMENTS BY TILE CITY COUNCIL (Continuecl) COMr�ITTEE INCUi�TB�17T Suburban Rate Autizority Raymond E. (By Resolution) Sheridan Alternate Leona�^d iJ. Samuel_son North Subur�an Sanitary Raymond E. Sewer Dist}°ict (t3y Resoli uti on) Sheridan Alternate David O. Harris Industrial �evelapment David O. Ha.rr;s Coi�mis s ion (C'na � rman) Mayor Pro-tem David O. Harris Counc�l Secreta�y t�lary Lu St�on TE R.N1 EX?IRES 12-31-67 12-31--67 12-31-67 12-31-67 LEIQGTH OF TERM 1 year _1 year 1 year 1 year 12-3? --•�7 1 year 12-31--67 1 year (Indefinite) .�. � v RESOLUTION I�TO. J1� // ��' � RESOLUTI(�N DESIGN?�7.'IPJG TTD� <�,IvD P�Ui-�ER OF REGUI�R COWi CIL MEETINGS VdHERE�S, Section 3�01 as amended of the Charter oi the City of Fridley requires that the City Council shall meet at a fi,xed time not less than once each. month, ancl ti�E�EAS, Section 3„Ol as arnenaed of the Charter oi the City o� Fridley requires tl�at the Counc? 1 s�zal.l meet at such times as rnay Ae prescri.bed by resolutiori, and WF3EREA�� t:ne Counca.l has been meeting on the first and tnird Mondays o� each rnont�i at: 8:0� o'clock P.NI. N06a, THERE� OrZF.�', BE TT RESOLVED, by the Council oi t'ne City of Fridley tnat: l. The C�ty Covnci? sha.11 rneet on t'ne and of each rlonth . � � 2. T��e C?ty Caunc�l s'na.11 holc� Pu:r�lic Hea-rings on the of each mon-tn as rec�uired by tne Covncil o 3o The City Council srall m�et at o'c1ocJ� P.NI. on the above desiynated niglits a PASSED Ai�D �DO�TF.�J By THE CITY COINCIL Or T��' CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 19�8. � rIAYOR - Jac7� O. Kir'�'n� AT^1ES�i�: CITY CLE�.F: - �Za�vi� C. B:runsell 0 �J 1 ' r�soz��r�oiv r�o. � A RESOLUTI017 D�SIGi`TI�TIL�7� �?D APPOTiv�TING A REPRESEV i'ZITIVE FOR T�L BOARD OF TRUS�.PE.�aJ OF ^1H1� NORTH SiTBUi�1-li�T SA�.'�irTARY SE�6�TER DISTRICT FOR �1'HE YE�.1� 1°6°. � I�E TT PtiESOLVED BY `.1'I� COUI�C:LT Or' THE CITY' OF FRSDLEY: ' SECTIOi�I l: That pL�rsuant o� Lat-�s of Nlinneso'ca 1901, Ex�ra Session, , C��ap�e:� 90, Sec-cion 5, Su.bdivision 2, the Council or the City oi 1 ric�ley raakes the =ollo,aing selection and appointment, to-wit: That _ is h�reby appointed frorn among the rnentbe-rs o� the Council o� the City oi Fridley as a mem'oer oL the �oard o�_ Trustees o_c tne Nori.h Su'�urban Sanitary Se�•aer District to serve on saa c� Boara of ^_�rustees o� t�e Nort'n Subu-rban Sanitary Sewer Da.strict c�uring t�ze yeaa_ 196S anc7 L�ntil his successor is appointed and quali�ied. That before cor��cienci�ly said service on said ;oard oi r� rustees, the sa� d appo_Lntee shall qi�alify for said se�.v? ces as required by l a�,r . That alterna�.e to above alopo:Lnted m�����er. is 'nereby app� � � nted PASSEl7 �Nl7 i�UppTED BY Tr� Cil^i' COLi1C1.L Or T't1.�E CTTY OF FRIDLEY THIS Dt�Y OF ATsEST: CTTY CI.�RI: - P�iarvin C. E,runse? ? , 1968. NiAYOR - Jack O o Kirk'nam ' ' , ' RE���,��ON I���iGP1�.��g1G ����C'�a� AIdD �I,T�ER,AtA�tIE a?�RECT��t 7C0 SUBLIii3�.I�1 �ATE �U�'�-i�OR�T'Y BE �T ���5�2�,�J�D by �h� Councxl of the o� , Minne�ota, ay follc��vs : is hereby desa.gnated as a director o?� ih� �u�urban I�ate Authori �y, and i� hA�eby �e���na�ed to ser�r� a� alternate c�irector of the Suburban F�a�e f?utT����ty fox the year 196 and until theix succes�ors are appo�n�ec� . ST��� �g ��3�TNE�i��A ) COUid^1Y �� ���Y��T����T ) ��. . U�` ) Y, ihe un�ersigne�, beAng the duly quali�3ed and acting Clerk of �che of . h�reby certi�y �hat the atta.�he� anc? �o�egoing is a tru� and correct copy o� a resolution duly ado�re� by the Council oi �,t zts mee�ing on , 19S , as the s�.me is recorded i�i the minutea of the meet?ng o� such council f or said da�e, on fa�e anc� o� rec�orr� �n my o��ice. Da•reu t�ai� day o� , 196 . e� of (SEAL) .. „ � ' ' , � ' �� ' ' ' ' , I � January 4, 19�8 r �'�� �� � �� ���� � F7R �:E�' - 13AC��GP.OiN,l� G�Z�T 20!aTNG _O±a'_ L�'S 16, 17 A.TQn J 8, BLOCK l2, HYDE PA.RK Ai�D_��i�ICiT7 OF �:1:�1'Y OF F�2TD:[�.?��Y, �� zoning orc�inance (Na. 70) �•Jas ac�opted Decer�i�er 29, 1955, anc� publisheu in the CO�.Ul11'01.c7. heighi.s Record on Januaiy Z2, 1956. Reeords inc�ica�e a Pu.�lic I�ear?ng on the question oi. adop'c�ng a new zoning ordinance ��as held on Novem��er l�, 1955 at 8: Q€) P.M.� with 70 citizens p-resent. Hearing ��as ad j ouzned until I)ecer��er lG, 1955 a� �;00 P.Ne At the Deceni�er 16, 1955 meetzng, the aoning map with ininor char�ges none o_� wh:ich �i�ec-ced the Hyde Par;; Ac�diti.on, v�as recorcune��dec� zo� ado�tion and mo�ion carrieci. On Decer�tiber 29, 1955, Counci? �:�W ,-��.�e� and ac�ain voted to adopt the new zoning ord- inance and ac?op-�ed the new zo�zinq. The area describec� as Lots 16, 17 and 18, Bloe7� l2, Hycie Park Ac�dit� on, Ci�y of Fric?ley �vas zoned R-2 (I,iraiteu I�Zultipl� I'amily L��ellings) at this time. � From exis-cing o:�dinances, �t appears prope-rty o��ned by Mr. Schrnedef�e ���as parta_a:Lly zoned cor�unercial back in 19�9. The Zoning Ordinance was O:�c1� naizce No. 24•, dated Auyus-� 15, 19�9. In 1951, an az�enc��nent �,�as rzaaf� to O-rdinance No. 2�. The arnenc�ment provided that the corn�~r�e�c;aZ :�ane ti��est o�. Un�versity Avenue and be-t��een 57t'n Avenue and 60-ch Avenize extend only �roi�. University to the ai 1.ey, said alley being :n�d,•aay �eti,�een liniversity Avenue and 3-rd S'c�:ee-� Northeast. Council recorc�s indic�ate inst-rucLions ior Pu'�1ic Heari.ng to be 'neld beio�:e Plan�� ng and �;on� ny Co��aissio�z o� apL iI 16, 1�51. fihe amenuyn�� ordinance �_n�ica�es no nu�er. r�orn t'n.is it api eaxs a por-�ion of h?�. Schmedeke's pro�oe;: �.y re��lained zored cornr�zercial and a por��ion resident� a_ A copy o� the �evis�d zoninc,j m ' area oi concern to P�u�, Sc'nmec?er�e �,�as zoning was ado��L.:c� by Or�inance �io. Colura�ia Heiglits Recard on Sep-ce,a�e� ' was adoptec: ��1T tne Vs_11a�e Co�.?�c? � o was helc� on ��iay �., � ��53. ' F-ro:� our at �he tirne I�k Permit i�;o. 1.13 ' a Special L'se 1955. Records Perrn� t . , ' , ap of Ju1y, 1, 1953 indi.ca�es the zoned R-1 in 1953. Tne revised 53 and ��as publisned in the 3, �953o The revised zoning map ;� r�zay 12, 1953 . �u��1 ; c hearing rec�r��,, it appears tnc area v�as zonecl residential (�-1) . Scn��.e:c?e?;e rnaGe al�p1_; �at? on �or and was issuec{ Bu� 1uir.g 5 da-�ea', r ebruaLy 3, 1955 . The pe-r��� -c is on =� Ze ar_d is Pe:crlit a�proved �y tne Village Council on January 3, o� Viilacje Cour_c�l inc�icates c�iscL�ssion o_ Spec� al Use January 4, 1968 - 2 - From City records, it appears i�lr. SchmedeYe`s property �aas zoned R-1 in 1953 and change� to Rtl2 in 1955. At time of permit: issuance, it ��as R�l and cons�ruction was authorized by Special Permit. From records i� does appear that before 1953 his property and portions o7= this property Y��as zoned conun�rcial, Since Pu'blic Hea.ring ���as held on Iflay �, 1953, in conjunction with rezon�ng and is so inc�ic��.ed in Council records, it appears zoning at that ti.m� w�as valid. The only �ction that appears feasible at this time is Counc:il considerat�on of rezoning the area to comm�rcialo HRA/gs � .�;%i �-• _ _ :� � <<-.�� .. � . Home � R. An}�.: urn CTTY ik'laI�TAGER n lC� , � � ,, ' 0 n. , � Vf U7 ' L� � ��_ ' 1 ' 1 /\ dlS I RIC R-t R-2 R-3 � -. P ' G-I , DISTRIC ` DISYRICT i DISTfZiC'f � -- = �---�- - dISYP,IC I DIS"i RIC"f C-IS DISTRICi IC-2 DiST�ZlC7 � c-zs oisr;�icr r�+-� , oi sr�tc7 , %rt-2 ��SrR�CY ' COPY Ol� TFIE� OIiIGINAL ZONING ME1P �1S PF'�ft IOI�IING ORI)INANCF TtO. 70, ADOP`I'ED D3�CFy7FI�t 29tn, 1955, & YUF3LISIiI�� IN TIIE COLUMBI�1 HEIGH�i'S FiECORD ON J.�NAi�i 12, 19�� :., _-- � _ _ , ( ' ----�=----- � ,; , /� l - �� �i;% , , � _, r , � �, � �/� � _ J � ,i i ���j �: jl t ij �._. i lc e � � - � � / f%'1�- ��"-�.f, ��—=� --. �i /'� � � _ � - ; ^ � I r-- r/�' « � p � ., 1 r._ .l.y �= ,:r � � . ' � I � f•, '' � L P - �' �� �_� r --� i U � ; � ' � °i i� -.- .�--., � �� � � �J _ �,� --� C� y���� ( � ��,��- � � ��..�J........-�,- �;:.. �-.�� ; �; � �. ,�- � � , � �I ! i �� �-.� I` �/ �r � � ; I �� : ��� I� : ��r� � . �. . X;� - �; �-� � �) I _._ _ _______� t—��� f�s � ,i ` . .. .. ... .. . . . �:. �;,I�-x�'?��= ,�Jl_._,y���J7—��l�77 �7_'., rl '-?:Ei.i:_._�-:tr-_�..-._�._��:,t- ti�,1;� i//�/� �� /���/f � f �� 1�(� ��...... :. .. . � ;��, /�, ✓� ir r�i� ; � � �� �� � ,� � ,., ,� ;,/ ��j .�,�i i I � � I `� '�; � ; ; ' �% rf4irf�=� � .� ii ^ F;J � `: _ __:..:._._ _:� . ....�;• r T 'T 1��';,,°�;,�,'��;�.r�;��;; ;'��������1���►r�: �;�/i/ �, � :�jt.%'; j�/i! I � '. t i� �� ' i � :i i .. � ,,,.-,/°,,f,��.. ,/ /, j/ � I ! . 1 i_k ' - - �� � _1J L� �'� �_��� , 1:11 � l�, _ . ,� �:�`%f;���"fiij�'ii/��� �jj~ I:� ;, �; ( ��T; € � �� I% �' /! ,( i/ j�/ /j//, { . 1 I C' � ji " if/�. f.� /�..�� �� �/ I ' . : rI I , � � � I -_ .Z�..'�'� /�j i f f o' f' ''l���j%���`✓�, l��= � �� . t_ J,� �� -�'. % ! . 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' � ������� Q� �{ �'���.�.�j', �G"�3Y�?�. �. 13�.1�_�J���.I'� Cs �r���_�.1�'�.���x` 1�� � f�-1 �� ) I)atc: ..�'cti.?:t°;.t.'?.i:�. �:o..1�i}��:� ............. O«•ner ..��.'.:�.��..:��:.'...'...�:.'.' .............. Adaress . r �j'�'�. . . . . .L- ° i`. : : . . .'; �. ..': . . . : :�. . •. . Eiuilder.............................................. . • lddre�s ............................................. L.�C/-�T[�N 0�= FUILD1h:G P:o. . . .�i �is.). . . . Street . . t: �Tl :- � �'. �':? i .�• ;( . � `.'.tr �. . ��•.�%. � . . . . Part of I.ot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lot . ..i�?:r. .t': . 1.% Block . . . �: �. . . . . . . . . .. . Addition or Sub-Di��i>�on . . . .t. �.� �. .. . . z..'- . . ....... ............. •c�,; Inside Lot .. ..... Setbac?: ."��: �.. �:'>'.',':Sicie}a�d '... �:'.�..Y�.f.C>.�;�, �):�t_tl Corner Lot ... J .. .. ... . .. .... DESC .i°-fiON OF �►�lI_L�II�G To be t;sed as: � . . . . . � �t.Y::�.�-,.L' . . . . . . Front . . . I� � t Depth . . .�L'., FI�ioht . .1�.�. . Sq. Ft. �!_��.; � . Cu. Ft. . . . . . . . . ..................... Front ........ Dcpt}1 ........ Height ........ Sq. Ft. ........ Cu. Ft. ........ ��,i �..�. F �i Type of Construction . .�`:� !�T .�. . IJ �.�'S: ��F:st. Cost . . . . gl 1.r' �. . . . . . . . To be Completed . . . . . .'..,`. . . . . . . . �XLLi lc`1` ���.� �)`-` E'�.LCi�t' jJc.i i':tE:c� C��{ S�,�tC.C'C) �- � l:t � �' � "Z���:tf �t't`��� f�. �-��t,' c,f ��•= �= � i;� ]� ^ p'- p1.���tiJ �3�: ���; t.�.. � � , : �. : •t,i� �.ir'� of l�t 1.�:� ���I tY��.T1 �2 �':.��ZSv;;;aiil� �C:j::.�tti Cr�` ri.i,t . �.��1 � ` _ _._ 3� In consideration of tl:e i�=�_; :r.c� 'u :r.e of a perrr.it to construct the buildin� desc:•ibcd abo�e, I a�ree to do tite proposed «-orl-; in �^cco� c? ��,c•� �•� irii .%te desci•iption abo�-e set forth a.:cl in cor,:plianc� «'it?i all pro.isien� of ordinances of the �il!a�c of F:°:,'.'.�:_. , �J ' % .. :�-_ . .. :-.-:'. . . . . . :-. _ . `�. . . . . . .'.'. . . . . : . f :° .. . . .. .. . - ----- _} — ` F n �� .. .. QF 1 :ee of $. 1 %., � C' perriit is i:ereb�; grantecT .o F � .-� �"' ��, : f '' �-� ^ !�. In consideration o, tt;�, _ . , •••••- •• •••••••••-• ............... tq C�l�. �I".'i tite buildir,� OL ALCiIf10I! A� C�tSI'1"i:CC� SbO�'•?. TtlIS F1iL'iIll� 1� grar.t�� L'DO`l �}'tE' e\"PtOS� COriC::�lO!7 ±�'•-- .•. .• .• ;�) �:'i'.G:il lt 1S �C�:li.c'1 8:1�1 };IS d��?l�`._� t'i'ili�0:;�^^J S:'.Cl i:'CI':i:.lE'ri� i� �;,Ij .:C�'.-: dor.e 1R, 1COLI;IC� � rd i:P`'�` --- �••.� I:::" OC dRt' �1T't i.Y1�2'C.:i, �?:3:1 cor.�e:r.i 1R ?Il 2'tS_'��Ci.i t0 tT"!2 OI'C�:,12.^.C'�i �f F�rid���y", tilin;1r:30Y1 C:,••"'•�.�'..-� . .. ,. C'O:'_:iUCilOII, alter��tio:i. :-i<�.int2n��.RC�'� Pr �3:I a�!� IIlD'::^.� pf ���_ir„ ;S -.._..- ' -- . � in tiie c�illa�-c :i;nit, ar,d �... . �.., ... ; b� reco'�ed at an_. `..::�r- upon �:o,ation oF any� o` the pc'o'. i�;o:;� �: ordinanc^s. � � ''�_� ���. .' ' / �r: �' '� � C_'Euil:i�, _ , • -• - � ' `.t . ` .a ....-............•. . ' �:� 1 �Ct: �:1; -�tl.. �1a"�'�"' l" ........... ..I....-L.: .♦ [: �e . � . _. . Th� p�rrt;it ci: .. . _. .. ,. _ :� ;�.n:..:inr.. ` -- -- 4A , I i I ' � � � pL�� p ry@�' ��IIIt:-�,.�� � � b""� � Ea �3 � � � ' � � DIVISION OF Ah1ERICAN OIL COMPANY 1 PENTAGON PARK TO�NER, 4�40 VIKING DRIVE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55435 ' D�;cember 2.6 � 6 L. B. KELLY , 9 7 Dia•trirt dlrtunq�•r I ' ' , Fi le: HDB Mr. Jack Kirkham, Maycrr City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue: N.E. Fridley, Minnesota Dear Mayor Kirkham: On Wednesday, December� 20, 1967, we appeared before the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley aRd requested a special use permit to construct a service station on our property at the northeast corner of Osborne Road and University Avenue in the City of Fridley. At this meeting, it was suggested by the chairman of the Board of Appeals that ' we contact all signers of a certain petition, which requested we be denied this spacial use permit, and explain our proposed layout and service station design. ' It was suggested that we do this before the next Council Meeting, which was tentatively set for January 8, 1968. Since our meeting with the Board of Appeals, we have been no�ified that the next Council Meeting will be on � January 2, 1g68. Inasmuch as our representative, who would make thz calls on these people, is on vacation during the holiday season, it would be difficult for us to contact alt signers before January 2. ' � � ' ' � We respectively request that the Council of the City of Fridley hold consid- eration of the 8oard of Appeais' recom�mendation until its second meeting in the month of January. Your favorable consideration will be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, , f NE�! BUSINESS REPR�SENTATIVE H.D.Brooks/cg � 4 �7 "L � A L l Q U 0 T A T I O N S S U 8 J E C T 7 O I M M E 0 I n 7 E A C C E P T A N C E A N D S P e C I A L C O M D I T I 0 N S N O 7 E D O N B A C K H E R E" � I January 4, 19�8 BP.IEF - AI�� �1:TCr'li�T OIL PPOPERTY w' .(-\ I _+i.�v Orc� -� nance No 0 93 rezoned the a�ea in �vl�iclz Arn�r � can Oil des � res to erect a�%llinc� station in the vicini.�cy oi Osborne Road and Uni- versi.ty Avenue ivor-ilieasi: �rom R�-1, to R-3 on published clate ot Ma;-ch 20, 1958. �ackground indicates rezoning frorn R-1 was discussed at Planning Cam�i.iasion raeetin�s on Decer�2�er 9, 1957, DecemUe� 23, 1957. Plann?ng Cor.2mission recorrunended the rezoning to R-3 wizich Commission indica�ed ���oulc� a1loj�a �he p?-ope;�ty to ne used for �illing �tation but would requ? -re Counca.l. ac-ciori �o ap�rove type o'� station and use this propeity could be put too Counc?1 deferred item on February 13, 1958 and CAI.SCU.SSEC'i the mat�er ac�ain on February 27, 1958. At the Council meet � ng �� Ila:rch 13, 1�5II t�ie rnat-�er oi reversion c�ates for al? rnat-cers oi zo;zing was discusseG, �the reversion u�scussed �oould have rever�ec; zon�ng �to origina? s-�a-cus a�ter a certai.n length oi time to tre orig�nal �zoning in t�ie event that the land was not used for the pu?-��ose ior wh; ciz the rezon? izc� ��as original 1y rec�uested. �1lthough rner?i.iolz �vas rnac�� o� tne reversion clause � not'n; ng is ind; catea in the ordina�ce and :it must be assur��ed the rezoning to R-3 was made w�thout reserva-t;ons. OrdinarLce ±40. 93 anc� e��trac�s f:�o�n Council meetincs attacizect hereto, ., f,,._�/ .. _. v'. :;'; /> .-_..._.__.__. HRA�g '' H orner R, Ankru;n CI^Y I�i.:NAGr�:� � �J .� '` ' ` 0 ti pfil)1\:\\C�: \O. Ja ,�� o���,r�a�ct: �ro �vci:�v •riiF. 'LO\1\U Ol:lll\.l\CL U1 7711. Cl'1'Y O1� l�l:llll.lil, JII\Y}:�U'L'_1 B1 �IAlil\G l C'IL\�U1: 1\ Tlll',' 7.U\1\G LI�7'1t1C'f5. The Council of the City of b'riQley 30 ordain as follous: Sectiau 1. Ordinaiice \o. 70 of the City o. N'ridlcy l:tio�cu as tlie '/•on�n6 Ordiciaiice a�«1 a.loF�tecl oti llece�i�ber 'l9, 19no, is atueused as hereina[ter indicated. Sectiur� °. The U�act or area �aith- �n tYie County� oi .\iiok�. and c;ity oY b'ridlcy aiid descriLed as: All fLat �art of the \or[heast une- quarter (\1: 1/1) oP ttia \octh«esc oue-quar[er (`�V 1/1) oi �ecCioii elecen (11), To�cnst�ip thirty� (3U), t:ange T«'eii[S�-four (!�), lyiiig I:a�t of the center line of Unicersuy r1�e- nuc and 1�or[h of the cencer line oi Osborne i:oa�l, a� ttie said lots ara no�v laid out and cousu•ucte�l but subject to ri�hts or «'aY oeer �. s[rip of land se��ency-five (7a) Yee[ in wIdtli parallcl [o [tie center strip of Uni�'cr: ity _1�'euue and a su�ip of land thirtp-Uu•ee (33) teet iu width, the \ortli line oC which is paraltel [o the center line of Usborne E:oad anu thir[S'-tt�i•ee 1���) fect dis- tZnt tliereProcn niel�ured at ri�;!it angles and subject to [he ri�hc� oi the St. f'aul \\'ater Commi,�ion as the same ai�F�ear of record, is here- by design:�ted to b� in the zotied distric[ kno�cu as f:-3. SectIai 3. That the Zonin� AQ- ministrator is clirecceQ to ehanae the official 'LOIlIIIj map to atio�•: said tra.cc or area from zoned dis- trict I2-1 to zoue�l di�[rict F:-3. Passed by the City Couucil this 13th daY of \Iarch, 1958. FRA\Ei C. L�LGI:r1\GI: JF:., Jiayor dTTEST:, CLAY.I:\CT: E. 3IADDT. l;ity 3[au�oer b`irst Fteading F'eb. -'7. 1^:iS Second i:eading anil 1'as�aoe Slarch 13, 195a Publislled in Fi•i�lley \ecti�s one R'ee:.. Jlarch '_0, 1958 � c� , a '' i.: � . � `�- Council Plinutes - P�11rcIi 13, 1958 mEet3.n�;.. hiotion car�r:ied unanimous�_y. Fo11_o.��i.lig second read:Lng of Ordinance �`93 by Ci�;y Aiana�er, riot�ion by Glollce g seconded by Sheri.dzn to adopt ordii��nce ,-','93 �•;nicn is an ordinance arl_ending the zo17i11� orclinance of the Ci_ty of Fr� dley� chan�;in� �-he zonin�; 01' property a1. the IvTortheast corner of Os�orne Road and L'niversity �ve, frorn R-1. to R-3, by establishing of . reversioil dates for a11 matters of rezonin� so that the zoning � would rever.t, after u c�rtain established length of time to the ori�ina�� zoning in the event that the lar.cl �•ras not us�d for the purpos� for Z�r.�icr the rezonin� �ras orininal_ly recuested. Upor_ ro]_1_ call. vo�e� �ioh�nson, Shc.ridan� ?�lolke and La Grange votec� in favor ci the �otioi:, Nagel abst�in�d. rloti_on carri.ed. Motion t�y Johansoi�, sE�ccnded by Sheridan that the Planriin� Cora~ni_ssi.on consider a deadline on any parcels of land that are re�oned �,nd tYiat said parc�ls of land t�,ould re��ert bac'.�c to original_ zonin� �i �er deadl�ne date if no constructzor. has taken place foi� de�?elcpMent of tne area in line with the r.e��r zon�n�. Mot� on c�rried urzan; mously. lrlith regard to tne re ��or�ing cf Locke Property fro� R--1 a�d R-3 to r�i--2� ��o:•rGrd Crabtre� address�d �he Council �nd told of �'uture pl�nr.,n�,etc. '�'cl?�ce as'_�:ed if prcpe„�y ��rere re�oned, wct.ld the City of Fridley retairk 5;� ci tne prcperty for DGlks�ard .�ras tcld on1_y _f there T�a,� � pla �. Motion by 1;4��1� secor:ded by Joh�nson to reaone Zocke Property From R--1 to �_`-2. Uperi roll c�i 1 yote JohGnso~�, '�a�e1, �heridar, 1rlolke vcte� � r. ra��or c�f tne nctiori� La Gran�� voted G�ains �. First rea�'�r_� o, Ord,riance ='95 relating to above r�atter �,ras re�d ' by man��er. ``ct � cn b� li��el, seconded by '�iol'_�te to accept i irs� readir.� of o� :�^�r:c?. `�'ot�on c�rr� ed urian� �rcusl;�. ' (121 the I'ep02'�Y �; ��° vr_dle�l Jun� pi C�'1a'"�e" Oi CO�:�`re?''c2 v d P� '^ ''' L.. c p'_ , a;, arns ar �, �. .,`., ,�,---; ,� ��� n �iLJ �cT �arz de��eicg-�r, � ��O?1�% C.'?c^_ _'E .ri_ :J��_.,'2 rlVe :JcGT �'.C�,"�'. _i C"� t,P_A eJ1Ai110" r,'�rTiO?r Of CG"� ::2�' ..� -"" ;: ""`E'." V'_^.� ' � � T ... � ._ .--- � „'� ,, _r T�Y�_ 1-� � Q�+G� � � ar-� �,�o� fcr its i:--=�.i�-� acc�:_�Lance. `,a�°� ar.d Jo^.anson ��'c�d~�c !�?�r� t1L'e t0 `'��J _� vCV�I`' �� t� �.li,j:Ol' _c;;' `==' �� li. ;J�S t;lE 00� i ca �i Ci, Qc �%?F' �CL:.'--'-- t0 loc::: cve-r li,:'1:;,� D_a:_� C2�C�c� �".E,';J :v�r� �IO��1 C:1. � �ill. .�E° `q'7° "G.�C,.,� �,�J-,�,,t_� a.,� �' ;.�c-Ciir:.^��^ CO."..�i1-�E° T'u�S�^^ t'f2�'_T' G�,,�^ '_C:' LO Dc.� ., Oi vi:';1C2' CIl?.�O�r pi CC"'.^i;T'C2 �Z'O_''��'.. ' �iOl�.iO'_: ��,' .�C, �= � Sc?�r+'t,�-�4 ��' .12vc'1 �o ree�;��e = n:�G:'� ?.".�� t2Clc 1_Li^_�i� 2farc,r �C�� •^_ �•''c�_cr. ca�r�ed ur�ri-�cus�-r. ' Elme� G��c�. "_�_.' _^y.�..^^_•�r:c°1 ��t`�` ay��;r�T'r p�cJYa` a� socr s possi ���. ��. .. ��,. Gne- �' :� r� „? _n�r ��,,, or a tPe prC'?'�.._ �^�` _-�'-• =° 1F-� CUt^_;1 ���C_d:'•:. ::� ��J '' ^'r, p c .� V _ . _. � _ . _ • 1 Cl ' i'i O Q1jCL1SS� �?:: �' =- -•�, t„c,� �, �,,,•i ��-; I�nr�a-� �p Sc•,;n-• 7r1� :r2 ��'T' ' - -• L�., �L .li� _^'�- �r �,L.i� .. . ...�..i _' � 3J�°. �!''�'�'1�� � ..�,z' .E''� `"Qlit ^c - ,J C?1 C�.Z' �^ :r�1�?-.t'�1?1S �,ri `.,.,._^`.-�-_ -C•'_�,'. .,c;�t' �j`f� l�nc .n - .�i_t� Council i•Iinutes - February 27, 1955 - lst Fead, Ord. ��9 3 l�litY� re� ard �c t:^_e r�cuest te rezcre �roperty �t t�e P� . E. Corr.er af t�nivers� tv Gr�d C�sbcrne '�ca�?, J�har_scn said hn rad cour_�ed si�;teen serv_ce s�Gtior�s �n rr�dle3�. P�;agel as?�ed Attorne�� if it t,Tas ;�oss? ble te li?r!it �usiness and attc�rr_ey s?id �'r.o". �•?otion 'by ���c�ke, secor�ae� by Stizeridan �o accept reco7r:erda:,ion of �'.12nn�r_g Co::�.:,iss� cn tc rezcne this area to R-3 and introouce �n ora?rGrce �'or first reauing in accerdance wi �h limitatier�s i���csea or. R--3 distr� cts. �'oticn carried witr �:agel abst�_r.ing. First readin� of ordinance ::��--��4d. ti:as read by manager. � . ManaEer �aj-e secend rea,�ir_g of crdir_ance nrevidin� for =sst?ance of perrLit to oneratE� trai'_er nar�:s. � i�s. �•i:�ette, stated� he haci nct heard rf orcair_dree but :•�culd I'2aC1 it ar.d felt t:^at he and Dr . Gocd � o:��r.er,s of trailer �ark ��ot.id f� nc t?�:at i � would neither harr? them o:r help them ar.d that people t,�rould find that the;- ttir� shed en? y to �et along . Notion by I�Tagnl, =ecer_ded by S':eridan te adopt ordir.ar_ce 7;�Q2 which is an OI'C�iIZBIiCe ent� tled "an �rd�nar.�ce recu�I'�Ilg a perrnit for trailer ccac�� p��r�s and licer.se trerefere� proviciing exemptions t?-e?�eto, pro�,id_ng for 7.earing tc revcke the permit� and provicing per_a?ty fcr v� clatioris of ordinar�ce". ?'otion carried ur.ar�imot�sly. With re ard to t�-e .�^ecuest by I?cr�'�ern St�tes ?'ct:•er Car..��any to place 3� poles alon�; ��:est s� de ef :'.�:;n S�reet bet���een �!-Otiz f���e. and Trunk Hi�'�1::�3y :;`:� OC � i•'r .'_�?. �1. i•'cDaniel ex.�la� r.ed ±!-e reasens for t'�e reaL�st of t'.^.e perr:�it, t!,:e p�s�tions of t?�e poles, sub- station ar_� re��sons ��rnf it :�rct-ld be mcre ieasible in tiiis location than et'r.er;�. c'r . i�':c Daniel ��ras aslced � f i t co��rld be Au� on EaSt �1�rPj' �o�,d ar.d '^e said yt was not feasi��le� �h�t road rad tco ��r�f cur•.es ar:d ; t alreacIy ?�ad t�•ro po'��`r lines an it. �t .� _i tiJ ^ Council riinutes -• rebruary 13, 1955 PuUlic Heaxing � r4ayci° La �ran�e ca1]_ed to order a public hearin� on the requested rezoriing of prop�rty at the I�'orthe�st Corrier cf Osborne Road and iJniversity ���enue� frorn R-1 to C-1. � Bernard �ul_kot�rski presented plan for service station of N. E. cornE�r oi Osbo~�ne Roa : and tTniversity. City rianager reported planning cor�rr►ission recommended zoni_ng be to R-3 rather than commercial.. PLAT:PdTNG CCi�i?�iISSIOT•1 xtrPC'RT Reques'�ed by Bernard Julko�rs'•ci 1F823 7�h St. N. E, for use as -� service statior!. P•�ot,ion made �y Bo�, HuGhes and seconcied bylJ Oakes that property be accepted for rezonin� to General r'iul- tipl<� D��:el].ing R--3 wY:ich �rould allo��� the pror.ez'�;y to be used for a fi:l.ling station but� �ould require Council action to approve type of station and t�se this proper�y cculd be put to. � I. J. Oakes� Chairman P.lanning �o-�mission Ralph Linn voiced h;_s oppos;_tion tc rezoning, notin� the add'1 trafj�i.c h�zards � etc. How�rd S?.elly, 310 �sborne Road also stat;��d his oppositi.ori to the proposed rezonirg. ?•�otion by Sher:idans secor_ded b�� Johanson trat this matter b� deferred uritil the ;?7i;h. Alotion ca�°ried with Plagel vcted against. � City t�Iar�ager r�ad lei;ter from Elmer �1son givin� recornmendations for :imnrovement of rE.creatiotial facil.ities for coming y�ar. Mr. 1?eter_on fro:n th� F�rnerican Legion t�ras presert anci recuested that the City mal;e UTle �ocd ball field for the big tea�!s to� pl_ay on tl�is coming st�nimer.. Moti��n b-� t�'olke � sec��nded by Sherid�n di_rect ir� �;anager to tiirite Nr, I�1SOr1 T'°Ut1°5t12"1� i;'f'�:i, IE'.C'_'E,'c^..Li.:0I1 COr.^.I"('.ltt@e Cl2'c`%L�; tll� def�nite prop��s�1.s for conli_r�� s�ason �T�.t'n rnost i�nportant plar�:� listed f ir s�� . P�1o': �. on c� rr ic; d un a n ir,:ou sly . l�iayo:r I�a Gran�E: sugt es�ed estima'�es be obt�ined on costs and �r;or'_.c of. p�ut;�;ing ball field i.n gooci condition. Air. Peteryon of the American I,egior_ recu��sted a n�e���ber of tre Le�i.on anc: a member of the ,TC' s be present a� the r�ext r:leeting of the Park t'm rd . City t:ana�er read a letter fr•ot;� t!urr�� Ste��ens re�arding special assessr�,ents. �`a,�cr L� Cran�e ant�ointec? a co?�_r��ittee of. P;a�el� �Johansor. ar.:l '•r'ol1:e n'l.us c�.ty attorney to study ttze special assessra�r.t si �uat� cn. Ci.ty riana�;er present��� cl�ta :l.s of prot�o�Gd St1peZ'I:'iart:et lcc�;.ed in reboluti.on as fo1'l.ows: l. 2. 30 PLA��I��I�dG OOPi�-1:C5" IOi�1 �•��;Y'��i'II?G - D�'Ci���3E�:,� 23 , 1957 Meetin;� called to order at 8:00 P.ri. Preseirt : I. J. Oa?ces, cha�_rman, Bob Hu;hes, Sheldon Iylor. tenson I�LOL�'P�D G�!F�!���:i�5 I�T � OI�N��i� EFi.ICYSOti A't�'tZ0I1 made by Bob i3u�hes that P1.at be accepted as subr.u.tted with sugges�tions frorn P1at and Sub-division Com�ii.ttee as follot�rs : 1. Require se�:rer and water easement on Loi; line betzaeen Lots 2& 3 and alon� I�lorthi•rest Lot line of Lot 1. 2. Require utili�.y ea::em�nt alon� rear of Lots 2,3,/�.,5• 3. By ao ee?nent t�ri.th Oliver Erickson require �1?.5.00 for paxk purposes« � This mot? oii r�ade t:hat �•�e 4raive portion of ordinance requixing street elevat:ion, top�.g, a.nd existir.g utilities as they are already listed tirith village. PRELI��rIPTARY PL�'T -- t�1ALi�TJT ADDITIOI�i l��tion made by Bob Hughes that plat be accented as subrn3_tted by Robert Car]_sor� tirith the follo��ing requireMents as supges �ed by Plats & Sub-di,visions Cor:imi.ttee. l. Require dedication of 40t.road ea.se�nent sho�m at east end of plat o . 2. Suogest that t;he al:ount of `775.00 be paid to City for pa_rk pttrposes in 19.eu of land. 3. Req���re 10� radius on ccrner lots. l�. 5u�gest th�.t t;he m�ttex of ease�ents require3 be rei erra�3 to consultin� en�;ineer . 5. Require surv��� to show ties to sec�ion corr�ers. 6. Reqt�re survcyor to shot�: ot•mership of adjotu r.ir.� prorert� es. 7. Require that e::sistin� utilities locations be shoi•rn, $. Require �uz'v2yo?' to �i�o�! ar_d irdic�.te bench mark used �nd tie to establishe�. dattum. Seconded b� S.A. ��rter.son REZC.P�1._:G Pi. � CCRi �ii._C�' �S�GRi�:r, R0�?� �.: U?•IIV���.SI'"Y ��T�'. ,_StBiil`�^E� BY BE?=��p�D J U L'�0? i S� --- v �_ �_� I��. O�c-:s �u��este:�. that �h� s ma.��er be tablea ur.til zo:.i:�� ordinar.ce be C(1?..Ii�,�� �O C^?"a�T'O� 2,Cli,l'�.?� L1SE.' Of �i,ti11.S St.E3.tlOT1. Bob hu�res r�a'_te^. ;:�tion tha+, this pro;�ert;� b2 acce:.,te3 ior rez�ni nd with cE:� �cai.:� r�s �r•ic �� cns that it be rezo�iel G�r_er�?. :-iultir,? e D;�;ally°��s, R-3 which t•;ou1d a11o,� a clear. fillin.E� sta�ion t�:nich ��;outd requira action by counciJ'_ to ar,�rC�lC t;�e of stutio_� �id use �his �ror.ert;j �.;ould be : etition. Se�sarde�l b;;- I.J. C�kes. ..e � � I .� : ` �. 2. rtE�.`�TIi�G OJ_?____}`T,�?��iI�:G C!:;��I:�I7�,C7�rd Di�,C;�:i•�3i?it�_s_.��7 PxeseirL: I.J. Oal:es, cht:irman, Jot�n Johiison� Slieldon hiortcnsori, Bob �It�;hes Rl?Gni�D7i�G �{}�;`1;0�:T'';G OF :�1_.___F Cl1ttP:I^�I� C!F 0�hOP�:i}�, ROAD �� UiiZVF,-i�S_iTY AV�s'. r!.E. 7:00 on Osbozne. 2:fJ0 0ll University Requcst �.�ezon3.n� for use as service station. Actua?ly �lould necd oril.y ihe �50 t bac�: froi:� Un�versity. y�-rty reques'`i.1.0I1 rezon_ir�g: B. R. Jul.koti��s�;.�s l�8?_3 - 7th St. N.E. F. Broc}�er, 2l;.i� Pillsbury �pposed: Ralph Lind, 76';h � Osborne Road iIoia� d Skelly, 310 Osborne Ro� cl 1•�x's. Il�nald t�:ordeil, 320 Osoorne Road Jatnes i•.a].Iezny Not present rec;uest D�n�ld i��? lezny OSBCP���?E ir�.!��!vp�L 2r_d AD7TTICi1 . r;o-Lioii r:zade to �,pprove thzs reqttest sub j ect to previous �.pproval of original plat. i�3 THE MINUTES OF THE BO�RD OF APPEALS MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 1967 The Meeting was called to oi-der b.y Acting Chairman Mittelstadt at 7;30 P.M. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mittelstactt, Ahonen, Minish MEMBERS ABSENT: Ylinen ADOPTION OF MINUTES, NOVEMBER 29, 1967: MOTION by Minish, seconded by Ahonen, to adopt the Minutes of the meeting subject to a change in the roll call. to include the absence of Mr. Minish. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, t:he Chairman declared the motion carried. 1. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 45.282, CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 1963, REVISED DECEMBER 31, 1.964, BY WAIVER OF LAND AREA REQUIREMENTS FOR AN R-3 DISTRICT FROM A REQUIRED 17,000 SQUARE FEET TO 9,948 SQUARE FEET TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR (4) TWO BEDROOM UNITS ON LOT 17, BLOCK 1, MURDIX PARK ADDITI.ON, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, SAME BEING 500 CHERI LANE NORTHEAST, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA (NORTHEAST CORNER OF 7TH STREET AND CHERI LANE NORTHEAST) (REQUEST BY JAMES W. LUPIENT, 3512 BELDEN DRIVE N.E., MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, 55418)• Chairman Mittelstadt requested this item be tabled until later in the meeting because the petitioner was not present. A member of the audience asked for an explanation of the function of the Board of Appeals. Chairman Mittelstadt gave a brief explanation. , 2. A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A SERVICE STATION ON R-3 PROPERTY ON PARCEL ��2550, NORTHEAST CORNER OF OSBORNE ROAD AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST AS PER SECTION 45_.08, 8-d, CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY, MINNESI�TA 1963, REVISED DECEMBER 31, 1964. (REQUEST BY AMERICAN OIL COMPANY, c/o W G HOUSENGA 1405 ' MELROSE AVENUE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, 55426)• Mr. Housenga and Mr. Brooks were present to represe;�r Standard Oil. Mr. Housenga , presented his companies proposal to the Board. He nad three complete plans, surveys and photographs of his proposed building. There was a petition of landowners presented to the Board with 9 families in the area requesting denial. There was also a letter from Reverend Denyes, addressed to Mayor Kirkham, requesting denial. Chairman Mittelstadt read the letter to the members and visitors. MOTION by Ahonen, seconded b;y Minish, that the request for a Special Use Permit, in order to construct a service station on the Northeast corner of Osborne and University, be denied for the following reasons: 1. There was no reasoning presented why the property could not be used for its originally zoned purpose of R-3 developement. 2. The surrounding property owners, who are represented by the petition and letter, are opposed to the special use. � ' � � �, � � � � � I� , l� , , ' ' � �I�Y OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TOPIC: MONTHLY REFORT TO THE CITY M?.NAGER DECEMBER 1967 ---- TyPE OF CONSTRUCTION Residential Residential Garages Alterations & Additions Multiple Dwellings Commercial Industrial Municipal Churches & Schools Hospitals Signs Moving or wreck�ing OTHERS Heating Plumbing Electrical Residential Residential Ga.rages Alterations & Additions Multiple Dwell.ings Commercial Industrial Municipal Churches & Sclzools Hospitals Signs Moving or wrecking N�ER 0__ F PERMITS ISSUED 1967 DECEMBER 5 3 0 3 0 0 0 1 16 1966 DECgMgER 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 14 -- THIS YEAR TO DATE 140 103 136 12 5 4 0 40 7 45— 3 ---- LAST YEAR T0._ DATE 122 138 144 9 3 0 2 61 9 496 292 30 L2 2S� 2b9 2� 18 520 579 40 366 -------1�27 1160 94 ESTIMATED VA�UATION OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED $ 106,700 $ 56,500 $ 2,702,475 $2,412,OC p 158,412 188,6� 7,400 344,314 1,196,3i 31,500 271,700 352��� � p 1,036,000 �99,5� 300 25,000 1,174,775 p 6,809,000 874,5� � 6,500 460,0'. 0 � 0 p 1,103,000 � p 116,0 � 36,110 64,4 300 2,900 20 0 8,520 8,5 $ 146,220 $356,100 $1 108 $6,471,9 MONTHLY REPORT TO THE CITY MANAGER DECEMBER 1967 TYPE BLACKTOPPING CARPENTRY EXCAVATTNG GAS GENERAL HEATING HOUSE MOVING MASONRY OIL HEATING PLASTERING ROOFING SIGNS WELL DRTLLING PERMIT NUMBERS ��9569-��9584 ��6952-��6991 ��4019 -��4046 ��4480-��45 03 Page 2 NUMBER OF LICENSES CURRENTLY IN EFFECT AND LICENSE FEES COLLECTED TO DATE NUMBER FEES COLLEC'�ED � $ 105 1 15 19 285 36 540 93 2,325 46 690 2 30 30 45 0 5 75 � 105 2 30 16 400 2 30 266 $5, 080 PERMIT FEES TYPE BUILDING ELECTRICAL HEATING PLUMBING SIGNS �1967 1966 DECEMBER DECEMBER $436 $473 425 631 1226 169 509 370 25 87 $2621 $1730 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE $36,200 $13,807 10,612 8,908 9,095 8,516 6,Ob4 5,029 3,727 1,630 $65,698 $37,890