01/15/1968 - 5877COUNCIL SECRETARY - MARY LU STROM REGU7�AR COUNCIL MEETING - AGENDA JANUARY 15, 1968 - 8 P.M. . .. REGULAR COUTQCIL MEETING - J�7ARy Z5, 1968 -$ p�M� PLEDGE OF ALI,EGL3N'CE ; INVOCATZON' - ROLL CALL: MTNUTES: Special Meeting, December 28, 1967, Regular M�et�ng, January 2, 1968, Special Publ'ic Hearing Meeting, January 8, 1968, ADOPTION pF AGENDA: PUBLIC HE1-�I, -�_ None OLD B US INE S S- 1 o Cornmittee, Cornma.ssion & goard Appointrnents, 2. Resolution Designating Council Representat-ive ojz North St?burban Sanitary Se���er Distr,_' c�t Board, 3. Reso�ution Designati.ng Director �.nd Alternate Director - SuburAan Ra.te Authority, 4• T•H. 7r�-7 and 6lst Avenue Intersec�ion East Loop Backs, Reques � by St o ti•lill iam's Church, 5• T•H• Tk�'7 Loon Backs at 57th, 6lst, & Mississi�pi Street, Report from the I�iinnesota Highway Department, 6. Correction o� Council N�.nutes - Octouer 16, 1967, n�rv svszzv-�ss: 7. Considerat�on c�f Appraisals - Lots 4, 8, & 9, B1ock 6, City View Addition, Pages 1 - 6. Pages 7 - 14. Pages 15 - 2p, Pages 21 & 22., Page 23. Page 24. Pages 25 - 27, Pages 28 - 32. Page 33. ' $. Consideration of Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 372 - Regula�.�,ng and Licensing Fooc� Establishments ancl Food Vending Niacnines and Providing a Penalty for Violat�.ons •, t Thereo�, =�ages 34 - 36. � � ' REGULAR COJNCIL MEETING - JANUA.R.Y 15, 1968 - 8 P.M� (Continued ) ' � � ' 9. Consideration of Ordinance a�znending Section 56.08 (Subdivision No. 1) Governing Regulations of the Erection oi Signs and Billboards within the City of F�idley, 10. Consiaeration of Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Splitting of SpECial Assessments on Parcel 1980, Paxt of Lots 12 and 25, Au�itor's Subdivision No. 23, Page 37. Page 3�. � 11. Consideration oi Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Splitting of Special�Assessments on Parcel 1020, Part oi Lots 8, 9, and 10, Auditor's Subdivision �155, And Parcel 1050, Part of Lot a, Auditor's Subdivision ' No. 155, Pages 39 - 41. 12. Consideration of Resolution Abating a Portion oF the , Assessments ior the 1966-1 Stree� Project on Lot 18, Broo]cvie�,v Addition.; (Collins) , ' 13. ' 14. Board o� Appeals Meeting �?inutes� January 10, 1968, Planning Co,�sission r2eet?ng Minutes, January ll, 1968, 15. Fridley �Lndu�trial Deve� o���2ent Com►-nis�. �.on riee•ting , Minutes, Decei��'oer 7, 19G7, 16. Resolut:ion to Aavertise for Bic�s. ior ^1'wo Police Cars, 17o Consideration oi Resolution Transferri.ng of Certain Funds ancl Consic+eration o�= Resolution Authorizing Mayor ancl City , Manager to Enter Into a Real Estatt� Optior_ Con�ract wi�h rng T. S�verts, Jr. and Gre-ca Jean Sa.verts, Page 42. Pages 43 & 44.� Page 45. Pages 46 - 5Z.� Pages 52 & 53. 18. Resolution Ordering- Preliminary Plans and Spec,_fications St. 19G2 - 1, Addenclum 7�1. Page ��-. 19. Re�olution Receiving Preliminary Report and Calliny a Public Hea-rin� for St. 1968-1� �ddendu.�.-n trl, pages 55 � 56. 20o Revie�a and ap�roval o� New Consulting Enginee-r's Contract, 2l. Use oL M.S.a. Funds for St. 1908-20 - pages 57 & 58. • M --- � ���._ .',?t.:�: . 1 REGULAR, COUi�TCIL N.�ETING - J�NUARY 15, 1.968 - 8 P.M. (Cont�nued) 22, Approval of Future Quality of Water Supply and Authorizing Preparation of a Report for Location of Future �Vells, 23. Receiving Preliminary Report for Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 88, Addendum r2, 24, Conside_ration of Approval of Negotiations of Liquor Stores Employees Unions, 25. Considerat?on of Ordinance on Trapping and Shooting Game L��ithin the City Limits o� Fridley, 26, Consideration o� Tnstaylation o� TJew Street Lights Near page 59. School Bus Stops, 27. ClaimsP 28. Licenses, 29, Est?mates, 30. Appoin�ments, 31 o Com�-nunications � (a) Minnesota Highway Department: Boat Access to Mississippi River V�STTORS- ADJOtJ�N : Page 60. Pages 61 & 62. Page 63. Page 64. Pages 65 - 67.� �. _ - _ - . ''rr • - ...,x..� 1 REGULAR COUi�iCIL N"iEEmING - JANUARY 15, 1968 - 8 p.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEG.L��►.�7'CE : INVOGATION: ROLL CALL• MINUTES: Special Meeting, December 28, 1967, Regular Meeting, January 2, 1968, Special Public Hearing Meeting� January 8, 1968, ADOPT I ON OF AGEPJDZ� ; PUBLIC H�I�Ti3GS - None OLD BUSINESS- lo Committee, Comm�.ssion & Board Appointments, 2. Resolution DesignatincJ. Council. Representat�ve on North Subu-t'.�an Sanitary Se�ver District Board, 3. Resol_ution Designati.ng Directo-r and Alternate Director - Suburban Ra.te Authority, 4. T.H. ;r47 and 6lst �lvenue 7Cntersection East Loop Backs, Request by Sto ti9illiam's Church, Pages 1 - 6. Pages 7 - I.4. Pages 15 - 20. Pages 21 & 22. Page 23. Page 24. Pages 25 - 270 5. T.H. 7f�!7 Loop �,acks at 57th, 61st, & Mississi�;pi Street, Report from the Minneso�a Hic�h�aay Department, pages 2E - 32. 6. Correctian oi Council M�_nutes - Octobex 16, 1967, page 33. rrEw sUSZN�ss - 7. Consa.ueration c.�f Appraisa].s - Lots 4, 8, & 9, Block 6, Ci-�ty Vie�,� �ddition, 8. Conside:cation ot Ordinance �ending Ordinance No. 372 - Reyula�ing and Licensing Food Establishments and Food Venc�a.ng T�Iachines anc� Providing a Penalty for Violations �. Thereo�, - '--pages 34�- - 36. � ' REGULI�R, COITt�TCIL MEETING - JANUAP.Y l5, 1968 - 8 p.N!. (Continued) ' , � ' 9. Consideration of ordinance �-�-nending Section 56.08 (Subdivision No. 1) Governing Regulations of the Erection oi Signs and Billboarcls within the City of F�idley, 10. Consideration oi Resolution Autho�:izing and Directing the Split�ing o� Special Assessments on Parcel 1980, Part of Lots 12 and 25, Auditor's subdivision No. 23, Page 37. Page 3E. ll. Consideration oi Resolution Authorizing anu Directing ' the Spli•tting of Special Assessments on Parcel 1020, Part a� Lots 8, g, and 10, Auditor's Subdivision �-155, ' And Parcel 1050, Part of Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, Pages 39 - 41. ' 12. Consideration of Resolution Ab�ting a Portion o� the Assessments i'or the 1966-1 Street Project on Lot 18, Broolcview Adclition, (Collins) , ' 13. � 14. Board oi Appeals Meeting �inutes, January 10, 1968, Planning Co<<ission ��eeting n!tinutes, January 11, 1968, 15. Fridley �ndustrial Dev�i o�raent Com,-nis�: �.on Meeting ' Minutes, Decem'oer 7, 196�, 16. Resolution to Aav�rtise to-r Bids . ior �l�WO police Cars t 17o Conside�ation oi Resolution Transier-ring oL Certain Funds and Consiueration o�= Resolution Authorizing Mayor and Ci�:y , Manager to Enter �nto a Real Estatts Option Con'cract wi�h Zng T. Siverts, Jr. and Gre�ca Jean Siverts, Page 42. Pages 43 & 44., Page 45. Pages 46 - 51. Pages 52 & 53. 18. Resolution Oruering Prelirninary Plans and Speci�ications St. 1958 - 1, Adaendum ;=�1, Page ��? . 19. Resoluta.on Receiv�ny Prelir��ina-ry Re�or_t and Callinj a Public �-iearin� for St. 1960--1, �ddendurn *rl, pages 55 & 56. 20o Revie�a anu apvroval oL New Consulting Enyinee�'s Contract, 2l. Use or M.S.A. Funds ior S�. 19o8-2Q pages 57 & 58. - '-� . . �;�'; ' � ' ' �tEGUL�R COUNCIL B�ETING AGEPJDA COI�ll�N`l�'S - JANUARy 15, 1968 - 8 p,M, l. CONI�Z:LTmE�, COP�i�tISSIOT�T & BO��D APPOINTMENTS: [� list o� appo'ntments which have expired or are expiring are on Pages 21 and 22 �or Council action oi appointing new nenibers or re-appointments. 2. F:ESOLU�TIOiJ DESIGi�TATING COUi�7CiL REPR�SENTATIVE ON NORTH SUBURBaIV SAN- � ITARzI S�:TER D'_rSTRICT BOARD: The resolution is on Page 23 and is self- explanatory. 3. RESQLU'�"lON DLSIGNATING DIt?�� CTOR 1�3D ALTEI.NATE DIRF'CTOR - SUBURBAN RATE AUTHO�.I^�I: The resolution is on Page 24� and is sel�-e��planatory. 4. T.H.�r'-r�! 7 A1VD 61ST A��"�NUE Ii.1TE�5ECTTON EAST L�''>OP BAC�:S, REQUEST gy ST. W1LLIrli�i'S CHUP.CH: A letter from Father I;ee�`e is on Page 25, a map sho�aing the area is on Page 26, and an excerpt og the Council Minutes o= SentembPr S, 1907 ?s on Page 27 pert�ining to this problem. S2uestions can be directed to the City Enyineer and City l�lanager rela- tive to th?s matter. 5. T.H.-;;�7 LOO� BACKS �T 57TH, 61ST, & MISSISSIPpI STt.�ET, REpORT FROM TI� NI1i�TT3�.5vT.� ��IGnZ���Y D�P�•�i�L�i�•i : A letter to tne City P1lanager from the F�tinnesata hic�hway Depai:�trnenL is on Pages 28 and 29 �ana excerpts of Counci 1 minutes oi Decez«�er 19, 196� pe�tai;�ing to this matter will be rou�d on Pages 30 thro;zgh 32. Questions car� be directed to the Cit;r Nia�zag�er and the City Lnyineer. 6, COR��.:.^Cm.LOLd Or COUIICI'L MTI�T;��S- CC�lOBER 16, 1967: An error in the minutes was brought to the attention of this o�iice and the City Attorney advised to brinj i-c to the attentioiz or tne Council ipr correct� on as long as the mznutes had been approved on ��o°�.�e�.�bEr 6, 1967 by the Councilo The correc-�ion would be in the second paragraph under Ite*�;;�1 - Plann,_ng Co.:�� ssion ��Ieeting Niinutes, fourth line an� should reac� t;.-�e "South 25 �eez" instead o� "South 15 �eet" on Page 33. NE4�T BUSI�7ES3: 7. COi�SID��^1Ci1 Or �PPR.�IS�LS - LO�S 4, $, & 9, $LOCK b, CIlY VIE"i'J ADDI�?'TOi3: ^he City �tto�ney asked that th:�s of�ice pi ace this item on the ac�enda ior tnis raee��n�. ^_'he adnini��ration Izaa received app�aisa? snee�s on tnis ��o� e-r�cy. The cost of acquiring Lot 4•, Block 5, City Viey� add�.t� on ? s $2,150.00. mhe cost oi acc�uiring Lots 8 an� 9, Bloc;� 6, City T7iew ac�dition is $4, 500 .00. The admin- istrat� on �;ishes the Coui�c_� to c�e�ermine whicn o� these alternates tney �,rish to acciuire. Ti1e Ci'�y �iar�ac�er will have tiie ap�raisals w�th hir� at z;;e :ae�t_n;, and c�uest�ons car, ae clirected to t�ie.•City Atto•rnej anc� the Ci�y iYlanage� . � ' ' � � REGULAt�t COZ,T�TCII, NIEETING AGETIDA CO�iVTS - JANUA?RY 15, 1`_��;8 - 8 P.M. (Continued)� �� 8. CONSIDLR.AmIOI�T OF ORL?IN�NCE AMENDT�7G ORnINANCE NO. 372 - REGULATING AND L:CCENSTNG FOOD ESTABLTSHP��NTS AND FOOD VETV1�. �.1�iG MACHINES AN'D PROVTD�NG A PEi�TALTY FOR VIO��TTONS THEREOF: The proposecl ordinance submitted to this oifice Lor placement on this agenda and consider- ation Ay the Council by the City Attorney will be found on Pages 34 through 3G. Any ques�ions could be directed to the City Attorney. � 9. CONSID�RA^�QN OF OtZnIN.ANCE ANIENDSNG SECTION 56.OS (SiTBDZVISION NO. 1) GOVEi2iJILvG REGULATIONS Ot TI3E EFtECT�QN OF SIGNS �ND BILLBOARDS WITFiTN ' THE C2TY OF FRIDLEY: This pronosed ordinance on Page 37 was also submitted to this oifice by the City Attorney for council considera- tion. ' ' ' ' � 10. CONSZDER�TION OI' R.ESOLUT�OI1 �UTHORTZTIVG AND nIRECTlT?G THE SPLTTTING OF SPECTI�L ASS�SSN�i NTS ON PARC�L 1980� PI-�.t" Cr LG`i'v 12 �NND 25, AUD- ITOR'S SUBDTVTSION NO. 23: The resolution on Page 38 is seli-ex�lan- atory and is a routine resolution simiiar to those passed �.n the past. Any questions could be directed to the F3_nance Director. 11. GONSIDER.�TSON Or R.ESOLiJ'I'IOId AVI'HORTZT�i O`�' SPEC7.AL ASSESSt�i,I�TS �i1 PARCEL 1020, AUDTTO�'S SU3�IVISIOIv �155, 1"',i.�� PA_RCEL StTBDIVISICN ivo. 155: The resolution o explana�ory and is a rou�ine -resolutio Item �10, a'oove. Any questions can be ectos. G AND DIRECTING ^HE SPLTTTI?�TG PART OF LOTS 8, 9, AND 10, 1050, PART OF LOT 8, AUDI�^10�'S n Pages 39 through 41 is se1-�- n and s�nilar to the one in c?irected to the Finance Di-r- ' 12. COi1S1.?�ER�r!'IOi�T Or R�SOLUT10i3 �.3a^1 SNG A POR^1 T�N OF TrIE ASSLSS� �NTS FOR T�-L�' � 960-1 STREr�T PROvLCT ON LOT I8, BROOI�'V�i W AD?�ITION (COLLTNS) : The resolution on pac�e �2 was su'z�mitted by the r inance Director, and ' he and tha C_ty �ttorr�ey �ai� 1'ne prepare� to anss��er any quest� ons you might ha�e o ' ' � , ' Z3. BO�Z� O� E�PP� �T.�S r��ETiNG .��?'i:uT'�S, J�ivUA?2Y 10, 196E: Boara o� Appeai s i�leeting T�Iinutes iound on Pages �3 b� the aoa-rc�, Iten -;; 2 oi �ne Ntinutes �•:as app-roved approval ot a certitied at;l:v�y show? ng a ra? nimum o� two lots . The City Eriginee-r co� :� c3 ans�ier questions minutes �L the Council wishes. Ttem -;tl of the anc� 44 was c�er,� ed contingent upon 60 feet �or the re7.ative to these 14. PI�i�TII3G COi�i�'Ii.SS �.OiQ P�LETI�,TG �41.1�iT'?'ES, J�NLTARY 11, ? 968: These minutes � wi11 not ��e -reacly for inc? usion in t'nis agenda. They. �.�i.11 be avail- able ic�r you at the rne�t� ng v The only item for Cour�cil-_action is Stem -;=;1 oi the minutes w=-,:_c�� � s the Lot S� :it Request - LSwo7-07 by F'red yesr�es. The C�runiss�on -recor�snended app-roval o�: this lot split REGULAIt COUI:vCIL rTEETZNG AGENDA rORZMENTS - JANUARY 15, 1968 - 8 P.M. (Continued) of the East 273 fee-� o� Auditor's Subdivision D?o. 129 in accordance with the surveys provided nu�noered l, 2, and 3 dated the 8th day o� necen�er 19G7 signed by B. H. gradley calling attention to the side yard vaxiance for the e��istzng dV�elling at 1307 Fireside Drive at nine feet instead oi �he reQuir�d 10 feet. Other items �n the minutes were tabled, e'r.co and will not rectuire Council action separately. The minu-tes shoulc�, of course, be approved, received and filed. 15. FRIDLEY ZTJllUSTRIAL DEVELOP�i1T COI•Zr�tISSION MEETI�?G AZINUTES, DECEI�3ER 7, 1967: The minutes as sybnlittea by P�ir. Drigans oi that C�mmission wiZl be iound on Page 45 ior Council considerat�on. receiving and filing. Any questions coulcl be directed to Councilman Dave Harris, Chairman o� the Comrnission. 16, RESOi.,UTI0i1 TO ADVERTTSE FOR BI?�S FOR 7''WO POL?CE CAPS: for passage by the Council�to aavertise �.or Aids will 4� 6. �he No'r.ice to B id is on Page 47 wnich needs the and rnust be i�u.bZisheu if tize Council concurs to call the =id Prop�sal ia on �age �'r8 ar_c'� the Specifications through 51. The resolution be found on Pac�� date filled in, i�r b ids, and are on Page�s 49 �- r � ' � ( r � 17. CONST7]��,�mip1T OF RESOL'UT1C1V TiZ.�L�TS �''ERRING OF CERT'�IN r UNDS �LVD C01lS1D- ER,ATIOiti C:r� R:CSGLUTIOi�i �L-TiiO�1Z1.i�3G 1•i.�YOR �tiD CITX N1�ir.'�T�'�G�R TO EN`I'E�2 Tiv''?'C A i:EAL :S1^t�^li O�^:�AN COli^1��CT ���ITH ING T. SIVE��TS, Jt�. �ND GRE^lA L7i�'�TV SiVEP.TS: A merlo �rom the L inance Director is o� Pare 52 exnlaining the Resolut�o�. on �age 530 �uestions concerning this can be directed to the �M ���:..�z.^_� Directo-r anc' the City Atto-rney perha�s caill have tne Resoiution autho�-�zing the entering into tne contract at the meet�ng fo-r your consideration anc� �oss�le passage, A copy of the contract is enclosed in the envelo-�e �•�itn you-r agenda. 18. RE�OL�Ti S.CiI Oi'J�Z1i•!G ���2.�:LI�'�11.ii� Z�? �PG?T AL�7D C�vL?:iVTG � P'lT�3LIC rriE�.��ILVG FOI2 ST. '! 9u�-1, �DEI�DUT�� T�� : The resoluz� on �a�ili be �'�ui�c�� on�°Page 5�'r and :',a sel ��-e;�planator1. � I.90 F;.ESOLLI''rlOi7 I:.ECEIVII�G P�LZ�'IIi3::'1RY t`2.F.PORT �'VD C�I,��Ij`.iG A PtTBLIC I��tZ1NG FOR ST���"_' 196�--1, �DEi�:DUi�I '�;�1: Tize resolut� on � s on Paye 55 and the Notice o�� Hea;: ? ng is on Page 55. ?�ny questions on Item ;;18, above, or this ite�a can be c�irecteu to tne City Engineer. 20. REVIE�:l �I�7D AP��OV�L OF i��aT COi�SU.T��'IivG ED:G�NEEP�'S COb7?'�CT: '�h?s iten W35 �Jl.c C�Ci �?1 f�':G d��e�C;3 �t� til@ C? �V Engineer Cor�� es �of a netiv COri- 1 .. � � tract �,fi11 be er,c �. �;�d in tize envelope with the agenGn f-and � also att- ached are tize three s'neets, ;;3, ;�7, and ;�9 os the o1c� contract sho�oi.r_: the sect � on:� mar'�ca� �y a 11..ne o�. the side �vhich 'nave been r�visec� in the enclosec: contract. , , , REGUT�R COUNCIL i�E�l'I1�TG AGEND� COP�'�'ZENTS - JANUARY 15, 1�63 -$ P�M. ( C ont inuec� ) 21. USE O�' 1�S.S.A. FUNDS FOR STREET 1968-2: On Pages 57 and 58 is a memo ' from the Ci.ty Engineer perta�ning ta this mattero The memo pernaps is sei i-expi anatory, but -� f there are any questions, the Ci:ty Eng� nee-r wil7. be prepared to e��pla� n. , , �_� � 22, APPROVAL 01i FUTURE QU.ALI^Y OF VdAT�R SUPPLY AN17 AUTHORIZING PREPARI�T�Oi: OF A REPORT F'Or2 LOCATIOiV Or I'UTiJRE ti�7ELLS: This i�ein is plac�d on the agenda by the City Enginee-s. There is no materiaZ for inclusion in� the agenda. 23 • RECElVZNG PR�LSMSNARY REPORT FOR STORM SE�7ER IE�IPROVEN�IV�Z' PROJ�CT NO. 88� ADl7EN�UIyI �;�2: This prelirniria-ry Report wi11 be available for you at the mee�.inc�. Th? s item is pl_aced on the agenda 3�y the City Engineer. 24. CONSxDEFL.�TI0i�7 OF APP120V11L OF N-EGO^1IAT:COi�1 O�' L3QUOR SmORES EriPLOYEES , UNTOTvS: �his item is placed on the agenda by the City Manager and he can go into �urther detail o::_ this matter with you at the neeting. ' 1 25. CONSZI7ER��TZOi1 O� ORDINANC� Oiv TREiPPING �,N'D SHOOTZI�TG G�-"liY1v ti7ITHiN T� CZTY r u,i�iITS o= FRIi�i,EY: I do not have a copy oi the �-roposed orc�inanc for you in thi.s a�enda, but the City Attorn_ey may have one p-repared f or y ou by me� � in,g t ilne ivionci ay n� gnt , ' 26. COi�!'STUi12���TlOti OF I'LV1^STI�II,L��^.IO1t Oi NE%l STREET LI�`tiTS N�EAR SCHOOL b'US STOPS: A liat o= locatzons will be sour_d on Page 59. The City P1ian- ager can a�s-v;e-r any c�uesti ons you might have. � 27 o CI,AI�ris ; The claim nt1-n'�e�: s a-re on Page 60 . Detail or the claims is includec� zn tne envelope w�tn the agenc�a. ' u ' ' , I� 28. LIC��vS�S: mhe licenses a�:e o,z Pages 61 and b2 �o-r your consicaeratioiz and a��L�r�val i�: you so desiye. - 29, ESTiI��:��T�S: Tize esti,�lates a-re Iisted on Pac�e b3, 30. �P�Os%jTi�i�i�m5: ^he appo� nt�«e-r,t o-= a C� :stodian recomr�lendec� by the Liquor StoNes T�Ianager w� 11 be �_ot?nd on Fage 6� for tne Bar ;t33 anu Store 3 to re�iace Ir�,ain Ch_-i�tianson �or your consent and '.��proval. 3�... �.'�l'1.1'lU1•='! C.'.''�r!'! CJ::a : �a� 1'�I'!i1I12SOLd }�jiC�''11.Jay DeL.,al''t.".iE12i1t: $03� t�:CC25S t0 1•1iss�ssippi F?ver: A letter to -t:ze Ci�y Engineer is on Pa,e 65, a�ietter to the 1�linnesota HH-gn:;ay Le� artraer_t f-ro� tiie Cizy Engineer is on Page 66, and a n?.� s,ie`v� r_r� the area concerneG is on Page 67. The Ci�y Er.ginze� car e� a'�orate further i� necessa:cy. ' ' ' ' ' THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 28, 1967 The Special Council Meeting of December 28, 1967 was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 7;35 P.M. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Harris MEMBERS ABSENT: Samuelson, Sheridan 1 CONSIDERATION OF INSURANCE COVERAGE; ' Mr. Lee Douglas, Insurance Consultant from Bachman-Anderson, Inc., presented the Council with copies of the informal bids opened that afternoon. He explained there are three options available to the City regarding the Work- men's Compensation Insurance; The participating dividend plan, a guaranteed ' cost (including dividend), or a quote received for a 3 year participating dividend plan dependent upon three full years of loss determining the dividend. He said that if he was asked his opinion, he would recommend the ' participating plan, because he felt that over a period of time it would be to the City's advantage. Following are the results of the Workmen's Compensation bids: ' ' "PARTICIPATING" DIVIDEND PLAN 35% I,�VEL INSURANCE COMPANY AGENT NET COST tiIINIMUM ' ' r Agricultural Ins. Co. Carr-Preus Company $10,123.00 $ 8,449.00 Argonaut Insurance Co. Carr-Preus Company 10,551.00 9,735.00 Argonaut Insurance Co. Anderson 10,55I.00 9,735.00 Hartford Insurance Co. Anderson � 10,614.00 1�3,388.00 Western Casualty Co. Hadrath Katz � 10,614.00 8,845.00 The maximum under any of the above -$11,793.00 GUARANTEED COST (Including Dividend) INSURANCE COMPANY AGENT � Mutual Creamery BID Rice Creek $10,852.00 THREE YEAR "PAP.TICIPATING" DIVIDEND PLAN ' INSURANCE PLAN AGENT Associated Insurance Co. Anderson Agency BID $27,560 3 Yr. ($9,190 1 Yr.) Mr. Douglas said that the.apparent 1o�a bidder is the Agricultural Insurance Company. Mr. Douglas reviewed the two bids received on the "Package" insurance bids, which are as follows; � ,� ' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 28, 1967 PAGE 2 ' "PACKAGE�'INSURANCE BIDS: ' 1. Western Casualty - Hadtrath Katz $28,866.00 Covers; All property - buildings & contents � Boilers-air tanks Business Income - Liquor�Stores , Equipment Auto physical damage Auto liability General Liability incL liquor liability Crime 2. Hartford Company - Anderson Agency �* $30,700.00 Coverage same as above ** Breakdown - Hartford $21,934.00 � Reliance 1,854.00 Aetna 1,882.00 Chicago 5,030.00 (Liquor) $30,700.00 Mayor Kirkham asked if these bids were on a one year basis or a three year basis. Mr. Douglas said they were bid on a one year basis, and asked the representative of the Western Casualty Company if they would write the policy on a three year basis, and he said they would. Councilman Harris said that if the Council wishes to follow the pattern they have set, informal quotes should be allowed on an annual basis. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the recommendation of the Insurance Consultant and award the "Package" Insurance bid to W.estern Casualty Company and that the comprehensive coverage and liquor liability be written on an annual basis over a three year period, but noting for the City's records that the City will accept�any informal bids on the same coverage next time at this time. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor.Kirkham declared the motion carried. There was a discussion of the loss ratio percentage regarding the Workmen's Compensation Insurance, and Mr. Douglas explained more fully the three year plan which has the disadvantage that if the City had one bad year out of the three, it could conceivably be that there would be no dividend for the three year period. Councilman Liebl asked the City Attorney if the Council could bind the City for three years. The City Attorney said that it was possible that a future Council could cancel the insurance, but they would take into consideration, that it would be on a short rate. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the recommendation of the Insurance Consultant and award the Workmen's Compensation Insurance to Carr-Preus Company, agent of the Agricultural Insurance Company for a maximum dollar volume of $11,793. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motian carried. Mr. Richard Schillinger, representing the Anderson Agency, pointed out that regardless of the loss ratios that the Hartford Company has �.ustained under SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 28, 1967 PAGE 4 1 � , , , ' � � � ' i t � � � , � , � � I -� Councilman Harris said he felt the $100 figure listed for drapes in the Manager's Office should be increased to about $500, and it sh ould be panelled or whatever was necessary to make it look like a credit to the City Manager. He said he thought panelling would cost about $300 more than the drapes and would be money well spent. Mayor Kirkham felt the $300 was a more realistic figure, and the Council decided to amend the $100 figure by $300 and make the total figure $400. The City Manager said that the City has received one quote on the basement door, and expects to receive two more quotes, and the Fire Department is still getting quotes on remodeling the offices in the old City Hall. MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution ��208-1967 approving purchases as outlined and amended. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION ��209-1967 DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY BANK DEPOSIT: The Finance Director explained that this resolution authorizes him and Mr. Ankrum to sign checks and drafts with the City bank. MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution �k209-1967. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there tseing no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. SEWER CONNECTION CHARGES - FRONTIER CLUB AND HULLABAL00 CLUB: The City Engineer said that the building the Frontier Club is located in has three or four businesses in it, and one section is being modeled into a restaurant. He said that the total building originally had 11 RECS assigned to it, and with the changes to the building, it would be assigned 16 RECS. The City Engineer said he feels the Frontier Club should be charged for the S additional RECS. He said that this was being brought before the Council because it is a special case, and may set a precedent. The City Attorney said that the policy of the District will be that when there is a decrease, they will not decrease the RECS, but will decrease the quarterly usage charge. He said he felt the City will have to follow the same policy as the District Does. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the recommendation of the Administration, and charge the owners of the Frontier Club for the additional S REC charges. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The City Engineer said that the Hullabaloo Club is another question to be decided. He said that the Shorewood Shopping Center had hooked onto the Bistrict before March, and an assignment had not been figured for this area, which has remained unoccupied prior to the Hullabaloo Club going into the shopping center. NSSSD has said that the REC assignment will be 4 RECs, and the question is whether the Hullabaloo Club should pay the charges, half the charges, or let it go. The Council discussed this and decided to consider SPECIAL MGETING, DECEMBER 28, 1967 ' PAGE 5 ' ' � � � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' the applicant as having paid one REC and charge the Hullabaloo Club for the three additional RECs. The Council agreed that this will follow the same policy as the Frontier Club. The City Engineer said that the permit for the Frontier Club has been issued with the stipulation they will improve their parking, and they are planning to landscape and fix up the appearance. OF ASS REST - SW&SS��88 CONTRACT: The City �ngineer said that this contract had been bid as a joint venture and one partner, Don Anderson Excavating has signed over their interest in the contract to Suburban Sewer & Water, Inc, The City Engineer said that according to the contract the Council is required to approve this. He said that he feels this will be a better arrangement as they will be able to work with one contractor, The City Attorney recommended that they agree to accept the assignment of the joint venture interest subject to the remaining member of the joint venturc agreeing to all terms of the contract as bid, and subject to his being able to provide an adequate surety bond. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the recommendation of the Administration and accept the assignment of the joint venture interest to Suburban Sewer & Water Inc., subject to S�burban Sewer & Water, Inc. agreeing to all terms of the contract as bid, and subject to the bonding company furnishing an adequate surety bond to the City, Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � LICENSES _ The City Engineer said that the contractor working on the Hullabaloo Club had not known that he needed a license, but was now requesting one. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the fol�lowing Contractor's License: Douglas Construction Company 75Q8 Thomas Avenue South Richfieid; Minnesota By: Douolas W. Corn �W The motion was seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ORDINAI�TCE REGARDING TRAPPING AND SHOOTING GAME; � Councilman Liebl asked about the Ordinance that Mr. Howard Grivna, 261 Rice Creek Terrace, had requested the Council to consider regarding trapping and shooting game in the City, The City Attorney said that he will have a ' proposed ordinance ready by the next regular meeting, or by the end of the month. � SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 28, 1967 PAGE 6 ADJOURNMENT • MOTION by Councilman Harris to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Council Meeting of December 28, 1967 adjourned at 9;07 p,M, Respectfully submitted, .. � : �, f-� �_- �.�. / / � � `Y ''�jL . � � ✓ �ary Lu Strom Secretary to the Council 0 ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' �. _, � ' ' ' ' ' PAGE 7 THE MINUTES OF THE REGLTI.,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1968 The Regular Council Meeting o£ January 2, 1968 was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at g:pl p.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE; Mayor Kirkham asked everyone to join in saying the Pledge of Allegi�.nce to the Flag, ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Sheridan MEMBERS ABSENT: Samuelson ---- �``�-'""l�J - tcr:UIJLAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 18 1967; MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of December 18, 1967 as presented. Seconded b Upon a voice vote, there being no na s Y Councilman Liebl. carried. Y, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion es.urit�vl5'1'RATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO RAyMpN� E MAN OF THE SECOND WARD: The Finance Director administered the Oath of Office to Raymond E. Sheridan, Councilman from the 2nd Ward. Councilman Sheridan signed the Oath of Office and was presented with a Certificate of Election, The Council congratulated Councilman Sheridan. � ADOPTION OF AGENDA: ' Mayor Kirkham requested that the Council deiete Item 1, "COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS��� Item 4, "RESOLUTION SETTING COUNCIL MEETING�NIGHTS AND TIME ", Item 5, "RESOLUTION DESIGNATING COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE ON NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT BOARD", Item 6, DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR - SUBURBAN ���SOLUTION DESIGNATING because of the absence of Councilman Samuel onE AUTHORITY from the agenda placed on the agenda of the next meeting. He said that they could be MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Agenda with the deletions as listed by Mayor Kirkham, and have them on the agenda of the next Council Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORY FOR CI�Y FUNDS (CHARTEg 7.13 ; Mayor Kirkham said that the loca7 Fridle State for all funds, and he would urge the Council to deskgnatebthemtfordthescoming year. Councilman Sheridan asked the Finance Director if everything had worked out sat�sfactori_ly. The Finance Director said that it had. ' ' ' ! _I ' ' ' L� ' , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 2, 1968 MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to redesignate the Fridley State Bank, 6315 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota as the depository for City funds for 1968. Seconded by Councilman Harris. there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motionUCarried�ice vote, RESOLUTION ��1-1968 - DESIGNATING A LEGAL NEWSPAPER: PAGE 8 MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution ��1-1968 designating Tri- County Publications, Inc., "Fridley Record Edition" as the official newspaper for 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carrieda voice vote, there being no 2 1968 Councilman Liebl asked about the trees that were purchased the previous year, and how they had turned out. The City Engineer said that this had been done by the Park Department, but he believed they had had good results, and that mostly Ash trees had been purchased. Mayor Kirkham asked why they were considering Silver Maples. The City Manager said it was because of the price, and the Park Director felt the City should be buying two different types of trees to eliminate the possibility of a disease wiping out every- thing. The City Attorney said that the silver maple was a soft tree and was susceptible to wind damage. Councilman Sheridan said that perhaps they are to be put in where the Ash trees are going in. The Council discussed the amount of money budgeted for this item. Following are the Bids; BIDDER LINDEN ASH. HONEy-LOCUST SILVER biAPLE SIJI�IER MApLE Bob's Produce Ranch ' Halla Nursery Inc. Minnesota Tree Inc. Plaza Lawn Inc. ' LJ , 34.50 23.50 49.50 55.00 47.50 90.00 37.50 28,5p 67.60 24.75 24.75 33.75 23.50 34.00 48.00 87.50 29.50 63.00 23.50 33.75 MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the recommendation of the Park Director and award the bid to the low bidder, Bob's Produce Ranch, 6520 E. River Road, Fridley, Minnesota, for Green�Ash and Silver Maple trees at the cost of $23.50. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. suggested that next year the people be surve ed Councilman Liebl Green Ash tree. Mayor Kirkham said he felt they wouldtget190edifferent the varieties named, and high priced trees basides. to the opinion of a few, rather than man He recommended they stick heard criticism on having only the Ash, y� Councilman Liebl said he had voice vote, there being no na S The Vote upon the motion was a Y, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. BIDS - ONE TON DiTNiP TRUCK WiTH PLOW OPENED JANUARY 2, 1968 ; Mayor Kirkham said that the Park Director and Superintendent of Public Works recommend that the bids be refused and put out again, and he said he heartily agreed. Mayor Kirkham said that one company had indicated that their sales people were not available at this time of year, but they probably would be if the City went out for bids again. The City Manager said that only two bids were received, and they would like to receive bids from Dodge, Chevrolet, and Ford also. _� .� ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 2, 1968 ' L� � . PAGE 9 MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the bids on a one-ton Flatbed Stake Dump Truck and Plow, reject the two bids received, and authorize the Administration to readvertise for bids to be opened February S, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. S OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 18, 1967: MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation ' Commission Meeting of December 18, 1967. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the mo�ion carried. � � ' 4 __, ' � ' , L� ' MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING DECEMBER 20 1967; The City Engineer said that the Standard Oil Company needs a Special Use Permit to construct a service station on R-3 property at Osborne Road and University Avenue. Councilman Sheridan said he recalled that this corner had been rezoned for a service station, but that it would revert if action had not been taken by a certain time. He said that at the time, there was a question in some Councilmen's mind on whether it was legal to have it revert back to a different zoning. The City Attorney said he would like to re�iew this and research the minutes on past action before the next Council Meeting, Mayor Kir:cham suggested they receive the minutes and have this item back at the next Council Meeting. . MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of December 20, 1967, and have the Request for a Special Use Permit by the American Oil Company back on the agenda at the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. . CHANGE ORDER ��5 - W&S&SS��79: Councilman Harris said that this was the item he had brought before the Council at the last meeting and the Council had concurred with the action. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive Change Order ��5 for Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement No. 79 and authorize its execution. Seconded by Councilman Sheri�?;-n. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. APPROVAL OF FIRE DEPARTMENT PAYROLL: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to approve the payroll for the Fire Department as presented. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The Council discussed the good work done by the Fire Department, and especially during such cold weather. The City Attorney said that the fire that morning had been next door to him, and he had heard compliments on the quick response there had been to the call, otherwise the house would have been a total loss. He said that Patrolman Thomas Kennedy of the Police Department had pushed the car of the garage and saved it, and the people were pleased with both departments. � J ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 2, 1967 PAGE 10 CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Harris to pay the General Claims �k13713 through ��13911 and Liquor Claims ��1793 through ��1808. Seconded by-Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ESTIMATES• ' Councilman Harris said it looked like the mechanical contract: on the new City Hall was being paid in full. The City Engineer said that $300 is being held until next Spring when the air conditioning will be used. He said that $7,000 is being held back on the electrical contract. Mayor Kirkham asked � if the public address system was part of the electrical order, The City Engineer said that it had been a change order to the electrical contract. Councilman Harris said he felt the changes should be made to put this in ' condition before the electrical contract is totally paid. The City Engineer said they would not be in a hurry to pay this contract, as the City has had fairly poor service from them. Councilman Liebl asked if the ' contractor has been notified about the speaker system. The Finance Director said that they have been called several times, but because it was not working properly, and not because of the quality of the speaker, Council- man Harris said that perhaps another speaker should be added, and that he ' did not think the microphones were sensitive enough. He said that for such expensive microphones, they do not serve the purpose of a neck mike if they have to be held up to the mouth. Councilman Harris said he felt ' the quality of the microphones and the entire sound system should be looked into, and the Council should not be satisfied with just a repair to put it back in service, but an improved system in general and more sensitive microphones ' should be in order. He suggested the Council request the Administration to look into the system on this basis, and the Council agreed. MOTION by Councilman Harris to pay the €ollowing estimates: Hoffman Electric Company, Inc. Electrical Contractors Anoka, Minnesota Fridley Civic Center - Certificate No. 11 (11-30-67) for period from November 30, 1967 through November 30, 1967 Harry S. Horwitz & Co., Inc. Mechanical Contractor 1411-11th Avenue South Minneapol is , Minne s�ota Fridley Civic Center - Certificate No. 11 Patch & Erickson, Inc., Architects 2801 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis 5, Minnesota Fridley Municipal Garage - December 21, 1967 (To be paid by the Firemen's Relief Association) $ 1, 74-6 . 50 $ 7,567.45 $ 1,869.75 j� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 2, 1967 PAGE 11 � 'The motion approving the estimates was seconded by Councilman Sheridan. ' Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion ; � carried. LICENSES• � MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the following licenses: MULTIPLE DWELLING LICENSES - SEPT'EMBER l, 1967 - SEi'TEMBER 1, 1968 OWNER ADDRESS UNITS S.P.G.A. Associates 6551 Channel Road 11 909 Farmers & Mechanics Bank Minneapolis, Minnesota S�.P.G.A. Associates 6571 Channel Road 11 909 Farmers & Mechanics Bank � Minneapolis, Minnesota . Esther L. Fleming 6417 Highway ��65 $ 2442 Rice Street St. Paul, Minnesota Dee Bee Contracting 6670-80-90 I,ucia Lane 48 333 Rice Creek Terrace Fridley, Minnesota � Robert Lecy 4721 Nicollet Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 140 Mississippi Place 4 Dean Maeser " 6972 Hickory Drive ' Fridley, Minnesota 5770 2nd StrPPr w F Q FEE $11.00 11:.00 10.00 48.00 10.00 10.00 William A. Mechels 155 97th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 351 74th Avenue N.E. 11 �9,10 Casey Hoban Bach Transfer Co. 129 Plymouth Ave. North Minneapolis, Minnesota 389 74th Avenue N.E. 11 11.00 Casey Hoban Bach Transfer Co. . 129 Plymou�h Ave. North Minneapolis, Minnesota 415 74th Avenue N.E. 11 11.00 The motion was seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REGULAR COUNCTL MEETING, JANUARY 2, 1968 APPQINTMENTS• MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur with the recommendation of the City Manager and approve the following appointments: NAME Dianna J. Platz 7433 W. Circle Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Sharon Kay Waldstein 717 - 81st Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 POSITION Cashier - License Clerk Secretary.- ASSessoY's Office RE PLACE S Sharon Waldstein New Position PAGE 12 The motion was seconded, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS• (A) BOARD OF HEALTH• ACTIVITY REPORT MOTION by Harris to receive the report from the Board of Health. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � �B) CITY ATTORNEY: EASEMENT - COLLINS• Mayor Kirkham said he felt it had been the intent of the Council in the ' original agreement to make this a paper exchange. Councilman Sheridan said he felt there was no question about it, and he felt the City should live up to the agreement no matter what the cost. The City Attorney � said that from a legal standpoint it was for the stated amount of money, but from a moral standpoint the sense of the agreement should be followed. Councilman Harris said that the property owners should be notified of the figure as it will be reflected in the value of the property. The City � Attorney said that the City Clerk could be notified to write off the balance of the special assess;aents or a check could be written to the property owners and they could pay the special assessments. He said that ' he would discuss this with the Finance Director and prepare a resolution for the next Council Meeting. � MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the communication from the City Attorney regarding the Collins easement. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � LJ � � �C) CITY MANAGER - LIGHTS - JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL• The City Manager explained that this letter was in regard to the installation of three poles and mercury vapor lights in the Fridley Junior High School _ area at 61st Avenue Northeast. Mayor Kirkham asked if these were at the locations as agreed upon at the joint meeting. The City Manager said that they were. � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 2, 1968 PAGE 13 MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to approve the installation of three street lights at the Fridley Junior High School, for which the school is to reimburse the City for all charges. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. VISITORS• SC_HNIEDEKE - REQUEST FOR CORRECTION IN ZONING Mr. Eldon Schmedeke, 5900 University Avenue Northeast, said that he came before the Council for a correction in zoning - not a rezoning. He said his property is located at 59th Avenue and 3rd Street, and when the thoroughfare went in, the front lots were taken for the highway. He said that he is in the automobile and trailer business, which are now hiding behind his business. He said that the customers come in at the back of the building. Mr. Schmedeke said that he had bought this property in 1948 as commercial property and had been paying taxes on it for 20 years. He said he learned these lots were zoned R-2 when he went to Court with the State Highway Department. He said that he has always considered it commercial, as do his neighbors, and he was never notified of any change. He said that the City Assessar considers it commercial property also. Mr. Schmedeke said that he has a lot to the north and one to the south of these three lots which he is willing to pay the fee for the rezoning on. Mayor Kirkham said that if the property was zoned commercial, instead of rezoning it, just a correction of the Prror may be needed. He said the Administration could research past records and see if it was ever changed. Councilman Sheridan said that a master plan of zoning had been set up in 1955 and there were some changes made before it was adopted. Council- man Harris said that although this may be just an error to be corrected, it will not resolve the problems of what the zoning should be on the east side of 3rd Street. . Mr. Scfimedeke showed the Council pictures of the present building and previous building on the site. He went through the history o� buying the property in 1948 when there was no zoning, and building the present building in 1956. He gave the legal address as Lots 16, 17, 18, Block 12, Hyde Park Addition. Mayor Kirkham said that previous maps should be on file, and the Administration can check back and review this. Councilman Harris said he felt this was a legitimate request if Mr. Schmedeke was operating commercially in 1948. Mayor Kirkham suggested that the whole strip be included in the research, and Mr. Schmedeke may not have to rezone his o�her lots. Councilman Liebl asked Mr. Schmedeke if he was only interested in the property up to 60th Avenue. Mr. Schmedeke said this was correct. Mayor Kirkham said that this will be researched and back on the agenda at the next meeting. COAT RACK• The Council discussed having a coat rack for the Council Chambers, and thought that possibly a coat rack on rollers that could be rolled out of the way when it was not needed would be best. REGULAR COUNCIL�MEETING, JANUARY 2, 1968 ADJOURNMENT: PAGE 14 There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Council Meeting of January 2, 1968 adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �/ � �,�� Mary Lu Strom Secretary to the Counci_1 PAG THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING - JANUAIZY 8, 1968 The Special Public Hearing Meeting of January 8, 1968 was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8;03 P.M. OPENING CEREMONY: Mayor Kirkham asked the audience to stand and join in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL • MEMBERS PRESENT; Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan MEMBERS ABSENT; None ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham recommended that Item 2, "COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS", Item 4, "RESOLUTION DESIGNATING COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE ON NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT BOARD, and Item 5, "RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR - SUBi,T�BAN RATE AUTHORITY", be deleted from the Agenda because the Council has not had their organization meeting. � ' MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the agenda with the deletions as suggested. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED FINAL PLAT - ANDREW P. GAWEL _(P.S. ��66-03) SHADY OAK ADDITION• Mayor Kirkham read the Notice of Hearing. The City Eng ::::er showed the Council the proposed final plat and explained that this had been approved previously by the Council as a Preliminary Plat. He said that Mr. Gawel has been studying the road plan with the other property owners in the area, and temporarily the City is requesting the dedication of Z a cul-de-sac easement, which can be vacated when the final location is decided upon. There was a discussion of a road that will have to be cut through in this area when all the property owners decide on an integrated plan. The City Engineer said there were no utili�ies in this area, and the improvements would have to be petitioned to put the street in. Mr. Gawel, 1546 - 16th Street N.W., the contractor developing this plat, Mr. Ken Korin, 6051 Benjamin Northeast, and Mr. Richard Schneider, 1568 Northeast Ferndale Avenue, two interested property owners, came to the Council table. There was a discussion about where the proposed houses will be built, the proposed grade for Benjamin Street, and the necessity of slope easements because of the steepness of the road. Mr. Schneider said that when homes are built on Lots S, 6, and 7, the water will stand on Ferndale Avenue because there will no longer be the proper drainage. He sai_d that someone will have some flooded basements, and asked if anything is planned for a storm sewer now. The City Engineer pointed out that this was just a small portion of the land to be developed, and the storm sewer will come when the road is to be put through. Mayor Kirkham said there were long range plans for drainage, but' asked how this problem c�ill 6e taken care of � SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 8, 1968 PAGE 16 in the meantime. The City Engineer said that Mr. Gawel has the right to develop this property, and he will have to petition the City to put in the street, hearings can be held, and a section can be put in. He said that the City is working with the people in this area to agree on an overall road plan. Mr. Schneider said he had nothing against the plat, but he just wanted.something done with the ro�d, as he was told when he built that Benjamin would be cut down. Mr. Schneider said that if Mr. Gawel is going to build right away, there is going to be a drainage problem. Councilman Samuelson said he felt the developer should have to bring in a drainage plan showing where the sewer and water are going and how the water will drain out � of the subdivision. The City Engineer said that eventually there will be storm sewer in this area. Councilman S<:muelson said that the water in the meantime is going to come down the slope to the north and there is presently no outlet for the water. The.City Engineer said that it would be hard for him to give a plan, when he does not know what will be done in the surrounding area. Mr. Schneider said that Mr. Cochran had told him that they know what the lr:vel of Benjamin Road will be, and th�t will drain to Rice Creek Road. The City Engineer pointed out the way the water will drain. Councilman Samuelson felt there should be a development plan, because if the Council were to approve the plat, they would have very little control over the streets and utilities. Mayor Kirkham said he would agree with Councilman Samuelson, as an individual owner of a lot c=:.nnot interfere with the drainage so that it would possibly back up into someone else's yard. Councilman Harris requested that the City Engineer physically look at this area to see if there is any way to lower the east end of Ferndale at its intersection with Benjamin. There was a discussion of the possibility of putting in a portion of storm sewer which could be tied into the larger area at a later date. The City Engineer suggested that this public hearing be continued, and he can bring back the plans for the Rice Creek Drainage District for Council study. MOTION by Councilman Harris to continue the Pub�ic Hearing on the Consideration of the Final Plat as requested by Andrew P. Gawel to the Special Public Hearing Meeting in February. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION ��2-1968 - DESIGNATING TIME AND NUMBER OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS: Mayor Kirkham recommended that the current program be continued. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution ��2.-1968. Seconded by Councilman Harris for discussion. Councilman Harris said that presently the Council is getting through with th_ir meetings at a reasonable time, but if it were to start being 1:00 or 2:00 A.M. again, he wondered if starting a half hour earlier would be worthy of consideration. Mayor Kirkham said he would prefer to continue with the present time, and.the public is used to the present schedule. Councilman Sheridan suggested the Council be sure they are through before Midnight. The Vote upon the motion was a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 8, 1968 CONSIDERATION OF WAIVING PERMIT FEE FOR REMODELING OR REPAIRING ROGER MCPH�RSON PROPERTY AT 5808 TENNISON DRIVE: PAGE 17 MOTION by Councilman Harris to waive the permit fee for the remodeling or repairing of the Roger McPherson property at 5808 Tennison Drive which was damaged by a house fire. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVING ENGINEER - ATTORNEY REPORT ON ZONING BACKGROUND ON ELDON SCHMEDEKE PROPERTY LOTS 16 17 AND 18 BLOCK 12, HYDE PARK ADDITION: Mayor Kirkham said that Mr. Schmedeke has already had a review of the report, and it would be in order to receive the report. He asked Mr. Eldon Schmedeke if he had any further questions. Mr. Schmedeke asked if it was the Council's advice that he go to the Planning Commission, Mayor Kirkham said that the next step for him would be to follow the normal procedures on rezoning and go to the Planning Commission next. Mr. Schmedeke said that he would be bringing up the possibility of a slip-off ramp on 60th Avenue, as this area did not get a service drive, and he asked if the Council thought he should request this at the same time he requests the rezoning. Mayor Kirkham said he did not know whether it would be better to request both at the same time or not, but he thought that if fhe zoning was settled first, the request for the slip ramp would have more weight. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the report from the City Attorney and City Engineer regarding the zoning of the Schmedeke property. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the mo�ion carried. ' RECEIVE ENGINEER - ATTORNEY REPORT ON PROPERTY - PARCEL ��2550 NORTHEAST CORNER OF OSBORNE ROAD AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST AS PERTAINS TO PREVIOUS ZONING - ZONING CHANGE ETC. ANIERICAN OIL COMPANY: ' The City Engineer reviewed the report for the Council and said that the property is presently zoned R-3. He said that the Planning C.ommission discussed rezoning the property for only a certain length of time, and ' then have it revert back to the previous zoning, but rezoning cannot be done in this way, and with the present zoning they will need a Special Use. Pe.rmit. � � ' Mr. W. G. Housenga and Harry Brooks, representing the American Oil Company, came to the Council table. They explained that on December 20, 1967, they had appeared before the Board of Appeals in regard to building a service station with a Special Use Permit. Mr. Housenga presented pcitures of the type of station proposed and showed the plans. He said they meet all building and special requirements. He showed a plastic model of the building proposed. Mr. Housenga said that American Oil had bought this property in 1958 for a station, and has been waiting for the area to develop. The Council pointed out ttiat there was a parcel of land across from this corner that was designed for a service station, and land to the west of their parcel zoned for a service station without a Special Use Permit. The Council felt they did not want an intersection witfi service stations ' SPECTAL MEETING, JANUARY 8, 1968 PAGE 18 ' on all the cornerso Councilman Samuelson was concerned about the future apgearance of a service station, and did not feel another station would be adding anything to the City. Mr. Brooks said that the American Oil ' Company has plans to rejuvenate and streamline their stations to upgrade their image. ' Mr. Brooks s�?id that at the Board of Appeals meeting 17 property owners representing 9 homes had presented a petition requesting denial of the permit. He said he.contacted these people and had secured 11 statements (representing 6 homes) stating that the people now have no ojections. He � said 2 of the residents were only living there temporarily and could not sign, and 2 other people had only signed to be neighborly. Mr. Brooks said that two home owners still did not feel they wanted to see a station ' in the neighborhood, He showed the Council a copy of the original petition and the paper on which the people had signed they had no objection, and compared the names. Mayor Kirkham said that this parcel is next to a large undeveloped area in Spring Lake Park Village, and approving the Special Use Permit may interfere with something they are planning, He said that it may be of help to the developers if this plan was shown to the Spring Lake Park Council. Councilman Harris said that the City has to plan in advance for access around the station for stacking room, so there is never a traffic problem again, such as they encountered on Mississippi Street. He said that they may never develop to that extent, but it has to be considered. Councilman Harris s�id that the Minnesota Highway Department may want to look at this also, and it should be brought to their attention. Councilman Sheridan suggested that the special problems that Fridley has had with stacking at intersections could be pointed out to Spring Lake Park as any necessary land acquisition �oould have to be made on the Spring Lake Park side, Councilman Harris suggested that the City Engineer explain what is happening on 61st Avenue and 65th Avenue on University, so the prevention of this problem could be incorporated in any long range plans. Councilman Sheridan asked if the station could be moved further west or closer to T.H. ��47 for more visual access. Mr. Brooks said there was a 75 foot limit on the west approach. MOTION by Councilman Harris to table the consideration of this Special Use Permit for the purpose of study and discussion with the Minnesota Highway Department and Spring Lake Park. He said that this w ould allow more time to study and consider the problems, The City Engineer pointed out that the Board of Appeals has denied the request, but the American Oil Company can request another public hearing before the Council. Mayor Kirkham stated that this can be brought back on the agenda when the City Engineer and American Oil Company are ready to discuss it further. Mr. James McDonald, also representing American Oil Company, came to the Council table and said that he had talked to someone at Spring Lake Park on the telephone, and they had no plans at present for the area of land next to this parcel. He said that the land has an industrial zoning, and most industrial is not being developed with a service road along the right- of-way, but with useable property on both sides of a street which allows the special assessments and se�aers to G�ork out more desirably, and he said he was sure his company would cooperate with Spring Lake Park on setback, � and on providing access over their land for bringing traffic from the industrial area to this area. ' SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 8, 1968 PAGE 19 Councilman Harris said he thought it was the Council's responsibility now to have the Administration contact the necessary parties to research and discuss this further. The representatives of the American Oil Company said that they would like to be present at further discussions. They were told they could contact the City Manager to plan a time to get together. The motion to table the consideration of the Special Use Permit at this time was seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vate, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion ca ' d rrie . PUBLIC ACCESS TO GLOVER PROPERTY TO BE PROVIDED BY TARGET COMPANY: The City Attorney said that one of the requirements adopted by the City Council in the rezoning of the Herringer - Target property was that public access be provided to the Glover property, He said that the Target Company has provided the easterly 30 feet of Lot 1 and approximately an additional 19 feet for a total of 48+ feet of access to the Glover property. He said it would be his recommendation that this 48+ width be considered as a stub street for public access to this property. Councilman Liebl asked if this would be enough width for a residential street. The City Engineer said that it would be. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur with the recommendation of the Administration and consider the 48+ feet provided by the Target Company adequate public access to the Glover property. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION ��3-1968 - APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR THE , INTERSECTION OF T.H. ��47 WITH 53RD AVENUE NORTHEAST SOUTH RAMP AND NORTH RAMP OF I-694 INTERCONNECTED TO 57TH AVENUE NORTHEAST• AND WITH OSBORNE ROAD: ' , ' � The City Engineer said that normally the State does not request the approval of the City on these signals, as they are using 100% of their own money, but the Federal Government is participating in this project and they require the approval of the plans. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution ��3-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. NEW LEGAL NEWSPAPER; Mrs. Shirley Behrens, reporter from the Tri-County Publications, thanked the Council for naming their newspaper as the official paper of the City of Fridley, and she took new photographs of the Council. ESTIMATED VALUATION FOR 1967: Councilman Harris drew the audience's and Council's attention to the report from the office of the Building Inspector and read the estimated valuation of building permits issued this year and of those issued a year ago, and pointed out that they are more than doubled. He stated that this shows the tremendous strides made this e y ar. , - ._J _ i ; 9 ._� - SP�CIAL MELTING, JANUARY 8, 1968 Page 20 , � �� ADJOURNMGNT: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Public Hearing Meeting of January 8, 1968 adjourned at 9:26 P.M. , Respectfully submitted, 1 �� �, , �,/ � � ���,�,,��_�: :� ' Mary Lu Strom Secretary to the Council ' , , ' � ' ' ' ' , ' 1 . . . . � ��1 CONSIDERATION Ot COI•ZMITTEE AND OTHER APpOINTMENTS By THE CTTY COUNCIL CONiMITTEE TE� �NGTH — INCUMB�NT EXPIRES OF TERM • Plats & Subdivisions - Streets & Utilities Sub-con�rnittee of the Planning Co�iti�nission B�:?.� � ��?:.;; Standards - Design Control Sub- committee of the Planning Coss��mmission � m m m Harold Albrecht 22-31�67 (Ntember) Oliver Erickson (Chairman) 1-15-68 E ar 1 E. B iermann (Member) 1-15-63 Carrol K. Hauge (Member-�st Ward) 1-15-68 �� William R. Tonco (Member-2nd Ward) 1-15-68 �� Ricizard E . �ittes (Member-3rd ��ard) 1-15-68 Parks & Recreation Commission Board of Appe��ls Pola.ce Corm�ission Human Rela�ions Cor�un.ittee James S�ence 12-31-67 " �hor�:,:s Cochran 12-3I-67 Vacant 12-31-67 Davic� W. Larson 12-31-67 Andrew Kohlan (�?ember-lst tidard) 12-31-�7 Tom Myhra (Member-2nd Waxd} 12-31.-67 r�elen Treuenfels (I�ler.wer-3rd �Jard) 12-3? =57 Willi� Stukas (Mem'r�er at Large 1 12-31-0 7 Ro�ert L, Buckl.ey (Niember at Large) 12-31-67 3 years 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years ., �� C01�TS�DERATION OF CONdMZTTEE AND OTHER A.PPOINTMENTS BY THE CITY COUNCIL (Continued) TER-M LENGTH COM►.�_ ITTEE INCUMB�NT EXPIRES OF TERM .-_---------- Suburban Rate Authority Raymond E. (By Resolution) Sheridan Alternat� Leonard ���'. Samuelson North Suburban Sanitary Raymond E. Sewer District (By Resfllution) Sheric�an Alternate David O. Harris Industrial Development David O. Haxris Conti�nis s ion (Chairma.n) Mayor Pro-tem David O. Harris Council Secretary l�iary Lu St��om , 12-31-67 12-31--G 7 12-31-67 12-31-G7 1 year _1 year 1 year 1 year 12-31�v7 1 year 12-31-67 1 year (Indefinite) 1 � ' ' 0 ..� � r.ESOLUTZOiv rro. � � �� �� , ,�: � _. A RESOLUTION DESIGN�ITING AND APPOTN'I'ING A REPRESE�TTATIVE FOR THE � B0�2D OF TRUSTEES OF THE NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT FOR THE YEAR 1968. � ' ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COITIVCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: SECTION 1: That pursuant of La�•��s of Minnesota 1961, Extra Session, Chapter 90, Section 5, Subdivision 2, the Council of the City of Fridley ma7�es the following selection and appointment, to-wit: ' That is hereby appointed from among the members of the Council o� the City of Fridley as a member ot the Boara oi Trustees of the North SLtburban Sanitary Sewer District to ' serve on sa�d Board of Trustees of the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District during the year 1968 and until his successor is appointed and qualified. That beiore commenciizg said service on said Board of ' �rustees, the said appointes_shall qualify for_said__services as required . _ _._ __ . y law..�...... _._ -- T�.at is hereby app�in ' �lternate to above appointed me:rioer. _ � ,� '_�.--- < PASSED ALVD r�DOPTED BY T�� CJ.TY COtTiVCIL OF THE CZTY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1968. MAYOR - JaGk O o Kir}�ham ATTEST: CITY CLERK - NTarvin C. Brunsel.l �� '..r� e. � 1 1 ' � , -# - 1� � REaOLiJ"9"�ON DESIGNAT�ATG t��I�ECT�� AND A]LTERNATE DIftECTOR J TO SUBU��,�3At� RATE AUT�iORIT% BE IT t�ES��,tJED by the Council of the °� , Minnesota, as follo�vs : is hereby designated as a director �f I " (!� , . `� . �'� � � �, �- - _�; ' o� �h� ��bur'qan Rate Author�.iy, and is he�eby d�si�nated to serve as alternate director of the Suburban , R�.�e l�utl'�r�ty for the year 196 and until their succes�ors are appointec� . STATE OI' M�ATiiTTE;��TA ) COUliiTY ��' h��I�N���T�1 ) SS. .__.� �F ) Y, the un�ersigned, be�ng the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the of hereby certify that the at�a�he�d anc? fo�egoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopied by �the Council of at its mee�ing on , 19S , as the same is recorded i�i the minutes of �he meet�ng of such council fo� said da�e, on fi�e and of record �n my office. Da-reu thi� day o� , 196 . er o� (SE�L) 1 Rectory: 6120 Fifth Street N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Phone: 560-5600 Cbuarb af Saint �.lilliam FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 Pastor : REV. GERALD E. KEEFE January 6, 1968 Mr. Homer Ankrum City Manager � � City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue NE Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Ankrum; The Church of St, William would be pleased if you could arrange that the loop back design of the service road that affects St, i,lilliam's property and Shell Oil Company could be given reconsideration before any more action take place on condemnation. We would appreciate it if you would place this on the old business agenda for the meeting of January 15, 1968 at the City Hall, We would caant to be present for this and present our case more fully to the council members. Would you be so kind, then, as to notify me as regards this request? � Sincerely yours, ;, ��s�.�,.; Rev erald � . G E ,. Keefe GEK:sm � �a 1 � . y '. p e } � C� s � . i ; t ' � � _ ` C t s �.,., • t ' � � . . . . ..' i �. .�� j . .� ` 1 . . _ . .- -- -- -- _ _ _....� i. t _ _ �` - -- - i _ . -� 1 , •--- �---�--� , .=• � _ i . s .V . ; � --� i ' `f � , f1 v,_ ` ... . _ ._ _. _1,. _ . ry j � Q Q' •: i � ia �- � t l: ,y l�..%1 . r��i ----'---'- "-_• _ - C. " �"? � .� � t � � ! w..-'--"✓ - . . , ' _ . 1 , . - `-- �.. � ..�-�—�- --- c � ' � ' _ � . ; � � � — t-- — _' �..� — .__.�.� N — �, t ,, ' �>j #� c '. � _ - _ --- . _ _ __------ ---_ ��_._ _ --.. ��'.�. � � +' � � : . 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X �.:. ;,� . � _ - ..,.� �, � � �.n � - � _ , ` . _•• ,, � . �--�=� �� — ,, ;.� ,.. � \ . . . . � �� � � �`�a � � � t ' � • � J �. . � ' yi+ �' ... �. 1\3 ` co���s• { � � � '' G� '-r `'"- � 7,� • . � i 1 � ; �''. tf � � � _ � � ��' � � . FI:GULAI: CUtiNCIL rlt;t:TING, Si;P1'Ei�il;l?;I: 5, 1967 � � applyind for the permit. He said that. the tri_-plex had been sold, and Mr. McCli.sh, the o�•:ner of'tlie reniaining pral,erl-y (SZ of Lot 4, a►id Lot 5) wants to kno�,T�a[iat he can do. If he cannot geC a building permit, he will let the prop;r.t:y go f�r. taxes. Councilr,tai� Harris said thaL P�Ir. �IcClish h�d indicated Chat he planned to bui.?d �iis o,an }lOil1C: on tfie property i_f the Cauncil �ti�ould oYAilt a bui lding permit. Mayor I�irl:h��m said that �ahen this had come up before, he felt ttiat if the house proposed by rir. 2�IcClish was far. enouoh a�:�ay fro�n the tri-plex and if rlr. ricClish came up with a plan tEiat �iould fit the lot the Couilcil. could approve it, but the rest of che Council had not concurred. Councilman Fiarris said he was not as concerned �aith tlie builuing, but- �,�hether or not it t�as a buil.dabl.e site. He said that it either should be o�� tlie tah rolls or �Ir. ricClish st�ould be told that it is unbuildable, and he �ai_11 let it go for. taxes. The City Engineer said that rf�e �ahole prope, ty :�a, reeedzd for tfie tri-plea, and wittiout it the tri-plea does iiot tiave adequate parl:i.ng. He said that tiiey could be told that they t.ave to come up with somethind to get the ade;uate property requir.ed to m�et our zoning ordinance. He said, however, that he did not kno�a ho�a far tnis could be enforced. It ��as pointed out ttiat there have been several. o�vners of ttie tri-plex and this could noe be enforced against the present owner. Councilman Sa�:uelson said that if the property goes f.or taxes, perhaps the tri-plex would buy it. There was a question of just how n�uch of the property is presently owaed by Z1r. ricClis�i. Councilman Harris suggested that �1r. �cClish be astced to appear befor_e the Cuuncil and certify that he o;vns Lot 5 and the South 2 of Lot 4. � MOTION by Councilman Harris to req_uest that the Administration ca11 Mr. for certification as to what lots he ocans in this section of Fri.dley. ' Seconded by C�uncilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there bei.ng no nays, Kirkliam declared the motion carried � , Ll ' TRAFFIC ROUTING AROU?1D SERVICE ST�TIO�S ON 61ST AVE�L� NOR1'?i�AST: PAGE � f��! McClish ?fayor Councilman Saniuelson said he had noticed, tt�at the Building Board had an item on their agenda for an automatic car wash to be btiilt next to the Texaco Station on 61st Avcnue. The City Engineer sai.d that the chance of ttie permit being granted is very slim because two lots would have to be taken for the proposed service drive. It was st�.ted that the Shell Station was interested in building another bay and modernizing thei.r station, which �aould jut out into the area the City is considerin� for a service drive on the other side of the street, and they are interested in k�o:aino �YtietYier the City is ooicio to go ahea.d �ait�� their service drive plar_s. Councilman �;arris said that the City c�,nnct tie u,� tt:e proper�y unless some official action is taken. He said he �.�ondered if it was nQt time to condemn the property on both sides of 61st Avenue, as it would be twice as expensive caith a building on it. He said the Engineering Departr�ient could figure what was necessary and reasonable to acquire, and tEle road could be fit into �ahat the City owned. MOTIOi�' by Cour.cilman FIarris that the ��'ministration prepare 1ega1 descriptions and start ne�otiation br,conde«ination proceedings to procure the property around both serv:ce stations fcr a service dri.ve. Seconded by CouzciL�,an Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there bein� r_o nays, ',*ayor ::irkhaci decl�red the motioa carried. E:?1Fr IC 0'v LUC I� ?,1�;F : Mayor I�irkha!-n said that there have been a•lot of complaints about tt�e one- way traffic on Lucia Lane, especial�.y wheR ttie Kni.ohts of Columhus buildin� �� . ` o,« �,� �� �" �� i�3�� "^��� .� ,:,�w �• � ����,� �;�,�, �, �� ���M�� � STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CISTRICT NO S 2055 NO. LILAC DRIVE MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Dece;nber 29, 19E7 City of Fridley 61+31 University t,venue rd.;;. Fridley, i�.innesota Attention: i:r. �-:omer �;nl;rlun City .�iana�er In reply refer t o: 315 S.P. 0205-24 �. 2�; �•H• 47 �t 57th, 61st and ���ssissippi Street Front���e Road DetachMents Dear �i.r. Ankrur:i: District 5 has been wor�;inb ti�rith the City of Fridley "or nearly ti�ro ;�ears to detacn �he front<��e roads _t the 57th, 61 st, and ::ississip�i Street intersections; In�ract, the de�rtment �ar-t�c��.ted in the const:uction of ol�th rvenue on the b�:.sis that a median :could be con- structed on the centerline of I:ississin�i Street thereb�T Ii�itino �novements fro:� the east fronta�e road and alleviatin� a serious tr��ffic probler�. . Sever�.1. �•reel_s �_go, District Traffic �nbineer, t.n, u:urr�ius, met irith Anoka County :�igh,�ra� officials and :'s. :.;ureshi of : ridlef to deter,?ur.e hot•r soon :•re cot:ld e:t�ect to let the ti�rort, til�.nned for the �rest side of P�iississippi incl.udin� the lo.•;erin� and i�ridening of :•:ississi�pi Street. A11 tnis YIOY'iC is proposed for iettinJ in a contr�.ct by „no'r.a County. l�ir. ^ureshi Z'2Vl@:red r��nt Of :'�c1j bT'OCUT'°:i�@Tlt �O� t�"le frontage Z'08.C� detac'nrients. It is reauested th�t a �•rritten st��te:.ient be for:arded to our office as to tne �resent st��us of the �rocurem,ent so tnat a lettin� date cun be pro�r,•�.r.� ed an� funds secured �or the �roposed construct�on. It �+ill be necessa= �r for the City to for�rard to us and the Count;,� docu:-n�n- tution �'r�at tne required rir,ht of s•ray is unde=� acqu:.sitian ( in the forr.► of a notice of co�de :�ntion :;etition) and also docwlen�ation sho.•rir.�� -�roof or o::iersnin. � _�----- It is increasin�l;r a;;�^rent that the 57th and blst intersections are causin� C� D^cC;t� �roblerr.s E.21G� accident OCCUrx°�nce. i:t�i.2CI1°d �.re � �•70 ��,.��..2' sheets sho:rin��- the proposed detach.TM�ents. Co::�;ents are as follot•rs: �:Q; �;�;� F�� ' Cit of Fridle Y y ' -2- �� Decer�ber 29, 1�67 57th ftvenue It is reaueste.d trat the City deter;:�.ine ti�rhat solution should be �ursued frori altern�.tes '�t:�' tnru ��C". The de�artr.:ent i�.vors ��.lternate "C" and desi�n is bein� held in Qbeyance until a deter:iin�.tion is nade. t�lter- nate "13" uses the alle�r. A1.thou�h not sho.�m on alt�rnc,. �e "C", consider- ation shoald be �iven to p-rojectin�, the ironta�e road thru, nortnerly, bet��reen 57th avenue �?.�, and 57th :'lace li.�,. 61 st :;venue Tne desi�n of� the slip ra.:�p north of 61st to the east front� ge rcad i•;ould result in a severely substiandard construction due to the elevation difier- ence beta�;een the rozd!rays. Conseruently, the de�_rt::�ent i:2ll not consider it iur�her. Pernaps �ou .�rill .-�ish to discuss th�s raatter i�*ith us after the Councii has nad an op^orti:nity to reviet: it. :•�e are �:lso in_.°luenced by the undersirable tr�tiff�.c �attern on the fronta�e road created by one wa�ring it to' �:.ccor,iodate the slip ramp. S�ncerely, ��_.�C� ��.�� �. ��_�_�..C-� C.E. Burrill District �;n�ineer c c : ::. P . Braun Pat :•�CCarth�r li . P. . _a_�l.e� R.H. Sulliv�n �. J. ��und'ne� m C ��B : db : : �,.,�; , I•'.�'SG1TLAit CCfUr$(.�X. P'�S��S�?Gd �:;�t`.z:�'�I'i�,F. 19� 19�Ci i � ? FAGE t3 �s°Ol1I?C1i.Q18T1 .SA�:U�^-�ut�i2'c'I.��';.:?� El(�Otli: �CTi'y: S�Oii:t 6',�,°Z4^e cZ3:s23�S-:?L7.r OA t'�i2'�3 pgoi���'�3�� �QU�cii�:.�� Iia6;�i� �aid �ra�i; i� wiil g� �o ta2 *��:a o-w•,�cr tt;� fix, t a� k�c� ycar. Cet�r:ci��.r�<�n �,�cxicl:?n asl:ecl �7bc,u� th� po��si.l��lx�y oF Ciz;� e��;i�� up as a d.ad p�nce o� pso;:sxL� ix �e�e a�:nex� o� LaL 7 afasi €3 d�e�cl� et��:y cio not tTa�� ir. �� t•1az e:;7;_a3��3 t£:a� �he cieseriptia�a of t��.s Iaa:d will be adU�ci to �r.� cl.�sc;���eiu� o� 1;a� ? an git� ab���acC. i�?: Coe}:3ci.1 df.�cus�ed paa�ie� a i:��solc��xoYZ s�IiY:�? rz� t•n? 23uC8�C,L'FtCS. Mt�`�?:O�T by Cot+z�cil.c�ax� T�Ix�g;,�� i�o ac�apL R�soZ�t;fio� ,nr1L;u-19�6, ��litieh is to bc draz��1 laCer, s�,liti��.n� ic:�e ass����:�ere�s �.n re :g�cr to L4� Sp21t f56�I.� �L+3t adop�ed and cexL•�ry tn�s �o Ch� Ga•��_:�y. �econctc�a oy Caizracilu.au �ar�iQ. Upan a voice �,.ote, Cszer� b�in� r.a uafa, t�;ayo: �xtciaars declared �he ctv�ion ca�a i�ed. . i�� C�ty g�a���e�r d-re�t ���� Cout�c;tl.4n a��ei3.tie� �o Ida. 6 t:t+�'�r t�e PI.aIiA�fZy �'i�i�-.�.E`3�Oi:eu s'1?T1��L•T.3 C?a:s�i� El?�i:`.3L:E.'� <: jlfT:,^u;e'!C s.^3�7.�^ssr"tii3� of Cyap�t„a 45e Co�c�Iran ��r3�s :>:�7d t?? gZ��irl ev c�.�c�=�ss ���:�^ �?rtc?er �t�r� & nf t'r�e a�;es�Sa �jJ 1=� ca�l� br�Lst� =.L Lp t:7.:n. • . �OI?��.I3�^�y?'..�R3.!``� C�� d..:R. at^/ � i.�nr:?� `,_.(�.7sa 4yvv+asaa :^s�-�swD�ams��.�vp� y���'��+►La.�a_.'a�i)�wuw�s.a.aa"iii>+M� �'t,4 C��y Yi��a�e: �e;��.i.��� t'�� C��.:nci1 Cf�a� fc�t�ae �:ad no� b�<.ln a quarur:t p�t?�:j13� S�Oi �`si{' �.',L?J��.f1� `.��e".il i.:Rc^,. Stage I�:.�bi'.9��jT �2h�_�:�e?il� COLlu;�$Z':L37:�' t13�E2 C�'��L•�^.5'C'a1� �Cl��t"a^.^,�L`��.f;�us �:� 5c1..?�.Li Ci� %i1ULt�ilf: �i32 Ci4Lii:Cj.1 L^3y i�.��$ t0 V@a:.tri'j� b3i33g �� � � " � * d�2i�ti �S p:i+rC�?C:s.�F!v i•si�11. G'?�e3?'!r�3�'1i: �,'is.?:i7.`� il�.'V�G�•.t�C� ti2`J �i?'u�.`�1,.'��� `�.t3S� ��c^.tl 4).^-.:;L. i;-o.�.+�� [•)J *Fi Sii . r:i� :'��L!t'i C� �`f:.'� ` ��SOi.` [i�.ii".1c. c �a7.�'�a?723y B3�r..'1��G:3Fa�. j?'.' L�7;:??t�'. oyG'3° `LL?� 4i�j3 •,;t� Y_LT L`i?� C`.U'�....:..��i � C-:(1? �t�T3�nr/ t( L� �al�e��+ &f�:C4���?S 4i� la�.;a �r}7 *;;'��';: ��"s���.Se;i.r,�i 5�;�����PJ €?�.:,i. �iVGa`:�•_r� ard 57i:i:. �:Z7e13U.°. �:° �Xf ��.: ' • *� ��2 :?L� L[�<it G:3 i:c:1 q:��r �y.�iC Q�.' UlL�.�✓vA32�.`L�7 E'.a. i4�.^,� Ave^�;�� i3:e �'i'L1C�:�Iy X��'1$e�v�ia.�'.v Je�.e E'�Z��.7.=;1 Cil`..i:;1»ti: S�3�t l:.t:wz� ^� +� i 1� -�-�r � �.�o� �.� a ch�..e� b�cau�, o� th� liwi�:sS" Oi Ci,°0:�,^��,^� ��2 � i:? :^J:iC'V ��"OZ)t; ., (;�?�.?f?^,? 1:1aII r?c7Y�. i S a�£O f`_Xp��311,E39L CZ?2 C {.iiG .�r'LF1i:3 L')O;S�iJ P_'.i� �j:.'J� L`Si.,�. J!.��)'+O:ii 3:dt;. 3iYI �iO'+7� Oi ' G' + s ? 2.:o�:t Fl�d:a t.�ie�;, tF�� rtr�et ���* ��:��i�' ta�� �:Z�I1 S�a�ic��, aa �t uaulci n.o� be po:,;ib1Q to jta3�ii� t�e e��v�3�tua�. CQ�:,�c�l�_?� *�7bi�e:C said. t��t�;� L� � s"sip-ofk xu� �aci ia�-w� acc_�?�� 1�y t'�y Stat�, acd t�L� �c�LU-�r�x �r;.u1.d :�ats� sur� ti!� �.�or�� i'i�iporati4� %C:'2��;3 �;'3� �� t:3��, �� 2 Ci?>>i•lcljt L'D"s'��:�?.^�l?*_:{ie CaL^j�t2C�.=i�wT! H:3rX'±� e�f�, t�:�� �t�� r��p �::�1_•.� r� ?_3 �ao� �oad, b?�t i�: �i:��Id �� 3�J f���, ����sc'r± th� 5��3�f.' c{��44J Z;'bLi.'+o Lr v�J�_'?.1C�� ti�°�l�S$`�� *�'a� 3.L3p g':��3 G21�1��c?iiC� CE�L'1��n 3J ¢L'wi 2�� 3Fi zG.'3i xOa. t'i� I??[3:i? C: ii�5�%2 A�:?t.L?. 2�e.'� G:t �il wg%'���. Ti_, Ct�C�.G��C: t,�i�3 3i:�c'�.!?i. 8:U,�3:� f.`Y CO?;���::i'S.if`.i'.c�r. '� ��fn 5,•, - • Y 4t I�_„� 33 ���;t �,�i�e u►�c� p�e�erabl.y �5� i<?c� '►?._Glk? 2� Ci ia`.'3 �i�`i`� L)i �.� Ci�4;i: L?� ii'_;. Ci2,��::@m@Il'�? OV^Y .,�i0 �ete �: M�i�ri b c� ��:� � � � � -, T • - • �_; • . � 's. ii.._- ti;:."s�; G�CI 2i,��;:L�1'�3 a� � 3i`t�^.3�_°t?,2.� Wl��l Z'°.;;�":C �G ti:3 �7�8x'�. Fa0'J:.�C::C�S 5J S,;'t.'.�• ��::T_':'.'�:i.7�8 � -'.- � iTl�.;'3�:y �Y��� =��:4an..�� e��ryLil��g W.^.�� Oa L.�est�7� C4.aii�).�s� tii� ii`?':i��'�i���r7u' ! 1��-":3 20 '�Q2 � � ; a t to ,,0 ���,;. e� all s2�v3.ce roa�s, SF'CC �ii�C.4 b� (�'Ce'.'.i �.:.�.L:�s i$'s`T1.Se T:'s .�S?�3ii '1�:;%C7� II V3.3'.��f�T' t0 t1:? �.'JiI31C3.3. rt?�i:'l.ii�� a3i':�C� d`.2t�:2: tii? j'iic�.}70.^�4.'G.�3?Gi?utxa.a� bL1�1��3� .�i?G; S10'_:'.1°Y'..".d if tb°� sz�ouZd b� pla��.e�' a�c i:i:� �;a-.� ti:�:, '' • 1sZ� C��� .; :r.����x a:�3a . tz�st all Ci�A�j �1Va? EO i2� �S c3?1 234ir.,,l�y O'� Cfl::t� 2,� t';° .5���.�E? �.LCF��'�J '�:.2 T.c^Cl?: tXZ311 ��T�Cio�ci cap to th•� ir.r:zv�.c'::�al c��r:_�ir��. �=e �aisl t.zer� ax11. be a n���� �ox �ore dis����ic�4. ��'.,�n ...� C�•..,,;,fi c�s " � � * . `+-- b ii3?'L.? i LJ�.�i3 �'.:v ��3i13. (�.G11P_C�.��".:eT� Lusa�G P,�CtI��s?; Crti'iz�:t'Ia P,;:�:�:?.t$C�S L�:"sG:�.�"' :t�, 19, 1�66 f3E�.t1 4FT� � G�it.f; xC��ti CG't::1°�k1.?C�7.C�1 il?:; �U �;:' �Oi:�t3tt 3.r1 �ii��i �j^F° � c'ii3fs wS3s? C�.t''.y W�.�� U� L10�.C` l.0 L?.^o�.^. SG?:':^_ d{ i:i:"J a.81eC� xe4af.r:�:C1 �:� SOS.�t:^l� �12.'L�i� c1$ f3 �72.SC �O �' �d:': ti� l C��_^.S o �J�.C;? c1 VQy CC VOr�.? � L`s2�^..�L� �?3Z:1� L?O i}.i:i)': ��'3.�.�;�U� K].iE:t7.�� C;�C12�°v.C� '�t�".: t.:!�L�'2G�a CuaF.'iQC1, YAGE 9 �;;tY�'Ti.G;�1 b� C�iu.^�lr=�� E?�x�:Sr th�i, r�t�� CflL`rI�? I a;�ncove tite fo1�.a*�inp porL-iat�� ot� �ta, eas� sicy� os i.�, L-�ri ���.c:o:-i�.n� �o the �:�a� �v.�oie tiiem; �;� �PP��ve Lri� u:^�'lian i� P:.iru�s�i;.,3x Swrc���, ba�� not ti�� patxern �!1 ��:C b'OU`�Ea^.uS� L�l:�''.'lY�L`:: Oi i��i.-^. i�.5a�pa��, ..�'.tiGY:.':�� 8t1C� rl���., �t'�}%e �2� �11.'O r30�?:O`JG' ��;�.! 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'.__L S�' ' .! C' �' t 3= � � �� .,.?'�•.\ ' as ,�� _vi' ` � .,�.I P,_�a '� ' - -. -.~ �... .. _ ... _ ["" � .�.a. .l.c] 'l�Jk :?l...�.:! {)tj r ... �t '� f�'r:e � a.; r� ,� , Lt, L u1i ti?di ..1:.� .1.^ (; �.�41' " ! , t;�l�rl: i..C.:_. � -.:. 3� _ . , • . � _ . ` � � � L- .:1 ��',^..,:1_:?:, n,:[� �li.::-:�°7 '• .' � �� ' � t � .ui� �J _.':1 t7 ir�?li"i? �.a:� `D t�'.a t1���1�;i _ a..�.� �. ., i--� �� ,y - . .. � '� c"i .Q_�� >O:i � � r � j • .. � :;u i ° 4� j I?�J ":u � : � ..�1�f71 . '1i. il :CI �a�: �r�<:i i..-_:� r�,L__.:1 _�.s....�3, � � R�GULAr. couNCxL rILE7'INC, ocTOliE�: 1G, 19GI � �a^'��'� � � �� '' The City Attorney said t}iat the butler Luildinj is presently stc1I1CZ111�' on the properc:y of tiie PeIlI1Sy�VZI111 Ol�. COR1F�311��, and thcy would like ��ritten assurance tllat ibe City will hold them harmless uf any acci.deizt th��t miglit happen ���tiile the buildi.n�; is on their property. FIe su�oested the Administration contact ' -the City!s insurance a?ent to see �•rhether our present coverage would cover this, and if not then obtain a short term binder i.n case of any liabi.lity while the building is on their property. He said they have no objection to the , bui.lding remaining there ���hile the £oundation is put in, but would like some written assurance regardino this. _ . S MOTION by Councilman Samuelson that the Administr.ation Agency.to issue a 30 day binder on the bui.lding until foundation. Seconded by Councilman Sh�rictan. Upon a no nays, rlayor Kirkham declared tt�e motion carriecl. PLANNIPIG CO��iISSIOV 1�iif:�TING r1INUi�.S, OCTOBER 5, 19G7: direct the Insurance it is placed on its voice vote, there being 1. CONTINUED LOT SPLIT RE UES'L': L.S, �r�67°05, ROBEP.T DLGARDi�TF.F A\'D P.OidALD L_ WERNER,_ATTORNEY: LOTS 52, 53 AND 54, BLOCK E, RIVERIVLW HEIGFiTS: ^� Mayor Y.irkham read the follo�,�ing motion by the Planning Commission: "MOTIOV by Myhra, seconded by Erickson that the Planning Cocnmissi.on recommend approval of Lot Splti Request, L.S. ��67°OS, Robert DeGardner of Lots 52, 53, and 54, Block E, Rivervie�a Heights as requested.�,�ith the stipulatio:i that an easement be included �aith lots 15, 16 and 17 over the North S feet of the $outh 25 feet of Lots 52 and 53 for thc purpose of mai.ntenance of ttie structureian �ne � sei•�age system on Lots 15, 16 and 17 .and that tE�e requirecr,ent for the rear yard on I,ots 15, 16 and 17 be waived. Upon a voice vote, all voti.no aye, the motion carried." Tiie City Atto-rney explained tfiat this lot split is requested so that aI7. of the house �•�il]. be on the property. �Ie said that part of the motion is to grant access to allo�•� maintenance of the sewage system, but the Cityts policy is to require they hoot: up to the City's system rather than n.ake repairs wheiZ the cesspool is not fUriCt? GI11I1�� and he sugoested tbcy delete tiie words "and se�����e system" be£ore concurring ��ith the Planning Cor,u-nissioil�s motion, � so that the only access necessary is for the maintena.nce of tt►e struct�_tire. MOTION by Councilman �?arris to concur coith the P1an.ni.n& Com�ii.ssion �nd grant � approval of Lot Split P,equest, L. S. '�67-05, for I�ots 52; 53, and 5!�, Bloc�: E, � Rivervieta �teights as requested �aitEi the stipulatioTz that an easement be included.- ' o�ith Lots 15, 16, and 17 over tE-le Nortn 5 fee= of ttie ou�h feet of Lots 52 �a.: _�� -- and 53 for tEie pL�rpose of mai.ntenance of the structure, an . ia- e requirenent for tlie �ear yard on Lots 15, 1G, and'17 be t•;aived. Szconcied by Councilr�an Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, tEiere bein,s, no r.ays, riayor I:i.r.kIlclCil declared thc motion c<lrried. NfOT10'd by Cout�cil.r.�_.�tn Har:ris to receive tii� �Ii.nL�tes of. ti�e Pi.a�lriino Cc�:eei.ssi.on rleetino of October 5, 19G7. Council.rl<it: Li.ebl asked the City Attorney t�o�� the revi.si_on of tIie zoiling code ' k�as comin;; a7.oa�. �?e sai.d he ��as p�rtict�l�rly i_nt-er.ested in tiie Y-1 Secti.on of the code so t�iat ic is uniforr�� tti�o�.��tinut thc L:I�oI� Ci.t}� an1 will protect �he property ot•;nc1- �•?tlen he b�.iys his p?-opert-y ar:d h�:ilcis oi? it. T'�ie Ci.t� Attorney ' . Sil1Cl tIl•1t t1C d[:C� tf1C �� cillRiR� ('.OG':i'?1.5; 1.Ofl dTC '�,01 R� tI1rOU�fl tfl� L'OCiG VCI'}7 Cc'1T'C- - fully s�cti.o:� by sectio::, and m�ny hours h_��-c bc:cn spcnt on i.t alr;:�d; . �t�- sai.d they E����.�e revie�•.*ed � hout 6 of tf:e 1F cn� jor sections. Counc�lr.��n Liehl said that �,ttE:R tt�c; h�:vc thc ro��;f� dr� f[ coutt�leted on thc si�l�lc ia:-�� l;� d�.:cl lin;; ' part of ttie code, he �•�ou1.d lilce to h<�ve a co��y so he co��ld tal.l: to tE�c p�o��te and sce i f the;� c:�r liv� c:i tli it . �I�yor !�'irl:hc�r.� sr�id L�,-t a11 of the Cou:c :l � ` ' �` �'-�. t / C�, / � = '% c5 � � ORD IN�iPJCE N0. AN ORDINANCE Ah9ENDING ORDIN;NCE N0. 372 OF THE CITY CODE REGU L�1T1 NG AND LI CENS I NG FOOU ESTA6L I S�IMENTS AND FOOD VENDING h1AC1�iNES AND PROVID{NG A PENALTY FOR V I OLAT I ONS TEIEI�EOF . The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as foilows: SECTI ON I. Ord i nance �do. 372, Sect i on 5, of the Fri dl ey C ity Code is hereby �mended to reryd �s follows: SECTION 5 L(CENSE FEES. Fees for licenses issued hereunder shall be as fol lows: Itinerant food estabfishment: $15,00 per annum., Perishable Food Vehicle: �$.00 per annum. Perishab{e Food Vehicle, fleet (icense: $25.00 per annum. Ret<-�il Candy Shop: �I$.00 per annum, plus $$.00 for each additional f�cility on the same premises, as set forth �bove with respect to food establishments. Readily perish.-�ble food vehicle: $5.00 per annum. Readily perish�ble food vehicle, fleet license: $25.00 per annum. �Bakery food vehicle: $I$.00 per �nnum. ���teri n9 food veh i cl e: � 100.00 per annum, p I us $5.00 per annum � for e�ch �.dd i t i on� I cater i�ng food veh i c I e under the s�me ownership �nd operation. ( ce mach i ne :�5.00 per � nnum for. e� ch mach i ne d i spen si ng or stor i ng i ce i n a wr�-�pped cont a i ner ;�($.00 per anra� for a I I other m��ch i nes, Vend i ng �1, ch i ne : for each mach i ne d i spen s i ng food i n a wr.pped p�ck=ge or se,led bottle or cont�iner, �,nd requiring � coin of not more th��n ten cents, �5.00 per �nnum; for e�ch m�,ch i ne d i spens i ng food not so wr��pped or se� led, and requiring a coin of not more th�n ten cents, �10.00 per ��nnum; for a 1 I other m�ch i nes, � I 5.00 per . nnum for the first food dispensing unit of the machine, �nd �$.00 per annum for e.,ch �dditiona) food dispensin� unit of the s,me machine, but not to exceed $$0.00 for �ny rne machine. Food Establishment: �25.00 per annum. � ' AII licenses hereunder shall expire on the 30th day of �pril of each Ye��r; I i cense fees sha ( I be pror�ted on a month I y b�-�s i s i f the i i cen se to be i ssued i s to become effect i ve on any day other th��n the f irst da y �� of P1� y� of e, ch yea r. � ' SECTI Of� 5a . I NSl1RqNCE POL I C IES REQL! I RED FOR I CE CREAP�i VENDORS . No c�tering food vehicle license sh�-,II be issued for � c��tering food veh i c I e from wh i ch i ce cre�:.m, sherbet, frozen or fro�ed desserts or ' ice cre�m produc�s �:re sold �-�nd served until the app(icant shall have filed with the City Clerk proof that he is insured, for the period of the license �,pplied for, ag�inst li��bility for death, injury or , property dam�ge caused by �ny of the vehicles to be licensed, in the following minimum amounts for each vehicle: ' De�tf� or injury of �ny one person: Death or 'tnjury of two or more , persons in the same �,ccident: Property dam.=�ge per ,cc i dent : ' ' ' ' $100,000.00 �300,000.00 � 50,000.00 Such po I i cy sh.� I I be, r��n endorsement of tl�e i nsurer to the effect that the s��ame c.-�nnot �nd w i I I not be c�nce 1 I ed or i n �-,ny m�nner terr� i n�:ted w i thout f i r st g i v i ng the C i ty ���-�n�,ger �t I east I 5 days' no� i ce of c� nce 1 I:�t i on or te rm i n��t i on there of . SECTION Sb. IP1Sl1R�APJCE PO L I C I E S F O R VEl�ICLES LICEPdSED 11NDER THIS ORDINANCE. Any vehicle of any type which shal! be required to be (icensed by the terms of this ordin��nce shall be further raquired to file with the City Clerk proof th�t he is insured, f or the period of the I i cense app I ied for, �c�� i nst I i ab i lity for death, i n jury or proper�y dam��ge c�u sed by � ny such veh i c I e, i n t he f o I I ow i ng m i n i mum ��mount s for each vehicle: ' De�th or injury to one person: �100,000.00 Death or injury to two or more persons in the s�me accident:�300,000.00 ' Property drmage per �ccident: � 50,000.00 ' ' ' � Such policy sh�ll be�,r an endorsement of the insurer to the effect th�t the s�me c�nnot �nd wi11 not be c�ncelled or in any manner term i n,ted w itnout f i rst g i v i ng the C ity i-i- nager �.t le�,st I$ d.-�ys' notice of c�ncellation or te rmination thereof. ��i P�iSSED E�Y TNE C1TY COUNCtL OF TItE CITY OF FRIDLEY Tiil� DqY OF , 1968. ti1AY0R - Jack 0. t: i rkh�m ATTEST: C ITY CLERK - q1A�Vl N C. BRl1NSELL First Re,ding: Second Reading: Publish: �� �ti_, ' ' ORD I I�JANCE 1�0. AN ORD I N/1NCE R�-1EPdD I NG SECT I OPd 56 .08 ( Subd i v i s i on ' No. I) GOVERNING REGULATIONS ON THE ERECTION OF S( G�1S /1ND 61 LLBO/1RDS Yl I Tll I N TNE CI TY OF FRI DLEY The Counc i I of the C i ty of Fr i d I ey do ord�-� i n a s fo I I ows : SECTIOP�I I. Section 56.08 (Subdivision f�lo. I) of the Fridley City Code is hereby �mended to read �s fo) (ows: SECT t ON $6 .08 S I G�l (�E �U I REr�E NT BY LAND USE . (I) R-t, R-2 ,nd R-3 DISTRICTS. a. Type - Identifiic�tion ��nd Business Signs only. b. Number - One on 1 y on ��ny I ot . c. Size - Not more than 12 square feet. d. P�1�-�x imum he ic�ht - Not more th�n 6 feet above 1 ot gr��de. e. F1�-�x i mum pro j ect i on i nto front setba..ck � re� - Any s i gn i n res i dent i � I d i str i ct sh� I I be set ba ck a m i n i mum of (0 feet from any property I ine. f. I I I um i n�,t i on i s � I 1 owed on I y whe re the s i c�n does not interfere with other pro�erty own�s. � PASSED BY THE CITY COUPJCIL OF TNE CI.TY OF FRIDLEY THfS OF , 1968. h1AY0R - Jack 0. Kirkham ATTEST : CITY CLE2K - P.i�rvin C. Brunsell First Re��ding: Second �ead ing :_ � Publish: DAY � c� t RESOLUTION N0. - 19bB A RESOLUTION f�U1'FICI�IZING AP;O DIRECiING THE SPLI7�fitJG 0� SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON Pr�2CEL 19�0, PART OF LOTS i2 AND 25, AUDITOR�S SUBDIVISION i�23 4JHEREAS, certain special assessments have be�n tevied with respect to certain land and said land has subseq�aenfly been subdivided, NO!J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUcD as follows: Thai the assessments tevied against the following described parcel to-wit: Parcel 19�0, Lots 12 and 25 (Subject to road easemen� over south�rly 1?_ feet, except tr. to Sakry, inctuding road easem?nt, except tr, to Skaiman, except tr. to Schiller, exce;�t part�to Zera, Inc., and all of Lot 25 except part of Lots 12 and 25 platted as Johnson's River Lane Addition), Auditor's Sub- division rr23� may and sha11 be apportioned and divided as follows: O�inal Parcei Parcel 19�0, Part of Lots 12 and 25, Au�itor's S�lbdi vi s i on �'23 Di v; si on of Parce��rov�� Lot 1, B1ock 1, Parcei 19�30, Batterso� Add;�ion Parcel i980, Auditor's Sub- division u23, ParL of Lots 12 and 25 exce4t part of Lot 25 platte� as °atiersen Addition, ... e( see re���i r::i�r o; dyscr i p- tio� abov�) Fund Ori�inal Amount Regular S.Ao (l�later and Sewer Mains) Paid ST. tg61-i Streets $ Paicl StiJ �%0 (llater Lateral ) 2o4.G0 SS ��79 (Stor�n S°Vlej^� 73b,�3£3 . �-_..���30.�$ Fund Ori �i n� i �.-�iount Regutar S.A. (Water and Sew�r P1ains) Paid ST. lg6l-? Streets $ ��id SW `�70 (bJater Lateral ) 2g4o00 SS�#79 {Storn� S�vr�r} 418,13 R°gu 1 a;- S e^„ (�•1�ter and Sewer hlair;sl Faid SS #79 (Storm Se��er) $ 3iB.75 �30�II` F,DOPTcu 8Y iN� C1TY r_OU"d�Il. OF THE CIT`( Oc FRIOLFY' TYIS 1Stn DaY OF J,4NU;RY`, 1967. h1,4Y0R �.T����� Jack 0. Ki rKham ATT�ST: CITY CLERK� ^�Flarv�r� C. Brunsell S� 0 RESOLUTTON N0. �/ __-�. - 19 68 A RESOLUTTON AIJTNORIZING AND DIRECTIhG THE SPI.ITt'I�:G OF SPECIAL ASSESSh1ENTS ON PARCEL 1020� PART OF LOTS 8� 9� AND 10s A.U�JI70R'S SU�3DIVISI01�1 ,'-r''155� AP�D PARCEL 1050, PART OF LOT $, AU�TTOR'S SUBDIVISION #155. 4!HEP,EAS, certain sp�ciai assessments have been leviec{ with respect to certain land and said tar�d has subsequently been subdivided. �IOW, TH�REFORE, B£ IT RESOLUED, as fo1lo.�ts: � That the assessments levied against the follo.�ing described parceis to-wit: Parceis 1020 and 1050, Fluditor�s Subdivision ;;`155, may and shatl be appor- t i oneci and di vi cled as f ol l ows : Original Parcels Parcei 1020, l�uditor's Subdivision #155, the east 174' of �rest 207� of Lot $ as measured at right angies witt� the wesf line thereof. (Subject to an easempnt over the north 40' as measured at rilnt angles tVi1:I1 the north line.) ParceT 1050, r�udi tor � s Sub�i vi si on �155, thut par� of Lots 8, g, & 10 lying �;�st and south and State h�vys, #5$ and �!100. Lyi ng east of the exte��sion no; therly of the east line ot Temple Terracz, P1at 2, 1 yi ng south and east of P9ur•ai x Park. (Subj�ct fio rights of pubtic in said State H��rys. ;'fo5 and rf1G0e� (ExCept however there- from the e�st 174� of �•rest 207� of saic� Lot 80) (Except part ta�;en for hwy, L.P,? (Subject to eascment 10' wide to NSP.1 Div�sion of Parcel Approveu Fund Regu 1 ar S o ��iJ. (Water and Sewer Mai ns ) Regular S.A. (4Jater and Sewer Mains and StOi(ii SE'LYni � P,egul ar S. � :•J, (Wafier Lateral) SS ;#49 (Partial Storm Sewer) Fund Parcel 1020, Auditor�s S�bdivisicn 2egutar S.J b�'. #�155 (except part deeded to City (;.later and Sevrer of Fri di ey for pari: purposes on hiai ns ) Parcel i100), o.o.,, (see d�scrip- tien apove) Orir�ir.a) Amount ► :. .. $ 3,227.76 350.00 120.15 � 3, 7� +�.57 ' Ori qi r.al P,mount $ 77.25 �:�i ' ' �t ¢� Page 2_ RESOLUTIOt� �10. - ig68, �UTHORIZI��IG AND DIRECTING TNC SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSh1ENTS 0I� PA4CEL 1020� P;�R7 OF LOTS 8, 9, Ap.D 10, AUDITOft�S SU3- DIVISIQPd >�i55, AN�J PARCEL 1050, Pf'lRi OF LOT 8, AtJ�ITOR�S SUaDIVISIO� r�155. ' Di vi si on of P�rce) Fl��roved (Conti nued ) Fund Original Amount Parcel i050, Auditor�s Subdivisic�n Regular SoP„ (�rlater $ #�155 (except part dne�ed to Ci ty af and Sev�er hiains and Fridtey for park purposes on Storm Set��er) Parcel 11U0), .,.... (see descrip- Reguiar S. &�!,�, tion abovQ) (1Jater Lateral) Parcet 1100, Fluditor�s Subdivision Regular S. & t•!. ��15S, /�I1 of those paris of Lots 8, (Ilater and Sewer 9, and 10 iyin� Eo of the extcnsion Ma;ns) northerly of �he E, tirv of TernF;�e Regutar SoA. (4dater Terrac�,, ?1 `t 2; and t yi ng E. and S, and Se4rer hlai ns and of Murdi x Park; and 1 yi ng td. of the St�rrn Sewer ) following described 1ine:. beyinninc� SS �4Q (Rartial Storm at the NoEo corr.er of Tenple Terrace�. Sewer-) Piat 2; thence E. atang the S. lin4 of said Lot i0 a distance of 1B' to the actuat point of begir,ning of said�c�escribed tine; thenc� N.Eo a� an angie ta tF;e left of �4 39'40�� a distance of 39.��3 feet; th�nce �n a tang�ntial curv� fio the right �rith a_ radi us of 314. j4' arrd a de1 ta angl e of' 10°$2�;��� a d;stance c�f 59.£32�; thence �do" �n a tangenti�] curve to the right N�ith a radi�s of 247.28� and a d�tta angle of 40 a distance of 172�F3�; the�ce PJ.E. on a t�ngent to last" des- cribed curv� a�istance of 130�; thence� M. on a fiang��;�fi;al cur-ve to the left � with a radius of 27.63� and a delta angle of 57° a distance af 27.49► ta a point on tf;� !. line of said Lofi 10 and 5�' Eo of the ':!, 1 i ne of the S.E e 4 of the S.E,4 of Sect, 23, Tnsh. 30, Rge. 24; thence Pro on a line �araltel to sai� '.do 1 i•ne to th� ri ght-o�-:�a f 1 i ne of inter- state N�•�y. "69tF as th� same no4� exi sts, ancf tl�ere termi nFti ng; (SuSject to pubtic streets and highways and to e�sements and resCric�ians of record, if ati/, ar�d to any rights oF the State of h1i7„�sota to erect temporary snow fences upon land adjacent to t�e State !ii gh�•�ay; ) For public pat°k purhoses and, if second party desires, for tne purpose of a cut-de-sac or turn-araund at the E. en�i of Cheri Lane using only such �,r=a as is reasonabty necessary fc�r such pur•?ose. Second party may a t so use the sai d � d'1� r0!" bet e:� ground tevel pabiic utility lines, if desired; 2,$50.59 35�.00 9.41 377.17 120.15 ' � "i.� ' Page 3- RESOLU7ION td0. - 19�o AUTHORIZIUG AND DIRECTING TI-IE SPLITTII�lG OF SPECI�L ASSESS�tENTS 0�! PARCEL 1020, PARi OF LOTS a� 9, AP�D i0, �UDITOR�S SU�- DIVISI��! `t155' AND PARCEL 1050, PART OF LOT 8, FlUDITOR�S SUSDIUISIOP� �;155. ' Division of Parcei Approved (Coni:inued) Fund Originai Amount This conveyance is made u�o� the ' express condition that in the event . second party ceases to usa the land for pubiic park purposes for a period � of six (6) months, then title to the . saicl Ianti shal} revert to firsi: party, its succe�sors or assigns, who shall have an immediate right to possession ' and to re-en�er, except that pub]ic user may coniinue as to any fihen ex- isting use of the Cheri L.are cut-de-sac ' and turn-around ahd as to any fihen existing pubiic utility lines tocated in the lan�. ' 3�, 7 -.5� � IAOOPTED FY THE CIiY COUNCIL OF TtiE CITY OF FP.IDL£Y THI� 15th DAY OF JANUARY � 1967. ' ' ' A,TTEST: ' MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham ' CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell ' � ' ' ' ' ' C 1 ' RESOLUTION NOe � 1968 A RESOLUTION ASASIidG A PORTION OF THE ASSESSNiENTS FOR TNE �966-1 STREET AROJEC7 ON LOT Z8, SROQKVIEi�1 ADDI�IO� ' i•lHEREAS, an agreement fias been enterec� into with the owners ofi Lot �8, Sraokview Addition concerning the amaunt � of the speciai �ssessmee�ts �Fos^ �he 196b-1 Street Projeci. ' ' PlOt1, THEREFORE, Q� IT RESOLV�Ds by �he Council of the City of �'widley, that �the principal amount of the i9b6-1 Street Project on Lot 18, Brookview l��d�tion be reduced to $532.10. BE IT �llRitlER RESOLVED, that the p�+men� of �532.1C , to the owner of zot 18, Brookview Addition in pay►�ent of st�eet easement is hereby confirmed, PASSED AND AGOPT�C SY iNE CITY COU��CIL OF T�iE CITY OF fRIDI.EY TkIIS QAY OF , 79G8. �d401� - JacTc �iC3r am A7TFST: C E - arv�n . ruase �2 �� . J�� � .F e ������.� � /��� �/�� r L L.i�/a.�`:^✓f��� I.�„�,�!_' SCA�.� �. j �',� �Y�� i �' J R .^ v'l; . r. ^`'�..s"ry�, ,� THE MINUZ'ES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING - JANUARY 10, 1968 The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Ylinen at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT; Ylinen, Mittelstadt, Minish, Ahonen MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADOPTION OF MINUTES, DECEMBER 20, 1967: MOTION by Ahonen, sQCOnded by Mittelstadt, to adopt the Minutes of the meeting as presented. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Chairman Ylinen declared the motion carried. 1. A RE UEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM T CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA 1963 REVISED DECEMBER 31 1965 BY WAIVER OF REAR YARD SETBACK UIREMENT OF 25 FEET TO 11 F�ET TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION F A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ON THE EAST HALF OF LOTS 13, 14, AND 15, BLOCK 16, HAMILTON'S ADDITION TO MECHANICSVILLE, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, EXCEPT THE WEST 60 FEET THEREOF �RREQUEST BY ORVILLE RATLEY 2857 CENTERVILLE ROAD, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA): ' Mr. Ratley presented his proposal to the Board. There was no one else present� who wished to be heard on this request. � Mr. Mittelstadt pointed out that there was an obvious problem of building the proposed house without jeopardizing the existing house to the rear. There was also a question of the actual placement of the proposed house on the lot. MOTION by Mittelstadt to deny the request for a variance, and suggest that further study be made of the two proper'�ies considering the best development for both lots. The motion was seconded by Ahonen.. Upon a voice vote, there being no �.ays, the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Mittelstadt left for a planning meeting at 8:15 P.M. 2. A RE UEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM T CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA 1963, REVISED DECEMBER 31 1965 BY WAIVER OF SIDE SETBACK RE UIREMENTS FROM 13 FEE T TO 12 FEET AND FROM 10 FEET TO 8 FEET PERMIT C STRUCTION OF A 40 FOOT HOUSE ON A 60 FOOT LOT, ON LOTS 19 AND 20, BLOCK 6, SPRING BROOK PARK ADDITION (NEXT TO 243 LONGFELLOW STREET) ANOI�A COUNTY, rIINNESOTA IN THE CI'I'Y OF FRIDLEY, NIINNESOTA _(REQUEST BY CROT�N CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 1544 WINCHELL STREET, ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55106 - HARRY DEBOER): A representative from Crown Construction presented his request to the Board. He had a petition with five family signatures of adjacent residents who had no objection to granting the variance. ��� \ ,.\ ,t !' x . PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JANUARy 11, 1968 . PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Erickson at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL• . Members Present: Jensen, Erickson, Ylinen, Hughes ,_ � Member Absent: Myhra Others Present: Engineering Assistant Clark APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINLTTES: DECF�IBER 14 1967 MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Commission Minutes of December 14, 1967 be approved. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVE PLAN1�?ING COMMISSION MINUTES : DECFI�'BER 28 1967 No Meeting. RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES; JANUARY 4, 1968 Member Jensen asked that the following correction be made: On Page 5 of the Agenda, the last paragraph of the first item "the actual description of these three parcels" should read "as they would appear on a future deed" instead of "future date". Member Erickson suggested that on the same page, Item 1, the first para- graph, the following correction should be made: "they propose to build two residences, one on each side of the existing house" instead of "two single family residences on each side." MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee of January 4, 1968 as corrected. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES; DECEMBER 18 1967 MOTION by Ylinen, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission re- ceive the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission of December 18, 1967. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: DECEMBER 20 1967 MOTION by Ylinen, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission re- ceive the minutes of the Board of Appeals dated December 20, 1967. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMNIISSION MEETING: NOVEMBER 30 1967 The Engineering Assistant asked the following correction be made on Planning Commission.Meetin� - January 11, 1 PaQe 2 Item 3, Page 11 of the Planning Commission minutes, 3rd paragrapn from the .' '-� bottom of the page: "corner lot would make a nice slip-off from University � Avenue to 3rd Street into the commercial area" instead of "slip-off to University Avenue for commercial." MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Commission minutes of November 30, 1967 be corrected as requested by Mr. Schmedeke as stated above. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ORDER OF AGENDA: - Inasmuch as the people involved in the first two items were present, Vice Chairman Erickson stated the Agenda would be considered in the order as written. 1. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L S. ��67-07, FRED YESNES; East 273 feet of Auditor's Subdivision ��129. Mr. Louis Cohn of Fred Yesnes Realty stated the surveyor prepared a legal description for the three proposed lots, which was mailed to the Engineering Department. Copies of the descriptions were given the members of the Cammission at the meeting this evening. Member Jensen said the descriptions were in order and in line with the recommendation by the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcoimnittee. In answer to the question if Fred Yesnes owned the property at this time, Mr. Cohn said they were in the process of acquiring the property and that there was a valid purchase agreement in existance. Member Jensen said the only comment he would like to make is the obvious requirement for a variance for side yard of the existing structure shown on Sheet ��1 of the survey. Vice Chairman Erickson said this division appears to be favorable to the Planning Commission. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Lot Split request, L.S. ��67-07, Fred Yesnes, of the'East 273 feet of Auditor's Subdivision ��129, in accordance with the surveys provided, numbered Sheets 1, 2 and 3, dated the 8th day of December 1967, signed by B. H. Bradley calling attention to the side yard y,�riance for the existing dwelling at 1307 Fireside Drive, at nine feet instead of the required ten feet. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Cohn was informed that this request would go to the Council on January 15, 1968. 2o LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. ��68-01 RODNEY BILLMAN INC Lot 29, Block 1, Innsbruck 5th Addition. Mr. John Bogucki, representing the petitioner, said there were two large homes with a vacant lot in between, and the two home owners felt they would like to have more yard and they have agreed to split the lot. He was asked if he had a draft of the legal description as it would read on the deeds. lanning Commission Meetin� January 11, 196 Jensen explained that at the Subcommittee level, the lot split was approved, subject to receipt of legal description so that the Planning Com- mission could review the legal description to see that it would not be too awkward as the description should be brief. The actual written description would be reviewed by the Planning Commission before sending to the Council. Mr. Bogucki agreed that the description would be ready for the meeting on January 25, 1968, MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Commission table the Lot Split request, L.S, ��68-01, by Rodney Billman, Inc. for Lot 29i Block 1, Innsbruck Sth Addition until January 25, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 3• INTERSECTION PATTERN; MISSISSIPPI STREET AND EAST RIVER ROAD: Bob's Produce Ranch. The people present, Mr. Chandler, Judge Johnson, and Mr. Batterson were told that the Planning Commission did not feel they could come to a conclusion this evening, but would participate in further discussion. Acting Chairman Erickson said that, in all fairness to the people concerned, he did not want to see them come back time after time when the Planning Commis- sion did not feel they were ready for a decision. Mr. Chandler expressed his opinion against coming to the meetings without progress being made towards a decision. Judge Johnson asked if Mr. Chandler`s position was known and understood as he wants two open ends for his commercial property - 64� Way as well as Mississippi Place. He said that they have property with two corners which they would like to maintain. Vice Chairman Erickson said that the Planning Commission understands how they feel, and they are not attempting to just cut anybody off. Traffic is the Planning Commission problem. Mr. Chandler said that this proposal is at his expense and he did not see how the Planning Commission could consider it. Presently the Benson Investment Co. has access to East River Road from 64Z Way and Mississippi Place. He asked if the Commission didn't have other proposals also. The Vice Chairman said that they have not yet changed what they originall�- endorsed. Member Jensen said "we should clarify the fact that Bob's Produce was held up for a building permit subject to a solution of the traffic problem. He had a building permit application in and the request was granted subject to a solution to the traffic problem. He then came in asking what the Plan- ning Commission could do. At that point a plan was.generated, passed to the Planning Commission, passed up to Council level. This plan is still in existance. Bob Schroer studied this plan and decided it was not a plan he favored, He came in with an alternate plan. It is a simple process, but not simple to the individuals involved. His proposal showed commercial on the front part of his property and a continuation of the same type of business now there. - - , - ':.r-_ °x::, sion Meeting - Januarv_11, 1968 Chairman Hughes entered at 8:15 P.M. PaQe 4 Vice Chairman Erickson turned the meeting over to Chairman Hughes saying the Commission tried to explain to these gentlemen that in the past the Plan- ning Commission actually approved a plan, and would suggest that perhaps the Commission is not ready to solve the problem yet, that maybe this is not the solution and to consider the problem for another three or four meetings. The interested parties could then be notified when we were ready to make a decision and have them come in at that time. Mr. Chandler said, "I am sure you are aware that you would be definitely damaging our property if you agree to Bob's latest proposal and if it is done, we will go to court." Judge Johnson said that we do see Bob has a real problem, but I would like to think he could handle his own development costs. I have paid for Mississippi Place, Riverview Terrace and East River Road, and now I dread to think I am going to pay for another road which would make it the fourth road. I recognize the fact that Bob needs it, he has got to have it, but I wonder if he could not handle his own road development. The problem of apartment buildings, which could be built on property owned by Bob Schroer, and the type of business that might be put on the com- mercial land owned by Benson Investment Company could also attract a large volume of traffic, was brought up. Erickson said "what are we going to do about that?" Mr. Chandler wondered if another cross street could be put in. Chairman Hughes said that one of the biggest problems was to avoid cross streets which would not have signals. In answer to Chairman Hughes' question if the Subconunittee had made a decision, Jensen said Bob's Produce plan was adopted by the Subcommittee as a favorable plan and it was passed on to the Planning Commission with a request that the property owners involved be asked to come in for the meeting, We could endorse the plan from a purely street functional end, but we did feel it would be unfair to proceed without the Planning Commission having some indica- tion of the feelings of the property owners. The property owners were given a written invitation and the three parties here tonight were the only ones who attended. Chairman Hughes said that he found himself agreeing with Mr. Erickson that the Commission is not ready to act on this problem at this time. Judge Johnson stated that Bob has to have a road, but he just wants to protect himself from paying for a fourth street. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Erickson, that the Planning Commission con- tinue the study of the Intersection of Mississippi Street and East River Road, setting a projected date of March 14, 1968 for final action, and include the fact that the interested parties be notified prior to the meeting when we anticipate taking action. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES; JANUARy 10 1968: � � _ - r�:� MOTION by Ylinen, seconded by Erickson, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals dated January 10, 1868. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, Planning Commission Meeting - Januarv 11, 1968 ' PaQe 5 4. HYDE PARK REZONING PROBLEM: Discussion with Bill Chapman of Nason, Wehrman, Knight and Chapman� Inc. The Engineering Assistant said he had talked.to Mr. Chapman, described the boundaries of the area and understood he had driven through it. This evening he has been given a map of the section showing existing structures which was the same map the Commission had used in their 3rd Street Study. He was told that the Planning Commission is considering having the area studied by a professional planner, but would like a cost estimate prior to their decision. The following background was given Mr. Chapman by the members of the Commission: The property, particularly along University Avenue was developed before Fridley had a comprehensive zoning ordinance. There was a zoning at that time of R-2. This permitted multiple dwellings; subsequently R-2 defini- tion was changed. Basically, this is our big problem. It developed in a hodge podge manner. People are now asking for rezoning, saying the property next dobr is so and so and why can't we. The basic problem is the non-conform� ing commercial which existed prior to 1956 zoning. This commercial, to the East with non-conforming uses and development, was next to T.H. ��47. When the highway was widened, they were cut off from direct access to University and the boundaries of the Highway was such as they had no service road in front of them. Third Street was residential on the West side, commercial and light industrial uses to the East, and the outlet was to the South on 3rd Street. The Commission, taking a long range view of the property and the ultimate use in the future, would like to have an opinion how this area should be zoned so that they will have a basis for their decisions, Mr. Chapman said his thoughts at this meeting now were he would be look- ing for a physical review, looking at circulation pattern, what we may expect to happen on Main Street, and because of the approximately 300 families, the area for commercial would be pretty confining. Mr. Chapman did not feel he could approximate the cost of such a survey at this meeting. The Commission had hoped to lay the ground work.of what they expect from Mr. Chapman and. an estimate of the cost so that they could make a recommendation to the Council. Mr. Chapman asked if there were a possibility of frontage on the West side of T.Ho ��47 and he was told there is no right of way, and if further land were taken, it would leave only a narrow strip, A visitor to the meeting, Mr. Schmedeke, said he had talked to all the people that have built around him. They thought it was O.K. for him to be commercial, and he hadn't found anyone who said they thought he was not com- mercial -- assessments say he is commercial. He said his access was taken, he has no service road so 3rd Street is used. A slip-off from University Avenue to 3rd Street to the commercial area and out South would be a logical setup. The people who are in these zones are ready to go co�nercial, Chairman Hughes said the same rationale the Planning.Commission applied to other rezoning requests would apply for any other rezoning request that might come in now, The Commission stated that it would be reluctant to change present zoning in any direction until they found out which would be the proper way to go. He did not thi.nk a rezoning request now would be timely, and that if someone brought in an application for �reioning to com- mercial or multiple, he would vote against it until they had~a bas�ic plan for the area. Plannin� Commission Meeting - Januar 11 1968 Page f Mr. Schmedeke stated he was only asking to rezone to commercial which is what he is and has been for many years. He asked, "Dvn't you think a taxpayer for twenty years has a right to be what he should be before a stranger is allowed to come in with a change in zoning?" Mr. Chapman said you have to have a potential for development and know the potential. With a potential, you have something to work with. Chairman Hughes said that no member of the Commission at the present time was involved in either of these activities. There was further dis- cussion between Mr. Schmedeke and Mr, Chapman, and Mr. Chapman and the Co�anis s ion . Mr. Chapman said he was going to get further background information, and he would present alternate possibilities. Mention was made of using the possibilities of PD Development. Member Jensen told Mr. Chapman the City staff has a great deal of information available for him, and that there was no necessity for him to spend too much time in the field. The information on the value of buildings, etc. is readily available, along with basic maps and zoning information. Chairman Hughes stated there were three types of information the Commission would like. 1) What are the best uses for this area (local) in terms of present situation? 2) Having determined what the best solu- tions are, what is the best way to go into the transition from one type to another? 3) What is the best way to implement the whole operation? He also stated that in the study, we would like the information and alternative. We are not asking for a solution, we are looking for alter- nates for help in making a decision. Mr, Chapman asked when the Commission wauld like to consfder a cost proposal, as he thought he could develop one in not too long a period of time. He was told it was desirable to move as readily as possible. Would two weeks be a sufficient time for him to get ready? Member Jensen asked if he could give the Co�anission a tentative time schedule coinciding with the Planning Commission meetings and give some general outline of what he would anticipate. Mre Chapman said he would return at the meeting of January 25th with a cost proposal for the Commission to consider. 5. PROPOSED ZONING CODE: I The Commission tabled this item to the next meeting of January 25, 1968. ADJOURNMENT • MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Commission adjoux�n the meeting at 9:55 P.M. Ugon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslyo Respectfully 'submitted", Hazel 0`Brian Recording Secretary _ ---�►- ---�V�::,�it� -- fs J� 7%°��0(:A�'i Lli�ilYS — ',ITY OF FR1Dl.EY i � .. . , �r---420AD) ��.@. . ...:..__� _ �. � .. r ,�.,:, __ ���, •, � . ' , 1 � . I ; •12 Z/ 20� 9 ` � L.S. #67-07 ,,� ,.., .�, �;., •�- � -��� �� Fred Yesnes � nr.i�c �..`.h � /9 � '�- � N2 of Section 12 __ __ ,,�,_`__ _ :��_ /i . } Lot 14� 273' of A.s. #129 ; � /A > r=' � � ( l 1 � , ; . �� • � � . � . �, . ,. . , _ , � . 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Lot 14, A.S. ��129 Sc,�� v� y� �r- F'r��cl S Y;�sr. �s „li� �, 8�4!• 3/-�F�fve. I`/., J�/�wh'c�pe /�'/ii���. � � � r � 0 � 3 n � �o. 4N �� .� 3�� �� � V L �}= �.� �� ��a V v � m , �/7'i1 ! � .. 66 � � �/,�lJ% Z¢ F��2�.s�C�c' ,�RI v�, � � Ny` �J � 0 �, �: � h .w i �- _ � /r'�' � �'icnle �� �30 � I�i��,-�hy c�ri�f y f��c� 1 fh� S�s d fi-c� � c���cl carrL �f�,/cr� o; a sc.��t�Ey o;' fh� wEsf g9 fE�f af fhE �>s� /7� f«' of L����-� f?t:��!%�`�rs,���/x/�v��iu��,ycz /�.�1. flt7ofi� Cvu.���jr /�>�r,f�es��� u„s�:s��rvcy�c/ hy ��� f.h� r��h4-��y ���Jecerr�t,��r,/y'�� `��/�����:�-�� ,�r�r-t�� y�� l�'/i��n. �f��: Ma 1I8�, r B. H. BRADLEY CIVIL ENGINEER. AND SURVEYOR 9829 -247H� AVENUE SOUTH .MINNGPOLI3, MINNESOTq 55/00 724-2169 Lot Split ��67-07 East 273 Ft. Lot 14, A.S. ��129 Surve� fo� F��c/S. Yesi�es, /�} c, - ff�4/ - 3/ �i��ve. /Y., N�►v f/�;��e /�7i�i� , n � .k�r/e�-/:'�0 � I�/�� .S l �� D�; i if� I��Ere6y cc-�fi f y fhu f�his is c�� fi-ue c���c� c oi-r-ccf �/crf o f c� .; urv�y af �i� WeSf `�q ��'%f/����sf 27� f�Ef of Lcf /g-� Ftuc i�crs,�ub�iv/J/�3� l� /Z� i9r�vk�i' �oc�r�fy, Mi���E-so�ct, crs sc�rvey�U' 6y mF f,�i� 8f�%y o�l1�c, /9�7. 0 ��%�«�.�� s �Ey�M.���. �y. �� f��s � ,�` B. H. BRADLEY CIVIL ENGiNEER ANO SURVEYOR 9629-24TH AVENUESOUTH ' MINNRJIP.OLI3, MINNESOTq 53106 724-2f69 •J Lot Split ��67-07 East 273 Ft. Lot 14, A.S. �k129 11 �Sv�-v��y for- - F'r��:/ S. Y�.s-nc,� f��. J'cat� �-/'-`3rJ' 884/ -3/sti9ve. N� New/�vPe ,'�1ii��. �'i�cS���:; -��.7� v�., I�1�r`f� y��,- f, fy fhc� f�h i s is cr fr�ie C�iICr� CO r�E�G1���c�t L�l G� JUrv�y . Of f,�% ���� f I5" ��Ef �j LGf /�� f,�udif�rs �i�jc��vislvn Nc. !Zy Fl�c�f; tt , Cour� f y� 1�'f i��i7 � s o fc� c�'s sc�n�Ey�r/ ,b y �� e�h e���l c'/ciy uf�-�c,:, /967 ��%1y�«<L.LG y .���ya,; n�in�. �'�y. �v r/8�, ' �* � �tl ' BOARD OF APPEALS - JANUARY 10, 1968 PAGE 2 (CROWN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY REQUEST, CONT.) MOTION by Ahonen,seconded by Minish, to receive the petition. Upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. MOTION by Minish to grant t��p�* �ontingent upon approval of a ertified surve��showing a minimum of 60 feet for the two lots. It should be n ted the adjacent lots are vacant and there is a petition of no objection. The motion was seconded by Ahonen and upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT : There being no further business, Chairman Ylinen adjourned the meeting at 8:35 P.M. pectfull ubm'tted, �CQ J n Gasterland ting Secretary to the Board . ' , ' T� n �RILL-�,Y' Ii._)�,; �Ti?I'�I: D_?I�LO�'.:�=,�-`,." CC:,1'::IaSICl'.' :i��;;il'�;G D�C�;<;�"�I; 7, 1°67 Z�Iem�ei•s 1'r•esenc: �Iarz•-:.s, ;.�ittelstad�, Joh�siso.Z, S�o�ts, Dri��..ris, Ze�,].en Einci Fiu.11. �,i�f1UC2'S :[)B�i �: Z],1.I1'�il� vPT'1Si,�T!5011� ir?1e3'i0� �Y'c;l?'� �I°Y'Y'1C1'.� 5�.:.t?c].SO1?f SCi12'OZ2'� `i'OT'I'C�t� '.d��.,i].4.CC� liE�ii• ' �.-L1CU''i, ��i'::SGIl'�2 �l'Gj� .'� �er, �io�.er i�' ' -- � .an« � _�?=rr.�:�. 1. Tne :nac-c_n� ::�.� cc:ll�c. �o ordar �t S •; � � - - ° :10 P. :'. a� Ghair�?�-.n �a�e -,:_r�i�. 2• Gel1;!T€'.� CLISCUS:?071 :7�.S rt�1.� Oi1 �:?8 O�S?OZZli:'.' 0= '�; ?S �� '� °.S�1Si:- P �% „ r! 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C;7 _ � ) ;' �"s _ "- � y 1.,.:. c7G� �.6�:�:�:v':� 1.�.,� �� � ��y^''p �� +M ca i f' C`::;�' �`1�:�' , ii � SL.r c.- L£.g 70 7�"ic�.t`%;�'�i.�.� , �;��?a".Oi?'" � �.+`.E Ci!;r�i,i� :;�:� ;oi� ir;}�':-`...''+'�i Cu1" 7 ti �t;''i �i ='��-.���? <� �, � (.i v ��l;�ei v i'.i",c�� � � "� I'i.: i �`t i �'il� _ . � ; ! :_,S _. . _., mo�.anted) � ���:�t �° :c:� t,,1 � c�:v .'��.�.� � i �i?i.5. �o � �� �i��c� � �;; G._"l�` � �� t;.�=:.i't`t7. � 1 C''r.�,�- � t.>!, �.-� i ��J '"I::i�%� C�"_'.�'.."n i"i PiC�o c L�. f� iiC� .�:1:.�, t t,� � �'.._� �!_o .�F_`.''I �ii�.l_-�.e:�.�{_i�. v.`t.�.�.:{ii'��:2 .:1�f".�"�� .�s� � f ...Lf�� �v`4r`l��.�i�t e3� "�'�{:� ��`��<'.y j?`FC:rI_C:.>�:� `.'i�f`.7`+i?+::C.� ','.`�a�Cic:TJ J ° t 3 a � i� C� f �: t i.: k� �r t"�� C-_ :::J V e: i, G: i: �� i. �� f�� J o �Zt, ii�:�.:Y� y� uL?`e:� 5`��Cj4 ^;<�5�a:`E��i Sa iE`Gi�'� uCZC� �`E'c�� . �Sd i�an��: s�:�:�: a�=,�.:.,';i f a Shal l be heavy duty seats. ��io f3►�`cci:°.c�sat �,i����gs �� �����A c�.F�:c! CyE� �9 :-1i�h s��i��h ��'J Cut_Fat�' cl �� i'C'.:s"' ef'.0 �?�:r%":�1C LC��Z;�'-r3'Y' o ��a �:�'�i� C'i: j�1.S Gi� �Q�.{� s€�G-:i�l�', �'`�%�1�r �e {�J � {` 4`C�`3�: c.7il `'t$'? j' �::'viCi � i i`�5�� C.c?�° o �Ic • �•4�.i�u±w i"1!i3R.y �! �i�C. `x' ra%�.C��CS �e�t:C�i�:� �����f 1��.'��o �0, 1! � cF��Yc2au��- o f�0 !',°;:r ��:�c�E�ee�-i,,���� t��� c��i �.h ����e� 1'� y4 i�� c� '� c�l t:ae�� n� j�i� �,.�'�es' 1°;`�? 3����RQ aF� ��ie �C;i3i�'�i�1'2iLo ��� ��s�:��°e c��° �#��1� ��� Ns3��ic=�J �,;�d �-1^�d�c3 ��sni aar� �o s i� �cs��°c1 ��°cct�c��sr°� �-�:��� e�9 s��-� �q�!� �p�d <<�� tii� c�b� �,:��i�so 2?���� �:e:��}�v �2�l,, nc��; 1�J� ;:S��n j0 ��;�u�°� hr��� �t �Cl i�c��i° C°��;e, 73 � Spee�c::��ce�9 e t�t�.�� L i�� ae��e �r:� �: i�faa n 3/ bi a 1 l ��e�ds �� 'c� �C� P�1o�,H, 2�t, t?� ��� 3 S�; ei�� ;��:ci�'c�dm � 5 � ��°s G� �;� i i E: S o 2 i�.t t" 1 E'� �+ i? =°: C� e: i2 Gd � E''i � i: i� �� e fj a'y Ci P�� f. �"' g �c� ��c� #�e:�.,g�� � i�s�:d1 c�f i:��F,: � w� o { S wrr;;�� u 1 i�h� ard �c��r���.i�� ��o �a�v ���:� c��:� �; t,9�: c��ie� of �o�i�e 1� ;� �i� GS �' e F a� L ii �9 1 c3 � 7 ilil d ' 2fio R���° E1ie�•1 P��s�°s ab o (ir,:�:€;��) sFa�� ��:� E±a�t���ase i.y�� �I, Rcra�` t�'irt:a i�9i��o�-� �Q�,�s;cl�) �.Q���is�n ;o b� ��=�����G���� �y �}�c Cs��ea r�s r��ace t��fat°e �n��al t�ticn � <,� .��ro �c"I'S":i �+�ic,t Y� �3�a t%'s;Ci�:"CC?�lzi:;.�� ,? V u l, �i �h Ci : o [.3 u� f:.; i.. a b C'+ i�t {.� �'�. f Z 9 � C� � ���� �. �-i l.7 iJ °ry �. � � l% �'i��� $ l. � ti tl�t 4' � � V l�: 4 ��i i�u � b�:� 3�� �r•�� ��::�� ����i�°�, ec,�;��.��v�;� �:���.� �:;L,��£, E 7��i�9 to b� %ia�l: 3 Jiiw.t.� Cif'1�1 � 17:� C.t� � 3�%�1 4�� UvL7 �1 �i e ,�� o �f°c�ti� a��" O�' �' � C.�j:��`C ci�t� �','i i�il.�°i i � G;il C?J G Cci�'�:+ td fi�-^.aJ C'c:+ .`a� ��"�:. �c�-..c?�d:� :i E',�'i�.°..s";5c� 1E"iC�tfG'ffiCJ �:�C:��i�i�1O�i:=�. L7�d ��.+ C77fU .7�'�i �.�vl��i�..7 � � iibQ.L��7�5 ��p 33o S��i� �.�c�i �;�r Ft��n�����c� 1,��i �n��u� �eei �y �i��l �;�°, o ' �' �? ^� �. 3 � t�eG�° i �s � �' �L �° Fr��nr' � ,•� �.o �� ��7;�����d �r�c3 C{f"-1 �:.j� {:: v..9 Gi i.. tf i'` :) 1 V� J�'r.:i '��.i�}i i:.:'� ��`-a'. v �� v t ic�.��b�i �3�e'LI`, d p ��'.:s ��� 0 � �`�.`�. 911J �Ci � � ��! G� l. L14:� � ��� � � �''r�, �� ;`.'.i°� � t : � M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: Nomer Ankrum, City Manager, and City Council FROM: Marvin Srunsell, Financial Director SUQJEC7: Resolution Transferring Funds DATE: January 11, 1g68 The attach�d resolution ti�ould increase the Park Departmenfi budget by $250.00, to provide funds for the purchase option on the Ing- Siev�rts Froperty. If the City exercises the option, an a:lditional $2,320.00 will have to be provided. MCB ps Att.. _ xr c � lQ,���i R��SOLUTICr; r:0. A RESOL'JTION T�EII�:��i�EZRIPIG C�' C�RTt1IP? � li'��LS Ld:i1:R�,1'iS, The City Cour.cil has auth�rized certa�n ekpenditures not bud�eted in the various depart:ments of the City's General Goverr?ment. hT��'I, TI�ER�' G�, B� IT RESOLVrD, by the Council of the Cit•y of Fridley meetin� at a regular session on the 15ih da� od Janua.x;; 1968, as follo;;rs : l. Ttiat anpropriati�ns for� the f�llo�ring activities be red�zced as follows: �er�ency appropriation � 2�0.00 TOTA_L $ 250.00 2. That ���,�o�x�_�,t� ons for t•he iol�o�ring activities be increaszd as f o11oT�. s : Par'cs an� Recrea.ticn � 250.00 TOTAL � 2�C�.00 PASS �'D :;riD r.LCP2'�;; �?g T,?E CI'I"1' C�JUNCIL CF TH� CITY C�' F'RIL�Lr"' THIS D�Y Or ,1968 Kl lr �1 i I1 L�'.�t� - I�,a�r�r �. irurse �"^ MAYOR - Jack C. Kirkha.m - . . �: � • . '.�:; r r? ^� � V=_J Y � � STATE OF r� i r! PJE50TA COl1Ni�Y OF ANOKA REAL ESTATE OPTlON CO�VTRACT I n cans i der�t i on of the sum of Two Flunc�red F i fty an d no hundredths (�`�'2$0,00) Do I( ars, i n hand pa i d!�y the C ity of Fr i dl ey, a �1un i c ip� 1 Corporat i on, i n the County of Anoka, St:�te of Pf i nnesota, the receipt wl�ereof is hereby acknowled�ed, tng T. Siverts Jr,, and Grett� Jean S iverts of tlie C ity of Fr i dl ey, h{ i nnesota, do he reby grant to said City of Fridley, purch��ser, and to its successors and assigns the opt i on af purcha s i ng from sa i d I nc� T. S i verts Jr., and G, eta Jea n S i verts, and s�� id I ng li.S i verts, Jr., and Greta Jean S iver±s agree to se ( I to s� i d purcha ser at �ny t i me w i th i n n i r�e ty (90� d��ys f rom tf�e d�- �e h� reof, the fo ! l o�,r i ng descr i bed rea l est��te si t�.i�-�ed i n the C i ty of Fr i d I ey, S��te of ��! i nnesota : Comrneric i ng at tl�e I`:or� ��itrest corner of Lot One ( I�, F:evised Auditor's Subdivision��r'o. 10; thence East. alonc� the �!or�h I ine Fifty and two hundred�hs (50.02� feet to � po i nt on the Ea st 4 ight . of '.'!ay 1 i ne of County St�,tc� A i d Ro�d ��o. 35; t��ence South G I ong tF�e s�� i d E��st Ric�ht of �'!ay 1 ini to �-� point loc��ted Sixty-Six �6E�� feet South of the Pdorth 1 i►�e of s� i c� Lot One ((), mea sured p�'r-, 1 J e I to the 1'lest I i ne of Lot One (!) to the actua I po i nt of beg i nn i ng; �;hence con � i nt� i ng South � 1 on9 s�� i d E�st 2ig��i of 'tJ��y 1 ine to �� poin± loc�te� Five flundred F ifty (5��7) fE:e� Sout�� of thc: �lorth I i ne of s� i d Lot One ^ ( I� rie.�: sured ��� ra 1 I e( to thc ';';est ! i ne of sa i d Lot One ((); thence E � st p� r� I 1 e I to the Norti� ! i ne of sz� i d Lot One ( I) to .-� po i nt I oc�ted F i ve tl�:ndred Sev, nty-S ix (57b� fe�t E:�st of tl�c !'lest li�c of said Lot �ne (I�; tiience P:ort(�l�ester 1 y on � str�-� i ght I i ne toi�.�-�r:�s the �ctu.al po i nt of beg i nn i rig; thence term i n�t i n� . - AII being ioc�ted in Section Thtrteen (1��, Townshi� Thirty �30�, +���nc�� Tt,renty-��ur (2��, C ity of' Fr idl ey, Courity of Anoka, St.,te of i•i i nneso��-� . � - S��rd Ing T. Sivei•ts Jr., �-�nd Gret�-� Je�;n Sivarts agrec tu furnish the tlf�str�,ct of Title and to �-�Ilow the s��tne to rem�in with the purcf�ascr dur i n� tiic� p�ri od of thc opt ion. Provi ded s�a id Abstract ofi T it I e shows �ood ni:�rke-t,(� � e t i{; � e i n I ng T. S i verts Jr, �nd Grei:�� Jean Sivcrts, �f�e purci»ser is to p��y �'or s��id property the sum oi Two Thous�,nd Two flundred Seventy and no hundredths (�2,2%0.00� Dollars inctudin� the sur� above received as option money. � 1'Jheriever, w ith i n tt�e t i r;�� spec if i ed above, the s<-� i d pu rcha ser h� s agreed to cxerc i se th i s opt i on, the vendo r s��:� I I execute a prope r deec� of conveyance for s�id property �nd d�liver the s�me to s�id purch�-�ser upon p�.yment of t1�e purc;��-;se pr ice f ess the opt i on money ���� i ch h�s been p�id upon the execui�ion of this option, f n c� s� f;he t i t! e to s� i d property i s not good or c�,nno � be mau'e good w itt� i n one l�u;�dred twenty ( 120� d•,ys, +'ri i s ���ree:-�er�t she I I be vo i d=�nd t?�e op � i�n mon�y nere i n rece i�ted for sh� I! be refunded. (f the purc!,�se i � m�de as 3fores� i d, the o�t ion money s�a 1! be cred i �ed on �hc purcn�. se ;�r i c� ; but i f t�� e�urch; s�r, or i t s successors or ,ssic�ns, s!��I1 fGil ta r��ke :�ny fut��h�r pay,,�ents in the t ime �bove saec if i eu', then tn� o�t i or money h�re in rec° 3�ted for sha I� b� forfeite<� to �� i-� vand_�r wit'iou± �o�ice, ,nd t�� s�id p;emi�s�s s:���l! b;; , bso 1 v �e ! y d i sch�� r�e { rrom �� ny encu�,br��n c= � or c; ou� � r i s i ng he re �r�o;n, �nd a11 p�r�i�s rele=.sed �ror:� fu,^t}�er obl i�-tions herein. The pro�erty sh�1 ( be conv�.yEd by ��oad �nd suffici�nt w-�rr;nty deed, free fror,� ?I 1 1 ier,s :,nd e�cusn��r.�nces o�every n�ture ��r,d rants and i nterest on mort�� g��, i� �;�y� ��� � � I be � pport ionad fron ��:�tel`of f i n� ! pr yr.�e�t . I n add i t i an to tiie above cons i der��t i on, the C i�:y of Fr i d I ey agrees to pay Three Hunc�red and no hundredths ($300.00� Uall�rs tow�rd the cost of surveying the �bove described property. Any �ddrtionai surveying cost to be borne by the vendors. IN TESTIF,IONY t�IHE�EOF, �he parties hereto have hereuntoset the ir hands thi s I n Pre sen ce Of � � ,; . ,��, ,� '.�:._ �%� -� _ �� ��___• � _ ,r ." � ; ._- _ .% .-�- STaT� OF �1lN?�ES�T; ) ) ss. cour�TV a� ) da y of , 1968. j /''' '� ` !/ � �/ �---- �����' � ,! � /�/�-��� � % , Ing TSiverts, Jr. � ✓ j��^ 'l, � .� ;�/ ,.i' . .1 �Greta Jean Siverts � s� On thi s�;!___ d�-:y of �,;,�, °< - , 196�, beforeme, � ---- j Notary Pub) i c w ithi n and for s�� i� County, persona I l y a�pe�-�red I ng To S iverts, Jr., ��nd Greta Jc.�n S iverts, to m� km,�n to be the persons descr i!�ed i n, � nd w���� exect.�tc;d t}ie fore ,o i^� i nstrument and achnawled�ed th�:,t t,�ey execu�ed the same ��s t,�ei r frec �::ct - nd deed. !i_f � _ - . _ . :. -y "\ _ �,. � V-''� H�.,-" . � ''��F �":t, 4:�.'t� c` .;';�i t...'7:!"�, , �: ��. �.. . $�5.. �+ s,;,., o"''+ �"'+ _ `'����-..;::�:� IN TESTIh401�Y ti�JHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their h�nds this d��y of _____ , F968, In Presence Of � k1AY02 - Jack fl, K i rkham �'L=L! _____ _ C( TY P1AN ,GER - Homer n. �Inkrum STATE OF t�11 PlPJESOT;� ) ) ss. COL11vTi' OF AP�OKA ) On th i s r day of ---- —, (9G8, before me, �� Notary Pub I i c w ith i n ��nd for sa i d Gounty, person� I J y �ppe��red J��ck 0. K i rl;h�m � nc� Nomer n. ;;n(;r�um, to me knoti-:n to be the persons descr i k�ed in, and who executed the foregoing instrument :�nd �cknowledoed tiiat they executed the s�me as their free act and deed. �i � �S►Publtc. Anoka CeurrtY. %:lnr5. MY t9ommtssion F.�Di4� F�, �..3�q fn, � ,�,. ' � lJ � ' r1 r� ' ' . � ,-� � ��- � `� � � / RESOLUTION NOa j . A RESULU�l'I01`l 0�'�F�.IPd�T PRELII`�IIlIA.RY PLA.NS � SP�;�IFIC�ITIOIIS, AND ESTIl`�I�1`r�S OF THE COS�1'S THE�EOF: S1R .E`�'�`I' Il�'ROVE'i�ir'�I1T PROJECT ST. 1968-1 (ADDENDUNi #1) . . BE IT RF�OLV�T�, by the Cotulcil of the City of Fridley as follo��rs: . :��. 1. That it app�ars in the interest of the City and of the property oomers affected t«at there be constructed certain improvem�nts, to-�rit: Street ImproJem�nts, includin� gradin�, stabilized base, hot-mix biium- inous u�at, concrete cur'o and o itter, wwter, and sar_itary se�rrer sercicea, � storm. seorer and other facilities, located as folloTrrs: ' - t ' 72nd Avenue: From T.H. #65 to Central Avenue 2. Tha�t the City En�ineer, Nasi�! Qureshi, and Co��stock & Davis Inc. are hereby at?thorizee� and direct�d to d-ra��r t�:e preliminary plans and specifications and to tabulate the resul+s of his estimates of the eosts of said i�np-rove�er�ts, �.nclu_dino ev�ry i�em of cost from inception to completior_ and all fees and expenaes incurred (or to be incurred� in connection there�ri�h, or the financinj thereof, and to make a preliminary report of his findi_r�s, statir_� t'nerein whether said improve�ents are feasible and whether taeJ can bes� be �ade as proposed, or in cornection wit'n soLne other improv�u�ents �and t�ze estimated cost as recoc?mended�,including also.a deacription of trie lands or area as may receive benefits �herefrou� and as may be proposed to be assessed. 3. That the Czty Cler'_�c shall act to ascertain the na�a° and add�es� oi the oGm�er oi each parcel of lan�i diractly affected or Gri+'�in +.he area of lands as may be proposed to be assessed for said impr��r��e�ts �ar_d each of them�; and upcn receipt from said Engine�rs o= �:�e said preliminary report, calculate esti�ates oi assessTents as may be pro�iosed relative thereto against each of said lands. ' . ' ' , . '� : � .. , � 4. That said preliminary report of the.En;ineers and estima�zs of assessments of the Clerk, shall be furnished to �'ae Council, and made available ior inspection to the owner of any parcel of land �,s u:�.y be affected thereby at any public hearinb held rela�ive thereto, as well as at ar�y prior time reasor_able and convenient. AUOPTID BY THE CITY COUTTCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDL� THIS DAY OF � �.TTEST : CITY CL��-�" - i'ia_vin C. B�ur.s �11 •.: � MAYOR - Jack 0. Kir'_�haa J - • . • • �� � J. � � �� --/ � � � RESOLUTION N0. ' A RESOLUTlON RrCEIVING THE PRELI�IINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE NLATTER OF THE CO\STP,UCTION OF CERTAIN IriPRO��EM�NTS - STREET IrIPROVLi�iENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1 (ADDENDUM #1� ' � !J � , ' ' �J CI' ' � � , ■ l ' � , , WEIEREAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to Ue in the interest of the City oi Fridley atid the propErty o�aners affected there- by. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Ci_ty of Fridley, as fol- lows: 1. That the preliminary report submitted by the City Engineer, Nasim .. ` '` � �` - � Qureshi, is hereby received and accept� . `--,'� ' 2. That this Council will meet on the 2 day of Februar.y , 1968 at 5:00 o'clock P.rI. at the City Ha�l ' the City of Fridley for the purpose of holding a Public Hearino on the improvenent noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a part t'nereof by re£erence, Exhi- bit "A" . 3. That the area propose.i to be assessed for suid improvements and each. of them as noted in said notice are a11 the lands and areas as noted in said notice: All of the sam.e to be assessed proportionately ac- cording to the benefits received. 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of such Publ�c Hearing by publishino a notice thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley according to Iaca, such r.otice to be substantially ir. the form and substance of the notice attached here- to as Exhibit "A". � ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATTEST: CITY CLERIC - :Iar�.�in C. Brunsel_1 1 •�� MAYOR - Jac� 0. Kirkham �, , OFFIClAL PUt3LICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY (Exhibir A) � St. 1968-1 (Addendum #1) NOTICE OF t[Er'1P.I�'G 0\ I�iPFOVEi•?F\TT� WEIEF.EAS, the City Council of the City of. Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deeined it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. , �- �,� _._...------ NO�d, TFIE�;EFOF.E, �;OTICE IS HEREF;i' GIVE\' THAT on the day of Februar;L , 1968, at 8:00 o`clock P.,I. the City Counci will meet . at tne Ci.ty FIaII in sai_d City, and will at said time ar.d place hear all parties interested in said improvem�nts in c•rtiole or in part. The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and str2ets noted belo;��) of the following i.mprovements, to-wit: COiJSTRUCTION ITE:�1 Street improvements, including grading, stabilized base, bituminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter, and storm sewer system and sanitary sewer services and �ther facilities located as foliows: 72nd Avenue: From T.H. #65 to Central Aver.ue ESTIr1ATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,100. 00 THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BL ASSESSED F0� SAID I`�IPF.OVErIE�3TS IS AS FOLLOIJS: For Construction Item abeve ------------------------------------- All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abuttino thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to t'ne benefits received by such improve�ents. , That Ghe Council proposes to proceed with each oi said improvements as separate imp:ovements, e_�cept as hereafter other�aise provided by the Council a11 under the following authority, to-o�it: Minnesota Statutes ' 1961, Chapter !29 and Laws amendatory thereof, a�d in conformity with the City Charter. ' . , � � � DATED TEIIS DAY Or^ CITY COU�CIL. Yubli_sh: Januar.y 31, 1968 Februar.y 7 , 1968 , 1968, BY OFDER OF T'rIE MtaYOF, - Jac�: 0. F:irknam a a -��� 1 MEMO T0: MII`�IIO FROM : MIl�tO DATE: , MF,�IO NUMBER : RE: Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager - Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer Januaxy 12, 1968 CM #46-68-1 Cost planning for Street Improvement Project St. 1968-2 MSAS As you are awaxe that the City Council has ordered quite a few streets which are designated State Aid Streets for the 1968 Improvement Project and we do not have enough State Aid funds available to cover the improvement cost of these streets. State Aid fund appropriation is based upon two factors - 1. State Aid designated improvement needs and 2. Population census of the City. �� 1 In the past we have been requesting all the eligible funds from State Aid for the State Aid streets improved b,y the City. The reason for it is that if the money is left with the State Highway Department we do not get the interest on it, whereas if it is with the City we would�get interest on these funds. As the Council is already aware that last yeas other elected officials of � the axea and myself worked on the revision of the Minnesota Statute to include that an� legally held census would be used for appropriation of State Aid funds. The last Legislature has amended the State Statute which allows the City of Fridley to use � 1965 census as their legal census for the purpose of State Aid appropriation. This has changed the appropriation from $80,000.00 to $130,000.00 per .yeax approximately. ' Even with this increase, we will not have. enough State Aid funds to get all the streets done under St. 1968-2. In light of these conditions, I am making the followin.g suggestions. , 1� That no State Aid funds should be requested on 67th Avenue, Ashton Avenue, 69�' Avenue, and 79�' Avenue. The difference between improvement costs and assessment costs are pickec� u:p from MSAS revolvin.g funds� 2� We request full funds on 53rd Avenue and 73rd Avenue which will be: 53rd Avenue . . . . . . . . . .$ 26,�250.00 73rd Avenue . . . . . . . . . 138,880.00 Total requested from State Aid �165,130.00 Unencumbered funds available from State Aid in 1968 ase approx.....o. �80,000.00 F'unds to be taken out of 1g69 appropriations . . . . . . . . . . .$85,130.00 This wa.y these streets are improved on which we axe not collecting State Aid funds, such as 67�' Avenue from-University to 7�' Street, also improving 69�' Avenue with base and mat only, at this time, and assessing this cost to the property owners and then later picking up the cost of additional mat and curbing from State Aid funds when we improve this street in the future. Following this procedure, we can minimize the effect of these improvements on the State Aid need appropriation and also get the maximum amount�of st�eet�s im- proved. � N 'm Q�J 1 • J • .C. � -�--� NASIM QU'RESHI, P.E. City En�ineer F�rm 30112 (4-63) STATE OF MINNESOTA • DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS � ST. PAUL 1, MINNESOTA City (�tlz�e) o{ �., � . ' Clerk _ /�'lai�,r�:� �� �..� t.e // , Engineer N /� Q�.,� � � �' Address ssy,.� _ 9C _, Unexpend: Bolance �._.l�_ AI lotment Total Allotment Transfers Disbursements �Unexpended Bolance Less: Encumbrances Balcnce Available Dcte JA1V 2 - i968 Status of Municipal State Aid Accounts As of __ �✓iP � / � g i � L.�•-- Mointenance —o — __� G�o 00 � . . _ /G ��o 00 _ :1 a o o-o o � , — G --�' � ALLOTMENTENCUMBRANCES Projcct No. Amount a�� 3��"-�� 7i3.7� a�.- 3a7-oJ �SG.97 a� - �aa- oz 937s.o1 _ ?� -�3ca-o3 a �Go.s� //, a sa . a..f Construction — a/S9��o ' __ — 9/v 9<f/ o 0 _ 9s �3a a o — � � b �. 9� _ I/, �sZ.�s T Il aS`o.�S __ � _....► � Totoi DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS � �c ;-l' -' r �' .•....-„- ��� �;'���_•`��_-_ . ��'` _ � State Aid Civision , - � �, ���_ Cost Planning for Street Improvement Pro'ect St 1968-2 (MSAS) ' Total Imp. Assessable Requested from Money from Cost State Aid MSAS Revolv- ing Fund ' 67TH: — Uriiversity to ' 7th Street $25,620.00 7th Street to � Jefferson $17,472.00 53RD: � Main St. to University $26,250.00 ASHTON: ' 79th to N. line of Spr. Brk. Pk. $21,630.00 ' 69TH: Old Central to Stinson Blvd. $59,400.00 ' 73RD: University to Baker $138,880.00 I 79TH: E.R. Rd. to E. , prop. line of L. 4, B1. 2, Pear- son's lst Add. $17,388.00 ' r � � � � � � $19,520.00 $13,312.00 $20,375.00 $16,480.00 $46,200.00 $115,072.00 $13,248.00 $26,250.00 $138,880.00 $6,100.00 $4,160.00 $5,150.00 $4,140.00 . _ . -��.i ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' � 1 1 ' ' � ' � r � � � 4�` \i SCHOOL BUS S7.�OP5: ---�----._.._____ ._....__._... _ _�....__ Mississippi Street and Pierce Streeto � Central Avenue and 69th Avenue Nor•cheast. '����-- �� Mia'block on Altura � � � Road S j c.� ��-z�,FJ � S'{c c ���`�—`� aznbow Drive and Jupiter Drive. Sa�tellite Lane and Mercury Drive. 71st Way and East River Road. 75th Way and A1den Way. Main Street and 57th Place. 62� Way and East River �toado 63rd Way and E ast River Road. G42 Way and East �2zver Roaa. 64� Way and Riverview Te-rrace. Mississippi Street - Midblock between Central Avenue and Arthur Street. East River Road and Hickory Drive. East River Road and Logan Parkway.. Main Street- Nzidblock between Mississi Sunrise Drive - Midblcok between 6Zst Avenuerand University Avenue ti�Test• ��+ , � Service_Drive. � j� � �t' �t:e" � �. � � b' ' '_ ` �'� /�31.��r.� C�� � � ��� �� �..� ��, .., �,.� f �.--. ,� (Y L� • � �-�.''�.' �� ��,�--z.� , . .� V� �_ . ti> ��, � r � , :r ; � w.'_'.¢� "0 a '� . �Y; ' .+� �,.,,., , W .. . ��e'i .. � ,` r . � . .e, 'g. � ' 4 a- ,...: Rx. ,Y c-. s {. "�,'� jk - � . . !`.x � G _.`� i�'i ��� � � r*� � � � � � 't�` �� �}�. ?.''�% p,� °`"� 1 � r��} . �'�2..�, ��--U�-'�� =�-- �-�.-"�'4.'I„�^•-�t.t' ;'� ' �"_��+--'t.�.. � /`b"�.-'4.a�h... � i.,..0. �w� ��l.j � t �"` � � d � i� x .� C L A I M S General Liquor 13912 through 14017 I809 through 1869 r - ,V,I"� �� VS LIST OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL JANUARY 15, 1968 GAS SERVICES E. S. P, INC. 511 West 7th Street St. Paul, Minnesota Harris Brothers Plbg, Co. 217 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota HEATING --�_ Harris Brothers Plbg, Co. 217 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota MASONRY Bendiske Masonry 825 Lincoln St. Anoka, Minnesota By: James E. Ethier By: Miles Quigley By: Lloyd A. Harris By: Arthur Bendiske RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL NEW e� :i ' ' PYROV�D AT I CAFE BY: � Fronta.er Cafe ' NEi�' 7373. Central Ave o N�F � �r�ene Povlitzki Frid�.ey� Minnesot�. ' ' CIGARETiE ` Frontier Cafe �41 ?373 Contral Ave. N.�. , Fridley� Minnesota .' BY : Ma.rlene Povlitzki CTC�:3F��� �Y : ' In �n� Qut F�od ,'�a.r�et K.J. Nelsou �ti�' i�+49 E, River Road Frid1PY� �Iinnes�ta. ' , ' OF'�' S'II�F; BY , In �'n� Out Food Marke� K.J. Nelson ' �w 7!�/�9 E. River Road Fridley, Minnesota. ' a . ,� ��'`� `_.,�'� e J�. ���..-c% - ,�-S ' -- ( � /!� � , �n i���, r ,�j� �'f L ir3�t��/` �-s1.1 W � �`� l�� '�. � IL �� �;��� A PPR�VED BY Hea.l�h Inspector APPROV�!:D BX Polica Dapar�xi��t APPROVF;D BX Police Dopa.� t:��nt A PPROVL� BX Police Depa.rtL�ant Health Inspec�or � �� �-- ��J r`� , „1 � \� t' ESTIMATES TO BE APPROV�D BX THE CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY l5, 1968 ' � Comstock & Davis, InC; Consulting Engineers ' 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minne�ota 55432 . � For the Furnishing o� Resi�ent Inspection and Resident Supervision for the Staking ' out of the Construction work for: ' Estirnate =;�9 - y�Tater, Se�aer, &: Storm Sewer Improvement Pro j ect iVo. 84 fro�n December 4. 1967 through December 30, 1967 ' (Ba;cer Avenue between Osborne Road & 75th $23 �• 50 e�;t,ended east, Onondaga between Central anu Stinson, etc,) ' ' Estimate .;; Zl - Sewer, V�Tater, & Storm Se�aer Improverient Project t79 from Dece�er 4, 1967 through Dece�izber_ 30, 1907 (Corn:°nerce park, ' Swanstror�i Court, etc. ) $ 47.50 , ' ' ' _ _ _ .., , ' - ' "� , - _ _ ,: , ' ' ' :7 ��. AP�OINTMENT FOR rONSENT AND APPRpVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 15 ' 1368. , ' _�_� w'r —`_ — .._._.__..._ ' NAME POS3T'p�T Joseph P. Jucick Custod�_an ' � 5333 Irving Avenue North Bar 33 & Brooklyn Center, Minnesota Store 3 , � , ' ' ' . ' , ' ' � , , , ' SALARY $375.00 per mo. for 30 days $400.00 per mo. thereafter REPLACES Irwin . Christianson _ ' . . .r ._ :'N:r ' � u � J�.nuary 8,. 1958 ro��� W �. � � :' �.°b �..����^c! � ��'. � �V' a� V, �� `' ������-� � �'� ` �-a �~`=� �A; �; '�� : . STATE OF MlNNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CISTRICT NO. 5 2055 NO. LILAC DRIVE MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. � I�:r. i�asi:r. ,-�ure�hi, Cit; ��ineer ' City of iriuley . 6431 liniver5i ty �iv�nue :i . �, r'ridle,y, i�iinnesota 5�421 � ' ' ' ' � , ' ' ' In re�ly rei�-r to: 325 Boat .Lccess to :�1'ississipai �iver Throu;;h I1ig�1G•,r��- :Oepartrient �ro,ticrty �•:f. �,u �dr���nt of Jct. 1.��. 6y4 ;`;� Last i�ive:^ _zoad Dear i•:r. :�uresni: First I t�rould lir>e to �,polo�ize to you for not res��ondin� to Jovr letter of �ece,;iber 5, at ==.n e�:,rlier dwte, '.:'e YiWve �iven your re�_uest a�ood c.e;�,l of consider:�.tio:i 4.n1 h�:.ve arris,ad �at tT-ro decisions. r'irst, �'ae at��-�� h;as no ob�ection to �he Cit� of ��ridle� u;�ing ti,e at�_.te <Ii��i';J:1.�r yoro��ert� _nd i �s �;ccess to Covnty �o_ d 1 io-r �n e_::er.��nc -'aoat launch_�;�, _.t t:lis t�r.e it T•roul.d b� ;,rell �o e:ty�ress t.1�zt th� ::tV�ie Yias no o'ojec�;ion ;;o ��,n�� �.;overr�:l�nt,�1 bocif L;sin=; its ��ro��e�ty for e::_er :•arc;;r Jt1T'J05@S proviued ti�a, ��,de�u<:.te no tiiic�� tion is �zv;�n to tn� St��.te r� -•�;,r. ciir: � suc.i er,ier�encies, . � -� �l�rl� T'AQUt Sj; � O1' �� '�uiJ� 1C GO�L � lu.11..�'1C111.i1� �;.CCE'S5 C".!11^iOt 'Oc �Z`;�Y1t'.�C�.. ��, � �;11J loc:� �ion. :.'he �:.ece5;'� i.0 '�f1E :il='i1i.c_'.j�r i02^O.?P.i �� �Y'OC•i .c ; -t .. Cotui �,� _�o;�.d 1 and tile V�i.Y'1.OUS elEi:i�11tS O� �'P_@ i.nterc:��'_ri"� 4�1i;iiyl.._;. G1�!- �i,Y'@ riOt COi1CLUC1Vc �"O S.':i@ o,�e-�_��io : of �uol-�c o_• c;�iv��,tely--o::�i��a bo::.� tr.:=:.iler o�;e:r:.tions. �e su�st � t'i11=;,� �rOi: CO ? �`�• � �� >� �:Lte � r�� �B )-!'rc: i.1 � for .� r1,lS:i10i1 �O ia.w°, �iltli' _:�rp_ �2Y'tJ 1? °.v_1;:. ��'� j' �'OLl ;1 O1 '-,.f1�? :L1 1TT �1��-0;�.1'tiii?22 � 11 "�'1'i � J� �l;:,�j' 1'Oi i�U0i.1C b�'�:. Li l�tl...11 �1�._ .'� �� J! .�• (.:�.' �'.; i v� vill..� .�'l0 Jnnl y 1 ' � ;-oala b� ��,rr�c3.-�ed ±tlro�.�;ii t'rl� rs?"iOcL.:, �iOLL {":' rl;� � •, " Y 2@T' ;J.;1� ' ,.�1 .iU2'"v' :12 ;:O:,LZ.:� 1CCt:, �� l t 1Y1 3LLCi1 C� �� �OS1�1.0T2 �.la.� i11:11,::��:� �1-_:�i.'1C 171ti3il.'.=C.::.^,@ ?�iOUlC�. I'Es'•'�L:I�• I� 1rJi, C:.i1 02 Oi r U;^ �:.2 �• ' 2.SSl:�t �:10E'. 1?7 t.4IS i_!£:;.'�i.L�Z'� J�.2�,5� C'.'.O 210 �'_`?°:.1 �;;,tE,' �U COYit :Ct ;'.?A ��1�'^°C �Z�%. _ Sincer�l-,r, , , - �l��iC ;l�,F' � . _:. I�urc.li e ' Jistric� ::;�in�en:��ce �n"ina��r cc: ' �. �. �urlill ��s�� � �i� � � �1 :1 1 ' ' ,_, , _� . D�cember 5, 196� C.E. BL;rrill plinnesota �1i�rhw� y D�partment HigY:Vr�.y DistY•zet r�5 2055 Lil�c Drive I•lor ��i 2�Iinr�ea,;��li$, ��Tinnes3ta 5542? Re: Boat Acce�F td I;i�;�is�ippi River Thro�a�h State ��i�ciiray Prc,�perty at S.?�1. `�uadra.nt of Intersection of ��;ast �Zi-rer Road <<:nd Inter- s ;;�.�e r�94 Dear ATr. Burrill, T�,e Ci ;;y af Fridley wvuld li�:e t<; inv�� ti{;ate ++ie p�ssibility oP u�, ��� this property f:�r e� er�;ericy bcat launc:,in� acceas �zcl F�u1�Iic boat lf�i:�n;;��in� ucc�; s if possib].e, wi �h yot2r office �nd other F;��ro�r�.��te a�ancies . W� w�u2d lixce to Iuio:r w'r�.t pl-tins tl�e Stwte FIi�r.w�.;r t-,as �'�r ti�is proper�:y, l��e h2ve rad soB�� preli.r�inary d�scussi�n about t}�i� m�,t�er b��or� �,nd we rr�uld like to pur�ue ti�_i� furtl.er . 41oLild yot� nlease advise uQ wt��t w�uld ba our ft<rtrer c��arse �f �ction. 4rQ w%,ild be :•�illir.� t� Lieet �JitYi you and your staff �.nd ot�ier �aople cancerned in �nis re;;�wrd �.t y�u: e �nv�eyience . T�`•=�i�?� vou i�x v:;;zr ec;nsider:.�tion. Y�-t�r:, very tr�.ly , �( , /�'l !'�;1t:' ' ; r ��- % . � 1�r�sz�� wv_R ��1z , P. �. City 1��in�er 2;4�: j� CC: Bob �Tir���e:� � Fire Chi�f Fioc;°r R . �iL�ru�, City i,I��:,�er. t-� ��� :� � ' ' �J • i� � �� ' ' "ij '�, �'�.., l,,-.3 c �'� �� � � ., � ��� ��• tJ t j �. 4 � �:'r t ` �� � r( : � '�:.-� �r '�`���': -�? �� ��'•�`� {",' .. J� - C� - �„f i. ti` 1^ `� �-�, j,� . l 1 ti.'� c^ ___. t_l _. _��r.—.-� .- . f,�. ..� iC1 . t y� `� `` r J . . tQ��- . �RA- . 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J � � : . i�;�l � -� if f 'l�` �-fl` i� I �,�:�/� � ,r���%� - ,f ;� . ,� , �.�� �`; �� �„�j�� J. ,=. �%!�:c•';, i�i:f .� j.'.' t:�:' �j•/• �.%�'r, /••/',' _r'% 1 %� .I / �',- �,� �� f.;1;;;'i; ;��'��� !,i� j';�'r j���r. .� ��;:, 7 %���� f'jl'��i,.. _ ,,J��r� '` ', �:�' f � �. . � � fl .�J;i" 'l�. � ��,, _ :c" .l.'� , r - ,�1�� '��';' _.�j. ,;'%,� ,!�I� f�' ,�. / ��. � >i•j� i'�"',�` j , T _ � , � ` fl /'i� � �� .• � ,' , �I : _. /� - � .� �' - :-!���': .� . ��' ,�i� fi� � �%,. �� ;,� , .� . /.` �� . �i�i �' i ,'•='� � '.; ,���.� �/J' �l' % t /�. ,�%�. � �;%� ; f J.�l�. /..�,:'_/�!', f`.�r/�/:';�. j.% J`r.��lf �!f f�����',� �. j�, f: ,�; �.� j.-, i_ � �i''• � :f ��_' i.:.i,. . � . • y � �J{- / irT S%,r � / � � � �, J' �• 7/ � •- / 1 / �-: . �- J� �. �, �� � ; � - �, / � ,�r—��� � - ,�-`., � -� � � .� `. `� �. � �/� f _ �,�. /J � / �� / � � f , ! / �; rI � �'' /�/ ♦ ��' , / �/ � !.' . ( ' / ... r / /' "� ! % `-i ,�/ %, ' j �� �/,: s. /. � ' �� :%�� , /. ,.!, . /•- :' � %- : �� � J , i / � . . �.-�"r s- ,';� �.�.� !/. ' jl��^, . �� ,. , � j , �� � , �l � , / ;.' y / /. � y � i � � �, � % !-I �•,i • J , .0 ;/r j ,,l .i • J ' / '��, / 1 , �� . ��: , �� • �'l• ,> . , �. % _� _ 'r' ,` '� -� , ' �I � I'� � ' I � ' ' r PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY MONTHLY REPORT - DECEMBER 1967 STREET DEPARTMENT HOURS 1• Grading , 2• Gravel Hauling . � � � � � ' ' ' ' • • • • • 10 3• Miscellaneous Street Work . � � � � � ' ' ' • • 13 4. Patching . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' • • • 2072 5. Shop Time • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 6• Signs and Barricades . � � � � � ' ' ' • • 150 7• Equipment Repairs - Street . � � � � � ' ' ' ' �128 • • • . . . . . . . . 1192 WATER DEPARTMENT � 1• Filtration Plant Operations 2• Final Readings and Collections . � � � � � � � 3• Hydrant Repairs and Flushing . � � � � ' ' 4• Miscellaneous Water Work . � � ' " ' 5. Pumphouse Work • . . . , , , � � � � 6. StandpiPe Repairs � � � � ' ' ' • • . . �• Valve Inspections and Repairs � � � � � � ' $• Water and Sewer Inspections � � ' ' 9• Water Meter Inspections and Repairs� ������ 10. Water Turn-ons ' • • • • • 11. Watermain Breaks . ' • . . . . . . . . . . . 12• Watermain Taps � � � ' ' ' ' • • • • • 13. Equipment Repairs - Water , , , . . . . . : : : 106 65 14 47 52 252 8Z 12 83 142 154 1� 28 SEWER DEPARTMENT � 1• Lift Station Inspections and Re 2• Manhole Repairs Pairs ...... 102 ' 3• Miscellaneous Se . . • . . : : : : : : : : : 11 4• Sanitar �`'er Work y Sewer Break S 5• Sanitary Sewer Cleaning � � � � � ' ' ' ' 2 6• Sanitary Sewer Inspections . � � ' ' ' • • 342 ' 7• Equipment Repairs - Sewer , , , , � � � ' " ' 9 • • • . . . . 27 ' ' ' ' ' STORM SEWER DEPARTMENT - 1• Catch Basin and Storm Sewer Cleaning .,,... 4 SNOW and ICE CONTROL 1• Sanding - Ice Control 2• Miscellaneous Snow and Ice Work ��''•• 116 3• Equipment Repairs - Snow and Ice , ��''• 40 ' • • • • • . 1412 - . ` .„. Page �io PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - DECEMBER 1967 MISCELLANEOUS — HOURS 1. Fire Department . . . . . . 46 2. HolidaYs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 192 3. Park Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 4. Sick Leave . . . . . . . . . . � � ' ' ' ' 4� 5. Tree Dump . . , , , � � � � � ' ' ' ' ' 8 6. Vacations . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . � 40 7. Weekend Duty , , , , , . � � � � � ' ' ' i$ 8. Equipment Repairs - Administration . . . . . � � 5 9. Equipment Repairs - Engineering . . . . . � � 34Z iQ• Equipment Repairs - Fire Department .. . 12 11. Equipment Repairs - Liquor Stores . ..�� � 12• Equipment Repairs - Park Department. ....� g� 13. Equipment Repairs - Police Department ..... 35 „ "Nr./ �-.� �rt�v. 11--3-64) � ' � � (Copiessaavaal ble atmFedehal'Bureau1oF In estigation,� Wa hhngtonf D�C�c20 535) CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT ' POLICE DEPARTMENT �-,�Y �E ��F7Dr�;y --------- n���,cr� �r _ D�cAmbAr • �_ TABLE l.__DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL 1� �? Numericol $trength AvAb9 �D��'Y Percent Dai► Y Average Daily ----_ _ __ Absence Temporar Details F:nd ot 'RR,E�m��th Y Average Effective Strength ' ---- this month l�.�st Snmrmor.th S,T.c .. ----- -- y<'-��r Thismonth l,ist � m�ntF Same�month, Yr�r ';'hismontl-i last yacr This ISame month _. mont l�ist year '('fii5monthL<t;�month� last yenr Tot�tlper;onncl. 2� - '�(� /:� � ry � — ' -- __L C' • �J _ cf��F,r-5 �rr���, . 1 Z 1!�•°5 14.L� 12.E�3_ Hr�ora� b�rE��t� , � — � lJnlformc�d forr_e , _20 �� Uetective bure�❑ _ 1 � -- _ . � Traffic bur�au , ' ........... — -- --- _ — _ `�lrst rc,llef . . . 5 5 . ' Second rellef , , _ � 7 _ Thlyd rellef , , , g % — _ ' --- - - - --- = - --- - _ — __ TABLE 2.--CHANGES IN PERSONNEL --- ----�_ TABLE 3.--DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH ' 1. Present for duty end of last month . . . . . . . . , , _ 22 - 2. Recrulted durfr.q month ., Same month . � � � ' ' ' ' ' • • • • • • . � This month last year 3. Relnstat<�d durin . , 4month ............... .. ....... '�—�- 1. Total number of patrolmen . 2,L Total to nccount fur , .�.� _ �fl 7 2. Less pennanent asslqnments (publlc offtces, clerical, chauffeurs, etc.) , 4. SepUratlons from the service: � . •• ' 3. Less details to specf�il squad: or bu- .i�+) Voluntary resfqr.atfon . reaus (trafflc, vlce, park, etc.) , --�_ ib) Retlrement or� pe�slon .... 9. Avera � ••.. • �_ g dafly obsences of patmlme❑ ' -- assiqned to Gatrol duty owi.�q to: ��) Reslqned Kdth charye,s pend[nq _ �°) Vacatlon, suspenslon, rest ry w id) DroF>ped durin . . . d°Ys� etc. . , , �,�E, / /_ •�� 9 P�batlon . . • . . . C: � ----_ �e) Dlsmfssed for cuuse . . . . . . (b) Stck ❑rid � . . . . . . inJured . . . . . . . . . . . . • �� • � 2 . (f) Killed tn line of duty , �-- (c) Temporary detafls . i9) Deceased � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . • • . • . -�_ Total sepc�rations , , , O • . . • . • . • • • • • �-- Totvl averaqe dally absences . . p � �15 _ 5. Present for duty nt end of month . ���� ,. — ..•..•••.• ---22 — S. Avallvblefor_patmldutY_........ -- 11..�5 12.F� ' , OFFENSES KNOWN TO THE POL�CE ' CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES (PART I CLASSES) REPORTED OR ACTUAL � KNOWN UNFOUNDED OFFENSES ACTUAL THIS MONTH THIS MONTFI YEAR TO I ' la. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER 1 � 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL 1 1 1 a. RAPE BY FORCE b. ASSAULT TO RAPE • ATTEMPTS 1 � ' 3. ROBBERY TOTAL 1 . 1 11 a. ARMED - ANY WEAPON 1 / C� ' b. S7RONG-ARM - NO WEAPON � 4. AGGRAYATED ASSAULT TOTAL lO a. GUN ' b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT 2 e. OTHER DANGEROUSWEAPON 1 d. HANDS, FIST, ETC. • AGGRAVATED ,7 ' S. BURGLARY TOTAL lO lO 112 a. PORCIBLE ENTRY 9 9 b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY • NO FORCE �� ' c. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE ENTRY g 1 1 g 6. LARCENY - THEFT (except outo theft) c [ o. E50 AND OYER IN VALUE 1`' Zp ].'%1 ' 7. AUTO THEFT 2 2 ,72 ' CRIME INDEX TOTAL � Ib. MANSLAUGH7ER BY NEGLIGENCE 4e. OTHER ASSAULTS - NOT AGGRAVATED � 1 /� 66. LARCENY, UNDER 550 IN VALUE ��1 � 1 L• 0 1.L.3 ' PART I TOTAL 72 � �l $�9 TOTA� PART II INCIDENTS . . . . . . . . 1�� lOgn TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NONCRIMINAL CALLS 3L�:3. . . . . . . � � � 4�5'� � ' ' ' ..................... ' ................................... TOTAL CALLS FOR POLICE SERVICE . . . . . . . %��, , , , , . �j�'��,' ' l AUTOMOBILESRECOVERED , (A) NUMBER STOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED LOCALLY . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . (B) NUMBER STOLEN LOCALIY AND RECOVERED BY OTHER JURISDICTIONS O (C) TOTAI LOCALLYSTOLEN AU705RE�OVERED ��������� " " .... �_ ............................. (D) NUMBER STOLEN OUT OF JURISDICTION, RECOVERED LOCALLY ' ......................................... ' 1 TAQLE 4-- CRIP�aE Ife9�EX Af�D POLICE ACT�VITY TREt�D ' , . TA�LE 5� -- l,�,��U� �� I'��0����TY STOLE�! A6�D R�COVE�ED , VALUF OF PROPERTY VALUE VAIUE OFPROPERTY OF PROPERTY VALUE OF PROPER7Y OFFENSE STOLEN LOCALLY STOLEN LOCALLY TO7ALVALUE OF STOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED AND RECOVERED BY LOCALLYSTO�EN STOLEN OTHER ' LOCALLY OTHERJURISDICTION PROPER7YRECOVERED �URISDICTIONS ROBBERY —1�C��•�� RECOVERED LOCALLY 0 � BURGLARY •� r--(— r,r7 — -- . -.�—'__: �'- ' LARCENY �iS�.G•UO �_��L:�2�� AUTO THEFT _�3C�5•O� 132�02�: TOTAL ��c.0�,�', 37 131d.?�. 0 ? 3tl�.21L p � . 'TA�LE 6-- OFFEI�S�S CLEA��t? BY AR�EST , ' year to dat� (inc(ude excep�ional ciecarances) ' NUMBER OF OFFENSES PERCENT OF OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST CLEARED BY ARREST CLASSIFICATION OF OFFFNSES (PART I CLASSES) TOTAL CLEARED BY ARRES7 OF BY ARREST OF - PERSONS UNDER I8 TOTAL CLEARED PERSONS UNDER 18 ' � THIS LAS7 THIS LAST THIS YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR LAS7 THIS LAST YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE a. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLIUGHTER '� ' b. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE ' 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL — 1 a. RAPE BY FORCE 1 b. ASSAULT 70 RAPE - ATTEMPTS ' 3. ROBBERY TOTAL _ 7 a. ARMED - ANY WEAPUN 2 1 b. STRONG-ARM . NO WEAPON 1 � 1' 4. ASSAULT TOTAL 2L �,? g a. GUN b. KNIFE OR CUTT_ I�N� �NSTR=MENT 1 ' c. OTHER DANGEROUSWEAPON � 1 d. HANDS, FISTS, FEET, ETC. • AGGRAVATED J e. OTHER ASSAULTS - NOT AGGRAVATE:D ��j rr , S. BURGLARY TOTAL ? d L.7 5 a. FORCIBLE ENTRY _ �+ 5 � b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY - NO FORCE _ 1 c. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE ENTRY 1 6. LARCENY- THEFT (EX�EPT AU70 ThIEFT) �'l ].Zl g a. 550 AND OVER IN VALUE 1 , b. UNDER S50 IN VALUE 229 35� 5� c� ' 7. AUTO THEFT 3g 37 '�2 GRA�1D TOTAL — �[� E01 1.1� E ' ' . T�4�LE i-- PE��O�l� ,��PESTE�, C�9��tCsED ARlD DISPQS�D O� Dl�l�l�9(a 11�iURliF� UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION I)F OFFENSES 1. CRIMINAL NOMICIDE: c. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER b. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENC �. FORCIBLE RAPE 3. ROBBERY —�� 4. AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 5. BURGLARY - BREAKING OR EP7TERIN 6. LARCENY - THEFT (EXCEpT ��UTO T 7. AUTO THEFT 8. OTHER ASSAULTS (RETURN A•• 4e TOTAL - PART I CLASSES THIS YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR TO DATE PERCENT CHANGE 9. ARSON 10. FORGERY AND COUNTERFEITING 11. FRAUD 12. EMBEZZLEMENT � 13. STOLEN PROPERTY; BUYING, RECEIVING, POSSESSING 14. VANDALISM 15. WEAPONS; CARRYING, POSSESSING, ETC. 16• PROSTITUTION AND COMMERCIALIZED VICE U, SEX OFFENSES (EXCEPT 2 AND I6) 18. NARCOTIC DRUG LAWS 19. GAMBLING Z0. OFFENSES AGAINST 7HE FAMILY AMD CHI�DREN �l. DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE: ZZ. LIQUOR LAWS 23. ORUNKENNESS 24, DISORDERLY CONDUCT 25. VAGRANCY �6. ALL 07HER OFFENSES (EXCEP7 'iRAFFIC) TOTAL - PAR7 II CLASSES THIS YEAR TO DATE LA57 YEAR TO DATE PERCENT CHANGE TRAFFIC ARRESTS THIS MONTH PHYSICAL CUS70DY ARRESTS � CITATIONS ISSUED TOTAL TRAFFIC ARRESTS AND CII�ATIONS ARRESTS PERSUNS COURT DISPOSITIONS THIS MONTH . NCLUDE RELEASED NO FORMAL CHARGE) FOi:MALLY - I CHARGED ADULTSGUILTY � THIS ACQUI7TED REFERRED TO i OR JUVENILE i JUVENILES ADUL7S TOTAL TOTAL �F ENSE LESSER OTHERWISE COURT ! CHARGED OFFENSE DISMISSED JURISDICTICN; i 5 � 1G0 � 10� 1 211 105 17 .. 1 1 I 5 I� .' i•,°�. 1u-Z1-GS) ICONSOLIDATFD MON THLY REPORT TRAFFIC SUMMARY ' Police Deplrtment c�ty or FRInT�:�,Y Month of DOC���t»p , 19 �? ' TABLE l. ACCIDENT SUIP�MARY This Alonth This Year Last Year Year to Date . o�o Change This Year Last Year o�o Change � Accident Total 71 Fata1 EI +lb 55g 51,�, +� 0 � � PersonalInjury 5 —g0 , 29 27 +7 2/7 217 +13 ProPerty Damage � 32 �"3� 306 +c � Pedestrian 2�2 � � L. 10 _£.p ' TABLE 2. ENFOR CEMENT SUMPAARY This A�onth ' This Year Last Year Yeur to �ate 010 Change This Year Last Year % Change Traffic Total Rl 5� +5�. Hazardous Violations 1��� 1��� -F'1� ' 71 1�3 +65 905 Other Violations G12 'F�% � Parking ,r �0 —�0 2t� lE7 .}.2c} ' D� 7 2 + 12a ?_82 —55 4 +7� 27 27 Accident Anests and Citations ' ' TABLE 3. COPAPARATIVE SU�AMARY OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS This Alonth This Year Last Year Year to �ote ' o/o Change This Year Total Accidents Last Year % Change 71 bI +Ib Fatal Accidents 55d �I�,. {.g ' 0 2 I Persons Killed O 5 -.$� z 3 5 Injury Accidents —/a,� 29 27 +7 ' Persons Injured ��=7 217 -�-1 F9 52 Pedestrians Killed � +t3 4�9 3�L• +24 ' Pedestrians Injured � 1 Hit and Run Accidents Z� —Cd ' Cleared by Arrest � � } E3 53 +ZS Cleared - No Arrest � 5 �'L,Q Total Cleared 5 41 ' S 4� � ' 1 ' ' 1 u ' ' ' ' ' ' ' J 1 ' ' ' , �� TABLE 4. COMPARATIVE SUrA�iARY ACCIDENTS AND EtJFORCEMENT (By Hour of Day and Day of Week) Monday Tuesday 1'lednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Acci- and Acci- ancl Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- C andion Time dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest i2 M 1 1 �:o0 1 1 1 2:00 1 3:00 1 4:00 Z 5:00 s:oo 2 7:00 1 1 1 s: o0 9:00 10:00 1 1 ii:oo 1 1 1 12 N 1 2 1 1:00 1 1 2:00 � 1 � 1 2 3:00 Z 2 1 4:00 2 1 2 3 1 5:00 ? 2 � 1 s:oo 1 �: o0 2 1 2 �. 3 1 a:oo 1 1 9:00 Z 1 10:00 1 11:00 1 2 �dote: ."Citation an�� :�rrest" column should inciude QII traffic citations and arrests made durin� each hour period except parkin citations. g ' � ' LJ u � , ' C ' , ' ' ' ' � � ' � TA6LE 5. COP�IPAP.ATIVE SUh9MARY OF ENFORCEMENT (By Violation) This Month Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Lnst Year o o Change x�Z�aoUS v�otac�o��s Total 7g lY7 912 �33 +44 D«�t '7 � 27 27 Speeding L+7 2h ���i LF>'`i -4"L �j Reckless Driving �, Careless Drivin� � ]. !,/.�, 59 —2� 'I4�a£fic Signal 7 6E 3 '�' scop s�g�� 4 9 49 95 —49 Other Fegulatory Sign 4 1�� 5 + Improper Passing � Improper Turning • % �- 'h Right of Way - Vehicle % Right of Way - Pedestrian Following Too Closely ]_ No or Improper Signal 1 Improper Start from Parked Position Improper Backing Improper Lane Usage 3 l�i 1 'F Failure to Drive - Right 2 Defective Equipment 1 � Other Hazardous Violation 3 23 3 "�' Other Violations Total E 10 21E� 131� -t-El Parkino Violation Total � 7 2 129 2�2 —55 ' Decc�mber 19E:7 ' _ < . .._:, ?; _ " . ,- S� , s � .. .:_;`7 . . .> � : ' . . . . A '� . ' -` . ._._...�...-._... . ' . . .� �J i � 1 �• � � :' i ..:, � � ..�� . � —+. ....... '_ "' " e : :._ , . . .� .,...._ '- � W 2� � ._�470 � - _-__---_--____ _ 133.9 -- _. ._ ._. _ l�, y � Q — _.... � .__.. ! t 36. , 9 , � . _,._ : __ ___._ ' � S � 33 � .� ___�.�.�__ ._... . ,_... --__.� ......_._...__�_____ 5 �w . .,_. __... � 5�lf0 ; 59� .2 1 , _ .__._,_._.___ g. 9 . 3 { 2�+� � � .,__ _._.__ , _.. _ , .__. _._.. � �--�___ _ . { # ' W ._.w_ . _. 3� ..._._.._ � .__.._ 65°� '7�7. 0 � _ .g. �' _ __; — -- ? ._ ___-___.___. _�'.��:� _ _ _ . ' � __.�._ '� -., ._ s _____ _ ...____.. _.._�; ._ __._ .._._ __ .�.,,_ - --__..35.14..w _ �_ ___ �35. _ ..� � - � , �` 35 ` ` _ ..3. _ ; . � � ., ��_.._.�._.. �+� 1 � 66 � �. � � � ' ..__..,_ ,.___. _._ __._,.. , . 3 � v .._ 4 . 39 .__, ___.._._, i �T ,, ____-._ - ...___�._ _ _ . � ; ,-__..__. ._.�_,�._ : .1U5 6 ..� _._ � i � , , .,.-_._ `. .,..—. .. � . .....�. �... _.._. _ _._.� _� �____ _ `._._. _ _ 147 ' `_ 70£�. 3 �. 7 ' 270. !;4 ; ' - . .._.- -� _ __- -_:_ - •04� - _. .. _ w � ..--- ..,__ .. .. ._� - . P_ _-, -__-- _ -,----._____ ___±.__.�_______ _._.. , � , .,..:.ft.'_'�� �.l. _....�i af, t�...r:'. — . i 1 �. .. �: i � r• ..' ' Zi , �'�x�' D,r.. � . . _, �� �. �_ _ ... �..-..�.._..�,.. ' _�.....� . -...� � {.Y` .. � '_"�'�" . �._ . �!'._.. . .�.__ . _.....�.. � " _`.,-� ' , �-- ��.�_ �_._.. .�._ 37 3E,3 � ___ _ ,�,. . _ _.._ 9 .. f — .__.° '. _ .. _ .. _. r . ..° -. :;. ' , .. . _._,. __ =------___,_ 4._.__ 17 � 13E i _.,_ ..._._ _.____ ____..._. --_.. !. ;_ .... _ .._ .�: . __. ---�.__.__.---_ � __� t 2 ' 5 �,_._._.. _..___ . __._____; _� ._ _ . ___ __ _ �._...._ ,__..�._ , ... � , , . : 0 ; .._._ __..__.__.._ . _.._ 1