02/19/1968 - 5881' ' REGUI.,AR COTT3CIL I�i�ETING - FEBRUARY 19, 1968 - 8 p, jv�� � PI.��DGE OF ALI,�GIT�TCE : � INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: ; � i�IINUTES: Regular :iee��ing, February 5, 1968, Pa cs 1- q g 1_. Special Public Hearing I�eeting - ' February 13, 1968, Pages 2p - 2�. ADOPTIO�T OF AGENDA: � PUBLIC HEARJ_NGS: � None � � OT;D BUSINESS: � lo Second Reada.ng of Ordinance Amendin rd' g O inance No. 372 - Regulating and Licensing Food Estab- ' lishments and Food Vending I�2achznes and Providing a Penalty for Violations Thereof, Tabled 2-5-68, pages 28 - 34. ' 2. Change Order No. G-1, No. M-1, and No. E-�., for Fridl.ey Municipal Garage, Pages 35 - 39. ' NEirl BUSINESS - 3. Bui.7.ding Standards-Design Control Suhcommattee ' �2eeting Mznutes, February 14, 1968, Pages 40 & 41. 4. Street Light Requests - 1968 - Revised, � ' � � Pages 42 - 45. � 5. East River Road Safefiy Study, � 6. Civic Center Change Orders - No. G-4 and No. E-8, Pages 46 - 48. ' ?. Resolution Ordering Improvement, Final Plans and SpeciFications ior stree� Improvement Project ST. ' 19G8-1, Addendum #1, page 49. 8. Report of N.S.S.SoDo tiinutes of Nleeting of February ' 13, 1968 in I2egard to D�signware Connection, Page 50. 9, Claims, Page 51. ' 10. Licenses, Pa es 52 - 9 54. REGULA,I2 COUNCIL P�1�ETING - FEBRUARY 19, 1968 - 8 P.M. (Continued) 11. Estimates, Pa�}es 55 & 56 0 � 12. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special Assessments on E% of Lot 3, parcel 30, and Lot 4� , parce]. �0, Block l, City Va.ew Addition, Page 57. l3, Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special. Assessments on Lot 3, Parcel 4760, and Lot 4, parcel 47E0, B1ock 11, Hyde park Addition, Page 58� 14. Reso�ution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Spec�.al Assessm�nts on Parcels 7200, 7800, 8400, and 9000, S�ction 1.2, 15, Discussion o� Possibila,ty of a Day School in Fridley, 16. Communications, (a) Fridley Industrial Park Plat No. 2 17o Planning Conunission Nieeting IZinutes, February 8, 1968, VISITORS: ADJOUI�V ; Pages 59 & 60. Page 61. Pages 62 - 72v � � � � � � � � � � r � REGULAR COUNCIL ME�T�NG AGENDA COP�MMENTS - FEBRUARY 19, 1968 - 8 p. b2, OLD BUSINESS- l. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDSNANCE NO. 372 - REGULATING AND L7CENSSNG FOOD ESTABLTSHMENTS AND FOOD VENDING MACHINES �1ND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF, TABLED 2-5-68: A Copy of the ordinance is on Pages 28 through 30 for second reading. A copy of a letter to Mayor Kirkham frorn the League of Women Voters of Fridley with recam��ndations and suggestions pertaining to this ordinance is on Pages 31, and 32. A memo from the City Attorney contai.ning his recom;�nendations is on Pages 33 and 34. The City Attorney can advise you if you have any questions. 2. C_H,ANGE ORDER NO. G-1, NO. M--1, AND NO. E-1 FOR FRIDLEY MUNICIP�L GAR�GE: A copy or tY�.e change order (G-1) is on Page 35. A cost breakdown on this change order is on Page 36. A copy of the change order (M-l) is on Page 37, and a copy of change order (E-1) is on Page 38 and a cost breakdot�n on Page 39. These c'_nange orders were discussed and approved by the Council at their Febru�ry 13, 1968 meeting, subject to getting the report on financing the cost. These Change orders arz presented in the forr�l foxm for Council a��roval. The City Engineer and the Finance Director shoul� be avai].able to con�n:nt further on these. NEW BUS I� S S- 3. BUZLDING STANllARDS-DESIG�V CONTROL SUBCOMP�ITTEE MEETING MSNUTES, FEBRUAP.Y 14, 1968: These minutes are on Pages 40 and 41. In Item ';1 of the minutes whi.ch was continued to later in the meeting a motion was made to recommend issuance of a building permit for the addition and remodeZa.ng of the Service Station of Shell Oil w�th the two noted exceptions on Page 40. In Item �2, motion was made and second�d that a final certificate of occupancy be issued on the M& I Auto Store on Univers?.ty Avenue. In Item �3, consi.dera��.on o� adds.tion to car was'n at 7451 East River Road, was reje�ted accord�.ng to the two stipulations on Aage 410. In Item �.4, Contznued discussion on Truss Roof system use, the corcli�n�,ttee asl�;ed Jan Gasterland of the City Inspection Departmen� to check in-L-o Council action on 2nd re�ding of the adopta.on of UBC as pertaining to roo� trusses. This concludes action of this committee. � �. STREET LIGHT REQUESTS you will �iz�d a memo � and t�ao maps showing - 1968 -- F.EVISED; On Pages 42 through 45 from the City Enyineer, a report from NSP, locations. � ... ' ' r C� ' ' ' i2EGU1,AR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA COI�ZMENTS �- FEBItUA.RY 19, 1968 - 8 p.M, 5. E�ST RNER ROA.D SAFETY STUllY: The Council received maps pertaining - to this item on February 5th, would you please bring these maps along with you to this meeting for discussion? The City Engineer wi11 be able to answer any questions you might have. 6o CIVIG CENTER CHANGE ORDERS - NO. G-4 AND NO. E-8:, Change Order G-4 is al]. the credits the City has coming from d9.fferent items. provided in the contract amounting to $1,661.79 as detaa.led on Pages 47 and 48. The�Change order is on Page 46. We have n:ot received any informa-�ion on Change Order �-8 £rom the architect. If we receive the information by Monday, it will be presented to the Council. The Czty Engineer will advise. ' 7. RESOLUTION ORDERTNG IMPROVEP�LNT, FxNAL PLANS AND SPECIFICAT`IONS FOR STREET TMPROVEt�•�NT PROJECT ST. 1968-1, ADDENDUM #l: The - hearing for 72nd Avenue Street imp�ovem�nt was held on Februa�y ' 13, 1968. If the Council wishes to order this im�rovement, a� resolution is available on Page 49. ' 8. REPORl OF N.S.S.S.D. M;CNUTES OF MEETING OF FEBRUA�2Y 13, 1968 IN REGAItD TO DESIGIQGVARE CONNN�CTION: An excerpt of the minutes pera taining to Designware connection is on Page 50. ' , ' � ' ' ' � 9. CT�ASrPis: The claim numbers are on Page 5].. Uetail of the cZaims is included wifh the agenda in the envelope. 10. LTCENSES: The contractor's licenses are on Page 52. On Page 53 is a list of other licenses and an page 54 is a letter from r�ir. Bonnett, owner of C1ub 47, who is applying tor licenses for his clu.b. 11. ESTIMATES; A la.st of the estimates is on Page 55. On Page 5 6 is a copy of the es�imate for the General Contractor for the- Civa.c Cente�. The City EnginPer can ansc•rer questions pert�ini.ng to this esti.mate i� you wish. 12. RESOLUTION AU7.'HO?'.IZING AI�jD DIRECTING 1^HE COi�'IBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSNI�N1^S ON E 2 OF L� 3, PARCEL 30, AND LOT 4, PARCEL 40, BLOCIC 1, CITY VIE6�T ADDI�i'zON: The resolut�on is on Page 57 and is a routine resolution, and can be passed and adopte:d ii the Council so wishes. 1.3 o RESOLU-TION AUTHORTZIrTG ANU DTRECTING THE COI�t`tiINING OF SPECIAL ASS,t;SSP�I��TTS ON LOT 3, PA�CEL 4760, ANU LOT 4, PARCEL 4780, � BLOCK 1l. HYDE P�'.K �DDITZOi�?: The resolution is on Page 58 and is also a routi,ne resolution. � � � � I I, � � [I ' � � � � � � RFGUI�A.P. COUNCTL I�LEETING AGENDA CO1tiT�Ji<�NTS - FEBPUARY 19, 1968 - 8 p�M� (Continued) � 14. RESOLUTION AUTHOR�Z�NG AND DIRECTING THE COMBINTNG OF SPECIAL ASSESSMET.3TS Oi�1 PARCELS 7200, 7800, 8400, A,�TD 9000, SECTION 12: The resoluta.on is on Pages 59 and 60 and is a routine resolution simila.r to those in Items #�12 and #�13. 15. DISCUSSION OF POSSIBTLTTY OF A DAY SCHOOL IN FRIDLEY; Councilman Sheridan asked that �his be placed on the agenda for discussion. 16. COl�?MUNICATIONS : (a) Fridley �ndustrial Park Plat No. 2: The letter on Page 61 is selr-explanatory. The Council wa.l1 have to re- approve the plat, They can set up a new hearing date for its`consideration. 17, PLANNTNG COIU�iISSTON P�IEETING MINUTES, FEBRUARY 8, 1968: The minutes. are on Pages 62 through 72. In Item �l, Public Hearing on Rezoning Request �OA �;�68-01, Eldon Schmedeke, the Commission tabled action and then took up the item later in the meeting and made a motion to continue this rezoning and probably hiring consultants to study� the prob].em and wait ior �urther action until after study is com- pleted, and it the Council does not approve, the Commission will take action on February 29, 1968 or March 14, 1968. Passed unani- mousl.y. In Item �2, pages 67 and 68, the Commission recomznended, to the Council that a special zoning study of Hyde Park Addition as outlined by B, B. Chapman of Nason, �•Tehrman, Knight and Chapman, Inc in thea,r letter of February &, 1968 be adopted in order to give. pro�essional help to the�Pl�nning Commission in the matter of re- solving this rezoning problem in this area. In Item #3, this ite,m ��as con�inued from the January 25th meeting, and the action was tabled until February 29th meeting on the Rice Creek Road/Central Avenue Plan. Item =�4, Page 71., this item was continued to Feb�uary 29�ch mee`ing regarding the intersecti.on pattern; Mississipni Street and Eas-t River Ro�d. In Item �TS, Da.scussion with University Ex-� tension Sexva.ce, prog-ram metropolitan area deve'7prnent meeting, this also will be on the ayenda for the rebruary 2gth meeting. Item ;;:b, pxoposed Zoning Code, the date oi E'ebruary 22, 196a at 7: �0 P. r7, was set for a meeting at the Suburban Engineering, Tnc. for the purpose of studying the proposecl zoning c::�c:e and sub-- mit-i�zng their sugges�ions to the City Attorney ior his corrections and coz�clusions. This concludes the Planning Commission P•Zeeting minu�es. > ' �� ' ' ' � � � �J 1 � ' Ll ' � � ' � � J � THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY S, 1968 The Regular Council Meeting of February 5, 1968 was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8;17 P.M. OPENING CEREMONY: �1+2ayor Kirkham asked everyone to stand and join in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Reverend J. H. Bergren from Redeemer Lutheran Church, representing the Ministerial Association, gave the Invocation. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan MEMBERS ABSENT: None ` APPROVAL OF MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 15 1968: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of January 15, 1968 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: There were no deletions from the agenda. The Council added the following items to the agenda. Item 36, "JAYCEES HELPING HAND PROGRAM"; item 37, "SPECIFICATIONS FOR BIDS ON GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM"; item 38, "701 PROGRArI"; item 39, "RICE CREEK STORM SEWER"; item 40, "REPRODUCING EQUIPMENT FOR CITY HALL". MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Liebl, Upon a voice vot2, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carrie3 unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINAI�?CE AMENDING ORDINANCE N�, 372 OF THE CITY CODE REGULATING AND LICENSING FOOD ESTABLIS HI�IENTS AND FOOD VENDING MACHINES AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF: Mayor Kirkham said that he had just received a letter from the League of Women Voters regarding some ideas on this ordinance that they would like to have the Council consider. He said he thought the Council would like to have time to look these suggestions over, before they pass on the ordinance for the second reading. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to table consideration of the second reading of this ordinance to the next regular Council Meeting of February 19, 1968 to review the League of tdomen �oter's suggestions. Seconded by Councilman Harris. � Upon a voice voce, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion _� carried unanimously. ' REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1968 PAGE 2 r �' ' ' ' �J ' � � I� ' � �J ' ' ' � ORDINANCE N0. 382 AMENDING SECTION 56 08 (SUBDIVISI.ON N0. 1) GOVERNING REGULE�TIONS ON THE ERECTION OF SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Ordinance �k382, waiving the second reading, and publish. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. USE OF M.S.A. FUNDS FOR ST. 1968-2; Mayor Kirkham said that he would recommend that the Council concur with the MSA fund utilization program as recommended by the City Manager, City Engineer and Finance Director after their discussion. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the use of MSA Funds for ST. 1968-2 as presented to the Council and as outlined by the City Engineer. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Councilman Samuelson asked whether there could be any problem using this formt�la over a long period of time. The Finance Director said that no problem would arise if action is taken to redesignate new mileage streets before the engineer sends in the next request. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kir'�cham declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer said that when the final plans are prepared, this can be explained ag�:i.n to clarify it further. RESOLUTION ��15-1968 RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS - WATER SANITARY SEWER, AND STORM SEWER PROJECT NO 88 ADDENDUM 4�2• The C.ity Engineer said that this report had been presented to the Council at the last meeting, and a Council decision was needed on whether to hold the hearing on the larger area in Plan A or on just the area to be served immediately as in Plan B. He showed the Council a map of the area, and said he would recommend that the Council hold the hearing on the larger area to find out the people's response to it, and if they do not want i�, the smaller area can be done. Councilman Harris said he would agree they should hold the hearing on the larger area, as this whole area will be approaching a larger growth and the utilities will be needed at that time. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution ��15-1968, holding the March 11, 1968 public liearing on Plan A which is the larger area. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Councilman Liebl asked about the difference in price in the two areas. The Consulting Engineer said that the main difference was in the sizing of the submain. He said the large area would have a larger main, and doing the Onaway Addition (plus abutting property) only would require a smaller main. He said that $7,000 was the difference estimated between Plan A and Plan B, The vote upon the motion was a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' R�GULAR COUNCIL �1�ETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1968 PAGE 3 , , ' , BIDS - TWO POLICE CARS (OPEN�D NOON, FEBRUARY S, 1968) The City Manager read the reconunendation of the Chief of Police recommending that the Council accept the bid from Central Plotor Sales, Inc. for two Plymouth Fury police cars at the net price of $2,796. Councilman Harris asked if this price included a trade-in. The City Manager said it included trading in two cars. Following are the bids received; NAME PROPOSAL �F'1 Central Motor Sales, Inc. Plymouth Fury , �2007 Central Avenue N.E. $5,196.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota ' Coon Rapids Motors, Inc. Plymouth Fury 3107 Coon Rapids Blvd. ,55,149.56 Coon Rapids, Minn. , LJ � ' ' ' ' ' 'J River Motors of Anoka,Inc. Dodge Polara 650 E. Main Street $5,650.00 Anoka, Minnesota,55303 Fairview Plymouth, Inc. 1800 University Ave, St. Paul, Minn., 55104 Southview Chevrolet Co. 303 No. Concord So. St. Paul, Minn. Stephens Buick Company 2370 Highway 100 S. Minneapolis, Minn.55416 Market Ford Sales, Inc. 725 W. Broadway Minneapolis, Minn. Plymouth PK41 $5,134.26 PROPOSAL ��2 (WITH TRADE IN) .$2,796.00 $3,191.56 $3,680.00 $3,684.26 Chevrolet, Bel Air $5,696.00 $3,726.00 Buick Wildcat $5,503.90 Ford Custom $5,450.00 $3,853.90 $3,950.00 DELIVERY DATE 40-60 days 60 days 60 days 40 - 60 days 30 - 60 days 45 days 30 - 45 days MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the City Manager and Chief McCarthy and award the bid to Central Motor Sales, Inc., 2007 Central Avenue Northeast for two Plymouth Fury police cars at the net price of $2,796.00. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. BIDS - ONE TON DUMP TRUCK WITH PLOW OPENED NOON FEBRUARY 5 1968 ; The City Manager stated that the Superintendent of Public Works and the ' Recreation Director recommended the Council accept the bid of the Minar Company for a Ford F350 at $3,935. He said that although this bid was $39 more than the lowest bid received, it included power steering, more horsepower, and a quicker delivery date. Councilman Liebl said that this would be a ' substantial saving over the last bid which the Council had turned down. Council- man Harris said that this was about a$700 saving over the previous bid. � ' ' ' , , ' ' ' , ' ' , � �� , ' ' ' REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1968 FOLLOWING ARE THE BIDS RECEIVED: BIDDER Edison G.M.C. 7501 Highway ��65 N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Main Motor Sales 222 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota Market Ford Sales, Inc. 725 West Broadway Minneapolis, Minnesota ' The Minar Company 1708 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Southview Chevrolet '� 303 No . Conc ord So. St, paul, Minnesota CASH PRICE G.M.C. CM3600 $4,682.00 Chev. CE31003 $3,986.00 Ford F350 $3,896.00 . Ford F350 $3,935.00 Chev.CS31009 $4,288.00 DELIVERY DATE 30 Days 60 Days 30-45 Days 30 Days 30-60 Days MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to award the bid for a one-ton dump truck to � the Minar Company, for a Ford F350, at $3,935.00; to include power steering, more horsepower (150 compared to 139) and quicker delivery date than the lowest bid. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. PAGE y BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONZ'ROL SUBCONINIITTEE MEETTNG MINUTES JANUARY 16 1968: 1. CONSIDERATION OF MURPHy OIL STATION AT EAST RIVER ROAD AND MISSISSIPPI ST: The City Engineer explained that this property was on the southeast corner of Mississippi Street and East River Rnad, and showed the Council a plan of the property being purchased. He said that the City has been working with the Murphy Oi1 Corporation considerin.g the future plans for the intersection. He said they are willing to dedicate an area to the City for a right-of-way for the future improvement of the Mississippi Street and East River Road intersection. He said that in discussions that have been held, Murphy Oil Corporation has been advised that it may be advisr�bi.e for them to acquire property on the south side of their property because of limited space for parking. Mr. H. J. Lundberg, real estate representative for Murphy Oil Corporation, said they had done nothing on this, as they were waiting to see what develops and what square footage will remain. The City Engineer said that the Murphy Oil Company wants to set up a station so double access can be provided, which will not leave enou;;h paxking spaces under the code. Mr. Lundberg said that they will have about 8 parking spaces, and the zoning only goes to the back portion of their property. Councilman Harris said that the Council could take into consideration that the land dedication is in lieu of parking, and the company can .�cquire more land if they find more parking space is needed to run their business effectively. ' ' r , , � , I�I J � r � � N REGULAR COUNCIL ML'ETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1968 Councilman Liebl asked the representative if he had been present at the Sub- committee's meeting and had agreed with the fence, and rear wall being painted. Mr, Lundberg said he had been present at the meeting and there would be no problem with any of the stipulations. Councilman Samuelson read stipulation "G" which stated that the Certificate of Occupancy was to be subject to the approval of a landscaping plan, and said that this should be changed, so that the landscaping plan is made a part of the building permit and the Certificate of Occupancy be subject to the completion of the landscaping. The Council agreed with this, as did Mr. Lundberg. PAGE 5 Mr, Lundberg drew the Council's attention to stipulation "B" which required that the proposed building be set to allow the 25 foot setback from the property line, and said that they would require a variance from this requirement, as they will only be 15 feet from the property line. Councilman Harris said that the company has worked with the Council and he did not feel they should be asked to limit the size of their building. Councilman Samuelson said that there were residents on the east and south and he asked if they were in accord. Councilman Liebl said that the company has agreed to screening. There was a discussion about whether the residents next to the station would prefer an 8 foot fence at the corner in lieu of the 6 foot fence. Mr. Lundberg said that they would agree with this if the people preferred it. The Council agreed to change stipulation "B" in the Subcommittee Minutes to require a 15 foot setback rather than a 25 foot setback as stated, and requested that the Administration ask the neighboring property owners which size fence they preferred. � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to change provision "B" to require a 15 foot set- back from the property lines; to change provision "G" to require that the landscaping plan become part of the Building Permit, and the Certificate of Occupancy be subject to the completion of the landscaping; to request the Administration ask the neighboring property owners which size fence they prefer; and to concur with the Building Standards-Design Control minutes and approve the Murphy Oil Station plans subject to the provisions listed in their minutes as revised. Seconded by Councilrnan Sheridan for discussion. Councilman Sheridan said that parking requirements based on the size of the building would make the Murphy Oil Station pay a penalty having a large interior storage. He said the purpose is to get the activity inside rather than to add more parking spaces, and suggested they be granted a waiver if the ordinance ca11s for more parking spaces. Councilman Samuelson agreed and said he would like to see a waiver of the ordinance and allow no outside parking at service stations. The VOTE upon the motion approving the plans was a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by•Councilman Sheridan to w�ive the C-2 zoning requirement for parking (which is approximately 20 cars) to a minimum of 8 parking spaces in con- , sideration for the land dedication by the Murphy Oil Corporation on the corner of Mississippi Street and East River Road for a right-turn lane to alleviate traffic congestion. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice ' vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously r �.. � :_�.� � REGULAR COUNCIL r1EETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1968 PAGE 6 � � ' r � � ' The City Engineer asked the City Attorney if the Council could waive the requirements as variances go to the Board of Appeals for a public hearing. The City Attorney said the Council can grant a waiver. The City Engineer said that the City is putting in sidewallcs up to 2nd Street and the Murphy Oil Corporation is willing to put in sidewalks around their service station. He asked if the City was going to acquire the right- of-way f-�•om the company up to the sidewalks, or will the sidewalks be on the right-of-tioay. He said that, for example, Target's sidewalks �7ere on their own property and they had constructed them, and the City owns the sidewalks on Mississippi Street. Mayor Kirkham felt the sidewalks should be on the right-of-way so that the City will control the sidewalks. The City Engineer said they would work under the premise that the City will acquire the right-of-way up to.the station's pr9posed curb line, and - Murphy Oil Corporation will install the sidewalk, but it will be on City property. Councilman Samuelson pointed out that the company will save the administration and engineering costs if they install the sidewalks themselves. PROCLAMATION - PROCLAIMING HELPING HAND DAY FEBRUARY 19 1968: Mr. Charles Hall from the Jaycees sa.id he was sure evezyone was aware of the efforts of the Jaycees and School Boai-d in inaugurating the Helping Hand praject, and he asked that Monday, February 19, 1968 be designated by the Mayor as $elping Hand Day in Fridley. Mayor Kirkham read the proclamation, and the reporter took pictures for the newspaper. THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING JANUARY 24 1968: 1. A RE UEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA 1963, , REVISED.DECErfBER 31, 1965, BY WAIVER OF FRONT YARD SETBACK RE UIREMENT FROM 100 FEET T0.35 FEET SECTION 43.362, TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE EXISTING BUILDING ON PART OF LOT 8 PARCEL 1300 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION � N0. 39 ANOKA COUNTY MCNNESOTA SANIE BEING 80 - 44TH AVENUE NORTHEAS'!' FRIDI.EY, MINNESOTA. (REqUEST BY MID-CONTINENT ENGINEERING2 80 - 44TH AVENUE NORTHEAST, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA)• ' L � , ;__1 The City Attorney said that in discussions he has had with the Planning Commission on amending the present code, the Planning Commission feels a 100 foot setback, especially with land as expensive as it is in Fridley, seems excessive. Councilman Harris told of a prospective company that wanted to buy 2 acres, but with setbacks and fire lane, �hey would be able to use only one acre of the two they wanted to p�t:rch.se. Councilman Liebl said that when the ordinance was made up the residents wanted this space as a buffer zone, and the homeo�aners should be considered also. The City Attorney said that this is something the Council may want to reconsider. Mayor Kirkham said this pointed up the need of a planner to keep abreast of these situations. The City Engineer showed the plans oT the Mid-Continen.� Engineering addition, ' and said that because of the lay of the land, it will be half buried from sight, and some nice trees will be saved with the re t d ques e setback. ' � , u � � , ' � REGULAR COUNCIL NI�ETING, FEBRUARY S, 1968 MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the reconunendation of the Board of Appeals and grant the requested 10 foot variance. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. 2. RECIPROCITY AGREEMENTS: PAGE 7 Councilman Samuelson noted the discussion regarding reciprocity agreements in the Board Minutes, and said he thought this was a good suggestion, and that it would be nice if something were worked out similar to what the City has with Standard Oil in their request. THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING JANUARY 31, 1968: l. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 45 24 OF THE CITY CODE OF FRTDLEY, MINNESOTA 1963 REVISED DECEMBER 1964 BY WAIVER OF CORNER LOT SETBACK REQUIRE- MENT FROM 35 FEET TO 29 FEET ON SOUTH SIDE TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A ONE- FAMILY DWELLING ON LOT 11 BLOCK 4 MELODY MANOR 15T ADDITION ANOKA COUNTY MI_NNESOTA, SAME BEING 399 (73RD AVENUE NORTHEAST, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA (NORTH WEST CORNER OF LYRIC LANE AND 73RD AVENUE) (REQUEST BY CLEMRON, INC , 4915 CENTRAL AVENUE NORTHEAST, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA)• MOTION by Councilman Harris, who said that he had viewed this situation, to � concur with the Board of Appeals and grant the requested variance. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor �irkham declared the motion carried unanimously. , ' �7 ��! PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 25 1968: 1. LOT SPLIT REQUEST - L S 68-01, RODNEY BILIMAN, INC LOT 29, BLOCK 1, INNSBRUCK 5TH ADDITION: , The City Engineer explained that two adjoining property owners want to split a lot to expand their yar_ds. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant this lot split. Seconded by Councilman Harris for discussion. � Councilman Harris asked how the assessments will be paid after this lot is split. The City Engineer explained that the assessments against the lot will be split proportionately to the footage each property owner acquires. ' The VOTE upon the motion was a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the remainder of the Planning Commission Minutes of January 25, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. O ' > PARI:S AND KECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, JANUARY 22, 1968: Councilman Harris no�:ed that on Page 3 of their minutes, they request a meeting with the City Council to discuss future park development. � _.s ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1968 , � PAGE 8 MOTION by Councilman Iiarris to receive the Park and Recreation Commission Minutes and request the Administration to set up a meeting between the Conunission and the Council. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' FRIDLEY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 4, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the minutes of the Fridley ' Industrial De�lopment Commission. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' AGREEMENT RELATING TO PAYING AGENCY: The Finance Director explained that there is no change in the service charges , for paying coupons and bonds, which are standard rates, but from now on there will be an agreement to sign with the paying agent. ' ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the agreement with the paying agent, the First National Bank of St, paul. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONNECTION OF PRIVATE HOME TO EMERGENCY REPGRTING SYSTEM: � MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the,recommendation of the Fire Prevention Chief and allow Mr. Kuny, 1509 Windemere Drive Northeast, to connect a burglary alarm protection system from his home to the board on ' the City Emergency Reporting System, upon the execution of a supplementary agreement providing that Mr. Kuny will relinquish his connection upon 10 days notice if the space is required for commercial or industrial_use. ' Councilman Liebl said that there should be some kind of priority list as there are a limited number of connections, and one could not be installed in every heMe. Chief Aldrich said he�did not feel there would be many requests � as it would cost approximately $138 a year plus the cost of the alarm system. Councilman Liebl asked how many connections were left presently. Chief Aldrich said about 50. ' The MOTION was seconded by Councilman Sherivan. Mayor Kirkham said that he was not opposed to the supplementary agreement, ' but he did not feel that the City should require the home to give up its connecti�n, because he felt that if an owner wants protection, he should get it whet��er it is a home or business. � ' � , Chief Aldrich said that this has been brought before the Council because-all previous discussion has related to business, commercial or industrial, and this seems to be a deviation from the original intent. Mayor Kirkham said that only businesses have probably been discussed, because no one thought about someone coming in and requesting protection for their home. Councilman Samuelson asked if there were any provisions for a charge for connecting to the board. Chief Aldrich said that the property owner will pay a line charge billed by the Telephone Company, but there is no board charge. ' ' , R�GULAR COUNCIL MGETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1968 The VOTE upon the motion was a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF MILEAGE ALLOWANCE: , Mayor Kirkham asked if the budget will permit this mileage raise. The ;' City Manager said that in discussions that have been held, they felt they could go l� more in mileage. Mayor Kirkham said he was in favor of it, if it is in the budget. r ' ' � ' � , ' , � � ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to raise the mileage allowance to 10�. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF RELl��.�` FROM GSA AGREEMENT ON RENTAL OF SPACE IN THE OLD CITY HALL FOR NAVY REC:,_I:L�R EFFECTIVE JANUARY l, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to approve the release from the GSA agreement on space rental in the old City Hall for the Navy recruiter. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. It was pointed out that the new recruiting station will be in the Moon Plaza Shopping Center. RESOLUTION ��16-1968 - REGARDING MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: There was a discussion at the Council table about the purpose of passing this resolution. It was pointed out that this will announce to industry that the City is ready to act on the Municipal Industrial Devdopment Act as enac.ted by the Legislature, if the Company looks promising. The legis- lation allows industry to borrow money at municipal rates to acquire land, and to issue bonds to finance. The City would sign a lease with the property owner for the same length of time as the bonds. A visitor to the Council Meeting asked if the City would be held liable if the company went bankrupt. Councilman Harris said that the Business Development Department would expect the City to expend whatever efforts they could to find another � industry to come in, but the City would not be liable. The City Attorney said that this idea is expanding very rapidly, and cities are in competition with other cities. Councilman Harris said that before the Business Development Department would send a client to the City, they would have to pass this resolution showing their intent. MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution ��16-1968. Seconded by Counci.lman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF B& E PATROL AGREEMENT; PAGE 9 ' The Ci.ty Manager said .that B& E Patrol has an extension type contract with -� the City, and it is up for continuance, or for the advertisement of new bids � again. Councilman Samuelson said he had many misgivings about whether B& E ` Patrol is doing the business as they should, as he has been getting complaints �4� , in his Ward. Councilman Harris said he thought it had been agreed that a� ' `'1 � .� ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY S, 1968 ' contract of this type was to be put out for bids, and said that maybe the requirements could be stiffened,although he ha� had less calls this year. � Councilman Sheridan said he would like to see it readvertised. Mayor , Kirkham said that, by the number of compl_�ints, he thought service had improved, but he had no objection to going out for bids. The City Manager suggested that as long as it is a continuing contract, it be continued until the Council has an opportunity to look over the contract, and at ' the next meeting a letting date could be set up. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to authorize the Administration to ext�nd , the present contract with B& E Patrol until a letting date has been set. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. �� L�I ' C LJ ' LJ , � � ' ' �! i � RECEIVE LIQUOR STUDY FROM HORWATH AND HORWATHz AND APPOINT MAYOR'S EVALUATION COMNIITTEE : Mayor Kirkham said that the Council is in receipt of copies of the study, but they have not had a chance to review it with the representative of Horwath and Horwath, Mr. Anthon� Pikul. Councilman Liebl asked how many copies of the report had been recieved. Each Council member said they had one, the City Manager had one, and the City Attorney had one. Mayor Kirkham said that he wanted to appoint a Committee to studq the report, but they will�have to wait until there are more copies of the report to study. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the Liquor Study from Horwath and Horwath, and request the Administration hold the copies of the report in abeyance so that no figures contained in the report will be projected as factual information, until it has been reviewed by the City Council with Horwath and Horwath. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Harris that Mr. Pikul, from Horwath and Horwath, be contactedto meet with the Council,'Monday, February 12th at 7:00 P.M. Seconded by Counci:lman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Kirkham said that he w.ould name an evaluation committee to review the study. He said he would read the names of the men he would like to have serve and a�k each of the Councilmen to name a person. He said the committee will have no power, but will be a group of citizens from various professions and businesses asked to evaluate the report. Mayor Kirkham named as Chairman, Charles L. Langer, 525-67th Avenue North- east, accountant and attorney, and as members, Reverend Norman Eitrheim, 482 Rice Creek Terrace, St. Phillips Church; Reverend Gilbert Anderson, 232 Satellite Lane, Covenant Church; Judge Elmer Johnson, 6490 Riverview Terrace, Professor of Sociology at the University of Minnesota; Mr. Robert P. Minder, 550 Rice Creek Boul�var.d, local.:businesS.mait;:Mr.'.Wilbur Whitmore,. 440 Rice CLe�k.Texraca,'on'the Pol.ice Civil�Ser.vice Commission and former Chairman of the Fridley Tax Study Group. PAGE 10 ' , ' ' ' �I , REGULAR C�i1NCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1968 Councilman Harris appointed Mr. Richard Donlin, 477 Rice Creek Terrace, an insurance man; Councilman Samuelson appointed Mrs. Richard Osman, 6716 Northeast 7th Si:reet, housewife; Councilman Sheridan appointed Mr. Arne Takkunen, 6420 Baker Avenue Northeast, accountant in private industry; Councilman Liebl appointed Mr. 0. M. Bjerkesett, 100 - 632 Way Northeast, private insurance agent. Mayor Kirkham said that in ex-officio capacity he would appoint City Attorney Herrick to act as legal advisor if necessary. Mayor Kirkham said that the committee should meet as often as necessary, but as most of it will be study on their own, a couple of ineetings should be enough. He said that he would set a time (something like two weeks) to have a report back after the additional copies of the study are available. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the l0 member Evaluation � Corunittee as appointed by the Mayor and Councilmen. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. . ' _CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF COUNCIL AWARD PRJGRAM: Mayor Kirkham said that each member of the Council has a copy of the City � Manager's proposed award program. He said he thought it was a good idea and he would like to see it in effect as soon as posssible. Councilman Samuelson and Councilman Sheridan said they concurred with the Mayor. ' Councilman Liebl explained to the public that the City Manager has drawn up three different types of awards to be given at the pleast;re of the Council. , ' ' ' ' � , , ' MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur with the recommendation of the City Manager and approve the Council Award Program. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF NEW WEED CONTROL POLICY: Councilman Liebl said he could happily the City Manager on a new weed control problems for the Councilmen during the the City Attorney if he concurred with said he did. concur with the policy, as this summer and fall the policy, and recommendation of is one of the biggest months. He asked the City Attorney MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the recommendation of the City Manage.r and adopt the new weed control policy as presented to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF AMERICAN OIL SERVICE STATION REQUEST• The Council had received a communication from the Village of Spring Lake Park approving Fridley's request in respect to the proposed right-of-way aecess at the corner;�hicti American Oil Company owns. Councilman�Sherivan said that it was fine to get this kind of cooperation, but with the objections of the people in the area, he could not see granting a Special Use Permit for the use of this property for a service station. Councilman Samuelson said that this was his feeling also. Councilman Liebl concurred. Mayor Kirkham said that it appeared the whole Gouncil concurred in not wanting to grant a permit for a service stati_or�. PAGE 11 � i .� _,� .:�1 � REGULAR COUNCIL MGETING, FEBRUAI:Y S, 1968 PAGE 12 ' ' r � , � �_I r ' , , � ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication from the Village of Spring Lalce Park, dated January 19, 1968. Seconded by Council- man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer pointed out that tlie req.uest for a Special Use Permit has been denied previously by the Board of Appeals, but when it came before the Council the understanding was given to American Oil Company that there would be another presentation before the Council. He said that they did have a right to appeal to the Council, and he could inform them that if they wish a hearing, they must make a formal appeal. Mayor Kirkham said that the Council had indicated that they must ask for another hearing, but if they were expecting to hear from the City, the City Engineer could inform them. POLICY FOR ORGANIZATIONS TO REVIEW LIQUOR STUD�• Mayor Kirkham said he had received a communication from the President of the Chamber of Commerce offering their services for study and anaylsis of the liquor report. He said that the League of Women Voters have also asked for an opportunity to study the report. He said he would like to thank them for the offer and he thought the Council should avail themselves of their services. MOTIODI by Councilman Harris to receive the communication from the President of the Chamber of Commerce. He said he agreed that these organizations should be given an opportunity to review the study. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Samuelson suggested that a policy be established that the report will only be issued upon written request. The Council agreed that the study should be avaiiable to read, but the cost would be prohibitiv� to give them out, so they should be read in City Hall. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to make it a policy that the liquor study report be read in City Hall or by written request to the Administration. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS• MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to remove Claim ��14160 from the list and approve for payment General Claims ��14018 through ��14159. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared *he motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Samue7son to approve for payment Liquor Claims ��1870 ' through ;�1905. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. , , ' L'ICENSES• Mayor Kirkham said that there was a General Contractor's license to be added to the list of licenses; Robyn Lemancik, 8470 Eastwood Drive, Moundsview, Minnesota. • MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the following General Contractor and Heating Licenses; • ' � ' ' ' ' ' � � ' � � �_i , � I ' I ' I ' , ' REGULAR COUNCIL NIEETING, F�BRUARY 5, 1968 G�NERAL CONTRACTOR: Robyn Lemancik 8470 Eastwood Drive Moundsview, Minnesota Berglund-Johnson P.O. Box D Excelsior, Minnesota Alden Corpoxation 419 South 6th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Schuler Construction Co. 3653 Bellaire Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota BY: Robyn Lemancik By: Arthur Johnson By: James H. Dols By: Robert Schuler PAGE 13 .� NEW 1 ._�i . NEW NEW NEW HEAT ING R. W. Doyle Heating Co. By; Richard Doyle RENEWAL 3418 31st Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Midwest Sheet Metal Works By; Mike J. Elnicky RENEWAL 340 Taft Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota . The motion was seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Harris to strike from the list the request by Walter Hronoski for a Cafe License, Cigarette License, On Sale License, Public Drinking Place License, and Tavern License for Walt's Rainbow Club, and approve the following Cafe and ,Cigarette Licenses: CAFE Irv's Billard Center By; Irving Weinberg NEW Approved by 6237 Uni�ersity Ave. N.E. Health Inspector Fridley, Minnesota CIGARETfiF Irv's Billard Center By; Irving Weinberg NEW Approved by 6237 University Ave. N.E. Police Department Fridley, Minnesota The motion was seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REQUESTED SIGN PERrTIT: MOTION by Councilman Harris to grant a sign permit to the Chamber of Commerce for a sign in front of their new office, and waive the fee. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voi.ce vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � � , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETT.NG� FEBRUI�'�Y S� 1968 PAGE lCE � L� � � , � r � ' I � ' � ' � , CONSID�RATION OF LICFNSE REFUND - PAUL J. RAKOS: The Council concurred with the recommendation of the Finance Director that the license fee should be refunded to Mr. Rakos as he had no benefit of the licenses as his business never opened, but a portion of the fee should be withheld to pay for the time spent on checking out the license. The City Attorney was asked for his opinion. He said that all of it could be returned, none of it, or an administrative fee could be withheld. This would be a council decision. The Council discussed the amount.of money that should be held back for administrative charges before the license fee's are refunded. The Council agreed that a$25 retention would help pay for the time spent by the Police Department and Administration in checking out the license. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the recommendation of the Finance Director and refund the license fees to Paul J. Rakos except for the $25 administrative charge. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES; MOTION by Councilman Harris to pay the following estimates: Dunkley Surfacing Company 3756 Grand Street Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Estimate No. 5- Street Improvement Project ST. 1967-1 (Rainbow Drive, 61st to Comet, 63rd - University Service Road to 5th Street, Arthur - Mississippi Street to north property line of Rice Creek School, Hugo Street , East River Road to east end of street, and Civic Center Parking Lot). Estimate No. 4- Street Improvement Project ST. 1967-2 (61st Avenu�� - Main to University Avenue, Baker Street - 73rd to Osborne). CHf1NGE ORDER N0. E-8 - CIVIC CENTER; $ 8,302.55 $20,532.87 The City Engineer explained that this change order was in regards to lighting over the center counter area in the Civic Center. He said that they had run into a problem hanging the lights because of the duct work. There was a discussion about this being another error on the part of the architect, and the possibility of putting in surface models similar to the recessed models planned. The Council had felt that the original model had been too expensive and had asked for a modification, and if there is duct work in the way of sufficient lighting, it seemed to be the architect's fault and he should solve the pioblem. ' REGULAR COtNCIL MC�TING, F�BRUARY 5, 1968 PAGE 15 � � � ' � r L�J �, MOTION by Councilman Harris to return this change order to the Administration for further discussion with the architect. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirk ham declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS • MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur with the recommendation of the City Manager and approve the following appointments; NAME Diane I. Allen 1746 Pinewood Drive New Brighton, Minn. Robert Aldrich Edward Ellis POSITION SALARY REPLACES Planning Commission & Building Inspection Department $324.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT New Position Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau Assistant•"i,hief of the Fire Prevention Bureau The Motion was seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirk ham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ��17-196$ AMENDING THE PREVIOUS RESOLUTION ��207-1967 OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF FRIDLEY, ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIOTdS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF• ST 1968-1 AND ST 1968-2 (MSAS)• AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH SUBURBAN ENGIiVEERING• � The Cit,y Engineer pointed out that the name of the Consulting Engineer is to be filled in in the resolution. Councilman Sheridan asked if Suburban Engineering will accept the preliminary plans, or if they will do them over ' again. The City Engineer said that they will accept the plans, and that they have agreed they will accept 85% of their fee in lieu of the part of the work done. • ' � MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to insert the name Suburban Engineering in the resolution as the designated engineers and adopt Resolution �f�17-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to authorize the City Manager and Mayor to � enter into an agreement with Suburban Engineering for this project. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � � � � RESOLUTION ��18-1968 CERTIFYING CHARGES TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO BE LEVIED AGAINST CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR COLLECTION WITH THE TAXES PAYABLE IN 1968; MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution ��18-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ,�, i . _� � REGULAR COUNCIL ME�TING, FESRUARY S, 1968 � RESOLUTION ��19-1968 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSM[,NTS ON PARCELS 600, 620, 640, 660i 830� 890, 900, 940, 960, 980, • 1000, 1020, AND 1040, BENNETT-PALrITR ADDITION: � I CI � � � MOTION by Councilman Sheridan.to adopt Resolution ��19-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ��20-1968 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 6, BLOCK 4, PARCEL 820 �LOT 7, BLOCK 4, PARCEL 840i LOT 8, BLOCK 4, PARCEL `d60; AND LOT 9, BLOCK 4, PARCEL 880, BENNETT- PALMER ADDITION• � MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution ��20-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ��21-1968 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 14, BLOCK 4, PARCEL 980, BENNETT-PALMER ADDITION• MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution ��21-1968. Seconded by Councilman She�iidan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ��22-1968 - AUTHORI7.ING AND DIRE�TING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAI, � ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL 600, LOTS 5- 7, BLO�K 3, AND LOTS 6- 17, BLOCK 4, BENNETT-PALI�,R ADDITION: � MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution ��22-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � � � , � � , li CONSIDERATION OF ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-W.AY AND EASEMENTS FOR WS&SS��88: The City Attorney said that the Cduncil could authorize him to commence condemnation proceedings, rather than just speciiy acquiring the right- of-way. He said he prop�sed to contact each property owner and attempt to negotiate with them before the commission holds a hearing. The City Engineer said that he wanted the Council to be aware that this will be an expensive project. MOTION by Councilman Harris to authorize and direct the City Attorney to commence condeauiation proceedings for the right-of-way and easement acquisition to be included in part of the ��onstruction of WS&SS��88. The motion was seconded, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL - MORTUARY - 6210 T.H. ��65 - GEAP�HART: The City Engineer said that Mr. Gearhart had agreed before the Council to blacktoping, planting and necessary easements. He said they wan,ted this changed so that only one area of 13 stalls would be blacktopped. Mr. Wahlquist, representing Gearhart Mortuary, said that they will not PAGE 16 ' REGULAR COUNCIL NI�ETING, FLBRUl�RY 5, 1968 PAGE 17 , need the whole parking lot for some time, and they would put in rye grass for the present, and do the balance of the blacktopping in the next 3, 4, or 5 years. Councilman Samuelson said that he would like to see this completed ' as it was applied for, as quite a few hearin�s were held on the problem of inadequate parking. Councilman Harris said that he made his decisions after vie�aing the plans showing the construction of the parking lot. � Mr. Wahlquist said that this �aould be done as the complete project, but they did not want to do it right away. Councilman Samuelson pointed out that this would be a provision of the Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. Wahlquist said that they were asking for a waiver. Councilman Harris said that•approxi- � mately 8 variances had been granted, and he could not agree to granting more waivers taking into censideration how hard they had worked to get concurrence previously, because of the objections. He said.he would have ' to vote to deny the waiver. Mayor Kirkham said he felt that this would just become a weed patch if granted. Councilman Harris pointed out that the Council had set a precedent on parking lots, when designed as such, when , they had required the Fridley Covenant Church to blacktop theirs, after the Church had wanted to wait 3 to S years to do it. ' Mr. Thomas Gearhart, one of the owners of the mortuary, s�id that he was familiar with how many years it takes to have a mortuary start paying, and he did not feel there was a justifiable basis for putting money into a parking lot that would just sit there, for a few years. Councilman � Samuelson said that if the variances had not been granted previously, they would have been required to have more parking spaces than they have. Councilman Sheridan said that the original authorization for a permit had ' been granted with four stipulations, if by acc.epting the permit, they accepted the stipulations. , MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to deny the request by Gearhart Mortuary, 6210 Highway ��65, to reduce the size of the parking lot from 65 stalls to 13 stalls. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. , ' , ' � � � , CONSIDERATION OF TRAILER PERMIT - WILL HARRIS, 6400 CENZRAL A`IENUE: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to grant the trailer permit for a period of one year to be used as an office until the new building is completed, with the stipulation that the applicant connect to the utilities. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no na��s, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. SPECIFICATION FOR BTDS ON GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM: MOTION by Councilman Harris to authorize the Administration to advertise for bids on the group health insurance program. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager said that the bids will be opened March 13, 1968 at 10:30 A.M., and the bids will be awarded March 18, 1968. � . �; . ' REGUI.AR COUNCIL NIEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1968 PAGE 18 ' CONSIDERATION OF 701 PROGRAM: Councilman Harris said that this item was bacic on the agenda at the request ' of the Administration, and he feTt that after reacling the report on the possibility of the shortage of money even after being considered, and the City Manager's recommendation that the Council give consideration t� a ' full time planner, no further action on the 701 program was in order. He said that the City would have to furnish $15,000 for a$�0,000 grant from the Federal Government. ' ' � MOTION by Councilman Harris to table the 701 Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.unanimously. Councilman Liebl asked if this action would bind Fridley one way or another, if a future Cauncil wished to consider it. Mayor Kirkham said that the Council could reconsider it next week, if they wanted to. RICE CREEK STORM SEWER: � Councilman Harris said he had discussed this with Councilman Sheridan and they feel that now would be an opportune time to apply for aid for this area through means of a Federal grant. The Consultirig Engineer ssid he ' agrees that there are other actualities within the application to make it more area wide. He said that this area will never develop on its own because of the high cost. Councilman Sheridan said that it may be two years , before such a grant would be available, but the appli.cation would be on file. Councilman Liebl asked who the grant was requested through. Councilman Sheridan said it would be under the Housing and Urban Development Program. ' ' 1 � !� � � � ' MOTION.by Councilman Harris to request that the Administration and Comstock & Davis, Inc. resubmit another application for a grant for the development of theRice Creek area, and infofm the Representatives and Senators that the City has reapplied for this help with a second request, so they will be aware of it and will help. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote there being no nays, Mayor I�irkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REPRODUCING EQUIPMENT FOR CITY HALL• May or Kirkham said that the Council members have copies of the report on reproducing equipment prepared by the City Manager. Councilman Liebl said he would assume that the machines recommended would be the fastest and most economical in regard to municipal operation. Mayor Kirkham said that the report pointed out that they would save time and money. The City Manager said that $3,000 had been spent on printing last year, and the multilith will give the City the ability to print some of their own forms. He said he would ask Council permission to go into a lease-purchase agreement on the multilith, and purchase it if it proves satisfactory. Councilman Harris asked if he felt four months would give it a fair test. The City Manager said four months should be a fair test, and will give the Council a chance to see the results of the multilith and the other machines. Councilmat� Samuelson asked if there was money in the budget for these items. The City Manager said that part of the cost would be acquired from the savings it ' would make. , REGULAP� COUNCIL MEETING, F�BRUARY 5, 1968 3?AGE 19 � , ' L� � ' ' �� � � t ' ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the City Manager's report and authorize the City Manager to enter into a lease-purchase agreement on the multilith machines. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. eTTY ATTORNEY: NSSSD Councilman Harris said that the City Attorney had advised him that the Council should take action to authorize him to request permission from the NSSSD Board to permit hookups for 69th Avenue including the Onan plant, Norton Avenue and Commerce Park, and if they refuse such hookups, authority to ask the Court to order the District to permit the hookups pending final disposition of the litigation. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the request and recommendation of the City Attorney and authorize him to request permission for these hookups, and if denied, authority to p^epare an order to show cause to be heard before the District Court to order theDistrict to permit these hookups pending final disposii.ion of the litigation. Seconded by Council� man Liebl. The City Attorney said that �he outcome of the court litigation would be binding on both parties. There was a discussion about the hookup for Designw.are Industries, but because of a problem of type of affluent, the Council decided this would be a separate contract. Upon a voice VOTE, there being no nays, Mayor.Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. POLICE DEPARTNIENT SPACE IN CIVIC CENTER: Mayor Kirkham said he where they were ready and he asked that this February 13, 1968. ADJOURNMENT• believed the Police Department had reached a position to discuss their facilities in the new building, item be placed a�° the last item of the agenda for There being no further business, Motion by Harris to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the P.egular Council Meeting of February 5, 1968 adjourned at 11:00 P.M. ' Respectfully submitted, /� ��� 'Mary LG u�Strom Secretary to�the Council , ' , ^� .� - a F. ' � J , J , THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING N1�ETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 1968 The Special Public He aring Meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8;01 P.M. OPENING CEREMONY• Mayor Kirkham asked the audience to stand and join in st.ying the Pledge of Allegi�nce to the Flag. ' ROLL CALL � MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Sheridan ' MEMBERS ABSENT: Samuelson, Harris (Councilman Harris was representing the City at the NSSSD Board Meeting) ' ' ' ' ADOPTION OF AGENDA: The following itecns were added to the agenda; item 8, "LICENSES, GENERAL CONTRACTOR"; item 9, "CHANGE ORDER REGARDING CITY GARAGE". MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT - SHADY OAK ADDITION P.S. ��66-03, ANDF GAWEL CONTRACTING, INCORPORAT'ED (CONTINUED FROM JANU4RY 8, 1968)• P. ' The City Engineer reviewed the Council Meeting of January 8, 1968, at which time the Council had been concerned about the drainage of this proposed plat, and had requested a delay in order to look at the Rice , Creek Drainage Map. The City Engineer pointed out on the map the low hole „_nd the way the water could be drained in this general area by surface, and eventually to Rice Creek. He said that the City might be ' wise to acquire additional easements for drainage ,�s there are some good trees in the area that might have to be taken out, but with double easements, the City would be protected both ways. r ' ' , � Mr. R. J. Schneider, 1568 N. E. Ferndale, and Mr. Ken Korin, 6051 Benjamin Street NortEieast, neighbors in this area, came to the Council table. There was a long discussion at the Council table about the drainage p:coh7.em. Mr. Korin pointed out that once the hole is filled, the water will drain toward his house and will wash the street out if .il.lowed to run down the street. Mr. Schneider had taken several photogr,=�hs and had constructed a composite picture of the area, which he explained to the Council. Mr. Korin asked if there were plans to lower the corner of Benjamin Street. The City Engineer said that it may be possible to cut it a little bit, but not enough to solve the trouble. PAGE 20 � ' ' ' ' ' �I � ' ' ' , , PAGE 21 Mayor Kirlcham said that he felt the storm sewer would be a necessary part of this development, and sliould either be put in first or at the same time. Councilman Sfieridan said that the Council talks about spot zoning, and this may be an example o£ spot platting. He said he felt this should tie in with the prope.rty of Carlson, Coct�ran, Chies and 0'Bannon that the Planning Commission has been doing extensive �aork with in a developing plan. He said that he also thought this would have to be tied in with the storm sewer and grade ior Benjamin Sti-eet from Ferndale north. Tfayor Kirkham said that even a ditch �aould onl.y be a temporary solution, and would only be creating a bigger problem. Councilman Liebl said that the people that have homes in this area at present have to be considered, and the Council has to be sure they are not creating a hazard by approving this final plat, and he felt that this should be done on a larger scale in order to make the project economical and solve the utility problems. Mayor Kirkham suggested that the developer of this property should be asked to work with the Planning Commission so that this property could be incorporated with the final plans for the entire area, so that no more problems are created. Mayor Kirkham asked if anyone was present representing the developer. There was no answer. MOTION by Council.man Sheridan to close the public hearing as the petitioner is not present at the meeting to speak. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the public hearing on the Final Plat for Shady Oak Addition as petitioned by Andreta P. Gawel closed at 8;7_1 P.M. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan that the petitioner of the Shady Oak Addition Final Plat be notified that the Council recommends that he work with the Planning Commission and the property owners in the area to ihe north for an integral platting of the property to Rice Creek Road, and that the Council will not consider his plat until such time as it is all worked out. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT - ST 1968-1 (ADDENDUM ��1)• Mayor Kirkham read the Notice of Hearing. The City Engineer said that this is the second leg of the improvement. He said that a contract has been let for water and sewer in this street, and pointed out the way the utilities will run. He said that when the water and sewer is completed, this street would provide access to the abutti_ng property if the Council chooses to put it in. ' Mr. W. W, Seiffert, representing Super America Stations, Inc., said that his company owns a 7 acre tract north of 72nd and east of T.H. ��65. He said they were not opposed to the street, but had several questions. He asked ' about the jog in the street, and if the City planned to follow the center line or acquire land. The City Engineer said that addi�ional land will be need�d from their property which would be roughly 60 feet wide. Mr. Seiffert ' said that the company was reluctant to give up any property even though they did not have any final plans for development at this time. The representative asked about plans for the completion of 73rd Avenue, as their title shows a 33 foot strip on the north property line. Councilman Sheridan said that � there is assurance that 73rd Avenue will be put in between T.H. ��65 and Central. He said that there are no plans for doing it in 1968, but with the new Onan Plant in, there are hopes that the County will put in that 1 �portion of street. Mr. Seif.fert asked about the possibility of a service road along the east side of T.H. ��65. The City Engineer said that if their plans were to construct more than one building, a service road would probably � be needed, so it would depend on how the area developed. Mr. Seiffert asked for the cost of their assessment. Councilman Liebl said that the estimated cost of their 460 feet of front footage would be $4,949.60. .�, 1 i ..� � SPLCIAL PU�LIC Hi�ARING, rE�RUARY 13, 1968 PAGE 2 2 � Mr. James Determan, 4775 - 3rd Street Northeast, said that he owned property east of this parcel and asked where the sanitary sewer easement will be for this project. The City Engineer said it will be along 72nd Avenue to Norton ' going south. Mr. D�erman asked if there will be storm sewer. The City Engineer said that it will just be minimal, catch basins and the culvert extended. Mr. Determan asked if the 6 acres to the north of his property ' wi11 be picked up. The City Engineer said that it would not be at this time. Mr. Determan asked about the assessment, and the City Engineer said that his cost would be $4,304.00 cahich he could spread over a 10 year period if he wished. Mr. Determan said that he had work in his front yard to do ' which included removing a septic tank, and he would like to let this go. until the grade is established. Mayor Kirkham said this sounded like a reasonable request, and that he should make his request formally. � LJ � � ' �.J MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the Public Hearing on Street Improvement Project ST. 1968-1 (Addendum ��1) closed at 8:36 P.M. Councilman Liebl asked if the City Engineer has recieved any letters in opposition to this project. The City Engineer said that he had not. EM�RGENCY ORDINANCE ��383 - TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS - NEW 3/4 TON, 4 WHEEL DRIVE TRUCK WITH BOX AND SNOW PLOW: The City Manager said that the Council could go through the regular proceedure and pass a resolution letting bids, but it has cost the City approximately $425 to date to rent a truck and if the Council ��ishes, an emergency ordinance can be passed which will speed up the bid letting time, the propo�ed letter will still be used, and the City will get the bidding instructions and information to as many people as possible. He said that they would like to receive the bids February 19, 1968, and this � uld allow things to move more rapidly. ' Councilman Liebl asked if it was necessary to get rid of the truck that was damaged. The City Manager said that the insurance company had totalled the truck out, and will take it off the City's hands for about $450 or $500 � short of what the �ity paid originally, so they have settled. Councilman Sheridan said that an emergency ordinance would speed up the bidding process, but the delivery time would probably be the same. He said he thought the , bidder could be requested to furnish equipment until the new truck could be dela:Y��'�d� so that the rental truck could be turned back. The City Manager said that two dealers had indicated they could make delivery now, all that would have to be done is the painting. He said that the requirement ' could be that the truck will be from the bidding dealer directly to Fridley, or that they are to furnish a truck at no rental fee, if the delivery time is to be longer than one week. Mayor Kirkham said that the City will still � be able to reject the bids if they are not satisfied with the bids. The date in the proposal for rece:.ving the bids was changed from March 4, 1968 to February 19, 1968. ' � ' �� MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Emergency Ordinance ��383 letting the bids for a new 3/4, 4 wheel drive truck with box and sno�a plow. Seconded .by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Sheridan voting aye, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ' SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING, FEBRUARY 13, 1968 , � �J ' � ' � � � � , , RESOLUTION ��23_1968 - TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS ON ANIMAL CONTROL CONTRACT: The City Manager said that there have been some revisions made in the contract. He pointed out that the previous contract did not denote areas or minimum time for patrolling. The new contract requires the contractor to provide reports and especially stipulated they were to include a description of the area patrolled. He said that he had added a paragraph on polite, courteous and businesslike manners. The City Manager said that the original contract had been made out for a calendar year, and the new contract will remain in force for a period of 12 months from the date of the contract, and contains a continuation clause until such time as it is canceled by either party with a 30 day written notice. He said he felt these changes were for the betterment of the contract. Mayor Kirkham asked if the present contract was void at this time. The City Manager said that it was about to run out, but the present contractor is to continue their operation until the new bids are received. MOTION by Councilman Lieb1 to adopt Resolution ��23-1968, to advertise for bids on the animal control contract. Seconded by Councilman Sherid:n. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Liebl said that with the new stipulations, as pointed ont by the new City Manager, the City will,have less problems as they pinpoint what the contractor has to do for control. Mayor Kirkham said he thought this was a much better contract. PAGE 23 RESOLUTION ��24-1968 - TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR TOWING AND STORAGE CONTRACT: The City Manager said that he has added a proposal and made some changes in the contract. He said that before people have been available for 24 hours for towing, but there has been no stipulation to have someone available 24 hours to give the cars back to the owners. He said that the City had received a complaint on this. He said that he had also added a paragraph to the contract'on conducting business as a representative of the City, and has added a continuation clause as this contract has already expired. Councilman Liebl asked Chief McCarthy if Shorty's Towing fills all the ' requirements on equipment, space, and if the operation has been satisfactory. Chief McCarthy said that the Police Department had no complaints on service given to them, but he felt that requiring that someone be on duty 24 hours � in a suburban area would be unreasonable and would make the price of towing higher. There was a discussion about the hours that someone should be available for releasing cars. The Council decided to set the time that , the towing contractor has to have someone available to return impounded vehicles at 6:00 A.M. to 12;00 Midnight. The City Manager said that he had included in the contract that the towing ' service be located within 10 minutes travel time from Fridley. The Council discussed this and decided to change it to 15 minutes, which would allow more companies further away to bid. ' � .� .� . .� I i . .� ' SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING, FEBRUAKY 13, 1968 , , ' �� i ' 1 C� ' � ' , ' � ' ' u PAGE 24 MOTION by Councilman Shei-idan to adopt Resolution ��24-1968 to advertise for bids on the towing and storage contract with changes as discussed. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER E-8: The City Engineer said that this was the Change Order i'or the lighting in the center area of the Civic Center whieh had been discussed at the last Council Meeting. He said that he and the City Manager had met with Mr. Matsumoto, representative of Smiley, Inc. and the consensus had been that four 2/4' lights be put in,which wi11 follow the scheme used in the rest of the building. The City Engineer said that Mr. Matsumoto is checking with their electricians to make sure there are no problems, and is also checking on the price. The City Engineer said that this will be brought back to the Council when they have received a price. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to table the consideration of Change Order E-8 until more information is available to bring back to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF COMPLETION OF POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICES IN CIVIC CENTER: Chief McCarthy handed out the proposed plan for the Police Department area. He said that the slcetch had been drawn by Smiley, Inc., and the City's Engineering Department had made the larger plan from the sketch. He said that the 2 cells and booking room, which would be about a$6,500 item, were deleted for the present. Chief McCarthy said they had received two quotes - one for $16,569 and one for $16,590. He reviewed the plans with the Council pointing out that the ��alls of two offices and the squad room would be insulated with 3" soundproofing, and the other wa11s would be 5 feet high partitions with glass or plastic two feet higher if need be. He explained that this was done to cut expenses and to make use of the existing lighting and heating. He said that the price includes air conditioning in this area and for the cell block which is a'year o� two away. He said that until then, the Police Department will use the County jail. Councilman Sheridan asxed about the financing. Chief McCarthy said that the Police Pension Fund Association has funds available, and an agreement can be drawn between the Association and the City of Fridley. Mayor Kirkham said that it will essentially be the same type of agreement that the City has with the Fire Relief Association on the City garage. He said he was all in favor of going ahead with this proposal. Chief McCarthy pointed out that the electrical facilities will all be hooked up to the emergency power. Councilman Liebl asked if the squad room taas big enough for the next 10 years, and if the public area was bi� enough. Chief McCarthy said that the squad room will hand:�e 50 men, and the public area is large enough, as there are never a large number of people at any one time. Councilman Liebl asked if the celis would be provided by 1970. Chie� McCarthy said that they would need the cells as soon as they could be afforded, and he was working with the County on the possibility that they may build the cells for the City. .Councilman Li.ebl asked if Councilman Samuelson had seen the plans. Chief McCarthy said that he has seen them. ' ' SPECIAL PU�LIC HLARING, I'EBRUARY 13, 1968 '. � � ' � ' , ' � ' � ' Chief McCarthy reconunended that the City Attorney he authorized to negotiate an agreement with the Attorney for the Police Pension Association for Council approval, and he suggested that the figure be stated, not to exceed $17,000 to take care of incidentals. Councilman Sheridan asked if they proposed to go out for bids. Chief M�Carthy said that they would propose to go with these firm quotes (he felt the Zuelke Construction Company was the best proposal) and the Pension Association could hire the firm to do the project according to the specifications approved by the City Council. He said that the City will be able to get the prices quoted, if they start before labor prices go up in the spring. - . MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to authorize the City Attorney to negotiate a financing agreement with the Police Pension Fund Association for the completion of the Police Department in the Civic Center. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. LICENSES: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to grant the following General Contractor's License; NAME Crown Construction Company BY Robert N. Resitad 1544 Winchell Street St, Paul, Minnesota NEW The motion was seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CHANGE ORDER REGARDING CITY GARAGE: The City Engineer said triat when the new City garage was planned, there was no hoist planned in the building because of the limited money, although it is really needed. He showed the basic plan of the garage and showed where they would propose to put the hoist. He said that if there is not enough money available for the complete hoist, which would be about $5200, minor modifications should be done at this time, so that everything will be ready when they do put the complete hoist in. He said he would like an indication from the Council whether they think this is a good idea, and he hoped that by the next Council Meeting the financing of it can be worked out for the Council's consideration. The Council discussed the fact that doing it a year from now would be more ' expensive, and they would save money by being able to do jobs themselves that would have to be farmed out without the hoist, and the fact that it is dangerous working without a proper hoist, in case something slipped. ' , ' � The City Manager asked the Finance Director if this could.be added to the contract with the Fire Relief Association. The Finance Director said he would check on this, but he was sure it could be incorporated in the total financing as there is some flexibility in it. Councilman Sheridan said he thought the hoist should be put in now. Mayor Kirkham said he agreed it should be done now, but all the'Ca.ty Engineer needed at present was the Council's concurrence with the modifications. The Council agreed with the modifications and Mayor Kirkham said that by the next Council Meeting they will know how it can be financed so the work can be ordered. PAGE 25 .� ..:� � _ .� ' SPECTAL PU�LIC HEARING, FEBRUARY 13, 1968 PAGE , , , LJ � ' , , �J L� 1 ' ' � 1 ' I� ' The City Engineer said that in planning the garage, only a single phase electric line was planned, and the City has received the approval from Northern States Power for a 3 phase line. He listed some of the equip- ment the City owns which requires 3 phase electric pow�r to do its job � efficiently. He said the cost will be $2860, and they feel this is some- thing urgent, which would be much more expensive later on, as the walls are being poured now and the pipeing can be put in the wall. Councilman Sheridan asked why this was not in the original contract. The City Engineer said that it was not available at that time, although he felt it ,. had been an oversight that more pressure had not been put on NSP to get it. Councilman Liebl said it was necessary to have the ampereage, so he felt this 3 phase was mandatory. There were also some mechanical changes to be made in changing the troughs for the hoist, but he said that if the Council concurs with the cost for the change order, everything will be pulled together, and brought back in the form of a change order for the next Council Meeting. MOTION by Gouncilman Sheridan to concur with the costs of the change order as presented by the City Engineer, and request the architect to prepare a proper change order for the next regular Council Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Liebl suggested that the City Engineer may be able to get some credit from NSP on the single phase line. COUNTY PURCHASING PROPOSAL: The City Manager said that he and the Director of Finance had attended a meeting in Anoka County on bid lettings the County is ready to make on a list of items, such as, gasoline, lubrication, etc. He said they would let an open end contract which would allow the City to purchase the itFms for the same price that the County negotiates. He said that they would list as a base the amount the County buys, and have an escalating purchasing agreement, so that as the amount of purchase go up, the price reduces. He said the City would not be bound to buy from them. They could go out for bids, and take the cheaper price. He said that this would give the . City an idea of a base price, and some flexibility of price for the Council to consider. There was a discussion about the City's storage ability for gasoline, and whether the City of Fridley wouldn't get a lower price on gasoline because it is closer for delivery, although they felt there were other items besides gasoline where the County bid would be better. The City Manager said this would give the City a chance to see the open end bids when they come in, and the City could either make a commitment or go out for bids themselves. Councilman Liebl said he felt this would only work if every community participates, otherwise he did not feel they would get a low bid. He said he also felt, as Mayor Kirkham has said, that everything else being equal, preference should be given to local firms. SPECIAL PUBLIC I� ARING, FE�RtIARY 13, 1968 PAGE 27 , , � ' ' , � , , � � �_J , ' , � � , ' LETT�R TO BE INCLUD�D WITH COPIES OF LIQUOR STUDY: The City Manager said that the Council has a letter prepared by the Finance Director commenting on the Liquor Study. He said that the Council can authorize sending out the letter to the committee members and with the other copies of the liquor report given out for evaluation. He said that the Mayor's Evaluation Committee has set up a meeting for February 22nd. Councilma�n Sheridan asked how many copies of the report there were. The Finance Director said there were about 20 copies available. Councilman Liebl questioned whether the facts in the letter should be pointed out to ��he committee, or if they should evaluate the report themselves. Mayor Kirkham said that it would draw attention to certain things in the �• • report that the Council has already found; MOTION by Councilman Liebl that the letter prepared by the Finance Director be included with all liquor study reports. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. PLAQUE FOR FLAG POLE: The Council looked at the proposed plaque for the Flag Pole. Mayor Kirkham said that the word "The" should be taken out, and the word "responsible" should not be hypenated. The Council decided that the lines should be centered rather than lined up even on the left side. ADJOURNMENT : There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Public Hearing Meeting of February 13, 1968 adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, `—^ —� . J � / ��/�'��� ��� �`- i°J�. Mary Lu Strom Secretary to the Council � . _1 _s J..�� - . I �� , ' A I( l i censes hereunder shz f! exp i re on the 3��ti� d:�y of i�pri I of each ye•�r; I i cense fees sh,� I I '.�e pror��tec� on :� r.ionth I y bas i s i f the I,i cense to be i ssueci i s to become �ifect i ve on �ny d:�y other th,n the i= irst da y of P;ny of e.-�cli year. ' SECTI ON S� . I P;St12,'�NCE POLlC IES RE�I; I fZFD FOf: i CE Ci:E��,t VE�JD�RS . IVo c.,ter i ng food veh ic I e l i cense sh-, I I be i ssued for -� c<�teri ng food veh i c I e i'rorn wh i ch i ce cre.-�m, sl�er�et, frozen or fra.�ed desserts or , i c� ct�e,n ;�roduc�s ,re so ( d �nd served unt i I �he rpp I ic�� nt sh�� I I !.� ve t= i{ ed s,r ith the C ity �� (erk proof th�t he i s i nsured, for tlie per iod of ihe I ic�nse : pp! ied foi�, . g:-inst I i� E�i I ity for de�th, injury or � property d,m�ge c<.used E�y ,�ny of the veizicles to be ! icensed, in t{ie fol lowing minimum amounts for e�ch vehicle: , , De.-th or injury of �ny one person: De�th or i n jury of t�,ro or more persons in the same : ccideni;: �roperty dam� ge per �,cc i dent : $100,000.00 �300,000.00 � 50, O�JO .00 Such po! icy sh�l I Ue�:r .,n endorsement oi' the insui^er to the effect � th�.t -tiie s��r�e c:,nnot .�nd ►•� i I I not be c� r�ce I 1 ed or i n ��ny m�-�nner ter�~t i n�. �ed t.r i thou�t i' i r st g i v i ng tl�e C i ty Pt� nf.ger ��t I e��st ( S d�-�ys' notice o� c�,ncell-tion or termin.,tion thereof. , � � � ' SECTION .56. INSl1(�Ai,CE POL�ICIES t=OR VLlIICLES LlCEP�SCD L1iJDER THIS ORD ! Ptt'! NCE . /1ny veh i c I e of � ny type tirh i cl� sha (( be requ i red to be (icensed by the terms of this ordinance sha(I be �urt��er required to file with -the Ci�;y Clerk proof th�t he is insured, for the period of the I i cense app I ied ior, zc�a i nst I i ab i li{;y for de��;h, i n jury or property d��mage c,u sed by � ny such veh i c I e, i n t he f o I I ow i ng m i n i mum ��rt�ount s for e�zch vehicle: De�th or injury to one person: �100,000.00 Death or i n jury to -L-��o or more persons in the s�me accident:�300,000.00 Proper�;y d��mage per :�ccident: � 50,000,00 Such policy shall be�r an endorsement of the insurer -�o the effect , th�t the same c��nnot ��nd w i I I not be c<�nce I I ed or i n ��ny manner t�rm i nated w it;hout f i rst g iv i ng the C ity ��lanager �t le� st 1 S days' not i ce of c��nce I I at i on or te rm i nat i on thereof . ' ' , � �� r, � . �--� 1 `� _� I � ,, _ -�� � p ,y: PA�SED BY TIiE C I TY COl1t�C I L OF Tl�E C{ rY 01" F�� I D L EY T!� I � �� oF , 1968. � i r ` - '' -h.,m � t�1,�Y0r� Jack 0. I. � rl. � � � . . t,TTEST . ' CfTY CLERF: - ��tA:ViN C. 6�;lINSELL � F i rst Re�d i ng :_ LTanuarv J 5`1�68 _ Second f2et,d i ng :� , Publish: � ' ` ' 1 i � 1 i 1 � 1 .1 r r . � � � � f ✓ti`/� / �'/��v."_]l :L� � . w ,� , � L� ��-�;w �'.���..--� �- �- LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF FRIDLEY � FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA J4nuary 28, 1968 � , � C� � � � � , , � t � , ' N`,r. Jack ?��ir'_�ham, 1•'l�.�or 430 - b7 �venue, I�d. �. Fridley, i�.inr.esota Dear I�.r. :�irkham: On behalf o£ the League of �•1om�n Vote�s of Fridley, I urge your atten�ion to seve�^al deficiencies in Fridley Grdinance 372, ?egulating Food �stablis'rLments. �rie cor.sider these deficiencies serious enough to warrant your prompt attention. Each year �ne Lea�ue of Z•�o:�n Voters selects for stuclj a�owrn- tr� ntal issue adjud�ed to be of current local interest. As you no doubt lrnoT•r� during 1967 yre studied the need for a food establishri�nt ordinance in Fridle3�. Z�:e studied the ef°ect of Fec':�ral and State regulations 2r d inspec- tiens on yridley est�blishmen�s and sale of food. «:e t�.ked to n°alth or£icials in Ti•rin Cities area suburbs about the size of Fridley as t•rell as these of `"iinr.eapolis a.nd St. Paul, and read the food establishments ordinances of sever_ of the suburban co:rL-raznities. Then tfre com_r.,ared these ordinances zai.th a n.ationat?y accepted model, th° U. S. Publie Health Szrvice I_odel �od.e and Ordinance i'�e,�;ulating Food �st�blishr�nts, 1962• :�.ecorm;endations. ��;e: were agreed tna.� ther� Tr:�.s indeed a need in �idley for an ordinance r°gulGting food establishr�ents. Lastly� T�re cc�,.pared the recently passed F-ridley Food Ordinance� Ordinance ;r372 to t:�s n«tional standard and locally accepi.ed practice. 4tiTe a�reed that�Frid' e,y ordinar,ce ;,'372 is basically sound, but has sev- eral ma,;or ceficier_cies and a minor one .^1he time �o iriprove an ordin- ance is as earl;� as possi.ble� before contrar.y �ractice becomws er_trenched. T,�Te urge the �r� dley Cit� �ouncil to accept the £ollo�aing recorL�-�endatic� s an�' a�nd Ordinance ;;'372 a� t:.eir e�liest cr�nvenience. ?�eco�endations : 1. Addition of a sec �icn reQUirin� inspection of the foo� estub? ishrr�nt appl�.n� and ap�: ova_C y�the r,ea t'f h rns�ector pr� or to gr��ting a oerrat. `I•he approva:l o£ an ao�lication to operate a? ood establ� sh- ment should be granted by t!ie Health Inspec�or, as the :�.ost cuali- fied public official to �o so, and the aporoval should pre?erably be based. or. an � ns�ec�on of the pre:�ses. ��� Hffiliated with tfie League of Wcmen Voters of the U.S. � � � � � � � � � � � i � � ' LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF FRIDLEY FRIDLEY, MlNNE50TA - 2 - 2. Addition of a section, providin� for sumr.�ry susn^_ ension of the x�er- �-b�y�he�ea th otl�icer, it�i �he aPnr�val of tne ci�cy *nana�er, �r a tz•ro-or-three�.y nvi estigator� perlod in the case o a sus- pected serious he t�i hazard. 1ne nzi-¢n�ry suspension provision facilitates irrnediate action in the c�se �i a suspected serious heGlth hazard. It i� to be considered a seldom needed, yet essen- tial, emergency reser�ve tool. The requirer��nt of annroval of the city m..�.na�er is intended as a public safeguard. 3. Addition of a sectior� providina that the poi,�r to suspend or revoke a licer_ss be S:'1�Y1 tYlE oard of r.ealth, i•ntn the ri�l:t to a�neal to th'e �'ity �ouncil. �l�s recorrm:endation s�:ould reauire a change in the ordinar.ce establishir.g �he 3oard of t�ea? th, Chapter 36, as k�ell. T'r.e U�'pOSE� is to bring professional oninion to the sus- pension or revocation of the licer_se, and to remove �he question from possible politic:al pressures. The authority would fur.c�ion in a manner sirL.lar t,o that of the Board of �npeals of the Planning ComTMLi.ssion. 1�. 5. �!ddition to the Frid:Ley code, Cnanter 3b, of the requirar�ent th�t' . a pub�ic r'ealth sa„i-�2x'ian b° hi: ed to enforca he�ltih c�' c� n�nces, �"�` �� lth . Thou gh i �-nay be the ar.ci b° a m°::�oer of th.. Loard of ze�. in�ention of the pre:sent ���y Cour.cil �o continue to e�ploy a professional public �.^_eali;l sani-tarian as tne ��ty :3ealth Inspector, and a�noint hin to tize Board oi 'r'.ealth, �•re believe this excellent practice should be mandatory fr_ta future City �our:cils. Addition of a secfi,ion reauirin� that� ��ere toilet faciliti�s are provided for patrons, the,y meet the reouirer�r_ts of those for emp o�ees. Har.os are probably t::e most comm�n vehicle for the transfer of cont�mir_ation to food. In �he sort oi food establish- ments Tfrhere toi?et and lavatory facilities are o�fered to patrons� the facilities shculd be rer�uired to mee � the saMe standards of sanitation and adeauacy as those for e�lo;�ees. Zde urge you to present �hese reco:2�:en�.ticns to City �ourcil soon. ��1e will be ha�nf tc �scuss any oi the reco.^enend�:ti�ns t•rit'n y^.u. cc : Pir. �Iir�il Herric`�c ;4r. Ja�es �tensley 1� r- Affiliated with the League of Women Voters oF ihe U.S. r�.e spectfully� ,%ours, _ ,� - -�,';-z.-� .'\C�.�� ;�_<�z.i Mrs. Ivan Ra:•rson, Fresid°nt �� `r _;�.. � � � � t�iEf�10 TO: � ��± E P��10 F R 0 i�1: ' sua�ECr: � � � � � � � � h1 E P�1 0 R A N D U M February l5, I9d8 F►�idley City Counci I Virgil C. Nerrick C ity Attorr� y �r i d I ey Food Or�d i n��n ce No . 3%2 I h�.ve d i scussed the suggest; i on s of the League of 1'Jomen Voters with t�1r. .lanes Hensley, Heal'ith Inspector. Comments are made to the suggest i ons conta i ned i n the; ir I etter o-F Janu��ry 28, I 968, as fo 1 I ows: (n regard to Itern I, it i�� the present practice of the City of Fr idt ey -L-o requ i re an i►zspecti on by the Hea {th I nspector before the gi��nting of any perr�if;s or I icenses per•mitting the service of fo�d o�� beverage. Th i s has been the pract i ce of the C ity of Fridley for some time. � Item 2. �•�r. Ilensley s�t�t��d that he h�.s no pressing need for summary suspension power. He has indic�-��ted that only once has he ever attempted summ.ry su:spension s�s a Health Inspector. It is my fee I i ng that � court restr�, i n i ng order coul d be obta i ned w ith i n sufficient time. If the ��ouncil does desire this provision, it sliould be considered in light of the commen�s to ltem 3• ltem 3• This suggests that the power to suspend or revoke be with the f3oa_.rd of �iea (th, �•� i�th the r ight to appea t to , the C i-i:y Counc i I. As I unders{;and th� prov i s ion, it i s that the E3o.�rd of Hea {th have the power to suspend l�ut �the po�rer to revoke rema i nswith the body that issues the permit or license; that is, the City Council. 1'Jhether the. r ight to revoke i n the f i rst instance i s w i th the L3or�rd of Hea I th t� ith an �,;ppe� I to the C ity Cou nc i 1 or d i i�ect) y to the Ci�y Council prob:zL�ly does not h�ve any great importance. _; � > � , ' ltem 4. It h� s been the pr�c�ice of the City to employ . publ ic (�ealth s.-�nit�ri�n �.s l�ealth Inspec:tor ��nd as a member of the f3o�-�rd r of He� li;h. The sug�es-t ion th� t the present Counci I ma�:e i:h is pr�-ct i ce n��nd^�;ory on future Counc i I's i s not pract i c,1 i n th�-�� � � ny ord i n�-� nce th�.t m.i ght be :�dopted by th i s Counc i I cou I d be repe� l ed or moc� i f i ed uy a f ut ure Counc i I. � Item 5. It is rty inter�retation �znd th�t of Gti�. tlensley's that � I I to i(e{� f�ci I it i es �,rhet!�er for emp { oyees or p� tror�s mus�; meet -�he st: nd� i�ds � s�re s�nt I y descr i(�ed i n oui� food oi�d � n�� nce . f��r. tlens { ey h� s � dv i sed ra�e �;h�t he i���clm i nister i ng the ordi n�-�nce ! �.cca�ingly. Ptr. flensley did sugc�est th��t it r�ight be �dvis��ble to consider ��doption of a publ ic toi let ordinance f�r E�usinesses, other r th� n food est�.f�l islimeni;s �h�t provide �ubl ic toi 1e1; f��ci I i�;ies. � � � � � � { t,�ou I d� pprec i�te d i rec� i on from the Counc i( a s to �-:ny �-�dd it i ona I � mendments to the food or�d i nance that they m ight w i sli to have prep�-:red, In the me��n t iine, I sugges� that the present � mendment, �rh ich w�, s p. ssed on f i rst re; d i ng be � pprov�d . Add i{: i on�� I ch�� n�es, i f � ny, c.�n be considered in a future �:mendment. � � � t' � � I � � C � 1 _M � � � � . } 1 „ - , �,� t:'i i�:��i� �)� � � \ �.G-1 . .)..I 1. -- _ _ ___ -- -( t,_,�.,1. �„1. ,, - �;. � 1/30/G8 �t; ,�t���',;c.�.,` 67 025� -�--�'-�� - � :---�- ---�»;r�>»:�i. �: :t ��: t��,'� `:1:);_ _ _City of rridley - -- �,��,�,i.�,.�. Fridley riu�zicipal Gara�e 'I' � 7�11'' ���1. !�I; 1('I .��� - � uu :�n� r.� � � _�-3 li ,:1,� L . ,;c ��u�r �„�o�� � :�1 fu:- ir:�"•i.c �Iv� Ir;� 1 . ... r; i�i �..e �i•� •i•1. 19�•.i ��u��h �.irh it,�n� . ��� � .:�1,�1.� .�.� � lill in !�,c ,'.�."i'..• t��in!. C'.,m{�'...:,, ::I1 r�.��i�:.' �.,:r.n t::.• 1.�.; ��nj��� ;�.��1 n�;n:n nil ��iL�.�. ��n��i.�- In ILo .\i�rl:it;��ol. Provide t�ain-post garage lift in room 10G as slio�•�n on drawin�s �i-2 and X-3. Relocate rear �aall of room and revise floor slopes and drains as indicated, 5r�' ��?.L��,^, Provicle lift in room 103 instead of in room 106 as �sho�an on dra�•�ings X-4 and X-3. Revise floor slopes and drains as indicated, � �..�,:1 F;Ci�('1C} a �\'. �;:i.:, �.� -� -' .I i:...� :,�i.....��.�b i�ni :.t[l (li]CJ���Q3ci� ���i.,�.:�'.-...Q V�t:�!'3�f [iClCr �i1 �._--------.._..._.'------ — d�'�1 .._. . � . . ... �. ...... .n:. � .�C� .�.>i� �. , . �I ) IIR'.c�.l�..`) I.�l•..':�.' :.�! V: �;):Ir�iYUC(il�i: ti:.l�' �li_____._____ Cifl\'8.� .�� � C � � ------- - , , � ` � `� �'r :1 �� � ,� ; .. ; ,. �,,, � ,,Y,,. C� ,t�a��„ _Berglund-Johnson, Inc. , F' 0. Box D, __ --- �,�._ , ,: .�-- - _ �, - Excelsior, rlinnesota 55331 � - > > - • i c; t�7 . `i��) 1 1 `i•: �;i..::'.i: - (��.,.� f'�,:�. �.ur t.,,. � ,��� �.-.! :o •n �,:. i.�.: .i�. ,.� ti �L• � cl.� n:;��. �u.^ th:�- .il: .: ��:. � �,� ii:. �,�.. P�c :.�.� i n r t�i �.r.���ig�.. �t .1'. � �i.,:-.�� ` .�_ . �in. i�r��ni u: ni . ���Ii i,n�tnr�, p��•.. t in�.l� .�Ir ; i.� :y �n�r�c.u. I>� �i:,nin� �.�Il ��nclu,c�i � � . i:cLtia �1:�: �i; .:pv in�l .'�.iu:�;t .�II o!i�er C..pio� :o t6�• �> > .... <, � , . . � � , � - ":�l J.F:I(�:.;�t;.�.. i�C., �.::('lif"1�1''(',1��, }>v-' `/ L.� _flt!te �"---� � ., f':\ CCH .. ---- - --- -:;- � - -- -- -- ----- - - - --- --- � ; . '� �.1 I !II( t 1 �\ 1.�, ��.,��,(� — `�'�,ur ��-u���.� .:1 Or- i ,�.�:�.ii::; �ti.• aL.�;c li�..lrri �'h. i. :: i� .������uc��d .�n�l ❑��r..�,D��'. l��,n '��'�� .�u.ho:�.•.�1 to pr�c�.-_�1 �,ifh .hc :!r..�• li�.'�': i,�- -- - ------- O�rm•r. h�•---- ------------------- --- _--------- --__ _--- QuoL-es from cosL- bre�l:do��m :Erom �er�lund-Jol�nson ior Cliau�e Order ,�rG-1 for insL-alli»� hoisL-o z�r�,r2 Excavation Hoist Cement r�ork Reinforcin� steel L•:orkmen's Co�upensation Sales Tax - 3% 10% Overhead and Profit LAR OR $ZO�o.00 80�� . 00 51�0.00 5�0.00 Et:c. MATEP.If�� $oo.00 2,160.00 S?_0.00 150.00 TOTAT� COST $ 200.00 2,960>00 1,030.00 200.00 $4,390.00 317.00 84.00 479.00 $5,270.00 � � .� ti �- i � � � � ' ' � C � � _? Y . � , :\i�('I117�) (''�"ti � T -. ; 1 67.-025 _ �.11.1�.1���. U�\l�l'.1\ \u._ri_1----OI�iCI\:11, 15tiL'I�, ll:1'I'li. ?�7�68 -------_(':;:�1\I. �\(J.___ _ c����i:1�.__�ity- of-F-ridley_---------------- --------- - --- _ -- ----------- ]'];t).)1?C7�--FridlcY__�iunicipal_ Garage -_— - --- ----- -----------------------------'-- - -_ --- '1'; 1"1�111'. C�� �\ I 1;.\1' j' 1!: -- Ym. .u. --rc��.r�-.tr�1 tu ��uol�• ln 1�„� �vu•� p��y�u:.il f�>r nv�i:inl �1:- li:�tn1 <'i.::r.:; i�� 11 c �r.u;,'c�. i'1��.��.��• qunt�. r;i��b i�� m<:.��:u:ib•l}' :md lil! in`r�, e��..� iv�-!n+..;L ('',:n��!�-:r :ill t��-+ir::. r•.•l-iin �hc 1a�rt rnji�- :uv.l',.4un�`_.11-�!h�.�fcu��.- to th.-.1�:�Li�atlT------'---�----------_ 1. Provide plumbind revisions and additions in room 106 as shot��n on drak�ings MX-1 and X-3. � � . - i -..�. /. i � % - . 2, Provide plumbinb revisions and additions in room 108 as sho�•m on dra�aings MX-2 and X-3. � �•''-�'� i - � " �' r . . _ ., . . _ � � , � _ = . __ ____ ,, ; ,, � l �•�. �ii ,�.,n',.:��: i.r,�. -,t ; �- -%�L�� a�ui �n �1'e.,�n,i:�, � � r :1�, _ i.;.� li,f���: cl,..;�_ t�n fi�;.. :�; . ' u ' Ii�« :i.;,_�j � ]_•��;,c::�•� �;f ���;>>tri�iion tiiue of----- _da��s. t — -- — - C�,,,t:��:� r��r_ Harris Bros . Plumbing Co. , 217 [dest Lake_.St. , :�,: � ,/. __ . _ ' � -� - ------_c�:�t„____ ` . - -,)__-- r ., � : . ; ; -i , Minneapolis, 1linnesota 55408 -�'� � -1 i iSi i ii � � — �l . ('„ � �..ir h � � �� ,. . 1 i :ri �. ii • :. .� �. . ; 1 h� i �r. nr .L•�• ih..- ,�� . :i� ..� ` �,: :i�.�iru� � :. c. -- �. Tr �.-: cn ���. .; ai�d �I:. i � � � �� .. ,. _ . . i�l �� .: i:� � �,��c :vtu .tp��iut� I F�• �i�� �..�, �!1 . �,i,...t �.i, . ... T� . i ,���� i -. -�,��� t.�l ���rurn n;l ui:.0 c.�pii t� dt•: .....t. ' ., . �� . . i.., . � � � - -' % .-' . ... f':\"1'Cf[ :in�l [•:I.IC 4��;7\. �\(�.. :\F�(': f I"l'f?C l'y. h�•_ _ .� r : ', .. _ .--�- - --- - --- _ ---- --cl:�tc�_. �."_I ; • _ _-- — —` — — - ---- �'I:� 'I�IIP: i'(1�:"I':",(_"1'�K: —�nur p:,r,•n:.�i iur :cr.i!:ir.:; th�� uL�nc li-l��d ��Lc�r;.�> i, ❑p;�r,v:r�l :�n�1 a:•r����t,��1. 1",�u :ur �.�ut!io��ir�•�l M;�mc��::l :•.itl: :h^ 'F;ut��• lj�ted ��h ;u:p�: -- -- —. . � Q':�: n�•r. h�'--__ _-- ---- ----- -- ---- -- -- - -- -d:�F�--- ------ !1 1968 `,i � 1�1'!'i I .. 6>-02� GT il�!�Lz1� ������};J\ \,,. ���1 _---1)1:1(�i\:\L T.;-;�'I•; >>;�� �., Feb. _2� _-- ----Cc �i\l. til) _ _ _ __ U\i'�1?1; . ____City__of_-F_r_idley,__riitlne_sot:a - ----_-.--------- I'l;t>.1!:C'"1'---- — Municip.al _Ga_r..age_---- __ ___ - ---- --- ___-- --_ --__ - __-- ---- -------- '1�'� '1�l11i (''. .I';:.\('1'cil: � \'u:� .n��� r,�,n ,r�( !�� ,�:.,it,.• h !•�.. �'��•ii .�i,�„�..�I f��: m:�!,'n.: Ih.� I�•.i,��l c�h�.�. _ „ tho ��. . �. I'I•�:.- ��u,�!,� ,.r1: il:•i.� -.:�p:i' �h�ij :,rnl -.i ... �.� ;i,c ���,.il (. .��i-�!.,�_ ❑1! c����i... r:..�i�: I!.�. l.. � i ��,_ . i��.cttvn :ill �IL�. , .. In th�� .\ntii�, ri. Make electrical revisions as pe�c sheei:s E�•t, E--2 and E•�3 revised January 30, 19f,8, (enclosed). 0 \1,� .� �� - ;n ' :�.�. �1 l��t,-i• �. . �� . :;f ;7c1 I1�'.�:l�L �l.:i . .,'i l71 i'nR;`1'_.�•� �:ICe Of 1 __'__._ _ � , r ;>;,. :�� a . , c' � - � '� f <�:�,i rat , �i❑ + 1 t � cr,:.=,.) ��f �un•:t.urtiun t�;n�• ni_ _------___ —�___ �1�s. - ���/ � ,_ � ., �_.,,,�,;,�,,,_Heights__Electric 4015 Central Ave. NE Fridle _; `� � -� , ---`- !,� ..v_----�lat�-- _ �______--- --._. _--- -- �-- ---- Y"-= - --------� 55421 ' � , � rl TIlfi "�l\"� t'.iL - 'I h � t'��.�t�. �.,u; h. �.E n�.�,? t.i m:;��.. i,. .�Ir , ii �.t�� i ch.�n; (nr !h�• _ fr- �. �t�i:,,.e i ii��ii�c,. �'��� ,�:ro�... ;:r.: � i.: If .h_�.. C:i (:+y�.: , r.r: ii.�� ._.r :�I � i.. ;ti ,�.1 r�. [il.- , r iei! ��.�-�. �:uur .��,pn�.:ii 6q -idni t. .i11 �� lu . 1`�• i� . -� �:�•t iu� tl�^ , �l �t . �� '. n ••ttr'n .ill o;it �. r jr,a; lu il�c .\tcir.tiCt � � �' � �' - , . � l . .I � i ) � `` . r 1 r• � 1� �� -' f .�J 4`� ' r�� ��✓ �..�- C� �� L�--Li ,':�.":'t.I{ �:�ul I�.l'.IC�i�t)\. .\C.. ..P.,..l[['l�l:l:l'7. hy_ --= � - ---- -"-' - i-' --- -- --_.___dcite_..--------- � , ,' � I�+ 'I'lIIC ('�' f�:`� I'riR -`;�wr pr�q.o,al fin i.;�':in� ih'' '�L,ne G,t�,l ch.i .g��� i. a����n,�r�i ❑uil ,v� .�.�...1.`1'nu :�rc n�rhn^iz•��l t�i (>r�K�.::d �ri!}r :1:: a:n��.c lir;tc:l i�i� ��� �,:�-----'--------- � (�'.\-ilt'f. �\'"__.�_._.__-__—.__.._'.._-._____________.___-____.,_--_-__.'____"._..___..._.__'Ci:1fC_—_—'_ Brealcdo�•m of cost from Heights Electric for ClZange Order ��E-1 Additional cost of 3-phase service - new panel j�Jirin; of air-compressor - 3--phase 400 Amp, - 3-phase receptacic� Wiring - 72 H,P, motor - 3-phase 4 - 3 Amp, receptacles Ldiring for grinder - 3-phase ' • Wirino for steam cleaner If 2 4-Amp. 3-phase receptac:les are not provided If 2 30-Amp, receptacles arE: not provided The cost if both of these are� not provided 0 $I418.40 96 .60 742.00 274.00 436.00 241. 00 241.00 $3,449.00 � 371.00 •• 218.00 $2,860.00 �9 '> . ' ' BUILDIyG STANDkRDS - D�SIGN CONTROL I��E`PI?v� :�fINiJTES Or �EBRIJA'�Y 1?�� 1958 The i�iee ting was called to orc�er by Chairman Erickson at 8;03 P.i�J. ' ROLL CALL i�fi'r�'JiBERS PRESEWT: Erickson� L�ittes, Biermann� Hauge, Tonco :��IB.�RS ABSFNr: None , 1. COIvTSID�RATIOiV Or S�RVICE STAT'ION R�IOD�LII�TG AND EXPANSIOId - C2S DIST'RICT 101 'JNIVE�.RSITY Atir�IUE N. E. BLOCK , PARCr.L � 0, AI,TDITUR�S SU3. 9. I , I ' I � I � I ' I � ' , ' •• V1• r Since no one was present involved with this matter, it was put off until later in the meeting. 2. REVIE'�T OF T�i & I AiITJ STORF _'�ENOD�LI�?G, 6005 tr�TIV �RSITY A �� ��(JE N. E. MO:FION by Biermann that a final certificate of occupancy be Seconded by Dittes. Upon a volce vo�e, e�i re �ing no nays, the motion carried. 1. CONTINUIDs `�----'�'�,.-� , ,� , Stan Johnson - Engineerin�; Construction Department� P.oger Ilstruf - Real Estate & Land Development, representing Shell Oil Company. Discussion centered around the proposed service road in tr.e rear. This co.^v�ittee studied the proposed new structure as presented ignoring the proposed new service road. i�IO'rION by Dittes to recorrnnend issuanca of a building permit for the addition and remodeling as per� a;s p� rted subject to exceotions as followss A. Final plot and :Landscaping plan must be presented and approved before issuance of a building per;nit. B. City Council to resolve service road realign.�nent before issuance of a.building permit. Seconded by Tonco. Upon a vo:ice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. � 3. COI�3ID�RATI:ON 0� ADDITION TO CAP ;•,iAS3, 7I�51 EAST RIV�R ROAD, (LOT l� BLOCK HUTL'NIA�SON AD�ITIOI3 , SOUTi�EA.;T CO:7I�R OM OSBORNE A1VD EAST RIVER ROAD: ' i�lOTION by $iermann to re 'e,�ct ��roposed addition to car wash at Super America Station� 7l�51 East River Road fo "�he following reasons: CI' ' � �� v �� i BUII�DIidG STANDARD:i - DESIGN CONTR��L, FEBRUARY lf�� 1968 PAGE 2 A. Construction does not meet the fire code requirements of UBC, fire zone �1. B. The proposed addition does noi conform to the existing structure. Seconded by Dittes. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� the motion carried. !1. CO?-1TINUF'D DISCzJS3I01d OF 'I?iE J5E 0� TRTJ�S ROON SYS1r:�ISs Jan Gasterland to check into Council action on 2nd reading of the adoption of UBC as pertaining to roof trusses. ADJOURM�IdT: The Meeting adjourne3 at 10:0� P.M. Respectfully submitted, Carrol Hauge Actin� Secratary to the Committee � � � MEMO T0: , , MII�IO FROM: , MIl"!!0 DATE: ' ' ' � ' ' ' ' � � 1 ' 1 ' ' � � • c a�- i� City Coiancil City Mariager, Homer R. Ankxum City En�;ineer, Nasim Qureshi Februar3t 16, 1968 cM #4s-68-3 Street I,ighting Program for 1968 (Revised) The City Manager Homer R. Anl�um, Jerry Lohmar of N.S.P. and I made an on-site review of the program submitted to the Cit.y Council for providing adaquate lighting for the school bus stops. On the next page are the recommendations of N.S.F'. in regard to the 1968 program. This shows that some of the existing lights could be adjusted to�provide adaquate light at the school bus stops, and adding on 11 additional lights as compared to 19 discussed eaxlier. Item #4 light shown between 69�' and 70�' Way on East River Road is to provide adaquate light around the bend as suggested by Council- man Samuelson. On the attached list instead of Light #5 we are adding 1 light at 642 Way and Riverview�Terrace as requested by Councilman Leibl. Item ,�15 is the light on 53rd Avenue near our park to light around the bend. On attached sheet is the light at Rice Creek Boulevard which is requested by Councilman Hasris in regard to bad lightin.g at the inter- section. On another sheet are 2 lights shown to illuminate Rice Creek Road. There is another light added at 52nd Avenue as requested by Council- man Sheridan. This will make the total of 19 lights; 15 shown on the next sheet - one at Rice Creek Boulev,�.rd, two at Rice Creek Road, and one at 52nd Avenue. NMQ:jm ;l,' � � _ � ! ��� �� �� �� NASIM M, QURESHI, P,Eo City Engineer - Director of Public Works �r ._�_ � �� 1 � i� ' , CITY OF FRIDLEY . l. 5840 East River Road (entrance to nursing home) � : 2. 63rd Way and East River Road ' . 3. 6�+2 Way and East River Road ���Y 4. Between 69th and 70th Way on East River Road , 642 Wa.y and Riverview Terrace 5' �be����--kra�-a�.�-�as�-���e� �eaE�-- 6. Approximately 1361 Mississippi Street ' 7. Pierce and Mississippi Street ' 8. Satellite Lane and 3rd Street . 9. Satellite Lane and Mercury Drive � ' 10. Jupiter Drive and Comet Lane '. 11. Between 6211 and 6161 Sunrise Drive 12. Maln Street and 57th Place , 13. 5�+71 Altura Road 14. 5377 Altura Road ' 15. 160� 53rd Avenue N.E. ' � ' � � ' ' ' 250 watt mercury vapor 250 watt mercury vapor 250 watt mercury vapor 175 watt mercury vapor . 250 watt mercury vapor 250 watt mercury vapor 250 watt mercury vapor 175 wa.tt mercury vapor 175 watt mercury vapor 175 watt mercury vapor 175 watt mercury va.por 250 watt mercury vapor 175 watt mercury vapor 175 watt mercury vapor 175 watt mercury vapor Change position of light nortY� of Altura Road on Horizon 75th Way and Alden Way -- move: existing unit north of intersection to proper posi.tion on roadway 69th and Central Avenue N.E. -•- move existing light to intersection �/'%a� Si�`'� � East River Road and Hickory W��y -- city to pay for relocation ` East River Road and Logan Par�:way -- street light in best ].ocation � � Jackson and Mississippi Street; -- if possible change street light to existing pole on north side, eliminate one pole �- r� . �_ �_ t 1 1 clr�� or �-`�iD�.�-Y ._���. �� � . ' i N//4 COfjN£R .:�rs•• s J/N S£F. If ' � �.e :� . , ' �„ -�, - �_�±' `;t �, 69TN AVE. N.E. � .:,, .. • �- :> ,,, . ..,,, _ ,�., �.•..�� � . i,.. �So . ._' .ss ^6e .... ....E.j' .�, �,,,:� ,f�\�' � � ,_•^� �� , i � si»�• U `1+::� I '•` —1 r ,j � � •r' � ,. ,' , � � +� 7� +•S• � i � '� ' ' �— s' 2 � . t,-�-`, � 3, v ._. ,� � 2, � 2 . 2 0 = 4 �:' / ..\ !�`. . .1' ••�.• • Y ... -_ m _� N � • 7', � •I" \ I � : � \Y`�.n .>, "='" , y,� • : � 1 .��{ � • �� , _ z�`,. �, ti�' 3� 3� „� aa :5 Q � �'� \` �G,9 .,`;�,.t ;.. _ z ,, �,,: � w C. � i z- 3 . j ^ v'' ,, �: • �Y�,.r' �'. .fn ., � Q:.�� 'v ,..� 1i:�t. ' t `� 5 �r / It {, �' �.f _ . _ � �- ` � .»e ' � .s«i�r i ``, (y� • ^..: . \ \J ,,a �V _ 1 � �f• � • ,� � '.. -� C � rw �!_. W :. 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(zoo� � . �� � � , ; c��l..,; �,.�,.�E . � �-1 � � i '!'ierfo._; /x /" � � � � �; � , - \ �r � � _3� a� ; ? ! �. I e � ° I' I � S V CJ�. a I - A: . V V -- r.:�T `7 ovrtar ._�''z �� �i I �� � . , I 1'• 4 � � • /' � . �� , � "\a � �S� ' l ��� �\ �Y 1, � � z�a'�' �,,. \ - ' _.� � '• � - � ` - = -�-='=�\ •�� . --- , ___"� ' � I �� i � � ' I ..` '•..` i lel/.'6lcf ..' � ' f�� I� n. i.,. I � �r �s � % s -��r.`��� I I ` F ,5�•�;� ,. i� / ,s' _ `' _1Ir'' , , '~---- '�, -----=-�!--- .. - -- � -----. �, z�; �--�-- , ����,-,�5.<« % -���_; = � / � '__�I _l,<2f _; r; �2 � �. � �r�ey (z � l -- _Fa�l�— �, � �� ;o.,—rr�.� ri, �� ? .e_. . -i � :� L � � i I l•1 U � I - ei _ r 5-i� 1 � Z � i ' Q 0� ,� o . 1•' • -" ; . ;�, i'p. � ti '�, . � �_y �a� j' _¢! S//'1 ijO:tlS=.;� SFjC./1 ''- / � ry E,:'�l �J • 0 ...�._"�""._.�.�'__.�.,�...-....�_....__ � . ...-"-T� _ r-..z-.,�.�..�..�._. , ..,�'.. .,-. —..... I ,..•.-.-�--..'.^.---�._�..,�.�_..._.�----�.-._.�.-�.-- -._,r�_�.-'_V...—�., ' ' ' . ' . . ---.,.-:..o__,.-�._��-� . , , � � i ' u , , � , , , ' ' I , ' I ' � ' � '.� : ) •,�. S.C. Sh,�ILEY & ASSOCIATES Suitc 12 1750 hlennepin Avenue FE 8-6757 h1inncapolis hlinnesota 55403 To: D. M. Noyes Construction Co. Inc. CFfA�1GE ORDER N0. G-4 100 Fran};lin Ave . West Date • January 19, 1968 Minnea�ol_is, Minnesota 55404 Cornm ho. : 6013 Contrnctor for: General Construci�ion At: Fridley Civic Center, F'ridley, Minn. Ovmer: City of Fridley Contract dated: November 2, 19E�7 You are hereby instructed, subjec;t to provisions of the cbove mentioned contract, to make the fol- lowing modifications therein: See attached Letter frem D. D3. Noyes Construction Co., Inc. dated 18 January 1968, final adjustment of credits and additions to contract. Al1 work to be accomplished as per applicable contract and spe�ification r-equirements. Amount of Original Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Arnount of Previ�usly Amended Contracfi .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , This Change Oru�er I�o. _G-� Deduci� . . . $ Present Amended Contract . . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , � S. C. Smiley & Associates, �lrchitects O�vner Ci� of Fridley,_ Qy------=-- ------- Accep ted BY -- — Firm D. M. No_yes Const.Co, Iric. Accepted BY- ------- — BY------- -- Date __ Date__�_ 282, 600.00 28 9, 315 . 00 1, 651.79. 287,653.21 Minnesota � ' , � , 1 � ' ' � ' , r ' , ' .' , ' �`t.. '. , [ C D. 1V�. I1Toyes Consiz,llction Co. Inc. .�''�' � � ;;` ,.; �, - , �; ; ;, ��. �p r\r v"'�Sv — ' � �(� f �---� t:.£ " c/c/LGi''CG C/- �H C�Of°.i s i: � e t � �.\�°'��:,T::a::r.v . . . . � EJj'O:� If�l� ' lOD WEST FRAN}�LIN AVE. • NINNEAFOLIS, MINN. 55404 Jnnaury ls� 1J6H TELEPHONE 332'3272 • AFTER HOURS 332�SB6❑ S. C. SMiley and Associates � 1750 Hennepin Avenue �finneapolis, Tfinnesota � P.ttention; Mr. J. Richards Re: Fridley Civic Center Fridley, Plinnesota Dear �Ir. Richards: The follotaing information,is provide:d for use in preparing chanoe order G-4 on the above captioned project: - 1. Hardcaare Allok�ance • $7,500.00 Less cost per Tyler Hard���are letter dated December 4, 1967 (6,046.12) Less additional credit for one d.00r closure returned 40.49 TOTAL DEDUCTIOV FRO,I CO\Z'P�-1CT.....o.o.•.•....,....$1,494.37 2. Allowance for plaque, door nunbe:rs, nar,eplates and directional signs 250.00 Total billin� from Phil Hutchinson Co. 164.80 TOTAL D�DUCTION FP.Oc1 CO\T:'�CT 85.20 ` 3. Credit on Stud ?•?a11, Room B12 20.00 4. Credit fur ttao sets of pictures 3�J.00 5. Credit on concrete steps to Fire: Station 100.00 TOTE`�T. DEDUCTIOV FRO.•f CO\TRACT . $1,729.57 0 acs / ,���AS ,� ;, Ju.;� 19 i�6t3 ACTION 1�AKE�V—`— � f ^% �-1 � Tir. J. Richards January 1S, 1968 Page Ttao ,. -� %-r ':7 � 4'e are cnclosir.� two �;�ork orders for additional work on this project. For cutting expansion joint on the outside of the block walls at steel•columns (7 cuts) $26.38 For providing and ins�talling louver in door covered by Change Order G-3 41.�E0 TOTAL ADDITIO\TS TO CONTRACT • 67.78 NET.CHAI�GE TO CONTRACT (Deduct) ($1,661.79) Jim, please process this change order as soon as possible as we �oould like to have the final payraent approved at t'ne first meeting in February. Ve-ry truly ours, � D, M. I�OY 'S CO\�`�RLCTIOV CO3 INC � , ,/ ' ' . �r�� �/ - � �; � Paul J. 1�Toy s,/ Executive �ice President PJ,i/ j ls ' Encl. SCs MAS � JAi� 19 1�c�3 ACTION TAi(EN BY � � � c/ � R:ESOLtiTlOT� N0. � �-' � / � � RESOI,UTIOIT ORDL'�Iidu IT�iP1i0VF��TE1�I' AT?D FIAAL PLAIdS AND SPFCII'ICATIOT�S, A1`;D ESTII�IA1.'LS 'OF COS`1'S TT3�±7i?�OF: STHE�T II�TPI�OV����' PROJECT ST. 1968-1 ADDi�i�T�tiIL7 �}1 1 . 4Ti3�iF9S, Resolution No. 13-19�8 of. th� City Council adop-te�l the / �5� ady of January, 1968, set the date for hea.rin� oii the pro�:ased impiove- ments, as sp�cificdlly noted i.n the Pdoti'ce oi Hearin� attacheci hereto for reference as Exhibit "A", and � LJ � � ' � � I � � WF1F1R?�AS, all of the p-roperty o�ne-rs ti�hose property is liable to be assessed r�ith the makin� of these imp;�ov�rl�nts (as noted in said notice�� were �iven ten �10� days notice by m�.il �.nd published no�ice of the Covncil Hearing throu�h two (2� weekly public�,tions oi the required notice, and the riearing �ras held and �Yie property otimers heard thereon at the hearing, as noted in said notice. . NOW THEREI'ORF, BE IT RESOLti�'�D, By the Cotu�.cil oi' the City o£ Fridley, Arioka County, I�Iinneso�;a, as fol�o�rs: ATTEaT: C I�l'Y" C L'r'� iK 1. That the follol•ain� imprpsemtnts p-ropo�ed by Coancil Resolu-tion No. 13-1968 are herebj� or3ered to bs effectE�d and corr�pleted �,s soon as reasor_�bly possible to-witz a. A1:L of th� inpro� �m�r.ts �.s no �ed in the notice of hearing on the same as ar� noted `in �xnioit "A"� in said notice. That tYie :,rork above may be consolidated with otner areas as one improvement. 2. The work to be performe�i un�er this project may be perfor_r,�ed under one or �ore contracts as �ay 'oe deemed advisak>le upon r�ceipt of bids. 3. SunuY`b�.n En:�1:12�?"1?'?� Irdo�t;o-��,i,�d, C��su.l+ir=, �i,,.in���s are hareb.y d� si�n�. �ad a� �he �'-r_� in�.=--r_ a ro ^;his i�?,p,•o ; e- � . ment. They s'r��.11 prepa�� fln:zl p�ans and sp�ci.�ica�,ioris for the m,a'�;.n� o? sucrl i:mp-rove::iant . ADOP'I'� BY TFIE� COUTdCTL OF lYE G�I`1�Y OI' FRI�LF;�C THIS �� DAY OF �Iarvi.n C . Bru,lsel? _ , 1968. i�IAYOH Jacn 0. Kirktiam �:i . . , Mr. Trapp moved, A1r. Schaaf seconded to p�nnit the Design�•�are connection on a permanent basis witti the connection Charges paid to the District, subject to tlie engineer's desigiiation of the quality of effluent. Roll CaJ_l: Schaaf Larson Harris Holz Wolfe Songas Trapp Ch risten�en Goertz . For For For For For For For No For 0 �� ��.�`�� LIST OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 19, 1968 GENERAI, CONTRACTOR Weikleenget and Sons 1601 127th Ave. N. W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota HEATING Cftywide Plbg. & Htg. 2727 East 17th Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota ��� APPROVED BY By: Peter Weikleenget RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. By: Wa'yne G. Vail NEW Htg. Insp. � - � RENEWAI, � � LICEN,SES TO �E APP:ROVED AT THE FEBRUARY 19, 1968, COUNCIL MEETING CIGA� BY� : APPROVID BY: �omputerized Golf Lloyd Millex� Police Department 6235 Highway b5 Fridley, Minnesota -� rj �; � THE FOLLOhTNG LICENSES F0� EUGENE BOIVNETT ARE CONTINGENT UPON HIS PROPOSED RENODELING. (SEE ATTACHED INF'ORMATION) IF ALL REMODELING IS CObiPLETED� MR. HENSLEY� THE HEALTH INSPECTOR ' WILL APPROVE ALL LICENSES. � • � CAFE BY: APPROVID BY: Club 47 6061 Universit� N.E. Fridley, Minnesota CIGARETTE Club k7 6061 University N.E. Fridley� Minnesota "�On — Sale'� �lub 1�7 6061 University N.E. Fridley� Minnesota PUEiLIC DRINKING PI�4CE Club 1�7 60b1 Universiiy NoE. Fridley� Minnesota TAVERN Club I+7 6061 University N.E. Fridley, Minnesota Eugene Bonnett BY : E�ene Bonnett BY� Eugene Bonnett �' = Eugene Bonnett BY: Eugene Bonnett APPFtOVED BY : Police Depa.rtmeni Approved By: Police Depa.rtment Approved By: Police Department APPRUVED BY: Police Department ' �. , ' ' ' r � ' ' � ' � � � ' � � r � � J `�. 792 M���. St., N.E Fridl�y, i�2inn. F�brue.ry 13, 1?6R �Ir, Ja.�nes H. H�n�1�y C1 ty af Fridley Boa rcl r�f Hra.l th Fridl�y, P�inn. D4ar Sir: Tn reply to your le�tter of F'ebruary 5 regarding my fo0ct establiahment, I wi. s h t� s ta te Lhe Ppll c�wi n.g: 1. The floar pr�a behind th�e bar will be 2�eeoved with vinyl tile�. 2. All clectrical e�nd�xit a.nd vsaste pipes will b� rnsaved up ofP af the Ylsor or r�ra�ved entirely. �. All �c��.ms in sin'�s will ba �old.�rcd. . L�.ght�s arlll be insta.i.led. �v�r �ink and f�od area. (fl.ur�regcent) 5. The thre� r�aeh in berr eoal�rs will be thoroughlv clean�d inside. Bcea.u�� aP the coolin� linr..e com�ng Prom �he� baACment to the eo�l�rs, th�re i� n� k�P.y to put dct�.c�hr�bl� lin�s €�n thes� c�alere�, B�cr.auge �f thc rid�ed lin�s on th� cQ�1er�, th�y c�nr.cat be maved �n �aste!r�. With your permission, I ask th.at yau ak Qn r�s� covd armund all Eaol�re, back bar �.nd cookl.ng ta.b2P. 6. Th� c�u��rr to stor� grill wi7.1 b� r�pl�ce►d �rith stainless �t�el. 7. Th� v�ntilrtion exh�ust sy�t�m ov�r th� grill and �.e�p P�t Pry �quip— g��nt �ill b� in�ta]_led a� �e�on as I ca.n gr,t it m���+. Br,causr, oP the narrow �rea, it h?s ts b� rna�.e ta t�p�cii'icationa. R. We wi1.Y ins ts.].1 a sink i.n th� imm�*di �. te Pood ar�a. I taeulc� like a r�com�endatiQn to the bPSt x�lac� ta in�tall thig sink. 9. The w�lk in cool�r(�s y�,u m�ntioned) w�u1e1 ba okid if we insts.11ed a new m�:tsl cov�d fl�or and pa..int the wa]_ls with ap�py paint. 10. A vaeuu� br�d'�cer is bei.ng installed in the ].adieat r�st rflpn. 11. An �.pprE�vea r�frigPratc�r will be ins�allecl in �rill �r��. 12. Th� reat rea�ns �.r� being tqulpp�d wi�h ecran.�ic c�ve �n ths� �ral�. an�l f1ce,r j�int. Sanita.ry to�r�l.s �nd soap dispense�rs �xc b�ing aup�li�d by a tewel, corap�,ny. 13. Thr, ie� m��hin� will be� r�m0ved b�frare apening day. All 0P this r�r�c�d�lling can ba ca�apl� �cd by Idarch 1, axc�pt th� exha.ust �yatem in the grill ai�ea, wr�ieh mi�ht take upt� 60 d�.ys. Thank you Eugene� P. Bonnett - . . 4..__ . .I ESTIT�IAT�S TO I3E APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCTL °- FE�3RU��'`'�Y 19, 1968 D. M. D7oyes Construction �Cora�any General Con�ractors 100 Vdest Frar.klin Avenue Minneapolis, I�iinnesota Fridley Civic Center Certzficate No. 12 (:r,cbruary 14, 1968) Dunkley Surfacing Company 3756 Grand Stree� Northea;st Minneapolis, Mxnnesota Estimate �10 (Partia:l) - Street Improvement Project No. St. 1966•-1, Schedule A, accorda.ng to contract, Suburban Sewer and Water, Inc. 4550 Central Avenue North<�ast Ma.nneapolis, Minnesota 5'.i421 Estim�ate ;;1 - Sanitaa:y Sev�er, S��ater and Storm Sewer Impzovemf,nt Project No. 88, accord�.ng to contraci�, C. S. McCrossan, Inc. Box 336 . Osseo, Ma.nnesota �s�imate #;-4 - Sanitar.°y Sewer, �•�ater and Storm Sewer Improvenent Project No. 84, according to contraci�, � $ 20,269.21 $ 34,707.59 $ 26,285.40 $ 19,199.56 � � e. / � � , ' �m ' '� U �� `� �f < AIA DOCUMENT G703 O�NNER �] AR'.CHITECT ❑ CONTRACTOR ❑ FIE:LD � OTHER PRO)ECT: Fridley Civic Cen�ter (name, address) 6431 University �,venue No E. Fridleyr Minnesot.a TO (Owner) � ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 6013 � City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N, E. CONTRACT FOR:General Construction Fridley, Minnesota D. M. Noyes S �7 � � CONTRACT DATE: November 2�, 1966 �In accordance with this Contract and the attached Application For Payment the Contractor is entitled to payment in the r amount stipulated below. The present status of the account for this Contract is as follows: � � ' I � ADDITIONS $ � DEDUCTIONS $ Change Orders approved in previous months by Owner— TOTAL Subsequent Change Orders Number Approved (date) G-1 /1/67 2r 269.00 G-2 /25/67 11042.00 G-3 /25/67 3,�404.00 G-4 TOTALS lr t�61.79 ' Net change by Change Orders S 5�.053 a 21 ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM ..$ 282a 600. 00 CHANGE ORDERS TOTAL ADDITIONS ...$ 6r 7:15. 00 SUB TOTAL . . . . . . $ 289P 315 . 00 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS ..$ l_ J 661 _�� CONTRACT SUM TO DATE . . $_2$7�fi5_3.�j,-- BALANCE TO fINISH ..$ 2� 000. 00 TOTAL COMPLETED TO DATE $ 285r 653. 21 MATERIALS STORED . . . $ � TOTAL COMPIETED & STORED $ 28 -r,�y, 6`�0 21 RETAINAGE �/a 5,� OQQ-0.QQ 70TAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE . . . . . . $��C�,Z,.Fz.5.3�2�,'.— LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES . . . . $_260= 384. 00 TN1S CERTIFICATE .....$ 2�l 269. 21 $ 20,269021 Architect:�•;'S.' C.� Smiley & Associ.ates � -,, Br� �'J: �Richards � Date: FE�bruary 14, 1968 This Certificate is not negotiable. It is payable only to the payee named herein and its issuance, payment and acceptance are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under their Contract. If AIA DOCUMENT G702 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT, or other application form containing satisfactory evidence of p;iyment for Work previously completed DOES NOT ACCO�'v1PANY THIS CERTIFICATE, the Contractor shall first provide the equivalent certification by completing and executing the following: State of: County of: The. undersigned certifies that the Work covered by this Certificate fer Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received, and that the current payment shown herein is now due. Contractor. CERTIFICATE NO: ;� Date: Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public: My Commission expires: DATE OF ISSUANCE: AIA DOCUMENT G703 • CERTIFICATE fOR PAYMENT • SEPTEMEER '1966 EDITION • 019GG .AIAO THE AM[RICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHI�FCTS, 1735 NEW YOP.ri AVE., NW, WASHIf��:TON, D.C. 2000G 19 ONE PAGE I � I ' I � I ' �� / � RESOLUTION N0: '' � 1968 . A RESOLUTIOtJ AUTH�IZIPdG ANI� DIRECTING ThiE CG��uI�iING OF SPcCIAL /1SSESSh1ENTS Otd E�2 OF LOT 3, PA2C�L 30, AND LOT �F, P�RCEL 40, BLOCK 1, CITY VIE4�/ A�DITION . WHE°cAS, certain special as:sessm�nfis have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has suUs��quentty been combined. � �lOW, TH�REFORE, B� IT FESOLVED, as follows: '� That the assessmen�s t�vied against the follo��ving desc�-ibed parc�ls, to-wit: EZ of Lot 3, Parcel 30,, and Lot 4, Parcel <<C, 8lock 1, City Uiew Addition, may and sha11 be apportior�eci and combin�d as follows: I ' Or�ginaT Parcels '�-�2 of Lot 3, Block 1, Parcel' 30, City Vievr Addition Lot 4, Block 1, Parcel 40, City Uiew Addition Combining of Parcels Approve:d ' E�2 of Lot 3 and Lot 4, 31ock ] s Parcei 3S, City View Addition, � Excluding any portion of the vacated strest adjacent thereto. ' ' Fund Regutar S � W Fund ST. 1965-2 Streets SS #5-C ( St orm Seu�er ) Regutar �S & 4J Fund ST, i9b5-2 Streets SS #5-C (Storm Sewer) Fund Regular S & 41 Fund STo 1965-2 Streets SS �5-C (Storm Sewer) Originat �mount Pa i d Pa i d $ 75081 Paid Paid $ 1500�5 22 , Original Amount Pa i d Paid S 2z6,66 ����— ADOPTE'J DY TyE CITY COU;JCIL OF Tt�c'CITY OF F"IDL�Y THI$ DAY OF , 1968• ' ' ATTEST: ' ' ' ' r1AYCR Jack 0. Kirkham CITY CI.ERK M�rvin Go �3runsell 0 �� �� ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , � ' _ I ' I � , ' �I I , , r � RESOLUTI0�1 N0. �� - 15� A RESOLUTIOh AUTHORIZING ANC1 DIRECTING THE COt�18INING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMEtdTS ON LOT 3, PARCEL 4760, AND LOT 4, PARCEL 47$0, BLOCK il, HYDE PAh�K ADDITION WHEREAS, certain speciai as�,essments have been levied with respect to certain iand and said land has subsequently been combined, . NOLJ, THF_REFORE, BE IT RESOLWED, as follows: That the assessments levied against the following described parcels, to-wi.t: Lot 3� Parcel 47 60, and Lot 4, Parcel 4780, Block li, Hyde Park Addition� may and sha11 be apportionecl and com�ained as follows: Original Parcels � Fund Original A,mount Lot 3, glock 11, Parcet 4760, Regular So �!d, Fund $ �E50o42 Hyde Park Addition SS �r5-C (Storm Sewer) 140,13 Lot t+, Block 1 i, ParcAl �+780, Hyde Park Addition Combinin� of Parcels Approved ! ots 3�and i�, B1 ock 1 1� Parcel 4770, Hyde Park Addition Regular S, &� 'd, Fund Regutar SoA, (Re- certified_tg6�) SS r�5-C (Storm Sewer) Fund Regular S. � ;J," Fund Regutar S,A, (Re- certified-1965) SS ;#$-C ( Storr� SeUrer ) $ 300.80 looa32 14o,i3 $ 1,131,80 Oriainal Amount $ 751022 100032 2soo26 $ 1,131,80 ADOPTE� SY TFIc CITY COU�JCIL OF TNE CITY 0� F^IUIEY TEIIS OAY OF , �9�0 . MAYO� . Jack Oo Kir�ham ATTEST: CITY CLEftK M�3rvi n C, �runset 1 � �� � � � f ' , ' ' � � , � ' ' � `� RESC)LUTIO�d N0. - 19� A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DI:REC7ING THE COPIE3IPJING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARC£LS 7200, 7800, 8400, �ND ;1000, SECTION 12 WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said tan;] has subseque:ntly been combinedo PlO1J, TH�REFO�E, QE IT RESOLVED„ as foilows: That the assessmen�s levied against the following described parcels, to-wit: Parcels 7200, 7800, 8�t00, and �3000, Section 12� may and shall be apportioned and combined as foilows: . � Ori�inal Parcels Parcel 7200, Section 12 Parcel 7800, Section 12 Parcel £i400, Section 12 Parcel g000, Section 12 Combining of Parcels Apj�roved Parcel 7210, Section 12 Fund Regular SoA, (Sewer Main) W #34 (water Main) SW #24 (Sewer Main - Part of Property) W #3� (ldater Laterat ) SW #48-A (Sewer Lateral - No Service) SS #24 (Storm Sewer) Regular S.A, (S°w�r htain) W #3�+ (:dater Main) SW #24 (Sewer Main) W #34 (Water Lateral) SW #48-A (Sew�r Lateral - No Service) SS #24 (Storm Sewer) Originat Amount $ 3,48�,80 10,837073 3,600000 5,794,80 15,7790�0 15,759.?5 $ 3,35�+.13 10,'/71080 4,734,00 to,o53oto 15, 693 084 4g,240o75 Regular S.4o (Sewer Main) $ 3�148080 . W #3� (btater Main) 9s9�so83 W #,34 {1�ater Lateral ) 5,3550$0 Regutar SoAo (Sewer h;ain) $ 3,271a79 W #34 (�tater Main) 9,916a$' 1 �0,70 ,o�+ Fund Regutar S,A, (Sewer Main) W r�34 (�rlater P1ain) SW #24 (Sewer Ftai n) W #34 (:Jater Lateral ) SW #r`43-A (Seiaer Lateral - No Service) SS ;#24 (Storm Setiver) 0 r i g i � a 1.�rnou n t $ 13,259057 41,�F35o18 8,33t�000 21,203070 31,473064 65,OOOo00 1 0,70 ,Or+ J� 1 , 1 . �,2 ,� 1 'J � � � � � r� � , � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - FEBRUARY 8, 1968 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M, by Chairman Hughes. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Myhra, Jensen, Hughes, Erickson, Ylinen Others Present: Engineering Assistant Claxk APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: JANUARY 25, 1968 Member Jensen called attention to the sentence in the minutes of January 25, 1968, Item 5, Rezoning Request, ZOA ��68-03, Aro Industries, Inc. "A suggestion was made if it might not be feasible to tile because of the terrain" saying it was completely in error, and, as it could not be determined exactly what it meant, he felt it should be deleted. MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission minutes of January 25, 1968 be approved as coxrected above. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carxied unanimously. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: JANUARY 22, 1968 MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Commission receive the Parks & Recreation �Commission minutes of January 22, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MI1V[JTES: JANUARY 24z 1968 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: JANUARY 31 1968 � MOTION by Ylinen, s�econded by Myhra, that the minutes of the Board of Appeals meetings of Jan.aury 24, 1968 and January 31, 1968 be received. Upon a voice vote, a11 votin;� aye, the motion carried unanimously. ORDER OF AGENDA: Chairman Hughes sai�3 that, in addition to the items on the Agenda, there � is a communication from Mr. Malcolm Watson, City Manager of Columbia Heights, a letter from the Peoples Clzurch, and a letter from Nason, Wehrman, Knight and Chapman, Inc. � � ' MOTION by Myhra, seronded by Ylinen, that the Planning Commission receive and file the letter from the Peoples Church and the letter from Malcolm Watson of Columbia Heights. U��on a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. . lh.e /%�n� �.� �Iu.�Ce.t 6?59 ����;� G5 rY. �. Frci�c�eo, �Ji�vz. 5'�j42/ Frc.i.c�eG� �.�;c`.r� ('ounci.� 64�j'/ �iuverr��.�� ;?ve. r� : u. f�e� �; • :-cnn.e�v�a �lvru�r�cv,�e llac�on, �lemuen� o� �h.e Counc.i.C: �e aae pne�4rz:EC� �in� �z .�hvn,t-vr�.'ea .�ec�tvn. w occ� ,�act,Li�e.� a.� �fie K.ire� �� Thr�,Cet. 'Ve Prrv,ov<�e �ccfzin� a�ecti.vn o� vu2 P2�en� n!iszc,i.ruu� � �ri_ei.�i�i.� and a.� u o�r,i.c�.^�.(e, a 6rrv.i..Ce�, a hv:E �.CccEe, ..�v.ne u��;:Ce .�•w.vJ, a�,za-LL 2e,�:ru�ercr.r.zva ana.' a�inh. The arze.a u�t,GL cvven ��eczi.or� rzine 6� �txz:een �eei. �� zii.� .i:i:•ne �ize i,�v ��i. Su�u%zvfrn �2n,i.�:�2 � Sz,-Jen .�i�,t.a�cz h,�,� �ve�t %t� a r1Cl.Z�U2�� U�Z �,�'�.S ��2 Utl2 !72E'iJ•, � o.� -�,� 1 / � v.� : `izt' L�Cr'ri-t.::e.�i Cl�rr U,-���-_'�u7%Z• �f�eJ'z !/Je.:�ft � x�n.e a� ��-t.�on v:`" n_e_.� fi.�uv� �•�.,-/ „ 1 tr�.. i�t �.� ' , � , ., n�� e�..c�o �:� � � � nez2 �: -; „� � ���f �_�� �ew �2ry� Ule CU�G(� �,,riV'�' ��jCL-i C�C.� .�/L � I.ILC2P�J2Q,� C!/�iJL�lL72e�L� U�Z 3,'T�1�22 �-(''S 62in�in� ou2 �v w,C � � � r ".. � s .2 ;;, S. �lv�::even, �e a2e n�� ort,C� c�.�n� Z/ ;� �"�', :?I�c �n.i� .i�z ;un�.' -�fze ci�:lc c�2ez� u.� a �;�c;c.;�� ? 2 u� .tv ���n ��:;�i_r�� �uzt �t � ie .�i.:�e u�e �cc�ar_� �1 e ��? :� =!�.� �,� �c�Z u�e :'.nve � T ' V � :..., �2��z.;C;-c oeert �i_��c � 1(ie G»� ���erL DQL -(fLt? ClX'! /LU .�!?/.Y.1 �i �, .Ov!J � � , ' � ✓ � � . ,zv 2:s e cr� e v; ,-�rr,e a: �'�..i,z;i.:�na,l : ? ='�S �iv ��;�e v� ' „� • �z, .-:12e �eeCirc:� ,lzcr� 6e�n .J � L � ;,- ���2�e�.:. ,z��c.r :� �%rv- Cc:�'''l..'-Zr.. iJ�'L:JL.'.�1� V� G;:O-ZJ✓u.:' U�:' -7��� Gl�c::� �iL�ZCC.±�. �CCU2 I., � t � ' _ G2J,:_, � ,,:2 ,�l.Ctr:t. -Li�2e ;�v rc�:���ce��: vu2 a�.?��u�! �2 ��,i� ,�rz:�ce��c2�.. � , ,. :; . ; Stn.ce2eC� � J ' a� . � 4. `� .. �v/uz L.fi�?'e.(� .::evzr��e�, %f�e .firg�� �ia.0 :t u � 1��;`>;ll,rJ7.'10\� i��0. ��-�%�� ` A P,�;SOLT �'i G�,' .�; vDT__" � i' �SCLJ1'1� I, 1d0 6-�1967 �' 1� r, ,*,� Gfl i�l 1i0���S , t;/�Ci �; �1��D '�Oi�� ?.� FU: r��i�iI�IOi,�;I;S ��•ii.'LOS'r;}ui,}Y T�iL/1T irlGl P 1LI,71 TKIidG S 10�:� (0���'--SAI,L ) �, QUOR Iti�I;I�;:.,;��, i•linneapelis Loc�,7. Joi_nt �x_rycut.ive Fc,ard of_ the Ilotel P,es- taur�,nt ;���,�,loye�s ;:z;ci B; ��.�� � �rL�n_]. � IrtPfil$��onul t?niori, ��,�',1,_;,i. Uiii.ons P?o. 15?_ and T;o. �;.r� ��, Local � Of tI1C' t"�i7.T17.C?r�u L'U� Stp;-�S��c!x'c�1i11[l� T'P.(>f'P_S2l1i`.�"7�i.VaS Of ttle employees 1 L�� ,t�i �ale) of. r},e ;,i_t:y of. Fridl.cy, has pr�senrr,�1 to the Counc9_1 �f th� ri��� o�- i'rid]Ey conditioi�s ..; �, , a resolution ralatizl� to the ��or:•:ir.` , a�,c s and hours ;:or �nploy�es of t}a: t�;u:,ici,�al L;.quor Store of th� ;;;.t�, of Fr�_�1ley> arci , r,,};�;;:,-�5 � AT"tlr]� vll , rl�,.;e Sca1_e of. said Re�olu�ion i�;o. 6-1967 is �`fec;.i.ve until ,7ar.�_iary o-� 1 � 1:0�, ?,rid T, i-n�. /ltl�i:�.•i� � 1� )_S T1G'C°SSB� e�«;�:oy��s en� lot�e , Y a;: this �_i�ie to est�b?;s.� a ��a�;e scale for � d by cile � uni.ci.ial. Liquor Store (Or.-U�,i��) for t��e period J.anuary ?, 19�g to JanuarY 1, 1909, ��i�Y�.�� ri:��'��:�'���'; iiL �.�;.� ��:;' Si.. No. E,-1 c . , �OI., �il, hy tne Ci �b7 es r�b?_ishin� �,� ' „� �Y �ouTir; � tt�i� � �esolt�tion or{ii.-`� cend;.tions, to�.;es and i;o��j-., ; i e"li>> oY==�? '� � the I�iur ic i pa � Liai?or S �ore {Or.-S� 1�);,� or eni ,� , P ����-s fe_tc,.�, to-wir: t'�='�'?; a,:�>_nde.d a5 AR'I:I �, L.r; l 11 V��,^,«TI Gi:S -------____._� �ec��--c,n-l._ All r��r::��lar full i ^ ��e �mp�oye�s ner2in classified who have k%piT:2C1 COi:':.I.T:L;p_',�1�� OR?_ �1% VP_aL' S'lall '�'? �^,i.l`_IE;('1 �O ='r?O 6'P_?_'c�5 � t'.�.? 7. VE: � 1_? � ` .. u'':`O �:_T`? ,;O=��C2C� SE_. =�`�7)`� `'j��'4� VcC3�LOP. SJiY_rl ��2�1. f�l.l f�.]1 i:3. -' D1 Cl� . _ year, or lor�Ker s?��il re�_:� 1 �"'e Ln oye,�s t;or�.,n�' �� e; �'.,ca • � �� c-��e� r� r,e�,..�, � � �ior� w� ' �� ) . for _ . �-'� ?�:��. l. t va�:, �ion � � �. -S' < � . �� � :sF. , _i? 1 v: �'ti � ill �p ,sed on sLi�i .'�a �;., ��a�ion pay shall be pai.c? ;ri � a �, . v ; ,. � . . .� n �- -,r ,. �.,, ,nc Va� _;_L -, - , I .,? ..�? , o�.s _ . � r V�1"C: �i?_�i�.:>i: -�' � i _�t,..; _. i� �r :il�ij O`_ .=?.L' ' '� m .. i . . r'1':' LC?. : T� � . !? LOy �o. ; 1i:Q � i ,._ � �u?. : � �r '. � i.he L'ni � a�''..e;_ on. �'TICL� ��1 , - � � -,..-. io� O:_�;J ��l? ?i �° ��^1i 'n ar.�� �'� L. ll:ll°QL 1� ..c� � 7L'7II i! 1 l..i n. vn L�n_ ,z' ��C �.. f�*' _>r-�:iS � g:),�.� W.:1� �.=>:�.i5^�t';?'1 ' ^� ' �._ .. i'i l ��J..�.? � _2`' t, :J J '., n a .rh � - ` -__�.� .. '�!ilt�p�'11 dl� ,;� OY�='_"� ot.anc�. :�� gi_::,a� �r,ts <�.50i pEr -:,�e:c, R}sS0).,1�'I��I(�'`; i�?Oo P�3� � Z',,n _�.'� f�P, TI C LE V 11 ':JO'2[C HOUZS P�;D OU';;'''l'T`,". Secti_on l, llot�rs of T,7orlc: r';ccep� as �o t';ose :suipl�5�ees <<�hos^ dt;ties such as � Assistant to ':hE� �-,ana��r.- or Su���rvi_sor ar.d s�tt J ment arn ar:,:i may i,e as �3�i<ed u�ori and approv�d h� �se hours oF emplo}�- tr5e re�rular �-aor_1� �,�� � y the C�t,� and tlze Employee � - e� oF al:l regular eull ti.T�le Fm1�loyees shall be a period of I�ortJ i�i0) ho�.�x°s pf.r i��ee': i.ri eac�, c,.^ek consistin� of ei�ht (F3) hou�s per day in a five (5) day t•�ork �.,eelc, prcvid�d that Saturday may be a Frork day f.or an i r�ployee ;.n placu of any oL- th� other Yrec=:r di_ng d<<��s of th:-� t�eelc. A11 ti:ie �TOrk:ed iii e�:cess of for.t,y (4.0) hou:s p2r �,��ei; and/oz- in excess of ei�hl S) t'o�rs Per day, shall b� paid for at the raL-� of on� and one-nalf (1'�) �;res t}i� strai�;ht timp hourl,T rate, proviile.d that ov`rti_-�e as conpu��ed at the enc� of the ���ek shall b� based or.iy on the time ac���a' lv ��oi:cnd �nd does not in- clude th�� additi;,n.�l rates oaid on any previous clay�. ��ny 2!:li loyee c,�„ per- fort,is ;��or_r: ir. a,�c����-';ati^2 c�,•_i��h the abov� r.oted scheduln of ho�rs durin•< a re�ula�iy est�bl�s?�,�<1 �r�or�c p�ricd is deen�d a regular �uil tiaie Emp]oyee and. any persoc�. F7ho is eriployed to per,=or;n wor'; on a te.riporai•y ba�is as a replace- OrntO��°?} t}1�'�(�OI ir�jur?� CtP�Jlp�ra� Oi.OIlC' OCl leave Of c�OS�?lC�' Oi O�'?P_rr�?2.SG� ^t•^n,iS Uf t;us�ne�s C�ll? '_P;� c0 cal l^cC� �7°3�£. ':!OUTS 1S �2nc'l� Cj t0 b2 c L:,�°_i : tJ_�'12 �':!')ir�•� _ S}i1� ��=? "'L'� 8 11: � f?E. [ 7Z', J.l:'�0:�`S 0= T�?:'c�t:� '..�?� J?_?1�T� ?;hc ul��l !?1�3j� c�T:Cl '�= `.�_ O. _�:, i2'r ��3Z' :�:il� i.'• a �Oc: �JOS `_. a i..^. 2�'�rO�i i a'- ..l ,�,�-' _CiF? ^��_Oyn?. � COi�ie?S OE ?�;'11='': C�1cL' i�'OF': , ` _._ , ^ _ 3 lil �nc.j.�,yUOT" J�C : rl'7iOV1C�-^_u t0 t!18 :JT11.On ti•« ro rt i�� ke�� rh� - �h � �a:«� c����:n� �=:�i 2 c�i . , . ::-�4� -_, � ..[�. �'1�;- -.;.,-, , r :a�r�. rU_L L�in r.��1�T'I:SJ;� �S �n: .. ".C'2iS . ?GT'`- ;. r+�t �n • f' i t�2 lE :,'�r �-�� •-5 �r _ r-, a.. � � • [ U 1 ,r,�o ta ���'��J��Ot]L'1�1�er'`•^�'1 �� =."-� t?O�7T�. LL,^:� pL� �pr �_�iL.i�..� J.1=i�Z 3`,2 1:1C1�1GE'CI� -' 1 R „ 'T . ARTICL�., �C iiCLi ���AYS SE:C!'1pC1 i_ c�ll CE'�lli2r f71�2 =i�io �(i•��r�yn.?g 5'Ct�:1_� L'-'-.^__1�ra °L'±'L T/ i0i • D�e.� Yaars �?�t- i.� ^ �; , �or,.a2 ��ay, Four�� o� �uly Chr�. , SLm?s, `heir. pLT' Ll:a=3�' tr'. 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AP.TI CL,�' Vlli t i_n.,G �S RA'i::;S til� P:1Y Bartender tlai �ress P<2�a �eduL•:�r Full T��r� F>artenders 4�111�L St�I'L 8L :�i7.iO rC.i t�.'�U�' :]�_ll?:Z� six c�o: �hs pr�o'�a�io�,:�ry perioc,. i?��. ?:e�u� _� Ful l '�:i_��e c��aAtr�s�•e� �:*;_il s:_=:�t at �1.80 per t�our d�sri.n� tf,n g]_'� C10??�}l� DrO,"1�,�1�.^�8''�! DP1'iOC�. Dar ��.�;�'�-. _ !',.�ii �'': 5 Pd�:�� Parc ''_"�.^,e 3art�:�:?�rs �•r; i l s cart at �2.90 F@.". .�A�1T �urin� .h2 s ix months ���o'�-�t� cnarv �er. io� . �" - . �'.e�.: Pa- � -=-:,e 4:ai:resses �.Ti.il star`. at S?.'�0 Pec .�c�yr d��: �..,� �_« szx C??O:1rIl^. „'^}J_LLOIIat"� PE.'�LOCj. c- :��iC��-�--�1 r,�:7 _';��, ,._. .. J ��� ,.. _� � �ii'� �_._ ...�T . li'� __ )L�=:. ..�... _ , l°'�� . � . , �„-, � 1•a � li'.. 0 AiTi.ST: CIT'� ;I;E'? i: --`�ia?'vi;! . Brurt�e 1 1 �Fs�:�Ui.�1R FIILL TI�-I� T:�:i L`J�SU,LS �3,1_7 Per Hou?' �2.10 Per 1'ou: �',� i 1TLi�:_ =:i"ii L1.1 i �3.?.7 Pe: .-_.�i,,. �;?,25 Per "oar A � J_; � t_'L 7�CK Qo h1L'iC!?�':- , ' r � , � , � � � , , � � � , ' � ' Planning 'Commi:�sion Meetin - Februa 8 1968 Pae2 ��3 1. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONIONGB1oc1cE21, Hyde��Park1AddiDOonSCHME Do e.fromtR-26tohCu2. 1g, B�lock :L2 and Lot 3, C.hairm�n Hughes read the public hearing and explained that in the past ' it h�is been the practice of the Planning Commission to give the petitioner an oppor.tunit;y to speak in favor of his request, then the Planning Commission mem-� bers may ask questions and finally the members of the public speak for or against the petition. ]�Ir. Schmedeke asked if there had been any correspondence opposing his requ�est, a.nd he was told that nothing had come in. 'Mr. Sc:hmedeke continued the main reason for the rezoning request was to his wife would get a bett:er title for his property. In case of haTtdebuhin it would be have a difficult time to sell and he doubted the p y Y g able to borrow money with this type of situation. He wished to make it crystal clear that Lots 16, 17, 18, Block 12 are commercial property and 14 and 15, now used for T.H. ��47, were considered commerciil andbeforetFridleyh and since property has been used commercial since May 1, 948, theri there has been new oxdinances and new code. He was never informed in writ:ing, never received notice of any kind when this was taking place, and accc>rding to the rezoning, he was zoned two times, if eOtlehinethelknow"eto camE, out to Fxidley. Lately he was informed by "the p p takE. this route. Because two lots were taken away fxom the front of his pro��erty, which were definitely commercial, he had to buy two more lots, one nor�th and. one south, and they definitely have to be rezoned. He decided to include a.11 the lots, even though three are, and always have been, commercial. He �wondered if the Planning Commission received the Council study of his prob- lem, and as close as he could judge, it seems they also are in doubt whether ox not he is commercial. The small lots were left commercial on the East side of the a�ley, but when he purchased the lots, the State took half for T.H. ��47 so half of the building set on commercial. Other than that, many of the people tha.t he talked to about this were surprised that he was not zoned commercial and� figured he was after being there so many years. The Chairman then asked for comments or questions from the members of the Planning Commission. In answex to Myhra's quesrion about the commercial property, Mr. Schmedeke sa:id when he came out to Fxidley, there were no buildings, just lots. The pe��ple purchased the land, built their homes and then found out they wexe zo�ned commercial. When they rezoned, he was not infoxmed. At 7:55 P.M. Member Erickson entered. The audience responded as follows: Daniel Erickson, 5860 3rd St. N.E.: I am a close neighbor and I do n�t ha.ve anything against Schmedeke having his property co�mnercial. Mrs. Fxank Gabxelcik, 5923 3rd St. N.E.: I believe that Eldon's property was� commexcial, has always been and sblemdand hismmpropextyrshould.be so Zon�dly wc>uld be confronted with the same pro Don Crooks, 5910 2nd St. N.E.: I have lived hexe since 1946, Eldon came slioxtly aftex. It does seem unfair tavehknownn othi geobjectio ablea hHeeshould m��.de when he bui1t his business. I h b�� zoned commercial. � � ' � Plannin��o�nission Meetin� - February ti, 196ts Page 3 Frank Gabrelcik, 5923 3rd St. N.E.: I have property on 58th and Univer- sity. I always thought my property was commercial. Schmedeke has been no bother fox� 20 years. I would have the same problem if I were to sell my property. Mrs. Lucille Heins, 5832 University Ave. N.E.: We have been living here since 1956. University Avenue is considered the main street of Fridley. I see no reason why anybody on this side of University should not be commercial when the other side is. � Mrs. Harlow Kinney, 5841 22 St. N.E.: I, personally, fiave lived here since 1948, my husband since 1936. I have always known it to be commercial and have no objections to having it zoned commercial. ' � 1\ / L� I Mrs. Raymond F. Harris, 5840 University Avenue.: I always thought it was commercial and I think he has the right to have it zoned commercial. too. Mrs. Elmer Gabrelcik, 5845 2� St. N.E.: I think it should be commercial, ' Member Myhra said he noticed quite a few of the people here tonight have indicated they had lived in the area prior to November 14, 1955, when there was a meeting on rezoning the City of Fridley. He asked if any of the people , in the audience had attended this meeting. The answer was that they had not received a notice of the meeting. � , ' � ' , � , � ' ' Mr. Schmedeke said he did not know of anyone in his area that had attended the meeting. He asked to present a petition signed by the people within 200 feet of his property. He had not consulted the apartments because, he said, the people keep moving in and out and the apartments are sold frequently. He showed pictures of his buildings befoxe and after the tornado. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Commission receive the petition, with nineteen signatures, presented by Eldon Schmedeke this evening. Upon a voice ��ote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Chairman asked if there were anyone present who was against the petition. There was no answer. MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Co�nission close the�Public Hearing of the rezoning request, ZOA ��68-01, Eldon Schmedeke, of Lots 16 through 19, Block 12, Lot 30, Block 21, Hyde Park Addition to rezone from R-2 to C-2. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani- mously. The Chairman explained that at this point the Commission has the opportunit:,- to d.iscuss the matter, act on it, recommend approval or disapproval, continue for further study or refer to the Subcommittee. He wished to point out one thin.g relevant to the discussion. Mr. Schmedeke commented he felt the present situ.ation, under the zoning code as it now stands, would a11ow the continued pxesent use, regardless of ownership, and that the land, if it would be trans- ferz�ed to another owner, could be used in this manner. It is correct that a non-conforming use would be continued in that fashion in the future so that it i.s not an emergency matter. It would not work a hardship against the owner at t:he present time or the future owner. � ' Plannin� Coiumission Mceti_ � � ' , � � � ' ' ' ' r �. J � , r CI � - Februa�y 8, 1968 �t��i Pa�e 4 r4ember Jensen said lie Ctiou&ht tlie proble�n tlie Planning Coi�u�lission is iacing here tliis evening is somewliat clearly PU111LCCl atit in a statemenl made by one of the audi.ence this evening, Mr. Gabrelcik made the conunent to the ef.fecL- that he has propexty on SSth and University Avenue at- the present time and believed it was zoned conunerci.al. He, also, made a comraent something to the effecr that he would like tu be included in this reroning. Jensen tlien added tIiat the Planning COIILTTl1SSlOII had a more or less conti_nued study, in some form, of this area in the past year. It was not al�vays a zonin� problem, sometimes the problem of street access and just xecently a number of requests foi TC'Z011lilg to aparLment houses. The Planning Conunission has recognized that they have very unusual circumstances in this rather laxge area of the City of I'ridley. The zoning is peculiar to say the least, to have nearly 80 acres zoned in sucli a fashion that the hi�hest use that co�uld be allo���ed �aould be double bungalows. He felt in his own mi.nd that this is an error made in the past. �,1e are all familia�r wiLh the area. Recently, wiLhin the last month, the Planning Coirur�ission turned �3o���n two separa�e individuals who requested zoning to multiples. The basis for turning down these requests was the fact that we could not be put in a position of spot zoni_ng. If �ae talce a single little piece of this fairly large area, consider it only by itself and rezone it to soniething else, the stage would b�� set for a rather broad overall rezoning in that area. If we turned doom a rezon:i.n� request for something across the street in the same circumstances, that individual could �:ake his gxievance to the court and demand this second rezo.zin�; �aould take place. � Jensen contimied the Planning Cormnissioiz is cognizant of the pxoblems and recogni•r,e L-he need for additional study so that a completely thorough ne�a look could be given to this area. They have i.aken steps to contact a professional planner„ T011lgllt: Mx. Chapman of the firm of N� son, Welixmai3, Klll�',Ilt= c'lI1Ct Ct1clPillc'111� Inc, is tiere with a proposal by his firm. This proposed study has been ina.tiated at the Planning Conmiission level and the Council is aFaare of i� only by reading our minutes. We have not discussed this ��ith the Council. We want �o talk in terms of: facts about the cause and need for this study and give them a time table. We must deterr�ine o�hether this s.tudy is to be made before we can make a recornmenda� tion on the request, Based on the statements he just made, he said he felt the only proper and logical course for the Planning Commission is to continue this item unt:il they are able to make a further examination as to whether or not a study can be undertaken by the planner. P7ember rf}*hra repeated the fact that.the people have a real problem, not onl.y those �ai.th a non-confoifini.n� use but the balance of the�n. He tlioubht that having thzs stu.dy would be the best thing for tlie people in that area. FIe would be voting aut of ign�rance as thi.s is altogether too complex to Sllllj)1�7 make a decision, and he a.dded that for this time, would very mucti lilce to have professional advice. Reg;ardin� the date of postponement, the Chairnla�l said if Council approves the request for a pYanner, the completiori clat-e �•�ould be tentative; if Council does not appr.ove the request for a planner, then the Planning Commission caill have to G,*ork from L-heir o�•�n knowledge. P10TION by Mylira, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission move to conti.niie to the first regular mee�a.n� of the Coimuission, foll.o�•�ing ac�ion by ttie Council upon their pxoposed request fox a professional consultant of the � � . � F� � I '`�� ' Ylann�_i�� Cc�nmlission r;ceti_i� - 1 ebruar� S, 1968 � 1'a�;e �, �tyde ]?arl: �lddition area, the rezoiii.n� request, ZOA ;F6S-Ol, Eldon Schmedeke of ' Lots :L6 throu�h 19, Blocic 12 and Lot 30, Slocic 21, Hyde Paric Addition L-o re•r.one from lZ-2 to C-2. � ' ' 2�lember Ericicson �aondered if the Conunissioxl could table action on the rezon- ing until the next item on the abenda �aas considered, P1emUer Jensen agreed. 'Che Ti0TI0N failed. MOTION by �rickson, seconded by rlylira, that the rezoning request, ZOA ' ��68-O:L by Eldon Schmedel:e be tabl_ed this eveizin� until completion of Item �r2 (Propc�sal for Hyde Park Additi.on by Planning Consultant) of the Agenda. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � � ' ' r , ' ' ' � � , ' , 'Ihe Chairman said that assuming the request for a planner was put on the Counc:il agenda for Fehruary 19th, it could be brought back to the Planning Com- mission on February 29th. Councilman Liehl, a visitor, saa.d that P1r. Schmedeke and tlie people are here :Eor one question, and that is.to ask this Commission if they are willing. to ap�prove the �:equest oi Eldon Schmedelce only, and not for the �ahole area. He ux;;ed them to make a decisioiz, either approving, or disapproving and stating the reason �ahy. The petitioner and people c•�ho signed the petition would lilce an an,�wer o;ze way or another. 'Ihe Chai.rman thanked Councilman Liebl for his comments anci said the Com- mzssi��n members who spol:e on tha.s request previously, outlined his opinion. If The PLanning Com�nission were to vote on this "yes" or "no", he could not vote knowled�eably. In terms of the impact of this rezoning request upon the long term ,�oning pattern of the area, he agreed that R-2 zoning was not pxoper., but in the form ai�d manner in �ahicli the arca had developed in the past, it was not prope�r to keep it at R-2. This he feJ.t sure of, but beyond i:hat, he found him- self �snsuxe. He felt the Planxiing Commission could do a much better job in the way t]'ze Hycte Parlc Area should be developed in the future by getting the opinion of an expert. This is not an emer.gency situ�tion and his feelings ti*ere tltat this is th�e best r.hing for the Conunission to continue the study, lKembe�:- Eri.ckson said he did not- think the Coir�nission wished to be pushed int-o ,a situation where they would have to vote on the rezoni.ng request now, and tlhat he was xeal�y firm in the belief the matter should be studied further. lKyhxa stated that this does not seem to be an unusual procedure as it has been done in the past. lKr. Schmedelce 2.dded tha� he, also, would lilce to see approval ox disapproval., He su;ggested that i.f tlie Planning Coinmissian would read the �,rx'ite-up of his property prepared for Council, they o�ould see tha� one tialf of tlie lot that his building is setti.ng on ��as at one time zoned coilunercial, It is not a ne��� buildin� or a:ne�•� busiuess, tIe has every int=ention of leari.ng (IOG711 the house on the north pxopezty �•�hexe the trai_lezs and cars are siored if the rezoning request is grant�ed. It is also true, Chai.nnan IIu�hes si:ated, apartmients �•�exe turned do�•rn on ttie basis tliat pzop.er io set a precedence of reroning i�t tliis deny bo�h petzrions. ttiat two requests for rezoning tlie Commi.ssion did not feel it area at this �1111C� and chos'e to to `:)�/ � , }?l.annin�; C�mrni.ss,ion Pleeti.n�;� l�ebruaz-�� S�_1968 Y ____ � Pa�;e 6 ' ]!1r. Sc.�iTUedel,e asl:ed if Lhe Plannin� C011lllllssion was a���are that he �•�as aslcing to rerone f'ive loi:s ��hicti included Lhe t��;o lots he first bou�lit. He asl:ed t1i1C fihe r��quest. be approved or disaPpxoved. � ' T��tien thc public �aas asl:ed ho;a many �oould lilce to have �heir property zoned cocrune:rcial, a ma jority of the liands �aere raised. One memUer said he aid not thi.nlc i.t �•�ould be necessary to tiire a plan�ier for tlie area from 57t1i to 60L-h as there are no objections Lhere. i�fr, Schmedel:e said tl�e majority of these �eople who signed his petition � were �•�ithiLi ?_00 feet of him. There is a petiiion coming from the entire area ULlL I1P_ is trying to get hi.s request through no�o, He said if he had to, he would go further, but he �•ras hopiai� he �•�ould not have to. The three lots are ' coinme;,cial and he thought he could prove that. If he had to go further he supposed he would but he �•�as trying to do tha.t the easy way. ' , ' r�lemUer Plyhra said he thouoht that Eldon was perfectly right in spealcing only for h:is property, but he didn`t think he �•Tas asl:ed to serve on the Planning Com- mission just to consider one piece of property. The meiiibers were expected to thizilc in tenns of the entire Ci.ty and thinlc in tei-�ns of long range planning. If �ae get a professional co�l�ultant, and if the plGnner solves the problem, Mr. Schniedelce woutd have no problem. Tf we have a professional consultant, and Mr, Sc:hmedelce's problem is not sotved, he would not be in a difierent position than he is no�,*. rSOTION by Ericicson, seconded by P4yh-r.a, that the previous mot�ion be xemade ---- - --------- , and that th� Plaxini_i�g Con��issi.on table this i.�em, take Ite�n ;�2 (Hyde Park • �-- --- Addii3.o�� Rerozzin� P-roblem) on the a�encla� t}ien coi,le�aCk an�onsi�ler t�his _ ---- ___ . ` -----. _ _. __ __ _ _ . - — - - -.---_ ,it-e;r.�. Upo�.1 a voice vote, all voti_iig aye, the moti.ori carz ied unanzmous�� � 2. HYDI; F�Ar�K ADDT7'ION RE'I..ONI�?G PROBL?�'�i: Bill Chapman of Nason, Tdeh�-man, Kni.ght & Chapma.n, Inc, to preseiit cos� pxoposal. lJ ' , ' , ' ' ' I N[x. Chapnian reported he had made a revieta of the lar�e area, and tha� he had no� plannin� ans�aers for the property at this point. The proposal is for i the pe.rfor_mance, for technique and professional assistance to help the Plan- � ning Gonunission. He said, addxessing the general ptiblic, it is well for rhem to k�io��� �he PJ.anninU Commission are people donating their time to help them with n.o pax�icula�: guidance, something like a tri_p to Cali.fornia c•�ith just a car and compass. This Planni_ng Conmiission has made a decision to ask for a pzoposal. To be considered is whal caiz happen to this area and ho�•� can it be improved. Oixr proposal is to -revi_e��� these various aspect�s, get the feeling of the people concex'ned. Some of the alternat:es ���ould be developed and discussed wit�h tt�e Pl.anning Con�nissioli members, To prepare a background plan thai �aould give t:hi.s Planni.ng Com-�tissi_on some gua�dance for the regulation of ttie axea in the fui:t�xe, altexnates of pa�tern of use �aould be develo�ed. FIe hoped upon , compleLi.on of the study that, ��orl:ing �aith tlie Pl.anning Co�nission and develop- ing a circu]_ation type of restnne, i.e, worlc the example as to the i.ntent, whethe� it i_s residcneial, con�uercial or indttsLri.al axea and to L-he community i_n tlie fuiure. It seemed to Ilim it must be a plail that can be carried for�aard; can be pexfozmed over a period of time and a sequence of steps for the Planning Conuni_ssion. The services ���ould be on a time and cost basis �ai_t�h an outside limi.red figuxe. IL �•�ould be pex£oxmed ���i_thin a period of three mont}is. riember Jensen thoughl- it �•�ould be false economy to delay this parti_cu11r study ��•�aiti_n� for a staff planner. ' ' ' � , ' � � -, `•�y� Planni.r� Conuiiissioii P•;ceti_n� - 1'ebxua�8� 1965 ____�_ Page 7 Councilman I.i_ebl said since he ��as councilman of i.hat ward, he �aas very suiprised to J.eaxn of the xequest for a plann�r Lecause nobocly in his c�rard has aslced for a feasible sL-udy, IIis people have told hi.m this, that they were interested in a chan�e f_rom commercial for 57th to 60rh, but not between 60�11 and 61st over to riain Street. There are nice and beautiful homes tliere now,. He did 710� IC110C4 at i�he present time if the people were willing to change to con�nercial at 60th and 61st from University over to Main Street. C11d1_1111311 IIughes explained tliat in� a decision but they are asking somethi_ng to sometliin�, but a study ConunissioiZ does not feel ttie whole the Planni.ng Comnussi.on was not attempt- for a study; not for a study to change from £or the area based on the fact that this area should be R-2. Myhra said that i:he reason for consiclering the axea from 60th to 61st, �aas to study the road pattern conu_ng to 61st. ' ' Eri.ckson mentioned the Conunission thought the area of 16 square blocks zoned for t�a� family d��ellings is improper. We are tryino to fi_nd out the proper thin� for the area and not to talc.e it lot by lot. �de feel this is � the correct way to go about it. �He did,i't thi�nk taking two lots at a time i.s i:he proper way i:o handle it. ' � � �J , ' , � ' L _J � � � Chai.rman Hughes informed the audience that it costs $40.00 to go through the proceduxe of rezonin�. If each o��aner h�.d a lot in that 2rea and put in for xezoning, ii: �•�ould be $40.00 for each lot, It can be done that �•�ay, but tl�e Plannin� Coirsni.ssi.on mernbers feel it �aould be exxoneous to do it that way. Counci_lman Li_ebl sai_d, regaxdi�zg the axea between 57th Avenue and 60th Avenue fxo�n Uni.v�zsity to 3rd sLreet, that the people feel it should be conmtercial �he same as on the East side of T.H. ��47, which is co�nmexcial. Tho:se people could not understand why corn�-nercial is on the East side of Uni.versity and they are not zoned the same. He thought that ti*as why they were� asking �o justii'y it by requesting to rezone to coimnercial, They just: want their ptoUlems soJ.ved, He did not think very much would be accamplished by a study and there ti�ere people in that ar.ea who did not go along with it. Fx'om 57th to 60th Avenue the people thought they �•��r.e conmlercial. He felt he could see no justification for the fact that the preti�ious Plc'�Illlllld Comniission macie the East side of University Avenue com- merc:a_al and not the t��est side also. This is the provlem. rlember Eri.ckson recalled the pr.operty on the i,lest side of Universi_ty Ave��ue ��as comme�:ci_al but the liigh���ay took it. Counci.J.man LieUl stated it was connaercial, but �aas rezoned to R-2 so the State �ot it cheap. The talioJ.e layout of this plan should be commercial. i�?eaY• 61s�, the people are proud of their homes. Jensen asked ii he were assuming the Planning Conunission was talki.ng abou�.t com�nercial for the area bett•�een 60Lh and 61st. He had no undersCand- ing of that, but he agreed c��i.th COLIl1Clllll�ill Liebl thal- he ���as correce, there ar.e bcauti.ful homes, lar.gel.y sin�le family d�velli_n�s in thaL- area, f.e didn�'t tlii�llc it �•�as fair to ttiosc peopl.e to be in an area Z011E'_Cl F-Z. Tliey deserve some consideration, also. He t�lOLl�llt it was unfair to them as well since the enL-i.re tract is Lo�-��a r.-2 aild the study must include that area wi.th.ottt any ai�tempt Co pr.ejudge �•�liat it mi_�ht be changed to. , 1'lan�z ' Comn�:tssion r;eetii��; - 1�eUruary 8�_ 1968 Pa�;e 8 Ttiere was a discussion re�arding rates, personnel assibned and method of proceciure t��it:li r�r. , Chapman. � ' Member Tlyhra said lie believed that, rianager and the Plannind Commi_ssion feel Hycle Park Addition, it seemed to hi.m Lhey � what they need, and it seemed to hi.m Mr. be �aorkin� ���ith the Planning Coimnission. ' ' � LJ ' � , ' � �� � �� � � �,:� in vie��� of i�he iact LhaL the City Lhe need of: some help in t.lie stt�cly of should no�a go to the City Council foi Chap;nan covered the suU ject, and he �aill r40TI0N by i�2yhxa, seconded by Ylinen, that the Plannin� Con-anission recom�uend_ --- - — __. _ __ -- - to tlie Council that a special zoning study of Hyde Pailc �aa�tzo�z as outline_ �by B. B. Chapn�an of I�ason, ���el�r.man, Knight & Chapznaii, Inc, in their letter of _ - _ _. ._. ._ .. —��--�-�--� --- - p- �ive professional help to t-he Plannin� February 6, 1903 be ado ted in order to __ .___ ___ __-. ---- ' r _ __ . _ - - - -- - Cormnissioil i_n the matter of resolv�.ng ehe rezoni_ng problein in thi_s area. Upon `a v�o ce votc, al� votinn aye, the motioil carried unani�nously. Ylinen added that he had heard a lot of conunents in this particulax area, a�id belie-ves it poi.nts out ttie necessity for some professional guidance. It was ment:ioned tonighL- that in the last 10 or 12 yea-rs mistakes 4�ere rnade in the zoning and classification of uses of the land in thzs rezoni_ng and tl�is is exacL-ly what would happen zf the Planni�z� Conunission made single decisions. That is the reason, he added, that he had seconded the ll10�:1011 and was in favox of xeconmiencli.n�; thi.s proposal �o the Council. Mr. Gabzelcik said the people who live in the area do not believe in having a planner. � Tlie Chaii-ma�i made a suinnary by saying the Commissi.on has said ��za�V�at�aiiy and col.lectively t�hat they presently feel very highly iu favox of a si:udy of the. a;:ea as I1C'_CCSS^uY37 �nd at t:his poi.nt the Coirm� ssi_on has t���o choices : 1) to underi:alce the necessary study on its ocan using i.L-s lirni.ted tllll2 to accomplish ttie taslc or 2) hire some assistance. The present man po�•rer in the City Engineer- ing Department is noe sufficient to do this. The individual m�mbers of this Commission, however dedicated and seli-educatecl in the problems of use of land, are not qualified to coilduct a�study of this sort. The amount of time requixed that the Co�ninission should undc.rt-ake on its o�•�n would be proh.ibitive from the standpoi.�zt oi giving a;1 anstaer for rezoning of this area. The only logical tliing they can do at this point is to talce on a traiiied, knowledgeable planning coilsulta�lt s•�ho can do the leg work necessary to get a logical ans�•�ei: and lay dot•�n ga-ound work for the future of this ar.ea. By hiring a planner, �•�e do not close doors, �•�e open a lot of Lhem. tide clo not close ourselves �o any course of action. [�Te are not even conunitt�ed io listen to the plannex. It �•ras hi_s undex-, Stc'i11C�111�' i:haL- the fi_rm. of Nasoii, jdetix7uan, Knigh� and Chapman, I71c. is highly qualified aiid comes to us highly r.econ�niended. 7'he audi.euce were informed ihat Lhi.s request will go to Couneil at their_� next lEat111T 111Ee�:7.11� on February 19, 1968: RrTURN T0 ITEi�'I ,',�1: PUBLIC HEARING: RF;'I.ONING P.I:QUFST_ZOA ;�68^O1, ELDON SC�TIfEDEKE: Lot�s 16-19, Block 12 and Lot 30, I31ock 21, Hyde'Park AddiL-ion. � � Clla�r.man �Iu�lles eY�lai.ned i_hat, under the ci.rcumstances, the Plannin� Com- mi_ssion has no alLexnative but L-o continue this niatter until Council's wishes are made kno�an. MOT70Td Uy Ericicson, seconded by Jenscn, thaC tt�e Plannin� Conmlission continue � �]ie re•t._oni}�g,���uestz !OA ��68--01, Eldon Schmedel:e, Lots l�hrough 19, Block 12,~ and Lot 30, P,lock 21, }Iyde Parlc Addi.t:i_on, to be rezo�led fronl R-2 to C-2, to � , r , � � � � � r ,� Ylaii��i_ng Co;iuna.ss.�.on �Ieeti_nSZT Febru�� 8, 1968� _�_ ' Pa�;e 9� � � � � . � . � , � � Feb�_ua�;y ?_9, _ 1968 and cv� �h tt�e conditio tlial.. if ttie Council at it s ne - uleet- ---. _ __ __ -_ _ __ _ _ --- i.ng approves the h�_�:ing of the fiizu of ' soi -�;�l�xin�n,__Kni_�ht and Cha�ma , -- - --- --- ---- - ---- - Incozpo�-aLc:d i�o study the probl.em of •r.oning in IIycle ParIC Acldi:ti:on,-t1�ie Conunis- sion ��aill tiave to taaii for furtlier acti.o�1 ti;.itil tlie stucly is compleLed, and if � ------- -- -------- - _ - ---_ __ ____ _ _ _ _ ---------- -- - _ -- —_ ------ --- Counci�cloes not al�prove, the Ccr.r�ni.ssion ���ill talce actian on February 29, 1968 ��or ria�ch 14, 196�3. Upon a voice vote, all votiii� aye, tlie motiori caxried unaili- mously. ' RICF CIZET'h_P.OAD/CI;NTl'�L AVEI�'tlr PLAI�': Coi�tinued from Jam�ary 25th meeting. Mr. D. L. Scherex, 6523 2nd St. N.F.: I prefer having the street come in on tlie North side �•�heie presently sho��m. If you talce a road on our side, there is notliiug left. � • - The latest map ���as again checked by PZrs, Kasso�•�, rirs, Skog, Mrs. Miles, Theilmanxl`s and Rev, Hendexson. Mrs. Skog: I was �vonderi.ng about a xoad going out to Central Avenue. If it is not put in �ae have no outlet, �de have L•o have another outlet onto Central; Member Era.cicson shot�ed her that this road would enable her to develop the entire parcel. Mrs. Slcog: I couJ.d put a ctil de sac i.n the ce�itex and sti] 1 get out, however, I don't �aant to block P�orley or Scher.er. Tlle coitruent was made that the road does not have to be put in at that point. 1ne pi:oblein is �ahefher it is desirable to force a p�xson to put in a road they don't �•�ant. Myhra obsex-ved thai� the poinr i.s there is a goodly number of acres which should be developed and considezed. It �s in conflict with individuals and the Planni.ng Connnission tried to avoid �hi.s. Rev. �Iendexson reaifinned L-ha� they ���ere just not� ready f.or it no�a or other alternaL-i.ves. They want-ed to go on record bezng fixm on this. Eri.ckson questioned if there paas any possiUility of temporary cul d� sac on both 0`Bannoii and Sko�; property as fax' as developing �oas conce�ned if the Central Aventre r_oad didn`t go through. He �,ras told by Jeilsen ttiat it �vould be qtii_te possible and feasible to put temporazy cul de sacs in a number oL potenti.al spoLs. This lill�].c'il study was rought abou� Uy the reco�niring oL- r11e Subcommittee that this area had to have a sL-xeet plan, somei:hing to point eo�a�rds. The plan in fr.ont of thern now is ki_nd of conclusion the Subcommit-ree felt i:hey should draw -- a simple street pla�i tliaL Counci.l can adopt �•�itliout �tny specifi.c pzessure on a�iy inctividual to t:alce this pJ_an and plat his propexty. It �aas not hi.s fecling thai: anyoiie has to be tor.ced to give us 1 road witli possibly one or t�ao e�cepi:ions. The ent:ir.e idea i_s to be as flexi.ble as possible. It coul.d even tal:e f:ifty year.s to plat and tlie pJ.an would sti_11 be �•�orkable. � the Chairman ex��lai_ned Lhat L'he SuUcornmirtee tootc the initiative. The aim was L-o clevclop a l.asLing worth�ahile str.eet pattern, Pressure L-o change �•Till eveni:ually come and we ar.e fortunate living i.n a COI'iiI11L1T17.tj7 t-ha� ��i_11 proiecL its citizens Uy pr.ovidin� a �•�ozl:able plan. t�lia� has Ueen done is unprecedented J.11 Fr.i.dley. � Plann i_,1 ; Cor�uni..ssion iicc:tin ;- 1 ebtuar 8, 19G8 � _ ____ ________ _--------__----- __�_____�___Y _______ _. � � � r1 9 r:i;,(? TU Tlie auciience tiere told �lle L-act tliaZ tlie Subco�rui_it�ee miglit recom�»end t.his �c�r a sLreeL' i�L311 L-or adopti_on by ti�e Council does not L-alce at��ay i:he zi_�ht of thc i_ndiv:i_cl��al Lo come in ai�d pr��,unt an a1Ler_naL-e plan. The pl�an ���on't be put tlirotigh unL:'tl the actual constrtiction talces �lace. If Lliis ��ere adop�ed at Council level, iL' is rather unli_Icely that anyone ��TOUId come in �•rith a Uctter pl��i tliai: ���ould supersede tlii.s. Tliere is al���ays i�hose alternates that souieone would co:ne in �aiL-h their o�•ra sPecific plan and it mi_�ht be aaop�ed ii it- proved to be superior and confox-m �vith i:he supgested i�lan. It gives peol�le an opporLunity t-o see how they could do somethin� �ai�ti their propeity in COI1jU11CL"10i1 �ai_th the Ualance of the area. i�ir. Theilmann meni::ioned t.here ���e�:e two cul de sacs oii each side of his property and he �•aondexed if he �aould Ue i�a�ed for st:�:e��t mainLenance. � Iie was i�old Lhat could not be ans�•ae.red �iow, bui: i_f �,rater and se��rer are stubbed up to the cul de sacs, then he ���ould izoi: be assessed, but if it went through them, he mighC be, The set•�er mighL go in this locat-ion, but � if he desired to have no sL-reet, �hen he �•�ould not be forced to have one. �iocaever, he would Ue assessed for the p3_ping. � Mr. Thei.lmann said it �,rould be of no advaniage to hi.m to have his land cut up in small pieces, iie u�as going to oUject from the si:art if the l�iping goes through. CO:�RI�CT.ION JA\Ut1RY 25 1968 P:L<'1\�TZ\TG COP•�•fISS)AN MI�NTES? ....____._.._..---.�...___._... �_�>.,�..._.�..._T_.____________..__.._._�_.__..��..___._____ , Under I�em 8, Rice Creek Road/Central. Aveuue Plan, on ►_op of Page S, � the firse sen�e�ice reads "The Con�nussion tabled action on the iL-em, until the February 8th mee�i.ng." The date should have Ueen rebruaxy 29, 1963.� NiOTIUN by �ri.cicson, seconded by rlyhra, L-hat, under Item 3, Rice Creek Road/Central Avenue Plan, a� the top of Pa�;e 5 ot the Planning Commxssion minutes of January 25, 1963, the sentence should read, "'Che Conunission tabled action on the item until the rebruaz�29th meetin��'!, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion car-r:ied unanimously. Chairnlan Hu�es reaffirmed the statement that Item 3, Rice Creelc Ro�d/ ----------------_..._.___._____------__._- ----.— ..� _ � Central Avenue Plan on L-lie Agenda of Feb;:uary 8, 1968 Ue conL-inued until rebruary 29, 1968. 4. � � S. � � INT�RS�CTlON PE1TTrRN: AiISSISSIPPI STRI�rT AND LAST RIV�R ROAD; It was sugges�ed that the City,Attorney be aslced to prepare a mo�ion for the meeting of l�ebruary 29, 19G3 for Lhe ini:ersection plan, that a plan be dta�an caithout BoU's P-roduce name on it, acquize addi_tional 10 feet for right of way for the F,ast-[dest street and recommcnd the improv�ment. It evas agreed a xecouunendation of the adoption of a:future �•�ould Ue in order. Ctiaii�nan Ilu�lies stated that Item �`�F� IlltE.'ISCCtl011 Pa�tern: i-fississi i SL-reet anc �ast River Road, �ao�ild be cunL-int�ed unti.l rebzuaxy 29, 1963. DfSCUSSION Ol rn,rTING idlTIi UNIVI'.RST.TX r�TrNSION SI:RVICI;: PROGRI�M r1�TR0- POLITAN Al2EA^llLVI;LOPIILNT; ���---�.�T_�^. ���� The Chairman said L-lii.s �aas L-he pro�ram the Cliambez oL Commerce heard l�.st fall. The :Czlm shotan �aas very well done. It ciescxibed the need tor metropolitan planning. �Ie reconuiiended il: as a �aortli�,�hile program. � I /� • i Plannin� Commission Meetin� - February 8, 1968 Page 11 I � 6. �� �r � � Item �k5, Program of Metropolitan Area Development, was to be put on the agenda of February 29, 1968 for further consideration. PROPOSED ZONING CODE: The members of the Planning Commission set the date of February 22, 1968 to meet at 7:30 P.M, at the Suburban Engineering, Inc. for the puxpose of studying the proposed zoning code and submitting theix suggestions to the City Attorney fox his corrections and conclusions. � ADJOURNMENT: Thexe being no further business, Chairman Hughes adjourned the meeting at 11:35 P.M. . � � � . � r � Respectfully submitted Hazel 0'Brian Recording Secretary � � f � � r I, � r ' � � PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY MONTHLY REPORT - JANUARY 1968 STREET DEPARTMENT HOURS 1.. Miscellaneous Street Work . . . . . . . . . . . 157 2. Shop Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78� 3. Signs and Barricades . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 4. Equipment Repairs - Street . . . . . . . . . . 142 WATER DEPARTMENT 1. Filtration Plant Operations . . . . . . . . . 2. Final Readings and Collections . . . . . . . . . 3. Hydrant Repairs and Flushing . . . . . . . . . . 4. Miscellaneous Water Work . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Pumphouse Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Water and Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . . 7. Water Meter Inspections and Repairs ...... 8. Water Turn-ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Watermain Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Watermain Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Equipment Repairs - Water . . .�. . . . . . . . SEWER DEPARTMENT 1. Lift Station Inspections and Repairs ...... 2. Manhole Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Miscellaneous Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Sanitary Sewer Cleaming . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Sanitary Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Equipment Repairs - Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . 88 61� 14� 37� 104� 5� . 228 19 29 2 64 219 2 18 199� 6 33 STORM SEWER DEPARTMENT 1. Catch Basin and Storm Sewer Cleaning ...... 59 2. Miscellaneous Storm Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . 4 SNOW and ICE CONTROL � 1. Sanding - Ice Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 2. Snow Plowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345'� � 3. Miscellaneous Snow and Ice Work . : : : : : : : 20 4. Equipment Repairs - Snow and Ice . 174 ' � � I�I ' ' � �� �� ' ' � � , � ' . , Page Two PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - JANUARY 1968 MISCELLANEOUS HOURS 1. Christmas Tree Pickup . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3. Holidays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 4. Park Department. . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . 552 5. Sick Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 6. Vacations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 7. Weekend Duty . . . . . . . 16 8. Equipment Repairs.-.Administration . . . . . . . 3 9. Equipment Repairs - Assessor . . . . . . . . . . 9� 10. Equipment Repairs - Engineering . . . . . . . . 14 11. Equipment Repairs - Fire Department ...... 63'� 12. Equipment Repairs - Park Department ...... 66 13. Equipment Repairs - police Department ..... 23'� MINUTES OF REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION C01�1ISSION MEETING, JUNE 25, 1968 Me�ti�g was called to order by Chairman Hughes at 8:00 P.M. M�M��RS PRESENT: Hu�hes, Dunphy, Cochran, Donlin (arrived at lO:Op P,M,) M�M$�RS A�S�NT: F�tzpatrick �T��R� PR�S�NT; P�ul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation �d Braddo�k, Park Consultant R�chard Anderson, 5932 - 7th Street N,E., 560-1755 �UBST M�. R�chaxd Anderson introduced himsel£ to the Commiss�on and expx�ssed h�s d�sires o� having the Commission help promote an Amateur Athletic Union Swim- ming Program in Fridley. He stated that there is a definite interest �n t�� ��tY �� �our�y-two Ghildren have signed up. With a minimum a�e o� s�veri y��rg and no maximum age, Qlympic Swimmers get their starts i� pxograms such a� this one, H� would lzke the City to help pay the wages of the at�endant� who ar� x�Quzred by �he school to be pxesent while the pool is being used by another group, The �xoup would meet three hours per week and the season wau�d be year ar4u�d• If moxe iniormation is desired, the Commission is asked to cpntacfi M��. P�yll�g J��lonsk�, 1505 - 3rd Avenue, Anoka, 421-2616 or Mr. Raberx Mow�r- son, Room 218, Cook Hall, University o� Minnesota ar 3417 Downexs Arive, Mirt�- aaPol��: 781-7�07. The Commission agreed to review and attempt to resolve any pot�ntial dif�er�nces wi�hin the next month and to place this it�m on th� Aug� u�t M��ti�g Agenda. M�NUT�S OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 27, 1968, AND SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES pF JIlN� 3 196$ � MQTION by Dunphy, seconded by �a� 27, 1968, and Minutes of ��z'�rte�. The Matian Carried. FATLURE QF BONA ISSUE Cochran, that the Minutes o£ Regular Meeting o� Special Meeting qf June 3, 1968, be accept�d as The Chairman rec{uestEd that a Special Meeting be set within the next month £or ths Comm�.ssion to discuss the Bond Issue. PLA,NS FOR CQNSUI,TANT The Commiss�on discussed what the future plans for the Park Consultant, Mr. Ed Br�ddock, wil� be for the next few months. The Director feels that sp�ci£ic, de��iied glans aa�e needed £or Meadowland, ChaseS Island, Riv�erview Hei�}lts, a�1d Wes� Moore Lake Park. Member Cochran suggested that a possibl� study be mad� o� Maoxe Lake. Chairman Hughes felt that a review shouid be made of th� entir� r�.v�r front �ox pos5ible access points, The Gommission agreed that Mr. BraddQCk should con�idelc the xiver frontage with s�ecial emphasis on a marina �n Rivaxvi�w H�aights �nd also consider the develo�ment o£ the shore of MoorQ Laka. M4TION by Co�hran, seconded by Dunphy, to request Mr. Ed 8x'addoGk, F�rk �onsultant, to begin study consisting of: 1, Riverview Heights area concerning development tOwards £u11 pOte�t�.a1. 2, Entire river £ront area in gen�ral. 3. Rejuvination of Moore I�ake. T}�� Motion Carried. i s MINUTES OF PARKS AND RECREATION COI�Il�IISSION MEETING, JUNE 25, 1968 DIR�CTOR�S R�PQRT F��ks �nd Reereation Monthly Memorandum PAGE 2 A n�w �action titled I. Old Business - Incomplete ox Pending Business o� C�mtn���iQn has �een �dded to the Monthly Memorandum, �ach item w�s d�scuss�d x� l.y�y� the Commission and �ither dropped ox kept on �ist, �n Saptemb�� of �965, the Commission re�uest�d that a record of water counts o� M�vxQ Lak� be compiled which has nevex been compl�ted, MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, requesting City Manager to obtain �or the City, a complete record of water counts made to date on wa�er con- d�tions pf Moore �ake. The Motion Carxied. A l�tter was received from the Womens Club r�gardi�g the bleachers now located afi Th� Commons Paxk. MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, that the Director be aecorded to cQntact the Little League and make arrangements for the dispo�al o£ the bleach�rs. Th� Motion Carried. A 5h�lter building has been donated by the Fridley Softball Association at The Commons Faxk to be used for scoring and concessions at League games. Motion by Dunphy, seconded by Donlin, diractin� Paul Brown to send a �ettsr of thanks to Howard Lent with deep appre�iation for building received, The Motion Carried. In discussing the motion, the Commission requested that a letter from the Softball Association stating when, why �ose the building was �rovided for a matter of record. ���ks �rogress Report the Director obta�n and for what pur- Yic� Chairman Dunph� questioned the reason for so many dandelions in the p�xks, particularly Sylvan Hills Park. The Director stated that due to lack of p�r- sonn�l, p�us continual wet working conditions this Spring, the Departm�nt was not able to ef�ectivel� kill the weeds before the first blossomin� periad. Because Q� the extra swnmer help, this will be done befare the second b�assam- �ng par�od, QLD BUSINESS Met�o Gouneil - Requests for Aid A�GO�ding to the �irector, he has been informed that n�t be approved as specific plans are needed although C�tions are still being considered. Chairman Hughes �p�ci£iC r�aso� should be given by the Metro Council tion� ax� being turned down. N�W HUSIN�SS Parking Lot at Chases Island the HUD applica��o�s may the LAND AND WATBR appli- expxessed a desix� th�t as to why the I�UD appliea� fih� Cammission �i������� ��y� �e$���r ��u�g�,� j��,��}�e� o£ June 17, 1968, �agaxd- ing the proposed 16-space Park�ng Lot ��� C}��se� ���aj�� gn School Distri�t �14 ' MINUTE$ OF PA�KS AND RECREATION CO[�1ISSION MEETING, JUNE 25, 1968 _ PAGE 3 F�Q�'�r�Y' � m�P �h9Wing the area �nd proppsed parking lot was shown to the Com- m�,s��Qn, �OT�ON by Gqchran, seconded by punphy, to concur with the City Engineer's �'��o�nm�ndation concerning parking 1ot at Robert Louis Stevenson �achool= �h�.SeS �sland area and request City Manager to amend 1969 $udg�� to in- clud� ���.s proj�ct. Furthermore, the Commission recommends that the ���y Manager take the necessary steps to assure complete und�rstanding b�tw�e� �he C�.ty and School that this lo� be used by citizens for use �� Cozijunc�ia� with Chases Island and upon completion of pr�je�t, direc� th� P�rk Dir�ctor t4 erect a s�gn denoting parking lQt is �or Ghase� I�la�d, T�e Mot�ion Carried, �.u,ti ,;1� (..r/ ,�.�.,� _ Riyer �c�ess � ,�.�.� �'"` — y�^,'`�� �� P������ � �` A memo r�ceived by the pirector from Mr. Qureshi, City Engineer, regarding ' �� �ublj.� and Emergency Boat Access to Mississipp� River was dzscussed by the � �ammission. M0�"TON by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, that Paul Brown, Director o� Parks and Recreation, hereby be directed to examine the Mississippi Way aecess €rom the Parks and Recreation point of view and advise Mr. Qureshi what a.dvantages there are for the City. The Motion Carried. Swnmex Flayground Age Level So�18 questions have arisen as to whether or not the minimum age level for th� P1ayg�ound Program is too low. The Commission recommended that the Dxr@etor ma�ke som� division on age for next year's program. This item will be placQd Qn �h� next meet�.ng's agenda. Lett�rs ---.�_�...�.. A l�ttar from Instant Shade, Inc. and also a letter regarding Red Cross Fxrst A�,d Instructional Classes were presented by Vice Chairman Dunphy to the Com. mission for their information. AD.TOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 Midnight. A Special Meeting will be held Monday, August S, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. to disuss the Bond Issue. The ��xt regular meeting will be held Monday, August 26, 1968, at 7;3p xn th� Con:ference Room of the Civic Center. The Regular July Meeting has been can- celled pending further notice. Respectfully submitted, ' ��� ���Z.l.C!'P�¢.�� Mary I.au �ri.�kson, Secretary to Commission