03/04/1968 - 5883� 1 � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - PrIARCH 4, 1968 - 8 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE• INVOCATION: ROLL CALL• MINUTES: Regular Meeting, February ].9, 1968, Special Meeting, February 26, 1968, ADOPTION OI' AGENDA: PUBLIC HEARINGS: None ' OLD BUSINESS • l. A resolution authorizing the City C].erk to Withdrav� ' the Certification ot Special Assessm�nts on that Tax Forfeited Property sold during the year 1968 and Further Authorizing the Recertification of said ' Assessments, rr.�Tra Bus z�.�ss : ' 2o Bids - Towing and Impounding (opened 10:30 A.M., March 4, 1968), I ' I ' I ' I ' ( ' 3. Bids -- Animal Control (Opened 10:30 A.M., March 4, 1968), 4, Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee Meeting Ma.nutes, February 28, 1968� 5. Planning Comm�.ssion ��Ieeting PJlinutes, February 29, 1968, 6. Resolution Imposing Load Limits on Public Streets and Highways in the City of Fridley, Pages l - I6. pages 17 - 20. Pages 21 - 28. page 29. pages 30 - 31. 7. Resolution Ordexing Prelirninary Plans and Specifi- cations for Street Improvemer.t Project No.,ST. 1968- 3, Page 32. ' 8o Resolution Receiving Preliminary Plans and Speci- fications for Street Improvement Project Noo St. 1968-3, I' 9. Street Dedication - Ing Siverts, pages 33 & 34. REGULAR COUNCTL ME�TSNG � if1ARCH 4, 1968 - 8 P.M. (Continued) 10 0 � Claims, 11. Licenses, 12. E stimates, 13, Petition #2-1968, 14. Communications, ' ' (a) N.S.S,S,D.: Kings Chal.et 15. Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes of Februaxy 26, 1968 and Parks and Recreation Commission Mee�ing r�tinutes of Special Meeting on February 26, ].968, vzsl�oRS: ADJOURN: � Page 35, Pages 36 & 37. Pages 38•- 48. pages 49 - 51. Page 52� Pages 53 - 56.- � ' , , REGULAP� COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA COMMENTS - MARCH 4, 1968 - 8 P.M. OLD BUSINESS- , l. � �J A RE S OLUT 20N AUTHOR xZ ING THE C STY C LE RIC TO t^7ITHDRAW THE CERT IF ICAT IO::; OF SPEC71',L ASSESSMENTS ON THAT TAX FORFEITED FROPERTY SOLD DURING TN_= YEAR 1968 AND FURTHER AUIHORIZING Tr� RECERTIFICA"�ION OF SAID ASSESS- MENTS: A memo from the Park Director to the City Manager and City Council relative to the tax forfeit lots is on Page 2I.. The reso- lution is on Page 22 for passage i� the Council so desires, and the Appendix A mentioned in the resolution is on Pages 23 through 28. ' NEV� BUSTNESS • a. 1 � BTDS - TOWING AND =P2POUNDSNG (Ot��NED 10: 30 A.M. , MARCH 4, I968) : These bids will. be opened P4onday morning at 10:30, The City Manager and the Police Chie� should have a recommendation for the Council relative to awarding said bid. The bid tabulation and recommendatio: will be available £ot you at the meeting. . 3 . � T�S ' will have ' 4. ' i � ' ' ' ' ' - ANIMAL CONTROL (OPENED 10:30 A.i2., MARCH 4, 1968) : These bia= be opened at 10:30 t�,.M. on Monday also, The City Manager W�ii a tabulation and recomnendation for the Council at the meetinc�"� BUILDING S^1A..�DARDS--DESIGN CONTROL SUBCO1��ZiTTEE N,'EETING MINU'�.�',..S, FEB�U�°.X 28, 1968: These minutes axe on Page 29 for Council con- siderationo Item ;Tl of t�he minutes relative to �the addition to the Fridley State Bank at 6315 University Avenue Northeast. The Subcom.-nittee recommended approval of the issuing a foundation permit subjec� to receipt and approval of a final pl�t plan and landscapinc plan. Representatives from the Bank �,�ill be a� the meeting to discus= this itezn with the Counci.l and will bring along sufficient material and plans for Council consideration and approval, In Item ;,`-2, the Su�committee directed Building Inspector Belisle to get informa- tion from other cities re_ative to code requirements of truss frami-= sys�ems. This concludes t'ne minutes or this Subcommittee. 5 o PLAt3N]NG COi+L�1ISSION P�IEETIl`TG vIINt1'I'ES, FEBiZUARY 29, 1968: These minutes will not be a.n the agenda because o� the meeting held late last evening and the minutes will not be finished in time for in- clusi.on. Hawever� they ��ill be available for you at the meeting Monday night. � 6. RESOLU`rION IMPOSIVG LOAD LIt�iITS ON PUBLIC STREETS �1ND HIGHLIAYS IN TI� CITY OF FRIDLEY: This routine resolution which is passed every year at this time is on Pages 30 and 31 for Council action. , ' � REGUI,[�R COUNCIL Nl�ETING AGENDA COMMENTS - MARCH 4, 1968 - 8 P.M. (Continued) 7 o RESOLUi'ION 0�2DERING PRELIMINARY PL..�NS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR � STP•EET SMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. ST. 1968-3: A copy of the resolution is on Page 32. The City Engineer can answer any question you might have relative to this resolution. � ' � � ' ' ' �J ' , 8. RESOLUTION RECE IVING PF2ELIMINARY PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET IMPROVE��NT PROJECT NO. ST. 1968-3: A copy of the resolution i.s on Page 33 for Council action. On Page 34 is Exhibit "A" or the notice of Hearing on the Improvement, Any questions you might have ma.y be directed to the City Tngineer. 9. STREET DEDICATSON - ING S NERTS: The Finance Director asked that this item be placed on the agenda by request of Ing Siverts. 10. CLAIf�t.S : The cl.aim numbers are on Page 35 . Detail of the claims is included in the envelope with the agenda. 11. LICENSES: A 1.ist ot the contractor's licenses for,,approval is on page 36. A license for the Hullabaloo Club is on Page 37 for Council considerata.on. , 12, ESTIri1A�S: A list of the estima.tes is on Page 38, Detail of the Final estimates will be found on Pages 39_through 48. The City Engineer can answer any questions you might have relative to the estima-ces . 13, PETITION #2-].968: This petition will be found on Pages 49 through 51, which also inc3udes a map of the axea mentioned in the petition. 14, CONlt�ill�TICATIONS: � (a) N.S.S.SoD.: Y•inys Chalet: A copy of this letter which is sel�-e�rolanatory will be �ound on Page 52, LJ , , � ' 15. PAR�:S AND R�.CREPTION COMi�I?SSIOi�T N�ETING M7.�WTES OF FEBRUA.FY 26, 1968 AND p[�zT,I:S AIvD REC�ZE�TIODT COiyli�IISSION P�IEETING NL�tU�I'ES OF SPECIAL P�ETI`" ON FEBP.UARY 26, 1968: These minutes are placed in the agend.a as the last item because of late arrival in tha.s office. Perhaps the Council will want to taY.e these minutes up before the Old Business Item as tli�se minutes relate to that item on -cax forfeit properties. �he minutes are on Pages 53 through 56. THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19, 1968 The Regular Council Meeting of February 19, 1968 was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8:11 P.M. OPENING CEREMONY• Mayor Kirkham asked everyone to stand and join in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Reverend J. H. Bergren from Redeemer Lutheran Church, representing the Ministerial Association, gave the Invocation. ROLL CALL: . . MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETTNG OF FEBRUAR.Y 5, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 5, 1968 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. APPRQVAL OF MINUTES, SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt the minutes of the Special Public Hearing Meeting of February 13, 1968 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham stated that the following items should be added to the Agenda; Item 2A -"CONSIDERATION OF TRUCK BIDS "; Item 18 -"RESOI,UTION REGARDING UNION AGREEMENT WITH LIQUOR ON SALE EMPLOYEES"; Item 19 -"BUS COMPANY COMMUNICATION"; Item 20 -"KING CHALET COMMUNICATION"; item 21 -"TAX FORFEIT I�AND FOR PARK PURPOSES"; Item 22 -"NEW APPOINTEE TO MAYOR'S I,IQUOR STUDY EVALUATION COMMITTEE". MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE ��384 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 372 OF THE CITY CODE ' REGULATING AND LICENSING FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS AND FOOD VENDING MACHINES AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF: � � Mayor Kirkham said that the League of Women Voters had made some sug ions on this ordinance, and the City Attorney has commented on them in e Agenda. MOTION by Councilman Harris to waive the reading and adopt Ord' anc �$ %_ on second reading, and publish. Seconded by Councilman Sheri an. Up a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan oting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. u �i i� , I � I: � I, , � ' ' t � � ', � r �� REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 PAGE 2 CHANGE ORDER N0. G-1, N0. M-1 AND N0. E-1 FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL GARAGE: The City Engineer said that these were the change orders relative to the hoist which was discussed at the last Council Meeting. He said that it had been suggested that the Administration get the financing worked out for this addition, and the City Manager and Finance Director had checked with the Firemen's Relief Association and have been assured that the additional money is available to install the hoist. _ MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to approve Change Orders G-1, M-1 and E-1. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF TRUCK BIDS ON�ONE NEW 3/4 TON 4 WHEEL DRIVE TRUCK WITH BOX AND SNOW PLOW (OPENED FEBRUARY 19, 1968, AT 10;30 A.M.): The City Manager stated that the City had received 8 bids, and read the following bids: gID SECURITY CASH PRICE DELIVERY DATE Anoka International Harvester 1968 Int. $3,169.15 Immediate Highway #l0 West 5% Certif. Anoka, Minnesota Check Bill Boyer Ford 1201 Harmon Place Minneapolis, Minnesota Crystal Motors, Inc. 7008 - 63rd Avenue North Crystal, Minnesota Edison G.M.C. 7501 Highway ��65 N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Art Goebel Ford Company 12 Public Square Anoka, Minnesota Iten Chevrolet 6701 Osseo Road Minneapolis, Minnesota McGee Trucks, Inc. 3001 Broadway N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Midway Dodge 1013 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Certified Check Certified Check Certified Check Certified Check Certified Check Bid Bond St. Paul Fire Certified Check $3,075.00 $3,455.00 $3,495.00 $3,488.00 $3,475.00 $3,433.90 $3,.171.80 7 Days 7 Days 2 Days 5 Days 7 Days 7 - 10 Days 56 - 65 Days Do not provide free rental. The City Manager said that based on the bids received, the bid of Bill Boyer Foxd in the amount of $3,075 is recomm�nded for acceptance. , ' ' � � � 'J � � , � � � REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 PAGE 3 Mr. Joseph Chesla�,,, repres�nting McGee Trucks, Inc., said his company was the third low bidder. He said that anyone that bids tries to come up with the bid that meets the specifications set by the City. He said that the International Harvester Truck bid was a year old vehicle, and the second low Ford bid did not meet the minimum specifications. He said the Dodge bid did not meet the delivery date requirement. He asked the Council to consider the bid for the McGee Trucks, Inc., GMC truck which meets the specifications. The City Manager said that the Superintendent of Public Works and Park and Recreation Director have both recommended that the City award the bid to Bill Boyer Ford, and he relys on �n3 `espe�ts thEir judgm��t': He� s�id h= was not aware of Bill Boyer Ford not meeting specifications. Mr: Vexne Hamsnn, representing.Edison GMC Tru�k Sales, Inc., said that they understood the City had $3500 for the purchase of a new truck, and in that respect they gave every dimes worth they could under $3500, and he hoped that the City would respect these bids. Councilman Samuelson said that this situation pointed out the nee3 for a purchas'ing agent, as suggested by the City Manager, to have adequate speci- fications. Councilman Harris said that the City has to be fair to the bidders, and to make sure all are bidding on a comparable item, and if the bid taken is something less than required in the bid, no one will bid at a later date. Mayor Kirkham asked Paul Brown, Parks and Recreation Director, if he w�s aware that the truck recommended was not according to the minimum specifi- cations. The Director said that they were aware of this. He listed the three things that �aried from the specifications, and said that they had weigh e�d�� the specifications against the equipment bid and the availability of it, and both he and the Superintend�:nt of Public Works felt the best bid was received from Bill Boyer Ford Company. Councilman Harris said he felt that doing it in this way would not give the same opportunity to the other bidder.s, and he felt this would hinder future bids the City gets. He said the other bidders may have bid something less also if they had knawn the City would accept something less. Mayor Kirkham suggested that the City Attorney consider the specifications and review this situation, and the Council could move on with the agenda and come back to this item later when the City Attorney had reviewed it. This item is continued later in the Minutes. BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES, FEBRUARY 14, 1968: I 1. CONSIDERATION OF SERVICE STATION REMODELING AND EXPANSION - 6101 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST REQUEST BY SHELL OIL COMPANY, 773 OTTO AVENUE, ST. PAUL MINNESOTA• ' Mr. Ilstruf, representing Shell Oil Company, asked if the Council was going to discuss this item in the minutes. Mayor Kirkham said that.the City is currently in contact with the Minnesota High�aay�L�epart►nent regarding � the possibility of acquiring more land west of the station, and they would request that the Shell Oil Company delay their remodeling request long enough for the City to continue the discussion with the Highway Department, ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 ' ' ' ' � ' � ' , � � � � � ' � � , ' � PAGE 4 which could be advantageous to the City and to the Shell Oil Company. He said that the City should know something in two weeks to a month, and this request can be brought back at that time. The City Manager was asked to have this item back on the agenda in one month. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Meeting of February 14, 1968, and to receive and file them. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. STREET LIGHTING PROPOSAL FOR 1968 (REVISED): The City Manager said that, because the street lighting allotment for the year was being crowded pretty t.ightly, he, the City Engineer, and Jerry Lohmar of Northern States Power Company had gone out and reviewed every light. He said they found some instances where the street light could be moved to provide adequate light. The City Engineer listed the locations of five additional lights that were to be added to the previous list, and with the relocation of some lights the number requested at this time will still be kept at 19 lights. He said there will still be about 5 additional lights that can be added during the course of the year. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur with the recommendation of the Administration regarding the revised Street Lighting Program for 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. EAST RIVER:ROAD SAFETY STUDY: The City Engineer said that the City should have an overall plan regarding safety on East River Road. He said there should be an approved plan so that any additional work done in this area will follow the pattern set. He said that the basic suggestion is to eliminate all left turn movements except at signal lights, with a few exceptions where this cannot be done. He out- lined the intersections that will have signal lights, and the streets that are going to be improved between 79th and Liberty Street. Councilman Liebl asked about the proposed connection at Riversedge Way, and about the house in the way at 62nd Way. The City Engineer said that this will just be an over- all plan, and the City will work slowly toward the completion of the plan, but it may take years to complete some parts of it. Councilman Harris said that this same study had been made by the Streets and Utilities Committee in 1962 and 1963, but the study had not received the consideration it should have. He said he would like to see an overall plan adopted so that many of the problems on East River Road can be elimini- nated. Councilman Sheridan said he could approve the concegt. Councilman Samuelson said that he could also. Mayor Kirkham said he thought that Council action should be taken to approve the overall preliminary plans, knowing there will be minor changes. Councilman Liebl said he was in favor of getting East River Road improved, but it may be expensive to get some of the land acquisition. The City Engineer said the important thing would be to get the plan in order, so that further damage was not done in the area through' lack of a plan. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 �I ' ' I � i�I i , 1 ' r _, � ' PAGE S MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the City Engineer's recommendation regarding the overall plan for intersection patterns on East River Road as presented to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unani- mously. The City Engineer also presented two detailed maps called Exhibit A and Exhibit B for the Osborne Road - East River Road intersection, which at present ends in a"T". He said that the County plans to improve this intersection this year, and the Council could give directions on the alignment they prefer. There was a discussion about the two plans. Exhibit A would follow the St. Paul Waterworks easement and line up with 75th Way for a square intersection, which would have the advantage of a better connection for a good flow pattern. He said that when the plat comes in on 75th Way, the land could be acquired for the intersection. He said that Exhibit B would be the cheaper plan because they wo uld not have to acquire too much right-of-way, and the land is not too valuable, but Exhibit A would be the better and safer solution. Councilman Samuelson asked if the County would participate with the realignment if the Council approves it. The City Engineer said that the City would request it on that basis. There was a discussion about the possibility of devaluating property, and ways to avoid it. It was suggested that the Council adopt both plans as Priority 1(Exhibit A) and Priority 2(Exhibit B). The City Enginer said that if the two plans were presented to the County, he was sure they would take Exhibit B, because there would be�less cost to them. MOTION by Councilman Harris to submit Exhibit A to the County as the preference for the intersection of Osborne Road and East River road. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CIVIC CENTER CHANGE ORDERS - N0. G-4 AND N0. E-8; Council nays, � 2he City Engineer said that they have not received any figures from the architect on Change Order E-8, which is the lighting for the center area of �City Hall, but that G-4 covers a credit in the amount of $1,661.79 for such items as hardware, plaques, concrete steps to fire station, etc., which ' were not installed. He said that this will bring the total amended contract to $287,543.21. ' ' , � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve Change Order G-4 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Samuelson asked if the D. M. Noyes Construction Company has made their final inspection of the building, and if it has been made by the Inspection Departments of the City. The City Engineer said there was a long list of items that had been given to them, and most of them have been taken care of. Councilman Samuelson said he knew of a few items to be done, and the other Councilmen probably did also. He said he would like to see the punch list of items so the Council can add items or see that they have been covered. �_J i ' REGULAR COUNCIL MGETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 PAGE 6 MOTION by Councilman Samuelson that the Council be furnished with=a punch- list of final repair items to be taken care of in the Civic Center so that the Council can add items they have noted. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ��25-1968 - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, �AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1 ADDENDUM ��'1: The City Engineer said that the public hearing for this proposed improvement on 72nd Avenue north of the Norton property was held February 19, 1968, and now it was the Council"s decision on whether or not to put it in. Council- man Samuelson asked about acquiring property.. Councilman Liebl said that this had been discussed at the last meeting, and if the people are willing to donate their property, they should not have to pay the condemning costs. The City Attorney said that there will be problem as some of the property owners are not going to donate their property. f MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution ��25-1968. Seconded by !' Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vot�, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham ; declared the motion carried unanimously. ' 1 �� ' ' ' ' � I� ' ' ' The City Engineer said that at the hearing on 72nd Avenue there was no opposition to the improvement and everyone was given notice of the hearing. He said they had some difficulty making contact with Mr. Norton, but he wanted to be sure the Council was apprised that the property owners were given due notice. The Council discussed 73rd Avenue, and Councilman Harris asked on what basis could the City acquire land along 73rd Avenue. The County is putting in a road from Stinson Boulevard to Central Avenue and may consider putting a road from Central Avenue to T.H. �k65 if the City acquires the right-of-way. MOTION by Councilman Harris that the Administration report back to the Council on a program for land acquisition on 73rd Avenue between T.H. ��65 and Central Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REPORT OF NSSSD MINUTES OF MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 1968 IN REGARD TO DESIGNWARR CONNECTION• Councilman Harris said he asked the City Manager to put this copy of the NSSSD motion regarding Designware on the Agenda so the Council could see the motion as given. He said there had been a lot of discussion. He said there was a letter from the State regarding the quality of the effluent, and he thought it w ould be in order to send the letter along to Designware indicating the approval to hook directly to the District's lines, and informing them that it is up to them to get together with the District, and to add enough water or.chemicals to make the discharge acceptable to the District. Councilman Sheridan suggested that the cover letter give them a period of time after which they cannot dump into the creek to keep things going. Councilman Harris suggested 60 days, as that is the time given in the letter from the State. 0 ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 '. MOTION by Councilman Harris that the Admnnistration send a letter to Design- ware that it is up to them to contact the District about making connection, that they must make their effluent acceptable to the District, and that � they will only be allowed 60 days to dump in the creek. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 8, 1968; PAGE 7 1 PUBLIC HEARING• REZONING REQUEST, ZOA �k68-01, ELDON SCHMEDEKE: LOTS 16 � ' THROUGH 19, BLOCK 12 AND LOT 30, BLOCK 31, HYDE P_ARK ADDITION, REZONE FROM R-2 TO C-2• , ' ' � � -- 'l , , ' ' ' � I, , ' Councilman Liebl said that Mr. Eldon Schmedeke had requested this rezoning and was present at the Council Meeting. Mr. Schmedeke said that he had asked for.a simple rezoning, so that his property would be rezoned the same as the property across T.H. 4�47, and he could see no reason why the request had been tabled. He said that the Planning Commission feels they need a Planner, at the cost of $2,000, and he did not agree with spending $2,000 on a simple request. He said that if the Council is hiring a City Planner within the next three months, they would rather work with him rather than a planning consultant. Mayor Kirkham said that the Planning Commission is trying to consider all angles of the situation, and to make certain that it will be the best plan for the City. He said that his own personal recommendation, would be not to hire a consulting planner, but a staff planner as intended, and have him consider the whole project. M�:yor Kirkham said that he did not feel that Mr. Schmedeke's request should have to wait for action on a planner, but should be acted on immediately. He said that he considered this rezoning request just a correction, and sh ould be taken care of as soon as possible, and the Council must act with all haste in hiring a staff planner to study the overall project. Councilman Sheridan said that he concurred, and would ask that the Planning Commission give Mr. Schmedeke's request reconsideration prior to March llth, when he felt the rezoning request should have a public hearing. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to set the date of March 11, 1968 for a Public Hearing to hear the rezoning request of Mr. Schmedeke to rezone Lots 16 through 19, Block 12 and Lot 30, Block 31, Hyde Park Addition from R-2 to C-2. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Harris said qualifications for the he felt this should be that the Council some time ago set criteria and planning position, had received applications, and pursued. MOTION by Councilman Harris to request the City Manager to review the qualified applicants for the planner position and report back to the Council. He said that if the City Manager felt any or all of the applicants were qualified, he could call them in for an interview, and come back with a recommendation for the Council. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Councilman Liebl said that the Chairman of the Planning Commission, who had asked for a planner, was present at the Council Meeting, and he would like to ask him his opinion of whether the Planning Commission would prefer that , ' ' �� ' ' , � � ' LJ 1 ' ' ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 the City get a full time planner as a City employee, or just call in one when there is a need in a specific area. Mr. Robert Hughes said that the Planning Commission had discussed this at some length about three months ago, and at the time the committee reviewed the applicants. He said that at that time it was their unanimous opinion that it was relatively clear the City could use Z time services by a professional planner and they recommended this to the Council. They felt that if there were sufficient other duties besides the work relative to the Planning Commission, a full time planner could be hired. Mayor Kirkham said that in the memorandum the Council received from the City Manager, it had been his recommendation that a City Planner could handle the Standards Control, and oversee the Inspection Department, so he was needed. Councilman Liebl asked if his qualifications would be an engineering background. Councilman Samuelson. sa�id this was correct. The City Manager said that we might not be able �o get a degreed engineer, but we might have to settle for a man with experience in planning. The VOTE upon the motion was a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 2. RICE CREEK ROAD/CENTRAL AVENUE PLAN: PAGE 8 Councilman Liebl asked the Chairman of the Planning Commission if the people in the area were agreeable to temporary cul-de-sacs. Chairman Hughes said there had been a discussion about the need for streets to go through, and the people were more concerned with whether it meant an assessment to the property owner, and he was not sure if it was a satisfactory answer or not. Counci.lman Sheridan felt this should be a separate lengthy study in itself for Council discussion, as some of the property owners in the area would like a yes or no on the plan, as they cannot afford to just sit and do nothing. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the remainder of the Planning Commission Minutes. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECESS Mayor Kirkham called a 5 minutes recess. The meeting was reconvened at 9:55 P.M. CLAIMS: � MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to approve General Claims ��14160 through �k14291. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to approve Liquor Claims ��1906 through ��1979. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ILICENSES: , Councilman Liebl said that Mr. Bonnett, who has applied for licenses, is ' present at the meeting. He asked if Mr. Bonnet will provide parking facilities and do the necessary remodeling as stated in the 13 items listed in the agenda. ' .' REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 ' , � PAGE 9 Councilman Harris asked Mr. Bonnett if he is going to work in the club himself. ' Mr. Bonnett said he was going to manage the club himself, and he will comply with the remodeling stipulations listed. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to grant the licenses with the licenses applied for by Mr. Eugene Bonnett to be contingent on compliance with the remodeling as outlined by the Health Inspector. It was pointed out to Mr. Bonnett that his building permit has to be brought up to date with the work being done, and he is to submit his plans, landscaping plan, and parking plan. The motion was seconded, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham � declared the motion carried unanimously. Following are the licenses approved with the contingency stated in the motion: GENERAL CONTRACTOR `' APPROVED BY Weikleenget and Sons RENEWAL By: Peter Weikleenget Building Insp. 1601 127th Avenue N.W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota HEATING Citywide Plbg. & Htg. NEW By: Wayne G. Vail Heating Insp. � 2727 East 17th Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota I CIGARETTE 't � Computerized Golf RENEWAL BY. Lloyd Miller Police Department 6235 Highway 65 , Fridley, Minnesota THE FOLLOWING LICENSES FOR EUGENE BONNETT ARE CONTINENT UPON HIS PROPOSED ' REMODELING, AND IF ALL REMODELING IS COMPLETED, THE HEALTH INSPECTOR WILL APPROVE ALL LICENSES: li �J I � Ii CAFE Club 47 6061 University N.E. Fridley, Minnesota CIGARETTE Club 47 6061 University N.E. Fridley, Minnesota "ON - SALE" Club 47 6061 University N.E. Fridley, Minnesota !�l�1^I NEW NEW BY: Eugene Bonnett BY: Eugene Bonnett BY: Eugene Bonnett Police Department Police Department REGULAR COUNCIL ME�TTNG, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 i � PAGE 10 !� PUBLIC DRINKING PLACE APPROVED BY Club 47 NEW BY: Eugene Bonnett Police Department . 6061 University N.E. - � � Fridley, Minnesota TAVERN '� Club 47 NEW BY: Eugene Bonnett Police Department 6061 University N.E. � y Fridley, Minnesota ; ' . ESTIMATES• ' Councilman Harris asked if the Noyes estimate was their.last certificate. The City Engineer said that this is not the last certificate. He said that $7,000 is being retained on the D. M. Noyes contract. . ' MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve for payment the following estimates: '� D. M. Noyes Construction Company General Contractors 100 West Franklin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota ' ' Fridley Civic Center Certificate No. 12 (February 14, 1968) Dunkley Surfacing Company 3756 Grand Street Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Estimate ��10 (Partial) - Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1966-1, Schedule A, according to contract. Suburban Sewer and Water, Inc. 4550 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Estimate ��l - Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 88, according to contract. $20,269.21 $34,707.59 $26,285.40 C. S. McCrossan, Inc. Box 336 Osseo, Minnesota Estimate ��4 - Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 84, according to contract. $19,199.56 The motion was seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the moi:ion carried unanimously. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 PAGE 11 � � � RESOLUTION ��26-1968 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMB ASSESSMENTS ON E 2 OF LOT CITY VIEW ADDITION; OF SPECIAL 3. PARCEL 30, AND LOT 4, PARCEL 40, BLOCK 1 MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution i�26-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � RESOLUTION ��27-1968 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 3, PARCEL 4760, AND LOT 4, PARCEL 4780, BLOCK 11, HYDE PARK ADDITION: , MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution ��27-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' � �� _ � � r ' � � � RESOLUTION ��28-1968 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCELS 7200, 7800, AND 9000, SECTION 12; Councilman Sheridan asked where these parcels were. located. The City Engineer showed the location on the Section Map. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution ��28-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF POSSIBILITY OF A DAY SCHOOL IN FRIDLEY; Councilman Sheridan said he had been asked by ��k� A�Bannen, ��:d ^gu��y Commi"ss`ioner Harvey Peterson that the Council discuss the possibility of a day school being built across from the Rice Creek School on Arthur Street. He said that the County is confronted with a problem, because after the lst of August they will no langer be able to use the Hayes School Annex, as the school will need the space. He said there were three tax delinquent lots - LOTS 18, 19, 20, Bloc&. 3, Oak Grove Addition, on which the County wishes to build a split level home with stucco/brick construction, and a fenced yard. The aesthetics would be the same as the rest of the area. They would use the home as a day schaol, replacing the arrangement they have at present. Councilman Sheridan said he had advised them that as the property is zoned R-1, they would probably have to get a Special Use Permit, rather than changing it to public use, so that the house could be sold for residential purposes if there was a change. He said that under the terms of the Grants they receive, they are able to receiv� SO% of the cost of the building which would cost approximately $30,000. Councilman Sheri3an said he had told Commissioner Peterson, that if the Council concurred with the concept, they would have to follow the regular procedur�s, which they understand, but they <iid not want to go ahead with their plans if the Council did not want them to contina�. Councilman Samue?.son said he could concur with their idea, and suggested that the City Manager contact the two men.an�i offer his help in: -. any way that he could. . � REGULAR COUNCIL NIEETING, FEBRUA�Y 19, 1968 PAGE 12 , � � � ' MOTION by Councilman Sheridan that the Council concur with the idea for a Day School in Fridley, if the County Commission is willing to follow the normal procedurc in going through the appropriate committees. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS• (A) FRIDLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK PLAT N0. 2: The City Engineer said that this Plat will have to be approved again because it is more than 90 days after the original Public Hearing. He said they have sent the prelimiaary engineering fees. The City Engineer also pointed out several things the Council may want to consider, such as, they may be building in the same kind of problem the City has had in other areas, where the existing service road would come into the intersection very close to the highway, and the size of the lots are less than 1/2 acres, which is small for light industrial. Councilman Harris said that developers may be willing to upgrade the plat as to size and roadways. There was a discussion about the road arrangement and the possibility of working a small industrial park out of this parcel and the one next to it. � MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the communication from Mr. Dobis regarding Fridley Industrial Park Plat No. 2, and ask the Administration to prepare their suggestions regarding this parcel, and that the requested plat approval be submitted to the proper committees for their consideration. � Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � RESOLUTION ��29--1968 - AMENDING RESOLUTION N0.6-1967 ENTITLED "ESTABLISHING WORKING CONDITIONS, WAGES AND HOURS FOR EMPLOYEES EMPLOYED BY THE MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE (ON-SALE): � , , The City Manager said that after several meetings with the Union, an area of consideration has been reached, which the Union has approved. He out- lined the hourly wage increase, and explained a change in uniform allowance. The City Manager said he would recoinmend that the Council approve these terms as negotiated. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution �29-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONTINUED •DISCUSSION OF TRUCK BIDS: � The City Attorney said he has reviewed this item, and the law is that if a deviation from the advertised specifications is substantial and would affect the money amount, the Council must reject all bids that do not conform to the specifications as advertised. He said the decision would have to be made � on whether the deviation is substantial. Councilman Harris said he thought this would be a legal question, and asked the City Attorney if he thought it was substantial. The City Attorney said he was not an expert on trucks, � but there were three major inconsistencies with the specifications on the Bill Boyer Ford bid. He outlined the inconsistencies and said if in the � o' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 . � � � � � opinion of the Council, these three items would substantially offset the cost of the vehicle, the bid should be rejected. Councilman Harris said � he felt this was a m.�jor deviation, and a bidder must meet minor require- ments, and if he wishes to exceed the specifications this is his preroga- tive. Councilman Samuelson said he would agree, and he thought the bids � should be restudied. Councilman Harris said there was a meeting with the Park and Recreation Commission February 26th and at that time the recommen- dation of the Administration could be consic�ered. The City Manager said � that the City could go out for bids again by that time, or review the bids they currently have received. The Park Director said that they could find discrep:�ncies ir. all of the bids where they varied from the � stated minimum requirements. He said that some were nomir.al, but he felt they needed further investigation. He said he would suggest they study the bids again and come up with something more detailed. � MOTION by Councilman Harris that Council action be deferred on the truck bids until the meeting of February 26, 1968, and that the Administration prepare a recommendation for the Council. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. , Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � �!: � , � Mr. Hamann, Edison GMC Truck Sales, ��sked_if they were supposed to hold the truck in stock for a week. He said these truck sales were highly seasonable, and they also had a bid bond, and there was no stipulation hoia long this would be delayed. Councilman Harris said that the normal con- sideration on bids of this type was 10 days, and they could noc have been awarded this evening if there had not been a scheduled Council Meeting. He said the Council wants Clarification of this situation,.and he feels the bidders will also, so this will not happen again. Councilanan Harris said that rather than reject the bids, he would rather see a voluntary withdrawal by the truck companies if this is a hardship for them. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan that the Administration honor any voluntary withdrawal by a bidder during the interim that the bids are being studied, and return their bid bond. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATION - TO TWIN CITY RA�ID TRANSIT COriPANY: PAGE 13 The City Manager had a prepared letter, for the Mayor's signature, to the Sus � Company requesting extended bus service after 6:00 P.M. He requested service from downtown at 9:15 P.M. and 11:00 P.M. u � r � MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the City Manager and approve the communication to the Twin City Rapid Transi.t Company as presented. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham aeclared the motion carried. COMMUNICATION - KING CHALET: Councilman Harris asked Mr. Lindell, developer of the King�s Chalet, if the NSSSD had made a visual investigation at the King Chalet. Mr. Lindell said � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 r � , � ' � � � ' � � � � PAGE 14 that they did not feel it was necessary as they had the report from the plumbing inspector. Councilman Harris said that the Council is only a go between, and it would be against the Council policy to give an arbitrary decision. He said that the Administration could send a cover letter with Y�is letter to the NSSSD and ask them to revaluate the number of RECs assigned to the King Chalet. He was told that if the District re-evaluates and finds they use less than 32 RECs, an adjustment will be made in the 3 RECs. Mayor Kirkham said that for uniformity on the policy, NSSSD is asked to set the rate, and they will be asked to review it. Mr. Lindell said this does not satisfy him, because the RECs as set are probably accurate�, but if they are not being used, he should not have to pay at once, but iri the future when they are being used. Mayor Kirkham said that he may have a good case, but he must go through the District. Mr. Lindell asked about an alternate plan to use a different location in the Mall. Councilman Harris said that if there is a floor drain, he would be assigned RECs for that area. Mr. Lindell asked what if he had no sink? Councilman Harris said he would have to talk to the Board, and he questioned whether the sink requirement could be waived. MOTION by Councilman Harris that the Administration send a cover letter along with Mr. Lindell's letter to the NSSSD asking them to re-evaluate the number of REC's assigned to the King Chalet. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY FOR PARK PURPOSES: Councilman Sheridan said that regarding the memorandum from the City Assessor, and in view of the Park and Recreation Commission's desire for certain tax delinquent lots, he suggested that the Administration notify the County of the lots the City wishes to have withdrawn from the sale. The Finance Director said the County would like the City to sign a document that would authorize them to place on the tax forfeit sale list all other lots except the ones the City is interested in. Councilman Harris said he r� uld like to see a list of lots available indentified on a map before a paper is signed releasing the lots, as the City may see something else that should be considered. The Finance Director said that the tax forfeit sale is in April, and they would like to get started on the paper work, so if there are lots the City is interested in, this should be communicated to the County. The City Engineer said he could have a map prepared for the meeting with the Park Commission February 26th. MOTION by Councilman Liebl that the City Engineer prepare a map showing the tax delinquent property for the meeting of February 26, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. The Finance Director said that the County has approached the City on the �matter of spreading the assessments on property sold at the tax delinquent _ sale over the years of the bond, instead of paying it in full at the time of the sale which c�tild make the lots more saleable. He said the City � would withdraw the certification and recertify the assessments for the period of time that the bonds run. r ,. , ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 � , , , r � ' MOTION by Councilman Sheridan that the Administration prepare a resolution authorizing the spreading of assessments on tax delinquent lots sold over the balance of time left on the funded bonds. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried;unanimously. Councilman Harris questioned the possibility of the City acquiring more land if the assessments were paid as they come due, �nd be paid on a yearly basis, instead of having to pay for it all at once and the land just sitting vacant. Councilman Sheridan said that this would be binding future Council's budgets to a d�bt. Councilman Liebl said � this would be fine if the land was to' be used in the near future, but he felt it would be wasting taxpayers money, if the land lay not being used. NEtid APPOINTMENT TO THE MAYOR'S LIQUOR STUDY EVALUATION COMMITTEE: Mayor Kirkham stated that when Mr. Robert Minder had accepted the appointment to the Evaluation Committee, he had not known he was going to have to be out of town during this period. He said that Mr. Minder was a businessman representing the Chamber of Commerce, so in his place he would appoint the current President of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. William Jensen, 589 Rice Creek Terrace Northeast. � PAGE 15 � MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the appointment of Mr. William , Jensen to the Mayor's Liquor Study Evaluation Committee. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � , ' � ' � � � � , COMMtJNICATION: STATE OF MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY: Mayor Kirkham read a communication recei.ved from the Pollution Control Agency advising that Forest Lake intends to dump treated effluent into the Rice Creek basin and they are holding a hearing March 6, 1968 at 9:00 P.M. and he felt someone should try to be there to state the City's objections. MOTION by Councilman Harris that the City Attorney and City Engineer represent the City of Fridley at the Public Hearing, and that a copy of the letter be sent to Mr. Howard Grivna, Chairman of the Rice Creek Associa- tion. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. AMERICAN OIL COMPANY, REGARDING PUBLIC HEARING: Mr. James McDonald, representing the American Oil Company, said he had received a copy of a letter written to the City of Fridley by Spring Lake Park regarding the service road location on the property o�aned by the American Oil Company. He said that the request for a Special Use Permit had been tabled by the Council, and they would now like to set up a second public hearing for Council consideration. He said that they would like to redraw the plat, and if there are any suggestions the Administration has, they would like to have them for the redrawing. 0 REGULAR COt?NCIL MG�TING, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 Councilman Sheridan read the Minutes of the Council Meeting of February 5, 1968, in which the Council members gave their opinion of not being in favor of granting a Special Use Permit, but said that it is American Oil Company's prerogative if they still want a Public Hearing. Mr. McDonald said they would want a Public Hearing, and he was informed that if he will make formal application, the Council will act on the application and set a date for the Public Hearing. ADJOURNMENT• There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Council Meeting of February 19, 1968 adjourned at 11:11 P.M. Respectfully submitted, .. . �/ � %_' - _% �i�.� , (���"--.,-:% � � ,� �=� Mary Lu Strom Secretary to the Council 0 PAGE 16 I � i ' ' , � f _, �i , � ' ' ' ' ' . ' , " .l� THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1968 The Special Council Meeting of February 26, 1968 was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8;15 P.M. ' OPENING CEREMONY: Mayor Kirkham asked everyone to stand and join in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADOPTION OF AGENDA: - Mayor Kirkham pointed out that the wording on Item 3 in the agend� index should be changed from T.H. �k65 to read, "T.H. ��47". MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the agenda as corrected. Seconded� by Councilmsn Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. AWARD BID FOR 3/4 TON TRUCK WITH PLOW, PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT: The City Manager stated that the bids have been reviewed, and the McGee Trucks, Inc. bid of $3,433.90 is the lowest bid meeting specifications. Councilman Harris asked if this bid was the recommendation of the Admini- stration. The City Manager said that the bids had been reviewed by him- self, the Director of Parks and Recreation, and the Superintendent of Public Works. Councilman Samuelson said he would concur on that basis. Councilman Liebl asked what the Council action had been at the last meeting. The City Manager said that the Council had directed the Administration to review the present bids and come back with the bid that was the closest to meeting the specifications and a recommendation for the Council. The City Manager reviewed the other bids, and the reasons they had been rejected. He pointed out that Bill Boyer Ford, who had been the low bidder, did not come close to meeting the specifications. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the recommendation of the Administration and award the bid for one new 3/4 ton 4 wheel drive truck with box and snow plow to McGee Trucks, Inc., 3001 Broadway Northeast, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the amount of $3,433.90. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Mr. Verne Hamann, representing Edison G.M.C. Company, thanked the Council for looking into the bids, and awarding it to a bidder that met or exceeded the specifications. He said that the companies bidding try to comply with the Council's wishes, and if the Council did not award the bids to the 0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' SPECIAI, COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1968 company with the lowest bid meeting the specifications, the company would not want to bid in Fridley again. Mayor Kirkham said that the Council appreciated this, and wanted everyone concerned to know that it is the Council's policy to adhere to the specifications, and when they call for bids of any kind, detailed specifications will be written, and only those that meet or exceed the specifications will be considered. Councilman Liebl asked if the McGee truck met every specificatior�. The City Manager said that they had gone over every bid in detail, and the only variance was in the type of filter. He said that every bidder meeting or coming close to specifications had bid the same size tire, so there had been equality as far as the tires were concerned. The VOTE upon the motion was a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REVIEW OF TAX FORFEIT LOTS AND RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY CLERK TO WITHDRAW THE CERTIFICATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON THAT TAX FORFEITED PROPERTY SOLD DURING THE YEAR 1968 AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE RECERTIFICATION OF S9ID ASSESSMEPdTS • � The Council looked at the map marked with the locations of the tax delin- quent lots. The Council decided that the map should be taken into the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, in progress, to give them ample time to discuss the lots they may be interested in. ' MOTION by Councilman Harris to table further discussion on the tax forfeit lots and the resolution author.izing the recertification of assessments until the next regular Council Meeting of March 4, 1968. Seconded by ' Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ' RESOLUTION ��30-1968 APPROVING HIGHWAY PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIGNAL AT 53RD AND T.H. ��47 AND COST PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT: The City Engineer said that this traffic control signal has been discussed ' before, and Columbia Heights had been reluctant to participate in the cost, but they finally have agreed to share, and will pay 122% of the cost for the one quadrant of the intersection that is in Columbia Heights. The City ' Engineer said that this contract had been let January 19, 1968, and was in the same contract as Osborne Road. ' � � , , MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution ��30-1968. Seconded by Councilman-Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. PROPOSED LITTERING ORDINANCE: Councilman Samuelson said that it was his understanding, after discussing it with the Chief of Police, that the City's control over littering is very weak. He said that there is untold problems with blowing newspapers and garbage in the community, and he felt something should be done to improve our ordinance to clean up the community. He said that the County is also dexelict in this field. ,_ � :�C� PAGE 2 Q , SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRU�RY 26, 1968 ' Mr. Gibbs, sitting in for the City Attorney, said that only one case has been prosecuted that he can recall under the State St=:tute, and this law is very weak. ' ' ' ' , ' � `.. � � ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson that the City Attorney review this subject and prepare a preliminary ordinance or an amendment to a present ordinance regarding litter. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF REGULATING CHRISTMAS TREE LOTS: PAGE �� Councilman Sheridan said that this would be the time of year to consirler licensing Christmas tree lots. He suggested that they be required to deposit an additional amount of money�as a bond, then be given a certain length or time to clean up their lot, or forfeit the bond and the City will make sure the lot is cleaned up. The Council discussed whether this should be done by ordinance, licensing, or by signed agreement. Mr. Gibbs pointed out that if it is an ordinance, any violation would be a misdemeanor. The City Manager said that one advantage of an agreement o"ver an ordinance would be that if they did not keep the agreement to clean up the lot, they would forfeit the bond to pay for the cleanup without going to court. There was a discussion about the amount to be deposited as a bond. Councilman Harris said he felt a reputable firm would be willing to deposit $200. Councilman Liebl said it should be enough to pay for any cleaning up the city would have to take care of. Mr. Gibbs said that the City Attorney's office will submit several proposals for the Council's consideration. It was suggested that they look at ordinances New Brighton and Bloomington have. LETTER REGARDING NEW 1�THOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL: ' The Council authorized the City Manager to write a letter inquiring into the cost of a new method of sewage disposal for the projected population of Fridley to see if it is something that could be used by Fridley. � ' ' , ' ' ' CONSIDERATION OF RENTING MEETING HALL IN FIRE DEPARTMENT: The City Manager said that the Community Room in the Civic Center is bei zg utilized fully, and with the Council's approval, the City could also rent out the meeting ha11 in the newly remodeled fire station. He said there is a request at present from a non-denominational church group. He said that the Fire Department is agreeable with this, and the money for the rent of the hall could be put in the General Fund and directed for the use of the Fire Department. Councilman Sarnuelson said that the Fire Chiefs have made the improvements in the Department and have done most of the work themselves, and this would be one way of putting some money into remodeling the hall. There was a discussion about the necessity of desig!ia*ing the money for the General Fund, and after this was done, the City Manager could .recommend that sorae of the vener.al �uncl money be used for improvements in that building. The City Manager asked if the Council would recommend that the same price be established as is used for the Coeununity Room. ' ' ' LJ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1968 MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur with renting out space in the Fire Department Hall, and establish the rental fee at $5.00. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. NAMING PRUDENTIAL AGENT OF RECORD FOR 1968 GROUP INSURANCE BID: Councilman Harris said that if there is no special agent of record listed for the Prudential Insurance Company, and their bid was the low bid on the group insurance policy, it was conceivable that the Company would direct it to any agent in the area, but if a local agent of record is specified, it would go to the Fridley resident. Councilman Liebl said that this would be following the policy of, all else being equal, the local man would receive the•bid. • MOTION by Councilman Harris naming Mr. A1 Shoemaker the Agent of Record for any plan bid by the Prudential Group Insurance in 1968. The motion was seconded, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF STREET INIPROVEMENTS AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION FOR 1968: The City Engineer said he would like to get the Council's feelings on whether the City wants to have sidewalks on the section to be improved on Mississippi Street from T.H. ��65 to Central Avenue. Mayor Kirkham said he felt the sidewalk should continue the same as the sidewalk the City has already installed on Mississippi Street, as children will be walking to Rice Creek School. The City Engineer said he would recommend the City acquire right-of-way and provide enough boulevard for snow storage. Councilman Sheridan asked if the cost of the right-of-way would be charged•to that project. The City Engineer said that the policy for the sidewalks has been 1/2 the cost to residential and 1/2 the cost out of the general fund, and the same thing would be done on the cost of acquiring the right-of-way. The City Engineer said that the Council had discussed Osborne Road between ' East River Road and University at the last Council Meeting, and if they wanted to change the intersection now, this would have to be taken out of the project, but if the Council wants to go ahead as it is now, it will ' not be a great cost to change it later. The Council felt the City should go ahead as proposed. The City Engineer said that when the hearings are held, he will bring the City's share of the cost to the Council. ' ' i ' ' ADJOURNMENT • There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Council Meeting of February 26, 1968 adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 1 y / ��=-�� �'! r/�t' \_/�%�! �� � i � -�7 - Mary Lu Strom Secretary to the Council �5� IPAGE 4 1 I �' . CITY OP FR1llI,EiY � PAKKS nND 1tI:Cl:EATION D�PAIZ'fi�fIiN'1' Paul Grown, Director 6431 Uni.��ersity Avciiue N.I;. / � .' ✓/ iV.[�/_.i i - /. _� I-��f _ � ��,._ . Phone: 5G0-3450 'I'0: City Dianagcr ancl City Council DATL: February 19, 1�65 SUI3JL'•CT: Tax Forfeit Sale FRO�•1: Yaul £ro��m, Dixector Parks and Recreation Dept. * � * * * � � * � � � � � � � � * � � * * * � � * * * � * � * � � * * * � * � x * After careful exami�iatio�i of the list of properties tahich ti,�ill be put up for , sale by Anoka County, the folloi��ing parcels of l.and are requested by the Parks and Recreation Department to be tti�itllheld from the list. Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville Lot 8 Block 14 9 14 10 14 Hyde Park Rice Creek Plaza South Addition 16 7 17 7 Outlot #1 Spring Lake Park I.akeside 3 2 20 2 The department feels that these parcels might be good choices for future park land devel oprient . Resp�ct�ully submit�ed, / � � ' PAUL BRO��i�/Gi•r�ctor — . . -- ___�Parks and Recreation Department PB:mle � �� � P.ESOLUTION N0. 1968 , A RESOLUTIQN AUTHORIZING TNE CITY CLERK TO L��ITHDRA41 TNE CERTIFICATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSME�dTS 0�� THAT TAX FORFEITED PROPERTY SOLD DURING THE YEAP. � 1968 A"dD FURTf{ER AUTHOf:IZING THE RECERTIFICATIOPd OF SAID ASSESSh1El�lTS. � ' ' BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Mi nnesota as fol 1 oars: �dHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Fridley City Council that the existence of accumulated special assessments against tax forfeited property greatly reduced the marketability of said property at tax forfeiture sales, and; WHE REAS , i t , Fridley that this and; is in ihe best interests of the taxpayers of the City of property be sold and removed from the tax forfeited list, , WHEf:EAS, the City of Fridley desires to take such steps as are necessary to make the property marketable withcut jeopardizing the original special assessment used as security in the issuance of bonds; ' NOW THEREFOf:E, 6E IT RESOLVED, that the Fridley City Council; in order to accomplish the above objectives; hereby authorizes the City Clerk to atithdra�v the certification of all special assessments on those parcels ' of tax forfeited property, listed in Appendix F,; which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, that are sold within tPie year 1968; and further authorizing the City Clerk to recertify the total amount of special ' assessments withdravan including principal, penalty, and interest. Said amount as recer±ified to be collected over the number of years remaining on that certain bond issue or bond issues for which the original assessment, or assessments, were placed as security. The City Cler�c is authorized to ' adopt such administrative procedures, in cooperation with the County Auditor; as are necessary to accomplish the above objectives. � ' � I _� rl J I� PASSE6 AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUPlCIL OF T4E CITY OF FP.IDLEY THIS DAY OF _, 1968. ATTEST: CITY CLERK -��larvi n C. Brunse 1 MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham t� � ' 1 1 � -;' ' SL'F3DIVISION � --- Adams Street Addition to Minneapolis . , ' Second Rev.ision Auditor's Subdivision No. (Ex. easement over E. 33') ' Auditors Subdivision No. 92 , � (Ex. part now being used for road) Auditor's Subdivision No. 129 '� W'ly 21' of Lot � � , Carlsan s Summit Manor North Addition (Subj. to 5' drainage & utility easement along W'ly line) (Subj. to 5' drainage & utility easement � along W�ly line) i . ' (Subj. to 5' drainage & utility easement along E. line) Car. l�cn� s Suzrmit i�7anar �aut'r. �;:dition �Subj. to drainage & utii it�y easement ,' over part of N'ly S') City View � Lots 4 and � Edgewater Gardens (Subj. to 5' utility easement along S'ly line) (Subj. to 5' utility easement aLong N'ly line) (Subj. to 5' utility easement along N'ly line) • ' (Subj. to 5' utility easement along S'ly line) (Subj. to 5' utility eas�ment along S'ly ine) , ap��r�olx � ISac. or I T�:p, or I Range I Tota 1 Lot Block � � 12 2 $ 1,208.0] 8 4 230.78 1 6A I 27 11 22 29 ' 17 8 5. 1 4 7 1 2 6 6 7 8 5 I 2 2 2 3 3 1,171.48 334.81 500.13 931•32 911.13 1,031.39 912•52 1,427.68 2,127.92 . -2,065.61 2,055.95 2,011.50 1,751.02 �. .Z. � a Tax year upon wiiich '-�or ez —rs based. -��rai�� .� I of Timher � � : \ . �/ • , — _ .__ ._— --- _.._._---- � Tnrm Ko.3•IOIt—LA�D (.7_ASSI!'1CATIOti.- �'O11`�r�:�ttun �ti�.�-ConncnuUon . . SiIB�IVISION Scc. or ' Lot ' (Ed ewater Gardens Cont'. � � (Subj, to 5' utility easement along S'ly � line) 3 � � � (Subj. to 5' utility easement along N'ly line)� 10 � �� (Subj. to 5' utility easement along N'ly line) 11 � ' (Subj. to 5' utility easement along S'ly line) 1 (Subj. to 5' utility easement along S'ly , line) 2 (Subj, to 5' utility easement along.N'ly ' line) 23 � (5ubj, to S' utility ease,ment along W'ly ' line) 1 ,:, (Subj-:. to 5� utility easement along W. line) 3 ' (Subj. to 5' utility easement along W. line) 4 r(Subj. to 5' utility easement along W. line) 5 ; � (Subj. to 5' utility easement along S. line & 10' along E. line) 1 i ' (Subj, to.5' utility ease�ent along N. � line & 10' along E. line) 2 (Subj. to 5' utility easement along E. line) 3 (Subj. to 5' utility easement along E. line) 4 (Subj. to 5' utility easement along E. __._ G:� • • , -. �oY`�. �� � o . � - -------_--------------..._---___--•----.__. ._-------�-- Tax year upon whic';: forfeiture is base•� �ckr I��nse I tOt� 1 Appraised Va1ue � � of TimUer '3 � �$ 1, 750 . g8 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 � �. 7 f� 7 7 line) 5 � (Subj. to 5` utility easement along E. line) 6 7 (Subj. to 5' utility easement along E. line) 7 7 i (Subj. to 5' utility easement along E. � linel g � � (Subj. to S' utility easement along S. iline & LO' along E. line) 9 7 (Subj, to 5' utility easement along N. line & 10' along E. line) ' 1Q 7 (Subj. to 5' utility easement along E. line) 11 7 (Sub}. to 5' ukility easement along E. . line) 12 7 � (SuUj. to 5� uti_lity easement along E. line) � 13 7 i. �. '—____. __ ____ -_. 1,750.g8 1,991.77 2,062.68 1,814.6g 2,180.37 1,957•77 1,667.56 1,764.49 1,691.72 1,986.95 1,974.19 i,974.19 1�798.6g 1,798.6g .. 1 �798.69 �.798.69 1,798.69 I1�798.69 1,798.69 1�798.69 1�798.69 1,798.6g � / I __�. --- . _ ___ _ _ _ _. .. fc.:m Tro.3,�i1S—LA!:?) C.LASSIf'11:A'i'lO�.— � ( °O` ".�uc n '' _----.._- — -- -- �--r---------_—_ , SUl3DIVISION I ,i Fridley Park '. S. 51' of W. 20' of Lot 12 & S. 51' of '',a o's dd` h s . H milt n A ition to Mec anic ville ' � Al1 of Lot 3 and N2 of Lot 1} I i ,� i , ', . � Hillcrest,Anoka Count�, Minn_._ � � ' ' ' ; Hitzeman Addition � (Subj. to 5' utility easement along N, �I line) , Hyde Park � _ Lots 14 and , ' . Sec. or J.ot 8 13 18 4 8 9 10 16 ' 22 17 18 il 12 13 3 11 15 16 17 21 30 16 � 19 T��p. or Ranbe Block I 19 19 3 7 14 - 14 14 16 16 1 I i �,I 2 I 2 2 1 4 4 7 7 10 11 21 � 24 � Tot� 1 � $ 1,072.58 39•65 8]2.71 1,100.12 1,019.78 1,056.56 1,056.56 1,084.26 880.g4 243.71 289•55 456.77 456.77 520.74 2,660.12 845-35 1,827.2g 729•37 607.08 71g.43 771•33 703•58 1,020.61 : -. - _.. � �. ..: �� . Ta:: yi ar upon ��hi� h fo�-f� i.ti�re is basc�a , --------- � `.ppraised V11ue { � oi Timber { E " �_ _1_ I i- I I 0 0 / � � :. ronn No.4taG—1,:A'�U C1..�,SSlF1CA'ilOti,— {( 1° u�atlun T � ..., .ei� -. -------- ------ _ __.__ —� �_�. _ "-- i ' SUBDIVISION I Moore Lake Hi�hlands lst Addition ' (Ex. part des. as fol: Lot 15, ex. that part of Lot 15 lying S'ly of a line des. as fol: Com. at the most E'ly cor. of ; said Lot 15; th. W'ly to the most W'ly ' cor. of said Lot 15) (Ex. part des. as fol: Com. at SW cor. o Lot 15; th. SE along SW'ly line thereof, ' to the SE cor. of Lot 15; th. NE along the E'ly line thereof, for a dist. of 25'; th. NW to pt. of beg.) � , Oak Grove Addition to Fridley Park � Lots 19, 20 and i .. , Onaway f Lots 16 and � Plymouth � � � Rice Creek Plaza South Addition i � Outlot 1 (Subj, to.5' utility & drainage easement along rear line) River View Hei hts Anoka Count Minnesot �� Lots 35 and Lots 53 and ; , . F�� _ - F��� ,..� ' �+� — -- - - - --. - — - --- -------_—_-- _—_--- --- --- — --- --_ � _ --- Tax. year upon wliic:: forfeittire is b�sec Sec. or I':'wp. or I � ,, raised Value ! Lot Block �""'b� ` Tota 1 � of Timber I I ( 15 $ 441.81 21 3 12 1 17 1 23 1 11 10 36 45 46 47 48 58 21 22 58 59 23 24 54 17 18 A A A A A A D D D D H � H I J J � 2,398•99 70.19 195.43 7�.34 l ,z78.40 114.89 770.10 517.04 517.04 517.04 517.04 129.52 722.21 722.21 703.44 703.44 663•5$ 740.27 1,163.18 554•55 55�•55 i 9 / -=-----..._.:.-- . , _ ___. . i _ .... . - . �'. _ . . . . . . Ncrr.� No.44(�13—LAA'UI:L�.JSlt7t�::'w�.— �Non•Cunsc���tion . . � —_ ----�___._ __--.� _.— _____—�__ I � �1- � _. _ . .. � .... _ : .. r_o,;: ��.z � 1 SUBDIVISION Sec. or Twp. or g;lllb� Tota 1 I Lot I Block � I ''River View Hei l�ts Anoka Count T4innesot�a Con . I C � � Y> > I� � I � Lots 31 and � ' � Lots 16 and Spring Brook Park, Anoka County, Minn. Lots' 1 and Lots 18, 19 and (Subj. to pipeline easement) Lots 17 and � Lots 35 and Lots 43 and Lots 45 and 0 32 3 4 49 50 51 52 17 28 28 29 29 30 36 2 3 20 21 31 37 38 ' 18 21 36 44 46 3 4 11 14 15 16 17 18 � _ _ I � __ J S S T T T T Y AA 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 .5 6 6 6 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 1 �. --�- - :d Value oi i �mber I I 0 $ 1,428.48 742.22 742.22 'S4o.27 . 540.27 � 'S40.27 � 'S40.27 . '803•90 . 844.54 541.44 'S41.42 � 569.16 'S69.16 '157.22 -- 1,083.17 . 185.47 '196.03 ' S5:72 78.07 543.64 543.64 857.96 go3.11 '856.98 1,083.17 1,082.84 542.47 'S42.47 '334•9� . . 64.16 73.73 , 73.73 73•73 73•73 . I 'S8o 34 / _ _ _ , y � , . , 1 � � I'orm No. 4-fOG-LAtiU GLASti1P1CA'1'ION.--Conscn•ation _ � �.,_Y__ ..,_____--------------------__----..�__. � '� � 1� 1 � 1: � i �{ i � �� �; ; �� � �� , �� �� �� _ .�. . � ..: . � � . �: �� - . �. � � :� . -. ; .. � • . �. - . . ;-..� —j... r�� _ . . . _' F .°.:.:.:'o "� _ � m� „s O11 W111C�; is ba�sec 1 _ � , . .. . , _ . �______ _ _ _ __�__�. _ _ � �a � v �¢ � A . O W �iS r� �a� � o � �� ,_ ��i7�� 6Ch /� � '� H d 1-.�j � A �, �y� Pa O q �G H � •�-- y c� w� ..,.. W c/� � � � H � U � a 0 0 A � H � � � ,� - � � � H � � H � C� �_ ^ �J � � � O ui � � .. � ,�i � � � � � � x � �.� �W � � O 2 � � _� � �ax U � ' � ' �� d • A �' �r �j '.� r A H � t,� � � � � � a � ! '� O � d� � � O � �� o � ' Y � � � C i` \ � � � w � �"7 �� q � G ` O � � . �� � i� ,p � b , n � �� • Y � � 0 �� BIDDER , � � � ■ - --�-- . ----...__._�__ � � - - ---- ---- � N � . � � �� ��� r �`� ,. � / ��%,,�``�.J �� G// ANIMAL CONTROL BTDS OPENED MARCH 4, 1968, 10•30 A M NET PRICE PER YEAR DISTANCE FR(7N1 FRID' ��� fj0 � � OY� . � � �� Y AREA 1. BUILDII�G STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROI, MEETING P�NTES OF FEBRUARY 28� 1968 The Meeting was called to order by Chariman Erickson at 8:00 P.M. ROI,L CALL MF�3ERS PRESENT: Biermann� Tonco, Dittas� Hauge, Erickson M'r��BERS ABSFNT: Ptone OTHERS PRESENT: Clarence Eelisle - Buildir_g Insgector CORTSID�A`PION OF 50 � X 80 � ADDITIOII TO FRIDLEY STATE B1�J"t� . AVEPdUE N. E. � Present and representing the Bank - Herb Bacon, Roy Caxlson of Fridley Lumber Co. MOTION by Dittes to recornmend that a f oundation permi.t be issued. That a building p�rmit be granted subject to the followings 1. recsipt and approval of a final plot plan 2. receipt and approva]. of a landscaping plan Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voico vote, there �eing no nays, the motion carried unanimously. i 2. RECONSIDERATION OF TRUSS FRAMING SYSTII�i. Clarence Belisle to get inforination from other cities in the axea conc�rning code requireraents for truss framing sys�tems. �fDJOURNMENT Respectfu7.ly submitted� Carrol Hauge Acting Secretary to the Committee r:.w� I ,^:.. � �� L� '� � 'J � � � � ' � ' �� � � � � � � RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION Il+3POSING LOAD LIMITS ON PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY BE IT RESOLVF� by the Council af the City of Fridley, as follows: le That pursuant to Chapter 72, City Code of Fridley�'M3nnesota� 1963 that commencing on the 15th day oP March� 1968, and continuing ur�til the 15th day of May� 1968, unless sooner t�,erminated or thereafter continued, no vehicle shall be driven or operated upon any street or public highr�*ay in the City under juri�ctictian of the City �rher8 the k�eight of such vehicle excoedss !� Ton Per Axle 2. The above restriction shall not apply with respect to the followi.n.g named streets or public highways, to-wit: a. b. c. d. e. f. g• h. Rice Creek Road fram T. H. �65 to Central Avenue 73rd Avenua from Flighway �65 to Able Street ��est rioore Lake Drive from 59th Avenue to Carol Drive 61st Avenue N.E. from Main Street to T�sst Moore Lake Drive 7th Street N.E. from 53rd Avenue to Mi�sissippi Street 57� Avenue from Highway �1�7 to ?th Straet I�ain Street from 57th Avenue to 58th Aven� Baker Street from ?3rd Avenue to Osborne Poad and the weight limit with respc3ct to such stroets and high�ay is: 9 Ton Per Axle i. Nathaway I,ane beginning at Central Avenue, thence East.on Hathaway Lane to Regis Drive. and the �•eight l.imit With respect to such street is: 1.5 Ton Per Ax].e 3. I�otice of these restrictions shall be publishsd antl posted Frith respact to.each of such streets and highways and �ihen so publishad ar�d posted� the restrictions sha11 be in full force and effect; all as provided in accordance �rith 2•iinnesotz Statutes Sec. 169.37 and tha provisior.s �hereof� under Chaptor 72, City Code of Fridley� M3nnesota 1963. 4. A vahicla in excess of such limits may be operated or driven upon a street or public high�*ay in the City �rithout violation of law when the same is done under Special Permit thereof issued in accordance Wi.th the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sec. 169.87 which are adopt�d and m.ade a part hereof by reference the same as if fully incorporated herein. v� J � Resolution No. Load Limits on �'ublic Streets 5. That school bus operators are given special peri�it to proceed with normal operation on thsir regularly established routes and at regu- larly establiahed haurs� saici pern�3.ts t�o be issueci by ths City Manager. PASSID AND ADOPTED BY THE CIT3C COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TIiIS DAY OF , 1968. - or — Jack 0. K r am ATTEST: City Clerk — I�arvin C. Brunsell Publish: March 6, 1968 ' � � � u ' CJ RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARTNG ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS, STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-3 WHEREAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected thereby. 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley as follows: That the preliminary report submitted by the City Engineer, Nasim Qureshi, and Jake Lundheim, County Engineer, is hereby received and accepted. 2. That this Council wi11 meet on the 8th day of April, 1968 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall in the City of Fridley for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference, Exhibit "A". 3. That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each ' of them as note¢ in said notice are all the lands and areas as noted in said notice: All of the same to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received. 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley according to law, such notice to be substantially in the form and substance of the notice attached hereto as Exhibit "A". ADOPTED BY THE CITY COi1NCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1968. MAYOR - Jack 0.: Kirkham ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell �� �5�.. , � , ' , � �� � OFFICIAL PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT "A") St. 1968-3 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the 8th day of Apri1, 1968, at 8;00 o'clock P.M, the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time and place hear all parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in Che lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM ' Stxeet improvements, including grading, stabilized base, bituminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewer system and sanitary sewer services and other facilities located as follows: ' ' r ' 73rd Avenue: Central Avenue to Stinsoi: Boulevard (no sidewalk) Mississippi Street: T.H. #65 to Central Avenue Mississippi Street: 2nd Street to T.H. �47 T.H. ��47 West Service Drive: Mercury Drive to 67th Avenue (no sidewal_ ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , $ 211, 600. 00 THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID IMPROVEMENTS IS AS FOLLOWS: For Construction Item above ---------------------------------------- All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvements. �"' That the Council proposes to proceed with each of said improvements as separate improvements, except as hereafter otherwise provided by the Council all under the following authority, to-wit: Minnesota Statutes ' 1961, Chapter 429 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. , ' , DATED THIS CITY COUNCIL. Publish: March 28, 1968 April 3, 1968 DAY OF , 1968, BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham 1 I ' I � I � � � i � 1 � � ' ' ' ' _ -�' � , . �•. . � _ � �._. ,_ L \... t- '. __r � �.. i , _ �. ._ . , ` � _ C� ,, � �. _,�.-�,�� � �._ � . / % I_� .r"�.� � .� V ! �, 1� , �JJ ;�� �. �` � , _ i BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL APPR'OVED BY : � /�/ ' Y y: S. A. Riley NEW Bldg. Insp. ��, . �`� J��� ,� ,,� v I; �,r , ;y: A. L. Gaughan NEW � � ( �r , � 1�---' '� �lu � `-�; , � ' ��' �`. � �, � i �' `� �', � By: Joseph F. Murray NEW � ��� � Plbg. Insp. Htg. Insp. __ _ _ � ---- ;�� ��- ����u�� �" � _ � ��u�� � � �`� _-- , -, � , �� : � �1��J . , � �� �;� � � .� ,. �. �.,�� . : , �� f ��., �Zz.�� �/ . , .:>' . ,� ,�"i - � � 1 ' � ' � r-� I'`J , � l_ J , ' ' ' , LICENSE,S TO BE APPROVED AT THE NL4RCH 4. 1968� COUNCIL MEETING CAFE Hullabaloo Club �---�--_ .=�- _ _ __.__: ��� � �, � � � - �Y3 M�rlo Kroto�ka /� � �-- APPROVED BY: Health Irispector �� i � � ' ' � ESTIMATES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL - MAFtCH 4, 1968 Berglund-Jahnson, In�. General Contractors P.O. Box D 351 2nd Street Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 Estima.te No, 1(1/5/68) Fridley Municipal , Garage - 12/21/67 through 12/31/67•for General Construction (Paxtia].) L_� , Estimate No. 2(2/2/68) Fri dley Municipal. Garage - 1/1/68 through 1/31/68 for General Construction (Partial) Total to date ' C. S. McCrossan, Incorporated ' Route �2 Osseo, Minnesota , Estimate No. S(Final) Municipa]. State Aid /�Smprovement Project St. 1966-2 according to � Contract (Including Change Order �1) li Estimate No, 9(Final) Street Improvement Project Sto 1965-1 according to contract �Including Change Orders ;�1, �2, and �3) rJ E stima4e Noo 5(Final) Street Improvement 1 ; Pro' ct St. 1966-4, Schedule A according j� the contract (includa.ng Change Order ;;1) I � � � , Estim,ate No. 5(Final) Street Improvement 3�'roject St. 1966-6 according to the contract (Including Change Order �l) $ 5,003.00 � 9,644.00 $ 14,647.00 $ 22,780.72 $ 8,839.90 $ 15�960.16 $ 18,272.70 jFina]. Release of DZoney for Street Improvement �oject St, 1965-2 according to the contract $ 4,000.00 * � � �r � � � �t. 1966-2 (ti��est Moore Lake Drive & Fice Cre�k Road from Central. Avenue to Baker Ave�ue) �,t. 1965-1 (1965 Municipal Program) • S�. 1966-4 (Plymouth Addition) Schedule A �i. I966-6 (Corunerce Park) St. 1965-2 (1965 State Aid'Program) � �� � ' � C � , , � ' ' i � L1 � , � , ' ' CITY OF FRIDLEY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6431 University Avenue FRIDLEY, MINN. Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Fridley c/o Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Gentlemen: CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEER March 4, 1968 We hereby submit Estimate No. 5, the FINAL ESTIMATE for C. S. McCrossan, Incorpoxated, Route ��2, Osseo, Minnesota for Municipal State Aid Improvement Project St. 1966-2 according to Contract (including Change Order �kl). Final Construction Cost for MSAP 27-302-02 from attached Sheet ��2 Final Construction Cost for MSAS No. 308 - 73rd Avenue from attached Sheet ��3 TOTAL FINAL CONTRACT COST LESS: Estimate ��1 $26,110.71 Estimate ��2 7,717.41 Estima.te ��3 13, 235.40 Estimate ��4 36,387.63 Total Paid to Date �$83,451.15 NET AMOUNT DUE FINAL ESTIMATE N0. 5 $98,�72.87 7,9�9.00 $106,231.87 83�451.15 �S 22,780.72 ��i I have viewed the work under contract for the constxuction of Street Improvement Project MSA St. 1966-2, and find that the same is substantially complete in accordance with the contract documents. I recommend that final payment be made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Body, and that the one year contractual maintenance bond commence on the date listed� ve. Prepared by �:�.�� R spectfully submitted • Checked by ` _., '--- [�-c�{,� �. �+��C; ASIM M. QURESHI, P.E.� City Engineer-Director of Public Works CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR This is to certify that items of the work shown in this statement of work certified herein has been actually furnished and done for the above mentioned project in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore approved. The final contract cost is $106,231.87 and the final payment of $22,780.72 would cover in full the contractor's claims against the City of all labox, materials, and other work done by the contractor under this project. I declaxe under the penalties of perjury that this statemerit is just and correct. � �� _ _ I -- i .- I ii �%,�! j%. , ��' .✓-::i-.�: ;�, Dated • `' `- Signature • -- � •Contractor `- � ' . / : � %�' Title : / ��`%�;,.�/'-r , `L/ _ Sheet 1 Final Estimate St. 1966-2 March 4, 1968 FINAL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE STATE AID PROJECT N0, 27-302-02 LOCATION: West Moore Lake Drive: Baker Avenue to Trunk Highway No. 65 Rice Creek Road: Trunk Highway No. 65 to Central Avenue CLASS OF WORK: Storm Sewer, Grading, Soil Stab. Base, Bit. Surf. and Conc. Curb, Gutter and Sidewalks. LENGTH: CONTRACTOR: Item No. 2104.503 2105.501 2105.506 2106.501 2123.506 2130.501 2110.521 2201.527 2331. 2331.501 2331.504 2331.510 2341.502 2341.504 2341.509 2501.521 2515.541 2503.512 2503.512 2503.512 2515.541 2506.506 2506.507 2506.511 2506.51b 2506.522 2506.516 2531.501 2531.507 2571.561 2571.561 2521.504 2576.504 2506.516 0.455 Miles C. S. McCrossan, Inc., Route ��2, Osseq Minn. Final Quantities 377 Lin. Ft. 5,048 Cu. Yds. 9,074 Cu. Yds. 13,305 Cu. Yds. 14 Hrs. 38.6 M/Gals 18,410 Cu. Yds. 2,737 Cu. Yds. 349 Sq. Yds. 2,550 Gals. 42.2 Tons 1,039.5 Tons 200 Gals. 51.2 Tons 931.0 Tons 182 Lin. Ft. 4 Units 87.5 Lin. Ft. 167 Lin. Ft. 680.5 Lin. Ft. 1 Unit 25.8 Vert.Ft. 41.7 Vert.Ft. 4.5 Vert.Ft. 4 Units 6 Units 8 Units 4,950 Lin. Ft. 163.2 Sq. Yds. 100 Cu. Yds. 140 Cu. Yds. 50,056 Sq. Ft. 9,038 Sq. Yds. 2 Units 6 Units Item Concrete Curb & Gutter Removal Class "A" Excavation Borrow Excavation (Class "A") Special Swamp Excavation 3/4 Yd. Dragline Water Granular Mat in Place Class V in Place 2" Asphalt Driveway Bit. Mat for Prime Coat� Bit. Mat for Mix Binder Course Bit. Mat for Tack Coat Bit. Mat for Mix Wearing Course W/filler F&I 30" R,C.P, Class III F&I Concrete Apron for 30" SCP F&I 12" R.C.P. C1. III W/G Jt. F£�I 15" R.C.P. C1. III W/G Jt. F&I 21" R.C,P. C1. III W/G Jt. F&I Conc. Apron for 15" R.C.P. Construct M.H. Design "A" or "F" Construct C.B. Design "C" or "G" Reconstruct Manhole F&I Casting Assem. 700-9, 712 Adjust Frame & Ring Castings F&I Assem. (801) W/Grate 810 Conc. Curb & Gutter B618 6" Concrete Driveway Top Soil Clay Soil Concrete Walk 4" Sod Hydrant Relocation-Horizontal F&I 3293 Cast. W/Grate Unit Price TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST FOR MSAS N0. 27-302-02 Sheet 2 $ 1.00 .45 .40 .35 24.00 4.00 . 72 2.60 2.40 .20 30.00 4.20 .30 30.00 4.50 15.00 100.00 7:00 8.00 9.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 40.00 70.00 45.00 80.00 2.00 1.00 3.20 2.70 .42 .55 350.00 100.00 Total $ 377.00 2,271.60 3, �i29 . 60 4, 6�56 . 75 336.00 154.40 13,255.20 7,116.20 837.60 510.00 1,266.00 4,365.90 60.00 1,536.00 4,189.50 2,730.00 400.00 612.50 1,336.00 6,124.50 45.00 1,161.00 1,876.50 180.00 280.00 270.00 640.00 9,900.00 163.20 320.00 378.00 21,023.52 4,970.90 700.00 600.00 �98,272.87 '�� FINAL ESTIMATE ST. 1966-2 March 4, 1968 FINAL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR 73RD AVENUE M. S.A. ��308 (73RD AVENUE) FROM COMMERCE LANE TO T.H. ��47 ST. 1966-2 CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 LOCATION: M.S.A. 4� 308 (73rd Avenue) from Commerce Lane to T.H. ��47 CLASS OF WORK: Grading, Soil Stabilized Base, Bituminous Surfacing, Concrete Curb and Gut.ter CONTRACTOR: C. S. McCrossan Company, Incorporated, Route ��2, Box 322, Osseo, Minnesota Item No. 2105.501 2201.527 2331.501 2331.504 2331.510 2503.512 2506.506 2506.516 2531.501 NQ:ik Quantities Item Unit Price 2,518 Cu. Yd. Class "A" Excavation $ .45 8Z0 Cu. Yd Class V in Place 2.60 589 Gals. Bit. Mat for Prime Coat .20 21.2 Tons Bit. Mat�for Mix 30.00 468 Tons Binder Course 4.20 SO Lin. Ft. F&I 12" RCP C1. III w/G Jt. 7.00 5.7 Vert. Ft. Constr. MH Design A or F 45.00 2 Units F&I Assem (801) - with Grate 810 80.00 604 Lin. Ft. Conc. Curb & Gutter B618 2.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST FOR 73RD AVENUE Sheet 3 �1 Total $1,T�3.10 2,132.00 . 117.80 636.00 1,965.60 350.00 256.50 160.00 1,208.00 $7,959.80 CITY EIVGIAIF�RII�G DEPl1RT��:NT .�'� ' City of Fridley, NLinnesota , ' LJ Honorable I�Iayor and City Council c�o Hom.er R. Ankrum, City Manager City of Fridlev 6L�3�- Universit.y Avenu� :3. �,. Fridle3�� i�ti.nnesota 551�21 � , Gentleman; , � ' , ' ' ' , , ' ' ' , March L;, 1968 Re : Final. Es timate f�9 Street Improvement �roject - St. 1965-1 CERTIFIC9.TE 0� THE ENGINEER Final Pa3�ent Estimate �9 is hereby submitted for C.S. McCrossan, Incorporated� Route �'2� Box 322, Osseo� Minnesota for Street Improti�ement Project St. 1965-1 according to the ccntract (ir.cluding Change Orders #1, #2 and #3). Unit Amot:nt Item Price Total 57, 5��. 31,t��8 2l:,1I�2 ]2,905 18, l�.22 2�.� 1�i3 85� 37.69 � 101 203 365 8 11 56, i56 180 225 B 6, 8t�7 175e2 720 56011; Sq. Yds. Sq. Yds. So,. Yds . Lin. 4t. Lzn. F�, Cu. Yd�. Cu. Yds. Vert ''- oi �e Each Lin. ^t. Lin. � � o In. Diao Each Each Each Sqo Yds. Lino �t, I,in. �t. Lin. Ft. Sq. Yds. �o,. Yds. Cu. Yds. Sq. Xds. lz't Eitumir.ous P�at !t'�' Bitum�.nous Stab, Base !t'� Class V Base ConcretL C8cG B-618 Concret,e C&G �--[l8 Fxcavatior. to Subgrad� Excava.ticn Be1cw Sub ;rade Nianhole �'�djust^�ent F&I Catch Easin 12 « R. C. p. Redw;,od Header Tree Removal C,B. Design "A�t Relocatian C.E. Design nB"� Relocation Hydrant Relocation & Adjustment Seal Coatino Curb Renoval 8'� ?erf. C.:T.�. T,�t�P.ock 1��� Ceh:. p. soa Blacktop Driveway Replacemen t Top Soil Concrete Driv��aays TOTAL FOR6�JAR� LE3S: Estima*,e #1 � 33,C:67.96 Estima �e '�`2 41� 9�tL.9Z Estimate �3 17,628.11 Estimate ,�4 10,384.18 Cont3.nued on next pa�e- � .55 .61� •35 2.10 1.98 1,00 io2a 25.00 200.00 5•75 2 . �0 2.50 i85.eo 1$5.00 200.00 .1l� 1.00 1lt.1t0 5.60 e1�5 2.00 1.70 5.55 �3�.,66o,2a 20,7.33.?2 8, 449.70 27,1ooe5e 36,!� i 5.56 2�,183voo 1, 020.CvJ `��;2 0�5 Eooe00 580.75 507.50 912.�0 1,11o,G0 1, l�8�,00 2,200.00 7, �61..8)� 180.G0 3 � 2l;0.'!0 t�4.8o � 3,C81.15 350a1�0 1�22�.G0 3�1.�8 �`173,8 �8. , Fin�,l Estimate �9 st. i965-i � � � � � � � LJ , � TOTAL BROUGHT FQRd°+ARD �; 't� �173, 8�8.85 �stimate #5 17,057•38 Estimata �6 2,189•71 Estimate �7 6,173•47 Estimat� #8 36 163.63 � �i65,008.95 AMOUNT DUE FINAL ESTII�IATE ........................ $k �,839.90 I have viewed the work under contract for the construction of Street Improvement Praject St. 1965-1, and find that the sacr�e is substantially complete in accordance with the contract documents. I recommend that the final payment be made upon accepta,.nce of the ��ork by your Hcnorabl.e Body� and that the on� year cantractual . maintenance bond commence on the date listed above. � F.es ctfull submitted �repared By ,�'�;�. 1s Pe Y � g � ��~ Checked Ey �' . �� . , �,���r�t N'� - �C,�r.t-��'` �--, .. ATASIrT M. QURF�-I I, P. �'. City Engineer - Director of Public t�lcrks NQ:da CC: C.S. McCrossan, Inc. CERTI� ICATE OF THE CUNTF�? C'1'0?? This is to certi£y that items of the �*ork shown in this stater�ent of work certified herein Y:as been actually furnished and done for the above mentioned project in accordance with.+..he plans and specifications hereto.fore apprcvede The final contract cost is �173,8��8.85 and th.e final payrisnt of �8,8?9.50 Vaould cc�er in full the contractor �s claims against the Ci ;�* of all labor� materials, and nther work done by the contractor under this project. I declare und�r the penalties of perjury that this statem�nt is just and correcto ` % / , � — � -� � Lat?d: � __ _ � �=; . ;,, � t� S? �nature : � l �; ��. � . • Contractor' � ' //"/; ` - �� „ ,� Title. �� � �� � � � CITY ENGINEERING DEPAR�'MENT City of Fridley, Minnesota Honorable Mayor and City Council c�o Homer R. Ankxum, City Manager City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 5542� Gentlemen: Re: Final Estimate #5 St. 1966-4 Schedule "A" CEftTIFICATE OF THE ENGINE�t March 4, 1968 � Final Payment Estimate #5 is hereby submitted for C.S. McCrossan, Incorpora�ed, Route �2, Box 322, Osseo, Minnesota for Street Improvement Project St. �966-4 Schedule "A" according to the contract (including Change Order #1� � Item No. Amount � � � � � � � 2123.503 2123.5�0 2123.514 2123.521 2�30.501 2201.502 2210.502 2207.503 2207.503 2207.512 2207.512 2331. 233�.502 2331.504 233�.508 2356.505 2356.307 2506.509 2506.511 2506.52� 2506.522 2574•52� 2531.501 253�.507 257�.56� 2574•501 2574•511 4s3.5 Hrs. 793•5 Hrs. 504 Hrs. 47•5 xrs. 25 Hrs. 75 Hrs. 235 M/Gals 2,270 Cu. Yds. 45 Cu. Yds. 45�843 Gals. 1,960 Gals. 17,326 Sq. Yds. 6,518 Sq. Yds. 610•6 Sq. Yds. 5,203 Gals. 249•4 Tons 4�536 Tons 7,416 Gals. 267 Cu. Yds. 5 Units 2 Vert Ft. 2 Units 140 Units .41 Tons 23,252 Lin. Ft. 206.2 Sq. Yds. 2,030 Cu. Yds. 2.2 Acres 304 Lbs. 126.2 Lin. Ft. 2.5 Vert.Ft. Item Motor Grader �, 10 Yd. Truck 3 Yds. Front End Loader Pneumatic Tire Roller Backhoe D-6 Dozer Water Class V Base Crushed Rock for Driveway Bit. Mat. (AC-1) Bit. Mat for Fog Bit. Stab. Base 4" Bit. Stab. Base 6" 2" Asphalt Driveways Bit. Mat. for Tack Coat Bit. Mat for Mix Bit. Mixture Bit. Mat. for Seal Coat Seal Coat Agg-regate Construct C.B. Design "G" Reconstruct Manhole Install Casting Adjust Frame & Ring Casting Commercial Fertilizer Concrete Curb (B 618) Concrete Driveway 4" W�Wire Top Soil Seeding Seed Concrete Sawing Gate Valve Adjustment Unit Price � 12.00 11.00 20.00 10.00 18.00 20.00 5.00 � 1 .80 10.00 .12 .20 :25 .30 2.40 .30 30.00 4•30 .18 10.00 250.00 45•00 25.00 25.00 150 . o0 2.10 9 .20 2.70 60.00 1 .00 2.00 40.00 Total $ 5,so2.00 8,728.50 10,080.00 475.00 450.00 �,500.00 �,�75.00 4,os6.00 450.00 5,501.16 392.00 4,331.50 1,955•40 ��465•44 �,560.90 7,482.00 �9,5o4.so ��334.8s 2,670.00 � ,250.00 90.00 50.00 3,500.00 61.50 48,82g.2o 1�,897,04 5,4s� .00 132.00 304 . o0 252 .40 100.00 �140,891.72 (Forward) ��(� Final Estimate #5 St. 1966-4 Schedule "A" Forward Less Estimate #1 $ 19,305.36 Less Estimate #2 49,764•89 Less Estimate #3 33,228.56 Less Estimate #4 22,632.75 AMOUNT DUE FINAL ESTIMATE............ � 140,891.72 124,931.56 �. •.• . I have viewed the work under contract for the construction of Street Improvement Project St. 1966-4 Schedule "A", and find that the same is substantially complete in accordance with the contract documents. I recommend that the final payment be made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Body, and that the one year contractual maintenance bond commence on the date listed above. Frepared By � l� � Checked By f �L.�� NQ:jm CC: C.S. McCrossan, Inc. Respectfully submitted, � �! �' �'�-C.t-c-.� �-{ • �c.U.i ✓" L, NASIM M. QURESHI, P.E. City Engineer - Director of Public Wo'rks CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR � This is to certify that items of the work shown in this statement of work certified herein has been actuall.y furnished and done for the above mentioned project in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore approved. The final contract , cost is $140 8= 91.72 and the final payment of $�� q60.16 Would cover in full the contractor's claims against the Cit.y of all labor, materials, and other work done by the contractor under this project. I declare under the penalties Dated: ;� .__ � .� �� ,.— �a LJ � r of perjury that this stat � ent is j�.st and correct. �� 7.. S ignature : . %„ L �, ��. � � ��_ � 1,.-��:_ _-, Contractor �- � ., _ Title: . /�'c%%�.;! ��' :� �1_V� � 1 Honorable Mayor and ' c�o Homer R. Ankrum, City of Fridley CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT City of Fridley, Minnesota March 4, �95$ City Council City Manager 6431 TTniversity gvenue N.E. � Fridley, Minnesota 55421 � ' Gentlemen; Fina,l Payment Estimate #5 � Route #2, Box 322, Osseo, according to the contract , ' ' � ' � � � , � , ' Re: Final Estimate �`5 St. �966-6 CERTIFICgTE OF Tl� ENGINEF��. is hereby submitted for C.S. McCrossan, Incorporated, Minnesota for Street Improvement Project St. 1966-6 (including Change Order #1�. Item No. Quantities Item Unit Price Total 2506.522 20 Units Adjust Frame & Ring Cast. 5-518 35.00 700.00 2104.503 224 I,in. Ft. Concrete Curb Removal 1.00 224.00 2105.501 11,447 Cu. Yd. Class g�ccavation .55 6�295-$5 2105.501 1,105 Cu. Yd. Class S.G. Excavation .55 607.75 2106.501 3,004 Cu. Yd. Special Swamp Excavation 1.50 4,506.00 2130.501 110 M/Gals. Water 4.00 440.00 2201.502 4,409 Cu. Yd. Class V � 2.60 11,463.40 2207.503 12,054 Gals. Bit. Mat. AC-1 .12 1,446•48 2207.503 708 Gals. Bit. Mat. for Fog .20 141.60 2207.512 7,078 Sq. Yd. Bit. Stab. Base 4" .25 1,769.50 2207.502 10 Cu. Yd. Crushed Rock for Driveways � 6.00 60.00 2331. 182 Sq. Yd 2" Blacktop Driveway 2.40 436.80 233�•502 1,170 Gals. Bit. Mat. for Tack .30 351.00 2331.504 184.69 Tons Bit. Mat for Mix 30.00 5,540.70 2331.508 3�644 Tons Bit. Mix 4.30 15,66g.20 2356•505 5�500 Gals. Bit. Mat. for Seal Coat .18 990.00 2356.507 140 Cu. Yd. Seal Coat 9.ggregate 10.00 1,400.00 2503•512 135 Lin. Ft. F&I 12" R.C.P. W�Gasket 7.00 945•00 2503•5�3 432 Lin. Ft. 6'� V.C.P. 6.00 2,592.00 2503.513 33 Lin. Ft. 8" V.C.P. 10.00 330.00 2 IInits Hydrant Adjustment Horizontal 300.00 600.00 2506.506 21.65 Units Manhole Design "F" 45•�� 974•25 2506•509 4 Units Catch Basin Design "G" 250.00 1,000.00 2571.561 50 Yds. Clay 2.50 125.00 25�6•5�� 5 Vert. Ft. Reconstruct Manhole 45.00 225.00 2506.516 1 Unit F&I Casting (700-9) 75.00 75.00 253�.501 12,542 Lin. Ft. Concrete Curb & Gutter 2.00 25,084.00 253�.501 2,231 Lin. Ft. Concrete Curb & Gutter B 618 2.00 4,462.00 2571.56� �3o cu. Yd. Top Soil 2.70 351.00 2576.501 680 Sq. Yd. Sodding .60 408.00 33�5• 43 Lin. Ft. F&I 6" C.I.P. 7.00 301.00 3366• 544 Lin. Ft. F&I 1" Copper 6.00 3,264.00 3366.� 14 Units F&I 3/4 x 1'� Corporation 10.00 140.00 3366. 14 Units F&I 1" stop Box 25.00 350.00 1 Unit F&I 6" Gate Valve 125.00 125.00 107 I,in. Ft. F&I 2 x 6 Redwood Header .50 53•5� �93�447•�3 (Forward) ..��-J ' Final Estimate #5 st. 1966-6 � � � LJ� Foxw� ..o..o � 93,447•03 Item No. Quantities Item Unit Price Total 2503.512 140 Lin. Ft. F&I 15" R.C,P, W�Filter Bed 0-10' 8.00 2503.512 125 Lin. Ft. F&I 15" R.C.P, W�Filter Bed 10-15' 10.00 z5o3.512 199 Lin. Ft. F&I 15" R.C.P. W�Filter Bed 15-20' 12.00 Less Estimate #1 $30,019.95 Less Estimate #2 25,689.96 Less Estimate #3 �3,394•�9 Less Estima.te #4 10,828.23 AMOUNT DUE FINAL ESTIMA.TE #5 1 ,120.00 1,250.00 2,388.00 � g8,2o5.03 79,932•33 � 18,272.70 I have viewed the work under contract for the construction of Street Improvement Project St. 1966-6, and find that the same is substantially complete in accordance , with the contract documents. I recommend tha-� the final payment be made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Body, and that the one year contractual maintenance bond commence on the date listed above. . Prepared By r-1 :� � ,r Checked By ��'�_i �� �� � NMQ:jm CC: C.S. McCrossan, Inc. Respectfully submitted, ��.L{ �c- c,�.�����,1 NASIM M. QUR�SHI, P,E. City �gineer - Director of Public Works CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR 0 This is to certify that items of the work shown in this statement of work certified herein has been actually furnished and done for the above mentioned project in accordance with_the plans and specifications heretofore approved. The final contract cost is $98,205.03 and the final payment of �18,272.70 would cover in full the contractor's claims against the City of all labor, materials, and other work done by the contractor under �his project. I declare under the penalties of perjury that this statement is 'ust ancl correct. .� .-- /� // � Dated: � '" / --� C Signature: 1 �/�-�.."�' /,^' �i:�--,�-".-i'-.-� Contractor �—" /1 �/�'��. / �.%'� (�� Title: 1 A CITY ENG1NEEftING DEPARTMENT City of Fridley, Minnesota March 4, 1g6s Honorable Mayor and City Council c�o Homer R. An�u.m, City Manager City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. �'ridley, Minnesota 5542� RE: FINAI� RE'LEASE OF MONEY FOR STREE'T IMPROVET�IIV�I' PROJECT ST. 1965-2 Gentlemen: Fin.al release of money for Street Improvement Project St. 1965-2 is hereby sub- mitted for C.S. McCrossan, Incorporated, Route #2, Box 322, Osseo, Minnesota according to the contract. � FINAL CONTRACT PRICE I�ESS: Estimate #1 Estimate �2 Estima.te #3 Estima.te #4 Estima,te #5 Estim�,te #6 Estimate #7 Final Estimate #8 NET AMOUNT NOW DUE � 3�533•75 5,406.82 46,630.5� 36��76•99 24,844•90 4��42.17 4,600.22 11,337•53 $140,672.sg 136,672.sg $ 4.000.00 I have reviewed the work under contract for the construction of State Aid Street Improvement Project St. 1965-2 and find that the same is substantially complete in accordance with the contract documents. I recommend that the final paya:ent be made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Body. Prepared By: _ l' •�, i• Respectfully submitted x Checked By: y�_. � � � : , �Q' �m CC: C.S. McCrossan, Inc. � �z� ' � NASIM M. QURESHI P,E. City Engineer - Director of Public Works CEftTIFICATE OF THE CO1�I'I'RACTOR ' This is to certify that items of the work shown in this statement of work certified herein has been actuall.y furnished ar.d done for the above mentioned project in acc- ordance with the plans and specifications heretofore approved. The final contract cost is $140,672.89 and the final pa.yment of $4,000.00 would cover in full the ' contractor's claims a�ainst the City of all labor, materials, and other work done by the contractor under this project. ' I dec�lare under the penalties �f p��rjury that t'nis statement is just and correct. 7 - � __._ �_ � - � ;; ` �/. / �I : �� �:/ Dated: - Signature: � } � � / � -=-�, Con�ractor ) 1 Title: �: /x.L�,c.�{�-.�" --- , -� .: � ``°� 0 CITY Or FRIDLEY PETITION COVER SHF.ET . petition No. 2-1968 Date P,eceived February 27, 1968 Object Street - Onondaga Street Northeast from H Bacon Drive Street to Petiti_on Checked By 1�1 --���i� Date ?,-z� -(c�. Percent Signing �G�� _ Fti•:��f': �c��.-,.�--. ��� ���c�s�.;�¢st�.b ^ Referred to City Council Disposition m ...: �:� u• . . O � �4 n � !, o � � � , u - � ,� , z 2 :� r �' ,_� . , i,, � ,B n( (� . ' ' - � � y .. �'�� Y �" rl . � . . C� '1 �' i .� . .,` � ' . _ r•. (� : 'c !tt ,� ; � 4' V � ; -, .., - � -� - . . . .<. 4 � •l.'. '" 1 ff ../ '.l � � � � � ,� Gv '�• � �S �.!_ . � »"(_ '. J 5 lyJ ,�°G ^ G� C� I 4 O/ _'..lt... T � Y . `�-` � ' ' •�%�..'..s, ._�f• _'.�"'._'1/sJ.'', � /, •� . . . . . ' . _ . v pt c .. . , . ; n • � �2 � � . .,�. --� ------ - - .. . � f� - r �� ir : 2 � � ,'� % ., . _ _a 1 s� � �_.__�:.e . � t _.� .r ;� c ' �6 �-- -�-:e; 76-Tii�� ,,"�_AVEt:UE ° - N.i_. - — -- � `-�' � � ' ^ . --- „� •r. �o ':,': • _� . ' J` I . fG � y _____"�- __'_'- .i ei '�_.a...��_l"c { � h �e`;;',: � 1 �rE` i�on 7 ti �f � `-''''�� %1��C �. C . � o �,�s�, _ .,. -- �.., . 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LAZ���ALt.`� AiVI) STRrE�' �URF�lCII3G � FRIUI�:Y� r3lidiiESOTA __.____.______ `'� ' � - � .�- _ _ , �� , 19,�� � . � To the City Cotu�cil of Fridley� Minnesota: � I � Wes the undersigneci� constitutino more t,ha�► fifty-o:�e per cent (51�) of t�he property o�mers in numbEr and in interest, i.n the folloTrrin streets: � ���� a� • �'�, ' , ��'��3 �, Street, frorn `'°°� .� �,+�- t��� � � –��'=2' /��f �=.— +�-- J Street� fror� to Strzet, from � I_� who will benefiz by the proposed improvE�ment, hereby �eti.iion that the fol.Zowing im- provements be m�de. 1. 2. �---- � _.—_ — _ ._ — __...__ 3. W� underst�.nd t:�at the cost of said impY•o�Te��nt Urill be asszssed a�ainst tne propertjr � in �n° above descr•ibed area in equal in.�tial7.mentis for a p�riod no� to exceed years �fith inter�st payable a{.. the ra+,e o�' � per anrn�,m on the unpa� d balar�ce. � �Ie understand that, until prei ir:iinaa�y ezigineerino can be com��eted, i� is impossible to gi.ve accu-rata estimates of tiJha� thesE: improvements •a-il? cost; but that based on cosL f�_gures for si:nil.ar work dcne in tre Cit;y, it is estimated �iiat these improvem.en+�s will � cost: � 1. � 2. � 3. N�.;�% kTJDR��SS -- - LEG�L DFSGR?�IGiJ ,� / �_ l'✓��c � �L�C�� ---- � ` % � %/ �' l�� �/ / _ / ! ��,�1�-L�' � � � �� �%f.1l�C! }/`�� � n �✓ , - �' ,;,�:- c�_' /- , .� ��� _�y� . �S „����� C�� _ ^ � � 7 ,� . , , `" -�r> .�, -�77����s� �� � � lZ � �L i � vU�-' -�/V`� T7' . /�VL� w.' .V�-4 'f� - I `I / � , C� L`t^�2 �-(C.'s � i ;,� � �� �� '�' ���r �� �.L._.L1�{ ' ...._..._..._,,.Y.._,�,,,,,._�., �, .w _,,_�,�....._� ' � � �o�tY1 �'u�'a���K� ��Ir�tf6�t� �'e�v0ie` �'��t�'��ii STATE CIF MINNESOTA � BOARD MEMBERS � Harold O. Goes•tz - Chai� Mel f ord C. Chri.rtensen � David O. Harris Arnold J. Holz Davi�l J. Lar.ron � � Pers�y L. Malvin David D. Schaa f john G. Songas � Jerome A. Tra��i James F. Wolfe � 781-2164 1458 <tOUNTY ROAD "J" MINNEAPI)LIS, MINNESOTA 56432 Mr. Homer R. Ankr�n � City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Ankrum; SERVING Blaine Circle Pine.r Coon Rapids Fridley Lexington Mound.c View Spring Lake Park February 26, 1968 This letter is in reply to yours of February 21, 1968 re- garding the REC assignment for the King Chalet, 6259 Highway ��65 N.E.. This office on Febxuary 7th sent a letter to William Sandin, Fridley inspector, regarding the REC assignment for the King Chalet. � Subsequent to this time we have had considerabie telephone conversations with the Fridley engineering of:°ice and the King Chalet manager. � The Fridley water ��ecords indicate the restaurant is not using the 29 REC's as assigned. It would be my judgment that a fair way to handle this matter would be t:o make any additional REC charge effect- � ive at the time the water use re�cords indicate the business is using more than 29 REC's. � MCC:em I � I � Very truly yours, NORTfi SUBURBAIv SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT , " � ;' j � /� �' �' -, ..... �i ;. ; � ��, ' : ,- ,`� ,, , ,;��,, z ,.,� � ' ` � - ' �' �' \. . , „ i I _ E ` � L "L Melford C. Christensen, Clerk �-J � In I� � MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PARKS AND RECF;EATION COMI�tISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1968 Meeti,ng was called to order by Chairman Hughes at 8:20 P.M. ROLL CALL � MEMBERS PRESENT: Hughes, Cochran, Fi.tzpatrick, Larson (arrived at 10:00) � MEMBERS ABSENT: Dunphy OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Brown, Directur - Parks and Recreation Harvey Peterson, Ar�oka County Commissioner MINUTES, JANUARY 22, 1968 MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Cochran, that the Minutes of January 22, 1968, be accepted as mailed. Th.e Motion Carried. LETTERS Letter from Suburban Recreation Association - Subject: Allotment of $700.00 to be used by Department for co-sponsorship of puppetry and arts and crafts classes. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Cochran, that letter be accepted. The Motion Carried. Letter from Mr. Jack Dunphy - Subject: Establishment of an over-all pedestrian trail system throughout the Fridley Park System and the City. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Cochran, that letter be received�and filed. The Motion Carried. Letter from National Recreation and Park Association - Subject: NRPA accident insurance coverage for 1968 No action taken. TAX DELINQUENT PROPERTIES The list of tax delinquent prope:rties received from the County was discussed by the Commission. It was decid��d that the following properties be tagged for possible purchase by the Parks D��partment in the future: Hamilton's Addition to Mech��nicsville Hyde Park Rice Creek Plaza South Addi':ion Spring Lake Park Lakeside Hillcrest Addition Edgewater Gardens Addition REPORT FROM HARVEY PETERSON, C011NTY CUI�IISSIONER Block 14, Lots 8,9,10 Block 7, Lots 16,17 Outlot #1 Block 2, Lots 3,20 Block 1, Lots 17,18 Block 2, Lots 11,12,13 Block 3, i,ots 1,2,3,10,11 Mr. Harvey Peterson, Anoka Count�� Commissioner, assured the Commission that the tax delinquent properties th�it they requested be set aside would be tagged for their possible purchase. He also informed the Commission that the new golf course being built by Coon F;apids is located on County-owned property and is therefore, open to member�;hip by anyone in the County wishing to join and not only residents of Coon R��pids. Mr. Peterson discussed the possibility of the County and the City joinirig in a mutual effort in developinu a marina on Cha�es Island, or other projec:ts. fie also requested that factual informa- tion be sent to the Arioka County Park Department. C �'�. J� : r; . 1��� ' ��� � ' � PARKS AND RECREATION COT�tISSION MINUT'ES, FEBRUARY 26, 1968 PLAN FOR 1969 PAGE 2 The Commission reviewed and discussed the Plan for 1969 as presented to them by the Director. They requested that two additions be made. Member Fitzpatrick ' rec{uested that lights be installed at Summit Square Park and suggested that at least one light be installed on the north parcel of the park by this summer. It was also requested that a hockey rink be added to Madsen Park next winter. The Commission agreed that these two requests should be added to the Plan. MOTION by Cochran, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plan for 1969 be accepted and approved as amended. The Motion Carried. CONSULTANT'S VISIT The Commission agreed that it would be advantageous to have Mr. Braddock look � over the Park Bond Program once again concerning costs. The Director was asked to contact Mr. Braddock and request a special meeting with him for approximately the 18th of March. � � � ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, March 25, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. A special meeting with the City ��ouncil was tentatively scheduled for Monday, March 25th at 7:00 P.M. � Respectfully submitted, . �� ��� �?7l_l Cl� � --t'�t'%�J � Mary Lou Erickson, Secretary - Parks ;�nd Recreation Commission ' � � � � ' � , MINUTES OF THE SP�CIAL MEET'ING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION CON�IISSION, FEBRUARY 26 MEMBERS PRESENT: Hughes, Cochran, Fitzpatrick ' MEMBERS ABSEN'T: Dunphy, Larson OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Kirkham, Councilmen Samuelson, Sheridan, Liebl, Harris; Homer Ankrum, City �Ianager; Shirley Behrens, Fridley Record; ' Harvey Peterson, County Commissioner; Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation � ' DISCUSSION OF PARK IMPROVEMENT PROPOS.4L An outline was presented to the ��ouncil by Chairman Hughes concerning the pre- ;_ _ 1965°� )�,' sent need for new parks within the City. The following priority list was presented: 1. Improvement of existing parks and the acquisition and improvement of new park , lands for immediate use by residents., 2. Acquisition of new park lands for neigh- , , � ' � borhood parks with development at a l��.ter date., 3. Acquisition of new park lands for city-wide use with development at a later date.. With the present budget, land cannot be acquired and developed at a fast enough rate to fulfill the needs of the City's population. The existing park:� are designed mainly for youngsters, whereas there is just as great of a demand fo�° adult recreational areas. . Councilman Harris asked if feder<il assistance has been applied for. According to Chairman Hughes, federal aid could not be obtained soon enough if the bond issue is to go to the people in the next elE�ction. Councilman Harris suggested that possi- bly the program should be expanded to include more land which could be covered by ' federal assistance. Paul Brown, Dire<:tor of Parks and Recreation, stated that the I ' I ' ' ' � department has received a list of all tax delinquent properties from the County and at the regular meeting of the Commissi.on following this meeting, the properties that the Commission wishes to tag for possible future use will be discussed. Councilman Samuelson stated that he felt this program was very necessary and was completely in favor of it. Counci.lman Harris said that this program would ful- fill 85% of the present needs in the C'ity and that for a program of this magnitude a bond issue should be placed before tr.e people. Councilman Sheridan felt that this program was a necessity and should go to the citizens for funds. According to Harvey Peterson, County Commissioner, the County isn't planning any parks in Fridley in the near future. He urged that the tax forfeit properties be considered now so they can be removed from the roles. He also said that the MINUTES OF SPECIAL I�4ELTING, FEBRUARY 26, 1968 PAGE 2 County may be interest.ed in helping the City of Fridley in developing a marina on Chases Island. Councilman Harris asked Mr. Peterson about receiving assistance for Spring Lake Beach. He said that if this area was declared a public beach, the City would receive $1,500.00 from the County. Councilman Liebl asked if all three priorities are covered in the original amount of $1.3 million, and also s�ated that a program of this sort could not possi- bly be done by money from the Council. Chairman Hughes answered that the proposed program would cover the present needs of the people living in Fridley now, and that if the population continues to rise as rapidly in the future years as it has in the past few years, more land would be ne��ded then. He stated that the park budget has always been about two years behin�i the rising growth of Fridley's population. Councilman Liebl asked if the Commission will present specific areas to the public. Chairman Hughes answered tha•t it is the Commission's wish to be as specific as possible. Mayox Kirkham concluded that the Commission and the Council seem to be in total agreement as to the needs of Fridley <�nd also agree that this program should be put before the people in the form of a bo�id issue. It was discussed as to when would be the best time to present this to the citi- zens. Councilman Liebl suggested thai: it be made an item in the primary elections next fall in order to get the majorit�� of the citizens voting on it. Mayor Kirkham thought that it would be wiser to cal]. a special election for the purpose of having only the really interested citizens vuting for or against this program. It was agreed that the Council sY�ould revue the costs, decide about any changes that should be made, and also discuss the timing for the election. The Commission agreed to consider applying for state and federal aid, and also publicity for the program. A tentative special meeting was scheduled for Monday, March 25th at 7:00 unless the Council decides on an earlier date in which case they will notify the Commission. Respectfully submitted, , ��i'JCuv �c-r!��% l�ar �Erickson Secretar - Parks and Recreat' Y , y ion Commission J�I � ' � ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , , ' ' , ' ' CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Paul B��own, Director 6431 University Avenue N.E. PARKS �WD RECREATION M E M U R A N D U M I. Parks and Playgrounds: Phone: 560-3450 February 1968 a. One Tan Dump Truck with Plow - The Minar Ford Company was awarded the contract by the City Council on February 5, 1968. Purchase order and contracts have been signed. All unsuccessful bidders have had their bid bonds returned with lette:rs of thanks from the City. Delivery date will be early March. b. 3/4 Ton Truck with Plow -•The: City Counc'rl tabledthe bids by eight truck companies. Low bidder on reF�lacement of truck lost in Moore Lake was Bill Boyer Ford. Bids were challenged and will be reconsidered on Feb- ruary 26, 1968, by the City Council. c. Park Maintenance Leadman - The deadline on applications for this position is Friday, February 23, 1968. We have mailed out 34 application requests and have to date received 21. d. No Hockey Playing Signs Installed - The maintenance department made up and installed "No Hockey Playing" signs at all our rinks unattended by warm- ing house personnel in order to correct the playing of hockey in areas too small and dangerous for the other skaters. Suggestion for this was made by Robert Hughes. e. Ski Mobile Signs Installed -'The Fridley Police Department suggested "No Ski Mobiles" signs installed at Moore Lake, East Side. Three signs of�this type were properly placed on Moore Lake. f. Commission Tea - The Parks and Recreation Commission Tea held on Sunday, January 21st, drew just a fai:r turnout of past commissioners. Session was very informative with goo�i question and answer section completing days events. Questionnaires �aere mailed to all those who did not or could not attend. Director r��commends the Commission consider this event as an annual affair. Suggest:ion is also made to include other committees and Anoka County officials. g. Tax Forfeit Sale - Darrell Cl�irk of Engineering and myself examined the Anoka County list of Tax Forf��it Parcels and had withheld from the list the following four properties, 1. Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville Lots 8,9, � 10 of Block 14; :�. Hyde Park Lots 16 �, 17 of Block 7; 3. Rice Creek Plaza South Addition Outlot #1; 4. Spring Lake Park Lakeside Lots 3� 20 Block 2. A lette�� requesting these parcels to be red tagged by the City Council has been i'orwarded to the City Manager for action. h. Skating Rinks Close - The warn►ing houses in the City will officially close on Sunday, February 25, 1968, with the exception of The Commons Rink, The Commons Hockey and Moore Lake Beach, which will close according to weather conditions available for skati.ng. Park maintenance will remove any snow on all.major rinks until weatt�er conditions make this impossible. All houses will be closed on Sund�.y, March 3rd. ' � PARKS AND RECREATION M E M 0 R A N C U M February 1968 ' , � � � Page 2 i. Skating Rink Maintenance - Rink maintenance took a step forward two weeks ago, when pieces of irrigation pipe were put together and holes drilled in order to spray water onto our ice area. The Public Works Supt., the City Manager and myself have been experimenting with the idea of having 3 inch pipe spray water onto an area for beginning our ice rinks. The first experiment was successful. qd�iitionalpipe has been purchased and smaller holes are being drilled in order to get a better spray. This pipe will also be tried this summer for irrigation of our turf areas. j. County Commissioner invited to attend Parks and Recreation Commission meet- ings four times a year. Letter of invitation has been mailed. � k. Park Consultant informed of four visitations with Parks and Recreation Com- mission this year. Letter iniorming Mr. Braddock has been mailed. Have received phone confirmation of same. 1. Special City Council-Parks and Recreation Commission meeting set by Mayor. ' On Monday, February 26th at 7:00 P.M., the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission will be meeting together. Subject: Park Develop- ment Program. , m. Boy Scout Merit Badge Project - Scout Warren Jagger finished making out- door signs for Locke Park - Picnic Area and Direction signs came out beauti- fully. Letter of commendation and thanks has been mailed. He is now work- ' ing on additional signs beyon3 the regular required time. Signs will be place this Spring. ' ' ' ' i ' � ' i� II. Recreation a. Chess and Checker Clinic - Th� alass has over 29 boys and girls registered. Program is very successful an�i instructor is doing a£ine job. This has been a very interesting and e�iucational session. Class is on Wednesdays in the lower level of Civic C��nter. b. Arts and Crafts Class - Class has concluded for this year. The eight ses- sions drew over 90 total part:icipants. Recommend we offer. this class again next winter. Would like to h��ld it earlier in order to finish before Christ- mas time. Instructor did a f:ine job. c. Winter Sports Day - Cold weatlier and lack of snow made Winter Sports Day difficult to administer. Awa:�ds were presented by the Fridley Jaycees. d. Skiing Trips - Our trip to Af'�:on Alps had another bus load of children and adults. Most successful. Ou�° last trip to Trollhaugen had about 37 skiers. Program this year was the besi. to date in respect to overall participation._ . Three trips should be called i'or again next winter. Howard Lent was very pleased and did an excelient :job again for our department. e. Hockey Association Ends Seaso�i - The hockey program has had excellent weather conditions. The fina:ls will be Sunday, February 25th. Squirt and Pee Wee championships will be held at this time. Traveling Pee Wee's made it to the Pee Wee Regional Pl�iyoffs their first year in mixed competition. Bantams did a fine job. Prog��am was very successful and handled over 170 . young hockey players. f. Square Dance Club - The squarE� dance lessons were changed nights at Civic Center. Squa��e Dance Jamborees continue selves. Club has dances unti:l end of P.pril. to Tuesday I to support them- PARKS AND RECREATION M E M 0 R A N D U M February.1968 , Page 3 g. Mens Broomball - Playoffs have been completed. Season was blessed with ' good weather. Bruins, our league and playoff winner now advance to the State Championships in Golden Valley. ' h. Mens Basketball - All three leagues now.enter their final weeks of play. League winners and playoffs follow. "A" League winner of playoffs will advance to State Championships in St. Cloud in March. ' i. Mens and Womens Volleyball - Both volleyball nights are drawing excellent attendance. Both groups are preparing for tournaments in Columbia Heights and Minneapolis in early March. � j. Basketba.11 Tournament - Deadline for entries in our First Annual Basketball Tournament is Friday, February 23"rd. We have received about 7 entries. Fridley Youth Football Association will he on hand to help with this event. Tournament will be held in the Fridley Junior High on March 2nd and 3rd. k. Adult Ski Trip to Wisconsin - On March 8, 9, and 10, our department is sponsoring a Train Ski Trip t� The Dells, Wisconsin for adults ONLY. Package fee for this trip is $42.50. Deadline for registration is Friday, February 23r:d. 1. Hockey Trip - The Annual Goph�er Hockey Game field trip drew 219 people to the Michigan-Minnesota Hoc:key Game on January 26th. Mr. Bill Beery of the Fridley State Bank pro�✓ided the buses. A most successful event. III• Meeti.ngs �- Con�erences , Extension Courses R Short Course$ January 16 Met with Bob's Produ�e - Tree Beautification Program January 19 A.S.R.E. Luncheon - l�Ionthly Meeting January 20 Basketball Tournament Meeting - Civic Center January 21 Commission Tea - Civic Center January 22 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting - Civic Center January 26 Met with Austin Fran��y, Insurance Adjuster on Truck Disposition February 5 City Council Meeting - Bid Letting - Truck February 5 Basketball Tournamen�t Meeting - Civic Center February 7-10 Amateur Softball A;>sociation Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada Annual Meeting February 16 A.S.R.E. Luncheon - P�onthly Meeting - McGuires � February 19 City Council Meeting - Bid Letting - Truck February 20 Minnesota Parks and ]tecreation Meeting - University of Minn. Campus � , � , CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Paul Brown, Di�rector 6431 University Avenue N.E. PARKS WORK PROGRESS REPORT MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1968 Phone: 560-3450 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * � * * * * Ii Work to be done: The Commons• � Surface parking lot Dug-outs - Softball Paint warming houses � Trim � prune trees Clean warming houses ' Hackmann Circle Park: Install base indicators Skin infield - add mix ' Logan Park: Remove stumps Skin infield - add mix ' Trim � prune trees Clean warming houses I ' I ' '' � Plymouth Square Park: Skin infield - add mix Paint warming house Add swing set Clean warming house Sylvan Hills Park: Paint warming house Skin infield - add mix Trim $ prune trees Clean warming house Terrace Park: Skin infield - add mix Trim F� prune trees Add warming house, do�ne Flanery Park: � Paint warming house Clean warming house Locke Park: Install bridges (2) Buxn wood debris along creek bed Trim � prune trees Road construction Parking lot construction Seeding west end Add picnic shelter (2domes), fireplaces, picnic tables Work being done: Maintaining 1 skating and 2 h��ckey rinks Cleaning bathrooms � Maintain:ing 1 skating and 1 huckey rink New lighrs being installed on hock�;y rink � Maintain:Lng skating rink Collectiiig money and adding pop to niachi.ne Maintaining skating rink Collectir�g money and adding pop to machine Maintaining skating rink Maintaining skating rink Filling in low area Vandalism checked daily Work finished: Checked warming house attendants Snow removed from both parking lots 0 Warming house attendants checked Pop machine installed Pop machine installed "No Hockey Playing" sign made up and installed Warming house attendants checked Parking lot cleared of snow PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 , Parks Work Progress Report, Month of February, 1968 Work to be done: Work being done: Jay Park: Skin infield - add mix - Trim � prune trees Moore Lake Beach � Park: Relocate bike racks Maintaining skating area Trim � prune trees Filling in low area north Surface parking lot of beach Rubber matting to be Shaving ice once a week picked up Clean warming house Craig Park: .. , Grading, drainage, � seed- Maintaining skating rink Cut stumps ing Trim � prune trees Add slide, benches Clean warming house Summit Square Park: Landscaping trees � shrubs Maintaining skating rink Add lighting Madsen Park: Landscaping trees F� shrubs Maintaining skating rink Add backstop, baskets, fenc- . ing apparatus Sign to be installed Clean warming house West Moore�Lake: Trim � prune trees Brush being collected and bur�zed Oak Hill Park: - Sign to be installed Meadowlands Add: ' Fill, grading, level drainage � seeding ' Riverview Heights: Tree �, branch removal - burning ' Rice Creek Blvd: Seeding F, tree trimming ' Broad F� Hugo: Fill, grading, level, F� seeding: ' Glencoe Property: , Innsbrook Property: , Maintain'.ing skating rink Work finished: Parking lot cleared of snow Warming house attendants checked • 3 "No Snow Vehicles" signs installed around rink Warming house attendants checked "No Hockey Playing" sign made up and installed Warming house attendants checked Sign painted Sign painted "No Hockey Playing" sign made up and installed PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PAGE 3 Parks Work Progress Report, Month of February, 1968 Work to be done: Work be:Lng �one: Work finished: Chases Island: Riversedge Way: Tree to be timmed and brush burned 68th � Oakley: Altura Property: Grading Add. apparatus area F� small equipment Maintaining skating rink Maintaing Skating rink Overall Maintenance: Painted iines on both hockey rinks at Commons Greased and changed oil in tractor and old fruck Made up and tried out new 3 inch pipe for flooding Emptied trash barrels in all warming houses Repaired hockey goals at Rice Creek School and Logan Park Vandalism Report: Craig Broad and Hugo Summit Square Flanery "No Hockey Playing" sign made up and installed "No Hockey Playing" sign made up and installed 3 outside lights stolen New "No Hockey Playing" sign broken up New "No ;Hockey Playing" sign broken up Hasp bro:ken TOTAL: 15.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 26.00