03/18/1968 - 5885� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 14, 1968 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Hughes. ROLL CALL• •� Members Present: Myhra, 3ensen, Hughes, Erickson Member Absent: Ylinen Others Present: City Manager Homer Ankrum, Engineering Assistant ' ' Darrel Clark APPROVE PLANNING COMNIISSION MINUTES: FEBRUARY 29 1968: Mr. Erickson called attention to a typographical error on Page 8, 5th paxagraph, the last sentence should read: "access to north bound lane" instead of "north bound land". � • MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Eric'KSOn, that the Planning Commission Minutes of February 29, 1968 be approved as amended above. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCE REVIEW MINUTESo FEBRUARY 29 1968: MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the minutes of the Committee on Ordinance Review of February 29, 1968 be accepted. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECETVE PLATS & SUBDNISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOrL�IITTEE rffNUTES: MARCH 6 1968: Mr. Jensen asked that a correction of the 3rd paragraph on Page 3, the las� sentence should be as follows: '�Mrs. Gedig could have a deed drawn up for the 1ot split and ready for the next meeting." MOTION by rlyhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission re- ceive the minutes of the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee meeting of March 6, 1968 as amended above. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE PAP��S & RECREATION COti�i-fISSIO�' �fI�NTES: FEBRUARY 26, 1968: MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Jensen, that the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Conunission meeting of February 26, 1968 be received. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COr1�ilISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES: FESRUARY 26 1968: MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Special Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission of February 26, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Planning Conunissiou Meetin�; - Mar.ch 14, 1968 page 2 RECEIVF C0�IMITTFE ON ORDINAI�CE REVIEW MINUT�S: MARCH 9, 1968: � MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Erickson, that the minutes of the Committee on Ordinance Review meeting of March 9, 1968 be accepted. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion caxried unanimously. ORDER Or AGENDA: It was deci.ded to hear the public hearings at the.particulax time they wexe advertised. ' Item 1(L.S. �68-05, Walter Maciaszek) was to be put on the Apxil llth Agenda because the petitioner was not xeady this evening. The rest of the items would be considexed in the ordex in which they appear on the Agenda. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED PRELIMINA�'.'! PLAT, P.S. �68-01, AL ROSE ADDITION, ALBERT M. JOHNSON: Lot 36, Revised _`.�.tditor's Subdivision ��23. The Public Hearing Notice was xead by Chairman Hughes. He explained the custom of the Planning Commission is for the petitioner to speak first, then the Commission members discuss the petition and following that, the meeting is open for discussion to membexs of the publie�. Mr. Jensen explained that the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee examined the aerial photos of the area and it appeared there was a difference in the North/South dimensions. By scaling the aerial photo, it appeared to be 220 feet while the preliminary plat showed 240 feet. With a lot depth of 95 feet, this would be below the requirements of the ordinance by five feet. Mr. Harry Crotiader, 146 63rd Way: You are going to put in 12 lots, in- cluding No. 8 which has a house on now? The zoning is for single family. The new plat was circulated among the audience. Richard Dittes, 6291 Riverview Terrace: Most of the people are here because they were concerned whether the zoning might be changed from R-1 and since this is of concern no longer, then the people are in favor of the plat. Is there something in this layout that has serious implications? He was informed the question was the possibility that some of the Iots would be too small in dimensions to meet all ordinance requirements. It now appears that Mr. Johns�n has corrected this. Mr. Dittes continued that if the Commission had no.objections, he would like to see the request approved. MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Myhra, that tlze Elanning Commission c1osE, the public hearing of the preliminary plat, P.S. ��68-01, A1 Rose Addition by Albert M. Johnson of Lot 36, Revised Auditor's Subdivision �23. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. . � � � Plannin�,^Conunission Mceta.n� - Marcli 1.4, 1968 Pa�e 3 MOTION by �rickson, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Connnission a�prove the preliminary �__at�P.S. ���8-6I�1 Rose c ition, y ert _A1. Johnson of Lot 36, Revised Audztor's Subdi.vision ��23. Upon�a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. T'�� ` ^ Mr. Jensen said mention should be made of the lot depth being waived due to the area on both sides having been platted. It was noted that the buildings located on Block 2 wi11 be taken down. The audience was told that consideration of this item would be by the --- -- Counc�._ .on Mon_ay, Marc�_ �8th,,and a public hear�_ date for the final _plat may be set for the second Monday in Apri.l which is the 8th. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA ��68-02, ROBERT WILSON: Lot 4, Block 1, Wilson Addition. Rezone from R-1 to R-3A. � • The Public Hearing Notice was read by Chairman Hughes. A communication from Mrs. Mable F. Gadbois was received which referred to this Item. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were present. Mr. Wilson said being it is all industrial property to the rear of this area, the lot.to the north has a tri- plex on it, he thought it would really dress up the neighborhood to have this type structuxe in there. He said Mrs. Gadbois' property is an old farm and there is some 40 lots that are vacant. . Mr. Exickson said according to the zoning map, the area north, Gailsvie�:- Addition, had not been recorded as of .�anuary 1, I968. Mr. Wilson was asked if he were the owner of Lot 1 wh n the rezoning originally took place, but he said the former owner rezoned�ttre lot in 1960. The Chairman asked the Engineering Assistant if he had discussed this � request with the City of Columbia Heights. Darrel Clark replied that he had talked to Mx. Brown, City Engineer, and he informed him that the zoning across the stxeet was R-2, He would inform the City Manager of Columbia Heights of the hearing and if he felt they would comment, that they would send a letter. They were also told this would go before the Council before anything would be final. Mr. Myhra wondered if the size of the land was insufficient for a four- plex and was informed that was true. A triplex was the Iargest apartment Mr. Wilson could build. Mr. Erickson then addressed rir. Wilson and asked him that knowing the fact he could not build a four unit apartment on this building site, if it was his wish -to continue this request? Mr. Wilson said they built two apart- ments in Columbia Heights, the same type of building, on 80 foot lots. Mr. Erickson said that there was a change made for multiple units in our oxdinanc�. but presently under our ordinance, you cannot build more than three units. Mr. Wilson said that the building burned was a two family dwelling and was that way when he bought it. He thought the house was 75 years old, maybe older. . Plannin� Conunission Meetin� - March 14, 1968 Pa�e 4 Mr. Erickson said he did not find the xequest paxticulaxly out of line wii:h the adjoining property. The Gadbois property is rather large and that will be divided some day; Columbia Heights is already zoned multiple. MOTION by Erickson,_seconded by_Jensen, that the_public heaxing_be cZased. ..._ __..�. ancl that the Plannin� Commi.ssion recommend that the rezoning__request,__ZOA �F'68-0_ Robext Wilson, of Lot 4, Block 1, Wilson Addition be rezoned from R-1 (single family di.strict) to R-3A_ (apartment and multa.�le dwelling_ distric� but _attach a recommendation to the City Council that no �vaiver be •given__fox_any_ more _than thxee unit apartment. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unan of Ma s Chaa.rman Hughes explained that this item would a xch 18, 1967 for the purpose of setting a public r on the Council AQenc� ear 3. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING R�QUEST, ZOA 4�68-04J LOUIS MOMCHILOVICH: The South 150 feet fxont and rear of Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision ��88. Rezone from R-1 to multiple dwelling. Chairman Hughes read the Public Hearing Notice. Mr. Momchilovich addressed the Commission saying h� had talked to the people to the Noxth and they preferred the commercial, but would go along with the apartment or multiple dwelling. The people to the East (3) had ._ objections either. To the South there are apartments and they had no objectio-= He said he planned to build an 8 unit apartment house. Mr. Erickson recalled that the last time this was discussed, there was some talk about an easement through the property. Is this property directly to the North? Mr. Momchilovich answered it would be directly West of his property and East of the Highway, and that it was a recorded easement. � Russell Burris, 1150 Mississippi Street: He was in favor of leaving the zoning the way it is now, especially when thousands of dollars were spent to zone i.t R-1. The lot he spoke of would be suitable for double bungalow. Stephen Kachina, 6476 Dellwood: I have lived on the street for eleven years, have gone through changes and would like to see it stay R-1. We have all got roots there and don't feel we should have apartments right nota. We have gone through rezonings several times. The people in back of the property could not be here. This is about the second time we have been up here. Mrs. Loretta Lane, 1132 Mississippi Street: We would like to keep the area-residential, but in the event that property is zoned differently, and the lot South be rezoned, we do not want to be in the middle. We have been approa=_. by mortuaries and doctors. We feel our property could be rezoned, but if not, we would like residential. Our lot is on the corner of Mississippi Street and Highway ��65. ', Mx. Momchilovich thought the area should have been all commercial in the first place as it is right along the four lane high�aay. Mr. Burris said that thousands of dollars have been spent to have the area zoned properly and when they finished this complete survey of the City, they zoned this area R-1. Mr. Momchilovich said the reason was that the homes were there in the first place. e Plannin� Coirnnission rleetint� - March 14, 1965 Pas�c 5 The statement was made Lhat the highway went througli in 1951 and 1952 and i.t was zoned a�ter the highway was put through there. ', Mrs. Gladys Anderson, 6428 Dellwood: We live there and don't object to the sezoning. Mr. Raymond Andexson, 6428 Dellwood: If Highway ��65 is commercial, why shouldn't it go commercial, too. The ans�aex to the question wliether the taxes would go up if it wexe rezoned, was "no". � MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission close the public hearing of ZOA ��68-04, Louis Momchilovich, of the south 150 feet, fxont and rear, of Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision ��88 to be xezoned fxom R-1 to multiple d�velling. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' The Engineering Assistant suggested the County records be checked fox the easement. If there is none, the Commission should ask fox a utility easement along Highway ��65. Mrs. Lane said that when their property was sold 'to them, the people that owned the South lot and had no way to get out of their property, the easement was for them to go out. Mr. Jensen said they were talking about the easement to the South. Mr. Myhra said it seemed to him he did not find himself ready to act on the request and that the Cormnission really needs more information on this. It mig�it be well to lay this over and continue action until another time. Mr. Momchilovich was asked if he had any objections to deeding 30 feet along the West line to the City for the purpose of utilities and street ease- ment, and he ans�aered he thought, according to the survey, to the West is really Kandel's drive. He was asked if it lined up with the service road to the South and he anscvered "yes". MOTION by Jensen, seconcled by Myhra, that the Planning Commission contir_�= the rezoning request, ZOA ��68-04, and request that Darrel Clark attempt to obtain clarification of the matter of the service road and utility easement fox consideration at the regular meeting of March 28, 1968. Upon a voice vot�. all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONII�'G REQUEST: ZOA ��u8-03, ARO INDUSTRIES, INC.: Lots 1, 2 and 3A, Second Revision Auditor's Subdivision ��21 and Lot 1, Brookview Addition. Rezone from R-1 to R-3A. Chairman Hughes read the Public Hearing Notice. Mr. Jake Aro, president of Aro Industries, Inc., explained their reques� by saying they propose to build a beautiful apartment there, and had pre- sented preliminary plans. They were not too happy with the outline because one of the buildings was put belo�a the hill near the Creek. They understand there is some concern relative to flooding. They would build one apartment Plannin COII11111SS1011 Mectin - March ].4 1968 Pa e 6 on the hill and the xecreaL-i.onal azea on Creelc bottom. They appreciate it takes a good architect to take advantage of the terrain and figured there was plenty of high land, and with a l.itile filling and levelling, tennis courts could be put up and on the hill would be an apartment. It takes a lot of money to get a good architect and if it is acceptable, if it is re- zoned to F-3A, then they could proceed on that basis and have proper dra�aings Mr. Exickson said he had only one eomment and that was he did not feel he could take part in the discussion or action on this, item because at one time he did have an interest in this land. Gordon Swenson, 6889 Channel Road; I am definitely opposed to any apart-j ments and have a petition drawn up opposing the request. I MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission receiv:,l! the petition opposing the rezoning xequest, ZOA ��68-03, Aro Tndus�ries, Inc. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' LeRoy Bushey, 6899 Channel Road: I have lived on this property for a long time. 'Rezoning is rezoning and I am sure once it is rezoned, it is prop� to use the axea for what it is rezoned. T have lived in Fridley for fifteen yeaxs and one of the pristine acts was zoning this village to protect our areas and that certain axeas would be zoned for apartments, residential and industrial. Oux area would be protected against these types of developers and we would preserve the nature of our neighborh:::'. This is the third time I have come before the Commission. There are othe development companies that would like to move in apartments. We have a very nice neighborhood, and rezoning should only be done in the light that it would benefit the people who lived in this area for a long time. If rezoned this whole area would be limited to apartments and I think it would be a real shame. Mrs. Edythe Collins, 6854 Channel Road: This petition has been signed by all the people who live within 500 feet except one. Other signatures are the rest of the neighborhood. We own a pretty place and we would like to keep it that way. Mr. Myhra asked Mrs. Collins if she would object to a single family residence being build down in the Creek Bottom and she said "no". James Collins, 6854 Channel Road: It would be ideal if the City were to buy this for a park, but if this can't be done, we would accept residentiaZ homes. We like the houses along Rice Creek Terrace and their back yards face the Creek and are beautiful. As a matter of interest, it was noted the zoning around the area was as follows: directly across the street is R-1, the south is light industrial and the southwest residential and to the north is industrial. Chairman Hughes, speaking to Mr. Aro, said that since his intention is . apparently not to utilize the entire area for apartment purposes, what is the reason for requesting the rezoning of the entire tract? Mr. Aro replied that the whole area can be beautified, which it is not now, because of the ' damage from the storm. People have got to have some place for recreation . and they felt below the hill would be the right place< 1'hey have plans.to build a first class apartment house that would be a credit to the neighborhood Plannin� Commissi.on Meeta_n� - rlaxcli 14, 1968 Pa�e 7 and be a mucli better tax base and buffer zone to the heavy"industxial to the noxth and norL-heast and i.ndustrial to the south. Mrs, Doxothy Bushay, 6899 Channel Road: We need recxeational area for our children, too. We have a lot of wild life that we would like to protect. Lyle Quam, 6895 Channel 1Zoad; We do have several apartments in this area already. It is enough. , Mr. Gordon Swenson: The City should think a little about this, too. Many times it has been discussed and talked about, taking the land or buying ft and using it for a park. If they get this rezoning and their plans go through, it would be pretty hard for the City to take it away from them. Chairman Hughes commented that it is always a difficult matter for the City to take anyone's land a�vay from the�n: MOTION by Myhxa, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing, ZOA ��68-03, Aro Industries, Inc. of Lots l, 2 and 3A, Second Revision of Auditor's Subdivision No. 21.and Lot 1, Brookview Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the inotion carried unanimously. � Mr. Jensen said that he would like to make a broad statement of a couple of things he felt vexy strongly about. He is an active member of an organiza- tion, Rice Cxeek Association. One of the puxposes of this organization is to protect this Creek and try to maintain it in its natural state as much as possible, and this relative to the condition of water as far as pollution is concerned and also the effectiveness of the Creek as a water carxying vehicle. particularly with hopes of maintaining the natural thing. One of the things that he was goino to try and pxeserve is this Creek bottom land and any pro- posal that is made to fill in the area of this bottom land is going to be objectionable to him personally and should not be allowed. The Creek is a drainage way for nearly 200 squaxe miles and most of it is upstream from this location. We have quite a stake in this Creek within this community. If we are going to maintain this as an active stream, we must be on guard to eliminate any encroachment of the water carrying capacities. This limits its use for drainage purposes considerably and in the future, if we allow encroachment on this valley, there will no longer be storage of water in times of high water and extreme run off, and we are going to cause flooding both up stream and down stream. He felt Mr. Aro had not said anything to lead him to believe this sort of thing would be honored. A member of Aro Industries said he did not think anyone should disturb or fill the area, and to them, it would destroy its value. Mr. Aro said he wondered if the Council and the people would be more open if the whole secti�-. were eliminated from the request. It �aould mean a smaller apartment house but still leave i.t on the high ground without using the lower area. , Chairman Hughes thought it might be advantageous both to the Co�nission and the petitioner to continue this matter and give the Planning Commission an opportunity to consider specifically whether the land was suitable for . the kind of thing discussed here. MOTTON by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission.table the zoning at hand, ZOA ��68-03, by Aro Industries, Inc, to the meeting of April 11, 1968 to reconsider the question of rezoning. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � Planning Conuiiission Meeti�_n� - Maxcli 14, 1968 �'�f;� $ The Conuni.ssion i.00k a short recess at 9:00 P.M. , 5. LOT SPLIT fi�QUEST: L.S. ��68-07, RUTH GEDIG: Lot 17, Blocic G, Rive�.-view Heights. Chairman Hughes noted that the petitioner was not present, and the matexial xequested by the Subcommittee was not ready at this time. Item �5 was to be continued until April 11, 1968 meeting. 6. REZONING INQUIRY: ANDRFW HOHN: 40 Acxe Tract - SW� of SW4 oi Section 2. Rezone fxom M-2 to R-4. Mr. Hohn was not present, but the owner of the land, Albert M. Johnson, wished to checic on the possibility of rezoning. The land then would be used for a Mobile Park. The Commission did not feel they could give an answex on the basis of a simple question, and felt a formal requesC should be submitted and a hearing date set. Mr. 3ohnson said there is no income as far as the City is concerned the way the land is now. There was not much chance to put heavy industrial because the ��ater table is high but a Mobile Park could be put there. It is the propexty that has the big ditch which has caused txouble. No action. 7. LOT SPLIT REQUEST• L S ��68-04, LARRY DEAN FERGUSON: Lot 21, Block 2, Spring Lake Park Lakesi.de. Chairman Hughes noted the Subcommittee approved the lot split contin- gent upon a certificate of suxvey and a street easement over the South 25 feet of the South lot. Mr. Ferguson presented a certificate plan of the proposed split. The Engineering Assistant noted that the easement for utility drainage across the new lot line had not been granted and the legal description was omitted from the drawing. Mr. Ferguson agreed to have these omissions corrected, and was informed that he would not have to be present when this item is considered again. The Lot Split request, L.S. ��68-04, Larry Dean Ferguson, was continued until the next meeting. 8. S�iADY OAK ADDITION, P.S. ��66-03, AIVDFEW P. GAidEL: Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivi- s ion ��92 . Mx. Gawel was present. Chairman Hughes explained that this item was continued from the Plan- ning Commission meeting of February 29th and cvas continued from the City Council and referred to the Commission. The Council's desire was whether the Planning Commission felt the plat as presented is compatible with the Street Pattern to the area North (Rice Creek Road area) and were not � P].anning, Con�nli_ssioil Meeii_n�; -- Marc�i 14, 1968 Ya�;e 9 particulaxly interested in the draina�e pxoUlems at this time. The patL-exn, as it is proposed in Mr. Gawel's plat, Shady Oak Addition, was compatible wi.th the Stxeet pattern that the Planning Commission reconnnended. The Engineering Assistant stated he spolce taith the City Engineer and he stated � Council was interested in the platting and not the drainage. This is fox the final plat. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Erickson, that the Planni.ng Commission xecommend approval of the final plat, Shady Oak Addition, P.S. ��66-03, Lot 2� Auditox's Subdivision ��92, to the Council with the iriformation that the plat is in confonnation with the Street Plan previously recommended to Council for the area to the North (Rice Creek Road/Central Avenue Plan). Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 9. REZONING REQUEST: ZOA ��68-06, HIRSCH BROS. PROPERTIES: Paxt of Block 22 and all of Block 23, Fridley Park Addition and part of Lots 7 and 9, Revised Auditox's Subdivision ��23. The Engineering Assistant said that because some of the zoning lines have changed since the last time a request was made for this area, a new petition has been made. Parcel ��1 has changed fxom 300 feet to 342 feet. The Commission was asked to set a public hearing date�.at this time. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Erickson, that the Planning Commission set a public hearing date of April 11, 1968 at 8:00 P.M. for the rezoning request, ZOA ��68-06, Hirsch Bros. Properties. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 10, INTERSECTION PATTERN: MISSISSIPPI STREET AND EAST RIVER ROAD: The Engineering Assistant said that the City Attorney feels that when thi.s reaches Council level, if this plan is recommended, probably it should be handled as a street vacation. This is why he suggested the resolution you received this evening. Mr. Exickson said that the only comment he would have, aside from the fact that the matter has been discussed quite thoroughly for a number of months, if this plan is recommended to be adopted, that the Council be requested to limit access to Mississippi Street from any property to the North a considerable distance from the intersection so that there is not a pile up of tra£fic. He had no specific figure because he did not kno�a what would be proposed for the area -- it may be 100 feet or 150 feet. Chairman Hu�hes said the question is how it should be worded in other than general terms as far as the reconunendation since it is not clear at this point the development to the North. The Engineering Assistant said that the Benson Property has not been , discussed with reference to the additional 10 feet of right of way to comple_= this plan. Chairman Hughes continued that his feeling was that the intersection has been discussed sufficiently and he found himself agreeing that the pro- posed intersection plan is the best solution and he, personally, was preparec to move in that direction at this time. . Planning Commission Meetin� - rlarch 14, 1968 p��c �p � Mr. Myhra said ttiis has been on the Planning Coimuission agen�ia a year and they have looked at a lot of different plans, but he personally �e1L- in ' this matter, safety protection has got to be tlie main consideration, a�id obviously, after addiLional land is developed, there will be an i.ncrease in -- ---- -- traific. Mr. Myhra then read the Resolution regarding thc moclification of � Mississippi. Place. MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Eri.cicson, tha� the Planning Commission adop� the follo�ving Resolution: • BE IT RESOL�I�D, by the Planning Commission of the City of Friclley,� Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and Subco�nittees thexeof has studied the need for and the desirability of modifying and changing the intexsection of Mississippi Street and Mississippi Place at their intersection with East River Road; and WHEliEAS, the Planning Commission has held heaxings and discussed the present situation and various proposals for modification with many�of the neighboring propexty o�oners; and WHEREAS,_ the Planning Commission finds that the present intersection pxesents tx'affic hazards that prevent the efficient movemen� of traffic and is a danger to life and proper�; and � WHEREAS, there is a considerable amount of undeveloped land adjacent_ to or in the close vicinity of said intersection, which land is zoned for commercial and multiple residential purposes and the oFmers thereof desire to develop said property in the near future; and WHEREAS, said additional development will compound the already serious traffic problem; and WHEREAS, if Mississippi P1ace, as it presently exists is to serve as a thoxoughfare for said commercial and multiple development, it will necessitate routing heavy traffic through residential areas. NOW THE�:EFORE, be it resolved that the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley recommends to the Fridley City Council a modification and partial vacation of Mississippi Place. Said modification to be as diagrammed on the attached sketch labeled "Proposed East River Road and Mississippi Street Intersection as drawn February 9, 1968 and Revised �iarch 1, 1968". Chairman Hughes added that the Fesoluti.on stated quite clearly the pximary concern is on the traffic problem. There is a large amount of open land adjacent to the intersection of Mississippi Street and East River Road now and �vhen it develops it �vill create a lot of traffic. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the MOTION carried unanimously. 11. PROPOSED OP.DINANCE ArIENDING CH�PTER ��S SECTION 45.35 PARAGRAPH 3 OF 'I'�IE CITY CODE REGAI'.DII�'G BORDER DF'VELOP�IENT AND P.EPEALING PARt1GRAPFI 3 OF SECTION 45.35. This was given to the Planning Co�nission for study. , _ ' Plamzing Conuiii_ssion rleeti�i� - rlaxclz 14, 196£� Pa�;e 11 12. COrg1UNICATION FROM STATE Or r1INNESOTA, D�PAR7m1LNT OF CONSI;RVATION, EUGIsN� R. GERE, DIP.LCTOR OF DIVISION OF �,1ATLRS, SOILS t1ND P1IN�12ALS DATEll MEIRCH 8, 1968: MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Erickson, that the Planning Commission xeceive the letter irom Eugene R. Gere, Directox of Divisions of Watexs, Soils and Minexals, State of Minnesota, Department of Conservation, dated Maxch 8, 1968 and recommend action to the Council to request, through the Depaxtment oi Conservation and Flood Plain Infoi-mation Study which is available thxough the Corps of Engineexs, in vieca of our current studies concexning Ordinance, Chapter 45 and oux interest in establishing a Flood Plain Zone, it would seem that this information which is avai.lable upon request, would be extxemely valuable at this time. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 13. PROPOSED ZONING CODE: The next meeting of this study is Satuxday, March 23, 1968. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Erickson that the Planning Commission meeting be adjouxned at 10:45 P.M. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel 0'Brian Recording Secxetary REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 18, 1968 - 8 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION• ROLL CALL• MINUTES: Regular Meeting, March 4, 1968 Special Public Hearing Meeting - March 11, 1968 0 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: AWARDS• AWARDING CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT TO THE HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING TEAM AND COACH, AND AWARDING OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION TO PAST CONIMITTEE AND CONIMISSION MEMBERS PUBLIC HEARINGS: None OLD BUSINESS• . 1. Consideration of Rice Creek/Central Avenue Plan 2. Consideration of Rezoning Rec�uest - Eldon Schmedeke . , ». 3. Consideration of Drainage of Shady Oak Addition - Andrew P. Gawel Contracting 4. Second Reading of Ordinance Repealing Chapter 36, Sections 36.07, 36.08, and 36.09 Regarding the Board of Health 5. Second Reading of Ordinance Amending Chapt�er 37, Sections 37.01 and 37.02 of the City Code Regarding Cleaning of Premises and Repealing Section 37.03 6. Second Reading of Ordinance Amending Chapter 335, Section 38.081 of the City Code Providing for the Sanitary Storage of Refuse, Garbage, Swill, Rubbish and Waste Matter. • 7. Discussion of Sign Permit - Naegele - T.H. �665 8. Resolution Pertaining to Liquor Study of Horwath & Horwath � ' �� ���� ,�� .��� �;� . ��- � Pages 1 - 12 Pages 13 - 22 Page 23 Pages 24 - 26 Pages 27 & 28 Page 29 Pages 30 & 31 page 32 Page 33 +•�, i_ +� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 18, 1968 (CONTINUED) NEW BUSINESS: 9. Awarding of Bids for Group Hospitalization Insurance (Bids 0 Qned 10•30 a.m. March 13, 1968) T,��� . �-J ��--�-� . 10ti; Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 14, 1968 11. Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes, March 6, 1968 12. Building Standar.ds-Design Control Meeting Minutes, March 13, 1968 13. Fridley Industrial Development Commission Meeting Minutes, _:_Eeb: 5, 1968 14. Resolution Authorizing the Creation of a Public Safe Construction Fund and Transferring Money from the Municipal Liquor Fund to the Public Safety Construct Fund pages 34 & 35 0 Pages 36 & 37 15. Resolution Authorizing the Changing of the Budget withi the General Fund 16. Resolution Ordering Preliininary Plans & Specifications and Estimates of the Costs Thereof: ST. 1968-1 (Addendum ��2) 17. Resolution Receiving Preliminary Plans and Specifications and Calling a Public Hearing for ST. 1968-1 (Addendum ��2) 18. Resolution Ordering Improvement, Approval of Plans and Ordering_Advertisement for Bids: ST. 1968 - lA and Municipal State Aid Street Imrovement Project ST. 1968-2A 19. Resolution Ordering Preliminary Plans, Specifications and Estimates of the Costs Thereof: WS&SS ��88 (Addendum ��3) 20. Resolution Authorizing Bids for Fencing Around the New City Garage 38 39 --v- Page 40 Page 41 Pages 42 & 43 Pages 44 -_46 Page 47 Pages 48 & 49 � ;REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 18, 1968 (CONTINUED) NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 21. Resolution Authorizing Bids on 1/2 Ton Carry All Truck 22. Check List for Civic Center Pages �0 & 51 Pages 52. - 55 23. Resolution Calling for Bids on Remodeling the Police Quarters Pages 56 & 57 24. Claims 25. Licenses 26. Estimates 27. Appoin�tnent ��_� �`" � � � � GC ' ^� � �,_ �-�- � �, � f � c� • . ;<!' ��I � {A) State Highway Department; Right-of-way 61st and University (B) Superintendent of Public Works: Report on Stinson Boulevard (C) Health Inspector: Health Report (Dated February 29, 1968) �r/ v� /` � f/ j�•Y/ 1L�L i.-"i� � - �� �: ,� �� �� ���-,,, � �--��,-.� � � �� � . � VISITORS: . ADJOURN• Page 58 Pages 59 - 63 Pages 64 - 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Pages 75 & 76 ` 0 � CERT�FICATE {� �pp���TI� A'�R , �,c�.Y.�1k: F . � �i3i�I#�R s 1�. 3�E5 S�HGi3 MRS , i�L�T TItLUENF�iS �. i"EtE`�;� MYI�A �.. ��.�.� s3vx� $(�ARD (7F AP1�AI,S � PARKS AN�i B�+GI3E1�Tior1 +C4�Ltssi�lv �PI RELA'PID�TS C0�4QTTE� HL�S,lN R�I.I!TltfiiS C[1�ITT'TE� HUM�T REL�TIONS C•t�iTT�i c��2z�x�.� o� �ct���rt•r ,. c`�. ; ,. , � ��'� `.. ) / / %�.�:!` ��� MFt. � � : a �. w��a� t�� i�t+�i $L�LI� iiUi� 1�R. S3'�VE CA1tT�t�.'? '�.. W��AM i�SSt�F MI2. ;ZEV�T KATUi35f11� �li.. �'i�V'� Li1�L1 �it2. R�R L'�i�%�iS� 1�R.. � �Atd�iE� M�t. IZEPTI�2H Gt�A�9;t7 WRES'1ZiNG CflACA, FRIDLEX HiGii SGHOOL �,�sas�rr �s�z.uac co�cx �ffiER Wi�ES�'I.II`I� TE�.�1 MEl"iL7�i1 WLSij47�ia=.L7 ii'•rt'1�l M�M#3ER W1t�STLING TEAM M�3BER �iESTLiNG TEAM I^+�MS�R WRE�TI�II+1� '1`EA�i 1�1�II3ER WRES�Zit3G 'T�AM M�MS�R WRES�'3.ING TEAM N�'`ffiEit WRESTLTNt� T�,AM o� °y s. �f��4s� f't�" :`a�`t�:''�,s\ � �" '��+.. ��'� �� i�.�C �r� �,".�,' �yVy;,� � � �' � \.�'y� � t���l �t�. � u4�L ��'�:'�y��S�y�;.rtU�.r;:{l.s,�� . STATE OF MIP�t�iE��'�-A DEPqRTMFN'i' OF COt�SERVq'('�pN ST, PAUL, M(NNESOi�B 55T01 March 8, 196g Nr. Robert J. Hughes, Planning Commission City of Fridley, F ' Chairman ridley, Nlinnesota 55421 Dear Sir: This division is in receipt oi' a copy of a letter from Mr. R.Tr7.Leonard, Chief of the Engineering Division of the U.S.Corps of Engineers to you, relative to control of flood plain development in Fridley, The Departrnent of Conservation, the coordinating state agency, with the Corps, is pleased to be advised of your interest in this matter and sug- gests that your city take advantage of the Flood Pla,i.n Inforr„atzon Study service available thru the U.S.Corps of Engineers. Five r:innesoia muni- czpalities have already applied and studies are in pi•ogress. Priority is based on need and local cooperation. The U.S.Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, includes a laxge part of the S tate of ��Iisconsin which has alreaciy adopted legislation requiring the zon- ing of flood plains and shore lands by local authorities so that if the Minne�ota legislature w,hich is norr studying the problem adopts such legis- lation, competition for the flood plain service of the Corps wzll increa,se, another reason for requesting such service at this time. If this division can be of assis�ance, please advise. K'�IP c s Yours very truly, �% ; �� _ �!�-� . ��/����--�'',t �L.1 _ , �• { �{' .�;� � Eugene'R. Gere, I?i�r`ector Division oi V.'aters, Soils and �Linerals REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 18, 1968 - 8 P.M. FLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION• ROLL CALL: MINUTES: Regular Meeting, March 4, 1968 Special Public Hearing Meeting - March 11, 1968 0 ADOPTION OF AGENDA• AWARDS• AWARDING CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT TO THE HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING TEAM AND COACH, AND AWARDING OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION TO PAST CONIMITTEE AND COMMISSION MEMBERS PUBLIC HEARINGS• None � OLD BUSINESS• 1. Consideration of Rice Creek/Central Avenue Plan 2. Consideration of Rezoning Request - Eldon Schmedeke 3. Consideration of Drainage of Shady Oak Addition - Andrew P. Gawel Contracting 4. Second Reading of Ordinance Repealing Chapter 36, Sections 36.07, 36.08, and 36.09 Regarding the Board of Health 5. Second Reading of Ordinance Amending Chapter 37, Sections 37.01 and. 37.02 of the City Code Regarding Cleaning of Premises and Repealing Section 37.03 6. Second Reading of Ordinance Amending Chapter 335, Section 38.081 of the City Code Providing for the Sanitary Storage of Refuse, Garbage, Swill, Rubbish and Waste Matter. 7. Discussion of Sign Permit - Naegele - T.H. ��65 Pages 1 - 12 Pages 13 - 22 Page 23 Pages 24 - 26 Pages 27 & 28 Page 29 Pages 30 & 31 Page 32 8. Resolution Pertaining to Liquor Study of Horwath & Horwath Page 33 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 18, 1968 (CONTINUED) NEW BUSINESS: 9. Awarding of Bids for Group Hospitalization Insurance `(Bids Opened 10:30 a.m. March 13, 1968) 10�: Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 14, 1968 11. Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes, March 6, 1968 12. Building Standar.ds-Design Control Meeting Minutes, March 13, 1968 13. Fridley Industrial Development Commission Meeting Minutes, :._Feb. 5, 1968 14. Resolution Authorizing the Creation of a Public Safety Construction Fund and Transferring Money from the Municipal Liquor Fund to the Public Safety Construction Fund 15. Resolution Authorizing the Changing of the Budget within the General Fund 16. Resolution Ordering Preliminary Plans & Specifications and Estimates of the Costs Thereof: ST. 1968-1 (Addendum �k2) 17. Resolution Receiving Preliminary Plans and Specifications and Calling a Public Hearing for ST. 1968-1 (Addendum ��2) 18. ?�esolution Ordering Improvement, Approval of Plans and Ordering.Advertisement for Bids; ST. 1968 - lA and Municipal State Aid Street Imrovement Project ST. 1968-2A 19. Resolution Ordering Preliminary Plans, Specifications and Estimates of the Costs Thereof: WS&SS ��88 (Addendum 4�3) 20. Resolution Authorizing Bids for Fencing Around the New City Garage ` pages 34 & 35 Pages 36 & 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Pages 42 & 43 Pages 44 - 46 Page 47 Pages 48 & 49 -REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -� MARCH 18, 1968 (CON.TINiJED) NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 21. Resolution Authorizing Bids on 1/2 Ton Carry All Truck 22. Check List for Civic Center 23. Resolution Calling for Bids on Remodeling the Police Quarters 24. Claims 25. Licenses 26. Estimates 27. Appointment COMMIJNICATIONS (A) State Highway Department; Right-of-way 61st and University (B) Superintendent of Public Works; Report on Stinson Boulevard (C) Health Inspector: Health Report (Dated February 29, 1968) VISITORS• ADJOURN: Pages 50 & S1 Pages 52 - 55 Pages 56 & 57 Page 58 Pages 59 - 63 Pages 64 - 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Pages 75 & 76 , ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA COMMENTS - MARCH 18, 1968 - 8 P.M. OLD BUSINESS: 1. CONSIDERATION OF RICE CREEK/CENTRAL AVENUE PLAN: (City Engineer remarks)- ' On Page 23 you will find a public notice that was sent to all the property owners concerned with this plan. � 2. CONSIDERATION OF REZONING REQUEST - ELDON SCHNIEDEKE• The Public Hearing on this request was held March 11, 1968. There was a motion that it be placed on this agenda. The Notice of Hearing is on Page 24, and the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of February 29, 1968 are on pages 25 and ' 26. The Minutes of the Public Hearing before the Council are on pages 15 and 16. � 3. CONSIDERATION OF DRAINAGE OF SHADY OAKS ADDITION: (City Engineer remarks)- On Page 28 you will find the contour map superimposed by the proposed plat. All the property owners in that area have been sent a notice for the hearing , on March 18, 1968, before the Council. You will find a copy of the notice on page 27. 4. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 36 SECTIONS 36.07 36.08 , and 36.09 REGARDING TF� BOARD OF HEALTH: The Ordinance is on Page 29, and can be adopted at second reading if the Council so desires. � ' ' , , , ' ' � 5. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 37, SECTIONS 37.01 AND 37.02 OF THE CITY CODE REGARDING CLEANING OF PREMISES AND REPEALING SECTION 37.03: This Ordinance will be found on pages 30 and 31. The Ordinance has been changed by the City Aitorney since the first reading, by- the addition of Section 37.01. He can answer any questions you may have, and the Ordinance can be passed at second reading if the Council so desires. .6. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 335, SECTION 38.081 OF THE CITY CODE PROVIDING FOR THE SANITARY STORAGE OF REFUSE GARBAGE SWILL RUBSISH AND WASTE MATTER: This Ordinance ��ill be found on Page 32, and can be adopted at second reading if the Council wishes. 7. DISCUSSION OF SIGN PERNII� - NAEGELE - T.H. ��65: The City Engineer will be available to discuss this with the Council. 8. RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO LIQUOR STUDY OF HORWATH & HORWATH; This Resolution will be found on Page 33 and the Minutes from the last Council Meeting at which it was discussed will be found on pages 20 and 21. 9. AWARDING OF BIDS FOR GROUP HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE (BIDS OPENED 10 30 A M MARCH 13, 1968)• (Finance Director's remarks) - Bids were received on March 13, 1968 on the Group Hospitalization Insurance to be awarded on March 18, 1968. Bachman Anderson Agency is tabulating the bids and should have a recommendation ready by the meeting of the 18th. Bids of this type are quite complex with many different variations possible. It is hoped that Bachman Anderson can come up with a clear cut recommendation as to which group plan is the best one. ' � ' ' ' ' ' IJ , 1 ' � ! __1 � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA CONII�NTS (Continued) - MARCH 18, 1968 - 8 P.M. NEW BUSINESS• 10. �PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, MARCH 14, 1968• These Minutes will not be ready to be included in the agenda. You will have them for the meeting Monday evening, and the City Engineer will be able to comment on them. 11. BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING MINUTES, MARCH 6, 1968• These Minutes will be found on Pages 34 and 35. In Item �kl which was a request for a rear yard set back variance as requested by Mark Z. Jones Co., the Board approved the variance. The Minutes can be received and filed. 12. BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN C.ONTROL MEETING.MINUTES, MARCH 13, 1968• These Minutes will be found on Pages 36 and 37. In Item ��1 which was the consideration of a manufacturing plant in a CR-2 District as requested by Larsen's Mfg. Company, the motion was to accept the pr eliminary proposal subject to the approval by the Council or the City Attorney of�this use in CR-2 zoning, also subject to the notations on the plans. In Item ��2 (Consideration of a service station in C-1 District as requested by Western Oil and Fuel)� the Board voted to accept the proposal with one provision. In Item ��3 (Consideration of �ommercial building in C2S as requested by Leonard Samuelson) the proposal was accepted subject to the notations of the Inspec- tion Department, except for the 50' side yard notation at the easterly property line. Item �k4 Holiday stores temporary garden store was approved. xtem ��5 (Consideration of a manufacturing p�.ant on M-2 property as requested by Carter-Day Company) The motion was to accept the plans as shown. 13. FRIDLEz INDUSTRIAT D��7�.L0�'MENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, FEB. S, 1968• These Minutes will be found on Page 38 and may be received and filed. 14. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF A PUBLIC SAFETY CONSTRUCTION FUND AND TRANSFERRING MONEY FROM THE MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY CONSTRUCTION FUND: (Finance Director remarks) - This resolution would authorize establishment of a separate construction fund to handle the completion of the space in the basement of the Civic Center to be used by the Police Department. The resolution also authorizes the transfer of $18,000.00 from the Liquor Fund to this newly established construction fund. 15. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHANGING OF THE BUDGET WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND: (Finance Director) - This resolution authorizes the changing of the budget within the General Fund. This resolution would increase the budget of the Police Department by $6,000.00 per year and reduce the emergency appropria- tion by that amount. The money would be used principally to pay t::e overtime of police officers who must appear in court. This resolution is on Page 40. � 16. RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS & SPECS - ST 1968-1 (ADD ��2)• (City Eng.)- This resolution is being submitted for Council consideration in response to the Petition ��2-1968 for Onondaga Avenue. This will be found on Page 41. ' 17. r � RESOLUTION RECEIVING PRELIMINARY PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR ST, 1968-1 (ADD��2)• (City Engineer).- This resolution is for receiving the report on Onondaga Avenue and setting up the public hearing for April 8th so that we can make this a part of this year's str�et program. This resolution will be found on PaQes 42 and 43. � � , ' � � ' ' , � ' , � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA COMMENTS (Continued) - MARCH 18, 1968 - 8 P.M. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 18. RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISE�• MENT FOR BIDS: ST. 1968-1A AND MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-2A; This resolution will be found on Pages 44 through Page 46, and is self-explanatory. The City Engineer will be available to explain the construction program. 19. RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: WS&SS ��88 (ADDENDUM ��3)• This resolution will be found on Page 47. It will authorize the storm drainage study in the area north of Osborne Road. 20. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BIDS FOR FENCING AROUND THE NEW CITY GARAGE; (City� Engineer). On pages 48 and 49 you will find a resolution authorizing to call the bids for fencing around the new City Garage. The bids are proposed to be opened on the lOth day of April, 1968. This fence is needed to provide adequate protection to the equipment once the City equipment is moved on to the new City Garage site. 21. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BIDS ON 1/2 TON CARRY-ALL TRUCK: (City Engineer) - On Pages 50 and 51 you will find a resolution authorizing for calling bids on � ton Carryall Truck. The bids are proposed to be opened on the lOth day of April, 1968. This item is budgeted for 1968. 22. CHECK LIST FOR CIVIC CENTER: (City Engine�)- On Pages 52 through 55 you will find the check list prepared by the City Administration. If the City Council wishes to add on any other items, these should be added so that we can inform the architect to get this work completed as soon as possible. 23. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON REMODELING THE POLICE QUARTERS• On Pages � 56 and 57 you will find this resolution which wi11 authorize bids on this work. The bids are to be opened on the lOth day of April, 1968. 24. CLAIMS: The Claim numbers ar.e on Page 58. Details of the claims are included in the e:.velope with the agenda. 25. LICENSES; The licenses will be found on pages 59 through 63. � 26. ESTIMATES; On Pages 64 through 71 you will find the Estimates. Also, on Pages 66 and 67 you will find Estimate ��6, for Chapman Construction Co. (a joint venture)for Project ��87, We would suggest that the City Council approve this e:�timate subject to getting a letter of release from the � Bonding Company and also subject to approval by the City Attorney. 27. APPOINTMENTS; The Appointment is on page 72 for the Council's approval. ' I � � 0 ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA COMMENTS (Continued) - MARCH 18, 1968 - 8 P.M. ' �COMMiJNICATIONS • I(A) STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT - RIGHT OF WAY VACATION: Cit En ineer - West of Shell Service Station on 61st Avenue, the letter indicates ' that the Highway Department will be willing to vacate 15 feet of existing right of way which, could in turn, be turned over to the gas station if the City wishes to do so. ' (B) SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - REPORT ON STINSON BOULEVARD: This memo is self explanatory, and was inserted for your information. , (C) HEALTH INSPECTOR - HEALTH REPORT: This report will be found on pages 75 and 76, and can be received and filed. ' I ' I � I ' I � I � I ' I � �r � �� � i ' I , I , � 1 � '. � �� �_, ' 1 THE MINUTES OF TI� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1968 The Regular Council Meeting of March 4, 1968 was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8:00 P.M. OPENING CEREMONY• Mayor Kirkham asked everyone to stand and join in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Father Keefe from St. William's Church gave the Invocation. ROLL CALL• MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan- MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1968:_ Councilman Liebl requested that the Minutes be corrected on page 15, striking the word, "he", so that the start of the sentence in the fifth line of the _ second paragraph will read, "Councilman Liebl said this would be fine if the land was to be used in the near future,". The extra word has to be taken out for the sentence to make sense. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 5, 1968 as corrected. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayar Rirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. AP�ROVAL OF MINUTES, SPECIAL MEETING OF FEBRUAR.Y 26, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting ' of February 26, 1968 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays; Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ADOPTION OF AGENDA: ' Mayor Kirkham said there were two general contractor's to be added to the list of licenses - the Belgarde Construction Company Gnd House Clinic Store, Inc., and Item 16, "AWARDING OF CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT TO THE HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING TEAM AND COACH, AND AWARDING OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION TO ' PAST COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION MEMBERS", and Item 17, "DISCUSSION OF INSPECTION OF NEW CONTRACTORS" should be added to the agenda. ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor :lirkham � declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' i i� � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 4, 1968 PAGE 2 I , RESOLUTION 4�31-1968 - AUTHORIZING TI�E CITY CLERK TO WITHDRAW THE CERTIFICATION ;' OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON THAT TAX FORFEITED PROPERTY SOLD DURING THE YEAR 1968 AND FURTHER AUTHORIZTNG THE RECERTIFICATION OF SAID ASSESSMENTS: ' C ' ' , ' � ' ' ' The Finance Director stated that he had received a call from the County requesting that if the lots are to be placed on sale this year, the Council act on them at this meeting. He said that the Council could approve the list subject to the lots the Parks and Recreation Department is interested in, and any lots the Council may be interested in. He said that if the Council had any further requests before the sale in April, he did not think the County would turn down their request to redtag them. The Council discussed passing the resolution so that the County can start setting up their sale, with the reservation that the City can withdraw the lots they are interested in before the sale. The Council decided to look at the map showing the tax forfeit lots at the end of the meeting. MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution 4�31-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. BIDS - TOWING AND IMPOUNDING (OPENED 10:30 A.M., MARCH 4, 1968):_ Following are the bids: Day Call Each (6 Night Calls Each Snowbirds Motorcycles Accidents a.m; to 9 p.m.) (9 p.m. to 6 a.m.) Indoor Storage Per Day Outdoor Storage Per Day Snowmobiles BIDDERS Kelkar, Inc. D/B/A A & A Automotive Columbia Hei�hts $ 5.75 7.25 4.75 6.50 9.75 per hour 2.00 per day 1.25 per day 4.50 Shorty's Towing Service Fridley, Minnesota $ 6.00 8.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 per hour 2.00 per day 1.50 per day 6.00 Councilman Harris said that it has come to his attention that the State Statutes require that a towing wrecker weight 8,000 lbs. He asked Mr. Gibbs, who was sitting in for the City Attorney, if the Council was bound by this Statute. Mr. Gibbs said that under State Statute 169, the minimum weight allowed is 8,000 lbs. with a crane and winch, and the City is obligated under these Statutes. Councilman Harris said that if,this is the case, Shorty's Towing Service would be the only bidder that qualified. The President of Kelkar, Inc., the only other company that bid on the towing contract, stated that they have only recently learned that, although the truck they plan on using was licenced by the previous owner as being under 7,000 lbs., the previous owner now says that the truck weighs about 8200 lbs. so that in the final analysis, his company is capable of ineeting all requirements. He said that they will be relicensing the truck, now that this has been brought to their attention. Mr. Gibbs said that if an owner knowingly registers a vehicle at a lessor weight, it would be a criminal offense. � � L__1 � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 4, 1968 Councilman Liebl asked who the pres�nt towing license was held by. Mayor Kirkham said that it was Shorty's Towing Service. Councilman Liebl said that as far as he could see the present license holder has two trucks of adequate weight, they are on the main highway of Fridley, and he has � received no complaints that they are not doing a satisfactory business. He said he would be in favor of giving the bid to Shor�y's Towing Service. Mayor Kirkham said that the other firm has a reputation equally as good, but the fact remains that Kelkar's truck does not meet the requirecnents, and there is no other choice for the Council but to award to the company whose truck complies with the State Statutes. The President of Kelkar's Inc. said he would object to this, as they would like a fair chance to demonstrate that they comply with the State Statutes also. Councilman Harris said that he felt the Council must go on the weight of the truck as stated on the title ca�d. He said that this should have be�n.changed prior to making a bid. Mr. Gibbs said that the Council was bound by the facts now before them. He said he did not believe the Council would want to start allowing parties to change their bids. MOTION by Councilman Harris that, on the basis of the weight requirement, the Council award the bid for towing and impounding to Shorty's Towing Service for the year 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. BIDS - ANIMAL CONTROL (OPENED 10:30 A.M., MARCH 4, 1968)• PAGE 3 Mayor Kirkham said the only bid received was from the company presently servicing Fridley. Councilman Samuelson asked how the contract was strengthened. The City Manager said that the company now had to report the areas they have patxolled and the time it was patrolled, and when a comp�.aint was received tt�ey_we����o answer the complainant. Councilman Harris questioned whether the company could set up a systematic method of patrol so they would be in such and such an area on such and such a day, so the Council would know in a�:vance where they would be, rather than after a certain area was patrolled. He suggested that something be worked out with the bidder. The City Manager said that th'is suggestion had merit, and he also stated that the school areas have been stressed to B & E Patrol. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to �ward the animal control cnntract to B& E Patrol for $3,600 for 12 months, with cancellation terms as outlined in the mntract. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATION: N.S.S.S.D, - KING CHALET: Councilman Harris said that the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District agrees with the essence of Mr. Lindell's request, and he would recommend they return the check to King Chalet until such time as the business uses more than 29 RECS. He said that the City will continue to meter their water, and the REC assign- ment will be changed when they reach this level. Councilman Sheridan said that this will be done to anybody who exceeds the REC level established originally. �; ���� � � I� ' �, ' � �i � �I� i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 4, 1968 PA�E 4 MOTION by Councilman Harris to return the check for $600 to the King Chalet and ask the Administration to notify the Council at such time as the King Chalet should exceed the 29 RECs assigned, and at that time the King Chalet will be charged the additional REC charge. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. . BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 28 1968: 1. CONSIDERATION OF 50' X 80' ADDITION TO FRIDLEY STATE BANK AT 6315 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NORTHEAST: Mr. Roy Carlson and Mr. Herb Bacon representing the Fridley State Bank were present at the Council Meeting. The City Engineer showed the proposed plans which will double the size of the bank. The City Engineer said that according to the current zoning requirements, they will not be allowed to have one of the curb openings they have been using, and according to the zoning requirements, they will be required to have sidewalks along the road. Councilman Harris said that the Council has been requiring sidewalks on all other C-1 and C-2 zoning, and he felt the bank should have them also. Mr. Carlson asked what the policy will be for property to the north and to � the south of them, so that the sidewalks will not be just piecemeal. Councilman Harris said that the only way sidewalks can be required is on new construction and on improvements or alterations. He said that this had been required of the new McDonald's and Holiday station. ' There was a discussion about the new lines NSP will be putting in, and how they will a£fect sidewalks in the area, and they discussed moving the bank sign which does not conform at present. Mr. Carlson said they would like to � move this sign to 63rd Avenue instead of University Avenue so it could be- -: � higher and could direct traffic down 63rd to the back of the bank. Mr. Carlson discussed the traffic tie-up at the corner of the bank, and asked if there was someone the Council could suggest they go to for advice on the traffic problem. ' Councilman Harris said that the Holiday people had a man who dealt strictly.. with the traffic, although he did not know if they could help the bank< ' There was a discussion about sidewalks on 63rd Avenue. Mr. Carlson said they would like to plant trees along here until the area develops, and at that time plans could be discussed with the Council. He said that the plantings could be planned around a future sidewalk. Councilman Harris said that this street � is not a main arterial, but no one knows how it will develop, and sidewalks may be wanted in the future. Mr. Bacon asked if the sidewalks would be on private property or City property. Councilman Sheridan said that sidewalks ' in commercial areas have been on private property, and this policy is fairly well established. � � ' ' Mr. Carlson asked if there was any reason they could not get their foundation permit at this time, and make the final building permit subject to the require ments requested. MOTION by Councilman Harris that a foundation permit be issued to the Fridley State Bank, and that granting of the final building permit be subject to the . r ' i ' '' � r� �� REGULAR. COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 4, 1968 � � PAGE 5 stipulations regarding the receipt and approval of a final plot plan, land- scaping plan, traffic pattern, and sidewalks. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared 'the motion carried unanimously. - � MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the remainder of the Building Standards- Design Control Meeting Minutes of February 28, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � RESOLUTION ��32-1968 - IMPOSING LOAD LIMITS ON PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY• CounciT.man Harris asked if this was the same resolution listing the same streets ' that has been passed in the past: The City Engineer said that as the streets are built to higher standards, they are eliminated from the list. He said that in the past there were many streets that were not up to standard, but once they � conformed to state and county road limits they were taken from the list. The City Engineer said that in the past the City has been issuing many permits for such things as cement trucks to travel over the roads, but this year they ' plan to only issue permits to people in dire nead, such as moving in or out of a house, The Council agreed that this was necessary to protect the streets, and it would be an administrative decision as to which permits were justified. � ' ' � � J ' � Chief McCarthy said that the City had no way to enforce the load limits effectively as we do not own scsles. He said that there is a minimum distance a truck is required to travel� to be weighed, but he thought the scales at Minnesota Linseed Company would come within that distance, Mr. Gibbs pointed out that the City would have to pay�any charge, unless a truck was overweight and there was a fine. Mr. Gibbs said he would check the regulations on mileage and give this information to the Chief of Police. There was a discussion about the possibility of using the scales of the Wyatt Company in the.north end of Fridley also. The Council suggested the Administration work out a reasonable program, so there is adequate enforcement for the load restirctions. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution ��32-1968. man Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 29 1968; Seconded by Council- Kirkham declared the 1. CONTINUED REZONING REOUEST: ZOA ��68-01 ELDON SCHNIEDEKE: Councilman Harris said that a Public Hearing is scheduled on this request for March 11, 1968, so the only action necessary would be in receiving the minutes. 2. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L S ��68-06, RUTH GEDIG• LOTS 15, 16, 53 AND 54, BLOGK G, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS• . The City Engineer showed the Council a map and explained that Mrs. Gedig had owned all the property shown, but she has sold two lots, and would like to retain 5 feet around her house for such things as taking the storm windows off. � i � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING; MARCH 4, 1968 MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the Lot Split as requested by Ruth Gedig. Seconded by Councilman Lie bl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RICE CREEK ROAD/CENTRAL AVENUE PLAN: PAGE 6 The City Engineer said that the Planning Commission has been working on this ' plan for over 9 months, and has resolved a street plan that they recommend be� adopted as a guide to be used when individuals in the area start planning their property, at which time suggestions_and deviations could be made if � necessary. Councilman Sheridan said he had received a call from one of the affected property owners, who objects to the plan, and he had told him he did not think the Council would be taking action on it at this meeting, as it is � the first time the Council has seen it, so Councilman Sheridan said he would request that the Council table this item until the next meeting when this property owner could appear. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to table consideratio� of the Rice Creek/ - Central Avenue Plan until the regnlar Council Meeting of March 18, 1968. He ` said that he would contact the interested property owner. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the remainder of the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of March 4, 1968., Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, Councilman Harris said that in regard to the Schmedeke rezoning, for which there is to be a public hearing next week, he would suggest that the Council keep in mind that it might be in order for them to have a meeting with the Planning Commission on the whole general area, before individual requests are considered. He said that the policy is usually to close the public hearing and not make a determination the same evening, and he would suggest they follow this policy and then hold a meeting on the general area. Mayor Kirkham said he thought the Planning Commission would appreciate some communi- cation from the Council. Mr. Schmedeke said that at this time he is interested in his own lot, but he would be happy to work with a planner or the Planning Commission on the whole area. RESOLUTION ��33-1968 - ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1968-3; The City Engineer said that this resolution is basically setting the program the County will be putting in, and in which the City will share the cost of sidewalks and curbs. Councilman Liebl said he would like to see exactly what is planned for the west service drive on T.H. 4�47 and Mississippi Street, and would like to know how much right-of-way must be acquired. The City Engineer said that he would give him a copy of the plan. Councilman Harris asked if this project will cover the loop on Star Lane. The City Engineer said it would not. He said this was 6 projects under one contract that the County is letting and supervising, and the County and City wi1_1 share the cost. He • Said that on the West University Service Drive, the cost will be shared by the State and City. He said that hopefully this will all be done this year. Q � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 4, 1968 ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution ��33-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham ' declared the motion carried unanimously. � RESOLUTION ��34-1968 RECEIVNG TI� PRELIMINARY REFORT AND CALI,ING A PUBLIC ' AEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS, STREET IMPROVEMENT'PROJECT ST. 1968-3: � ' PAGE 7 MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution ��34-1968. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � STREET DEDICATION - ING SIVERTS: The City Engineer said he had received a request from Ing Siverts requesting � that the City accept a deed for street purposes to his property. The City Engineer suggested that this be processed as a normal lot split, so that it will come back before the Council with a recommendation. ' �,,� � 1 � MOTION by Councilman Samuelson that the Council receive the request and refer it to the Administration to be processed through the norm�l channels. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, May�r Kir kham declared the motion carried. CLAIMS• Councilman Sheridan questioned paying the claim to Horwath & Horwath. It was pointed out that this was in payment of extra liquor study reports the City had ordered, and had nothing to do with the original bill. MOTIO�i BY Councilman Harris to pay the General Claims ��14291 through ��14395 � and Liquor Claims ��1980 through ��2005. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. �J � � ' � , LICENSES• 1�ao new Gen.eral Contractors were added to the list of licenses; Belgarde Construction Company, requested by Charles Belgarde, 7841 Wayzata Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minnesota and House Clinic Store, Inc., St. Paul. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the licenses to the Belgarde Construction Company and House Clinic Store, Inc. upon submission of a formal appplication, subject to approval by the Administration, and approve for licensing the following; GENERAL CONTR.ACTOR : Riley Construction 2744 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota HEATING.. Northwest Co, of St. Paul 1373 5elby Avenue �St. Paul, Minnesota by: S. A. Riley by: A.L. Gaughan APPROVED BY• NEW Bldg. Insp. NEW Plbg. Insp. �, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 4, 1968 � ' � ' � HEATING Preferred Sheet Metal 3088 No. Rice Street St. paul, Minnesota by: Joseph F. Murray NEW PAGE 8 APPROVED BY Htg. Inspt. CAFE Hullabaloo Club �by: Merle Krotoska NEW Health Inspector 6225 T. H. ��65 Fridley, Minnesota The motion was seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. . E STIMATE S • Councilman Harris asked about the estimate regarding Commerce Park, as he said the final mat is not on Commerce Lane. The City Engineer said that a final mat is not being put on at this time as the contract did not call.for it. He said that when the area is developed, the curbing and final mat will be put in. Councilman Liebl asked if all the estimates that are final have been �.nspected and found completely satisfactory. The City Engineer said that the projects have been checked by his staff and this is their recommendation to him. He said that these were mostly 1965-1966 projects. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to approve the following estimates: Berglund-Johnson, Inc. , General Contractors P.O. Box D - 351 2nd Street Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 Estimate No. 1(1/5/68) Fridley Municipal Garage - 12/21/67 through 12/3I/67 for General Construction (Partial) $ 5,003.00 Estimate No. 2(2/2/68) Fridley Municipal Garage - 1/1/68 through 1/31/68 for General Construction (Partial) _ 9,644.00 � $ 14,647.00 C. S. McCrossan, Incorporated Route ��2 Osseo, Minnesota � Estimate No. 5(Final) Municipal State Aid Improvement Project ST. 1966-2 according to contract (Including Change Order ��1) (West Moore Lake Drive & Rice Creek Road � from Central Avenue to Baker Avenue) �J � $ 22,780.72 � a v ' �_ J ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 4, 1968 C.S. McCrossan, Inc., (Continued) Estimate ��9 (Final) Street Improvement Yroject ST. 1965-1 according to contract (Including Change Orders ��1, ��2, and 4�3) (1965 Municipal Program) Estimate No. 5(Final) Street Improvement ' Project ST. 1966-4, Schedule A according to the contract (including Change Order ��l) (Plymouth Addition) r ' ' ' ' ' ' � , Estimate ��5 (Final) Street Improvement Project St. 1966-6 according to the contract (Including Change Order ��1) (Commerce Park) PAGE 9 $ 8,839.90 15,960.16 18,272.70 Final Release of Money for Street Improvement Project ST. 1965-2 according to the contract 4;000.00 (1965 State Aid Program) The motion approving the estimates was seconded by Councilman Ssmuelsc�n. Up�n a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. . PETITION ��2-1968 - STREET - ONONDAGE STREET NORTHEAST FROM HAYES STREET TO BACON DRIVE• The City Engineer said that this petition is only for one part of the ro�d, and storm sewer was installed in the area last year, and all utilities are in, so when the report is brought back to the Council, he will request they review and call a public hearing for the whole area. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive Petition ��2-1968 and refer it to the Administration for processing. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1968 ?ND THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, FEBRUARY 26, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commissien, and concur with the properties to be withdrawn from the County tax delinquent property sale. Seco nded by Councilman Sheridan.� Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham deciared the motioci carried unanimously. DATE SET FOR AWARDING CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT TO THE HTGH SCHOOL WRESTLING TEAM AND COACH AND CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION TO PAST CUMMITTEE AND COMMISSION MEMBERS: .,.� . The Council discussed a date for the presentation of the awards, and decided '� on the next regular Council Meeting of March 18, 1968. Councilman Harris suggested that the press be given copies of the certificates showing who they honor, so that it can be put in the newspaper. ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAP.CH 4, 1968 , � � L _J _ PAGE 10 MOTION by Councilman Samuel_son to concur with the awarding of Certificates of Achievement to the High School Wrestling Team and Coach for being in the State Wrestling Championship Tournament, and to these former members of various committees; Mr. Wayne Saunders, Board of Appeals; Mr. James Spence, Park and Recreation Commission; Mr. Tom Mhyra, Mr. William Stukas, and Mrs: Helen Treuenfels of the Human Relations Committee. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF INSPECTION OF NEW CONSTRUCTION: Councilman Liebl said that he would like to make sure that the inspection ' of the installation of sewers and new street construction be enforced to the letter, and that the City assign a man to check out the construction on a daily or at least a weekly basis. He said that the City has had to.repair ' some mistakes that should have been the contractors responsibility. He said he would like some Council discussion on this, and would like to have the City �ngineer instructed to send men down to check on the contractor, which ' would boCh save money and enhance our community. He said that Councilman Samuelson had shown the Council an ordinance last year that would give the City Engineer more control to make the contractor do what he should, and he had thought this was an excellent idea, although he realized it did not ' cover private construction. Councilman Liebl said he.felt these items . should be followed through with. Councilman Samuelson said that the Planning Commission and City Attorney are still looking at the ordinance, ' which when finished will put the burden of responsibility on the contractor doing the work. He said there will be a bond, which will only be released when the Administration says the job is done satisfactorily. ' � ' , Councilman Harris said that the contract with the Consulting Engineers has been changed to name the individual assigned to a job and his responsibilities. He said that the City had been the contractor last year, now the engineering firm will be. Mayor Kirkham said he thought they would find that the changes being considered by the Planning Commission and City Attorney will give closer supervision than was possible in the past. LIEBL; DISCUSSION ITEMS REGARDING CHIES BROTHERS HAULING DIRT• FILLING L�1ND NEXT TO MOORE LAKE; DRAINAGE PROBLEM BETWEEN 53RD AND 54TH AVENUE AND 4TH AND 5TH STREET; HEALTH PROBLEMS, GARBAGE AND JITi��K CARS THROUGHOUT CITY; RUSTY WATER PROBLEM: Councilman Liebl said that Mrs. Tillman, 1540 Rice Creek Road, had called and ' said that the Chies Brothers were hauling dirt out of their pit again. Council- man Liebl asked if their bond had been extended, or who had allowed this hauling. He said that if this information was correct, he would like the Administration � to write a letter to Mrs. Tillman explaining this. The City Engineer said that the Council had given Mr. Chies permission to continue, subject to getting an extension of his bond, Councilman Sheridan said he thought the Council's ' intent was two-fold, to see if the bond could be extended, and if so, come back with an engineering analysis. The City Manager was to research the Minutes to see what the Council decision had been. , Councilman Liebl said he had received some calls from people in the 2nd Ward asking why the City is filling land next to Moore Lake. Councilman Samuelson ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 4, 1968 � said this was being developed into park property. Mayor Kirkham said he had , received calls on this also, and he had explained that the City is filling the swamp to make it useable park land. Councilman Liebl suggested that something should be in the newspaper about this so the people will know. � � �I �J ' � � Councilman Liebl said that this was a problem of water sitting in the alley between 53rd Avenue and 54th Avenue and between 4th Street and Sth Street Northeast. He said that the paving of this a11ey had been approved before he was on the Council and paved last year. He said that the water is running and the sump hole in the alley is full now, and if the City does not make it deeper or clean it up, 3 property owners will have water in their basements. The City Engineer said the excess water will drain onto 53rd Avenue. He explained that 53rd Street was paved in 1964 and 1965, and when the alley was paved last year, the only way this area could have been connected to the storm sewer was to rip up the new street. He said the Council thought the sumphole would take care of the problem until the area eventually hooked onto the storm sewer at 53rd Avenue. Councilman Liebl said that the people feel that they are being assessed for the alley and it should have been done right. The City Engineer said that the Council sometimes has to make a decision to do only 1/2 a job for many different reasons, and when the problems come, they forget the reason for the decision they had to make at the time. PAGE 11 Councilman Liebl said that he had looked around all three wards and the health problems, garbage, j�nk cars, etc. in the City were terrible and the residential lots should be cleaned up. Councilman Samuelson said he agreed that the City needs a thorough cleaning and that a better job could be done by the Inspection Department and also by the Police Department in reporting traffic control signs that are down. Councilman Liebl suggested that the press be notified early this year so the cleanup week will not fail, and get letters out to the troublesome lots, so they cannot say they have not been notified. Councilman Samuelson said that the Council should back the Administration in anything they can do to correct these problems. � Councilman Liebl said he had received a call from Mrs. Wallace Newman, 4543 - 2nd Street Northeast about the rusty City water she is getting. He said he would like an explanation of what causes this and what can be done about it. He said that the City has an iron removal plant, but the complaints have gone � on for the last two years. He said he thought the people were entitled to decent water and an explanation. � � ' ' Councilman Liebl said he was bringing these problems to the attention of Council so that the people will know they are being taken care of. Mayor Kirkham said that these �dministrative problems could be brought right to City Manager at any time and did not have to wait for a Council Meeting. the HARRIS: CONSULTING ENGINEER SEWER AGREEMENT AND NSP STREET LIGHT PLANNING LAYOUT: the Councilman Harris asked when the new sewer agreement with Minneapolis was to be brought before the Council. The City Manager said that he had requested that Mr. Comstock put some of the verbal discussion items in report form, concerning certain segments of the contract. VISITOR: ANDREW P. GAWEL, REGt1RDING P.S. ��66-03, SHADY OAK ADDITION• Mr. Gawel said he had missed the meeting at which the public hearing had been held, as he had not been notified that the date of the meeting had been changed from February 12th to February l3th. Councilman Harris said that the tliscussion had centered around where the drainage water would go. He said the plan was fine, and the street pattern was fine, but the problem was drainage. Councilman Sheridan said that this had been referred to the Planning Commission because it ties in with the Rice Creek/ Central Avenue plan they have been studying, and which the Council will discuss on March 18th. Councilman Sheridan said that the Public Hearing was held to approve the plat, and the request was denied so another hearing must be held. It was suggested he could get together with the City Engineer to see what could be done. Councilman Liebl said that Mr. Gawel will only have to pay for his share of any drainage project, but the other people have to be protected also. Mayor Kirkham said that the City cannot allow another home to be built until the problem is solved, so there will have to be another hearing. The City Engineer said there is a drainage plan for the area, and it has been presented to the Council. He said that if less than the plan is done there will be problems; to do it right the whole storm sewer system must be put in. Mr. Gibbs was asked about State Statutes governing drainage rights. Mr. Gibbs said that the City Attorney would be more familiar with drainage and watershed problems, but it appeared to him that in case law, a property owner could dispose of water on his property in any way as long as the damage accruing to the neighbor was not greater than the benefit accruing to him. He said that the City Attorney could check into this for the Council. MOTION by Counc.ilman Harris to refer the question of the drainage of the Gawel property to the City Attorney and request that he bring this information to the Council at the Public Hearing Meeting of March 11, 1968. Seco nded by Council- man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. FURTHER DISCUSSION OF LOTS TO REMOVE FROM TAX DELINQUENT PROPERTY SALE• The Council studied the map marked with the tax delinquent properties, and discussed the different lots the City may be interested in acquiring in the future. The Council decided to tag Lot 8, Block 1, Spring Valley Addition because it is a large lot and may be big enough for a"Tot Park". They decided to tag every lot listed in the Hyde Park Addition, because of the potential rezoning, and until the street pattern is established. In Edgewater Gardens they tagged Lots 1 through 13, Block 7, and Lots 1,3,4,5, B1ock 6, because of the pending overpass or underpass on Mississippi Street. These lots were tagged in addition to the loL-s that the Far_�s and Recreation Commission requested in their minutes of February 26, 1968. These lots were removed from the original list of lots as presented by the County, and the Council signed the authorization to permit the County to sell the remainder of the tax delinquent properties. ADJOURNMENT• There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Council Meeting of March 4, 1958 adjourned at 10:20 P.M. Respectfully Mary Lu St om submitted, � / �� . � I PAGE 13 THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HE��RING MEETING OF MARCH 11, 1968 The Special Public Hearing Meeting of March 11, 1968 was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8:10 P.M. OPENING CEREMONY: Mayor. Kirkham asked the audience to stand and join the Council in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: ' ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkh�.m, Liebl, Samuelson MEMBERS ABSENT: Harris, Sheridan ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham said that Item 4, "Discussion with Northern States Power Regarding Street Lighting Layout" has been deleted from the agenda, and the following items should be added: Item 7-"Ordinance Amending Chapter 335, Section 38.081 of the City Code"; "Ordinance Repealing 3 Sections in Chapter 36 Regarding the Board of Health"; "Ordinance Amending Chapter 37 Regarding Cle2ning of Premises and Repealing Section 37.-03". Item 8-"Appointment, Custodian". Item 9-"Accept Deed from Ing Siverts". Item 10 -"Considera- tion of Resolution Regarding Horwath Report". MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - SANITARY SEWER, WATER, AND STORM SEWER PROJECT ��88 (ADDENDUM N0. 2); Mayor Kirkham read the Notice of Hearing. The City Engineer explained that this project basically covers the installation of water and sewer lines in Beech and Elm Street. He said that there are two proposals for the area. One will only cover the smaller area of Beech and Elm, and the other proposal would be for deeper lines that would be extended to serve a larg�r area. The City Engineer said there would be two different assessment costs, as the second proposal would use larger pipe. Mayor Kirkham asked if there was any- one in the audience that cared to be heard. Mr. Harold Harris, 6210 Riverview Terrace, said he dicl not feel this additional expense was feasible at this time. He said that this property is not developed at this time, and until it can be developed, this would be a waste of taxpayer's money. He said that there is a ditch that runs across Beech and Elm Streets, and this problem should be taken care of before any upgrading is done. Mr. Harris said that he has put $1700 in a well, which would be a big waste of . money for him. He said he would object to being assessed for a larger pipe for another area that would get the benefit, ' SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING �MARCH 11 1968 > > ' Mr. Richard Harris, 6200 Riverview Terrace, said he would like to know why ' this is wanted. The City Engineer said that buildings were being built in this industrial area without fire protection. iie said that before a sewer outlet was not available and the City did not want to put in water as they did not want to dig once for water and once for sewer, but now a sewer ' was available, and both of these utilities could be put in at the same time. He said that this was the reason these proposals have been brought before the City Council at this time. Mr. Richard Harris ask ed where the ' water pipe would be brought in at. The City Engineer said that it would be brought in from 79th Avenue and East River Road, under the railroad tracks. Mr. Harris asked about the possibility of bringing it in another ' way so it would not have to be jacked under the tracks. The Consulting Engineer explained the original'plans for serving this area with a water system. I�I IJ L_J ' ' � ' � Mr. Richard Harris said he did not see how the laterals can be resolved until the ditch problem is resolved. He said that if an improvement is to be made, the whole thing should be done and not just part of it. Council- man Liebl said that the Council has discussed this ditch, and it involves a large area, and he asked the people if.they were aware the property owners would be assessed for some of the cost. Mr. Harris said that the Spring Lake Park storm sewer is causing the problems, and they should have to pay a large amount of the cost. Councilman Liebl said that the City has not been successful in getting Spring Lake Park to participate in the cost, The City Attorney asked the City Engineer if there was substantial drainage from the state highway. The City Engineer said yes, part of the drainage comes from Spring Lake Park and part from the Minnesota Highway Department. Councilman Liebl asked if this project had been petitioned. The City Engineer said that there had been a petition two years ago, but it was not put in at that time because the sewer outlet was not available, but it can be provided now if the people want the improvement. He said that usually utilities have to be in before an area will develop, and in case there was ever a fire in the area, the City wants to be on record as having proposed this improvement to the people. PAGE 14 Mayor Kirkham asked if there was anyone in the audience who was in favor of �` theproject. There was no answer. He asked if there was anyone else in the audience who was against the project. There was no answer. He asked Mr. Richard Harris, Mr. Harold Harris, and Mr. Al Johnson, 6211 Riverview Terrace, ' if they were interested in the City pursuing more vigorously a way to solve the storm water drainage. Mr. Richard Harris said he believed this was �ied in with the improvement and has to be solved first. The City Engineer said ' that if this was the wish of the property owners, a study can be made and brought back on the storm sewer also. Councilman Samuelson said he thought this would have been included originally. The City Engineer said it was not included because the cost would be quite high. Councilman Liebl pointed out to the ' property owners that the cost would be quite high, but once the utilities are in, the land will be worth more money. The City Attorney said the City would have to have a meeting with Spring Lake Park to try and reach some agreem�:nt ' on cost participation, otherwise there would have to be a determination made. by some other body on what they contribute and what cost they are responsible for. He said that it may be possible that the Minnesota Highway Department ' � � '' SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MAR 1 , CH 1, 1968 PAGE 1 S ' should be contacted also. Mayor Kirkham suggested that the hearing be closed , and that the Council take the initiative in an action pursuing a study of the storm sewer-watershed area involved, with the idea of resolving the problem with a 3-way cost splitting between Spring Lake Park, the Minnesota Highway Department and the City of Fridley. He said that a preliminary ' report can be made and brought back to the Council. �J ' ' ' ' ' ' I� ' ' ' ' � MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to close the Public Hearing on Preliminary Assessment Roll - Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Project ��88 (Addendum ��2). Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the hearing closed at 8:45 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING REQUEST TO REZONE LOTS 16, 17, 18, 19, BLOCK 12, AND LOT 30 BLOCK 21 HYDE PARK ADDITION FROM R-2 TO C-2: ELDON SCHMEDEKE: Mayor Kirkham read the Notice of Hearing. Mr. Schmedeke asked if the City had received any objections to this rezoning. Mayor Kirkham said he had not heard of any objections from the citizens. Mr. Schmedeke said that he has turned in a petition of the people that live.within 200 feet of the area, for the Council's consideration. Mr. Schmedeke briefly reviewed his request. He said that until four years ago, 59th Avenue had gone through to University Avenue, but now he has no access to University. He said he needs the lots to display the vehicles he sells, and if he had just bought the property and the people were objecting it would be a different matter, but his business has been there a long time. He pointed out that according to the Planning Commission Minutes, one member had been willing to spot zone for a 4-plex at the other end of �his block, but was against his rezoning. He al:;o felt they should have considered just his S lots as published, but had veered off into a larger area. Mayor Kirkham asked if there was anyone in the audience that wanted to speak in favor of this rezoning. Mr. Schmedeke said that most of the people have been heard from at one time or other. Mayor Kirkham as;:.ed if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the rezoning. One visitor said he would like to know if the lots will be used for the same business, or if small commercial stores would be going in. Mr. Schmedeke said that he was a used car dealer and would use these lots for his business as he has since 1948. Councilman Liebl asked if there was anyone opposed to the rezoning of these lots. Mr. Robert Hughes, Chairman of the Planning Commission, said he would have to restate his position. Councilman Liebl asked if anyone in the audiPnce had ever been notified of a rezoning of this property through letter or contact in the past 15 years. One man ans��er�d that he had recieved a notice, but he lived in a different area, so it would have been for a different rezoning or some project. Councilman Liebl asked Mr. Schmede'.:f under what condition had he bought this property, residential, commercial or indu�trial. Mr. Schmedeke said that he had bought his property with the intent of using it for commercial property. Mayor Kirkham expla�ned that the Council had some time ago adopted the policy of closing a public hearing, and not making a final determination the same ev�ning as the hearing to give the Council an opportunity to study the findings of a hearing. He also explained that it takes four Councilmen to pass a rezoning ordinance, so this will be done at a later meeting. , SPECIAL PUBLIC I-i�ARING, MEIRCH 11, 1968 ' ' � PAGE 16 A visitor to the Council Meeting asked how many time something has to be brought up before a determination is made. Mayor Kirkham said that this has been the first hearing the Council has held on this rezoning request. He said that the requests first go to the Planning Commission and then to the Council, and the Council cannot legally take any action until a public hearing is held. Councilman Liebl said he would make a motion that action be taken at the � next Council Meeting to approve or deny therezoning request or if it is tabled that Mr. Schmedeke be given a staisfactory explanation of why it is being tabled. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Mayor Kirkham said that � the other Councilmen should have a chance to review the minutes of the Public Hearing, and although he would a:lso like to see this resolved as soon as possible, he did not think the 'motion should be worded that the Council must take action at the next meeting, but that it be placed on the ' agenda, and then some action will be taken. Councilman Liebl said that this had been the intent of his motion. ' MOTION by Councilman Liebl that consideration of the rezoning request as requested by Eldon Schmedeke be placed on the agenda for the Regular Council. Meeting of March 18, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice ' vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. �J ' � IJ ' I_. 1 � MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to close the Public Hearing on the Rezoning Request to rezone Lots from R-2 to C-2 as requested by Eldon Schmedeke. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the hearin.g closed at 9:03 P.M. CONSIDERATION OF CITY ATTORNEY REPORT REGARDING DRAINAGE OF SHADY OAK ADDITION - ANDREW P. GAWEL CONTRACTING: The City Attorney said he had not been present at the last Council Meeting, but the Council discussion had been relayed to him by Mr. Gibbs. He said that as he understands the question, it is whether a developer in proposing a plat can do any construction that would block a neighbors natural drainage, and his answer would be that he cannot. He said this would be a matter the City would not be involved in, but between two property owners. He said that if the property has a street that is to be dedicated, the City should be certain the street will not block or prevent the natural drainage. He said the City Engineer should study this carefully, to make sure there are adequate culverts or other means provided so that any streets in the plat do not block the natural drainage or cause damage to any neighboring property. Councilman Samuelson said E�e felt that if the drainage system is to be �.ltered, the property owner should provide an alternate means of draining the property, and no alternate plans has been presented to the Council. The City Engineer said that he had pointed out at the last meeting, that to really ' solve this problem, the whole storm sewer system will have to be put in. He said that the developer only wants to build one house and would be willing to deepen some existing holes to retain more water. Mr. Gawel said that they have . � com�mitted themselves to one lot, and are not interested in the others at this time. Councilman Liebl asked the City Engineer what could be done at a minimum cost at this time. The City Engineer said there will be problems with any � � e� � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING, MARCH 11, 1968 � ' � ' ' ' Il ' PAGE 17 minimum effort. Councilman Liebl aslced if Mr. Gawel owned enough of the land to petition fpr the storm�sewer. The City Engineer said that he would not owa enough of the land as the drainage area is quite large. Mayor Kirkham said that if the developer with the help of the City Engineer could develop a lot without creating additional problems for someone else, this would be a different matter, but he said he could not agree with issuing a building permit if it is only going to compound problems. ' The Council studied the plat map with relation to the elevation of the lots, and the direction in which the lots will drain. The City Attorney said that Minnesota law states that a person can get rid of the water on his property in a reasonable fashion, as long as he does not damage adjoining property, but he cannot cut off the natural drainag� of another person's property, or he will be subject to a lawsuit. Councilman Liebl said he wanted to be fair to the developer and to the other property owners also, and suggested Mr. Gawel work with the City Engineer to find a way to resolve this problem. The City Attorney said that this man should have the same rights as the property owner across the street from him, so it would seem to him that if a method could be developed so that the water is not draining across Ferndale, it would be fair to permit this developer to build on his property. The City Engineer said there is a 12 foot difference in elevation, and they can get the water around by surface. He said the only thing will be that the amount of runoff wi11 increase. The City Manager suggested that the Council �oulu grant a permit with the � stipulation that there is a drainage plan that satisfactorily resolves the drainage problem and does not create a problem for any neighbor, and that � the responsibility for any problems would belong to the developer entirely. ' He suggested that the developer could be requested to sign an agreement absolving the City of any responsibility. ' Councilman Liebl said that since the Councilman of the 2nd Ward was not pres�nt, he would suggest they table this item until the next Council Meeting, and in the meantime Mr. Gawel could work out a proposal to present for the Council's consideration. Mayor Kirkham said he agreed the Council ' should wait for Councilman Sheridan. Mr. Gawel said he iaas willing to go along with whatever is necessary to solve the problem, but he did not want to keep coming again and again. Mayor Kirkham reminded Mr. Gawel that a ' determination had been made at one; time, when the permit had been denied, and at this time the Council is reconsidering that determination, and is willing to continue reconsideration as long as there is something new to � consider: Mr,Gawel asked when the overall storm sewer system will be going in. Mayor Kirkham said that no determination has been made on this because of the size of the area and the cost of the project. ' Councilman Liebl said that the Council is :very seriously cor.cerned about this proSl.e m, from both the developers and adjoining property owners s'tand- point. He said he would vote for a permit if �Ir. Gawel could come up with , some way that this could be done. Mr. Gawel said he will discuss this further with the City Engineer, but he did not think he would be causing any problem by building. ' ' MOTION by Councilman Liebl to table the consi.deration of drainage of Shady Oak Addition until the next Regular Council Meeting of March 1S, 1968. Seconded by Council.man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. f ' SPLCIAL PUBLIC H�ARING, ME1R�H 11, 1968 . PAGE 18 ' , ' ' ' � J ' � , ' ' � , 1 ' � ISCUSSION OF SIGN PERMIT - NAEGELE - T.H. ��65: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table this discussion until the next regular Council Meeting of March 18, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. POSTING OF LOAD LIMITS ON STREETS IN AREA EAST OF CENTRAL AVENUE AND SOUTH OF MTSSISSIPPI STREET: The City Engineer said that the City will be posting load limits until May 15th to protect the City streets. He said that he and the City Manager had visited the Lenny Cochran property on the southwest corner of Rice Creek Road and Stinson Boulevard because of complaints of hauling. He said there is an alteration permit requ.ired for this hauling, and Mr. Cochran did make application for the permit and it was approved by the Council, but he has refused to put up the required bond for the permit. The City Attorney said that he was in the process of getting a declaratory judgment on the validity of the ordinance and how it applied to Mr. Cochran. The City Engineer said that this is being brought before the Council so they are aware of what the administration is doing to encounter this problem, and that these roads will be posted. Councilman Liebl asked if this was being done because the streets are being torn up, or beca��se Mr. Cochran is in violation of the ordinance. The City Engineer said that his trucks would be tearing up the street. Th� City, Ma�zla.ge-�� said that� t.�iis is beiri�; ;done a:s the �.result ot .calls about �the heavy, truck� going=:�ri. an�l out;. _. . _ .:::�, ,.�.,. :,., ; . . MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the recommendation of the Administration and that the additio:ial st�ts such as Stinson Boulevard be posted as requested. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carrieel unanimously. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES REGARDING THE BOARD OF HEALTH, CLEANING OF PREMISES, AND PROVIDING FOR THE SANITARY STORAGE OF GARBAGE• The City Attorney had prepared three proposed ordinances for the Council's consideration. He reviewed the sections of the City Code which they would repeal or amend. He said that if the Council wished they could pa � them at first reading this ev�ing, and before the next Council Meeting they could compare them with the present wording of the code. He said that one of the changes has to do primarily with the Board of Health and its responsibility on making inspections. He said that the Ordinance amending Section 38.081 deletes the language that prasently states that refuse which has remained on the premises for more than one week is declared a nuisance and shall be abated. He said this being deleted because of the possible interpretation that garbage has to be on the premises a week before it is in violation. He said that the Ordinance amending Chapter 37 requires some additional corrections to Section 37.01, and can be adopted at first reading subject to that amendment if the Council wishes, and it will be typed in for the second reading. Mayor Kirkham asked f ' only three Councilmen sufficient except for on first reading. 1 r the ruling on taking action on the Ordinances with pres�nt. The City Attorney said that three votes are changes in zoning, and these ordinances can be passed � � ' SPECIAL PUBLIC H�ARING, NLARCH 11, 1968 ' PAGE 19 ' > ' � I � u � � ' � � �l Councilman Samuelson said that these ordinances do not provide the Police Department with a tagging provision as discussed in the City Manager's memorandum to the Council. The City Manager said that he had indicated that a tagging ordinance would be considered later on, and all these will be tied togettier in the tagging ordinance. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 36, SECTION 3•6.07, 36.08, AIQD 36.09 REGARDING TH� BOARD OF HEALTH: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to pass the Ordinance regarding the Board of Health upon first reading, waiving the reading. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll callvote, Kirkham, Liebl, Samuelson voting aye, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OI' ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 37, SECTION 37.03_ OF THE CITY CODE REGARDING C�EANING OF PREMISES AND REPEALING SECTION 37.03: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to pass the o-rdinance regarding cleaning of premises and repealing Section 37.03 at first reading, wa.i1ving the reading. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call yote, Kirkham, Liebl, Samuelson voting aye, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPITER 335, SFCTION 38.081 OF_TI� CIT'Y CODE PROVIDING FOR THE SANITARY STORAGE OF REFUSE, GARBAGE, SWILL, RUBBISH AND WASTE MATTER: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to pass the ordinance amending Chapter 335, Section 3$.081 of the City Code upon first reading, wa.i.ving the reading. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Samuelson voting aye, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson that the Council concur with the Administration on their recommendations for a policy to be followed during the clean up drive, and with the handling of the ordinance now on record. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Liebl explained to the audience that there will be a news release published to make the public aware of the clean up program, the City Manager will be taking the initiative to see that violators receive a letter asking for their cooperation. He said that this program will help us have a cleaner City and will i.mprove our image. He said that it is not the Council's intent to harass any citizens, to make Fridley a better place to live, and but The City Attorney told the Council that the City did get a conviction �� on the junk car ordinance in municipal court. The individual pleaded guilty and was fined $100 and given 20 days to get the junk cars off his property. � �I � � ' ' J L� � ' � � ' � �I 'J , � � ' ' ' SP�CIAL PUBLIC HEARING, MARCH 11, 1968 APPOINTMENT• MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the recommendation of the Administration and approve the following appointment; NAI�� POSITION RE PLACE S PAGE 20 Ernest J. Meados Custodian Mr. John Peters 1204 - 105th Lane N.E. Blaine, Minnesota Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ACCEPT DEED - MR. ING T. SIVERTS: The City Engineer said that the City is acquiring a part of this property from Mr, and Mrs. Ing Siverts. The City �lttorney said that the City had an option to purchase a portion of the low land which is shown as a triange on the map in the southwest corner. He said that in addition to this, Mr..Siverts will be coming to the Council with a request to plat or subdivide his property. He said that the map has previously shown a road easement dedication of 66 feet right-of-way from County Road H to the property north of Mr. Siverts. The , City Attorney said that the deed theCity is considering would extend the dedication to the City so that the right-of-way would extend southerly some 185 feet from his northerly property line. He said that this proposal is in conjunction with the future development of his property, and he is offering it to the City without cost to the City. Councilman Samuelson asked the City Attorney if he has checked the deed. The City Attorney said that the legal description the surveyor had used, was the one used on the deed. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to accept the deed from Gerta Jean Siverts and Ing. T. Siverts as an easement for roadway purposes. Seconded by Council- man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer pointed out that although the City is accepting the easement, the City will not be maintaining the road unless the property owner r-equests a permanent improvement, and then there will either have to be a cul-de-sac or a connection to some other road for the movin�; of equipment. The City Attorney said that this point was well talcen, and the acceptance of the dedication is not to be taken as an indication that a street will be constructed immediately. The City Engineer said that some people think that atter a road dedication, the City should open up the road and maintain it as a gravel road. R�SOLUTION PERTAINING TO LIQUOR STUDY OF HORWATH AND HORWATH• Mayor Kirkham read the proposed resolution to the audience, and said that he would urge the adoption of the resolution. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the resolution pertaining to liquor study of Hor�aath and Hor�aath. Councilman Liebl said that he though the first WHEREAS paragraph would be more truthful if the words, '�because of the urging of the Chair" were added, and he said he would object to the last NOW TF�P.EFORE, paragraph, because he felt Mayor Kirkh�►m or Councilman Harris had taken a public position for �� :.� SPECIAL PUBLIC HEA�ING, MAP�CH 11, 1968 private liquor at a party caucus meeting. He asked what the purpose of the resolution was. Councilman Liebl said he had made the motion in July to contract the study with Horwath & Horwath, which was passed on a 4 to 1 vote. He said he had done so because Mayor Kirkham explained there was some urgency so the report could be back before the election. He said he thought this should be in the resolution, because if he had not been urged, he would not have made the motion. He said he had takeri the Mayor's explanation at face value, but it had not materialized, and he asked why it had taken so long. Mayor Kirkham sajd that no one could answer why except the people that made the study. He said that he is urging the adoption of this resolution this evening, but he did not urge for the agreement the Council entered into. A1�he had done was bring the matter before the Council. He said he did not understand Councilman Liebl's question on the last paragraph. Councilman Liebl said that some Councilman,either the Mayor or Councilman Harris, had taken a public stand on this issue at a City Convention, and by taking a stand, he felt they prejudiced the committee. Councilman Samuelson said they were not, tying their position to the report. Mayor Kirkham said he believed that Councilman Liebl had written an article in the newspaper in which he had taken a stand opposed to private liquor. Councilman Lieb1 said that this had been his quarterly report, and he had said he �aanted to make sure what private liquor would do. Mayor Kirkham read the last paragraph out loud again, and said he did not believe Councilman Liebl understood what it said, as it did not reflect on any Council member's opinion. Councilman Liebl asked if they were saying that there were errors in the report. Mayor Kirkham said this was true, and this is what it says in the resolution. Mayor Kirkham asked the Finance Director if the Horwath bill has been paid. The Finance Director said that just the retaining fee has been paid, plus the bill for the extra copies the Council ordered. Councilman Samuelson said that this resolution would justify the lack of payment if it is passed. PAGE 21 The motion to adopt the resolution failed for lack of a second. Mayor Kirkham said they should see what the other two Councilmen have to say. VISITOR• Mr. Richard Harris, 6200 Riverview Terrace, asked if there are load limits on dirt roads into industrial areas. The City Engineer said that the load limits are posted, and if they are not posted, it is safe to say there are no restric- tions . Mrs. Harris_said there is a barricade across the street between the Mississippi River and East River Road, approximately between Alden and Riverview Terrace, which has been there for awhile and is not even lit. The City Engineer said that if there is a broken water main in winter, the street cannot be repaired, but when it is warmer the blacktop will be fixed. He said that the people were free to call in at any time, and let the Admnistration know of these problems. Mayor Kirkham said that this problem will be taken care of as soon- as possible. Mr. Harold Sullivan, 522-66th Avenue Northeast, said that 7th Street going north from MississiPpi Si:reet is getting to be a speedway, and he asked if I' ' SPLCIAL PUI3LIC HEARING; MARCI� 11, 1968 PAGE 22 ' there was some king of solution for this problem. He said that in the morning when the children are waiting for the bus is the most dangerous � time. There was a discussion about putting up a stop sign, but the � Council felt they want to slow down traffic, but did not want more stop signs. Mayor Kirkham asked the City Manager if he would have the Police , Department use the radar north of Mississippi Street on 7th Street for the next week. ` ' AD JJURNI�TE N T • . . MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adjnurn the meeting. Seconded by Council- man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared ' the Public Hearing Meeting of March 11, 1968 adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ' �� �� Mary L�rom , Secretary to the Council . ' , ' ' ' ' r.j v � s �et o rid�e � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE PUBLIC NOTICE 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 March 13, 1968 There will be a City Council Meeting on March 18, 1968 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall-at 6431 University Avenue Northeast. We are inviting all the property owners in you.r area to attend. The Council has been studyin.g your area to try and solve the problem of an over-all street plan. We now have a proposal that we would like to discuss with you and get your individual impressions. If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please feel free to call Nasim M. Qureshi, City Engineer at: 560-3450. JACK 0. KTRKHAM MAYOR � �� i OFrICiAL NO�ICE CITI' O.y FRIDLFY PL�LiC HEkRII�G B�FORE THE CIi.'Y C�U:�CII, � TO ?:iIC�:: I'1' i':p� CO�t�C�F.N: � ' I�otice is r�ErEt,y given tnat th�re t:ill be a Public He�ring of the City Council of the City oi Fridley in t!-ie City H�.11 at 6I�31 L"niversita* �:*�enue P�.E. cr_ I�?arch 11, 1963 in thE Cous�cil Chaniber at 8:0� P.:_. �or the �urpose of: • Considerntion of a reGUes � by �ldon Schrlede!�p� � (ZOk �68-01) to rezone Lots 16, 17, 18 and lq, Block 12 a.r_d L�t 30, Block 21, Hyde 'a: l� kd�?ition • from ?�--2 (l�n,�t.ed multirl� famil�- dwcllin�s) to C-2 (�er_erGl business areas), all lying i_r, the I�ortL:i•Test �uar{.,er (I�[•;� ) of Seetzcn 23, T-30� R-2l:� City of Fridtey� County of _�r_oka, State of rlinr:esota. Generally located en the Fast si�e of 3rd Stre�� at 59th Avcnue. Anycne desirin� ��c be heard h*ith reference t� the above matter may be heard at this time. � ' Publish: February 2�i, 1968 tiarch d, 1968 JACK 0. i�IRt{iiA.N: i�YOR �. `_:. t- �� - �� �, �' �1,�' _ .. � . Plauiiin�; Conunission 'Meetinh - February 29� 1968 Pafl�e 2 `'-� �~ He also called attention to four letters ���ritten to flood control agencies and the Corps of Engineers in St. Paul. They were written essentially to each of the people on flood control zoning and the information returned will be . used by the Conimittee. ORDER OF AGENDA: 1. 2. An extra agenda to be of agenda. item, rezoning request by Dr. Ingebrigtsen, ��as moved up on the taken bet�•reen Item 7 and 8. No other change was made in the order H1'DE PARI: REZO\?NG PROBLEM; I�ason, Wehrman, Rnight and Chapman, Inc. Chaii-man Hughes read the letter he received from Mayor Kirkham, dated February 21st, and addressed to the Planning Commission. He said that beyond the information given in tlie Piayor's letter, the Council turned down the request of the Com��ission for a zoning consultant for study of this area. As far as he could see, the Planning Co�nission has no further business to transact in regard to Item 1, except infoxm the consultino fii-m we are not likely to use their services, although they have been so informed by telephone. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Plyhra, that the Planning:�ommi.ssion ask the City Manager to write such a letter advising Mr. Chapman that the Planning Com- mission caould not be toorking with a consultant, but that they �aill be proceeding with their study of Hyde Park Addition without their sei-vices. Upon a voice vote, all v�ting aye, the�motion carried unanimously. CONTII�'UED RE70:�TING Rr UEST: ZOA ��68-01, ELDON SCI-�nD�KE: Lots I6 through 19, Block 12 and Lot 30, Block 21, Iiyde Park Addition. Rezone from R-2 to C-2. Mr. Erickson referred�to the last paragraph cf the statement he turned in to the secretary. The complete statement is as follocas: "Eldon Schmedeke Rezoning ZOA �68-01 From the City Manager's report of January 4, 1968, it appears tiiat accord- ing to the Revised Zoning 17ap of July 1, 1953, the subject property was zoned R-1. Previously it appeaxs also that the only conu-�iercial zoning in the area applied only to lots lying East of the alley bet�aeen 3rd Street and University Avenue. Most of this conunercial property, of course, is noca part of University Avenue. In January of 1955 a special use permit was granted to i�ir. Schmedeke on Lots 16 and 17, Block 12, only. In the December 1955 compreilensive rezoning, the area involved, including the subject lots, was rezoned from R-1 to R-2. Since we �do not have before us �he foi-mer list of permitted usns under R-2 zoning, I am not prepared to state �ahether any connnercial use of the subject lots, except for 16 and 17, is in violation of our zoning code. At least a year ago this Planning Conunissi.on conu-nenced the discussion of a comprehensive study and possible rezoning of the area bet�aeen 57�h and 61st Avenues and University to rtain Strcet as we have been under constant pressure to hear requests of various kinds fur small parcels �aithin the area. I feel this area needs some study and possible rezonin� because inconsisteilt uses exist iti the area. It appears to me, ho�aever, that the petition represents the type of � spo� rezoning that we stiould not condone. It surely will lead to a steady stream of rezonin� requesL-s for adjacent 311d I1C1�11bOYli1� propert'y. You will recall, at our last meelin�, when the petitioncr int-roduced membcrs of Lhc public to support his posi�ion, it L-urned out tliat tlley c�islicd tlicir� oc�m property to be zoned com- mercill also. . �' .� ' _�' - �� � •J' J, P7 a�ni�i;iz_ Con�:ni ssi on Tlcet,a.��;_ ��1-c1''---29, _]_9GS --- -- ��`-'.£'_� _-� _ .:� I I wou].cl l.i_lcc to si:ai�c at tliis time t.liat I have a com1�lct:eJ.y open mind al>out t:lie pr.oper us�. fo�. the 3i:d St:rect_ axca <1nd am not say�.il& thaL a11 oi: paxt of tlie a�-ea s]iould not be cout;ne�:cial. I say onl.y tliat i.f ii: is to be, i_C shou7.d be donc in a )'ea:;oT�ablc m�tn�icr, 1'i1e p�'opc�-t.y has bcen used fo�- i_ts present puxpose for at least l.?_ yea�-s, and 1�xobaUJ.} l.onge�-, taii:hout i_nt:c��{erence ir.om the Ci.Cy, to IA�� l:no�•�led�,e. T cto not: su�gcst: thaL i_L- Uc di.sconi:i.nuecl. Ho���cvez, a fe�J more rnonL-hs, mor.e or less, of: �����i_t:i_n� �ox a sttidy sl�otil_cl not i.nconveni.ence t:he• petit:i_oner., tde �'ecommendecl a sLucly to the Cii�y Couiicil. at our last meetin� but it was ttirnecl do�•m pe�lclin� i�he hixi.ng of a si:af:f planner. Si_nce t-his is tl�ei.r decisiori, �•�e cer.t-ai_nly c��n coope�-aLe wit.li such a planner, althou�li it may clelay the stucly fo�- a couple oi montl�s. I would urge tlie Council to mal:e his se�-vices available fo�' this pzojecC as soon as possib7.e, The peLit�o�ze�- has stated that he does nor. wish Y.o hold his pet.ition ]_Il abeyance. rSa'. Chairman, �or �Ire r.easons above, I move tl�at rezoi.ling request� ZOA �,`68-01 be denied." r10'CION by Exicicsoil, seconded �Plyhra� tha.t the xezoning iequest, GOA '-`6s_ 0_, Eldon Sclunectel:e�_ of_T,oL-s 1G thr.ough 19�locic 12 and Lot 30, Pl.ock 211 ilycl� Pa1-k Addi.i_9.on to be re•r,oned fr.om K-2 limit:ed multi�le distri.cts to C-?_ (�en�r� 1_____ _ business clistxi.ct� be deniect. Upon a voice vot:e, all vo��in; aye, the moti_on carriecl unanimouslY,. Mr.. riyli7.a said he noted in the mayor's let.ter. that we t•�i].1 have a ne�•� pl��n- ner. }ti.s t:houghts �,�eJ-e a ne�a plannex siiouldn't be put on a plannino assi�r.�,��T:t. re�;ar_c1in� a l.ar.ge ar.ea, a por_ti.on of whicli; t�he Ylatini�lg Con�:ni.ssion in recent weelcs wil.l have r�v�de a planni.n� deci.si_on. So f�7- as he could see fr.oni repor.ts, that por.tiozz of I,ots 16, 17 a.nd 1S lyi.it� bctween the alley ancl 3rd St.-reet has becn zoned r.esi.denti.al SI.I10Et 1951.. Apparentl.y i.n the early days of 1953, r1r,Schmedeke sou�ht a speci.al use pe�.�iit to build a co��ercial buildi_ng i.n a xesidential zoning. He continued, ii a mi.sta'�:e had occL�rred, a chance of a correcti.on beir.g made occt�rred later in that same year 4T�1CI1 a ne��� Z011l.il� oxdinance for tt�e City was adopied. I£ an er.r.or L•71S ma_de in 'LOI17.T1G SEVCIltGell years a�o, he could not believe the present Plan.ii.n� Cocm:ii.ssion has a mor.al obl.igatioil �o m�ke a correctior_ iil the a�pa�-e��.:: �horf: ���tli.?.e be{�re profession� 1 h�lp �•.*ill becor.�e avai.l_a'�le. Fte coi:�plet:ed �iis stat:e:�:c.?t *.�rith finally, so fai- as he caTi det:ermir.e, Lot: 19 oL �locl�: 1?_ and Lot 30 of. Flock 21 ar.e a clear. request: for rezot�in� �•:itho�_tt exi.enua!�.inu circumst�nces and certai.nly ��1CYE.' Cc1I1 be no c12��Uill�I1C fox T'CZJPl.I?;, bef-ore a prop�sed professional planner has had an opportunity to study the matter. Mx. Jensen �•:ished to make a stat�ement: xel.ative to tiie second para�raph of Pfember Er.i.ckson's moti_on. He thought the point ��as well takeri r.el.ati.ve to a sLeacly stream o£ rezonin� requests and he thought i_t shoul.d be pointed out that thi.s "st:�-eam o£ rez�ni.n� requests", �•�hi.ch could be ant:ici.pat:ed, �•�ould .put the P�c1i1117.11.�^, Coz:,a�i.ssi.oll i.n ttie posi.ti.on of bei.nU unab].e to turn d.�c•m any rec��!es�. even tj1011�h w�r.casonable, once spot zoni.n� tal:es place. � CI1Zi].]�1tt171 i[u�hes sai.d hc a�r.ecd enti.rely ���it:}► thaL- anllysi.s, as i.t would he the ].ogi.cal resul.t i.f t:lie rezoizin� 1F�(�I1.C1L1011 c��cre appr.oved, �3,7 ,;, �RIl�IINDER NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COIINCIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue N.E. on March 18, 1968 in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of: Consi.deration of the proposed final plat Shady Oak Addition, P.S. �#66-03, Andrew P. Gawel Contracting, Incorporated of Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision #92 lying in the Northeast Quarter (NE4) of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter will be heasd at this meeting. JACK 0. KIRKf�AM . MAYOR �THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF THE PUBLIC HF�RING BFFORE THE.CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 8, 1968, AND FEBRUARY 13, 1968. ����� ,�.� Go _ ����� �.`�`�.���� -°�-� �� ��o�� v��� �.�,�` � �� ��:��� � _ I � } � ��: �I r�_ .. - �\� _ % ' F�r � ` -. ._ __ . J:JI_! ? � �' rG . . �/ � - . -- �-,\ ; x ". � / 1 . . / 7-c337 � - �- ` • \� �� / '� - " , '��� 1� I,r '� ��" / / '� � iC _ /�,.9 `\ \ ' { ' , " _-� i \�� � / - / _ -- y�\� \ ,>/ '; 1 ` . � / � � � - � -- - ', `� \ �. ° � j ��-., �,`' - -, -__.` * \. {'� � � - , f _ _ �. � 1' �// r,\ � � zO �,, i. ,% i � � � .-:- � � �, _ ,. , ,_ �_ ii � .J� 1 , �t. i . 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J , � �� \ �'' .."'�,�` / � ' _� �� ,�, �.;` � `i-�� — � [..t� --� � ' � �' r �`' _-- - i �- � � , � .-.� _ ,. v � , , � � � s - —✓ �� � /� �_ � ��� �-� -- I � - ��� - . '�� - = '�.._.._` . . : 3 ''� ,--- � �. - '� . / J'g i�i ; , ,� (_, �,. �-�-��-- � � - � ,j�.� '�.; � ` -�`� �� -r��`s , :h' :� ` �- t tL-J � ; - 1 1 ' ' ' � , � ' ' ' , , ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANGE REPEALIR'G CHAPTER 36, SECTIONS 36.07, 36.08, AAtD 36.09 REGARDING THE BOARD OF HEALTH TiiE COUNCIL OF TI� CITY OF �RIDLEY DO ORDAIN AS FOLIATr15: That Sections 36.07, 36.0$ and 36.09 of the Ci.ty Code of Fridley are hereby repealed and tY� re is hereby enacted ne�r subsections of the Fridley City Code entitled 36.061, 36,062, and 36.063, which read as folloti•rs: 36.061. The City health officer, or another member of the � board, sha11 make a continuous sanitary inspection of public SANITARY INSPECTION and private proparty in the City, and present a written report of such inspections; together wi.th his recommendation � to the City Manager. 36.Q€��. The City health officer periodically and as deemed '� necessary shall cause a notice to be inserted in the official paper at the expense of the City calling health ordinance requirements and la�rs to the attention of property oVmer and occupants. 36.063. The �embers of the bo�,rd of heal.th shall receive compensation for their services as the council may presaib� for services actually spent in the p�rformance of their duties. The City health officer, ho:�,�ever, shall receive a salary to be c�ter,-ained by the City Council, payable m.onthly, which shall be in lieu of aIl other compensation from the City. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF FRIDLEY, THIS , 196�. ' ' ATTEST: ' � C ' CITY CLERK - P�ARVIPi C. BRUPdS�LL First Peading: Second Reading: Publish: MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHttii PUBLICATIONS CO��PENSATIOiV DAY OF ::�i ' ' �f'�l����(1�I�C�. �'ro. ' nr� or;oi��r�.h�cc rs►.:r-c-����,c ci�r���rcr� 3� scc�-EO��!s 37.oi � c �1 { � � \ / \ � ( APJ� 3J.0?. Of' Ti;: Cf"!'ti' CGaE t;�Gf,��Ii�;G CLEE.�-!lfvG OF Pi;EtilS�� AP�J F'�PEA�Ii;G ScCT10i�� 3J.03. ' r s � - , , ,•. � �. Tt@� COtti�C I L OF "I�l,� C 1 TY OC FI, E 0 LCY UO Of,D., I iv P�S FOLLG�dS: � Sr-_cil0�d ! . , 1 � � S�c�io�i 3�.01 0� tfle F��iCi�Gj+ Ci�s� Ca.�e is hcs•eby ari�rif�ca fi;o r•e�;��1 �� fo! I�tr�: SEC1� E 0�•d 3% .01 . C! ea;1c ,� rreel:. The t"ayor• sh a l l pr-•oc t t-� i r�i C.�Gilsci<p"�dli'GL l,'•�� ��iGGt:. �t•/E1�,'1`:: c�r-t'aCi U^Ct.1;7c?fii:.^s O�' (.)f'Or?Ci��Cj/ sha ! f bc ciacoa���,�ec: �o rer:ove �,n�� e:, i s�.; i n� ct�be� i �, {; i n ca���, ra�:E�t�t-e uc�ci t�eft�se i�t�arsz {�t�o;�et���y. Oe:r�e�9 �:nc; OCCEt�9cti�i:a 1'! 1 0 � i�f.' G"tiCOLRf'c':[��^C7 i;O f' !}: !:� c(iCi �)cl I i'ii: l!� jJt�GjJC:P'i:}� c71:C� �O er�fiancc i:t�� bcau�� as�d hc�l�{zful criv'sf�or�;.�cii` of oa�r cv�:�;:��. r� i �;� . ' SCCi�! O�o ( 1. S��c-� i c�rti 3% .0?. c� � f:lie Ft� i c� I ey C i c�� Coc;e i� her�el�y c�i'+�Ct1fs�C� �O t'CcCi ci� �O� �O:t�: u � ' � I � ' i,�,�i% � ' n'': A �Il,�'-.�fcsC�L".lOi1S :iilc � � �L' CiIc�C�C SEC�� ! 4<< .0?, . E ri ro� c..::, .t� �: by �:he healf-ti o�i'i�er or i�s �u'cf�ori:ed re�r�::sent���ive, Pol ice De��r.��r�::n:: or st�cli o�her i'��f'G:eTii:c�;ive �s �:he bOEti'C� t;7c:,� ��.:� I �P1Ft.i,� . �'i ('i�Ca?� 5at'y� "LICiI i'e;�i'v S�ri'� �t i ve sh.�; l I i ssa., ;?ec i f i c or�c'�r�s to i r�d i v i dira ! occc��� �,.n� s�:nd pro�er �y O�•?ile:f'u f:G C ��::c�fl L� t:}l�.", ! i' ��'L-'•� i 1 5�.'�� ?i1Ci 8ilc� � � re i nG;��c� �h� �ar,�� �o i n�+.�re co7� ( i ance ��►ci�e:� i �h . I f= any i nc� i v i �u a I os�u�t� i s no� co,:;�� 1 i�cl �i i �h t;he I ocG ! bo�rd O� �tC'c1 �i:�i 07' 1{;.�i F1Ui,llO(' 1 7,CCi t'v�i'E5Ci1i:�: 1 S/e f;lct°f 1'CCJUCS�: F�- SU�,i:ltJtl;:� Elilti CO'?� � c� t fl'`'i. 1 fl �i}l:^. (7UY1 ! C 1�� I� coar'i, Oi' Cc�USC ci nui�af��e �o b� �-t_�;:ed <,nd Iev'� cl.ii a��•�,�:;��n� ��Uins� s�id pr�o�er��y pur�.la��nt -L-o tJinnesoi:a S�at;t�;:es. � 5��,�o�a ,��. ' ' , i'h��i: Sec� i on 37.03 of the C iiy Co�e of Fr� i cll ey i s hercby re�ee.l ed. �� v C I_EI� P� tl P- P;'. ! 1d 7' U P 4'! E E K Ii'+S°ECT10i'� ft � � Er'i��iiCiE�itr.� I 0 , ''' RASSED GY IIiC CITY CUtl1��,C1I. OF T��G Cl fY OF FRlDLCY, TI-itS D11Y OF � , 1968. � _ ' . t4A1'OR - J/rCK 0. K I RY.FI��t•i � � ' ' A�"fEST: ' C f T1' C!_L�:K - P�;�`��t�J I t� C. E3RUi�SC LL ' F i r�t R e�, c! i n g: �_�____ ' Secc�r�c� f�ead i ng : ' P��b t i sh - -- ' , ' . . _ .' ' . . � i-�L I �� ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE AT•fENDING CHAPTER 335, SECTION 38.081 OF - � TNE CITY COD� PROVIDING FOR THE SANITARY STORAGE OF REFUSE, GARBAGE, SYTILL, RUBBISH AND WASTE MATTER. The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION I. Section 3$.0$1 of the Fridley City Code is hereby amended to read � as follows: Secta.on 38.0$l. Abatement of Refuse Accumulation. Any accumulation of refuse on any premises not stored in containers which•comply with this ordinance, or any accumulation of refuse on any pi•emises is hex�y declared to be a nuisance and shall be abated by order of the City of Fridley Health Officer, as provided by riinnesota Statutes, Sections 145.22 and 145.23, and the cost of abatement may be assessed on the property where the nuisance was found, as provided in said sections. PASSEll BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI� CITY OF FftIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1q68. .. MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHp.�i ATTEST: CITY CLERK - riARVIN C. BRUNSELL First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: �J ' u � � r ' A R}?SOT UTION PL'R'i'AINING TO I.IQUOI: STUllY OF HOR�dATl1 AND HORjdATti BE IT RESOT VLll by the Couticil oi the Ci.ty of Fridl.ey, Anolca County, Minnesota as follo�as: W1�P.EAS, tiie City Council of Fridley did enter ii3to an agreement wit.h Horwath and Hor�•�ath, Accountants and Auditors for a liquor study concerning . "Feasibility of returning Municipal Liquor to Private Enterprise"; and WHEREAS, the Liquor Study was officially received from Horwath and Hor�aath at the City Council Meeting of February.5, 1968; and W1iEP.L�S, the City Council and City Officials did revieta the Liquor� Study Report,and it appears there may be�errors and omissions in such report; and WtIEREAS, the Mayor and City Council did appoint a Mayor's Conunittee � to further evaluate the Liquor Study Report, and has not received the evaluation of the agpointed committee; and • WHEREAS, the City Council has not acccpted the contents of the ' report; nor has it concurred, approved or in any�vay endorsed the contents or reconunendations of the Liquor Study Repor.t; ' NOW THEREFO;:E, BE IT P.ESOLVEll by the City Council of the City of Fridley that the Liquor Study Report in no way reflects the official position o£ the City Counci.l, and that its contents and recommendations shall be ' compl�.tely reviewed by the Evaluation Co�iittee and a�ai:� by the Ci.ty Council prior to any official rejection or acceptance of said report. r ' PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 19u8. ' ' AT'I'F ST : r � u ' CITY CLERK - r1ARVIN C. ERWSELL MEIYOR - JACK 0. KIKKHAi�I � 0 i�;_� ' �� 1. THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF MAKCH 6� 1968 The Board of Appeals Meetin� was called to order by Acting Chairman Mitt�elstadt. R0� MEHiBERS PRESENTt Mittelstadt� Ahonen� Minish, 0'Bannon MII�IDERS ABSENTs Ylinen � OTH�RS PRESENT: Building Inspector� Richard Brown� Dick Wangen The Minutes of January 31st Meeting were read and adopted as yrritten. Dick Wangen, Sales Mana.ger� appeared in behalf of the owner. R3.chard Brawn was at the meeting to state opposition in building on this lot. After he looked over the plans for this approximately $27,000.00 home, P�Iir. Br�n changed his mind and stated he had no opposition no�. A MOTION by Bob Minish to approve of this variatice by Board oY Appeals action becauses 1. No opposition by the neighbors; especially ' Al1an Anderson who lives directly behind this proposed building. 2. Any pos�ible porposed fence building on this lot along East River Road must complg with �t5•35, paragraph 3, page ?8 of the City Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by Bob Ahonen. Thers being no nays� the motion carried unani�nously. �i. � � BOARD OF AP.PEALS CH 6 , t�AR , 1968 ' PAGE 2 2. DISCUSSION OF MR. McCLISH�3 PROBLEM AT 5370 5TH S1'REET S.E. ' The Board�s motion and Council�s action stands as stated. Recourse- District Court. , ADJOURNNiENT There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8r05 P.M. ' � Respectfully submitted, , Donald Mittelstadt , Acting Secretary to the Board ' ' : . ' ' ' . .. , . . ' � � ' 1 ' , �- �: � �� i BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL MEL'TING�MINUTES OF MARCH 13� 1968 � , � � 1. , ' ' � � ' �__� The Meeting was called to order by Cha.irman Erickson at 8:00 P.M, ft0� NiE�ERS PRESENT: Erickson, Hauge� Tonco ME�iBERS ABSENT: Dities, Bisrmanri Mr. Biermann axrived at 8s1� P.M. TION_OF A MANUFACTURING PLANT IN A CR-2 DISTRICT, LOT 2lt. BLOCK 2 � - Mr. Fudge and his contractor Mr. Rutledge were present oa behalY of' Larsen Mfr. A question was raised by Chairman Erickson about the allowability oY this rnariu_facturing, process in this zoning district. rir. Fudge stated that he had gone over his proposal with a member of the conncil and the City Engineer and only proceeded upon their recoramendation. He felt that if there was any question about the zoning he should not have been persuaded to go this far with his proposal. A MOTION was made by Mr. Biermann to accept the preli�3.nary proposal subjeet to approval by the Fridley City Council or the City Attorney of this particular use in a CR-2 Zoning District, also subject to the notations on the plans. Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A SERVICE S'PATION IN C-1 DISTRICT BLOCK 1 COMMERCE PARK 7 00 UIJ�VERSiTY AD"EN� SOUT�i��dEST CORNER OF �SBOR.�fE ROAD ANll UNTVERSITY itilr. Ca1 Campbell was present on behalf of Western Oil and Fuel. A MOTION by Mr. Biermann to accept the proposal with the provision of a 15� ' differential in the prop�rty as shown on the plans for future Osborne Road. expansion and possible sidewa].k. ' Secanded by Mr..Hau�e.. Upon a voice vote there being no nays� the motion carried unanimously. , � i � 3• CONSIDERATION OF A C�CIAL BUILDING C23 �ARCLL 8I�00 (NOR3'HEAST CORNER OF EAST RIVER ROAD AND .77TH WAY RE�iJ�ST BY LEODIARD SAMUELSON Mr. Samuelson was present on this proposal. There was a c3iscussion concerning the platting of this parcel. A MOTION was made by Mr. Biermann to accept this proposal subject to the notations of the Building Inspection Department except the 50� sicle yard notation at the � Easterly property line. It appears there is an additional 50� more or less frorn the Easterly property line which is presently zoned C2S so it does r�ot appear ,� 1 ' � , ' BUILDII�TG STAIdDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL, P�IARCH 13� 1968 • necessary to have a 50� set back from the Easterly property line. Hos�rever� if this is not so, it is recommended that the set back requirement be waived to 15 feet. Also with the suggestion that the �'lats and Subs Cottm�i.ttee in its consideration of the replatting of the area consider the adoption of the property lines perpendicular to East River Road. Also upon receipt of a final landscaping plan speczfying planting species and sizes. Seconded by Hauge. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was carried unanimously. l�. A�'ROPOSAL BY HOLIDAY STORES TO CHANGE THE LOCATIOId OF THE TEM�'O;iARY GARDEN STORE FROI�4 BEHIND T�iF. MAIN ST4RF TO THE NORTIi���t' COR�iER OF T�iE PARKING LO►P. Mr. Bob Rot,� was present on this item. ' A MOTION by Mr. Hauge to approve the move provided this building and f ence be disma.ntled by October 15 of eaeh year and not erected before March 15 of the following year. � ' S• � � � ' ' ' Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, t�e motion carrisd unanimously. TION OF A�ROPOSAL OF A MAANFACTURII�jG �Pi.NT ON M-2 PROPERTY (�'ARTS OF nn �n� r nn S�trmH :, aF SFCTroN 11 00 73RD AVENUE N.E. R.E�UES'P BY No one was gresent on behalf of Carter-day. A NOTION was made by Mr. Biermann to accept the plans as shown. Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, Biermann� Tonco and Erickson voted aye. N�x. Hauge abstained. 2'he motion carried. 6. THE CONTINUED DISCUSSION ON THE USE OF A TRUSS SYSTEM WAS TO BE CONTINUED AT THE NEXT hiEETiNG. ADJOURI�F�NT Chai.rman Eirckson adjourned the meeting at 10:25 P.M. , spectfully sub_mitt�d, ' f � _ � i� � � � �� ' �rr �sr�rm Acting Secretary io the Board ' ' �-� i �. ' , �� FRIDL�Y INDLiSTRIAL DEVELOPMLNT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES -- FEBRUARY 5, 1968 � ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mittelstadt, Hall, Dean, Harris, Drigans, Blair, Herrick, Schroer, Zeglen, Wallace. ' 1. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM b Chairman Dave Harris. y , � ' 2. The commission discussed the structure of the InEtustrial Development Commission. Several changes were suggested. � a) A chairman should be elected every year. b) Increase the size of the commission to 25-30 people. c) Set up action committees. d) Set up training sessions for the commission. 3. The commission discussed again the use of Mail Services companies to purchase names of businesses that the commission wishes to send the Business Forecaster. 4. M/S/C Mittelstadt�Dean to purchase the names of 500 companies to mail , the Business Forecaster, 5. Mr. Herrick reported on a meeting between the State and City officials ' at which a discussion was held at looking into the possibility of the City of Fridley entering into a test case with the State as to the legality of issuing revenue bonds authorizing municipalities and agencies thereof to provide and lease facilities to industries. I� `6.�—M'/S/C Mittelstadt/Wallace that this commission encourage the City Council to look favorably on the above mentioned action. 7. The commission once again turned to the structure of the organization and Mr. Zeglen nominated Mr. Charles Hall as Executive Secretary of the Fridley Industrial Development Commission. Motion passed unanimously. 8. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM, Next meeting is scheduled for March 7, 1968 at 8:00 PM. Respectfully submi.tted, � W �' N�✓i�•�' � � W. A. Drigans �� Fridley Industrial Development Commission cc: City Council Industrial Development Commission RESOLUTION N0. 1968 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF A PUBLIC SAFETY CONSTRUCTION FUND AND TP,ANSFERRING MONEY FROM THE MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND TO THE PU6LIC SAFETY CONSTRUCTION FUND WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable to create a separate construction fund for the purpose of providing space for the Police Department, and . , WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide financing for the Public Safety Construction Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Public Safety Construction Fund (Temporary) is hereby created. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a transfer of $18,000.00 from the Municipal Liquor Fund to the Public Safety Fund is hereby authorized. PASSED APdD ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1968 � MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell �:� I RESOLUTIOP! NO.� `�` 1968 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHANGIP�G OF THE BUDGET WITHIP�J THE GENERAL FUND. WIiEREAS, certain expenditures beyond the budgeted amounts allocated to the various departments of the City's General Government not previously anticipated in the 1968 Budget are necessary, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley meeting at a regular session on the 18th day of March 1968, as follows: 1. That appropriations for the follo�Ning activities be reduced as follows: Emergency Appropriation $6,fl00.00 2. That appropriations for the following activities be increased as follows: Police Department $6,000.00 PASSED AND ADOPTED QY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF _ � 1968 MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ATTEST : CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell ��� i . � . • :.� � � . � .� � �. , � ' ' , � _ � . RESOLUTION NO o _� — . . ^' � . . • '� -� A RESO�,uTlorr oF��?t1� PRELIr�IINARY PLA.i`IS, SP�,'C;1FIC�ITIOIJS, AND •: � F..ST7MA�r�S OF THE COSTS THEftEOF: STR�T If4PROV��ir;IdT PROJECZ' � � ST. 1968-1 (ADDFNDUM #2 ) . _ • . . • .. BE IT RESOLV�?, by the Council of �the City of �idley as folloc�s : � 1.� That it app�ars in the interest of the City and of the property o�mers affected tc�at there be constructed certiain improvemsnts, to-orit: � � Str�et Improvements, includin; gradin�, stabilized base, hot-mix bitum- inous mat, concrete cur'o and gutter, orwter, and sar_itary se��rer service�, storm. se4rer and oi'ner facilities, located as follo�rs: � - _Onondaga Street: Hayes Street to Lakeside Road - 2. That the City Engineer, Nasi� Qures'hi, and Suburban Engineering Co. are hereby authorizec� and direct�d to draw tY:e preliminary plans and � specifications and to tabulate the resul+s of his estimates of the eosts of said imp-rovements, includino ev�ry item of cost from inception to completion and all fees and expe�ises incurred (or to be incurred) in connection ther��rith, or the financing thereof; and� � ��to make a preliminary report of his findir�s,�staiir� t'aerzin whether s�id improvements ase feasible and 4rh�ther tney can�best be c�ade as proposed, or in cor�ection rrith sone ot'ner im�rovements (and the " estimated cost�as seconnended),incl.uding also.a description of the lands or area as may rsceive benefi�is therefrom an3 as may be . proposed to be assessecl. . � 3. That the City Cler'_�c shall act to ascertain the na�� and address of � the owr.er of each parcel of land directly �.ffected or orit'�in +.he area of lands as may be proposed �o be assessed for saia itnproveeLe�.ts �ar_d each of them�; and upon receipt from said Engineer� of the said preliminary report, calculate esti�ates of assessn�n�s as may be proposed relative thereto against each of said lan3s. 4, That said preliminary report of the En;ineers and esti�ates of assessments of the Clerk, shall be furnished to the Council, and ma3e available for inspection to the owner of any parcel of Iand zs ma.y be affected tr,ereby ai any public hearing held rela�ive thereto, as �rell a� at ar�y prior time reasonable and convenient. � AUOPTID BY THE CITY COUrtCIL OF THE CITY OF F'RIDLE'�C THIS � � . - . 'I DAY OF , 196s. . ' � . • : - . - � ATTEST: � _ � . � : . _. • _ . � - . ' CITY CLr'�.'�C - :Iarvin C . firi:r.s;:ll _' . - .. 0 � • '. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kir'_�chaa 4, I � . � � . • � :a ,-. �, ( � " ��� � ' � � ''� � RESOLUTION N0. S � � . ''' A RESOLUTIO:I R�CEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE rIr1TTER OF THE CO\STRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPRO��EMENTS - STRF:ET I1�IPROVEi•iENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1 �ADDENDUM #2 ) . I, . -- _ _ .- - - j� WHEREAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to Ue in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property ocaners affected there- � ;:� by• '� BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as fol- ; lows: � �� 1. That the preliminary report submitted by the City Engineer, Nasim , ; . Qureshi, is hereby received and accepted. i� �2. That this Council will meet on the 8�' day of April , 1968 ' at 5:00 o'clock P.r1. at the City Hall in the City of.Fridley for the � purpose of holding a Public Hearino on the improveu�ent�noted in the iJ� Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by refe�ence, Exhi- j blt nAn� ! } 3. That the area proposel to be assessed for said improvements and each. �' of them as noted in said notice are all the lands and areas as noted � in said notice: All of the same to be assessed proportionately ac- ;� cording to the benefits received. 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of '' such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the oPficial newspaper of the City of Fridley according to Iaw, such r.otice to be substantially ir. the form and substar.ce of the notice attached here- ; � to as Exhibit "A". ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 19 68 . - ATTEST: � � . CITY CLERI� - Mar�tin C. Erunsell I .' I ' MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham . � � OFFICIAL PUL'I.ICATION GITY OF FRIDLEY (Exhibit A) � St..1968-1 (Addendum #2� . � NOTICE OF �IE��P.I�G 0�' PiPROVF:i•IF,\T7'� � WHEF.�:AS, the City Council of the City o£ Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter�described be made. . � NO[J, THEfiEFOP.E, NOTICE IS HEFE�Y GIVE\ THAT on the 8�' day of April , 1968, at 8:00 o'cloc� P.:I. the City Council will meet .. at tne Ci.ty Ftall in said City, and 4�i11 at said time ar.d place hear all � parties interested in said improvements in o�hole or in part. • The general nature of the improvements�is the construction (in the Iands and streets noted be1o���) of the folloc•�in� improvements, to-wit: COVSTRUCTION ITEM Street i�provements, including gradino, stabilized base, bituminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter, and storm sewer sys�m, water and sanitary sewer services and other facilities located as�follows: . Onondaga Street: Hayes Street to Lakeside Road ESTIr1ATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21 ,45a.00 � THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO B� ASSESSED F0� SAID I`IPROVEME�yTS IS AS FOLLOG?S : For Construction Item above ------------------------------------- All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and alI lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. A?1 of said land to be assess�d proportionately according to the benefits received by such improve:�znts. That the Council proposes to proceed with each oi said improvements as separate improvements, e_{cept as hereafter other�aise provided by the Council a11 under the follocaino authority, to-orit: Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter !29 and laws amendatory therzof, a�d in conformity with the City Charter. . DATED TEIIS DAY Or^ , 1968, Ry ORDER OF THE CITY COU`CIL. �' � � ,, � - Yublish: March 27, 1968 � April 3, 1958 MAYOF - Jack 0. F:irkham 0 '�t: � • . . � , [�I � � 11� � RESOLUTION N0. � � / � A RESOLUTION ORDEftING IMPROVII`�IENT, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVEEtTISIIKENT FOR BIDS : STREET Il`�'ROVIl�NT PROJECT ST. 1968-1A AND NNNICIPAL STATE AID STREET IMPROVIl�'�NT PROJ�CT ST. 1g6s-2A .�(� ' WHEftEAS, the Resolution No. 53-1967 adopted by the City Council on the 20�' day of March, 1967 and Resolution No. �g3-1967 adopted by the City Council on the 20th da,y of November, 1967 set the date for hearing on the improvements, as specifically noted in the Notice of Hearin.g attached here- � to •for reference as E�IIBIT "�1", and inT�IEEtEAS, all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed � with the making of the improvements (as noted in said notice� were given ten (10� days notice by mail and published notice of the Council heaxing through two (2� weekly publications of the required notice, and the hearing was , held a,nd the property owners heard thereon at the hearing, as noted in said notice. � ' � � � !. � � � � � � NOW, THFREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. � That the following improvements proposed by Council Resolution No. 53-1967 and Resolution No. 193-1967 are here�y ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, to-wit: The improvements as noted under the Construction Item A in the Notice of Hearing (in Exhibit "A"� for the following streets: Ruth Street: Liberty Street to existing pavement (North� Liberty Street: East River Road to Railroad Tracks Longfellow Street: East River Road to Railroad Tracks East Service Road of East River Road: Liberty St. to 79�' Way Road Along West of Railroad Tracks: Longfellow St. to Ely St. Ashton Avenue: 79�' Wa,y to Ironton Street Ely Street: Ruth Street to Railroad Tracks That the work involved. in said improvements as listed above shall hereafter be desigz�.ated as: STREET IMPROVIl�IENT PROJECT ST . 1 y68-1 A 2. That the following improvements proposed by Council Resolution No. 193-1967 are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, to-wit: The improvements as noted under the Construction Item B.in the Notice of Hearing (in Exhibit "A"� for the following s�reets: 73rd Avenue: University Avenue to Baker Street 79�' Way: E�.st River Road to East Property Line of Lot 4, Block 2, Pearson's 1st Addition � � ' � Res. No. � Ord. Imp. arid Adv. for Bids St. 1968-1A & 1968-2A Page Two That the work involved in said improvements as listed above shall hereafter be designated as: MIINICIPAL STATE AID STREET IMPROVE�'lENT PROJECT N0. 1968-2A `�."� � , 3. The plans and specifications prepared by the City IIZgineer for such improvements and each of them, pursuant to the Council resolutions heretofore adopted, a copy of which plans arid � specifications are hereto attached and made a part hexeof, are hereby approved and shall be filed with the City Clerk. � ' �� � ' � L� �� �� � � � � , 4. The work to be performed under STRF�T Il`�'ROV�LENT �tO.JECT ST. 1968-1A and NNNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT N0. 1968-2A shall be performed under one contract. The City Managex shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisements for bids upon the making af such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertise- ment shall be published for three (3� weeks (at least 21 days�, and shall specify the work to be done and will state that bids will be opened and considered at 10:30 A.Ma on the 1st day of Ma�, 1968 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bid.s will be cons�.dered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk, and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City for five percent (5�) of the amount of such bid. That the advertisement for bids for STREET IMPROVII`�LE'1�IT PROJECT ST 1968-1A and MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT N0. 1968-2A shall be substantiall.y in form as that noted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for reference and made a past hereof . ADOPTID BY THE COUNCIL OF FRIDLEY THIS �AY OF �, 1968• ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. I{irkham I� � � � ' ' � ' L� , � � ' � ' �� i 1 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received and publicly opened by the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, at the office of the City Manager, 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota 55421 (Tel. 560-3450) on the lst day of May, 1968 at 10;30 A.M., and will be considered by the City Council of the City of Fridley at a regular Council Meeting at 8:00 P.M. on the 6th day of May, 1968 for the furnishing of work and materials for STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1A and MUIVICIPAL STATE AID STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-2A. ' The street projects are about two and one half (22) miles long and consist of the following principle items of work and appxoximate quantities: 17,640 Lin. Ft. Concrete Curb and Gutter 4,470 Ton ' Bituminous Niix 7,870 Ton Class V Base 10,143 Sq. Yds. 6" Thick Bituminous Stabilized Base 20,137 Sq. Yds. 4" Thick Bituminous Stabilized.Base All in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Nasim Qureshi, P.E., City Engineer, Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota 55421. Telephone: 560-3450. . Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the City Manager, an.d copies may be obtained for the Contractor's individu�-.1 use by applying to the City Engineer and depositing with the City Engineer $25.00 for each set of the two projects. The deposit will be refunded to each bidder submitting a bonafide bid upon return of the documents in good condition within ten (10) days from the bid opening date. Bids must be made on the basis of cash payment for work, and accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check (on a responsi.ble bank in the State of Minnesota) or a bidder's bond made payable without condition to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in. an amount of not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive an.y informalities in any bids received without explanation. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days. By order of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota. Dated this 18th day of March, 1968. Fridley Sun Published: April 10, 1968 April 17, 1968 HOMER R . ANKRUM City Manager Constructian Bulletin Apxil 11, 1968 April 18, 1968 April 25, 1968 <��, ' � `�� � I � RESOLUTION N0. �� � l �� A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIM[NARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: SANITARY SEWER, WATER AND STORM SEWER PROJECT N0. 88 (ADDENDUM ��3) ]BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley as follows: :1. That it appears in the interest of the City and of the property owners affected that there be constructed certain improvements, to-wit: Storm sewer and drainage facilities for drainage tributary to ditches and drainage ways located as follows: North of Osborne Road and South of 79th Avenue T. That Comstock & Davis, Incorporated, Consulting Engineers, are hereby authorized and directed to draw the preliminary plans and specifications and to tabulate the results of their estimates of the costs of said improvements, including every item of cost from inception to completion and all fees and expenses incurred (or to be incurred) in connection therewith, or the financing thereof, and to make a preliminary report of their findings, stating therein whether said improvements are feasible and whether they can best be made as proposed, or in connection with some other improvements (and the estimated cost as recomznended), including also a description of the lands or area as may receive benefits therefrom and as may be proposed to be assessed. ':3. That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and address of the . owner of each parcel of land directly affected or within the area of lands as may be proposed to be assessed for said improvements (and each of them); � and upon receipt from said Engineer of the said preliminary report, calculate estimates of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto against each of said lands. r ' ' �+. That said preliminary report of the Engineer and estimates of assessments of the Clerk, shall be furnished to the Council, and made available for inspection to the owner of any parcel of land as ma.y be affected thereby at any public hearing held relative thereto, as well as at any prior time reasonable and convenient. rADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1968. ' � ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � � MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham �,.1 �. , ;,� ' �__J I ' I' ' I � - �l, �� RESOLUTION N0. "/� / � A RESOLU`i'IOiJ TO ADVL'Ei`l'ISL FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Co��ncil of the City of Fridley, as followrs: 1. That it is in the interest of the City to a�•rard bid contracts for the foll.or�ing item, materials, and work: EF�CING AROUND NEW CIiY GARAGE 2. A copy of tYie specifications for the above described items and.materials, together with a propo�al fcr t�ie u�ethod of � purchase and the payment thereof have been presented to the Counci]. by the City Mana�er and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specif.ications, ar.d ,_ the method of acquisition and payment to be required by � the City with respect to the acquisition of said items and materials. 3. The purchase of said items and materials as describ�d above shall be effected by sealed bids to be received.and � opened by the Cit.y of Fridley on ths 10�' day of April, 1968. The City Manager :is directed �.nd authorized to advertise for the purchase of said items and materials bY sealed bid proposa].s under notioe as proYided b,y law and the Charter of the City of Fridley, the r�otice to be substantially in form as that shoum by Exhi.bit "A" at+ached r.ereto and made a part of b� reference. Said notice shall be pub- lished at least twice in the official new�papF•r of the Cit,y of Fridley. PASSID AND ADOFTr� BY THE CITY COTJNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLE'Y THIS DAY OF , 1968. � ATTEST: CITY CLF'�Ft�C - Marvin C. Br�ansell 0 N��iVGR - Jac:� 0. Kir'_tiY1�3.CIl . �' i 0 A� � 0 � ' '� ' � , , , , � 0 CITY OF FRIDLEY BID NOTICE for FENCING AROUND NEW CITY GARAGE EXHIBIT t�Arr _� `�t.� The City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota will accept sealed bids for FENCING AROUND NEGI CITY GARAGE on the 10� day of April, 1968, until 10:30 o'clock A.M. on said date at the Fridley City Hall, 643� University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota 5542� (Tel: 560-3450). Al1 bids must meet the minimum requirements of the specifications. Failure to comply with this section can result in disqualification of the bid. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Cash or Bid Bond and made payable without conditions to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not less than five percent (5f� of the bid, which check, cash or bond shall be forfeited if bidder neglects or refuses to enter into Contract, after his bid has been accepted.'� The City reserves the right to accept the bid which is determined to be in the best interests of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities or technicalities in any bid re- ceived without ex�lanation. . 1 The City Council also reserves the right to consider such factors as time of delivery or performance, experience, responsibility of the bidder, past performance of similar types of items or materials, availability of products and other similar factors that it may determine to be in the best interest , of the Cit.y. Copies of the specifications and general conditions may be examined in the ' office of the Cit.y Engineer - Director of Public Works, or copies may be obtained from his office. � ' ' � , All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes and plainl.y marked on the outside with ��FENCING AROUND NEW CITY GAR.AGE". Publish: March 27, 1968 April 3, 1968 HOMER R , ANI�tUM City Ma.nager '. ' � , � ' RES L T � v � V, 0 U I O N N Q, l/ A R�SOLUTIOTJ TO ADV�tTISL FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Co�ancil of the City of Fridley, as follo��s: 1. That it is in the interest of the City to award bid contracts for the £oll.owing item, materials, and Frork: 1 , � 1 , � ' I � ._ I ' �J , ' II ' ' ONE-HALF TON CARRY ALL TRUCK ' 2. A copy of tYie specifications for the above described items and materials, together with a proposal fcr the nethod of purchase and the payment thereof have been presented to the Council. by the Cit.y r2ana�er and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and spe�ifications, ai.d the method of acquisiti.on and pa,yment to.be required by the City with respect to the acquisition of said items. and materials. j. The purchase of said items and materials as described above shall be effected by sealed bids to be received.and . opened by the City of Fridley on the 10�' day of Apri1, _1968. The City Manager is directed �.nd authorized to aSvertise. for the p-archase of said items and mate•rials �s sealed bid proposals under notice as provided by law and the Chawrter of the City of Fridley, the notice to be substanti_allyr in form as that shown by Exhibit 'TA" at+ached hereto �.nd made a part of b,y reference. Said notice s'nall be pub- lished at least twice in the official ne�;spapF•r of the City of Fridley. PASSID AND ADOPTr� BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF '^HE CITY OF FRIDLE`I THIS DAY OF _ , 1968. . . ATTEST: CImY CLF'�EtK - Marvin C. Br�ansell � N1AYOR - Jac:� 0. Kir';ham �� ' �.' L- - ��� � ' ' , , � �. . ' � ' � , , LJ � ' f ' �J , , CITY OF FRIDLEY BID NOTICE for ONE-HALF TON CARRY ALL TRUCK EXHIBIT "A" The City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota will accept sealed�bids for ONE-HALF TON CARRY-ALL TRUCK on the 10�' da,y of Apri1, 1968, until 10:30 o'clock A.M. on said date at the Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota 55421 (Tel: 560-3450). Al1 bids must meet the minimum requirements of the specifications. Failure to comply with this section can result in disqualification of the bid. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Cash or Bid Bond and made payable without conditions to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not less than five percent (5f� of the bid, which check, cash or bond shall be forfeited if bidder neglects or refuses to enter into Contract, after his bid has been accepted.�� The City reserves the right to accept the bid which is determined to be in the best interests of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities or technicalities in an.y bid re- ceived without explanation. . The City Council also reserves the right to consider such factors as time of delivery or performance, experience, responsibility of the bidder, past performance of similar types of items or materials, availability of products and other similax factors that it may determine to be in the best interest of the Cit.y. � Copies of the specifications and general conditions may be examined in the office of the City Ehgineer - Director of Public Works, or copies may be obtained from his office. All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes and plainl.y marked on the outside with «p�_�� TON CARRY-ALL TRUCK". 0 Publish: March 27, 1968 April 3, 1968 HOMER R, ANKRUM City Manager Y� � �� � o ���le � � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE ANOKA COUNTY March 19, 1968 S. C. Smiley and Associates 1750 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 Re: Check List for Fridley Civic Center Gentlemen; 560-3450 . FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 Attached herewith is the list of items which have to be taken care of by the different contractors, before the finaliza- tion of the payments can begin. I hope you will impress upon the contractors that they must get this work completed as soon as possible, so that the City can close the books on this pro- ject. The speaker in the Council Chambers (Room No. 25) seems to � be working okay, but the City Council feels that the looks and loc�a.tion are not satisfactory. Necessary improvements should , � be made to conform the speaker system to the decor. ' We are still waiting for the Hoffmann Electric Company to submit their price for the lighting of the public area (No. 30). I � I 1 I ' I� ' I ' � Very truly yours, r � � ��"t�(_ C l,t l�-(-�'Z�zY �'�--r NASIM QURESHI, P.E. City Engineer NQ:ik cc: Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager Fridley City Council Attach: 3 ��� i ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY For: D.M. �tOYES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INCORPORATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS GENERAL NOTES• 1. Grout full all voids in brick and concrete block joints. 2. Repair all shrinkage czacks in concrete block wall areas. 3. Grout full all voids around electric outlets and switches. BASEMENT: 1. Boiler roo:n door B1 out of alignment with frame, will not lock or latch. Repair as required. FIRST FLOOR• , 1. Rooms ��15, ��16 and ��17 (Inspection Offices) - Chisel out shadow joints and paint. ' 2. Room ��25 (,:ourt Room) - Inlay the strip for center door rollers. Finish the work on the railing. Door stop to the Jury Room is too narrow - still lets the light in. � Reglet dis��oloration still obvious. 3. Room ��11 (,Judge's Chambers) - Refinish over putty. 4. Corridor area - Clean brick in Cashier's area. Reglet dis��oloration still obvious. BUILDING EXTERLOR: 1. Repair cra��ked plaster panels at south and west walls as required. 2. Grout full all brick joints at top of walls, where cut for f lashing r��gle�s . 3. Gravel low areas of main roof (2). 4. Precast wall copings are loose. Reset as required. 5. Aluminum s��uppers at south side of E. entrance - joints open. 6. Wood expos��d at bottom of flashing to west of south entrance. J�3 I �� � . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDZEY For: HOFFMANN ELECT.RIC COMPANY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1. Mark correc:tly all electric panel boards, the one in cor- ridor B-8 tias some incorrect switches and room designa- tions. 2. The lights for the display box are not working. 3. The lights above the Fridley Civic Center sign at the south entr<ince are not working. 4. The high f:_oodlight standards on the east side of the Parking Lot: are not painted. 0 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY For: H.S._HORWITZ & COMPANY, INCORPORATED MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS 1. Roof exhaust fan sounds very noisy. Check out and have repaired as required. 2. Owner has complained of inadequate ventilation in confer- ence room. Have this checked out and correct as required. 3. Air conditioning system is not hooked up. It will have to be checked thoroughly this summer. 0 ��� i i I ' I � �`-� - � j �, � RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLU'i'lOPd TO ADV��tTISL FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Co�ancil of the City of Fridley, as follokrs: l. That it is in the interest of the City to a�aard bid contracts for the follor�ing item, materials, and work: RENIODELING FOR POLICE QUARTERS � 2. A copy of tYie specifications for the above desc-ribed it;ems an$ materials, together with a proposal fcr the u�ethod of purchase and the pa�ent thereof have been presented to ' the Council by the City PZana�er and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specif.ications, and , the method of acquisiti.on and pa,yment to be requi-red by � the City with respect to the acquisition of said items and materials. I , � ,J ( ' I � �' ' � � 3. The purchase of said items and materials as described above sha]_1 be effected by sealed bids to be received and � opened b�r the City of Fridley on the 10�' day of April, 1968. The Ci�;y Manager is di.rected and authorized to advertise for the p-urchase of said items and m�,terials �y sealed bid proposals under notice as provided by law and the Chawrt::r of the City of Fridley, the notice to be substant�_allyr�in form as that shown by Exhibit "A" at+ached rereto �.nd made a part of b�r reference. Said notice shall be pub- lished at Ieast twice in the official n.�N;:�papF•r of the City of Fridley. ]?ASSF� AND ADOFTr� BY THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY 1HIS DAY OF A.TTEST : CITY CLE'�tK - Marvin C. Brunsell , 1968. 0 N�_AYGR. - Jac� 0. Kir'_•�ham � ��� � � � i CITY OF FRIDLE`Y BID NOTICE for RIlKODELING FOR POLICE QUARTERS EXHIBIT "A" ' The City Council of the Cit.y of Fridle.y, Minnesota will accept sealed bids for REMODELING FOR POLICE QUARTERS on the 10�' day of April, 1968, uritil 10:30 o'clock A.M. on said date at the Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue ' Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota 55421 (Tel: 560-3450). All bids must meet the'minimum requirements of the specifications. Failure to comply with this section can result in disqualification of the bid. � I� ' i ' ' � ' � � ' ' ' Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Cash or Bid Bond and made payable without conditions to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not less than five percent (5f� of the bid, which check, cash or bond shall be forfeited if bidder neglects or refuses to enter into Contract, after his bid has been accepted. The Cit.y reserves the right to accept the bid which is determined to be in the best interests.of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities or technicalities in any bid re- ceived without explanation. � The Cit.y Council also reserves the right to consider such factors as time of delivery or performance, experience, responsibility of the bidder, past performance of similar types of items or materials, availability of products and other similar factors that it may determine to be in the best intere.st of the Cit.y. � Copies of the specifications and general conditions may be examined in the office of the City Ehgineer - Director of Public Works, or copies may be obtained from his office. . Al1 bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes and Plainly marked on the outside with "REMODELING FOR POLICE QUARTr�tS". Publish: March 27, 1968 April 3, 1968 HOMII� R 9 ANKRUM City Manager � 5` � � ' LICENSES TO BE APPROVED AT THE MkRCH 18, �68 � COUNCIL MEETING ' - CYGARETTE BY.: I' � RENEWAL Jim�s Dairy Store James Rocheford b253 University Aveo '� Fridley� Mintnesota. . � RENEWAL Ho�+ard �ohnsonrs Ho�rard Joisnson�a Ina. 5277 Central Aveo Helen Taft— I,3c, Sup, ` Fridley� Minnesota ' ��NEWAL Howie t s Ho�rard Nelson 240 Mississippi St. Fridley, Minnesota � RENEWAL 3nyder Drug 3nyder Drugs� Inco � 65$2 IIniversitp Ave. Lloyd Berkus—Freso Fridley� Minnesota � RENEWAL Ron� s Standa.rd Ro1.e.nd Cox 61�90 University Aveo Fri.��cr�, T�tinnesota , � RENEW9L Fricll.ey DX Duan� Schlottaman � 5701 Oniversity Ave. Fridley, Minnesvta � RENEWAL Acme Metal Spinning� Inc. Mildred Lee Treasurer 98 43rd Ave. N.E. 1 Fr3dley� Minnesota RENEWAL Al�s Gu1f Allan Wikstrom � ?3b5 E o River Roa.d Fridley� Minnesota � RENEWAL Bui•ke�s Texaco Earl F. Burke 6301 Highway #65 ' Fridley� Minnesota RENEWAL Penny�s Superm:arket Marion I,evine � rma 6540 Uni.vereity Ave, Fridley� Minnesota � • . APPROVED BY: ChieP of Police Chief of Po�.i.ce Chief of Polica Chi.ef of Poliae ��.tt' �o���+�33�ce 4hi.ef of Poli.as Chiei of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police 5� � LICENSES TO BE APPRO'dED AT THE MARCH 18� 196�. COUNCIL MEETING. CONT�D ' . " CIGARETTE •: �: APPROVED BY: ' RENEWAL Fridley� Food Market James Trupe Chief of Police 8154 E. River Road Fridley� Minnesota ' . RENEWAL HQ]..td�,y Service Station � , 5�07 University Ave. Fridley� Minnesota rRENEWAL Holiday Village North 250 57th Ave. N.E. Fr�lay� Minnesota � RENEWAL Municipal Liquor Store 3710 E. River Roa.d ' Fridley, Minnesota Central Service Co. Trickson Brothers City of Fridley rREI3EWAL Municipal Liquor Store �itjt of -.Fridley 6161 Highvay #65 Fridley� Minnesota � RENEWAL Municipal Liquvr Store , 6�,31 Uni.vers3ty Ave o Fridley� Minn.esota City of Fridley � RENEWAL Munic3pal Liquor Store City of Fridley 5259 Centra.l Aveo Fridleq� Minnesota 1 RENEWAL Red Owl Sto��s , ' b525 Univsrsity Ave. Fridley, Minz►esota � RENEWAL Sandee�s Cafe 6l�.90 Csntral Ave;' Fric�ley, Minnesota � i�ENEWAL Target Food Store � 755 53rd Ave. N.E. Fridley� Minnesota ' RENEWAL The Kroger Go. 5251 Central Aveo Fridley� Minriesotra , � Red O�rl Store � s Inc. W.J. Cook- Mgro Tag Dep�o _ __ William Weiss Jonathon Stores Inc.' Th� gragar �oo , �. Nelson Chief of Pol�ce Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief ot Police ChieP of Polica Chief of Police ,-)�� , LICEN5ES TO DE APPROVED AT TIiE MARCHI8, 1968� COUNCIL MEETING. CONT�D CTGARETTE i'.°: BYs APPROVED BY RENEWAL Pete�'s Superior "400" Joseph Seville Chief of Police . 7315 Highway #65 Fridley� Minnesota RENEWAL Ryan.i�a.T3�..n _���xoao 63�9 University Fridley� Minnesota Midwest Vending Co, RENEWAL Country Club Market Inc. �.rold Rehaune 6275 Iiighway #65 Fridley� Minnesota RENEWAL Spa.rtants 5351 Central Ave. Fridley� Mi.nnesota. RENEWAL Maple I� es 6310 Highwa.y #65 Fridley� Minnesota, R;ENEWAL Ceatral Embers Inco 54� Central Ave, Fridley� Minriesota, RENEWAL Dealers Mfg. Coo 5],30 Main St. Fridley, Minnesota RENEWAL Mi�'] and Co-op . 655 2oth Ave. N.E. Fridlsy� Minnesot,s RENEWAL Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Road Friclley� Mir.nesot,a ��F1A�'. ���� Standard 5311 Univeraity Ave. Fridley� Minnesota. � Winifred Perkins Wil].iam Gottwaldt Carl Bimby Sol Nash Sol Nash John Fo Haines James Wantland Chi.ef of Police Chief of Polfce , Chief of Police Chief of Poli.ce Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police �1 NEW LiCENSES TO BE APPROVED AT THE MARCH 18. 1965� COiJNCIL MEETII�G.CONT�D. CIGARETTE E�[: APPROVED BY: Mico'Independent oil Co. 8enn�th Mix Chief of Pol3ce 6500 East River Road I Fridley� Minnesota I CAFE RENEWAL Concession 5tand Moore Lake Beach Fridley� Minnesota MULTIPLE DWELLING NEW Glen Mostoller 51,20 5th St. N'E. Fridley� Minnesota. B : Jack Kirkham Jro _ B : Glen APPROVED BY: . Sealth Inspector APPR�VED BY: Fire Dept. . �`�� i ' , �,iCENSES TO BE APPR01 , CIGARETTE ' NEW Mico Independent oil C� 6500 Ea.st River Road Fridley� Mir,nesota. ' , I C� RENEWAL Concession Sta.nd Moore Lake Beach , Fridley� Mirme�ota ' MULTIPLE DWELLING ' NEW Glen Mostoller 5L,20 5th St. N'E. Fridley� Minnesota ' ' � , � , . , ' � , ��� 1 �D. LIST OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL MARCH 18 1968 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Mark Z. Jones 5290 Villa Way Edina, Minnesota By: ichard Wangen Rutledge Construction 1409 South 7th St. Hopkins, Minnesota By: r. Rutledg° RENEWAL NEW /` �7 '': ) iJ APPROVED BY ■ B1dg. Insp. � Bldg. Insp. , � � , r ' � � ' ' ' ' � , ' ' ' , , ' ' ESTIMATES TO BE APPROVED BY THE �I1�Y COUNCIL - MARCH 18, 1968. F< D. Chapman Construction Co. a d Assoc. Contracting (a joint vent re) 1017 Rhode Island Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 Estimate ��6 (Partial) S orm Sewer Improvement Project No. 87, accordi g to contract (serving Ely and Liberty Street reas) Patch and Erickson, Inc., Axchit cts . 2801 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis 5, Minnesota Februaxy Inspection f Garage " Fridley Municipal Berglund-Johnson, Inc. 351 Second Street Excelsior, Minn. 55331 Estimate ��3 (Partial) ridley Municipal Garage according to Contxact Suburban Sewer and Water, Incor orated 4550 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Estimate ��2 (Partial) anitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvemen Project No. 88, according to Contract Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 For the furnishing of esident inspection and resident supervision f r the staking out of the construction woxk for he following: Estimate ��10 - Sanitar Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Impxovement Proj ct No. 84 from January 2, 1968 through March 2, 968 (Baker Avenue between Osborne Road & 75th ex ended East, Onondaga between Central and Stinson, e c.) $4,199.27 ,S 200.00 $10,730,00 $48,895.00 $ 196.42 F'�� � ESTIMEITES TO B}� APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 18, 1968 (Continued) Estimate �'�1 - Sewer & W ter Improvement Project ��88 from January 2, 1968 th ough March 2, 1968 (73rd and Norton Avenue Area) Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Frofessional Engineerin Service for Planning and General Supervision for the following: Estimate ��1 (Partial) S nitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Proje t No. 88 (73rd and Norton Avenue Axea) � $3,252.42 $7,575.76 � : ).�3 ' 4 _ ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' , 1 ' CQ��lS�� & �`�I�, ]CNCe ConeultiaglEagineera 1446 Ca�ne Rond "3" Mi�apol3s. nn�sota SS�a32 ilarcb , 1968 H�orab�e l�a7ror and City Couacil �Oc i�r. �om�r x. �nitt�, City Na�ag�r Cf.ty og IreislAe�r 6431 D�►fvexsitq �.vaaaue F�.B. Mi�n�a�lis, M3nn:e�at� 55421. ��� e�en: CS�iTZF�CAT� OF BI�fGIN88B f�e �r���r inab�ie Be�zi�uots i6 for F. D Charosn �ons�zvction Coo �d Asaoc. Cont�.�a�ting �a joi��t t�sntc�re), ].Ol? ods islaa� �ires�ue No., Mim�eapolis, I��sm�a S��a27� fo�� �e�sri�Is osi tu thie dats, for Stor� Sevar Improvae�nt �oj�ct l�o. �7. see��rdiag to c�2a�� LtIMP S� BYD $39.628e00 Ct�a��e Or�1as #1 (�d) ,_ 9�,575095 ��� OD�TAAGT BID PRICB $49�203e95 $49�203.95 &.i�9.���,• �a 9 L.k�. b891 Cl. IY �:Cp 10�1Z• @�6e20 39 I,aF. 2�" C1. II RCF 0-10° Q$8.15 3 C."�. R3p-Rap C �12.00 27� �� Ffbt�r Bedl Medi�t iC.�, f�l) � 56 LaSO ldn �e II xCP 0'�Q, �VeVO �1 Ig�en of Sal�� T�e Total $6.00 C Y�o'fV Sub�Total D�d�a�ti�n� 7� I�.F. 12 Cl. II RCP C�tc�i �i� L s@ 53��5 la.� L.�. 15" Cle ][I SCP G�tch Basin I.eads @$`.90 S� L�Fo 1Z" C1. YI AC� 0-10°4@ S4e85 164 3.. F a 1SN Cl. I][ BCP 0-�0' Q$5.4 2Q Lol. 15" C1. IE 8CP 10�12' C$5.6 � Y3 LaF. 18" C1. II BCP 0-10• l$5.95 2.5 �.oFe 21°' Clo Y:[I RCP 10-12• C$7 25 3 Le�'. 21" Cl. IIZ SCP 12-14' @ 57.7 1? I.oFo 24" Cl. IY �CP 10-12' C�8.1 - � LaQ. 24" Cl. YII �CP �-10° A$S.bS 6 L, �'. 2�►" Cl. IIY 8Q' 10-12 • C$8.9 12.5 L.F. 2�a" Cl. 'LII 12-14' N$8.95 ($CP) CP 5 L.�. 24°t Cl. iII B�C� 1�-16• @$9e4 1 B�, Short Catch ;8�sin � 5140.00 2 Baa Se�l�cd Cat+ch Basins @ 5200. $ SSo�O 317085 36.Q0 1.620.0� � 7� e 4� 3�4.09 $2,844e14 $417 s 3�1 i3.75 2�1.30 885.6U . 3.I3.40 77.35 18.12 23e25 138.55 42.25 53.70 111.88 47.25 140.00 400.00 2 a OY� � ��i $52,048.09 : �� � �r�"ry ' w ' � , ' , , ' , ' � ' ' ' � ' ' � , 0 Csty Of Fl�ai�1 EOte �6 (�4�7) a�dd�. C01+11`�ACT !'BICS D�d�cei�s (Cante� B7� �:.'�. Y�QUnd. Ce���. �iat�. � $4,05 80 3 �Y m Blacictop R�Dl e@�2.50 19 L4F. iS`� RCP Peg4`or�t� Pips (�.0. #1) C1. II e �zo�a 2ios a.e�o �i•' �cr ���r�. g�� <coo. ��. ca. Yi � $3075 54.5 Lo�', 24" B�CP Pa:rforatsd P3pa (Ce e il) Cl. bI @ $4.ti5 20.6 L�&�o lgf° $CP �Etrfo7csted P�p� (C. .�1) Cl. III @ $I1.00 1 On�t �sem�nt S�t:oxatioa I�tp 3u� C.O. #1) SUO 5� n4 q Sod�ing @;il 0 00 7�ota1 Ded�ctions ��ork Coaple��ed l;.e�s : �etai.a� /�o�ant 8ax�ed tu B t� I.�aaa A�t. �1 S13a9I6a��i i��rt. �2 3s�41o6t Est. �3 2,�62.,�2 �st. #4 8,278035 8sta �15 13,894.37 7�a.70 200,0� 49e40 80.62 220073 226.6� 250a00 SOOo00 ,�._.__._� �5,055035 tlssrch 11, 1968 $�►9, 203.95 2.844.14 $52,068.09 5.055.3S $46,992.74 500.00 $4b,492.T4 TotaZ P�id to Dat� $42�293047 .- �r2.2�„ 939 .47 �DD�T i3Ex� D�18 � e a . a n . � o . o . . . . . � � . . � � � � . . $ 4,199.2J � aspectinlly sub�eitted, TOC'!� � DAVIS, INCe � . •. vwa+�va:w� r. o. 8VG/�b ��; g. A. G'�a�n Conet� C.o, � Assoc. Coner. � ��' i 0 WIlL1AM M.THOMSON THOMA9 O. LOVETTr JR. JAMES L. WAHlFOR6 JAMEB J. MORAN. JR. THOMSON AND LOVETT AT7� R N EY� AT LAW 1660 NORTHWESTERIN BANK BUILDIND MINNEAPO�LIS, MIN�NE90TA 55402 339-4 67 Februa�y 28, 1968 Davies & Davies Agency, Inc. Farmers & Mechanics Bank Buil in� Minneapolis, Minnesota 55�+02 Re: Monies Due on Fridley Project Gentlemen: F, D. Chapman Construction Co, has been advised by the City of Fridley that the City intends to �efuse to release the funds being held by the City withou the written consent of your agency as representative of t e bonding company. I ask that you immediately se d a letter to the City instructing them to release the monies so that they may be applied to the agreement with North Star Con rete. It will not be possible to secure a release from North Star until these monies have been de available. Yours very truly, JLW�mms cc: Victor P. Seiler, At ey James L. Wahlfors i)."J .. . . � L� ' ' ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , �� ' ' ' � � Feb City of Fridley Fridley City Hall 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fri.dley, Minnesota Gentlemen: A demand has previously been of Fridley #'or the payment oi the installation of a sewer : the year 1967. Upon further have concluded that F. D. Ch< a legitimate claim against tl of additional compensation, � In consideration of the prom Fridley of the balance still terms and conditions of our the amount of $500.00) we ag satisfaction of our claim ag sewer installation. uJe prom act�_on against the City of P compensation above and beyon It is understood that the $5� unused portion thereof, wilJ. our obligations under the co� �o the City. �ry 28, 196$ Re: Installation of Sewer Line Calendar Year 1967 made, on our behalf, upon the City additional compensation to us for ine in the C3.ty of Fridley during consideration of this matter, we pma.n Construction Co, does not have e City of Fridley for the payment nd we wish to withdraw that demand. t payment to us by the City of remainin to Ue paid under the ontract �less agreed retainage in ee to accept such payment in fu11 inst the City of Fridley for said se that we will not institute legal �idley or make any effort to secure that provided in our contract. )0.00 reta3.ned by the City, or any be returned to us in the event that ztract are fulfilled without expense Yours very truly, F. D. CHAPMAN CONSTRUCTION C0. . /�,) �/ �i ;�, �,� B '!��'-�i'� /.� l_.- !��= -'' -s Y /./ � � "Franklin D. Chapman,% President .,� �� / � �'�� ��' ....� �� ; ` /� B .t;.._ �� (1�.=� l�Il"i� ��_Lz/ Y : Robert Lande~ker, Secretary , /•. i. 'i );� i TATEMENT • P/�TGM AND ERICKSO , lNC., ARCHITECTS � 2801 WAYZATA BOULEVARD MINNEAPOLIS 5, MINNESOTA Feb. 2Q . 196� City of Fridley Mr. N. Qureshi 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Minn. Re: Fridley Municipal Ga comm: 67-025 N° --2198 Fe I Inspection - - - $200.00 ,, p� �� � nr�ci i1TFCrs __ � APPL�CI��I IC;�i�1 �=0� I''1'�Y�'����1T �;0_-3--- n:��� �: 2./_?9_�68---cc,���. �•o._�- 2`�- .i���_ City of Fridley__ _-____-_ _ , O\4�NEK, � � `$���„s`�.1 pa}ment i��r_.-Gen�ral. Construction wurk don� on yvur �' �Tnis A��};lic•ati�>n �s 1 i---p ' a `. . ' . • • ' F _r,�d�.e�-Mun�,c�pal ��.��.g�_ -,:,c,j��<< iii�m- - _��._.�.�_� -- Z/1�6g to___2 �g. 8 ...._. � �,.,__...._......���. °^''^���' _.r.... __ """_` U�:n �leted Lialance ���`�� �.������ . I�� IConlract Cumpleted 3� 'j'o l�int�:h Dcr�crip9ion u! Prujcct �'�'ork Items IAmounl �-- Thi.ti Periud � To Dafe �� 1&2 ! 220 320 i 330 ' 343 400 '500 �610 � 720 ��,� 762 ,� 880 ° 811 '� 836 ` 8b0 � 870 'l885 E 931 ` 980 �990 1000 ' � ' ' . � ' ' !• _� � Gen. & Spec. Conditions Site Work Reinforcing Steel Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Struct. & Misc. Metal Carpentry Perimeter Insulation Roof & Sheetmetal Caulk & Weatherstripping Hollow Metal Overhead Doors Wood Windows Finish Hardware G1ass & Glazing Ceramic Tile Special Coating Painting Metal Specialties Original Contract Totals Add Change Orders Totals Lleduct Chringe Orilers Totais CFRTINiCATE FOR PAYMENT Based on our ohservations, this application for pay- ment is correct to the best of our knowledge, and the contractor is entitled to the indicated pnyrnent... /"G'> >.,.. �. i� -:sv`i�uz � Yroject checkerl {ry�-�� " ' � This form checiced by ` 'v ��r `� ?" � " _ " � I'A �- a�l ERI�'KS�1N, INC., ARCAIT�CTS � \ ��.c;��_=i, . � `�(2,.�� Date�-� : "7- (��� ; 5�05.00 ! 5$i40.00 � 1G94.00 � � 7 98.00 I � 10�00.00 � 17�76.00 � 4�16.00 ' 78.00 !172.00 k 3I739.00 � 'I295.00 � �2059.00 3700.00 ' 75 . 00 776.00 r '155 . 00 � 1,247.00 �]�000.00 � 429.00 � 576.00 �2552.00 2553.00 � 3738.00 I 1602.00 339.00 � 1355.00 I 339.00 i 2219.00 ; 5179.00 1020.00 �, 1020.00 j 9180.00 �� 8838.00 ; 13257.00 4419.00 1726.00 ' 3884.00 ' 432.00 � � 578.00 �-9 172.00 3739.00 295.00 2059.00 3700.00 75.00 776.00 155.00 247.00 1000.00 1429000 576.00 ,�n._..�... _ ? �$ 2 � . �� Retainage at �.� ,°�o 1:,o be Drawn to Date 25 377 0 �� l Previousiy Certified ]. .�„( r t wW� ue ---- ;_'°"°°'"],�; �� . �� ���. �. .� .no� . rec> d �� _ __ .._ - -- is to cerlify lhat all .vork listed i�l;ove has Ueen comple:ed in eccordnnce with contract nenLs and ihat all lawb�l chnrges tor la r, materi:il, etc., for which prrvious certiEcates becn issued, have been paid. .�ZS ��77 . 00 Total Due C �ntra.tor B E RGLUNJ ', f ��'., ✓,v`_ ; =� B_ ,�orman T. Be -JOHNSON _� It ; � - � - f�,�� -�. ��.�.�_ind, Pres Dafe 2 2 68 nt � � � � � , � � � � � � � � r � � . � ' APPOIN'.1�'IENT I'OR APPROVAL BY CI'$Y COUNCIL NAME Edwin A. Saeflce 470 67th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minn. WaterlDept. �.. �� � � �� /a / -�-•-� � �,d-0 � ;j���.� L . �, C�, �� . ;C�� 0 � / � �� / _ - :/ !�� I MARCH 18, 1968 SALARY $566.00 ��,� c � 6Q �� �o � � REPLACES New Position ��� % / - "� � b �s r�.., I �I � ' ' ' � ' � � � ' �' � L� J �� � � � i t��1y[ ��0� O � � ��b �� lij. l.5 ?��,ia'�„ �' 'iL .7c ��� \ `_�4�'��_�. ��}., �, -, :r-.�. ��}' � ' •.; ,. .�.33 w:i�d� .- �":�i : ?cr. STATE OF IMINNESOTA DEPARTMEN'f OF H{GHWAYS CISTRICT NO. 5 2055 NO. �-1LAC DRIVE MINNEA I•u�rch 5, 1965 Cy�y of :�ridley 6�.31 University ;venue Ar� Fridley, i�iinneso�,a ��-Lte.ntion: i�ir. ti.`_ti. �:n':cru;n City ?'�:�na,;�.er In repl�? refzr to: 315 S.p. 020j (rl'.H. 1�7) At G1 st :.venue <: n.d Un�.versity in Hennepin Co;anty De�.r ',-�r. E:nk � �.: `� our r�cent requ�st as to st��_tU.s �. of e�i.s�'n? r'-��1t o" ..=y z�resterlv J rev_f.es�red b�i "���; o�'fice. ! IS, MiNN. nossiole d�s�ositio:� of � :�ortion the "�ell Gs.l ct•�tion ha; bzen ; ro�.t2..e _'02.� (C__ �n �J°rsit�: :'_ve_�ue) ';:as t- l�an over '�y Til� E.'�1.Z.5 1� :.ilre � 1 r� 1� C� T . n Co�:��rissioner of hi��l:>,�,y order� . T_ereu�- ,_f �� r�arL �on o= t:-is old righ�;- of �•:ay ��rere to be returned t��r_vate o-.�n�-rsh��� :.t l-:ould be accoraplisheci b�T a�:lendin�; the .�i_r;hT�r y vridth oraer. The nortion ou�- side or the �'�,ended order '.•ro�1d th n beco;:ie street : ronerty of the Cit3r o.� : ridley �nd co;:lci be v�cat d� n f��vor of t'�e ^.djacent o:m�rs. Af� er revie,'in� ��our recue=t °or perty, I reel t'r.�:t about 15 f°et r.ossibly be �� ver_ up. This t�ro��1.d e� st 1� ronta.~e�:�`o^-d c��rb and. t�e -� w� � line. :�estrictions as �o si�; tiJf.' c CO?7!a.�t7.0;7 C� 8.i1V tUl"Il—Cc.C�:. :�a.��e to �er;-� �t���_ted .-ith�_n tt.e . - �ss� ole cor_v::;,ra.r.ce of subject "ro- r � . � . �ht _ tne e�t � •� �nt oi ra� '�' � is �in� � _. '� '' 1oe tne �.re�. bet:�:een t'rie ex��tin�: :�er nole l;.ne or e;:; stin� ri;ht of s 2r_d �er; ane:�t buildin�-s shovld ...' so e�:=stzn^; ��t-�l�.ty �!er:,; ts :•r ��ld iiec�:.use o`' ?��o��s�.b1e iui;_�_�e e, ; 2.�° or., 1 2.�1 T'8111C �'i1t 't0 iose c,��nt: ol Of GiI�.' '•i').b1�LC 1_F'.I?US £.� Oi1� 'Ll? r:i„�,J . `��!11`.% 1S 25_�GC1?).�-1� ��'UP. O?� _. -. 1!-% , lri :•�'Ri.Ct1 Cli_" :�T'2S�I':� Y'l�rl'� Or i';2� 1.5 J°Z'V ,'.:1i1 �;:lUTII. i: c?.Z1Z0 tflc^.t the �roposed front;��e road det�.c:ti .ent is �� definite ir,lprave: �ent of tr<._ffic control at t�is � n�e. sec�; on. : indly �.civ�.se �hi� o"ice of �:.nf fu-rt'.�er cent�.cts or pY�onos-=ls � o�.i -:a': n�_ve ;:i.th t:�e vw_•iov.s o:•:ners �_t this inte-rs�cti.on. ��; ncerel��, �.�.��1;`a '(c�. �`s.S�� C �'�;. Burrill District �:n;;�neer ,. cc: :�.T'. isr�_un, �L�o i�ortn, rs.-�. �:,� � .. Cu±liv�n .. I:urpius, D. :4=.nle�r r =�r. �'.'l > > - r�; f� i v PUBLIC W CITY REPORT ON STINSON BOULEVARD i DEPARTMENT FRIDLEY L1, 1968 Several calls came to th's office about trucks breaking up Stinson Boulevard, between Ri e Creek Road and Gardena Avenue. I found that the trucks comin out of the dirt pit where they turn onto Stinson Boulevard, urn�the road into a mudhole. I did put a soil stabili ation on this road last Fall, that � has hardened the road fairly ell; but it cannot take heavy trucks in the Spring breakup, as the soil stabilizing was only for dust control with a penet ation of only 1'� inches on virgin soil. This stabilizing will ot make the road into an all-ser- vice road; but it will stand p under regular use of cars and light trucks and will work ou alright when frost is not coming out of the ground. This is a dirt road and although I believe we should LEC:ik have never posted a dirt road, certain instances. l � � �/` �� u� LESTER E. CHESNEY Superintendent of Public Works t- , �= t � ' [J �J ' � � , ' � February ?_9, 19C8 r��;��o���1NDU�r To: City Manager �rc�m: Jam�s u, ?�ensley, Bo rd of ?�Tealth Subject: Boa.rd of L?ealth �.cti it�es 5370 Sth Street N. c.. o��ned by Edgar Pern�r� , 2645 I�?orth 9th Ave. , rin�ka, i•F'inn. A'"ultiple d nlellin;s . Garba�� problem. Have had nu�erous cmm�lai.nts. k?ave sent lett�rs in �he past. Turned ove� tQ the City P,ttorney to i su� a cornnalint. 63�J� bl�cl; oi Ol.d Centrzl, I,�n y Coc�rant s pro»crty no��� n<<�nec� by R�nut��i.c Var T,ines . Cnm»la.inC nf vzzz� ur_lor c?inb p�ne3.�s , c�.rt-ors , etc, ancl flyin�; �b�ut ne:i.Ql.ib�r.»n�. Van Lin�s �•rill c1e�n Znc� c1e^r � nd in t��e snr_ i.n�, �ai? 1 a s� cle�lr. �.t� ref_us� ].eft by Cochr� n. 54�� 7�:%� St. Pd. E 3b�tet: o�.,n ' *,'in���anolis . Gz�b� ;�;� co-��aLi n�ti`i�d by Lettnr t� nrovide and to nbt� i.n an ao�r_ ovc-.d iz�c � biL dru=r.. Alsc� orderec� �o rn put in rack. , ' y � � by Lco °=ynes , 2.%2�� 7xvin ; Ave, ^'. by ��e c�f t�e "e�a�ts , p-,-ncr cieauate �aciZ�.tieG �nc? c�llection era.thr.. Presently usin, SS ;al. c�ns �o rear a� nremis�s ar..d 54�0-5�-�1!` 5th Stree� N. E, oc•?n d by J�mes Sc'�i11 in,, 1741 Sprin� Creek i�rive, :?e-•. 3ri�'nr_�n, "�'i.n_ . Garba�-E' G�JC:'T1L2..�t.it. =T�±d dump�ter. Pre:r,ises ���e�� clean and sanit� y at time af survey. 57? 5�'al.'� 3tr��t _-. �. a?.T.ied b� Ge:�r?e _'Letc�zer. G?rb^�e c�-^nl�int . Lett�x t�� nr_�i�erl> st�ar_e a�rb��e and r.e`t��e. s��+l �AL�� s �x��� r�. :. , n. c. i,ett�r to prop�rly store aarba 5380 Sth �tr_eeL' I�'. E. o�•7nec� b T"121?1°^D()Z�.� � '•'i.nn. G�rba?e a clePn ar.d c� e.a..r and. �r��°r_ ly P.esurvey- of Terry � s Club ��ras l�o:Z. Gzrba�;e co�ul�ir?t. and� r�fuse. - David. Adams, 31Q1 T.J. L}Lytn St., refu�e co�^nlair.t. T.,ettEr to ore �;arb^_�e �nd refuse. e �n ?_-•l�r-68. (��� CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTO� TOPIC: MONTHLY REPORT TO THE C TY MANAGER FEBRUARY 1968 ER OF PERNiITS ISSUED 1968 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION FEBR Residential 11 Residential Garages 0 Alterations & Additions 5 Multiple Dwellings 1 Commercial � Industrial � Municipal � Churches & Schools 0 Hospitals 0 Signs � Moving 0 17 OTHERS Heating Plumbing Electrical 18 21 41 80 1967 FEBRUARY 9 0 3' 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 16 8 11 10 29 ESTIt TED VALUATION ( Residential $ 233, 00 $ 174,500 Residential Garages 0 0 Alterations & Additions 9, 75 18,039 Multiple Dwellings 300, 00 � Commercial 0 0 Industrial 0 0 Municipal 0 0 Churches & Schools 0 0 Hospitals 0 0 Signs 0 2,100 Moving 0 0 $ 542,275 $ 194,639 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR TO DATE TO DATE 18 11 0 � 13 5 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 • 1 0 0 3 4 0 � 37 25 30 77 Lj 24 23 33 132 tsu DING PERMITS IS�U�u $ 356,600 $ 291,000 0 � 17,050 45,715 300, 000 200, 000 p 661,500 473,700 120,000 94,000 177,421 0 0 p � 0 2,650 5,150 0 0 _ ' 1,244,000 $1,500,786 I MONTHI,Y REPORT TO THE CITY FEBRUARY 1968 TYPE BLACKTOPPING CARPENTRY EXCAVATING GAS GENERAI, HEATING HOUSE MOVING MASONRY OIL HEATING PLASTERING ROOFING SIGNS WELL DRILLING PERMIT NUMB �9606-�9623 �7028-�7067 �4057-�4074 �4513 -��4533 NUMBER OF LICENCE�. TYP$ BUILDING � ELECTRICAL HEATING PLUMBING SIGNS NSES CURRENTLY IN EFFEC.T AND COLLECTED TO DATE NUMBER 7 '1 19 39 99 51 2 31 6 7 3 16 2 283 FEE COLLECTED $ 105 15 285 S 85 2475 765 30 465 90- 105 45 400 30 � 5395 P E R M I T F E E S 1968 1967 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 454 651 662 321 $ 274 74 326 354 158 Page 2 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR TO DATE � i:� DATE � $ 2350 $ };2 1394 1425 745 560 455 472 38 $1186 $5041 $296T I ' ' ' PUBLIC WO DEPARTMENT CITY F FRIDLEY �Y REPOI�T - FEBRUARY 1968 STREET DEPARTMENT 1. Grave 1 Haul ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Miscellaneous Street Work . . . . . . . . . . 3. Patching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Shop Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Signs and Barricades . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Equipment Repairs - treet . . . . . . . . . . HOURS 6 160 36 67'� 62 105� �IATER DEPARTMENT . 1. Filtration Plant Ope ations . . . . . . . . 90 2. Final Readings and C llections ........ 57 3. Hydrant Repairs and lushing . . . . . . . . . 11� 4. Miscellaneous Water ork . . . . . . . . . . ..91 5. Pumphouse Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 6. Standpipe Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4'� 7. Water and Sewer Insp ctions ........ 3'� 8. Water Meter Inspecti ns and Repairs ..... 167 9. Water Turn-ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 10. Watermain Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25'� 11. Watermain Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 12. Equipment Repairs - ater . . . . . . . . . . 26� SEWER DEPARTMENT 1. Lift Station Inspect ons and Repairs ..... 97 2. Miscellaneous Sewer ork . . . . . . . . . . 13 3. Sanitary Sewer Clean ng . . . . . . . . . . . 120'� 4. Sanitary Sewer Inspe tions . . . . . . . . . 4 5. Equipment Repairs - ewer . . . . . . . . . . 21 STORM SEWER DEPARTMENT 1. Catch Basin and Sto Sewer Cleaning ..... 127 2. Miscellaneous Storm ewer Work�. .'." ..... 125'� SNOW AND ICE CONTROL 1. Sanding - Ice Contro . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Snow Plowing . . . . . . . . . . . .• �. . . . 3. Miscellaneous Snow a d Ice Work ... ... 4. Equipment Repairs - now and Ice . . . . . . . 47 1 4 49 � ; � ' , � ' ' ' I, , Page Two PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - FEBRUARY 1 MISCELLANEOUS HOURS 1. Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12'� 2. Holidays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 3. Injury on Job - Arth r Silseth ........ 72. 4. Park Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 5. Safety Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 , 6. Sick Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 7. Street Department Sc ool . . . . . . . . . . 8 8. Vacations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 9. Voting Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 10. Weekend Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 11. Equipment Repairs - dministration . . . . . . 2 12. Equipment Repairs - ssessor . . . . . . . •� 2 13. Equipment Repairs - ngineering . . . . . . . 15 14. Equipment Repairs - ire Department ..... 76� 15. Equipment Repairs - iquor . .. . . . . . . . . 3 16. Equipment Repairs - ark Department ..... 39 17. Equipment Repairs - olice Department .... 36� � 8-79 (REV. 11-3-641 (Standard Form of the International As ociation of Chiefs of Police) (Copies avoilable at Federal Bureau oF Inve tigation, Washington, D. C. 20535) CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT + PO�ICE DEPARTMENT ��,tY �f _ Fridley Februar 19 69 r:t�„en ot _ Y , TABLE 1.--DfSTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL Average Daily Percent aily Average Daily ' Numerical Strength Absence Absen e T.emporary Details Average Effective Strength ' • En�i of 'ame month Sam� mont me month Same mont Same monih . this month last year Thismonl ]ast year Thismonth 1 st year This mont last year ThismonthlJastmonth last year 7'otal persorincl. �� � ��� ~.��"� �r � 1�.29 I5�17 � Z��Z� � , Chlrf�s-offfre . � 1 � � . �� . . � -. � . . � f4ecords bureau �, � . . . . i � . .. . ^ . . . . . � � � �. �. . Uniformed force . �� 20 � � . . � . . � . . ... � � . . . . . . . . De�tectivr bvrernu � 1 � - 'I'raffic burrau . F'Srst rellef . . . � � � . Second rellef .. 9 9 . � I � . Third rellef . . . � � , _, 7ABLE 2.--CHANGES IN PI�RSONNEL TABLE 3.--DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH 1. Present tor duty end of last month ........ 22 Same month This month last year 2. Recrulted during month . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . - 3. Reinstated durinq month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2z 1. Tot 1 number of patrolmen : ` . . . . . � � Total to nccount for , , , , � • • • • • • • • - • • •-'.��� 2. Les pezrnenent asslqnments-�(public _ . � � offi es, cIerical, chaufieurs, etc.) . . . - � ._ ..... . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. . � ,r . 4. Separatlons from the service: 3. Les details to speclal s94ads ot bu- 1 . � rea s(trafflc, v1ce, park; etc:) . (a) Voluntary reslqnatlon . . . . . . ,_,_��- ,. � , � _ � �� � � - ' 4. Ave age dally absences of patrolmen (b) Retlrement on penslm ...., assl ned to patrol duty owing to: . � ia) acatlon, suspenslon, test L•.yy C•L� (c) Acsiqned wlth charqes pending ays, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 J� ! C (d) Dropped durinq plobatlm . . . . � � • (b) !ck and in)ured . • � • 3� (e) Dlsmissed for cause . . . . . . � � � � � � ' ' ' ' ' (f) Killed ln llne of duty . . . . . . (c) emporary details . . . . . . . . . . ��7� _ - : ; �4� Dereased . F- . . . . . . . . . . . � . 1 b.'71 7.85 . Total separafions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Total average dally dbsences . . � 5. Present fot d�ty at end of month . . . . . . . . . . . �� 5. Ava1 able for patiol duty . . . . . . . . . �J�'27 1��1J • � I 1 TABLE 4 - - CRIME CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES. (PART I CLASSES) la. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT AND POLICE ACTiVITY TREND OFFENSES K OWN TO THE POLICE CHANGE CURRENT YEAR VS. LAST YEAR V5. SAME MONTH ' VS. SAME PERIOD REPORTED OR ACTUAL ACTUAL THIS LAST YEAR LAST YEAR KNOWN UNFOUNDE OFFENSES YEAR TO DATE THISMONTH THISMONTH NUMBER PERCENT NUMBER PERCENT 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL 1 �. 1 a. RAPE BY FORCE. ' � �, '�, ' . b. ASSAULT TO RAPE - ATTEMPTS 3. ROBBERY TOTAL 1 1 z a. ARMED - ANY WEAPON �. b. STRONGARM - NO WEAPON 1 �, ], 4. AGGRAVATED ASSAULT TOTAL � a. GUN b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT c. OTHER DANGEft0U5 WEAPON d. HANDS, FIST, ETC. - AGGRAVATED 5. EiURGLARY TOTAL �T Z7' zg a. FORCBLE ENTRY 1, Z 'zfj b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY - NO FORCE 2 2 z c. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE ENTRY �. 1 �, 6. LARCENY - THEFT (except auto theft) 16 31 a. S50 AND OVER IN VALUE 1.6 � 7. AUTO THEFT z ], ], 3 CRIME INDEX TOTAL 16. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGIIGENCE 4e. OTHER ASSAULTS • NOT AGGRAVATED �, 66. LARCENY, UNDER 550 IN VALUE 35 3 � ? PART I TOTAL � �' 78 1%y'9 TOTAL PART II INCIDEN7S .. . .. . . .. ... . 7 .. ... . 15S � TOTAL MISCEILANEOUS NONCRIMINAL CALLS �0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ��j4L. . TOTAL CALIS FOR POLICE SERVICE . . . . . . . ��. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ���v, , , r:,��i :•� , . � C�i• � r . � . . � . . . . ' . . • . . , ,_ � � AUTOMOBILESRECOVERED � , . . _ r : (A) NUMBERjTOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED LOCALLY ... ..... ................................... (Bl NUMBERSTOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED BY OTHERJURISDIGTION • ................................... 1 � (C) TOTAL LOCAILYSTOLEN AUTOSRECOVERED ................ ...... .. .................... �- ' ' (D) NUMBER �T9LEN OUT OPJURISDICTION, RECOVERfD LOCALLY ... . . . . . . . .. . .. . �. . . .... .... ..... .. . . . . �- � ^.�..� r �.��` .( - �:: . � 1"ABLE 5-- VAiUE OF PRQPERT�Y STOLEN AND RECOVERED VALUE OF PROPERTY VALUE OP PROPERTY VAIUE OF PROPERTY VALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN LOCALLY STOLEN LOCALLY TOTAL VALUE OF STOLEN OTHER OFFENSE LOCALLYSTOLEN STOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED I AND RECOVERED BY pROPERTY RECOVERED �URISDICTIONS LOCALLY OTHERJURISDICTION RECOVERED LOCALIY ROBBERY 200� OO BURGIARY ' • LARCENY 557 7 1560.52 1560.52 AUTO THEFT 3OO�QO OO�OO 300�00 25OO�CO TOTAL 1.2�''IE�/a..92 1560.52 ' 300.00 1800.52 2500.00 � , . � -- _ _ . : TABLE 6� OFFENSES LEAR�D BY ARREST . __ _ _ year to date (include ex eptional clearcances) , :- - NUMBER OF OF ENSES - PERCENT OF OFFENSES CLEARED BY A REST CLEARED BY ARREST CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES TOTAL�CLEARED BY ARREST OF TOTAL CLEARED BY ARREST OF ` � (PART 1 CLASSE$) ERSONS UNDER 18 PERSONS UNDER 18 THIS IAST �� 1115 `� LAST THIS LAST THIS lAST YEAR YEAR ' EAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE o. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER b. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGUGENCE 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL 1 a. RAPE BY FORCE b. ASSAULT TO RAPE - ATTEMPTS �� � 3. ROBBERY TOTAL �. a. ARMED • ANY WEAPUN 1 b. STRONG-ARM - NO WEAPON t ' 4. ASSAULT TOTA'L �-5 '2 I 3 �- a. GUN � b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT c. OTHER DANGEROUSWEAPON d HANDS FI5T5 PEET, ETC.-AGGRAVATED e. OTHER ASSAULTS - NOT AGGRAVATED �� 1 5. BURGLARY TOjAL 1 a. FORCIBLE ENTRY b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY - NO FORCE e: ATTEMPTED FORCBLE ENTRY . LARCENY - THEFT (EXCEPT AUTO TNEFTI � 1 a. S50 AND OVER IN VALUE b. UNDER 550 IN VALUE 31j. �.�i. 1 7. AUTO THEFT I+ � GRAND TOTAL S4 23 2 � � � � 0 '�. � ' TABLE 7-- PERSO�IS ARRESTED, CHARGED AND - - - - DISPOSED OF DURING MONTH • - - . - COURT DISPOStT10NS THIS MONTH ARR STS PERSONs FORMALLY (INCLUDE RELEASED 0 FORMAL CHARGE) ADULTS GUILTY UNIFORM CLASStFICATION OF OFFENSE$ CHARGED ACQUITTED REFERREDTO � � THIS OR JUVENILE MONTH OF r OF OTHERWISE COURT " TOTAL OFFENSE - LESSER DISMISSED JURISDICTION � JUVENILES 1ADULTS TOTAL CHARGED OFFENSE • . � 1. CRIMINAL NOMICIDE: � o. MIURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER b. MANSLAUGNTER BY NEGLIGENCE 2. FORCBLE RAPE 3. ROBBERY 4, AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 5. BURGLARY - BREAKING OR ENTERING 6. LARCENY - TNEFT (EXCEPT AUTO THEFT) 1 5 �.� � 7. AUTO THEFT 3 3 2 8. OTHER ASSAULT$ (RETURN A- 4e) 1. � I. 1 TOTAL - PART I ClA55E5 25 7 J�V 20 5 THIS YEAR TO DATE g ], LAST YEAR TO DATE Z5 9 24 z0 PERCENT CHANGE 9. ARSON 10. FORGERY AND COUNTERFEIT�NG 11. FRAUD 12. EMBEZZLEMENT 13. STOLEN PROPERTY; BUYING, RECEIVING, POSSESSING 14. VANDALISM � 2 15. WEAPONS; CARRYING, POSSESSING, ETC. 2' 16. PROSTITUTION AND COMMERCIAUZED VICE ' 17. SEX OFFENSES (EXCEPT 2 AND 16) 18. NARCOTIC DRUG LAWS ' 19. GAMBLING ' 20. OFFENSES AGAINST TNE FAMIIY AND CHILDREN 21. DRIVING UNDER THE INPWENCE 2 Z 2 2 22. LIQUOR LAWS �.� % 23. QRUNKENNESS 24. DISORDERLY CONDUCT 25. YAGRAN�Y 2 2 2 z 26. ALl OTHER OFFENSES(EXCEPT TRAFFIC) TOTA� - PART II CLASSES �� � 2g 19 1 J THIS YEAR TO DATE Z2 �Z LAST YEAR TO DATE PERCENT CHANGE TRAFFIC ARRESTS THIS MONTH , PHYSICAL CUSTOOY ARRESTS WARRANTSSERVED ' 1 1 1 1 CITATIONS ISSUED 1. �7�F � 1 TOTAL TRAFFIC ARRESTS AND CITkTIONS 3 62 65 65 � 1 3 3 ,_ � 8-79a (Rev, 10-21-65) ' '- -- -. - . CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT - : _: , � � TRAFFIC SUMMARY olice Department FI,id18 �ity of � Month of February 68 , 19— TABLE 1. ACCIDENT SUMMARY is Month ', Yeor to Date This Year Last Year o�o Change This Year Last Year o�o Change � Accident Total 3$ fil •• $ 100 117 —15 Fatal � Q � � ]. ♦ � PersonalInjury 9 ],6 .../,�y, � 3/, ..12 Property Dama e g 2 9 45 -36 70 82 -15 Pedestrian , _ TABLE 2. ENFORCE ENT SUMMARY This Mont6 Year to Date This Year .. Last Year % Change This Year Last Year % Change Traffic Total %5 ,(�� ♦�'% 1� 11� +� Hazardous Violations 56 2'7 -E 10rj' 65 � +16 Other Violations l0 4 + 21 17 +23 � Parking E� 7 -15 � 13 25 -48 nwi 3 2 +50 3 3 Accident Arrests and Citations TABLE 3. COMPARATIVE SUMMA Y OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS - his Month Year to Date This Year Last Year o�o Change This Year Last Yeaz % Change Total Accidents 38 Fjl �3$ 1�� llrr �1.5 Fatat Accidents ], � Persons Killed 3 � : Injury Accidents �% 16 �Ql� 30 3La —12 ' Persons Injured 13 22 —/+1, r(�,0 63 —37 � Pedestriana Killed � � Pedestrians Injured Hit and Run Accidents 5 g ••3� 10 Zl �1� ' Cleared by Arrest � 1 � Cleared - No Arrest z �, ♦ , Total Cleared �j 2 ♦ C� 5 .�.�0 a � • : ' . � TABLE 4. CO�APARATIVE SUMMARY ACCIDEN S AND ENFORCEMENT {By Hour of Day and Day of Week) ' Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Citation Citation Citation �, Citation Citation Citation Citation . Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and ' Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and . Timc� dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest �I dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest , 12 M �- 1 1 1:00 2 ' • 2:O�J . � ' . 3: O�J `" . _ : 4:00 -� , 1 r �. 5:00 ' 6:00 �- ?:00 l. �. ' 8:00 1 , .. 9:00 ' � 10:00 - �� ' 11:00 � 1 1 12 N 1 ' 1:00 2:00 ' 3c00 �. �. , 4:00 . 1 2 . ]. 2 5:00 �. 2 2 ` 1 2 1 ' 6:00 7:00 . _ 1 , ; 8:00 — - 1 1 , 9:00 1 10:00 1. 1. , 11:00 1 Note: °Citation and Anest° column should include al� traffi citations and arrests made during each hour period except parking , . citations. � � _� � ' I • • � il TABLE S. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF NFORCEMENT (By Violation) ' •{ This Month ., Year to Date This Year Last eaz This Yeaz Last Yeaz o o Change azardous Violations Total 59 29 10g 68 +56 �� nwt . 3 2 3 3 speeding 39 18 57 l�:1 #39 ..,, , ..;�: , Reckless Driviag ' 1 _ z - .+ ' , . _ _ Cazeless Driving 5 g 3 ♦ Traffic Signal �a �.� % 'F,(�Z . _ stop s��► : 9 — 8 +12 Other Regulatory Sign 4 5 3 �� Improper Passing �' , Improper Turning 1 '� Right of Way - Vehicle �+ 1 '�' . . .. Right of Way - Pedeetrian _ _ • Following Too Closely ' No or Improper Signal - Improper Start from Parked Position . � Improper Backing ; _ . _._.__. _ _ _.._. _. _ . .. _ _ ._ _ Improper Lane Usage 1 • ,% �. ♦.. r � _ _ _ _ _ . ; _ _ _ Failure to Drive - Right III .,. � � . . _ _. _ . , -- ' Defective Equipment iZ z '�' I ,, ._ Other Hazardous Violation . _ ,. , her Violations Total 10 __ z�. �.'% - '�z3 : azking Violation Total 6 13 25 �� , . _ _ _ � �' .: . � ' ' � ra����:� ti�fi�:cLus Mi�.��.g� t3r�.�.�i � 28 1600 �_ , ��� �� 33 4987 ' Ur.�.t� 34 7101 1 iF�°z.��4,` 35 ; 440 , Uz�i�:�� � 36 f � � 6334 ' �✓�j�:y :�iJ.�.iyiAl.LL'w.� ' �'�8 5i�:]'��1 VF`� J.;wO ' 9i.a�� . _.r.... _ M.___... _._. -------- 29 _ ��h �:, � ___ ____� �_. a 4 ' ��� �� �_�..________ _ C�;a 157. 5 577.9 �22.� 40.7 766.4 � 10.1 8.6 _ 8.E I0.8 $.2 i�2.2:�.,e+ �f5� �° 13 ' �-�--`�..�._........ � � --- �.�...._____ � �..,,.� �,a�Mz�� 0 p ' ' Equipment & ' Warning Ta�s 106 a- � ' ' � ' . ' 214 February 1968 �v / PAGF d� Fx�.�n�o b3.16 218.09 350.27 10.70 241.92 CPf� I w�+� .049 .024. .038 a-- ��..� i � � . � � : ... . , � - ' �. ' - - ��'s3�f.' �kL �'�T�i.iZ�4���ii . � ' IIep:�rtment : �:E Ct�n�e�vatia�n ;� St. Pa�l, �iin:3Lsnt� . 55It11 .. G=>nt- lec2L�n ; . _ :� Maxch �5. I968 `; ��.,��/v`� ,'' r,�,�- �I �h�= Ci.e� of 1'riJlay �;nd Rew Bz ght4n, ki�.nn��aL-a h�ave ii�d �:robl�ms taith floo�Jin� crauase3 �?y R�.c� Creetc. I�e� csen�,_�ivcs ot both Ci_Cies tt.���: czer wiL-b rep�:c��;c:t<,efwev of ch� tT. S. :ircay C r�s ai F:n�;�.n�ers *o �1scLSS �i�c e�:3�:tex. ta�. Carlson of �h� ;t. P�.al �zstric r�p:.�sented th� Carps of-�nuin�ers. The pur��os�: of the creeting w�zs to ask if so�.ia con5ideration could be �iv�n �y ttte Cor�s vf �n�;incaers tu he ic:�o::�srenL �� w«sr up str4�a�s to .;��'r?`:i<:::L' �S'i:S>3i3i: s3�� ft2�tliE' iI40GJ. u Cl��.�a.'.i:I�L2:i. c�k. L:�.riEOA� I�p�i^.SL'II�'�S.).`ii of rhe Cor�.�s at �rs?,inyer� �dv3se3 tP:�t our fir�� s�ep s�:culd be th�� rer�u>}s�ing e� �� ;',�o:l Pl�ain Ic�f�r��tion Svud�, to 4�r5,e a� -: bssis for inL _��iF-ifya.��.� th:: L�?.�od �i�in iz�: *.�:�ti�in r�ou�>r!ari�:. f tt�;_� two Ci.rie�. Such �tcidy c:sr th�n ��� u::e� ::s a b<isis ro a�.s::ric� c��s �uci.z�n in th� i io�d r luin .�re�. �-fr. C�.rls�st e��,� is�:d �s �;'luo�� Pi�+_. I�sfG�,w:s�ic:. 5tu�y �h��2ci b� rz �ue�r��d throu�;h �liL 5�a;� ��.xecv�r O� (;fli29�_ Ja�io� to ih� i1. S. .�:+�y C�r�s of En�ine�rs. - _ _ �la�dfZL; i, :. prob}er� in Fri:Iley �r�rt Psew B�i�h'tvn at the .pres�ui: tis�e �ad i�: is �nt:icii �::::;1 tn� �rcble�a c,";1 inc��.�s.� �;�*��zifaously �s the :!rea �ii�Jz?v �:::CE3 �''e2�: :ir!'{ ��1�.'. CL3u2.L1 Of ��.t:€tS CO C�1:? l2t��i.ii::iSi. 7.8 t��.",/LZ��.+t'��, FuLc:re Yr��le:�:s ;,�� f�ci �Xill. :�rise du� e� .����;.tic+n.�l buil.ciin�s btiin;� ere��ed, c�zst:uct_c,� �.� ��r.:�ts, ins���1�.Li r. of st�r� s='�n��rs, e,�. ke feei k:::�er :u� �ff r:j�i�; i�y ■.,xli, in�rc:��e �s 3�a-ss ::re ���e1.��?eL. i m��o�iey �f the ��OCd2^� }1i3i14i e':2 Ofi ��.::[? L'i�.v;l��:3 C:.`� �.4j �.i`L� �; �.^_'.'t<E.f'..£'(� 4ik?Y'>.'. C» Z::L''3:i P_Ef �ticilC2 e.'f.'TL1I.:L.:�1 •_'.iiX'JL',�ti .:11�.42i ; ..:�35. '�'t1�3= �IG+6:�_4'�� Lr'Li:�a� �iiLSv 3:�. '<tiaCi=i. �O x _ ZitS:2 :t7L: : i.'�=�f1 _ .,..:��jt. 3�. .ii? [1Gi Ii�j' �_'C��iP_`, £],OG;i :t:L�°i t'%�. �i1� _:if? .f3i:t':cin��; �c=.a.�r�� : _a. . :u::�r::. Tu<= {�:llu�._ �f ;;e.�a 3ri�!��an .. F'IoQd Ia:,:in IzFJ�aS..t�1;:� SLU:?y 3� t �nd [�_ C�.ty o� �ridl_y. JOKi a� x s CC: M:�yor of �h� ;`�11:�,;L of � i�itiw Bri�htoo, ;i:.nn��sot.� L�� i,L.y os" �-idiay re�;ue�.. �1a<-_ u 3uc:a:3 f�r �he vi124�� oi: :�'�w E�i�hco�s Respectiully. Jac:c Q. iCirtc�4:��n, 2�t:�yor F:idl�y, f�,inn�sot� 0 � � A RESOLUTIO�i F�QI iiIFQ�.P�ITIOId STUD' CITY OI� �P.ZDLEY, BE IT IZ�SOLV�D by eh� Counci.l MinnesoZz, �s fU].IOW3; WI�RE�ti, Rice Cre�k flocas thrc � . �7HEREA:�,� tti� City �f Fridley h CxeetL and it is Unticipkted tlia* th the watershe�d� �rea r;zpds�l}� are de�� ins�us�:ri�l F�ur��oses; and J:;STIPdG A T'LOOD PI,AIN .' OF RIC'r". CP�::�K 7IV' Tt'�E rixra���soxA of ihe Ci.ty of Fridley, r?noka County, the City of Fridl�y, Mi_nn�sot3; ��nd as h�d flooding proble�s due to Rice e proble� wil1. increuse us lc}nds within loped for residenkial, corunz�:rci<al and ZiI�REAS, the sn��Eiod af di:posi g of surplus waters F�i12 be con�trolled as Ian3 is de�.�ei��e:I �nd uil]. cause rapi.ct runs�ff and incr`�zsed �Ioad�tng; ii�i� . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . .. .. . .. ': ' " . : .... ... .. ..._. � . . . .�. .. i�7HEP,EI�S, thzr� i.s �a nA�a �o a� plop a wat�r r�ir���e�ant �policy to :�dec�t�:;tel� p1ar, �ki� iiev2lo�ment of ands •.?ii:hin th� City o£ Fridley and it is aece::sary ta kn��t,7 the extent, freyuei�cy of f lood flows and to identify L-Ize pl.00ct Pl.ain ;re�: c�;ore ccu���t�Iy far zcning purposes; and k'�rF.i:AS, thn floud gl;:it� infor � tion st.ucly is t�tti first s�ep in establi�hinL t��ter c�:iia���:�nt �olic . i�Gt'T T:��3.F:=C+..I�, �Q i� resol-ved y 4�e Ci.t; Cauncil af the Ci�y of :�ridley tt�,:t ._i rc:•;uest �� su�:�ittad to t:l:e CU�.u;.tissi��ier af Consertiatio:�, S�st� af i•'intae�v� �, rE ;.u::stxn�, th� ��i�e� uL<,kes :�r�.T,y, C�rps of En� ir��ers, to insti�u[e �n:3 conc�uc� a flood pl in in�orr^at{an s�udy of Ric� Cree� in the Ciiy of Fridley, i�linnesota. , rs�OTS':'i,!? SY T'i.� CT'iY CJti:1CIL 0� TFi.c, �F , 1968. �1T3'EST; CITY CLERK � �i:'�';�TI-d-C. �RUdSr.LL I`t"Y t�F �RIDLs;y iHIS DAY I��1Y 0 i- J�? C�� rJ. IiI ::�.�i.:� f 0