05/20/1968 - 5891REGULAR COUNCIL MFLTING AGENDA - MAY 20, 1968 - 8:00 P. M. FOR COUNCIL ATTENTION� Any pertinent comments from the Department Heads are � included on this agenda index. The copies handed out to the audience do not include these comments. PLEDGE OF ALL�GIANCE: INVOCATION: ROLL CALL• MINUTES• ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Special Council Meeting, April 29, 1968 Regular Council Meeting, May 6, 1968 Special Council Meeting, May 13, 1968 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. On Requested Vacation of Marshall Street - NSSSD (The Public Hearing on Continued Street Vacation -�Hirsch Bros. will be discussed under Item 4) Pages 1 - 4 Pages 5 - 40 Pages 41 - 51 Pages 52 - 54 OLD BUSTNESS; ' 2. Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Health Ordinance ��372 by Adding Section 43 (d) Temporary Suspension of License. Page 55 � � � �I 3. Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Health Ordinance ��372 by Changing Section S Regarding Vending Machine Licenses.' Comment; The City Attorney wi11 have the reworded ordinance ready to hand out at the meeting. 4. Second Reading of an Ordinance Confirming Council's Action on Election Precincts (Splitting Ward Two into Three Precincts) 5. Consideration of Rezoning Request Z0A ��68-06 Hirsch Bros. and Continue.d Public Hearing on Vacation of Street - Hirsch Bros. 6. Consideration of Traffic Pattern near Filister Apartments on East River Road. 7. Consideration of Remodeling Park Department in Lower Level of Civic Center. Pages 56 - 58 Pages 59 & 60 Page '61 � � � 1 ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � I � I ' I ' ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL NIGETING AGENDA - MAY 20, 1968 (CONTINULD) OLD BUSINESS (CONTINUEI� � PAGE 2 8. Financing of Loop Backs at East River Road and Mississippi Street and the Street to the West; Loopbacks at the Inter- section of Mississippi Street and T.H. ��47 (University) Pages�62 & 63 (Comment; The City Attorney and Fiscal Consultant have been forwarded copies of these memos so that they may check the legal and financial aspects of them.) 9. Resolution Authorizing Approval and Signature of new Minneapolis- Fridley Sewer Contract Page 64. Camment; The proposed revised agreement was given to the Council at the Mt�y 13th Meeting. Please bring it with you. The City Attorney will have the resolution ready to . hand out at the meeting.) 10. Discussion of Proposed Water System Interconnection with Moundsview. Pages 65 & 66 (Comment; If the Council feels it is a reasonable cost, they can authorize the Administration to enter into an agreement with Moundsview.) NE�^I BUSINESS: 11. Consideration of Request to use '!Dual-�ite" soil pipe for•the Carter Day Building. (Comment: This is the same type of request the City had from Target and Onan Contractors) 12. Consideration of Application for Sign Permit- Embers Comment: The Council has been discouraging big signs on the highways, but maybe this could be approved as it is for a restaurant in Fridley.) 13. Conaideration of Request for Splitting of Assessments - Wargo and Barna , (Comment; As Terry's Addition Plat fell throngh, the Attorney for the property owner is requesting that the City split the assessments. Pages 67 & 68 Page 69 Pages 70 & 71 �. , ' ' I�� � REGUL�IR COUNCIL MEl;TING AGENllA - ME1Y 20, 1968 (CONTINULD) 14. Receiving Minutes of the Special Parks and P�ecreation Commission Meeting of May 13, 1968 15. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting, May 8, 1968 Comment; The petition on page 76 is to be received. The map regarding this item is on page 77) 16. Receiving the Minutes of the Building Standards- Design Control Meeting, May 15, 1968 � ' (Comment; The City Engineer wi11 have the information on the Harris Erection proposal mentioned on the bottom of the Minutes} ' ' �^ 'J � _1 �_ 1 IJ I , �r 17. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, May 9, 1968 (Comment_ The Planning Commission would like the Council to note corrections in the Minutes. Items for Council's attention are underlined on Pages 2 and 4 of the Minutes) 18. Ratification of Resolution No. 73-1968 Ordering Preliminary Plans, Specifications and Estimates of the Costs Thereof: SS&SW ��88 (Addendum ,��4) _ PAGE 3 Pages 72 & 73 Pages 74 - 77 Page 78 Pages 79 - 83 Page 84 19. Ratification of Resolution No. 74-1968 Receiving the Prelimi- nary Report and Calling a Public Hearing on the Matter of the Construction of Certain Improvements, Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer - Project ��88 {Addendum ��4) Pages 85 & 86 Comment; This is for calling the hearing on the storm sewer in Al Johnson's Onaway Additions properties.) 20. Ratification of Reso�ution No. 75-1968 Receiving the Preliminary Report and Calling a Public Hearing on the Matter of the Con- struction of Certain Improvements - ST. 1968-1B Pages 87 & 88 Comm�nt; The Council held an informal discussion with the ' property owners on 64th Avenue improvement. This is to set up the legal hearing on ,Tune lOtl�. ' 21. Ratification of Resolution No. 76-1968 Relative to City of Fridley- North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District Sewer Use Agreemen�, and Discussion of Requested Sewer Connection for Minco. Pages 89 & 90 � ' � Comment; This Resolution is in regard to the request for hooking Minco to NSSSA The three possibiliti_es are shown on the map. Council should make a determination on the one they want to choose, considerating NSSSD's reaction) REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - MAY 20, 1968 (CONTINUED) NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUE� 22. Resolution Ordering Preliminary Plans, Specifications, and Estimates of the Costs thereof; Street Improvement Project ST. 1969-3 .(73rd Avenue between T.H. 65 and Central) Comment; This resolution as per discussion at May 13th meeting in regard to Mr. Hafner's letter) 23. Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Certificates of Indebtedness for the Purchase of a Fire Truck Comment; There will be approximately $25,000 left to finance after the down payment of $10,000 is made. The Council should approve the issuance of certifi:cate of indebtedness for $25,000. 24. Resolution to Advertise for Bids for Carpeting for Shorewood Lounge 25. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Splitting of Special Assessments on Part of Outlot 1, Parcel 4720, Melody Manor 4th Addition (Comment; This resolution and the following two are on property the Council has previously authorized lot splits for.) 26. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Splitting.of Spe�ial Assessments on Parcel 900, PGrt of Lots 21 and 22, Block 1, Ostman's 3rd Addition. 27.. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Splitting of Special Assessments on Parce� 1450, Lot 29, Block 1, Innsbruck 5th Addition 28. Consideration of Approval of Certificates of Achievement 29. Discussion of Beverages served at Shorewood. 30. Discussion of Revamping of 69th Avenue Crossing at T.H. ��47 for Arena Traffic. (Comment; We have come up with a plan to re�ove industry and arena traffic away from the residential area due to the objections from the residential property owners. This will involve additional cost, and the Council should take action if they want this set up, and . discuss how the additional cost can be funded.) Page PAGE 4 � 91 Pages 92 & 93 Pages 94 & 95 Page 96 Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - MAy 20, 1968 {CONTINUED) NEja BUSINESS (CONTINUED 31, Claims Page 100 PAGE 5 32. Licenses Pages 101 - 106 Comment: There is a memo on Page 101 regarding one of the license applications, and comments from the Building Inspector on Page 102'to note) 33. Estimates Pages 107 - 109 34. Discussion of Murphy Oil Station at East River Road and Mississippi � Street Intersection. Requested by Mr. Savelkoul Pages 110 - 112 (Comment; This request came in to late to get on the agenda at at earlier time. You may wish to take it up earlier as Mr. Savelkoul plans on having several representatives present at the meeting..We have included the previous minutes in the agenda. COMMUNICATIONS: (A) Fridley Jaycees, Re: Resolution passed regarding the � Liquor Question VISITORS• ADJOURN• Page 113 � r � ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _. ' ,_ ' THE MINU��ES OF 'rHE SPEGIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 29, 1968 The Special Council Meeting of the City of Fridley was called to order at 4:35 P.M. by Mayor Kirkh�m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA,t.�TCE : Mayor Kirkham asked everyone present to stand and join in saying the PlecJge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL C[�,LL • MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Harris, at 4:59) MEI�ERS ABSENT: None Samuelson, Sheridan, Liebl (Arrived CONSSDERA�1.'ION OF BUILDING P�Rt�ZI7' FOR Tf-IE CONSTRUCTION �F A� METAL FABRICAT?'ON PLANT AT 7321 COI�L.NLRCE LA.I�7E (TAKY•EI�1IN MACHINE�. REQI7I:,ST BY L.AZ.J. CONLPaNY, INC. , 1011 ��IEST 80TH STRE�.T� BLOOl�I�NGTON, MINN • The City E ngineer said that this building would be approximately 100' x 150', on Lots 20 and 21, Block 2, Commerce Park. Councilman Harris said that he had requested that the Mayor cal1. this meeting because he had been approached by these people, and they had ° indicated that they caere getting ready to build their plant in an- other communii:y. He said that he had asked them to consider builaing in Fridley, and told them that the City �aould be willing to work with them in order to help them g�t started with their construction.. �he City Engineer said that the petitioners had appeared be�ore the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee on April 24, 1968, and the Committee had recommended approving the perinit with certain stipulations, which he xead from their minutes. � � There was a discussion about L.M.J. Company's request to pave to the proper�y line. The City Engineer felt that it shouZd be at least 5 feet away from the property line. He said that if fencing or other facilities were ever put in, there should be some room_to_w ork with.. Mr. Gibbs, who was present at the meeting in behalf of L.M.J. Company, said that they agreed to comply v��ith all_of the requests of the City, but would question the 5 feet required-off the lot line easEment. He said they had also agreed to sprinkle the building. He said they feel• they need as much room on the back side as possibler and that he - . ` � , L_J ' ' � ' � � SPECIAL COUNCIL.I�r.TING, APZIL 29, 1968 PAGE 2 understooc� tne easement could be used. He su�.d that if the black- top had to be icorn up for any reason, they would agree that this woul.d be their expense. The City Engineer said that cars would be protruding inLO som�one else's property, and in the event the pro- perty was developed on the easi:, side, a fence rnay be required.and then there should be some distance be-cween the curb, and th� fence, to stop the -L-rucks bzfore they burn� into the fence. Mr. Gibbs said that cur',�ing on the property line would clearly define the property lone, and ir the Council required fencing�later, they would comply with this. Councilman Samuelson said that the only consideration oi this blacictopping to tne proper�y line he could see was that a grade should be established so that water does not wash off onto the undeveloaed property. NLr. Gibbs said that they will comply with the_ request, but they would like i:o keep it open for negoi�iation or discussion in the future, so that the City will not say that they had agreed to do tnis. There was a discussion about c�etting the trucks through on the south side where there would be room, and about the possibility of usinc� temporary barrier blocks. The City Enginser said tha-L- the 5' is not a great problem and can be ��orked out with them. Mr. Gibbs said that they wanted to leave the door open for the �uture. MOTZON by Councilman Samuelson to approve the Building Permit for ' Takkenin tilachine subject to the specifications listed in the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Minutes of �pril 24, 1968, and that it be paved 5' from the property line. Seconded by Council- ' man Shericlan. Upon a voice vate, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. '' The City Engineer said that he would wozk with the Company on this. F�RST READING -0F ORDINANCE �1ENDING ORAINANCE NO. 374 AN ORDINANCE ' DEFINING NUISA�;CLS PP,OfITBI�l'ING TN�ZR CREATION OP. P�iAINTENANCE AND PROVIDING FOR 1�1;ATENIENT AL�ID vENAL' TIES FOR VIOJ�TTON THEREOF : � �. �.. .a �.. _.. ' ' � ' � .� The City Manager said that he had discussed this with the Anoka County Extension Agent and he had said there is nothing in the State St-�tutes��- which will a�low the City to remove trees, except in-the ca.se of -- .. Dutch elm disease. He said that the intention of this ordinance to get rid of dangerous trees laying around, which the Extention Agent says will harbor bark beetles. (COUNCILMAN LIEBL ARRIVED AT NP�E�.CING t�T 4:59 P.M. ) and the Ordinance was explained to him. is THE MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the Ordinance upon.first reading waivin� the reading. Seconded by.Gouncilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, �:ir}cham, Harris, Liebl, Samuelson, & SYieridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carriecl unanimously. � � �' , 1 ' ' SPECIAL COUNCIL 1��ETING, APRIL 29, 1968 PAGE 3 RE�?iTESTED VI1Ct�'1'ZON OF A PORTION OF T4ARSHALL STREET NOP.TH OF 37TH AV�NUL',, NSSSU: The City Engineer said that if the Council wishes, he can try and get this vacation published in tlze paper this week so that the Council can consider it at t'neir P�Iay 13th Public Hearing meeting. Councilrnan Harris said that this roadway is not serving any useful purpose, and NSSSD wants to fence it in. He said he could see no reason for delay as the sooner it is fenced in the less problem there will be with people dumping there. Councilman Harris said that as a member of the Board, he had in- ' dicated to them that the Ci�cy �vould not consider abating this road- way without some consideration around the liquor store property. He said he did not know i£ it would be used for parking or to ' enlarge the liquor store building, but he did not feel the City � should grant the District's request without some trans�ero ' , '__ J 1 ' .' ..' � The Council discussed the amout of a:cea the City should request be trans�erred in trade, and what benefit there would be to the Liquor Store. Councilman Harris said that he could i:ake the City's decision back to the NSSSD Board for agreement, but he woul.d like to have the Figure decided on by the Council, rat'ner than him trying to nego�iate a figure w ith the Board. The Council decided on increasing the area needed for expansion to 135' on the nor th, and with the 78' on the wes-t, it woutd be not quite an acre and a half. Councilman Harris asked that a new shaded map be dra%n up for the District's consideration. MOTION by Councilman Harris to set the public hearing on the vac- ation requested by NSSSD at the earliest possible date.. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, r2ayor Y.irkham declared the rnotion carried unanimously. LOCATION OF SIDES�7ALK ON P'ITSSISStTPPI STP•EET BETV7EEN T.H. -iF65 AND CENTP.AL AVENUE • The City Engineer said that some of the property awners on Miss- issippi 5treet have been calling hiin because they �eel that if the City requires 5 more feet for the sidewalk, it will be too close to their bedroom windaws. He said that there were two choices, . either eliminate the sidewalk on one side or shift the road over for a smaller right of way on the north side, and a larger ane on the south side. He said he would su�gest they request 3' on the north side and 7' on the south side, and �.he roaa could be shifted- over about tv�o feei:. Councilman Sheridan said that he had received �. � ' ' � ' , SPECIAL COUNCIL Pf�ETING, APP.IL 29, 1968 PAGE 4 a letter from three property o�rmers askin.g that tY}e sidewalk be deleted on the north side bccause it is too close to them, but he felt tney would accept th is idea. Tne City Engineer said that if tlie Council a�rees, he would send notices to the property awners to attend the Regular Council Meeting of Nlay 6, 1968 to discuss this as the con�;ract is bein� let at this time. Tne Council agreed with tliis idea. CITY MANAGER SALARY INCREASE: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson i:hat the Council raise Mr. Ankrum's ' salary at the rate of $1,000 per year eftective May 1, 1968. The motion ���as seconded, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor �:ir'r.ham declared t'ne motion carried unanimously. � ' I ' I ' � , ' I ' � '. ' � ADJOU121�TP�k;NT - There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declar�d the Special Council P�1.eeting of April 29, 1968 adjourned a�� 5:25 P.M. Respectfully,submitted, . 7�1 � , - . �;: � ; � =:� f. �;l _=_�-- /..�;�£� i:�z./ Nary L�.i. Strom Secretary to t'ne Council c ,.,� �� � i' A Y � , �• ' , � , , � ' ' ' ' � �I � ' � � PAGE 5 THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1968 The regular Council Meeting of May 6, 1968 was called to order by Mayor Kirkham at 8:20 P.M. OPENING CEREMONY: Mayor Kirkham asked everyone to stand and join in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. In.the absence of ministerial representation, Mayor Kirkham asked for a moment of silent prayer. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan MEMBERS ABSENT: None PRESENTATION OF AWARDS Mayor Kirkham read the Certificate of Achievement Awards and presented them to the following people: Officer Norman R. Pomerleau, Sergeant Linus 6. Fritz (Received two Citations), Lieutenant Howard Rick, Officer Ronald Allard, Officer Thomas J. Kennedy, Fridley Jaycees and Richard Harju. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 8, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of April 8, 1968. Motion seconded. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 15, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of April 15, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 25, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of April 25, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTIOt� OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ._ � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1968 VISITOR - REGARDING AIRPORT: PAGE 6 Mr. Lloyd Feekes, a representative of a group of citizens opposed to � the Airport took this opportunity to thank Councilman Liebl for attending both public hearings and for taking a definite stand which happened to be the same as their own. He said he had circulated a petition and ' 2,181 people had signed it. He also thanked Councilman Sheridan for attending one of the public hearings and questioned the remaining Councilmen on taking a stand after hearing only one side or not taking a stand at all. ' He said his petition represented 30% of the people in Fridley, and that 90% of the people visited signed the petiti.on. He said that Councilman Harris had gone on record as favoring the north site. � RECEIVING THE LIQUOR COMMITTEE EVALUATION REPORT: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the Liquor Committee Evaluation � Report. Motion seconded. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared motion carried unanimously. ' � � FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING HEALTH ORDINANCE #372 OF THE CITY CODE REGULATING AND LICENSING FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS AND FOOD VENDING MACHINCS AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF BY ADDING SECTION 43 d TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF LICENSE: Councilman Liebl asked if this complies with the suggestion the League of Women Voters wanted incorporated. The City Attorney said it did. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the Ordinance and waive the first reading�. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson and Sheridan voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE #372 OF THE CITY CODE ' GUL TING AND LICENSING FOOD ESTABLISHMENT AND FOOD VENDING M CHINE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF BY ADDING SECTION 5C REGARDING VENDING MACHINE LICENSES: ' ' ' � � !� � Councilman Harris suggested that the wording should be, "shall not be required for vending machines requiring a coin of not less than 6�". The City Attorney suggested this ordinance be passed on first reading and the wording will be changed for the second reading. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the Ordinance and waive the first reading. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson and Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � � . a 1 � _� � � r , � u ' �. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1968 P�GE 7 SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE #388 TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF.THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS BY REZOfdING LOT #4, BLOC , WILSON'S ADDITION FROM R-1 TO R-3: There was a question of whether this was the first or second reading. The Finance Director clarified this. MOTION by Gouncilman Samuelson to adopt Ordinance #388, waive the second reading and order publication. The motion was seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson and Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE #389 AMENDING ORDINANCE #374 DEFINING NUISANCES PROHIBITING THEIR CREATION OR MAINTENANCE AND PROVIDING FOR ABATEMENT AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF: The City Manager offered a short explanation of this. It was needed prohibit downed trees, which are unsightly and are a hazard to small children who would like to play in them. They could be hurt when �he became rotten. to trees ' MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Ordinance #389 on second reading, waive reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson and Sheridan voting aye, � Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE #390 TO PROHIBIT THE HUNTING, TAKING, SNOOTING, ' TRAPPING, KILLING OR INJURING OF WILD ANIMALS AND BIRDS WITHIN THE CITY OF � FRIDLEY AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Ordinance #390 on second reading, � waive the reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson and Sheridan all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � I� SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE #391 ON THE SALE OF CHRISTMAS TREES MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Ordinance #391 on second reading, waive reading and order publication. The motion was seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson and Sheridan all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. AWARDING OF BIDS - GROUP HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE (BIDS OPENf D MARCH 18, 1968 � The City Manager gave a review of the bids and the many considerations involved in making an award. The Finance Director, City Manager and Insurance Consultant met and agreed that there must be a base to bid to and that the award should go to the lowest bidder. They also took into ' consideration the fact that Aetna had indicated to the City we woutd get a refund. The City is now in possession of a letter saying we would not. � � �� � � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 PAGE 8 Continental Assurance was the lowest bidder, however, they were eliminated because of a$1,000 limitation an pre-existing conditions under Major Medical instead of the normal $10,000. North American Life and Casualty Company was also eliminated because of pre-existing condition limitations and room expense limit. The third low was Mutual.of Omaha � who adhered most closely to the specifications. There was no pre-existing limitation up to $10,000. Time Insurance meets specifications and covers pre-existing conditions up to $10,000 and waiver of premium of disability as long as group life insurance is in force. The City Manager recommends that the Council name Mutual of Omaha for a two year period. CARRIER Aetna Class I Class II Blue Shield & Safeco Class I One Year Class II One Year Class I Two Years Class II Two Years Class I Three Years Class II Three Years Connecticut General Class I Class II Continental Assurance C ass I Class II � GROUP HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE BID ON A ONE YEAR BASIS BIDS OPENED MARCH 18, 968) Class II Police and Firemen Class I All other employees EMPLOYEE DEPENDENT DEPENDENT ONLY MEDICAL LIFE (PER UNIT) $10.70 $19.41 16.30 9.47 19.25 12.83 9.86 20.18 13.22 10.24 21.11 13.60 11.61 21.54 16.44 10.13 15.88 15.03 $ .66 .50 . 50 . 50 .53 .74 TOTAL ANNUAL $25,699.30 �� 22,954.32 24,907.68 25,921.68 28,247.04 23,095.20 a� � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 PAGE 9 EMPLOYEE DEPENDENT DEPENDENT TOTAL CARRTER ONLY MEDICAL LIFE ANNUAL (PER UNIT) Fireman's Fund � Class I $ 8.97 $19.17 $ .68 $23,406.84 Class II 14.43 North American Life & Cas. Class I 9.60 18.09 .38 23,406.84 Class II 12.68 � Time Insurance (Two Yrs.) Class I 9.27 19.50 .50 23,854.44 Class II 12.84 � � United of OMaha C1ass I One Year 9.06 18.48 .70 23,431.68 Class II One Year 14.17 . Class I Two Years 9.43 19.40 .70 24,427.68 Class II � � Two Years 14.54 Western Life Class I 9.73 18.39 .50 23,943.60 Class II 13.93 Massachusetts Mutual . • Class I 10.91 20.84 27,349.92 Class II 17.00 Mutual of New York - Class I 10.16 20.19 .63 . 25,938.96 Class II 15.83 Northwestern National Life Class I 11.19 21.16 .64 27,515.04 Class II 16.02 Prudential Insurance Class I 10.58 20.32 .61 26,6b2.08 Class II 16.74. Prudential Ins..Alternate � Class I 10.64 19.23 .61 26,080.08 Class II 16.80 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 EMPLOYEE DEPENDENT DEPENDENT CARRIER ONLY MEDICAL LIFE • — (PER UNIT) PAGE 10 TOTAL ANNUAL Provident Mutual Class I $11.64 $23.03 $ .45 $29,156.88 Class II 16.40 � Occidental Class I 10.34 19.41� .52 25,384.56 Ciass II 14.96 Security Connecticut Class I 11.03 20.70 .53 27,127.68 Class II 16.14 Association Life Class I 9.70 19.34 .60 24,433.44 Class II 13.83 Crown C1ass I � One Year 10.02 27.79 .58 29,766.48 Class II � One Year 13.73 C1ass I - Two Years 11.33 31.95 .58 33,834.48 � Class II Two Years 15.04 Councilman Liebl asked the City Manager if he was giving his recommendation based on lowest premiums or best coverage. It is his understanding that the City employees are unhappy with present conditions and would be willing to pay more for more coverage for dependents. He feels he cannot give a competent opinion on what he has seen. � The City Manager said Me felt that after the award, negotiations could be made with the firm for increased coverage, more life insurance and other miscellaneous items. Also, we must consider how much the employee can afford, as adding too many additional items could result in the premiums being too high. Councilman Liebl asked Mr. A1 Shoemaker of Prudential to explain some of the terms used and what this would mean to the employees. He wants the . employees to get a fair break. Mayor Kirkham suggested that this item be by-passed until later in the meeting as there were visitors present waiting to speak on other items. � - _�� � ; � k @ ' �� ' � � ' �i � , ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table meeting. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion FUNDING OF POLICE DEPARTMENT QUARTERS: PAGE 11 this item until later in the Upon a voice vote, all voting carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the City Attorney's memorandum of May lst regarding the financing of the Police Department quarters. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Councilman Harris said that it was his understanding that they had made this determination last time, and that this is just clarification. He said it was his understanding that the Police Association will enter into an agreement with the City to pay the contractor rather than solicit fund from any other source. Mayor Kirkham said that this is what he recalled. Councilman Harris said that he wanted to go on record that this is the way it will be funded. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF GARBAGE AND TRASH PICKUP (CARL PAULSON REQUEST): , Carl Paulson said he thought it was 'a fine thing the City of Fridley did with their "Clean Up-Spruce Up Week" and that it enhances the image of the City of Fridley to have people clean up their homes and yards. He thought a decision ; � should be made soon on any change in policy because after the clean-up week some residents might be wanting to buy another kind of trash burner. He was in favor of having a franchised contractor doing all the work in the City to ' eliminate the duplication of trucks in the same areas. He also felt that this would eliminate much of the air polution due to burning, both from the smoke and the resultant ash in the air. It was his feeling that we should make a study of what other communities were doing in this department. Some ' communities place their garbage cans on the curb in the morning for pick-up that day and he felt this should be made a mandatory pick-up. He suggested that the City Manager study the water and sewer rates as compared to the rates ' of other communities and possibly incorporate the bill into one; however, he did not want the rates to become excessive as this would become, in effect, a sales tax. - ' I�� The City Manager pointed out that he has received a report from the Chief of the Fire Department indicating that there is considerable cost, i.e. $7,315 from December 28 to April 7, 1968, involved in fighting grass fires, many of which were set by trash burners. � Councilman Liebl said we have an ordinance controlling garbage and trash now; ' however, if the proposal presented by the City Manager was adopted, it would give the City much stricter control. There are more things to consider such as administrative costs and how a more restrictive ordinance would be accepted� by the people. Councilman Samuelson pointed out that this is a report on ' previous work, and this discussion is a continuation of the work started some time ago. ' . ' � � ' � ' � ' ' '� ' � � r � � , , , ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 YA�E 12 Councilman Sheridan said he did not feel that it�was the City's business to go into the garbage collection business nor to give a�private company a guaranteed wage by way of a franchise. He felt that if there was any saving, it would not be passed on to the citizen due to the rise in administrative costs. He also did not agree with putting the garbage containers on the curb. Mayor Kirkham said that it was not the point at this time to discuss where the containers should be, but rather whether the City should adopt a stricter ordinance, whether to give a franchise or let bids. Councilman Liebl was in favor of a stricter ordinance, as this would enable the Police Department and Health Inspector to be more efficient, but was also against the City entering into the garbage business. MOTIQN by Councilman Sheridan that this item be studied further, then placed on the June 3rd Agenda. Motion seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUILIZATION: MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur968tatt�e3n�oPiMe �Secondedhbymeeting of the Board of Review for July 11, 1 Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. - TRAFFIC COUNTS ON 57th AVENUE EAST OF 7th STREET Mayor Kirkham called for comments from the visitors on this subject. Robert Erickson, 565 57th Avenue N. E., stated that they have a traffic problem in this area. They had presented a petition from the people in the area of 57th Avenue and Madison Street to review the traffic pattern and make a recommendation for further control. There were two accidents involving two small children in this area, which is densely populated with children. - City Engineer explained that the Engineering Department had set three traffic counters out for seven days at the following locations: #1 57th Avenue (East of 7th Street) 6819 cars #2 57th Avenue (East of Madison) � 189 cars #3 Madison Street (North of 57th Avenue) 6608 cars . The Engineering Department also has an hourly count taken on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Based on findings from the traffic counter the City Engineer recommends that a stop sign be installed to stop the traffic going south on Madison Street. Councilman Harris asked if this would not tend to re-route the traffic flow thrqugh 57th Avenue to Carrie Lane, then to Jackson Street. The City Engineer pointed out that because of the turns in the road, it is much easier to go on 57th Avenue, up Madison Street to 58th Avenue, than to go down to Carrie Lane to Jackson Street. .� .� , _.� i, , 1 IJ � � ' � Ij ' � ' � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 PAGE 13 Councilman Harris asked if in the past, placing a deterrent on one street has not had the effect of re-routing the traffic onto another street. Councilman Sheridan said that the people signing the petition are actually more concerned about the traffic on 57th Avenue than on Madison Street. Mr. Erickson said that a stop sign on Madison would be an improvement, however, the children were hit on 57th Avenue, and this is where the stop sign should be. He said they feel there should be an east-west stop sign also. He asked if there was another way to control speed; this is a longer block, actually three or four blocks long, which makes it easier for people to speed. The City Engineer poi�ted out that in past Engineering studies it was found that a stop sign as a speed deterrent does not decrease accidents, it actually increases them, human nature being what it is, people have a tendency to tear off from a stop sign. Mr. Eriekson asked what is the answer then. Mr. Qureshi told him perhaps more police patrolling would help. If there is speeding this is a police problem. Mr. Erickson asked what about "Caution Children" signs. It was the City Engineer's feeling that this did not really help as if the people were going to speed, they would anyhow, but they could be put up if it would make the people feel better. Chief McCarthy agreed with Mr. Qureshi that if people are forced to stop, they will become careless drivers rather than speeding drivers. Chief McCarthy said he had no record of any children being hit in that area: Mr. Erickson said it was not serious, involved small children, and was not reported. , Another visitor in the audience from the area asked where the children were expected to cross the street. He felt it would be silly to walk up twa blocks, cross the street, and then walk back down two blocks. A visitor in the audience asked why there is a three-way stop sign on 7th Street at about 57th or 58th Avenue. He feels that before the stop sign was put there, people were going 40-50 Miles Per Hour, and now they do not, so it acted as a speed deterrent there. Chief McCarthy answered t�iat the sign was put up over the objections of the City Engineer and the Police Department, but the Principal from Parkview School lives on the corner and he felt that because of the large number of children that cross at this intersection, the stop sign was needed. He said that the school patrol also patrols this corner. . . � A visitor to the Meeting said that last summer the cars were bumper to bumper and if they put up the traffic counters on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, they would get a more accurate count as during the summer that street is used to get to the Drive-In Theater. He said he'had compTained of this "� ' last summer, and was told it would be checked into. The City Engineer said . that traffic counts have already been taken hourly on Saturday and his suggestion was that they process the suggestion made earlier and have more ' rigid police patrolling. Councilman Liebl asked on Wednesday at 9:00 A.M. Why the count suddenly jumped to 202 cars. City Engineer said he did not know, but possibly some special event. The rest of the count is pretty much in ' line. Councilman Liebl questioned whether the rest of the count was accurate then. � Mr. Erickson said the traffic goes both ways. He did not feel this was a good count. This street is used as a short cut from T.H. #65 to University Avenue. � � � ,I ,_J ' �J � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 pAGE 14 Councilman Harris felt it might be a good idea to put a stop sign where recommended by the City Engineer on the corner of Madison Street to stop the traffic going south and also on 57th and P�ladison Street. Councilman Samuelson asked if a six month trial period would help. Mr. Erickson said anything we could do would help. Councilman Sheridan said if we go with the suggestion of putting a sign on Madison and one on 57th Avenue to stop the east bound traffic, we could take a count later on in the summer and see if this helps the situation. Mr. Erickson answered that arould be fine. MOTION by Councilman Harris to put a stop sign on Madison Street at the intersection of Madison and 57th Avenue and one on 57th Avenue at Madison Street to stop the east bound traffic. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. TRAFFIC PATTERN NEAR FILISTER APARTMENTS ON EAST RIVER ROAD The City Engineer gave a short resume of this area; being an apartment ' complex west of East River Road. The Council has already received and approved the East River Road Traffic Safety Study. There is a proposed left turn lane to a service drive going north to get to Anna Avenue and � Charles Street. This intersection should eventually have traffic lights. It would also serve the Nursing Home. The south bound traffic�would use the present roads. This service road would be a one way 30 foot road � going north. The north bound iraffic from the parking lots would exit out 59 2 Way. ' ' � ' ' ' , Councilman Liebl asked if this is not a continuation of the Traffic Safety Study approved earlier. Councilman Harris asked Mr. Qureshi if he had talked to the State Highway Department. Mr. Qureshi replied that he had and the District #5 Traffic Engineer feels this is the best place possible for a traffic signal; not the best, but acceptable. Councilman Harris asked if this road does not go all the way to Anna Avenue. Mr. Filister replied no it does not, and he has.no intentions of connecting. The City Engineer said there was a 40 foot space between the garages and Anna Avenue.. � � Councilman Harris pointed out that signals will be necessary for left hand traffic turning north. He asked Mr. Filister if he would be willing to pay for signals. Mr. Filister replied, "No, I do not think I would". He said he would be willing to gamble on traffic problems rather than serve the 200 unit apartment building to the north on a road he would be main- taining. The City Engineer said that if governmental bodies will be spending $30,000 to $35,000 far signals, the whole area should be served. �.� , .� � '•. � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 P�GE 15 Mr. Filister would like a solution to how the people can g�et onto the service drive from the garage, as they would have to back onto the road. Councilman Samuelson asked about the possibility of moving the light further north. After much discussion, the City Engineer explained that it was there to help serve Downing Box and a possible new industry south of there, i.e. Lamar, Inc. Councilman Harris advised Mr. Filister that it might be well to hold up construction until something can be worked out. � Mr. Filister asked who would be responsible for maintaining the road. The City Engineer replied he was sure something could be worked out, that there are many problems here and everyone should try to work together to solve it. � Councilman Liebl pointed out that we must be concerned with a smooth flow of traffic on East River Road. � � � � r � � r � MOTION by Councilman Harris to table this until Mr. Filister can prepare . 2 or 3 alternate proposals and meet with the City Manager and City Engineer. This will be brought back at the earliest possible meet�ng. Motion seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION OF SIDEWALKS ON MISSISSIPPI STREET BETWEEN T.H. #65 AND CENTRAL AVENUE UNDER PROJECT ST. 1968-3: Councilman Liebl asked that the map of the area be put up. It was his understanding that the people on the north side of the street feel that acquisition of more right of way would bring the road too close to their .homes. The bids were let on this project on April 29, 1968. A visitor to the Council Meeting from the north side of Mississippi Street stated that all the homes here have their bedrooms facing Mississippi Street and their primary concern was the noise from the additional traffic there would be after the road was improved. He said that if the city took 5 more feet of right of way, this would only leave 11' remaining.. If they cannot plant within 5', there will only be 7' for their lawn and shrubs. This would detrimentally affect the �alue of the homes along the road. The City Engineer said he understood the problem, however, without the additional 5' for boulevard, the sidewalk would be useless. He said that we actually prefer a 6' boulevard, and around the schools there is an 8' boulevard. The houses on the south side are set back quite far so possibly the �ity could shift the road to the south and acquire only an additional 3' on the north side, although only an actual 1'8" of their property would have to be used for sidewalk. . . Steve Kachina, 6476 Dellwood Drive, a visitor to the Meeting, said he had a 130' fence on the south side plus large trees, which he did not want to lose. The City Engineer said it would be acquired by condemnation and the property owner will be reimbursed for this. • Joe M. Randall, 1210 Mississippi Street, sug�gested just putting in the sidewalk and eliminating the boulevard area. Councilman Harris cancurred with this urdneeda must bettempered with reasondand�thatfthea5e s�dewalkkbeg of snaw, o against the curbing. ! , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 � � � � � , � � PAGE 16 Mr. Joi�n Fogerty, 6500 Channel Road, said that he lives here 12 months of the year, but that the problem of stacking snow only occurs for about 3 months of the year. He feels that as he lives in Minnesota, he must make concession to the snow. Mayor Kirkham said that a possible solution would be to ask the county to plow the snow to the middle of the street � and have it removed. The City Engineer pointed out that he is following the policy set forth by the Council in that we must have adequate snow stacking space. Councilman Harris pointed�out that this situation would be no worse than that which now exists on Mississippi Street. A visitor asked what was the reason for the sidewalk. He was told that it is the policy of the Council to eventually have sidewalks on all main thorough- fares. Councilman Harris pointed out that the reason it is going to be put in now is that it can be incorporated within a project and as such the City can keep the c:onstruction costs down. MOTION by Councilman Harris to stay within the present right of way, and put sidewalks on both sides of the street. This will elir�inate con- demnation. Motion was seconded. Upon voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING BIDS ON MOWING AND MINOR CLEANUP SERUICE (OPENED MAY 1, 1968 AT 10:30 A.M. AND AWARDING CONTRACT: The City Manager explained the bid and pointed out that this did not include time for moving the equipment from location to location. He questioned the time and a half for overtime for Saturday and Sunday work and suggested that if it met with the Council's approval, that all over- time work would be ordered by the City Manager. Donald B. Cutbirth of Independent Mowing Service explained that due to the equipment specified, overtime may be necessary occassionally. Councilrnan Harris said he could not do this without Council action. ' The City Manager volunteered to watch his work load and be in a position to authorize overtime if necessary. The question of insurance was brought up and it was felt that this was adequate. Councilman Liebl thanked the City Manager for all the work done on this. MOWING SERVICE AND MOWiNG PREPAhATION CLEANUP SERVICES BIDS OPENED MAY 1, 1968, 10:30 A.M. BIDDER TRACTOR W/SIDE ARM MOWER PER HOUR TRACTOR W/PULL MOWER OR FLAIL TYPE OR ROTARY TYPE OR EQUIV. PER HOUR TRACTOR OPERATOR PER HOUR RIDING MOWER W/ MIN. 20" CUT PER HOUR Independent Mowing Service $3.00 Per Hour $4.20 Per Hour . $2.70 $2.85 .� �.,..� �_ ► ' � � � � L_� REGULAR COUNCIL PiEETING, MAY 6, 1968 TRUCK - l TON OR LARGER TRUCK DRIVER PER HOUR CLEP,NUP MAN PER HOUR $3.50 • $3.50 $2.50 PAGE 17 MOTIQN by Gouncilman Harris to accept the bid of Indepenc!ent Motving Service, Donald B. Cutbirth, for mow�ii�g and minor cleanup service ►��ithin the City. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon voice vote, all voted aye and Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING BIDS ON POLICE QUARTERS REMODELING IN CIVIC CENTER AND AWARDING OF CONTRACT BIDS OPENED APRIL 24, 1968 AT 10:30 A.M.) GENERA T C ORS — BID BASE ALT. ALT. ALT. COMP. PLANHOLDER pEPOSIT BID #1 #2 #3 DATE Carlson-LaVine Inc. 5% Bid Bond $13,336.00 $2,841.00 $275.00 $712.00 90 Cal. Days 2831 Aldrich Ave. S. Mpls, Minn. 55408 D. W. Harstad Co. 5% Bid Bond 7101 Highway #65 Fridley, Minn 55432 Ryd Cons. Co. �5% Bid Bond 4220 Central Ave.N.E. Mpls., Minn. 55421 $12,297.91 $3,274.00 $305.52 $899.73 75 Cal. Days $12,565.00 $2,581.00 $325.00 $391.00 70 Cal. Days � Berglund-Johnson Inc. P.O. Box D 5% Bid Bond $14,995.00 $3,637.00 $2,075.00 $641.00 75 Cal. Days 351 Second St. Excelsior, Minn. � � I � I � � R. F. Panek Const. Co. 510-13th Ave.N.E. No Bid - New Brighton, Minn. Kar] Dedolph Const. Co. 771 W.7th St. 5% Bid Bond St. Paul, Minn 55102 Drew Scherer No Bid 6525-2nd St.N.E. Fridley, Minn. 55432 $11,600.00 $2,800.00 $325.00 $500.00 60 Cal. Days Zuehlke Const. Co. Cert. Check � 6495 Pierce St. $596.40 $11,928.00 $3,548.00 $330.00 $1,145.00 90 Cal. Days Fridley, Minn 55421 . . 1 f � � � � � � � � � 4. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 5-20-68 MOTION by Councilman Harris concerning the b id award for Police Quarters Remodeling. Councilman Harris: I note in a communication given to the City pertaining to another item,but certainly it covers this particular awaxd in general contractor for work on the Police Department�indicates on Page 2, an addendum that we have that the award (this is from the Attorney) should be ma.de to the lowest responsible bidder, and the Council may use discretion in determining which company is the lawest responsible bidder. I think using that terminology and that paxticular case and applying it to the Police Depart�nt, I would so move to award the contract to Bob Zuehlke Construction, 6�95 Pierce Street, in the amount of $11,928.00, awarding the base bid only at this time. This is $300 higher than the low bid as so sho�vvn, but I think in th is particular case, in the experience we have had in the past, that this really is the law bid. I would so move to award th is based on that sum and also to instruct the Administration to negotiate with Mr. Zuehlke, the alternate b ids that were submitted at the sa.me time. � � , � � � � L� r �7 ' ' � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 PAGE 19 MOTION by Councilman Harris to award the mechanical work to Bostrom Sheet Metal Works, Inc. for the base bid of $5,706 and eliminate the Park Department at this time which would deduct $770 from the base bid. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONTINUATION OF AWARDING OF BIDS - GROUP HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE OPENED MARCH 18, 1968 : �� Mayor Kirkham said he would like to see the bid be awarded as this has been gone over by the City Manager, City Attorney and the Consultant. If we open the issue for discussion from the audience, we would be back to v�here we started several months ago. Councilman Harris said he had a letter from the City Attorney regarding the responsibility of the Council in awarding bids. The Council must make an award to the lowest bidder who meets the specifications as advertised or to the lowest responsible bidder. It would not be permissible to award to a bidder whose bid is greater than the lowest responsible bidder. The City Attorney replied that these were not his wor.ds, but rather the words of the Minnesota Supreme Court, and that if you are not going to award to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications contained in advertisement, it would be his suggestion that the specifications be re-drawn and re-advertise. If the award is not given to the lowest bidder, the Council must be able to show reason for not awarding. He said that if the Council feels that the base specifications were adequate, they could go ahead and make the award at their discretion. Councilman Liebl asked just what this discretion of the Council would mean in terms of this particular award. The City Attorney �eplied that the Council mus� determine the lowest bidder who meets specifications, whether he is responsible or not, how much deviation there is, and kiow much can be allowed, then the Council must make a determination and if they do not want to award, then they must start over again and re-advertise. Councilman Harris asked if the City would be open to a law suit. The City Attorney said that the Courts are usually quite willing to go along with the determinations of the Councils unless they awarded to a higher bidder who exceeds specifications or to a bi�dder who did not meet specifications. Councilman Sheridan brought up the question of whether this was an advertisement for bids or an invitation to quote. There was no bid bond. The City Attorney replied that it was more a question of terminology and , that it seems to be an open question whether a City is required to advertise for bids for insurance. The City Attorney said a bid bond was not essential. � � � Councilman Samuelson made a motion that after reviewing the report from the Insurance Consultant, Administration, and City Manager, the award be made to Mutual of Omaha as the lo�aest responsible bidder for a 2 year contract. Seconded by Councilman Harris with the comment that he under- stands he can do so within the law. � � ' � � � � � � LJ , � �. I� � � � � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 PAGE 20 Councilman Liebl said he wanted to be sure, as a layman, that the employees were getting the coverage that they need. Councilman Samuelson pointed out that this would be an open end contract and subject,to negotiations and that if an employee wanted additional coverage, he could do so at his own expense. Mr. Al Shoemaker, Agent of Record for Prudential, introduced Mr. John Baker who was responsible for compiling the bid. Mr. Baker said that he had submitted two bids, one that would meet specifications and the alternate one that would be adequate for costs at this time. The only essential difference is in the hospital coverage in that this policy would.pay cost of ambulance, anesthesia and semi-private room with no limitations. The cost of semi-private rooms has been going up rapidly. The rest of the coverage i.e. surgical, x-rays, etc. is comparable. After further discussion with Mr. Shoemaker, Mayor Kirkham said that it seems to be a fine policy, however, he is bound by the staff recommenda- tion and the fact that the City must award to the lowest responsible bidder. He said that the Prudential Alternate seemed to offer more but that it would also cost more. The City Attorney said that if the Council desires a more exten�?ed coverage, then he would recommend re-bidding to higher specifications rather than to negotiate after the award. This would give everyone an opportunity to bid to the higher specifications although he realizes that a lot of time and work has already been spent. The Aetna representative pointed out that the difficulty_in negotiating af ter the award is that the end result may be a greatly increased premium. After further discussion Councilman Harris asked what the advantage was in a two year provision. The representative from Aetna replied that this was a point well taken in that a two year contract does not guarantee that the rates will not go up. Mr.. Schillinger said he felt that the two year rate would give more stabilization and that you must rely on the integrity of your carrier and of the company. Councilman Harris suggested that we award the bid for one year and in the interim carefully re-write higher specifications. Mr. Shoemaker said that he wanted what was best for the employees and that it was his feeling that these bids should be shelved and go for re-bids. Mr. Schillinger said he felt that the policy the City has now is not a bad policy and that the room rate coverage has gone up and is not too far behind. Under the major medical the policy will pay 80%. This plan is not anything that the Council or employees has to worry about. Councilman Harris pointed out that there are actually two areas to consider.. One is the coverage the City provides funds for and the other is dependent coverage. Next�time we must consider how much money the employees are willing to pay for dependent coverage. THE MOTION by Councilman Samuelson, with the agreement of the seconder, was restated to change the award from two years to one year to give us time to discuss wi1;h the employees just what benefits they want and are willing to pay for. � . _�, � t , ' , � � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 P�GE 21 Upon a voice vote, Sheridan, Samuelson and Harris voting aye, Councilman Liebl voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried by a 4/5 vote. Councilman Liebl said he felt this policy is inadequate, not up to date, and does not serve the City employees. Mayor Kirkham said that in the interim we must update the specifications. The representative from Aetna requested a letter of termination of contract. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE CONFIRMING COUNCIL'S ACTION ON ELECTION PRECINCTS: Councilman Harris pointed out that this is just a ratification of previous Council action. The only change in the ordinance is in the 2nd ward, 3rd precinct. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the Ordinance on first reading, waiving the reading. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Kirk- ham, Sheridan, Samuelson, Harris and Liebl all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motian carried unanimously. � FINANCING OF LOOPBACKS AT EAST RIVER ROAD AND MISSISSIPPI STREET AND THE � STREET TO THE WEST: AND AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSISSIPPI STREET AND T.H. #47 UNIVERSITY : � . MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table until the next regular meeting. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. , REFUND OF ESCROW - ROY PETERSON: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to deny the refund of money Zn zscrow as ' the work has not been completed. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � i ' , � � CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED MINNEAPOLIS SEWER CONTRACT: The City Engineer and City Attorney pointed out that they will negotiate with Minneapolis, then the contract in final form will be brought back for Council consideration. „ _ MOTION by Councilman Harris that the Council concurs in principal with the contract and that the City enter into negotiations with Minneapolis on the - proposed sewer contract. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REQUESTED APPROVAL OF STATE AND FEDERAL AID FOR PARK DEVELOPMENT (SUMMIT PARK AREA, LOCKE PARK AND THE ALTURA PARK AREA AND REQUESTED APPROVAL FOR ACQUISITION - SPRING LAKE PARK AREA AND RICE CREEK PARK AREA FONTAINE PROPERTY AND SIVERTS PROPERTY : Councilman Harris expressed the view that we should concur with the request of the Parks and Recreation Commission and attempt to utilize funds we have available to us. He said he did not see the request for open space the Council had approved at some time earlier. � I; � � r � J � , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 PAGE 22 He attempted to find the minutes; it was for an area north of Osborne Road and west o-F University Avenue. He felt that this additional request should be incorporated in the request now before the floor. The Finance Director obtained the minutes of April 17, 1967 referring to this piece of property and the motion was read: "MOTION by Councilman Narris that application be made to see if we qualify for Federal funds for open space acquisition on the basis of Plan 2 as the most reasonable plan from the standpoint that future costs will be minimized because we have frontage on University Avenue and access. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being�no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried". Councilman Sheridan asked if this would in any way jeopardize the bond referendum. Councilman Harris thought we would be enhancing it. The question was raised if this request would go to the same office. The City Attorney said that it would. ' Councilman Harris felt we should not do half a job and that we should apply for the whole thing. This parcel would be about $120,000. The Federal Government would participate in the acquisit�on costs, but not � the special assessment costs. We would get 75% of the cost if we got both State and Federal funds and 25% would come from City funds. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Parks and Recreation I Commission application for matching funds and add the request for funds for the open space area north of Osborne Road and west of University Avenue referred to in the minutes of April 17, 1967. Seconded by 1 Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. I� , � � , C ' � ACQUISITION OF STREET RIGHT OF WAY FOR ANNA AVENUE: The City Engineer explained this is needed for street, sewer and water utilities. The City offered $150 but Mrs. Hayes' attorney advised her to ask for $500. The City Engineer said he felt this cost is too high, however, the cost is much less than the cost of court proceedings and condemnation. The sewer and water pipes are already in the ground that serve the school. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson tb concur with the City Engineer and pay the requested $500 to Mrs. Hayes, for acquisition of street right of way for Anna Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P�ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING BIDS ON STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1A AND MUNICIPAL STATE ATn STRFFT TMDDf11lCnnrnrr nnn �rr.�- .. ... __ _ _ _ _ OPENED MAY 1, 1968 AT 10:30�A.M.�); " V�— The City �ngineer named the streets in the project and reported that the lowest bid is $31,555.47, lo�rer than the Engineering Department estimate. He reported that there were seven bidders which are the most bidders we ever have had on our street projects. He said he was very pleased both with the number of bidders and the low prices received. This bid is even about $4,000 lower than the County prices at their loUr bid recently. Councilman Liebl asked if the reason could possibly be that the bid letting is quite early in the construction season. The Engineer thought that this may be the case. � � r � ' � REGULAR COUP�CIL PIEETING, P�IAY 6, 1968 PLANHOLDER Victor Carlson & Sons,Inc. 2246 Edgewood Ave. So. Mpls., Minn. 55426 Dunkley Surfacing Co. 1 3756 Grand St. N.E. Mpls., Minn. , , 1. � Hardrives, Inc. P.O. Box 579 St. Cloud, Minn. 56301 C. S. McCrossan, Inc Box 322, Route #2 Osseo, Minn. Park Const. Co. 51-37th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 Hennepin Bl.ack Topping ' Company, Inc. P.O. 2675 � New Brighton�, Minn. BID DEPOSIT 5% Bid Bond United Pacific Ins. Co. 5q Bid Bond Aetna Life & Casualty PAGE 2 3 BASE . COP�IPLETION BID • DATE $187,3Q3.17 As Specified $178,282.67 Sept: 15, 1968 5� Bid Bond $165,745.84 Sept. 15, 1968 St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. 5% Bid Bond $162,139.67 As Specified � Aetna Life & Casualty 5°6 Bid Bond $164,578.39 150 Cal. Days U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. 5% Bid Bond $161,948.31 U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. _ As Per Proposal ' Arcon Const. Co., Inc. 5% Bid Bond $146,661.64 Sept. 15, 1968� Mora, Minn. Travelers Indemnity Co. , MOTION by Councilman Harris to award the contract for Street Improvement Project St. 1968-1A and Municipal State Aid Street Improvement Project � St. 1968-2A to Arcon Construction Co. of Mora, Minnesota. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ".__1 � , ' � ' RECEIVI�dG THE MINUTES OF THE MAYOR'S COORDINATING COMMITTEE OF MARCN 19, 1968 AND APRIL 16, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive minutes of the Mayor's Coordinating Committee of March 19, 1968 and April 16, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared. the . motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLAfdNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 11, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive tfie minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of April 11, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. �. � � ' � _J i ' � � � ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 PAGE 24 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE_PLANNING COMMISSIOfd MEETING OF APRIL 25, 1968: 1. REZONIPdG REQUEST ZOA #68-Q5, DR. K.H. INGEBRIGTSEN ON LOT 11, BLOCK l, MOORE LAKE HIGFILANDS 3RD ADDITION: The City Engineer explained that the Planning Commission recommendation is that this be rezoned to CR-1. Dr. Ingebrigtsen was advised of this by letter and he was requested to let them know what his desires.are. To date no letter has been received. No Council action at this time, until receipt of the letter. 2. REZONIPJG REQUEST ZOA #6&06 HIRSCH BROS. PROPERTIES, PART OF BLOCK 22, FRIDLEY PARK ADDITION AND PART OF LOTS 7& 9, REVISED AUDITOR'S SUQDIVISION #23: The City Engineer said that the Public Hearing has been published and the Hearing is set for next Monday, May 13, 1968. There is also a street vacation request for this area too, and is part of it, but has no bearing on the rezoning request. The City Attorney brought up the question of setbacks and the possibility of having the owner enter into an agreement with the City that they would not place a building within a certain number of feet from the property line. The builder indicated that this was acceptable to him. The setback on the north side shou]d be 38' from the property line. Councilman Liebl pointed out that consideration should be given at the next Counci7 Meeting to providing adequate protection to the people in R-1 �zoning in the area. � 3. HYDE PARK ADDITION ZONING PROBLEM: , The City Engineer said that the Engineering Department has been working on the problems in this area. The City Manager said he has had trouble enticing a Planner on the salary advertised and advised that the Council should go ahead and hire a Consulting Planner. Mr. Schmedeke, a visitor , to the Meeting, suggested using the Consulting Planner on the Schroer properties also. . � � � � ' ' e� MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Planning Commission's request for a temporary Consulting Planner. Motion seconded. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the minutes of.the Planning Commission Meeting of April 25, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham decTared the motion carried ' unanimously. � � � r ' � ' LJ �, � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 PAGE 2 5 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING ST�INDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 24, 1968: l. CONSIDERATION OF A RE UEST FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A METAL FAQRICATION PLANT �APPROXIMATELY 100' X 150' ON LOTS 20 & 21, BLOCK 2, COMMERCE PARK. REQUEST BY L.M.J. COMPANY, INC., 1011 4JEST 80th ST., BLOOMINGTON, . MINNESOTA :� It was pointed out that the Council has already seen this request at the April 29, 1968 meeting. It was agreed to concur with the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee's recommendations and add that the blacktopping will be 5' west of the east property line and have precast concrete curbs, and authorize issuance of huilding permit with these exceptions. 2. RECONSIDERATION OF A SWIMMING POOL AT THE GEORGETOWN COURT APARTMENTS, IN PARCELS 4200 AND 4700, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #78 (REQUEST BY MAURICE FILISTER : In answer to Councilman Sheridan's question as to where the water will go, the City Engineer replied that it would go into the river. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to authorize issuing a building permit subject ' to the entire 4800 square feet of pool area being enclosed by a 4a foot fence. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � , 3. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO MOVE 2 GARAGES FROM 260 LONGFELLOW TO 231 LONGFELLO , AND FROM 1575 - 73rd T0 6350 PIERCE: � MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur vrith the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee with the additional request that the garage to be located on 6350 Pierce is to use shingles to match the house. Seconded by ' Cauncilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, Councilman Harris voting nay, the motion carried. ' 4. CONSIUERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN APARTMENT BUILDING (11 UNITS) � IN R-3 DISTRICT, LOTS 30,^31,^32, 33, 34, BLOCK 6, FRIDLEY PARK ADDITION TLIf CA6e�- nrT��n �rr� r-n _ _—_..—_— ___ ' ' , � ' ' � . , rir��. , i�u�v�v. ) : The City Engineer explained the Subcommittee's recommendations and that this apartmeni house would have access on East River Road. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee's recommendations and add an Item "h" requiring curbing of parking lot and driveway. Motion seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimous7y. MOTION by.Councilman Sheridan to receive the Minutes of the Building Standards Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of April 24, 1968. Seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � � ' ' � , ' � ' � ' , ' REGULAR COUNGIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY MEETING OF APRIL 4, 1968: Page 26 [NDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COD1MISSION MQTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Fridley Industrial Development Commission Meeting of Apr 1 4, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all vo ing aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL �ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1968: !-T , MOTION by Councilman Harris to receiv the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commissio Meeting of April 16, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vo e, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimous y. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 22, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Meeting of April 22, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma or Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur ith the Commission's request for the acquisition of the section of land on Spring Lake described as Unplatted Section 12, Parcel 30 and Parcel 100 nd to seek $1,500 from the County to apply towards the purchase. Motio Seconded. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared th motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING_OF THE MINUTES OF TNE SPECI�L PARKS AND RECREATION COM�ISSION 9 MOTION by Councilman Harris to receiv the Minutes of the Special Parks � and Recreation Comrr�ission P�eeting of pril 29, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all vo ing aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. , RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PERMIT FEES OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES AND 4J , � ' � ' CONNECTION CHARGES FOR INSTALLATION 9 This resolutien to be tabled.as Councilman Harris indicated that NSSSD is ccnsidering the appointment of a Rate tudy Committee. However, the Administration is to advise the applic nts to pay under• protest to ensure a.refund if one is applicable. MOTION by Courcilman Harris to table Administration advise the applicants Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. iis resolution and have th� � file under protest. Seconded by �11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared - -z .� .. � REGULAR COUyCIL MEETING, MAY G, 1968 �' ' ' PAGE 2 7 RESOLUTION ��8-1968 - ORDERING ENGIN ERING REPORT FOR TESTING PROGRAN� TO LOCATE FUTURE WELLS: Mr. Comstock, of Comstock and Davis, explained that this would be a preliminary report entailing the stu y of various locations, costs, etc., which would be submitted for Council approval. Then if accepted, it would be let for bidding like any ot er project. ' MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution No. 58-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voi e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimou ly. . ' r �_ � �I� � , RESOLUTION #_5°-1968 - TO BID FOR TRA( MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Councilman Samuelsor�. Upon a voice declared the motion carried unanimo RESOLUTION #60-1968 - NSSSD REQUEST f 37th AVENUE TO THE NSSSD NORTHERLY PF :TOR AND ATTACHMENT ( PARKS esolution #59-1968. Seccr.c:Ed by ote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham ly. VACATION OF MARSHALL STREET FROM ERTY LINE: . The City Engineer explainec� that thi is a resolution which the Council has seen before, however, the acreag is changed from 9/10 of an acre to 1.3 acres. Councilman Harris said t at it would have to be rewritten then. He also suggested considering incorp rating the term: "Whereas the City of Fridley has given valuable consid ration for acquisition for streets" into the resolution. It was felt th t the resolution should be accepted by the District before a Public Hear ng is called but the Public Hearing is to be set up as it can always be alled off. Councilman Harris is to discuss this with the District. MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #60-1968 as suggested to ' be rewritten with the corrected acre ge. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M yor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � , RESOLt1TI0N #61-1968 APPROVING FINAL LANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ENTERING INTO AGREEMENT WITH ANOKA COUNTY, MI NESOTA FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT i� � � . i �vo- MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt esolution #61-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice ote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimou ly. RESOLUTION #62-1968 - RECEIVING THE pRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC � HEARING FOR SS OSBORNE ROAD : � � ' Mr. Comstock explained that the norm 1 procedure should be deviated from in this case as it will involve both the State Highway Department and Spring Lake Park. He felt that some of the preliminary discussion should be done before the Public Hearing so that wh n the people come for the Hearing the Council will have some answers. , � r � � L.__1 � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 PAGE 28 MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolutio�n #62-1968, wait with the Public Hearing for a time, and in th interim talk to Spring Lake Park and the Highway Department. A meeti g is to be set up with Comstock and Davis on May 27th at 7:30 P.M. Moti n seconded. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared t e motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #63-1968 - ORDERING IMPRO EMENT, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADUERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - STREET IMPR VEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1B AND ST. 1yb25-Lli: The City Engineer pointed out two ar McKinley Street the Hearing was held people did not want to lose their bi On 53rd Avenue we have a choice of p By going to a 40' wide street, we wo might have difficulty in getting Sta Street. After some discussion it was decided and inform them that with a 26' stre street and that by going to a 31' ro and by doing this, there could be on with the 44' wide street on 53rd Ave State approval, but they would lose . replant after the street is in. as with problems. One is that on� for a street 36' wide, however, the oak trees and wanted a narrow street. ttinq in a 44' or a 40' wide street. ld be saving 3 or 4 trees, but we e approval and this is a State Aid o contact the people on McKinley there would be no parking on the they would lose only 3 more trees treet parking. If we were to stay e, we would be assured of getting or 4 trees, which the City would � � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt R solution #63-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice v te, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimous y. RESOLUTION #64-19h8 - rn Afl1/FRTT�F t BIDS FOR TWO POLICE CARS: � MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt esolution #64-1968. I�otion seconded. Upon a voice vote, all vot ng aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � � . RESOLUTION #65-1968 - AUTHORIZING THE�CHANGING OF THE BUDGET WITHIN THE A It was pointed out that this is for e acquisition of the Siverts property. MOTION by Councilman Harris"to adopt esolution #65--1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vo e, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimous y. RESOLUTION #66-1968 - APPOINTING ELECI�ION JUDGES: Councilman Liebl asked what method is used in the selection of the Election Judges. The City Cler.k said that we et the list of names from the County Auditor's Office, and that that does ot apply strictly here as this is just a City election. The Receptionist ha been working with the Democratic and Republican Party Chairmen in the sele tion of names. � � � � � i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 0 PAG� 29 MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Re olution #66-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vo e, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimousl . RESOLUTION #67-1968 - AUTHORIZING AND ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 17, PARCEL 360, CLO EASEMENT OVER NORTH 10' AND WEST 10' : IRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ER LEAF ADDITION SUBJECT TO UTILITY MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adop Resolution #67-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vot , all voti'ng aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimousl . RESOLUTION #68-1968 - AUTHORIZING AND IRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL 400, PART OF_LOT 1, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #89: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adop Resolution #68-1968. Seconded by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, 11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the�motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #69-1968 - AUTHORIZING AND IRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 5, BLOCK 4, PARCEL_ 480, LYNDALE BUILDERS 6th ADDITION: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #69-1968. Seconded by �', � Councilman Lieb7. Upon a voice vote, 11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � . ' RESOLUTION # 70-1968 - AUTHORIZING ANDIDIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL JI'ILIYIJ V�Y Tlll\I VI LVI J� L111\lA YYL 1 VI �.r�.,� vv � L 1440, AND EAST 67' OF LOT 5, PA CEL 1480, BLOCK 4, L . I . MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #70-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vo e, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimousl_. RESOLUTION #71-1968 - AUTHORIZING AND IRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL SSESSMENTS ON LOT 1, PARCEL 1320, LOT 2, PARCEL 1360, AND EAST 30 OF LOT 1400, BL MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to ado� � Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. � � � =RS 6TH ADDITION: Resolution �71-1968. Seconded by 11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared RESOLUTION #72-1968 - AUTHORIZING AND IRECTI�lG THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON WEST 8' OF LOT 5, PARCE 1525, LOT 6, PARCEL 1520, AND LOT 7, PARCEL 1560, BLOCK 4, LYNDALE BUILD RS 6TH ADDITION: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt R solution �72-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, 11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. 0 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 � PAGE 30 CLAIMS: , MOTION by Councalman Sheridan to app ove General Claims #14696 through 14844 and Liquor Claims #2168 through 2212 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, al'1 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � � LICENSES: _ : . . MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to approve the following license applications with the addition of a Blacktop License for Gustafson Blacktop Company and 2 General Co�tractors Lic nses for ponco Builders, Inc. and W. P. Beach Company,,�Inc.� Excep�ions are Better Home Supply Company and Midwest Design;`and Construction Compa y. These companies are to s�ow cause why they should"'be''licensect by the Ci y. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma or Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. VEND�NG rL41CjiZ2lES Tor� Ry�n Coiioco 63�9 Un�.v�rsi.�y Aveo Frid�eyy rU.nn�sot�� Fri_c�le3� Ve�o!�10 Post 303 �.o�.o os�xn3 �,�pa �"r3.dley' P-ii.nn�ao+..a �;ap_le I�nes - 63�.� H'��:���;ay �E65 F�•idley� riinnsso�a. _ R�r� O�.r]_ Si�o:•es Inc� 6�?� Untv�rsity Ava, Fracile;�y l��.n�eso1.� Fr3_dley "6b". 5�7 Un:i��T�r.sa.�y Avso Fj•id�.ey� Mi�;�esot� Holly "6f,u s�.at_ian 6>00 I1niv�rs?.ty Ava. F'ri.d�.cy, bIi iin�sota The Ki�o��x Co e 5?51 Ce:it,•al Aveo �'�.dley' blan.���ot� . BY: � 1�iidFr�s i; endin� Ex'1.3.z�� dwards : � Coca Co � Coo R�ch�rd I�.rson Super�o ..usic Coo Sup�rio t�usic Co, Do:��ld �la�, 0 . APPR�V�:D Bi': Health in,^��ctor , �Heal fi,h Insp�ctor FIealth Inspectox �Ieal. f.h Xnsp�cior Heali,h Insp�c ��r Health 7:ls��cctox }Iea�.th .Xns��ctor �. _ � .�� � --< � � � �� i2�,GUL�AR C�UI�CZL �°-Tf�TsT:L\G, 2�i.�Y 6, �.�6 � V�P1DxNG M.4CFIIiI�S BX: 47 Map1e Lanes Pepsi C; 63�.4 il�.ph���.y �� 65 . . . . FridlQyF rLinnesoi;a +'�'1 Mid:l.az�d Coop ARA Sei : Ai 56 No,�, Hi�h,�raf rfJ_00 � Fridleyy Minnosota ,�Et•l � Dea1e� � 2•ian?tfac �ux�.ng ARA Se�• : 513o t�ia�n s�o � � Fxidleyy I�i:inli�so'�� �� Pr�cision She�t �.s-t�.l AR�1Se c 5?50 ria�n s�, 1d.E, � � � Fridle�'9 TLinnesoia .N�:W. Kur� NLfga Coo ARA Sax � � 52�0 Nlaan Sto Frac�loyy 21a.nn�so� �W Hol.iday V�_l�_aUe NorUli ARA Sertii . 2�j� 5r/i,�l.�iVGI1Li3 Fr�.dley, ri�nnesota � ���� Dot�ra.'� *ig Box ARA Se� 585�. � o Rivnr P.aad - Friclley� 1�Lin�leso1� �W Go'ra t , � � : y s Coui.ti y Boy Gordon S�r ].OG,2 Osborn� Ro�,d � � � ' Frid1��� tlinn�sot.� � N'�41 klan �L�nd S�,andard 03_� Jam�s Z•T� - � . 53a�. u�1�v�i uj.'ty AVEa .-. Fxidley� t•i�.n��so � � PAGE 31 ApPR01iED BY : Coo Health Inspecior .cas ces as ca� ��s . �'�1 Peivlyt s Su�r'r�..�3��e � 1�.arioti L.Vj.na 6�l,.0 Un�v�rsity Ave. � Friclley� Ma.nnesota � . . �%Y1 • Cou�l�ry C�.ub ,iarket Harold R :k�u.na - 6275 �ta_�hc�ray ;�65 Fx�.a��y, ru:�,��ot� �j�1 Hul.lab�loo Cl?t� � � MorlQ Kr� to�ka _ 62�j Hi�il�,;ay i�b5 � �xidle;/y Minnesot� N�:�1 l�f�ple I.�nes 1�loyd Kn tson � 6310 FI��'i.ray � b� F'ridle:l, Min:lesota Heal i.h Tnspsetor Health Ins�ec-�ox FIealich Inspec'�„or Heal'�h Inspectcr Health Iilsp3c �o�• Health Znspac-ior Healicn 7nspector Health Tns?�� �or iie�l �th InspecLO� � Hea1 th Inspec �o * Health inspe�-�or Health Inspector �� , �'�-;�U-�-��: CC)UiVC_Cr, T�1�;�`i'_CNG, I•1��Y 6, 196II PAGE 32 I,:ICI;NS,S TO I3��APPi�;)V�;D, AT 7`fIl? t4:1Y 66 1.9L�J� COUIiCIL rL':F.TI�TG � �` ..����_...�_.`.-.-- .��..�_-�_.�. ��.�-.�._�_�.� ^..-��. .�.�1���.J�»������....�....��.....�.�...� � �: CA 1�'i: . BX : . A PPRO irLD }3Y : �4j Co:tn2�3.a� �ious� Resfaurai� � Ro���ri, ,�7.00d ' Hea1�;h xnspec�or 621_5 Un1�ex•s��,y Ave, y,�o . F�� �.al�;�� ri�.:��;�o �.� 'l�i�IF�rlAZ� Sandt� f s Cafe 1rIi1�3.r�rQ . •1ci;�s � 6;+90 Cen-Lra1 avoo . . � Fr� d�ayy t�iri.:�siesota � RENE'�AL Hul.lah�.loo CI_L;n I�irso '•ier e Kratos�a � 6225 H�.�n;,��.y i�'65 �'rj dleY� �•Sa_nnesot•� ���5•JAI, Th� K�r�� � s Chale� John Lin �71 6259 H��h::T�y ���5 Fr�c��.eyy 2�;�n;�.>�oi-� �IdFld1�L Fix•zs3.d� R.Lca Bo:�t Wa.11.i.arn o rlon� . • %��.� ('i:%;1`'L3'a1 Aveo. TIoL� ' - � Fr�.dleyy 2�I�_ilnesoi,x �NNG1.�L Caiii;:it�tlx;� Rib � 7nn� Rob�r� C ist�;�so� 6�.79�vJ UT1J.� �r� ity Ave o � Fra.dleyy ?=iinr.2sot� FiENEj•1kL Jac��� � s Inco Jar�ss Sc oo].�y ' � , i�/{.�'i 1.`�_�LSSi S3.'L�?��. Ste Fx:�dlefy rii:i.��sofi.-� ��'N�`rIAI, Ir°,rf s B711iard Cent�3• xr�i.n� 41 ;:�b�� o 6237 Uni-��r; i t,y Ave e - � l x�.i��v� �, Alli7:�'.�.:�.� 4�. I li��tii�'tL,� 1'"� . . - v. . BJ. • ��1 Co) oni.�� Ho��s � R�;;taarant Rob�ri; B ood 6215 U�s�.�nr::ity Aveo . � Fxidle�Ty Man:��s�t� �,Y�;GIaL No������r;� Ordi��-:.nc39 Inco C,an��an C o��' r�.nno �8th & t•i�z�s��.l�. F`x'�d�e:T� ?�iinneso±a �8I7��•'�l� East �t�v�r � � � 1 Road Gaza�e J�o.�ep,i Do 3:n 6�0� E o R:�v��r Road � Fr3.dley� �iinn�sot� �. RCNEId�iL Ari.ts S3.a?�lair � Cer3ar I��1: Vend3n� � � 6?�0� Hi�h;z�y r�65 . Fridleyy Ai�.nn�so+.�3 �tdE�.�AI� 7rvts B3_llif�rd Ce���r Irvin� Tr1� nb�rb. 6237 Uni.v�: J� ty 11 �r3� �'ridley� ?�iinn�so':a ' . Healt.h Insp�ct�i IIealth tnsp�ator HeA1�h Insp�ctor Hea.lt;h :Cnsp�c �03• }I"ea.l�h Insp�etos iieal�h Insp�cto�- Hoa_l�h Inspactor A PPROVi D E� : Pol3.c� Chi.e° Po�i.c� Chi_e.i Poliee Chfef. Polico Ch3.ex Po�.3.ca Chz�£ ...� � � __:+ �� �. RrGUL11R COUNC:CL A'`t�.'L�I�:�NG, t�i.1�Y 6 19G£3 . ' �' . LJCEi�1SES TO �� APPR �T; , �,�� ; . OI .,D AZ � ,Il, 1 , . FOt�D ES1.�BL7SH�-,�,Ir'T BX : "A��.{d i , ,� . 2� c�l�in �al�erv (Taz �;o �) F3 o J o�1 ., 75> 53rd Avo. N.F o � Fric�l�yy Mi:inesot,�� s NEI� �� Goi•dy� s Cou'��`•z°y t�o� Go1 do�i S , � 10�.2 Osbo_rnL Road Fridley9 2•ii�ne� t•� ��1 Penny`s Su�r-r ?•�.rl��� M�.x°i.on L 65l�.0 Un3.v;rsa�y �j•�. Fr�.dle;�p }:�in.��sot� . � ��j Counf;ry Cl,ib i�iar�;at Haxol 627� �I3 �: .�_�� ' �' d R --Y #� b� Fxi.d].oy9 Msnti�sota � PAGE 3 3 AX 6' l�E�y COUliCrL 1 r,F,TING (COPdT ��) APPROII�D BX; i,,rnri Healtn Insp�ctor son. �.ne u�ze ,rl I,en � s Daa�* Leo�-�rd G r�z:�� 6!+&, F o ��.-��x Road � Fx�icLtey3 ?�i�.nn�sota 1' R�d O:al Stoi es xnco Richard � 65z5 Un�.�: rs�iy Aveo �'ra.dleyy 4Li:�7eso i q � Th� KI°�o'c-'.a CiOo YD�T �CZ � 525:C C�nyT�a1 �1veo �'r3d)_zy, ?�Ii�n�sotL � � � u GARBAG�� FIC�,UP BY: �t.'�L Pet�rson Bros, Sanit,�t�on Li�.lian Pe 1bOr% Ev.2:tC81 :ake Bl.��d. Anou.a, ri�.n���so �a - r . _. o�� 5�1� . Co,�ntx°-� Club i-�ir�e i 6275 H1.�: tr:y ;s6� Fr�clloy 9 I�iii�nesota 02i S �iL,E � . > San�le�ts Caf� • 6.!�.q0 Cc:it�•al_ Ave, Fi•3.dloy, t�iin.neso%3 F�.reside R�.ca �oT�l 7!�li0 Ceni,ral 4•ra. F�°:i_dley� ?�Iin;�esota � IIY: $ar�_l1 Reh;, A V �� ia . Heal,�h Inspector Health Ins�ector Heal•�h Insp?ctor ileall;h Inspe��-.ar Health Jnspe�tor He�3.th Insp�c+.,�r . APPROY:',U BY: �ers�� � Health Inspector Po1ic� Cn�.ex � �APPFtOjJ';,D EY: '�'�`' Hea�th Insp��c �ox � PoU.�e Ch � �° BY: Willia� T�le3 s . Willia.=14Ton. APPr�OV�.D Bi': Health Inspecf„�r Po�.icQ Chzef Hea].th Ins�ec�o;.• Po13_c� Ch�taf .� �' ' P�k:GtJL-iP. COUNC:IT� I�,!sL`1':CT`TG, NIAX �, 1.96 ,� , R�ri�,���AL , , R�NEI�I� L � �FA � t.;AL � t�T +l,'TrTi� � � °'R�?:Et•,�,L i R�r�,�r1AL � r � ��/ ■ yJ ��1 ZEW 1 LS� LZCENS�S TO B� t1PPitQV:.� D AT �'I�I; OId �riT� �X: Canterh��_z'�r XIlI2�; & R�b Rob�r � 61�79-�8) Ur�t ��� � i �y Alla o Fa•i.dleyy 1�1i.;�nesoisa SERVICE STATIOid $y; ToL-� RyAn Co�ioco � Tholr.�s 63�9 Un�_v�: si�y Aveo Fx idle�y Nii:i�aso �a Bern�.e � s Po�•'�.�v.b�.e Greasin� Bernard 5333 U�1S_�ers3.i;;� Av�� Fr�clley' �i�.nneso;.�. I�s t s S'��Il�ara I,°st3r ; 7f�0 H�.g:��.:ay ;'b� Fx'�.dl.eyy ?�S:'snnes�t� TAV�Pr�i Fa.� �s:s.:ie Ric� Eotrl 7l1,C}0 Ce;��i•al �lve, Fa:Ld? ��r9 %ii�in��so�a Can � �rbtLr jr In?» &'c��b 61,.�9-$�, Unj.i�3:5i+,,y Ava. I`'x'3 Li�.eyy �ii.riIle3Uts vErrDl�,Tct r��lcxz„�s - S�ri.t �� nderso� Co,, _ 75"a� Vjron Road Fridley, 2�i�.nneso �a Eas � Riv�r Ro�.d Garao� 650� E. R�vsr Road Fr:�dle�-9 ?�t�.nneso �s No�� �hern Ordin�nca Inc o l�.�zti� & 2;az•shwl�. Fridley� 2�Li:L�eso �a Pha.1l.i.ps "bb" Statio:� 5�E7 Uni.vLrsity A-;a. �'r�-�ley' 14inne�o �s P"�v..11ips "6b" Stat�.on . 6��0 Un3.v��rs9_ty Ava, Fj��.dlef� I�iinnesot,a . BY: W�ll3arn Robext ( PI�GE 34 Y. 6y 19Ck�39 COUt7CIL ��F.�ING ( COi�T ��) . • • • APPROV'�n BY: i1Z 3.5��2250:1 �2A]_'G!1 I11S��CT�OT' � Pol�ca Ch��� Olson 3c2�Jaffe� st�nson BY: 5�rvo�.t' on . Joseph D 1in � Can�esn o. of �iinn. Pepsi Co a Co, Peps'i Co a Co. APPROVED BY: Bu�ldan� I�specto?° Fire Deg-�r�rnen � Bt�.i�.din� xn:-,pscio� Fira Dep�r�aent Bui�dan� Insp�c�o�~ F3 rt:�� U��x• �rnet�;; APPROVED B'�: _ IIea�th Ins; e��or - Police Chi�� He�h zns�ac �or Polic� C:�iL; � APPROVED BY: Heal.th inspLc�or HeAlth In;,�ee�or Heat th Itispec �or iIQ�1 th Inspec-�or Flealth Inspec �:o-• "�a ; :.,� � I .� ---� � , � .' I:}::GUI���: COU1`TCIL I-i��TaTIIJG, P•1�1�.' 6, 1968 i� .. . . . rsay 6, 1968 � BLACKI'OPPJ.NG United Asphal.t Co., Inc. ' , 331 Coon Rapids Blvd. Miiineapolis, rlinnesota By: Ga y G. Anderson EXCAV�TING � • I Clark-2•1oo e - • r s Exc. Co. Box 392 ' � Monticello, Minneso�a Bye Ldill yd H. Clark L1oyd MoE�n � � � •' S41 Lafayette St. N. E. . Fridley, Minnesota Byo Llo d Moen Southtown Pipin� Co., Inc. ' 8640 Harriet Ave, S. � � Minneapolis, Minnesotia By; Wal er'Boorsma , Stanley Ste�ora ' 7708 56 tl� Ave . No . � ; Crystal, riinnesota By; Sta ley Stegora . GAS SEP,VICFS , Al�s Plumbino & Htg. 8392 Center Drive N, E, Minneapoli.s, �linnesota Bye Jack E. Adams , Domestic Ht�, & Cooling � 9110 Gr.azid Ave . ' Minneapolis, rlinnesota By; Hart ey F. Bruder Harris Brothers Plbg. Co. 217 [dest Lake St . - _ .. . ., Minneapolis, Minaesota By; Mile E, cjLigley John's Applience Service Co. - - .� � �. 4Z28 East 35th St. Minneapolis, Minnesota By; Jotin A. Davitt � Mill. Ci_ty FIeating & Air Cond. Co. 13005 B 16th Ave. North Minneapolis, �linnesota By; Wm, Stevenson ' ' - � Nielson Gas Heat�� 2916 E�1s t 38r.h S t. �� Minneapoli.s, Minnesota Ey: Stanl y Nielson , Royal. ton �It�, . & Cool ing � 4626 Lynd«le Ave. No. Minnea�.oli�, rti.nnesotl By; Wm. S ewlrt NEW RENEW�II, PAGE 35 APP�:OVED };Y BLDG, INSY. PL�3G, INSP, RENFWAL PLEG. INSP. N��� PLBG, JNSP, RENEFIAL PLBG, INSP, RENELdAL HTG, INSP. REN-EWAL HTG, INSP. RE�IEWAL HTG, INSP. REiVEWAL HTG, INSP, RENE[1.4L _ t1TG. INS; . RE�iEWAL �11'G, INSP. RF.NEWAI,� • tITG. INSP. o• r 0 R�GUL��1� COUI\7C:LT, t'i ]s7.'�:1>1G, I•'JAY 6, . 1. �68 GAS SERVICES ( Conti) • Fay N. Welter �ltg, Co. � �+637 Chica�o Ave . Mi.nneapolis, Minnesota By; Ra N, tlelter GENERAL CO\TRACTOR • Better �lome St�pply Co. � .4020 Mi.nnetonka filvd . � Minneapol is, Minnesota By; Uale Shiiider Dalberg B1_ders, Inc. 1121 80th Ave . N. E. � � Minneapolis, Minnesota By; Sam el Dalbero DeGardner Constructi.on 2010 17th Avenue North PAGE 3 6 REI�EI�r1L HTG, INSY. N�W BLDG, INSP. RENEjdAL BLDG. INSP, Minneapol�_s, Minnesota Bya Rob rt DeGatdner NE[1 �icte�, COI1S r. . Co . � � 6976 Caxey Lan.e, Rt. 2 . .. Osseo, Minnesota By: Ric ard A, Eidem NEW Ferndale Blders. 13?.3 Sky�•�ood Lane N. E. - Fridley, rfinnesota Bye Low 11 Nagovs'�;y Gusa $lders. Route 2 � Princeton, Minnesbta By; Jame Gusa Home�aood F.ealty � � . 622 47est Broadway Minneapolis, rii_nnesota By; Hen y Lapides Arnold H. Johnson . ' ?575 Gr.oveland � Aiinneapolis, Minnesota By; Arn ld Johnson Kraus-Ander.son of Tipls., Inc. 501 Soutl� 8th St. Minneapolis, Minnesota By; R, reeker - Smith & Anderson 912 �FOth Ave. N. E. Columbia iteights, rlinnesota By: Ron 1d Smith S�aenson EldersJ. 5615 Camden Ave. North Minneapolis, Minnesota $y; Ray Swenson BLDG, 7NSP. BLDG, IIvTSP. RENEWAL BLDG. INSP, NEW BLDv, INSP, RENEWAL BLDG, INSP. RENEWAL BLDG, I�iSP, NEW BLDG, INSP, NEW BLDG, INSP. RENELd�1L ELDG, INSP, 0 �._._, � r �� , . R�aGUT�AP, GOUT�CJL 2�:i:�l�1^.'�NG, P41�.Y 6, l�'c�o PAGE 37 '� _ . GENi?}:AL CONT.h��CTOI�S,_�_Cont) , • ' S. E, Templin Consl. Co. 6184 St:inson P,lvd . Fridley, Ma.nnesota By: Sam 'emplin FENEidAI� BLDG, INS3'. ' 7:win City Blder.s . . � . ' ' '•5406 Florida Ave. North . . ' Plinneapolis, rlinnesota- By: Rodn y Gooler • 1�tI:W BLDG, INSP. Watson Construc;ion . � � 252 South Plaza Bldg. • � MinueapoJ.i.s, rii.nnesota By: B. R. Park RENEWA�� $LDG, INSP, HEA7':CNG � � �_ � A1 `s Plb . & Ht . . � � _ 8392 Center Dx'ive , Minneapolis, Mi_nnesota By: Jack E, Adams RENEWAL HTG, INSP. Domest:ic Ht�. & Coolin� " , 9110 Grand Avz. � . Minneapolis, Tiinnesota Bya Hartley F. Bruder RENELd�L HTG, INSP. � Harris Brothers Plbg. Co. - 'I 217 West Lake Street Min;_�eapolis, Minnesota Byo Llo A, Harris RENEtidAL HTG. INSP, . �,, ' ' Mill City Htg . & Air Cor.d . . . . . . 13005 � 16th Ave. N. , � Mi.nneapoli.s, Minnesota By< Wm Stevenson � RE1��WAL HTG, I\TSP. INorthtown Plbg. Co., Inc. � � 370 Missi_ssippi St . � .� ' Fx'idley, Minnesota - By: Tho as W. Veit REi�1EWAL HTG. INSp. � Royalton �itg. & Coolino - � '4726 Lyndale Ave. North _ - _ ... �� MinnEapolis, Mi.nnesota By: William Stewa.rt RENEWAL FiTG, INSP. Ray N. Welter Htg. Co. . ' 4637 Chi:cago t�ve . � Minneapoli.s, r1i_nnesota By: Fay N. Welter RE�TEWAL , HTG,INSP, � MASON}:Y � • • _ � Lance E. Bartlett Co. � ' 9708 �Iumboldt Ave. South ' Minneapol.is, Minnesota By; Lan e E. Bartlett NEtd BLDG, INSP�. ' . Dave Eerry Gonst. � ' $317 Monr.oe St. N. E. . Minneapoli.s, Minnesota _ By: Dav Berry RENEW�:L BLDG, INSP, , • ' . . _ . _ . � . , . � : , i:Ii�GU7�?1?� COINC:�L P�';�LT1NG, �'1r'�Y_ 6, 196 • PAG� 38 . �_ ��. . i- ' PIASONP.X (Cont) � ' . ' — � 'rom hochel Goncrete, lnc. , 12445 Ri_ver Rid�e Blvd. Bur.nsvil.le, rlinnesota Sy: �'oi Rochel RENE�dAL �BLDG, INSP, t SIGN tI�1rIC:EP.' S � .. Gold Medal Bevera�e Co. . • . . . 553 North Fairview Ave, , St. Paul, Minnesota Byo Ar hur J. Margot RENEtidAL BLllG, INSP, I,eRoy Si_�ns � 3101 North 2nd St. - - . � Minneapolis, Minnesota Byo Ra ph R. Reiter REVEtidAL BLDG, INSP, . WELL DRILLING . . '' � - Haciden Well Co. 4455 Mai.n St. N. E. . . ' Minneapol.is, Minnesota By; Robert Hadden REDTEWAL PLBGa INSP, GENFRAI� CONTRAC20P. ' � ' Midt•�est Desi�n� & Construction - . 6466 Westcnester Circle � Golden Val.ley, �Iinnesota By: R. E. I,ybec'_�c NEW BLDG. INS�. Harold Julien ' Route 4 � � ' � � Anoka, Minnesota By; Harold Julien NEW $LDG, INSP, ' BLACK'i'OYPTNG . - � . ' Gustafson Blac�.top Co . •- - _ . 5ti6 4t,h st. s.F, Minneapolis ,�?ir:n�sota By: Jante._ Gustafson NE4J BLDG. IATS= . , _ GENF��AL COT�i!_�ACTOR � � Donco Bu�.ld��s, Ir_c. � ' 105?_ 4sbor:n� Roa.d � � Fridl�y ,�7;r.�nasota By: Dona .d ��I�h1�.s � RENT��;I�?L BL� T. IrT�= . ' W. P. Beach Co .'', ir_c . � � � . . 5505 56tn ����n�:� .�r. Crysta.l, Min.n��o�a B.y: 4�T�sl ;� P.. �eac?1 iVi,'�;l BLDG. ITiS= . , ' ' . • - �• .._ J � . . a ' ' . ' � REGULAR COU�iCIL MEETI��G, M�Y 6, 1968 PETITION #8-1968 - 64th AVE. BLACKTO : PAGE 39 The City Engineer pointed out that t e people only want a temporary blacktop ' street, their reason being that even ually a main storm 'sewer truck line will be going down this street. , ' ' , ' ' MOTION by Councilman Harris to recei presence at the Council Meeting of M Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votin motion carried unanimously. e Petition #8-1968 and request their y 13, 1968. Seconded by Councilman aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the It was pointed out by the City Engin�er that the Public Hearing has been held within six months so another Pu lic Hearing will not be necessary. APPOINTMENT: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to ac�ept appointment as follows: NAME James Brindley 991 Hathaway Lane Fridley, Minnesota POSITION CM III Sewer Dept. REPLACES Gary Larson Motion seconded by Councilman Sherid n. Upon a voice •rote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion c� ried unanimously. , COMMUNICATIONS: ' ' ' � ' ' ' � , A) ANOKA COUNTY: MISSISSIPPI Ah D EAST RIVER ROAD INTERSECTION: MOTION by Councilman Harris to r ceive communication from Anoka County concerning Mississippi and East iver Road intersection. Motion was seconded. Upon a voice vote, al voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. B) MOUNDSVIEW CONSULTING E�iVE R: INTERCOPdNECTION OF WATER SYSTEM: MOTIOPd by Councilman Samuelson t receive communication and request the City Engineer to bring back cost study and prepare recommendations on interconnections. Motion sec nded. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the otion carried unanimously. C) EHLERS ASSOCIATES: INFORMAT�ONAL COPY: MOTION by Councilman Harris to r ceive communication from Ehlers and• Associates. Motion seconded. U on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carr ed unanimously. D) CHIEF HUGHES: NUM6ER AND CO$T OF FIRE ALP,RMS: MOTION by Councilman Harris to r seconded. Upon a voice vote., al the motion carried unanimously. eive Chief Hughes' memo. Motion voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1968 PAG� �-0 E) JAYCEES: REQUESTING APPROVA OF CAf2NIVAL: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson t concur with request and receive communication. Motion seconded. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motio carried unanimously. F) CITY MANAGER MEMO: REPRODUC ION CENTER: MOTION by Councilman Harris to c ncur with recommendation and receive communication. Motion s conded. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P�ayor Kirkham declar d the�motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, May r Kirkham declared the Regular Council Meeting of May 6, 1968 adjou ned at 1:10 A.M. Respectfully submitted, `. , � � �;,._,�.� j�< �;; � ��� Juel Mercer Secretary to the Council � � ' � ' � � � 1 ' � ' � J ' � , �J L�' � I� �J ' THE ��ITNU�J.�ES 03? THE S�'ECIAL The Special Public He�aring Meeting Mayor Kirkham at 8:1�' P.M. OPENING CEREMONY: PAGE 41 PUBLIC HEARING i�'IE�T�NG — M(-�Y 13, 1968 May 13, 1968 was called to order by Mayor Kirkham asked e�veryone to stan and join in saying the Pledge of A1legiance to the Fla,g. ROLL CALL: � MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Harris, iebl, Samuelson, Sheridan MEMBERS ABSENT: Nc�ne ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham said that Item #7 shou d be added: "Funding for Police Quarters". MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to�ad pt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice v te, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion r.arried unanimou ly. CONSIDERATION OF A RE:ZONING REQUEST ZOA #68-06) HIRSCH BROS. PROPERTY LYING WEST OF EAST RI:VER ROAD AND NO TH OF MISSISSIPPI STREET : Mayor Kirkham read tr�e Public Hearin Notice. The City Engineer explained ' the map shown and thE� meaning of the rezoning request. He said that the Planning Commission r•ecommended appr val subject to a setback of 100' from East River Road, sout;h setback of 45 and a setback on the north side of 38'. Mr. Hirsch representi�ng the developm nt was present and gave a short history of the land and their� prelim�nary pl ns and that he believed the land was ideal for an attractiive apar�ment co plex taking advantage of the view of the river. By makinq this more attr ctive, and incorporating the inherent advantages of the area he felt that hey could appeal to a higher class of renters. He explained that 58% of t e housing in Fridley is made up of a�partment complexes <�nd that there i a vacancy factor of 1.5% in Fridley. In the plan presenteci, there would b 144 units; 96 would be 1 bedroom and 48 would be 2 bedroorn. It appears t eir complex, after consulting the Assessor, would cont�^ibute about $60 000 in taxes and this would be about 10% of responsibility for total taxe . He pointed out that if the area was R-1, there would be about 1 mile of roads and a house about every 75'. He said they would contract for the oad into t heir complex an d be responsible for the rnaintenance. � � r r � � � � ' � � r , SPECIAL PUaLIC HEARTfVG MEETING, MAY �3, 1968 Mr. Tom Flirsch was introduced and sa Apartment Association. He said it h rate of growth than Minneapolis and out that in the 1 bedroom apartments over 18 months. He said that they w concerned about addil�ional safety fe if it should prove desirable in the Mr. Fredri ck Mel by, i�he archi tect fo was their intention i,o make use of t areas.from the parkir�g areas. The r river and the parking area would be utilizing th� apartmE�nt house as a b between the apartmeni; house and East community center in i;he middle area pool, etc., that they are providing City ordinance, and t;hat the project stalls could be added if needed at a unit would be about i'00 square feet about 930 square feet:, and the rent month. Councilman Samuelson asked w total valuation. Mr. Melby replied cost (excluding the c:ost of the land replied to Councilmar� Samuelson's qu the east-west wing or� the north side north property line ��nd that the nor that about 2 of the people have a vi ground floor�they have patios and on PAGE 4? d he was a member of the Minnesota s been shown Fridley�has a faster ost other communities. He pointed there would be no children allowed uld manage the apartment and were tures and recreational facilities uture. � the complex, pointed out that it �e river by separating the recreational creational area would be next to the �n the East River Road side thereby ffer. There wauld be a greeris area River Road. He said there was a ontaining a su�na bath, swimming ore parking spaces than required by � is designed so that more parking _ later date. He said the 1 bedroom nd the 2 bedroom unit would be ould range from $140 to $180 per at the total land area was and the bout 360,000 square feet and the is about $1,400,000. Mr. Melby stion concerning the distance of that it was about 140' from the h wing is about 100' long. He said ual sight of the river. On the the upper floors there are balconies. Councilman Harris ask:ed how the people on the east side will get access to �he river recreational area. Mr. Melby said there were accesses provided for this. Mr.. W. D. Plum, 6652 East River Road to the complex, said that they had r bought the land Lots 7& 9 were zone and sister. They had since sold to could be about 5 homes on these 2 lo Mr. John Cullen, a visitor in opposi ago and that they thought it was a b were 2 lots zoned as R-1 and he thou between him and the area further sou Eldon Schmedeke, a visitor to the Co could not be taken off and that he h Hope. There they had garages and th He also asked if there could not be Mr. Herman Kubow, 6654 East River R plan as he felt that this would bri that this is an infringement of his a visitor to the Meeting in opposition sided there since 1954 and when they R-1 and were owned by his brother yman Smith. He�feels that there s and that they should stay R-1. on, said that they moved here 2 years utiful spot. At that time there t this would provide a buffer zone cil Meeting, asked if the north wirig looked at a similar complex in New road between the two zoning categories. lling stations put into R-3 zoning. �, said that he was opposed to the about a devaluation of his lot and ights. �, SPECIAL PU6LIC HEARIfvG MEETING, MAY � � � � 1 � � � � � � � � � � 3, 196� PAGE 43 Councilman Harris asb:ed if the devel per had been advised of the proposed changes in the East River Road-Missi sippi Street intersection. The City Engin��er said that he was aware of t ese traffic conditions. Councilman Liebl asked Mr. Rober�t Schroer if he would have an adequate road for access and Mr. Schroe�r replied that e would with the controlled access and that he v�ill have about 130 parking spaces compared to the 60 spaces he ha<� now. Councilman Liebl asked r. Hirsch how much of an investment a 1 bedroom unit is in actual construction costs and he ansu�ered about $9,OQ0 per unit average. Mr. Hirsch also pointed out that the exterior was tc► be brick and rustic wood. Councilman Samuelson asked about the wing ��0 deSrees and making it perpend replied that that would not be doing in favor of this. Councilman Liebl a wing would be a satis�Factory solution would help considerably. Councilman Samuelson pointed out that valuation per acre compared to $75,00 Councilman Liebl said that the City h thing �by the property owners there no Fo]lowing was a discus;sion as to the of the north wing, as it was generall to the rest of the rezoning in the so as it ��ffects the property owners abu a suggestion by Mr. Melby to put in a the evE�rgreens already promised on to noise buffer. Mr. Hirsch pointed out would be is already lower than Mr. P1 The Cit:y Engineer pointed out that the and tha.t a possible solution would be just so�uth of Lot 7. �This would provi to the apartment house:s. The City Eng be helpful in providing a looped water easements for this. �ossibility of swinging the north cular to East River Road. Mr. Hirsch ustice to the land and would not be ked Mr. Plum if deleting the north � to him. Mr. Plum replied that it we are talking about $175,000 per,acre if it was residential. s an obligation to do the right ossible solutions for the problem felt that tfiere was no opposition th portions, only the north portion ting this to the north. There was earthen berm about 6' high and plant of this to create both a visual and that the area where the 3 stories n's house. vacation request is also a factor o move the road further north, to e access to the river and access neer also pointed out that this would line. Mr. Nirsch said he would give Councilman Flarris asked Mr. Hirsch if e would give a 50' dedication on the north side of Lot ;� and vrould he h ve R-2 on the inside of Lot 7. Mr. Hirsch replied thai� this would mea changing the complex completely and would cheapen the project and that he was interested in mainta.ining a high �quality. It was �pointed out that: exiting onto E turns oi�ly and the City Engineer said Bob's P�^oduce would ser�ve for both nor 50' ded�icated right of way along the i drive and the dedication is still in e MOTION by Councilman Harris to close t Request ZOA #68-06 by Hirsch Brothers. st River Road there would be right hat the signals at the corner by h and west turns. The Cityf�as a side of East River Road for a service istence. Publi.c Flearing on the rezoning Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. �, � .� � t � � � SPECIAL PUQLIC HEARI�VG MEETING, MAY 3, 1968 p��E �� Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, M yor Kirkham declared the Public Hearing closed at 9:30 P.M. Mayor Kirkham said that this would b brought back at the next regular meeting of May 20, 1968 and that in he meantime, the Council could consider this. CONSIDERATION OF A S1�RFF'r vArn-rTnN V #68-01) HIRSCN BROS.: Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearin Notice and asked'for comments from the audience. It was their feeling hat they would be opposed to the vacation as they were opposed to the rezoning. It was agreed by the Council that th�y must be considered together and that they go hand in hand. MOTION by Councilman Harris to conti ue the Public Hearing of SAV #68-01, Hirsch Bros. to the r�ext regular Cou cil meeting of May 20, 1968. Seconded � by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice v te, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimou ly. � CONSIDERATION OF A REZONING RE UEST (ZOA �68-04 BY LOUIS MOP1CHILOVICN SOUTH OF MISSISSIPPI S1"REET AND EAS OF HIGHWAY #65 : � Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearing Notice to the audience and the City Engineer explained the area in questi n on the map. He pointed out that the area to the north is zoned R-1 ar to the south R-3 and that the 1 Planning Commission recommended appro al of the request �vith the stipula- tion that we should get a 30' dedicat d right of way on the west side and that we grant no waivers on area requ'rements. � � � � � ' Mr. Momchilovich, pre�sent representin the request, said that he has owned the property fo�r ll years and s id that the people to the north and to the east would favor commercial in the area, but were not opposed to R-3A zoning. Councilman Samuelson <�sked if any por ion of this property was necessary for a future service drive. The City Engineer pointed out that if the City ever put loop-bac;ks into tMat in ersection like we are doing at . Mississippi and Univer�sity, �right of ay v�ould be needed. Mr. Eugene Lane, 1132 Mississippi Str et, said he lives on the corner of T.H. #65 and hlissis:sippi and would prefer an R-1 zoning to commercial. Councilman Liebl said that the City m st be concerned with an orderly growth for the City and asked Mr. Momchilovi h what kind of structure he intended to have. Mr. Momchilovich replied th t it would be comparable to or better than the�one to the south. Councilma Sheridan pointed out that this will be a 7 unit apartment house. Mr. Momchilovich replied that the service lane takes about 1/5 of his property and it is a possibility that it will never go through. There is access to .H. r65 on his property. There followed more discussion concerning right of way, access, etc. £7 _ . ., � i - :..� �`� SPECIAL PU6LIC HEARING MEETING, h1AY 13, 1968 � � � r � �� �'�iG� �5 MOTION by Councilman Liebl to continue the Public Hearing for Rezoning Request ZOA tr68-04 by Louis Momchilovich to the second mee�ing in June. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, al'1 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. PETITION #10-1968 - 4JATER LATERAI_ EAST RIVER ROAD FROM OS60RNE ROAD TO MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive Petition #10-1968 and refer to Administration for processing. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice.vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer explained that the reason for this Petition is that wells are running dry and there is some emergency. There are 12 property owners involved and it is his recommendation that the Public Hearing be set up for. June 10. It was agreed after a short discussion to have the City Engineer draw up the resolutions needed and present them to the Council at iheir next meeting for ratification. RESOLUTION N0. 73-1968 - ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS � AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: WATER LATERAL UNJtR PROJECT #88 ADDENDUM #4: — ' � MOTI0�1 by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution No. 73-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ki1°kham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 74-1968 - RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS - WATER LATERAL UNDEFi PROJECT #�88 ADDENDUM #4: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution No. 74-1968. Seconded � by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously: � L � , � , ► 64TH AVENUE - TEMPORARY MAT: The City Engineer explained that this is not a Public Hearing but a meeting to get the feeling of the people involved. The reason for this is since the Public Hearing held December 11, 1967, the Engineering Department has received another petition for a temporary mat to help the bad conditions until such time as the storm sewer is laid and there can be a permanent street. A visitor to the Council Meeting said he lives on the corner of 64th Avenue and Central. There is a hollow in the road and after a rain this hollow fills up and makes a big puddle �hat is quite bad. The UFW has filled in so the only drainage for this is to the sv�amp. The City Engineer said he wanted the people to understand perfectly that this is only a temporary solution and not the best. � � rSPECIAL PU6LIC HEARING P�EETING, MAY 13, 1968 � � , � � � � 1 � PAG � 46 A culvert can be laid under the road to alleviate the worst part of the problem. Councilman Sheridan pointed out to the peopTe that the cost of the temporary road can in no way count toward the cost of the permanent street as it will have to be torn up again completely. Councilman Samuelson asked if this would compound the water drainage problem. The City Enyineer said that it would as the paving would tend to get the water to the ditch much faster. � � Another visitor to the Meeting said that the v�rater stands on the side of the road but after the City grades the road, it is nothing but mud and that there are about 28 children in the area and they like to play in the sand in the street. Mr. Darrel Sochho, 1450 - 64th Ave. said that they all understand that this would be a temporary solution, but that it would greatly alleviate the problem of the sand blo�ving onto and ruining their lawns. Mr. Sochho said that he felt that the additional assessment of � $351.75 for two years would be well wortr� it. Councilman Samuelson asked � about the possibility of raising the grade and the City Engin?er said they cQUld not do this as the land abutting the street is already too develaped. He said that the probable cost would.be about $3.50 per foot and that it would consist of Class V with a 1 inch mat. It was his feeling that if it lasted 3 years that would be as much as could be expected. A visitor asked how much of the road would be done. The City Engineer replied that there is a 60' right of way but they would only be doing 30' to keep the cost down. Mayor Kirkham told the people that the storm sewer installation would be very expensive and the City is hoping to get some Federal funds to aid in this. Councilman Sheridan pointed out that it is an area bounded roughly by I. #�694 to Rice Creek, T.H. #65 to Ne�v Brighton. Council.man Samuelson said it would be about a$1,000,000 project, and it was doubted that it would be done before 3 years. The City Engineer asked for a show of hands. There were 10 raised repre-. � senting 10 different properties. As there are 19 properties involved, this is a majority. It was_pointed out that one person otims 3 lots. � The City Attorney said that it would be a legal requirement to have another Public Hearing as the 6 months allowed is up by 2 days. RESOLUTION N0. 75-1968 - RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING ' A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS U(VDER STREET IP1PROVEP1E�lT PROJECT ST. 1968-] B: � L� , � MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to have the Administration include this temporary street as requesied into the current street project. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution No. 75-1968 setting Public Hearing date of June 10, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. _ a � � �� �; SPECIAL PUQLIG HEARING MEETING, MI�Y 13, 19G8 I�AC� 47 ' ' � ' , DISCUSSION OF NINCO COP�1PANY SE6dER CONTRACT: It was discussed that Minco has requestEd a direct connection into the NSSSD line. They would like this resolved as soon as possible as their internal plumbing will depend on this. The City Engineer said it would be cheaper to connect into the NSSSD line. H� pointed out that there were 3 solutions possible; Alternate #1 H�ould be to go into the NSSSD interceptor manhole. Alternate #2 would be to run the line into the manhole in front and then going north to the City lateral and Alternate #3 would be to run pipes along the north side of the building�and then going north along the railroad tracks to �:he City's lateral; Alternate #1 being the cheapest. The fina7 decision 4vould also depend on the fact that they are possibly going to put in another building�south of the present building. The City Attorney said that this has been an issue in a law � they should consider how many of these individual hook-ups want to rrakF. It is his understanding that there are 4 or is also the problem of inetering. If the metering was done ' this could be expensive. He advised the`Council to adopt a by after the Court makes it's decision. He said the Court to hook directly into the line or to hook into the lateral ' ' ' suit. He said the City would 5 stubs. There at each place, policy to go would allow us at key points. Councilman Harris said he thought it would be foolish to meter at every point. He also said that Mr. Schuur does not taant the manhole. Following further discussion concerning how this would affect abutting property that woulcl be developEd at a later date, it was decided to adopt a resolution spelling out the details and to make it a temporary connection at this time and if and when the Sear's property develops, it could possibly then be made a permanent connection. The Council requested the Administra- tion to do this and bring it back for ratification. RESOLUTION N0. 76-1968 - A RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO THE CITY.OF FRIDLEY ORT SUBURBAN SANIT RY SEWER USE AGREEMENT: , MOTION by Counci7man Samuelson to adopt Resolution #76-1968 requesting a temporary connection to NSSSD interceptor near 73rd Avenue for a line going east to serve Minco, and if and when the.Sear's property ' develops, possibly be made permanent. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a v�ice vote, all voti►ig aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion� carried unanimously. ' � MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a Mayor Kirkham declar•ed the motion carried POLICE QUARTERS RE�ODELING AWARD DISCUSSION: � Gera7d Sullivan stood Dedolph. He said his to be a��arded the bid. , responsible bidder". Well Drilling job. , the letter from NSSSD. voice vote, all voting aye, unanimously. and said he was here representing his client, Karl client understood he was the loN� bidder and expected The only apparent reason t�Jas in the phrase "lovrest The only possible basis he thought could be the Keys ' � 1 ' ' , ' � � , , �� � ' ' SPECIAL PUBLIC HERRING hiEETING, MAY 13, 1968 p�j�; �g On that job there were unexpected delays which consequently cost more money, however, the Council only had dealings with Y.eys GJell DrilTing, not with Dedolph Construction Co. Since then Dedolph Construction Company has received invitations to bid and has bid 3 times. He said his client can meet all requireinents as to bond, insurance, etc. If the base bid is considered, Zuehlke is second lowest bidder, but if Alternates are considered, then he is fifth lo�vest bidder. There is also the time element involved. Zuehlke Construction Company had the longest time required to complete the job. He said he asks the Council to a��rard the contract to his client, Karl Cedolph, and avoid litigation. He had previously served Councilman Harris with an Order to Show Cause and a Restraining Order. MOTION by Councilman Harris to turn this over to the City Attorney for processing. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � Mr. Sullivan then presented the rest of the Council Members, City Attorney, City Manager and City Engineer with an Order to Show Cause and a Restraining Order. RECESS: 10:45 TO 11:00 P.M. REQUESTED BUILDING PERMIT (GERALD GLENN CORPORATION, TONY GNERRE) 1181 LYNDE DRIVE, LOT 4, BLOCK 5, PARKVIEW CAKS ADDITION: Mr. Gnerre said he was attempting to secure a building permit for a home at 1181 Lynde Drive which does not meet rear yard requirements. He said he had a petition from two abutting property owners stating that they were not opposed to the set back waiver he is pursuing. He is applying for a wai,ver on back yard requirements from the Board of Appeals on May 27, 1968 and is willing to bear full responsibility if they deny the request. He is now asking the Council to grant him a building permit ►��ith the knowledge that if denied by the Board of Appeals, the burden of responsibility will fall on him. He said that the back yard is about 20' from the property line and the requir�ements are for 25'. He said he received no red tag, that he was just ordered to stop M�ork as he did not have a building permit. PETITION #11-1968 - NO OPPOSITION TO SET BACK I�JAIVER AT 1181 LYNDE DRIVE REQUESTED BY GERALD GLENN CORPORATION: ' MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive hlr. Gnerre's petition from the abutting property o��vners. Seconded by Councilman Liebl.� Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' MOTION by Councilrr�an Sheridan to grant P1r. Gnerre a foundation permit for this site at 1181 Lynde Drive subject to the fact that Mr. Gnerre will be responsible if the 6oard of� Appeals denies his request and the City will not , be liable. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all Voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared th� n�otion carried unanimously. , , NOUSE A7 5721 REGIS DRIVE: Mr. Gnerre was previously issued a permit for a house at this address and the plans did not shot�� a�ralk-out basement, but he �rent ahead and installed a walk-out basement without getting a��roval. a - .� ; .� � � ' ' � �i ' SPECIAL PUBLIC HE�RING h1EETING, P�/�Y 13, 1968 �'1'`�� `��' The City Manager said th�at the City Ennineer, Darrel Clark, and he vaent out to the site far an ins}�ectioi� and all ielt that it was not a good drainage set-•up. He ���as given two suggestions. One was to raise the walk-out door or to install a storm sewer to the back of�the property. The City Engineer pointed out that P1r. Gnerre is nat licensed in the City. The Council would have to approve his license before granting approval of the building permit. The City Engineer further explained that it is against the City Code to alter buildings from the plan, once it is submitted. This was submitted shot,ring a window and not a walk-out basement. The Building Inspection Department has orde.rs not to issue any building permiis for walk-out bas�e�nents without an OK from the City Engineer, the reason being that in the Spring, N�ithout an adequate slope, the snow and ice builds up and the water will drain back into the house rather than at�ay from the house. � Mr. Gnerre said the water so far this spring has flowed the way it is supposed to flow. Mr. Gnerre stated there is about a 19" grade. There followed a general discussion as to the possible solutions and Mr. Gnerre said he would give it some further thoug}�t and try to come up with some '. alternate plan. ' � , � ' , �J ' ' , ' MOTION by Councilman Harris to extend f�r. Gnerre's license until his license could be approvecl at the next regular Council Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham dec7ared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor hirkham suggested to the Council that the Members go to the site and look at the problem before it comes back to them. DISCUSSIOPd OF REMODELING FOR THE PARK DEPAR7'MENT IN Tt-IE LOWER LEVEL OF THE CIUJC CENTER: Councilman Sheridan asked if this money in escrow is not for further development of Locke Park. Councilman Harris said that this was his understanding unless the Bond Referendum goes through, then the money could be released because it would not be needed. Councilman Sheridan said that he thought that the money is held for just one use and if it is used for something else, it would have to be replaced in the budget for next year. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to place this iteni on the next agenda. Motion seconded. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. . FUNDING OF POLICE QUARTERS: MOTION by Councilman Flarris that the Police Pension Association is to pay the contractor for costs and the City is to enter into an agreement to pay the Police Pension Association. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson: .Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � ,' 0 ' SPECII',L PUQLIC NEI�RTNG h'i[:ETING, h1AY 13, 1968 MINNEAPOLIS SEI�'ER AGREE�'iENT: 1?E1Gt� 5 0 ' The City Engineer passed the contract out for Council re��ie���. The City Attorney pointed out that this con�tract is a lot more detailed � and with the netiv way of billing the cost under the present contract would have been $23,000 for the first quarter of 196� and under the new contract will be $8,600. ' ' L� ' ' ' , � 1 ' , C� ' The City Engineer said that this is the contract with i:he modifications we have w�rked out with the f�linneapolis Ci�y Staff. This item is going to be brought back to the Council on May 20, 1968 for final approval. STORM SEWER FOR AREA NORTH OF OSBORNE ROAD AND WEST OF UNIVERSITY AVENUE: It was suggested that they look at the preliminary plans now and eliminate the meeting scheduled for May 27, 1968. Mr. Comstock said basically the problem is to choose which plan they wish to proceed with in negotiations with Spring Lake Park and the Minnesota Highway Department. The three proposals range in price from $80,000 to $380,000. He explained the problems briefly with each proposal and suggested this was possibly something the Planning Commission shou.ld work on. He said that about 57% of the flo�,r on the lower end of the system and 80% of the upper end wo.uld be from areas outside of Fridley._ Councilman Liebl asked Mr. Comstock which one he recommends and he replied that the assessments v�rould be very high under the most costly proposal, however, this would be the best plan and might be the most economical in the�long run. It was agreed to start the negotiations at the highest figure, which would be Plan No. 1. It was pointed out that this Resolution has already been adopted, (Resolution No. 62-I968) and the Council just needs to set the Public Nearing Date. MOTION by Councilman Harris to set the Public Hearing Date as June 10, 1968 for Storm Sewer Project �88 Addendum #3. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. 73RD AVENUE RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION BETWEEN T.H. #65 Af�D CENTRAL AVENUF; The City Engineer said that he had sent out letters to the property owners in the area but got no response. Councilman Flarris suggested we acquire the land by condemnation and request that the County include this in their 1969 project. • It was pointed out that the Public Hearing on this item will be held in ' July. The City Engineer said he will bring the Resolution to the Council setting up the legal requirements. ' ;� a ; .� �_ � ' ' � t ' ' ' ' � ' ' � ' ' � � ' ' ' SPECIAL PUBLIC FIEARIPaG f�1EETING, M/-1Y 13, 1968 51ST AVENUL- PEDESTRIAN E3RIDGE: i'f'�G:�'. 51 Thi s U�as di scussed very bri ei"ly. It 4vas poi nted out by h1ayor Ki rkham that negotiations with C;olumbia Heights and School District #13 are going very slowly and that the Columbia Neights Council is going to discuss participation in pedestrian bridge costs at their next meeting. Also, that the school had some question as to the legality of their participa- tion in costs outside sc:hool property. Councilman Liebl pointed out that 30% of %he assessed valua�:ion for School District #13 comes from the City of Fridley. Councilman Harris expressed the view that more than 50% responsibility for the cost would be ridiculous. This bridge is a $20,000,000 i�:em. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Councilman Harris to adjourn the Special Public Hearing Meeting of May 13, 1968 at 11:45 P.M:, there being no further business. Motion seconded. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, �!.��.: / ��'�'Y`.° -�-=�/ Jue7 Mercer �Secretary to the Council �`f � � � � ' �------ - -._ __ r-- � ' ' � <1 l!) N k ' O W � -J � % /„ � ��� � /� � I /� 1 v � ._. ; �: � n ' �' f - (� �, i J p: m f� r�1 n cs� ' �t �n % �' n �' 1 U 0� � o 1 � ^ l, `1 ` ff f4E.i�i p r f�"` pJ�E-27'y To $E� %1 Qc� � C7g' '�-o Vl�e'c :r �' /3 5' -r� No *'�"�') Sl�����t• S�.!`T— Oi: �I����% �7G�� � ; � �' " 1 "' � �. � ii ♦ i ��� � ('. E= L A Q �/ n' x ' '/ ar U ' �' � `L , � ,� , / � --- --- -- - - --- i � / r C�.1 �� � ,� / /� 1 . � � . �, ,,. ' � ,I c^ r �� E" A o� /S'7 f` T? S tl ;i L t_ J'%'• �� t� , � N _. _ S_��. _OF.- J �_�}�._� F.S?"G.--� f� �-�0-!Y•1-- - � r�. 2�• %�f � f_'Xc L-'T,-T- �' a, 10,0 7'��:'�.€o�, �''� 8��-" S�. �'�-. o�. 2, n�7 A�,=-��-�. , � M � _ �U � � 0 N �� _ `� �; _q_ ��a n��� EL.�-�D �U� �r. t-,,•; :�, . ;'i :' �,[`,,� 1� C �_ _ �� r� � , r"1 ,, � 3 t•-' �!, 3'� � ,�/ '�3 , . �, ;� 33 1 33 ' . - , - , � c . _% =j, ;. �- - ; � � . � : , , _:;:�_ ,,, i, � � //�/-� � i' � � '.. f- ,`��/;; / f �'^� //�/�,' i i � ' '� ;, I ��- •t F / f .` t 1 ' i � i � I ( ��� � Q � �.� � j} Q Ip Cy � � � : �1 r- v� i ��. 4. J 1 � '; '�� /�j' ,�%%%; ('�-�', ji%%%:� ; T ' �i�f�� ,: �:',%�f�;�-1 j-��y ,>�!.�.�. i ,, �,/,��c,���%,'�t ! //.� i � � ��� /,� -%-j� �i�; .i// i � � �_ i ;/ j / /':s.:e.•,�.��� .�`l 4,.�...r.!�.�....,..,s.e:..,.>< / — : O p � 'i �• ` _ � ` j � ; �` � -- ` D ta. �' �_ ' ' '. � . � ; . l `' �/� �+► � ! � C1� � ■ s �� N �-- �' �, ; ;'/ � �.: t. � ? I ■ r �', �°�. ;��' °% � . f' � ; � �. o , � ; w . � � �. �, � ; � 0 � f_. K1 M'1 �/ ' i ; ��. � ; '� - - �_ - �- - -- -- -- - —_ _ , � ; 1Si �� � � ` ,• `� � n r,� i �, . � /�," -r� � � i , �, r���'� R C E L C• ,• � /,� /(v � ' ��. `, ,� � 1 ' � 1 1 -. �7– � t 1 � � / . , � � . ;. G� � . : . . ')`_. i.• � � ' � � '/-�' I � • �,L �—_,�-�3 .>- _- 2��•��Nr% =o ��- o - -- - - — ------o� � ' ` �° �� `�. .° 37 T N .�v E. � �,�° N_E. � --- � _ _._.._.._,.w:rs��..,- �_•a,�`•%".,._.a.a�._.�.�..,..4 --.��.e.,.....�,..-..� '--�- - ---------- - --------- ---- -- `��__ / `'�`� --- � _ _ � _ —�--- _.�_...__._....�.���.e..,.., � � �/ " �_ �� ��,C�C� '" � � , ,- , ,, � / ' - -- ---- - --- - .. ------- ' � � -- - - - - - ----- --- --- -- / / � / n ,� ` • � � - Snv . 't ` �� Gotir��� o� S�"�rinr: 3�, ,,----._ _ _J MI�I�lE,4P0LIS G�,S. CO�VIPANY MINN[=APOL15, MINNESOTA 55402 May l, 1968 Mr Darrel Clark Fridley City Hall 6431 University Avenue N E Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Darre 1 , In re�ly to your telephone request concerning the proposed vacation of Marshall Street between 37 Avenue N E and the north line at Government Lot 4, the attached sketch shows the location of one 3" steel main and a service pipe into the buil:ding at 3705 Marshall Street N E. If the District is the owner of all the property on both sides of the portion of the street proposed for vacation, including the premises at 3705 Marshall, we do not object to this vacation. However, if this is not the case, we object to this vaca- tion unless a suitable easement is obtained covering the _�xisting�main and service. I will a.ppreciate your keeping me informed on this. . Sincerely /�� � � . � � rl �L "LL,Gc� ✓ •. i���--�� fl�_,- Warner P Blake Operations Planning Engineer _ _ ._ . W PB : kg enc cc: Ron Espe Mel Christianson, North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District ,`;�`3 � r � �} / ' ( i �4• � Pi f ��. � �'N i ;p� � �� i �� � �� � 'r— _.. _.__-� � f _.J 0 . �, � �, ` f � `, . ���} bf.l.s; /+.;v,•. ,r /06? � Z` cf �Sfcrfc° h'is y. — ?�_ _ -- .-- _ __�: y- - r __ 1 ' - I ,�.+� l� .-f -.- __ - __ _ - � � �, � / vl'. � f J.,.tJ C J ��".�f`� a-,e ' :� .. ... . .,,.. . ., ��\ � �1 L ' ���,J\ � � � < -.. .__ � A •� / °�" ', '. �` ` �Y i °� . � � '1 �i� p����� �; � � ti� � ; ;: I N".'/JJ.i;7 V��JY ""-7 � f . . ti• r ; ; � { ,;- P� 1 . ..;•!r %j � i ,� v � �'� _;� ti�'� �i 1:' :'� �r:s o, j ? � ��^; .ti i � � �i ;' � .; ,.�: �:� -/ :� �`,�.. / A {� � � � % f'`A ; . ...f..v„ . l� f' ,' . /I,� (!"{J � fle�t � �1 {-.i.. t�•- Lf.! � �.,.�+ C� �� �� l.1� . ��r-7.�. ::�'s �.� �� ' � . Q �. �, . 3'n� . ,� i7�%S.''f - !- . P � S�.�b� �a I�� i`� � o r-� ,.�, �O/�.''r°I".'� F'.::/!f' �% i ; � �� .:._ � � � � - � ;i � �� -s <; .� r; . _ a . /1 � ��� / V _ .. . _ . . . . _ . � � 'v - i PT. ° ti.'-d3.8 { � ,.,` I �. e .r ��` : � i`� , �� t ��� , I 9� I' ` s � � �:. . , , � � �� . . > / �� �� 9J � - �� `= - --- --'- �'�� `- . I .S '..��i - ------�----�- _'--�-�-�-� — , 3 :7: ..... _�_ ._____..__'_____.___. �. . _> " o.�. , .:,.'._ ' � ' R .~. ��/,�� X. �... . � S:,'//S l .1_- ... '.__ _'_.__ - . 4 V .. , . , � � �. . �. ._. .' -� ..'.COi� .<'.�+i;a.,i �. � �, v . ; ----- --- __ -- t _- ---- . � . ., _ ... , ,'D r' ° � . . � , � 0 � i I � f � � -,;a , : J �.. u.� . . . � �.�.f. � r/ _ IS r, • _,4 . , . �%; � ��J _' �'r� ., t `� ' �1� i� L. �✓�i..... �:�. /'C • �`� �S� j ��� ' a; � % ''' � � � n° t"` / ;. n� ;�' � � `S� �t . p� � ; h� ' . � � �� ( %f�0;1 /�u� � _� . _ .� \C' �) .. ° �: � � ' v .� . . � � � '•1 ��l..b_ '� � �� ( � Y � YI �,__: ,.�. __ .� �::�� . 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NA NCE NO . � « � F�N ORD I N�;NCE �'���END I NG ORD i N/',NCE N0. 372 OF TNE C I TY CODE REG(J LAT I NG E:hD L I CEh'S I NG FOOD ES7AB L I SNP�IENTS hND � FOOD VEND I NG P1ElCH I N ES t;ND ('ROV I D i NG !, PENt� LTY FOR VtOL�±TIOh�S THEPEOF. The Counci( of the City of Fridley do ord�:in �s follows: SECTION I, Ordin�nce No. 372, Section 43, of the Fridley City Code is hereby ��mended to re�>d as fo) lows: ���.�i SECT I ON �.�,�,d�. Tempor,ry jus en s i on of L i cense . The E�f orc i ng � 0{'ficer with the approval of the City h.�l�:nager shal I immediately su�pend the I i cense of any food est�:b I i shrnent for the v i o I at i on of C�ny terrns ofi th i s Ord i nance i f such v i o I`t i on s con st i tute �:n i mm i►�ent pub ( i c hea ( tl� h�yzard. Llpon not i f i cGt i on by the Enforc i ng Off i cer of z tempor�;ry su s�ens i on of I i cen se bj� pos� i ng of h i s report at thc time of the ins�ection, tlie licensee shall forthwith cease o�er•at i on . The I i censee m�y a��pea 1 the tempore•ry susper�s i on i n wr� i t i ng to the C i ty Counc i 1. llpon 7ot i f i c��t i on i n wr i t i ng by the I i censee to .the Hca Ith iiu�;1»r i ty ti���; �� ( I v_i o I�-�t i ons h�:+ve been corrected, �for wh i ch �;er�porary suspens i on was i nvoked, the Enforc i ng Off i cer sha ( I re- i ns�ect tf�e food est�,b I i shment t� i-th i n a reason��bl e I ength of �: i me . I f � 1 I v i o I�-.t i on s con st i tu�: i ng �he grounds for the. �er��porary suspension h��ve been corrected, the Enforcing Officer sh�-�11 forthwith tnrmin�.te the suspension. Ph�SED EY TI�E C I TY COI.If�C I L OF THE �C I TY OF FRID LEY TH IS� �°�`' � ��Y oF � _�`_ _ 1968. w^ � _ _._ ' . � � � � hiAYOR - J^r.CK 0. KI RKNE.h! �� �ITTE�T: C I TY CLERK - R1h(zV I N C.- 6R(JNSE LL First Reading:`_i�a.y 6 19�C�_�� Second Re�ding:. _Z;7�a_��_/yl� Publish: � � � j- ORD I NANCE NO . ��`� AN ORDIN�,NCE AMENDING SECTION $ OF ORDIN�:NCE N0. 3%2 OF THE CITY CODE REGIlLF�TING AND LICENSIhG FOOD ESTABLISHh9ENTS �.ND FOOD VENDlNG h9�CHINES AND PROVIDIhG A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. The Counci I of the City of Fridley do ordai n as f=ol lows: SECTION I. Ordinance No. 3%2, Section 5, af the Fridley City Code is hereby amended� to read ��s fol lows: SECTION 5 LICENSE FEES. Fees for licenses issued hereunder shall be ��s foI Iows: (t i ner�,nt food estab I i shment : .� (5.00 per annum. � Perishab�e Food Vehicle: $5.00 per Gnnum. Perish�ble Food Vehicle, fl�t license: $25.00 per annum. Retail Candy Shop: $I$•00 per annum, plus $5•fl0 for each additional facility on the same premises, as set forth above w ith respect to food estab I i shments. � Readily perishable food vehicle: $5.00 per annum. Readily perishable food vehicle, fleet license�: $2$.00 per annum. Bakery food vehicle: $I$.00 per annum. Catering food vehicle: $100.00 per annum, plus �5.00 per annum for e�ch additional catering food vehicle under the same ownership �nd operation. Ice M�.chine: $5.00 per annum for each machine dispensing or storing ice in a wrapped container; $15•a0 per annum for all other machines. Vend i ng I�9�ch i ne : Ifor each mach i ne d i spen s i ng f ood, and . �uiring a coin of not more than 5¢, there shGfl be no � eharge for the license;4for e�ch machine dispensing food in a wrapped pack�ge or sealed container, and requiring a coin of more than 5¢ but not more than 10¢, $5•00 per annum; for each machine dispensing food n�� so wrapped or sealed and requiring a coin of more than 5¢ but not more than , • 10¢, �10.00 per annum; for all other m�chines, $15.00 ' per annum for the first food dispensing unit of the m�;chine, and $5.00 per annum for each additional food dispensing unit of the same machine, but rxt to exceed $SO.00 for any one machine. � 0 . '': � 0 r � Food Establishment: y�25.00 p�r annum. � � � I i censes hereundE, year; ►' sha I I exp i re on the Iicense fees sf►a1I be 30th da license to be ProrGted on � Y°f April of each firs� issued is to become m�nthly basis if the d�y of M�y of e��h effective o year, n�nY day other than the �. "PA S Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDL OF 19E8, EY THlS Q� ------• --�.._____ DA Y � A7TEST: ` C I i'Y CLERK MRRV I N C, BRl1NSCLL First Reading: Second Reading: � G F Publ ish: , i9G� 0 � 0 h1AYOR - Jt'1CK 0. K I RKyF,� � L.� a� ' .�ti��/�� , i; /" ! , � J, AIv OR�I1 �i: CCNFIF.r;:NG �,CTIOPI Or TFi,� Cz' �QL%i`�C�l� Oh �E�RUt�RY 6, 196'7 fi�;ALXGNIN� �T!-i£ �OUuDARIE� GF' PR%CL`�C"i' i !-i t,ITFiIN bi�FD i�IUML��R Ty�Q PUTtSUANT TO C:i���i'�.� 2, S�C: T�tv 2.03 OF TiiE CITY CH�IRTER OF' FRIDL�Y WHER�AS , it �s ti�� wish of tn� ei�y Co'Lac? 1�o equal.iz� in�cf?•r aa ��svi�ia tho gopulation of the �rards a��d precincts of the C�ty, . � NOH, �H�REFORE, B� IT Ft:SOLViD �y the Cow�cii o� C2a�e City of F�idley as fo.l2ows : � 1. Sections 1.02 �.nd 2,03 ef thc� �;'ty �ade o:i �he Gi�y ef Frid.ley be aiaer�decY a� follows : • _ � � � � � � � � idARD I30U?1DAF,IES 1.02 pu: ��a�r.-t to '�n� .C''ty ef F� idley Ch�^'t�r, CI�a��^-:r 2.03 which re�vires the Counci]. to rz��a�ax°r:i:�P �az:�d ��ur.r��.ries u��3� e�ch d°��:�ni�l cen�um of th� United Statoc , and � t orher ti:s:�s �s th�e C���.�►ci� t�s��� ����::�:��.r3� , the ward and p:ecinct bou.r.d�:ri�:3 c� rhe City a� z-�::ci�t��•�°.riwd �nd h�z���'tsr �,�. established as follo��: �� (�) S;ard No. 2, ?r�e�r_�fi t�:�. i as �s�a?:i�.i�?�e;; �s �i�� al-�� bc�.���d �s �ollorre: . On th� Nor�h and ����'� by •th� Ci.�y '�tr,�i�v, G, ;: �Q '���� ?��^.T•�, 4e, and on tt�y� Sot�tih hy R��a C����':. .__ . f�) �'ard ho. l, �c�^_ca,�,;t t�;o. 2 �E Asaab:.i�ti€:d �.� 2h� sr£3 �o�:;d�� �� �olle�a: On the ld�srt`� �� Ric� Creek, oa th2 �.F.�'� b, '�'.N. E5, cn �h�: So+a�:.1 by Misais�i��i St., �n� on th� �l�st by T.�•I. ��7. (c} Ward td�. 1, P��:cinct 2do. 3 is est�3.ish�d � th� ax°:.=a L�o���d a� fo'loa��: On the r�ox�h 4nd E?�;'� by �`.o Ca.ty Li*����, �� tF.� �?�` b.� T.h'. �!7, �.�d an tha &��;�h �y ?�.;e Craek. _ (d) 'rtard No. 2, ��cinct Nc. 1 i� e�tabl:��'��ci as :��e ���a hoian:i�d � f�llos��: 0� the North by t�,issis�i�pi St., cn the i�sb by T.H. 65, cn %ha S�u.tb by tke City L�mats, �rd cn the idest by 7th Strc3et 2:�.E. (e) Nard No. 2, Fr3�inct Iv'a. 2 is �:��a.�la�h::� ��s the sa�a b�e�e�a as £o1la�rs: Cn tM� Nortt� by R.ic� Gr�ek, �n t��; �'a:�'t b;� *he Cii;� L�:^:Y's s cm Yh� t Sout� *aY C�rdsn���,venue ��nd !'�rc?�nn_ u_?�?m:A �xt�n�r.c1, e^d o:: the t�aet . hy T.f:. 65. � (fi 4�ard ilo. 2, Precin.^t No. 3�.3 e:���51�^h�� �� �la� az�a bc;�?cd ns �olloaa: On tne t!orth h�1 C���na Av�nuc� an� G�.r�3�r� Av;:�L� e-���'�d. on th� .�.._.__._._r.. East snd Sout}: b-�r tha C:'�y t,amit� � 8r,d_ on���in E+��t by 1'.i'. 65. (g) War�ci �io. 3, Pr�ci.nc� No. 1 is 'e�tublish�d Es the a*�ea but:rc3ed as follow�: On tii�e �iest hy `he Ci^��r I,irnits, o� th� Aici�s^th i�y� Rfce C��'t and by � Missi�sipoS S�t. I:et.re�� 7¢5 Sr. ..zd �.�i. ��, on �he S��o�+:h by 53rd � Av�. t3.E. extend�d. bet�+�en tha t�'.P. R.i.;,ht of t3aq and �`�e Gi�st Citq Limits and by 61st Ava. N.E. b�t_�;Fen 7�;� St. and �hE N.P..Right of Xay �nd on the Eust b� T..;. �1 betwnen F;�c� Cz�Er ar.� Flississippi St., ?th S?;. DFrti,��nn �i �:,is�±ppi �t. C��c 61st �ve. AI�E., a.�d y�Z� N.P, Ri�ht of tjay b�.a�e,: 51st A�c ti_£. and 53rd �t�✓e. I:.£. e�.tci:nded. J �! (h) S�ard No. 3, Prscinct Nc,. i is est�aishec �s �::e a�r bounded as fol.lows: On the horth by 61sr itve. t+.f:. :�erwePr+ 7th :��. t+.L. a�td ti�s *J.P• Rig� t of Way , or. rhe F�ast �y "� t?� S�t , ti.�., ;,,� th-� South 5y �3rd Ave. id.E. ar�d 53rd Ave. ;:.f;. extended bpfiweer. 7+h a�. 17.�. aZC� � the N.P . Ri�ht of Way , a^.d n:i :he 61est by the v p. Ri��fi of Way bet�Een 61st tive .�a .�: . anr 53x•d Ave . N, r. exzenr,eci. ( i) h'ard tto. 3, Precir.ct No . 3 i� as'tabl ishr_<i as t;.a area k�ounded as follows : On the North by 53rd Ave . H. F' . aY�:; ���r� Av� . t' . fi, e�.�tended , on the East , Hest� and Soutih b�r the Ci±y L.i*r•�ts . HARD MAF 1.03 - That said WarU and Preci��ct Boundaries are �urthar herein est�blis?�ed and delineate3 as shown on the nwp h�reor. Attached hereto is Exhibi� "A'' snd Made a par-� h�:eo� hy raference; and �rhenas�er and wh�r��er a c���lict shall a�pear betw�on the Doundariaa �s rsoted and provide4 c�n sa.id rr�a� and th3 .iin�� r.ofied and described in Ssction 1. 02 , the:� th� bou.�d�.ri�s as n�ted in s�id r�ap shall prevail . ADOP'f�D BY TIiE COG'2�CIL :�iiS UAY OF �_�, 196g. ATTEST: CITY CLEn}C - �'3rvin C. B�^ur►sell ���� First R�a:ling : Secand Reading Publiahed: G MAYOI2 � Jack 0. K�.i�kha�n � � .\ 1 ' ' • � Riverwood Sch ol 7150 East Riv R� Precinct No. Ward No. 1 � � o �City Hall 6431 Universit Av Rrerinct No. 1 � Ward No. 3 r � Sr. High Schoal '6000 West Mo re I Precinct No. 1 Ward No. 2 � M � Res�rve Su I Co PP 51 10 Main St. � Precinct No. 3 � Ward No. 3 � ' � . � � � � �Z"� ayes School 15 Mi:ss. St. recinct No. 2 /ard No. 1 ce Creek School i66 Arthur St. ecinct No. 2 ard No. 2 kview School �5 7th St. cinct No. 2 rd No. 3 North Park School 5575 Fillmore St. Precinct No. 3 Ward No. 2 . . : � � `� I . .r,, v� ; . . .. .;,� -�� yY � / ^, . • � � 'L:_ c"..._ ,.� !J ! !�1 ' J +f �§ ";� ! _ -+ /� y ; y� (t.-o). . @\`�_�� � �- :if.,;f-- �_-� -r.r• ,J _ ,�1�_�____ °w�,Irtof � �c 1 �A V.. `� . � � � - :'-'."L` '�` l� 4A ( ? . ; n �� L � fo�� .i /�-iV � . 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' / t ��^- , `':,. � �� ' t"� o � ..�. „ ` E f � f � : � ' , � t ' J � t y . � � ` � � H�.r�cia Ba°c��h��x�s � oz��i t,3.�;� , , . i , � l _ • _ I �... � L'�20` �!`c>�,=n� t 'i ' i'axc�s]. ��1R<'�;.rt ol �31. 22, Frid1�� �'�:rK �cldii;son P�x°etil �=2-.!il:� �f k310 2.3, Fr�.flley �'�.i•k !`.da3.'`c,zc=� -- . � Parcel ��3�n�:x�, of I�ot 7& 9, Rq,v.. YA• S Div. #�?_� —��..._..._.__.__.�_...__.,._�,..... .,..�..w._,._-, ...............�.._.r-«-.,Sf�V ��68-01 Vacate 30�ft. street lying South�,and . , adjacent to North line of Fridley Park ,a.. , , _ �aa o : . sv- .vvrz --r�.-n .xa�, v r. �z.-r�y . ,n. . . c . -. _ -r"?'v-?;'-� . . . . . .. `^7a� ; > , .. � . . _ . . , , . . � _ . . . �� . . . , . � F -. , ! Tt . .. . .�'s � •.—•;-, .�r-�^-.... . : p-:,,-•.�.. � , .� � , � � � � � � � � � �� , � , i � � OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING . BE�'ORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue N.E, on May 13, 1968 in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P.M, for the purpose of: The vacation (SAV #68-01� of a street described as follows: Al1 that part of the thirty foot (30'� street along the North side of Fridley Park Addition between East River Road and the Mississippi River, located in the North Half (N2� of Section 15, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. Anyone desiri.ng to.be heard with refexence•t.o the above matter may be heard at this time. PUBLISH: April 24, 1968 May 1 , 1968 JACK 0. KTRKHAM MAYOR � >�; i � - �r=vn � �_, . __.. - ' . F. . ... . ._�._..�.�_.�..__ � � G�+�t�G£ lFJ C�n s . I <,� . � � G,� q Jo C,�, . � � � . �T �3 . ' S �, � 6�` � o, o. _ � . ,s � . . . . . � . . �q . .. . . A� �s .� R,���G ' < � / ._ / . -�� `'� � �V �'°r� / � P s � N . �� � ` - �' 60. . � i' \ , , � O� s� 4G � �c' 4� �(ti� TS ��' / y �� P v p /r,� �.l �.' t ���) �, i j V ' O a , �cs�L�' (. , 5 v ��. � h V� „' ,� 'ti) � � � oRra.�„k �9y c.D. �` M.ay y, t9�g L'/Ty O F FR t D l.F' . EKG. DEPT. � ,r, � � � , ' ' � � � FROM: T0; SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL FINANCING OF LOOPBACKS - EAST RIVER ROAD AND MISSISSIPPI AND STREFT TO THE WEST. That a ma:cimum of County funds be sought and utilized for the financing of loop back costs at intersection of East River Road and Mississippi Street. That acquirement of land and buildings for loop b4ck right- of-way be from County funds, if made available, but if a portion or no County funds are provided, then it is recommended that Improvement Bonds be utilized to provide funds as necessary; or funds from the State Aid revolving fund. Within the loop back area and the new street to the west I it is recommended that the property o�aners be assessed for a normal residential street and that the balance be funded from improvement bonds; or funds from the State Aid revolving fund. ' , , :� 1 1 1 1 1 .In the assessment for the normal residential streets, it is recommended that the property owner to the north of the loop back and new street to the west be assessed 75 pereent of'the costs of a normal street as they are deriving the maj�or benefit from the street. That the property owners to south of the loop back and new street to west be assessed 25 percent of the costs of a normal residen- tial street in accordance with City policy to assess only 25 percent on double frontage lots, (The lo�s to south face on an existing street � and as such front on that street). HRA/mis � Homer R. Ankrum CITY MANAGER � 'c, � ,�. ! � MEMO DATE : Mt�MO FROyf: , MEMO T0: ' ' ' , LJ , , � � LJ , SUBJECT: April 15, 1968 City Manager City Counci.l FINANCING OF LOOP BACK AT INTERSECTION OF MISSISSIPPI STREET AND T.H. ��47 (UNIV�;RSITY AVENLTE� Mississippi Street improvement (of street proper) is to be paid for by the County. Property owners are to be assessed for sidewalks and additional right-of-way required for installation of sidewaik and fifty (50) percent of the curb and gutter costs. In the actual area where loop backs are to be installed, it is recommended that the.City pay eosts of acquiring of right-of-way from improvement bonds or from the State Aid Fevolving Fund and such funds as are made available from assessment for a normal street on the service road west of T.H. ��47. The State is to pay the construction costs on the street for the north and south loop backs except curb and gutter. In considering costs of the improvements to be made on University Avenue to the north of Mississippi Street, it is recommended that the property owners to the west of Uni.versity from Mississippi Street north to the Holly Center north property line be assessed for the cost of a normal street from Mississippi Street north to said north lot line of the Holly Cezter. That the balance of the University Avenue improvement to the north of the north property line of the Holly Center be financed from improvement bonds or State Aid Revolving Fund, as there is no apparent benefit to the property owners of this residential district. In consideri_ng costs of the improvements to be made on University Avenue to the south of Mississippi Street, it is recommended that the property owners to the west of University from Mississippi S_reet south to Satellite I,ane be assessed for a normal street, as City policy that all properties be assessed at a minimum the cost of a nor-ma1 street. � � � HRA/ml.s � ' , � Homer R. Ankrum 0 . �,, ':��j e RE50LlITION N0. 77-1968 A RESOLLITI ON APPROV I NG THE PROPOSED SEU/ER CONTRACT BET1-VEEN THE C I TY OF M I NNEAPOL I S A,ND THE C I TY OF FRIDLEY AND AUTHORIZING TfiE EXEClJTION THEREOF. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, M i nnesota, as fo ( I ows: , WHEREAS, the City of Minne��polis has proposed � revision of the existing sewer contract between the City of hltnneapolis and the City of Fridley; and I�VHEREA�, the Fridley City Council has directed the �dministration to consult with and negotiate with the staff of the City of htinneapolis in regard to � new contract; and 1'VNEREr`1 j, the respect i v� staff s of the C ity of M i nneapo 1 i s and the City of Fridley have negoti�-:ted and �greed upon � new contr�ct, copies of which have been distributed to the Fridley City Council; �nd It�HEREAS, sa i d proposed contr� ct i s i n the op i n i on of the Fridley City Counci) of benefit to the City. NOW TNEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED, thGt the Fridley City Council does approve the contract as proposed ��nd authorizes the M�yor and • City ��an�ger to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Fridley, , �DOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF FRIDLEY TH15 20th D� Y 0 F MAS�___._.___ � I 9 68 . ATTEST: CITY CLERK - h1E�RVIN C. BRl1NSELL 0 MAYOR - JI',CK 0. K I RKHA�; ' , � � �°�, �`' i �a � �;.. � +�3 a'. -1�- � <:�� �� "� ; � �� ' � ; ' ,� �``��`� �' _�� J ��� :� 6� ,;��a � }; �t � ` -. j C.` �.�' �' �� �:_ � : '; � 0��1�� Ol= Ci"f � C��i�i)��;,�;�OF� 315 CI7Y Nr,L!_ �r;G•'r.032 r,�ir�r�EnPO�ts, ��;irvrrFSO�A ���1s. � � ' Mr. H�mer Anl:.rum City Manager City Hall ' 6431 University N,E. Fri.dley, M.innesota 55421 ' � ' , , I Dear Mr. Elnlcrum; May 16, 1968 ;��� , ���- ,yG� � Enclosed are S copies of our "Agreement between Ci�y of rlinneapolis, riinnesota and the City of Fradley, rlinnesota, rel.ating to the Interconnection oE Sanftary Sewers" as abreed to at our n.eetino an rfay 13, 7_968. I have made a sli�ht modification ir� the languaoe or, pa�e l3 as later rev�ew of r,;y orisinal lanbua�e as given t� yoU on I�iay 13 did not seem to be very clear. I hope �his s_li�ht moclif-icaii.on mee�s with your approval. Our ilorrnal proced�.� wo�� b� �� have your Counci�_ approve this abreem�nt and iorward to rry attenti.on 3 sione�l co�ies o�' the a;reement and at least one certi.fied .copy of youy reso�.t.�-�ion a.�pruvina it. Upon approval by our Council a�ic? ttie iiir�neapolis-Si.PatL� Sani.tary District our officers will sign it: and we t��i_ll retu:cn oi�e si�-�ed copy to you. If you wish ta modify this proceciure in any w�y, please con�act me. � DLP: rj � Encl. � � ' ��-.'" 3 . . �: - . i i � � .� � . � 1� ; ek'• , . . � . y _ R, � . � .. ., > .... , ... . . , _ - - — � Yo�s �:��ly, � r `� - -: �- � ( I �- ` . -� �_.., r __�..r .> � �c:S;_-t %.c {.� �._.__,i`�. _„�� � _+�%, Dallas I�ee pete�rsen Accountant i1 . R'. _-'" t '�� k3 � � - - �. . . '"; ('C•; . ' � M � �. � , g , . i . — ,., , � � � � C�f�iST�CI< � D�WIS, II�C. 744fl COURITY ROAQ "J" RAINN�RPOL15 , P.91fdPdL:E20'i'A 85492 TEL.: SUna�t 4•0347 C��4���,�$a�� ����8i�3���S MEMO T0: Nasim Oureshi, P. E. eiry of Fridley FROM: E, V. Comstock P. F. , Comstock & Davis, Inc. , ' ' � , LJ ' ' � , ' , SUBJECT: Proposed jdater Interconnection w/Nounds View DATE : r;a.y 15, 1968 Mounds View is proposing to construct a water main at the intersection of 73rd Avenue N.E, and Stinson. Under letter of April 2, 1968 Mouncls View has suggested an interconnection at this location to be used on an emergency basis anly. The quality of the water in both systems is similar. The supply being wells from the Hinckley formation with iron removal facilities, chlori- nation and fluoridation. � The proposed interconnec*_ion would require the construction of a man- hole to house two gate valves and two-t��ay floca meter, as well as the interconnecting piping and fitti.ngs. The cost of the const�uction to accomplish the interconnection has been estimated at $4,800.00. If the Counczl �aishes to proceed with this interconnection, an agreement should be prepared outlxning the construction cost sharing, operational procedures, maintenance responsibilities, cost of water used, oc,mership offacilities and consfiruction details. Attached herecaith is a copy of an interoff.i.ce memo from Mounds View's Engineer, �"r. Shelly Boehm. � � / � � �:;:� ���'��.�i'� ��:r �s �' �°��� �'� , ����. Ccs�;;�si�in, Er,�„��vr, 14+46 Coun#y Rd. J MIPtNFAPOLiS, MINIVESOT�i 55432 C_ , �, C�' �'.� ` .i �'? C..,C- GENTLEMEN: , WE ARE SENDING YOtJ ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints p Plans O Sampies 1 ❑ Copy of letter C! Change order ❑_ COPIES � DATE �1—R_NO, '=� �i C���`�C�G°� C� C� �G°�G�[��G,�D u �'��, DESCRIPTION ,THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked belo;a�: n For approval O Approved as submitt ed ❑ For your use O Approved as noted � CJ As requested O Returned for corrections U For revi'ew and comment C] __ C FOR B the foliowing items: ❑ Specifications D Resubmit copies tor approval O Submit copies for distribution C� Return corrected p�ints ' IDS DUE 19 _❑ PRINTS RE7URNED AFTER LOAN TO US � �� ���� R A R K S `__ �_=�%�J' � � _�-� �' C, �---_ 9�i�� .-�� �i1.��� � i �i� ---� . � . - .-� �•�' � ._v ' �� i �' �:'-C- �� — �__=- -'� _ �, � . �' ' ��i -Cl% �-l?�'�ix-C'C Gi–� �� f y% ,�t �,I� `L–�/-�--'f����� �=t'�.c.i � lY_f /s� P v /I7 .e-f_..sY /J .� !% _ . .. .� _ _� 0 0 • � � � - - - - c - c SIGIVED:���� �, /�)�,/��,,,,� " �iJ'11'iL`�%.�-srL-�'� �rr�//...e'.iQz��.-�. d �„� a�` � If cnctasuras ara r,ot ss notod, kl�dty napl(y ua et once. �� .w exa._,. ;,�,:s � u.. ..4 r:�� i . '. :,,.,, t:;,, ' l " �•'! ' � � � V� . �. . .� ... . . .. . .. w � '!t Al�l� 111� .. . . . .. . ; 1 �i r� ����3��%63C�� � �'��tC��'lii� ° ��,1f' Q�Qe'3��I�'(i59if7�� ° � �.: �.: �s°� � � i ��„��� ��+ � �� ��� � � ����° ��3 (�,i � �� ��� �._p �_Et�. � ����� � ���_� ������`�l °.�� ��,_�_' %� s��►�, � f �. ' _. - � a��� Cl�ci�t�ieeal �or�;r�c��c►ors :;%��` ' � . . . . . .� . . � . ...... ... .. . . .. . :. . . . �� f 2U-2i9 WEST LAKE STREET, MINNEI•�.f'OLIS, MIN[VESOTA 55408 � " �� ' � T��� EFSi' EQUIPF[U SP�OP IN TOVVi�! ,'.'�'� ' Phone 823-6281. ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' � ' , � ❑ May lb, 1968 City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue NE Fridley, Minnesota SUB: Carter Aay Co;npany bldg., 500 73rd Ave. NE Fridley, Minn. Gentlemsn: We request your approval for the use of "Dual-Tite" soil pipe using Neopxene gaskets as manufa.ctured by Anni.ston Foundry, Anniston, A2abam�, for the above project. Attached is a letter frorn Jacus and Amble Inc., Consulting Engineers for th2 above project, approving this naterial for themselves and for the oc�mer. . r�Q/�a Yours very truly, .--, HAF.ItIS BF,OTHERS PLU2�ZNG �CO;�SPANY � � �./ `,� / �� , / / , . ,�� %(/ C ( (t� ,' ,� -;�ll�!%�,� � � , Mfles E. Quigley � r / ' . . / � '' ' ' � �� JACUS & \�(�illis A. Jacus R�+ymond E. Amble Richard L. Peterson Tom Johnson T. Clayton Beebe Carrol K. Ffauge William J. Wa�burg Lester J. Johnson �M B LE, ►N�. May 13, 1968 � � �J CONSULTING ENGINEERS 300 E3UILDERS EXCHANGE BUILDING MINNEA�OLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE 336-3306 � HARRIS BROS . PLUI�IBING CO . 217 W. Lake St. Minneapolis, Minnesota � Attention: Mr. Miles Quigley . RE: Waste, Vent and Downspout � Piping - Carter-Day Plant Fridley, Minnesota Gentlemen: r�, � ' , ' ' � � ' � ' We are writing this letter to confirm our approval of "Dual-Tite" soil pipe using neoprene gaskets, as manufactured by Anniston Foundry Co., Anniston, Alabama. We have confirmed this approval with Mr. John O'Hearn of the Carter-Day Company. Very truly yours, JACUS--�AND AMBLE, INC . Consul�ing Engineers °'� - �`'� ,� �.�'"' . .,� �' '�'y,r�.'o,ti,� �'-�"°°°� `v�°C.-,' EL=t..FA,,,•'-�A......� �se Richard L. Peterson l,� � _ _ ._ . �' RLP:gjm CC: Mr. John O'Hearn Carter-Day Company Watson Constr. Co. � ,, � � LC�'�,�ZO�I : LJ I�-J , ; ,. _ , . , �. „ >=. ..._, - �,. . •y� � �, �' � t� r, � �.. r : � _ ; ,. . c: � . � . � cTm� o�� : �:�_rf�,� �, M�:r��a;�s�T� • AP:•;�Ii;��'I'iG�I ��t^� SjG1� F:i:Pi'.�'T rzay 9, ,19 68 L�C!u. D�SC�;°?�':t��'�: �'_�.���`��,.'�,��:��Y��,��..�%�.��� STI:�ET AD���;:5 s. _._ 7510 Hzg,h���av C�5�lorth M---- � i?RiD�.�Y I��SP�Ci 0� C: DTJ3'�,�C�ic:�S : The ur_cters��n?d hereby malces aF?�$Ii_c� *i.on :�:;r �u p�, mi_t ���r the woY�k t:e;:ein � sp�c:i�ie�1, az;� ee?.n� to do all �oorl•: ire s�:��:�cL- ::+�r.n�a�a,�r�a -,•;i�ti �I:�e C; Ly t1��Ai.r._3r�crs and ru�_ir..L s of t�e D���?.r_tment of �u�_i.dl,3.��,, :�.n:r� h�z�e`�y c3c�c�.:�ar.�^> r'�3�. ��.? the ���ts and re�resenta�icns St�L'F1 ?ri t'L2�o ct,T.��'i.C�;.i' :�1.1 E!�f ti"�'i':c �:.'i.il C+)�I.'Fr�. � :)�i � ZG���I:G C�,,. .',c"'�cAG�V f�r P.:t':x':�'?'°I; Industxial ��t�i�ci - - -- -- � G�:TMc?LR 0� �:.����':�.��• Ives Boisvert S�g��O�mer; Breds, Incor�ated T�iE 0:., 5��,�v; _ Bu11_etin fo-r Embers Pes��urant �t Hi�'n�aay b5 & 69�- �?�'ro�;. 5h . �l - 1 r:�t�c,,gn i�� � IiCS,I INSTAI�L�D: Oid x�.�-Lar1 X� P�00:_____ ..�i,li�taTS� ��� li�L'G.�, F'{TEi�'L�F?; Fti�Ji� � M6�v�i.�, IP3STALLATION TO BEGIN 0�1 June 15t TC EF. C��1 �i��D G�1 J une 15th � � c�5� � ��� ESsIT�TED COST 0'r' SIGN $ 2, 00� . GO Dr.S�F..:s:�'r.i.c^,�? G:� SICN D�tiiui�?3?GiV'S : T-,�T•':.^a"'H L�T� � W:LiJiTI 1� � Tlii�L.t�IuSS 1.Q'' • � �,E"i^� tiS: r'�Jt,v; ;.: 5 S:tZE T�Ei.7'LP.IP?G AR�'A 3Q0 s�..ft . D�c�'��ICF F^�:i: Pi.�Jr��s T`i L��=r'E�) 1.0' RnQ:� C�^L'P�(�� Py�oa j.r � CG�1Si�:JCT,�J Gr : Ii:Gi1 V�� �3t}<.;1 2I:Oir & t�1��D OiH�R -- -- — II,T LM�.13T� D: �X - � T.ASii�?3s : N o � � � Pi'�O.T.'.r�.Z'1 i C�S• ;.�;r:•'. ' S S�G'.1"� ?`i ���.E : Ei"ru�C: ��T' S SIGI:L?'_+'.C�� : (si Di�'x%:i:;7t; __ ._ ._ . F�.T;��i ' �'�;: BnEDE �INCO�PO_�;�TED ...�� �:.t : �1 �/' ✓ � �` i'" .%' / ip I T � -,r_'*�'I .n� .4. � • :•T ir.- ' :,r �") � T�e'., Fg n+-� G�,'Zi�?� AG tFES T� C(: i�=i i[diT�i C_�L�:.�•._�iT: r. �� 3:_ A�.,v : r-�,i."���:_ ... �•`t �•I.iTH f.�.;���tJ�-,., FLL D'JE OPJ ::{sf 1, 1967, AS Fj::t 5�3� is.Cid 5b .(?3, YAr, ?, & S�.C�'ii3i� 55 . G'4, F�:tZ, 9�A ix F; � . n s : ,y�,,,TT,n r� r•,". � AP;?::0�'�'J E3. F�Ar,,.,., •� C.�i?'SS�^v 1 (:JA'1LS (;a'�,.v ,,.;••;,��-, � . .,� _i_.-:��.L_..� t,,, T-... -, :�_ _-�_._v. _-� .�.� �7';�;:,-,t!'�2 �._ Y.t.. �. �.__ �.,.._..__�W... C_:�i. t .,._.v:.e.��r.. - \' . i:��iv:;1L'iix'.,� ��.�.� lY �..i�.::.'i.i �� Sl+ J :�r.l Vi�s7_._� ...__.-- —..�.—.. , . � e � � JOSEPH E. WARGO PETER BARNA ROBERT GUZY ROBERT C. HYNES G. D. GIANCOLA LAW OFFICES . t�r���� � a����� 3700 CENTRAL AVE. N.E. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNE50TA 55421 , M��y 9 � 1968 . Fridley City Council and � Mro Jack K irkham � Mayor - Fridley C�ty H�II 6431 University Avenue N.E. � Fridley' Minnesota 55421 f� %� � . ._� Phone: 788-1644 RE ; The South 55 feet of the West 150 feet of the East � 800 feet of Lot 7, Auditors Subdivision Noo 25� Section 24� Township 30� Range 24, West, Anoka County, Minnesota � Gentiemen : � This is to advise you that I F�ve requested the Anoka County A;.iditor to make a sp�it. with reference to the general and special taxes as they apply to the above captioned description in relation to the whole of Lot 7. Since Mr. S�,�Ilivan and his mother obtained title to that portion of Lot 7, they have had difficulty in recording their deed du� to the fact that Lot 7 was sold on a contract and the contract purchasers were going to file a plat commonly known as Terry�s Addition wliich would have solved the real estate tax problema D�ae to events beyond the S�Ilivan�s control, this was never done snd for this reason they were never abl�e to file said deed, I would like to point_ out that the recording of this deed is very important due to t'r;e fact that the parcel in question comprises other property on Lot 8 wnich hasthe old Sullivan homestead thereon. The Sullivan�s are desirous of selling the old hom�ste�d but have been unable to do so due to the fact that they could not file 3 deed in reference to the above captioned property. � � Therefore, I would appreciate it if you would take the necessary action and authorize the proper parties in the Fridley City Assessors office - to make said split. I am herewith enclosing photostatic copy of the deed in question because it may be helpful to you in making your decision, � Very truly yours, W/-�RGO ��. BAR�!/-� i, � . .,_ : � ;_ `,.._ _-� G. D� Gtancola mkl Enc. � � � � � ' � � / < � ' �. � a�_ "'__'. �._�,��_=_+� �' � � � Z , > •,� J � �� .. .� ..,� . . " L. � ^� \ ! � 'I� �., ` . �'.\ �1 O . � � � '1 � � � ! . � ,. { ; �. z- � � i � _�`�r � � � G� 0 r � Q ;. � 0 'i ; 4 � OI E 4� � 1 � V y ra N N J .c. ciNE o� L.or / � � � 1 i � 1 � � � �.____�_--- - - �+��� � 0 G'1 �'; � � � ` c,, � `".- � ... _ :�1 ,:; G 'r �� � .j ,i ,� . �1 r �� : , ` � � i �,. � � � � MINUTES OF SPECIAL ME�TING OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, MAY 13, 1968 Meetzng was called to order at Moore Lake Beach and Park by Chairman Hughes at 7;30 P.M. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Hughes, Dunphy, Cochran, Fitzpatrick MEMBERS ABSENI': Larson OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation CONIl�IISSION VISITS MOORE LAKE BEACH AND PARK - Personal Inspection � The Commission made a personal inspection tour of Moore Lake Beach and Park. .:in order to take a look at the newly filled area north of the beach and ball field area. Commission openly suggested items of interest and improvements � for the entire area. Discussion centered around what would to into the grourids in respect to equipment and pla�y areas. � � � .� Formal Meeting was called to order at Civic Center at 8:20 P.M LETTERS - Conference Room. Received from Jack Dunphy, two letters: 1. Report on Meeting of Rice Creek Association at Fridley City Hall, Com�nunity Center Room. 2. Random Thoughts on Parks and Recreation 1969 Budget. Commission received and discussed these letters. Received letter from Robert Hughes - Subject: cussed. BOND ISSUE BROCHURE 1969 Budget. Recievecl and dis- f y;� % 'w �'. d Proof copy of Bond Issue Brochure was presented by the Director to the Commission for discussion and correction. Many points were noted for changing and coxrect- ing. Commission discussed the schedule and procedure in mailing the brochure. It was decided to have Mail House Company address 7635 units of the brochure and make sure they are mailed on Saturday, June 1, 1968, at the Minneapolis Main Post Office. Permit mailing will be used. All necessary arrangements would be made by the Director. PUBLIC MEETINGS AND SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS CALENDAR REVIEWED The Commission added date and time of a public meeting scheduled by the League of Women Voters - Thursday, JunE 6, 8:00 P,,M. at Locke Park, Two additional speaking engagements were aTso scheduled by the League of Women Voters on May 20th and 21st. Chairman Hughes will also have a slide presentation available. Brochure will also be done on time for passing out. 1969 BUDGET The 1969 Budget was discussed and reviewed in respect to the Bond Issue passing and also if it does not pass. Budget meeting will be on Monday, May 27th. Capitol Improvements were the main topic of interest. Further information and facts were brought forward by the Commission on the following items: Chases Island, Meadowland Addition, Woodcrest School, Moore Lake and dredging prospects. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be Monday, May 27, 1968, 7:30 P.M, at Meadowlands Addition with regular meeting to follow at Civic Center. i � � � THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF T�u�Y 8, 1968 MII�'�ERS PRESEN'I': Yli.nen, Ahonen, Minish MEl`�LBE�.S ABSENT: Mittelstadt, 0'Bannon OTHEC�S PRESENT: Clarence Belisle-Building Inspector The Meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Ylinen. h' .,�� ` i1. CONSIDER.A.TION OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO EftECT A TWO-FAMILY DWELLING IN R-1 DISTRICT THE SAME BEING LOTS 1 AND BLOCK 1, GUNDERSON , TERRACE-. REQUEST BY I�ARRY DEAN FERGUSON 65 SPRING L1�F� ROAD MPLS; • The following interested property owners were present in rega.rd to this item.� I . � � � � IJ � � � � Dale Hagen < 7478 Hay�s St. N.E. Peter Wolterstorff 7495 xayes St. N.E. James D. Swanson 7469 Hayes St. N.E. ' Paul D. Schmidt 7481 Hayes St. N,E. Robert F. Soli 1420 Fireside Drive � �imer Flowers (Mr. & Mrs.� 1400 Fireside Dxive Harry G. Hamersma 1405 Onondaga St. N.E. Raymond H. Buechele 1425 Onondaga, St. N.E. MOTION by.Minish to read and receive the petition submitted by the property owners. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Discussion regarding Special Use Permit explained to those present. MOTION by Minish to close the Public Hearin.g. - Seconded by Ahone.n. Upon a voice vote, there being .no nays, the motion . carried unanimously. MOTION by Minish to deny gra.nting of Special Use Permit for the following 3 reasons: a. Nothing in the request shows that there is a hardship or something unique regarding the lots in question that would require a�.ouble bunga.low to be built. b. There is a substantial number of adjacent property owners who petitio.ned in opposition to this. (See attached petitio.n.� c. Thexe is no evidence on which the Board could justify granting the request; to table the motion would impose on the time of the property ownexs who appeared at the hearing. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � � BOARD OF APPEALS - MAy 8, 1968 t.,�� r � J PAGE 2 2. REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 4 2C� FROM 171 FEE1' TO 10 FF.E`1', AND VARIAIVCE OF SECTION 45.23 FROM 10 FEET TO � FEET TO PE�MIT Il�ECTION OF A 60' DWELLING ON A 7' X 125� LOT, THE SAME BEING LOT 12, BLOCK 4, IDGEWATER GARDENS OR 90 RICE CREII� WAY N.E. FRIDLEY MINNESOTA REQUE� BY S. E. TENLPLIN, BUILDER, 6184 STINSON BLVD., MPLS., MINN. 55421 Interested people present regarding this item: Sam Templin 6184 Stinson Boulevaxd dohn Swingdorf 5897 Washington St. N.E. Discussion regarding setback requirements on surrounding property. MOTION by Minish to close Public Hearing. Seconded b� Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there bei.ng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Ahonen to grant request by Templin as the construction conforms with that presently existing in the area. Also because the traffic hazard problem has been alleviated. Seconded by Minish. Upon a voice vote, there being no n.ays, the motion carried una.nimously. � � ADJOURNNlENT: The Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M. ROBERT E. YLINEN CHAIRMAN BOARD OF APPEALS a TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS DATE; /"%Jl�� ",`� -Z ��� '� C ITY OF F R IDLEY �' � ANOKA COUNTY, MINN�SOTA / �� �/ � y/ P�TITION FOR D�NIAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT i4JE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY OWNERS OF SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND RESIDENTS OF THE AREA IN, AROUND� AND ADJACENT TO LOTS 1 and 3, BLOCK 1, GUNDERSON TERRACE, HEREBY PETITION THE BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE CI'I'Y OF FRIDLEY T0 DENY THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR ERECTION OF TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS IN THE __..:R-1 DISTRICT; THAT THE ;UNDERSIGNED REPRESENT THE MAJORITY OF .THE SINGZ,E _- FAMILY DWELLING PROPERTY OWNERS IN, AROUND, AND ADJACENT TO LOTS 1 and 3, BIACK 1, GUNDERSON TERRACE, AND HEREBY VOLUNTARILY SIGNIFY OUR OBJECTION TO SUCH SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THE BOARD OF APPEALS TO DE?VY SUCH PERMIT: N� ADDRESS ,l�/r � i!` �) �� �'. -� `s^ . � ' / / � :� l � " . -•: � �-� ,�--;'� fj . c� � �� �(,i ' ` �' , ; -� � . �� . ,���I . 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O �:a�_�Y-.r1,..._,�. � ^ . .._,��._._--.-.C� -...._ �'• ,. � --•_t?� • • - - ..,_,. - •:�:_. .,..�%C.� _,.,..�,...._M..:�r:,_, • . -,� ! _.,, — — - - ` - - - - - '•--''-----,.^ ..�� �....,� ---- -- _ � LJ I3UILDING ST�NDI�RUS -_ DESIGN CON�I�ROL SUI3CO��MI7'TL;E MLL`l'Il�tG 1�INU'i'LS, NIAy �15, 196�3 The Mee tin�� was called to order b,y Chai_rman I�x�ickson at 7: 38 P.M. � ROLL'CAT�L: NIF��ZBEI3S PRESENT: I3ierma,nn, Tonco, Erickson, fiauge ' , NI��'iB}�S AI3S1�N'1': Dittes OTHFRS PRESEN�: Clare.nce Belisle, �3uildi.ng Inspector � � , CJ , ' ' ' 1. CONSIDII�ATION OF CONSTRUCTION OF A STOI�AGE BUILDING 25� X 12' ON LOTS �_7� 8, 9� AND PART OF 10, BLOCK 12, LOWELL'S ADDITION TO FRIDLEY PARK, THE SAME BE]_NG 6480 iJNIVERSITY AVENUE N E (RF�UEST I3Y ST�NDARD OIL, DNISION OF A�'1F�tICAN O LL ) MOTION b,y Biermann recomme.nding approval subject to the building matchi.ng the existi.ng building. Seconded b.y Tonco. Upon a voice vote, there being no .nays, the motio.n caxried una.nimously. ADJOURNMEN'I' ; The i'�'leeti.ng adjourned at 8:00 P.M. Respectfull.y submitted, CARROL HAUGE � Acting Secretar.y to the Committee After adjour.nme.nt a.nd a quorum was no longer p-rese.nt, Harris Erectio.n ' talked to Chairman Erickso:n who asked if this proposal for a.nd 80 X 80 light manufacturing buildi.ng could be placed o.n the Council age.nda. �Lots 34, 35, 36 a.nd 37, Block 8, O.naway Addition.� � LJ , I � I , ' Clare.nce Belisle, 13uilding I.nspector � ,,.: r, �' � � ' PLANNING CONd✓iISSION NLE�,'T.ING � � � ROLL CALL: T�Y 9, 1968 The Meeting was ca,lled to orde.r b.y Chairman Hug'r_es at 7:35 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Myhra, Je.nser�, Hughes, Y].inen, Eric?�son OTF�.S PRESENT: Darrel Clark, En.gineeri.ng Assistant APPROVE .PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: 1�PRIL 25, 1968 t,- : ,-, 6 �� PAGE 1 O.n Pa�;e 3, sixth parag-raph, P�Ir. Erickson called attention to an error 1 in the wordin of the motion which should read "Upon a voice vote, Member Erickson abstai.ning, the motion carried." , � �J , Chairman Hughes asked that the last sentence on Pa e 2 be omitted as it was irreleva.nt. On Pa�e 5, the para aph before the motion, at the request of Mr Erickson, should read, "Mr. Erickson said it seemed to him that rezoning of this propert,y and the questio.n of this t pe of complex u�ould be an asset to the commu.nity and we should be able to eliminate once and for all the problem of the North parcel in question." MOTION b.y Jensen, seco.nded b.y Myhra, -that the Pla.nni.ng Commissio.n � app-rove the m�nutes of April 25, 1968 subject to the aboye corrections. Upon a voice vote, all voti.ng a.ye, the motion car-ried u.nanimousl,y. � � ' � ' � REC�IV� PLATS & SU}3DIVISTONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: N�Y 3, 1968: Chairman Je.nsen requested the following corrections be made and � incorporated in the minutes: On Page 1 the size of the trac.t is quoted b, Mr. Siverts.as seve.n acres. The last two para�raphs on Page 1, where the letter "D" is used describing a Parcel� this is i.n error and the letter "B" should be inserted. The MOTION on Pa�es 1 a.nd 2 should be corrected as follows: "MOTION by Nagel,.seconded by Schmedeke, that the P1ats & Sub- divisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recommend ap roval of Lot�Split, L.S. �68-08, as descxibed in map referred to at the Subcommittee meeting of Ma.y 3, 1968, subject to the dedication of the remainin� part of Lot F for � street purposes a.nd also subject to combining Lots B and C into one lot labelled_C. Upo.n a voice vote, all voting a e, the motion carried unanimously " MOTIOPI l�y Myh_r.a, seco:nded b,y Ylinen, that the Planning Commission ' receive the minutes of the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee meeting of Ma.y 3, 1968 as cor_rected above. Upo.n a voice vote, all voting a.ye, the motio.n carried una.nimously. � , 0 a ' L] , �.� lIl _ l�O1Lii!i ��1 Gl7 '`1_�`('L L,_,r. — 1`7ciV �. � n_8 __� _ �a.F�,� 2 �CCL'I"!' T�!lP1l!'T�'� OF CO�����•�I`i�`i'N�E Oid_OPP1ldA'vC� f,�;1IF":�J: APRIL 2S, �96£3: T�70�1'rON �y ���ic}�son, �ccot�ded ti,�y J��nsen, that the Plannin� Commission accep � the r!�i:nu+�_ s oi tii� Corrrrnittee on 0�!�•din�.nce Rev.iew of l�p:ril 25, 196f3, lipon a �oice vo't�, all vo �in�; aye, t'r�e rnotion carri�d unanir;�ousl.y. OR� ��� OF �� G�'T�1.DA : ? t �r�as noted tl�at the p�rso:n who ��ovld represent Item 1 had not arrivnd, so that the Commission r�v�.rsed the o:rder, taking Item 2 first. � i. LOT SPLI`� R.��U �ST: . T,,S_rr(�g_08, II�G T, SI1'��i'� JR, : Part of Lot 1, Revised Avdi �or's Subdivision ��10. �i� ��` i J � . , T�7s. Sive-rts taas present, and 'r.e �,assed revised drawings to the r.?e.-�bers of the CoTn�nissio.n. In d�sc_ribing �he �easerne:nt whic?� 'the Sta.te of T�inneso �a has in order to �each the dara site, I'�ir. Siverts said that you s tart a� Couniy Road H'at the 66 foot strip (Par�el F� a.nd iollow it due South on ihe sam� line to the dam site. _ '�� 4 As it.sta.nds, the City z,�ould not be able to use the easemeiit if the S�ate should g•ive it. up.. Mr, Fricvso.n aske� t�,�, Siver�s if 1-ie riad any objections to g_iTing the City an easement over ti�e sarr.e right of way that the Sta,te has. T�'ir . Siverts thou�ht it �f�oizld be up to the State and, as far as he kneta � they i.�aan't been to the dam site for seven years. Ms. Siverts eaplai.n�d that the reason for Parcel F being where it is is I beca�ase i;, is the on.ly access for the p�.rcel of land to the � Eas t of it. He tiioug'_nt triat would take care of tne access to the C.reek dar.?, and the Fo.ntaine land to th� South. � � ' � The Chairman asked Mr. Siverts i.f he would be willing to give the City access ovex thc �asement for the pexiod of its duration. Mr. Siverts answered frYes ." � M.r. Jensen comme.nted that in the matter of streets and utilities � easement, they cannot be i.ncluded i.n a Registexed Land Surve.y, but it can be c�edicated by written document. He wozldered if there should be some considera,tion getting power in a.nd providing for utilities. ' P�r. Siverts said that Parcel E would be the o.nly lot that may be open fox consideration as far as possible se��rer. �dhe.n a:request would come i.n fo-r. a building permit on Lot E, they might ask to have it without City sewer. �� � ' CJ � � Mr. S1V@r{;S said the pow�r lines come in on Lot E from C�ntr�.l Avenue to ttie East. 'Che Gas Compa.ny services throu�h a new underg-round li.ne fr_om Central Avenue. The telephone ]_ines a.re u.nder;round. PiOT:CON by �r_ickson, seconded by Jense:n, th��.t the Planning.Commission concur �,�ith the recomme:�zdation of the Plats & Su'adivisions-Streets & Utili.ties -recoai�encii:n� ap��rova,l of Lot Split, I,,S. /�68-Da, l��i�n; pa:ct of Lot 1, Revised �Audi�oi's Suodivision 10, Izi� T. Siveits, J.r., as dr�scribea on the Regisi;ered L�.nd Su �°vc,y de�,ted F-Zay 9, 1) 8�-, sub j ec t to a receipt bz,� tize Ci t.y f:i om the �� _petit:io�zer of �,ti e�,sei�e�li; over the I��ast b6 feet of Lot "C" desijrr?�.i:ed on the ' Re�i.� tered L�,nd Surve.y o.£ Ma.,y 9, 1�SF3. Upon ;�, voice vo te, all vo�;ing a.ye, the n?otion cai°ried una,nimousl,y �. � � � � r� ' ' �-. y ;�°A Plannin�r Cornmission i�icetin� - Niay 9, 1�E8 _ p�,�e 3 Mr. Siverts said that Dar.rel Cla.-rk b.ad been extremel,y helpful i.n the � developrrie:nt of the la:nd and I ti��ant to take this opportu.nit.y to thank him personall,y For spe.nding this ext:ra time on. his part, and thank him for his wor_k in this split. It is much appreciated. � ' There were two changes suggested �;o Mr. Siverts for the Registered Land Survey: State Highwa.y No. 65 should be rernoved from the West line of Ce.ntral Ave.nue. Cou.nt.y Road "H" should be changed to 69th Avenue N.E. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: PRELIMINARY PLAT P.S. #68-02, PF�RSON"S SECOND ADDITION S.G. P�ARSON C0. INC. REPRESENTED BY LEONARD SAMUELSON: North of 77th Way , a.nd East of East River Road, a part a#'-Section.3. � � Chairma.n Hughes read the Notice of Public Heari.ng. Mr. James Pearson, preside.nt of S. G. Pearso.n Co., Inc. was prese.nt and explained their request was for a hea.ring to enable them to plat for industrial and commercial. There would be no land use changes, .no modifications of any t.ype. Mr. John Dunphy, 155 Sto.n,ybrook Glay: Is there any possibility the , developer woulr� consider a border landscaping which would reduce the impact of the commercial property o.n the houses on the other side of the road, and would baffle noises comi.ng from this area. � , Mr. Erickso.n explai.ned the Building Standards-Design Contr_ol Committee requi-re an exte.nsive amount of landscapi.ng for an.y t.ype of cornmercial or industr_ial. , Ed Tha.yer, 132 Sto.nybrook Way: M,y co.ncer.n is they might put a service station on part of Lot 2. � Mr. Pearson answered that he did .not believe a service station would be in.terested in Lot �. There is a building under construc�;ion on Lot 1. Lot 2 would be limited to permitted uses b.y the zoni.ng ordin�nce. � ' � ' ' ' , Ed Jo.nak, 133 N.E. Craigway: The area o.n the S,E. cor.ner of 77th G1ay and East River Road across from 77th Way -- there iu a potential corner for a service statio.n and:I have received,a notice of some hearing on it. The Engineering Assistant said that lot was zo.ned multiple a.nd it could be by Special Use Permi-t heari.ng which is a separate hearing by a different committee. MOTION b.y M,yhra, seconded by E`rickso.n, that the Planni.ng Commission� close the public hearing of the proposed preliminax�,y plat, P.S. #68-02, Pearso.n's Second Additio.n, S. G. Pearson Co., I.nc., bei.ng North of 77th Way a.nd East of East River Road. Upo.n a voice vote, all voting aye, the moti.o.n ca`rried unanimousl.y. Mr. Erickson said that i.n light of what the BuildizZg Board has suggested i.n the divisio.n of property as far as the lot li:nes are co.ncer.ned and the fact that the Subcommittee has recommended approval subjec+ to cllanges, he would make the followin� motio.n: � 1 � ' L� ' , , ' ' ' � ' ' � ' tJ ' � � .X,� Pla„nir.-r Co-:�,n�ssion Ti�_ �inFT `?�1av 9, 1968 _ _ 1°a`;e �} I�iO��LOTd b,� �ricrson, ��cr�raed by Yl�nen, 'tl-,at �h� Plannin,� Co�r�mission r�c�! ::_r__d_ a:,r�prc_Ja,l oi_ tl�� Lrnlz�:�n��.zy__Al�t_P_S._ j��8-0�, F:.�r;on's Second_I?ddi�ion� --- _ _ . _ . _ __— S. �. P��,rson Co. , Inc. r�p�r aented 1�y Jira_P�.�Y•aon, bQin� Pdortri of _�'Zth ��Ta.�and_ - -- ----- -- . - - ��.st of i�ast Ri-�rer ?�Cad suL-j�c� to ease�n�n�s sl�ovm on Ln� 1lorth line of Outlot A _.___ _,�_ ----- _-- --_ -- . __ _ __ _ _------ --x 20 feet �n �,a�d�h ar�d 10 ioot ea��Tr,en� �,lcn� �hc blrs� and South_line of Outlot A.., ' _.__`..__ _ 1 ' 1 .. ' - -_-__'. . ..__'__'__' _-_ ...- .......L7__ ... .-"_ ..__. __ ___ _ . .. _ . . Also, the w:�denin� o.f +r�� ��as�;����nt along �rie T�TOr�th lir�e of Lot 2 so that it -- --- -- _ _ _ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _- ._ __ _: , _ __ _- - -- i — • includes ihe culv�rt �.na��r ���,st ?�iJer Road, and llm�;, access on �l-ie River Road — ---- -- - - -- -- - ---- _ . _--------- --- — - ., . . . as �nown on the_plat... Upon a vozce vo�c, all vo�ir?�; aye, the motion ca,rried_ --_ __----_ _ ._ _ _ . _ _ _ iznanirnouslv. ' - T��r. P�arson said he wished to compliment tre City on the nice building --i� is very beautiful. 3. LOT SPLI`_P P��Q.tTEST.: L,S. {�68-10, TF�OPIAS E. Tf�l?RXEN: South 138 feet of North 306 ieet of Lot �, Audito_'s Subdivision �108. _. , Chairman Jensen �eviewed the discussion of the Plats & Subdivisions- Str�ets & Utilities SubcomTnittee. The lot spli-t was previously gran+ed to the ori�inal c,•m�r and he did provide a E�st�Tni�st street ri�ht of way through the center of thn proper��.y, ar�d then was.allowed to split it into two parts. The p��iiioner has purchaseci the Tdorth half, the line between the new road and Or_o.-nda,.va �.nd the North Half (N2� of the South p�,rt and he is now requesting wplitting these divisions a�ain to six sepa..rate parcels. It was the feeling o° the Subcommitte� that a lot split of this sor� would not be in keepi.ng with ihe inten� of the Ordina,nce and that a plat would be recommended. The second poxtio.n of the discussion t-�as relative to trie dimensio.r_s of the lots indicated by th� peti�ioner ar_d this subject Y�as previously been disci?ssed a couple of y�ars back an� cienied on the �asis of subs tanciard lot �aid �h and this is the basic rcason foi the motion by the Subcommittee to de.n.y this request. The Engin�ering Assistant said the South Quaxte-r (S,�-�� has been split off and the :�treet is dedicated. Ri�ht :now the dedication is fxom Lots 5 and 6. �I'he Commission felt these should be standard lots as long as there is the possibility of doing so. 1'•7r. Jensen sa.id he believed �;he Engineering D�partment could help Mr. Marxen. P�i0TI0N b.y Erickson, seconded by�Plyhra, that the Planning Commission concu-r with the -recornmendation of the Subcommi�ttee fo-r the lot spli_t_req^ues�., L,S. ��68-10, Thovias E. I�Zarxen of the South 1 8 feet of the North 06 ieet of 3 ---..__.---- --- -___. 3 ______—.- - ------ ,-- -- – I,ot 5, Auditor's Subdivision r108 _a.nd__recoinmend denial; Upon a voice vote, all voting a.ye, the motian ca,l•ried ulza.nimousl.y,� P�1r. Jense.n explained the method of division Mr. P�larxen wishes is not i_n kce�ing :aith the Ordinance providin� fox lot splits, and that he would have to replot tl,is la.nd. � � , ' ' ' :;;� �%• '-.4 i..� __a,nnin,� Commission Meetinr� - P�a,y 9 1968 Pa,;�e 5 � 4• LO`.1' SPLI`l� RPC�ULST : L. S.���8-09 ,.R013T�I�'I' 7)L'Gl�NF�.: Lots 22_ throu�h 25 , Block 7, Spi•in� I3:cook Park Addition. `�'he Eng_inee.ri.ng Assistant explained triat the Subcommittee wanted Lot 26 carnbined tioith Lots 22 to 25, and Lots 26.a.nd 27 are both tax forfeit. He had talked with P�1r. DeGa.r_dner who said if at all possible, he would purchase Lot 26. ' • . Mr. Jensen statea Eldo.n Schmedeke had brought atte.ntion to Lot 26 in an effort to eliminate it from being an isolated lot of which there would be no mainte.nance if so isolated. , ' ' ' ' MGTION by Je.nsen, seconded b.y M.yhra, that the Pla.nni.ng Commission � table Lot Split �68-09, Rober_t DeGardner of Lots 22 through 25, Block 7, Sprin.g Brook Park Addition, unti� the petitioner ca.n attend a meeting and explain his desixe. 5. PROPOSPD PRELIl�IINARY PLAT : P. S. �a#68-03 , SOUTHI-�AMPTON SECOND ADDITION JULIAN JOF�VS01_`d: Outlot 2, `�,Iorrel's Addition. MOTION by Myhsa, seconded by Erickson, that the Pla.nni.ng Commission set the Public Hearing da-te of June 13, 1968 at 8:00 P.M. for the proposed prelimi.nary plat, P,S. #�68-03, Southhamp-to.n Second Additio.n, Julian Johnson: Outlot 2, Worrel�s Additio.n. Upo.n a voice vote, all voti.ng aye, the motion carried una.nimously. . 6. F'ROPOSID PR�LIMINARY PLAT: P.S, #68-04 BAIiTH ADDITION, NIERWIN BARTH: Lots 16 and 17, I31ock 2, Spring Lake Park Lakeside. ' MOTION by M.yhra, seconded b,y Erickson, that the Planning Commission set a public hearing date of June '13, 1968 at 8:30 P.M, for the proposed preliminar.y plat, P.S. #68-0�.,.I3arth Addition, Merwin Barth, of Lots 16 and 17, I31ock 2, Spring Lake Park Lakeside. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, ' the motion carried unanimousl,y. ' ADJ OURNMEN'I' : MOTION b.y Myhra, seconded b,y Erickso.n, that the Pla.nning Commission ' Meeting of May 9, 1968 be adjouz�ned at 10:17 P.M. Upon a voice �-ote, all voting aye, the motion carried una.nimously. ' Respectfull.y submitted, , - '. � �, _-a�- , E_ � 1 _::�-�: � ..�� _. ' ' -�, HAZEL 0'BRIAN Recording Secretary ' . ' � � 4 : � , ' ' ' `''��� • �:�soa,t;:��zo� �To. _ �s-196s � h�,sor_,Ur�_o��: o�:nrl:z�,c �r�rr,z�ti���;x ��r�:vs, sr.��,cz�zc��zo�s �;�,�v ESTJ:x1��TIsS Ol? 1'II}; COS7'S T'Hi;}�i;U1� : S�����'�'AR`i SI����f�R, �:E1I'Ei� A\D S7'O�:ti SE!�;E'_-: YROJECi' N0. �E (Addendum ��4) BE I:T hESOLVI�D, by �he Coui�cil o£ the Ci_ty o� 1 ridJ.ey as f.ollo�•: s; 1. That i.t appears �.zi the �_nterest of the City and of the property o�aners affected t:hat there be construcied cer.tain imProvements, to-�•�i.t; ' ' 2. ' � ' ' ' ' � u ' 1• ' Watermain, water and sewer services and other appurtenances serving properties along East River Road between Osborne Road and 77th Way. That Comstock & Davis, Incorporated, COIISUI.t1.Ilo En�ineers, are her.eby authorized and di_rec?:ed t:o d�:a�,� the prelimi.i�ary plans and speci.ficati.oas �.__ to tahul_.ate �l,e resul ts of thei_r estin.iat��s of the cost-s o£ said ir.�i rove.- ments, incluclin� every i.ten of. cost. fror:i inception to compl�tion and all fees and expenses iilctlrret� (or to be incurred) in connection trere��;ith, or the financin� thereo£, ar.d to make a prelzmir.ary report of �heir findi.r.�s, statino the-rein �•�heiher sai_d improvern4r.ts are feasible and �•�h�ther thev c._-. best be made as p-roposed, or i.n connectzon with so�e other �.r��rove;ients (a- _ the estin�ated cost as recoin_ner.deci), inc?.udi�� also a 3escYiption of tne Iands or area us iziay recei.ve Ser2efi.ts theref.rom and as riay be proposed to = 35S�JSSe�. 3. �1�� tt?e City Cl.erk S�C:211 c1C�. t0 ascertain �llE,' P.2Iil� and adCiTcSS Oi �fi-E.' OC•:'.=_ of each parcel of land directly af.fected or withi.t� tne area oi lands as ;;��-- be proposed to Se assessed for said improven:ents (and each of the:,i} ; and upcn recei�� f-ror,i said En�ineer oi the sai.d preli�z�n2ry rr:_aort, calcLlate '�'9�:1II:•3�c?S Of 2SSESSi,1cP.tS c�S P.i2�' tJ2 prO��OSeCj retative t%1CY"c�O c1�c21P_S� E.'cCi� of said Iar.ds . �F. ' 1.`�lat Shc.cj DY2I.i�ni.r_ary ir'POT� Of the En�ineer 8PC1 2Stl:il?tcS Oi dSSt.'SSI.�.^.fS of tne Clerk, s��a11 be furnished tc the Council, and made av2i.Iab?e r�r �. i.nspection to tne oe�:r_er of any parcel of land as r:ta; be affected thereby at any public nearin� 1�1e1d�--relati.ve thereto, as weil as at any prior ti;t:e reasonable ar_d conaenient. AL`OPTFD BY TiiE CTfY COiT�;CIL OF 'rP.T:�I.F,Y TEiIS a 13th DE1Y Or � May __, 196 ATT�;ST ; CI`I.'Y CLF:P� - .i�rvin C. BTUIISCIZ MAkOR - Jack 0. Ki.�-�ham � ' . — � � e � � � f � � � � � ' � RESOLUTION N0. 74-1968 A RESOLUTTON RECEIVING THE PRELI�IINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IrIPF.OVEriENTS WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWF1� - PROJECT # 88 (ADDENDUM 4� Wf-IEREAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the City af Fridley and .the propexty o�vners affected there- by• -- BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as fol- lotas : l. That the preliminary report submitted by Comstock__& Davis, Inc. is hereby received and accepted. 2. Tha� this Council will meet on the 10th day of Ju.ne �� 1968 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall in the City of Fridley � for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a par�t thereof by refe-rence, Exhi.bit "A". 3. Z`ha� the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them as noted in said notice are all the lands and areas as noted in said noti.ce: Al1 of the same to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received. 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley according to la�a, such notice to be substantially in the form and substance of the notice attached here- to as Exhi.bit "A". '� ADOPTED BY THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITX OF FRIDLEY THIS � 13� DAY 0�' _ May , 1968. r. � � ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham �'3.� ' �' � � r ' � �J OFI�'ICTAL PUL'LICATI:ON CITY OI' FI:IllLLY (EXHIBIT A) • NOTICE OF HEEIP.ING ON IriPROVFi�1ENTS PROJEC'1' ��88 ADD�NDUI�i No . 4 WHEF.EAS, the Ca.ty Gouncil of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it necessar.y and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. NOW, THEFFFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the lOth day of ' June _, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., the City Council ���ill meet at the City Hall in said City, and wi11 at said time, and place, hear all parties 9.nterested in said improvements in whole or in part. � � � � � � ' � , ' � The genexal nature of the improvements is the construction (in the� lands and streets noted below) of the folJ.owing improvements, to-wit: CONSTI:IJCTION ITEM Watermain, water and sewer services and othex appurtenances serving properties as follows: East River Road between Osborne Road and 77th Way ESTII�IATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 14, 800. 00 THAT TFIE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED �'OR SAID IMPROVEME�IT IS AS FOLLOWS: For Construction Item above _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands �aithin, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be�assessed proportzonately according to the benefits received by such improvements. � That the Council proposes to proceed with each of said improvements as separ.ate improvements, except as hereafter otherwise'provided by Counci.l all under the follo�aing authoxity, to-wit; I�finnesota La�as 1953, Chapter 398 and law amendator.y thereof, and in con�orr,zity with the Char�er. DATED THT_S 13th DAY OF MAY _,, 1968 BY OP.DER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Attest: t� CITY CLEI:K - Ma7-vi.n C. Brunsell Publish : May ?.7., 1968 . Ma.y 29, 1968 MAYOP. - Jack 0, Kirkham � � � R�SOLUTION N0. 75-1968 � A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIriINARY R�PORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE r1ATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IPiPROVEr1ENTS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJ�CT ST. 1968-1B � r � � � � � WHEREAS, the construction of certain i.mprovements is deemed to be in the interest; of the Ci.ty of Fridley and the property ocaners affected there- by . . . . BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as fol- lows: 1. T'hat the preliminary report submitted by Nasim M. Qureshi _ City Engineer is hereby received and accepted. 2. Thar this Council will meet on the lOth day of June 1968 at 8:00 o'clock P,M, at the City Hall in the City of Fridley � for the puxpose of holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice at�ached hereto and made a part thereof by refe-rence, Exhibit "A". � 3. That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each � � of them as noted in said notice are.all the lands and areas as noted in said noti.ce: All of the same to be assessed proportionately . according to the benefits received. � � C� � � � � � Ii 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof i.n the ofticial ne�ospaper of the City of Fr.idley according to latv, such notice to be substantially in the form and substance of the notice attached here- to as Exhibit "A". ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEX THTS 13th DAY OF M�Y — , 1968. ATTEST; CITY CLERK - Plarvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ��,�, I , � � � � t � � J � � � � � � i � OFFICIAL PUBLICATION CI7'Y 0�� FRIDLEY (EXHI33I�' A) . NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS ST. 1968-1B WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fri.dley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it necessary and �xpedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the lOth day of June , at 8:00 o'clock P.M., the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time, and place, hear all parties i.nterested in said improvements in whole or in part, The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted belo�a) of the following improvements, to-wit: CONS`.CRUCTION ITEM Street Improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous ma�, and other facilities located as follows:. 64th Avenue: Central Avenue to Arthur Street ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . �_ 12, 643. 53 THAT THE AREA PROPOS�D TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID IMPROVEMENT IS AS FOLLOWS: For Construction Item above - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All of the land abuttin� upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. r�;� �_`3; j All of said land to be� assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvements, That L-he Council proposes to proceed with each of said improvements as separate improvements, except as hexeaftex otherwise�'pxovided by Council � all under the following authority, to-wit; Minnesota La�as 1953,� Chapter 398 and law amendatory thereof, and in conforcnity with the Charter. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF �Y , 1968 BX ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL, Attest: CITY CLE�:K - Maxvi_n C. Brunsel.I Publish: May 22, 1968 May 29, 1968 MAYOR - Jack 0, Ki.rkham i , 1 � � � L.J� RE•SOLUTION N0. 76-1968 A RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO CITY OF FRIDLEY-NORTH SUI3URBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT SEtiUER USE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City of Fridley and the Nbrth Suburban Sanitary Se�aer District entered into a general sewer use agreement, conditioned, modified and limited by a supplementary agreement dated the 8th day of January, 1964 and WHER�AS, there is an industrial building under � construction by Minco Products, Incorporated on Lot S, Block 4, Commerce Park and they are in immediate need of � sanitary sewer outlet, � � � � � � �� � � WHEREAS, the City at this time does not know the type of development and buildings which will be constructed on Parcel 5400 and Parcel 6000 South of 73rd Avenue Northeast owned by Sears Roebuck and Company, WHEREAS, it might be advisable to connect Minco Products, Incorporated properties and Sears Roebuck and Company properties by a lateral and make a permanent connection of this lateral to North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District at a later date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley that the City rec{uest permis�ion to hook onto North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District line on a temporary basis and The City would either install a lateral to serve hlinco Products Incorporated and Sears Roebuck and Company properties and make a permanent connection to the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer line if it is feasible at a later date ta make such a connection, or the City would request, at a later date, that Minco Products, Incorporated connection be a permanent one. That this resolution is enacted for the purpose of facilitating the eonnection of the above described p�;o�perty into the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District system and is not to be considered as an admission or waiver by the City of Fridley as to the proper legal interpretation of any agreements or�contracts between the City of Fridley and the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District, PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THE 13 DAY OF � MAY , 1�68. . � MAYOR - Jack 0, Kirkham ATTEST; CITY CLERK, MARVIN C. BRUNSELL :_� � ��,f - , ,;,ti \` �,`) _.-..._.�� `• .�.� '�.`rf ._"_____A•-".J`__ } �tt •, . '^,' •-------� � � --� � --1 i _.. _. ( N-F--__---� - _ .. , '� ,�, -' � .,, i l � I ll ` � �,' ,I � a � i I � , �- ' ; �. ,� � � , �`,��1;',:{ ! .a '� , l , � `\•i r'� I I� i i � I ` x` I ' 1 �' 4 � � � J �. `. ���� � T . 1 �-1 7� i 1 i��� � ( `. k. J �--_� . ±-1 L— ;�. E � , '�_------- ---- ,— �__=- — __ , `� '�� . E i ,�,� �:_,� i (ry�� , �: 1 ; � , ��. ,�� y�� , l� � � l� � ,.,�.�._;�,�� � � ���� = ''� �� _ I � ���. '�, �- � I �� ,; ' i � i i n i :i :e �`. ����� ,� � � �' i W ��'t� � � i =_'1 �.._-_��__:--� �__-!i"'_� � . � i � --,,--- -----1.�, Ej1 ; � . , ; -- ._ - - , � ,' � - N _ 1 Lu:.r -- �-- � -::_-�--.�._ � � `� _ � ,'9 z �` < ,\ `;` �1. S. S. S. i), i�`. 1�_. ;:.�.�. �` r . � `, :y�� i ,``=� , • ��.r Y �\, . �', `'i� ' � ,�� __ /' �,. ` '� � 1 � ��1 � __.__ �J = ' i1�• `� .�___===---, , � � ;; ,� _ , . •�=.4 ' � � •, � , ���; :, � �z,,., ., _/��_ . r�` : , ! ��: . � � _-r' . _ ---,, .,- /�, : ; `, ��"� - //� �� ,�r i `\` > .� l`,�'', ``,.` � `� '4 � ' , � �_--�_� \ ' — _, ; �1 � �---- __-_ `., ; �, . Wµv�� 1' � �I� � ��Y" = �` • ` -�'�"° ��- i. �1' . �—� �- � "'' � �� ,�_�. g�� ��,_ u �� �� � � � �.__ ,, � —_-�� ' � �—��_�li'—���_� ' �' I - ,; � i� 1 �„ . �i I — —_------- �; �= a� �F4: F'r.. '-•'"���. 1 �' . :1��� � � i(� i i'. � './�. 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RESOLUTION N0, _���?,/y.� � ' � �i RESOLUTION OFLDE'i?lt:T PRELIt`�IIPJ�LF�Y PLA[�IS, SP�i:;1FIC�12'IOi15, AND ESTIMAT�S OF 1HE COS`1�S THEEtEOF: STR ,E`��Z'� IP�i�'ROV���i�'ddT PROJ�;CT ST. 1969-3 � . • �� . � I BE IT RESOI,V��, by the Cotulcil of �the City of F`ridley as follo�•rs: 1. That it app�ars in the interest of the City and of the property o�m�rs afi'ected t'r�at there be constructed certain improvem�nts, to-wit: Street Impro�rements, includin� gradin„ stabilized base, hot-mix biiuc�- .. , inous mat, concrete cur'o and �atter, o�wter, and sar_itary se:•�?r servicea, storm. sewer and otner facilities, located as follo�,rs: ' 73rd Avenue: T.H. No. 65 and Central Avenue 2. That the Gity r'�n�ineer, P�tasim Qureshi, and Anoka County Engineers are hereby authorize�. and direct�d to dra��r ���e preliminar�;� plans and specifications an�l to �abulate the resul+,s of his estimates of the eosts of said imp-rovemer.ts, �ncludino ev�ry i%em of cost fxom inception to completior_ and all fees and expenses incurred �or to. , be incurred� in coruzection thereeri �h, or the financin� thereof, and � to make a preliminary regort of his fin�ir�s, statin� therein wheth2r s�id improvements are feasible and �,rhether. tne;� can bes � be c�ade as proposed, or in cornection 4tith so�ne other improv�c�ents (and the � esti.�ated cost as reco�m�nded),includino also.a descri�tion of T�ie lands or area as may receive benefi.is therefrom and as m�,f be . proposed to b� assessed. 3. That the City Cler'_�c shall act to asce-riain �he na-�e wnd a3dres� of � the oGm�er of each parczl of land directly affec�ed or wi+'ain the area of lands as nay be proposed �o be assessed for said i?nprov�e��:�t, �a,r_d each of theca�; and upon receipt from said Engineers of ���e sa.id preliminary report, calculate estic�ates oi assess�en�s as may be proposed relative thereto aoair_st eac?� of said lan3s. 4. That said preliminary report oi the En�ineers and esti�a�es of a.ssessments of zhe Clerk, shall be furnished to �he Council, and made available ior inspection to the oc�rner of an;� parcel of 2and as m�.f be affected thereby at any public hearino held rela�ivs thsreto, as well �,a at ar�y prior time reasonable and convenient. � - ADOPTID BY TI-P� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLE'Y mHIS �� DAY OF , 1968. . . • •_ • , . MAYOR - Jack 0. Kir!�cha� . ATTEST: � � - CITY CL tLti - c-:�.r-rin C. fi=t:i-,s :ll � � � - , ' . . . • • . May 16, 1968 MEMO T0: City P7anager and City Council FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Certificates of Indebtedness - Fire Truck The City Council has previously discussed issuing certificates of indebtedness in the amount of $25,000 to finance the purchase of a. fire truck. In addition t.o the $25,000 that will be financed, approximately $10,000 will be paid ori the truck at the time of delivery, which will be shortly. The certificates of indebtedness will be made up in amounts of $5,000 with one due each year for a five year period. The certificates will be drawn in such a manner so that they can be called or paid ahead of time if the City is financially able to do so. � The Council should take action at this time to formally authorize the issuance of $25,000 in certificates of indebtedness for the purchase of the fire truc;<. � � w>ryA .� � , , , � � � ' , ' � ' � , � , ' , , RESOLUTION NU. �._ 1968 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS FQR THE PURCHASE OF A FIRE TRUCK WHEREAS, the City Council ofindebtedness fordthe purchaseeofla advisable to issue certificates of fire truck, and . WHEREAS, the Fridley Firemen's Relief Association has offered to purchase said certificates of indebtedness, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley that the issuance of authorizedtesSai.dlcer�tifacateslto mature amount of $25,000 is hereby in five years � s oner from date of issuance, and bear interest a the rate of 3% per year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, then'shRelief Associationrisfhereby of indebtedness to the Fridley Firem authorized. PASSEll AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY /, , 1968. THIS �O � DAY OF _�_�.l--- MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C B unsr ell -�r, , ..i c_r � � � ' , ' , ' ' � ' LJ ' RESOLUTION N0. � '� � � A RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: 1. That it is in the interest of the Ci_ty to award bid contracts for the following item, materials, and work: CARPETING FOR SHOREWOOD LOUNGE 2. A copy of the specifications for the above described items and materials, together with a proposal for the method of purchase and the payment thereof have been presented to the Council by the City Manager and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the specifications, and the method of acquisition and payment to be required by the City with respect to the acquisition of said items and materials. 3. The purchase of said items and materials as described above shall be effected by sealed bids to be received and opened by the City of Fridley on June 12, 1968 a.t 10;30 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the City of Fridley. The City Manager is directed and authorized to advertise for ��he purchase of said items and materials by sealed bid proposals under notice as provided�by lati•a and the Charter of the City of Fridley, the notice to be substantially in form as that shown by Exhibit '!A'' attached he-re�o and made a par� of by refe-rence. Said notice shall be pub- lished at lea.st twice in the official newspaper of the City of. Fridley. � PASSED A,'�D ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ' � d DAX OF , � _, 1968. , � ATTEST: ' � r CITY CLERK - MAKVIN C. BRUNSELL MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM k �=� ' e ' ' , � ' ' CTT'� OF FRIDI,�Y BID idOTICE C1�RPETTi�tG FOR SHOt�.E�,'IJOOD IAI3NGy The City Council of �..he City of Fridley' Minn�sot,a' t��i11 acc�pt sealed bids on installii�zo carps�in� z,ti the axea no�r c�.rpeted for the Shore�rood Loun�e located at 6161 High�r�y �=65 Northeast o� the 12th day o� June , 1968, uritil 10:30 A.M. o� c:loc�; crn said dats at the Cit;� H�1Ty 31 Un�versiiy Avenue P1ort�zeas�, Fridley' P��esota.� 55i�21 (Telephone: 560-3�.50). Al]. bid5 raust r.i�et -the minimu.r► raquirements of the specifications. Failure to conpl;r �aitii �tizis section can resul� uz disqualification oi the bid. ' Each bid shall ba accompanied by a Certif'ied Check� Cashier�s Check� Cas� or Ba.d Bt�nd and rzade payabl.e s�r�thou�t conditio:�s to ihe Ci-ty of Fx�.dley� 2�Ii.aln�sota9 in an amow�t of not less �chan five ercent p (5�) of the bid9 which ch�c�,' cash or bond sha11 be for�'eit�d if b:idder neg].ects or reflz�es ' to enter i.n�to Contract9 after his bid has been accepted. The City resrrves the rignt to accept the bid �rhich is determined to be in � . the bes�t interests of the City. �he City resexnres �the right to reje�t any and �.1.1 bid� and w�ive �,ny infor:r.�lities ar t�chna.cula.ti�s a�..n any bid re- ceived . � ' LJ , The City Council also resQr-�res the ri�h-� �o consid�r �u�h factors as time o� de].ivery or pei•ioz�n.3.nce9 experaence' x�spons:i.bility o:f the bidder� past per�'ox��ics of sir•�.lar �yp�g of i�ery,.s or m�teria].s� availabili�y of pro- duc �s and other sir,Lilar factoi s tha� it �ay cleicez�ine to be in the best intsres�E oi t�he Ci�yo Copie� ai the speci�'ication� and gen�ral conditions m�.y be examined i.n th� office of the City l�anager' or copies may be ob�ained fro;n his ofiice. All bids must be subma.ttQd in seal.ed e�velopes and plainly nar�ed on t,he outside [ri�h 'iCP.kPETI?vTG FOR SHO�'t•IOOD II�iTi�GE". ' Publish: � , � HOP�IEft R. APIKRUM City I�ianager .:�: � ! ' � i �J i ' ' ' � , ' LJ ' ' f RESOLUTION PIO, jj � - 1968 A RESOLUTION AUT'lIORIZING �ll DIREC'I'tNG T:� SPLITTII�G OF SPECIAL ASSrSS�1EIdTS ON P?,RT OF OiJTLOT 1, PARC�L 4720, r�LpDY rLAP�iOR 4T'il ADllITZON. L7�iE�EAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided. NOGI, T}�P.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVrD as follotas: That the assessments levied a�ainst the follo�-�in� described parcel� to-wit:. Part of Outlot 1, Parcel 4720, Melody �Ianor 4th 3ddition� may and shall be apportioned and divided as follows: Original Parcel Part of Outlor_ ]., Parcel 4720, Melody Manor 4th Addition. Division of Parcel A�proved Part of Ov�lot 1 Parcel 4720, ,i�4elody P•Ianor 4th Addition. Part of Outlotl, Parcel 4780, rielody c�ianor 4�h Addition. Fund Re�uiar S.A. SW J#24 (Sewer Main) W #34 (Water Main) SS #24 (Storm Sewer) 1964 Service Conn. (�7ater) St. 1966-1 Streets Fund Reguiar S.A, Si�7 #2�+ (Se�a�r Main) W #34 (�-da ter tiain ) SS #24 (S torm Ses�*er ) 196� Service Conn. (firlatQr) �egular S.A. SS,1#24 (Se_wer Main) W#34 (t•7ater ilain) SS #24 (S corr:i Setaer ) St. 1966-1 Streets Ori�;inal Amount $ 916.50 2�139.84 � 2,958.13 10,937.55 3,725.40 2_, 508.30 $23,185.72 Oriuinal Ar�ount � 617 .10. 1,433.97 1,988.73 7,341.95 3,725.40 299.40 7 OS . 87 969.40 3,595.60 __ 2,508.30 $23,185.72 ADOFTED F3Y Tti� CITY COUNCIL OF TI� �ITY OF F�IDLLY THIS .'� DAY OF _��� --' 1968. ' AT'I'ES T : � � , CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOi:` Jack 0. i{irkham w� �� � ' ' ' ' 3 ' � ' ' ' , � �I RESOLUTIOM N0. L ,'� - 1968 A RfSOLUTION AUTHORIZING AtVO DIRECTING TNE SPLITTII�G OF SRECIA! ASSESSMEyTS ON PARCEL 900, PARi OF LOTS 21 AND 22, BLOCK 1, OSTf4AN'S 3R0 ADDITION WHEREAS, certain special assessments hav� been ievied with respect to certain land and said tand has subsequently been subdivided, ' NOW, THERE�ORE, BE IT RES011IED as follawss That the aasessrr�nts levied against the following dsscribed pa�cel, to•wit: Pa�ce1 90Q, Part of Lots 21 and 22, Blxk 1, Ostman�s 3rd Addition, may and shail be apportiorred and dividad as follows: Or;qinal Parcet Fand Original Amount Parcet 9QQ, Part of Lots 2i and Regutar S� W(Water $ 1,069.70 � 22, Block 1, Ostman's 3rd Addition and Sewe� Mains and Laterals and Street) Divisian of Parcel Approved Parcel 900, Part of Lot 21, Block 1, Ostman�s 3rd Addition Parcet 920, Part of Lots 21 and 22, Block 1, Ostman�s 3rd Addition Fund Regul�r S � W (Water and Scwer Mains and Laterals and_ Street) 1:0 9.T0 _ O�riginal Amount S 499• 65 Regutar S t� W (Water $ and Sea�er Mains and laterals and Street) 570.05 �' 1, Obg j ' �� AOOPTED BY THE CYYY COt1NCIL OF TH£ CITY OF FRIDL�Y THIS � O QAY OF _ �7� , 19�. - � � - � ' ATT�STs ' , ' . , MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsel .A� �� ' I� LJ � ' � ' ' L__� ��� RESO�,urto� No. �� _ 1968 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRE�TIIdG 7NE SPLITtIl�G 0� SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARC�L 1450, LOT 29, BLOCK 1, INNSBRUCK 5th ADOITION WHEREAS, certain speciat assossm�nts have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequeatiy been subdivided, NOW, TNEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED as followss a�� Ti�at tfie assessments tevied against the following d�scribed parcel, to-wit: Parcei't450, Lot 29, 61ock 1, Innshruck 5th Addition, may and shall be apportio�ed and divided as foltowsz ..ti� r-v � ;' t1: . , . .. Original Rarcel fund Oriqinal Amount Parcei 1450, Lot 29, Block i, Innsbruck �th Addition Regutar S.A. S1d #16 (Arca I�terceptor} SW #73 (Wate� and Sewa� Laterats) SS #73 (Storm Sew�r) ST. 1966-5 Streets ' . Di vi si ct�a o� Parcel Approved Fund Parcel i440, Part of Lot 29 lying SE Regui�r S.A. of a line �fiich is parailel to the NW SW #ib (Ar�a , line af said lot and 35' SE of said Interceptorj line as m�asured at �ight angtes to the SW �73 (1�ater and said hi�f line, Btock 1, Innsbruck S�h Sewar Laterals) , Addi t i oct SS #73 ( Storm Scar�er j ST. 196b-5 Stre�ts ' Parcet �454, Part of Lot 29 Regular S.A. (Except Parcel 1440}, 61ock 1, Sid #16 (Ar�ea Innsbruck Sth Addition Intercepter) S41 #73 (Watcr and S 154.20 84.65 1,�85.22 46t.95 1-555•45 �"' , t . 7 Original Amount _._._.._.. S 103.25 56.69 793.85 309.35 1,041.79 S 50•95 27•96 ' Serv�r Laterats) 391.37 . ._ SS #73 (Storm Ses,oer ) 152.60 ' SY. 1966•5 Streets 513.66 � . � ��7 ADOP�fO BY TH£ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �o — QAY OF ' _�� , 1968. �. . ' AT'i'E STs ' � MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham �ITY CLERK Marv n C. Brunsell � e � LJ � � � ' i� r J � � � � � � � r � � � � � � H � r� • ��H��zzH �9y���r�'� t7 LTJ H y • � tC 9� H C7 Oo � CJ Z � � � � � H � �a��a�°� Hyxyz• �z �o°Ocn °" � z ro � � y � Hd�rox.� �����z d � O c7 '� L�] I�TJ � �C yH���t�nhi � x�� C C y H �HH dHa� H��7- OHG�Htj zo �F�HZb O x� H Z� O� �x���z�x�� 7� � 7d tn f�') � H H H Cn �' H trJ (n � n 9� O H H H H 4� c� � y H Cn �7�- �Hy"' t�� H Z�c'�� n � H O � nx � ozcn�-19r� r �ro�ry-iH�y�n �1Ht'yd�t�lt�1H trJ H GJ - ,�' L�] 'TJ U] 'z � H ''�1 � � � H � � t'y � � � '� �rH�y�°x • � C7 � y-d t=] H td w . y C!� � ' �-C H � 7. LTJ H �J t�rJ � d � x r-+ � r� o E-+ • ��'9���7. � � r x y t-� �-�C �da°�H y�cz �i-�� � y������ �i U� W V xl � H rJ C7 7y�at''H G� t� ti � v � '�1 H � � d � � zH�i�o��� t� 7� � H � • U] O t'� H'=J t1 � Fd � OHHry1v�y H'��rCH'".�H��-+ N � � � Z Z H � �CH rJ�"=J tr.�H� a��yy+���zz �� C�J H H�' O LTJ C=]4�H �C9nC�4� �������� y � � �.y+ H CrJ � � 7J trJ Hz L�1 H�99�Ht�J� r�z��o��� C�CJd�C7�t�i �HHz�H �z°c����d r� v� � c-� • :� �ZOH t�7�a� �xx�� x ���ozroo� ' � � � � � � � • H � � Z H x��1 dz '� �y H Cs] H b�dtrJF-yC:ti�H dz�o��� ro�H�d�� H�Hdx�� c�E-+r+rzr'� ac�or�r-i9r Hxz�-CCn'.bH � n � Z O � H H� L=1 t'' Cn '=J O t-' • H � C z z H � o � -�z z z° � cn�x�z�� a�Hrnc�r+H cozr�orx zr�c�zz 4'� cn N H cn y t9i� trJ � V� O H � n CA �O � � d � x � � a r a � z by � 7y G� nx9ozC��y� H�y��7� yn H.'v�' x � � � 7y H• H F-d 4� O t-' tZrJl7�dHd�-d ��o���-�x � � H W t7 :� Cn ��xo�° ',� H ��'�x��� -��Hv� N�C�]H�� � r H��yr� �HGH�tr-".�dH �zz��d z�Z���� t-�HH HO CJ� H � H n �J yr�v�r� 7d Gd � H C� x z�xr���t=y' �Ht'{Cnx h7 �H�CnH(�'� �zyHz� �4�Oc/� Hax:dt�i� x�o� O t=i �. � y � • FC� � � � � � H xd���r� � y � � d n � � ro ro c �. H A C9". C'J 7 LT1 '� H t'� Z �•d H�d►-aa.. ox�Zy�� z��o��• � n tr�J y N � O H � � � y� � Z � � r� Z r�ob�'�o d t��i�xoo�o � �Ha • Ci7 a� H[y�Jb� dz�E�`�z°� � d. � C] � a z � � t=i H H �1 H n a � � 9 � H Cli � z. H H 0 t�r1 a ro z O C=i d � �C xH t�i � z � H r � N O � � � � �: � ' e � � � � � � � � � Nay 15, 1968 MEMO T0: City Council FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Used Car Lot - Frank's Used Cars Our records indicate that there was no Used Car Lot License in effect for Frank's Used Cars at 5740 tJniversity Avenue Northeast, for the period May l, 1967 through May l, 1968. The owner made application ori May 9, 1968, for the Used Car Lot License for the period May.l, 1968 through May 1, 1969. I would recommend that the City Council not issue the license for the current period, unless the owner of the business also pays the license fee for the period for which there was no license in effect, A letter has been written to the owner of the business asking for t.he additional license fee. The Police Chief will verify whether or not there was a used car operation going on at this address during that time. MCB:sh ce: Everett McCarthy, Police Chief .�_ �_�_� � -'�-. '-ir�, f . � LICENSES TO BE APPROVFD AT TH� P�tAY 20� 1968, COUIdCIL MFETI�IG ' US�D CAR LOT BY: APPR,OVFD 3Y: RENFt�IAL Frank�s Used Cars Frank Gabrele'ik Polic� Chief � 57�� University Ave. F ridley, Minnesota The Building Inspector will only OK this application provid.�d the vehicles are moved � back on the own�rs property instead of on the road right of way. Th�re is still a question about whether he is on his land or not. � SER�JICB STATION BY: APPROVED BY: �NE`�TqL Favre�s Spur Service Dennis Favre Fire Inspecior 8255 Eo River Road Fridley, Minnesota ' The Building Inspector has stated that the station proper is acceptable but that th�re ,is debris and litter to th� rear of this property and should be cleaned up before he wi17. approve the application. ' • � • ' � . , � . ' , � . ' '� � , • ' . , ,� . -,� -, .�_ _>f � , CEI�iB Q AP R01iE AT THE MAY 20 1 68 rOUNCIr� MEETING CaNT'D � � � � Bg, � � . % L Y. :i ' �, � APPROYEA BY s ��W� !�lub �,7 - Eugene $o�tt Polia� Chie!' ' _ � B#4�T���T �Te. H�alth Ii�ap�ctor �rid�,�py� M�n��aote� , ��A� �a'��' C�k�b ' ' ��6� Ge�'�� A�R �'r�.d�����a�a#� ' r ?�� '.��lA& �'��d�.l�' No�h �t�r � ��'�� ��� �'�d��►�►� �+�� ta ' �W�.�e A+��t��n 5��� �� � � ��� � �'��da.�Y, l�ia�aa#a , ��� ' ,�IiSW� Y,F,W. poat 363 �Qy.O Oeborns �d �'r�d�.��� Minmee� ta ' ��ld1� Ho�+ard ;�chnson� $ �2�7 C�zttral A'w. ' �'�jd1�y, Minnesota ,�t�WA�. �1�b �.7 6061 Uai�erait� A�re. ' ��dley�, Minneaota A$�W►� �'roatlar Club ' 7�1�5 C�Atral A�t. l�ridl•�r� Minneoota , ��� R�1E1�i.11�r F�'idl�y Qab ' �7/�0 Un.i,�ersity A�e• �'��c�l�y� Minaesota ' $�1DfiNQr �SACHII�S � �� � ' �1 l��t�►r1! � a 3pa� Stntion 8�5� �. I�nr Rc�ei.d 1��14��, �inn�sota ' Mnrl�no Povlita� BY: Bu�t Nord stre�ad Leonmrd Gsrtzen BY:� Erling Edwards Miethasl J. Larsc>n Eugene Boaaott Marleae Po�litski ; BY s Frank Gabrsleik : D�nr►ia �'arre Pk>lic� Chi�!' H�alth Iasp�at�r APPROVED BIs Build�.e� Inp�wto� �w Fire Insp�e�cr Bui2ding Isap�atcrr Fir� Inapect� n��o�n� A�lic� Chi�f H�alth Inspeoatr Polic� Chief Hsa�th Inapect,a� Police Chis� Healtii Znpsot�m` Folia• C�i�t' He�],Lh In4�a�o� �PROYED BT � .. Palic• Chis�' I�PP�YLD � o ��e,�t� �psp�otor� ' -_ _ _ _ ' ' �,CL�,ES +�0„��,AP�ROVED 1T THE MAY 2Q. 968. COUgCIL 2�ETING � ����� �� ���� , � �it��� d'�►! � ,. ��� ��� :��� ��� �� ��� � � -����� ��lp�, � .. ' � �K�� ���'� �� � U�il'4z'���' �T#�� �'��4,T� M�l�A,�fQ�1 ' �� ��� ��� ���'�'4���j A�A. �'�'���AY� ����t� ��+ �11�tb �'7 ' �6� Yt���reitT �,��,� �'ridl4'�� M1pn��Qt,el �I�i �'r�ts��i� Club 'J365 C�ntral iwe, F�d�e�'� �e�t� �1�1�+ �'a�nt.i�� st�c �Q�a� �,�73 C�Atra�. A�o. �'�►d��7� �.�un.�a#� �j;� �' • D�1rg° I�1►8,� E. Rt1r�' �aQ ' ���� ��� � �'�� ��� � � s� � �a ' �i'���Ys kii�tesots ' � ,� �1�lAL 9 �l�.w. Pa►st 3113 ' �.Oi4p OaDor� �oad Trlucllpr, Minnsaota �WAL aaward Jotu�son� • , ' �27? Centr�al Av� � tr I�ic�le�� �nt�sot� � � ���en� �°ov�itsk� Ms�len� Povl�tzki Eugen� Bonnett �. Pionmar Diatributing $qgens Bonnett Z�lnrl,�ne Povlitzki l++krlen� Povlizki Leonard Gert��n �: Lsonard Gerta�n � Erlina Edwards l�ichael J. I.srson ,�,.., .,� 1'_ �./�4 �'�HY � H�ith I�ep�ctor H�alth Insp�tor Healt,b Iaep�ctor APPF�VSD Bj�, Polia� Chi�!' Polic� Chie! Polia� Chl,�►!' P�lia� C�l�t P+�liae Chi�! ��P�__� �_�_, ro�a. cn�.r H�L�h It��p�otor �P�� � . �?�.ia� �hl�!!�' H� tSi wltp�ola� N..MM 'r�K YF" ^ ' n }d: �n� ��' Paltoi Chi�f H�altb IaBp�►o�ar � � ' � ' , ' , ' , ' ' ' ' , r ' ' ' ' , LIST OI' CONTRACTUK'S LICENSF TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL FOR THE FI.SCAL P�RIOD 4/30/68 to 4/30/69 May 20, 1968 BLACKTOPPING H & O Blacktop �Co. 2465 Northdale Blvd. Coon Rapids, Minnesota By: Jerome Hicks EXCAVATING Lenny Cochran Excavating Inc. 6537 Central Ave. N. E. Fridley, Minnes5ta By: Leonard Cochran HEATING Ryan Air Cond., Inc. 844 West 79th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Thomas J. Ryan GENERAL CONTRACTOR Harris Const. Co. 4809 Valley View Road Edina, Minnesota By: C. C. Harris Charles E. Johanson 160 Hartman Circle Fridley, Minnesota By: Charles Johanson Commercial Erectors 814 South 9th St. Minneapolis, Minnesota By; Mike 0'Bannon MASONRY Victor,Loeffler Const. 5135 Greenwood Drive Moundsview, Minnesota Edward Munson Concrete Co. 2318 lst St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota PLASTERING John P. Steffens Co. 3819 Upton Ave. North Minneapolis, Minnesota MOVING Dal.e Movers 7816 Central Ave. N. E. IKinneapolis, Minnesota RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL NEW RENEWAL RENEWAL By: Victor Loeffler RENEWAL By: Edward A. Munson RENEWAL By: William J. Steffens RENEWAL By: Dale Peterson RENEWAL ��� �_ '._r,' . APPROVED BY BLDG. INSP, PLBG. INSP. HTG. INSP. BLDG. INSP, BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP, BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP. BLDG; INSP. I I LIST OF CONTRACTORS GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S Brenny Brothers Const. 6011 3rd St. N. E. Fridley, Minnesota Gerald Glenn Corporation 1202 Hathaway Lane Fridley, Minnesota Heilmer Cons.t. Co. 8727 Able St. N, E. Minneapolis, MiunesQta Derksen Blders, Inc. 3605 37th Ave. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota � By: Roger Brenny BY� A. C. Gnerre NEW RENEWAL By: Marvin Heilmer i�IEW By: Alvin L. Derksen NEW �� :s - .1, ._J ,�' BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP. � BLDG. ZNSP. � � , � � � �� � � � �ST:LI�1�Zr��E;S �l'O BE AP�ROVED BY TIIF C:LTY COUNCIL - P'��Y 20, 1968 Suburban Sewer and ��vater, In.corporated 4550 Cen�ral E�venue DT.E . Minneapolis, Minnesata 55�21 Estimate #r4 (parLial) 5anitary Sewer, V]ater and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 88 according to the Contract Berglund - Johnson, Inc. 351 Second Street Excelsa.or, Minnesota 55331 � Eszimate �;5 (1�ar�ial) Fridley Municipal Garage accordinq to the Contract ,_ I � Harris B-rothers Plumbing Company 217 - 219 ti•�7est Lake Street Minneapolas , Nlinnesota 554�08 Estimate ;;=1 (Partial ) Fridley ' Municipal Garage accUrding to the Contrac� � � Comsi:oc]� �: Davis, Incorporated Consulting Engineers • 1446 Coun�y Road J Minneapolis, P�innesota 55432 $24,454.53 $18,871.00 $ 2,610.00 For the furnish�.ng of resident inspection / and resident supervision for the staking out . o:E the construction work for the following: '�_J ' � Estimate r 3 - Sanitary Sewer, ti^later and Storm Se�•aer Improvement project No. 88 from Apri1 l, 1968 Lo April 27, 1968 (73rd,and Norton �venue area) $ 2,060.13 Estimate ;�13 - Sanitary Sewer, �•7ater and Storm Sewer Improver�ent Project No. 79 from April Z, 1968 to April 27, 1968 (Commeree park, Swanstrom Court area etc} $ 16.10 .� �-. �-, � �� !. ' � � �������,��1: ����1�-� '}�"��+._ i i� _°i 1�rF�',_�T.-�_, .i. City of Fridle ;�«._ 5---_n:a�r};S/1/68 � �: r �� AF.C}II't'2?t°I'�S . � cc:�,;;�. �io_—':�=� '1'i:i, A;,li�atic�n i,�fu�---- Srtla.�-,:���,��rt for___---�i�'112r'c11._-�:OT1S_trUCtlOII ---------- ' 11 - P_ ------- i �.. Fridley Municipal Garage,__ . , 4/1/68 � — -- --�---[;r���� c� f�om--- � �---- --� �.�,_-. m,,... .w_.� .,. , � .�__. �.�,�. ...,�..�__..._.._. .:�,..__ ,,„,_ ,:a,,. . 6_r... �.__...... _.._. ___ - � llc u E hun + I r I.,�t �� >rk Itc. ,i. Cu�t* � _ � C ii �l�_ ���t C<�m Ic�cci � �� nou.�. 7 h,., f c��o�; ��.�..�� ['o D.i�c -- ---- - ----- � -- ` . � - - --- - - -------- ----- ----------- 1&2 Gen. & Spec. Conditions � 5105 � 766 4850 ' 220 Site Work � 5340 i 801 � 5073 320 Reinforcing Steel , 343 Prestressed Concrete 330 Concrete � 400 Masonry � � 500 Struct. & Misc. Metal � 610 Carpentry � 720 Perimeter Insulation 51,762 Roof & Sheetmetal 90,880 Caulk & Weatherstripping ,� j 811 Hollow Metal �� 836 Overhead Doors 860 [�Tood Windows �870 Finish Hardwa�� , 885 Glass & Glazing 931 Ceramic Tile � 980 Special Coating 990 Painting �1000 Metal Specialties � ' Change Order No. 1- Hoist ; , � � � # . ..�� � � Ocio:nal Contract T�,�Is a�i� cr,a���t, o�t�<�:, T��c���; __ I)edu�k Ct� :noe Urd�-rs ?'otais 'I�otals t� T)�te._,.���� 1694 10200 7398 � 17676 4s16 578 172 3739 295 2 05 9 3700 75 776 155 247 1000 1429 576 5270 � 8 � Q_. -5 031 462 2991 1338 3515 621 700 4743 1694 10200 7250 16969 4100 462 172 2991 1956 3515 68 621 700 .. . 4743 968_.00____65_,_6_52_._QO __ , o���r�T�:,=:. work r1nnG� on �-o�.: � _4/30/68 13 ilance tb {• inish 255 267 148 707 216 116 748 295 103 185 7 155 155 247 300 1429 288 527 .1 � I.�ss Retainage at�4 _';, � � 56_5_9_00 � CEKTIP7CATr TOR PAY?�SENT � Total to be llrawn to Date 5 g Q87 . QQ � �` I3ased on oiir ob;ervations, this application for pay- 'ToYal Pre�ious:y Certified I 40 216. �� ment is correct to the bes: of' our kno�vlc:doe, and – a-..._.,_...._..._._.._ Amousat Now Due the contractor is entitled to the indic�ied payment . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .--> S 18 � 871 0 �� i = -� _ _ --__._._....�_ _. �_.���.�._ _ . � r �lf .�-���. r �/ � y��rM� This is to certify th.�t �ii ��.r!: G,ted al��ve has }�n mmple.cd in a^rnrdtince with cont .. � } roJeC1 C}]eL'i:2C1 }iy_ l'!_�. _,�� ; ,:/ �j�u�nonts and th�it all I��bit charg�s fur I:1�)f. ITIi11Cf7dI, fiC. IO.' R'}llC}1 PC2VIOUS cert�fr.:.-:. .� / '� � ' - hxv� bcy:n is�.umd, harz F,�en poiJ. 'I'his Form checked by_<�'; C� � _ �� `_��` —��:';_ . � t- -� '- � conrra�r�,r BERGLUND-JOHNSON, INC o YATCH and I:FtIC.,Sp,., (I�L',., .ARCFIITI?C'I'S f . �/ ` fi}'--�---.�..__._.._._:1. 9.___y r.-- I)::itP._'� � -� BV �� � � . ... �3HtPJ/1./VO � Norman , erg t�; PresicTent , � ;` ,��.:; � -- RCHI'I'EC"P�5 � AI'PLIC.E�TION �FOI� P�Y�F,NT �Na one _ nnrrEAprix 25, �_g���or,�M. No__�.>__ < , . � -1,�� �'rid].ey Volunteer Firemen's Relief Association _, O�V�:�,:''._ "l�his Ap};lication is.for �aZtldl _)�a�'ment for M°Ct18i11Ca1 CG�riStTLiC�lOri work done un �'-��. � �Fridle t>lunici al Garatre � � ' � ------�---------p -----c'. —pro�ect frorn Feb. 1,_1968 to AP��_ZS.,_�96�_ fDe�cri ition of Pro ect �i'ork Items C'ontruct Comple�ed Complcted LSalance I�����y,r–�_I'�ett t J Amoimt � This I'erioci � To ll:+;c 'I'o F'in::h Insula.Cian Sewer & k'ater Ventilatcion & 4)arm Air Heating TemperaCure Control Plumbing Fixtures & 4later Heater Waste Trap Drains & Hydrants Gas Unit Heaters Waste & Vent Piping Water Piping Gas Piping ❑ Orioinal Contract Totals Add Chanoe Orders Totals M- Deduct Chan�e Orders Totals 500.00 1,600.00 4,700.00 1,042.00 2, 000.. OQ 540.00 500.00 1,400.00 2,100.00 950.00 500.00 92.00 73.7�+ 375.00 375.00 1,575.00 575.00 0 375.00 375.00 1,575.00 575.00 500.00 1,600.00 4,700.00 1,042.00 2,000.00 125.00 � 125.00 ' i,�.00.00 525.00 375.00 500.00 ,., . r- - . .. .� .- = 900.00 I $2,900.00 12,892.00 ----._.. _ _. -- 273.74 '1'otals to 1)ate � iv vw . i�r � ��.v. v.. � .�....... � .+ +...� . , � Less Retainage at 10 � 290, 00 �� C�RTTI� ICATE FOR PAYMEN'T Tot��l to be Drawn to Date 2� 610. �0 Based on our observations, this application for pay- 'r�tal Previouslv Certified -' ment is correct to the best of our kno���ledge, and �mount Iv'ow Due the contractor is entitled to the indicated p�yment ..... ...........................-> $2�61�.�� / i/��'� This ih to certify that all work listed at�ove ha; been comple:ed in acmrd:mre with con� .� P[OJCCi C}1FC}if.�C� h}_ "�' ' ' "�'�—._ '"'� �"' documents and that all lawhd charges for labor, malerial, etc., for whicfi previou, cxrrt�F�c.. - � l - have t,c��n istiued, ha�•e been paid. This form checked by_ � - .:.-> _ .; � - _ - ;.� —� � Contractor ��IS BROTHE PLUAISING COMPANY PATCH and FRIC KSON, INC.,. ARGHITFCTS � � � r; ; � ,� , . � �.�__� .� (',•Zc,.�,., ' 1 /? I.1�41251_�-8 -- F3�, ` _ ---Datc:__ By--Er�c—I�Tysk =�co� n� �ri�— . � � . � Y �� . . i_ •. , 1 . � � . � r -� . . � �GUI,�R COJNCIL N�c,ETYZIG, F�B1;U�=��:Y 5, 1968 PAGE 4 � , ' � . , � � � � � � � � BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMNIITTEE MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 16 1968; 1. CONSIDERATION OF MURPHY OIL STATION AT EAST RIVER ROAD AND MISSISSIPPI ST: � The City Engineer explained that this property was on the southea'st corner of Mississippi Street and East River Road, and showed the Council a plan of the property being purchased. He said that the City has been working with the � Murphy Oil Corpo��ration considerin.g the future plans for the intersection. He said they are willing to dedicate an area to the City for a right-of-way for the future improvement of the Mississippi Street and East River Road � intersection. He said that in discussions that have been held, Murphy Oil Corporation has been advised that it may be advisubi.e f�r them to acquire property on the south side of their property because of limited space for parking. Mr. H. J. Lundberg, real estate representative for Murphy� Oil . � Corporation, said they had done nothing on this, as they were waiting to see what develops and what square footage will remain. The City Engi.neer said that the Murphy Oil Company wants to set up a station so double access can be provided, which will not-leave enou�h pawking spaces under the code. i_ Mr. Lundberg said that they will have about 8 parking spaces, and the zoning only goes to the back portion of their proper�ty. Councilman Harris said that � the Council could take into consideration that the land dedication is in lieu of parking, and the company can :�cquire more land if they find more parking space is needed to run their business effectively. � � � � � �J � �. � � � � � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, F�BRUARY 5, 1968 Councilman Liebl asked the representative if he had committee's meeting and had agreed with the fence, painted. Mr. Lundberg said he had been present at would be no problem with any of the stipulations. been present at the Sub- and rear wall being the meeting and there Councilman Samuelson read stipulation "G" which stated that the Certificate of Occupancy was to be subject to the approval of a landscaping plan, and said that this should be changed, so that the landscaping plan is made a part of the building permit and the Certificate of Occupancy be subject to the completion of the landscaping. The Council agreed with this, as did Mr. Lundberg. 1- --�_ PAGE S Mr. Lundberg drew the Council's attention to stipulation "B" which required that the proposed building be set to allow the 25 foot setback from the property line, and said that they would require a variance from this requirement, as they will only be 15 feet from the property line. Councilman Harris said that the company has worked with the Council and he did not feel ttiey should be asked to limit the size of their building. Councilman Samuelson said that there were residents on the east and south and he asked if they were in accord. Councilman Liebl said that the company has agreed to screening. There was a discussion about whether the residents next to the station would prefer an 8 foot fence at the corner in lieu of the 6 foot fence. Mr. Lundberg said that they would agree with this if the people preferred it. The Council agreed to change stipulation "B" in the Subcommittee Minutes to require a 15 foot setback rather than a 25 foot ;�etback as stated, and requested that the Administration ask the neighboring property owners which size fence they preferred. � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to change provision "B" to require a 15 foot set- back from the property lines; to change provision "G" to require that the landscaping plan become part of the Building Permit, and the Certificate of Occupancy be subject to the completion of the landscaping; to request the Administration ask the neighboring property owners which size fence they prefer; and to concur with the Building Standards-Design Control minutes and approve the Murphy Oil Station plans subject to the provisions listed in their minutes as revised. Seconded by Councilman $heridan for discussion. Councilman Sheridan said that parking requirements based on the size of the building would make the Murphy Oil Station pay a pena.lty having a large interior storage. He said the purpose is to get the activity inside rather than to add more parking spaces, and suggested they be granted a waiver if the ordinance calls for more parking spaces. Councilman Samuelson agreed and said he would like to see a waiver of the ordinance 'and allow no outside parking at service stations. . The VOTE upon the motion approving the plans was a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to w��-ve the C-2 zoning requirement for parking (which is approximately ?_0 cars) to a minimum of'8 parking spaces in con- sideration for the land dedication by the Murphy Oil Corporation on the corner of Mississippi Street and East River Road for a right-turn lane to alleviate traffic conge�tion. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Q �� � � � ..i .1 - � � � �__ _:�� � . � REGULAF'� COUNCIL MEETING, FEI3RUARY 5, 1968 PAGE 6 The City Engineer asked the City Attorney if the Council could waive the requirements as variances go to the Board of.Appeals for a public hearing. The City Attorney said the Council can grant a waiver. * The City Engineer said that the City is putting in sidewalks u.p to 2nd Street and the Murphy Oil Corporation is willing to put in sidewalks around their service station. He asked if the City was going to acquire the right- � of-way f�•om the company up to the sidewalks., or will the sidewalks be on the right-of-way. He said that, for example, Target's sidewalks �;°ere on their own property and they had constructed them, and the City owns the � sidewalks on Mississippi Street.. Ma.yor Kirkham felt the sidewalks should be on the right-of-way so that the City will control the sidewalks. The City Engineer said they would work under the premise that the City will � acquire the right-bf-way up to the station's proposed curb line, and - Murphy Oil Corporation will install the sidewalk, but it will be on City property. Councilman Samuelson pointed out that the company will save � the administration and engineering costs if they install the sidewalks themselves. � � � � . . � . � � � - 0 � �-4YCE�� �1 " r; .�_.�< � �` _.:1 � ; � :��. ^, .� �,' ,� , � �� � `� � A `1 � � � ;'� c /��'�' ,9 `f i�% � � �`��'� d�� s`� ^9 � ��1 ,! i � � � '"`�..� t "�1 y "''Aa� S i l. � � i � ?� � �� {I 4 �) � t `�.. 1 j i � � t } � . i 4 � � � �•. � ! � � .1 ( � 3 _ 7 � . � � � 1 � �' 4 � � • � � � ` 1 , � � .� � i�y � �1 � � ; i : E + ! f ( t ; � � / � �� � � , ' f r : i ` / }�� y- �✓� t ; �-d g:. �� � �r� '�J...� �_ � �ak "Y i %�� '`�,� � i� v s ✓�� f° �.'� i=� '� C`•.�' � ;�—d s � ' °�, �.. �t= �� � ,. � � � �.. ,. � � �, ,. � � ::�> • � �:::d�' ; �..� �� �.�� �� ��������:��, �������� ������� ���r�l r riclley, i:�r��eso�c� ;:_�,; li., i � ��, _'i•-�,c�'ejr Gi��: CC�:I'iCyl � ��ricile;;, :"�:�?.e�o•��_- rlE:°. v.�I°S: i'liP. T�I''Lt;.� C'�' c::1.urCE'n5 ::«c: v^ii �::F) f'O��.G"::3.�i�� I':;Si:�U.vICZ3 ]'C�f?._'L�1??� i�ti@ 1�.���;tt71' C:'.G:� V!.�1� �Lt, �ZEi'�i ?-i�� ( ::Lf.('v^_'_Z_�: ttyi0". i•:?��'tv2'O�`G �;8 i':. i 65G�''8i� Li_&.�. �_.0 _� a.�t!_E:y� v:.� C:�@S St? ���y 01'i; f:, C'_n��ii'_'E; iT'v^_';; 1�[?G �i c:SC:I� i:iilil7_C? L'^� �IC1L':OI' ,,. ,. s �. � - y - � _ l • � �;' ,. �,., r .�,r O_ cI'_ �•i.Gil.� l,Q 7T' 'i_'.' . :.Gi.:QI' O it,I'Ei �. _.OY'S ?_ i ,�9 v? uv O{' t;r•-r���E,r �'� �n� �..,.�.�c�.� ,'OSSii::lE• ����.:��fl Siilcere'_;;�, _� , i, . • �� �, � � - �2� cP�r� J. ==^ r�it1 � . �'res�dezit� ,r:.til�;,� v2.�rn,E,'E.'S "Leadership 'lrc�ining Through Commur�ity Develo��nent" � 8-79 (REV. i f -3-64) � � � � -v: (Standard Forrn oF the Internationol Association of Chiefs of Police) (Copies ovailable at Fedcral Bureau of Investigotion, Washington, D. C. 20535 ) CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT POLICE DEPARTMENT • • ' � �'�ty �>f —_ Fri�ey � � M11oc�th �f _ April 19 6� �TABLE 1.--DfSTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL , Numerical Strength . AVAbs ncDe �lY Percent Dail _ � - - Absence Y A�erage Daily _. "_ Temporary Details Average Effective Strength � F-nd of ;amemonth Snmo - � -- ---- month S�me month . thfs montl, last year '1'hismonth last �r 'I'hismouth last er�r This �°n1emonth - yt� Y- mont last ear Same month Y 7'his month Lnst month last year Totnl personrn�•1. ��G 22 6• 2 %L� • . , • Cl;l�,f�s offlc� . . 1 1 . . — . � � ��.97 Ts�,cords butrnu . � Untfotmc�d force . 19 De�tectiv� bureau � • � Trafflc t�urern� . ' ........... _ F1rst relief . . , � N� Second relfef . , � Th1rd rellef . . . 6 � 20 5 9 - O r. TABLE 2.--CHANGES IN PERSONNEL � �• Piesent for duty end of last month: :::., ,, 21 2. ftecrulted. during month .� 1 3. Helnstated durinq month . . . . . . . . . .., , , , , , � " � Total to cTCCOUnt for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 �� TABLE 3.--DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH Same month This month last year 1. Total number of patrolmen . . . . . . . . 22 'zz 2. Less perrnanent assiqnments (publlc offfces, clericnl, chauffeurs, etc.) . , 9. Sep�r�tlons from the servlce:�. . . . � � � - � � ..•• 3. Less details to special squads or bu-. i�) Voluntary resfqnation . zeaus (trafflc, vice, park, etc.) ,, ' --�--�_ (b) Retlrement on penslrn .�. ... � 9• Averaqe dvily absences ot patn�lmen � —'---- � asslgned to patrol duty owing to: � i�) Aesiqned wlth charqes pendinq . (a� Vacatton, saspension. rest •..�. . �Q,.s, et�. . 6.60 6 g3 id) Dropped durinq pro�ticin . � ---�_ - ie� Dlsmissed for cause . . . . . . � �b) SSck and tnJured . . . . . •�� �0z I .....� ... ..... (f ) Killed 1n line of duty . L �— (c) Tempomry details . •ZC iy) Deceased . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • r------__ � Tota! separations L �± . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � '------- Total average dp11y absences , , � � 7'Z / � Q,3 5. Present for duty at end of month . � � � � � � � � ' ' ----�2 -- 5• Available for patrol dut . . . 15 Og 1�,�97 � � . . . Y. ..... • •' � ► � � . � � . TABLE 4—— CRIPo11E f(\ID�'X A(�D POLICE ACTIVITY TREND 1 OFFENSES KNOWN TO THE POLICE CHANGE CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES CURRENT YEAR VS. LAST YEAR � (PART I CLASSES) � REPORTED OR ACTUAL �5. SAME MONTH VS. SAME PERIOD KNOWN UNFOUNDED OFFENSES ACTUAI THIS LAST YEAR LAST YEAR THIS MONTH THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE NUMBER PERCENT NUMBER PERCENT � la. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT ' MANSLAUGHTER 1 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL 1 _ o. RAPE BY FORCE 1 b. ASSAUL7 TO RAPE • ATTEMPT� . �3. ROBBERY TOTAL � a. ARMED • ANY WEAPON 2 b. STRONG-ARM - NO WEAPON i � 4. AGGRAVATED ASSAULT TOTAL o. GUN b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT , c. OTHER DANGEROUS WEAPON d. HANDS, FIST, ETC. - AGGRAVATED 'r_ � 5. Bl1RGLARY TOTAL 12 Z 11 4� a. FORCIBLE ENTRY il 1 1 b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY - NO FORCE 1 1 c. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE ENTRY 1 1 6. LARCENY - THEFT (except cuto theft) / a• E50 AND OVER IN VALUE 2µ `Z� gl 7. AUTO THEFT 'r rl 13 CRIME INDEX TOTAL 16. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE 4e. OTHER ASSAU�TS - NOT AGGRAVATED 2 66. LARCENY, UNDER $50 IN VALUE � � 170 PART I TOTAL lU9 4 1�5 3[�,� TOTAL PART 11 INCIDENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 ry TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NONCRIMINAL CALLS . �1: �-, . , , , , , , , , . • . � � ' ' ' ' ' • • �� r ................. i.455 � TOTAL CALlS FOR POLICE SERVICE . . . . . . . , S�. • . • • :: . ............. ....... �221g � � AUTOMOBILES RECOVERED� (A) NUMBERSTOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED LOCALLY ................... 1 . ........ ... ... .... � B) NUMBER STOI.EN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED BY OTHER JURISDiCTIONS .. . . . . .... .. . ... , , ; " ` ' " 5 (C) TOTAL LOCALLY STOLEN AUTOS RECOVERED �' �' '''' (D) NUMBER STOLEN OUT OF JURISDICTION, RECOVERED LOCALLY• . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . • . �. � �, . . ..... � . : � _ . � � , �, L4�LE 5-- VALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN AND RECOVERED VALUE OF PROPERTY VALUE OF PROPERTY � OFFENSE �ALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN LOCALLY STOLEN LOCALLY TOTAL VALUE OF �ALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED AND RECOVERED BY LOCALLYS?OLEN S70LEN OTHER LOCALLY OTHER JURISDICTION PROPERTY RECOVERED �URISDICTIONS ROBBERY RECOVERED LOCALLY � BURGLARY ~ 1rjOO�CO LARCENY �lK73.L� 2�2/�92 l C; _ C7 AUTO THEFT %%p �OO z1 •Qi� , � TOTAL 17735.94 E8�.1.52 2126.92 21 �C 68�.1.92 191o.Co i , TABLE 6-- OFFEt�9SE5 CLEARED �Y ��RREST � year �o date (inclue�e exceptional clearances) , r NUMBER OF OFFENSES PERCENT OF OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST CLEARED BY ARREST CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES � �PART I CLA$$E$) TOTAL CLEARED BY ARREST OF BY ARREST OF PERSONS UNDER 18 TO7AL CLEARED PERSONS UNDER 18 THIS LA57 TF115 LAST - YEAR YEAR THIS LAST TFiIS LAST YEAR _ YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 1. CRIMINAL HOMICID , E a. MURDER AND NONNEGCIGENT MANSLAUGHTER b. MANSLAUGH7ER BY NEGLIGENCE I2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL 1 a. RAPE BY FORCE 1 1 � b. ASSAULT TO RAPE - ATTEMPTS 3. ROBBERY TOTAL a ARMED-ANY WEAPUN ? Ib. STRONG-ARM • NO WEAPON � 4. ASSAULT TOTAL 26 3 ,% o. GUN � b. KNIFE OR.CUTTING INSTRUMENT 1 c. 07HER DANGEROUSWEAPON 1 d. HANDS, FISTS, FEET, ETC. - AGGRAVATED e. OTFIER ASSAULTS - N07 AGGRAVATED `Z� � 7 5. BURGLARY TOTAL 4 3 � � , a. FORCIBLE ENTRY � + ^ 2 b. UNLAMFUL ENTRY • NO FORCE e. ATTEMP7E0 FORCIBLE ENTRY �6. LARCENY - THEFT (EXCEPT AUTO TMEFT) �. S50 AND OVER IN VALUE 15 5 2 b. UNDER S50IN VALUE /O 52 43 ,' 7. AUTO THEFT Z 9 GRAND TOTAL 125 73 52 �` � . � �� � � 1 1� 9 25 . �� ,-�� 0 �� , � ' TABLE 7-- P��SO�lS �4�RESTED, CHARGEp Af�lp ' DISPOSED OF DiJ�li�(; �qpNTH � ARRESTS UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES (�NCLUDE RELEASED NO FORMAL CHAF � 5 � JUVENILES ADULTS TOTAL 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE: � o. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT AkANSLAUGHTER �b. MANSLAUGH7ER BY NEGLIGENCE . 2. FORCIBLE RAPE 3. ROBBERY �4, AGGRAVATED ASSAUL7 5, BURGLARY - SREAKING OR ENTERING. 6. LARCENY - THEFT (EXCEPT AUTO THEFT) 25 9 34 '7. AU70 THEFT 8. OTHER ASSAULTS (RETURN A- 4e) 2 2 TOTAL - PART I CLASSES 2C� I� ,�� TIiIS YEAR 70 DATE � ' LAST YEAR TO DATE PERCENT CFiANGE 9. ARSON �10. FORGERY AND COUNTERFEITING 11. FRAUD 12. EMBEZZLEMENT � 13. STOLEN PROPERTY; BUYING, RECEIVING, POSSESSING 14. VANDALISM rr 7 15. WEAPONS; CARRYING, POSSESSING, E7C. �16. PROSTITUTION AND COMMERCIALIZED VICE 17. SEX dFFENSES (EXCEPT 2 AND I6) 18. NARCOTIC DRUG LAWS 19. GAMBLING 20. OFFENSES AGAIN57 THE FAMILY AND tHILDREN 1 1 21. DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE � / 22. LIQUOR LAWS L �� 23. ORUNKENNESS ` 27 24, DISORDERLY CONDUCT 25. VAGRANCY � • 26. ALL OTHER OFFENSES (EXCEPT TRAFFIC) � ' TOTAL - PART II CLASSES 35 l�y �,Q THIS YEAR TO DATE ' - / LAST YEAR 70 DATE (3� .Z �22 PERCENT CHANGE _ TRAFFIC ARRESTS THIS MONTH ' PERSONS COURT DISPOSITIONS THIS MONTH PORMALLY CHARGED ADULTSGUILTY THIS A�QUITTED REfERRED TO MONTH OF � pp OR JUVENILE .70TAL OFFENSE LESSER OTHERWISE COURT CHARGED� OFFENSE ��SMISSED JURISDIC710N E 19 13 I . _I (, u : � � f� a v_ _ d ■ 8-79a (Rev. 10-21-65) CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT . TRAFFIC SUMMARY Police Department c�cy af Frid c+y .. h��nth af - Apr31 . is �.,.,. TABLE 1. ACCIDENT SUMMARY This Month This Yeaz Last Year o�o Change This Year Accident Total � 3,(+, ,l{.1 —lg 176 Fatal " ` ` 1 PersonalInjury 1►� 22 —23 �,�, Property Damage 1Fj lg —12 I�,r Pedestrian 1 1 1 Traffic Total Hazardous Violations Other Violationa Pazking DWI Accident Arrests and Citations TABLE2. ENFORCEMENTSUMMARY This Month This Yeaz Last Yeaz % Change This Yeaz b2 74 -1'I 313 31 3b -14 181 20 23 -14 93 4 15 - ' 22 7 0 + �2 ear to Date Last Yeaz 208 1 81 121 5 Year to Dot Last Year 305 156 g3 61 5 /o Change -1b -18 -12 �o Change +2 +16 +18 + TABLE 3. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS • � This Month Year to Dote This Yeaz Last Year o�o Change _ This Year Last Year % Change Total Accidente 3/�. /�.l —18 �7C� 20$ —1fj Fatal Accidents 1 i Persons Killed I 3 _ Injury Accidenta � ].% 22 —23 (�% - $1 —lg Persons Injured —,�, 1�2 ZJ� —3z Pedestrians Killed O O Pedestrians Injured 1 1, 1 6 � Hit and Run Accidents g G -{-33 33 27 -E22 Cleared by Arrest O 2 � Cleared - No Arrest G 3 + 25 Z 5 +66 � Total Ctenred ,�p 3 + 25 ],� +/�.,r » � . � . , TABLE 4. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY ACCIDENT$ AND ENFORCEMENT (By Hour of Doy and Day of Week) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday ' Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- Candon Time dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest ' 12 M ]_ 1:00 , 2:00 3:00 � 4:00 " . � 5:00 6:00 2 ' 7:00 � 1 8:00 1 1 , 9:00 1 � io:oo 1 i i: oo Z � 12 N 1:00 �1 � 2:00 � 3:00 ]. 1 4:00 1 1 I 1 1 . � 5:00 1 1 1 1 1 s:oo 1 � �" �:oo _ 1 , 1 �1 ,s: o0 1 � 9:00 - 1 1 ,• io:oo 1 � . _ � ii:oo �. -- � 1'lote: "Citation and Arrest" column should include all traffic citations and anests made during each hour period except pazking citations. �_.. . _ _ : _ . . i _. �_ ■ .. 1 � � ITABLE 5. COt,1PARATIVE SUMMARY OF ENFORCEh4EN B T ( y Violation) This Month Year to Date ( This Year Last Year This Year Last Yeaz o o Change � Hazardous Violations Total 3g 36 ],�3 1�1 I +19 Dwi 7 12 �5 + Speeding 17 22 101 102 _ Reckless Driving 2 . ♦ Careless Driving Z2 7 +71 7'raffic Signal 5 5 21 15 +�,0 scop sign 3 2 1 3 _ 13 Other Regulatory Sign 2 5 7 -29 Improper Passing ]. 2 1 ♦ Improper Turning ]. 2 1 ♦ _ Right of Way - Vehicle 5 3 ♦E6 Right of Way - pedestrian Following Too Closely No or Improper Signal - Improper Start from parked Position ` - Improper Backing Improper Lane Usage o. 2 3 11 6 ♦$3 • Failure to Drive - Right _ . . . ,.: • - : + _ _. 1 Defective Equipment ], 1 3 1 ♦ . Other Hazardous Violation • . ], 3 • , '�" � Other Violations Total 20 23 , 98 83 +18 Parking Violation Total /3 15 22 - �1 � ' ' ' � , � ' , , , , �. � � � � ' ' ' Traded ' Traded i , ,� . � ' ' , � � � �. �. , ' -, �- s .`.�� ;.,.:���'; i, x, f:>,�e,, ��; :< �!;�r ..__..__.._..., ._._ ..___...._..._.,._ ._. _„. .._ �2 � ;s 28 � 1522 ; � �._..__.___-----------� �_-- ,.._.____a_...___._.._.__ .___�._�.____f_ _126.1 r_ ; i2.1 $ -__ . � ---- .__.. � ._.._....__.____... �...__.__. j ' �� 33 � 117t i �- 140.1 8 � ��... _u_�___ ____...,..._ _. ___�..._._.__.._....._._,I,.�.. • � , _....._.M.�__.______._ t f, �.,,.�..�... _�..�...�.____ � 1 � t ..'` 34 ', 2318 � 258,0 9.0 ___.._.___F_._.�_�. _____ ...�.r.__ 1 � _.,.._.__; _.___ .._ ._._._,.... _____--_ j ``. B5 15b2 ; �b � �. _.�.__.._.___._..,. ` 1� . 3 11 4 � �.. ...�...._.�,�__._..� ._: _._.__,.._.,____.__ _._ _. ____ ._ .._._____._ ___. �._.... : ._ .___�...._._� P � I T,1 : 36 t 6076 = 6�8.5 � 8.8 s ° -!r � . o . _._. ____.__ _.._.._.�.._, __--__ .�..___ � � � _._ ___ .__-.__.r__..__.__...__.__..__.__._--,-, rlew Unit,'.' 37 3333 l�10.4 g.l ; New Unit�` 38 2294 29I 5 7 9 ; r,; �,t�>-:V,>•, _� �, • • _ ,._, ..r,.�. ..M,.=.� r�.':1 � �' _ � �,, } ' _ _ :,,:� x;�" i.,:� 1:s�? :i �� : .. _. :': =.� , ��� �.�..�� _. _.._.�__ � � _.__ _36 ___.__.�_ w�_._lll._._._ __.._.... _ � ; ; .__ ...�_._ __�.�___�_.___� z ,_._� ..._�.,�_�__�..,.� `- ��- '---_ _ .__ _ _..___�__ _ 14 !,� _�._ �_.# . _ — ._--- � ' i z' ' . x� ._ _..�._.,._,, �_ _. q � _ __-__ _,.__._..._---__.. � .V... y �_��._n.T .....� � _��.._ 0 _-�- `w i ' �- _ r .__.... �,. ._ �__ .__ ' _ ry` 0 j o , _...._ � • � _ 3 � - _ �_. __... ._.. .� .,___�.a�_ .._.� _._^...�n. . . � FquipmAnt & Warning Ta� s 69 395 �x April 1968 ;, . �.. . � . <,_,:, i� r:. .._. .::' i.;: i'i ____,.____. _.._._.. __,._._.__.�___. w 77.53 ' �•051___ 41.99 .027 7�.59 : .034 _ ..�._. _._�..._. ,._�...�.�._....:� _.._ �.�7 � .027 ..__1g0,:�g ___.. '�_ : : �30_..r,.. �. -_ ---_t__.—____..�__�_._ lio.74 .a33 g7.09 � .038 Summary of Fire Alarms Residential Non-residential Commercial Industrial Grass � Brush Auto � Truck First Aid � Rescue False Misceilaneous Total Response Summary of Losses FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU This Month 3 1 2 l 35 3 1 1 3 50 . This Month Last Year 7 0 0 2 26 6 3 0 2 48 • April 1g68 This year to date 24 2 il 5 116 � 12 9 . 4 7 Ig0 General Alarms 872 men 50 alarms 17.4+ men/call Still Alarms � 1 alarm 5 men/call April Buildings 150.00 Contents 77g,00 150.00 260.50 300.00 1200,00 90.00 232g.5o Total to Date Buildings 6700.00 Contents 5829.5� m '�. . � � � ' FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU , Monthly Report of Activities for April 1g68 ' This Month This Month Last Year This year to date Buildings Inspected 23 22 1�5 ' Re-inspections � 13 � 1z 3g , Inspections other than Buildings 3 � 3 Burning Permits Requested 103 106 167 ' Burning permits issued by Inspector 52 74 . . 0 � � 9 Burning permits issued by Others 49 32 70 . �� S ecial Permits - P 1 . 1 ' Total•All Inspections 9� 140 � 255 Orders i ssued 6 � - 3� , Orders Completed � � � - 3 25 ' Illegal Equipment p 0 � Wri tten -Warni ngs 6 2 35 � Verbal Warnings 6 0 • 45 Complaints 4 5 � 13 ' Fire Investigations . � � 5 �3 13 � Other Activities; � City Council Tour - 2 hrs. , . Coordinate attendance Explosive School. . � Meeting - County Agent - 3 hrs. ,Tours of Fire Station - 40 children ' • ' . Artificial Respi ration - 8th Grade, Jr. High School - 120 pupi ls � Coordinate Fire Dept. Personnel for Clean-Up day - Arrange for burning. School Program - Essay Contest with Chamber of Commerce also display window at Snyders Dru= ' New construction plan checks .. , - Meeting with architect.on the proposed County Ice Arena �� �� '� '� " Target Warehouse ' Instructor at North Memorial Hospital Seminar . . ' . f � � FROM: City blanager T0: City Council DATE: May 20, 1968 The City Manager, the Superintendent of Public Works and the Parks and Recrea- tion Director reviewed bids on a New Tractor plus Attachment for the Parks and Ree- reation Department. . Bids were rec�:ived at 10:30 A.M., March 20, 1968, by the City Manager, the Finance Director a�id the Parks and Recreation Director and were opened at that time. Bids were as follo�us : PROPOSAL Ford Model 2112-.3C including Ford Flai.l Mower Model 907 Ford Model 2112-3C including Ford Flai.l Mower Model 907 BIDDER Long Lake Farm Supply Inc. Midway Tractor F Equipment Co. BID $3,395.00 $3,390.00 DELIVERY DATE Approx. 30 days 30 days or before Midway Tractor and Equipment Company was the low bidder meeting or exceeding specifications, with a bid of $3,390.00 for tractor complete with attachments (mower). Both firms bid identical tractors �and attachments and were the only bidders. The Parks and Recreation Director, the Superintendent of Public Works and City Manager concur in awarding the bid to Midway Tractor and Equipment Company. �/f�r� (� . ` -.l 'l'l`• 1'.�.L-:, ii l ��r / +': :w-.r--�_� Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager Attachment: New Tractor plus Attachment, Bid Opening Form 0 � _ `� ����--���� Les Chesney, Superintenden ' Public Works. � .�) `��' c _/ // � . .. __ . _.- ;. _ . Paul Brown; Director j% Parks and Recreation Department �.� � � �' : I � � � = : ; . ') �_,,.. _ _-.--- PARKS �ND RI:CRIi�'I'7:ON ll];P�1P'1'�1I;N'I' � �--' I�ridlcy, D1i.nnesota 55421 ��' � " Paul f3r�wn, Dircctor -� �� -' , t ,}� �, �f _/� • .---' 6431 Uiia,vcr.sity Avenue N.L. . �, ,z�.- ,�.ti�- �, %��, Lti�.` :�-�':� — � � _ P�ione; 5G0-3450 NEIV T'RACTOR PLUS ATTACIL�IEN1' Bids Opened o�1 May 20, 1�G8, at 10:30 A.NI. Bid � Cash �Uelivery Sectirity Price Date �Carlson Tractor � _ Equip. Co. � filghivay il3 Rosemowlt, 61inn. � . Lo�g L�ke Farm Su 1 `� �' �� � PP Y, Inc . .�'i:,� i (, �� �, tiighway # 12 Long Lake, Minn. � Midway Tr. a.ctor F� Equip. `.�� '` � CO. C�; � ,. i (: •f//�. 3326 Universi.ty Ave. SE . Minneapolis, Minn. L-Z Mfg. Co., Inc. 18�1. Rice St. St . Pau 1, Dfinn . � Knapp, Frank 145 i9. 78th St . biinneapolis, blinn. Internati.o;ial Harvester 1 CO. 257?. Uriiversity Ave. St. E'aul, h1i.mlesota " � Ace Ec{uip. Co. � 9631 James ` Minneapolis, hii.nn. _ . -- i _ I . � 0 n . � �_ c - :J, iJJ _ ��• (., / i �r� /_s ; : . ,. ``_�� J �.% , J/!+. ' y j� c' � i i >, %%