06/03/1968 - 5892� 1 � 1 ' ' � ' ' ' � ' 1 ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 3, 1968 - 8:00 P. M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE; INVOGATION• ROLL.CALL•. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: Certificates of Achievement Mr. Carl Parks Mr. Richard Kremer � Mr. Paul Dannenberg Youth Achievement Awards Nancy Thayer Leslie Hansen MTN�� Regular Council Meeting, May 20, 1968 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: PUBLIC HEARINGS• 1. Continued Public Hearing on Requested Vacation of Marshall Street - NSSSD (Tabled from Regular Meeting of May 20, 1968) (The Public Hearing on Continued Street Vacation - Hirsch Bros. will be discussed under Item 2)� � OLD BUSINESS• 2. Consideration of Rezoning Request ZOA 4�68-06 Hir�sch Bros. and Continued Public Hearing on Vacation of Street - Hirsch Bros. • (Tabled from Regular Meeting, May 20, 1968) 3. Consideration of Traffic Pattern near Filister Apartments on East River Road (Tabled May 20, 1968) , 4. Discussion of Proposed Water System Interconnection with Moundsview (Tabled May 20, 1968) ,(Comment: The Fire Chief approves the interconnection. The cost would be approximately $24Q0. The Council should authorize entering into an agreement with Moundsview) 5. Discussion of Garbage and Trash Hauling. (Tabled May 6, 1968) Comment; The City Manager previously provided study under separate cover. City Attorney to present additional information on legal matters at the meeting.) Pages 1 - 29 Pages 30 & 31 Pages 32 & 33 Pages 34 - 36 ,. � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' �_.1 ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETZNG AGENDA -' ,NNE 3, 1968 - 8:00 P. M. OLD BUSINESS (Continued) �' _ c 6. Sidewalk Width Inform ' n from Anoka County for Mississippi Street between T.H. ��4 and Central Avenue (ST. 1968-3) Comment; The County has submitted the revised sidewalk plans for this street section. We want Council approval for the wider width of sidewalk, as it was pointed out in the neighborhood hearing.) NEW BUSINESS• 7. Discussion of Improvement of 56th Avenue between 6th Street and 7th Street Comment: The Council should make a decision on whether this street should be opened up and paved or be main- tained as a gravel road. This would be the only unpaved street in this general area if opened.) 8. Discussion of Minneapolis Sewer Agreement Cost Figures Review PAGE 2 Pages 37 & 38 Pages 39 & 40 Comment; There are certain figures in the contract which we� have no way of checking unless a thorough study is made of Minneapolis' records. This study would be extremely expensive . ) � � � r� U /`!l� �,,�./�" � � � � . 9. Discussion Regarding Liquor Legislation �'� 1' /� L,, 1.? r'- `' .�r,.�- 'y ` �=� ' 1Q. Discussion Regarding Refund of Tornado Disa,ster Furids Pages 41 - 43 Comment; See memo from City Attorney and Office of Emergency Planning. The question is.- does the Council want � to pursue this further?) 11. Discussion of Lucia Lane Traffic Problem Comment: A�memo from the City Manager, a letter from four residents, and the radar reports were given you earlier under separate cover) - 12. Discussion Regarding Funds from the Sale of Stolen or Confis- cated Property n 0 0 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 3, 1968 PAGE 3 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 13. Receiving Report of Annual Police Auction held May 11, 1968 14. Receiving Bids on Two Police Cars (Bids Opened May 29, 1968 at 12;00 Noan) 15. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting, May 22, 1968 and Communication Regarding Restaurant � Discussed in Item 4. � 16. Receiving the Minutes ot the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, May 27, 1968. Comment; The Minutes of September 13, 1967 referred to as "Attachment" are on Pages 53 through 57.) 17• Receiving the Communicatian Regarding the Little League Ball :... Park discussed in the Parks and Recreation Minutes. Comment; The Lease Regarding this Little League Park is on Pages 59 through 62.) 18. Receiving the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Meeting, May 27, 1968 19. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, May 23, 1968 ' ' 20. Receieing the Minutes of the Housing and Redevelopment Meeting, May 15, 1968_ � I _1 ' , 21. Resolution Relating to the Allocating of Funds for a Pedestrian Bridge at 51st Avenue Norttieast and University Avenue (T.H. ��47) Comment; This Resolution is on the agenda at.the_req.uest of Councilman Liebl) 22. Resolution Abating the Special Assessments on Lots 1 through 30, Block 10, Hamilton Addition to Mechanicsville, Sacred Heart of Jesus Polish Catholic Church. Comment: See'the memo from the Finance Dire,ctor on Page 68 for explanation.) . Pages 43A- 46 Pages 47 - 50 Pages 51 - 57 Pages 58 - 62 Page 63 Pages 64 & 65 Page 66 Page 67 Pages 68 - 70 0 I �, , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENllA - JUNE 3, 1968 ' . NEW BUSINESS Continued) • ' � '} /` �� 2�: Resolution Ordering Improvement, Approval of Plans and .;� Advertising for Bids; Street Improvement Project I, ' ST. 1968-10 (Seal Coating) . Ilr � Comment; This Resolution is to c�11 for bids on the 1968 Seal Coating Program) ' 24. Claims ' 25. Licenses ' 26. Trai.ler Perinit 27. Appointments � ' COMMUNICATIONS• � ' � � _ (A) Innsbruck Home Owners Association, Inc. ' Re: Resolution they have passed opposing Blaine or Ham Lake sites for airport. ' VISITORS• ' , ADJOURN • � ' . ' ' � �, . ' . ' • . PAGE 4 Pages 71 & 72 Page 73 Pages_ 74 - 76 Page 77 Page 78 Pag� 79 0 TH� t11NU�1'LS Or �l'1IE P,�GULfiP COUi.�TCST� i��i;E`i':Ci`1G OF i�k'�Y 20, 19'v8 �rhe Ftegular Counci]_ r"�Teeting o-� i�1ay 20, 19�62 was calZed to order by P�ayor TCirkharn a� 8:00 P.IyI. • R�LL CALL• MET�2bERS PZES�T?�i': �:i�'kham, H�rris, Li.ebl , Samuelson, Sheridan I,�EP�Il3ERS ABSEN�l': None APPROVAL OF I�I�-TZU'!'ES OF THE S�i�CT��L COUNCST� I�IEE'I'ING OF AnRIL 29, 1968;_ MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adot�� �che i�tinutes o� the Special Cauncil Meeting oi April 29, 1968. Seconded by Councilman I�arris. U�on a voice vote, all voLing ay�, I��layor �:irl�ham decl.ared the motion carried unanirnously. - APFROVAfi�, OF r1ID?UTES OF TI�.k� REGUL�?1R COUi�TC:LL I�1�E`1'ING Or P�1AY 6, 1968: Councilman Harris drew the a�tten�ion o� �he Council to �he motion of Page 18 oi the P2�nu-ces o� l�tay 6, ? 968 concerning the bid avaard for the police nuarters remocleling, and s-�ated that he would like to subsL- �.tute far the motion tha-c does appear , the iollowing which he asked the �dma_nistration -co pre�are :Crom the tape: � "I note in�a coiiunun�cation given to �he C��y pertaining to another item, but certainly it covers this par-cicular award �or gensral cont.ractor �or wor7c on the police De�ar-cmen-c, indica�ing on Page 2, •in an addendurn that we have, zhai. t�?e award (this is irom the Attorney) should be macie to the lo�vest responsibie b�dcler, anci the Council may use disc-retion in deterrnining �vhich Company is the lovaest respons�_ble bidder. I th�nk using that terminology and that paxticular case and applying ii. �o the Police De�artment, I U�OUT�D SO MOVE to a�r�ard the contrac-c to Bob Zuehlfte Construc-tion, 6��5 Pierce SLreeL, in -the amount o� $11,928.00, awarding the base bid only at this time . This is $300 higher thari the J ow bid as. so shown, but I thin7c in �his particular c�se, in the experi,ence we have had ir� tne pas-c, that this rea)_ly is the low bid. " Councilman Harris said that anyth�_ng else that�appeared in the Minu-tes were comments on his pari. and not a part oi his• motion. MOTXOI3 by Councilman Harris to ada�� the I�iinutes oz the Regular Council Meeting oi May 6, 1968 as ccrrec�ed. Seoo nded by.Council- man Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, DZayor•Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � APPROVE�L OF THE P2INUTES OI' THE SPECIAL PUSLIC TiEI�2ING MEETIT3G OF MAY 13, 19Fi8: � • MOTZON by CounciJ_man Harris to a.dopt the Minutes of the Special � Public Hearing NZeeting of t�Iay 13, 1968. Seconded by Councilman SamueJ.son. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �:irkham c7eclared the motion carried unani_mously. � 0 I ' I2EGULAI2 COUNCIL MEE^lING, MAY 20, 1968 ADOPTION OF 1�GEx�1DA: PAGE 2 � Mayor Kirkham said that there were two ztems to be added. Item 10a °Award of Bid far New Trac��or Plus �i�ttachment for the Park ' Departrnen�t, and Iteii� 35 "Regarding youth Achievernent Awarc�s ." M01^ION by Councilraan LieUl to adop�c the agenda as amended,. ' � Secondec� by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote all aye� Mayor Kir;charn deci �rec� the rnotion carr�_ed• unanimously. , � � � ' , VACA�i'ION OF M�SIIALL STREET - NSSSD: Mayo-r �;ir7ch�m r8ad the public Hearing Notice. Harold Harris, 6210 P.ivervieG•� Terrace, a visitor at the Council fi7ee�tzng, said that Lr11S v�.cation oi i�tarsnall Street creates a pro- blem ior him as he otivns some proL�erty on the k�est siue oi P�arshall Street, and this vacation would not� give him any access. He said his attorney hus talked to NSSSD, and they want to gzve him an easement, which �>>ouJ_c� be re�ciy in a v�ee7�, or t�ao at the most. He asked tha�t th� s be tabled until th-� s problern can be seitled. Mr. Harris ��as asked i_� NSSSD c�id no-c acciuire this iroin nim or. a 99 year lease. 1ir. Harris re�].i.ed �hat they di� not. Council�nan Sheridan said �_n this case the Public Hearing should not be closeu. He felt �the Ci-cy iiaci been mis-in�ormcc� by NSSSD in tha� they told i.he City some 1� monL�is ago tney had acquired the lanu ior 99 years. P�OTION by Councilman �Iarris to con�?nue the Public Hearing to tYie Regular Councii 1•Zee�ing oi June 3rd. He said the Board has agreed with the excizange o� �roperty ior �che vaca-cion. Councilman Samuel- son asYed I��. FIarol.d Harras to iorward � letter to the Ca.ty as soon as an agree,nen�� betiaeen his a�ttorney and NSSSD has been reached. Mr. H. I-Iarris repl�eu tnat he would. The mot?.on to continue the Public Hearing� to June 3rd was seconded %y Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye; t�tayor Y.ir}.ham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Liebl said he �ras concerned wit'n the clean-u� oi the area. If peo2�?e are dumping garbzge in this area, the law sh ould be enforced . He sai� he �,�ould liJ�e i:o 1;no�� from Mr . Christensen just w�at and ho��� much property does AISSSD ovm. . ' S�COND F�:ADiD7G OF O.c DINAL�TCE NU£�iBER 392 - AN OP.DTNANCE ���1`1D:CNG 012D.iN�NCE NO. 372 Ot `1'HE CITY CODE P,EGUl�A7.'TI�TG t�ND I�7CENSTNG FOOD ESTT�BLI�Hc•ZEN'1�S AND r OOD V�;DiUTNG i��:�CIi�NES EII�?D PI:OVIDING E� PENI�LTY '' FOR VIOI�.ATTOiSS T�?�?�.EOr': (Temporary Suspension of License) ' a � r ' F'.EGU:VI�R CQUNCTL I�1i.G�1'ING, P+II�Y 24, 19E�3 PAGE 4 ' COi�TSID�R�TlOD1 Oi{ P�ZONING F�EQiT�S�l' ZOr� 7; 68-06 �IIRSCII BROS. AND CON'i'SNiJED Pt1ULZC H:�ARING Oi�T V�C.���.'TOi�i OF S`1,P.E�T - HIRSCFI B1:OS . ' ' � Councilman 5neridan as]:ed the City I�ianager if he hac� reczived any proposals in line with the discussion oi the last meeting. The City Nlanager repi ied t7iat he did not. Mayor Kirkharn as:�ed Mr. Phillip Hirsc'n abou-t this and he replied �cha-� it was his understanding tnat f�here wou]_d be a vote taken at this rnee-�ing on what had been proposed. P�Jx'. j•�T.D. Plum, a visitor to the iUiee-i ing, sta�ed that he had ' chec}ced the foo�.age beiore he came toniyht and he is 75' irorn tlze river banl� and approximai:ely 4-2' irorn the north 1ine. � , Councilman Harris �s}>ed P•'ir. plum then if that is true, i� i�lx'. Hirsch chose to exeinpt the nor-�h portion, and move tize apart- ment buildings in line, would this have the eifect or bringing it closer to your 'nouse, or at ?east just as close? Mr. Plum replied that -ch:i_s ���as �rue. He said it was ha.s understanding at tYie las� mee-txng that the Counczl -tliouc�ht P�Lr. HirscYi c•,�auld be bringing in an alternate p1an. He said that �ahat he wantec3 was a sizeable bu�ier be�ween the.two properties, and if this could be done, he would go along ��ith this p-ro�osal. He ques�ioned the � possibility o� tiiere beirig at some J ater date a small �ood mar}:et or rilling sta�tion on the 100' iront property. He said this would penal.ize him, and he and hzs nezghbors wer� there iirs�. ' ' C' � ' ' ' � Councilrnan Fiarris sa?d that it cauld be made a part oi the deed that there could be no filling sta-czons or food markets on this land.. This brings up the question o� how to utilize the N12 af Lo� 7, to re�ain as P,-1 wou�ld actually have the eifect o�: putting the builc�ing closer to Mr . Plurn. MOTTON by Councilman Samuelson to approve of this rezoning request. He said he �ie1 i. that Mr . Hirsch has g? ven i:hought to protecting the people to t'ne north through landscaping etc. I� he were to start hacking tYie comple� apart, he would loose the economic �easibiJ.ity oi the project, and rnaybe the comple� woulc� noi. go. through, and tllat he was in iavor o:� this request for rezoning as recommended . Gouncilnlan Liebl pointed out that 2�Lr. �iirsch does �not live in this City, is" just a developer, arr.� as such is noi: interes�L-ed in the effects this �raould hav� on the City, and upon the peo�le who have bought property here 1�-15 years ago. �^rhen they bought, they thought tha�..the property �•�ould•remain R-1. These people are as}�ing that some consideration be given them. He asked Mr. Hirsch i� he would consider deleting a portion of the north wing. � a � ' REGUL�-��'. COUNCIL P�;E.�, i ING , P�1AY 20 , 19 G8 PAGE 5 A vis7tor to the P4eeting asked ii: �.nyi.Y�ing could be done about the li-ttle strip oi land to the north, �ahich was only 38'. She did not �eel this 41c"1.S an adequa�te bui:�er between where sYie lives and the apartrnen�c, as i:izey would exit on tn.ai. side, ancl she was very concerned oaith the i,ra�iic and nois�, �hat would �esult �rom� a compZex oi 1�r4 un7-�s. She �elt -chat the 38' deiinite?y �aas not enou�h of a bu�:ier. A4r. �-Iirsch told her they would provic�e plant- ings and also cot�si:ruc-L- a berm i� she wi.s'ned. The visitor `did not feel t'nat t'nis c�aould be adequa-ce and was not a good substitui.ion �o�: more land . � Councilman �Iarris said the City has set a preceden�t in the past concernin� R-3 �nd I�-1 structures. There are sorne places which are R-3, and across the r�ad are P-1 homes. Councilnan Harris su�yested an amendmen�C. to the iZo��ion �ha-L- the north line :�e extended an adc�ii.ional 22' (to ec�ual a street) , this would g�ve a total o� 60' as a buifer �-ahich �,.=oulc� certainly com�ly v�i�ch tlze policy in �he pas�c.. � Councilm�n _Lieb1 said he could noi, go al.ong with this, because o� the pro:�leras the people nacl ��ith t�ze apartrnent house on S�carlite Boulevarc�. '�ha.s a�ar�rnent house daas build against tne peo�le's wishes, however, since they aid provide garages etc. the �eople have Iearned to live with it. He said 'ne coulc� not see why Tflr. Hirsch could no-c build h? s comp�_e�, ���i c'nout -L-l�.e nor-c'ri �•�i.ng. The CiLy T�i�na,er asked i�1r . Hirsch i� hE could not pu-i; the nori.h ��ing on i:�ie south sic�e. T�Ir. Hirsch re��lied i.hat tiie comL�lex ?s con- ceived ���ith a cen-�ral area and the �lan woutd have �o be redone. ' The Gity Engine�r suc;gested m�ving the entry drive-�aay do��n �oward t'ne sou-ch . Councilrnan Samuelson sa? d he thought this woulc7 be a good ic�ea. NLr. Hirsch then saicl �hat the plantings could be rnoved ' nort.h to �rovide tl�e 'puiier the lady in tlze audience vaanted. She repliec� that -L-his woulcl be mucn.'Ae'czer. � ' � ' The Moi.ion be Councilman Samuel.son �vas then seconded by Council-- rnan Sheridan. Councilman Sherid�n szid he would no� be hap�y wi�th a 6' • berzn. It seeras v�e are as7�ing yor all the compromzses �rom the peop?e and none irom the devel_o�er. He pointed out thaL there is not step zoning here, as there should ',�e and in this way is not the saine as a plat wh�re i� is provided. . ti�7e are going : iroin P.-1 direc�cl.y to R-3 here. P��ayor �:irY.harn repliecl �.hat moving the street to 'che south and hav � ng tize area landscapec� as a park is a concession. Councilman Harris as]ced r�1r. Plurn ii th� acldition- al 60' side yard se�bac�: �rould be all right. P�ir. Plurn replied, "give us 60' and we vaill be lzap�y. " . - RLGUI��P. COLJTvCII I�IL.E`l'1"NG, I��1Y ?_0, � 9u3 , PAGE 6 Tir. Hirsch as;iGCl ii �he Council couZd -chen pos'tpone �ireir aecision on tl�e rezonin� recjuest to give hirn a chance to talk �:o his arciiitect . Councilman Sa:muelson re��lied tliai: he ���ou'.d wi-tiidraG•� 'nis preva_ous � motion wiLri 'r.rie ac�reemen-c of tlie s�c'oncler . i�tOTION by Councilman Sheridan i.o t�i�i e Liie rezonin� reauest ZOA ;-�68-06 Hirsc'n }3ros. �o the rnee-�in� a:� June 3rd. Seconclea by Councilrnai�. Lie'a� . U��on a voice vo�e, ai Z voting aye, A�Iayor Kir��iiarn decla-red �he rno-�ion carr?ec� unanimously. i•7-r. Hirsch saic? tha�. he was su�e ��he arci�itect could wor1; out� sorneining �.o concur botiz with ►.iie resic�en-�s and tiie Council. The Czty Encjineer pointed oui ti�at ��ae have a storrn sevaer easement on i.he sout�i, anc: should have a s��ree� ease,nent in here ior access i:o i:he river. CONSIDERA`i�'1.ON O� 2'P.%�I�'1�'IC P[�T�.PEL'�.iV T`EA.P, F:iL�STEP. AI�Al2�i�'T-'�N`i5 OPT E[�ST P.IVER 1.Ot�D • T�Lr. Filis-ter �rouCh-� d�it�1 hirn a p? an ��orkeci oui: by his Engineer. Tne City En,ineer poin�ed ou�� �.hat cn l�ti-. Filister's proposal the City �-�ould acquire land ror a r�ad �rorn hi:s apariment pro�erty, arid thai: i.he Ci-L-y's major objeccion ��aas that the service road would be Loo close to tne main hic,,h��ay. Sarn Caplin, Actorney for bZr. Fii ister, szicl that ;�asi.calJ_y they have t4��o prok�lems ���i�'n -L-he �roposal �aor7ceu out by the City Engineer; one is f-.hat tiie coilsidera-t�_on cam� rai:iier l�ate in tne yame as the � grounca wor7i is already started for �he garages . He saiu tlzat they uic, have a plan an�roved by �he Council, and now they find t'riey have to cn.an;e i-�. Tnis �irs-L- pro��osal brings the road very ciose to the apar'cinent bui].dings ana �� cu�s tlie property into pieces, whicii iie woula lil�e to avoic� :�� possible. Tize garac;es are � heliind ihe road, so peo��le ��aoui d have to cross a public xoad- way. The di-�=�e-r�nce be-cween I��L . 1,�_lister's �roposal and t'n� City Engineer's cornes a�ter you yo ��ast the apartmen-L- houses, a�=ter tha� i� con-L- � nues running para� 1e1 ���ith East P.iver Ro�c1 and provides a cLi-C.-o-�=i a�. 59 2 t�venue and CiiarJ.es Street, and ma}�es �use o-� the County -ri�lit o-� way. This a1 Zoti��s us to ma;�e rna: �imum use ox L'n.e land. Using -che old pro�osal� ���ould necessita�.e children � cut�cing aeross -che road. I3e said -cizey ieel that be-i.��er �lanning �' coulcl be done. IIe said he realizes tlie Ca.ty P�Iana�er ancl the City EncJineer have vaar7>ed hard on i.h�_s, ho��ever, it necessitates the�r changing 'r.heir plans at consicler���?_e co�t to 41iem. He said �here ..�.� ; �- _� I 'b. , � r � , ' ' 1 , � . I , ' ' ' , I ' ' F.EGUI,-�R COUNCIr� T�lEu�'�J�TNG, MZ-��,.'' 20, � 96£3 PE,GE 7 is '$4,000 -$5,000 work ta be dane in re-compaction, re-staking; re-surveying and the ditch =illed in. He said he feels th zs plan is not a good plan bu� ai: leas-L- ii: is a comprornise . Councilrnan H�rris point;ed out -L-hat -chis project wa.s not developed fc�r the benefit of the Ci�y especiall.y. �ie then asked a�out snoca reiu�val provisions. ��ir. Filister said that he has provzded 15' minimum on the City Engineer's r�con�nenda�ions. He also said that the Ci�y �nginee-r had qu�stioned whether 15' ditch would be enough to allow ada�;;uai�e drainage, which he ��as objecting to as Mr. Filister relt that 15' was enough. Councilman Liebl as)�ed. P�Ir. Filister if the plan prepared by the City r��anager is agreeable to him, i� the assessment cost�problem can k�e straightened out. 1�R:�. Canlin replied that it is; and that we wauld expect to pay assessrnent cos-cs ii the road is a bene�it to us, however, ii it serves �he �roper�cy norih also, this is some-L-hing else again. TJir. Filis�ter said that they did not want to drain 300-4•00 cars past their bu�ldings, but in orde� to cor- rec-t the situa-cion., he is willing to go along with it. The City Engineer had pointed out to them tha� i� they cooperaze with this plan, the li};.elihood ot eventually be�ng served with sernaphores is much c�reater. There �ollowed much discussion as t o the posi'cion of the garages, rbaaways, and proper placei�zent. They �hen considered the City Manager's proposal which has the advantage o� not cui-.ting through their pro2erty, but as the Attorney for AZr. Filister pointec� oui� they wi1l have the ac�ditional cost of $4,000 -�$5,000 incurred by having to move garages etc., the preliminary work of�cahich was d one maizy weeks ag o. � Councilman Liebl said that he had al��aays been in such a hurry; and that this reques-t should have proceec�ed through proper channels. Mr. Caplin replied that he Lelt tha-c the Council had had su:cficient time to consider this plan and at the tir�e should have warned P�2r. Filister that at sorne future tirn� a road might be necessary to go through his pro�erty, then he could have proceeded�at his own risk. Councilman Lieb]_ expressed the viev�� that he feels that the plan presented by the City M�nager is a good plan and could be adopted. . � Councilman Harris pointed ou-t -�h�t as NLr. Filister is aware, vae . are striving �or s.ignalizai:ion at tYiis intersection, however, if the County construes this as a private roac� and only pays 12 of the cost, the City could not pick up the o-L-her half, ii it only serves a private complex. '° � , � � � ' ' ' �J , r-, k _J ' REGUI.�AR COUNCTL NlEETING, M1�1Y 20, 1968 PAGE 8 .-.� �. . .,::1 Mr. Cap�,in sui� tha�c he �a�� a�:7are of this, and his main complaint is that th is problem comes at this late date, but that they do want to get is resolved. Mayor �:irkham agreed that the timing was unfortunate. He said he felt that the proposal by the City Manager would seem to be the most workable for both the City and the developer. Mr. Caplin asked about the costs of the new part of the.roadway when it is put in in the future. Council.man Harris said that if there is no benefit it is not assessed. The Attorney also asked about the additional costs incurred by changing the plan. Councilman Harris said that part of that will be a proposed cost of the intersection cost the City will bear. Mr. Filister asked who was going to pay the additional $2,000 or more caused by changing the plans. Councilman Harris rep].ied that Mr. Filister must consider also the cost involved if the County signalizes the intersection and considers it a traffic hazard, he would then have to pay the rest of the signalization cost, which would be considerable. Mr. Filister said he would like to have his Engineer look over tha.s proposal, and would suggest that the Council give the City Engineer and City Manager some guideline to follow, so that in the coming few days if he can v�ork something out, he could talk to them. MOTiON by Councilman Harris to follow the concept as drawn by the City Manager, called Exhibit C. Seconded by Councilman�Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �;irkham declared the motion carried vnanimously. � The City Engineer poa.nted out that the City Council commit the County right of way. Councilman Sheridan Mr. Filister was to wait for"the County, it might be , perhaps 90 days, and he is aware that he wants to m quickly as possible. The City Engineer said that th ab out 5' of County property, and that if he does not ' it might be possible to shift the road a few feet an the delay. ' ' � cannot s�.id that if a delay of a�e along as ere is only want to wait, d eliminate FINANCING OF LOOPBACKS AT EAST RIVER ROAD AND MISSISSIPPI STREET AND THE STREET TO THE VJ�ST: LOOPBACKS AT THE INTERSECTSON OF � MISSISSIPPI STREET AND T.H. �47 �UNIVERSITY): ; . Q The City Attorney said that he Tt is more a matter of policy he would have is if in certain the benefits are equal to the e had no quarrel with the suggestion. than legality. The only question instances, it can be told whether assessments for benefits accrued. i ,� , � R,EGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 20, 1968 PAGE 9 MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve this concept of financing. � Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Pdanager pointed out that if a street is put in to�the rear of property already served by a street in the front, they are assessed 25% of the cost of the street as it is €elt they do have some benefit by having access to the rear also. RESOLUTION N4. 77-196$ - AUTHORIZING APPROVAL AND SIGNATURE OF NEW MTNNEAPOLIS - F�'.,�DLEY SEWER CONTRACT: The City Attorney commented that the original contract was written in 1954, and th is contract is far superior. The City Engineer said that the rate structure is much better. About � e sewer bi11 for the first quarter or 1968, there was a problem with the metering structure, their proposal was for 300 c�allons per conneetion, and a compromise was reached at 275 gallons per connection. We have about 4,700 connections in the City. MO'�`ION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution No. 77-1968. Seconded by Councilma.n Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham d4clared the motion carried unanimously. �ISCUSSxON OF THE PROPOS�D WATER SYSTEt1 INTERCO�TNECTION WITH MOUNDSVIEW: The City Engineer explained that there is no hurry about this if the Council would like to consider it more. It is only for emergency use on_a stand-by basis for fires etc. The question was raised as to how this would aftect our fire rating. It was suggested by Councilman Sheridan that this should be checked with the Fire Department. ._ MOTION by Councilman 5amuelson to refer this back to the Admin- istration for coordination with the Fire Department. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declar°d the motion carried. B ID OPEN ING : PP:RK DE PARTMENT TR.ACT OR AND ATTACHMENT : The City Manager 5ave a run-down of the b ids received, and stated that both bids met specifications. � • �„ ' � , , , REGUI,AR COUNCIL MC�TING, MAY 20, 1968 Proposai B idder PAGE 10 � ``�'i i Bid Delivery Date _ Ford Model 2112-3C Long Lake $3,395.00 including Ford Flail Farm Su�,�ply Inc. Mower Model 907 Ford Model 2112-3C Midway Tractor &$3,390.00 including Ford Flail Equipment Co. Mower Mode1 907 Approx. 30 days 30 da��s or be�ore. ' MOTION by Councilman Liebl to award the bid for a tractor plus attachment for the Parks and Recreation Department to Ma.dway Tractor & Equipment Company in the amount of �3,390,00. Motion seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham �. declared the motion carri.ed unanimously. , , ' ' , � ki ., ' ' ' � � R�CESS• 9•50 P.M. to 10•00 P.M. CONSIDERA.TION OF APPLICATION £OR SIGN PERMIT - EMBERS: Z`he City Engineer said tlie location oi the requested sign is the southwest corner of Osborne Road and T.H. #65 just north o� : Fridley Terrace. He said that usually if a sign meets the requi.rernents we would issue a permit, i£ not, we would bring the application to Council. This application does meet the re- quirements, however, he wanted to ma};e sure the Council did not reel that we would be getting too many large signs in the City. This sign is for a Fridley concern. Mayor xirkham said he had no objections. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the application for a sign permzt for Embers. Seconde��by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voa.ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RE�UEST FOR�SPLITTZNG OF ASSESSMENTS - WARGO AND BAI2NA: THE SOUTH 55 FEET OF THE ti9EST 150 FEET OF THE EAST 800 F�ET OF L07.' 7, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 25 � SECTION 24, TOWN- SHIP 30, RANGE 24, tiaEST, ANOIiA COUNTY, MINNESOTAs Mr. G.D. Giancola, of Wargo and Barna, was present at the Meeting representing the Sullivans, requesting a lot split as it applie"s to the above description, in rela-cion to Lot 7. Since Mr.. Sullivan and his mother obtained title to that portion of Lot 7 they have had difficulty in recording their deed due to the fact that Lot i was sold on a contract to bZoon Corporation, �and they were going to file a plat known as T�rry's Additi.on which would have solved the real estate tax problem. Due.to events beyond the Sullivans' control, this was never done and for this reason they were never able to iile said deed. The recording of this deed i.s very a.mportant due z� zhe fact that the parcel in '4 � , R,EGULA.R COLTNCIL T��TING, M�Y 20, 1968 PAGE 11 � question comprises other property on Lot 8 which has the old Sul].ivan homestead on. it. The Sullivan's wish to sell the old homestead but have been unable to do so due to the fact that ' they could not tile a deed in reference to this property. He said he has the deed and is hoPing to record it by May 31, 1968 to save an interest. ' � , ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' �J ' ' The Ca.ty Engineer said the problem came a}aout because the pro- posed Terry's plat fe11 through. If the property is less than an acre -the Council can c�rant a lot split, ii it is more, p],at- ting is required. This is an unusual situation and would normally require a lot split, however, the Council can authorize splitting of assessments. The Czty Attorn�y asked if the 150' x 55' wi11. be a building s?te. Mr. Giancola replied that �his was not the intention and that it is just an accomodation to the building in existance, and that they are hoping in.the near iuture to sell the home and this parcel would go with it so that the site could be served. There fo11o5raed much discussion as to the size of the lots and the lay out oi the land. The City Attorney said that this request could be considered as a requ�st for a lot split. The Finance Director sugges�ed that if they approve of the lot split the Council coul.d also adopt the resolution. MOTION by Councilman Harris to ap�rove the lot split request on • the South 55 feet of the west 150 fee�, of the east 800 feet of Lot 7, �uditor's Subdivision �25. P�otion seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Tdayar Kirkiiaxn declared the motion carxied unanimously. RESO.LUTION NO. 78-1968 - A RESOL'UTSON AUTHORIZING AND' DIRk�LTING THE SPLITTING OF ASSESSr�NTS ON THE SOUTH 55 . FEET OF 'i'HE �r�7EST 150 FEET OF' THE EAST SOO FEET OF LOT 7 AUDTTOR'S SUBDIVISTON NO. 25: MOTION b� Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution No. 78-1968. Motion �econded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECETVING THE P�IINUTES Or THE BO�RD OF �PPEALS I�'IEETING MAY 8 1968; 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQU�ST FOR A SPrCIAL USE PERI��IT TO ERECT A� Tfr�O-I�'AMILY Dir�TELLING IN R-1 DISTRICT THE SAME BEIIQG LOTS 1 AND 3, BLOCK l, GUNDERSON TERRt�CE. (RE�UE.ST BY LA.RRY D�AN FERGUSON, 7765 SPRING LAKE ROAD1 MPLS )- ,4. , � REGULAR COUIQCTL N1�ETING, MAY 20, 1968 � ' ' ' ' , ' '' ' ' ' � ' ' ' PAGE 12 MOTION by Councilman Harris to c�ncur with the Soard of Appeals in the denial of the Special Use permit. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kir}�am declared the motion carried unanimously. � PE_T_ITSON �;-'9-1968: REQ�UEST DENIAL OF aPECTAL USE PERMIT FOR LARRY DEAN FERGUSON: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to.receive Petition ¢�9-1968 re- qu�sting denial o� the Special U5e Yermit. Seconded by Council- man Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. 2. �EQUEST FOR A VARiANCE OF SECTION 45.24 Fk'.OM 17� FE�T TO 10 FEET� AND VARSANCE OF SECTION 45.23 FROP�i 10 FEET TO PERMIT EP,ECTZON_ OF A 60 ' DU7ELLSNG ON A 75 'X 125 ' LOT , TIiE 5�i� BEING LOT . 12, BLOC�: 4, EDG��^lATER GARDENS , OR 90 FtICE C1�EEY. V�AY N.Fo FRIDT_,EY, P�SINNESOTA. (�.EQUEST B�.' S.E. T�1�IPLTIQ�, BUILD£R, 6184 STINSON BTVI}. , MPLS. , MINNE S OTA� : MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Board of Appeals to grant the reques-c for variance. Seconaed by Councilman Samuelson: Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, Mayor Kirkham declared i;he motion carried unanimously. , � RECEIVING T�TE P�ITNUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDAItD5-DESIGN. CONTROL SUBCONii�IITTEE MEETING OF MM111Y 15, 1968: 1. CONSIDEPAT�ON OF CONSTRUGTZON OF fi. STOR.AGE BUTLDING _(25` X 12�) ON LOTS 6, 7, 8, 9, AND PART OF 10, BLOCK 12, L�,7ELL'S ADDITION TO FPIDLEY PAR.K, THE SA1�2E BEING 6480 UNIVERSITY A�l'ENUE N.E. (REQUEST BY STANDARD OIL COP�iPAN`Y, DIVT3ION OF Ac�i.t�i:SCAN OIL) : The City Engineer explained that they �aanted to build a small addition to the gas station in back o� their property. He requested approval subject to a 5'�easement on the nc�rth side of the property for sidewalks, that the building be painted to match the rest oi the�building, and have a metal fire resistant door.: MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the request for w nstruction ' of a storage building subjeci: to tYieir yiving a 5' easement for �' sa.de���alks, pain-ting the addition �o ma-�ch the rest of the . a i building, and a metal fire resistanic door. Seconded by-Council- ' man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mo-�ion carri�d unanimously. '• � ' � , REGULA_R COUNC2L MEETING, I"IAY 20, 19G8 PAGE 13 2. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY Ii�.�2RTS ERECTZON FOR AN 80' X 80' LTGFiT MANUFACTURING BUILDING ON LOTS 34, 35, 36, 37, BLOCK 8, ON�1L�7AY ADDITION: � The City Engineer pointed out tha�. th is request has no� gone to the Building Standards - Desi�n Control Subcommittee yet as he reques-�ed it a�ter adjourn�-�nt and a quorum was no longer ' present. They have put in a building on 77th Way and ETm street, and now they want �.o-put one in on the other side, with the same set back requirements anc� same size building. He said the ' Council could issue a permit, then ichey cou2d go to the Building Standarc7s - Desic�n Control Subcommittee for their approval. The City Engineer said there is a Public Hearing for storm sewer , coming up soon on this area, and the property awner sh ou].d be. � made aware of i.t. , MOTxON by Councilman Sheridan to grant Harris Erection a founda- tion permit, then they would go bac}: to the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee for their approval. Seconded l�y ' Council,man Harris. Upon a voice vote, Samuelson abstaining, Kir};ham, Harris, Sheridan and Liebl vota.ng aye, Mayor Kirkham delcared the motion carried. ' ' ' � _J �� � , , RECEIVING TI� MINUTES OP THE PLANitiTING COP�IT�I�SSION P1tEETTNG OF MAY 9, 1968: l. LOT 5PLTT REQUEST: LoS. ;,�68-08, ING T. SIVERTS JR.: PART OF LOT l, REVISED AUDI�i''�JR'5 SUBDIVISION #r10- The City Engineer said that this is the same registered land , survey the Council has reva:ewed before. The State of Minnesota has an easement and Mr. Siverts is willing to give us a 66' wide r ight o� , way over the. ; ame land . � Mr. Siverts said tha� it was his understanding that the County has a new requiremeni. regardiny lot splits where there is a registered land survey. St was his understandiny that the Planning Commission Chairman woul.d also be required to sign the hard shell along wii:h the registered land survey. The City Manayer told N,r. Siverts that the City would take care oi this requirement. � MOTION by Councilman Harris to co ncur with the Planning Commission and grant th� request for Lot Split 1;�68-08, Iny T. Siverts, Jr. Secon.ded by Counca.lman Sheridan. �Upon a voice vote, alT voting aye, Mayor Y:irkham declared the motion carried unanimously. �• r ' ' ' � ' ' ' � ' �._I ' REGULAR COUNCIL l�ETTNG, NlP,Y 20, 19G� PAGE 14 2. PUBLIC HEAR�NG: PREI,IP�2TNARY PLAT. P.S. #68-02, PEAR- SONS SECON� AT�DTTION, S.Ge PE�2SON CO. , INC. , i.EPItEESENT-- ED BY I_�ONARD SAMUELSC�N: (North of 77th Way and East o= East River Road1, a Part of Section 3) The City Enc�ineer explained that the Planning Cammission has approved of the preliminary plat., ho��evex, the Cii:y ��ill need some add�.i:ional easements. Councilman Samuelson said i.hat he has agreed wi�h the Planning Commission and is willing to grant the easernents. Councilman Samuelson e�.plained that the reason Outlot A has no access, is that Barry Blo�•rer wants to expand and they would use this lot. If for some reason they do not, it wil�l be- come part oi L'ot 2. MOTTON by Councilman Lieb1 to ap�rove ,oi the preliminary plat and set the Public Hearinc� for the ��.na1 plat �or June 10, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, Counca.lman Samuels�n abstaining, Lie�l, Kir}�lzam, Sheridan, Harris voting aye, Mayor KirY•ham cleclared the motion' carried. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the Planning Commission Minutes�oi May 9, 1968. Motion seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, rsayor Kirkham dec]ared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING 'I'HE MSNUTES Or THE SPEGxAL PARIZS AND FtECF:EATION CO.�tI�1ISSION MEETING OF MAY 13, 1968: , ' MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the Parks and Recrea-tion Commission Meeting of seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting ' declared the motion carriec� unanimously. Minutes of the Special May 13, 1968. P�Iotion aye, Mayor Ka.rY�am ' VI__SZT_OR_ _MR. A.M. SCHirdETKERT, 6000 7TH STREET: CONiPLAINT OF CHILDREN ON HIS CORNER PLAYING FOR I31�.LF AN HOUP. BEFORE CROSS�NG STRkFET AI�7D G�ING �1�0 SCHOOL: ' ' , I ' I ' Mr. A.M. Sc'n�aei};ert, 6000 7th Street, was present at the Meeting to voice a complaint concerning the children cjoing to Parkview School gathering on his corner at about 8:15 A.M. and pl.aying on the boulevard and in his yard until the school patrol comes a� 8:45 A.M, to take the children.across the street. He won- dered if sideo�a.l7�s on both sides o�� 60th Avenue from 7th Street to University would not help the situation, or the possibility of persuading the School Board to allow the school children onto the graunds be�ore school convenes. It was his understanding that they were not allawed onto tize grounds at this ti.me. He � r � a� '�. � ' REGULA.R COUNCTL T�IELTING, MAY 20, 196II PAGE 15 , explained that the children have trampled the sod in the boule- ' vard until there is none left, and that they are ruininJ ha.s yard. Mr. Schweikeri, also pointed out that on rainy days vahen some of the mo-L-hers drive the ch ildren -co school, there is much ' more traf�ic, and he is atraid one o� the children is going to get hit. Councilman Samuelson suggested that he get a petitian and present it. I+�ir. Schweikert replied tha-t he is doinc� that now. ' Mayor Y.irkham suggested that the residents being troubled by this wr.ite to the School Board asking them to allow the children onto tlze schoo7. grounds before school starts. ' , ' ' �J ' ' I � I� � ' Chief P�icCarthy explained that �he chil.dren at Parkview have been well trained in the importance or not crossing the inter- sec-tions wif.houi� the School Patro? . He suggested that for the remainder o� the school year one o� Y�is men be on the corner to he1.p the children across iche stree-t, un��i1 a permanen� solution could be arrived at, th is summer. � MOTION by Counci�.man Samuelson to concur with the CY�ief oi Police's suggestion and patrol that intersection fo� the �emain- der o� the school year. Seconded by Councilman Liebl,. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirl�am declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF MURPHY OIL STATION AT E�1ST RIVEi2.ROAD AND P�ISSTSSZPPT S'SR�ET INaERSECTION. REQUPST BY i�2. SAVELKOUL: Mr. Donald Savelkoul, representing I�ir. Leonard Gertzen, a property owner on the southeast corner of the intersection of Mississippi Stxeei and East.River Road, �•�as present and explained that this matter came up be.;:ore the Council on February 5, 19G8 and the Couraci.l took action thaz night . Subsec�uently Mr . Gertzen received � this letter trom the Murphy.�0il Corporation stating they wish to terma.nate iche option. After Mr. Gertzen received this letter he contacted Mr. Savelkoul and he and the City Engineer attempted to rind out what the problem was, and so iar, Pdr. Savelkoul stat�d, he has not been able to find out �vhat zhey have referred to. i�ir. Gertzen has received an offer tor this property which is accept- able to him and he �aould like to sell it. If Murphy Oil Corp.,. has a problem Yie would like to see �t resolved and in this effort he had notizied the T'[urphy Oil Corp. I'rid�y by telephone, and Mr. Lundberg, representative, Mr. Ralph�Tully, �ttorney, ana r�.r. ReA. Ellis, Bro};er, are present here tonight,.to see if there is a probl.em here which has not been for.eseen. Mr. Ralph Tu11y, Attorney for Murphy Oi1 Carporation, said that he relt that the objection should be obvious when you compare the two REGUI,A.,T� COUI�ZCIT P/�ETI1.�7G, T1AY 20, 19(��3 PAGE 16 plot plans and the �act that the Council indicated at the February 5th meeting that that was the most that they could do. Mr. Lundberg, representative o� tYie Murphy 0il Corp. saic� that the question relative to this giece oi property really lies in the facL- that at the time the option �•�as ta}�en, there were al- ready plans aiooi: to upgrade the intersection of East River Road and P�iississippi Street. He said that he did not think iL was a question of bad faith, more a matter of poor comrnunication. In the �irst preliminary drawings oi the intersection, the plan actually had very little affect on Mr. Gertzen's property, and that in the ensuing mont'ns it was hard :Eor the City or County to give concrete ansc��ers as the plan was not completed. It was recommenued to �Lhem that they abtaa.n a Special Use Permit using the plan they had in an e��ort to ascertain just how this property could be used, which is what they did. The layout that was approved �vas contingent on -�he recluction of the land area, and the consequent reduction oi 4 dr�veways down �0 2. He explained that his function was not to give answers, bu-t to re�er the in�"orma�ian back to the main oLfice, �ohere the Murphy 0il Conpany, b�ing a corporation made the determinat3on -cha-�. �he plan was not feasible, with the square footage le��L, so it was �elt thaL they had no alternative bufi: to turn down the op�:ion. Coun.cilman Harris said he felt tha-� v�re had gone over the plan piece by piece and point by poin-i: at the previous meeting, and the Council was lezt with th� iee�.ing that Mx. Lundbekg concurred. He poini�ed ou� to Mr. Lundberg that the ora.� nal plan was in con�J.ic-t �,rith the ordinancea and could not expect approval. Mr. Lundberg then showed the map �hat was the result oi' the dis- cussions with �che Planning Commission and the City Engin�er, � that included what he felt were harmiul compromises. The City Engineer explained that �he original plan was never seen by the Council, and that through numerous ctiscussions, the new plan evolved. This plan wen-� to the subcommittees for appro- val and was a�proved w ith some scipulations, then to Councii for approval. He said that he felt thaz Lhe Murphy Oil Corp. had acted in bad �ai�:h by taking so much o:� the subcommittees' and CounciJ_'s tune with no indication or disap��roval oF the revised p1an: He said the plan should not have been presented to the Council if it was not acceptaA].e to Alurphy Oil Corp. �� ' '} �. � ' ' � � � � ' � � � F�GULAP. COUNCIL P�IEETING, P•1:AX 20, 19(�8 PAGE 17 �ir. L�andberg said that irom the tirne we starLed talking last summer,we were told the ���ay to get an answer was to apply for a Special Use Perrnit. No one could te11 at that time what the City, County, or the Murphy Oil Corp. could co me up with. It was his understanding that the Corporation �aas left to make their decision. The City Attorney said there was no indication in the Minutes of the I��ee-ting o� February 5, 1968 that they were unhappy with the stipula�ions and quoteci irom the MinuLes, "T�ir. Lundberg s�t�d he had been present at zhe mee-�ing and there would be no problem with any o� the s�:ipulations." Mr. Lundberg said in reply that zhis meeting had •to do only with landscaping, type ai construc- tion, height of f�nce etc. to which -t,hey had no disagree�nt. 2�ir. Ellis, Broker ior Murphy Oil Corp. said that he had talked to the Anoka County Engineer about wha�c was to be done with this ixitersection. He indica-Ited to PrLr. EJ.1is that the County could not move until the City decidea �vhat -chey wanted to do. He saad he fe�-� tha� i-t v,Tas me�ely a lact� of �,�orking together to work ou� a suitable solu�zon. The County.-�nqineer working an the plan with him and advised him to take it bac): to-the City fo� their approval. I� the :cour entrances were cut down to two, this would not be conducive to good tra�f9.c flow. The forced condernnation is what determined the Murphy Oil Corporation to �urn down the "option. The City Engineer said tha,t there w�as no question oi what addition- al rigYit o� wajT is needed zor a right �urn lana and this was poin�:ed out to them the �irst time. � , The City Attorney asked Mr. Lund.}aerg, i= they were not happy with this plan, what did �hey w��.nt . P1Lr . Lundbe.rg replied that he and Mr. Ellis jus�t received the letter today zo appear at the Meeting, � and thar. he had had no opportunity to tall: to the main orfice, that when P�urphy 0i1 Corporation made their decision, it was not with resentx:�en-c, but jusz the way the chips Fell. Couneilman 1 Harris suggested that Mr. Lundberg ob�.ain a copy o� �the C�ity Ordinances ancl a plan of the intersection and se� what he can come up with . � � � � AZr. Savelkoul eypressed the view oi himself and his �lient t��at they were hopeful thai: with the ne�a plan someLhing could be agreed upon. P�Lr. Gertzen was af the understanding �hat the sale had been consumated, and that Mr. Gertzen is `;�il�ing to cooperate as much as he can to move tha.s alorig. 1� , ' FEGULAR COUNCSL NI�E`.CING, MAY 2D, 1968 PAGE 18 � Councilman Harris said that the Council will be willing to look ,• at any plans they �•�ou.Lc� like to subini� that conforms io the City requirements etc. and tha-t -L-he Council is fle�>ible and in-�er- 1 ested in producing a building which would rit into the area and be an asset to i.he City. ' Mr. Ellis said that considerable time has been zaken up while the City and the County decided ��hat they wanzed to do with this intersecLion,- hocaever, maybe someLhing could be worked oui � if he could sit down �aith the Ci�.y Engineer or someone else clesignai.ed by the Council to try zo reach an agreeable solution to both parties. Councilman Samuelson asked the Cii:y Engineer � to see �hat Nurphy Oil Corporation has a copy of the intersection p1an. Councilman Slzeridan said -that he objected to the City � Council beinc� used as the fa11 guy to drop the option. Council- � man Harris'said thai they would be liappy to look az a proposal i:c they wish to brin� one in. ' � � � � MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the letter irom Prix. Savelkout as}cing for this item to be placed on -the May 20, 1968 agenda. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voi:ing aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mo�ion carried unanimU�zsl�t T�IOTSON by Councilman Samuelson to receive the letter to Mr. Gertz�n from the P�ur�hy Oil Corporation dated April 17, 1968, advising him that �hey are terminai.ing 4he option. Seconded by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. VIS�TOR: COP�I.PLAZNT C�NCERNSNG B& E PATROL� b2R. WA'YNE L�'�SON 7677 SACON DRIVE: � Mr. Tr�ayne Larson, 7677 Bacon Drive, �•�as present at the T�Zeeting to state a complaint about B�; E PaLrol. He has a German She�herd ��hicn he keeps in.�is fenced yard, but there are many dogs running loose, and they are not strays for the most par-t, t. just neighbors dogs which �hey do no-c keep tiecl up. Some of these dogs have had raba.es shots and some have not. He would li]�e to ' knota why the lav� is not enforced. He said that children have mistrea�ed his dog in the yard and he was le� out o� the fence and was hit be a car. V�rhen asY.ed by the City r�anager ii it was not � true that there was a fued going on in th is neighborhood, he �: replied that this was so. � � � t:� � �' , , � � R�:GUI�AR COUNC.iT., �'ETING, N`,,A� 20, 1968 PAGE 19 Councilman Sarnuelson told Mr. Larson that we have a re-writ-L-en con-tract and we can en�orce the la��� bet-�er this year. The CiLy I�anager said that he had talked to B& E Patrol and had also wri�tei�. a letter asking for more patrolling in iiz is area. There have also been some �r�arnings served. He explained that B& E Patrol does serve a large area and that they cannot be everywhere at once, however, the big�gest hel,p would be to sign a complaini�. With a signed complaint, there would be something tangible to wor]: w:i�.h. LICENSES• The City Manager said that he had receivec� a complaint �rom � a used car deal�r that there are service stations selling used cars without a license. Every operator �,ras advised oi the requiremen�s in a le�ter hand-carried by the Police DeparLment ' vahether zhey were guilty or not. The [�.dmii�.istration could not iind any evidence that Frank's Used Car Lot was lieensed for last year. . . � 11 I , � Councilmax� Liebl felt that whoever operates a used car lot should have a license as our lacv� state. The City Attorney said that an operator could be prosecuted ior ope-rating �•a�.-chout a license, and that the State requires a license io.r every operator who sells two or more cars. The Police Chie� agreed that a person ��ho has two or more cars ior sale not in a garage is a violation. , MOTION by Counczlman Harris that Fran.:'s Used Car Lo� not receive a license un�il any back licenses are paid for. Motion seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Aiayor Kirkhan decla-red the mo-cion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Harris to ap�rove the rest of the lacense appl icaf ions as foll�o�r�s : � S�RVICE STAT�ON BY APPROVED BX RENEWAL Favre's Spur Station Dennis Favre Fire Inspector 8255 E. River Road Fridley, Minnesota ,ay � ' � � '�; l REGUL�IR COUNCTL PTt�L11NG, Nu�Y 20, 196�3 ,�.' . CAk i� �1Vi��'flSL � i' i�l�ii l�Z::A �.l2ZV 7365 C�:�i;:.'11 Avio - F�•3.dleyj 1;in��,o�:a �r��t�1AL %'I�.�t��.er Si��a% Hou�;r� 7373 Ce�t.a•�tI AvQ. ' � Fridlc�fs ri3.n�lesot� , RFt�'����;��L C�.u� l,.7 � 6J61 Unavars�ty Av�o Fr�dl.cy� ?f:innesota � C]:G�Ft�,a�1F F.Eir�l�'AJ, �ur�;�r Ki.no � •• 6�O UI21� � i sii,y. Av� o Fz�.dley, 1•i�r�nesot�. �A'F�;t�J�L C7.uh !�7 6�67. Un:�v�r;�ity Avee F3•iJ�.v^jr, i�i�..";�'1�s�J��t � �rS•Iii1� �'I.rill"i.�.C� Ci�ii� 7305 C :..1 �z'aJ. Av�; , Fri:ilr�y9 2�,:iflr��sot�, � "�L41�L F -�:�t�.�^ St�;�.l: - i Hou�:3 ' 7373 C,�:llral Av�, Fria.ley, � t� nri� so t,a RE�'����1�?L • I;��.� s r��.r; � '6%}8� E o F.�.v;;r ;c> d Fr'3.dJ.e� � P-ij?Z.�?snt�z � Ok'k�S 4Z,�_ �^r?E���I. T,�:Zt s Dai�. f . 6�.8� E. Riyvr Road Fra.dl_�y� N;inne�ota , • ON SALE ��',�'l�.L �e:�e�rje PO."it..363 lOI�Q Osb�rnr: Rowd . Fridley, t�iin�esotji �tEtJ�'.tiIAL Hc��;r�rd Joh��on� s �j�rj7 C,C?1�X'2.1. QV��• 1 , �F'ridlef� t•;innesota BX: I�.a7rl.er?,'r PoVl:it.zk� I�iArlen� Pov1.3.t�,i.:s Eu�;�n�, Bo:ine �t BY� Fj.UIleE:'l D�.Utr�butino Eugen�. Bonne'�� I��•�r� �:i� Po�li ���::1 Marle�ae Pov��z'_�i Leon`Zrd Ger��c� �x: . ' I.co:-�rd Gert��n UJ_ : Er1i:�g Fdward� biich�el J. L�rs�n . PAGE 20 . A YI'ROZT 1) �3X : ._.__...___.__.T____ . _� He��ili:h Inspector� }IcaXtii� In�p�c �or Hcalth In.���ecto: APPROVF�D. B� o Poltca Cht��' Po�ic� Cha�£ Poli�=� Chi� F Polic� Chie° Polics Ci�1::f . APPPOVE?} _F3�� pO�_1Ct'. Cirl��?i H�?th Tnspector 0 AF'y`tOVr;D BY: Polic� Chi�:`' Heal th Ins�sctox• r� F'OI..�i.CC Ch�C_" � ,� Hcalth Ins��ctor 0 RFGULZ�R COUNC:LL I'-;�:a:�.!':1:NG, N11�Y 20, 196£3 M<�y 2e, �.�6s � I3LACf'.'1'Ot'1'I«:� ll & 0 Pl.ackt-op �Co. ?.4G5 2vortndal e P,lvd . Coo�i R<1pi.ds, rtinuesota Py: Jero!ne Hicks EXCc-1VF TTt;G Lenn} Cochran E�cavat.in.� 7nc. 6537 Cent.ral Ave. N. E. . Fr.i.dley, Nfin.nesbt.a By: Leonard Cochr.an HE�TIT�G Ryan Air Cond., Inc. 844 t�est 7Sth Strect rlinneapolis, Tfinnesota By: Thomas J. Rya?i GEI�iEF.r1L CO�I7:R=�CTOT.L Harris Cons:. Co. �E809 Valley Vie��� Foad Edina, Min-�esota . By: C. C. Har�is t P11GE 21 R�i� r[J�1L RF.,T:E LJ�1l_, RENEF?r1L NF.FJ Charles .E, Jola.nso:1 • 160 Hartman Cit•cle F'ridley, �Ii.nn�sota $y: Charles Jotlanson R.Fi'Ej,':�.L Coeun�.rcial Erectors 81Ct. Sou�h 9t'.z Se . rlin�eapolis, *fin.nesot: Y,y: Mi.ke 0'Ba��io:� rtiiso���F;Y � . Vi.ctor I.oeffler Const. � :. . 5135 Gr.eenc�;oo3 Dr. ive ' � Nloun�svie�•�, �Iin;��sota Sy: Victor �LoeEf.ler Edc:�ard Munson Co�1c-rete Co. 2318 lsc St. N. E. F,EriEtd?.L RF: �VF.t•l��L Minneapol is, rlin�lesota By: Edward �1 ,;Iunson REt;EG'AT. FLAS'�.'F;?,Ii�IG � John P, Steffens Co. � � � . 3819 Upton. Ave . North � rtinn�apolis, �fir.n�sota By: [��itl�a:n J. St�ffens RE\E[dA.i. riOVII�;G . ' Dalc. Mover� . 78�6 C��ntr•il :1ve. N. E. • rtin�ter�polis, Minn��sot:.i � � By: D11e Pt:t��r: rn 0 RE�E6•1r�L 0 AYPI�OVED 3_'��_- BLD;= . 7 P�S P. 1 PLB:� . IrdS i . � HTG. I�iSP. � BLD�s, I�S= . BLD J . I `i S :-, BLD�,, I:�;� _ BLDG. INS= BLI)G, I.`i� � � ELbG, I�;: �� ELDG� i:�� I '« ' r REGULI�R. COUNCTL r�ErZNG, A'!AY 20, 1968 �� . , �. or, s�^J_r� REPLk�i�IAI� C�ub !�'� - _ � 60`,3 Ut?�c=��.,s.t.y Ati��� � Fx:l�3.�y' M3.r��l�so� N!i�FIAL Fz°oni;i_ex Clut� � . 7365 Gt;�,i�,x'��. Av'�o . F2 9_dl ��d?4:�nn� so �a , � � SFRV7G� STATIOt4?S �RTL'rl�I� FT'ida.^y PIo�°:,%1 St�r l�O1�0 Mar;:t�:�11. Sta � Fx�idleys t�i�n:�c::� t;�. `,EP�:Z�JAL G�ri���n Serv_tca b!�8> F o R�t�`r F�aur1 Fridlef, Mx.:ines��� , . TAVF R?d �ltFtd�4;4L V.Fo1�a. post 3b3 1Q!r0 0����'n:� F.a:zt� � F�•5.dl.c:;y s ?I�nn�� ��z RF. ;�:ti'AL iIo:!arc- � o`�kison1 s � 5277 Cc�ni�•�-�a. azl�, Fx•i.dley� 2�i� :-�z�e: o ta ��F� tv�:t.rn L C 1�+�.b lF7 . . ' ' 6067_ Unicr�-raa.t� Av� o Fri.dley, rt� �ne> � ta ��T�:t�L �x•ontia: Club '1365 C^:�t�a�. Ava, FridZcy� �I�.nn �s� �. •� � � . �.����-CAB ",RENH,G�aL Fridl�y G�b E 57�.0 Unaversity Ave� . Fridley� Minn�sota , •. . VFI�Ii�G t•S��C�II?�Ir,S ,NEjd Favr. e 1 s Sp��s Station 8?55 E o Riv�z• �ad ' � Fridle;�� ti3.nne�ota . Bx: � Ettg� xi��� Eoi�.,��� � PAGE 22 � � p�li�vr:,v �v : - Pol.i.c� C1Li:.�£ , H��lih insp:>c�ox� Mar].anr: Fo�,Pl�.f��1�3: BX: �u:i'�r t�OJ:'Ci:;'i�1'AI1C� I.?o:�.�rd Ger�i,�e.1 BX: ' Erl�.ng Fd:�anrd� M�.chae3. J o Ia r;o:� Fu��n� i3onn���t � I�farlet2� Pov? 3.t,zki BX : - ' ' Fx'ank Gabz e�.eik IIY: • Donnis Favr� Fu1:Lco Ch'� ��' He�.1.:�h In�p�ctor . APPROjIED f3Y : �t1�.1_C�lI7(; x117GC �O �, Fare xnsp-�c�or � Bu�.�.d�n;; I��sj c.:o1° Fire xns���e�c��• ��'PRO�D BY : Pol�.ce C;i3.�„�a HcA� �h In:,;� �co ��� PoliC,� C���.�f Health Ir.s��cfi.or Poli.�o Ch:ir�' Heal�;h Inp�:c���� Poli�c� Cr i�� f • Hea7.th Insy�c4o� APYROVED fiY: � Policc CYL-ief APPRt7VF.D �sY: • •..�.�.����•..-�.�-�_. R . � � Health Insp.c�.o2�� _� 0 FEGULIIR CUUNCIT., N.�L;I;'1':CNG, MA�.' 20, 1.96� PAG� 23 I.R ,, 1 � ' +, � C.F.I�I�,1�11, CON'I'�u�C7'pR `S . Brenny Brokhers Const. 6011 3rd St, N. E. Fri_d1ey, riinnesota Gerald Gletin Corporati.on 1202 Ilathataay Lane Fridley, Minnesota �Ieilmer Cous.t. Co. ' 8727 Able St. N, E. Miniieapoli_s, rlinnesota i LJ , � I� 1 � �� ' ' � Derksen $lders, Inc. 3605 37th Ave. N. E, Min�ieapolis, Minaesola By: Rogc:r Bren�iy By: A. C. Gnerre By: rlarvin Heilmer Sy: Alvin L. Der.ksen NEW RENEIJAL NE[d NE [d BLUG. INSP.� BLDG. INSP,I $LDG. 7:`SP, I BLUG, l:A;S P . I The MOT�ON by Councilman Harris�-�o approve the licenses seconded by Councilinan LiEbl and upon a voice vo�e,.all voting aye, Mayor F:ir7;ham c'eclared the rnbtion �carried unan_imously. CONS�D�RAT�OIQ OF REC�Ut3ST TO USE "DUAL-TSTE" SOTL �IP� F0�2 THE CARiER DAY BUILDING: • bZOTTON by Council;nan Samuelson to grant request by Carter Day to,use Dua1-Tite soil pige. Seconc�ed by Councilman Harra.s, ana upon a voice vo-L-e, all voting aye, Mayor �;irkham. declared . th e motion carried unanimausly. ,� � . _ RAT�FICATION O� Iv:SO�i�UTION TIO. 73-196II OPD�:tING PRELTMINr�RY P�ANS .AND SPEC�F�C��i�IONS AND ESTI��1.�1�1�Ej Or� `i'IlE COSTS THER�,OF: SS & SVJ' ;'; 88 (ADDENDlii�i -y`-r`4) - � . . MO'�i�ION by Counczlman. Sheridan to ratiiy P�esolution No. 73-1968 (passed on May 1.3, 1°68). Seconded by CounciZman Harris. Upon �� a voice vo-te,. all vo�ing a�ye, Mayor I;�rlch.ani declared t7ie motion carried unanimously. � . � RA7'TFICATION OF RESOLUi ION NO 75-1968 RECEIVING TH� PRELST47IN�2Y REPOYT AND CALLING a PUBLIC HEAI2ING ON THE P��T`i�LR OP TIiE . CON- STRUCTXON OF Ci,i2TA�N Ii�I�.7ROVEt�L:NTS V7AT.t1}2 Sr�TITARY SET�IER STO.nM SE;�)FR - PRO�`EC^1 ;; IIu (ADDENDUi1 �;=�) • ' MOTION by Councilrcian Harris to ra�i�y Resolution No., 74-.1968. (Passed �n May 13, 19G8). Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice voi.e, al1 voting aye, P��ayor Kir}-,liarn declared the motion carriecl unanimously. • � �.. � � , , RLGUI,AP. COUNCIL r'..�i�.',E'3'ZI�1G, I�IAY 20, 1968 PAGE 24 ATrk':iCATION OF RESOLi1TION NO. 75—) 90� �tECETVTNG THE PR�LIP4I1�T1'�r�i RF?�OP.T ANll CALLIiJG � PUBLIC HEARING Ord TH� l�k'�T^1EP. Or �i'HE COI�S�1'RUC�- TION OF C�RTAZN Il�LDP.OV�I'd�NTS — STREEI II�i..DROVET•�ff�NT PROJECT ST. 1°GS--lB • B10TI0�? by Councilman Lieb1 �.o ratify ResolLrcion No. %5-Z968 (passed , � on I�iay 13, 19G8). Motion seconded and up�n a voice vote, all voting ave, t�ayor Kirkham declared �he motion carried unanimously. , , LJ � � � ' I� I� I� , RATTPICAT:LON OF �'.ESOLU`l'SON NO. 76-1968 REI�TZV� TO CITY OF I'RIDLEi' - NORTH SL7�UP..BAN SAN�TARY SE��7ER DIS�I�RICT S'�;rIER USE 1�GRE�;MENT; MO�izON by C�uncilman Harra.s to ratify Resolu'cion No. 76-1968. Counca.l- man Harris said the City sh�uld indicate to the Distri.�ct we are requesting a da.rect connec�ion and it is n�� unc�erstanding fzorn the Attorney that this might be allowed under the terms of the order. Seconded by Councilman Sarnuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye , 1�1ayo.r Y.irkham declared ihe. r�lotion carr ? ed unanimoul sy . The City A-ttorney said that or course the Ci-�:y has to comply ��ith � the agreements, and that r-�inco and �he Council. should understand that there might be a time lapse of up -co a moni�h. Councilman Harris pointed out that they have already brough�t their pipes out toward the west. The Cizy Engineer saicl Lhat he had talYed vaith Dic}� Sha o� the Dis�cr�.ct and i.hey are conce-rned �bou�; how the lo-c bei��aeen I�lanco Products I�c. and �he eas�-��est City 1a�ceral zs �o be serveu. Lot 4 has been assessed �or a 1a-teral, and the only parcel that has not is P4inco's parcel. The Distric-L- ��ould 1.ike to 7cnoti� i� this lot is to be servec� by the District or by the City's la'ceral. T�ey couTd be served by our lateral if they do not put in a basement. MOTION•by Councilman Harris io have Lo�� 4 connect into the Fridley lateral system because Lot 4 has already been assess�d. Secondecl by Councilrnan Shericlan. Upon a voice vo-�e, a11 voi;i.ng aye, Mayor Kir}cham declared the motion carried unanimously. F:ESOLITri'ION NO. 79-1968 OP.nERING PfiELIMIA?t11;Y PI,ANS , SPECIFIC�TTOI�7S , AND ESTIP?IAlES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: STREt�1^ IT�ROVEMEN^1 PROJEC�� ST. 1969-3. (73rd ��venue between T.H. ;,-05 and Central Avenue) : The City Engineer e�plained that there �;vere 4 or 5 property owners invol.ved, and that tv� have Lo acquire rigizt oi way on the north side o� the stree-c, ti,7e have talked to -che Coun�y previous]_y. He as},ed that the Council designate a Member to contact the Caunty agai�i. Councilman FIarris saic� that he had talJ:ed to �them before about this and waa ld be �•�illing zo carry this further. i� , . i, � 1 � � , , . � i � , � , ' � , , � ItEGUL1I; COUNCIL N�E'i'ING, T�'1[',Y 20 , 1968 PAGE 25 Councilnan Harris as]ced abou�t the possinility oi: vacating 7312 Avenue an� i:hereby creating an exchanye o� 1and. lt �vas pointed out that is easements are vaca�.ed th� property goes bac]c to the pro�:rty owner. . MOTION by Councilman Sarnuelson to ado��t Resolu�ion No. i9-.1968. Iylotion seconded and upon a voice vote, Councilman Sheradan abstaining, I�:irkham, Lieb1, Harris., Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Kir};ham declared the motion carried, RESOLUTxON NO. HO-1968 AUTHURIZING TKE iSSU�'1I�TCE OF CFRTIFICATES OF ZND�a�T�DI�SS FOR THE DURCii.[�SF OF A FIRE TP.UCI:: r40TION i�y Councilman Harris to adopt Resolui�ion No. 80-19u3 in agree- men-i with the Fixemen`s Relie� ASSOCi�.�1.Ori. .�J3otion seconded and �upon a voa.ce vote, a11 voting aye, i�ayor KirlLham declared the motion carried unanimou�l.y. The question of interest rate �aas brought up. .it is hoped that it wil.l be 5 3/8/ as previously. RESOLTJTION NO. 81-19G3 - ADV�RTISE FOR BT_DS FO� C�'.PETING FOR SHO_RE- V300D LOUNGE : NIOTION be Councilman Harris to adopt Reso1_ution �;o. 81-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vo-�e, a11 votinc� aye, Mayor �;irY�ham declared the motion carra.ed unanimously. Councilman Harris asked i�' th is o�as the only improvement planned. The Ci��y t�Ianager said tha� they �•�ere planna.ng �o fix the sin}�s etc. Councilman ��arris ie? t�hat this should all be done at once, as they also ne�d nc�ra tables �.nd lounge chairs etc., and that i� it ran over $?,000 it would have to be bid. FESOLUTION NO. 82-1968 �-1U`�HOFZTZING AND D�I2EC'I'SNG THE S�LITTING OF SPECIAT� ASSFSST��rITS ON Y1�1P�T OF OUTLOT �, PA1:CE_+., 4720, MELODY I��N01� 4`"1'H ADllI�1�'`�ON• MOTTON by Councilman Sherzdan to adopt Resolu-cion No. 8?_-1968. Seconded by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, . I•Zayor I;irkham declared the mo-cion carried unanimously. . RESOLUTION NO. 83-1968 AUTHOR7ZING AND D�P,EC�1'ING THE SPLITTING OF SPEClI�L ASSESSPfIENTS ON PARCEL 900 , PAF'�T O� LO^1S 21 AND 22, � BLOCI: 1, OSTP��.�N'S 3RD ADD7�1'ION: '_ , � � � REGU:f�t-�1i: COUNCZI., t•�t,ETIIIG, I��u-�Y 20, 1968 PAGE 2 6 MO'i'SON by Councilman Sarnue:l.son to adop-c Resolution No. 83-1968. Seconded by Counci].man Lieb7_. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nlayor Kirkham declare� �l:he rao; ion carr? ed unan� mously . RE:SOLUTTON NO. 84-19G8 - AUTHOR�ZING AI�TD DIRECTING '?'HE SPLTTTING_ OF � S��C1��L ASS3�SSPPi;JNTS CL�7 �'«;CLL 14-50 LO�L 29, BLOCK l, TNNSBRUCK 5'�i ADD.��Z� T OL`7 : �_� , 1 , MOT:LON by Councilman Harris zo adopt i�esolui.ion No. 8�-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sarnuelson. U�on�a voice vote, all voting aye, P�Iayc,r Y:irt�,nai�l declared the mo��ion carri�a unanimously. COiQSTT�Fx�A�rION OF APPROVAL OL' CERTTE'SCATES Or ACH_fEVEP�ti�: r�OTSON by Councilman LieU_1_ to concur �rai-�h zhe certi�a.cates o� achievement as presen�ea. Mo�ion seconded and upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, biayor I;ir]�harn declared �L-he mo�ion carried unanimou�ly. DISCUSSlOi�T OF B�:VE�AG£S SER���D E�T SHOR'Er^700D: � P�IOTSOi�T �y Councilman Sa�nuel ,an to concur wi-L-h the T-�dminiszration and discon�cinue -the sale o:� dra:ct beer a-t 5hore�•aooa Lounge. Motion seconded by Councilman Lie��1. U�on a voice vo-ce, al]. voting aye, � Mayor �;ir}:ham declared the motion carr.ied unanimously. � DISCUSS:CON OF F.EVA��ir TNG OF 69TH AVFNUE C:OSSJ:?�iC; AT T.H. 7; �7 FOT; AREA7A T�2AFFZC - - , ' P�OTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with concept, and request that the �dminis'r.ra-L-ion a�proach the State Highway Department requestiny they pay all costs vzithin their ra.ght o��_ way. P�Iotion seconueci and upon ' a voice vote, alI voting aye, I�-layor I;ir'r;:nam declared the mo�ion � carried unanimously. I ' I ' �� Councilman I3arris poin�ed out �hat it shoula be a tal]cing poin�L- with the S�cate that they do no� provide an ac�aquai,e safe-ry lane and they shou? a pay �or every-ching wizhin the ri�h-c o� way. Cj�AIM� : MOTZON by Councilman Lieb� to appro�e Genea:al Claixn No. 148�5 through 149��3, and Liquor Claim 2213 t��rough 2268. Seconded by Councilman Sheric�an, and upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, t.�ayor Kirl�ham �i decJ ared -che motion carried unanirnously. t 1 � .a ,m i REGU�IR COUNCTL l�IE;LTIi1G, N1��Y 20, 1968 �''i ru �.L, ��Z�T�'e' � . PAGE 2 7 � P�70'I'ION by Councilman Shexidan to approve the �ollowing estimates: ' Suburban Se��er and Wa-cer, Incorporated 4550 Cen-tral Avenue N.E . Minn�apolis, T�iinnesota 55421 C � Estimate �4 (Partialj Sanitary�Sewer, V�ater and Storm Sewer Irnprovement Projec� N�. 88 according to the Con-crac�. � Berslund - Johnson, Snc. ' 351 Second S�reet Excelsior, Minneso�a 55331 I � I ' � Esi.imate Yr5 (Partialj r^ridley �2una.cipal Garage according to the Con�ract fIarris Brothers Plumbing Company 217 - 219 V�est Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55��08 Estimate�#1 (Partial.) Fridley Municipal Garage accorcling to Lhe Cantract Coms�:oc}� and Davis, Inc. ' Consulting Engineers 1��45 County Road J � Minneapolis, P�Iinneso�a 55�32 I ,. I� I , �_J � Fox the furnishing of resident inspecLion and resident supervision for- zY�e s�ca}�ing out of the construction v�or): �or the following; $24, 454' .53 $18,871.00 $ 2,6ID:00 Esta.rna�e ;;3 - Sanitary Se��er, Water, and Storm Sewer Improvement ProjecL No. 88 from April l, ].968 to Apri1 27, 1968 {73rd, and Norton Avenue area) $ 2,060.13 Estimate t13 - Sanitary Sewer, V7ater, and Storm Se�aer Smprovem�nt Project No. 79 from April 1, 1968 �o April 27, 1968 (Cornmerce Park, Swanstrom Cour�i� area e�cc. ) $ 16.10 '� 0 � . fiEGI7L�R. COUNCIL T�ETING, P�1��Y 20, 1968 ' , � � ' ' PAGE 28 ��otion to approve the es-(,imates seconded by Counc�.lman Lieb7_ . Upon a voice vote, all vacing aye, PZayor �:irkham declared �he motion carried unanimously. YOUTH ACI3:LEVEZ�.ENT AT'T��DS : P�OTIOi�T by C�uncilman Liebl to approve the you�ch achievernent a��ards ior Valedictorian, Salu-�atorian, and �agl_e Scouts as presented. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vo�te� a11 voting aye, Mayor Kir}cham dectared the motion carried unanimously. co��nzu�zcATxo�s : A. FRTDI,EY J'AYCE�,S, CONC, P.I�?ING THETR 1:ESOLU�1'ION PASSED REGIIP.DT�?G THE LIQUOF. �UESTxOi�T: ' AiOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the Jaycees communication. Mo�tion seconded and upon a voice vo-te, a1.1. vo��ing aye, Mayor Kirkham declarec� the mo-cion carried unanimously. � LJ B. TELEGR�T�i - 5�=;��IUEL I��ZZ�UTTI , t•'lAYOR Or OEL�9EIN, IOT�7A: ' The Ci-ty rYianager read the te7.egrarn from the r2ayor oF Oelwein, Iowa, and said tha-c he had sent letter_s to bo�h tornado citi�:v, Oelwein and Charles City, Iocaa, o��ering assis'cance. This tel.egram thanking ' the City �•aas in response to his telegram. , AZOT?�ON by Councilman Harr�s to receive the telegram. l�Zotion seconded � and u��on a voice vote, all voting aye, r-Zayor Y.ixkham c�eclared �.he mo-cion carried unanimously. CONSZD�,�TIOP7 OF REP�IODELING IN LO`v��EP. LEVET OF CISJIC CENTEF.: The Ci-cy Attbrney explained that he had been in Court last FricTgy, and ' a].zhougn the Judge did not give a decision, the Ci�:y Attorney's opinion �•aas that the Juc�ge did not ieel the Ci-�.y had susficient reason ior not a�•rarding the bid to Dedolph Construction Co. He suggestec3 �wo courses ' o:E action: one was ge�.L�_ng an order �rora the CourL se�ting aside the award to the second lo���est bidder, then '�he Council could enter imco a contract wi �h the 1 o�-aes i� bidder . Then h1r . Dedolph' s Attorney �-�ould ' dismiss the case and there would be no Attorney's �ees. The second alte-rna�.ive �•�ou1d be Lo re,ject a11 b�ds ancl �o ou-� for re-bidding. He said he would li;:e a:�eeling from t'ne Council before he goes back � ' to Court next Friday. � <<� ' F�GU� 71P. COIJNCIL MEE`"i'TNG, i��Y 20, 1�68 PAGE 2 9 Af�ter a shor-L- discussion, it was general.ly ie7:t that it wouid be bes�t �ca reject a],1 bids anc' re-bid._ The City �ttorney said thai he would do some further research ini.o the liaba.lity of the City involved in going for re-bids. � �JOU�.�r�NT - There being no iur��he.r_ business, 1�'layor I:ir]�harn declared Lhe Meeting o:L- 'che Regular Council Meeti,n� oi May 20, 1968 adjourned at 12:15 A.M. � Re p�c'c iul Zy submiti.ed , � uel i•Zercer Secrecary to the Council ' � ' ' 1 � , � OFFICIAL`-NOTICE CiTY CF F}tILDEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL , TO WHON, IT MA`: CONCF.RN: Notice is hereby ga.ven that thzre will be a ' Public Hearing of the City %ouncil of the City of firidley in the City Hall at 6431 L'niversity Aver<ue N.E. on May 20, 1963 in th:; Council �hanb:;r at 8:00 �'clock P.M. fo� the consideration of the following ' mat�er: Vacation af a portien of Marshall Street ;' north of�37th Avenue described as fallows: � That portion of Marshall Street north of the _ �o ' north right of way line of 37th Avenue N.E. ' and south of the north line of the S 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Section 34, T-30, R-24, Anoka � County excepting an appropr'�ate easement and ' access for an existin� Minneapolis water main. I IAnyone desiri��g to be heard with reference to the above mattet• will be heard at this ���eeting. ' . ' JACK 0. KIRKHAI�4 MAYOR Publish. May 8, 1968 � May 15 , 1968 � ' � , ' . �_ . r ., ._ � _ � . , � - . . ... _ . ..� . .,_ ...� , ...,,. _ �,�... . .�. .... ,.. _ ..�.. . . _ r .....�. . . .:�- . ��� _''i # :.� � - -:. �� _.:� �., r. _---4 I_'� ,� ' �� � _�t� _,^:.3 I J«� ' •' , �.� tl . � � : f �� v, 4_ ' ' �. � ��1 I w � � "� � , • , � . ,. ,r ' .:� � ; z �� ,: ,, 1 • (. �_ ; -J �: �� f` t J n � �i • ti ��' � n t� ' � 0 ' �- o - • • 1 � � �I � �,� „ j-��;' ('-E_ �-. . . 6 . �� . t - � , � � L'. � �. � � . -�- )' . ������- � � � 1 i 1 �� i r � �i it� V! � C>t=.i G; i���],�?"rj' -ru �'i� %�CZv.�nr.�. �� � ' _ �� i7Q' '�-� ✓�.��. % �` /3 5 � -rv /% *rf:� � � F� ; t' � � , j a� , j� 5'C.,7i'S-`�Sn.J=;` �:: /.?oi-`�1�:=,f- � � I; � ,� -._.. .� � �j:��'A o� /.'"��` 3� � t; :� L c. S; . h/i�, , rv /� S%i or �':'� % o r. 5'�c..3. r� ./, �D-�'�,. ._.._. �. �. �_��� �/ ��� �_..�.�. � , .__ : �. � T,.� �, Cr-�.�j' �-�/Y `.r✓C. ; �. ?;S' % t�. � f- j,' C L' 'S � . � O �I� � �i � � SC�, �?'. O tr_ j. nf � �G'':'r`,J� h ��, _ ------ . �, o h� -- � G � � e �, ' � . N ,� � . . . . x � �, � � � / � • � . , � ; I ' �{�F�":. N<<"L•� D �a'- 1 ' ` '� � � � �,�+ T� C- - ' �-� � , -- �r.: ,:•:•�...�; I �. I �'' vy � .. L-� Z;1 i [. I c�j +�1 Cl +,� � -i v� U � n Q � t-� � i i 1 ;. �? t � � � � ; � � , -, =/ j-�, . j ; �� 'i - .�i %,�� � . �• � ,.� - 3 , � r--. � � � '� � • %` _./' /. / •"i�i i . 3' ' / •' i % i � ` ' i '; '" . r 3 � //,i' � �� �/ ,// / ..' r � '' � '.' , / �, /.. /�%/ /�'�j f, �� �j' � /�-���;/ ( �� � %. � � j% �',/,��.'� �� � ,�% � %��� � I -- � ;', • . ,tiE: !� ,t•,:C. .�f'::�-,.� �� ,���--� j/ r �> LJ � 33• 33. ; - ��/r;`,= s,-•�'/--.' : - . i/./ % .f � �_ • - /� �f /.�% � j.��� ' ���/ � ; � � �, i� : _ ,_r_J: % •�.;.._,: ..,. ._..., .- • - _:� - : �o � . .� , • ' / /'� , . -- :. , j�� � `� ' ,�`` � "- - 4 (..� t�1. �� �/ ` � -- . E., . , , _�,_i �' 1 �, �" ' � � i .�, CJ t•- �'.''.,. / �� � ` . � � ��� O / ��� �/_� � �.• t . , � I .� �_� � � �--��—�� ' f W j •' c�. `� ` �f, v � vi � , ,, ,'�j�.; � , 3 ,�tl. � . ,� /c:' lii 1,` t �j i , ,. � /Y; .� : i ,� . - . r ; � � ; . (V ' ' � j,.� i � � . • � 1'��` : i %� � i i . ' � �fl�,!'r� -•: ' '� � ------ -� , V )- --,a.�?-.}----- —�'-=-'-'-_� � -�• - --- _ - -- . • ��J . �.�. •v ,�,-u �vf_ ° ;,;���� N.�. � .° . __._ _ _ _ -,,- ___�j .��,` ._.-�-_.-..�_� -_.__...___�__'.-_--�- --.1------------- --- -,'-- -•---------, -�- . . �/ ' �' � 1 ; �i �, , O O . i : i r� �1 � -• -- - --- ---- - -- --- --- - - -- - - --- -- - - - -1 I •; ,. OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL � TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: � Notice is hereby given that there will be a PubTic Heaxing of the City Council of the City of Fridley iz� the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue N.E. ox�.May 13, 1968 in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P.Mo for the purpose of: • . The vacation (SAV #68-01� of a street described as follows: � . All that part of the thirty foot (30'� street along the North side of Fridley Park Addition between East River Road and the Mississippi River, located in the North Half (N2� of Section 15, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference•to the above matter may be heard at this time. . PUBLISH: April 24, 1968 May 1, 1968 JACK 0. KTRKHAM MAYOR 3� �; . . . �� ., �� � � ' . �,�r ` . ... , � ^, � � 1'� . �,�. �.� •. t� • 7 �vf ' SY • / • ' ,. r - S �> -.+-..._ ^/� 1 � .� �J 1 /lIa) 8 . � J � � ! _ `� �-__ , �' / t%i. fi� .Sr/�✓itr i'i ��� '� ` ` + . --•------ t _�L . n :,i�. +f. � � �• �.� t... `I r�,� �� `� �,�1 / � 1 I. �s Jt� ' � k t � I�-. � - �'v4.r, _1 �' .,�`.'• � �•i�, � � � ". Myx . , . (n � 2 V ,%` i'. . � � � �t � I . . . '�iW! C•� i/ �!i'� �5:.' 'J JI� �iM,�Y�,y/ �i � * � J � . �. , . . . L, ` � �• . �� , , . '� � : __ fi . . ..i . . �. ' � . 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Parc�l #,:1-�art o£ B1. 22� Fridley Park Addition � • Parcel ��-All of B1 2 Fri ' � � . 3� clley Pars Additicm � � Parcel �3-Part of Lot 7& 9, Rev. A• S. Div.�#-"2� - �a............... _..__._.__..,...........__ ..,..�.,._. �---�--w•--------�- --- SAV ��68-01: Vacate 30 ft. street lying South and � . ^ adjacent to North line of Fridley Parlc —„_ � Add��,.;. --:�Fr-�-�:�--T-r �-w„r..»�,.....ro--r.,.�-.....�.e.��.K„�G.arn�K-.+..*w..;.c..+'.+ ... . ,: .. . .,C^.e�.Sa.7*y�..,3;va-^.,..-.:•c.^p^•:•'a,�-.s^"F'?'.^'..:-;✓�" i�^'-:"'.. -. a�".�s.�:.-�r^r.�r^f:: �eo.c..:"°_,. , . �} ' � 1 � � COMSTOCK & DAVI�, II�C. 1448 COUNTY ROAD "J" MlNNEAPOLI& � Iia1PIWEEtOTA s5432 TBL.: SUnset 4-9349 COi�SULTIi�G EN�9�EE�S MEMO T0: Nasim Qureshi, P. E. City of Fridley FROM: E. V. Comstock P. E. Comstock & Davis, Inc. SUBJECT: Proposed Water Interconnectioa w/Mounds View DATE: May 15, 1968 Mounds View is proposing to construct a water main at the intersection �' of 73rd Avenue N.E. and Stinson. Under letter of April 2, 1968 Mounds View has suggested an interconnection aC this location to be used on an emergency basis only. . � 1 ' l � � � � ' . �' The quality of the water in both systems is similar. The supply being wells from the Hinckley formation with iron removal facilities, chlori- nation and fluoridation. The proposed interconnection would require the construction of a man- hole ta house two gate valves and two-way flow meter, as well as the interconnecting pip3ng and fittings. The cost of the construetion to accomplish the interconnection has been estimated at $4,800.00. If filie Council wishes to proceed with this interconnection, an agreement should be prepared outlining the construction cost sharing, operational procedures, maintenance responsibilities, cost of water used, ownership of facilities and construction details. " Attached herewith is a copy�of an interoffice memo from Mounds View's Engineer, A�r. Shelly Boehm. l �.. . / :, � 0 34 • . � . � �35 } - d[�`�`1���3 Oo G� `�G°��G���a�t ur�a� COl�ISTClCK d� DAVIS, INC. ' . Consulting Engineers - � . I � 1446 County Rd. J '' MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55432 TO � � �c�,�s�:�� �� :1 - � GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING .YOU ❑ Attached � Under separate cover via the foliowing items: � � Shop drawings q Prints .p Plans 0 Samples ❑ Specifications O Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES � DATE I NO. DESCRIPTION tTHESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ' �❑ For approval . ❑ Approved as submitted p Resubmit copies for approval � 0 For your use p Approved as'noted . ❑ Submit copies for distribution � As requested O Returned for corrections O Retum corrected prints � O For review and comment p ' � ❑ FOR BIDS DUE �19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US � C . �r • �R AR KS ',-k -��,,' �i'-���t?-� � � l�6,�'� / jj,L���. � C 1� � �� ,�'� _ � � .)�� � . � -,.°�- � ---� ` �*-.�cE.. -�r-��-�--�?��.-��C cc�.�. ��►�'��Z/� l��l�.'G�% .G�i- � ' t ��--t-�'�G� .,�Ll� ( Ctiy{.� � /�-�� ' Q ' '`. __r � -�.�-.�,�-��-��� . � ' .�. . , .���-� �.���� ' • • 2'���.�-!' � , �, , � .���� � � �-�. ,,.- , �. ,� . �c�'� on °" �.�� l/'��-- .�� `��� � . t . � � �.�� - . ~ : �.��'�_t ��c:�` �z� �' .« .�y��' �-''�r� � � �� -� �.�.vo-u�� -4'1-�7 sicr��a: .DD. I� �t_� %� � 1 � �r . «, - ��1� ��� �� � ' . - . �s_ � . . e� � May 2'7, 196g Memo to: Nasim Qvxeshi Froms Robert Hughes Subject; Glater works connecticn with I�oundseiew wa.ter system. , In checking with Mr. Shelly Ba.in of Comstock �. Davis Consultir:g F,'ngineers, I received the following inform�.tion. At`���e present time Moundsview has the following wa.ter facilities; 1-300�d00 gallon eleva.ted wa.ter tank. 2 wells that will produce 1800 G.P.M. 6& 8" r�ins to the proposed cor.r.ection. Conr�ecticn to the B?aine system. Proposed addi�ions to the system: 1-5���00 gallon elevated water tank. � 1-2 mi113on gallon grovnd reservoir tank with pump. 4 new wells. Proposing same type connection to the New }xighton system. After viewin� the facts� I recom.mend that our city join with I�oundsview and install the conne�tion. I feel that it would be to our I�iutual benef�.-�. , `C-C�i'-� ; , -t�: t l� Robert S. Hughes, ,E _ief � 1' , ANOKA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAyS � OFFICE PHONE 1 HA 1-4765 May 22, 19f� I� � � ANOKA, MINNESOTA E. J. LUNDHEIM, Highway Engineer Nasim Qureshi, p.�. City En�ir.eer - Fridley 61�31 University �venue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Nasim; � COUNTY SHOP HA 1-5920 Re: Correspondence of N;ay 9, lyb8 We ha.ve m�,de note of tne street k1dths and raciius of City streets � intersecting our S.A.P. Projects 02-6;�8-G3 & 02-606-OS and snall construct the curb &�utter to these di;nensions. ' , � ' I , I � , A rignt-turn lane from Osoorne Rodd to Trunk Highway No. !�7 will be included uuring the reconstruction of Osborne Roa.d, It appears that the right-turn lane can be included without any major revisions of the si�nal system as planned by �che i�iirnesot� �i�hway Department. Contact has been maue with Astleford in re;ar�c3s to storm sewer off take in the questionable street dedica.ti.on to pr�perty abutting Gsborne Road on the Soutn between C.S.N.H. �35 �. T.H. �65. We believe it is Astleford�s position that the plat has be�n approved and could be used. We would liice to near further from yau on Lh�s matr,er! The County will make Lhe necessary plan chan�es to place the siaewalk adjacent to the curb as requested on the P�Iissi�sip�i Street Project between T.H. �65 &�C.S.A.H. #�35. Any aduitional quantities oP k�► siciewalk will be inciuded for pa.;,�ment by the City as 'per Agreerre nt between the City and the County. Enclosed is a typical secLion for �our apprvval, � ' Aiso, a r•i�ht-turn frem C.S.A.H. #35, for khich yuupreviously expi•ess- ed some concern, appear� practicable �nci feasible to incorparate in the work - We woula appreciaLe your comments on chisl Yours ver-y truly, > � "� `_�X1�/_1 �/�/Z/ .C-�., E'.J. Lundheim, p.�;, County�aEngineer � cc: File 0 0 � 3'� .� ��. r .1, : 1� � ' � . � '. � ' � � � � . , � r , , � I � ; i � � . // CJ / ��.� '�GL � �., �� � j ,i i�\_/'y' ���7?.�1y y� - .. � ��<-'�'t�`-G� i� i ri :S L/C� --- l �',-: ,�'U' �,' � -�.�-� _ � /� c , ����� %!%'����t--r� �5 5 " f � , �, ,� �/,�� � J � f�C , �). , I • i G(,ti•�ti- �r�v- ,� G,_ ' �-r��� �� -� / � '" �'�;, Gi-�'"�,�2 C='��- L �ir' ,�2.-;� �' i f �i � / .n�:- '✓ �"ze GG�`"l/ju ;i i � � / h` � / Tfi i��r � ,�' f � (1'.•<-- �i . LZ;'+'�-� `�(y' �' L`� Luz2- �/ � �G � % f1 , /_ ��E��� �7� � � i - �'� ,-C y�y�� � � ��/ � � /� �� T/i� I i /��� L J �c-ti-�-�,L L� ✓� � -�i�z � � e ���L-�.h z�;--.� � � t-"T�' C % � ��%� � . � � uz � � . 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GG � �r�,y �^ � � � /� �" , / � +:-�� �� ->� �� / > ,, . �:-;'t: iyL�-�� .-Lc�.2� (/ �5 z/�c � -t `^ � 7 +-{ %-� itf i � �� ./�''e� � � '� �`'' ��./' . �� '-c�v�t� �'�i�.�"t%Li/�',.,Li. .? �1����fj�l =�'%"l� ;s / �.-���/ �� v � � i� , , �� � ' ./� -7�"_ . � �. --�`�c L �:�� �i+Z :�'��: L. �� 1,L�<%,f�i1/L- CG/r-y., C� z. �C ? �, : � �' �r�',� l/ " ;, � � � .i' � _ �;i��i t C. �.J �:r-<�c.� , / . � , ✓%, � ' � _ � /� f= G�LL� � /L•�c';1-:;1:-%-'�c..��. �� d i' i � ; � I � ; , . ---, . �. I :,�_w,, ; . , , �----- -- j ±%R; �� wr. � � y r_ ( � ! /r` � I �\ --- ; J ------------ ____ ____ - _ __ _ . ._ _ _y -_ . -� � iv j,f,i _ ; � � J � � �; �� � � - ,�- ____ ; .>__s_.___l/' . .'. % �` �/ � 11—T � � � i�' � i I (�"" Fni'I�D:;_G u�iJF_✓V�.ly 'i � �f � _ ` �� � � I I �_ �� � � _- -- � �� � ' ! s. '-- ---�`' �! i •ti � __ __ - �. � � �� � i , r , ! v . �12�=�:E��i ..�,lri('.IGV6P�'! �. !�e i > ' I ' � i I I : � F- � ' ? 3� T �5 � � � :J ir � T . \ r�� .> �wa4R7� � � . � . � � . � + � . ' . 4C � J� cn:�'C>,� ��`2'i^[ CJ 2c.��.Zrc-.-: l M E M 0 R R N D U M May 24, 1968 MEh10 T0: Fridtey City Council , . � MEMO F ROh1: Mr . V i rg i I C.�Herr i ck '�; ���/ C ity Attorney ✓ � ' SLIBJECT: Refund of tornado d i saster funds Attached please find a photostated copy.of the reply to the City of Fridley's appeal regarding refund of tornado disaster monies. ( suggest that this matter be considered by the Council at�their e�rliest convenience so that I might advise the Department of hlilit�ry Affairs as to the Gouncil's position. � N 41 , J H . ^y� .. - . a , � .. ' � , ��. � ' � ����'t' ��� � � � � �� ,� -i . ' _- C��wi � � .a,�sr j s�; i , :' � . ' t ---�.__ '� EXECU'I�{VE OFFICE OF THE PRES{DEN7 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY PLANNING � � � �•�� "j '�_ � � RkG10NAL OFi'ICE 4 . . � . ;,yd Y � �'i.._'i'� . . . . . �'"`°"` f BATTLE CREEK, MtCHIGAN ; �\ �v :' : � • t}901C� � - I ' r' ' ,, ,_ �. _ ,. � � �� :, � h'L�ijar (.;<,nc�rr.�J. C.liE�sle�r J. I�,�1�.>r:glein I'he Acl jtit.��.ut C;ene ral ', �*.�'� �.f' lviinnespt.i Vc tc°r�ns Ser�-ice Eiuilciiug � ,� I.� �� :� ' I , ,'� : ' I � �1 _ St. Yaul., Minnesota 551C11 Dear (_7eneral Moe�;lein: May 2., 1968 ' ThiS is in t•ef<•reiice to your l.ctter of. March 4, 1968 concerning arl ap��c�al. by chc� City of F'riclley (Anoka Gounty), OEP-188-DR-27, of susf�ensi�ns fruni their linal voucher. T'he followin�; determination has been made. _ � Gater;ory A- i,ic�e Iterri 87 - Jticiior C}lamber of. Commerce and the Ameri.car, Legion Post. It is the policy of OEP that wheci a service ar other type of non-protit organization perfortns worEc for an applicant, actual costs to the organization will be reimbursed. It� this case, sucti costs were allowed and only the profit increment was suspended. . Cate�ory B- Line Item 1, Supplernent 1- Payroll., Extra Police. AlI costs for extra police which couiu u� suy::�w::*-��t?� by the appli- cant were allowed. City afficials were queried as ta whether docu- mentation was available for the adclitional costs claimed, but none �vas fizruished. Gate�ury 1�► � Supl�lcrYlent 2- Rusty's Tire 5ervice. Our represen- tative was ic�t�rn�ecl by city officials that the tires repiaced were bacll.y v��vrn. Under these circumstances, the suspensions were appropriate. - Q�,f_�rt.i►ne ��f C�ity Employees and Tornado Damage Survey. The� itetns list.ed ���ei•c not iucluded as a part o�f the voucher and theref.orc �'. ' � `t,� '� ;� ; ,, � ;' �' .� ,� � ; , , ' ? ' '� ` a � �� . , . � - �� � . . � . . . . - . , . . . . , . , . �.� . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i� IVlajor General Ghester J. Moeglein . � ? we.re ll(>I CUR51C�Crec1. �Iowever, it: appears that the State correctly s�is��encic�d tlie i.t�rn5 in accorclance w•itli OEP Circular 4000.5A, pa�;e 1L, paragra�h E. 1. b. (4j. : Based on the above inforr7iat�on, the appeal is denied. , � Shoulcl th.e apPlicant wish to submit any further justification for ; o�ir corisideratioci, he inay resubmit his appeal within 30 days of ' the clate of' this letter. : �� � ; .' Sincerely, I j - � a, L,�'�,..K'—�. "�� . . : . .'. . .. C ,t� .4� . . .i''��.., . . . . 4Y i...,., - / Frank P. Bourgin � �� �z.��'�'`�-` Regional Director : . �� L� `� . . . . f �i � � ~ � _ . ' ' 0 ' . r �p ORIGlNATOR - Extroct PINK copy ond Fonvard WHITE and YELLOW copies. �`? ��: REPL�IER - Return YELLO�U copy and retain WHITE copy. � r . _ _ _ _ _-- --._ _ _ _ __.._ . _ _ __ --__- - ATTENTION OF: � • � :__ _ _ _ . _._ __ _ __. � _-- - - -- _ --- __ _ ---- -� /� Vn ^TTTpnTr�7�� . � ��.�._ ...1i111 lilJU1�1T�i..�L C[ 1i111 1'�ii�:ii..^i'',1L .._:. . . � � . � . . _._....._"' _ _..... "'_.._. __ . . . . . . , - .. ..._. _ _ ..:.. ._ _ . . . . . . - L_ ___ _. _ __ . � . __ _-__ _ _ _. _ _ ------ _ J . �ua�ECT Annual Polic� Auct� on DATE `��Ay 13� 19Eg �_______Attach9d_ is a._copv of, �Y:g_ zt9ms _�cld,_at puht3c_auction__on.__S_aturda �'ay 11 296� at __Y_.-. ___�.---------------- ______1.00,_P.M,_ Th�_Folice_Pension__Assoclation _collACt�d a total of 7�£3.�0. ThA amount _ lisied_on_,th� at+ached l:;st..is th�_a�:ount _�h9_ c1Arr.,_who was with tbe auct;onear, - _ _. _ __ ----._ _ _ ----- �____..__ca.mfl up with. __�;varyono__was s�tisfieci,__ar.d,_a__l�.rg�.. crowd of__p�oplg �ra��r__in attenda�ce. _ _ --___— A�ain.tnis .� � _3r�ar, Sh�riff'__Al_!+Iil.helm from__N'�i].aca Court; a�as our auctzo:,c�ar. —� --- . . _..___ ._--..__ ___` � _ _---..._ _ ..-- ------- __ __._.___----_ .._. _ . _---------____--- ___.__._----�.___..______^__ _...__-----___ __ _--- --- --- _ _--- --- __ ____--- ----- --- ___ _ _-- __ -- � _ __ :_ _ _��..._:,_. __ _ _ __ -- __... __. _ _ _.._ _`�-- _ ____. _.—�__ .___ _. __.�_ _..__ --- SIGNA7URE �" _�'� �� /I' . . . � l%���/�/ � L- �c.� EPLY: . _-- . __ ._ .____,_ . • _ _ __ _._ ._.. _-�--- _ �--._..._ _----- _ ___ _ x_ . _ _ __ _ __ _ _..__ _._ ___— . __ --- -__-- -____ ____� __._ __ _ _ _ _ - -- _._ ___ _. ____.__ __ . .� �"-- _ . --- - ---__ _ _ _.. _ . . ' __ .. _ ._._.__ .. �_ _ ..__. - - - _____ ___ �._...__.�_ . . ____ __.----- __-----_._._____ _-___ ___._____.___....---_._ dATE SIGNATURE _. � ' . • � REPLIE ' . . — R S COPY -- RETAIN FOR YOUR FIiES � - , . . !. . r . i ' i- . • • 0 . ' . . . . . . . . . `4 � . . . �. � �� . �uctioi� Prop. . .. « no. no nnscrintinn of r�o-,�rty _......._._...___� �----------- . � 1 83� 26" boys bi'�ce red . , 2 92� 2!�" bike b1u &�rht 3 789 24" �irls bi�c� ____�__ ---.-4 . �. � �56 � 20" boys bika � -- -- • ------ . . 5 1 9�9 � Huffy minibiko ._. ' . 6 746 26" �irls bit�� --- ' � 7 936 2!�" boys bik� __... S � 88�? ( 26" boys bikc� . g � 9'f 5 26n �� n � . q:0 i q11 2�i,i n n� 11 ` 823 26r� " " � 2 716 26" " n . . 13 g�ar% 2���' t1 H 1 !r. . ' 73� 21�r� n ,� � , 15 ! r1�.8 26" - Gir2s �ik� ....._�_...� - -- � 16 _� 897 2lLrr . n n , . 17 j 831 i 26" boys biFrj � - . ���.�_ ----- f-�---- 2�t� n n .18 � 803 - 1q I 818 26" girl� bik� �. _ .,_., I � 20 � 82�`.�._ 26" boys b� k� ___.-.---- , 1 801� 20•' tr n 2 827 26" pirls bik� . ..._ 2 r,� � 26t7 11 tl !a I 9� 6 26'r n n . I • 2� i 917 26" " � ��- ---- . - ---�- � . 6 � 8g1 � 24" bo,ys bike _'__ . .._._ � -�- ;� 7 ' 923 � 2E" g�rls bik� (price ir.cluci�d 1. NF« �: 35) �� � - -. _-r--- " _ _ ►: _._ _ - -----• --- - - _ _ ______---_- - 2g � 912 , 24 b�iko ( was r�•leas�;d to o��rAr b�fore auctior_) � ��� 20" boys bike �n �/15 2E" " " _ -- _"_.�.. 1� �Amount recde 17.i5 ._.,._-..-... 15.00 21 .CO CO '. : At�ction � ; no. 3� 32 33 34 35 3E 37 ■ 4� � 43 � �4E 47 48 ; 49- � 5� 52 • 53 _ 54 a 55 _� 57 `�y �� �� �-•-•`• t �_.t�_ Y.-` • �,�'! _ _ ..- �� Prop. -, ° ° •_ scription of n��,�ortv ��3 26" hoys bike . 7?7 20" ftufiy bi k� 792 2E" girls bikfl 84E bikq fram� only (pric� �nctudr�d ite:� ;6) � 795 2-bikn fran��s only � (s6F, attciior. L'?_i') � 8E0 2-20" SJ�1RA13 & tires s�.p auction f'3G.) � 7E9 1-rAd wagon ' 103� 26"_ bo s bike . . 1035 26" .irls bike -----______ X 1�3b 26" bo s biko -----_____ 1037 26" girls bik� � 1035 26" boys bik� � 1039 2�" boys biko . 65� 1- St�vens mor3P1 ?3Y22 .22 C3� rif1� 652 1-ba� containir.g: 1-fle�hli�ht, lpr, gto��r�s, 1-scro��dr�vFjr & 1_pli�r ._-.�..�.. 725 1-.22 CaI, pistol "ROHM'� ��4 1-slot car control handle "2�C" . ��9 1-bag of assort�d tools ���� 90'7 1_HO�,IDAY transistor ractio I 692 1°"PIC'T p�t 1 et pi s to1 79� 1-. "A�T jT*�rt portable rradio � . �25 1- "RCA" tr�sistor rFUiio � , 709 1_uIP7D�;STHO" ; 8" soctet s«�t . _._ ._ %..._ ._ __ 924 1-bag contuining: 2-flashli�hts, 1-pr. rubhnr glovAs 9� Q �_"+rIAT,TF.A.N'r mpns wri st watch �7�.% ':` .'i.:�„I3k�tS�'!t-�-=::F'3wri.1ri � ----- ----- ` � . . . ----_-__------- Ek3 1-"SAVAG�;" �,c2��[�1C o�•.r b.nn vn�pr riflo � ^ ' S .�.� � r.�� . r ;.'�::.n •.r. :'� � :�t;' �,�y._ � _. ,_,.,_— � . ..:�j'.,�l.:_,� F�...�,,��:tilii:Sti�''Zt.`.":.�� �jZ:w .:F)l1U �i....�t ' � •<7t' 'z`-, .��.cl. _.,f, _ .. ' . , - �� . A�iction Prop. � � Amount � no. no, __ D�,scription of pro��rt:,� recd� , 61 899 1-claw hatnm�r .�0 62 937 1- Tit�;X ladies watch • 3.0p ______e�.,_ E3 77ffA 1--KI�dGSTON �lactric Guitar 3�.CQ 6� 700 1-R.andolph fire ext. mod�:l V5 5.00 � 65 920 2- Chromo fire oxt. (1-�on�ral 1-Stop Fir� ) � 13.5� ' 66 9�9 1-frame onlv TOt�.O SPt7PTLA'�d .25 67 811 2-gas cans w�gas .50 bg 885A 2pr.�BVD socks . .75 b9 75? 1- S_AFF:�T#:�'�1�R fir.� Qxt. . 3.0� 70 �'�9 S= .4u��MOr3ic�' T%.F'ES 2�;.5Q '7/ ' ��S �- f�'AE .�'iS.�i.t/ G EC�cr����.tlT 2, �jQ 7Z i�, <n _ /_ 7 i, i. � _ �?,•: ,,.; ���-,- �z. o % i /�-�i,:- %_ C��l,!°�.'.• �;�.- ��>./.��• .,__ ,- � r. -,. - �?- �Si<���7-:�f- � //,/.�'i-�- %✓fi:/,.;l, li: .FQ �1 ,t/. ..,,- � C"�-�� � � � � l-� - : ; �s � - 9. Co �" �,�:.- /� CC,r1/� .C�,r7 �jl � . �0 7�: /{/t i�,'r_ � /! �r_-' �?1�/%%i= �,C - _w • 7 /(lc'�cii=" %- /_�i�C�<_= %Ni,/i=f= �_ (Was rot �old�_ I �: i t/�' �: �- /= ��� C (�-i � �"� % i.�F= � � � CG . 79 9!2 1- Ho�:A��.do duckbaot � � 8.00 80 nor�o assortad boxin� lovos .7� 81 nor.e 1-. ar_ir�al tra. � � � �5C Totai sales � � 795.3e - ' � �'� � , '! . � � � .' ' � � _ 4'7 THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS NLEETING OF MAY 22, 1968 The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Yline.n at 7:35 P.M. MENIBERS PRESENT: Ylinen, Ahonen, Mittelstadt, Minish, 0'Bannon MENIBERS ABSENT : No.ne OTF�RS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle, Build'i.ng Inspector MOTION by Mittelstadt to approve Board of Appeals minutes of May 8, 1968. Seconded by.ghonen. .,Upon.a,�o.ice vote,.there being .no nays, the motion carried una.nimously. REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERNIIT TO PE�MIT CO'IVSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE BUNGALOWS IN AN R-1 DISTRICT AS PEft SECTION 45.19 2A , CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 196 ON LOTS 10, 11, AND 12 BLOCK 2, RICE CREEK PLAZA SOUTH ANOKA COUN'I'Y, MINNESO' SAME BEING 6701, 6711 AND 6721 MAIN STREET NORTHEAST. REQUES' WOLKE. 251 RICE CRFFU mF`RRnrF NnRmu�a�m �:l'i:�: ► : : � : Lots 10 a.nd 11 will be used - not 12. • Chairman Ylinen relinquished his authority as Chairman and appointment of Mittelstadt as Acting Chairman was made by Ylinen, as he has special interest in �this matter. Ben Wolke explained his proposal for construction of two towx�.-house like structures, evaluatin.g them at $40,000.00 each. - . inen is in favor of the construction because the light industxial zoning across the street will not allow FHA. or CT Loans for adequate buildings to be pursued. MOTION by Minish to close the Public Hearing. The motion carried. MOTION by 0'Ba.nnon to accept the request for Special Use Permit - constructio.n � of two double bu:ngalows;to be built o plans and specifications presented to the Board at this meeting, and becau e all local neighbors were represe.nted by Ylinen.,.as far as he knows, do appro e of this building request. ' Seconded by Minish. Upon a voice vo e, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � ', 8:00 P.M, Donald Mittelstadt dismissed himself as Acting Chairman. I 2. REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PEftMIT TO LOW A BUSINESS OFFICE TO BE BUILT AND I USF1D IN AN R-3 DISTRICT IN CONJUNCTIO WITH AN APARTMEN'I' BUILDING ON LOT 2, BLOCK 1 AUS.A�DITION THE SAME BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 7�' AND EAST RIVER. ROAD OR 7691 EA.ST RIVER ROAD IDLEY MINNESOTA. REQUEST BY ROY � ERICKSON, 64t�1 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E.', FRIDZEY, MINNESOTA. . � ' J � � � � ' � I •� I � I � I , I � BO1�RD OF APPEALS - MAY 22, 1968 MOTION by Ahone.n that in view of th and since the reques-�ed useage will or the living conditions of the ten� approved. Seconded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice carried unanimously. 3. REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION AND A VARIANCE OF SECTION 4.26 FF P�.'�MIT CONSTRUCTION OF A 26' X 26' THE SAME BEING LOT 4, BLOCK 5, PAF OR 1181 LYNDE DRIVE N.E. NORTHWF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA. REQUEST BY C N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 0 PAGE 2 0 zoning of the property to the North ot in any way detract from the property ts of the apartment, the request be te, there bei.ng.no nays, the motiox� .25 FROM 25 FEET TO 20 FEEI' OF REAR YARD 35 FF�ET To 34 F�T oF FRONT YARD, TO �TELLIiVG ON AN 80' x �46.84' CORNEEi LOT, CEW OAKS FIRST ADDITION ANOKA COUNTY CORNEft OF LYNDE DRIVE AND REGIS DRIVE �LD GLENN BUILDII�S, 1202 HATHAWAY LANE Tony Gnerre spoke ior this request. MOTION by Minish to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice ote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Minish to approve the vari nce. It was pointed out that if the house was facing Regis Drive, the 34 foo� setback on Lynde Drive need only be 17 feet. The proposed plan prese. ts less of a traffic hazard. No neighbors objected and a petition has been pre ented to the Council, signed by neighbors who approve the proposed plan. -Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vo e,.there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. - Chairman Ylinen lef�t at'8:30 P.M. 4. REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF BUILDING S BACK REQUIRIl"LENTS FROM 80 FEET TO 20 FEET TO THE SOUTH PROPII�TY LINE, AND F`ROM 80 FEET TO 45 FEET TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE, SECT�ON 45•34� AND VARIANCE TO DELETE REQUIREMENri' FOR PLANTING STRIP AND SIDEWALK ON THE S UTH AND WEST PROPERTY LINES, SECTION 45•342 � A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED PARKING AREA BY APPROXIMATELY 60,000 SQUARE FEET SECTION 45.343 N ORDER TO CONSTRUCT A FRANCHISE RESTAUR.AN'T' IN A C-2-S DISTRICT ON P T OF LOTS 1 A�'�; 1 AUDITOR' S SUBDIVISION # 88, ANOKA COUN'I'Y MI SOTA, THE SAN� BEING THE NORTflEAST CORNER OF MOORE LAKE DRIVE AND HIGHW Y#65. REQ,UEST BY MAX SALITERMAN c�o WYMAN SMITH, 1050 BUILDERS EXC GE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Wyman Smith appeared o.n behalf of 1 Jack Conant, representative of �c � af, applicant. Max Saliterma.n, and Mr. �, also appeared. t � 0 �� � . � . , i , BOARD OF APPEA.LS - MAY 22, �96s PAGE 3 The road through the shopping center was dedicated in the past�because it met the City's plans for a main Ea,st West thoxoughfare. Thus, the road divides the shopping center in half. The applicant stated objections as f llows: 1. Variance from sidewalks - unfair to xequire this. __. 2. Variance from 80 foot requiremen from roads - doesn't want to block the existing tenants in shopping ce.nter. �Doesn't want to put it South of Rice Creek Boulevard because e has major plans for that area. MOTION by Minish to close the Public Hearing. . Seconded by 0'Bannon. Upo.n a voice �vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Minish to de.ny�variance. ' Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. The reason for the motion is that t e Board can grant a variance o.nly if the Boaxd finds strict enforcement f thE Ordinance creates a hardship that is unusual or unique to the subject property. Considering the particular parcel for which the variance was raquested, the evidence prese.nted by the applicant did not show a hardship tY�at is unusual or unique. � ADJOURNMENl': The Meeti.ng adjourned at 9:25 P.M. I 0 � • { 0 � ., . � . �' � HALL, SMITH, JUSTER, FORSBEF2G �AND .F IKEMA . -50 : � ,���� � � � � � y�� 7f � -� � �- !/^�T''/� y�A' 3# �'' 'E�/; ' �E+t�' � �r .a .`�, ��/ e�, � . � � �.., �i'/ ' V�.��,/ �'�� £� k.+' � &,.�t"� '� F.� "�.. �� .. a . �. �T �t� � X . . ' � . � . � /� . ��// . . . . � . .. . . � U .. R�' -� OOL�GLAS.HALL - . . � . � ' WYMAN SMITH 1050 BU'LOERS EXCNANGE BIOG.. MINNEAPOL�S, MINNESOTA 55402 LEONAROT.JUSTER . PM01VE 39-1481 • �FFICfS IN: 055E0, COON RAPID.S, FRIDIEY . . THOMAS G. FORSBERG - � � _ ' HENRY M. ►EIKEMA � � � . . . . .�'�^� �/_' �(�LQ . ,�' IQONAIp L. HASKVITZ � . 1'LGL �-t 7VV . � � � � � . . . . � Mr. Homer Ankrum City Manager � City of Fridley � 6431 University Avenue Northeast � Fridley, Minnesota. 55421 , Re: Restai nt on Max Saliterman's Property Dear Mr. Ankrum: . � Mr. Saliterman and myself appeared be ore the Board of Appeals at the hearing which was set�on May 22, 1968. The a plication for the various variances � was denied. I presume this matter wi 1 then go%your agenda for the City Council meeting of June 3, 1968. We ould like to have ten or fifteen minutes reserved with the Council to.go over he various matters involving this restau- ' rant. If you could give me some sugg stion as to what time the matter would. come on the agenda I would appreciate that fact. : . � �1 � ' ' WS/cg , cc: Mr. Max Saliterman �� 25 University Avenue Southeast � Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 1 - � � .. i � - � - .Yours tru y, Wyman mith '� MINUTES OF REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION',CONIl�IISSION MEETIN __ G, MAY 27, 1968 � ' � � ' , 1 Nieetzng was called to order at Meadowl ROLL CALL ds Addition by Chairman Hughes at 7;30 �'.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Hughes, r)unphy, Cochran, Fitzpatrick • MEMBERS ABSENT: Larson OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation Alan Jenkins, 6711 Overton Drive Lee Johnson, 6735 Overton Drive COMMISSION VISITS MEADOWLANDS ADDITION � Personal Ins ection The Commission met at the Meadowlands Addition and discussed present conditions and�future plans for the park with Mr. Alan Jenkins and Mr. Lee Johnson, both residents of Overton Drive. Formal Meeting was called to order at Civic Center at 8:25 P.M. - Conference Room ROLL CA�:L 1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Hughes, Dunphy, Cachra�, Fitzpatrick . MEMBERS ABSENT: Larson � OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation , Harvey Peterson, Anoka County Commissioner Frank Huelskamp, Athletic Director of Fridley School District #14 ' � � , ' � , � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ON APRIL 22, �968, AND OF SPECIAL MEETINGS.ON APRIL 28th AND MAY 13, 1968 Member Cochran requested that in the Special Minutes of May 13, 1968, Page 1, Bond Issue Brochure, the date that the brochures were to be mailed be changed from Saturday, June lst, to Saturday, May 25th. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by �ochran, that the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 22, 1968, and the Special Meeting f•�inutes of April 28th and May 13, 1968, be accepted. The Motion Carried. I GUESTS Athletic Director of School District� #14 Mr. Frank Huelskamp, Athletic Direct�r of School District #14, was present at the meeting to discuss with the Com�ission the plans for construction of the land behind the High School. The cdst will be approximately $75,000.00 and will consist of leveling the ground and developing two football practice fields and one softball field. In the future they are pianning to develop eight tennis courts, hockey rink, golf-driving range, and archery range. The Commission asked if these facilities would be made available to the public when not being used by the school. Mr. Huelskamp answered that of course there is always the problem of getting competent personnel to supervise these facilities. He suggested that the track is not in use during the summer and perhaps the City could organize a track program for boys and girls. Mr. Huelskamp pointed out that the School and the City have the same goals, de,al with.the same children, and in some cases, use the same tax dollar. ' • Anoka County Commissioner � • Mr. Harvey Peterson, Anoka County Commissioner, informed the Commission that the final plans for the Ice Arena will be accepted on June 1, 1968, and that the aniticipated opening of the arena will be in February of 1969. `'�1_ ', . '' ' MINUTF,S OF REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 27. 1968 Chairman Hughes said that the Council i on Spring Lake and the Director will be for the County aid of $1,500.00. LETTERS PAGE 2 acting to purchase the corner o� land sending in the necessary application � Letter from John Dunphy to Sen. Walter Mondale - Subject: Request that he put Fridley on mailing list for available surplus property (Surplus Property , Act of 1944, H.R.10495 - Surplus Property for Park or Recreation Purposes). ' Letter from John Dunphy to Mr. Robert F. Hall, Midwest Planning F� Research, Inc. - Subject: Plans in the Anoka Capital Improvement Program which would affect the City of Fridley in the area of parks and recreation. � � ' , � , � Letter from three citizens in residential area around the Little League Field at 58th and Jefferson � Subject: Complaint of traffic during games. The letter was received in the Parks and Recreation Office and is addressed to the City Council, City Manager, Police.Department, and the Parks and Recreation Com- mission. The Commission feels these residents have a legitimate complaint although this is the first time this problem has been brought to their atten- tion. The complaint also states that the club house and grounds are kept in an unsightly condition. The Lease Agreement between the City of Fridley and the Little League Organization specifically states that it is the res- ponsibility of the Little League to maintain the property. (See Attachments: Letter (Complaint) and Lease Agreement) DIRECTOR'S REPORT Parks Work Progress Report The Commission questioned the reason for the second break�in of the Park Garage. The Director brought to the attention of the Commission, the great need for a burglar alarm in the garage. He has already received one bid for the installa- tion of an alarm. LAND ACQUISITION North Park Area MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, to inform the Council that this area in ' the far north part of town along University Avenue does•not figure in the Com- mission's lans at resent. We further move that the Commission in uire of the Council ihe purpose which t e Council has in mind for the tract north of 1 Osborne Road and bVest of University Avenue for which the Council ordered a re- quest for a federal grant. The Motion Carried. , ��I._ � In discussion of the motion, the Commission wished to refer the Council to- the� Speci.al Commission Meeting Minutes of September 13, 1967, for a summary of the Commission's feeling concerning this land which remains the same at this time. (See Attachment: Special Meeting Minutes of September 13, 1967) OLD BUSINESS Bond Referendum The brochure was mail,ed Monday, May 27th, to the residents of Fridley. The Citizens Committee is staging a door to door campaign passing out "Vote Yes" signs. The League of Women Voters are planning to make and place lawn signs and are also planning a door to door campaign... They are also planning a Pub- lic Meeting to be held June 6th at Locke Park in the shelter building. '� � ' � � � MINUTES OF REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 27, 1968 NEFV BUSINESS ' � PAGE 3 Parks and Recreation Department Quarters The City wishes to use approximately $4,500 of the $6,900 in the Granular Material Fund from Lock Park for the construction of Parks and Recreation De- par�ment Quarters in the lower level of the Civic Center. If the fund is used, the Commission feels that the Fund should be repaid from the General Fund of the Gity. MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, that in view of the obvious need for Parks and Recreation Offices, hereby move that City he allowed to borrow u� to entire Granular Maierial Fund to immediately finance needed improved offices. However, it should be definitely understood that these funds must be repaid by June 1, 1969, in time for construction season The Motion Carried. � � In discussion of the motion, the Commission wished to point out to the Council that it is their plans to use the Fund for improving Locke Park once the Ice � Arena is completed. � ' 1969 BUDGET AND DETAILED PLAN ' In lieu of the late hour, the Commission decided to.postpone the discussion of the 1969 Budget and Detailed Plan and hold a Special Meeting on Monday, June 3, 1968, devoting their full attention to the Budget. ' , r ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11;35 P.M. A 3pecial Meeting will be held on Monday, June 3rd, at the Civic Center, at 7:30 P.M. The next Regular Meeting will be held on'Monday, June 24, 1968, at the Civic Center, at 7:30 P.M. , Respectfully submitted, , C.i-CV i' ���� G� � Mar ou�ckson Secretar - , Y , y Parks and Recreation Commission , , � � ' . �� �52 � _ .53 + b4INUTES OF THE SP�CIAL A9EETING O�P THE PARK AND RECRI:ATION COI��9ISSION SEPTEMBER 7.3. 1967 � b�iEMBERS PRES�NT: Hughes, Dunphy, Cochran, Spence, Fitzpatrick ' MEMBLRS ABSLNT: None OTHERS PRESENT: A4ayor Kirkham, CounciLnen Harris; Samuelson, and Liebl, Acting City Manager Brunsell, Mrs. Behrens - Fridley Record � , � ' J ' � �� �� II � DISCUSSION OF PARK IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL The purpose of the meeting was to present the Commission's proposal for a park improvement program as adopted as the special meeting of September 11, 1967. Mr. Hughes presented an item by item summary of the proposal. He stated that the program had been adopted with certain cri.teria in mind and that the Commis- sion felt that the proposed program met all these. l. Neighborhoods which presently have no parks or have insufficient park land should be given priority. 2.. The proposal should include all those items which the Commission feels are urgent to the establishment of a satisfactory park system.- 3. The proposal should have as its objective the provision of a balanced, well developed park system for the City :sstisfactory to our needs for the next five years at a minimum. In discussion of the proposal, the follpiaing major points were covered. 'In anstiver to a question as to the advisability of locating parks in land present- ly planned for industrial use, the members of the Commission stated that in�areas where this approach was recommended, there was generally no•other satisfactory land. Beyond th7s, the areas where such uses are proposed are those where the City had not acted to provide park land during the development of the area and therefore faced a situation in which no parks exist i� heavily populated areas and no open land exists except that zoned industrial. This discussion centered around proposed parks in the Summit Manor anci Hyde Park neighborhoods (tracts 26 and 20 in the proposal). In the end, concensus seemed to exist that it is worth the sacrifice of a relatively small portion of the City's industrial capacity in order to pr.ovide parks in these areas. ,, NIINU'I'LS OF SPLCI�IL MF.ETING SEPTEMI3LR 13, 1967 � '. ' � ' � ' � , I , I � I � I , I , PAGE 2 �4 Mayor Kirkham stated that he felt that the Southeast Woodland park included in the proposal could be provided by the Tand which any developer in the area would be required to dedicate to the City. Such dedication would bring some park land in the area to the City and would allow the use of funds progranuned for that area for other purposes. Mr. Cochran indicated that his park had occupied the last place on the Commission's priority list and that if other projects appear to be of hi.gher priority there would be no objection to dropping the funding for this one ivhile retaining the intent to establish a park in the area by use of dedicated 1and. In discussion of the area along Rice Creek and south of County Road H, members of the Commission stated that the area had been omitted f�rom the proposal because in the judgement of the Commission the cost of development would be somewhat higher and the natural beauty of the completed park would be somewhat lower than that possible in an area such as tract 24. Members of the Council stated that the area offers an opportunity for water sports and for open country activities such as sliding hills not presently available or planned in the City. After discussion of the matter, it was agreed that the area would be incTuded in the proposal as a land acquisition item. (The area is identified as tract 13 on the map and original study sheets.) . Councilman Harris questioned the wisdom of omitting provisions for a major adult recreation area from the proposal. He stated that such an area could be developed in the future to include a golf course, tennis and handbal-1 courts, bicycle trails, etc., but that in his opinion this is the time to purchase the land. He stated that the Council had applied for an Open Space grant from the U.S. Government to purchase a tr.act for this purpose, and while the grant ha.d not been forthcoming immediately, there is a good chance of one becoming available at a later date. He , pointed to the fact that there are large areas in the northern part of the City 1 ' which are presently undeveloped and have no assessments for improvements to be ,° � , ' � MINUTI�S OF SPLCIAL MEETING SEPTLI�IBI;R 13, 1967 PAGE 3 paid off. If purchase of land for this purpose is delayed, he felt t}iat the land would be improved and would therefore be much more costly --.perhaps too costly to allow its use for recreation. Members of the Commission indicated that they had considered the adult recreation ' park as a part of the proposal and had eliminated it from the final proposal for several reasons. Foremost of these was that in the Con;mission's judgement a num- I , I ' I � ber of other projects would take priority over an adult recreation area and with a limited amount of money available should be given first consideration. Second, the costs involved in the future development of such an area would be very high as compared with the cost of developing the normal park. Estimates of develop- ment cost of the area if it included an 18 hole golf course have ranged from $1 to $1.5 million. The Commission felt t�at purchase of land for this purpose would tend to commit the City to eventually spending the much larger.amount for development. Third, the Commission felt that there is not a large amount of pub- , lic support for a facility of this sort at present, and indeed there is a large amount. of public dissent on the facility. The Commission concluded that it would � i � � be better to concentrate in this program on those items which appeared to have a more urgent need and more public support and to defer funding for acauisition of an adult recreation area until a later'id�te. � In the course of discussion on this matt�r, it -appeared that there was no agree- ment on the ultimate need of the City for a golf course. There appeared to be concensus that the cost of land for thislpurpose is as low�now as it will ever be, although it was pointed out that if the land is bought now and held for ten years that the interest on the purchase price wo�zld raise the effective price by 50%. It was also pointed out that in the event that Open Space grants by the federal government become available, it might be in the best interest of the City to apply such grants to other areas and other purposes; for example, the acquisi- tion of land in the Summit blanor, I-iyde Park, Southeast l9oodland, or Rice Creek 55 �, 1• ' � , , ' i , � , � � ' � , i , MINU1'ES OF SP�CIAL MLI:TING SEPTLP1131:R 13, 1967 P�GE 4 , - areas. All these areas represent opportunities af differing types and should be considered. Councilman FIar.ris proposed that rather than specifying the purchase of a specific tract for a specific purpose, a fund be established and earmarked for use in land acc{uisitions for which grant-in-aid could be obtained from out- side sources. This approach would allow the decision as to the ultimate use of the fund to be deferred until outside pa'rrticipation is actually available. , in discussion of the suggestion, c{uestiohs were raised as to who would control the reserve fund. It was agreed that if such a fund were established, the coun- cil should control the fund in order to assure that it is spent for the stated purposes. Questions were also raised as��to how such a res�rve would be estab- lished and whether the present or future'Councils would be allowed to change the purpose of.the fund. ' ; It was agreed that the Commission would present a recommendation to the Council incorporating changes to the proposal originally adopted at the special meeting of September 11, 1967 and that the Council would place consideration of the pro- , posal on its agenda for the September 18,I 1967 meeting. •. � ', All visitors except Counci�man Harris le$t the meeting at 11:30 P.M. � In discussion of changes to the proposal,��, the Commission agreed to a change of funding from tract 24 to tract 13 and an II''indication that a park is still expect- ed to be established in the area of tractl 24 utilizing land dedicated by the de- veloper of the area. � The Commission was unable to agree on terms under which a reserve for participa- tion in grant-in-aid projects should be set up. Individual opinions ranged from the feeling that no reserve should be established�to agreement that the reserve was a good idea but that terms.for its establishment'and control could not be arrived at. It was agreed.that the Commission proposal be for�varded to t�he Coun- � cil wi.thout a recommendation for such a r�serve but with the indicati.on that if 56 �,. D1IN�JTES OP SPLCIAL MEETING St:PTLAIBER 13, 1967 � P�GE 5 5'� � �he Council adds such a fund to the proposal that the Cor�unission would support the amended proposal. i . ' ' , � � , � ' ' � , T4otion by Spence, seconded b Cochran, that the Commission modify its proposal of September 11, 1967 to remove the fundin� from tract 24 (Southeast Woodland) and provide funding for acquisition of tract 13 SRice Creek east of Central Ave- nue) and recommend to the Council that t'he proposal as modified be a�proved and implemented. ' In discussion, Cochran emphasized that this action did not change the intent of the Commission to eventually have a park'', in the Southeast Woodland area, but � represented a reliance on dedication of such park land rather than its purchase. Hughes indicated that if a reserve fund for participation in Open Space or otlier grants is established, it should be add.ed to this proposal rather than replacing any part of it. Fitzpatrick indicated that he wanted to be sure that if such a reserve were established, that the terms and the degree of_participation by out- side agencies would be established clearly. On a voice vote, the motion ti�as carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Robert J. Hughes, Acting Secretary to t� Parks and Recreation Commission �, i � , ' , � � C� , Copie, ta: Fridley City Council Frid].ey City t:zan�,�er Fxid],ey Palice Dep�.x�r�� Fridley P�rks �nd. Recr��tion Re; Li�tle Le,�gue Ball Park De�x � ir�: �Iay �3, 196s '�'�. Jon�s 5860 ��fonroe 5t. J. Ltather� 5870 �::onroe St. R. l�e�son 660 59th Ave. Cor�n�i.ssion C�e v�i�h to inPorm the canY�cil of a ndttex ��th��t has caused us gret�t cor.cern the p�:st t��o je�rs, N Litt] e Le�=�ue playin� . field ��r�� p�,�ced in the miast Qf our residential �:re;�y ti��ithout ��ord Lo thos� of us �rha �ould have to live ti�ith the situ�.iion, �as tr,in�s �i�,ve turned ou �, the Li'�tle �eGgue '�'i�ld, noisy ��s it is, coe� not pres�nt �;s rluch of �x prob? e� �s doeq �_hQ tr� ffic.. C�rs, trzr:Teying �uci� too fas� for aur streets, be�;in :�heelin� in at G.40 p,rn, and p�rk up �:nc do�r� our streets c��.using a p�rticul��xly hazarc�ous condit�:on on 58? elve. ,�. dead end street. Their drivers h�4ve �Lbsolutely no concexn fox� trose of u,�ho live �:srouno here. They bloc;� �our drive��wy� :�ncl o�'ten use them as turn �.rounds; they TJ�i,rk on the �vrong sicie of the street anc� bGck �3round. the corne�s. T'he Little Le-:�u� are_� ha� :r,ore th��n adeau�te s����ce fox o�'f str�et par?cir.�;, ��n� it ���o-alc� s�e,n t���t in the n<�r;e oi s�-F'ety ��.1 ci:.:xs s�acald br forcec to r�.ark zn s�t.:.ce nr�vid�c� f�r -Lhe pur�ose, • �_lso, it �oul� se��a to us ',t� �� sir.c� this Little L��gue ' field is 1oc�t�d in the �i�.st olf aur �:x��.. �nd since our �.rea of �o�ne �0� ho:nes h=,s xe:�11y no .pl�yground ��ithin c�boat six blocks, this field or p�,rt o#' it could be o�ened. �,s a public nlayground. ��e feel too, thc�t so:je �pecific��tions � ould be , made as to upkeep o� this prope�rty. The club hou5� �vitr no sidin� and no �rir�r�ows und Y,cco:�banied by �z ���ellite toilet is most; unsi�h�ly,- In adc�.itioz�', dried ocat, unr�:o;�n la��ns �ith ' open s�nd are�s C xe f�ar from ht�ving any aesth4tic a.p�ae ql. �Te h�,ve voiced aur disa�prov�.l to .tnp city �;�nt�.g�r, � police d�D��rt�.erii �.nci �r'_� cor.��a�.s�ion to r.o �v�:i?. Hopefully, t?�i.s �.ett..r v�il1 fit�t� our c�.�e �ox� fir•rnly, r..nr brir�g �,b�ut so:z:e kind c�f ��.ctiori, �''�/� ,� � �C./�-��..�� � � �,-2-�,�.:-c_.,�, / /�'I � J 4Lc=�'�y� �•' /=�=k/.' , `� __� 'f � ' : ,� - ! /�' . _ r"/ ., / . _ �� r _ ._ ���%� �E ��� .�� ���-y� ' ��urs �ruly, f �I - _ _� ` f� �"- -y�/�' /� G Y'Y1'l�t�� �� �-i � i� ✓ /V `�� I/'��r��I . � I r `x' �-� �'' � �� I 1l G � ..' : �✓ : -'-� % -� '`- , �-.' � ��, �� ��> � � � �-� �-�c % C.-� C...G-�-. . �. , . 5� � a■ ,�' h. ' � 1 � � ' � ' ' � LJ ' ' I ,• I ' I ' ' � • � � �. . � - . tc�s� nc,.�,Er,tich�T Ti� f S �1GRECi�;CC�T, made �;� i s 1'� ��-- day oi June I�66 by ar�d between t��e C i �y o�F Fr't d! ey, a�;unli c ipa I corpor�-�t i on, p�ri;y of t!�r. -f i rs-t part, Lessor, and L i tt ( e Lea�ue of Fr i�d I ey, I nc ., a!�t i nne so �a corpor��t i on, party of the second p��rt, � Lessee. �� 1'J IT1��SSETfi : That sa i d part',y of the f i rst p�-�rt, i n cons i dcra- , t i on o F tl�e rents and covenants here i nafter men-� i oned, does here[�y � Ic�se and Ie� unto said �arty of t�ie second p��rt; and the party of the second p��rt does herehy rent and t�ke fron the party o�`= the -� i rs � part, tl�e fo f�I ow i ng descr i bed prem i ses, s i tuated i n the C i ty o f Fr i d! ey, County of Anoka, State I,of M i nnesota : G I ock . 16, hioore Lake �ldd i'-� i on . TO �1�',VE APJD TO F-IOLD the �uovje rented prem i ses unto t;�e second o<�rty �.nc! i ts successors, sub ject tlo the concl i t i ons and I i r.� i tat i ons !;ere i nafter mcn � i oned,- for and dur i'nc� the term of f i ve ($� ye�rs ,f � co�:�mcnc i n� on the , " day of `� .` '' �•�. , I 9�6 ��nd end i nc on t;ie ,'� � Gay o(' I�-'• _---- � I 97 I. �rov i de.d, howevcr, .the p�,r-�y o P thc sccond p �rt sha ( I have �n op-� i t�'n to reneti� . sa i d I ease on tf�e s�-�,nc terns �nd conditions for an additional five (5� ye�r period � cor.�r�enc i,n� at the terrn i n�t i on of th� f i rst f i ve-ye�-�r per i od auove � descr i bccJ. II � � . . �t�. \ 1 1 Q� Tt. .. r r,i n . ,il . . - . . . �{C ScCOi,� PA��T ��c�r�es to p��y as rent to tl�e f i r�s� F� �-:ri -� or tl�c a!�ovc rnentioned premiscs, dur'tn� the -�erm of this lease t=;�o sur�, of -One Do].].� �$1.00) . ' ��� i i ! '" I � � , ' � ' ' , �_ : ' ' � � ' � � � , . f a � e ? . ',, . � IT I S AG�EED th�-�t the scconri party slia { I m�� i nt � i n the abovc descr i!�c�7 pro�erty !<eep i nc� i t free' �nd c l c��r of I i tter, dei�r i s, noxi�us ��reeds and �ny other cond it i ons th �t wou I d cons� iiu �e �: nuis,nr.e. P�rty of the second part sh�lf also.hold tne party o� the fii�st part harmless from a{I Iiabifity for any and all �c�ivities s�onso� ed by tlie p�rty of the seco!,nd part. P�rty of t��e second � par � sh�; I I not, however, be I i�-�6 i I!e for any i n jur i es or other t. . ! i�,'� i I i �y when the party of tl�e f i'rst part i s u s i n� sa i d I�nd �o�� or,c�,an i zeu �ct i v i � i es under the superv i s i on of tl�e C ity of Fr i ci l ey, the Fr i dtiy f'arks ancl 2ecre�t i on Gomm i ss i on, or er�p I oy�es o; the Ci�y. , . IT IS AGREED by t1�e par�ies', t!iat tl�e party of the firs� ' p�-���� .r.»y use the �bove described p�lrenises toc�e���er with any in- I ' I ' I ' prover�ehts th�� may f�e instal I'ed b�y t1�e party of tfie sec.ond pa�� wl�en sucfa use i s not -i nconpat i b l e'� i th the use� of sa i d prer,� i ses ��nu f ac i l i� i es by tl�e party of the second p�r-t . � Lf�OP; TE2� iAT I 0�; of th i s t eas�',e, party of the second 7�rt sl�a !! �- � h��vc perr;� i ss i on to rer�ove any and I,a I I i rnprover,�en�s, whet;�er or� 'not s� i J i�provernents �re attacl�ed to 're� I est��te� p I acecl on tne �i^oner�y ' , 1>y ��rty of �;he second part. ('arty of the f i rst part sha l�l com- pens��te n�rty of the second part i'or any i mprovements i nsta I I ed ' 6� tlie p�rty of the seeond p�rt wh'ich cannot be. renovec; fror, �he ' prer� i ses. S� i d compcns�-�t i on to he' detcrm i ned by t(�C then ma�l:c� � value of tne improver�ent. ' '� � � ' ' ' ' m P���e 3. IT lS AG;��D E3Y A�D f�ET!`JEEr�lI,, �he p��r-t ies that shou I u thc second party f�� i I to ma}:e tl�e above-ment i oned p�ymenis w��en due, or fa i! to fu I f i! I any of the cond i t i ons h�re i n ciescr i bed, that �l�e f i rst ���rty r���y; at i�s discretion, re-enter and take possession oi= �;(�e above premises. It is further a�reed by �he parties, th�t the second p��r�y t�i I I not ass i gn th i s I ease or sul� I et the �bo��e pren i ses ' w itl-�ou� f i rst o�ta i n ing the wr ittem consent of tlie f i rst par �y. ' TE^P�' I �lATI O�d �F T;I t S I ease sha I I be effected by tf� i rty (30 } cSay ti�r i � �en not i ce by e i ther party ' here i n. 1 n �lie even-t of suc�� � ' ' terr.� i n�-�t i on, ne i ther party sha I I be ent i t I ecl to any add i t i on � I p�y^�eni o�� pen�, Ity o-�her than as prov't ded i n the aC�ove terr►s o� ���is Ic�-�se. !P•1 ��'JITP;ESS r'J{-�EREOF,. the s�-�ic� par�ies have hereunto set their ' h�-�r.ds and sea l s the d� and ye�r f i rs� ��bove wr i t�;en . , Ih; i'2�S: P�CE 0F: CITY 0F FRIDLEY � i� I ' 1 _ ;j��� ��; _ �f.�> ,_ C� _ ' I!�Y ,f _....._' �; �/ �� i - �� .� � ' � _�. � ;-- �r'-�.-�.,�� I� g ,�._ _�_ I y _�" ' ; / �' { ____ �'� � �----_ — � �';� � �." 1� ,� � _ l - �� _ � `A � ' r �`/ ( ' , _ _r. 1.-. Ci •� L I TTLE LE�1Gl1� OF F� I D L�Y, I ��C . . ,._ ; � �y - ^ � F /���� lJ � � � C.�� - �� � "� � � ;��%� � s _ i _ �/ ,�_ ��, i � l�' � Y,�.__.___ ` �.1 0 � F�� . n���;e rt. ST�IT� OF ��i l Pd�lESOTA ) � U��,,�,; p�.� ) S S . coc�r;TY oF ��.��," ') I On �i.'i i s."f:� .�.' day of �:�---- -,, 1966, bcfore me a P�!otary ./ �l ['u� I i c►�� i t!� i� anrJ for sa i d County, I�erson� 1 1 y ap�cared l'" � _ .. , � �%�� � �'���;�', l�'��. _ � _ -� and �� . _,� ( ' ,'' � ,%� � . _ ,. � ._ � , for the City of Fridley; and r /�l. C=- . � f-�.�-f__i, � ' �nd ✓1 � �`, � ��r / ( ry , /r^ �� � ------ � `�; -- . f or �he L i'ct I e Lea�ue of Fr i d I ey, I nc ., �o me r:nowr� to ��e tne �c^sons described in and who executed the �'oreJOin� instrur�ent and �,c!: notir I ec1�e� tf�at t}�ey executed the s��r.ie� as the i r free ac� and deed. , � � - -� � . , r ,' / / '� ' ^/ -/:' >_\ � . • � , �..s.__ , � - - - _ - _ - _ E 0 _ � ,,i ''��,� ' � , i � ; - � ,,r . • - � t. I3UILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CON'I'ROL SUI3COMMITTFE MIi�Lri'ING MINUTES - MAY 27 , 1968 The Mee+ing was called to ord�r by Chairman Erickson at�5:44 p.M. N!F`vIBII�S PRESEN'I': Erickson, Dittes, Tonco, Bierma.nn N1Il�'�ERS ABS�NT: Hauge OTI�F� S PRESENT: Nasim Qureshi-Cit.y Engineer, Clarence Belisle-Building Insp. 1. CONSIDERATION OF A BUILDING ON LOTS 3. HARRIS ERECTION. 6 � �EQ�JEST FOR CONSTRi7CTI0N OF AN 80 X 80 LIGHT NIANUFACTURING , 35, 36� � 37� �LOCK B, ONAWAY ADDITION. REQUEST BY 10 RIVERVIEGI TII�ACE, FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA.�— �� Discussio.n on building locations. ', MOTION by Biermann to accept the proposal as presented provided: A. Lot 11 b� included i.n the legal description for the new building for parking. , B. A 15' planting atrip on Lot 11'' abutting Main Street be added. C. That there be precast parking curbs and the balance of the parki.ng lot be crushed rock. ' D. All block be painted. , Seconded b.y Tonco. Upon a voice vote,' there being no nays, the motio.n carried unanimously. ' , � CONSIDERATION OF PLOT PLAN FOR FINAL PERMIT FOR TI� RICP CREEK OF'FICE BUILDING LUT 2 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION -9 ANOKA COUNTY MINNL+'SOTA THE SAl�2E BEING 6279 UNIV�SITY AVENUE N.E. FRIDLL`Y MINNESOTA. REQJEST BY L.M.J. COMPANY 1011 WEST 80th STREET, BLOOMINC�TON, MINNESOTA. NOTIOTd b.y Dittes to approve as proposed; provided the ow.ner enters in.to agre�me.nt with the Cit.y of �'ridley to provide additional blacktopped parking space when the City determines the parking as now proposed'to become inadequa�e. Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote,lthe.re being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl,y. �, AD�70UR.NMEN'I' : ' The Meeti.ng was adjouxn.ed at 6:25_P.M. � RespecL-fully submitted, CLARENCE BELISLE Building Inspector � � � � �� 0 � �� �� , ' �I PLANNING CO1�II�IISSION 1�1EETING - 1�IAY' 23, 1968 The meeting was called'to order by Chaixman Hughes at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL : (NO OFFICTAL ACTI��N TAKEN FOR LACK OF A QUORUM) '' Members Present: Hughes, Jensen Members Absent: Eritkson, Ylinen, Myhra Others. Present: Engineering kssistant Darrel Clark ' � 1. ' � ' Ci , J ' ' � ' ' ' �� �4 PAGE 1 Chairman Hughes said that.inasmuch as there was no quorum this evening, the Commission would dispense with the opening formalities and acceptance of the minutes. REVIEW OF CHANGES IP1 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, ZOA #66-16, (HAROLD 'SC'HROEDERI ���1CO3 INC . : �epresented by James . 8olverson. The following persons'present representing the petitioner were: Howard Dumphy, James�Solverson, Peter � 6. Campion and Mervyn J.�Eliason. : Mr. Solverson explained that, basically, the�plan presented this evening, w�s a re-grouping working around the central pool area. The Iayout is somewhat similar to the original presentation. They are now rec�uesting variances on the original presentation. They have a more detailed floor plan and studies of the exterior. It was noted that orie �of 'the maj or� changes was the elimination of the access''road between the apartment complex and the commercial; property. Mr. Dumphy said there would be no road, but two bridges. The reason fox : the change of the positior� of the garages is that they would be too low arid the footings would be on unstable ground. A patio was planned which'would be separated from the enclosed pool by a bridge. ......, Space has been allowed�! for 1.5 cars which would not be�used cornpletely unlesslthere were guests and perhaps part of this 4rea could be�, used for a recreation area. It was noted that at the public hearing of Nover�ber 20, 1967, the motion mentioned' three bridges. h1r . Dumphy to this area. Eliason, 7035 regarding this said he had' acc{uired more property adj acent � Mr. Dumphy asked that P�Ir. Mervyri J. titiayzata Boulevard,�.receive all communications request. . , � 0 � Planning Commission A4eeting - May 23, 1968 Page 2 Mr1 Solveson said they were putting in balconies, and each apartment has its own entrance, one.to the parking area and.one to the pool. ' _ Chai.rman Hughes asked' that this item be put on the agenda of June 13, 1968 and in the meantime asked the Engi.neering Assistant to review witfi the petitioner the ' previous plans in connection with the new request. It was felt the Commissi,on would need a certification that the new request only contains' a change, but all other documents remain the same. This item will be on the agenda of June 13, 1968� 2. CARTER-DAY: APPROVE.REGI!STERED LAND SURVEY, RLS #68-03: The Engineerzng Assistant explained that this property would not have to be platted as it is a larger tract.than that o� one needi,ng platting however the petitioner is reauesting that it be a registered land survey for the purpose of simplifing the'legal description. Members present indicated approval and recommended that it go directly to Council in its final draft for the purpose of speeding its process. ADJOURNI��IENT : . . � The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. � ' Respectfully Submitted by Hazel 0'Brian � ' � Recording Secretary i . . . . .' . � i . . . • . . I ��I i I . . i i _ I _ . � . �'I . � . . • - I . • ' I . � . . ��I . . . . ' . � • . - � � 'I � ' • I - � . . .. � . �� I, • . � �i j _ i • I - __. . '., ,� I . . � . � t� ' THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MAY 15, 1968 . The Meeting was called to prder by Mayor Kirkham at 8:00 P.M. � May 15, 1968 ROLL CALL• . .. MEMBERS PRESENT: Carlson, Paul!son, Mahurin MEMBERS ABSENT: Johnson, Muri (Mr. Muri has moved out of Fridley) ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN• ' � Mr. Mahurin nominated Mr. Stan Carlson as Chairman of the Authority. Mr. Carlson was elected unanimo'usly. Mr. Carl Paulson agreed to serve as the temporary secretary until the full Commission is active and a secretary can be e'lected. � ADJOURNMENT • � - There being no further business', the meeting was adjourned. • Respectfully submitted, Jack 0. Kirkham, Mt�yor , Acting Secretary ', ! �� �' ��% , � RESOLUTION N0, A RESOLUTION RELATINGI!TO THE ALLOCATING OF � FUNDS FOR A PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE AT 51ST AVENUE NORTHEAST AND UNI�IERSrTY AVENUE (T.H. ��47) ' O � ' ' ' � ' , ' ' � ' WHEREAS, there is a need for a pedestrian structure (Bridge.at 51st � Avenue Northeast and University; and WHEREAS, the pedestrian structure is needed to promulgate pedestrian safety and the State Highway Department has been requested'to install the structure; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesot� has''agreed to pay $29,500 or 50 percent (50%) of the cost of the total structure cost of $59,000 and desires that local govern- ment agencies such as The City of Fridley, City of Columbia Heights, and School District No. 13 resolve cost sharing of $25,500 or 50 percent (50%) of the cost of the structure; and WHEREAS, the State o�f Minnesota has offered to pay $6,375 or 50 percent (50%) of a total cost of $12,750 for erection of a fence on the east and west side of T.H. 47 (University Avenue) from 49th Avenue Northeast to 53rd Avenue Northeast, to channelize pedestrian traffic to the.pedestrian structure, and reques.ts local government agencies,such as, the City of Fridley, City of Columbia Heights, and School District No. 13 to resolve cost sharing of $6,375, or SO percent (50%) of the total cost of the fence; and WHEREAS, the City of Fridley, City of Columbia Heights, and School District all concurred that the fence is a separate and distinct item and should not be contingent upon erection of the pedestrian structure, and should be installed for pedestrian channelization now at State expense as has been done in other areas, and letters of request have been forwarded to the State.in this respect; and ' WHEREAS, construction of the pedestxian bridge can commence this year if local government fifty percent (50%) participation in costs is assured; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT-RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cicy of Fridley, that the City Manager be authorized and directed to forward a letter to the State of Minnesota Department of Highways informing said Department that funds will be allocated in the City of Fridley Budget for 1969, to insure local government matching funds of $29,500 toward construction of the pedestrian structure, with the City of Fridley's proportionate share to be decreased in the amount of any contribution toward the construction of the pedestrian structure by the City of Colurnbia•Heights and/or School District No. 13. PASSED AND ADDOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ' _ DAY OF , 1968. ' , ATTEST: -•• BRUNSELL, GITY__CLERK_ JACK 0. KIRKHAM, MAYOR � � May 27, 1968 MEMO TOc.City Manager and Gity Council FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Special Assessments o Lolts l through 30, Block 10, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanics ill�, Sacred Heart of Jesus Polish Catholic Church The attached resolution would ate the Storm Sewer Assessment on Lots 1� through 30, Block 10, Hamilton' Addition to Mechanicsville. The City of Fridley entered int an'agreement on October 13, 1965 to purctiase a road easement from t e Church. In return for the road easement, the City of Fridley agreed to p y the Church $1,500.08, and in addition agreed to abate any future wate , sewer or storm sewer assessments on the property. The policy of abating future as essments on property in return for easements does bring on problem . One being, the City never knows exactly what it is paying for the easem nt; the second problem is that all the costs of the easement do not ge charged against the original project. 0 0 ' � . . . .. �� . . � . I . � . �� � � �� , I � , RESOLUT ON I�O. 1968 A RESOLUTION ABATING STO�M SEWER ASSESSMENTS ON LOTS 1 THROUGH 30, BLOCK 10 HAi�ILTON'S ADDITION TO MECHANICSVILLE WHEREAS, the ity,of Fridley has previously entered into an agreement wi h tHe Sacred Heart of Jesus Polish Catholic Church whic the City agreed not to assess any further assessment o Lots l through 30, Block 10, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanic vill'e for water, sewer or storm sewer, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment in the amount of $4, 52..30 for Storm Sewer Project No. 5. is hereby abated. ', , �, PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE', CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS D Y dF , 1968. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ATTEST: _ i , _ . I , I CITY CLERK - Marvin C Br�� `, �7 ' . � ,_., : _ .: . _ ,,..-. " �� s.s�.�1 ti4, G 1 . ..'�'.'t .' S'_ I .� ll ��j� i�j������j���' ✓llacie tlais... i -.� c�L.. . .. .... . ..dar o ����- 1,._ ' 9..:...:� �_ ............ ......... ........ .......... , � - ... ... .. . .. .. J ._........: - ... �..).:.:.., Y� .., Sacred ileart of Je �us ' '� - ' ` �� ti . f. .... �.::�.... " belzuccn ..................:. ......................�. Po ish C,�ith�ls.c C,Y�u,.c.i f`� ;',�. � � � ' ' � a corporation uaader the lazcs of tlec State o..r� City.. of...Fr�a.ley.,.., a,...municip�i�_..c ........ ........ .. . ...... . ....... ......... . ... ..... . .. ......... . .... ..... o tke Counti o Anoka f J f ............. .................................................... ...... parE..Y ..............of tlie second �a�•i, nesot�. ..............., ��rt� of the frsE part, R�id ..... ...._ ............................ :��,or��tion .........,. ......... ............... ,....dncl SEate of..I'•Zin►l�,so;t,3..........' .......................................... .. • ........, S1ITiu1,SSr.'TH, That the said purty of tYle firrt part, in consideratiori of ��� _ : _ � - r: _ _ ��-� � � � r�� • ' � • .E���:.:�."�,��t the amount of $1540.08 aa�d tne ,'urt' er consider��.tion that tYie City of • Fridley �aill not as�ess party o the first part for any water, s��ni- tary se��er or storm sewer impro ements present or_ future ��nd that the j�ity of �rid1_ey, cluring constru tion ��rork arT 54th !�ventie T�.L. ��ill construct �.nd maint��in udequ��te b��ck slop�s �vitriin the area herein quit clnimed to prevent erosion and nrovide l�teral support for the- cemetery property, does hereby r��.nt, B��r� ain, t�uitclaim, and Convey unto the said pz,rty oi tne seco d n��rt and tneir assi ;ns, �4'orever, �� all the tract or parce�. of lanci lyin� �.nci beinU in t��e County oi Anoka and St�� �e of t�linnesota, d scribecl as follo�•rs, to-wit: � � ' The Iv`orth thirty (30) feet of that certain plaited street in the City of l'ridley known as 54th Avenue N.r�., l,ving betr��een 5th Street N.E. � and 6th Street ly.E. , �_l � . ' ' Party of the first part, at its e_nense, wi�ll rerlove its i ence and two (2.) graves ��ithin the area he ein quit claimed. �v �.. =' f-� f�- � r� � � d Ta x ,; �E.�.,,, r.-. : �\ `., .. � � ��: J�.:�, � � ' ' `• �"'�� a 1 ��-;l ` `..:; ci: � .. � ���`� ���� \i�- � . : rJ: � ' +^ �fl, �1r � . �; . � �-^ � �.a . \y ._��iiV Y�\�4!`.r ���"� `\.i '\`� �✓�'��.{',/• ,� �•4♦ :� ,-.--r"''-! �� ',� ti � ... ti � '•� 1/ �J �Y � � . ` � ` �� �%" c c� ,, , ' ' � I�� ' ' 1� ' � ' I ' I , I ' I � I ' I ' � ��� _ !1 RESOLUTIO NO . 6.,5' ``�� . ! �' `" '; - A RESOLUTION ORDERING ADVERTISING FOR BIDS: (SEAL COATING) PROVEMENT, APPROVAL O� PLANS AND TREET IMPROVEMENT 1'ROJECT ST. 1968-10 WHEREAS, the City Counc 1 of the City of Fridley has established a palicy of Seal Coating the Ci y streets on a regular basis, and the cost of Seal Coating to be paid out of State Aid Funds, WHEREAS, the City Engin er'Mas submitted a plan showing the . streets in need of Sea1 Coating marked as Exhibit "A", NOWi THEREFORE, BE.IT SOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minne ota, as follows: 1. That the streets ma ked black on the attached map be sea.l coated, and the wor involved in said Improvement shall here- after be designated asc STREET IMPROVEMENT �ROJECT ST. 1968-10 2. The plans and speci ications prepared by the City Engineer for such improvement an each of them, pursuant to the Council action heretofore, copy of which plans and specifications are hereto attached and made a part hereof, are hereby approved . and shall be filed ith,the City Clerk. 3. The work to be perf rmed under STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-10 shall be performed under one contract. The City Manager shall accor'�dingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisements for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications.. The advertise- ment shall be published for two (2) weeks (at least 10 days), and shall specify the work to be done and ill state that bids will be opened at I0;30 A.M. on Wednesday, the 6th day of June, 1968 in Che Council Chambers of the City Hal , and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Citq Clerk, and accompanied by a cash �� deposit, bid bond, or certified heck payable to the City for five per cent (5%) of the amount of such id. That the advertisement for bids for STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1 68-10 shall be substantially in form as that noted in Exhibit "B" attach d hereto fo:r.reference.and made a part __. _ hereof. ADOPTED BY THE CITY C OF JUNE ATTEST: GITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell IL OF FRIDLEY THIS �..._: � , 1968, - MAYOR.- Jack 0. Kirkham DAY '� .,, 1 , i� ' � ' ' ' ' � ■ l ' .' ' _ . � � ' � —�-�� _ �G Sealed bids will be received an publicly opened by the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, at the office of the City Manager, 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minn sota 55421 (Tel. 560-3450), on the 26th day of June, 1968 at 10:30 A.M., an will be considered by the City Council.of the City of Fridley at a regula Council Meeting, at 8:00 P.M. on the lst day of July, 1968 for the furni hing of work and materials for Street Improvement Project St. 1968-10 (Seal Coating). The seal coating project consis s of seal coating about five (5) miles of streets in different parts of t e City and consists of the following principal items of wor.k and approximate q antities. „ 87,758�Sq. Yds. eal'Coat using RC Cut-back Asphalt RC-800 nd FA-2 Aggregate All in accordance with plans an specifications prepaxed by Nasim Qureshi, P.E., City Engineer, Fridley City Hal , 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota 55421. Telephone: 5 0-3450. Plans and specifications may be examined at the Office of the City Manager, and copies may be obtained free of charge for the Contractor's individual use by applying to the City Engi eer. Bids must be�made on the basis of cash payment for work, and accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check (on a responsible bank in the State of.Minnesota), or a bidder's bond and made paya le without condition to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not 1 ss than 5% of the total amount of the bid. The City Council reserves the ri ht',to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in any bids re eiv,ed without explanation. No bid may be withdrawn for a pe iod' of thirty (30) days. By order of the City Council of he City of Fridley, Minnesota. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1 Publish: June 12, 1968 June 19, 1968 . HOMER R. ANKRUM City Manager LIST OF CONTI�CTOR'S LICENSES TO FISCAL PERIOD 4/30/68 -- 4/30/69 June 3, 1968 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Blanske Construction Co. 4029 Silver Lake Road BE APPROVED BY�COUNCIL FOR THE Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Bernard Blanske Garden City Construction Co. '', 801 2nd Ave. North ' Minneapolis, Minnesota By; 3ames E. Pearson International Homes ' 3939 46th St. East ' Minneapolis,.Minnesota By: Dale Tuka Bruce Johnson Const. ' � 12841 Taylor St. N. E. ' Anoka, Minnesota By; Bruce A. Johnson Ledin Const. Co. ' 7800 48th Avenue North ' Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Fred Ledin Solmica Midwest Inc. ' 212 15th Ave. South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Dean L. Vaux Sussel Co. 1850 Como Ave . ' St. Paul, Minnesota By; Stanley Banenk ,� Ben Wolke Inc. '; 251 Rice Creek Tarrace �I Fridley, Minnesota By; Ben!, Wolke ,� i MASONRY "�, i Barry Bjugstad I 5511 Quincy St. '�, New Brighton, Minnesota •By: arr�y Bjugstad Gerald Dalbec ' 7106 Newton Ave. North ', Brooklyn Center, Minnesota By: era�ld Dalbac i _� `74_ APPROVEll BY RENEWAL BLD� IidSi NEW BLDG, INSP. RENEWAL BLDG. INSP, NEW NEW RENEWAL BLDG. INSP, BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP. RENEWAL BLDG. INSP. RENEWAL NEW NEW BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP, , , .LICE;�3ES TO BE 1 , •- . �� �MoDo�ald�s 5831 IItirtirait�r An. lrirdl.��, 2iSnn�aota � 3�ddri.�lc dc I.si�a� 1�ricaa Iwgia� Post 303 � 7325 c.ntra� <r.. lridl�� Kinns�eta �iLL Crntnl Fro�t�p Driryia I 7699 gs�x,s /65 lridlr�, Minn�aota � C�?TE 1L 3haddrick 6►. L�Bean � '�u�rican I�gion Pcst �3 7325 c.atrsl I►.s. 1�ridL�, Mieuteaota �TLL Dar��s Sh�ll • • 6101 tTai�srsitg �rn�. l�r'l.d�,s7i Minusso#�a , ;;�: : iL Chf�sa �'��t� dats � l�ridl y 1�lnir��ota , ��L Dialc� s 1Cxiic 3hop ' 6319 A�B�T �i65 l�ridley� Xim�sots ' !'OOD SST�BLiSi�A? 1QSM l�t� � s SnP�'ioi' "la00" ' 73i5 �s�•� i65 �'ridlq� Kia�sota �� � (3n1�-8npe�ior ��00� 5300 C.aat�sal 11.r. lridlhr, KisnpoLa Dsatl.� u� a� � , 4dio r�r.e.ii sti. lrial.�►, l�s�..ofi,. ' 1[nlII�t} � �N�I, Ki�esota 3iliao sand Go. �,jrd �n. dc 1�.P. Tsaaks �l��qi liitu�o� BTs � �� Zi� �s�t Bos�aratr Hansca 'B'�C s � �ert Rosecran ',Lo�gerban� Woog Saal� B'1's � os�! S�till� rg� Pr�sraaa sra x.�....T H*s � ;. ' Hord� �.� LP'PRAVBD B7: i i H�al. th i�p�ctor li S�alih I�p�at.o� I S�alth I�ap�ctor I �PPR4VED B7: Polic� Chief Polic� C�i�f Polio� C�i.a! P�lio� Chi�! APPROV�D BZ: S�altih I�sp�ctor H�alth Insp�ct�er � R..itb i..p.ot.� � APPftOYSD B7: Hi�tildia� Ls� � LI�S TO BE �P'PR09SD AT T �DIIa M�CiiIItE3 � P�t� � � 9uperio� M'l�00■ (�lf 7315 �sa� �5 1�riAa.�►, I�m..ota �,ror�s 3, 196 , couxCrL r�aTna� (co�r � D) �� AT�s APPROOID BYs J�lis�' Se�ill� H�alth Iaspsator ,I, ,� I t , � r , � � I ' I ' �__ �; �r��oN �C i:� hQx�by ��que��ed that �Y) �i e� bQ ���u��i a� tr.�ailer pe�it in r.cu:pl�.�nc� ��,�i� C�a,a�e� 41, C�ty c;�3� of Eridle3r, �a����ota, 19�3 b}� rc�ason �A ��� �oiiG:�f��: �• I���� ��� �yx�::^�r2n* ��r�bQ � og ��p�.ic.��Co James �rT. Gibson Fri3ley Office Suppl o. �"�"'� --- - - - - - - Y . b. C�:��reri�h3�p �� �r��le.~; R ntco Co. -- North Clevelan3.Ave. - Rosevi.11e eo B��ci3.�rion o� traiZ�r - t�i�ke atid �izez 35 ft. Tande� =---�---�-- -- - -- � � d, tl�w� �nd �dr���ss of ����.� ' lacated;�James ';� eo P�x#ocI o� tf.�� �Sni2�r fi f o U�e of �r�,ilert Stora� �- ge �igaa�ur� oi �3�oi�i�g p of l�snd ����ve tra�,l.�z �.� pxoposed to be ibson - 6289 Highway 65 N.E. b� ��obed o� o�c���i��a June 15, Au;. 15,e 1968 of'School Sunnlies aw�.itin� del;vPrV .��y cza�s�r� ��•a :t3f:�� a,s�:xava2e - - - .... - - �....... ize �;�ca��nn �� �r�•{Xer a:� pr �a:��si pec��rt� -::t�a�Ei �1a� plzQ o�: p�c���» ty� . -�--� - - - - ---- ....._ . i. L:���:s� tra.3l�r i� to �� oL �a�yed, �jT.) �.i'i�� :.s �a�Li�a����.p, ii any� be�.��e�n t�:��3eT c,?��r �nd l�n� G':-D::°T�tr,,. -- _�_.��..,m-.�....�...� _.�.�...�.• e2� „�sr:�� ��d ���es o:£ a1. e�.�a;�_a��?._. -- ,.>,�. none- -- - - - � ....�...�,.�_- �..._.�.�._.,,....� (3� :�zcil;ti�� �o� s��a� ci.s�o:,�l, �.7�t�� �rd� a2e;,tri�ity? none (ta� E�m1�iy��a�C os ��;�lic. �5� i;r.Ltl-:e� Gg�7 �c� :�� is The ���l�c�.��o�, o�hLn p_esL�t�cs to d�t?�G� �� �h4 Zonirsa A3:ainit�traiox P3.e��ae t�.iza a�tac:z�ct c�:�ck i.� tin� t o�cupJ:?r��� a 3:o�se tr33.l�x. � 0 :��? ', . . con€�tr��c�ir�; i�c���� i� �xe�a? t�e ! �i�y C�u_:}�il, sh�ll. stzc.� ti?� r�cc..�.�s�- tiii4l,�L ��! ��51��.0 �f3uZi'�C4�:�. • ♦. . mount c�� ($SoaO far car::i.n;;j ($25.Cfl fc�r . _ � ,o., ��� c'�� :� �Al' `�� � , �i �_/ / ��' c �:.G....�. -��� . �`=P�2 �.� �.� t ....�..� _ ��"'� APPOINTMENT FOR CONSENT AND APP OVA� BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- JUNE 3, 1968 � ., N� POS TION SALARY REPLACES Harlen C. Hanscom CM II $566.00 James Brindley • 6000 Stinson Boulevard Str et'Department Fridley, Minnesota . .. , John B. Breher Buil ing% Official $710.00 Jan Gasterlund 4704 West 70th Street ' - Edina, Minn, ', � Rene Franko Cle�c -Typist $324.00 Juel Mercer 8024 Spring Lake Pk. Rd. ' Spring Lake Park, Minn. ' � Frances Ellen McLaughlin Repr duction- $332.00 New Position 728 - 63rd Avenue N.E. Dist ibution Fridley, Minnesota �ent r Clerk � ' ;I , • , . • . � i I , , I� , I .i . � ,,I i i , ' '�I ' I . I I • . �, • � � ' 'i ' . . _ i I . . , . ' j : � E S 0 L;; T I 0 N c WHEREAS, the �Ietropoli an Air Cor,unission has proposed the construction of a second large Air Termi al to serve our metropolitan area, and WHEREAS, the Metropoli.an Air Commission has considered sites south of Minneapolis; a site in santi County; and two sites known as the Blaine and Ham Lake sites, both no th of the innsbruck area, and the said Metropolitan Air Commission has definite y ruled out all other sites in favor of the Ham Lake Site, and I WHEREAS, the INNSBR;;CK . 0�"'.��'., Oti7�VyRS ASSOCIATION, INC. , has carefully considered all of the info tioz� made public with regard to the entire proj ect . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE OI,VED: That at its regular sp ing�meeting held May 13, 1968 and in the light of all of the infor�at'on made available to it, the INNSBRUCK HO�IE OWNERS ASSOCIATION, IIVC.; do s not approve either the Blaine or the Ham Lake sites for the construct'on of a major Air Terminal. BE IT FURTHER R^cSOLVED: th�.t copies of this Resolution be furnished to the Metropolitan Air Cor,zra ssiqn, Public Media of Communication, and all Communities north and np theast of Dlinneapolis, Minnesota, and which are directly concerned with his',problem. . � � C 0 ' � i ' ccY�t--' ...-�:�� ' �u Stout, Secretary , �2�00 Argonne Drive ' Columbia Heights, Minn. 55421 �� I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF 'FRIDLEY �IONTHLY REPO} T - 'PRIL 1968 � i- � STREET DEPARTMENT '- HOURS 1. Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2342 2. Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3. Gravel Hauling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4. Miscellaneous Street Work, . . . . . . . . . . . 196� S. Patching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 6. Shop Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 7. Signs and Barricades . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88z 8. Equipment Repairs - Street . . . . . . . . . . . 179� WATER DEPARTMENT 1. Filtration Plant Operations . . . . . . . . . . 158 2. Final Readings and Collections . . . . . . . . . 64'� 3. Hydrant Repairs and Flushi g . . . . . . . . . . 20 4. Miscellaneous Water Work . . . . . . . . . . . . 102� 5. Pumphouse Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802 6. Standpipe Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692 7. Valve Inspections and Rep.irs . . . . . . . . . 29z 8. Water and Sewer Inspectio s . . . . . . . . . . 192 9. Water Meter Inspections a d Repairs ...... 100 10 . Water Turn-ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 11. Waterniiain Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 2 12. Watermain Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 13. Equipment Repairs - Water. . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SEWER DEPARTMENT l. Lift Station Inspections nd Repairs ...... 2. Miscellaneous Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Sanitary Sewer Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Sanit ry Sewer Inspection . . . . . . . . . . 5. Equip ent Repa:irs'!= Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . ,� ' STORM SEWER DEPARTMENT l. Catch Basin and Storm Sewer Cleaning ...... 2. Miscellaneous Storm Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . 106 20 287 2 29 382 58 14 SNOW AND ICE 1. Sanding (Ice Con�rol) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2. Equipment Repairs - Snow and Ice . . . . . . . . 20Z Page 1�ao PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - APRIL 1968 MISCELLANEOUS HOURS 1. Cleanup - Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 z 2. Explosives School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3 . Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 z 4. Fire Department School . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5. Holiday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 6. Injury on Job -.Robert Anderson . . . . . . . . 3 7. Park Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 8. Vacations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 9. Weed Control School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 10. Weekend Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 11. Equipment Repairs - Administration . . . . . . . 10 12. Equipment Repairs - Civil Defense . . . . . . . 2 13. Equipment Repairs - Engineering . . . . . . . . 24 14. Equipment Repairs - Fire Department ...... 43 15. Equipment Repairs - Liquor . . . . . . . . . . . 4 16. Equipment Repairs - Park Department ...... 532 17. Equipment Repairs - Police Department ..... 52Z I I I z � r• x C7 Z - � � r' a ` G rt cn _ a. � ��-a � r' r• � A �- rr �• � �.` ' a � � � �- � x �c r'i H .. i .. ,_,�, t7 I�• b � �� � • � � � � ����. rt O r- n �. °� �� ro � y � a� , � �• � � O n � � ° �H w � � a� rt �' a aa� � � rt rt ai ri (") r r-' F'_' p� � � O rt rt rt fn Cj . m . . . � � t-, � C a � ay � r-� � � � � o c� a m H W tv r-� r• ,-� p � � (p O i t � p-' 'b Z rt Z � y n H rh ( � L=J �1 [� H � � �* K o° r o° � � z o o w�� o c� H ��-' r w N• rr' m rr � i-°n a x' C x' c�n py � U' r• � � p r O � � � � ;rt :U Q' Q4 A� Cn � � CrJ r � � H N f�D �(�p n y ri .c� p � � � r'S Sb r-t W O � �C G ao o x c� o p' . � .y � m OH � oc� � r-� ,��, - � �' n' � � �1 N� o " � � rrv ��tri woo� y � �� �' �O NOO CA , . . �'O ln OO � � ''O OOO � �� 01 O 000 a , � � r � �,,� r�-'-+ � � � � � rn � o , o 0 o ° o -� � � � � � N W N p� O p O p -� -� � � rn � v, �, O p O p � Q -� N � 0 0 0 O 'Vi� {/� W r � O � � lJ'i V7 o ' o 0 0 � r' � W O � I O � II O � O , i � -�,. � rn Ui O � � v V O 0 0 -C/� w N � 0 0 -ar N � 0 0 0 O sr m ,�D (D F'• Fi ri N r-+ c� � ro � hn t�-� a�►..i � � � n . ry r� a I� � � �.� . O H � � O O o n �n by ■ O 'T1 G� C�] tZ=J � H H z c� � H C7 Y � a � � � � � 7 trJ H t7 � d 0 t� � r r a r-i r a Go ra _.._ r-r r. z O � � � � � Z � H x r� ir' G� C'� m t� � c� r� m r.y � � z . rr rl� y ' � � �a o w � �i a �► � y, ,` . , MEMO T0: CITY COUNCIL MEMO FROM: CITY MANAGER MEMO DATE: MAY 20, 1968 PROBLEM: Some time ago the Administration was asked to check into travel problems on Lucia Lane. Speeding was indicated and a problem with traffic from the K. C. Hall a�ter teenage dances was stated as a con- tributing factor. More recently a complaint letter was received and is attached hereto. BACKGROUND: A. The accident frequency at the intersection of 69th Avenue Northeast (Channel Road) and Highway 65 was instrumental in the Council decision to make the Highway 65 service road one way from the south line of Suburban Engineering to the vicinity of the apartment houses on Lucia Lane. B. After erection of the Knights of Columbus Hal�, Lucia Lane was extended to the Highway 65 service road to provide traffic circulation as well as provide accessibility. ' C. The Police Chief was apprised of the numerous complaints received for speeding and has caused radar to�be worked in the area several times. Results of the radar operation are attached hereto as enclosure No. 2. DISCUSSION: The radar checks have not revealed an excessive amount of speeding in the area. The possibility that speed reduction from 30 MPH to 25 MPH could be obtained from the Highway Department was considered. It was felt that we have many apartment houses and dwellings in Fridley located as near to 30 MPH streets and we would be remiss in changing one and not.all. We considered using � ribbed street, which causes vehicles to bounce, to slow down traffic, but the result could be a suit against the City if some.one was thrown from the road. Our Police Department has patrolled the area and worked radar with marked and unmarked cars, but can not devote extreme amounts of time to the area without neglecting other areas of responsibility. The K.C. Hall has stopped th'e teenage dances; but the complaints registered verbally now appear to be against occupants of.the apartment 1�ouses: The complainers indicate their street was formally a deadend and would like to see it again made a deadend. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Council weigh the desirability of making the street . a deadend again. This will negate circulation of traffic and two way accessibility by the Fire Department, Police Department and rescue units. HRA/mis � HOME R R . ANKRUM � � �' ) .���L�-��2� ��;i2�'-^.�'./ � ��� � � � l �� ;. � / � �� � 1 � �'.G-�U ��, .-C_' � ..�G'��`'-�-" v? � �f /�TiC--'l',7L-c�-Gf-G! �I ��-�-�� �i/7?/ --t.C' �✓Y' '- . 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":'-'.'.. �� c ( . ...� �. `���� '�j� . ... / `G(�G ��1--` . ... ...... . .......... . ........._._,._. .. _..... ._ �J ,/'`✓L//,/�/ . . . \ _. _ • � .....— `. . _ ._. _ " { " . . . _. .._. . . . _._ . _._. ... ...... . _ _. ... .. . ___......._....._. _._._. � � I � � � �. MEMO T0: MEh10 FROh1: St1BJECT: M E h1 0 R A N D (1 M M�y 20, Ig68 Fridley City Council h1r. Virgil C. Herrick City Attorney NSSSO-Fridley Litig�tion (Confidenti�l) Th i s ��iemo i s wr itten for the purpose of adv i si ng the Counc i I as to the status of the �bove litigation. tiVe have completed the present��tion of testimony, which consisted of two days of pre-trial �nd ten days of court �trial before the District Judge. llpon completion of the present�tion by the plaintiff, the North Su6urb��n Sanitary �ewer District, I moved for an order dismissing the c�se. Following this motion, the attorneys and the Judge spent three days in argument and discussion. � The Judge h as d i rected the C i t.y of Fr i d l ey to prep are .f i rd i ng s of fact znd �,n order for his signature. 1 am of the opinion that the proposed order w i l I be extreme l y sat i sfactory �-;s f��r as the C ity of Fridley is concerned. At the present time, I am in the process of drawing the findings and order. ( anticip�te that this will be completed in about one week. Bec�use of the technic4l nature of the.lawsuit and the length �of time involved in the trial, I em most desirous that the langu�ge used in the findings and order be care-Fully prep�red and reviewed. Th i s i s i mportant i n-case the D i str i ct dec i ded to appe�� I io tlzc �=: i nre sot� �upreme Court �nd a( so of gre�t va I ue i n answer i nc� quest i on s as to avoid any future (itigation. ( wish to summarize the most ere �-�s fo) lows: � � important aspects of the order. These 0 so f »• - 2 - I. The supplementary egreement has been found to be v�l id. 2. The C ity of Fr i d I ey w i J I be perm itted to tr�nsfer up to 5.62 c.f.s., to the Dfstrict in return far free connections. The exact number of connections that can be accommod�.ted in the 5.62 wi11 be determined by the City of Minneapolis. However, based on test i mony of representat i ves of �9 i nneapo I i s, it appe�rs that the free recs will be between 13,200 �:nd 18,200. � 3. Fridley may m�:ke connections at any point on the District`s system provided we comply with the usual requirements of the master agreement. In addition, the City will be required. to notify the District as to whether a connection is to be permanent or temporGry;�nd if temporary., the City is to advise the District as to its present intention regarding a permanent solution for�the area involved. 4. Fridley will pay no greater user chrrges th�n those paid to the City of h4inneapolis for �ny connections obtained by transfer of c��pac ity. Th i s me��ns that the �h1 i nneapo I i s user charge r�-�te will �pply to connections m�de �nywhere on the system rather than only those (ocated at 43rd Frhlarshall. 5. Fridley is permitted to acquire �dditional c�pacity f rom other sources. Nowever, the newly acquired capacity cannot be twansferred to the Distriet i.e, the limit on transfer is the $.62 contained in the existing contr�ct. 6. The City is not required to pay any amount of the claimed $I%$,OOO.00 for existing connections. When the proposed findings and order are completed, I will discuss them w i th the C ity Eng i r�cr, Con su I t i ng Eng i neer, and the h1 i nneGpo I i s Sewer Department. ( propose to do this to make certain that there is no Ianguage that would cause diffi'culty in administering the trUn sfer from R� i nneapo I i s to the D i str i ct . I f the Counc i 1 w i shes to review the proposed findings and order before they are submitted to the Judge for h i s s i c�n �ture, (.w i I I be happy to do so . �• . �� . , _ 3 _ I also suggest th�t a�pecial meeting of the Council be arranged as soon as the Judge's Order is signed in order that the Council m�y discuss the sewer situation as a result of the new contract with the City of Minneapolis and the outcome of the-litigation with the District. ( think that it is important that plans be made so �s to make maximum use of the advant�.ges now av�ilable to the City. a