09/09/1968 - 5854JUEL MF.RCER - COUNCIL SECRETARY SPECIAL PUBLIC HEFIRING AGENDA SEPTEI�ER 9, 1968 - 8:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 9, 1968 - 8:00 P. �v PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL• ADOPTION OF AGENDA: � PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Public Hearing on Street Improvement Project 1969-1B Addendum �k5 � 2. Public Hearing on Final Assessment Roll, Storm Sewer Pro ject ��82 3. Public Hearing on Final Assessment Roll, Sewer, Water, and Storm Sewer Project ��84 4. Public Hearing on Vacation Request (SAV ��68-04) 56th Avenue, 6th Street;to 7th Street. (Larry Brusseau) 5. Public Hearing on Rezoning Request (ZOA �i�68-04) to Rezone from R-1 to R-3A, Part of Lot 9, A.S. ��88 (Louis Mo,nchilovich) , Hearing on 47' strip of westerly portion of Parcel 460 and 470. NEW BUSINESS• 6. Resolution Confirming Assessment for Storm Sewer Improvement Pro ject ��82 7. Resolution Confirming Assessment for Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Project ��84 8. Resolution Ordering Preparation of Assessment Roll for the 1967 Street Project 9. Resolution Ordering Public Hearing for the 1967 Street Project 10. Consideration of Storm Sewer Assessment Policy (73rd Avenue - Onan Area) 11. Resolution Transferring Costs from SW&SS ��88 Fund to the 1968 Street Fund (72nd Avenue) 12. Resolution Transferring Costs from SW&SS 4�88 Fund to the 1968 Street Fund (Norton Avenue) 13. Consideration of Waiver of Sign Ordinance Requirement as Requested by Bob Christenson C OMMITNI CAT IONS : A. A& G Enterprises: Removal of No Parking Signs B. Honeywell, Inc; Picnic in Locke Park ADJOURN: Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Pages 4 & 5 Pages 6 & 7 Pages 8 - 10 Pages 11 - 12 Page 13 Pages 14 - 16 Pages 17 - 18 Pages 19 - 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 0 Ol�F7:CJ�1L YUL'I.1:CA7'TON . CI'1'Y OF F�:IDI.EY (F.X}iIBIT A) hOTICE OF }13'J1fiInG ON ITiPROVL�•iLNTS STPJiRT Ir�t'ROVF.t•il:hT PROJF.CT ST. 1968-1B ADDEIdD1M �5 . F7tiLRrAS, the City Coimcil of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has decmed it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. � r0�d, THERF.FO1tF., AOTT.CE TS HLREBY GIVEr TtIAT on the 9th day of September r, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., the City Council will meet at the City }tall in said City, ancicaill at said time, and place, hear all parties i�iccrested in said improvemenls in whole or in part. 1'tie gcneral nature of the improvemei�ts is the constxuction (in the .lands and str��ets noted below) of tiie following improvements, to-wit: ' CO::S17:L'GTIO�; TTE�i � Street Improveinents, including gradi.ng, stabilized tiasc, iio[-ni�c bi.tuminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, water and sanitary sewer services aiid other £acilities located as fo1loF�s: Polk Strcet: 323.46' Soutti of Lynde Drive � West Service Foad of T.fi. �65: Railroad Ri�ht of Way to 73rd Avenue S�:ywood Court in Swanst�;om's CoUrt Addition i;s'1'I:11TEll COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4?_, 949 .88 7iL:T T}iF. AP.i:A P�:OPOSED TO BE ASSLSSED FOR SAID 7I�fPROV�MENT 1S' AS �OLLOidS ; � For Construction Item above - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - - All of the land abutting upon said stxcets namcd above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of. said land to be assessed proportionately accord�ng to the beneiits received by.such improvemcurs. • 1 , 7ii��t t}ie Council proposes to proceed with each of said improvements as b�ti-�lrate irnprovenients, except as hereaftcr othexwise provided by Council ell utider ttic follotaing aut}iority, to-wit; tiinnesata Lacas 1953, Chapter 398 � actd la.� ar.iendatory t}�ereof, and in confoi�nity with the Chartex. RiT};D 1'HIS 5TH I`AY Ol� AUGUST , 19C 8 ORUI:R OF T�IE CITY COUKCIL. � Attest; l__I ' C1�Y CI•F.KF: - ria .r�in C. Arunsell �',�> > Sf� : Auguat 21, 1968 . August 28� 1968 ' � MAXOR - Jack 0. Ki.rkham 0 0 ' ' 1 ' ' 1 , � i � � ' ' 1 ' CITY OF FRI D�.EY APdOKA COUhliY, t�I f�t�ESOTA . NOTICE OF HEARING OF ASSESSldEhT STORM SE�IER IMPf�OtfE#1Ei�7T PRQ.l�Ci AdOo 82 NOTICE IS tiEREBY giv�n that th� Councit of the City o� FridTey �itl rn��t at the City Hatl in saic! City on thc 9th day a� S��t�sU�r, 19�, at 8:00 P.M., to h��r and pass upon all obj��tions, if any, to th� pro�os�d assessm�nts in resp�ct to th� foti��aing imp:°ov�sn�nt, to-wit: STORM SEWFR IMPf20VEMlENT PROJECT �i0. 82 ih� propos�d ass�ss�n�rot roi l fcar @�ch of sai d im�ro�s�r��nt� i s n�e on fi l e and o�Ln to p��btic i►��p�ctio� by ail p�rsot�s inter�st�rl, ire th� offics of th� Ct�rk og said Cifiy. At ��i d h��ri ng, th€ Co�n�i 1 wi 11 co:�si d�:r �sri tte:rr or oral ob j�cti or�s to the propc�sed asse�sments for �ach of sai d improvecr�nts. Th� g�n�rai nature of tta� improv�sn�nts arvd eact� of th�n is th� canstr�oction of st�raa� se►v�� arsd a�purt�n�nc�s in the laa�s�� ar�d st���ts d�sigr��t�d in m�r�r��er �� ¢��,���: C���s�ci �g at t�e i nt��s�efii on of th� so�th Cos°pa�at� Limi ts of t(�� Ci ty of Fridt�y ar�ct th� e�nt�:riin� of S�. Moritz Driv�, th�n�e n�rth on St. Maritz Ori�� to Glacier Lan�, th�nc� ��+pst en Giaci�� L�r�� ea M�iter- horn Drive, th�nce n�rth or� Ma�t�P��rr� Ori�o� to Sky�r��d La��, th�n€� as+�st on Sl�ys�s��d lane to Fi l lmare Str��t N�r�h�ast, tta�rac� nrarth on Fi t la�r� Str�et i��rth^:�st to Int�r�tat� Nic�h4�r�y t�o. 6g� (Old T.H. I^io. iO4), th�nc� 4d't,.'S� on Ir���rstate M� gh���y t3o. 69�+ to 7�� Stre�t I�orth�ast, tt��nee south an 7th Stre�t t�arthea�t ta 53�°� Av�r��� Norti�v��t, th�nce �ase on 53rd R�€:nue ar�d th� South Corparat€ Limits of Fridtey to th� pi�-a�� of b�gi rt�i n�. Th� ar�z� prapos�d to b� a�s�s��d for s�i d i�prav�m�r�ts �r��J eact� of t3��m i s al l that 1 a�d b�r��:�i ted by ��i d irr�rc�v�ar�nts or �a�i� of t��m ��d 1 yi ng wi thi n the ar�a ba�ar���u by th� fol t a�i ng 1 i nrs: All ti���t prop�rty tying 4�i�hin the abov� d���rib�d ar�a. Said ir�prav�a�r�ts will b� asse�sed ag�inst tls� pr°+�p�rties within the �bove � not�d ar���s i n whot � or- i n p��°t pr�po�°ti �r��t�i y to e�ch of th� 1 an�s t�:�a��i n cor�g�sn�ci a�cording to the b�n��it, reeeiv�d. The tot�l cost �f th� improve- ment is $16�9004.C�0 ' � ' ' BY ORD£F2 OF 7NC CITY COlIt�CIL ATTEST: �. CITY CL���( Marvin C. 9runsell h9AY0R �lack 0. Ki rlcham � Insertic�ns, �ridiey R�cord: Au�c�st 1�►�y Au;g�,�st 2.1, 19F$ � CITY OF FRIO�,EY A�60YA COUNTY, MINN�S07A NOTICE OF MEARItdG 0� ASSESSNEhfT SANITARY SEWER� WAl'ERx A�SD S70FtF1 SEb1�R PRO ��CT h'0,_8�+ . FEOTICE IS HER`EY given that th�e Council ofi th� City of Fridtey will rr.�et at th� City N�11 in said City an the 9th day of S�atemb�r, 19�', at 8:00 F.M., to h�ar arid pass unon ali O�jEsGitOP4S� if any, to the proposed assessments in resp�ct to fi5;: fc�1la;�ring imprav�:m�r�i, to-c>>it: SA�ITARY S£W�R, WATER, A�0 STQRt1 S£'�lER PRO.DECT N0. 84 The prapo�ed assessment roti fior e�ch of said i�provesrents is now on file and open to public inspection by all persorts int�erested, in th�e offic+e of the Ci@r4c of sai d Ci ty. At s�id h�arir�g, th� Coa�ncil witl ce�sid�r a�ritt�n or oral abjections to the propos�d ass��s�s�nts for each of said im,prove�►�nt�. TF�e g�n�rat n�tur� a� th� improv�r�nts and each ofi th�m is th� construction of sanitary s���r, ��ter mains, iat�rals, s�rvice cor�n�ctions, storm sewe� and appurt�n�r�ces in the lands and str��ts d�signated a$ foilotias: -._ A. Sanitary Sp�cr, blat�r Ptains, Laterals, and S�rvic� Cor►n�ctio�s in and scrding the ar�as bound�d by: 1. Baker Av�nu� on th� W�sY sid� a�d TN No. 65 an th� East side, Osbarn� Road on the North sid�, a�d 75th f���enu� �xtcnded East on th� South sid�. 2. B�c�nd�d on tfie North by TM t��. 69�, on the East by Cen2ral Avenu�, on th� South by 53rd Av�n�ae, and can th� W�st by Madison S�r�et ext�nded. B. Sto�m S��ewr �n� R.ppur�enances in and s�rving the ar�a bounded by: 1. Central Av�nue.or� the West sicie and Stinson BAUtevard on the East side, 7��h Avencae on the North side and 73rd Av�nu� o� th� Sotath si cS�. The area propose�i to b� assessed for said irr�prov�mant� and each of tf�em is �it ih�t iand b�nefited by said inprov�m�nts or each of them and lying within the area bour�d�d by the fo) t oovi ng 1 i nes: Atl that property lying/within the above d�scribed areas. Said improve�n�n�s will be ass�ssed against th� prop�:^ties within th� above noted areas ir� wf��0e or in p.�rt propc�ptionatcly to each of the l�nds therein cc�ntained aceo�°di�tg to the benefits r�eeived. The totat cost of thc improv�- ment is $1�aS,000.00 - �Y ORDER QF TFiE CI7Y Ct3UP3CIl ATTEST: CIiY CLERK� Marvin C. Brunse i MAYOR • Jack 0. Kirkham Insertions, fridley R��ord: Au uc�.st 21, Rta�j:aL 28, 19Fi8. � OFFICI�L NOiICE CITY 01= FRIDI�EY PUB1� I l; H�ARING BEFc)RF TH�: C ��!� Y COU;VC I L TO WHOM IT P�1AY CO:�iCF.RN: �otice is hereby given that there will be a Public �Iearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue N.E. on September 9, 1968 in the Cot.incil Criamber at 8:00 o'clock �.M. for the consideration of- the following matter: tiacatioii (SAV #68-04) described as folloivs: I Al1 tlzat part of 56th Avenue lying between the southerly extensions of the east and west lines of Block l, Hamiltons Addition to Mechanicsville. � Except that the City retains drainage and utility easements over the north 20 feet of the south 30 feet thereof together with a 12 foot strip of land � that is the southerly extension of the 12 toot alley in said Block l. All located in the south 1/2 of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. Anyone desiring to be heard with referen�e to the above matter will be heard at this meeting. JACK 0. KIRK}IAM MI�Y�R. Publish: August 21, 1968 August 28, 1968 � , _ _ __ . - --._ .} - - - ---- -- :_- . _:-_. _: � ' , _ /-- . , I Vacation Stud .' - 56th Avenue; 6th St, to 7th St. �� � � � , � ' � � CENT, " t �: ' ��J 7' TH. SEC.. . , . . . ' _ .. ` y I I' '- i/9 9G__ . .._y.9 ..�� �•� _ �' . ... . .. .- ., .. (�+ __' . . _ IO✓ �� �_iC / .� ^ /<J !„ e�. P . a !, �l •Y�`• � ` � ' . �� � :. �, f .�.7 Q c .�O _. �� Cc � '� yG U9.D` .' � , � . ..'_ "_" . Q .: •a . -. - � ' : ! 'w . . .' _ .-_.. .. 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O.i ' . . i � ` q. . .. I' . . , y ` 4 . ,C . _... � .:�ll.s `, b i I � ` '� i I� � jC' i..�, l. , i In. IT ��� Z' ! Z7 � ; � . r � •°-; �' � 1�1 :�4- I � , .�+ , � _ - . ._. . � ' _ • . . C V 'r-° ' � , . � ' �d � d 1 �y /• �9 , �9 � a , .�, r,; : ,. . . . . ; � . � ' I � . � � . . . . . .. _. . I ' . _' . . ... . _. . ��. �i . l� . , .� ' / , 2B • � � , � � . . . ,� _ � � � ' - ` � t�Q � � - ` � Z� I � � !' �, . ' � . . �s� " :'F �<�' - ' % 4 ' %' . - - � `D 6 ' � �' z6 ? � � � �' , ' _ . , ?-? � 6 ' % 2S .. _ � � � � , - ,,� - - � � � 29 , ,. _ ; . . : : ._` � , • o � � - - - - � ,9 `3 ' � , 'Z3 f I : , . y ' . � , ; t^ ,- _ 2� /o : - 'Z /' V , '9 r � ; • ' _ ,f 2 , • � i . .;' � _ __ _ •?� � � YG � ' 9 � . Y - ` - : .:f , . -- � � ,, � «i� . . �� .._ ' i / ` �/ : -:� . , . , // , F �� , G � ;_ . . : ,: �, _. -----_. —.- ` . . . . , ` 15 : /2 ' , // � �C� . .% � -_ . - ;.. ' � . <., • : ,� - . . -- _. _ _ __ ; /S • ' /1 �_ - _ � �P , , _.� _ _- , .,�-. i � . ` � �9 . : /2 ; :. ' LI , I ' I ' I� � ' ' ' OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING ' BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WHOM IT Mqy CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue N.E, on September 9, 1968 in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P.M. ior the purpose of: . Consideration of a rezoning request (ZOA �i6g-11) by Louis Momchilovich to rezone the West 47 feet of the South 120 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision �88 from R-1 (single family dwellings) to R-3A (ap artment and multiple dwellings) all lying in the South Half (S1/2) of Section 13 T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. Generally located South of Mississippi Street and East of Highway #65. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above mdtter �ay be heard at this time. PUBLISH�.August 21, 1968 August 28, 1968 JACK 0. KIRKHqIy MAYOR '�i , , � � ' ' w. iia co���£a SEC. /3 , � - -- - i: ' � s J: o'�-7a: --T- , ., � � I ' 3. .. � 1 •, � ,;� . ,. �� � ,..1,�. ' ' 'I .se ' 2 6 �. , ; 1 -'ri iJi ,25;I 5 �, � � �� iJ� _r__ �li , ; � c> > i Q �; � za , s < �� . y .,. � O ` �1� , � � ce "�, . 2 3 ^ r. ° . ' � ,r.— _ ,�.� I � � ; zz �°` �, : ' I it� `I ' s� , '� � � zi � " (� ° � � � yiri �,� ir. � N � ; ,�� ,o � , `� � I_ is• ' '� 19 ; 11 � �'� � � �° ir - 'f E - �. ' � � � I ��: OY • � ������ �� •�._Lrt �� T Pr1OO��.Y•� J{��` N � � � , , . � � ���.a4� 3 3,,.__ _ : _ t �2-� � • ,��; , , . /� , �NO/.f •� \: ' f7 ��f-7 �! �� \;\ � ..� i r.vs.e ' 4�' � � . � ,� O . f�: ( �J \ -,I \ • , � o O✓1:o1 �" �� vo. � , , ��. 'o� � i ` . S\ � y � \ a� \ \ ,� . �V \ � �/c� � �)d.l . ,,s� . __._ ,� . Rezoning Dxscussion o � Loui_s I�'omcliilov�ch �! 303U II-,rcling St, Id.F.. Mpls. 55418 �' � � � Part of L. 9, A.S, �`8g � � i � i � ` ���i i I i �. , i � � I i � �1 ,` � ` ' f-C(3tJ;;i�Y--`'�"t��E=��DT-�i16Hi:'�,Y—i'tiQ:Cr)--,�---- - -- /l jl' .' ...too � • . • 1 I _�%60�� /:e. � r;�"_..i!_V IRG.I: v�.....�. 2lo..lt. � ... �'6� t! �"":. T �;� � r� - u .o. ,,. . �. (swJ � � � 1 ..._.�" `� qJ'l ,f fwj ��1 • ' � I I� 1 2 f �Y. �` N[!4 J�erw... � IY .s'!:: I I I Ny C..,,,,, w y� No�,�.�� ` 9 . J i o % � � j�� '�.� s i e...,: f 2 3, �.�.,;� . � • .—.«� ,. � e � ' '�,•1 U D a � �"' Y.�" � "" r��� ;� ,,. '1 ,,.T $ y �..,';-`,. %Y r � i � SUB "'t•d0 ��' � � ! � o�„o, Na Z � � \ .�' r \�i� i � /-.. . _1Je... .1.'�. ` 'l . /Ce O 1 I �; I ., c� �e w! 7s � . (smJ �. 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', ��� '/ , � / � � ..e. � n ._ ' , ' , I � l � , ._�/ , h( CJ ` }% l , ` � � _ c C� � , <� 1' EXTRACT C�F i�1IT�UTES OF SPFCIAL MEETING OF Tf�� CITY COl1�CIl. Fi€LO SEPT�r�BER at 8:Q0 OECLOC� PoM., AT TFi£ CITY ftl�LL, CTTY OF FRIDLEY, PSitdt�c"S07A � 9. �9G�3, Pursu�r�t to du� call and natyce thereo�', a s��ciai m��ting o� th� City Cc�uncil ' ef the City af Fridl�y, F�inn�snta, was duly h�ld at tFiL City Ha71 in said C' . ��� , � ' , � ' on Monday, th� ��th day of Sep�e��ba�r, 196$, at 8:00 o�ctock P.M. The fot ic+wi ng m€:m�srs evere pre,�r�t; an�i th� fo11 oa�os n� w��� absent: + + �a + + + The C1�rk anr�aaar�cLd tF��t th� p�°o�ac�aed asses�r�ent for , STOR�4 SEWER IMPr�OVEf3EN7 PROJEC! t�0 •$2 had b�en �i1e� in his office on th� 12th d�y af A�sg�s�, 19�, and ihat n��ic� of a h�aring or� said as��s�ment to be held at �h� sp�cial m�e�ing of th� Council �n ttte 9th ea�y ef S�pt�mb�r, 19�8, haci b��n gi v�n i ra th� form ar�d c��e�t��r as provi d�d b� 1 a�e. Th� Cl�rie pr�s��ted arr � affi d�vi t S�1�tyi tl� �?U6I 1 Cdfl OPt of �o�ci� noti ze i n t�� effi ci at r��v��ptap�r, �ahi ch affi daw9 t�ras �xami n�*cS �r�d fc��rtd s�ti �1`actory and ordR; ed �j acc�d or� Fi 1�. Th� f�ayc+r annour�ced th�t th� rere�ti�g ►�as op�;� fc�� co��i��ratio� of o'�jecti�ns to th� ass�ssm�nt her�tofore fiic�d �.�ith th� City Cf�r� for SiORM S£�t�R It�tPRO�lEA9ENT F�ROJECT P.�. 82 Th� Cier�; r���rted th�et �+ritt�n o�je�Yi�n had b��n �ile�l by th� fotiowing p:; s�r�s affectin� th� fotlo�rin� deacrit�ed l�ts, pi�ee�, or parcels of land, to-wit: hAtRE OE OBJ�CI'0� � DESCRI PTI0�1 a OBJECiIOtJ [l ' � � ' ' Fage 2 Resoiutimn The fcal D aiwi ng p4rs�ns ��tr� then hea�� ynd Presented thei r ob j ecti ons tp saj,d ass�ssrn�ent: NRd�E OF O�JECTC►R OrSCRZPTIOP� . � - O�J�ECTIOt� After due consideration of a1� sai d ob jecti ons, Counei lr��n introduc��l th� f�llowing res�lution a;�d movesf its adop�ion: RESOLUTIOtJ t�0 � �� _ � 9� RcSOLUTi6�1 COP;FIRF1Itd� ASS�SS�9���'f FOR STORt1 SEfn��R IMPROVEMEp�T pftOJECT f�0. $2 BE IT RESOLVEp �y the Ci ty Coa�nr_� � of the Ci ty of Fri di�y, Mi �'n�sota, as f0� �66Ya: 1. Th� City C1�:°�C has �iti� �h« assistanc� of the en�i����s her�tof�re s�tect�d by this CourtCil �or suc� pur�ose, calculai�d th� pro��r ar�o�nts to be specially �ss�ssed for th� STQR,�1 SE1�tER IMPROVEt•i�Ni R;Q,��C�' t�0. 82 in said City against e���ry a��c���!at� 1ot, �aie��t or p�rc�l of l�r�� in accor��r��� M+i th thp ��ov� �i oa�s of 1��.v, ��� l��s pr��a��d �r�� f i 1�d wi �h th� Ci ty �4�rk tab�.ala�$��i ���t�,s;�nt� i fl dupt ieat� sh��ing th� prop�r dd�cri pti on of ��ch ared �very lot, pi�c�, or parcet of land to b� sp�cially assess�d �nd the am,�a�nt c�lculat�d against the s�m�. z• h'�tice h�s b��r� d�tyr publish�d as rec�uir�d by l�s�e tt�a� thi s Co��,ci i�ou1� m�et in speciat ���si6n at this t9c�� ar�d p�ac� to p�s� �n th� prap���� a�s��.sss�nt. 3. Sai�t p�o��s�c� ��s��s;��nt h�s �t �11 ti�a,�� si�r� its filin� b��r� op�� to inspe�ctia,ry ��d cm�Yir►3 by all p�r�sar�s it�teresCe�, ar�d a� ea be�ra giv�n to all interested per�sons to pr���nt thc�ir obj�ctQO;�x,�ji¢ anys to such pra}�os�d assessmen�, or to aesy i t;�rn ther�af, and na ob jecti or�s h��e be�n fii 1 �d; excc�}�t 4. Th� arrs��ngs specified irr th�: �ro�o��cf assess:��wt ar� chang�d and a�t�r��d as follo�as; a. 0 � Bage 3 Resolutian 5• This CourZCil finds that �ach of thm l�t�, pieces, or p�rce;is of land �num_ eo-�ted i n sai d propo���i assessc��nt as al ter�d and madi ¢i eci vr�s and i� specially b�n��ited by the ST"OFiI•Y SEWFR It°9PROV�MEPJT PROJECT h0. 82 i� ��� a���+n� in said pro�ased �ss�ssrn�nt as alter�� �arod modofied by the coa°recCiv� roll in th� ��ou�et s�t o�apasite th� �;d��rip�;�n of �ach such lot, pi ec�, or p�t-cel of 1 and, ��d th�t sai d�mo+�rst s� s�t �ut i s h�r��y levi�d ac�ainst �ach of th� re�p��tiv� lots, pi�c�s, or p,��c�ts of lancf therein d€��rib�d. 6. 7. Such p�°Qp�c��d �s���sr;r�t as al t�red, mo�ii fi �d �nd corr�cted i s affi rm�d, a�apt�d a;�d cos��irm�d, �nd th� sums fix�d �nd nan��� in said prop�sed assess- ment as a 1 ter�ri, modi f� �d and car�ect�d, a�i tt� thR ch�r�g�s ar�� a 1 t�r�ti ons h�r�i n ab��r+� r���d�� are af�'i r�;��i, ad�pt�=� �nd confi rrr:vd �s t�e progLr s�eci �1 a��es�m�;�ts for e�c� of said lots, piec�s, or paree1s of l�r�d r�sp�ctiveiy. Said a�ses��;�nt so affi����d, ad��t��s �nd car�girr�,�� sh�ll b� ccrtifi�d to by th� Ci 2y Ci ��k ared fi l�r� i n hi s of�i c� and sha 11 tfier�up�ry b� and cmn- stitut� tn� sp�ciat ass�s�an�nt foo- STOR�t S��I�R Ih9PROVEMFPdT PRQJECT t�0. 82 8• �h� a'������ �s��s��d �gainst each tot �nt�r�sg frvm th� d�te h�r��f ur�til th�ps me�hav�pbeen,paid�����h��rate�of six per cent (�%) p�� ar�nc�►n. 9. � a. S�a�h a���s�,n�nt shal l b� p����t� i n t��n�y ar�r�s�al i�►�t�l i��nts p��eable o� th� 1 st d�y e� J�nr��ry i n��c�i y���, b�gi r�r�fi r�g i r� ��� y��r 19G�, an�l cat�ti nui tra� unti 1 ai l of sai d i r�st�l ir��nts �h�l i h�vr; b���y p,�id, @�c� i����11���� �o �� coller;t�r� �a�th t�x�� cala�ctibl� d�ring s�id y���r by th� Ca�:��y Raadito�. it�e Ci ty Cl e�-�; i���r�b� d�i r�ct�d �� ��k� up �e�d fi i� i� th� offi ce of t?�e Co�,nty A«ciiior �f Ar���ca Co�ar�ty a c�crtifi�d �t��e�s��n� of �h� �;r���yY Q¢ all �uc6� u�p�id a����sr��nts ��d tf�� a��a�nt �hich �ai11 b� d�,� th�r�s�n or� t�� 1st day �¢ .��FtiJ�3d�y i n ��ctt y��,�r. Th� r�atiaea fo� th� �c�optio�a of th� for�goinr� r�s�l�t��r� �c�� duly s�con��d by Cou►��i 1��� , and eap�� vote b�i ng t�k�n thcreon tt�e foI tcswi ng �c�ter� i n f���� ��c���f: �r�f.f �lh� ��� 1�!�i r�� v�t�d agai n�t tl�� ss�,e: PASSED APJD ADOPTED EY 1"FiE CIT'� COUa�C�L OF TNE CI7'Y OF FRyO�.EY THIS D-1Y OF s 1 gb�. � ATiES7: Z`�Y C��RI Marvin . f3�uro�� MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkta;.� �� � ' li I , Pag�e 2- R�S4LUTION P80. _ 19� � 7. Said assessrnent so affirm�d, adopted, and canfir�nc�d shatl be certiFi�d to by th� City Cl�rk and filed in his officc and shali th�reupon be and con- stitute th� sp�cial assessment for SANI7ARY SEWER, WATER, AND STOfi��1 Sf4�?ER PROJECT N0, '$4 I� 8• The amounts asse�ssed ag�inst each lot, piece or interESt from th� date hr�reof until the s�,���h�d,�pa�����aid�atdthe�rate�of six pe� cent (b°�) p�r annum. ' 9. ' 10. ' ' ' Such assessm�nt s��11 be p�yable in twenfiy annual installmer�ts payabie on the t.st day of Jan�a�y in �ach year, beginning'in the year• tqti9, a�d continuing — urieil a11 of said instalim�nts sh�11 hav� b��;� p���� �ach inst�ilment to be coil�cted with t�xes c�lls�ztiblc during said year by th� County Auditar. Th� Ci ty Cierk i s hereby di r�eted to m.31ce up ard fi le i n the offic+� of ti�e C��ntiy Ruditor of Anoka County a c�rtifie�i st�t��n�nt of the amount of atl sue� unpaid ass�ssme�ts ans� the a:�9unt v�t�ich w�ll be d�e th�reon on th� tst d�y of January in s�rh y�ar. Th� motiot� for the ads�ption af the for�go�ng r�s�l�ation was duly s���nd�� by Coun�iiman fQl loivi ng voted i n fia�+ar th�re��: ' an� t°�°n vote bei r�� tak@n thereon th� and th� fo11o4oi ng vo���; ac�ai rts� th� s�r�e: PASS�D A��t1 ADgPTED 6Y ihE CITY COU�1�Il. OF TN� CITY OF FRIpL�Y i}iiS D�Y OF Al'TEST: ---- , 1968. CITY C�ERi< Marvir� C. Bruns�i l s MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham �� � I ' RESOLUTION N0. �_3.��_ � 968 + A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 19G7 STREET ' IMPROVE�4ENT PROJECT IBE IT RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, ' Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that the assessab]e cost of construction ' with respect to the following named improve�nen;t, to-wit: 1y67 STREET IMPP.OVEMENT PROJECT � � ' � �ipcluding all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ 281,486.43 2. The City Manager with the assistance of the Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to law. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 9th DAY OF SEPTE�1BER, 1968. ATTEST: CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell a MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham ' -� �� � RESOLUTION NO.�`-� � - 1968 A RESOLUTION DIRECTIPiG PUBLICATIOPd OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 1967 STREET IMPROVEi�IENT PROJECT WHEREAS, By a resolution passed by the Council on September 9, 1968, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of the 1967 STREET IMPROVElQENT PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment roll has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. '�NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of October, 1968, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. to pass upon the proposed assessment for the following named improvement: 1967 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2. The City Manager shall publish notices of the time and place of meeting in the official newspaper of the City, at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSED APdD ADOPTED BY TNE CITY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 9�H DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1968. ATTEST: ' MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell � f ' ' � � ' � I1 IJ CITY OF FRI t)L�Y ANOKA COUNTY, M1!vNE50TA NOTICE OF HEARING OF ASSESSMENT FOR ST. Iqci% STREET IMPROUEMENT PROJECT Notice is hereby given that the Cou�cil of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hali in said City on the 7th day of October, 1968, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, i� �ny, to the pro- posed assessments in respect to the following �mpravemerrt, to-wit: ST. 1967 STREET IMPROVEhlENT PROJECT The proposed assessment ro11 for each of said improvements is now on fite and open to public inspection by all peraons interested, in the office of the Clerk of siid City. At aaid hearing the Councii wiil consider written or oral objections to the propos�d assessments for each of said improvements. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construc- tion of street improvements includinq grading, stabilized base, bituminous su�facing, concrete eurb and gutter, storm sewer systems, water and sewer services, and other faci)ities iocated, as foilows: T.H. No. b5 West ServiCe Road: From Oaborne Road to 7S0 Feet South. Hugo Street: From East River Road ta East End of Street, ConneCting with Ironton Stceet. 63rd Avenue: University Serri�e Road to 4th Street Extended. 63rd Avanue: 4th Street Extended to 5th Street. Arthur Street: Mississippi Sereet ta North Property Line of Rice Creek �lemen;ary School. Jupi ter Dr i ve: Rainbow �ri ve to Syl van Lane. Comet lane: Triniiy Ori�e to Jupiter Orive. Ra� nbow Ori ve: 61 st Ave��,e to C�rnet Lar�e. Stinson Boulevard: Fran Mississ;ppi Street to 68a Avenue. Thi�d Street: Fram 57th Place to s�8th Rv�nue. Civic Cent�r Parking Lot and R�ad Construction. blst Avenue: Main Street to University Av=nue. eakar Str�et: From 73rd Avenue to end of Existing Pavement. Baker Street: F°om Er�d of Existing Pavement to Osborne Road. 64th Avenue: Fra�e University Avenue to Sth Street. Sth Street: Frdn 64th Avenue to Mississippi Street. The area proposed to be assessed for said imp�vvements and each of them is all that land benefited by said improvemerits or each of thexn and lying within the general area of the above noted streets. � t� �� bOTI�E Of� ���RIN� OF ASSESSMENT FOR ST. 1967 �TR�Ei �8����F����9� ���;,���� ����������� ���d a�a������a�� e�itl be assessrd against the p�operties withi� the above not�d a���s �n whote or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benesfits received. OATED THIS 9TH OAY OF SEPTEM�ER, 196�, �7 ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. M�R Jack 0. Kirk am ATTEST: CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsel Publish: Fridley Sun on September il, 1968 and September 18, 1968. � /i September 6, 1968 MEMO T0: City Manager and City Council FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Transfer of Costs from Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Project No. 88 to the 1968-1B Street Project ( 72nd Avenue ) Thexe was some work done under Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Project No. 88 involving storm sewer work on 72nd Avenue that should be a part of the 1968-1B Street Project, rather than Project No. 88. The total amount of money involved is $5,867.60. The attached resolution would accomplish this transfer of expenses. The City Engineer can offer any further explanation that may be neecied on this item. ' f �i RESOLUTION N0. �-'�� 1968 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN COSTS AND EXPENSES FROM SEWER, WATER AND STORM SEWER PROJECT N0. 88 TO THE 1968-1B STREET PROJECT (72ND AVENUE) WHEREAS, certain costs were incurred under Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Project No, 88, and WHEREAS, these costs logically should have been a part of the 1968-1B Street Project and assessed with it, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that expenditures in the amount of $5,867.60 be transferred from Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Project No. 88 to the 1968-1B Street Project (72nd Avenue). PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY - -r, ; � THIS DAY OF :°, �. , 1968. ATTEST; CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunseli MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham �� ' September 6, �968 MEMO T0: Cfty Manager and C?tY Council FROM: Finance Oirector SUBJECT: Transfer of FUnds from Sewer, Water, and Storm Sewer Project No. 88 to the 1968-16 Street Project {Narton Avenue Storm Sewer Work) There was spne storm sewer work done under Sewer, 1,►ater, and Sto rnn Serrer Project No. 8$ that should be a part of the 1968-16 Street Project. The aork involved was storm sewer work on Norton Avenue. The total amount of �oney is $2,958.84. The attached resolution r+ould accompiish the transfer of expenses from Project No. 88 to the 1965-18 Street P�oject. The City Engineer can offer arsy further explanation that may be needed on this item. T� JL., RESOLUTION NC. 1968 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN COSTS AND EXPENSES FROM SEWER, WATER AND STORM SEWER PROJECT N0. 88 TO THE 1968-1B STREET PkOJECT (NORTON AVENUE STORM SEWER WORK) WHEREAS, certain costs were incurred under Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Project No. 88, and WHEREAS, these costs logically should have been a part of the 1968-1B Street Project, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that expenditures in the amount of $2,958.84 be transferred from the Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Project No. 88 to the 1968-1B Street Project (Norton Avenue Storm Sewer Work). ATTEST: �: MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham CITY CL£RK - Marvin C. Brunsell �� ' , II,O�d'�i:i 0I� : I ' I , I � • �' � I , I , � _J � LEt=l�I, DE�r�T;?7`:�t�1: C:�Ti� Cr F:,:i�3i�'Y, �2iP:.�LSU�.� A�� �,.�:�A'I'�O�i F;Ii S i� I� F�.it�i1TT _��� - � _� i 9 C- • � � • STREET Ar�n�SS s ��Y-� -1 `�� �.ti'ti � `' =-- r� �v" �� %i � �_- . I'RZDLi:Y INSPE��.C3Z G� B'JT_L��idCS ; The undersigned hereby makes a��:licu*_ion f�r a pp;�m�.t `�r the work her.ein s��c:±f_ied, ��;;:eeing to do all �aorl: in sr�icr :,�t:oz-u�T_r� ��riti� �i;e Ciky (;�-f:xr.arA�es an3 rulin�s of the Depa.rtment of Bui�.dir_f;.:�, ...nrl h�;-�'�y c:ec'i�r.� :� ¢:�3t 4Ii ti�e �aLts and representa�ions stated in this :p�t i.cut- r,»z u�e t��i:: ar.ci cn�r.ect . �Gr3�NG C�..ASSI?�IC1�i4N C�?� F:tCPFR�i: C� :�LR Oc PIiAFi:R�ii : _ . � ,`.� 'i t= � j � �� '�:?,Y ��_.� 1 �.� �= ��. �rL oL szUv: c=� ,2��� ,_� �,; 1> :� � e, ti-' . (�'rou 5E . U2 - 2 rhx cugh a) _ --- ----_.._. liCtJ INSTAL��D: Ql7 Y?.OIV ~ AOQ?y FLA�tJIS� Q:d Bi�L'G.� FXTEtTI?E� F?:Oi�! � W,AI,L IASTAwLATIQN TO BEGIN ON T�0 EE C�Pi��'.,ETED OP1 ESTIMATED COST OF SIGN $ �? � �;� �' � BESCR.YT'r:[Ot? G� �L�`:I r� .� p�r��szc� ; : z�r.:c�rx �-� �z- w���� °'� �- ��i.�cY::r�ss 1 �-- LEi i�:;S : R'Lfii;.:i Si:ZF LEiTEt�ZizC3 AP.�A D7STAi�1�L F:'OM: PR�JFL�T�.' LT:?�(:.) � x��G� `��� G?�U�(3f ry�.o�,� ,� � CGITS i�:UGTED Oi :� I To� d � W't�0�? II'.OI�1 c� W�GD 0�'H :� '� �,(;��'� �,� Ii,S�Ut/t?*I?�Tr.D: `..�.�-/�.� ��ASH.T�?3�: ,�.,\.;(;' J FF`�OTE�3'Y C� .�'F:A' S SiGNA�'Js.L : t�1 T� T t�^T T�t �t?'�1 �[� y n*•:Rr, �r il' L�F� LT.�il�l � � t!-�j'J?.L:_:a�1A J I•.:�v__).L'teL � . F'��'�i---:���� ; _ � �I?'�l�l C C. � � _1✓� '/-E'..C-� -r=-z= - k.�:�-�--� _/./ r. ��_ ��r// -� �.�:t-f' � GL�'�?�,� AGRr�S TO GC."T'"�,'� �vI'"`�i G�:P:�"3��I3::^ i1r:� ��� b_x�,.�/ PA�.T:C�i --`�?-4•Y G�;.TH ?`4'�'iC9J� :T.� ?'��: L:t ; Ut1 i`.�Y l, 1967, AS F�� S��T�ON 56.03, P��;,?_, � S�,C'�'IGT1 �6.C�}, Ftst, 9�: &� �PP�.���E� �Y: F���:;t�.',?',f G^N:�T�.3SICe1 (��:��,S) �;_. ��� r.^.�i?^.�.e �,- ,. . � : , •.. •� _.__�....._..._._.._.�,_....�._..__�_�_.� G ak t.. ���1.�'..,.;, C�T: _: i :iY'�.-�3 .___ _...�._�_.._ r.__._ �� E'1�,��iR`�.i�:t, f.� B'.::{�. �i�i•i5>.'�'C'iv:tS �� �.� A 8c G ENTERPF`ISES PINE TREE LAKE ROAD WHITE BEAR LAKE 10, MINN. PHONE: 429•7644 C�ty Council �31 Univ. kve. Pd.E. Fridle�T, 2��znn. �pTEi�flF i Q,l�'%& � . Re; Reraoving of No �'a.r��ing si� ns on north side of Lynde Drive from service road to Po1k Street. Gentler.len : At the present tir:<e there ys no par'_.ing authorized on Lynde Drive from the service road east oi �:ightiray 65 to Polk St. T aM requesting th� City Council to reraove the " RTO PAPu{Ii1G " restriction from the T?orth sicle only of the above described axea. on Lj*nde Drive as parking s�ce is needed for dron in visitors at the apartment com;�lex. The lifting of the restric-�ion �rould allot-T par1,,3_ng on the street so long as such parl-_ing conformed to the City Ordnances. � � Very truly ycurs� A & G Lnterprises f' ✓� =P -a.:.�� A.T. Gear�n , � ��� � �,r� r � , /'�• � J H O N E Y W E L L 1 N C. September 3, 1968 . Mr. Homer Ankrum Fridley City Manager . 6437 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Ankrum: I have reserved Locke Park in Fridley for a picnic on the night of September 12th 1968, from 6:00 P. M. until 10:00 P. M. We intend to bring beer into the park for this event and it is my understanding that a formal letter stating this intent is required. Our group consist of 60 husbands and wives from the Quality Instrumentation Department of the Honeywell Ordnance Division Hopkins, Minnesota. Should any further communication be necessary I may be reached at phone #935-5155 extension 8463. .Thank you, / , �(,rY tti1-I �C�tr-( ✓ ti� � Dwaine L. Overby DLO:jhe CC: 2 R AEROSPACE & DEFENSE GROUP ORDNANCE DIVISION • 600 2ND STREET NORTH, HOPKINS, MINNESOTA 55343 • 612/935-5155 � , � ' I ' I � I ' I ' I' . � ' ' �,�,^„�' 1`-' ` . MEMO T0: Homer R. Ankrum Cit Mana ex�C�-uL,.,� �ti, � Y g �;',��,v ,%�.•_�_�-,��_,._-_L'�-�_� I�IEMO FROM: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Engineer-Director of Public Works MEMO DATE: September 6, 1968 MEMO NUMBER: 6i CM ��68-16 � RE: Chies Land Alteration E'ermit No. 65-01 and No. 68-01 Attached herewith is a copy of the memo which I wrote to the Engineering Assistant in regard to this area. It is evident from the elevations checked by the Engineering Department that the applicant has not made an attempt to grade the land to the elevations required by the land alteration permit. Most of the land has vegetation on it which indicates that there has been no grading done in this area for quite awhile. I feel that the City has given repeated extensions of ti.me to the contractor to get compliance with the permit and now the City should take a firm stand to get the land graded in compliance with the permit. ����- ,� < ��� � NASIM M. QURESHI, P.E. City Engineer-Director of Public Works CC: Virgil Herrick, City Attorney Mr. Parrington, Glen Fa'lls Ins. Co. � 0 �