12/02/1968 - 5862' , ' � t � � ' , ' � ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' � JUEL MERCER - COUNCIL SECRET�ARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DECEMBER 2, 196$ - 8:00 P.M. ' ' R�GULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA = DECEMBER 2, 1968 - 8:00 P. M. ' PLED �E OF ALLEGIANCEY INVOCATION: � . � '� ' � : • ° ROLL CALL; ,_> - ,. . . . . , ., , .�'�`_ • APPROVAL OF MINUTES: . : . . . • � ' Regular Council Meeting, November 18, 1968 Pages 1- 26 ' ADJPTION OF AGEND9; PUBLIC HEARINGS: � None � OLD BUSINESS• :' 1. Second Reading of an Ordinance Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 1969. Pages 27 & 28 2. Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 46.5 of the City Code for the Purpose of Permitting Neoprene Gaskets on Sanitary Sewer Lines. 3. Consideration of Special Use Permit for Used Car Lot (Shorty's). Board of Appeals Minutes of October 30, 1968 (Tabled 11/4/68, 11/18/68) �- Lomment; This was tabled by the Council at the last meeting because all the Council was not present.) NEW BUSINESS_ ' 4. Consideration of Sign Permit Requests; Rice Creek Plaza Shopping Center and Allied Radio. Comment_ The Shopping Center sign rzquest does not meet two sections of the code. The distance from the right of way should be 10' and the distance from the ground has to be 14'. Applicant has been advised to appear before the Council. Page . 29 Pages 30 - 33 Pages 34 - 36 A ' REGUL4R ME�TING, DECEMBER 2, 1968 PAGE 2 ' ���__� _� __ �_ �� �— �� NEW BUSIN�'SS Continued) �' , � 5. Considerati:on of-Billboard Appzoval Request; . Naegele Outdoor. . . � � . . � . � Sign Company. _ Pages 37 - 40 ' Comment: This is a request for a billboard on T.H. ,��47, L____ � . : In the agenda there is a map showing all of the , . billboards in the City of Fridley) � � ' � 6. Consideration of Request for Time Extension to File A1 Rose ' Addition Plat. Pages 41 & 42 ' ... . .. . ' 7. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of November 20, 1968. Page 43 ' . � , . . . _ � . . � . . � 8. Receiving the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Meeting ' of November 25, 1968. Pages 44 - 46 ' , 9. Receiving the Minutes of the Building Standards-Design ' Control Meeting of November 27, 1968. Page 47 1 • � ' 10. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for Water Improvement Project ��75-H (Opened November 25, 1968 at 12:00 Noon) Page 48 ' (Comment; The recommendation of the Consulting Engineer.is � in the Agenda folder. They recommend the low ' bid of E.H. Renner & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $21,954 be accepted. ' . ' ' ' REGULAR MEETING DEC�MBER 2, 1968 � ' —� � ___. _—__ --------- N�W BUSIN�SS (Continu�d) ' 11. Consideration of Naming Auditor's for 1968. _ ' _ ' . _ �. - . 12. Consideration of Advertising for Sids for Workmen's ' Compensation Insurance. ' . .. � 13. Consideration of Appraisal for Spring I,ake Park Lancl ' Acquisition. ' . _ . .. . . ' 14. Report on Sto�m Sewer in 75th Avenue. . Comment; We are trying to collect some more data. We hope to have some report available for ' the Council at the meeting) ' 15. Authorization and Acceptance of Emergency Warning System t Comment; You wi11 find the material for this and the next item in the Agenda Envel�pe) ' � 16. Discussion of Emergency Power Proposal. , i , , 17. Notice of Public Hearing, Minneapolis Waterworks Expansion. ' . . ' PAGE 3 Page 49 Pages 50 - 57 Page 58 , MFET N DE EM ER 2 1968 PAGE 4 REGULAK I G, C 6 , ' NEW BUSIN�SS Continued f�____._________�__� _ — t ) ' 18. Consideration of Resolution Regarcting Minneapolis taaterworks ___ Ex�ansion. ' . : : �' .. . .� � pa e 59 19. Claims g ' . , .. . . � - 20. Licenses �, . Pages 60 - 62 , , . . � � 21. Estimates ' Page 63 1 . � 22. Consideration of Trailer Permit Request (Darrel Dobson) and memorandum from the Sanitarian. Pages 64 - 67 � (Comment: The petitioner has been requested to be at t�te Council Meeting) ' � 23. Consideration of Trailer P�rmit Request (Andrew Veres) Page 68 �' (Comment; The petitioner has been requested to be at the Council Meeting). ' , ' 24. Authorization of Change Order ��2, Civic Center powns�airs Remodeling. --- ' �(Comment: We have not received the information from the Contractor. Hopefull;y there will be something avai.lable Monday for your consideration.) , 1 � REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 2, 1968 PAGE 5 ' ��_�_._. �Mr.� �_ -------- - - -- C��IUNICATIONS : , A. Minnesota Highway Department: 69th Avenue Crossover at T.H. ��47 Page 69 ' B. Minneapolis Gas Company; Congratulations Industrial Tour and Page 70 . ..Award . � � .• �, � _ , . . C. Police Department; Commendation, Officer Parquette. Page 71 ' (Comment: The City Manager recommends a ' . _ Certificate of Achievement) ' VISITORS• ' � . . � . ADJOURN: ' Y � ' � , . - ._. I ' . .:' - 1 . . ' ' . ' . r' ' � ' ' ' � CI! � � �J , 1 ' ' ' � THE MINUTES OF THE REGTJL�i►R COUNC�L MEETING OF NOiVEI�ER 18, 1966 IN�ayor Kirkham called the Regular Council Meeting of Noveiaber 18, 1968 to order at 8:10 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Kirkham requested the audience stand and join the Council in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ,�J,�iVOCATION • ,�, representat�.ve from the Ministerial Association gave tha Invc�cation. ROLL CALL: MEN�ERS PRESENT: Kirkhan�, Sheridan, Liebl MEN�ERS ABSENT: Samuelson, Hdrris APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MELTING OF �IOVEN�ER 4, 1968: � b1�OTION by Councilman Sheridan to a-?�pt the Minutes of the Regu- lar Council Meeting of DTovecaber 4, 1968 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE MLNirrES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING AND STATFMENT,_ OF CANVASS OF NOVEt�ER 9, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting and Statement of Canva� of DTovsmber 9, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motic�n carried. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkhata said that there was a licenso to be added for consideration for Bob's Produce Ranch for a Christmas Tree Lot, and a com�aunication from the Chamber of Commerce. MATION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Agenda as amended. Se- conded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting ¢ye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carr��d. ■ R�GUI,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEi�ER 18, 1968 p�g 2 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON 1969 BUDGET- (Continued fraa 10-7-68, 10-21-68 ar�d 11-4-68) 'I�he City Ma�nager qave an outline of the 1969 Budget for the bene- fit of the audience. He said that the 1969 Budqet estimate at 43.92 mills against 41.73 rriills in 1968 represents an approxi- mate 2 mill increase. In 1969 one mill will bring in $20,183, whereas in 1968 the same mill provided $17,787.00. He said that our actual dollar Budget in 1969 is $1,682,154.00 compar�d with $1,423,336.00 in 1968. which shaws an increasa of $258,818.00. He went on to explain the reasons for the increase; being increased personnel to give the City better service, increased maintenance of the park system, increased requirements by State Leg�.slat�.on on Public Employment Retirement, Police t2uarters remodel�ng, and salary increases. He explained that by taking all the estimated revenue, from the total increase over last year's Budget, there is $44,200 wh ich will be a tax levy for 1969. He explained that all the new industries, plus the new homes in Fridley have done much to hold dawn the mill levy, and yet provide increased facilities and services. C�ounc�,lman Sheridan added that the net increase on an $18,000 hous� wi,th an estimated mill rate of 43.92 for 1969 as con�pared to 41.73 for 1968 wo�ld amoun� to $2.22. �he Cit� tax amounted to $51.48 on an $18,000 value in 1968 and has gone to an estimat�d $53.70 �tax for 1969. This does ,zot take in re-evaluation of all properties in 1968. Council�nan Liebl said that everyc�ne is aware that traffic is heavily increasing and he sa�d that he was co�cerned about the allotment for signs and signals and wondered if they were ade- quate. He asked the City Manager if he felt that it was enough to take care of the safety prablei�s on Sast River Road, T.H. #65, and T.H. #47. The City M,anager explained that ths moray alloted was for siqn�ls for which the City and State have already signed agreements. If the State would act on the request for the study on safety on East River Road, then at that time we would know how much money we would need. Mayor Kirkham said that it probably would not be befare 1970 ariyhaw. Councilman Liebl said that if money is not provided, the problems cannot be solved. Iie said that he has received many calls on t1Ye need for siqnals o�n Osborna ar�d tJnivarsity 7�►ven�: � and on 8ast River Road. He aaid t�f� h� wanted it fully understood that h� would nat be held responaible if any more deaths occur on East Rivar Road. 1'he City Engineer explained that the money budgeted this year is for signals for which we have signed agreem�ents. Z'hese are on 53rd Avenue and University Avenue and Osborne Road and University. � VEN�ER 18 1968 PAGE 3 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NQ . ' Councilman Liebl then asked about the City share of the pedest- '' rian bridge costs, and asked the City Manager why this item was �' not emphasized. The City Manager said that of couXse he would lik� to have it, it was not in the financed portion of the , Budget and that he assumed the Qouncil felt that it would be too much of a jolt to the taxpayers. Mayor Kirkham added that like the signals, if it was built in 1969, it would be taxed ' in 1970. iie said that it would probably be budgeted for 1970. Councilman Liebl said that the State was willing to pay �, but the other governmental bodies were not willing to participate, ' and he felt that th is should have been gone into in more depth. � Mr. Richard Harris asked w'hat makes up the general revei}ue. �'he Finance Director said that it was fines, liquor store reveriue, general fund interest earned, permits, etc. Mr. Harris asked haw n�uch was transferred from the liquor store. The Finance , Director answered $180,000. Councilman Liebl pointed out that now the City is even with the requirements of the Public Employees Retirement Fund according to the State Legislature. He pointed out that this amounts to more than one mill increase in itself. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to close the Public Hearing on the 1969 Budget. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ORDINANCE #406 - AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 45.463 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE DESIGNATING THE CITY IrlANAGER TO SF�tVE AS SECRE- �ARY FOR THE BOARD OF APPEALS: M�oTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Ordinance #406 on second reading, waive the reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a roll call vate, Kirkham, Liabl and Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the sotion carr iacl . CANS�D�„ BRATI(�j, 4F SPIDC r LTS$ PERMIT FOR USBD CAR IAT s (Board of Appeals Minutes of October 30, 1968 - Tabled 11-4-68) M�OTION by Councilman Sheridan to table this item, as Council is nat present, to the next r;ular me�ting. by Couacilmsn Liebl. Upon a voics vots, �11 voti=g Kirkham declarec] the motion carried. the full Seconcled aye, Mtyv� REGUTAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NO'VEI�IDER 18, 1968 PAGE 4 FIRST R8�1DT�iG OF AN ORDIDTANCE A�OP�ING TS� BUDGBT FOR FI3E`]�►L YBAR 1969: Z'he City Manager said that before the consideration of tts• Budqet, perhaps a memorandum from t1�e Director of public Workts dat�d Novetaber 15, 1968, should be considered. He said that the storm sewer on 75th Avenue between Central Avenue and 3tinson Boulevard is in very bad shape, and some decision should be reached befor• adoption of the Budqet. Councilman Liebl asked if the Director of Public Works could give the Council any assurance that if the work is done, if it would end the expense. The Director of Public Works said that about $10,000 has already been spent, and the work done, does no good as the leaks keep moving and shawing up someplace else in the line. He pointed out that Comstock and Davis, Consulting Engineers made a study of this in 1966. The City Manager asked if this work has to be done this year. The Director of Public Works said that some of the street is gone, and it was just put in. Councilman Sheridan asked when the line was put in. Z'he Director of Public Works answered in 1961. He said that that type of desiqn is not compatible with that partieular type of soil. Councilman Sheridan asked what guarantee soil solidification would give us, and haw the so�l solidification msthod worked in other areas. Z*he City Engineer said that in certain cases there is no choice other than solid�fication due to soil conditions, unless it would be to re-lay the whole line. Councilman Sheridan said that a determination should be made whether to spend the temporary $13,000 or a permanent improvement of about $30,000. The City Engineer said thmt he could come back with exact fiqures for re-layinq the pipe, if this is what the Council wishea. Z'he City Manaqer asked if in the event that it would be necessary to re-lay the line, if this could be on a general improvement bond. Tho Finance Director said on a qeneral abliqation ba��d, a vote of the people is required, if put or� an i�aprovament bond - at leaat 2096 of the total projec'- would have to be assessed. ge did not think th is particular work could be ass�ssed. Se 8aid� that it might be possible to tie it into anothar bond ar� b• extended over a longer period of years, T'ha City Attorney asked if�this could be assesaed. Council� 3heridan said that he did not tl�ink it eou�d b� asa�saed to the Prope=t,Y c�ners becau�e the lin� is faulty. H� said that he felt that th�y should ask fo�c further study, tben put it into a larger improv�t bcnd, if four�d to be r�ecessary. If the�� is goinq to be a coatrsctor doir,g a similar type of Mrork in the City, then it could b• tied in. The City Engineer said that there will b� bida let in the near future for other work in,Fridley. It waa , Ri;GULAR GOUNCIL MEETING OF NOVENIDER 18, 1968 ' � ' ' �AGB 5 _ then ag�reed by tha Council, not to includ� this item in th• Budget, but to ask the City Enqineer to make further s�u�iies and bripq back some figures. Councilaaan Liebl commented �2am�t if we are �o�nq to do the job,� it shquld be done ric,�t, to prsvent future �rAblews. MOTIODI by Councilman Sheridan to approve the Ordinance on lst reading adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year 1969, in ths amount of $1,682,154. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Sheridan and Li�sl voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. , �ST READING O� AN ORDINANCE A�Y1�G SECTIO� 46.5 OF T�B�TY CODE FOR TiiE Pi��E OF PERMITT�NCB �T�PR�.YE GA�KETS O� SA�iITARY SEWER LINES: �he City Attorney said that this was to eliminate the necessity of applications of waivers of our code for neopxene gaskets, w+klich are acceptable by the Minneapolis code. MpT�ON by Councilman Sheridan to approve on first reading and waive tYie readia�g. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote. Liebl, Sheridan, and Kirkham votiny� aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. �SOLUTION #182-1968 - A RESOLUTI�i ACCEPTING REVISION OF T�8 CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA,, AATED MAY 31, 1968s T'he City Attorney said that the oriqinal Ordinance gives the Council the right to recodify the Code, therefore he h�e pre- pared this R•solution. � MpTION by Couacilman Liebl to adopt RaBOlution #182-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voic• vot�, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carrisd. ' DISCUS_ SZO�titEG�RDING �JRPHY OIL STATIOM: (East River Road aad Kiasisaippi way) , Z'he Ctty �nqine�r said that he was �gps�c�� �y ��pr�a�aat�tive of tho �ir�y oil. Co�y reqardinq �heir plaais fo� a qss etation on �outh�atst coraer of East River Ytoad an� lL�.siaaippi 6day. , �� saicl �hs� the oriqina� plan approved by th� Co�acil ha� on� og�imq on Baat Riv�r Road aad one on Missisaippi �sy. 8� said that this rwised plan has an inlet and outl�t � D�si�sippi , �1� a`aar] oase on 8aet ftiver Ro�►►d. Hs said that ttai� �ould not •�eaa� �..�n� trafiic problems, certainly, but niqht prov� ta b� a , REGULAR CqU�CIL MEETING OF DTOVENg3ER 18, 1968 com�ranias to solva the problems with thia cort�r. p1�1GE 6 l�r. Ri,chard ,�. Ellis said that he wa8 a r�al astat• aq�t and was prosent �n behalf of the I�.irphy oil Corp. and the Gertzen interests, to see if a solution could be reachsd. 8� 8aid th�t the intent is to put an egress and ingress on l�liaaissippi Way. He said that the queation that then arises is if the #�irst cut to the west would impede the right and left hand turni�g pattern. He said that he would like to qet the City's appzoval and then he would have to approach the County for their app�oval. Councilman L�.ebl �aid that he assumed that to make this plan f�asible, it was necessary to have the two openings. Mr. Ellis aa�d yes, this is what the Murphy 011 Corporation has stated. Councilman Liabl asked Mr. Donald Savelkoul, r�presentinq Mr. Leonard Gertzen if he is in agreement w ith tiiis. Mr. Sav�lkoul said that he was here just as an observer and that this matter is between the City and the County and the i�urphy Oil Corp. He said that anythi.ng that these parties could �me up with would be acceptable to Mr. Gertzen because of the litigation pending. The City Engineer pointed out that by adding the additional opening, it reduces the capab ilitx of car storage on the pro- perty. He said that if the C�ncil approved of this plan, it would have to be subject to County concurrence. Mr. Ellis said that he was not trying to change any of the variances pre- viously approved. Councilman Sheridan asked ho�w far the westerly opening is from tiie cornex of the property. The City Engineer said about 75'. Councilman Sheridan said that he would approve of the concept, but that he did not feel that the Council is in a position to approve anything formally. Mr. Ellis said that approval of the concept would be enough at this time,so that it can go to th� County for their approval. MpTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur v►ith the coc�cept as proposed this evening on the revised plan dated Novamber 18, 1968 for = service •tation on the southaast quadrant of East Rivet Road atid Mississippi Way, and ask th� Cottnty for th�ir concurrouc�. Second+�d by Councilman *�ebl. Upoa a voic� vote, all voting ay�, �l�ayor Kirkhaa� d�clared ti� aio�laa carriad. � 'M. 4' _Y ':� � � , .`.,� •���1PL1 ._i �': ���,�::Y .'�.. .�.:'�.'� � � �j � A. .� j� • MOTIODi by Councilman Liebl to receivo t,he Minu�ea b"f �e Human , R�GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEI�ER 18, 1968 PAGE 7 ' .,._..._ _ Re�a�tions Com�nittse Meeting of October 17, 1968. Second�d by , Councilnran Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all v oting aye, M,ayor Kirkham declared the motior� carr�ed. � �J ' ' ��, Councilmau Liebl asked what the function of the Employment Subcommittee was. Mayor Kirkham said it was to make a study to see if fi�here is any discrimination in the City of Fridley. $�CEIV�NG THE MINUTES OF THE BOAiiD OF APP�SALS MEETING OF NOVELriBER 6, 1968• 1. � AEQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PF•RM.IT AS PER SECTION 45.19 �tYDLEY. MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY 1�EDICAR� DEV$LOP1�iT C�ANY, 640 RAND TaWER, MINDTEAPOLIS, MI1�A�iESOTA) : ' �'he City Engineer showed the revised plan submitted wh ich showed the egress and ingress on Madison Street, landscaping,location of the proposed building on the lot etc. He said that the Board of , Appeals had apprqved this request. He said that the parking is cl�anged so i,t is naw taward the Clinic, and the area facinq the res�dential area$ is sodded, and the lighting plan is qood. ' MO�ION by Councilman Liebl in g�ar�ting the special use ' nursing home. Seconded by to concur with the Board of Appeals pl�rmit for the construction of a Councilman Sheridan for discussion. Councilman Sheridan ask� th ' between t�is nursing home and that thQ }�ursing home abutts propert�. He added that the , home is R�l, and to the east zoning. e City Enqineer if there is any land the Clinic. The City Enqineer said the south boundary of the Clinic Clinic is zoned CR-1, the nursinq of the nursing home there is R-3 , TSE VOTE upon the motion, being a voice voto, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirl�ham d�clar�d tha nwtior► carried. ' � ' � ;� � • � - . • • � - . �__ =.� x_. 4_ .i�� • • � • � • � �: •�� • �air� •'� 5t� • . • - t�_ . • • �; � • . :r. • , �• � Y ; .,• r- :,a� : � - ,� y ' • Y•� �_:-__ �� • �, _��� • : =�i'..i_ � • �� •: . •L FRIDLSY, MINN, ;P.EQUEST BY DR. KF�lt$TS SP$LTZ, 3224 ,CQACFiF100D RQAD , ST . PAUL , M11T�dBSOTA) : REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 p�;E g �he City Engineer explained that this pet hospital is going to be north of Gearhart Mortuary on T.H. #65. They are requesting a special use permit and a variance from 80' to 55' to conform w�th the setback of the mortuary. He said that the front will be sodded and no front yard parking, and that this request has met all other requirements. He said that it will be an all brick building, and they plan on boarding animals and all boarding w ill be on the inside. He said that the Board of Appeals has approved of this request and showed the plan to the Council at the Council table. Dr. Steve Brandjord was present and explained that the exterior is bei.ng worked on naw by � is architect and will look nicer when the plan is complete. The City Engineer added that this plan still has to be submitted to the Building Standards - Design Control, and there will be required curbing, landscaping, etc. MOTION by Councilman Shericlan to grant the special use permit as provided for under Ordinance ##373 fox� the construction of an animal elinic. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 3. A REQUEST FOR VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.341, REDUCTION OF STREET LINE SETBACK, FROM MISSISSIPpI PLACE ON THE SOUTH FROM 80 FEET TO 62 FEET AND FROM EAST RIVER ROAD O�T THE EAST, FROM 80 FE�T TO 74 FEET TO PERMIT CONSTRUC- TION OF A CAR WASH ON THE SOLTI'H 342 FEET OF BLOCK 22, FRIDLEY PARK ADDITION, THE SAME BEING THE N.W. CORNIIt OF THE INTERSECTION OF MISSISSIPPI PLACE AND EAST R�VER RG1AD. (REQUEST BY ROBERT SCHROER, 7886 FIRWOOD W1�Y N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): Councilman Liebl said that he would like to have some clarification of the stipulations imposed by the Board of Appeals. � - � ��'k�e C�ty Engineer shawed the Council the revised plan at the ''Coun�i� table. He said that a right turn has besn prevented. ey have requested an 80' to 62' setback on the south, and an 0' to 74' setback on the east. Councilman Sheridan pointed out �'�that one of the stipulations imposed by the Board of Appeals was �the resolving of the intersection pattern of Mississippi Place and East River Road. Councilman Liebl sai� that th is would czeate a ba�d traffic problem. Mr. Richard Harris came forward to the Council table and ex- plained that by having only one opening, th� cars would enter and circle around on their prope�rty and exit at the west end of the property. He said that there was room for stacking of about , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEN�ER 18, 1968 � � � PAGE 9 20 - 23 cars, and added that if he does get a volume of business �t might create stacking onto Mississippi Place. He explained that the problem is the filling sta�ion in the middle of the road. Councilman Liebl said that he wanted to make s�s� th�� the City did not make more traffic congegtion in this area, than there is now. He said that the only way he cau ld concur, is if the traffic pattern is resolved first. He said that it would seem that the land where the filling station is, would have to be acquired. ' Mr. Harris said that the Board of Appeals realized that this car wash is adding to the problems in this area, but th�t a man oHming a piece of land has the right to devel�p h�s la�nd. He ' pointed out that Mr. Schroer has already deeded some land to the City and this is the reason for the necessity of applying ' for a variance. At this point Mr. Harvey Petexson, Anoka County Commissioner, came up to the table to look at the plans. ' Mr. Eldon Schm�edeke was present and said that he had gone to the fixst Board of Appeals meeting when they discussed this, and he had objected to it. He said that it was his understanding that � Bob's Produce was going to be located there. He felt that a car wash would create the problem of icing, and that there were better locations for a car wash. He poi.nted out that directly , behind this, there is a beautiful apartment house and felt that this would cause a hodge-podge at this intersection. ��' ' ' ' ' ' Councilman Liebl said that he wauld be against th is proposal, as he felt that this would not improve the intersecti on, but would create greater problems. He said th�t the problem of the intersection is not close to being solved yet. He added that there is the apartment complex beh ind this car wash and agreed with Mr. Schmedeke that it would create a hodge-podge t,he area . also of The City Attorney said that the Board of Appeals decision is final or� variances, unless the applicant appeals for a hearinq before the Council, or unless a property c�mer appeals. He said that there is a question of whether a variance would be needed, as he did not think the land is actually deeded to the City as yet. He said that the C�.ty was not on good grounds d�nying a variance with the reason beinq street or traffic p�oblems, as these are the City's problems to solve, and any p�COperty owner should have the right to develop his land. ' Mr. Ph il Hirsch no objection to traffi� pattern. ' was present at tt,e M°� ating and said that he had the car wash, b�tt was also cancerned about tlze Counc { 1�,�.- Liebl said that Mthen the Hirach REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF Di0vE1�ER 18, �.968 PAGE 10 rezoning was approved, nothing was said about what was goinq to go in on this corner. �ie said thati had he known that a car wash was intended, he would not have voted for the rezoning as he is not in favor of this. He said that the Council has given up t�eir riqhts to the Board of Appeals. . RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STA�DARDS - DESIGN CO�IT_ ROL MEETING OF NOVEN�ER _l3 , 1968 - 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A`140 UNIT APARTl�NT COMPLEX I,OCATED AT 6550 EAST RIVER RQAD SAME BEING BLOCKS 21 22 23, FRIDLEy pA1tR ADDITIOM WITH EXCEPTIONS AND ALSO PARTS OF LOTS 7& 9 OF A.S. 23 OKA . COUN'I'Y . MINNESOTA. ( REQtT�ST BY HIRSCH BROTHERS 3954 WOODDALL� AVENUE M,INNgApOLIS, MINNESOTA) �—� Z'he City �gineer said that the Buildir�g Standards - Desiqn Control had approved of his request with some stipulatione which he explained. He added that there is a landscapinq plan v�hich includes a hedge 5' - 6' from the parking lot. He said that there was one problem with utilities in this area he would like to bring up. He said that he has received utility plana �rom Suburban Engineering. Our reconmendations are that the water line be looped from both sides so that the water does not become stagnant. He said that both property awners should get together on this to develop the utility plan. He said that so far he has not been able to get them together for a meeting. MATTON by Cpuncilman Sheridan to concur with the recommendations of the Building Board and grant a building permit, with the addi- tion that a utility plan be drawn mutually acceptable to both property a�rners and the City Engineer. Seconded by Councilm��, Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkha,�► declared the motion carried. 2. •� �'�:_ �� •' ,.�:� • �1� 4i i�l+ i.� • �� �, �� '�1 - �� _ � .� .�� '4� .i�l� � �' � �. " , . . �Y - � 4:. ,. �� , «.. �. .. - _i_�_ 4,` �i y• �; 1 VIR�T RQAD N.E. . FR.�DLEY MIL�DiBSOT�) : Z'he City Engineer passe�ci out pl�ns to the Council and �xp�.ained the stipulations im�posed by the Buildinq Board. He reninded tha Council that Strite-Anderson has already obtainecl approval of a foundation permit. He said tha� ther� is an extended parkiru� 1;2F�GU�rAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEI�FR �8, 1968 area shawn tiiat should be blacktopped and curbed. PAGE 11 M�IOZT by Councilman Liebl to concur with the Buildinq 3tandards - Design Control recomnendations with the sddition that the axtended parking area be blacktopped and curbed. Seconded by Councilmar► Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared �he motion carried. Gouncilman Sheridan asked about Item #2 of the minutes concerning Qlanting grass or sod in all areas no� blacktopped on Strite- Anderson property. He said that it seearad rather vaque. T"he City Engineer explained thafi the area east of the buildirg is not awned i�y Strita-Anderson. 3. �S�DERATION OF A REQUEST TO MpVB A RESIDENT DWELLING FROM SILVER LA,KE ROAD TO PART OF LOT 10, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #�22, ADTOKA COi7NTY, MINNESOTA, TIiS SAME BBI�TTG 1530 RICE CRr^.EK ROAD, FRYDLEY, MINN$SOTA. (REQUSST BY �ES CHIES , 591 DRIFTFIOOD ROAD , N�1 BRIG�iTODi , MINNESOTA) : �� wa�s poi��ed out that there was no action needed by the Council. Counc�lmax� Sheridan said that a member of the Buildinq Standards p�siqn Control asked him about their right to request the postinq o� a completion bond. The City Attorney said that th e City has that authority, and would become a condition of the permit. He said that the a�ount of the bond has to be commensurate with the ,� ob . 4. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CO�iSTRUCT A GIANT SLIDL AT HOLIDAY SIiOPPING CENTER, THE SAMB BEING 250 57TH AVSNUE N.E.. FRIDLEY,� MINNESOTA. (RB4UEST BY P7.�IIC- Q�TBR SLIDBS , INCORPORATBD, N�1 B�tI�c�rorT ,�t� A) t Z'he Cit� Engineer said that the Building Standarda - Design Control h�d made some stipulations and he said that he felt that there should be provided some plantinqs on the south side also. He said that th is is proposed to be on the south side of their building, to be 30' high, and made of qalvanized ateel. ' i�1x�, Jame� Woodington of Pink-Otter Slides was pre�ent and said th�tt the Huilding Board had asked them to hav the windloadir�g, due to screeninq, checked by their Engineer. He said that the ' understructure is black, so tnat it blends in with the aephalt and really is not apparent. He said that their Engineer did check this and it was his opinion tha�t addinq the screening would � qr�atly increase the lateral wind force and would make it un- s�able. He said that it would be well supervised, and open durinq � REGULAR COLfiTCTL MEETING OF NOVEI�ER 18, 1968 PAGE 12 s�ore hours. He said that the slide is 143' from top to bottom. T�e City Engineer sugqested putting up an independent screenirg which w4u�.d not be attached. Mr. Keith Hol,venstot of Erickson Petrolewa Cp=p. said that he did not fael that the understructure is unsightly and that asking for the scraening would prove quite exp�n�ive, as it would be no small item. Mr. Woodington added that he went by there today on I. 694 and the level of vivw is slightly dawn, so the understructure would not be seen from the ro�d. H� said that the slide will run east and west, and would be seen principally from the east. l�yox Kirkham commsnted that if Holiday is willing to put the slide between the road and their buildinq without screening, it was his feeling that the screening would not be required. He said t,hat the west line of the slida would be in line with the west line of the building. He said that he did not see the need for the two provisions recomaaended by the Bu ilding Board. M=, Floodinqton cammented that if �pproved, they plan to start r�,�'ht �w�y and it will be completed in 10 - 14 daya. 1�iOTTQN �ay Cowc�cilman Liebl to approve the roquest to construct a giant slide at Holiday Shopping Center, ana asieta the re- cammendations of the Building Standards - Desiqn Control. Secondec� by Cauncilmati Sheridan. Upan a voica vote, all voting �y�, Mayor Kirkham declared the motian carried. 5. COTTTSIDERATION OF A RE4UEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO EXISTIDTG BUILDING. LOCATED AT 7755 B$ECH STREET N.E.. �,E SAME BEING LOTS 20, 21, 22, BLOCK 7, ONAWAY, ANOKA COUN'1'Y, M�,NNESOTA. (REQUEST BY RON SMITH. 7786 B88CH STREET N.E., FRIDLSY. MINNESOTA): Z'he City Engineer said that there is limited land available aad that these plans were brouqht in at the last minute to the Building Standarde - Design Control. I�OTION by Councilman Sher idan to table this item until further plans are available. Secondecl by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Subconnnittee Meeti�g of November 13, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a vo�.ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor �ci�rkham declared the motion �arried. ' � R�;GtJI.AR C�CIL MEETING OF NOVEM$ER 18, 1968 ' �AGE 13 ' �ONST�„ERATION OF,REVISED PLOT PLAN BY ROGER I�ARSON ON LOTS 7& $ `BLOCK 2. COMMERCE PARK• ' Thet City Enginee� said that this is the revised plot plan for a bu��ding whi,ch will be facing the University Avenue West Service D��,Ye i� Commerce Park. He said that the revised plan has a 6Q' setback, parking along th� side of the building, ancl land- ' scaping in the front. He said that ths applicant has aqreed to this and also to put brick walls on the east and sauth sides ' of the ?�uilding, and the other two walis will be block. He said th�t he feels that this i� a�auch better plan than was previou�l�r submitted . � � � � M�OTION by Councilman Liebl to concur oa this plot plan requested by Roger Larson as submitted by the City Engineer, and approve the building permit. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, 1rLayor Kirkham declared the motion cmuc�i,ed . �RTVTNr �g ��gS OF �IE PLAN�TING CO�iISSIO�i�� ING OF 130VEN�ER 14, 1968- 1. MA�tXEN TERRPiCE . P. S. #68-06 , THOMAS E. MARXEN� ' The City Engineer said that the Planning Comtaission has reco�aended approval of this preliminary plat snd it will be necessary to set up the Public Hearing before the Cauncil. ' MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to direct the Administrat�on to aet the Public Hearing date for Marxen Terrace, P.S. #68-06. ' Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declarsd the motion carried. ' � ' ' ' ' 2. �tBZONING RE4UEST. ZOA #68-12, ROBERT A SCHROffit: 7.'he City Engineer said that this is a rezoning reqpest to be from M-2 to C-2-S, oE the easterl� 452 feet of Parcel 6000, Section 2: all of Parcel 3150 (east 3 acres) and essterly 200 �eet of Parcel 3150, Section 11 (Osborne Road and University Avenue). He said that the Planning Commtssion sugqested that the Cauncil hold their Public Hearinq December 9, 1968, to allvw time for their recom¢nendation as they will be meeting December 5, 1968. MA'�x4N by Councilman Sheridan to set the �ublic Heari�q �1ate for the rezoning request by Robert Schroez (ZOA #68-12) on Decennber 9, 1968. Seconded by Counei�.3nan Liebl. Upon a voice vote, a,�.�. voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REGUI�AR CUUNCIIr MEETING OF NOVEI�ER 18, 1968 PAGE 14 3. �ZTY iDF M,�JEAPOLIS WATER T1tEATi�1$NT EXPANSION: �SON by Councilman �iebl to conG�tr with the Planninq Commission acesolutian as submitted to 8ie Council. Seconded by Councilman S�eridan. LTpon a voice vote, all voting aye, 1�l,ayor Kirkham d�calred t2�e motion carr ied . The Citx Attorney said th�t he has been working with Dick Meyers, ,Attorney for NSSSD and t,here will be a hearing sometime in �ec�ear or aanuary. He said that h� has talked to Mr. Meyers a?�o�t qettinc� an outside advisor to see if there is any othor land �va�].ab�e that the City of Minneapolis could use. Council- m�n Sherida�n com�aented that he thouqht it was abo�ut 2� �Cres �at� t�e NSSSD would need. Mayor Kirkham asked if there was not land r�orth of the land NSSSD pro�oses to use tha� could i� used bx the City of Minneapolis. Councilman Sheridan comrnented that moat of the reservoirs, pumpinq stations etc. �or the City of Minneapolis are outsido tb•ir city limits. 1'he �it�r At�o�ney said that there was a very old statute on the 'boca�CS, W'h�,�h would give them this right, and that this would have tca be r��earChed to see if it is still on the books. k1�0��QN b� Councilman�Sheridan to rsceive the Minutes of the P].anxiin�g Commission Meeting of November 14, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayo� Ki�kha� c�e�lared the motion carried. COWSIDERATION OF MOON PIAZA S�OPPIDTG CENTER VIOLATIONS: ll�,s. j�pil S, Novak of NorthWestern Investment Management Con�any, �e ��w ow�er of Moon Plaza was prosent and said that he has l��en �x�y���g to get the improvements done as soon as possible, b�� �.� all takes nwney. He said that the incinerator was moved t�aday. �e said that he now has a tenant for the sauth end of the shopping center. He said that he would like to c�uestion the fence requirement on the north end of the property. �p�nc�.�.man Liebl said that Counc,il has made it binding, so that $t�tl�thi�q would have to be done. He said that, there were rat p��k�],� t,.hexe and it has be�n a mess . He said that it is too 'b� �k�at t�he burden falls upon Mr. Nova}�, as these pr�lems are of �o�� standing, but the Cour�cil £elt �hat in this way, tl�,ey could gain cpm�liance with the ordinar�ces. Mr. Novak re�lied that the ���t prabl�m was cleared up i�ediately as soon as he heard about it, and tl�e other thir�gs ar�: beir�g taken care of. He said that he hass go�.ten rid of the bus and the grader, and has made arrange- �n�� to have the land to the n�rth graded, although it is too ' �i.EGULAR COUNCIL MEE'TING UF NOVEI�3ER 18, 1968 � ' late in the season fence, he fe�lt, was about $70U - $800. ' � ' ' ' ' PAGE 15 to sod. He said that the requirement of the arb itrary, as a 3' high fence would cost Z'hQ City Atto�cney said that he would l�.ke to spesk as an ad- joining property awner, rather than as the City Attorney. He said that from his standpoint, he did not feel he wants this fence between the shopping center and his property, as he did not fe�l that the chain link fence would add anything to the appearancq of t,he area. He said that he would much rather have Mr. Novak's word that he would keep tha litter cleaned up and agree to sod that area next spring. The City Iyanager said that we have a letter from the Fiighway Departme�t indicating they want the signs dawn and that the City Enqineer has s�nt out letters to all the tenants con- cerninq thei.r eiqns that are on the highway right of way, and that they must come do�m. Mr. Novak said that he hae also �otified t�em of this. �, Dtpvak aai,d that there was a possibility that he may be , �dding pntp the north end of the center next spring, as h6� has some possible tenants,and if so, this would take care of the grobleiu. If not, he said that he would aqres to socl in the ' spring. He said that he also has plans for cleaning up the area behind h is property along the driveway. He said that he �$ �nstalli�ng a sprinkling aystem right naw. � l.J ' ' ��0� by Councilman Sheridan to rescind that portion of the p�evioua ordpr for Fotomat's permit, delstiAq the necsssity far th� ahnin link fence and requir�ng a lettor of intont from isr. �Tovak that he will sod by �Line 1, 1969. Seconded by Council- man Liab�.. Upon a voice vote, al�. voti�t�g aye, Mayor Kirkhant declar�d tho motion carried. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRAC"' FOR PARK GAR�GB IDiSULATIOMs �(Opened November 15, 1968 at 10:30 A.M.) �he City Manaqer said that there was only one bid received ' although there were about 18 invitations to bid sent out. Bidder is as follvws: ' �� I� �� 81� Dahn Construction Company 995 Soutii Robert st. St. Paul, Minnesota Total Bid Price $3,200.00 R�4ULAR CQUNCIL MLETING OF NOVEP+�ER 18, 1968 PAG$ 16 �,'he City Mi�nager said that there was $2500 allawed fo= fihis in the budget, and although it seems that the Park Department can sti11 mal�e it, if they should cane up short, he would liko to request �hat the $700 be transferred from the general fund. MQTxON by Councilman Liebl to award th Insul�►tion to Dahn Copstruction Compan S+�onded by Councilman Sheridan. Upan a�Q, M,axor Kirkham declared the motion e contract for y in the amount a voice vote, carried. CQ��S��,1*E,1,��'ION OF STGN PERMIT FOR VERN DONNAY REALTY: Park Garage of $3200.00. all voti�g �e Gity Engineer said that the original sign was in �ront o� the Ice Areaa. He said that it is a 16' x 40' sign, which is a very large sign anc7 would not be allvwed under the new siqn o�rdir�ance tl�e Planni�q Conmission is reviewing. He said that we hRve no authority to refuse this permit, as the zoning is the a�, �c� the ordinance is the same. 1"he C�tx At,toa�ney suqge$ted appromchinc� the�+ �rould consider reducing the sise t 40' is �eally an unreasonable size. the com�ariy to sM if 0 10' x 32', as 16' x MO'xIODT by Councilman Liebl to authorize the Administration to see if Vern Donaay Homes would be agreeable to reducing the sise of their siqn to 10' x 32'. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. IT�on a voice vote, al1 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declated th� mQt �on cai,�cr ied . �1. ' �^+' ' _ �� • ° �? : ' =�� �c. _ • o- • Y-- � ' �s� Mr. David C. Sommer representiz�g Minnie Pearl's Chicksu, wa� prssent to explain his request. He said that this is a smaller sea7�e signs 23'9" total. He said that this is 1'3" hiqher than allvwed in the Special M�eeting. He explained that on top of the sign is a picture of Minnie Paarl, �lhich is their trade mark. He explained that the chaser liqhta would perimeter the center portion of the sign, but there would be no ch�nge in the antount of illumination; that that would remain constant. Co�,a�cila�an Liebl asked how high McDonalds sign is. The City Eangineer sa�.d it is about 20' , and that he felt that this sign is a� grea� imgrovement over the one f irst requested. MQTIODi by Councilmat� Liebl to concur with the request by David Somm�er, and grant him a permit for h is sign as explained in his letter of November 14, 1968. Seconded by Counc ilman Sherid�. Ugon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham decla�red the mot�.or� carried. ' t,i COUNCIL MEETING OF NQVEMBFR 1$, 1968 �� � ' PAGE 17 ' �'k�,� Gi�x �agez said thafi he had rec�a.ved ��►emo fram Mr . �l,��;��, ,�a�itarian eonce�n�.nr� th� lic�nse for Minnie Pearl's ��,�k�n saying that �e has not approved hLS license yet. The ���y k�anager said that, hawever, Mr. Soma�ers is anxious to ' c��t h�,s operat�.rans under way. M�TIqI� by Councilman Liebl to approva the license for Minnie �ea��,'s c„hicken subject to compliance w�.th the requirements of t�E ����arian. Seconded by Counailmax� Sheridan. Upon a voice vot�, a11, voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSiDERA�TOI,�OF DRAFT LETTER TO ANOKA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS � REGARDTNG EAST RIVER ROAD: Mr. Harv�y Peterson, Anoka Coun�y Com�i,ssioner, said that he Y��s seea� the Resolution the Cit�r of Fridley has sent, and said t..�ta� A,nc�ka Gounty has also ser�t a Resolutian to the State High- v��� CQmmiss�oner requesting a reduction o� $peed on East River Rqa,d. �ie said that the State i�ighway Com�nissioner is responsible �9� ��duc�.ng the speed on County State Aid Roads. He said that i� ws���.d �eem that there is a lack of cpmtRuni,cation between the ��,fi� �nd tl�e County. He said that somet�mes Z�,e is caug2�t �n a �Q���a�a� o� interests between the City and County. He $aid that t,�� Crau,raty has hired a study to be made on East River Road and �� po�aib�.lity that �n underpass may possibly. be needed. He �1ai�ed that the County has always oQera�ed on a cash basis ��� tl�e �rovement o� their roads, as they cannot�be assessed, �a�� �,1��� the�j are now trying a program whereby the County is , '�c��c��s� wh�n pu�ting in tY}e roads. In this way improvements can �� tn�td� �aster,and the people using the road$ wi11 be the onea �►a��.n� �c�r them. He said th�t wh�n addit�.onal ri,gh� of way for E��'t RiVer Road for a median strip is to be acquired, it will ]�e ve�r� ax�ensive. He said th�t ther• is work that is badly ��eded in Coon Rapids also. He said that he was very sorry that i�e cannot attent m�ore of the Council Meetings, and offered to aerad the City cop�.es of their Minutes as they receive oura. He ��1i�i���d Qut that Thu�csday, November 21, 1968, 9:00 A.M. there is +� R�a+� a�nd Bridge Meeting . �'�,� ��t.� �n�ger said that the Ci�y was x�pt insinuatin�g that the ����y was doing nothinq for us, but that ti�e stress was prim- ���,� tQ g�t �khe speed zeduced on East Riv�r Road first, and the ����,�,��.ring s�tudies done �,ate�. M�� �'��e��on said tY�at there are five County Commissioners, and �c��' �'6�hn�on �rom Coon gapids was not particularily interested �� ���a�.nq the speed redu�ed on East River �tpad. He com�nented R�GtTLAR COUNCIL MEETING QF NOVEMBER 18, ].968 PAGB 18 that tY�are a�e many other problems the Countx has, such as on 1�:1�� iJri3versity Extension, �ere is a school, on on� side, and ehxl+�rQn or� the other. An overhead bridge i.s beinq conten�plated, bu�k who is respo�sible, school, County, or the Municipality. M�. Richard Harris s�id thank you to Mr. Peterson and the Council for consi.derinq this, and asked if there was any time table he eQU],d qive for the speed xeduction. Mr. Peterson sald that the G�unty i� just going into a five year program with the bonding ��.an, and this is something new, and he did not knvw how it would work. Mr. Hazris asked about F�deral Aid. Mr. Peterson said t,��t the� were working on that. Mr. Harris asked what would he�p the most in getting some action on the reduction of speed o� �ast River Road. Mr. Peterson said that personal letters to the State Hicfhway Com�aissioner would be the most help, not peti,tions, but hand written lette�s. 1�'�QTTQ�1 by Councilman Liebl to authorize the Administration to ���c� tl�e draft letter to the Anoka County Commissioners and to receive thQ letter from the State Highway Com�nissioner dated November 4, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a vp��� vote�, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion �a�'��.ed , �tEQT,IEST� FROM COUN'I'Y FOR PERMISSION TO INSTALL STORM SEWER THROUGH ,LGG�E PARK AREA: -�— �"k�e City En�ineer said that about 3 months ago he pointed out to t�e� County that their storm sewer plans for the parking lot were �qt ade�quate. Z'hey studied the problem and came up with a con� pl�te a�torm sewer system, which would run parallel to the NSSSD �.�ne, and run to the ditch. He pointed out th�t th� City still has to �cquire some property from them. ge asked if the Council W�ahed to authorize the County running th is line through. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur with the Anoka County request ta xuri storm sewer through Locke Park. Seconded by C�c�,�a�q�an L�ebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor iCir?cham declared the motion carriecl. Councilma� Liebl said thank ypu to Mr. Peterson for coming to the 1Me�ting b�fdEe he left, and s�id that he realized that he is �x�l�g to work for the bettarment of Fridley. ��� �T4N'by Councilman Liebl to app�ove payment of General Clai:as ��.b�1� t.��'ough #166a4 and Liquor Claims �2727 throuqh �2749. Ss- �o�t7�ded fiay Counci�man �her#dan, Upon a voice vote, all voting +��'�, ,[+�ay��' I�i�.rkh� d�c lax' ed the mot i,o �n carr ied . R�GU� CptJNCIL MEETING OF �OVFI�BER 18, 1968 PAGE 19 ,�,�ENS�S s� � �IOTION by �ouncilman Sheridan to approve the follawing licenses wi.tY� �he i�clusion of Bob's Produce Rarich �or a C'hristmas Tree T,ot wk�ich was inspected by the Fire Prevention Bureau Chief that aft�rnaon, and the Food Establishment License for Minnie pearl"s Chicken subject to compla.ance of all the requirements of the sanita�ian. F�LF �oad Bor�anza, �nc. NEW 25(� Qskio�ne Road �x��.cA�.ey, Minnesota CH,�,�S�MAS TREE LOT F��.d�ey T,ions C�.ub NEW Ltn�.ver��ltx & 57th Ave. �'�i,d�.��, N�i.r�nesota ��;p�t TQp �xee Sales 76�� V��on Road 1�TEW Fx:ldle�t, Minnesota F�pQD ESTABLISHMENT FoOd Honanza NEW �5�0 Q�borne Road Fxid7,e�r, Mi�nnesota USED CAR LOT Edi.son GMC NEW 750�. C��tral Ave. ���,c�ley, Minnesota GA^� SERVTCES �Cu6tom Plumb ing & NEW Heating Co. Z�i�Q Qa,��.and Lane `� 'W�yz�ta, Minnesota �,T� a -Cu�fiom k�7.umbing & NEW H�eat�.ng Co. ' �.620 Gaarland ��n� Wa�r���ka,, Minnesota � BY John W. Hooley Leon Maclsen Sherman Hanson John W. Hooley APPROVED BY Chief of polic� Health Inspector Fire Prevention Inspector Fire Prevention Inspector Health Inspector Gerald E. Toberman Chief of Police Building Inspector Ted Linden T�� I,inden 0 Heatin�g Inspector Heating Inspector , R-���R C4UNGzL b1EET�NG 0� NOV�MBER 1,$, 1�68 �E 8E8 CONT NUED Pa1GE 20 MA��8 N6�tY aerq �anson Comcrete Const. Co.+ Inc. Ab2T,�ahasoa St. N. �. �iiameapplis, �f�naesota . By: Bert T. Hanaon NEW Sldg. �qap� G�NERAL CON�'RNCT08 . King Lutnber b Supply Co. 1427 L,owry ,p.ve . North Mivaeapalis, Minneaota By: Walter Richter,Jr. RSNEWAL Bldg. In�p, �UL�'IF,�,E ]7WELLINGS a ' ' ' , ' ' � NAM� ADDRESS UNITS FEE , , S�dney Rahl, fi��i1 - 2nd St. N. �. 6551 - 2nd St. N. E. 4 10.00 , Rich�rd E. Chapman, Apt, 6, ' 221 Sa�ellite Lane N. E. 5955-65 - 3rd St. N<E. 4 10.00 Frtdley, Mtnn. L.ucile E. �lank, ' 1170 W. �ldridge Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 5511�+ 5980 � 3rd St. N. E. 4 10.00 � . '� E11 is Investors, Inc. 1445 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 359 -� 57th Place 4 10.00 , ' Minneapalis, Minn. 55402 - R- Donald Babinski, , � , 33� Rice Creek Terrace 6670 Lucia L.a�e 16 16.04 Dpnald �abinski . , ��� R�G� Creek Terrace 6680 Lucia Lane 16 16.00 ' Ganald �abinski 333 Rice Cro�k Terrace 6690 Lucia Lan� 16 16.00 , , . , a ' ' 1t�EGtTT�AR CQtJ1�CIL MFETING OF NOVEI�ER 18, 1968 PAGE 21 T�E VOTE upan the motion for approval of the licenses was ' s�cQ�cled �y Councilman Liebl, and upon a voice vote, all votir�g aye, Mayor I�irkham declared the motion carried. ' Councilm�n Sheridan asked about the used car lot �.icense for Ec�ison GI�C. He was told that Edison GMiC is the agent for G1riC taruck� and takes �n used cars in trade and has been selling with- ' �aut a, li.cens�, He has just been informed that a license is a�es��,�.red £or this operation. , �PQ,�j�T�i'I' OF REPRESENTATIVE �'O METROg,4L,�TAN LEAGUE COMMITTEE • The C�ty Manager explained that the Metropolitan League wanted ' a�epres�ntative from the policy making level for the Public Safety Cpm�nittee. He sugqested a n�ember of the Council with the Fire Chief as an alternate. He said that the cpu�ni.ttees meet ' abou�. once a month. Councilman Li.ebl said that he would be willing to serve, if the Chair was a.n agreement. ' �ayax T�i.rkham nominated Councilia�an Liebl to serve on the Public �����y Com�ttee of the Metropol:itan League with the Fire Chief �o aet as alternate. Seconded b}° Councilman 3heridan. Upon � a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared Councilmatz Liebi nomix�ated. ' ,APPO�NTMEN'r OF CIVIL DEFENSE OPERATIONS OFFICER: ' ' ' LJ I 1 ' ' Name � Z.D. �carborough Route 2 At�oka, Minnesota Position Operations Officer Civil Defensa Salary $1,200 per ye�r I�IOTIQN by Councilman Liebl to concur with the Administration in �he appQin�tmexit of L.D. Scarborough to the position of Operations Q�ficoac, Civi1 Defense. Seconded by Counci].m�n Sheridan. Upon a vo�,ce vate, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the a�otion c��ie�i . `.`. . � �.`l�Yl.y� � � :rr � y1:�1�� F•' � Charles �'. Mc:ICusick 175 $ntel],ito Lan. F�ci.dley, Minnesota Pos� Volur►teer Fireman R�G��AR COU�TCIL MEETING OF NOVFN�ER 1$, 1968 ����_ V�urr� F. �ax'n�s 7905� �yr:Lc I,ane N.E. Fxid�ay, �i�.�nesota Position Volunteer Fireman PAGE 22 �,e� ��@ c��.�f pointed out in his memor�ndum to the City Couacil �a,� he� wa�nted these appointm�ants, as Raymond Wagar, 1128 Q�ondag�t S�reet N.E. was renaved from the roater, due to lack Q� inter�st, and Walfred M. Anderson, 36 70th Way N.E. had f�►i,�.ed to return his physicians medical report, so his name had n�v�aac be�n added to t he roster . MO'TTON 'by Councilmari Lieb1 to concur with the recom�aendation of tk�,e Fire Chief in the appointment of Mr. Charles J. McKusick and Vern F. Barnes as Volunteer Firemen. Seconded by Councilman Sherid�n. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham �e+claat�►d the mation carried. �,��j�'� �7,83-1968 - A RESOLUTION DETEItMINI�NC3_Z',�i��CES,S�� OF y�Dl��,,�,Qj��ZNC� FOR A TAX LE'VY IN EXCESS, OF �ORMAL C�TY CHAR_TTER, "' " T '�$ : ���o� �x cc�nded by ay�, Mayor Councilman Liebl CQUnciltaan Sherid Kirkham declared to adopt Re an. Upon a the motion splution ##183-1968. voice vote, all v carried. s�- ot i.ng RESQ��„O� #184-1968 - A RESOLUTION CERTI ING TAX LEVY RE4U�RE- ' �S �'OR 1969 TU COUD]'1'Y OF ANOKA FOR COLLECTION: M�OT�ON by cot�aea by �ye�, Mayor �ounci�lman Lieb7, �o �puncilman Sheridan. Kirkham declared t adopt Re Upon a he motion solution #184,�.968. voice vote, a�l v carried. Se- oting $ SOLUTTO�,,,�185-1968 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING Pi�ELIMINARY PLANS, �,P� I„C':A,�„T,Q�iS , AND $STI1r1ATES OF THE COSTS THF,itEOF: STREET „�� ,RO„�,n' ,^ T ��tOJECT ST. 1969-1: �� �i�x 8ngineer said that 62nd Way from Rivervi�w Terrace to ���� R�.v�r Road, and Third 5treet from 49th Avenue to 53rd Avenu� ��w�a b�en �tdded by his departmer�t, and not petitionod for, aa t�1� condition of thee� �treets �s very bad, arrd cannot b� mtits- ���,r►�. �'ha roat hav been added by p.tition. �y,� ��,�� �,��orney asked abo�,t 2 or 3 blocka on �1eat Moor� Lske ��,��1� from T.H. #65 to t�e I�igh sc�caol. He esid that thoy w�ce �ery batl. Council�n 3haridan aqroed that t�oae etre�t� � �'' �I � ' , I�� ' ' � ' R�4LJI.AR COUNCIL MEETING O�' NOVEMBER 18, 1968 PAGE �3 �n�eded work, and pointad out that they will b� coming up in the �chedule+� informal public hearings very soon. , I��ON by �ond+�d by aye, Mayo � � � Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #185-1968. Se- Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting r Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOL�UTT_ON #186-1968 - RESOLUTION �CEIV�,NG TH$ PR�L•?��NARY �tFp,�RT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF Ti3E CONST- ,RUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMF�TTS: STREET I�iPROV$ME1�TT fiT. 1969-1: MOT�ON by Cou�cilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #186-1968. Se- conded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared t'he motion carried. ' �.�,Q„�UTIO #187-1968 - A ,�tESOLUTION R.ECEIVINC� THE PR$LIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONST- �,�,,,I,�ION OF CER,_, TAIN IMPROVEMF.'NTS: STQRM SL�eTER PROJSCT #89: i � MQTT4N'�y Councilman Sheridan to adopt Re�olution S��Qnded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voic � vote, aye, Mayox� K�,rkham declared the motion carried. #187-1968. all vpt ing $�,�,�QLIT��ODI #188-1968 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING ' �E SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL 8400, PART OF SECTZ(JN 3, WHICH IS REPLATTED INTO PF�ARSON'$ 2ND ADDITION: ' MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution �ecpt�c�ed by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, a�e, Ma�or Kirkham declared the motion carried. ,� � #188-1968. all voting ��l,�,u',�',�ON�1,89-1968 - A RESOLt7�ION AUTHORIZING ADiD DIRECTING �COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSPSSMENTS ON PAi�T OF LOTS 3 AND 4, ,�PARCEL 460, AND PART OF LOT 4, PARCEL 700, AUDITOR'S SUB- �j,V�,3�ON„�39: ' �t?T�0�11 by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #189-1968. Se- �Qndeci by Counciliaan Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting �y�, �ayot Kirkham d�clared the motion carried. ' , � ' R�„S�I�pTIQl� #,�.90-1968 - A�j�SQLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIR�CTII�G T�i,� C0�3?.NING OF SPECIAL ASSESSI�ENTS p� PART OF L�T 1�. ,�A„�,�RCSL 129 1MOTTODT by Councilman Sheridan tq adopt Resolution �190-1968. S�p�ded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice voto, mll votin�q �t!y�, M�yo� Kirkham declared the motion carried. �GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NWF.NIDER 18, 1968 PAGE 24 ' �_'��i'� �"'�=}:��ii�;��=, rs � � • �7.'�C�T by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #191-1968. Se- cQnded by Coun�ilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voti�g aye, k[ayor K3,rkham declared the motion aarried. �O�S�D�TIODT OF c�xc� o�p�x �2-. (Imnro�ement ot ia�►er ie�ei o� c�.v�c center) T'he Cat�ky E�gineer said that tl�s Finance Director has advised him fihat th�re is still about $4000 set aside for improvements• o� �he lawer level of the Civic Center. He said that any addi- t�o�a1. �aprovements could probably be added .to the existing con- t�act far tha Police Quarter�s reaodeling. 8e pointed out that ti�e hallway a�nd the �ployees lunchr,oan atill need to be co�r pl.�ted. . �e Council was in aqreement with thie and asked the City �1�gineer to bring back some figures as soon as he can qet them pa�epa�C�d . ,�ST�"{���: Har�is �rothers Plwmbing Company �],7 - 219 West Lake Street Minr►ea�polis, Minnesota 55408 Estimate #2 (Partial) Fridley Municipal �a�aqe accordirig to Contract ��uu;b�n Erig i�eer ing, Inc . f��7� H�.ghway #65 N.E. Frid�.ey, Minnesota 55432 pat�t�al Estiamte #2 for Plane and Spec��ications St. 1968�18 �,�d St. 1968-28 �ast�al Bst�m�ate #3 for Plans and ����.��.cationa for St. 1968-18 & St. 1968-2B Pau�tial Estimate #3 for Staking anci Inspection Thr�gh 9-30-68. St. 196$-18 & St. 196$-2B $7,717.50 482.57 1,771.94 4,600.88 � ' �EGULAR COjJ�CZL MEETZNG OF NO�VFNg3ER 18, 1�68 PAGE 25 ' 1!!O'�'i4N �y Councilman Liebl to approve payment of the estimates. ' ��aCC�nded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting a,�e, l�iayor Kirkham declared the motion c�rriod. V�S�TORS • �._r--.-�.� �,70HN DUNPHY (Parks and Recreation Conmission) �. John Dwnphy of the Par]cs and Recreation Com�nission was present to speak qoncerning a memorandum the Parks Director �ad receiv� fxom th�! Q�,ty Engineer about the drilling of well sites and the pQ��ibility of buildirig a dual-type building for pump house and park purposes. �ie said that the Comzaission did not knaw that drillinq on park land was anticipated. He said that the Com- mission is qreatly interested in the park land and they were �ot advised, and felt that they should have been notified of the �ossa.bil,ity of losinq more park land. He said that maybe the c��ta�-txpe building would benefit both the water system and the pa�� d��ar�ment, but he felt that the Com�aission should be con- ����ed with, as it does have a Planning Consultaat a�d i.t would �e pcassible that the location would not fit into the plans the Coztua�.ssior� and Consultant have for a particular piece of ground. He aaid that he was concerned th�t Comstock and Davis chose so ma�y sites for drilling on Locke Park and East Moore Lake Park �,�d wandered if they had the right to drill on park property. �� als� wondered if these sites were chosen because the park 1�►zt� wou�.d b� free . He said that over the last 10 years there h�s'been eon�iderable nibbling away of park land by the develop- m��t of the water system, which a�mounts to about 68,772 square �e�t or 1.57 acres. This does r�ot inc],ude any loss in ac�eage to street sy.�tems. He said that l�e was appearing tonight to make the Counqi]. aware of how the Com�tission feels and to request be�tex comtaunication and to work more closely together in the �utuxe, where park land is conce�ned. . i�ayor Kiackhaat told Mr. Dunphy that the Council will tsy to work �og�#,.�Q� w�.th the Parks and Recreation Con�aission. He pointed c�u�, fi,hat Comstock and Davis' report was made s�ric��.y from an �gix��eri�nq standpoint. Councilman Sheridan said that as he xecalled, when the Locke Park site wa,s purchased, one of the s��.pu�atio�►s was that �he CitX would have the right to construct w�lls ar�d tawers if necessary, and at that time there was a thouqht Q� putti.ng in a well �ield in this are�4. bIr* Dt�nQhy said that he wanted to make sure that the lines of ' �Qmoa�un�.cation were open so that their plantier would nar� plan ��raotba].�. field in tl�e sawe platc� the City would want to build �he� ��nap house. , �t,EGUI�►R CQLTNCI� ME�TING OF NOVEIrQ3ER 18, 1968 PAGE 26 �e City Et�c�ineer said that he dia write a l,etter to the Park Airector, and it would be advisable to get together for discussion on the dual-type building contempla�ed. He pointed out that these are�qnly test drillings. He said that before an�thing is actu�l�.y dpne, there would be iaeet�.ngs with the Parks and Rec���tio� Commission and that the actual construction is still 2� 3 y�aa:� away. He said that his department plans to get �og�fih,e7� v�itk�, them and come up with a plan feasible for both parta�es. COMMLTNICATIONS • A. Cfi�3ER OF COMMERCE: OF�'ICE SPACE IN CITY HALL b�ayor Kirkham said that he �iad received a letter from the Chamber o� Com�perCe stating that they wish to re-2ocate in or near C�.�y H�all� He said that he would be willing to serve with tho C�,�y l�naqex� to make a atudy of the possibilities and brinq 'back �.i�e in�ormation at the next reqular meetiryg . M�OTI4N py Councilman Liebl to receive the letter from the ChaRdaex of Commerce dated Woven�ex 18, 1968. Seconded by Council- u►�n 3h�ridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayo� Kirkham declared the motion carried. ' _�. • ' �l�� Th�Xe 1�eing no further business, Mayor Kirkham declarod the Regular Council Meeting of November 18, 1968 adjourned at 12:02 A.M. ����pectfully submitted, !��''��2/ �Tuel M�x'cer S�a=etary to the City Council , Jack O. Kirkham Mayor � ' ' ' � � ' ' ' , ' � , ' , ' ' � , ORDINANCE N0. � � � AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING TH� BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1969 THE CTTY OF �'RIDLEY 02�DAINS : ' SECTION l: Tha't the annual budget of the City of Fridley for the fiscal year beg�nning January 1, 1969 which has been submitted by the City Manager and modified�and �ppraved by the City Council is hereby adopted; the total of the ' said budgefi and the major divisions thereof bei�g as follows: REVENUE AVAILABLE � General Property Tax ,Licenses and Permits Fines �id Foxfeitures From Other Agenc�.es 'Serv�ice Charges Non-Revenue Receipts Public Employees Retirement Fund Firemen�s Relief Fund: Insurance Refund Mil�. Levy Police Pension Fund State Aid - Highways Debt Service: Civic Center Parks � TOTAL ALL FUNDS ' TOTAL TOTAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL FUND $ 713,344.00 City Council 89,409.00 City Manager's Otfice 10,000.00 Finance (Elections, Clerk- 256 ,529 .00 T--�easurer, Assessor, 44,530.00 Auditing, Hospitalization 278,197.00 � Insurance) Legal $1,392,009.00 Boards � Commissions Buildings � Grounds Police Fire Civil �efense Engineering � Building Inspection Public Works (Street, Snow � Ice Removal, Signs � Signals, Shop, Street Lights � Storm Sewer) Sanitation � Health Parks, Recreation � Band Resexve TOTAL OTIiER FUNDS Public Employees 59,083.00 Retirement Fund Firemen's Relief 7,000.00 Police Pension Fund 20,183.00 State Aid - Highways 20,183.00 Debt Service: 110,Q00.00 Civic Center Bonds � Park Bo�ds 36 , 50 . 00 � 36,�46.00 TOTAL $ 290,145.00 $1,682,154.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS � $ 22,970.00 36,605.00 106,675.00 16,100.00 27,841.00 58,730.00 294,807.00 107,156.00 36,209.00 114,791,00 307,337.00 36,192.00 203,596.00 23,000.00 $1, 392 ,009 . 00 59,083.00 27,183.00 20,183.00 110,000.00 37,500.00 37,700.00 $ 291,649.00 $1,683,658.Q0 �) ' 1 ' S�CTION 2: Tha� the City Manager be directed to cause the appropriate accounting ent�ies to be raade in the books o� the City. � PASSED AND ADOPTED BY TI� CITY COUNCIL THIS ,-:i `` �-=-�� DAY , OF ' ^ � , 1968. .t- , SIGNED : � JACK 0. KIRKHAM, MAYOR ATT£ST: 1 1 � � MAR IN C. BRUNSELL, CITY CLERK. , ' First Reading; November 18, 1968 Second Reading: �. �• ' Publish: � r r � . � t 28 � ' � 2� ,`1 �J ORD ! NA NCE NO . � AN ORO I Iv4NCE AMENb i Nu SECTION 46. 5 OF THE � CITY COUE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PEitMITTING NEOPRENE GA�KET� ON SANITARY SEWEht LINE� � � � � , , The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as foilows: SECTION I. jection 46.5 of the Frid�ey City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 46.5, The following codes of the City of Minneapolis ELECTRICAL HEATING as found i n the M i nneapo I i s Code of Ord inances, _dated ANU PLl1MB 1 NG July I, 1960 and as amended �o date, are hereby adoptec� by reference: Electrical Code being Chapters 140 to 146, inclusive. Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Code being Chepters 100 to 119, inclusive. � Plumbing and Gas Piping Installation Code, being Chapters 130 to 133, inclusive, exceat t�-rat Section 1�2.480 of the Minneapolis Code be amended to permit the use of neop�ene �askets to be used on cast iron pipes. � Said exceation to pertaie to horizontal lines only. Except that Section 113.��0 (2) of said adopted code , be amended under Class B Vent flues to provide for a venting capacity of at least �$,000 B.T.U. instead of the .50,000 presently p�ovided. (Ref. 29�) �1 � , ' PA�SED,BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � DAY � oF ,�.��. . , 1968. ..� ' ATTE3T: �_1 � AIAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. RRUNSELL First Reading: November 1$, 1968 Second Reading: ,�G�,r ,��.,,(�<_� a 4� Publish: � 6. - � : 30 BOARlI 0�' APPEALS - �CTOBER 30, 1�68 PAGE 3 The applica.nt or a representative was no± present to present the proposal. MOTION by 0'Bannon +o table this req�_�est until }he applicant �r a re�resentative is able to atten�i th� mr-.etir�g arid *o orir:g wi±Yi ttiem a plot plan an3 a desi�n of the proposed buildi.ng. Seconded by Minish. Upo.n a voice v�tP, tY,ere being no na.ys� the motio.n carried ur�animous ly . A KEQUEST FUR `v'AR:AI�;�E OF :,EC?'ION 4�.34�, RED'JCTI MISSISSIPPI STRE�'P ON 'i'HE SUUTH. FnJM 80 FEE'�' TO ON THE EAST, FROM 8G FEET TO 74 FEET TO PEt2,MIT CO SOITH 342 �'EET oF BLOCK 22, FRIDLEX YARK ADPTTIUN OF THE INiE�SECTIGN OF MI�:�ISSIPPI �STF?�'rT ANIi EAS' ROB�T SCHROEft, 788 F�RWOCD WAY N.E.. FRIDLEY_ M :'T'�—_E!�''P LIPF. T ANIi FFtOM T10NOFA� THE SAME BETN�� RIV�t kOAD. � EtlVgt HOAD 5H ON '1"HE .W. COI�iNffc Mr. Eldor� Schmedeke was present to present his views. The applica.nt or a representative was not prese.nt. MOTION by Mi.nish to close the public heari.ng. Seconded by Harris. iJpon a voice voie, there bei.ng no nays, the motion carried u.nanimously. MOTION by Minieh to table the request until Mr. Schroer could come in at3d discuss the traffic patterns for the car wash because the Boaad feels as�the traffic patterns stand now, they would have to deny the request. Seco.nded by 0'Ba.nno.n. 'Ipon a-aoice vote, there bei.ng no na..ys, the motion carried una,nimously. � 7 , A RDQU PARAGR � LOTS 1 BEING SCHUUR V�t:; : .TION OF A SPEC IA �MIT THE ESTABLI CIT`: VIEW ADDITI VE1V'JE N.E. , FRID N.E.. FRIDLEY. M NG .ION 45.12, IN C-2 ZONZNG ON SOTA, THE SAME ST BY COURTNEY R. , Mr. Courtney Schuur was preaent to present his proposal. ��,--�.,� _ Mr� anko Schuur was also present. , . ,..` � `' MOTIUI� b 0'Bannon to close the � Y public hsaring. � Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimnusly. , MOTION b.y G'Ba.nnon to gra.nt Special �sQ Permit for the following reaso.ns; 1. There was no one present in opposition. � 2. The applicant stated there would be no more than 15 caxs pa._nked acroas the front area. 3. There would be rlo traffic problems. ' 4. There would be no effect upo.n a proposed sidewalk. 31 � BOARD OF APPEALS - OCTOB�. 30 �, � 968 � 4 Seconded by Harris. IIpon a voice vote, there being one nay, the motion carried. Mr. Miniah.opppaed this request, as he felt the� gxanting of thie requeet aompounded the problem of illegal parking of uaed care in this area. ADJOUitNNID�1T : The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Reapectfully aubmitted, Y �_ o r� MARY HINT Secretary ' 32 REGULF� COU�TCiL Ni�ETING OF NOVEP�IBER 4, 1968 PAGE 15 � :' , , �' ' REC£TVI�?G T.��E F30AR.I� OF P�PF�2�.L�S t2L;ET�NG R'L�P_�L37'�S OF' QG'I'OI3�R 30� 1968: T'he City Ea�ginc�er sai.d that th�re �as only ono item for Council consi.der�t�.on. . $,�,F�-�S�g �`�TS Dk'� F��' F A S T US . T S� a�0.� �5 e12 , Q�t�,�-� 20 (g}-, --TO PF�iZ� �i� ESTI�BL��- �':3T OF A USED C.� LOT �T C-2 ZO�TING O�T t,QTS 1 AI�iA 2,B7ACK 3, C�TY VI�3 AAA�T�'�OI�I�Ps.A10KA COUI+TTY, R�AII�TESOTA, THE SAI�3E BEIL�iG ; 5755 tTs�dl�lERSITX AVFNUE N.E. , FRIDL�, MM�T��ESOTA.�,RE UEST BY COiJ�TI�riEY R. SCHUUR�, 4656 2� STR�ET AT• �s . FRIDLEY, I�SNN. ) The City Lragineer said that this is C-2 zoning and the request is for a small us�d car lot. This is the area the City had con�ractad for im,nounded c�rs. He said that the request is to uso thQ fxont �arm� for selling a fe� cars. He said that he thought there �aould be room for only about 10 cars . He st,�td that h� would like to vee them put in sid�alks and landscape the front. Mr. Gi.b��.said that there had been a Public Hearing held beEore th� �o�xd of Appeals. �he City Enginoer said that h� did not think a pu}�lic Hc�aring before the Council �z�s necessary in this casa. Councilr±±�.�n Li�l askeac3. ho�a A3r. Schm�sdeke and Air. C�aabrelcik got their u.��d car lots. � I�irr. Gibbs said that they c�ere obtained befor� th� �o�axd of App�als o�gani�ation ar�d before this Admini- str�ation. F€e thouc�ht A1x. Gabrelcik opera�� uz�d�r m non-conforming use and �,,r . ScYame�ok� had a special us� p�rmi� . Coumcilr�:n Sh��idan said that he thought there would have to be a Public Hc�a��.rzg beforo tho Council in this casm. Nir. Gibbs said tha� h�s clid not think � Publ.ic Hea.ring wr� necE�sary, but that he could.ch�ck wi�h tha Ci�y P.}torney th^ next day. Councilm�n Li�l co�nted that it seem,.,�cl thore was always sore� p�obl�w ���.th sp�cial use pe�mits . �3G4'PIO�� by Co�ancilm� Harris to refox this to the �idministration fo� claxification, and if a Public Haar�.ng is called for, to start pgm��edings, arad if not, for this it�m to be plac��d on the n�t Ag�r�da for Co�cil �pproval or dis�pproval. Seco�ded by Councilm�.�a SE��s.:T.aalsone Upon �a voice vote, all voting ay�, l�yor Kirkh�.;a� �u�l�:�cd tho m.ation c��°ri�d un�nj.at�ously. . t�07CION by Councila►�Nn h�rris to re�c�ive tl�o F�iinutes of tha Board of Appc�ls hi�e�ing of Oc�ober 30, 1968. Second�d by Councilman S�olsaa�.. Upon a voicc� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhaan d�cl�r�d t1�e raotion c�rried una�nimously. � _ . , ; f'Aona: Cfieoncic�� 8-E3952 • � • '.. - �:l:l���..� � ��aJ' �� i� �o �1�.vta�r�lr��i '~I?vglnt�r�.ad Proic�__,Svnnl t:nyinoor c;nd I..�n:! Gu�•vc�or I6E! ° �"� , . . � j. , ...�, � . �� � � o rc,�.�ote Zou �,vc�rd �le�aafa, htlnnuaofe. � . � � � ! . ; � . � . �,� ��� �`ti �.� �; � �'.� i � � �.� �!� . 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ADVLRTISING CO., II�'C., as Lessec, �i'I'TNL'SSrTfI: The Lessor docs hercby lease and demise to the J.essee, tl�e cntire plot or premises described as follows: ' - J � - �-v-- i j [:l ����`� l/ /Lr! �/ G'��� � /J�`� � % [.:..-..=3 , ./`1����� ��li�i= / � G>� ��� � 1i1� _�/t%/� �C�C: � /��/: fl ���� �>1.,T� �1.���__-- �� / -' -r--�/ �= ' �- z.� _ ' �� /�/� .` /�---- y _in the City of /`/�- l-�G. � w 7��_� �"i!�/� _`i � for the tenn of �� � ears, be �nnin on tl�e l�/����'�� (/,�'���/" ��i�/'.%7e.!�-t,1 /Llj .lj f b'�-T Y 8� � Ja}lof (�_ ', and endin on the` �o /�)i-• 5%/��� % ' S , day of�, , 19 , at the early-rental- ' � >,/'�.{ ij - �.. • r� 7 /s � ,�l��� �: of�.�l(.•'l�' ��< �..: " �%%"/ `%� ./,-��Gl.... 5 �: �: t•r -i /i'�.-Z.-- T�OLLARS ($���" ���' ) payable in cqual_�i�!�/.'.�1.-�C.• installments at the office of the Lessee with the right to the Lessee , to extend this lease from ycar to ycar upon the same terms and conditions, it bcing understood that this leasc shall automatically rene�v itself from year to year after the term hereof, the total of such extensions not to exceed ten years. The Lessee shall ha��e the rigl�t to erect, placc and maintain advertisino sign structures and equipment therefor on the demised premises and post, paint, illuminate and maintain advertisements on such structures. All structures, equipment and materials placed upon ' _.d�e said premises by the Lessee shall ahvays remain the personat property of, and may be removed by thc Lessee at any timz prior to or within a reasonable time a[ter the expiration of the term hereof or any extension thereof. Lessor guarantces to Lessee free access to and use of any part of any ground or structure on said premises as may be necessary for Lessee to hang scaffolds, or construct, post, paint, illuminatc, repair or remove its advertisemenis and structures. ' If at any timc (a) the signs or structures of the Lessee on the demised prernises shall bc or become entirely or partially obscured or desiroyed; or (b) the said premises shall be or become unsafe for the maintenance of the Lessee's structures thereon, or unable to support such structures; or (c) the value of said location for advertisino purposes shall be or become diminished; or (d) there be a temporary or permanent dieersion of trafiic from the strect or streets adjacent to, or lcading to or past, the said preniises, or a change in the direction of traffic on such strect or streets; or (e) tl�e Lessee be unable to obtain from the authorities havin� jurisdiction any necessary permit for the , erection or maintenance of such sign or signs (of special or standard sire, design and construction) as the Lessee may desire to construct or maintain for the purposc of its business; or (f) the Lessec bc prevented by any present or futurc la�v or ordinance, or by the authorities having jurisdiction, Pron� constructin� or maintainin� on said premises such signs (of special or standard size, design and construction), as the Lessee may so desire to construct or maintain — then and in such event, at the option of the Lessee, this Iease shall terminate on , fifteen (1S) days' notice in writing to the Lessor, by registcred mail addressed to him at his address sho�vn below, or such other address as the Lessor may hcreafter in writing specify, and the Lessor agrces thereupon to returr. fo the Lessee any rent paid in advance for the unexpirecl ter�n; provided, ho�t�ever, that if the conditions described in (a), (b), (c) and (d) hcreof, or any of them, shall at any time tem- porarily exist, then the Lessee shall at its option, in ]ieu of such termination of this lease, bc entitled to an abatement of thc rent payable hereunder, for and during the period of the existence of such conditions, or any of them, and to the return of any rent paid in advance for ' the period of sucli abatement. The Lessor represents and warrants that— -/"' -� -� the�--' � C���f �'L � of the premises above described and �has a�rthority to make this lease and covenants that he will not permit any adjoining premises, o«�ned, or controlled by him, to be used for advertisin� purposes or permit Lessee's signs to be obstructed. ' It is expressly understood that ncither the Lessor nor the Lessee is bound by any stipulations, representations or agreemcnts not printcd or written in this lcase. 'rhis lease shall iniue to thc benefit of and be binding upon the personal representativcs, successors and assigns of the parties here[o. � Lessee hcreby rescrves the ri�ht, and said rioht is granted to Lessee to sell, assign and set over all of the Lessec's ri�ht, title �nd , interest in this ]ease to any financially responsiblc assignec upon the express and �vritten assumption by the assignce o[ all of thc obligations of the Lessee hercin named and upon such assumption, I_essee shall be fully discharged from any and all obliUations under this instrument. .�' � l c �: �> c:".�%� , �t= � .�, �,�c Zc�c %� c.�v :..��� ���'z � ��'./. C�TT� ��✓�'�r � L� _ � :-�- 11, � �� / �:,:..- ��-� _ ' / � . � `.._._ .. -� � . .. . .. . . _ � _.._ _T� � . _.. ' .�--� �_ �l� . __, . . .�. ,_ . . ,, , „ � � � t --t_ ! ...._ r� , - / t;- � l- � ::-� ' , -'�� � z '- _-��/C��,:�_c_ ��T'.','. "-� r��:-� �._ � . .-1 ;1�, - �'' _ — — � _— — — —� - — — . ..:. _ ,. /� ; __�_ - � t �� �% � f � -: � /___.-�(/ ; =. _,l _.. _,. � _ ..: '_� .>>/ < � _' .._ �! �� � � i" _(Y'- - ' ' NAEGELfi OUTDOOR ADVI:R'flSliv'G CO., INC. . LESSOR__-/'" � '�-� �� r/ �''' ��_-� � -_ (I_. S.) • � , . < � ' EXIST��G B�LLBOARDS Ii� FR�DLEY 6/24/68 �� I 2 — 3 � 4 S 6 ' � ` ,��' O f \ � ...., � . � ' ----- -4'{-"--•� 1'��� CITY �F fRl'J�Y � _ , S i c a/ 5 i� __ �! . , /�Q� �� Q �I� �.-� S— t A �_.__1\ � ii!; .,. �., � � � �� ��� '�k �_ .x,. li�: ... 'L --1 __ �- �,�oa _ s a. F �.. 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MENIBERS PRESENT: Harris, Mittelstadt, Minish, Ahonen ME�'�ERS ABSENT : 0' Bannon OTI�tS PRESENT: Peter Herlofaky-Senior Engineering Aid MOTION by Minish to accept the mi.nutes of November 6, 1968, as written. Seconded b,y Harris. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion caxried una,nimously. 1. A REfQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF THE SIGN ORDINANCE NO 318, SECTION 56 08, PARAGRAPH 1, TO PEE3MIT A 90 SQ.IIARE FOOT ROOF SIGN AND A 32 S IIARE FOOT WALL SIGN IN AN R 3 DISTRICT ON LOTS 20, 21,22, BLOCK 13, HAMILTON'S ADDITION TO MECHANICSVILLE, ANOKA COIINTY MINNESOTA THE SAME BEING UNIVII3SITY AVF�VLTE N.E. FRIDLEY MINNESOTg. REQIIEST BY PAIIL CASTONGUAY, 9509 RoeI�F6R� R�A�. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESnTA_ �,5�t�7_T MOTION by Harris to close the public heari.ng. Seco.nded by Minish. ' una.nimously. Upon a voice vote, there bei.ng no nays, the motion carried There was no one prese.nt to prese.nt the propoeal. ' Mre. Herbert Ledo, 5326 4� Street N.E., was present to voice her objections to the �eneral appearance of the building, the junk caxs, and the parked commercial vehicles. MOTION by Minish to deny the request for the following reasons; 1. There was no one preaent to answer any queations, no plans were brought in. 2. The present signs are disorderly and possibly in violation of Ordinance No. 318. 3. The roof signe may cause an additio.nal nuieance. 4. There was a_ per�soxial ;. _,�plaint that the e�tire area is a nuisance. Seconded by Harris. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried ur�animousl.y. ADrTOIIRNMEN'r • The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M. Reepectfully aubmitted, Peter Herlofsky Acting Secretary -�► COMSTOCK � DA9IS, ildC. CcrosuJ.tin�g Engiaeers 3.446 Cotttttq Road nJ" Miar��apolis, Niinazesota 55432 November 27, 19�8 Hanorable Maqor & .ity Cauncil �/o Mr. Homex An�svm, Ci.�y l�ianageg City of F'ridleq 6431 il�sivezsi�� Avenue, N.E. Minneapa�.ia, ��.�aesota 55421 Res [dater Improvemeat 75-H � Gen�iem.� j : We ha-� se�riew�at tbe bids received at 12:00 noan oa Noven�er 25th, 1968 for Wate;: Im�roveme�t Projec� 75-Ii for t�st wel�. construction iu the glacial drifto A r�Uulation of the bids received �� at�ach�d heseto fox your information. `'he law bid was submi.tted by E. �. R�un�� rand Soas, Inc. , 5465 riorth Couaty Road 18, Miamea�?oli�, Mi�ne�ota 5542� i� the so�unt af $21,954.00. The ea�imated cons��uction c�st of th� i�►prov�u�ent v�as $33,8i0.00 The dollar +am�w:at o� p�s�^.en�ag� oia ti�e bid bcamd subtaitted with the lvw bid was le£t blank, h�s�a�vers �� havs diseu�esed �th�: contract with the low bidder aad he assu�es us he f� prepared to en�er in�o caxi�xaet �ua� furnish a performence band within �he al��ted ten days fro�a no�3c� a� a�ard. Oe� this basis w� r��om�e�ad that the can�xacC be aw�raied to �. He Rennsr and Sana, xtac. an� �ao recomenend that tkae bid o� thw secoud l�a b� dder be re- t�i.aed unt�l such ��.r�s that a contraat exigts wi,th E. H. B.enner aud Sans, gnc. l�GO% 9e7cy ��uly qouY�3 s COMSTC�IC � DAOIS, INC. �y ss7�j� E. �f. Comstock, P. E. _ �tr PI.A;dH�JI�I)�R TLST Wl:L�. CONSTRl�CTION WATER TMFROVEME.'VT 75-H FRIDLEY $ A�INI�7Ei(2�A .�II� `JTta$s�T.fiIG �3Pd %I�VEF�43EIt ZS„ 1��8 IiA �:00 NOOI� �,�yn� Mi�rnr��c��:�� �c�a�aa.�sy �:iG�,. ��i3.�'�.�u.i� S�'�f;e� 1��:'sa l��a�n��po7.�.:�, i�.nu��r��a �:��ala5 �er�e�s�n-r��s��?lfl �:nae �.312� t�������� 7is�uxe�►ard1 �3inn�tonka, Min.ie�sa�:� 55.34� }•a Ho �eT1I11��Y` �'.+C3L2�FiYi,y' 5465 Caunt� R�asi �.� Norgh N.,�.nn�avol.�3, NS�x.zx�$c���a ;�i:'�28 Th�i:a Wel�. Cama�:a��r F��o �ox 42y Cla�a Ci�y, �'Ain.°�e�,o�.� 5�:;�2 1�.cCax��hy 4�°e�.�. C�tnpaa�y '2700 Last.B�J�h �C����t 1�inn�apssY�.�m riix�nev��� ��;�,2� I'�8ye i�T�3a. i3?'x ��,�.t�g %���.��' 41� Id�xti� i�.��n4 �:t�ks ��v�r��� St. P�aul, i�ii��te.ar��a �5a.��;. Aamot We�.]L C��apa:±�;y 8�28 �illsb�ry �`uen�a� So�=�.ix M.tnn�.�pol.i�q �Li.�.�esc��s S��o2Q BID SIJRE�� ����ai Ya�i�a� iYtB. CO. �x �rt. Y�tai �'&F�i S� unii�etn �ac3=ic ��so Co. 5� iao ��.a l�o ��.� �S:��rBE��CS �e����g� C�. �� t�o �id LU� SUM �xD $31,38�.0� $33y625a00 $21,954,00 $�9,�i5p, �o COMPLETIOV TIME 250 daps 300 days 120 daya i60 d�ys ' MINU�FES O1? REGULAR PARKS AND RECRrATION CON��ISSION MGETING, NOVEMBER 25, 1968 _ � ' � I � ' CI � , � ' � ' ' ' ' , �J � Meeting was called to order by Chairmaii Fitzpatrick at 7:48 P.M. btEM�ERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Dunphy, Cochran, Donlin, Stimmler MENULRS ABS�NT: None � • • OTHERS PRESENT: Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer Mrs. Carroll Kukowski, 6131 - 5th Street N.E,. Mrs. Darlene Overby, 6051 - 6th Street N.E. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation. . � MINllTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 28, 1968 ., ;. :,... :;.; :, MOTION by Cochran, seconded by Donlin, that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 28, 1968, be accepted. The Motion Carried. SPRING LAKF, PROP�RTY Commission reviewed and commented on property appraisal made by Mr. F. N. Shaffer for the City of Fridley. Site appraisal dealt with three parcels of land. MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Stimmler, to receive appraisal and direct the administration to explore the easement rights of the St. Paul Water Works � Department and find what if any affect this woul�. have on the development of the property for a waterfront area. The Motion Carried. WATER REPORT ON WATER UTILI:Y Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer, presented to the Commission a history of Fridley's Water Utility. He stated: The Fridley Commons Park area is now saturated with well sites at present. The winter water supply is now adequate with the present system of wells. The City will eventually need fifteen wells to complete the system. The City now has nine wells. The summer time is when there is a greater need for water. The City must at first test these well sites proposed in the study. Bids have been opened for this purpose. The Engineers will then recommend to the City Council their findings and recommenda- tions. Three locations for well sites are on Park Property. Mr. Qureshi concluded his remarks to the Commission by stating that the well sites must be located close to the City Water Mains. The Commission thanked the City Engineer for his fine presentation. The Com- mission further stated that they would study their Park Properties and make £urther recommendations for additional sites to be considered by the Engineer- i;rig Department. Also, to keep in mind that a dual purpose building would be most appreciated on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department as recom- mended by the City Engineer in his memo to the Director of Parks and Recreation. MRS JAYCEES REPORT - GUESTS Mrs. Carroll Kukowski and Mrs. Darlene Overby of the Mrs Jaycees Organization presented to the Commission a report on their successful Community Ball held Friday, November 22nd at the Bel Rae Ballroom with proceeds going to the Parks and Recreation Department for purchase of additional playground equipment. 438 attended the Ball and it is hoped that the Mrs. Jaycees will be able to contri_bute over �240 to the Department. They concluded by saying, it is their hope to now plan a Big Spring Ball for the same purpose. The Commission expressed their heartfelt thanks to the Mrs. Jaycees for all their fine effort on behalf of the City of Fridley. a MINUTES OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMI�4ISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 25, 1968 LOCATIONS FOR {U�LL SITES PAGE 2 45 The Commission discussed in detail the proposal made by the City Engineer earlier in-t]Ze meeting.� After careful study and full consideration given to location of City water mains, the following sites are offered to the Engineering Department for future consideration: . . . .. 1.� Madsen Park Property . • 2." Meadowlands Addition Park Property . 3. West Moore Lake Park Propexty,- North End ONLY . ...., ... 4. Tax Property - 53rd bet�veen Horizon and Main Street 5. Tax Property - 7th Street - North of Drive In Theatres. The Commission, keeping in mind the idea of a dual purpose building being con- structed on these sites, wishes to point out the top three choices would be ideal for this type of project. CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18, 1968 Fitzpatrick and Dunphy represented the Commission at the City Council Meeting of November 18, 1968. Dunphy described the ideas and expressions made to the Council at this meeting on the subject of: Park Land used for Well House sites � and that the Commiss'ion would be kept abreast of any future plans and projects affecting Park Property. LOCKE PARK ACCESS ROAD FROM EAST The Engineering Department has requested the Commission's desires and ideas on what access road should be used to enter Locke Park from the East. MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Donlin, directing the Engineering Department to explore the best possible means for =auto access, South from 73rd along the railway spur for an entrance to the East parking lot in Locke Park. The Com- mission would also like to request the City Attorney to explore the legal steps of abtaining an access over the Minnesota Railway tracks in order to enter the parking lot on the £ast end of Locke Park. The Motion Carried. RESOLUTION The Commission directed Dunphy to prepare a draft resolution for the member- ship's consideration to be presented to the City Council at a future date. Subject: Encroachments on Park Property. PLANS FOR 1970 MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Stimmler, to lay over the plans for 1970 until the January meeting. The Motion Carried. REVIEW 1968 SUMMER PROGRAM -MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Stimmler, to accept the Review Report of the 1968 Summer Program as presented by the Director. The Motion Carried. SUNII�tER OLY!�IPICS PROGRAM Dunphy presented his ideas to the Commission the need for the local school districts to present to the youth of this area a program of olympics for the summer months. He felt that there is a need for this activity and that we sometimes give too much importance to baseball and swimming. He wishes that this be explored and put into affect. ' MINUTES 0� PARKS AND RECREATION CONII�IISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 25, 1968 PAGE_.3_ 4f'j PARK ORDINANCES � ' , MOTION by Cochran, seconded by Dunphy, to lay over the Park Ordinance Program until the January meeting. The Niotion Carried. ' ' ROTARY LETTER Commission asked if there was any word or letter from the Fridley Rotary in � xespect to our program of cooperation on West Moore Lake Park Property. There has been no answer to our letter to date. ' ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:32 P.M. , The next meeting will be held on December 16, 1968, at 7:30 P.M., in the Con- ference Room of the Civic Center. , R�spectfully subm�tted, _ C%t-�-t�''�� -.�-.,____._ '' Paul �xown, Acting Secretaxy to the Commission , ' , . � ' . . ' ' ' ' , ' - , ' ' 1 ' �J BUI,I�DING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SiTBCOMMITTEE MEETTNG MINUTES: NOVFTRB� 27�1968 �'ha m��iin� w�s cal7.ed to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:07 P.M. ROI,L CAT,T,: MF.�BERS PR�9k�V�'; Ericksan, Tonco, Dittes ' M��s AB��': Hiermann, Hauge 0'I'T�tS PRESEN'�; Clare�ce Bel.iele-Building Inspector 1. .' ' ' 2. r � � ' � ' ' ' ' ' � MQTTON by Dittea to continue thie item pendix� resubmittal of revieed plans. a@apnded by Tanco. Upox� a voice vote, there bei.ng no nsys, the motion carra.ed ux�animous]�y. MOTTON by Tor�co to �ecomme�d a�proval of moving the buildi.n.g and also approval o� a buildin� permit fox a basement and an addition, as preaented, with the f'ollpwin� ati�ulations; 'I. .A. pe�formanc� bond be pasted in the amount of �4,500.00 to insure com�letio.n oi building and landacaping by July 1� �969. 2. �he City �inee�r check to determine if the hou$s location kiae any advearse effect on appxoved street development plans for thie area. Secpndes� by Da.ttes. Upo.n a voice vote, there bei.ng no nays, the motion aarxied ur�n�mous ly . Th� Comr�it�ee rsquests co�y of atreet pattern in this area frflm the Eng�ineeri.zig �e�r�m�.nt , ,AA,fiQURNMENT s The me�ti.� ad�QUxned at 1Q:3p �'.M. �as��at�z�ly� aubmit�ed, } ' � � �, , - II�fiCE BELTS�,E Bu�ld�ng Inape4tqr 4'7 � � r � G�' n,�� � 4F3 !� ^ � �. , ,r-' D . 7.11Jj. bF� { !-1 Lll�i� � ..7 ��S'�.rs�l �._�1 \ / i�1�': ���: 1 T . :,�, ,; ,, r ,� �' l� ' ... . . :� � t._:. _ _.. . 3 �,-°...: . � . . , ... . . ., • . . � . , t'����x.�� I��S. 1,.�.�..1�.iliL'�:iv��.��t5�. . . . . . � . � . . . �-r - : . �:� . � .�_� - :. . _ . � . .. .. .. -.. . �.,. . .. . . ..,,.�.-. . . . . �.... ". .�., . _ .....� . � _. . ' . . . . . . ��•J �1.1.'iu� l�` 1 :..� f11� �'j �Y�'1'i"u'i ' T- 'j � {l - . . . , _ . . . . . 4ti7 lA:.�. 1'�.ti `Jti.:d<.c3��.'.�i r�.,� � E�?Llc:� � �,�� � � : s�ynv d"��l} _�_..a......�.�u, ...,�_ _�.__w�._.�.��� .i � - �� , %�.. E'.. sn_! i �-r,�-r � .��..�_ 3 3 �_ �/ �� � � � - � �:�s.h�ii�Lr.FS�iies� L+.3.l.J �a,fS_s��..�. ' � Ss�.F1'�� �l��i�A 1F� �-.. ���____— _ _ . .) �.,.u�J'?3c: %�:��..:>t�.::'��•�.,.. �:;:":,,:�;'•<. :�? t. � �y ._:t. a:....�:�:.�:� � � � .��:� � n, r ��.�At��:-e'ts ;B�,i.c3. r,tiies?�«;:vS3�i� �� }y �'� ._�:�. ._....Q..y.b.r.�,...e.. _ro.,,...._�.e_�,....-- - ....�,..�._.� � ...Q . �3'�g �`='�:�fsc3 f'":::° 7i? s�.� �'r.1ra'.� .s? ?� ta�, �;z �� �s� ��F�� I:.s�ac�cA���.. , k�2::�.a���:���:;=� 5�.��f.3 � 1� r ;8 0 �°aC;3ait�'.!:' rr'ee -: r,��`v ��:•�.s C;��S���� x +^ �x 1,��c�c�a��.ia• M��.��_ ������..�.x,Q _ ��:���;�}_� ��«��� � ".ho�:�.ra �''�'.} �. 5e�z'�<nc�r:.�� �A�o �t�si �ii;'� �' : k� F t:��:'.�� _ � .,��: C�.�,y Y :��:���,.t�s �a;��� , n� �,�.��3r : �sy T=?, ..�. i Gc,�::; ; �� �AtS� A°ac.�i �. t'.i{s L.'.. bC' y.,: �.; 4 F.. ����'t..'�ti�i�i� i,<..' i�i :i >��.�.ri��! �.: �..3`Yr�lT /..� .....,.-.....w...,.=�t..�,.,.-...-.��......,....�..Ta_.,«..-++..e..�....�,...A. �'J'�i3 �� yi�. :...s �.!.:5;�,�3v 4•i3:!3= e',T.e`+� $.� A�,'ir»�.li �1::.�ii��sG:4 [I.�yyE.w.(?t3!: ��o �n.:,7,9 .�;4`.%: c.,�.�`�... �5.3_�': C>�»i�ii!lb. k�;G.4.� CrR.i7. i�c?.�� ,J�C� s��!.�;i�.7A�"„' %1"•.'{:.'�i%;? aS!3Li;'�C3 � ✓ J �ZlF?.:�:�T7Ca�.i'_: �::•; �•,:�o cr/. � .i �a,....���:3 .�_1 i!:? ' .'..e,._-_....,....__........m._......„,- — _.�,�.,.......�e.,....o... ' A v• U �L f.c � t �c�r �� S`�� ...._..,,,»..a._..._. � e,...,..a.�..�_..�.e...... S % • P6u,�' ���t.� �-- Me-�.,.,�.e �125 G�� , U . P�-c�ti �. � �� �„�.,�..�._...._,�._.� �.,.,_....a,T�. �,I � / � 5�....�.: -_-,� S-,,l � ,�� �;; �% / � l Y�/ V � 3�� 3�5:� � 3� i�' 2- J^ trZ7 ._.....�...__..�........,�..�,.e_.,�.,.�.._. \ � z j� g j 1—. �� ��. �� ���� i e-.,...a.+.....,...�...�.. _ __ ....:.�.) � 2 �J� Ii5 O .uz7 � �L�� CGi�.'LE��!?i� '!'i�?� 2 S'o �it-L ,�j�l-�j 9j e� a �..1�4 L�isj S � / z o �� . Q� s.l I �o �-�L �-�,',I i� , TOUC}-�E, ROSS, BAILEY �: SI��RT , . . 780 NORTHSTAR CENTER � N1INNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 November 26, 1968 Mr. Homer Ankrum, Gity Mana�er City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Ankrum: As requested, we submit our proposal for the examination of the financial statements (including the liauor operations) of the City oi Fridley for the year ti�rhich will end December 31, 1968. We understand that the basic conditions and scope of the proposed examination will be comparable to those for the year ended December 31, 1967. We also understand that City employees are to assist in every way possible to minimize audit costs, and that our exarriination wi11 be delayed to enable City employees to provide such assistance, if necessary. Our fees for the examination of financial statements as con- templated herein would be based upon our established hourly r�,tes for the various cla.sses of personnel assigned to ihe engagement. UJe estimate tha,t these fees would be within the range of �7,000 to �8,000. This estimate is based vpon the assumptions that the account- ing records have been ma,intained on a basis consistent ti�rith that of the preceding year, all tr�.nsactions relating to the year und.er revieur will have been recorded pri.or ta the beginning of our final audit work, and that Ci�ty employees �riJ_1 be able to provide maximum assistance. It is also understood that should discrepancies or oth'er circumstances develop which in.dicate the need for investiga- tion or assistance beyond the scope of normal audit procedures, such circumstances would be presented to you for authorization of additional Urork and commensurate fees. If you or mernbers of the City Council wish to discuss this proposal further, we shall be glad to meet vJi�h you at your convenience. Your s ve ry t ru1�r, �[ �- - __---r - .� ----� 1�-��_�_____-____-, � ; <� ; .� � � , ,._ � �%� L� � C�. ��. � 1- �:< <-% �/ � • � � , .� d � r MERRILL A. HANSEN CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTAN7 � 5116 Ewin� Ave. So. MINNEAPOLIS 10, MINN. Noven:ber 22, 1�68 The honorable J. 0. Kirkham, Nayox� - I�iP.rnbers of tha C� t� Council 2s. �:o°�ier. Ar'.c?�u�l, Cit�r 3�iG�nager arid . Y�ir. i�arviri B��nsell, lli.rector of Fi�ar.ce City of �idley Fridley, I�:inries�t��. Gentlemen: Thar�, yau for tre op,.ortunity to subn:it an estimate of the cost of an audit of trie City of .Fridley finGnciaZ �.ffairs for the year 1968. S have exa.*�in�d the..audit repo��t for the yea� 1967 to acquaint tnyself witY�. tne vwrious �ctivi-�ies of the City of Fridley a.nd the cont�r�t of each activit� . T'�;r estimate of the cost oi the audit for 1968 is as follo�:�: I�UDT�I'C�i� H�littS �:TE AI';rpLI7'1' C.P.9. �: Senior. 30U � � 10.00 �3,UOQ.O�J Juniors 532 5.00 2,560.00 `1'ypi.ng lU0 2.50 250.00 riaterials 90•00 Tot�,l based en City of' i'�idley furnishing material.s. ar,d l�,bor for produ.ction ar.c? assembly of Report Copie� or. thc� Cit�-'s equiprner_t. �6, 000.0� Adu.itional i.f we furnis�l materials and l�bor io� �;roauction anci assembly of �t��oor_•t Copies on our equi�ment(based ori 50 Copies) �p 0� O.OQ 2'he a,bcve am�::nts ar•e estiu�.�,t�d but our bil�in� would be based on actu�,l hours at tr�_� above rates. Hoh�evex=, the bil.l�r�U to you fcr. th� at?dit would r.o exceed the tbe abozre es�;imate. I have had exter�sive experier.ce in �.vd_itin� municipal�.iies, h:�vin.� auciited tne City of F:r•id:ley prevzously, as well as St. Louis Park, Bloor:_in�ton, Gol�en Valley,� i�iir:neton�;a, and. I�;ontevideo while with CTeor�e rI. Hansen; C.Y. A., and r.��,ny other municipalities while with the Dep�_�rtmnnt of ��.bl_ic �aminer. The Senior Auditor with eie has a1Go a.uG.ited m=.r.y munici�ali.ties w!�.ile ��rith the Depar-Lment of Fizblic F.xamir.er.. 4Je feel that we are 4te11 qualified to perform your a�:dit �.nd give assist�nce in d�.ta. processin� systeLns and%or internwl contr.ol. ti s � � '� Our policy i. to revieo: i�ii�i;h t::e �CitS�- �:'�na�;er or Director of Finanee �.ny � urn�sual trans�ct'or �•h' r h t' 1• d '^� th d d a. a� ,�. ic , ave a_.�en p a.ce urin�, e year un er auait. We also revi�i•: the Au�it �teport with them be�'cre it is typec�. � The ser.vices which we as a.tzd.itoxs perforr^ for you before the be�;innir.g . of your ne��r yea.r can be ver;; helpful to yov. ive c?� �:ssist ;�rith any ch�,r�Ues so ns to h�ve tl-iem read3T at the start of the new ;�ear �nd :a� can ttien cor.nplete the audit at a d<.te tiiat is rela:tively curr�nt in tk�e new yeare Than'c you for ttiis op;~�ortur.it� to offer our services to youa i�ie sincerely none that we may have the opportunity of servirg� you in the perfor�r:ance of your auait this year. . . ;. .. � Respectfully ��ours, � ���.;�°��. �-�- A�errill A. Ha.nsen, C.Y. z. 7'elephon.e 9�6-5533 � � L . ' r � G E O R G E M. H A N S E N C O M P A N Y Certrfied Public Accorentarits 178 SOUTH PLAZA BUILDING WAYZATA 80ULEVARD AT HIGHWAY 100 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 � �545-5657 November 26, 1968 Mr. Marvin C. Brunsell, Clerk-Treasurer City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Brunsell: Thank you for the inquiry regarding the estimated cost of the 1968 audit of the City of Fridley. Based upon our past experience in auditing the City's records from 1959 through 1965, and after reviewing your 1966 and 1967 audits, we estimate that the cost of your 1968 audit would range from $6,200 to $6,500. The total cost should not exceed $6,500. We appreciate the opportunity of making this estimate and hope it meets with your approval. GMH:gmd __Very truly yours, _ j (, c y_ �. _ < < ✓_ c . � \ G. M. Hansen 1967-68 MUNICIPAL AUDITS CITIES AND VILLAGES .. , Bloomington St. Louis Park � Golden Valley . . Robbinsdale . Columbia Heights Minnetonka Excelsior � Plymouth Long Lake Greenwood Eden Prairie Inver Grove Heights Lakeville Arden Hills Detroit Lakes Lake Park ; Moorhead � � i NOTICE TO BID CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANC� The City of F-idtey will accept bids fo� Workmen's Compensation Insurance. Such quotations will be in the office of the City Manager no later than 11:00 A.M. on December 16, 1968. The Gitr reserves the right to reject any quotations and tp v+aiv� any irregularities or informalities in the bidding. information on the specifications can be obtained at the City Fi�ance Office. (Published in the Fridley Sun Decamber 4, 1968 AeCember 11, 1968) CITY OF FRIDLEY �31 University Averwe Northeast � • ' ' T0: RE: DA?B: � D P R A I a A� City of PridLcy 6$31 t�i�ersity A�enue, 11. E. Fridle�, MinneaQta 55421 Appraisal or Slstiaat• to Dettr�in� oalut and Fetsibility o! AsaNbl� ot isnd tor Park lurpo�es Mo�e�b�r 13, 1968 BY s �-- i/' . . �tr _' lt�a - Appraiser SO 51 PARC�L �1 S U M M A T I 0 N :- � C 0 N C� U S I 0 N S -��-.�.s. �1+o vacant lota containing 1.26 acree. Could be used for parking cars. FARCEL �'2 or �30 OUTLOT � Contains 1.88 acrea of Mater Morks �� �� ���,� eaaement. Other land .15 acree.mak- ing a total package oP 3.29 acrea xith approzimately 500 teet of beach on Spring Iake. PARCEL #3 'Could be added. Thia parcel containa 5.53 acrea. Water eaaement is 1.32 acrea; land rith house, Mithout eaae- •ent, ia .90 acrea. The balance is 3•31 acres in the lake. Ttiia parcel is fcr aale for $12,500.00. Using all three parcela the park Mould contain about 5.51 acrea of land Mith about 1,000 feet of lakeahore. , . . . . r , f� J � . , � . .i 1�..� .._ __ - i f....: �� . 52 3 U M M A T I 0 H � � co�c�uszoxs ---_---�- - Continued - I Mould eati�ste a total purch��e price of theae parcela to be about $15,000.00. idhher�aa if Parcel �1 anc� �� Mere to be pur- chaaed the coat should be very noeinal aa the tro lota should be Pree. Parcel �other than th� �aseaent, is u�eles� ea- aept Por park purpoaea. I Mould sugg�at a price of �500.00 �or fe� title to Pareel �� �he buildable land is only about 6,750 �quare feet. BY: ..._.__ _.._ . . er Realtor - Appraiaer , P A R C E L �1 � Sugge��ed Parcele� to be As$Qmbled: Lote �3 and �'�0, Block 2 3pring Iake Park Lskeaide Addition These lota sre tau titllt property snd can be obtained i'ros the 3tate of Minneeota. The tMO lots contain spproaimately 1.26 acre and th�y are vaclt�►t but suitable for parking purposea. Tlae City should be able �o pick tbese up Mithout charge. S� 54. P A R C E L �2 Parcel �30 ia an outlot. Owner is Bronaon F�ickson Iric . St. Paul Mater works taseaent is 1.88 acrea. aood land la .15 scre. Balance is lake - 1.23 acre. P A R C g L �3 Divia�on of Lot 11, Block l, Lskevi�r Addition Lot siz• --------------- 5.53 acre In the laice ------------ 3.31 acre T� the eaae�tnt -------- 1.32 acre Land rith house - rithout eaae�ent -- .q0 acre iiouse ------------- 890 aquar� t�t �iara�e 20 z 20 --- 400 square leet OMners: B. JulkoNSk1 - House and lot St. Paul Watdr ilorka - �se�ent '�• , 55 . 56 , r � _ . . . .�..�f+.w � ' � �� O , c'; � � � � Q . ����.. . . � . . ""� 1(� F�',•� L �. _ '_ � � ° y+��; � `?, ♦ — 1 . s.: M. ' . � • . ; F � ' . , .. � �1( �' y �Y� j t °M � � 4 � �' O �,I�,�' � �l,M1 : ! k � .,\ �4 T.,4.:.; S4 � :4 ' ! . � R� W� g� F x c�: ; ; � , ; . : , . L .1 � �. I � . 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' +, ' .. � I n + � � I � .. . .... •I �p\ Q • • �/I t J��. � �y ,�.i�1�T i OF � T: _ . i, � VILLAG� OF LJ ' UNDERLYINQ ASSUMPTIONS AND CONTIN(3ENT CONDITIONS ' . The property has been conaidered ae i,hough it Mere free and clear � Q� ariy indebtednesa, liens, or encumbranaes; e,nd that said title is good and mark�table and competent management is sasumed, unless otherwiq�e atated herein. � ' ' ' ' No responeibility is assumed by the appraiaer Por matters which are legal in nature. No survey ha8 been mad� and it is a$sumed that �he �.mprovements are located xithi,n the legally deacribed property at�d �hat the buildings comply with all ordinances. The appr�ieer has no present or contemplated intereet in the pro- psrty a.ppraised, nor is hia employment in any manner contingent upon the value reported. Po�aeasion of the report, or any copy or part thereof, doea not Carry Mith it the right of publication. Further, all of the data ap��a�ined herein must be uae� as a whole. Any page or portion tak- en out or coptext cannot etand alone and invalidatea the entire ap- pr�ls�l. The ap�raieer herein ahall not be required to appear in court or � bePore sny governmental body by the reason oP the completion oP thie a�s�gnment without predeterma.ned arrangements and agreements. � J The data contained in this report is in no aense guaranteed; but haa been gathered from reliable �ources, and the apprsiaer certi- Piea that to the beet of his laioMledge and, belieP, the stateaients, opinions and material contained in thia apprai8al, subject to the gbove limiting conditione, are correct. M4rket value, a�et used herein, ia defined as the highest price in , tera� oP ca8h that thia property Kould comn�a,nd on the opeq market, , �eswaing a Nell informed buyer and seller, and alloMing a reaeon- able time to tind a purchaser. ' The eost data uaed herein is taGken from charts and material main- '���ned in.our office and conatantly kept qp to date, and veriPied by the eubscription to national coat aervicea, and the continuoue ' study o! current 3ale$ in and around the �in Cities Metropolitan area. ' � ' � �//� % BY : �. '!� � -�- ._ . . a er Rea r - Appraiser 5� �it o rid�e � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE MEI� T0: CITY COUNCIL MEMO FROM: FINANCE DIRECTOR MEMO DATE : NOVEI�ER 26 , 1968 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 554�1 The City has not yet received official Notice of the Public Hearing to be held regarding the City of Minneapolis waterworks expansion, but Mr. Hugh Faville, Metropolitan Council, called and said that the official notice for a hearing to be held on December 19, 1968 is being prepared. The Hearing will be at 2:00 at the Capitol Square Building in St. Paul. 58 RESOLUTION N0. 192-1968 A RESOLLITI ON REGARD ( NG A RE9UEST FOR AN APPE�,RRNCE BEFORE THE h9ETROPOLIT�iN COUNCI L BE IT RESOLVED, by the Counci) of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as fol lows: � WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has a.dvised the City of Fridley that the City of �1inneapolis has submitted for review the following proposal, "An expansion of the City Water Works now located in the cities of Fridley and Columbia Neights involving the acquisition of property in Fridley"; and WNERE,aS, the I ocat ion of the proposed expanded h1 i nneapol i s C'tty Water Works is on property which is to be used by the North Suburban San itary Sewer D i str i ct a s a d i sposa l s it e for its sewage d i sposa l plant; and WHERE,�S, Fridley is a member of the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District and will benefit by the loc�tion of said sewage disposal plant at sa id site; and WHEREA�, Fridley has not been furnished plans of the proposed expansion of the Alinneapol is City Water t�iorks, but has reason to believe that said expansion would be dangerous and detrimental to the City of FridJey. ' NOW THEREFOftE, be it resolved th�t the City of Fridley requests an oppartunity to appear before the Metropolitan Council t o present their views on the proposed expansion of the Minne�polis Water ti+lorks within the City of Fridley. ,�DOPTED SY THE CITY COLINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, THI� 2ND DAY 0 F n�.cF�F$ , I 968 . — A TTE ST : MAYOR - JAC K 0. K I fZKH�M CITY CL�RK - h1;�RVIN C. BRt1N�ELL 9 :1 � 1 1 ' ' � '' . ; ' � � � ' ' : � � C L A I M S , � General �`16625 through #16805 Liquor ##2750 through #�2815 i� 59 � � LIST OF CONTRl1CTOR'S LICENSE TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL December 2, 1968 GAS SERVICES Hovde Plbg. & Htg. Inc. 2222 Edgewood Avenue St. Louis Park, Minnesota Bya Berton Hovde NEW GENERAL CONTRACTOR . Amber Construction 5941 Benjamin St. N. E, , Minneapolis, Minnesota By< Norman Dalberg NEW Hirsh Brothers, Inc. 3954 Wooddale Ave. St. Louis Park, Minnesota By; Philip Hirsh NEW Strand Gonstruction Co. 9001 Bloomington Freeway Bloomington, Minnesota Bya Stephen Rowland RENEWAL PLASTERING : Brisson Stucco & Plaster 10701 Morgan Ave. Se Bloomingtnn, Minnesota By; Edward Brisson NEW GENERAL CONTRACTOR Jamison Bros. Inc. `8427 Center Drive N. E. Spring Lake Park, Minnesota By; Duane B. Jamison RENEWAL �� APPROVED BY Htg. Insp. Bldg. Insp . Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. � ' ' LICENSTS T� BE APPROVED.AT TFiE DECTMBE�'. 2, 1968 COUNCIL MEETING � _. 61 � , .. � _CHRISTMAS TREE . : . _ . _ .BY. , ... _. . . . • . .. , , . . . .; , . APPROVED BY . . . , , . � Target Stores Donald E. Newcomb � New Fire Depart�}ent ` 755 53rd Avenue N.E. . � �ridley, Minnesota . , . . . . . . „ , . . _ . � . � . . � Fridley Dairy Queen Mr. Ernest Fitch New Fire Department 280 Mississippi Street � 1121 Oak Lane ' Fridley, Minnesota Circle Pines, Minnesota Lenny Cochran Leonard Cochran � 6537 Central Ave. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota CIGARET'� � . � ' Servomation Twin Cities, Inc. 4301 - 68th Avenue North � Minneapolis, Minn. 55429 R. E. Norman iMULTIPLE DWELLING LICENSES September 1, 1968 to September 1, 1969 � New New Fire Department � (See Memo on next Page) Police Department _OWi�TER_ �� _ ADDRESS___ UNITS FEE � Myron Dudynski. 5980 - 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 5980 - 2nd Street N.E. 4 $10.00 � r ._ r . , � � � � � � 1 r � � ' MF.MO TO: City Council , MEl�lO FRO�i: Robert Hughes, Fire C2iief MEMp DATE: November 27, 1968 � I checked out the property c�wned by Leur►y ' Cochran, as he has applied for a license for a Christmae Tree Lot. � Z'he property is zoned for multiple dwellings, v�hich ur�der the licensing ordinance does not qualify. He owns the better part of the block, the balance of the � block facing Central Avenue is zoned for com�a�ercial. From a hazard standpoint it would be all riqht to qrant the license on this property. ', Z'he ordinance does not call for approval from the Fire Department on Christmas Tree Lots, although in � this case I would recomtnend the Council iasue the license as Mr. Cochran has already ordered and received a delivsry of trees. � I am recom�aending approval of this license even though it does not meet the zoning requirements. �-- � �� , ,/�' ," S '.�+ c ��--C i / 1 �.�'./,`� % /✓ � /-E L / / �/C � � Robert Hughes � .= Fire Chief ( � I ' I ' 62 � fi3 1 . ESTINLATES TO BE APPROVED DECEMI3ER 2, 1968 � ��_�___.__�_.�.__� � _�__ � , _ .. . • _ SuburUan Engineering, Inc. . 6875 Highway No. 65 N:E. � . - � .. ... � . � Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 � Partial Estimate ��4 for Staking and Inspection Street Improvement Project , ST. 1968-1B $ 3,257.30 ST. 1968-2B $ 1,501018 $ 4,758.48 � � ' � ' . � - ' .- � � r � . � � AP�'LICATION F� PS�1�Q? ?0 (PAR_,�,SOCCUPY) aa� u�►nae �t is 6ereby requested that (I) �We) be iasyed a houa� trailer p�soit i,n co�pii�ace vit1� qupt�s il, City Code of Fsidle�, ttia�sot,t, 1963 by ss�aoa of �i� follvaiogs a. 1M sa wnt addrese of �6 . � -.� b. OMn�ssbip of t��rf _ c. d. s. . �_. D�acr tioa of t=ailes - M�,g �$#,�e� .� �� � - —_.____ �..___ __. _�....._. _._,._.�..._. .� N�a1 sa� �ed s� of .owner f 1:� x6ara� trsile� located : L, f�n � .: �, /1 _ a _ Perfod of ti�a� tr�iler ta i:�e stored or occ�pied; f. Use of trail�rs -�___::,._.,.._ ._�____,-- • •� g. 6 Cure oi�joining proper�y awness grantiug approval; � 'f, R is" � ,...nr.+..+e�. ��.�...r...,.,�.. b. Locar:c�n of trailer oa prot,oeed property -�ttach pZat plaa of property;� ��.._ � i. Whsre trailar ie to be acc:c�pied, (1) W�at i� resltiunship, if eay, betweea Gr�i�er owaer and tand c�wner?��_ ��. (2) Nameb and agee oi all occupants? � fi� ' �- _�._._.., � Pacil�ties fo�r aewa sa1, vater and ele�tr£ci . . . .. _ � {4) Boplayoient of applic�nt? - v "5% Whetber a;�plicaat ±.s cva �ue�ing home ia a�a? �..�. ���1� ..�� ' � �.J ��-�` . The �tpplicetioa, �ri�ea pre��utesi ° o ffie Citq Co il, sha11 ehar tb� r�cttwmen- datloa of the Zuatag AdsialotPatns aadJar �uildiag Inepector. , Ple�ase fict�i attached check in t[zra amouat of ($5.00 for perking) ($25.00 for occupying) a house trailer. �. !i'.� Appli t � Gt,� ���'� � • �� �'d , i��� � ^ � � 5��� __ 65 , �J _ _ --- �--- _ _ - -- __ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ ---- - _ ._ _ _ _ ------ � ^ 1� > f _ -- --- - - . . . _ --------- —�.�!� -�:� - �---� � ��-- - �.� - - - . _ _ -___� ^ , , ..�.� ��.��:.�".�... - .-�-�- � ��P _ . - - - - - . - - -- -- -- -l�/,�. w�. z�� �.�v�e., �� � ` � �..� .��C. . ,F. �� � ��.�..� \/,� �. . . '_V ..... `o `����✓��'�" .. '7_• � _ � J i � �,�e-c� _ ;� � , _ _ _ .__ - , ���� � � , _� , � _ __� _ _-- � - , _. � -�- _ � G� � �/��. �-�z ����.�.�...�, c� _ _ _ ��'�` �" ' -�-Q-1 ��-�-�' —� � �--� � --�. > _ - ' � _ , ��� ,� � �� ���� ���t � � � �� � � . �� / � i ' 0 II ss ' � DATE ; 1�MQ T0: , � November 29, 1968 City Manager I�tO pROM; Board of Health, Harvey J. McPhee SUBJECT: Application to park trailer at 7640 Lakeside. It has cane to my,attentioa by accident that Mr. Darrel Dobson has a�ade applicatioa to park a trailer at 7640 Lakeside. .... - �% Ct�spter 41 0� the old and new ordinance codes provides provision for the � occupant to make application to the Council for a permit. This chapter slso atatea that the applicatioa shall show recommendations of the zoaiag administratar and/or the Building Inspector. No mention is made of the Health Official or the , 8oard of Health. Neverthelesa, the Sanitarian will in his capacity ae a member of the Board of Health and Sanitarian for the City make some comments and recommeadations in regards to this case. , � � � ' I'I � C ' � The City Manager's Office has received two complaints dated October 8 arad �x 4, 1968 froan Mrs. Clarence Wittmer, 7629 Lakeside regards two trailera on the property at 7640 Lakeside. The Sanitarian ordered the trailers be xea�oved from the property. Oae trailer has been removed. The �oard of Health would recommend granting of a permit by the Council oaly if the following conditions are met as a minimum. ►�� (3 ) (4) i�> The trailer occupant own the property and plan ta build witbin one year. The trailer be connected to the sewer. The complainant, Mrs, Clarence Wittmer, agree to this arrangement. The outdoor toilet be removed. All litter and miscellaneous material be removed. Chapter kl also provides that approval be givea by adjoiaing property owaers. Mxs. Wittmer lives across the street from 7640 Lakeside. She may or m�ty e� bre coasidered an adjoiaing property owaer accordiag to the o=diaance requizements. Nevertheleas, the Council can impose certaia limitatioas uader &e�tio�_-4T.05. Two adjoiniag property owners, Mr. Archie Chilstrom, 1578 West County Road I and Mr. H. L. Black, 1586 County Road I were sent letters by the Sani�az'ia� to clean up miscellaneous litter and remove a junked vehicle. A 1eCtex was also sent to D.J. Bourne, 7645 Lakeside for soa�e cleanup work. This area i�t general needs a thorough cleanup, although it can be done with a little wo�k on the part of each property owner. I am not in favor of isolated traiier parking. However, if it is done there should be specific and Limiting conditions atCached to the permit. Respectfully submitted, BQARD OF �ALTH Harvey J. McPhee Pub�ic Health Sanitarian � ' ' C � � ' r ' ,�,PPLYC.� �',�Di� FUR PI;itC�i?A7 '!'0 Pi;.rtK' Ui;CUPYS HC2�: ZRAICER �.�..� ...�1._..i. .,.,..... It i� hereby sequ�sted that CI) CWej ee i.ssuc>d a ho�sa trai ler pez-mit in compliance with Chapter 41, City Cocie of :�rfd2.ey, Mitu�sot.a, 1963 reaaon of the following; �'� v.� S7� �...¢�e �c.�. �. S,f'�e y �p �d...R � ��.r1� �, h�l a�/ /�' � q G� a, Naaee ar.3 p erma�eut �d dr�::�� v P' :� p��. c� xz t; —�_.__�. �..__._._.� ri_� _. --.�__._.a�-�.. b. OwaeT�hip oi� t=tt11r> Jj�.cr/��/���.w.._....._.. �_ a. D��criptiou o!� tsailes - M�ke and Sise - �- �• ._ �e aa1 �ss of anaer �oi land located: ��..- � � - - - - �_ � ? . •• � � �� , . l�r a ropo��d t b� � �. Period-of tiar trsii�s to be stored or occnpi�ds . f . Uae of trail�r: _ -�i� _.� � _ _ „ � g. 81�uatar� of adjotatag PrcpQrty arasrs grasting approvait -- i�. LocaCion of trailer oa propo�ed property - attach plat plan of ' Pr�YtYs f. Where trail�r is to be occupied, (1) i�that is realtion�bip, if �a�, � betNeea tsail�r nae�er and land oaaer? u •� - . (2) Naases aad age� of a l I occupaot�? -�c _�, r`,�, r_ _._._..� (3� Facilities for e�wage diaposal, �ater and electricit�4 (4) Smployoient of applica�t? �,� �.,�P�' , . (S) W'6ather spplic�nt ie conetructing hode ia erea! Ths applicatioa, t�ben pr�s�nted to the City �tcil � sball sbar tbe t�cwrea- datioa of the 2oniug Adsinistrator aad/or Building Zntrpector. .. Pleaae liad �ttached �heck in t6e ao�ount of (�5.00 for parkin�) (�25.00 !or o�cup�tag) a hoese trailer. �-t-��'Z�<<- /�� L - Appl t � ENGINEERING DEPARTMF',NT CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA December 2, 1968 Karl Dedolph Construction Co. 771 West Seventh Street St. Paul, Minn. • Re: CHANGE ORDER N0. 2 for General Work for Remodelin� in the Lower Civic Center Gentlemen: You are hereby instructed, subject to the provisions of the above. mentioned contract to make the following modifications and addition therein: ROOM A: Emplayees Lunchroom: Floor tile the North 10 feet of the room, ceiling ti1e, wood panelling on the West and South walls. Room B: Civil Defense Room: Floor tile and suspended ceiling tile. ' ROOM D• Hallway• Floor tile and suspended ceiling tile. ROOM E: Park & Recreation Area: Partitiori 7'6 " x 16' room, install door and hardwaxe. � ROOM F: Northwest Entrance Hallway: Floor tile and suspended ceiling. Al1 material used would be the same as in the e� isting building. Al1 above work would be done under CHANGE ORDER N0. 2: Add $2,680.00 Amount of Original Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,225.00 ADD: CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 240.47 C�LANGE ORDER NO . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2, 680 . 00 Present Amended Contxact . . . . . . $18,145.47 Accepted this day of December, 1968 By KARL DEAOLPH CONSTRUCTION C0. Title � Submitted by � ) �-� t�1 - �% �; City Engineer Approved & Accepted day of Decem- ber, 1968 by the City Council of Fridley, Minnesota. I Mayo� City Manag�j ��q. '�''�? .�„�,1�!+��'�!+� STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CISTRICT NO. !j 205� ry0. LILAC DRIV4 MINNEAPOl.6�, MS9VM. November 22, 1968 Honorable Jack 0. Kiritham Mayor - Fridley 6431 University avenue IV.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 In reply refer to: C.S. 0205 (T.H. 4�) Rev�sion of 69� Ave. Aear Mr. Kirkham: 315 N.E. Your October letter forwarded plans and costs for the revision of the above referenced intersection and requested total participation of the State for work inside the right of way. It is our opinion that the benefits received from the reconstruction are not sufficient to warrant total participation. However, we wil?. enter into an agreement with the City whereby the State would agree to �,ay for revision of the median crossover� median drainage and revision of the left turn lanes. Work adjacent to or beyond �he edge of through traffic lanes would be at no cos� to the State. We concur that the detachment as proposed will be better than a 90° con- necting frontage road. However, our p:�,�ary objection is that the design does ttot provide for eatisfactory storage length between the parking lot and the highway, also, between Station 0 and 6+00 of both detachments we will requix�e assurance that additional access openings will not be per- mitted in the future. As �tated previously at an earlier council meeting, proper right of xa, proceedings must be undertaken (a shift in the controlled acces$ opening is required). If you concur with the cost split and access control as propo,�ed, please advise this office so the proper requests can be initi- ated by the District. Sincerely, C. E. $uxrill Aistriot E�gineer cc: Homer R. Ankrum � � ■ 69 ' I ' MINNEAPOLIS GAS COMPANY M I N N E A P O L I S, M 1 N N E S O T A 5 5 4 O 2 , November 22 1968 � , Mr. pava Harris� Chairman Fridley Industrial Development Commission ' 6431 t�n3,veraity Awnue NE Fridleq� Ninn�sota ' Dear Davet - - �Q I want to congratulats your com�auaitq on txo sfgnificaat accomplishmsnts ' in the field of indwtr3al devolopm�ntt Firat, your industrial tour of Fridley Nas excellontlq haadl�d and I am suri all participants gained an insight into the pr�sent and futur� grprth ' expect•d for your ar�a. Second�.y� th� xell d�ssrved hoaor bestawed upan your Co�o3.seion by the D�part- ' ment o# �conomic Development indfcatss that yonr efforts in the past yeu were certaiulq productive. 1Gesp up the good �rork and if you u�ed any assistance, just give us a call. Sincerely, J ���� Raqmond R. Rauch Assiata�qt Maaager Ar�a Developmeat jr r ' , 1 � LJ � ' �. � 1 ' � � � i ' ' ' EY�RETT '�III. MCCARTHY CNI�F QF POI-IC� s :=�.:T: �I., �L�l �f��: ;i � � � �epaqrtnaenE o� �o�ice � AN( 6431 U MINNEA / �i e � � �,."�„�NTY ER-5 TY AVE. IS 21, MINN. C 0 M M E N D A T I 0 N Patrolman �obert Parquette '71 560-261 O ,-: .�� On November 18, 1�b8, at about 2153 hours the above named officer was dispatched tQ an explosion and �ire at 7601 Bacon Drive, N.E., arriving at the scene in approximately two minutes. He found one man badly burned around the face and hands as a result of this explosion, and, after determining that fihere was no one else in the hou.se, he transported the victim to Unity Hospital. The officer�s speed in arriving at the scene, his attention to detail in determining no one was trapped, and his treatment of the victim and transporting , him without delay to the hospital, is an example of police � work of the highest professional 1eve1 and is deserving of commendation. The officer�s action in getting the victim to the hospital quickly no doubt saved him many hours of pain and suffering, and could result in his having less scar tissue because of fast medical attention. � - -� �� Everett l�l, McCarthy, Chi� Fridley Police Department