12/16/1968 - 5864' ' ' , � ' ' � � CJ , , � , CJ , � , � JUEL MSRCER - COUNCIL SECRETARY RSGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DECFN�ER 16, 1968 - 8:00 P.M. _ �: :_ _ ___._ ' C' ,j J ' ,� ' I ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - DECEMBER 16, 1968 - 8:00 P. M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION• ROLL CALL• APPROVAL OF MINUTES• Regular Council Minutes, December 2, 1968 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: PUBLIC HEARINGS: Storm Sewer Project ��89 previously scheduled for this meeting has been rescheduled for January 13, 1969. Pages 1 - 21 OLD BUSINESS: ' 1. First Reading of an Ordinance for Rezoning (ZOA ��68-12) Bob Schroer, Bob's Produce Ranch at 7620 University Avenue N.E. From M-2 to C-2S....Pages 22 & 23 Comment; This hearing was held on December 9th. Council directed Administration to bring Ordinance for lst Reading and hold up the 2nd Reading until the plans f�r total development are approved.) 2. Consideration of Grades and Street Layouts for Auditor's Subdivision �k22 in regard to Moving a Residence Dwelling Requested by Les Chies (Building Standards Minutes-11/27/68). .... Pages 24 - 26 Comment: The proposed location will leave the lot behind this house substandard if the cul-de-sac is installed as indicated on the map) 3. Reaffirming Resolution ��193-1968 Ordering Preliminary Plans, Specifications and Estimates of the Costs Thereof: Street Improvement Project ST. 1969-1. ....... Pages 27 & 28 (Comments; These two resolutions include additional streets that the Council directed us to prepare plans and hold the hearing for). 4. Reaffirming Resolution �194-1968 Receiving Preliminary Report and Calling a Public Hearing: Street Improvea�nt Project ST. 1969-1. ...pages 29 - 31 ._' � Il U , ' ' � � � � u ' , REGULAR COUNCIL MEET'ING AGENDA - DECEMBER 16, 1968 PAC�E 2 5. Reaffirming Resolution ��195-1968 Ordering Preliminary Report, Plans and Specificiations - Storm Sewer Project ��80. ....... Page 32 Comment: These two resolutions are to set up the hearing for the Riedel property and the surrounding area for a storm sewer hearing January 13th). 6. Reaffirming Resolution �k196-1968 Receiving Preliminary Repart and Calling a Public Hearing; Storm Sewer Project �k80. ...,....Pages 33 & 34 7. Reaffirming Resolution �k197-1968 Ordering Preliminary Report and Estimates of Costs Thereof for Water Improvement Project �k90 Addendum ��1 (Waterline for 66th Avenue) , . . , , , . . . . Page 35 Comment: These two resolution set up the hearing for the waterline on 66th Avenue fox January 13th.:) 8. Reaffirming Resolution �k198-1968 Receiving Preliminary Report and Ordering a Public Hearing for Water Improvement Project �90 Addenducn ��1 (Waterline for 66th Avenue) , , , . , . . . . Pages 36 - 39 ' NEW BUSINESS• ' 9. Consideration of Adding Service Facilities to Recreation Building - Request by Maurice Filister (Georgetown-Court Apts.) , Comment: Mr. Filister has requested to appear before the Council regarding installing a beauty shop, barber shop and deli��*_essen in the basement of the ' recreation ro;;�. He will have the plans available at the meeting.) , 10. Consideration of Request for Pylon Sign Permit for Allied•Radio• .• (former National Tea Building). . Pages 40 - 43 ' Co�o�ent: We have received an agreement from the owner of the shopping area that only one.pqlon w� uld-be requested for all the shops. This permit can be approved with this understanding.) � -_ � - -' . . . ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDIA - DECEMBER 16, 1968 ' NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 11. Consideration of Request for Pylon Sign Per it for Superette at ' Northeast Corner of Mississippi and Central Avenue.-•Schubert •.. Outdoor Advertising Company. . Pages 44 & 45 ' Comment: This permit request meets al the requirements. If the Council wishes, it co ld be approved.) ' 12. Receiving the Minutes of the Fridley Industz Commission of September 5, 1968, October 3, December Sth, 1968. ' . ' 13. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeal December 4, 1968. . . . ' ' ' 14. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commis December 5, 1968. , , 15. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commis December 12, 1968. ' Comment; To be handed out Monday evenin � PAGE 3 ia1 Developmeat: 1968 and . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 46 - 48 s Meeting of . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 49 sion Meeting of . . . . . . Page s 50 - 54 .on Meeting of .) � 16. Receiving Bids aad Awarding Contract for Wor n's Compensation ' Insurance. (Opened 11:00 A.M., December 16, 968) .... Pages 55 � 56 , , 17. Consideration of Request for Release of Bond Permit (LAp #66-03), Park Construction Compa ' (Comment: Park Construction has comple was required by the Land Alt are rec�uesting that their ba for Laad Alteration �y. . . . . .Page 57 d the grading that ation Permit. They be released now.) REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - DECEMBIE� 16, 19�8 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) PAGE 4 18. County Approval of Southeast Quadrant of Intersection of Mississippi Street and East River Road (Gertzen Properties). .... Pages 58 - 63 �Comment; The County has approved the proposal for the southeast quadrant of this intersection and a letter has been written to Kenney Realty advising them of this approval) 19. Discassion Regarding New Guidelines for Board of Appeals (On Agenda at request of Carl Paulson) 20. Discussion of Rental of Court Space. Co�nent; County of Anoka letter, City Manager memo dated October 22, 1968 and City Attorney's memo will be found in the Agenda envelope.) � 21. Consideration of City Public Works Union Negotiations. ,,,,,,,, Pages 64 - 76 22. Requesting Lights for 1969 Street Light Program. ....... Comment: We have requests for 48 lights for the 1969 program already. �We have set up a priority list, and we feel that at this time only 20 lights should be ordered. Total number budgeted is 30.) 23. Report on Storm Sewer on 75th Avenue between Central Avenue and Stinson Boulevard. Comment; We have started some repairs to the line already. We shall give a report at the meeting) . . . Pages 77 - 80 � 24. Discussion of Dispatcher for Police Department . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 81 & 82 _�_. _ _ _ _— __ __ _ _--- --- --------- -- -- — — ' REGUT�R Cf�Fri�IL MEETIN� AGENDA - DECEMBER 16, 1968 PAGE 5 ' NEW BUSINESS (Continued) � 25. Coasideration of a Resolution Concerning the Metropolitan. ..•.• Council. . Page 83 � ' 26. A Resolution Authorizing the Changing of the Budget Within the General Fund. ' --- , 27. Cons�deration of a Resolution Appointing, Reappointing and , Confirming Existing Appointments to Commissions, Boards, .....• Co�nittees and Subco�nittees for the Year 1969. Pages 84 - 89 ' ' 28. Appointments. Page 90 ' ' 29. Petition ��34-1968: Rice Creek Road. Pages 91 - 94 ' , ' 30. Claims Page 95 ' , 31. Consideration of Request for Livestock License for Onaway Addition. Pages 96 - 100 ' Comment: The adjoining property owners have been advised of this request. A map showing the properties is in the Agenda. ' 32. Licenses. Pages 101 & 102 ' _ _ ._ _ , ItEGULAR COUN(;IL MEETING AGENDA - DECEMBER 16, 1968 PAGE 6 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) • ' 33. Estimates. � Page 103 � COMMUNICATIONIS: ' A. Mrs. RobE�rt G. Johns on; Metropolitan Zoo. . Pages 104 & 105 ' B. Unity Ho,:pital; Street Light. Page 106 , C. State of Minnesota: Winter Maintenance of Frontage Roads. Ps e 107 � g , D. NSSSD: Resolution requesting Fridley vacate Portion of Marshall Street. Pages 108 - 110 ' VISITORS; � ADJOURN; � ' ote: A proposed sign ordinance, approved by the Planning Commission, is in the Agenda eavelope for your review.) � ' ' 1 ' ' � ' , � ' � ' ' � ' � � � ' ' 'I'FiF: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1968 biayor Kirkham called the Regular Council Meeting of December 2, 1968 to order at $:17 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGTANCE: kiayor Kirkham requested the audience to stand and join the �ouncil in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. �NVOCATION: Reverend Gilbert Anderson oi the Fridley Covenant Church gave the Invocation. ROLL CALL• MEI�ERS pRESENT : ME.t�ERS ABSENT : Kirkham, Samuelson, Sheridan. Liebl, Harris None _ � � �.� � � � � YT : � �, � J� Y `�i � + � � Y� � 0 M�0'�TIQN by Councilman Sheridan to adopt the Minutes of the Mepting of November 18, 1968 as submitted. Seconded by Cottacil- man Harris. ; Councilman Liebl said that he would like to question Item #3 - on Page 8 of the Council Minutes concerning the car wash requested by Robert Schroer. He asked if this action is final, and if this stands as approved. He said that it was his under- standing that it was approved unless appealed by a surroundinq praperty vwner. He said that he was not questioning the Minutee, but whether he understood the action correctly. Councilman Harris said that he was not at that Meeting, but his understanding was that if the Council Minutes are correct, then approval is � final. Mayor Kirkham agreed. O . Councilman Liebl said that then he would like to r�uest the � Chai�r to recognize Mr. William Plwn, 6652 East River Road, and � read him the Minutes conc�rning the car wash. Councilman Liebl aaid that he had objected to this action, but that the ' City Attorney said that the Council has no other action it could take. Mr. Plwn asked just what'was approved. Councilman ' � gEGULAR CQUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1968 L1ebl read him the variances r�uested and aF;�� a��c� . PAGE 2 biayoz Kirkham said that this discussion was out of order, and that the Minutes should be either approved or corrected. If there is an appeal in question, this is a separate action. M�', Plum said that he would like to appeal. Mr. James Gibbs, representing the City Attorney's office, said that the appeal would not go through City channels, but rather through a District Court injunction. At the City level, the action has reached it's finality. Councilman Sheridan said that he assumed that all that could be appealed would be the variances, rather than the car wash. Mr. Gibbs said yes. The City Engineer added that the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittea had recoma►ended approval of the buildir�g permit for the car wash and superette and_the Council approved of this October 21, 1968, with some stipulations. Mac. H. W, Kubow, 6654 East River Road said that it was his understandinq that there were to be multiple dwellings there. M2►yor Ki�rkhaca explained that the apartment house will be nearer the river. THE VOTE upon the motion to approve the Minutes was a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimoualy. 1�+�DOgT ION OF AGENDA : MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Aq�nda as pre8ented. 3econded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voica vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the nation carried unanimously. g�n'n�N�g #407 - AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING T$8 BUDGST FOR FTSCAL �F�.._�96,� � MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Ordinance #407 on second reading, waive the reading, and order publication. Secondsd by Counci�taan Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, 8amuelson & Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the awtion carri�d unanimously. Q�DTNANCB 41�408 - AN ORDINANCE AMSNDING SEGfiION 46.5 OF THE CITY CQDE FOR THE PURPOS$ OF PERMITTYNG NEOPRSaiE GASKETS ON SANITARY. � ,SG,E�ER LINEB a ' ' RFGUL�R COUNCIL MEETING OF DECENiBER 2, 1968 � ' , PAGE 3 Mp�'TODi by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Ordinance #408 on second reading, waive reading, and order publication. Se- conded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote, Liebl, S'heridan, Kirkham, Harris, & Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR USED CAR LOT• (Requested ' by Mr. Ranko Schuur, at 5755 University Avenue. Board of Appeals Minutea October 30, 1968. Tabled by Council 11-4-68 and 11-18-68) Councilman Harris said that the 15 cars allawed by the Board of Appeals was a rather unrealistic number, and that he felt that if this special use permit would be granted by the Council, that the number of cars should be reduced. He asked the petitioner haw much frontage land there was aa���: la 7 or 8 cars would not be more in line with the available land. Mr. Schuux replied that there was 140' across the front of the pro- perty. The City Engineer said that Mr. Schuur is naw using a portion of the frontage for storage of cars and his taw trucks. Mayor Kirkham asked where the loading and unloading of the tcyw trucks will take place. Mr. Schuur replied that it would be in the rear and all the loading and unloading would be in- side the building. Councilman Harris asked if the fencing was compl�te. Mr. Schuur said that it was completely around now. Cour�cilman Sher�.dan said that this has been discussed before and his main concern is whether by granting this permit, it would not, in effect, be throwing the possibility open to every gas station to request the same type of operation. He said that the Council has an obligation to consider what it might do to the community as a whole by allawing any business to run a second business from the same location. He pointed out that there are already 2 or 3 used car lots on University Avenue. He said t hat there have been a number of service stations selling cars and this would fall under the use provided by special use permits. Councilman Harris asked Mr. Schuur if he ever bought used cars. Mr, Schuur said that occasionally he does buy used cars. Councilman Liebl said that he agreed with Councilntan Sheridan, in that if th is garage is granted a special use permit, then other garages will be in requesting the san�e privileq�. Mr. �a�rl Paulson said that there are already 2 used car lots on University Avenue. He pointed out that there must be a place fQx �,est driving the cars and that these cars would have to be REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEI�3ER 2, 1968 PAGE 4 driven �n and out of this lot. He said that whe� ��� Street gaes through it would seem that these cars would have to be backed out onto the street. He said that he had no per$onal objection to Mr. schuur's business, but that he did object to the test drivinq beinq done, of the used cars from the lots on University Avenue, going at high speeds at any time of the day or night . Councilman Harris agreed with Mr. Paulson that the backing of the cax's out of the parking lot would create a problem, and this is why he suggested reducing the number of cars permitted. Councilman Samuelson asked about a setback from the corner on 57th, to provide adequate visibility when turning. He said that by requesting a 20' setback, this would limit the number of cars to about 5. Mr, gchmedeke said that he would like to say in his defense that with every car that goes out of his lot for a test drive, he accompanies the customer, and there is no speeding or reckless driving. MOTION by Councilman Harris to change the number of cars allvwed from ],5 cars which the Board of Appeals stipulatec� to 8 cars. �here was no second, therefore, Mayor Kirkham declared the MATION DIBD for lack of a second. Councilman Harris com�nented that this type of business would conform with gas station use. i"� understood that they are allowed to sell no more than two cars. Mr. Gibbs said that if ntore than two cars are sold, it requires a license. Mr. Schuur said that he has a State license to operate, and n�edea a City license and wae told that first he had to obtain a special use permit. Mr.}Schmedeke said that it was his belief that no filling stations had the right to sell used cars legally. �p►rlpN by Councilman Sanwelson to allaw 6 cars maximum and leave adequate setback from 57th Place and 57th Avenue for visibility. Seconded by Councilman Harris. The City Enqineer said that if the Council is contemplating approving this request, he would like to point out that that the Council has been requesting sidewalks in this area of other people, and also landscaping and bumper curbing. He also pointed out that as the Council has approved of the loopback on 4�.h Street, there would be a road easement required for turning at the corner of 57th Place to make the corner a little smoother. �I ' � � I'� ,� r REGUI�IR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1968 PAGE 5 �. Paulson said that it is very difficult to make turns here, as the radius is so small, and a person has to swing into the other lane to make the turn. He said that he could not under- stand the Board of Appeals approving th is. Mr. Richard Harris said that members of the Board of Appeals have talked to the City Attorney and they feel after consulting with him that a property owner should not be penalized because of the City's shortcomings, and that any property owner should have the right to develop his property to it's best capacity. This is why the Board of Appeals approved of this man's request. � THE M�OTION WAS AMENDED to include a letter of intent from Mr. Schuur that he will put in sidewalks, landscaping, and bumper ctirb ing . ' THE VOTE UPON THE I�OTION, including the amendment �as a roll ; call vote, with Sheridan, Kir'r.nan� and Liebl vv��xiy Yiu and Harris ' and Samuelson voting yes. Mayor Kirkham declared the uation FAILED. � Mayor Kirkham explained that the reason he voted no, was that although no one was present to voice an objection at the Public Hearing before the Board of Appeals, he had receivec] � many calls objectinq to th is, and to honor their requests to 11im, he had voted no. I� � ' � � � � � COD7SIDERATION OF SIGN PERMIT REQUEST: it,ZCE CREEK PLAZA S'�iOPPIDTG CENTER: Tk�e City Engineer said that the sign permit request for Rice Cxeek Plaza Shopping Center was only 1�' from the sidewalk, and oaly 7' high. He has talked to the applicant and he has aqreed to move the sign back from the sidewalk 10' and rais• the eiqn to 10'. He said that he had told the applicant that only one sign would be allawed on tlzis street frontage and the applicant has agreed to this also. MOTION by Ccuncilman Liebl to approve of th• sign permit requeat for Rice Creek Plaza Shopping Center, with the aign to be set back 10' and raised to 10'. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. tT�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the nac�tion carried unanimously. C�T�Tn�ATION OF SIGN PERMIT RE4UEST: ALLIED RADIO: ,..�.., � ^ �'t�o City Engineer explained that this request is for Allied Radi.a, located in the old National Tea Store, which has been REGUI,�R COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEN�ER 2, 1968 PAGE 6 modified to include several shops. He said that the request in the Agenda is for a wall sign, with which there is no problem. He said that they also have requested a large pylon free standing siqn. He said that he would like to suggest that only one siqn be allowed, with all the shops listed on the �siqn, and that th is request should come from the property awner, rather than the sign company or the business. He said that he has talked to the Gift House Stamp Company and they are in agreeme�t. Mr. Lentz of the Norquist Sign Company said that their building frontage is 65' and the sign is 24'. The sign for the parking lot is a 40 square foot sign. The City Engineer explained that there is no problem with the wall sign, just the one in the parking lot. Mr. Lentz pointed out that Allied Radio has the greatest amount of frontage on the building. The City Engineer shawed the Council a picture of the proposed sign �vl�ich would be on the east side of the shr��p:.�g center on t%,� s�rvice drive* Councilman Samuelson agreed that only one pylon sign �hau7.d be allawed in the parking lot. Mr. Lentz said that the sign is legal in the City of Fr idley, so they went ahead and drexw up the plans. Naw it seems that the rules have been chanqed. �he City Engineer said that nothing has been chanqed, it is more a matter of a misund�-�standing and suggested con- sulting with the property vwner, and a ne�w request be submitted �rom the Gift House Stamp Company for one pylon sign, including a11 the shops on the sign. MDTION by Councilman Liebl to approve of the wall sign for Allied Radio located at 6440 University Avenue N.E. Seconded by Council.man samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor K�rkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF BILI�BOARD REQUEST: NAEGELE OUTDOOR SIGN CO. Councilman Harris explained thaa� as a meiaber of the Chaaiber of Commerce, Jr. Channber of Comanerce and the Industrial Develop- ment Commission, he has become interested in some kind of pro-- mat�.onal signs for the City of Fridley, hawever, the costs are prohibitive. He said that in talking with Mr. Naegele a plan mutually beneficial evolved wherein one side of the billboard would be a welcome to Fridley and the other side would be used ]ay Na�lgele Sign Company for whatever they wished to advertise.-'' H� said that besides the one application in the Agenda for a billboard, there should also be one for a locat�on on 37th Avenue and East River Road, and eventually seven signs would be put up. He pointed out that the City of Fridley could not u ' � � ' r � L� i � � � � , � lf � � � i J ' r �I u ' ' � , ' � � � �� �� � ;_ J DECEl�ER 2, 1968, REGUI,AIt COUNCIL MF.ETING PAGE 7 afEord $25,000 in promotional billboards, but with the help af the Naegele Sign Coa�any the City would not pay anything for the seven signs. Mt. Robert Naegele caure foreward to the Council table and shawed examples of the proposed billboards. He said that when talking to Councilman Harris about the work the Industrial Development Com�nission has done, this idea came about. He ��id that they have done similar billboards for Bloomington and St. Paul, but not on a permanent basis. This seemed to him to be an appealing challenge, as Fridley is becominq the hub of the northern suburbs. He said that with this plan, the City of Fridley would benefit, and his company would still wind up with a profitable business. He said that it was felt that it should be something out of the ordinary and should reflect tha image of the City. He said that there were seven locationa discussed which were the east a�d west end of i. r���, the north and south end of both University Avenue and T. H. #65, and the south end of East River Road. He said that the north end of East River Road was eliminated as it was felt in poor taste to put a large b illboard in primarily a residential district. He said t2�at h is company locates their billboards only in industrial, couanercial and business areas. He said that the cost would be between $1000 and $2000 per unit. He said that the billboard would be standard size, 12' x 25' and shawed a plan with a scalloped wood frame around the outside. He also shawed a plan with a mansard roof, and a pane'. for changing words, such as when the C�ty would have a visiting celebrity, it could be in- cluded in the welcome. He explained that his company alre ady has a lease on the property on 85th Avenue on the west side of ur��versity Avenue and would be paying for the land. He said that he would like the City to provide the land for the bill- board at the south end of East River Road near 37th Avenua. Counciln�an Liebl pointed out that there has been some stringent legislation passed on billboards and that he did not want to see the City cluttered up. Mr. Naegele agreed, and said that this is why his comipany only locates the billboards in commer- cial and industr ial areas. Councilman Harris said that as Mr. Naegele has outlined his moet ' gracious offer, including paying for the land on 85th Avenue, it would only be in good faith that the City should provide the land on East River Road near 37th Avenue. He said that he � �+�coc�nized the problem of the many billboards, but these would b� �+3 anly ones that would benefit Fridley. Z"his would be a p8rm�nent sign that would identify our borders. i g�QULA�'tt CQIJNCI� MEETING OF DECEI�ER 2, 1968 PAGB 8 MOTIOLI by Councilman Harris to approve of the sign requests for a bi�.lboard on Avenue and University Avenue and on East g�,ver Road an 57 Avenue with the mansard type roof design, and ____._._ .._ _. . ��__-- �, �uthorize the Ci y Attorney to work out an acceptable aqreement �� �or th�$e two signs arid for the use of the land a►t the south " �ocation. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all vot�.nq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Nagele said that he would be agreeable to sitting dawn with tk�e A�dministration to work out the arrangements for the land on 37th Avenue. Councilman Harris said thank you to Mr. Naegele for giving the City of Fridley the chance to try something new. CQI�SIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR TIME EXT�iSION TO FILE AL ROSE ADDTTION PLAT- �"he City Engineer said that this item was considered and approved at the Council Meeting of April 15, 1968. He puYYa�:+�d out that plats are supposed to be filed within a certain length of tim�e, but in this case, he said that he could see no difficulty in this request. MpTION by Councilman Liebl to grant the extension up to April 15, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan for discussion. Councilman Sheridan said that in the past the Council has adhered to the position that a plat must be filed in six months, and if it is not, then the petitioner has to start over again. TH$ VQTE upon the motion being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham aeci�rea tne motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BQARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF NOVEI�ER 20 , 1968 - A RE4UEST I�'OR A VARIANCE OF THE SIGN ORDINANCE NO. 318. SECTION 56 OS, PARAGRAPH 1, TO PERMIT A 90 SQUARE FOOT ROOF SIGN AND A 32 SQUARE FOOT WALL SIGN IN AN R-3 DISTRICT ON LOTS 20. 21, 22, BLOCK 13, Fi�MILTON'S ADDITION TO MECii- ANICSVILLE ANOKA COUNTY MINNESOTA ZHE SAME B�ING 5333 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY FAUL CASTONGUAY, 9509 ROCKFORD ROHD, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55427 : �h� City Engineer said that this is the Metro "500" Filling gt�'��.on, and their request is to put up a big sign in R-3 �pning a�d the Hoard of Appeals disapproved of this request. � REGUTrA�R COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1968 � PAGE 9 � He pointed out that there were some complaints on this at the Board of Appeals Meeting. , MOTIODI by Councilman Samuelson to concur in the denial for a variance of the siqn ordinance to allow the two siqns. Se- conded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voic e vota, all voting � aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the nwtion carried unaninausly. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of November 20, 1968. Secar�ded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. �CEIVING TfiE 1��TES OF THE PARKS AND RECREi�TION MSETING OF NOVEMBER 25, 1968- MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of November 25, 1968. Se- conded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�layor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEN�ER 27 1968: �QNSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO MOVE A RESIDENT DiWELLIDTG FROM SILVER LAKE ROAD TO PART OF LOT 10 AUDITOR'S SUB- D�VISION #22, ANOKA COUNTY, NLZNNESOTA, THE SAME BEING 1530 RICE CREEK RQAD, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA,. (RE�,^UEST BY LES CHIES, 591 DRI�'IWOOD ROAB, NFi�1 BRIGHTON, MINNESOTA) The City Engineer said that the Buildirig Staridards had approved the a;equest conti�ngent upon the a;�plicant posting a performance bond of $4,500 to insure completion of building and landscaping by July 1, 1969, and that the City Engineer check to determine if the house location has any adverse effect on the approved street development plans for tr�s area. He said that this study was not completed i-o date. N�OTTON by Councilman Samuelson to table this request until the �treet layout plan is completed. CQUncllman Sheridan asked if this would requir� a lot split. Th� �ity Bngineer said it would not. He said that this is a paxti.on of the land where the mining was qoing on. He then �showed the Council a picture of the house and the plot plan at th� Council table. At�this point Lss Chies came forward to the Counc�.l tt�ble, and said that these are two individual lots, and RI;GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1968 PAGE 10 , the location of the house w�i� Yl�c make any dl�fe��i��:� to any proposecl street layout plan. He said that he has the housa on wheels naw and is anxious to get it moved, so that he can dig the basement before the ground free�es. Councilman Liebl asked if he owns the land. Mr. Chies said yes, and that he had all the financing arranged. Councilman Sheridan asked what was being done about the rest of the grading on ti:is property. Mr. Chies replied that this is not the property involved. Council- m�n Sheridan again asked what was going to be done about the rest of the mininq operation and bringing the property up to s��cifications. Mr. Chies said that he has not had the time to do th is yet. He said that he plans to put an addition 22' x 22', and live in the house himself. Mayor Kirkham said that he did not see how the Council could agree to let him nwve the house onto a piece of property before it is platted and every- thing is in order. Councilman Sheridan pointed out to Mr. Chies that the Council has waited three years for him to bring his land up to grade, and if Mr. Chies has to wait a few weeks for the street layout to be completed, it would not be out of line. T�i� MOTION was seconded by Councilman Sheridan and upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the Minutes of the auilding Standards - Design Control Subconunittee Meetir�g of November 27, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING C(iNTRACT FOR WATER IMPROVEMENT P�tOJECT #75-H: (Opened November 25, 1968 at 12:00 Noon) Planholder Bid Surety Layne Minnesota Co. United Pacific 3147 California St. N.E. Ins. Co. 5% Minaneapolis, Minn. 55418 Bergerson-Caswell, Inc. St. Paul 1312� Wayzata Blvd. F& M Minnetonka, Minn. 55343 59b I�ttm�s '� •:, ^" B id $31,385.00 $33,625.00 E.H. Renner Co. United Pacific $21,954.00 a465 Gounty Rd. 18 N. Ins. Co. 596 ��,�neapolis, Minn. 55428 � , � I � � r u � � � Completion � T in��e 250 Days r � 300 Days 120 Days , � ' � REGULA�R COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1968 �Bids c�n Water Improvement Project #75-H Continuedj ' Planholder � Keys Well Drilling Co. 413 N. Lexington Ave. St. paul, Minn. 55104 Bid Suretv Seaboard Surety Co. 5g6 Lump Sum B id $29,450.00 PAiGE 11 Completion Titue 160 Days � 1� M�QTION by Councilman Liebl to award the contract for test well construetion, Water Improvement Project #75 H to E , � � .H. Renner Company in the amount of $21,954.00 with a co�letion date o� 120 days. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Samuelson asked Mr. Comstock if he knew why this bid was so law. Mr. Comstock said that the man present at the bid opening was not the same man tYs�t did the est�s�a�iun, and he wondered this h imself. �e company has since checked the bid, and is satisfied that it is all right. He said that the oompar�y has assured him that they will submit their performance bond, but he would suggest that the second lawest bidder's �ecurity also be retained. MOTION by Councilman Samuel , Keys Well Drilling Company, until a performance bond has entered into with E. H. Ren � Councilman Sheridan. Upon a Kirkham declared the motion son to also hold the b id surety for as they are the second lowest bidder been submitted and a contract ner and Sons, Inc. Seconded by voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor carried unanimously. CQNSIDERATION OF NAMING AUDITOR FOR 1968: Councilman Liebl pointed out that the estimated fee for Touche, Ross,Bailey and Smart is for between $7000 and $8000, and the esti,mate from both Merrill A. Hansen and the George M. Hansen Company are for $6500, which could make a difference of $1500. Cou�ncilman Samuelson said that he would prefer to have tY►e Geosge M. Hansen Company as they have had experienca auditing municipalities. M�OTION by Councilman Liebl to name the George M. Hansen Com�pany as auditor for the City of Fridley for the year 1968 with the f�� aot to e�cceed $6500. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon �t voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhaat declarecl ths awtian aarried unaninwusly. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECFN�ER 2, 1968 PAGE 12 � COj�STDERATION OF ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR WORKMEN'S C0�lPENSATION IDTSUR�INCE : 7.'he Finance Director said that tt�e specifications wero very si.m�le, and that he would have a consultant look tham over before proceeding. He pointed out that the liquor and other ].iab ility insurance is a three year policy, the hospitalisation insurance runs out in Jnne, and that workmea's caap�nsation runs yaar by year, and runs out on December 31. It is based on the payroll. MOTZON by Councilman Sanaielson to advertise for bids. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayoc IC�,,rkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPRAISAL OF SPRIN� LAKF. PARK LAND ACQUISITION: 7.'ize Finance Director pointed out that there were s�ae errors an the appraisal and said that on Page 52 of the A�enda in the second paragraph, Parcel #3 should be scratched out. In the aecond paragraph the sentence starting with "Parcel #3" should read "Parcel #2, o�her than the easement---". In the third paragraph Parcel #3 should be changed to read Parcel #2. He explained that Parcel #1 is tax forfeit and would be free and conmaented that the special assessm�ents aqairist the property are more than the appraised value of the land. The City Engineer said that Parcel #2 is for sale at $500 and pointed out that there is a St. Paul water easement on this land. He said that the City Attorney would probably ha.ve to check this out to see if they would allvw driving cars o, parking on this area as there are water pipes in the ground. He added that Parcel #3 is in Spring Lake Park and is for sale at $12,500, and that there is a house on this property. Councilman Liebl said that the City should provide some parking facilities. The City Engineer said that there would be test drilling on Parcei #1, and it may be possible to include restroom facilities to serve the beach . 1N�OT�ON by Councilman Harris to approve acquisition of Parcel #1 and #2• Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voic* vote, a11 voting aya, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion ca�ried unaninaualy. T'he Fia�nce Director said that Parcel #2 is owned by Bronson Fa��.ck,so� Inc. and is appriiaeci at $500 but the price would posaibly have to be neqotiat�d. � � � � L� � C� � � � � � � � MQTION by Councilman Harris to authorize negotiation on the price qf paa�cel #2. Seca�►ded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, � a7.�. voting ay�, Mayor Kirklian declareci tii� npt,�on carriad. � , �_ J REGU7�AR COUNCTL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1968 REPORT ON STORM SEWER IN 75TH AVENUE• PAC� 13 � �'he City Engineer said that his Department has made studies of this area. He said that after the tornado some leaks were fixed. under the Federal grant, and they are holding all right. He ' said that the cost of putting in a new line would be very ex- pensive. He said that he felt that the City ahould try to fix only those portions which have the most problems. He said that � the studies have not been cou�pleted yet, but he will get them done as soon as possible. MOTION by Councilnna�n Liebl to table this item until the Engineering studies are completed. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voic e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhaw delcared the motion carried unanimously. AUTHORIZATIODT A�TD ACCEPTANCE OF EMERGENCY WAiiNING SYSTEM: The Director of Civil Defense said that there were six sirens in the proposal. The estim�ated costs were based on prices from�the companies who furnish the equipment. Councilman Sa� uelson asked if there was to be Federal participation. The Director of Civil Defense said yes, in the amount of $16,500 or 5096 af the est�mated cost of the tc�tal system. He added that they allaw a leaway of 10�� one way or the other. He said that funds have been allocated in the 1968 budget, and there must be a firm committment before the first of the year. Council�aan Harris asked what the total esti�nate was. Z'he Director of Civil Defense replied $32,500 net which was based on a supplier company survey and on a price list supplied with other information. He said that in the 1968 budget $9500 is allocated for this and there have been provisions made to pick up the balance in the 1969 budget. Councilman Samuelson said that he assumed then that the }aids would have ta la�s �et before the first of the yesr. The Director of Civil Defense said yes, and suggested that the award need not be made immediately to a11o�w time for the legal staff to check it through. � Councilman Harris asked how he arrivecl at the number of sirens necessary. The Director of Civil Defense replied that this was based on information from the Civil Defense headquarters, and � th�t many different combinations could be made to obtain cover- age�, but the price would remain about the same. ' ' M4TI4N by Councilman Harris to authorise the Administration to advertise for bids, noting that �.cceptance of bids will be based on the Federal Government matching funds. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMSER 2, 1968 PAGE 14 The Director of Civil Defense said that he had no reason to believe that the request would not be approved. He said that the Unicom Commissioner had suggested to him that the City go ahead and let bids. He added that the bidding companies recognize the fact that municipalities do not have a large Civil Defense budget, and would understand the reason for not awarding the bid immediately. It was agreed by the Council to set the bid letting date as soon as possible. THE M�OTION was seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF EMEItGENCY POWER PROPOSAL: Councilman Harris said that he concurred with the recommendation of the Director of Civil Defense in him memorar�,a,.z*_^ dated Novem- ber 29, 1968 that the City purchase the pawer plant outright rather than lease or rent one. He said that he noted in the report that the work was done through Minnesota Onan and wondered why the Director of Civil Defense did not deal directly with the Onan Company located in Fridley. The Director of Civil Defense said that Minnesota Onan is the sales arm of the Onan Corporation. He said that there would be no Federal funds available for plants of this nature as the Civil Defense has cut back their budget and are not accepting any new applications. In spite of this, he said that he felt it is essential that an emergency power source be suppl��d. Councilman Harris said that it was his understanding that the Ona.n Corporation in Fridley had this type of plant available, and was of the opinion that that they should be talked to about this befoze the bid letting . Mr . Gibbs said that this would have to be handled on a competitive bid basis, the same as for voting machines, whether on a lease purchase agreement or an outright purchase. M��ON by Councilman Harris to request the Director of Civil pe�ense to approach the Onan Corporation in Fridley to see what they have available. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voica vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhaza declared the motion �ar�ied unanimously. ,�,TOTICE OF PUBLIC FiEARING, MINNPcrAPOLIS WATF.I�IORKS EXPANSION: Cown,ci.lman Harris said that he had been notified by N.S.S.3.D. 1;�at �hero will be a subcomtaittee meeting prior to the hearing � :''� ��. C ' � ' � � ' ' REGU�.A�R COUNCTL MEETING OF DECEI�3ER 2, 1968 PAGE 15 an December 5, 1968 at 2:00 P.M. He said that this meeting was requested by N.S.S.S.D. He commented that he felt that this Minneapolis watexworks expansion proposal would be detri- mental to�the City of Fridley. Mr. Gibbs said that Minneapolis only notified the Metropolitan Council of this, and this is th e reason for the drafting of the resolution. It is a procedural step to assure the City of Fridley of a chance to be heard. MQTION by Councilman Harris to direct the Administration to ' aPpear, and require attendance at any meetings pertaining to the Minneapolis waterworks expansion at the Metropolitan Council. Seconded by Councilinan Samuelson. Upon a voice � vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried una�nimously , ' � r � RESOLUTION #192-1968 - A RESOLUTION REGARDING A RE4UEST FOR Ali APPEARANCE BEFORE THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #�192-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the moti�n carried unanimously. Mayor Kirkham commented that as many of the Council as could possibly attend should go. Councilman Harris said that he planned to go to both the subco�r-��ttee meeting on December Sth and the hearing on December 19, 1�68. � MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to designate Councilman Harris as Fridley's,representative,at both the meeting of December Sth � and December 19th to be helc� at 2:00 P.M. at the Capitol Square � Buildir►g in St. Paul. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham decla�� the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: -.-..,___._r.. � MOTION by Councilman Harris to authorize payment of General Claiws #16625 through #16805 and Liquor Claims #�2750 ti�rouqh ##2815. Seconded by Councilman Samouelson. Upon a voice vote, � a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the nwtfon carried ur�animously . ' r 0 �. C CIL ETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1968 PAGE 16 � itEGULA.R OUN 1�iE ' LTCENSES; �� MOTZON by Councilman Liebl to approve the follawing licenses: APPRQVED BY ' GA,3 SERVICES Aavde �lbg. & Htg. Inc. � ' 2222 Edgewood Avenue $t, Lau�.� Park, Minnesota By; Berton Hovde NEW Htg. Insp. , GENERAL CONTRACTOR Amber Conatruction , 5941 Benjamin St. N. E. . Id�.nneapolis, Minnesota By: Norman Dalberg NEW Bldg. Iasp . Hirsh Brothers, Inc. - � 3954 Woaddale Ave. St, Louis Park, Minnesota By: Philip Hirsh NEW Bldg. Insp. , St�aud Coastruction Co. 9Q01 BloomingCoa Freeway � $loomi.ngton, Minnesota By: Stephen Rowland RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. PI«ASTERING $risson Stucco & Plaster . � 1 Q7 Ul Morgan Ave . S. �loamingknn, Minnesota By; Edward .�risson NEW Bldg. Insp. ' GENERAL CONTRACTOR Jamison Bros . Inc . . � 8k27 Center Drive N. E. Spxing Lake Park, Minnesota By: Duane B. Jamison RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. , , �n�TIPLE DWELLING LICENSES September 1, 1968 to September 1, 1969 � , qi,,��� ADDRESS UNITS FEE _,________„_,,, Mjrro� Dudynaki � �9$p - 2nd Street N.E. �'rid�ey� Minnesota 5980 - 2nd Street N.E. 4 $10.00 ' . � e , , , ' �� I � � ' ' �+G�� GQUNCII, M�ETTNG 4F DECEMBER 2, 196$ (LT���1'��S CUN'T'TNUEDj CHR�STk�AS TRE� BY Tar$�t Stores ' Donald E. Newcomb 75S 53rd Avenu�e N.E. �'r�.d],+�y� Minnesota �x����y Dairy Queen Mr. Ernest Fitch 28Q Mississ�.ppi gtxeet 1121 Oak Lane F�'�����', Minnesota Circle Pines, Minnesota I.enny Cochxan Leonard Cochran b�37 G entral Ave. N.E. Fr�,dley, Minnesota ' CI�TTE , �exvomat�on 1�ain Cities, Inc. 4301 - f8th Avenue North Minn�a oli� F , Minn. SS429 R. E. Norman New , New PAGE ]. 7 APPROVED BY Fire Depart�ent Fire Department New Fire Department (See memo dated Nov. 27, 1968) New Po�ice Depdrtment � T� MOTION for approval of licenses was seconded by Councilnnan , Samu��.son. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham c�eClared the motion carried unanimously. , E�STIMATES• . .�...�. Subwrban Engineering, Inc. I �87�5 Hi.ghway #65 N.E. Fr�dley, Minnesota 55432 � ' � ' ' � ' Partial Estimate #4 for Staking and Inspection. Street Improvement Project: St. 1968-1B $3,257.30 St. 1968-2B $1�,�01.18 $4, 758.48 • MQ'�ION by Councilman Harris to approve payment of estimate. S�conded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�Iayor Kirkham declared ttie motion carried unanimously. ' S TION OF TRAILER PEtik'�IIT RFQUBST (DARREL DpBSON) D �41tANDUM FRQM SANITARZADT: �'h� Ci,ty Sngineei said that he had requested the appYicant to ,be p�asent at the Council Meeting. He called the attentfon of � �i,�i('„UT�R COpNC�L MN:ET�NG QF DECEI�ER 2, 1968 PAGB 18 �,h� GQ�n��.�. to the memorandum �rom Mr. McPhee, Sanitariar�, ��,��� ��y��� 29, 1968 which states that there were aome eorppla�n�s on this property. iie said that Mr. & Mrs. Dobson p�.a� �o bui,ld a house on the site and the trailer will be X�y4d upor� completion of the house. �, pQ�a�or�, 7640 Lakeside Road, said that it would take abou� a �r�a� �,Q �ui,ld his house. Councilman Harris asked Mr. Dobson �,� h� �on�urred with the Council that the permit will not be ea��ended over one year. Mr. Dobson said that he would try. '�2�� City Engineer added that they have agreed to connect to wa�,� �tnd s�wer and remove the outdoor toilet. Councilm�an H�r�,s as'ked if they were the fee awners . Mr . Dobson sai�d that h,� �„��s a�d ttiat he awned almost an acre, and that his deed is ��,].ed in the Reqist� of Deeds office. He said that he would k��ve �onnected to water and sewer before, but he was told by fi�e public Works Department that he would need a trailer permit � j.x' i3't , ��pN �,ay Co�cilman Lieb1 to grant the request for a trailer �as,�mi� �ox one year to Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Dobson. Seconded by Counci].man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor ICi„�7ch�n declared the motion carried unanimously. �,ON TDER�ATION OF TRAIL$R PERMIT RE4UEST: (AtIDR�W VB�RES) Mr. Andre�w Veres. 5608 4th Street N.E. said that he had just sol� 1'�is trailer and it should be moved within a� week, so he would withdraw his request. 1�OTION by Councilman Samuelson to table this request for a �rail.er permit by Andrew Veres. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. TJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mc,�i on caa�r �.ed unanimously . �4T • � � • • �.� • - � : ; :r�� c�; � • ��� � � �,� City gngineer said that he received the information from �� �p��rac�or late, so it could not appear in the Agenda. He ���,d t�,a� there is still about $4000 for remodeling of �the lower ��3ye7� r�f the Civic Center, this Change Order amounts to $2,680. H� ���d �hat it was for the improvement of tlze Employees lunch- �apm, the cornpletion of th e hallway, with the exception of the ���,n��,ng wh ich will be done by a subcontractor, and the im- p7�QV�n� of the Civil. Defense room as a].ounge area for the �ema�,e �mployees as is required by Sotate law. i ' C� , LJ u , , , � ' ' , � � r ' , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1968 PAGB 19 I�QTIGIN by Councilman Harris to approve Change Order #2 for genearal work for remodeling in the lower level of the Civic Center, Kar1 Dedolph Construction Company, in the amount of $2,680.00 Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, �11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CO�ICATIONS• A. �INNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMEN'r. 69TH AV �JE CROSSOVER AT T.H. #47 The City Engineer said that the City has requested the State repeatedly to pay all the cost of revamping the crossover of 69th Avenue on T.H. #47 within the State right of way. After repeated requests and meetings, the State has agreed to bear the cost of the crossover and storm sewer within the north and south bound traffic lanes, which would be about $10,004. The cost of the improvem�ent at 69th Avenue is about $20,000, so they w ould pay about one half according to �th9 letter received. He said that if this meets witlz the Coul3Cil'� approval, they could authorize the Administration to draw up an agreement with the State for cost participation. Councilman Harris commented that he and the City Engineer hac9 requested that the State Engineers come out and look at the site in person. When they did so, they seemed to agree that the pro- posal looks different on the site tta.an it does on paper. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the letter frona the State Highway Department, C.B. Burrill, District Engineer dat�d November 22, 1968 and concur �rit.h the cost participation as presented in the letter. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham decl�;red the motian ca�rri.ed unanimously . The City Sngineer asked the Council about the need of holding an informal informational public hearing for the people living on or near 69th Avenue so they would knaw wliat was being con- templated far that intersection. The City Snqineer pointed out that the legal department moves very slo�wly, so this could be done sometime in the future if the Council wishes. � � Y�� � � � � J � � i� - : �r i--1 • ' �� • � � MA�ION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication from � the �ii.nneapolis Gas Company dated November 22, 1968 commending tk�e Gi.ty on tileir accomplishments in the field of industrial REGULA�R COUNCIL MEETTNG OF DECEMBER 2, 1968 PAGE 20 development, Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, M,ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Gouz�ciln�an Harris requested the Administration to make copies of all the congratulatory letters pertaining to the Industrial Tour and forward them to the Industrial Com�r►ission members. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the December, 1968 i�su� of MINNESOTA PROGRESS, A Digest of Industrial and Tourism Activity in Minnesota, in which there is an article on the 12th �Ax�nnual Industrial Clinic conducted at the T2iunderbird Moter Hotel in Bloomington on October 16 and 17, 1968. With the Srticle there is a picture of Governor LeVander and Council- man Harris with the follawing caption: "Governor Harold LeVander presents a plaque to the citizens of Fridley for their ef�orts in promoting industrial development in their community. A,CCepting for h is City is David Harris, Chairman of the Fridley �ndustrial Commission. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a �� voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carxied unanimously. C. POLICB DBPARTMENT• COMMBND�►TION. OP'FICSR PAR4U$TT$ M�)T�ON by Councilman Harris to receive the comaaendation of Patrolman Robert Parquette from the Chief of Police and concur v�ith the reconmaendation of the City Manager and direct that a Certifi.cate of Achievement be prepared. Seconded by Cauncil- man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carriec'i unanimously. �T38NHf�iffit S4 �s i�xor Kirkham comznented that there is a tree in i�isenhower Square and wondered to light it for the Holiday season. He to �ook into the poasibilities. V�,,,�,5?T .O 3 : C1�RL PAULSO beautiful evergreen if it would be possible asked the City Snqineer Mr� Ca,r1 paulson said that he wished to ask what the status vaas q� the proposed 61st Avenue and University Avenue inter- aection pattern. He said that there seems to be no work done on t'k�,is and wondered if it was a dead issue. Mayor Kirkham assured 'h,im that it waa not a dead issue, that negotiations are still utnder way. 'k>ut it takes a great deal of time and nwney, He f • � i ' 6 � ",-;1 � ' : �� ' ' � ' , ' �� e � ' , , � � , ' ' � � � REGUL�AR, COUNCIL MEE�TNG OF DECEi�3ER 2, 1968 PAGE 21 a�8,�aa.ned that the loopbacks proposed would be similar to those �� Mi,���,ssippi Street and University Avenue. Councilman Liebl ��.ained �hat there is also the problem of access to Moon P�.aza tra be considered and the problem with the church on this eorner. When the church was built, they could not foresee that Ui�iversity Avenue would become a four land highway. Mr. Paulson asked what was holding up the proceedinqs. ,�yor ' Kirki�am told him money and the fact that people do not want to give up their land. , �'. Ronald McLairtSadded that last April he was involved in an �accident at this intersection. He said that a motorcycle was coming trom the north on the service drive and made a left hand ' �uxn right into his car. The two young people were thrown off t�ieir motorcycle and Mr. McLain's son's leg was broken. ' ,A,,,�,TDR�W VERES - �. A,ndrew Veres, 5608 4th Street N.E., said that he would like � to t�ke� this opportunity to thank the Police Departn►ent for ht��ping him about two years ago. He said �t2�at he placed a ca�.l �a tlze Fire Department for emergency oxygen and almost im�aedi- , a��,e�.y a Police car was there to give him the oxyqen he so badly z���ded. He said that their speedy answer to his call prabably ��ved him many months in the hospital. � Ma�ro� Kirkham told Mr . Veres that t.he Cit has th Legio� to thank for the emer en Y e�=ican ' 9 �Y oxygen that is carried in the Police ca�s as they donated this equipm�tt. t_, � LJ L _J � •r �1� :� �h�re ]aeing no further business, i�ayor Kirkham declared the ���1ar Council Meetinq of December 2, 1968 adjourned at ��i�� FwM• �espa��fully submitted, �;�'�%�l %%'%�Cc.'E/ +?u�� �i�rcer S�cr�tary to the Council a Jack O. Kirkham Mayor , � � ' ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' � ' ORDINANCE N0. - AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION.1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SECTION 2. The tract or area wirhin the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: a) All that part of the South 1/2 of Section 2, that lies between the West right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway Number 47, and a line drawn parallel to and 452 feet West of said West right-of-way line. b) All that part of the North 1/2 of Section 11 that lies North of Osborne Road and between the West right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway Number 47 and a line parallel to and 452 feet West of said West right-of-way line. All lying in T-30, R-24, City of Fridley County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as C-2-S (General Shopping Area). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area from zoned district M-2 (Heavy Industrial Area) to C-2�S (General Shopping Area). PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF 1968. ATTEST: ayor - ac 0, ir am ' K - arvin . Brunsell ' Public Hearing: December 9, 1968 First Reading: Second Reading: , Publish....... � � ' ' �� +� � }E. � • .� � r4 • 4 �,.- � !�'.'7'; ' ��]_ /,�•• w �1' •��• � r ' ••' r . �, ••• 1 �-� �.�- ••�•-•1 •���• ••�� •• ,� ;���:: .'l. � '••• •• .7 7 O•� N _ 1� +L.� � 3 , � 4 �' � � i" � �� � � �� �� � • Y' .�.►r �f JU � `�' �'�.� - ��� . ��� 12 lob�rt � _ �..�.. �a T � 1) ♦li tbaL Nst of d» � wri�vr000 ��NE ot 1� o! Sec. 11 lTla� 11. : � oi O�osau �d. i Mt. s. 3 Actr � ' � 1� p+tsallsl to 6 2pp' N. 2! Zoned Ras�d�nfia3 �re�� ' , 2) Al1 tbat part o! Sii� of SR� � of Sec. 2 lyi�. b�t. the prue�� W.'1/H of T.H. �i7 bc a lia� ' SEOAL.E Ros PirjlAl_el to 6 452� p. oi said I� �• �/w ��• \ 3) Eaet 3 Acres. � - T79TH AVENUE Rezone fr0� M-2 (h�lV�► ind. � � to co�ercial (C-2S). � I Zoned kidustriol toned I RtsMsntal u �� i W �'� ;l1�;;,,�- • (:ITY -K ' tc OSBGIRI�I'E i CH' }°' -` � I . D ', r 12 � ', � p T� .. N�' S 1'� � F E UNITY , T - " � " z° HDSPITAL � , -p ` � 3. � �,Q � i 4 `Tl '` S_ � 1) N 11 �f � �Jr � " V /� 1! � '. 1� + i -�- zi j 8 f ib 9 s ' � Y v �� „ ,S ,� � 1, � ,w � �TM AV . N.E. Q- y� v �� '' � r i-��''� �� � a.� '~�.; .f� �9 � 3� �.�� �. � a � � - i -� - �� �s it � --s-��- �, r� .�a �e 1, �� �ti�s\ � ?, � �fa7� \` _\:" ; � r° � ���' . / _ z � , , J � � ,` � � � �� ;�, zr � 1.� � � S. '� �� .1 s?\: �i-�`. •� �� 1��- t� y�� ir l , ..\ 2 1 � � ?� . B � le \ e � ! ,r i jo , � � ' �9, ° (�� � 2 � �, y % � iB re , � , �,r ' 17 � t''_ „" R� d c. s ,� r � �: b � ' 'B v r �� !► > �'� Y � . �� ' , _ ` . � . r i • ��' • A - --/r R IJi 1 � 3• � ' � � � � ' 4. ' � ' ' HU�LDING ST,NDA,RDS-DF�IGN CONTROL MEFTING NOVD�i9gt 13, 1968 24 P�CB 2 �_ Mr. I,�s Chiae wsa gresent to pre��nt hie proposal. � MOTIOIP by �onco �o continue thie requeat to the Nov�b�r 27, �968� �ting to sllow the app],icant to re�ubmit a plot pla,�t ehow any addltiane, d.�iveway arld landeca 1 � location of buildi.ag� �4500.Op coc►ple��,on bond. P 1'�6� bae4 plan and the poeting of a The City �ineer ie requseted to prov�.de a�roposed etre�� layout in the ge�sxal area which i,n�luded propoeed buildir� eite. Secoxided by Ha,ugQ. IIpon a�roice vote, ther4 bsing no naye, the motioan �rried unax�imous 1y . Mr. Keith Holve.netot, of Erickson Petroleum and Mr. James Woodington of Pink- Otter Slides, I.nc., was preeent to preaent the proposal. MOTION by Hauge to approve the requeet provided; 1. South side of framework be provided with lattice type eareening. 2. Additio.nal windloading, due to acreening, be checked by the applicant'e Engineer. Seoonded by Tonco. IIpon a voice vote, there being no .naye� the motion carried ur�animouely. �j. CONSIDF�tATTON OF 0 TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO T N.Fy'__ THF! RANT� AL�T7�Tl� rnma MOTION by To.nco to approve the requeet ae propoaed provided the concrete blook be painted to match the existing building. 8ecoz�ded by Hauge. IIpon a voice vote, there being n� nsye, the motion ca,rried umsn�mouely. � � � � • i�� The IDeeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. R�eyeatful�y 8ubmitted, CLARENCE BPLISLE -- 8uildi.ng Ina�ector i f , �ti 'w , Date: December 16, 1968 MEMO FROM: City Manager Finance Director MEMO T0: City Council. The workman's compensation insurance bids were reviewed by Finance Director and City Manager and were opened at 11:20 A.M. The bids were reviewed by Mr. Lee Douglas, Insurance Consultant and it was suggested that the bid be awarded to Agriculture Insurance Group for the calendar year 1969. See review statement attached hereto. The Insurance Company bid was included in the listings although their bid was not received in the City Hall until after 11:00 A.M., time set for official bid opening. A City Attorney's opinion on considera- tion of this bid would have been necessary had this firm been low bidder. Delay was due to extra heavy mail during the holiday season. It is recommer.ded that the bid be awarded to the Agriculture Insurance Company, with a bid which will produce a final premium of: 30 percent loss ratio $14r,069.00 40 percent loss ratio 14,45�`.00 50 percent loss ratio 14,843.00 � �,,..�-., �: ��- Homer R. Ankrum CITY MANAGER _ ar�;�. � ( Ma vin Brunsell FINANCE DIRECTOR � <., December 16, 1968 Mayor and Councilman City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Gentlemen: Based upon the following facts I suggest awarding the City of Fridley's Workmen's Compensation Insurance to one Agricultural Insurance Group. l. The City of Fridley has had the following loss ratios on their Workmen's Compensation. These are the percentages of total paid and reserved claims incurred to earned premium. They have been 1-1-65-66 .26 0 1-1-66-67 .73� 1-1-67-68 .26% I.-1-68 - 9 Months .36 0 average 400 loss ratio. On the basis of either a 30-40-50% loss ratio the Agricultural Insurance Company offers the best dividend plan based upon losses. This will produce a final premium of: 30% loss ratio � $14,069 40% loss ratio $14,456 50% loss ratio $14,843 2. If the loss ratio should exceed 55% for the year of 1-1-69-70 then the "guaranteed" discount premium of the Mutual Creamery $15,604 would be the most advantageous for any loss ratio of 55% and over. � � Mayor and Councilman City of Fridley December 16, 1968 Page 2 0 3. A retrospective plan such as proposed by Western Casualty - (because a penalty can be imposed over one standard premium) is illegal and can not be carried per the attorney general's office . . Very truly yours, G Leland C. Douglas� Insurance Consultant LCD:sh ' � � � , 0 Q O � x w � ot V W U � i � � ' i I i �I � � � � I , - i l � 1 ' " ` � I I �/ i � � `"^'.l ___ � r._ .� � ------ --_--_ ON EL.902.t7• ��- � IOC. SEIMER 1�1 � ��CREEK ROAD �_,_ __^63 RD AV`ENUE NE � /" 138' - j''�o�.a' 88 50� o�, — C' S'_ :�' H� �`. ��- '',°� ��N. LINF LOT 10 � ;Mw LOT 0 M 1 I � �-----��— �' �` �„�..,.�. �,�� 03.2' . � �...�� �.,�� ..�_,,, ��� � � 0 • .� � ; i �'� � � I ► . R. ' ! ' i � � �' i v � 0F SE t/4 � � � ! I �30, R24. � rl . ^ �� `° - . tr � � - - N; j o � � � �� � �. a �09.�'26� os a - h' Q W - �� � _�,� � ^ � ^ 2 � � O p J� ��%'_�i''�� __� �Oc.6' �2 , J � N a� � ro���_� � � � "''�, W n° p►� I M;ac°'. ���" O p 2/�;� O ; o m � %% v 1p �, ��< z .?. '0.5, ' MO� �yW ti .v p N /��, � M ii,�,���i;. ~N � i09�1�!�%� -/� M �iZ%`:. J N � I 1%� F_ .;�.. _ � N t �J �/t� N p�ii � i!" ' �� .i S;/ `C,�. 53 �--� _.�oN� u';��-, .� , ,� ' �� !-�_ 5 �0 a L � / W �� Iq . 4.!_ 7.p �od16' �/�v�5� , . , i -�� � � ._._�_ / %J ' � i• � 26 5', J�°� �- `-` --�_ li\�, � � �� � � . , _ _.. _ � - i B.5 J i .� ; � � � .� � N� � J � _ ��' � � i � j � ' � � I � �� 14' /�� ; , � � ,,, \L l /� aa I } � .1 � �, � N GAR.�N / � v � ! ��/� �O \ � � 2 4' � ia.s' �� �� � ...__ _.. \ � 3 8 . --- - - v'``- -. 8 8. s o' .. _..� " � G. � `9�; �------� �i ; *� �- - . _ —_- - p°� ,a�a� I _ _���I . � � i . � ► . �, . 10 � � , r - �� . ,� ; :, . � , , � � �� - o ,_ � 0 , J 0�.3 D�NOTL� S ELEV. 909.3 " . W -� � J W . � . . i °.' � � , � � � ' ' ' r� � , � r �� � ' ' � � RESOLUTION N0. 193-1968 A ����°����� ������� ������� � . S � S�ECI�°ICATIONS t�idD ES� ���� �� °. � �pS�S ��0� a � E� �ROi1�AIT PROJEC�' ST� 1969-1 BE IT RESOL�'ED� �y gl�� �oun��,l og the Cit� of �'ridYey as follows ; 1• That it appears in the interest of the City and of the property o�eers affected that there be constructed cert�in i�np�w���i����� ��m�,f�; Street improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, water and sanitary sewer services, and other facilities located as follows: • Petition No, Ri�rexview Terr�ceo iKississipgi place to PSis�issippi Way ���'���'§s�'�Pi ���'° ���t Ri��r Itoad to Riverview Texrace ���� ���r� ��� ���� �� 5�t �� � Cr ek io Min . Transfer Ryo tracic East Serv. Rd. of East River�Rd.�f Starting�frome1,000 ft. South of So. leg of I�694 interchange Northeast to railroad right of way Seventh Street: MississippirStreet"tor68theAvenue Land Survey) 66th Avenue: University Serv. Rd. East to cul de sac 68th Avenue: Rice Creek Terrace to Washington Street Alden Way: 62nd Way to 200 feet North Jefferson St.: 67th Avenue to 680 feet North Washington St.: 67th Avenue to 500 feet North to 68th Ave. Seventh Street: 68th Avenue to 480 feet North Fourth Street: 67th Avenue to Rice Creek Terrace Rice Creek Terr.;Hwy, ��47 Service Rd, to 68th Avenue Hwy. ��47 East Service Rd.: Rice Creek Terrace to 300 feet South 62nd Way; Riverview Terrace to East River Road Third Street: 49th Avenue to 53rd Avenue #27-1968 �25-1968 �25-1968 #25-1968 #32-1968 �34-1968 2. That the City Engineer, Nasim M. Qureshi, City Hall, Fridley, Minn. is hereby authorfzed and directed to draw the preliminary plans and specifica- tions and to tabulate the results of his estimates of the costs of said improvem�nts, including every item of cost from inception to completion and all fees and expenses incurreii (or to be incurred) in connection there- with, or the financir� thereof, and to make a preliminary report of his findings, stating therein whether said improvements are feasible and whether they can best be made as proposed, or in connection with some other improve- ments (and the estimated c�st as reco�ended), including also a description of the lands or area as may receive benefits therefrom and as may be proposed to be assessed. 3. That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and address of the owner of each parcel of land directly affected or within the area of lands as may be proposed to be assessed for said improvements (and each of them); and upon receipt from said Engineers of the said preliminary report, calcu- late estimates of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto against each of said lands. a Resolution No. 193-1968 St. 1969-1 4• That said preliminary report of the Engineers and estimates of assessments of the Clerk, shall be furnished to the Council, and made available for inspection to the owner of any parcel of land as may be affected thereby at any public hearing held relative thereto, as well as at any prior time reasonable and convenient. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 9TH �py OF DECII�ER 1968. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham :� �� � ' � �� ' r �_ J ' , � r � � � ' r ' ' � RESOLUTION N0. 194-1968 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ; STREET II�ROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1969-1 WHEREAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected there- by. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as fol- lows: 1. That the preliminary report submitted by Nasim M. Qureshi _ Citv En�ineer is hereby received and accepted. 2. That this Council will meet on the 13th day of January 1969 at 8:�0 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall in the City of Fridley � for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference, Exhibit "A". 3. That the area proposed to �a assessed for said improvements and each of them as noted in said notice are all the lands and areas as noted in said notice: All of the same to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits :�ceived. 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the official newspaper of the City of_ Fridle� a.ccording to law, such notice to be substantially in the form and substance of the notice attached here- to aS EXhlblt ��A��. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 9TH DAY OF D��ER , 1968. ' � ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Bxunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham 2�� ., � ' , ' ' ' ' � .. � , , ' � , I � ' ' ' OFF'ICIAL PUBLICATION CITY OF F1'sIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HFARIr'G ON IMPROVII�fENTS STitEET Il�ROVEMENT PROJECT ST, 1969-1 WHEREAS, the City C�uncil of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. NOW, THEREFORE, 1�'OTICE IS HE£EBY GIVEN THAT on the 13th day of Januarv, 1969 at 8:30 o'clock P.M., the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time, and place, hear all part3.es interested in said improvemeiits in whole ox in part. The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the follo��ing improvements, to-wit: coNS�ucTZO�v z�EM Street improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, water and sanitary sewer services and other facilities located as follows: �� Riverview Terrace: Mississippi Place to Mississippi Way Mississippi Way: East River Road to Riverview Terrace (South of Fridley Park) West Service Rd. T.H. #65: Rice Creek to Minnesota Transfer Railway track right of way North line East Service Rd. of East River Road: Starting from 1,000 Feet South of South leg of Interstate ��694 Interchange Northeast to Railroad right of way. (Tract "J" proposed registered land survey) Seventh Street: Mississippi Street to 68th Avenue 66th Avenue: University Service Road East to cul de sac 68th Avenue: Rice Creek Terrace to Washington Street Alden Way: 62nd Way to 200 feet North Jefferson St.: 67th Avenue to 680 feet North Washington St.: 67th Avenue to 500 feet North to 68th Avenue Seventh Street: 68th Avenue to 480 feet North Fourth Street: 67th Ayenue to Rice Creek Terrace Rice Creek Terrace: Hwy. �47 Service Road to 68th' Avenue Hwy. �47 East Service Road: Rice Creek Terrace to 300 feet South 62nd Way: Rivea-�-�ew Terrace to East River Road Third Street: 49th Avenue to 53rd Avenue ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 280, 979 .18 THAT THE AR�.A PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSE,. FOR SAID II�ROVEMENT IS AS FOLLOWS: , � �� , ' I , I ' c)1 Exhibit 1°A" St. 1969-1 For Construction Item as above _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvements. That the Council proposes to proceed with each of said improvements as separate improvements, except as hereafter otherwise provided by Council all under the following authority, to-wit: Minnesota Laws 1953, Chapter 398 and law amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the Char�ter. LIATED THIS 9TH D�Ay OF DECII�ER , 1968 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL, MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham Attest: CITY CLERK - Mazyin C. Brunsell Publish: December 26, 1968 January 2, 1969 � � ' � � ' L� ' ' ' �1 , �� ' ' , �� ' ' RESOLUTION N0. 195-1968 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THII3EOF; STpgM SEWSR pSOJBCT N0. 80 BE IT RESOLVID, by the Council of tYie City of Fridley as follows: 1. That it appears i.n the interest of the City and of the property owners affected that there be constructed certain improvements, to-wit: Storm sewer and appurtenaaces in and serving the area bounded by� T.H. �47 on the West; T.H. #65 on the Bast; 61et Avenue and � West Moore Lake Drive on the South; Rice Creek on the North pursuant to M.S.A. Sections 429.011 to 429.111. 2. That Comstock and Davis, Incorporated,.Consulting Engineers are . hereby authorized and directed to draw the preliminary plans.and specifications and to tabulate the results of his estimates of the costs of said improvements, including every item of cost from inception to completion and all fees a,nd expenses incurred (or to be incurred) in connection therewith, or the financing thereof, and to make a preliminary repp�t of hie f�nd�.n�s, ��ati�g the�e�.n whether eaid improvemente are fea�ible and whethQr they �an beat be made ae pxaposed, or in oonneetiQn with soune other improv�menta (and the eetimated cost as reaommendpd), i..n.�luding also a dasaxi.ptian of the lands or axea as may receive benefits there�om �nd as ya�y �e � propoeed to be assessed. . 3• That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and addreea of the owner of each pascel of land directly affected or within the�axea of lands as may be propoaed to be asaessed for said improvements (and each of them); and upon receipt f�om said Ehgineera of the eaid preliminaxy report, calculate estimates of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto ag�a,inst each of said lands. 4. That said preliminaxy report�of the Engineers and estimates of assessments of the Clerk, shall be furnished to the•Council, and made available for inspection to the owner of ar�y parcel of la�nd as may be affected thereby at any public_hearing held relative thereto, as well as at ar�y prior time reasonable and convenient. ADOPTID BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 9T8 DAY OF �Cffi�BR � , �968. ATTEST : u �:. ,._ . _.. . MAYOR = Jack 0. Kirkha,m � ' ' , , � I�' � �� ' � RESOLUTION N0. 196-1968 � A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REpORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS; STORM SEWER.PRp.TE�T N0. 80 WHEREAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected there- by . . BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as fol- lows; 1• That the preliminary report submitted by �tock & Davis Inc _ �ons+�ri�o A:.�ineers is hereby received and accepted._ 2. That this Council will meet on the 13` day of Januarv. 1969 at 8;00 o'clock P.M, at the City Iiall in the City of Fridley � for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference, Exhibit "A". 3• That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them as noted in said notice are all the lands and areas as.noted in said notice: All of the same to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received. 4• That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley according to law, �uch notice to be substantially in the fonn and substance of the notice attached here- , to as Exhibit "A". ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI� CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 9TH DAY OF DECEI�ER , 1968. 0 ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Mazyin C. Brunsell 0 MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham �� � . � ' 1 ' ' � L� � � � ' � �� � � � ' � OFFICIAL PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON II�ROVF.�lENTS . STORM. SEWER PROJECT_ �IO. 80 �E�►S, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, 1Kinnesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. NOT�1, THEREFORE, I�ADTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN THAT oa the 13th day of Januarv, 1969, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., the City Council will at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time, and place, hear all partiea interested in said improvements in whole or ia part. The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: COl�15TRUCTION ITEM Storm sewer and appurtenances in and serving the area bounded by T.H. ;�47 on the West: T:H. �65 on the East: 61st Avenue and West Moore Lake.Drive on South: Rice Creek on the North BSTIMAI'ED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 236,121.60 THAT THE ARF�A PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID II�ROVEMENT IS AS FOLLOWS: For Cona truction Item above _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ All of the land abutting upon said atreets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of aaid land to be assessed proportionately accoi�tiing to the benefita received by such improvementa. 34 Zfiat the Council proposes to proceed with each of aaid improvements as •eparate improvements, except as hereafter otherwise provided by Council all under the following authority, to-wit; Mfaneeota Laws 1953, Chapter 398 aad law amendatory thereof, and_in coaformity with the Chazter. DATED THIS 9T'H DAY OF �ECffi�ER , , 196s oxn� oF � ci�r couNCn. Attest: . �1YOR - Jack 0. Rirkham CI1Y CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell Publiah: � , �' � ' � � ' � \ � r � , � RESOLU7'ION N0. 197-1968 A RESOLUTION ORDEftING PREI,IMINI�RY PLANS, SPECIF�CATIONS, AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THIItEOF: WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER PROJECT N0. 90 ADDENDUM ��l BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ci�y of �'ridley as follows: 1. That it appears in the i.nterest of the City and of the property owners affected that there be constructed certaix� improvements, to-wit: Water lateral, water and.sewer services and appurtenances serving properties loc8ted on 66th Avenue: From University Ave. East to the cul de sac 2. That Comstock and Davis, Incorporated, Consulting 8ngineera are hereby authorized and direct�d to draw the preliminary plans and specifications and to tabulate the results of his estimates of the costs of said improvements, including every item of cost from inception to completion and all fees and expenses incurred (or to be incurred� in connection therewith, or the financing thereof, and to make a preliminary report of his findings, stating therein whether said improvements are�feasible and whether they can best be ma.de as proposed, or in connection with some other improvements (an�i the estimated cost as recommended),including also a description of the. lands or area as may receive benefits therefrom and as may be proposed to be assessed. . 3. That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and address of the owner of each parcel of.land directly affected or within the axea of lands as may be proposed to.be assessed for said improvements� (and each of them�; and upon receipt from said Engineers of the said preliminary report, calculate estimates of asses�ments as may be proposed relative thereto against each of said lands. � � 4. That said preliminary report of the F�gineers and estima.tes of assessments of the Clerk, shall be furnished to the Council, and made available for inspection to the owner of ar�y parcel of land as may � . be affected thereby at any public heaxing held relative thereto, as well as at ar�y prior time reasonable and convenient. � �J �I �_� ADOPTID BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 9TH DAY OF DECF.I�ER ATTEST: Y �:. u_ . : . , �96s. MAYOR = Jack 0. Kirkha.m 3� � L, I � � � � ' L� ' � � � � � � � � rs RESOLUTION N0. 198-1968 � RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTTON OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS; WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER PROJECT N0. 90, ADDENDUM �1 WHEREAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected there- by. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of.the City of Fridley, as fol- lows: 1. That the preliminary report submitted by Comstock � Davis. Inc. �ons_ �?* _.in�.,�nQineers is hereby received and accepted. 2. That this Council will meet on the 13th day of __ Jaauary 1969 at 8;00 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall in the City of Fridley � for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice_attached-hereto and made a part� thereo� by reference, Exhibit "A". 3. That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them as noted in said notice are all the lands and areas as noted in said notice: All of the same to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received. 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley according to law, such notice to be . substantially in the form and substance of the notice attached here- to as Exhibit "A". � ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 9TH DAY OF DECII�ER , 1968. 0 r { ATTEST: � ; CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell �� MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham r: ��� ' � � � � OFFICIAL PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEX (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT N0. 90 - ADDENDUM #1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE 3S HEREBy GIVEN THAT on the 13th day of ' �anuarv. 1969 , at 8:00 o'clock P.M., the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time, and place, hear all parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. � � � � 0 The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: COTISTRUCTION ITEM Water lateral, water and �e�wer services and appurtensnces serving properties located on 66th Avenue: From University Avenue EaBt to the cul de sac 0 ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 26.800.00 THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID II�ROVEMENT � IS AS FOLLOWS: � For ConstYVCtion Item above _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ All of the land abutting upon ssid�streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed-:proportionately according to the benefits received by.such improvements.� . That the Council proposes to proceed with each of said improvements as separate improvements, except as hereafter otheYwise provided by Council ell under the following authority, to-wit; Minnesota Laws 1953, Chapter 398 and law amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the Charter. 37' � D�ATED THIS 9TIi DAY OF DFCEI�ER , 1968 ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. � . � . MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham Attest: � CITY CLERK - MaYVin C. Brunsell Publish: 0 w r � � � COMSTOCK & DAVIS, INC. �+N couNTV �o�� N��• MINN�A�OLIi , MINNt�OTA sssat TtL.: SUewt 4-fO�N CONSULTING ENGINEERS December 12, 1968 � Mr. Nasim Quershi, City Engineer � City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 u � , � � � Dear Mr. Quershi: In accordance with your request we have investigated the costs of providing lateral water service to 66th Avenue N.E. from University Avenue to the Cul-de-sac east of 7th Street. A sketch of the proposed line is attached hereto. The line would be connected to the existing distribution system at 67th Avenue N.E, and the esst service road on Universtiq Avenue and also to an existing stub on 7th Street and Mississippi Street. Coastruction could be in the east boulevard of the service road on University Avenue and would not necessitate street disturbance. The total estimated cost of the improvement as shawn is $26,800.00. This figure ioes not iaclude street replacement on 66th Avenue N.E. or 7th Street. On this basis the cost would be approximately $450.00 per lot plus $150.00 for service line. Should you need any additional information for your purposes we will be happy to provide it. DCO/mg Very truly yous�s, COMSTOCK � DAVIS, INC. .z � By DeWayae C. 0 , P. E. 3�; -:� `"�'� ;� -.. -_ _ - ' ..�� ..�r�," . �_ ,.�: : � ' _ � 3� ! � . f � _ . ..r�.r.� -,• . p_ ' . r..r�w.�.rr � �. � � � , �._ _--- ' � - - � -�-- _ _ . ._ .....�... -_ _:�,._. . " _ .f � _ - - ,� ���� _ T� � . _ r � � „ � � ` : . . . ' . ?^"�r 'r j!3 ��i � - ". `� • .- - � -� - � . - � 'y, - �_ . �, � � � - ,� . . . . . . .. .. . . � � # \ ' � ti �H !,� 7 ;� � . . ,. . � J � �o � � , } �_ _.. _._. �..1�'4.:... . *'� +; .�,: �u `T^�v��_ �s '�. ' ~ �r �� �; i � r; '7 l.. µ , � {� �' �V' .. - ' � . . � �. � . ' . � � .t �� � ���. ' �,'. � � _ �� .� , 4X � .. . . � " �- � �. • .� _ ' .� '�`� ��� � ' .� �R .f � + � a � q,� '~' !; ,t p� ,s' , . �.� .r_�!O .� , �� � b 9 ti � z�� H j � � __ � ' + ,. o r -.�e': '� : . f .. `a * : ,�! � J � � e•._� s•- < � 1 ' � � - , : , �£ . t . -.,.-t�c �_.� 4 �,� ,� Q �� . . � T = v ____�__ > �#� _Jrs__ �; ' •; � ,� � . ,� � . .us , �- , Q'=� � � � � � •} '' . • - � � .�� � • � r: y' ; � , L •� _ - ]�� . ..� � ' � ~ � � ` � � `� { ' � � Q '.^. � --=-• -- -- !�- _. r r_� . ��N � y � � °6 TN $ � � _._.__ - --'��--- ��" �, � �. � � " � t . � � � A� ;n � �. '� �, • . . . �+ -- ._�s!'�. ._._.i-ll-L._ .. _ • _....:.��._� � ._.N�-�. �� r, � � � � . � � � a � . # : ' . 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'� ;"� ` =�'fl �w� iV '�'1 �' �' � , y �C' � f� �' '� '. � ' w% � , � z „ w � , � �,i, � .: i,, � w�' .. { � � � � ` , � ^ � ___ „ _ � . � � � ` �oc�rzaM: LE�'.AL DBSCRIlTI�s i� �$ CITY OF FRIA�3Y, �SCTA APPLICATIOII F� SIGP PEmQ? �- � � . i9 G d� ����. �; ��.s� �� o� ��: . tT!N uader�ipud h�r�b� rk4s applicstioa foe a per�it for tM �ask hss�ie •*sciiid, tareeins to do all �a�ck io �trict accord�ace vith tb� Cit� Orilnanch �ssd suling� ot t!r DaNstrnt oi �uildisgs, and bereb� daalarew tlut all tlr fact� aad rt��at�tiaw stat�d i�a thia applicae±an ar� trw and cacr�ct. � iaiI�fi �sll!ZCATI� 0� la0P8RT7 s � O�R! C? � rrr�c a eo�+ n��: � = � r�sa a� �.o�c._______� �sa r� � n�rr�t.u►rta ro s�cn� ar ro ss ca�r,ss� a� — sa�tn�►rsn oorr a am� 3 � 3�'D °'� • � DE3�II?IQ3 C� SIaM � DMRSIC� t LL�i� �_NIDTU �� TIi�G'lQ�3 � �•. L�11'!�i s �!'��R I � SZLE o�� h LETTQIAG A�EA � D�S?A�Li �a0l: !�! L� (� ) /G'> " R00� CZOI�(ii tplon) / � �,� Q i L�_ � IP�i 6 ii�Om OZR1a %�?�S�.�r�/ or��G�-.� � II�.AQMAZm t s/�� lLASpI�G : �?-z�� . lR�O�i�'�T OM��'s SIQ�fA17Jii t . (Iy Dt�F�tElOT� APPLICAw'�' S aT t � tI�'!i t�AlQ s �/1�.s-c. � � ai: � oa�atR �oasas !o ca�r.T �zx o�ni� ria. sis �n r Y�sa a�t tat ws � � 1V1 1, 1967� !la F!� 8EL'TICIt 56.03� PA�.2. 6 SE 56.01►� l/ll. 9-A ;� � ��OYRD 1?t �LdNRI:!IG CA�'•�Q�IQ4 �GRTSB) CZ1? C^�J1�JC�. Ci;t xu�.�a ' � C"�,'i E�I�.�°A._,�� QiCTlICA% i st.ri0. IHSe�EC�I�.9 1_J , ' � 1 [� � � � � Gift 3{ouse 921 MARQUETTE AVENUE � MINNEApOLIS, MINNESOTA 5540Z • TELI December 11, 1968 Mr. Nasim M. Qureshi City Engineer City of Fridley 6431 U�iversity Ave. N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear I�. Qureshi: Gift.House Stamps has no objections to a pylon sign � being installed at the street in front of our building at 6440 Univeraity Avenue Northeast. � � � � � � � � MIM��R ,��'g yY.'y` �,�G. ��� L� ry wed �c. -y^r. Hawever, after talking with the other te�ants of the building, it is their desire **� also have a sign on this pylon. Thus, when the permit is issued it is with the understanding that there will be three s�gns on thie one pylon. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. JL:pn CITY OF FRIDLEY 6431 YNIVERfITY AV[. N.E. �E�EIVED� bEC 12 1968 a;�� �M 7i8��,�u,ll�l�,1�2�3�4�5�6 ! - Sincerely, �-._ __ � �._ � � _ 'Giil�( `, z. J Lewman 41 � ' - i+ew 4+nwrY ,�F ---�---y --- ---- - -- ._.�,■ � : .__�._. . _� �_ - (T,rr.) � i � ( 1 � 42 l / - - --__ .-- -- ----- - � . � ,._ , _ .. ._._..�_.. --- -_._ __ _ __ 1' I i } , � , {_ � �_ r_ j j � � 1 _ ' �' ( i - - � ��_ I � . _ _% � �A� r�+� .s���� ro r�+.w�N = . I , . � � , � , � i I i , I , � ' i , ; ; � ` � � i e,u�cnN� uu*r ��►� -o �t N�N - � � - --- - - - - - � -.... -- - � --- �---- T --- � f j � I I I � � .� , . � 'E�'.�. blTuM;NoUS $uRfAUN(� 'ip r�MAtN 1 i � ��'� I j�l1, Kas ,� � '' �,r �� Q I � ' �Oi� �' � GOId . 1� � � � � r L ►., , .:. . � � I S' i ( �• S�CtrVVA� , ' , � ( I �s' 1 i.► I I P_ ��N� � � Soo _ I � �15 sEfcv� c� It oAD I v �c.s Y,�✓E N U E �!, , � E IT E N ► , � � � :� ' �. � � � COMMISSION NAME o .1� ( . m ,: CE _� � • � � ! Ru1' : � 2� _ � , � i I i i �� �' i . � ' / - - --^� :� r� � �- I � � � � � � S�A � � � � � � � ' � � i , � � , ,� �.-o �� � �� ,-.. i. / n � � � � � l � i - S � �/�_. � v . v 43 : f,_. w�+ ��; � Ir^ . - i.- f �� � c., , ��►cx � .. R�T. .� c �. :- A` -- j �,, s�v�a�•� �,r -ru�Ce�' � Pr,� I , � ��uppC R7 A4� ►V'{" F.�� � � ' � ' IrOCJ3`ICM s LEC„AL DSSCRI PTY�f t 3ZRRT ADD�:38 1RRI�.E! I�8P6Cr0�t 0� E�JII.DII�GS t CITY OP FRIA��Y, MN:�30TA APPLICAI"i0I/ F� l.ii PL�Q? 19 � � Ths uader�i�n�d h�r�b� �akaa applicstion ior a pessit ior ths �ask �r�i� �N�i=i�d. agre�ie� to do all Mosk in strict accordaaca vith t�s Cit� Ordir�ance� and saling� of the D�p�t�ent ot Suildinga� and bereb� decls�e±� tlut all t6s tact� ' aad r�fs�saoataticna •tat�d in thia appiica¢ian ar� trw and eacr�ct. � ' za�s�a c�ssir. zc��as or rQOpg�rrr ot� a� r�t�orsat'rt: rrps ar sicat: ,1� .. � , � ' � ' � , , ,' ' �_ � �— �, a2 v / �r sw� �v . vs • L�DtONiR fi) aov a��t,t,sn: ar �.a�„� �oo�_____�.n�sa o� s�.oc.______�nr� �aa� iusr�.t.+►ria� ro s�s a 3- /�r�o s8 ca�,.sr�n a � aarn�►rao oort a su� s �s� �`"�_ . � DEBCi�II"tI�3 C� SZG� � DM�SIAISt LE1�.'TB NYD�! THiQCV3as_ ��, / � LZ1Z's�3: �1!$�t `— SILE L,� �►,� ,� � DZSYA�C! ��Qls !'�O�EtiT L�R(�) � �( R00� Cm0�1D(I! �rlm)���5 ■C� Qt Z�_ �.� �_iF.�T b p� II.T.�liATEp t 1rL.J1� ; 8,,� � PRiOPSt'1'! Q1i�i' 8It�lAT'Uis t . � (Iy DI�QT) APFI.ICAM' S 8 = TIRI�t ' ' ai: . o� ,�ts�a � c:a�T �� o�ni� ;�8. 318 ArD �wltiZt�R.l�1tLT iIITH �1. !!E D� Q 1a? 1, 1967� A3 Pt� SECTI�Ii 56.03, PAR.2. b 3ECtI0t S6.Oi, PAR. 9-A i s �0�1iD 1T= �'LA�q1i CQ!?!�li�IQQ iLR1s8) C'�1"!' C^�JllC�. - -.--- CI i r M�I7.1f3L8���� C'i�T BT��.�1t .�`...—.' aiG1lICAL i 1i,i+G. Iids SCI�R9 .t•: � '��;�;' . . I� � � ♦ f •� : a� � � ... � , �� y ,� ; ;` i ; . ,. � �� � �� .r, �' �; '� �, ��' i 1' � .� 1 � �' � •� 4 ij � ,� t ; ; 1� , . 1 ' � I ' � ' . � , , �� 1 il . � ' � �� � s � � . ' 1�. _ ` � �. ' ;.. , . t ; ' �' - ( � � . ' � ( :.� I ' ., - . � � � r � � V �.: }. } - -;� [i• ♦ �• i:� i ^�' i �,�r��:�--� �ti'�= • __.----_----._--_ 45 _. �� �. ----�---.. . _ ._ — t _______;_-_-_� _�__ �, � ------ - ----- - -- -�---- _ . _ ; ; � ; � � �'�"�: �; � � �'�c� .•�. ` • ' �'. �, � �' _ �G� ; .' _ -. �-�— cn : , � C ,. �� � . Z � r , �2� 0 � �•- ���/ �-� � , . . - . ..� � x _ • . • = • ._ . . . ,� . ��- _ � - -• - - 'T ;i '- - ------- ' � � , r�, - -_'z" - Z2. � " ` t � �►, , � � � � � i �� _ � l � � ` .� � , � Q.; • �.�p; . �' . _- ---�� --- - - �- _ -+; � �j� ,\.7��.J .: � � �;7-11 �'" .;�� t� _ � _ . }• . �_ ,��� ��� � � - - - -- ;-,. �°� +'' � �,� . ; �j.:; �. , � �� , , _ , . � � � �f � !-�-�' ' ;•== - � • +- � ', 76 , � :.� , % / � r . �, , , :• �.: ;,:_ ! . - � _---. :—_- --- _,--__ . ____..__ --- �- , `� � � _� � � , , rr_ . T-�.--- , - f U: ; �! i ,. �, ,�i /� ,,' � .,._ _ �; ` � � � ���'/ '''.`� �i ` �' ,' . . ;�, ,i ,/, � , , �. ,, `: , '- ; , � ' � . �' �:;' f � ,. . ./- . , , •_-- _______� r �i�; ,- 'i. , : `; " _ � :' �� � /' / � : . ,• � _ ' ."� ,` /,. . . _ . ti' .• . ' / � l . � .i � � r .�, ' ' �' • , •"�' / :./; 1 � _ _ _. _ , � /� �� -i+ -- - .r'" i '��. ,� /: � . i_ L',�._ i�� �T ! . _ - /" ; / � �'/.. � � ; i --, � � '' �• , , ' � ; -- — . . — '' j!� •/ f •''�/•i �/ . ]E . � • . ,',, ,�, . %;, � �----�- ---' ✓� . j : ' /�/ ',• .�i i �' 1'► • ^' � �' f ., ' r / ' ` '�� �" �i' ` { � �� � _ � ' %, j / �i , / � ji�, �� �! / � �/! // /% ��/ f i' � , � � •� / �� _ j i � / / � i � . 1 . T _ � ,� .� / -i /� / , /, �, , . D� i • f .• ,' % � : �. - . �� ,,. / . . . ., � i � -- ; / % �' . / , . —_�.__. L— . _... ' . . � / - . :., , . :: � � � : .: ' !�J � � �� _ ,. , � ��: � . ; .� ,_� � �'- - y , > �, ; ; ;. � �� � . � � . � � . "i 1 : . ! ,, t �� { - �� � _ � � - - 4 �� i� ' ' , � � ;.�F, * � �� : �• • -�: � •_-� /� ( • k, (. . . ~ �., . � tl i-- �.� " � f � t �, � � ':. � � T � `' �rl Y. �T !V � � ; ': .. � �'• : � FRIDIEY II�DUSTRIAL DEVEIAPMENT COl4iISSION I�eeting Mirnitea - 3epteaber 5, 1968 Ro11 Ca11: - Membera present: Harrie Zegler Blair Samuelson Christenson Torrey Hsll Sheridan Guest Present: Bill MacKay. 1. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chair man Harris. Stotts 2. The principal item Por discusaion was the plannfng for the 2nd Annual Fridley Industrial Tour arxi Lunch at Sandee�s on October 11, 1968. 3. The Polloxing members volunteered for specific taeks �r�rsreparation for the tour: Bob Christenson - to coordinate the diaplaye of local industriee at City Hall. Bob Schroer - to obtain bus transportation. Red Torrey - to arrange for short break and full tour of nex Onan plant. Don Blair - to obtain mementos of taur to be given axay to all in attendance on trnir. Bill MacKay handled advance publicity and imritations. 4. Don Stotts announced that Chamber has no�r printed the abbreviated Fridley pranotional brochure, copies of xhich will be available for tour. 5. M/S/C. Hall/Zegler - that Industrial Comnisaion pay $].Li8.00 to Chamber aa its share of printing costs. 6. Meeting xas adjaurned at 9:3� P. M. Next �neeting i,a acheduled for October 3, 8:00 P. M., City Hall. Reapectfull, aubmitted, �A � CHARIFS R. HALL �cecuti�e Secretary cc : City Cour�cil Chamber oi Ca�erce 4� , 1 , ' � FRIDLEY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COP�lISSION Meeting Minutes - October 3, 1968. Roll Call: Members Present: Zegler, Dean, Hall, Drigans, Harris, Herrick, Schroer, Stotts, Ankrum, Samuelson, Christenson, Mittelstadt, Torrey. . 1. The meeting was called to order at 6;30 P. M. by Chairman Harris in the ' Wine Cellar at the Northstar Center where those present were the guests o� Pfinnegasco rs Area Development Department. Our hosts for cocktails and a delicious dinner were Ray Rauch and Brian 0'Leary. 2. The business meeting was brief, but thorough. The final plans were laid for the Industrial Tour of October llth. 3. Discussion was held on the upcoming 12th Annual Industrial Clinic to be held at the Thunderbird Motel, October 16 and 17. M/S.C. Stotts�Dean - that the Corr,�nission send Zegler, Hall, Harris and Herrick to the Clinic. �t. The members enjoyed a very informative presentation by Messrs. Rauch and O�Leary on Minnegasco►s Area Development Department and its services. This Commission may avail itself of Minnegasco�s services and data to assist in promoting Fridley. Likewise, any business or industry interested in Fridley can seek help through rlessrs. Rauch and 0'Leary. It was an enjoyable and informative evening, compliments of Minnegasco. 5. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p. M. Next meeting is scheduled for November 7th at 8:00 P. M., City Hall. Respec�fully submitted, , EC�> r� �-�-�'-�_____— CHAR LES R. HA LL Executive Secretary CRH:mh cc: City Council Chamber of Commerce ' . , 4'7 � . , -- , � u r---, J ' ' FRIDLEY IliDUBTRIAI, DEVELOPl�NT CO�I9SI01� l�tiva 1�Iiaut�s --, D�aetb�r 5. 1-- Roll Cal,l s I�4�b�rs Pr�s�nt: Torr�y 3tott• Drigsus Harria Hall Sahro�r au�st Pr�sont: Dusno Iwisin�� � Co�ait� R��ouu�o� Specialiat, Lit� of Coon Rapid• 1. Sh� mNting rrs� asll�d to ordsr at 8 s00 PM b� Chairsaa H�►rris. 2. Harri• introduc�d a l�ttor rrom John D. P�t�rson, Dir�ctor, Btats D�pt of Economic Dev�lopmsnt. r�qu�sting p�rois�lon to us� tho ator7 of I��ridley'a groxLh ia induetrial d�rylops�nt to asaist oth�r communitisa in ths stat�. The D�part�nt plan• a"lairly sophis�icsted brochur�M on ths I�idl�� story. Biii lYiacasy xill aeaist in pr�paring th� intor�stion for sub�ission to th� Departmant. 3• Ths D�pt o! Sc�on D�vel h�►e produc�d a!SL pro�otin� Lh� , state called Minnesots, ♦ Diff�r�nt 3tat• of Mind. �].�x Drior narrat�s. wi rill att�mpt to g�t the rilm for ahonins st our Jann� mevtiag. : ' ' , � ' ' �. 8totts announc�d thd a nar I�iQl�y teloptlona dirsctiorT rill b� publiehad ahortly through the jolat �lforts of tt�t Chsm't�r o! Comm�rc• and the F�idlsy 9un. 5. iiarris announced thst the FTDC br�dg�t 2'or 1969 Mill b� �2000.�4, and increase of �800.00 Prom is�t year. 6. Iiarr�s announced an �ffort bq the cit� in aonjunctioa titti Na�gsl� Sign Co. whersb� the Co. Kill provide ou trial basia a�veral "Welcome to I�r�.dley"aigne at no coat to th� cit�. Locatioa�pr.e�n�ly und�r conaideretion ar�: E. Riv�r Rd ��at north of the liquor store, 85th k Univ ( Hrry 47) , a�ad Csntral Ave (�ry 65) aouth of Oaborne Rd. 7. Duane I�ieinger reported on t:�e sirport propoeal for Auoks County. I�om his attandanc• at many 1KAC and Metro Council me�tinge, the likelih,�od for the 1KAC's propoatl b�ing re�l- izod appaara ellm in his opinion. Ha y►ae callsd for a r�af- firma�tion of support '�� all groups in I�'ridl�y rhich hav� � or xill go on re�ord �. aupport of th• proposal. Hall vol- untsared to contact these groupa and for�►ard lett�r• o! such support to I,�isinger Por eubmiseion �o Motro Couacil. ' 8. M��ting Mas adjourn�d at 9:15P1K. I��at meeting ie •otudul�d 2'or danuar� 9, 1969, B:OOPM� Cit� Hs11. 1 � c�Pu11y enfifi�3tt�d, �� ��� ac: City Counoil Charlsa R. Hall Chamber of Comm�rc� S�cacutiv�_ 8�m�ate�r� � � • 0 � 1 , ' ' ' ' �� ' ' , � ' � , ' ' ' ._ 49 THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF DECEMBER 4 1968 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mittelstadt at 7:30 P. M. ME1'lBERS PRESENT: Mittelstadt, Harris, Minish, Ahonen, 0'Bannon �THERS PRESENT : Peter Herlofsky, Senior Engineering Aid MOTION by Ahonen to accept the minutes of November 20, 1968, as writtea. Seconded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 1. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 49 082, REDUCTION OF LAUNDRY R00lI SPACE FR�i 500 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA TO 264 SQUARE FEET TO PERMIT �.RECTION OF A 17 IIDTIT APARTMENT gLTILDING ON LOT 23 AUDITOR' S SUBDIVISION No. 129, ANOKA.COUNTY MINNEgpTA T� �� gEING 1441 73RD AVENUE N. E FRIDLEY� MINNESpTA� (REQIIEST BY R L JO�IIdSON INVESTMENT C�IpA1�ly, 7315 WAYZATA BOiII.EVARn l�e�t�,�e D.rt T� ,.� MOTION by Harris to close the puulic hearing. Seconded by Minish. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bob Johnson, representing F, L. Johnson Investment Company was present. He stated that he thought two washers and dryers would be sufficient for a building of this size. Mr. Peter S. Draxton, the present property owner, was also present. He was concerned with the effect of t.his public hearing on the sale of his property. He was told there was no bearing on the sale. Mr. Minish stated that the reason for a variance must be that there is a hardship. MOTION by 0'Bannon to table the request until December 18, 1968. Seconded by Minish. Upon a voice vote , there being no nays, the motion car- ried unamimously. Chairman Mittelstadt stated that: 1) The plans and presentation of the proposed structure were excellent. 2) These are still preliminary plans and they still may need the approval of other subcoumittees. ADJOURNMENT• The meeting was adjouraed at 8:17 p, M, Respectfully submitted, Peter Herlofsky Actin$ �g�retary � � IPLANNING COMNIISSION MEETING ' J � ' ROLL CALL• DECII�ER 5, 1968 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 7:35 P.M. .. s� Members Present: Myhra, Erickson, Jensen, Fitzpatrick, Mittelstadt Others Present: Engineering Assistant Darrel Clark, City Engineer Qureshi, Senior Engineering Aide Herlofsky APPROVE PLANNING COrIl�IISSION MINUTES: NOVEMBER 14 1968: The Chairman wished the following correcti�ns to be made: PAGE 1 Page 2, first sentence of fifth paragraph from bottom of page should ' read: "Mr, Marxen had investigated the purchase of additional land in the future from abutting lots when the present owners were interested in develop- ing their property, since there is no sewer or water available to the back lots at the present time". ' ' 1 ' ' � ' Page 3, third paragraph from bottom of page, first sentence should read: "Chairman Erickson reviewed the time when Highway �47 went through, cutting off access for the whole property, and a service road was provided". Page 3, first sentence, last paragraph should read: "-----platting ordinance covers a division of property ---". Page 5, first sentence in paragraph preceding the voice vote, typo- graphical error should read: "---which would deprive the NSSSD of its planned, and �ch needed, plant site". Page 6, first sentence, first paragraph, should read: "---but he wished it had included a new zoning category on multiples". MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Coumission minutes of November 14, 1968 be approved as corrected. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: NOVEMBER 20, 1968a MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the P.lanning Coaunission receive the Board of Appeals minutes of November 20, 1968. Upon a voice vote, a�l voCing aye, the motion carried unanimously. � RECEIVE pARKB � RECREATION MINUTES: NOVEI�ER 25 1968: ' MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Comm�ission receive the minutes of the Parks & Recreation meeting of November 25, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the *.^ction carried unanimously. ' ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' - December 5 1 . e 2 7� 1968: Y����� �� ����°�� �e�c��si�� b� �'����������� ��..�� t��� Plasining Co�nission recei�e the a��,����� �� �i�� ��„�o'i,��gi� ���ndards-Design Control minantes of November 27, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani- mously. 1968: MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee meeting of December 3, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ORDER OF AGENDA• ,� .r? �_ It was decided the Order of Agenda be amended as follows: Items 1, 4, 2, 3, would be discussed in that order. ' 1. CONTINUED REZONING UES : ZOA ��68-12 ROBERT SCHItOER: Easterly 452 ft. of Parcel 6000, Section 2; all of Parcel 3150 and Easterly 200 ft. Parcel 3180, Section 11, rezone from M-2 to C-2S, , Mr. Robert Schroer and Mr, Peter J. Lindberg were present. ' The Public Hearing had been closed and the discussion of the rezoning request was continued to the December 5th meeting. Bob Schroer came forward with a new road plan incorporating a loopback. 1 , ' ' , The Chairman, speaking for the Building Standards-Design Control Subcom- mittee, said there had been a proposal before them for Bob's Produce Ranch on the northwest corner of Osborne Road and Highway �47 which had been tabled and they had requested a plan showing a loopback. It was explained by the City Engineer that Council has, in the past few months, established a policy on the rezoning requests. They would, upon recom- mendation by the Planning Commission, consider rezoning requests and if they felt they were proper in rezoning, they would hold the first reading of the ordinance and withhold the second reading until they got the full development plan reviewed and appraved by the Building Standards-Design Control Subcoummittee. They would then approve the building pennit and hold the second reading of the rezoning ordinance. The Commission felt the new policy of the Council was a good one to with- hold the publishing of the ordinance until the plans were shown. Mr. Eldon Schmedeke, a visitor, said in his opinion, this was strip zoning ancl asked if this person was building two stores, one on Mississippi and one on Osborne. 7.'he Chairman said that Bob had a proposal in the Buildin$ Standards-Design Control Subc�ittee for a car wash, Superette and office building on Mississippi and East River Road. , Mr. Schmedeke asked why rezone this area for one person, but not tor someone else in a different area. � ' ' - yecember 5 The Commission had mentioned the fact that previous minutes do state this could be strip zoning, but it was also pointed out it was a different situation when moving from Industrial to Co�nercial, i.e., moving up instead of down, and that was also considered. S� � Mr. Schmedeke asked what difference did it make whether it goes up or down, Mr. Jensen couanented that a pertinent factor was the relative depth of the fram the highway right of way to the back edge of the ro osed rezoni PrOpexty not think strip zoning has a definition as far as the depth, but he d��note did ' believe anything 452 feet in depth from the right of way could be considered strip rezoning. Chairman Erickson added that the original proposal was only for the corner and the only thing that bothered him was whether anything other than the corner should be rez�ned. He wondered how Council could wait for the second reading for the plans when they can't be produced for the whole area. It was agreed there might be a conflict with the zoning 452 feet and the building to be adjusted. 1�'. Myhra thought the Comnission should be co�nizant of the fact that they want to be sure that when the N�rth area is developed, there will be a loopback at 7�th Avenue. He also asked if they wanted to put 450 feet of commercial through industrial, The City Engineer was asked if the land were rezoned, would it have any bearing on the drainage problem. He answer.ed that eventually they would have to have a drainage facility in order to use most of the land because of the high water table, and he did not think it would alter the design very much. Mr. Jensen would like a motion to include a separation provided for the service road at the North and South end and to plan the road to be arranged to match the service road South of Osborne Road. M�OTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planni.ng Coam�ission reco�end approval of the proposed rezoning (ZOA #68-12) Robert A. Schroer, to rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial) to C-2S (general shopping center district) the Easterly 452 feet of Parcel 6000, Section 2; all of Parcel 3150 (East 3 Acres) and Easterly 200 feet of Parcel 3180, Section 11 with the stipulations that a separation be provided for the service road at the North and South end and be aligned to the service road South of Osborne Road. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2• HYDE PARK ADDITION REZ�TING STUDY: At the last Planning Co�ission meeting, Mr, Michael l�urphy, representing , Nason, Wehrman, Knight & Chapman, Inc. was asked for an additional sketch com- posite of Scheme A and C. Chairn�,tn Erickson said he did not think it was the intention of the Planning Connnission, at this point, to get into a discussion , of whether they like or dislike any of them. They felt some plans had more merit than others and had asked for another plan combining A and C. The next ste would be a public hearing for the people in the area asking them to give their opinions. � � �J � � ' �� , ' ' �_J ' ' _. J�� ion Meetin� - December 5. 1 Mr. Fitzpatrick wondered if the buildings represented on the maps were incorrect. Mr. Murphy was to be asked to show correct buildings on the maps which were to be presented to the people. It was pointed out that the last four plans would be the logical ones for the public revie�. A visitor, Mr. Schmedeke, asked that if sameone spent twenty years of his life in one area, would he have the right to say anything about it. He said he would like to buy a set of the maps. He had asked to be invited to the meeting when the Consultant was present because he had pertinent questions he wanted to present. Mr. Schmedeke was informed that the Planning Commission had not told the Consultants what to d�,o1 Also that Mr. Schmedeke was present at the first meet- ing with the Consult�w�ea Mr. Chapman was infonued that if the Commission were to tell hi.m what to do, he would not be of �uch value. His biggest $ervice to the City would be his objectiveness to explore all possibilities. It was mentioned that Mr. Schmedeke sat in on the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets � Utilities Sub- comnittee when they had the Rice Creek Road/Central Avenue Study and they learned from that that you cannot invite the whole area in at the preliminary study, and that it would be impossible to irivite all of Hyde Park for the pre- liminary work. If that courtesy were to be extended to Mr. Schmedeke, the same privilege should be extended to all of Hyde Park. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzp$trick, that the Administration arrange for a set of maps to be given to Mr, Schmedeke. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani.mously. Mr. Myhra gave his set of plans from Nason, Wehxman, Kriight � Chapman, Inc. to Mr. Schmedeke. Mr. Schmedeke extended an invitation to all the members of the Co�►ission to visit his place and he would like to explain his situation and shaw them the area. Mr. Myhra, in answer to the statement that�the Comnission is not interested ' in the people or the area of Hyde Park, said that he had been in Hyde Park on several occasions and that twice had travelled every street and looked over the whole area, and also on those two occasions, had stopped at Mr. Schmedeke's place of business. The Planning Commission is interested in all the people and ' cannot consider the problems of just one person to the exclusion of others. There are voluminous amounts of minutes and reports of the whole history. , ' ' ' ' i MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the setting of the public hearing date be tabl�d until the Planning Commission meeting of December 12, 1968 and ask for the following: 1) Ask the Engineering Staff to prepare a sua�ary or history in order for the Co�ission to edit it. 2) Request Mr. Chapman outline the type of map that he would prepare giving details such as whether they would be colored or coded, clear maps for meeting on the 9th of January. Mr. Chapman was not to appear on the 12th of December. Brief outl�ne of materials he prepared, put up and shown when we want it to be shawn. Mr. Chapman to be asked to appear on the 9th of January. Upen a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � ' ' � � ' � ' � � ' � ' 1 ' � i 3. STGN��ORDII�,ANCE • i Pat�e 5 The �ity Engineer indicated that most of the suburban communities are tY'Y�nB to improve their sign ordinances. Recently Minnetonka had a court case which went up to the Supreme Court in regard to how muclz a city can restrict these billboards, and they won. These billboards are no asset to the City. They are already existing 39 billboards dotting main thoroughfares of the City of Fridley. We, have made an attempt in the proposed sign ordinance to eventually eliminate them over a period of time. The Sign Ordinance was discussed and studied from 9:00 P.M. to 11:55 P.M. The corrections will be incorporated, brought to the Planning Comaission at the next meeting for a recomnendation t� Council. 4. ZONING ORDINANCE: Referring to the proposed zoning ordinance, the aity Engineer said the rough draft is divided into separate zoning categories so that an individual zoning requirement could be handed out instead of the large book. He referred to a map showing areas still open for development. In order to facilitate study- ing the ordinance, he suggested going over M-2 and M-1 and R-1. The largest area available is Industrial, M-1 or M-2 and some R-1, Single Family, but the C and Cr are practically filled, R-4 is fully occupied and no axea left. Present Industrial Zoning Ordinance is very lax. There are no requirements for setbacks, no provisions for parking, no provisions for the outside finish of the buildings. At present the proposed zoning requirements are being enforced by the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee and the Council. If this were put in the Ordinance, it would reduce the work of the Subco�nittee and the Council. He suggested the Planning Commission review M-2 and R-1 particularly inasmuch as the vacant land area for that zoning is the greatest. The Zoning Ordinance was tabled to the December 12, 196$ meeting. ADJOURNI�NT • There being no further business, Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 11:55 P.M. Respect��l submitted ����(', r 1 0'Brian Recording Secretary � 54 l > s.,- � MEMO T0: MEMO FRQM: Sl16JE:CT ; M E M 0 R A N D U M Mr. Homer R. Ankrum City Manager Mr. Virgil C. Herrick City Attorney December II, 196g ���,� j ' County Court Space Rental Proposal I have reviewed the proposal submitted by Mr. Bernard E. Steffen, Couni�y Administrator, which is dated October II, 19bg, and your Memo to the Counci) regarding the proposal, dated October 22, 1968• My c��mment s a re a s fo I I ows : 1. Apparent agreement between the County and City. 2. I like your suggestion and fee) that this is practical and I assume would be acceptable to the County. 3. I feel that the City should and probably does keep accurate records of the cost of utilities and janitorial serviceuestion the City Hall. I do �ot feel that there would be any q i f the term cost as used by h1r. Steffen i s cons idered to mean costs for the entire building; rather than the cost for the space leased by the court system. Your suggestion that the cost could then be prorated would be a practical method of handling future negotiations. e�. I believe that the suggested rental rate of $4•00 per square f oot i s rea sonab l e. Th i s f i gure a s we l l a s the percentage of usage will be reviewed in June of 19b9• If there is reason to change either the rental rate or usage figure that can be accomplished based on our expereience at that time. S. Apparent agreement between the County and City. �� , - 2 - 6. I believe that the lease should contain a statement to the effect that the court has priority over the use of the leased space during scheduled court hours. If the court desires to use.the space during the time other than normal caurt hours, which is quite unlikely, it should do so by making reservations through the City Manager. �. Apparent agreement between the County and City. 8. Any improvement s to the building that become attached or become a part of the building should be approved in advance by the City. If such approval is given, then I believe the provision for payment of the improvements upon termination of the lease is reasonable. If the Counci) did not approve the change then the court should be permitted to make the change with the understanding that it will either remove the alteration at the termination of the (ease and restore the building to its originel condition. 9. Apparent agreement between the County and City. Additional Comment ( believe that the recommendation that the court pay fult rate for the detention room is reasonable. This is a minor amount and I do not feel that the County should object. Assuming that the County is willing to draft a tease as suggested with the above modifications, I feel that this would be very fair to both parties. �: '� � MEMO T0: MEMO FROM: MEMO DATE : �if o rid�e c'� �f 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER OCTOBER 22 1968 ANOKA COUNTY r 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 A counter proposal has been received from Anoka County concening the rental agreement for County Municipal Court space. The following comments are offered for consideration. Paragraph 1. No comment. __ Para�raph 2• It is recommended that the lease be terminated annually on December 31st. Initial lease to terminate December 31, 1969. Lease to be negotiated by June 30th each year. Reason for this recommendation is that the lease can be taken into consideration at County - City Budget time for both cost� and revenue. Paragraph 3. Detailed accurate records of the costs of the court offices and Council chambers would be quite difficult and an administrative burden. I recommend that the space costs be estimated on a prorated basis on entire City Hall, as concerns air conditioning, heat, electricity, janitorial service, floor service, etc. This is a figure the Council could take into consideration at the time of agreement. Unless the Council wants to rent the space on a basis of exactly what it costs to make the space available, I would think this paragraph could be eliminated. Para.�.�raph 4. The Council can consider the fact that Anoka County has contacted Hennepin County and we have contacted cities involved in renting space. If the rental agreement is renegotiated next June we wi1l then know what Hennepin County is doing, if that county's leases are being referred to as a basis. Also, the usage factor can be adjusted at that time. The Council could consider the understanding that the basis of use is on a per day basis on Court room space, not hourly. This could cause some misunderstanding in calculating use. Para ra h 5. No comment. � +�• . CITY COUNCIL MEMO -2- OCTOBER 22, 1968 Para raph 6i Since the City owns the building the Council may want to reverse the statement to indicate 'City functions have priority on the Court room (Council Chambers) space, except for normal scheduled Court hours. I do not feel this would afford any problem, but the Council might have a scheduled special meeting and the Court decides they wanted to function during thos� hours. This revised procedure would cause tlie Court to check on Council, Planning Commission Meetings, etc. before scheduling extra Court sessions. The Council would have the prerogative of whether or not they desire to cancel the City function. Paragraph 7. No comment. Paragraph 8. The Council might not have any use for the improvement the County wishes to make. Improvements should only be made on Council approval and a decision made as to any future value to the City at time improvement is made. If permanent attachments to building are made or installed equipment is attached to building the item becomes the property of the City. Paragraph 9. No comment. Additional Comments: It is recommended that the Council consider changing one hundred percent utilization of the detention room as this room cannot be used for any other purpose and was built specifically for Court use. �,�ff n t7 ..vti...r-- L' ./` � �i'��j2.''1,.-�-.-.._' Homer R. Ankrum CITY MANAGER � �, COUNTY OF . NOK A Office of the County Board of Commissioners COURT HOUSE --- 421-476❑ --- ANOKA, MINI*IESOTA 55303 October 11, 1968 r Mr. Homer Ankrum 6431 University Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. RE: County Court Space Rental Proposal Dear Homer: In reviewing the various proposals for lease of court space in the cities of Anoka, Blaine and Fridley we have found certain inconsistencies in the approach used by the various municipalities and generally are unable to agree with the rate requested on the basis of information currently available to us. � As a counter-proposal we would propose basic lease provisions similar to those in use in Aennepin County which might be summarized as follows: 1.. A statement of the size of the area to be Ieased in square feet. 2. A 16 month term on the first lease and annual thereafter with automatic renewal but option to modify or terminate the lease in writing at least 30 days prior to the end of the term by either party. 3. Agreement by the city to keep accurate records of costs as a basis for future adjustments in the per square foot rate. 4. EstabTishing a rental rate of $4.00 per square foot of space rented with adjustments based on the percent of normal working hours actually used by the Court. The figures so derived would set a minirz:.a figure for each municipality for that year with agreement to pay retroactively on an increase in this basis. S. I.ist of services to be provided by the city to include among other things, electricity, heat, sewer, etc. custodial service, maintenance equipment and materials; aid conditioning; public liability insurance of $100,000 -$300,000.00 naming the county as an insured; sufficient off-street parking to be shared equally with other users. A "Fatte.rt Growing Gounty in Minne.rotd' 4 .,. Mr. Homer Ankrum Page 2 October 11, 1968 RE: County Court Space Rental 6. A statement of the right of the city to contiue to use the courtroom area when not scheduled for court use. '� . 7. Provision to cancel the lease in the event the city building is destroyed by fire or other cause - if possible to restore the building within 90 days then rent would be suspended only for that period and the lease would not be cancelled. 8. Provision for selling attached imp��vements made by the county ( if any) to the city at a rate equal to cost minus 10% per annum depreciation. 9. Provision for termination if necessitated by changes in statute. The attacned sheet shows the computation which is uniform for each of the three municipalities in terms of the anticipated minimum percentage use of the courtroom space and in terms of the square footage rate of $4.00. It should be noted that in both Anoka and Blaine the county is prepared to rent office furniture and machines in the chambers and clerk's office areas at the ' rate of 1/10 of the acut,al cost per annum. This amount would be in addition to the basic rental indicated. (it has been previously agreed with Fridley that beaause of need for the existing furniture by the city, the county will furnish its own office equipment and machines.) The format for computing rent indicated here is based on the sy.stem used in Hennepin County but provides for a basic rate per sguare foot of $4.00 as against the rate of $3.81 currently being charged Hennepin County. In discussions with the Hennepin County Administrator it is my understanding that the $3.81 figure will be increased somewhat this next year but it is not anticipated to go above $4.00 per square foot. The approach has been reviewed with the Law Enforcement Committee of the County Board and that committee is in agreement w�th it but no formal action has been taken by the County Board on the matter. If you have questions or feel that there have been some facts overlooked with respect to this matter please feel free to call. I would hope that we could agree upon this basis as an equitable way of est�lishing a rental system uniformly in the county. for those areas in which major court use is involved. BES/nl Enc. d Sincerely, �.__ / ' - l �, Z-li�-�..�-, �'� 1'`�' _ � �: Bernard E. Steffen County Administrator , � , ,. . � ., . . . .. ,, _ , , " , »�`�4 S%r ;r . t; � ; , , � �- , . �t, u; , p . �, - , . � . _.,..w _ __._._....... ,.._..__. _. �.__._.�..� _._...y......_., � _ ____. � � _ _. _ _ _____ _-�--�---__ �•:,;,�, : . . ------�-----------T--.�:._...�.�._�.......,.y:..__ ....._�,:. .�..,.__.1_. . '� � � 11 �/�'i* • t �:xr �rdri`'i►i h�� tk,!►��L �.t . � . � � r. iyv'MiW�lI: MR��MHA:�3r�� i��.� 4�i14%�� :»1 'S�1�tyr ';��� Fy�.: �,. , , � � , i �� , ai�6 �• Glt IM�.y+Ir :Yara�,ri �, 1��� :t , � . �i. 1 S �i � � �:�, � �I. { � � � `i ... t i . �. � ,1 N+ ! . �i y'r7 q�.� �h alt h ;}N \ ,� 54.: � �� � f� � � � t. � . •�� � r ' � � � ['1- 4. ' !�� i �� �w.. 1e ...f . � ; i j . `; r:, � � � ,. �� 5 � 'j � � i � ��� . . � . � t � � '�� ���� . • 'j � ,. � • ' � �� � . %�' � .�' r .. � ll • f rt 1 � FRIDI,EY ` ' �` ' �. '. �'` `�� ;iy { '�'•� • � , i •I r , : , ;. (', ... y .. �; t , `. �tt Rs �, '�' . � � � � � r` � y � . �.;� � r ,;, : , '� : � r ifi ! : {� � t � ' t � Area ' Sq. Ft. ' � Use , . . , , � 1 '�`` �L Est. Cost @ $4.00 � Y < < 1 i � . t °�`����i �"- . . � f ! f r • '4 •� 1 J t i�:) f 1 f . . q' . �� ��.( t ��.... � r ..�r � :�. .;� • • , Court Room ' ; :; 1739 40 " �' , ,: , � �, ,, , �. R �• �, ; t .. '' Dete ' . ' ' , $2782. 00 r � � , � � , „ l � ° ntion Room ` 59 � 40 � r �� „ _ " ` � i , �y � , , � . ,, , � 47.. 20 � � � � ' � Jury Room � ' . 275 ? 1�00 ' ; � � ° " �`'� `' � �, � � � � r � : , ' � �; � •. Clerk's Room � � " �' � �,'.� ,` ,;r �s �,� � 1100.00 �.' . `` . � '; � ; ; , : � . � 151 � ,�� ; � 60l�.00 . ,,�; . 1��� � � � ,� 1 A .���: i `�. � 1 �: . ,, ,�� Judge's Chambera ' 245 100 � � . ' , � ..__._.. ,� � " � 980. 00 ` ', ► t ,', , � ' i v , � � 2469 � � i � w � �� , '� `, . . ., {{{��� 55513,20 �'� ;., } �, _; ; , �: .. ' � - . . . . . , � • .. � , ti�1..1�� l+.l�. � ' 4 1. .. i 1 ,`;' � ' � � �� i :, $ of use figures to ba computed on the � basis ' � ' �'� �� � �' � � �� �:.� -, ' � ,� ' ' , = ' of actual use � ad�usted retroactively ` }' ' " ` � ' ', ' , � ,ti . ' ,.> � , . • ,; ,: � � . ,� � ��r�-.i����� . '- �,'�j F-:'.�i : .j�l.. .. ��'� f4 -!.�.. . .;,i t �i. `� ��f 1 � , � Iy. .if �,��- t! f a .• 1 � .' ' • ANOKA : � } , {' 7 ,� • : Y3 .� �; � t , ' , � � � . , f � f� ;�. � ti� f' f. � t � � i i. i� i. :1.�, t ;' ,; r �; � � 1 �� � , 1 ; �:r. + � r � i � � + + ! � � —°'--. i:",r 4 � � F Court Room ' 1 1 5 2 4 0 •, �; � � , � i. � �� � � . , .. ', � L + 1843.20 � `' �:� •M � � � `�, �� Jury Room � ,;; 299 n 40 �#,; . ,. � �:,' r. 478. 40 ; ' a t , + + .`. , � � , . , , Judge � Cierk Off. � 396 100 � t � ' � � 15$4.00 t�t � ` , t k . + , � , . K � ' � Reat Rooms 217 . , � � ' , • , � � � a ; �, ;��� `�;� ,. •� �_ l� . � . 86.80 " ` �r � '� '� � ; �: ir ���� �. t' � . ,� ' 2064 • + $3992.40 , j . , , ,, { . �.. : �� ,. ; , , , , �, ��� ���: '� . . , : �.. r' � t� "' r. In addition to the amendment based on actual � of use, .�} ,..��,* ' : x, ,•', ��� � , .' � � ., ; . the Coun�t will a ' ' • Y gree rto pay rent for office furniture �` .� �� "' 'i j, t� `, � � +.� ' ' � ' ��.� '��. � machines in clerk's office . and Judge's chambers ren ed .� ' � , I� �! a. �� ,;: from the City at ,�Che ra�te of 1/],0 of ac�Cual cost er �� '' '' '` � � , t � � annum. � , , ; , , � P ; : i ; ' . , ; ' ' � , ; , �, �(� , � ��� � � .> ;• , , �': 1 q ,. ' , . �yr �'` r t ; k 'll� � . . . , .� � �'�.. i.. I �'.� f . «�.. � � f �i � �. � i 'S f ; �;4���. � � ,F�.. .r�� �BLAINE : _ � � � ,� �J.. � ���� �' +7 . � + i�,. 'r � ` •ti .p. i . a r• Y� � +' , �' r i .. . t �� � }. ! � . 4 » 1'. , . , f � �'• � � , . i �, I t 1 . � � . ; l �� � F �ji �� . �.1' �_. �1 � .. I ,4 . 1 . I 1 � l J .( � i ' I I�' ��� �( k , � : , Court Room ?242 ' r �0 �t >'' " � � �� 3587.20 `'� `� � + � � ,Chambera 6 Clerk Off. 418 '` � ` �' ,t � • , r , � . ' 1672.00 ' �;, , ,�a� � ' � � l0O •I 1 ` . '.' / � .� � � -� ;. � +: 2660 . � � ' t ;,� � , �5259. e0 '` � � , a , ',; � � � . � • � •; 'fF � �,� , : — . — ---- _,--•r----- —�--r---------- �—� ' . � t; ' � • i, � , , • i _. . ' i: � ' , , � . : , .� , �: , . ��-.. „ . . , ` ' '. , ' , � , ... . .. - . . . . :,::..-.._..._ -- ^"'r—.^ . . --�-J--_ -'_8-- -. • . . . .. .. .. . . . _ _ . . " � . . . .. . � . �y' .. ;'�� . � .� � . � -', ' . �Y• i . . . � . . . � .� . . . .. . . • � . � . � . � � . . ; y . ' • ., • : ,, . : . . - . . ' • r , • , , ' ! � ' , � c ' . , \ ' -^ � � _ . ' , ; .� ' � , . � . , . _ � • :� � , . � ' . F 1 . . � � � ' . . � . : . _ �. . � ' j . .. _ � . . . i . . . � 1 �♦ ♦. PLANNING COI�iISSION MEETING DECEL�ER 12, 1968 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order by Chairn�an Erickson at 7:35 P.M. RpLL CALL: Members Present: Myhra, Mittelstadt, Erickson, Jensen, Fitzpatrick Others Present: City Engineer Nasim Qureshi, Engineering Assistant Darrel Clark, Senior Engineering Aide Peter Herlofsky, City Manager Homer Ankrum AP'PROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: DECF.L�ER 5, 1968: MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that paragraph 4 on page 3 ("It was agreed there might be a conflict with the zoning 452 feet and the building to be adjusted.") be deleted. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission minutes of December 5, 1968 be approved subject to the above correction. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIYE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: DECffi�iBER 4, 1968: MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�ission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals of December 4, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HF.ARiNG: ArYxUV� rr (ZOA �`•68-10 and ��68-10A) HOWARD DUMPF FOR Mr. Howard Dumphy was present and stated he had received a letter from the City Attorney, but he had not had time to evaluate it, and until then, he would like to table his PD rezoning request. He was not certain his plan now was economically feasible or if he should choose to abandon the whole project. Chairman Erickson asked if he could read the letter to the sudience which the City Attorney had mailed to Mr. Dumphy. The attorney's letter, dated December 4th, answered the Planning Commission's request for an opinion of the present status of�Mr. Dumphy's rezoning request. A citizen asked how long the PD rezoning, if granted, would continue once it is approved but not developed. He was informed it was a perpetual zoning, the same as if a piece of land were rezoned R-1. 1�OTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Pla:ming Comnission close the public hearing of ZOA �68-10 and #68-10A, appraving preliminary plans fox the PD area of Howard Dumphy- Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � �" � Planning CoEmission Meeting - December 12, 1968 Page 2 A citizen asked if anyone who continually came to the Planning Co�issioa meetings and signed in, would be notified of the meetings. The public meetings would be published in the Fridley Sun and the notices also would be mailed to the adjacent property owners. Mr. Dumphy said about three years of good work has gone into this PD plan. Basically, the plan developed here is apparently a good job and he could see no real objection. It is a good area for this type of development. He felt the objections could be avercome and worked out with the people. I�IDTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Conmission table indefinitely until another public hearing would be called for approval of a plan by Howard Dumphy, for the PD rezoning (ZOA #68-10 and #68-10A). Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. POSSIBLE PD DEVELOPMENT: PARCEL �10 AND PARCEL �200: HAMMF.RTjjrjD $QTERpRI$ES� INC. , CI.ARENCE D. NORDSTRO�M, AGENT • . Mr. Clarence D. Nordstrom and Mr. A. T. Hammerlund were present. Mr. Nordstrom asked to present his proposed plan which they hope to call Rice Creek Park. The property is on County Road H, North of Rice Creek and abutting Stinson Boulevard on the East composing 29 2/3 acres. About 14 acres are not true buildable sites and this they will either deed to the City of Fridley for the sum of $1.00 for park or will use it for a private park. Mr. Nordstrom said he would like the Planning Co�nission to look aver the plans, and would not expect a decision, and then they will make an application for rezoning. The Planning Co�ission thought the plan was of one use, there- fore his petition for rezoning should be for multiple dwellings. Mr. Nordstrom left one set of plans with Darrel Clark and made arrangements with him to begin processing the rezoning. 3. PROPOSED DEVEIAPMENT 08 �' - 01� SECTION 24 BY P��I, INC ., EI�BTND CONTOSKI : Mr. Edu�und Contoski, Mr. Robert Engstrom and Mr. James Hill represented Pemtom, Inc. Mr. Engstrom asked if they were in the same category as Mr. Nordstrom as. they had wished to present their proposed plan for the development of the SE� of Section 24 and get the reaction oF the Planning Commission. A discussion followed concerning the traffic pattern through the area using Silver Lake Road for the main collector street. Mr. Engstram said he understood another request for PD was requested and asked the opinion of the people to the West. Their proposed plan calls for single family residences abutting the houses on Regis Trail. As part of this plan would go over into New Brighton, the City Engiaeer asked if they knew if there was a possibility of using some of the facilities of New Brighton for sewer. , There was no action, but the petitioners were going to study the PD Ordinance aad return with � application. +r► � �� �• ��� �UEST• ZOA #68 py gpggg ,�pt,T; Lot 4, Block 1, Wilson Addition, rezoae from R-3A to R-1. The Chairman recalled the Planning Co�ission, on October 10, 1968, recommended to Council approval of the lot split aubject to a building pennit for only one house until the land is rezoned to 8-1, and Council concurred at their October 21st meeting. An application for rezonit�g waa sa�tt to Mr. Wilsoa, but he has not returned it. A builder talked with the �igia�er� Assistant and it was explained to him that the land has to be rezoned to single family dwellings before he could build on the two lots. To date no permit has been taken out for a house. No action. 5• HYDE PARK ADDITION REZONI1�iG STUDY: The Chairman explained that Mr. Chapman af p��� w��n � ht � �BP�n, Inc. would be unable to be present at a ' � 1968. public meeting on Jsiwary 9, 1'�TI�N by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plaaning Con�iasion accept the notice of the informal public hearing prepared by the DePart�ent for Wednesday, January 8, 1968 with �8�eering a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried�unaan�imoutssly.indicated. Upon The Chairman requested the recording secretary to send the letters to the people of Hyde Park Addition on December 24, 1968, aad that mention of the meeting be made in the Janusry 2ad issue of the Fridley Sun. 6. SIGN ORDINAN�E: The Commission considered in detail the corrections indicated at the last meeting of Decembes 5th, correctiag their owa working.copies (this meeting malcing the eighth session of study). MOTIOTI bq Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Plannittg Commisaion 1e°O�end aPproval to the Council the "Sign Ordinance" as corrected at this final study. Upon a voice vote, all voti a e n8 Y, the motiaa carried uaaaimously. Seferring to the item in the gridley Sua regarding billboards to be iastalled without charge to the City by a sign �o�p�y� be the City in oae direction, the Caamiesioa wondereid whea �ounci�wu icousideriag this, did they have some information that the Conmiseion wae atudyi.ng the siga ordinance, aad their thinicing of the problem of billboards. 7. PRO�OSBD ZOTTING O�DII1Ar1Cg REVIEW: The Chairmaa submitted a list of it� to ba discuased at this �eting and the City Bngineer also added to the liat. Ths Zoning prdinance �a� discusaed in datail ia the masmer �ugguted by the City F.nginee= at thf December Sth m�etiag. Th� Co�ttia�ion c l�ted the follai,iia�. propoaed Zon � ° 0°� Dwelling Items I to VII: R-�2,g R- A T�vocFami�1 1An111' s�-1 Singla Family. S-3, x-3A Multiple Dwelli y �B , It�a I to tRII. n8a, Ite�e I t, XII. . ... •'-� PlaiminR Coa�nission MeetinR - Dec�mber 12 ADJOURNMENT : There being no further business, Chai�an Brickson adjourned the meeting at 12:00 o'clock. Respectfully submitted Hazel 0'Brian Recording Secretary I�TICE TO BIO CI TY OF fRI DL EY, MI NNESOTA WORKM EN�S COMPENSATION INSURANCE The tity of Fridley witl accept bids fo� Mlorkmen�s Compensatio� Insur�nce. Such quotations wi11 be in the office of the Citr Manager no late� than 11:00 A.M. on O�cember 16, 1968. The City reserves the right to reject any quotations and to waive anr irregularities or informalitiea in the bidding, Information on the specifications can be obtained at the City Finance Office. CITY OF FRIDLEY �31 University Avenue Northeast (Published in the Fridley Sun December 4, 1968' December 11, 1968) �� � � �RA(� : �� BID FORM CITY OF FRIDI.EY, MINNESOTA. Workmea's compensation 1-1-69/70 Caverage A. Coverage B. 1-1-69 / 1-1-70 S HISTORY; Available at City Hall. ENCE I�IFIGTIQd : Statutory $100,000.00 Of f i ce of IKt . Marr B run�e L .91 (Effective 1-1-69) �lete the folloviag iaformation whe n indicaced: CIASS CCbE . erical 8810 �� -- --- - -- PAYROLL , - .__ " PREIQUI�i ores, I.iquor gpl� ' 13 $163�000.00 $ 212.00 Police •�'� 95,�00.00 646.00 7720 ^ . �� 235.000.0(? 6,251.00 stauranta 9079 1.b4 65 OOU.Ou reet 5506 3.55 ' 1.06b.00 icipal 9410 128,000.00 4,544.00 1.4R 107,0OO.OU 1,594.00 �r 7520 2.41 41,000.00 Wa� 7580 1.80 988.00 remen ���6 41,000.00 738.00 4.22 27,000.00 Parks gip2 2.36 - 1,139.00 �ree�, Vol. 7708 76,000.00 1,794.00 8,14 28,000 (Pap) 2,Z79.00 Total 00 Experience Modification .91 S21,251. � Gross Premium $19,338�00 519,338.00 Premium Discount $ Net Premium $ �) If Auaranteed dividend vlan indicate size of.dividend: Total fiaal premium �) If participatiag plan based upon losses indicate final premiums based upon the follawing loss levels: � L06SES ARE: � S 1,934.00 �y---� —_� 35.00 3,868.uU 3869.00 5,801.00 �02.00 7,735.00 36.00 9,669.00 9670.00 11,603.00 04.00 13,366.00 OF INSURANCB COlIPANY � 0'F A(BNT --__-- _ $ $ FINAL PREMItTM^WILL BE: $ -- _— $ ----_ — __---__ $_ --- $ . $ $ - DRESS 0!� AGENT — Sigaed � � � � ' �+ ai� � � , �; .'.,'� . ,'��' ... � 1 �� ����'�.'. P�:"'y;. City of Fridley 6431 Univ�rait� Avsnue T1. E, 1"��neaPdie, Z[inneaota 55421 lttn: 1(aaia Qureahi Gsntleaen: � �Y 7 � `.' F,: Y �' >.' �'I 39 Y6�IIRTY-�[VtNTH AV[. N. t, MINNtAPOLI/� MINN[�pYA 664681 No�eaber 26, 196a We have conpleted the reaova,l of �stsrial l�o� our Rice Cre�k Prop�rties. Th� �radss are to th� approai�ste �levstions shown on tye plaa subaitted for th� persit. Pleaee send a rele�ase to our bond ag�ant, C�aadl�r 2T2 T�►rol Weat Build' �6 �°�O�' �8'. 55416, releaeing th� bosd oo�esXge. we hop• we i�ave condueted thia grading arid rs�oval to the aatiafactioa of the Cit� of Fridle�. ; HIiC�s e Youra ver�r trul� � PARg CO1(STRIIC?ION COMPLIR i(._ • , Ricl�wri N. Carlsoa, S�cretsr�r ��ITY OF FRIDLEY G431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. �ECEIVE[� NOV 27196g aM PM 7,8,9�10,11�12,1i2,3�4,5�6 � � � � OFFiCE PHONE � 421-4765 � � , ANpKA �QUt�TY DEPARTM��VT pF t�tGHWAYS ANOKA; M�NNESOTA 55303 E 1 lvNiJHtiv. Hi�hway En�ineer December 2, 1968 Naaim M. Qureahi, P.E. City Et�gineer City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, ����ty� 554�1 Re: Plana for S.E. Qt�sdrant Jct. of C.S.A.H. 1& 6 Dear Sir: At the November 26th Board Meeting, formal recognition wa• given your proposal for the above referred iatersection. It ia the opinion here that the attachment enclesed herewith is a detail oovereci general],y by the aforesaid �,� approval. COUNTY SHOP 421-5920 We talce exception to the entrance seventy-five feet (75' ) Eaat of � C.S.A.g� � onto C.S.p.H. #6 and suggeat that the opening be re- served to the extent that it will b;- an entrance only and subject to aigning aa ��No Exit��, etc. � With the above exception� we ooncur. � Youra very tru�y, � ti � � . iundheim, P.E. County Engineer � � cc: Harvey H. Peteraon Homer Ankrwa bernie Steffen Dick Ellia File GITY OF FRIDLEY G431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. �ECEIVEQ DEC 3 1968 AM � ��I 7i8,9�10,lli1�i1i2,3,4,5iG ! .�� �� ���, '�; � , � `\ � � � \ � � � ��� �, � \ � \ � ,, m v �, � ,. �, :. .�-%f `� �pn���� �. ��` ,�� � � , � � � �,, � � �0 �`� �� �� �� ----_-- —`-- .� _ _ _ `���- � �-, �:, ., .�—� .t� \, � -- -----�� � S S 1 � S 1 P � ; � , � - --- � �� \� � - - I \ \� � � v �� , � , \. . . --___ = - - - � -� ; � . '� � . . � 1 �1, � ` . \ � '� �7` j, o \`�'\ `�'` . `'� � `- '� - � �� , ; . A \ ; -�'' ` : ` �4r , \ �, � '� ,_ � � � � \ � `` , , ; ; r � ; ` ` ` '; .;, , . - y ` \ � � ` . . � \\ e '\ ` � � r . . � � � ��' � '•, � - \ \ , �`- / � \ k, . ; \ � � \ � �. � �� ' ' � i �'' , � , � �r,\ � \ � `` \ � ` \ \\ \� S C \� ► \ •� r _ F, �� � � � \ \ . . , , , . �' ,. �.0�'OSE D ����, Sc� ��} t S S. S T. � � 1 � �, "< < �� � ., 1 i� T ; z19 � � i �'C i�! E Y IQ E A LT Y, I t� C. 7412 1'yncia�c o�Fvtnuc cSoutis d%iinntn�o�is, di'iinncaota SS423 � J�-iiona 866-3333 November 20, 1968 � 2s. Jake Lundhime � �igh�,�y Cffice Cour'`,.house 6no:sa, 2�..innesota Dear N,r. Lundh:ir�: �closed is a sketch of the proposed new layout for a t�.urp�y pil Service � Station to be located on the S.E. quaclria.nt of East Riverroad & Miasissippi Street in F�id],ey. � As per our conversations regarding the dile�oa tbat the City of Fi�ic�ey aad the County have regarding the traPfic flow on these tw�o atreets, I have proposed certain cha.nges that the City oP �idley has on record of sayiag that they would recommend passage of and I hope that you and the Couaty '� do not have an�p objections to the follo�ng; 1. Along East Riverroad I propose on],y one large curb cut and � a dedication of la.nd to provide a right hand turn movement onto Mississippi S�reet. � 2. Also along said Mississippi Street I have proposed that 2 curb cuts be permitted, the first one being, as according to �'id1eY ordinance, ?5 feet back from the property line. As you � ca.n note froa the sketch the first curb cut would not really ia�sir the traffic move�ent being that the traffic lane ia over . sized at this point to provide the merging right haad turn tragglc. I�rould appreciate at your esrliest convenience, a note i�om you stating that this plot plan s,rould not be objectionable to the County. Please forward this letter to a�► office. The.nk you Por your consideration regarding t.his delicate mat.t,er� .�incere yours� / / � ''� � � ��n�a , s m�. R�E/la� Y . _ � �� . ` _ _ ,_��- � (� � � � � OFFICE PHONE � 421-4765 November 2y, 1968 ' � � � � A��KA �OUN7Y D�t'ARTM�C�I� �:�F H�GHW�YS AHOKA, MINNESOTA 55303 Nasim M. Qureshi, p.�;, City �ineer City of Friciley 6431 University pvenue N.E. Fridley, Minne::ota 55k21 Dear Sir; c: 1 tUND�iEIM, ,;�ghwny tngfneer C:ITY OF FRIDLEI �"1 G431 UNIVERSITY AVE. �ECEIV�� D E G 2 196� aM �M 7i$�9il0,11i12,1 i2,3�4a5a6 � COUNTY SHOP 421-5920 This is to confirm our meeting and understarad' of opini.on abcaut tlae deve].op�ent layout for the�improv menteoflthe��t�� aection of County State Aid Hi hwa � y No. 1 and No. 6. Please note the attachmeata herewith; y�; Exhibit ��A" - a copy of a layout developed at thia office in 1966 and reviaed October 1y67. �;xhibit ��B�� - acopy of a la�yout developed in the Fridley �gineering Office (Rec. 12/12/67). ESchibit n�►� _� �opy of a layout received from a cievelo the Southeast Quadrant of this interaection. �r �tent on Note the two approachea onto C.S.A.H. #6s tyhich� at sometime, w�ould develop problems. Note, also, the center median. The likeness of these layouts is the linin� up of' trai'fic lanes acrosa each roadway �d the ri�ht turnin Development beyor.d this will�oca,;r °ff the North-bound C.S.A.H. #1 to 6 reservations �o as to com ��� it is hoped the developers wlu �,Veast)� P�Y �+dth a safe, e:ficient intersection. La.ne widths are shown on Exhibit ��pa _ This is our opinion of mini.mur�s and aoea not indicate any sidewa,lk space. At the November 26th �6g goard Meeting -�}iibit n n planning purposes - reservations must be macie f'or somealatitucteednfthegf�il design solui.ion. Youra very tr�,i]tiy, b � .?, ' �s.• .J. Lund,heim, P.E. County F;ngineer � • !`'^_�,�' ,.e,i '�.l � _ /' � � ,�_ 1 � _ \ _ . , _ — Fa; � _-' �_ _ '`� r _ I � l ••;. _�l�� ../1 \ � �� � '., _� � � , � � . -� 1_ �`., - . - � .. � �$ , , ,, . � Q 4 `.� � ���� � , • - z ' ! �� _ _ , , �,..-- . _ - - � / - ■ _ _ _ �' _� _ _ �- . . � � j ' - - . p�_ � _ r��� /j , � - -, _ _ I e ' '` L � - .,�1' � ' �,.ti'fI�'-- .. _ _ _ - . �( �- _ \�, _ - -: �-_....� . � � . - "• `� ,�' . � �" � � ` .. � � .��� . �. � d \ 't ' � , � - , �'.. \ , � t:, ! ` ' " : �17 ' ► ��` (; \ � /.l; _ .. -°' . ���. �' , ', •I.� •'. ~-�,., ��ti, � ` �' . - .N f� _ - �- � ;` : ;� '. � ~ '.r ' —� � ♦�~ �1 'i �!, � _ . ' _t,,:�t1:a�+. � ; i' �r • . - � ,,�••- f�• . • � � � ..��1" �. I .T.: i t , f`' . . ' � .� • , / r. . • ` � � �..� y� . 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I - .�- . i . �� r� -- � i ` .I � � � 1 � � � � � � Cit o ri �y �lle � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE fi0; CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY MANAGER DATE; DECEMBER 12, 1968 ANOKA COUNTY 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA SS421 The City Manager, Finance Director, Director of Public Works and repre- sentatives of our local Public Works Union held several meetings with union representation in arriving at recommended salaries and benefits for the year of 1969. 1• The initial preliminary negotiations were conducted by a City Manager Negotiating Committee at the Metropolitan area level and the union repre- sentatives, Their negotiations resulted in recommendations on in-common items� after considerable negotiation with the Union. tiating Committee report on basic agreement reached withftheeUniongis,attached hereto as Inclosure No. 1. 2. The City of Fridley then entered into negotiating at the Municipal � level with the Union and discussed application of the terms reached by the City Manager's Negotiating Committee and local problems offered by both the City and Union. � 3. Insu�_ A• As pointed out by the City Manager's Negotiatin recognized by both labor and management that employerCp�dtinsurance$s premiums represent an element of total compensation paid to employees. It was agreed at both the top level negotiations and local level that insurance benefits paid by the employer are to be deducted from the gross pay of the basic salary, The Union also agreed that any change in insurance rates during a wage year would be adjusted by an equal adjustment in net wages. B• The Union brought up a policy in force at another Municipality. We procured copies of coverage as suggested. After review of the policy by th�e local union and our local uaion steward, Mr, Vi Nagel, and a representative of Mutual of Omaha, it was agreed that our present policy offered equal or better coverage. A relative cost increase .. , City Council Me�randum � � , 1 ' � 1 ' � � � �� Decemb�r 11, 1968 6.5 chart was provided the Union and they are to look it over and see if they Would like to recommend additional room rate incraase, lab feee, etc. They want to make aure the benefite received pould be aorth the increased costs. T4iis increase, if agraed upon, could alaaq• be done later or included in any specification changes, if time before letting permits. Some miaunderstanding exiated ae to additional funds pro- vided for room, lab, etc., which was covered under major medical in serious cases. A copy of the increased benefita and cost• is attached hereto as Inclosure No. 2, 4• Tha Union has proposed that employees rea�dng a maximua 120 days sick leave shall then earn one half days banked aick leave per month and one half day vacation pay per month. Review of present City Ordinance on sick leave in- dicated present benefits under present peraonnel policy is better and Union With- drew request for change. 5. Vacation policy was discussed and Union agreed to remain with preaent City of Fridley personnel policy, which is virtu811y the sau�e. 6. Safety: The City Management agreed to meet with Union representatives at least quarterly to discusa safety mattera. �• W88e8� Based on recommendations of the City Manager's negotiation team and agreement of the Union, the recommended basic salary rate was increased from $615 per month to $658 per month for light equipment operators, and basic salary rate for heavy equipment operators from $685 per month to $72$ per month. 1fi is constitutea an approximate across the board $43 basic salary increase. This. basis of settlement for basic wage levels was agreed upon by the City Negotiat- ing Team and the Union, and local wages concerning application of increases was agreed upon. LOCAL AREAS OF INTEREST 1• It was agreed upon that Gary Larson, who has been carried as an asais- tant mechanic, be brought up to status of full mechanic at a ealary of $728 groas per month. It was agreed that John Wright be given status, as of January 1, 1969, of senior mechanic, as he is responaible for scheduling and deciding what work will be done by whom. The senior mechanic's pay would be brought up to $741� per month. 2. The Union had requeated that,weekend standby men who are given two houra pay for being in standby status be given the two hours at time and one- half. A check of several coamnunities indicated thia is common practice. The management agreed with the union that this be done. Present Ordinance allowa for only tWO hours minimum as straight time. 3. Some difficulty had been experienced in past of leadmen demanding over- time that doea not require the skill of a_leadman and thereby cauaing increased coato by higher skilled men performing lower sk�lled joba When lo�rer skills are available. Tfie Union and management agreed ths� except pthere tachnical skill ie involved, the Department Head or his designated repreaentative will determine Mho accomplishee overtime. Such overtime not to be in accordance aith any priority established on a aeniority basis. It wae agreed ho�►ever, that ae much as possible overtime �vill be divided equally among employees within the skill level required to perform the overtime Mork. In the case of t'��e �later Depart�ent, additional per�onnel have been and aill continue to be encouraged to gain certification. � � IJ City Council Mom�randum �� -3- Deceaber 11, 1968 4• The salary of our Parks I,eadman, gsiph polksaa, wa diacuss�d. Ae haa beaa �rith us for a year nop and his salary haa be�n far i�loM the reat of the iesd�n in other depirtsents. It Mas agreed that Mt. brought up to $7S1 grosa per month for 1969. Voliman's salarq �wnld be � 5• The rating of Mat�r utility man, qualifi�d o and both Union and Manageaent felt that increa�ed quaiificationaainavatera�rorks operation �erited a better comparable rating. It aas agreed that rati be advanced to equivalent of a heavy equipment operator When man haa succes�ful- � 1Y ��pleted his trial period and has proven ability to perform all duties satisfactory manner for three yeara and has passed examinations and has been cer- tified ae a Clasa C Operator. The qualified man would then become a Senior , (Certified) Water Utility Man. Mr. Donald Carrigan ia the only Water utility man who falls into thia category at the present time. �� � , � � � DESCRIPTION Perfonas skilled work in the maintanance, repair and operation of Municipal water syetems, RepBirs the more complex pumps, motors and related equipment in water pumping, Three years' experience in l�unici- pal water maintenance and operation required. For Water Utility Senior rating, the man must be a Certified C Operator. 6. In the Sewer Department, one msn must be an expert in operation of the rodding machine and various methods of employing all available aeaer cleaning apparatus and techniquea. Annual couraes are conducted b ia hoped additional courae8 can be made available, y�rican Pipe and it ment and the Union that quslificstion to operate thistparticulardsp cial equipe ment and knowledge of techniquee merits a skill rating equivalent to heavy equipment operator. It was agreed that vhen the aaaigned SeWer Utility Man has completed his trial period and has proven ability to perform all duti�s in a satisfactory manner for three yeara and has attendad and succesafull c courees available and approved by the Management, he Will be advanced to�rating of Senior Utility Men (Special Equipment Operator). Only one ee�ter utilit man to be designated aa Sr. Sewer Utilit Mjn Y �lY �ne man ia affected by this change, thatabeingnChestereSnanaony �ouie�rta. rently in the position. � DESCRIPTION Performt skilled �ork in the maintenance, repair and operatioa of 1Kunicipal seaer syatema, g,epaire the more c lex lat�d �quipment in se�rage lift atationa. Thr�ee yaa=��experienc�ain r! Municipal oe�rer maintenance and operation required. �' �• ��8�nt and Union-both agree that vh�n a s�n froa on� Depart- ment ia a�signed for a period to nork with anoth - Departnent, that th� rn shall be aaaign�d to him in •uch �ther Department in an afficient aaaMr an/ Mill be subject to eup�r�ri�ar� a��i��d �,er him in the other D� s ia sub,jected to same r�aponaibilitiea for ade ��.ate � st�t' and vhen n�orking in his nor�tlir �gaigned Department, perforoanc• of luti�• aa City Council Memorandum -4- December 11, 1968 8. Wage schedule recommended for 1969 is attached hereto as Inclosure No. 3. 9. It was agreed by Management and Union that additional men authorized in the Park and Recreation and Street Department will be hired at discretion of Management, based on fund availability and urgency of requirement. 10. The Management and the Union concur in and submit the aforementioned items to the City Council for approval. e*�' "- L"Yv�-G 1- � L� `-----'-�'` HOMER R. ANKRUM City Manager ��� ���� R BERT McPHERSON I.U.O.E., Local No. 49 Inclosures s� , ,` LEAtit1 E OF 'MINNESOTA MUNICtPALITIES �1� iOG1Al SCIHrClS 6LDG: �UNIVERSITY Of MINNf.SOTA MINWEA►OUS, MINN., 33453 M10N6 373-2�41 . 373•4322 • ' ` ' � METROPOLITAN SECTION October 23, 1968 ' T0: Netropolitan Section Mayors, Managers and Clerks SUBJECT: Correction of error re: Agreement Between , Managers Negot�at ng Committee and Local 49, IUOE. Mailed October 21, 1968. � The recommended basic salary rate for Heavy Equipment Operator (p. 6 of �eport) should read $728.00 per , menth rather than $723.00 per month. Please Mke this change in your copy of the report. Sincerely, ' � �?-�.�,,,� c� .�..� � , Dean A. Lund Exacutive Secretary M�tropolttan Section � ',,DAI,.p�� 1 � _. � . . � � . . . � ' ' � �MM� ��+,� / ' � 0 � •• ' � ' , ' ' � ' �• 1969 REPORT OF MANAGERS' NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE ON THE AGREEMENT REACHED WITH THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS, LOCAL NUMBER 49 On May 29, 1968, Local Number 49, I.U.O.E. circulated a 9-point program to the city managers.in the metropolitan area. This program formed the basis of the negotiations between the Managers' Negotiating Committee and Local 49, I.U.O.E. during six negotiating meetings held in the Brooklyn Center City Hall from June through September of 1968. This report summarizes Cfie agreement reached during these negotiations. Suburban municipalities, even when considered collecCively, employ only a small percentage of the workers in the Twin Cities labor market. Therefore, the ', Managers' Negotiating Committee was guided in its deliberations by information concerning salary and fringe benefit practices in private industries and public � jurisdictions. Again this year the monetary value of the liberal fringe benefiCs offered by most suburban municipalities was computed and given tull weight when making comparisons with other employers both public and private. For purposes of clarity each of the nine points contained in the Union's program is restated below followed by comments reflecting the position of the Managers' Negotiating Committee and of Local 49. 1. Employee-members be a part of each community advisory committee for hospitalization insurance. . Managers', Comment: It was recognized by both labor and management that employer-paid insurance premiums represent an element of the total compensation paid to employees. Previous agreements have emphasized that insurance benefits.paid by the employer are deducted from the gross pay of the recommended basic salary rate in order that the toCal of net pay and insurance payment made by management will correspond equally among the several municipalities. In recognition of this, the Managers' Negotiating Committee ggreed to the Union"proposal. In addition both the Union and the Managers' agreed that any changes in insurance rates during a wage year would be ref lected by an equal adjustment in net wages. �o � _ 2 _ 2. We propose that employees reaching the maximum 120 days of sick leave shall then earn one-half day banked sick leave per month and one-half day vaeation per month. Mana�ers' Comment: It was noted that the 1967 agreement (effective during 1968) called for a recommended twelve days per year with a maximum accumulation of 100 dayse It was further recognized that the termination of sick leave accumulation after 100 days was an "important" issue with the Union. Basically, sick leave and its accumulation is an attempt to protect against loss of income due to illness or injury, In other words, it is looked upon by employers as another form of insurance for which the municipality pays the entire premium. As with any form of insurance all employees do not receive direct tangible benefits within any given time period. It was therefore the position of the Managers' Negotiating Committee that there was no relationship between sick leave and vacation, It was recommended that minimum standard sick leave benefits shall consist of twelve days per year (i.e., one day per month) with a maximum accumulation of 100 days, and with the further provision that a sick leave "bank" be establaished for those employees wfio�Tiave reac e e accumulat on max mum w c ex s s n a respec ve munici- pa ity; an t at suc emp oyees be cre ite with one day per month bank sic leave so lon as the maximum accumulation is maintained It`is agreed that such banked sick leave may e used for onl lpersonal illness or d sability and only a ter dep etion o any or ina� sick e3 av_eJ accumulation. The banked sick leave is not to be considered as a basis for severance pay where such is in existence. Union's Comments: The Union accepted the Managers' position relative to banked sick leave and agreed to waive the request for conversion of sick leave to vacation. 3. Vacations. We propose to standardize vacation schedule with three weeks after five years, four weeks after ten years, five weeks after fifteen years, six weeks after twenty years, and seven weeks after twenty-five years. Mana�er's Comment: As a result of the negotiations conducted last year (1967) a series of standard policies were recommended with respect to vacation, sick leave, and holidays for adoption by municipalities which accepted the recommendations resulting from the negotiatibns. Recommended "standard" policy on vacations wl�ich was mutually agreed to at that time was as foll�ows : • (1) lfao weeks (i.e., 10 working days) paid vacation each year for the first through the tenth year of continuous employment. (2) Three weeks (i,e., 15 working days) paid vacation each year for eleventh through the twentieth year of continuous employmente (3) Four weeks (i.e., 20 working days) paid vacation each year for th twenty-first and succeeding years of employment. ,' ' . � i ' ' . � '► ' � � � ' � ' � , ' ' � � � ' �� r 3 r � i., ' .. During negotiations it was recognized that many municipalities within the �negotiating area are now giving three weeks (i.e., 15 working days) paid vacation each year for the sixth through the twentieth.year,of continuous employment. It was therefore recommended by th.e_�Managers°'Negotiating Couimittee that standard vacation benefits shiall �con�ist of c� , � t'. , .. �1) T�,io weeks (i.e., 10 working days) paid vacation for eaCt� year �or �he �irst through the fifth year of continuous employment. (2) Three weeks (i.e., 15 working days) paid vacation for sixth through the twentieth year of continuous employ►ment. (3) Four weeks (i.e., 20 working days) paid vacation each year �or � �wgnt�►-�irst and succeedin�g years of con�inuous emplQyment. � Sin�on � s CoBmnent t � The Union �sece�tgd �he �tanagers' pos�.t�on. 4. �iob Stability Incentive Plan: Af�er ��ve years of �mp�pyment, 3X and �X ��ditional per year �h�ough ten years of emp�o�►me�� -� �ot��. 8X ��er�aftgr. �;tabiii�y Payment Wiii bg paid �o �i� �mp�.oyees� but �ha�1 �P� �e �aid on ar�� �neome �n aecess q# $���000 pex �nn�m, �Tob �tability ��€�e�t�ve p�yment shaii �e pa�d �n ��u,mp �um on the f�r�st pay p���od �n. ��l� p�c�n�h pf D�cember gach year. �anatters' �omment, �he �o� ��-.biiity inc�����e p��n w�s r�preaented by �hg ynion �s gn effective �qrm of �mpioyer ��surane� �gain�� turnover. �� �tssump�ipn underiining �his argument was t#�a� ��bv•;ba� pnu�iC�pa�;tties #1pY€ ��urnoyer �robiem w��.�h �s �uffieien�ly f��rexe to w��xant th�e k�nd e� �pip�ion. �io gyid�nee pf ��e��ou� ��r�pver p�obiem.,�as �pund by ��e Man��ere'. �omanittee. �g �dc�it�on� �he�g �.e t�o g--��edent �.� pxivate employment (including the construction industry) for such a Job Stability �neeptive Plan, or a longevit y pa y plan as �t ia pdqxe Commonly termed. ��_r�h��'more� many _o,f �he pubiie �urisd�c��ons wh�ch hav� tX�.ed �t have �pg�d �t seryed �o purpose �nd some �ave ���he� �b�ndqned �� pr �nodi�ied �� �i��atic�ily. �inally, iongevity pay �ians �n�roduce Gomplicatlons �r�to the setting of salaries which cause problems for both employers and empioyees. For example,long service employees in iower classifications may have a higher salary than other employees who are in �he next higher classification, violating the whole:purpose of having separate job classifications. In addition, it introduces.serious difficulties in attempting to compare ffiunicipal_wage rates with those of other private and public employers. The �vidence weigh� heavily agains_t the adoption of �ny �o�gevi�y pay plan, and ��s �do�tion b� suburban munici�aii�ies �n Gh�s ���a 1� np� reCOmmendede �on's eomment The Upipn ��reed �o w��v� �h�� �p�.p� �o��.ow�t�g Conside�able �sg�ssion, S�, We �ro�ose �hat the severanee pa� be �tandardized at 30X of the unused sick ieave.. ... .... ............ ... .... . �ana�ers� Eoamnentt Siek leave is vi�wgd �s �#p�m p� �q��rance �nd the �dea Qf �fly tYpe of severanee pay based �po� ��e Aecum�,lat�on e� unused sick ���!v@ Wo�id �4 $imiiar �e �t�mandin� �j�e �e�und ��1 health insu�a�nga on the � ,..,-. �1 � �. � ' �� � � � � � LJ � � �! � �. ' ��. �� - 4 - basfs that one has not been ill very much. From a practical standpoint the payment of severance pay based upon accumulated sick leave places the municipality in the position of financially rewarding the employee that is leaving its service, and this would seem to be a rather dubious practice. If.there is any justification for severance pay it would seem that it should be limited tothose instances� where an employee dies while serving in the municipal service or retires from the service. Therefore, for those communities which after weighing the pros and cons of granting severance pay as a fringe benefit, decide to do so it is strongly recommended that severance pay be limited to 20% of the accumulated sick leave and be paid only upon the death of an employee while serving in the municipal service or upon retirement from the municipal service. Union's Comment: The Union agreed to waive this point. -�•��� -. •��-•� -- 6. We propose that fifteen cents per hour in addition to the regular wage . ahall be held in escrow for vacations, .this money to be paid to the employee member when he takes his vacation. ManaRers' Comment: Vacation benefits provided by municipalities equal or exceed those commonly provided by private industry and the cost of these benefits is already very substential. In addition, there"ia no instance in a Twin City metropolitan area of a major employer providing such a benefit in addition to paid vacation. Certain construction unions have negotiated agreements providing for an hourly contribution for vacation, but this is in lieu of paid vacation, not in addition to it. Therefore, there ie no basis which vould justify such a benefit, and therefore� the recommendation is negative. Union's Comment: The Union agreed to waive this point. 7. Notify the State Labor Conciliator that we are opening negotiations. Manasters' Comment: There was no objection to notifying the State Labor Conciliator, and it was recognized as the Union's prerogative to do eo as wae done in prQVious years. 8. Safety: We propose that the political subdivisions shall avail themselves of all safety equipment necessary for the protection of their employees, and that the employees who are members of Local 49 shall be expected to use this equipment when necessary. .. ,. .. Mana�ers' Comment: It is agreed that there is a continuing need to stress safe �ork practices in governmental employment, and it is further agreed that ongoing efforts will be exerted toward this end., ,.It is further-suggested that the Managers' Negotiating Committee and the Union Negotiating Com�itEee continue to meet at quarterly in*_ervals to work out practical means of: (1) Encouraging the establishment of safety com�ittee� within each municipality composed of management personnel and employees; �. � � _ '73 - 5 - (2) Encouraging each municipality to adopt policies and standard work practices which will encourage employees' safety; and (3) Develop a means of encouraging employees to follow those practices and use the appropriate safety devices and equipment. 9. Wages: The .classifications in wage rates January 1, 1969 shall be as follows: Classifications Foreman Sr. Tnspector Sr. Signman Sr..Instrument Man . 5r. Draftsman "'`�- � Sr. Water � Sewer Maintenance Man Sr. Parkkeeper Sr. Plan� �perator (Water & Sewer) Heavy Equipment Operator ltechanic Automotive Service Man ��- Inspector Signman Instrument Man Parkkeeper Draftsman Water & Sewer Maintenance Man Crew Leader (Patch truck) Neter Repairman Plant Operator (Water & Sewer) Light Equipment Operator Jr. Parkkeeper Jr. Instrument Man Jr. Water b Sewer Maintenance Man Jr. Draftsman Jr. Signman Jr. Plant Operator (Water & Sewer) Meter Reader Rodman-Chainman Public Works Maintenance Man � 1969 $835 785 785 785 'T85 " � 785 785 785 785 785 °735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 71� 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 6�65 � Mana�ters' Comment: Historicaliy, salary negotiations h�ve bpen limited to two bench mark classifications: light equipment operator and heavy equipment operator. The duties and responsibilities of these two classifications are well defined, and are clearly understood by those involved in the negotiations. Furthermore,_Loca1 49 represents the.vast majority of.suburban municipal employees in these classifications. However, the same is not true of the other twenty-eight classifications included in the Union proposal�. Therefore, negotiations were limfted to tlaese two classifications. As in previous years wages were the key issue in the negotiation�.� The Managers' Negot3ating Committee made a counter offer whic__ was believed to be f$ir and realistfc and which was based u�p�, ��,e prevaiiin� wage patterns in the Twin.Cities metropolitan labor tQ��xket which includes private as well as public employers. 1 - � `74 LJ r 6 r � . --The liberal fringe benefita granted by municipalities were reduced to }nonetary items to facilitate accurate comparison w�.th other employers ,� p�fex•ing permanent yearr�ound employment and comparable fr�nge benefi.ta. �p �addition, the �ize of xece�t wage �ncreases whict� were granted by pther emplayers were taken into consideratio� as Was the rather rapid � increase in cost of living as measured by the U.S. Department of I.abor's Consumer Price Index, � :'� . ; .� ,� I.� � �� r I�� As indicated early in this report, six negotiating sessions, stretching from June 27 through September 11, 1968 were required before agreement was reached. Prior to the final meeting no significant�progress had been,made on the issue pf wa�es, and it aeemed possible that no recommended agreement would be reached g�n ��oe�ropolitan basis. �'his wouid have me�nt that mu�icipal�.ties would have �ad �o pe�o��ate �.ndividua��� W�xh �.pcai Numb��r �+9, x.U.O.�., w�.thout the benefit e� ��y pY&�r�ii �uideiinea. #ioweve�� d�r��g Che �a�t meetiag wh�ch. extended over ! p�.�-hour per�od, �he U�iop phpw�d a sit►c�re w�i�i�gne�s tQ negot�aCe. As s �r&sui� an �gr�emen� was reaehed w�ic�► �ncxe�ses the recoamaended bas�c ea].ary rate. �p� ���ht �guj,pment ppera�or �rpm �6�.�, QO pe� p►ot�th to $�5$.40 per adonth a}�d�he gsi�c .�sa3a_ �ate or eav�► equipmer� pper�tor rp�n . pex WOAt t0 .�723.00 p�_r� P�o�?� . This cgpsti�ut�s a� �crps�s the bpard ��lary i�creaee of $43.�00 per pao�t�h 3n �he �iasic palary �r��es �� xecomme�►d�d by the Matt�gers' Negotiat�ng CP�i���e. � �� t+�s mutusiiy ��reed this y�ar� �s �n previou$ ye�x's� that the tot$1 muriicipal �gn�ribution toWard a�y �iogp�.tai, medicai � or l�.f e lnsux'ance program f or �ts �sp�oyees wc,�id �e er�dite�i ��ai�st Chese xeepmmended xatea in srr�ving at the i�s�� �al�ry ��te �or gach �un�.c�.p�lity. �n add�t#on� �a was taent�sned above,� ��y �perease pr dgerease �� the$e �naurance xat�� dur�,�g �he contzact yeax wi7.1 �e ref ie�ted in the basic $aiary �ate �o� the empioyaea of each municipality. A�1AI��ONqL COMMENxS it"was the opindon of the Managers' Negotiating Committee that the inclusion pf job stewarda in the Union Negotiating Committee was of substant�gl benefit to both the employers and the employees, and it was recommended that this practice be continued during the ensuing years. The committee thanks those municipalities Which permitted steward representatives to �ttend the bargaining.session. _.._.�-- - �}� �bov� �oin�s were negotiated with the mutual understandin� that the "agreement" �������n�s .a $�anda�d for p��icipalit�es �.n �rr�.v�ng at mun�eipal ealaries and �e#�e€i�e �nd �a#�not be imposed by the Metxppolitan Managers' AssoC�ation aa ����in� pn �ny �nunicipali�y. �0�-�i-68 MANAGERS' NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. Dpnald G. �oss, �hai�na� (Mana�er, Drooklyn Center) George Hite (As$ietant"�I�nager, �dina) Jaek irving M3l.�ol�n W��aot� (Irianager, C4�411�b�.a Heights) G. �teven ��rnax�d (Manager� White 8ear I.ake) `7,5 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA ' . COST OF VARIOIJS fENEF IT INCREASES ADD I T I OhA L COS T EMPLOYEE DEPENDENT FAMILY ADD I TIONAI, DA I LY ROOM fr ' BOARD $I 2 4 s. � 16 ADD ITIONAL HOSPITAL-h11S- CELLANEOIIS � 5100 . 200 400 . tlnl imited ADQ I T I ONA L ti1A TERN I TY OR 0 BS TE TI� t C A L $25 -- So . . �1J0 , 200 . �$ OFFlCE CALLS $10 HOME CALLS ADD I TIONAL D IA6NOS IS, X-f�AY � f� L A B � $25 � SO 125 ADDITIONAL SURGERY $20 40 �o 100 ��, 2 �a �.105 .2l .42 .sa I.G� $ .�3 •�5 .07 .12 � - $ .sa .19_ $ .t9 ' .39 .69 � .OG .II .22 .27 � $.19� .4� - .79 , �.s� 3.17 � .04 . �7 .II .17 $ •33 .66 �.32 2.64 �3.�2 .a� $•303 .61 1.21 2.42 4.�5 a .0� .12 .18 .29 a .s3 .66 � • 32 2.64 S3•9b .67 , ..�,� $.34 ' .f� .69 1.08 I.22 1.91 � .14 .2� •SS .69 � .20 .39 .77 .96 . �� � CITY OF r"RIDLEY SALARY SCHEDULE AS OF NOVEMBER 1968 � FULL TII� EMPLOYEES JOB CLASSIFICATION DATE OF EMPLOYMENT PRESENT SALARY 1969 SALARY � GROSS GROSS STREET DEPARTMENT � Arthur Olson Street Lead Man April 1, 1957 $ 706.00 $ 751.00 Robert Anderson Heavy Equip. Oper. May 24, 1959 683.00 728.00 ' Dennis Ottem Heavy Equip. Oper. June 4, 1962 683.00 728.00 � James Bates Street Utility Man June 11, 1962 648.00 693.00 Richard Bloom C.M. III June 11, 1962 633.00 658.00 � Warren Marsyla C.M. III August 21, 1967 613.00 658.00 LeRoy McCoy C.M. III September 5, 1967 613.00 658.00 � Harlen Hanscom C.M. II June 3, 1968 613.00 658.00 WA'1'ER DEPARTMENT � Merle Lon rbone Water Lead Man November 27, 1957 $ 706.00 $ 751.00 Se � Donald Carrigan Sr. (Cert.) Water February 24, 1964 648.00 728.00 Maintenance Man � Edwin Saefke SEWER DEPARTI�NT � Arthur Silseth Chester Swanson � Dale Bakke j , James Brindley �MECHANICS John iiright � Gary Larson PARK DEPARTMENT � Ralph Volkman Roy Scherer � Leslie Stocke � Enclosure No. 3 C.M. III Sewer Lead Man Sr. Sewer Maintenance Man C.M. III C.M. III Mechanic Assistant Mechanic Park Lead Man Park Maintenance Park Maintenance March 18, 1968 May 25, 1968 February 24, 1964 January 3, 1967 September 5, 1967 September 23, 1963 May 16, 1960 Apri1 8, 1968 March 28, 1964 . May 1, 1967 613.00 $ 706.00 648.00 613.00 613.00 $ 683.00 648.00 $ 634.00 614.00 613.00 658.00 S 751.00 728.00 658.00 658.00 $ 744.00 728.00 $ 751.00 658.00 658.00 '• �o : Re: ' ' I -' � r� City Manager �, City Council �� Street li,ght�ng program for 1969 (lst Phase) Thexe are already 48 requests for new street lights. We have listed the light requests in order of priority we feel should be followed. LOCATION OF PROPOSED LIGHT ' EAST RIVER ROAD Between Pearson �Vay � 79th Way �etween Rickard Rd. �, 75th Way �etween Glen Creek Rd. � Talmadge Way �1t Chesney Way �etween 71 1/2 Way and Logan Pkwy. �etween 71st Way � 71 1/2 Way Between 70th Way � 71st �Jay �etween 69th Nay F� 70th Way- Northerly location �etiveen 69th Way � 70th Way � Southerly location �etween Locke Lake Rd. � 69th Way _ �ear Rice Creek Between Mississippi �Yay � Rice ' Ck. Way - Northerly location Between Mississippi Way F� Rice Ck. Way - Southerly location �etween Charles �, 61st �Va - Y Northerly location �etween Charles Way F 61st Way - Southerly location. PRIORITY RATING 1f213 !4! ' X , X I �I X X X X X X X X X X X X X REMARKS Straight area - few driveways Straight area - lights are no�v close Curve Straight area f� private street intersecting Curve �, driveways Slight curve - few driveways Stxaight area - few driveways Slight curve - few driveways Curve Straight area Curve -� dangerous embankment Straight area Near traffic signal � business are- Straight area - only school driveway Strai:ght area - no driveways � . .. , . . . • . Arrange in order of riorit_ ratin LOCATION OF PRIORITY PRO�'OSED LZGHT RATING � tl �2 l3 f4t �tlest Moore Lake Dr. - South of Marigold Terrace ity Garage Road-Easterly loc. elody Drive � Jackson St. oncerto Curve �, Jackson St•: -Baker St. � West Circle �acon Drive � 76th Ave. �adison St . � Osborne �tl. Iemory Lane F� Jackson S�t. Ruth Circle - South corner �lm St. � 77th Ave. oad to pumphouses-Commons Pk. - 9th Ave. f� Rice Creek Blvd, ce arena entrance - 2 lights City Garage Road - Westerly loc. �ity Garage Road - Center loc. ocke Park parking lot-3 lights -- Lyric Lane � Jackson St. �5th Ave. � Jackson St, 75th Ave. � Hayes St, nondaga St. � McKinley St. Sth Ave. � McKinley St, acon Dr . F� Meado�lmoor Dr , uldesac's off 76th Ave.-2 location urve in 66th Way NE Ruth Circle � Ruth St. uth Circle - North corner lm St. �, 78th Ave. �urve in hieadowmoor Drive Ieadowmoor Drive � 76th Ave. ' ' ' , � XI X� X X X� X X X X X X X X X X X � X ,, X X � ,s ,X , X X X REMARKS urve ��. _� End of road - entrance to garage "T" intersection - developed area "T'� intersection - developed area Curve in road-entrance to-trailer court - bus stop -- "T" intersection - Developed along Bacon Drive Hospital parking lot traffic ctT" intersection Partially developed Partially developed-local traffic Maintenance rd. � would shine in back yards Residential area; no thru traffic "T" intersection Entrance wili be from service road e�T" intersection �rith service road Straight area - no driveways Undeveloped Partially undeveloped-"T'� intersec "T" intersection - Minor intersec. street Partially developed area ��T'1 intersection-Minor street inte� �'T�' intersection-l�finor street inte- ��T�' intersection - No houses on Meadowmoor Driti-: Partially developed Curve , local traffic � Undeveloped area Undeveloped area Undeveloped area - local traffic only X � Undeveloped area X Undeveloped area Total lights - 11 + 9+ 23 + S= 48 requests Our recomendations are that at this time council should order only 20 lights leaving 10 more lights still available for 1969 as we have a total of 30 lights budgeted. Submitted by, �)n�I ,' /�( ,% . , C'�1-(.�t,C /'� � �C�1 � C(^ Nasim I��. Qureshi, P.E. _ - __ ___ r �.. .� ' � i �= � � ; � ' � , .. � � . � � � � . � � v. � � .,d, �..�...,_ ,_ �� e: .: , • � --e T`\�`�` . � �r , - -' � �� �� _ ''f�� \ s_ ~,��, � ' �., � <��.� ,,���.� �. �, � . . �'' � � \'� . . ii�� , . . i� i .. ' � ��i/ 1 kDenotee Requested i�ocations � �,�, .of Street.Lighte � i ' 'i i � Numbe�e 1-4 Denote Priority � ae Determixied by Fridley � ; Planning Depsrtment. � i / � f / f�% --- 6� . �: �` � ;� , _ , , . , , . , . , - . , , . : � ; � . � ;� : ,� . � � �; , � � I' ,t i Ii ///// � � i � . �, - ,��; �; � r %� 1 r% % � /_ � r �;�. � . �. : ;. � ; � '� ,y. 0 • . �. :, � � � . ; , � � i A / i i , , . . . : �i _ : . : � � . � . : � � l._ ., , � . e `� .. • � � 4 � ! ' . � • � i : :,. . .� •o�- :����� . �i -- . . '' : , `S ������i . . � _ _ — _ --- -- ,, : _ _ --- �s_.,. �I s s `j � � { e.! S G,S � t ( � � ���� � !%� % ��: ��/L / � - i �e�,� s , . -✓� I� . r i, i ,.�. , _ � s - ��` ; 2. '''� 3 s • �S� � � (' � 'c ..+� �' �� T;. �v 1 � � — -- ----- -- ------- - --� i 'a ` I 1 i � / �.�u.+ + t � s • - o�.� � � 6 F 6 ff�r p..s_ • SiR/MG LA/t. P�RK �iS3 r�rr r»�im i� �rr • m- ��� ! _ s � � �- � ,9 »� w.... s � � � � � � . �e�= � ` �--�—�'w�. �i�� ` � � � • j t j : 2 2 t • � f =__-�t • • `�_,��::��: / . 4'�,1��� f • % j � r . , �•'"��f� � . - , ' � �'• �' �� � �.., „ � �q1s i�vb t or B� '„`�-� • � :ervq E . . % � ~7'Q��►�t: � t ! � � � e� 2 +- i � + = s�rs.e�ct e = ��%//. � + � r = s .i..00a... : � . . _� / � s � .�, s or�..o..s s s Q$ s •��„�. � / s � � � o� e / � _ � 4 � iA 4 x 4' w � � � � � e ° a I � / � . f ` � !' � 6 6 �bs�[� y.�. . ` • �.,,r � -�/ � � a�' � a z. : � �. �'K� � � b r••=. ; � � 2 s I GGTM � � � wc. q •' Z•� ► s e s + • • s s • � : i. �. � N. . • . ,� ` �p; � � _. s �«. : ► il:., � ' � sO�/ i° � t � s .,,.:.::• , � „� � e e • R•�',� �� �s � e t � � s� s� • � � � —4� ; _ �..� �c a ,: e � � wy+s P. • a s i� : ' .. % �I . /_ � 3!!�u -Q�tecv � S : � � , `.. . e _ve • ! � g ti st7r �v� ` W % � s :r�- j '�' � : � : z , ��g � . ° • � e -O��:fl 3 """ � �� �y ` /3 �. W a e e a s e� z . • RK� .sr. � t : s� i � � e s � , � : : ,'' ��< , .o: � � � a.. y� E'B: r a� °. / F ."� 4 ( ! s �: s s � J / � � � % • � s e � 3 :,.�. � . � _ _ s t a _ � , i a� a n'' • �. 1 � :� � s e e e � � ' .. � � + s "'"°�" ' • � — • �� � , 2 ,roa°` � � ' , j r a � G��st r0�'r� ) . , � . �� �;�� .,C' we 2 2 �i ►.. �vc � ��Z LAKf • � • . 0--�- `•--` � � i i : �=i � �� •y' u ^..�� � 6 ..a lA � �. • • � �� e�'"�+' _�t s � ;• � �.. .,� s ,-•_:_-i • ••-. ` ..... t _ � � ' ;?^i...� � �r . S 1 S•.a �N � • �1 �,�1 ��( �� ' . s�• t �_' e�r, ;,��i i V� e�i b : � � i, �� �� L • • ► l /�,�,w��- � 6� S r��.� e i •�e • 6 � s`�6� , ��' ��' ��_.� � � a � � , '�—� , � . � • � ti �c� � � ..r � �� _ �t.• � : �!' MO. G96 � • �- �� �-` ��Y .� , y ' ^ � � `. . • �� ,� V �� � .. . �� ` I ; � : a -r s�_ s • • i � • V� . �:Y.• � . � � � / / / - / , � � • . DISPA i CHER s1 �GENERAL D� __ -- 1' I E S �" Under the d�rzction of the Chief of Police shall be re��;onsib3Q ;o; dispatching ad� Police and F�re vehicies; handte ca]is frcn ci�tizens -� ,by telephone; maintaan a radio and telephone tog; type offense ��pc�r•Ls, and accident repo�ts as•*_ime permitso SPECIFIG DLTIES � 1. Receiv� c m o plajnts from c�tizens of crime� committed9 or of ao�;, �� or stolen p�-oper�y9 or of oth�r natte�-s requiring the atter�tio:� of the police, or otner city departments. 2o To dispatch cars, trucks9 and men to the scene or a crim�, , accident9 fire, or any unusuai ocwrrence reported, 3. Receive and t�ansmit messages to and from supervi�ory officers ' and patroimeno . 4. Assist ir� the maintenance of the police records system, � -� 5. Recor-d the comi�g on, and going off, duty of each police officero� r_� 6e Maintain a complete, accurate radio log of all radio transrrissi n as required by,the F,C,Co ° s � %. Maintain an accurate tel . ephone log, � 8. Perform such additior�al duties as the Chief of Poiice or, in his absence the of�i cer i r�. cl�a�°ge, may di rect a . � MTNIMUM APPLICATIO�J REQUIREME��TS Age: Between 21 and 65 yearso � Physical Standa�-ds; Good health wi � , th no ser,ous disabiiitieso ' SPECIALIZEO KNOSJLEDGESa ABILITIES AND SKILLS 1. Social and genera3 intelligenceo �_ -.--._. ._ __ : � 2. Good char-c . . a tere � 3• Ability to �arry eut o.rders accurately, ei�ther written or oral, 4. Ability to make intelligent reportso _ � ' _ 5. Must have tact. � .r , �J ,� . r � 1 ' , � � __ � Page 2 - dispatcher 6• Ability to meet the pubiic with courtesy, and to al�,rays control his temper. 7. Be compietely famiiiar �vith laws, ordinances, rules and regulations as they affect police work in the City of Fridiey. s. Have a good knoaviedge of tne boundaries, streets, and highways within the City of Fridley, 9. Be able fio administer tests for alcohoi content to.persons charged by the Folice. 10. Must be able to handle 6e11igerent prisoners with tact and firmness when t�e occasion arises. GEF1E�Al CO;�I�ITIO"JS 1. Oispatchers may be removed from the employ of the Cit of Fridiey for violations of any of the applicaale "�eneral Rules For All Members Of 7he De�artment" as they appear in the �olice Manual, starting with Section 8B. , � 2. Dispafichers may be replaced by a member of the Fridley Police De�artrnent who has been injured in the line of duty ar,d is no longer ca,oabie of holding the p�sition of �olice Officer, rovidin � that t'rre injured offic�r has been drawin a disaoitit P g g ' y pension from the Fridley �olice Pension Fund for a p�riod of not iess than one. year, and is physicaily, mentally, and otherwise capable of perform- I ing the dut�es of dis�atcher in a satisfactory manner. In the event this should happen, the disp�tchers wi11 be replaced in the order they were hired; the last man hired being t�e first man repiaced , regardless of any other condition. � 12-3-68 � ' � �' �• ' 8� ' � RESOLUTION N0. � �� ' A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL , RE IT RESOLVED, by the Councii of the City of Fridley, Anoka , County, Mi�nesota, as follows: WHEREAS, the Fridley City Council recognizes that there are ' me�ropoli�an problems that transcend municipal boundaries, and that the Metropolitan Council ha s been in existence a very short period o� �i�ne, and that there are many problems of overlapping responsibility , tha� have not been determined, and that there are methods of financing that have not been resolved, and that specific areas of inetropolita� r�sponsibility have not been defined. � � , r � �J NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the Fridley City Council co�a�ends the Metropolitan Council for its objective and well-considered appraach to the problems of the metropolitan area. SE IT FURTNER RE�OLVED and strongly urged that the 1969 Minnasate L�gislature continue the present structu�e and that an additional twa years be devoted to discussion and study of the structure a�d functions of the Counci I before any far-e•eaching changes are �ade. BE IT FURTNER RESOLVED that the Fridley City Council agrees with, and urges acceptance of, the regional prir►ciples embodied in th� Metropolitan Council's sewer study. �� ADO�TEp BY THE CITY COl1NCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, THIS '� DAY OF c�2� . , 1968. , ' A TT� ST ; � GITY GLERK - MARVIN C. BRl1NSELL � ' MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM , � � � _� ' ' � �� ' � , C ' ' ' . _ s4 RESOLUTION N0. �_ AP�'OINTING, REAPPOINTING AND CONFIRM�NG EXISTI�TG APPpINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES FOR TI� XEAR 1969. WHEREAS, the City Council appoints several Commission, Boards, Subcommittees and Coaunittees to perform functions outlined and suthorized by Ordinance and Resolution, and WHEREAS, a review of vacancies and reappointments are conducted on January lst oi e+ach year and new appointments and reappointments can be made at that time; and WHEREAS, extension of some appointments are soatetimes necessary to insure aonti�luity in membership of such Boards, Co�issions and Committees when certain extenaions of appointments are deemed essential to efficiency; NpW THEREFORE, the following appointments and reappointments are confirmed, made or extended by the City �ouncil of the City of Fridley, as of January 1, 1969 ox' effective date as indicated. PLANNING COMMISSION (ORDINANCE #348) ES$NT MEMBER EXPIRES ing Standards-Des APPOINTEE rol - 1 Year Appointment Oliver E. Erickson (Chairman-plannirig Coagnission) 1315 N.E. Hillcrest Drive Fridley, Minnesota 55421 1-15-69 Chairman Board of A eals - Donald R. Mittelstadt 69L►0 Hickory Drive N.E. Fr3.dley, Minnesota 55432 Edward J. Fitzpatrick 5273 Horizon Drive Fxidley, Minnesota 55421 12-31-69 ion Commission - 3 Ye 12-31-68 nt Chairman Plats and Subdivisions-Streets and Utilities , William E. Jensen 12-31-69 58� Rice Creek Terrace Fr�tdley, M�nnesota 55432 Member Plannin Commission• Vice-Chairman Plats and Subdivisions T�1Q�� My��a 12-31-69 63fi0 Able Street Northeast Fridley, Min,nesota 55421 EFFECTIVE DAT� 1-15-69 12-31-68 � ' � I � I � � � � � � �J ' , � ' ' RESQ�,UxION �TQ. . �� SUB-COMMITTEES OF PLANNING COA4IISSION PR�3ENT MEMBER Eg_ pIRES APPOIN A�.ats and Subdivisions - Streets and Utilities 3 ear term - 5 members William E. Jensen - Chairman 12-31-69 S89 Rice Creek Terrace Fx'idley, klinnesota 55432 T�Q�$ MY�r� - Vice Chairman �2-31-69 636p Able Street Northeast Fridley, ��.�AeBOta 55421 DQnald Batterson 12-31-70 64$0 Ri.vearview Terrace Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Eldon Schm;edeke 12-31-68 590�1 Univers,ity Avenue N.E. Fridl�y, Minnesota 55421 Daryl Nagel 12-31-68 489 Rice Creek Terrace Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Buildings Standards - Desit�n Control (Ordinance ��351) (1 year term - S�„��,�, Oliver Erickson - Chairman 1315 N.E. Hillcrest Drive Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Ear1 E, Biermann 7$30 Alden Way Fx�.�1ey, Minnesota 55432 Caxrol K. Hauge (First Ward) 64S - 67th A,venue Northeast F'���1�y, Minnesota 55432 William R. Tonco (Second Ward) 5925 Hackmann Avenue Northeast Fr�dley,_Minnesota 55421 R�.Ch�a�s� �. pittes (Third Ward) 6291 Riverview Terrace Fx'1.dley, Minnesota 55421 1-15-69 1-15-69 1-15-69 1-15-69 1-15-69 � t � . ._. � 85 PAGE 2 EFFECTIVE DATE 12-31-68 12-31-68 r� 1-15-69 1-15-69 1-15-69 1-15-69 1-15-69 ' � ' ' I , ' � � R,�SO�,T�T�QN N0. -..--_-____� SUB-COMMITTEES OF PLANNING COMMISSION 'S� � ME��R EXPIRES APPOINTEE Board of A eals Ordinance 4�358 3 Year Term - 5 Members pQnald R. MiCtelstadt, Chairman 12-31-69 6940 Hickory Drive Northeast Fridley, ���.n�sota 55432 Richard Harris 12-31-69 6200 1t�.v�rview Terrace Fr�dley, Minnesota 55421 Robe+rt Ahoc�er� 12-31-68 33p 4sborc�e Road Northeast Fx����Y, Minnesota 55432 Robert A. Mir�ish 12-31-68 331 Pearsor� Way �ortheast Fridley, Minneaota 55432 Mike p'�aanoa 12-31-70 5298 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, 1Kinneaota 55421 � Park s and Recreation Commiss ' Edward Fitzpatrick, Chairman 5273 Horizon Drive N.E. Fri,dley, Minnesota 55421 ' JQ�� Au�p�y, Vice-Chairman 155 Stonybrook Way N.E. ' Fridley, Minaesota 55432 ThQntas Coahran 1171 Lynde Drive N.E , Fr�dley, Minnesota 55421 Richard Donlin ' 477 R.ice Creek Terrace Fr�d].ey, Minnesota 55432 , Gary Staiva�ale� 7841 Alden� Way N,�. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 ' � ' � ivrdinance 3 12-31-68 12-31-68 12-31-70 12-31-70 12-31-69 0 86 Page 3 EFFECTIVE pATE 12-31-68 12-31-68 12-31-68 12-31-68 x�so�,u��oN �vo. 8`7 �_ Page 4 HUMAN 1tELATIONS COI�IITTEE (Resolution �I�271 1964) PR�S�NT M�MB�R EXPTRES _�. APPOINTEE �� Jordis bti,t�elstadt 691�0 Hicko�ry Arive N.E. Mrs. Kat�t�x�,n� Moss 102�. �,��,� Creek Terrace Andrew Roh�ac� 236 Rice Creek �oulevard W�2 Mrs. I,inda Rosaman 6361 Momroe Street Northeast Robezt Hyaes 66S - 57th Place Northeast Stephen A� Kachina 6�+76 A�1lwood Drive W-� 3 Iiarry Crowder, Vice-Chairman 146 - 63rd Way Northeast Doc� gatterson 6480 Riverview Terrace John �t, Ivers, Chairman 527�. Trinizy prive AT IARGE James E. Thomson 411 - fa7th Avenue Northeast John Oden 5899 Hackman�, Avenue Northest Rev . Gsrald ICee �e b124 - 5th Street W� R. Starwalt 1021 �ackm�nr� Circle Rev. Mark Denyes 7k60 Van $az�en Northeast Rober� I„ Buckley 54 T.oc�C� Lake Road 12-31-68 12-31-69 12-31-7p 12-31-68 12-31-69 12-31-70 12-31-68 12-31-69 12-31-70 12-31-68 12-31-68 12-31-69 12-31-69 12-31-70 12-31-70 EFFECTTVE AATE 12-31-68 12-31-68 12�31-68 �z-si-bs 12-31-68 � RE�O��T�pN NU, ' , Page �5'� POLICE CO1�Il�tISSIAN (Chapter 25) (3 Year Term - 3 Members) ' ��� � BER EXPIRES APPOINTEE EFFECTTVE p,ATE Wi1b�r Wk�i.Cmoxe 12-31-68 �+4U Ric� Cr�ek Terrace N.E. 12-31-6$ tAr� Milton Wi�li.ama 12-31-69 90 Cxa�.gway Norths�s� I � I ' Dav�.d W. Laraon 12-31-70 2438 Orah�rd P1,ac�, New Brighton iMoYed frPm FridleY) B�� OF �ALTH (CHAPTER 36) (3 Year Term 3 Members) px• H. 3. SCrait - H�alth Officer 12-31-69 �� 7b35 Nartheaat Alden Way Dx. ponald L. Wright 12-31-69 ' 101 �,pgan pax�c�v�y Northeast Harv�y J. �icPhee, Public Health Sanitarian ' 3463 �arthan Avenue South St. Lpui$ Park, Mian, 55416 12-31-69 � ' . SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY Councilma�n Rayraond E. Sheridan 12-31-68 1301 Iiillwind Road Northesst Cot�ROilmaa L. W� gamuelson, Alternate 78Q0 East Ri ver Itoad 12-31-68 ' NORTH SU URBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT �o�wallman David 0. Harris 12-31-68 � 47A Rice Creek $oulevard FRIDLEY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY � 1K. Mahur�.n 6-9-70 6378 DeilWood Drive N.E. ' � , � J Stsn W. Carlson, Chairman 6219 $�k�� Str�et Northeast Pastox Arnold Stone 6950 Hickory Drive N.E. C�x1 Paulson 430 - 57th Place Northeast Johrt .A. Johnso�n, Jr. 7320 Goncexto Curve 6-9-69 6-9-73 6-9-70 6-9-71 Upon Appointmea� 12-31-68 12-31-68 12-31-68 RESOLUTION N0. FRIDLEY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CO1�IlrIISSION David 0. Harris 470 Rice Creek Blvd. Robert E. Christenson 231 Rice Creek Terrace Virgil C. Herrick 5800 Tennison Drive Donald R. Mittelstadt 6940 Hickory Drive I,eonard Samuelson 78A0 East River Road Robert Schroer 7886 Firwood Way N.E. L. E. Torrey I-694 at Main Street N.E. Charles E. Johanson 160 Hartman Circle Donald Stotts 5250 Taylor Street N.E. William Drigans 1060 Lynde Drive George Zeglen 841 Rice Creek Terrace Tom Dean 739 Mississippi Street Charles Hall 5818 Hackmann Avenue William E. Jensen 589 Rice Creek Terrace Don Blair 206 Rice Creek Blvd. _. _. 89 Page 6 (No date of expiratioa or specific number of members designated) ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T� CITy pF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 196 . ATTEST: CITY CLERK - ��1�! ,�� '^�RLTNSELL � MAYffit - JACK 0. KIRI�IAM < APPOINTMENT FOR CONSENT AND APPROVAL BY THE CITy COUNCIL DECEMBER 16, 1968 NAME Henry R. Muhich 34 South Erie Street Aurora, Minn. Nasim M. Qureshi 5495 Main Street Fridley, Minn. POSITION Building Official Director Planning- Co�nunity Development SALARy $760.00 ItEPLACES John B. Breher �o � � � J � /� � �'� 5 reokd� f �� --- � d �$�� �� 1 �S �'� �hs �l�g � . ��, CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITION CO'{/ER SHEET TkC• 8eceived December 6, 1968 Petition No. 34-1968 Obj�ct Blacktop Street, Concrete Curb and Gutter - Rice Creek Terrace, from 68th Avenue to University Avenue. Petitio�n Checked By L,Q• �tE �� /� � o_-- ow� � Ys h i�o LI,L�!�. P�rc�nt Signing �, 3 p�,J Q ��� �,' 6� = � �re� � fo v �.�,G �Q uJ G � � �i=9/ o R�ferr�d to City Council � Disposition �� - - — ---- - — __--_---- _ ._. __ _ ____ -- --- — — . �� � 'I � N//I CORNfi� .sn�-- ., JE.6 tI . . ..:....i.:.:��'.;. .... � • � � , " � � L � • If M ' t" 69TH AVE, N.E , , . " . ° 3 -' �.... y ... • ....._..., . 'i� • .. .:.. �E : � +.�+. , o:. 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Street, from to /, � " - _ : . - . who will benefit by the proposed improvement, hereby petition that the following im-- provements be made. '� Concrete Curb and Gutter and Blacktop Street 1. 2. � � 3 . � � � � We understand that the cost of said improvement will be assessed against the property in the above described area in eq�:al �nstallments for a period not to exceed 10 years years with interest payable at the rate of 6 � per annum on the unpaid balance. � We undersf.,and that, until preliminary engineerin can be com leted it is im ossib g p , p le to give accurate estimates of what triese improve:nents will cost; but that based on cost � figures for similar �•rork done in the Czty, it is estimated that these improvements will cost: . . 1. $9.00 per assessable foot . � _- _ , . ___ _. _ _ _ . , _. _, _ - _ . _ , ___ , � . - � 3 � - --- NAME - - ���:":�'1p,�;SS LF,GAL DESCRIPTTON � ' �-) . r�; _%� r ,- !� .. _.__ ` 7��i' •' / �%� � ,; '; . � : , __ / y / . � �\� � \ - t" � J . ^ , �. �` L !l -L-� /�' � l � - (I��x_ �� , i � �,,, ; � � � , �' �t��� - -�----� � . /�T � // ; ..� , � . ; . 1 y ..�- i t � `r _ � 1' F �t -> ; 7 _/% (` ,,,, t; -, .� _ ,_ . . i 7 � . � �,,.�..� • . 2 !� � t _ _ . , �- �./ ' ,-, �i-" G ! � G' i �� r:. t�t, c' , j � '°' _ � ---� __, ______�/�—. < t . : __�. , / ;-' . . . �• . .. 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C L A T M S GENERAL #16806 through ��16905 LIQUOR �� 2816 thraugh # 2872 95 „.�- ' � ' � � � 'J � � � •� APFLIC.:TIOI� FCl!? LIV,.�TOCK LIC�;i�E Namc3 of A �� r'"+- � a� pp2icant _ _ �. 5 �- � 1- � �% � Ili � it Ho�o Addreaa �� '%� �% � �r►�i4 � _ �/� �, , � ^ , Phonc_ �to. 7� � �v `/<<2 � `n � �e �� �escription oS Livostoc:s _ ,S /�%+�--� � /�;�� ,a �� �, � ii ..._� iJumber of Anim�ls _ % �l� �� F., Dcsct�iption of I'rc�'tsos aho�, ""'� ” ' , —_ in� .+djoinin� Froperty `- .. /�i � a��--- �-!� L �c�cxiption of Fcncc Lines and IIousing Fucilitics ��L' ff/�'�t/ — ,C'�i>� r� � � �-� '=� �' � � { c'-2�' e , N c � � �o�y e �� ' � �t,'(,. � � cv License Fec � r � ;., Expiration �Jate � � Licc3nso No. � Roccipt No. �' � � � � � �-�� y �� � Si�nature of Applicunt 5 V� -; � I � � 1 � � � � � � APFLIC�:TIOI� FQl? LIV'�STpCR LIC�;iiaE IJaaro of Applicant �� � Ho�o Addre3a - �7'75�� �.�� St A/ � � ,_,� , Phone �Jo . _ '7 �'S� — ' y �3 � �� — _ �'` "( -- Je scription of Livo stoc:i � ���� s T�Jumber of Aaim�l.s � --..-__...., Dcscription of Prc�+3sos 3hot.�in� t�ijoining fropert �/ f •� y_ n , R,S,.. r'Lr,-.�...� ( Jc3cription of Fcncc Lines �nd Iiousing Fucilitic� %�a r., v t,uva tn n � �� � Licenso Feo � � � Expiration �.te � � r � � Licanso i�Io. Roccipt No. ��;, jg-�� ' i .J� �:rti-r� � //' 6yI1.-f.[__f"�, � /��.. Si�nature of Applic�nt � ��% �_. --; � _ __ --- � __.-- ,� , �._-- �� � . � �-- �.= t� � � � � � � � .� � __� C] � O � � � C� � �� v Wm w� t h °C 78 .- �" AVEN UE cn � 1' � . : �� � - -�.:�:- � L ,, _ _ � --- � � ��... � ; . r :� � �� �-- �� � c.� -„ t_��1 - ._ �n� C� , :. ---- : � �, � � � _ � NE�. . � .:.. �--•--- �� _w . _:.K _ .._ V��-� � � �,��- . �.. ,.....r._� .�.i.-. �_,�..A4 ;.�:.s /�LZ . . - . . . /!L7 �. �� �� ����� � _� � .. �- . . � ` . . � ,, , ' ..�� � � � � �• � ,_ Y . , 1 1 � c�� o r�d�e � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE INFORMAL HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF FRIDLEY s6o-�so •i� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 Dear Sir, On Monday, December 12, 1968, at 8:30 P.M., the City Council of the City of Fridley is holding an informal hearing, concerning two (2) applications for licenses to keep livestock. The applicants are: Mr. James Hlavinka 5 77th Way N.E. Fridley, Minnesota License for: One Shetland Pony And Mr. Francis P, Anderson 7748 Elm Street N,E. - Fridley, Minnesota License for: Two Shetland Ponies If you have any questions or comments concerning this application, your attendance at the meeting is requested. � , � �� . ,� asim M. Qures i, . . City Engineer , ' � � 60.05 60. LIVESTOCK CONTROL 60.01. The term livestock as used herein means horses, cows, goats, rabbits, sheep and fowl. (Ref. 76) • That any reference to "cow" shall include any animal of the cow kind or cattle, including either male or female of the , : species. � � i � _� � �., � ' � � .' � 60.02. No person shall engage in the keeping, raising, feeding or caring for livestock within the corporate limits of Fridley without first having obtained a license so to do and paid into the treasury a license fee as specified herein. (Ref. 86) 60.03. The person who shall keep such livestock within thp City of Fridley shall not allow odors and smells which are offensive to the people inhabiting the City. Organic matters shall not be alTowed to acc�nulate for more than one (1) week at a time and removed oftener if it is necessary to eliminate odors and smells which are offensive to the people inhabiting the City. (Ref. 76) 60.04. Proper housing in the form of barn, coops or hutches shall�be provided any area where the livestock is � permitted to roam, shall be adequately fenced to insure the keeping of the livestock on the owne�'s premises. Wherever such area abuts upon a residential area on which dwellings are erected, there shall be a strip of land at least 30 feet wide between such abutting property and the area on which the livestock is kept, 60.05. A license to keep livestock shall be granted'only upon application made to and filed with the City. The app- lication for license shall be in writing signed by the appli- cant and filed with the Clerka It shall state the applicant's full name and address and contain a complete description of the livestock to be kept as to kind :nd number and a descrip- tion of the premises showing the adjoining property, fence lines and housing facilities. The Council in considering. whether a license�should be gra.nted, may consider the nature of the livestock, the possible effect on adjoining properties, the fence lines and housing facilities, the sanitation con- trol and the effect on the general health and welfare of the community. The following schedule of license fees shall be paid annually as of May 1 of each�year before any license shall be granted: HORSES - First animal $10.00, each additional animal - $5.00. � % DEFINITIONS LICENSING REQUIRED MANURE REhqVAI HOUSING LICENSING RROCEDUk;I AND FEES 244 1 � . 101 ■ ' � , -Multiple Qwe1)ing Lfcense to de Approved by �� �'• -.C1ty Council, Decembe� 16, 1968 Septanber 1, 1968 to September 1, 1969 � �`� ADDRE55 UNITS FEE _. . � , John J. Johnson ' � 380 plllsbury Building, � � � 1508 - 2�d Ave. So. • � Min�aapolls, Minn. 55402 321 - 79th Way N. E. 4_ �p.pp , S ence� J. Sokolowski � - P 5801 2nd St. N. E. 4 . 10.00 for Berton Cross :� 556 - 40th Ave. N. E. � Minneapolis, Minn. 55421 � . . - ;, _�. . . _ ' ;, : . . ' 1 � � � � � , .: 1 1 �� � � . . �r . � . � . , , , . . _ . � p . . . �. �� . ' . ' . ' • . , . • • . ` . • , . , > • .. . . , t • � • . . ... LICENSES TO BE APPRO-.'FD AT THE DECEMBER 16 1968 MEP,'TIN(3 CAF'E 9ubmarine Sand�rich � Holiday Village No. 57th & University Fridley, Minneaota DENDING MACHINES (15) Servomation N�1 Onan 4301 - 68th Ave. North. Minneapoli�, Minn�esota � Paul T. Haller R. E . No=man CONTRACTORS LICENS�S TO GO TO COIINCIL GENERAL OONTRACTOR Oern Donnay Const. � ?�00 36th Ave. No. Minneapolia, Minnesota Donald J. Michnowaki Const. � �2'3 Reservoir Blvd. Columbia Heights, Minn�esota EXCAVATING Quinn Plumbin� �"► 8003-13th Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minnesota HEATING Aasoc. Mechanical Serv. NEW 668 Jenks Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota � L.1. Donnay APP�OVED � Health Inspector Health Tnspector •,� � .y� � Building Inspectc►r Donald J. Michnowski Building Inspector . �Flarold F. Quinn Weather-Rite 8�i.lding _ Inspeastivr Heating Inspector 102 ESTIMATES TO BE APPROVED AT THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1968 Bostrom Sheet Metal Works, Inc. 758 Curfew St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 Estimate #2 for work completed this date for air conditioning work on Police and Park Department remodeling in Civic Center according to contract Police Department $ 472.00 Park Department $ 756.00 Arcoa Conetruction Company, Inc. Mora Minaesota Partial Estimate ��5 for work completed this date according to contract: 3TREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1A Psrtial Eatimate ��5 for work completed this date according to coatract: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968�2A l03 $ 1,228.00 $ 4,757.22 $ 17,758.80 ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' � � December 3, 1968 Dear Ma,yor Kirkham, In the past month both a crisis and an opportunity in the Twin Cities metropolitan area have been brou�ht forth. Both concern a zoo. The crisis involves financing St. Paul's Como Park Zoo -- small, limited, and the only z�oo now operating in this entire area. The opportunity is one to provide a large major zoo (on a par with Milwaukee, St. Louis and other comparable metropolises) that would be financed by all the residents of the seven county area and could be a most important addition to all the other cultural and educational assets we have. Enclosed is the resolution that the Minnetonka Village Council unan�.mously passed on N��amber 18 supporting the concept of a Metropolitan Zoo and urging the necessary legislative action in 1969 to make it a reality. ' Will you and your Council please seriously consider adopting a similar resolution favorable to the Metropolitan Zoo idea and Porward copies to the Metropolitan Council and to your state ' le�islators? If there are any questions, please call either the Metropolitan Council (ask for Ray Boezi) or myself. The support of local government for this endeavor is very important, because residents oP all ages in your community are the beneficiaries. Sincerely, ��� � Mrs. R ert G.(Betty)Johnson Minnetonka Village Councilwoman and Member of Metropolitan Zoo� Advisory Committee 12814 March Circle� Minnetonka, Minn. 55343 5�+�+-6979 �� 104 � ' 1�5 RESOI,UTION 68-1.909 -- Village of Minnetonka WAEREAS the Zoo Advisory Committee to the Metro- ' politan Council has made proposals for a new ma�jor metropolitan zoo; and WHEREAS these proposals will greatly benefit the people of our area by providing a facilit.p for the study and preservation of animal species, as well as a place for famil,y-centered recreation; and WHEREAS this facilitv would be largel.p self- supportin�, with minimal financial cost to the public; and WHEREAS the zoo would be of benefit to area citizens and businesses and a major attraction for tourists, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Villa�e of Minnetonka goes on record in support of this project and urges the State L��islature to implement these plans in ths coming la�islative session. Adopted unanimously on November 18, 1968. � IJ � , ' so��s os sta�osor J ' � ' ' ' � ' Noirr$ 9vsvxs�x Ho�rrr�. Darr�or UNITY HOSPITAL sso 000�xs �s, ��. �� ss�as November 25� 1968 Mr. Jack Kirkham� Niayor City of Fridley 6Lt31 University Avenue Northeast Fridley� Minnesota 551�21 Dear Mayor Kirkham: At the last meeting of the Board of Directora of the North Suburban Hospital District it was brou�t to the Board's attention that a street light is very bad],q needed at the corner of Madison and Osborne Road in front of Unity Hospital. The street in question is a common border between F�idley arid Spring Lake Park. This letter is going to the Mayors of both municipalities in the hope that some cooperative effort on the part of Fridl �► and S pring Lake Park will cause this area to be illuminated. ' For further inform3tion regarding this matter� you may contact John Haines, Adntinistrator of Unity Hospital, at 786-22pp� ' ' � ' �� ' BWsrg Cordially youra� ��:� �� P etty Wall Chairman 1� _-. - ` ., � r �.. ..� � � r STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGFIWAYS ' � � CISTRICT NQ 6 ZOdO NO. LILAC DRW[ MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. December 3, 1968 Mr. Naaia Qqreshi, City Engineer City of Fridley 6431 IIni�eraity Ave. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 In Beply Refer to: 315 Minter Maiint�nance of F�eontag�e Rosda ia th� City oi Fridley S.P. o2og, 0207, 0285 Dear Mr. Qureahi: Laet fall we wrote to you regarding winter �aintenance oi it�oatage roada in your city. At that ti.oe we iadicated that it was our iatetttion to re�ert these roads to your jurisdiction, at aaae !'uture date. It wae aleo e�cp�sined that the Minaeaota Highwa� Depart4eat would have to a�verely curta�il their riater opera►tiop6 on Lheee ronds. Again thia winter it will be necesaary that Me coaceatrate our major efiort on ths main roadways where the bulk oi th� traitic is carried. We again �request that yoqr foreea conti�ue to aertice the irontage roads in your city, where practieal, in conneotion with your operations on other atreeta. If tise ia availabls, atate creMs will assist your Yorces. Sincerely� . C. E. Burrill District Engineer CEB: Imab (JItM) ��' �� CITY OF FRIDLEY (i431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. 2ECEIVE� DEC C 1968 qM r t:� 7'�8��9�b�ll�t2�1�2,3�4�a�� ! t�i �'�ri�tr`�t �'�r�u't4ty �'u�tr 1.�et�,itt �TATE OF IIAINFlESOiA � � Harold O. Goe►ts - Chait Melford C. Chrartenren David O. Harrit Arnold J. Holz David J. Isctton Perry L. Malvin David D. Schaaf John G. Songaa )erome A. r'�app Jamea F. TY�olf e w � 781-2164 145t COUNTY ROAD "J" MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 66432 DecembeT 12, 1968 �avta� Blains Circle Pinet Coon Rapid.r P�idley Lexington Mound.r View Spring Lake Pa�k Mr. Hower R. Ankrum, Manager City o� Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Ankrum Enclosed is a certified copy o� a resolution passed by the Board of Trustees of the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District at its regular �eting on December lOth. The resolution requests the City of Fridley to initiate the necessary proceedings to vacate Marshall Street through the District's treatment plant site. Very truly yours, NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SET�IER DISTRICT , � . �/�-��iT :��� �o (,���ti�i2'L��i� %�� Me�ord C. Christensen, Clerk � MCC:em Enclosure ��� - � __ _ __ � . ' I � I � � � � 10� 9 RB30LUTION N0.14-1968 NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWSR DISTRICT • COUNTIES OF ANOKA AND RAMSBY STATT OF MINI�SOTA A RESOLUTION RBQUI�STING T� CITY OF FRIDI.�Y TO INITIATE TF� NECESSARY PROCEEDINGS TO VACATS blARSHALL STREET FROM 37TH AVEMJE N.E. N(1RTH TO TtiS NORTH LIiYS OF I.OTS 37 AND 39 � AUDITOk' S SUBDIVISION NO. 39, BEING IN SBCTION 34, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RAN(3B 24 WEST� ANORA COUNTY, MINNTsSOTA. A regular meeting of the Hoard ot Truatees oi the North 8uburbsn 3anitwrq Sewer Diatrict wae held at the District otlice� 1458 Countq Road J� Spring Lake Park� Minnesota, 55432, on Tuesday� Dece�aber lOth� 1968 at ?:30 o'clock P.b[. All nembera preaent were as lolloas: Messrs. Goertz, Christensen, Harris, Holz, Larson, Malvin, Schaaf, Songas, Trapp and Wolfe all membere Abaent were as lolloas: None Khereupon Me�nber Schaaf � introduced the iollowing resolution , snd srnred its adoption; Wi�REA3, the North Suburban Sanitarq Sewer District has scquired Lots 37, 38� 39� 40 and 41 oi Auditor's Subdivision No. 39, Section 34, Townahip 30 North, Range 24 1Nest� except certain property owned by the City oi lridley located on Lot 38 hereinabove described, and M�1tSA3� Marahall 8treet bisects the property acquired by the District iroa 37th Avenue N.S. north to the north lot lines oi Lota 37 and 39� Auditor's Subdivision No. 39, Section 34, Towaehip 30 Rorth� iiange 24 N�st� and MIi�R8A8, the North 8uburbsn Sanitary Se�►er District finds it . necessary Lhst W�rshail Str�et locatsd u : �rib�d h�r�in b� �csted� !o iacilitate the coostruction of a serag� tr�r_ �nt� plr►at �utboris�d to b� _.� _ _--___ ___ _ _ --- 1�� constructed by the District on N�vember 12, 1968� and Mri�REAS� the municipality having jurisdiction over the vacation o! this street is the City of Fridley, NOW, TI�REFORE BE IT RTsSOLVSD that the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer Diatrict hereby formally requests the City oi Fridley to proceed to arrange for the vacation of Marshall Street as described herein above. and to take whatever stepe neceasary purauant to Minnesota Statutee regulating such actiona. I�emper Plalvin secnnded the resolution. Upon.a vote being taken those vating in favor: Messrs. Goertz, Christensen, Harris, Holz, Larson, Malvin, Schaaf, Songas, Trapp and Wolfe , those voting against: None whereupon the Chairman declared the motion to be duly adopted thia lOth day of December 1968. ���, . � � ,�.. �M � �� ,� Chairman � - ,.�'/ ,�./ '� ,: '. � �� %` � i� �, '�! r,. ` ` V � C1�}fik " ` `. 3TATE OF MINMs'30TA ) ) C 0[JNTY OF ANOKA ) a s. ) NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY STt�iER DISTRICT) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the North Suburban 3anitary Sewer Diatrict, Counties of Anoka and Ramsey� State of blinnesota� do he reby certify that I have careiully compared the attached reaolution with the original and that the same ia a full� true and correct copy oi the reeolution paesed by the Noryh 3�fi urban Sanitary Searer District. . 1IITNSSB My hand oiYiciallq and the ofticial eeal of the North Suburban 3anitary Sewer Diatrict this lltt� d4y of December 1968. � , ��`^ '� . ; �, �-,/ 2 >1-��"%;2�'ft� C � rk � ' � , MiONTEII.Y REPOBT TO TiiB CITY MANAGBB NOVSI�BH 1968 T�iPB BLACR'rOYPIPG E%CAVATING GAS GSPERAL HEA1"II�G HOUSS 1�VI1�G MASOIQBY OIL HBATII�G PLASTSBIIiG ROOFINC SI(,�S WELL DRILLING Nf�Be OF LICBNSES CUxRBNTi.Y IN BFFBCT . AND LIC8�4B �EES CaL.LBCTBD TO DiATB ��t FSBS CQ.LBCTBD 9 $135 21 315 37 555 109 2,725 51 765 28 420 2 30 6 90 b 90 1 15 12 300 2 30 28�+ $5,470 PB�MIT FBBS 1968 ' 1967 1HIS YBAB LAST YF.E� PBRMIT N[�BB.S TYPE NOVEMBES NO�VEl�SB TO DiATS TO DATB #10,005-10,044 BUILDING $5408. $20,078 $44,223 $35,764 #�7466-7509 ELSCTtICAL 1116. 2,631 11,571 10,187 #4320-4340 HBATING 788. 1,573 16,545 4 7,869 #4760-4795 PLUI�ING 1,284 256 10,015 5,555 SIGNS 151 2,650 971 3;702 $8,747 $27,188 $83,325 $63,077 ' , City of Fridley, Minnesota Office of the Building Inspector TOPIC: MipNTHI,Y RBPpgT Tp THE CITY MANAGBR NOVffi�ER 1968 NIJI�ER OF PBRMITS ISSUED 1968 1967 �S �$ TYPE OF CQNSTRUCTION NOVS[�gg Npy�gR TO DATB Residential 10 g Residential Garages 6 161 Alterations 6 Additions 7 8 103 Multiple Dwelliage 2 � 116 Commercial 1 6 3 � 12 Industrial 0 3 l�unicipal 1 9 Churches 6 Schools � 2 � � 0 Hospitals 0 0 Signs 4 4 � Moving 0 27 �� 0 Z OTHExS �_ Heating Plumbiag Electrical xesidential Residential Garages Alterations & Additions Multiple Dwellings Commercial Industrial Municipal Churches � Schools Hospitals Signs Moving 21 36 44 101 18 23 70 111 286 291 5 09 1086 ESTIMATBD VALUATION OF gUILDING pEgMITS ISSUED $193,5 00 10,100 44,200 44,000 108, 50J 0 518,000 0 0 4, 65 0 : 0 �922, 950 $141,000 13,450 2,700 1,OQ�,000 0 6,539,000 0 0 0 2,650 0 ,698,800 $3,489,100 173,159 515,972 432,000 2,376,860 1,685,700 612,000 0 0 30, 820 700 9,316,311 IAST YEAR TO DATB 135 100 135 3 4 3 0 39 7 220 233 , .,,. � $2,595,775 151, 012 343,814 1,036,000 1,171,475 6,781,000 6,500 1,103 , 000 0 35,810 8,500 13,232,886 :i ' o iy trctv. n-3-64) � ' ' (Stondard Form of the Internationai Association of Chiefs of Potiee) (Copies availoble at Federa! Bureau of Investigatio�, Washingron, D. C. 20535) r� - CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT POLICE QEPARTMENT _1 _ _ _ . c�eY or __ Fridley M«,tn of November , is �i8 � TABLE 1.-_DISTRiBUT10N OF PERSONNEL � -- f Average Daily " Pereent Daily Average Daily Numericol Strength Absence - Absence Temporory Qetcils Average Effective Strength � � End of 'amemonth Samemont . Samemonth memonth � � Same month this montt flast qear Thismonth last yeor Thismonth last year This mont last year Tf�ismonthLastmonth last year Total personnel. 22 22 7�6? 7�5p •1�7 �.33 �-4���+ 1C��� ' Ch1ef's office . . 1 . Records bureau . � Unlfotmed force . 1 20 Detective burr.au 2 1 �- � � Traffic burnau . . _ _ , _ _ ' � ........... Flrst rellef . . . . � � Second relief . . � 9 Thlcd rellef . . . 6 � _ � ^ TABLE 2.--CHANGES IN PERSONNEL TABLE 3.--DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH � 1. Present for duty end of last month ......... %� Same month Thls month last year 2. Recrulted durinq month . . , , , , , , , , , , , 3. Relnstated durinq month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Total number of 22 22 � . pntrolmen . . . . . . . . .. � Totai to account for , , , , , , , , , , . , ,�,�� 2, Less permanent assiqnments (publlc offices, clerical, chauffeurs, etc.) . . . 4. Separations from the service: 3. Less detalls to s � - . • peclal squads or bu-. reaus (trafftc, vlce, park, etc.) . . (a) Voluntary resiqnation . . - 4. Averaqe daily absences of pativlmen (b) Retirement on penslan , , , , , v . . . assiqned to patrol duty owinq to: � . . • (a) Vacatlon, sus enston. rest - . . . . � � � 7 • �L (c) Reslqned with charqes pendinq days, etc. .. P. .. � 0 (d) Dropped durinq ptobatlon . . - . , • (b) Sick and !n)ured . . . . •�� •�-� (e) DSsmissed for cause . . . . ' • • • • • • • � (f ) Kilied !n llne o[ duty . . . . . . (c) Tempot+ary detalls . . . . . . . . . . •l� (g) Decensed . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total sep�otions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ��v7 � ��6 � , . Total avemqe daily absences . . 5. Present for duty at end of month ........ 22 5. Avallable for atrol dut 1-�.33 �.��i.j� ... P Y......... � � '- _ ' _ _ " . . _ -. � !^ � � ' i I TABLE 5-- VALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN AND RECOVERED VALUE OF PROPERTY VAWE OF PROPERTY VAI.UE OF PROPERTY VALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN LOCALLY STOLEN IOCALLY — TOTAL VA W E OF STOLEN OTHER OFFENSE LOCALLYSTOLEN STOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED AND RECOVERED BY JURISDICTIONS IQCAILY OTHERJURISDICt10N PROPERTY RECOVERED RECOVEREU tOCALi:Y ROBBERY - BURGLARY 2 • ], LARCENY 72 �Q 1 9�1,�j 1 •16 AUTOTHEFT O.00 OO.00 800•OO OO.00 8 TOTAL 1 �l 16 $OO.oO r 62 .16 8�0 0�3 TABLE 6-- OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST � year to date (include exceptional clearances) - ' NUMBER OF OFFENSES PERCENT OF OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST CLEARED BY ARREST CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES � BY ARREST OF BY ARREST OF (PART I CLASSES) TOTAL CLEARED pERSONS UNDER 18 TOTAL CLEARED pERSONS UNDER 18 THIS LAST THIS LAST THIS LAST THIS LAST YEAR YEAR YEAR - YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR _ 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE o. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGNTER b. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL ]. o. RAPE BY FORCE 1, b. ASSAULT TO RAPE • ATTEMPTS 3. ROBBERY TOTAL ], Z 1 1 o. ARMED • ANY WEAPON ]_ b. STRONG•ARM • NO WEAPON 1 1 1 1 4. ASSAULT TOTAL 5� 23 �.9 H a. GUN b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT �„ e. OTHER DANGEROUSWEAPON 3 � d FUNDS FISTS FEET, ETC. • AGGRAVATED ]„ e. OTHER ASSAULTS - NOT AGGRAVATED Ej ]_ 1 5. BURGLARY TOTAL �,O 9 e.� 5 a. FORCIBLE ENTRY b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY - NO FORCE ], ]_ � e. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE ENTRY - 6. LARCENY - THEFT (EXCEPT AUTO THEFTI 1. a. =50 AND OVER IN VALUE 3� 33 4 � b. UNDER SSO IN VALUE 3Z�L �LO� ].73 49 7. AUTO THEFT 14. 38 11 32 GRAND TOTAL �35 3]�3 212 ],0 • , , �...._ . • .i TABLE 7-- PERSONS ARRESTED, CHARGED AND DISPOSED OF DURIMG MONTH ARRESTS PERSONS COURT DISPOSITIONS THIS MONTH FORMALLY UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES . �NCLUDE RELEASED NO FORMAL CHARGE �HARGED ADULTS GUILTY ACQUITTED REFERRED TO THIS OR JUVENILE � MONTH �F • Of OTRERWISE COURT TOTAL OFFENSE LESSER ' ' JUVENILES 'ADU�TS TOTAL EFIARGED � OFfENSE ����SSED JURISDICTION 1. CRtMINAL HOMICIDE: ^ , - a. MUROER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER b. MANSIAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE 2. FORCIBIE RAPE � 3. ROBBERY 4. AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 5. BURGLARY - BREAKING OR ENTERING 6. LARCENY - TFIEFT (EXCEPT AUTO TNEFT) 2 ], 3O ]�3 12 7. AUTO THEFT 8. OTHER ASSAULTS (RETURN A- de) 2 2 2 2 TOTAL - PART I CLASSES Q QO Z J. 12 THIS YEAR TO DATE 2 1 I LAST YEAR TO DATE ' PERCENT CHANGE 9. ARSON 10. FORGERY AND COUNTERFEITING 11. FRAUD -- 12. EMBEZZLEMENT 13. STOLEN PROPERTY; BUYING, RECEIVING, POSSESSING 14. VANDAUSM 1 1 15. WEAPONS; CARRYING, POSSESSING, ETC. 16. PROSTITUTION AND COMMERCIALIZED VICE 17. SEX OFFENSES (EXCEPT 2 AND 16) t 1 1 I8. NARCOTICDRUG LAWS � 19. GAMBLING 20. OFFENSES AGAINST THE FAMIIY AND CHILDREN 21. DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE 22. LIQUOR LAWS 6 12 23. ORUNKENNESS O O S 2 24. DISORDERLY CONDUCT 25. VAGRANCY 26. ALL OTHER OfFENSES(EXCEPT TRAFFIC) 2 6 TOTAL - PART II CLASSES 1� 3= µ2 33 29 1 2 �. THIS YEAR TO DATE 1 'j O 1 1 Q LAST YEAR TO DATE O 1 1 Z �U �. 1 O O 1 �O PERCENT CHANGE TRAFFIC ARRESTS THIS MONTH . r�__' a 8-79a (Rev. 10'21'65I . CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT � " �'. ..., . TRAFFIC SUMMARY '' Police Department Gity of Fr1C�.eY Month of Novamb�r , 19 68 � TABLE 1. ACCIDENT SUMMARY " This Month Year to.Date - This Yeaz Last Year o�o Change This Year Last Year -ojo Chenge , Accident Total _j� + + _ �.9 1� 495 487 1 Faca� ` 2 1 + ' PeraonalInjury + 2��. 2�.$ �8 - Property Damage 2(� 2Ej 28$ 261� +9 � Pedestrian 1 + - �,�, 9 �5(� I � � TABLE2. ENFORCEMENTSUMMARY ._ This Mont� Year to Date ' This Year Last Yeaz o10 Change Thia Yeaz Last Year % Change Traffic Total �.12 ZO9 +2 1055 1169 —1� Hazardous Violationa E�9 S5 —19 599 $31� —29 '. Other Violations 2Q 1( +2 257 210 +22 � Pazking 8 8 1.60 �22 + ]. D� 1 8 +87 39 20 +9 � J Accident Arrests and Citations , TABLE 3. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS This Month Yeor to Date This Year Last Year o/o Change This Year Last Year % Change � Total Accidents 5� �9 +10 �95 �l$7 +], Fatal Accidents 2 i, � Persons Killed 2 3 ,�3�1 Injury Aocidents Q? 23 +]_? 2Q1, 2],$ —8 � . Persons Injured �(� - 5( —7�8 ��? , 1,�,2� �].8 Pedestrians Killed � Pedestrians Injured 1 + �I. 10 �(0 Hit and Run Accidents 1 .�. 8 $ .�. � . .Cleared by Anest . 1 + . ; _ Cleazed - No Arrest � ]. + + ' Total Cleared 9 2 + 59 !�3 +37 � , � . �� TABLE 4. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY ACCIDENTS AND ENfORCEMENT (By Hour of Day and Day of Week) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Citatior� Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation - Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Time dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest 12 M �- _ 1:00 Z 2 �. 2:00 3:00 . , 4:00 � 2 5:00 ], 6:00 1 7:00 1. 2 ], 8:00 �. 1 9:00 1 10:00 � 11:00 12 N ]. ], 1 1:00 1 . 2:00 1 �. 2 3:00 2 1 1 4:00 1 1 5:00 2 2 1 1 1 s:oo 1 3 �:oo _ s:oo , 1 l 1 _ s:oo 1 io:oo 2 ` �1 1 u:oo 1 1 2 1 Note: "Citation and Arrest" column ahould include aII traffic citations and anests made during each hour period except parking citations. _ F"_ , ' _. � � ' � i � _ ' ' , ' ' � i ' . , ' . � � TABLE 5. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF ENFORCEMENT (By Violation) This Month Year to Date This Yeaz - Last Year This Year Last Year o o Change . Hazazdous Violations Total 8� �5 E)3S 83I.� —2�, nwt l� 8 39 20 . +95 Speeding 111 38 32�. 5i1 —Lt.l3 Reckleas Driving , 2 . � 4 Careleas Driving � 3 35 3� Traffic Signal I� 16 63 59 +6 scop s,�► - 9 8 !t5 !a5 , , Other Regulatory Sign 1 - 13 16 —29 Improper Passing 2 �. + Improper Tuming 1 8 7 + �4 Right of Way - Vehicle 3 8 7 +],(,� Right of Way - pedeatrian Following Too Closely 1, ]_ � No or Improper Signal ]. � Improper Start from Parked Position Improper Backing 2 ,�, ImP;oper Lane Usage 2 5 2? 1,5 +FjO Failure to Drive - Right 1 2 -� Defective Equipment y, ]� 55 ? + Other Hazardoua Violation 2 ]. ].5 23 ••35 Other Violationa Total 20 16 257 2].� +22 Parking Violation Total 8. 8 1b0 �.22 {'31. A C f"_`- � 'r;�`?�ii i� �"Ezi7CL a:� U��.f��` „ ��r���':f %'�Zi �;�;� L�.�..i,•F ;� L'�:L1��i 3? 38 39 I�0 �`z'�i:•.P :�c��?I�:'�~�i�'�5 �5.3.�.��'? ��° �1503 6605 _... 5653.__ _ 658 5665 �,'i�.�r �:r:�:;n C�� 162.9 806.2 705.6 �58.5 w 626.6 NovF.�M�R 1968 ��iG�, .>s� ci.� E����;�s G?�;�, 9 2 __,._... .� ..__' _._ _ �''.�.6 -- - •027 ._�_ 8.1 _ 25$•38._._._�...�i.'.,_�39 ._�___ 8 •� , 1�37.96 � . 07? _ __._.....__......�._.. � _._�_...___ 11.2�.�..� �tZ:,Z� � .062 i� 9.0 288.l�6 i :051 �'M'•.�� �.������ .. d�l. .a ou3-� _. �..._ _...�_ __.. �� 75 ����1�66 �__.—_.�....,._ m`�ra�3,��w• ^ �� �_..� � , _�_._�.�.. �' ��`: _ _ �quipment &: 6darning Ta�s y 237 I 1309 r M�MO T0: MEMU �ROi�i : MEMO DATE: Planning Conmiissi_on Member.s N�.sim r1. Qur.eshi, City Engineer-Direc�or of Public Works June 25, 1968 MEl`i0 PNMBER: 102 Misc. ��68-22 RE: Proposecl Revised Sign Ordinance A Sign Or.di.nance is as imgortant �o City planning as a Zoni.ng Ordinance, They both play an impo?'tsnt part in the appearance and reputa-' tion of a municipality. The object of botl? Ordinar.ces is not to st-�fle the City's gro�ath, but to mdke use of its assets in the best possible way. Attached to this letter is a proposeci Sign Crdinance, which is an extraction from Ordinances of other subuxban Communities such as Edina, P.ichfield and our ow�1, The object of this Ordinance is to regulate� mor.e clrefu]_ly the haphazard erection of signs. Up to now, there are very few restrictions as to number, size �r locati.on, which has r�sulted in a disorderly and i.ndi.scriminate uee of signs. Very little attentio:� has been given to the public safety in regard to annoying or disrracting types of signs which misuse th� privileges of the visual com.municative me�ia. The procisions of this Ordinance are inte�ided to encourage creativity by specifyin.g Ii.mits in each zoning, district, making it essen- tial to n�a.�imi.ze the eff:ectiven°ss of the means of conmunication allowed. This is done by giving a reasonable degree of freedom of expressi�n to the corununi.cator, while at the same time respecting the rights of the• recei.ver of the c.on:mu;iication. The accompanying proposed Ordiaance is an attempt to reach r_hese goals through a combination of com�irehensive standards and practical objectives. � �de would appreciate your review and recommendations as soon as possible. St�bmitted by � ��- cZ�L.�..z..� �c . �)�.��� � N�SIM M. QURESHI, P.E. �' City Er.gineer.-Di.rector of Public Works ' Prepared by: Peter J. Herlofsky Nasim M. Qureshi CC: City Councii City Manager 0 t Section 1. 2. 3. 4. PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE AS CORRECTID ON THE DEC�ER 12, 1968 MEETING SIGN ORDINANCE Purpose and Intent Definitions General Provisions Applicable to A11 Districts Special Regulations: Temporary Nonaccessory Free-Standing Signs 5. District Regulations (a) R-1 (b) R-2, R-3, R-4 (c) C-1, C-2, C-1-S, C-2-S (d) Automobile Service Sign Permit Area (e) CR-1, CR-2 (f) P & PD 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Administration Enforcement Non-Conforming Signs Severence Clause Repeal ADDITIONAL REFERENCE MATERTAL I. Maximum Sign Area By Zoning District II. Map of Fx isting Billboards ITI. Example of Ordinance Provisions p. 9 p. 10 p. 11 p. 12 p. 13 p. 14 Pages 1 1 4 8 9 14 16 19 20 20 t AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ER.ECTION, CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, ALTERATION, LOCATION, OR MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIDLE`Y, PROVIDING 'FOR THE POSTING OF BONDS, THE ISSUANCE OF PERNtITS, , � INSPECTION AND FEES, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, AND.REPEAL OF OI�DINANCE #318. SECTION 1. Purpose and Intent The purpose of this Ordinance is to protect and promote the general welfare, health, safety and orcler within the City of Fridley through the establishment of a comprehensive and impartial series of sta.ndards, regulations and procedures governing the erection, use�and�or display of devices, signs or symbols serving as a visual commuriicative media to persons situated within or upon public rights-of way or properties. The provisions of this Ordinance ase intended to encourage creativity, a reaso.nable degree of freedom of choice, an opportunity for effective communication, and a-sense of co.ncern for the visual amenities on the part of those design.ing, displaying or otherwise utilizing needed communicative media of the types regulated by this Ordinance; while at the same time, assuring that the public is not endangered, a.nnoyed or distracted by the unsafe, disorderly, indi�crimi.nate or unnecessary use of such communicative facilities. SECTION 2. Definitions (a� "Accessory Sign" means a sign relating in its subject matter to the premises on which it is located, or to products, accommodations, services or activities on the premises on which it is located. (b� "Accessory Use" means a use which is subordina.te to the principal use being made of a parcel of land. E�ample;: identificatio.n si�ns off street parking off street loading, telepho.ne booths, etc. (c) "Address Sign" means postal identification numbers onl.y whether written or in numeric form. e (d� "Area Ide.ntification Sign" means a free-standi.ng sign which identifies the name of a neighborhood, a residential subdivision, a multiple residential complex co.nsisting of three or more structures, a shopping center co.nsisting of three (3� or more.separate business concerns, an industrial area, an office complex consisti.ng of three or more struc- tures or any combination of the above. (e� "Banners and Pe.nnants" mean attention getting devices which resemble , flags and are of a non-permanent paper, cloth or plastic-like consistency. (f� "Bench Sign" means a sign whieh is affixed to a bench at a bus stop. (g� "Church Directional Sign." means a si�n. which beaxs the address and�or name of a church and directional arrows pointing to a church location. (h) "Canopy and Marquee" means a rooflike structure projecting over the entrance to a theater, store, etc. (i� "District" refers to a specific zoning district as defined in the Zoning Ordinance. (j� "Free-Standing Sign" means a sign which is placed in the ground and not affixed to a.ny part of an.y structure. (k� "Governmental Sign" means a sig.n which is e�ected by a governmental unit for the purpose of directing or guiding traffic. (1� "Illuminated Sign" means any sign which is illuminated by an artificial light source. (m) "Institutional Sign" means any sign or bulletin board which identifies the name and other characteristics of a public or private institutio.n o.n the site where the sign is located. (n� "Motion Sign" means any sign which revolves, rotates or has any moving parts. (o� "Nameplate or ldentification Sign" means a sign which bears the name and�or address of the occupants of the building. � - 2 I � , � � . � (p� "Non-Accessory Sign" means a sig.n other than an accessory sign. (q� "Nonconforming Sign" means a sign whieh lawfully existed prior to the adoptiori of this�Ordina.nce but does not conform to the newly enacted requirements of this Ordinance. (r� "Portable Sign" means a sign so designed as to be movable from one locatio.n to another which is not permanently attaehed to the ground or any structure. (s� "Projectin.g Sign" means any sign, all or any paxt of which exte.nds over public propert.y more than twelve (12) inches. (t� "Permanent Sig.n" is any sign which is not a temporary sign. (u� "Roof Sign" means any sig.n erected upon the roof of a structure to which it is affixed. (v� Roofline: is defined as the top line of the coping; or, when the building has a pitched roof, as the intersection of the outside wall with the roof. (w� "Sig.n" means any letter, word or symbol, device, poster, picture, statuary, reading matter or representation in the nature of an advertisement, announcement, message, or visual communication whether painted, posted, printed, affixed or constructed, which is displayed outdoors for informational or communicative puxposes. (x) "Sign Area" means that area within the marginal lines of the surface which bears the advertisement, or in the case of inessages, figures, or symbols attached directly to an.y part of a buildi:ng, that axea which " is included in the smallest rec�tangle whicYr can be made to circumscribe�• -- the message, figure or s.yr�bol displayed thereon. The stipulated maximum sign area for a free standing sign refers to a single facing. (Y) "Street Fro.ntage" refers to the proximity of a paxcel of land to one _ or more streets. An interior lot has one street frontage and a corner lot two such frontages. � 0 (z) "Temporary Sig.n" means a sign which is erected or displayed for a limited period of time. Such temporary signs shall include those listed in Sectio.n 3, and Section 5(�(2�, and penriants, banner, paper and other similar type signs. (aa� �►Frivate Traffic Directional Sign" means a sign which is erected on private property by the owner of such property for the purpose of guidi.ng vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Such sign bears no advertising information. (bb) "Wall Sign" means any sign which is affixed to a wall of any building. (cc� "Window Sign" means a sign placed on a window, or any sign placed within a building for the purpose of being visible from the Public Right-of-Way. SECTION 3. General Provisions Applicable to All Districts (a� Non-accessor.y free standi.ng signs are prohibited in all districts except in areas specifically defined in the Ordinance for this purpose. Non-accessory wall signs shall be permitted only in the C-2, and C-2-S Commercial Districts according to the requirements set forth for those districts. (b� All signs shall be constructed in such a manner and of such material that they shall be safe and substa.ntial, provided that nothing in this Ordinance shall be interpreted as authorizing the erection or construction of any sign not now permissible under the Zoning or Buildin.g Ordinance of the City. (c� No sign shall contai.n any indece.nt or offensive picture or written matter. (d� No illuminated sign which changes in either color or intensity of light shall be permitted except one giving public service i.nformation such as time, date, temperature, weather, or similar information. The City Building Inspector in granting permits for illuminated signs shall specify the hours during which the same may be kept lighted when necessary to prevent the creation of a nuisance. Al1 illumi.nated signs shall have a �h;A��Pr� i; ht Go� e. . .� . (e� No si�n other than governmental signs shall be erected or temporaxily placed within any street or public right-of-way or upon any public easement. (f� g permit for a si�ri to be located within 50 feet of an.y street or highway regulator.y or warnin� si�n, of an.y traffic si�n or signal, or of any crossroad or crosswalk, will be issu�d o.nly if: (1� The�sign will not i.nterfere with the ability of drivers and pedestrians to see any street or highway sign, or any traffic sign or sig.rial, or a.ny crossroad or crosswalk, and (2) The sign will not distract drivers nor offer any co.nfusion to any street or highway sign, or any traffic sign or signal. (g} Roof signs are prohibited in all districts. (h� Banners, penna.nts and whirling devices or an.y such sign resembling the same are prohibited from use within the City except when used as an inte al art of the desi "�` gr p gn of a building �f�whe.n used i.n conjunction d�t° W r/EKJ A.�.Ce� w c t) �� Fr r�v� 3�.�'C�u: 3:.. with grand openings ( the initial commencement of business �Jv I.n tYie "�°.z� � case of grand openi.ngs, ban.ners and pennants shall be allowed for the �r� .c�.Ay s�.. .1.v oT�C�t� ca S� s.� ._ .,- _.__—__- - ---- week or part thereofi of said grand opening. 'Dn�`�he::Moxiday; �ollowing� Sotci�< ���'�r� r �rvA,�.c ��= iSSct._,4 Fo•C� 7�Af� f'rR�a,os :��uch��o��ni�.�, a��.r ;��c�, di��lay s sh�.11 be ��movec�. /s<<T ,c•� �•-•_- .o r o ; , . . ,..._._...W = ,....,�.....:�.. T�.;�E� (4) i ��i,.c' r A f/E.��' f[=/Q 13�. _ (i� Campaign si.�ns posted by a bonafide candidate for political office or �%^ ls; or by a perso.n or group promoting a political issue or a political � ca.ndidate may be placed in any district subject to the requireme.nts of that district. Such sign � n:f_be pr�sted for_a period not to .exceed" si �i�i�., ;-i���v �,,��^- f .., ,� ,,_. � .. -.- �! ��.` .� ;,���; �d.��r.� �n� shall be removed within seven ( 7) days followi.ng -- -�---- �.�._ � ,� . _ ._ . � �a 5_ p � ��� s � r ,s�o-,e.c < /� � �'t c r . d � a h' J r H � �— ����Y the^election. G�ry oi-' f=��p•c a� �� F°'a¢ ��'� s�c .vs �� � � � /'�i.a-c� /�c- /'o s .-� ,c.D, _i i- fl�Z L i '�/G- .? / 6 ii/ � s !J i(' ��? /1 �'��%�GL' L"/��'�\. . (j� One temporary identificatio.n sign may be installed upon a construction , � . w_� _:. �._�. _.� . _ _.___ . site in any district deriotirig� t�e :name:�of :ihe architec�, eriineer and-�1 d�:i�ac����r provided such sign does not exceed eighty (80� square feet �u � in area. >��� �-�?s-�� i�-� �� ir�r_-crJ� <�,� r� �/ r �I_-'`�"y/Ov".�`� l s /� c� �_ r�' .:i �'/,� i,! � T�/l �� .�"/'G s. > e t, � e� _/,-' �_ �� s�� 5-�r� v � r f' ,o %.—�/�- � c a T, ��.�,. ����, � � 1 (k� Temporary real estate si�ns may be erected for the purpose of selling or promoting a residential project of ten (10� or more dwelling units or any non-residential project provided: (1) Such signs shall not exceed o.ne hundred (100) square fee� in axea, (2) Only one such sign shall be permitted per s�reet froz�tage upon which the property abuts, , • �S� � (3) Such sig.ns shall be removed when the project is:�`���completed, sold � or leased, and (4� Such signs shall be located no closer than one hundred (100� feet to any pre-existing residence. (1) Temporary signs for the purpose of selling or leasing individual lots or buildi.ngs shall be permitted, provided: (1) Such signs shall not exceed six (6� square feet for residential �property and twe.nty-four (24� square feet for non-residential property, � (2� O.nly one such sign is permitted per street frontage upon which the /G�(Ccr�rioi✓.' �!v r4 11f:� r�cs^-� Az �oO>_'N f/O��sE ' property abuts,� s i�.✓ �.�y r�- u�� �. / T,lii�?r_`l, 3 Q,� ( 3) Such sign shall be removed within s: �;J�j;-' �7 �� days followi.ng the lease or sale. (m) Any free-standing sign within twenty-five (25) feet of any intersection of street right-of-way lines and�or driveway entrances shall have a minimum vertical clearance of ten (10) feet above the centerline of the pa.vement . (n� The total sign area of an.y multi-faced free-standino si�n. shall not exceed twice the permitted area of a single face sign. � (o� Private traffic directio.nal signs shall not exceed six (6� square feet in area . _� . . (p) Motion signs are prohibited in all districts. . � � r' p.v,� Y �q��.�.� p Y,- -, �-.b��. Permitted � .T. ,.:. � �--�..... ..,.�,;,� '�1`rx ortable si s: c� ss'"si�� in the R-1 _._ , ? ...��. . +�c::�.. ,w::�a�., «4� District. �,,�. (r� No �-�r� �s�E i�;ri�; projecting sign �r�l pro�e�-�;�n si� shall be � _ , .,e _ .. ..,�:�,..�- � permitted in any district. (s� One address�sign shall be required per building in all districts. (t� Be.nch si�ns shall be permitted only at bus stops`•.s�ut shall._.not be� . ���,r ..,- :-_;,.� 5--�,� �>�--.�,....p--�..,..,.x� � ermitted in reside:ntial'.distrYCts � (u� Church directional signs shall_be permitted in all districts provided the total area of such signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet per facing. (v� Canopies and marquees shall be considered to be an integral paxt of the structure to which they are accessory. Signs ma.y be attached to a canopy or marquee but such structures shall not be considered as part of the wall area and thus shall not waxrant additional sign area. (w) Signs which are located on the interior of a building`and�axe no��,�. L c��° r ��c,� �.� r.� � � — l r =� � -- ._ n �/ciJ�� . _ �y�sible,fron.outside of fsazd�bullding.shall be exempt from the provisions of the Ordinance and shall not require permits and fees. � � %W •T s✓ r �r Ft�c/ .t� � .' �� . (x� Signs attached to a building wall which extend more than 'ighteen �18 .r. �. .__ ..__. ..._ inches from such surfa�e shall be prohibited. (y� The issua.nce of a permit may also be subject to conditions in order to promote a more reasonable combi.nation of signs and to promote co.nformity with the character and uses of adjoining property. The conditions.will be subject to the discretion of the Building Inspector. (z� A wall sign or other building faci.ng (which is an integral part of the structure) may project only four (4) feet above the roofline of a structure. This additio.nal height, however, shall not be considered as part of the wall area and shall_no_� �arrant additio.nal sign area.._- � � � � � u 0 (c� Minimum Distance Betwee.n Signs: Five hundred (500� feet. �pf.. (d� Minimum Setback From Street Right-of-Way Lines: Twe.nty-five-y� j��feet. (e� Distance F`rom Street Intersections: Not closer than five hundred (500� feet to the intersection of two or more streets or highways, such distance being measured from the i.ntersection of street or highway centerlines. r �f� Proximit.y to Uses Permitted in Residential Districts and New Construction: Not closer than five hundred (500) feet to any reside.ntial structure, any publically owned land, or any other use or structure permitted in any district. When any structure is built withi.n five hundred (500) feet of a temporaxy non-accessory sign, such sign shall be immediately removed I upon occupancy of such structure. �thermQre;--such--�emporary :non.- a,�s�ssory'-s�t"sha-3�-be -remo�ed•�-when'��,either..of �he following condltion � �xist .;� . � �.,: f 1� :``:��i}d.�ng-�e-r-�-i-�—i-s �ssued--for�oristructi-o.n-on the--site-upon '� - ° which the- sign- stands-;- -or-• ' • �g 2 �.� ,�:. ,s,�,, �E: ,. r. �: , , . �( ) A building permit is issued for construct� on on a`' lot ak,u �tin� a iy � ;; '� ' .�:' J;.,�, ;: � ..:w . ,,f . ` � r�'�.:- ;' � .� . `��'� �w .%� �,,street wh'ich is ir��ediately,� adjacen � to the � lot � upo.n whicYi �t�:e� sign ��.,. t�� � . - . .�p -r' .. �y'� -- '�i � �'i :^ St3T1C�S . ' • r SECTION 5. District Re�ulations In addition to those signs permitted i.n all districts, the following signs are permitted in each specific district and shall be regulated as to size, location and character according to the requirements herein set forth: v /�'- .?, � .? A -,�-�..a�;, � �ah.-.-� � ;�a� R-1, Residential Districts ��-' ...,..-,....�..::,:� � ,_, (1� Nameplate Si�ns: One sign for each dwelling unit, not greater than two (2� square feet in area, indicati.ng the naa�e and�or address of the occupant. • S• One sign or bulletin bo�a - �2� Institutional and Recreational S1 � l�stitutional use, or - per street frontage for a church,- a publi �`°�i�'�'� � �� Such sign or bulletin _.�..-----,� a recreational use in the R-� �is tr i c t. .���`�- four (24� S9.uare feet in area nor � board shall not exceed twenty- 10 feet to any street right- shall it be placed closer than ten (� r of-way line. S; One sign per development not to exceed (3� Area Identification S� twenty-four (24� Square feet i.n area. TemporaxY Sl�s� Refer to Section 3• . . �4� si s; Six (6) feet above the lot (5� �imum Hei ht of Free-Standin �c,�f��C,_ ,�r� s/asJ /'.�Ac/ �r ade. .�.✓' /1�A.�F�''< _ , J^ayu.��r-.�E o^� � ( � .r� F.a r - ert� line • ,- c�.� ti� � � s =� (10) feet from any Prop J 7��v �n�." rj � �' Setback: `!'en _ �-3 A - _ ' ((� Minimum � > , '� �. R- � R- �----' -��b� Multi le Residential Distxicts �, _.- � bol per r �. ,"' or SY� /�� � �`` � One identification sibn f/ �,� �- i3 c s_. S_� �. .�J S _�- f_ ; c� � (1) Id�?f i--. °, ati°n Si .• ea � provided '- '�' `f eater than six (�� square feet in � �,) lT/i�' ��� �. I� �/6_v_. . , - . ��_ f.�r � f� ` building not gr the building • auch sign is attached flat against a wall of ntification Si .s: One area identification sign per �2� Area Ide � four (2�) roviding such sign does not exceed twenty- � development, p iS placed no - and fur ther provided, such sign squaxe feet in area, ht_of_way• closer than ten (10) feet to any street rig Institutional Si .s: One sign per street frontag e identifyl� �n (3) = multiple residential distr��o�lL` institutional complex within a " ;'?'e� or i`=�- � convalescent, nursing, rest or boarding care homes, ;.r,,,:,.< ( four {24) Square ��c������om�'complex). Such sign shall not exceed twenty- laced closer than ten (10) feet to . . � sMw ����.�-�ri� . . feet in area nor shall it be p any stxeet right-of-way line. ��� AccessorY Use Si�.� Signs identifying uses accessory to a- . . d e v elo pment shall not be visi b le f r o m t h e multiple residential � vublic right-of-Way• (5� Temporar.y Signs: Refer to Section 3. �6� Maximum Height of Free-Standi.ng Signs: Six (6� feet above the lot grade. ,,;) ��� . ° � �,�T �' F � Sl6r_ ; //>i! � .� �' ' -' ,-_:� Minimum Setback• Ten 10) feet from an;� proper-�y'line:; .,, ,, ,, , • L,v(7f/N /d lG,%l Ci� .4sL � �i�C/' i�q�r��/tiL7 (8) Priva�e Traffic Directional Signs: Refer to Sectio�n. 3(o�. (c) Commercial Districts - C-1, C-2, C-1-S, Cr2-S � (1) Wall Si�:n.s: The total area of all wall signs affixed to a building � wall shall not exceed fifteen per cent (15�� of the total area of that wall. (2� Free-Standing Si�rn.s: One free-standing sign for each building per street frontage. The total area of a free-standixig sign for a building having one street £rontage sha.11 not exceed eighty (80) - square feet in Commercial District C-1 and C-1-S, nor shall it exceed one hundred (100� square feet in Commercial District C-2 and C-2-S. Where a building has two or more street frontages, only one free-standing sign of the above size shall be permitted. Ea.ch permitted free-standi.ng sign in excess of o.ne shall be no greater in area than one-half (2) the area of the first sign. The maximum height of free-standing signs shall be-twent.y (20� feet in the C-1 and C-1-S Districts and twenty-five (25� feet in the C-2 and C-2-S Districts. (j� Area Identification Signs: One sign per development not to exceed one hundred (100� square feet in area. (4� Temporary Si�r�.s: Refer to Section 3. (5) Frivate Traffic Directional Si�ns: Refer to-Section 3(o�. (6� Exceptio.ns: Offices and medical and dental clinics in a Commercial District shall comply with Sectian 5(e�, "Medical and Office- Building District". ,(/o �-�'.E' r o �_ /i S� ��J .� �'/.� �< /I.� GC.� i TiY/ti- �.,. r_,. �_ , . _ _ . _ _ -�-� �: ,- (7) Minimum Setbacke �en (10) feet from any property line._- � � � � �� f ti ,_ ; �� ._ ,.r ,�,, � /'/�a /'-� :�r J .� � ti� i� . ,, - 11 - � � � � � � Q �� � Q � � � � � ` � (d) Automobile Service :^� ��-� `�` •riit Area� means ga.s stations, drive-in restaura.nts, drive-in theaters, etc.; or any other type of business where an automobile is used as the recipient of the service or product or where an automobile is necessary to obtain or to ma.ke use of the service or'product. (1) Wall Si�ns: The total area of all wal�. signs affixed to a _,.,�J, .-TO building wall shall not exceed twenty per cent ��^;�};, of the �_ .:� total area of tha.t wall. (2) Free-Standin� Si�ns: One free-standing sign per principal building ( �,) . per street frontage. The total area of a free-standing sign for a building having o.ne street frontage shall not exceed eighty (80� aquare feet. Where a building has two or more street frontages, only one (1) free-standing sign of the above size shall be permitted. Each permitted free-standing sign i� excess of one shall have a sign area not to exceed fifty (50� square feet. The ma.ximum height of free-sta.nding signs shall be twenty (20� feet. �� � Temporary product sale, stamp and game signs may occupy the -�'�- F�c E Sr�o �v.di�v � z�;,,.- remainder of that area not utilized for the permanent1'�brand sig.n, �� � grovided the total area of all permanent and temporary signs does not exceed eighty (80� square feet for one sign and fifty (50) �I,L SO� TH� /lA.�i�y�i Ri µ_x:-�..,..`"'8:'Ta square feet for each sign i.n excess of o.ne. �"O�� A��i4 f°'4 Tc•�,�v•�'•��: y s- � 6.v s . s ac� sc., (3� Pump Signs: Letteri.ng or symbols which are an integral part of the design of a gasoline pump shall be permitted. (4� Private Traffic Directional Signs: Refer to Section 3(o�. (5� Temporar._y Sicros: Refer to Section 3. (6� Restroom Si s: Signs indicating the locatio.n of restrooms and -- co.ntaining no advertising inf.ormation shall be permitted as needed. S�-. _,/: �! a�,. � ��, � : 7} .�'he Bu2�ing Ins�ector will use hifi'"o�an discr{etioxi as. ���ie�c�bil�y � � r � ' r � H � : � �.✓"��� � � � � <� ..!" �.i�. ''g'�jiar �y.?""f � � ' i /��� .. o€ �i.ndividua� businesse�:`to be'�.bl.e to be l�ncluded t�.nder th3s �ectio.r_. . a - 12 - �e� Medical and Office Buildi A District - CR-1, CR 2 (1� Ide.ntification Si�ns: One sign per street fro.ntage, provided such signs do not exceed thirty-six C36) square feet in area. TTo si u^.�. -�� ..,. .... ° � -,.,._ .,....... q.......,... .:.....�.,.+.,- ..,-�_:,.. .� :., __...., ..... _ ,.,.._... ..� � � . �� sh�.7:1: b,." lace� closer than ten 1d fee� �`o aiiy stree�t 'ri ht of `; �wa,y'�line .�� �'� .- __ ._.______ (2� Accessor.y "".";�A Signs: One ide.ntificatign wall sign per accessory ' w� w - use attached to the facing of the building at the ground floor � %o AL A�� GVALt level. The�rea of f�su �i signsshall not exceed fifteen per ce.nt ' (15f� of the ground floor wall facing of the accessory use. (3� Area Identification Signs: One sign per development, not to exceed 'I^ , , Jr (f) thirty-six (36) squaxe feet in area. (4) Maximum Hei�ht of Free-Standin Si�ns: Six (6) feet above lot grade. (5) Temporary Si�ns: Refer to Sectio.n 3. (6� Private Traffic Directional Si s: Refer to Section 3(o). -- /�1 � �!i � /, � /.li ' c � / J' e/i.� � c-' �� ` " � 1 � �� " ��/ C r �: ' ! / N /c6'' . � ' J Mi.nimum Setback: Ten (10� feet from _an�_pro�erty_line, __ ��� � ��xCcs-!'rvoiv.'a'v' F.E'o�s� .=.E�o�IT'.co :—.ci��c r.c��c'N l�aC�dTc�� Heav,y a.nd Li�ht Industrial Districts - M-1 M 2 ��TN�N � v' .OF � � N n.t'�v c�� �ci s�, S ' •_ � � F�Pe .�� r•o a : 1) Identificatio.n Signs: O.ne identificatio.n sign per��:_?�iri�, not to �.._...�,..�- - exceed eighty (80) square feet in area. One (1) additional wall identification sign for each tenant havi.ng a private entry to a ,�/.c�.o r-r�� T-o : .a � ,v � L A v .� multi-tenant buildi.ng; uch signs being displayed at or near the Ss� `,r✓,c< tenant's entrance, :� not �o exceed ten per ce.nt (10f� of the area �,.. ,,� of the wall to which it is affixed. ,�No si�n� shall��be �Iace3' closer ...., .:xr<_.: .,:•..-_�..�.., ...,.. _ � han ten 10 feP _�.,.. _, . .,�_ �,.. :._ _ .._ -;._ _ � ) .,i to any s�ree � ri�h� of way lirie '��; (2) Area Identification Si�ns: One sign per development not to exceed eighty (80) square feet i.n area. (3� Temporary Si�ns: Refer to Section 3. (4� Maximum Hei�ht of Free-StandinP Si, s: Twenty (20� feet above lot grade. (5� Private Traffic Directional Si�s: Refer to Sectio.n 3(o�. . " - �t r i �i h � � �' � � � .��� .� i G n� $ �d,r i i f ,rl : • GL' i 7`i� /.c /C f E d� 7" O r .^• i`'/ �i�c' �i i`'!"{� i , � ' � /:✓C. , : .. _ - .____. .. _.._. � (6� Minimum Setback: 'Ten 10 feet from an -�-� � � ) y proper�y�l.ine; i� 1 ii 1 ' (g) P $ PD D�.stricts Si,gn -xequi,re�e�,ts in � F� �D axeas �could be controlled bY the . __ : _ Councj�.l �chen t�ie deYelorment �� �l�,nned. SECTION 6. Administration Permits: Before a sign ma,y be displayed in the City of Fridley, the -.. 4 ._._....-�� �.-..�5�-� . owner �r'�occu�san�„�of the premises on which the sign is located f or the_ own.er or�. • � � � . ~ �t4 � .�� ! r.c,.: �.ns;�aller of. such s:igr�, shall file application with the City Building�.�nsiiz �or + � a ��I �PTitr.� for permission to display such sig.n. Permits must be,acquired for.all existizlg, � new, relocated, modified or redesigned signs except those specifically exempt . �� -. � under Section 7 , ) ;' _ ��: (a� Permit Application: Application for permits shall be made upon bZanks s provided by the Building Inspector and shall state or have attached thereto, the following information: (1� Name, address and telephone number of applicant. (2) Locatio.n of building, structure, or lot to which or upon which the sig:n is to be attached or erected. (3� Position of the sign or other advertising structures in relatio.n A�vd f'.�'o�����y,�,�;� to nearest buildi.ngs, structures, public streetsj � rights-of-wayl �� The drawi.ng showing such position shall be prepaxed '� scale". (4� Two (2) blueprints or ink drawings of the plans and specifications and method of construction or attachment to the building or i.n the gxound including all dimensions. Locating all light sources, wattage, type and color of lights, a.nd details of any light shields or shades. (5� Copy of stress sheets and calculations showing the structure is designated for dead load and wind velocity i.n the amount required by this and all other Ordinances of the City. (6� Name of perso.n, firm, corporation, or association erecting the s.tructure. � +1. "�,. .,. �.. .. �+. '�"��y :Tri:t.ten �%, n� ar ''�'`n� _�.z> , ..•r.�_ .. tW;,`;. � v�C�� `�r"' ;,, . ,�:..���. y .r�:,.�._C.� . '' -14- � . � 0 ��s�'' Any electrical permit required for any sign. �. �:� ���� AN A�REIl�IENP WZTH THE CITY: ,.� < a.� Which would authorize and direct the Cit.yo uf Fridle.y to remove and dispose of an.y si�ns and si�n. structure on which �a permit has been issued but which was not renewed, if the owner does not remove the same within a thirt.y (30) day period followin� the expiration of the permit. _ b.� Which would authorize and direct the Cit,y of Fridle.y to remove the sign and sign structure, at the expense of the applicant, where maintenance is required and the ma.intenance is not furnished, but onl.y after a hearing and after a notice of sixt.y (60) da.ys specifyin� the mainte.nance required by the Cit.y. ,�1Q� If a sign authorized by permit has not been installed within t� e _ _ '�- �o n �, y-s w�.. w` �`�3)��mont�s after the date of issuance of said permit, the permit .►�� t_ _.:.. - shall become null and void. 1,ts.oacT,�,�L 1�� ��,a,�T,z.cr.r �.� _., . 1�}y Such,, qther in.�orma�ion ���he Building �T �c �orma.y requireO T��vE.yQ �.L- F��/�l A i.l D n%..._ � t1 /U � C k'�N / iv c. -"S id F t.- T°/ : (b) Fees: Permit fees for signs shall be: � �1� For signs forty (40� square feet or less an initial fee of $10.00. }% . ," y �*'..7� s '�r �' �'-y .'t'�, �;r - The an�ual fe ,:'s�iall not'be charged for ;�a,f;� cessory igns, `�ttacned '� ^�� � .� `r i :� ` � `;,� � r � � �' ; � �� :i`f :i �' ��`� f°;,.� �� j di .ectly,,ori-a bu�.Iding, which• identi�'ses the �c�vitv; or ad�er�ises /� �;� �'1.�`� �� ,� -I�' -- E . �;produ �ts�� sold� or services`'�provid`3' in than building. ��" .,�_ :;' (2� For signs larger than forty (40� square feet the initial fee shall be $25.00 plus 25 cents per square foot of the sign surface exceeding 100 square feet. (3� An annual fee for free-standin� and non-accessory signs of $5.00 plus 10 cents per square foot of.-the sign surface exceedin� 100 sguare feet shall be char�ed. �5 � 'v D . �e � p v a � � ^h' ` A� ' e� �� e � C Q � � � ti � ti � Lti��� � `�0� � ,Q � y�y�'�� � � M��; ����'���► � 3h��?� u � 0 �� �dk 4`�`���o —� � � � � �_�--_ 0 The annual fee shall not be charged for accessory signs, attached directly o.n a building which ide.ntify the activity or advertise products sold or services provided in that building. An annual �- - - - - - ------------- fee will be due on April 30 of each year. (4) No fees are required for the no.n-permit signs provided for in Sectio.n 7(b� and may be waived for re�igious, civic, school and _ �a� public interests by a majority vote of the City Council. (c� Li enses and Bonds: No person, firm, or corporation shall e.ngage in . . ,- _<-:- --,,:� �: _ t ,_ � ..� , �«:�, �-,�� the business of erecting sig:ns � nor shall he be e.ntitle _-�os� �� �.�. :�,� �rect_, a ys�.g.�' under this Ordinance unless licensed to do so by the City Council. Such license may be granted by the City Council after written applicatio.n to the City Clerk, accompanied by an annual license fee of $25.00 and it may be terminated at any tine for cause. The license. shall expire o.n December 31 in the year of issuance and each yeax thereafter. No lice.nse shall take effect until the licensees shall file with the City Clerk a corporate surety bond in the sum of $1,000.00 co.nditioned that the licensees shall make proper application for all sign work, pay necessary permit fees, conform to all of the provisio.ns of this Chapter and indemnify and hold the City, its officers and agents, haxmless from and damage or claim resulting from or related to the erection or mainte.nance of any sig:n in the City by the licensee. A license and bond shall not be required o£ an a�plicant, who is not erigaged in the business of erectin� signs, and who chooses to co.nstruct and erect his own si�n on his ropert.y. SECTION 7. Ehforceme.nt (a) Sign Identification Ta : For any-sign for which a permit is required under the provisions of this Ordinance, �,�he :��er��ee shallwacq,uire, from .L�1sP..�T�riv� s�/A�'- .4f���C ..._.. .... the City Building'�In� ���er a tag which shall be conspicuously attached ll �: r�[Iic�T.� Pi�T „ 16 � � 6� OscJ i`�� ��Iit�is �',$ to the o r r;Ieft fron� �surface o,�i� sigxiv Such tag shall indicate ��, _ . _ ._.�.,_. _. ..... - -, the number of the sign permit and the date of issuance. Permits-and tags must be acquired and application fees paid for all no.n-exempt signs existing at the time of adoption o£ this Ordinance. (b� Exemptions':� The exemptions permitted by this Sectio.n shall apply only to the requireme.nt of a permit and sha�l not be construed as relieving the installer of the sign, or the owner of the property upon which the sign is located, from conformixig with the other provisions of this Ordinance. No permit is required ur�der this 8ection for the following signs: (1.� A window sign;p�c�s�-:�titk�in a--bui�d.zng-�a�d not exceedixig thirty - per ce.nt (30f� of the window area. (2� Signs having an area of six (6� square feet or less. (3� Sig.ns erected by a governmental unit or public school district. (4� Temporary signs as listed i.n Section 3; Paragraphs (i), (j), (k), `�ii: .� ^��S / •v J<'yc .O and (1 � and S e c t ion 5; Paragraph _�� ; Subpaxagraph ', �� ��.; • '�:u (5� Memorial signs or tablets containing the name of the building, its use and date of erection when cut or built into the walls of the building and constructed of bro.nze, brass, stone or marble. (6) Signs which are completely within a building and are not visible from the outside of said buildi.ng. (c) Violations and Fines: If the City Building Inspector or his agent , shall find that any sign regulated by �his Ordinance is unsafe, insecure, or is a menace to the public; or has bee.n co.nstructed or erected without a permit first being granted to the �r.�lal��r of said sz�n. or �'o`;�Y =- �.-. r� �r, _- . .. ..:: �,,.... , a.,.,.,.... ,:a.;.,.�_...�<. :,. r- , ,�v � owner of the property upo.n which said sign has been erected, or is ___ improperly mai.ntained, or is in violation of any other provisions of this Ordinance, he shall give written notice of such violation to the owner or permitee thereof. If the ��L �~a� owner fails to remove or 1 � ��: ,� _ 17 alter the sign so as to comply with the provisions set forth in this � Ordinance within ten (10� calendar days_following receipt of said notice, such signs may be removed by the Gity �'r l�ing'':Inspec�or.�"� �w �� sr..<. , ,,-_ :; -.�the��`r„ Cs,,,itYy ai���x,�,�,e��;so�, the cost incident thereto being levie as a special assessment aga.inst the property upon which the sign is located. , Any person, organization, corporation or their representatives found in violation of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. IIpon conviction, a fine of not more than $100.00 shall be imposed for each day the violation remains in existence. All signs axe subject to such penalty for violation of the requirements of the district within which they are located eve.n though they may not be required by Ordinance to pay a fee or acquire a permit. (d) �peals: To provide for a reasonable interpretation of the provisions 1d �� ,_.,..�.-ti.,. ...-, � of this Ordinance , a permit applicant who wishes to appeal �ti.��?���� �� interpretatio.n by the City Building Inspector or his agent may file a . .� cti..� � � ,�� � � notice of appeals with the City B�i���rio,Inspection De�artmerit and request a heari.ng before the Board of Appeals. The Board shall have the power and duty of hearing and deciding, subject to appeals to the City Council, appeals or requests in the . - - -- - -- - _ - -- - - - -- .following cases: �,���� Appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the administrative officer in the enforcement of this Ordinance. j,,(2� Requests for variances from the literal provisions of this Ordinance �� � � in instances where their strict enforcement would cause an unclue hardship. , a� Before the Board shall grant a variance, it is the responsibility of the appellant to prove: . � ., 18 ' � � ���� \ �:i � �� , � S � ��`�� �2� , � \ � 0 (� � � �, G f�3 ) . ,\ ;��(4) ;� � ,� .` \ .'_ '� � 1ta.1n. � 0 That there are exceptio.nal or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to other property in the same vici.nity and zoning district; That the vaxiance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyme.nt of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone; but which is denied to the property in question; That the strict applicatio.n of the ordinance would constitute unnecessaxy hardship; and That the granting of the variance would not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or i.njurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity or zone in which the property is located. SECTION 8. Non-Conformi.ng Signs � / � i� �,� � ,,_ ���� ,� / � ,;� ,' 4` � �/ � /yOT�a�✓� p�P1��k7sii�N►�1TL[� (a� Any non-conforming temporary�c��-�` portable �ign existing at the time �of adoption of this Ordinance shall be made to comply with the requireme.nts set forth herein or shall be removed withi.n sixty (60) days after the adoption of this Ordinance. ,�, ; :-: --; �� , (b� Non-co.nforming permanent signs lawfully existing at the time of adoption of this Ordina.nce shall be allowed to continue in use, but shall not be rebuilt, altered other than to change the message, or relocated without � being brought into compliance �aith the requireme.nts of this Ordinance. After a.no.n-conformi.ng sign has bee.n removed, it shall.not be replaced by another non-conformi.ng sign. • - , i-, _.. - -.. - i � _ - �- Sc` E N c: -� X T, /�,4 �' c �- v? —__ � � �: -- � �G SS( /.g� � /�tr i�� t1l' Ls'.i tiv s— / N i� __ . �.-. __SU�6;`t57 ic�v ._�. -�_- - - �: � /� i Non-conformi ��signs existing�on`the effective date of this Ordinance � /) i- ''`� , ` c ' -- � � `i . ,� . • . shall become r�on-conformi.ng uses and shall be discontinuecl within a reasonable period of amort�ization of the sign; uses of signs which be- come a non-conforming use by reason of a subsequent ch�nge in this ordinance shall also be discontinued within a reasonable period of amortization a_` the sign. The perioci of amortization for signs shall be not more than: . {. ; f`,a� : _-.,,��:_ . -�� ,<r✓i� :./-'-', r ,.� .S- . � / 7 " � - . j ." r" := �T� '✓;= / /i.//- S ` j:�v � �w. ,��s, �-.r'i :._ .i .n � ! , i- t f'l� Q �Fr :�> / /�✓!�/1J�i'. � `_=, ! e ;�� s i'.. �,� _ .��� �; ,�,�� c 7-� / � ,,J /P...�<-,�, ._ <� ,. , ,: � . / j� . - .. .. � � � l `t .i �" � � , _� /'° . _ ' , .. � -- ,, r i `� �°'C �'Js: !J ,! : - i ._ ,= .� ' r' , � � _ �-' -(-G� Whenever a.no.n-co.nformi.ng permanent sign use has been discontinued for a period of three (3� mo.nths, such use shall not thereafter be co.ntinued unless i.n conformance with the provisions of this Ordi.nance. SECTION 9. Severance Clause If any Section, clause or provisio.n or portion thereof of this Ordinance shall be found to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdictio.n, such decisio.n shall not affect any other section, clause, provisio.n or portion thereof of this Ordinance. r � SECTION 10. Re eal Any portion of the Fridley City Code inconsistent with this Cha.pter is hereby repealed. � ♦ � Date: December 16, 1968 MEMO FROM: City Manager Finance Director MEMO T0: City Council The workman's compensation insurance bids were reviewed by Finance Director and City Manager and were opened at 11:20 A.M. The bids were reviewed by Mr. Lee Douglas, Insurance Consultant and it was suggested that the bid be awarded to Agriculture Insurance Group for the calendar year 1969. See review statement attached hereto. The Western Insurance Company bid was included in the listings although their bid was not received in the City Hall until after 11:00 A.M., time set for official bid opening. A City Attorney's opinion on considera- tion of this bid would have been necessary had this firm been low bidder. Delay was due to extra heavy mail during the holiday season. It is recommended that the bid be awarded to the Agriculture Insurance Company, with a bid which will produce a final premium of; 30 percent loss ratio $14,069.00 40 percent loss ratio 14,458.00 50 percent loss ratio 14,843.00 ' �; �,,��, 2 �'�-�-------"i Homer R. Ankrum CITY MANAGER �� (�/Z,�, �..�. C� � Ma�vin Brunsell FINANCE DIRECTOR � . x D�c�c�b�r 16 , 195ti t�,�yor �nd Counci? �:an Ci.ty of Fr.id�.�y 6431 iJi�iversity Av�nu� I�I��h�s��� Fricll�y, ASfr.n���ta 55►�21 G�nfils��-,� n : B��:sd up� �h� f�3.].o�in� fact.,. I 3u��G�t arrar�din�; the City of FridZey's S��arkmAn'� Cor;r,•�n::Ft'aa ?r:5�ira.+�sa to one Agricezltural Insura.�c� Group. 1.. The City of Frzc:?.�y h�s haci the folla��in� lo�s ratios on th�i,r t�c:r�:P,tL•IZ's Co;��•1r,�c3�ifiT1. Th:.�se ar:: t::c� g�r�e.ta;�s o�' total. pr�:.ci �,r,c? re..�r•c�4 al�iz�: ;naurr�,� t� �ar•:��d pr�ciur�. Z'.*.,ey h�v�e ��en 1-1-65-66 .26� 1-'1--:;;-fi7 .73$ 1--1••r7-6�: .2S�c �.-?.-ca •- � r;oz�t�,s .�s� 3Vti:T'?�;��`^- i, �'S .�.0� s T': L:.� • i�lj �'}:C.' !%sS�;3 ai ��ti?:s�o � �4�J--�'J-5�a �C:3 Y'8�74 tti° �'�.'Y"��'1?°L:2'?_x Insvrar,c� C�:*;�an� off�z�3 �>.c� i?er�� c�a�•iL�nd p1.�n i c?uGCi iiF•OIl xov�_,. This xi_1 ;:�dt:�� a f�zza? ::� e:,:i;�:: o� : .p--�..r 3�� J.oNa r�t�o � $11t,0�.:�9 �? 9 �%.�i�.�'i�a Y':a�10 Vl� ��J:) 54�� .��a�:� ��tir� S1u,843 2. If �he �.�;,•s raiio si:c�u?d Q;;c��ci SS;; foM th� fLar o� I-1-69-7G t�nn t.3•� "r�r�:aitc:���,:' �iscou�� pr��;,i�z:� of th� 1'Ltual Cr�a;�.�ry $15,€4+1 �flu?d b� t;3� ina�t �d�nta��ou� f�r any la5s rat�o oF 55� and ove�. � � r May�r �n3 Co�snci]�man Ci�y of Prl�ey Decer��b�r 16 , 13S£3 Pa�;� 2 3. A r�t�t����ati J� p13n 5u�h as pro�os�d by 41�stern Casualty - ibeca�s� � p�: �Ity �an be i;np��ad over on� sta.�dard pr�mfum) is ill�gdl :rsd can not �� carr�ed per the nttcrney genera7.'s office. Vexy truly yotzr�, Ial�n�l C. Aouglus InsLr�r.c� Consul���nt LC� : sr