08/05/1968 - 00020077r; , �� �� -� THE MIIJiJ'I'ES DI' 'rI3E REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINU OF AUGUST 5, 19G8 The Regular Council bleeting of the CiLy of Fridley was called to order by T�Iayor ICirkham at 8:10 P,M. PLliDGE OF 1;LLEGIIINCE: b'iayor Irirkham asY.ed 'che audlence to stand and �oin in saying the Pledge o1 A1legiance L-o the i1ag. ROLL CAT,L: MEMPEP,S PI2�SENT: MLI"IBERS �'1BSEN`i : YF{ESENTATION OF AVT[�12DS: l�irkham, Lieb1, IIarris, Samuelson, Sheridan (Arrived at 10:17 E�.P2. ) i�one Awards oi I�pnreciation were to be presented to Mr. Robert Molinaro, �asL Civil DeEense Darector, and P9r. Jesse VTallace, member of various cosnmitL-ees, buL neither gentlemen were �resent at the Meeting. t�layor I�ir]cham said chal- A7r. Molinaro hacl been Civil Detense Direetor for the City sance 1959 and i+fc. Jesse i�allace had moved Lrom the CiLy, so had L-o recire frorn the Industrial Development Commission. t7ayor I�irl�ham said that the Council took i.his means o� expressing th2�r apprecsation iar the iine work they had done. APn�;UV.1L U? 1+'iINU7LS, BO[�5.17 OL i:iUALI2ATItJN Nli:ETING Or' JULY 11, 1968: P7OT1G1�T i�y Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Minutes ot the ,3oard oi i:qualizaLlon ri�etiny oi Su1y 1Z, 1968. 3econded by Councilman :larris. Upon a voice voL-�, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham de- clared the in�Lion carried unanimously_ ��17PROVAL Jl^' I�IIIJUT��, 1:liGULf�,R COUNCIL I�I�L'1'iNu u1' JULY 15, 1�EiII: ��2d`i Ii3L1 by Counc� 1man Harrlu L-� ado�t the Minut25 0l the Regular Ccuncil Maeting oi Ju1Y- I5, 1965 as presented. Secandea by Council- �nan uamuelson. Upan a voice r�ote, there ?�einJ no nays, Mayor I:irlsnam declared L-he muti�n carr�e:S u�ianimously. �1PPROVAL OI" NIIISi7TES, SYr'.CI�vL COUNCIL :4Li:'J'ING Ji JULY 2�, 19G5: M��TIUI�I hy Councilman ➢�ieb1 �o aclo�L L-he Minuies oi the S��ecial Counc�l i�ieetiny o1 July 29, 1°68 as t�resentecl. Secanded by Coune�l- man Samuelson. Upon a volce vate, L-here 73eing no nays, Mayor F;irkhara declared the rnotzon carr�ecl unanirnously. ' ' , ���? REGLILAR COUNCIL i'I�t:l^ING Jl' [�UGUS1' S, 1»� i�AGk; 2 ' ADOPTION OF' AG�NDf-�; P'iayor ICir]cham said that item 23A would '-ac addec, L-o tYie tigexida. "Consideration c�i: I3uilding Foundatzori L�ers:11'� �or �he 12[�IS Coinpany'° . MOTION by Councilman Lleb1 to adopt thc:.igenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Satnuelson. Upon a voice vote, ch�re bea.ng no nays, Mayor Kirltham declared the motion carriec{ unanimously. CONTINU�'.D PUBLIC HEARING OP STR1�:E't" IMPROV1,2�1i3N'i' PROJLCT S^t. 1968-18, ATDENDUM #k4: (COntinued Lrom Ju1y 15, 196�) RESOLUTIOI3 NO. 102-190� - A RESOLU'1I0� OHDLRING IMPP.OVEMLid':', PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTII�1[,TES QF COS^1S TI3EREUFc STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJEC�P ST, 19G8-11� � ADDh'NDUM $�r4 Mayor Firkham �aid that this imorovemenL- wouLd include Horizon Drive from 53rd Avenue to I. 694 Service Road; Crown Road, Main Street to Horizon Drive; Ventura Avenue, Pdain Street 'LO Horizon Drive. ' Councilman Liebl asked rhe City Lngineer what L-ne percentage oi approval was on the firsc original petitiun received, both by front footage and by ownership. �1`he City Engineer said that petitron ;;35- 1968 received 3une 20, 1968 was as iollo�vs: I3orizon Drive - 60;o by property owners and 54/ by front ioouage; Cro�an ltoad - 63% by property owners and 69io vy front footage. He said that on the petition the cost was ga.ven as $8.50 per assessable loot. Council- man Liebl asked it there had been any peticion for Ventura Hvenue, The City Engineer said that this had been adc7ed to the Public HearinJ because the City felt that the area was being im�roved and they wanted to bring this to the attention o- the people on Ventura Avenue as it would be cheaper at this time. Mayor Kirkham suggested that the new petitions that had been brouynt in ta the City 'ae received at this time. PLTITION $$19-196t3 - STREET, CURB 11ND GUT'1'ER - CRWIN ROAA (N1ElIN STREET TO HORILON DRIVli) PETITION $r`z2-1968 - S�PRSET, CURB AND GUPTER - H�RIZON DRIV� (53RD AV}�:NU�, il7 5600---694 SERVICE DRIVI:) MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive PeciLlan ir19-1968 and Petition � #22-1968. Seconded by Councilman Harri�. U��on a voice vote, L-here being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the moL-ion carried unanimousiy. ��, ,� 3 , ..�,� R�;GULAR COUNCIL MliETING OP AUGTJS7' 5, 1965 PAGE 3 Mayor F.irkham read the percentayes on the new petitions as: � Horiz�n Drive - 50% by owner and 482yo by footage; Crown Road - 5Qq6 by owner and 53/o uy FooL-age. He explained that a£ter a mis- understanding was brouc�ht to light at the iast Councxl Meeting, the t�etitions had been recirculated with a�irm price, and a ma�or�ty oi the propercy owners apparently want the improvement. A visiL-ar �o che Council M�eting asked ii there would be a difference in cosc iE Crown koad was �oined with Horizon Drive, or ii ic was clone separately, The City isngineer said there may be some contusion on the Council's policy os assessing Z way up the block, which wi11 noi be �he way it is assessed in this case, because a11 the houses on Crown P.oad and Ventura face on the street. He sa�d that the only persuns assessed twice wi11 be the corner 1ots, which wi11 pay on their lrontaye for Horizon Drive and 1/3 on their side yard when Crown koad is im�roveci. The Finance Director explained the City's policy in assessin� screet improvements. Mr. James l�osse, 129 Crovrn Road, said that the getitions were suppo:;ed to be 50% and he asked hoca the Council could consider ado�ting this with only 48/ on Horizon Drive. IIe said that out of 15 houses on Crown Road, 8 property owners had signed and 7 had not, and he knew o� one pro- � perty owner who could not come to the Meeting, but had understoad he could get the curb and gutter without the street. 1lnother gentleman at the Council Meeting said he was sure the man Mr. Kosse had menL-ioned was in iavor ol the pro�ect, and this was a mis- understanc�ing_ I�Ir. ��osse said that Counczlman Lieb1 had come to his house ragarding the petiL-ion. Councilman Liebl said that he had not petltioned ior this streez, the propeYty owners had. He said he Ee1t that when the firsL pecition was circulated in this block, Lhe people were in Lavor oi the petition, and it had not been initiated by him or by the Council. Councilntan Liebl said that che petition originally had 60/ until sarneone had misrepresented the cost and said ic would be $12.00. Councilman Lieb1 said that L-he Council ma�ority could approve the pro�ect without a petition, and as iong as the City wi11 be irnproving 53rd Avenue, he ielt they would be beneiittinc� by getting their street improved. Mayor Kir3cham explained thaL there is no 1aw that says anything a]�out needing 50%. Iie saic! Lhat the Council has adopted a policy, more ar less, to protect ihemselves, so that when property owners petition £or a pro�ecL-, ii there a.s 50;;, the Council knows the �eople want at, but under the law i-c could be ordered in without the peti- , tion_ He said the Council cloes not take Lhe initiative in puttany in thes� szreets. �� _ � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF tiUGUST 5, 196� P1:GE 4 ' f�7s. E.F. Olson, 5361 IIorizon Urive, saicl L-hat the original petition had carried the tigure oi $8.50 on rt, and L-nat che 2nd petition ob�ecting to the pro,7ect was based on rnisiniorrnation. MOTION by Councilman lIarris to close th� Public Hearing on Street Improvement Pro7ect St. 1968-1B Addendum ;;4. Seconded by Council-- man Lieb� Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, iKayor I:irkhan declared the motlon carried and closeG the Public iiearing al- �3:a0 P.&I. Councilman Harris asked the City Engine�r ii this was acted on right away, if it coulci be put in this year. The CiLy Lngi neer said that if it is going to be ordered in, it should be done as soon as pos- sible, as there are some plans to be finished peiore Lt can be put in, and there i;; a contract for 53rd and I3orizon Circle and it would be advisable to do all the pro�ec�s ac the same time. He said that barring bad weather, it could be linished this year. Councilman Samuelson asked iP it could 1eya11y be added onto tne contract. The City Engineer said that 40i can be added, ancl the contract the City has is in the neighborhood oi $300,000. Council- � man Samuelson asked if l-hi:; included ca�ch basins. The Ci�y Engineer said that the $8.17 would include a couple of additional catch basins, and the $9.37 price would :nc.an hooking onto the sewer. He said that iE the people are willing to iive vaith a 1ittle pro- blem, they can get by wiLh the lesser cosL-. Councilman Harris said that it would be going against the usual Council policy Lo act on the resolution the same evening che Public Hearing is he1d, but in the �ZCerest oi th� people who had petitioned for L-his improvement, he ielt the Cauncil should ;�roceed on this improvenenL. He said that this is the second time ic Yias been discussed, and every mernbex oP the Council has had an opporL-uni�y to study it_ MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt F.esoiution }�102-1968, a resolution ordering improvement, final plans and speciiicaL-ions and estimares for this improvement at the $8,17 fagure. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Nayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REVIEW OF LAND ALTERIHTION OYDINANC� AND LE1ND ALT�R7ITION, SECi'ION % OF THE UNIPORM BL7ILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS: , The City Engineer said L-hat the supporting material had been supplied to the Council at the last MeetinJ. F-Ie said that i� was the City Attorney and his ieeling that the :,and Alteration Section oi the Uniform $uilding Code be adopted. 'lhe City Attorney coulcl formulate an ordinance for the next Mee�ing covering rheir recom- mendations. 'Phe City Attorney said he had discussed this wich �he ���3 P.::GULAP. COUNCIL MELTING O% AUGUST 5, 1963 PAGE 5 Ylanning Commission, and they had agreed wii:h adopting the Land ' Alteration section oi: the UniPorrn Building Code rather than what vae have now. He said there is one case in court now that they wi11 7�e trying under the existinc� ordinance, but it would be their recommendaLion that the IIniform Building Code would be much easier to work with_ He saic3 they would -ask the Council to look at the permit fee schedule to see if they want �o adopt that schedule or have a dirferent schedule. P+layor KirY.ham suggested that the Cicy NIanager review the schedule and make a recommendation of the scheaule to use to the Council. Councilman Samuelson asked ii they thought this schedule would give mare control. The City Engineer said that the Uniiorm Building Code section has been adopted and tested a11 over. MG^1IOIQ by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the recommendation of the �dministration, and bring back an ordinance to the Council adopting L-he Land Alteration Section oi the Uniiorm Building Code. Secondecl by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, there being no r.ays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carraed unanimously. DISCUSSION Ft�GF1RDING �LLCTRICITY RATES, NSPn Mr. Sahn Pearce, representing the Northern States Power Company, addressed the Council regarding an increase in electric service races. He said that �his rate increase is being applied through- ouc the entire NSP systern, and the residentlal customer increase would be 554 a month maximum, except for minimum bill usag�. He sazcl that the rate increase is spread throuyh i.he residential, commercial, and industrial customers, and each are iigured a little d�iferently. � Mr. Pearce said that this increase is necessary because the last L�me thaL- NSP raised the rates was in 1952, and even with the Novernber, 1968 increase, the rates will ae lower than they were in 1961. He said that the co�t oi money interest rates have increased and L-he last bond issue solc7 at 6 3/4go; labor costs have increased, additions have been made to the plants £or air and water pollution control, and more rnoney has heen spent beautifying the system, i.e. from space iranes to steel posts which have doubled the cost. Mr. Pearce said tl�at the new surtax has raisec] their corporation tax to � 5 . :,o. Councilman Harris asY.ed ii N51� operates under a 6/ prorit allowal�le ' by law_ Idr. Pearce said i:hat there is no allowable 6% - they have no limrt, and are noc bouncl by regulation in any degree. Mayor Z�irkharn asked iL- NSP's proLit was f-ixed at a certain percentage a.n L-lze States that have Cor�unissionu. Mr. pearce said he da.d not know, � � ��� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGU�T 5, 19G8 PAGL 6 but he did not think that the rates were fixed }�y �heir Cornrniss�_ons. Councilman Liebl asked about municipalit�es where NSP had taken over their cooperatives, and the Councils hacl to be asked perrnzssion to raise their rates. D7r. Yearce said rhat a.^, rar as he lcnew, NS1� had submitLep it only to SL-, paul's Comm�ssion, and what action Sc. Paul was goLng to ta].e, he did not 7tnooa_ IIe saic! that NSP wi?_1 not accept a re�ection without going to court. Councilr�an Samuelson asked what NSP would do it the o�her scaL-es caith Commissions did not a11ow the rate increase. Mr. Pearce saica chaL- this was a question that would have to be answered �_n L-he �=utare. He saiu chai nobody knows what would be done, Councziman Saxnuelson saic7 chat he was an Alternate to the Suburban Rate AuL-h�_iuy oi surroundiny metYOpolitan comtnunitles which neyotiaLe rates wzcn the Gas 4'ompanv. He asked Mr. Pearce if he thought NSP would submit to such auL-ho�i�y. Mr. Pearce said that NSP had lobbied ior a reyulatory bi11 in 1959, and 'chey suspect that this is what kiilera' it. IIe said thar they would preEer State wide regulations raLher Ll�an c3ea1 on a smal]. community basis. Counciirnan Samuelson asked v�haL percentaye increase this would be in average consumption. Mr. �7�arce sai�3 thai it comes to a 4.2/ increase. 1'lzey expect io ra�se $8,QD0,000. Mr. Richard FIarris, a visiL-or to the Councii, said tha� there has been some industrial development in I'r�,dlep, arr; wondered iP, ZaiL-h the increase, chey could look ior improved service. iJlr. Pearc� said 'ne did noc think the increase woulc� ��Eect the reSbabllity ot service. He said that �igures they have wor7,ed up show thaL- in the NaL-ion as a whole, engineering-wise, D7SP has a very clean, reliable system. Mr. Harris asked what L-hey can loolc 1or in getting service on new construction. I�lr. Pearce sazd thaL- �hey were wor];ing on that every day, and if t'riey have any que�tioris he w�auld be happy to talk iL over with them and try co wor}c chem ou�. The City Engineer asked ii some oi tkie overh�ad lines will go unc7er- ground. Mr, Pearce said �hat NSP wi11 be spending a great deal oi money in the next 10 years primarily d�recL-�d to undergrounci �aci- lities, and in �ridley, the new £eeders out of the subscacion will be goiny underground. He was asked abouL landscaping at the sub- sLation on T.H. �#65, and he said they have been �aor]ciny on iL-, and are ready to yo on the development. Mr. Pearce said that he has a letter staLiizg chac �he Council has recei�ed thia iniormation on the new rate ?ncrease, and he asked ' that the letter be signed that they have rece�ved the inPormation. MOTION 7�y Councilman Samuelson thaL- as L-he Council has received tl�e iniormation, the Adm�,nistracion be directed �o sign the teccer prepared by NSP. Seconded by Councilman "�iebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Nlayor I:irl:ham declarea the motion carried. ? ,� �� RSGUL�Ai2 COUNCiL A1EE�1'ING OF I:UGUS`P 5, 1968 ADllITIONAL P.EQUES'P FOI: STP.E��P LIGHTING: PAGI: '! The City Engineei dlrected the Council's attention to the list o£ 6 reconunended street lic�h�s Co be pu= in. Councilman Samuelson said tha� he had requested some other street liyhts that were needed also. �Phe City �ngineer said that there are considerably more requescs �han there are lights 1etL in the 1968 program. Iie ex- plained thaz there are only 4 lights 1eL-t, but there are two lights L-hai. they are recommending be movec to new locations For the total oL- six. One oL �hc lighcs could be moved irom the west end oL Rice CreeY, Terrace where the road used to go through to University, but since ii has been closecl the lighc only lights one property owner's driveway. The other lighL- would come i-rom Etiverview 'Perrace, where there usec to be a road which has been closed. The City Engineer said t1zaL- =_z ihe Counc�.1 wiil turn in a11 requests they get sor street ligi7is,a list can be cornp�led ior the iirsL- oi January. Mo�l'ION by Councilman Harri� to concur with the recommendations of i.he AdminisL-raL-ion and �nstall the street iiglzts at the intersections of �sborne Road ancl Bal�:er Street; Charles Street and Anna Avenue; %3rd Avenue and University Avenue (west side); 73rd Avenue and Cor.unerce I,ane; Rice Cree]c I;oulevard near cu1 de sac; 69th Avenue and 69th P1ace.Seconded by C�uncilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, L-here being no nays, Mayor F�irlci�am declareu the motion carried unanimously. 1969 BUDGET. �i'ize City Manager said tha� L-he �ldministrataon is still working on the Budget, so thls Ltem could be tabled. MOTIOT_Q by Councilman Samuelson to table consideration oL- the 1969 Budge� until furL-her iniorrnatzon is available. Seconded by Council- man L'ie7�1_ U�on a voice voLe, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declareu the moL-ion carriecl unanimoualy. R�CEIVIbTG HIDS AIVD A'v�Z�P.UIIVG CON�PF2ACP FOR 3/4 TON TRUCK FOR S'PREE'P L'EP[�t,TNll:NT (BIDS OP�NL'D JULY 17, 1968, 11c30 P.I�I.) The City Lngineer saici that two bids were received: PS,ANIIO:�DER 2aron Moi.ors New Brigizton NiinnesoLa 3ID DLPOSIT BASE 33ID COMPL�'PION DATE Cert. C}:. 3/4 Ton International 45 Cal. nays $119.46 $2,339.25 Appox. 1 ' 1 � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1963 PLf1iII30LDER BID DL�'PO:iIT McGee 'Pruck�, Inc. St. Pau1 3001 Broadway N.r.. Pire & Minneapolis Idarine - Minnesota 5/ BASE BID 3/4 Ton GMC CS2590P� $2,323.36 PAGE 3 CON1PLli'PION DATP 60 Ca1. Days Approx. 'Phe City �:ngineer said thai. the speciiicac�ons have been checkec] by the Public Ldork� Department, and they Lee]_ L-h�y meet a11 the specitications. Councilman Samuelson as];ed how much money was in the budget for this zcem. The City Enyzneer said he would have to look at the budget, but it probably woulcil�e $2,UOU. He said that is was extremely hard 'co budgeL s� closely, but he assured L-hem he wi11 not be yoing over the budget. Iie said chat he never hacl in the £ive years he has been with the City. Cauncilman Samuelson said he thouqht it would be a good idea ii che Council could see the amounts that had been budgeter'a ior che di�ierent items as an indication of price. � MOTI ON by Councilman FIarris to receive Lhe nids and award the cor.- cract For a 3/4 ton truck to McGee Truc7cs, Inc., 3001 Broadway Northeast, �linneapolis, Minnesota in the amcunt oi $2323.36. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice co�e, chere being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � RECEIVING BIDS AND AW�'.RDING CONTRACT OIQ 19�9 TREE BEAU'1IFICATIGN PROGRI�.[�1 (OPENED JTJLY 31, 19GB, 10:30 A.td. ): IiON7iY MP.YLE f+IL1YLli BIDDEIt LINDEN AuH LOCUS'P SILVER SUMP�R Bob's Produce Ranch $37.95 $25.85 $5�.45 $25.85 6520 �;ast River Road Fridley, Minnesota Minnesota Tree, Inc. $41.25 $31.35 $74_35 6650 Hwy. 169 Eden Prairie, Minn. Gurt�k � Ramberg 499 County Road � New Brighton, Minn. 55112 $3�.Q0 $33.50 $40.00 $32.45 $33.25 ;�37.40 $G9.30 $45.00 Mayor Kirkham said that the prices were much lzigh�r than he had anticipated. Councilman Samuelson said he thoulht thay were out oi line. �fa � 4d '�L.� d./ PEGU��1E2 COUNCIL D9E�TILQG OF AUGUST 5, 1963 pAGE 9 � ASOTIOI� k�y Councilman Samuel:,on to receive L-lie bids, and that che bid:, be revlewed prioz L-o awarding che con�racL-, and brouyht back at the nexc Regular Council Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Liel�l. UL�on a voice vote, there be�ng no nays, Mayor I�irkham declared the mouon carried unanirnously. ACCEPTING P.ESIGNAlIUN OP P013�RT HUGH�S, CHAIRMAN OF PLANNING COMMISSION F1NL' PARAu AND It�CILE11'i'ION COMNIISSFON: Councilman Samuelson said ihat i.9r. Hughes has done an excellent �ob in both Chairmanships, and he regretted his resignation. PdOTION by Councilman Samuelson to direct the Administration to prepare a Certificaie of ilchieeement. Seconded by Councilman Fiarris, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. :2LCEIVII�G THE i+IILdUT::S OP ^1H1: BOARD OF APPEALS bIEETING OF JULY 17, 196&': MGTION by Councilman IIarris to receive the Minutes of the Board of ' Appeals Meeting oi July 1%, i968. Seconded by Coixncilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, Mayor l:irkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REC�IVIPQG .KIY�UT�S OF BOIII:U OI' APP�LS P1Eli'PING OL' JULY 31, 196£3: MGTION by Councilman Lieb1 to receive the t�iinutes of the Board of �.��peals Nieetin�� ancl concur w�th their acLaons. �t'he motion was seconded by Councilnan TIarris who requested that the Administration as]c the Secretary o� the Committee to put more commentary in the minuces, so that the L-eelings os" the peonle either tor or against a request are more e.ipliciL. Councilman Lieb1 said thaL- the variance request £rom Nir. Zimbal which was tabled should have the concurrance oi the people within 200 �eet because the ordinance wi11 be violated if he builds the second Jarage. I3e said Lha� he had received quite a few telephone cal]_s concernin� this. Tne CiLy Attorney said that the Board o� Appeals has the authoriiy to make a decision, and i£ either the applicanL- or the neiglipors ob�ect to the decision, they can appeal it bei-ore the Council. THE VOTE upon the moL-ion, '�eing a voice vot�, all voting aye, � Mayor Kir]cham declared t.ze moi:ion carried unanimously. RLCESS: Mayor F.ir]:ham called a 10 minute recess at 9:30 P.P+1. � �� � RCGULAR COUNCIL T+IEETING OP AUGUST 5, 196� PAGL 10 ' RECEIVING TI3E MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STAI�TDL�I;DS - DESIGN CONi'ItUL P+IEETING OF JULY 24, 1968: l. CONSIDERATION OF t-1 REQUEST FOY TH1: REMODELING OF 'PFIL' SE�OPPING CENTEFi AT UNIVERSITY 11V�NUli PSSD MISSISSIPPI STREET, FRIDLEi', MINNESOTA, THE SAM� B�ING 6�'�50 UNIVEF.6ITY AVL. N.E. iREQUEST BY GIFT HOUSE S'1't�NII� CO_, MINNEAP�LIS, MINNESqTA)� The City Engineer said th3t the Council issued ihis company an in- terior permit earlier, no�a they are requcs�ing the complete permit. He read the stipulation� requesL-ed by cne �3uildiny Stanaards - Design Control Subcommittee regardiny curbing the entire western boundary, the biack topping tio be repaired, r.;ie boulevard planting strip to be widened by 5 ieet, and plant?ngs to be placed as shown on the plot plan. The City Lngineer said cliat the Buildiny standards Design Controi did not wan� to require sidecval]:s at L-his time, I:ut they had requested they remove 5' oi b1acY.top so there would be room for a sidewalk at a later date. P3e was aslced ii the City v�as yetting letters oE intent when the sidewallc�oas deferrea. He , said thaL they have been getting them in Commerce Par}c. Counczl- rnan Samuelson said that as long as the blac];cop is k�eing torn up, he felt chat now is the time to install L-he sidewal7;. He said he £elt that the children snould be 7cept o�f the service road and ouc of the parking lot. Councilman Harris �azd L-hat rhe Counca.l has set a precedent in the pa,^,t by requiring c�as stataons to put in sidewalks, and he fe1L the policy shoulci}�e L-ollowed. The Council said that the outside wall needs naintiny also and should be added as a stipulation. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur w?th �ne Building SL-anda-rGS - Deszgn Control Subcommittee and yrant the regue,�t tor remodeling wiL-h the stipulations as outlined by the SubcommiL-cee wi1-h the addtiional requirements that they pain'c the existin9 concrete block exterior sidewall; install a 5' concrete sidewallc alony the front Prom che south ]�oundary line to the north ]�oundary 1�nc; anu requlre the 5' landscaping strip as submitted in addicion to the sidewalk. 'I'he motion was seconded and upon a voice vo�e, there being no nays, i�iayor Kirl:ham declared the motion carriecl unanimously. ' 2. CpNSIDERATIF)N OF A REQUEST FOR A REVISc^D PLO'P PLAN OF '1�IE PRSDLEY STATE BANI:, 6315 UNIVliT:uSTY AVENUB N.E., FRIDLuY, MINNESOTA, TH� SE1ME BEI1rTG PAR^1 Oi LdT 1, AUDITOR'6 SUB- DIVISION ¢k59, AWOY.A COUN�IY, MIIlIV'3'uOTA. (REQUisST BY I2C�;' CARLSOri. FRIDLEY I,UI�IBr,R COMPAN�S.', F31ILL,LY, MIL�iN�SOTAi : !7�� i ...J c -!- i�•^:GULA : COiJDICIT� P�7:TING lJP AUGUS�I' S� 196u PAGL'' 7_1 The Cicy Lngineer ex}�lained Lhat the Ean]c propoaed to set up a drive-�n ieller arrangement callec� a TV Auto ^1e11er Bank. I�e sho�aed che Council a picLLire oi the way ic ]�asically wi11 laok with 3 drive-in aisles. He said they l�ave agreed to put in plantinys ln tronc, buc do noc agree �oi�h sma11 olancs. Councilman Liel�l askeci e�nere the drainaye of the proper�y c�ill go. �rhe City Snyineer said iL- w�ll drain the saine way it� is at ��resen� - to t12e proaer�y 2ast oP Lhe City Hall. '_rhe CiL-y Council discussed t-o i.he �L-ace 3an}: UeLore. coin�-nenGed that �ne cur;� cu ancl onc pLit zn on 63rd Ave p2rmic ancl put all their r any que�t�ons, they can co cussion. the curb cutc va,zich had been mentioned �L'he CiL-y Lngineer has previousiy re- be discontinued on Universiiy Avenue, ae. The Council d�cided to issue the quesLS before tlie �ank, and if they nave �e L-ack ta the Council ior further dis- i�I0i1CIJ by Counc� lman uamuelsQn L-o concur w� L-1� che Build�_ng SL-andarcas - Des�gn ContLO1 :�linute� and i;;sue a permil L-o che Priclley State Ban}c w� L-h the adGitional rec�u�5t that �he I3an7�: install sidewal7�, p�r CiL-y requirements, on 63rd Avenue and University Avenue; and 'chai, L-he curb cut on Universiiy Avenue closesl: to 63rd Avenue get �n- gineering study ior consideracion oi closing, and ihac a ncw one l�e considered tor ins�aliaL-�.on ac City stanclards on 63rd Avenue; and that all r�ar7.ing and driving areas to be blacktop and concrete curb. Seconcled by Councilman T,iebl. Upon a vozce vote, there being no na�rs, I4ayor Fc�rJcham decl�red the mocion carried unanirnously. 3. CONSIDEPu�'1'ION OF �1 P.LQU�S^1 ^l0 CJNS�ItUC'I' A MINNIL PE["�RL'S CIIiCStliDT PICIC UP CL�'NTl;IL �DT2IVL-LDI) LOCAl^P.'D AT 5865 UNIVL�'RSITY 11Vt'�'•N'l7E N.i:. (TiliG1CJL'u�l' $Y JEAN S. LOVF�AS. OtiVN�R. MINNEAPOLIu A'tIl�NEuOTA) : 'ihe C1�y �n�ineer said 'chaL- the Boarc approved the �ro�osal with the provisions that tlze s"encing on the eas� property line is to be the sarne haiyh�, s�11e, ar.d rnaterial as the exisL-ing fence on the ad�acenL- property; and chat �hey paint a11 e�;terior conerete bloc7c. Tl�e City Lngineer suggested that L-he Citp check with the Tiealth Inspector to see it tlie ��arbaye sh ould be sL-ored yn an enclosed area ouL-side or inside L-he building. Councilrnan i,iebl said that the �oard in their minutes hacl requested znside storage, because �hei-e is a problem bel:u�d tl�e Burger I:ing where L-here is no i.op on the enclosecl area, and che paper Elie� all over. 'S]ze Council looked at the layout. Councilman Liebl asked about che arnount oI inves�menL- in ..he building ancl how much land was used. 1 ' ' `� `�'�� REGULAI2 COUNCIL M�:ETING OP AUGUST 5, 1968 PAGE 12 � Mr. David Summer, owner, operator, saicr thac iL- was approximaL-ely $50,000, and 15,050 square ieet. MO'PIOLQ by Councilman fIarris Lo concur wl'ih the Building SLandards - DesiGn Control SubcommitL-ee and approve ilze request to construcc a hlinnie Pear1's Drive-In with scipulations as ou�iined, and with the storage oi garbaGe co be accordinG to l-.he dictates ai L-he IIea1Lh inspector. Seconded by Councilman Liebi. Upon a voice vote, tlzere being no nays, Mayor FCirl;ham declared ttie motion carried unanimou�ly. 4. CQNSIDERATION OI' A REQUEST TO COISS'1'I2UCT AN OFPICE AND ��f.�I:E- HOUSE FOR TARGET STORLS INC., LOCt�7'Cll IN PRIDLiY INDUSTkIAL FARY: ��l (RLQU�ST BY DAYTUN-Tt;kG�T STOF.ES INC. , MINNLAPOLIS rIINNESOTA) - The City Lngineer said that the Council hacl loolced at Lhe buzldiny plans earlier, and this was the plot piar. ior consideration. He read the recorcunendations 1i�ted an the Board Minutes, Councilman Samuelson suggested that if Target was c,roing L-o ask for more curb cuts, these should be incorporated with L-he pl.�ns. The Cicy , Engineer said that the Cicy would work L-his out with them. The Council wanted the permit issued suY�ject to L-he letter from t he MinnesoL-a Fiighway DeparL-ment regardiny tYie crossing, as thi� wi11 provide prooi that tlze City pointed ouc the iuture possibility oi the closure oi the crossover. MOLION by Councilman Harris to concur wiL-h the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommiicee and grant the buzldzng permit sub�ect to the stipulai:ions outlined in the Minul-es oi Suly 24, 1968 and sub�ecL- �o their noting tYie letter irom L-he tdinnesota Department oi I3ighways regarding ckze possible closu-re oi tlie crossover_ Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice �aote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared �he motion carried unanirnously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF [1 REQUSST TO CONS"PRUC'P [� RETAIL-WHOLLSIILL WAREHOUSE FOR PLYWQOD MINNESOTA ItQC_, I,OCATE➢ IN AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #79, W�ST OF NORTHr,RN PACIFIC RAILR011D TkACI`S, NORTH�.AST CORNER TfIERE OF AND BOTlDERING �AS'1 RIVLR ROAD, FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY YLYS^7UUD 1�IINNESOTA INC., MINN�POLIS, MINNESOTA): � i'he City Engineer showed the plan to the Council, and said the Board had approced the building location, buL- had not received enough information to i5sue the Buildzny Perrni� until the property owner brought in the complete plans. Councilman Samuelson aslced who it will be developing the plat for the whole area. The Ciry ,iy r �7 '� Y REGULIIR COUNCIL NL'sETING OE' d1UGUST 5, 1968 PAGE 13 Engineer said that Plywood Minnesota hopes to �ile a land survey for l-he whole area ancl have a parcel number for each lat, and have streets li:;ted by lot number. He said they orould dedicate an ease- ment to the City. Councilman Harris said that the usual process is for the plat plan to caine to the Cauncil through the Streets and Ucilities SubconuniL-tee and L-he Planniny Cornmission. MOTIDN by Councilman Harris to table thiu rec�uest until the plat p1an is presented to the Council, showing streets and necessary utilities to service the area. 5econded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Niayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanirnously. b. A REQU�ST 7'fl CHANGE OCCUPANCY OF' BUILDING LOCATED AT 7399 EAST kIVER ROF.i� 1�RIDLEY MINNESUPA PROM GASOLINE SERVICE ST�1T20N TO r1 PI2ZA PICk:-UP CENTER. (REQUEST BY MR. & MRS_ LOUIS SIGOURVEY WHO WLR�. PR�SINT : �The Crty Engineer saiu th�t the Board had approved the change oi occupancy su�,� Act to a reviced plot plan. Counncilman Samuelson asked ii this use would be allowable under the present zoning. The Cicy Engineer said iL- would be as this was a local shopping area. He said that L-he aetitioner proposed to fence orf and clean up behind the building, and seed the area. He saici they would suggest the pe�itioner have precast curbing, put plantings in and blac]ctop an area Por approximately 21 parking spaces. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with che request sub�ect to the Iinal plot plan. Sarnuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being declared the motion carried unanimously. (COUNCILMAN' SH�RIDAN ARRIV�� AT 1D:17 P.M.) the Board and approve Seconded by Councilman no nays, Mayor Kirkham 7. A RE�Uk,ST BY Eis.LlEll BUILDING PRODUCTS INC. TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA AND SUBMI^1 THEIR PROPOSED ASSEMBLY PLANT FOR NIINNL[1POLI5 ALLIED ALUMINUM I�'G. CO. TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 22, BLOCK 2, CDMMERC� P�ll2K, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUliST BY PdR. SPENCr:R HOLLE): �he City �nyineer said that the Board had issued a ioundation permit on1y, as the plot plan was not satisiactory as it did not meet a11 the requirements, and a new plot plan had been rec3uested Mo'PION by Councllman Samuelson to conaur with the Board and issue a ioundation permit ana that a Building Permit be issued subject to iurther iniormation on lanclscaPing, mechanical and electrical plan, anU revised and complete ploL- plan. Seconded ]�y Councilman Harris. 1 1 , 1 REGUL7IR COUNCIL P1EE7'ING OF AUGUST 5, 1968 ��� Pt1Gli 14 Upon a voice vote, there beiny no nays, Mayor Ecirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Liebl asked how many square leet this buzlding would ae. The City Engineer said that the dimensions would 7�� 30 x 87 reei, and it was a very clean, quiet industry. MOTION 1�y Councilman Fiarris to receive the remainder of the Builclin� Standards - Design Control Subcommittee iwleeting Minu�es oL- �uly 24, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. tipon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanirnously_ Councilman Liebl asked the City Attorney whaL- was happening wiL-h ihe proceedings Por the house on 4020 Main StreeL �ahich was gutted �y fire. The City Attorney said that they are requesting sufiicient information from the Inspect�.on Uepartmenc to have proof that it was more than 50% damaged. RECEIVING MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISuION NiEETING OF JULY 25, 1968: ' MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the I�linutes oF the Planning Commission Meeting of July 25, 1968. The motzon was seconded anci upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor l:ir];ham declarec7 the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Schmedeke, a visitor to the Council Meeting, said that he would like an opportunrty to show the Council a map oC his area that is incorrect in many ways. He said that sorae oi the buildings and houses are not shown on �he proper lots, and some that were blown away by the tornado aXe still shown. Mr. Schmec]el;e said that the planner should also be made aware ot the City's plans �or 3rd Street. Mayor Kirkham said he would agree that che map should be updatec�. Mr. Schmedeke asked that the planner get a co�y o� a new map, and he asked that he rece�oe a copy o� it a1so, so that he knows it yeLs done, RECEIVSNG THE MINUTES OF TFIE PLANNING C6D3I�1ISSYON ME;ETING UF AUGliST 1. 1968- 1. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #68-1�1, CENTRaL SLRVIC� CO. (ERICKSON PETROLEUM CO.): ' 'Ihe City Engineer said that the Planning Conunission approved the Lot Split but pointed out to the applicant that the parcel leiL- is too narrow to build a structure on, and suggesied that it can be used for additaonal parking space. i M � �' li�J lJ R�GULAR COi7fdCSL b'fEET1RTG OF AUGUST 5, 19G8 PAGE 15 1 MOTION by Councilman I:arriN to concur with the Planning Commission and an�rove the Lot Split, noting to the Petitioner that the balance oi Lot 17 ls insuFficient ior any buildiny construction. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Niayor I:zr7cham tieclared the rnotion carried unanimously. 2. V!-`iC.�l'PION S'PUliY: SuTII aVENUE BETWyEN 6TH STRE$T AND "IiH STREE`1' _ The City Engineer said that the planning Commission had recommended approval ci the Vacation, �aith the City keeping right o£ way for an alley for servicing, and retaining an easement for utilities in the road. IIe said thaL- the Council should set a Publac FIearang date ior September 9�h, ior the vacation of the street. Mayor Kirkham asked ii thas vacation had been petitioned r'or. '1'he City t3ngineer said �haL- iL had been pei.itioned by rhe property owner. i•tOTION by Councilman Samu�lson to establish a public IIearing for Sz�tenuer 9, 1968 r2gardin� L-he request to vacate 56th Avenue between 6th Street and ?Lh 5treet_ Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. ' Upon a voice vo�e, there being no nays, p�qayor KirYham declared the nlotion carried unanimou�ly. b10`PIOtd ]�y Counc�lman Harris to receive the remainder of C�mmission Meetiny Minutes o£ August 1, 19G8. Seconded Sherivan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor declared the motion carried unanimou�::ly. C�TdSIDliPA'T'ION O't' Z2LSOLU'1'l�N APPOINTING ELECTION JUDG�5: the Planning by Councilman Kirl;ham The iinance Director said ihat this resolution will aaPoint the �udr�es =or the election anc7 set the date ior the prlmary election. SIe �aiu L-Yia� the Administratlon selt �nere would only ha�e to be one shitt o� �udges because oE tne new system that wi11 be used. Councilman Li°.�1 said Lhat the name �i Nlrs. Sylvia l:orthoi, 6261 Rain�aow �rive, was not or. the 1ist, and she had been the Chairu�oman Lor the Ias� tour years trom �recinct 1 oi the 3rd Ward. He asked why her name had been removed. Mayor I;ir7cham said that these names go t�rouyh the County, and cne County sends the City the list. '1'he 1"inanc2 DirecLOr said 'chat L-he Partv Chairn�an's list is sent to the Auditor, then Lo LY�e JiL-y, Lrom which �ne Ciiy Council appoints the �udges. riayor Kirl;ham asked ii the Council could add or delete from the 1ist. '1'he Pinance IJ�rector said that it Was his under- scanding that names could nol-. be added, unless they were short ol 1 C'' ( r� 3 ����� RSGULAFt COUNCIL MEETING OP' l�UGUST 5, 19G2 PAGP, 16 ' names or ii some oi L-he people could noL wor:c, t��layor Icirkham saicl that it was his understanding that the Council does not have the prer�x�ative of adding names, bui must go ihrough the 11udiL-or. Councilman Sheridan saic� he tnought the Council has the r:�ght to add names to the list. Councilman Lie}�I. as]cect the City Attarney if he, as a Councilman, has the right to name a person to ]ae appointed as an election �udge. The City Attorney �aid he would check on this, and the Council considered thia Resolution later in the Meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 1U3-196�3 - S�TTING ADMINIuTRA';'1VL CFIARGES FOR T4LEll MOWING- The City Manager said thac this Resolution wi11 set up the L�dmini- strative charges for mowing at 25�6 0£ the conL-ractor's bi11 wii.h a maxamum of $10.00. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur wicn the AdminisL-ration and adopt Resolution ¢p103-196II, Seconded ay Councilman Harris. Upon a voace vote, al1 voting aye, Mayor l.ir]cham declared Lhe motion carried unanimously. � RESOLUTION NO. 104-1963 - AU'PE30RIZING BIDS i OP. U1UDL'R Bt1�2 RliI40DnLING FOR SHOREWOOD LIQUOR STOREa MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolucion tQo. 10�-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice votie, a11 votiny aye, Mayor ICirkham declared the motion carrieG ananimou:,ly. RESOLUTIaN NO. 105-1968 - ORDERING PRELII�IINAP.Y PT�1NS AND S?ECIF'I- CATIONS FOR STREET IMPROVEM�NT PROJECT ST. 1J63-1B (ADDLNDUM -'T5): The City Lngineer said that this Addendun wa, ior three additional streets, and all of tnem have been more L-han SDya petiLioned. Councilman Sheridan said that the petitioner on Skywood Court who owns 50/ oi the property involved had called him. Councilman Sheridan said he had discu:,sed with the �nrineering Departmen� the possibility of reducing the cost some because che south part oL the proposed street has double taced lots, and gossibly in the bac7c yard the machine formed berm could be used LnsL-ead oi curb, IIe said that with tnis in mind, the Engineer�.ng Lepartment coulc� come up with a plan with a more realistic figure. The City �nyineer ' said that they will prepare £iyures }�oth ways �o have at the hearinc� to see what the people wani:. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt P.esolution No. 105-1968. Se- conded l�y Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vate, a11 voting aye, Mayor ICirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ;����� kL'GULt1R COUNCIL D2liLTII�G OF AUGUST 5, 196t3 PAGE 1"7 FLliSOLUTION NO. 1Q6-1968 - kL'GEIVTNG PRELIMIN�FY PLANS AND SPk',CI- i ICATIONS AND CZILLING �'. PUBLIC HEAI2ING FOR STRE�T IMPROVLPr1I:NT PP.dSi.Ci' GT. 19G8-1B (ADD�NBUM �5) : MOTIUN by Councilman �heridan to adopt Resolutxon No. 106-1968 setting �he Public Hearing _or this project for September 9, 1968_ Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays„ Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RLSOLU`PION NO. 107-196F3 - AU'PHORIZING AND DIRECTING TH� COMBINING Or SPr;CIAL I�SSESSMENTS ON PI�RCEL 620 AND G40, PART OF LOT 9, AUDITOR'S aUBDIVISIODTtr129: MOTIObI by Councilman IIarris L-o adopt Resolutlon No. 107-1968. Seconcled l�y Councali� n Sherzdan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P+Iayor Rirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIGN NO. lOS-1968 - AUTIIORIZING 1-1ND DIRECTING 'PHE COMBINING fli SPECIAL ASuc,SShSLNTS ON �ZiRCEL 102U (PP.FtT OP' LOT 8} �.7p P�IRCEL i050 (1'ART Oi' LO'1S 8, 9�aND 10}, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #155: I�iOTIOSS by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution �108-1968. Se- conded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there bea,ng no nays, Mayor Rirkham declared L-he rnotion carried unanimously. FtEC�IVIIVG 1D YEAR STkB�T IA'LnROVENIEN'P PROJL'CTION AND 4 YEAR STRLli�i' P�7AIN�riNANC;: PROJliCTION FROtd LIQGINEERING DEPARTMENT: MO'PIODI by Councilman Lieul �o receive the street improvement and rnaintenance pro�ection sL-udies irom the Lngineerino Department. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Tize City Lnyineer presentec� the highlights oi the studaes and said L-hat L-he Council coulc� study it, and probably an the near future make a determination on wl�ether they Peel it is a good idea or not. EIe said that the plan wi11 bring all the City streets up to City stanc3ards in 10 years, and the bad streets would be worked on iirst, and che sL-reets in good shape would be cione last. '1'he City �ngineer said thaL- he thouyht the plan would ue v�ry yooci tor public relations. 'lhe Council discussed a date they thought L-hey would have the repori revietaed, and would be ready to bring it back to the Meeting, and decided on the lst 1K�eting in September. UPON TFI� MO"iION L-o receive the report and to bring it back at Lhe Elrsc Meetiny in Septemb�r, L-he vote was a voice vote, there ]�eing no nays, Mayor Kirltham declared the motion carried unanimously. �J � � `-J REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OP �UGUST 5, 1963 � P.E50LUTIdN N0. 109-1968 - APPOINTING EL�C^1IOAf JUL'GESc PAGl: l� 'Phe City Attorney read a portion of the SLa�e Statutes regardiny ap�ointing oi election �uclges, and said L-haz his undersL-anding �n discussion with the I'inance Director would be that the Crty Chatrrnen have su3�mitted the lists to the County 1-�uditor, rahich came back to the City, and it would be his opinion that k�ased on this Statute, the selection must be made irom this lisL. Councilman I,iebl as]:ed if this meant ii you do not belong to one oE the ma�or parties you cannot be a�udge. 'Phe City Attorney said that the names are selected lrom the list sul�mitted, but ii L-he Caunty Audi�or �vants to adu a name to the list this maybe could Ue done. MOTIUN by Councilman Harris to request th�,� the tLdministration wriie a letter to the County Auditor as};ing them to adc3 the name ol P4r�. Sylvia F:ortho£, 6261 Ralnpow Urive Northeast, Pr1c71ey, l�iinnesoca L-o the list oP �udges to be appointed. Seconded by Counc�lrnan Liebi. Upon a vaice vote, all vocing aye, Mayor l:i'r]iham declared i.he motion carried unanimously. � MOTION by Councilman Lieb1 L-o adopL Resolutzon +'-109-196�. seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vo�e, a11 votinc� aye, P�layor Kirkham declared the snot�on carried unanimou�ly. CONSIDEFL�ITION OF LIQUOP. LICLNSE FOR THL' 11ML1:SC7�N LLGION CLUB: Mr. Henry Peterson, 6312 Fierce Street IJortheast, representing the Priclley r�merican Legion, said that the State Statutes had been changed last year, so that any Veteran's or,anization was e�ig�ble for an "On Sale License" for memhers onlv. He said that the Pri�(1ey American Legion had Jaeexi organized in 1.96i, and with the l�ingo license they had to raiae money, they did rnany worihcahile things ior t'ridley, such as o�or], on the toxnada, ieed and clathe pea�le cluring that time, give two resusciatators to �he City, help decelo� Commons Par}:, and sponsored the �irsL- ba&eba11 league, and many services ior the Veterans, such as memor�al sercices, and honcr yuard�. iie said that no�a two other clroups have ]�ingo licen�es, anQ the Arnerican Legion's income is down. I�4ayor l:irkham said thaL the [�nerican Legion has oLFered a great deal ot ser�lce L-o FriG1e1, and aslced what sceps were necessary �or them to receive a license. The Finance Director said tlzat ��rooi oi the Charter daL-e v�as necessa-ry, � ancl the present ordinance is designed ��r�mar�ly �or beer licenses, and he tnaugnt che Councal �vould want to add "On Sa1e Licenses° �o this and come up with a neoa ordinance regarcl?ng liquor licences L-o Veteran's organization�. Mx:. Yeterson said that the�r club �s Zncorpora�ed and on cile at the Register oi Deed's otfice �n Anoka. A a �:EGULZ�'. COUNCIL A1L^'�'1'ING OP L1tTGUST 5, 19�8 P£�G� 19 � Phe CiLy Actorney said L-l.at che Articles oi �ncorporation should be iiled Ln the City H311. T•Yayor iSir}:ham as7ced ii there were any requiremen�s for inspection by the Hea1L-h t�fficer_ The Finance Director sazd he was no�aaware oi any, but he thoug�it the Council would want to amend the•'ordznance; as at present there is no authorrty to issue this. The Ca.ty ilttorney said that the City would have authoriLy to issue the �icense under the State s'tatutes, but they may wanL- a re�ulatory ordinance at the same time. The Council discussed malcing a policy tlzat the �remises_�e inspected by the 1'Lre PrevenL-ion Departrnen� and Health Inspector anci otner InspecL-ors Thc Council sa;.d thaL in th� orc�inanc� Lt could say Inspectlon Department, which woulc; cover a11 the Inst�ector�. The Council discussed what tYie licensing period should ]>e and felt that it shouica run irom now un�i1 �iie regular licensing period wYilcYi beyins Apri1 1st, so that it caouLd be in line w�th the rest oF the licen�es issued. � f40TI�N by Cquncilman ;-Iarr?� t� yrant a liquor license to the �merican Legion Club sub�ect �o their L-11ing ai t'rieir Articles of IncorpoxaL-lon and sub�ect io approval oP tlie 5iate, to be in etFecc un�i1 che regular lieen�ing periocz beginning Apri1 1st, and ttial- iL be the z�olicy in �he iuture that prein�.ses are to be- inspeeted by lhe InspecL-ion Departments. Sec�taded by Counc�iman Sheridan. Upon a �oice vote, a11 vatiny aye, Mayor I:.irklzam declared the motion carriecl unanimously. a � � � ` A � � �...__ , L2CEN5E�= ( !�'iOTION by Councilman Iieb1 to approve the iollowing licenses: � � � f , � OWNER __ _--�_ _�«��..__.ADDREi�_ �_�_____ UNI?�__��EE _��s� H°cto Company 6500 Olson Memo�+al righway Manneapolis, M���,sota 55427 Joh� L. Calgui-e F, Lucille B Calyuir� 2018 - 36th Av=. N E. Monneapolls, Mo�n Albin Johrson 6824 Ewing Flve. No. M�nneapol�s, Minnesota � 58�+8 � 2nd it. N. E 6D08 - 2nd St. N. E 58ia - 2� st. N. � 8 $ 10 OD 4 10,00 � 4 10.00 � - �� RLGULAFd COUNCIL M1;LTING OF aUGUST 5, L9u8 e P�GE GG OWNER __, ADDRESS _�_____UNl7S FEE __�_�___ Udel] La�son, 6848 Knoll St. Minneapolis, Minnesota 5460 - 7th st. N. E. 34 34.00 Joseph J. & Patricia J. Ryan R. #�+, Box 112 Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 Narold M. Battig 40Q0 West 88th Minneapolis, Minnesota Clifford Bakko 9119 - 13th Ave. So. Minneapo]is, Minnesota Charles Joseph Beliveau 110 - 61st Ave. N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 553z� � Edko Investment Company � (E. David Krawetz) � 1679 lJn i vers i ty Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 i Casey Hoban Bach Real Estate � 3�25 So. Snelleng < ; Min�eapolis, Minn. (Aaron Pinkus) i Casey Hoban Bach Real Estate , (Aaron Pinkusl ; 3025 So. Snelling Minneapolis, Minn. 55406 I � William V. Dale ; 34o E. Diamond Lake Road � Min�eapolis, Minnesota 55419 j E. V. & Marcia R. Fuglestad ; 5174 St. lmier Dr. j Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 105 - 58th Ave. N. E 150 - 592 way N. E. 151 -59'zblayN. E 110 - 61st Ave. N. E 1060 - 64th Ave. N. E 389 - 74th Ave. N. E 415 - 74th Ave. N. E 5960 Anna St. 65�+2 Central Ave , � SPGA Associates S.V. Shanedling 909 Farmers & Mechanics Bk. Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 6551 Channel Road N. E �� 7 10.00 12 12.00 12 12.00 8 10.00 15 15.00 11 I1.00 11 11.00 33 33.00 4 lo 00 tl I1.00 �� � �- � � � � � S2EGUJli1H COiJNC77� P+IJ;L'I'I?SU OF AUGUS'P 5, 13�;; PP,G�i 21 QWNER ______._.Y - _____�„ADDRE55_u _ _.�_�____UN17S FEE ----_� SPGA Assoc�ates 5. V. Shanedli�g gOg Fa�me�s , Mechanics Bk. 61dg, M�nneapol:s, Minnesota 55402 6571 Ghannei Road N. E. 11 11.00 Leo�ard E. Daeley $251 E. Rever Road Fradley, M��nesota 55421 8251 East River Road 5 10.00 McAlliste� Propertses, Inc. Richa�d Garmak:r [26 So, gth St. M��neapolds, Minnesota 554�2 McAllister Prope�ties Inc. Rcihard E� Ga�maker rz6 s�. 9th sc. Ma�neapoi�s, Mirnesota 55402 McAl�iste� Propert�es 1nc. R^.chard E. Ga�maker 116 so. 9th st. A1a�neapol�s, Mannesota 55402 M:A�l�ste� Prope�t�es �nc. 126 so. grh St. M���eapoles, M3n�esota R�chard E. Ga�maker 5 & 5. Investment Company Robert Spong 1202 P�ke Laka D�ive, New Brighton, M3nnesota 55112 S. & S lnvestment Company Robert Spong 1202 Pike Lakv Qrive New B�ighton, Mlnnesota 55112 Ke�neth F. Peterson � Nubett M. Ne�son 2441 Lyndale Ave. So. Minneapotgs, Minnzsota 55405 James B. Rudnitski 6035 Main St. N. E Fr+dley, Mi�nesota 55421 A. G. s, Ro�ald L. Bruch 212 PenS�sula Rd. Minneapol�s, Minnesota 55427 1200 Highway #�100 1230 Heghway #�100 1260 Highway f/100 1290 Nighway #]00 5�+75 Main St. N. E. 5495 Main St. N. E 6019 Main St. N. E 6035 Main St. N. E 221 Satellite Lane 18 IB.00 18 18.00 18 i8.00 � 18 18.00 �z tz.00 �12 12.00 4 10.00 4 10.00 � 11 11.00 r- � �- REGUL�IR COUNCIL NTL'E'1'ILVTG Ol '�'uGUST 5, 1952 � Jam�s D. Blom6erg c/o 7. J Hirsch Management 395�+ wooddale Ave. so. Minneapolis, M�n�esota Necto Company 6500 Olson Memorcal Highway Minneapolis, M���esota William H. Lee �+?33 Arthur St. N. E. Minneapolis, Mi�nesota 554z1 Leo J. Hynes 2724 Irveng Av2 No. � Minneapoli;, M�n�esota 55411 Francis deRidder $55 - $6th Ave N. W. Mi�neapolis, Mcnnesota 55433 Edgar Berna�d � 2605 No. gth Ave. Anoka, M�nnesota 553�3 i leo J. Nynes ' 2724 Irving Ave. No. Minneapolis, M�nnesoca 55411 Narold D Morrow Hy 2y, Route l, River Falls, W9sconsin 54022 � 5820 - 2'-� St N E 5924 - Zz St. N E ;'AG1� 22 4 l0 00 7 10.00 5035 � 3rd st N. E 7 6051-53-55- 3�d St. N� 3 5347-49 - 3rd St.N.E 3 537a - 5th St. N E. 3 5400-02 - 7ch St N.E. 3 Si30 - 7th 5t. N.E. 3<< August 5� 1968 EXCAVATING Walt Freeman fixcavating �i'S70 Highway 65 N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55492 Sy: Walt Freeman GAS SERVICES Hitech Plbg. 6 Htg. 332 Sth Ave. S. E. Osseo, Minnesota By: Gary Mitech � � ` -- --- ------ RENEWAL �lriS7 10.00 10.00 l0.00 Io.Oo 10.00 34.00 APPPG'�'ED SY HLI� . II�S P . HTC, IL�SP, � , ,- ��� , �23GUt�F. COUNCIL 1'�I3's'TS1:G OF' r'.UGliS^1 5, 19tib' PAGL 23 GEL�7ERAL C�t�"i'RACTOA Breitbacli Construction 2508 14th St. N. W. Nea Brighton, Minnesota By: Harold C. Breitbach NF:W iiEATIRG Inter-State Plbg. 6 Htg.,Inc. 3800 Restwood Ro�.d Lexing[on, Hinnesota By; Hil[on Bancroft NEW Mitsch Plbg. & Htg, 332 Sth Ave. S. E. Oeseo, Hinnesota By: Gary Mitsch �y HASO�RY G. P, ,Iudge Co. 622 3rd Ave. Bxcelsior, Minnesota By; Gsegg P, Judge NEW Da.1lC3. IY'SII� 2iTG . INS P . HTG, IYdSP, BLT�. Y�nSP, Seconded by Coixncalinan Samuel�on. U��on a volce �ote, L-here be�.nc� no nays, Mayor kirkzam declared ilie rnoti�n carrled unanimousiy. E�PP]I�ICb�.TION EOR SIGN PE:zI+1I'C: 12L"QUr:ST BY P7i1J:GLL OUTDDDR ADVliPTISING C�MPADi� : I�ir. Harold L�rlcln, re��reseiztiny IQae��ele Cotnpany, was preseni at �he C�eeL-ing and e.cplairied L-hat chey were recfuesL-iny a permlt to eiaiarge their exlsting siyn Lacing eastbound cra-�S_c un I. G94 to ihe same ��ze as ihe slgn iaci_ng sout.h7�ounc� �ra�i�c. He expiainec� L-,iat L-1±is �_s a clau',�1e iacing si��ii. T�ICr`1'I�N �y C�uncilm�n IIa�r � a t� �parove L-�ie ap� lication ior a sicn i��`rm�t. He st�a��d �ha�� '�he Counc�l does no� o�ani. to encourage ]at�er si�ns, bu� this one �_s alreacly in �.'c-_�L-ance, ancl this sl��n aaherc,s Lo �he orcla:�ar_ce re:Iuirement� os 400 scluare Feec b�rnit, ai L-lzou�_il� ihis as 'aeir�� �ecoxic�c�zred. The �notiotz �aas secotzcler3 anu upon a v�ice vo'ce, al 1 vot sng ay�, t`2alror 1,iri;l�Larn aelcared the :nac,cn carr.��d. . CGi�SLDuRA^1SON OP BUILL'�idG P1::r�iS�L', FtA'INIONI3 N. PASCH: �311 N.,s. r)T]�r1CY_ • Mr. Parch presenL-ed l-he C�unc�l caith a pecltion irom some ai the nei,inboring proE�erty owners s�acin� �l�iaL- they do noL- ab�ect L-o cl�is �uilain� perni�. � uETI'PIOTQ NO. 23-19(�B: '1'O CONTINUL USli OF 'i'f;NI1'ORARY WP.ITIi,'�',R S=iliL'PliR F�.. COiQST:t'JC7'10�3 d�' SAI1,B0�'P. \ e � � � � +�, ti i , iEGULAi2 COUNCIL Mr:E'PIiVG Clz' LLUGUSr' S, 1'�5�; YAG� 24 � i�10'PIOi3 by Counciiman �amuelson to receive Fetsl.ion lvo_ 23-39(�8. Secondeel by Councilman Liebl. Upan a vo�ce �ote, a11 votin; aye, P�iayor 1Cirlcharn declared 'che inot;.on carrie�{ unanimously. A1r. Pascl� showed the Councsl p�.ctureN o� the teinperary stielter he has builc to cover tlie boa� he is builc�inr� anc� rec�uested tnac h� be giveri tYie permit ior une year, as ine hopes Lo hace tlie boar i:�.ni�nei� an the spriny . MOT�UP3 by Councilman Harris to �rant a Len2porary wea�her shelter permit ior one year to C•7r,. Pasch, and waive �1�� i_ee. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice voL-e, ihere being no nays, Mayor I.irlcham declared iYie rnucioiz carrieci unanimously. It�:C�ULST FOR FOUYDATION P�RMIT - RNIS COi�fl'11N`£ Ri.QUEuPi:D bY ;�T,G:. li<'1IIIG: The Ciuy �.n�ineer showecl clie Councll tl�e r�1an:, ann �aid they Laok l�lte they coniorm to aiI requi'rements. He s�id �hat t1�is woulcl be builc� on Lot -*#5 in Nayel's y+Ioodiands, 20� -ee� south ot Osborne Road on IIa�>er Street. He :,aid they w�r� asJ..�nc� 1or a Soundation � L�ermit, and he could see no ��rok�lesn on ciie loca�!on. MUTION by Councllman Samuelson to grant a£�unGation pernit Lo th2 F.Mr Company penc7ing issuance oi iuicher EncJ1neering data to tlxe I3uildiny SL-andards - Desi�n Control Su7�colm�iL-tee and ilieir cai�- currance. ueconded by Councilman Harris. Uaan a �olce tiaL-2, tnere being no nays, P�iayor F'.�r'.;ham ueclzred Lhe rnation car•ried unan imou s ly . The City �nyineer said he understaod that �he caritractor is na� licenseci in rridley, and the permit will be no gaocl to tYiem ui�til they have been checked by L-he In�pection L'eNarLmen�. Counciiman Sheridan asken when they vaere qoiny to sL-art oi� the }�uilding and was tuld that it would be �he next day. Councilman Sheridan said thai in the last sir, to eilht weeks it s�.em� tl�e Council hzs been constantly giving exceptsons and the re��ue�ts are not Foliowin� che proaer procedure oi golny througli the �acl�uiniscration anci IIuilding Staiidards - Les�gn ConLrol Subconnnittee. F3e said that the Council is ineetiny 3 or 4 times a nionL-h, and L-hi� siiould yzve every opL�or- tunity to the�e requests tc� be handled �ro�erly. p�layor I.irkham salG that tne Council ha„ made e:cceptions in �he ��rocedures zor soine L-ime � when there are e�ztenuating circamsiances, and in th�s case ic woulc7 be their own risk. Councilinan 5amuelson sa�cl Lhat he had askec� to have Lhis item on the Agenda. Councliman Sherzaan ielt that the -request would be r ' . i � , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1968 PAGE 25 pre-�udged before it goL- to the Building Standards - Design Control , Subcommittee. Mayor Kirkham said that if the Company wanted to take the gamUle o= approval, it was up to them. Councilman Liebl said that he believed the contractor, Akron Builders, did contracting in Bloomington and i.dina, and he was sure they would meet the criterxa of the Inspection Department. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to grant a Contractor's license to Akron Builders, sub�ect to the approval oi the Administration. Seconded by Councilman IIarris. Upon a voice vote, Councilman Sheridan votiny nay, the motion carried. Councilman Sheridan statecl that he was not opposed to the construction company, but to the pro�edure. CONSIDLRATION OF GASOLIAI..�'. PUMPS FOR COUNTRY VILLAGE SUPER MARKET ON NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF CENTRAL AVENUE AND MISSISSIPPI STREET: The City Engineer said that several weeks ago the Council had granted a permit £or a Country Village Super Markey, and now they were requesting a permrt for gasoline pumps. He said that tYe Administration had a question on whether this would be allowed or � not, and whether it met all requirements. The City Attorney said that this zonang area is C-1, which would permit retail sale of gasoline when aecessory to a gasoline station, but not when an accessory to a grocery store. The representative for the Country Village said that at the first Council Meeting, they were not ready with the Fire Marshall approval, but this would be just like a Holiday Station, not a dairy or grocery store. He said that the Health Inspector has approved of this locally. He said it would be similar to the Western 5tation an East River Road, which has food a1so. He said there will be a hostess inside, and no employee would handle food and gasoline at the same time. The City Attorney said that if this is a gasoline service station, they would be entitled to sell gas, but i£ it is a grocery store, and they pro- pose gasoline pumps in front, this would be a secondary use. He asked how it was described on the original permit. The City Bngineer said the permit was issued on a Country Village Super Market. 'Phe City Attorney asked if there was suPficient room ior a retail gro- cery store and qasoline pumps. The City Engineer said that if rt is a drive-in supermarlcet, it does not, but if it is a gas station, it does. The representative said that this is a Western station store, and all foods handled are packaged. He said that the gaso- line pumps showed on the original plans. Councilman Harris said ' he Eelt the discussion had been on a supermarket, and he had over- looked the pumps, if they were on the plan. � � L_� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1968 PAGE 26 MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to table the consideration of the gasoline pumps permit until the next Council Meeting oi August 12, 1968 to give the legal staf£ a chance to make an interpretation of the Code regarding this request. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, Councilman Samuelson abstaining, the motion carried. PETITIONS: FETITION #20-1968 - STREET, CURB AND GUTTER - WEST SERVICE ROAD T.H. #65 (RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY TO 73RD AVENUE PETITION #21-1968 - STREET, CURB AND GUTTER - SKYWOOD COURT IN SWANSTROM COURT ADDITION MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive Petrtion �20-1968 and Petition #21-1968 and rePer them to the Administration for pro- cessing. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS• MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the Administration and approae the following appointment: NAME POSITION SIILIIRY Betty Susan Reinhart Liquor $332.00 5550 Sth Street N,E. Inventory Fridley, Minn. 55421 Clerk t� 1 � REPLACES Judith K. Lentz The motion was seconded by Councilman Sheridan, and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIhLS • MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve for payment General Claims #15540 through #15710 and La.quor Claims n2417 through #Z464. Se- conded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES- MOTION by Councilman Harris to pay the £ollowing estimates: r, i- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1968 ESTIMATES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 5, 1968 R. F. Panek Construction Company 510 13th Avenue Northwest New Brighton, Minnesota 55112 Estimate ��2 (FINAL) for work completed this date for construction of Sign and Flag pole according to contract C. S. McCrossan, Inc. Box 336 Osseo, Minaesota 55369 Estimate ��5 (FINAL) for construction of Sanitary Sewer, Water aad Storm Sewer Improvement pro�ect ��'84 according to contract (Baker Avenue between Osborne Road & 75th extended east, Onondaga between Central and Stinson, etc ) Suburban Sewer and Water, Inc. 4550 Central Avenue N.E Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Estimate 4r�5 (FINAL) for construction of Sanitary Sewer, water and Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect y'k8S, according to contract Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting PnRneers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota Estimate i�2 (FINAL) for the furnishing of professional Engineering Services for pLanning Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement ��88. Estimate �k2 (FINAL) for the furnishing of professional Engineering Services for planning Storm Sewer Improvement Project �k84. P1aza Lawn Materials, Inc 2374 W. County Road D. New Brighton 12, Minnesota Estimate ��2 (PARTIAL) for construction of "Planting for Civic Center" according to contract. k- PAGE 27 , $ 439 82 $ 12,�69 42 $ 37,565.65 � $ 4,SDS 99 $ 1,525.43 $ 516 00 � F- 1__��i � ' REGU7�.R COUNCIE MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1968 Arcon Construction Co., Inc. Mora, Minnesota Estimate ��2 (pARTIAL) for constuction of Street Improvement Pro�ect ST. 1968-1A Estimate �k2 (PARTIAL) for construction of Street Improvement Pro�ect ST. 1968-2A Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road ",7" Minneapolis, Minnesota For the Furnishing of residential inspection, and resident supervision for Che staking out of the construction work for; Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvemeat Pro�ect r'�88 from 7uly 1, 1968 through July 27, 1969 (Estimate i�6) Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement Project ,��84 (Estimate 9614) `T PAGE 28 $ 2Q,079.89 $ 11,580.89 $ 799.25 $ ll.69 Commerce Park connection to the NSSSD sewer. (Estimate ikl) $ 294.96 Councilman Harris asked the City Engineer if their department was satisfied by the work completed by R.H. Panek C'onstruction Company. He said that the City was deducting $50.00 irom L-heir estimate. THE MOTION was seconded by Councilman Samuelson, and upon a voice vote, there being nd nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the mot�on carried unanimously. jE$OLUTION NO. 110-1968 - APPROVING CONSTRUCTION OF SHOULDERS AND TURNING LANES FOR T.H. #65: The City Engineer showed the plans from the b4innesota Iiighway I)epartment to the Council. He said that the contract will be let August 23rd. The shoulders axe to be rebuilt because of the un- evenness af the road. He outlinad where the turning lanes will be for the Council. He said that the State is going to eliminate the access from the southbound lane on 68th Acenue to the Rice Creak Terrace area, and he was not sure this was a good idea until the City gets the signal. Councilman Sheridan asked i£ any crossovers we�e being eliminated. The City Enginesr said not at this Lime. Councilman Samuelson asked if there are any other provisions the City Engineer felt should be required? The City Engineer said he did not see any problems. The Council discussed the southbound lane into the Drive-In Theatre, and stated they did not feel there was enough sta�king room at the right-turn lane, ut REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1968 PAGE 29 MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #$110-1968 and give the Administration authority to come up with suggestions they feel are worthy of construction such as leaving the 68th Avenue access until there is a signal light and studying the riqht-turn lane at sn7est Moore Lake Drive. Seconaed by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, Mayor ecirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS• A, MRS. ORVILL� RATLEY REGARDING OBJECTTON TO BUILDING PERMIT: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive and file the communication from Mrs. Ratley dated Ju1y 15, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, there being na nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. B. MICHAEL SERVETUS UNITARIAN SOCIETY REGARDING THEIR AUCTION: MOTION by Councilman Harra.s to receive the communication dated July 26, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. C. FRIDLEY GOP EXECUTTVE COMMISSION REGARDING THEIR PICNICc MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication dated July 2�, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. PETITION *r24-1968 - REQUESTING PEI2MISSION 'PO $LOCK OFF DEAD END STREET OF GIBRALTAR ROAD FROM 4:00 P.M. UNTIL 6:00 A.M. AUGTIST 24TH AND 25TH, 1968: The Council remarked that it looked like everyone had signed the petition. Councilman Liebl said that one of the petitioners had called him and asked him if they would have to have a Policeman present. The City Manager said that someone could check in on it sometime during the evening, and he recommended that for safety "cleanup of the City street" should be added to the permit. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive Petition #z4-1968 and approve blocking o£E the street. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor ICirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � � , ' � . �, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1968 PAGE 30 � STOP AND FRISK ORDINANCE: Mayor Kirkham said that he had written the Mayor of Minneapolis for a copy of their new ordinance re£erred to as a"Stop and Frisk Ordinance". He said he had received a reply today, and the Mayor had referred it to their City Attorney, He said that the City Attorney could work on it with the Chief af Police, and come up with a similar ordinance for Fridley. COMMUNICATION FROM CHARLES OLSON & SONS. INC., THANKING COUNCIL POR USE OF LOCKE PARK- MOTION by Counc�.lman Liebl to receive the communication dated July 31, 1968. The motion was seconded and upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RIGHT OF WAY TO CHASE'S ISLAND: The City Engineer said he had had several discussions with the � School Board requesting some riyht of way for putting in a street, and the City getting some parking space on their property. He said that they seem to be agreeable to giving the right oi way, but do not feel they should be assessed for the street. He said he would like to get the Council's feelings on this. The Council discussed whether there would be any benelit to the school. The City Attorney felt that this would be difficult to prove. The City Attorney said that if the land was donated by the school and apartments, so there would be no need oL land acquisition, and the south hal£ of the frontage was assessed against the apartment, the other half could be picked up by the City either from general funds or from Park funds as access to Chase's Island. The City Engineer said there would be about $4500 to be picked up. Councilman Sheridan said he thouqht the City should get the right of way now, and he could not see any benefit ta the school for that street. The City Engineer said he would discuss this again with the School Board. CHANGING DATE OF FIRST MEETING IN SEPTEMBnR: Councilman Sheridan pointed out that the first Monday in September was Labor Day, so that the date of the first meeting had to be changed. � MOTION by Councilman 5heridan that the first Regular Council Meeting in September be held Tuesday, September 3, 1968. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. n+ y - R�GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1968 ADJOURNMENT• PAGE 31 MOTION by Councilman Harris to ad�ourn the Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there beiny no nays, Mayor Kir]cham declared the Regular Council tdeetiny of August 5, 1968 ad�ourned at 12:15 A.M. Respectfully submitted, ' `' '� �,� ,��i(� � , { �= �� i,�. ,.-i �.���, �'�-1��� Mary Lu Strom Acting Secretary to the Council � � � f / ? ���I �% ��`�nY;.�'� t� G",..; ��� ( ` t '�-�.� ,Jack O. Iarkham Mayor � � �